call 911 - Police Non Emergency 1-800 501-1111
To get the weather just click photo of
Cousins island 01/25/08 about 9pm with the moon over Chebeague.
To contact me, Beverly Johnson: bjohnson
Now that Christmas is behind us I can now remind everyone that the Winter Carnival will be coming soon and that means the Polar Plunge (check out images of past) This year the events will take place on February 24th! It is not too early to get your bathing or wet suit out and start getting the pledges to benefit the Recreation and Teen Center. The Chili Chowder Challenge is also a hot item that day with lots of competition. We are planning to have snow sculpture contests as well as lots of teen events which will all help to celebrate our 10th year anniversary!
JOB OPPORTUNITY: The Chebeague Recreation Center is looking for a fulltime Executive Director to begin work in late March of 2008. This position holds overall responsibility for all aspects of CRC's programs, personnel, finances, and facilities, and reports to the President of the CRC Board. Duties include program development and promotion, budgeting, personnel management, and community outreach. Interested parties should submit a letter of interest and resume, including desired salary and benefits arrangements, to CRC - att: Search Committee, at 382 North Road, Chebeague Island, ME 04017,
-To celebrate the Christmas Holiday the Chebeague
Island Town Office will have the following hours:
Monday, Decemeber 24th open till 12 noon
Tuesday, December 25th closed
Wednesday, December 26th closed
Thursday, December 27th open from noon to 8 pm
Friday, December 28th open 8 a.m. to 12 noon
Merry Christmas from the Entire Town
Stephen Ross Scholarship Fund - the correct address for gifts to the fund is 245 Main Street, Ellsworth, Maine, 04605. The Stephen Ross Scholarship Fund assists 1st and 2nd year college students. This is a reminder that by giving to the fund it is a way to help Chebeague Students pursueing a college education. The fund was established in 1964 after the tragic death of Stephen Ross, the son of Lewis and Gerry Ross. The principal at the time was $1400 in 1968 using only income two scholarships of $75 each were awarded. The principle now invested with the Maine Community Foundation has grown to $88, 882. In 2007 the income was $5750 and two scholarships were awarded, on $3750 and a second for $2000. We are grateful when receiving gifts from repeat donors, some being quite substantial, however, any amount given increases the principal enabling us to award larger scholarships. When thinking of year end gifts we would encourage everyone to give some thought to the scholarship fund. All gifts are acknowledged. Each year some gifts are in memory of loved ones. Gifts may be sent to the Maine Community Foundation designated for the Stephen Ross Scholarship at address above or sent to any member of the committee. Committee members are Hartley Brewer, Susan Burgess, Dianne Calder, Mabel Doughty, Betsy Ross and Doug Ross.
School Board Meeting Agenda
for December 18th, 2007 at the school 6:30.
The Christmas trees that the fire department were selling are all gone. - they sold out. That is great for the fire department but not for the people who decided to wait.
Linda Brewster, the pastor at the Church has a notice about a couple of Christmas Services: Next Thursday night "A Blue Christmas", and then on Monday evening "Christmas Eve Service". Regular Sunday Services are at 10 AM on Sundays.
The Agenda for next weeks December 19th Selectmen's meeting has been posted.
Notice from the Town: Please be advised that we plan to remove the remaining Stone Pier Float "E" and ramp on Thursday, December 13th, weather and ice permitting. Anyone using this float is asked to please move their boat to a safe location. Any questions, please call the Harbor Master at the Town Office 846-3148.
The Christmas party at the Museum is starting at 5:00pm to allow folks to attend the School Concert at 7:00 at the Hall.
Tomorrow (I was previously misinformed) is Ray Hamilton's 97th birthday! He is doing great and loves to have visitors.
The Senior lunch is December 19th NOT tomorrow AND it will be at the ISLAND HALL!
I have just uploaded the Town Update for this week. Yesterday's meeting went really well and the contingent from Archangelsk Russia presented some beautifully framed photos and proclamation from them to the new Town of Chebeague.
From the REC CENTER: Holiday Centerpieces
at the CRC Saturday 12/15 10-11. Greenery and holiday
baubles provided but you are encouraged to bring your own if you
want. This will be lots of fun and a great addition to your holiday
Kids Holiday Craft Fair at the
CRC Saturday 12/15 1-3. Come make crafts for the holiday
season to give to your family and friends
A delegation including their museum director and the vice-mayor from the Solovetsky Islands of Archangelsk, Russia will be at the Special Town meeting tomorrow afternoon at 1:30 at the Hall.
I now have this weeks Town Update Online.
Notice: Coastal Waters Commission Meeting originally scheduled
for Thursday December 6th, has been rescheduled to next Thursday
December 13th.
MILLER DESIGN OPEN HOUSE - this Sat (8th) and Sun (9th) 9-5 Featuring: Miller Designs Treasures, Island Essential Candles, Ellen Maher's Island Santas, Calder's Clam Shack Gift Certificates, Mary Phipps Soaps, Donna Colbeth Island Portraits. Free heart or star ornament with Miller Design purchase.
WHALERS CONCERT!! This Saturday night 7:30 "Winter Song" CIHCC.
There is a correction on the Calendar - the Senior Lunch is scheduled for Wednesday, December 19th at Noon at the Parish House (not the 12th).
Don't forget: Applications for the Cousins Island lot must be received at the office with payment of at least $400 by November 24th-the Saturday of Thanksgiving weekend.
The Chebeague Island Fire Department will again be selling Christmas Trees starting December 1st! They will be on sale Saturdays and Sundays from 9:00 to 12:00 at the Public Safety Building for only $30.00.
The Chebeague Island Historical Society Board of Directors will be opening the doors of the CIHS gift shop on Saturday, December 1st, from 4:00 to 7:00 pm. Great time to start your Christmas shopping and enjoy hot apple cider and refreshments while browsing through the beautiful array of Island meorabilia. Some of the items include mugs, books, t-shirts, Gail Miller Designs, field guides, newsletters, photo magnets, matted post card prints, magazines including Down East featuring "Chebegue's First Christmas" and much more!
New Fun for Kids at the CRC! On Thursdays from 12:30-2 pm, kids ages 0-5 can come and play in the CRC gym. Thanks to the CPA, there are lots of new fun things to play with, including tricycles, mini-trampolines, tubes, trains, hoops, rocking horses and lots more! Kids 2 and under must be accompanied by an adult. Come play! $2 drop-in fee suggested. Our volunteer supervisor is Sarah Prescott. See a couple of photos of the day.
Tomorrow is the Flu Clinic - not sure of the time and Saturday is the Ladies Aid Fair from 12:30 to 3:00.
There is a government site for money that is owed people that I meant to put on earlier and it really pays sometimes to check it out and see if you have any money owed.
Tonight - OPEN HOUSE at the Chebeague Island School - 7 - 8:30 - Please drop by and see how the school is doing!
The next meeting of the Selectmen is next Wednesday Evening - Agenda.
Next Tuesday November 13, is the CHEBEAGUE ISLAND SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE - it will be from 7 to 8:30 and is an informal time for the community to see the school at its busiest. A lot of improvements have taken place and the children will be displaying their work and you can come and meet the teachers as well!
Don't forget about the wonderful Longfellow program Thursday night at the Hall at 7:15.
The ticks found on our cats and dogs this time of year are deer ticks and we should all be looking out for symptoms of lyme desease. A site that has lots of information and I will be adding to the health Center site is: http://www.mmcri.org/lyme/lymehome.html
Dodge Morgan has started radiation and chemotherapy
today for late-stage cancer of the tongue. He will be in therapy
at Dana Farber in Boston for the next 7 or 8 weeks, with radiation
5x a week, and chemo 2x a week. He is hoping to get to Snow Island
for weekends, at least until Thanksgiving. After that he may have
to stay in Boston, depending on how much energy he has.
His address at Snow Island (please note- Address is INCOMPLETE
in the Cheb Is. Directory)
21 Dyers Cove Rd.
Harpswell, ME. 04079
In Boston:
221 Mass. Ave.
Boston, MA 02116
Bertha Gray has recovered from her broken hip and operation and is now back at the Island Commons - what a remarkable person.
I have just added the agenda for the Planning Board meeting which is scheduled for this Thursday at the Hall.
RED SOX win the World Series!!! Thank goodness we can now get some sleep!
Scarecrows are still showing up around the island so the Rec decided to continue the compitition to Halloween so don't forget to call 8465068 and let them know you have one. Look for the Green Monster (Belesca family) at the center! I don't have a photo of it yet and also there is one on Littlefield road that is 20'+ tall. Check back later when I will have photos of the Halloween party that Cathy MacNeill took last night.
It is the 200th Birthday of Henry W. Longfellow - Many special events arre being planned around the island and at the school. On November 8th at 7:15 at the Hall, Charles C. Calhoun, the author of Longfellow A Rediscovered Life will be with us to share the process of rediscovering the Longfellows life.$5.00 donation - Please call Jerry Wiles for more information 846-8010.
People have been asking about Marlon Shepherd-Kegl and how he is doing. He is back in Cumberland after intesive therapy in Georgia and I have a wonderful report from Julie Clippard which I have just included on the page I made about Marlon. Money raised is actually being used this week to get him a car right away to help his independence.
This week's update has been posted around the island. Click here for next week's update. There is a Job Notice for a Parking Control Officer for Chebeague.
October 25, 2007 - CRC Scarecrow Contest Have
you noticed all the great scarecrows popping up around the island?
CRC is sponsoring a contest. Make a scarecrow and let us know
and we'll put you on our island scarecrow map! Judging to take
place this weekend (October 27-28). Volunteer judges are needed
so give us a call if you would like to be a judge! Click here
to see a few of the ones so far!
The Annual Teen and Pre-teen Halloween Scavenger Hunt s this Saturday,
October 27th at 8 pm. It starts at the CRC after the CPA Halloween
party at the Hall. Kids planning to participate should call Sarah
to sign-up we want to make sure we have enough drivers and
clues for all the teams. Call 846-5068 or e-mail us at crc@chebeague.net
Happy Halloween!
WORKSHOP IS ADJOURNED - The Agenda is posted on the town website
under Board of Selectmen - or click
I have to add to this site that the Red Sox have tied up the ALCS playoffs and that means no sleep tonight for many fans.
Jean Dyer's birthday is coming up this weekend. She is still at Pine Point Rehab in Scarborough. It would be great if she would be flooded with birthday cards or just a card of support. Her address is: Jean Dyer, Pine Point Rehab Roadside 1A Scarborough Me, O4074.
Bertha Gray broke her hip last Thursday and was operated on sucessfully at Mercy Hospital and is recovering well and in fact yesterday went to the New England Rehabilitation Center in Portland where she is for now.
Tonight is the school board meeting and we are starting at
6 for a workshop on goal setting for the school department for
2007-2008. The school Committee site has the agendas
and minutes online.
Tonight is the annual meeting of the CIHCC at the Hall 7pm.
Please join in the fun! The first annual SCARECROW COMPETITION!!!! Do you think you can make the BEST SCARECROW? Let's put it to the test! Call the CRC to register! Scarecrows need to be completed by the week of October 22nd and will be displayed around the island - Scarecrows will be judged by our expert panel of scarecrow judges and the winner will be announced at the Halloween Party 10/27/07.
Support Chebeague Island School students by purchasing a Chebeague
Island School T-shirt! They're $10.00 and come in youth
sizes XS - XL. And adults sizes M - XXL. The shirts are
white. The youth size shirts feature "Chebeague Island
School" in large blue lettering across the front above a
large red lobster with "One of only 14 remaining island schools
in Maine" in blue lettering on the back. The front of the
adult sizes has the same lettering and lobster but much smaller
and over the left chest with the same lettering on the back.
Proceeds benefit the CPA and its mission to support Island students.
If you're interested, contact Althea Dugliss at 207-846-5126 or
at adugliss@aol.com.
Don't forget about the Frost Golf Tournement (sign up at 11:30), the "Year of the Woman" tonight 7:30 at the Hall, and tomorrows BRUNCH 11:30 TO 1.
The CPA is Now Hiring Chebeague Island Children's Workshop Instructor! Click here for details.
KK Hill is raising money to volunteer and help with an organization to provide services in Ghana - For every $5 in donations she gets your name will be added to a drawing for a handmade quilt by Nancy Hill. Please check out her website towards this opportunity.
Sunday is the CIHCC BRUNCH from 11:30 to 1 PM - Adults $8 and children under 12 $6. Includes fried dough, stratas, quiches, etc.
October is International Walk to School Month! Maine is celebrating with a kickoff event on October 4th and schools statewide will be organizing events like Walking School Buses. This program is designed to foster a healthy lifestyle which can reduce childhood obesity, and it's a lot of fun! Our Walking School Bus will depart from the Historical Society at 8:00 a.m. on Thursday, October 4. (The smaller Pre-Kindergarten Walking School Bus will depart from the Parish House at 8:00 a.m.) Everyone is welcome to join us for the walk and for breakfast at the school afterward.
The final winners have been drawn for the CPA Calendar Raffle. They are, in order, the following: Sally Ballard, Bruce Riddle, Amy Rich, Bob Grant, Bob Grant, Ginnie Phillips, Ginnie Phillips, Beth Wiles, and Paul Cleary. Congratulation to all our winners! We thank all the businesses and supporters who contributed prizes and to everyone who purchased tickets. It was a huge success bringing in over $2300 to support such causes as theSchool Healthy Lunch and Snack program, fieldtrips, and the development of the new Children's Workshop Program. A special thank you to the Library for continuing to sell tickets and helping us with the drawing. Thank you everyone, for your continued support of and generosity to the Chebeague Parents Association and the Chebeague Island School.
This weekend this website and any other sites which are hosted at the Library Server may be off for a few hours while some major maintenance is being done. If you are connected to chebeague.net it shouldn't affect your being able to get on line and going to other websites. Before calling about your internet being down please try to google or some other site. For those who go online to get their email through chebeague.net and do it through chebeague.org should bookmark the following address which will enable you to get your email when this page is not working: http://cwmail.mainelywired.net/chebeague/ - I just found out that if you go to webmail.chebeague.net you can also get there (I thought I knew everything)
The Town of Chebeague Island Selectmen are looking for
Volunteers for Cemetery, Comprehensive Plan & Finance Committee
- If interested, please send a letter of interest to
the selectmen. Letters will be reviewed prior to making appointments.
Include: contact information, relevant experience and others boards
you might be interested in should these be filled. For Comprehensive
Plan Committee, persons with varied interests, i.e., conservation,
land use, transportation, etc. are encouraged to apply.
Copies of a document describing the roles, duties, responsibilities
and composition of each board are available at the town office.
Mail to: Selectmen, PO Box 22, Chebeague,
ME 04017
ATTN: Committees (or drop off at Town Office)
Deadline is close of business Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Those interested in "Cynnie's
Group" are invited to attend an informational
and planning meeting scheduled for 7:00pm on Wednesday, September
26, at John and Mary Holt's home. Carol Schoneberg of Hospice
of Southern Maine will address the gathering. Those interested
in the Hospice training, to begin in late October and take place
on Chebeague, should bring their calendars with them so that training
sessions can be scheduled. Supper will be available. Please contact
John and Mary at 846-5040 if you plan to attend, or if you have
This Tuesday is the School Committee Meeting - click here for the agenda.
Private Forester Rene Noel (working with the Disaster Plans
on Cliff and Long Islands) will be coming to Chebeague this fall
to assist property owners to clear fallen trees and thin tree
growth. If you are interested in having your trees removed with
your costs off-set by the value of your wood; please contact either
(for questions or evaluation of your trees):
Rene Noel (207)892-6562 or rene@someforest.com
or Alexandra Zaugg-Swafford (408) 356-0904 or alexandra@swafford.com
Please click on link to read the notes taken during the initial meeting and evaluation of Chebeague for full explanation of the process; short term and potential long term forestry plans for healthy growth and fire prevention.
UPDATE for this week is now online.
TOWN UPDATE - Week of Sept 10th. There is a public hearing on September 19th regarding the CMP easement application - click here for the public notice.
The open house noted in the town update and on the website this week at the school will primarily be for parents and teachers to get acqainted and see how the first few weeks of school are going. There will be a Community wide open house later this Fall.
The second week of winners have been drawn for the CPA Calendar Raffle. They are, in order, the following: Arlene Dyer, Cheryl Pennington, Reuben Olney, Arlene Dyer, Ruth Slagle, Bob Halpin, and Ann Belesca. Congratulation to all our winners! We have 2 more weeks of prizes and tickets can still be purchased at the library. The next drawing is this Saturday, September 15th.Thank you for your continued support & Good Luck!
Sunday's Portland Press Herald had an article about the islanders exempt status and featured Chebeague.
The Historical Society Program, "Living and Working on Chebeague", originally scheduled for Monday, September 17, will be rescheduled to support attendance at the meeting regarding Affordable Housing on Chebeague, also scheduled for September 17.
This Thursday from 5 to 6 pm there will be an open house at
the Chebeague Island School - There will be a Community open house
in October when everyone (community, parents and students) will
be able to see school work and projects in the making. The meeting
this week will be primarily to get parents and teachers acquainted
and to see how the first few weeks of school have gone.
Please let me know if there are other athletic events that our children are participating in so that I can report on them.
Tonight is the Chebeague Island School Committee meeting at the school at 7pm. Click here for the agenda.
Click here for the Town Update for the week of September 3rd. Don't forget to make your tax check out to Town of Chebeague Island and not bank.
Kim Martin has another original painting "Two Daisies" for sale at Island Riches.
North Shore Selkies will be doing a synchronized swim demonstration at 1pm Sunday at the pool and that all are welcome to come watch.
"Chebeague takes first step toward solving problem" - article in the Portland Press Herald about the Chebeague Island Community Association buying its first house, a three- bedroom home on South Road which it plans to rent at an affordable price, probably starting in November,
Tomorrow morning there will be a lunar eclipse of the moon. We will be able to see a portion of it. Click here for more information.
There will be a Robert White Celebration and everyone is welcome to join for a party in memory of Robert on Sunday, September 2, 2007 from 4pm to 7pm at 78 Pond Road, Chebeague. Drinks and food will be provided and RSVP not necessary. Any contributions you wish to make can be made to Cynnie's Group, care of the Island Council.
The CPA will be at the school starting at 6pm with pot luck and later at seven with representatives of the School Board to discuss transportation after school issues.
Next bottle drive fundraiser for Marlon is September 8, 2007
at the Yarmouth Redemption Center;
708 Rt. 1, Yarmouth; 9:00am to 1:00pm.
After School Transportation: Tuesday, August 28 , 7pm at the Chebeague Island School, School Board will be a meeting to discuss and work out after school transportation issues for the 6-12 grades. Following the meeting at the school will be a CPA meeting at at the school.
The Chebeague Island School Department is now accepting bids for a True Refrigerator Cooler. The cooler will be sold as is, where is and without any warranty expressed or implied. For more information click here.
The Chebeague Island Yacht Club will hold its annual meeting at 1800 hours (6pm) on Saturday August 25 (this Saturday) at the Boatyard.
Raphael DiLuzio's digital art project scheduled to be projected onto FPL Energy's Cousins Island power plant Friday night has been rescheduled to 8 p.m. Saturday due to anticipated foggy conditions. The digital art project, called "Light House," is a live presentation of images projected onto the six-story power plant, accompanied by music broadcast on WCLZ 98.9 FM.
Tuesday August 21--7:30 at the Hall--$5 donation at the door. The Celebration Committee will be presenting several media clips about Chebeague. The high light will be the recent Boston TV show, Cronicles filmed on the island in July 2007. In addition we will show the clip Chronicle made in 1992. Also showing will be Rachel Damon's documentary about lobstering starring Ray HAmilton, Bob Putnam, Mark Bowman amoung others. If time allows we will also show CBS Sunday Morning's stories about the Pilot Cracker!
Yesterday the Lifeflight Foundation came to the island and gave us all a wonderful demonstration of what they are all about. Mrs. Baldacci was here along with Elaine Clark, Maine Medical Doctors and lifeline foundation volunteers. One of their helicoptors left Lewiston and within 5 minutes was landing on Chebeague right behind the Island Market - what a sight. Here are some photos and a couple of movies of the event. They even presented a brand new difibrilator to the rescue donated by. As the helicoptor was landing they received the call about a serious accident in Skowhegan so they immediately powered up and left where they ended up taking two critically injured patients from the acident.
Note from the Town Office that the clam flats are open on Chebeague Island as of 11:00 am Friday afternoon 8/17/07, per the Department of Marine Resource. But mussel picking is not open on Chebeague Island.
Agenda for the August 21 School Board Meeting. Meeting is at 7pm at the school.
LifeFlight of Maine and Chebeague Island EMS will host a
reception on Sunday, August 19th from 4:00 - 6:00 PM at the Chebeague
Island Community Center Hall. The public is encouraged
to attend this free event. They will learn about LifeFlight, meet
flight paramedics and tour the helicopter. These "flying
emergency rooms" transport Maine most seriously ill or injured
patients. Special guests will include Mrs. John Baldacci
and Dr. Bud Higgins, Vice President of Medical Affairs from Maine
Medical Center. Light refreshments will be served. (See
the poster)
FMI: Polly Wentworth 846-3171 or Chris Hamilton 785-2288
Cathy MacNeill took some great photos of the Great Gatsby Croquet and Lawn Party which are finally online. Thank you again to Howard Coffin and Pat Hatler for providing such a wonderful place for such a fun event and for being terrific hosts.
The town can now register boats and give hunting and fishing licenses on the island now.
Cathy MacNeill has taken some wonderful photos of the play which may be seen by clicking here.
Tonight is the first night of the hilarious play Dearly Beloved - 8 pm and there are plenty of seats left you can get at the door. Tomorrow night Friday, August 10, the playwrights, Jesse Jones, Nicholas Hope, and Jamie Wooten will be on the island and at the Hall at 5 pm to meet people and talk about their play and writing. They will also be in the audience Friday night which should be fun.
Note from the Rec: The Great Gatsby croquet tournament
and fundraiser for the Rec Center was a great success and lots
of fun for all this past Sunday. Andre Rogers won the final
round, Eldon Mayer took second, Jane Frizzell third, and Ken Hamilton
fourth. There was lots of spirited competition and intense
play on the field; the silent auction went well, and the live
auction for the 12 stools that local artists turned into collectors'
items was the hit of the day.
Thanks to all of the volunteers who helped make the event such
a success, thanks to Pat Hatler and Howard Coffin for the use
of their wonderful yard for the event, and special thanks to Polly
Wentworth, her friends who first schemed up the idea, and her
committee who helped her produce the event. The Rec appreciates
all the hard work by all!
Thanks, The CRC Board
Chebeague Through the Eyes of Other, August 21, 2007 7:30 pm, Chebeague Island Hall. Main premier showing of Chebeague Cronicles as presented by Boston Channel 5. There will be other short films pertaining to Chebeague shown on this night too. Refreshments will be served. A small fee of $5 will be charged to help fund next years island celebration. For more information, call Gail Miller 846-4369, Donna Damon 846-5140, or Karen Hamilton 846-6518.
August 11 concert at Chebeague Methodist Church by Quintopia
Brass Quintet. The concert starts at 7 PM and admission
is free. Quintopia, which played to a packed church here last
September, comprises five local musicians:
Michelle Kingston and Catriona Shepherd - trumpets
Yvonne Mumm - horn
Meg Hausman - trombone
Eric Sanborn - tuba
They offer a pleasant mix of Classical, Jazz, Dixieland, and Broadway
music arranged or written for brass quintet. The brass quintet
is a wonderfully flexible group allowing the musicians to perform
music of varying styles and time periods. Be sure to be
there for an evening of fanfare and fun.
P. S. August 11 is also the last night of the Chebeague Players
production "Dearly Beloved" so music lovers should plan
to attend the play on an earlier evening.
As of last night there were 15 spots still open for playing
croquet tomorrow so hurray and call the Rec to register 846-5068.
The Chebeague Island Community Association's Housing Committee is now in the process of buying a house that will be made available to an eligible year-round family as Chebeague's first "affordable" housing. For more information click here. Anyone wants to donate money they should make a check out to CICA, with "affordable housing" on the memo line, and send it to Cheryl Stevens.
The Library Exhibit this month is of work by Luke Rothschild. You can read his biography and about his passion for art right here. I will be adding photos of his work later.
Tickets for the Chebeague Players' production of Dearly Beloved are now on sale at the CRC. All tickets are $10 each. There are a limited amount of numbered seats for all performances. There will also be general admission at the door. Performances are August 9, 10, and 11.
The LAST catered dinner at the Orchard Inn will be Friday 's August 3rd, 8PM seating. For more information contact Neil or Vickie at 846-9488.
Great Chebeague Island's Great
Gatsby Croquet Tournament and Lawn Party to benefit
the Chebeague Recreation Center is this Sunday, August 5th
from noon 4 pm at the Coffin/Hatler estate at 65 Juniper
Lodge Road (up hill across from Clam Shack). Everyone is welcome!
Picnic lunches ($8 each), ice cream cones, cold drinks, Silent
Auction with lots of great items, Live auction of 12 uniquely-decorated
stools, Kissing Booth, Karaoke-Dokey booth, and of course, the
Croquet Tournament. As of 7/31/07, there
are 25 spots left for players. Call now! 846-5068 or
e-mail crc@chebeague.net
Fun for everyone! Please come support the CRC and have fun at
the same time. Bring your lawn chair, blanket or parasol! Hope
to see you there!
Bob Marley is coming back to the the island! This Saturday Night Aug 4th at the Recreation Center- benefit for the FIRE DEPARTMENT- 8pm - $15 and are on sale at Dianne Calders 846-4176, Tom Calder 846-8758 or at the Clam Shack 846-5046,
BULKY WASTE WEEKEND -August 4 - 5 - 9:30 am 3 pm (Only) WHAT CAN BE THROWN AWAY: Furniture, Beds and mattress, TV, Microwave, Plumbing items, Metal items, Building debris, Regular Household Trash, Tires (must not be on rims) Household appliances (not including items that have Freon, bring those to Hazardous Waste Day on August 11th) (list)
There was an article today in the Portland Press Herald about the Sherriff's Department officer on Chebeague, Scott Secord and also Long Island's officer.
There are some Historical Society items coming up in August and September which you can see about by clicking here. Jim Millinger: Chebeague Island? Where are we in 2007? Book Signing and Discussion Monday, August 6, 2007 - 7:30pm at the Museum of Chebeague History.
Ch 5 was here a few weeks ago filming an updated chronicles
and it is schedule to air this Monday at 7;30, Ch 5, Boston.
Reminder! Tonight the Selectmen's meeting is at the Recreation Center at 7 - to set the Mill Rate.
This Friday and Saturday night at the Hall is the Children's Theater MUSIC MAN!
WANTED: Able bodied volunteers willing to climb ladders are needed to help decorate for the Great Gatsby Croquet Tournament and Lawn Party. The decorations will be readied in advance, but will need to be put in place at the Coffin/Hatler Estate on Sunday morning, August 5th. Please contact Mary Holt at 846-5040, if you are able and willing to help "set the stage" for a wicket good time.
Tonight is Harry Potter Sleepover & Breakfast at the Library. Reading from the new book at midnight and delicious Hogwart's breakfast on Saturday morning. Contact the Library for more information 846-4351.
Casco Bay Lines is offering some great excursions and times for people to utilize their trips and boats. Click here for more details!
Just received this weeks Town Update! Click here or go to Town of Chebeague above.
Today, Sunday, the Arts & Craft Fair will be at the Island Hall from 10:00 until 2:00 benefiting the Chebeague Island Hall Community Center.
The Town of Chebeague Island office now has high speed internet which should help them considerably and I have been adding email addresses as we set them up. To see a list of email addresses go to Town of Chebeague Island above or click here. I have also added the office hours for the next two weeks. A couple of things to note is that there will be evening hours on Thursday and The only time new Registrations may be done are on Thursdays from 1 to 4 because Cheryl Buxbaum is the only one the State will allow to do them at this time. There will be a Selectman's meeting this Wednesday at the Hall at 7 pm.
Hansens Well Drillers will be on the island today to look at well sites. If you haven't already made arrangements please call my cell 939-9643 so we can look at the site.
The Chebeague Town Office Update for week of July 9, 2007 - click here. There will also be a Special Town Meeting Wednesday, July 11 at 7pm at the Hall.
Public Safey Informational Meeting
Topic: Meet, Greet and ask questions of your local law
enforcement officer
When: Thursday, July 12, 2007
Time: 7:00 PM
Where: Chebeague Island Community Center
Host: Scott Secord, Cumberland County Sheriff's Office
Doug Ross, Chair,
Public Safety Transition Subcommittee
CBITD Sponsored Island Meeting This year, CBL is hosting its summer island meeting in the evening on the Bay Mist, leaving Portland on Tuesday, July 17th at 5:30pm, sailing to each island to pick up island residents who would like to join us at the meeting, and then docking at Cliff Island to conduct the meeting. The following is a detailed schedule of island stops for pick-ups:
Today is Tom and Liz (Elizabeth Hill) Wedding and we are all hoping for no rain.
Last Thursday night was the Ice Cream Social at the Parish House followed by a concert at the church and there was standing room only - and lots of fun! See some photos from the night.
The Grange Thrift Shop's Grand Opening is this Tuesday, July 10th. Clothes, shoes, linens, housewares, toys, small appliances, and "whatnots." Open every Tuesday from 9:30- 12 noon and again from 7-8pm.
Results of the House Decorating Contest:Celebration
House Decorating Contest First Prize: Barbara & Rodney Hamilton,
Second Prize: Binkie Boxer and Lynn Priest, Third Prize: Pam and
Brad Smith
Honorable Mention: Deb Bowman, Donna & Doug Damon, Virginia & Tom Calder and Melanie and Barry Riddle
Neighborhood Category: Coleman Cove
Organization Category: Tennis Club
Judges Special Mention: Ruthie
Lots happening today check out the photos: 4th of July FUN RUN
I have added more photos of the first day of the Town taken by Beth Dyer - click here to see the concert at the Store.
I have some more notes from the new Town of Chebeague - click here to read the latest updates - they will answer your questions about shellfish and mooring licenses, vehicle registrations, fishing/hunting licenses, boat licenses, and Planning Board/zoning Board of Appeals oportunities.
NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING: Board of Selectman, Friday, July 6, 2007 @ 4pm - 5:30 pm at the Chebeague Island Hall Community Center. The Town of Chebeague Island Board of Selectman will be holding its first public meeting as noticed above. The purpose of this meeting is to address organization and procedural matters and to receive informational items from the Town Administrator.
Agenda: 1. Opening Remarks: Each Selectman will express their respective comments. 2. Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman. 3. Regular Meetings: place, time and frequency. 4. Receipt of Information items from Town Administrator.
July 2, 2007 - Last night was the best fireworks I have seen in a long time and check out this photo taken by Jen Belesca as proof - they seemed to go on forever and were all spectacular. From the East End to the West the shore line was full of people all enjoying the show - I wish we could do it every year.
The events for this week:
Monday, tonight Jerry Wiles "The Magic Year, 1787"
7:30 at the Hall.
Tuesday - Pot Luck Supper 5:30 followed by a Contra Dance
7:30 at the Hall
Wednesday - Fourth of July - fun run 8:30, Road Race 9,
parade starts 11 at the hotel, Picnic 12:30 Chandlers
Thursday - Ice Cream Social 6:00 (NOTE TIME CHANGE)
Parish House, Whalers, Church Choir and Children's Concert
7pm Church
Friday, July 6 "So You Think You Know Chebeague"
game 7pm Hall followed by a sing-a-long with Tom Adams and Linda
Sunday, July 8 Quadathlon 8:30 Boatyard (The Blessing of
the Fleet scheduled has been postponed)
The first day started with a Sunrise Service at the Boat Yard with our new minister to the island, Linda Brewster.
The First Town Meeting opened with a Welcome by John Martin, pledge of Allegiance and singing of the Star Spangled Banner led by the Whalers. Introductions of the Secession Representatives, Transition Committee and Secretary, Administrator Ron Grennier, Superintendent Alton Hadley (Bump), and Town and School employees. There was a presentation of Legislative Sentiment to Sessession Representatives by Meredith Strang Burgess and and Reading of a proclamation from the governor by Senator Karl Turner. There were greetings from Jamestown presented by Beverly for Philip Johnson (Virginia resident and summer resident). Each transition committee member and their secretary Beth Howe received a 400 year commmorative silver dollar coin. Swearing in of Susan Campbell, Town Clerk and then the Selectmen, School Board and Assistant Town Clerk took place. The meeting was called to order and Herb Maine was elected moderator and the meeting began. I have taken lots of photos of the day - click here.The meeting ended at about 12:50.
The Chebeague Island Town Office will be open starting July 2nd. The first two weeks of operation are as follow: Monday and Tuesday 7/2 and 7/3 from 8am to 5pm. Wednesday July 4th closed, Thursday 7/5 12pm to 8pm, Friday 7/6 8am to 12pm. Next week Monday through Wednesday 7/9, 7/10 and 7/12 8am to 5pm, Thursday 7/12/07 12pm to 8pm and Friday 7/13 8am to 12pm.
The office is ready to register island and mainland vehicles with the help of Cheryl Buxbaum. They ask your patience as they continue to set up the new office. Remember that the Town of Cumberland will be helping by issuing all mooring permits, shellfish licenses, and Stone Wharf permits until 12/31/07. If you have any questions about services that they can assist you with please call the Town Office at (207) 846-3148. Office hours will be posted every two weeks until we find out what the Tow
SCHOOL COMMITTEE: The first meeting of the School Committee is July 3, 2007 - 7PM at the Chebeague Island School. Click here for Agenda. We also have a schedule of School Committee Meetings for the 2007-2008 year.
From the Celebration Committee: It looks like the fireworks are a going to happen but we do need more donations toward them. A reminder to all boaters - there is a Coast Guard Regulation that all boats stay at least 500' back from the fireworks while they are happening and the Coast Guard will be patrolling so make sure you are in compliance. The fireworks begin between 9 and 9:15 on Sunday, July 1st!
The show last night was terrific so if you didn't see it last night come on out tonight - starts at 7:30 and we promise it will be cooler than last night!
A huge event that is happening this week is the play Chebeague Island Fact and Fiction and How the Cricks Came to Be will be on THURSDAY and FRIDAY night at 7:30 at the Hall - admission is $8 per adult $5 per child and proceeds go to the Historical Society! There are a lot of us learning our lines and getting prepared to have a great time - it is a great way to learn a little history about Chebeague.
Today at 1pm the Recreation Center was full and after lots of motions and appreciations Steve Moriarty was sworn in as moderator and nominations from the floor were taken for the five Selectman and School Committee. The votes are in for Selectman and they are for the three year term Herb Maine and Mark Dyer, the two year term, Chris Rich and Leon Hamilton and the one year term Donna Damon. The School Board will comprise of Carol White and Gerry Wiles for the three year term, Jen Belesca and Ken Pelton for the two year term and Bev Johnson for the one year term. Click here to see photos from the elections.
The Orchard Inn is offering dinners Friday and Saturdays in
July and August - click here
for details.
SELECTMEN AND SCHOOL COMMITTEE ELECTIONS! This Sunday, June 24th, 2007 1:00 PM at the Chebeague Recreation Center. We will be electing five Selectman and five School Committee members. There are a number of people who are running for these positions and all you need is to be nominated from the floor on the day of the election. The doors will be opening at 11:30 so get there early.
For those who are having trouble with the .doc format of the Celebration Week Calendar here it is in HTML.
Here is a message from the Education Subcommittee outline encouraging individuals to run for School Committee and also listing those who are running for the board.
Don't forget Vail and Al's 50th Wedding Anniversary this Saturday the 23rd at 5pm at the West End and please NO GIFTS! See you there!
Congratulations to James Hunneman (Polly Smith's son) who graduated this year after a recovering from a terrible accident. Click here to read the article in the Brunswick Times Record.
Maine Youth Orchestra (Caroline Summa is a member) is having a couple of summer fundraisers - click here to learn more .
I just received a message from Jim Kramer. who is the provisioner here at Whole Foods Market Portland. He wanted to let everyone know they are offering a FREE delivery service to CASCO BAY LINES and WE PAY ALL FREIGHT CHARGES for the ferry service for groceries - click here for for more information!
The KomLosy families are inviting all to a memorial to Fred on June 23rd at 9 am - click here for details.
Town of Chebeague Island T-Shirts are on sale for $10. They come in light blue or royal blue. Contact Karen Hamilton at 846-6518 or you can buy them outside the store on Saturday June 16 from 2-4 pm. Sizes are small to XL. I have a few XX for sale (cost is $12).
Islanders have received the Citizens' Guide to Chebeague Island Municipal Elections which are going to be held Sunday, June 24th, 2007 1:00 PM at the Chebeague Recreation Center. We will be electing five Selectman and five School Committee members. There are a number of people who are running for these positions and all you need is to be nominated from the floor on the day of the election. The doors will be opening at 11:30 so get there early.
Don't forget the first REAL rehearsal is today starting at 3 at the Historical Society for "Chebeague in Fact, Fiction and Folklore." You only have to come for the time your scene is being practiced. If you don't know who you are or where you should be email Donna at publicservant1@chebeague.net. I know that I have to be there at 4 and then back again at 6.
For those of you who have chebeague.net email the email server was down from 11 pm to 4 this morning to make some valueable changes. To find out more about the email changes go to: https://chebeague.org/broadband/webmail/newmail.html
Chebeague.net is having problems today with the email page through Mainelywired.net and are working to correct the situation - Sorry about the problem.
Roger Holt asked me to pass on this note about Cynthia Sheketoff: "I know she has been a source of strength for myself and many others on Chebeague Island. I would like to thank everyone who has been supportive to my mother and a source of strength for her. I regretfully can not attend my mothers services June 2. My heart will be there and with you all as this is a painful time for many of us. As, I will be unable to attend the service I respectfully ask that anyone attending please send any pictures or tapes of the service to my adress: 1534 Avacado Ave., Melb. FL 32935. It would greatly be appreciated. Thank you again for your concern and love for my mother, I know she appreciated each and every one of you.
Don't forget tonight is your chance to meet the new Superintendent at the Chebeague Island Hall Community Center at 7pm.
Go to Transition Committee to learn how to see the budget information.
Island Riches is opening its shop Satruday, June 2nd with hours 10- 4pm.daily and closed on Tuesdays.
Gormet Chef Chip Corson has asked me to include his menu online for people interested in his services.
Please note the correct date for the Public Budget Hearing Saturday starting at 8 AM.
On June 24, Chebeague will hold a public meeting at the Chebeague Recreation Center to elect 5 selectmen and 5 school board members. It takes a while to verify each voter's elegibility so the doors will open at 11:30 AM - the meeting will start at 1 pm sharp. Anyone who is a resident of the new town and is 18 or over is eligble to serve. People can now let people know they are running, campaign, or just decide the day of the election. Someone can nominate you and if you would like to be a candidate it please don't hesitate to try. More information will be coming soon.
From June first through Sept 4 a good friend of mine, Dot Helling will be a member of an international relay team who will be running around the world in order to bring awareness and raise funds for drinking water. The Blue Planet Run will cover 15,200 miles, across 16 countries and 4 continents, 24 hours a day for 95 days to deliver an extremely urgent and important message: we can and must begin today to alleviate the catastrophic burden placed on over a billion people who, every day, must drink unsafe local water, or travel long distances on foot to search for safe water for themselves and their families. Dot was on the Olympic Torch Relay team with me in 1980 representing the State of Vermont. She is a long, long distance runner and has never slowed down since I've known her.
Donna Damon was honored by the Town of Cumberland Town Council for her many years of service to the Town. They presented her with beautiful chair.
Town Council approvedVictualer's License, Class XL Restaurant/Lounge license, and Special Amusement Permit (music inside three days a week) for The Slow Bell Cafe for the month of June.
Tomorrow night May 21st is the last Cumberland Town
Council Meeting to be held on Chebeague. It will be at the Chebeague
Island Hall Community Center at 7pm. CLick here for the AGENDA.
Tuesday evening May 22nd, from 6:30 to 8 pm is Education Appreciation Night at the Chebeague Rec Center. Please come join us to celebrate our graduating Seniors and graduating 5th graders. There will be refreshments served and viewing of art work and & unit exhibits from 6:30 to 7pm. The music and recognition program will follow. We look forward to seeing you there and please pass the word that everyone is welcome!
Special message for everyone: Please come and join Vail and Al Traina at their 50th wedding anniversary Open House, Saturday, June 23, 5 - 7 P.M. 9 Deerpoint Road!
Fireworks, Fireworks, Fireworks, Fireworks
- You can't have the celebration of a New Town without FIREWORKS!
Donations are needed for the
great fireworks display on July 1 at 9:15 PM that will be visible
on the Southside of Chebeague from Hamilton Beach to Deer Point
and all over Casco Bay. A professional pyrotechnic expert has
been engaged to shoot off a colorful array from a barge (thanks
to CTC) between Chebeague and Bangs. The fireworks are being funded
through donations from the community - the more money the better
the show. The Historical Cociety was the first donor for this
historic event and Now you can help - send contributions marked
fireworks, ASAP (tax deductible to the extent allowed by the law)
to the Chebeague Island Council, c/o Gail Miller Treasurer,
36 Fenderson Road, Chebeague Island, ME 04017.
I just got a note from Leila: "We are here overlooking
the Aegean Sea after a comfortable trip through Munch. It felt
good to exchange the rain and chilly weather for bright sunshine,
olive trees and flowers at the Izmr airport. We might even be
able to send all of you some photos of the group in action before
long. Joannie said, as we looked out over the Aegean, "Isn't
amazing how excited we all get when we see the sea". Would
you be able to share the word around at Ed's morning ritual with
Gene and others that we are all well and wish we had more of you
with us.
love to all from the CIHS at Camp Ephesus
CRC will be having a life guard training on June 16 &17 and June 23 &24 from 9-5. fee is $160. Participants need to attend all four dates to pass the course. Fee will be reimbursed for those that are hired to work at the CRC. We have 3 spots we need to fill call Sarah 846-5068 for more info or to sign up.
The Augusta Symphony Orchestra and the Maine Youth Orchestra will again try to present Our Boy Hubert and the Wolf this Sunday, May 6, 2007 at 4:30 pm at the Freeport Performing Arts Center. For more information go to www.maineyouthorchestra.org - Caroline Summa will be playing the violin.
There is a service on Chebeague for Bob Parker tomorrow, Saturday, at 1:00 pm with a reception at the Parish House to follow.
Coming Soon!
A Chebeague Pageant for the 21st Century
- Please come to an organizational meeting on Sunday
May 7 at the MUSEUM at 6:30 PM. For
more information click here! Please call Donna 846-5140 or
Sylvia 846-4117--ASAP if you would like to participate.
Donna Martindale and her brother Mark have been busy down in Savannah Georgia creating a running a gift shop called Factors Cottage. They have now gone high tech and have a website where you can see many of their items and order them without a trip south. Check it out at www.factorscottage.com!
A reminder that the Health Screening is taking place at the Hall today 9 to 11. The Council and the USM College of Nursing put on this $5 for cholesterol and $10 for tetanus and if you don't have your money it is free.
A service for Lib Ross is at 1 today at the church.
Town of Chebeague Transition Budget Workshop tomorrow at 2pm at the Hall.
Tonight we particpated Chebeague Island Council sponsored "stepitup2007" meeting at the Hall with special guest speaker Diane Cowen. If was fun learning about the life of the lobster and the possible effects of global warming on them. We saw slides of the lobster surveying which has been going on for many years on Chebeague by volunteers Beth Howe and Mac Passano. Earlier in the day community members including most of the children on the island painted rocks as part of the step it up day. Click here to see photos.
Boy were we happy to see that the Clam Shack is open again. If I had had batteries for my camera I would have taken a picture of the snow laden counter as Tracy passed me my pizza.
The Chebeague Island Council is sponsoring a "stepitup2007" meeting on chebeague to publicize the emerging threat that global warming poses to the world's environment and to us. It will be Aturday April 14th at 7:30 pm at the Hall and Diane Cowan, senior scientist at the Lobster Conservancy will be a guest speaker. Click here for more information.
Sue Sawyer and Ken Pelton want to thank the community and especially Tom, Timmy and Tiffany who found their lost disoriented cat and brought her home.
Time has come to be thinking about this summer's Summer Theatre!! Stacy has sent me the information and this year's production is not a musical. She has decided to try something new ~ a comedy! Dearly Beloved by Jessie Jones, Nicholas Hope, Jamie Wooten. The cast consists of 4 men and 7 women (doubling): 11 total. Click here for more details! Audition Date: Saturday June 30th from 10-12, Island Hall - Show Dates: August 9, 10, 11
Lida Munroe has the opportunity to be a People to People Sports Ambassador in Vienna this summer and is hoping for some help for the expenses. Click here to see her note.
Sunday, March 25, is a Special Retirement Party to honor all the wonderful years of service provided by Marlene Bowen - the whole community is invited and of course there will be Live Music to celebrate over 30 years of service to our island!!! 1 to 4 at the Hall - if you would like to help the rescue in its plans call 846-3171 or 846-4126.
MESSAGE from the Chebeague Parents Association: Enjoy
a beautiful Garden this summer! Now being sold by the CIS students,
Summer Blooming Bulbs & Perennials. 50% of all sales go directly
to CPA to benefit CIS field trips. The Deadline is Wednesday April
11th, 2007. They can be ordered through a CIS student or at the
Library. Please call Jen Belesca (846-1097) for more information.
Thank you for your support!
The deadline is coming up for the boat tie-ups and Bill Shane has asked me to post a letter about the tie-ups and how the registrations and money will be handled. Clilck here!
Note for Chebeague.net customers: On Friday, we'll be switching over to a new, more powerful T1 line from Verizon which we hope will give us more capacity for new subscribers while improving the signal for you, our current customers.We can't give exact times, but please expect one or more interruptions in service during the day on Friday, March 16th, for periods up to two hours.If you're experiencing difficulties after 6:00 pm please call us and we'll do our best to get you back online as quickly as possible.We appreciate your patience!
Also for those who are waiting for wireless on Chebeague: We
will be scoping out the spots for making wireless available on
the rest of the island. More information will be coming soon.
Caroline Summa is in the Maine Youth Orchestra playing the violin which she started playing because of a program started here at the Chebeague Island School. The Orchestra along with the Augusta Symphony Orchestra is putting on a concert for the whole famil this March 17, 2007. It is FREE for all children 12 and under at the Freeport Performing Center. Tim Sample is the narrator of "Our Boy Hubert and the Wolf" - for more information go to www.maineyouthorchestra.org.
Many of you have already visited the library and seen the incredible wood work done by Doug Damon. He builds intricate scale working models using only wood! I have taken some photos from the exhibit and you can see them here.
Another reminder that there will be Community Public Meeting next Sunday - March 4th at 1 pm at Hall - Community informational Meeting w/ Focus on Education presentation to community on Education. Click here to see the agenda!!
Marjorie Howard has been in the hospital and is doing well - the family has set up a website for her and is inviting friends and neighbors to check in and visit: So please click her to register. It only takes a second to register and then you can leave her messages which her children will print out for her.
Last week the transition committee also started the search for a School Superintendent and you can see the job announcement and application material at www.chebeague.org/school. Community Public Meeting next Sunday - March 4th at 1 pm at Hall - Community informational Meeting w/ Focus on Education presentation to community on Education
Sorry that the website has been down lately because of power problems at the Community Center. Hopefully everything is working now and will continue to be ok. For those who use squirrel mail for chebeague.net and rely on going through chebeague.org you should bookmark the mainely wired address so that when chebeague.org is down you will still have access. That address is: http://mainelywired.net/webmail/src/login.php.
I have just added another painting by Kim to her page which you may see by clicking here.
The transition committee is meeting in executive session this Sunday at the Recreation Center at 8:30am.
If you are with chebeague.net and are can't get your email for now you can go to http://mainelywired.net/webmail/src/login.php and make sure you put in @chebeague.net and then your password. We will get the link through chebeague.net fixed later today. Thank you and very sorry about the glitch in email service.
The snow started to fall about 5 this morning and it looks like it will become a big one. Schools all around are cancelled and the Transition meeting tonight has also been cancelled. This morning I counted 15 cardinals around our bird feeders click here to see some. We have also had a male pheasant hanging around the neighborhood and yesterday he brought a female with him for the first time - click here.
A reminder from Donna that the town seal submissions are supposed to be in by February 15th. They don't have to be camera ready - they can be a concept drawing which could be worked on. Please contact Donna soon with your ideas at Publicservant1@aol.com.
Chebeague Children's Theatre is excited to announce its 2007
summer season!
Go to http://www.racheldamon.com
and click on Chebeague Children's Theatre to find out more!
Note from Donna: You may have read about Gov. Baldacci's school consolidation plan and wondered how it might affect the new town of Chebeague Island. The Transition Committee, the Island Institute and folks up and down the coast are asking the same questions. Our situation is most tenuous because of all of our secession agreements re: sharing debt service, etc. We just don't know what will happen should this or some other plan go forward. There are several alternative plans.
Bottom line the legislature can do anything they want to tweak or create something anew.
There will be a public hearing athe Augusta Civic Center on Monday February 5th at 9 AM the first hour will be spent hearing the key points of various plans and then the the legislators will split up and listen to testimony. We need our island voices heard and we need to be visible. The Islands will be getting together in the lobby or whereever an island banner is hung between 10-10:15. There will be stickers and the media will hopefully be there. Anyone is welcome to speak and currently most islands are represented but feel free to tell your story. We all know how important island voices can be. Last year they really listened to our quest for local control. We need to remind them of that because many of them heard our stories last year. If you can't make it please contact any senators or reps. as well as the governor, because no one has thought of the islands to date. We know that legislators listen. When we are our own town we will not benefit from the Governor's plan tax wise and we will be back under the control of a mega school distric 5-6 times bigger than MSAD51. If they didn't listen and we knew them, what would this mean? Feel free to call me if you have questions. Donna Damon 846-5140 cell 632-1387 or email me at publicservant1@aol.com I hope to see you on the 5th, which is also Leon Hamilton's birthday!! Send him a virtual birthday card. He'll love it!
The Chili Chowder Challenge is coming up this Saturday and we can report we have lots of great prizes - Gift certificates at various restaurants around town! The plunge is also happening and I am again jumping in - can't wait to hit that cold water and get refreshed for the year! It is a great cause - The Teen Center.
I have added some more websites to the Anchor Page - Sandra Rices Plein Aire galleries and Chebeague Clown College!
This coming Sunday at 1pm at the Hall the Transition Committee
is having a public informational meeting. There was a postal patron
mailing on Chebeague and for those who are not on the island at
this time and would like to review the materials sent out I have
them attached here:
The Transition Committee is having a contest to create a Town of Chebeague Island Seal - entries must be post marked or emailed by February 15, 2007 for more details click here!
The transition hiring subcommittee is having a meeting Thursday, 6:00pm January 25th at the Parish House to develop a hiring timeline and process for Town of Chebeague Island Employees.
Congratulations to Christy Phipps who is a Dove Dream Team Winner after submitting a story about overcomeing a challenging situation.
Note from Neil and Vickie: The Orchard Inn B&B will be open for at least one more season. Hope you will continue to send family and friends to come stay at our B&B this year.We plan to continue to host family reunions, retreats, small business meetings, dinner parties and even small weddings. Wishing you the best in 2007 and look forward to seeing you this spring. As a celebration of our 15th year in business we are offering all islanders and their families a 15% discount. Also call us for any large events that you would like flowers. Neil's cell 650-7168, Vickies cell 232-5099, or email.
Reminder to start collecting your pledges for the Feb 3rd Polar Plunge.
Also the Greely Baseball Boosters is hosting Legends
of Maine Baseball - Val Halla Banquet Center - Saturday
February 3, 2007, 6-9:00pm
The meeting scheduled for January 21st has been rescheduled for January 28th from 1 to 3 pm at the Hall. The Transition Committee will be mailing out a packet of information to be read over before the meeting.
I just added another painting Kim finished yesterday - I love it and it is called Stillwatch.
The Historical Society has a website now about their upcoming trips to Greece and Turkey. Carly, our intern, has been creating the website for the museum which includes all the past exhibits and our upcoming events. For more info on Suhails' fabulous trips for the Spring and the Fall please click here.
Most everyone has seen Kim Martin's Chebeague Oils at the library and around Chebeague but now she has a website where you may see a lot more of her work. She has prints of her work available for sale and I am so happy to have a print of her "Marsh in Winter". Just go to www.chebeague.org/kim to see them.
Everyone is asking about the wireless and where we stand now. You can click here you can see a map that shows in red all the installations so far. The one on the very west end is problematic and we are working on it to get it stronger. We received a good signal on Hope Island and that is a possible repeater site and Mrs. C is happy with her wireless and is happy to work with us to send it back to Chebeague. We are looking and working on finding a suitable site for a couple of repeaters so everyone can get the signal. We are even looking at tall trees and buildings and have tested lots of places. The church steeple is not high enough to catch enough of a signal from the hotel to enable us to send it on. We will be having Dave Tardy climb some trees for us soon to see if that would work and we have some other possibilities.
A reminder that "an inconvenient truth" - documentary about Global Warming will be shown at the Hall - Saturday, December 30th at 7pm - popcorn and juice will be available. For more information - call the Library 846-4351February 16, 2006 - Today the Portland Press Herald reported on the tentative agreements between the Chebeague Representatives and the School District as well as the Town. There was also an article in the Forecaster about our separation from the SAD.
News from 2002 - through January
22, 2003
NEWS 2001
1996 AND JANUARY 1997
I would love to have any news, poetry, stories to add to
my news page so please email with anything you think would be
of interest to islanders around the world - yes Singapore, Egypt,
Mediterranean, Boston etc. checking out the news page everyday!
So please email me at bjohnson@nlis.net
Click on the picture to go to
Chebeague Island Anchor Page