Island News
Current News
January 31, 1998 - We just got home from a week
in sunny (not) warm (not) Florida. Just as well, so we tortured the children
with all the Disney and Sea World that they could stand. "Pleeeease
can't we just swim in the pool?" Well the last couple of days it did
get warmer and we got a lot of swimming. (I am getting more excited about
the CRC pool this summer).
I was glad I had asked David Hill to write about the island and it looks
like we missed one of the worst icestorms to hit the island. We just took
a ride around the island and almost every birch has lost its top and there
are tree limbs still hanging on lines everywhere but the power is on. Some
houses on the island were without power for four and five days and the weather
was very cold. Jon was busy draining water and then turning it back on.
There is enough snow for sledding and the first thing the kids did was go
to the Hillcrest with their sleds. I guess while we were gone kids were
sliding on about 5" of ice and I'm glad to miss that.
27, 1998 - This entry is from Bev's stand-in reporter, David Hill. Part
II of the Ice Storm of 1998 clobbered Chebeague Island far worse than did
Part I. Governor King said it was as if the powers-that-be looked for places
that were missed the first time around and evened things out. Not only was
power lost for two days, but most telephones were out. The number of fallen
trees, limbs, and power lines was phenomenol. But, as usual, people helped
each other out and got through it. Less fortunate was Pam Adams of Cousins
Island, whose home was totally gutted by a fire that was touched off when
power was restored shortly after the kick-off to the Super Bowl. Nobody
was home at the time and there were no injuries, but practically everything
was lost. Five towns responded to the fire and contained it as best they
could. This detail points up the very real danger of fire on Chebeague,
where we cannot hope for help in the form of equipment from neighboring
towns. This winter is going to inspire stories for years to come.
21, 1998 - There hasn't been much to report on lately. The weather has
been kinda gray and a big snow storm is scheduled for Friday, but that won't
bother me. Our family is heading for Florida and Disney World and I can't
wait. We leave very early Friday morning so I hope the storm waits. We'll
be gone until January 30th so I won't able to report any news but I think
David Hill will for me if anything significant arises.
16, 1998 - Last night it started to snow while we were having some wonderful
skating at Sanford's pond. There was no school today because of a teacher
inservice but I'm sure it would have been canceled. It snowed between 7
and 10 inches and at noon today a bunch of kids, Gail Miller, Sanford and
I were up moving snow around off the ice. I even got to use Sanford's snowblower
- what fun but my hand won't open up any more from holding the safety clutch
(if thats what its called). Sanford would'nt even take a break to eat -
he's incredible. A bunch of teenagers showed up about the time I was leaving
and they were all working like crazy - so I think there will be skating
tonight. I found out yesterday that there are a few isolated houses
on the island that don't have power from lines being down.
12, 1998 - NO SCHOOL again tomorrow. This has definitely been too long
but I guess the mainland is still a mess. The kids were only back in school
for 2 1/2 days after vacation and now I'm looking forward to school and
I think they are too even though it didn't sound like it when we got the
call. They are all cheering and dancing around.
11, 1998 - I am happy to report that Bobby Riddle has just received
a liver transplant and is doing well.
The CTC has posted a copy of the letter
from the Department of Transportation to Jim Phipps updating council
members from Yarmouth and Cumberland of the efforts to date concerning the
siting of a mainland facility to serve Chebeague.
The ice situation here seems to be getting better and we even took a
hike down to Deer Point and had a picnic. So it seems that the island is
doing really well and hasn't received too much damage. The mainland is still
in a mess and according to Channel 13, we don't have school again tomorrow.
Most communities in the area have canceled school (Yarmouth, Falmouth, Gray
etc) I don't think they have electricity at the North Yarmouth School and
I know that Greely is open for people without power to take showers. I just
had an email from one of my readers with a link we could all use: how to
build a household power generator out of a lawn mower engine and a GM alternator!
January 10, 1998 - Right after I posted yesterdays
entry the power went out and we had a chance to really bond. From about
noon till 9:00 this morning the power was out and we all had a blast. We
used a kerosene heater to keep warm and I had a chance to use all the camping
equipment. We actually sat around and read, played games, and did crafts
- the kids loved it. I think they were disappointed that the power went
on. To be serious however the State of Maine is a mess and by the look of
the trees and ice that is still on them I don't think we are out of the
woods. In Yarmouth, Gray, Cumberland Center the power has been out for days
and some places they are saying that it could be as long as two weeks. Apparently,
lines of poles have fallen - so we are much better off here on the island.
9, 1998 - NO SCHOOL AGAIN ! The State has been declared an emergency.
The kids are outside having a blast on the inch of ice in our yard with
their sleds on the leaching field. It really looks like a wonderland, someday
I will have a digital camera and you will have instant pictures. The power
has gone off at least 4 times during the last few hours but has always come
right back on so we are a lot luckier than most places in Maine. The only
TV station we get on our kitchen television is channel 8 which is ironic
since that is the channel we usually never get.
8, 1998 - This is the second day of ice, freezing rain, and more ice.
Schools in the area were canceled including Chebeague. Yesterday I went
to town on the 12:00 boat and was foolish for doing it. I just had studded
snow tires put on my car and I guess I needed to see if they would work.
Driving was fine - walking was tough. I went to the mall and took my life
in my hands trying to walk from the car and then coming home on the five
the parking lot was one big skating rink. It wouldn't surprise me if there
wasn't any school tomorrow either. It is getting colder, still freezing
rain and if the wind picks up we'll really be in trouble. Last night we
heard what we thought was a tree coming down but I couldn't see any down
in the woods around our house.
The floor for the Recreation Center arrived today on a barge and lots
of people helped to unload so the truck could get back - I can't wait for
it to be put down.
January 6, 1998 - I just received
word from Pommy that the Chebeague Care Resource has been awarded $125,000
grant from HUD non profit affordable housing projects. This is quite exciting
and it was possible because the community has contributed about $140,000
since the summer. This means that the project will go ahead in the
Spring as planned. The CCR will be continuing to fund raise as any non profit
does. If anyone wants to contact Chebeague Care Resource
about this project call Pommy at 846-6141 or write RR1 Box 226, Chebeague
Island, ME 04017.
The Channel 6 Think about ME news show was terrific. The emphasis of
the show is on the youth of Maine and how communities are working to make
their lives better. I think the kids sounded great and looked poised and
terrific. I was up to the Chebeague Recreation Center
yesterday and can't wait till I can use the gym. I had such an urge to do
cartwheels and handsprings but I decided to control myself at least until
the wood floor goes down. The teen center already has a pool table, large
screen TV, VCR, new computer, bean bag chairs and sofa.
Boy do I have to do some work updating pages for the CRC and the CCR
. Everyone has rallied around these two wonderful projects - making a lot
of dreams come true!!!
January 5, 1998 - Today Chris
Rose from WCSH news (channel 6) came to do a story of the Chebeague Island
Recreation Center. He came over on the 2:30 boat and interviewed Etta Hill,
Rachel Damon and Beth Dyer. They filmed all the kids including Ryan Ross,
Brook Pettit, Justin Doughty, Danielle Rich, Matt McCullum, Ruthie Putnam,
Jon Miller, and Zach Doughty. It was excellent! All the kids got involved,
and hopefully will come to the meeting about the Center on Sunday. The story
will be on channel 6 at 6:00PM tomorrow (Tuesday).
3, 1998 - Well it is the warmest day of the year today, a sizzling 41
degrees and beautiful. The Portland Press Herald ran an article about the
on going
transportation problems. I really goofed this morning, I forgot
that the Patriots were playing at 12:30 and I told the kids I'd take them
to the movies. Oh well, I can watch them next week - I hope!
1, 1998 - Happy New Year -This year is starting out to be one of the
coldest ever. This morning outside my window it was below 0. The reason
I'm sitting here able to spend some time on my computer is that I went to
the 10 AM boat to go to the mainland and no one was there. I forgot that
it was a holiday and they have the holiday schedule. I wasn't alone as there
was a steady stream of cars headed for the boat.
I received an email from the Island Institute asking me to include information
about the new publication "Sustaining Island
Communities" It is a great book and I have enjoyed reading about
the economy and life of Maine's year round islands. When I get more information
about ordering it I will let you know.
December 26, 1997 - Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!! I can't
believe I survived - but I'm still here. The anticipation of Christmas was
much harder than the actual day. We had a wonderful time at the Christmas
Eve Service and none of the kids burned themselves or anyone else - thank
goodness. Santa came and left and didn't get caught. The snow has been mostly
rained away which means we might get some more skating in as soon as it
gets cold. Sanfords pond is about 18" lower than last year.
- The Christmas Party is at 6:30 at the Church!!! (Not 7:00 like previously
announced) Saturday night.
December 19, 1997 - Tonight there is the dress rehearsal for the
Christmas pageant which is tomorrow night at the church. The children and
young people are doing a Christmas story from the animals perspective and
it is so cute. I think it starts at 6:30 so don't forget.
I am also quite nervous - I just got Riven for myself. Riven is the sequel
to Myst which I got before I had children. I could not get away from the
game until I solved it and it took me 3 to 4 weeks of every extra spare
moment. I didn't sleep, eat or anything till I solved it. The one good thing
is that I need to upgrade my computer before I can get into it and that
may be a few months away.
December 15, 1997 - I can't
say enough about how wonderful the Whalers' Christmas Concert was. The tables
were all lined up with beautiful settings and platters full of delicious
treats piled high in front of us. Volunteers poured coffee and hot chocolate.
But the best part was the music and a play about Grinch stealing Christmas.
It was entertaining for all. We all got to sing our favorite Christmas Carols
I have just finally put a picture Michelena
Taliento on the people page.
December 13, 1997 -
What a great day - The CTC is having one of its free boat days for all of
us shoppers and party goers and anyone else who comes along. Santa was on
the boat for the morning and even stopped by our house for a quick visit.
I have just included Timmy Calder's picture on
the people page.
Hendy Webb emailed me with some wonderful Christmas news that his wife
Patience is in remission from her bout with cancer which had been diagnosed
last May. He sends a message for everyone to have a blessed Christmas and
Holiday Season too!!
December 12, 1997 - I just received
an email from Nils and he asked me to pass on this note "The outpouring
of letters and notes from Chebeaguers following Marian Wessell's death have
warmed the hearts of her family and reminded us how lucky we have been to
have made such good friends over the years."
11, 1997 - Saturday night the Whalers are performing at the Hall. I
am looking forward to their annual event at 8:00 p.m.
9, 1997 - Tomorrow the CCR senior luncheon will have a special Christmas
treat. The k-2nd graders will be putting on a short performance for them
at the Parish Hall. Dasha and Denis have been practicing their lines and
have been busy making cards and decorations for the event.
The Christmas decorations are getting better and better. I've decided
to take an email poll on who has the best Christmas decorations. I will
take any suggestions on who to include and let everyone know who the islanders
pick. I am so glad to see Madeline Craven's house all lit up again and now
the golf course has three trees as well as the outline of the clubhouse.
I haven't been down to see the West End so please let me know whose lights
I haven't seen.
December 8, 1997 - Susie Hiniker,
daughter of Jerry and Mary Immerwahr Hiniker and sister of Annie and David,
has her "Face in the Crowd" in this week's (12/8/97) issue of
Sports Illustrated. Susie recently won the State of Michigan Division I
High School Girls' Tennis Championship. She completed her high school career
with a record of 86-0. Some of Susie's earliest tennis instruction occurred
in clinics offered by the Great Chebeague Tennis Club, and she's spent a
lot of August days during the past nine or so years practicing on the Chebeague
courts. Congratulations Susie!! Her
picture is also on the web.
December 7, 1997 - I
have just included the class pictures in the school page. Here are the K-2nd grade and
the 3rd - 6th grade.
5, 1997 - Terrific article in the Portland
Press Herald about the building of the Recreation Center! I love the
quote by Robert White: ''Chebeaguers believe in their community and they
dig deep to support it." Congratulations to Beth Dyer who has been
hired as the Recreation Director.
December 4, 1997
- At 7:11 this morning Michelena Lynn Taliento was born to Vickie and Neil
Taliento. She weighed 8 pounds 12 ounces. Baby and mother are doing great!
3, 1997 UPDATE - The hunting season is not over for blackpowder hunters
until December 13th. So if you go into the woods where your blaze orange!
December 3, 1997 - A quote from one of my emails: "I need
your page to be more gripping so I will want to net." Of course that
quote doesn't count because it came from my sister. I've been racking my
brain for some news.
Yesterday (I guess it was yesterday) a parked car rolled down the Stone
Wharf Road and ran into a truck - I don't know what the damages were. In
an unrelated incident someones roof sky window wasn't latched and the strong
wind blew it off and it broke all over the wharf. I'm just reporting what
I heard at coffee this morning.
The hunting season is over so we can hit the woods again and there are
some prize deer hanging around yards. I think there are still plenty left
alive on the island. The Christmas lights are starting to shine. Kenneth
Hamilton's award winning tree is lit up now and Chris and Lori Rich's house
is beautifully decorated. The kids can't wait to decorate ours and they
are already fighting about which and where the lights should go.
It is a beautiful sunny cold day here today. I talked to Vicky Taliento
this morning and she still has not had her baby. She is going to walk around
Portland today and maybe something will happen. The have a girls name picked
out but haven't decided on a boys name.
The Christmas Party will be the 20th at the Church and Parish house.
The children will be putting on a short skit and then hopefully Santa will
come and refreshments will be at the Parish Hall.
I would love to have any news, poetry, stories to add to my news page
so please email with anything you think would be of interest to islanders
around the world - yes Singapore, Egypt, Mediterranean, Boston etc. checking
out the news page everyday! So please email me at
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