Island News
I would love to have any news, poetry, stories to add to my news page so please email with anything you think would be of interest to islanders around the world - yes there is even someone in Singapore checking out the news page everyday! So please email me at
The Blanchard Golf Tournament has been postponed till Sunday, September 28.
The Forecaster had an interesting article about community web pages and included information about this one even with a picture of Jon's artwork. There lead into this page was "For folksiness, it's hard to beat Chebeague Island's Web site......" I'm wondering what they mean by folksiness - I guess I had better use my spell checker.
I sent a few rolls of film into Seattle Filmworks and anyone can go in a download the pictures. All you have to do is have my code and the number of the film. You can download the programs for running slide shows and viewing the pictures through the company. These three rolls of film are of mostly Bye Bye Birdie play which was put on by the teenagers and a few pictures of Cinderella which was put on by the 8 and under group.
1. From the Seattle FilmWorks' home page (, select the PhotoMail option.
2. From the list of PhotoMail options, select the option to download my photos.
3. Enter my customer number 19622114.
4. Enter the roll number 22531103 and 22531100 and 22531101
September 1, 1997 Labor Day - The day the island suddenly gets very quiet and rises up a couple of feet or so it seems. Everyone is so looking forward to school starting (especially me!!) I finally put whale pictures from the k-3rd grade class.
I found some old pictures of the kids doing gymnastics practice, show and float in 1974 which if you have time to load you may like to see. Janice Kuntz is doing a hand stand in the first one.
August 31, 1997 - I have just added a new page to the Chebeague Anchor Page for the CCR - Chebeague Care Resource. Check it out and see the new architectural Drawing of the proposed Adult Family Care Home aka Island Commons.
I went to a meeting of the Chebeague Recreation Center last night and the project is coming along really well. The gymnasium should be complete by December 24th and we are planning a Christmas celebration/party to commemorate it's opening. The pool will be finished in June and I am looking forward to water ballet lessons - wouldn't that be fun? I've always wanted to that and I think I know someone who could teach us.
The Chebeague Recreation Center is looking for a person to fill the position of Center Director. If you or someone you know is interested please click here for more information about the job.
There is an article in today's Sunday paper about "the accident and its effects".
I have to say that the Robert White has really put his all into this project and has spent hours upon hours getting the rec center going. Jimmy Stewart has also been up at the field with his equipment for days volunteering his time and equipment. Doug Damon too with plans and labor, Wayne Dyer, Tommy Calder, Chuck Varney have all been very active up at the center - the volunteerism has been unbelievable - and I know I'm missing a lot of people who I should be commenting on.
The raffle drawing took place at 4:30 although I didn't win anything but the CRC made a lot of money on it. I'm not sure who won first place $3500 but I know they donated it back to the CRC something I wouldn't have done cause I already had it spent, oh well next year. 2nd prize was 2500 and G. Gilmartin won, one moped was won by R. Gwillim and another by B. Lessing. The bicycles won by B Thomas.
August 16, 1997 - This week has been a busy one for everyone as the summer winds down. Last weekend's adult theater was a riot! Deborah Gordon did a wonderful job putting together a hilarious production - my favorite one was "hunting on the streets where you live" with a surprise guest appearance by Cecil Amos.
I am back at teaching gymnastics after starting the program 25 years ago and not having taught it for about 12 years. I had so much fun and we put on a show Thursday night and now I'm really inspired for this winter and next summer! The golf club had it's food sale that day and the Historical Society had its biannual house tour.
All the Cumberland recreation programs are over as well as tennis. I think sailing and golf continue.
Today is the 1st Annual Field day which is being organized by Warren Bogle and takes place at the school yard. (I'm in charge of the sack races)You can get your 1st Annual Chebeague Field Day Raffle tickets at field day from 2 to 4 and I think the drawing will be before the barbecue at 4. The tickets cost $50 and proceeds benefit the Chebeague Recreation Center.
On Sunday the Church is putting on its annual lobster salad and blueberry shortcake luncheon starting at 12 noon. YUM!
I thought I was leaving next Friday for Russia to pick up Victoria but there have been some technical difficulties and I have had to reschedule my date twice this week and now the court date in Russia will not be set up until after September 5th so I hope to be leaving that week. It will be one year since signing the papers in Russia for Denis and Dasha on September 17th.
I just have to share this website I read about in the paper yesterday. "Self-promotion: The case of the brash scriptwriter"
Don't forget Friday and Saturday, August 8 & 9 at the CIHCC Chebeague Island Adult Musical Comedy Players are presenting An Evening with Lerner and Loewe - sort of. Go and see and hear songs and scenes from My Fair Lady, Brigadoon, Gigi, Paint Your Wagon & Camelot! Adults-$6, children $3.
A am pleased to announce that Denis and Dasha received their US Citizenship on Monday and now Dasha is officially an "American Girl" - Denis is still a "Russian Boy but with US Citizenship" I wish he would speak Russian once in a while to keep his native language up.
I guess it is official now that we are going back to Russia to get Denis and Dasha's sister Victoria who just turned 12 last week (oh, oh a teenager). She is excited about joining her siblings and seeing them again - it has been 3 years since they were separated.
Well since I'm being political I called the town about the paths to the shore not being cut so people can get to the beach on town right-of-ways and was told that the machinery won't be here until after labor day so that should make everyone pleased. Also the sides of the road are not being cut back because they are too busy on the mainland with the equipment. Gosh, why bother at all - it's too cold to go to the beach and the leaves will be off trees by November. Has anyone else noticed how dangerous the intersections are this summer - maybe they always have been but now that I have children riding bicycles and wanting to go to the beach I see it more.
Friday night's Bye Bye Birdie was WONDERFUL - Flora Brown did an exceptional job with the kids and the performance was so much fun. I hope to have pictures on the web page soon - it will be a few weeks - but in the meantime people can see it again this afternoon at 4:00 at the Hall - of course you'll want to get to the hall at 3:00 to see the little kids performance of CINDERELLA.
I have been getting a lot of junk mail lately on the internet and wondering if its because of the email list. I am considering making it a private list and letting everyone know what the address is and letting people contact me for the address of it. Maybe it isn't connected with our list - I would be interested if other people who only have their address on my email list are getting a lot of mail also. Please let me know - thanks.
This weekend I am pleased to add that Bye Bye Birdie will be held Friday night 7:30 at the Hall and then again Sunday afternoon. Flora has done a terrific job with the teenagers and kids and from what I have seen so far it is a superb production!!! Jennie Mitchel in the lead with a fabulous voice. The Children 9 and under are putting on Cinderella. This is being directed by Jaedra Emery and Brooke Pettit and it is hysterical. This production will be at 3:00 Sunday afternoon and lasts about 20 minutes so please come and see my kids in there first off, off, off broadway show.
CMIT (Cumberland Mainland and Islands Trust) annual meeting will be held at the Cumberland Town Office Wednesday night 7 pm.
They Library Literary Ball at the Chebeague Inn 7-12 pm Theme:"MYSTERY"
Another great site which I am sure everyone has been monitoring is the Mars sites with the latest pictures with sounds from the control rooms.
Don't forget to get your discounted tickets to the 2nd Annual Music Festival which is coming up this Saturday - it was such a blast last year and I know my kids will love it.
The Golf Club is having its Golf Club Scramble/Family Day at 1:00 p.m., and Barbecue at 5 p.m today.
As everyone knows about Ron Formisano has written a terrific book about "THE LOBSTER WARS" of 1956 and 57 and I have included the review written about the book that appeared in the Boston Globe, Monday April 28, 1997.
Most everyone is talking about the new assessments. We are all wondering what they used for comparables. They have valued the land that my house is on which is 120' x 120' for $47,400. The land around it for 41,200. We can't even see the water.
The 2nd Annual Music Festival to benefit the Chebeague Recreation Center is scheduled for July 26th. Check out the page.
Kay Kay Hill wrote a cute poem I have added to the home page I Want I Want.
The fourth of July Road Race is celebrating it's 20th anniversery and hope everyone gets out for the 4.2 mile run - the first entrants will get a special anniversery tshirt so sign up early with Jill Malony - her email address is if you need more information. There is also going to be a dance on Friday night at the Hall.
The heat today and yesterday has been brutal. I went with 25 students to the Boston aquarium and you can imagine how that bus ride must have been with that heat. We were so thankful that the CTC came back for us on the 5 - It would have been tough to have waited until 6:30 with 25- 5 - 9 year olds after already being with them for 9 hours. I'm not complaining but I was tired, hot and cranky so you can imagine how my 6 year old was. We really enjoyed the fish tanks and the sea lion show. The funny thing was the group I was with favorite exhibit was the tidal pool hands on exhibit which they can experience a few hundred yards away from their homes anytime.
The church dinner Saturday night was a terrific success. They made $726 and everyone had a wonderful time. People dug clams and Mabel, Pat St Cyr, Cindy and Julie made clam puffs. People brought casseroles and other food. I was in Massachusetts at a graduation for my neice but Stephen said it was great. I am not sure who else worked on it so I'm probably forgetting some important people who should be recognized for their efforts.
This weekend there will be a memorial service for Dave Buxbaum on the 14th. The Wheldons are having a 50th wedding anniversary on Sunday, June 15th from 2-4.
Congratulations to Mark McGoon who is the only Chebeague Island graduate this year from Greely High School!
I missed the new opening of the Cobbler Shop but got in on Monday. It looks fabulous and I love some of Bea's new items. There is going to be a Church Benefit Supper at the hall this weekend I think - I will try to find out the details tomorrow.
There is a new page from Peaks Island.
I have finally cleaned out my stuff from the gift shop and it will be opening this weekend under new management, Bea York Pettit. She has some wonderful new tshirts and sweatshirts.
Last week was Island cleanup sponsored by the Grange. Everyone on the island was assigned a road or area in which to scour for trash. My kids thought it was the most fun they ever, ever had - walking down Division Point Road with large green trash bags and fighting over who found what trash first. It goes to show you how much excitement they must have in their lives - I have to add it was drizzling rain at the time - go figure! A large continent of volunteers - adults and teens along with Sanford Doughty spent almost all day on Saturday working on a large amount of accumulated trash at Chandlers field and beach. They did a great job taking away truck loads of debris - even some old car and truck parts.
On April 24th a letter to the editor of the Falmouth Forecaster had a letter by Randy Perry of Cousins Island . In the May 8th Forecaster there were some wonderful responses which I have included here. A letter to the editor reponse by Nancy Hill , and Shirley Burgess and Jill Malony.
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picture to go to
Chebeague Island Anchor Page