Island News
February - April 1997
1997 Clearinghouse | Monthly Island Calendars |
I would love to have any news, poetry, stories to add to my news page so please email with anything you think would be of interest to islanders around the world - yes there is even someone in Singapore checking out the news page everyday! So please email me at
April 28, 1997 Pouring rain, cold and miserable and we even have houses that have water lines under ground that are still frozen. They are still skiing at Sunday River and Sugarloaf.
Donna's rebuttal editorial to Fred Nutters editorial aired yesterday and this morning and I have included it here so check it out, I think it was great. There was so much more that she had to say but they made her cut a lot out.
Yesterday was a beautiful day and we had Russian exchange students and their chaperone families over to the island for a day of exploring and fun. They were from Archangel and the Portland area. We went up to the school and it was a wonderful sight. Every area of the school yard was being utilized. There were about 15 teenagers playing basketball on one side of the court and on the other were 5-10 years old playing basketball. There were kids on the slides and playground equipment and about 15 kids playing baseball. It really made me realize how important the new rec center is.
I K-3rd graders have just finished a section on endangered animals which is now included on their web page. Please check out their artwork and writing. We are still adding links to their animals and refining their pages so I'll let you know when it is complete but I couldn't wait to get it online.
Note below that I have added to the sale, Friday from 12 - 4. Also I should make it clear who bought the house from me is Bea York Pettit, Lori Rich's sister, Stanley York's daughter and Bea Kendall's neice.
April 9, 1997 Jon has been spending the morning going to the houses and turning the heat on because it is cold, below freezing. Last week we thought we had seen the end of freezing weather but I guess not. It is a beautiful, clear and cold day today.
It is official that I did sell the Cobbler's house and shop and will be having a liquidation and yard SALE on Friday and Saturday, April 18 and 19 from 12 - 4. If it rains Sunday, too. Most everything is half price including all the cards. Bea will be opening up the shop again Memorial Weekend. She will not be running the Bed & Breakfast because she will be using the whole house and living there.
Last week the Forecaster did an article about the Akitu Festival the fourth, fifth and sixth graders put on last week so I have included it on the school page.
March 31, 1997 Hope you all had a HAPPY EASTER! I just returned from a weekend in Quebec where we enjoyed the Chateau Frontenac and the old city. While we were gone the meeting of the Department of Transportation was held and here is the Portland Press Herald report on that meeting.
It is noon here as I write and the snow is just starting to accumulate. Our big concern is what is going to happen to the chicks that are hatching at the school as I type this if the power goes off. Jeff Summa is out scouring the island looking for a backup generator for what we expect to be an inevitable power outage.
The Chebeague/Cousins Transportation Resolution Team & The Maine Department of Transportation will present the recommendations of the Resolution Team to the Department of Transportation regarding Public Ferry Access to Chebeague Island in two public meetings. The first one is Saturday, March 29th at 10:00 am at the CIHCC. The second meeting will be in Yarmouth, Saturday, March 29th 1:30 pm at the Log Cabin. If you want more information about the proposed resolutions check out the CTC web site.
March 19, 1997 Lovely day today but still cold - about 20-25 degrees. I have been working on the school homepage and pretty soon I'll be working more with the older children to set up pages for their class. I have added pictures of the Murals which were painted by the school children last year. The photos were supplied by Vicky Taliento.
March 17, 1997 We are all back home safely and I have to say the skiing was terrific! The school children are working on their bird projects and the bird web page is almost complete, they have a few more additions and reports and some links need to be added - please check it out - I have scanned their bird pictures. Comet Hale-Bopp continues and will continue to be an amazing site from Chebeague through April.
Hans Hansen will be coming to the island in a few weeks to drill wells for a few families so please contact me if you need to have one drilled. I think we have 3 families signed up to date. You can email them directly if you wish at the following address:
I have also updated the Calendar information to include the months I posted previously. I have had lots of email and comments about this and have put in March Calendar reports from organizations who gave me permission or requested that I do so. I will also continue to update the 97 clearinghouse.
March 13, 1997 - Central Maine Power says NO!! as reported in the March 13th Portland Press Herald this morning. The report of the Chebeague Cousins Transportation Resolution Team recommended CMP as the best site for parking and wharf.
March 12, 1997 The Comet Hale-Bopp is incredible tonight in the NW sky - the Skywatchers Diary for March has all kinds of information about the astronomical wonder. It is a cold clear dark night about 7:00 and perfect for sky watching on Chebeague.
Quilters met on Tuesday and had their usual fun time while they got a lot done. They want everyone to know that all quilters or craft-type people who would like to join them in their little group are welcomed. Just show up with your independent work. They ask that three dollars be given per session to pay for little things they need. They meet twice a month in the winter and once a month in the summer.
March 10, 1997 It has been a while since I have reported, I just received a new internet web editor which I hope will make it easier for me. It even has spell checker - and everyone knows I could use it! We have about 4 or 5 inches of snow which has accumulated over the last few days and I guess more is on its way. I was surprised we had school today and the tides were supposed to be as large as January 10ths but I don't think it was nearly the same as "big water". There have been a lot of colds going around and I have two sick kids on my hands who are too sick to be in school but not too sick to wreak havoc all around me! We have had a pretty good day but I do hope they make it to school tomorrow.
March 5, 1997 Yikes! NO SCHOOL!! Snow, sleat, rain and mama, mama, mama - so much for getting anything done. Can you imagine a mother complaining about her children wanting to clean all the time - right now they are fighting over the vacuum - give me videos over cleaning anytime. Dasha just used window cleaner all over her antique bureau. I guess I was wrong when I reported that Spring was here - cause it's not. There is a couple of inches of snow at noon and the wind is supposed to pick up later and make travel much worse.
March 4, 1997 I have just added a new link for Island Cuts and Styles to the Anchor Page and also updated the Nellie G. Cafe web page so please check them out. Tomorrow the Chebeague School children start swimming lessons in gym class. For the next few weeks they will be going over on the 10 boat to the mainland for swimming and coming back on the 12 boat - my kids are so looking forward to learning how to swim. There has been a dusting of snow over the last few hours but I don't think there will be much accumulation. You can really hear the sounds of Spring and yesterday we had our first flock of red-winged blackbirds.
March 2, 1997 Because of a harddrive failure at my server's location
any mail to me today may have been lost forever so please resend. Thanks
The weather the last few days has been overcast, drizzly and kind of depressing.
Hopefully Spring isn't too far away.
March 1, 1997 Here is the REPORT OF THE CHEBEAGUE-COUSINS TRANSPORTATION RESOLUTION TEAM and the article in the Portland Press Herald March 1, 1997 about the report.
March 1, 1997 Big news of the day is that the Portland Press Herald
has reported on the findings of the transportation panel. Their answer is
to build a new dock on the southwestern tip of Cousins Island, about three-quarters
of a mile south of the current ferry landing. I have tried to find a link
to the press herald and when I do I will include it. The other news is that
we are out of pilot crackers. They have been sold out at all the super markets
and the island store and they are hard to come by. Apparently Nabisco can't
keep up with the orders and we are crackerless - What can we do? Here is
the link to their news release which somehow I missed or they just put in.
Crackers are back by Popular Demand Now if we can only keep them in
The Island Calendar has just come out and I will be asking organizations
to email me their reports or maybe they can ask the council to pass those
reports on to me to be put on a calendar page I will start - I don't have
time for paraphrasing. I will also ask permission to at least put the clearing
house online so that at least people may look that information up. I hope
they will say it is ok. I know that I always paid more than my membership
cost to help the island council even though I received the calendar for
free. It is interesting to note that the Portland Press Herald and New York
Times are online without losing apparent losses in circulation.
February 26, 1997 I am sorry to report that the Island Council has asked me not to put the Monthly Calendar on the internet so I will be removing my links. The executive committee is concerned that they would lose membership by making the calendar available on the internet. The monthly newsletter is distributed for free on the island and anyone away can receive copies of it for a nominal fee by writing to Clayton Hawkes, president Chebeague Island Council, RR 1 Box 271, Chebeague Island Maine.
February 24, 1997 We're back! We came back from the mountains
to find almost all the snow is gone. It is a bright, sunny, cold and windy
day. The temperature is about 25 degrees and expected to drop below 0 tonight.
OVER $400,000 has been raised to date for the Chebeague Recreation Center
and bid proposals are going out this month. Committee members have been
busy talking to the Town and School Department and everything seems to be
on schedule and better than expected. We are now starting to talk to area
businesses and work on talking to foundations. As soon as I get a new plan
I will update the Chebeague Recreation
Page Two exciting events are planned for this summer:
February 20, 1997 We are off for a few days in the White Mountains for skiing, skating and swimming. It is the only way my family can get me away from the computer - not really, but I will probably have withdrawal problems. Next week I will start with the island school kids with a program on the internet if anyone has any ideas please email me. They will be studying the Middle East this semester. I'll write again on Sunday.
February 18, 1997 Sorry I haven't written lately. As soon as I
changed the anchor page to say that news would be updated daily I haven't
been able to do it. School vacation here started Friday and between that
and trying to get my taxes together I have been busy. We will be gone for
the end of this week also. There has been skating over the weekend and I
am afraid warm weather is on its way which may mean that last night may
be it for a while. There was a great article in the Forcaster about Gail
Miller and her jewelry work which includes the now famous pilot cracker
pins. I will copy it later to include here. I just got pictures developed
of "big water" as described
on January 10th and have put three of them here and on the anchor page.
I have also added a new business page link to the Anchor PageRunyon, Kersteen & Oullette. Please
let me know if you have a connection to the island and you have a business
page - I'll be glad to link it.
February 14, 1997 HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!! Last night the
Cumberland Town Council was on the island for a meeting in which they made
three decisions which will effect the island. They approved the site plan
for the Chebeague Recreation Center, allowed the Chebeague Care Resource
to have their proposed facility and changed the ordinance to allow agricultural
farming in the Business District.
I have just added a new link on the Anchor Page: The Chebeague United Methodist Churchwebsite. I will be
adding to this page on a regular basis and will keep you informed.
February 13, 1997 Beaurtiful, beautiful sunny day here on the
island but cold.
Happy birthday to John Martin (Kim Rich's husband)!
February 10, 1997 I have included the by article by Mary Corey of the Baltimore Sun in the Cracker Page if you want to check it out. Tonight there was a wonderful interview with Archie Ross on Due North on Public Television - he and Claire were as perky and fun as ever!
February 9, 1997 CBS SUNDAY MORNING! The cracker story aired and was great. For everyone who saw the wonderful pins on the show they now can be ordered from Gail. Click here to get more details.
February 8, 1997 Tonight the Church is putting on the Mardi Gras
Supper at 6:00. The meal includes fried chicken, corn, pies, rolls etc.
- Just bring your appetites, dress in costume if you wish. Donations welcome.
Don't forget to watch CBS Sunday Morning National Television for a followup
report on the Pilot Cracker story. Monday at 8:00 on Maine Public Television
there will be an interview with Archie Ross about his years as a Ferry Captain.
February 6, 1997 I have just added the Island Council's February Calendar.
February 5, 1997The Islanders and others were treated to a wonderful clam chowder at DeMillos Restaurant to celebrate the return of the Pilot Crackers. All the local television stations were there as well as Tim Sample with CBS Sunday Morning (I think it will air February 9th). It was great - everyone got to bring home boxes of their beloved crackers and they even gave away some beautiful replicas of the old wooden cracker boxes. Nabisco presented a gift of $1000 to the Chebeague Historical Society. Nabisco payed for everyones boat fare raffled off all the left over wooden boxes and had everyone help themselves to boxes of crackers. Everyone was wearing the newly created Pilot Cracker Pin which Gail Miller just designed and started making. The proceeds of the $8.00 pin or magnet will go to the Chebeague Historical Society. I have added some articles to the Save the Cracker Page and if you are away you can pick up the New York Times, page C3, and read all about it. There is a picture of Donna, Edmund and Julie.
February 3, 1997 The snow is coming down and it is about 28 degrees
this afternoon. The skating party Saturday night was a blast - most of the
island turned out for the perfect night and conditions - I am starting to
feel more comfortable on skates. Wednesday Nabisco is hosting a chowder
lunch at DeMillos for all the islanders who have signed up (about 80 so
far). They will even pay the boat fare. This has really turned into quite
a media event.
Tonight I had the opportunity to meet Mary Corey a reporter for the Baltimore
Sun who is staying at The Orchard Inn for a few days. Why is she on Chebeague?
You guessed it, she is writing an article about the Pilot Cracker Crusade.
Gary Varney was there with an update to the Pilot
Cracker song.
February 1, 1997 It is overcast and the temperature is 21 at 10:50.
Everyone is looking forward to the PARTY at Sanford's Pond today at 5:00.
There will be hot dogs and drinks, skating and fun for everyone. Sandford
and Mabel keep the fireplace going and the hot chocolate coming - they are
great!!! Sanford just got a new supply of helmets for the kids playing hockey
or just want to protect their heads (I probably should be wearing one -
I can fall just standing there). There is a rule on the pond - any kid with
a hockey stick has to have a helmet. GREAT RULE
Yesterday all around New England lots of people got a great treat - they
got to see a lot of islanders on New England Cable News talk about Crackers.
The reports are that it was very well done - the reporter is an award winning
news reporter (Sorry I can't remember his name)
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Chebeague Island Anchor Page