To get the weather just click on the photo of the Stone
Wharf. To contact me, Beverly Johnson:
A safe and sane New Year's Eve to all with best wishes for a wonderful New Year!
The CRC will be closed Saturday, December 24th and Sunday,
December 25th. Also, it will be closed Saturday, December 31st
and Sunday, January 1st. Look for posters and signs with special
teen center hours and children's activities over the school break.
The Staff and Board of Directors would like to wish everyone a
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Today the annual Christmas party is taking place at the Church from 4 to 6. If you are attending with children who are not residents please call Jen Belesca so she can let Santa know.
Tomorrow night Jim Rier from the Department of Education will be at the Cumberland Town office to explain how the Essential Services and Programs (EPS) Funding formula works and how the numbers are affected by Chebeague's Secession.
Some of the floats at the Stone Pier are coming out soon starting with tomorrow. The Float plan is attached so click here.
Tomorrow night the Town Council is going to be on the island for a workshop on wharfs at the Hall 7pm.
Negotiations started last week with the Town Council and the five representatives of the Territory. These negotiations will be ongoing with meetins at least twice a week. There is not much that can be reported on at this time.
The Aquaculture DMR Hearing took place last Thursday on the Mussell bed application and testimony was taken. I will let people know when decision is made.
Sunday at 3pm is an informational public meeting to hear a report from the secession representatives on the status of the secession.
New CPA Cookbooks are here. They are $12 or 2 for $20 and would make fantastic Christmas presents. The kids art work is great and I'll attach a picture of the cover (by Catie Bowman). They are available at the Library or you can call or email Jen Belesca 846-1097.
The Ladies Aid Fair is this Saturday from 12:30 to 3pm and is at the Parish House. There will be light lunch available. If you ordered a wreath you can pick them up before 3pm on Thursday December 1, at the Parish House.
CICA will have their regular meeting tonight at 7pm and are planning a public meeting this coming Sunday at 3pm at the Hall. As we move into this next phase of the process our intention shifts to the negotiating table and we will no longer hold the weekly Tuesday evening meetings at the Parish House. Frequent public updates will be announced on the bulletin boards, this website and our mailings.
Tomorrow is the Island's Craft and Art Fair - starts at 10 AM to 4 PM.
This Monday night the Town Council has an agenda item to consider and act on the Chebeague Island Secession. They will also be hearing a report on the Aquaculture Lease Application scheduled for public hearing on Chebeague Island, December 1, 2005. Click here for the agenda.
There is a Planning Board meeting on the mainland. There will be a public hearing on the Roy Hill Subdivision and also an item on the piers, docks and wharfs. Click here for the agenda.
Tonight the regular CICA meeting will be at the Parish House.
Senior Luncheon will be at the Parish
House on Wed. Nov. 16th at noon.
10, 2005 - In view of the terrorist attack(s) in Amman yesterday
-- and local concern for Leila & Suhail, who stayed on in
Jordan following the Historical Soc. trip last month, it might
be of interest to you and others to know that the Bisharats are
OK ! It was a close call, however, as they'd been out for
dinner at the time those bombs went off - but, thankfully, a mile
& 1/2 from the hotel area in downtown Amman.
L&S expect to return here on 11/22, with Nora (who turns 19
on that date), after a few days in DC.
8, 2005 - Election Day - VOTE TODAY!
will report later on the results - don't forget to
vote! If you, or someone you know, needs a ride to vote today,
there are drivers available. Fran Calder, Dave Stevens,
and Bob Earnest are on call.
On Chebeague total votes counted: votes 246 YES for secessesion
votes 41 NO for secession one blank.
Mainland: 2973 voters - 54% turnout
Chebeague Island: 287 voters - 89% turnout
TOWN-WIDE: 3260 voters - 56% turnout
click here for all the Chebeague RESULTS OF THE ELECTION
Last Friday Governor Baldacci gave out "Governor's Awards for Environmental Excellence" at a ceremony in Augusta. Wayne Dyer and Kim Boehm were honored!! CONGRATULATIONS
The event recognized and celebrated outstanding environmental
protection efforts in a variety of categories including Pollution
Prevention, STEP-UP, Environmental Stewardship, Public Health
& Environment, and Toxic and Hazardous Waste Reductions. They
demonstrated how a couple of individuals can take on a massive
cleanup effort and get the job done as they did with the 200+
junk cars, batteries, tires, metal they were able to get off Chebeague.
Thank you so much!
The meeting scheduled for 3 pm on Sunday, Nov 6th is being moved to 4 pm. at the Hall. Peter Lowe and Bob Lyman along with the five representatives will be there to answer questions and give the latest information about the process of becoming our own town and running our own school.
Happy birthday Sanford Doughty!!!
Reminder that the CIHCC annual meeting is Tuesday, November 1, 7:00 pm at the Hall
Article in the Portland Press Herald today about secession - don't forget to take the opinion poll.
There is a meeting this Thursday night at the Parish House, 7 pm, to discuss and solicit input on the Town of Chebeague Island Draft Education Plan. Bob Lyman, former superintendent of Freeport and Cape Elizabeth, has been assisting the education committee in discussions with state and local educational bodies and developing a draft education plan for a future Town of Chebeague. If you have questions call Carol White 846-4769.
The Chebeague Island School CPA/Preschool
has registered with Hannaford Helps Schools program
to participate in a fundraiser that shouldn't take too much effort.
The program runs from Sept. 4, 2005 through Dec. 19, 2005.
It's very simple: When you purchase various products at Hannaford
you will get "School Dollars" that will print out with
your receipt. (Like their in-store coupons do.) Turn them
into The Chebeague Island School or to a member of
the Chebeague Parents Association.
Chery will collect them and turn them in to Hannaford and receive
a check from Hannaford for the amount of school dollars that we
turn in. Please send in all School Dollars prior
to Dec. 12, 2005 because we need to submit them to Hannaford by
Dec. 19th.
If you want to know what products will create "school
dollars" go to:
So please take a little time and ask friends & family
for their School Dollars to support The Chebeague Island
School CPA/Preschool.
Just a quick note from the Historical
Society. For the past year or so the Historical
Society has been bidding for items pertaining to island history
on EBAY using Donna Damon's account. We know that this was
confusing for some of you who wanted to defer to the Museum, so
we have opened up our own account which is easy to remember.
Chebeaguehist-- We are not trying to suggest that
you not bid on items that you really want, but just thought you
might like to know when the Museum is serious
about an item so none of us pay a lot more than necessary.
Many of the items that we have bought over the past year will
be available to the public in our research room and may be seen
in uncoming exhibits.
Speaking of exhibits, next year is the 250th anniversary of Ambrose Hamilton buying land on Chebeague. Therefore next year (2006) will be the year of the Hamiltons. We are planning lectures, a reunion, and an exhibit that will look island businesses over time. Hamilton descendants played an important role in the development of stores, hotels, stone slooping etc. They even had their own pogey oil factory. To this end we will have an exhibit that that should have wide appeal, but we need your help. We need store and hotel records, account books, photos, merchandise etc that would have been sold/used including dishes and trinkets from Henry Bowen's store etc. While we welcome donations, we understand that these items mean a lot to families so it would be fine if you would just lend them to us. We are also looking for the large beautifully framed ancestrial portraits that were done as a photograph/charcoal combination. We knw that there are many around. We hope to hang these portraits around the room above the displays. Remember the person's last name does not have to be Hamilton if he/she is a descendant.
For more information call Donna Damon 846-5140 or Jane Frizzell 846-4937. Don't just drop things off at the Museum! We need to have you sign a form and we need to know where the items come from.
Senior Luncheon scheduled for Wed. Oct. 19th, has been rescheduled for the following week, Oct. 26th at the Parish House.
Tuesday night at 7pm the Town Council will be here at the Hall for the second meeting on secession. It will be a workshop format and they will be discussing the impact of our secession to the taxes of Cumberland. We will have a reception with coffee, juice and snacks at 6:30 so please come for dessert and questions.
There were two articles and a letter to the editor in the Portland Press Herald yesterday which all pertain to Chebeague. The first was on an aquaculture lease application in the fishing grounds around Hope Island, the second was on the WIFI internet access we are hoping to get island wide soon and the letter was about how someone thinks we should have an oil refinery on one of our outer islands.
The Frost Tournament is this Saturday, October 8 Noon "shotgun" start - modified callaway handicap system - social to follow at 5pm.
CANCELLED - Casserole dinner on Saturday, October 8, 6 pm at the Hall!!
David Hill, along with a few others from the State has volunteered and is now down South for two weeks to work with the Mississippi Small Business Development Center to aid the people of Mississippi who have been devestated by Katrina. He is helping people to complete their application forms, working with the Mississippi Small Business Development Centers.
The Hall is putting on a Casserole dinner on Saturday, October 8, 6 pm, during the Columbus Day Weekend.
Next time you're shopping at Shaw's, say "thanks" for their great volunteer work at the Rec! Some of the photos of the day thanks to Bob Earnest.
Ann (chef extraordinaire at CIS) has prepared these and other garden fresh veggies from the island into salads, "snacking" tomatoes, and soups; and, from last spring's plantings, there is more to come in the weeks ahead. We also just planted several lettuces and swiss chard for fall harvest.
For next year, we hope to raise the funds to pay a few interns to work a few hours per week, with the school kids, to keep the garden going through the summer months.
If you're interested or want to help, call Bob or Nancy at 846 0924. Click here to see the photos of the children and the garden!
Cumberland Planning Board Agenda for September 20th which includes Roy Hill Road Subdivision item.
Today the Portland Press Herald had another article - Chebeague, Cumberland may spar over small islands.
Bea Kendall's family wanted me to let everyone know that there will be a memorial service for Bea today at 1 pm at the Oderda's home on Cottage Road.
Job Posting: Chebeague Recreation Center "Youth Director"
In addition to our recent posting for Recreation Director,
we are looking for a Youth Director. A job description and
proposed schedule are shown below. If you are interested
in this position, or would like to learn more, please contact
Bob Libby or Bob Earnest at work or at home. We will accept
applications until October 5, 2005.
Phone number at the Rec is 846-5068. Click
here for job description.
This coming Sunday, September 11 is the Blanchard Golf Tournament. This tournement is for all island residents - lots of fun - 12 NOON Shotgun start at noon, sign up from 11:30 to 11:50, teams by draw with callaway scoring- social at 5pm.
coming up next week. Tuesday night at the Hall - 7:30 - a public
discussion and workshop in preparation for the Thursday night
PUBLIC HEARING which is at the Cumberland
Town Hall at 7 PM. The five representatives of the
Secession Territory will be presenting our report to the Cumberland
Town Council. These meeting are extremely important for Chebeague.
Daisy was at the Clam Shack on Tuesday and I took a photo of some children around her.
The presentation by Gordon Corbett on the Titanic was so entertaining - I hope he will come back and talk to the island about more subjects he is interested in - children who had him as a Science teacher must be all be scientist now -he is very inspiring.
Note from Tom: Daisy the pot bellied pig will make an apperance at the Clam Shack on Tuesday, 8/30 from 530-800 pm. Bring a camera,s Daisy likes cut up watermellon also.Paul Minor hopes all her friends will stop on by.
Monday night there will be a presentation about the TITANIC with Gordon Corbett (remember teacher in space) - This will be at the Hall at 7:30 - Gordon always captivates his audience - donations are appreciated! Sponsored by the Historical Society.
If anyone is heading over to Harpswell's Shore Dinner Fundraiser and need a place to tie up please contact Tom Allen 833-0562. Toby's (Tom Butler's) Wharf is officially available for any from Chebeague who might wish to come by boat. His float can accommodate 1 larger boat and two smaller ones.
Katie Phipps thanks all who supported her ambassadorship to Europe, especially local island businesses who contributed goods and services. Barbara Hayden pulled the lucky ticket, which was bought by a shocked Katharine Brosseau. Barbara also received a phone book from the Library and a lovely Chebeague hat from the Cobbler shop. Katie showed some wonderful slides and photos from her amazing trip and told the hair-raising story of her attempts to fly home from Greece.
A reminder: Fishing Families for Harpswell is having a Shore Dinner Fundraiser Saturday August 27, at Basin Point,. Harpswell (just past Dolphin Marina and Dolphin Chowder House). Starts at 5 pm and you can prepurchase tickets through August 20 by calling 833-7804. For more information check out the flyer.
Congratulations to Molly Shattuck who recently became one of the Baltimore Raven's Cheerleaders.
:As some of you know, most of the staff for the summer were
college or post-college age people. A few board members
will be meeting with most of those staff next week for an exit
interview: what did they see, what worked well for them, what
suggestions might they have for improvements to program?
However, with the end-of-summer departure of most of these folks,
we will be back where we were last winter looking for TC
chaperones, either paid or volunteer. We currently have
one volunteer signed up for 3 Friday nights starting in late August.
The current schedule for Teen Center is:
Tuesday and Thursday nights: Preteen, 7-10pm
Wednesday night: Teen, 7-10pm
Friday and Saturday nights: Teen, 7-11pm
Please consider signing up as a chaperone either paid or
volunteer. If there is a night that you can commit to for
several weeks in a row, that makes scheduling even easier.
The pay rate is $15 / hour. If you know of others who might
be interested, please pass this email along to them. If
we have volunteers or paid staff who sign up, and who have not
been trained or would like a refresher course, I'll find a time
that works to walk them through the processes, potential issues,
log sheets, FAQ's, etc.
Your help and your suggestions of others who might help would
be greatly appreciated. Remember, Teen Center was one of
the principle reasons we first opened a Rec Center on Chebeague;
it's important, and we can't keep it open without chaperones.
You can reach Bob Earnest via email
or at the Rec at 5068.
This coming Friday, August 19th, 7 pm, at the CIHCC (Hall), CICA will be having an INFORMATIONAL MEETING to discuss and answer questions about our exploration into Secession. CICA voted recently to turn in the petition signatures which means that the Town will have to set a date for a public hearing. There have been lots of questions from summer and year round residents and this would be a great opportunity to get more information.
I saw Lil Abner last night and it was wonderful - I took a few photos but am going back tonight for more. It is really funny and very witty. I hope to have some photos of the show soon.
Fishing Families for Harpswell is having a Shore Dinner Fundraiser
Saturday August 27, at Basin Point,. Harpswell (just past Dolphin
Marina and Dolphin Chowder House). Starts at 5 pm and you can
prepurchase tickets through August 20 by calling 833-7804. For
more information check out
the flyer.
Tomorrow, Thursday, August 11 at 10am at the Chebeague Island Hall the Sebago-Long Lake Festival will give a free concert for kids of all ages.
For residents and summer islanders who have misplaced their questionaire for the housing survey I have included them here along with the survey from people who don't live here: Thank you for taking the time to fill the survey in - the Island's Committee needs this valuable information in order to make informed decisions on what our island housing needs are and make a case for affordable housing. I know I am unable to find the copy sent to me so now I will download the form and fill it out.
Tickets are on sale for LIL ABNER - get your tickets at the door or at the Recreation Center for reserved seating for the first nine rows. More than half sold out so you better hurry. Show starts at 8 pm at the CIHCC and performances are Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights.
Update from Kim Boehm about the car crushing and vehicle removing.
Saturday, August 6th is the *YARD SALE* to benefit the Island Commons - at the Hall from 10 to 1. Check out the flyer by clicking here!
Please, if you haven't filled out the Housing Survey, take some time now and send it back to Beth Howe. We have not received very many yet and it is important to our community to get some of the items answered. Thank you from the Islands Committee.
This weekend the Recreation Centers's Children's Theater will be putting on Peter Pan under the direction of Rachel Damon. Performances are Friday and Saturday at the Hall at 7:30, $6 for adults and $4 for children.
The Islands Committee is working on gathering information about
Affordable housing needs on Chebeague Island. We are hoping that
people will send back their questionaires they received in the
mail even if you or your family are not looking into affordable
housing opportunities. For all those who are not on the island
and have not received a questionaire in the mail we hope you will
download the
questionaire and send it back to Beth Howe at 168 South
Road, Chebeague Island, ME 04017.We are hoping to find adults
related to Chebeague Island and Chebeaguers who went to Greely.
Saturday, August 6, 2005 - The Chebeague United Methodist Church
Choir Is Performing A Benefit Dinner
and Concert To Support the Music Program including New Choir Robes!
Dinner 6pm at the Parish House - Choice of Lobster Roll or BBQ
Concert Following at 7pm in the Church
$15.00 Donation
Buy your Tickets Today from anyone in The Choir!
Don't forget that tomorrow is Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day from 9 am to 12 noon at the Transfer Station! Click here to see what you may bring.
SWIMMING LESSONS are the best deal for all - you can sign your children up for a week or five weeks (Mon, Wed, and Fri mornings) and the teacher is certified instructor Nancy Earnest. Swim lessons start this week and are 30 minutes per class from 9am to noon - Fee is $50 (passholder) for the 5 week session - $100 if not a passholder or $25 weekly rate.
LAP SWIM 7:30 to 9:00 Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday - also every day from noon to 1pm and also Monday and Wednesdays 4:00 to 5:00pm.
WATER AEROBICS with Gail Miller Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays 8:15-9am and Mondays and Wednesdays 4-5pm ($5 drop-in fee and free for passholders)
OPEN SWIM - Each afternoon 1 - 4pm- unattended children must be at least 8 years old AND have attained a Level 3 Red Cross swim level (or pass a swim test from lifeguard). All other children must be accompanied by a parent or other responsible adult, or a babysitter over 14 with no more than 2 children in his/her charge along with a weekly note or permissio from child's parent.
Last week the Great Chebeague Golf Club directors voted to allow non-member play beginning at 12 noon Saturday, Sunday and Holidays. During the week non-member play is welcome except during Monday and Thursday mornings for Ladies day and Mens day. Thursday afternoon is also set aside for junior clinic. The Golf Club has always welcomed and encouraged play for year-round residents free after 5 pm. This has been a wonderful way for the club to give back to the community and has been well received over the years by islanders. As an islander I can say we all have appreciated the ability to play golf and would hope more year rounders would take advantage of this opportunity to learn the game of golf and to develop their skills. The number for the club house is 846-9478. Members please remember to sign up for the family scramble which takes place next Saturday, July16th.
1.4 mile FUN RUN The first boy was Will Poell, age 11, who finished in 8:42, and won the Fun Run for the second consecutive year. Zoe Johnston, age 11, was the first girl to finish. Her time was 9:57.
mile ROAD RACE Women: 1st Dina Porter 30:58, 2nd Jeanne
Hackett 30:59, 3rd Kate Emery 31:42 Men: 1st: Paul
Toohey - 31:15, 2nd Dave Lynch 31:27, 3rd Gordon Murphy
31:42 Boys 14 and under: Terrence Tyler 36:31; Girls
14 and under: Kathleen Ragan 36:59 Under 40: Men: David Lynch
31:27; Women Kate Emery 31:42
40 and over: Men: Paul Toohey - 31:15; Women - Dina Porter
30:58 50 and over: Men: Dennis Kearney 53:00. 60 and over:
Men: Michael Beaudoin 33:37.
Katie Phipps was selected to represent our country as a People to People Student Ambassador. In order to assist with her efforts, she is having a wonderful raffle worth over $750. I have attached her flyer about the raffle.
Because of a family commitment I was unable to attend the Sunday meeting and petition presentation but heard that in spite of the very hot weather it was well attended. There are a number of us who are gathering signatures on the petition. If you haven't had a chance to sign and/or would like more information about the process and what this means you can contact a number of people. Mabel Doughty, David Stevens, Esther Knight, Herb Maine, Beverly Johnson and a few others have copies of the petition to sign. We will also be around over the weekend at various places to gather signatures.
Anyone interested in teaching a one week creative writing workshop for kids at the Rec in August should contact Eldon Mayer at 846 9760?
There will be a 4th of July celebration dance on Sunday, July 3rd at the CIHCC with Mark Dyer's band.
Lobster Tales program by the Chebeague Island School 3-5 classroom was last night. We got to look at lobster larvae under a microscope, see all the work done by the children for their website and see a short documentary film by Rachel Damon and Colby schoolmates. Click here to see a few images of the evening.
There was a working water front workshop before the Lobster program at the school with Jim Connors from the Coastal Program, Maine State Planning Office along with Rob Snyder and Shey Veditz of the Island Institute. They updated the lobstermen on the status of Statewide efforts to protect working waterfronts in Maine and discussed the upcoming legislation related to working waterfronts which provides for the option of taking working waterfront at current use.
Note from Kim and Wayne: Carcrusher update: do to barging issues the crusher had to be rescheduled - as soon as a new date is set a notice will be published. We will continute to accept cars and metal goods. Due to the changing metal market we are asking for donations for all vehicles and metals. Please be as generous as possible to help defray expenses. Also please make sure that no trash is left in vehicles or in the pit. For safety reasons there can be no salvaging of items in the pit. Thank you for your cooperation. If you have questions call 846-2468.
Please come support the Chebeague Island School
Tonight Beth Howe and Mac Passano are the guest speakers at the Historical Society meeting to talk about whaling and the Antarctica where they spent some time this past winter.
Tuesday night 6-8 at the school - The photo to the left is a baby lobster who was raised by the children at the Chebeague Island School as part of the Lobster Tales banding project. The 3-5 grade class are having an open house tomorrow night to celebrate their lobster projects. You will be able to see the larval lobsters that they are raising, see the website and the lobstermen biographies they wrote, hear about the lobster Tales banding project, watch "The Thrill of the Haul" (Rachel Damon's 10 minute documentary film about lobstering on Chebeague, and hear how to say Chebeague! The program runs from 6 - 8 and you can come in anytime and see their work.
There will be a Working Waterfront Workshop at the Chebeague Island School on Tuesday from 5-6 pm. Rob Snyder and Shey Veditz of the Island Institute and Jim Connors, Coastal Program, Maine State Planning Office will be facilitating the workshop and are hoping to get lots of input from the island fishermen on important points of historical fishing significance. This will provide information on the status of Statewide efforts to protect working waterfronts in Maine. For more information call Carol White 846-4769 or Rob Snyder at the Island Institute 594-9209.
This Spring the Chebeague Island School along with the help of BJ Abrahamson, Bob and Nancy Earnest, Sue Burgess, Barbara Porter and the Island Commons started a community garden at the Commons. The Chebeague Island students visited with their classmates and have planted beans, pumpkins, lettuce, broccoli, tomatoes, mint , potatoes, snow peas, radishes etc. Summer work bees will be needed - please contact Bob Earnest if you would like to help out. The residents of the Commons were looking forward to having mint tea and the children are looking forward to adding the bounty to their healthy lunch choices this fall.
Yesterday was FLAG DAY and to celebrate the school children from Chebeague, Cliff, Long and Peaks got together for a wonderful day and learning time. Click here to learn more and see some of the photos from that day.
The Chebeague Island School has created a website that was created in the spring of 2005 as a collaborative effort between students at Bowdoin College and the Chebeague Island School. The content for this site was inspired by the third-fifth graders who attend the island school. Bowdoin College students, as part of a service learning project for their class entitled the "Anthropology of Islands", designed and built the website. The project was made possible through important connections made by the Island Institute and LobtserTales project.
The Town Council is interested in creating a permanent Chandlers' Cove Advisory Committee and is looking for volunteers. Any interested folks should contact Nadeen Daniels at 829-2205 or
I was browsing the Town website and saw that training awards were given to Lieutenant Gordon Murphy - 331 Hours, he was second only to Firefighter Matthew McCollom - 451 Hours - congratulations to both of you!
You can click here to see the Town of Cumberland's Agenda for tomorrow evening's meeting. Before the meeting there will be a workshop with representatives from the island from 6 - 7. We will be discussing the exploration of Chebeague becoming its own town.
As I have indicated before and are on the signs around the island, the Chebeague Island Community Association is meeting Saturday mornings at 8 am. We really hope to have people come and participate in our discussions and help with our pursuits. Please come to the Parish House, even if you have reservations about the process and/or idea of self governence - we really want your input. We will even have coffee this time!
Wi-Fi Update: Verizon hasn't dropped the T1 line yet, but Ubiquitair has gone live with its website. Even though Wi-Fi is not yet available, you can express your interest in the service by registering online. I can't say that the service will start any sooner if hundreds of people indicate an interest (no obligation), but it would certainly convince Ubiquitair that they've got a good thing going! And continue to monitor the Chebeague News page for progress updates.
Roberta Ricker, author of West By North...A quarter North" once upon a tide and time in Casco Bay, Maine, will be a guest speaker this July 18th at the Chebeague Historical Society. Click here for a list of her other engagements this summer and fall. Some of her paintings may be viewed at Casco Bay Lines terminal.
Yesterday was the first day of the pool and click here to see one of our lifeguards, Lauren Miller, as the first lap swimmers started their summer workouts at 7:30 am . The pool is open for lap swimming Tues, Thurs, Sat and Sunday from 7:30 till 9 am and everyday at noon.
Message from David about WIFI: Everyone has been asking about when the Wi-Fi is going to be available and how it's going to work. The latest word is that Verizon has given Ubiquitair an absolute date of July 6 to install the first T1 line. But Verizon and Ubiquitair are working hard to move that date up since the T1 order has been in for almost two months. Once the T1 line is in place, Wi-Fi should be available almost immediately. Watch this news page for the latest updates and visit for more information about wi-fi in general and the Chebeague project in particular.
There is a new organization on the island whose purpose is
to ensure the viability of a year round community. It will be
called the Chebeague Island Community Association. All the meetings
are public and we encourage participation and input. Look for
signs at the store, library, boat for times and place. I have
put online some of the documents and information we are all looking
at and working with. Click here
to access these items which include a pdf of the 1992 Long Island
Report which was submitted before they left Portland and also
our own Chebeague Island Comprehensive plan from 2002.
Yesterday the rec center had a carwash to raise money for a hike to Zealand Falls Hut next weekend. I heard they raised over $200! Click here to see photos of the event.
The off-island survey itself will also be posted here on if you or they would find that an easy way to respond.
Please help us. The future of Chebeague as a diverse, year-round community depends on many things. One of them is an adequate supply of housing that people can afford to live in. For more information on this request click here.
Last night was Chebeague
School Appreciation Night. The children displayed their
artwork, sang and played the violin and other instruments. We
also had the special treat of having the Greely High School Jazz
Band perform for us with Tyler Putnam accompanying the group.
Our graduate from the Chebeague School is Julia Maine and from
High School are Tyler Putnam, Cooper Bowman and Thomas Damon.
You can see photos from the night by
clicking here.
The Island Commons workshop scheduled for tonight is postponed til further notice because of the forecast of high winds and possibility of boat cancellation.
I have just added to the website "Maine Memories" by Judith Horky. This is an essay of her memories of coming to Chebeague as a child.
For information on the pros and cons of the proposed Budget Validation Process see the MSAD51 web site and the and web sites.
School Budget Vote: Thursday May 19th was the school budget for the 2005-06 school year. Next years' budget is approximately $23,800,000. This represents an increase of approximately 6% ($1,400,000) The budget passed by a wide margin (about 235 to 35) with approximately 270 people in attendance. Although the budget increased the mill rate on the school side of the budget will actually decrease do to changing state funding formulas.
This Thursday is School Appreciation night on Chebeague at the CIHCC. The actual appreciations start a 7 but we have a special treat from 6 pm to 6:45 the Greely High Jazz Band and Tyler Putnam will be accompanying them with some songs.
The Island Commons Resource Center sponsors a community seminar
Prescription Drug Benefit Programs Overview New Medicare
Drug Benefit Coverage-Eligibility-Cost-Enrollment-Assistance on
Wednesday, May 25, 2005 In the Parish House At 7:00. Presented
by Katlyn Blackstone Medicare-D specialist at Southern
Maine Agency on Aging Rob Clark Public Affairs specialist
at Social Security Office
*Katlyn and Rob will distribute informative hand-outs, and will
be available after their presentations to meet personally with
anyone to discuss individual concerns about drug benefits
This is a free program. Refreshments will be offered.
The SAD 51 Board of Directors are meeting Monday, May 9 , click here for Agenda in pdf format and click here for the minutes of the last meeting in pdf format.
The SAD 51 2005-2006 School Budget Vote
Greely High School Gym
Thursday, May 19, 2005
Registration Begins: 5:45pm
Meeting Begins: 7:00pm SHARP!
Click here for a WEB format for the BUDGET VOTE MEETING GUIDE, click here for the same guide in a doc format.
That meeting is May 19th and the vote on Chebeague for changing
the way voting is done will be May 24 - there are two websites
you may go to to learn more - The Vote YES site
and the Vote NO site
The Planning Board
Agenda is linked here for May 17th meeting.
IMPORTANT MEETING - SUNDAY MAY 15TH - 3 PM - AT THE HALL - Community Meeting including Status reports on Chebeague Island School! At this meeting the committees established at the previous community meeting in March will report their findings to the group. After these reports are presented we will discuss a strategy and what actions(s) to take next as a community. ALL COMMUNITY MEMBERS are urged to attend this important meeting. Following the meeting I will be posting information derived from the meeting for interested people who are not on the island at this time.
There will be a Memorial Service for James (Jim) Leonard at
the Chebeague Methodist Church, Chebeague Island, Maine at 1100
AM Saturday June 18, 2005. There will be a reception for friends
and family immediately following the Service at the Chebeague
Island Hall. Those needing help with transportation or logistics
can contact either Cap Leonard (207 846 0801) or Priscilla Ross
(207 846 4072).
A reminder that tonight is the beginning of the second session of the Hyde Parenting Program. It is a wonderful opportunity to learn more strategies and how to deal with day to day child/teen concerns. It is only an hour and half and lots of fun. You don't have to have participated in the previous one to join tonight! Click here for the brochure.
The Cumberland-North Yarmouth Taxpayers Association has asked
me to pass on their new website which is at
Some of the 3rd through 4th grade students from the Chebeague School visited the Historical Society Museum to learn more about the island and their roots. The full size figure in one of the photos is of Jim Rich with his great granddaughter sitting below. The students have been working with students from Bowdoin to create a website which will be up and online soon. You can see some photos of the children working at the school on the project and then visiting the museum.
Planning Board scheduled a site walk for the proposed Roy Hill subdivision on Chebeague Island. They will be meeting at the Route One satellite parking lot at 7:45 a.m. on Saturday, April 30th. They will be returning on the 10:00 a.m. boat.
Auditions for Li'l Abner will be June
27th (Music) 7-9pm and June 28th (Readings) 7-9pm at
the hall. The cast list will be posted on the 29th and we will
have our first reading that evening from 7-9pm at the hall. This
is going to be a really fun and exciting show. We will need as
many people as possible. If you know of anyone that is interested
please feel free to give them my email address. Tom Adams, who
lives on the island, will be our accompanist!! Welcome Tom! Listed
below are the audition songs. The CD is at the island library
and I will soon have a script available too!
Audition Songs: Men: If I Had My Druthers- Jubilation T. Cornpone
Women: Namely You (up to the point where Abner begins
to sing) - Put'em Back
If you have questions just email Stacy Stewart
Bulky Waste Weekend
August 5th, 6th, and 7th
Transfer Station
Residential: Demolition Waste- Metals- Tires (no rims), Brush
and Yardwaste will be accepted at no cost.
o Commercial Waste must pay full rates
o No Hazardous Waste (you can take care of that on July
16th- see above)
There will be charges for Universal Waste and Freon Containing
This is a potluck event, please let Jami KomLosy know what you are bringing to share, please contact her at: 207-893-1899 home or 207-939-8496 cell phone or e-mail: by Friday, April 15th, thank you.
Everyone is invited including children!
The agenda for the town council meeting tonight.
The second session of THE BIGGEST JOB We'll Ever Have is starting up April 26th! This is a fantastic program which is open to everyone; parents, grandparents, friends, neighbors and interested people who want to learn more about parenting. If you didn't do the first session it doesn't matter please come anyway. Check out the flyer!
The CTC boat and parking rates have all gone up as of April
1 - you can see the new rates on their page at:
Thursday, April 7th, 7pm at the Hall - Friends and Neighbors of Cumberland and North Yarmouth will be meeting and speaking about their position regarding the MSAD 51 Budget Validation Referendum Process which has been proposed by the Taxpayers Association. You can see their fact sheet which they had at the poles in November.
Click here for the Agenda for the Town Council Meeting next Thursday. You can click here to get the agenda for Monday's April 4th School Board Meeting.
There will also be a service on Chebeague in August which might
be preferable to Chebeaguers!
Congratulations to Dick Calder who along with George Small received a special award at Val Halla Cumberland Firemen's banquet for his 50 years of service and more. (actually 53 years)! Thank you Dick for all you do and are still doing!
There will be a spaghetti supper Sat April 2nd at Parish House at 6:00 pm watch signs for details amd mark your calender $6 per person - kids $3 under 4 eat free.
Special Church Program: The Greater Portland United
Methodist Cluster is hosted this Sunday by the Chebeague United
Methodist Church at 3pm - Guest preacher
is Reverend Tom Merrill (Tom was our paster from 1957
to 1962) - The theme is Stations of the Cross and Tom's sermon
is the "Final Twelve Hours". We are also having a guest
choir from the Tuttle Road United Methodist Church. Glen Coombs
also wanted me to remind everyone that there will be a time of
fellowship following.
March 14, 2005 -
This weekend we had a juvenile hooded seal hang out on the seventh
tee. He was left alone but after most of the day it was decided
that he didn't seem well so the Marine
Animal Lifeline was called and came to the island to care
for the seal. A couple more pictures are on the photo
A note from Rachel Damon: "Hi Everyone! This is Rachel
Damon, and I am working on my senior project at Colby College
which is a documentary film about Maine Lobstermen (and women).
I will be filming on Chebeague on Friday March 18 and Saturday
March 19 with several members of my group, as well as from March
20-27 on my own. If you would be willing to be interviewed; please
e-mail me ( or give me a call (207 318 8115)
and we can set something up. It is a really minimal time commitment,
and we are focusing on personal stories of the family, generational,
and community aspects of lobstering, as opposed to the commercial
side. I would love it if alot of you would participate, I think
it is going to be a great film, and will be screened at Colby
in the beginning of May. I am also looking for pictures or video
of people lobstering. Thanks so much and hope to hear from many
of you! - Rachel"
11, 2005 - Snow, snow, snow and more snow - that is the forecast
for the next week - YUK! If you are coming to Chebeague or trying
to get off don't forget to check with the CTC. Last night the
night trips were cancelled because of the impending storm. We
still had our swim meet so we found a place to stay on the mainland
The School District agreed on Thursday to remove the proposal
to send fourth and fifth graders to the mainland and there is
an article
in the Portland Press Herald about some extra funding
available through the state to help isolated schools. Some of
the board members have said they still want to revisit the issue
and I feel that they have heard it all and there is no need to
revisit the issue EVER! (I try not to be political but this time
I'm mad) Thank you to John Wilson who had researched the States
funding situation and informed the School District at their meeting
Monday night.
March 8,
continued - There was an article
in the Portland Press Herald today about the meeting last
night. The minutes
of last nights meeting have been posted here and the agenda
for March 10 School Board Meeting is here. This includes item
5a) Chebeaqgue Island School: Discussion of 3/7/05 presentation
on the proposal to reduce CIS by a Grades 4 & 5 teacher and
whether the proposal should remain as part of the budget process.
Today at 3:45 I was at the rec center and there were the 3-4th
graders practicing and learning basketball - they were having
so much fun. They had come over from the school at 3:15 and were
there till 4:30 having a blast. All I could think of was that
these were the children who if they were going to the mainland
at that time would have been on a bus on the way to a boat after
school and missing a very valuable social, educational and athletic
experience! Click here to
see a picture of the children!
8, 2005 - An update about what has
been happening the last few days about the SAD51 proposal to move
the 4th and 5th graders to the mainland. A meeting was held on
Chebeague by concerned citizens and as can be seen in the photo
there were about 80 residents attending. Polly Frawley, the chairman
of the School Board came to apologize for the lack of proper process
in coming up with their proposal. She said that the Board would
still keep it on their agenda for the following evening in order
to hear our concerns and comments. She said that they would not
make a decision to take it out of the budget process at that time
but would considerate at a later meeting. After she left we had
a wonderful dialogue and meeting and worked on our response to
the Board.
Last night we met with the School Board and most everyone who was at the Hall meeting and more were there to present our feelings, facts and information and especially to get across the "unintended consequences" of sending our 4th and 5th graders to the mainland. The School Board listened to all of us and each board member made their comments which mostly stated that they will probably take this out of the budget process this year. It is my feeling that Jim Moulton and Bob Vail made it clear that it should be dropped forever and never brought up again and stated that it was ridiculous to subject 8 to 10 year olds with the kind of commute that is being considered.
There will be a Hall Pot Luck Supper this Saturday March 12th! We are planning to have all kinds of games following the supper. The supper starts at 6 and will cost $6 for adults and $3 for 4-12 yearolds and 3 and under is free. Games will start as tables are being cleared. Please come even if you don't want to PLAY.
Martin Avery will be turning 100 years old on March 20th - His address is 179 Dogwood Drive, Hartford, NC 27944.
The Application and the information about the Wharf Tie Up
are now online and I have added them to the website so you may
print and send in your application by March 31, 2005. Click
here for the Application/information and click here
for the PLAN.
6, 2005 - In todays Portland
Press Herald there is an article about the school as well
as one of their daily questions asking if people think island
schools should be able to keep them. Remember the meeting at the
Hall today 3pm.
Jane Hahn has had her cancer operation (which was successful) and is doing extremely well ,thanks to great surgeons and husband Toms' wonderful care. She wishes to thank all of you for the prayers said on her behalf at church and for the many wonderful cards and notes and pictures that cheered her up. She'll see you in the early spring.
A note of thanks from Tom to all who helped and came to the great dinner/BBQ, the church made about 250.00 for the general funds - hope to see you next time, think spring....
Today the Tsunami Benefit Talent Show - and what a show - the talent on Chebeague is amazing! Click here to see images from the event!
A message from Alison Manion:Don't miss the boat. Recipes wanted
for the new 2005 Chebeague Island Parents Association cookbook.
Please send your family favorite(s) to Alison Manion to be included
in this wonderful book. Due on or before March 1st, 2005.
Original artwork and poetry may also be submitted for publication.
Real mail: 105 Roy Hill Rd., Chebeague Island 04017
Email: Email:
or put your recipes in the flowered box at the Chebeague Island
The Chebeague Transportation Company invites everyone to Captain Don Buxbaum's Retirement Party at the Island Hall on Saturday, February 12th, 2005 from 1-4pm. Light Refreshments Served.
Besides my website (which isn't always updated in a timely manner) you can stay informed about Town of Cumberland items by subscribing to their mailing at:
I have just added the agenda for the February
15th Planning Board Meeting.
The Town of Cumberland has posted two ads which you may see here: Job opportunity as Harbor Master and a Committee opening for Chandlers Cove Committee
Don't forget the abbreviated CTC schedule today. I hope I got all the times right, but even if I did, it's a good idea to call your friendly CTC travel consultant when you're making your plans -- 846-3700.
Also, tonight is the Baked Bean Supper at and for the Hall - there will be beans, hotdogs, coleslaw, bisquits and PIES! $6 adults and $3 children.
Today (and we hope today only!), CTC has cut back the schedule
so that only the following trips will run:
6:40/7:00 am
10:00/10:15 am
2:15/2:30 pm
4:45/5:00 pm
UPDATE: The CTC schedule for tomorrow, Saturday, January
29th is:
8:00/8:15 am
12:00/12:15 pm
3:45/4:00 pm
6:15/6:30 pm
Plan your day accordingly!
It is a cold, sunny day on Chebeague today. We were in Boston for the weekend and fortunately took the downeaster train down Saturday morning and then back yesterday afternoon. I think it was the only thing running and it actually left North Station on time (Getting from Park Street to North Station was a little difficult). There was only one boat for the CTC yesterday because of the wind and ice and we were able to get back for the last Casco Bay Boat just in time for the Patriots game. Chebeague looks like it got less than a foot of snow but the drifting snow was a problem.
So many birthdays this month: Carol Seabasteanski, Amos and Louise Doughty, Polly Hunneman, Richard Yenco, Jennifer Belesca, Betsey Wemesfelder, Beth Dyer,Vickie Taliento, Ken Hamilton, Ruth Houghton, Glenn Ross, David Miller, Marty Trower, Arlene Dyer,... Happy birthday to all and the ones I missed.
The MSAD #51 School Board was going to meeting on 1/24/05, but that date has been moved to 1/31/05. The meeting will be at 7:00 PM in the Cumberland Town Hall Council Chamber. An agenda will be distributed on 1/26/05.
Baked Bean Supper will be January 29th at 6 PM for the Hall - there will be beans, hotdogs, coleslaw, bisquits and PIES! $6 adults and $3 children.
There will be a Cumberland Town Meeting on Chebeague Island, Monday, January 24, 2005 and you can see the tentative items for the agenda by clicking here.
This year I have a special treat. But those of you with dial-up will just have to wait a few minutes to see it. You see, here on Chebeague we don't have broadband Internet service. No cable modems. No DSL. Nothing but dial-up. Sheesh! Do they have it in Cumberland. Of course! But do we have it here? Nooooo! It's a good thing they didn't feel like that about telephone service, or we wouldn't even have dial-up!
But, anyhoo, here's a video originally aired on nationwide ABC television in 1980, so it's celebrating its 25th anniversary. In it, I give my age. It's a round number, so you shouldn't have any trouble doing the math. I had a little trouble, but you should be able to do it OK.
Actually, I fudged it a bit. You see, they shot the spot just before my birthday which as you all know is today, January 12. So at the time I was like 30.98 years old. But they didn't run it until the 14th, and by then I was really 31 years old. But I had already said I was 30. Just another indiscretion of my misspent youth, I guess. But that was a long time ago. A very long time ago. Heck, Jimmy Carter was still President. And that's four or five Presidents ago. I have trouble keeping track.
So, here it is. And those of you with dial-up, you have my deepest sympathies, but I'm sure you'll agree that it's well worth the wait!
People who are signed up to plunge so far who we know of are: Lida Munroe, Anna Maine, Bob Earnest, Gail Miller, Beverly Johnson, Ed Manion, Leah McDonald and twelve students and staff from the Hyde School in Bath (Chebeague Youth Leadership Program is in partnership with the Hyde School)!
Show times are Friday and Saturdays at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 2:30 p.m.
For more information call the Box Office at 207.799.7337
Portland Players
420 Cottage Road
South Portland, ME
Also, Chebeague Players auditions
for Li'l Abner will be June 27 & 28. Show dates
are August 11, 12 , 13. Mark your calendars!
For anyone who hasn't picked up their Whaler's CD, they are still available at the Library and the Store or send a check $10 per CD which will include postage. You can send them to me Bev Johnson, 14 Soule Road, Chebeague Island, ME 04017.
Today is Don Buxbaum's last day working for the CTC - he has been working for us for nearly 30 years. Happy retirement Donny - you have earned it! Congratulations to Darren Hillicoss who has been promoted to full-time Captain.
The School Board meeting agenda for 1/3/05 and the 12/20/04 meeting minutes are available here.
News from 2002 - through January
22, 2003
NEWS 2001
1996 AND JANUARY 1997
I would love to have any news, poetry, stories to add to
my news page so please email with anything you think would be
of interest to islanders around the world - yes Singapore, Egypt,
Mediterranean, Boston etc. checking out the news page everyday!
So please email me at
Click on the picture to go to
Chebeague Island Anchor Page