Portland Observatory webcam picture of Casco Bay. You can click
on the picture to get the Chebeague weather page. To learn more
about the Portland
Observatory click here!
December 31, 2000
- David Hill got a new toy for Christmas and took a video of the
Islander landing on Cousins this morning which you can see on
his website
- Unfortunately I'm not able to view it with my Mac - at least
I haven't figured out how. If someone knows I'd appreciate finding
out. I can see the still picture fine. I also added a picture
of a snowman made by Elizabeth and Linda on the picweek
page - perfect snow for snowman!
30, 2000 - Just received an email from Sandra and Malcolm
Rice who are now in front of their computer in that miserable,
hot, dry balmy Tortola - I feel sorry for them while we get to
frolic in the 8 to 10 inches of luxurious wet snow. I can't wait
to see what tomorrow brings if there is power. They wanted me
to mention that the idea to send Sandra's photo in was Gerry Ross
and the brains for finding the application online was Doug. We
also don't want to forget all the many people who got the lights
on the clubhouse over the years.
The Library page is becoming more effective everyday and Deb
will have a weekly update or reminders as needed which I will
let you know about. So please check
out her latest news.
December 29, 2000 - It is time to start thinking about
taking the PLUNGE. (Click
here to get your pledge sheets and see previous year plungers)
The Polar Bear Plunge that is - it is a month earlier this year
and is happening January 13th, 11:00 at Bennetts Cove. We figure
the water will be a lot warmer than it was in February - isn't
that great! The teens have quite a weekend planned with a talent
show on Friday, Plunge
on Saturday at 11, a chili and chowder challenge 12, and Flaymin
Raymin on Saturday Night, Hockey Game Sunday. Anyone who would
like to pledge can email me or any of the other people who have
signed up so far but it is better to sign up yourself and get
all your friends to sponsor you.
December 28, 2000 - Congratulations to
Sandra Rice whose photo won $500 for the Chebeague Golf Club in
the CMP photo contest. The winnings will help the electric bill
for the lights. You can see the picture at the CMP
website and on the picweek site.
25, 2000 - MERRY CHRISTMAS! - Santa left his reindeer
bird on the island!
December 21, 2000
- I have been working on updating the Library
Page and hope everyone will go to the site and check out all
the links. I haven't done the Maine Collection Page or Video page
yet but they will be done soon. If you have any suggestions or
items you would like to see included please let the library or
me know.
December 19, 2000 - The
Long Range Planning Committee meeting, December 13, was well
attended last week at the Hall and there were many comments regarding
the issue. I have included information about the goals of the
meeting and the public comments which were written down during
the meeting.
December 17, 2000 - I just
came home from the Library Holly Berry Bakesale and have taken
some great pictures for the library website which is currently
getting spiffed up. You can see pics
of lots of great food and festive islanders. Last night the
CPA's Christmas Party was held at the Church and I took some pictures of the children
December 12, 2000 - Happy birthday
Raymond Hamilton who turns 90 today. Yesterday I happened to get
some pictures of the some of the eleven children taking
pottery lessons from Towanda after school on Mondays.
10, 2000 - The Whalers and Co presented Christmas Follies
at the Holiday Inn which was really at the Hall. What an unbelievably
great show it was. If you didn't get there you missed one of the
most entertaining shows ever! I took lots of pictures which
you can see here!
December 9, 2000 -
Sanford's Pond is open and the kids couldn't be happier!
The Historical Society is holding its annual Christmas Party
Monday, December 11th at 6pm in the Parish Hall. Everyone is invited
to join in the festivities, including a pot luck dinner (bring
a dish), musical entertainment (bring a homemade instrument),
and gift swap (gift $5 and below). The Holiday season has begun!
Next Wednesday, December 13 there will be an important meeting
at the Hall about the building cap. This is an important issue
for the island and the committee needs to know everyone's views.
If you can't go to the meeting you can email comments to the Long-Range
Planning Committee
or I have
opinions on this issue which you can
access here. (I will be glad to post other peoples veiws if
you wish to send them to me.)
December 7, 2000 continued - Today was
Maine Presentation Night for Mrs. Wilson's k-3 class at the rec
center and I managed to get a few pictures
of this terrific event.
December 7, 2000
- The Ladies Aid was busy today creating the wreaths which have
been ordered for Christmas. They took some time out to celebrate
Bertha Gray's 95th birthday. Happy Birthday Bertha! I happened
to be there picking up my wreaths and got a few pictures
on picweek.
December 5, 2000 - The Christmas
trees will be selling on Saturday the 9th from 3:30-5:30 - not
what was reported yesterday. That means that everyone can go to
the mainland on the CTC free boat, come home at 2:30 - pick up
their christmas tree at the fire house - set it up - go to the
church for a turkey dinner at 6 and then go to the Whalers and
freinds Christmas Concert!
December 4, 2000
- I'm so glad to hear that the Chebeague Fire Department is selling
Christmas trees again this year! It sure makes our life
easier. The price ranges are from $21.00 - $28.00 and they are
also selling mints and needhams beginning December (should have
been 9) from 3:30 to 5:30 pm.
December 9th at 8pm is the Whalers Christmas Special
with all kinds of added talent they recruited from around the
island. Before you go to the show you can have a turkey dinner
at the Church supper from 6 to 7:30pm!
December 1, 2000 - I was just up to the
library and took a picture of the Gingerbread house created by
Linda and Robert White which will be raffled off on December 17
at the Holly Berry Bake Sale. You can see this wonderful
creation here.
Congratulations to Lisa Carey who has just published her second
book and was reveiwed in the New York Times with pictures and
all!!!! The name of the book is In the Country of the Young!
30, 2000 - The other day I updated the email address page
and Jon Holt who was taking a course on web design made some great
changes to the set up. We would love to get some feedback on the
changes and also while you are there make sure your names and
email addresses are correct. We have found some mistakes already.
Sometimes I get emails from people asking to have their names
added and I think some sort of witch goes in and deletes them.
Sometimes its me by mistake getting rid of junkmail which I'm
getting more and more of.
Just a note to let everyone know that the Library is open on
Wednesday night from 6 to 8 - it was inadvertantly left off the
Calendar. Also there will be a Ginger Bread House raffle along
with a bake sale at the Library, Sunday, December 17th. I'm going
to take pictures of it tomorrow and you will be able to see it
for yourself tomorrow night.
November 26, 2000
- We have a new bird hanging (another arctic bird lost it's way?)
around the golf course. You can see a picture taken today on the
bird page. We think it is a snow goose (white
morph imature) but if someone knows differently please let me
November 23, 2000 - HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
It is cooooold! At 6 am it is 19 degrees.
We'll be going to Vermont for the weekend after we eat a huge
Thanksgiving dinner on Cousins Island (Nancy and Davids) and am
sorry to miss the Annual Craft Fair at the Hall. The fair
is from 10 to 2 and all the local artists and craftsmen will be
displaying and selling their works of art. The door prize is a
beautifully decorated doll done by Florence.
16, 2000 - The CCR is having a raffle of a beautiful
Santa made and donated by Florence Rich. You can buy raffle
tickets at the Library and/or at the Christmas Craft Fair which
is at the CIHCC Saturday, November 25th.
15, 2000 - Last week some of the children finished up their
first piece of pottery which they had created fired, painted,
glazed and fired during their Wednesday early release program
at the rec. Here
are some pictures of some of the children with their creations.
This weekend is the Ladies Aid Fair. Saturday from 12:30
- 3 pm at the Parish House. You can enjoy your lunch and get a
head start on Christmas shopping.
November 8,
2000 - Yesterday was election day and today we still don't
know who the president is. The weather was beautiful and the I
think the turnout on the island was huge!
This Saturday the Rec Center is having it's 2nd annual Kids
Craft Day from 10 - 12 where you can bring your child and for
a minimal cost they can make cool Christmas presents for all their
relatives and friends. We had a blast last year but this year
we'll be down in Boston visiting relatives and sightseeing.
I have changed the image to the left to the Portland Observatory's
webcam which I have been watching ever since Michael Porter sent
me the address. You can still click on it to go to the weather.
I forgot to mention that Denis Johnson turned 12 on Sunday
- that means he is an adult on the boat - Yuk! He's pretty excited
about using the green tickets - but guess who isn't!
31, 2000 - Tomorrow is Lauren
Miller's birthday - Happy Birthday sweet 17!
Chebeague Island Fire & Rescue is soliciting donations
towards an extrication tool that would allow us to extricate a
person from a vehicle quickly after an accident. The tool cuts
through and spreads the metal saving precious minutes immediately
following an accident.
We need $7500.00 to purchase this life saving device. Please send
your donation to Doug Ross, RR 1 Box 462, Chebeague Island, ME
04017. Checks should be made out to Chebeague Island Fire &
Rescue. Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by
the law.
October 30, 2000 - The goblins have been
decorating the golf club bird - check out
October 29, 2000 - It is windy,
cold and snowing!
Yesterday there was terrific wind and the CTC boat rescued
a boat broken down between Mosiers and Chebeague. We watched from
the shore with binoculars as the boat went alongside threw a life
ring and then managed to get the operator aboard. I
included some pictures of the CTC boat returning with their grateful
Last night the Halloween Party was a lot of fun and I took
some pictures of a few of the participants.
I had a blast with some of the teens on an island scavenger hunt
- we had to solve clues and drive all around the island finding
more. We ended at the teen center for more games and a pie eating
contest - yuk.
October 27, 2000 - The Island
Market will be closed all next week starting on Sunday. People
will be able to get their Sunday papers between 11 and 12 on Sunday
in front of the store. They will be back in business next Sunday,
Nov 4.
The Halloween Party will be tomorrow night at the CIHCC at
7 with all the usual fun (cake walks, costume judging....) There
will be a scavenger hunt for 5th graders and up starting at the
CIHCC at 8 pm and ending at the rec center finishing with more
fun and games.
October 26, 2000 - I have
an end of the year message from Archie and Claire
which includes some pictures.
October 21, 2000
- I have added some pictures of Volunteer
Field as well as some information. I have heard a number of
people comment on how nice it will to be able to go for a ground
ball without the worry of it popping up in your face. My fear
was always twisting my ankle while running for a ball - I have
done it more than once over the years. Thank you Betts for a wonderful
gift to our community!
October 19, 2000 -
Next Monday on October 23, 2000 the Town
Council has on their agenda a workshop on the Growth Management
Ordinance Regarding Chebeague Island. The meeting starts at 7:00
at the Town Office on Tuttle Road. There have been a lot of concerns
about the fact that building permits have been used through 2004.
This means that if someone wants to add a guest house or new building
you can't get a building permit until 2005. Young people who have
lived here all their lives and are now planning on building in
the near future on a small piece of family owned land are unable.
You may email Bob
Benson about this issue.
October 17, 2000
- Yesterday I was down at the Chandler's wharf when volunteers
Gail Miller, Beth Howe and Mac Passano were shipping the last
of the stored cans and bottles from the island. What a service
it has been for the island. You can see them hard at work on the
Chedemption Page!
While I was there I took some updated pictures of the parking
area and the new pavement and you can see them on the Wharf
Today is my sister's birthday Charlotte
Johnson and David Campbell. Yesterday was Doug Damon's birthday.
Happy Birthday!
October 16, 2000 - tonight
is the CIHS Meeting at 7:30 p.m. at the Parish House. The business
meeting will be followed by "Portraits and Stories of Old".
Come along and join the group, and bring a photo or memorabilia
to share, if you wish.
October 13, 2000 -
Tomorrow morning, Saturday at 8:30 am the Planning Board will
be here on Chebeague at the Hall for a meeting to discuss many
issues. There will be a Public Hearing on the Long Range Plan
and another on the reuse of the Nellie G Restaurant. You can see
the agenda
on the Cumberland Website. You can also view the Long Range
Plan here on this website.
10, 2000 - Last weekend the Great Chebeague Golf Club had
their annual Columbus Day Weekend "Frost Tournement".
For everyone who would like to see who the big winners were I
have made up a page - so click here! Congratulations!
9, 2000 - The Historical Society Meeting is scheduled for
Monday, October 16, 7:30 p.m. at the Parish Hall. The topic this
month is "Portraits and Stories of Old" and everyone
is invited to bring a photo, or memorabilia to share with the
group. Perhaps you need help in identifying a mysterious person
in a snapshot, or want to show off what you discovered in your
attic. So think about what you could add to the evening discussion
and bring it along. Also, Nancy Adams, on behalf of CIHS, is organizing
an outing to Winslow Homer's studio in Prouts Neck on Wednesday,
October 25. You can either meet at the Cousins Island Parking
Lot at 10:15 a.m. and car pool or follow the leader; or join the
group at the Studio at 11:00 a.m. The tour will be led by Mrs
Charles Homer and the fee is $5.00. The studio is only open by
special request and this is a great opportunity for Winslow Homer
fans (aren't we all?). Anyone inerested in attending, or who would
like more info, should contact Nancy Adams (846-3126)or Jennifer
Hamilton (846-4343).
Sam Birkett is working very hard on raising enough money to
purchase some new playground equipment suitable for all age levels
at the school. So far she has raised about $1800 and would like
people to know that contributions toward this would be greatly
appreciated. You can send checks to the Chebeague Recreation Center
and be sure to put in the note that this is for the playground
equipment. I will try to get a picture of equipment she is looking
at for the web site.
October 8, 2000 - Tonight
the Whalers are perfoming at the Hall - I am planning on going
and understand that the concert will be starting at 7:30 and not
8 as previously advertised. There will be lots of opportunity
to sing along and plenty of goodies!
Last night the Baked Bean and Casserole supper was a great
success and congratulations to GiGi Dyer who won the beautiful
hand stitched quilt donated and made by Shirley Burgess. After
months of selling tickets it was fun to see the look on GiGi's
face when they announced the winner. Congratulations also to Kit
Johnston who won the lobster trap coffee table made by Leland
The Chebeague Island Library Board of Trustees is pleased to
announce that Deborah Bowman has been appointed Interim Librarian
at the Chebeague Island Library. She will be officially at the
helm when the Library opens on October 11, 2000. Debbie comes
to us after serving a successful stint as the interim librarian
at Greely Junior High School. We look forward to working with
The Historical Society Meeting is scheduled for Monday, October
16, 7:30 p.m. at the Parish Hall. The topic this month is "Portraits
and Stories of Old" and everyone is invited to bring a photo,
or memorabilia to share with the group. Perhaps you need help
in identifying a mysterious person in a snapshot, or want to show
off what you discovered in your attic. So think about what you
could add to the evening discussion and bring it along. Also,
Nancy Adams, on behalf of CIHS, is organizing an outing to Winslow
Homer's studio in Prouts Neck on Wednesday, October 25. You can
either meet at the Cousins Island Parking Lot at 10:15 a.m. and
car pool or follow the leader; or join the group at the Studio
at 11:00 a.m. The tour will be led by Mrs Charles Homer and the
fee is $5.00. The studio is only open by special request and this
is a great opportunity for Winslow Homer fans (aren't we all?).
Anyone interested in attending, or who would like more info, should
contact Nancy Adams (846-3126)or Jennifer Hamilton (846-4343).
6, 2000 - I took some pictures of Chandler's
Wharf Parking Area which has had some major construction.
I was so surprised at how much had gone on that I went home and
got my camera so everyone could see it. I understand that next
Tuesday at 11 the area will be paved.
Tomorrow is the Baked Bean and Casserole dinner at 6 pm at
the Hall to benefit the Hall. $6 for adults, $3 for 4-12, 3 and
under free. Drawings for the coffee table made by Leland Hamilton
and Shirley's quilt.
Today in school the children had a special treat- a Civil War
Union soldier spent the morning telling children about the war
and what it was like to serve. Dr. Robert Swan did an exceptional
presentation and even brought hardtack for the whole class. You
can see some pictures
put on the website.
October 3, 2000
- I thought that because I just don't seem to keep everyone informed
of what is happening that I would start up a page of future events
on the island as reported in the Monthly Island Council Calendars.
I won't put people's tel numbers and if someone doesn't want their
event listed or they didn't get their event listed and want it
they can let me know. It will be linked at the upper right corner
of this page under calendar
of events.
October 2, 2000 - Now that
Darya and Denis are in Soccer 3 days a week and Vika is playing
field hockey everyday I can't seem to find the time at the computer
the way I use to. They also have found the internet and instant
messenger so I'm really having a problem getting the news out.
I even forgot to report that the volunteer appreciation day was
yesterday with free food, swimming and awards. A number of people
received t-shirts for swimming around the island and Rob Friedlander
was volunteer of the year this year. He puts in about 65 hours
a week volunteering at the pool and running the pool. Thank you
Don't forget that the Chebeague Island Hall's Columbus Day
Weekend Baked Bean & Casserole supper (rolls, cole-slaw,
pickles, pies, coffee and punch rounding out the meal) It's the
old fshioned kind of supper that we all love! The drawing for
Shirley Burgess' hand stitiched
and quilted quilt will be drawn and also the wonderful lobster
trap table donated by Leland Hamilton will be raffled at the end
of the evening. Get your tickets from members of the board if
you cannot attend. Saturday night at 6 pm is the dinner at the
September 25, 2000 - Today is the Historical
Society's "Chebeague Cemeteries - Do You Know Where They
All Are?" is on for Monday night at the Parish House
starting with a walking tour at 6:30. Anyone interested in a quick
tour of the Church Cemetery should meet outside the Parish House,
perhaps with a flashlight as it will be getting dark. After learning
some history of the cemetery, the group will gather in the Parish
House for further discussion on Island cemeteries.
Last week my daughter Vika had her second field hockey game
(this time against Yarmouth) and she and I set up a web page for
the Greely Jr. High Field
Hockey Team.
Yesterday Steve Dunsmoor from Lake Side Archery gave a demonstration
at the Rec Center. The kids and adults loved the demonstration
and then had the oportunity to try the bows and arrows out themselves.
Congratulations to Ben Johnson who was named the University
Athletic Association Athletes of the Week for men's soccer (offense)
- He is playing for University of Chicaco.
22, 2000 - Tomorrow is the annual GRANGE FAIR and AUCTION
starting at 11:00. They will be having their exhibit of island
artists and they have a beautiful old organ in the auction.
Don't forget that the Historical Society's "Chebeague
Cemeteries - Do You Know Where They All Are?" is on for
Monday night at the Parish House starting with a walking tour
at 6:30.
September 19, 2000 - Sunday was the official dedication
of our new Chedemption Building. Following church we had the ribbon
cutting ceremony. Volunteers all summer have been helping out
at the landfill to educated everyone on how to sort and dispose
of cans and bottles all to the advantage of non-profit organizations
on Chebeague. I made up a web page for the
event and will include all the statistics from Beth Howe when
I get them.
Last night at the Hall was a very nice retirement party for
Jim KomLosy with wonderful pictures of his 45 years of sailing.
Jamie read excerpts from his yearbook, along with notes from family
and friends. Jim's brother Fred who just had his 50th reunion
was here. That means that between Fred, Jim and now Jon's 9 the
KomLosy family have a total of 104 years of sailing!
15, 2000 - I can't believe how great the new
field is progressing, the irrigation is in and being adjusted,
the earth work on the field is complete, seeded and the infield
of the diamond is in place..with fencing to be completed soon.
We should all plan to get our teams together for next year - the
hope is to have it up and running Labor Day 2001. Thank you Betts!
We will have a great place to work on our soccer skills next fall.
People are asking why it is called Volunteer field. It was named
that in honor of all the volunteers the island has.
Happy Birthday Chris Rich!
13, 2000 - I just received this note from Jamie KomLosy:
"Monday, September 18th, 2000, Chebeague Island Hall,
6 to 9 pm Retirement Party for Captain James S. B. KomLosy
All Invited! Light Refreshments will be served.
My father has been sailing for 45 years, and "stepped-off"
his ship, the Major S.W. Pless on June 20, 2000. He is coming
to the island to celebrate his retirement with his island friends
and family. We hope that everyone will attend Monday, and we
are looking for folks who have tales to tell about my Dad - there
are sooo many!!"
September 12, 2000 - Last weekend was
one of the most beautiful of the year! Stephen and I played Sunday
in the Chebeague Golf Clubs "Blanchard Tournement" and
the big winners were Marlene Bowen for nine holes and Billy St
Cyr for the 18 hole competition.
I missed a lot of birthdays last week David
Hill, Dick Phipps, Kendra McKinnan, Kim Underwood...
You can still get raffle tickets for the wonderful
handmade quilt made by Shirley Burgess! The drawing will be
October 7th at the Casserole and Baked Bean Supper which the CIHCC
is putting on.
I have become quite involved in the American Youth Soccer Organization
(Soccer Mom) where Denis, Darya, George, Conrad, Allysa, Brian
are all participating in. The philosophy's are wonderful and the
children are having a great time without getting stressed out.
I volunteered to start a web page for the Cumberland/No
Yarmouth 1271 Region which has been a lot of fun. The games
are all on Saturday morning and I am trying to get pictures of
all the different teams. This has been one of the most positive
competitive sporting programs I have seen. I haven't been involved
in any before so who am I to judge. Denis is in the Orange Flames
and Darya is in the Purple Pulverizers.
9, 2000 - The Chebeague Island Historical Society Meeting
for September has been changed from Monday, September 18th to
Monday, September 25th. The topic "Chebeague Cemeteries -
Do You Know Where They All Are?" remains the same, and the
walking tour will start at 6:30p.m. at the the Parish House.
Today on Channel 10's Public Opinion - Donna Damon will
be one of the panelist - 7:30 tonight and 4:30 tomorrow afternoon.
Yesterday was Cindy MacNeill's birthday. Today there
is a SURPRISE birthday party for Cecil Doughty who
has just turned 60! Louis is having a the pot luck, bring your
own beverage, at the Hall starting at 5 today. The Wagoneers are
playing and everyone is invited.
September 7, 2000 - Happy Birthday Gail
September 4, 2000 - LABOR DAY!
Tomorrow is Donna
Martindale's birthday!
September 3, 2000
- Happy birthday Dan Barker and Rick Woolfrey!
I can't believe it - I won the beautiful CCR adirondack chair
- my lucky day.
August 31, 2000 - What a
site the children had when they had to enter the school bus yesterday
for the first day of school. Doug Ross
is the temporary bus driver while Marshall Bowen is on leave
with a back problem.
August 29, 2000 - Hansen's
Well Drillers are still on the island and yesterday I took some pictures of them at work .
School starts on Wednesday for the Chebeague Children and I
know they can't wait to get back, well at least I can't wait.
Teresa Bennett, a licensed hairdresser and cosmotologist will
be on the island Fridays to do peoples hair. Check
out her add here for more information.
25, 2000 - Gary Beauchamp and the Chebeague Inn are putting
together a huge birthday card for Bill Shuttleworth who will be
turning 80 this fall and is in ill health. If anyone wants to
email me a message for Bill - I will copy and pass on to Gary
or you can send them to Gary at the Inn. The archives are looking
for a picture of the Model A which Bill Shuttleworth use to drive
around the island. If someone has one they could contact Martha
Happy birthday to Nicky Wheldon, Waneta Cleaves, Betsey Ross
and Will Sharp!
I'll be in Vermont for the next few days.
22, 2000 - Last night's Historical Society program by Donna
Damon was very interesting and informative. The Hall was full
and we all learned so much. When I drove my daughter to the teen
center I couldn't help but realize how much was going on last
night. The firehouse was full with people for a fire rescue drill,
there was a meeting of the CTC at their office, teen center was
full of young people, adult pottery class was happening with James
Treadwell in the craft room at the rec and the Library was full!
The Well Drillers arrived on the island yesterday afternoon
and will start drilling this morning. They have scheduled five
wells and will probably be gone by the end of the week so if you
are thinking about one call early in the week. The ballfield is
looking so smooth and the irrigation company is on the island
for the next few days to get it in. What a beautiful week for
getting things done.
August 21, 2000 - A
new link has been added to the Chebeague Page - Barbara Porter's
"The Casco Bay Assyriological
Institute". Barbara has recently published a book One God or Many?
which you can read about on the site.
I finally updated the email list - so please check to see that
I put the correct address on and also I forgot to add the link
which brings up a to mail for a few and I'm not sure which ones
might need to be changed. Sorry it took so long!
20, 2000 - This month the topic of the Chebeague Island Historical
Society meeting is "A Window from the Past" - Part II
of "The Preservation of Chebeague", presented by Donna
Miller Damon. Donna will cover the everyday life on
Chebeague in the "olden days". Everyone is invited to
join the group at the Hall on Monday, August 21, at 7:30 p.m.
There are so many programs and events that I have missed this
summer - I feel bad - If and when an event is scheduled if someone
would just email me with the information I'll try to get it online
as soon as I can.
August 12 cont. - Today
is Jon Rich's birthday!! I fixed the incorrect link for the pictures
below if you tried and couldn't find them.
12, 2000 - Today is the CPA carwash and bakesale specifically
to raise money for playground equipment at the school. Goes from
10 -2 - and it looks like it will be a great day. I'll be up at
the transfer station this morning to help with the ongoing forever
bottle drive which will benefit all the non-profit organizations
on the island. It is so great having a place on Chebeague everyone
helps out. There is sign up sheet at the transfer station so everyone
can volunteer sometime to sort the cans. Hopefully there will
be a time everyone knows what to do with cans, bottle etc. which
would mean less volunteers.
I ust received some pictures from the Good, Bad and Ugly Golf
which took place last week. These pictures
are of the "good, bad and ugly" as you will see here
- it was scarrrry!! - Thanks Ruth!
August 5,
2000 - Tomorrow the Chebeague Fire Department and Rescue is
having its annual Open House - they will be having extrication
demonstrations and many more activities. The equipment is all
spiffed up for this wonderful event! There will be light refreshments
and lots of fun for the kids!
August 3, 2000
- The Chebeague Rec Center's GOLF and HO' DOWN was sooooo
much fun. Stephen, my brother Glenn and his son Chris, and I were
a team - even though we didn't win any prizes it was a great time
together - we are definitely going to get together next year when
the Chebeague Care Resource sponsors their golf tournement. The
two organizations have been taking turns each year. Flaymin Raymin
and Sizzlin Susan were a "HOT" and so were all the guests.
I wish I could remember all the winners of some of the events.
We had the hairy leg contest, the YeeeeeHawww screaming contest,we
learned some great dances. The door prize of a beautifully framed
picture from Galyree was won by Ruth Slowik. The punt which
was built by Bob Dyer, painted by Allen Malony with oars and life
preservers donated by Hamilton Marine was won by David Lynch.
I have tons of images
of last night which you can see now!! I will try to get the
list of winners of the golf tournement and post them. I do know
that Donna Damon's team of Sheila Putnam and Thomas and Tyler
won four prizes!
August 1, 2000 - What can
I say - I didn't move - and I haven't been away - but I haven't
had much time lately for the web site. I'm so far behind I don't
know where to start!!! Gosh, I haven't even reported on how great
Oklohoma was. There have been so many things happening. The CCR
Yard sale was a huge success and Sunday the kids went to the CIHCC
Ice Cream Social which included a magician. Last night a free
Mozart Concert took place at the Hall. This morning at 5:50 am
Mac Passano, Beth Howe, Carol Maine and I counted at least 11
young lobsters we found in Bennetts Cove.
There is a lot happening this week starting tomorrow - THE
Stephen and I even signed up to play golf in it which starts at
2 pm. There is going to be all kinds of prizes, the raffle for
Bob Dyer's punt will take place at 8 along with other awards.
I even heard that Jon Rich will be in the kissing booth - that
ought to draw some crowds.
The children's play will be this Friday night - It's $3 for
adults and $2 for kids. it starts at 7 or whenever the boat gets
in on Friday night. The show will be full of surprises!!!!!!!!
The transfer station is having it's BULKY WEEKEND Aug 4,5,6
all furniture,appliances are free,(except those containing freeon)
also free is any metal debri you have. demolition item(shingles,wood,sheetrock
etc will be charged accordingly)
July 18, 2000
- Ellen Goodman was on the Today
Show this morning - and I missed it! You can read excerpts
from her book on the Today show website.
Tomorrow the funtime Luau is from 6 - 8 pm at the Rec Center
- $5.00 includes dinner and swimming - the Polar Bear float is
here. At 7:30 - 10 at the Hotel under the tent a group of jazz
musicians are getting together to share their talents to benefit
the Chebeague Care Resource, including Laurel Masse, formerly
with Manhatten Transfer and Vinnie Martucci, Jim Cammack with
Ahmad Jamal, Jeff Siegel (Roland Hanna), Mark Dziuba. Suggested
Donation $10.
July 16, 2000 - The Fishermen's
Fair was a huge success for the Hall and everyone had a great
time! Don't forget Monday night the Historical Society meeting
at 7:30.
Our rehearsals have been going real well and I finally took
some candid shots with the digital camera
and you can even see some of the characters!
14, 2000 - Tomorrow (Saturday) is the Fishermens Fair which
runs from 10 - 2pm.
Mark your calendars with this one too! The Historical Society
monthly meeting is on Monday, July 17 at 7:30 p.m. at the Island
Hall. The topic is "Getting to Chebeague: Steam (and other)
Boats & Landings", presented by
Jim Millinger. All are invited to enjoy a review of this aspect
of Chebeague's history.
July 9, 2000 - I
haven't been on vacation - and yes my life is out of control -
there is no time for anything. Some of the events I wanted to
report on with all kinds of pictures are the Whalers Concert last
Sunday, lobster study photos, fourth of July Road Race, parade
and picnic, I promise that I will get the pics on sometime. We
have to be "off book" by Monday for the Oklohoma play
- which means I still have a little memorizing to do. I will list
some of the upcoming events just in case I don't get back for
a couple of days!
July 10 - Vacation Bible School starts at 2:30
July 13 - CRC "TEEN Inter-Island Caribbean Carnival"
July 15 - CIHCC - FISHERMEN'S FAIR 12-2 pm
July 18 - CCR's Summer Evening Jazz Concert, Chebeague Inn 8-10pm
July 19 - CRC "LUAU" and inflatable polar bear (Rob
is ordering Chicken this Wed and needs to know how much to order
- so please call the rec
July 21 - "OKLAHOMA!" 8 pm CIHCC
July 22 - "OKLAHOMA!" 8 pm CIHCC
July 22 - CI Golf Club Lobster Bake Tournement, 2pm
July 29 - CCR's 5th Annual Fanta$tic Yard $ale, CIHCC, 20-1pm
July 31 - Chamber Music Concert, "Sebago Long Lake Region
Chamber Music Festival" 7:30 CIHCC
JULY 1999
MARCH 30 1999
21 1998
1996 AND JANUARY 1997
I would love to have any news, poetry, stories to add to
my news page so please email with anything you think would be
of interest to islanders around the world - yes Singapore, Egypt,
Mediterranean, Boston etc. checking out the news page everyday!
So please email me at
on the picture to go to
Chebeague Island Anchor Page
The number of hits on the page depends on whether you access
the page through the old address which was started in 97 or the
new way using chebeague. org which means as of May 5, 1999.