March 30, 1999 - Last night about 25
islanders attended the Cumberland Town Council meeting where the
Council voted to endorsed the MDOT proposed agreement which you
can read about in todays Portland
Press Herald article.
March 28, cont.
- Congratulations to the Greely High Drama Club who finished first
in the state meet yesterday at Orono and now move on to the New
England Finals to be held in Bangor during April Vacation. Rachel Damon is the
stage manager for the production entitled "April Fish"
a spoof on the old game of April fools day. You can see pictures
from their Anything Goes Production
which took place in the Fall - I can see from that production
why they are the best in the State!!
I have included some pictures in the church
page of the Cradle Roll Ceremony.
March 28,
1999 - It seems that the Cousins Island people are getting
organized again and are preparing to heavily lobby MDOT to change
its mind about how things will work for the ferry service to Chebeague.
I think it would be a great idea for everybody on Chebeague (winter,
summer, anytime) to write to MDOT and tell them just how much
we appreciate what they're doing and give them some support in
the face of all the nasty criticism coming from others. Please
e-mail John G. Melrose,
Commissioner and/or Ron Roy
and tell them that we're behind them 100% and are grateful for
their efforts to preserve access to Chebeague Island. If you'd
rather write a letter, their addresses is:
Maine Department of Transportation
16 State House Station, Child Street
Augusta, ME 04333-0016
If we can do it for Crown Pilot Crackers, we should be able to
do it for our link to the mainland!
March 27,
1999 - There will be a Special Town Meeting Monday night,
March 29th at 7 pm at the Cumberland Town Hall to discuss the
Maine Department of Transportation Draft Agreement concerning
the Cousins Island Wharf and a letter from the Commissioner. The
CTC is sponsoring a free 6:15 and return boat fare for those attending
the Cumberland meeting. The CTC
page has a pdf file copy of the letter from the Commissioner.
Today was a Cradle Roll ceremony at the church which we just
attended. A lot of the children not previously enrolled received
a wonderful certificate and pin or book.
25, 1999 - We now have a local TV station and I mean really
local. Harpswell has it's own station UHF channel 14. They have
a 120 ft. tower, located on the town's highest hill on Mountain
Rd. in Harpswell I guess. During the day it runs a screen with
calendar items,news,weather etc. and then from 6 pm to 10 pm it
runs programs of community activities from school events to town
government with lots of other ideas. I just finally realized I
could get it - I had been trying. One of the people in charge
suggested that we might like to try putting together a show or
something. I'll be curious to see if everyone on the island can
receive it.
March 22, 1999 - The wind has
been howling here today all day and the power has been off on
different parts of the island - fortunately for us it has only
flickered a few times. I just took a drive down the east end and
included some pictures of the surf around the
Bruley House.
March 20, 1999 - Last night
was the St. Patrick's Day Dinner & Irish Sing-Along with entertainment
by the CRC
Tappers and the Whalers.
All proceeds benefitted the CIHCC and the Whalers - Great Fun
and Food!
Congratulations to Sherm and Kelley Rich who are getting married
March 18, 1999 - Steve Graves' family
wanted me to let people know that there will be a gathering at
the Parish House on Chebeague after the service at Lindquists
tomorrow. People will probably come back on the 4:00 boat and
go directly to the Parish House.
Today is Rob Friedlander's
Birthday! Tomorrow night the St Patricks Day dinner (corned beef
and cabbage) featuring the Whalers as well as the CRC tappers.
The event starts at 7:00 pm so please come and enjoy the food
and entertainment.
March 15, 1999 - I forgot
- yesterday was Doug Ross'
March 14, 1999 - The Whalers and
CIHCC are putting on a special St Patricks Day Dinner on Friday
night, March 19th at 7:00. You have to come for the corn beef
and cabbage and some great entertainment. As a matter of fact
the tappers (adults and children) (including me) are working on
a routine to show off our fancy footwork. The Whalers will be
singing and it is sure to be an eventful night!!!
The School Community Advisory Council will be meeting Tuesday
afternoon after school and we will have a guest, Maryellen Fitzpatrick
who will tell us about Foundation 51.
I also added some more pictures to the Library
March 8, 1999 - We are now covered
with snow from the storm that went through here this weekend!
I was in Vermont skiing at Killington where we skiied in 10"
of powder - it was great!
Today is Gerry Ross'
Birthday and also Archie Ross'
The Chebeague Recreation Center is preparing for an event this
summer which is sure to be a terrific time. It is called A Midsummer Night's
Frolic and is a progressive dinner on July 24th. Please check
out the page!
March 4, 1999 - Actors and
Actresses of all Ages Wanted ! CRC is producing an original version
of "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever".
We need children and adults to participate in this production.
Please read the information below and call Donna Damon 846-5140
ASAP if you and or your children would like to participate. For
more details please click here!
I just received a wonderful article from Elliot Thompsons daughter
Vicki from a 1933 Portland Press Herald which I have included
on the nostalgia page. - you have
to check this out - great picture of Richard Bowen, Elliot Thompson,
Albert Bennett, Milton Webber, and Clyde Bowen.
The memorial service for Elizabeth Weiss will be Saturday,
June 26 at 1 pm at the church.
March 2, 1999
- Today was a special day for me because it is the first time
I had ever eaten "green eggs and ham!" It was a little
tricky at first - just a little mind over matter work and I was
able to convince myself that they tasted just the same as without
color. The K-2 classroom had a Dr. Seuss Day and transformed the
room into "And
to Think That I Saw It On Chebeague Street." Pictures
of the children with their pictures, books and parents.
Tomorrow is a big, big, big BIRTHDAY for Dorrit
Tompkins - you'll never guess how old she is. Hint - she is
a little younger than me.
February 27, 1999 -
It turns out that we weren't the first on Chebeague to go swimming
in the ocean in February. I have included an article which appeared
in the Portland Press Herald in 1950
in the Nostalgia page.
February 25, 1999
- I have put pictures of the Chebeague 20 in Egypt on the picweek page.
23, 1999 - We have had some beautiful, sunny but very cold
days. Sanford's Pond has skating again and they have done some
work inside. Sanford and Mabel are looking for some indoor outdoor
carpeting that anyone might be getting rid of for the floor next
year. Keep it in mind next summer when you don't know what to
do with old carpet.
I have added a few more pictures from Gail Miller's camera
and Lori Rich's video camera to the Polar Bear Swim .
20, 1999 - POLAR
BEAR SWIM - Big news is the Polar Bear Swim - I don't
know the numbers yet but I think about 13 people jumped in the
water and about 100 spectators watched. It was probably the biggest
event of the winter - check out the pictures by clicking above.
The teen center has made over $1600 so far on just the swim. Tonight
is the Snow Ball and I have to get off this computer and get back
up to the rec center. Today they had a ping pong tournement won
by Joe Partlow, Geoff Summa won the eight ball tournement as well
as the basketball shoot, Chris McCollom won the nintendo championship.
19, 1999 - I'm back from Boston, the Chebeague 20 are back
from Egypt, and now tonight I'm back
from the "Talent Show" - which I'm sure will have rave
revues. I was definitely not myself tonight and in 3 instances
was actually someone else singing "Summertime" - what
a ham I can be. I think the kids were trying to figure out how
to slip out the back door unnoticed - I think they could've died
but we got through and I got 3 fives and actually got a prize.
I haven't looked at the pictures yet but I will put them on the
show page shortly.
Tomorrow I am jumping into the Atlantic Ocean along with a
few other hardy souls and I have only collected $90 in pledges.
I think Alna Robinson has over $300 and Lauren Miller is close
behind. It should be an exciting time tomorrow at Bennets Cove
at noon. You could always send in your pledges after the swim
if you like.
February 16, 1999 - another
message from Egypt. We are off for a
few days to Rockland and Boston but will be back in time for the
Winter Carnival here on Chebeague and to greet the Chebeague 20
when they get home.
February 15, 1999 - Two
more messages from Egypt added to the Egypt
Also I still haven't received any pledges to jump in this water
on Saturday and believe me - I'm not jumping in if the teen center
isn't going to make any money off me doing it. It looks like we
may have some snow coming for the snow sculptures but I hope it
isn't too much that it interfers with the skating. If you haven't
checked out the Winter
Carnival Brochure do so. There is also a talent show on Friday
night at the Hall - if you have any or even if you don't contact
VALENTINES DAY - February 14, 1999 - Happy
Valentines Day - I put together in chronological order all
the messages from Egypt and added one for today on the Egypt
Page. It should be easier for people who are just tuning in
on the adventure.
February 12, 1999 continued
- from Cairo - Dear Bev, Suhail called from Aswan to
say the Chebeague 20 had arrived from their trip aboard the Eugenie
and was preparing to board the boat for the cruise down to Luxor.
All folks accounted for - some had had a bug - flu - but had recovered
- Cynnie, Diane Ashe, Nancy Adamas, - and Althea had just come
down with it. But all had seemed to have enjoyed being pampered
by the crew of the Eugenie.
Nancy Adams was eager to know if there was any news from her
daughter who is expecting a baby. I could report none, but perhaps
you and your website team could check this one out and get back
to me so I can take her some info when I go to join them in Luxor.
It's a chilly friday evening - chilly Cairo style which means
about 55 degrees. I'm going to crawl in under the covers for a
good read .... it's been quite a week for me on the hotline and
I'm glad tonight there seems to be a lull.
Love from us all,
Leila .
February 12, 1999 - Yesterday was
the Colonial Festival for the Chebeague Island School grades k-2.
It was held yesterday afternoon at the Rec Center. If you weren't
able to be there you can experience it all at the Chebeague
School Colonial Days Website. The children served their families
a colonial dinner (venison, indian pudding, applesause, muffins
etc.) and then they each showed their trade and then performed
songs and dances. Please check out all their work. Mrs
Williams leaves for maternity leave today but would love to
hear from people about the project. This day was the culmination
of 3 months of hard work which started with the trip to Sturbridge
February 11, 1999 - From Cairo:
Dear Bev, Suhail is just back from Jordan, and very glad that
he went. Early tomorrow morning he flies to Aswan to rejoin the
Chebeague twenty as the steam in on the Eugenie and switch boats.
He'll be carrying with him hard copies of everyone's notes from
Chebeague. I know they will mean a lot to the crew after having
been out of touch with internet a phone for a number of days.
I'm stuck - and wired - for the next few days here in Cairo
with Security Duties for the whole UN system --- UN staff are
being evacuated from Asmara, Eritrea. With the fighting that flared
up once again between Eritrea and Ethiopia, and with the violence
intensifying the UN is working at getting all non-essential staff
and dependents out. Cairo is a safe haven and a staging point
for moving people home as wwell as for getting medical treatment.
But as of Tuesday I'll be able to hand over those duties to
a colleague, and so will fly up to Luxor to join everyone there.
Keep the messages coming and I'll take a new set of printouts
to everyone on Tuesday.
Am eager to catch up on all the adventures. Suhail just showed
me a great group photo of everyone in front of the pyramids -
just right to put on the Chebeague WebPage.
Love to all,
February 10, 1999 - The Chebeague Island
Hall is having a casserole dinner Saturday night. I will find
out the particulars and post them later.
Next week the teens and the rec center are putting on the first annual
Winter Carnival. You can check out the web page and all the
information through the CRC
site. The best part I think is the polar bear swim and there
are a number of us looking for pledges from anyone out there for
jumping in the frigid ocean. If you would like to email me
with a pledge for someone who is crazy enough to jump in the ocean
this time of year just let me know. I am one of the foolish ones
as well as Lauren Miller
and I'm trying to convince Donna
Damon to do it also - after all she is the one that came up
with idea. Is there anyone out there who would offer big bucks
to get someone to go in - what a great fun fundraiser. We will
have EMS standing by and of course the digital camera. Only 10
more days to get your pledge in.
February 9,
1999 - From Egypt: Dear Donna, Thank you so much for
your note and your thoughts. Suhail is in Amman for the funeral,
but Nora and I watched each step today on television. I was torn
between going to Amman and duties here.
What is lost, perhaps, in the pomp and circumstance of so many
leaders convening together at the door of the "palace",
is how modest this king was, and how down to earth his family
is. The palace is smaller than the Gilmartins' house. That spot
where heads of state crowded together is no larger than Ken Hamilton's
front yard.
The king grew up in a small stone house, not far from our own
in Amman - there was only cold running water in the taps. Jordan
never had any oil wealth - but its wealth has been in its people.
This tiny country, with limited resources, has invested, non-stop,
in education. The poorest as well as the richest families put
aside a very very large part of their family income for education.
It is something that we all know no one can take from you. But
it means all the more to Jordanians. In a country that Winston
Churchill predicted would never survive, people have long taken
their own practical steps to self-sufficiency.
But most of all, watching the recaps of King Hussein, I reminded
Nora that it is not wealth that makes greatness - it is human
understanding and the courage to look always way beyond one's
own small interests - to take risks for something greater than
one's self. In a world where many children are bound to think
that riches mean recognition and success, where playing it safe
is important for not losing, today's funeral was an encouraging
reminder that much less can mean much more. that risk taking may
have its rewards if it is founded on fundamental human values.
I'll reassure Mac and Beth about their cat. After all their
exposure in Egypt to the cat god, Bustratis (who loves to have
parties and fun), they
are probably imagining all kinds of goings on at the house while
they are away.
Tell Gail that her badges are the talk of the town. They do
not go unnoticed. The Swiss Ambassador asked, "Is this a
new order of the Masons?". The husband of the Norwegian Ambassador
asked "Are these from LL Bean?" Bob Putnam proudly intervened,
"These are from a supplier of LLBean, a special order for
the Chebeague 20 only. Made right on Chebeague".
At the end of our supper party Suhail got out a large map of
the East Coast - on demand - to show just where Chebeague is.
I've told Ruthie Houghton that Suhail and I will take no responsibility
for overload on the Islander. As the Chebeague Twenty makes its
way through Upper Egypt, they are bound to bring in more and more
interested people. Luckily, Lake Nasser is almost completely uninhabited,
except for birds and an occasional crocodile. There will be no
noise to get in the way of a whistle - or a big shout from Cynnie
and Vail for the Chebeague 20 to regroup. But once they get to
Aswan on Friday, where Suhail will rejoin them, they will have
a whole crowd following them everywhere. Hope they are taking
lots and lots of picture.
Tell your Dad that they may need to bring back a falucca as
well as a donkey. Bob was asking about navigation equipment on
the Eugenie. It's pretty much what you have on a falucca - or
a donkey - keep a sharp eye out. My brother-in-law Bill would
be amazed to see not even a single gadget like the array he has
on the Liberty - no depthfinders, no Loran , no GPS - just watch.listen
and keep your hands on the wheel. But the captain sits on a throne.
And there are no tides.
Stay warm, and fire up that stove. Give our love to Bumpy,
Mammy, Tom and Rachel. Wish you were with us -- all of you.
February 8, 1999 - Another message
from Leila to Ruth Houghton "Dear Ruthie, This is a real
treat hearing from so many Chebeague friends now the Chebeague
20 are out and about - roaming the waters of Lake Nasser. Wish
you were all out here, and especially Lewis. He has managed to
keep those fantastic lines of his over the years, despite the
candy. The Egyptians would find a way, with their honey-filled
desserts, to send him back to Chebeague with a notch or two added
to his waistline. We had all the Chebeague 20, and then some,
to supper. The local baker produced a great round tray full of
honey-laden "kunafah" - a dessert that would send the
calorie counters through the roof. It disappeared.I wish you all
could have seen Bradley, Elizabeth and Nora. Without prompting,
they decided that this was an evening to turn on the style. Bradley
wore a tie and looked as if he had just come home from college
- Nora and Elizabeth went into Nora's room in their pants - covered
with dust from a sandstorm at the pyramids - and emerged in long
evening dresses.Whoooa. tiny spaghetti straps and sparkles on
their shoulders. Elizabeth did her eyes Nefertiti style, and Nora
sat me down in front of the mirror and worked on my face - then
Elizabeth worked at transforming Cynnie. Joanie arrived full of
pizzazz and entertained a whole room of people, group by group.
Chebeague is now on the map of the Middle East. Draw up the drawbridge
so we won't get overwhelmed by visitors. If this continues through
Upper Egypt, I take no responsibility for overload on the Islander.
Suhail will get your message through to the Chebeague twenty on
Friday when they land from their cruise in Lake Nasser. That is
one place where you are really out of touch with the world - but
in touch with the greatest croissants I've ever eaten, cooked
right on the boat. Lots of love to all, and especially to Lewis
and Gerry.
February 8, 1999 - Saturday the
parents, friends, and teachers had a shower
for the K-2nd grade teacher Mrs Williams who is expecting
her first child at the end of February. Yesterday we spent the
afternoon ice skating and I have included a lot more pictures
to Sanford's Pond Page.
7, 1999 from Egypt - Donna Damon received this message from
Leila :
Dear Donna,
The Chebeague Twenty took off for Aswan early this morning
- the chilliest day I've seen since arriving in Egypt. We even
had some hail striking against my office window.
They encountered their first suggestion of what a sandstorm
may mean during their visit to Saqqara, and now this chill among
the palm trees - it is certainly not the tourist brochure image
of the Virgin Islands we have here.
Sadly, we could not go with them. The critical condition of
King Hussein meant Suhail had to make rapid arrangements to fly
to Amman - He left yesterday evening. I had to give up going with
him. Nora was in tears yesterday evening and today. Anyone who
has had his presence touch their lives feels a deep sense of loss.
Suhail plans to come back to join the twenty as they return to
Aswan from the cruise in Lake Nassar, and then be with them for
the rest of the trip.
Fortunately, we were able to have the whole crew, and some
friends to dinner at home just before Suhail had to make the change
in plans. For us it brought all the warmth of the Chebeague community
into our house in Egypt. At any ordinary time this would have
meant a great deal. As King Hussein lay dying, having friends
about one was an exceptional support. That warmth has remained
with us.
Joanie is definitely leading the crew in bounce for the ounce.
Please forward my messages to Bev to share with others.
Love from us all,
February 7, 1999 - Today is Elizabeth
Hill's fourteenth birthday. Right now she is in Egypt, but she
would love to hear from you. Her address is
Today is also Carmie Partlow's first birthday, and Vickie Riddle's
Congratulations to Ron Formisano who has had a movie production
company take an option to make a movie about his book The
Lobster Wars. Many books have film rights optioned without
having a movie made so we will have to wait and see if a production
crew shows up. Zaloom Productions of Santa Monica has an option
for this year (renewable for two) to make the movie. What great
roles for Newman, Gibson, and Travolta!
5 cont. - Donna Damon received this note today from Egypt:
"Hi Donna - they are all here, and full of adrenalin despite
the long trip. Joan was already out strolling in the gardens of
MENA house with her first bottle of mineral water, bought in the
dining room. And we came home from welcoming them with that treasure
trove of Grape Nuts. I've just savored a bowl while watching the
roll call at the Senate. Couldn't feel better, almost home. Off
to bed, but will try to keep you all posted. (Joan remarked right
away on the donkey carts moving right along minding their own
business in a settled way, with kids hanging out the back, amid
the chaos, fumes and constant honking of Cairo traffic. Let your
Dad know those hardy fellas are still going it.) Love, Leila"
February 5, 1999 - Got this message from Elizabeth (Betty,
Etta): "We got here yesterday and I absolutely love it! It
is soooo awesome. We are staying at the Mena House, and it is
awesome. Today we saw Saqqara (the step pyramid), Memphis, and
some other little things. We ate lunch at an awesome place. Vail
Traina went up and was dancing with the band people. It was funny,
they had a cloth and they put it around her unfortunately, none
of us had our cameras. Tonight we are having dinner at Nora's.
Love Betty"
Today is Leon and Leland Hamilton's birthday! I have just added
pictures of Kids
Tap Dancing at the Recreation and also the Ballroom
Dancing. Somehow I lost all the good pictures I took - I really
don't know what happened to them - when I was transferring them
most of them dissappeared from my screen and disks - some were
so great.
February 4, 1999 - Just received
this email from Leila: "And here they are, Bev, in Cairo
- all the crew and bags accounted for, and out and about in the
gardens of MENA House at night. Nancy Adams (I just added her
- I'm sorry) reminds you to see that she is in this crew and
wants to be included in your list. Important - it is Bradley,
not Tyler, (I'm sorry Bradley - this isn't the first time that
has happened to you) who is off on this expedition with his
Dad. Everyone was tickled that their departure was already out
there on the Internet. Will keep you posted. Let's see if they
can crawl out of bed tomorrow morning to head southwards to the
earliest pyramid at Saqqara, a good start to lots of climbing
up and down into tombs. Love from all, Leila" All I can say
is I was so anxious about getting their departure on the web that
I just didn't think or check .
I have added some more pictures
of skiing yesterday taken off of Neil and Vickie's video camera.
Trust me - it only looks like Tom Damon is going a 100mph down
the hill!
February 3, 1999 - The "Chebeague Twenty" are leaving
today for Egypt. I just went to the 10:00 boat and took a picture
of the group departing from here. Bob and Bradley Putnam, Al and
Vail Traina, Joan Robinson, Cynthia Sheketoff, Mac and Beth Passano.
They will be joining the Bonebakkers, Elizabeth Hill, the Hinchmans,
the Jordans, the Durgins, Althea Bennett, Diane Ash, and Nancy
Adams on Cousins Island and Boston to fly out later today to EGYPT!!
I have also included pics in the weekly
I just added some pictures to the Recreation
Center Page of our ski program which takes place on Early
Release Wednesdays.
February 2, 1999 - I'm
back from a beautiful weekend of skiing up in Dixville Notch,
New Hampshire. One more day until the "Chebeague Twenty"
leave for Egypt. Elizabeth Hill who has just signed on for the
trip last week has established an email address in hopes of finding
computers along the way and sending us back reports on their activities.
They have quite an itinerary and I know it will be quite an experience
for all.
January 29, 1999 - Finally it's
cold enough to go skating - Sanford's Pond was great! Right after
the kids got through with their tap dancing lessons they grabbed
their skates and flew over to the pond for a few hours. They are
skating by lights tonight. Finally the pond is open and we are
going away for a few days skiing. If I hadn't planned this trip
it would be to warm to skate.
Have a Great Weekend!! I'll update again on Tuesday if I'm
not too tired.
January 26, 1999 - Last night
the Rescue and Fire Department did a nighttime hellicopter rescue
drill with a new service in the area. In a few weeks they will
be doing a daylight drill. There are 20 people gearing up for
their trip to Egypt next week - it sounds like the dream vacation.
I just came back from my tap dancing class where Beth is teaching
us a routine for the St Patricks Day Dinner and show - being planned
for the benefit of the Community Center and Whalers - she is a
great teacher.
Today Mrs Williams Class, K - 2nd graders took a trip over
to the Community Center where they got some great help from the
"Quilters" to create their Colonial Quilt. It was such
a wonderful experience for all and I have some digital shots from
their day. Check out the pictures at the new school site K
- 2 Colonial Times.
January 24, 1999
- The Sunset Trade Issue #3 is going to press tomorrow at the
school and you all have the unique opportunity to check it out
first on the school website. The address is:
- there are some new pictures taken by the classroom photographers
and the stories and poems are terrific. It would be great if you
would email Mr. Bogh and let him know how much the publication
is appreciated.
January 20, 1999 - I just
returned from the ONF Workshop with Nancy Mason. It was very informative
and Nancy passed out CDs with the program for going on line with
them and I have already downloaded the program. If you want to
find out more you can check out their web site at
Hopefully we will be setting up some newsgroups so everyone will
be able to contact each other, chat and work on ideas.
Ballroom dancing starts Friday night so if you are interested
I think there is still room - contact Vail
Traina . I think about 20 people have already signed up.
17, 1999 - INTERNET ONF WORKSHOP Nancy Mason, administrator
of ONF a local bulletin board/email server will give a FREE
workshop at the Rec. Center on Wed. January 20 at 7:00 pm.
She will show everyone the ins and outs of using ONF; show us
how to install software; and even give us our own software to
take home. ONF has a homework board for Greely students; an Uncle
Henrys type swap and sell board; a craft site; local news and
weather; discount coupons for local businesses and much more -
signup necessary.
Today is Vickie Taliento's
43rd birthday!
January 16, 1999 - The
sun is finally out - but it is cold and the rain soaked snow and
streets are a sheet of ice so I don't think we are going to far
from home today. The
forcaster reported on the ferry situation in an article published
January 14th so check it out. Don't forget about CBS Sunday
Morning tomorrow - maybe they should come back and look at our
lifeline situation!
January 15, 1999 - News
Flash! - CBS Sunday Morning is doing a 20 year celebration of
their show and this Sunday they will be revisiting the Pilot Cracker
Story. So all you stars out their will be put back under the limelight
- call your relatives, friends etc. It looks like that fifteen
minutes of fame has just expanded to 20 or 25 minutes depending
on how much they cut out. It is scheduled for this Sunday between
9:00 - 10:30.
It has been unbelievably cold up here and peoples are having
all kinds of pipe freezes. The children in the school are writing
stories about winter for their publication "Sunset Trade"
and I took three of them around today to take digital pictures
to include in the publication. I have included one of them at
the Stone Wharf in Picture of the Week. You can see the ice forming
and the fact that the CTC is now using the Big Squaw for a boat.
12, 1999, For all of you who happened to see my page this
morning before I did - I just want you to know that was not a
real picture of me. When one of my former friends suggested to
one of my (oh I guess I'm just stuck with him) relatives that
he hack my page with a picture, she thought he would make me a
babe but not that kind!! Thank you for all the birthday wishes
- if I hadn't been up at the rec center trying to look like the
picture I would have changed it sooner. I hope all the children
had already gone to school. Thank you for all the birthday wishes
- now I'm half a century old.
Six inches of very light, fluffy snow has fallen and is continuing.
The 3rd - 6th grade were supposed to go on a field trip to Rockland
and the Farnsworth Museum and that has been postponed - they are
so disappointed. They still had school. There were five of us
at the rec center this morning working out on the equipment and
the morning day care program just started so the place was jumpin.
The Community Center was full of quilters working on some beautiful
projects. A little snow certainly doesn't slow our island up.
9, 1999 - I'm surprised I didn't receive one email from anyone
about putting the wrong date on my last entry. It has been raining
almost all day on top of the ice that was here and it's making
an awful mess. Tomorrow is Eleanor Johnson's 87th birthday and
today is Joe Partlow's
he's 36 - Happy Birthday!
HAPPY NEW YEAR - January 5, 1998
- Sunday we had our first storm of the year and the ice is
still loading down the trees as shown on the
pictures I took today. I have been very busy and for all of
you waiting for a bill from me I am catching up this week and
I'm not doing another thing till I have caught up. The kids have
been sledding on ice and still love the weather - it has been
awfully cold and we had about five houses with freeze ups on New
Years Day - I even went out plumbing!
The Chebeague Recreation Center will be putting on ChebeagaLasVegas
on July 17th this summer and we are looking for all the help,
ideas, suggestions etc we can get. I'm so happy to announce that
Vail Traina will
be chairperson for the event. Please contact Vail or me with your
help. We have already lined up some acts, tap dancers, dancing
girls and guys. We plan on having exotic non-alcoholic drinks,
games, entertainment and fabulous desserts. I will be setting
up a page shortly with lots more details so mark the date down
on your calendars.
December 30, 1998 - Woke
up to a yard full of snow and by 8:00 oclock our children were
skiing through the woods and having a blast as witnessed in the
picture of the week. Now to clean up the snow all through the
December 29, 1998 - The Whalers are
back and the first official meeting/practice is scheduled for
Monday, Jan 11 at 3:00, CIHCC. All are welcome to join, of the
female gender. Also there's been some discussion about having
a "community" singing group which would include men
and anyone interested should call Deborah Gordon or email Deborah
27, 1998 - Sanford's Pond is now officially open and the skating
was terrific today and tonight. We couldn't get there during the
day but got a few hours in this evening. I've added some pictures
to Sanfords Page.
December 24, 1998 - Merry Christmas
and Happy Holidays from Chebeague!
Here is our Christmas Card
which I wanted to email out individually but have been too busy.
I have been too busy to do much of anything except get ready for
Christmas. I was hoping to add all kinds of pictures to the Christmas
page but haven't had a chance. It doesn't look like we will have
a white Christmas this year - but if we are lucky we will be able
to skate over the next week. Dasha is happy - she got a new bike
for her birthday and is able to ride it.
My server, Northern Lights will be down for most of Saturday
which means no one will be able to access my pages during that
time. From what I hear - people have trouble accessing it a lot
of the time. The server will be changing its lines which I hope
the trouble AOL people have accessing will be over.
21 1998
1996 AND JANUARY 1997
I would love to have any news, poetry, stories to add to
my news page so please email with anything you think would be
of interest to islanders around the world - yes Singapore, Egypt,
Mediterranean, Boston etc. checking out the news page everyday!
So please email me at
on the picture to go to
Chebeague Island Anchor Page
The number of hits on the page depends on whether you access
the page through the old address which was started in 97 or the
new way using chebeague. org which means as of May 5, 1999.