Island News
Picture of the
Week (update 6/7)
June Calendar(update 6/5)
Future Calendar(update 6/5)
in the Chebeague area. To the left is a radar-detected precipitation Doppler
map from the Weather Channel. The colored areas show precipitation. The
intensity of the green shows the intensity of the rain and snow. The yellow
and red shows extreme rain or snow. If you hold down on the picture and
go directly to image you can get more detail.
EMAIL me at
May 29, 1998 - Last weekend was quite a baby boom for Chebeague!
Congratulations to the Groothoffs, LeSieges and the Doughtys!
28, 1998 - POOL PARTY! Not exactly - we need volunteers who are willing
to help out at the pool this Saturday, May 30th at 9 am. We need to clear
the deck area of trash and debris to ready it for paving. See you all there!
Nancy Adams is looking for other people who need their septic tanks pumped
- you can call her at 846-3126.
I just returned from getting Raymonds boat off the ledges of Little Whaleboat.
About ten men picked the boat up and walked it to the water - picture in
about a week! Ray says thanks to all the well wishers and help.
27, 1998 - Great news - Raymond got a call today that someone had spotted
his boat less the motor over on the ledges on Whaleboat. We took Raymond
over and the boat seems to be fine and he hopefully will be able to get
it off the rocks at high tide tomorrow. Right next to it is a huge Osprey
nest and the Ospreys were not happy to have us around and either were the
numerous blue herons who were making a major racket.
25, 1998 - Hope everyone had a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend - I think
it has been the best weather of the season. I just tried to send an email
to everyone on the email list and got most of them back - I guess I'm doing
something wrong so I've decided to put my message out here. June 2nd is
the deadline for getting to Beth Howe your email address for the 1998-2000
Chebeague Island Telephone Directory which will be available July 4th. There
is only enough room for each household to include one email address. If
you would email Beth at
she will know what address to include. It is also important to contact her
if you don't want your address included or if it is incorrect. Please check
your address which is listed and let her know and me also if changes need
to be made. Of course if you aren't in the phone book you don't need to
contact Beth but I would like to know any changes.
The pool at the recreation center is almost full of water!! We will be
swimming laps before we know it.
May 24, 1998 - Well,
we all made it back from the White Mountains and of the 31 adults and children
who went on the hiking trip every one of us climbed to the top of Cannon
Mountain. It was a long arduous climb for some of us but the view was well
worth it. Of course it is kinda strange to spend an hour and half with a
full pack to a hut and then hike another 2 to 3 hours to get to the top
of a mountain only to be met by a tram full of people who have just been
carried up. We all walked around feeling very good about ourselves. I have
already started planning next years trip and can hardly wait.
21, 1998 - For the second morning in a row we have awakened with the
sound of a plane flying over. I guess the conditions have been good for
spraying dimilin. Yesterday
the kids had just left for the bus when the planes flew over really close
and I got concerned, jumped in my car to protect the kids from the chemicals.
However when I arrived at the bus stop I could see everything was under
control - there was Dick Bradbury with his radio talking to the plane and
letting the plane know exactly where the children were and where they could
spray without it hitting the kids.
Tomorrow morning I leave with the 3rd - 6th grade school children for
our 6th annual Mountain
Adventure. This year we are heading to the AMC's
Lonesome Lake Hut for an exciting fun filled day of adventure, excitement
and all the exercise and outdoors we can handle. This a combination effort
through the CRC and SAD 51 thanks to a grant from the Recompense Foundation
and I can say it has been one of the most successful programs and the children
as they get into 3rd grade really look forward to the annual hike.
Just received a note from Sandra
and Malcolm Rice and they are doing fine. They were "holed up"
at the Hilton Hotel and just returned to their home which they say is very
safe. You can actually see the building behind where all the protesting
was going on in Jakarta. As a matter of fact you can see the Hilton (I think)
building on the front page of yesterdays newspaper near the Parliament building.
Received this note from Cookie
Reed: "Thanks to many people from everywhere I have made my pledge
minimum. There is more to be raised in the coming weeks, but all has gone
well.... I am up to 125 miles during the week and this week-end, Memorial
Day, I am scheduled for 80 on Sat., 40 on Sunday afternoon,(I have to do
church this Sunday) then 80 on Monday. This will get me to where I need
to be for the June, 18th-21st ride."
May 18, 1998
- I just updated Rays Boat page
and also heard that Mark Olsen's boat had been stolen and was found over
by Whaleboat Island without it's outboard.
Just received a reassuring note from Sandra and Malcolm Rice. After the
American Embassy announced that Americans should go home (along with every
other Embassy) the meeting places and airports were a zoo. They felt much
safer in their own home. They are, however, moving to the Hilton Hotel for
a couple of days as the city is expected to go crazy again on Wednesday.
(an anniversary of their independence from the Dutch) The Hilton is owned
by the military and therefore quite safe. "Hopefully, after that we
can return here and who knows what will happen from then on in. We will
keep you posted but please let everyone know that we are safe and sound.
May 15, 1998 - Raymond
Hamilton's boat was stolen off his mooring the other night and I have
included a stolen ad to my pages if people could pass this info on to boat
yards etc maybe we could find it, thanks. I haven't had time to get more
specific details and I am leaving for the weekend and will add more on Sunday
- maybe it will be found by then I hope.
May 14, 1998
- Article in todays Portland Press Herald about Brown
tail spraying.
May 13, 1998 - It must be near the
end of school because I don't seem to have any time for updating my page
and there all kinds of things going on. Tonight the CRC is having a volunteer
orientation program for all volunteers and refreshments will be served so
plan on being at the rec center at 7:00. I finally updated the CRC page with the summer and spring brochures
and I have to remind everyone that it is a work in progress and changes
are being made and things are being added daily. It is a massive job which
I am so happy with have Beth and Lori working on.
This Saturday night at the hall the church is putting on its annual Clam
Puff and Casserole Dinner to benefit the Chebeague
Methodist Church. Dinner is at 6:00 and cost $6.00 for adults, $3.00
children 3-12, under 3 free.
May 7, 1998 - I just returned
home from a fabulous show which demonstrated all the wonderful talents the
school children are learning. The k-6th grades played their instruments,
sang songs with a skit, showed their art and demonstrated their athletic
abilities. We had quite a time.
I have just received notice of another link to some of Lisa Carey writings
including a wonderful comparison of island life on Chebeague and on an island
in Ireland called
A Mainland
Expatriate. There is also another review
about her book written by Larry Weissman.
May 6, 1998
- Tomorrow night the Chebeague School Presents the Spring Arts Festival,
CIHCC, 6:30pm. All the children will be presenting art projects, presenting
a gym program and playing instruments and singing. There will be refreshments
and entertainment for everyone to enjoy.
Lisa Carey
who has summered for years on the island with the Alpers has written a novel
which has been published and is doing very well called the The
Mermaids Singing. Lisa has been on the island for the last few months
writing her second book. Click on her name to see the website Avon books
has established about her and her book. If you want to buy the book I found
it in Amazon
May 2, 1998 - Just got back from a skating
show in Portland where Katie and Christy Phipps performed beautifully. They
were so cute and so good. My kids loved the performances.
Congratulations to Charlotte
Johnson who is graduating summa cum laude with a masters degree from
St. Michaels.
Tomorrow I will be the volunteer running family day so I hope to see
everyone up at the center between 1 and 4. I am going to try some pool tournements
- not sure how they will work and I don't think I'll have any prizes but
we will have fun anyway. ("Anyways" is not a word. You risk being
apprehended by the Grammar Police,Casco Bay District)
30, 1998 - for all you people who have been harrassing me about the
months calendar and future calendar I have finally updated them. Sorry you
all missed April but at least May is there. I even put another picture of
ice - someday I'll have some Spring pictures. I had quite a surprise when
I read the Working Waterfront/Inter-Island News. There is a wonderful article
about this web site which I had no idea they were doing. If I ever get a
moment I'll try to include it on the page. They were critical that I am
"not more clearly identified in the opening file" and then on
page 15 they have a picture of me at the rec center with Barbara Porters
April 28, 1998 - Last night the Town Council
voted to spray the island for brown tail moths. The browntails are already
out and I'm already itching so I wonder whether there will be much impact.
They say they are about 2 weeks early. The town has to wait till May 6th
which is 30 days after letters were sent out to property owners on Chebeague
- the 17th on mainland. The town will revamp the map to reflect those that
did not want spraying. These maps will be posted and maybe I can get a copy
in here. The spray company will begin preparatory flyovers next week. The
cost for the Town of Cumberland will be about $40,000 for the island and
mainland spraying.
Tomorrow is Gina Ross' birthday.
24, 1998 - I have been away for most of the week. We spent a couple
of days on Block Island and they even canceled all boats on Thursday because
of a storm. We had a wonderful time exploring!
Tomorrow the CIHCC is having a "Painting Bee" beginning at
9:00 am. Anyone who would like to volunteer their time please contact Cindy
or Julie at the store 846-9997. It is too late to contact them cause I'm
just getting this in so you just better show up - I'm sorry it's so late.
17, 1998 - Cookie Reed is committed to ride his bike in the 3rd annual
Washington Aids Bike Ride. The ride takes place from June 18th to the 21st.
It goes from Raleigh,NC to Washington,DC, 350 miles. He has to raise at
least $1800. His personal goal is to raise $3000. The money goes to FOOD
& FRIENDS and the WHITMAN-WALKER CLINIC. these organizations depend
on this fund raiser for much of their yearly budgets. If there are any who
would like to make a contribution please send Cookie
an e-mail and he'll send out a letter and pledge form.
Congratulations to Dean and Stephanie Coffin who are expecting their
first child October 6th!
April 16, 1998 - For everyone
wanting to know how the meeting went yesterday with the MDOT. David has
put his
notes and the newspaper
article on the CTC page. There wasn't any time for public comment but
we were well represented with about 80 people from Chebeague and 4 or 5
from Cousins.
April 13, 1998 - KayKay Hill had to do
a report for 6th grade on an obscure subject which I thought people might
be interested in. Her paper was on ghost panels. I thought I would include
it because by now everyone is wondering "what
is a ghost panel?" She did have a wonderful cover and diagram which
I was not able to include.
I also have changed picture of the week today to 6 pictures from around
1974 gymnastics. All of the kids have since grown up and some have children
about the same age - it's fun to see.
April 12, 1998 -
One of the nicest sunrises I have seen! It was cool but clear and there
were at least 25 people at the sunrise service.
Friday, April 17th there will be a Kids Dance from 7:00 - 9:00pm
at the CIHCC (hall) $2.00 per person. Saturday there will be a Baked
Bean/Casserole Supper at the CIHCC 6:00 pm. $5.00 adults, $3.00 children
4-12, and free for 3 and under. I'm making coleslaw and looking forward
to having dinner out on the town.
April 11, 1998 -
Tomorrow morning the Easter sunrise service will be at 6:00 am at the East
End Point. Sunrise is at 6:03 so you better be prompt. It is supposed to
be a beautiful day!!
April 10, 1998 - There will be
a special MDOT MEETING next Wednesday, April 15th, at 3:00 p.m. in the new
Cumberland Council Chambers at the Town Office on Tuttle Road. At this meeting,
we expect to hear the Maine Department of Transportation present the options
under consideration for modifications to the ferry landing and parking facilities
on Cousins Island.
This could be the meeting that tells us what the future has in store
for us as far as getting back and forth to the mainland. We really need
to show MDOT, Cumberland, Yarmouth and anybody else watching that we are
very concerned about this vital link. They have to know what our needs
(not wants) are. That this is about survival, not convenience. There is
strength in numbers, so please try to be be there, if you can.
To assist Chebeague residents who would like to attend, CTC is letting
anyone traveling directly either to or from this meeting travel free.
9, 1998 - Tonight the Town of Cumberland will hold a special public
hearing on the Brown
Tail moth spraying program. The meeting will be at the Chebeague Island
Hall at 7:00 P.M. The Town is intending to provide aerial spraying in infested
areas on the mainland and the islands. Effected property owners are being
notified. Based on the pattern of responses, spraying will be conducted
on in late May. Members of the Town Council, the Town Manager, and Dick
Bradbury of the Maine Forest Service will be present at the public hearings
to provide information and to answer any questions. If you have questions
on these public hearings, please call Carla Nixon, Assistant Town Manager
at 829-5559. The mainland meeting is scheduled for April 16th at the Cumberland
Municipal Building. I have scanned
the map of Chebeague showing the infestation areas on Chebeague and
where the spraying will be done. There is a note that because of the toxicity
to marine invertebrates they will not be spraying directly along the shoreline
or near open water. Residence along the immediate shoreline should consider
ground applications of the insecticide BT. For more information you can
contact Mr. Dick Bradbury, Entomologist, Maine Forest Service. (207) 287-4982.
7, 1998 - I just received this about Kim
Morahan Goodwin, she recently won six first place medals in the New
England Regional Masters Swim Meet in Rhode Island. Kim just turned 40 and
has been swimming competively since she was a small child. During the summer
she can often be seen jumping off the ledges in front of her family camp
below David Miller's. Kim's roots are on Chebeague. She is the granddaughter
of the late Rachel Miller Sanderson who was born on the island and the daughter
of Norma who spent her early years here.
Kim will be sharing her experise with the community at the CRC pool this
summer. Watch for notices about her workshop.
Good luck at the Nationals in May, Kim!
April 6, 1998
- Today we finalized Vika's adoption at the Cumberland Probate Court - very
exciting. Today is also Donna Damon's
Doug Ross has Sea Dogs tickets for $4 adult $2 children half the take
goes to the "coach K " fund, for a 6:00 pm game on Friday evening
May 15. Good fun great cause. You can email him at
1, 1998 - Everyone is invited to attend!! The Recreation Center has
arranged a staff, volunteer and community training session for Wednesday,
April 8th from 7:15 - 9:15 pm at the CRC. The leader will be Steve Marquis
from NYMS. The focus will be on working with groups of kids in a play setting
and how to deal with difficult behavior, resolve conflicts, keep kids stimulated,
maintain fair play, and issues related to these ideas. He'll also give us
ideas for gym games to vary kids' activities. He will also give us info
that pertains to working with people of all ages. Please mention this workshop
around the island - it's free and open to anyone.
29, 1998 - It is hard to believe we still could have some cold days
after the fabulous weekend. The temperature was into the 70's. There was
an article in todays Sunday paper
about SAD51 and how we have the highest base teacher salary in the state.
We do have a great school!! Rusty P. an eleventh grader from Chebeague is
sitting in the middle of the front row.
March 26, 1998
- I just put in a new Picture of the week taken by Kathy MacNeill. This
summer the Chebeague Recreation Center will be presenting its First
Annual Dinner Theater. We are looking for volunteer cooks, actors and
ideas! Tickets will be going on sale shortly and you will be able to choose
your appetizer, entree and dessert and your seat. This year it will be a
Mystery "Let's Hang Him and Read the Will".
21, 1998 - It looks like we are in for another winter storm this week.
It hasn't started snowing but I think it is coming soon. I have just added
some more information on the Chebeague
Care Resource Island Commons. They only need another $33,000 to reach
their fund goal of $502,137 so check out how they plan on getting the rest!
What a great idea.
I have just dropped my kids of for roller blading and I'm going to go
back with my camera - people of ALL ages circling around the gym having
a blast!
March 19, 1998 - We woke to a few inches of
wet slippery snow.
I added a few pictures of the open house to the Chebeague
Recreation Center Page and also Caroline Partlow and her new baby Carmelita.
March 16, 1998 - The CRC Chebeague Recreation Center is looking
for volunteers for serval positions. We need an open gym supervisor on Tuesday
and/or Wednesday, and Friday. We also could utilize family day coordinators.
Click here to see the revised
schedule for the rec center.
Roller Blading on Saturdays has been a big success so now I want roller
Winter has come back to Chebeague with 3 or 4 inches of snow on Saturday
and unseasonably cold temperatures or maybe they are normal.
I have included another poem by Lari Smith called "Night
March 12, 1998 - Rachel is home from
the hospital and is doing great.
Tomorrow the Chebeague Island School grades K - 2nd grade are putting
on a Medieval Festival complete with a feast for the parents and then a
display of work, medieval dancing and I think even a joust. The program
will take place at the Recreation Center and the public is welcome at 12:50.
Volunteers have worked incredibly hard making costumes and helping with
the painting of various items.
It has been getting very cold the last few days and was about 5 degrees
this morning - I had thought we over any cold and forgot what it was like.
I'm taking the kids to New Hampshire for their second chance at skiing -
I just wish it wasn't so expensive.
March 9, 1998 -
I have just returned from the rec center where I have my chance to do gymnastics
from 7:15 to 8:30. The gym is open for exercises with me and whoever else
shows up. There were ten of us utilizing all the floor space and equipment
room - I'm exhausted but my cartwheels are getting better.
Rachel Damon is recovering from her surgery and some of the equipment
she has been hooked up to has been removed and she is doing well. She will
probably be in at Me Med for at least the rest of the week. Too bad she
doesn't have email cause I know she would be overwhelmed.
6, 1998 - Rachel Damon is doing very well and recovering from emergency
surgery last night. She is at Maine Medical Center, Room 265, 22 Bramhall
Road, Portland Maine 04102. By Sunday she will hopefully be able to have
March 5, 1998 - Friends of Casco Bay/Baykeeper
have been monitoring water quality sites throughout Casco Bay for the past
5 years both to get clam flats opened and for general environmental monitoring.
They had been monitoring Johnson Cove on Chebeague- which could be opened
as a clam flat with enough data- but there is no one available to do the
work there this year. They are looking for someone to do the work, preferably
someone who lives on Chebeague? Samples are taken once a month from April
through October, each sample takes about an hour and a half to process.
There is a training session at SMTC on March 28, 9 Am to 2 PM. Anyone who
is interested can contact Peter Mulholland at 799-8574 or PMULHOLLAND@KEEPER.ORG
for more detailed information.
March 1, 1998 - Although
I have mixed feelings about spraying I want to keep everyone informed about
what is happening. I have had so many emails about the bad link on Brown Tail Moths and
have since fixed it. I have copied the information
sheet that Louise Doughty prepared for the Calendar which you can see
here. I guess nothing was decided on at Monday nights meeting - only 2 residents
from Chebeague went to the meeting and one from Cousins for Chebeague.
28, 1998 - We all had a great turnout at the Recreation Center today.
Robert and Linda White with the help of Don and Joyce Soucheck cooked up
hot dogs and hamburgers and everyone brought cookies, bars and all kinds
of goodies. People played basketball inside and outside and I took a roll
of film so I should have some great shots next week. The teen center was
busy with pool, pinball, nintendo, pingpong and a television. Tonight the
teen center opens for the first time. Amanda Bergen from channel 13 did
some great interviews and shots. It was s on TV tonight at 6:00 but a few
emergencies stories took up most of the time and so what they showed was
very, very brief. I hope they do some more with it Sunday - but they probably
won't. I volunteered tonight and had a blast!! There were quite a few kids
and I even played floor hockey which I just love, I kept on begging to be
goalie so I could rest. I ended up playing pingpong, pool and even basketball.
I expect to have a rush of email asking to volunteer at the teen center
February 27, 1998 - I finally added the March
Calendar of Events and also the Clearinghouse Calendar for 1998 above. I
scanned it and so you may find some letters and numbers that didn't convert
properly - no time to fix. So many people have emailed me about Harriet
Hutchison that I thought I should let you know her obituary will be in Sunday's
paper and her memorial service will be Wednesday, March 4th at 10 am at
the Chebeague Methodist Church. If people are coming over and need a ride
you can contact me at 846-4850.
February 26, 1998 -
Saturday is the Open House for the Chebeague
Recreation Center. It starts at 12 and goes to 4 with refreshments,
door prize, games for all ages and a raffle. Check the page out - I have
put the schedule for the facility use March - May (All of this is a work
in progress and as with anything new Beth and Lori will be getting the kinks
out) They have been working nonstop preparing for the opening and programs.
The Piecemakers have put together
a quilt which will be raffled later this year to benefit the Rec Center
and it will be on display in the Gym.
TEEN CENTER - will be open Saturday Night!!!
22, 1998 - The bean supper was great as usual and we all had all we
could eat and the CIHCC made some money! The kids love to go to those thing
- of course Denis won't eat hot dogs, coleslaw or much else. I think he
ate the whole dish of pickles and of course the cake.
Everyone is invited to a baby shower for Heidi Todd on Sunday, March
1, 1:00 at the Parish Hall.
The library telephone book is being reprinted so if anyone has any changes
or mistakes and email addresses not listed in my directory please contact
February 21, 1998 - Tonight at 6:00 there is a baked
bean supper at the hall to benefit the CIHCC. I almost forgot about it.
I also forgot about the CCR meeting which was held at the Parish House today
so I think I need to include a Calendar of events off of this page which
when I get some time am going to do. There was also cleanup get together
at the Recreation Center which I forgot to mention. I've got to get to the
dinner so I will write more when I get back.
February 19,
1998 - Tomorrow night there will be a kids dance at the CIHCC. The dance
starts at 7:00 and ends at 9:00 with $2.00 per person cover charge.
The Cumberland Town Council will be discussing the Brown Tail Moth problems
in town and will hear a presentation by Dick Bradbury. The meeting will
be Monday night, February 23, at the West Cumberland Community Center and
the first item on the agenda is this issue starting at 7:00 pm. To learn
more about the Brown Tail Moth you can check out the link to Casco
Bay Online series about the nasty moths!
Anyone interested in a community forum discussion group on the internet
you can go to and
follow their directions. There is an interesting discussion in the Yarmouth
- Cousins Island community discussion. I guess they have figured out how
to solve our transportation problems.
February 18, 1998
- This is a miserable, rainy/snowy/icy day today. Beth and Lori are
busy working on the Recreation Center Open House which is February 28th
from 12 - 4 pm. I will have more details soon. I am on a committee working
on rec programs for an eight week session. Everything is being set up and
reorganized (it is a work in progress) We are hoping for paid people and
volunteers and ideas for programs now and the summer. Please email me or
Beth Dyer with ideas. Beth's address is
and there will be an address for the rec center soon. Is there anyone out
there who would want to give music lessons this summer? There are a lot
of us who would like our kids to have music lessons and would like to see
a program for them at the rec center. The children grades 4 - 6th have a
limited music instrument program at the school and I would love to see more
through the rec.
February 14, 1998 - HAPPY VALENTINE'S
DAY from Chebeague!!! Beautiful day today but cold. Skating today at
Sanford's Pond and it looks like we will be able to skate for a few days
we hope with the continuation of cold weather. There are large deer tracks
all over the pond from yesterdays warm conditions but the skating was still
good. I am so happy to see the USA girls hockey team beat Canada today -
and after seeing Vika and Dasha put helmets on and score a few goals I've
already started planning our trip to the 2010 Winter Olympics.
10, 1998 - Another beautiful day!! School was almost cancelled because
of a plugged up sewer line but fortunately for the kids the Recreation Center
toilets were available and all the kids had the opportunity to utilize the
new building. The CRC is advertising for a custodian which so click
here to find out about the job.
I thought everyone would like to see the fabulous addition to Ruth and
Winks house. This picture
was taken by Ted Houghton.
February 7, 1998 - It
has been a beautiful weekend - the snow is getting less and Sanford's Pond
was back being used for ice skating! There were quite a few people over
at the recreation center washing floors, cleaning furniture and setting
up equipment for the teen center and exercise room. Every so often they
would take a break and dribble the basketballs around and shoot a few hoops
- what fun!!
I've just copied the Chebeague
Care Resources's 97 Annual Report for their page and it is quite impressive.
As soon as the mud season is behind they will start the ground breaking
for the Island Commons
February 5, 1998 - We were lucky,
the storm never got here except for the bitter cold wind we experienced
today. The Big Squaw has been used for a few days while the Islander has
had a bent propeller replaced. The Recreation Center is looking for volunteers
for 9:00 am Saturday to help put the TEEN CENTER equipment in. They really
need some strong backs for the slate pool table, sofa and pinball machines
- I wish I were 15 again.
February 4, 1998 - I have
just added a new item to the News Page called Picture
of the Week, every week I will try to put a different scene or scenes
of the island. I don't have enough space to leave them on my page indefinetely
but they will be there to copy until I change them. Just click on the words
Picture of the Week.
February 3, 1998 - The weather
has been good, cold at night and warming up enough to make the snow soft
for the sledding after school.The last few days I have been busy with meetings
involving the Recreation Center which I can say is almost ready to open
its doors to all kinds of activities. Beth and Lori are doing a great job!
I'm on a committee that is learning about grant writing and I'm having fun
brainstorming and looking into future funding sources. If anyone has ANY
ideas, expertise, and time please contact me. Before I left for Florida
I had started one proposal and left it with my sister and she has made it
into a masterpeice - now all we have to do is submit it. Some of us have
taken grant writing courses and I will be taking one February 24th.
I would love to have any news, poetry, stories to add to my news page
so please email with anything you think would be of interest to islanders
around the world - yes Singapore, Egypt, Mediterranean, Boston etc. checking
out the news page everyday! So please email me at
Click on the picture to go to
Chebeague Island Anchor Page