Aug 1999 - December 1999
Doppler Weather Map from You can click on the picture
to get more details about weather.
June 30, 2000 - The library has its annual
book sale! It started last night and ran from 5 - 9 pm and I know
it will be going on today when the library is open from 10 - 4!
The summer LIBRARY HOURS - Monday 10-12, 7-9;
Tuesday 2-5; Wednesday 10-4; Thursday 5-9; Friday 10-4; Saturday
There is another
article in the Forecaster about the lawsuit against the MDOT
for taking the Blanchard lot by eminent domain.
29, 2000 - There is so much going on on this island that I
can't keep up with it. Yesterday afternoon after returning from
MSMT theatre of Victor/Victoria we went straight to the Chuck
Wagon Barbecue (with the most unbelievably delicious ribs ever)
for the dedication of the Flumes. See
pictures here. At the same time the Historical Society was
doing the kickoff supper for the new refurbished School building
fundraiser which I am working on to get pledges. Then it was off
to play rehearsal till almost eleven for Oklohoma which I might
add is going to be a riot. It will be presented July 21 and 22.
I received the following note from Jill Malony:
The Chebeague Island Historical society is on the move!
The public restroom cement pad has been poured thanks to the quick
work of Wayne Dyer, Mark Dyer, Beverly Johnson and Jon Rich. Mark
Dyer, contractor, has started the building (see
photo) and hopefully we will be up and operational soon.
Wednesday, June 28th was the kick off dinner for the All Island
The evening started off with each team recounting what makes Chebeague
such a special place for all of us. Ann Trower's team quizzed
us with a charade:
Teneke Breed was the "lone oak at the Hook and the other
members of the team were the winds that finally "took her
down". Sue Burgess won a schoolhouse pin for her correct
first answer. Inspirational speeches were made by Vice-President,
Phil Jordan and former Trustee, Suhail Bisharat. Donna Damon,
Development Chair did a phenomenal job pulling it all together.
Arlene Dyer and crew served up a delicious meal. Donna displayed
the Historical Society "treasures". Shirley Burgess
has made a loving gift of a quilt depicting ground fishing, which
is fast disappearing. The quilt will be on permanent display when
the Museum of Chebeague History opens. San Francisco artist and
Cottage Road summer resident, Jeanne Mullen Lunt has given us
a beautiful rendition of the schoolhouse. It is a pastel which
has been framed courtesy of Sally Barrows, of Galeyrie Custom
Framing. A limited edition of prints signed by the artist will
be available. Joan Robinson gave us a first look at the Chebeague
Island throw which will be available shortly. It includes 14 favorite
scenes of Chebeague. The throw comes in navy blue and white as
well as crimson and white and can be yours for $50.00 each. Contact
Joan Robinson to reserve a throw. It will also be on display at
the 4th of July picnic.
June 26, 2000 -
We are back from a wonderful trip to Nova Scotia!
Yesterday was the 35th Anniversary of the Founding of the Library
and to Honor Martha Hamilton who has retired as the First Librarian.
I have included a few pictures of Martha which Elizabeth Hill
took at the event. Martha surely is Chebeague Island Citizen Extraordinaire!
19, 2000 - My family and I are taking off for a vacation for
the next week or two, so don't be surprised if this page doesn't
get updated for a while! If anything spectacular happens, I've
asked David to announce it here. Ifyou have anything you need
to have posted, please e-mail David.
June 16, 2000 - I do have the DRAFT OF THE LONG TERM PLAN
on my page. The address is
Tommorow night - Saturday, June 17th the "Chebeague
Island Historical Society is holding its Annual Meeting at
the Island Hall at 8 p.m. (not 7:30pm, as indicated in the montly
calendar section of the June calendar). There will be a brief
business meeting, followed by a presentation by Donna Miller Damon:
"Making a Living, Chebeague Style". There will be refreshments
and CIHS merchandise available. All are welcome!"
Chebeague Hall is excited about a quilt donated by Shirley
Burgess for RAFFLE. We will be selling raffle tickets all summer.
For more details check out!!!!
15, 2000 - Last Saturday night a draft of the "Chebeague
Island Long Term Plan" was presented to the community. This
has been prepared by a committee authorized and established by
the Cumberland Town Council. Jim Phipps and Sam Ballard were the
co-chairs and many other volunteers have worked many hours to
put this together. There are copies of the draft Plan at the Library
and Island Market. I am hoping to get a copy for the web page
soon. There is another public meeting planned for Friday night,
June 16th at the Hall at 7 PM.
I have added some pictures of the lastest
Historical Society Project! A public flush toilet being built
behind the new Historical Society building.
9, 2000 - Happy birthday to KK
Hill, Eric Ross, and
Jennifer Vintinner! Last night was the CPA's
Education Appreciation Night at the Hall. The children showed
off their art work, projects, folk dances and singing to a packed
room. Volunteers, administrators, teachers, school employees were
all honored as well as the graduating sixth graders and seniors.
Mr Benoits class just finished up a BIOMES
PROJECT which each child in the 4-6th grade created their
own desert animal and you won't want to miss this page to see
the wonderful work!
June 6, 2000 - The pool
has been open a week now and the kids are loving the flume and
I have posted the pool
schedule and SWIM GREAT CHEBEAGUE. Yes now you can do what
you have always wanted to do - swim all the way around Chebeague.
The best part is that the water is 80 degrees! 36 laps (back and
forth) is a mile and every time you do your laps record them and
see how far you have gone on the map. It is in my mind to start
but my body just hasn't gotten there yet - maybe tomorrow.
Congratulations to Edie Clark and Tim Smyser who are getting
married June 24th in Virginia and honeymooning on Chebeague at
their summer home.
June 5, 2000 - Congratulations
to all our graduates including our Greely graduates - Ryan
Ross, Justin Doughty, Mark Bowman and Jeremy Putnam!
4, 2000 - Just added more pictures of the
sucessful launching of John's boat. This morning at 6 am the
June lobster monitoring took place at Bennett's Cove. Mac Passano,
Beth Howe, Erno Bonebakker and I (arriving a little late - went
to wrong site- lame excuse) found 5 juvenile lobsters in the 3'
x 60' quadrangle sectioned off. We are scheduled to do it again
on the July 3rd extreme tide meeting at 5:45. If anyone is interested
in helping and learning about this you can call Mac at 846-7829.
I have added a few more pics to the lobster
page I started last month when this all started.
2, 2000 - John Jordan's boat has been moved from where it
was built by Mike Robinson and John Jordan. It has been moved
down to the Boat Yard where tomorrow at noon (I think) it will
be launched. You can see pictures of it here
and I will add more if I make it to the launching.
1, 2000 - The pool has been opened a week now and many are
taking advantage of the morning lap swim and the kids love the
new flumes which you can see in the
pics I finally took today.
May 31, 2000 - I received the following
note from Jim KomLosy
"Greeting from the Med. ! Thought I would send you a couple
of pictures from over this way, one is of the Pless
anchored off Malaga Spain in April, Looks about
the same as when we anchored in Casco Bay awhile back, The other
is of an German Sailing ship anchored off
Cadiz, We were there for the start of OpSail 2000, when
old (and new!) sailing ships from several European countries were
joining up to sail to Bermuda and the States, Really something
to see when they arrived under full sail, I hope you all get a
chance to see them when they arrive in Portland on the 28th of
Also thought I'd let you know that this is my final Voyage
on the Pless, on June 19th. I'll be dropping the anchor in Palma
de Mallorca for the last time, after 45 years (15 on the Pless)at
sea I figured it was time to retire, (A lot of people don't believe
me!). The Navy folks were nice enough to give us a nice
list of ports for the final one, from here in Malaga we go to
Rota, Barcelona, Ibiza and Palma. We're having a
party on the 20th with a couple of other ships before flying back
home. I hope to have a little get together on the Island this
fall, to show my appreciation to everyone for their support over
the years to help me get where I am today. My Best to everyone,
Jim KomLosy"
30, 2000 - I'm back from camping in Acadia and doing a whole
lot of other things I had been putting off. I'm still looking
to update pictures of "Willy" if anyone sees him - let
me know. He was last seen on Roy Hill Road Sunday at dusk. Memorial
Weekend seemed pretty quiet and I got a shot of the Golf
Club Sculpture for the holiday in case you missed it.
26, 2000 - Tomorrow the Chebeague Parents Association is having
their annual SILENT AUCTION and BAKE SALE which
starts at 2 and ends at 3:45 at the rec center gym. There are
so many neat things - Gail Miller's napkin holders, $385 certificate
for a boat tow out and bottom wash at Royal River Boat Yard, lobsters,
library video passes, golf club weekend passes, Caroline Partlow
jewelry, gas certificates, Walmart gift.... many many more.
25, 2000 - I'll be away for the weekend, camping in Acadia
but there will be a lot going on without us this weekend on the
island. The "heated" pool opens tomorrow!! Schedule:
Friday 2:30 - 3:30 Adult Open Swim; 3-4:30 Open Swim - Saturday
and Sunday: 7:30-9 Lap Swim; 12:30 - 1 Adult open swim; 1-5 Open
swim - Monday 12:30 - 1 Adult Open Swim; 1 -5 Open swim.
Sunday at 4 PM Octavia will be here to perform at the Hall
- this group features 3 islanders - Deborah Gordon, Sue Burgess
and Jim Millenger! $5.00 per person.
May 24,
2000 - We had a tremendous time at the New Zealand Hut where
we spent 2 nights and learned so much. We were lucky and it never
rained on us at all. The kids were able to work on there journals
and learn lots about nature. Igot a four hour battery for the
digital camera and brought it along so now I have a 100 pictures
of the trip for everyone to see. I made them quite small and you
can see a lot of what we did and experienced at
The Ptarmigan is still hanging around and changing daily which
you can see on my bird page. I took a few more
pics of it tonight.
May 20, 2000 - I will
be away for a few days on our annual Mountain Adventure. This
year the 3rd - 6th graders, teachers, parents and friends are
heading to Zealand Falls Hut for two glorious days in the mountains
(I hear it is going to rain, snow and be cold - tell me it isn't
so). We will have a great time and we are learning all about biomes!
These days there all kinds of people coming from all over to see
"Willy" the Willow Ptarmigan. We named him last night
when I took a video of him for our historical society files. We
had nine ornithologists and bird enthusiasts here on Thursday
for 6 hours and they never saw him. But today a few more came
and saw him right away. More people are coming tomorrow - this
is quite a find. One of the people said its cheaper to go to Chebeague
to see the bird than Alaska and it also adds to there bird watching
May 17, 2000 - It is official
the bird we saw has been officially confirmed as a Ptarmigan,
probably a Willow Ptarmigan. The Maine Audubon society came down
on the 12:15 boat today and were able to find the bird again.
They said that it was only the third ever sighting in Maine and
nobody can figure why it is here.
Grades 3 through 6 are preparing for our Outdoor Adventure
program in the White Mountains. This year we leave Sunday at 8
am and will spend two nights at Zealand Falls Hut. We have to
pack in our own food and sleeping bags and prepare for snow and
weather - how exciting - I can't wait.
May 16,
2000 - I guess this is the bird week because I just saw what
we think is an Ptarmigan which is supposed to be in the Arctic
region, not Chebeague. I took a bunch of pictures and it seemed
not to be too concerned about us which makes me wonder about its
health and what is to become of her. I'll add it to my bird
May 14, 2000 - Well I have really
gone to the birds lately. Dasha's class is studying them and I
have been taking lots of pictures with the digital camera. We
now have an indigo bunting along with about zillion other birds
including a lot of orioles, cardinals, ..... So I have started
a bird page to go along with my barred owl
who hasn't been hanging around lately.
May 12,
2000 -The Historical Society Meeting topic this month is "So
You Think You Know Chebeague!?". There will be any number
of three member teams participating in this lively quiz about
our Island. It is not too late to get a team together and compete,
or join a team at the meeting itself. Please join the group to
test your knowledge, or cheer them on at 7:30 p.m. on Monday,
May 15 at the HALL (not the Parish House this time).
Along with swimming and a lot of programs at the rec center
they are starting a new program called CAMP
CHEBEAGUE and it is filling up quickly. There is limited space
and two periwinkle sessions are already full. For more information
contact Virginia or Beth at
7, 2000 - A few of us were up early this
morning with Diane Cowen from the Lobster Conservancy in conjunction
with the Friends of Casco Bay to start the lobster sampling project
on Chebeague. We were looking for immature lobsters in the intertidal
zone. The tides have to be a draining and we have to set up quadrants
and list all the different species of sea life we find and detail
measurements and information about any lobsters. It was very interesting
and the perfect day for this. We will have to do this in the same
area every month during very low tides. Check out picweek for
pictures from this morning.
VIXEN IS HOME! Welcome home Eldon and Betts
5, 2000 - Article
in the Forecaster about our ongoing situation on Cousins Island.
This has been a busy week for me as witnessed in my lack of
entries. There is work progressing all over the island. The Stone
Wharf is having pilings and floats added to it for punts. The
work has started on refurbishing the ballfield. The Historical
Society is starting work on the new bathrooms at the old school
house/town garage. Slides have been added to the pool at the rec
center. I should have had pictures of all these events but I don't
Our running club had its' first meet on Wednesday and the kids
did wonderfully. Anyone who would like to run with us on Monday
and Friday after school about 3:15 are welcome to join us. Right
now we are running the 1.8 mile circle from the school and by
the hook.
We have three young people graduating from Chebeague this year
and the graduation committee is busy trying to raise money for
project graduation which consists of sending the whole class on
a surprise trip. They are only $3000 away from their goal and
have 2 more major fundraisers left. Mother's Day Flower Sale for
you're favorite mother, grandmother, aunt or special someone.
Choose a gift boxed orchid corsage with card or an 8" flowering
potted plant with card $10. each orders can be made with Kathy
Leighton 147 Harris Road Cumberland ME 04021
place your order with your favorite seniors name and it will be
entered into a $50. prize drawing your purchase can be picked
up Sat. May 13 between 9-11 at Greely High School Arrangements
can be made to have Chebeague orders dropped off at the boat if
Car Wash at the Falmouth Wal-Mart Saturday May 20 10-3 pm Get
your car washed while you shop! Wal-Mart has agreed to match any
profits they make.
If you can't make any of the fund raisers but would still like
to make a donation please send to: Kathy Leighton 147 Harris Road
Cumberland ME 04021
April 30, 2000 - Yesterday was Sylvia
Ross' birthday, today is Al Traina and tomorrow Mabel Doughty
- HAPPY BIRTHDAY everyone!
Just got the last report from "Betts and
Eldon" as Betts gets off in New York and a new crew joins
Eldon for the trip to Maine. It has been really fun reading their
email log and wondering what their next adventure will be.
The NEW TELEPHONE BOOK which the Library puts out is
being updated and will be printed pretty soon. This would be a
great time for people to check out their address on the email
page and see if it works. Just because it may have the correct
address doesn't mean that when you click it will work. I have
been known to make mistakes (hard to believe). If you do not want
your email to be put in the phone book, please let me or Beth
Howe know by June 15. If you have any other address or number
changes this is a good way to let Beth know. There are a lot of
families who probably should be listed who are not - I can think
of quite a few. Beth's email address is:
29, 2000 - Tonight and tomorrow Katie and Christy Phipps will
be performing in an Ice Show is Saturday the 29th at 7pm and Sunday
the 30th at 2pm at the Portland Ice Arena on Park, next to the
Expo. Admission is $6 for adults and $3 for children, available
at the door. Katie is skating as a freestyle skater level 1 and
Christy is a Beta skater skating in the Alpha level with a hula
Today is Gina's Ross' Birthday!
Friends of Casco Bay is looking for volunteers to assist with
an intertidal lobster monitoring project on Chebeague Island.
This project is a collaboration with The Lobster Conservancy,
in an effort to develop a method for assessing the abundance and
distribution of young-of-the-year and early juvenile lobsters.
Volunteers will be asked to, once a month, identify and measure
lobsters found along a transect during low tide. The monthly field
work takes about one and a half hours. For more information, please
contact Mike Doan at Friends of Casco Bay at 799-8574.
The Lobster conservancy's web site is at:
April 28, 2000 - Don't forget that tomorrow
night is a dance to benefit the refinishing of the floor which
was done this week. The dance will feature the donated talents
of the group Rock-hoppers as well as The Wagoneers so you won't
want to miss it. Starts at 9 PM and goes to 1 AM for 21 year olds
and over - $5.00 donation. (If you can't make it and want to send
a contribution toward the floor just send it to Chebeague Island
Hall, c/o Sylvia Ross, Box 152, Chebeague.)
One of the programs this Spring which I am part of is a children's
x-country running team which meets on Monday and Friday after
school and then teams up with the Cumberland team and competes
on the mainland on Wednesdays. We are having a lot of fun and
I think I'm getting hooked again. I would like to expand this
to the Chebeague Running/Walking Club with added runs/walks
for everyone. I think it would be great for the kids to have a
bunch of us old role models getting involved. If you are interested
please contact me 846-4850 or Virginia at the Rec Center.
26, 2000 - It is still cold and dreary, wet and miserable
here on Chebeague and to make matters worse Fred and Donna left
on the 2:15 boat for California. They hope to be back for a couple
of weeks this summer. Check out picweek
and you can get their address and email address.
25, 2000 - Tonight there is a public meeting at the firehouse
about the West End Wharf and the proposed changes to the area.
The MDOT and other officials will be there.
The Town
of Yarmouth voted on another resolution last night which you
can see here.
April 24, 2000 - I have just
added a Chebeague Health Center page so don't
forget to bookmarket for numbers and times that Ginny is available!
Another report from the Vixen.
23, 2000 - HAPPY EASTER - The Easter Bunny did arrive
last night and it looks like he/she stopped by the Golf
Course on the way. When will it stop raining (yesterday morning
there was even a little snow).
April 22, 2000
- Just received another log report from the vixen
- they will be in Chesepeake Bay tomorrow. I am hoping for some
dry weather tomorrow - the sunrise service is scheduled for 5:40
and then breakfast at the Parish House is at 6:30. The kids are
all still up at 10:30 so I don't know if we will make it this
year (not to mention the forcast for continued rain) - I hope
the Easter Bunny will make it here with all the goings on.
Next Saturday night, April 29th, there will be a dance at the
Hall to raise money for the floor refinishing. The Rock-hoppers
(Robin Horr, Leah Doughty, Mike Malony, Gary Ross, and Glen Philbrick)
will be playing along with special guest appearance of theWagoneers
(Marlene, Med and Gary). Look for signs - no one under 21
- $5.00 per person. There is going to be lots of dancing on our
renewed floors!!!
Today the Rec Center was hopping with a big Easter Egg Hunt
and games for all ages. I brought the digital camera but forgot
the battery which was conveniently being charged on my kitchen
counter - maybe next year. Over hundred eggs filled with candy
were hidden in every nook and cranny - the children were delighted.
Tonight the teens 5th grade and up are having a dance with Betty
the DJ.
April 18, 2000 - Today Dennis Sheehey
was on the island at a Gnome
Home Building workshop and you can see all the creations right
The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary is putting on a FREE "Boat
Safety Course" at the recreation center from 9:30 - 11:30
this Saturday and next. Everyone is encouraged to participate.
Call Virginia at the rec center for details 846-5068.
17, 2000 PATRIOT'S DAY- On Saturday Polly Wentling and Helene
Kelley finally took the plunge. They were unable to do the Polar
Bear Plunge with the rest of us in February but had collected
pledges from friends and families and finally fullfilled their
part. The temp of the water is 41 degrees - still verrrry cooold
as you can witness on the picweek pictures
of them.
Chebeague Island Historical Society is holding its monthly
meeting tonight, April 17th, at 7:30 p.m. at the Parish Hall.
The topic is "Town Reports and Old Town Meetings". Learn
about when our roads were built, schools were built, and who were
our Selectmen and teachers (among other things). Everyone is invited
to attend.
The Chebeague Island Hall had a full house for their Clam Puff
Dinner! Big thank you to all the workers and diggers and especially
Mabel Doughty!
Neil and Mia Taliento along with Neil's sister Dawn and son
David are now in Belise for the adventure of a lifetime! I hope
we will get some reports back from their trip!
Its not to late to sign up for Gnome Home Building with Dennis
Sheehey at the rec center. For $15.00 you can build your own Gnome
Home. Check out the pictures
from last summers fun time!
April 14, 2000
- Bradley Putnam organized 20 members from the Cumberland/North
Yarmouth Troop 58 to come to Chebeague and work at the Island
Commons. They spent the whole day clearing land for more gardens,
scraping and painting the fence and cleaning up the grounds. This
project will enable Bradley to receive his Eagle Scout Badge.
The community of Chebeague, Island Common residents and the care
providers want to thank Bradley and all the Scouts for their hard
work and dedication! You can see all the action on the Island
Commons Page!
April 13, 2000 - Please
don't forget the Clam Puff Dinner - Saturday night 6:00 PM - To
benefit the Hall - we will also be having a 50/50 raffle to help
with the cost of refinishing the Hall floor . The floor is being
refinished near the end of this month.
Today was Native American
Night - the K- 3rd graders put on a Native American Feast,
presentations by each student and a story and dances. They did
such a wonderful job and have learned so much and so did everyone
who attended today!
April 11, 2000 - This
month is Breast Cancer
Awareness month!
April 10, 2000 - Happy
Birthday Rachel Damon!!!!
Today at school Miss Douglas' class had "Canyon Wolf"
an expert on the Abenaki Indians come and give a presentation
to the class and spend some time with the children. You can see
the beginning of their Native American
Page which will include much more after they put on their
presentation Thursday afternoon at 4:30 PM at the Recreation Center.
The kids have been working very hard on their projects and are
looking forward to making their presentations.
CLAM PUFF DINNER - yes, the Hall is putting on their
annual Clam Puff Dinner this coming Saturday at 6 PM. There was
confusion last month about the time but I am sure it is deffinely
6PM. The Hall will be serving along with clam puffs, potato salad,
cole slaw, brownies with ice cream and for those finnicky eaters
who would touch a clam they will have hot dogs. $7.00 for adults,
$3.00 for under 12, Free for 3 and under.
9, 2000 - Just updated the vixen page
- they are now in the states and sounds like they miss the Bahamas.
Finally an email directly from Jordan! Jill wrote: "We
are having a terrific time. Marty has been sick but is rallying.
We have been entertained by all of suhail's family including "cocktails"
was really dinner!....a swim in a ineraly pool at the farm...some
got mud bath massages!....a swim in the Dead Sea...we were all
totally bouyant...what a kick. The ruins have been fantastic...some
dating back to the 7th Century BC. A visit to Petra was outstanding.
Wadi Rum was a real fanny wacker as we drove around the desert
in 4X4. This was where Larence (NOT of Arabia) was. Ancient rock
drawings were facinating, as well as the beautiful mosaics.
Now we are in Egypt at Sinai. Tommorow some of us will go snorkling
(the largest coral reef next to the Great Barrier Reef)."
I think some of the beginning of her message did not get to me.
She also sent a picture of Jane
Shattucks birthday cake.
Ellen Goodman and her friend Patricia O'Brien have written
a book which will be coming out soon and you can go to her website:
and find out all about it. It sounds wonderful and I'm looking
forward to reading it.
April 4, 2000 - I
have a message from Fred and
Donna Martindale which I know will be a surprise to most:
"We are relocating to So. California to help care for
my Father's oldest brother, Harry. Our house is for sale, listed
with Pam Johnson. Island
Cuts and Styles & the Gift Corner will be closing soon, and
we will be in our new home around May 15th. It's been a good run,
15 years on Chebeague and
we'll miss everyone and eveything about this wonderful Island.
We still have the family house on Hamilton Beach, so we'll be
baaaack!!!. Stop in at the boatyard and throw the ball for Kelly.
We love you-
Fred and Donna"
Fred and Donna have been soooo involved in the community (church,
rec center, Island Council ...) and have supplied wonderful services
to the island as well. They will be missed terribly by me and
my family for sure and I know others will be equally effected.
Without Donna how am I going to ever get the workouts (Tae Boe,
fitness room) done!
April 2, 2000 - Yesterday
not only was Donna on PBS's Public Opinion but she was also given
a surprise 50th birthday party! Yes, on April 6th Donna will be
50 and some of her friends got together at the hall to celebrate.
No one will believe this but it was a total surprise to her -
Carol Todd Sebastienski masterminded the whole event including
slide show, poster, and more food than anyone could ever imagine.
I have put together a Donna website and you
can now see pictures from the party too!
30, 2000 - The first report from Jordan - "All is well
in the Middle East." Donna heard from Leila and everyone
was with Suhail at his family home in Jordan. They survived the
stop over in Frankfort and their windy departure from here. They
are so sorry that Al and Vail aren't with them. (Al has a sinus
infection an is unable to fly)
Speaking of Donna, Saturday night she will be on Channel 10's
PBS show Maine Public Opinion at 7:30 and then I think it airs
on Sunday at 4:30. She will joining other guests such as Bill
Nimetz. They will be taping the show Friday afternoon in Bangor.
I couldn't be at Martha's birthday party last month but I did
get a chance to scan some pictures from it that Sue took. The
pictures are much better than my scanning - I was having trouble
with it and now know what the problem is but had already sent
the pictures back. So you can see them here.
28, 2000 - Fourteen people from the island left today for
another extravanza Historical Society trip to Jordan. Suhail Bisharat
will greet them in Jordan and they will have the time of their
lives. I hope we will be able to get some timely reports to pass
on to everyone.
Today was the last day of the first session of ballet
at the rec center and of course I was there with the digital camera.
The children showed us what they have learned from their teacher
Helene and then they received their certificates.
For this past month the Monday
after school sports have been floor hockey and the other day
I had a chance to capture some of the activities. Virginia has
been working with the children in various sports such as basketball,
volleyball and now floor hockey. Next month we will be starting
a running program similar to what we did in the early 80's. We
will practice two days a week and then on Wednesdays meet the
Cumberland mainland children and we will get together to compete
against other towns in cross country running.
26, 2000 - Last week there was an article in
the Globe about Bill Payne who has been protesting the grants
which have been given to Libraries, schools and students by MBNA.
Included in their grants has been 12,000 to the Chebeague Library
and about $3000 to our island school for books and programs. I
personally, feel that it is wonderful that they are reaching out
to our island community and especially the school children who
will definitely benefit in enhanced educational experiences! The
library resources the grant will provide will help our citizens
including the Junior and High School students.
25, 2000 - Just got home from the CPA's coffee house where
I overate and drank too much coffee - I'll never sleep tonight
but it was worth it. I should have brought the digital camera
but forgot it - sometimes it's just nice to sit, relax and enjoy
the entertainment which included Scott and Kathy MacCatherine
(including their son and dog), Herb Maine and Deborah Gordon,
Georgia Humphries and her sister, Susan Little on the piano, Jessie
Russo, and Mark Dyer. I've had two reports in two days from the
Vixen - great reading!
24, 2000 - Tomorrow night is the CPA's coffee house - I'm
not sure of the details but there are a number of people who will
be performing including Georgia Humphries and her sister. If you
want to hear some beautiful voices - don't miss their performance.
I don't know the exact time and who the performers will be and
it's too late tonight to call anyone so I'm going to look at the
sign on the boat tomorrow morning when I go to town. It was a
lot of fun last year and I'm looking forward to all the wonderful
goodies as well as the entertainment again!
21, 2000 - Last night was a very interesting program about
the life cycle of lobsters with Diane Cowan who has a website:
The CBS show with Shelly was great and CBS
has a link for that portion of the show. Shelly has her own
website for her program In
Fitness and In Health. Two years ago Shelly volunteered at
the rec center for a couple of fitness classes and hopefully we
will be able to get the star back this summer when she's on the
March 20, 2000 - Just received a
message from Malcolm and Sandra that the interview with Shelley
will be at 8:44 instead of 7:41 so I'm going to tape from 7 on
so I won't miss it. Lets hope there are no crisis to interfer
with it.
March 19, 2000 - Tommorow night
don't forget the Historical Society Meeting 7:30 p.m., at the
Parish Hall. Dr. Diane Cowan, Founder and President of the Lobster
Conservancy of Friendship, Maine, and Marine Policy Fellow at
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, will be the speaker. The topic
will be "The Lobster Life Cycle - Pieces of a Puzzle"
A reminder that Shelley will be on the CBS morning show with
Brian Gumbell - it looks like it will be about 7:41.
17, 2000 - HAPPY ST PATRICK'S DAY - and Happy Birthday Rob Friedlander! I just got
back from the best dinner this year and I promised Lewis Ross
I would get the pictures on the web before he went to bed tonight
so here they are. You need to know that Lewis and Martha unexpectedly
and spontaneously broke out in a round of Irish songs and of course
we all chimed in. Next year we will provide sheet music. The
Hall did great, the food was magically delicious and the place
was packed as witnessed by the pictures hot off the digital camera!
The door prize (a bouquet of candy) was first won by Louise Doughty
(declined) and then it was won by Nancy Adams (declined) and then
it was won by Kim Munroe who's children wouldn't let her decline
(then they shared with all the other children.
I forgot to mention that there was quite a snow storm last
night and today and schools were cancelled all around the area
including Chebeague! Yesterday was Spring and Today is clearly
winter - I wish I hadn't spent so much time earlier this year
wishing for snow cause now I just want flowers.
16, 2000 - Just received another report from the Vixen
- everything is going well. The weather up here is supposed to
get really bad tonight after a beautiful warm balmy day it is
supposed to get cold and snow - of course the kids are hoping
for a snow day. The preparations are all ready for the St.
Patrick's Day Dinner tomorrow night - I am assuming the corned
beef, cabbage, turnip, carrots..... and homemade pies are ready
for everyone's enjoyment. They are going to have a funny door
prize also. Just arrive at 6:30 for a fabulous meal!!
15, 2000 - I just received a message from
Sandra and Malcolm that Rochelle (Shelly) is scheduled to be on The
Early Show on CBS with Bryant Gumbel on Tuesday, March 21
at 7:41 AM. She has been working with larger women
under the business name of In Fitness and In Health for quite
some time now, exercising them in such a way as to allow them
to lead more normal lives. She has written a book which
will be out some time around the end of this year and has now
gotten this opportunity to pitch her approach on national TV.
So, if you have a chance, try to catch her this Tuesday morning.
10, 2000 - Tickets go on sale today for the a real New
England Boil Dinner - Chebeague Style. This fabulous dinner
will benefit the HALL and takes place next Friday, March 17th,
6:30. Adults $6.00, Children $3.00 under 5 free - what a bargain!!
You can get your ticket early at the Island Market or the Library
or you can call me 846-4850 or email
March 9, 2000 - Don't forget to put
on your calendar the Historical Society Meeting on March 20th,
7:30 p.m., at the Parish Hall. Dr. Diane Cowan, Founder and President
of the Lobster Conservancy of Friendship, Maine, and Marine Policy
Fellow at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, will be the speaker.
The topic will be "The Lobster Life Cycle - Pieces of a Puzzle".
The subject listed in the March Newsletter: "Portraits and
Stories of Old" will be rescheduled to a future CIHS Meeting.
Also - Spaghetti Supper and Talent Show to benefit Project
Graduation for the Class of 2000 With Meat Sauce or Marinara
Sat. March 25, 5-7 PM, At Greely High School, Adults $5.00, Under
12 $3.00, 20.00 per family - 50.00 prize goes to the winner of
the talent show. To reserve Tickets call Kathy Leighton 829-5639.
March 5, 2000 - Case Conover "juggler"
(He use to come summers here with his mother Anna Ginn and father)
entertained the children and adults at the rec center today. He
is a 15 year old student in Freeport who got into juggling four
years ago. Last summer he travelled around the country with a
young peoples circus group and will be featured this summer on
a Disney show. I took a few pictures with my
video camera which you may see here.
4, 2000 - Today is Darren
Hillicoss' birthday - happy 40th!
The Cumberland Fire Department is raising money to buy two
thermal imaging cameras, one which would be housed on Chebeague.
Saturday, April 8 they will be having a Save
a Life WALK! It will start at 9 AM from Greely Junior High to
Cumberland Commons (1 1/2 miles). Donation of $5 per person
or $15 per family. This camera is a phenomenal piece of equipment
which can actually follow a path in a smoke filled room where
someone may have crawled.
March 2, 2000 -
I have just posted two more reports from the Vixen
which were received while I was away. Eldon and Betts had lunch
with Jane Abrahamson in Nevis last week. Chebeaguers are all the
world. Meanwhile Pam Brewer was in Beirut and then Egypt where
she and Rich became engaged - Congratulations!
Tonight at the Rec Center there will be a HOME FIRE SAFETY
informational evening about fire safety in your home. Our fire
department will have officers to answer questions and show the
correct use of fire equipment. Great opportunity for the whole
family to get involved.
On Sunday from 1-3 Case Conover "juggler" will be
at the rec to show how to juggle, make your own juggling balls
and put on a show. The cost is $3.00. I have always wanted to
learn and have started to learn many times but just can't seem
to stick with it - maybe this will be my incentive.
1, 2000 - We're back . . . from a vacation in Florida and
a Carnival Cruise which took us to Grand Cayman and Cozumel. After
jumping into Casco Bay it only made sense to take off to warmer
waters - some people thought I had frozen up forever but here
I am. While I was gone there was a surprise birthday party for
Martha Hamilton at the Hall and before I left I put together a
Martha web page which you can see at
19, 2000 MORE PICS cont.- I'm finally
home and can give everyone an update. The air temperature was
30 degrees, water temperature 37.6 degrees and windchill 5 degrees.
15 hardy souls jumped into the waters of Casco Bay at noon today
for the Teen Center Fundraiser. It looks as though we will net
over $4000 on this day. The oldest was Bruce Hutchinson at 59
and youngest was Denis Johnson at 11. The others who participated
included Leanne Libby, Kelly Joyce, Bev Johnson (me), Morgan Weston,
Alnah Robinson, Chris McCullum, Jonny Miller, Kendra McKinnan,
Vickie Riddle, John Emery, Paul Wilson, Susan Little, and Elizabeth
Hill. The top fundraiser was Alnah Robinson with over $1100! We
want to especially thank the RESCUE and JOHN Nickerson
for standing by and being ready for any problems. The weather
also made it impossible for many people to see the event and also
a few plungers were unable to make it. Within the next few weeks
we will make a time for them to get wet and collect their pledges
- if you missed it cause of weather call the rec center 846-5068.
Also we'd like to thank Mabel and Sanford for their house, making
hot chocolate and getting the pond cleared and having the warming
shed all nice and toasty. The TV stations never showed because
of the storm. This afternoon at 5:30 is the teen center free spaghetti
dinner for teens 5th grade and up. At 7 is a family dance at the
rec center.
February 19, 2000 - the first
pictures are in from the POLAR PLUNGE - more
later - we made about $4000 and it was cold but fun! More later
February 18, 2000 - The Polar Bear
Plunge is fast (too fast) approaching and I just heard that Fox
51 and Channell 13 are coming over on the 10 boat for the event.
There is a lot more going on for the first day of vacation. At
9:00 plans are for a hockey game at Sanford's depending on the
snow and if we can get it cleared. 12 PM the PLUNGE. After the
plunge there will be lunch (hot dogs, chips, goodies for sale),
games and tournements at the rec center all afternoon. At 5:30
there will be a free spagetti dinner for teens 5th grade and up.
At 7 PM - a family dance everyone can come $1 per person ($5 family
maximum) It is going to be a busy day.
16, 2000 - Just got back from our Wednesday afternoon ski
trip which we almost cancelled because it was snowing. We all
had a great time. Just got a note from Rob Friedlander
who is in Belise and thought I would share.
15, 2000 - Many people don't know this yet but Martha Hamilton
is retiring as the Chebeague Librarian. Robert White has asked
me to pass on this notice which is also included on the Library
community library on the largest island in Casco Bay. The position
offered is full time and has a health benefit
package. Candidates need good communication, administration and
computer skills. They must be flexible, willing to learn, children
oriented and responsive to community needs. Please submit a cover
letter, resume and a list of three references by February 29th
Robert White, Search Committee Chairman
Box 367F, Chebeague Island, ME 04017
DAY! - Snow, freezing rain and then all rain! No School! Gail,
Lauren, Jonny, Anna, Julia, Mia, Denis, Darya, Vika, and I created
a polar bear on the golf course to advertise our upcoming Polar
Bear Plunge. I also went down to Bennetts and checked out the
site of this event. You can see pictures on the Weekly
Pictures! Please come and join the festivities on Saturday,
Feb 19, 12pm at Bennetts Cove. We will have plenty of hot chocolate
and a big fire. If you are thinking of signing up go to Polar
Plunge Page. If you just want to see pictures from last year
go there also.
February 12, 2000 - Today
was a busy day on the island! This morning - every building on
the island had some sort of meeting in. At 8:30 the Cumberland
Planning Board met at the Hall to discuss a subdivision plan on
land up behind the ballfield and also to discuss the new ballfield.
The library had a couple of computer specialists from Americorps
to help us with the libraries recently acquired grant which included
a substantial amount toward technology. I have added some more
pictures to the Library page which includes
a picture of our new World Book Encyclopedia.
At 11 am GrandMaster
Allan Viernes put on a clinic and demonstration at the rec
center which you can see pictures of here.
11, 2000 - Grand Master Allan Viernes and Family is coming
to Chebeague to do Martial Arts demonstration Saturday, February
12. He has honors from all over the world. It is FREE and you'll
be able to participate and learn different styles. It is at the
CRC from 11 AM - 1 PM.
February 10, 2000
- Monday nights is teen craft night and this week some of the
kids got together to build
models which you can see on a page I put together. I just
wish I had taken pictures of some of the earlier craft nights
when they did Ukranian egg painting with Deb Bowman, knitting
with Joan Robinson, stamping with Peggie Jones ....
I have also added a couple of pics on the weekly
pictures of our newest bird to our bird feeders. I'm afraid
he's not interested in any of the food we are putting out - maybe
he's after our children - he is huge!
7, 2000 - Today is Elizabeth
Hill's birthday - Happy Birthday "Etta". My family
is planning on a trip south during February Vacation and it really
doesn't make any sense especially when you see how some people
can relax in our own warm tempertures of 10 - 20 degrees. Please
check out Weekly Pictures and see for
February 5, 2000 - Yesterday we
took advantage of having the late boats back in service. I took
my children to Greely Jr High Hockey Game agains
Mt. Ararat. Jon Miller plays and is one of the stars! At seven
we went to Greely High School and watched Ryan
Ross on the Varsity Basketball Team play against Kennebunk.
Even though they lost it was a very exciting and close game. I
took some pictures of that game also. Some of the other island
kids playing on the mainland are Eric Ross is on the High School
JV, Justin Doughty - Greely Varsity Hockey (one of the top scorers),
David Rich plays for another team for Jr. High, and Simon Brown
and Zach Doughty are also playing in the Middle School League.
1, 2000 - With all the ice and terrible walking conditions
outside I just wanted to remind everyone that anyone can use the
Gym at the Rec Center when the staff are there as long as a program
isn't going on. You can run or walk around the gym, shoot baskets,
jump rope or anything for free. There is no charge for this. If
someone wants to utilize the fitness room there is a charge of
$4 per day or you can sign up for longer periods of time at a
very reasonable rate. Denis and I ran laps around the gym this
morning and then had basket shooting contests. I am there usually
on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 8:00. Click
here to see pictures of Ray Newcomb, Rec Center Volunteer
who works out at least 3 times a week in the fitness room.
30, 2000 - I just received another report from the "Vixen"
and have started up a page so everyone can follow Eldon, Betts
and David Burgess as they continue their adventure in the Carribean.
They left from here about three months ago and I have enjoyed
getting their reports and thought it would fun to pass them on.
Does anyone have a picture of the boat and crew I could include?
29, 2000 - The ice is back and pretty thick. The CTC has put
into commission the Big Squaw which handles the ice better than
the Islander. I have added pictures of the boat
pushing its way through the ice. It was a beautiful day but
cold and the kids were sledding and skating all day.
Last night we stayed in town so we could see the Greely Basketball
Game against Lake Regions which Greely won thanks to a 3 point
shot in the last .2 seconds by Ryan Ross - WAY TO GO RYAN!. It
was soooo exciting and the crowds went crazy.
27, 2000 - There was a terrible tragedy at sea on Tuesday.
The boat called Two Friends sank and two of the crew of three
died. They were Harry Ross and Larry Rich, Larry's son Shawn survived
after three hours in the icy waters wearing a survival suit. A
lot of people on Chebeague are connected to the families in one
way or another and of course everyone is mourning the losses.
You can read all about this in todays Portland
Press Herald including the last radio transmission. Harry
has four children including a one year old girl and Larry has
six boys the youngest being 8 years old. You may remember that
Larry was widowed five years ago when his wife died suddenly.
Contributions for the families may be sent to the Changing
Tide Foundation, RR 1 BOX 98, Long Island Maine 04050 in care
of Sharon Marr.
January 25, 2000 - Big
storm today, the children all got out of school early and only
a few boats running. It snowed about 6 inches and now its freezing
rain on the island. I just pictures
on of Flamin Ramon and all the line dancers swingin away.
The CTC has stopped all late boats because of the ice around
the Stone Pier - I should have taken some pictures but haven't
January 22, 2000 - This month's Maine
Medical Magazine featured Katie Phipps on the cover and in an
article about diabetes. I have put a couple of
pictures on picweek - congratulations Katie and family!
Don't forget tomorrow, Sunday at 1pm - CRC - Flaymin Raymon
and Sisslin Susan country dancing - they even have hay and saddles
to really get in the spirit of things!
20, 2000 - Tonight the Town
of Yarmouth passed a resolution!
The Sunday Brunch scheduled for February 27th at the CIHCC
has been cancelled until further notice. Check for the new date
and details of upcoming events at the CIHCC on
their new page.
January 18, 2000 - It's
cold - 2° F at 7 am in the morning - Happy birthday Wink Houghton,
yesterday. I added a couple of cold pictures to the picweek page.
It finally is winter - I've enjoyed the snow and the cold - I'm
satisfied - now we can go back to the way it was. Just kidding
- now the kids can skate and the skiing should get better - a
little more light fluffy snow please so we can go cross country
skiing. Happy Birthday Carol
Todd Sebasteanski!
January 16, 2000 - It
is snowing! Flaymin Raymin and Sisslin Susan are postponed
till next week. Today is Becca Rich Koppmann's Birthday.
- Don't forget - tomorrow is Vicki
Taliento's birthday!
At 1 PM Flaymin Raymin and Sisslin Susan will be at CRC teaching
a variety of different styles of country western dances. The whole
family should have a blast at this event!
14, 2000 - I just came from a meeting of the Hall and am starting
a page up where you will be able to see the new license plates
they are selling. There are a limited number and they are going
fast. Just click here to see what they look like
and how you can order them.
January 13, 2000
- Another article
about the parking lot in today's Portland Press Herald!
Yesterday a group from the island finally had their first ski
lessons at Lost Valley - we all had a blast - yest there is snow
but only on the slopes where it has been manmade. The 10 kids
in this years rec center ski program had just as much fun any
way! Thanks for all the birthday wishes - I appreciated my brother-in
law's cyber work much more this year than last! Thank you David!
7, 2000 - The lastest
article to appear in the Forecaster this week is here. Just
got back from a Greely Basketball Game where Islander Ryan Ross
is a starter and of course the most outstanding player - he was
great - and they also won - Congratulations.
My cousin Joanie Koenig-Coste will be featured on the NBC nightly
news on Monday night. She has been a pioneer in work in Alzhiemer
January 6, 2000 - It is really hard
to get that date - I have yet to write or type it correctly the
first time. This must be the birthday month - today is David Stevens
and Victoria Smith's birthday. The pot luck dinner was great as
usual. We had a Polar Bear Plunge meeting and it is not to soon
to start getting your pledges. Just go on line to get
your pledge sheet!
January 5, 2000 -
Don't forget the Pot Luck Supper at the CIHCC, 6:00 PM
tomorrow night- Benefit Hall - $5.00 Adults, $3.00 children under
12, children under 3 are free. I'm sure not going to miss it -
I hear there will be a variety of cakes for dessert.
I have been asked to add a report
from Jim Phipps about the Long Range Planning Committee which
has been meeting last year. They missed the deadline for the calendar
last month so it will be posted around on the island and of course
you can read it here! Which reminds me the picture on the cover
of the Calendar last month is of a familiar person to everyone
on the island. Did everyone figure it out - I'll give a hint:
She recently celebrated her birthday and lives near the West End
of the island.
I missed David Miller's birthday on Monday and my brother Glenn's
birthday is today! We still haven't had any snow and personally
I'm sick of this weather that is great for commuters, carpenters,
plumbers, runners, etc. I want SNOW!!
1, 2000 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!! My computer is still working
fine and I'm just back from a New Year's Party - the electricity
is still on and the heat is just fine. Today is Mia Taliento's
Birthday, Mary Doughty's Birthday, and Arlene Doughty's birthday.
I have been so busy with getting the end of the year stuff taken
care of I haven't had time to post anything lately.
Thank you, Robert and Linda White for the great party. The
fireworks were great! Everybody had a great time!
Chebeague is a great place to be living in the new millenium!
The Library is going to be open Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday
nights 6 PM till 8:00 Pm so that the teens can utilize the facility.
Laura Summa has volunteered some of her time so that this can
happen - thank you Laura.
Some of the things that have happened lately are that on Christmas
Eve morning there was a fire at Alan Erickson's house and they
just managed to escape unhurt and the fire department was able
to control it so that after a week they are back in. Christmas
Eve Steve Todd's boat the "Predator" sank. On Tuesday
about 50 people got together and were able to get up and now Steve
is working on getting it operating again. He lost all his electronics
but they managed to get the engine working again.
JULY 1999
MARCH 30 1999
21 1998
1996 AND JANUARY 1997
I would love to have any news, poetry, stories to add to
my news page so please email with anything you think would be
of interest to islanders around the world - yes Singapore, Egypt,
Mediterranean, Boston etc. checking out the news page everyday!
So please email me at
on the picture to go to
Chebeague Island Anchor Page
The number of hits on the page depends on whether you access
the page through the old address which was started in 97 or the
new way using chebeague. org which means as of May 5, 1999.