back to the Doppler Weather Map from After looking
for 2 days at a non changing "livecam" of Vinal Haven
and then at an old postcard of Portland which was supposed to
be a livecam tower shot of Portland. You can click on the picture
to get more details about weather.
30, 1999 - Tommorow night Joe Bennett and friends (comedy
act) will be at the CIHCC at 7 PM. Joe has performed a number
of times on Chebeague and is a cousin to Gene and Mike. He is
a riot and I'm looking forward to the show.
The library is having a benefit dance on August 14th at the
Hall with Herb Maine and Friends. Please check out the Dance
Page for more information!
July 26, 1999
- Everyone is probably wondering where I have been but I have
been busy - the Midsummer Night's Frolic was a huge success -
we raised over $20,000 for the rec center but better than that
was that everyone had a terrific time. I was so busy I didn't
have time to take digital pictures but am going to get someones
video camera so everyone can see the decorations. I especially
want to thank the main characters again: Vail Traina, Nancy Pierce,
Jeanette Hamilton, Patti Bromberg, Caroline Partlow, Shirley Barker,
Gail Miller, Eldon Mayer, Geoff Cornell and about 200 other people.
Oops! I shouldn't do that cause I've already missed naming people.
26 homes had dinner parties and the painting that BJ did during
the night sold at auction for $550 - it was beautiful. Miguels
painting sold for $800 and the quilt Nancy I made sold for $600,
and the Eric Hopkins Watercolor went for $1900 which was a bargain.
Soon I will get back on track and start keeping up with this
page but now I have to memorize lines for our upcoming production
of Chebeague's rendition of Carousel August 6 and 7. We are supposed
to go without our books tonight. I told everyone I can't sing
but Deborah still cast me as Carrie Pepperidge! What a great music
teacher she is - I am hoping for a miracle for me but everyone
else has unbelievably beautiful voices!
July 24, 1999 - Frolic brochure for the night.
23, 1999 - Tonight at midnight is your last chance to get
your bids in by email for the Auction which will END tomorrow
night at the Midsummer Night's Frolic. I just added the page for
the migratory
bird stamp print which was donated to us this week - it's
July 20, 1999 - Friday night at
7:00 PM is the Children's Theatre Production of the Sequel to
Annie! Directed by Rachel Damon it is a wonderful conclusion for
all the orphans left at the orphanage after Annie leaves. You
don't want to miss this one - it will bring tears to your eyes.
THE WELL DRILLERS ARE COMING! They are coming to look
at sites this week and their rig will be here for a couple of
days next week.
July 19, 1999 - Today is
the last to secure your dinner tickets for the progressive dinner
and auction! If you haven't gotten them call Jeanette 4161 and
reserve your place. I will be taking bids on the Auction Items
through Friday night the day before the dinner. So if for some
reason you can't make it to the auctions on the 24th get your
bid into me now - there are some really neat things and many will
be very reasonable. We haven't had many bids on the terrific books
and some of the new items.
July 17, 1999
- HOT! HOT! - The temp was in the 90's and there wasn't much relief
anywhere except in the ocean and the pool! I have just added some
more great items to the second
auction page including a fabulous water color by Sandra Rice!
16, 1999 - I have just added the pictures of the gnome
home building workshop- you have to see the creations!
15, 1999 - Today has been busy for me! We got home on the
8:00 boat this morning after seeing MSMT's production of "Grease"
last night (it was wonderful) and then headed up to Gnomeville
- the rec center to build "gnome homes" with Dennis
Sheehey. I will be putting together pics from that tomorrow.
We went back to town for appointments and then home and to the
Hall where I had a rehearsal for a theatrical production directed
by Deborah Gordon. This year the adult theatre is doing Chebeague's
adaptation of Carousel! Since I am in it you will all be getting
lots of information about it ahead of time- the hottest question
in my home is "Mom, are you going to kiss Mr. Snow?"
July 14, 1999 - I have just added a page
for the Chebeague Care Resource on their
ongoing raffle this summer. You can see the beautiful items
which are a group being raffled off as one.
12, 1999 - We are still getting items for the Midsummer
Night's Auction. I have recently added a Melodeon which had
been bought by George Washington Littlefield for his daughter
Dorcas. I have also added a service call from Rogers Wentworth
and personalized special Occasion Card by Marty.
Don't forget to bring your kids to the library
to see Daisy the pig and here a story at 9:15 on Wednesday!
I have also added the road race results supplied by the Grunkos
to the 4th of July page.
9, 1999 - I hope everyone has or is submitting their acts
for tonight's talent show - it should be a riot. The BIG tappers
are returning with most of them to do an encore of the Irish Jig
dance we did in February.
Tomorrow is the Annual CTC Stockholders' Meeting at the Community
Center - 7:00pm.
July 7, 1999 - TALENT
SHOW - FRIDAY 7:30 @ CIHCC - It's not too late to enter your
act for the talent show Friday night. All you have to do is contact
Rachel at 846-5140 or email her at
- she will be glad to add your name to the list of "talent"
that is coming her way. The little tappers are practicing tonight
in preparation and who knows maybe we can get the "BIG"
tappers - you won't want to miss that. A mere $3.00 to get in
the door and all the refreshments sold by the teens.
The 1999 Chebeague Island Annual Newsletter is now being sold
and I think everyone will enjoy it. People that see this page
will recognize a lot of the pictures which we took directly off
the web pages. David has done a masterful job putting all the
information compiled by Mac Passano together and now you can even
receive it in PDF Format and see the images in full color. It
is worth the little time to download it. Just go to
- they can also be bought at various places around the island.
It is important for every household to have a hard copy of the
annual newsletters. You can still receive last years as well as
get this years at Historical Society functions and the new one
can be bought at the stores around the island.
6, 1999 - This past weekend has been too hot to be in front
of a computer but this morning is much cooler and even raining
but it will be getting hotter. I have managed to put together
a few images of the Fourth of July. Thank
you to Jeanette H. and my kids for getting the images while I
was working on other things.
Picture of the week is of Gerry Ross
receiving a Louise Todd original painting and flowers from the
Island Council and Dr. Pat Phillips for all her years of service
to the Council in running the Chebeague Island Health Clinic!
3, 1999 - Congratulations to Gail Williams who has been listed
the July 7 Issue of New York Magazine as one of the top doctors
in New York. Her field is Nephrology specializing in dialysis
and transplants.
The Catholic Charities in Maine is looking for places to house
a few Kosovo refugees who may be working at the Chebeague Inn.
If you have any extra rooms and want to know more call the Chebeague
Inn - this is an urgent need.
July 2, 1999
- We now have the chairs that Nancy and Chris Pierce had made
and donated to the CRC Auction. You can see them by clicking here.
We also have received some more items which I am in the process
of taking pictures of and including them in the auction.
1, 1999 - There is so much going on this weekend - Tomorrow
night is the Whaler's Concert at the CIHCC 8 pm! Saturday morning
is the Golf Club Swatfest, 9 am - Its always a great time trying
to follow your golf ball when there are 100 other people playing.
Picnic lunch follows with a rain date of July 5th. CIYC Crow Island
Picnic, 11am with the CIYC Crow Island Race 2pm and then the CIYC
Summer Meeting and Commodore's Reception at 5:30 at the CIHCC.
The Fourth of July Road Race is scheduled as usual for 10 am
and starts at the Center. The fee for the road race is 5.00. There
is a 1 mile fun run at 9am and that is free. The Parade musters
at the Chebeague Inn at 11 am and the picnic begins when the parade
get to Chandler's field. Chebeague Methodist Church Service will
be at 9 am so that people can get down to the parade at 11.
30, 1999 - Good News - They have now found homes for all the
potential adoptees who are arriving Friday.
29, 1999 - Just got a call from MAPS and they have found homes
for the two young brothers, and the 8 1/2 year old. Now they are
trying to find a family for the 9 1/2 girl and her 12 year old
June 28, 1999 - The listing of every
landowner and their new 911 address is now at the Library and
I have added lots of items to the Library Page
so please check it out. There is even a 5 year old pig coming
to see the kids in July!
June 27, 1999 -
Maine Adoption Agency (MAPS) is bringing to the United States
about 20 adoptable Russian Older Children (ages 4 - 13). They
are trying this new program to introduce people to older children.
These children are all set to be adopted if they can find suitable
homes. They are reducing the fees considerably for the adoptions.
They have been looking for people who are seriously considering
adopting and who are willing to sponsor the children in their
homes for six weeks this summer. The children don't know they
may be adopted, thus giving people the opportunity to see if it
works for them or introduce them to families who would like to
adopt them. If the host family wants to adopt them they have to
go through all the paperwork and redtape it takes and travel back
to Russia to adopt the children. The children are arriving this
Friday and have to return August 15. The director called me today
to see if I knew of anyone who might be interested in this program
because they have 5 children who are last minute candidates. There
is an eight year old boy, a 9 1/2 and 12 year brother/sister,
and 2 little bothers 4 1/2 and 6 years. You can contact Karen
Stager at
or call or email me and I will tell you more.
25, 1999 - Just returned from an exciting, expensive trip
to PEI in Canada, our car broke down near Calais, we had to be
towed to St Stephen and then have an $1800 (canadian) transmission
repair. Just another adventure! A reminder that tonight and tomorrow
the extravanza "Best Christmas Pageant Ever" is playing
at the Community Center to benefit the Hall and the Rec Center!
Thirty actors of all ages and sizes - it is going to be quite
a show! Starts at 7:30.
June 20, 1999 - Dave
Hill here -- we just received word that Doug and Gina will be
on the bridge mentioned above between 10:00 and 10:15 am Eastern
Standard Time on Tuesday the 22nd. They'll be the idiots waving
wildly from the bridge, even if it will be close to impossible
to see them!
June 19, 1999 - Just returned from the
MAPS International Eastern European Annual Reunion Picnic where
Denis and Dasha got to see their orphanage director who took care
of them for two years. We had a wonderful time seeing some of
their old and new friends who have been adopted in the United
States. I took a few pictures and put together a page.
Before I left this morning Pat Prescott brought over a Pen
& Ink Drawing of the MM Hamilton which she has donated to
the Auction which you may see by clicking here.
I am leaving tomorrow with the kids and my sister-in-law to
PEI. I will be having someone monitoring my emails but probably
the auction page won't be updated until next Saturday - that is
no reason not to get your bids in. There are so many neat things
which have been added recently.
June 18, 1999
- Sam Ballard has planned a meeting for Sunday, 7 pm at Sam Ballard's
House regarding Chebeague's share of the Town's appropriation.
I'm not sure about where so I'll include it later when I find
out. I have included on the website
his compilation of figures regarding this issue.
A reminder that there will be a memorial service for Elizabeth
Weiss on Saturday, June 26th at 1 o'clock at the church on the
I have also added the information and pictures about the donated
lights from Decorum and the Trek bicycle donated by the Trainas
on the auction page.
June 17, 1999 - Mark
June 25-26 on your calendar today so that you won't miss the debut
of Chebeague's version of the Best Christmas Pageant Ever based
on the book by Barbara Robinson. The cast of nearly thirty actors
and actresses, both adults and children will present an evening
full of laughs! Don't let the title fool you. This is not a really
a Christmas play - although there are a lot of wise guys!
The fun begins at the Hall at 7:30 pm on both June 25-26; Adults-
$6/Children 12 and under-$3. Proceeds to Benefit the Teen Center
and the CIHCC. The Teens will be selling great refreshments and
Doug and Gina left last week for Ireland and have been there
having a great time. Sometime during their trip they will be on
the O'Connell Bridge in Dublin City. There is a live camera there
which you can view above instead of the weather. The address is:
They are supposed to let me know the time they are there and they
will wave to us. I am going away on Sunday and hoping that Dave
will update my page when we find out the time.
16, 1999 - The Chebeague Island Community is cordially invited
to celebrate the Fiftieth Anniversary of the marriage of Ellsworth
and Melba Miller on June 20, 1999 from 12:30 to 2:00 PM at
the Chebeague Island Hall Community Center Chebeague Island, Maine
- Dessert and Coffee will be served!
June 15,
1999 - Congratulations to Kathy McCollom, who was recently
honored in Washington D.C. as one of 50 people in their occupations
receiving the annual "Star of Life" award from the American
Ambulance Association. We are so fortunate to have Kathy living
and volunteering on Chebeague when not on duty with MedStar Ambulance
in Falmouth!
SCHOOL IS OUT TODAY! Oh no - I'll never get anything done!
I have added a collage of the pool activity on picweek page. Most
of the pics were taken around 4 pm when I went up to the pool
to pick up my children.
There is a lot going on this weekend: Saturday morning at the
Rec the Chebeague Recreation Center's Annual meeting at 9:00
am. Come and join us for coffee and muffins and help us elect
our new board members.
Saturday night at 8pm at the Hall the Historical Society
is having its Annual Meeting. The program will be the history
of the Chebeague Fire Department.
June 13, 1999
- I finally found a disk of pictures from the hike we went
on Monday and Tuesday and have finished the page. It was, as I
said before, a fabulous time and now you can see for yourself.
We had some great
views, great food, great juggling training, great swimming and
great comraderie. Great is the only adjective I know.
As you may have noticed I have made some changes to the Auction page
which will include a number in a column beside the latest bid.
This will make it easier for me to update and will help you from
bidding against yourself. When a bid comes in I will email you
with your bid number and everytime you enter a bid I will add
your number. Again I am still getting bids with no names or emails
listed and I can't tell where they are coming from.
12, 1999 - The other day Vika (along with sister Dasha and
friend Mia) had a chance to meet the artist, Dahlov Ipcar, who
she had been studying in school this year. I have made a page
with pictures from the gallery reception.
10, 1999 - I missed a biggy the other day - Allyson Smith
big birthday on the 8th! today is Paul
Belesca's birthday! Happy Birthday everyone.
9, 1999 - Today is KayKay
Hill, Jennifer Vittener,
and Eric Ross birthday!
June 8, 1999
- Just got back from a hike with the 3rd-6th graders and chaperones
to Mizpah Hut and Mt. Pierce. Check out picweek.html
- more pictures coming later.
The Maine D.O.T. finallly has the money to do something about
the wharf at Chandler's Cove (some people, including the D.O.T.
staff directly involved) think it's about time!This is our chance
to have some input -- the State will do something anyway, and
it might as well be something we want! The Islands Committee is
looking for our input and is hoping everyone will review the wharf
site plans and respond to the ideas and plans that have been formulated.
Michael would love to have email responses to these plans. Go
6, 1999 - I have been getting lots of submissions for the
AUCTION - its great but one problem is a lot are coming without
a name or email address. You have to put the name at the beginning
and your email so I can let you know that your bid has been gotten.
I've just had a $90 bidon the pitcher with no name and then a
35 on the Chebeague Inn with no name. I will be updating on Tuesday
night. I leave tomorrow with the school to our mountain adventure
to Mizpah Hut in the White Mountains. There are 15 children and
about 10 adults - I can't wait to hit the trail!
5, 1999 - There will be a gallery opening of Maine Artists
as interpreted by Chebeague Island School third, fourth, fifth,
and sixth graders tomorrow evening, June the sixth at five o'clock
to six o'clock at the Chebeague Island Hall Community Center!
Denis' artist is Edward Hopper and Vika's artist is Dahlov Ipcar.
Vika's artist, Dahlov Ipcar, has a show at the Chocolate Church
in Bath now through next week and we will meet her this Thursday
afternoon at a reception in Bath. Sarah Asch, the art teacher
at the Chebeague school, has done such a great job inspiring all
the young artists at our school and helping them develop an interest
in all artists.
June 2, 1999 - Tomorrow night
7:00 pm, there will be a meeting at the Community Center (CIHCC)
with Bob Benson (Town Manager), John Lambert (Council Chairman),
Jim Phipps Chebeague Representative to the Town Council, and Sam
Ballard. The subject of the meeting is: "Chebeague taxes:
what do we pay in and what do we get back? Also looking toward
the future.
I am still adding items to the Auction Page and making adjustments.
It really takes a long time to load because of all the information
so please be patient. Also, if you make a bid I will email you
if it works correctly with a personal acknowledgement of your
bid. Sometimes I have discovered that the submissions don't get
to me.
June 1, 1999 - Just returned from
the Chebeague Parents Association Education
Appreciation Night at the Hall. This is the opportunity to
recognize our graduation seniors and sixth graders. Our Seniors
included Brooke Pettit, Flora Brown, Robert McCollom, and Rusty
Parmenter. Our graduation sixth graders were Thomas Damon, Vika
Johnson, Tyler Putnam and James Vaughn. The parents then recognize
all the teachers, administration, bus drivers, volunteers. As
usual I had the digital camera and took pictures - the children
sang five French songs they learned in French lessons from volunteer
Sheila Putnam!
May 29, 1999 - Summer is here and I guess there won't be
anyone left reading the page unless they're bringing their computers
with them. I guess I am becoming a photo journalist now with this
digital camera - I just can't help but take pictures. Yesterday
the 3rd - 6th Grades had a DARE
Graduation at the Community Center which as you might guess
I took pictures of.
Today the
POOL opened and of course I was there with 3 kids and had
Denis taking pictures so you have to see the great dives on the
first picture!
May 28, 1999 - Last night
the school had it's Spring
Arts Night which I took lots of pictures. Vika downloaded
them and made a page of them which you may see in the school page.
27, 1999 - The Midsummer
Night's Auction Page is finally being published. I know there
are more items coming but I can't wait to start getting the bids
in. There are a lot of items so it will take a while to load on
your computers. Please take time to look at all the pages - I
have created a page for just about everyone who has donated to
the auction and some of them I think are a lot of fun. There will
be hard copies of the web sites on the boat, library, store, rec
center, etc. We really appreciate all the donations and it has
really been fun creating all those pages!!! An easy address for
people to find the page is:
- and then people can click to the auction page. Bids will be
taken by email, phone, and mail up until July 24th and then the
live and silent auctions will take place at the dessert and dancing
portion of the Midsummer
Night's Frolic.
May 26, 1999 - Today
the Recreation Center ended two programs with an icecream get
together. One of the programs was my nature hike series with Rob
Friedlander as assistant which had about 16 participants and was
6 weeks long with hikes around the island weather permitting.
Because of the rain last week we studied about trees and this
week we did work about birds. The other program was a joint venture
run by Carol White and Len Bogh which joined students from the
mainland school with students from the Chebeague School. About
9 children came over for three weeks and joined 6 students from
Chebeague. They did nature walks, played soccer, learned about
lobstering and lobsters. I have taken lots of pictures of both groups eating
icecream and socializing which you can see on the CRC page.
25, 1999 - I couldn't make it to the ceremony so I sent Elizabeth
Hill over to take pictures and boy do I have a lot so what the
heck I decided to put them all in - Click here
to see the pictures! It looks like everyone had a great time.
22, 1999 - Today at the Chebeague Island Inn they are doing
a "Marriage Renewal Ceremony" with quite a few couples
who were married at the Inn or met at the Inn renewing their vows
about 6pm. Ellen Hamilton who is the oldest person on the Island
at I think 94 will be the Matron of Honor and Ross Martindale
who had met his wife on a blind date at the Inn many years ago
will be the Best Man. They are having a wine and cheese social
starting at about 5 with a procession, ceremony and then dinner.
Martha Hamilton is the Justice of the Peace and has officiated
at many island weddings.
May 20, 1999 -
Today was the last day of tap for the children and I happened
to have the camera handy so I've included some pictures on the
May 18, 1999 - Just came from my
last day of tap dancing until the Fall - Beth is a great teacher
and we had soooo much fun!! Yesterday the Chebeague Historical
Society meeting had most of the Chebeague Egypt 20 for a slide
show - they had some great pictures and souvenirs.
I just checked out the statistics on my internet site and it
is amazing what you can accumulate in a couple of years (I guess
I should know that after looking at my cellar) - The site is using
19404 KB, it has 270 pages with 727 images, it has 742 www links.
The Chebeague Recreation Site which is with a different server
has 7829 KB with 70 pages and 415 images with 60 www links. The
Auction page for the Midsummer Night's Frolic is almost complete
and you will be able to see it soon - that is using a lot of space
and images. A lot of www links are probably between the two sites
and I have a lot of images in my friends sites as well. I hate
to say it but I also have 243 errors (they aren't referring to
spelling either!).
May 17, 1999 - Yesterday
they were supposed to spray for browntail moths but they never
got to the East End so I assume with the weather being perfect
they will finish the job today. The Chebeague Hall had a Sunday
morning work party for painting the front of the Hall. I have
put pictures of volunteers, Kenneth and Roy atop ladders painting
May 15, 1999 - Here is another Forecaster
Article dealing with the Cousins Island situation.
13 continued - I have just included pictures from the Postmaster
Installation Ceremony with a link to a pictorial history of
the Chebeague Post Office.
May 13, 1999 -
It is finally official- Gina
Ross is the Postmaster for the Chebeague Post Office and there
will be an installation Ceremony for her today!! Congratulations
Yesterday on our CRC Early Release Nature Hike we took over
to tick island, well that's what the kids are calling it - we
hiked over and around Little Chebeague. I took some pictures of
the trip over and back and the scenery - not too many on the land
- what a great spot. Click
here to see the pictures!
May 11, 1999 -
Martha has asked me to mention that anyone who would like a list
of rental properties which the library maintains may send the
library a self-addressed stamped envelope with their request.
I am chairman of the fundraising committee for the Recreation
Center and also very involved in our Midsummer
Night's Frolic. I am looking for donations to our fabulous
auction which will be part of our night and will also go on the
internet within the next few weeks. A book will be put together
so you can see the items and even bid on them well in advance.
We have already received some wonderful works of arts and crafts
and some other fine items. I will make up an internet link to
each item with specifics and talents. This would be a fun way
for me to show your work - I am having a blast creating these
sites and you will be seeing the page soon!! If families would
like to get together some items as a family donation to the auction
- that would be neat too. My sister and I have created a quilt
which you can see at the library and soon on the internet, we
have a gnome home, paintings by Wink, Miguel, Sally, Avis, Eli
Ross, Linda . . . , fax machine, seaglass mirror, golf afternoon
and lunch, lobster picnic, tennis lessons, and the list goes on.
May 8, 1999 - The fire department was out
in force today installing a hydrant into the newest water source
on the island. The golf course has a new pond off the second fairway
in the swampy area which was practically a pond before. I have
included some pictures on the picweek page
of today's action. Pretty good - I have added pictures 3 times
this week - that means I don't have to do more for almost a month.
The weather is foggy and damp and they are again issuing burning
DANCE TONIGHT! The wagoneers are playing at the CIHCC
tonight from 9 pm - 1 am!!
May 7, 1999 -
School children from all the islands along the Maine Coast are
meeting at Camp Kieve for a transitioning weekend sponsored by
the Island Institute. In picture of the
week I have included a picture of the Chebeague School children
who along with their teacher Len Bogh are participating in this
rewarding experience.
May 5, 1999 - I finally
did it - we now have an address any Chebeaguer will be able to
find. You will still be able to use your bookmarks and the old
address will work but to simplify giving someone the address or
finding the site when you're in China, Egypt or anywhere all you
need is: and you will go directly to
an index of Chebeague sites that are updated regularly.
4, 1999 - The Chebeague Recreation Center has lots of job
opportunities for this summer and an immediate need for a teen
center person. You can check out all the jobs available at the
CRC Employment
Page. We have been manning the Teen Center with volunteers
for the last few months but really hope there is someone out there
that is looking for the perfect part time job!
1, 1999 - April was the driest it has been in 125 years! I
have just added a few pictures from the Egypt trip (finally getting
around to scanning them) Just click on Picture
of the week (that's a joke - oh well) and then click on the
wonderful picture of Joan Robinson on her camel to see them. Today
is also Al Traina's
April 29, 1999 - today is Gina Ross's Birthday and yesterday
was Ken Marsh's Birthday
April 28, 1999 - Today
was "Pajama Day" in the Preschool
April 27, 1999 - Another article in
the Forcaster
about Yarmouths ferry proposal.
April 26,
1999 - I really have a hard time finding time for this with
the sun being up so much longer. I have been home for a few days
from a wonderful time in Quebec City and there isn't really too
much action around here these days - at least not that I will
report on. There is a wonderful article in today's
Portland Press Herald about the famous guitar maker Dana Bourgeios!
19, 1999 - The weather is beautiful - it's a great way to
start off our school vacation. We are leaving today for Quebec
and will be returning on Friday - so you don't have to look for
updates until the end of the week - not that I have been very
good about updating lately.
April 15, 1999 -
This weeks Forcaster has an article
about the Cousins Island situation which you may see on the
CTC pages.
April 14, 1999 - Just got back
from another exciting hike with 20 island children on the island
- there are some very interesting trees on this island - we're
gearing up for the hike in the White Mountains to Mizpah hut in
June which is provided by a grant from Recompense. I have just
included on the Anchor Page a poem sent to me by Helen Wheldon
called Fog on the Rocks.
I stopped by the rec center this morning and took some pictures
of the Kids Craft
program. Last week the preschoolers made paper costumes and
this week they made drums to go along with their costumes - it
was so cute.
April 13, 1999 - Not much to
talk about today except the sky was spitting snow this morning.
Just got back from another exciting night of tap dancing - we'll
have to plan another talent show so we can show off our new steps.
I received an email asking me to remind everyone that there are
people out there posing as AT&T employees who are after your
phone accounts in order to make long distance calls. If someone
tells you to punch in 90 and # - don't do it - it gives them access.
11, 1999 - Last night a group of us got together who are planning
the Midsummer's Night
Frolic Progressive Dinner to try out about 10 different gourmet
chicken dishes - great food. When people see what Patti and Caroline
have planned for decorations for the Rec Center nobody will want
to miss it. We have some wonderful auction items already which
you will be able to view and bid on as soon as I get them on the
auction page. Jack Kilday who is the server for my website has
even donated two six month dialup internet access accounts.
10, 1999 - I am in the process of changing our address in
order to make it simpler for everyone. It will probably be
This will be an address people will be able to find easily - as
long as you know how to spell Chebeague - so that will limit it
to people who are connected. I would like to know how people feel
about this.
Today is Rachel Damon's
birthday - Happy Birthday Rachel!
April 9, 1999
- The well drillers are coming!! We have 4 confirmed wells
to be drilled this Spring and one maybe. They usually arrive and
are gone before anyone has a chance to decide so I wanted to give
everyone ample notice. If you want a well please contact me at or Hansen
's Well Drilling Inc. at
or you may phone them at (207) 839-3293 or toll free nationwide
(877) 839-3293. The Hansens have been very generous donating to
our non profit organizations and will be giving the first 50 feet
for the Historical Society well.
April 8, 1999
- Oops! I missed Donna
Damons birthday on Tuesday (I thought it was the 8th of April)
sorry Donna! Happy Belated Birthday!
April 6,
1999 - I received this note from Dave Chaplin:
"Is now on the air sort of. It began broadcasting over
a week ago as UHF 14 but evidently with too horizontal a signal.
It shows up well on Munjoy hill but can not be seen in Mackerel
Cove!! They would very much appreciate hearing from viewers in
between Munjoy hill and their transmitter on Mountain Rd. in Harpswell.
All that should be needed is a sizeable rabbit ears or "double
bow tie" UHF inside antenna. So please ask your subscribers
with such antennae to check it out and call in their luck to 833-2363
giving their location esp. with respect to whether they could
see Harpswell Neck on a clear day or are behind a hill, however
small. During the day one can only see a community calendar but
every weekday evening from 6-10 pm there is programming. Tonight
they did a spoof of plans for the Naval Air station's former fuel
depot (A nuclear waste dump!!, A Samoset or Sebasco hotel ??)-not
with their water quality problem. The fuel tanks leaked tons over
many years.
There is a "Julia Childs"type cooking show usually on
thursdays. The programming is printed in the calendar. They would
welcome a look at any shows Chebeague islanders might care to
send in for possible airing.
Thanks for your help. Dave Chaplin"
- continued - Last weekend Elizabeth Hill was in the production
at the Yarmouth Middle School - she was great as a yellow
bird! This afternoon my kids got together with some friends and
found easter eggs down at Bennetts Cove so I've added a couple
more pictures to picweek page.
4, 1999 - Happy Easter! - We just returned from the
Sunrise Service at the East End and for everyone who missed the
sunrise because they forgot about daylight savings time or they
were sure it would be raining can now see what we witnessed. We
had to wait an extra 20 minutes for the sun to rise above the
clouds - it was really quite beautiful and cold! You can see the
view from where we stood on the Church Page
and then another view up the street on the Picweek
FROM DEC 24 1998 THROUGH MARCH 30 1999
21 1998
1996 AND JANUARY 1997
I would love to have any news, poetry, stories to add to
my news page so please email with anything you think would be
of interest to islanders around the world - yes Singapore, Egypt,
Mediterranean, Boston etc. checking out the news page everyday!
So please email me at
on the picture to go to
Chebeague Island Anchor Page
The number of hits on the page depends on whether you access
the page through the old address which was started in 97 or the
new way using chebeague. org which means as of May 5, 1999.