Aug 1999 - December 1999
Doppler Weather Map from You can click on the picture
to get more details about weather.
24, 1999 - Christmas Eve - Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays
- we'll probably see everyone at the Church for the Christmas
Eve Candlelight service at 7.
I finally took another picture for the weekly
picture page which hasn't changed since Oct 17th - Oh well
I have been busy. You will have to see the new species of bird
which has arrived at our new fire/golf pond. I wish we had snow
for Christmas - but at least there may be skating if the cold
keeps up.
Virginia Tatakis Calder has been hired by the Recreation Center
as a full-time recreation Director - congratulations Virginia!
December 19, 1999 - I have added pictures
from Friday night's Christmas play
performed by the Chebeague Island School Children.
Thank you to who sent me the anonymous hilarious Christmas
Card - you went to so much trouble - I'd love the thank you personally
- my family thought it was a riot!!
17, 1999 - The explorer post #846 thanks everyone who purchased
trees this year, the kids sold 50 trees. not bad for a spur of
the moment idea. look for the trees next year, this idea seems
to have caught on and hopefully will be a yearly event..
Tonight is the all important and wonderful Christmas Party
which includes a short play produced and put on by the Chebeague
Island School with Miss Douglass directing. The kids have worked
hard on this play and I'm sure everyone will enjoy. It starts
at 7:00 PM at the Hall - Santa will arrive right after the Play!
Then for all who missed the kids tap routine they will again do
their magic.
December 13, 1999 - I have posted
a message from the CCR on their site. They
have space available at the Commons.
11, 1999 - this morning we had a wonderful time at our kids
craft holiday fair where the children went around the gym to different
sites and made gifts for all their freinds, relatives and themselves!
Tonight the Whalers put on another exciting Winter Show with some
fabulous skits and songs!! I just added some pictures
of the show including the preshow tapdance with Denis, Katie,
Christy and Anna. It was dark and I was far back so I didn't do
very well with the pics.
December 9, 1999
- I got this update from the Explorers: "the trees are going
fast, if you would like a special size i/e table top,etc let the
explorers know, they're making a list of special needs trees,
contact any of the explorers or Leon Hamilton. thanks for all
the support and donations, the money collected will be used for
uniforms, charter dues, and other activity as the explorers see
December 8, 1999 - Another positive
or should I say accurate article in the Portland
Press Herald today!
December 6, 1999 -
I just received a note from Tom Calder that the Explorer scouts
purchased 30 Christmas trees from Allens Farm on Mon afternoon
and have sold 16 as of 9;30 PM, they are a little better grade
tree than we planed on ,so the price is 20-25.00, still cheaper
than traveling over yourself many thanks to Leon Hamilton,CTC,
and the Explorers for getting them here!
Don't forget about the MAJOR EVENTS this Saturday including
The First Annual Holiday Children's Holiday Gift Craft Event
on Saturday 10AM to 12PM. Bring all your children and for a minimal
amount they can make all the gifts for their relatives including
earrings, necklaces, key chains, pomander, ornaments, bath salts,
and more! Priced anywhere from .25 - $1.50.
The WHALERS Christmas Show -- guaranteed to be an extravaganza
- refreshments and tappers too!
Today is Katie Babcock's
19th birthday! Happy Birthday!
December 5, 1999
- The weather has been unseasonably warm - great weather for getting
Christmas lights up and there are more around than ever. The crew
was hard at work on the Golf Course lighting up the island today!
There was an article in the Forecaster
about the Cumberland and Chebeague Post Offices which might
be of interest to people.
There was a letter to the editor by Ted Rogers and also one
by Nils Y. Wessell in The Forecaster about the Parking which I
will try to include later this week.
NOTE: The fire dept. Explorer group will be selling
trees on the island, begining mon afternoon 12/6 hopefully,,,,
from 3:30 -5:00 pm, the prices are about $18.00 (We'll know better
when they arrive) This is a great opportunity for people who hate
to drag them home from town or from deep in the woods (as if there
are any left)
December 1, 1999 - A GREAT
editorial in yesterdays paper!
November 26,
1999 - Hope everyone is recovering nicely from the feast day.
Beverly has escaped to Vermont for a couple of days, but before
she left she asked me (brother-in-law David) to remind people
about the Holiday Craft Fair at the Hall on Saturday. I don't
know what time it is, but I imagine it's in the early afternoon.
Go early to be certain!
November 25, 1999
- Happy Thanksgiving!! Here
is the latest Forecaster Article. So you are not without more
reading material for this Thanksgiving (everyone is just hanging
around all board with nothing to talk about) I have included two
more letters to the editor that appeared in the November 25 Forecaster.
The first one is a letter from Jean
Dyer and the next one is one by Kenneth
November 24, 1999 - Nancy
Hills letter to the editor in the Forecaster came out today
and so here it is. I also have put in a letter
to the editor of the Portland Press Herald by Ted Rogers.
The Chebeague Island School K-3rd class learned about rocks
and minerals this fall. The children got together on an Early
Release Wednesday program with Carol White and me, took pictures
of rocks and minerals with the digital camera and started writing
discriptions. We then produced our own a Maine
Rock and Mineral Book which you can see here on the internet!
These programs at the Rec along with the school work are a lot
of fun and we are planning to do a lot more.
22, 1999 - David Hill has written a letter to the editor in
the Forecaster last week and one
in today's Portland Press Herald.
Anyone who would like their letters put on this site please email
them to me and I will include them here- Thanks.
21, 1999 - KayKay Hill just finished her school project: an
internet site on The
American Way.
November 19, 1999 - Last
night the Town
of Yarmouth passed a resolution which every is probably interested
in reading!
Also, a letter to the editor in the
Portland Press Herald today in response to an article about
property taxes.
November 17, 1999 - I just received word
that the new CTC lot on Route One is getting ready to open you
can read all about it and more details on the CTC
Info Page.
November 16, 1999 - Elizabeth
and I finally got most of the information people need to start
getting prepared for the POLAR
BEAR PLUNGE 2000 which will take place February 19. If
you go to the page you can print out your pledge sheets, waiver
form and find out all the incentives you will receive for your
pledges. It is not too soon to start accumulating your pledges.
One person has about $300 so far. If you don't want to jump in
you can always send a pledge in for someone participating - we
have started a list of those who have signed up so don't wait!!
13, 1999 - Another Portland
Press Herald Editorial in todays paper. I feel they really
took a bias stand and ignored a great deal of history and what
Yarmouth had planned for the lot.
November 12,
1999 continued - There was a great letter to the editor in
todays Portland Press Herald by Jean
Dyer and I have included it here. It reminded me again that
Cousins Islanders use to have to travel through a residential
area in Falmouth to get on a boat to land on the wharf at Cousins
12:30 tomorrow
November 12, 1999 - Frozen
solid is a picture I took of our birdbath this morning. It
was extremely cold last night - yesterday Stephen, and I along
with Jon tried to catch up on all the people who have waited too
long to have their houses drained. I hope those who haven't contacted
us have heat on in their homes - I have tried contacting some
but have not been able to reach everyone.
I am looking for raggedy Ann and Andy costumes for a school
play Denis and Dasha are in this year if anyone has any hanging
around please let me know.
November 11, 1999
- Happy Veterans Day! I just got back from the rec center where
about 15 people had gathered for a whole day of "Stamping."
I took a few pictures which I have put on the Rec
Page just click here.
There are a few more articles
in the Forecaster about the Blanchard lot and which includes lots
of criticism of Cumberland.
November 9, 1999
- There is another article in the Portland
Press Herald about the Blanchard Property.
4, 1999 - Tomorrow is Denis' Birthday and he is having a dance
at the Hall tomorrow night at 7:00. Everyone is invited and Betty
(aka, Elizabeth, Biseth, Etta) the disk jockey will be there too!
Saturday Sanford Doughty will be 80 years old!
31 cont. Just received an email from the Bisharats and they
are all fine. Nora has already been out trick and treating.
31, 1999 - The Halloween Party was
a lot of fun and the decorations were fabulous. The teens took
off about 8:00 for a scavenger hunt which ended at the Teen Center.
It was hard getting focused so I missed a lot of great costumes.
30, 1999 - Weeeeere Back! What a wonderful trip we had too!!
The whole school, teachers and many parents spent two terrific
days in Boston - the weather was perfect and we are all overstimulated
with so much. The younger grades went to the Harvard Peobody Museum
led by our on-island scientist Carol White and the teacher Carin
Douglass, and the older class took off for a hike of the Freedom
Trail. We even got to see the governor of Massachusetts (Salucci?)
while at the State House -so exciting. After an exhausting day
touring museums and the trail we were back at five to the Science
Museum where we were inundated with more information for the next
7 hours until lights out at midnight. We even got to sleep under
the T-rex in the dinosaur section (a dream come true for some
- a nightmare for others) The next morning we saw the Omni Theatre
show about Egypt - spent more time exploring and we were home
by 3 PM - WHAT A VACATION! Check out our pictures: Travel
and Museum of Science, Freedom Trail
While we were gone another article
in the Forecaster about our Cousins Parking.
26, 1999 - There was an article in todays paper about the
lot and the eminent domain procedures and the vote by the Town
of Cumberland last night at it's council meeting.
Our school leaves for a two night trip to Boston tomorrow -
I can hardly wait. The older class will be doing the Freedom Trail
and the younger class will be going to the Peobody Museum at Harvard.
Thursday night we will all sleep on the soft concrete floors of
the Museum of Science - I hope under we get under the T-rex -
we''ll find out soon enough. I understand there will be about
400 campers there - that ought to be interesting. Lights out at
midnight and then we are up at 6:45 - I'm getting tired thinking
about it!
October 22, 1999 - I stopped over
the the rec today and took some pictures of Shirley
Barker's fitness class. The class was small today, about 4
regulars didn't show but I did manage to get some great pictures
for the program ad.
Don't forget the Chili Supper at the Parish House tomorrow
October 18, 1999 - Tonight the Historical
Society is hosting Joel Eastman who is over hear giving a presentation
about World War II and Chebeague. It is at the Parish House at
FLU shots tomorrow morning at the CIHCC at 9:00 AM-
these are free and sponsored by the Chebeague Island Council!
Tomorrow nightMaine DEP Meeting about Home Heating Oil Tanks,
CIHCC, 7 pm. The Chebeague Island School is having their Open
House at 7:00 for children, family and friends!
Next Saturday, October 23, the church is having a fellowship
Chili Supper, Parish House, 6 pm FREE!
17, 1999 - I have been away and forgot to mention my sister
birthday yesterday!
October 11, 1999 - The
Cumberland GCI - Growth/Long-Range Planning Committee is setting
up some important meetings. 10/14 - 7:00PM at the CIHCC - GROUND
7:00 PM at CIHCC - HOME HEATING OIL TANKS. For more details click here.
8, 1999 - The other day we received our November National
Fisherman and there was Jarrod Smith on the cover - it was an
article about greenhorns and he makes the perfect model after
all he use to be Stephen's sternman. You can see the cover and
the picture of Jarrod on the Picture Page.
The talent show was a blast - the island is just one big happy
family - especially when it comes to talent shows! The school
children have made over $800 towards their trip to Boston, that
along with a grant from Recompense and the Island Institute will
make the trip doable. We will go down on Wednesday spend the night
at a motel in Saugus , the older children will do the Freedom
Trail and the younger children will travel to the Peobody Museum
to learn more about rocks and minerals. Thursday night we will
"camp-in" at the Museum of Science where all kinds of
activities will take place.
I thought I would start a lost and found
page. Someone had found some glasses and someone else is missing
a bicycle and it made realize that this would be a great resource
for people who have lost something cherished or valuable.
This Saturday is the Frost Tournament (rain or shine), 12 pm.
Social time is at 5 pm.
October 1, 1999 -
Tonight! TALENT SHOW! At the CIHCC - 7 PM - benefit school
trip to Boston !
- Please plan to attend - this is a very important meeting to
be held at the Chebeague School at 7 PM. There will be discussion
about the Ball field as well as other important issues which effect
the whole community!
The Long Range Planning Committee is having an open forum to
be held also Monday from 5 to 7 at thet school. It will be a pot
luck supper and we will talk about our history, needs, and concerns
as it pertains to planning for the future. EVERYONE'S INPUT
September 28, 1999 - I'd like
to thank everyone for all the notes and well wishes during this
difficult time. I just received an email from Doris Croudis' daughter
whose mother was pleased to see the picture of her sixth birthday
party which Eleanor had attended along with Raymond and Gladys.
The TALENT SHOW to raise money for the school trip to
Boston is only a few days away! Friday at 7:00 PM you'll get to
see an array of acts. Bob Brown and I are doing one of the numbers
from last summer's play and we have some wonderful musical numbers.
REFRESHMENTS will be served. Tickets are only $5.00 so
please get them early just in case you can't make the show you'll
be able to help fund this great experience. Checks can be made
out to The Chebeague Parents Association. Oh yes, we are still
looking for TALENT (don't be shy) just let us know what you want
to do.
September 20, 1999 - Town Council
Meeting on Wed night at 7 at the Hall to discuss the new schedule
for paying taxes. 12 months due Nov 1; and 6 months due on March
1st. Town Councilors will explain the rationale. The public can
comment. The council doesn't vote until next week. They will try
to give a cheaper interest rate in March, knowing some folks won't
be able to come up with the money. Let your thoughts be heard.
September 17, 1999 - The Live
Lobster Cam is working again and they have a wonderful archive
of shots over the last few days! The kids had school today, much
to their dissapointment and the boats are all running as schedule
and I am unaware of any problems from the storm. We really needed
the rain!
September 16, 1999 - BIG NEWS!
- I have no idea what it really means to us, check out the paid
advertisement in the Forecaster which came out today about THE COUSINS
September 14, 1999 - Last
week I turned into a "soccer Mom" - Dasha and Denis
are now playing soccer on a league in Cumberland and they really
love it. It is very low keyed and lots of fun - and would you
believe I'm really getting into it. Last Saturday the Whalers
put another of their wonderful concerts on for the community.
Right now I'm working on a school field trip to Boston. We
have reservations for all the students K-6 in our school to camp-in
at the Museum of Science Thursday night Oct. 28th. The students
along with their chaperones will get to explore the museum and
do projects until midnight and then camp out in one of the areas.
In the morning they will get to see the OMNI theatre show. We
are thinking of leaving the night before on Wednesday and stay
at a hotel near Boston and then do some exploring of Boston. If
anyone knows of an inexpensive hotel/motel in Boston or close
for about 37 children and chaperones ( I'm figuring about 9 rooms),
please let me know. We are going to put on a talent show October
1st to raise money for the trip - the children will be selling
tickets to the show ahead of time if anyone wants any just let
me know. I almost forgot - we are also looking for talent - I
know there is someone out there who is just waiting for the opportunity
to get up on that stage!!
September 6, 1999
- Yesterday at the CRC
Volunteer Appreciation Day many volunteers were honored including
Doug Ross who was give the Volunteer of the Year award. This year
Jon Rich made another copper fitting trophy for Doug as he did
last year for Rob. You can see lots of images of the day and Doug's
hiker trophy.
It was a great party for Cindy's 40th birthday and this week
is full of birthdays including Donna
Martindale, Gail Miller,
Lewis Ross, Ryan
Ross, David Hill,
Dick Phipps, Kendra McKinnan, ...
5, 1999 - Today at 2:00 PM is Volunteer Appreciation Day
at the Rec Center! The party is even catered so no volunteers
are needed to make food. Nancy Hill who is the chair will be handing
out plaques and awards to many, many volunteers. There have been
so many people doing so many things that it's hard to count them
all and hopefully nobody will be left off the lists - if so please
let her know. Last year Rob Friedlander was the Volunteer of the
Year recipient and this year there will another award to someone
who has been a significant volunteer to the Chebeague Recreation
Center. As everyone is probably aware Rob has volunteered all
his time running the pool, lifeguards and swimming program all
summer and into the Fall and is most appreciated!!!
Another big celebration is Cindy MacNeill's 40th birthday party.
Everyone is invited to come to the Hall from 3 to 6 and help her
September 1,
1999 - The Town of Cumberland will be having their own website
starting today at
. If anyone wants to start the bidding on any items for the CPA Auction you may contact Virginia Calder.
31, 1999 - There is a meeting of the Chebeague Long Range
Planning Committee on Thursday Sept. 2. It will be held at the
Hall at 7:00 pm. Find out about the work of the committee which
has been established by the Cumberland Town Council. Share your
ideas about what you value about Chebeague and any concerns you
may have about the island's future. This is your chance to be
heard. Everyone's ideas are important.
29, 1999 - School is only 3 days away here but who's counting
the hours? We have been away since Thursday to Vermont, New Hampshire
and today canoeing down the Saca but now we are home getting ready
for school and for me to get down to real business!
There are a few major events coming up this next weekend which
I hope everyone is ready for. The CPA Silent Auction
and Bake Sale to benefit the preschool program? It is this
Saturday, Sept. 4th from 12:30-2:00 at the CRC. There are
some wonderful items being auctioned off and you can see a list
of the items that are available right here on the web. Please
check it out and you can see the wall hanging my sister Nancy
and I created of the Great Chebeague Golf Club which is among
the items. I wish I had time to take pictures of the other items
before the day.
CRC volunteer appreciation day Sunday, Sept. 5th from 2-4 pm-
August 25, 1999 - A big event took
place today at 10:30 at the Stone Wharf. The Steam Yacht "Quiet
Presence", built by Michael Porter and owned by Dodge Morgan
was put in the water. I happened to find out a few minutes before
the launching (I don't know how I missed it going by my house)
and put together a web page of the event.
August 24, 1999 - Last week Denis participated
in "Artrek" at the Portland Museum of Art. This program
is an all day summer school art classes culminating in an exhibit
of the students work. Denis put together a web
page of the Artrek, his work and the opening reception.
Cousins Island has a new
web page which is really nice with pictures and good information.
18, 1999 - I haven't been around much this week - having to
go to town everyday and getting ready for school starting on Sept
1st (I'm not counting the days, hours, minutes - not me). This
weekend there will be a public Supper at the Hall, 6 pm to benefit
the Hall $5.00 for Adults and $3.00 for children - it is always
a great time.
Tomorrow night (Thusday) is Henry Hubbell's Annual Library
slide show at the Parish House at 8pm - The topic this year is
"Portugal" For everyone who was anxiously waiting to
hear that they won BJ's bronze sculpture - the winner was Wink
Houghton. We were fortunate to be at the Library Dance when his
name was drawn. This is one event that is so much fun for the
whole family - kids and adults alike danced all night to wonderful
music by Herb Maine and friends.
I recieved some beautiful pictures of the island from John
Howard so I will be adding them to pic of the week which hasn't
been updated in a month - so check out some beautiful scenes taken
a year ago.
August 13, 1999 - Don't forget
that Saturday night Herb Maine and friends are performing at a
benefit dance for the Library
- Saturday night at 7:30 - 12, Adults $5.00 children $2 - hope
to see everyone there.
Sunday is your chance for a lobster roll luncheon at the Hall
to benefit the Pre School Program - for only $8.00 you get a lobster
roll, chips, cookie and lemonade!
August 11,
1999 -The Historical Societies House Tour is Thursday August
12 from 12-5pm You can get tickets in advance for $10 at Library,
Janet Whitney, Molly O'Donnell, or Kitty Freeman - The day of
the Tour tickets are available for $12 from Joan Robinson
9:30-11:30. They will not be sold at the houses. You must have
a ticket to
attend. There are 6 very different houses ranging from a 1830'
renovated farm house to
a 1980's contemporary and everything in between!
I haven't had time to get the pictures together from Carousel
which by the way is getting rave reviews! If you didn't see it
because you were away there is a tape at the library - it was
really a blast being part of it and I managed to stay in tune
most of the time (well, maybe I'm exagerating).
9, 1999 - This Wednesday night the Cumberland Mainland and
Islands Trust is having their annual meeting at the Hall at 7:00
PM. Nathan Hamilton will speak about native Americans in Casco
Bay and refreshments will available.
There was an article in the Portland
Press Herald about the proposed satalite parking lot for Chebeague
Transportation Company.
August 5, 1999 -
Things are coming at me too quickly and there isn't enough time
to learn my lines and keep up with the page. Today is the THE
LADIES AID FAIR from 12:30 till 3:00 - I hope everyone knows about
it cause it is almost too late to get there. Tomorrow night is
the first night of the Carousel at 8:00. Saturday from 2 - 5 PM
the CCR is having an open house at the Commons. From 2-4 PM there
is Aquatics Day with fun and frolicking at the pool with greased
watermelon and all. I feel bad that we haven't got our water balet
act together yet - as a matter of fact we haven't done any this
year - but there is a couple weeks of summer left - so there is
Today was ART DAY at the rec center where volunteer Kathy Maglio
and friends (all art teachers) worked with 21 children with a
variety of projects. They had a blast!
August 2, 1999 - I just got back from rehearsal of Chebeague's
rendition of "Carousel" - it has been so much fun and
we are hoping everyone will come out and see it on Friday or Saturday
night 8:00 PM. I have been creating the program so if you would
like a preview of the picture on the cover check
this out and see if you recognize a few of the actors in it.
It is a lot better on the computer screen than the black and white
JULY 1999
MARCH 30 1999
21 1998
1996 AND JANUARY 1997
I would love to have any news, poetry, stories to add to
my news page so please email with anything you think would be
of interest to islanders around the world - yes Singapore, Egypt,
Mediterranean, Boston etc. checking out the news page everyday!
So please email me at
on the picture to go to
Chebeague Island Anchor Page
The number of hits on the page depends on whether you access
the page through the old address which was started in 97 or the
new way using chebeague. org which means as of May 5, 1999.