Click on the doppler map to get the Chebeague
weather page.
January 22, 2003 - Pot Luck Supper!!
This Saturday, Jan 25, 6 PM the CIHCC will be putting on a
potluck supper. Please come, relax, and enjoy this community time
together at the Hall to benefit the Hall - any questions and/or
you want to bring something call Karen Hamilton. Hope to see everyone
January 18, 2003 - 12:32 - Water temp
33 air 8 degrees - 10
plungers all plunged - Great time - the main problem was that
the tide was high and there wasn't any room for the spectators
and we had to start at the waters edge. Thank you to all rescue
people who stood by, Skip Dyer with his starter cannon, Doug Ross
and Stephen Johnson for spending the morning getting the fire
going, and especially for all the people who pledged all the plungers.
The pictures will be on later today after the Chile Chowder Challenge.
The winners of the Rockathon were Jimmy Stefanilo, 2nd Arianna Stefanilo who both rocked around the clock, and Britny Bernier was third. They had a lot of support from all the teens and nobody got much sleep.
8:12 PM: The results are in for the Chowder Challenge with Brenda Helbig - 1st place, Carol MacArthur - 2nd, and Gail Miller 3rd. The Chili Challenge 1st place was Virginia Calder, 2nd Brenda Helbig and 3rd Shirley Barker. We will keep updating the Pledge and Sponsor Page as the checks and pledges come in. As of now we have raised $6788! The carnival is continuing tonight with a Family Dance from 6 to 9 with everyone's favorite DJ The Sound Lord.
The outside air temperature is minus 10 degrees - the
water will seem quite warm at 34 degrees.
17, 2003 - 10:30 PM - The CRC Rock-a-thon has begun
and the six teens are
all settled in and rocking away with video games, music, movies,
food and lots of support teens. (photos taken at 10PM) They
have raised over $1100 not counting the hourly pledges so that
is wonderful.
Don't forget The Polar Bear Plunge - 12 NOON - Don't
be a minute late or you will miss the whole thing - the water
temperature is about 34 degrees and tonight is supposed to be
one of the coldest nights this winter. I hope the ice doesn't
form too thick! Not to late to make pledges and send donations
January 14, 2003 - The
meeting scheduled for Thursday night on dealing with recomendations
to the Stone Wharf has been cancelled. The Town of Cumberland
has to get some more information and studies before it will be
able to dredge so they have postponed the meeting until a later
January 12, 2003 -Now I know who goes
on line early Sunday mornings and checks out the news page - I
won't tell how I know but those who did know.
I wanted to give a list of those who are participating in the Polar Bear Plunge and Rock-a-thon so far - I'm sure there will be many more joining us but for now here they are: Polar Bears: Lauren Miller, Tom Calder, Chris Cash, Leah McDonald, Lida Munroe, Arianna Stefanilo, Ross Hawks, Dennis Johnson, Beverly Johnson. Rockers: Jim Stefanilo, Arianna Stefanilo, Britny Bernier, Darya Johnson, Dennis Johnson, John Summa, John Miller, Anna Maine, Cal Hawks. If someone hasn't been contacted and would like to make a donation to the Teen Center you could pledge any one or all of the people above and send a check to the Chebeague Recreation Center, RR 1 Box 320, Chebeague Island, ME 04017. Thank you.
Great news for the CIHCC, Geof Summa has started the addition
and the floor is down. Soon we will have the space we have been
needing for a long time - thank you to all those who have supported
this worthwhile project. We have raised almost $18,000 from the
community and another $6000 from grants. This along with a matching
grant from the USDA will enable us to add the additiion and make
important upgrades to the Hall. A big THANKS to everyone from
the Board of Directors and all users of the Hall (which is all
of us).
January 11, 2003 - Next week is the
Teen Center's Winter Carnival. The Teen Center is open year round
Friday, Saturday and Wednesday and during the summer every night
but Sunday. The Rec Center hires one or two people a night to
oversee the center and it has been a great place for our young
people to congregate, play sports, games, pool, watch TV, do crafts
.....! Our teens are the luckiest teens in Maine to have such
a facility and have all the people involved. This is the Teen's
most important fund raiser to help defray some of the costs of
this free facility. The teens involved with this fundraiser also
get to do an exciting adventure later in the year. Last year they
went to a Red Sox Game and stayed in Boston. Two years ago they
went on a rafting trip.
The carnival starts with a snow sculpture contest with teams around the island making snow sculptures.
Friday night at 7 is a TALENT SHOW (please contact Virginia if you would like to participate) ROCK-A-THON begins 10:00PM till the last rocker stops rocking. Teens will get pledges for the amount of time they rock or a lump sum donation. The teens will be rocking in rocking chairs through out the night with breaks here and there.
@ NOON at Bennetts' Cove.- CHILI &
CHOWDER CHALLENGE (Following the Plunge) at CRC $5-FAMILY DANCE w/ "Sound Lord"
6:00-9:30PM $5
January 8, 2003 - Note from the Fire Chief,
Tom Calder: "Keep all doors shoveled,in case there's an emergency
so we can get the stretcher into the house. Keep doors shoveled
in case of fire, you can get out, and remember to keep your monitor
heater vents shoveled out to reduce the risk of carbon monoxide
gasses entering the house. We're not used to all this snow, thanks"
January 4, 2003 - picture
of wharf 11:30 before high tide
January 4, 2003
- We are in the middle of a another major storm , about a
foot of snow over night and still snowing. We had about 18"
of snow Christmas day and it certainly is a white winter.
I've been in Massachusetts to celebrate with my Aunt Adelaide (my father's sister) who turned 100 on Thursday. It was lots of fun and we all stood around and sang songs I had never even heard before - she just loved it and all the attention. Yesterday David Miller hit the 50 year mark - Happy Birthday!
Lots of news about the Maine Land Bank proposals and related issues (MCTRR is Maine Citizens for Tax Reform and Relief, a subcommittee of Save Our Island instituted to address tax issues requiring state level initiatives.)
----MCTRR's Dave Hill joins former chief justice Daniel Wathen, Rep. Peter Mills and Rep. Bernard McGowan as panelist for the upcoming Maine State Agricultural Show in Augusta on January 15 at the Civic Center. The topic? Property taxes, of course!
----MCTRR invites you to join legislators and citizens from
other communities to a public presentation on Maine Land Bank
& Community Preservation Program. Mark your calendars for
January 15 at 7 PM at Harrison Middle School in Yarmouth. For
more information, click here
In case you haven't heard we have another star on the island,
Stacy "KomLosy" Stewart!! The Portland Players
Production of Once Upon A Mattress!
Stacy is playing Princess Winnifred one of the leads. The dates
for the show are: Jan 24, 25 @ 8:00pm & 26 @ 2:30pm, Jan 31,
Feb 1 @ 8:00pm & 2 @ 2:30pm, Feb 6, 7, 8 @ 8:00pm & 9
@ 2:30pm ---- They may add an extra weekend.---------Box Office
# 799-7337. They are open Tues, Wed, & Thur 10am-2pm. You
can call and reserve tickets right over the phone.
Christmas Eve 2002 - It's almost here and
I think I'm done with my shopping - as you already know I've been
too busy to sit down at my computer - I had 25 emails this morning
when I checked in. Last week the children put on a Nativity Play
for the annual Christmas Party - Check
out the pictures here (thank you Beth D)
Yesterday the Portland Press Herald had another editorial which related to the land bank proposal and I have linked to it here:
Tonight is the Christmas Eve Service which will be at 7:00
pm - hope to see everyone there.
December 17, 2002 - Congratulations to Bradley
Putnam (son of Bob and Sheila) who has received early acceptance
at Harvard. Bradley is a senior at Greely High School.
I have also added a picture of the artwork
Ms. Beaule's class (K-2) have created in art class.
12, 2002 - Happy Birthday Raymond Hamilton - I think he is
The annual community Christmas Party hosted by the Chebeague
Parents Association will take place this Saturday, December
14th at the Church. Island children will present a short nativity
play at 6:00 pm, followed by a visit from Santa, who will have
a gift for every island child up to sixth grade. There will be
refreshments at the Parish House following the festivities. All
community members are welcome! Need gift wrap? Holiday and all-
occasion Sally Foster gift wrap is available at the CRC for $7
per roll. Note cards and cookbooks are available at Artisans Icehouse,
to benefit the CPA.
December 8 cont. - I just added some pics
Kim sent me from the Concert and
I also added some photos from the Globe article.
8, 2002 -The Cantata went wonderfully Friday night and I will
load pictures later thanks to Kim Munroe. I wanted to let everyone
know that there is an article
in the Globe today which I have put on the page.
4, 2002 - I forgot to mention that The Whalers and friends
Performance is at 7:30 on Friday at the Hall. Hope to see
everyone there.
December 2, 2002 - This Friday
night is a special night - The Whalers and Friends will
be performing a cantana "Repeat the Sounding Joy" at
the Hall. Twenty seven men and women will be on stage singing
for an hour of music of Christmas. The Sunday School children
will join us for one song and there will be visuals to go along
with the music. There will be an intermission with refreshments
and then a slide presentation utilizing the new Power Point projector
which the library now has available. I have put together about
250 images of the Island in winter and Christmas to share with
everyone. Thanks to the fire department we were able to utilize
their large projection screen (the library has one on order).
Some of the people who have supplied photos are Martha, Cathy
MacNeill, Dianne Calder, Joan Robinson, Donna Damon, Doug Ross,
Banu KomLosy, David Hill, Vika Johnson, and more which are still
coming in. Hope to see everyone there. The cost is $8.00 per person
and children under 12 are free - proceeds will benefit the Hall.
Don't forget to get your Christmas trees from the Fire Department - I think they are on sale now - you can contact Tom Calder for more information.
Just received this message from the Rec Center: The CRC would like to remind you that our annual Kids Holiday Craft Fair is scheduled for this Saturday, December 7th from 10 am- noon at the CRC. There will be lots of easy craft projects for kids to make and take home. It's a great opportunity for kids to make homemade gifts. Prices vary from about 50 cents to $2 for each project and kids can choose to do whatever they like.
All children are welcome. Parental accompaniment is advised for younger kids.
Also- if any adults reading this would like to help out at
the fair by helping with a craft station, please call Virginia
at 846-5068. Ideas and supplies provided. Thanks!
18, 2002 -This Thursday through Sunday Greely Drama will present
the Broadway Musical Crazy For You. This is the "new Gershwin"
musical that opened in NYC in 1992. All Gershwin music, but a
new story line. More than 60 students have been working on all
aspects of the production since mid-September, and they would
love to be supported by faculty, administration, and staff. Tickets
are $8 for adults and $6 for students and seniors. This is a great
show. The costumes are glittery, the music is every great Gershwin
tune rolled into two hours, the sets are fabulous and the tap
dancing is superb!
Don"t miss seeing Tyler and Brad Putnam, Cooper Bowman and Sarah Brown singing and dancing their hearts out and see the set worked on by Tom Damon including a very realistic piano built by Tom.
The play runs Thursday, Friday, and Saturday evenings at 7:30
and Sunday at 2. Get there early as the shows frequently sell
out! Food and Roses will be on sale.
November 17, 2002 Last night's fundraiser
was a great success - the hall was full of well wishers, family,
friends of Angella - dinner was terrific and Mark's music as well
as T-Pollack were fabulous!!!
I finally put the poems on the shelter page for the Mrs. Asch's art class - It was hard reading some of the writing but I think I got most of it right. I'm sure Sara Asch would love to hear from people about what a terrific job she does with the Art program on Chebeague - our children are so lucky to have such a dedicated teacher and art program.
Speaking of artists - Gail Miller has some wonderful jewelry
she has been creating and now has a top website where you can
find it all. I have had so many people contact me how to order
Gail's creations and now it's as easy as typing and just in time
for Christmas. Her website is:
16, 2002 - Last weekend Leah (Island Fellow Intern) took some
of the teens on a hike to Zealand Falls Hut. I came along for
the fun of it and had a great time. The weather was unseasonably
warm and Darya and I took some pictures which I have scanned
and put on a page.
November 15, 2002 - I
forgot to mention that if you wish to donate something for raffle
or auction, make food, help with other aspects of the dinner please
contact Denise Campbell 846-4031 or Kim Munroe 846-4654!
13th continued - The community is hosting a Benefit
Spaghetti Supper to help Angela Weagle and family on
Saturday, November 16th, at 6 pm at the Hall. All community members
are welcome to attend and donations are greatly appreciated in
the form of cash or checks. Checks can be made payable either
directly to the Weagles, or to the Chebeague United Methodist
Church, with a memo that it is for the Weagle Fund. Mark Dyer
will play acoustic guitar from 6-9 pm, followed by T Pollack from
9 - 12 pm.
The fire department recently had an addition of a Smokey the
Bear Fire Sign. The sign was done by a fire dept explorer from
Cumberland, Don Moody, as part of his eagle scout award. It was
totally his project from start to finish, fund raising for lumber,
building sign, making arrangements to bring out to island and
getting it into place. Check out the picture in the picpage!
Also the fire department will be selling Christmas Trees this
year again sometime after Thanksgiving.
November 13, 2002 - Even though the Press Herald
has Harpswell's Laddie Whidden moving to Chebeague, the newspaper
has endorsed
the Maine Land Bank Proposal. Be sure to watch Channel 6 tomorrow
night, Thursday the 14th at 6:00 pm for their report on "Taxed
Out." Or set your VCR.
November 11, 2002
- In record heat (it reached 65 degrees in Portland today!
It was 15 degrees last week. Go figure.) Bev went on a hike and
tried to keep up with Leah and the kids. Yours
truly (David Hill) escorted reporter Kevin Kelly and photojournalist
Dennis Doyle from WCSH NewsCenter 6 to the Island to interview
people involved with the proposed Land Bank Program, and to get
reactions from some of Chebeague's "everyday people"
taped at various locations around the Island. Dennis Doyle was
also at last Saturday's Land Bank meeting, so you're bound to
see plenty of familiar faces when you tune to Channel 6 next Thursday,
the 14th at 6:00 pm.
November 10, 2002 - This
week's Maine Sunday Telegram has a good Article
about the Maine Land Bank Program and the grassroots effort
that some Chebeague and Harpswell residents have launched to get
property tax reform passed by the Legislature.
9, 2002 - Don't forget the Property Tax meeting at the Hall
today. Learn about the proposed Land Bank Program and its impact
on your taxes. From 3:00 pm until 5:00.
7, 2002 - OK - I thought I was so smart putting the pictures
on five minutes after I took them - well I think I have corrected
the link below - one comment I recieved was "water must be
so high we can't see it...!"
I just got back from practicing for the Whalers and friends
Christmas performance "Repeat the Sounding Joy" the
date in the Calendar was wrong - the show will be Friday December
6, 2002 at 7:30 at the Hall to benefit the Hall. There will be
refreshment and photos of Island Christmas' past.
6, 2002 - Just returned from taking pictures of the High
Tide at 11:45 which I thought you may like to see.
5, 2002 - Last weekend was a plumber's nightmare - I have
been working on the island draining water and all since 1975 and
only three or four times did we have a time when people left their
houses on a little longer than they should have and it got cold.
One time that comes to mind was about ten years ago and it was
Thanksgiving day and we had to get our torch out and thaw pipes
out so we could drain the water. Well, this year on Thursday (October
31) we still had about fifty six houses to drain when the weather
went below 32 degrees and stayed there. Jon, Stephen and I spent
the whole weekend thawing and draining houses - hopefully before
any major damage was done. Next year I will be scheduling turn
offs on a first come first serve basis and if you don't have any
means to keep your house and pipes under your house warm after
Columbus day then you better get on the schedule early.
On a milder note - today is beautiful and I had the pleasure of taking pictures and making a website for Sara Asch's art class on the island. They are studying biomes and they made some wonderful shelters which they then added to the woods behind the school. They are also in the process of writing poems about their shelters and putting them to music in Mrs. Manion's music class which I will be adding next week.
Dennis Johnson is 14 today!
November 4, 2002
I want to pass on an important message from Amy Kersteen:
"The Maine Island Trail Association manages Crow Island
for the Bureau of Parks and Lands. The island's cottage is in
need of some new shingles on the southwest end, so we are looking
for a few good men and women to help out with this project. We
hope to start and finish the project on Saturday, November 9.
If you are interested in volunteering, please call or email Amy
Kersteen for details: 761-8225;"
In Sunday's paper there was a great editorial by David
Hill on the proposed Land Bank program.
November 1, 2002 - The Fire Department has
a new fire truck which you can see on the picpage
- it's beautiful.
I am so looking forward to a special event at the Hall on Sunday
PATRIOTISM: George Washington and the Revolution -
Was he a great patriot? How did American Patriotism begin? The
library is presenting this lecture by Phil Jordan - Donations
will go to the Hall building Fund!
October 29, 2002 - Several Chebeaguers attended
a two day meeting at the Island Institute last week on the topic
of sustaining island communities. The meeting was well attended
by people from all of Maine's coastal islands.
The highlight of the meeting was a presentation by Chebeague's David Hill on the proposed Land Bank program, which if passed will allow anyone in our state concerned about rapid escalation in their property taxes to reduce their assessment and limit increases in it moving forward. The presentation seemed to meet with virtually unanimous enthusiasm.
Another topic of considerable discussion was affordable housing. A group will be studying possible establishment of a Credit Union which would endeavor to offer higher rates to savers and more favorable mortgage terms to affordable housing borrowers.
Property Tax Reform Meeting
Presenting the Maine Land Bank Program
developed by residents of Chebeague and Harpswell - Saturday,
November 9, 2002 - 3:00 - 5:00 pm - Chebeague Island Hall
A website has been established for statewide legislative initiatives
for sustainable tax reform and relief, and Save
Our Island will have a community page within the site
- the address is:
October 25, 2002 -The following opportunity
exists for anyone who wants to become more involved in local government.
This will be a working committee and will meet frequently. Regular
attendance is critical. You will have the opportunity to help
shape the future of the island.
I just received this and I'm not sure when applications need
to be in but do it while you think about it. It may not be on
the WEB site yet but just fill out the generic application and
type in Islands Committee. For more information contact Donna
Cumberland Islands Committee
Committee Vacancies:
The Cumberland Town Council is accepting applications from
interested residents who wish to serve on this reactivated committee
whose mission will be to consider the various issues relating
to the islands of Cumberland, and to recommend strategies for
addressing these issues. Areas for consideration include, but
are not limited to, environmental, economic, transportation, land
use, solid waste, recycling, coastal access, public health, affordable
housing and infrastructure development or improvement. For more
information, or to request an application form, call Carla Nixon,
Assistant Town Manager at 829-2205 The application form can be
downloaded from
and mailed to Cumberland Town Hall, 290 Tuttle Road, Cumberland,
ME 04021.
October 24, 2002 - Headsup for everyone
- the Island Market will be closed from Monday October 28 - Sunday,
November 3.
Message from CRC:
1) Annual Halloween Party at the Hall - sponsored by the Chebeague
Parents Association - will take place this Saturday, October 26th
from 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm. The starting time is earlier than past
years so please make a note of it. All children are welcome. As
always, there will be a costume parade on stage, games like Bobbing
for Apples and Donuts on Strings, and the famous Cake Walk.
2) Annual Teen Scavenger Hunt - sponsored by the Chebeague Teen Center - will take place following the party, starting from the Hall at 8:00 pm. Teens are invited to see a big-screen movie in the Rec. Center after the Scavenger Hunt. Virginia and Leah still need some adult drivers to help with the hunt, so please call us at 846-5068 if you'd like to help.
Thanks for your time and have a safe and happy Halloween.October
22, 2002 - Message from Tommy at the transfer station: "as
of 10/27 we go on winter hours, meaning NO more fridays, we close
at 4;00 on Wed, Sat, and Sun. Also, don't forget to change batteries
in all smoke detectors soon, also check your chimneys, stove pipes,
thanks Tommy"
October 17, 2002 - Cassidy will be having a
CONTRA DANCE for his birthday
on Sunday, October 20th at 3 p.m. at the Hall with the Mere Mortals.
EVERYONE is invited to join
in the fun! There will be a pot luck dinner after the dance (5
p.m.) with plenty of time for folks from away to get off the island
on the 6:15 boat.
Donations are optional. Proceeds from the dance go to the soup
kitchen at Preble Street Resource Center in Portland...Cassidy
is asking for donations in lieu of gifts.
October 16, 2002 - I received the following
note from the Island Institute: "For those of you in
the listening range of WERU (89.9 FM for mid-coast, 102.9 FM for
the greater Bangor area). This Friday, Oct. 18, from 10-11 a.m.
Ron Beard's 'Talk of the Town's' show will focus on the increasing
cost of island living. Particular focus will be given to the three
themes of our Affordable Coast meeting: property taxes, affordable
housing, and working waterfront. Sonny Sprague of Swan's Island,
Ruth Westphal of Great Cranberry, and Barney Hallowell of North
Havenwill be guests on the show, as will David Platt, publications
editor at the Island Institute, and Nathan Michaud. Ron will also
be taking calls to the show on-air at 469-0500. Hope you can join
us and contribute to this important conversation."
The Historical Society is holding its monthly meeting on Monday, October 21 at 7:30 p.m. in
the Rec Center. This is a change of location from the
Calendar listing. The topic is Greater
Portland Trolleys, and the presenter is Frand Hogdgon.
Come and hear about this popular mode of transportation from a
bygone era.
The CTC has a new boat which arrived the other day. I don't know
any particulars about it but I did take a few pictures as I was
riding by. Check out the pic page!
October 8, 2002 -Don't even THINK about what
to have for supper next Sunday night (Columbus Day Weekend). The
Historical Society is putting on a benefit HARVEST
SUPPER, and just sit and relax and they will serve
you. The menu sounds
yummy!...Sylvia's famous Cole slaw, rolls, Beef Burgundy (with
beef,carrots, and onions) along with real mashed potato. Homemade
apple crispand whipped cream for dessert rounds out the meal.
Coffee, tea and lemonade are the choices for beverages. Door prize!
Be there at 6 pmSunday, October 13th at the Hall and dig in...$10
adults; $5 children 11 and under.
Suhail Bisharat will be leading a second trip to Turkey in early
May. The 3-week trip will feature trips to out of the way treasures
as well as popular sites in Istanbul. A high light will be a fabulous
cruise on the Aegean Sea will frequent stops at archeological
sites including one of the wonders of the ancient world. The cost
for the trip includes most meals, airfare accommodations, the
cruise, land transportation and a tax-deductible donation to the
Historical Society. The total cost, with the exception of some
gratuities and transportation to New York, will be approximately
$3700. To secure your place on this first come first serve trip
contact Jennifer Hamilton 846-4343. An $800/person deposit will
be required before November 1.
Ocotober 3, 2002
- May Hall asked me to pass this message along - sounds like
a great time: Cassidy will be having a contra dance for his
birthday on Sunday, October 20th at 3 p.m. at the Hall with
the Mere Mortals. EVERYONE is invited to join in the fun! There
will be a pot luck dinner after the dance (5 p.m.) with plenty
of time for folks from away to get off the island on the 6:15
Donations are optional. Proceeds from the dance go to the soup kitchen at Preble Street Resource Center in Portland...Cassidy is asking for donations in lieu of gifts.
This Friday evening at the Hall is a special musical presentation
by the Island Instititue fellows - which will benefit the Hall.
an informational meeting with representatives from Long Island.
Mark Green, Nancy Jordan, and Christine McDuffy have been invited
to speak about the Long Island experience with secession from
the City of Portland. Why did they do it, how did they do it,
how is is working? All interested parties are invited to attend.
September 24, 2002 - The following students
will be performing in the Greely High School production of "Crazy
for You." Tyler Putnam, Brad Putnam, Cooper Bowman, Sarah
Brown. Tom Damon will be building sets and running lights. You
won't want to miss this great show in mid November. There is a
Sunday matinee! You can buy advance tickets though Donna Damon.
Anyone who would like to place an ad or message of encouragement
to the kids can contact Sheila Putnam in October. Watch this page
for more info.
September 22, 2002 - Donna has asked be
to pass on a message for everyone concerning rumors which are
running rampart on the island. Please check out the Town
Council News for her note.
Congratulations to Kimberly Bogle who received her Doctorate in Sports Administration from Florida State University. She is currently an Assistant Professor at Springfield College.
Sports are in full swing with the island Children this season.
Mia Taliento scored in her first field hockey game in Junior High.
Nate Martin is making touchdowns in every game he has. Darya and
Arianna are involved on the Wildfire Soccer Team for Sixth grade
AYSO soccer. Dennis Johnson is on the Junior High Soccer team
and George Birkett is playing soccer for NYA. John Summa is playing
football along with Chris Martin and Brad Martin. Bradley Putnam
is doing Cross Country. We also have Anna Maine, Julia Maine,
Alissa Hamilton, David Hamilton, Conrad Birkett, Casidy Jeffers,
Caroline Summa are also playing soccer for AYSO a couple of times
a week at Twinbrooks. Now that I've started listing everyone -
I'm sure I'm missing lots of people.
September 12, 2002 - Last Saturday the winner
of Linda White's quilt came to the library to receive her prize.
Check out the photo of Lori Cavanaugh and her family with her
prize on the library site.
Last weekend we had the pleasure of having the North Shore Selkies Syncronized Swimimg Team sponored by the Massachusetts YWCA here for the week end. They practiced at the CRC pool 9-12, and 4-6 and put on a free show between 5:30 and 6:00 pm on Saturday. The two coaches are Becky and Kristna, and the six girls were Amy, Ellie, Liz, Mary, Molly, and Grace. Molly and Grace Frank and Marriane Durgin's grandchildren. We have a few pictures of their visit and show.
Mark your calendars for Monday, September 16th! The Chebeague Island Historical Society is presenting a lecture "Remember the Maine" by noted Maine historian, Joel Eastman. There is a fascinating segment of history to remember and all are invited to join the Meeting at 7:30 p.m. at the Hall.
The Island Institute has started a list service having to do with island property taxes. To post messages, send an email to - messages will automatically be sent to all subscribers. Subscription is ongoing just contact Island Institute and they'll subscribe you.
Nathan Michaud
Program Officer for Community Planning
Island Institute
Rockland, Maine 04841
(207) 594-9209
September 5, 2002 - On Tuesday there was
an article in the Portland
Press Herald about taxes, revaluation and seccession which
you can check out. There was also an article about Long
Island and what they have been through.
The well drillers "Hansens Well Drilling" will be coming to the island on Monday to start drilling on Tuesday. Anyone else interested in a well should contact me or better Sue Hansen Smith at 839-3293.
Since I put the information about the Wagoneer's CD on the
web I have been listening to it and love it - it brings back so
many memories and I wanted to add that Chip Emery did a wonderful
job putting it all together. I almost got Stephen to dance with
me - maybe next time.
September 4, 2002 -
Boy do I have a lot of catching up to do!! School started on Tuesday
which means I might have some quiet time around here for a few
hours - but now the chauffeuring starts to soccer, music, soccer,
.... I first need to go back to some of the activities which took
place this past summer with some pictures. As everyone know Dianne Brewer won the car and
I finally have a picture.
Saturday was the 2nd Annual triathlon at the rec center - Congratulations to all the participants. Receiving trophies and doing an incredible work were Matt McDonough, Brian McDonough, Rory McCullom, Nora Bisharat, Christy Phipps, and Alissa Hamilton. Each one of the participants swam for a 1/4 mile, biked for 5 miles and ran 2 miles. At the festivities on Saturday the Library drew the winning raffle ticket for Linda White's beautiful quilt which we have all been admiring at the Library. The winner was Lori Cavanaugh from Denmark, Maine who has been a summer visitor for the last few years staying with the Brad and Pam Smith. The library still has for sale note cards and posters showing the magnificent work of Linda for more information on these click here (these would make great gifts for Christmas)
The Chebeague Recreation Center presented it's volunteer of the year award to Carol White on Saturday. Carol has volunteered for the past four years doing Lobster Camp. She also thanked Bob Putnam for all his help in making the camp so successful.
Last Sunday night the Wagoneer's released their first CD at the Chebeague Inn with a standing room only crowd of well wishers. The CD, titled "time slips away," has some old favorites such as "Crazy", "Louise", "Be Bop A Lula", "Casco Bay"... You may get your copy by contacting Marlene and Med at
August 18th was the Firehouse open house and John Maxon won the door prize, which was a punt made by Bob Dyer! Kim has sent me photos from this wonderful event:
August 26, 2002 - Town Council Meeting on
Chebeague tonight- 7pm CIHCC!
Chedempion desperately needs banana boxes, if you have any extras
please bring them up, or call Tom at the transfer station to arrange
a pick up of them, also be careful of the bees near the bottle
shed, no one has been stung,but they're kinda mad about something,,
August 22, 2002 -The Historical Society
is issuing an invitation to the Chebeague Island Community to
join in a celebration of the completion of the MUSEUM OF CHEBEAGUE
HISTORY at the District 9 School house on Sunday, August 25th,
from 2 - 5 p.m. Children are welcome and are encouraged to attend!
Light refreshments will be served.
This will be an opportunity to tour the building and to recognize
the contributions of the many individuals whose collective vision
and support
over the past eighteen years has resulted in the preservation
of an Island landmark and has created an institution that will
tell the Island's story for generations to come.
Joe Bennett will be putting on a comedy night at the Hall - some
of the proceeds will benefit the new Historical Society Museum
- Look for signs till I get more information.
August 19, 2002 - I finally updated the
Library Page which was sent to me almost a month ago but I found
the other day. Sandra Rice had a wonderful display of her art
work and BJ and Lee Bowman will be featured in August. The Southern
Maine Library District has chosen our library as their library
of the month (July) with photos
of Chebeague and the Library on their website.
T-Pollack will be playing at the Island Hall on September 7, 2002, at 9pm. To celebrate the marriage of Matthew Stewart and Stacy KomLosy. All are welcome! BYOB
Don't forget tonight "The Island Bridge" discussion
at the Historical Society meeting at the Hall.
August 17, 2002 - Hot, hot, hot, hot, hot,
hot - this past week has been a heat wave!! It hasn't stopped
us all from having a great time. On Wednesday was the Treasure
Island Golf Tournament and Ship rec party. There were over 300
people who showed up for the dinner (50 more than anticipated)
the music of Don Campbell was great and the big event we were
all waiting for was the drawing for the electric car which had
been donated to the rec by Jimmy Stewart. The big winner was Dianne
Brewer who had bought two tickets!
The Chebeague Island Historical Society is holding its next
general meeting on Monday, August 19th at 7:30 p.m. at the Island
Hall. The topic of this
month's meeting is "The Island Bridge
- The Chebeague-LittleJohn Island Bridge Proposal of 1957-63". Beth Howe
and Mac Passano will present the program, and all are invited
to attend.
Property Tax Meeting #4: Wednesday,
August 21 at 7:00 at the CIHCC. At this meeting you will learn
from an expert about ways to reduce and manage your property
tax: Steve Dill of Wells Fargo will explain reverse mortgages.
If you're 62 or over, a reverse mortgage may be a good solution
for you. Also on the agenda: How do exemptions work? How do I
know I qualify? What tax relief programs am I eligible for? Who
can help me? What's next? ($2/person charge collected at the door
is intended to cover expenses for Hall, printing, postage, etc.)
I have made another box above dedicated to SAVE THE ISLAND - property tax meeting information and newsletter. Also another good article which highlights our tax situation is
Congratulations to Merrill Hall, who came in second on August
3,in The Masters' Division at Southeastern USA Strongman, held
in Lakeland, Florida, and qualified for The Masters' Nationals.
August 11, 2002 - Tonight at 7:30 - Jerry Wiles will be presenting a lively discussion
of John Fitzgerald Kennedy at the Hall for the benefit
of the Hall addition.
The next property tax abatement meeting will be held
on Thursday, August 15 at 7:00pm at the Hall.
Partial agenda includes:
* Save Our Island--goals and progress to date.
* The abatement process--the major steps of the process and how
it will help save our island.
* Where can I get more information about abatement?
* Who can help me? What do I need to do?
( Please note there is a nominal $2.00 per person charge at the
door to cover expenses for Hall janitorial services, printing,
postage, and long-distance phone calls.)
The CRC Ship Rec Party and Treasure Island Golf Tournement
is this Wednesday - get your tickets early for the party ($20
adulets, children 18 and under $10) at the door you will have
to pay $25 and $12 I think) - I don't know if there is still room
in the golf portion of the tournement - but you could call 846-5068
to find out.
August 5, 2002 - I'm sorry for not responding
to many emails lately that I didn't even know I had. As you know
there are a lot of young people around my house and going online
- I just discovered they have been accessing the internet through
a different browser which has been downloading my mail and I didn't
know it.
One of the most important emails is from Boopie and the committee for tax reform. Please click here for information from the committee - very important!. Includes information about petitions, committees, and meetings.
Legislators Turner and McKenney will appear Wednesday, August 7, at 7PM at Town Hall in Cumberland to discuss property taxes.
Dave Hill is appearing on "So Goes the Nation" to
discuss property taxes not only on Chebeague, but on Maine islands
in general. Dave's intent is to spread our word and show our problem
is also a state-wide issue, consistent with our long-term goals.
He is joining Charles Horne on WCKD Bangor 30, which is Adelphia
Cable channel 10, in affiliation with ABC 7. (Look out, Matt Lauer!)
The program will air on Friday morning, August 9, from 8-8:45.
door for these public meetings.
August 2, 2002
- The first nights performance of Guys and Dolls was wonderful
and there are still two more nights to go. The first six rows
are reserved seating but the last four are open for people to
buy at the door so there is still plenty of room if you haven't
gotten your ticket yet.
Wednesday night the Stone Pier Committee had a meeting at the Parish House with the Town to discuss possible solutions to the parking and wharf conjestion. Please contact the committee members with your comments and go to the next meeting which I think is August 15th.
Another date to keep in mind is August 11, 2002 - Jerry
Wiles will be presenting another historical figure at the
Chebeague Hall Community Center. "Would the Real JFK stand
up". 7:30 at the Hall a lively discussion about John
Fitzgerald Kennedy will take place. Donations to the Hall for
their building addition fund will be gladly excepted for this
July 28, 2002 -Happy Birthday Vika!
A note from the Fire Chief Tom Calder: "Its very very important to tell the 911 dispatcher whose house you are renting,, and also the name of the person who USE to own the home when making an emergency call, there have been two recent calls with confusion about the address, it could cost very valuable time"
"GUYS AND DOLLS" is being performed by the
Chebeague Players this weekend. Get your reserved tickets early
at the Recreation Center (you will be able to buy at the door
if there is room). Show starts at 8 pm at the Hall. Performances
are this weekend! What great songs, characters and story - you
won't want to miss it.
July 26, 2002 - More good news -- Nancy
Blanchard's Motion for Reconsideration has been DENIED by the
Maine Supreme Judicial Court! This means that the only avenue
for appeal left is the United States Supreme Court and while anything
is possible, this is an unlikely course of action with an even
unlikelier chance of success.
July 25, 2002 - OLIVER
will be presented by the children of Chebeague on Friday and Saturday,
July 26/27 at the Hall at 7:30 PM. $5 for adults and $3 for children.
The children have worked very hard through some very hot afternoons.
The cast is young and full of energy. Come enjoy the show and
celebrate their accomplishments!
July 23, 2002 - PBS taxpayer video filmed on
Chebeague will air Thursday, July 25, at 8PM and again Sunday,
July 28, at 5PM. Article
in todays Portland Press Herald about last night's Council
Late breaking news bulletin: The Historical Society regrettably has cancelled the Clambake scheduled for Wednesday, July 24th.
The main fundraiser for this year for the Chebeague Recreation Center will be happening on August 14 - Treasure Island Golf Tournement followed by the Ship "Rec" Party. You don't have to play golf to participate in the Ship "Rec" Party. Remember how much fun we all had at the "Good Bad and Ugly" golf and howdown - well this will also be a fabulous time!! The Don Campbell band will be there for entertainment and the food and fun will be everywhere. Get your tickets early. For more information check out the signs and or web page. The electric car will be raffled during the party so get your tickets.
Last night was the Summer Music
Camp Concert - Special thank you to Alison Manion who organized,
set up and came every Monday to teach many of the island children
Violin, Cello, Piano and Guitar. Caroline Partlow assisted her
with a wonderful arts and crafts program when the children weren't
working on their instruments.
July 21, 2002 -
Sorry - Historical Society CLAMBAKE
on Wednesday, July 24th. has been cancelled.
July 19, 2002 - I have just updated the
Chebeague Island Yacht Club Page with details
of the American Promise' return to its original mooring!
18, 2002 - Following notes from concerned taxpayers:
1) Save Our Community - Chebeague needs you - Now! 20
volunteers needed now to move this effort forward - Requires committing
time and effort now and over the long haul in the following areas:
formal organization, extensive research, media relations, widespread
communications, database and website coordination and maintenance
(Computer literacy and specific software needed for only some
of these)
Contact Boopie on/before Sunday, July 21, at
or call evenings 846-9329
2) ALERT! Town Council to vote Monday, July 22, on acceptance of current revaluation results. Be there! Town council members to contact besides Donna Damon who is already very involved:
Jeff Porter, Chair 2005 829-4129 37 Crossing Brook Road
Stephen Moriarty, Vice 2004 829-5095 34 Blanchard Road
Bill Stiles 2005 829-6679 494 Range Road
Mark Kuntz 2003 829-6482 66 Blackstrap Road
Harland Storey 2003 829-3939 45 Middle Road
Michael Savasuk 2004 781-3061 26 Stoney Ridge Road
July 17, 2002 - Congratulations to Will
Vaughan who has just received a patent covering his computer-aided
instruction program, Perfect Recall. The patent
(no. 6,419,496) can be seen at the U.S. Patent and Trademark
Office website,
I have been having a lot of trouble getting information online - it seems my server has been down a lot lately - sorry about that - I'm also pretty busy!
A reminder that tonight is the Historical Society meeting on the Stone Wharf PAST at the Island Hall.
Press Herald article reporting on the Monday Night Meeting.
15, 2002 - Don't forget the meeting tonight - we need to show
that Chebeaguers are really concerned!!!
AND PROTECT OUR COMMUNITY - Meeting with Sen. Karl Turner
and Rep. Terry McKenney to discuss tax reform and relief - Monday
- July 15 - 7PM - Chebeague Island Hall Community Center
The Chebeague Island Historical Society would like to announce
a couple of upcoming events:
"On Wednesday, July 17th, Jim Millinger will present an an
illustrated slide talk on the Stone Wharf's PAST ... from business
center to parking space. Audience participation is invited to
consider its FUTURE as launch pad, storage facility, or recreation
center? And some other questions to ponder and discuss: what was
in those buildings?...The Stone Wharf? I thought it was the Stone
Pier!... Extend it or dredge it: is that the question?... Does
it have to be Lobsters OR golf??? The meeting takes place at the
Island Hall. All are welcome!
CIHS is also inviting everyone to join in an old-fashioned CLAMBAKE!
Just like clambakes of yesteryears, there will be clams, lobsters,
and corn, prepared on the beach at Chandler's Cove. There will
also be hot dogs and chicken for those who prefer to skip the
lobster, but all will be treated to appetizers, punch and desserts
as well. So contact Mona Calthorpe at 846-4939 for your tickets,
and bring a chair or blanket and join in the fun. The date is
JULY 24th, 5 p.m. Lobster dinner $25, chicken and hot dogs $20.
(with all the trimmings)."
July 8, 2002 - Thank you to Mike Grunko for
getting the results of the 4th
of July Road Race.
July 7, 2002 - I'm
hoping to have a few pictures from the fourth of July soon - it
has been quite a week with the unbelievably hot, beautiful weather.
Tomorrow night (July 8th) will be PROPERTY TAX MEETING #2
at the Hall at 7pm. The purpose of this second highly interactive
meeting will be to identify alternatives that potentially and
collectively accomplish substantial Tax Reform and Relief. All
Cumberland voters and property owners concerned with skyrocketing
property taxes (their own or their neighbor's) and who want to
be actively involved in bringing about change and improvement
are encouraged to attend.
June 30, 2002 -
There is a citizen organized tax meeting tomorrow, Monday July
1st at the Parish House at 7 pm. For more details you can contact
Pam Curran, Boopie Tellinghuesen, or Jen Hamilton.
Tom Calder wanted me to remind everyone that the transfer station cannot except paint in its liquid form, it must be dried up with either kitty litter or leaving the cans open in a safe place, anyone with questions can call him at the transfer station 846-4509.
Don Campbell Band will be performing on Wednesday, July 3 at
the Chebeague Island Hall & Community Center from
8:30-11:30 pm! They are going to have a BYOB dance/concert and
tickets are $10 - available by calling them at their Portland
office 774-2471 - some tickets may be available at the door too.
For more info on the band, people can visit
Also that night Mark Dyer's group "Southbound" will be playing at the Chebeague Inn which I believe starts around 9:30. It's a great way to see two great bands of different styles.
The 25th annual Chebeague Island 4th of July Road Race will
be at 9 am for the FREE "FUN RUN" mile+ - ribbons
and popsicles for all finishers. The 4.2 MILE RACE is at
10 am. Trophies for top three male and female finishers 14 and
under, 40 to 49, 50 - 59, 60 and over (New this year) entry Fee
is $6.00 - rain or shine. For more information or to volunteer
your time contact Beth or Michael Grunko at 846-6047 or 617 666-1997.
June 29, 2002 - Some very important news
from Donna Damon involving our tax situation
as well as other important island issues. July 2nd meeting with
the Planning Board and Board of Adjustment and Appeals workshop
to discuss setbacks on island properties. July 9 Planning Board
will meet on Paper streets in Nubble View and Waldo Point - reports
available at the Library. They will also be discussing the Long
Range Planning report. Other items of interest are Stone Wharf,
Hope Island, Cousins Island Wharf, Land acquisition and affordable
June 20 - UPDATE - Great News! WE WON!!
The Maine Supreme Judicial Court sitting as the Law Court has
just ruled that the State of Maine was correct in taking the Blanchard
Lot for use by people traveling to and from Chebeague Island.
This means that the Department of Transportation now finally owns
the Cousins Island Parking Lot and can begin to make improvements
to both the lot and the access to the Cousins Island Wharf. This
has been a long time coming! For more details, look at
June 20, 2002 - There will be another Maine
Department of Transportation Public Informational and Scoping
Meeting on Chebeague next Thursday night at the Chebeague Island
Hall Community Center - see the notice below for details.
I have added some more information from the Chebeague
Yacht Club so please check it out.
June 16,
2002 - This past week there were a few important school activities
which are all now included on the school page. Kim Munroe took
most of the photos which I have made the pages - what a team!
K-3 Reptiles and Amphibians,
Carin's going away
party (she's teaching on the mainland next year), and the
3-6 grade plays Tea
Overboard and The British are Coming.
Bulky weekend at the dump will be Aug 2, 3 and 4, there will still be a charge for items containing freon and a charge for building debris.
The following is a copy of the legal notice which was in the Portland Press Herald:
State of Maine Department of Transportation
Notice of Public Informational and Scoping
Meeting in Yarmouth regarding the proposed design and
construction of a new transit improvement project
on Wharf Road in Yarmouth. The proposed transit improvement
project begins at the entrance to the Cousins Island Parking Lot
and continues to the pier at the end of Wharf Road.
Wednesday, June 20, 2002
7:00 pm, The Log Cabin
196 Main Street, Yarmouth, Maine
Representatives of the Maine Department of Transportation will be present on the date and time shown above to provide information and gather public comment about the proposed design and construction of a transit improvement project on Wharf Road in Yarmouth.
Any inquiries regarding this project may be directed to the
attention of Andy MacDonald, Project Manager, MDOT, Multimodal
Program, 16 State House Station, Augusta, Maine 04333-0016 or
by telephone at (207) 624-3420.
June 13, 2002 - Important notice the tax meeting
School Picnic was last Monday and Kim
Munroe took some great pictures.
June 7,
2002 - Note from Donna: IMPORTANT: Don't call the Town Hall
to make an appointment with the assessor. Call the number for
Vision Appraisal. It is on the note you received from the Town.
IMPORTANT: Public Meeting Thursday, June 20th 7:00 PM at the Hall
The Cumberland Assessor and members of the revaluation committee will conduct a public meeting to help islanders understand the information on their assessment cards. This is an opportunity to ask general questions, but it is not the time to ask questions about your specific property. Please call Vision Appraisal to make an appointment ASAP, but you may want to make your appointment for after the 20th so that you will have more information.
As you all know the school budget was turned down the first time around. The new vote on the budget which is now $500,000 less will be June 4th. MSAD51 will provide transportation to the meeting so that all citizens in the District can participate. Nearly 80% of your tax money goes to the SAD. The hearing is held in a Town Meeting format. Everyone votes on the budget, not just the Board members. Residents can ask questions and make motions from the floor just like the old Town Meetings. Get there early as a standing room only crowd is expected. We have an excellent school system and our children receive a great education. Come and find out how your tax money is spent.
Tax assessments are in the mail. Make sure the information on
your card is accurate. For more information please call Donna
Damon 846-5140 or email
There was an article about the revaluation and its effects on
Chebeague in yesterdays
Sunday paper. It featured a great photo of Marjorie and Wilburt
Please remember that you should never open up an email from anyone unless the subject and information makes sense. I have been getting a lot of weird emails from people I know and don't know which are obviously not from them. fortunately they haven't had any virus' but you never know.
May 21, 2002 - Donna has a very important
message for everyone on the island involving Town revaluation
and new property assessment on Chebeague. I am also including
a box above for anyone wishing to see their property or other
property valuation, information and pictures.
19, 2002 - I have just added information about Archie
Ross' burial which will take place this Wednesday.
19, 2002 - There are upcoming elections for the Town Council
and the School Board on June 11th. I have started up another Candidates' Page and have just put a link
to Megan Thorn's information. Megan is running for the School
May 17, 2002 - This is the year of
the ticks I think. I just got back from a small plumbing job and
had six ticks on me. The past week or so have been the worst I
have ever seen. We have only been turning the water on for the
people who have contacted us so please if you are planning on
coming to the island next weekend and haven't told us please let
us know. Jon has enough work and jobs to keep busy 24 hours a
day for the next few weeks so we are doing the turn ons for the
houses we know will have people in them.
Wednesday night at 6:20 we had a tree fall across a power line
near the Cobbler Shop and the strain caused two poles to snap
off. The whole island and Cliff and Long were out. CMP came right
down and got the power restored by 11:30 that night. At 5:00 in
the morning they had a pole truck barged over and then yesterday
had two new poles installed I think that shows pretty good service.
13, 2002 - The Town Council will vote on the budget on May
23. There will be an
opportunity for public comment before the vote.
Next Monday night the Historical Society will be having their
annual Cemetery tour. Meet at the Parish House at 7 pm.
12, 2002 - Just received word that the "Turkey Trotters"
are off on a cruise today and all is well. They are having a great
I should have mentioned that you can register to get raffle tickets for the electric car right on David's website - it sure makes it easy to get them.
This past weekend Greely High School competed in the Maine Principals Association State Science Fair at the University of Maine in Orono. Chebeague Island was well represented and some of the winners were Thomas Damon with First Place-physics/projectiles "The Trebuchet," Tyler Putnam - Second Place - Human Biology "The Effect of Monitor Refresh Rates on Normal Blinking Patterns;" and Jennifer Tonks (Rick and Cissi's daughter) First Place - physics/heat and air movement "How Does Sail Shape and Wind Speed Effect the Power Provided by the Sail?" Congratualations Tom, Tyler and Jennifer!!!
The Town Budget Hearing is Monday, May 13 at 7 at the Town
Hall. The proposed budget vote will be on May 23th.
8, 2002 - The CRC will be raffling their brand new electric
car which they were donated. You can find out about it and how
to get your raffle tickets at a site
which David has put together.
May 6, 2002
- They're off again on another exciting Historical Society
travel adventure! A group of about 20 Chebeaguers left to day
for a guided tour of Turkey. I'm looking forward to hearing from
them about their trip.
April 27, 2002 - On
Monday, April 29th, Rob Hogan (Anne Leonard's husband) will be
featured on Good Morning America between 7 and 9. GMA will be
broadcasting live from North Carolina where the Hogans live.
26, 2002 - What a wonderful Spring Day it was at 7:30 this
morning (NOT) I took a few pictures before
the snow melted away.
Congratulations to Katy Kennedy who has had her first novel
published. You can buy it through and it is also available
at the library. I found a page
with some wonderful reviews.
April 23, 2002
- I just updated the Library
Pages so please check out the latest news, books, videos and schedule
of events.
April 22, 2002 - Yikes! It's
been a long time since I've had a chance to update the page. We
did survive the earthquake last Sunday. I didn't feel a thing
but other people on the island did notice it and I did get a frantic
call from my sister in White River Junction Vermont who thought
her house was going to shake off the hill she lives on. Today
it snowed off and on most of the day with absolutely no accumulation.
I will be updating the library page tomorrow. I'm sure there
is a lot more news to report on. The kids in Mrs Smith class had
major projects due today which has kept many families busy over
the last few weeks. I will be reporting on their projects when
they give their presentations and skits for the community. On
April 11th the Recreation Center had a gymnastics exhibition showcasing
our wonderful gymnasts who have been studying hard under the direction
Bob Libby who has been volunteering his expertise. Kim Munroe
(my faithful photojournalist) sent me some pictures of the children which you can see here.
3, 2002 - Just added a few more better pictures of the State
House trip and concert sent to me by Kim Munroe.
2, 2002 - Today the Chebeague Class travelled to Augusta and
the State House where the 3rd - 6th graders played their violins
at the rotunda and it sounded beautiful. They played for twenty
five minutes and then went over to the Congress where after the
session was started they were recognized for their performance.
Following that we all went to the Governor's office and the children
had a fabulous time with Governor King. I have added lots
of pictures of their day - I wish I could have had the music playing
with the photos.
March 28, 2002 - Everyone
must think that nothing is happening on Chebeague - well there
is so much I'm just too busy to write about it. Actually I seem
to have less time to sit at night in front of the computer. Last
Thursday (a week ago) I happened over to the school and got a
picture of some of the children with the
snowman they just made.
Today the upper class of the Chebeague Island School went on
a field trip to Fort Weston and then came back to Cumberland where
they performed in front of the students from Mabel Wilson School.
The pictures I got weren't the best but I have added them to the
pic page as well! Next week they will
be travelling to Augusta where they will be meeting Governer King
and then playing their violins at the State House! Yippee - what
a wonderful program this has been.
March 20,
2002 - David Stevens is home in Yarmouth recuperating and
doing well after prostate surgery. He wanted to let people know
that he will be back to work "part time" at the end
of May. His email address is
if you would like to contact him.
I have just added this years list of Historical
Society Events to their page - so check it out and mark your
March 18, 2002 - The Senior Luncheon
which was scheduled for Wednesday has been cancelled. Everyone
can look forward to next months at the usual time.
15, 2002 - Tomorrow, Saturday at 6 pm is the Corned Beef and
Cabbage dinner to celebrate St. Patrick's Day at the Hall. The
Hall would also like to thank Karen Hamilton for all her work
in getting this meal together as well as Cindy Riddle and Kathy
MacNiell. Dessert will be pies - lots are being made.
13, 2002 - Yesterday was Leona Boxers 80th birthday - the
family had a get together Sunday to celebrate with over 90 people
and she was delighted! Check out almost
all the Doughty cousins.
Beth Howe is working on the 2002-2004 Chebeague Phone Book
and would appreciate any additions, changes or corrections that
anyone may have? They can call me at (207) 846-7829, write to
RR 1 Box 634, Chebeague or email to
March 8, 2002 - Wednesday was the last day
of skiing for our Lost Valley Recreation Program and we all had
a blast as may be seen from the pictures
I was able to get!
March 5, 2002 - It
is time to start thinking about Summer Theatre and Rachel
is working on this summer's presentation of "Oliver"
for ages 6 to 18. Please check out her notice
on this website!
Last summer I seem to have lost or misplaced our Panasonic
Camcorder in a square black camera case - I have looked everywhere
and the last time I used (I think) was for rehearsals at South
Pacific - I have a few more places to look but possibly someone
may have picked it up by mistake or has seen it somewhere -I may
have even leant it someone - What a memory I don't have!
4, 2002 - Check out the latest news from the library.
I also received a note from Merrill Hall III (Chip) with a press
release on his new book -
Mark your calendar for a Corned Beef and Cabbage supper at
the Hall March 16th - thanks to Cindy Riddle for organizing these
wonderful community events which greatly benefit our Community
Center. I will be posting more information soon.
26, 2002 - Casco Bay Lines wanted me to let people know that
the Maquoit will be out of commission for most of March.
There was a wonderful article in the Times Record about Scott Webber, teacher and band member
which you can see here. It is a image so it will take a few
seconds to load.
February 22, 2002 - I just
returned from a wonderful ski trip at Sugarloaf but had some bad
news that Charles Graves died
on Wednesday the day before his birthday. He was greatful for
all the well wishes he had received.
13, 2002 - Charles Graves will be celebrating his 86th birthday
Feb. 21, and I'm sure he would love to get messages. His address
is: Freeport Nursing Home, 3 East Street, Freeport, Maine, 04032.
Kim Munroe just sent me some great pictures of the concert
which I have added to the Music
Concert Page.
February 12 continued - Tonight
was a fabulous concert - 16 violinist on the stage all playing
at the same time. The Orffestra (xylophones ) was wonderful by
the K-3 class and also the 4-6 grade class. The songs were all
terrific and lots of fun. I took a few
pictures and hopefully will get some from other angles.
12, 2002 - You won't want to miss tonight"s music performance
at the Hall at 6:00 pm - there will even be a 7:45 boat back to
mainland. The k-6 grades will be demonstrating their new skills
on xylophone and the violin. Allison Manion has been doing a wonderful
job with these children and thanks to grants from Recompense and
MBNA along with support from the administration we have this opportunity
this year.
Note from May Hall: "FREE CONTRA DANCE - Chebeague
Island Hall - Chebeague Island, ME. With the Mere Mortals and
Bennett Steward calling Sunday, February 17, 2002 12:30-1:30 pot
luck 1:30-4:30 dance. In celebration of May Hall's 30 something
(??) birthday. CHILDREN WELCOME!!!! Transportation from both ferries
will be provided. For ferry schedules, call CTC (Yarmouth) at
846-3700, Casco Bay Lines (Portland) 774-7871. Hope to see you
there. RSVP 846-3677 or by e-mail ("
February 9, 2002 - It didn't take long for
Neil and Vickie to make the front page of a West Coast newspaper
on their recent trip to Salt Lake City. I just received an email
from Brian McCuskey in Logan where the local paper featured the
Talientos and the article is online at The
Herald Journal - Logan Utah. They waited in the cold for 6
hours yesterday to watch ski jumping which was eventually cancelled
- but they are enjoying the excitement.
Denis J and John Summa had their basketball team to the island
today to scrimmage and celebrate their great year. The Sonics
loved coming here and they all had a great time. I have added
some shots of their last game and todays celebration.
7, 2002 - Happy Birthday Elizabeth Hill who is 17 today. Belated
happy birthday to Jim Millinger, Leon and Leland Hamilton. Tonight
was the Colonial Times presentation by the K-3 grades for Chebeague
Island School. They had great food, entertainment and presentations!
I took some pictures and have added
them to the School Page. Next Tuesday night the school is
putting on a music presentation which will include our 16 violinists
and a mirimba band. Allison Manion has been doing a wonderful
job with the children and they are practicing every day.
1, 2002 - No school today because of a few inches of snow
and probably some freezing rain and sleet coming later. At 7:30
this morning it is still snowing. Library
page has just been updated including the message from Deb
Bowman! Don't forget the Baked Bean and Casserole supper tomorrow
night at the Hall to benefit the Hall - 6pm!
29, 2002 - I have just added a few more photos I scanned from
Cathy MacNeill of the Polar
Happy Birthday to Ruth Slowik who turned 80 today! Here
is a photo of Ruth with her daughter Dianne.
28, 2002 - Hurrah for the PATS!!! I can't wait for Sunday.
Saturday night will be special also because Cindy is orchestrating
another one of her fantastic Baked Bean and Casserole Suppers
to benefit the Hall at 6 PM. Hope to see everone there - we can
talk about how many points the Patriots are going to beat the
Rams by - I hope.
I have just added some pictures on the pic
page taken by Kim of the children tubing on Thompson's Hill.
26 update - I am sorry I was not able to get to the Med's
party but Doug and Virginia were able to get some photos which
I have added to Med Retirement
January 26, 2002 - A public reception
at the Hall tonight from 6 to 8 for Meredith Bowen who is retiring
as Deputy Chief of the Cumberland/Chebeague Fire Department. Everyone
is welcome to come and thank him for his wonderful service to
our community!
One of the Cumberland Fire Dept. Explorers on the mainland,
Don Moody, ( The mainland Post now includes any Island Explorers)
is going for
his Eagle Scout badge and the project he has chosen to do to get
his badge is make a sign for the Island Fire Dept. The sign will
include Chebeague Island on it and be be used to post the daily
fire class danger for the day. Any one looking for more info can
contact Bill Calthorpe or Deputy Chief Tom Calder.
Don wrote: " What I will be doing is working with The Boy
Scout troop 58 and the Cumberland Fire Department to construct
a Smokey The Bear fire danger sign for the residents of Chebeague
Island. I will be doing that as an Eagle Scout project to help
me earn the rank of eagle." Attached
is a picture of the sign.
I have added a few photos from Kim of
violin practice at the library and oversized snowballs on the
ballfield. I am going to be deleting photos from the picpage
over the next few weeks and some of the old sites which are taking
up lots of space. If someone is looking for something from the
past I will store articles and photos on my computer and will
gladly look for them for you.
January 19, 2002
- I have to go get ready for the plunge at 12 Bennetts Cove
- (it is now about 22 degrees- feels like 13 degrees) and then
pick up Chili for the Chili/Chowder Challenge which is happening
at 1 at the rec center. I have managed to put photos on the web
of last night 's TALENT SHOW! Tonight
FLAYMIN RAYMIN AND SIZLING SUSAN from 6 to 10 at the rec center.
UPDATE: Here are a few
photos from the Polar Bear Plunge - I only have a few - I
hope other people took some. We didn't have as many plungers as
other year but I'm sure we raised lots of money - I will report
on that later. The results of the Chili Challange - first place
Brenda Helbig, 2nd place Mona Calthorpe, The chowder challenge
- first place Bruce Hutchinson and Judy Scott, second place Megan
January 18, 2002 - Talent
Wanted! Talent Show tonight at the Hall 7pm to raise money
for the Teen Center. This is all part of the Teens' Winter Carnival.
It should be lots of fun - just call Virginia at 846-5068 to be
put on the list or add your name tonight. So far about 13 people
have signed up for the Polar Plunge and it's not too late
to join in the fun. Some of the people signed up are Bruce Hutchinson,
his friend Judy, Lauren Miller, Beverly Johnson, Dennis Johnson,
Chris McCollom, Matt McDonough, Britny Bernier, Kelly Joyce, Morgan
Weston, Ross Hawks, Randy Dunfey, Raymond Dupree. If you would
like to sponsor any of these crazy people you may send your pledge
to the CRC and indicate who you are sponsoring. One of Dennis'
sponsors has pledged $25 plus a dollar for every degree below
freezing when he jumps in. It has made me look at temperatures
and I think it will be the coldest it has ever been for this plunge.
The advantage is that it makes the water seem warm. Don't forget
12 pm at Bennetts Cove - it only lasts 20 seconds so be on time.
There is a Hall supper scheduled for February 2nd - more details to come!
Carol Jean
Todd Sabasteanski is 50 today! Belated Happy Birthdays
to Bruce Tompkins, Wink Houghton, Vickie Taliento, Glenn Ross,
David Miller, ...
January 13, 2002 - I have
been gone all day today and when I went on tonight to get my emails
- I couldn't believe how many people remembered my birthday -
then I got really scared and decided to see what my sweet brother-in-law
might have done to my page - it was mild and he had the sense
to even spell embarrass wrong so everyone would know that it was
me. Oh it could have been worse! Thank you for all the birthday
On another note Med Bowen has retired at Deputy Chief Cumberland
Fire Dept/Chebeague Isl. after l0 years as head. He has been replaced
by Tom Calder, new Deputy chief. There will be a public reception
for Med at the Island Hall on Jan. 26, 6 to 8 p.m. Everyone welcome
to express their thanks to Med.
January 12,
2002 - Today's my birthday. I won't say which one, but rest
assured I'll never see fifty again! Usually my brother-in-law
hacks this website and tries to embarass me, but I fooled him
this year by keeping a real close watch on this page! Ha, ha,
David! But I do love to get birthday greetings, so send
me some congratulatory e-mail!
January 11,
2002 - The Chebeague Fire Department thanks everyone that
bought trees and are sorry for some being so dry, the extremely
dry season, plus the fact the trees are cut early, made for dry
trees, unfortunately these conditions are beyond our control,
thanks again to all, hope for a safe winter, and remember to keep
all your doors shoveled out in case of emergency.
Next weekend is the CRC's Winter Carnival starting Friday night at 7pm with the annual Talent Show (sign up with you act with Virginia). Saturday at Noon is the Annual Polar Plunge followed by the Chili and Chowder Challenge at 1 pm. Saturday night Flaymin Raymin and Sizzlin Susan Family Dance from 8 to 11. I think the charge is $5 per person. Kids five and under are $1. Sunday there are plans for a hockey game (ice permitting) at 12:30 and later (snow permitting) snow softball at 2:30.
Nobody even told me I had the wrong year till today!
4, 2002 - Rochelle Rice (Shelly) is appearing live on...The
Early Show - CBS, Saturday, January 5, 2002 - 8-10am EST (due
to appear around 9:45am)
January 3, 2002 - HAPPY NEW YEAR - We were
away last weekend for a reunion of
the 1980 Olympic Torch Team and I have made up a page of the
weekend. I'm still expecting to get lots of pictures from the
other participants but you can see the pics my kids took and see
some of the wonderful events we were a part of. There was plenty
of snow at Lake Placid but absolutely none here. It is a beautiful
clear day today.
I need to remind everyone that the Polar Plunge is coming upon
us quickly, Saturday, January 19th 12pm. I will be posting a list
of the people who have already signed up so you can contact them
with your pledges. Dennis and I will be doing the plunge again
this year - it will be our fourth time.
25, 2001 - MERRY CHRISTMAS - I have been working on a website
I started about 6 years ago for the 1980 Olympic
Torch Relay which I was honored to be involved in and represent
the State of Maine. About 20 of the remaining torch bearers meeting
this weekend at Lake Placid where we will be involved in rededicating
the Olympic Flame Tower which was used in the 1980 Winter Olympics.
My children and I are spending the weekend where the Lake Placid
Olympic Committee has a full schedule of events for us to participate
in including Vika doing a bobsled run at Mount Van Hoevenberg
- I would have like to have done it 20 years ago but not now I
don't think. The 2002 flame will be arriving in Lake Placid for
a run down the bobsled around 3:45 and then to the 90 meter jump
at 5:15 then the torch will be greeted by the reunited 1980 Torchbearers
where the opening ceremonies took place 22 years ago. I'll probably
have lots of pictures!
December 21, 2001 -
Just received a note from Donna Damon with a Town
Council Message.
The library has a short film by Jason Kessler (Gabby Tracy's
son) entitled, Q. What's Wrong With This Picture? The film
is related to the events of September 11. They invite you to view
it and let them know what you think so they can give Jason some
December 17, 2001 -Someone left
the Whalers concert with the wrong jacket -It's a blue/green and
black Columbia brand jacket. There is a cell phone in the pocket.
The person who has it can call John Kaminski at 879-7786 to make
arrangements to trade back. Or they can email me at
16, 2001 - The show last night was a hilarious success - of
course I'm biased - I really enjoyed it so much last year from
the audience and being in it this year meant I got to see a lot
more of it every night during rehearsal. I've got a lot
of pictures of the show on which fortunately Doug Ross took
for me.
Today my family and friends traveled around the island from one event to another and I was able to get some pictures. Our first stop was the Holly Berry Bake Sale at the Library. We have already eaten the banana bread, half way through the most delicious Blue Ribbon Apple Cake made with fresh apples and orange juice made by Jean Whittaker. The other favorite which I got some last year was the citris peel candy which Beth Howe makes - my grandmother always brought it to me for Christmas. The punch they served was the best I have ever had (cinnamon, cloves, cranberry, orange juice, pineapple juice, lemon juice and gingerale...)- Mona Calthorpe said she would email me the recipe. The real decorated minature tree was won by Anne Thaxter. We left the Library and went to the Island Commons where everyone had put out a wonderful spread. I have a few pictures from the Commons. From there we went to Miller Designs Open House where she taught the children all about her business and gave them some hands on experience on creating some of her ornaments, napkin rings, earings, etc. Of course I took some pictures and you can see them here.
Donna Damon just emailed me thatThe Building cap issue will be on the Town Council agenda on Monday, December 17. The meeting is in Cumberland at 7 pm.
The Library will have some of the left overs from the bake
sale on sale at the library tomorrow night. So after people go
to the Historical Society pot luck supper and Christmas Party
which starts at 6 pm they can stop by the library and see what
is left or maybe pick something up on the way.
15, 2001 - News flash - the Whalers show is at 7:30 not 8 as I
had previously reported!
December 14, 2001 - Thought
you might like to see a few pics
from our practice last night - you can tell Deborah is putting
us through our paces.
Tom wanted to let everyone know that the Fire Department has
donated the tree again this year for the Stone Pier in the spirit
of giving and in memory of "Lukie" Ross.
13, 2001 - Chebeague Island Historical Society pot luck supper
and Christmas party on December 17 at the Parich House will begin
at 6:OO o'.CLOCK, not 7:00, as advertised.
12, 2001 - Sunday the Island Commons is having a Holiday Open
House from 11 - 6 - If you want you may bring an ornament and
help decorate the Christmas Tree!!!
11, 2001 - Remember that this Saturday is the Whalers and
Company Christmas USO Show - it is going to be so much fun.
Refreshments will be served - 7:30 pm Saturday, December 15th,
$8 - worth every cent!!
Holly Berry Bake Sale at the Library will be Sunday, December 16 from 11 am - 1 pm.
Just received an email from Gail Miller of Miller Designs
who wants everyone to know she is having a Holiday Studio
Hours at her home studio Saturday, December 15, 10-4 and Sunday
December 16th, 10-2 or by appointment - call her at 846-4369.
5, 2001 - The Fire Department's tree sale will be held from
3 to 5 weekdays, and noon - 2 weekends, or you can contact Tom
Calder, Marlene Bowen, Roy Jackson, or Allen Maloney.
4, 2001 - Just added a picture taken
by Wink Houghton of an unusual Christmas Tree on the island.
Every lobsterman on the island has supplied a buoy to make this
very special! Just received a note from Tom Calder that the real
trees should be arriving today for the fire department to sell.
Today is Flu Shot Clinic at the Hall from 8:45-11:30 am - bring insurance card.
It has been difficult finding time especially now that I have three children doing instant messenger and internet homework (that's what they tell me).
A couple of important notes to announce: The Bean Supper which was planned for this Saturday has been canceled - Cindy and the Hall plan on setting up one for sometime in January. The CTC FREE shopping day boats are this Saturday the 8th and then on Saturday, December 15th. Any teens planning on doing the Teen Mall Crawl this Saturday should let Virginia know right away. The Whalers and friends have been practicing for their Christmas Concert which is Saturday the 15th. This show looks to be hilarious - you won't recognize me I hope in one of the acts (the more makeup and costuming the more relaxed am I). The Holly Berry Bake Sale at the Library will be December 16 from 11 am - 1 pm. You will be able to see the beautiful quilt created and donated by Linda White. Also available are full size posters and note cards of this quilt. It's on display at the Library. (I will be posting more information soon)
The CPA Children's Christmas Party is at the CIHCC, 7pm on December 22.
1996 AND JANUARY 1997
I would love to have any news, poetry, stories to add to
my news page so please email with anything you think would be
of interest to islanders around the world - yes Singapore, Egypt,
Mediterranean, Boston etc. checking out the news page everyday!
So please email me at
on the picture to go to
Chebeague Island Anchor Page
The number of hits on the page depends on whether you access the page through the old address which was started in 97 or the new way using chebeague. org which means as of May 5, 1999.