Portland Observatory webcam picture of Casco Bay. You can click
on the picture to get the Chebeague weather page. To learn more
about the Portland
Observatory click here!
December 25, 2001 - MERRY CHRISTMAS - I
have been working on a website I started about 6 years ago for
the 1980 Olympic Torch Relay which I was honored
to be involved in and represent the State of Maine. About 20 of
the remaining torch bearers meeting this weekend at Lake Placid
where we will be involved in rededicating the Olympic Flame Tower
which was used in the 1980 Winter Olympics. My children and I
are spending the weekend where the Lake Placid Olympic Committee
has a full schedule of events for us to participate in including
Vika doing a bobsled run at Mount Van Hoevenberg - I would have
like to have done it 20 years ago but not now I don't think. The
2002 flame will be arriving in Lake Placid for a run down the
bobsled around 3:45 and then to the 90 meter jump at 5:15 then
the torch will be greeted by the reunited 1980 Torchbearers where
the opening ceremonies took place 22 years ago. I'll probably
have lots of pictures!
December 21, 2001 -
Just received a note from Donna Damon with a Town
Council Message.
The library has a short film by Jason Kessler (Gabby Tracy's
son) entitled, Q. What's Wrong With This Picture? The film
is related to the events of September 11. They invite you to view
it and let them know what you think so they can give Jason some
December 17, 2001 -Someone left
the Whalers concert with the wrong jacket -It's a blue/green and
black Columbia brand jacket. There is a cell phone in the pocket.
The person who has it can call John Kaminski at 879-7786 to make
arrangements to trade back. Or they can email me at jkmaine@yahoo.com.
16, 2001 - The show last night was a hilarious success - of
course I'm biased - I really enjoyed it so much last year from
the audience and being in it this year meant I got to see a lot
more of it every night during rehearsal. I've got a lot
of pictures of the show on which fortunately Doug Ross took
for me.
Today my family and friends traveled around the island from one event to another and I was able to get some pictures. Our first stop was the Holly Berry Bake Sale at the Library. We have already eaten the banana bread, half way through the most delicious Blue Ribbon Apple Cake made with fresh apples and orange juice made by Jean Whittaker. The other favorite which I got some last year was the citris peel candy which Beth Howe makes - my grandmother always brought it to me for Christmas. The punch they served was the best I have ever had (cinnamon, cloves, cranberry, orange juice, pineapple juice, lemon juice and gingerale...)- Mona Calthorpe said she would email me the recipe. The real decorated minature tree was won by Anne Thaxter. We left the Library and went to the Island Commons where everyone had put out a wonderful spread. I have a few pictures from the Commons. From there we went to Miller Designs Open House where she taught the children all about her business and gave them some hands on experience on creating some of her ornaments, napkin rings, earings, etc. Of course I took some pictures and you can see them here.
Donna Damon just emailed me thatThe Building cap issue will be on the Town Council agenda on Monday, December 17. The meeting is in Cumberland at 7 pm.
The Library will have some of the left overs from the bake
sale on sale at the library tomorrow night. So after people go
to the Historical Society pot luck supper and Christmas Party
which starts at 6 pm they can stop by the library and see what
is left or maybe pick something up on the way.
15, 2001 - News flash - the Whalers show is at 7:30 not 8 as I
had previously reported!
December 14, 2001 - Thought
you might like to see a few pics
from our practice last night - you can tell Deborah is putting
us through our paces.
Tom wanted to let everyone know that the Fire Department has
donated the tree again this year for the Stone Pier in the spirit
of giving and in memory of "Lukie" Ross.
13, 2001 - Chebeague Island Historical Society pot luck supper
and Christmas party on December 17 at the Parich House will begin
at 6:OO o'.CLOCK, not 7:00, as advertised.
12, 2001 - Sunday the Island Commons is having a Holiday Open
House from 11 - 6 - If you want you may bring an ornament and
help decorate the Christmas Tree!!!
11, 2001 - Remember that this Saturday is the Whalers and
Company Christmas USO Show - it is going to be so much fun.
Refreshments will be served - 7:30 pm Saturday, December 15th,
$8 - worth every cent!!
Holly Berry Bake Sale at the Library will be Sunday, December 16 from 11 am - 1 pm.
Just received an email from Gail Miller of Miller Designs
who wants everyone to know she is having a Holiday Studio
Hours at her home studio Saturday, December 15, 10-4 and Sunday
December 16th, 10-2 or by appointment - call her at 846-4369.
5, 2001 - The Fire Department's tree sale will be held from
3 to 5 weekdays, and noon - 2 weekends, or you can contact Tom
Calder, Marlene Bowen, Roy Jackson, or Allen Maloney.
4, 2001 - Just added a picture taken
by Wink Houghton of an unusual Christmas Tree on the island.
Every lobsterman on the island has supplied a buoy to make this
very special! Just received a note from Tom Calder that the real
trees should be arriving today for the fire department to sell.
Today is Flu Shot Clinic at the Hall from 8:45-11:30 am - bring insurance card.
It has been difficult finding time especially now that I have three children doing instant messenger and internet homework (that's what they tell me).
A couple of important notes to announce: The Bean Supper which was planned for this Saturday has been canceled - Cindy and the Hall plan on setting up one for sometime in January. The CTC FREE shopping day boats are this Saturday the 8th and then on Saturday, December 15th. Any teens planning on doing the Teen Mall Crawl this Saturday should let Virginia know right away. The Whalers and friends have been practicing for their Christmas Concert which is Saturday the 15th. This show looks to be hilarious - you won't recognize me I hope in one of the acts (the more makeup and costuming the more relaxed am I). The Holly Berry Bake Sale at the Library will be December 16 from 11 am - 1 pm. You will be able to see the beautiful quilt created and donated by Linda White. Also available are full size posters and note cards of this quilt. It's on display at the Library. (I will be posting more information soon)
The CPA Children's Christmas Party is at the CIHCC, 7pm on December 22.
Everyone has seen the missing cat posters and the plea on the web Sept 1 for Deborah Gordon's cat - on Thanksgiving Ozzie was found around Division Point by Eleanor Morse. She is home now safe and sound and doesn't have any desire to leave the house.
Michael Porter has just put up his Marine Design website which I have added a link to on the Anchor Page. He has lots of photos and designs of his boats.
Next week I should have some great pictures of our school field trip to Plimoth Plantation (spelling is correct- now it is) - Only 4 1/2 hours on a school bus with two classes of children (our school and one from the mainland) each way - should lead to an exciting, exuberant, comfortable .... time.
The 3rd annual Children's Christmas Craft Fair is scheduled for Saturday morning from 10am - noon at the rec center - this is an opportunity for children to make gifts for their family and friends - the cost of each gift ranges from .25 to $1.50 - and what fun they all have!
At 6pm the Hall is having a casserole and baked bean supper !
Tomorrow is election day - don't forget to vote!
Next Saturday is the Casserole and Baked Bean supper - 6pm at the Hall. Check below for details.
November 4th, at 7 pm Jerry Wiles will be putting on a presentation about John Adams. We will be accepting donations for the storage addition to the Hall. Jerry is renown for his having taught History for 30+ years and has been an inspiration to his students. He has been studying up and has been putting on John Adams lectures around the area.
Baked Bean and Caserole Supper! November 10, 6 pm - yes, back by popular demand and because Cindy Riddle has volunteered to organize them. The CIHCC is so appreciative to Cindy for taking on this vital community event. She is hoping to plan one once a month - just like the old days! Adults $6.00, 4 - 12years $3.00, and 3 and under free. COME ONE COME ALL! If you need more details or want to help call Cindy 846-1055.
Message from Cassidy, May and Jeff: Next week Cassidy will
be making their annual contribution to the soup kitchen at Preble
Street Resource Center. $422 was collected from donations from
friends, family members, the kids at Cassidy's birthday party
and work colleagues. Just wanted to say a big thanks to everyone.
Just received this notice from the Chebeague Island Fire and Rescue:
The firemen's boot full of money that was at the store for some time raised $713.51 for the New York Firefighters 9-11 Disaster Relief Fund in which 100% of the funds go to the families of the firefighters and EMS workers that were killed in the attacks at New York. It is in cooperation with Firehouse.com, Fire House Magazine, Fire Expo and the International Association of Firefighters and is a non-profit 501(c) 3 tax deductible organization administered by IAFF. Along with Chebeague's Fire Department donation of $500 we sent a total of $1213.51. Thank you to everyone who dug deep for that change and wrote checks. I'm sure it will be greatly appreciated.
I also received this note from Tom Calder: Hours at the Transfer Station changing Oct 28, AFTER that date,, no more Fridays, and we close at 4:00 instead of 5:00. Don't forget to change batteries in your smoke detectors,,thats a very important cheap investment.
The Halloween Party is scheduled for October 27 at the CIHCC 7 - 8.
A PUBLIC HEARING is also being called for 7:00pm to answer questions about our submitting a grant to the USDA to obtain funding for our storage addition project. The community has been very generous to date and we have raised over $13,000.
My sister Charlotte Johnson turns 50 today and last weekend her siblings surprised her in Vermont!
News from the Library : The
automation of the Library is well underway. All the new computers
are now in place and running smoothly. We are looking for volunteers
with an hour or two to spare, to put the bar code labels on each
book. If you would like to sign up, please contact the library.
Read or listen to a J.K. Rowling Harry Potter book and earn the
chance at a free movie ticket! Come to the library for details.
Our newest display centers around India and its diverse history
and culture. Come check it out!
HISTORICAL SOCIETY NEWS: - The Chebeague Island Historical Society monthly general meeting is being held on Monday, October 15th at 7:30 p.m. in the Parish House. This session is a "workshop" on the Chebeague-Littlejohn bridge proposal of 1957-63. Participants in the petition drives and others remembering these times are urged to share their memories. Any written materials, photographs, etc., would be much appreciated and will be returned. Historic materials will be displayed. The Historical Society is planning a full scale program on this topic for next summer. All are invited to join the gathering and help preserve this important chapter of Island History.
CHEBEAGUE RECREATION CENTER NEWS: - POTTERY: Towanda has split up the children's pottery class and is inviting teens and adults to join the older kids' class. The class is offered Monday afternoons, from 4:45-6:15 pm for 5 weeks starting October 15th. Some of you might prefer this earlier time over the evening class formerly offered. This is a great way to make some beautiful holiday gifts. Please call Beth or Virginia if interested.
FITNESS WITH SHIRLEY: Starts Monday at 9 am - come give it a try! Only $1 drop-in fee per day.
CRC FALL CLEAN-UP DAY: This Sunday afternoon, October 15th, CRC is planning a Fall Clean-Up Day. There will be inside and outside work (such as putting away pool furniture), and we would love all the help we can get. Refreshments provided. Please come help us keep your Rec. Center looking good! You can come anytime after 1 pm and stay for as long or as short as you like. Any and all help will be greatly appreciated. THANKS!
By the way the Red Cross Benefit Concert is up to $5240 now.
Hansen's Well Drilling is on the island as of 10:30 this morning! If you are wondering about a well you can contact them at 1-877-839-3293. They will only be here for a few days .
On Saturday three jackets were left on the ground at the corner of John Small Road and South Road by three bikers. When they returned from their loop around the island they were gone. There was a yellow ll Bean vest, red knee length rain parka and a blue elastic waste parka.Please call 846-9138 if found - thanks.
Hospice of Maine will be doing a unique fundraiser on September 30th which includes biking on Chebeague Island! Please read their letter about what they represent and what they are planning for Sunday, Sept 30.
Chris Pierce Jr who recently graduated from Yale and got a job at the World Trade Center was in Philadelphia on business and wasn't there today. Also heard from Karen and Jay Corson who are fine. Karen was involved with some of the ambulances and rescue. Nancy Pierce's brother Rick who was working at the Pentagon is safe.
The Blanchard tournament is scheduled for today at 12 for all island residents. There is also a softball game scheduled at the ballfield at 4 and the pool is also opened today with adult swim starting at 1pm. I guess we will all be active today. I hope noone minds me leaving the golf coarse for my half hour swim.
We have library news updated so check it out! The calender of events will be coming in later.
The golf club's women's committee has a fundraiser which would make a great Christmas gift and/or stocking stuffer. Two decks of playing cards for $12.00. You can buy them at the club house until they close and then you can get them from Donna Clark (846-6089) over the winter.
POOL NEWS: For all you swimmers out there, we are happy to say that the pool season is not over! We have a lifeguard coming from the mainland on Wednesdays and Sundays for the month of September. Adult swim will be Wednesdays, 12:00 pm -1:00 pm, and Sundays, 1:00 pm -2:00 pm. Open Swim will be Wednesdays, 1:00-3:00 pm, and Sundays, 2:00 - 4:00 pm.
FALL PROGRAMS: The brochure will be in your mailboxes early next week. Most programs begin in late Sept. or early October. However, here's what's starting now: Rug Hooking starts Sept. 10th (10 week session - $77) minimum 7 people; a new 12-week Weight Watchers session begins Thursday, September 13th, 7-8 pm; Pre-Teen Center every Saturday 3:00-5:30 pm; Teen Center every Wednesday 7-9 pm and Friday & Saturday nights 7-10 pm; Men's Pick-Up Basketball is also ongoing every Wednesday night 7-9 pm.
VOLUNTEER FIELD: Isn't it great?? Don't forget you can use it now! If you'd like to organize an event (like a softball game), please remember to check with the Rec. Center to make sure it's not already scheduled for something else.
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES: The Chebeague Island Preschool Program is looking for an assistant to the teacher, Vicki Todd. Help teach seven adorable 3 & 4 year-olds on Monday & Wednesday mornings from 9-11:30 am. If interested please call Vicki or the CRC. Virginia is also looking for help with the early-release Wednesday program scheduled to begin in October.
Thanks, and have a great day! Beth & Virginia
Friday night -Contra dance at the Chebeague Island Hall
on Friday, August 31. They have a great band coming lead by Nat
Hewitt of Peaks
Island and caller Kathy Anderson, well known for her wonderful
dances up and down the east coast. The Chebeague Island Friends
of Folk Arts (CIFFA) is hosting the first annual Chebeague Island
Contra Dance on the Friday of Labor Day Weekend, August 31, 2001.
The events surrounding the contra dance include: Pre-Dance Potluck
5:30-7 -- Octavia Concert 7:00-8:00 ($5)---- Contra Dance 8:00-midnight
($8) All event will be held at the Chebeague IslandHall Community
Center (CIHCC), SouthRoad, Chebeague Island, ME.
Guests are asked to bring something to share at the potluck. Beverages and desserts will be provided.
Tickets for the Octavia Concert can be purchased separately on the evening of the show ($5), or can be purchased at a discount along with contra dance tickets ($12 for dance and concert). For more information about Octavia, contact Deborah Gordon, 846-4481. For more information about the dance in general, contact May Hall 846-3677.
Friday night also - There will also be a teen dance (5th grade and up) 7 - 11 at the Recreation Center with a return engagement by the "Sound Lord" (also known as Lee)
Saturday activities start with the triathlon at 10
am. The opening celebration of the VOLUNTEER FIELD
begins at 11am with Flag Raising, Pledge of Allegiance,
National Anthem (members of the Little League Championship ball
team the Yankees) - Dedication and naming - Guest Speakers - Triathlon
Awards --11:30 Ribbon Dancers, Ribbon Cutting - Everyone
on the field for games (soccer Challenge, football Challenge -
Softball Smash - Free Frisbees) 12:00 FREE Hotdogs &
Soda; Peanuts & Crackerjacks (Pie sale by Chebeague Island
Friends of the Folk Arts - 12:30 Raffle Drawings 12:45
Throwing of the First Ball by Sanford Doughty ----Exhibition Games
(3 innings each): Kids 12:45-1:15, Women 1:15-1:45
and Men 1:45-2:15.
Unfortunetely I'm spending a lot of time on the mainland these days - Vika has three weeks of preseason for field hockey ( I can't wait till she gets her license) and Dennis is at day soccer camp all week and I started soccer coach training this week as well.
The musical "Islands" will be coming to Chebeague for a matinee performance on Saturday, October 13. It has received rave reviews from virtually every publication in Maine that has been exposed to it, including the recent major article in the Press Herald.
Only two more weeks before the opening of Volunteer Field - what a day is planned! We will be having our first triathlon for the kids who participated in the triathlon program this summer. This will be an annual event and hopefully will be opened up for adults and all who want to participate. This year there will be some teams and a some individuals with awards for all who have participated this summer. The pool swim will consist of a quarter mile, the bike will be three times around the cottage road for about 5 miles and then 9 laps around the ballfield for about a 2 mile run.
The raffles which have been going on this summer for the Library ( boat and painting) and the CRC raffle for $3000 will also be drawn so its not too late to get your raffle tickets. The rec center was also donated a fabulous electric car which will be selling raffle tickets for over this winter with the drawing on July 4th.
The Chebeague Island Council will have it's Annual meeting at the Parish House on Saturday Aug 11 at 9 am. They have a very special presentation to make and hope all will come to see it. Donuts and Coffee will be served. See you there.
The island is starting a fund for Mark Doughty's family and I will let people know where they may send donations as soon as I find out.
The Town Council will hold a meeting on Chebeague on Monday,
August 13 at 7 pm at the Hall. The department heads will be present
to make
presentations and answer questions. Tentative agenda items include:
a discussion of the ground water study; a discussion of the impact
of the building cap [Do you like it? want to change it? want to
eliminate it? discuss other ways to limit growth eg preserve land?
identify unbuildable areas?] The acceptance of a public access
easement on Indian Point Road; act on a petition to post the school
area with speed limit signs.
As always the public is free to discuss any item not on the agenda during the public discussion portion of the meeting.
The Council will be touring the island before the meeting stopping at the Stone Wharf, Chandlers Cove, Waldo Point, Indian Point Road, Central Landing Road and other places if time allows.
If you have any questions please call Donna Damon at 846-5140
or email her at publicservant1@aol.com.
TRAVEL TO TURKEY WITH SUHAIL BISHARAT IN MAY 2002!! There will be an information meeting for interested persons to learn about the trip to Istanbul and cruising the Turkish coast. It will be held at the Bisharat's house, 76 Littlefield Road on Thursday, August 2nd, at 7:00 p.m.(Sponsored by the Chebeague Island Historical Society) Interested persons who cannot attend should call Phil Jordan at 846-6907.
Hansen's Well Drillers are coming to the island within the next few weeks - if you are interested in having a well drilled it would be a good idea to contact them at (207) 839-3293, toll free number 877 839-3293 or email at hansenwell@aol.com
The CCR is putting on the Lewis Ross Golf Tournament which will benefit the Island Commons. It will be held Wednesday, August 15, 2001 - 1 pm shot gun start 18 hole scramble followed by a pig roast. More information as well as a registration form can be obtained at: https://chebeague.org/ccr/golf2001! The organizers are also looking for hole sponsors and donations toward their silent auction held at the same time.
The summer is almost half over and just a reminder that you can get your raffle tickets for the $3000 tip to anywhere through AAA (If the trip is less than $3000 the difference can be in travelers checks) at the rec center. A limited number are being sold so get your chances early - $25 a ticket. You can call the rec center at 846-5068 and charge your ticket! If you win wouldn't that make a nice to your children or parents.
A few weeks ago the Chebeague Island Hall Community Center Board sent out a mailing requesting funds for our proposed storage addition as well as needed repairs to the building. I have included it on the website for all those who never received the mailing. The response to our letter has been wonderful and we appreciate any contributions we can get. We are also looking toward some fun times at the Hall and hope you will all be able to participate.
There was a neat article in the Brown University newspaper about Louis Leonard and his first reunion at Brown- includes a great picture.
I received this internet access message from Jim Phipps - perhaps there is someone reading this page who can help Jim and Chebeague:
If any one can help me learn if broad-band internet access is available on Chebeague please contact me at JPHIPPS@PRETI.COM. If it is not, I'd like to work with a concerned group of islanders to make it happen. If it is available, please advise me of who to contact to sign up ASAP.
Thanks for any assistance you may be able to provide.
- Jim
James E. Phipps, Esq.
Preti, Flaherty, Beliveau, Pachios & Haley, LLC
One City Center, P. O. Box 9546
Portland, Maine 04112-9546
Phone: - (207) 791-3000
Fax: - (207) 791-3111
email: - jphipps@preti.com
- WWW.Preti.com
The Barbeque Chicken at the Rec Center is scheduled for Wednesday, July 18th!
I finally was able to get some pictures of the Whalers
concert Freedom, Peace and Unity. They were taken off my video
camera ao they aren't the best but the concert was great!
I am way behind in the results of the Town Council election which took place nearly a month ago. Donna Damon, Steve Moriarty both won for Town Council. Congratulations.
Kim just sent over some pictures from the Commons which shows
a wonderful example of the young and the old having a great time together playing a friendly game of BINGO!
What a great place the Commons is for our island!
I just rejoined the Golf Club after many years not being a member and hope I'll be able to get some golf in. I missed the swatfest this morning because of other obligations and now the play rehearsals for South Pacific start so maybe in August. We will be selling reserved seats for South Pacific starting July 4th. You'll be able to get the tickets at the Rec Center and there will be designated seating. At least people won't have to stand in line for an hour only to find all the seats gone - I hope this method will work for people. Deborah is still looking for some nurses and natives for the show - actors that is so if you are interested call her - 846-4481.
The 24th annual 4th of July Road Race will be upon us soon. The free fun run starts at 9:00 AM. All who run will get ribbons and popcicles. The 4.2 mile road race has sign up starting at 9:15 with the race at starting at 10:00 and the fee for this race is $5.00. The races go on RAIN or SHINE! This year we are adding a trophy for over 60 men. The Grunko's (Mike and Beth) who have been the volunteers handling (thank you so much) - if you need more information you can contact them at 846-6047.
I have just added a note from David Hill about DSL! Wouldn't it be great if we could get it on Chebeague. Right now if I have a lot of research on the internet I go to the Library because it is about 4 times faster than at home here. Maybe we can all put some pressure on Verizon.
Thank goodness that Kim Munroe got a digital camera and is so willing to document so many events. She took a picture yesterday of the new bench which has been placed next to the freight shed on Cousins' Island.
Yesterday a group of hard working volunteers from the Library and community got together to work on the gardens around the Community Center and again Kim was there to document all the energy! Check out her pictures!
Don't forget the Whalers' Spring Concert "Peace, Freedom and Solidarity" is next Saturday night at 8 pm at the Hall!
The Friends of the Library are sponsoring a trip to the Maine State Music Theater on July 24 to see OKLAHOMA. A bus will pick us up at the 10 o'clock boat and drive us to Bailey's Island for lunch at Cook's. We will then be driven to Brunswick for the matinee and back to Cousin's Island for the boat home. The $53 cost of the trip includes your ticket to the theater, the bus, and a $20 donation to the Chebeague Island Library. Reservations are being accepted at the library, by calling 846-4351, or by e-mailing cheblib@hotmail.com. There are only 32 tickets and they must be paid for by July 7, 2001.
Congratulations to Robin Read who has just graduated from Phillips Academy with honors!
A reminder that the Historical Society Annual Meeting is taking place on Saturday at 7 p.m. at the Island Hall. Please note the change in time from the Calendar listing. The meeting will begin with a presentation by Carol Wilson, the architect working on the plans for the Musuem of Chebeague History. Everyone is invited to attend and view the exciting renovations designed to transform the District 9 Schoolhouse into a Museum for all to enjoy. A brief business meeting, including the election of officers and trustees, will follow.
I took some pictures of our trip to Long Island where our team which is now called the Chebeague Seals (the children decided they didn't want to be the Mussels) competed in the softball throw, long jump, 100m sprint, 50 m sprint and the mile xcoutry race. Long won the meet overall but we had some great competitors and and took home lots of ribbons! Check out the pictures!
Congratulations to Catriona Shepherd who will graduate from Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia on June 8 and will begin her residency in Family Practice at Maine Medical Center on June 21!
This Saturday at 9 am is the CRC Annual meeting - usually a short meeting with approval of new directors and thank yous to old.
The Chebeague Island Historical Society is holding its Annual Meeting on Saturday, June 16. The time of the meeting has been changed to 7 p.m. It will start with a presentation of the plans and drawings of the Chebeague Museum of History by the architect, Carol Wilson. A brief business meeting will follow, including a vote on the nominees for Officers and Trustees. All are invited to attend and see how the old District 9 Schoolhouse will be converted into a museum. "Watch Factory", as originally scheduled, will be the topic of a future meeting. Thank you!
I also updated the library page with the latest news from Deb!
The Teen Center is open Monday through Thursday 7 pm to 10
pm, and Friday and Saturday nights 7 pm-11 pm.
Competitive pay, employee discounts on Rec programs and passes,
and a casual and fun work environment.
I forgot to include Ruthie Putnam in my list of graduates this year - sorry Ruthie and congratulations!
The Octavia concert originally scheduled for this Friday has been postponed until August 31st.
Kim Munroe happened to be at the Stone Pier in time to take some shots of the new amphibian car to hit the island. I wonder how the salt water is on it?
I want to remind everyone that there will be a Candidates Night Wednesday evening at the Hall at 7 pm. I think all the candidates are coming including the School Board candidates (I wish we could get someone from the island to run). I won't be able to attend but I hope everyone else will. You can read about what the three island candidates have to say here.
We have 10 children on our cross country running program and our championship meet is Wednesday at Twin Brooks where we will be competing against all the towns around. Thursday we are all going over to Long Island where they have invited us to a track meet which will include running as well as jumping, throwing, and a few other events. I would love to see our club expand this summer with times for the children and adults to run together. Our team is planning on running the 4th of July short road race around the Firehouse block. We are also looking for a catchy name if anyone has any ideas. I believe the Long Islanders are the Lobsters - our kids didn't want to be the clams. Any ideas???
I have just included a page with items being auctioned off on Saturday at the CPA Silent Auction!
The pool is opening up this weekend!!! A reminder to all those lap swimmers that there will be lap swimming from 7:30 to 9 Saturday, Sunday, Monday (because of the holiday) and Tuesday. People can start their swim around the island and some people could probably do the coast of Maine.
Don't forget about the CPA's Silent Auction Sat 4- 6 - they wanted me to remind everyone that Clam Chowder will be on sale for $2.00 a bowl, so even if you don't bid there is a chance to get your dinner. They always have great items including babysitting, Miller Design napkin rings, barrettes and earrings, lobsters, services, Shirley Burgess wall hanging, David Scrase beautiful hand carved wooden bowls from Chebeague Island wood, Royal River Boat Yard haulout and bottom wash (value $390), CTC ticket books, library movie passes, Romeo, Falmouth House, Mr. Eds -the list is endless I don't have time to writhe them all .... - it is taking place this year at the PARISH HOUSE.
Memorial Observances will be this Sunday at the 10 o'clock Service,Chebeague United Methodist Church.
Just received this message from Jennifer: The Chebeague Island
Historical Society is holding a meeting on Monday May
21st at 7:30 p.m. in the Parish House. This month the topic is
"Sardine Fishing" and Ralph Stevens (of Yankee Marina)
will be talking about the Sardine Factory which was in operation
in Yarmouth. It is hoped that some Chebeague fishermen will join
in and tell us how they caught the fish that ended up in the factory.
All are welcome!
I can't believe after last week's record heat - last night it was 32 degrees - what we realy need is rain. I finally got a picture of John and Tina's baby.
Also- Weight Watchers will begin this Thursday, May 3rd!! Instructor Leanne Brooks will be coming over to begin a 12-week session at 7 pm in the Craft Room. Anyone is welcome to join. Call or e-mail 846-5068 or crc@gwi.net
Dennis found a pair of prescription glasses around the Historical Society building if you know of anyone missing them just let me know.
Tomorrow is Mabel Doughty's birthday - Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Sylvia Ross! and Ken Marsh too! Tomorrow is Gina Ross' Birthday!
Yesterday Sherm Rich moved his boat out into the sunshine and what a work of art as well as very practical. I have added some pictures as well as information about it.
Happy Birthday Scott Libby!
Happy Birthday Polly Wentling!
I have a note from Beth Dyer at the rec center: There is a
group of people anxious to get our Weight Watchers program
in action. We need 15 people in order to have the Weight Watcher
instructor come back on Thursday evenings, 7-8 pm. So far we have
11 or 12 people - are there a few more folks out there who want
to join this successful group? If interested, please e-mail at
crc@gwi.net ro call Beth at 846-5068.
I have just added notes from Sam Ballard and Karen Hamilton who along with Donna Damon are running for Town Council on my Candidates Page. Now if we could only find someone to run for the School Department.
Mia Taliento is on her way to the Galapagos islands and Machu Picchu with her Aunt and Cousin. What an experience of a lifetime - can't wait to hear all about it when she gets back.
The Chebeague Island Historical Society is inviting all to join in their upcoming meeting on Monday, April 16th, 7:30 p.m. at the Parish House. It is a "Show 'N Tell" session and everyone is urged to come along and bring an item of interest to share with the group. It might be an old photograph you need help identifying, a hidden treasure discovered in your attic, or anything of an historic nature. This type of gathering has been very popular in the past, and is back again by public demand!
The Whaler's Western Sing along scheduled for April 20th has been postponed to Friday, April 27th.
Happy Eighteenth Birthday Rachel Damon!!
Some great programs from the CRC coming: Weight Watchers: will start again April 12th only if we have 15 participants. We need to know by April 6th...tomorrow! Pottery: Towanda Brown is returning to teach kids and adult's pottery classes beginning this Saturday and running through May 12th. Kids class is 1:00-2:30 and adults class is 3-6. We have plenty of kids signed up but no adults yet so please call ASAP if interested. Towanda is a great teacher. Intro to Basketry: The multi-talented Towanda Brown will also teach this one-session class on April 19th. Kids class from 9-11:30 am and adults from 12:00-3:00 pm.
It is hard to believe we are talking about summer hours when I need snow shoes to walk across my front lawn!
John Howard has created a photo album online of Chebeague and getting here by way of Casco Bay which you can see at http://www.nikonnet.com/album/pictures.html?id=4292823183 I especially liked the Golf Course one. John has created two other albums with some fabulous pictures of the island and nature.
The Historical Society's Sloops Log is out and if you didn't receive one or misplace the one you got you can now get it in pdf form from their page which I just started. I haven't got the logo on yet but the rest is there and don't forget to send your dues envelope in.
Also the Community Health and Safety Forum will be meeting Tuesday, April 17th, 7 pm at the Public Safety Building. The Committee through a grant was able to distribute CO monitors over the last few weeks to individuals.
Donna Miller Damon has announced her candidacy for the Cumberland Town Council. I have created a file here on my website for anyone running who wishes to submit their announcement to me. You can click here to find out what Donna has to say.
I have recently found out that I am way over the limit on web space at my server without having to spend more per month. The Recompense Foundation is already sponsoring what space I have and there is a lot of information which can be deleted. (reminds me of my closet with the dresses from 1967) There are lots of pictures and pages from as far back as 1996. I will be downloading them again and removing them from the server when I find time so if there are any sites you really want to stay or copy please do so now. I will leave the island news pages as they are - the links will probably be missing.
My major job this week has been helping set up a trip to Quebec for the 3rd through 5th graders at the Chebeague School. The students along with chaperones, Mr. Benoit, and our Island Institute Fellow are heading up there on Monday morning thanks to grants from MBNA, Recompense, and Island Institute. Our itinerary is incredible with tours of the Citadelle, Chateau Frontenac, Musee du Fort, Wax Museum, 3D multimedia show as well as a horse and carriage ride tour. The children have also prepared a slide show of Chebeague for a fourth grade class at the school of Ursuline. They are presenting it in English as well as FRENCH. We have picked out some terrific fancy restaurants which I'm sure the chaperones will love! I can't wait to go!
The St. Patrick Day Dinner has been cancelled for this weekend but there will be a Irish Dancer entertaining everyone at the Hall Saturday, March 17, from 3:30 to 5! World celebrated Irish dancer Patrick O'Dea is coming to Maine to give Irish dance performances and workhops in Portland area schools and community centers. This program is part of Irish Festival 2001 sponsored by the Center for Cultural Exchange in Portland. Last year he visited Peaks Island and they had a blast.
I have missed lots of birthdays while I was out of commission - Happy Birthday Doug Ross yesterday and his mother Gerry last week.
I have lots of updating to do on the library page, Chebeague Care Resource Page, email page, soccer and the list goes on. Thank you to David Hill who added some important information.
Finally I was able to get back to finishing the Sloop's Log which will be in the mail shortly along with the dues envelopes - for a while I thought I was going to have to start over but I was able to retrieve everything off my old computer - it was a tedious job. The publication will also be online in a pdf format.
I also wanted to pass on this note I received a few weeks ago from Claire Ross:
Archie and Claire Ross want to thank everyone for all of their cards, calls and wonderful food that has been brought to the house. Archie is resting at home, now feeling much more comfortable than in December. His condition is late-stage cirrhosis, of unknown origin, but probably toxic exposure. His liver is marginally functional, and there is no pain directly associated with this condition.
The care received from this island community has been overwhelming and deeply appreciated. Archie would not be able to be home without it. Thanks to all who have provided rides for the nurse at night and for all the many good deeds. There have been mystery flowers, mystery plowing and many other contributions . Thank you all.
The Valentines Dance scheduled for Saturday night has been cancelled.
I just added some pictures in picweek - a couple Gisele sent me and a couple I took of the kids and one of the snow on Tuesday. I also changed the picture on the Island Commons Page to one more appropriate for the season - as soon as the Spring flowers appear a new picture will take it's place.
There are a couple of plays happening this summer and the directors and Rec Center are looking for potential cast members. Deborah Gordon is anxious to get the casting done for "South Pacific" which is scheduled to be performed the last weekend in July. If you are interested in being in this play you need to contact her as soon as possible at 846-4481 or email at hattieshats@hotmail.com.
The other play will be "Annie" directed by Rachel Damon ( islandgurl1234@aol.com) who will need 12-20 children and is hoping to hear from any potential participants - email or call her at 846-5140 or Virginia at the rec center 846-5068. She will be assisted by her mother Donna and Betsy Wemesfelder will again give her musical expertise.
Tomorrow is February 7 which means that Elizabeth Hill turns 16! Happy Birthday Biseth!
I also found a site when Shelly was on abc news last year: http://abcnews.go.com/local/wabc/elections/39342_752000.html (it even has pictures of her)
Rochelle (Shelly) Rice (Malcolm and Sandra's daughter) will be will be on CBS the Early Show on Tuesday, February 6. She is supposed to be on at around 7:45, barring any breaking news that day.... plus her book will be out early in Feb.. she probably will mention that on the show. Check out Shelly's website!
Thank you Ruth for sending me a picture of the Big Blue the Lobster Catcher for my picweek page!
The Island Skating Party will be Friday the 26th at 6:30pm and is sponsored by the Chebeague Parents Association. Lets hope for good ice. Sanford is looking for volunteers to help lay down the underlayment and new thick rubber floor he has bought for the warming shed.
I'm sorry I didn't get any pictures of the dance with Flaymin Raymin and Sizzlin Susan but the dances we all learned and the fun the kids had was immeasurable.
I forgot to thank the Chebeague Rescue for standing by at the Polar Bear Plunge and also Doug Ross for making and maintaining the warm fire on the beach.
About an hour to go and Dennis and I along with: Elizabeth Hill, Rob Friedlander, Bruce Hutchinson, Chris McCollum, Polly Wentling, Kelly Joyce and more will be jumping into the luxurious waters of Casco Bay - We can hardly wait! I'm hoping to find someone there to take digital pics so I can have them online soon after. We will be warming up after at the Chili Challenge and then tonight at 8 - Family Dance with Flaymin Raymin and Sislin Susan. Tomorrow is a big hockey game at Sanfords pond!
There aren't many people plunging this year - I can't understand why?
If you are not plunging there are lots of people you can pledge who we know are jumping in and the list is growing: Bruce Hutchinson, Elizabeth Hill, Chris McCullum, Denis Johnson, Beverly Johnson, Rob Friedlander, Kris Marsh, and Kelly Joyce. The Casco Bay YMCA (non-profit organization) is even supporting one of our plungers with a $50 donation.
Check out the latest news from the Library.
The sledding and tubing has been incredible. Herb created a wonderful tubing run and everyday after school this week the kids have been getting plenty of exercising running up and down the hills. Kim Munroe tried out her new digital camera and emailed me a few pics which you can see here.
1996 AND JANUARY 1997
I would love to have any news, poetry, stories to add to
my news page so please email with anything you think would be
of interest to islanders around the world - yes Singapore, Egypt,
Mediterranean, Boston etc. checking out the news page everyday!
So please email me at bjohnson@nlis.net
on the picture to go to
Chebeague Island Anchor Page
The number of hits on the page depends on whether you access the page through the old address which was started in 97 or the new way using chebeague. org which means as of May 5, 1999.