We have another correction for the 2003 Newsletter: Under the
Chebeague Island Council information: CORRECTION TO THE "CHEBEAGUE
ISLAND ANNUAL NEWSLETTER 2003"- The annual charge for first
class postage to mail the CALENDAR to any point in the continental
USA was incorrectly stated as $12.00 per year. The annual charge
for first class is, as it has been for some time, $14.00. The
annual request for dues for 2004 will be mailed February 1, 2004.
Please note the rates on the membership form. Sorry for the error.
Cliff Barker, Membership Chairman
Our Whalers Christmas Concert CD is now in the library and the store and if you want to get it through mail. Proceeds to benefit the CIHCC.
The Teen center Mall Crawl is scheduled for tomorrow after school and Saturday night is the Community Christmas Party. The teens also had a meeting Wednesday night to work on the details for this winters Carnival. So be ready we have lots of Rock-o-thon participants and a few Polar Plungers - The date for the wonderful event is January 16 and 17th.
The tree on the Stone Wharf was donated by Will Sharps and placed and decorated by Recompence volunteers in memory of Lewis Ross.
Our Librarian Deb and Skip Dyer had a wonderful trip to Hawaii to visit with their children on the "Big Island" and here are a couple of pictures from their trip.
Tommorow, lobstermen from Chebeague will be going to a meeting
in Harpswell to show their support against the proposed Fairwinds
Project. Click
here for more information about the proposal. Click
here for an article which was in the Portland Press Herald
in November.
As promised the photos from the Whalers Christmas Concert. We also have a CD of the show which will be on sale at the library and the store for $5.00 each with the proceeds to benefit the Chebeague Island Hall Community Center.
I also received a photo from John Maxon of the Church Choir who are now getting ready for the Christmas season.
The yearly newsletter is finally out which is published by the Historical Society. David, Mac and I want to thank everyone for their patience. We meant to give credit to all the photographers which included Kim Munroe, Erno Bonebakker, Cathy MacNeill, David Hill, Beth Dyer, Virginia Tatakis-Calder, and probably more people who I'm forgetting about. I receive photos all year from people and file them and then I can't even remember if I took them or someone else. I also noticed a mistake on the photo of the Smokey the Bear sign. The person with the sign is of fireman Don Moody who created the sign and not Bradley Putnam.
A change in time for the Parsonage Open House - 11:30 to 1:30 - so hope to see everyone there.
There is a Town Meeting at the CIHCC - 7:00 to discuss the improvements to the Stone Wharf.
This message from Boopie: On Thursday, December 4th, the Taxation Committee will decide the fate of the small handful of bills carried over from the 1st session. This includes the Maine Land Bank & Community Preservation Program, LD 938 and LD 951.
Members of Save Our Island have worked countless hours and days over the past year to introduce this potential landmark legislation to communities throughout Maine and to promote its value and benefits to legislators at every opportunity. Enhancing and strengthening the original concept by expanding its flexibility and adapting its application to create an even more effective tool for preserving the homesteads of working waterfront, farmland, and forestland property owners, Land Bank Committee leaders and MLB sponsors are making every effort to put these amendments before the Taxation Committee.
December 4th may well prove to be a most critical date in the success or demise of the Maine Land Bank Program! Your attendance, your voice, and your active show of support on the 4th are every bit as vital as the monumental turn out seen at last April's public hearing. The Committee needs to be enlightened and reminded that their promise of effective tax reform has not been fulfilled and has not and will not be forgotten by Maine voters and taxpayers.
Please make every effort to join us at the State House in Augusta from 10AM to 4PM on December 4th!
For information on what the enhancements and amendments entail and why this legislation is essential to the preservation of Maine communities as we know them, check out the White Paper at http://www.mainelandbank.org and pay particular attention to "flexibility" on pages 8, 9, and 10 as well as "examples" on pages 15 and 16.
For more information about tax reform and relief measures,
visit Maine Citizens for Tax Reform and Relief website at http://home.gwi.net/mainetaxreform
Saturday Morning November 29 from 10am -1pm the Annual Christmas
Craft Fair of Island Crafters - This is a great way to do
your Christmas Shopping.
A week from Friday on December 5, 7:30 at the Hall is the Whalers
and friends Christmas Concert - we have been working on two
Cantatas which have been so much fun.
December 7 - Parsonage Open House from 11:30 - 1:30 - everyone is invited - come see the restorations and improvements and meet Glenn and Cindy Coombs and their daughter Emma!
After the open house people could head over to Val Halla Banquet Center for a slide presentation by the Portland Harbor Museum and talks on Portland Harbor, Chebeague Island, and Cumberland during World War II. A full dinner buffet of baked haddock in honey crumbs, slow roasted beef, herb roasted potatoes, Caesar salad, glazed baby carrots, fresh rolls, dessert and coffee will precede the presentation. Cost is $18 per person with a portion of the proceeds going to the Cumberland and Chebeague Historical Societies. Call 829-2225 ext. 3 for tickets or more details. Sunday, December 7th 1941..."A date that will live in infamy"
December 2 - January 31, 2004 Jennifer Hubbell will be one of the featured artists at the Thomas Spencer Gallery at 360 main Street, Yarmouth, ME . There will be an opening reception from 5-8 p.m. for people to meet Jennifer and the other artists in the show.
The golf club's women's committee has a fundraiser which would make a great Christmas gift and/or stocking stuffer. Two decks of playing cards for $12.00. You can buy them at the library or contact Donna Clark (846-6089) over the winter.
A reminder that the Whalers and Company will be performing
another Christmas Cantata on Friday, December 5 - more details
to come.
Groovy Movie Night - Nov 7, 7:30 at the Library - Bob
Roberts (1992 Tim Robbins)
The Historical Society would like to thank the community for your enthusiastic response to our first exhibit "In Her Words...The Diary of Mabel Hamilton Hill" If you came early in the season you may want to stop back and see some of the new sections that have been added. If you want to see the exhibit again or you haven't seen the exhibit at all we hope you will join us on Sunday October 26 from 1-4 at the Museum for a reception. Refreshments will be served. In addition Joan and Sylvia will be burying the time capsule which is quite exciting in itself! Don't miss this fun filled afternoon!
- Playground Beautification Day - The CPA is asking for volunteers to help spruce up the playground this Sunday, October 26th from 1-3 pm. There are many creeping vines invading, which little feet tend to trip over. All help is welcome.
FRIDAYS, 7:30 PM AT THE LIBRARY - GROOVY MOVIE NIGHT - Halloween night October 31 will be OCT. 31 - Scenes from Nosferatu (1922 F.W. Murnau) and Shadow of the Vampire (2000 Elias Merhige) the movie Donations accepted.
Don't forget the Frost Tournement - calloway system - signup 11:30 - shotgun start at 12.
There will a public meeting at the Greely Junior High Gym on November 5th, 7 pm to discuss the use of the Drowne Road School. For more information click here.
The church is sponsoring a supper probably being held November 1st. Tom and Virginia Calder will do most of the cooking, looks like a old fashion boiled dinner,this will be both a fund raiser and a celebration of a new minister and the completion of much needed work at the church and parsonage, and just a chance to get together. Check here for a definite date and time!
Water Draining???? If you are through with your house for this year and need it drained please contact me right away. Only a few people have contacted me and it is imposible to do 200 houses in one week before it freezes. Last year we spent the weekend of Nov 3rd going from house to house just starting because of a big freeze - many houses had to be thawed out in order to drain. We need to have two weeks notice so that you will be put on our list and we will do the draining in the order that they come in. Thank you.
I have updated the library page with a few messages from Deb and Friends of the Library.
Also - Page 3 of the Calendar did not get printed so I have attached it here!
The Historical Society is still open daily{ except Mondays}
1-430 until further notice. Don't miss this great exhibit. Over
2000 people have visited the exhibit so far. We will be changing
the exhibit annually and will be cutting back our hours soon.
3, 2003 - Finally everyone is back at school and we can all
relax - sure - with soccer after school every day and all weekends
plus all the homework.
The Calendar just came out and there was a page missing from it which I will be adding to the website shortly. There was also a mistake in the date of the for the furnishings sale at the Inn to benefit the Commons. It said the 20th on the list for September - the correct date is the September 27th. More information about this wonderful sale will be coming shortly.
This Monday, September 15 - Dick Inness will be on Chebeague
to talk about Little Chebeague, 7:30., Island Hall.
If you want more info email OLD COVE5@aol.com
Last week there was a blackout throughout a lot of the country but fortunately did not hit Chebeague. Eldon Mayer was in New York during the blackout and has written: Why Chebeague is a Better Place to be in a Blackout.
I have added three new poems by Lari Smith to the Chebeague Page; The Lobsterman (a poem about Dick Dyer), Ferry Ride, and The Fourth of July.
Tomorrow is the 2003 Island Commons Golf Tournament - Contact John Thaxter, Pommy Hatfield, or Vicki Marion for more information.
This Sunday is also the open house at the Fire Station from 9 till noon! There is a Bob Parker built picnic table as a door prize but you have to be present to win. Refreshments, free surprises, demonstrations, tours and drill - this is a real family fun event put on by the Chebeague Island Volunteer Fire Department!!!!
I have just added the Agenda for the Islands Committee which is meeting Monday night, 7 pm, maybe at the Historical Society building. The Town Manager will be facilitating this meeting and will be discussion of paving some of our roads.
The Memorial Service for Sam Gaston will be at 1:30 pm on Sunday, August 10th.
The Chamber Music Concert was fabulous and the Hall was full - it is so great to have such talented musicians coming to Chebeague to perform - Thank you to Mac who originated this concert. The Free Concert Fund is now an official "small" non-profit fund. They are suppose to be able to show a broad base of public support but not have more than $5000, so small donations are appreciated.
Tickets are on sale now for Anything Goes - $10 reserved seats for August 14, 15, and 16. This is a must see, fun show - the cast includes Mary Holt, Tyler Putnam, Jarrod Smith, BJ Abrahamson, Carol Lynn Davis, Peter and Linda Carleton, Kathy McCatherin, Jim Knowlton, Malcolm Rice, Sarah Brown, Bradley Putnam, Bob Brown, Gail Miller, Lauren Miller, Rachel Damon, Bruce Bowman, Cooper Bowman, Cheryl Buxbaum, Vail Traina, Gordon Murphy, Martha Hamilton, John Maxon and Me.
This week at the library on Wednesday, August 6th at 7:30 pm - Kate Kennedy will present - Writing what you don't know: reading and discussion from a new novel.
This coming Saturday, August 9, 10 am to 1 pm, the Island Commons Resource Center will present it's $uper Fanta$tic Yard $ale at the Island Hall to benefit the Island Commons.
The Chebeague United methodist church was blessed this summer with Reverend Bill Doughty delivering the weekly sermons. We wish him well.
On August 3rd, come hear our new Pastor Glenn Coombs preach. Glenn. his wife Cindy and their young daughter Emma will come live on the island the end of August. Glenn comes to us from Clark Memorial Church in Portland.
Bob Marley is coming to Chebeague - Maine's National Comedian - seen on The Tonight Show, David Letterman.... will be performing Sunday, August 10th at the CIHCC - shows at 5:30 and 8:00 PM - Tickets $15 available at the CRC and the Library. For adults and teens 14+/to benefit the CRC.
A message from our Fire Chief Tom Calder: "we are reaching
our goal or $4,000 for the pump, however we still need a little
bit of help, any donations would be a great help, thanks"
Don't forget the Open House scheduled for August 10 at the Fire
Station - it has always been a fun time for everyone in the family!
Congratulations to Jennifer Hubbell who has recently had an artist's reception and her work is on display at the Thomas Spencer Gallery in Yarmouth. The show is from July 8 through August 2, 2003. The gallery is at 360 Main Street and is open Tuesday - Friday 10-5 and Saturday 10-4. Jennifer's paintings are wonderful.
The Children's Theater production of Bugsy Malone will be held this coming Friday and Saturday night - I hope to get more details soon! Meanwhile the Adult Theater is working on Anything Goes which will be shown August 14, 15, and 16.
The 2003 Island Commons Golf Tournament is scheduled for August 20 - 11:30 Cannon Ball Start - check out all about it here!
The Museum is now ready to accept your gifts -- beginning Wednesday July 9th, the collections committee will be at the No. 9 Schoolhouse from 10-12 to work with you.
The results of the 4th of July Road Race are in! Chris Towle and Sara Dimick were the winners of the new 4.8 mile course and all the results can be seen here.
Don't forget to go to the Opening Exhibit at the Museum of
Chebeague History on Sunday, July 6, at 1 pm - hope to see you
30, 2003 - Today was the deadline for tickets to the Library,
July 12th fundraiser but fortunately it has been extended (I think
July 7th). I'm one of those who have put it off - time sure flies
by!! It should be a great night. Tickets are only $25
each for dinner, champagne, dessert & fireworks, etc plus
there's the silent auction. I
just heard that they will be on sale at the 4th of July Picnic.
Note from the fire chief: "The fire dept is raising money to buy a new portable pump for the island, but will be a great addition to our equipment, we could use it on some of the remote camps, pumping sea water, or from a well etc. We can also pump out a cellar, or a sinking boat, please contact Tom Calder if interested in donating,
4th of JULY ROAD RACE will start (and end) at the new Historical Society. 1 mile fun run for kids at 9:00 AM ribbons and popsicles for all. The road race starts at 10:00AM.
Call the Grunkos at 846-6047 to volunteer or for more info.
I have updated the Library
Page with a new message from Deb!
June 18, 2003 - The Chebeague
Island Historical Society is holding its Annual Meeting
on Friday, June 20th at 7:30 p.m.
in the Island Hall. There will be a brief business meeting, election
of officers and board, followed by a talk by Donna Miller Damon
on "Chebeague in 1878". Donna will provide some interesting
background information for the opening exhibit at the Museum of
Chebeague History. All are invited!
June 17, 2003 - I just received a note from
Donald Erickson who has asked me to pass on a message to Chebeague:
"I just wanted to take a few minutes to thank all of the people that live on Chebeague Island for the wonderful letters, cards, and their words of encouragement to me while I was deployed overseas in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. It meant a lot to me to know that there were so many people out there that cared for my welfare and the welfare of the countless other troops that were deployed to protect this great nation. I also want my fellow Chebeaguers to know that I have finally arrived home, settled back down, and have even managed to take a few weeks off to visit some of the places that I have always wanted to see, including the Daytona International Speedway in Florida. (I have turned into quite the race fan since I became a U. S. Marine!)
Once again, thank you all for your support."
June 12, 2003 - MEETING
TONIGHT!!! At the Hall 7:00 to hear from the public
and discuss the present Wharf Agreement between the towns - go
and be heard.
FAMILY MOVIE NIGHTS: Friday, June 13 - 7:00 Chicken Run, Saturday, June 28 - 7:00 The Pricess Bride.
Sunday, July 6 - 7:30 Some Like it Hot, Sunday,
July 20 - 7:30 Tom Jones.
8, 2003 - MEETING NOTICE: Thursday, June 12, 2003, 7:00 p.m.,
at the Chebeague Island Hall & Community Center, a meeting
of Town of Cumberland officials William Shane, Town Manager, and
Councilors Donna Damon and Stephen Moriarty, will be held to discuss
a five-year extension to the present Wharf Agreement between the
Towns of Cumberland and Yarmouth. A review of MDOT's commitment
to the improvements on Cousin's Island will also be discussed.
5, 2003 -Click here for the 6/11/03
MSAD #51 school board agenda and the 6/2/03 minutes from the
previous meeting. June 11th is the last meeting for the school
year and school board meetings will resume in late August.
The Town Council approved the new floats and wavebreak for
the Stone Wharf Monday night. 7-0! PLANNING BOARD HEARING TOWN
OF CUMBERLAND Tuesday June 17, 2003 - 7:00 p.m. Chebeague
Island Parish House for a shoreline zoning permit for the project-
click here to check
out the Planning Board Agenda.
June 4, 2003 - A note from Boopie:
June 1, 2003 - Boopie has sent out a
message which she hopes everyone will read so please check
it here. I have updated the Chebeague
Yacht Club Page (2003 schedule and last years annual meeting
minutes are included) and I have also added a Chebeague
Island Community Sailing School Information Page. MARK
YOUR CALENDARS NOW! The 2003 Chebeague Island Community Sailing
School w
June 1, 2003 - Boopie has sent out a
message which she hopes everyone will read so please check
it here. I have updated the Chebeague
Yacht Club Page (2003 schedule and last years annual meeting
minutes are included) and I have also added a Chebeague
Island Community Sailing School Information Page. MARK
YOUR CALENDARS NOW! The 2003 Chebeague Island Community Sailing
School will have two sessions this summer: July 14 thru 25, and,
August 4 thru 15. Boating and sailing skills are essential
for those who spend so much time on such wonderful waters as Casco
May 30, 2003 - It seems like it will
never stop raining - but yesterday about 5 PM the sky cleared
a little and from the golf course you could see a beautiful rainbow.
Last week a few teens hiked up to Carter Notch Hut and this week
the 3rd thour 5th Graders will be hiking up to Mizpah. I just
got back from Mizpah with Darya's sixth grade class of 37 kids.
It poured rain for 2 hours on our way down but we still had a
May 22, 2003 - The CRC flumes are
being auctioned off on Ebay this weekend you can see them at http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3609285773
16, 2003 - I received a couple of pictures of Karen
Hamilton in Kuwait. The first one is of her taking a break
from installing cables and the second one is of her helping to
sort the mail.
The fire department will be installing a new dry hydrant in Suhails pond on littlefield road, after its done property owners in that neighborhood should advise their insurance company that there is a new water supply in there area, it COULD mean a possible reduction in premiums.
I received a note from Boopie and the Save Our Island with some changes which everyone should read. Also, a reminder of the Public Hearing of the budget Advisory Meeting on May 20.
Meeting of the School Board scheduled for May
19, 2003 - see agenda.
May 15, 2003 - On Sunday, May 25, (Memorial
day weekend) from 12 - 2 PM the Chebeague Parents Association
is having their annual silent auction which will be held at the
Chebeague Island Hall Community Center. They will be having a
hot lunch and a bake sale in addition to all the wonderful items
they will auctioning off. There is also a raffle drawing for the
children's picnic table which was built and donated by Bob Parker.
I have also updated the library
site with a note from Debbie. The movie nights are going really
well utilizing all the new technology the Library has acquired.
As you can see the Library Dinners planning is also well underway
and I will be adding new items to the auction page as they come
May 12, 2003 - Please read the latest
notice from Boopie for SaveOurIsland.
The Chebeague Island Historical Society invites all
to attend its May Meeting. The subject is "The
History of Logging in Maine". Two films will be
shown on the new BIG SCREEN: "From Stump to Ship"
and "Woodsmen and River Drivers". Mark
your calendars for Monday, May 19th, 7:30 PM at the Hall.
(Thanks to the Library for the loan of the fabulous audio visual
May 8, 2003 - Just got back from Arts/Education
Appreciation night where the children delighted us all with
their singing, music, dancing, artwork and jumping! Awards were
given out to all the graduates (four 5th graders Conrad, Allisa,
Anna and Christy and one Senior Bradley Putnam. The teachers,
adminstrators and staff were recognized as were the many volunteers.
7, 2003 - Another reminder that tomorrow night is Education
Appreciation Night and it starts at the rec center at 6:30
(not 6 like earlier reported). I think volleyball will be cancelled.
The Public Budget Vote for MSAD #51 will be May 15, 2003 - see Agenda.
Today was the first X-Country meet of the season and we had
a lot of island kids participating at Twin Brooks in Cumberland.
They were running with the Cumberland children as well as Bath
and New Gloucester. I tried to get pics
of all the kids but some are soooo fast that I missed them
or was only able to get them from the back.
6, 2003 - I just received a photo of Karen
with her division in Kuwait (fourth from right) that I thought
I would share - it sounds like she won't be home for quite a while
- at least another few months.
After reporting about the wonderful time we had last weekend - one of my faithful readers wrote me: "I'm glad you had a blast hiking. But I think it is only appropriate that you women go and put "The Old Man In the Mountain" back the way you found him!"
Thursday night this week is the Schools Arts/Education Appreciation
Night starting at 6:00.
May 5, 2003 - SAD 51 Finance Committee has
scheduled a meeting for tomorrow evening, May 6. It's at the Chebeague
Island School from 6 pm to 7:15 pm. The purpose of the meeting
is to discuss the school budget and proposed 4.5% increase for
this year and is in direct response to last year's requests to
come to the island to explain the 03-04 budget.
All Chebeague voters, including residents with no children
in school but whose property taxes are nonetheless directly impacted,
should attend. Poor
attendance and apathy send signals to the finance committee that
there is no real concern. Don't send the wrong signal! If you're
concerned about your rising property taxes, attend and be heard.
I went on a wonderful trip this past weekend to the White Mountains
with the Rec Center - 8 women ages 73 to 19 did two days of hikes
in the best weather conditions imaginable. It was a blast! Hope
to have some thrilling photos online soon.
30, 2003 - Tommy wanted me to pass on to every one that even
though we have had a wet spring, its very dry on top, leaves grass
etc, Some days are no burning days which are determined by the
state and NOT the town so please bear with us till things green
April 25, 2003 - Finally today it was
kinda sunny but it still didn't get very warm. I understand that
the rest of this vacation week will be rain - yuk! As you can
see by the picture, the Easter Bunny did come to Chebeague and
from what I understand the sunrise service was wonderful with
a spectacular sunrise.
April 17, 2003 -Chebeague
Island Historical Society is holding a meeting on Monday
evening, April 21st, at 7:00 p.m. in the Parish House. The
topic is "SHOW 'N TELL"
and everyone is invited to come and bring a photo to share. Maybe
you need help in identifying the people or place, or just want
to pass around a nostalgic or prized shot of the past. All are
Congratulations to Dr. Gail Williams who has been awarded the Society's Distinguished Practitioners Award by the Society of Practitioners of the the Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center in New York. She is being recognized for her "long term commitment and devotion to the highest quality medical care and as a caring physician to her patients, mentor to students, interns and residents."
I have been very busy this year with my daughters class' webpage
which I have, together with the remarkable teachers Andrea Powell
and Patrick McGillicuddy, put together. I hope everyone will have
a chance to browse around it and see some of the wonderful work
and studies they have been accomplishing. Over the next few months
the 37 children will all be working on their own pages. This has
been a remarkable year for Darya in the sixth grade at Drowne
Road. Their (teachers and students) enthusiasm and ideas have
been incredible so I hope you will have a chance to see it at
This year each student will have their own personal CD of their
class work and links which were established over the year.
April 12, 2003 - Message from Boopie:
Arrangements have been made with CTC to provide transportation
to Augusta on Tuesday, 4/15.
You need to contact Cynnie Sheketoff at 846-4884 by noontime Monday
4/14 if you plan to take advantage of this. Cynnie's coordinating
the arrangements. Here's the scoop:
Transportation leaves Cousins Island at 11AM Tuesday morning and returns following the hearing. (So take the 10AM trip from Chebeague.)
You will need to pay the regular boat fare. Mainland transportation
costs to/from Augusta are being paid by Save Our Island and made
possible through a special donation received today that will ensure
sufficient funds to cover the expense. Let's pack the bus! Welcome
aboard! Boopie, Save Our Island
April 6, 2003
- My cousin Joannie has published a great Alzheimer's
book and now has a website telling about it.
5, 2003 - Taxation Committe Meeting Tuesday, April 15! Note
from Boopie: Chebeague brought back the Pilot Cracker following
its demise. So surely we can save our community before it's gone.
Here's how -
Voicing your support for the Maine Land Bank & Community Preservation Program is essential to make this a part of the legislature's comprehensive tax package. And it's passage is one step closer to achieving the goal of socially responsible and sustainable tax reform and relief.
This is the fifth and most critical stage of the process. Your
voice needs to be heard loud and clear now. The purpose is to
show members on the Taxation Committee how many citizens support
this bill, how it would help you and your family or business,
or how their not voting for the bill would hurt you and your family
or business. Please read how you
can help!
April 2, 2003 - A message from David Hill:
"Both LD 938 and LD 951 will be discussed before the Maine
State Legislature's Taxation Committee on Tuesday, April 15, 2003
at 1:00 pm in Room 127 of the State House. All supporters are
encouraged to come and testify in favor of the Maine Land Bank
and Community Preservation Program."
I also received a message from Boopie - please
read it here!
April 1, 2003 - It is
hard to believe that it is April 1st, the temperature is well
below freezing. One day the roads are falling apart and you sink
out of site and the next day you have to deal with frozen ruts.
It must be Spring! Better named "Mud Season".
Last week we had a party for Alison Manion at the school. Alison
is going to take some time off to spend more time with her children.
She has been an unbelievable inspiration at the Chebeague School
and for my children as well as all the others. A new music teacher
is coming in and plans in making for continuing the wonderful
violin lessons. I took a few pictures of Alison's
farewell party which you can see here.
29, 2003 - Laura and I are involved the Arts Alliance organization
which is promoting the importance of the arts in education for
the district. Last Tuesday we had our First Annual Family Arts
Night at the Mabel Wilson School. I put together a page and it
is linked to our ArtsRCool Page
so please check it out. We had some local talent playing violins
(Christy, Anna, and Caroline) and you will see a lot of items
of art by the Chebeague School - you will definitely recognize
some of the self portraits - they are of Christy, Conrad, Emma,
Reesey, and Anna.
March 28, 2003 -I got
a note from Tom Calder who says he will be going onto SUMMER (yahoo)
hours beginning April 6th (Sun), hrs will be Wed and Fri 1;30
-500pm, Sat and Sunday 900-500 p.m., also Bulky weekend is being
planned for 2nd weekend in Aug, watch for details later.
This weekend the teens are redecorating the Teen Center! They
have lots of ideas and are working on it tonight and tomorrow
they will be painting and sprucing it up. They have a list of
items which they would love to get. Tomorrow I will find my list
or get another so that I may add it to this site. I hope they
took some before pics so we can show some after.
March 20, 2003 - The snow is melting rapidly
and the roads are falling apart! It looks like it's going to be
a miserable mud season this year.
I received a message from Boopie which I will pass on:
The MAINE LAND BANK video presentation is now available from the
Library. Unable to attend the public presentations? No problem.
It's all there on the video. Check it out! See how the Program
works, how you could benefit, and what it means to the future
preservation and protection of Maine's endangered communities
like Chebeague.
For more info, visit these websites: http://www.
mainelandbank.org and http://home.gwi.net/mainetaxreform
18, 2003 - I just got back from the Chebeague
Island School Concert and have some pictures from it - it
was so nice having the Greely Junior High Chamber Singers join
the students from Chebeague - they all loved it!
16, 2003 - Almost Spring Concert! Featuring the Island Suzuki Violin Ensemble and
special students guests from the mainland in a joint performace
from the "Wizard of Oz" Tuesday, March 18th
at 7 PM at the Chebeague Island
Hall Community Center - all friends and community members are
welcome - refreshments will be served
12, 2003 - Donald P. Erickson, USMC, was recently re-deployed
to the Persian Gulf and is presently in Kuwait. His address is
as follows for those who would like to write.
UNIT 76253
FPO-AE 09509-6253
March 11, 2003 - This Saturday night is Chebeague
Island Hall Community Center Casserole and Bean supper. It
starts at 6 PM, Adults $6. 3- 12 $3.00, under 3 free.If you want
to bring something call Cindy Riddle 8461055. Desserts are pies!
March 10, 2003 - A few weeks ago Karen
Hamilton Airforce unit was activated and she is now in Kuwait
with the Jaber Communitications Outfit. If anyone would like to
send her a message her email is karen.hamilton@jaber.af.mil.
March 8, 2003 - Last night at Groovy Movie
Night people got to see Vertigo on the super large screen at the
library! Go to the Library page
to see the list of upcoming movies and dates! Next week : The
Apartment (Billy Wilder, 1960).
I received an email from a webpage reader and she had found a link to unclaimed money in Maine and found a lot of Chebeaguers names on it so everyone should check it out - maybe you have $5 in an account you forgot about. http://thor.dafs.state.me.us/pls/treasurer/tredev.unclaimed_property.results
The ice has been in somedays and out other days - a lot of
it comes in from the river and then miraculously the tide takes
it out - I think it is gone today but I haven't been down to look.
February 28, 2003 - Tonight is Groovy
Movie Night at the Library - don't forget at 7:30 come and
enjoy Citizen Kane. Also a new portable
sign has been purchased between the Library and Hall and Council
which will let everyone know when an important event is happening
at the CIHCC!
I missed yesterday's big birthday for Martha Hamilton - Happy
birthday Martha!
February 18, 2003 - We are
in the midst of another storm - but not as big as south of us.
I think we'll get only 5 to 10 inches of snow. Yesterday the CTC
had 5 PM as the last boat because of the ice conditions and they
had to have Jason dive under the boat and get major rope out of
the wheel.
Last Friday night the library got out the huge new screen and
projection equipment and Mark McGee presented a history of early
film making. Everyone (16 people) watched short vignettes of early
films. This Friday the library will show Stagecoach which was
directed by John Ford in 1939. People can bring seat cushions
and popcorn at 7:30 - donations accepted toward this fabulous
February 15, 2003 - The skating party
went on as planned and there was plenty of ice with the temperature
below 0 outside and nice and warm in the warming shed. There was
hotdogs and goodies and Sanford and Mabel were there to assure
everyone had something to eat and were warm. Kim and Lida Munroe
just emailed me some great shots of the activities and
I have made up a skate party webpage.
14, 2003 - Happy Valentines Day - After a short reprieve on
ice - it is back. The water is frozen again all the way to Cousins
Island and the CTC is again limiting the late boats and deciding
on a day to day basis. I know that the 10:45 boat tonight is canceled
and waiting to hear on the 9:00 pm boat.
12, 2003 - I have just updated the Library
Page - The library is offering a new Maine Humanities Book
Discussion Group entitled the "American Revolutionary
Generation". It was created by Phil Jordan and will begin
on Sunday, February 16 at the library at 7:30 pm. Books are provided
by Maine Humanities through the Maine State Library.
This Saturday at 5:00 PM there will be a skating party at SANFORD'S
POND. I'm not sure about the details but I know I'm bringing
some goodies. We haven't had this much skating time in many years
and we don't have to worry about the lack of ice considering the
weather forecast is calling for cold, cold, cold!
10, 2003 - I'm back from a wonderful trip to Washington D.C.
where the Chebeague Historical Society members who participated
were treated to an incredible, educational, interesting, fun time
by Suhail who must have spent weeks setting up the tours and lectures.
Frank Durgin has emailed me some digital pictures from the trip
and I have made up a website
about our time.
While away I missed some important birthdays: Elizabeth Hill turned 18, Judy Graves, and Sandra Rice. Happy Birthday!!
Boopie has asked me to pass on another message from Save
Our Island, so please check it out - a bill has been sponsored
by Tom Bull from Freeport and should be a help to us all.
February 4, 2003 - Tomorrow I head to Washington
D.C. to participate it the Historical Society tour "Revisiting
Byzantium and Turkey in Washington" - I'm looking forward
to seeing the Byzantine and Anatolian collections and visiting
Dumbarton Oaks and the Textile Museum. I wish I could have gone
to Turkey last year but with Suhail's expertise and planning it
will be great.
Message from Maine Land Bank: Check the website frequently to keep up with all the goings on around Maine - Stop by the website at the following link to catch up on the latest news - http://home.gwi.net/mainetaxreform You'll find an expanded bulletin board on the Home Page plus a few new pages in the site.
Here's a summary - STATEWIDE ALERTS Bulletin Board now includes:
February 3, 2003 - The play was wonderful
and Stacy lived up to the great reviews - she was terrific!
2, 2003 - It has been warm the last couple of days - about
30 - 33 degrees and today is heavy, wet snow with quite a bit
of accumulation. It started with freezing rain earlier and therefor
conditions are slippery. A lot of islanders are planning on seeing
Stacy in Once Upon a Mattress today in South Portland.
1, 2003 - Islanders are all in shock over the devastating
event of the day - the breaking up of Columbia upon landing this
morning. We all mourn with the rest of the country and the world
the death of the seven astronauts aboard.
27, 2003 - "Once Upon a Mattress" got great reviews
in the Portland Press Herald today and I'll quote what they had
to say about Stacy KomLosy Stewart who is playing the lead Princess
Winnifred the Wobegon: "Stewart confidently stepped into
the role of the woe-dispelling princess, originated in 1959 by
Carol Burnett. Despite claims to be shy, the princess is actually
a brash go-getter. Stewart's comic sensibility and clear, powerful
voice successfully captured these quirky mannerisms." The
play runs through Feb 9. Congratulations Stacy!
25, 2003 - It still continues to be below 0 at night and the
bay is freezing over more and more everyday. The CTC has suspended
any boats after the 6:30 until further notice. I have put an image
of the boat coming into the Stone Pier today - it may take a little
while to load.
Tonight was the Pot Luck Supper and now I can let everyone
know that we honored Sylvia Ross for all her years and work for
the Chebeague Island Hall Community Center! Check
out the photos from the dinner.
January 23,
2003 - Record breaking cold is causing the bay to freeze over
- I just took a picture of the Stone Pier.
22, 2003 - Pot Luck Supper!! This Saturday, Jan 25, 6 PM
the CIHCC will be putting on a potluck supper. Please come, relax,
and enjoy this community time together at the Hall to benefit
the Hall - any questions and/or you want to bring something call
Karen Hamilton. Hope to see everyone there.
18, 2002 - 12:32 - Water temp 33 air 8 degrees - 10
plungers all plunged - Great time - the main problem was that
the tide was high and there wasn't any room for the spectators
and we had to start at the waters edge. Thank you to all rescue
people who stood by, Skip Dyer with his starter cannon, Doug Ross
and Stephen Johnson for spending the morning getting the fire
going, and especially for all the people who pledged all the plungers.
The pictures will be on later today after the Chile Chowder Challenge.
The winners of the Rockathon were Jimmy Stefanilo, 2nd Arianna Stefanilo who both rocked around the clock, and Britny Bernier was third. They had a lot of support from all the teens and nobody got much sleep.
8:12 PM: The results are in for the Chowder Challenge with Brenda Helbig - 1st place, Carol MacArthur - 2nd, and Gail Miller 3rd. The Chili Challenge 1st place was Virginia Calder, 2nd Brenda Helbig and 3rd Shirley Barker. We will keep updating the Pledge and Sponsor Page as the checks and pledges come in. As of now we have raised $6788! The carnival is continuing tonight with a Family Dance from 6 to 9 with everyone's favorite DJ The Sound Lord.
The outside air temperature is minus 10 degrees - the
water will seem quite warm at 34 degrees.
17, 2003 - 10:30 PM - The CRC Rock-a-thon has begun
and the six teens are
all settled in and rocking away with video games, music, movies,
food and lots of support teens. (photos taken at 10PM) They
have raised over $1100 not counting the hourly pledges so that
is wonderful.
Don't forget The Polar Bear Plunge - 12 NOON - Don't
be a minute late or you will miss the whole thing - the water
temperature is about 34 degrees and tonight is supposed to be
one of the coldest nights this winter. I hope the ice doesn't
form too thick! Not to late to make pledges and send donations
January 14, 2003 - The
meeting scheduled for Thursday night on dealing with recomendations
to the Stone Wharf has been cancelled. The Town of Cumberland
has to get some more information and studies before it will be
able to dredge so they have postponed the meeting until a later
January 12, 2003 -Now I know who goes
on line early Sunday mornings and checks out the news page - I
won't tell how I know but those who did know.
I wanted to give a list of those who are participating in the Polar Bear Plunge and Rock-a-thon so far - I'm sure there will be many more joining us but for now here they are: Polar Bears: Lauren Miller, Tom Calder, Chris Cash, Leah McDonald, Lida Munroe, Arianna Stefanilo, Ross Hawks, Dennis Johnson, Beverly Johnson. Rockers: Jim Stefanilo, Arianna Stefanilo, Britny Bernier, Darya Johnson, Dennis Johnson, John Summa, John Miller, Anna Maine, Cal Hawks. If someone hasn't been contacted and would like to make a donation to the Teen Center you could pledge any one or all of the people above and send a check to the Chebeague Recreation Center, RR 1 Box 320, Chebeague Island, ME 04017. Thank you.
Great news for the CIHCC, Geof Summa has started the addition
and the floor is down. Soon we will have the space we have been
needing for a long time - thank you to all those who have supported
this worthwhile project. We have raised almost $18,000 from the
community and another $6000 from grants. This along with a matching
grant from the USDA will enable us to add the additiion and make
important upgrades to the Hall. A big THANKS to everyone from
the Board of Directors and all users of the Hall (which is all
of us).
January 11, 2003 - Next week is the
Teen Center's Winter Carnival. The Teen Center is open year round
Friday, Saturday and Wednesday and during the summer every night
but Sunday. The Rec Center hires one or two people a night to
oversee the center and it has been a great place for our young
people to congregate, play sports, games, pool, watch TV, do crafts
.....! Our teens are the luckiest teens in Maine to have such
a facility and have all the people involved. This is the Teen's
most important fund raiser to help defray some of the costs of
this free facility. The teens involved with this fundraiser also
get to do an exciting adventure later in the year. Last year they
went to a Red Sox Game and stayed in Boston. Two years ago they
went on a rafting trip.
The carnival starts with a snow sculpture contest with teams around the island making snow sculptures.
Friday night at 7 is a TALENT SHOW (please contact Virginia if you would like to participate) ROCK-A-THON begins 10:00PM till the last rocker stops rocking. Teens will get pledges for the amount of time they rock or a lump sum donation. The teens will be rocking in rocking chairs through out the night with breaks here and there.
@ NOON at Bennetts' Cove.- CHILI &
CHOWDER CHALLENGE (Following the Plunge) at CRC $5-FAMILY DANCE w/ "Sound Lord"
6:00-9:30PM $5
January 8, 2003 - Note from the Fire Chief,
Tom Calder: "Keep all doors shoveled,in case there's an emergency
so we can get the stretcher into the house. Keep doors shoveled
in case of fire, you can get out, and remember to keep your monitor
heater vents shoveled out to reduce the risk of carbon monoxide
gasses entering the house. We're not used to all this snow, thanks"
January 4, 2003 - picture
of wharf 11:30 before high tide
January 4, 2003
- We are in the middle of a another major storm , about a
foot of snow over night and still snowing. We had about 18"
of snow Christmas day and it certainly is a white winter.
I've been in Massachusetts to celebrate with my Aunt Adelaide (my father's sister) who turned 100 on Thursday. It was lots of fun and we all stood around and sang songs I had never even heard before - she just loved it and all the attention. Yesterday David Miller hit the 50 year mark - Happy Birthday!
Lots of news about the Maine Land Bank proposals and related issues (MCTRR is Maine Citizens for Tax Reform and Relief, a subcommittee of Save Our Island instituted to address tax issues requiring state level initiatives.)
----MCTRR's Dave Hill joins former chief justice Daniel Wathen, Rep. Peter Mills and Rep. Bernard McGowan as panelist for the upcoming Maine State Agricultural Show in Augusta on January 15 at the Civic Center. The topic? Property taxes, of course!
----MCTRR invites you to join legislators and citizens from
other communities to a public presentation on Maine Land Bank
& Community Preservation Program. Mark your calendars for
January 15 at 7 PM at Harrison Middle School in Yarmouth. For
more information, click here http://home.gwi.net/mainetaxreform/page3.html
In case you haven't heard we have another star on the island,
Stacy "KomLosy" Stewart!! The Portland Players
Production of Once Upon A Mattress!
Stacy is playing Princess Winnifred one of the leads. The dates
for the show are: Jan 24, 25 @ 8:00pm & 26 @ 2:30pm, Jan 31,
Feb 1 @ 8:00pm & 2 @ 2:30pm, Feb 6, 7, 8 @ 8:00pm & 9
@ 2:30pm ---- They may add an extra weekend.---------Box Office
# 799-7337. They are open Tues, Wed, & Thur 10am-2pm. You
can call and reserve tickets right over the phone.
Christmas Eve 2002 - It's almost here and
I think I'm done with my shopping - as you already know I've been
too busy to sit down at my computer - I had 25 emails this morning
when I checked in. Last week the children put on a Nativity Play
for the annual Christmas Party - Check
out the pictures here (thank you Beth D)
Yesterday the Portland Press Herald had another editorial which related to the land bank proposal and I have linked to it here:
Tonight is the Christmas Eve Service which will be at 7:00
pm - hope to see everyone there.
News from 2002 - through January
22, 2003
NEWS 2001
1996 AND JANUARY 1997
I would love to have any news, poetry, stories to add to
my news page so please email with anything you think would be
of interest to islanders around the world - yes Singapore, Egypt,
Mediterranean, Boston etc. checking out the news page everyday!
So please email me at bjohnson@nlis.net
on the picture to go to
Chebeague Island Anchor Page