on the photo of the Stone Pier 12/30/04 to get weather page-.
To contact me, Beverly Johnson: bjohnson@nlis.net.
January 1, 2005 - HAPPY NEW YEAR! 2005
December 31, 2004 - Hope everyone
has a Good New Year.
Today is Don Buxbaum's last day working for the CTC - he has
been working for us for nearly 30 years. Happy retirement Donny
- you have earned it! Congratulations to Darren Hillicoss who
has been promoted to full-time Captain.
30, 2004 - Congratulations to Amy Quattrucci and Jon Rich
who announced their engagement on December 25. They are planning
a Fall wedding!
The School Board meeting agenda for 1/3/05 and the 12/20/04
meeting minutes are available here.
December 26, 2004 - This is the day of one
of the worst natural disasters in modern times. Tsunami hits South
Asia and East Africa. Indonesia, with around 80,000 dead, was
the worst hit, followed by Sri Lanka, India and Thailand. The
total across 12 nations in southern Asia and East Africa is likely
to rise, with thousands still missing and fears that disease could
bring a new wave of deaths.
December 24, 2004 - Twas the night before
Christmas and the lights around Chebeague are wonderful especially
at the Riddles where Barry, Melanie and Greg have created a magical
winter wonderland. Click
here for more of their yard.
20, 2004 - There are a couple of last minute stocking stuffers
available on Chebeague. The Whalers new 2004 Christmas
Revels CD can be found at the library, Island Market
and Miller Designs for $10.
Louis Todd still has some Calendars
available for $20 - call Vicki Todd (207 846-1379) artisanicehouse@aol.com
or get them at Miller Designs.
Miller Design's studio
showroom is open 10 till 5 through Christmas Eve.
15, 2004 - Groovy Movie night on Friday will feature The 400
Blows (France, Francois Truffant), 7:30 pm.
12, 2004 - Happy Birthday to Raymond Hamilton, Cynthia Sheketoff
and John Holt!!
Donna Martindale
was in the hospital for extensive hysterectomy surgery and is
home recovering now. She sends her hello and she and Fred are
now living in Savannah Georgia.
Today was the Whalers concert which was fabulous. I have some
photos from the event which you
may see here.
December 11, 2004 - Tonight,
Saturday, the CPA Holiday Party is at the church at 7pm. Tomorrow
the Parsonage open house is at 11 right after church and then
from 1 to 3 is the children's holiday craft fair at the Rec Center
and then the Whalers at 4 at the Hall. Plenty happening and lots
of fun for everyone!!
December 9, 2004 -
Ginny Ballard has had her second knee replacement and is doing
well and should be home shortly.
December 8,
2004 - NO SCHOOL - ice storm - I hope it doesn't get windy
-we will be in a mess.
A note from the fire chief: Island fire dept has bought an
ice rescue sled to be used in case anyone falls through a pond,
or ice on the bay, it's ordered but will take a few weeks to come
in and get us trained on its use, the town paid for about half
and the rest came from our own funds, many thanks to all of you
who support us with donations through the year, we're proud of
the items your monies help us buy to keep the island safe.
7, 2004 - The CPA is having its annual children's holiday
party this Saturday, December 11th at 7 pm at the church. Refreshments
to follow at Parish house. The kids will be providing entertainment
with a short play and a musical performance, then we hope to have
a visit from Santa! FMI please call Jen Belesca at 846-1097.
The CRC is having its annual Children's Holiday Craft Fair
on Sunday, December 12th from 1-3 pm at the CRC. Kids can come
and make crafty gifts for family and friends and wrap them on
the spot. Crafts range from 25 cents each to $2. Volunteer teens
and adults will be available to help kids make the items. FMI
Call Virginia at 846-5068.
December 6, 2004
- This Friday, Dec 10th, Groovy Movie Night with Wild Strawberries
(Sweden, Ingmar Bergman) I hope nobody went last Fridy because
I made a mistake and was looking at November's schedule.
The Annual WHALER'S and Friends CONCERT
will be next Sunday, December 12, at 4 in the afternoon.
The Maine Youth Orchestra
will also be having a concert next weekend and some other events
which you may read by
clicking here. Caroline Summa,
a sixth grader from Chebeague who got her first violin in our
violin program a couple of years ago on Chebeague is now part
of this orchestra.
The town has invited the Structural and Wave Study Engineers
who designed the Wave break to meet Tuesday Dec.14, 2004 from
7 PM to 8:30 on Chebeague to discuss the addition of a camel
behind the wave fence.
December 4, 2004 -
Happy Birthday Lena Taliento who turns seven today!
This January 16th will be the seventh annual WINTER
FESTIVAL which includes the Rec Center's major fundraiser
This year will be a special year in that we are going to include
some of the students from the Hyde School who have been working
with our teens in our Leadership Program. Our students have been
having lots of fun working on this program and last month spent
a night at Hyde which included hours on the ropes course where
they tested their strengths, stamina and team leadership skills.
The proceeds from the Winter Festival have been used to help offset
the costs of running the Teen Center. There is no charge for the
teens but there are many costs associated with the program that
are met from individual donations and rec center fundraising events.
This year we already have one anonymous donor associated with
the Hyde School who has promised to match all the polar bear pledges
that will go to the CRC-Hyde School Leadership Program. Chebeague
teens will be working with Hyde School Students to bring other
donors on board.
3, 2004 - Tonight there is a chowder supper at the Hall for
the benefit of the Church at 6 PM.
Don't forget to get your Christmas Tree tomorrow between 9
and 12 at the Fire Station!
There will be teen center tonight - no teen center tomorrow
because of the Mall Crawl.
26, 2004 - Tonight is Groovy Movie Night.
Note from Tom Calder: The fire department is selling Christmas
trees again this year for $25.00 across the board. they are all
seven footers and they are only for sale on Saturdays and Sundays
(due to some trees not being paid for last year) The hours are
from 9am to noon. Thank you!
November 25, 2004
November 24,
2004 - No one will believe me about how cold it can get around
Thanksgiving because tomorrow it will be in the 50's and 60's.
It should be a great day for having a huge Thanksgiving meal on
Chebeague. I have a new operating system on my computer and wonder
why I waited so long to upgrade my Mac, I must be foolish.
This Saturday is the Christmas Craft
Fair from 10 am to 1 pm at the CIHCC - Island artisans
get together to sell their crafts and talents.
17, 2004 - Today is the last day to get your comments to the
CTC about their possibly eliminating
the last boat on Sunday and the last boat on Saturday night for
the winter months.
My computer will be down for about four days while I do some
major work on it so I won't be adding anything to the web page
until next week. Don't forget that the Ladies Aid Fair will be
this Saturday from 12:30 to 3 at the Parish House.
16, 2004 - I'm back from a beautiful wedding in Denver.
Flu shot clinic which was to have been held November 19 from
9 to noon has been CANCELED. Earlier CHS said it would go on more
or less as usual and there was a notice in the November Calendar
to that effect. But this past week they said they had run out
of vaccine.
Sad news today that Poco
the beluga whale died and was found beached in South Portland.
November 12, 2004 -School Board Meeting
this coming Monday, November 15th. Click
here for the minutes of the Nov 1st meeting and the Agenda for
I will be flying out to Denver tomorrow to my neice Vicki's
wedding and won't be back until Tuesday.
The Freeport Inn is again offering the Chebeague Islander's
Island Rate of $39.95 + tax. Whether you are staying for a meeting,
missed the last ferry to the Island, or just needed a warm place
to stay for the night. Offer valid October 31, 2004 May
19, 2005
Best available room at the Inn without exception
November 10, 2004 - Neil
Taliento is 50 Today! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
The Stone Wharf Committee recommended the Floats at Stone Wharf
be taken out of the water for the Season on Monday, December 6,
2004 (weather permitting).
Floats A (CTC), C & D (Commercial) will remain in the water
for the Winter, all other floats will be removed. The committee
also recommended that Next Season Floats D& C be used for
Commercial use and no tie-ups be assigned. The Commercial Float
will be used for Fueling, Repair of Boats unloading when open
and other uses authorized by the Harbormaster.
The committee will be meeting with engineers in the next few
weeks to discuss the addition of a Camel at the Stone Wharf behind
the wave fence. The Camel will an additional energy dissipation
devise to further knock down waves out of the Northeast.
Click here for
the plan of the Stone Wharf in pdf format.
November 8, 2004 - Today is Tom
Damon's 18th birthday - Happy Birthday Tom!!!
4, 2004 - LADIES AID FAIR - is
going to be Saturday, November 20th
at the Parish House - 12:30 to 3:00. This is a great opportunity
to get Christmas Gifts for the family and your cherrished friends.
Wreaths will be made the first Thursday in December and orders
will be taken at the fair and until that date.
Pilate's (a low impact
workout) is happening at the Rec Center Tuesday and Thursday mornings
at 7:30 - just a 20 minute workout before breakfast or maybe after
breakfast - you are even welcome in your jammies. $2 drop-in fee
or 4 weeks for $12.
Gail Miller is also having a Scrap
Booking on Friday, November 12 from 10 am to noon OR
you can come Saturday, November 13th from 1-3 pm. Bring your pictures
and learn a new way to preserve them and have fun doing it.
Tomorrow's Groovy Movie night at 7:30 will feature "The
Passion of Joan of Arc (Carl Theodor Dreyer - Denmark/France.
2, 2004 - VOTE TODAY!!
Cathy MacNeill took some beautiful photos of Levey's
Pond the other day and here they are - I've already done a
water color from one of them.
October 31, 2004
- HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Don't forget to change the batteries in
your smoke and CO2 detectors now that we have turned our clocks
Jill Malony will be at the polls to collect signatures for
a change in the way the School Budget is voted on. Click here
to see her flyer on this issue.
30, 2004 - Monday night Bertha Gray was awarded the Boston
Post Cane for being the oldest citizen in Cumberland. Click
here to see photos taken by Cathy from the event and read
the forecaster article about this event.
Yesterday the CRC hosted a pumpkin carving day - check out
all the photos and fun on their
October 28, 2004 - THE
RED SOX DID IT! Finally after 86 years, the Red Sox
won against the Cardinals in four straight, for the World Series!
Website. To go along with the victory last night was a spectacular
lunar eclipse which will not accur again for us until March 2007.
26, 2004 - The Chebeague Parents Association invites children
to the Annual Halloween Party to be held at the Hall this Saturday,
October 30th from 6:30 pm to 8 pm. Wear costumes and come prepared
to have a spooky, fun time! Besides the traditional Cake Walks,
there will be new games and activities this year! Call CPA President
Jen Belesca if you need more info.
The CPA would also like to remind you that there is still time
to take advantage of the Sally Foster sale. Anyone can shop on-line
at www.SallyFoster.com
for high-quality gift wrapping supplies and lots of great gifts.
The Chebeague Island School earns 50% of your purchase! Be sure
to put in our account number: 050698 so we get the credit. Your
support is greatly appreciated.
October 22, 2004 - My condolences to the
two or maybe threeYankee Fans on Chebeague but to the rest of
us HURRAY! Can't get much better than that except for winning
the World Series this week! I hope they do it in four games cause
I have to get more sleep!
A Reminder to everyone that the Island Market will be closing
at 5:30 for the week and will reopen next Saturday, October 30th.
The Boatyard will be closed at 11 today for the weekend and will
reopen Monday, the 18th.
A note from the Fire Department: CHANGE the batteries in the
smoke detectors,and also the Carbon Monoxide detectors, and PLEASE
be sure your chimneys are cleaned before you light up the wood
stove. The fire dept will be selling X-mas trees again, hopefully
right after thanksgiving.
Check out the new Chebeague Island
Inn Fall schedule and special Thanksgiving Dinner Information.
October 18, 2004 - Stacy has announced next
year's show will be: LI'L ABNER, Music by Gene de Paul, Lyrics
by Johnny Mercer, Book by Norman Panama & Melvin Frank. For
a synopsis go to http://www.musicalheaven.com/l/lil_abner.shtml
The music is fun, the script is funny, the characters are over
the top, the set is a cartoon, and the costumes are wild! - Auditions
will be like last year - early June so we can have lots of time
to prepare.
October 14, 2004 - School Board meeting
at Chebeague Island School, Monday October 18th, 7 pm
We will hear some info re: effects proposed tax cap on CIS and
the rest of District.
October 8, 2004 - A
reminder from Donna that Monday night on October 11th Bill Healey
assessor and Ken Cole Town Attorney will be present to offer info
and answer questions about the tax cap and what it would mean
to the Town.
Now that Lida is all better from her long illness she will
be putting on a presentation on Sunday about her trip to Japan.
There will be a pot luck with the slides following at 6 pm at
the Hall.
October 7, 2004 - Columbus Weekend
Spagetti Supper at the CIHCC
to benefit the Hall - Saturday October 9 - 6 pm, $6.00 Adults,
$3.00 children 12 and under, 3 and under are free.
We have a couple of football stars from the island - in case
you haven't been watching the sports news on TV or in the paper;
Chris Martin and Will Gleason (Elsie Hamilton's great grandson)
have been doing great on the Greely Rangers Football Team!
The Frost Tournament is this Saturday - shot gun start
12 (optional morning rounds if sign up exceeds 56) - Modified
Calloway System scoring - lots of fun - social to follow at 5
pm - the tournament is open to all and is a great way to finish
up the season. Last year's winners were BJ Abrahamson for the
9 hole Vi Houghton Trophy and DG Perkins for the 18 hole Billy
Hill Cup.
September 29, 2004 - The Church
supper will be at the Parish House on Friday October 1st at 6
pm. There also will be a Christmas snowman raffled off for $1
a ticket.
Congratulations to Naomi
Leonard who is one of just 23 scientists, artists, scholars
and activists who will each receive a $500,000 no-strings-attached
grant over a five-year period from the John D. and Catherine T.
MacArthur Foundation. The fellowships, known informally as "genius
grants," recognize people who have "shown extraordinary
originality and dedication in their creative pursuits, and a marked
capacity for self-direction." Naomi has been a summer islander
for many years and is married to Tim Leonard the son of Jim. To
see more about the winners click
Congratulations to Tyler Putnam who is starring in South
Portland's Lyric Theater production
of "Damn Yankees" to find out more about the
play and how to get tickets go to http://www.lyricmusictheater.com/!!!
September 26, 2004 - An important message from Donna Damon
(our Town Councilor) about upcoming vote and impacts on Chebeague
and how you can help sort out the information.
The Chebeague United Methodist Church
will host a Corned Beef Dinner on Friday, October 1st, starting
at 6 pm. The money raised will be donated to the Samaritian Fund
which helps the people, living here on the island, buy much needed
medical items. The price of the dinner will be $6 for adults and
children over 12 years old. Children 3-12 are $3 and under 3 years
old will be free. We will have hot dogs for those who would like
something different. Hope to see all of you there.
Recreation Center News: The Collins Pool closed on Wednesday,
September 22nd. We thank everyone who supported and used the pool
this summer and congratulate our Pool Operator (Gail Miller) and
excellent team of lifeguards for a job well done.
Virginia will take a well-deserved vacation the week of September
20-25. Although we have arranged some office coverage, there may
be times when no one is in the building when you expect there
to be. Please call ahead to make sure we are open before you come.
Call us at the CRC if you are interested in volunteering next
week or anytime!
September 20, 2004 - The
Grange Fair discussed below has been postponed to this Saturday!
Lets hope for good weather!
September 15, 2004
- The Grange Fair is this coming Saturday,
September 18th! There is lots of fun and excitement
for everyone. It starts at 11am and the Auction starts at 12 noon.
There will be hot dogs, coffee and soda; bake table; lobster raffle;
turkey raffle; white elephant table; exhibit of handcrafts and
hobbies; sawdust pile with money for the kids; widget game (guess
number of plastic peanuts in a jar); and more! The Auction has
lots of items this year including a color TV and a microwave.
The Islands Committee (appointed by the Town last year) has
a message about rumors circulating the island - click
September 12, 2004 - Tomorrow night
the Historical Society guest speaker is Gordon Corbett and he
will be giving a presentation - Orbit with Corbett at the CIHCC
7:30 p.m. Many of you will remember that he was one of many chosen
for teacher in space program which Christa Mc Auliffe was chosen
for on the ill fated Challenger in 1986. He was supposed to present
in May but that meeting had to be cancelled because of an important
Town Council Meeting.
I have just received some more photos of Poco
at the Stone Pier hanging around the floats and playing with
September 11, 2004 - Weight Watchers
on the island is looking for some new members in order to keep
going. We have a great group but aren't up to the number needed.
There will be a free introductory meeting September 16th at 7
pm at the Recreation Center. Please come and see what it is all
about and how you can make some lifetime changes for the better.
The regular classes will start September 23rd.
Tomorrow at 12 is the Blanchard Golf Tournament and we are
hoping to get as many year-round residents who can make it. It
is a lot of fun and we use the Calloway system for scoring so
anyone might be lucky and win the trophies and prizes.$5.00 entrance
fee and at 5pm we start the social (bring an hors d'oeuvre and
drink). We are so fortunate to have a Golf club which allows year
round residents to play for free after 5pm. It is a wonderful
opportunity for so many to get the opportunity to learn about
golf. I know I took advantage of this offer and am totally hooked.
8, 2004 - I have finally updated the Gitane
page with Jenny's closure notes including the trip through
the Panama Canal.
On July 29th while many of us were at an LNG symposium at Bowdoin
we had a visitor to the Stone Wharf. Poco the wayward beluga whale
hung around most of the day tyring to get as much attention as
he could. Here
is one of the stories reported on about Poco.
3, 2004 - There will be a memorial service for Nancy
Plummer on Chebeague at Springettes on Sunday, September 5,
at 3 pm.
Lida's presentation has to be postponed so it won't be taking
place on Sunday as scheduled - I will let everyone know when it
is rescheduled.
September 1, 2004 - I had
a great road trip down to Virginia and back with the kids and
Vika is well established at Ferrum
Lida and Ralph Munroe had a wonderful trip to Japan this summer
through the Greely/Japanese exchange program. Lida's presentation
about their trip at the Hall has been Postponed!
Saturday Sept 4th is the Annual GCGC Swat Fest, 8:45, followed
by a picnic lunch (rain date September 5th). Don't forget that
the Blanchard Invitational tournement is Sunday September 12 for
Year round Chebeague residents only.
The CIYC Annual Meeting/Commodore's Reception is at 6 pm. Click
here for news from the CIYC and CICSS
24, 2004 - I'm off this morning for Ferrum, Virginia where
Vika will be starting college in a few days. How will we fit all
her stuff in the car?
August 22, 2004 - Today
is the CRC's Taco Blast & Aqua Fest from 6-7:30 pm, $7 - pool
will be open and lots of games - award of the Volunteer of the
Year will be presented. On Tuesday Dennis Sheehey will again be
on the island to help people create their own Gnome Homes from
9-noon $17. CRC is also hosting Pepsi Punt/Pass & Kick Competition
September 25 at 10:00am contact the rec center for details 846-5068.
A beautiful Calendar is now available of Louise Todd's paintings.
You can get yours at the Artisan's Icehouse or contact Heidi Todd
at 865-9316. Notecards and postcards of her work will also be
available this week.
August 18, 2004 - This Saturday August 21,
there will be a dance at the Hall to benefit the purchase of sound
system for the Hall. Mark Dyer and his band will be playing and
it is a BYOB dance. The dance starts at 9 pm and there will be
a $10 donation.
Friday night, August 20th, Joe Bennett, Maine Humorist will
be at the Hall entertaining us with his humor. Look for details
on the signs around the island.
August 16, 2004
- Note from Tom Calder: "The fire and rescue would like to
thank all those who stopped by to check out our open house, over
150 hot dogs went someplace ... we had lots of other delicious
goodies, and door prizes, even sparky the fire dog spent the day
with us, thanks again."
August 15, 2004 - The cast and crew want
to thank all the people who came and saw our show and supported
our performances. Thank you also to David Hill who saw the show
through a view finder for two nights in a row. It was a blast
and Stacey is looking for suggestions for next years show.
I personally would like to thank all the people who helped
make the Golf Tournament such a success: the golfers, sponsors,
cookers, greeters, servers, cleaners, donors etc.... life is almost
back to normal-whatever normal is. I might have some time to update
the page. Tomorrow night the Chebeague Historical Society
is having Parker Albee talk about his books and research about
Maine and the world at 7:30 at the Hall!
9, 2004 - Just a reminder that there are still reserved tickets
for sale at the recreations center for the paly and the Luau.
There are about 35 seats available for all the shows that are
first come first served tickets. We have lots of tickets available
for the luau reception and silent auction. They can be purchased
at the rec center.
August 6, 2004 - I have
just added a few more items to the silent
auction page and will be adding more details and a few more
items on Monday. You can see a better photo of BJ's sculpture.
I have to leave this morning for Iowa where my nephew Ben is getting
You don't have to play golf to join everyone Wednesday at 6
pm for our Luau barbecue dinner and silent auction at the Golf
club - tickets are on sale at the Rec Center for $15 adults and
$7 children. Also, if you are planning on playing golf, there
are only 10 spaces left for the 18 hole
scramble so please contact the rec center and sign up. Take
a look at our Sponsor list
and see if your name or company is missing and should or could
be added.
August 5, 2004 - Tomorow night
at 7 pm at the Hall the Sebego-Long Lake Music Festival - their
fifth annual Chebeague Concert. Free! Childrens's concet
tomorrow morning at 10 am at the Hall.
Don't forget that Monday the Town Council will be be having
a hearing about the proposed affordable housing grant for Chebeague.
The meeting is at the Cumberland Town Office, 7pm.
2, 2004 - Tickets are now on sale at the recreation center
for 42nd Street which is happening August 12, 13 and 14, 8:00.
I heard that today Saturday's tickets are almost sold out.
I finally have some of the AUCTION
ITEMS ONLINE!!!! We have some wonderful items -We also
have a Big Bertha Driver.- BJ has donated a wonderful sculpture
of a boy and a trapwhich you may see in person at the library.
I will have the bid sheets up there before the actual silent auction
at the Luau Golf Reception Dinner. You may bid by emailing me
or goining into the library before Tuesday at 12pm when all online
bidding ends. So when you get your tickets for the play you can
pick up your dinner tickets too for August 11.
27, 2004 - Just a note to remind you that there is a Contra Dance on Chebeague Saturday, July 31st!
Heathen Creek from Massachusetts with join us (fiddle, mandolin
and guitar) with caller Bennett Verbeck. Proceeds from the dance
will benefit the CRC Teen Center. Here are the details: 7:30-12
midnight, Potluck 6:00-7:00 p.m.,$8 adults/$4 children under 12/$20
family maximum. Questions? Call May Hall 846-4178 or 319-6248
July 21, 2004 cont- There are still a few
spaces open for Plein air drawing workshop from San Francisco
based artist Diane Olivier July 25-31. Diane's web page is http://dianeolivier.com FMI
call Vickie 846.9488
July 21, 2004 - Things
are still happening on Chebeague although you may not think so
by checking the web page. Vika comes home from Russia this Friday
and has had quite a time of it. The orphanage she volunteered
at spent most of its time on the Black Sea on vacation. I'm sure
she was working very hard on her tan, but we can find out all
about it this weekend. The Maine Adoption Agency (MAPS) has been
wonderful and helpful to make this all happen. They really care
about all the children they place and all the ones still back
in the orphanages.
This eekend the CRC will present the childrens's play under
the direction of Rachel Damon called "THAT'S
ENTERTAINMENT" - YOU CAN BUY TICKETS AT THE DOOR Friday and Saturday nights 7:30 $7.00 adults
and $4.00 for children.
July 14, 2004
- The fire and rescue will have an open house August 15 - noon
till 300 pm, with door prizes, food, games etc. - watch for future
Congratulations to A. Catriona Shepherd. MD, Family
Medicine, will be joining Bowdoin Medical Group in South Portland
in mid-July and will be accepting new patients. The office is
located at 51 Ocean Street. Phone 799-8596
I have just put online information about the Slow Bell Café.
Information sheet handed
out on the fourth of July. A letter
to the community about what John's intentions and a cover
letter to the Planning
Board for the July 20th meeting.
July 8, 2004 - The Chebeague Parents Association
announces a date change for the upcoming Lobster
Roll Luncheon and Kids Tag Sale.....instead of the
date of July 25th as reported in the Calendar, the event will
take place Saturday, July 17th at the Hall from 10:30 am- 2:00
pm. Donations of gently used clothing, toys, baby equipment, children's
furniture, etc. will be accepted until Thursday the 15th and can
be brought to the Recreation Center.
Chebeague Island schoolchildren are currently selling Sally
Foster gift wrap and accessories. This is great quality stuff!
See any island school child to order, or make your order online
at www.SallyFoster.com/student and use
our school account number 0506968. Thanks for your
support of island schoolchildren!
July 7, 2004 - Next Weekend on July 10th,
the Whalers will perform a concert of children's songs and songs
about children. We will be performing at 7:30 at the Hall, Adults
$8.00 and children $3.50. Hope to see you all there.
The Island Commons is raffling off a wonderful reproduction
of an 18th century windsor armchair hand crafted by Tom Cushman
- for details click here.
What a wonderful weekend we all had - the weather was beautiful!
The Historical Society opened with it's new exhibit on the history
and people of the West End of the Island - "where it all
began." The fourth of July parade and picnic were lots of
fun for everyone . Here is a note from Mike Grunko about the Road
The 27th Annual Chebeague 4th of July Road Race and Fun
Run set 60 adults 30 children running down the
roads of our island. The effort involved more than 10 volunteers
to plan, advertise, register, time and dispense awards, water
and popcicles to the participants. For the second year the race
started and ended at the Chebeague Historical Society. The Road
Race was run on the 4.6 mile course. There were 60 registered
runners. The winners were:
Men: 1st: Gordon Murphy - 31:22, 2nd Dave Lynch - 31:34,
3rd Paul Brown - 32:44 -Women: 1st Dana Borland-33:49,
2nd Kate Emery-35:15, 3rd Sara Dimick - 36:08 Boys under 14:
Davis Jaenike - 34:33 40 and over: Men -John Stevenson
- 34:35, Women Nancy Earnest - 39.47 50 and over:
Men - Michael Duffy -36:06 60 and over: Men Ray Shevenell
- 40:33. This was his 25th consecutive run.
The Fun Run covered a 1.1 mile course. There were 30 participants.
The first boy was Alec McGovern who finished in 8:58. Katie Vernon
was the first girl to finish. Her time was 10:45. The race is
run under the auspices of the Chebeague Island Council. Beth and
Michael Grunko would like to thank The Chebeague Historical Society
for allowing us to use their property, the Cumberland Police Dept.
for following the runners, Jeannette and Ken Hamilton and Leila
and Suhail Bisharat for providing water for the runners. We are
very grateful to members of the McCullough family and a host of
would-be spectators for volunteering to help.
June 30, 2004 - The 3 Chebeague 7th graders:
Christy Phipps, Alissa Hamilton and Anna Maine will be giving
a car wash at the Fire House on Saturday, July 3rd from
10am to 1pm. The purpose of the car wash is to earn money
for their Camp Kieve experience in September, will all Greely
Middle School incoming 7th graders. The program promotes friendship,
team-building, self-reliance and appropriate school interactions.
Each student needs to earn their money to participate in the experience.
The girls are selling advance tickets for $5 each, though they
will accept cars and donations during the time of the car wash
as well. There will also be some baked goods for sale to keep
your mouth happy while your car is being washed. Don't miss the
chance to get the grime off your vehicle in time for the parade!
June 29, 2004 - The 4th of July parade will
start at 11 am and will end at Chandler's Cove. There will be
hot dogs, hamburgers, lobster rolls, and sodas for sale at the
picnic. Hope to see you there. The theme of the parade is PRESIDENTS.
Can't think of anything to do the 4th of July weekend? How
about dancing at the Chebeague Island Hall. We have two bands
ready to get your feet moving. On Friday, July 2nd, come dance
to the sounds of Mark Dyer and his band from 9 pm- 1 am.
Admission is $5 and BYOB. Adults only will be admitted. Then if
you haven't had enough dancing, Gary Ross and the Long Islander's
band (Rock Hoppers) will delight you with their music on Saturday,
July 3. The dance will be from 9 pm - 1 am. Admission is $5 and
BYOB. Adults only will be admitted. So come out and have a good
Don't forget that tomorrow night (June 30) Gerry Wiles ABIGAIL ADAMS lecture at the Hall,
7:30 pm!
June 27, 2004 - It has been a busy
week for me! Vika left yesterday for a month in Russia where she
will work at the Medevedovski Orphanage where her brother and
sister had been and then look for some of her friends and family.
Hopefully when she returns she be speaking fluent Russian which
will help her in her Russian studies next year.
We are all winding down for the opening of the Historical Society
Exhibit, West End, Where it all Began. Thanks to Mark Bowman we
now have the a record produced by Goldie Doughty.
Thank you to all the people who have responded to our letter
for the CRC Golf Tournament. There
are still a few places left for golf so please go online and fill
out the application and send it in to the Rec. I have started
to update the page but haven't put all the silent auction items
in - in fact I think there are only two listed but I have lots
to add. As soon as the Historical Society Exhibit is done I will
be putting together the Silent Auction so it is not too late to
get me your item. We already have a number of paintings by local
artists, a $350 watch, food, craft items. The beauty of this will
be that you don't even have to be there to bid - you may do it
right through email. I hope to have it all online by July 5th.
June 21, 2004 - I have just included a link
to Casco Courseware,
LLC, founded in 2002 by William Vaughan Jr., to the Anchor
27th Fourth of July Road Race
is coming up and for more information please see the ad!
20, 2004 - ABIGAIL ADAMS
- a talk by JERRY WILES, Wednesday, June 30th, 7:30
at the CIHCC. Sponsored by the CIHCC and the Library. Any donations
will go to the Hall building fund - for further information, call
There will be a graveside service for Priscilla Rich
who passed away on 1/14/04. It's going to be held on 06/26/04,
Saturday, at 2pm. Light refreshments will be served at the parish
house following the service.
June 17, 2004 - The Chebeague
Inn is open for dinner starting Friday, June 18th , every
night (except this Sunday for the Island Commons Wine Tasting
Celebration). Sunday Brunch starts this weekend from 10 am-2 pm.
Beginning Wednesday the 23rd, lunch will be served and, Friday
the 25th, rooms will be open and Breakfast will start. The Inn
is looking beautiful and has had a remarkable transformation.
16, 2004 - Important Town Council Meeting tonight on CHEBEAGUE, 7 pm at the CIHCC. the
town will hear public comment and act on changes to the parking
and wharf ordinances which includes increased fines and proposed
elimation of haul-off on the wharf.
June 15,
2004 - Today's Portland Press Herald Harpswell
group petitions for second vote on gas terminal.
A reminder that coming up July 2nd is Chebeague Orchard B &
B First Annual Art Show and Sale - click
here for more information.
June 19th, 7:30 at the CIHCC with Special
guest speaker Bill Green - Bill is a television journalist
for WCSH and has a popular program Bill Green's Maine and lives
in Cumberland. He will talk about his career in journalism.
12, 2004 - There will be a Catholic
Mass on the Island this Summer. Fr. Fred Morse from
St. Christopher;s, Peaks Island will be here to say Mass on Saturday
evenings at 6:15 P.M. at the Chebeague Methodist Church during
the months of July and August. This will begin on Saturday, July
3rd and it is hoped that many people will attend.
June 10, 2004 - Congratulations to all our
High School Graduates. Last week Nora Bisharat, Katherine Hill,
Heather Buxbaum, Gina Klenda and this weekend Vika Johnson, Chris
McCullum, Kelly Joyce and Brad Martin.
The recreation center is auctioning off its bus on Ebay so
if anyone is interest you may go to: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2481903354
8, 2004 - Today is voting day - Donna Damon is on the ballot
for Town Council representative for the Island and she said she
welcomes write-in-candidates.
The fire dept is selling car window decals for 5.00 each, contact
Arthur Lynch if intetested in buying one, also they have 3 new
members; Ginny Ballard, Nancy Earnest, and Mark Dyer, thanks to
all 3 for helping to keep the best island in Casco Bay safe!
June 5, 2004 - Today's Portland
Press Herald article
June 4, 2004 - Article
in the Globe about offshore liquefied natural gas terminals
and Boston officials.
Raffle of Red Sox Tickets to benefit a number of organizations
- Click Here for more information!
3, 2004 - Intern Position at Chebeague Recreation Center:
Work with teens at the Rec Center-at Teen Center and in other
programs in areas such as community service, trail work on surrounding
islands, adventure leadership, and more. A stipend will be paid
for the summer's work. Interested? See http://home.gwi.net/~crc/
and click on Proposed Intern --- Or, to learn more, call Bob
at (207) 846 4983
Maine Island Trail Association Volunteer
Youth Service Opportunity - please
click here to find out more. This is a wonderful opportunity
to learn a lot and get some valuable volunteer service and help
towards future resumes!
June 2, 2004 - Article
in the Globe today: DistriGas
contests hazard study findings. Here is the letter
that Save Casco Bay sent to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
last week.
June 1, 2004 - Consider Joining
the Golf Club: The Golf Club is looking for new members. Normally,
to join the Club you must pay, in addition to the Annual Dues,
an Initiation Fee of $500, and a Stock Purchase Fee of $150. However,
to encourage new membership the Club is temporarily waiving the
Initiation Fee and reducing the cost of a share of stock to $25.
The Club will revert back to normal fees on June 15, 2004. The
next few days are an ideal time to apply for membership at an
initial cost of only $25.
The Annual Dues for a Member for the year 2004 are $460 for
those under 70 years of age, and $350 for those over.
Anyone interested should contact the Clubhouse, Amanda
Layng, Malcolm Rice,
Schuyler Grant, or Beverly Johnson. Think about
it, but not too long.
May 28, 2004 - Sunday - May 30th at the Hall
12-2 pm: 10th Annual Silent Auction and Bake Sale - we have
a lot of wonderful donated items and services as well as home
baked goods and a raffle for a wooden easel. Please come support
the CPA which funds many school and preschool programs and services
on the island and on the mainland.
May 25, 2004
- Today in the Portland
Press Herald an article about the future of the Harpswell
fuel depot. There were also some letters
to the editor about LNG's in the bay.
24, 2004 - I have updated the Library
Page including the video and book sections.
Barkers are having a Yard Sale, Sat. May 29th, At the "Red
House"23 Chandlers Cove Rd. For a list of items click
May 23, continued - This weekend CRC sponsored
a teen hike up to Lonesome Lake and a great, wet time was had
by all! Click here
to see some more photos!
May 23, 2004 - Today's
Maine.today.com http://news.mainetoday.com/indepth/lng/
22, 2004 - I have some catching up to do! Next weekend there
are three big events I need to let people know about (probably
Chebeague School Reunion... Saturday, May 29th from
11 to 3 pm at the Parish House. Sandwiches and desserts, etc.
will be available and there may be a short Memorial service at
1 to remember lost classmates. Mr. Vernon Bolster who taught school
on the island 1941-42 will be an honored guest. Anyone who attended
school at any time on Chebeague is welcome. Contact the classmates
you'd like to see there so that you don't miss this opportunity
to visit with them. We will make a trip to the Scholl/Museum sometime
during the day for those who have not seen the restoration and
additions there. For more information and to help with food or
transportation please call Martha Hamilton at 846-4078 or Sylvia
Ross at 846-4117. Please try to let us know if you plan to attend
so that we may plan accordingly, meet boats, etc.
Silent Auction, bake sale, raffle
for children's easel - Sunday, May 30, 12 to 2 pm at
the Hall sponsored by the Chebeague Parents Association (this
has been an annual event for many years).
Memorial Day Service at the Chebeague Island Methodist
Church, Monday May 31st at 1 pm., sponsored by the Chebeague Island
Grange #576. Veteran's graves will be decorated following the
service. Speaker will be Susan Stavropoulos and patriotic songs
sung by the school children.
May 19, 2004
- Tomorrow night, Thursday, May 20, is a busy night for islanders!
There is the School Board Budget Vote and Yarmouth Town
Council will be hearing from citizens in regard to LNG at
Wyman Station. SAD51 has scheduled a 10:45 boat from Cousins.
May 18, 2004 - For everyone who has been
thinking about donating to Save Casco Bay, Inc but haven't yet
- we have it set up with a secure site online. Just
click here or go to savecascobay.org
and click on the red button. It is so easy. Thank you so much
for everyone who has already sent their donations in. This Thursday
the Yarmouth Town Council will be hearing from individuals about
the idea of turning Wyman Station into an LNG facility.
16, 2004 - Congratulations to Marlene Bowen, who on
May 10, was presented with the Citizen of the Year Award for 29
years of service with the Cumberland Rescue. Twenty-six of those
years as Captain and this past year she was made Deputy Chief
of Chebeague Rescue. Marlene recently revived a man at the McDonalds
in Falmouth and is attributed to saving his life! He had no pulse
or breathing and when revived went in to defibrilation when the
rescue got there -- he and his family have since been in contact
with Marlene to thank her.
In todays Portland
Prees Herald there is another AP news article about LNGs.
May 15, 2004 - Lots of people including
many teenagers met at the Parish House where we had talked about
the LNG prospects and wrote letters to the Governor and others.
In todays Boston Globe there was another article: Boston
Globe Article:Report cites risk of wide damage in LNG blast
May 14, 2004 - New
York Times article in todays paper!, click here
to go directly to New York Times with picture
13, 2004 - Yesterday, Save Casco Bay Inc. sent a letter to
Governor Baldacci outlining recommendations supporting a collaborative
process for a regional approach to siting an LNG terminal. http://www.savecascobay.org/press
May 12, 2004 - The headline in the Portland
Press Herald "Critics not comforted
by canceled LNG vote." We still have a long way
to go with the possibity of LNG's looming over us. Save
Casco Bay Inc. needs volunteers at the Parish House
for a work party at 9:00 am Saturday. Please bring your
favorite pen for a letter writing session and if you have children
who need watching, we are setting up the Rec Center with babysitters.
Please come we need help getting our message across!
For all of you who have tried to email the Town Council through
my site or at the Town website, the email addresses were incorrect.
I had cut and pasted the info to my site and now I have them correct
on the Town Council News page.
11, 2004 - Last night the Town of Cumberland rescinded their
recent order to hold an advisory referendum concerning the possibility
of exploring the siting of an LNG terminal on Hope Island. Therefore,
the vote on June 8 will not be held. Also, the Council decided
to not proceed with public informational meetings, which were
to be scheduled within the next two weeks. This may be considered
to be winning a major battle but next week the Yarmouth Town Council
will be considering locating an LNG terminal at Wyman Station
on Cousins Island.
May 10, 2004 - Please remember tonight's
meeting -Cumberland Town Office Council Chambers - 7 pm - See
you There!
May 9, 2004 - Today's Portland
Press Herald has a number of articles about the LNG facility
pro and con.
Tomorrow' Historical Society presentation by Gordon Corbett
has been canceled because of the important Town
Council Meeting at 7pm council chambers.
A note from Jim Phipps:
At their Executive Committee meeting yesterday, the CBL Board
of Directors decided to add an item concerning the LNG proposal
on Hope Island to the Board of Director's agenda for their regular
monthly meeting on Friday, 5/21, at 7:45 A.M. Directors from Cliff
and Chebeague briefed the Executive Committee and it was decided
to have the President of the Board of Directors and the General
Manager meet with representatives of the Hope Island project before
5/21 in an effort to obtain more information for presentation
to the Directors of CBL at their May meeting. Peaks Island Director,
Gene Taylor, suggested a resolution for consideration by the CBL
Board of Directors on 5/21 expressing the "grave concern"
of CBL for the potential impact of the proposed LNG terminal on
CBL's operations. Larry Walden, President of the CBL Board of
Directors is a Peaks Island resident and a lawyer who now
practices in Kennebunk, but who until a few years ago practiced
law in Portland as Bob Stevens partner. Bob Stevens is the attorney
who is representing TransCanada, the proponent of the LNG proposal
for Hope Island.
A turn out of those concerned about the LNG project would
be helpful at the CBL Directors' meeting on 5/21 at 7:45 A.M.
If any one has questions, they should contact Jim Phipps, Chebeague's
representative on the CBL Board of Directors. Jim can be reached
by phone or email as follows:
207.846.6274 or
May 8, 2004 - As you may all imagine we
have been very busy on Chebeague, Cliff and Long to save Casco
Bay! We are now incorporated and are called Save Casco Bay
Inc. Donations may be sent to Save Casco Bay Inc., c/o Tom
Cushman, 6 Huddum Circle, Chebeague Island, ME 04017. There will
be a meeting Monday Night at the Council Chambers at the Town
of Cumberland 7pm. I have posted the agenda for Monday on the
Town Council News.
At the bottom of the Agenda is listed all the counselors with
their numbers and email addresses. I am still working on setting
up a new website which should be up soon.
6 continued - We had quite a good meeting tonight and were
happy to have people from Cliff Island, Long Island, Harpswell
, Diamond Island and the mainland. We are looking for volunteers
to help with different aspects of our work to get the information
to the voters in Cumberland so they will be able to make an informed
vote and realize exactly what they could be doing to Casco Bay.
I will be having a new website up soon for getting out information.
Various committees have been and are being formed and lot of financial
help will be needed. I will post tomorrow more information on
May 6, 2004 - There is an online poll
at the Portland Press herald this morning asking whether you support
placing an LNG terminal on Cumberland's Hope Island.http://www.pressherald.com/
Today's Poll Question is linked to the right hand column. Thank
you for voting
May 5 continued - I really try to keep this
site non-political but I really can't when it comes to what has
happened here lately. The Town Councilors know how the majority
of the Islanders feel about this or any proposal in Casco Bay
for an LNG plant. Why would the town ignor the wishes of a whole
segment of town to bring this to a vote? I couldn't believe that
this was happening in Harpswell and now am totally dismayed that
it is happening here! Have they thought about the impact on Cliff
Island and Long Island - doesn't anyone care about people and
their lives anymore?
I was hoping to draw attention to our CRC
Golf Tournament page which as co-chair with Kim Bogle I was
working on. By now most people have received an information packet
and I have started updating the page with new sponsors as they
come in. I hope everyone will take a look and plan on being around
August 11, for the tournament or the luau party and silent auction
following the golf.
May 5 continued - Tomorrow
there will be a citizen intiated emergency meeting about the proposed
vote and LNG terminal at 7:00 pm, Thursday night at the Hall.
Everyone is invited.
5, 2004 - NOTICE NOTICE - the following information is taken from
the Town
of Cumberland Website
The Cumberland Town Council will hold
a press conference regarding the Town Council's decision last
evening to hold an ADVISORY Referendum on June 8, 2004, to coincide
with the State Primary Election, in order to determine whether
the voters of the Town of Cumberland favor the Town Council negotiating
a Contract Zone Agreement with TransCanada Pipelines Limited regarding
siting a liquid natural gas facility on Hope Island. The press
conference will be held Wednesday, MAY 5, 2004 at 9:00 a.m. in
the Cumberland Town Council Chambers, 290 Tuttle Road.
ORDER #04-052
ORDERED, the Cumberland Town Council
hereby authorizes an ADVISORY Referendum to be held June 8, 2004
in order to coincide with the State Primary Election. Said advisory
referendum will be held to determine whether the voters of the
Town of Cumberland favor the Town Council negotiating a Contract
Zone Agreement with TransCanada Pipelines Limited regarding siting
a liquid natural gas facility on Hope Island. The Town Council
has taken no position on this project.
You can still view all the information on my Fairwinds
site which is still in the title bar above - I wonder what this
site will be called. I'll be posting more information as it comes
May 3, 2004 - The town is repaving the
end of the wharf this week. They are taking away all the existing
pavement and repaving it as you can see in the photo. I guess
the beaver has decided not to stay on the island as it hasn't
been seen since last week. I put the photo in the picweek
Next Monday, May 10, the Chebeague Island Historical Society
invites you to explore science and its connection with history
presented in true storyteller form. Gordon Corbett will be giving
a presentation - Orbit with Corbett at the CIHCC 7:30 p.m. Many
of you will remember that he was the alternate chosen for teacher
in space program for Christa Mc Auliffe who was aboard the ill
fated Challenger in 1986. It is hard to believe it has been almost
20 years.
April 30, 2004 - The Fire Department
has asked me to pass on these important tips to ensure the emergency
people can arrive as fast as possible for people renting their
1. The correct address where the house is, street name etc,
2. Be sure the renter gives the name of the person who owns the
home, not the renter's name.
3. Be sure the proper emergency numbers are listed by the phone.
I have added the SAD51 agenda for
next week and have included the minutes from this weeks meeting.
An update from Mary and the Gitane: Jenny, J and John successfully
transited the Panama Canal yesterday(4/28). It was exciting to
be able to welcome them to the Atlantic Ocean. Jenny reported
that according to their charting, they are only 20 days from Maine...IF
they don't make any stops along the way...that'll be the day...
Adult Theater Information:
This year's production will be 42nd Street!
Auditions will be held on Monday June 21 (Music) and Tuesday June
22 (Readings) @ the Hall, 7-9 pm. Questions? Email Stacy Stewart:
The CRC is looking for volunteers to help with cleanup around
the building and new construction - please contact Beth Dyer 846-5068
if you can help.
I just updated the Town Council site with the agenda for a
4, 2004, budget and executive session.
We have a beaver hanging around the golf club pond who doesn't
seem to know what she/he is doing on an island - probably waiting
for a mate to show up - wonder how long it will hang around -
I have a few trees I'd like to get cut down.
April 25, 2004 - I had a wonderful warm
time in New York City and now I'm back home freezing. Last night
the bird bath froze over as the temperature was about 30 this
morning. I have included the agenda for the Town Council Meeting
as well as the approved minutes from March 22nd meeting in the
Town Council News - as long
as the town sends me this information I will try to keep it updated
with the current town information.
I also have the agenda for the School
Board Meeting and the Minutes from the April 14th meeting.
21, 2004 - I'll be away for a few days during this school
vacation. We have been able to play golf the last few days - Spring
is finally here! The gulley on the ninth still had a foot thick
slab of ice in it. Maybe next week it will be gone.
17, 2004 - The fire department has asked me to remind everyone
to check their smoke detectors. If your detector is over ten years
old, it is time to replace it. The are a very inexpensive insurance
which you can get anywhere for about $10.
The town put in the new ramp and floats this week and they
are starting to be used.
April 15, 2004 -
If anyone wants a beautiful Singer Cabinet Grand Piano - its at
the Chebeague Inn for the taking - free. It has to be out of there
right away. The outside is in good condition but the workings
need some work. Just go up to the Inn and get it.
14, 2004 - The Chebeague
Inn has their new website up and running. The workers are
there now getting it all renovated for its opening in June.
11, 2004 - I have started to update the Chebeague
Methodist Church page with a few photos from today's service.
It was a beautiful Easter Sunday on Chebeague.
7, 2004 - Tonight the SAD 51 Board
of Directors are meeting to approve the new school budget.
April 2, 2004 - Don't forget that tonight
is Groovy Movie Night at the library and the feature will
be the 1989 movie "Do the Right Thing" by Spike Lee.
Showtime is 7:30 at the library and they accept donations.
The adventure for Jay Holt and Jen continues on the Gitane!
I have just updated their story
just stroll down to pictures of BJ who met up with them in
Mexico (I think) - I haven't read the whole journal yet. It is
quite an adventure.
April 1, 2004 - Next
night the Town Council will be on Chebeague and one of their
items is to set prices on tie up and mooring fees at the stone
wharf. (I know - which is it a wharf or a pier - I can't remember).
Yesterday there was another article
relating to LNG safety in the Boston Globe.
A note from Martha: Update on Chebeague School Reunion
"We have set the date May29th at the Parish House. Between
11 am and 3 pm we will have light lunch.available.sandwiches,
dessert..coffee/tea. Donation of food and kitchen help will be
appreciated. We will put out a jar for $ that day to cover expenses.I
have written to Vernon Bolster and someone is going to try to
contact Anne Meserve..If you know of any other teachers please
let us know. Write Martha Hamilton at 32 South Rd 04017 or call
her 846-4078 or Sylvia Ross at 846-4117."
The next meeting of the School Board is Wednesday, April 7,
2004 at the Cumberland Town Hall. Click
here for agenda and minutes of the last meeting.
March 28, 2004 - Monday night there will
be a meeting at the Hall at 7:00 pm about the parking at the boat
ramps and floats at the Stone Pier.
March 26,
2004 - Pommy wanted me to report that in just a few days the
chairs were all sold! Thank you to all who bought them and to
the Inn for their donation.
Two days ago their was an article in the Boston
Globe about the problem of security and LNGs were mentioned.
Boopie has asked me to let everyone know they are invited to
attend the Cumberland Taxpayers Association meeting being held
in Council Chambers on Monday, March 29, at 7PM. For
more information about the meeting click here.
Monday night
March 24, 2004 - I hope nothing comes of
it but here is an article in today's
Portland Press Herald about a petition drive to have another
vote in Harpswell about the proposed LNG facility.
Message from the Town Office about Brown
Tail Moth Spraying.
March 23, 2004- Pat
St. Cyr and Valerie Riddle are creating a lobstering experience
book to raise money for the Chebeague Island Hall Community
Center (CIHCC). They are looking for and would appreciate
receiving any background information; pictures; funny, happy,
etc stories of lobstering experiences as far back in years as
possible. Please call Pat 846-5901 or Valerie 846-9688.
The Island Commons Resource Center is having a Special
Benefit Sale of recently donated 100 of the Chebeague Island Inn's
chairs. Please click here to see
these chairs and to learn how to get them.
18, 2004 - A reminder that Saturday, March 20th there is a
Benefit Dinner/Dance for Alnah Doughty Robinson. Turkey
dinner 6pm and Dance 9pm - Donations welcomed. There will be a
huge raffle at the Turkey Dinner/Dance which includes many wonderful
items (click here to see list).
The drawing will be held at 10 PM.
March 12,
2004 - Just a reminder that the there are only two days left
for the Greely Drama
Club Online Silent Auction bidding- if you can't be there
for the final live auction you might want to get your high bid
in now. I mentioned before that Donna Damon, Bob Putnam, Gail
Miller and Bruce Bowman all have items in the auction.
11, 2004 - Saturday, March 13, 6 pm there will be a
potluck supper at the Hall to benefit the Hall. Adults
$5.00, Children under 12 are $3.00 and 3 and under free.
The man who was on Chebeague last Sunday stalking our children
had been arrested numerous times, spent a few years in jail and
was being sought after for another crime in Illinois and our police
were unable to hold him or send him back to be prosecuted in Illinois.
There seems to be a loophole in the laws which allows a person
to have a warrant for their arrest on a charge of unlawful sexual
contact in another state and we are unable to extradite that person.
I told people I would put the addresses on the web of the Attorney
General so people could write. Click
here to see a sample letter written by one concerned citizen
to the Attorney General.
March 10, 2003 -
An article in the Portland
Press Herald about the LNG vote.
There was also an article
about the meeting held on Chebeague about the sex offender
who had been seen on the island and what the police were able
to do.
March 9, 2003 - The votes are in
and Harpswell is saying NO to the LNG proposal!!! I want
to thank all those who contributed to our ad in the Harpswell.
March 8, 2004 - Many of us have a lot of
questions regarding the incident on the playground that occurred
this weekend. To address our concerns, the Cumberland Police Department
is having an Information Night tomorrow night, Tuesday March
9th at 7 pm at the Hall. The Public is invited. Sunday a transcient
was at the school playground where some children were playing.
This person has been seen on the island a number of times and
just comes over for day trips on the Casco Bay Boat. If you see
this person you should contact the Cumberland Police. Click
here for a link to the Maine Sex Offender Registry. No one
was hurt.
This Saturday, March 13th there will be a pot luck supper at
the Hall at 6pm to benefit the Hall.
March 4,
2004 - March 20th there is a Benefit Dinner/Dance for
Alnah Doughty Robinson. Turkey dinner 6pm and Dance 9pm - Donations
welcomed. If you can't make the Dinner/Dance donations may be
sent to the Chebeague Methodist Church for the Alnah Robinson
fund. She has been diagnosed with severe lung cancer. You can
write her at Alnah Robinson, PO Box 341, Cumberland, ME 04021.
I just added a letter to the editor from Jon
Rich reflecting the meeting in Harpswell last Saturday.
3, 2004 - There are so many letters
to the editor in the Portland Press Herald opposing the LNG
facility and a number are from Chebeague. There are at least four
in Brunswick
Times Record from Chebeague today but as of this morning they
aren't online but at least you can read the ones from yesterday.
The Casco Bay Community film airs again today at 1pm. This morning
on Chanell 23 the opponents to the LNG did a great job getting
their point across with some help of a few Chebeague callers.
2, 2004 - Mike Robinson and Ernie Burgess were featured today
in on a discussion of the LNG and it was terrific and I will let
you know when it will air again. The Casco Bay Comunity film produced
by Dick Merriman was on and Donna, Claire, Mike, Ernie, Susie
and all the people around the Bay did such a fine job. That show
will be on again tomorrow at 1 pm.
March 1, 2004
cont. - Tomorrow night at 7 pm on TV14 will be a new show produced
by opponents of the LNG from the point of view of the Casco Bay
Community. Many of our islanders will be in it and they will have
a fly over of the area. In the morning on Channel 23 there is
a live call-in show and the featured guest will be a proponent
of the LNG. On Wednesday from 7- 9 there will be featured guests
against the LNG. This show can also be heard on WPOR Radio 96???.
1, 2004 - There were three articles regarding the Fairwinds
project yesterday in the Sunday Telegram. Harpswell's Neighbors
Anxious about the LNG Vote, Harpswell Divided
over its future(on this page there is a place to VOTE -258
votes so far), Bill Nimitz had an editorial
about the selectman.
February 29, 2004 -
A lot of us went to the Harpswell Town Meeting yesterday - started
at 12 and ended after 6pm - It was obvious that there were more
people against the proposal than for it but that doesn't mean
the people sitting at home watching the meeting on TV feel the
same. Non residents (including taxpayers were told to sit in the
bleachers - later which I didn't hear someone suggested that there
were plenty of chairs). Nonresidents were able to finally speak
around 5:30 so there were not many people left to hear (fortunately
it was televised). The first thing the selectmen did was read
a letter from the Cumberland
Town Manager. Donna, Ernie and Mike all did wonderful jobs
expressing the concerns of the islanders and fisherman.
27, 2004 - In today's Globe
there is an article about LNGs and safety.
26, 2004 cont. - There is going to be a Summer Barbecue Church
Supper at the Parish House on Saturday at 6 pm. This benefit supper
for the church $7 chicken, $6 hamburger and $5 hotdog - served
with baked beans and salad with a surprise dessert. Children five
and under are free! Everyone is encouraged to come!
26, 2004 - The Greely Drama Club has asked me to create a
website for their
Silent Auction fundraiser for the new High School Theater.
Please take a look at some of the items - they're great and include
a few Island items like lobstering with Bob Putnam, a tour of
the island with Donna Damon and napkin rings by Gail Miller!
25, 2004 - There are Tshirts at the Island Market for sale
to benefit the fffh (fishing families for Harpswell) organization.
The fishing families feel that it would be great if everyone wears
their T-shirt to the Harpswell Town Meeting on Saturday to show
their support against the Fairwinds project.
The SAD51 School Board is meeting March 1 - click
here for the Agenda which is PDF format. They have also sent
me the minutes of
the February 24th meeting in PDF format. If someone has trouble
accessing them you may email me and I will send along the document.
I am on the committee for the Historical Society 2004 Exhibit
which is planned for June and I am looking for any records or
tapes of Goldie Doughty singing. I am hoping to be able to have
a display including her singing. There use to be quite a few around
the island and no one seems to know where they have gone. So please
if you know of any get in touch with me. Thanks
24, 2004 cont. - Some of us decided to put a full page ad
in the Harpswell Anchor - a simple ad from Chebeague with a map
showing the pipeline, tanker route and our daily commute. The
paper goes out to every household in Harpswell and I had to have
it to them today. The cost of the ad is $810 which I have a commitment
from a number of people towards paying for it. If anyone would
like to contribute to the ad - please send or give me, Mike Robinson
or David Stevens. We have $425 towards it already. You may see
the ad click here.
24, 2004 - Tonight at 7 - Channel 14 - live forum about the
Fairwinds Project.
Notice to all ALUMNI of Chebeague Schools: Martha Hamilton
is hoping to get together another reunion on the island. She is
hoping for around Memorial Day when a lot of people come back
to decorate graves at the cemetery. She is thinking of a light
lunch and gathering at the Parish house, nothing fancy, coffee/tea
sandwiches and desserts....no reservations or great expense...
just a day time reunion. Possibly Mr. Vernon Boster who taught
here 1941-42 could come for the day. Please contact classmates
and then contact Martha Hamilton, 32 South Road, 207-846-4078.
Congratulations to Marion Read (Robin's daughter) who is
currently studying African history and government at the University
of Cape Town in Cape Town, South Africa. In August Marion will
return to Georgetown University where she will be a senior government
major. Recent she was an intern in the Portsmouth office of the
Kerry for President campaign.
February 23, 2004 - Here is a link to the
audio of the Fred Bever report on Maine Things Considered, Maine
Public Broadcasting from Friday 2/20/04. The topic is the You
can listen to Peter M (Conoco-Phillips rep, pressing LNG vote)
Chris D (Citizen's group Fairplay for Harpswell, against LNG),
Gordon W, (Dr. Weil is one of the Selectmen of Harpswell that
has brought this LNG issue to a vote without studies); and Galen
Rose of the Maine State Planning Office who is emphasizing that
Conoco-Phillips entered the data into a State Planning office
program and is now touting that the State of Maine is behind the
rosy financial report that is being used in advertising for Conoco-Phillips.
If you have a letter to the editor or comments you would like
posted on the Harpswell
Anchor.com site please go to their site and do so or you may
email to Claire Ross
and she will post it per your wishes.
22, 2004 - There will be something about Fairwinds on at 7
and yesterday's rally will be on at 8:30 tonight. There were about
42 Chebeaguers at the rally yesterday which demonstrates the concern
of islanders about the proposed Fairwinds project. There are 5000
voters in Harpswell who will be voting for something which will
affect a number of fisherman in Harpswell and all the fishermen
of Chebeague. It will affect a number of people whose home are
near the facility. I just made up a page
which shows the bow of a tanker with two large tugs beside it,
addresses of our representatives and an article about LNG tankers.
I am really worried about how people in Harpswell will vote on
our future.
February 21, 2004 - Today a large
group of islanders showed up at the LNG Rally where we all helped
form a 1000' LNG tanker and show our support against the vote
in Harpswell. Yesterday the Portland Press Herald published a
letter from Susie Stavropoulos.
20, 2004 - I'm back from a very quick trip to Virginia where
Vika visited Ferrum College where she will be studying Russian
next year. Although it's not in a big city, she still loved it,
and is looking forward to going there.
Tonight is Groovy Movie night at the Library, 7:30. Charlie
Chaplin Modern Times and a couple of shorts. Donations accepted.
Saturday at 1 PM is the Harpswell Human LNG Tanker - snow date
is Sunday, for more information go to http://www.fffh.org/events.html!
I am posting here a note from Claire for those who haven't
received an email from her on what people can do:
There are 17 days left until Harpswell votes on whether or
not to lease the tank farm to Conoco-Phillips for 50 years. This
project includes a pipeline across Casco Bay from Harpswell, between
the islands, to the Portland end of Cousins Island and up on the
shore in Cumberland. The pipeline is projected to run somewhere
overland to connect with the Westbrook pipeline. There is no permitting
process with a pipeline.
Your kind, brief, but direct questions and opinions need to
be heard by the people of Harpswell. You can register and write
your own direct post at: http://www.harpswellanchor.com/
Go to: Community Calendar - To express your opinions and learn
what others are thinking about the proposed Fairwinds LNG Project
at the Harpswell Fuel Depot site click here. Then: Anchor Community
forum, [c0c58c.jpg] Fairwinds Proposal, Discussions about the
LNG Project - There have been 4,232 posts to this forum. The thread
we can post to is called: Other Towns Heard From You can
scroll to the bottom of the thread page and click subscribe and
you will be notified of any postings as soon as they occur. If
you have any difficulty or would like me to post anything for
you - let me know. There are only 2 post there as of right now.Here
is a direct opportunity. Harpswell is watching!
Today on Harpswell TV 14 you can see last nights call in show
at 8:30 pm and again at 7pm. Fairwinds -What's in it for Harpswell
is on at 11am and again 7pm. If you want to see the schedule you
can go to http://www.harpswellanchor.com/community/viewforum.php?id=2&p=1
then click on Whats on Community Television and somewhere
you will find the schedule on the last page. If you are having
trouble finding it call Donna Frisoli at the station 833-2363
or email at htv14@harpswelltv.org.
I will be away until Thursday or Friday with Vika to look at
a college in Virginia so unless something important comes up the
page won't be updated.
February 13, 2004
- Tonight at 7 on the Harpswell Channel 14 there will be a live
call in show featuring the author of the recent study of Potential
Economic and Fiscal Impacts as a result of the LNG.
Don't forget the Valentine Dance tomorrow with the Wagoneers
to benefit the Hall. Starts at 8 pm and is $6.00 per person.
in Wednesday's Portland Press Herald about Fairwinds project.
The Brunswick
Times Record is doing an internet poll on the Fairwinds Project
and even if you don't live in Harpswell you may vote - so check
out the site.
February 11, 2004 - Today at
1 pm on Channel 14 you can see Chebeague without a vote tape of
the meeting which took place last Sunday on Chebeague.
Tonight at the Recreation Center there is a program with Andrew
Stickney -"Funding Higher Education"
Valentine Dance at the Hall this Saturday Night BYOB - Dips
and crackers available - Wagoneers
February 8,
2004 - I just returned from the meeting at the Hall about
the Fairwinds Project. The hall was packed with many concerned
islanders and about a dozen people from Harpswell came to discuss
the project and hear our concerns. The meeting was filmed and
will be televised on the Harpswell Channel 14. This month they
will be doubling their sending capacity so that if you couldn't
receive the channel before you may be able to now. I put a couple
of pictures on the Fairwinds page
and also ways islanders can help to defeat this project.
7, 2004 - Tomorow there will be a meeting at 1 pm at the hall
about the Fairwinds Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Depot and pipeline
and what it means to Chebeague. We will be hosting some guests
from the Fishing Families for Harpswell.
Happy Birthday to Elizabeth
Hill who is in the Netherlands.
We had a great time in New York and you can see some
images from our trip.
February 2, 2004
- For the next few days I will be in New York with the Historical
Society. Some of us will also be seeing 42nd Street the musical
which is what Stacy Stewart will be directing us in this summer.
I hear there is lots of tapping! Yippee!
1, 2004 - Hurrah Patriots! They did it again!
I received more news from Jay and Jen (I think Jen's writing a
book) what an adventure and you can read the details on the my
site with a new picture. It sounds pretty rough! https://chebeague.org/gitane.html.
29, 2004 - This Saturday, January 31, May is having a free
contra dance at the hall ...it's a celebration of Beatrice's
birthday, but the other BIG reason for the DANCE is to raise money
for Lida Munroe's trip to Japan. That's right, Lida has
been saving her babysitting money and other work so she can go
to Japan! Lida has been selected as one of 15 students going to
Japan this summer. This dance is an effort to raise money for
Lida's trip. Donations are welcome!!!
Here are the details from May:
FreeContra Dance
Saturday, January 31, 2004
Chebeague Island Hall
with Caller Ted Crane and The Mere Mortals including Chebeague
Island School's own Maggie Robinson
Potluck 5:30
Dance 7-10
I have also updated the Yacht
club site with it's August minutes.
The School Board meets this Monday, February 2 - I have included
the agenda and minutes from the last
meeting on the site.
January 27, 2004
- The CRC is pleased to announce that the newly-expanded fitness
room is now complete and ready to use! It is much more spacious
and shiny clean. Current fitness pass holders will have their
passes automatically extended by two months, (the length of the
project). Anyone interested in trying out the new room please
feel free to come by for a free trial! Fitness room pass rates
are scheduled to go up April 1st so get your passes soon if you
don't yet have one. We hope to add a second treadmill in the near
future. So come on in and shake off those winter doldrums. Call
CRC at 846-5068 for information about schedules or prices.
January 26, 2004 - Tonight you can watch
the Harpwell Town Meeting live on Channel 14 if you can get it.
At least you can listen to it there. It comes in pretty well on
one of our televisions. As everyone knows, if Harpswell passes
this project it will have a major impact on all of our lives.
I have added box above to get more information about this project.
Yesterday, I along with many other Chebeaguers saw Anything
Goes put on by the Portland Players which included our own Stacey
Stewart and Tyler Putnam. They
can seen here after the performance where they were greeted
by their adoring fans.
Gordon Murphy while running on Hamilton Beach came across a
sleeping seal - he thought it was sick/injured so he called that
number on the Cousins Island dock - Ryan and he went back to make
sure it was still there (see
picture) and it was just fine - "it had made a big trail
in the dunes and it looked at us for a while before scooting back
into the water. The woman from the Marine Animal Lifeline was
on the next boat after I called her with all her gear so they
really respond well - turns out it was a harp seal, who like to
'haul out' occasionally to roll in the snow and eat the snow."
Happy Birthday Marty Trower
January 22, 2004 - If anyone
wants shrimp you can call Heidi and Alex 865-9316.
Dredging at the wharf is now going on 24 hours a day.
Click here to
see a video Herb made of the Polar Plunge.
Today there were a couple of letters to the Editor of the Portland
Press Herald about the LNG proposal in Harpwell from Ernie
Burgess and Mike Robinson and I have included them on the
January 20, 2004 - Sunday, February
8th at 1 pm there will be a meeting at the hall concerning the
proposed LNG pipeline from Harpswell to the mainland. It is an
informational meeting for all who are concerned. For more information
contact Sky Yenco.
This project proposed for Harpswell
will not only effect the lobstermen - it will effect the sailors,
boaters, recreational fishermen and site seers. When the pipeline
gets built it will disturb everyone's lifestyle as it is put in
between Chebeague and Cousins. I just watched an interview on
the Harpswell Channel 14 with a husband and wife lobstermen team
from Marblehead, Massachusetts where a LNG pipeline was put through
their area. It was interesting hearing what they went through
and how it effected their life for more than two years and now
the uncertainty of what is coming. We will be getting copies of
the interview from Harpswell for people to pass around shortly.
Today in Algeria an explosion at a LNG
plant killed 22 people.
Valentine's Dance at the Hall on Saturday, February 14th.
From 8 pm to Midnight. Snacks, door prizes and other goodies will
be provided by the Hall. BYOB. Bring your favorite sweetheart
and dance the night away or just visit with your neighbors. See
you there!
January 19, 2004 - The Stone Wharf Committee
meeting is tonight at 7pm at the Hall. The public is welcome.
There is a lot of work going on at the wharf right now. You can
see some photos taken by Bob Earnest and Polly Wentling of the
work and the ice we have had lately by clicking
here - you can see what a difference one week makes in weather
and ice.
January 17, 2004 - What a day for
The weather cooperated with us and the plunge went off beautifully
- of course the swimmers had to walk 1/2 mile through mud flats
and ankle water before they could get all the way wet. I'd like
to thank all the helpers including the rescue (who stood by just
in case) Jill Malony and Med Bowen; Bob Libby for the wood and
delivery; Hartley and Dianne for the use of the Boat Yard (great
venue except tricky at low tide); Geof for fire; all the plungers;
and especially all the pledgers!!! If you want to send in a pledge
in the name of any of the swimmers - they would sure love it.
There is also a link to the Chili Challenge and Rockathon.
There are so many people to thank for all their help. Gail Miller
and Shirley Barker set up the challenge with lots of help from
so many - you can see most of them in the photos. The rock-a-thon
had a few participants and we would like to thank Laura who got
the food and set it up and those people who came out in the middle
of the night to chaperone - they included Polly Wentling, Kim
Munroe, Gina Ross, Deb Bowman, Virginia, Lauren Miller and me
(I had it easy from 10-12).
Tonight at 6:00 is the Corned Beef Dinner at the Hall.
Karen Hamilton along with many other volunteers are putting it
on for the CIHCC. There will be homemade pies and all. See you
January 16, 2004 - In todays Portland
Press Herald there is a wonderful article about the years
the bay froze over. I had a picture I put on line a couple of
years ago which shows Richard Bowen, Elliot Thompson, Albert Bennett,
Milton Webber and Clyde Bowen in the paper in 1933 or 34. Click
here to
see it larger.
January 16, 2004 - Polar
Plunge has to be moved to the Boat Yard. Bennetts Cove
is plugged up with ice and I'm afraid it might not go out by tomorrow
morning. Right now we only have about five people plunging but
we are looking for any more crazy people. The rock-a-thon starts
tonight at 10pm and so if your not doing anything in the middle
of the night stop by and visit the teens at the rec.
15, 2004 - Rachel Damon is studying in England this semester
as part of her education at Colby. She is having a wonderful time
so far and has a website we can all visit her on. The site is
so bookmark it and check back often - and email her - that will
inspire her to keep it up.
It is colder than ever and my phone has been ringing off the
hook with freezeups and I'm hearing about a lot more. It hasn't
even gone above 0 as I write this message.
I received this note from Stacy who is in the Portland Players
production of Anything Goes. "Tyler Putnam and I are having
fun in this very different production of our summer show. Tyler
is playing the cameraman, Steward, and one of the China men. He
is also learning to lift me off the ground! I am having the pleasure
of playing Bonnie, the gangsters moll. I hope that everyone will
be able to see the show! I haven't yet decided on next summers
show, but will have a decision sometime in the next few weeks.
Stacy" Click here for dates of shows.
POLAR BEAR PLUNGE IS ON for Saturday, January 17th at 12 noon!
We talked about it at the meeting tonight and decided to go with
it as planned unless it becomes terribly windy along with the
cold - after all last year it was 9 degrees and we all survived.
I'm not doing this year - five in a row was plenty for me unless
someone comes up with $1000 pledge I might think about it.
The Chili Chowder Challenge is at the rec at 12:30 - $5.00
and you get a great lunch and get to vote on your favorite entries.
We have a lot of people signed up so far. If you want to participate
in the event and make something just call Gail Miller or Shirley
Hall Corned Beef Supper next Saturday night at 6:00
pm - $6.00 adults, $3.00 under 12, and free for under three.
people born on January 12 - Rush Limbaugh, Howard Stern, Kirstie
Alley, Beverly Johnson, Bruce Tompkins
12, 2004 - Thank you to all for the birthday wishes - David
did it to me again - I went to get my emails and knew something
was up - He thinks that by making spelling mistakes you would
all think I wrote it. I really love getting older and taking my
Aleve everyday to deal with arthritis - sooo much fun. I could
have joined AARP when I was 50 five years ago.
12, 2004 - It's my AARP
celebration day!! Today I'm eligible for all the advantages
of senior citizenship! I'm so happy! And I'm not even
a grandmother yet! The picture to the left shows what I
looked like forty years ago (I haven't changed a bit, have I?)
when my sisters, my brothers and I came to the Island and took
Chebeague by storm...I think you'll agree the place hasn't been
the same since! I just love getting e-mail
birthday greetings, so please help me celebrate!
10, 2004 - Next week (Saturday, January 17, 12 NOON) is the
6th annual Polar Bear Plunge and the weather is supposed to be
cold - as cold as this week. There are about six people signed
up so far for the plunge - we are hoping for more - so come on
over - it is really fun. I'm not doing this year after five years
I've decided to take a different role, watching. Some of the participants
who would love to have your pledges are Lida
Munroe, Tom Calder,
Glenn Coombs, Bob Earnest,
Scott Earnest, Anna
Maine. So if you haven't pledged for anyone yet I'm sure these
participants and the Teen Center would love a pledge. I think
I have most of their email addresses correct so just click on
them. Thank you from all the Teens.
There are also a bunch of kids doing a Rockathon (sitting and
rocking in a rocking chair all night without stopping) on Friday
night the 16th. They will take a 2 hour break to see the Polar
Plunge if they go that long. I will get a list to you of who is
doing it. I know so far that Jim Stefanilo, Darya Johnson, Arianna
Stefanilo, Dennis Johnson, Megan Munroe and more will be doing
it so they will be looking for pledges also.
January 7, 2004 - I have just updated the Library
Page with important information about its schedule. Important
changes to note are that the Library will be open from 6-8 Monday,
Tuesday, Thursday and closed Wednesday evening. The rest of the
schedule will stay the same I think.
The Chebeague Island Historical Society is sponsoring a trip
3-6, 2004 - for details go to https://chebeague.org/history/newyorktrip.html.
January 6, 2004 - I have just added some
great photos from last year's sailing
January 4, 2004 - HAPPY NEW
YEAR! - I was away for a few days celebrating my baby brother's
50th birthday - Happy birthday Glenn! -
As I write this note I want to wish Sarah and Rob Prescott
good luck as they head to the Ukraine to adopt a brother or sister
for Seth - they will be back hopefully by Feb 1.
The Freeport Inn wanted me to remind all the islanders that
they are still offering the $39.95 a night Chebeague Islander
rate through 5/21/04. Tom Calder wanted me to thank everyone for
purchasing a Christmas tree from the fire department and if you
still owe for the tree you may send the check to him or Doug Ross.
I would also like to remind people that the Fairwinds project
is coming up for a vote in Harpswell and anyone who would like
to know more informtion can go to https://chebeague.org/fairwinds
where you can find competing sites about the proposal. You
could also email the Town of Harpswell and let them know how you
feel about the proposal and how it might impact their neighbors
at harpswell@gwi.net
I just added some pictures to Jay and Jen's adventures
on the Gitane!
December 27, 2003 - Hope
everyone had a Merry Christmas! The snow around here is almost
gone with some clear, warm weather. Jenny and J Holt are sailing
their boat from San Diego to Chebeague. The first 1000 miles are
behind them, and they are in Mazatlan, México, where J
is working on Gitane's transmission. Jenny is keeping a log and
Mary forwarded it to me for the website so now we can all travel
with them on their journey! Here is their first entry on www.chebeague.org/gitane.html.
They will be setting up their own website but for now you can
see it here.
News 2003
News from 2002 - through January
22, 2003
NEWS 2001
JULY 1999
MARCH 30 1999
21 1998
1996 AND JANUARY 1997
I would love to have any news, poetry, stories to add to
my news page so please email with anything you think would be
of interest to islanders around the world - yes Singapore, Egypt,
Mediterranean, Boston etc. checking out the news page everyday!
So please email me at bjohnson@nlis.net
on the picture to go to
Chebeague Island Anchor Page