To get the weather just click photo ovens(click to see larger).
To contact me, Beverly Johnson: bjohnson
A reminder that "an inconvenient truth" - documentary about Global Warming will be shown at the Hall - Saturday, December 30th at 7pm - popcorn and juice will be available. For more information - call the Library 846-4351
December 19, 2006 - Ginny is Back! Today is Chris' last day at the medical center. Last week I was able to get a photo of Joan, Chris, Ginny, Nancy and Sasha. Today you can stop by and say hello and goodbye. I know everyone has appreciated Chris stepping up and helping us out while Ginny was recovering.
Remember tomorrow on Montel Williams "we'll meet a pig who inspires kids to read and has even been invited inside the U.S. Capitol.", "promotes reading to children across America with Daisy, a pot belly pig and their "Pig Out on Reading" program"
"an inconvenient truth" - documentary about Global Warming will be shown at the Hall - Saturday, December 30th at 7pm - popcorn and juice will be available. For more information - call the Library 846-4351
WHALERS CONCERT - This Saturday night Christmas Concert December 16th at 7:30pm at the Island Hall. Adults $8.00, Children $4.00.
The fire in Falmouth on Monday was Kelly Rich's brother Mark
Soule's home. He lost his home, everything in it, all of his
business equipment and two of his cats. He has a 13
year old son and is now jobless and homeless. A lot of people
have heard about it and are asking Kelly how they can help.Anyone
that would like to help can send donations (made payable to Mark
Soule) to:
Kelley Rich
85 John Small Rd
Chebeague Is, Me 04017
or directly to him at:
Mark Soule
c/o Cindy Berrill
125 Ledgewood Dr
Falmouth, Maine 04105
The ANNUAL CPA Christmas party will be held on Sunday, December 17th at 4:30PM. There will musical performance at the Church by the school kids, a "special guest" appearance, and a potluck dinner at the Parish House immediately following. Please contact Jamie Calthorpe 846-9473 if you would like to bring a dish / sandwich / desert. Hope to see everyone there!
The Chebeague Library is having a COOKIE SWAP for Wednesday, December 20th 2-4pm at the Library. Bring your favorite cookies and an empty tin. The library will supply tea, Christmas music and relaxation. Not a fundraiser, just a community event. See you there with my favorite cookies!
The CPA's Giving Tree is up at the library. The deadline for
donations is the 19th. This year's family is a Mom and 10 year
old son and there is a list of suggested gifts at the Library.
The Chebeague Parents Association cookbooks and notecards make wonderful Christmas presents! They are on sale at the Library or you can email Jen Belesca at She will mail them out to you. They both are $12 each or 2 for $20. And if you are still interested in purchasing any Sally Foster wrapping paper or gifts, there's still time! 50% of all Internet orders now through Jan.15th 2007 will go to the Chebeague Island School. Just go to and put in our school account number 0506968. Thank you in advance for your support and Happy Holidays from the CPA!
10, 2006 4 PM UNTIL 7 PM AT ISLAND COMMONS - We look forward
to seeing you!
Daisy the Pot Bellied Pig is scheduled to be on the Montel Williams Show on December 8th. I will try to find out what time the show is around here - she does keep busy.
The Whalers are performing their Christmas Concert December 16th at 7:30pm at the Island Hall. Adults $8.00, Children $4.00. Last summer's Cole POrter and Gershwin CD's are available at th library for $10 - Makes a great gift!!!
DON'T FORGET!: The Transition Committee will be having an Informational Meeting for everyone at the Hall on SUNDAY DECEMBER 3RD starting at 1pm.
The Holidays are here and there are many ways to get gifts from Chebeague so I'll mention of a few here:
Gift certificates to the Chebeague Island Inn make a perfect gift. In the spirit of giving, purchase a gift certificate in the months of November and December and 10% of the amount will be donated to Island Commons. Gift certificates must be used in the 2007 season. To purchase certificates, please call Leanne Krudner or Amy Rich at (207) 846-5155 or email: HAPPY HOLIDAYS! Also go to the Island Commons website for cookbooks.
The Chebeague Parents Association also has cookbooks and notecards for sale- contact Jennifer Belesca 846-1097.
Gail Miller's Miller Designs website so has many great gifts or just call her at 207 846-4369
Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Yesterday made its 32nd wireless installation! We have been very sucessful on the East End with the signal coming from the Hotel. We can't thank Martha Dumont enough for providing us with the means to be able to get the East End wired and eventually the whole island. The signal is coming in strong as far as Roy HIll Road in most areas. We are still working on the plans for an antenna in order to supply the rest of the island with high speed internet! We want to thank everyone for their patience as we work through the logistics and complications of signal sending. Most people who have it now are experience almost 1 megabyte download and upload. Please contact us if you are in this area and are interested in getting WIRED -
The Transition Committee will be having an Informational Meeting
for everyone at the Hall on SUNDAY DECEMBER
3RD starting at 1pm. We will be providing an
update to the community on where we are as a committee and where
our subcommittees are and will be looking for community feedback
on some important items.
We want everyone to come on by and let us know what they think.
This will be an open forum for folks to ask questions, get information,
give us their thoughts, etc., and allow us to give a brief status
on how things are going.
Sue Hansen Smith from Hansen's Well Drilling is coming to look
at well locations on Wednesday November 15th - If you are interested
in having a well drilled this fall, Please contact us....Bevery
846-4850 or Sue at 839-3293.
12, 2006 - The senior Luncheon is Wed. Nov. 15th at the Parish
The Chebeague Parents Association is having a Thanksgiving Pie Sale! You may order your Thanksgiving day pies and have them delivered to your door the day before Thanksgiving. Proceeds to benefit the Chebeague Island School. Click here to get your coupon and information about ordering. There are also coupons on the boat.
Mainland | Chebeague | No. Yarmouth | Long Island | Total | |
Donna Damon | 1620 | 222 | 299 | 125 | 2266 |
Meredith Burgess | 2252 | 44 | 320 | 47 | 2663 |
Happy 18th birthday Dennis.
November 1, 2006
- I finally have put the photos that Cathy MacNeill took at the
talent show online - just
click here.
October 30, 2006 - The winds were
strong all weekend and Saturday easterly breeze took half of the
Leonards tree and yesterday the westerly wind took the other half.
The tree has been around a long time - Louis Leonard remembers
it being as tall as he was as a child 90+ ago. I took a little
video of the tree yesterday before it lost its top but the problem
is I did it sideways and my program won't let me turn it but I'll
put it on anyway - just click
October 28, 2006 - UPDATE:
Halloween party has been rescheduled for Sunday 10/29 at 4:30pm
due to the "unexpected" power outage today.
The Government Structure Committee is hoping to get input from the community on what structure would be preferred by the island. Please click here to get the list of possibilities and let your voice be heard by contacting Bette Tellinghuisen by tomorrow night so that she may compile the results for Tuesday's meeting.
There are lots of people running for political office in
Augusta and I know that many of them could use lots of help!!!
Please contact anyone you know who is running for office - especially
if you could help in lots of ways: door to door, letter writing,
phone calls, etc. It would be especially appreciated. We even
have someone from the island running for Statewide office so if
you have a favorite candidate call them to see how you can help.
27, 2006 - The annual CPA Halloween Party
is Saturday Night (October 28th) from 6:30 to 8pm at the Chebeague
Island Community Hall. Costume Parade, Spooky Games, Cake
Walk, Creepy Cafe, and much more. We have been asked by the Hall
Committee to advise you not to allow your child to wear
"roller sneakers" as it marks up the newly re-finished
floors. Thank you for your co-operation and hope to see you there!
Welcome to Chris Silva, nurse practitioner, who will be covering for Ginny Ballard at the Chebeague Island Health Center while she recovers from surgury. He is seeing patients on Tuesdays.
Congratulations to Katie Phipps and her Varsity Soccer team
at Pine Tree Academy who took the championship of their league
Wednesday night.
October 19, 2006 - Back by popular
demand: the CIHCC Brunch - Sunday,
October 22, 11:30 - 1 PM - adults $8 - children under 12 $6. -
Fried dough, stratas, quiches, etc.
The Chebeague Island Historical Society is presenting the
Life and Times of Walter Cronkite by Jerry
Wiles on Monday, October 23rd at the Chebeague Island Hall
- 7:30 Admission $5.00. This evening will be recorded for Mr.
Cronkite as a special tribute as he nears his 90th birthday. The
conclusion will contain a "Happy Birthday Salute" by
all attending. Please join us!
October 18, 2006
- TALENT SHOW! Please join us as
an audience member or performer at the Talent
Show at the Hall this Saturday evening, October 21st at
7 pm! Organized by Genny Dyer and Lena Taliento, this show benefits
the Hall Roof Fund. Many great acts are already lining up...we
will be entertained by a variety of talented people of all ages!
So far we have acts by Genny and Lena, Tracy Calder and friends,
Tim Calder, Tom Adams, the Whalers, Deb Bowman, Marguerite Bowman
and Keegan McDonough, AND MORE!! Master of Ceremonies will be
Malcolm Rice. There's still time to sign up, just give Genny (846-6522)
or Lena (846-3897)a call. There is a $5 entry fee per act. Donations
will be accepted at the door to attend. We plan to have door prizes
too. We hope to see you there!
Next week the Island Market will be closed from Monday through
Friday October 23 -27.
October 12, 2006 - Tomorrow is International Walk
to School -We will meet at 8am at the Historical Museum and walk
up North Road to the school. Please come and help encourage physical
fitness and raise awareness of how walkable our community is.
All are welcome!
I have just added the approved minutes from last weeks transition
meeting on the Transition page.
October 9, 2006 - Tonight and tomorrow night there
will be a one hour Education Transition Committee meeting at the
school at 7pm. If interested you may go to either meeting - for
more information contact Carol
October 8, 2007 - Just got back from
the Engine 4 House Ceremony and have put some photos from the
event - click here.
7, 2006 - Today is the annual Frost Tournament at the Golf Club
- starts at 12 and for a small registration fee anyone can play.
Don't forget that tomorrow (Sunday, oct 8) at 1 PM there will be a Traditional House Ceremony for our new ENGINE 4 - All are welcome and light refreshments will be available
TOMORROW - Chebeague Island Historical
Society is hosting a homemade meal at the Hall Sunday,
October 8th at 5:30, Yum!
Adults $7
Under 12 $4
Little Ones Free
Benefits the Chebeague Island Historical Society. It's an effort
to get those who may be closing up their homes this weekend out
for a homecooked meal.
October 1, 2006 - Frank and Marianne Durgin have
lots of cut wood stacked and available for anyone who would like
September 29, 2006 - Please note: the burial
service for Virginia Kane will be at 11 am and not 1pm as previously
September 28, 2006 - The Chebeague Island
Transition Committee met last night and reviewed the charges for
the ten Operational Development Sub-Committees which
may be seen here. Please look at what each of the committees
will be addressing over the next several months and if you'd like
to serve on one or more committees, please contact the chair of
the committee(s) you're interested in. The committee appointments
will be made at next Wednesday's Transition Committee meeting,
7:15 pm at the Parish House.
September 25, 2006
- The transition committee is still looking for volunteers for
various committees : if you would like to add your name to a committee
you may contact
September 23, 2006 - I have included
the Agenda for the next Transition
Committee meeting as well as the minutes of the last meeting.
I have added a link on the top of the page.
22, 2006 - On Sunday, October 8th at 1 PM there will be a Traditional House Ceremony for our new ENGINE
4 - All are welcome and light refreshments will be available.
There is a great revue of the Chebeague
Island Inn online at - click
September 18, 2006 - There will a meeting
of the Chebeague Island Preschool Steering
Committee tomorrow night (Tuesday September 19th) at the
Chebeague Island School, at 7PM. It is the committee's goal
to meet on the 3rd Tuesday of each month, to provide support to
the preschool program. All parents, teachers and interested
people are invited to attend.
September 16, 2006
- The agenda for the September
20th transition committee is now posted.
Islanders: don't forget the Blanchard Golf Tournament is
tommorrw at noon (you don't have to be a member - you just have
to live here).
September 15, 2006 - The transition
committee will be meeting each Wed at 7:15pm at the Parish House
and everyone is welcome to attend
September 13,
2006 - The Great Chebeague Golf Club has teamed up with the Chebeague
Recreation Center to offer a Wednesday afternoon golf clinic for
the children. Today we had 16 children grades K through 6th learning
and practicing their golf strokes and golf etiquette! Thank you
to all the volunteers who helped make the first session such a
success. We are looking forward to next Wednesday at 2 where there
will probably be even more children and we welcome any volunteers
to help go out on the course with the kids.
12, 2006 - Transition Representatives will be posting updates
about their activities and upcoming meetings on this page, the
boat and the store: I will be adding a heading for this information
- for now go to:
for the first notice.
Click here to see
a message from Tim Lesiege about a Jaycees raffle opportunity.
11, 2006 - Every year the Golf Club puts on a tournament the Blanchard Golf Tournament, Chebeague Island
Residents ONLY, Sunday, September 17 - 12 Noon. $5. entry
fee. Social to follow at 5 PM. BYOB and Hors d' oeuvre.
Rain or Shine - it is really fun.
September 10, 2006 - Today the vote for the nine
transition representatives took place. There were about 25 nominees
on the ballot and many more people were nominated and declined
the nomination and all of them volunteered to be on committees.
175 registered people voted and the results will be listed soon.
Click here for
some photos from the meeting where 174 ballots cast and eight
of the nine representatives are: Mark Dyer, Carol White, John
Martin, Doug Ross, Donna Damon, Steve Todd, Dave Hill, and Leon
Hamilton. There was a tie for the ninth spot and we had to go
to another vote for that position between Jim Phipps and Susan
Campbell. Jim Phipps won the ninth position in a very close vote.
Congratulations to all who were nominated and our elected nine.
- Come to the Hall, Play, learn at the FISHERMEN'S
COUNTRY FAIR, Saturday, September 9 from 11 am to 2 pm!!!!!
Can you toss the ring on the buoy? Grow huge vegetables? Whittle
a bowl? - Have your picture taken as a mermaid! Win pies, cakes
or lobsters! Lunch on hotdogs, potato ships, cookies and lemonade.
- Proceeds for the CIHCC Roof Fund.
The concert by "Quintopia" was fabulous tonight at the Church - the brass quintet entertained a full house of very appreciative Islanders!
The Chebeague United Methodist Church
Choir Concert of Spirituals will be Saturday, September
16th at 7pm at the church - donations are welcomed!
7, 2006 - Note from
the antenna was successfully installed at the Inn this week and
a few installations have been completed with upload and download
speeds of 1 Mbps. We are continuing to check signals at various
locations around the island and engineering the next rollout phase
so that the whole island will be served and not just the East
End. IF you have tried to contact us by email to
in the last week and have not received a reply, please resend
your message, as it was probably lost in the transition from our
old server to our new server. We are being trained, getting up
to speed, and ordering necessary equipment. Thank you all for
your encouragements!
Chebeague Parents Association September 2006 Calendar Raffle
Winners have been announced and the list of prizes and winners
is online now - check
them out.
September 6, 2006 - Reminder of the free concert
this Thursday - September 7 - at 7 PM at Chebeague Methodist Church
by "QUINTOPIA" brass quintet.
"From Bach to Bernstein" A pleasant mix of Classical,
Jazz, Dixieland and Broadway music arranged or written for brass
quintet. An evening of fanfare and fun!
Maine property tax and rent refund program has been expanded
- to get details go to:
- you may qualify!
September 3, 2006 - An Alcoholics
Anonymous (AA) meetings will be held every Friday, beginning
9/8/06, at 7:00 PM at the Parish House. These meetings are
open to Alcoholics and/or anyone who thinks they may have
a problem and has the desire to stop drinking.
1, 2006 - Notice from the Cumberland Town Office: You are hereby
notified that a public meeting to select nine (9) transition representatives
by written ballot will be held at 1:00 p.m. at the Chebeague Island
Recreation Center on Sunday, September 10, 2006. All registered
voters of Chebeague Island are eligible to serve on the transition
committee. All meeting attendees may participate in the discussions
prior to nomination; however, only registered voters may cast
a ballot. Immediately upon close of the nomination process, a
written ballot will be prepared and printed by the Town Clerk
and issued to registered voters in attendance at that time. At
the conclusion of the voting process, ballots will be tallied
by the Town Clerk and the selected representatives announced.
Council Chairman, Stephen Moriarty, has agreed to serve as Moderator
during the public meeting. The Town Manager and Deputy Town Clerk
will be on hand to assist the Town Clerk in the voting process.
Please contact the Town Clerk or Town Manager, 829-2205, with
The Great Chebeague Golf Club SWATFEST
is scheduled for tomorrow morning (Saturday, Sept 2nd) at 8:45
and another reminder from the Golf Club is that Island Residents
may play for free after 5. (please sign up at the clubhouse when
open) This is such a great opportunity for people to learn to
play golf and/or recreation benefit at no cost. A wonderful community
benefit the club provides.
August 30, 2006 - First
day of school for Greely and Chebeague and probably many other
I have just added photos from
sailing school which show just how much fun the kids have
and how proficient they are all getting.
29, 2006 - Sorry the news has been scarce and a few events were
not noted here - I traveled down to Virginia with Vika and just
There will be a FREE CONCERT Thursday,
September 7 at 7 PM at the Chebeague Methodist Church
QUINTOPIA - Brass Quintet ---- "From Bach to
Bernstein" Consisting of five local musicians: Quintopia
members are Michelle Kingston and Catriona Shepherd - trumpets,
Yvonne Mumm - horn, Meg Hausman - trombone, Eric Sanborn - tuba.
The concert will offer a pleasant mix of Classical, Jazz, Dixieland,
and Broadway music arranged or written for brass quintet. The
brass quintet is a wonderfully flexible group allowing the musicians
to easily perform music of varying styles and time periods. Please
join us for an evening of fanfare and fun!
If you missed the newscast on WCSH Channel 6 about
you can see it online by going to and then clicking
on About You will only be able to view it if you
have high speed internet access.
August 23, 2006 - Back by popular demand the Whalers and friends will be performing their
Gershwin program again this Saturday evening at the Hall
- 8PM.
Dianne McPherson will be having a Dancemeditation
Demonstration & Introductory class at the Rec Center
next Wednesday. To learn more about this click
August 22, 2006 - Last night we presented
our wirelesss company
and now people who couldn't make it and would like to be added
to the list of those who want wireless as soon as they can get
it may sign up by sending an email to I had the wrong address earlier today)
There's still time to buy a ticket for the Chebeague Parents Association CALENDAR
RAFFLE The tickets are $5 each or 5 for $20.
The raffle ticket is a calendar for the month of September where
each day of the month has a prize. One winner will be drawn at
random every day for the entire month of September. If you win
the prize for that day your name goes back in so you can win more
then once. We have thirty (30) wonderful prizes including many
chances to win $100 cash. Look for it on sale at the Library,
or email Jen Belesca
Please help support the island children.
Thank you!!
August 21, 2006 - Anna Maine is selling chrysanthemums
for her field hockey team. They're $7.50 each or 6 for $40. (regular
potted ones) Color choices: white yellow lavender bronze &
maroon. Please order by August 29th. Delivered to your house Labor
Day weekend. To order please call her @ 846-4769 or email her
Reminder that will be having an informational meeting at the Parish House tonight at 7pm. People will be able to sign up for wireless at that time and get more details on the coming service.
Here are photos from
the most recent school garden activities. Our intern
has now left for the summer; over the last several weeks he worked
in the garden with Evan and Noah Boisvert, Cassidy Jeffers, Chloe
and Gen Dyer, Ben Hillicoss, and Julia Maine. We've taken produce
from the garden to the Island Commons, and when the CIS kids return
to class they'll have tomatoes, winter squash, carrots, beets,
and pumpkins to enjoy; and we hope to plant some fall greens as
soon as the kids return.
August 16, 2006 - There is going to be a "Flea Market" at the Island
Hall on the 20th of August, from 10AM to 2PM.
15, 2006 - Just a reminder that The Rec Center will be hosting
a Free (contributions always welcome) Investment
Workshop August 15, 17, 29, and 31 presented by Eldon Mayer.
(revision of dates - August 15, 16, 17 and 19. Saturday's session
will be at 9 am at the rec.
August 14, 2006 - Back
by popular demand - The LOVE LIST (Rich
Brewer, Mary Holt and BJ Abrahamson )will be performed again on
Friday and Saturday nights at the Hall 8PM benefitting the roof
fund! Adult Comedy $8 donation.
Annual Meeting of the Cumberland Mainland & Islands Trust is this Wednesday, August 16, 7pm at the Recreation Center. Featuring Guest Speaker Philip Conkling.
Annual meeting of the Chebeague Recreation
Center is tonight 6pm at the rec center.
12, 2006 - Last night was the second night of the Chebeague Recreation
Center's Adult Theater of Hello Dolly. It was wonderful and lots of fun and you can
see some photos I took from last night's performance. The last
night is tonight at 8pm and you may get tickets at the door. The
play starts at 8pm. Click
here to see some photos! Some day we will have wireless and
it won't take 30 minutes to open up all the photos.
Please add to your calendars - back by popular demand is
the FISHERMEN'S FAIR! September
9th at the Hall. The Chebeague Island
Hall Community Center is bringing back this fun exciting event
which will also be a fundraiser for our new ROOF - more details
to follow.
August 9, 2006 - Exciting News! Inc has been formed
by a group of Chebeaguers to bring broadband wireless service
to the island. Service will begin to come available towards the
end of August. An informational meeting will take place at the
Parish House, August 21st at 7 pm. We will begin taking orders
at that time and after that evening you may contact us by email
an address to be given out later. Click here for more information.
8, 2006 - Florence Rich has just opened Island Riches at the head
of Chandler's Wharf. Crafts and whatnots are featured. Many island
talents are on display and for sale! The shop is open Tuesdays
through Sundays from 11 - 4. Click
here to see some photos and also see the bicycle car Herb
has created.
August 4, 2006 - I have the photos
from the Golf Tournament online now and we all want to thank
everyone who participated and also the many volunteers, organizing,
cooking, collecting, .... the list goes on.
This Sunday is the ANNUAL CRAFT FAIR
at the Hall from 10am to 1pm.
August 3, 2006 - We
found out yesterday why the Golf Tournament was Golf like an Egyptian
- because it was like golfing in the desert. The volunteers did
an excellant job keeping us all cooled off and there were plenty
of liquids. In spite of the heat it was a great time and I will
have photos of the reception later. I have put sponsor
list online so please check it out and learn a little more
about Egypt!
Ladies Aid Fair Today!!! at the Hall
The ninth annual community YARD
$ALE to benefit Island Commons is this Sat. (Aug 5)
at the Hall from 10-1. Donations may be dropped off at Pommy
Hatfield's through Thursday. Call her at 846.3253 if
you have an item you'd like to be picked up. Please do not
bring donations to the Hall Friday or Saturday.
All donations are pretty classy, and of
course useful, practical, handy, AND reasonable. In addition
to thousands of smaller items, we are offering: a Bob
Dyer punt, a David Burgess punt, and a 15' O'Day "Ospray"
sailboat - ALL three boats to be sold by Silent Auction; bid sheets
to be collected at 12 noon
Sale items include a 12' x 15' machine braided rug,
a large hutch, a sleigh seat, two bathroom vanities, a washer,
a dryer, a refridgerator, many tables & chairs, dressers,
beds, children's bicycles, items for construction, sewing, crafts,
gardening, collecting, recreation, reading, entertaining, cooking,
picnicking, traveling, enjoying, and relaxing.
***You simply cannot afford to miss this $UPER
FANTA$TIC summer event. All wise people shop
at this renowned bargain sale! If you would like to volunteer
on Saturday (to be cashier, seller, to help customers, or to help
clean-up) call Pommy ASAP. Thank you all, especially
the over 70 families who have contributed items for sale.
See you on Saturday!
1, 2006 - Tickets go on sale for HELLO DOLLY
today. You can get reserved seats for the first nine rows!
The rest of the rows at the Hall are first come first serve on
the days of the show. Hello Dolly is August 10, 11, and 12th.
Tickets at the Rec Center.
There are a few remaining spaces for the golf tournament Golf Like and Egyptian, this Wednesday August 2nd. Contact the Rec Center for more information 846-5068.
I have just added
Jane Leonard's website to the Chebeague Page.
25, 2006 - The Chebeague Island School's garden is thriving this
summer. On July 19 our intern, Jay Cox-Chapman, worked with Evan
and Noah; they banked the potato plants, planted more beets, weeded,
and watered; and they harvested Rainbow Chard (which was delivered
to the Island Commons). Jay will be calling CIS kids as the days
progress, but if your child would like to participate, call Jay
at 5037.
July 23, 2006 - Next Sunday, July 30th,
8PM, Rich Brewer, Mary Holt, and BJ Abrahamson will be presenting
a Staged Reading of the "LOVE LIST"
directed by Rachel Damon. $8.00 donation toward the Roof Fund.
"What are the ten qualities you look
for in a mate?" Come and find out!!!!
22, 2006 - On Tuesday, July 25 at 7:00 PM at the Hall - Frank
M. Bryan, a professor of political science at the University of
Vermont and Author of: Real Democracy: The New England
Town Meeting and How it Works wil be here to speak on town
meeting. There will be refreshments. To learn more about him check
out his website:
Congratulations to Luke
Rothschild whose website tells all about his artistic endeavors.
In 2002 he began his company and performance group call String
Theory. You can go to
to hear his music and watch videos. They were even at the Grammys!
21, 2006 - Chebeague Rec Center Children's Theater production
of INTO THE WOODS is being presented
tonight and tomorrow night at 7:30 at the Hall! Adults $7.00 and
children $4.00.
July 20, 2006 - This summer Mia
and Lena Taliento are hosting two boys from Spain and two from
England. The kids are from left (the
photo): Shaun Gluyas from England Soccer Coach , Ignacio
(Nacho) from Asturias Northern Spain of course Lena,
Javier from Madrid and Andy trout Soccer Coach from England.
Nacho and Javier were so excited to meet the coaches and to play
soccer they stayed home from "school" to lend their
talents and time to the Rec program for the day.
GOLFERS! please hurray up and sign up for the Golf
Like and Egyptian Golf Tournament! I know I haven't signed
up but plan on today- I'm looking for others for my team if your
interested, call. It is always a fun time - 18 hole best ball
with lots of prizes and fun - Wednesday, August 2nd. This would
be a great time to Golf with your Mummy!
July 19,
2006 - Bill Shane has forwarded me the Maine
Moderators Manual - A Guide to Town Meeting which you can
download by clicking here.
July 18, 2007 - The Island
Institute and the Chebeague HIstorical Society will present an
evening of information and entertainment on Thursday July 27 beginning
at 6:30 PM at the Hall.
Cookies and lemonade will be served from 6:30-7 and you will have
an opportunity to talk informally with Philip Conkling, Peter
Ralston, our Island Fellow Carly Knight, and others from the Institute
At 7 PM sharp, Rachel Damon will show her documentary about lobstering
entitled, "The Thrill of the Haul" featuring Ray Hamilton,
Bob Putnam, Linda Greenlaw and Mark Bowman, whose music is heard
throughout the film.
Donna Damon will follow with an illustrated discussion about island
connections (both summer/winter) entitled "What is a Doughty
to do on the day of the Hamilton Reunion,"
The Institute staff will end the evening by showing a new DVD
and talking about the challenges of sustaining island communities.
Please come and enjoy this great evening of free entertainment!
17, 2006 - CORRECTION! Household
Hazardous Waste Collection on Chebeague is August 4th from 10:00AM
to 12:00 PM at the TOWN GARAGE not
the transfer station. To see what you may bring click
here for PDF format and here
for Word format.
Bulky Waste at the Transfer station is August 4, 5, and
July 16, 2006 - Recompense Foundation has placed
a memorial plaque on Deer Point to commemorate the spot where
the submarine barricade came across from Long Island during World
War II. Signs on the path to Deer Point point to the location
of the plaque. (If you go to see it please walk in from the main
road - there is little parking and the road is in disrepair) Check out photos of the
plaque taken today and photos by Betts taken when the plaque was
installed on June 20th.
Chebeague Island's Friend of Folk Art (CIFFA) are having another Contra Dance on July 29, 2006 - for more information click here.
Congratulations to Chris Martin and Sam Green (Sam worked at the wharf the last two summer) who were named to the Telegram All-State Baseball Team! Chris is considered to be the best hitter in the Western Maine Conference with a .471 batting average. He was a three-time all-conference selection and batted in the .400 in all three varsity seasos.
Congratulations Daniel Flynn, PHD , (son of Jane Hahn and stepson of Tom Hahn) has been named Deputy Director of The Mary Babb Randolph Cancer Center at the University of West Virginia Medical center. Announcement of this appointment was sent country wide to all medical schools and medical journals. Jane and Tom are so proud!
July 14, 2006 - Today Beth Howe and Mac Passano
were doing their monthly baby lobster monitoring for the Lobster
Conservancy (TLC)- studying them tells about the life cycle and
the future lobsterstock. Click
here to see todays pictures. More informatioin you can go
The Rec Center will be hosting a Free (contributions always welcome) Investment Workshop August 15, 17, 29, and 31 presented by Eldon Mayer. Click here for more information about this valuable program!
Where is Maxine?
13, 2006 - Last evening, Councilors Steve Moriarty, Donna Damon
and Bill Shane lead a meeting at the Island Hall to discuss the
upcoming election of the 9 member steering committee. A concern
was raised about the timing of the election (then August 27th)
being in conflict with the language in the law.
After consulting with our Town attorney he believes even
though the meeting date is 90 days beyond the adjournment of the
legislature, the advertisement date can not occur in
advance of the 90 day period.
Therefore....... The Official new meeting date will be September
10, 2006 at 1 PM at the Rec Hall on Chebeague Island. Bill apologizes
for the inconvenience, but believe this is too important not to
follow the letter of the law.
July 12, 2006 - The Recreation Center is having
an Island Olympics
FRIDAY and SATURDAY 12:30-4:30
12-12:30 F/S VF
12-1 F/S
12-1 F/S
1-2 F/S
2-4 F/S
For pool events, please sign up at the pool when you arrive!
Participants in swim events should either bring their pool pass
or pay the daily use fee of $3 (for guests of passholders) or
(VF: Volunteer Field; Courts: CRC Tennis Courts)
July 10, 2006 - This Friday night the
Library is hosting "A solo storytelling performance for all
ages by Len Cabral, thanks to a grant from Bank of America - IT
IS FREE! click here to see
the flyer about the night which includes a Kids only sleepover
(the 2nd Annual) sleepover starts after Len 's performance - children
Grade 3 and up (younger children with an adult) sign up at library
- spce may be limited. To learn more about Len Cabral go to
NOTICE!!! - Steve Moriarty
and Bill Shane will be at the Hall this Wednesday, July 12th from
7 PM - 9:30 PM to discuss the upcoming August 27th 1 PM meeting
for the election of the 9 member steering committee and any other
issue on the minds of the people on Chebeague. The meeting will
be loosely structured to allow for many questions. They will bring
copies of the legislation for distribution (click
here for word format) (click
here for pdf format).
coming Saturday July 15, 2006 - Check
out the Flyer for more information!
July 7,
2006 - I just received the results
of the Parade and the Road Races.
July 5, 2006
- There is a nice article about the new chef at the Chebeague
Inn in the Portland
Press Herald today.
Chebeague Island Community Sailing School's first session starts
July 17 and the second session starts on August 7. We still have
a few slots in each class, but they're filling fast! This is a
great way for kids to learn about sailing and to have a great
time on the water, and we welcome those with no experience as
well as those who have sailed before. Please visit
to learn more, or call Bob at 846 0924.
4, 2006 - Click here for the FUN
July 1, 2006 - Yesterday
afternoon Josh Doughty's band BAYROOTS
had a concert on the deck of the store from 2 to 4.
30, 2006 - I received a note from Tom Calder and he says that
it looks like the brand new fire engine will be here in time for
the parade on the 4th, it wont be in service,but will be ready
to be inspected/checked out by everyone following the parade at
the picnic, watch for it in the parade.
Mark Dyer's band is playing Saturday Night at the Hall.
The parking at the Stone Wharf is very difficult - yesterday
cars were parked all the way down Wharf Road and then on down
South Road. There are so many people leaving cars for the week
and/or for more than 24 hours. I saw one person who is handicapped
have to walk the whole length of Wharf Road. There is Veterans
Taxi 846-4876 and Cindy and Bruce Riddle have a car service where
they will move your car for you 846-1055. I am able to walk to
the wharf often or get a ride but some people are in a different
situation and don't have a choice. We only have 3 handicap spaces
and people with small children really need to park closer.
27, 2006 - Jerry Wiles will be doing another one of his wonderful
historical presentations this coming Monday, July 3rd at the Hall
at 7:30 to benefit the roof fund. He will be talking about Rachel
July 8th at 3 PM there will be a celebration of Bob Morin's
life at the home of Ben and Pat Prescott, 33 Back Shore Road.
Please come and greet his family and friends.
26, 2006 - The fourth of July Parade, picnic and road race are
coming soon. The Parade theme is ISLAND OCCUPATIONS. Road Race
is starts at the Historical Society at 9 am for the fun run and
10 for the 4.2 mile run. Registration starts 30 minutes before
the race.
June 24, 2006 - Don't forget that tonight
is the Whaler's Concert at the Hall
Most everyone received the notice about the get together tomorrow at Katmandu at 1pm in order to thank the legislators and others who helped in our secession efforts. It is a pot luck for islanders - if you haven't already told someone you are coming - please call Cathy at 846-4133 or Mabel 846-4077.
The Chebeague Parents Association is selling lobster roll tickets for the 4th of July picnic at Chandler's. They will be on sale Sunday, June 25th and Sunday, July 2nd from 11:30 to 1pm in front of Island Market. Tickets are $12 each and include a lobster roll and bag of chips. Their are a limited number of lobster rolls available so please buy your ticket in advance. We will also be selling cookbooks, note cards, and Sally Foster wrapping paper as well. Thank you in advance for helping to support the CPA.
The GRAND THRIFT STORE is starting
up July 11 and will be Tuesday 9:30 to 12 during the day and 7-8
at night - For more information please contact Sarah VanFleet
at 846-5087.
June 21, 2006 - The Chebeague Island
Community Association Annual meeting will be Wednesday, June 28th
from 5:30 - 6:30 at the Parish House. It will be a will be over
in time to go to the Affordable Housing meeting at the Hall at
7. A report to members is to be distributed - all are welcome
to attend - bring your thoughts ans suggestions.
The Report on Chebeague Affordable Housing by the Islands
Committee will be 7pm at the Hall - Wednesday,
20, 2006 - The Whalers and friend's Concert "Cole Porter
and George and Ira Gershwin" is this Saturday night, June
24th, 8 pm at the Island Hall.
June 17, 2006 - Don't forget the Historical
Society annual meeting at the Hall tonight at 7:30 - The Grannell
siblings will share their stories searching for their Chebeague
roots. This Monday night, June 19th the Historical Society has
a guest speaker, Rev Jack Flies, at the Hall 7:30pm.
13, 2006 - Congratulations to Lucy Cox-Chapman who graduated from
Williams College, where she was business manager for her a cappella
group and won the Hafford Prize for excellence in teaching political
science. Four days after graduation, she got a job on Capital
Hill working for Senator Christopher Dodd of Connecticut.
12, 2006 - Congratulations to John Emery who graduated on June
2nd from Westford Academy. He'll be attending Endicott College
in September.
Congratulations to Simon Brown who has graduated from Portland High and heading to Roger Williams University in Sept.
The Yacht Club schedule is
now online.
June 11, 2006 - Congratulations to Chris
Martin and Jimmy Stefanilo who gradtuated today from Greely High
June 10, 2006 - The Chebeague
Historical Society have planned the following events Events:
Annual Meeting: Genealogical Journeys June
17th 7:30 PM at the Hall. Three Grannell siblings will
share their stories of searching for their Chebeague roots. It
is bound to be an entertaining and informative evening. All are
welcome to attend and refreshments will be served. Donations are
always appreciated.
Creating Community: The Hamilton Connection - Exhibit Opens June 24th at 1:00 PM All are welcome to come to the commencement of this exhibit and refreshments will be served. The exhibit will be open Tuesday thru Sunday from 1:00 to 4:30 for the remainder of the season. The Museum will be closed on Mondays.
Hamilton Reunion - July 15th
The Museum will be open at 9 AM for research and viewing of the
exhibit. The Hall will also be open for additional research and
opportunities to view photos and research your family roots. Other
events include a cemetery tour at 1 PM and an evening slide show
by Donna Damon giving an overview of island history and the Hamilton's
contribution to the community. Watch for more specific events
to be posted after July 1st
Commons Resource Center Wine Tasting & Silent Auction Benefit Sponsored by the Chebeague Island Inn
Sunday, June 18th 2:00-5:00pm tickets still available, call Vicki at 846-1379 |
Here are photos from the School
Trip to Peary's Eagle Island.
June 6, 2005 continued
- Congratulations to Leila and Suhail Bisharat along with Wayne
Dyer and the Architect Carol Wilson who are heading to Colby College
tomorrow to recieve an Honor Award for Excellence in Architecture.
You can see the recepients of this years awards at the Website
for the AIA
(American Institute of Architects) Maine's 2006 Award Winning
Congratulations to Katie Phipps who is one of 10 Maine winners
in the 2006 Lewis and Clark Youth Rendezvous national essay contest
for high school Juniors and Seniors. Winners receive an
expense-paid trip to North Dakota to participate in activities
surrounding the 200th anniversary of the Corps of Discovery and
exploration of the west.
June 5, 2006 - At Eagle Island the Chebeague
Island School children were the first visitors for the season!
After an enjoyable boat trip captained by Chris Rich and Stephen
Johnson we were greeted by the Park Manager extrodanaire Jeanie
Dorrington who gave a couple of guided tours. To learn more about
Peary's Eagle Island go to:
2, 2006 - Congratulations to Chris Martin who was Portland Press
Herald's athlete of the week last week for Greely Baseball. Chris
is a Senior and his accomplishments they listed were that in three
games Martin went 8 for 9 and had two doubles, a triple and two
home runs. He drove in seven runs and scored six. Martin, a left
fielder is batting .467 with 14 RBI and 15 runs scored.
The American Cancer Annual Island
Walkathon scheduled for tomorrow has been postponed to
the end of August. This event has been put on by the Chebeague
Methodist Church and the Recreation Center. This gives us plenty
of time to gather our pledges - you can pick up pledge sheets
at the rec.
June 1, 2006 - A wonderful article
in the Forecaster about the School's Middle East Project! Thank
you to Barbara Porter, Kristin Rohrbach, Leila and Suhail Bisharat,
Karen Hamilton, Rich Brewer and all the others who created such
a wonderful program!
May 29, 2006 - The Chebeague
Post Office has moved to a temporary trailer located at the Boat
May 26, 2006 - Saturday night at the Hall
Mark Dyer's group will be playing.
Stacy has already put together a rehearsal schedule so you
can see what is planned in the way of practices and time committment.
Click here for the schedule.
24, 2006 - Stacy has sent on information about the Recreation
Center Summer Theatre production and tryouts
of Hello Dolly! Click here to see the flyer in jpeg format .
This from the CRC: This is a reminder about two WONDERFUL
fundraisers planned by our Pre-Teen/Teen Council.
Please come out and show your support for these very energetic
kids and help them raise money for some GREAT events this summer,
including and evening with the Sea Dogs and a trip to Six Flags
in Massachusetts.
Is your car grimy from all the winter sand and salt? Bring
it to the Fire Station on Saturday, May 27 from 11-2. The
Pre-Teens are having a CAR WASH AND BAKE SALE!
Come Join Us for Breakfast!! Sunday, May 28th, 2006.
Enjoy pancakes, eggs, sausage, potatoes, fruit salad, coffee,
tea and juice and support a GREAT cause!
There will be two servings, one at 8 and one at 9. Each
seating is limited to 50 people, so please make reservations by
calling 846-5068 and leaving your name and the number of people
in your party.
May 20, 2006 - Yesterday I was able to take
a couple of photos of a bald eagle
just hanging around the Johnson house on Roses Point.
There was a great
article about Sarah Grant and riding her 21-speed Bianchi
bicycle 3,637 miles across America this summer. She is determined
to raise money and awareness for SPLORE which arranges adventures
for the disabled.
May 18, 2006 - I took a photo
of the sun yesterday when it came out for a few hours - it was
beautiful and bright - maybe it will reappear next week!
Saturday, May 20th is the Island Commons Spring Clean-Up & BBQ from 10-3. Stop by for any length of time and join us for some spring cleaning and lunch.
Calling all Hamiltons! The Historical Society has all kinds
of events planned involving Hamiltons which culminates with a
HUGE reunion on July 15th. Click
here to get all the information - and remember that there
is a little bit of Hamilton in all of us.
May 15,
IS TOMORROW NIGHT - not in June but May 16th Tomorrow!
14, 2006 - Please join the CPA for the Chebeague
Island School Education Appreciation Night, Tuesday MAY
16th from 7 to 8:30 pm at the Hall. There will be musical performances,
student artwork displayed, graduate and volunteer recognition
and refreshments will be served. All are welcome and we look forward
to seeing you there!
May 13, 2006 - Tonight - 6
pm Cummunity Supper put on by the Island Commons.
12, 2006 - Island Common's Community Supper
is tomorrow night, Saturday, May 13th at 6 pm - hope to see you
all there!
Last Thursday, May 4th, Governor Baldacci there was a signing
ceremony at the State House and I was able to get some photos
of the event which you
may see here.
May 6, 2006 - Don't forget - tomorrow
May 7th at the Hall - The CIHCC is hosting a
Sunday Brunch from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm - Adults $8.00,
children 4 years to age ten $4.00. Mabel will even have her fried
dough - also pancakes, sausage, strata, quiche, fruit, coffee
and juice!
April 28, 2006 - A lot of news to report
- that's what happens when I don't keep up with the page. Made
some changes above and added some new pages which are being worked
REMINDER: CHURCH SUPPER - Beef Stew and Pie tomorrow night (APRIL 29) at the PARISH HOUSE - 6 PM - Donation $6 adults and $3 for children 5-12, under 5 free. Benefit for the Church Stewardship Campaign!
There will be a signing Ceremony with Governor Baldacci for LD1735 on Thursday, May 4th, 2006 at 4 pm in Augusta. The exact location will be determined based on how many people want to attend. If you would like to attend the ceremony please email and include name, number of people in group as soon as possible. Although the bill was officially signed on April 5th, the same day the legislature voted, this will provide a chance for people to meet some of the lawmakers and the governor.
Islands Commons latest news: Community Supper at the Hall has been rescheduled for Saturday, May 13th at 6pm. (was going to be April 30th). The last Senior Luncheon of the season is on May 17th at the Parish House. Spring Clean-up day & BBQ at Island Commons. Saturday, May 20th 10-3. Bring a rake, your appetite and have some fun!
The Chebeague Recreations Center fundraiser for the Pre-Teen/Teen Center on Sunday, May 28th. Pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausage (reg. and veggie), fruit salad, coffee, tea and juice. Two at 8 a.m. and one at 9 a.m. Reservations are being taken for both seatings by calling the Rec. Center (846-5068) and leaving your name and the number in your party. $6 minimum donation requested. 50 person maximum per seating, so make your reservations early!
Sarah Grant, Sky and Linda Grant's daughter will be pedaling
from ocean to ocean this summer as she does a "Ride
Across America" for the benefit of SPLORE(Special People
Loving Outdoor Recreation Experiences). SPLORE is a Salt Lake
City based non-profit organization that provides outdoor recreation
services to children and adults with disabilities and special
needs. Sarah has throughout her life volunteered and worked with
people with special needs as she wants these individuals to be
able to experience and explore as the rest of the population can
do without difficulty. Sarah lives in Salt Lake City and is an
Occupational Therapist there as well as a dedicated volunteer
with SPLORE.
Sarah's goal is to raise $20,000 for SPLORE and she is over 3/4
of the way to that figure.
Her ride starts on June 18th in Oregon and will end in Portsmouth,
NH on August 7th. She will then have a few well deserved relaxation
days on Chebeague. Check out her website
20, 2006 - There is a benefit this Saturday for the Nate
Stewart Memorial Scholarship Fund. Everyone is invited,
the more the merrier.. April 22nd from 5-9 at Brian Boru, 57 Center
Street, Portland, Maine. For more information you may contact
Jaedra at 978 807-9751 or Brooke at 233-8951. There will be live
music by the "A" Band, free food and cash bar. Asking
for a ten dollar donation at the door and all proceeds to benefit
the fund.
The Chebeague Island Hall is having a SUNDAY
BRUNCH - MAY 7TH 11:30 TO 1:00 the "Roof Fund."
A donation of $8.00 adults and $4.00 children - we are even hoping
to have fried dough as well as all the other breakfast items people
April 18, 2006 - There is a Chebeague Island
Community Association meeting tonight at the Parish House at 7
pm tonight.
April 15, 2006 - A few photos of today's
Health Screening
April 14, 2006 - Click
here to see our new fire truck in production - H-3177. Delivery
is sometime in May
University of Southern Maine College of Nursing & Health
Professions and Casco Bay Fishing and Islands Community Partnership
Health Screening Clinic is tomorrow,
Saturday, April 15th between 9 and 11:30 at the Hall. Voluntary
donations are used only to defray supply costs - refreshments
will be provided. Co-sponsored by the Island Council and with
thanks to the Chebeague Hall Committee for making the hall available.
April 11, 2006 - Letter to the editor in todays
Portland Press Herald.
There will be a SENIOR LUNCHEON at the Parish House on April 26th. The lunch will be baked Ham, mashed potato, vegetable, biscuits and dessert and is sponsored by the Island Commons Resource Center. Following the luncheon will be a presentation about Medicare Part D prescription drug benefit. Katlyn Blacksone MS, LSW is the speaker and is a licensed social worker and educator. She is the Medicare Prescription Benefit Specialist at the Southern Maine Agency on Aging covering Cumberland and York counties. The initial enrollment period for the drug benefit ends on May 15, 2006.
Next steps in self-governance: There will be an election
of 9 transition committee members who will be legally empowered
by the legislation to draft agreements and government structure.
Their drafts would be discussed and voted on at the first Town
Meeting which will be held after July 1, 2007. The election for
the representatives will be supervised by the Cumberland Town
Clerk, Nadeen Daniels and will be held within the next 60 days.
Any registered voter in the secession territory may vote and are
eligible to be nominated to serve on the committee.
7, 2006 - Portland
Press editorial in today's paper.
Gerry Wiles now has his own website at
You can even see a live video of one of his presentations!
6, 2006 - The Portland
Press Herald has reported about yesterday. They have reported
that the governor signed the bill but we are not sure if that
is accurate. Another
story in the paper. (The governor did sign it but I have heard
that there will be a ceremonial signing sometime in May)
5, 2006 continued - The secession bill has been enacted by both
the House of Representatives and the Senate! It now goes to the
Governor who will sign it within 10 days - there will be a public
signing ceremony - date and time to be announced. In the House
the vote was 136 to 1 and in the Senate it was 31 to 3. Senator
Karl Turner has promised a State Flag and US Flag that were flown
over the Capital Building to the new town of Chebeague Island
to commerate this date.
April 5, 2006 - The first and second reading of the Secession
Bill have now gone through the Senate and House - However there
was a clarification addendum at the Senate and now has to go back
to the House to be read. This is going to be heard this morning
at the House and can be viewed at
March 31 cont. - At 9:45 the first reading
was heard in the House of Representatives and carried through
to the second day reading which will probably be Monday.
31, 2006 - The House will be having it's first reading of LD1735
on Chebeague's becoming its own Town today. You may listen to
the proceediings online at
24, 2006 - A booklet published by the Maine Municipal Association
called Local
Government in Maine has been put into pdf format and is on
the website for everyone. It talks about the art of self government
and describes the different forms of government in Maine which
if the secession is successful the people of Chebeague will have
to vote on the best for our needs. The report is also available
at the library.
The Library website is back and all repairs to the server are complete.
Partlow Design is finally online. Nancy Kricorian and
wife of Brokeback Mountain producer James Schamus was wearing
one of her creations on Academy Awards night and was even seen
on the redcarpet with Joan Rivers!!!
March 21, 2006
- Capt. Dick Thurlow ,who was the skipper for CBL for many years
is at home now after a week in the hospital with congestive heart
failure. He would be delighted to hear from some Chebeaguers
who knew him on the boats and as the late Anne Komlosy's husband.
His address is 836 W. Deacon Place, Citrus Springs , FL. 34434..
20, 2006 - The website may be down off and on over the next few
days while maintenance is being done on the server. You will not
be able to access the library site while work is being done.
18, 2006 - Tonight the Church is putting on a benefit supper -
the proceeds to go to the Church and resupply the medical clinic.
The meal is pot roast, potato, carrots, onions, icecream for dessert.
At the Community Center Hall at 6 pm.
We are so fortunate to have two veterinary services who come to the island on a regular basis. Dr. Smith from the Yarmouth Veterinary Center 846-6515 comes to the island on the first Thursday of each month 8:45 to 11:30 at the Hall.
The other vet is from the Bracket Street Veterinary Clinic
and comes Saturdays to the wharf at the west end. They can be
reached clinic at 772-3385 or at home at 854-3139. They also have
a website
13, 2006 - To see the revised committee amendment for LD 1735
- click here.
In the legislation it describes a public written ballot vote
for nine transition representatives for the purpose of setting
up agreements, letters of intent and all which would then be ratified
after the incorporation by the town legislative body. This committee
would expire July 1, 2007 and then municipal officers and school
board members would then be elected by the town legislative body.
10, 2006 - 2006 Louise Todd Calendars still
available. Marked down to half price $10.00. Call
Vicki at 846-1379 or email at
Chebeague Island Community Association (CICA) will be having its next meeting March 21, 7 pm at the Parish House.
The Island Commons has a new website at that Vicki has put together and will keep up - so check it out.
Congratulations to Greely High School Principal Chris Mosca
who has been named the Maine Principals' Association 2006 High
School Principal of the Year!
March 8 continued
10:30am- The State and Local Government Committee voted unanimously
"ought to pass". Now it goes to House of Representatives
and then the Senate.
March 8, 2006 - There was an editorial in yesterday's Portland Press Herald. The workshop session with the State and Local is scheduled for this morning.
Join us for the fourth annual Family Arts Night on Tuesday,
March 21st, from 6-7:30 pm (snow date: Thursday, 3/23rd). In a
new location this year: Greely Middle School. Bring the whole
family to a fun evening that celebrates the Arts in our community.
Suited for kids of all ages. Free. Activities include theater
games, and hands-on art projects. There will be several music
performances throughout the evening, featuring the bands and chorus
from GMS, local singer/songwriter Carolyn Currie, and the Kantele
Harp Trio. The raffle this year will include hand made pottery,
kid created art, and fun art items. Buy 3 raffle tickets for $5
and get an art-themed bracelet. Sponsored by the MSAD 51 Arts
Alliance. Questions? Call Janie Downey @ 829-4042.
Congratulations to the North Yarmouth Memorial School 5th
grade Math Team
who took second place overall at the Southern Maine Regional Math
meet on January 26th.
March 6, 2006 - The MSAD
#51(Cumberland/North Yarmouth) School Board meeting scheduled
for this evening at 7:00 PM has been canceled and rescheduled
on 3/8/06 at 7:00 PM in the Cumberland Town Hall Council Chambers.
4, 2006 - Yesterday's hearing was held in Augusta and you can
read about it in the Portland
Press Herald article today - click here.
2, 2006 - Tomorrow is our day to present testimony to the State
and Local Committee for and against LD1735 on Chebeague's becoming
its own Town. The hearing is scheduled for 9 AM but it is second
and will probably not be heard until 9:30 to 10:00. For those
who are unable to be there you can listen to the proceediings
online at
If you click on Audio near the right bottom and then I think
Special Programming or maybe it will be listed.
Click here for the
directions to Augusta.
February 27, 2006 - Cumberland
Town Council Voted tonight 7-0 in favor to endorse the proposed
amendment to the legislation which incorporates the details of
the agreements between Chebeague and the Town and Chebeague and
Article in the Portland Press Herald today.
If you would like to email members of the State
and Local Committee click here.
February 26,
2006 - Our report was been submitted February 24th to the State
and Local Committee of the Legislature. For a copy
of the full report click here. For an abbreviated report for
faster loading click
here (1/2 size of the first report).
There is a sign up sheet at the store for people who want
to take the bus to Augusta on March 3rd. There are a limited number
of seats and it is first come first serve.
24, 2006 - Sunday, February 26 at 3:00 there
will be an important meeting at the Hall to go over the plans
for our Public Hearing presentation for March 3rd in Augusta.
We will have coffee and goodies. This is a great time to learn
all the details of what will happen and timing for the bill.
Click here for
the agenda for Monday's Town Council meeting which
includes another public hearing on our separation agreements from
the Town of Cumberland.
February 22, 2006 - Tonight
there will be a meeting at the Hall, 7 pm to plan our trip to
Augusta on March 3rd. We will make arrangements for bus and carpool
transportation and talk about the messages we plan to deliver
to the State and Local Government. Our presence in Augusta is
important to our success. We will also be having an all day reception
at the Hall of Flags with information about Chebeague. Islanders
were mailed an information packet yesterday summarizing the status
of the secession effort and the agreements with the SAD and the
town as well as the resulting projected budget. Click
here for a pdf of the mailing.
February 19,
2006 - POLAR PLUNGE - 12:30 today
at Bennetts Cove - followed by the Chile/Chowder Challenge at
the rec! Check
out the photos of the plunge! We had 14 plungers today, plus
Bob Earnest plunged last Wednesday so 15 all together.
The 2006 Chowder/Chili/Soup Challenge was held Sunday after
the Polar Bear Plunge. Thanks to lots of volunteers and
the cooks it was a fun time! Each person votes for their
favorite in each catagory and most people said it was hard to
choose and that every cook should get a prize!
Here are the contest results:
Andrew Todd 1st prize
Donna Damon 2nd prize
May Hall 3rd prize
Honorable Mention
Cindy Riddle
Tom Calder
Gail Miller
Paula Libby 1st prize
Polly Wentworth and crew 2nd prize
Virginia Calder 3rd prize
Honorable Mention
Vicki Todd
Linda Ewing
Jill Hamilton
Ester Knight
Beth Howe 1st prize
Ellen Maher 2nd prize
Deb Bowman 3rd prize
Honorable Mention
Arlene Dyer
Sarah McKinnon
Prizes were gift certificates from these area restaurants:
The Village Cafe, Gilbert's Chowder House, 233 Grill, Bill's
Pizza, O'Naturals, Pat's Pizza, Freeport Cafe, Calder's Clam
Shack, Muddy Rudder, and Falmouth House of Pizza. Thank you to all
the sponsors!
February 16, 2006 - Today the Portland Press Herald reported
on the tentative agreements between the Chebeague Representatives
and the School District as well as the Town. There was also an
article in the Forecaster
about our separation from the SAD.
There was a Town of Cumberland public meeting tonight to discuss the agreement as written in the legislation which I do not have a copy of yet. They will be having another public meeting February 21 at 5pm at the Town office to discuss further on the town's part of the agreement and they then talked about voting on the agreement on Monday, February 27 which is only a few days before the public hearing scheduled for the State and Local Committee of the Legislature. The school board has scheduled an executive session meeting and then a public meeting for Friday morning, February 17, at 8 am for the purpose of discussing their portion of the legislation. The State and Local Government is scheduled to have a public hearing on Friday, March 3rd for LD1735 An Act To Authorize Chebeague Island To Secede from the Town of Cumberland. The Hall of Flags has also been reserved by us so that we may give further information about Chebeague and the Community and what we are hoping to do. To see the original tentative agreements go to the CICA page.
We are hoping to have a mailing within the next few days
with more information about the agreements and the impacts of
February 10, 2005 - NOTICE
- With the impending storm arriving Sunday Morning the
decision has been made to postpone the Sunday events of the Polar
Plung and the Chili/Chowder/Soup Challenge to next Sunday, February
19th. Because of the tide the plunge will take place at 12:30
instead of 11:30 and the Chili challenge will follow. So please
mark your calendars. That also gives me more time to prepare and
maybe even collect some pledges. As everyone knows I have done
the plunge 6 out of the last 7 years and enjoyed every refreshing
moment! There probably are a few who were supposed to have done
it this weekend and won't be around so I'm going to find them
and get them to do it anyway and I'll get a photo. The preteen
rock a thon will also take place but the Teen rock-a-thon has
been cancelled.
January 28, 2006 - WINTER CARNIVAL
AND POLAR PLUNGE are coming soon! Notice the times - you won't
want to miss anything. There is no ice this year so the plunge
will be back at Bennett's Cove where it all began.
Schedule Of Events:
Saturday 2/11
Skating Party at Sanford's Pond 4-7 with hot dogs and hot cocoa*
if the pond is not frozen play floor hockey at the CRC from 4-6
Rock-a-thon: Pledge a Teen or Pre-Teen to rock all night
7-10 Pre-Teens Rock
10-??? Teens Rock
Sunday 2/12
Polar Bear Plunge: 11:30
Chili/Chowder/Soup Challenge: Come to the Snowflake Cafe in the
CRC gymnasium for the best Chilis/Chowders/Soups on the island
and vote for the best!
Click on the Rec Center link to learn more!
Congratulations to Tim "Spyke" LeSeige who was
elected as a National Vice President of the US Junior Chamber
(Jaycees). He has been a member of the Augusta Area Jaycees since
1989 and recently served as State President of the Maine Jaycees
from 2002 through 2005. He is the first person from Maine since
1968 to serve the US Jaycees as a National Vice President. His
position entails traveling to the states assigned and teach leadership
skills to other members of the Jaycees. He is assigned to New
Hampshire, Oklahoma, Colorado, Alabama, Louisiana and Michigan
and just returned from Louisiana during which he had a chance
to tour New Orleans. His term will last for all of 2006 and is
currently helping form a chapter of the Jaycees in Portland. For
more information about the Maine Jaycees you can visit
or the US Jaycees at
he can be reached at 207-215-7459 if anyone is interested.
20, 2006 - This coming Sunday (1/23/06) at the Hall there will
be a public meeting at 3pm by the secession representatives and
CICA. This is an opportunity for people to learn more about where
we are in our negotiations and our legislative process. There
will even be refreshments.
The Island's Committee has finished it's Affordable
Housing Study which I now have online. Beth and other committee
members along with Carla and the Town have worked hard on this
report and welcome comments and ideas.
14, 2006 - Congratulations to Hartley and Dianne, and to the new
owners of the Boatyard! As explained in the recent
letter from Dianne and Hartley the Boatyard will continue
as a boatyard and has been purchased by islanders Scott Searway
and Paul Belesca.
Congratulations to Julia Middleton who was featured in the Wellesley Townsman and honored by her town for her generosity.
Article in the Forecaster- Council backs secession by Chebeague, 16 smaller islands.
Don't forget about tomorrows Teen Center Pancake Breakfast
at the Parish House.
January 12, 2006 - There was
an editorial in the Portland Press Herald yesterday: Talks
the right way to deal with secession.
CENTER PANCAKE BREAKFAST with two seatings at 8 am and
9 am at the Parish House. $5 donation per person for a breakfast
of pancakes (regular or blueberry), sausage (regular and vegetarian),
fruit salad, coffee, tea, hot cocoa and juice. Feel free to call
ahead 846-5068 and let us know which seating you would prefer.
Reservations are suggested but not required.
10, 2006 - I'm back after a wonderful week in the Carribean with
my family. We visited Costa Maya, Grand Cayman and Jamaica. Now
back to reality and lots of work. I was so pleased that the negotiations
went well with the Town and I am confident that the school negotiations
will go well also.
Today's Portland Press Herald there is an article about Saturday's negotiations! I wish I could have been there.
Check out the Washington
Post where there is a terrific article about Mayo Shattuck
III and all the Mayo Shattucks - congratulations to all.
7, 2006 - BULLETIN: Good news! The negotiating team from
the group of five secession representatives, and the negotiating
team from Cumberland,s Town Council, signed a tentative agreement
today outlining the terms of secession. There is still much work
to do -- negotiations are also underway with MSAD #51 -- and then
we have the legislative process to work through. But, a tentative
agreement with the Town is good news indeed.
CICA,s board will be meeting at 7pm Tuesday night to schedule
and plan our next island-wide public meeting on Chebeague. Stay
tuned for more details! (see next item).
2, 2006 - Announcing a CICA Board Meeting
Topic: Regular Board meeting; public is welcome.
When: Tuesday, January 10 at 7pm
Where: Parish Hall
Agenda to include: update of January 7 negotiations session with
the Town; and, scheduling of, and preparation for, an upcoming
island-wide meeting.
News from 2002 - through January
22, 2003
NEWS 2001
1996 AND JANUARY 1997
I would love to have any news, poetry, stories to add to
my news page so please email with anything you think would be
of interest to islanders around the world - yes Singapore, Egypt,
Mediterranean, Boston etc. checking out the news page everyday!
So please email me at
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