A summary of the latest budget can be found by clicking
the committee documents below-- and then looking at the list
of files - it's a file with a name such as All of the worksheets behind the budget will be found in the 2008 Budget folder. Each town area has a directory with the detailed budgets of each function. For example, the Public Safety folder has the Fire, Rescue, Police, Canine Control, and Municipal Building budgets. Excel (or compatible spreadsheet software) is needed to view these files. With each budget are tabs on the bottom detailing the line-item details for expenses such as full-time wages, part-time wages, office supplies, fuel, etc. This provides the detail upon which the budget is built. If there are any questions, please contact a member of the Transition Committee, whose names and responsibilities are listed below. |
The committee members and public who are responsible for the charge of the various committees are: Governmental Structure - Donna Damon Finance - David Hill Education - Carol White Public Works - Stephen Todd Public Safety - Doug Ross Land Use - Beth Howe Community Services - John Martin Marine Issues - Leon Hamilton Access/Transportation - Jim Phipps Waste Management - Mark Dyer |
January 25, 2007 - This coming Sunday at 1pm at the
Hall the Transition Committee is having a public informational
meeting. There was a postal patron mailing on Chebeague and for
those who are not on the island at this time and would like to
review the materials sent out I have them attached here:
The Transition Representatives met at the CRC immediately after the election on Sept. 10. They voted unanimously to request the Town of Cumberland, at the September 11 Council meeting, to apply for a regionalization grant on behalf of the Transition Representatives of the Town of Chebeague Island to fund expenses relating to the transition, that will be incurred between now and July 1, 2007. The Transition Representatives propose that they will complete the application and will submit it to the Town of Cumberland for their review and submittal.
The Representatives will hold an organizational meeting at the Parish House on Wed. September 13 at 7:15 PM.
September 10, 2006 - Election of transition team photos