With winter approaching and the slow down in island activity, we think it would also be a good time to try a corresponding change in our office hours. As before, we are setting these hours on a trial basis. We appreciate any input from the public if these hours are unduly burdensome to a significant number of residents. Effective Monday, November 5 th the Town Office hours will be:

MONDAY  8:00 AM TO 4:00 PM    

TUESDAY         10:00 AM TO 4:00 PM


THURSDAY  4:00 TO 8:00 PM

FRIDAY              8:00 AM TO 12 NOON


PARKING CONTROL OFFICER OPENING: Anyone interested in working for the Town in this role should contact, Town Administrator Ron Grenier at the office. His e-mail is rongrenier or by phone at 846-3148.


ANIMAL RABIES CLINIC OFFERED ON SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2007 FROM 11:00 A.M. c 2 P.M.: Thanks to the effort of our Animal Control Officer, Pam Pulsifer, a Rabies Clinic, has been scheduled at the firehouse for your furry friends, without having to go to the mainland! The clinic will be conducted by a friend of Pam's, Dr. Turelle of Augusta, who is a horse veterinarian. The charge be will $19.00 per animal.


ELECTION & VOTER REGISTRATION REMINDERS: Anyone interested in registering to vote in the upcoming election can do so in one of two ways: (1) with the Registrar at the Town Office on Thursday, November 1 st from 12 -2 pm and 6-8 pm; or (2) on Election Day at the polls. (If you were previously registered in Cumberland that registration still stands!) The polls will be open at the Island Hall on Election Day, Tuesday, November 6 th at 8 am until 8 pm.


Dog Licenses Are Now Available: This week we finally received our paperwork from the Maine Department of Agriculture to license all of your canine friends. The fee is $6.00 for altered dogs (you must bring a rabies certificate). The fee for unaltered dogs is $11.00.