To contact me, Beverly Johnson : bjohnson4850@gmail.com. CLICK HERE FOR WEATHER or go to - HOOK BLUFF WEATHER STATION |
photo - by Jon Rich early morning 12/31/23 at the Hook.
January 1, 2024 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Click here for a graph by Bill Danielson constructed for solar income over the past two years. The graph shows over 700 red dots, one for each day’s solar radiation income every day over the past two years, measured by my backyard weather station. The blue dots depict the calculated theoretical maximum we might expect if there were clouds, air pollution, trees or leaves blocking the sun. Notice that in 2022, the red dots tend to accumulate toward the upper part of the graph, whereas they are more evenly distributed in 2023. In other words, 2022 saw more sun than the past year, especially in the summer and autumn months. Overall, we measured about 11% less solar income in 2023 than in 2022. So, if you felt gloomy in 2023, you can blame it in part on the weather!
Selectboard Meeting Wednesday, January 3, 2024 at 6pm - see agenda and packet.
December 27, 2023 - photo - 12/27/23 First rolls of fiber arrive on the island - it is really going to happen! Click on the 2024 Broadband site for more photos and information.
At the Rec - Friday 12/29 @ 5:30pm - Spaghetti and Bingo Join us at the Rec for a Spaghetti dinner and some fun Bingo. The Dinner cost is $5 for Children and $10 for Adults.Then stay and play Bingo for Fun and Free.
The library has a new book called Lobstering Women of Maine. Among other women, it features Ruth Houghton. It’s a wonderful book with both photos and paintings.
December 23, 2023 - Christmas Eve - The Chebeague Community Church invites you to join us for the Christmas Eve service on Sunday, December 24th @ 7pm. We will be live in person at the church and on Zoom as well. Vicki Todd will be our onsite lector for the evening Victor Diaz will be delivering his message remotely. We also have some very special guests joining us! Hope to see you there!
Zoom link: http://www.chebeaguechurch.org/worship.html
A blanket has been left on the CTC boat for the last couple of days if you are missing it.
Barbie on the Big TV
When: Wednesday, December 27
Where: CRC Community Room
Time: 6:00pm cookie decorating with pink and blue frosting
6:30pm movie begins
It's Barbie on the BIG TV in the Community Room! Come dressed in your favorite shades of pink or baby blue. Open to all girls, and to boys who are courageous enough to learn if they can be Kenough.*
This event is open to all youth on the island with their friends and families, and welcoming any and all guests from the mainland.
The CRC has a Barbie movie night scheduled for the entire community on January 12; the movie on December 27 is a special event for kids and teens over the vacation week.* OK: in the movie, Ken struggles with his identity...does he only exist for Barbie?
FMI call Eliza at 233-8533
December 19, 2023 - Message from Tracy Calder and the Library: Thank you to the 102 people who completed our recent community survey about the new remote workspace. We got some valuable feedback and great ideas. Congratulations to the lucky respondent who won the $50 CIBY giftcard - Kate Drabecki! Next we'll be talking with architects. FMI contact the Library!
Yesterday there was a storm that had many down trees. The whole island was without power for at least 12 hours and probably there are a few areas that still don't have power yet.
School Committee Meeting tonight at 6pm.
Selectboard meeting tomorrow night at 6pm click here for agenda and packet.
Selectboard Meeting with DEP at Bennett's Cove Wednesday, December 20, 2023 at 10:00 AM.
Selectboard Meeting at December 20, 2pm at the Hall - click here for agenda.
December 16, 2023 - If you missed the school concert or want to share with relatives click here.
Tomorrow is Carolling in the Woods, December 17th at 2:30, sponsored by the Rec and Chebeague Cumberland Land Trust. See you in Littlefield Woods! Click here for flyer.
December 13, 2023 - Click here for an article about our new minister that was in the Forecaster. "New Chebeague Island church leader ‘right person at right time’"
TONIGHT The Museum Shop is open from 5:30 to 7:30 and most items are 25% off - see you there.
December 12, 2023 -Back by Special Request
Chebeague Rec - Lost Valley Ski & Snowboard Program - 6 Weeks Starting Friday 1/5/2024
Please act Fast the Registration Deadline is this Friday 12/15
For More Information or to Register Click Here!
Soup at the Hall on Wednesday! We will have Butternut Squash and Chicken and Cheese Tortellini
Update! Get your glow on! The Island Commons’ Holiday Night Light Ride is now Wednesday, December 20th at 5:30pm. The winner will receive a $25 gift certificate to The Red Studio!
The Broadband Committee has been working with Axiom, CMP, Consolidated, the Maine Connectivity Authority, and the Town of Chebeague to deliver high speed fiber Internet service available to every home and business on the Island by the end of summer, 2024. Information about signing up for free installation will be found here, or at the”2024 Broadband” link at the top of this page, or by calling Axiom at 207-255-0679. Free installation by Axiom is only available at the time of the initial roll-out, after which time they will charge over $300 to do so, so act quickly!
December 7, 2023 - Tomorrow, Friday, December 8th is the Commons holiday party from 4:30 - 6:30 with food/drink, raffles & live music by Tyler Stanley and Katie Urich.
The Museum Shop will be open for last minute gifts on Sunday, December 10th from 1-4 PM and again on Wednesday, December 13 from 5:30 - 7:30 PM. The CIHS is also happy to accommodate Santa's helpers if you see a car outside that means that someone may be there to accomodate you! Most items are 25% off. A Museum Membership, the new Sloop's Log, or Sharon Bowman's book are all great gift ideas!
December 6, 2023 - The Yarmouth Vet will be at the Hall tomorrow morning from 9:00 to 11:30. The sign-up sheet will be up by around 6:15. Please call Sam McLean with questions (846 0510).
Click here for the CTC December Newsletter.
Don't forget this Sunday: Come sing in the woods together again! See flyer — please spread the word. It will be on a Sunday, Dec 10th at a time we hope meets lots of schedules (2:30PM-4:30PM). It is after church, before dark and brief (sing in the woods at 2:30pm and pop over to the Rec for Cocoa and Tree Lighting at 3:30). I love this pandemic-inspired event. First we sang outside because it seemed the safest way post-vaccines— then we just fell in love singing under the island pines and oaks.
December 4, 2023 - CIS CHRISTMAS TREE SALE! If you were not able to get your Christmas Tree or Poinsettia from the school on (Saturday 12-2-23), you can come to the school during school hours this Monday - Wednesday! Thank You everyone for your wonderful support!!!
For those who missed the Whalers wonderful holiday concert I put most of it on my youtube channel - click here to see.
The School Committee is meeting Tuesday, December 5, at 6pm at the school. Click here for agenda.
The Chebeague Recreation Center announces: Dessert & Discussion, Tuesday, December 12, 1-2 pm - Jerry Wiles will lead the discussion on Winston Churchill’s visit to the White House in December 1941 after Pearl Harbor. Click here for flyer.
Click here to see what is happening in December at the Chebeague Recreation Center!
Selectmen's meeting this Wednesday, December 6th Executive Session at 5:30PM with a meeting to follow at 6:00PM and an Executive Session after the meeting at The Chebeague Island Hall- see agenda and packet.
November 30, 2023 - If you ordered a wreath from Ladies Aid, they are ready for pick up at the Parish house. If you haven't paid the checks should be made out to Chebeague Community Church.
Message from the Land Trust: On Saturday 12/2/23 from 9 to 11 or so we'll have a clean up session at Sanford's Pond (on Chebeague Island!) to get ready for the upcoming skating season. Rakes, loppers, a tarp, gloves, weed wacker, skiff / canoe will be the tools of the day. It'll be the same as / similar to last year -- we'll clean up around the warming hut, make sure gear is in order, tidy up the paths, pull whatever we can from the water that might interfere with skating. Please spread the word and come if you can!
For those who missed or want to see again: Earle Shettleworth- A Century of Portland Artists 1820-1920 - click here.
Check out the Fall 2023 edition of the new Island Commons Connection. Bravo to Activities Coordinator Katie Urich for all her work putting this together!
If you’d like to be added to our newsletter email list, please contact nancy.olney@islandcommons.com and we will add you to the list!
November 27, 2023 - Message from the Council: Please join us for soup at the Hall at noon on Wednesday. We are cooking up tomato bisque with grilled cheese croutons and beef chili.
Tomorrow, Tuesday, November 28th is the School Committee meeting at 6pm - click here for agenda.
Wednesday, November 29 is a town Adhoc Finance Committee meeting at 7pm..
Thursday, November 30, 2023 at 6:00 is Facilities Committee Meeting via Zoom.
Remember Santa Claus is Coming to Town!! All ages are welcome! Saturday, December 2nd - 3pm to 5pm at the Chebeague Island Hall. See flyer.
Next Saturday, December 2nd is also the Winter Whalers Concert at the Church. Song, refreshments and winter cheer for all!! See Flyer.
***Last Call to take the Chebeague Island Library Remote Workspace Survey!* If you have not had a chance to take the survey and would like to provide input into the new workspace we are designing for the Library, please do! The space will provide a place to focus on work, school, reading, writing, research, projects, meetings, and more. The survey is open until Thursday, November 30th. Thank you! https://forms.gle/3h6MezGHwu6UHp6J9November 23, 2023 - HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
photo from the Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trot - what a beautiful day it is!
The Museum shop is open from 11-4 on Black Friday! 25% off most items!!
November 22, 2023 - TOMORROW: Join the Chebeague Recreation Center on November 23rd for the annual Turkey Trot. Meet at the Rec Center on Thanksgiving morning to walk, run, stroll, scoot, ride, and more with other community members! Routes are outlined, shorter route is roughly 1.5 miles and the longer route is roughly 3 miles. Meet at 8:45am and set off at 9am. Refreshments will be served! SEE FLYER. I will see you all there if I get the turkey in the oven.
Congratulations to Steve Auffant for front-page recognition in today's Portland Press Herald, as a "Mainer to be Thankful For!"
The Red Studio will be open for holiday shopping on Saturday (Nov. 25) from 10-noon, Sunday (December 3) from 1-3, and during the Commons' gala Christmas party for the community on Friday, December 8, from 4:30-6:30. The Studio is crammed with great gifts for all ages. Antiques, artworks, books, beautiful jewelry, toys, housewares and everything you need for entertaining during the holidays. If you can’t decide on the perfect gift, our friendly elves will help you choose.
November 21, 2023 - Santa Claus is Coming to Town!! All ages are welcome! Saturday, December 2nd - 3pm to 5pm at the Chebeague Island Hall. See flyer.
There will be no soup this week!
The town is actively looking for a Town Clerk/Registrar of Votes. This is a full time position (40 hours a week) with benefits included. Starting salary is between $20-25 per hour. Anyone interested in applying should please contact the Town Administrator, George Sutherland at townadmin@townofchebeagueisland.org or by calling 207-846-3148.
Message from Erika: Hello dear friends and Chebeague neighbors,
Come sing in the woods together again! Here is the flyer for “Carol in the Woods 2023” — please spread the word. It will be on a Sunday, Dec 10th at a time we hope meets lots of schedules (2:30PM-4:30PM). It is after church, before dark and brief (sing in the woods at 2:30pm and pop over to the Rec for Cocoa and Tree Lighting at 3:30). I love this pandemic-inspired event. First we sang outside because it seemed the safest way post-vaccines— then we just fell in love singing under the island pines and oaks.
November 19, 2023 - Florence Rich left Chebeague this Fall after living at Chandlers for many years. She would love to receive holiday greetings from her island friends at 40 Merrill Road, Gray, ME. 04039.
Thanks to all who made the fair was great success. We have aprox. 20 WREATHS not spoken for. Call Kathy Kuntz 846-1496 before Dec 1st.
November 15, 2023 - CCLT's Sanford's cleanup has been postponed to December 2nd from 9 to 11 - we can all get ready for the skating season.
Ladies Aid Christmas Fair on Saturday November 18 from 11-1 at the Parish House!
Tomorrow, the DEP is voting on " provisional adoption of 2023 Maine Geologic Survey mapping of coastal frontal sand dunes." Click here for agenda.
One of the soups today at the Hall is ministrone and I don't know the other. See you a noon.
The Chebeague Island School is hosting an hour of gratitude after the after school program today from 4:30-5:30. If you can make it, stop in and do a few activities and have a little snack. See flyer!
Click here to see Maine Audobon's Coastal Birds Newsletter in which Chebeague's Piping Plovers are mentioned. Click here to see the Audobon Flyer about the endangered Least Terns and Piping Plovers.
November 13, 2023 - Tomorrow, Tuesday, November 14th from 1-2 pm, please come to the Rec for
Dessert & Discussion hosted by Barry Fitzsimmons on a discussion of his career in Photojournalism.
Barry has worked as numerous newspapers and was on the ground for many a dramatic scene - murders, disasters, protests, and much more. Should journalists push to show the public more?
Or shield the reader from some of the the more emotionally charged scenes?
Come taste some treats and discuss this interesting topic.
Wednesday, November 15 is Selectmen's meeting - see agenda and packet.
November 11, 2023 - Veteren's Day and a big THANK YOU to Doug Ross, with the help of his son Eric, who three times a year (Memorial Day, Independence Day and Veteran’s Day) sets out American flags on the telephone poles at the island center.
TONIGHT: Community dinner at the Hall see flyer.
Don't miss the Ladies Aid Christmas Fair on Saturday November 18 from 11-1 at the Parish House! It's time to pick up those homemade gifts, cards, and the special Ladies Aid knives.
There will be plenty of fudge and lots of goodies on the food table. Get there early pies fly out the door! There is a limited number of wreaths to order. Place your order at the Fair! See flyer.
November 9, 2023 - photo November 9, 2023 by Will Vaughan.
There is a community dinner at the Hall on Saturday night, 11/11, to raise money for Bea's (May's daughter) study abroad program. I hope folks will come out for it. Here is the flyer.
November 8, 2023 - Please take a 5-minute survey to help us design the remote workspace at Chebeague Island Library!
Our brief May survey showed a need for remote workspace on the island, and the Library received a generous grant to help create the space. Now we’d appreciate your input on what it could look like. Whether you need a place to work, study, read, or just focus on a project, this space will be for everyone. We’d love to hear from you!
Thanks in advance for completing the survey; it will take about 5 minutes. It’s anonymous but if you’d like to be entered into a raffle for a $50 gift card there’s an opportunity for that at the end!
Link to online survey: https://forms.gle/3h6MezGHwu6UHp6J9
Paper copies available at the Library.
Barrie Shepherd's 2023 Advent/Christmas poetry collection, "To Bethlehem and Back..." is now available. At $10 a copy it makes an attractive seasonal gift. All proceeds from sales - beyond cost - are donated to the Chebeague and Scarborough food pantries. To order email Barrie at barrieshep@aol.com, phone 510 1637 or write 15 Piper Road - K325, Scarborough, ME 04074.
November 7, 2023 - photo November 7 2023 just before the storm on November 7, 2023 by Jon Rich looking over to Little Chebeague.
The election results are posted for Chebeague on the Town Website - click here to see.
"Come one, come all! Please join CCLT at Sanford's Pond on Chebeague Island from 9:00 to 11:00 or so on Saturday 11/18/2023. We'll do a clean up to get ready for the upcoming skating season. Bring loppers / rakes / tarp / gloves if you can! Cider and cookies will be served. Questions? Contact CCLT's Jonathan Dawson at steward@ccltmaine.org."
Don't forget to VOTE today!
Wednesday soups are Chicken Chili and Butternut Squash. See you at noon at the Hall.
ATTENTION: Nurse Peggy Akers will be back on Wednesday morning to finish up COVID and flu shots. Call the Council office at 846-4988 and leave a message with your name and phone number. We will call you with an appointment time.
November 6, 2023 - Save the Date: Saturday, Dec 2nd @7pm for the annual Whalers Winter Concert. Click here to see the wonderful flyer with pictures I remember well.
The Transfer Station Winter hours are:
Tuesday CLOSED
Wednesday 1:30PM-4PM
Thursday: CLOSED
Friday 1:30PM -4PM
Saturday: 9AM - 4PM
Sunday: 9AM - 4PM
November 5, 2023 - photo November 5, 2023 of the dredging equipment at the Stone Wharf. Click here to see the dredge Plymouth Rock and tug Willard Clapp. They were used to dredge the extension to the Stone Wharf in 1886. They were owned by Chebeaguer's Robert Hamilton Jr. and Soloman Sawyer.
For those who missed the Historical Society zoom lecture when Andy Grannell about the restoration of the 150 year old Grannell Cottage on North Rd. , you can click here and download.
October 30, 2023 - This Wednesday's soups are Vegetarian Lentil and Chicken Noodle. We can't wait to see you.
For those of you who were unable to get your COVID booster last week when we ran out (twice!), Nurse Peggy Akers will be back on Wednesday, November 8 to give the boosters. She will be at the Hall from 9:00 am - until we are done. We will contact you this week to arrange a specific time that morning. If you were not at the previous clinic and would like to come in for a booster, call the Council Office at 846-4988 and leave us a message with your name and phone number. We will call you back to set up an appointment with Peggy.
CIS students and Kids Place will be doing a Walking School "Ghoul" Bus from Town Hall/Fire Station to CIS in the morning beginning at 8:30am. Please know that there will be a lot of costumed children and adults walking down the road between 8:30 and 9am. Please be mindful and feel free to give a honk as you drive by all the characters on their way to school!
We are hosting a community dinner on 11/11 to raise money for Bea's semester in London. Pot roast (with vegetarian option), mashed potatoes, seasonal vegetables, salad, and apple crisp for dessert. $10 recommended donation. 50/50 raffle and live music by Charles Hall, Chip Emery, John Howard, and friends! See the flyer here!
October 28, 2023 - Maine Community Foundation has established funds relative to the Lewiston Tragedy if people want to make a donation to help families of victims or community recovery efforts here.
October 27, 2023 - Out of respect for all those suffering, grieving, and worrying, we have decided to postpone the Turd Pollack Halloween dance. We WILL have a dance as soon as some healing happens. Thank you all! Please look out for each other.
Schools in Yarmouth will remain closed on Friday, October 27. Offices will also be closed, and no student activities will be held. Superintendent Dolloff will be providing a more extensive update to all staff and families later today. See yesterday's annoucement here.
The town office will close at 12PM today, Friday October 27th.
Absentee Ballots will be available Monday, October 30th.
Thanks to everyone who attended the Chebeague Island Historical Society’s Harvest Open House on Sunday, 10/22. Be sure to join our November lecture on 11/27 at 7PM via Zoom. Earle Shettleworth, 6th State Historian, will speak on "A Century of Portland Artists 1820 - 1920." Please find more information in our November newsletter, here.
October 26, 2023 - Stephen and Vicki Todd will be holding the space this evening, Thursday, Oct 26th, for silent prayer from 7-8pm at the Chebeague Community Church. All are welcome to attend.
Message from Yarmouth School: "Yarmouth Schools will be closed today - Thursday, October 26 - due to the shelter-in-place and ongoing search for a person of interest in last evening's tragedy in Lewiston that impacts many of our staff and families. All offices will be closed as we urge folks to remain off the roads as much as possible. Information on resources for supporting students and adults in the face of this tragedy will be shared by email later this morning."I will be away for a week and David Hill drhill@chebeague.net will be updating the website.
October 24, 2023 - photo of Halloween decoration on the island. Click here for another one. People are really getting inspired this year. Click here for a beautiful mailbox display.
Tomorrow, Wednesday The Island Council is hosting a walk-in Flu and COVID clinic next Wednesday, 10/25 9am - 1pm at the Hall. Be sure to bring your insurance info (no worries if you don’t have insurance) and your COVID card.
Due to the clinic, there will be no soup.
October 20, 2023 - Tomorrow: Saturday October 21, 6-8 pm: The Rec and the Hall together: Vegetarian Community Potluck and Harvest Celebration at the Hall. Wear a Hat or costume to get a free ticket for the door prize.
Friday October 27 Family night at the Rec: 7 pm Treasure Hunt - Register at ChebeagueRec.com
Saturday October 28 - 11 am pumpkin decorating at Kids Place to follow the story time at the library.
October 17, 2023 - The Island Council is hosting a walk-in Flu and COVID clinic next Wednesday, 10/25 9am - 1pm at the Hall. Be sure to bring your insurance info (no worries if you don’t have insurance) and your COVID card.
Due to the clinic, there will be no soup.
Maddie Downs will be on the island Wednesday and Thursday, October 25th and 26th for those who need help with medicare and drug plans. Contact her at 207-522-5321.
October 16, 2023 - photo by Art Ryder, Sunrise October 16th from Coleman's Cove.
Tomorrow: Oct 17th, 1-2pm: DESSERT & DISCUSSION with Jerry Wiles at the Chebeague Recreation Center.
NOTICE from Rich Plumbing: The weather can change quickly so if you know your cottage is ready to shut down for the winter please let him know. I have seen three days of freezing weather in the last week of October. His email is jonrich@chebeague.net and his cell is 207-522-3439.
Soup starts this Wednesday at noon. We will be serving Vegetable Beef and Hungarian Mushroom. Bring a friend!
Selectmen's Meeting this Wednesday, 7pm at the Hall and on youtube channel - click here for agenda and packet.
October 11, 2023 - Note from Island Commons: Our annual invitation to come to the Commons for Trick or Treat was incorrectly labeled a “party” in the October island calendar. Please see our flyer for details on our annual Trick or Treat activity. Thanks, and sorry for the confusion!
The Chebeague Island Council will hold a Flu/COVID walk-in clinic on Wednesday, October 25 from 9 am-1pm. Paperwork is available outside the Wellness Center office. Please bring your insurance card if you have one (no worries if you don't) and your COVID card. The COVID booster is from Pfizer. There will be a pediatric flu vaccine but no pediatric COVID.
Wednesday SOUP is starting up on October 18 at noon. We can't wait!
October 9, 2023 - TOMORROW, Tuesday, October 10: The Chebeague Inn with a kill the keg from 6 to 8 with free food, discounted gift shop, and drink specials!!
Asian jumping worms are here on the island and are more numerous in some places than others. Although there is no current way to control them, minimizing the spread can be helpful. Please look at the links below for more information. If you need help identifying them please feel free to email BJ at barefootbj@yahoo.com or CarlaClarke@gmail.com
Click here for a fact sheet about these worms.
click here for Umass site.
Click here to see a photo of one I took recently from a friends garden.
October 8, 2023 - photo by Susan Gaskins early morning October 8th at Sandy Point. Click here for another and click here for another.
Greetings! The Board of Trustees of the Chebeague Island Historical Society is planning for its future, and we are asking for your input. Following is a link to an online survey. Please take a few minutes and let us know your thoughts and ideas.
Please click this link (https://forms.gle/X4juN92Y3q1zHBS96) to take the CIHS Survey. If you cannot click the link, please copy and paste the address into an internet browser.
Don't miss the Museum's 20% off nearly everything sale - Sunday 1-4 and Monday 11-4. Last chance to buy raffle tickets for the framed high quality prints - tickets will be drawn tomorrow before closing. Also next to the last chnce to see the Growing Up on Chebeague Exhibit before it comes down.
October 6, 2023 - Chebeague Community Church will not have a formal worship service this Sunday, October 8. Instead, we cordially invite one and all to a Drop In Fellowship Hour between 10 and 11 AM at the Parish House. Please join us for coffee, conversation and treats! There is a rumor that quiche will be served…
The Frost/Blanchard Tournament on Saturday October 7th will take place rain or shine. (Some think it never rains on a golf course!)
12 Noon, Callaway Format (no handicap required)
Nine holes or 18
And, as always the End of Season party will also take place at the Clubhouse @ 5 PM.
BYOB and an app to share!
Come One Come All! You don't have to be a member!!
TODAY and other days: Come enjoy the crafternoon series at the Rec: For October we have a pottery class starting October 6! Want to make a unique mug and a dish or holiday gift? Ellen Maher, ceramacist, will lead us in hand building several pieces at the Rec Center on Fridays, October 6, 13 and 20 from 1-3 pm. She will take home pieces for firing and return them at the follow up class. Sign up on line at ChebeagueRec.com - materials are included in the price. Hope to see you soon!
The Rec Center's October newsletter is out! Click here to read it. CRAFTERNOONS (Pottery making) with Ellen Maher begin this Friday, Oct 6th. Register here. Please save the dates for some fun Rec Center community events in October: Oct 17th, 1-2pm: DESSERT & DISCUSSION with Jerry Wiles; Oct 21st, 6-8pm: FALL HARVEST CELEBRATION, a Vegetarian Potluck; Oct 27th, 7-9pm: FAMILY NIGHT, an Island Treasure Hunt; and Oct 28th, 10-11am: PUMPKIN DECORATING at the Kids' Place. FMI: chebeaguerecreation@gmail.com
TOMORROW: Saturday, October 7, Join the Chebeague Island Library as we voyage into the world of Treasure Island - click here for flyer.
Activities begin at 4pm
Chicken Dinner at 5pm
Treasure Island Movie Viewing at 7pm
Pirate Costumes Strongly Encouraged!
Questions? Call us at 846-4351
October 4, 2023- photo by Joe Chamberlin of the Hook early morning on October 4.
Message from Kim Boehm: Barging days are limited, so if you have junk vehicles that need to be removed, please contact me soon. I also have trips returning to the Island, if you need items brought over from the Mainland. Thanks. Kim@ 846 2468
October 3, 2023 - CIHS Museum Exhibit and Shop will be open this weekend. Saturday 11-4, Sunday 1-4 and Monday 11-4. The Museum Shop will be having a 20% off Sale. Come join us!
TODAY - School Committee Meeting - 6pm at the school - see agenda.
Click here for a summer review from the Chebeague Island Yacht Club.
Chebeague Recreation Center: Click here for an overview of our October programming, as well as a reminder of our weekly offerings. Is there something we're missing? Reach out to share your program ideas with us (chebeaguerecreation@gmail.com). We're listening!
Remember Otto Pizza tomorrow but there will be a 10 order max so get your order in early.
October 1, 2023 - Chebeague School Committee Meeting, Tuesday, October 3, 2023, 6pm at the school and on youtube at 6 pm - see agenda.
Selectmen's Meeting, Wednesday, October 4, at the Hall and on youtube - see agenda.
September 29, 2023 - TODAY - “Hot Diggety Dog” Family night on Friday 9/29 at 5:30.
We will cook hot dogs and serve with lemonade- iced tea.
Bring a side dish or a dessert and we will enjoy some time together and family games at the Rec!
TOMORROW: At the Hall from 11 to 12 with refreshments - The CCLT (Chebeague Cumberland Land Trust) Annual Meeting with guest speaker Brad Zitske from Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. He is an expert on the Piping Plover.
SUNDAY: Victor Diaz will preach during the worship service on October 1st. The Church Council will present the candidate to the congregation at the Membership Meeting immediately following the worship service. The decision to hire the pastor shall be by consent, (without objection) or a majority vote of members present in person or virtually. Everyone is encouraged to attend; everyone may ask questions and make comments. Click here for link to zoom.
We hope you will come meet Victor and be a part of this historic occasion!
Meet Victor Diaz: Please click here.
September 27, 2023 -
The Rec is hosting a “Hot Diggety Dog” Family night on Friday 9/29 at 5:30-
We will cook hot dogs and serve with lemonade- iced tea.
Bring a side dish or a dessert and we will enjoy some time together and family games at the Rec!
This Saturday, September 30th from 11 to 12 - The CCLT (Chebeague Cumberland Land Trust) Annual Meeting is on Chebeague this year at the Hall. The guest speaker will be Brad Zitske from the Inland Fisheries and Wildlife and provide education and updates on the Piping Plovers that nested on Indian Point this summer. We will offer refreshments and gather to celebrate a year of conservation and community events!
September 26, 2023 - TODAY September 26 - 4:30to 6 at the School - OPEN HOUSE - everyone is invited!! Please come and meet the new teachers and see what the children are doing. Click here for flyer.
TOMORROW - Selectmen's Meeting - 6pm - see agenda.
CTC October Newsletter - click here. Notice that the schedule has changed and there are no late evening boats on Friday and Saturday.
September 23, 2023 -Join the Chebeague Island Library as we voyage into the world of Treasure Island - click here for flyer.
Saturday, October 7th
Activities begin at 4pm
Chicken Dinner at 5pm
Treasure Island Movie Viewing at 7pm
Pirate Costumes Strongly Encouraged!
Questions? Call us at 846-4351
The New York Times Style Magazine is featuring Chebeague Inn "A Local's Guide to Portland, Maine and Beyond"- click here.
September 22, 2023 - For those who missed Nick Wessell's presentation on Putin's war on Ukraine and what it means for Americans you can click here to see.
Chebeague Community Church will welcome Rev. Nancy Collins back to the pulpit on Sunday, September 24 at 10:00 AM. Pastor Nancy will introduce and continue the worship series "Come to the Table". All are welcome! Coffee is served after church in the Parish Hall.
Chebeague Island's community chorus, The Whalers, will be starting up its rehearsals soon for our holiday concert. We'll be meeting at 7PM on Monday nights in the Parish House, with our concert on Saturday, December 2nd. This is an amazing way to get to know your neighbors, sing in a judgment-free environment (beginners welcome!), and eat home baked cookies every week (made by yours truly.) We start this Monday, but you could start coming anytime in the next three weeks and be ready for the concert. If you're interested, reach out to Ben Yosua-Davis at ben.yosuadavis@gmail.com. Hope to see you there!
September 19, 2023 - photo of Poochie Ross' fishhouse by Beverly Murray.
MUMS FUNDRAISER- Thank you to all of those who took the time to order Mums though the 3rd annual Mums Fundraiser supporting Kid's Place. We raised $850 dollars that will go to providing educational and fun activities to the children of KP. PICK UP will take place starting Wednesday, September 20th at Kids Place lawn. When arriving please note the sale sheet and cross off your order. Mums will be arranged by color. Thank you for your support and happy fall.
The transfer station will be closed on Saturday September 23 from 12:45 until 1:45 for a burial in the cemetery.The compactors are very noisy and are distracting during a burial. The family and friends of the deceased appreciate your kind consideration.
September 18, 2023 - Selectmen's meeting this Wednesday, September 20th - click here for packet and agenda.
Join the discussion on Friday, September 22nd at 1pm at the Rec Center. Diane Lukac of CCLT will lead a free "Dessert & Discussion" about conservation on Chebeague at 1 pm in the Community Room. Click here for flyer.
The Chebeague Cumberland Land Trust is working on Thursday, September 21st with Maine Island Trails to remove about 50 lobster traps from the beach at Indian Point. Click here to learn more. Great opportunites for volunteers.
Saturday, September 23 Littlefield Woods at 9am!! The invasive plants at Littlefield Woods have grown again. The Chebeague Cumberland Land Trust will meet at 9:00 at the Littlefield Woods trailhead on Littlefield Road and then hike into the clearing with the horse chestnut tree. Beating back the bittersweet from the edges of the clearing will be our priority. CCLT will bring loppers and fiskar saws, but please bring your own if you can. If we have time, some of us will break away and tackle the barberry at Curit. Questions? Please contact Jonathan Dawson at steward@ccltmaine.org.
The CCLT (Chebeague Cumberland Land Trust) Annual Meeting is on Chebeague this year on Saturday September 30th from 11 to 12 at the Hall. The guest speakers will be from the Maine Audubon and provide education and updates on the Piping Plovers that nested on Indian Point this summer. We will offer refreshments and gather to celebrate a year of conservation and community events!
September 17, 2023 - photo by Joe Chamberlin on September 17th.
The Chebeague Island School will be holding an Open House on September 26 from 4:30-6pm. Click here for the flyer. Everyone is invited!!
Message from Chebeague Island School Staff:
Dear Chebeague Island Residents,
---Please be aware that our beautiful playground is not being used appropriately in the off hours and on the weekends. The school staff is cleaning empty beer cans and broken bottles of alcohol and vape containers from the children's play area. The hardest piece of vandalism that we have dealt with are the vulgar words and words that can only be described as hate language that are written on the picnic tables. We have had this situation 4 times now since the start of the school year.
Please know that the playground is part of the community. The playground should be considered 'closed' at dusk or sunset. The island students aged 3- 10 should not have to come to school and be exposed to this garbage and ugly words in the place were they learn and play.
We are asking for your help to monitor the property. And to be aware that there are people disrespecting the beautiful island.
Thank you for doing your part in keeping the school year and playground clean and safe!
September 15, 2023 - Chebeague Community Church will not be having a service this Sunday due to the storm.
Message from Chebeague Community Church: Dear Members and Friends, We are pleased to announce that on September 7th, the Church Council approved the Pastor Search Committee's recommendation of Victor Diaz as our new pastor / chaplain. Victor will preach during the worship service on October 1st. The Church Council will present the candidate to the congregation at the Membership Meeting immediately following the worship service. The decision to hire the pastor shall be by consent, (without objection) or a majority vote of members present in person or virtually. Everyone is encouraged to attend; everyone may ask questions and make comments.
We hope you will come meet Victor and be a part of this historic occasion!
Meet Victor Diaz: Please click here.
Due to the anticipated storm, Chebeague Historical Society’s Museum Shop will be closed tomorrow, 9/16.
Due to Saturday’s forecast, the Red Studio at the Island Commons will be closed. We’ll reopen Saturday, Sept. 23 from 10-noon, and (hopefully) be open every Saturday until Columbus Day weekend. Thanks for your support.
School Committee Meeting at the School Tuesday, September 19th at 6pm - click here for agenda. It may be televised on the towns youtube channel.
September 13, 2023 - The Treasure Island event by the Library has been postponed due to the impending storm. A new date will be posted in the near future.
Last weeks Selectmen's Meeting Youtube didn't work during the meeting but it did get taped and you are able to access now by going to the youtube station .
Save the Date: Friday, September 22, 1:00-2:00pm for Dessert & Discussion at the CRC. The topic will be Conservation Goals for the Land Trust on Chebeague: Why does it mater? Discussion let by Diane Lukac of the Chebeague Cumberland Land Trust.
September 12, 2023 - TWO BIRDS CAFE - New Fall Hours: Friday, Saturday & Sunday 10:00 - 3:00. There number is (415) 271-0096.
The Chebeague Community Church wishes to thank the island community for their enthusiastic support of our summer worship programs! We continue to look forward to a very special worship series of five services that will be brought to us by Rev. Joy Toll-Chandler and Rev. Nancy Collins during September and October. The series, entitled "Come to the Table," will explore the many "tables" of faith, including hospitality, love, peace, grace and joy. The first service in the series will take place next Sunday, September 17, at 10:00, with Pastor Joy presiding, and all are invited to attend!
Portland Press Herald: Maine Voices: Summer-vacation books outstay summer vacations. Thank goodness.I live on Chebeague Island, which is blessed to be littered with books. This summer, they were put to good use. Click here to read Susan Stranahan's voice. Click here if unable to read in the paper.
Thursday, September 21st, 7pm at the Hall and on Zoom (Zoom log in number is 82962476056. No password required.) Chebeague Island Historical Society Ellsworth Miller Memorial Lecture Series presents: Nick Wessell – What does it mean for Americans? Putin's war on Ukraine is going badly for him. Can he salvage victory from the jaws of defeat? Three ways it could turn out. Click here for flyer.
Message from Kim Boehm: Be prepared for bad weather!. If you have a portable generator, remember to test run it (under load) and stock up on some fresh fuel. If you have an automatic generator set up, check your fuel level (usually propane) and monitor the generator panel for system status...
I am back from North Carolina with Dennis, who is moving back to the island along with Darya who moved back last week while they look for a house in the Portland area.
September 7, 2023 - TOMORROW: Join the fun. The Island Commons’ Harvest Party is FRIDAY (Sept. 8) from 4:30-6:30. Food, great music, drinks, raffles and a good time for all. (If you were there last year, you’ll remember the fun!) This is our thanks to the Chebeague community!!! See you at the Commons. See Flyer!
TODAY!! The Chebeague Community Church Council will hold their meeting today, Thursday, Sept 7th at 4pm. on Zoom. Agenda items include a report from the Pastor Search Committee and a proposal to insulate the Parsonage. All are welcome to attend. To join: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84592923241?pwd=NHkxa1FSMDFtRVRWQXZEaDArTW90Zz09
September 6, 2023 - photo by Erika Neumann taken September 6
Selectmen's meeting tonight at the Hall at 6pm - click here for agenda and packet - click here to watch live on the Town Youtube channel.
Tomorrow night, Thursday, is the Climate Action Team meeting 7pm at the Library - click here for agenda.
The Munjoy Hill Neighborhood Organization did a nice review of the Chebeague Historical Society Exihibit on their newsletter - click here to see.
You won't want to miss the Common's Harvest Party with music by T-Polluck on Friday, September 8th from 4:30 to 6:30 - A free event and is always so much fun and and their way of giving back to the community. Click here for more information.
Today is Otto's Pizza Day - order before 12 and get your pizza off the 4 boat.
September 4, 2023 - The Vet .will be here on Thursday morning 8:45 -11:30. A sign up sheet will be put on library door at 7:30 and will be the only sign up sheet.
Click here for a Maine public Radio about the changing landscape of the hook. Today's Portland Press Herald also has a report on the "Erosion on Chebeague Island seen as warning to other coastal communities" - click here.
September 1, 2023 - The transfer station will be closed Saturday September 2nd from 11:45 to 1:00 for a burial in the cemetery. The compactors in the transfer station are noisy and can be distracting during a burial service. Thank you for your kind consideration for the family and friends of the deceased.
Please help improve access to nature and recreation on our Chebeague Island properties. Is something holding you back from enjoying Chebeague & Cumberland Land Trust's amazing properties? Are there aspects of our properties that could be improved to give you or your family member a better experience on our trails? Please help us by completing a brief survey you can access here. If you have questions or comments, please contact CCLT at steward@ccltmaine.org.
August 31, 2023 - The Town of Chebeague Island is hiring. Effective immediately the town is seeking to hire an Office Assistant/Deputy Clerk. This is a 3-day ( 24 hour a week) position. Benefits, vacation, and sick times apply. Town is also looking for a Code Enforcement Officer. Please go to the town site for more information. Any questions can be directed to Viktoria Wood, Town Administrator.
There were a lot of meetings going on Monday night and some of us missed the wonderful Historical Society Program about the Portland Gale of 1898 by Bill Danielson and Cap Leonard - I will be reposting it later after we realized some problems with the recording.
School Committee Meeting next Tuesday, September 5, 2023 - see agenda.
August 30, 2023 - photo by Art Ryder taken morning of August 30th Colemans Cove.
CIHS Labor Day Sale is this weekend. 15% Off sale runs Friday and Saturday 11-4, Sun 1-4 and Monday 11-4.
August 29, 2023 - Join us on Sunday, September 3rd at 9:00am for a free Birding Event! This event is hosted by the Chebeague and Cumberland Land Trust (CCLT) and led by Derek Lovitch of Wild Bird Supply. Space is limited to 12 participants so you need to register - click here for details and to register.
Please find the September newsletter from the Historical Society here.
Thanks to everyone who participated in the Chebeague Yacht Club 2023 racing season. Look forward to seeing you on the water next year!
2023 Results -
1. Lyra
2. Halcyon
3. Clarity
4. Biscuit
5. Occam's Razor
6. Sea Jay
7. Sea Glass
Interested in CIYC? Join us at the Annual Meeting on Thursday, August 31 at 4pm at 330 South Road.
"Move the Merch Sale", help us clear out the building! Take what you want and make a donation to the Island Council for your items. Still available, 4 oriental rugs and a 10 x 10 screened gazebo (new, in the box).
"Year-rounders! Are you concerned about the island's open spaces, level of development, business friendliness, and general character as we head into the future? Here's your opportunity (obligation?) to have an impact; JOIN THE PLANNING BOARD!! There are openings and lots of interesting work ahead such as rewriting the zoning & subdivision ordinances and reviewing upcoming development projects. Apply by letter of intent to the Town Administrator. Chebeague is a wonderful place; can we keep it that way? It's your call."
August 27, 2023 - The Poetry event on August 29 by the Coastal Poets is canceled due to illness. To be rescheduled.
Kids' Place and the Chebeague Recreation Center are hiring for a full-time position! The person who is hired for this position will spend half of their time working as the Program Manager at CRC and half the time as assistant teacher at Kids Place, in particular helping our five amazing pre-k students transition back to Kids' Place after their morning spent at the Chebeague Island School. We're offering a competitive salary and fantastic benefits. Check out our website to see the full job description: www.chebeaguerec.com. E-mail a resume to Steve Auffant (chebeaguerecreation@gmail.com) or Caitlin Whetham (caitlin.whetham.kidsplace@gmail.com) if you're interested. Until we find the right candidate, we need some extra help at Kids' Place, particularly on Wednesday afternoons. Please e-mail caitlin.whetham.kidsplace@gmail.com if you are interested in helping out. Thanks so much for your support!
August 22, 2023 - Message from Kim Boehm: "I am still taking junk vehicles (running and not so much) off the Island. I also am still looking for someone to take that duty over....Also a reminder that I usually have an empty truck returning to the Island, so if you have stuff to bring to the Island, keep me in mind. Again, it does not have a dump body, so no gravel, etc can be hauled, unless you want to shovel it off. Thanks... Kim Boehm 846 2468"
TODAY 10 AM- Donuts and Discussion at the rec!!
August 21, 2023 - TODAY - 5PM at the Recreation Center - 3rd annual Celebration of Chebeague's Nonprofits sponsored by The Recompense Fund - learn from all our nonprofits and enjoy refreshments too!
Click here to see some photos from the Barn Museum opening Saturday, August 19th.
Seaside Brass: A Fun Finale for a Glorious MacBeth Concert Season. Join us on Sunday, August 27 at 2:00 p.m. when we welcome back the Seaside Brass Quintet, who have been a part of the series almost since its beginning. Their program this year, “Cruisin’ With the Seaside Brass,” will feature their unique treatments of jazz, classical, pop and Gilbert and Sullivan. For starters, think “An American in Paris,” “Pirates of the Caribbean,” and “Basin Street Blues.” Their concert two-years ago was one of the most popular of that season—familiar music, a beautiful, relaxed setting. Bring your lawn chairs and blankets to Jim and Anne Gallagher’s yard, 113 Cottage Road. In case of rain, the concert will be held at the Chebeague Community Church. Questions? Contact Carl Tubbesing (carldt@gwi.nete) or Barrie Shepherd (barrieshep@aol.com).
School Committee Meeting Tomorrow August 22, 6pm at the school and it may be televised on the town youtube channel.
August 20, 2023 - REMINDER: Tomorrow at 5pm at the Rec Center Tennis Courts will be a Celebration of all of Chebeague's Nonprofits! Please come to this annual short event with refreshments sponsored by The Recompense Fund. It is so great to hear and learn all of the wonderful things our nonprofits do to help sustain our community!
Message from Kim Boehm: "Thanks to a very honest neighbor, my Hammer Drill is now home again! With chocolate cookies for late fee!! Only on Chebeague....Kim
August 18, 2023 - Message from Kim Boehm: A few months back, someone borrowed my Milwaukee Corded Hammer Drill. It was in a red metal case with lots of concrete drill bits and fasteners. If this was you, please return it. I forgot who borrowed it and I need it for a project" Thanks. Kim 846 2468
REMINDER: The Chebeague Island Living History Farm (CILHF) will have a Community celebration and Barn Museum open house Saturday the 19th from 11 am to 3 pm. We are located at the Second Wind Farm on Roy Hill Road, behind the Farm Stand. Come and view Chuck’s antique farm tools collection.
August 16, 2023 - photo by Art Ryder taken morning of August 16th Colemans Cove. Click here to see August 15th.
Come join us at the Hall on Saturday August 19 for a TURKEY DINNER and a performance/dance by THE FEW.
Dinner will begin at 5:30. Concert will follow. 7:00-10:00pm
Please bring a dessert to share and a drink of choice.
All donations will benefit band members as they head off to school.
Click here for messages from the Chebeague Yacht Club and learn about the August 19 Ocen Race and the Annual Meeting August 31st.
Selectmen's meeting tonight at the Hall at 6pm - click here for the agenda and packet.
Please don’t forget to place your OTTO Pizza before noon today - click here for menue and order.The orders come on the 4pm boat.
Parallel park on the wharf road and walk over to grab your food while being mindful of those that aren’t using the OTTO Pizza service. The town has received complaints about congestion once again. if more complaints are received, I may be forced to skip a Wednesday or possibly cancel these deliveries and we would really like to avoid that. I appreciate everyone’s help making sure all have safe access to the wharf. The last several weeks have been much improved, thanks to all!
Find our menu here: https://www.ottoportland.com/menu
August 15, 2023 - photo by Will Vaughan taken morning of August 15th from the bend on John Small Road.
Click here for a message of appreciation from the CRC for this year's Come Together on the Field Fundraiser and community celebration.
A Honda key went missing on the Stone Wharf yesterday or today. If you found it please contact Eldon at 846-9760 vixenskipper@gmail.com
Huge Estate Sale on Sunday, Aug. 20, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Furniture, antiques, housewares, tools, craft supplies, books (of all varieties!!!) and collectibles are being offered. The new owners of the house at 410 South Road (across from Katy McCann and Adrian Cole) have generously offered the contents with all proceeds to benefit the Island Commons. Come browse and find some treasures.
Ann Thaxter found money in the cemetery on Sunday. Contact her at 207-653-9823 to claim it.
August 14, 2023 - A memorial service will be held at the Island Community Church on August 15 at 1:30 PM for Ruth Ragan.
The Ladies Aid would like to thank all those who helped put on our Annual Summer Fair. It takes the efforts of all of you to make it a success. And it was a success again in 2023!
Our thanks also go to all those who came, and purchased, and took home our crafts and sweet stuff.
See you at the Fall Fair; and, if you’re not here in November (which is a most wonderful month on Chebeague), see you next summer!
CILHF Barn Museum Opening - This Saturday, August 19th, join the Community celebration of the opening of the CILHF Barn Museum. The Barn will be open from 11:00 am until 3:00 pm that day. The Barn Museum is located at the Second Wind Farm (next to the Farm Stand) on Roy Hill Road. Chuck will be leading tours of the amazing antique farm tools collection from past Chebeague Island farms.
MacBeth’s Jazz August Continues with the Novel Jazz Septet, Sunday, August 20, 2:00 p.m., Chebeague Island Schoolyard. What could be more compelling? A sunny Sunday afternoon (we hope!), folks in lawn chairs scattered around the schoolyard, dogs and kids darting around and the alluring music of Billy Strayhorn and Duke Ellington. The “cats” (jazzspeak for musicians) tell us that Chebeague is their favorite place to play—and it shows in the joy their take in playing familiar standards such as “Lotus Blossom,” “Day-Dream,” and “Take the A Train” and in introducing us to rare tunes they’ve found at the Smithsonian Institution. So, bring your lawn chairs and blankets and settle in for another entrancing installment of “America’s classical music.” (In case of inclement weather, the concert will move to the Chebeague Community Church.) Questions? Contact Carl Tubbesing (carldt@gwi.net) or Jack Turner (jack@tagturn.net).
If you get an invoice email from the Island Commons that says JUNE_STATEMENT UPDATED! do NOT open it.
I am back from a wonderful, exhausting hike in the White Mountains to Madison Hut over to Lakes of the Clouds and then Mount Washington so you can send your items to me now - thank you David Hill.
August 11, 2023 - Click here to see a great article about the Chebeague Historical Society.
Pirates, Whales and the Coast of Maine: a presentation by Jeanne Christie. At the Rec Center on Monday, August 14 at 7pm. Free to all ages, pirates will be charged one doubloon.
I will be away hiking in the White Mountains until Monday, so if you have an important item for chebeague.org contact David Hill drhill@chebeague.net.
August 9, 2023 - We had so much fun at the Chebeague Recreation Center Come together on the field afternoon last Saturday - Click here to see a little video by Ann Brenton that shows how much fun it was!!! The food and entertainment was very special!
A SPECIAL SERVICE: Chebeague Community Church issues an invitation to the entire island community to participate in worship this Sunday, August 13. Paul English, in addition to his Saturday night concert, is presenting a worship service called "Sacred Works of Poets, Friends, and Jazzers." There will be several superb guest musicians, a choir made up of island singers, and a wealth of beautiful sacred jazz by masters such as Brubek, Ellington, and Coltrane -- as well as "guest composers" J.S. Bach, A. Dvorak, G.M. Hopkins, F. Crosby, G. Miller, and Paul himself! This service is not to be missed! Please plan to arrive around 9:45 in order not to miss the pre-service music and the preludes. Coffee will be served afterward at the Parish House.
If you missed the August 6th Mystery Theater you can click here to see a video. Proceeds went to the Chebeague Kids Place Daycare.
August 8, 2023 - Message from Yacht Club: click here for the Ocean Race Schedule Change.
School Committee Meeting tonight and they will try to put it on the Town Youtube Channel. Click here for agenda.
TODAY - School House Seconds is open 9 to noon and 7-8pm
Well Survey and Sampling Update: We’ve had a great community response to the well survey -thanks to all who filled out the form. This week the Chebeague Climate Action Team started collecting water samples from homes on the island. The volunteer Team will be sampling on Chebeague through mid-August and has a lot of ground to cover. Last Friday was the deadline to get on the Team’s sampling list. But it’s not too late! We are still accepting survey forms, either online or in paper format, and you can still participate in the free water testing program. To do so you will need to pick up a sample kit, collect your own water sample and drop it off at the Town office on a designated date and time. If you haven’t submitted your form survey form yet , we encourage you to do so and to take advantage of the free water testing program. Here is the link to the online form https://forms.gle/8ub7SK4JpA5U5mah9 and extra paper forms are available at the Town Office and Library. Just indicate on the form that you would like a free water test, and we will be in touch. QUESTIONS: Email us at ChebeagueCAT@gmail.com or call Carol White at 846-4769.
For those who started watching Dwayne Tomah, from the Passamaquoddy Language and Cultural Knowledge Carrier - "Stories told through Passamaquoddy Song and Dance" presented by the Chebeague Historical Society - I think it is repaired click here!
August 7, 2023 - School House Seconds is open tomorrow, Tuesday, August 8, 9 to noon and 7-8pm.
Join us for “S” Day. If it begins with an “S” it’s buy one, get one free (BOGO) and All through August Sales: Pants BOG2Free, Holiday/Christmas BOG2Free, Artwork/Frames ½ price and almost everything in the front room ½ off. Oriental rugs are still available; make an offer and support projects of the Island Council. Note: Special Saturday Opening this Saturday, August 12, 9-noon!
The Chebeague Island Library is holding community input sessions to gather feedback in regards to what the community would like to see in regards to remote workspace at the library. We recently received a grant from the State of Maine that will help us gauge the need for remote work spaces. Please join us for our community input sessions on
Monday, August 7th from 6:30-8 pm
Wednesday, August 9th from 2-4 pm
Saturday, August 12th from 10 am – noon
Refreshments will be served!
Next Up for MacBeth: Not One, But Two Special Concerts from the Wonderful World of Jazz. The rich jazz tradition encompasses many sub-genres. The weekend of August 12-13 will feature two quite disparate, equally rewarding approaches to “America’s classical music.” On Saturday, August 12 at 7:00 p.m., Paul English, celebrated musician and composer, will return to Chebeague with a unique double-saxophone quintet. They’ll be riffing on an enthralling mix of jazz and songbook standards, as well as Paul’s own compositions. On Sunday, August 13 at 10:00 a.m., he will serve as music director of “Sacred Music of Poets, Friends and Jazzers,” which will include deeply spiritual music of Duke Ellington, Dave Brubeck and John Coltrane. Both concerts will be held at the Chebeague Community Church. Questions? Contact Adele Gorody (adele@gorody.com).
For those who missed Donna Damon's lecture on Chebeague's District 9 Schoolhouse that was done on June 10th - click here to see.
August 6, 2023 - photo of the director and cast of CRC Childrens Theater Matilda Jr. - click to see Sunday's performance!
TODAY - Matilda Jr. by the Chebeague Childrens Theater at 1pm at the Hall! $10 donation.
TONIGHT - Mystery Theater - benefitting the Kids Place at 7:30pm at the Hall!
August 4, 2023 - TONIGHT: CRC Children's Theater presents - Matilda Jr. the Musical tonight at 7pm at the Hall $10 at the door -
For those who missed the July 24th Dwayne Tomah, from the Passamaquoddy Language and Cultural Knowledge Carrier - "Stories told through Passamaquoddy Song and Dance" presented by the Chebeague Historical Society - click here!
Topic: Deb Bowman's Memorial Service
Time: Aug 4, 2023 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 846 6413 9237
Passcode: 700965
August 2, 2023 - The Yarmouth Vet will be at the Hall on Thursday morning from 9:00 to 11:30. The sign-up sheet will be on the front door by around 6:30. Call Sam (846-0510) with any questions.
Come help solve the murder mystery! Chebeague Island Mystery Theater is at the Hall on Sunday, August 6 at 7:30 pm. Admission is $8 and all proceeds will benefit the Kids' Place. The game's afoot!
COME TOGETHER ON THE FIELD, Sat, August 5th 4-8pm: Join the CRC for its 3rd annual Come Together on the Field fundraiser and community celebration. Tickets available NOW via this link: $50 per adult; $10 per child; $800 for an 8-person sponsorship table under the tent. Your ticket includes: a complete summer BBQ spread (Chicken, Pulled Pork, Vegetarian or Kids Option), entertainment from Chebeague musicians & Nashville singer-songerwriters, Sam Robbins & Halley Neal, raffles, auction, and lawn games. This event is a vitally important fundraiser for the Chebeague Recreation Center. Thank you for helping to make year-round programming at our Rec possible! FMI: chebeaguerec.com
The Historical Society Lobster Bake scheduled for August 13th is sold out. The good news is that we have 50 music only tickets available for $20 each for the 7-9:30 pm music portion of the event. You can buy the MUSIC ONLY tickets at the museum or on the night of the event, if there are any left. The professional jazz musicians and vocalist Lauren Massey (a founder of Manhattan Transfer) will perform a set of jazz music from various decades before presenting a more varied program that will be great for listening as well as dancing. The event will take place under the tent at the Museum. We hope to see you at the evening event or the afternoon Celebration of the District 9 schoolhouse – all taking place at the Museum on Sunday, August 13. More detail to come on the specifics of the free afternoon event, which will be held from 1-3 and will include activities for folks of all ages.
The LIBRARY will be closed on Friday to allow staff to attend Deb Bowman's service and honor her years of hard work at the library.
Thanks to the volunteers from CICA, Chebeague Historical Society, Chebeague Island Council, Sailing School, Rec Center, and Island Commons over 720 clynk bags have been sent off island since mid June. Well over 10,000 pounds of cans and bottles have been eliminated from the town waste stream and shipped for free by Casco Bay Lines. Volunteers from Chebeague Library, Stephen Ross Scholarship, Kids Place, Chebeague and Cumberland Land Trust, and the Chebeague Community Church will be helping out in the next several weeks. If you have a couple of hours to spare, get in touch with one of these organizations and lend a hand.
August 1, 2023 - SAVE THE DATE: Monday, August 21, 5pm for the Annual Celebration of our Island Nonprofits hosted by The Recompense Fund! We will hear from all of our nonprofits about what they are doing while enjoying refreshements at the Recreation Center Tennis Courts. I am looking forward to seeing everyone and learning more about the wonderful work our island nonprofits do to help sustain our community!!
TODAY - School House Seconds, for our SupercaliFRAGIListic Sale, Fragile items are Buy One Get One free (BOGO).
We are open 9-noon and 7-8pm.
Message from the COMMONS: Two new wheelchairs added to the Island Commons’ popular Medical Loan Closet
As many Chebeaguers know, the Commons for years has operated a medical loan closet, stocked with a variety of home health equipment, including crutches, commodes, shower seats and walkers, available free of charge. Accidents happen, and the loan closet has come to the rescue numerous times for the year-round and seasonal Chebeague community.
Thanks to a grant from the Jonah and Elizabeth Dyer Charitable Foundation of South Portland to support the Commons’ community care programs, we have acquired two new wheelchairs to augment the loan closet inventory. One is a 19-inch-wide transport chair (compatible with ramps to CTC ferry) and the other a 20-inch- wide standard wheelchair.
The Commons is pleased to be able to offer use of these chairs to islanders at no charge. Special arrangements can be made for extended use. For insurance purposes, borrowers are asked to complete a sign-out sheet (available at www.islandcommons.com ). Please contact Commons Administrator Amy Rich (amy.rich@islandcommons.com) or Care Manager Christina Sawtelle (christina.sawtelle@islandcommons.com) or call (207) 846-5610.
Another message from Commons: Our 2023 online auction wrapped up on Friday, the 21st with a frenzy of last-minute bidding. Thanks to all our sponsors, donors and very competitive bidders, we raised over $23,000 to support The Commons. This year we achieved a remarkable 160% return on value, with most items going well over their market price!
Many thanks to everyone who participated in making our summer fundraiser a great success!
July 31, 2023 - Jazz and Pop Music to Highlight a Special MacBeth August. MacBeth’s 2023 season so far has treated Chebeaguers to stunning music from the classical repertoire and charmed us with musical depictions of children’s stories. In August, our focus will shift to jazz and pop. Here is the month in a nutshell: Paul English’s Jazz on the Half-Shell, Saturday, August 12, 7:00 p.m.; Paul English’s Sacred Music of Poets, Friends and Jazzers, Sunday, August 13, 10:00 a.m.; Novel Jazz Septet, Newly-Found Ellington and Strayhorn Jazz Works, Sunday, August 20, 2:00 p.m.; Cruising with the Seaside Brass Quintet, Sunday, August 27, 2:00 p.m. [click here] for more detail about each of the concerts.
CRC Chebeague Recreation Center Week of 7/30: Come Together on the Field is this Saturday!
MYSTERY THEATER. Donna Damon and Jonny Miller will star in the Mystery Theater on Sunday, August 6th at 7:30 PM.
Today, July 31, is the last day to bring donations to School House Seconds. Thank you for your support and cooperation!
Come visit us at School House Seconds, Tuesday, August 1 for our SupercaliFRAGIListic Sale, Fragile items are Buy One Get One free (BOGO).
We are open 9-noon and 7-8pm.
July 25, 2023 - Today: School House Seconds - 9 to noon and 7-8pm.
Today: An informal open house with the theme of "Margaret Ingram's Time on Chebeague" 3-5pm on Tuesday, July 25, 2023 at 16 Capps Road
CCLT - Get Out! Nature Walk - Tide Pooling at Bennett's Cove followed by a picnic lunch at Sanford's Pond with volunteer leader Caitlin Gerber! Wednesday, July 26, from 10:45 to 2pm - click here for more information.
The Chebeague Island Yacht Club invites you to the annual Round Island sailing race!
Saturday July 29, 1:00 pm start
Start/finish by Crow Island
Race info and course— chebeagueyachtclub.com/round-island-race-2023
Need a boat? Need crew?
Add your info to the crew matchmaking list— bit.ly/RIcrew23
Sign up
Email Rich Hubbell— hubbell.rich@gmail.com
The tickets are going fast for the Historical Society's District 9 Schoolhouse150th Anniversary Lobsterbake from 5-9 on Sunday, 13th under the tent at the Museum. The event will include music for listening and dancing by a professional jazz orchestra with vocalist Laura Masse, a founding member of Manhattan Transfer! Lobster, Chicken, and Vegan options. Stop by the Museum or call 846-5237 Tuesday - Saturday 11-4 to reserve a spot. As of Monday, only 25 tickets left! BYOB.
Save the Date: Tuesday, August 29th, 2:15pm at the Library for a poetry reading by the Coastal Poets. The Coastal Poets are a group of poets formed from the creative community of the Maine Writers and Publishers Association. 5 poets will share original works inspired by the coast and islands of Maine. Click here for more information.
July 24, 2023 - photo by Krista Hayward. Chick almost ready to fledge. Click here for the latest on the plovers.
I am so happy to report that all four of our baby Piping Plovers are still alive along with their parents and are learning to fly!!! We are hoping they will take off for their long journey soon and in the mean time please don't bring your dogs to the hook - it will be just a few more days. This has been an amazing success story here in Maine and we are all so thankful for ALL the volunteer stewards as well as all the poeple who have been so respectful of the situation. We always have asked that you don't let your dogs chase the birds as the sandpipers and plovers stop by the hook to replenish and then fly a few thousand miles more.
School House Seconds is open Tuesday, July 25, 9-noon and 7-8pm. Time to stock up on clothing with our Same Type of Clothing BOGO (buy one, get one). BOGO item must be of the same type of clothing and…pants are BOG2Free! Your purchases support Island Council projects on Chebeague Island. Reminder: July 30 is the last day we will accept donations this year.
COME TOGETHER ON THE FIELD, Sat, August 5th 4-8pm: Join the CRC for its 3rd annual Come Together on the Field fundraiser and community celebration. Tickets available NOW via this link: $50 per adult; $10 per child; $800 for an 8-person sponsorship table under the tent. Your ticket includes: a complete summer BBQ spread (Chicken, Pulled Pork, Vegetarian or Kids Option), entertainment from Chebeague musicians & Nashville singer-songerwriters, Sam Robbins & Halley Neal, raffles, auction, and lawn games. This event is a vitally important fundraiser for the Chebeague Recreation Center. Thank you for helping to make year-round programming at our Rec possible! FMI: chebeaguerec.com
July 20, 2023 -Just a few hours left to place your final bids! After two fun weeks, the Commons online auction draws to a close this Friday, July 21st at 5pm.
Thanks to our many generous donors, and to all the enthusiastic bidders, we've surpassed $20,000 (and counting) in support of Chebeague Island Commons elder services. We wouldn't exist without the dedication & support of our community and the generosity of our donors. THANK YOU, and good luck with the final bidding!!
CLICK for the Commons Auction page...
Dear Members & Friends of the Rec:
We hope you are enjoying your summer!
With so much going on we forgot to mention that this Friday Night is our Family Fun Night! Click here for more information
Also this weekend is the Rec's turn to staff the Chedemption bottle return at the Transfer Station. We are looking for any adult volunteers that may be able to help this Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. Please reach out to Eliza Jane Adams for more information. Her Cell is 207-233-8533.
Thank you for all of your support!
Steve Auffant, Executive Director
Jenny Hackel, President
MacBeth To Present Our Second Annual “Children of All Ages” Program, Saturday, July 29, 4:00 p.m. Kids, parents, grandparents and all of us who are young at heart will be charmed, captivated and moved when the Halcyon String Quartet returns to the Chebeague Community Church with “Wonderful World,” their lively musical retelling of Robert McCloskey’s Blueberries for Sal and Ashley Bryan’s Wonderful World and Let It Shine. Don’t let that bear on the stage worry you. She’s really quite delightful, as are the tunes the players will use to tell the stories—What a Wonderful World, The Teddy Bear’s Picnic, Tiptoe Through the Tulips, Help! and many more. As if the music weren’t enough, we’ll be handing out a copy of one of the books to each family attending. And be sure to check out the Wonderful World activities the Chebeague Island Library is planning for the week of the concert. Questions? Contact Jill Whitman Marsee (jill.marsee@gmail.com).
July 17, 2023 - School House Seconds is open tomorrow, Tuesday, July 18, from 9-noon and 7-8pm. Join the fun with our “Open and Shut BOGO Sale” this week; purchase an item that can open and shut and get another similar item for free! Also, check out the many nice appliances, framed artwork and four oriental rugs for sale. Reminder: July 31 is the last day this year we are able to accept your donations.
Please join Jan Wentling's family, Saturday, August 5th at 11am at the Chebeague Community Church for a memorial service followed by a luncheon at Polly and Kevin's house directly afterward. Please contact Polly Wentworth at pkwentworth@gmail.com or 207-233-8382 with any questions.
July 15, 2023 - An informal open house with the theme of "Margaret Ingram's Time on Chebeague" 3-5pm on Tuesday, July 25, 2023 at 16 Capps Road. Her ashes will have been buried at the cemetery by family earlier that day. All are welcome and light refreshments will be served. https://chebeague.org/obits/ingrammargaret/index.html
TONIGHT: July 16th 6:30-9pm, please join the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Rec Center with “Dessert and Dancing” at the Inn. Emceed by Chebeague's own, Jonny Miller! $20 per person, includes music and sweet treats. Cash bar. Tickets at the door - OR - grab your tickets ONLINE via this link and be entered to win a 10-punch pool pass! A name from online ticket sales will be drawn at Sunday's event. We'll see you there! FMI: chebeaguerecreation@gmail.com
July 14, 2023 - TOMORROW: Poetry For The People at the library from 3 to 4pm.
TOMORROW: Linda White's Celebration of Life, 4:30 to 6:30 at Christine Englund's Backyard Oasis - 18 Back Shore Drive
TOMORROW: Game night at the Hall from 7 to 9 PM - Free
Sebago-Long Lake Music Festival Next Up for the MacBeth Concert Series. Overheard on the ferry: “Wasn’t that first concert absolutely stunning?” “It really was. I can’t wait for the next one!” Chebeague music lovers don’t have long to wait. Our next concert will be held in less than two weeks when the beloved musicians of the Sebago-Long Lake Music Festival return to Chebeague with a program featuring chamber works by Franz Josef Haydn, Zoltan Kodaly, and Antonin Dvorak, whose Piano Quintet in A Major is acknowledged to be “one of the finest examples of late Romantic chamber music.” As many Chebeaguers know, the world-class musicians of the Sebago-Long Lake festival got our concert series started over 20 years ago. Join us on Thursday, July 20 at 6:30 p.m. at the Chebeague Community Church when their music and musicianship once again will inspire and delight us. Please note the special starting time of 6:30 p.m. Questions? Contact Carl Tubbesing (carldt@gwi.net) or John Howard (ceciljohn6@gmail.com).
The transfer station will be closed Sunday July 16 from 2:45 to 3:30 for a burial in the cemetery. The compactors in the transfer station are noisy and maybe distracting during a burial service. Thank you for your kind consideration for the family and friends of the deceased.
July 13, 2023 - photos by Krista and Kate Hayward. Four chicks are still doing well so far.
For an update on the Chebeague Island Broadband project, please visit the 2023 Broadband site.
For members and people who would like to join the Chebeague Island Yacht Club: CIYC Upcoming Events
The Town of Chebeague Island is hiring. Effective immediately the town is seeking to hire an Office Assistant/Deputy Clerk. This is a 3-day ( 24 hour a week) position. Benefits, vacation, and sick times apply. Please go to the town site for more information. Any questions can be directed to Viktoria Wood, Town Administrator.
Chebeague Community Church will present a service called "Lessons and Carols for a Summer Day" this Sunday, July 16 at 10:00 AM. Music will be provided by guest artist John Howard. Coffee and fellowship at the Parish House will follow the service. All are welcome!
Aquaculture Public Hearing - August 15, Chebeague Island Hall 1:30 PM for the first one and 3 PM for the second one Great Ledge Cove Seafood, LLC and Stewart Hunt proposals. Click here for details.
Please mark your calendars: Tuesday, July 31, is the last day to bring in donations to School House Seconds this year. We are having a great year selling items and generating funds to be used by the Island Council for community projects. Thank you to our generous donors who've consistently jammed the front entrance of the building with "treasures" for shoppers. And thank you to our shoppers. You make it all possible!
July 12, 2023 - This Sunday, July 16th 6:30-9pm, please join the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Rec Center with “Dessert and Dancing” at the Inn. Emceed by Chebeague's own, Jonny Miller! $20 per person, includes music and sweet treats. Cash bar. Tickets at the door - OR - grab your tickets ONLINE via this link and be entered to win a 10-punch pool pass! A name from online ticket sales will be drawn at Sunday's event. We'll see you there! FMI: chebeaguerecreation@gmail.com
Owing to a paucity of donations, the Hall is postponing its Martha Hamilton Arts and Crafts Swap, scheduled for July 29th. We hope to wow you all next year with an amazing array of art and craft supplies and inspire your creativity!
July 11, 2023 - photo by Kate Hayward of one of the 2 1/2 week chick on 7/11.
Kids' Place is hiring an Assistant Teacher. Competitive Benefits, high pay, flexible schedule, boat tickets and parking included for commuters and best of all, you get to work with our wonderful island kids! E-mail caitlin.whetham.kidsplace@gmail.com or check out the website to learn more: http://www.chebeaguerec.com/kids-place.html.
Bounty of Art open days Thursday and Saturday, 11:00am to 2:00 pm. South Road. Lots of unique gifts and craftsmen. Come check it out!
Today - School House Seconds - 9 to noon and 7-8pm.
July 10, 2023 - Help the Historical Society celebrate the 150th anniversary of the District 9 schoolhouse on August 13th at the Museum. We will have free afternoon activities from 1-3 PM followed by a lobster bake with live entertainment from 5 to 9:30 PM. Tickets for the evening event are $85 each and on sale at the Museum. For more information about the event, click here. For biographies of the eight musicians and vocalists who will perform, click here. It will be a great event, join us!
The Chebeague Island Yacht Club will be reviving the Picnic Race under the new format of Sailing Picnic and Race, with a race back to Chebeague as optional. The picnic will be held, with special permission, on Bates Island, on Saturday, July 15, at noon. All members of the Chebeague Island Yacht Club are encouraged to attend the picnic on Bates Island. It’s BYOP (Bring Your Own Picnic). If you’re not a member, you’re encouraged to join before the race! Your membership helps to support the sailing school as well as activities of the yacht club. See more at https://chebeagueyachtclub.com/ Please check our website by 10am on Saturday in case we need to change the date to Sunday due to rain.
The latest Sailing School and Yacht Club email update can be viewed here - Sailing School and Yacht Club update.
School registration for new students enrolling in PreK - 5th grade is currently open for the 2023-2024 school year! Please call the Chebeague Island School at 207-846-4162 or email admin@chebeagueschool.net to start the registration process.
School House Seconds Open Tomorrow. Tuesday July 11, 9-noon and 7-8pm.
Come shop at this week's fun "Shop til you Drop Surprise Sale".
Proceeds benefit Island Council projects like the Soup Lunch, Flu Clinics and Fuel Assistance. Come shop with us!
July 9, 2023 - From Jen Belesca: On Sunday July 16th I will be participating in the 16th annual TRI for a Cure in South Portland. Thank you to all that have donated this year and previous years! I am proud to participate in this event and raise money for Maine Cancer Foundation. Please take a moment to look at my fundraising page https://mainecancer.donordrive.com/participant/33543 and consider contributing, joining me in the fight against cancer. We all know people affected by cancer and we have all lost friends, family, neighbors, acquaintances, to this horrible disease. This is how I choose to honor those I have lost. Please join me as I TRI for a CURE. Thank you for your consideration & support!
School Committee Meeting, Tuesday, July 11 at 6pm at the Rec Center- see agenda.
July 8, 2023 - TODAY: ARTS & CRAFTS FAIR! July 8th from 10am to 1pm at the Hall - jewelry, paintings, wood working, rugs and many other crafts! RAFFLE TOO!
TODAY: - School House Seconds - 9 to noon and 7-8pm.
I recommend always checking on the EVENT CALENDAR (listed above in red) that Chip maintains about the events happening on the island. Sometimes I don't get the information and when I do it then gets buried below. This is how I keep up with things happening on the island!
TOMORROW MORNING: at 6am (I know it is early but such fun) the Odyssey Swim/Run begins at the chandlers dock!!!! I have attached the map for people to line the streets and cheer these amazing athletes on. They run and swim to the NIBLIC and then run to the hook and swim to Little Chebeague. The Stephen L Ross Scholarship Fund gets a donation for volunteering for this great Organization. https://www.odysseyswimrun.com/casco if you want more info. Click here for map.
“For the Seedlings storytime Program at Second Wind Farm please email chebeaguefarm@gmail.com to register. “
CICA Annual Meeting, Sunday July 16th, 4-6PM - please RSVP - all Chebeaguers welcome! A brief annual business meeting will be followed by a barbecue potluck at the home of Pips and Bill, 66 North Road. Kids welcome too! Bring a side or dessert to share. RSVP with Bill Mackenzie (Alaskamckenzie@gmail.com)
July 7, 2023 - Message from Chris Bogle: FOR 2 DAYS ONLY! Package pickup spot in the lot of the slow bell.
TONIGHT: at dusk (about 8:30), the Rec Center will host an outdoor movie night at dusk at Volunteer Field courtesy of the Ultimate Disc coach who is coming to Chebeague for the Ultimate events. We have a suggested donation of $10 adults and $5 students but no one will be turned away and there will be popcorn! The movie will be Tom Hanks in “Castaway.” Bring your beach chairs and enjoy a fun movie night under the stars.
The Island Commons’ popular auction, Bid Hello to Summer, begins on Saturday, July 8, and will run through Friday, July 21. Items up for bid include artwork, Chebeague and Casco Bay adventures, taste-tempting “fresh from the bay” seafood offerings and a dazzling array of gift cards. All items will be available for bidding during the two-week auction. This is the Commons’ main fundraising event. Thanks to our sponsors and item donors. Check out the fun at https://www.32auctions.com/bidhellotosummer2023 and get ready for some competitive bidding!
There will be an estate sale at 27 Fenderson Rd the weekends of July 1st and 2nd and July 8th and 9th. From 10-5 each day. There are lots of books, dishes, knickknacks, furniture, appliances and many random things to look through. We will be excepting cash or Venmo. It will be indoors, so rain or shine we hope to see you there, everything must go.
The transfer station will be closed Saturday July 8 from 11:15 until 12:15 for a burial in the cemetery. It will enable the family to have peace and quiet during the service. Thank you for your kind consideration for the family and friends.
July 6, 2023 - Selectmen's Meeting Tonight starting at 5 with Executive Session and then 6 regular meeting. Click here for agenda and packet.
“ The Seedlings Program is starting at Second Wind Farm, on Wednesday, July 12, from 11-12 Noon.
Seedlings is a program for 3-5 year-olds for farm/nature-themed stories and crafts presented by Chebeague’s own Farm Fairy. Children must have a parent or guardian in attendance.The program runs through July and August at the same time every Wednesday and Saturday.
Cost is $10.00 per child. Space is limited to five children per session.
For questions please call or text Esme Cole at (207) 712 4021
To register, please email chebeaguefarm@gmail.com to sign up.
Thanks to all who came out to celebrate and participate in the 43rd Annual 4th of July Fun Run & Road Race! We had 85 people participate in the Road Race (see photo of start) and 65 people in the Fun Run (see photo of start), for a total of 150 participants, and $1,660 raised to support youth and family programming at the Rec Center! Photos taken by Barry Fitzsimmons (thank you, Barry!)
A very special thanks to all of the volunteers who made it possible to bring back this special 4th of July tradition: Suhail Bisharat, Vicki & Chip Emery, Barry Fitzsimmons, Jenny Hackel, Nancy Hill, Johanna Hunter, Gavin McCarthy, Beth McNulty, Sandy Ragan, Beth & Gerry Wiles, and the Chebeague Rescue (thank you, Eliza Jane!)
Linked here are the time results of the 4.6 mile Road Race. Congratulations to our Fun Run & Road Race top finishers:
1st Place Female, Fun Run: Katherine MacDonald, 9:53
1st Place Male, Fun Run: Teddy Greenleaf, 8:54
1st Place Overall Female: Morgan Melkonian
2nd Place Overall Female: Caroline Dunn
3rd Place Overall Female: Jamie Gronningsater
1st Place Overall Male: Sam Hamilton
2nd Place Overall Male: Ian MacNeill
3rd Place Overall Male: Zachary Lopes
1st Under 40 Female: Kathleen Hager
1st 40+ Female: Molly Hoyt
1st 60+ Female: Barbara Merrill
1st Under 40 Male: Aidan Dean
1st 40+ Male: Zach Grunko
1st 60+ Male: Michele Tagliati
We have a few awards left for those who missed the ceremony. Please reach out to Kate Emery McCarthy to pick up your award: kwemery20@gmail.com
July 5, 2023 - The Yarmouth vet will be at the Hall Thursday from 8:45 to 11:30. Contact Sam with questions (846 0510). The sign-up sheet will be on the front door.
Click here to learn how the Piping Plovers are doing and how we are all working to protect these birds that haven't been in Casco Bay for 40 years.
On Friday evening July 7th at dusk (about 8:30), the Rec Center will host an outdoor movie night at dusk at Volunteer Field courtesy of the Ultimate Disc coach who is coming to Chebeague for the Ultimate events. We have a suggested donation of $10 adults and $5 students but no one will be turned away and there will be popcorn! The movie will be Tom Hanks in “Castaway.” Bring your beach chairs and enjoy a fun movie night under the stars.
Saturday is the ARTS & CRAFTS FAIR! July 8th from 10am to 1pm at the Hall - jewelry, paintings, wood working, rugs and many other crafts! RAFFLE TOO!
"The Howard family is having a celebration of the life of Christopher Howard (10/12/45 - 12/12/22) Sunday, July 16 at 2 p.m. at the Chebeague Island Community Church. The graveside interment will be for family and friends and there will be a Parish Hall reception open to everyone following the service. For more information contact John Howard.
Message from the Library: Ahoy Mateys! This is the summer to hunt for the perfect reading spot on Chebeague. Gather your eye patches, compass and telescopes and stop by the library to sign up for summer reading! Where will you be reading this summer?
Are you in Middle School? Want to get out of the house for a couple of hours? Join us on July 5th from 7-9pm at the Library for Middle School Night! Spend time with friends, Check out books, Play board games or do puzzles, Work on an art project
Join Fern for Storytime at the Library on July 8th at 10:30am
"Looking for long lasting oriental rugs for your home? A generous donor gifted School House Seconds with four rugs, appraised by Chebeaguer Tad Runge of Runge Oriental Rugs in Yarmouth (nationally recognized expert), they are available for sale. Click on link to see photo. View them at SHS during open hours this week; Weds, July 5, 9-noon and 7-8pm and Saturday, July 8, 9-11am."
July 4, 2023 - From Sarah and the Island Council: Thanks to all who participated in and cheered on the 4th of July Parade! The floats, golf carts, and tractors were fantastic!
---Thank you to our Parade Marshals, Hartley and Diane Brewere, and to our esteemed judges, Pam Curran, Abbie Isenberg, Lily Distler, and Bill Hopkins.
---the winners are:
First Place Float - Shipload of Fools
2nd Place - Bounty Pub..
3rd place - Awesome Kelp
First Place Golf Cart - Chebeague is Our Treasure
2nd Place - Fishing Adventure
3rd Place - Bounty of the Sea
---First Place Tractor - Vintage Tractor Boys
2nd Place - Plastic Bounty of the Sea
Honorable (and loving) Mention to The Osprey
There are certifiates and prizes coming your way. ---Congratulations and thanks again!!!
July 2, 2023 - Here’s the June weather summary and graphics from Bill Dnnielson: The best thing about Chebeague’s June weather was that persistent light onshore winds deflected most of Canada’s wildfire smoke to our west The worst thing was that persistent light onshore winds made for a cool, cloudy, foggy, rainy month. We measured 5.42 inches, which fell on 21 different days. In Portland it was 5.64 inches, on 22 days.
Click here data and click here for temp graph:
The graph depicts days with temperatures above normal shaded in red, and below normal in blue. High temps made it above the normal line for the date on only 5 days!
Everyone is invited to the celebration of Linda D. White's life!!!
When: July 15th from 4:30 to 6:30pm
Where: Christine Englund's Backyard Oasis - 18 Back Shore Drive, Chebeague Island
Bring your stories to share while you mingle. Questions: Contact Polly Wentworth pkwentworth@gmail.com or 207-233-8382. Please make sure to park on the South Road and walt to the house.
Mark your calendars: The MYSTERY THEATER will be performed at The Hall on Sunday, August 6th at 7:30 PM. It will be a benefit for Kids’ Place.
July 1, 2023 - Chuck will be opening the Second Wind Farm Stand on Roy Hill Road on Sunday July 2nd.
Chebeague grown lettuce, Swiss chard, and scapes are being harvested now. More vegetables will soon follow. The Farm Stand is open every day from 9:00 am until dusk.
Message from Katherine Bass: My son and daughter-in-law arrived today and sent all their things via freight and one didn’t get there. Small black suitcase with wheels, has a blue lanyard wrapped on the handle, children’s books in the front pocket and toys inside. We are presuming someone got it by accident as everybody’s items were all distributed among different carts. They can contact me at 410-236-6685 or Eric at 410-262-9924.
The GCTC season is in full swing, join us!
--Junior tennis on Wednesdays 10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. beginning July 5th. Men’s scrambles on Mondays 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. beginning July 3rd. Women’s scrambles on Thursdays 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. beginning July 6th. Season Kick-off with the Golf Club Friday July 7th. Sunday Socials 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. beginning July 9th. For membership information please visit chebeaguetenns.com.
Special Holiday Shopping Hours at School House Seconds! Mark your calendars.
Special Wednesday Hours, July 5, 9-noon and 7-8pm.
Special Saturday Hours, July 8, 9-11am.
We will not be open on Tuesday, July 4th so we can participate in island events.
The Chebeague Historical Society is pleased that the CRC has chosen our location for the 43rd Annual Fun Run and the Road Race on July 4th. Both races will start and finish at the Museum, followed by the Award Ceremony. Come join us for the races! The Museum and Museum Shop will be open.
---- We will also be selling tickets to our 150th Anniversary Celebration of the District 9 Schoolhouse on Sunday August 13th . Tickets are $85 each and include a lobster bake (with chicken and vegan options) and live entertainment. BYOB. Visit our website chebeaguehistory.com for more information about the event. Visit chebeaguerec.com for more information about the 4th of July events.
----Our updated July newsletter click here.
June 30, 2023 - Kick off the 4th of July weekend with Turd Pollack at the Island Hall Saturday July 1st !!
BYOB and dancing from 8:00 to Midnight. $10 at the door
Chebeague Community Church will welcome John Emery as guest speaker on Sunday, July 2 at 10:00 AM. Please join the congregation for this exciting and vibrant service, which will also feature guest pianist Bob Eaton! Coffee and refreshments at the Parish House will follow the service.
June 29, 2023 - We are pleased to announce the formation the Chebeague Island Fire & Rescue Association. We have been awarded the status of a 501c3 non-profit. The purpose is to assist our Town of Chebeague Island Fire & Rescue Department for such things as raising and spending funds for deserving non-budget items, enhancing department morale, helping recruit and retain members, fostering and enhancing community support and respect for the Department.
Click here to see a photo of our
newly elected board members from left to right. Tad Runge, secretary/treasurer. Jeff Wescott, President. Denise Hamilton, Vice President. Beth Putnam, member at large. And John Ash, member at large.
Community Breakfast, Saturday, July 1st, 8:30 to 10:00am at the Chebeague Island Hall Community Center FREE! Join us for breakfast, trivia and door prizes - sponsored by the Chebeague Cliimate Action Team - bring your postcard (that was mailed) with you to use as a raffle ticket!
Saturday night 7pm live music with Turd Pollack at the HALL!
June 28, 2023 - Reminders from the Rec Center:
FRIDAY, 6/30: Come celebrate the reopening of the pool this Friday from 12-4pm. FREE and open to the community; Hot dogs and chips will be available.
MONDAY, 7/3: Join us for our Open House and Contra Dance. Open House starts at 5:30, Contra Dance starts at 6:30pm. Tickets at the door: $10 for students; $15 for adults; $40 per family.
TUESDAY, 7/4: 4th of July Fun Run & Road Race at the Historical Society. Please pre-register via this link! 1.1 mile Fun Run at 8:00AM, $5; 4.6 mile Road Race at 9:00am, $15. FMI: Contact Kate at kwemery20@gmail.com.
Do not open email from Sally Crapser asking for money for the Golf Course - it is a scam.
In Maine Voices, Portland Press Herald, yesterday was a story about Bette Davis's Gloves on Chebeague by Susan Stranahan - click here to see. Click here if you are unable to view it in the paper.
June 27, 2023 - The transfer station will be closed Wednesday June 28 until 3:00. The family and friends attending a burial in the cemetery will enjoy the peace and quiet during the service. Thank you for your patience and understanding
July 4th is next Tuesday! Are you ready? Diane and Hartley Brewer are our esteemed Parade Marshals. Parade will muster at the Inn at 11:00 and will start at 11:30.
The theme of this year’s parade is “Bounty of the Sea.” Prizes for best entries will be awarded at Volunteer Field after the parade.
You have one week to design your float, decorate your golf cart, and spiff up your bike. See you there!
Only one more week to until the 4th of July and Lobster Roll lunches are going fast. Don't forget to reserve yours today at www.chebeaguerec.com or by e-mailing gerber_c@hotmail.com. Lunches include fresh lobster roll, drink, dessert, and chips for $25. Pickup is available at Chebeague Recreation Center from 11-1pm on July 4th. Please order by 7/2. Thank you!
Today - School House Seconds - 9 to noon and 7-8pm.
June 26, 2023 - photo by Krista Hayward (using a long lens) of parent and four chicks - count the legs - 10.
There will be an estate sale at 27 Fenderson Rd the weekends of July 1st and 2nd and July 8th and 9th. From 10-5 each day. There are lots of books, dishes, knickknacks, furniture, appliances and many random things to look through. We will be excepting cash or Venmo. It will be indoors, so rain or shine we hope to see you there, everything must go.
Join us for fun island shopping at the School House Seconds this week, Tuesday, June 27!
We hope so see you shopping with us during our open hours this week, Tuesdays: 9am-noon and 7-8pm
Mark your Calendar, New Saturday hours: July 8 and August 12, 9am-11am
Shop unbelievable useful items and keepsakes. Clothing, children's "keep them happy puzzles and games" items and much more.
Your purchases and donations support projects of the Island Council.
Chebeague Island Historical Society has some special events planned for this summer! On July 24th we will be visited by Dwayne Tomah – the youngest fluent speaker of the Passamaquoddy Tribe’s language. Dwayne will share Passamaquoddy songs and dance – and be performing! On August 13th we will host a 150th anniversary celebration of the District 9 Schoolhouse – our home. Lots of activities are planned – including a band and lobster bake. See our July newsletter for more information here.
June 24, 2023 - Message from the Town: The TRANSFER Station will be CLOSED this weekend due to full capacity on everything. We will open on Tuesday at 9AM - We apologize for any inconveniences.
TODAY - 11 to 12:30 at the Hall: The Chebeague Cumberland Land Trust presenting: "Building a Biodiverse and Climate Resistent Yard with the Wild Seed Project"
TONIGHT - At the Church (not Hall) 7pm - Whalers are thrilled to invite you to join us for our summer concert, "Reunion"
Chebeague Community Church welcomes Pastor Nancy Collins back to the pulpit this Sunday, June 25 at 10:00 AM. Pastor Nancy will conduct the service and also celebrate Communion. Please join us for worship, and for fellowship afterward!
Due to an unavoidable conflict, we must reschedule Donna Damon’s June 26 lecture to the fall. The next Ellsworth Miller lecture will be on July 24, when we welcome Dwayne Tomah from the Passamaquoddy tribe, who will share his work with the Library Congress to preserve the Passamaquoddy language. He will also present a program of dance and song that he performed at the Kennedy Center in D.C
June 22, 2023 - photo of a piping plover by Karl Ramsdell - Very exciting news - we have a nesting pair at the Hook! Please click here to learn about them and how we are protecting them. It has been 40 years since they have bred in Casco Bay!CCLT and Indian Island Association are working closely with experts at Maine Inland Fisheries and Wildlife and Maine Audubon to monitor the plovers and help protect them.
After a three and a half year hiatus, the Whalers are thrilled to invite you to join us for our summer concert, "Reunion", this Saturday, June 24th, at 7PM in the Church. Come for the concert and stay afterwards for a reception with delicious home baked treats. Tickets are $8 for adults and $4 for children.
Message from Chebeague Island Historical Society:
Due to necessary repair work, the Museum will be closed on Tuesday, June 27th. We apologize for any inconvenience!
It's time to DANCE! Join us at the Rec on Monday, July 3rd for a stompin' good time.
5:30 p.m. Open House: Tour our facilities, and find out about new and old favorite summer happenings. We’ve “spruced-up” inside and out! Join us for a tour, meet staff, and learn about summer programming for all ages.
6:30-8:30 p.m. Contra Dance: All ages welcome! Join the fun with this well-known contra dance trio: Dela Taylor Murphy (caller), Glen Loper (mandolin, tenor banjo) and Bethany Waickman (guitar, piano) as we line dance and stomp to traditional Oldtime, Irish, and New England folk/country music.
Lemonade, water, and sweets provided. Bring a favorite finger food to share.
Tickets at the door: $10 - student; $15 - adult; $40 - family. FMI: chebeaguerecreation@gmail.com; See you at the Rec!
The 4th of July race is back! Dust off those running shoes, grab some family & friends, and get pre-registered for the 43rd Annual 4th of July Fun Run + Road Race. All proceeds benefit youth & family programming at the Rec! Prizes for 1st finishers in several categories. Help us save resources on race-day morning by pre-registering via this link.
Fun Run is 1.1 miles and will start at 8:00AM.
____Road Race is 4.6 miles and will start at 9:00AM.
Race day registration starts at 7:30AM (Fun Run is $5, Road Race is $15, Cash only please!)
Still looking to fill a few volunteer spots: Run a stop watch? Record finish times? Help with race-day registration? Contact Kate Emery McCarthy at kwemery20@gmail or 207-838-8117 if you're up for joining us!
Still seeking a few Family ($50) or Business ($100) Sponsors: Help the Rec bring this favorite 4th of July tradition back! Consider sponsoring this year's event via the registration link to help us defray the costs of relaunching.
SAVE THE DATE: Poetry for the People - July 15th 3pm - Join us for Poetry and Community! Click here to learn more.
The MYSTERY THEATER will be performed at The Hall on Sunday, August 6th at 7:30 PM. It is a benefit for Kids' Place.
June 20, 2023 - The Chebeague Cumberland Land Trust presenting: "Building a Biodiverse and Climate Resistent Yard with the Wild Seed Project" this Saturday, June 24, 11am to 12:30 pm at the Hall. I know I am very interested in how to handle my yard. Hope to see you there.
Cocktail Party at the Commons this FRIDAY, 4:30-6:30. The date was changed due to the weekend forecast. Hope to see you there! Red Studio will be open for shopping during the party. Click here for flyer.
Wednesday 6pm - Selectmen's Meeting - click here for agenda and packet.
The 2023 season at the School House Seconds is here!
Grand Opening is this Tuesday, June 20.
Tuesday hours: 9am-noon and 7-8pm
New Saturday hours: July 8 and August 12, 9am-11am
Come find your Treasures and a "New" Wardrobe. Your donations and purchases help support Island Council Projects. We will continue to accept your donations of clean, salable items through July 31. Thank you for them!
June 17, 2023 - 100% chance of rain, therefore we have moved the graveside ceremony for Stephen (Mr. Johnson) into the church. After the service everyone is invited back to Bev and Steve's house where there is a large tent and plenty of room and refreshments! See you all there!
Remember: Tyler Putnam and Sarah Nordin’s 10th Anniversary Celebratory Concert, Sunday, June 18, 4:00 p.m. The MacBeth Series’ first concert of the 2023 season is going to be a BIG, BIG DEAL. There is no other way to say it. Tyler and Sarah first performed together on Chebeague ten years ago. Since that first performance, their careers in opera and musicals have blossomed, Pauline has joined their family troupe and, each summer, they have returned to bless island audiences with their thrilling treatments of selections from the world’s of opera and musical theater. When they appear on Sunday, they will premiere Cheek to Cheek: A Duet Concert of Songs that Tells Their Own True Love Story, a program of songs by some of the most celebrated lyricists and composers of the past hundred years. For the second half of the concert they will be joined by world-class artists from the New York opera community to perform a condensed version of La Boheme, one of the world’s most popular operas. Their resumes are packed with rave reviews of performances in Rigoletto, Don Giovanni, Barber of Seville, A Little Night Music, among many others. Love songs and opera—what better way to celebrate ten years of musical inspiration! When: Sunday, June 18, 4:00 p.m. Where: Chebeague Community Church.
June 14, 2023 - The Transfer Station will be closed this Saturday from 1pm to 2:30 for Stephen Johnson's graveside service.
Message from Jen: The Niblic is opening for the season Friday June 16th . We will be open 8-3 Friday, 8-12 Saturday, and 9-2 Sunday. We will be closed Monday and Tuesday June 19th & 20th but from then on (starting June 21st), we will be open 7 days a week. Please go to our website for updates or like our social media pages. ( I promise I am working on getting better at posting.) We look forward to seeing you all soon with lots of new additions to share. Thank you in advance for supporting an island business. Here’s to a summer of sunshine & adventures that bring you by to say hello!
Chebeague Community Church will be welcoming Rev. Betsy Waters to the pulpit on Sunday, June 18 at 10:00 AM. Pastor Betsy has been acting as consultant to the Search Team of the church in their quest to find a new pastor. She has become a valuable mentor and friend, and we look forward to greeting her in person and hearing the message she will bring. Coffee and refreshments will follow the service.
Catholic Communion Service (without a priest) every Saturday at 4pm at the Parish House. Any questions please contact Ann Belesca at 846-4252
Arts and Crafts Show - Saturday, July 8th, 10:00 – 1:00
Island Hall – Woodworking, Art in many medias, Jewelry, Cards and many other hand made items.
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 2023 - starting June 21st and continuing until Labor Day, the Chebeague/Cliff Island Group of Alcoholics Anonymous will meet on Wednesdays at 8 am at the Chebeague Island Library. The Library is located next to the Island Hall and is near the Island Market. Please park in the Library parking lot and use the back door. For more information, call or text 207-210-1714.
The Chebeague Island Library is gearing up for a community event that will take place on Saturday, September 16th. Here is a list of items that we are looking to collect for the event. More info on the event will follow. We can't wait to share the details with you!
CCLT program at the Hall, Saturday, June 24th, 11am to 12:30pm - "Building a Biodiverse and Climate Resistent Yard with the Wild Seed Project"
June 13, 2023 - photo - by Jon Rich on June 13, 2023 - click here for another view.
Good morning, Chebeague!
We’re excited to return to Chebeague Island tomorrow at our usual time of 4:20PM with par-baked OTTO Pizza for everyone!
For this week’s delivery please order through me. Please email me your order; be sure to include your phone number and I’ll call you back for payment. If you’ve ordered recently and would like to use the same form of payment, please let me know in your order email. Our order window will close tomorrow at 1PM.
Maddie Downs (207) 522-5321 will be on the island this Wednesday and next Wednesday to talk about long term care insurance. After June 29th her company won't be offering it.
Remember: Tyler Putnam and Sarah Nordin’s 10th Anniversary Celebratory Concert, Sunday, June 18, 4:00 p.m. The MacBeth Series’ first concert of the 2023 season is going to be a BIG, BIG DEAL. There is no other way to say it. Tyler and Sarah first performed together on Chebeague ten years ago. Since that first performance, their careers in opera and musicals have blossomed, Pauline has joined their family troupe and, each summer, they have returned to bless island audiences with their thrilling treatments of selections from the world’s of opera and musical theater. When they appear on Sunday, they will premiere Cheek to Cheek: A Duet Concert of Songs that Tells Their Own True Love Story, a program of songs by some of the most celebrated lyricists and composers of the past hundred years. For the second half of the concert they will be joined by world-class artists from the New York opera community to perform a condensed version of La Boheme, one of the world’s most popular operas. Their resumes are packed with rave reviews of performances in Rigoletto, Don Giovanni, Barber of Seville, A Little Night Music, among many others. Love songs and opera—what better way to celebrate ten years of musical inspiration! When: Sunday, June 18, 4:00 p.m. Where: Chebeague Community Church.
There are still spots available in the Sailing School which starts in July, for kids 6 - 15 of all experience levels. The Yacht Club is also looking for new members - whether you're a boat owner or not. Several new sailing, boating, and social events will take place this summer and we'd love to have you join us. Learn more and see our new t-shirts and hats for sale at CHEBEAGUE YACHT CLUB - proceeds support the sailing school.June 8, 2023 - Community Potluck to celebrate our students and their families! Friday, June 9th, 5:30 pm at the Recreation Center in the newly painted gym! RSVP Jenny Hackel 846-9004 with main, side dish, dessert an number of people in your party.
Pastor Nancy Collins will be the guest preacher at Chebeague Community Church this Sunday, June 11 at 10:00 AM. Pastor Nancy is a close friend and colleague of Pastor Joy Toll-Chandler who has preached several times from our pulpit and who is covering pastoral care for the church throughout the summer. Please come and welcome Pastor Nancy, and stay for coffee and fellowship after the service at the Parish House!
June 7, 2023 - photo - by Art Ryder June 7th from Colemens over to Hope Island.
The Candidates Forum will be held this Thursday, June 8 at 7:00 pm at the Hall. This will be an opportunity to hear from the candidates on a wide range of topics and answer questions from residents. The forum will be moderated by John Wilson. The candidates are Pam Curran, Josh Doughty, and David Hill. Refreshments will be served. Candidates for School Committee are Erin Layng and Jeff Putnam.
Please don’t forget to place your OTTO Pizza orders through me, Benjamin Cooper, (benc@ottoportland.com) before 1PM today with your order and phone number and I’ll give you a call back for payment.
Please spread the word amongst your neighbors!
Find our menu here: https://www.ottoportland.com/menu
4th of July Lobster Roll lunches are now for sale at www.chebeaguerec.com. Lunches include fresh lobster roll, drink, dessert, and chips for $25. Pickup available at Chebeague Recreation Center from 11-1pm on July 4th. Please order by 7/2. All proceeds go to our island childcare facility, Kids' Place. Thank you for the support. E-mail Caitlin Whetham at gerber_c@hotmail.com with questions.
June 4, 2023 - 911-Dispatcher Meet-And-Greet Days
Saturday - 6/10 - 1:30 PM - Fire Station
Monday - 6/12 - 1:30 PM - Fire Station
Chebeague Fire Rescue will host a Meet-and-Greet with our Regional Communications, 911-Dispatchers. Please join us in welcoming this dedicated team to our island. All Department members and all Community members are welcome. Click here for flyer!
Historical Society notice of the CIHS Annual Meeting and Nominees June 10th at 7pm - click here to learn more!
Greetings Chebeague islanders!
Kevin from Carpet Services will be coming out to the island on June the 15th through the 29th for all your carpet, upholstery and tile and grout cleaning needs. Please call or text 207-772-6225 or email CarpetServicesme@gmail.com to make an appointment. I’m
Looking forward to seeing everybody soon.
Bill Danielson's report on May’s weather --actually began on May Day eve (April 30th) when 3.32 inches of rain fell, and it kept raining off and on for the next five days. Then it was nearly done for the month, raining on only 3 of the next 26 days. Bottom line: we received 4.96 inches from May 1-31, but if you include April 30th the total leaps to 8.28 inches!
-- Because all that rain was packed into just eight days, most of the month was mostly clear, producing a May that, strangely, was both wetter and sunnier than normal! Smoke from Canadian fires enhanced many Chebeague sunrises and sunsets.
--Daily high temperatures were above normal for the first half of May, then below normal except for the 27th-29th, the beautiful Memorial Day weekend. Low temps exhibited almost no warming throughout the month. A low of 35 on the 18th caused some patchy frost.
Click here for Chebeague Temp graph.
Click here for data chart.
School Committee Meeting this Tuesday, June 6, at 6pm - click here for agenda.
June 2, 2023 - photo - by Jon Rich of lightening storm from Chandlers on Friday afternoon.
This Sunday at Chebeague Community Church, Vicki Todd will present a service based on the spiritual journey she has taken over the past several months. Please join us for this special service, June 4 at 10:00 AM.
Note from Kim Boehm ..A special Thanks to Jim and Roseann Stewart for the gift of a nice vehicle. This car (a 2007 Chevy HHR) needs minor repairs and will be repurposed. I will take the proceeds and put towards my ongoing effort to clean up junk vehicles and illegal junkyards on our beautiful island...Donations like these help offset costs of higher fuel and operating costs and a less than stellar scrap market...
Clam Flats are closed on Chebeague - check the town website for updates!
June 1, 2023 - Coming Soon. Tyler Putnam, Sarah Nordin and Friends in a Special 10th Anniversary Concert. Join the MacBeth Concert Series on Sunday, June 18 at 4:00 p.m. as we celebrate the ten years of musical joy that Tyler and Sarah have brought to Chebeague Island. The performance will be in two thrilling parts: Cheek to Cheek: A Love Story Told in Song; and La Boheme: A Special Abridged Adaptation of one the World’s Most Popular Operas (Sung in Italian with English Supertitles.). Please note that we have changed the day and time of this concert, which will be held at the Chebeague Community Church, from Saturday, June 17 to Sunday, June 18.
Message from Natalie Parker: Thanks to those who helped search for my missing purse. Luckily, it was found and brought to the Inn, and it's now on the way back to me. I truly appreciate everyone who made up the search team, with extra thanks to those who contacted me and sent it along! Wishing you a pleasant and safe summer,
Jim Millenger's Celebration will be at the Chebeague Community Church Sunday July 2 at 3:00pm, with a time to socialize in the Parish House from 4-5pm. Bring and share your memories and stories of Jim.
May 30, 2023 - CIHS Annual Members Meeting is 6/10 at 7 PM at the Hall and on Zoom. Zoom ID is 829 6247 6056. No password is required. Please join us. For more information, see our June Newsletter here.
The Yarmouth Vet will be at the Hall Thursday from 8:45 to 11:30. Call Sam with questions (845 0510)
Message from Otto Pizza: We’re excited to return to Chebeague Island tomorrow at our usual time of 4:20PM with par-baked OTTO Pizza for everyone!
For this week’s delivery please order through me. Feel free to call 207.245.8038 or email me your order; be sure to include your phone number and I’ll call you back for payment. Our order window will close tomorrow at 1PM.
Pizza: Asparagus, Prosciutto & Pesto
Salad: Radicchio, Asparagus, Edamame & Asiago with Pesto Vinaigrette
Please find our menu here: https://www.ottoportland.com/menu
I look forward to seeing you all on the Stone Wharf tomorrow!
May 27, 2023 - There are a LOT of new events and camps happening at the CRC this summer! Check out the recently updated and expanded CRC Summer Activities brochure. Newly added camps include Adventure Camp and the Lunch and Swim program. Check it out parents and grandparents! Swim lessons are still TBA ( awaiting the schedule of the swim instructors ) and we expect a full roster of life guards and pool attendants.
The Historical Society Lecture Series last Monday featured Earle Shettleworth- A Century of Portland Artists 1820-1920 - click here to see.
"Raffle tickets for the CIHS Fine Art Giclee Raffle, to benefit the Museum of Chebeague History, are on sale at the Museum Shop." Click here to learn more.
May 26, 2023 - Chebeague Island Library Pie Sale - Saturday, May 27, 2023 from 10 am to 12 pm.
Benefit concert for Stephen Ross Scholarship Saturday night 7 to 11 at the Hall - Westenders 8 to 11and special guests opening up from 7 to 8.
Chebeague Community Church is inviting you to a the Memorial Day Service which will be live at the Church but for those who are unable to attend there will be a Zoom:
Topic: Memorial Day Service
Time: May 29, 2023 1 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 860 7534 5556
Passcode: 965008
May 22, 2023 -photo - by Jon Rich early morning on May 22, 2023.
photo - by Jon Rich early morning stone wharf on May 22, 2023.
Memorial Day 2023
Live at the Chebeague Community Church
Monday May 29 at 1:00PM
Please join us !
May 21, 2023 - The Red Studio at the Island Commons will open for the season on Saturday, May 27, from 10-noon. Thanks to many generous donors, our inventory is the best ever. Opening a new cottage? Sprucing up an old one? We have furniture, housewares, antiques, lamps, linens and just about anything you might want. We’ll be open every Saturday through the summer. Please stop in often, and check our ever-changing inventory.
You're invited! A Community Potluck at the Rec Center on Friday, June 9th at 5:30pm to celebrate Chebeague's students completing another year of their education. Parents or caregivers, please fill out this RSVP form so that we can recognize and celebrate your student's big accomplishment at our event! You are also welcome to RSVP to Jenny Hackel via phone 846-9004. If you're able to contribute to the potluck, please include that information on your RSVP (main dishes, side dishes, and desserts needed!).
May 17, 2023 - Joquin and THE FEW will be performing at Pat's Pizza in Yarmouth this Saturday ( May 20) from 7-10pm. Please join us!!
The Museum Store and Exhibit will be opening for the season Memorial Day weekend. We will be open Saturday, May 27th - Monday 11AM- 4PM.
Click here for a Letter to the Editor of the Portland Press Herald by Ellen Goodman about protecting local news.
School House Seconds is currently taking donations of clean, gently used clothing and household items. Please leave your donations inside the front door of the building. Please be sure the front door is completely closed when you leave. Thanks, and stay tuned for our Grand Opening!
May 16, 2023 -Message from Otto Pizza: We’re excited to return to Chebeague Island tomorrow at our usual time of 4:20PM with par-baked OTTO Pizza for everyone!
For this week’s delivery please order through me. Feel free to call 207.245.8038 or email me your order; be sure to include your phone number and I’ll call you back for payment. Our order window will close tomorrow at 1PM.
Pizza: Asparagus, Prosciutto & Pesto
Salad: Radicchio, Asparagus, Edamame & Asiago with Pesto Vinaigrette
Please find our menu here: https://www.ottoportland.com/menu
I look forward to seeing you all on the Stone Wharf tomorrow!
Cheers, Ben
TWO BIRDS CAFE will be open this weekend, May 20th & 21st from 10:00 - 3:00
Hours for the following week:
Closed: Mondays and Tuesdays
Open: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday from 9:00 - 3:00
Saturday & Sunday from 10:00 - 3:00
After next week we will be open Friday’s, from 9-3 &
Saturday’s & Sunday’s from 10-3 until the end of June after which we will open for extended Summer hours!
So looking forward to seeing all our friends of the Two Old Birds, and really excited for another fabulous Summer!
Xo Birds..
May 14, 2023 - Happy Mother's Day!
Help wanted Saturday May 20!
This past winter's storms have left the much loved Indian Point a bit of a mess. Please join Chebeague & Cumberland Land Trust (CCLT) and Indian Island members on Saturday, May 20 from 9 to 11 AM to help clean up in preparation for the summer. We'll gather all the flotsam and jetsam we can (a.k.a. "trash") and haul it to the transfer station. Bring gloves and water and CCLT / Indian Island will bring the rest.
Questions? -- Contact Jonathan Dawson at CCLT at steward@ccltmaine.org or Ted Ballard from Indian Island at ballard.eab@gmail.com. Thank you!
May 11, 2023 - The Chebeague Island Library is exploring options for creating a remote work area. We would love the community's input in helping to gauge the need for a space on Chebeague that would allow the community to work remotely or study. Please take a minute to fill out this quick survey. The survey will be live through Sunday, May 14th. See survey here >
May 10, 2023 - The Chebeague Island Inn is excited to kick off the 2023 season on May 12th! Overnight stays, restaurant reservations, and activities are now open for booking, so start making plans…we can’t wait to see you!
On May 6th, the healing for frontline nurses began via Infinite Kindness Project, www.infinite-kindness.org and the RNRnR retreat to help heal the healers after years of extreme caregiving. 3 of the 5 founders hail from Chebeague- Adrian Cerezo, Eliza Jane Adams and Erika Neumann were featured on the NewsCenter Maine coverage of this very special program. See coverage here. If you would like to get involved contact Erika at infinitekindnessmaine@gmail.com.
On Mother’s Day, the Chebeague Rec center is hosting brunch! We will be open 10:30-1 and serving cheese or bacon Quiche, coffee cake and muffins, fruit and coffee. Take out or dine in. To preorder, instead of calling the Rec office, please call Jenny Hackel at 734-660-3461. Thank you! >
May 8, 2023 - photo - by teacher Sarah Klein of the School Children who did a beach cleanup at the Stone Pier to recognize earth day!
Congratulations to Elias Rich who graduated Summa Cum Laude from Maine Maritime Academy with a BS in Science. Third Assistant Engineer Unlimited Horsepower License.
May 7, 2023 - Tuesday May 9th, 1-2 pm please come to "Dessert & Discussion" at 1 pm and hear Lock Kiermaier’s brief presentation on the "Long Ago Cottages of Little Chebeague" at the Chebeague Rec Center. Free and open to all - in the teen room.
Nurse Peggy Akers will return to the Chebeague Wellness Center next Wednesday morning 5/10 for blood draws and walk-ins. She will be bringing more COVID boosters for anyone needing one and meeting the following guidelines.
-65 and above
-4 months since last booster
-3 months from active covid
-If immune compromised
-age 12 plus for first-time bivalent or first-time for any covid vaccine.
If you would like a booster, call the Island Council (846-4988) by Tuesday at noon and leave a message letting us know which booster--Pfizer or Moderna--you want. If you have any questions, you can call Nurse Peggy at 232-7695.
May 6, 2023 - The Chebeague Community Church is seeking to hire a Part-time Settled Pastor. If you or someone you know is interested, please email Emily Muller egmuller@live.com for more information.
John’s Personal Service Is Closing For Ever At 1PM Friday!
I want to thank my many customers over the years for allowing me to serve you in many different ways. I hope I was of help. My list of services provided and my customer base grew each year. The “covid” years were very difficult but I’m glad I could help some of you to get through them. I can always look back at some great friendships I gained and stories I will be able to tell.
If I have your spare car keys from winter snow clearing please reach out to me by the end of next week so you can get them back. Thanks once again for allowing me to serve you! Take care.
May 5, 2023 - We are sad to report that Jim (James Ferguson) Millinger died this morning - May 5, - at Topsham ME; he was 88. He wanted any memorial donations sent to the Stephen Ross Scholarship Fund, which he supported over the years. More information to follow.
I will be gone for a week starting today and David Hill (drhill@chebeague.net) will be updating the webpage so please send notices to him. I will be checking my email and forwarding messages when I am able.
School Committee Meeting on Tuesday at 5:30pm at the school - see agenda.
May 4, 2023 - BIRD WALK - today starting at Hook at 9am - hope to see you all there. Chebeague Cumberland Land Trust Bird Migration Walk at Indian Point and Littlefield Woods with Derek Lovitch.
Message from the Hall: "The Hall's many water pitchers have all gone walkabout. The kitchen cupboard where they belong is bare and is longing for their return. Thanks!"
Yarmouth Vet is on the island today - call Sam with any qeustions (846-0510)
May 2, 2023 - Message from our Island Weatherman, Bill Danielson: "Last week I heard people say, “We need rain.” They’re not saying that any more!
When the deluge, thunder, lightning, and tree-toppling winds ended on the morning of May 1st, our gauges had collected 3.90 inches of rain. So April went quickly from a rainfall deficit to a surplus!
Temperature-wise, the month warmed up steadily at first, reaching 76.5° on the 14th, but then it slid downward, averaging just 45° for the final two weeks. Most impressive was the span of nearly three full days, from the 23rd to the 26th, when the temp was stuck between 42 and 44 degrees, under sullen skies. A friend described it as “British weather.”"
Tomorrow night is a Selectmen's 5:30 Executive Session and Meeting and Budget Workshop at 6pm at the Hall - see agenda and packet!
Thursday evening is a Planning Board Public Meeting at 6pm - see information. Remember that Town Meeting Schedule is located on the town website - https://www.townofchebeagueisland.org/
Commons staff are throwing a Cinco de Mayo fiesta Friday from 12-2. Everyone is welcome to join us for tacos and margarita’s. Asking for RSVP’s so we can plan quantities - click here for flyer.
May 1, 2023 - Just a reminder that the Yarmouth Vet will be at the Hall this Thursday morning, May 4th. Call Sam with any questions (846 0510).
For the second year, the Chebeague Island Historical Society is participating in Jane's Walk, an international day that celebrates community by encouraging people to learn more about the place they live. Last year the CIHS toured the East End, and this year participants will have an opportunity to learn more about the evolution of the Coleman Cove Neighborhood. There is no fee for a Jane's Walk. Click here for more information!
Next time you are in Portland, you might want to stop by the Makers Galley https://themakersgalley.com/ for a snack and catch up with Arianna Stefanilo. Better yet – sign up for one of Arianna’s cooking classes like the one she held this past weekend, Cooking with Kelp, that a few Chebeaguers were lucky enough to attend. Click here for a few photos from Carol White.
April 30, 2023 - movie - 04-30-23 by Sam Birkett of Woodcocks in the parking lot of the Chebeague Recreation Center on their way to school!!.
Joquin Bonville and his bandmates (THE FEW) will open for THE MALLETT BROTHERS band on Friday June 2 at The Regatta Room in Eliot, Maine. Tickets are on sale now. Ordering is online. Come join us!!
April 28, 2023 - You can find the Chebeague Island Historical Society May newsletter click here
For those who missed the CIHS program on Monday - Click here to see Donna Damon's presentation: The Charlatan, the Con Man, and the Saint: When Religious Revivals Reigned on Chebeague
To Chebeague’s Lobstermen- Starting this year all lobstermen are required to electronically report landings to DMR. If you have a lobster license, whether you land lobsters or not, you have to file the reports at least monthly. I have found that the reporting is easiest done on the App that DMR designed called VESL. You can also report on DMRs Leeds website. attached are the step by step instructions if using the VESL app
Creating a Positive Lobster Report, State-only version (PDF file, 17 pages, 2.4 MB)
Creating a Did Not Fish Report (PDF file, 556 kb)
April 26, 2023 - photo - JOIN birdwatching May 4th from 9 to 11 with Derek Lovich. Photo from last year with Derek. I saw my first Crossbill. We will be starting at Indian Point/Hook.
Chebeague Housing's first official newsletter is out! You can check it out at the link below and subscribe as well to get regular updates in your inbox as soon as new editions are released!
Chebeague Community Church will be holding a special session on Sunday April 30, as part of regular worship in the sanctuary. The church profile that is being sent out in the pastoral search process will be presented to the congregation, as information and for discussion. Please join us to review the results of hours of effort on the part of the Search Team! These are exciting times for our church!
The other day John Ash took a remarkable photo of something that is very rare these days and almost extinct - click here to see.
April 25, 2023 - The Chebeague Island Library is exploring ways to better serve our community and we are considering developing workspaces for patrons to work and study in comfortable surroundings with needed technology. Libraries are often places that offer quiet space away from distractions where you can focus, think, do your research, and get your work done, yet our current facility offers little space for this kind of activity. To help us understand community interest, please take a moment to answer two questions. - click here.
Tonight: Chebeague Climate Action Team: Community Kick-Off virtual meeting.
Tuesday, April 25th, 2023 at 7:00 pm - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/326962753
Meeting ID: 326 962 753
Passcode: 175989
On your phone: +1.929.205.6099 Meeting ID: 326962753# - Click here for agenda.
A reminder to the island that Kim Boehm sponsors a scholarship for people going into the trades...Call Kim @ 846 2468 for details...
April 24, 2023 - SAVE the DATE - for a wonderful bird walk starting at Indian Point- May 4th at 9am to 11am- Bird Migration Walk at Indian Point and Littlefield Woods with Derek Lovitch - "The best bird walk I (Bev) ever went on was with Derek Lovich last year!!!" Click here for a list of other island programs that the Chebeague Cumberland Land Trust have planned.
Congratulations to Logan Beaupré who competed in Skills USA competition through their programs at Portland Arts and Technology High School (PATHS). Logan won a silver medal in Carpentry.
Tonight the CIHS presentation: The Charlatan, the Con Man, and the Saint: When Religious Revivals Reigned on Chebeague - click here to learn more!
Tomorrow evening, Tuesday is the Chebeague Climate Action Team: Community Kick-Off virtual meeting.
Tuesday, April 25th, 2023 at 7:00 pm - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/326962753
Meeting ID: 326 962 753
Passcode: 175989
On your phone: +1.929.205.6099 Meeting ID: 326962753# - Click here for agenda.
Wednesday is a Selectmen's Executive Session and a Budget Workshop meeting starting at 5:30.
April 23, 2023 - You won't want to miss tomorrow night (April 24th - 7pm)
Chebeague Historical Society Presentation on Zoom (829-6247-6056): The Charlatan, the Con Man, and the Saint: When Religious Revivals Reigned on Chebeague - click here to learn more!
Donna Miller Damon will tell the story of how Chebeaguers interacted with a charlatan, a con man, and a saint.
April 18, 2023 - Chebeague Yacht Club invites everyone in the Chebeague community to join CIYC and help support the island's sailing school. More info at chebeagueyachtclub.com. This summer's events for sailors, powerboaters and non-boat owners include:
July 6 - Commodore’s Commissioning Party
July 15 - Sailboat race and picnic
July 19 - Power Lunch at the Dolphin
July 29 - Round Island Race
August 12 - Ocean sailboat race
August 24 - Blessing of the Fleet
Otto's Pizza: We’re excited to return to Chebeague Island tomorrow at our usual time of 4:20PM with par-baked OTTO Pizza for everyone!For this week’s delivery please order through me. Feel free to call 207.245.8038 or email me your order; be sure to include your phone number and I’ll call you back for payment. Our order window will close tomorrow at 1PM.
Pizza: Asparagus, Prosciutto & Pesto
Salad: Radicchio, Asparagus, Edamame & Asiago with Pesto Vinaigrette
Please find our menu here:
April 17, 2023 - The Chebeague Island Council will be joining with the Friends of Casco Bay for their Get out on Earth Day for Casco Bay. We will meeting on Earth Day, Saturday, April 22 at 10:00 at Bennetts Cove to clean up the beach. We will have bags and gloves available. If you would like to clean up a different beach, feel free to come get bags and gloves from the council. Hope youcan join us for an hour or two.
Today is a Board of Adjustment and Appeals meeting starting at 5pm - see agenda.
Wednesday, April 19, is the Selectmen's meeting starting with Executive Session at 5pm with meeting at 6pm - see agenda and packet.
Thursday, April 20, is a joint Selectmen's meeting with Long Island starting at 3:30 - see zoom information.
April 14, 2023 - "Chebeague Community Church will be holding its weekly service Sunday, April 16 at 10:00 AM in the church sanctuary. Donna Damon will present Part 3 of her study about the history of the church on Chebeague. All are welcome!"
Mayflower Gardens will be opening on May 20th! Click here to see their flyer.
The Chebeague Community Church 2023 Community Survey was initiated by the CCC Pastoral Search Committee. The purpose was to understand the church’s role in the community and how the church can better serve and engage the community. The Council is committed to creating future programming based on the results of the survey. Our sincere thanks for your participation in the survey. Click here to see the results!
April 12, 2023 - Congratulations to Sharon Bowman who has just published her first novel; A Daughter of the Island! It is available at Barnes and Nobel, Amazon and soon at the Chebeague Island Library and the Historical Society. Click here to learn more about how she got started on this story.
Message from Recreation Center:
1. Kim Boehm will come to the Rec this Saturday 4/15 at 9 am to talk about basic home electrics. Dont bring a broken appliance, maybe a lamp that needs repair if you like or just come learn about basic electrical wiring at home.
2. Jerry Wiles will lead the discussion this Tuesday 4/18 at 1 pm following the Patriot’s Day holiday to talk about American History- English tea and colonial desserts will be served. Come enjoy our monthly Dessert and Discussion series!
April 10, 2023 - The Great Chebeague Tennis Club is gearing up for summer and accepting memberships for the 2023 season! Join us for scrambles, socials, a fantastic kick-off party, Founder’s Cup round robin, and lots of opportunities to meet new people and play some fun tennis. Junior clinics and private lessons for kids will also be available. All levels welcome!
Support the GCTC or become a member today. For more information, visit www.chebeaguetennis.com.
Message from Kim Boehm: "Once again I am removing junk cars (running and non running) and available to bring freight back to the Island. I cannot bring gravel, loam, etc, as my truck does not have a dump body. Call Kim 846- 2468 FMI."
Planning Board Meeting, Monday, 6:30 at the Hall - see agenda.
Selectmen/School Committee Budget Workshop Meeting at the Hall 6pm, Tuesday, April 11.
Thursday, April 13 at the school is the Climate Action Team at 7pm.
April 8, 2023 - I hope everyone is able to read a wonderful op-ed in the New York Times by our own Ketch Secor of Old Crow Medicine Show Band: Country Music Can Lead America Out of Its Obsession With Guns! Click here if you are unable to read it in the New York Times.
Congratulations to KIM HAMILTON who is now the president of the Island Institute! Click here for the news release. "Kim is uniquely qualified, bringing to the organization years of national and international nonprofit, philanthropy, and policy experience, a Ph.D. in demography, and a master's degree in international economics and African Studies. And she has deep family roots on Chebeague Island!"
SAVE THE DATE: Poetry for the People - Sunday, April 16th from 2 to 4. Come celebrate National Poetry Mongy
Sunday at NOON - The Easter Bunny will be at the Commons - Easter Egg Hunt for children grade 5 and under - see flyer!
April 5, 2023 - From Otto's Pizza: Good morning, Islanders!
We’re excited to return to Chebeague Island tomorrow at our usual time of 4:20PM with par-baked OTTO Pizza for everyone!
For this week’s delivery please order through me. Feel free to call 207.245.8038 or email me your order; be sure to include your phone number and I’ll call you back for payment. Our order window will close tomorrow at 1PM.
Pizza: Asparagus, Prosciutto & Pesto
Salad: Radicchio, Asparagus, Edamame & Asiago with Pesto Vinaigrette
Please find our menu here: https://www.ottoportland.com/menu
Reminder to all of our island nonprofits that applications for The Recompense Grant are do by April 30th. If your nonprofit would like an early review of your application before final submission then it has to be sent by April 8th. Please also remember that progress reports on previous grants need to be also be done. Applications can be found on recompensefund.com.
April 4, 2023 - Facilities Meeding tonight at 6 pm on zoom.
Tomorrow night at 6 is the 4th budget meeting of the Selectmen. Click here for agenda and packet.
The Yarmouth Vet will be at the Hall this Thursday morning April 6 from 8:45 to 11:30. The sign-up sheet will be on the door by around 7:00. Please call Sam McLean (846-0510) with any questions.
April 3, 2023 - Nomination Papers are available at the Town Office. There is one 3-year term for a Selectboard Member available and one 3- year term for a School Committee member available. Nomination papers are due back in the Town Office by Wednesday, April 12, 2023. Any questions, please call the Town Office at 846-3148.
April 1, 2023 - Click here to see the Casco Bay Archaeological Project Presentation: Casco Bay Islands and Public Archaeology that took place at the Hall on Sunday, March 19 at 1pm at the Hall.
School Committee Meeting, Tuesday, April 4, 6pm at the school - see agenda.
March 29, 2023 - Click here if you missed the wonderful program Monday night "Maine Fisheries: Past, Present and Future."
Join us Thursday 3/30 at 7pm at the Library for a meeting to help plan our book group.
Are you a high school student? Are you working on a scholarship application? Need some help with your homework?
Join library staff and volunteers on Tuesday April 11th at 7pm at the library. Want to learn about scholarship opportunities? Need help with your Stephen Ross Scholarship application? Have questions about other scholarships? Just need a place to work on some homework? Click here for flyer.
Save the Date: Sunday 8/13/23 for the Historical Society. We are celebrating the 150th anniversary of the schoolhouse building with an event 3-9 pm that includes special childrens and former schoolhouse attendee program followed by appetizers and a lobster dinner and accompanied by a Jazz musical review from 1920's to present.
March 27, 2023 - Get ready for spring with Elizabeth Doughty on Wednesday from 10:30-11:30. She will give us tips on getting our knees and shoulders ready for spring chores. Stop in earlier for coffee and treats at 9:00 am, then stay for soup lunch.
The final soups of the season will be served on Wednesday! We will have fish chowder and pasta/bean soup. Please join us to say goodbye to soup season and hello to spring.
TONIGHT 7PM- "Maine Fisheries: Past, Present and Future." The presenters will be Alex Todd, 10th-generation fisherman and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Maine Coast Fishermen's Association (MCFA), and Alan Tracy, President of Vessel Services in Portland and appointed At-Large Member of the New England Fishery Management Council (NEFMC). Zoom.us. The Meeting ID is 829 6247 6056. No password is required.
March 26, 2023 - Board of Adjustment and Appeals Public Hearing - Wednesday, March 29th, 5pm at the Hall - click here for the agenda and notice.The meeting will be on the Town's youtube channel and zoom.
Please enjoy the Chebeague Island Historical Society’s April newsletter and be sure to Zoom in on our March lecture. The topic will be "Maine Fisheries: Past, Present and Future." The presenters will be Alex Todd, 10th-generation fisherman and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Maine Coast Fishermen's Association (MCFA), and Alan Tracy, President of Vessel Services in Portland and appointed At-Large Member of the New England Fishery Management Council (NEFMC). Join us on Monday March 27th at 7 PM on Zoom.us. The Meeting ID is 829 6247 6056. No password is required.
March 23, 2023 - Tomorrow morning at around 3 am there will be a very short outage on Axiom Internet Network as they switch out a router in Portland.
SATURDAY MARCH 25th from 2-4 pm at the Rec Center will be the final JAM-ALONG of the winter season.
John Howard has a large song list and can also bring up a huge number of other songs on the screen so we all see lyrics and keys.
Bring your voice, bring an instrument, and bring a friend to celebrate spring! Refreshments. Free of charge.
If questions call Jenny Hackel 734-660-3461
CCLT's Annual Big Night is coming soon now that Spring is here! I would love to see us locate a place on Chebeague where we could witness the big event. I was thinking that Littlefield Road or Roy Hill Road because of the Vernal Pools in the area. Also there are vernal pools off of School House Road.
March 22, 2023 - Nomination Papers are available at the Town Office. There is one 3-year term for a Selectboard Member available and one 3- year term for a School Committee member available. Nomination papers are due back in the Town Office by Wednesday, April 12, 2023. Any questions, please call the Town Office at 846-3148.
MacBeth Concert Series Announces Its Electrifying Season . Tyler and Sarah ’s Tenth Anniversary Concert! Paul English and his unique Double Saxophone Qunitet! Our Second Annual “ Children of All Ages” Concert! But, wait, there’s more! Sebago Long Lake Festival plays a Dvorak masterpiece! The Novel Jazz Septet plays Ellington and Strayhorn! The Seaside Brass Quintet plays Rogers and Hammerstein and Lennon and McCartney! That’s our 2023 season in a nutshell. Six performances to thrill, inspire and transport you. Our musical summer begins on June 17 and continues through August 27. Click here for the details. We can’t wait to see you. Questions? Contact Carl Tubbesing, (carldt@gwi.net).
March 21, 2023 - photo - on the last day of winter by Erika Neumann.
Message from Benjamin Cooper of Otto Pizza: We’re excited to return to Chebeague Island tomorrow at our usual time of 4:20PM with par-baked OTTO Pizza for everyone!
For this week’s delivery please order through me. Feel free to call 207.245.8038 or email me your order; be sure to include your phone number and I’ll call you back for payment. Our order window will close tomorrow at 1PM.
Pizza: Asparagus, Prosciutto & Pesto
Salad: Radicchio, Asparagus, Edamame & Asiago with Pesto Vinaigrette
Please find our menu here: https://www.ottoportland.com/menu
The Rec is hosting a monthly Dessert and Discussion today, 3/21/ at 1 pm.
It is a postponed Pie Day event from last week (when we had the storm.)
There is free pie and coffee and Bill Danielson will lead the discussion.
All islanders welcome to this FREE event. YUMMY
Facilities Committee Meeting - via zoom -326962753 password 175989
March 17, 2023 - video - Inaugural Chebeague Island St. Paddy's Day Parade. Happy St. Patrick's Day to all our Irish friends and family. You won't want to miss it!
If you receive a message that your chebeague.net email has expired please ignore this - it is a SCAM! Please delete and don't do anything. Never believe these kinds of messages.
March 16, 2023 - Click here for The Chebeague Recreation Center Summer Activities Guidebook and information.
Message from Kim Boehm: "The aluminum boat I am building is progressing nicely. Next week I will start the mechanical and electrical installation.....Later I will also be installing foam floatation and finalizing the build. If anyone is interested in watching or learning, please contact me @ 846 2468."
On Sunday, February 26th, Chebeague Housing hosted a Community Q&A session at the Hall, facilitated by the Island Institute, with panelists Clyde Barr, Travis Nadeau, and Carol White. Catch up if you missed it with a recording here! (Passcode: Tk*R3x5$ if necessary)
Hungry and Want to Learn more about Chebeague?
Save the Date - March 18 - 5:30pm at the Parish House
Whether you are new to Chebeague or have been here for years and want to know more about your island home, you are invited to community potluck supper and illustrated talk: “How Chebeague Evolved into the Community We Love Today”. Donna Miller Damon will share photos and some highlights of life on Chebeague over the centuries. The program will be informal, and there will be plenty of time for questions and discussion!
---The event is free of charge. To insure we don’t all eat dessert, please email Donna at publicservantone@gmail.com to let us know if you plan to bring bread, salad, main dish, or dessert. Please include the number of people in your party, so we will set up enough tables!
Sponsored by the Chebeague Community Church and the Chebeague Recreation Center.
Casco Bay Archaeological Project Presentation
Sunday, March 19 at 1pm at the Hall
--- If you have ever wondered about the people who inhabited Chebeague for more than 4000 years, there will be a presentation and discussion led by a USM archaeologist. The Chebeague Island Historical Society is pleased to partner with the Project. If you attended last summer’s meeting, you won’t want to miss the next chapter! The following is their press release.
---Maine’s island communities are the primary stewards of archaeological heritage. The Casco Bay Archaeological Project connects archaeologists, island communities, and natural and cultural heritage organizations in their shared concerns for preserving Maine’s shell midden sites. Zoe Jopp and Dr. Erin Crowley-Champoux have been working with Thomas Bennett, who directs the Project, and USM's archaeological collections to develop a mobile exhibit with animal bone remains and artifacts from Paul Barker's 1960s excavations on Goose Island and Little Chebeague Island. We'll be coming to Chebeague to talk, answer questions, and share information about Maine's shell middens (their potential and their threats), previous archaeological surveys, and the renewed archaeological excavation in the Bay.
We will still have pie and Bill Danielson will lead the discussion. Stay safe in the storm! If questions, call the Rec Center 846-5068.
Click here to learn more about a Historical Society program on Zoom - Monday, March 27th at 7pm. Alex Todd and Alan Tracy will host an informative interactive discussion of Maine Fisheries: Past, Present, and Future.
You can also sign up for our newsletter directly here.
March 6, 2023 - Full moon rising! Join the CRC and CCLT to watch the full moon rising this Wednesday, March 8 at 6:30. Meet at the boat yard and gather around the fire pit for hot cocoa and marshmallows. We will begin the stroll to Roses Point at 6:45 as the full moon rises at 6:55 ---FMI call Chebeague Rec at 846-5068
I (Beverly) will be away from the 7th until the 15th and David Hill will be adding items to the website as needed. I will pass on any requests that I receive if I am able.
School Committee Meeting Tuesday, March 7 see agenda (rescheduled from the 28th)
Selectmen's Budget Workshop 3rd draft departmental and Capital Expenditures, Wednesday, March 8, 6pm. Regular Selectboard meeting at 6pm on March 15th. As always check the Town Website for meeting. They are now on the Town of Chebeague Youtube Channel.
Casco Bay Archaeological Project Presentation
Sunday, March 19 at 1pm at the Hall
--- If you have ever wondered about the people who inhabited Chebeague for more than 4000 years, there will be a presentation and discussion led by a USM archaeologist. The Chebeague Island Historical Society is pleased to partner with the Project. If you attended last summer’s meeting, you won’t want to miss the next chapter! The following is their press release.
---Maine’s island communities are the primary stewards of archaeological heritage. The Casco Bay Archaeological Project connects archaeologists, island communities, and natural and cultural heritage organizations in their shared concerns for preserving Maine’s shell midden sites. Zoe Jopp and Dr. Erin Crowley-Champoux have been working with Thomas Bennett, who directs the Project, and USM's archaeological collections to develop a mobile exhibit with animal bone remains and artifacts from Paul Barker's 1960s excavations on Goose Island and Little Chebeague Island. We'll be coming to Chebeague to talk, answer questions, and share information about Maine's shell middens (their potential and their threats), previous archaeological surveys, and the renewed archaeological excavation in the Bay.
March 5, 2023 - Message from Ben: The Whalers will be singing again for a summer concert in June! We'll be meeting on Thursday nights, starting on Thursday, March 16th, from 7:00-9:00PM.
We're changing venues for this coming season as well. The Chebeague Community Church has graciously offered to host us, and we'll be meeting for rehearsals in the Parish House, with our concert in the sanctuary.
There will be more details to come - but what I can promise is a ridiculously fun concert season, music that's easy enough for all of us who have been on nearly a three year hiatus, and, of course, lots of home baked cookies!
If you know anyone new who has not sung with us before, please feel free to send them along an invite. This concert will be a perfect on-ramp for anyone who hasn't sung in a long time (or at all) with others, and I hope we get to see some new faces as well as a lot of familiar ones!
Casco Bay Islands Transit District is working with CBL staff to review the Down Bay summer schedule. The current schedule was instituted last year, to be reviewed after one year. There will be a second public hearing set for March 7th (public notice to follow) at CBL to discuss input from the public, the shore staff, Captains, and management. We looking to receive input from all the DB users.
The initial meeting last month received some great input and it was agreed in general that the schedule may require some tweaks versus a major overhaul. The general consensus was that the staff gained some insight and they will work those ideas into a new proposed schedule, if doable. The major areas discussed focused on; efficient use of boats and crews, freight handling on shore and islands, inter-island transport plus the convenience of commuters and island business staffs. We became well versed that any tweaks can have unintended consequences to other areas of the operation.
If you have any input you would like to share, please send it along to your DB island representatives. Any and all input will be appreciated but try to limit to summer schedule issues.
Long Island-joed@cascobaylines.com
Cliff Island-davec@cascobaylines.com ordavecrowley030@gmail.com
Chebeague Island-pollywentworth@cascobaylines.com
Great Diamond Island-jamesl@cascobaylines.com
Little Diamond Island-maxp@cascobaylines.com
March 4, 2023 - photo - March 4, by Esther Danielson early morning.
A wet heavy snow falling all day, power out around 2pm and hoping to have it back by 5:30. A tree was down on Division somewhere.
The Chebeague Rec Center's mission is to provide the Chebeague Island community with recreational and educational opportunities that strengthen overall health and social connection to enhance lives and secure futures. With limited staff and resources, much of the programming relies on participation from members of the community like you.
With this in mind, would like your input to help determine future programming, facility updates, and priorities for our community. This survey will take about 10 minutes to complete. We greatly appreciate your time and input.
February 28, 2023 - Click here for a message from the Rec about the polar plunge and results of the Chili Chowder and Soup. Photos from the event will be coming soon. Congratulations to all the eleven plungers and for all the tremendous cooks!!
Message from Greta Morresette: “I am collecting donations for an immigrant family in Portland who is getting an apartment. They have an 18-month-old baby. They need everything from kitchen supplies, to furniture, to decorations, to a bed/comforter/sheets. If you can donate anything, please text Greta at (207) 632-1142. Thank you!!”
For those who missed or would like to watch again Richard Hackel's Landscapes of Chebeague, you can see it now - click here.
Save the Date!!!! Linda White’s Celebration of life will be July 15th from 4:30-6:30. More details will follow as the date gets closer.
The School Committee meeting tonight was canceled.They will meet next Tuesday, March 7, 2023. - same agenda.
Message from Kim Boehm: After much thought and consideration, this upcoming barging season will be my last for removing unwanted vehicles and scrap. This is a very important service which I have provided (sometimes at a financial loss) to ensure protection of our one and only aquifer. I charge our Island residents, both full time and seasonal, to come up with a plan, (I am available for comment and consultation) to continue my efforts. In the past, the Town has shown no interest in getting involved. I understand their position, so it is up to the private sector to get a plan. Please help.
February 27, 2023 - School Committee Budget workshop - Tuesday at 5pm - see agenda.
Selectmen's meeting Wednesday starting with Executive Session at 5pm and meeting at 6pm - see agenda and packet.
February 25, 2023 - video - of the Polar Plunge February 25, 2023 - outside temperature was 8º so I know the water had to feel a little warmer! Click here for results of the Chile Chowder Soup Challenge.
The annual POLAR PLUNGE is ON at 11 am at boatyard followed by the CRC CHILI-CHOWDER-SOUP cook-off at noon in the gym. There are 21 entries! Come taste and vote and enjoy the unity in Community! $10 adults $5 kids
Zoom link for Sunday's Affordable Housing Workshop is https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86287203048
Topic: Chebeague Housing Panel Discussion and Q&A
Time: Feb 26, 2023 at 2:00 - 4:00 PM Eastern Time
Location: Chebeague Island Hall
Refreshments and childcare provided
February 23, 2023 - Quite a snow storm on Chebeague today and tonight - I have been in Boston where there is a lot of sludgy snow.
Joquin Bonville and THE FEW will be performing at the Birchwood Brewery and Restaurant in Gray on Friday night (Feb.24) from 5-8pm. They will also be performing at Sunday River in Bethel on Saturday night (Feb.25) from 8pm-11pm.
The Polar Plunge has five hearty islanders signed up to plunge this Saturday(space available for more!)! Come cheer them on at the Boat Yard at 11am.
The Chili Chowder Challenge is back! After the Polar Plunge, arrive at the CRC sat noon to sample chili, chowder and soups. Come vote for your favorites. Macaroni and cheese for the kids! $10 per adult, $5 per kids. Yahoo!
Chebeague Housing Q & A Session (Updated Information)
Sunday, February 26th - 2-4PM at the Hall.
Refreshments and childcare provided. Zoom option available. (Link)
On Sunday, 26th, from 2-4PM at the Hall, there will be a panel discussion and community Q&A on island housing, facilitated by the Island Institute and sponsored by Chebeague Housing, a project of the Chebeague Island Community Association.
This community meeting is focused on sharing information from outside experts about the context of affordable housing in the state and on the island, such as information on state legislation and zoning changes, how the Affordable Housing for Maine Islands Initiative works, aquifer management, and other related topics. Information about current plans for housing on Chebeague that builds both on the community conversations and surveys from last year will be shared in future communications and gatherings.
Our guests panelists include:
Brenna Cohen, Island Institute, Facilitator
Clyde Barr, Maine State Housing
Travis Nadeau, Chebeague Planning Board
Carol White, Geologist and Hydrology
Mark Primeau, Genesis Fund
February 21, 2022 - Don't forget - SOUP - tomorrow at noon and Soup in the Hall. Suhail Bisharat will provide a special Damascene dessert.
Tomorrow night is a Town Budget workshop at the Hall at 6pm.
February 16, 2023 - The monthly Jam-Along is this Saturday, 2/18 from 2-4 pm at the Rec Center.
Bring your voices or instruments or just bring yourselves.
Attached is the song list - lets sing for spring - or you can bring a song to share.
For those who missed Preparing Coastal Communities for Sea Level Rise, a Historical Society Lecture you can see it now click here.
February 14, 2023 - HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!
Don't forget that Wednesday is soup day! Soup’s on at noon! Choices are Creamy Tomato with Cheese Tortellini and Pasta Fagoli. Bring a friend and come join us. Coffee with Susie at 9 too!
Selectmen's meeting 6pm tomorrow Wednesday - click here for agenda and packet.
February 12, 2023 - Chebeague Housing Q & A Session
Sunday, February 26th - 2-4PM; the Hall
Refreshments and childcare provided
On Sunday, 26th, from 2-4PM at the Hall, there will be a panel discussion and community Q&A on island housing, facilitated by the Island Institute, as we learn from experts about the funding opportunities and regulations surrounding the construction of sustainable housing on Chebeague Island.
What questions do you have about housing on the island? Zoning? State legislation? Best practice? All questions are welcome.
If possible, please email your questions to Ben Yosua-Davis (ben.yosuadavis@gmail.com) by Tuesday, February 14th, so we can ensure that they're covered as part of our panel discussion at the beginning of the program. Thank you and we hope to see you all there on February 26th!
There are many ways that stress works its way into our lives and can have a damaging effect on your heart. As we recognize heart health month with Valentine’s Day, look at ways to manage stress. You can google “Press Reset on Stress” or click this link to look at info from the National Institute of Health -
And also come to the Rec for a community walk at 1 pm Monday 2/13. Lets help our hearts stay healthy together!
- CRC programming team.
February 9, 2023 - The Chebeague Community Church invites you to participate in CCC's 2023 Community Survey. All people are welcome to take the survey. You do not need to be a member of the church to participate. The information will inform the Pastoral Search Committee and the Church Council in our plans for the future. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Church Office at 846-6987 or church.chebeague@gmail.com.
Thank you! SURVEY LINK: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ZKYXDSN
Michael Grew will be performing at the Good Theater as Rudolf Nureyev in their upcoming production of NUREYEV'S EYES. The show will run from February 22nd-March 12th. Tickets and more information can be found at www.goodtheater.com/nureyevs-eyes. All seats are $30, and 2 hours before showtime all remaining seats will be sold for $10. Hope to see you there! Michael and his wife Kell have been living on Chebeague for a few years now and recently purchased the Calder home.
Heating Assistance Program KEEPING CUMBERLAND COUNTY WARM HEATING ASSISTANCE PROGRAM - Cumberland County Government has allocated American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds for homeowners who are struggling to pay for heat this winter. Funds from the “Keeping Cumberland County Warm” project will be distributed to Maine residents through municipal offices. The Town of Chebeague Island applied for a grant to assist its residents. The program runs through April 15, 2023. Click here to learn more and find eligiblity requirements!!! Click here for the application.
A RING was found this morning on Chebeague when one of the teachers was getting off the boat - it is at the school if you lost it or call school 846-4162.
February 7, 2023 - Soup is on at the Hall Wednesday at noon. Choices are lentil vegetable and chicken noodle soup. Bring a friend and come join us.
Dr Rybka had to cancel his visit for tomorrow, Wednesday February 8th. He will let us know when he will reschedule.
Peggy Akers RN will be at the Community Center tomorrow, Wednesday February 8th. Stop in and say hello, have a cup of coffee and a muffin, and welcome Northern Lights/Mercy Home Care to the Wellness Center team of providers. Dr St. John will be here this Friday and Dr Larson will be back next Friday.
On Thursday evening, the Lincoln County Historical Society hosted Kate McBrien, Maine State Archivist, for an excellent presentation on Malaga Island and it is online now so click here. She explores the true history of the community who lived on Malaga Island, off the coast of Phippsburg, Maine, in the late 1800s with an engaging presentation and discussion. This program examines the individuals who were part of this community and the State’s actions to evict them from their homes through the complex history of racism and eugenics in Maine.
February 5, 2023 - photo - taken Saturday 2/4/23 by Jon Rich - Click here for another view and click here for another and one more with lots of cold seabirds.
Are you looking for a part time job? The Chebeague Community Church is looking for an administrative assistant to work about 30 hrs per month. The hours are flexible.
This is a support position and religious affiliation is not expected. Please click here find the job description and learn how to apply.
Click here for an article about the Main Street Hospitality that will be taking over the running of the Chebeague Island Inn.
February 4, 2023 - photo - taken 2/4/23 by Stephen Todd - The temperatures over night were -14º and it was -12º when this was taken. I know that Jon and Stephen have been working all night and day with frozen pipes and heat problems.
The Chebeague Historical Society's Ellsworth Miller Lecture Series on Monday February 27th at 7pm via Zoom only will be Richard Hackel - Photographer: Chebeague Island Landscape Photography - click here for more information.
February 3, 2023 - photo - taken Friday night 2/3/23 by Jon Rich - Click here for another view..
Today at noon was a very interesting and informative Zoom presentation about Captain Frederick Drinkwater: A Maine Slave Ship Captain. He was born in Yarmouth, Maine and was quite notorious. If you missed it you can click here and see the presentation that was put on by the Maine Conservation Voters. It is quite eye opening about the history of the slave ships and how Maine was involved.
School Committee Meeting next Tuesday, February 7 at 6pm - see agenda.
February 2, 2023 - photo - taken 2/2/23 by Geoff Summa at sunset.
The Chebeague Recreation Center is aligning with the American Heart Association (AHA) Campaign to Love your Heart for February - Valentine month. Heart disease continues to be the number one cause of death in the US, and everyone can benefit from learning about how to reduce their risk of heart disease.
Please check out this AHA website to learn about the “Essential 8” for heart healthy living:
The Rec center will be hosting myriad events to support everyone in achieving in their essential 8, including posting heart healthy recipes, encouraging aerobic exercise, and offering “Love Your Heart” events on valentine's week. Stay tuned!
February 1, 2023 - Soup is on at the Hall today - see you there!
There was an Aquaculture Session yesterday at the Hall with the Department of Marine Resources and the Maine Sea Grant. For those who missed the meeting you can watch it on the Town of Chebeague Youtube Chanell - click here.
Chebeague Housing Q & A Session
Sunday, February 26th - 2-4PM; the Hall
Refreshments and childcare provided
On Sunday, 26th, from 2-4PM at the Hall, there will be a panel discussion and community Q&A on island housing, facilitated by the Island Institute, as we learn from experts about the funding opportunities and regulations surrounding the construction of sustainable housing on Chebeague Island.
What questions do you have about housing on the island? Zoning? State legislation? Best practice? All questions are welcome.
If possible, please email your questions to Ben Yosua-Davis (ben.yosuadavis@gmail.com) by Tuesday, February 14th, so we can ensure that they're covered as part of our panel discussion at the beginning of the program. Thank you and we hope to see you all there on February 26th!
January 29, 2023 - Ctc would like to thank all those that moved their cars to help us get the lot cleared this past Saturday. We were able to get the lot back into pretty good shape in short order thanks to the lot being almost empty. Thank you!
From the Chebeague Island Historical Society: The presenter for our next lecture will be Gayle Bowness from The Gulf of Maine Research Center. The lecture topic will be: "Preparing Coastal Communities for Sea Level Rise". Join us at Zoom.us on 1/30 at 7 PM. The Meeting ID is 829 6247 6056. No password is required. And, many thanks to Michael Porter for his December lecture on sundials!
Please see our February Newsletter - click here.
Casco Bay Lines Down Bay Schedule Sub-Committee Meeting - In Person or Virtual is Tuesday, February 1, 7:45am to 8:45am - click here to get more information.
January 27, 2023 - The CTC is working on clearing the Cousins Island lot due to the substantial amount of wet and heavy snow. In order to help them clear the lot efficiently and safely, they are asking that the Cousins Parking lot customers help by moving their car out of the Cousins lot beteen 10:15am and 3:30pm on Saturday, January 28. Cars with Cousins Island permits are welcome to park any time at the Route One parking lot, which has a lot of cleared space right now. Additionally, if you are a Cousins Island parking customer and go over this Saturday morning to move your car on the 10am ferry and you return on the 4pm ferry the same day, you may ride at no cost. They would like to thank their customers in advance for helping to get the lot cleared and back to a much more usable condition.
Dont forget to get your dog license by January 31st. If you register after the 31st the State requires a fee of $25.
Due to the rain and until further notice, the clam flats on Chebeague Island are CLOSED.
January 26, 2023 - Chebeague Rec Center - Program Updates
--Teen Comedy Night - Friday 1/27 - 7-9pm
An Event for Teens.
--Drum Circle - Sat 1/28 - 3-5pm
Bring your Drum and have some fun!
--Game Night - Tuesday 1/31 7-9pm
Backgammon, Scrabble, or Chess
At around 11 last night the power went off on the island and was restored early this morning. The internet was back on and for some reason it went off about 10:30 and Axiom is working on getting it restored - sorry for the inconvenience. The internet is back up at 11:20.
January 24, 2023 - Soup is on at the Hall at noon. Students from the school will be joining us. Donations will go toward the Chebeague Island School. Don't forget coffee too at 9.
Please join us!
Message from John Wilkinson: "The cars I service will take a couple of days to clean out due to the storm ending late last night and the 14" of snow we received! Let alone the cousins parking lot lack of space."
January 23, 2023 - photo - taken 01/23/23 by Doug Ross early morning. Click here for another and click here for one more.
School Committee Meeting Tuesday, January 24th at 6pm - click here for agenda. Of interest Yvonne from the Island Institute will be hooking into our meeting to discuss school populations on the islands. Ann can send a Zoom link to people who are interested.
Click here to learn more about a Historical Society program on Climate Change that is happening on zoom January 30th at 7pm. There will be discussion on the effects of climate change on Chebeague.
Another snow storm today and no school again as there was one last Friday as well.
January 20, 2023 - photo - of the Stone Wharf submitted by the Danielsons on January 20th.
Snow storm today and no school!
January 18, 2023 - Board of Selectmen's Meeting is this Wednesday, tonight at 6:00 PM -It is live at the Hall but you can watch it by going to the youtube channel - click here Agenda: click here
January 17, 2023 - Tomorrow, Wednesday, the Soup is on! Hungarian Mushroom and Taco soup will be served at noon at the Hall. Come join us! Coffee with Susie at 9!
The Yarmouth Vet will NOT be coming to the Hall in February.
Also, a reminder that dogs need to be licensed in the town before the end of the month.
January 10, 2023 - photo - of a Barred Owl take by Mark Dyer - a lot of people have been seeing them around these days so keep your eyes open.
Don't forget SOUPS on today from noon to 1 at the Hall! Soups are Tortelloni in Curry Cream and Tomato Soup with Gnocchi. Coffee with Suzie at 9 as well!
Tonight is a Selectmen's Meeting at 6pm at the Hall- click here for the packet. We are fortunate now to be able to view it as well on our Town of Chebeague Youtube Channel.
January 8, 2023 - It is time to start thinking about the POLAR PLUNGE! This year the tide will again be a little low but it makes it more exciting having to run a quarter mile to find water. The date for the plunge this year will be February 25th at 11am - hope to see you there!
I was sorry to learn recently that Jeffrey Bates passed away in May of 2020 from Covid and I have added his obituary to the people page. Jeffrey had a house built on the end of Deer Point a number of years back.
January 7, 2023 - School Committee meeting this Tuesday at 6 pm at the school - see agenda.
Yvonne Thomas from the Island Institute will be at the Chebeague Island School with her new colleague Ken Stevenson on Tuesday, January 10 and invite people to come talk about the Island Institute's scholarships and workforce grants.. They will be at school from about 9:00am to 2:00pm. If you want to set up a time, please email Yvonne at ythomas@islandinstitute.org, or just drop in at school on Tuesday.
January 4, 2023 - Don't forget coffee at the Hall at 9 and soup at the Hall at noon!
Congratulations to the Groothoff children (they sure grew up fast): Luke Groothoff wrapped up his academic and athletic career at Messiah University this past December. Luke graduated with a BA in Biomedical Art & Design (Summa Cum Laude) and was awarded both All American and Academic All American honors as a midfielder for the Messiah Men's Soccer Team following a successful season (20 wins, 0 losses, 2 ties). Luke is starting his own medical illustration/animation business and will be working from his home office here on Chebeague! His brother, Jonathan, is a First Year medical student at Wake Forest School of Medicine and his sister, Ehryn, is a third year nursing student at Messiah, is playing lacrosse, and will be working at the Commons this coming summer as a CRMA.
January 3, 2023 - Message from Jen and Christine: "Dear Friends,
Two Birds Cafe will be closed until March 30, 2023…
We want to Thank You All, for your generous and heartfelt support over the past several months. We set out on this business adventure to curate and present beautiful, healthy & homemade fare. We love our job, and the camaraderie we feel with each of You is so important to Us, especially as you are all so supportive and encouraging!
It’s been a tremendous learning curve with plenty of hiccups… but we truly hope that the venue we have created and will continue to perfect, makes you feel welcomed and nourished, as we put our heart & soul into everything we present.
We will re-open on March 30, 2023…continuing our same hours:
Thursday & Friday 11:00- 3:00
Saturday 10:00- 3:00
Our hours will increase as we progress happily into Spring!
Cheers & Love,
The Two Birds!!"
The first soup lunch of 2023 will be served on Wednesday, 1/4. Come join us and bring a friend. Don't forget coffee from 9 to 11as well.
The selectmen's meeting has been rescheduled to January 11th at 6pm.
January 1, 2023 - Happy New Year!
Lock Kiermaier did a wonderful presentation about what he is learning about Little Chebeague at the Parish House this morning and we will be able to share it at some time. They talked about the project the Chebeague school children did in 2016 and I said I would share it. They are little videos done by the students about 6 of the cottages and hotel - click here to see.
News from 2002 - through January
22, 2003
NEWS 2001
I have decided to start documenting events that happened before I started doing the web page. Also if you click on an item and it says that it can't be found, you probably can add /index.html to the end and it will appear. When I had to change servers and went to goDaddy it lost the ability to go to the page by itself.
I would love to have any news, poetry, stories to add to
my news page so please email with anything you think would be
of interest to islanders around the world - yes Singapore, Egypt,
Mediterranean, Boston etc. checking out the news page everyday!
So please email me at
Click on the picture to go to
Chebeague Island Anchor Page