To contact me, Beverly Johnson : bjohnson4850@gmail.com.CLICK HERE FOR WEATHER or go to - HOOK BLUFF WEATHER STATION Boatyard Webcam is not up at this time. |
Town Covid Census |
Photo - by Richard Hackel December 29, 2020 Full Moon!
December 30, 2020 - Click here to learn what items can be recycled and not - especially during the holiday season. It costs the town and our taxes money if we don't properly recycle our items.
Click here for an updated FAQ from the Chebeague Covid Testing Team!
Please go to Chebeague Recreation Website to learn about some new online programs that are happening this winter in January! Backyard Birding with January 12th, 7pm with Maine Audobon Society. Yoga Classes with Mandy McMahon Thursdays 5:30 - 6:30. Group Meditation Series led by Sara Eisenberg, Sundays 4-5.
December 27, 2020 - Click here to see photos of family and friends who have been remembered with memorial donations to The Recompense Fund!
The weather is looking good for a beautiful moonrise on Tuesday, December 29. December’s full moon “long night moon” rises at 3:46pm. Join Miss Nancy at the Niblic for a socially distanced walk down Rose Point beach.
December 25, 2020 - MERRY CHRISTMAS
Chebweb Christmas Lights - Go to Chebweb and see all the photos that have been submitted so far - Don't forget to add yours to the gallery!
For those of us who were not able to attend the Christmas Eve Zoom Service on Chebeague I am happy to say that it was recorded and you can click here to see it. For the Silent Night Video only click here.
December 23, 2020 - Click here for a DECEMBER 23 COVID Community update.
Strong southerly winds are forecast for Christmas Eve, beginning in the afternoon and continuing on through Christmas morning. It is possible CTC will have to cancel ferry trips. Please remember, you can sign up for our notices, which include notices of cancellation, on our cancellations page here. An update will be provided tomorrow morning.
Looking for last minute Christmas gift ideas? The Chebeague Recreation Center has just the thing. You can give a loved one any one of our upcoming January programs!
Next month, we'll be offering several virtual programs, including a live presentation from Maine Audubon, a group meditation class, and a yoga series. You don't even have to leave your home to shop, or worry about shipping costs or delays. A great gift idea that's guaranteed to arrive by Christmas - or a great way to treat yourself this holiday season!
Get more info and register at chebeaguerec.com. Happy Holidays from the CRC!
December 22, 2020 - This year's Chebeague Island School's Holiday Concert is online and you will love to see how school is going this year. The students sing their songs outside with masks and produced a short play. The whole concert is only 13 minutes long and has lots of photos - Click here to see it!
Dianne Calder is in the Portland Press Herald as she is one of the first to be inoculated with the COVID vaccine while at Cedars in Portland. Click here to see her photo and read the article!
CHRISTMAS CAROLING! Click here to see how you are able to join in Wednesday 7pm December 23, Meeting ID: 329 786 3516 Passcode: 8B3A8J - see you there!!
Message from the Town Office: The Town Office will be closed for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Happy Holidays!
December 21, 2020 - The golf club is happy that folks are able to use the course for winter activities, such as snowmobiling and cross country skiing. We ask, though, that you avoid the greens when you are on the course. The snowmobiles especially could do significant damage to them. Please let Carl Tubbesing, Cary Espeaignette or Mike Hamilton know if you have any questions. Thanks very much.
Click here to hear the Selectmen's Meeting from last Wednesday, December 16th or any of the meetings this year.
December 20. 2020 - The CUMC Food Pantry is OPEN today 12/20. Please remember to pick up your Holiday Meal or arrange for delivery with Polly Wentworth. The Food Pantry will be closed on 12/27 however, Denise Hamilton will be available if items are needed. With Gratitude for the generous donations, financial and food items as well as time that keeps the Food Pantry living up to its name: "Chebundance" - if you have questions you can always email chebundance@gmail.com! Enjoy the Holiday, Eat Well, Be Well!
Message from May: Hey folks: Slow Bell is baking pies for Christmas. Pumpkin, chocolate cream, coconut, or apple. Need orders by Monday, 12/21 at 5 p.m. Pick up on 12/23 from 5 to 6 at the Slow Bell. $25 even this time, cash or checks. A portion of the proceeds will go to help supply pies to the Commons and Food Pantry. Call or text 332.2368 to order. Thanks!
This year, CUMC's annual Christmas Eve service of Carols and Candles will be held via Zoom on December 24th at 7 PM (https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84155250430?pwd=ZG9XUUo5U3hCNUlpWWYwdC82UHE5UT09). We hope that even though we can't be together in the same way, this service might help you and your loved ones bring special meaning to your holiday celebration. For any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Pastor Melissa at ml.yosuadavis@gmail.com.
December 18, 2020 - Photo by Dave Stevens of Lola Armstrong, Cheryl Stevens, and Jackie Trask braving the cold to put the final touches on the Christmas tree outside the Chebeague UM Church. “Sylvia’s Star” tops the tree and the vintage opaque bulbs are from Mable’s collection. The tree is lovingly dedicated in honor of Sylvia Ross and in remembrance of Mabel Doughty and Joan Robinson. We are grateful to Kendra McKinnon for the tree stand, Ken Pelton and Chip Corson for replacing the exterior outlet, to the Christmas fairy who donated the tree, and to Michael Hamilton and Dave Stevens for securing the tree (after the wind toppled it). Storms will test it again… but like the people to whom it is dedicated, this beautiful tree is strong and securely anchored.
The Chebeague Recreation Center is giving out free cups of hot cocoa tomorrow, December 19, from 12-1pm at the hill at the Chebeague Island Inn. Anyone who comes sledding or to play in the snow is welcome to a hot drink, on us!
Don’t miss out on ISLAND COMMONS’ HOLIDAY RAFFLE! Drawing will be this Sunday at noon. Get your tickets online by 11am Sunday to be entered in the drawing. Island artist Ellen Maher has generously donated a beautiful set of hand-made, ceramic nativity figures. A lovely addition to your holiday décor. Follow this link for information, photos (by Caroline Loder), and online raffle tickets.
Lisa (Webber) Schumacher, daughter of Harl & Maryellen Webber, has a birthday next week. She has been very sick fighting a severe illness and it would be so wonderful if she could be flooded with cards. Please send it to Lisa Schumacher 205 Cumberland Rd North Yarmouth, ME 04097
Her birthday is 12/24. She taught preschool at CIS back around 2004 and is fondly known by many as Miss Lisa. Thank you!
Last Monday Jerry Wiles did a zoom presentation about the meetings between Churchill and Roosevelt at Christmas in 1941. If you haven't ever listened to the way Jerry brings history alive then you are missing something. Many of his previous students showed up to listen to his presentation - I think that says something - he was by far Vika's favorite teacher ever. Click here to see and hear or click here to just listen to his program. They will be added to the CIHS website soon.
December 17, 2020 - John Wilkinson says there is 2 feet of snow in the parking lots. He is cleaning cars on Friday. If you need your car Friday, please contact him Cell 207-671-8305 - johnwilkinson1@yahoo.com- Go to Chebweb for more information!
Photo of snow storm today and an old fashioned school snow day!
Message from May: The Slow Bell will be making pies for Christmas. Chocolate cream, pumpkin, apple or coconut. Pies will be $25 including tax this time and a portion of the proceeds will help us supply holiday pies for the Food Pantry and the Commons. Checks and cash only, please. To order, call our text 2073322368. We will call or text you back to confirm the order. Pick up Wednesday, December 23 from 5 to 6 p.m. Thanks for all the support.
BEWARE!! There are a lot of scamming and phishing out on the web and in your emails. Click here to go to Chebweb with a link to an FTC site about it. Also, if your computer shuts down and a phone number comes up to call to save your computer DONT CALL or sometimes they will call you - just hang up and contact where you bought your computer from or a honest computer repairman. I can help you find one. I get messages all the time from people I know and I do not click on them unless I know they are coming.
After the first of the year Kim Boehm is going to be building another welded aluminum plate boat in his shop. If anyone is interested in observing, learning about or participating in this project, please contact him for details....islndelt@juno.com.
There will be no CART meeting today. If you have something you need to report contact Mellisa or Donna at ml.yousuadavis@gmail.com or publicserventone@gmail.com.
December 14, 2020 - Don't forget - TONIGHT 7pm- Jerry Wiles: Christmas 1941: Churchill and Roosevelt Meet in Washington. The Zoom log in number is: 829 6247 6056; there is no password.
Click here for School Committee Meeting agenda for tomorrow, December 15th at 6pm.
Message from Kim Boehm: FREE gun locks (provided by CCSD) for anyone interested. call Kim @ 846 2468 for pickup.
Click here for Selectmen's Meeting agenda and packet for Wednesday, 6pm, December 16th zoom meeting.
I recently downloaded about 3000 Chebeague Rec Center photos from old floppy disks that had been stored for years. All the photos are from 2000 - 2005 with a couple of 2007. It is fun to look back at all the things that were going on back then including chair caning, basket weaving, Flaymin Raymin, Arts & Crafts, Pool parties, rug hooking, teen center trips and painting, Guys & Doll play, lobster camp, flumes, hikes, and Leah's haircut...! Not all of them are right side up and some did not get through but click here to see them all.
The CUMC Food Pantry is open Sunday (12/20) from 11:30 -1pm. It will be closed on 12/27 but we are always available if you are in need of something by contacting Denise Hamilton at 838-6107 or emailing chebundance@gmail.com. There will be a sign up for Turkey or Ham if you or someone you know would like fixings for a Holiday Dinner and pie will be donated by The Slow Bell Cafe’s May Hall! Eat well and be well! Enjoy the holiday season!
December 11, 2020 - A message from Amy Rich and the Commons team: The Island Commons is pleased to report that after numerous weeks of testing we are officially healthy! We appreciate the well wishes and support from our community! And from the Commons Board: Sincere thanks to the wonderful Commons crew for working so hard to keep our residents and staff safe. All of Chebeague celebrates their hard work and dedication!!
The CIHS is pleased to announce that Jerry Wiles will present the next Ellsworth Miller Lecture on Monday, December 14 at 7 PM on Zoom. The topic will be Christmas 1941: Churchill and Roosevelt Meet in Washington. If you haven't heard Jerry Wiles historical lectures you are in for a treat! Gerry brings history to life! Don't miss it.
--Sign in a little before 7 PM, sit back and enjoy! The Zoom log in number is: 82962476056; there is no password
Message from Eldon: Getting bored having to stay at home while the pandemic surges? Have you see all the TV shows that interest you? Betts and I have been having fun playing Russian Bank, a double solitary game in which both players usually get challenged. If you know the game and would like to play virtually, send an email and we’ll set it up. If you like cards but aren’t yet into Russian Bank, you can google it or I can send you a primer I’ve put together, and we’ll play some practice games. Eldon Mayer, vixenskipper@gmail.com.
Click here or go to CHEBWEB.com to find out how you can participate in the Silent Night Community Virtual Sing. This is a great opportunity for everyone far away and close by to participate in a Christmas Eve program this year during these times when we can't all get together in person. Sounds like a neat thing to do. I can't wait to see how it comes together!!
December 9, 2020 - Click here to see the "Love My Island" video that was created from the 100's of photos sent to Chip and the Recompense Fund. (Comes up automatically on Recompense website) As promised all the people sending photos were put into a raffle with prizes gifted by a donor. A small video of the drawing- click here. Congratulations to the winners of the raffle: $100 gift certificate to the Chebeague Inn to Vicki Riddle Todd; $50 gift certificate to the Slow Bell to Dick Schellens; $25 gift certificate to the Niblic to Julie Doughty; $25 gift certificate to the Island Market to Erika Neumann.
The Maine Broadband Coalition is running a campaign to have Mainers test their internet speeds so they can collect statewide data, and communities can be better equipped to get better access to service. Click here to see how to do the test. Anyone interested can also go to https://www.mainebroadbandcoalition.org/ for more info.
Please fill out your proxy (click here) for the Chebeague Island Hall's virtual annual meeting on Thursday December 10 at 5:30 p.m. Proxies are available at the Community Center, store, food pantry, and Niblic as well as in the December Calendar. You may return them to a board member or place them back in the envelope. This Zoom meeting is open to all: 75969621528 password is wv4fA2 Thank you for your continued support of the Hall!
December 8, 2020 - Reminder that Barrie Shepherd has a new Christmas book out called: "A Poetic Pandemic Christmas Pudding" that benefits the Chebeague & Scarboro Food Pantries - click here for more information.
Message from Mellisa: CUMC's Annual Church Conference will be held Sunday, December 13th at 2 PM via Zoom. Our District Superintendent, Rev. Karen Munson, will be presiding. All who consider CUMC to be their church home are welcome to attend. We will look over the past year and consider what 2021 has in store for us. Zoom info:
Description:Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/93576425131
Meeting ID: 935 7642 5131
Passcode: manywaters
There is a waiting room to be let in. Stay on the call to be let in
One tap mobile+1-929-205-6099,,93576425131# US (New York)
For any questions, please be in touch with the church office (chebeagueislandumc@gmail.com).
December 4, 2020 - Letter with photos from Michael Porter, Donna Damon and Bev Johnson about the importance of conserving the Littlefield Woods. Photo of school children in Littlefield Woods near the old Chestnut Tree near the Parker cellar. Click here for the CCLT brochure of the Campaign to Protect the Woods.
Click here for a message from Sue and Ernie Burgess about their recent Covid experience. You can contact the CCTT by Text to 347-656-7524 or by a phone call to 207-264-0007. The team is led by Jenny Hackel, N.P. with Ann Bowman, Nancy Hill and Jackie Trask. For a full Frequently Asked Questions, Click Here.
A message to those that pre preordered trees from Chebeague School Christmas Tree and Poinsettia Fundraiser. You can come pick up your order tonight between 5-7PM. Saturday 11-3 or Sunday 10-12. Drive to the back of the school and pick up your preordered trees and poinsettias. Those that wanted their trees delivered will get them tonight to avoid bad weather tomorrow. Contact Vika with any questions. 712-1392
Click here to hear the December 2nd Selectmen's Zoom Meeting. Remember that you can always go to listen to back audios by clicking here and in the list above.
Yarmouth Community Coronavirus Task Force- Ask an Epidemiologist- Sharon and Gib will be answering questions on Zoom next Wednesday at 4 pm!
What do I need to know about different vaccines? When and how can I get one? Are the modeling predictions for cases accurate? What if my children want to travel home for Christmas? Sharon McDonnell, MD MPH and Gib Parrish, MD will hold a zoom session to talk about the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Everyone is welcome. Bring your confusion, questions, and ideas. This session may have a brief presentation – “Cool things this week in epidemiology” – but we hope to leave most of the time for questions and discussion. Please feel free to ask questions in the Zoom chat function when the meeting is in progress.
TIME: …..Wednesday, December 9 at 4 pm
WHERE: Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/207536632 Meeting ID: 207 536 632
December 3, 2020 - From the Town Office: Due to the increase in COVID cases in the State, the Town Office will be temporarily closed to walk-in customers. The Town Office will CONTINUE to provide all services, but will do so by way of the mailbox system outside of the front door. Please call us at 846-3148 Monday-Friday 9am to 4pm and we will be happy to walk you through this process. Thanks for helping us keep everyone safe.
SIGN UP for the Town of Chebeague’s new “Community Alert System” today. For text and email alerts, it takes two easy steps(Click Here). Go right to the Town’s home page www.townofchebeagueisland.org and look for the two subscribe buttons, one for your email address, and one for your cell phone number. That’s it! Stay informed on official Town updates and emergency announcements for Chebeague Island. For any questions, contact Erika at townofchebeaguecovid19@gmail.com
CART (Community Advisory Response Team) meeting today (December 3) at 4pm. The zoom meeting is always the town Zoom account - click here to find out how to join or call in. Zoom number is 326 962 753 with password 175989.
December 2, 2020 - Don't forget tonight at 6 pm is the Selectmen's Meeting and the Island Institute will be presenting information about small communities efforts in broadband - click here for agenda and packet.
Click here for the CTC December Newsletter and here for the Crew Assistance schedules that also shows trips cancelled because of extreme low tides! On Monday December 14th the 3:45 and 4:45 from Chebeague are cancelled and on Tuesday, December 15th the 4:45 is cancelled and December 16th Wednesday 6:00 pm boat is cancelled.
Click here to see the show Adventures in Golf that features Great Chebeague Island Golf Course and our island lobstermen, Alex and Josh Todd. Also in the video are Jack Turner and Tee Taggert, Sally Crapser, Linda Grant and Mike and Denise Hamilton.
Pickup for wreaths from the Ladies Aid is from 1 - 3 at the Parish House!
December 1, 2020 - Message from Vika: Christmas tree and pointsetta pickup is at the school Friday - 5 to 7, Saturday - 3 to 7 and Sunday 10 to 12.
Today is giving Tuesday - All of our nonprofits will benefit from your donations! Please consider a gift -This year the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act creates charitable giving incentives made in 2020 to 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations. The Recompense Fund, The Island Commons, The Chebeague Recreation Center, Chebeague & Cumberland Land Trust, CIHCC, Chebeague Historical Society, Chebeague Library, Council, CICA and CTC are all nonprofit organizations who could benefit from a donation today!
November 30, 2020 - Tomorrow night at 6pm is the School Committee Zoom Meeting - click here for agenda.
Wednesday night is the Selectmen's meeting that includes an update from the Island Institute of what island communities are doing about broadband. Click here for agenda and packet for meeting.
UPDATED - Don't forget that John Wilkinson, who works for the CTC as a bus driver is available for mainland tasks such as shoveling, driving your car, picking up supplies and more - click here for his information on CHEBWEB! If you’d like anything picked up and delivered within a 15 mile radius of Cousins Wharf - give him a call. Pick up at Maine Mall, Freeport, local shops and deliver to CTC. Or, send something over on the CTC that you need delivered on the mainland
Shippers report delays due to all the online buying.
John is driving the CTC bus, but he is ready, willing and able to pick up your stuff in his off hours. He’s done many, many errands and is very reliable.
Send him a text or call hime (207) 671-8305. johnwilkinson1@yahoo.com
Pick up at Hannaford’s, pharmacy, Ace hardware, paint, Estabrooks, lumber yard etc. $20/hr.
November 23, 2020 - Click here for a rainbow photo of Billy StCyr, taken by Chris Loder who said “Of course everyone knows that Billy is the pot of gold on Chebeague Island.”
Click here for a November 23, 2020 message from the CTC.
November 21, 2020 - The family of Scott “Big Bear” McCollom is thanking our island family for all the cards, kind words on the loss of the kind, gentle soul of our son, brother, father grandfather, uncle, nephew and cousin. He is greatly missed every day.
Click here to see the Selectmen's zoom meeting video that was on November 18th. They celebrated with Marjorie Stratton, her retirement with a thank you's, gifts and a video near the end of the meeting that Chip Emery put together. I know that we will all miss her and her fabulous voice!
Message from Jessie Graham: Thanksgiving is what the Food Pantry is ALL About!
The CUMC Food Pantry will be open today Sunday from 11:30 - 1:00. This is the last day to sign up for a Turkey Dinner and Pie(from Slow Bell). If you or a family you know are in need please contact Denise Hamilton @ 838-6107 or email chebundance@gmail.com If you have ordered a dinner please pick it up today if possible.
The Food Pantry will be closed on Sunday November 29th, but we will be available to provide you with items you may need. Contact Denise Hamilton.
The CUMC Food Pantry couldn’t exist without the generosity and abundant contributions of Island Community both in food, money, and tireless effort to make sure everything is available and delivered to those who are in need during these challenging times. This is definitely a time to be Thankful and show appreciation for all that is!
Here’s a big shout out to the Food Pantry Gals: Denise, Polly, Kel, Kendra and Vicky as well as Jen and Melissa. And a big shout out to Barry Fitzsimmons, who is our “Food Distribution Manager”, who loads up his truck for us and will soon be braving the (much colder) wind, sleet, snow and rain down to Chandler’s Wharf! To all of the people who have made and continue to make donations big and small we are grateful. Thank you for keeping our island food secure! Peace and Love Jessie
November 19, 2020 - Last year the Chebeague Island School did their first Christmas Tree and Poinsettia fundraiser. It was a huge success. People raved about the trees that we got from A. Wilbur’s Christmas Trees and Wreaths in Freeport and Poisettias from Estabrooks in Yarmouth. This year I connected with the same people and we are doing it again.
The fundraiser is for the kids’ end of year field trip. Last years trip got canceled due to COVID and we don’t know what will happen this year but that shouldn’t stop us from having this awesome fundraisers and filling peoples homes with beautiful trees and poinsettias.
Text or call Vika Wood (207) 712-1392 if you want one. Deadline to order is November 27th. Click here for flyer.
For those that missed Earle Shettleworth zoom lecture from November 16 or who would lie to see it again you can click here. It will be added shortly to the Historical Society page. If you go to Historical Society website and click on Ellsworth Miller Lecture Series you can view and see all the ones they have had this year.
November 18, 2020 - Message from Historical Society: The Good News is that everything at the Museum is 20% off now thru Christmas. Please use the code: CHEB2020 to receive the discount!
The Bad News is that because of the surge in COVID the Museum will not be open for in person shopping for the upcoming holidays.
That said our online store is open and ready for business! Purchases can be picked up outside on the bench or if you aren’t on the island we will ship to anywhere in the Continental US.
Shop early for the best selection! Just go to Chebeaguehistory.com and click on Online Museum Shop. And don’t forget to enter the coupon code at checkout: CHEB2020
--Please consider doing your holiday shopping with the CIHS. Your purchases support the work of the Chebeague Island Historical Society and strengthen Chebeague connections and a sense of place.
Message from May: The Slow Bell will be baking pies for sale, to be picked up on Wednesday, November 25th after 5 p.m. Pie flavors include pumpkin, apple, chocolate cream or coconut cream. They serve 6-8 people. If you'd like to buy a pie for yourself or your family, they are $25 and we need all orders in by Sunday 11/22. The Slow Bell is also donating pies to the Food Pantry for their Thanksgiving donations for those in need, and we will use funds from purchased pies to make this happen. Thanks for your support!! Call 332.2368 to place your order, or send an email to maywicca@gmail.com. Pies can also be purchased online at https://versieats.com/menu-slow-bell-cafe Keep us in mind for Christmas pies as well!
CART (Community Advisory Response Team) meeting tommorrow (November 19) at 4pm. The zoom meeting is always the town Zoom account - click here to find out how to join or call in.
Zoom number is 326 962 753 with password 175989.
November 17, 2020 - From the Chebeague COVID Testing Team(CCTT) Attached please find resources to help you assess your risks and make a personal plan for a safe Thanksgiving. If you are considering a COVID-19 test as part of your plan, the CCTT is an option with advanced notice. The CCTT deadline for testing is Saturday, November 21st. Tests are free of charge. Contact CCTT to discuss the CDC recommended quarantining guidelines before and after a negative test. Text CCTT at 347-656-7524 or leave a voicemail at 207-264-0007. Have a Safe and Happy Thanksgiving!
Click here for an important letter from Yarmouth Schools Superintendent, Dr. Andrew Dolloff regarding Maine quarantine and state travel rules as well as Thanksgiving planning for students with recommendations from the Board of Education.
CTC 6/6:15pm trips cancelled today because of extreme low tide.
Chebeague Rec Center is offering a Paint & Sip - Online Painting Class
This Online activity is a great way to connect with the Chebeague community. Everyone can participate, tell a friend and go online together! December 10th from 7-9 PM.
Please click here for all the information! Register online at our website: www.ChebeagueRec.com
KN95 Masks for All! You can pick up extra free KN95 masks at the Post Office, the Store, the Food Pantry (on Sundays) and the CTC. To date, more than 900 safe, reusable KN95 masks and storage cases have been distributed across the island. If we missed you (we moved swiftly but in some cases not thoroughly, our apology to those folks we missed) you can email townofcheabeagueislandcovid19@gmail.com or drop by one of the public places listed above. Funded by the Keep Maine Healthy grant. Spread Thanks, Not COVID
November 16, 2020 - Message from ISLAND COMMONS: Our insurer now requires that we obtain a signed release when borrowing equipment from the Loan Closet. The release form is available on our website Services tab. IMPORTANT: Due to COVID-19, loan closet self-service has been suspended. Please call Amy Rich or Christina Skillin to request equipment and arrange a pick-up time. Thank you for patience and understanding! https://www.islandcommons.com/services
Barrie Shepherd has a new Christmas book out calledIt "A Poetic Pandemic Christmas Pudding", and he describes it as "A plump and spicy concoction of words, phrases, and images to evoke the many flavors and aromas of the yuletide feast. P.S. Add brandy to ignite."
The book costs $10, plus $2 postage and all proceeds beyond cost are donated to the FOOD PANTRY. People can order copies from him at barrieshep@aol.com or call 207 510 1637, or by mail at 15 Piper Road K325, Scarborough ME 04074.
November 15, 2020 - Recently many people received a packet from the Chebeague & Cumberland Land Trust about obtaining Littlefield Woods (aka Parker's Woods), an important 25 acre parcel of land. Donna Damon, Michael Porter and I (Beverly Johnson) have written a letter in support of doing this and hope that everyone will help with this purchase. Please click here and read what we have to say!
This Tuesday, November 17th is a School Committee Zoom meeting - click here for agenda and how to get into it.
Board of Selectmen's Zoom meeting is Wednesday, November 17th at 6pm - click here for agenda and packety. The agenda will give you the zoom sign in informaiton.
November 13, 2020 - Over the next few days the CTC has to cancel trips because of the extra low tides starting tomorrow on one of their trips. Click here to see the list of cancelled boats!
KN95 MASKS FOR ALL! Last weekend, more than 500 KN95 masks were distributed throughout the island. If you would like more masks for you or your family (or if we missed you), the Keep Maine Healthy grant enabled plenty of protective masks to keep us safe. Islanders who commute to the mainland are welcome to have multiple KN95 for use as an everyday mask. Please come by the Store parking lot tomorrow (Saturday 11/14) between 9-11am to pick up your KN95 mask and compostable storage case. FMI contact Erika or Eliza Jane at townofchebeaguecovid19@gmail.com. Spread Thanks, Not COVID.
November 12, 2020 - John Wilkinson has been doing a wonderful service for islanders over the last year! He is driving the CTC bus, but is ready, willing and able to pick up your items in his off hours. He has been doing errands, car service delivery, shoveling, pickup at Hannaford's, pharmacy, Ace hardware, Estabrooks and other places you need things from. For Hannafords, just pay online with a credit card and he will deliver to CTC and you can pay him with Venmo. Click here for his post on Chebweb to get all the details of his service. His text is (207) 671-8305
For those trying to reach Jane Frizzel to order wreaths- the correct email address is frazzelled@gmail.com
CART (Community Advisory Response Team) meeting today at 4pm. The zoom meeting is always the town Zoom account - click here to find out how to join or call in.
Zoom number is 326 962 753 with password 175989. CART MEETING FOR TODAY HAS BEEN CANCELLED
November 11, 2020 - Photo taken 11/9/2020 at the boat yard. Veteran's Day -
CHRISTMAS WREATHS from Ladies Aid. Keeping it simple due to Covid and not being able to work as a group .We believe people will still want them. They are beautiful double sided as always. TO ORDER Email Jane Frizzell. frazzelled@gmail.com Please order by Dec 1st. 18 dollars each and pick up or delivery by Dec 7.Thanks for your support.
Message from May: "Hi folks: We will be open this Saturday only. We're working with a very limited menu right now to keep our costs low. Our specials will be available on our website starting Thursday (www.slowbell2.com) and you are welcome to order ahead of time by following our Versieats link. Our menu will include some DINNERS FOR FOUR: Haddock chowder, salad and rolls; chicken stew, salad and rolls; lasagna, salad, and garlic bread; meatloaf with mashed pots, salad, and rolls. We'll also have some pizza specials and chocolate cake. Interested in ordering PIES for Thanksgiving? Place your order this weekend (see the details at the bottom of the menu). Call 846-3078. Thanks!" Click here for menu.
The Department of Marine Resources has scheduled a Scoping Session on Summit LLC’s application for a 20-year lease on 53.38-acres consisting of two tracts near Lower Basket Ledge, Casco Bay, in the towns of Cumberland and Chebeague Island . The remote scoping session is scheduled for tomorrow Thursday, November 12, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. via Zoom. See the Maine DMR website https://www.maine.gov/dmr/about/meeting-details.html?id=3528406
A scoping session provides an opportunity for the public to learn about a proposed lease and to have an informal discussion with the applicant about the proposal. A copy of the lease application is available on DMRs website at: https://www.maine.gov/dmr/aquaculture/leases/draftstandardapps.html . Applications are listed alphabetically. For Zoom access information to the scoping session please visit, http://www.maine.gov/dmr/aquaculture/leases/draftstandardapps.html.
November 7, 2020 - Click here to see a 3 minute video created by the Covid Testing team for the Keep Maine Healthy grant explaining about the KN95 masks they distributed to all Island residents today. If you didn't get one, contact Eliza Jane or Erika at townofchebeaguecovid19@gmail.com.
Today Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were declared the winners of the Presidential Election that we have been watching all week as the ballots were being counted all over the United States.
November 6, 2020 - The Town of Chebeague Island is announcing the retirement of its longtime administrator, Marjorie Stratton and the hiring of Justin Poier as her replacement. - click here for the news release.
Your kn95 masks are coming this weekend! Click here to learn more about the Spread Thanks Not COVID, campaign and how we can work together to be safe. For more information contact Eliza Jane or Erika at townofchebeaguecovid19@gmail.com
November 5, 2020 - The safest masks for ALL islanders are on the way to you this weekend. Islanders know how to hope for the best, and prepare for the worst. Keep Maine Healthy funded safe kn95 masks for everyone just as Governor Mills has mandated today masks to be worn in all public places. Did you know the 95 in kn95/n95 means 95% of contagious matter is blocked from coming and going? Click here for a very clear infographic on how the safest masks protect two ways - you and those around you. Spread Thanks, Not COVID.
Click here for the Selectman's Meeting Audio, Click here for Audio Part 2 after the executive session.
CART (Community Advisory Response Team) meeting today at 4pm. The zoom meeting is always the town Zoom account - click here to find out how to join or call in. Zoom number is 326 962 753 with password 175989.
November 4, 2020 - Today at 5PM, the Island Institute is hosting a Zoom meeting with Mark Ouelette, president of Axiom. They have asked Axiom Technologies for an hour to share with broadband focused community member and municipal leaders their current thoughts and approach to expanding service on Chebeague Island. We’ve asked Axiom to share what a path forward with the community would look like as a community-wide project (similar to past presentations) and what filling in the current unserved areas would be. There will be time for Q&A.He’ll be talking about how other small Maine communities have sought funding and built high speed fiber internet service.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 988 0008 8922
by Phone: 1 646 558 8656
November 3, 2020 - ELECTION DAY! A total of 331 voters cast their ballots for November 3, 2020 Election. We had a record number of Absentee Ballots, 161 returned ballots. The town had over 83% turn out rate. Well done Chebeague residents for coming out and making sure your vote counted. Click for all the results that are on the town website.
The results of the votes for Chebeague are:
Biden 255
Hawkins 6
Jorgensen 3
Trump 66
Collins 102
Gideon 216
Linn 3
Savage 9
House of Representatives
Allen 71
Pingree 257
State Senator
Breen 242
White 81
State Representative
Bell 237
Fleming 78
Click here for November Food Pantry information!
School Committee Meeting tonight at 6pm - click here for the agenda.
Selectmen's Meeting tomorrow, 11/4/20 at 6pm - click here for agenda and packet.
November 1, 2020 - This Wednesday 11/4 @ 5PM, the Island Institute is hosting a Zoom meeting with Mark Ouelette, president of Axiom. He’ll be talking about how other small Maine communities have sought funding and built high speed fiber internet service. Go to Chebweb to learn more about this program.
Click here to see an article in the Lily: The Postal Service is in trouble. These women on remote islands show what we could lose.
The CRC has been busy this October finding ways to celebrate Halloween safely, including trick or treating and pumpkin carving. Although we initially planned to create a haunted trail, we were excited to discover that it is a tradition of one of Chebeague’s own families to create a haunted trail every October. In the interest of being a good neighbor, pooling resources, and bringing the community together at one spooky event, the CRC will not be hosting an official haunted trail as one of our programs. Many of our volunteers will be participating in Kim and Ralph Munroe’s Forest of Horror on Halloween night. The Munroes have shared that the all in the community are invited to attend October 31 on Schoolhouse Road!
The CTC November newsletter as well as November and December crew assistance/ low tide trip cancellation schedules are available on the news and info page of chebeaguetrans.com or here.
October 26, 2020 - "DON'T WAIT TO CALL THE COVID TESTING TEAM IF YOU FEEL SICK". Click here for a letter from Adrian Cole about his experience getting support from the Chebeague COVID Testing Team (CCTT). You can contact the CCTT by Text to 347-656-7524 or by a phone call to 207-264-0007. The team is led by Jenny Hackel, N.P. with Ann Bowman, Nancy Hill and Jackie Trask. For a full Frequently Asked Questions, Click Here.
click here to hear the audio from the Selectmen's meeting of October 14th.
Don't forget tonight - Donna Damon talks about Chebeague During the Civil War at 7pm on Zoom: Account #571-208-0031 ; Passcode 745437. Click here to learn more.
October 25, 2020 - Click here for a message from CTC about the Maine Economic Recovery Grant.
Tomorrow Evening, October 26 at 7pm - Ellsworth Miller Lecture Series presents: Donna Damon’s Illustrated Talk: Chebeague During the Civil War
On Zoom: Account #571-208-0031 ; Passcode 745437
How is Chebeague connected to Fort Gorges? Whose ancestor is this? Just a few of the questions that will be answered!
Chebeague Island UMC, Chebeague Recreation Center, Kiran Grewal, and Kids Place have been working on putting together ideas for Thanksgiving. This is a survey to gather feedback on thoughts of doing a to-go option for families who will not be able to enjoy a traditional Thanksgiving with families, due to Covid-19. We look forward to hearing back! Thank you! Link: https://forms.gle/Fw5XmMxAFhPzQkSw9.
October 24, 2020 - Photos from Kids Place Fall Cleanup on Saturday, October 24th. Parents and children raked the yard, pressure washed the building, pruned the bushes, planted mums, and took truckloads of trash away.
Message from Hayden and Shady Grove…..The Farm-Stand will be open tomorrow, Sunday the 25th from 3-5. All of the usual offerings. Join us for some hot sweet-tea and warm your backsides by the fire-pit.
- CTC is working with Fogg Water Taxi to provide 8:15 water taxi service from Cousins Island to the Stone Pier starting Monday, October 26'th. Click here for details.
Octber 22, 2020 - Beautiful sun today! This pandemic makes us all have to prepare more intensely to go indoors, face flu season and decide how to safely celebrate Halloween and Thanksgiving. The CDC has a guide to safe practices as you plan for the upcoming holidays click here. Another good article on Thanksgiving and Covid-19 planning was shared today by Dr. Kip Webb from Stat News . Let’s Spread Thanks, Not Covid!
by Anonymous Chebeaguer
To safely socially distance
Is a medical insistence
Is six feet enough?
And all that other stuff
We all want the old days
And our former ways
When we went without masks
Accomplishing our tasks
To be free to hug and kiss
Is something we all miss
Let’s do our best not to mope
As we all try to cope
We’ll be able to get through
This is something we can do!
We are all from Chebeague!
Which puts us in a special league!!
CART (Community Advisory Response Team) meeting today at 4pm. The zoom meeting is always the town Zoom account - click here to find out how to join or call in. Zoom number is 326 962 753 with password 175989.
October 21, 2020 - REMINDER - Coping with COVID: A Community Conversation
Wed, Oct 21, 2020 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM (EDT) Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (872) 240-3212 Access Code: 137-207-293
This is not a zoom meeting - New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts: https://global.gotomeeting.com/install/137207293
Message from May: Hi folks: This weekend the Slow Bell will be open Saturday for takeout dinner only. You are welcome to come in, order at the counter, and eat on the porch. Our takeout help will be happy to get you a beverage if you need one! We just will not have traditional table service (sorry folks, limited staff). This weekend's dinner specials are: steamers, hearty tomato soup with grilled cheese crouton, crab stuffed shrimp with rice, pot roast with mashed, and apple-blueberry crisp. If you'd like to order ahead or order for takeout, you can do it online at: https://versieats.com/menu-slow-bell-cafe. You can also call 8746-3078 Thanks!
October 20, 2020 - The Chebeague Recreation Center is hosting an informal Zoom chat this Thursday, October 22 at 6:30pm for anyone interested in volunteering in its upcoming Halloween events. Learn about how to scare your friends on the Haunted Trail, or help organize a costume parade and giving out candy on Halloween!
Join the Zoom Meeting here:
Meeting ID: 973 9822 9192 (No password)
The Chebeague Recreation Center is hosting a Halloween Scavenger Hunt on Saturday, October 24, at 2pm. Kids can team up with their friends and family to follow the clues and find the hidden creatures and objects around the Rec! Families will have the chance to complete the hunt, decorate their creatures, and win prizes! No sign-up required. For more information, contact Kiran Grewal at 347-598-3572. Part of the CRC's Halloween event series. See flyer!
October 19, 2020 - Photo by Chris Auffant of a folliage in front of their house..
JOIN the discussion this Wednesday, 10/21 at 7pm on for a free webinar about taking good care of your friends, loved ones and yourself during the stress of Covid with the amazing author and chaplain Kate Braestrup and island friend and mental health expert Greg Marley (NAMI). Click here to sign up with Yarmouth Community Services. Click here for the flyer. For more information contact Erika or Eliza Jane (townofchebeaguecovid19@gmail.com)
Board of Selectmen Zoom Meeting Wednesday, October 21, 6pm - click here for agenda and packet.
October 16, 2020 - REMINDER FROM CTC - 6/6:15pm trip cancelled tomorrow, Saturday, October 17, due to extreme low tide. Last trip is 4:45/5pm
School Committee Zoom Meeting next Tuesday, 6pm October 20th - click here for agenda.
October 15, 2020 - REMINDER FROM CTC: - 4:45/5pm trip cancelled tomorrow, Friday, October 16, due to extreme low tide.
We are rescheduling this event to Sunday 10/18 from 2-4 PM as we are expected to have Heavy Rain & Wind on Saturday.The Pumpkin patch will be located at the Rec Center / Kids' Place front yard. Stop over and pick your pumpkin to take home!
Thanks for supporting the Chebeague Recreation Center! CLICK HERE: for Pre-Registration Link or to Buy a Pumpkin!
October 14, 2020 - Sunday OCTOBER18 11:30-12:30 ON CHURCH STEPS Ladiies Aid will sell their goods. Checks or exact change .Proceeds support other Island non profits. MASKS REQUIRED
Message from Kim Boehm: "Barge dates are limited if you have an unused vehicle to get rid of. Please call me at 846 2468 for details. Thanks."
Another message from Kim: "The Island has always had a need for properly trained SCUBA divers to service moorings, find lost items, clear rope from propellers, etc. I have been providing this service for a number of years, but as my trips around the sun increase, my desire and ability to perform this service (in a timely manner) decreases. I will help financially underwrite anyone who undergoes training to become SCUBA certified. Conditions apply. Thanks. Kim 846 2468"
October 13, 2020 -Fraud Allert: Every day I get an email or two, supposedly from paypal saying my payment has been accepted to some company. I go and check my account and find nothing so I know these are frauds. DO NOT EVER click on the email or respond to it. This is the same with a lot of things you get in email. If it doesn't look right to you it probably isn't. (I forwarded the last email to spoof@paypal.com)
CRC's Pumpkin Decorating Event, Saturday Oct 17, 2-4pm - CLICK HERE for flyer.
Pick your own pumpkin and decorate with us this Saturday. The Rec will have a small 'pumpkin patch' and decoration stations for you and your family!
Bring your own carving tools to create a jack-o-lantern, or take advantage of our paint and craft supplies to decorate.
Sign up ahead of time! Register online at chebeaguerec.com. Pumpkins cost $10 each. Rain or shine!
Selectmen's Executive Session Zoom Meeting Wednesday, October 14th - click here for agenda.
October 12, 2020 - Clear here to listen to the Selectmen's Meeting that took place October 7th.
NOTICE: The Maine Health RN is unable to come to the Wellness Center this Tuesday, October 13.
Art Bell hopes to represent Chebeague, Long, and Yarmouth as our State Representative. He'd like the opportunity to Zoom meet with Chebeague voters Wednesday, 10/14 at 7pm to tell us about himself, hear about Chebeague's strengths and needs, and answer questions.
Please see the Zoom information below. Art Bell is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 893 5218 6018
Passcode: 689687
Message from May: "Hey folks: As all people do from time to time, I need to rest my weary bones. After a long season with very few days off, I'm going to close for ONE weekend--October 16-18. This will give me the chance to recharge my batteries and come back stronger. I hope you will take the time to enjoy some fresh veggies from the two glorious farms on the island or look to some of your neighbors to share in a socially distanced outdoor BBQ. We will open again on Saturday, October 24th. Thanks for all your support. May and the crew at the Slow Bell."
October 11, 2020 - Click here to see some photos of mushrooms I found up in Littlefield Woods today October 11th. I don't know anything about mushrooms but think these are really interesting - I found out from George Bates that they are an edible called "shaggy mane".
Click here to see the plans from the CRC on how we are celebrating Halloween on Chebeague!
Cick here to learn more about the Covid Testing Team and what you can do right here on Chebeague if you feel you need to be tested for Covid! There is also a button above CCTT Covid testing to get the information. Click on Meet the Team to see a video of them explaining to you how to get tested. This has been such a great program for the island that many communities aroud Maine are trying to emulate. Thank you to ALL the volunteers who have made this work as well as the Church and Recompense for the grant.
Chebeague Historical Today from 1-4. To meet CDC guidelines, only 4 shoppers at a time will be allowed in. We have a covered bench on the ramp that will hold at least two folks who are waiting. All shoppers must wear masks and use hand sanitizer upon entering. Come check out the new books, magnets, shirts, hats, glasses, mugs, posters, and much more.
If you can't come in person, you can check out our online store at chebeaguehistory.com. We do curbside as well as ship! Your purchase supports the work of the Chebeague Historical Society and we thank you!
October 8, 2020 - The Red Studio will celebrate its final shopping day of the regular season on Saturday, from 10-noon. Plenty of tempting items to choose from, including some great half-price treasures. Fabulous furniture, lamps, more than enough books to keep you entertained through the winter, linens, antiques, jewelry, games, puzzles and surprises. Cash and check. Thanks for supporting Island Commons.
Message from May: Hi folks: The Slow Bell will be open this weekend on Saturday for dinner and Sunday for brunch, eat-in, eat-out, or take-out. THIS WILL BE OUR LAST BRUNCH of the season. For dinner, our specials will include steamers, chicken or eggplant parm, fisherman's platter, beef stew, and chocolate or apple pie. Remember, you can order your take-out online by going to our website www.slowbell2.com and selecting the VERSIEATS link. Remember to indicate which type of pie you want. Hope to see you at the Slow Bell! 846-3078
ISLAND COMMONS business phone line (846-5610) is out of service and awaiting repair. If you need to reach us and can’t get through on that line, please call 846-4456. We are scheduled for repair on Thursday, 10/8.
Click here to get the latest information about the Chebeague United Methodist Church Food Pantry.
CART (Community Advisory Response Team) meeting today at 4pm. The zoom meeting is always the town Zoom account - click here to find out how to join or call in. Zoom number is 326 962 753 with password 175989.
October 7, 2020 - The Book Study Group is starting a new book. It's a great time to join us!
The new book is "Me and White Supremacy: Combat Racism, Change the World, and Become a Good Ancestor" by Layla Saad. Introduction session: Monday, October 12. 7PM via Zoom. Please email Gloria Brown (gjbrown58a@gmail.com) for more information and Zoom link. All are welcome!
Click here for a letter from the CTC to update the community on where CTC is at regarding service changes, financial status, ect.
SUNDAY OCT.11 ftom 11:30 to 12:30 Ladies Aid will sell their handmade items outside the church. Come Browse Masks REQUIRED. Checks, Exact change, or I Owe YOU .
FLU SHOTS TODAY -Wednesday October 7th 9-11AM at the Hall. Maine Health is sending two nurses this year to keep things moving and will have the vaccine for those "over 65" as well.
Chebeague Historical 2 Day Shopping Event
The Chebeague Historical Society is opening for in store shopping on Saturday and Sunday afternoons from 1-4. To meet CDC guidelines, only 4 shoppers at a time will be allowed in. We have a covered bench on the ramp that will hold at least two folks who are waiting. All shoppers must wear masks and use hand sanitizer upon entering. Come check out the new books, magnets, shirts, hats, glasses, mugs, posters, and much more.
If you can't come in person, you can check out our online store at chebeaguehistory.com. We do curbside as well as ship! Your purchase supports the work of the Chebeague Historical Society and we thank you!
October 6, 2020 - Video created by Chip Emery and his son John for Recompense Fund. This is the first of two, so it is not too late to send your selfies and photos to chebweb for the second video. Thank you to Barrie Shepherd for his poem that you will be able to see and download on Chebweb.
School Committee Meeting tonight at 6pm - see agenda and sign-on information.
The Chebeague Recreation Center will be hosting a public online meeting this Thursday to share ideas for how we can be a part of celebrating Halloween safely. Curious about what you and your family can do this Halloween with the ongoing COVID pandemic? Tune into the Zoom meeting Thursday, Oct 8 from 6-7pm at this link: tinyurl.com/CRChalloween
For more info contact Kiran Grewal at 347-598-3572.
Ocober 3, 2020 - Click here to see the latest Covid Update. Click here for the October 2, letter from the Town Administrator.
Message from Hayden Corson: Shady Grove Farmstand will be open tomorrow, Sunday October 4, 2020 from 3:00-5:00! Lots of beautiful tomatoes, corn, lettuce, bread, potatoes and much more! See you tomorrow!!
October 2, 2020 - Message from Cliff Island: Lost Skiff: Wednesday evening my son’s pride and joy 16ft Silver and Green Lund with a 1970’s 35 Hp Evinrude outboard. It has varnished and has no markings or registration on it. It presumably broke from the mooring sometime after 6pm from the North Point of Cliff Island. Please contact Liz at 402-290-9052 if you have seen it or have any information. Many thanks!
CUMC is looking to have its next outdoor worship services on Sunday, October 4th and 11th at 10 AM at Chandler's Field. Masks required. Bring your own chair (though we will have seating available for those who need it), be ready to practice physical distancing, and park along the old access road. For this Sunday, we'll be doing a Blessing of the Animals in celebration of the feast day of Saint Francis of Assisi. Bring your furry, feathered, or scaled friend! All animals must be leashed, harnessed, or in a carrier. You may also bring a picture of your animal to receive a blessing.
Zoom connection is also available to these services. Find the link at http://www.chebeagueumc.org/worship.html.
In case of weather, check our Facebook page on Saturday for details.
The Red Studio will be open Saturday from 10 until noon, full of a replenished inventory, some great new finds, and lots of fun things to mark the arrival of autumn. And if you need dining room/occasional chairs, you have hit the jackpot. We have a fantastic selection of all styles. Come see for yourself! Cash and check only.
Reminder, the Maine Health Nurses DO have the Flu Vaccine for those age 65 and over for the Flu Clinic that is Wednesday October 7th 9-11AM at the Hall. here on Chebeague.
Message from May: Hi folks! This week we will be open on Saturday for dinner and on Sunday for brunch. Our specials include meatloaf with gravy and mashed, swordfish with chimichurri and mashed, turkey soup with barley, key lime pie, and caprese salad with pesto dressing. Don't forget you can order dinner online starting today at www.slowbell2.com and select our versieats link. 846-3078
September 28, 2020 - REMINDER - Chebeague Property taxes are due by the end of this month Wednesday!!
Click here to listen to the Board of Selectmen's meeting from September 23rd or click here to listen to all of the.
September 26, 2020 - The full report on the "Community Survey on COVID" taken between August 6-31st is attached here. The survey results are a "snap shot" of community attitudes and safety practices five months into the pandemic. Thank you to everyone who participated and shared your views. The majority of respondents believe the island community has done a good job coming together to face of the pandemic. The results of this survey shows that we are making a difference, and together our efforts have kept us safe. Thank you for going the extra mile to keep the island, and one another healthy and safe. Click here to see all the comments. For more information about the survey contact the Town Office at 846-3148, or Erika at townofchebeaguecovid19@gmail.com.
Click here for a letter that went out from Marjorie, the town administrator earlier this week.
September 24, 2020 - The Red Studio will be open Saturday from 10 to noon. Stop by in this beautiful weather and check out our fabulous assortment of furniture, home furnishings, linens, jewelry, art and antiques. Fall’s coming and it’s a good time to treat yourself to some new stuff! We’ve got it.
Message from Marjorie: How do I vote this year? – Voting on November 3rd will be essentially the same as any other election. You can vote in person at the Hall from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm. Election workers will be behind plastic shields. We will sanitize in-between voters and there will be fewer voting booths. Masks are required and will be made available if you don’t have one. We will also have hand sanitizer available and social distancing will be practiced. Absentee Ballots are also available upon request. All you have to do is contact the Town Office at 846-3148. Please plan ahead if you plan to vote absentee. We have a secure drop box outside the Town Office door for people that want to drop off the ballot. We expect to receive the ballots from the Secretary of State Office the first week in October. Absentee ballots will be mailed at that time to those that have requested them. Don’t forget to sign the outside of the envelope. As always, just call the Town Office if you have questions at 846-3148.
CART (Community Advisory Response Team) meeting today at 4pm. The zoom meeting is always the town Zoom account - click here to find out how to join or call in. Zoom number is 326 962 753 with password 175989. Click here for minutes from September 24th meeting.
Message from May: "Hey folks! Open this Saturday for dinner and Sunday for brunch. Still looking to hire a waitserver for the off season, so spread the word. Our specials include turkey dinner with all the fixings, fried scallops, halibut with pesto barley and chocolate or coconut cream pie. We'll also have curried butternut squash soup. We may only have a few weekends left, so come on out and show your support."
September 18, 2020 -Due to extreme low tides, the CTC 6:30/6:45AM ferry/bus trip is cancelled on 9/19.
Click here to hear Wednesday's Selectmen's Meeting of click here to hear them all.
Don't forget that there is a Kids Flue Clinic tomorrow from 9 to 11 at the Hall.
Jon Rich would like people to let him know if your house is ready to drain. It is really hard to keep up with drainings when and if the weather turns really cold as has happened in the past. I remember a snow storm on Halloween and a three day freeze at the same time. Please contact Jon - call or text 522-3439 or email jonrich@chebeague.net and let him know when the house may be drained the earlier the better.
September 16, 2020 - This Saturday, September 19th is the Kids Flu Clinic!! Dr. Larson will be here to give Island children ages 6 month and up free Flu shots from 9am-11am. Help protect your kids, your family and your community! Masks and social distancing required. All children must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.
Selectmen's zoom meeting tonight at 6pm - click here for agenda and zoom information.
September 15, 2020 - The September CTC Board meeting will be on 9/17 at 7 PM.
To join the meeting on Zoom.us, use meeting ID 83795662325
School Committee Zoom Meeting tonight, Tuesday at 6pm - click here for agenda and sign in information.
Message from CIHS: The Chebeague Island Historical Society is pleased to announce that in June it received a CARES grant that has helped us to continue the work of preserving the history of the community, presenting programs via Zoom, and answering questions from the public about the Chebeague’s history and the families who lived here.
The grant off-set operational and personnel expenses and allowed the CIHS to acquire the technology to present the Ellsworth Miller 2020 Lectures virtually. In addition, we have continued our work on next year's exhibit: Growing Up On Chebeague. Funding has been provided by the Maine Humanities Council and the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) as part of the Coronarvirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act economic stabilization plan of 2020. Click here for a photo of students in the early 70's- do you recognize any of them?
Message from May: "Hi folks: This week we'll be open on Saturday night! We'll be serving lasagna with salad and a roll, salmon with garlic mashed potatoes and local veggies, haddock chowder, and key lime pie, along with our regular menu items. We'll also open on Sunday morning for brunch with cinnamon rolls, fresh donuts and apple cake from 10-1. Hope to see you at the Slow Bell! 846-3078."
September 11, 2020 - DJ Dance Party!
Join us this Wednesday for an afternoon full of music and dancing! The Rec Center will be holding a socially-distant dance party for all ages! Dance inside your own circle painted on the grass. Bring your friends, family, and your masks!
Meet outside the Chebeague Island School on Wednesday, September 16th from 4:30-5:30pm. Water and snacks will be available. No cost or sign-up required.
The DJ Dance Party is sponsored by the CRC and the Island Ambassadors of the Keep Maine Healthy Grant. For more information contact Kiran Grewal, Island Fellow of the CRC at 347-598-3572.
Click here for the audio of the Selectmen's Meeting on Wednesday September 9th or click here to find audios of all the meetings.
September 10, 2020 - Click here to see the latest Chebeague Island Historical Society lecture series presentation by David Weiss, Co-Founder and Executive Director, Northeast Historic Film "Historic Maine Films". It is quite a large file and it is not until about the 32 minutes before there are some great videos of Chebeague that were saved by Mark McGee. A lot of videos of Joan Robinson as a young girl and sardine fishing and scenes of Chebeague.
A lost wedding ring, possibly at the golf course. It’s a plain band, gold but looks metallic. He is offering a reward! If found contact me at 513-543-3106.
September 7, 2020 - The Chebeague Island United Methodist Church Food Pantry is a Labor of Love! It will be open to Everyone this week on Wednesday 10:30 - 12:00. Click here for the hours for the month of September and to see what they have available.
Thursday at 4 pm is the CART (Community Advisory Response Team) meeting. Everyone is invited to join. The zoom meeting is always the town Zoom account - click here to find out how to join or call in. Zoom number is 326 962 753 with password 175989. Click here for September 10th minutes.
September 2, 2020 - Click here to learn about a CRC Job opening at the Kids Place for an Assistant Child Care Teacher.
Great News!
Richard Hackel's - Art Night at The Rec has been Rescheduled
Friday 9/4 from 5 PM - 7 PM.
Click here for more information!
For those that have already pre-purchased tickets they will be honored.
Tickets can be purchased online at our website: www.ChebeagueRec.com
Hi folks: Attached is a menu for this week's specials. We are focusing on all of you who are missing your Clam Festival, Cumberland Fair, and Fryeburg Fair experiences. Come in this weekend and try our fried dough, sausage sandwiches, deep fried cheesecake, and more. We'll also be serving FRIED CLAMS, LOBSTER ROLLS and a wonderful salad with local heirloom tomatoes and cucumbers, onions, pickled fiddleheads and feta cheese. Click here for our menu. Thanks for all your support for the Slow Bell this summer. Likely we'll be closing early this year, so get out and have some good fun and food while you can! 846-3078
Carpet Services is coming out for our annual trip to Chebeague...FINALLY!
2020 has certainly been challenging so far, but we’re going to try to meet the challenge.
Kevin and his van will be arriving on the island on the morning of September 15th for a week long stay and will be providing the usual services, carpet, upholstery and tile & grout cleaning. Please reach out via email @ carpetservicesme@gmail.com, or you can call or even easier, text our business phone at (207)772-6225 to set up an appointment. We’re looking forward to seeing all of our island customers and getting everything you need cleaned up for the coming cooler weather.
September 1, 2020 - Photo of a rock scene of the 4th of July Road Race- at the beginning of the summer we were treated by these creations that appeared around the island! Created by Katherine and Christie Kellam. This is another of many I will be sharing. Parade scene - Fire house scene
CTC will make changes in the ferry schedule on 9/8. For explanation of the changes click here.
School Committee Meeting tonight at 6pm - click here for agenda and sign in information. Finance Meeting at 7:30 pm see agenda.
The Tax Bills were mailed recently. If you have questions about the tax assessment, please contact Jacqueline Robbins at bonaire4@myfairpoint.net. Or you can call 207-852-1840. She will be at the Town Office on Chebeague Island Tuesday, September 15th at 8:30. You can call the Town Office for an appointment. Other general questions about the tax bills can be directed to the office staff or Marjorie Stratton at 846-3148.
August 31, 2020 - TONIGHT!! 7PM: The Chebeague Island Historical Society is proud to present the last offering in this summer's lecture series with David Weiss's presentation, "Historic Maine Films" Tune in to Zoom at 7:00 pm on Monday the 31st (tonight!): Go to https://zoom.us/j/326962753, password 175989. For more detailed directions, please click here. David is Co-founder and Executive Director of Northeast Historic Films and we look forward to a most enjoyable presentation.
The Historical Society would like to thank everyone who turned out for our pop up sale this afternoon. It was a great success and we took in enough to keep the lights on and the building heated! The CIHS appreciates your support and don't forget our online store is up and running year round! chebeaguehistory.com. Adding new merchandise periodically so keep checking back! Thanks to all of the volunteers and shoppers!
August 30, 2020 - "Love Our Island" video - Send selfies ! Part 2. Thank you to all who have contributed so far. We have some more to film this week and then we'll compile the video. If you want to send in a photo with a mask, that's fine but we really want to see your face! Each person who sends something will be entered in our raffle (all prizes are privately donated) So far they include - Dinner for two at the Slowbell - Lunch for two at the Niblic - $100 CTC tickets - We hope everyone, near and far, participates. Text your selfie video or pic to 207-619-0244.
Chebeague Recreation Center, is happy to announce that Richard Hackel's - Art Night at The Rec has been Rescheduled! Art Night is now scheduled for - Friday 9/4 from 5 PM - 7 PM. For those that have already pre-purchased tickets they will be honored.
Tickets can be purchased online at our website: www.ChebeagueRec.com
August 29, 2020 - Don’t forget the pop up sale at the Museum Sunday August 30. It runs from 1-3, so you don't have plenty of time to drop in during the afternoon. Wear a mask and browse this outside, socially distanced sale. Something for all ages, and many unique Chebeague items. Masks, calendars, and Buoy House Puzzles are going fast! Great book selections for all ages including Michael Porter’s new book about Chebeague maps. New glass, mug, and shirt designs. All shoppers will have their name entered in a FREE raffle for a great door prize! All proceeds to benefit the Chebeague Island Historical Society. If you can’t make it, check out our online store at Chebeaguehistory.com! We ship!
Click here to hear the latest Board of Selectmen's meeting that was on August 26, 2020 - Click here to hear them all.
August 28, 2020 - Message from the Post Office: Sorry, folks, Saturday hours need to changed again. On August 29 Casco Bay Lines moves to Fall schedule. The mail will arrive daily around 11:15, so Post Office Saturday hours will be 10:00-2:00. (M-F remains 8:30-3:30)
Sheila Putnam, Postmaster
The Council will have the Flu Clinic for all children on Sat., Sept 19th.on Chebeague at the CICC. The Adult Flu clinic is always early October, tentatively the week of Oct 5th. Mac and Beth's donuts, a Flu Clinic tradition, will hopefully appear... Flu shots are always available at the Wellness Center, provided by the Maine Health Nurse, for those folks (adults and children) who are unable to make it on the day of the Flu Clinic. I believe the flu vaccine was given as late as March last spring.. Flu shots are free, sponsored by the Council. The vaccine has been ordered and is here. The Children's Clinic is ages 6 months to high school seniors, Those children who need a second dose can return here in a month for a scheduled visit. The Adult Clinic, open to both children and adults, is held on a weekday morning and offers the high dose option for those over 65 etc. Please let us know if you need more information. Posters, notices, signs etc will be going up soon.
August 27, 2020 - Jen Belesca completed her virtual Tri For A Cure yesterday running 3.22 miles with Ethan and Aaron on either side. She did her swim back on August 10th swimming from her mother-in-laws dock to the dock at the Hook and back. Then on August 19th she biked 15.32 miles, which is approximately 3 loops around the island. She is a 15 year breast cancer survivor and is so proud to say that out of 1,233 participants this year she currently is the 9th highest fundraiser, raising $6,401!!
If you haven’t had a chance to read her story please check out the link https://mainecancer.donordrive.com/participant/26429
Maine Cancer Foundation is committed to reducing cancer incidence and mortality rates in Maine, with 100% of funds raised by the Foundation used to benefit the people of Maine. How cool is that!?! If you can, please donate. There is still time. Cancer tries but Jen TRIED HARDER!
A reminder that bidding for the Island Commons Bid Hello to Summer online auction https://www.islandcommons.com/bid-hello-to-summer ends at 10:59 p.m. Saturday. Check out the beautiful auction items from our final Island Artists week. We sincerely thank the Chebeague community for their generous support of our auction, and for the support we receive every day for the good work that goes on at the Commons. Still time to bid!!
School Committee Zoom Meeting, Tuesday September 1 at 6pm - see agenda. Finance Meeting at 7:30 pm see agenda.
August 25, 2020 - Selectmen's meeting tomorrow night, Wednesday, August 26 at 6 pm. If you go to the Town website on the calendar for the date is the link for the agenda as well as the packet or click here.
The Chebeague Island HIstorical Society will be holding a Pop Up Sale in the driveway at the Museum on Sunday August 30 from 1-3. Check out our online store if you wonder what we carry! (chebeaguehistory.com) There is a wide variety of merchandise including some great new mugs/glasses, Gail Miller jewelry, hats, shirts, and sweatshirts for all ages. For the first time ever we have puzzles including one of our own "Buoy House". We have aprons and towels with Chebeague scenes as well as "Ammi the Amiable Masked Lobster", and we just got in a shipment of Chebeague masks! The store has all kinds of books, soap and much more! We just got in a new shipment of Cathy MacNeill's calendar. Don't be disappointed. Pick yours up now for 2021.
Checks and Cards only. Masks required; hand sanitizer at the tables; socially distance. We hope to see you on Sunday! In the meantime check out the on-line store!
The September CTC newsletter is available here.http://www.chebeaguetrans.com/Documents/September_2020_Final.pdf
The October Crew Assistance/Trip Cancellation schedule is available here
CTC COVID 19 UPDATE (8/25) is available here.
2 pm is the CART (Community Advisory Response Team) meeting. The zoom meeting is always the town Zoom account - click here to find out how to join or call in. Zoom number is 326 962 753 with password 175989.
Message from May: The Slow Bell will be closed for LUNCH from today moving forward. We WILL be continuing our brunch for a few more Sundays. This week's specials include black bean and pork chilli with tortilla chips and cheddar cheese; chicken marsala served on mashed potatoes with salad and a roll; lobster rolls; beer battered lobster; and chocolate cake with whipped cream frosting. Our special salad will include local tomatoes, pickled fiddleheads, and shaved sharp cheddar. Hope to see you at the Slow Bell. 207.846.3078
August 23, 2020 - Chebeague is such a special place and a video is being made to show how we are all doing this summer in spite of the Coronavirus! Please help us create a new video showing the whole community. We hope everyone, near and far, will participate and there will also be a raffle for all those who send in your selfie (pic or video) to Chip Emery at mail@chebweb.com or TEXT 207-619-0244. Click here for a preview "Love Our Island"
Message from Florence: "Island Riches will be open for next week with almost everything on sale. The price of all the items ( except consignment) will be 50% - 75% off. The hours will be 10am - 4pm all week. Please remember to wear masks and only 2 people at a time in the shop. I am sad that it is ending this way with the virus. It was going to end with a small party. I often said that I had lots of company all summer and they gave me money I will be sad to close the shop. It was fun. I hope to see you next week. Florence"
August 19, 2020 - Yesterday I included the obituary for Trent Llyod Rees and the family wants people to know that for their Chebeague Island family and friends, a celebration of life service will be held on Chebeague Island on Sunday, August 23 at 1:00 on the beach at the boat yard. We will follow COVID guidelines for a group gathering so please wear a mask and bring your own chair.
Message from May: "Hi folks: Specials this week at the Slow Bell include pulled pork dinner, pan seared halibut with Israeli couscous, nicoise salad, lobster tacos, lobster rolls, and haddock chowder. We'll also have key lime bunt cake and key lime pie for dessert. Call ahead to order! Thanks! 846-3078 ."
Message from the Island Council: Friday August 21, 2020: Dr Larson will be at the Wellness Center 9-11:30AM. She sees all ages and will see you even if she is not your Primary Care provider. Feel free to stop in and meet her. She will be coming every Friday.
August 18, 2020 - Announcement from David Hill at Historical Society: We hope that many of our island friends, near and far, have been able to join all or at least some of our annual Historical Society Summer Ellsworth Miller Lecture Series. While the pandemic moved us to a virtual setting, we know that the presentations have had a wide reach. So far, there have been four presentations, and videos of the first three are already available for viewing on our website. https://www.chebeaguehistory.com/2020-miller-lecture-series But, please remember that there is still one more Miller Lecture scheduled on August 31. Details of the final lecture on on the same webpage. We hope to continue the Ellsworth Miller Lectures throughout the fall and winter. Stay tuned!
School Committee Meeting - 6pm tonight - see agenda.
This week, the eighth week of the Island Commons’ Bid Hello to Summer! online auction https://www.islandcommons.com/bid-hello-to-summer, we feature artists who behold the beauty and charm of life on our island and capture it in many different media. Our auction includes paintings, jewelry, photography, wood carving (in two styles), weaving and crafts. Each item carries with it the celebration of Chebeague, its natural beauty and the daily joys we all experience sharing this island. Thanks for supporting the auction and Island Commons.
August 17, 2020 - Important Rec Center Event Update
Richard Hackle's Art Exhibit on 8/21 has been POSTPONED
Please note that due to an out of state family emergency Richard Hackle is unable to attend our Art Exhibit of his Pana Lateral View of Chebeague Island. This event will be POSTPONED for a future date. We are unable to reschedule this event at this time but will provide notice when a new date is selected.
For anyone that has pre-purchased their donation to this event online, we can hold your donation on account for future use or simply reply via email to request a full refund.
Thank you for your understanding and support!
The CTC Annual Members meeting was held on 8/15. If you would like to hear the audio from the meeting click here. The PowerPoint presentation can be found by click here.
Don't forget tonight, Monday 8/18/20 - The Chebeague Island Historical Society is proud to present the next offering in this year's lecture series with David Hill's presentation, "Billly Hill: The Man Who Outshot Annie Oakley." Tune in to Zoom at 7:00 pm on Monday the 17th: Go to https://zoom.us/j/326962753 , password 175989. For more detailed directions, please click here.
August 15, 2020 - Photo of a rock scene of the parade - at the beginning of the summer we were treated by these creations that appeared around the island! Created by Katherine and Christie Kellam. This is one of many I will be sharing.
Starting tomorrow - The Ambassadors are four island teens who will "supervise" the playground as a way to help kids adjust to wearing masks while playing. I hope you will drop by, bring kids, and support the Ambassador program. They will have masks, hand sanitizer, and will clean the playground every 30 minutes. The teens are paid by a grant from Keep Maine Healthy. They have been trained about COVID, and are receiving basic first aid training. The playground supervision is daily from 9-noon. Let's play safely! - Click here to see the flyer.
TODAY at 9:00 CTC's Annual Meeting is Saturday 8/15at 9 AM. To attend, log into Zoom.us and join meeting 8926659276
Bidding on "Seafood Week" ends tonight at 11:00 p.m. Don't miss out on great local seafood including lobster, oysters, crabmeat, and Bangs Island mussels. Bidding also ends on the Cocktail Party for 12. Bidding for "Transformers" continues until August 21st.
The Red Studio will be open this Saturday from 10 until noon. We are literally bursting at the seams with fabulous furniture. Down-filled chaise longue in a delightful small cotton print (think reading on a rainy afternoon — assuming it ever rains again), a large selection of charming side tables of various sizes, chairs of all types, small refurbished cedar chest, cute bunny hutch (perfect for a child’s room; no bunnies included), huge assortment of pretty table linens, lamps, and kids books and games galore. Some great larger furniture in our garage. Please park on Littlefield, cash or checks. Thanks for your support of Island Commons.
Rec Center - Special Announcement
The Rec Center has two very special events planned for next weekend, it's not too late to get your tickets. Please don't wait much longer as we expect to sell out.
--8/21 - ART NIGHT - 5 PM
8/22 - MUSIC NIGHT - 5 PM
The Westenders on Volunteer Field
For more information and to purchase tickets click here: www.chebeaguerec.com
Event Notes:
Outdoor Social Distancing Required
Masks Must be worn at all times
No Restrooms Available
August 13, 2020 - Click here to listen to the Selectmen's meeting from August 12th.
NOTICE: August 13 Covid Update - click here. You can also access it in the orange box above.
The Commons Red Studio is open Saturdays from 10 to 12.
School Committee Meeting next Tuesday, August 18th at 6pm - click here for agenda.
August 12, 2020 -Click here for information about the Town Administration Job that is advertised for Chebeague Island. Deadline for applications is August 19th.
Click here for a message from Vika Wood about her family's experience with the Coronavirus. Vika is also my daughter and we are the elderly parents she refers (oh dear, elderly keeps getting a lot older in my mind) - Family and friends are also grateful for the testing we were able to get right here on Chebeague from Kip and others of the CCTT (Chebeague Covid Testing Team)!
Parent - Teacher - Community Meeting: Today, August 12th, at 6pm there will be a Zoom meeting for parents, teachers and others to discuss opening of school. We have been remote learning and tele-working since March 16, 2020. We have been working almost as long developing a plan to bring the PreK- grade 5 students back to school safely for the 2020-21 school year.
Dr. Kip Webb will be joining me on a ZOOM presentation to answer any questions about our learning plans for 2020-2021 school year. We will be presenting, then taking questions. There will be a follow up Parent Survey to share your family's plans for the fall and any additional information you would like to share. WEDNESDAY, August 12, 2020 at 6:00 PM
ZOOM ID. 520-877-1196 - Password. 531196
The Selectmen's Zoom Meeting tonight 8/12/20 at 6pm - click here for agenda and packet. Zoom number is 326 962 753 with password 175989 or click here to find out how to join or call in.
August 11, 2020 - Cllick here for an important message from the Island Commons
2 pm is the CART (Community Advisory Response Team) meeting. The zoom meeting is always the town Zoom account - click here to find out how to join or call in. Zoom number is 326 962 753 with password 175989. Click here for the minutes from July 28, 2020.
August 12th 9-11:30AM Wellness Center open: The Maine Health RN will be here. No appointment needed. Masks required. If you are concerned that you may have Covid-19 symptoms, have a known exposure, or are looking for testing please do not come to the Wellness Center. Please call your physician to arrange for testing and follow up care.
If you think you may need a COVID-19 test, send a text message to our pager, 347-656-7524. Remember, this way you do not have to leave the island!
NOTICE: Click here to see the updated Chebeague Covid Testing Video and Information on Chebweb!
“The Chebeague COVID Testing Team has switched over to the Maine State Lab, giving us a 2-4 day turn around on tests.
August 14th 9-11:30AM Wellness Center open: Dr. Heidi Larson will be here. She is a Family Practice doctor and will see patients of all ages. Please stop by and meet Chebeague's newest health care Provider. Masks required. If you are concerned that you may have Covid-19 symptoms, have a known exposure, or want Covid-19 testing, please do not come to the Wellness Center. Please call your physician or call Dr. Larson directly at 233-2502 to discuss testing and follow up care.
August 9, 2020 - Save the DATE Friday August 21, 2020 for a special fundraiser - Richard Hackel's Panalateral View of Chebeague Island - from 5 to 7 at the CRC's Tennis Courts - CLICK here for details!
Click here to see and hear a poem by Suhail Bisharat "Corona" that is now hosted on the Historical Society Website.
August 7, 2020 - NOTICE: Chebeague Island has faced the Covid-19 global pandemic with many changes to island life. Rarely has something encompassed the entire community so completely - changing the way we come and go from the island, impacting where and how we work, learn, shop, serve, live and how we care for one another from a distance, or cautiously masked from nearby. How are you doing with it all?
Please help us understand how you feel Chebeague has coped so far during the Covid-19 crisis and take a 10-question survey. This is meant to listen to the Chebeague community and as we near the end of Summer, reflect on where we have been, and where we are headed. It will take you no more than 5 minutes. For any questions or further comments, please send an email to townofchebeaguecovid19@gmail.com or call the Town office at 846-3148. Thank you for your time and input. (Survey is a project of the Community Action Response Team (CART) a volunteer representation of Chebeague's nonprofits, businesses and Town departments to face the Covid-19 crisis.)
--- SURVEY LINK: August 2020 Community Survey on Covid
--If you would like a hard copy mailed to you, please call the Town Office or email townofchebeaguecovid19@gmail.com and we will be happy to mail you a printed copy.
The Red Studio will be open this Saturday (and future Saturdays, weather permitting) from 10 until noon. Stop by and see a wonderful collection of furniture, antiques, household furnishings, jewelry and books and puzzles. Please park on Littlefield Road. Thanks for your support of Island Commons.
August 4, 2020 - Message from May: Hi folks: We are still up and running. Eat-in, take-out. This week’s specials are: Chicken, cheese and black bean OR cheese and black bean enchiladas served with Spanish rice and grilled street corn, salad and a roll; pan-seared scallops on Spanish rice, with chimichurri sauce and Second Wind Farm veggies; lobster tacos, lobster rolls with fries; broccoli cheddar soup; taco salad with beef or tofu served with corn chips, salsa and sour cream; chili chocolate cake with chocolate cream cheese frosting. We also have Cabot cheddar cheese for sale in the take out. Don't forget we are open for lunch daily W-Sat and brunch Sunday! Spread the word! Call ahead for take-out! 846.3078
Don't forget TONIGHT - School Committee Meeting is this Tuesday, August 4th at 6pm - click here to for the agenda and zoom info.
Message from the Commons: Week Six - Seafood Week Auction starts
Tuesday at 9:00 a.m.
Locally caught seafood is one of the pleasures of life on Chebeague. Just a few hours between the clear waters of Casco Bay and your plate. This week we’re offering an array of seafood delicacies as part of Week Six of the Commons’ Bid Hello to Summer! auction. You can’t get more “local” than these delicious choices. Thanks to the generosity of island fishermen and harvesters, we are auctioning lobsters, oysters, crabmeat, and mussels. Slice the lemons, melt some butter, get out the napkins—and savor the best of Chebeague. (For those following the auction from away, sorry, this bounty of the sea can only be savored here on Chebeague.) Thanks for your support. We’re thrilled with the response to our auction. Remember: Click for the Commons!
The Chebeague Island United Methodist Church Food Pantry will be open to ALL this week on Wednesday 10:30 - 12:00. We have fresh fruits and vegetables and meats/poultry as well as canned/ jarred and dried foods. Supplies like sponges, paper towels, and trash bags as well as personal hygiene products are available as well. We can arrange for pick up or delivery other times when needed. Please bring a bag, stay 6 feet apart and wear a mask. We will be happy to help you if you want to give us a list or tell us what you need, if you prefer to stay in your car.
If possible email us a list of items the night before and we will package them and bring them outside for you to pick up. pkwentworth@gmail.com
When you arrive there will be spaces marked where you can line up 6 feet apart. We have many fresh items out on a table and others inside - there is a list of items posted by the table.Your donations are not necessary however they are appreciated and THANK YOU for making this effort possible!
If you wish to donate you go to the CUMC Website - Donate and Thank you!
If you need to call you can call Denise 207-838-6107 or Jessie 802-279-5410 or Polly Wentworth 207-233-8382
August 3, 2020 - Don't forget tonight - Peter Ralston "Along the Coast --- His Work," featuring his beautiful photography. Tune in to Zoom at 7:00 pm on Monday the August 3rd: Go to https://zoom.us/j/326962753, password 175989. For more detailed directions, please click here.
CHEBEAGUE RECREATION CENTER Announces the opening of its Fitness Room and Gym by appointment only to annual members. Members can sign up for access to the online appointment booking system by going to ChebeagueRec.com.
August 2, 2020 - This year’s Maine Cancer Foundation’s ‘virtual’ TRI FOR A CURE started yesterday. They have the month of August to complete it and Jen Belesca is one of the participants. Please check out her story! This is the 4th Tri for a Cure Jen has participated in! Jen is a 15 year survivor of breast cancer!
School Committee Meeting is this Tuesday, August 4th at 6pm - click here to for the agenda and zoom info.
Accepting bids for mowing & trimming at Chebeague Island School as conditions require: This includes but is not limited to; the front of the school, the east side of CIS between the driveway and the fence to the field, the picnic area to the woods, the area between the school and the tennis courts, all trimming close to the school building and around out buildings and structures, the ballfield, and trimming the surrounding fence.
This contract will expire June 30, 2021 To submit your bid please contact: Ann C. Kirkpatrick, Superintendent
14 School House Road
Chebeague Island, Me 04017
August 1, 2020 - Don't miss your chance for a final bid on “Week 4 - Christmas in July" of Island Commons - Bid Hello to Summer auction items. These are the items posted with bidding ending on August 1st in the subtitle.
Bids close at 11:00 p.m. tonight. Thanks for your interest and support of the Island Commons.
Coming Monday: The Chebeague Island Historical Society is proud to present this year's lecture series continuing with Peter Ralston's presentation, "Along the Coast --- His Work," featuring Peter's beautiful photography. Tune in to Zoom at 7:00 pm on Monday the August 3rd: Go to https://zoom.us/j/326962753, password 175989. For more detailed directions, please click here.
Updated schedule for the church's Book Study Group: Monday's August 10 and 24 and September 14, 7-8:15 PM via Zoom. The book is The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander. FMI, please contact Gloria Brown: gjbrown58a@gmail.com.
July 31, 2020 - The Red Studio will open for the season Saturday from 10-noon. We’re loaded with furniture, antiques, linens, kids’ toys and books, and all the other eclectic stuff you love. Please park on Littlefield Road, wear your mask, and social distance. We’ll be able to allow only 2 or 3 shoppers at a time in the studio. Looking forward to seeing all our loyal customers — and welcome those about to discover what a fabulous, fun shopping experience awaits you. Thanks for your support of Island Commons.
I can't say it enough - PLEASE wear a mask during these times. Chebeague has had a number of positive coronavirus cases. Wear a mask to protect each other! Please check out the Covid Videos and the one about why it is important to wear a mask.
Click here to hear the latest Selectmen's Meeting from July 29th.
July 30, 2020 - Message from Gloria: The church's Book Study Group is starting a new book: The New Jim Crow my Michelle Alexander, on Monday night, August 3rd, 7 - 8:15 PM via Zoom. We plan to meet every other Monday through the rest of the summer. FMI, please contact Gloria Brown: gjbrown58a@gmail.com.
The Rec Center is delighted to announce our Fellow from the Island Institute, who will be joining the staff this Fall! She will be focusing on programming, and we are extremely excited to introduce her to the Chebeague Island community.
___Kiran Grewal is a graduate of Bucknell University in Environmental Studies. She was a Peace Corp volunteer and recently returned from Zambia, where she was part of a Community Health Empowerment Program. Kiran trained as a Maternal/Child Health and HIV/AIDS Educator. She has additional experience in community leadership through clubs and stage management of theatre and dance productions, as well as research with a recreation organization which involved surveys, a focus group, and the development and implementation of a community garden. Kiran interests include community-based projects, facilitating teams, and empowering and working with others to create a sustainable world.
Click here for a photo of a phone, towel and sandals found on Hamilton Beach. If anyone recognizes these, they can call 207-712-5875.
July 29, 2020 - The Selectmen's Zoom Meeting tonight 7/29/20 at 6pm - click here for agenda and packet. Zoom number is 326 962 753 with password 175989 or click here to find out how to join or call in.
NOTICE: Click here to see the updated Chebeague Covid Testing Video and Information on Chebweb!
“The Chebeague COVID Testing Team has switched over to the Maine State Lab, giving us a 2-4 day turn around on tests.
If you think you may need a COVID-19 test, send a text message to our pager, 347-656-7524.
WARNING: There was a shark attack off of Bailey's Island on Monday. A 63 year old summer native of the Bailey's Island was swimming in a wet suit and was killed by a white shark. I have heard that a shark has been seen around Cousins and Chebeague and we know that a dead maimed seal has come ashore on Chebeague but we know that seals can be hit by propellers as well.
July 28, 2020 - We’ve modestly called Week Five of the Island Commons’ Bid Hello to Summer online auction https://www.islandcommons.com/bid-hello-to-summer our Blockbuster Week, and we are offering an array of wonderful island opportunities: a week-long stay at an island cottage, a virtual winetasting (the wine will be there to pour, the tasting will be led virtually by the owner of a noted California vineyard), a Sunset Cocktail party for 10 people (a huge hit last year), a beautiful print and a two-night stay in a charming guest cottage. Most can be planned for 2021. So, check out the offerings and start bidding.
Remember: Bidding for “Week 4 – Christmas in July” ends at 11 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 1. (There’s some good stuff there. Make your bids.) Click for the Commons, and thanks for your support.
The Red Studio at Island Commons will reopen on Saturday from 10 to noon. The studio is chockfull of antiques, furniture, jewelry, kids’ books and puzzles, home furnishings — all the things you love (and need!!!). Masks, please, and we’ll limit the number of folks in the shop so we can all social distance. Checks and cash only. As always, we’ve gathered a wonderfully eclectic variety of must-haves. We hope to be open every Saturday through the fall.
2 pm is the CART (Community Advisory Response Team) meeting. The zoom meeting is always the town Zoom account - click here to find out how to join or call in. Zoom number is 326 962 753 with password 175989.
On behalf of the Chebeague Recreation Center and it's board of directors, I would like to announce that we have hired a new Head Teacher. Emily Short, will be moving to Yarmouth mid-August, and will prepare the Kids' Place for an early September opening. We are very excited about this new position, and the passion and experience that Emily will bring to our organization. I look forward to working with Emily and getting our children back to the Kids' Place. Please see a short note from Emily click here.
Message from May: Hi folks!! We're really excited for the week that's coming! We have indoor and outdoor dining and takeout Wednesday through Sunday, including lunch (brunch on Sunday) and dinner. Our specials this week are spaghetti and meatballs (veggie or regular) with garlic bread and salad; salmon on cauliflower rice with Second Wind Farm veggies; lobster tacos, lobster rolls, and clam chowder. We'll also serve a special salad with golden beets, feta cheese, and pickled fiddleheads! Hope you'll come out and show your support for the Slow Bell and all my hardworking employees. On Sunday night, we'll have a couple of family specials, including 1(one) large 2-topping pizza with a large house or caesar salad and a small fries ($20) or 1(one) large 2-topping pizza with a large fries and large chicken fingers ($25). Call ahead to order. 846-3078.
July 24,2020 - NOTICE: Click here for a July 24th letter from the Town Administrator, Marjorie Stratton.
Reminder: Chebeague Island Library and Chebeague United Methodist Church are partnering together to offer a community-wide book discussion on Austin Channing Brown's Book I'm Still Here: Black Dignity in a World Made for Whiteness. Join us on Saturday, July 25th at 10 AM (Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81795805821?pwd=QlVnQjNMaFo4U09HNzVvazlwYkQzQT09 ). If you are interested in joining the conversation, please email Melissa at ml.yosuadavis@gmail.com. I just finished listening to this book. I really enjoyed it and really learned a lot. I'm looking forward to the conversation.
The CTC August newsletter is now posted on the News and Info page of our website, chebeaguetrans.com along with the Crew Assistance/Trip Cancellation schedule for August and September. Please note that beginning in August we will need to cancel ferry trips on extreme low tides (as shown on the schedule).
The Commons is looking for a slightly shorter than normal table for Roy and Suzanne to do their puzzles on. It could be a regular table with the legs shortened or one of those adjustable-height camping tables, but it needs a large enough surface for their puzzles to fit on.
Please call the Commons or Sam or Susan if you have one you'd like to donate.
Calling all local food lovers! Second Wind Farm is brimming with fresh veggies. Everything has been prepackaged into paper bags and ready to go. Choose single-bagged items such as potatoes or green beans at various prices, or a large bag of assorted items for $10. Current harvest includes white potatoes, blue potatoes, garlic, onions, leeks, Swiss chard, beet greens, basil, carrots, tomatoes and fresh cut flowers, all grown right here on Chebeague. The farm stand is by honor system and open every day from at least 10 am-2 pm but usually later. Please support your local farm and enjoy fresh local produce! Click here to see some photos.
July 22, 2020 - For those of you who missed or would like to listen again to Jerry Wiles presentation for the Chebeague Historical Society about the Potsdam Conference just click here! You may have to download the audio because I'm having a little glitch in the program but downloading to your computer will work.
Click here for a message from Ellen Goodman. She and Lynn Sherr have created an 8 part podcast to mark the 100th anniversary of woman suffrage! Click here to sign up see the trailer.
July 21, 2020 - Message from May: Hi folks! The Slow Bell will be open for indoor, outdoor and takeout dining this week. Lunch 11a-2 Wed-Sat (including lobster and crab rolls, sandwiches, salads, and pizza by the slice); Brunch Sun. 10a-1. Dinner 5p-9 Wed-Sat, 5p-8 Sunday. Check out our menu at www.slowbell2.com. Specials this week include crab and corn chowder, pan-seared halibut, lobster rolls, fried clams, and lobster mac n cheese (or plain). Our special salad this week has beets, feta, and picked fiddleheads. Hope yo see you at the Bell! 846-3078
The Chebeague Island Council is happy to welcome Dr. Heidi Larson to the Wellness Center. Dr. Larson is a Family Medicine specialist with over 30 years experience. She is expanding her practice to include Chebeague Island. She will be available to see her patients in their homes and at the Wellness Center. Please contact the Council for more information.
2 pm is the CART (Community Advisory Response Team) meeting. The zoom meeting is always the town Zoom account - click here to find out how to join or call in. Zoom number is 326 962 753 with password 175989. click here for July 14 CART minutes.
The Town of Chebeague Island is looking for individuals to assist in the Town's response to the Governor's Keep Maine Healthy initiative.
Funded by a grant from the State, these temporary part time positions include a Covid Communicator, a Covid Administrator, and 3 Covid Ambassadors. Interested candidates should click the link for more information. Applications should include a resume and a letter of interest. Applications close when a suitable candidate is found. Beginning date is contingent on funding approval by the Board of Selectmen. The applications may be mailed to: Town Administrator 197 North Rd. Chebeague Island ME 04017. They may also be dropped off at the Town Office or emailed to: townadmin@townofchebeagueisland.org.
All qualified applicants shall receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religious creed, sex, national origin, ancestry, age, physical or mental disability, or sexual orientation. These positions are funded by a grant from the Maine Department of Health and Human Services.
July 20, 2020 - Wellness Center: The Nurse will be here on Wednesday, July 22, 9-11:30AM. She is available for blood draws, blood pressure checks, PT/INR testing, and general first aid. The Wellness Center follows all Mane CDC guidelines. For the protection of patients and staff: wash hands and/or use hand sanitizer before entering the building. Masks are required at all times. Patients with respiratory illness symptoms will not be seen. If you are sick, have a fever or want a COVID 19 test please do not come to the Wellness Center. Please call your physician or 211 if you do not have a physician. On Island test kits are available through the CCTT volunteers, call 846-9770 to arrange testing..
Why not get a head start on the holidays, shop from the comforts of your porch, find all sorts of gifts available only on Chebeague, and—while you’re at it—support the Commons? The theme of Week Four of our Bid Hello to Summer! auction https://www.islandcommons.com/bid-hello-to-summer is “Christmas in July.” (Kind of hard to imagine in these temperatures!) Santa’s island elves have been busy. What’s your pleasure? Heirloom holiday ornaments, cuddly handmade baby quilts, beautiful knitted accessories, an island history told through maps, and more. So, scroll through our tantalizing “gift catalogue” and start shopping. Click for the Commons. And thanks for all your support.
Message from Food Pantry: The Chebeague Island United Methodist Church Food Pantry will be open to ALL this week. Wednesday 10:30 - 12:00. We have fresh fruits and vegetables and meats/poultry as well as canned/ jarred and dried foods. We also have supplies like sponges, paper towels, and trash bags as well as personal hygiene products. We can arrange for pick up or delivery other times when needed. Please bring a bag and stay 6 feet apart and wear a mask. We will be happy to help you if you prefer to stay in your car.
If possible email us a list of items the night before and we will package them and bring them outside for you to pick up. pkwentworth@gmail.com
--When you arrive there will be spaces marked where you can line up 6 feet apart. We have many fresh items out on a table and others inside - there is a list of items posted by the table.Your donations are not necessary however they are appreciated and THANK YOU for making this effort possible!
If you wish to donate you go to the CUMC Website - Donate and Thank you!
If you need to call you can call Denise 207-838-6107 or Jessie 802-279-5410 or Polly Wentworth 207-233-8382
Click here for Items you may need… We may have them!
July 19, 2020 - Photo by Kevin Wentworth of the comet NEOWISE taken July 19th. You can see a lot more on his Facebook Page.
The Chebeague Island Historical Society is proud to present the next offering in this year's lecture series with Jerry Wiles's presentation, "The Potsdam Conference." Tune in to Zoom at 7:00 pm on Monday the 20th: Go to https://zoom.us/j/326962753 , password 175989. For more detailed directions, please click here.
The Transfer Station is closed NOW because there is no space left.
July 18, 2020 - A reminder; Bidding ends at 11 p.m. tonight (Saturday) for Week Two of the Island Commons’ Bid Hello to Summer. https://www.islandcommons.com/bid-hello-to-summer online auction. A great selection of Dine In/Dine Out options, wine, lobsters, and a wonderful collection of vintage cookware and Chebeague cookbooks. Don’t miss your chance to win.
The Town of Chebeague Island is looking for individuals to assist in the Town's response to the Governor's Keep Maine Healthy initiative.
Funded by a grant from the State, these temporary part time positions include a Covid Communicator, a Covid Administrator, and 3 Covid Ambassadors. Interested candidates should click the link for more information. Applications should include a resume and a letter of interest. Applications close when a suitable candidate is found. Beginning date is contingent on funding approval by the Board of Selectmen. The applications may be mailed to: Town Administrator 197 North Rd. Chebeague Island ME 04017. They may also be dropped off at the Town Office or emailed to: townadmin@townofchebeagueisland.org.
All qualified applicants shall receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religious creed, sex, national origin, ancestry, age, physical or mental disability, or sexual orientation. These positions are funded by a grant from the Maine Department of Health and Human Services.
July 17, 2020 - Click here to listen to the Selectmen's meeting from last night.
School Committee Zoom Meeting, Tuesday, July 21, 6pm - click here for agenda.
July 14, 2020 - Message from Axiom: "Axiom DSL on Chebeague is currently down due to an upstream outage. Axiom has been working with our carrier to restore service, however due to extensive storm damage and ongoing severe weather, restoration is not expected until Wednesday 7/15/2020. We do understand the hardship this outage undoubtably is causing, and ask that you bear with us as we work toward resolution."
Tomorrow night, Wednesday, July 15th at 6pm is the Selectmen's Zoom Meeting - click here for agenda and packet. Zoom number is 326 962 753 with password 175989 or click here to find out how to join or call in.
July 13, 2020 - Week Three of the Island Commons’ Bid Hello to Summer online auction https://www.islandcommons.com/bid-hello-to-summer
is called “Priceless Experiences,” priceless for the fun and fascinating value of the items we’ve gathered. This week’s offerings include the best of a Chebeague summer outdoors: a guided wildflower tour, oyster farming, a drone flyover of the island, a two-hour cruise of Casco Bay for a large group, golfing and a walk in the woods with lots of history. We’ve included events for families or groups of friends. So, check out the offerings and start bidding.
Remember: Bidding for Week Two (Dining In/Dining Out) ends at 11 p.m. Saturday, July 18. Click for the Commons, and thanks for your support.
Message from May: Hi folks: This week we are going to continue with take-out meals. Feel free to bring your family and eat at our picnic tables or on the porch. Masks and social distancing are required. Our specials this week are chicken parm with spaghetti, lobster tacos, fried clams, and pork and black bean chilli with chips. Per special request, we will be serving chocolate cream pie this week! On Sunday we'll have our fabulous brunch with another round of homemade donuts! Sunday night we'll have a PIZZA SPECIAL. Any one or two topping pizza and a large fry for $20. Any one or two topping pizza, a large fry and a small chicken finger, $25. Thanks for all who continue to support us. It's been a rough stretch but we are still Slow Bell-ing it! Hope to see you soon! www.slowbell2.com 846-3078
CHEBWEB is doing a study of bandwidth on Chebeague and would like poeple to do an Ookla speed test and report back to Chip. Please Click here to see what to do.
Tomorrow, Tuesday, July14th at 2 pm is the CART (Community Advisory Response Team) meeting. The zoom meeting is always the town Zoom account - click here to find out how to join or call in. Zoom number is 326 962 753 with password 175989. EVERYONE is invited! Click here for minutes of July 7th meeting.
July 11, 2020 - A REMINDER: Tonight at 11 p.m., bidding ends for Week One of the Commons' Bid Hello to Summer online auction https://www.islandcommons.com/bid-hello-to-summer. If you haven’t submitted a bid for the “Let the Summer Begin” offerings, get moving. If you already have placed your bid, make sure you don’t lose out to someone else. While you’re looking, check out this week’s auction theme, Dining In/Dining Out. And get ready for next week's, “Priceless Experiences.” There will be all sorts of great adventures up for auction then. Thanks to our bidders and thanks to our generous sponsors. Remember: Click for the Commons.
The Museum is adding more great merchandise everyday at its online store! Go to Chebeaguehistory.com and check out the online store! We do curbside and ship!
July 8, 2020 - NOTICE: "Announcing the launch of the Chebeague Covid Testing Team “CCTT.” The CCTT is now available for high risk cases on Chebeague. If you have symptoms or have been exposed to someone with the virus, please read the attached “FAQ” (Frequently asked Questions) sheet and view the short video about our project, funded by Recompense with fiscal management by the church. Thank you everyone.”
NOTICE: Click here for a July 8th letter from Marjorie Stratton, our Town Administrator.
If you are interested in having a well drilled call or email Jon Rich 522-3439 jonrich@chebeague.net or Sue Hansen at 415-7714 info@hansenswelldrilling.com.
Message from Kim Boehm: "I am no longer operating the Game Registration Station for State of ME... Anyone interested in taking over said duties can contact me."
Message from Rec Center - July Summer Day Programs Canceled 7/8/2020 As listed on the chebeague.org website this morning, on island exposures to the Coronavirus may have taken place this past weekend in several locations on the island.
In an abundance of caution the Rec Centers July Summer Day Programs will be canceled until further noticeThe Rec Center Building is still closed but the Tennis Court is open - proper social distancing is required.
Message from Second Wind Farm: The farm stand at Second Wind Farm has opened for the season with safety measures in place to protect all patrons. Chuck has prepared $10 combination bags with several types of fresh produce so that you can grab and go easily as well as single item bags. Some of the available items are Swiss chard, spinach, lettuce, beets, beet greens, the season's first garlic (so delicious!), and garlic scapes. If you do not see what you are looking for, please see Chuck in the garden. Visitors and volunteers are, as always, welcome at the farm or farm stand, but please wear a mask while you are visiting and practice social distancing. Thank you for your patronage.
This past weekend there was a visitor living in Maine who was on the island and has tested positive for Coronavirus. I'm sure there is a lot of Contact Tracing happening but for today the Slow Bell and Island Market are closed as those who may have been exposed are being tested and quarantined.
July 7, 2020 - School Committee Meeting tonight at 6pm - see agenda.
NOTICE: There will be a PUBLIC HEARING on Wednesday, July 08, 2020 with the Board of Selectmen and the School Board to discuss the Annual Town Budget which will be voted on next Tuesday, July 14, 2020. Please join this hearing and bring any questions you may have regarding the Annual Town Budget. This Public Hearing can be accessed via Zoom the same way all Board of Selectmen Meetings are accessed. Zoom number is 326 962 753 with password 175989. Click here to find out how to join or call in. Click here for a PDF of the Warrant.
There are two openings for the School Board Committee three year terms and one opening for Selectmen threee year term. Two people who have said that they are running as write in candidates for the school committee are Leah Guay and Carol White. When you write their names in the ballot please make sure you also mark it as well. There are two people running running for the one position as Selectmen and they are Jean-Louis "Bo" Beaupre and Susan Campbell.
Week Two of the Island Commons’ “Bid Hello to Summer!” online auction https://www.islandcommons.com/bid-hello-to-summer features a variety of terrific Dine In/Dine Out options, including 10 lobsters, gift certificates from several mainland restaurants, pizzas delivered to the Stone Wharf, and wine delivered via Casco Bay Lines. And, for those who love all things Chebeague, vintage cookware from the Red Studio plus two classic island cookbooks. Be sure to check out all the fantastic items from Week One still open for bidding. (Bidding for Week One ends at 11 p.m. Saturday, July 11.) Check it out. Thanks for your support. And Please: Click for the Commons!
Message from the Town: The Board of Selectmen are seeking volunteers for the following committee vacancies:
Planning Board Committee: One 1-year term to expire in 2021
Cemetery Committee: One 2-year term to expire in 2022
Please come to the Town Office to fill out an application.
Message from the Hall: The Chebeague Island Hall remains closed for the month of July, with the exception of voting on July 14. A gentle reminder for our much appreciated supporters: the bathrooms are closed to the public, and the water bubbler has been shut off. Thanks for understanding, and we hope to reopen soon.
July 6, 2020 - The parade committee of the Chebeague Rec Center would like to thank the Chebeague Island community for celebrating the Fourth of July with a unique DriveBy Wave Parade. Over 50 vehicles waved wildly in both directions, and many “wavers” completed the parade at the rec center for Lobster rolls to deliciously support the kids place We look forward to the traditional Parade and festivities next year. Click here for photos and movie by Cathy MacNeill and others.
Thank you all!
Piper Allison
Anne Brenton
Sarah Hopkins
Erika Neumann
Eliza Jane Adams
Tomorrow, Tuesday, July 7th at 2 pm is the CART (Community Advisory Response Team) meeting. The zoom meeting is always the town Zoom account - click here to find out how to join or call in. Zoom number is 326 962 753 with password 175989. EVERYONE is invited! Click here for minutes of June 30, 2020.
July 5, 2020 - Chip and The Chebeague Island Historical Society have produced a "Past July 4th Parades" that you can see on the CIHS website - go to the bottom left and enjoy!! Don't forget to Join the Historical Society too!!
The Chebeague Island Historical Society is proud to present this year's lecture series beginning with Michael Porter's presentation about the Maps of Chebeague. Tune in to Zoom at 7:00 pm on Monday the 6th: Go to https://zoom.us/j/326962753 , password 175989. For more detailed directions, please click here.
July 4, 2020 - Photos and video of Fourth of July unique DriveBy Wave Parade. Video and photos mostly by Cathy MacNeill.
Happy Fourth of July
July 3, 2020 - NOTICE: Click here for a letter from Marjorie Stratton, our Town Admiinistrator, on the 4th of July and Governor's new exemptions for NJ/NY/CT.
Remember to "Get Your Wave On" at the Drive-By Wave Parade to celebrate the 4th of July, organized by the CRC. Join the parade in any motorized vehicle at one of two locations, and wave wildly at your friends and neighbors. See details and directions in the link.
Message from Jen at The Niblic: We are open Friday 8-2 and Sunday 8-2. Both the Niblic and CIBY will be closed on July 4th so that we all can enjoy some quiet family time. Hope you all can do the same! Check out our website, FB, or Instagram for updates. We appreciate your support! Have a nice holiday!! Don't forget to check out the Niblic MENU.
July 2, 2020 - I just uploaded last night's Selectmen's meeting if you want ot listen to it - click here to go to the Audio site and click on the meeting audio.
The Town is extending the no parking for fishermen to access the wharf to load and unload gear in the five spaced closest to the CTC boat ramp. The no parking will extend to July 17th. The use of the Stone Wharf parking is markedly reduced this year and the fishermen expressed a need for the additional time. Please call me if you have any questions. Marjorie Stratton 846-3148
July 1, 2020 - Photo of a rare box turtle taken July 1st by Art Ryder behind his home. Click here to learn more about these turtles.These are the State of Maine's rarest reptile.
Chebeague Island Selectmen's Zoom meeting tonight at 6pm - click here for agenda and packet from Town Website. The Zoom address is 326 962 753 and the password is 175989.
June 29, 2020 - Congratulations Tiffany: Mark W. Cronin, Dean of the College, announced that Tiffany L. Calder, a Psychology major in the class of 2023 from Chebeague Island, ME, was named to the Dean's List for the spring 2020 semester at Saint Anselm College in Manchester, New Hampshire.
The Historical Society has announced the schedule for the annual Ellsworth Miller Lecture Series. Due to Covid-19, we are pleased to present the series VIRTUALLY via Zoom. Full schedule and instructions for the summer series are available on the CIHS website https://www.chebeaguehistory.com/2020-miller-lecture-series The first lecture is set for Monday, July 6, @ 7pm, with Michael Porter discussing his book "Maps of Chebeague."
Tomorrow, Tuesday, June 30th at 2 pm is the CART (Community Advisory Response Team) meeting. The zoom meeting is always the town Zoom account - click here to find out how to join or call in. Zoom number is 326 962 753 with password 175989. EVERYONE is invited! Minutes from June 23rd meeting.
Click here for information about the Food Pantry. They are open Wednesday from 10:30 to 12 - rather than go to town for items you need and are not at the store, anyone can go to get items at the Food Pantry - a great service for the island at this time.
Click here for Friday's Maine Island Coalition meeting notes.
Get Your Wave On! Join the Drive-By Wave Parade on the 4th of July, on North Road this year. This will be a different type of parade, with everyone traveling in vehicles with big smiles, wild waves and hearty hellos. Let's keep the tradition of a parade in a new way for 2020, in a way which is compatible with the Maine Guidelines.
Get ready for the Island Commons: Bid Hello to Summer Auction. The site will launch on Tuesday, June 30th at 9:00 a.m. Look for an email from the Island Commons with a link to register or sign up from the link here at 32 Auction.
NOTICE: Permit needed for fireworks on Chebeague – Just a reminder that a permit is required from the Town of Chebeague Island before using consumer fireworks. An application for a permit must be filed with the Town at least two (2) days before the proposed date of use and include, at a minimum, the name and address of the applicant, date of application, date of proposed use, hours and duration of use, location of use, written permission of landowner if location is not on land owned by applicant or the Town, and signature of applicant. No permit may be issued to an applicant who is less than 21 years of age. Please call the Town Office for information. 207-846-3148
Message from May: "I lost my cellphone (possibly off the hood of my car) on Sunday. If you find it, please send me an email at maywicca@gmail.com."
A frame with a mirror was left down at the Stone Wharf a few days ago and it got quite wet last night - if you lost it call me 846-4850 and leave a message.
A reminder: Heather Abbott is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Chebeague Primary Forum 6/30 with Heather Abbott Time: Jun 30, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Janice Cooper has "termed out" as our Representative to the Maine State Legislature and is not able to seek re-election. Heather Abbott https://abbott.mainecandidate.com/ is one of three capable candidates who would like to represent us in Augusta. Join Heather to learn more about her experience as a community activist and take the opportunity to share Chebeague's strengths and needs with Heather.Meeting ID: 826 8925 6296 with Password: 118696
June 27, 2010 - Chebeague Island Library and Chebeague United Methodist Church are partnering together to offer a community-wide book discussion on Austin Channing Brown's Book I'm Still Here: Black Dignity in a World Made for Whiteness. Join us on Saturday, July 25th at 10 AM (Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81795805821?pwd=QlVnQjNMaFo4U09HNzVvazlwYkQzQT09 ). "In a time when nearly all institutions (schools, churches, universities, businesses) claim to value "diversity" in their mission statements, I'M STILL HERE is a powerful account of how and why our actions so often fall short of our words. Austin writes in breathtaking detail about her journey to self-worth and the pitfalls that kill our attempts at racial justice, in stories that bear witness to the complexity of America's social fabric--from Black Cleveland neighborhoods to private schools in the middle-class suburbs, from prison walls to the boardrooms at majority-white organizations." If you are interested in joining the conversation, please email Melissa at ml.yosuadavis@gmail.com.
NOTICE: Message from me, Beverly: "Today at 1pm there may be an Axiom outage for a minute while we reset the interent equipment at the Axiom Box. You may have to reboot your modem/router but probably not." If you have any internet problems on Chebeague with Axiom please don't hesitate to call me any time 846-4850 if you are unable to get in touch with Axiom at 255-0679.
June 26, 2020 - Message from the CTC: Crew will resume handling freight - Click here.
The July CTC Newsletter and the July and August Crew Assistance schedules are now posted on the News and Info page of chebeaguetrans.com
June 25, 2020 - TONIGHT at 7:30: Do you feel sad, hurt, mad about what COVID-19 is doing to the Chebeague we love? COVID has hit us hard, creating new challenges and new ways we live our lives. There have been some hard feelings and some people are really scared. Each of us have been impacted in different ways, and this virus means something very real and different to each of us. We'll spend some time in small groups sharing together about our love of this place and how this pandemic has created a different summer for all of us. No matter where you may be, on the island or elsewhere, join in this sharing and listening session led by Marjorie Stratton and Melissa Yosua-Davis on Thursday, June 25th at 7:30 PM. (Zoom info: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87589190754?pwd=Q2dsSis2amYyRUF5NU9INFRkKzdOZz09, Meeting ID: 875 8919 0754, Password: 20152020)
Message from the Library: "The 2020 Island Phone Directory will be published and ready for sale the first week of August. Please take just a few minutes to check your listing and send any edits to gulldirect@hotmail.com New to the Island? Want to be listed in the Directory? Want to advertise your business? Please let us know. You can call the Library at 846-4351 or email gulldirect@hotmail.com
Thank you!"
June 24, 2020 - The Loder siblings, Savannah, Thaddeus, and Alex (as pictured), are announcing the launch of their Chebeague Lobster Company here on Chebeague at 445 South Road (corner of Littlefield across from Island Commons). All Lobsters are islander caught, with special thanks to Hank Whetham, Jeff Putnam, and their families in support of the launch. Please visit www.chebeaguelobster.com for more information. Store hours are Monday - Saturday from 4pm to 6pm for pickup. Reservations may be made on the website. Credit Cards and Cash accepted. Special “porch delivery” if you are in quarantine.
"Summer on Chebeague and COVID-19 - Listening and Sharing Together
Do you feel sad, hurt, mad about what COVID-19 is doing to the Chebeague we love? COVID has hit us hard, creating new challenges and new ways we live our lives. There have been some hard feelings and some people are really scared. Each of us have been impacted in different ways, and this virus means something very real and different to each of us. We'll spend some time in small groups sharing together about our love of this place and how this pandemic has created a different summer for all of us. No matter where you may be, on the island or elsewhere, join in this sharing and listening session led by Marjorie Stratton and Melissa Yosua-Davis on Thursday, June 25th at 7:30 PM. (Zoom click here, Meeting ID: 875 8919 0754, Password: 20152020)
$20 for fresh lobster roll, chips, drink and dessert
In lieu of the picnic at the CRC we will be having take-out pick up and delivery options available the day of.
To pre-order please call Elizabeth Murphy-Lewis @
207-317-1848 or email emurphylewis7@gmail.com before 7/2 to reserve your lobster roll lunch.
(FYI-we will not be selling tickets in person before hand this year)
Copies of Barrie Shepherd's new poetry book, A Pandemic Portfolio - poems composed in a season of pestilence are now available on the island. Call Barrie at 846 6864 or email at barrieshep@aol.com. The book costs $5 and all proceeds beyond cost are donated to the Chebeague food pantry. Barrie's book can also be ordered as a pdf at the same price.
June 23, 2020 - Message from May: "Hi folks! The Slow Bell will be opening Wednesday through Sunday for dinner starting at 5, Wednesday through Saturday for lunch and ice cream starting at 11:30, and for Brunch on Sunday starting at 10. Our specials this week include chicken marsala with mashed pots, fried scallops, crab stuffed haddock and corn chowder. We are open for outside dining and takeout, so watch the weather! We will also deliver for dinner. Hope to see you at the Slow Bell. 846.3078."
Important message from the CRC about Kid's Place and Job opportunities - please click here?
NOTICE: Important letter from the Town Administrator about Voting July 14th - click here!
The public is always invited to the CART (Community Advisory Response Team) on Tuesdays, today at 2pm. The zoom meeting is always the town Zoom account - click here to find out how to join or call in. Zoom number is 326 962 753 with password 175989. Click here for the minutes of the June 16th meeting.
The Red Studio at Island Commons is now accepting donations on a limited basis. Please call Sam McLean (846-0510) or Susan Stranahan (846-9378) for more information. As usual, no drop offs of unsolicited items in the Commons' garage or parking lot are allowed.
For those who don't have Facebook and couldn't watch the Democratic Candidates Forum last night you can click here for a recording of it.
June 22, 2020 - Tonight is the Democratic Primary Candidates Forum for Maine State House District 47, which includes Yarmouth, Chebeague, and Long Islands. At 7pm, click this link to watch the forum:
https://www.facebook.com/YarmouthDems/ Go to www.YarmoughMaineDems.org for viewing options.
Message from the Cemetery: Richardson Monument Company will be coming to the island the end of July.
If you need engraving done, contact Andrew at 207-767-2761.
Message from Carol White: "I am also running for School Committee as a write-in candidate. I have currently serve on the School Committee and would like to continue at least until the pandemic is over." There are two seats open and we have two candidates now Carol White and Leah Guay.
Message from the Post Office: Starting June 27 the mail will once again be coming to the Island in the mornings. Saturday hours will return to 8:00-12:00 (M-F hours remain 8:30-3:30). Thank you for picking up your larger parcels at the Post Office.
June 21, 2020 - Due to the fiscal duress brought upon all of Chebeague's nonprofits the Recompense Fund has increased its 2020 awards by 25% to $55,000. All nonprofit organizations that applied will be recipients this year. -
NOTICE: Covid 19 Click here" Traveling Safely to Chebeague" movie by Dr. Kip Webb -- Click here for the Traveling Safely to Chebeague Checklist!
Should lobsters be wearing masks? No, but you will see a mask on the new signs posted around the island where face coverings are required. These signs are our local reminder to wear a mask, especially wherever 6' social distancing is not possible. Masks are one of the most effective ways to prevent the spread. The new signs are available for anyone to print off, or call the Town Office for your copy.
There are two openings for School Committee this year and no one took out papers - Leah Guay is now a write in candidate for one of the seats. She has been coming to Chebeague for 17 years and now lives here year round.
Message from Leah Guay: "I am honored to be a Write In Candidate for the Chebeague Island School Committee. Educating students is important to me and I’ve got 6 years of experience with the Yarmouth School Committee. My family moved to the island in April and I will bring my experience and dedication to the table. I appreciate your consideration when voting".
June 19, 2020 - Copies of Barrie Shepherd's new poetry book, A Pandemic Portfolio - poems composed in a season of pestilence are now available on the island. Call Barrie at 846 6864 or email at barrieshep@aol.com. The book costs $5 and all proceeds beyond cost are donated to the Chebeague food pantry.
Message from Jen at The Niblic: We are as ready as we can be to open for the season starting today June 19th! We have worked very hard to insure the safety of our staff and guests.
Our current hours will be 8am to 2pm Thursday thru Sunday. Please call the Niblic phone number 846-1015 to place your lunch order. Our menu is on our website at www.chebeagueislandboatyard.com. This is our 13th season and it feels like our first with all the changes and unknowns. But one thing we know for sure, we look forward to seeing you at the Niblic! Free coffee on opening day! Sounds like it might have to be ice coffee. Here comes summer!
June 18, 2020 - I have added the audio from yesterday's Selectmen's meeting to the website and you can click here to listen.
Message from Mellisa: "Summer on Chebeague and COVID-19 - Listening and Sharing Together
Do you feel sad, hurt, mad about what COVID-19 is doing to the Chebeague we love? COVID has hit us hard, creating new challenges and new ways we live our lives. There have been some hard feelings and some people are really scared. Each of us have been impacted in different ways, and this virus means something very real and different to each of us. We'll spend some time in small groups sharing together about our love of this place and how this pandemic has created a different summer for all of us. No matter where you may be, on the island or elsewhere, join in this sharing and listening session led by Marjorie Stratton and Melissa Yosua-Davis on Thursday, June 25th at 7:30 PM. (Zoom click here, Meeting ID: 875 8919 0754, Password: 20152020)
June 16, 2020 - Photo of a Glossy Ibis taken by Wink Houghton at the Golf Course Pond. It has been hanging around the pond for the last few days - June 16. Click here for another.
Message from Florence: "I have some new plants that came in yesterday that are beautiful. I am sure they are some of the best. Chebeague Island may not be the same as other years but we can brighten up with flowers. It can put a smile on your face. Thank you, Florence 207 846-4986"
Message from May: "Hey folks! Thanks for the support last weekend. We will be open this weekend Friday and Saturday for takeout and outside dining from 5 to 9. We ask that those of you who come for outside dining come wearing a mask. Please follow the posted signs and staff directions to maintain safe distance and keep our staff safe. We will continue our curbside pick up for takeout orders. We will also have ice cream this weekend! Our specials include baked eggplant parm casserole, fried scallops, pan seared scallops, and haddock chowder. Our special salad is topped with housemade pickled fiddleheads. Warm chocolate chip cookies are also on the menu. Hope to see you at the Bell! Call 846.3078"
Today is CART (Community Advisory Response Team) Zoom meeting at 2pm. Click here for information on how to get on the zoom meeting. Everyone is invited to go to the meeting! Zoom number is 326 962 753 with password 175989. Click here for minutes from June 9th meeting.
June 15, 2020 - NOTICE: Click here for the latest Chebeague Covid Update June 15. Included in it is a letter from the Town Administrator, Marjorie Stratton - click here. For a list of island-friendly groceries and specialty goods - click here.
Transfer Station News – Please remember that the Transfer Station is considered a Public Place. We are asking people to wear a mask when visiting the Transfer Station. We realize that not everyone agrees that wearing a mask in this situation is necessary, but we are trying hard to protect our employee, Gail Jenkins, as much as possible. So please put on a mask out of respect for an essential worker, Gail Jenkins. She deserves nothing less. Thank you for your cooperation.
We have the opportunity to join in on an online Meet the (Democratic) Candidates Forum on June 22, at 7pm. This will give us the opportunity to see and hear Heather Abbott, Peter Fromuth, and Art Bell, each of whom would like to represent us in the State Legislature. We have been very well represented by Representative Janice Cooper, who, along with State Senator Cathy Breen, has championed needs of our Chebeague Community's needs in Augusta. On July 14th, we have the opportunity as registered Democrats to vote for one primary candidate for state legislature for our district (47), which includes Chebeague and Long Islands, as well as Yarmouth. Click here for more information.
June 14, 2020 - Please join the staff of the Chebeague Island school as we celebrate the island graduates, Monday June 15 11:30-12:00 at the Chebeague Island School.
We will be having a reverse parade where YOU drive by and cheer on the graduates who will be stationed at the school. The traffic pattern will be from CRC to the Old School. You are welcome to drive by as many times as you'd like. Noise makers, posters and decoations are strongly encouraged as we celebrate the accomplishment of the graduates from CIS and YHS.
Chebeague Island Library and Chebeague United Methodist Church are partnering together to offer a community-wide book discussion on Austin Channing Brown's Book I'm Still Here: Black Dignity in a World Made for Whiteness. Join us on Saturday, July 25th at 10 AM. "In a time when nearly all institutions (schools, churches, universities, businesses) claim to value "diversity" in their mission statements, I'M STILL HERE is a powerful account of how and why our actions so often fall short of our words. Austin writes in breathtaking detail about her journey to self-worth and the pitfalls that kill our attempts at racial justice, in stories that bear witness to the complexity of America's social fabric--from Black Cleveland neighborhoods to private schools in the middle-class suburbs, from prison walls to the boardrooms at majority-white organizations." If you are interested in joining the conversation, please email Melissa at ml.yosuadavis@gmail.com.
June 13, 2020 - Message from Cat, Drea and Carly: Click here to learn about their Doggy Daycare!
Attention: The Hansen's Well Drillers are coming to the island soon so please contact Jon Rich or Sue Hansen Smith if you are thinking about a drilled well.
June 12, 2020 - Click here to listen to June 10th Selectmen's Zoom Meeting. (in Two Parts)
School Committee Zoom Meeting next Tuesday June 16th at 6pm - click here for agenda.
Congratulations to Catherine Rich who received the Frank H. Harrison Award for exhibiting the qualities of quiet enthusiasm, persistance and support. The family is thankful to her 7th grade teachers Mrs. Harder and Mr. Cuthbert absolutely brought out the best in her and all students.
Message from May: "Hi folks: We won't have our online ordering system up for today, but please call the Slow Bell to place an order. Our menu is available at https://www.slowbell2.com/menu
This week we will be serving turkey dinner, crab stuffed haddock, fried scallops, haddock chowder, and apple/blueberry crisp, along with our limited menu. We will also be serving family-size quarts of our haddock chowder for $20 (serves 4-6). While supplies last! Hope to see you at the Slow Bell!
June 11, 2020 - NOTICE: Latest from the Governor: "Seasonal homeowners, workers traveling to Maine, and other visitors may also utilize a recent negative COVID-19 test as an alternative to the required 14-day quarantine in Maine effective immediately (click here - 5th bullet on FAQ for Visitors).". "Visitors from New Hampshire and Vermont are exempt from these requirements effective immediately for travel. They may, starting June 12, stay in lodging establishments in all Maine counties (click here 2nd paragraph on FAQ for Visitors).
Message from the Commons - Click here to get all the latest news from the Commons including their virtual auction that will be starting soon.
Message from the CTC - click here. New Hampshire and Vermont residents can go on the bus now.
Message from CRC: CLICK HERE for important CRC Letter
Rec Center Program List – Updated 6/11/2020
Tennis Court & Basketball Court – Open for Public Use (Proper Social Distancing is Required)
Pool – Closed for 2020 Summer Season
Gym – Closed – Expected to reopen Mid July (Closed Per State / County Regulations)
Fitness Room – Closed Expected to reopen Mid July (Closed Per State / County Regulations)
Restrooms & Locker Rooms - Closed
Kids’ Place – Opening July 6th
June Summer Programming – Day Camps begin 6/16 (Tuesdays and Thursdays - On-line Registration Open)
July Summer Programming – Day Camps Additional Info Soon
August Summer Programming - Day Camps Additional Info Soon
Farm Camp – Pending 7/6 – 7/10 (On-line Registration Open)
Golf Camp – Pending 7/27 – 7/31 (On-line Registration Open)
June Summer Programs - Now Open Online!
Please remember to wear your MASK at the transfer station/brush dump and ALL public areas!!! If you are in 14 day quarantine, do NOT go to the transfer station, store, post office, wharf or any other public place.
Message from Library: Curbside service will begin on Wednesday, June 17th at 10:00 am. Please call 846-4351 or email cheblib@hotmail.com your request for materials and staff will contact you for pick up or delivery. Our catalogue can be accessed at https://cheblib.wixsite.com/chebeaguelibrary/catalog
Materials may now be returned. If you have printing or faxing needs, let us know and we will figure it out. Reopening plans for patrons is still underway. Our wireless network has a strong signal on the street and in the parking lot.Deborah A. Bowman
Chebeague Island Library
Message from CTC: CTC has opened the upper deck in order to increase our allowed passenger count while observing social distancing needs. The Coast Guard has granted CTC an exception – allowing the upper deck to be open without a second deckhand.
Effective immediately, we are allowing 32 passengers on board. The upper deck will be open on all trips.
The following restrictions apply to riding on the upper deck:
· Children under age 12 must be accompanied by an adult.
· No pets or luggage are allowed on upper deck.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation! Click here for more information.
Message from May: "Hi folks! Slow Bell is finally opening this weekend for curbside takeout only. Next week we'll expand operations, so I hope you'll check out our facebook page or announcements here and on Bevs website for more details. Spread the word! Specials this week include turkey dinner, crab stuffed haddock, fried scallops, and haddock chowder, along with a limited menu you can check out on our web page at www.slowbell2.com. We will be open Friday and Saturday from 5 to 8. Online ordering will be available starting tomorrow morning. You can also call and place an order with one of my staff any time after 4 p.m. More info to come! 846.3078"
Congratulations to Kalie Peck who was recently received awards from Yarmouth Middle School.
June 10, 2020 - Click here for chart. Please remember to wear your MASK at the transfer station/brush dump and ALL public areas!!! If you are in 14 day quarantine, do NOT go to the transfer station, store, post office, wharf or any other public places where people congregate.
Tonight is a Selectmen's zoom meeting at 6pm - click here for agenda (includes zoom signin information and packet.
News from the Great Chebeague Tennis Club
Thanks to John Thaxter and crew, we now have one court open with, hopefully, a second to follow. This summer, courts can only be used by members and their guests, and can only be reserved online. We know that this is a new way of doing things, but during the health crisis we feel this is the safest way for us to operate. Members do not need to sweep courts after play, they will be swept twice daily. If you are interested in joining this low-key club, the GCTC would love to have you – please reach out to Trish Glass at curry.glass@verizon.net.
The Stephen L. Ross Scholarship Fund is happy to share that we have given four scholarships this year to our island scholars. We would like to congratulate first year students Ehryn Groothoff who will be attending Messiah College and Laura Hamilton who will be attending the University of Southern Maine, as well as our second year students, Aaron Belesca who attends the University of New Hampshire and Elias Rich who attends Maine Maritime Academy. Thank you to all of you who continue to support the Fund and our island students.
Congratulations to Ehryn Groothoff who was the Robert Hawkes Female Athlete of the Year Award for Yarmouth High School and is one of the top students at Yarmouth High.
June 8, 2020 - Message from Sailing School: “After weeks of deliberation we have taken the sad decision to cancel the sailing school sessions this year. We cannot implement the adaptations required under pandemic conditions, and running even a half-empty season does not add up. We appreciate that there will be many disappointed kids out there, but we are looking at ways to provide a few boats for older sailors or those who bring their own parent-supervisors. We will keep you posted on the details, once safety, insurance and practicality have been worked out.
Also, everyone will be reimbursed. However we do ask that wherever possible, you consider a donation to the school to limit the financial impact of a non-season; we still have fixed costs, even if we are not keeping our instructors fed on artisanal sandwiches and gelato.
Hopefully we can come back in 2021 stronger, healthier and ready to go. Thank you for your support and understanding. As always, Chebeague’s wider community of residents, friends and visitor will, we are sure, pull together.”
Please join the staff of the Chebeague Island school as we celebrate the island 5th grade graduates as well as our High School graduate Ehryn, Monday June 15 11:30-12:00 at the Chebeague Island School.
We will be having a reverse parade where YOU drive by and cheer on the graduates who will be stationed at the school. The traffic pattern will be from CRC to the Old West End School down Schoolhouse Road. You are welcome to drive by as many times as you'd like. Noise makers, posters and decoations are strongly encouraged as we celebrate the accomplishment of the graduates from CIS and YHS.
June 7, 2020 - Congratulations to Chebeaguer Ehryn Groothoff who is graduating from Yarmouth High School. Graduation ceremony was supposed to be Sunday June 7th - and is postponed until August. They will be having a vehicle procession around town. On June 15th Chebeague is planning a celebration for Ehryn and our 5th graders who are moving up to Middle School. More information to come soon. Congratulations to other Seniors including David Jordan.
Message from Poochie's family: To say Poochie was thrilled by the outpouring of birthday wishes, today, would be a HUGE understatement! He wanted to thank everyone for the many cards (over 100!) he received as well as the banners, posters, balloons, gifts, wood carvings, food and countless gestures of love. His 91st birthday was SO very special thanks to you all and our family is SO grateful for the time and effort spent to make this day so memorable. THANK YOU!!
Tonight, Sunday June 7, at 9pm - a peaceful gathering at the Stone Wharf. Click here for the message from Rachel Reiser. There were over 50 people who attended the gathering and it was a moving time. Click here to see a photo - It is really surprising how long 8 minutes is as we stayed silent in protest for what happened to George Floyd.
June 5, 2020 - Click here for the latest CTC informational video as of 6/5/20.
Olivia's Garden is delivering every two weeks to Chebeague - next delivery dates are Monday, June 8 and Monday June 22. Order deadline is 5pm the Saturday before - Olivia's Garden Order Form. Delivery to the noon CTC boat is free. Questions? Contact Kim 617.699.9124
Congratulations to Carly Rich who is this year's regional and state winner of the Daughters of the American Revolution writing contest. Fifth grade students across the State of Maine wrote this year's essay on the Mayflower crossing. Click here to see Carly’s essay and hear her read it. She was scheduled to read her essay in Augusta as part of the the DAR state convention but because of the Covid-19 the event was cancelled. Join us in congratulating Carly on her wonderful writing. Thank you to Tina Runge who helped with the project.
June 4, 2020 - Click here for the audio from last nights Selectmen's Meeting. You can also get all the audio from this years meeting above on Selectmen Meetings Audios.
Message from the Land Trust: HORSESHOE CRABS ARE COMING ASHORE! Join CCLT & Coast Encounters for a new way of learning about Horseshoe Crabs This year we are switching things up a bit for our annual Horseshoe Crab event. Since we are unable to meet at Broad Cove, we have put together a live webinar for all to join near and far! CCLT and Coast Encounters have teamed up to create a fun and educational webinar to share the magic about these pre-historic creatures that migrate to our shores every late spring. Click here to learn more and register for the program!
Starting next week the Island Market will be open for curbside pickup on Wednesdays with the same hours, 9-3. Remember: Please wear masks and keep social distancing as you socialize in the sun.
FLOWERS are in at Island Riches. Geraniums, petunias and many others. Come by this weekend. Call Florence to make orders too at 846-4986. Cash and check only, please wear masks and gloves. Thank you!
Tonight at 7 the Yarmouth Town Council is holding a special virtual meeting to discuss a temporary waiver for barging restrictions from Pogy Shore (Blanchard Parking Lot) - click here for agenda. Click here to see a letter sent to the Yarmouyth Town Council by Jim VanFleet, a Yarmouth resident and voter in Yarmouth who also owns property on Chebeague.
June 3, 2020 - Click here to learn how you can join the Virtual Community Sing Video _CART. CART's mobile news team can do the recording if you contact them. I am excited to see all the fun!
Tomorrow at 1pm, Art Bell, who is running for State Representative, is having a Zoom Meet The Candidate for Chebeaguers. Click here for a note from him and the zoom information. Meeting ID: 818 6344 1938.
The Board of Selectmen are looking for people who might be interested in being on a committee pursuant to the 'Tax Acquired Property Policy Statement' to address property at Map I03-Lot 008. Contact Majorie townadmin@townofchebeagueisland.org if you are interested.
CTC Message - Click here for Early Boarding for Regular Commuters Leaving Chebeague!
NEW short CART video- Do you know why some MASKS are different? How to make a vented mask safer? ( duct tape the vent!) Wear them, carry them, wash your cloth masks, and we can all stop Covid. (Not all heroes wear capes, but they do wear masks.
June 2, 2020 - School Committee Meeting is Tuesday, June 2, 6pm - see agenda.
Tomorrow night June 3rd at 6pm will be the Selectmen's Meeting - click here for agenda and packet.
June 1, 2020 - Tomorrow, Tuesday, June 2nd is the Community Advisory Response Team Zoom meeting at 2pm. Click here for information on how to get on the zoom meeting. Click here for the May 26th minutes.
There are two openings for School Committee and one opening for Selectmen. This year, because no one turned in papers before the deadline, the election for both will have to be a write-in. You will have to write-in the name or names of people you want and check the box.
So far we have two people running for Selectmen, Susan Campbell and Jean-Louis "Bo" Beaupre. Please contact me if you would like to add your name to Selectmen or School Committee write-in.
May 31, 2020 - NOTICE: CTC will resume Route One parking lot service and buses starting Monday 6/1. Due to COVID-19, we are implementing several important changes in our service. Under direction from the Maine Department of Economic and Community Development, we are prohibited from allowing persons who are not Maine residents and have not quarantined in Maine for 14 days to ride our bus. Please visit our website below for other important information. Thank you.
Today was the deadline for non-profits to submit their Recompense Grant Application and we all realize what a hard time it has been to get things done these days. The Recompense Board has decided to extend the deadline for ALL applications to June 6th.
Message from Jon Rich: " I am following up on the YES or NO group email I sent for water activation. That message gave me the go ahead to activate your water if I have a chance before hearing from you with an arrival date. As I had mentioned earlier on the Chebeague page, you still need to contact me in advance to be sure your water system is activated before making the journey to your Island residence. Given the continued threat of this virus, If you arrive and find you have no water we will both be in predicament where I will need to tell you I won't be coming to activate your water system. PLEASE remember to check in before making the trip to the Island."
"GOOD DAY SUNSHINE" - Go to CHEBWEB.com for a Chebeague Virtual singalong - all you need is a cell phone!
May 28, 2020 - Poochie Ross turns 91 on 6/7 (Sunday) and the family and Island would love to see if he could manage to get 91 ( or more) birthday cards! Due to our "new normal" of social distancing" it would be a very special treat for him in lieu of a gathering! His address is 142 John Small Rd, Chebeague Is, 04017.
Message from CTC. We have updated our ferry ticket collection and boarding procedures. To view the changes, please visit our website at http://www.chebeaguetrans.com/About-Us.html
School Committee Meeting is Tuesday, June 2, 6pm - see agenda.
May 27, 2020 - Message from CTC: Click here for a message for returning annual parking permit vehicles to Route One and Cousins.
Message from the CTC: Effective 6/1, CTC will sell ferry ticket books at regular pricing (pre COVID-19). Tickets must still be purchased through the CTC office. For our commuters, we are introduction a new monthly pass at a discounted price. For complete information, please visit http://www.chebeaguetrans.com/About-Us.html
May 26, 2020 - The moving picture demonstrates how far germs can travel without a facemask as shown in the New Yorker article by renowned physician-author Atul Gawande. Please click here to see a Video created by Dr. Kip Webb and Dr. Jim Cox-Chapman discussing the article and what it can mean for Chebeague. This is a terrific conversation and hopefully answers lots of questions.
CART Community Advisory Response Team meeting is at 2pm - see zoom sign in (same zoom address as Selectmen's meetings) information. These meetings are public and everyone is welcome! Click here for mnutes of the May 19th meeting.
Message from the Town Office – Just a reminder that you need to have your cars and boats registered by June 12th. In March there was an Executive Order from the Governor stating that we didn’t have to register vehicles until after the end of the State Emergency Declaration, but on May 12, a new Executive Order from the Governor states that registrations must be completed by June 12th if they are expired. Please call the Town Office if you have questions. 846-3148
May 25, 2020 - Memorial Day - We are not having a service today but I thought I would share the video I put together for a service five years ago of World War II Veterans who are connected to the island. I especially want to share and thank Russ Hunter and Mac Passano who are still with us today. I have been collecting photos of all veterans from all time as we prepare for other Memorial Day Services when we can all be together again. I know there are a lot more including Sally Hicks Sanderson, Ruth Caplin, Jack Zaugg, George Gordon Breed, Sam Hackenberger, Stafford Hayes "Mac" MacArthur, Howard N. Porter, Neil Tonks, Edward K White and H Lawson McClellan. Please send photos to bjohnson4850@gmail.com so I can add them and send to Donna at the Historical Society chebeaguehistory@gmail.com.
Renowned physician-author Atul Gawande just published a New Yorker article on how we can safely reopen the economy. In this video, Dr Kip Webb and Dr Jim Cox-Chapman discuss the article and what it can mean for Chebeague.
May 24, 2020 - A Quiet Summer Video - We hope you enjoy the video that was produced by the town's Covid Committee. It is a collection of information and interviews about living on Chebeague during these times. Thanks for watching it. There is also a CTC Service video on the page.
Message from Chebeague Tennis Club - The tennis club will be opening one of the clay tennis courts on June 15-ish. Court usage by club members will be subject to several COVID-related restrictions. For questions or more information please contact Kim (kim@venkataraman.net or 617.699.9124)
Message from the Historical Society (CIHS) regarding Summer 2020: ELECTIONS and CANCELLATIONS. CIHS is adjusting to the public health requirements of COVID-19 and has carefully considered the implications for the organization and the museum.
ANNUAL MEETING: Our annual meeting and the talk by Michael Porter, scheduled for June 20, are cancelled. Michael's presentation will be on zoom in July. To fill officer vacancies that would have been filled by election at that meeting, the Governing Board of the Historical Society at its May meeting elected Roman Folk, Recording Secretary, and Mary Holt, Corresponding Secretary. President David Hill, Vice President Jackie Trask, and Treasurer Gretchen Tonks Hartling remain in their offices, all to serve until the next election by our members. Evin Erder, Pat Festino, Ehrhardt Groothoff, Cathy MacNeill, Beth McNulty and Marjorie Munroe were elected to fill vacancies as Trustees. An enthusiastic welcome to each of them for new or renewal terms!
THIS SUMMER: CIHS has decided with great regret that the Museum building and its outside public bathroom will not be open to the public this year. Our exciting new exhibit, Growing Up on Chebeague, planned for this June, will be featured in 2021 and 2022 instead. (A preview video on our website already has had almost 600 views!) We will be looking for other ways to bring programs to the public this summer, to deliver the annual Cathy MacNeill photo calendar which has become so beloved, and to serve the research and genealogy needs of our members. Stay tuned! Our website is chebeaguehistory.com
Congratulations to Margaret Gaston who on Friday celebrated her 103rd birthday!
May 22, 2020 - NOTICE: A lot of questions have come up about what does it mean to quarantine? Click here to see a very informative video by Kip Webb that will help explain it all. Click here for the chart that goes with the video.
Message from Florence: "We have some plants left for Memorial Day Weekend - a few geraniums -please call at 846-4986. First come first served."
The CTC June Newsletter and July Crew Assistance Schedules are now posted on the News & Info Page of CTC's website.
Click here for a letter from Sam and John Birkett about coming to Chebeague.
Message from May Hall: "Sorry folks! Due to a few paperwork glitches, we will not be opened this weekend. Fingers crossed for next weekend. Just for informational purposes, I'm no longer on isolation per the Maine CDC. Hope if you have questions or concerns, you'll speak with me directly. I'm a straight shooter and will give real answers."
May 21, 2020 - After many months at the Royal River Boatyard, the Islander came home today. Matt arrived at the Stone Wharf this afternoon. Many thanks to Mary Todd and her crew - and to the folks at RRBY - for taking such good care of our boat! Click here for a photo and here for another.
Lost keys-today, Thursday, May 21, somewhere along the North Road, between the Museum and Town Office. Please call 846-5040 if you happen to find keys on a small black carabiner. It had 2 key rings, a few keys on each ring. Sincere thanks, Mary - Keys were found - thank you!
Wildflower seeds are being provided to "Grow Together" by the CRC, CUMC and CIL. Seeds are available in the "seed cooler" on the steps of the Parish Hall, along with directions to cultivate. There are also vegetable seeds from the CIL available for the taking. Click here for the flyer!
Click here to hear the Selectmen's Meeting from last night.
CTC will resume the 3:45/4PM ferry daily starting tomorrow, 5/22.
May 20, 2020 - Sharon McDonnell MD MPH, an epidemiologist has invited us to join her Zoom Session: "What the Heck? Ask an epidemiologist(s)" as she and her husband Gib Parrish MD
These sessions may have some brief presentations – “Cool things this week in epidemiology” – but we hope to leave most of the time for questions and discussion. Please feel free to put questions that you would like us to think about in the comments below and we will give them priority."
WHEN: Thursdays 4pm to 5:30 pm
WHERE: Zoom. Link: https://zoom.us/j/207536632 Meeting ID: 207 536 632
Click here for a message from May Hall - about the Slow Bell takeout opening for this weekend.
Tonight the Selectmen have a zoom meeting at 6pm - click here for details on agenda and packet.
May 19, 2020 - Video answering the question: What should I do if I have been exposed to COVID-19? Click here for a printable chart.
CART Community Advisory Response Team meeting is at 2pm - see zoom sign in (same zoom address as Selectmen's meetings) information. These meetings are public and everyone is welcome! Click here for mnutes of the May 12th meeting.
No School Committee Meeting tonight.
May 18, 2020 - "Click here" for a first chat with Dr. Kip Webb, a medical doctor and public health specialist, who is our neighbor on Chebeague and is helping to answer questions about: What should I do if I have been exposed to COVID-19? Click here for the chart that goes with the video.
Message from the CTC - Bus service bulletin!
May 16, 2020 - Click here for a lovely Everyday People - Berklee Virtual Commencement Concert Tribute! Thank you Tee (and Jack) for sharing.
Message from the Golf Club: "Golf Club Update. With help from a cooperative recent weather pattern and the hard work of our staff--Cary Espeaignette, Denise Hamilton and Mike Hamilton--the club’s opening day for 2020 has been moved from June 15 to May 30. The course will be open only for club members and year-round island residents, who, following a long club tradition, play for free after 5:00 p.m. Members who reside in another state will be required to self-quarantine for 14 days before they can play. Golf courses in Maine have a detailed list of protocols that they must adhere to in order to qualify to open. Our club will be in compliance with those protocols when it opens. These rules are designed to ensure the safety of golfers, staff and the rest of the community and the club’s leadership has the greatest confidence that our members will respect and honor them. Please contact Jim Gallagher or Carl Tubbesing if you have any questions."
Message from the NIBLIC: "Dear Friends,
It is very strange to not be knee deep in organizing and displaying inventory and being excited about welcoming back everyone for coffee and a cinnamon bun a week from today. My how things have changed in a very short time!
Along with you, we are closely watching the impact the pandemic is having on our Maine communities. We are carefully planning a tentative opening date for The Niblic of June 19th. This may change at anytime while we continue to review the governor’s guidelines and develop a site specific protection plan for how to make this cautiously happen. Our prime concern is for the safety of our employees and our patrons.
Our heartfelt thanks to our friends and loyal customers who have reached out to us with care and concern. It means a great deal and is sincerely appreciated. My very best to all of you, ~Jen "
May 15, 2020 - NOTICE: Click here for a May 15th letter from our Town Administrator, Marjorie Stratton.
The Island Institute Working Waterfront recently put an article "Our island communities value our seasonal residents, but we worry" by Roger Berle and Donna Wiegle.
The Island Institute has launched a wonderful new website "Community Learning for Maine: This site is a volunteer driven, grassroots effort designed in community for community as a resource to support parents and teachers while school is not in session due to COVID-19. Rural Aspirations is working with various community organizations and businesses, as well as school leaders to identify areas of need, and develop a comprehensive resource to support learning from home. Our intention is to provide parents and teachers with resources, support, and networking opportunities to support students in this difficult time."
Message from the Inn: “Dear Friends,
The health, safety and well-being of our guests and staff is paramount at Chebeague Island Inn. With this in mind and against a daily-changing backdrop of travel restrictions around the world, we have made the careful decision to keep the Inn closed this summer.
Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns
Glen Sanokklis
General Manager”
NOTICE: From the Town Office - Governor Mills issued an Executive Order May 12, 2020 concerning Vehicle Registrations, which includes motor vehicle, all-terrain vehicle, watercraft, and snowmobile and trailer. A vehicle required to be registered in this State for which a registration expires or has expired must be registered within 30 days of the effective date of this Order (May 12, 2020). If your registration has expired or is due, it must be registered by June 12, 2020. A previous Executive Order had suspended registration requirements until 30 days after the end of the State of Emergency. So give us a call and we will re-register your vehicles. Remember that we must see your insurance card before processing the registration.
Message from Ann Thaxter for the Chebeague Island Council: "In keeping with Governor Mills covid 19 rules prohibiting gatherings of 50 or more for July and August, the Chebeague Island Council regretfully announces the cancellation of the 4th of July parade and road race. The School Seconds will not open this summer as it would be extremely difficult to sanitize the donated items and maintain social distancing in our building. Please do not leave donations as they will be thrown away. Thank you for helping us keep our community safe."
If you send me a message to put upon this website and don't see it within a day, please let me know as I get a lot of emails, and sometimes they get missed.
May 11, 2020 - Photo of one of Vika & Tom's honey bees gathering pollen. Click here for another. The two new hives seem to be thriving. Click here for a video of the bee at work.
Tomorrow's CART Community Advisory Response Team meeting is at 2pm - see zoom sign in information. Click here for minutes from May 5th meeting.
May 10, 2020 - Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers and people who are like mothers!
Whole Foods in Portland is now accepting new island customers and that one may call and set up an account - click here for more information.
Message from Barrie Shepherd: "I have put together a slim (15 pieces) collection of my recent writings. It is called A Pandemic Portfolio, and each poem reflects in some way (anger, humor, puzzlement, faith) upon our current corona emergency. It is available at a cost of $5 plus $2 for shipping.
As is my custom, all "profits" will be donated to the Chebeague and Scarborough food pantries. If you would like a copy please e-mail me at barrieshep@aol.com, or call - 207 510 1637, then send a check and your mailing address. If you would like an inscription or dedication to someone (for a gift) include the name or names."
NOTICE: Message from the Town Administrator: " I know there is a long tradition of leaving items at the Transfer Station that people believe can be re-used. We are immediately asking people to stop leaving these items. Unfortunately, there are even more items showing up as the Red Studio and Schoolhouse Seconds are both closed. We cannot be responsible to disinfecting all of these items for re-use and must throw them in with the trash. You can either keep the items for another time or throw them in the trash yourself. Please understand that we are just trying to keep Gail safe and all Chebeague people. Be Safe, Be Kind. Marjorie E. Stratton, Town Administrator."
May 9, 2020 - Message from May Hall: "I want to thank the island community for your outpouring of support. I also want to thank the Chebeague and Long Island rescues for safely transporting me off when I took a turn yesterday. I've returned to the island and am practicing appropriate social distancing and quarantining. At this time, I'm bed bound. The CDC has been actively involved in my case as I am a healthcare worker exposed on the job. I hope you will continue to take precautions and wear protection whenever possible. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy! Xoxo"
NOTICE: Click here for an update from the CTC.
May 8, 2020 - NOTICE: Click here for the latest Chebeague Covid Update - it is also above in the orange box.
As of last week, you no longer have to sign a covid release form from the CTC in order to board and ride their vessels.
CTC has immediate openings for part time deckhands based on the Island. For more information, please visit the Jobs page on our website.
May 7, 2020 -Photo of a Rock Concert created by the Kellums. They also created: clamchoir, redfacedrocks, ontherocks, and village. Check out the painted rocks on the CRC facebook. Click here to hear the Selectmen's Meeting from Wednesday, May 6th. All the audios of the Selectmen's meetings can be found above on Selectmen Meetings Audios.
NOTICE: Message from Sailing School: “Like everyone else, we are working on a plan for how to handle the summer, and are coordinating our activities with other island entities. The State of Maine has issued a go-ahead for summer camps as of July. However, there will still be adaptations needed in all camps, and ours is particularly difficult because kids will be in close quarters on boats, so implementing social distancing will be impossible. Also, all out-of-staters will be in quarantine for two weeks which may make things impossible for some families traveling from away.
---As of today, we are most likely to cancel the first session in early July, and will therefore be looking at the possibility of holding the two later sessions, through mid-August, which will coordinate with phase 3-4 of the state’s opening plan. We are also mindful that all parts of the state’s plan are provisional, and will depend upon an improving public health profile. Hopefully we can issue a more complete statement within the coming weeks. In the meantime, know that anything you have booked online with us can be refunded. Many thanks for your patience.”
Click here for the Greely Middle School staff sending a big High-Five that includes two Chebeague alumni, Ryan Ross and Tracy Calder! Also our old teacher Vance Benoit and my students art teacher.
May 6, 2020 - Message from Beth and Jerry Wiles: For the safety of Chebeague and in conjunction with ?the State of Maine guidelines, our Chebeague Memorial Day Service is cancelled. In the last week of May we, along with Ann Thaxter’s assistance, will place the flags on each grave honoring our Veterans. As you pass by our Chebeague Cemetery please remember the men and women who have served our Country. Our thanks go out to all who have assisted us in the past and may we reunite in May 2021 and carry on this very important and heartfelt tradition.
Messages from the Island Council: The 4th of July Parade and Road Race have been cancelled.
----The School House Seconds will NOT be opening this season.
Click here for an article in today's Portland Press Herald: "Maine's two-week quarantine a deal-breaker for some seasonal residents."
Tonight the Selectmen have a zoom meeting at 6pm - click here for details on agenda and packet.
May 5, 2020 - Message from Greeks of Peaks: The Greeks of Peaks Mobile Eats is a Greek food truck based out of Portland owned by Haley Campbell and her partner. We are now offering "take-and-bake" meal delivery to Chebeague islanders. The menu will change each week and all meals will require minimal cooking. Prices range from $45-$55 for two people depending on selection.
---Head to www.thegreeksofpeaks.com to view the menu and place your order for Saturday 5/09 delivery to the island off of the 5:00 CTC. Select your meal preference and serving size, and when you are ready to check out click the RED CART at the top of the page. A form will pop up where you can choose 'Chebeague Island' as your pickup spot and enter your name and phone number. Please note that ordering closes Wednesday night at 7 PM (or earlier if we sell out!). Virtual gift cards are also available on the website for purchase!
Looking forward to serving new and returning islanders! Email us at thegreeksofpeaks@gmail.com with any questions!
NOTICE: MacBeth Concert Series Cancelled for 2020. The MacBeth Steering Committee is very saddened to announce that we have had to cancel our concerts for this season. So many people have told us how badly Chebeaguers will crave music over the coming summer and we are heartbroken to leave this void in the spiritual and cultural life of our community. We were overwhelmed by the enthusiastic response last year’s concerts received and look forward to bringing back that incredible musical excitement in 2021.
Click here for the latest message and information from the FOOD PANTRY.
Click here for COVID-19 HELP AND EMOTIONAL SUPPORT FOR YOU! This one page sheet created by Eliza Jane and Erika is an important document to help us all as we deal with the pandemic as it hits us in so many different ways. There are clickable links of all the information on the page.
CART Community Advisory Response Team meeting today at 2pm - see zoom sign in information. Click here for minutes of April 27th meeting.
Click here to see a video shared by the Yarmouth School Teachers.
May 4, 2020 - Photo of WWI tablet in front of the Grange.
School Committee Meeting tomorrow 5/5/20 at 6pm - click here for agenda.
May 3, 2020 - Click here for an article in the Portland Press Herald by Susan Stranahan. I have every year supported and contributed to the Jenny Wren Run/Walk and as you see below it has been postponed but I will give a donation now that I would have at the walk/run and I will go out and take a lap on my own. The Commons and all our Nonprofits are going to need more help now than ever.
Message from the Commons: The annual Jenny Wren Run/Walk, which normally would have happened next Saturday, May 9, has been postponed until a later date. Thanks to the Hamilton family who sponsors this fun event in remembrance of Jeanette “Jenny Wren” Hamilton to benefit Island Commons. We hope to reschedule for sometime later in the summer — when we can all be together to remember all the important women in our lives.
NOTICE: Message from Great Chebeague Golf Club - click here. The Golf course is CLOSED, even to casual golfing, and will not open on our usual Memorial Day weekend schedule.
Click here for the Maine Island Coalition Minutes from the May 1st Zoom Meeting.
May 1, 2020 - NOTICE: Order from Governor Mills starting May 1st.
The CTC Board of Directors is extremely pleased to announce Matt Ridgway’s promotion to Assistant General Manager effective May 1, 2020.
April 30, 2020 -NOTICE: From Casco Bay Lines: Requirement goes into effect tomorrow, Friday, May 1st, and Casco Bay Lines will adhere by requiring, until further notice, that all persons wear cloth face coverings at all times when present at our facilities or onboard our vessels.
Click here for a booklet issued by the Governor's Office.
Click here for the latest information from Economic & Community Development on Maine.gov.
Governor's order requires everyone to wear face masks in public places, starting Friday. Click here for Press Herald notice.
NOTICE: Messages from Town of Chebeague: New Governor Mills Executive Order Issued April 29, 2020 – We are reviewing this new order to see how it might impact Chebeague Island. Please check for updates under COVID-19 on the Town of Chebeague Island website.
New Rules for Chandlers Wharf freight pickup – I have received numerous complaints about the chaos at Chandlers Wharf for picking up supplies. Casco Bay Lines has also expressed a concern about having so many people on the dock when they are trying to unload. So, for now, you will not be allowed to drive or walk down to the end of the dock until it is safe. We will let one or two people at a time down to retrieve their freight. Genaro and I will be there to help organize the freight and make sure people are taking the right boxes. Billy St. Cyr, Island Market, Mail Delivery and the Island Commons will have priority for picking up large orders. Please be patient. We hope that this will work more efficiently and minimize the reports of missing freight and other issues.
Tie-Up Stickers – Early on this Spring, we were not trying to sell the tie-up stickers, as the usual process was for someone to come into the Town Office and fill out a form. Last week it was decided to send the 2020 form to everyone that had a Tie-Up sticker last year. This has caused some confusion. To be clear, we are giving people until May 15th to get a tie-up sticker if you plan to leave a boat at Stone Wharf or at Chandlers. If you have questions, please call the Town Office at 846-3148.
John Wilkinson who drives for the CTC is offering a driving/errands service and you can learn all about it on Chebweb.com - click here.
April 29, 2020 - Gov. Janet Mills issued a tentative timeline Tuesday for reopening Maine’s economy. Grocery stores, pharmacies, financial institutions, home repair services, car repair services and child care agencies are among those that have been allowed to operate while the stay-at-home order has been in effect.
The 14-day quarantine of people entering or returning to Maine will continue through at least August. Most people who can work from home will continue to do so, and people will be required to wear cloth face coverings in public settings where physical distancing measures are difficult.
Community Advisory Response Team meeting today at 2pm - see zoom sign in information. Minutes from the April 21 Meeting.
April 28, 2020 - Video created by Chip Emery for a preview of Growing Up on Chebeague's 20 - 21 Exhibit at the Museum of Chebeague History. This photo is of palsTheron Hamilton and Archie Ross.
Governor Mills Presents Safe, Gradual Plan to Restart Maine's Economy, the new Stay Safer at Home Order will also allow Maine people to visit businesses or participate in activities that are deemed safe to open under Stage 1 of the reopening plan. The Order will extend through May 31, 2020 but is subject to change.- click here.
Message from May: Looking for work once the state opens for business? Looking for summer, part-time, full-time, kitchen, server, bartender work? There are lots of options at the Slow Bell, including some early morning, days, evenings, etc. Competitive compensation and benefits that include uniforms and staff meals. Want to know more? Contact May Hall at 332.2368 or maywicca@gmail.com Thanks!
The contractors working for Central Maine Power will be back on Chebeague today and start work Tuesday, April 28th. I know that people are nervous about workers going back and forth on the boat and working on Chebeague Island. Please try to keep in mind that their work is considered essential. They are aware of our anxiety and have their own social distancing rules and guidelines in place. If you have questions or concerns, please give me a call. 846-3148 or cell 975-3074 Marjorie E. Stratton, Town Administrator
April 26, 2020 - The CTC May Newsletter and May and June Crew Assistance Schedules are posted on the News & Info Page of CTC's website.
May Hall has a survey she would like poeple on the island to take - click here.
April 24, 2020 - I forgot to mention that I put the Audio of the Selectmen's meeting on the Selectmen Meetings Audio page - click here to listen.
NOTICE: Message from the CTC: Boarding Ferry 5 Minutes Before Departure Effective Saturday April 25, 202. As CTC tries to streamline the COVID-19 ferry ticket collection process, we are finding it difficult to try to keep track of passengers who arrive early, board the ferry, and then get off the ferry for a few minutes. Consequently, effective tomorrow, 4/25, we are reducing our early boarding time from 15 minutes to 5 minutes before departure. Please do not board the ferry more than 5 minutes before departure from Chebeague. Once on the ferry, please stay aboard. Thank you for your cooperation.
Reminder that Olivia's Garden weekly orders (Order Form) should be placed BY SATURDAY at 5pm for delivery via CTC on Monday at 12:30. Q? Call Kim 617.699.9124
April 23, 2020 - NOTICE: Click here for a letter from the Town Administrator to Chebeague Friends and Neighbors.
The Maine Coast Fishermen's Association is hosting a fishermen-focused webinar today Thursday, April 23, at 4 pm, to help those in the fishing industry navigate the complicated process of getting personal and business relief through the Paycheck Protection Program and/or the new state unemployment benefits. The format is a short presentation by experts on each topic, with specific guidance to your fishing operation, business, and crew, followed by an attendee Q & A.
The link to webinar info is: https://www.mainecoastfishermen.org/covidresources
April 22, 2020 - COVID-19 General Passenger Boarding Agreement Update. A few passengers have expressed concern that the Agreement was too broad and did not appear to be specific to COVID-19. Accordingly, we have asked our lawyers to revise the form. The revised General Passenger Boarding Agreement can be found here.
You can also sign the Agreement on the ferry.
Once you have signed the agreement, you will be issued an ID Card which should be carried with you when using our ferry service. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
HAPPY EARTH DAY - In honor of earth day the Recreation Center is invting all Chebeaguers: on-Island or off-Island to participate in a challenge with prizes. Click here to learn more.
April 21, 2020 - Notice from CTC: The COVID-19 Passenger Boarding Agreement that must be signed by all CTC ferry passengers is here. The agreement can be signed online at http://www.chebeaguetrans.com/About-Us.html or on the ferry. Passengers who have signed the agreement will be issued an ID card. Thank you for your cooperation. The agreement is required by our insurance company in order for us to be able to transport 911 suspected COVID-19 patients on the ferry.
Don't forget to order your PIZZA for delivery tomorrow by Ottos to the Island by Ottos with free transport by CTC - click here for details.
Tomorrow there is a Zoom Selectmen's meeting at 6 pm - click here to links to the agenda and packet.
Community Advisory Response Team meeting today at 2pm - see zoom sign in information.
School Committee Virtual Meeting is this Tuesday, April 21st at 6pm - see agenda.
Scallops for sale on Chebeague - order today - click here for information.
April 18, 2020 - FREIGHT at CHANDLERS: with so many of us ordering from Native Maine, WFM & others, please be sure to look at EVERY label to make sure the boxes are really yours. It is very easy to grab someone else's items & not realize it for days or weeks (or never), especially non-perishables. Island Commons has lost 10lb of rice, sour cream and cheese just this past week. Appreciate your consideration, and stay safe.
Click here to see the minutes from the Maine Islands Coalition Meeting on April 15th.
Message from the Food Pantry - click here.
School Committee Virtual Meeting is this Tuesday, April 21st at 6pm - see agenda.
Message from Mellisa: From CUMC: We are still in the midst of a discernment process regarding our relationship with the greater United Methodist denomination. Our next discernment session is Sunday, April 26th at 1 PM via Zoom. You can access it via Zoom.com using Meeting ID: 815 200 0968, Password: 20152020.
While all our sessions are open to everyone connected to the Chebeague community, this one particularly solicits input and feedback from members of the wider community. This session will talk about the impact of our connection to the United Methodist Denomination as it relates to the community as a whole. Your voices are important for us as we seek to serve this place in the best way possible.
Please contact Melissa with any concerns or questions you may have.
April 16, 2020 - OTTO pizza is launching a weekly delivery service to Chebeague Island. Starting next Wednesday and every Wednesday thereafter, OTTO will bring fresh pizzas as well as a great choice of appetizers, salads, pastas, desserts, beer & wine for easy pick up at the ferry landing. Click here for details!
Click here for a letter from the Recreation Center.
NOTICE: Message from the CTC: On Monday, 4/20, a new ticket system will be implemented by CTC and remain in effect for the duration of the COVID-19 emergency. This system is designed to allow fare collection while ensuring social distancing between our employees and passengers — and to protect everyone. As of Monday, only COVID-19 tickets may be used for travel on our ferry.
---How to obtain tickets: The COVID-19 ticket book has 10 detachable tickets. The cost is $30 per book – or $3 per ride. Children under the age of 12 will ride for free. To purchase, call the CTC office (846-3700) during regular business hours Monday through Thursday 9AM – 4PM and pay with a credit card. If you prefer to use a check, you may deposit the check for $30 in the mailbox attached to the CTC office building at 16 North Road or mail it to our office. The tickets will be on the ferry the next morning during the business week. Be sure to purchase tickets in advance if you are traveling on the weekend since our office is closed Friday-Sunday.
----If you have already pre-purchased a ticket book, it will be waiting for you on the ferry Monday morning 4/20.
----All passengers will deposit a ticket or tickets from the book in a special box on the stern when boarding the ferry, avoiding contact with the deckhands and each other.
----If you have COVID-19 tickets remaining after the emergency, you may trade in unused tickets and their value will be credited toward one of our usual 10-ride ticket books.
----Regular tickets will again be sold and collected when the emergency is over.
----Thank you for your cooperation!
Click here to listen to the Selectmen's Meeting from last night.
Click here for an article in the Portland Press Herald yesterday-"Chebeague Island ferry will carry suspected COVID-19 patients after all.
April 15, 2020 - Covid UPDATE April 15th.
NEW and EASIER ordering of vegetables from Olivia's Garden - Free delivery of vegetables from Olivia's Garden (LINK to order form) will take place each Monday on CTC boat arriving at 12:30. They have cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, and basil etc. Orders must be placed by 5pm Saturday. The NEW online order form is easy to use and includes a link to pay with PayPal - put "CHEBEAGUE" as the delivery address and "Free Greenhouse Pick-Up" since they aren't charging us a delivery fee. Questions? Call Kim Venkataraman 617.699.9124
April 14, 2020 - Town of Chebeague Selectmen's Virtual Meeting tomorrow night at 6pm - click here for agenda and packet.
NOTICE: Message from Ann Kirkpatrick, the Superintendent/Principal Chebeague Island School:
"This is a follow up to you from the message that the school building is closed to the public for the rest of the school year. Last week the Board of Selectman and the Chebeague Island School Committee decided that it is necessary to also share that the grounds are also closed to non-school employees. The grounds include the playground, ball field, pizza oven area and all other land that is the property of the town and the recreation center.
This is to ensure that all the people on the island remain safe as we adhere to the requests of the governor and CDC; i.e. wash hands, no gatherings, stay at home except for necessary trips to the store and stay at least 6 feet apart. This out of the concern for the health and safety of the children, the families and all citizens of Chebeague Island.
Within the next few days you will notice signs being posted to remind bikers and pedestrians to please not stop on this property. Having everyone following these rules will hopefully help to end this quarantine and allow us to meet together again soon. Thank you for your attention to this notice."
Message from Kim Boehm: "I will be barging my flatbed off and on the Island on a regular basis, starting today. I can haul loads up to 24 feet long and 7 feet wide. No gravel etc, as I do not have a dump body. I also am still removing unwanted vehicles, and scrap metals. Please call for details...
Kim Boehm 846 2468."
Community Advisory Response Team meeting today at 2pm - see zoom sign in information. Approved minutes from April 9 meetign - click here.
April 13, 2020 - NOTICE: Please click here for CTC's COVID-19 emergency transport policy.
NOTICE: Due to anticipated high winds, the last ferry today 4/13 will be the noon/12:15PM boat.
Message from The Recompense Fund: The Recompense Fund (RF) Board is keenly aware of the significant disruptions in our lives, the scope of which will likely be unparalleled in our lifetime. We understand the needs of our island non-profits may be changing dramatically, and that some organizations may need to re-think both long and short term plans. Key RF Board members are aiding the Town's Covid-19 task force. Others are stepping up to enhance our islands communications channels. Our Board members offer "extended arms" in this hour of need, and each of us would welcome any calls for support.
---The Recompense Fund (RF) Board, in light of Covid-19's impact on island non-profits, acted today to relax immediately the expenditure requirements of previously granted, unexpended RF funds to any Chebeague non-profit. This includes allowing the use of said funds for operating purposes as authorized by any recipient's Board of Directors/Trustees.
----Recompense also would like to remind you about the availability of emergency small $500 grants submitted by a letter of need. Additionally, early grant applications are welcomed with final grant applications due May 31st.
April 12, 2020 - Photo of sunrise Easter Sunday on Hamilton Beach with Riley and Piper. Click here for another view. Happy Easter!
NOTICE: CTC has important new COVID-19 policies. We will require all passengers to wear masks effective 4/14. Passengers who do not have masks will be supplied a cloth mask by CTC - to keep and reuse. (A donation is requested - it will go to an island charity that is helping the community through this difficult time).
Additionally, CTC will begin collecting ferry fees again in the near future with special COVID-19 tickets. We are having the tickets printed now. Please review the new policies (Safety) and here (Tickets) and let us know if you have any questions. You can also find these policies on our Facebook page or http://www.chebeaguetrans.com/About-Us.html
Congratulations to George Bates who has completed his ebook on the Wildflowers of Chebeague and the Casco Bay Islands. This has been two years in the making. He is going to share the royalties equally with the Chebeague Historical Society, the Island Library, and the Chebeague and Cumberland Land Trust; The book is published on Lulu Publishing, and can be viewed on any computer, tablet or phone -- except Kindle (Amazon's Kindle uses a different epub format and Amazon takes most of the revenues, Lulu takes 10%). He hopes this book will brighten the day for some folks during this time of crisis and confusion, and he looks forward to seeing you all when they can travel safely again.
Message from the Food Pantry: We continue to stock our shelves so you can supplement yours and stay at home. While the Food Pantry typically helps those on the island with food insecurity, in these uncertain times we are available to supplement your grocery needs.
If you aretrying to:
Avoid going to town for a few needed items
• Waiting for a delayed shipment
• Or just feel like having soup for lunch and you just ran out.
We have masks...
We will be open on Wednesday from 10:30 - 12:30. We can arrange for pick up or delivery other times when needed. Please bring a bag!
If possible email us a list of items and we will package them and bring them outside for you to pick up. jahoward2@gmail.com
•If you need to call you can call Jenn 415-271-0096 or Denise 207-838-6107
•If you need to drive up and bring a list that is OK too. Just toot your horn and someone will come out and get your list.
Easter Sunrise "Service" - Even in this time of shelter in place, we can still share in the sunrise together. For you early-risers, take a sunrise picture (around 5:40 AM) from the beach, from your porch, wherever you find yourself. Email it to the church (chebeagueislandumc@gmail.com) or upload it to social media using #CUMCEasterSunrise and I will create a collage of our pictures to put on CUMC's Facebook Page.
Easter Worship is at 10 AM! Join us via Zoom at https://zoom.us/j/308728697?pwd=RW1YdkpFUzZtZitWY0RXdDhManZOQT09
(Meeting ID: 308 728 697, PW: 20152020)
April 9, 2020 - The zoom meeting audio recording from last night's Selectmen's Meeting has been uploaded to the website. Click here to listen or go to Selectmen Meetings Audios to listen to them all.
NOTICE: In a further effort to encourage social distancing in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Chebeague Island School has CLOSED the school grounds including the playground, outdoor classroom picnic benches and volunteer field until further notice. Please remind everyone in your families not to utilize these facilities.
Every day the Community Advisory Committee responsible for putting out the town and other updates will be uploading the changes and can be found in the COVID UPDATE above. Today you should see the April 9 update but sometimes browsers such as Safari, Chrome and other do not refresh in a timely manner so look for the date such as today should say April 9.
Reminder that today Zoom Meeting Community Advisory Response Team meeting a 2pm - Town code: 326-962-753 pw 175989. Minutes of the April 6th meeting - click here.
Message from Kim Boehm: In these trying times a bit of good news...
As part of my ongoing Aquifer Protection Program, (an essential service if ever there was one!) , I am pleased to announce the remediation of another lot of land. Perhaps you have noticed the change in a small parcel on the West End. The lot was seeded today, and am anxious to see the land reclaimed by Mother Nature. Thanks to those who helped me either in time, material or mental and moral support. My plan is to continue my efforts,on additional properties, as my time,energy, budget and world affairs allows.
April 8, 2020 - I have just uploaded the latest Covid-19 update for the community - click on the COVID UPDATE above.
NATIVE MAINE PRODUCE has launched a retail division with delivery to the 12:00 CBL ferry on M-Tu-Th-F Produce, Meats, Dairy & More. Free delivery for orders $150 and over. $15 delivery for orders under $150.
They are continually adding items, and there’s a feedback form, so let them know what else you’d like to see.
Here’s the link: https://www.nativemainedirect.com/shop/
Please click here or visit http://www.chebeaguetrans.com/About-Us.html to see policy updates from CTC.
NOTICE: Please see this important message from Jon Rich - click here.
Reminder that ChebWeb.com has lots of valuable information such as restaurant and food diliveries, how to make a your own mask, using venmo, how to shop at the Julie's Island Market. There are even photos of all the shelves so you can see what she may have.
April 7, 2020 - Click here for FAQ about the Emergency Declaration of April 6th.
Message from CTC: Due to COVID 19 many families are facing financial stress. In response, CTC is extending its due date for the final payment for annual parking permits from March 31st to June 30th. Thank you and stay well!
Tommorow night the Board of Selectman have a virtual meeting at 6pm. Click here for the sign in for the meeting that includes a password. If for some reason the password does not work - I will post it here at the time of the meeting. Remember to go to the Town Website and click on the date of the meeting to get the agenda and the packet.
Message from Marjorie Stratton, Town Administrator: I wanted you all to know that a crew from Central Maine Power will be working on the island beginning Wednesday this week. Please remember that this work is considered Essential Services under Governor Mills’ emergency proclamation. They are well aware of the anxiety we have about people coming to Chebeague Island from the mainland during this pandemic. Try to remember that in a different situation such as a power outage, you would be begging them to come and bringing them coffee! They will bring their own porta potty. They have their own social distancing rules in place which follows the CDC guidelines. If you have any questions, please call me. Stay safe, stay healthy, stay home. 846-3148 or cell 975-3074
April 6, 2020 - Photo of sunrise April 6th taken by Jon Rich.
Message from Chebeague Island United Methodist Church Food Pantry:
Greetings from the Food Pantry! We have stocked our shelves so you can supplement yours and stay at home. While the Food Pantry typically helps those on the island with food insecurity, in these uncertain times we are available to supplement your grocery needs.
If you are:
--trying to avoid going to town for a few needed items
Waiting for a delayed shipment
-- Or just feel like having soup for lunch and you just ran out.
Go to Chebweb.com and see what they have and a button to donate.
NOTICE: Town of Chebeague Emergency Declaration on April 6, 2020 - click here.
Click here for the message from the Surgeon General of the United States from yesterday.
Message from the Chebeague Island Inn: Friends and Family of the Chebeague Island Inn and the Chebeague Island Community,
--We thought it important to reach out to reassure our islanders that we are taking COVID-19 very seriously and are adhering to all state and federal guidelines. To our core, we care not only about delighting and surprising our guests, but what's in the best interest of our community at large and are taking all precautions necessary to ensure that your safety is our top priority. Currently, we have had two Maine associates at the Inn because their family owned home on the island is currently being renovated. They are practicing quarantine like the rest of us due to high risk if exposed. Please call me directly should you have any further questions, I can be reached on my cell 207.869.0715. I look forward to seeing you all this summer.
We are all in this together,
Glen Sanokklis
General Manager
April 5, 2020 - Next Zoom Meeting Community Advisory Response Team Sunday April 5 at 3 on Town Zoom. Click here for minutes of last meeting. The password today is 175989.
Today's schedule delivery from Olivia's Garden has been postponed until Monday 12:15 CTC boat."
The Chebeague Methodist Church is still having services at 10 am. Check out their website for how to attend.
The New York Times Coronavirus Tips: Frequently Asked Questions and Advice.
Click here for an article in today's Portland Press Herald about the State and fears of outsiders.
Click here for an article in the Portland Press Herald about the ferry.
April 4, 2020 - Letter from the CTC to the Community - Click here.
Covid19 4/4/20 update from the CTC click here.
This year, CUMC is doing a virtual Easter Flower Garden in lieu of our regular Easter flowers. You can give in honor of or in memory of your loved one. Simply email the church at chebeagueumc@gmail.com and mail your contribution to the church (info at www.chebeagueumc.org/donate.html). We'll create an Easter Flower Program to celebrate the lives and legacies of our friends and family. Deadline: April 8th.
NOTICE: Letter from the Town Administrator - CLICK HERE.
COVID - 19 Town Update as of April 3rd.
NOTICE: Upcoming changes to CTCs service can be found here: http://www.chebeaguetrans.com/About-Us.html
The Chebeague Historical Society has created a Resilience Project - Please Click Here.
April 3, 2020 -Photo of the flags at the Historical Society taken by Donnie MacNeill. Every day he comes and puts the flags up and takes them down. We are all in this together.
Click here for Governor Mills: Stay healthy. Stay home Order.
The Wave Parade that was scheduled for tomorrow has been CANCELLED due to Governor's "Stay Healthy at Home" executive order.
Don't forget to go to Chebweb.com where food places are posting their options for delivery and other valuable information may be found.
"Olivia's Garden will deliver Chebeague orders via 12:15 CTC boat on Sunday.
If you wish to order: You may view produce options on O. G. web site.
Then email your selections to Jackie Trask by noon on Sat. (traskjacqui@gmail.com)
You may also text or call in your order to Jackie 207-319-6656. Jackie will put in one group order. Payment: is done by each individual via Pay Pal to showard4@maine.rr.com
Jackie will pay the single $ 10 delivery fee."
The School Committee will hold a Meeting by Teleconference on Tuesday, aparil 7, 2020 at 6pm - see agenda.
Message from Kim Boehm: Island Electric is available for electrical work on an emergency basis only. Emergencies include, loss of power, failure of critical circuits (heating systems,laundry, water heater, etc) or life safety devices. While all of us are doing the "shelter in place" thing, please remember to check all of your life safety devices for proper operation. This includes smoke, heat and CO detectors. Always available by phone for questions or concerns. Stay well. Kim 846 2468
April 2, 2020 - Live Stream of the hatching of Eagle chicks in Northwest Florida Live Web Cam on March 31, 2020. Harriet has been nesting here since 2006 and with her new partner M15 since 2015. I have changed to a better site.
I have uploaded last night's Selectmen Meeting - click here to hear it.
Remember that if you are picking up groceries or items off the Casco Bay Boat to please let the delivery trucks pick their items up first and then take turns going down to pick up items. Remember to stay a distance from any Casco Bay workers and others. One by one go and get your groceries.
The Selectmen Board: BOS will have an Executive Session tomorrow, April 3rd at 11:00AM to discuss pursuant to M.R.S.A § 405 (6) (E) –Consultation with legal counsel.
The Community Response committee will have a Zoom meeting at 1:00 pm on Today April 2nd. Zoom directions are on the Town website. See the zoom information at the town website.
Message from Whole Foods: As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, in one week Whole Foods has had more requests from new customers wanting to sign up for provisions deliveries than they had had in three years. Unfortunately, right now they are not able to sign up new customers but are hoping they will be able to in the future. If you happen to be helping a neighbor by letting them order onyour account that is fine but Whole Foods would prefer separate emails for each order. They are limited by the CDC as to how many employees they can have in their packaging room and they are also limited to only filling 10 orders per day. It would be most helpful for us to send larger orders, as smaller orders hold up the works and this will help Whole Foods be more efficient. We can also help the provisions department by making our lists as specific as possible (number of items, size, brand, ext.). They are currently not able to call while shopping for clarifications as they have in the past and instead they will do their best with substitutions. Try to plan ahead, as there is a possibility of having to wait up to a week to get your order; right now most orders are coming in four days. This all will make it easier for them to help us. Because of the high volume of orders they are asking customers not to call back with changes or additions to their orders. Whole foods is also not allowed to accept returned cooler bags and ice sleeves due to covid-19. Thanks again for your patience and co-operation.
April 1, 2020 - The town has posted "what to do if you feel sick" click here to see. Or go to the town website.
Selectmen's meeting tonight at 6pm via zoom. Click here to see how to attend. Remember that all the meeting information is on the Town Website - click on the meeting on the calendar that is on the main page - http://www.townofchebeagueisland.org/
During the current crisis, Olivia's Garden is not accepting email orders. Please text(2073196656) or email (traskjacqui@gmail.com) your order with your name and phone number to Jackie Trask. Jackie will place orders via text. Delivery time not yet confirmed.
Message from the Chebeague Ad hoc Tick-borne Disease Committee: With all that is going on, please don't forget about the DEER TICKS! Click here for photo!
People and their pets have been reporting them crawling around on the warm days all winter. As the temperature continues to climb, there will be more of them out in the brushy areas.
The ticks that are out now are adult males and females left over from last Fall. Below is a picture of some found on the island last October. The top row are females and the smaller ones on the lower row are males - beside them for comparison is a sunflower seed.
The much smaller nymphs will be emerging in a few weeks. Be careful out there and Stay Well!
March 31, 2020 - NOTICE: Message from the Food Pantry:
Dear Chebeague Island!
The UMC Food Pantry now has a PayPal account for making donations simpler:
www.chebeagueumc.org/donate.html and email the church at chebeagueislandumc@gmail.com noting that it's ear-marked for the food pantry.
You can also mail a check to:
Chebeague UMC
PO Box 1
Chebeague Island, ME 04017
----Please stay tuned for a list of weekly dates the FP will be open to the public to get the supplies you need. Also, please don’t hesitate to call or email Jen (415-271-0096; jahoward2@gmail.com) if you need something any day of the week. We are working diligently to make the Food Pantry well stocked for supplementing your own pantry and we are available for everyone. Please check to see if we may have some of the items you need, especially if it saves you a trip to town.
Again, thank you very much to all who have reached out and donated to the Food Pantry. We are so grateful for the support that is coming in from Islanders, for Islanders, far and wide!
March 30, 2020 - Click here for an informative information session by Dr. David Price, Weill Cornell Medical Center.
The Community Response committee will have a Zoom meeting at 1:00 pm on March 31 to discuss next steps. Zoom directions are on the Town website. See the zoom information at the town website.
Click here for the call-in notes from Friday's Maine Island Coalition Meeting .
March 28, 2020 - The Board of Selectmen met today online at 10am and you can listen to the recording of the meeting by clicking here. The agenda and important document as well as the latest COVID Resolution may be found on the Town Website.
NOTICE: Chebeague Rec Center / Kids’ Place – Closing Extended through 4/26/2020
The Chebeague Recreation Center / Kids’ Place / the Fitness room / the Gymnasium, and all Rec Center programs will continue to be closed to the public through 4/26/2020. On March 24, 2020 Governor Mills issued an Executive order that requires all non-essential businesses to close to the public. Please note or executive team and our board members will continue to conduct Rec business and will continue to keep you updated. Please be safe and patient with one another.
Reminder that property taxes are due by the end of March.
March 27, 2020 - Board of Selectmen are having a teleconference meeting tomorrow, Saturday, March 28th at 10 am. Click here for the agenda. In the agenda is the zoom and call in information you would need. Click here to learn how to log into a zoom meeting. All of this information is on the Town Website along with any documents that they may be using.
This is a great time to go to the beach and do cleanup along the shores with your family. Click here to see what Ann and John Thaxter collected in 20 minutes at Bennett's Cove.
NOTICE: Message from the Baggetes: Chedemption will be closed temporarily as our redemption center in Portland is unable to pick our returnables as the have been deemed nonessential and must close..
Please either leave your returnables at home or put them in the recycling
compactor. Please do not leave them at the shed or trailer.
We will hopefully be able to open again.
Thank you
Click here to see the Message from the Island Commons that was omitted from the Island Calendar.
March 26, 2020 - What the World Needs Now - Virtual Orchestra
I have downloaded the the Selectmen's meeting from last night so you can click here to listen. There will be another meeting Saturday March 28th at 10 AM - see agenda.
The Town is currently chipping all the brush and logs at the Brush Dump between the Town Garage and the Transfer Station. There is some hard wood that would be great for your wood stoves if you want to pick it up. Please call first! It will be on a first come, first serve basis. We hate to chip it up if it is needed. Please practice social distancing.
The Selectmen had a great virtual meeting last night with over 50 participants. I'm hoping to get the audio of the meeting for everyone to listen to. A lot of great work is being done to help the community with the challenges we are all experiencing during this crisis. It was reassuring to hear all that was being discussed. The Selectmen passed a resolution last night - click here to see it.
The Maine Island Coalition recently had their virtual meeting - click here to learn what other islands are doing during this time. The Island Institute turned to the Maine Islands Coalition (MIC), a network with a 17-year history of helping to solve problems in the year-round islands of Maine. Click here to see a summary blog post of a summary of what all the islands are doing.
We’ve just launched a site to work in conjunction with this page.
As ISLAND NEWS is more of “daily news”, we wanted to add a place for other types of information. CHEBWEB
Things people - Need, Can Provide or Helpful tips. Pease visit and sign up for email updates. And, please SUBMIT A LISTING, that could help you or someone else. I have put a link above as well but the name chebweb.com will be easy to remember. Since its launch three days ago we have had 300 unique visitors, 800 page views and a posting.
March 25, 2020 - There is a Selectmen's Meeting tonight, March 25th at 6 pm and will be done virtually on zoom. Click here to learn how you may be able to join the meeting. Remember that you can see the agenda and all the paperwork that goes along with the meeting by going to the town website. If you go to the Town Website and click on the event on the calendar, you will be able to see a link to the agenda and a link to the packet of material that the Selectmen will be using.
General directions on how to participate in Zoom webinars - click here.
From Mellissa: Creating Affirmations in Uncertain Times
Time: March 26, 2020 4:00 PM
On Zoom - please click here to see how to get into the meeting.
The school classes are going wonderfully and I want to share a site the children are going to that is bringing much enjoyment - Cornell's Sapsucker Woods live bird feeder - click here.
March 24, 2020 - Photo Today March 24th was a snow day and for once the students still had school (online). One of their assignments was to build a snowman as did my granddaughter and family did. Families are doing lots of fun things together as you can see.
NOTICE: Melissa and CUMC's Administrative Council has made the difficult decision to restrict access to the church's buildings - particularly the Parish House - starting Wednesday, March 25th. We're doing this so that we can maintain a safe environment for the Food Pantry. You can still donate to the Food Pantry by dropping items off in the coolers that will be on the porch. You can still contact Jen Corson with any food pantry needs at jahoward2@gmail.com. If you want any notecards to send to friends and family, contact Melissa at ml.yosuadavis@gmail.com and we'll leave some out on the parsonage porch for you.
The church continues to be in ministry with the island (our friends and neighbors both near and far) during this time. Please visit the church's website (www.chebeagueumc.org) for all of the opportunities we are offering for connection during these days. There will be more offerings in the days to come, so please stay tuned!
The CTC April Newsletter and May Crew assistance schedule are now posted on our website. http://www.chebeaguetrans.com/News-and-Info.html
Message from CTC: "Effective 3/25/2020, the CTC office will be closed to anyone other than CTC staff. The office manager will continue to work in the office for normal hours and can be reached by phone or email. In addition, there is a mailbox on the outside of the door where payments, etc. can be dropped off. Thank you."
Message from Ruth: "As of 7:00 A.M. this morning all newspapers HAVE BEEN DELIVERED. Hopefully this will be the case going forward. For those who may be concerned about the plastic bags, currently I am not using any "recycled" bags. If you wish to leave your bag in your box, you will be receiving a bag touched only by you and me."
March 22, 2020 - During this voluntary shelter-in-place the school has iPads that can be loaned to people on Chebeague and the Island Institute has ordered some Hot Spots that may be able to be used for wifi to an iPad. If you know anyone on the island who could benefit from being able to connect virtually and would like to try it please get in touch with me at bjohnson4850@gmail.com.
Congratulations to Jack Turner who has been honored with an endownment in his name at MIT- Click here to learn more.
NOTICE: from the Marjorie at the Town Office: "All Town Departments are continuing to operate. Public Works will plow the snow. The Transfer Station is still open. The Town Office staff is working from home and sometimes at the office. Our Fire and Rescue Department is ready to go as always. I'll do my best to keep you informed about Town services as this crisis progresses. Continue with social distancing. I'll be at the Town Office if you have questions. Please give me a call. 846-3148 or cell 975-3074."
Don't forget to go to the Town Website for Updates as they come in.
Message from Solo Italiano, a restaurant that serves delicious food at 100 Commercial Street, same block as Harbor Fish, has made arrangements with Casco Bay Lines to deliver take out orders to the Islands Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Orders would have to be made by 3:00pm in order to make the ferry departure. Options will be limited to, and asterisked on their menu for, items that are either fully prepared by the customer (i.e. uncooked pasta) or easily reheated (i.e. pizza, lasagne, etc.). Orders for Chebeague would be delivered to the CBL 5:45pm which departs from Chebeague at 6:35pm. CBL delivery charge will be $3:50. Take Out or Delivery! (207) 780-0227 Friday & Saturday 3-8 | Sunday 1-6 *option for island delivery
today's menu http://www.soloitalianorestaurant.com/menu2
March 21, 2020 - There will be a School Committee Meeting this Tuesday, March 24th 6pm and it will be via Zoom platform - please contact Jeff Putnam if you want to listen. Click here for the agenda.
NOTICE: For the duration of the current voluntary shelter-in-place restrictions, the Town will be conducting public meetings via Zoom, an online or telephone based meeting platform. It will enable the Town to continue to conduct business while providing the public the ability to view the proceedings and participate as appropriate. Please look at the Town’s website, www.townofchebeagueisland.org and follow the directions under “News and Announcements,” “How to Access a Zoom Meeting.” As always, meetings will be announced on the “Meeting and Events Calendar.”
Selectmen's meeting was held today and you can find the audio click here. Click here for the agenda.
Reminder that the link to the Selectmen's meeting audios are above right on this site.
There will be a teleconference Selectmen's meeting this Wednesday, March 25th at 6pm - click here for agenda. The packet is on the Town website for the meeting.
NOTICE: Message from Ruth, our loyal hard working paper person: "Considering the current Casco Bay Lines schedule, it is difficult to determine just what boat the papers will come on. This morning they did not make the boat scheduled to depart Portland at 5:00 a.m. and will be on the next boat (leaving Portland at noon). This could be the case for the time being. I will make every effort to get the papers delivered as soon as they get here."
March 20, 2020 - POEM by Kitty O'Meara shared by Jen Howard.
NOTICE: from Sheila at the Post Office--We’re still in business, but Casco Bay Lines is reducing their number of boats. Starting Saturday March 21 our mail will be getting to the Island around 2:00, and Kathleen will deliver the route late afternoon. Monday-Friday office hours are unchanged, but starting March 28 Saturday hours will be 11:30-3:30. If you want stamps delivered to your mailbox, or have any other special needs, just call the office @ 846-5820.
Click here for the Temporary CTC Schedule effective March 21st..
Just a reminder from the Hall that the vet clinic scheduled for Thursday April 2 has been canceled.
NOTICE: Click here to see a Message from Casco Bay Lines announced a temporary reduction in service that will take effect Saturday, March 21, 2020.See their new schedule for Chebeague click here.
NOTICE: Click here for a message from Mellisa and the Chebeague United Methodist Church that was mailed out to residents yesterday.
Message from Jon Rich: "Dear Valued Customers and Friends,
I have been getting many early requests to activate water systems. I’d like to share my concerns in light of what we understand of COVID 19 and the challenges Chebeague faces. The island community is on alert with spring time coming, knowing the influx of those who’ll be returning from across the bay and from other parts of the country and world.
Based upon information available today from our leaders in government and science regarding this virus, how it spreads and how to best cope with it, I ask that you consider the recommendation of social distancing and self isolation. This is especially important to us on island, given our aging population and limited vital support systems. It is crucial we stay healthy to support those who are most vulnerable. In light of its currently known characteristics, I respectfully ask all to consider weathering the storm at your current location at least for the next couple weeks to help reduce the risk of spreading the virus. We all depend on each other to be well. If it is imperative you have your cottage water activated please contact me."
March 19, 2020 - NOTICE: Notice to CTC Customers and the Chebeague Community Because the welfare of our crew members is essential to the welfare of the Chebeague community, CTC is taking additional steps to protect them (and all of us) from exposure to the COVID-19 virus.
Effective Saturday, March 21, CTC is cancelling evening boat trips Monday through Saturday. The last boat each day will depart Chebeague at 6:15 p.m., returning from Cousins at 6:30 p.m. On Sundays, the last boat will depart Chebeague at 4:45 p.m. returning from Cousins at 5:00 p.m. This new schedule will remain in effect until further notice.
With this temporary, shortened schedule we will be able to reduce the number of employees working and their potential for exposure. Without a healthy crew, CTC cannot serve this island. The safety of everyone is our highest priority. PLEASE CLICK HERE TO SEE THE WHOLE MESSAGE
NOTICE: Library update: The Library will remain closed for the foreseeable future. Based upon information from both the American Library Association and Maine State Library, I must walk back the offer of curbside and home delivery of materials and to ask that any materials you have at home now, keep them for now. Please do not put anything through the book slot.
March 18, 2020 - Today the Chebeague Students on the island were all back to work. It was a very sucessful online video meeting for all the classes. At 8am was Miss Nancy's class, at 9 all of the students participated in Mrs. Klein's class and at 10 all of the students participated in Ms. Hoidal's class. It was really cool how they all got to see each other and communicate virtually. Lessons were given and each child from K up through 5th grade have their own computer with links to many educational programs. Notebooks with many resources had been given out along with other materials they will need for special projects. Teachers can watch and see them work and send messages back and forth. In my Tech Class all the students have put in 10 to 15 minutes of typing today and I already see progress. This has been a terrific start to a new normal. We really want to thank Google for the google classroom and their hangout program and the people that work for google such as our own Karen Greenleaf who has been a wonderful resource for us and comes to Chebeague in the summer and whenever she can.
NOTICE: From the Town Office: The Town Office will be closed to the public until further notice. Please call 207-846-3148 for information and/or assistance. The Maine State Legislature enacted emergency legislation yesterday for Licenses & Registrations which extends until 30 days after the end of the public health emergency, registrations for motor vehicles, all-terrain vehicles (ATV), watercraft and dogs issued by the municipality. We will have a drop box available outside the Town Office door to accept tax payments which are due March 31, 2020. This situation is very fluid. We are doing our best to limit social contact while still conducting the Town’s business. Please call for information. We will do our best to assist you. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Please remember that the application deadline for the Stephen L. Ross Scholarship Fund is May 1. The application can be found at https://www.mainecf.org/find-a-scholarship/available-scholarships/cumberland-county-scholarships/ or
If you have any questions, need help with your application, or have questions about eligibility please contact Sarah McKinnon at sarahmckinnon@chebeague.net
More information about the Scholarship including how to support our island students achieve their education goals can be found at https://stephenlross.org
March 17, 2020 - NOTICE from CTC: Often passengers board the ferry significantly before departure time (30 minutes or more!). This can interrupt crew training, meetings, and cleaning.
With our expanded cleaning procedures, the crew needs all available time between boats to clean the cabin, carts, etc.
Therefore, effective immediately, passengers are prohibited from boarding the ferry more than 15 minutes before departure.
NOTICE: From the Food Pantry: Now more than ever is the time to extend a hand to your neighbors in our wonderful Island community. On behalf of the Chebeague Methodist Church Food Pantry, we are reaching out to ask for donations to help us stock up on necessary staples for those in our community who may not be able to safely leave our Island during this COVID-19 critical period, and for those in our community who perhaps need a little extra help as our schools and businesses temporarily shut-down.
Because of all of You, throughout the year, we are able to supplement with groceries and household essentials to those in need, and this will be especially important during the next couple months, as we all learn, together, how to best to navigate life during a national crisis such as this. Please Click Here to see the List!
The USM Student Nurse Health Screening Clinic scheduled for April 4th has been cancelled.
NOTICE: Click here for a message from Casco Bay Lines.
March 16, 2020 -NOTICE: From the Hall: After meeting with the town and in accordance with the policies put in place by other Maine towns and recommended by the CDC, the Chebeague Island Community Center (i.e., the Chebeague Island Council, the Chebeague Island Library [846-4351 and cheblib@hotmail.com], and the Chebeague Island Hall) will be closed to all activities until further notice. We are sorry for the inconvenience, but we had to weigh the safety of all who use our building. Please call Sam McLean (846-0510) with questions.
NOTICE: Message from the Library: Effective immediately, the Library will be closed. I cannot say when it will reopen as things are changing so rapidly. Our WiFi stays on 24/7 and can be accessed from your car in the parking lot or street. Our online catalogue is accessible https://cheblib.wixsite.com/chebeaguelibrary/catalog and through the Library link at www.chebeague.org
You may return items you have through our dropbox. The Library has school and craft supplies on hand. We can still check materials out. Staff will continue to go in on a limited basis, so please leave a message on the Library phone 846-4351 or email cheblib@hotmail.com and we will find a way to deliver items to you.
This was an agonizing and scary decision to make, but with help from the Library Board, Governor Mills and others, it is the right decision for this time. Deborah A. Bowman
March 15, 2020 - Axiom Technologies, after hearing about the schools being closed on Chebeague, will be upping the bandwidth to the maximum available at the home for those students without added cost during the mandatory closing. This applies to Axiom customers who have school children. I will be in touch with all the families before I make any changes. This should help with doing zoom and some of the videos they may need to watch.
Many of the schools in Maine are now closed and the Chebeague Teachers are busy setting up zoom, google classroom and activities so that the students do not lose any educational time. Thank goodness for broadband on Chebeague - I just worry about the people who barely have it or don't at all have it. I think most of our students will be ok and we are testing the system tonight and tomorrow.
NOTICE: CTC school ferry trips suspended effective Wednesday 3/18. Chebeague and Yarmouth schools are suspended effective 3/16. Consequently, the twice daily ferry trips for school children will also be suspended—but NOT until 3/18. The suspension will last until at least 3/27.
CTC will run the school ferry trips (leaving Chebeague at 7:05AM and at 2:50PM) on 3/16 and 3/17 in order to ensure that our passengers who normally travel on these ferries are given adequate notice.
We will provide updates as they become available.
NOTICE: Rec Center Building & Program Closings - Chebeague Rec Center / Kids’ Place – Closing from 3/15/2020 through 3/29/2020 - Please click here to see the whole message from the Rec.
Article in the Portland Press Herald today about Chebeague and its responses to the Coronavirus . It mentions Donna's daughter in Boston but it is her neice Carla's daughter. Donna's daughter Rachel is in lockdown in Albania where if you are caught outside and have been to Greece or Italy within the last few weeks you get a fine of 5,000 Euros. They have taken away the drivers licenses from 7000 people for driving during curfew.
March 14, 2020 - Message from Melissa: CUMC has a Zoom account and we'd love to let other island organizations use it as we find creative ways to meet together. Please contact Melissa or the church office for the account information - http://www.chebeagueumc.org/
To view CTC's coronavirus response plan, click here.
For those that would like to listen to last night's Selectmen's Meeting - I have added it to the list of audios or click here.
Message from Melissa: Food Pantry in need of Donations -- Please consider picking up some extra supplies for CUMC's food pantry on your next grocery run on the mainland. With the uncertainty surrounding the spread of COVID-19, CUMC wants to be prepared with extra food for those who may be unable to visit the grocery store for any reason (due to illness or risk of exposure) or for those experiencing delays in obtaining their usual orders from depleted suppliers. We have room in the Parish House's fridge and freezer for perishable items, our shelves have plenty of space for canned and boxed goods, but we are also looking for supplies like tissues, soap, cold medicine, and other necessary items. We'll be continuing to have conversation about how the church can serve those who live on the island in this time; if you have thoughts or would like to help, please contact Pastor Melissa at ml.yosuadavis@gmail.com or drop a line to the church office.
Monday nights from 7 to 8pm at the school the Rec Center will be offering free Mac computer lessons and help. I'll will be running the program. I will be showing basic Mac instructions. We have extra laptops to use during the class if you have an iMac or are thinking of buying a laptop.
Tonight on channel 6 207, Lock Kiermaier's mother will be featured. She is a 93 year old artist.
From the Town of Chebeague Island Board of Selectmen
Adopted March 11, 2020
Recognizing that Coronavirus (COVID-19) may present a serious threat to Chebeague Island's residents and visitors, the Board of Selectmen will take the following actions and makes these recommendations:
1. Urge everyone to educate themselves about the Coronavirus through links to the Maine Center for Disease Control (Maine CDC) on Beverly Johnson's website (www.chebeague.org) and the Town website (www.townofchebeagueisland.org) . We urge residents and visitors to practice good hand hygiene, cover coughs and sneezes, and stay home if you are sick.
2. The Town will work to place hand sanitizers around the Island in locations such as the CTC ferry, Town Office, Transfer Station, Chedemption, Island Market, Church, Parish House, and other public locations frequented by residents and visitors.
3. The Town will coordinate with the Maine CDC, Chebeague's Fire Chief and Health Officer, Town Office Staff, Chebeague and Yarmouth School Staff, and other authorities regarding forward planning, any necessary quarantines, or other recommended actions.
4. The Town will keep the populace informed through all available means of communication.
5. The Town will explore the possibility of providing on-Island testing for Coronavirus, thereby eliminating the possibility of spreading the disease on the boat or in transit.
We believe that through proper education and prudent actions, we can protect ourselves and our neighbors from what appears to be a very serious health challenge.
March 9, 2020 - photo of moon rise over Hamilton Beach 3/9/20.
School Committee Meeting tomorrow 6pm at the school - see agenda.
Just a reminder that there will be no St Patrick's Day community lunch at the Hall on Wednesday, but there will be delicious soup or stew. This Wednesday will be Meat: Creamy White Bean with Chorizo (made by Ruth), and the Vegetarian: Latin Tortilla with tasty grains (made by Wanda).
Message from the Commons: Much as we’d love to celebrate with everybody at the Commons' Shamrock Shindig this Friday, we’re canceling the event. Call us overly-cautious, but the health of our residents and staff is our highest priority. Even if somebody came down with a sniffle after the party, we’d not be happy. We’ll have other opportunities to get together in the future. Stay healthy!
Spring is here! I just had a 100 Grackles and male Red Winged Blackbirds descend on our feeders.
March 6, 2020 - Click here to see how one Islander has gone from Chebeague to Steinbrenner Field! Congratulations to Tyler Putnam singing the National Anthem!
Democratic Caucus is Sunday, March 8th at the Chebeague Island Hall
Doors Open 1:00pm Caucus Convenes at 2:00pm
“Independent” voters and those turning 18 by November 3rd
May register as Democrats with the Town Clerk between 1:00pm and 2:00pm at the Hall before the doors close for the Caucus.
Doors close for Caucus at 2:00pm.
March 3, 2020 - Results of the election on Chebeague can be found on the Town Website- click here.
Message from the CTC: Some vehicles that had annual permits in 2019 are parking in our Route One lot and have not purchased a 2020 annual parking permit. These vehicles will be subject to a $100 daily fine and possible towing effective 3/15/2020.
Some people who have purchased 2020 permits at both lots have not put the permit on their vehicle. These vehicles will be subject to a $10 daily fine starting 4/1/2020 unless the owner has extraordinary circumstances (e.g. currently out of state) and contacts the office.
Soup this Wednesday is; Beef and Rice (made by Ruth); Vegetarian: Creamy Carrot and Parsnip (made by Wanda); Dessert: Chocolate Peanut Butter Bars (made by Ruth).
Growing Up on Chebeague, an update.
Work is well underway to mount our new exhibit, Growing Up on Chebeague, which will open in June. Over 100 donors have contributed nearly 4000 photographs for possible inclusion! A committee of eleven is hard at work scanning and categorizing the photos and planning the exhibit. Important: Many photos we have received are of large groups. If, for any reason, you would not want a picture of you or of someone in your family used in the exhibit or accompanying materials, please leave a message at chebeaguehistory@gmail.com or at 846-5237.
March 2, 2020 - The Recompense Fund note in the Calendar had the wrong date for early submission for application review. The date for early submission for review is MAY 15th. The final submission date is May 31st.
Join 24 teenagers from Chebeague, Peaks and other islands in Casco Bay on a 5 day, 4 night adventure living and sailing aboard the 130' Maine built Schooner Harvey Gamage. Teens become part of the official ship's crew and learn to steer, set sail, navigate, stand watch and be responsible members of the team running the ship. Nine professional crew serve as instructors. Every student will receive a high school academic credit issued by Falmouth High School. A professional chef provides healthy meals while on board.
Cost: $1,250 per student (financial aid available). Ages 13 to 18. Coordinated by Chebeague Island Community Sailing School. Any one interested call Adrian Cole a call at 712 0431. Or email avcole1@gmail.com
March 1, 2020 - Message from Kathleen, the mail carrier: "In case you didn’t know, Casco Bay Lines is initiating a ‘new and improved’ boat schedule beginning on February 29. How it all works out remains to be seen, but one thing that has the potential to affect you is the fact that the mail will be arriving a little earlier year round than we are accustomed to, which I believe will be a good thing. That being said, my hope is that along with getting an earlier start, I will also be able to wrap up my day earlier and take advantage of a new 2:00 departure from Chebeague. The current weekday dispatch time for the mail is 1:00 PM, but because of the way the boats have always worked, we have gone by an unofficial time of 3:30PM. Starting next week we will be going by the posted time, and any outgoing mail needs to be in the office by 1:00 PM. Anything you put in your mailbox as outgoing mail will be dispatched the same day, as long as you have it in the box before I get there. I cannot give you actual times until I get a feel for how it all works, and yes, there may be heavy days when I don’t leave till that 4:20 boat, but pleased be advised that 1:00 pm will be the time for you to focus on. Saturdays will remain the same, with an 11:00 dispatch."
Notice from CTC:
The Independence will undergo its 500 hour engine maintenance checkup by Cummins on Thursday March 5th. Cummins tells us it will take several hours to complete the work. Instead of cancelling ferry trips, our friends at Casco Bay Lines will once again run some ferry trips for us that day. CBL will start with the 10 AM ferry and will continue until the maintenance work is completed.
From the Library: The LORE - and the LURE - of Chebeague, Saturday, March 7th at the Library, 6-8pm. Come for an evening of storytelling. Create a five minute tale, tell a story or sit back and enjoy the lore of Chebeague. Free. All Welcome. Light snacks. Contact: Eliza Jane, 233-8553 or Erika, 749-8022. ATTACHED FLYER.
February 28, 2020 - Saturday, March 7th, Ralph Munroe will again be doing the stair climb to raise money for National MS Society - click here to donate to his climb.
February 24, 2020 - Soups for Wednesday are Meat: Chicken Noodle (made by Sara Hopkins), Vegetarian: Tortelloni and Curry Cream (made by Wanda) and Dessert: Cherry Crisp (made by Ruth)
I have just added the audio from the February 12th Selectmen's Meeting - click here or go to Town Meetings above to see all of them.
On Valentines day I was fortunate to be part of a torch relay in Lake Placid, reigniting the Cauldren 40 years after we did it in 1980. Eight of the original 52 runners were there for the event. Click here to see an article in the Lake Placid News.
CTC March Newsletter and April Crew Assistance Schedule are now on the http://www.chebeaguetrans.com.
Message from CTC: .After several weeks of operating experience with the Independence, some issues that need to be addressed by Washburn & Doughty have been identified. Those will require the boat to be taken out of service on Tuesday 2/25 for part of the day. While the work is being done in Portland, CTC will be using Casco Bay Line’s to perform our ferry service. CBL will start service with the 10:00 AM ferry on 2/25. The Independence will be back in operation by the end of the day.
February 22, 2020 - photo by Caroline Loder of the plunges for the 22nd year - weather was beautiful for the event and the water was cold. Click here for another by Riley A.
The plunge had eight participants for this year and a big thank you for the Amy Bonville and Jeremy Ames for standing by with the rescue (we didn't need it but are happy they were there just in case), also thank you to Stephen Johnson who again made a nice little fire for us to keep warm.
A huge thank you for all the servers and cooks -all entries were delicious:
The winners of the Chili, Chowder and Soup are:
for Chili ...
1st: Abby Julien ... Cincinnati Chili
2nd: Travis Nadeau ... Chicken Bacon Chili
3rd: Beverly Johnson ... Sweet Beef Chili
for Chowder ...
1st -- a tie:
Chris Loder ... His Chowder
Christine Englund ... Haddock Chowder
2nd: Eliza Jane Adams .. Roasted Sweet Potato Chowder
3rd: Caroline Loder ... Her Chowder
for Soup ...
1st: Sam McClean ... Borscht
2nd: Lily Englund Marcu ... Loaded Potato Soup
3rd: May Hall ... Curried Squash Soup
PLUNGE - at 11am at the Niblic so far we have besides myself: Riley Beaupre, Lucas and Travis Nadeau, Nancy Earnest, Anna Wasenisu, Savannah Loder, and hopefull you. You can always send a donation to the Rec Center in honor of all these brave and crazy people.
February 21, 2020 - We have two more plungers: Lucas and Travis Nadeau - please email me if you are thinking about it - the weather will be a balmy 38 degrees and I'm sure the ocean will be almost as warm.
A reminder that Island Electric is still awarding cash prizes to any Chebeague student who graduates high school. Kim is also still sponsoring a scholarship for anyone entering the trades...I prefer (of course) the electrical field, but other trades will be considered. Call Kim 207 846 2468 for further info...
February 19, 2020 - Message from Melissa: Join your friends and neighbors on Friday, February 21st from 4 PM - 7 PM for Game Night at the Parish House! Bring an old favorite or come to learn a new one. We'll have decks of cards, games for large groups, strategy games, games for families, and everything in-between. Drop-in for an hour or stay the whole time. Hope to see you there!
Pastor, Chebeague United Methodist Church
February 17, 2020 - Chebeague Rec Center Presents
2020 Polar Plunge & Chili/Chowder/Soup Challenge --Saturday 2/22/2020
11 AM - Polar Plunge at the Boat Yard
12 PM - Chili Challenge at the Rec Center
Donations at the Door
$15 Per Person
$7 Per Child
$40 Max Per Family
Plungers, Soup Makers, and Volunteers Needed
For more information Contact Steve Auffant at:
Message from May "Hey folks! Don't forget that the Slow bell is open this weekend!!! FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHTS, 5 to midnight. Our dinner specials include pork roast with apple stuffing, halibut with jasmine rice, haddock chowder.. and more. Let's hope for power this week! We have a few items left from the silent auction that will be available to the highest bidder if anyone is interested, so come check those out. We well also be collecting donations for Zanzibar for anyone who doesn't want to use the GoFundMe site. We leave in a few weeks! Thanks everyone!"
Soup for Wednesday is Venison Stew (made by Ruth), and Vegetable (made by Esther Knight). We would like to thank Cecil Doughty and Bruce Hutchinson for their generous donation of the venison for the stew.
There has been a lot of interest in being able to hear the Selectmen's meetings. I would love a way that we could hear them live and hopefully that will happen someday. I am planning on getting the audio from the meetings and sharing them here. I have started a page with the audio from this year's meetings - click here. I have put a link above called Town Meetings.
February 16, 2020 - Message from the Rec and Suhail: "Rec Center Game Night - Thanks to all who attended our first backgammon night. We all had a great time. Many thanks to everyone who shared their backgammon sets with us.
Our next game night will be on Tuesday, February 25 starting at 7pm. We hope to see you there!
Please bring along anyone else you think might like to play.
Warm wishes to all."
Message from Terry Collins Stevens and family: "Words simply fall short in expressing our gratitude to the Island Community for your generous care and support over the course of many years with our parents, Audrey and Dick Collins.
So many times you were a specific answer to prayer with your help on the bus, the boat and so many offers for transportation that improved the quality of life for our parents and put our minds at ease. We also know that there were many times that you lent a helping hand of which we were unaware.
Your generous food and time contributions for Audrey's memorial reception were arms of love wrapped around each of us during an emotional and difficult time.
Thank you for every expression of love that made all the difference for our family as we maneuver through grief and loss. We are forever grateful to this small but mighty Island Community."
February 14, 2020 - photo by Norah Alper taken February 14th after another storm
Chebeague Island School has an immediate opening for a part-time general music teacher grades K-5. This position is for one afternoon per week teaching 2 multi-aged classrooms. The island is accessed by a 15 minute ferry ride from Cousins Island in Yarmouth. The students have had a great experience the last few years in music. There is an expectation of 2 concerts per year; December and May to show case the student's learning. The school and community are very supportive of the enrichment of the unified arts programs; art, music, library, technology, physical education and Spanish for the elementary students. To apply, please send a cover letter with your completed teaching application found on our website at www.chebeagueislandschool.net to Ann C. Kirkpatrick, Superintendent, Chebeague Island School 14 School House Road, Chebeague Island, Maine 04017 or email kirkpatrick@chebeagueschool.net
February 12, 2020 - Selectmen's meeting tonight with School Committee - click here for more information.
Congratulations to Avis Flemming who just won the second highest award, the Clemente Faculty Award, at The Art League Patrons Art Show. The award, for her watercolor "Early Morning" includes a check for $3,500.
February 10, 2020 - Marci Train, who is one of the teachers on Long Island was chosen to work on a research vessel in the Southern Ocean as part of a Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences team. She has been on the ship three weeks now and I should have posted this when she started. She has been engaging with the students of Chebeague and other classrooms around the country that Chebeague School is working with. This is such a wonderful experience for her as well as all the students here and on Long Island. Click here to go to her blog and see what she is doing and sharing with the students.
Wednesday Soups will be Will be: Mexican beef and rice, by John Howard
And French Onion, by Wanda.
Chebeague Recreation Center - Backgammon Night
Tuesdays – 7 PM -Free Event: All are Welcome!
Whether you are a beginner, or a master come and enjoy playing Backgammon! This evening of fun will be hosted by Evin Erder and Suhail Basharat.
February 8, 2020 - photo February 8th after the ice storm with 1/4" of ice on most of the trees. Power went off on the 7th and was back on the next day!.
Sorry to all our Red Studio fans, but we are not going to open today (Saturday) due to the power outage and temperature (outside and inside). Please contact Susan or Sam if you’d like to shop anytime before Feb. 14. We’ll meet you and let you shop to your HEART’S content.
The Tooth Protectors Are Coming! The Island Council and the Rec. Center are sponsoring a FREE dental clinic for the Island School children. The children can get their teeth cleaned and evaluated right here on the Island during the regular school day. The dental hygienist will set up at the Rec. Center and the children will be escorted over from the school. Parents, please return the permission slips as soon as possible. Once we know how many are interested, the Tooth Protectors Program will give us a date. For more information about the Tooth Protectors Program check their web site, ToothProtctors.org.
February 7, 2020 - Attention Chebeague Residents: The last day to change your Political Party Affiliation before the March 3, 2020 Primary is Friday, February 14, 2020. Please come to the Town Office if you need assistance.
Message from May: "Hi folks!! Thanks for all the support last weekend. There are still a few things left to be picked up at the Slow Bell from the auction, and we will be open this weekend! Our dinner specials will include bacon wrapped scallops, bacon wrapped meatloaf with mashed potatoes, halibut with jasmine rice, minestrone soup, and spiced fried dough bites with ganache dipping sauce. On Friday night we will celebrate with a wild night of karaoke. On Saturday, we will welcome back some of our favorites, including Mark Dyer, Chip Emery, Charles Hall, and more! Hope you can make it out for a fun night of music!!"
February 6, 2020 - The Red Studio will be open Saturday from 1-3 for your Valentine’s Day shopping. Treat your sweetie, or treat yourself, sweetie. Treasures galore.
February 4, 2020 - Chebeague Recreation Center - Sanford’s Pond – Ice Skating
Special Opening– Tomorrow Wed 2/5 from 3-6 PM
-Jeff Putnam has inspected the ice and will be on hand as a monitor.
-A signed permission / Skate at your own risk form - must be given to Jeff prior to being allowed to skate or to be on the ice.
-Additional Days may be announced pending weather and an available volunteer monitor.
-For more information contact Steve Auffant at chebeaguerecreation@gmail.com
The Rec Center & Kids' Place Board of Directors has started an information campaign called Kid's Place News - Did you Know. Please see our first information bulletin attached. Please feel free to share the news with your family and friends. I hope you have a great weekend!
There will be a Board of Selectmen Meeting tomorrow, Wednesday, February 5, 2020 at 6PM at the Chebeague Island Hall see agenda and documents.
Tomorrow's soups are: Non-vegetarian == Fish Chowder by Jackie and Vegetarian == Mulligatawny by Ruth .
February 3, 2020 - School committee meeting tomorrow night at 5:30 at the school - see agenda.
Sunday, February 9, 1:00pm at the Hall: Meet Heather Abbott, one of three hopeful Democratic candidates who wish to represent Chebeague, Long, and Yarmouth in the State Legislature. It is my hope to also get Art Bell out to Chebeague. Peter Fromuth met with a dozen Chebeague voters on January 26th and found the conversation with Islanders invaluable. Representative Janice Cooper, who has diligently and successfully served our community, has termed out and is not able to run again at this time. Chebeague's Democratic Caucus is scheduled for 1:30 on Sunday, March 8th at the Hall. Please join in greeting Heather Abbott on Sunday, February 9, at the 1pm at the Hall.
February 2, 2020 - Moonrise gathering at the Niblic: Please join Miss Nancy in predicting where on the horizon the “Snow Moon" will rise on Sunday evening. Moonrise is 5:33pm. Gather at 5:20 and walk the beach with us as the moon comes up. For the benefit of little people please just two legged friends. This is obviously weather permitting.
Message from CTC: We have had several incidents lately where a dog was not leashed or was not under the owner's control (owner let dog free on the ferry, wharf, or bus). Transportation could be refused on the ferry or bus if the dog is not leashed and under the owner's control at all times. Thank you for your cooperation.
January 27, 2020 - Wednesday's soups at the Hall will be German goulash (made by Ruth) and Thai creamy mushroom (made by Wanda).
SAVE THE DATE - The CRC Winter Festival is coming soon February 22nd at 11am- time to start practicing jumping in the water for the Polar Plunge (just kidding) - you could start practicing making soups, chowders and chilies! Details will be out soon for the day's events. For inspiration for the plunge and to see a video that I put together in 2014 of plunges from 1999 through 2013 - It's fun to listen to it because of the wonderful Wagoneers music in the background!
ATTENTION NONPROFITS- The Casco Bay Alliance has announced a request for grant applications. CBIA is a by-wide organization that supports Casco Bay island communities. Click here to get the application and see what the guidelines are.
The February CTC News is available - click here to see.
January 23, 2020 - Attention Island Dog Owners!! You have until January 30, 2020 to get your 2020 dog license renewed before we have to a apply a $25.00 late fee.
Don't miss the Hall's third annual Italian Night Community Supper on Saturday January 25th featuring your favorite Italian comfort foods! The doors open at 5:30 pm. The menu includes several kinds of homemade lasagna, veggie and gluten-free options, meatballs, porchetta, chicken parmesan, shrimp scampi, salad, and a dessert table featuring the hall board's world famous cannoli! As always, the leftovers are up for grabs! Bring your favorite bottle of wine or beer to complement this fabulous meal! This event is generously sponsored by Michael Hollander and Janna Hobbs to promote mental health awareness in our community. The cost is $7 per person.
January 22, 2020 - This Saturday the Annual Italian Night Supper to Promote Mental Health Awareness in our community is at the Hall from 5:30 to 7:00. Admission is $7 with proceeds going toward the Hall's new sound system, coming this spring! (BYOB)
Last month or so I posted a video of an interview I had done in 2012 with 102 year old Ray Hamilton. I meant to post the second have of the video where he continues to talk about trawl fishing - click here.
January 16, 2020 - No School - Snow day here on Chebeague today as the snow is coming down! It is heavy and wet!
Message from May: "Hi folks:
The Slow Bell is open this weekend, both Friday and Saturday nights. Our specials include scallops wrapped in bacon, fried scallops, pot roast, and nicoise salad. We'll also be serving corn and crab chowder. The bar will be open both nights for karaoke if folks come down. If anyone wants to bring an instrument and shift it to an open mic, we're happy to make that happen. Hope to see you at the Slow Bell. Call ahead for takeout. 846-3078."
January 13, 2020 - photo of a Bluebird at my feeders today January 13th. Last week Donna Damon had them at her feeders so keep your eyes open for them. Last week I had a Carolina Wren but didn't get a decent photo.
Soups for Wed. will be: Corn and Shellfish Chowder (made by John Howard), and Indian Lentil Cauliflower Soup (made by Wanda). On Wednesday at noon the Hall invites anyone to soup that includes a biscuit, coffee and dessert for only $5 donation. Please come and enjoy the camaraderie and delicious food.
It has been a while since adding anything to the website as not much has been going on. The new boat Independence has been in use for over a week now and has been working beautifully. The weather this past weekend was quite warm and we didn't experience the ice storm we thought might be coming that they did get in other parts of Maine. The Clarks Hook Bluff Weather station has been repaired on the west end near the hook and I am putting that back up at the top and here.
The Recompense Fund is grateful for all the donations that have been coming in since we sent out our Annual Report. If you didn't get a copy or misplaced yours we do have it online on our website or you can click here to see it. The cover is a wonderful painting by Caroline Loder of her daughter Savannah with their dog. I know that all the nonprofits on Chebeague have benefited from the generosity of the community that continues to help them monetarily as well as with the important volunteerism. All of this is what makes Chebeague such a special place!
Richard Hackel will be showing work in a 2-person exhibit at the Fort Point Gallery in Boston. There will be an artists’ reception on Thursday, January 16. Your welcome to come if you’re in the neighborhood! See Flyer.
January 6, 2020 - Message from May Hall: Beatrice and I are returning to Zanzibar in March to work for two weeks in the village of Chuini. Last year's trip was life changing for Bea and reminded me of my commitment as a health care provider to world health issues. We are still hoping to raise funds to help us get there and bring necessary supplies. You can help by accessing our GoFundMe page here.
If you'd prefer not to use this service, you can mail me directly at 3 Will Ross Lane. Thanks in advance for your help! May Hall
Soups for Wednesday will be: Chicken and Rice (made by Linda Larrabee), and White Bean with Olive Tapenade and Truffle Oil (made by Wanda).
January 3, 2020 - Good News from CTC!!
Guess what's happening this weekend! Yes....the long awaited Independence will be put into service!!! The crew has undergone training and is anxious for her to be operational. We are still working out the timing, but don't be surprised if the next time you go to "catch the ferry" you are boarding the Independence. Captain Amanda will soon be announcing a date and time for the island to tour the boat and learn about its many safety and operational benefits/features. Our faithful workhorse, the Islander, will be hauled for its Coast Guard hull inspection and maintenance in the next few days. She deserves a rest!
Yesterday, I had a chance to get a few photos of the inside of the Independence which is getting prepared to go into service.
Today and Tomorrow the Rec Center is sponsoring along with a Small $500 grant from The Recompense Fund a program called "Island Lifelines", a NAMI suicide awareness and prevention program. Click here for more information.
Ralph Munroe will again be doing the stair climb in Boston to benefit National Multiple Sclerosis Society- you can help him reach his goal of $150 by clicking here.
School Committee Meeting will be on Wednesday, January 8th next week - see agenda.
December 29, 2019 - photo by Riley Adamaitis of the two CTC boats as the Islander passes by the Independence in early evening December 29th.
News from 2002 - through January
22, 2003
NEWS 2001
1996 AND JANUARY 1997
I would love to have any news, poetry, stories to add to
my news page so please email with anything you think would be
of interest to islanders around the world - yes Singapore, Egypt,
Mediterranean, Boston etc. checking out the news page everyday!
So please email me at
Click on the picture to go to
Chebeague Island Anchor Page