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Photo (click on the photo to see full size) - Pelicans along the shore of Chebeague 01/03/11 click here to see more photos!
January 5, 2011 - Sanford's Pond will be open 3-5 pm today and Floor hockey has been moved to Pond Hockey tonight 7:30 - 8:30.
A reminder from the Library to drop off their old Christmas cards to be recycled? You can drop them through the slot. Also, only 2, 2011 Donna Colbeth photographic calendars left.
The 2011 Maine Island Scholarship application is now ready for download at the Island Institute site on the front page or under the Publications and Resources section of the scholarship page, www.islandinstitute.org/scholarships
January 3, 2011 - Photo taken around 8:30am - Pelicans along the shore of Chebeague 01/03/11 click here to see more photos!We took a ride around the island later today to see if the pellicans were still here but they are probably in New Hampshire by now.
Pretty great bird day for Chebeague having pelicans drop in and now Brent Riddle was finally able to get a photo of a bird that has been seeing on the East End lately - click here to see the photo of a yellow brested chat - hopefully he will be able to get some better shots. Stella Walsh (bird expert) said these birds breed south of here, but turn up in small numbers as far north as Nova Scotia in the fall.
School Committee Meeting tomorrow evening starting at 6:30 at the School - see agenda.
Registration is now open for Chebeague Island Sailing School - click here for more information.
January 1, 2011 - Photo of John Ash's train set - click here to see the trains in action! - there even is a train derrailment.
HAPPY NEW YEAR! The CTC Holiday Boat Schedule for the rest of today is 4:45 and 7:30 from Chebeague and 5:00 and 7:45 from Cousins.
December 30, 2010 - This Saturday from 9:30 am - 11:30 am, at the Parish House. Sewing book sacks for the backs of chairs for a school in Guatemala. Bring your sewing machine, threads, scissors and any fabrics you want to use up. Pastor Linda Brewster is going to take the completed sacks to Guatemala when she goes. FMI call Deb Bowman 846-4351
Caitlin is at the pond today from 10:45 to 5 unless the ice gets too soft.
December 29, 2010 - There was great skating today but we are concerned about the ice during the day tomorrow so we may have to stay off of it during the warmer hours. Contact Caitlin at the Rec to see what that status is as she will be watching it. Thank goodness for Caitlin!!!
Message from Caitlin: FLOOR HOCKEY has been changed to POND HOCKEY at Sanford's Pond tonight 7:00-8:30. It looks like we need people the most on weekends and Monday evenings. I will be available Tuesday through Friday afternoons/evenings but we really need volunteers on the weekends! (assuming ice conditions hold out of course).
SANFORD'S POND is now frozen and part of it is cleaned off of snow so there is skating at designated times when someone can be there to open it. We are looking for volunteers to tend the shed - please contact the Rec 846-5068, or Sam Birkett 846-4467 or Caitlin if you are able to be there for the kids! Virginia will open from 10:30-2:00 Wednesday - today! The new number for the shed is 846-1350.
December 27, 2010 - Photo - On Chebeague we even have birds pretending to be reindeers.
The Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 204th Birthday Choral Festival, February 26 & 27, 2011 and one of the featured guests will be our own Tyler Putnam as one of The Golden Legend soloist. He will be singing at 4:30 and 8 on Saturday, the 26th as well as 3 on Sunday.
Our Winter Festival is the same weekend February 25th - 27th with the Rockathon on Friday and the Polar Plunge and Chili Chowder Soup Challenge on Sunday. More info coming soon - especially about our plungers.
Letter from Casco Bay Lines regarding union negotiations - click here.
December 24, 2010 - Christmas Eve Service is tonight at 7pm.
A group of carolers traveled around the island entertaining as they went - photos by Shannon Smith
December 23, 2010 - Photo 12/23/10 Still enough snow left to do some sledding on the East End Hill.
Last week the CRC had its annual Holiday Craft day after school and the children were able to go from table to table and make gifts. Many of the children are also participating in basketball with Kelley assisted by Jerry Wiles after school and we have been fortunate to have Long Island children join us on two occasions - they have been having so much fun together! Click here to see a few photos Caitlin took of the events.
Casco Bay Boat Schedule information: At its meeting on Tuesday December 21st the CBITD Board of Directors voted unanimously to change the current 6:45 pm departure time from Chebeague Island to a 6:35 pm departure time. This change will go into effect on January 1, 2011 and will conclude at the end of the Winter Sailing Schedule on April 15, 2011. This change will allow Cliff Island passengers to get home a little earlier and not impact other services. Click here to see the whole newsletter.
December 22, 2010 - From Deb at the library: A big thank you to everyone who contributed to the Giving Tree. We had a family assigned by the Root Cellar in Portland with three children and the whole wish list was filled. This was sponsored by the Church, the CPA and the Library. I am so proud of the community support shown to people in need. Thank you!
Message from the Chebeague Pre-K - K Class - click here!
December 18, 2010 - School Committee Meeting (see agenda) is Tuesday December 21st at the School following the School Fall into Winter Concert which will be at the Hall at 5:30 - everyone invited!
The latest news from Last week Chebeague Pre-K- K - click here.
December 16, 2010 - Are you looking for some last minute gifts for someone on your list that has everything? CRC can help. We have some beautiful Chebeague Island Towels and Eric Hopkins prints left. Towels are $16.50 and signed prints are $35. You can visit our website to see a picture and get details about each item. If you’d like to order you can call us at 846-5068 or email us at crc@chebeague.net.
Library Christmas tea and cookie swap is today from 1 to 3 pm. Come relax, have a cup of tea, listen to some music. Bring a dozen cookies and leave with a mixed dozen.
December 13, 2010 - Tonight - The Chebeague Island Historical Society is holding its annual CHRISTMAS PARTY on Monday, December 13th at 6:00 PM in the Parish House. There will be a pot luck dinner, and a swap of gifts. All are welcome to join in the festivities. Please bring a dish to share, and a gift (under $10). See You There!
Our new Town Administrator, Eric Dyer, has moved to the Island and has taken up residence at Darlene Eyster's house at the foot of Aaron's Wharf Road, down the road from Doug and Gina Ross. He'll be taking up his new responsibilities on January 2nd. Please join us all in welcoming Eric to the Island!
Yesterday Raymond Hamilton turned 100 - click here to see Ray and few visitors celebrating and also a special birthday candle.
Whaler's Concert was wonderful as usual and I have a few photos - click here. The winner of the incredible CIHCC Gift Basket was Sam Birkett - now her Christmas shopping must be all finished!
December 12, 2010 - The latest news from Last week Chebeague Pre-K- K - click here.
TODAY! "A Time of Wonder," Whalers Holiday Concert, is this Sunday, December 12 at 4pm at the Hall. It's a terrific show you won't want to miss! Free refreshments PLUS a Bake Sale and HUGE Raffle to benefit CIHCC. Tickets are $8/$4 children at the door.
TODAY! Raymond Hamilton turns 100! click here.
December 10, 2010 - "The Chebeague Island Hall will be raffling a HOLIDAY GIFT BASKET filled with gift certificates, goodies, and handmade items! The tickets will be on sale at the hall TOMORROW, Saturday, December 11, from 10am to 1pm (during Library hours). Tickets sales will continue on Sunday, December 12, during our bake sale at the Whaler's concert, from 3:30pm to 7:30pm. Check out this poster to see some of the amazing gifts!"
Don't forget to call Brenda for your fish, shrimp, scallops etc - she is coming Saturday.
NEW Transfer Station Hours of Operation as of December 17th, 2010
Wednesday 1:30PM to 4PM
Friday 1:30PM to 4PM
Saturday 9:00AM to 4PM
Sunday 9:00AM to 4PM
COMMUNITY LUNCHEON - Wednesday, December 15th at the Hall - See Flyer!
December 9, 2010 - Message from THE ISLAND COMMONS: Join us! The Chebeague Island community is invited to the annual Island Commons holiday party this Saturday, December 11, from 4:00 – 6:00 at the Commons. (Please note: it is on Saturday, not Sunday as erroneously advertised in the Calendar).
The Foot Doctor is coming, The Foot Doctor is coming! Russell Rybka is coming Wednesday 15th Dec to the Health Center. Call 829 6463 and tell them that you want to be seen on Chebeague.
December 8, 2010 - Photo (click here) of a Barred Owl taken by Linda Watkins 12/8/10 in the morning - click here for another view and here for a 3rd photo.
We're looking for a few good people (parents, community members) who would like to share their New Year's Eve with the Teens at the Rec. Center. Would you like to help us create an entertaining event for the teens? We'd love your help! We're looking for "hosts" who can help us out that evening, as well as anyone who wants to pitch in beforehand. We'll provide some activities, food, etc. We've got some wonderful teens who just want to hang out together and celebrate, and we'd love your help making a safe and fun place for them to share in the festivities! Contact Caitlin (846-5068) or May 332-2368 for more info or to volunteer.
Brenda will be selling fish on Saturday, December 11 and will have: Haddock – $5.50/lb. Fresh Shrimp Meat – $5.50/lb. Chowder Haddock – $3.50/lb. Atlantic Salmon Fillets – $8.50/lb. Crabmeat (Gaspe Shore frozen) – $8.00 per half pound. Tail, Knuckle, and claw Lobster meat – $25.00/lb. Knuckle and Claw Lobster Meat – $20.00/lb. Scallops – $12.00/lb. as always people may call her at home: 846-3440, cell: 329-4132, or email: klenda@maine.rr.com.
December 7, 2010 - Kids of all ages are invited to the CRC Monday December 13th after school from 3:30-5:30 to make holiday crafts. The cost is $10 per child for unlimited crafts, snacks and drinks!
Ray Hamilton is turning 100 years old on Sunday, December 12! He is asking us all not to have a party for him so other plans have been made. Click here for details.
Message from Kim Boehm: "The barge has ceased operations for the season and I wanted to thank CTC and all of its employees for helping with my obsession of removing junk vehicles...Season totals are as follows: 52 vehicles removed with an estimated total weight of over 200,000 pounds. Approximately 700 gallons of gasoline, oil. antifreeze and other fluids are part of this total. Next spring, if the Great Spirit is willing, I will resume my efforts. Thanks to all who gave up their beloved iron steeds."
Message from the Hall: If you are planning to advertise an event at the hall, note that there are four nailing strips on either side of the door nearest the Island Market. Please attach any notifications (especially sheets) to these strips. Their use is to avoid nail holes in the siding.
December 6, 2010 - School Committee meeting tomorrow night, Tuesday, December 7th at 6:30 (the concert has been postponed until the 21st) - see agenda.
Treat yourself to Holiday goodies and support the Chebeague Island Hall - Sunday, December 12, 2010 during the Whaler's Concert from 4pm to 7pm. Goodies and raffle tickets will be available before and after the show as well as during intermission! See flyer!
December 5, 2010 - Photo of the tree lighting 12/5/10 at the Hall - see some more click here.
FUEL ASSISTANCE If you need Emergency Fuel Assistance OR know someone who does, please page Gin Ballard 767-8518. All calls are confidential. The program will put money towards WHATEVER type of heating source that you have.
The Chebeague Island Historical Society is holding its annual CHRISTMAS PARTY on Monday, December 13th at 6:00 PM in the Parish House. There will be a pot luck dinner, and a swap of gifts. All are welcome to join in the festivities. Please bring a dish to share, and a gift (under $10). See You There!
The Historical Society will be open TODAY December 5 from 1-4 pm for Christmas shopping - they have all kinds of great items for sale. Afterward you could head over to the Annual Christmas Tree Lighting at the Hall at 4pm.
Tonight at 7 is Photoshop Elements Class where we will focus on using Text.
December 4, 2010 - Don't forget - tomorrow, Sunday at 4pm is the Annual Community Tree Lighting at the Library and Hall .
I am starting up the Photoshop Element's Class tomorrow night, Sunday, from 7 to 8:30pm. You don't have to have a computer, program, or experience because the school has it on their computers and you can follow along. Please let me know if you are coming and I will make sure a computer is ready for you. We are going to work on the Text Type Tool - click here for a sample of what you can learn to do.
The latest news from Last week Chebeague Pre-K- K - click here.
December 2, 2010 - Photo of Blue Heron taken by Jen and Aaron Belesca click here. Click here for another view.
The School Holiday Concert has been postponed from December 7th to December 21st at 5:30 at the Hall.
This week Anderson Landscaping started work on rebuilding the wharf at the boat ramp end - click here to see a photo taken today. While the work was going on a pair of eagles watched from the seventh green - click here for one and here for another photo.
Message from Linda: ANGEL FOOD ORDERS: Angel Food orders are due December 8th. Menus are in the entryway to the church. You can place your orders with a check in the box in the hallway to the church office in the Parsonage or email it to Linda at ljbre@maine.rr.com. Pick up is Dec 18th at the Parish House 10:45am. Thanks, Pastor Linda
This Sunday is the Annual Community Tree Lighting from 4 to 5 at the Hall! Come sing some carols, decorate the tree and enjoy some delicious treats while awaiting the arrival of a special visitor - Sponsored by the CPA, Library and Rec Center - This would also be a great time to drop off your Giving Tree gift which the CPA, Church and Library have established. Sponsoring a family for Christmas this year with 4 children, ages 3-17. So please make a difference in a child's life this season with a gift - stop by the Library and sign up. Gifts need to be wrapped and delivered no later than Dec. 9th.
If you have children other than Island residents who are planning to attend the tree lighting please contact Jen Belesca at 846-1097 so she can let Santa know!
November 30, 2010 - Yesterday, Anthony Gomez, was overwhelmed when he received a gift from the community of a workshop. Arlene Dyer and Kim Boehm organized the building of a workshop for Anthony to have a place to do his craft. With the help of a Recompense grant, along with donations and extra work by many, many islanders. Click here to see the arrival and Anthony's surprise. Click here to see his brochure.
Due to popular demand the Historical Society will be open on Sunday December 5 from 1-4 pm for Christmas shopping. The 2011 Chebeague Calendars are going fast. We have fir pillows, throws, books, mugs, pottery, wine, old fashion, and hi-ball glasses as well as tee shirts, bags, aprons, trinkets and much more! We have gift certificates and gift memberships. Something for everyone! The Museum exhibit will be open. Bring the entire family to shop and enjoy! We will also open for holiday shopping at other times if you give us a call. The Museum number is 846-5237. Leave a message and we'll get back to you.
November 28, 2010 - Save the Date!! The Whalers' holiday concert "Time of Wonder" is coming up Sunday, December 12 at 4pm.
A children's choir is being formed at the Chebeague Methodist Church. Anyone interested should come to the parish house at 4:00 PM on Thursday, December 2. Contact Peter Carleton (846-6129) with any questions.
November 25, 2010 - HAPPY THANKSGIVING! I have the latest news from Last week Chebeague Pre-K- K - click here.
November 24, 2010 - Drug Awareness at CRC Saturday, November 27th at 10AM - see notice..
Starting this Saturday Nov. 27th, the Fire Department will be selling Christmas trees at the firehouse again this year every Saturday and Sunday from 9:00 to 12:00. The price is $35.
November 22, 2010 - Photo of barred owl taken by Beth Dyer- click here to see larger.
Message from the Niblic: start your Holiday Shopping at The Niblic (See attached poster). Don't miss out on great sales and all that is new. Why leave the Island when you can find the perfect gifts right here? Support local artisan's at The Niblic!
Stop by The Niblic after Thanksgiving on Friday 8:30 - 4:00 or on Saturday 9:00 - 2:00 and be one of the first to sample delicious Lobster Stew or Lobster & Corn Chowder from Calendar Islands Maine Lobster! Eat in at one or our cafe tables or bring some home for dinner.
Message from the Town: "Stone Wharf seasonal floats will be hauled on December 1st"
The Chebeague High School Class of 1942 just participated in their teacher, Mr. Vernon Bolster's 100th birthday celebration. All of the surviving class members were able to attend the celebration. Click here to see Victoria Smith, Jim Hamilton, Ruth Hamilton and Martha Hamilton along with Mr. Bolster and their graduation photo and diploma.
Don't forget to order your pies for Thanksgiving from Kids' Place. They will be selling extra pies at the Hall from noon to 3pm on Wednesday. All proceeds will be going towards the Learning Library. They are hoping to purchase a Books on Tape listening center. They have pre-sold 19 pies already.
Message from Florence Rich: "A few of us crafters have decided to open the shop Thanksgiving weekend Saturday, 11am-3pm and Sunday 12 noon -3pm. Clint's eagle that was on the shop has sold but he has brought down a smaller eagle and an owl. His wife Melissa will be here with some of her crafts and Herb has new items. I hope to have hats and mittens.We also so have more of the nightlights (even Christmas ones). Hope to see you here." Thank You, Florence
Don't forget basketball starts this afternoon at the Rec!
School Committee meeting tomorrow evening 6:30 at the School - see agenda.
November 20, 2010 - I have been home since Thursday morning and am getting lots of exercise and rest and doing fine. Thank you so much for all the well wishes - it is so appreciated. We even had the T1 line go down Friday morning at the Rec which Fairpoint fixed within six or seven hours from getting the word. I know people were hesitant to call but a lot can be done through the computer and phone and if we don't know it is down we can't fix it. Thank you so much for your patience.
Historical Society Holiday Open House and Shopping Event, Saturday, November 27, 1:00 - 4:00. Please visit the Museum, enjoy refreshments and browse the Gift Shop inventory for gifts for family and friends.
November 17, 2010 - Just to let everyone know that I am doing fine and am moving around pretty well after hip replacement surgury on Monday. They may even let me go home today (We all decided that tomorrow is better) - hopefully the storm will have subsided and the tide will be high.
Afternoon Exercise with Caitlin is cancelled until after Thanksgiving when she returns from Denmark.
November 16, 2010 - Meeting of the CICA Year Round Housing Committee, Tuesday November 16, 2010 at 7:15 at the Parish House. Agenda:
1. Status of the application to MSHA
2. Report on further work:
The building
The MOU with the Town
The site plan
3. Status of PACE
There will also be a meeting next Monday, The Challenge of Maintaining a Year-Round, Working Community: Population, Economy, Housing, Education and Community Services. Monday November 22, 2010 at 7:00 at the Chebeague Island School.
November 15, 2010 - A message from Beverly: I am doing great after a total left hip replacement and they had me up and walking eight hours later. Thank you for the well wishes and I hope to be back on the Island in a couple of days. I'll be updating this page tomorrow and will check my e-mail then.
November 14, 2010 - School Committee meeting Tuesday, November 23rd - see agenda.
Dont Forget - COMMUNITY LUNCHEON - Wednesday, Nov 17th Noon - see flyer.
Next Saturday, SPECIAL TOWN MEETING: At 9 am, Saturday, November 20, 2010 at the Hall. Warrant includes article for purchase of fire truck and 2 ordinances. Warrant, click here 2 Ordinances: Vehicle Weight & Victualers.
November 13, 2010 - The Memorial Service for Rob Hogan is today, Saturday November 13th 2:00pm - Chebeague Methodist Church - Reception following at Parish House.
LADIES AID FAIR is next Saturday, November 20th at the Parish House from 12 to 3.
Novmeber 11, 2010 - Photo taken by Jon Rich on the west end 11/08/10 - click here
The volleyball scheduled for tonight has been cancelled.
The November Newsletter for Kids Place is out - please check it out they are having so much fun- click here.
The Kids Place is also selling homemade pies for Thanksgiving - you can pre-order your pie OR just come by the Hall on Nov 24th and pick one up!! - click here.
November 10, 2010 - Anne Galey is living with Sally and John Barrows and is receiving hospice care and for the most part comfortable but is very sick from congestive heart failure. She loves Chebeague and everyone here summer and winter and although she is not up for visitors would love to hear from people and get cards. The address there is 71 Ledgewood Drive, Falmouth, ME 04105.
Holiday Gifts for sale at the Rec - click here to see. The afternoon exercise class at the CRC is cancelled tomorrow due to Veterans Day.
Don't Forget - The Annual Seasonal Flu Clinic will be FRIDAY 12TH NOVEMBER from 9:00am until 11:30am at the Community Hall. Seasonal Flu shots and pneumonia shots will be available.
The CIHCC will be starting up the Community Luncheon Program which was started and had been run by the Island Commons! Wednesday, November 17th, - see flyer - it will make you hungry! One week from today.
November 8, 2010 - the wind was terrible and the tide was very high - so high - one of the cars got swept away click here to see larger. Click here for another one by Leah Arsenault.
Board of Selectmen - Wednesday, November 10th, 2010 - 7pm at the Island Hall. Agenda (when available, will include discussion of Special Town Meeting Warrant for Saturday, November 20th at 9am) Chedemption MOU is postponed; Executive Session re: Personnel at 5:30 PM at the Town Office followed by regular meeting at 7:00 at the HAll with another Executive Session to Follow re: personnel if needed.
The Selectmen of the Town of Chebeague Island are pleased to announce the appointment of Eric Dyer as Town Administrator effective January 2, 2011. Go to the town website for more information.
November 7, 2010 - Memorial Service for Rob Hogan - Saturday November 13th 2:00pm - Chebeague Methodist Church - Reception following at Parish House
Tonight is another intro to Photoshop Elements class at 7 at the school. Let me know if you will be new so that I can set up another computer. You don't have to have a computer or the program to be there.
Becky and Pete have added lots of photos from their wedding on our site and they also wanted to share this message to everyone - click here.
November 6, 2010 - Thursday's College information night was another successful evening. Ben Odgren came down from the Institute and they had 4 students (all the seniors) and parents. There are lots of resources at the Library and at the Rec. I have added more information to the Community Ed Link above and will make a permanent button eventually if you are looking for Educational Resources. Thank you to Deb Bowman and Caitlin Gerber for making this happen.
I have just finished my 3rd Ed2Go online class and this one was the best. I did the photoshop class and although I have been using the program for years I learned so many new ways of doing things and had a fun time. If you sign up for one of these online classes through our website, a small percentage goes to the rec.
November 1, 2010 - ANGEL FOOD orders due this Sunday November 7th. Pick up is Saturday Nov. 20th. Menus are in the narthex (entry to the church). You may leave orders in the church office or email me (Pastor Linda) at ljbre@maine.rr.com or call me at 807-2210.
School Committee Meeting tommorow night, Tuesday, 6:30pm at the school - see agenda.
**Notice** There will be a Special Town Meeting scheduled for the Island Hall at 9:00 am on Saturday, November 20th with the main agenda item being the possible purchase of a new fire truck. Please mark your calendar and be sure to attend.
Message from Mary Terry of the Island Institute:
Hello everyone,
The annual Island Institute Sustainable Island Living Conference will be held next weekend Nov 5th-7th in Rockland. This year’s theme is “Island to Island”, and the event will include discussions, workshops, and presentations for sustaining community through strong schools, leadership, economies, and energy resources. The 2010 conference features a keynote address by Woody Tasch, founder and president of Slow Money, and includes presentations by island and coastal leaders from Maine and throughout the United States on shared challenges and solutions.
The rate for year-round island residents is $45, and includes admission to the Friday evening key note presentation by Woody Tasch of Slow Money and the full day of breakout sessions on Saturday. Further information and registration is available on the Island Institute website at www.islandinstitute.org/silconference.
October 31, 2010 - This coming Thursday evening The CRC, CPA and library are holding a College Information Night at the Library November 4th at 7:30 pm. This is for all students High School and Junior High - not too early to start thinking about the process and what you may need to do in preperation.
Caitlin Gerber (our Island Fellow) is starting up a preschool program at the Kids' Place. She is such a wonderful asset to the community and all we are doing at the rec and school and comes to us with amazing qualifications: Caitlin has an Honors Bachelor of Science degree in Marine Biology from Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. She spent much of the 2010/2011 school year substitute teaching in the Gray/New Gloucester school system for grades K-12 (although most of her time was spent in Kindergarten, first and second grade classrooms). Her other teaching experience includes working for the Marine Environmental Research Institute in Blue Hill as an Education Intern (kids age 2 years old to 17 years old) and teaching a computer class for grades 2 through 8 in Monkey River, Belize. She completed the Praxis I exam with high marks.
The CRC is starting up a adult floor hockey program on Wednesday nights 7-9 pm. Be there.
Congratulations to Sasha MacLean whose team the NYA Field Hockey won the state champitonship in overtime yesterday.
October 30, 2010 - CPA is looking for more volunteers to help with the potluck clean-up so parents can take their children Trick or Treating! Please call Suzanne Rugh if you can help, 846-7844.
Don't forget today 8am at the Rec- School Committee meeting today to discuss Early Transitioning of the sixth graders to Yarmouth next year. Childcare available provided by CPA!
Yesterday's Walk to School day was lots of fun and the children and teachers dressed up in costumes as well. A hearty breakfast was waiting at the school for them and the children showed off some of their drawings and writings for each other.
October 29, 2010 - Important School Committee meeting tommorow morning at the Rec to discuss Early transitioning for the sixth graders next year - come early 7:30 for coffee and donuts - meting starts at 8am.
The Chebeague Island School is having their annual walking school bus TODAY. There is a bit of a twist this year. It is a costume parade as well! Ghosts and goblins will be leaving the Historical Society at 8am. Parents and community members are welcome to come in costume or not, to join in the fun and show how important a healthy life style is. It will be followed by a healthy breakfast at school.
October 28, 2010 - GROOVY MOVIE NIGHT!! Opening night is tomorrow, Friday, October 29. New start time is 7:00 pm. Showing Psycho directed by Alfred Hitchcock, 1960. This is the 50th anniversary of the film. Bring your own drinks and we provide the popcorn.
Brenda Klenda (with her fish) will be getting to the island around noon today as they are getting together the orders. Don't forget to call her if you are looking for fish. She will be driving around the island delivering most of the orders.
A huge happy 50th to Kim Martin, who with her five children and husband recently climbed Tumbledown mountain to celebrate!
ADULT EDUCATION: The Photoshop Elements class last Sunday at the school was lots of fun and we will be having it every Sunday for the next three weeks if you would like to join us. From 7 till 8:30 and we use the wonderful technology of the Smart Board and the mac computers are provided. All you have to do is follow along so you don't have to have any special expertise or program. Caitlin Gerber (our island fellow), is helping me (Bev Johnson), so come join us.
For all those who are new to using a Mac Computer we will be having a Moving around the MAC class on Monday at 4pm at the school.
October 27, 2010 - Note - Brenda plans on delivering the fish tomorrow so make sure you get your orders in! Brenda Klenda will be on the island tomorrow, Thursday, with fish, scallops and crabmeat at the Johnson house. You may email her at klenda@maine.rr.com or phone 329-4132 or 846-3440.
Haddock - $5.50/lb.
Chowder Haddock - $3.75/lb.
Salmon Fillets - $8.75/lb.
Scallops - $11.50/lb.
Crabmeat - Frozen 1/2 lb. pouches. (A Very Good Product) $8.00/1/2 lb. container.
Don't forget that tonight is the presentation by Gulf of Maine Reasearch Institute - at the Hall 7pm with refreshements - sponsored by the CCLT!
Congratulations to Sasha McLean (#1) who is on the North Yarmouth Academy field hockey pictured on the Portland Press Herald in the game against Telestar yesterday which they won 3-2 and now play Foxcroft for state championship on Saturday at UMaine Orono!
IMPORTANT MEETING - Saturday, 8 am at the Rec Center - Public Meeting and Discussion on possible EARLY Transitioning to Yarmouth for our 6th graders next year. There will be coffee and donuts starting at 7:30. CHILDCARE AVAILABLE provided by CPA- please come!
October 26, 2010 - Secondwind farm has lots of beautiful sweet potatoes, acorn squash and more - check out the farm stand and buy your produce locally.
Don Perkins, president of the Gulf of Maine Research Institute, will speak about "Sustainable Fisheries, Sustainable Communities" Wednesday at 7 at the Hall, sponsored by the Chebeague & Cumberland Land Trust. (A brief business meeting will precede his talk.) Refreshments will be served. Everyone is invited to hear what will be a fascinating discussion of a subject we all care about.
October 25, 2010 - School Committee Meeting, Tuesday, 6:30 at the School - click here for agenda.
This Fall the children have been very busy after school with Soccer and running. Every child in the school has taken part in the soccer program with Caitlin and Kelley and even traveled over to Long Island for a meet. Long Island was coming over last week but that had to be postponed because of the weather. Last Wednesday was the final meet for running over at Twinbrooks with hundreds of other kids from all over the area. Our runners did really well and all competed to the best of their abilities and made us all proud. To see photos by Caitlin, Jen and Kelley - click here.
Chris Hoppin is "At Large" member of the Casco Bay Lines Board and is running for the seat again. He will be doing a "Down the Bay" roundtrip on the 5:45 PM Ferry, Thursday, October 28th. Hoping to meet up with many fellow islanders.
Rug Hooking is starting up again at CRC. Bring your project with you and join us on Mondays at 9:30 am in the CRC multipurpose room. $1.00 drop-in fee.87
Miss Nancy's news from Last week Chebeague Pre-K- K - click here.
October 23, 2010 - Happy Sweet Sixteen to Chloe Dyer (other notable birthdays are Steve Johnson and Med Bowen.
Don't forget the Church Supper at 5:30 today - benefit Guatemala Preschool!
October 22, 2010 - "Introduction to Photoshop Elements" Sunday night at the school from 7 to 8:30. We have 10 mac computers with Photoshop Elements installed on them and now is a great time to find out more about the program. I will be going over many of the ways it can be used and demonstrating some techniques while you try them yourself. This is a great way to find out if you might want to invest in it and try some photoshop fun. I will find out also what people are interested in learning and will be setting up classes in photoshop use. Please email me and let me know if you will be there - bjohnson@chebeague.net.
Remembered for his legendary 2007 complete performance of Longfellow's "The Song of Hiawatha," actor, director, and film maker Michael Maglaras returns to the St. Lawrence to perform John Greenleaf Whittier's masterful poem "Snow-Bound." Tickets are $12 if purchased by November 22 and $15 after that date. Note: A complimentary CD recording of "Snow-Bound" will be offered to any Chebeague Islanders who come to the show. Click here for more details.
October 21, 2010 - Photo taken by Bob Earnest 10/21/10 of a rainbow - click here to see larger and here to see the other end of the rainbow.
Church supper, Saturday, October 23rd 5:30 pm. Linda Brewster is going to Guatemala in January to work at a Pre-school and the dinner will support the Pre-school there. Donation of $5.00 to eat. Menu: rice and black beans, curry chicken, chile relleno casserole, curtido salad (cole slaw, basically), fried banana slices on ice cream for dessert. Mango salsa too. YUMMY!
The KIDS PLACE Fall Newsletter has been sent out and for those who are away - you can see it here.
The Chebeague Island Hall Community Center (CIHCC) at it's annual meeting decided to continue the Community Luncheon Program which was started and had been run by the Island Commons! Starting, Wednesday, November 17th, which is the 3rd Wednesdays of the month. We would love to have more volunteers and help in providing this fabulous community function - please contact Ruth Slagle to let her know.
October 18, 2010 - ** Notice** The advertised paving on the Wharf Road has been moved later to Thursday-10/21 to start prep-work for paving. Actual paving will start on Stone-Wharf road on Friday-10/22.
Everyone is invited to come hear Don Perkins, president of the Gulf of Maine Research Institute in Portland, speak at 7 p.m. Wednesday, October 27th, at the Island Hall. His presentation, "Sustainable Fisheries, Sustainable Communities," will highlight the annual meeting of the Chebeague & Cumberland Land Trust. Refreshments will be served. Perkins has headed GMRI since 1995 and was a co-founder of Friends of Casco Bay. The Gulf of Maine Research Institute, a non-profit marine science center, works to strengthen healthy ocean ecosystems, sustainable industries, vibrant communities and economic and educational opportunities.
School Committee meeting tomorrow evening at the school at 6:30 pm - see agenda.
Miss Nancy's news from Last week Chebeague Pre-K- K - click here.
Chebeague Island Hall Community Center (CIHCC) Annual Meeting today at 3:30 pm at the Hall of course.
October 17, 2010 - The church will be having a benefit supper on Saturday, October 23rd starting at 5:30pm. Linda Brewster is going on a mission trip to Guatemala to help get a Pre-school started. All monies raised will go toward the Guatemala Pre-school. There will be a slide show after the supper and Linda tell us more about the trip.
The CRC, CPA and library are holding a College Information Night at the Library November 4th at 7:30 pm.
October 15, 2010 -The Chebeague Island Inn asked me to remind everyone that they are featuring $2 draft beers and $4 glasses of wine (selected wines only) every day until close. They didn't say when the closing date is but I think it is soon.
**Notice** Wharf Road will be being paved on Tuesday, October 19th and/or Wednesday, October 20th, weather permitting. During this process, NO PARKING will be allowed on Wharf Road. Click Here to see notice.
October 13, 2010 - **Notice** Chebeague Island Board of Selectmen is accepting sealed written bids for the purchase of the municipality’s interest in tax acquired property located at Tax Map I02_Lot _025a - click here for more information.
Selectman's Meeting tonight at the Hall at 7pm - see agenda.
A message from May: Thank you to all the folks who helped with the Italian dinner to benefit the Teen Center this past weekend, including everyone who dropped off a dish, salad, or dessert! Special thanks go out to the parents who helped that evening, including Cheryl Hillicoss, Linda Stevens, and Sam McLean. The teens really appreciate all you do!
October 11, 2010 - Gail Jenkin's paper route is available and if interested please call her at 831-2661.
Message from the Town: As the work on the Cousins Island Wharf nears completion, we should all recognize that over the next few months the Town of Yarmouth will be keeping an eye on traffic in the area to see if the improved traffic flow warrants the termination of the despised "over-the-hill" ordinance banning access to the wharf during peak season weekends. The Town and CTC appeal to everyone to do what you can to make our new wharf facility work smoothly for everyone. Please pick up and/or discharge passengers and baggage as quickly as possible, observe the "no parking" signs, and do not impede the CTC bus as it arrives and departs the wharf. If we all work together using common sense and common courtesy, we should be able to convince Yarmouth that wharf restrictions are no longer necessary. In advance, we thank you for your cooperation.
October 10, 2010 - Photo taken near the ovens on Chebeague 10/10/10 by Stephen Todd with his cell phone of a moose on the island - click here to see more of his photos.
The Teen's Italian Night was a huge success and with a little help from May Hall and Cailin Gerber the teens did a terrific job. There was plenty of great food for a full house - click here to see.
October 9, 2010 - Sunday"s Italian Night at the Hall - Sunday, October 10th at 5:30PM. All proceeds benefit the Teen Center. $8 adults $5 children.
Composite photo taken by Bev Johnson 10/09/10 from the church steeple of the cemetery, click here . Today, besides the photo of the cemetery from the steeple I took a few photos of Chandlers Cove from the Cottage Road and put together another composite - it measures 6" x 62" so it takes a while to load - click here.
The Annual Seasonal Flu Clinic will be FRIDAY 12TH NOVEMBER from 9:00am until 11:30am at the Community Hall. Seasonal Flu shots and pneumonia shots will be available. If you have an opportunity to get a shot(s) before then, go ahead and get it/them. Look for reminder posters closer to the date.
October 8, 2010 - As most everyone knows by now that our good friend Rob Hogan passed away this morning. We have all been following his struggle to fight this injury. There was a nice article today in the North Carolina newsobserver.com site - click here.
The Niblic will be open this holiday weekend: Saturday 7:30am until 4:00pm & Sunday 9am until 2pm. Closed on Monday. Stop in for some shrimp and corn
chowder or Cuban style black bean soup on Saturday or haddock chowder on Sunday. Come see what's on sale including 10% all tee shirts for the month of October. Also don't miss the art exhibit upstairs in the gallery showing the work of Susan Stranahan, David Scrase, and Chuck Varney.
October 7, 2010 - The CPA is looking for a few volunteers to help with the Harvest Dinner clean-up on Halloween so that the CPA parents can take their children out Trick or Treating. If you like to help please call Suzanne Rugh at 846-7844.
REMINDER about Sunday"s Italian Night at the Hall - Sunday, October 10th at 5:30PM. All proceeds benefit the Teen Center. $8 adults $5 children.
October 6, 2010 - Island Riches will be open this weekend Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday 10 am to 4 pm. For the rest of October it will be just weekends, Sat and Sun 10am to 4pm. We have sales on a lot of things
Selectmen have a full agenda tonight, Wedenesday October 6th, with several topics check the agenda. The public is always welcome. 7:00 PM at the Hall.
October 5, 2010 - The CTC's Fall Foliage Cruise has been canceled.
This coming Saturday is the FROST /BLANCHARD GOLF TOURNAMENT October 9th - Shotgun start at 12 noon social to follow Byob- Hors d"oeres Rain or Shine !!! Open to everyone so hope to see you there.
CRC will be having pick up volleyball games every Thursday night from 7-9 PM. $1.00 drop-in fee. Adults and teens welcome. Come join the fun!!
LAST WEEKEND for the Clam Shack!!!
Thank you to all our patrons ofhe Clam Shack. We are very appreciative of your support and hope that you take advantage of the Clam Shack for our last weekend of the season. Thursday 4-7pm, Friday 4-8pm, Saturday 11:30am-8pm and Sunday 11:30am -7pm.. Items will be running out near the end so don't wait till the last minute if you have that special Clam Shack Craving you need to get one last fix for.
Thank you, Virginia
Vernon Bolster who taught High school on island 1941-1942 will be celebrating his 100th birthday on Nov 6th at Cole farms in Gray from 1-3 p.m. Students, & friends who knew him are invited to attend...RSVP by Oct. 20th to his sister in law Mary Hoskins..207-839-3708. If you cannot attend, Martha Hamilton & Victoria Smith are planning to go & could take cards or messages. Spread the word.
****NOTICE****Transfer Station Hours**The hours of operation for the Transfer Station will be changing October 13th, 2010 -----Hours of operation starting Wednesday, October 13th 2010 will be as follows:
Wednesday – Hours – 1:30PM to 4:00PM
Saturday & Sunday – Hours – 9:00AM to 4:00PM
October 4, 2010 - Composite photo taken by Bev Johnson of Chandler's Cove, click here
Tonight the Comprehensive Planning Committee is holding a meeting on at 7:15 at the Parish House.
The School Committee meeting is tomorrow night, Tuesday, October 5, at 6:30 at the school - see agenda.
October 1, 2010 - CTC PRESENTS: Columbus Day Weekend Fall Foliage Cruise departing Sunday, Oct. 10, at 12:45 PM. from the Stone Pier, returning at 3:30 PM. Click here to get all the details.
ADULT VOLLEYBALL- CRC is starting up their Adult Volleyball Program again this fall. Thursdays 7-9PM. $1 drop-in fee. Bring your friends and stop by for a good time!!
Italian Night at the Hall - Sunday, October 10th at 5:30PM. All proceeds benefit the Teen Center. $8 adults $5 children.
The Hall Annual meeting is Monday, October 18th at 3:30 pm (yes, the afternoon). I meant to have some proxies at the brunch but left them at home so we are hoping people will send the one to Martha Hamilton or Dianne Brewer that is in the Calendar or print this one and send it to them. Thank you very much.
Today some of the school children harvested potatos and pumpkins - click here to see photos taken by Bob Earnest (the garden guru).
September 30, 2010 - Photo taken by Brennah Martin on the way to school 9/30/10, click here.
Tineka Breed has been keeping records of birds seen on Indian Point (Hook) since 1976 every day during the summers. She and I have compiled her list and added my photos for the Chebeague & Cumberland Land Trust for their baseline records. I have put this list online in pdf format and will also be able to be accessed through the Land Trust site. We would love to add an addendum with other sitings as they happen or if you have records - please contact me Beverly and I will start an update. There was an interesting report by the Casco Bay Estuary on the status of the water bird populations of Casco Bay - click here to see. To think that the little Semi-palmated Sandpiper can travel from Eastport, Maine to Suriname, South America in 48 hours. Many of these birds are here on Chebeague to double their body weight before heading south.
The Rec Center is looking for a Tai Chi instructor - please call Caitlin 846-5068 or email crc@chebeague.net.
Today September 30, there is an opening art reception at the Niblic Gallery from 5-7 pm for David Scrase, Chuck Varney and Susan Stranahan - hope to see you there.
September 29, 2010 - I am so happy to pass on some great news from the Island Institute which will benefit the children of Chebeague. They have received a $132,000 Education Grant Funding from the National Science Foundation which will increase students’understanding of weather, storm events and climate change - click here to see the press release.
Island Riches has many handcrafted items and some of the items are now on sale such as the cribbage boards, corin top dog dishes, pottery, small handmade quilts, handmade wood and much more.
September 28, 2010 - Just received a message from Ann Hogan: Dear friends: I’d like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your outpouring of love, concern and support for Rob. It’s been a shocking and frightening journey, one that at times left us feeling that we could not see the path through. Rob has been gravely ill, but we hope we may be emerging into a more stable phase. Your posts and expressions of love and encouragement have meant so much to us. I’ve read them all and they have given me great strength. It’s not a surprise that the Chebeague community has responded so generously, but it is a wonderful thing to experience. I can’t wait to sit by Rob’s bedside and read him all your notes. I know that the goal of returning to Chebeague to recuperate and once again launch his pointer on the beautiful waters of Casco Bay will pull him towards recovery. My love and thanks to you all, Ann
There is a newcast in North Carolina about Rob - click here.
September 27, 2010 - The other day I took photos of the earings, necklaces, bracelets and rings that Herb Rich makes out of antique and vintage silverware and they sell at the Island Riches - click here to see.
The Chebeague Transportation Company is pleased to announce that Carol Sabasteanski will become the new general manager of CTC effective October 1. Carol has an impressive career in business and management. Equally important, however, she has long-standing ties to Chebeague and understands the vital role CTC plays in island life. Carol will be working to improve service and the financial health of CTC and will be a frequent Islander rider.
Tom Gruber, Democratic candidate for Maine State Representative, will be on the Island Saturday morning. He'll be hitting the pavement and knocking on doors to share his ideas. Feel free to share your thoughts and concerns with him if you have the opportunity meet him.
Tomorrow, September 28, 6:30 is a School Committee Workshop on Transition to Yarmouth discussion and schedule of follow-up activities - see agenda.
Yesterday's Sunday Brunch for the Hall was a huge success and the food was incredible. Click here to see a few photos.
I just received this link from a UNC alum who noticed the Chebeague t-shirt in the article about Rob Hogan - click here.
Yesterday at the Hook were a "brace" of juvenile Black-bellied Plovers. Click here to see my favorite photo and here to see the rest.
September 23, 2010 - Photo taken by Jim Thresher sunrise morning 9/23/10, click here
Photo taken by Jim Thresher sunrise morning 9/23/10 of David Miller's boat starting his day, click here
Photo taken by me early morning 9/23/10 of Alex's boat and others starting their day, click here
Message from the Town: MISSING Fire Engine 9 Parts – A few days ago NAPA sent over brake system parts for Engine 9 (it was marked Dave – Public Works). The box contained used and new parts. Without the used parts we cannot order the new ones again. If anyone has any information please call the Town Office or the Public Works Garage 846-6419. Thank you.
Yesterday the CRC running program had their first race on the mainland for the season and everyone was outstanding. Click here for all the results. Sumner and Cameron were 9 and 11 in the half mile, Braeden and Aaron were 4 and 10 in thre 3/4 mile and Ethan was first in the mile. Although David Jordan is not running for our team he came in 5th in the 3/4. Congratulations to all the runners!
Julia Maine is now a student writer for the Working Waterfront magazine and has done a wonderful article about Kids' Place - click here to read.
September 22, 2010 - The Chebeague Hall Sunday Brunch Extravaganza is this Sunday, September 26th from 11:30 to 12:30. $8 adults $5 children. Caitlin Gerber, the new Island Fellow working with the Rec and School will be at the brunch and this would be a great time to meet her so hope to see lots of people there.
We are hoping to find a car for Caitlin (our new island fellow) to use this winter to get around in. Please call 846-5068 or email the rec if you have one she could use.
Joe Ballard recieved his gifts and plaque yesterday as the volunteer of the year. He was unable to attend the event this summer where we honored Ellen Maher and him at the quadathlon for their wonderful volunteerism.
September 21, 2010 - Many of you already know that Rob Hogan is very ill following a fall from his tractor last Wednesday evening at his home in North Carolina. His family has started up a caring page so we can all be informed of his progress toward recovery - click here for more information.
The Annual Seasonal Flu Clinic will be FRIDAY 12TH NOVEMBER from 9:00am until 11:30am at the Community Hall. Seasonal Flu shots and pneumonia shots will be available. If you have an opportunity to get a shot(s) before then, go ahead and get it/them. Look for reminder posters closer to the date.
September 20, 2010 - CICA has a meeting tomorrow evening at 7:15 at the Parish House - click here for agenda.
CRC is currently accepting applications for Teen Center leaders. Please call Kelley at 846 5068 for more information.
Please click here to see the beautiful rich towels that the Rec Center has to sell. They are approx 55" x 27" with a map and Chebeague Island Maine embroidered on them and would make terrific gifts. They are selling for $16.50 (plus postage if mailed)- just email crc@chebeague.net to order or stop by and pick up when open.
Miss Nancy's news from Last weeks Chebeague Pre-K- K - click here .
School Committee meeting tomorrow night, Tuesday September 21 at 6:30 at the school - see agenda.
Don’t miss Jerry Wiles’s talk tonightt at 7:30 at the Hall on the American Revolution – the Loyalists perspective. Only $5.00 per person. Refreshments will be served and proceeds will be donated to Island Commons flooring project.
September 19, 2010 -Chedemption really helps all the non-profits and is totally a volunteer endeavor. Now that the summer season is over, Chedemption doesn't have the organizations working at the transfer station and Laura Summa has taken this all on and could really use some help. Please contact her and let her know when you are available to help at chedemption. It isn't as concentrated as in the summer so just coming for an hour every so often to sort and stack really helps a lot.
September 18, 2010 - The Niblic Gallery is pleased to be showing Kim Martin's paintings. Kim's show runs through September 28th. Click here for more information.
***NOTICE*** Due to out of town training the Town Office will close 2:00PM - MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 20TH, 2010
BRUNCH - CIHCC brunch, Sunday, September 26th from 11:30 to 12:30 with all the great food we always have. $8 adults $5 children.
September 15, 2010 - Photo taken 9/15/10 of a Great Blue Heron in Sanford's Pond, click here
Please join Jerry Wiles for his presentation: “The Loyalists” – the other side of the American Revolution, the plight of the Tories/Loyalists, those subjects of the British Empire who made the decision to remain loyal to the Crown. It is Monday, September 20th, at 7:30 at the Hall and last about an hour with a discussion to follow. Refreshments will be served. $5.00 per person. The Proceeds will be donated to the Island Commons Resident flooring project.
September 11, 2010 - There is a nice article in the Forecaster about the compost project Sarah McKinnon and Kyle Koerber have initiated on Chebeague - click here.
Miss Nancy's news from Last weeks Chebeague Pre-K- K - click here Nancy's mother, Anne Brown is currently at The Cedars for rehabilitation after a fall on Monday. Despite the four broken, deviated ribs she is in pretty good spirits. She is getting physical and occupational therapy. If you would like to send her a card the address is:
The Cedars - Room 201A
640 Ocean Ave.
Portland, ME 04103-2830
September 8, 2010 - Tonight there is a Selectmen's meeting click here for agenda.
If you need your monitor cleaned and serviced - Ernie Richardson has arranged for a monitor technician to come to the Island to service monitors. The price will be $100 per monitor, this includes cleaning, a new filter and gaskets. Any additional repairs would be extra. Click here for more information.
Tonight, Wednesday, at the Library, film and discussion about 9/11 at 7:30 pm. Light refreshments.
School started last week and so we are happy to have Miss Nancy's news from Last weeks Chebeague Pre-K- K News - click here
September 2, 2010 - Pick up something sweet for your Labor Day weekend at the Island Commons Bake Sale! Saturday, September 4, 10:00 – 12:00, at the Hall.
This afternoon I was able to get a photo of a live Red-tailed Hawk in a tree in my yard and then when flying. A few days ago Wink got a couple of photos of a red-tailed hawk who had just caught a mouse and then died hitting the power lines they think. Click here to see the photos.
September 1, 2010 - Island Riches has a new sculpture by Clint Jones - see the eagle and a lot more items Florence has in her shop - click here.
August 31, 2010 - Photo taken by Brooks Traina from Vails West End house in August click here
There will be an artist reception for Avis Fleming Hodge at the Library tomorrow September 1st at 2:30 - 4:00.
Chebeague's ALL volunteer Chedemption program moved all the bottles which have been adding up over the last few weeks. We are all grateful to Laura Summa who has been heading up Chedemption since last year when Mac, Beth and David passed on the job. Big thanks go to David Stevens, Cassidy Jeffers, Dennis Johnson, Tony Ardilino, Geoff Summa, Cooper Bowman and the Casco Bay Lines who transports the bottles and cans free of charge. Please check out the photos and save your returnables for all our non-profits who benefit.
August 30, 2010 - Message from the Harbormaster: The Harbormaster is requesting that each boat owner make careful plans to secure their boat in advance of any hurricanes that track into this area. Please make you plans now, well in advance of any forecast storm. It is better to have a plan in place, perhaps move your boat to safety and have a storm miss us, than to be caught with too little time to prepare and all supporting marine service companies overloaded with last minute storm preparations.
Note: The seawater temperatures are WARMER than usual. This can have the effect of feeding the strength of a storm, potentially dragging a hurricane up the eastern seaboard into our waters.
To track Active Storms:
How to prepare for a hurricane:
Please prepare, add chafing gear to your mooring pennant, consider alternate plans and locations for your boat, how you might haul your boat and be safe. Preparation is everything. Thank you.
Edie Clark and Tim Smyser send best wishes to all our friends on Chebeague. We haven't been able to travel up there from our Virginia home because Edie hasn't secured a new job yet (she was laid off the end of 2009). We are doing okay, though, and enjoying our garden and a little river sailing here. We miss our visits with Chebeague friends, our lobster feasts and that beautiful coast. Take good care, all!
August 28, 2010 - Photo taken by Joan Dayton of the Higgins Farm Field August 28th click here
This September 17th will be the 10th anniversary of the ribbon cutting of the Chedemption Shed. You can read the history of Chedemption and that event by going to www.chebeague.org/chedemption - If anyone wants to learn how to volunteer and sort and store the bottles and cans just introduce yourself to the volunteer on duty and I am sure they would love to show you the ropes. That first year $1500 was divided between 12 not for profit organizations and last year it was over $8000 divided and it is making a difference to the taxpayers by reducing the amount of trash the facility has to handle.
August 26, 2010 - OOPS!- CORRECTION! John and Steve's Vows on the 18th of September are at 11:30, NOT 12:00! (No gifts, please) Thanks- J & S 11:30 Allen Avenue Unitarian Universalist Church, 524 Allen Avenue, Portland ME, 797-7240"
This year was the first year that the Rec Center offered a Bird Camp. We had five participants and we all learned a lot about the birds of Chebeague. Tineka Breed guided us at the hook where we learned about the migratory sea birds and then Scott Johnson walked us through the woods and shore around Roses. Stephen took us one day out in the Lobster Boat to see the birds on the Green Islands. We took lots of photos and movies and put together a short iMovie. We really wanted to do a lot more with it but the camp was only a few hours a day for one week.
August 25, 2010 - The Recreation Center is thrilled and excited to have an Island Institute Fellow this year. Caitlin Gerber will be joining us in September. Please read all about her in the lastest Working Waterfront. She is a graduate of Dalhousie University with a Bachelors of Science in Marine Biology and brings lots of experience and talent in many ways.
Jack the Black Swan from Hope Island is missing again and if you see him please call me 846-4850 or my cell 939-9643.
August 24, 2010 - Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day is this Saturday, August 28th at the Public Works Garage from 1 - 3pm - click here to get more information.
The Hall is missing a 4x 2 adjustable table and 2 small double window fans. Please email Ruth Slagle if you know where they might be - Thank you.
If anyone would like to donate to the Pakistani flood victims through the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR), here is the URL to a secure site: http://secure.gbgm-umc.org/donations/umcor/donate.cfm?code=982450&id=3019041
The Harbormaster has found 2 small boats which do not match the boats that have already been reported missing as of today August 24, 2010. If you are missing a small boat, please contact the Harbormaster at 846-3148, or harbormaster@chebeague.org. If you have a small boat pulled up on shore, please make sure it is secured above high water or tied. Most dinghys have been lost because they were not tied or floated away on astronomically high tides. Don't forget to put your name and telephone number in your tender, dinghy or skiff and take a picture of it. We have had good success with the return of boats that are identifiable with a name & number.
August 23, 2010 - The Concord Vocal Octet from Concord NH will be providing music during worship this Sunday morning August 29th at 10am at the Methodist Church.
Erno and Victoria Bonebakker cordially invite you for coffee and dessert to meet Eliot Cutler, Independent candidate for Governor, 7-8:30PM, Tuesday, August 31 at 24 Cordes Road.
School Committee Meeting tomorrow night, August 24th at 6:30 see agenda.
August 22, 2010 - Last call for for mums from the Greely Field Hockey Team! All orders need to be in by Tuesday evening, August 24th. Contact Chloe Dyer (845-6522) or Julia Maine (846-4769) or email julia_maine@yahoo.com to order.
The Board of Selectmen formed an ad-hoc ordinance review committee to review some of the smaller ordinances. An initial meeting of the committee is set for 7:00 PM Wednesday, August 25, 2010 at the Hall. Participation can be taylored to your interest and availability.
Sailing School: CICSS will run three 2 week sessions next year, starting July 11 and ending August 19. Please mark your calendars if you have kids, grandkids, or friends who are interested. Signup will be available after January 1, 2011.
Don't miss the presentation Monday evening, August 23rd at 7:30 PM at the CIHCC. Jerry Wiles, in conjunction with the Historical Society, will present The Night the Revolution Began-The Boston Tea Party, 1773. Free admission, donations accepted, refreshments and tea.
August 21, 2010 - An invitation from John Howard and Steve Harris: It is with great joy that we announce to our friends and neighbors on Chebeague our Exchange of Vows. This ceremony will be held at Allen Avenue Unitarian Universalist Church on Saturday September 18th at 12 noon. We would love to see you there. There will be light hors d'oeuvres to follow. (Allen Avenue UU Church, 524 Allen Avenue, Portland)
GOLF CLUB NEWS: Attention Lady Golfers and Lady "Want to be Golfers". We have a clinic on Monday, August 23 from 8:00 A.M. until 8:45 A.M. at the Golf Club. ALL LADIES ARE WELCOME.
ALSO: Don't forget that we have another "ALL WELCOME" Golf Scramble on Wednesday, August 25.
Sign up at 3:30 p.m. for play at 4:00 p.m. $5. Members and $10 Non-Members. BYOB & SNACK to share. The 50/50 drawing was held on August 14 and Barbara Marshall was the lucky winner.
Island Riches is having a sale on all t-shirts and sweatshirts starting this friday. We have lots of great crafts and art work that would be great gifts for that holiday we don't want to talk about yet. We have lots of items 15 to 25% off. Come see the hand painted night lights, candle holders, and other glass items that are new to the shop. Herb's jewelry is not only pretty but is recycled and makes great gifts.
August 18, 2010 - Last weekend was the Great Chebeague Golf Club 90th Anniversary Celebration and I have some wonderful photos taken by Wink Houghton and Joanne Layng - click here.
This Thursday, August 19, at 7:15 the Town Comprehensive Planning Committee is having the first of two public meetings to discuss recommendations on land use for Chebeague being proposed by the Comprehensive Plan. It includes the location of houses and businesses and preservation of open space and the rural character of Chebeague. A flyer has recently been sent out to all boxholders.
Notice from the Recompense Foundation - This year grant applications are due by September 15, two weeks later than usual. Application forms may be obtained by contacting millerdesi@chebeague.net. Any recipients of 2009 grants who have not yet submitted evaluation reports must also do so by September 15, to Recompense Foundation, P.O. Box 42, Chebeague Island, ME 04017.
The Historical Society House Tour Committee wishes to thank the families who opened their homes to the Island, those who purchased tickets and each and every person who volunteered time and effort to help make the 2010 House Tour a success. The day sparkled with camaraderie, setting the stage for Island visitors to be totally charmed by our community. The homes beamed with the loving care and pride of their owners, docents attentively guided visitors and the food was beautiful, delicious and graciously served. Also, a special thank you to Charles Marks for the lovely photo he took of the Raymond Home used to promote our 2010 House Tour. Sincere thanks to all!!
August 17, 2010 - Thank you to Patrick Moran who took lots of photos to add to the few that I took of the Triathlon, Quadathlon and Volunteer of the Year Event. Click here to see all the photos and click here to see the results as I'm sure everyone wants to know what times they should be training for.
Last weekend I finally was able to see the Least Sandpipers at almost high tide at Johnson Cove - click here to see the photos.
This coming Friday August 20, at 2pm at the Library will be Tom the French Magician - plcase bring your children - they will have a blast. On Saturday at noon Datu will be at the Hall and you can celebrate with cake and icecream!! Check out the Library Site.
Sandra Rice will be displaying her art work (Chebeague and the Maine Coast) at The Niblic Gallery from August 19th to September 7th. All are invited to an opening reception on August 19th from 5 to 7 PM.
Whalers will give an encore performance of their SPOTLIGHT ON BROADWAY this Friday, August 20, 7:30 pm at the Hall. Come hear your favorite show tunes sung by Chebeague's most enthusiastic singers!!
August 16, 2010 - House Tour Tickets ($25 through 9pm Tuesday; $30 on Tuesday) are available by calling the Chebeague Island Taxi (846-8687). ALSO, on Tuesday, 9-12, at the Museum. Thank you for supporting the Chebeague Island Historial Society!
The Chebeague Island Historical Society invites everyone to attend Jerry Wiles' presentation about The Night the Revolution Began: The Boston Tea Party, 1773. Please join us on Monday evening August 23rd, 7:30 PM at the Chebeague Island Hall Community Center. TEA and refreshments will be served. Free admission, donations gratefully accepted, see you there.
The CIHS House Tour is tomorrow, Tuesday, August 17, 11:30 - 5:00. Tickets can be purchased at the Museum today 1:00 - 4:00 and tomorrow 9:00 to 2:00. For more information click here.
August 15, 2010 - Click here to see a sunrise photo taken by Julia Maine with her cell phone from the back of the boat.
The Quadathlon and Triathlon were a funtastic success! I will be posting the results and photos tomorrow when I get them all. Thank you to all the volunteers who helped soooo much including Kim Bogle as overall chair and family Chris and Sue, Dennis Johnson on food and setup with helpers (Tony and Andrew Ardolino, Laura Summa, Chris Aufont, KK Hill, and Geoff Summa), Theresa Kaufman on registration, Erica Neumann and Lindsey Anderson on signs, Tom Adams on time keeping and setup, Paul Belesca and the Boatyard and of course Kelley Rich and family. (As soon as I post this other names will come to mind)
The Chebeague Recreation Center today honored Ellen Maher and Joe Ballard as our volunteers of the years 2009 and 2010. They have gone way beyond in there helping make the Rec Center a wonderful place. The way Ellen has taken on the Chili Chowder Soup Challenge has been wonderful and Joe Ballard undertakes helping us with anything we need to improve our facility. Thank you so much!
Message from Calder's Clam Shack: Calder's Clam Shack will be closed for the day Saturday August 21st ...Sorry for any inconveniences... We will be open Sunday the 22nd from 11:30am-8:00pm. As soon as possible as well as Friday and Saturday the following weekend... Thank you Virginia
August 14, 2010 - Please note - the cost (sponsorship) for the adult quad is $200 a team or $50 a person as a donation to the rec. A single is also $50 is you decide to do all four sign up at the event but you need to find a Bob Dyer Boat. The triathlon is $75 a team or $25 individual. Triathlon - and Quadathlon at 11 and 12 tomorrowSunday, August 15th at the Niblic!! We will have lunch available and we will also be honoring our volunteer of the year! Please come and cheer on the teams, especially mine! I think there will be some good competition so it might get pretty exciting.
TO REMIND: Annual Meeting of GCTC (Great Chebeague Tennis Club) is Sunday, August 15 at 5:00 pm at the courts. In the event of rain, the meeting will be held at Ursula King's--34 Capps Rd.
August 13, 2010 - Photo taken by Daryl Anderson as she was sitting upstairs at the Niblic last week click here. You can see other photos at her flicker photo site click here.
There will be a CIYC Raft-Up at Hamilton Beach this Saturday August 14 at 3:30 after the double race. Transportation from the shore will be provided as well. Come raft up after the race.
August 11, 2010 - Becky Houghton and Peter Pellerin are inviting all to share in their wedding on Septmeber 11th - please click here to find out more.
Cloe Dyer and Julia Maine are selling mums again this August as part of the annual fundraiser for the Greely High School Girls Field Hockey Team. Click here for details - they will be delivered the last week of August right to your door.
Bird watching with Tineka Breed and me on Friday, August 13th, 7am at the Indian Point. Park on the road at the head of the Hook.
Today at 3pm at the Rec is the Invasive Species program with Bob Bittenbender of Maine Audubon.
Prune, Picnic and Plan on Little Chebeague, August 18th with the Maine Island Trails - see details click here.
August 10, 2010 - The Historical Society House Tour is a week away - get your tickets today at the Museum!
TRIATHLON - QUADATHLON is fast approaching and we need to make sure the boats are available so please contact the Rec to sign up your team!! I have my team ready to go. The festivities start at 11 and go till about 2:00. There will be lunch available - hamburgers, hot dogs, caesar salad, coleslaw, pasta salad, popcorn, and goodies available. We will also be honoring our volunteers and awarding volunteer of the year!!
CRC is offering an introduction to Zumba class today at 4:00 pm at CRC. Come enjoy this one hour Zumba Island Style class taught by Maggie Morgan certified Zumba Nut! The class begins with a fun warm-up and then the dancing begins. Zumba is a Latin dance fusion style exercise party! We dance for 45 minutes and then cool down with some abs and light stretching! Sneakers and yoga mats and/or beach towels are recommended. 1st class is free!!
August 8, 2010 - CHEBEAGUE BIRDS will be at the HALL 7:30 tomorrow night instead of the Rec.
The Reader's Theatre has been cancelled do to lack of readers.
CICA was scheduled in the Calendar to have its Annual Meeting this Tuesday, August 10th but because of conflicts it has been postponed till Tuesday August 31, at 7:15 at the Parish House.
Wayne Dyer turns 60 on August 14th. Let's all shower him with birthday cards as a surprise. He is recovery from successful surgery and will enjoy the mail! Wayne Dyer 8 Back Shore Road Chebeague Island ME 04017
The Historical Society is looking for an individual to work in the Museum greeting patrons, selling merchandise etc for the next couple of weeks to fill in when our intern Rob Visentin goes to Bowdoin!. The hours are 10:30-4:30 Tuesday -Saturday and 12:30-4:30 on Sundays. The position is available starting Friday, August 13 or Saturday August 14. Training provided. At present the position will run through Labor Day, but there is a possibility that it could be extended. This is a great way to see the inside workings of a great island organization! Previous knowledge of island history is not required! Please Contact Phil Jordan for more information. 846-6907 or email pjorsjor@chebeague.net
Message from chebeague.net: We at chebeague.net would like to thank all the people who have responded so positively to our recent e-mail concerning the speed of the Internet on Chebeague and what we're doing to remedy the situation. If we all work together to make judicious use of the bandwidth at our disposal, we can make it work until such time as we're able to make the jump to the next level of technology. This doesn't mean we shouldn't use the Internet at all -- only that we limit online gaming, streaming video and music, and downloading movies, TV shows, etc. And if we watch what our children and guests are doing, that will help, too, as they may not understand the capacity and limitations of our system. Again, we thank you.
ANGEL FOOD….Orders due August 15th to the church office. The menus are in the entry way of the church. Circle what you would like to order, enclose a check made out to the Chebeague Methodist Church, and place the order in the order box in the hall of the church office in the parsonage. Delivery will be August 28th to the Parish House at 11am. Questions call Pastor Linda at 807-2210.
A Camera was found on the Bar at the Hook yesterday and if you lost it contact the Library.
August 6, 2010 - Photo taken at Bird camp 8/06/10 of a semi-palmated sandpipers and plovers and a dowitcher at the hook click here
Chebeague & Cumberland Land Trust Invasive Species Management Workshop Wednesday 8/11/10. Please join CCLT for an informative and entertaining workshop on managing invasive species, lead by Bob Bittenbender. The workshop will be from 3-5 and will start at the Chebeague Recreation Center and then be followed with hands on demonstrations on a near by property. For more information please call 699-2989 or visit www.ccltmaine.org. To see some photos from the last presentation click here.
Historical Society House Tour, August 17, 11:30 - 5:00 - Tickets are on sale at the Museum. For more information .... House Tour Update: The House Tour Committee reports that 8 Docents, 8 food preparers, and 1 shuttle driver are still needed. Eighty people have volunteered in some way to make this Historical Society event a success. Please contact Mary Holt at 846-5040 or islelive@chebeague.net if you are able to act as a docent or driver for 3 hours on the day of the House Tour, make tea sandwiches or bake a batch of cookies or dessert bars. Docents and drivers may purchase discounted tickets to tour the homes and enjoy the refreshments. The work of the Historical Society is extremely important to the Chebeague Community. Visit the Museum to view the "Tourism Transforms Chebeague" exhibit, Tuesday through Saturday 11 - 4, Sunday 1-4. Please contact the Museum, 846-5237, if you'd like to learn more about the organization or become a member. Click here for more info.
August 5, 2010 - ALL POINTS BULLETIN - Chedemption needs someone tomorrow from 1 to 5 if there is anyone out there who would like to HELP! Please call Laura Summa 846-1575 or cell 712-8412.
A-Top Chimney cleaning of Portland is willing to come to the island August 17 if its crew can count on 15 homes to visit. So far they have six homes lined up. They'd like to know soon, so if you think your flue needs a cleaning, call A-Top at 774-2404 a.s.a.p.
CRC has an all new Art program next week August 9th through the 13th from 12:30-3:30 PM. Iva Allen will be back to lead this 5 day Art Beyond the Classroom-Going Green program. Some of the projects include batik/tie-dying, Andrew Goldsworthy, pottery and more. Call or email CRC for more information at 846-5068 or crc@chebegue.net.
Yesterday at BIRD CAMP we went back to the Indian Point (hook) and really got some close ups of the ruddy turnstones, bonapart gulls and the common terns. We also saw the blue heron and many other birds - click here to see some of them.
Looking to get rid of your EXPIRED FLARES? Flares are needed for the Flare Demostration at the Public Safety Day this Sunday 8th August. Please drop off expired flares at the Town Office (Thurs noon-8pm, Fri 8am-Noon) OR page Gin at 767-8518 wait for the beep then punch in your phone number.
Vermont’s award winning international youth circus, Circus Smirkus is in town at the Merriconeag Waldorf School in Freeport for the next two days August 5th and 6th , with shows at 1pm and 6pm. For tickets or info. Go to www.smirkus.org call 1-877-SMIRKUS or go to Royal River Natural Foods.
August 4, 2010 - Photo taken by Jim Thresher at sunset from Central Landing on August 4th click here
Photo taken at Bird camp 8/04/10 of a semi-palmated sandpiper and a ruddy turnstone at the hook click here
Town of Chebeague Island Emergency Meeting of the Board of Selectmen and Executive Session Pursuant to 1 M.R.S.A. (6)(A) Personnel Matters Thursday, August 5th at 6:00PM at the Chebeague Island Public Safety Building - business meeting to follow - click here for agenda.
Gubernatorial Candidate Forum to address Island and Coastal Issues sponsored by the MIC and the Island Institute - August 13, 2010 -1 pm – 3 pm Strand Theatre Rockland, ME.
Tonight, Sebago-Long Lake Music Festival - 7:30 at the Church.
August 3, 2010 -Photo taken by Leah Arsenault of the Corinthian Yach, from Marblehead, Mass at the Boat Yard, click here
Tomorrow, Wednesday evening the Sebago-Long Lake Music Festival concert will be at 7:30 at the Church. They will be playing Three Romances by Clara Schumann, a Piano Quartet by her husband, Robert Schumann, who was prematurely struck down by insanity, and a clarinet quintet by Johannes Brahms, Robert’s protégé and their close family friend. A sadly romantic story of three brilliant musicians, and beautifully romantic music.
Today at BIRD CAMP we had bird specialist Scott Johnson join us as we explored Roses Point. We were fortunate to start right away with a Towhee over our heads with a loud "drink-your-tea!" We also came across a flock of swallows - click here to see.
Tonight is School Committee meeting at 6:30 at the school - see agenda.
Public Safety Day is Sunday, August 8th from 11 till 2 at the Public Safety Building - come enjoy the fun and refreshments - put out fires, take blood pressure, fun activites for kids, bucket bridgade.
Ladies Aid Fair is this Thursday, August 5 at the Hall at 12:30!
Yesterday's BIRD CAMP was lots of fun and we met up with Tineka Breed and she taught us about the sounds and look of many of the birds at Indian Point. The kids learned how to use my camera and many of the photos of the birds were taken by them - click here to see some of them. We saw goldfinches, seagulls, catbird, bluejays, egrets, semipalmated plovers and sandpipers, ruddy turnstones, common terns, bonapart and laughing gulls, yellow legs and more. There is one sandpiper that we are investigating what it actually is.
Did you know? Kids' Place is State-certified for drop-in childcare. This means that you may complete a temporary registration for your child to go to Kids' Place for a week, a day or on an hourly basis as long as there is space available. If you plan to be on the Island and are interested in finding out more about the drop-in program, simply email the Director, Paige Boisvert, at Paige@chebeague.net or give her a ring at 846-8712.
August 2, 2010 - Please click here to learn about Grasshopper Hill Compost. It is a community-based compost project promoting sustainable living practices.
The popular Island Commons Yard Sale is this Saturday, August 7! Come and find lots of bargains and treasures at the Island Hall, from 10:00 – 1:00!
I took lots of photos of the birds (Cormorants, Seagulls, and Canada Geese on the Green Nubs on Saturday, July 25th - click here to view.
There will be a celebration of Life for Robert Breed held Saturday August 7th at 11:30 am at the Chebeague United Methodist Church with a reception to follow in the Parish House.
There will be a celebration of Life for Henry Hubbell on Sunday August 8th at 1:30 pm at the Chebeague United Methodist Church with a reception to follow in the Parish House.
August 1, 1010 - Yesterday was the first Annual Commons Swim leaving John Wilson's dock and swimming a mile. Fifteen people did the swim and I was able to get the beginning of the swim and will have more photos online later. I expect that next year we will have at least twice that many.
Tonight at 7:30, CRC's Reader's Theater will present Arsenic and Old Lace - only $5 at the door.
July 31, 2010 - Don't forget today An ocean swim off of John Wilson's dock! The swim is one mile, out and back, parallel to shore and there will be t-shirts for participants. It is not a race, just a swim for fun, and there will be lifeguards and kayak support as well as a couple of physicians on hand. The swim is to benefit the Island Commons. There will be a bagpiper playing swimmers into the water at the start! Anyone interested in participating can contact, Marc Demers at marcdemersmd@yahoo.com.
Tonight is the last night of the 42nd Street Play and you don't want to miss this unbelievably talented group of young people dancing and singing up a storm!! The choreography is as good as Brunswick for sure! 7:30 at the Hall - $8 adults and $6 children under 12.
July 30, 2010 - The last swim lesson session of the summer starts on Monday. There are a few spots available in each level. Visit our website at www.islandrec.net for the level information and lesson times. Click the pool link on the left and scroll down past the pool schedule. We also have space in our Bird program. We will be hiking the island trails and beaches while learning about different species of birds. Each participant will also have the opportunity to make their own i-movie about the bird of their choice. Call CRC today to sign up. We have 3 spaces available.
Last weekend I got Stephen to take me petrel hunting and sure enough off the East End Point of Chebeague I was able to get some photos of the Wilson's Storm Petrel - click here - I wish they would slow down so I could get a better shot. Maybe someday I will go out lobstering and get some better photos.
The Maine State Museum has a new exhibit that includes J Holt's and Madeleine Pryor's documentary titled "Canned". The Museum has special activities planned for this Saturday, July 31 that align with the exhibit For more information click here.
There will be a committal service for Virginia Schroeder on August 4th at 11 a.m. at the cemetery.
July 29, 2010 - Poet Wesley McNair, reading and reception at the Library. Friday, July 30th at 4:30 pm FMI call the Library 846-4351
The CRC has room for three more birders in the bird camp. We are planning on focusing on the shore birds and each camper will be doing a short iMovie about one of the shore birds which we will be adding to the website.
REMINDER: 42nd Street on TONIGHT July 29, Friday July 30, and Saturday July 31 at 7:30pm at the Hall. Tickets are $6 for kids under 12 and $8 for adults.
Don't forget Reader's Theatre Sunday night at 7:30 - we are having lots of fun at practice and you will love some of the characters as you already do!
July 28, 2010 - Happy Birthday Nancy Hill - she is 60!
Job Opportunity on Chebeague: Would you enjoy spending quality time with one child for up to 15 hours per week? For more information click here.
July 27, 2010 - Please don't fall for the scam asking you for your email address and passwords - no mail provider would ever ask for that information.
Tickets for the Historical Society’s August 17th, 2010 House Tour are now on sale at the Museum: $25 in advance • $30 day of tour • $15 for Docents. Tickets will also be sold starting at 6:45p.m. at the Hall, before the Children’s Theater Production “42nd Street” on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week. For more information doc format.
Volunteer as a Docent for the Historical Society House Tour and buy your House Tour ticket at a discount - click here for more information.
CRC has some great programs coming up in August including Baseball (girls are encouraged to participate), an awesome Modern Dance program (minimum age is 7), and an all new Art Beyond the Classroom-Going Green program (minimum age is 7). You also won’t want to miss the week we’ll spending hiking island trails and beaches while learning about different species of birds with Beverly. Call CRC 846-4850 or visit our website at: www.islandrec.net for more information.
July 26, 2010 - Men's Discussion Group meets every other Tuesday evening for an hour and a half. The discussion at each gathering is led by a member on a topic of his choice. This year and last we've covered just about everything from soup to nuts, so far except sex and religion. We usually have about a dozen attendees. Attendance is open to all interested men. At our next meeting Cap Leonard will be talking about ocean liner history.
- Anyone interested should call Barrie Shepherd (6864) or Eldon Mayer (9760).
Did You Know? Kids’ Place’s staff members are each required to have 30 hours of training each year, and are all enrolled in the Maine Roads to Quality rating system? Also, Kids’ Place is part of the Quality for Maine accreditation program. These are voluntary programs that we have elected to enroll in as we strive to provide the best child care possible.
Our Director, Paige Boisvert, has a BS in Psychology with a minor in Sociology, but more importantly, the kids love her.
July 25, 2010 - Photo taken by Luke Rothchild on July 25th from Chandlers click here
Photo taken of the Green Nubs on 7/25/10 click here.
A week from today, Sunday, August 1st, at the Hall will be Arsenic and Old Lace and the cast of characters will be so much fun. I'm in it as well as Mabel Doughty, Bob Brown, Martha Hamilton, Steve Harris, David Hill, Mary Holt, Joan Robinson, John Howard, Peter Rice and more that I will be letting you know about. It is the Rec Center's Reader's Theatre so we won't have to memorize lines, thank goodness!
The Rec Center's Chebeague Children's Theatre's Senior Company Presents 42nd Street on Thursday July 29, Friday July 30, and Saturday July 31 at 7:30pm at the Hall. Tickets are $6 for kids under 12 and $8 for adults. Directed by Rachel Damon, this full length show features a cast of 18 with tons of tap dancing and memorable songs like "We're in the Money" and "Lullaby of Broadway". Check out our teaser video on youtube! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtCjZS2MbgY Hope to see you all there!
THE POOL IS CLOSED TODAY -it will be back open Monday.
The Ruddy Turnstones are back at the hook and yesterday I got some photos of a Longbilled Dowitcher - click here to see the Dowitcher with a Semipalmated Plover in the foreground.
July 24, 2010 - The Chebeague Transporation Company is looking for an operations manager, a newly created position. For more information click here.
July 23, 2010 - SUPER SATURDAY GRANGE SALE - Grange from 10-12 tomorrow.
Tonight - Bob Marley 7:30 at the Rec - !There is no Teen Center - Tomorrow: Church Ice Cream Social 6pm and Quintopia Brass Quintet 7:30!
July 22, 2010 -I have a message from Katie Eastman who has been coming to the island over the last few years and adores the community of Chebeague- please click here and check out the youtube as well - her work is amazing.
Don't forget tomorrow night, the Fire Department's BOB MARLEY fundraising show at the Rec Center July 23, 7:30 pm. Tickets on sale $20. each at Calder's Clam Shack or call Chief Ralph Munroe- 846-4654.
Did you know? Kids’ Place operates under the Maine Department of Health and Human Services Rules for the Licensing of Child Care Facilities, a comprehensive 75 page book of detailed regulations covering operations and facilities. As such, we are inspected on a regular basis, as recently as last month. We are proud to say we have passed all inspections with flying colors.
The Boat Yard T1 line went out last night and went back up this morning around 10 am. The storm caused all the lines to go off at different times but the Boat Yard was the only one that didn't go right back on.
This weekend Chuck's Farm Stand at Second Wind Farm on Roy Hill Road will be having vegetables available - check it out.
July 21, 2010 - Only one other time did I see the rain come down as long and hard as it did tonight and with massive lightning and thunder with it - it was amazing for a few hours.
Hansens Well Drillers are coming today to look at sites where they may be drilling - please call me at 939-9643 if you are thinking of a drilled well.
July 20, 2010 - Don't forget to check out the Town Website listed above to see what meetings are happening. Tonight there is a workshop with the MMA and you can access the agenda.
There are a lot of events happening this weekend. Bob Marley will be here Friday night to entertain everyone at the Rec Center to benefit the Fire Department. On Saturday There is the Church's Ice Cream Social at the Parish House at 6 pm followed by Quintopia concert at 7:30.
A new event has been planned by John Wilson's sister and husband, Amy and Marc Demers, at 2pm on July 31st weather permitting! An ocean swim off of John's dock! The swim is one mile, out and back, parallel to shore and there will be t-shirts for participants. It is not a race, just a swim for fun, and there will be lifeguards and kayak support as well as a couple of physicians on hand. The swim is to benefit the Island Commons. There will be a bagpiper playing swimmers into the water at the start!
Anyone interested in participating can contact, Marc Demers at marcdemersmd@yahoo.com.
Last week I went to the program sponsored by the Chebeague and Cumberland Land Trust and Ocenaside Conservation about unwanted invasive species of plants. Bob Bittenbender of the Maine Audobon did a wonderful job and we all learned so much. Fortunately he is coming back to the Island on August 11th from 3-5 at the Rec and then out in the field - you really don't want to miss it next time. I have a few photos and a little movie excerpt from the program - click here.
July 19, 2010 - Yacht club schedule changes: Power Boat night has been rescheduled for July 21, and the Power Lunch has been moved earlier, to August 10. Please call Art Lynch at 846-6057 if you'd like to participate or if you'd like more information.
Today Bob discovered asiatic brown beetles had invaded the school garden so he called Laura Summa who then brought to the garden a few of Caroline's chickens and within a short time the bugs were gone. I guess this means we will be adding a chicken coop to go along with our gardens and green house. See them at work - click here.
TONIGHT (Monday) at 7:30 PM, at the Island Hall Community Center, please join the CIHS for a program conducted by Eli Bossin on "Two Summers in the Arctic". Don't miss this interesting program...free admission, donations gratefully accepted.
If you receive an email from chebeague.net that asks you to open anything -DON'T DO IT - It is a scam and probably will infect your computer. We also never ask for information in emails such as passwords!
Did you know? Kids’ Place has just installed a new, completely fenced in, mini-playground behind our building, just one of the numerous improvements our many supporters are making possible. Kids will always be supervised by a staff member when using the playground.
As I have mentioned before the Quadathlon has been rescheduled for August 15th at noon and to increase the family fun we are adding a kids Triathlon before the Quadathlon which will take place at 11:00 am. We will be getting the information out soon.
July 18, 2010 - Message for chebeague.net customers - click here.
Tonight Sunday- Monty Python and the Holy Grail at 7:30pm at the Hall.
I have been gone most of the last few days and just getting back to adding to the website. I first want to thank all those who helped the Rec Center and Sanfords Pond with Chedemption this week - what a hot week it has been. Lisa Morasch arrived for her vacation and right away spent two hours volunteering today sorting cans and packing. Thank you also to the other volunteers this week Nancy and Reuben Olney, Tony Ardilino, KK Hill, Nick Wessell and Gwendolyn Stevens, and the McLeans/Finios who took on three shifts - WOW! Next week the Chebeague and Cumberland Land Trust has their turn and I'm sure they would love to get a call from volunteers - so please call Sue Burgess 846-4851.
July 15, 2010 cont- Little Chebeague Restoration work sessions next week and August - click here for more information!
The Recreation Center sponsored Reader's Theatre has been a lot of fun this summer and more and more people are getting involved. Last week I was unable to attend but I heard that Nick Wessell, Gwendolyn Stevens, John Howard, Martha Hamilton, Bruce Bowman and Fred Martindale were hilarious along with many others. This Sunday, Monty Python and the Holy Grail - July 18th at 7:30pm at the Hall - $5.00 has lots of actors involved including Betty Hinchman and her son Isaac Lebler, Bruce Bowman, Susan Sawyer, Eldon and Betts Mayer, and Abby and Sadie Dutton.
Tickets still available for the BOAT CRUISE today - what a great day for a boat ride!!! Call the Historical Society at 846-5237.
July 15, 2010 - Reader's Theatre: Monty Python and the Holy Grail - Sunday July 18th at 7:30pm at the Hall.
On Monday, July 19th, 7:30 PM at the Chebeague Island Hall Community Center, Eli Bossin will present a slide show and discussion based on his experiences in Greenland and Norway, where he lived and worked for two summers. Don't miss this exciting and interesting event sponsored by the Chebeague Island Historical Society. Donations gratefully accepted.
The Fire Department is again having a Bob Marley fundraising show at the Rec Center July 23, 7:30 pm. Tickets on sale $20. each at Calder's Clam Shack or call Chief Ralph Munroe- 846-4654.
Message from Barrie Shepherd: "Please mark Saturday July 24 at 7:30PM for the fifth annual concert by Quintopia Brass Quintet at the Chebeague Methodist Church. As they did last year, the quintet will coordinate their concert with the Ladies' Aid Ice Cream Social in the Parish House (beginning at 6PM) to create a delectable evening for all tastes! So come and enjoy a triple feast for ears, lips and soul."
July 14, 2010 - ****NOTICE**** Wood/Brush Dump – CLOSED - Please be advised that the wood/brush dump at the Transfer Station / Public Works Garage will be closed for a few days due to grinding activities. If you have any questions please call the Town Office at 846-3148 or the Transfer Station at 846-6416.
CHEDEMPTION - The rec needs help filling two time slots at Chedemption this weekend - Please email me if you can do Saturday from 10 to 1 or Sunday from 3 to 5 - bjohnson@chebeague.net. We all want to encourage people to bring their returnables to Chedemption - last year $8000 was divided amoung the non profits on the island. When you do
"Due to the rain, the Historical Society BOAT CRUISE to the outer islands will be TOMMOROW, Thursday, the 15th. The weather should be beautiful tomorrow, and we are expecting a great trip. We will still be leaving from the Stone Wharf at 11, and there are tickets still available. If interested in joining us on Thursday, please call (846-5237) or visit the museum today to pick up a ticket ($30). Tickets will also be available at the boat when the trip is scheduled to leave but if possible, please try to call the museum and reserve your spot ahead of time."
July 12, 2010 - The 101 Dalmatians Kids Show was extraordinary and I have some photos I took on the two nights and I put together a little youtube with bits and pieces of the show. (I had a few camera issues the first night and missed a few scenes here and there) - click here to see.
Chebeague & Cumberland Land Trust Invasive Species Management Workshop Wednesday 7/14/10
Please join CCLT for an informative and entertaining workshop on managing invasive species, lead by Bob Bittenbender. The workshop will be from 3-5 and will start at the Chebeague Recreation Center and then be followed with hands on demonstrations on a near by property. For more information please call 699-2989 or visit www.ccltmaine.org.
Yesterday's Art and Craft Fair was terrific and I got some photos of most of the artisans and shoppers - click here.
July 11, 2010 - CRAFT and ART FAIR - today at the Hall 10 to 1!
Tonight at 7:30 - A Blast from the Past
An Evening of 1940’s and 50’s Radio Shows - at the Hall
Did You Know? Kids’ Place is a state-certified Child Care Center, and our approved capacity has been increased to 20. Last summer, when we were temporarily located in the Rec Teen Center, we sometimes found it necessary to turn kids away. If necessary, we now have enough space to apply for further approval of an increase to 30 or more.
July 10, 2010 - Photo taken by Doug Ross as a storm was approaching 07/10/10 click here
Message from Island Riches "people still want flowers so I am putting in an order for more plants Monday. We have some new pottery in that is getting a great response. We have some comming in two weeks that is realy special. We also have new items from our talented Islanders. Clint has a couple of new items in the shop and we have (new to the shop)Wink Houghton clam hods. Thank You, Florence"
WORLD CUP - if you need a place to see the World Cup Soccer - the Rec Center Teen Center will be open and available to watch from the large screen TV tomorrow, Sunday afternoon at 2:30 pm.
Just in case you missed the Rec's children's Theatre production of 101 Dalmations extravaganza, you can see it today, Saturday at 2:30 - You don't want to miss 26 young children dancing and singing their hearts out!
CRAFT FAIR!!!! - Sunday from 10 - 1 at the HALL. Do your early Christmas shopping and support our Island Crafters and Artists
A Blast from the Past - An Evening of 1940’s and 50’s Radio Shows
SUNDAY July 11th at 7:30pm at the Hall
July 8, 2010 - Photo taken of the hook by KK Hill 7/8/10 click here
There was an article in the Portland Press Herald about the move by FEMA to change the flood plain mapping of the Maine Coast and it could make a difference to many people on Chebeague. Maine Flood plain management people from State Planning Office coming to the July 14th meeting to discuss changes in new maps. They are scheduled at 8pm. You can see the new maps on our town website - just go to Flood Map Revisions - takes a while to download.
**Notice** Message from the Methodist Church: ANGEL FOOD orders are due on Monday, July 12th. If you haven't picked up an order form, they are in the entry of the church. Orders may be place in the marked box in the hall of the church office.
Did You Know? Kids’ Place is open Monday through Friday from 7:30AM ‘til 4:30PM, serving kids from 6 weeks to 12 years old. Call first to arrange drop-ins (846-5875) while you go to town or enjoy a game of golf or tennis.
There is an artist reception for Leah Arsenault at the the library tonight from 7-8. Photographs of fishing aboard the Deborah Lee with Danny Todd. Light refreshments.
You don't want to miss the Disney's 101 Dalmatian's Kids on Friday July 9th at 7:30 pm at the Hall and Saturday July 10th at 2:30pm at the Hall. Tickets are $6 for Kids under 12 and $8 for Adults and will be available at the door. There are 26 children in the performance and is directed by Abby Dutton and Henry Edwards with Artistic Direction by Rachel Damon.
Congratulations to Shelby Puterbaugh who graduated from Gateway Charter H.S.(Summa Cum Laude) in June and is now attending the University of Florida in Gainesville. She is the great granddaughter of Ed and Bernice White who passed away in 2004.
July 7, 2010 -Exciting improvements to Little Chebeague will be made this summer thanks to a recent grant from the Recreational Trails Program of the Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands to the Maine Island Trail Association (MITA) We will be clearing trails, mowing old fields, removing invasive bittersweet from trees and refreshing the signage on the island. A more detailed description of the project is attached. Erno Bonebaker will be the project manager and would love to hear from you if you have any questions or would like to help. Click here for more about the Little Chebeague Stewardship Effort.
The Museum is open! The exhibits are in place with new items being added daily! Tourism Transforms Chebeague shows the impact of early tourism on the island. While the focus is the early 1900s sections also deal withwhat Chebeague was like before the tourists came. The photographs are fabulous! The exhibit is funded in part by grants from Maine Humanities Council and Recompense. The Museum is open Tuesday-Saturday 11-4 and Sundays 1-4. The gift shop is also open with new shirts, glasses, jewelry, cook books and more! Don't forget to buy the new Chebeague Calendar illustrated with Donna Colbeth's photographs. The Island Nation Video is also available and could be a great stocking stuffer! Buy yours before they are all gone! Call 846-5237 or stop by for more info or volunteer opportunities!
GOLFERS TAKE NOTE: The Club is open and we have some “special rates” from July 6 through August 31. $35 Greens Fee Tuesday and Wednesday ALL DAY PASS; $40 Greens Fee on Fri/Sat/Sun for each player IN A 4-SOME; $45 per player for a twosome using a motorized cart (includes cart fee)
Check out our website at: www.chebeagueislandgolf.com or call the Clubhouse at 846-9478.
JULY 17 - 3 P.M. 9 Hole Golf Scramble/Lobster Bake – Sign Up by July 14 -Call the Clubhouse for details.
JULY 23 – 4 P.M. 9 Hole Fun Golf Scramble/Social - $5.00 Members/$15.00 Non-Members. BYOB & Snack to Share
JULY 14 & 21 – 4:15 P.M. - GOLF CLINIC - FREE
Also, if you are planning a wedding or other special event on the island, please let your guests know that golf
July 6, 2010 -At the Niblic - July 8th - 27th - Betts Gabrielsen Mayer Capturing Reflections And Movement In The Moment - click here for more information.
MARK YOUR CALENDAR!! JULY 14th – (rain date JULY 15th)
The Historical Society is sponsoring a boat tour of “THE ISLANDS OF THE TOWN OF CHEBEAGUE”. Journey through the “Outer Islands” and sail by Little Chebeague, Hope, Stave, Jewell, Ministerial, Bates, Stockman, and other islands which join us as the extended Town of Chebeague. Donna Damon will narrate the trip, and we will get acquainted with our neighbors as we enjoy a 3-hour cruise aboard the Pied Piper. We leave the Stone Wharf at 11 AM and return at 2 PM. Pack a picnic lunch and join us! A stop for ice cream at Cliff Island is a possibility too! Tickets will be limited and available in advance at the Museum - $30. Call 846-5237 for more info, or Jen Hamilton (846-4343) when the Museum is closed. Sign up now!!
I haven't had much opportunity to get bird photos but others have managed to get some great ones. Ken Hamilton took a photo of an eagle in his trees who was taking refuge from the crows - click here. Peter Carleton got a photo of a black throated green warbler - click here.
July 5, 2010 - School Committee meets tomorrow evening at 6:30 at the school - see agenda.
Yesterday was a beautiful day and there was something for everyone. The fun run and road race went beautifully for the 33rd year in a row thanks to Gail Miller and crew who do such a wonderful organized job! The parade and picnic were fun and every organization had something for everyone from ice cream, salads, strawberry shortcake, lobster rolls, hamburgers and hot dogs. A huge thank you to our entertainment: The Whalers, Eliza Liebler, Jaime Mas, Mark Bowman, Maggie Robinson, Tiffany Calder, Elias Rich, Braeden Rich, John and Chip Emery. Thanks to J Holt for emceeing. There are a thousand more thank yous to go, so just take a look at the photos of the parade and picnic - click here.
For the Road Race results and photos - click here.
For the Fun Run photos - click here.
July 3, 2010 - The Chedemption is really important on the island to keep the waste stream down and also support all the non profits on the island. There are so many people in multiple organizations and is is sometimes hard to find enough people to volunteer to keep the chedemption running smoothly. If you have some free time and would like to volunteer and help these organization, please contact them and volunteer some hours at chedemption when their times are scheduled. Click here for a copy of the chedemption schedule for this summer. For .doc format click here. This week is the Library and next week is the Historical Society - please check out the times and let Phil Jordan know if you are able to help. The following week is the Recreation Center "Sanfords Pond" and we don't have anyone signed up yet so please email me (bjohnson@chebeague.net) or Kelley (crc@chebeague.net) and let us know when you are available. Thank you so much!
Tonight there may be a few disruptions on the Wireless coming from the Boat Yard around 8pm as we are going to try and replace a CCU in hopes of solving our recent internet problems in that area.
A message from the Fire Department asking people to please park on one side of the road and please remember that Fire Trucks and Rescue may need to get through.
Chebeague Children's Theatre is excited to announce their production of Disney's 101 Dalmatian's Kids on Friday July 9th at 7:30 pm at the Hall and Saturday July 10th at 2:30pm at the Hall. Tickets are $6 for Kids under 12 and $8 for Adults and will be available at the door. This production features a cast of 26 and is directed by Abby Dutton and Henry Edwards with Artistic Direction by Rachel Damon.
2010 Summer Reader's Theatre Season
A Blast from the Past
An Evening of 1940’s and 50’s Radio Shows
Sunday July 11th at 7:30pm at the Hall
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Sunday July 18th at 7:30pm at the Hall
Arsenic and Old Lace
August 1st at 7:30pm at the Hall
The Importance of Being Earnest
August 8th at 7:30pm at the Hall
An Adult’s Only Show
Title To Be Announced
August 15th at 7:30pm at the Hall
July 2, 2010 - The Boat Yard T1 line will be down tonight, Friday, for a couple of hours while we work on the system - sorry for the inconvenience.
The Quadathlon which was scheduled for July 18th has been rescheduled for August 15th. We haven't had anyone sign up for it yet and it was only 2 weeks away and there is way too much going on in July, so we decided to move it to August. We will be getting all the information out next week about sponsorships and costs so please stay tuned.
July 1, 2010 - Composite photo from Cousins Wharf taken by me around 7pm, July 1, click here
Message from Island Riches: "Island Riches has some new plants and after these are gone I will take orders only. I do my shopping on Thursday so if you need something special call me at (846-4986) The shop is open 10am-4pm everyday except Thursday. Thank You, Florence"
Farm Camp starts next week, July 5th. This year there will be lots to do in the garden at the farm and some special FUN projects too. Sign up today to reserve your spot.
The internet was down for the West End for a little while tonight because of a blown breaker and it seems it is on the same line as a number of items at the Rec that we will have to move around but it is back in service now.
Just a note from Chebeague.net that we are experiencing difficulties on the Boatyard wireless network that sends the signal out and we will be doing testing and trouble shooting on it over the next few days. The Niblic T1 line seems fine and there should be internet there without any problems but the CCU is not sending out a very strong internet signal - please bear with us as we try to solve this problem.
A message to seasonal residents from Kids’ Place – Our Building Fund Drive conducted for year ‘round residents was conducted over the winter and was a grand success. Participation was very high and donations brought us half way toward our campaign target. This summer we plan on reaching out to seasonal residents to be able to complete the funding of our relandscaping of Newcomb Park and the construction of our Kiddie Playground.
June 30, 2010 - The 4th of July picnic will be again this year at the School! A lot of organizations are getting together and supplying all kinds of food - this year there will be plenty! Click here to see what is being offered and what organizations are involved. There will be music and entertainment at the site as well as fun and games and this year we are hoping that the thundershowers will stay away and we can play ball. Find out how to get your lobster roll at the 4th of July picnic - click here. The fun run and road race will be as in the recent past starting at the Historical Society at 9 am and 10 am respectively.
The Historical Society Exhibit will be opening this Saturday at 1pm - There will be something for everyone to enjoy and see. Old photos enlarged of the Hamilton Hotel, the East End with no trees, wharf photos of Eastern Landing and a fabulous display created by Michael Hamilton showing all the boarding houses and hotels on the east end.
Message from Kim: "What a difference a year makes...I visited my sister in Wash. state last month and she is greatly improved from last year, after a horrible car accident. (If you recall when I left she was in a coma and the future was not certain)She is now home, scooting around in an electric wheelchair, and running "her" house, with an iron hand, as usual. She is doing PT with the hopes of walking again. She has some attention issues (dont we all as we get longer in the tooth??) but is other wise mentally well. Still dealing with some pain issues, but otherwise good, everything considered. Thanks to all of my Island "family" who said prayers, burned incense and flew prayer flags for her....Kim Boehm "
June 28, 2010 - An invitation from KID'S PLACE – Come visit our new facility at Newcomb Park during the Fourth of July Picnic right next door. We have recently moved into these colorful new quarters, and the children are very excited about their new space, especially the infants and toddlers to have their own separate quiet room for napping. We are open on July 4th for visitors from noon ‘til 2PM.
***NOTICE*** The Transfer Station will be closed Sunday, July 4th, 2010 in observance of the holiday. ***************The Transfer Station will be open Monday, July 5th, 2010 from 9AM to 5PM Transfer Station phone: 207-846-6416 *********Town Office will be closed Monday, July 5th, 2010 in observance of the holiday.
CICA’s Housing Committee will be having a working meeting tomorrow, Tuesday night, at the Parish House and the public is welcome - see agenda.
I was just able to publish the movie I put together of the Whaler's Concert but had to cut it back quite a bit to under 10 minutes but tried to get the highlights as best I could from my seat with a little sony camera - click here to see.
Message from Paster Linda: "United Methodist Worship Services on Sunday July 4th will be held at 9:00am at the church. Hope to see you all there!"
Cabaret!!! TONIGHT - Sunday! $5 donation towards purchase of drama equipment. At the Hall at 7:30- They have been practicing all afternoon. Rachel, Joy, Abby Dutton, Mary Holt, Jamie Calthorpe and more - great show singing and dancing.
June 26, 2010 - Swim lessons at CRC start Monday, June 28th. All the level information, times and rates are on our website at www.islandrec.net. Space is limited, sign up today to reserve your spot.
Also starting Monday, June 28th CRC is offering 2 sessions of Tap Lessons; beginners from 9-10 AM and intermediate from 10-11 AM as well as a Dance program for kids ages 13 and up. Call CRC for details 846-5068.
Tonight, Saturday, is the The Whaler's concert, "Spotlight on Broadway" at 7:30 at the Hall.
The Island Commons Wine Tasting and Silent Auction is Tomorrow afternoon at the Chebeague Island Inn and they have some wonderful items which you may see on their website - click here.
June 25, 2010 - There is a friendly Community Bridge Game meeting at the Rec Center on Thursday mornings, 9am -12pm. There are two ways to join in. To reserve a spot at a table stop by the Rec Center and add your name to the list on the bulletin board. Or just drop in before 9am and see if there's room at a table.
Congratulations to Matthew Formisano who has graduated from High School and has been accepted to Northeastern University; plans to focus on broadcast sports journalism and plans to take a gap year, filling it with a variety of adventures, three of which are: Habitat for Humanity in Taos, New Mexico; working on an old Mustang and volunteering with Central Kentucky Radio Eye, a service for visually impaired Kentuckians.
June 23, 2010 - There is an article in the Portland Press Herald today about our Dropping Springs Bait Company operation on the Portland Fish Pier and the interesting dynamics with Pierce Atwood law Firm and the city -Click here to read about it.
Correction: CICA meeting tonight Wednesday at the Recreation Center about affordable housing.
Don't forget that The Whaler's concert, "Spotlight on Broadway" is coming up on Saturday, June 26 at 7:30 at the Hall.
June 22, 2010 - Photo looking out to Halfway Rock taken by Jim Thresher from Chebeague near Central Landing click here
School Committee Meeting tonight, 6:30 at the School - see agenda.
June 19, 2010 - The Chebeague Island Inn would like to invite all Islanders to join them for dinner on Monday nights to experience Nostalgia Night. Click here for more information! The meals sound delicious and so far I have thoroughly enjoyed every meal I have had there this year.
Tonight the Chebeague Island Historical Society is holding its Annual Meeting on Saturday, June 19th, at 7:30 PM at the CIHCC. Following a brief business meeting and the election of Officers and Trustees, Donna Damon will conduct a presentation on "The Roots of Tourism on Chebeague". Everyone is invited to attend.
There will be a Catholic Mass at the Chebeague United Methodist Church starting July 3rd and continuing every Saturday through Labor Day. Mass will start at 4pm (please note change of time this year). If you have any questions feel free to contact Ann Belesca at 846-4252 Thank you!
June 16, 2010 - This Saturday, June 19th at noon there will be a CAR WASH and BAKE SALE at the fire station to benefit trips for the teens. Come by have a snack and get your car cleaned up for summer and support the teens as they raised money to help pay for their Rippleffect and White Water Rafting trips this year. If you’d like to help the teens by donating some baked goods for them to sell, please drop your items off at the fire station around noon on Saturday.
GOLFERS TAKE NOTE: The Club is open and we have some “special rates” for June:
$30 Greens Fee Monday thru Thursday; $35 Greens Fee on Fri/Sat/Sun for each player in a Foursome; $45 per player Fri/Sat/Sun in a twosome using a motorized cart (includes cart fee)
ISLAND RESIDENTS – if you have never been a member of the Great Chebeague Golf Club we are offering you a truly unique Golf Membership. You may join this year for $225. with no initiation fee – BUT, the initiation fees are only waived until July 1.
Residents may still play free after 5:00 P.M. but must register at the Clubhouse.
Check out our website at: http://chebeagueislandgolf.com or call the Clubhouse at 846-9478.
Also, if you are planning a wedding or other special event
on the island, please let your guests know that golf is available.
June 15, 2010 - There is still room for more island artists and crafters at the Summer Craft Fair, July 11 from 10 am - 1 pm. To reserve a table contact Linda Carleton: 846-6129 or lindacrltn@chebeague.net. $10 full table/$5 half table benefits CIHCC.
Linda Carleton's most recent paintings, "Winter Trees," will be on display at the Niblic June 17 - July 6. All are invited to an opening reception Thursday from 5-7 pm. Linda's website - click here.
The Whaler's concert, "Spotlight on Broadway" is coming up on Saturday, June 26 at 7:30 at the Hall.
Kevin shot a cool time lapse movie of the fog rolling in on the East End of Chebeague - under two minutes and beautiful - click here.
June 13, 2010 - For reasons beyond our control the opening of the pool has to be postponed a few days. We are hoping now to open up on Friday, June 18th.
Congratulations to Anna Maine who is graduating from Greely today and is one of the featured speakers and is going to Brown University in the Fall. She also received the Modern and Classical Language Award and the English Award. Anna was also in the top ten - see the Portland Press Herald.
Don and Cheryl Buxbaum announce the graduations of two grandchildren: Tim and Jane LeSiege's daughter, Tatyana, graduated from Erskine Academy June 11. She is enrolled for this fall at the University of New England in the dental hygiene program and Scott McCollom and Laurie Wood's son, Brian McDonough, is graduating from Greely High School. He is enrolled at SMCC to study marine biology.
Congratulations to Conrad Birkett who graduated from North Yarmouth Academy last weekend and will be going to Endicott in the Fall.
Congratulations to Vail Traina's granddaughter, Ellie Brooks Hawks, who graduates today from Morse High School.
Last weeks Chebeague Pre-K- Transitional K News - click here
Taken from in front of the Chebeague Recreation Center sometime during the first week in June, a man's LL Bean bicycle with an aqua frame. Damage to the tire would have made it difficult to ride. Any information leading to the return of the bicycle would be appreciated, no questions asked. Contact May 318-8746.
June 8, 2010 - VOTE!! Don't forget to vote today!
CICA - Affordable Housing meeting tonight at 7:15 at the Parish House - see agenda.
It's not too late to sign up for Readers Theatre this summer! Just e-mail readerstheatre@chebeaguechildrenstheatre.com for more information or to sign up! We are also looking for participants for our Cabaret Night on Sunday June 27 at 7:30, only one rehearsal for this show at 1:00pm on June 27th. Rehearsals will be scheduled individually for any small group numbers. So if there is a Broadway song you have been wanting to sing, or if you want to dance or just be in a big production number, e-mail us or call Rachel Damon 207 318 8115 to sign up!
June 7, 2010 - Island Market will have chili today.
Amaya Gurule took this photo of the inside of a poppy this morning.
Last weeks Chebeague Pre-K- Transitional K News - click here
Message from Island Riches: "Island Riches will be open 10am-4pm every day except Thursday. We have lots of new crafts and more coming.We have annual and perennial flowers plus some herbs,tomato,and cucumber plants.We have some green pepper plants that have nice looking peppers on them already.If you would like a special gift for someone Herb's jewerly (made from antique flatware)would be it. There is also a table of half price items. Hope to see you soon. Florence"
June 5, 2010 - Congratulations to Caroline Summa who won the Maine State High School Track and Field Championship in High Jump today in Augusta at Cony High School..
The Town Meeting today went very well - click here to see a few photos and find out all the results.
June 4, 2010 - Composite photo taken June 4th, 7pm click here
Anna Maine has written another story for the Working Waterfront. This time it is about the construction on Cousins Island - click here to see it and other stories she has written for the Island Institute publications. You may want to check out some photos I have taken as well as Charlie Kuntz, Pam Smith, and Jen Belesca of the work as it has been happening - click here.
**TOWN MEETING** Tomorrow, June 5th at the Hall - 9am. See Town Website above for the warrant and information.
**Election Day** Tuesday, June 8th, 2010 State Primary & Referendum voting booths will open at 8AM and close at 8PM at the Island Hall Community Center.
**Note** The Town Office will be CLOSED on Tuesday, June 8th due to voting. The office will re-open Thursday June 10th at 12 Noon.
There will be a Memorial Service celebrating Henry Hubbell's life on Sunday, August 8, at the Island Church at 1:30 PM followed by a reception at the Parish House.
Message from Florence: Island Riches will be closed Friday June 4th all day. We will be open Saturday & Sunday from 10-4. If you need flowers, the prices are on the plants, and you can pay for them later.
The Hall still has a Frigidaire gas stove with separate hood. It is 4 burner with 30" oven and has been used rarely at the Hall Kitchen. If you are interested please call Ruth Slagle 846-6345 or Mabel Doughty 846-4077.
June 2, 2010 - Thanks to Eli Bossin, Kelley and all the children we have a wonderful running program at the Rec and quite a few kids are running in meets in Cumberland , Falmouth and Yarmouth. Eli took a few photos the other day on their way to the meet and running. Click here to see photos and get results.
The Great Chebeague Golf Club article in the June Calendar had an omission regarding the June Green Fees Special - the days for the $35 per player in a foursome are Friday through Sunday.
June 1, 2010 - Photo taken on June 1st at the West End Bar w/inset of Black Bellied Plovers with Long Billed Dowitchers, click here .
The Chebeague Island Historical Society is holding its Annual Meeting on Saturday, June 19th, at 7:30 PM at the CIHCC. Following a brief business meeting and the election of Officers and Trustees, Donna Damon will conduct a presentation on "The Roots of Tourism on Chebeague". Everyone is invited to attend.
May 30, 2010 - The editor of the Island Calendar regrets the omissions of two important announcements. My apologies to the Grange and Whalers. Please follow the indicated links to see the original ads and updates for the Calendar of Events ...
The Grange Thrift Shop opens for the season on TUESDAY, June 29 and every Tuesday through August: 9:30 to Noon and 7 to 8pm. The Grange is now accepting donations of clean and saleable clothing, dishes, kitchen items, linens, games, puzzles, sports equipment, shoes, videos and books. You may leave all items inside the back door ... no appliances, TVs, furniture or other large items please. Please click www.chebeague.org/Grange2010.pdf to see their announcement.
• The Whaler's June concert -- Spotlight on Broadway -- is Saturday, June 26, at 7:30 pm. $8 adults, $4 children. Please click www.chebeague.org/WhalersJune2010.pdf to see their announcement.
Last weeks Chebeague Pre-K- Transitional K News - click here
May 28, 2010 - Memorial Day Service 1 pm. Monday, May 31st at Cheb. U. M. Church. speaker Eldon Mayer . Topic "Three Generations in the nation's Naval Service"
Next Tuesday June 1- Affordable Housing meeting - Parish House 7:15 - see agenda.
May 27, 2010 - Note that you can go to the Town Website above and get the proposed draft Road Plan.
Message from chebeague.net: "This Saturday we will be working on the T1 line at the East End from 9 to 12 so you may experience some down time. Thank you, Bev and David"
Message from Island Riches: "Island Riches has some of the best geraniums ever and have more coming Friday on the Casco Bay Boat.Besides our reg summer flowers we are also selling some herbs and veg.I am going over friday so please call me if you need something special.( 846-4986 ) The shop will be open Saturday And Sunday From 10am to 4pm.I will be setting up reg hours soon. Thank You, Florence and Herb"
May 26, 2010 - Bake Sale!!! Saturday, May 29 at "the center" - Beth Wiles's yard at the corner of Firehouse and South Roads. From 9:00 - 12:00 - Come pick up some delicious homemade treats for your holiday weekend to benefit the Island Commons Activities Fund!
Tonight there will be a Selectmen's Meeting where they will present their Draft Road Plan that they have been working on - see agenda on their website.
Congratulations to Emily Gaston Muller who has been awarded an honor by the New York Bar Association - click here.
For more information about the 2010 Affordable Housing Initiative for Maine Islands click here.
I have added a few photos from the Chebeague Island School Arts Night - click here.
Check out Second Wind Farm where Chuck has lots of geraniums for sale.
May 25, 2010 - Tonight is ARTS Night for the Chebeague Island School and is being held at the HALL - doors open at 5:30 - please come and see the projects and have something sweet to eat - program starts at 6pm.
The Affordable Housing Meeting is tonight, Tuesday May 25, 2010 at the Parish House - 7:15 pm - see agenda.
CRC is offering a women’s self defense course starting in June. The program will be a total of 15 hours spread out into 5, 3 hour sessions. Each session will be scheduled on Saturday from 1-4 PM. The program will be taught by nationally certified R.A.D. (Rape Aggression Defense System) Instructors and provide each student with a workbook/reference manual. We need at least 10 participants to run the program. Minimum age is 13 with parental consent. Please call or email CRC to sign up or if you would like more information.
May 24, 2010 - Last Saturday a lot got done on the grounds of the Rec and Kids Place and a big thank you to those who came out and helped out. Some of the children had a fun time with Eli, Nancy and Leila learning about GPS and had a scavenger hunt on the new trail. Click here to see.
I hope everyone has started to think about their teams for the Quadathlon which will be Sunday, July 18th this year! I will be contacting my team from last year in hopes they will join me again - it was a lot of fun. So, mark your calendars now so you can be there to participate or cheer your team on - we will have food again.
Yesterday at Candidates Afternoon we had three possible candidates. Carol White and Gerry Wiles were there and are running again for the School Committee. Mark Dyer is running for selectman again and Herb Maine has decided not to run again at this time. There are two openings on each and there will be the opportunity to be nominated from the floor during the Town Meeting on June 5th.
Last weeks Chebeague Pre-K- Transitional K News - click here
Message from Island Riches: "Island Riches has flowers and more on the way.If you want something special or a large amount.Call me at 846-4986. The shop wii be open June 1st ( maybe not all set up).I will be posting what hours & time soon.I am selling flowers now so come down any time. Thank you Florence"
May 22, 2010 - Photo taken of Chandlers Wharf (composite photo) by May 22nd click here.
Congratulations to Gwendolyn Stevens whose new book, Goombah Luigi's Grandson, the memoir of a Jewish psychologist has just been published by Oakley Publishing. Publication date, 5-1-2010. It's listed on Amazon.
Last evening was Cultural Technology Night and you can read about it and see a lot of photos - click here. If you would like to buy a copy of the DVD showing all the iMovies you can get one at ARTS NIGHT, Tuesday, May 25th at the HALL. Doors open at 5:30 and there will be refreshments program starts at 6.
Affordable Housing Public Meeting today at 8:30 at the Hall.
CRC/KIDS PLACE - Today FUN work session and trail grooming at the Kids' Place -- work will begin at 2:30 PM followed by compass and GPS training at 4:30 PM.
Ellen Maher and Bea Pettit want to get rid of their carpenter ants and the best price is from Bug Beaters Pest Contol - $350 for one application in mid June. They need three more people to sign up to get this great price. Call Ellen 847-9250.
May 21, 2010 - Tonight is the 3rd and 4th grade Cultural Technology Night 6pm at the HALL- for $5 you get pizza and the chance to sample desserts from all over the world! Then you can see the terrific 3 to 4 minute iMovies the students have made of their interviews with some of the islanders - click here to see a preview.
From the Clam Shack: "Calder's Clam Shack is now open. There are menu's at the library, clam shack and on line at caldersclamshack.com. Hope to see you there. Thank you! Virginia"
From the Niblic: "Don’t forget to pick up your Pot Roast with Roasted Vegetable for dinner for Friday night. Already have plans for dinner? Then stop by for some lunch! We have Haddock Chowder and yummy sandwiches! Need a gift idea for Father's Day? Shop early and take advantage of Chebeague Island Fish T-shirts on sale for $15.00! "
May 19, 2010 - CRC: Today for early release Towanda came over from Long Island and taught basketweaving to the children. Click here to see Towanda, the children and their creations.
COMMONS: Today is the Community Luncheon at NOON at the Hall! Everyone is invited!! This is the last one for the season. See a few photos of the luncheon and new STOVE in use.
TOWN/SCHOOL - Meetings tonight at the Hall starting at 6pm for both the School Committee and the Selectmen. At 7pm they will join together to present the budget. Agendas are on their sites.
COMMUNITY: Congratulations to Ben Hatfield who graduated from Eastern Maine Community College, earning an Associate's Degree in Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Heating Technology. He graduated with HIGH HONORS, and received an inscribed medal and award for Excellence in Technology! And best of all, he was offered a job with a firm in Rockport (Me.). Ben, one very happy guy, lives in Montville with his wife Laura, a Special Ed. aide, and daughters Hadriane, 12, and Myah, 10, surrounded by several various small farm critters.
COMMUNITY: Congratulations to Gina Oderda for receiving her JD degree from the Duke University School of Law on May 15, 2010. She will be joining Winston & Strawn in Chicago as an Associate Attorney. Gina is the daughter of Lynda and Gary Oderda of Salt Lake City and Chebeague.
May 18, 2010 - CRC: message from the Rec: Most parents think their child (ren) is not using drugs but statistics show that some of us are wrong. Come to CRC on Saturday, May 22nd at 10 AM to find out what to watch for in your child and what you can do to help before they start exploration with inhalants and other drugs. This program is for parents, grand parents and caregivers only.
BIRDS: I will be adding two more birds to the bird list as Carl and Sally Tubbesing saw a Carolina Wren and then the first time for them ever a hooded warbler. Bob Earnest has hummingbirds now and Sandi MacDermott had scarlet tanagers high on her trees yesterday. This morning we had for the first time ever a pileated woodpecker on our bird feeder. Of course I screamed and went to get my camera and he flew off. Last week Ellen Goodman and Bob Levey had an American Bittern. Now If I could only get some more exciting photos.
CRC: The CRC and Kids Place FUN work session and trail grooming is scheduled for Saturday, May 22nd. The Kids Place work will begin at 2:00 PM followed by compass and GPS training at 4:30 PM. Once the training is complete, we will move on to some trail clearing on the new trail system behind the School and CRC. Then test the skills you learned with a “scavenger hunt”. We will end the day with Pizza at 7 PM for all the volunteers. Please make sure you let Kelley know if you’ll be here for pizza so she can make sure there is enough pizza for everyone.
SCHOOL: Agenda for the School Committee Meeting for Wednesday, starting at 6pm at the Hall.
ISLAND INSTITUTE: A reminder that the public is invited to a discussion with the Island Institute Programs Committee Trustees and Staff of strategies for keeping our island schools vibrant and sustainable centers of learning and community. At the Hall, Thursday, May 20th 4:00-5:30p.m. Click here for more information.
SCHOOL: Congratulations to Chloe Dyer, Ben Hilicoss and Tracy Calder who went up to UMO Saturday for the Maine State Science and Technology Fair. Chloe won second place in the psychology division!
From the Niblic: "Come on down and try some Curry Carrot Soup today at the Niblic. We also have muffins, cookies, sandwiches, and of course coffee! Tomorrow we have Italian Meatball Soup. Large is $9.50 and small is $4.50. This Friday’s Dinner to go is Pot Roast with Roasted Vegetables. $14.50/lg or $7.25/sm. Need a birthday card? A last minute hostess gift? Boatyard Gear? New mugs? We have it all and more! Stop by and see what is new at the Niblic!"
May 17, 2010 - COMMUNITY: On Saturday, May 15th, Jeff Skillin graduated from USM with a degree in Business Management. Jeff is the son of Donna (pictured with Jeff) and Fred Skillin and the grandson of Leona Boxer. Also graduating on Saturday besides Jeff and Vika Johnson was Matt Stewart (Stacy KomLosy's husband) Congratulations to all.
SCHOOL: As many of you know, the 3rd through 5th grade classroom entered the Harry Potter Contest on the Today Show and we just found out that we were not one of the finalists but we are happy for the ones that are. The video had to be under 3 minutes and they are showing about a minute of the four finalists and I have to say they are really good but of course I liked ours as well and they probably had a very hard time deciding. If you would like to see our submittal Chebeague Island Extraordinary School click here. You can see and vote on the finalist by clicking here. This Friday the students will be showing their cultural technology iMovies that they created themselves and we will have a showing of our Extraordinary School video as well. Remember 6pm at the Hall $5 for Pizza as well.
CIHC: I have just added the itinerary for THE BEST OF THE SOUTHWEST Historical Society trip for September.
CRC: We still don't have enough for basket weaving classes on May 19th for either the kids class or the adult class - people have to sign up by noon today or it will have to be cancelled.
TOWN: Special Meeting of the Board of Selectmen to approve articles for the June 5, 2010 Annual Town meeting at 6:00 PM on Wednesday, May 19th, 2010 at the Chebeague Island Hall Community Center.
TOWN/SCHOOL: Immediately following at 7:00 PM there will be a joint school/municipal budget presentation for the 2010-2011 fiscal year.
SCHOOL: Last weeks Chebeague Pre-K- Transitional K News - click here
May 16, 2010 - COMMONS: From the Island Commons: "The weather was on our side as an army of volunteers descended on the Commons yesterday to give it a good spring cleaning. Click here to view some photos of the fun, productive day!"
COMMUNITY: Congratulations to Jeffrey Skillin who also graduated yesterday from USM.
May 15, 2010 - CIHCC: Don't forget that tomorrow is the Sunday Brunch Extravaganza at the Hall at 11:30 - $8 adults $5 children.
COMMUNITY: Congratulations to Viktoria Johnson who graduated today from USM with a degree in Social Work with a minor in Russian.
May 14, 2010 - Photo taken by May 14th from the Stone Wharf click here.
Chebeague Island School’s 3-5 class is participating in the Grange’s Annual ISLAND CLEAN-UP On May 16th starting at 1pm CIS students will be helping to make our island more beautiful by doing a spring clean up of our North, South, & School House Roads. If you’d like to sponsor one of our students or make a donation please contact the school at 846-4162. The money they earn will be for their end of year field trip to Boston June 3rd – 5th Thank you for your support.
CICA affordable housing committee will have their regular meeting at 7:15 at the Parish House, Tuesday, May 18th - the agenda will be focussed on preparing our proposal. CICA affordable housing committee will be having a public meeting to discuss the proposal on Saturday, May 22, 8:30 at the Hall. Coffee and snacks will be served. PLEASE CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE.
Don't forget!!! This SUNDAY -11:30- 12:30 at the HALL May 16: CIHCC is having a "Sunday Brunch Extravaganza"
Message from the Clam Shack: "Calder's Clam Shack is opening thursday May 20th at 11:30. There are menu's at the library, clam shack and on line at caldersclamshack.com. Hope to see you there. Thank you! Virginia"
Message from the Niblic: "Happy Friday! Come enjoy some Shrimp and Fennel Chowder today for lunch and pick up some dinner too! This week we have Ham and Scalloped Potatoes, lg. for $13.50 and sm. for $6.75. We also have sandwiches, muffins and cookies!"
May 13, 2010 - CRC is offering 2 basket weaving classes on May 19th. The first session is for kids participating in the early release program from 11:30-3:30 PM and the second session is for adults (and older kids that are at least 14) from 3:30 PM until 6 PM. We need at least 5 people signed up for each session in order to run the class. Call or email CRC for more information or to sign up.
Yesterday Long Island and Chebeague Island Schools got together for field day on Chebeague. The kids had a wonderful time as you can see in the photos - click here.
Dick Woodbury, Independent candidate for State Senator, will be at the Boat House on Saturday, May 15 at 10:30 a.m. for a meet and greet. Dick will share his experiences with us and tell us of his plans for representing us in Augusta. Please help introduce Dick to our community and tell him of Chebeague's special qualities, strengths and needs.
May 12, 2010 - Our STATE REPRESENTATIVE, Meredith Strang Burgess and STATE SENATOR, Jerry Davis will be at a 9 to 11 meet and greet at Doughty's Market this Saturday, May 15th. Please come by to say hello, voice concerns, or just tell them what is on your mind.
Yet another update from Michael and Barbara, this one about life in Boqueron and their trip around Puerto Rico. www.mp-marine.com/Cruise09_7.html
Learn about Stewardship of the Earth for youth of any age. Lead by Pastor Linda Brewster and Chuck Varney at Second Wind Farm on Sundays at 11:30am on the following Sundays… May 30; June 27; July 18; August 15; September 12 ----Join us in talking about the Parable of the Sower as we participate in hands on learning about stewardship of ourselves, our gardens, and our planet. Join us in sowing seeds! For more information see Chuck Varney or call Pastor Linda at 807-2210.
May 11, 2010 - Dan the hair Man will be on island this weekend Please call 239.6541 for apt.
Island Institute Programs Committee Trustees and Staff will be herel for a discussion of strategies for keeping our island schools vibrant and sustainable centers of learning and community. At the Hall, Thursday, May 20th 4:00-5:30p.m. Click here for more information.
Candidates Afternoon Sunday, May 23rd, 1pm at the Island Hall. At the Annual Town Meeting, June 5th, we will be holding elections for two seats for the Board of Selectmen and two seats for the School Board. If you are interested in serving on one these Boards please come, make yourself known and let the residents hear how you think you could help in the operations of the Town. Nominations will still be accepted from the floor at the Annual Town Meeting.
CRC is offering a women’s self defense course starting in June. The program will be a total of 15 hours spread out into 5, 3 hour sessions. Each session will be scheduled on Saturday from 1-4 PM. The program will be taught by nationally certified R.A.D. (Rape Aggression Defense System) Instructors and provide each student with a workbook/reference manual. Please call or email CRC to sign up or if you would like more information. Minimum age is 13 with parental consent.
Birds are starting to arrive - we had our first oriole yesterday. He stayed for a few minutes and then didn't like our oranges I guess and he was gone. The cat birds are around now and down near roses was seen an American Bittern. I hadn't even heard of one before and can't wait to find it. We have had hundreds of bluejays.
From the Niblic: "Join us for Lunch! Today we have Broccoli Cheddar Soup and Sandwiches. Tomorrow we will have Beef Chili. Our Dinner to go this Friday is Ham and Scalloped Potatoes, $13.50 for a large order, $6.75 for a small. We also have muffins, cookies and other goodies!"
May 10, 2010 - Last weeks Chebeague Pre-K- Transitional K News - click here
REMINDER.......Please join Peter and Ellen Maher at a reception for Bruce Poliquin, Republican candidate for Governor, at their 110 Bridge Street, Yarmouth home on May 11 from 6:30 to 8:00.
Volunteers are needed to help detect chronic oil contamination in sea birds - if you are interested you can help by attending this informational presentation at Gilsland Farm, Audubon Center in Falmouth 7pm, Wednesday, May 12th, 2010 - see more information!
May 7, 2010 - UPDATE! There will be some people working tomorrow but we have rescheduled everything for May 22nd with a rain date of Sunday the 23rd TEENS (PLEASE SIGN UP WITH KELLEY)---ATTENTION: the CRC and Kids Place FUN work session and trail grooming scheduled for tomorrow has been postponed till Sunday do to the weather forecast. The Teen Pizza party will happen later with the teens and people that help. If someone can't make it and would like to help at other times please call the REC (grounds) 846-5068 or Nancy 846-0924 for the trails - there is plenty of work!
Meeting Announcement – CICA Affordable Housing Committe, Tuesday, May 11, 2010 at 7:15pm at the Parish House - see notice.
Don't forget that tomorrow Cindy Bullens, Democratic candidate for State Senate, meet her at 10:30a.m. at the Boat House, The Niblic's lovely room with a view. Click here for more information.
Message from the Niblic: "Don’t forget to pick up your Meatloaf and Mashed Potatoes at the Niblic today! Already have plans for dinner? Then stop by for some lunch! We have Haddock Chowder and yummy sandwiches! Don’t forget about Mother’s Day! We have great gift ideas and gift certificates!"
May 6, 2010 - Breaking News: Dasha took the Casco Bay Boat at 11:30 and when she got off the boat waiting for a ride in Portland she looked up and took this picture as the fire trucks were just starting to get to the fire at the Old Jordans Factory.
The information for the Island Affordable Housing Grant is now available - click here for .doc format or click here for web based.
Please check out news from the REC and Kids' Place work for this Saturday from 2pm on - click here. We are looking forward to getting a lot done! Thank you for all your support.
From the Niblic: "Come warm up with some Minestrone Soup today at the Niblic! We also have Salami Stromboli and yummy sandwiches!Don’t forget Mother’s Day this Sunday! We have gifts all mother’s will love from jewelry, alpaca rugs, stained glass, windchimes, pottery and Chebeague Island clothing! We are open 7:30-4 Friday and 9-2 on Saturday."
Don’t forget about Dinner to go this week, Meatloaf and Mashed Potatoes, available for pick up Friday and Saturday!
May 5, 2010 - David Tracy and the Chebeague Island Historical Society will be sponsoring a trip to the parks and historic sights of southern Utah on or about October 1, 2010. Click here for details! Please contact them and sign up soon.
This Saturday is a busy day for a lot but it could be fun to join us at the Rec and Kids Place for a little or lot of outside work on the grounds. Please come by and join us at around 2:30 (bring rakes, hoes, wheel barrell and work gloves) - lots of fun work!! At 4:30 the teens and others will be celebrating Earth Day with a compass and GPS training between 4:30 and 5 and then on to pruning and trail clearing from 5-7 with a pizza party at 7pm. We are so excited about the nature hiking trail that has started to be made behind Kid's Place and the School.
Save the date Sunday, May 16: CIHCC is planning a "Sunday Brunch Extravaganza" to be held Sunday, May 16 at the Island Hall. The new stove is in and we need to take it for a Sunday drive.
On May 8th, the Chebeague and Cumberland Land Trust is collaborating with the Falmouth Land Trust who is hosting a Spring walk in honor of International Migratory Bird Day at the River Point and Adam properties. Click here for more information.
Wednesday Lunch at The Niblic: Beef Stew and Delicious Sandwiches.
Cindy Bullens, Democratic candidate for State Senate, is coming to Chebeague on Saturday, May 8th. Please take the time to meet Cindy at 10:30a.m. at the Boat House, The Niblic's lovely room with a view. Cindy will tell us of her beliefs and plans for representing us in Augusta. Please come and tell Cindy of your concerns and ideas relative to Maine's future. Help introduce Cindy to our Island community's special qualities, strengths and needs. Refreshments will be served...of course! Learn more - click here.
May 4, 2010 - Message from Island Riches: "We have great gifts for Mothers day. Herb's Jewelry, Flowers and small gifts .I am still taking orders for flowers. Call me at (846-4986) We have some great pansies that you can plant now. Thank You, Florence"
Note from the Niblic today: "Come to the Niblic for some Tex Mex Chicken Stew! This week’s dinner to go is Meatloaf and Mashed Potatoes, $6.75 for small and $13.50 for large."
May 3, 2010 - School Committee meeting tomorrow night, Tuesday, click here for agenda.
Please SAVE THE DATE - Friday, May 21, 2010! The third and fourth grade class will be hosting Cultural Technology Night at the Island Hall. For $5 per person, $20 family max, you get a delicious home-made pizza dinner (and dessert) and the opportunity to view the iMovies the students have been working on all year. Click here to see a preview of some of the interviews that the students did. Trust me when I say that you will be learning a lot that evening!!
We have had lots of Chipping Sparrows - click here to see a photo I took at the Ross House yesterday.
Are you interested in being a lifeguard at CRC this summer…or have you always wanted to get your lifeguard certificate? If so, call CRC today, 846 5068, and learn about how to make that happen this summer.
May 2, 2010 - Last weeks Chebeague Pre-K- Transitional K News - click here
Message from Island Riches: "we will be selling flowers again this year. If you want large amounts or something special call me at 846-4986.We are going over Monday and I will be picking up pansies and plants that can be planted now.The rest will be coming in two weeks.(still to early for most plants) Thank You Hope to see you soon. Florence"
Please join Peter and Ellen Maher at a reception for Bruce Poliquin, Republican candidate for Governor, at their 110 Bridge Street, Yarmouth home on May 11 from 6:30 to 8:00.
May 1, 2010 - This morning we had quite a few Yellow Rumped Warblers in our yard and I took a couple of photos - click here. I also was able to get some photos of a Black and White Warbler.
The work on Cousins Island finally started last week and I have a few photos from the first day taken by Pam Smith and then some I took yesterday - click here to see. I went over on the 12 boat and couldn't believe how much was done in three hours.
Message from the Boat Yard: “The boat yard would like to let everyone know that we have upgraded our website and created an on-line store for The Niblic. We have also installed a new live stream webcam. You can see the image and control the camera at www.chebeagueislandboatyard.com We want to thank chebeague.net for providing the broadband access that allows us to share the video from camera. You will now be able to check on your boat, watch the lobstermen at Dropping Springs, see the sailing school activities, view the local weather, or just look around the bay!”
April 30, 2010 - Photo taken by Kyle Koerber of Bennetts Cove on 4/30 click here
From the Niblic: Today we have Hearty Seafood Chowder and Delicious Creamy Pumpkin Soup! And don't forget your Dinner-To-Go: Chicken Pot Pie at $14.50 for a large and $7.25 for a small.
April 28, 2010 - The new STOVE and HOOD are in at the Hall. We want to thank all the people who have helped! This was a vision of Jane Abrahamson as president of the Hall and she would be so pleased to know that it is done. It isn't too late to donate to the this project as we are still getting donations and they will certainly help! Our first brunch with the new stove and griddle is May 16th - more details to follow. Click here to see the stove! DONATIONS may be sent to the CIHCC, 247 South Road, Chebeague Is, ME 04017.
Attention all Teens and Pre-teens! Join us at CRC on May 8th to help us map and clear public trails on CRC and Town owned property behind the school and Newcomb Park. The day will include Compass and GPS training 4:30-5 PM, Pruning and trail clearing from 5-7 PM and at 7pm we will have Pizza before teen center begins.
April 25, 2010 - Photo taken 4/25/2010 of the hook from the bar click here
There will be a Graveside Memorial Service for Waneta Cleaves Saturday May 1st, 1:00pm with a Reception following at the Parish House.
We have at least 20 White Throated Sparrows at below our feeders.April 23, 2010 - From the REC: Spring Running starts today at 3:15 at CRC. Eli Bossin will be leading our runners this year. I sent a meet schedule last week, please let me know if you need another copy. Practices will be Tuesdays and Fridays after school until 4:30.
Tap Dancing with Beth Dyer starts tomorrow at 9 AM at CRC. Please bring your tap shoes with you. If you weren’t able to get a pair of your own or reserve a pair at CRC, please bring an extra pair of socks. We may have some shoes at CRC that are a little too big but could be used in a pinch. I will be there in the morning for last minute sign up.
The Monday and Thursday afterschool program will continue this week as scheduled to finish out the April session. Beginning Monday May 3rd, there will no longer be a Thursday session. Nancy Earnest will be leading the program in May. She will be focusing the program on the new trail system behind the CIS and CRC with lots of activities on the trail as well as studies on the items in the natural environment.
Message from the Niblic: We have Creamy Spinach and Mushroom Soup today and Corn Chowder with Bell Peppers. Dinner-To-Go is Spanakopita, a fluffy baked phyllo dough with spinach and feta cheese! Available today and tomorrow in the Niblic Refrigerator. Tomorrow, we'll also be serving up Tex-Mex Chicken Soup. Come on down!
April 22, 2010 -Get ready for something new and different from the Chebeague Island Players! This year we will be presenting a series of staged readings from a wide variety of plays. This is a great opportunity to get involved in the Chebeague Island Players! - CLICK HERE for more details. Contact Rachel Damon via phone (207) 318 8115 or via e-mail at readerstheatre@chebeaguechildrenstheatre.com for more information and to sign up to participate!
The Chebeague Island Hall Community Center is in the process of installing a new commercial gas stove and fire depressent hood and we have AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY - two Frigidaire gas stoves with separate hoods. They are 4 burner with 30" oven and have been used rarely at the Hall Kitchen ---- Make the CIHCC an offer *CONTACT Ruth Slagle @ 846-6345* or *Mabel Doughty @ 8464077**or* *Beverly Johnson at 846-4850*
Click here to see a pair of Red Breasted Mergansers hanging around the Chandlers Wharf. Click here for a pair of Mallard in a pond in the West End.
April 17, 2010 - Meet HANK BERG, New Casco Bay Lines General Manager
Casco Bay Lines new General Manager, Hank Berg, is coming to Chebeague on Tuesday morning to informally meet and hear from residents of Chebeague Island. Erno Bonebakker, Chebeague’s representative on the CBL board, will be introducing him to the island. Hank is from the mid-coast of Maine and has been at CBL for three months. He is currently living on Peak’s island and is trying to visit all the other islands to introduce himself and to get to know the islands better. ---- Hank will be coming to the island on the 8:15 CTC boat and will be leaving on the noon boat. He would be happy to arrange to meet with anyone who cannot make it to the store at 9AM. His email address is hankb@cascobaylines.com.
Last weeks Chebeague Pre-K- Transitional K News - click here
April 15, 2010 - Last week the Chebeague School did a walk-a-thon to raise money for Camp Sunshine in memory of Ann Long. Click here for more pictures of the soggy but fun 3-mile walk.
Message from the Niblic: The Niblic is serving up Cheddar Cauliflower Soup today Thursday along with Pumpkin Soup.
April 13, 2010 - Tom Gruber, Democratic candidate for State Representative, is coming to Chebeague on Saturday, April 17. Please come to The Boat House at the Niblic at 10:30am to hear about Tom's experience and plans for representing us in Maine's legislature. Help to introduce Tom to Chebeague's strengths and needs, and wonderful community.
Message from the Niblic: Tomorrow, Wednesday tomorrow we'll be serving Ham & White Bean Soup, Friday will be Salmon Chowder, and Saturday, come in for some Springtime Asparagus Soup! The Dinner-To-Go this Friday/Saturday will be Moroccan Chicken! A large portion is $14.50 and the small is $7.25. No need to reserve but you may want to!
April 11, 2010 - A reminder to all students requesting aide from the Stephen Ross Scholarship: The deadline for your applications is May 1st. Applications should be available at your school guidance office or on line at the Maine Community Foundation ( www.mainecf.org ) 1st and 2nd year college.
Last night we all had a great time at the Great Authors' Challenge! This event's proceeds will be used to sponsor David Hamilton's trip to Nebraska for the National Debate Tournament and to help purhcase a memorial for Anne Long. Click here to see some photos.
Yesterday morning was the annual Health Screening Clinic- click here to see a few photos. What a great opportunity to get some testing done and they even had a dermatologist practitioner.
Last weeks Chebeague Pre-K- Transitional K News - click here
April 10, 2010 - CRC is offering a Tap dancing class for kids ages 5-12 starting April 24t h. Some of the kids interested in the class don’t tap shoes. If you have any around the house that you’re willing to donate to CRC or let us borrow, please call 846 5068 or drop them off at CRC.
Don't Forget - FREE Health Screening Clinic at The Island Hall TODAY from 9AM-11:30AM!! Want to get that mole looked at? How about your Blood Pressure, Blood Sugar or Cholesterol level checked? TODAY A Nurse Practitioner will do skin cancer screening. Refreshments provided. Voluntary donation: $5. Co- Sponsored by the Island Council, Chebeague Hall Committee and USM College of Nursing.
TONIGHT - The Great Authors' Challenge dinner 6pm and game 7:30. Come test out your knowledge of the great American authors both children and adult! Adults $10 and Kids $5 with a family max of $20. Proceeds will be used to sponsor David Hamilton's trip to Nebraska for the National Debate Tournament and also to purchase a memorial for Anne Long to be displayed at the school. Hope to see you there!
Photo taken this morning of an Eagle by Cheryl Stevens beside her porch.
April 7, 2010 - Here is a photo taken by Sam of the kids at Family Ice yesterday!
Don't forget this Saturday - The Great Authors' Challenge dinner 6pm and game 7:30 - see flyer.
Want to get that mole looked at? How about your Blood Pressure, Blood Sugar or Cholesterol level checked? Come to the FREE Health Screening Clinic at The Island Hall on Saturday 10th April from 9AM-11:30AM. A Nurse Practitioner will do skin cancer screening. Refreshments provided. Voluntary donation: $5. Co- Sponsored by the Island Council, Chebeague Hall Committee and USM College of Nursing.
April 6, 2010 - Message from the Niblic: Wednesday at the Niblic enjoy some Roasted Barley & Swedish Meatball Soup! On Friday we'll be serving Shrimp Chowder and on Saturday an Asian Beef & Snow Pea Soup. Dinner-To-Go this Friday/Saturday is Baked Lasagna with Bread. We also have select clothing on sale 25% off... Hoodies, Baby Onesies, and Chebeague Striper T-Shirts!
Happy Birthday Donna Damon - it is a big one - remember 10 years ago - click here to see!
A message from you Debbie Storms' daughter about the Efficiency Maine Weatherization Program - click here.
April 5, 2010 - Photo of an Eagle having a joust with a seagull taken by Gary Ross on his cell phone - the Gull got away.
There will be a meeting of the Newcomb Park Beautification Collaborative on Wednesday at 7PM at the Rec. Contact crc@chebeague.net for the call in number.
I missed the Easter Sunrise service yesterday at the East End but fortunately Donna was able to get some great photos - it must have been the warmest service in recent times.
April 3, 2010 - Photo of the Golf Course Pond - looks like the geese are back again click here.
Congratulations to John Emery who became only the 3rd player in program history to surpass the 1,000 kill mark; Emery now sits at 1,008 career kills for Edicott College - click here!
Last weeks Chebeague Pre-K- Transitional K News - click here
April 1, 2010 - Special Chebeague Selectmen's Budget Workshop this Saturday, April 3rd, starting at 9am at the Recreation Center click here for agenda. To see the proposed draft budget click here.
The Working Waterfront has another wonderful article by Anna Maine about our school's food service director Ann Long Ormsby who recently passed away. Click here
The Great Authors' Challenge - Saturday, April 10th at the Hall - Dinner starts at 6pm - the game will begin at 7:30. Come test out your knowledge of the great American authors both children and adult! Adults $10 and Kids $5 with a family max of $20. Proceeds will be used to sponsor David Hamilton's trip to Nebraska for the National Debate Tournament and also to purchase a memorial for Anne Long to be displayed at the school. Hope to see you there!
Dan the hair Man will be on island this weekend Please call 239.6541 for apt.
From the Niblic: We'll be serving a Minestrone Meatball soup, Thursday, along with sandwiches, salads and delicious baked goods!
March 31, 2010 - Special Chebeague Selectmen's Budget Workshop this Saturday, April 3rd, starting at 9am at the Recreation Center click here for agenda.
Message from Linda: Chebeague Methodist Church services:
Good Friday – Stations of the Cross Service 7:15pm April 2nd
Sunrise Easter service 6:00am at East End April 4th
Easter worship 10am April 4th
March 30, 2010 - SKATING On the next ½ day Wednesday (April 7th) we have an opportunity to skate at Family Ice in Falmouth. We’ll have the ice for an hour from 1:30 -2:30. There is a room there where we can have lunch and then we’ll have time to get our skates on. There are skates available there for those who don’t have their own. We may have a short bit of time after ice skating before going back to the 4:00 boat. Please let Sam know If you are interested in coming along or have space in your car for extra kids. Call her at 846-4467. Hope to see you on the ice!
For those of you who haven't been watching Molly and McGee owl box, they now have 4 hatched owlets, (Max, Pattison, Austin and Wesley) with one more due to hatch at anytime. It has been extremely interesting watching nature this way - better than television.
msg from the Niblic... Come on in today for some Pumpkin Soup! Tomorrow we'll have Beef and Bean Chili and on Friday we'll be serving up Haddock Chowder. Saturday, try some Baked Potato and Ham Soup. Also, our Dinner-To-Go this Fri&Sat will be Pot Roast with Roasted Vegetables for $14.50 (large) or $7.25 (small). Call to reserve or just stop in!
March 29, 2010 - School Committee meeting tomorrow night Tuesday, March 30th - 6:30 - see agenda.
The Historical Society will be leading a group on Wednesday, April 14th to Bowdoin to go visit the Arctic and Art museums there. We will be leaving on the 8 boat and coming back on the 4, and the CTC bus will be taking us back and forth to Brunswick. We'll go to the Arctic Museum from 10 to 11:30, where we'll be met by the head curator and have a guided tour. Then we'll move on to the Art Museum from 11:30-1:00, where we'll also have a guided tour and schedule-permitting may have a chance to meet with the director. After that everyone will be free for lunch at either the campus cafeteria (usually rated near the best in the country) or in Brunswick. After lunch there will be time for everyone to do as they please. They can go back to the museums for more, visit the campus bookstore, head into town to visit the Pejepscot Historical Society or shopping, or take a walking tour around the area before we meet back at the bus at 3 to head home. The trip is open to everyone who would like to attend, but for the sake of comfort in the museums we'd like to limit the total number to about 25 people at the most. A $25 contribution is requested to cover costs and donations. The Museums can be checked out at: http://www.bowdoin.edu/arctic-museum/index.shtml and http://www.bowdoin.edu/art-museum/index.shtml ------To save a spot on the trip, please call the historical society at: 846-5237 or send an email to: history@chebeague.net
CRC is looking for someone that can lead the Spring Running program. Ideally, the runners would meet to practice after school twice per week for an hour (3:15-4:15). Last year, parents brought the kids to the meets in Cumberland which worked out great. Please call CRC 846-5068 or email crc@chebeague.net if you’re interested.
Last weeks Chebeague Pre-K- Transitional K News - click here
March 26, 2010 - I just got a message from Ashley Adams: "A class in our town was able to get the Plummer Motz school in Falmouth to be one of the ten finalists for America’s Greenest School. We need votes to get first place and I was hoping that the Chebeaguers could take us over the top. Here’s how you can help…log in to www.americasgreenestschool.com to cast your vote, once a day for 12 days from March 22 to April 2."
I saw the class on the news yesterday and have already voted for them once and will again - I think they are the only school from Maine.
Reminder that CRC’s fitness pass special of $99 for a 12 month pass ends on March 31st. As long as you purchase or renew your pass by 3/31/10 you will received this discounted rate. Interested in a fitness/pool combination pass? We have an excellent deal for you and your family. Go to www.islandrec.net for details. Click on the pool or fitness link.
Click here for the Minutes of a Public Meeting on Year-Round Affordable Housing on Chebeague sponsored by the CICA Housing Committee, Sunday March 21, 2010 at 1:00 at the Parish House.
The Basket weaving program at CRC scheduled for March 27th has been cancelled due to lack of enrollment. We will try to reschedule for another date in April.
LAST MINUTE ..Reminder to all Whalers & summer theater people who were on stage from 1991 -2001 with Deborah Gordon directing...join us at Deborah's, Sat. March 27th 11 a.m. or so for Brunch. For more info call 846-4078 or e-mail ChebIs32@aol.com. We may be planning another reunion in the summer if you can't make this one..MOH
March 25, 2010 - From the Niblic: along with the Tex-Mex Soup today, we also have Seafood Chowder (haddock, shrimp, and scallops)!
March 24, 2010 - Another update from Michael and Barbara Porter - click here.
The Niblic will have Tex-Mex Chicken Soup on Thursday (an unannounced offering)
It is 11:30 am, March 24th, and at this moment it is snowing. Yuk!
Tonight, Wednesday, 7 pm at the Hall - Selectmen's Workshop regarding Special Anchorage. John Mauro, US Coast Guard and Jay Clement, US Army Corps will be here to present information about what a Special Anchorage is (and isn't). The purpose of this meeting is to have an opportunity to find out about this and ask questions to see if this is a concept that may or may not be helpful to the Chebeague waterfront. People with Maritime Interests are encouraged to attend.
The Newcomb Park Beautification Collaborative will meet at the Rec at 7PM on Wednesday, March 24.
March 23, 2010 - Congratulations to Nate Martin who The Great Northeast Athletic Conference has announced freshman centerfielder Nate Martin (Chebeague Island, ME/Greely) Rookie of the Week honors - click here.
If you want to watch a live video of a barn owl hatching her babies one of the eggs hatched this morning I think- go here. It is so cute and I don't know anything more about this site yet.
Message from The Niblic: Today, come in out from the rain and enjoy some Tortellini Soup! Tomorrow we'll have Seafood Chowder, Friday we'll be serving Spinach and Mushroom Soup, and Saturday will be Split Pea with Cob Smoked Bacon. Also, the Dinner-To-Go this Friday/Saturday will Chicken Marbella!
March 22, 2010 - The Maine.gov unclaimed properties has a lot of Chebeague names - click here.
Basket weaving class is this coming weekend and preregistration is required to ensure that we have enough participants and materials. Please contact crc@chebeague.net to sign up - click here for flyer.
CRC is looking for Camp Leaders for our little community members, ages 3-6. There are a lot of kids in this age group right now and we’d love to be able to offer more camps for them this summer. The possibilities are endless! Please call (846-5068) or email Kelley if you have an idea for a camp for this age group or if you’re interested in leading a camp on a volunteer or paid basis.
Last weeks Chebeague Pre-K- Transitional K News - click here
I talked with Martha about the Snowy Owl and she said that after she got all the photos, the owl left the rocks in front of Roses point and flew over to Bangs Island. She and Jeff said that as the owl tried to make its way it was bombarded by crows and seagulls. They were able to see the owl land on the rocks on Bangs and he hasn't been seen since on Chebeague that we know of.
March 21, 2010 - Don't forget CICA’s Housing Committee is is having a public meeting today, Sunday, March 21 at 1:00 at the Parish House about the possibility of undertaking an affordable housing project. See flyer.
The Newcomb Park Beautification Collaborative will meet at the Rec at 7PM on Wednesday, March 24.
March 20, 2010 - Congratulations to Kim Martin whose artwork is now at Maine Bank and Trust in Falmouth through the end of March, four paintings are at Elizabeth Moss gallery in Falmouth; and some of her work will be displayed at the Island Institute in May.
It looks like Brennah Martin is following all her brothers with amazing athletic prowess. Last Thursday she won the 40 yard dash in 5.6 seconds then won her first ever 240 yard in 35.1 sec. Way to go!!
From the Niblic: Don't forget about Lunch at the Niblic! Soup, Sandwiches, Salami Stromboli,Dinners To Go and more! Open until 2pm today!
Larger photo of Snowy Owl taken by Martha Champagne - click here.
Housing Needed for an Island Institute Fellow. Would you be ready to have an Island Institute Fellow live in your house starting September 2010? The Chebeague Rec Center (CRC) is looking for housing options for a new Island Institute Fellow. A full year is needed from September 2010 to August 2011, but we would consider September 2010 to June 2011 as well. Housing provided rent-free may qualify as a tax-deductible contribution to the Island Institute. For more information please call Kelley Rich, Executive Director of the CRC at 846-5068 or send an email to crc@chebeague.net.
March 19, 2010 - Next Sunday, Palm Sunday-March 28th, there will be a live presentation of the Last Supper at 10am. This includes men from both the Tuttle Road and Chebeague Methodist churches. There will be a brunch in the Parish Hall following the service.
U.S. Department of Commerce/U.S. Census Bureau. I will be at your island tomorrow (20 March 2010) at 11:00 a.m. at your Town Office to accept applications to work on the 2010 Census Project. Click here to see flyer.
March 18, 2010 - CICA’s Housing Committee is going to have a public meeting this Sunday, March 21 at 1:00 at the Parish House about the possibility of undertaking an affordable housing project. See flyer.
We have a personal fitness trainer coming to CRC on Friday, March 19th at 7 PM (thank you Ralph). Come join us and get some great tips and instruction for improving your health and physical fitness. Pre-teens, teens and adults welcome!
Message from the Niblic: Today we'll be serving Chicken and Rice Soup with Vegetables, we also have a variety of sandwiches and salads. On Friday we'll have Green Chili Stew and Saturday will be Cauliflower Cheddar. Dinner-To-Go on Friday is Stir-Fry Gingered Beef and Vegetables served with Brown Rice.
Saturday night's Bill Green's Maine will highlight David Webber, a native Chebeaguer who was indentured to his uncle as a boy because his folks were hard up. He later distinguished himself on a revenue cutter in the Mexican War. He was Maine's last Mexican War vet. He lived on Deer Point and owned the land where Louise and Amos Doughty live. He is also Donna Damon's sister-in-law, Lorraine Doughty's great-great grandfather.
Photo taken this week from the Hook of Mt. Washington by Kevin Wentworth, click here
March 17, 2010 - Happy St. Patrick's Day - Dan the hair Man will be on island this weekend Please call 239.6541 for apt.
Finally we have photographic proof that a snowy owl is on Chebeague. Martha Champagne was able to get some photos this morning on Roses - click here.
March 16, 2010 - From the Niblic: the Niblic will be serving Reuben Soup tomorrow (Wednesday) along with Italian Meatball Soup!
Don't forget the Community Lunch sponsored by the Island Commons is tomorrow at the Hall at noon - The menu is roast chicken. Don't forget to wear green!
From the Niblic: Celebrate St. Patty's Day today at The Niblic with a cup of Reuben Soup and side of Irish Soda Bread! Tomorrow we will be serving Italian Meatball Soup-Yum!
March 15, 2010 - CRC is offering a basket weaving class on Saturday, March 27th at Noon at the Rec - see flyer.
Don't forget tonight Eli will be talking about Norway and Greenland at the Parish house, 7pm for the Historical Society.
School Committee meeting on Tuesday, March 16th, 6:30pm at the school - see agenda.
Tracy Calder (4th Place): "Do family members have more similar
characteristics in their fingerprints than people who are not related?"
Chloe Dyer (Honorable Mention): "Effects of Age, Gender, Sound and Smell on
Peripheral Vision"
Ben Hillicoss (Honorable Mention): "Sunspots vs. Earth's Temperature"
March 12, 2010 - Message from Mary Holt: Meet Senator Libby Mitchell, Senate President and Candidate for Governor, at 12:45 on Sunday, March 14 at the home of Mary and John Holt. Please note the change in time, due to Senator Mitchell's need for an early return to Augusta to work on budget appropriations. Libby will tell us about her experiences and plans for Maine's future. This is a great opportunity to introduce Libby to our community, help her develop an understanding of Chebeague's strengths and challenges and ask her about the challenges Maine faces regarding budget cuts.
The Chebeague Island Historical Society this Monday night, March 15th at the Parish Hall - 7pm - Eli Bossin will presenting a slide show presentation on archaeology and governance in Greenland and Norway. He experienced first hand over two summers. Light refreshments will be served. Donations gratefully accepted.
March 11, 2010 - Photos of a couple of Golden Eyes taken at Hamilton Beach today- click here.
Meeting of the CICA Housing Committee Tuesday March 16, 2010 at 7:15 at the Parish House click here to see information on State Money available this year and the agenda for the meeting.
Photo of a female Surf Scoter with 2 males taking off taken the other day- click here. A photo of a female mallard taking off by the Stone Pier- click here. Here is a photo of a seal that was sunning himself on the rocks of Waldo Point last weekend - click here.
From the Niblic: The Niblic has Cauliflower Cheddar soup for lunch today! Come on down! Chicken Pot Pie for dinner tomorrow!
March 10, 2010 - The Library and the Chebeague Parents Association is having Movie Night, Saturday March 13th at 5:30. They will be showing The Peanuts Easter Special, then have make-your-own sundaes at the Hall for intermission, followed by a showing of the old Disney classic, The Shaggy D.A.
Message from Martha H -Whalers & summer theater people (1991-2002) to reunion at Deborah Gordon's in Freeport. We need to know which date is best for the majority..Sat March 27th or Sun. Mar 28th. ??? I will be sending out notes as follows: If you were a Whaler or did early Summer theater with Deb Gordon ..can you come to Brunch at her home in Freeport..( dates above) Please let us know ASAP..which date is best for you . Beds can be arranged if need be !!!! E-mail ChebIs32@aol.com or Greenpointdesign@hotmail.com or call 846-4078 for further details & directions. It can be a fun reunion ..please join us >>>>
From the Niblic: Today at the Niblic, we'll be serving the Jordans Lentin Soup with Ham and Kielbasa, Friday enjoy Haddock Chowder, and on Saturday we'll be serving Beans & Greens Soup. Our Dinner-To-Go this Friday is Chicken Pot Pie with Salad. And don't forget we have a 20% Off Sale for all clothing during the month of March!
Meet Senator Libby Mitchell, Senate President and Candidate for Governor, Sunday • March 14 • 2:00 p.m. • At the Home of Mary and John Holt. Libby will share her experiences and plans for Maine’s Future. This will be an excellent opportunity for Libby to develop an understanding of our community as well as Chebeague’s strengths and challenges.
March 9, 2010 - Message from the Niblic: We're making soup today! Get in the March spirit and come down for some Reuben Soup! Delicious corned beef and sauerkraut soup topped with pumpernickel croutons and swiss cheese! Also, today we're making Mini Irish Soda Breads!
I am linking a video of a falcon and a goshawk flying with a tiny camera on its back. Sandi McDermott sent the link to me and as you may recall she got photos of a large hawk who was later eating a rabbit on the East End last August - the expert from Audobon says it is an immature Coopers Hawk.
The Great Cormorant who was seen at the Ross's last week has not been seen since and we are hoping that it just needed to rest a while before taking off. They can only fly by taking off from the water and perhaps he was able to take off after Poochie showed him the way to the shore.
March 8, 2010 - Message from Sarah McKinnon: I am looking for 10 pallets in fairly good condition for a project. If you have any pallets laying around that you will not be using or want to get rid of please email me at sarahmckinnon@chebeague.net or call at 3065. I can arrange to pick them up. Thank you.
Meet Senator Libby Mitchell, Senate President and Candidate for Governor, Sunday • March 14 • 2:00 p.m. • At the Home of Mary and John Holt -- Libby will share her experiences and plans for Maine’s Future. This will be an excellent opportunity for Libby to develop an understanding of our community as well as Chebeague’s strengths and challenges.
March 7, 2010 - I just took this photo of Longtail ducks flying that I have to share - click here. More seabirds coming soon.
Last weeks Chebeague Pre-K- Transitional K News - click here
Congratulations to Jon KomLosy who has been promoted to Captain and sailed as Master this morning for Dutch Harbor Alaska, Japan, Korea and China. aboard the APL Thialand which he formerly sailed as Chief Mate. The Thialand is a 906 foot long with a beam of 130 ft. Container ship which can carry up to 5400 20 foot containers, and has a service speed of 27 knots.
At their meeting on February 16, the School Committee voted not to renew the contract with MSAD#51 when the current tuition contract ends in 2014. They voted instead to make the Yarmouth School Department our new partner in educating Chebeague Island's middle and high school students. Click here to view the minutes from the meeting on February 16.
March 5, 2010 - A juvenile Great Cormorant (verified by Audobon) arrived at Poochie and Priscilla's back door today. He took a nap for a couple of hours between the house and the barn. Priscilla called and I was able to get some great photos of this bird and then he went for a walk with Poochie. We are trying to find out why he is here but we all know that the hospitality at the Ross's, especially if you are wildlife, is unprecedented. Here is an article in the Working Waterfront about the Great Cormorants in Maine.
Photo taken of Poochie with a Great Cormorant that arrived at their home click here
I forgot to mention that Spring is officially here! Yesterday we had red winged blackbirds as well as the common grackles at our feeders and I think the cardinals are starting their families soon!
Chebeague Island Directory
Looking for Island Artists
Submit a picture for the 2010 Island Directory. The Chebeague Island Library Board of Directors will choose this year’s cover that represents:“What the Island Directory means to you?” Please submit your picture by April 6th to the Library.
This is also the time to submit any corrections needed to the directory. Please send all corrections to Island.Directory@chebeague.net.
March 4, 2010 - The Chebeague Parents Association is sponsoring a Movie night for kids Saturday March 13th at 5:30. We will be showing The Peanuts Easter special then have make-your-own sundaes at the Hall for intermission followed by a showing of the old Disney classic The Shaggy D.A.
From the Niblic: Today we're serving soup! Surprise! We'll have a Shrimp Chowder with Asparagus.
March 3, 2010 - I found this link on Misa Erder's (Leila's daughter) blog about the fisherman mittens and interview with Dianne Calder. Misa's blog - click here. I am adding her website to the Island Business website above.
CICA will be holding a Board meeting next Tuesday, March 9th on farming and affordable housing. Click here to find out more.
Last weeks Chebeague Pre-K- Transitional K News - click here
The Chebeague Island School is looking for a custodian and food service director - click here for more information.
March 2, 2010 - Message from the Library: Groovy Movie schedule has changed just a bit. Friday, March 5th, Cache, Michael Haneke, Director and Friday, March 12th, Rules of the Game, Jean Renoir, Director.
From the Niblic: This week at the Niblic come in for lunch! We'll have hearty chef salads, sandwiches, and of course our hot soups. This Wednesday we'll be serving up Beef Stew, Friday enjoy some Brazilian Black Bean Soup, and on Saturday, a Corn and Red Bell Pepper Chowder. Dinner-To-Go on Friday and Saturday will be Ham and Scalloped Potatoes with Brown Bread and Salad. We still have some Pot Roast Dinners in the Niblic Freezer along with some delicious soups! Their website has all the details for the month as well!
Michael Porter has updated his site - click here they are now in Culebra!
March 1, 2010 - MARCH SPECIAL - The Rec is offering a Fitness Special - if you buy your year round fitness pass during the month of March it is $99 dollars - We are also offering a new poolpass/fitness combination - check details soon at CRC website!
Keven Wentworth did a youtube video of today's high tide and starts with a comparison of a very low tide - click here to see. This is really high tide!
Dan the hair man will be on the island 3/6 -3/7 - call him at (207) 239-6541.
Tomorrow evening is the School Committee Meeting at 6:30 at the school - see agenda.
The Health Center is looking for someone experienced in MEDICAL BILLING. If you fit the bill (sorry, I couldn't resist) please contact Christopher Silva NP at the office on Tuesdays 846-4988 OR you can ring Nancy Hill RN at 846-4126
Photo taken 2/1/2010 11:15 at the Stone Pier click here to see larger. Click here to see a video.
February 26, 2010 - Don't forget Steve Rowe tomorrow at 10:30 in the Niblic's second floor event room.
There was a huge wind storm and rain starting yesterday afternoon and by 10:30 the power was out all over the island. The power was finally restored about 6:30 for most people but there are still isolated homes who do not have power.
February 25, 2010 - Photo by Beth Putnam 2/25/10, taken from her iphone, click here to see.
Saturday's hike at the Rines Forest, sponsored by the Chebeague and Cumberland Land Trust has been cancelled due to weather.
February 24, 2010 - I goofed - I had a wonderful Valentine greeting "Love letters to the place and people" from Nancy Maull and I was saving it for Valentines Day - so it is a couple of weeks late but here it is- click here.
Steve Rowe, gubernatorial candidate for the Democratic nomination, will visit Chebeague on Saturday, February 27. Steve, a graduate of West Point with six plus years of active duty as an Army officer, has worked as a business administrator, a corporate attorney and is currently counsel to the law firm of Verrill Dana. He served four terms in the Maine House of Representatives and was Speaker of the House in his last term. Steve was also Maine's Attorney General, 2001 - 2009. Read more about Steve at http://www.roweforgovernor.com/ --Please take advantage of this opportunity to meet Steve at 10:30 in the Niblic's second floor event room. He'll share his experiences and his plans for Maine's future. Join in introducing Steve to our wonderful community and help him develop an understanding of Chebeague's strengths and challenges.
February 23, 2010 - A memorial service will be held at the Chebeague Island Church on Wednesday, February 24 at 3 p.m. for Ann Long Ormsby, the Island School custodian and food service supervisor, who died unexpectedly last week. Ann was an amazing friend and an integral part of the lives of the island school children and their families. Her loss is deeply felt by all who knew her. Ann’s husband and children acknowledge how important Ann was to the island, and this memorial service is important to the grieving process for the school community and her family. Please come and show your support during this difficult time. A reception will follow at the Parish House. All are welcome.
This week at The Niblic, come in Wednesday for Spinach and Mushroom Soup, Friday we'll have Ribollita (a Tuscan bean soup), and Saturday, a hearty Salmon Chowder with Dill. Our Dinner-To-Go on Friday and Saturday is a Pot Roast Dinner with Biscuits.
Message from the Rec: We are sad to announce that the Basketball game at CRC with Long Island on Saturday the 27th has been cancelled. It turned out to be a hard weekend for families from both islands. Hopefully we will be able to schedule another game with them soon. A big thank you goes out to Peter Olney and Geoff Summa for all the time and effort they put into planning this fun day!!
Inquiring minds want to know what Vika's babies name is because I put the wrong name on the site yesterday and I knew her name is Riley with an R - sorry for the confusion and she did come about five weeks early - which now that we know everyone is healthy - Vika is grateful!
February 20, 2010 - Last night the teens rocked from 9 PM till 9 AM this morning! They have done fabulous getting pledges! This year the pledges the teens get for Rockathon and Plunge - 40% goes toward the teen operation and 60% they will have in a fund for what they will be able to vote on. The rest of the winter Festival events go toward the teen operating costs. Click here for photos of this morning!
It looks like tomorrow will be another beautiful day and onlookers will have a special treet that was experienced a few years ago when the tide was out a ways and plungers had to go almost to Crow Island to get wet! Can't Wait! If you are plunging - make sure you wear shoes.
February 19 2010 - An unusual parking opportunity from the CTC - click here.
NEWS RELEASE: A fund seeking to support farming/gardening projects that will contribute towards increasing the amount of locally produced food, and/or raising awareness about island-based agricultural efforts and heritage. click here for details!
The Chili, Chowder, Soup is looking really good with 10 soups, 10 chilies , and 8 chowders. Contributors please bring their pots up to the Rec between 11:00 and 12:00 Sunday morning and preheat food at home, as it’s hard to get cold dishes warm enough to serve in a short period of time, before the meal.
We are excited to have Gift Certificate Prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd in each of the categories from many local restaurants including 233 Grill, Deer Run Tavern, Pats Pizza, Bruces Burritos, Claytons (Jamie KomLosy manager), and for the eleventh year in a row Great Lost Bear.
Message from the Niblic: Today and tomorrow, we have your Dinner-To-Go: Spanakopita - a Greek spinach pie made with layers of light fluffy phyllo dough and a filling of seasoned spinach and feta with onions and various spices. And for dessert a Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting! Come in or call to reserve yours. Single dinner portion is $6.50 Family portion is $13.50 and dessert sold seperately at $3.00 a slice.
Sanfords Pond will be open (if frozen enough) today from 9 till 1l. We are hoping for cold nights for a while.
February 17, 2010 - Community Lunch today, noon, at the Hall. Roast Pork Loin.
Message from the Democratic Town Committee - click here. Rosa Scarcelli, gubernatorial candidate seeking the Democratic nomination will be visiting Chebeague on Sunday, Feb 21, at 11:00 a.m. in the second floor event room at the Chebeague Island Boat Yard.
February 16, 2010 - Message from the Niblic: "Tomorrow, Wednesday, warm up with our Beef & Bean Chili. On Friday we'll be serving Pumpkin Soup and on Saturday, Cauliflower Cheddar. The Dinner-To-Go this Friday will be Spanakopita with Greek Salad. Available for pickup Friday after 2pm or Saturday 9am-2pm. And don't forget we have an assortment of our dinners and soups in our freezer."
As everyone knows - this weekend is the Winter Carnival and especially the Polar Plunge! So far we have six plungers: Seth Prescott, Timmy Calder, Anna Maine, Peter Carleton, Bob Earnest and me brrrrrr! Go to the Rec Page for more info if you are thinking about plunging.
The Winter Carnival Events is the fun FUNdraiser that is to benefit and help defray the costs of running the Teen Center. This year the teens who raise money through their pledges for the Rockathon and/or plunge will be able to put 60% of their pledges collected into a teen center fund. The kids that help raise the money will have control of the money and purchases will be voted on by them. They can pick things like a new stereo or other equipment, new games or they can allocate some or all of the money toward a teen trip. The other 40% of the money will be used toward teen center staff costs. The Rocker that collects the most money will get a $100 itune card. If you are having a hard time meeting the $100 pledge minimum, call Kelley Rich at 846-5068 so she can help.
School Committee meeting tonight at 6:30 - see agenda.
I put together a little movie if the relighting ceremony and celebration at Lake Placid - click here.
February 15, 2010 - From Michael Porter: "We are now in sunny St. Croix, and I have updated our site again: www.mp-marine.com/Cruise09_4.html --I have also added .kml files that show where we have been in Google Earth. To see them you _do_ have to have Google Earth (free download) on your computer first. I hope this will please the people who have been asking or maps. Best, Michael"
BRENDA will be on the island on Wednesday, February 17th arriving on the 10am boat and leave on the 2pm boat. She will have Haddock - $5.50/lb. Shrimp meat - $5.00/lb. Chowder Haddock - $3.75. Salmon - $6.95. Local Scallops - $9.50/lb. Crabmeat - $7.50 for 1/2 pound. People may phone or email orders to her at 329-4132 (cell) 846-3440 (home) klenda@maine.rr.com (email) She will be at my house as usual.
February 14, 2010 - Happy Valentines Day! - Next Sunday is the Chili, Chowder, and Soup Challenge following the Polar Plunge. I am looking forward to all the great food so I want to be sure there will be enough for the plungers when they get there. We are hoping you will call Ellen Maher 847- 9250 and volunteer to make something - it is such a fun and satisfying event!
Chebeague Pre-K- Transitional K News- Last week- click here
I am just back from an amazing time at Lake Placid where I met up with three of the Torchbearers from 1980 and we participated in the reigniting the Olympic Flame Caldrens at the Olympic Oval and at the Fair Grounds where the opening ceremonies took place 30 years ago. We even did a couple of relays with a new flame and then Suzy ran the mile and half with the lit torch. It was a magical time for us and I took tons of photos and some movies. I am planning on putting together a small movie but first I would love to share the memories - click here!
February 11, 2010 - This coming Sunday is the CIHCC Valentine Sunday BRUNCH! Bring all your sweethearts along at 11:30 for all the delicious brunch food! 11:30-12:30 adm.. $8 and $4.00. All the usual goodies..ham,bacon, sausage, fried dough, stratas, quiches, smoothies, juice, coffee, tea,breads,etc. etc. This is such a FUN, delicious fundraiser.
Message from the NIBLIC: "This Friday and Saturday at the Niblic... Special Valentines Dinner-To-Go! Click here for details. Also we have plenty of gifts for your sweetheart here at The Niblic Free Wilbur’s Chocolate Candies with your purchase. Get 10% off anything in our Valentine display cases now through Saturday click here to see some!"
February 9, 2010 - Here's the Niblic Menu for the week: Wednesday, come into the Niblic, for some Roasted Barley & Swedish Meatball Soup. Friday we'll have Minestrone and Saturday tasty Tex-Mex Chicken.
Message from the Town: Next week there will be a couple of days that some parking areas will be unavailable as the Kid's Place building is arriving. Click here to see the notice from the Town.
Message from the Rec: Just a reminder that in order to go on the Mt Abram tubing trip your payment ($8.00 per person) and the form need to be turned in to the CRC office no later that Thursday, February 11th. Our trip is on a Monday so I will be unable to make exceptions for late registrants.
Message from Sam on Sanford's Pond: The kids are all still having a great time skating even though the ice is a bit bumpy. I am looking for some volunteers to help in the next week. If anyone is available to open the pond for a day (usually I bring some sort of snack to share and water), keep the fire going then sweep and lock up at the end of the time. It would be great if we could keep it open for the vacation week! We have had 18 skating days so far and who knows how many more there will be. Please let me know if you could help at all or give me a call 846-4467. The pond number is 846-1168, I’ll be there this afternoon and tomorrow Tuesday and Wednesday.
We are expecting another nice day today with no real weather expected on Chebeague but it is a different story down south. Maryland is preparing for another big snow storm and I just received these photos from Becca Rich Koppmann and Murray Sachs who live there - click here.
February 8, 2010 - Congratulations to Ralph Munroe and the Portland Fire Department. They were #1 for the Boston Stair Climb with climb times and fund raising in the fire fighting division. Ralph did amazing and far better than he thought he would at 9 min and 47 seconds. This was a benefit for American Lung Association. The results - Ralph was 13th overall in his age group - way to go!!!!
Chebeague Pre-K- Transitional K News- Last week- click here
"Mary Holt (democrats@chebeague.net or 518-8236), is pleased to announce:"Rosa Scarcelli is coming out to Chebeague on Sunday, February 21. We will gather in the Boat Yard's event room at 11:00 to meet Rosa, listen to her message, ask questions and share our concerns. She will be attending the Polar Bear Plunge and Chili/Chowder/Soup Challenge, which will provide the opportunity for folks to personally speak with Rosa and for Rosa to establish an understanding of our community. Her expertise is in affordable housing, small businesses and business administration. She is very interested in learning about Chebeague's strengths and needs. Let me know if you would like to help with this visit. Go to www.rosaformaine.com to learn about Rosa.
February 6, 2010 - These photos were sent to me by Charles Marks to let me know how lucky he is to have gone south for the winter while we all suffer with our present beautiful clear weather!
Sanford’s Pond will open at 1:00 today, Althea will be there to open and may need to close early if no 8ther volunteers can help. If there is anyone else who could volunteer that would be great. Please call pond 846-1168.
DON'T FORGET TONIGHT - Benefit Dinner for Haiti Where : Church Parish House When: Saturday February 6th Time: 5:00pm Cost: Donation to Haiti (UMCOR) Meal…Hawaiian Luau (Cookout) Join us for a bit of summer in the midst of the winter’s cold chill.
CLEAN ELECTIONS: In 1996, Maine voters passed the Maine Clean Election Act (MCEA) as a citizen initiative to establish a voluntary program of full public financing of political campaigns for candidates running for Governor, State Senator, and State Representative. --- The Maine Ethics website http://www.maine.gov/ethics/mcea/index.htm provides more information as well as links elaborating specific details. -----The following link https://www5.informe.org/cgi-bin/online/ethics/cleanelection/home.pl will take you to the page, which provides you the opportunity to contribute $5 to the campaigns of those candidates who are committed to running a Clean Election. It's a little bit of money that will support fellow Mainers' right to run for elected office without saying yes to lobbying corporations in return for big contributions.
February 5, 2010 - Donna Damon talks about commuting and shares some photos she has taken while commuting - click here to see. Sunrise over Chebeague photo taken 02/5/10 by Donna Damon Click here
I meant to put this on my website weeks ago and am just getting around to it. If you are on the Island and/or in Maine you can help with some testing for bandwidth that is going on. Please log onto the site at http://connectmespeedtest.maine.gov from locations where you access the internet and follow the straight forward instructions provided. The test takes less than a minute to complete and the only information requested from you is the address location from which you are currently accessing the system.
Message from Sam Birkett: Hello everyone, Just wanted to let you all know the pond will be open today, Friday and can be open this weekend but I am hoping to get some volunteers to cover some of the weekend time, if the time was split into two hour blocks and we opened at 11:00 there could be three shifts each day 11-1, 1-3 then 3-5:30. More than likely we may all be there most of the time anyway but having help gives the opportunity to take a break for a bit. It looks as though Sunday afternoon there will be an effort to flood the pond which will greatly improve the conditions and hopefully we can maintain that through the vacation week, if mother nature cooperates. Fairpoint is also supposed to be there sometime today to fix the phone!
Don't forget that the Chebeague Republican Party Caucus is tomorrow, Saturday, February 6th, 9:30 am at the Chebeague Island Hall Community Center. Meredith Strang Burgess, our State Representative will be there.
February 4, 2010 - Message from Deb Bowman's family: Deb is recovering and the family really appreciates all the support, concern, and flowers. She will be coming home soon and needs her rest and looking forward to seeing everyone when she is better.
Message from the Niblic: Dinners-To-Go start this Friday at the Niblic; pick up your meal Friday after 2 or Saturday 9-2 from the Niblic refrigerator. Full Dinner including Vegetable or Meat Lasagna, Bread, and Salad: Single - $9.50 Family - $18.50 Dinner including Bread (no salad): Single - $7.50 Family - $14.50 Choose between a Winter Green Salad with Dried Cranberries, Mandarin Oranges, and Slivered Almonds w/ Newman's Family Italian Dressing OR a Garden Salad with Romaine, Onions, Bell Peppers, and Swiss Cheese with Newman's Family Italian Dressing. Wine selection is Terra Andina Pinot Noir at 10% off! ------Don't forget we'll still be serving Peasant Vegetable Soup for lunch on Friday and Haddock Chowder on Saturday! 846-1015
"News from the Rec - The new Kids' Place building is scheduled to be erected soon, and should be open early next month. The Community Outreach Team is in the final stages of the island building fund drive, with favorable results thus far. They ask that those who have made pledges but not yet sent in their donations please do their best to do so soon. Checks should be made out to Kids' Place and mailed to or dropped off at the Rec."
Just a quick reminder that TKD (Tae Kown Do) starts this Saturday, February 6th 11:00 AM until noon. The price is $78 for all 10 sessions or a $10 drop in fee. If your child would like to participate please let Kelley know (if you haven’t already done so) crc@chebeague.net.
Our first “Teen Center Improvement” meeting will be on Saturday, February 6th at 9 AM at CRC. This will be a meeting with parents and the some members of the CRC teen center committee. All parents are welcome so please come if you can. Spread the word to other pre-teen/teen parents - we will meet with teens separateley.
A new report from Michael Porter - this time covering the trip from Bermuda and their first week or so in the BVI. - click here
February 2, 2010 - CRC is looking for Camp Chebeague leaders as well as new ideas for the 2010 season. We would like to offer camps for all ages and all interests. Please call Kelley if you have any ideas or are willing to lead a camp. Weekly stipend is available for camp leaders. We have Soccer, Baseball, Tennis and Theater scheduled. You can visit our web site to view the schedule.
Come in to The Niblic tomorrow, Wednesday, for some Split Pea with Cob Smoked Bacon! On Friday we'll be serving Peasant Vegetable and on Saturday some Hearty Haddock Chowder. Don't forget that Friday we start the Dinners To G0 846-1015!
Join your friends for a winter walk at the Maine Audubon in Falmouth. The walk begins at Maine Audubon, where a Chocolate and Jewelry Fair will be held both days. Buy some jewelry for your loved one (or for yourself), enjoy some chocolates - just in time for Valentine’s Day – and then WALK the calories off. Call or email CRC if you are interested. See attachment for details.
February 1, 2010 - Photo taken on the Little Chebeague Bar 02/1/10 in the afternoon Click here
A couple of young birders Aaron and Ethan Belesca were trying to get a good photo of a hawk which turns out to be a coopers Hawk. They were frustrated because they couldn't get close enough so they went and set up a telescope (even though their parents said it wouldn't work) and took these great photos - way to go!!
Another wonderful article by Anna Maine in the Working Waterfront. This time it is about Sanford's Pond - click here to see.
When we went for a walk in the woods today I got a surprise because I did not know that turkeys sleep high up in trees and there it was in front of me and then took off along with six or seven others who were all around me - click here to see.
Chebeague Pre-K- Transitional K News- Last week- click here.
School Committee Meeting, tomorrow evening, Tuesday, February 2, 6:30 - see agenda.
January 31, 2010 - A Call for Volunteers with a Mission….. Where: Church Parish House When: Monday February 8th Time: 7:00pm
Most of us are not able to go to Haiti, but there is poverty and a need for volunteers in the Portland area. There are lots of ways you can help. If you are interested in working in mission, please join us at the informational meeting. FMI…Lola Armstrong 846-4737
Benefit Dinner for Haiti Where : Church Parish House When: Saturday February 6th Time: 5:00pm Cost: Donation to Haiti (UMCOR) Meal…Hawaiian Luau (Cookout) Join us for a bit of summer in the midst of the winter’s cold chill.
January 30, 2010 - There were three young eagles at the wharf this afternoon trying to lug something off - click here.
CHEBEAGUE REPUBLICANS TO CAUCUS Chebeague Republicans will caucus on Saturday, February 6, 2010 at 9:30 am at the Chebeague Island Hall and Community Center. - The purpose of the caucus is to elect Delegates and Alternates to the State Convention, elect members of the Cumberland County Republican Committee, and organize for the upcoming elections. All Chebeague Island Republicans are urged to attend this event. --- The State Convention will be held in Portland on May 7th and 8th. It is an excellent opportunity for local Republicans to meet and speak with those who are running for office. CONTACT: Jill Malony 846-9613
Don't forget that the CHEBEAGUE DEMOCRATIC PARTY CAUCUS is tommorow, Sunday, January 31, 1:00pm at the Chebeague Island Hall Community Center.
January 29, 2010 - Back by popular demand VALENTINE BRUNCH at the Hall - Sunday Feb. 14th Valentine's Day Brunch at Hall..11:30-12:30 adm.. $ 8 and $4.00. All the usual goodies..ham,bacon, sausage, fried dough, stratas, quiches, smoothies, juice, coffee, tea,breads,etc. etc. This is such a FUN, delicious fundraiser. I am still looking for brunch recipes for the CIHCC Brunch cookbook.
Chebeague.net, Inc. is sad to report that the two Federal grants that we applied for from the Departments of Commerce and Agriculture have been denied. One reason cited is that we're located too close to a fully served area, i.e. the mainland. Clearly, they don't understand the barrier that exists or what, exactly, an island is. We'll try to do a better job explaining that concept to them in the Round Two applications which will come up in the spring. The good news is that GWI of Biddeford (who supplies us with bandwidth) received a $16 million grant to expand their system, and we will most likely indirectly benefit from their award.
The Forecaster ran an article about the Prentice family, new owners of the Chebeague Island Inn. See http://www.theforecaster.net/content/n-chebinn
Finally, news from Michael and Barbara who have had quite an adventure: "Greetings from the tropics, where it is about 83 deg. At long last I have updated my site" www.mp-marine.com/Cruise09_2.html"
January 28, 2010 - Casco Bay Lines Third Annual Inter-Island Cruise, Friday, February 5, 2010 for the 3rd Annual Inter-Island Dinner/Dance Cruise. This year's theme is "Celebrate Groundhog Day!" Click here to get all the details!
Message from the Rec: CRC is organizing a TUBING TRIP to Mt Abram on Monday, February 15. If the weather is bad on Monday, Thursday the 18th will be our rain/snow date. All ages are welcome but if you’re not comfortable with your child tubing down the hill on their own please make sure they have a chaperone. Helmets are available (and recommended) at an additional cost. - The tickets are only $8 per person and are good for the whole day (11:00 AM-4:00 PM). Please let me know if you’d like to sign up and how many tickets you need. The deadline to purchase tickets is February 11th. - We will also need drivers. Call CRC846-5068 to purchase tickets and/or to let me know if you can help with transportation. crc@chebeague.net
January 27, 2010 - Don't forget that the Democratic Party Caucus is this Sunday, January 31, 1:00pm at the Chebeague Island Hall Community Center. The Agenda will include but will not be limited to Election of: Municipal Committee Officers, County Committee Members and Convention Delegates.
The Chili Chowder Challenge and Polar Plunge is less than a month away. I don't know about the other plungers but I have been doing my laps around the Niblic in preparation - just kidding. Unfortunately I am tending to bulk up for it - oh well - I only seem to get a bathing suit on once a year. This summer I am determined to start up my laps again at the pool. Please email the CRC to sign up for the plunge $100 in pledges gets you all kinds of benefits, a gift bag and free lunch at the chile, chowder, soup challenge. If you get $500 in pledges you receive a tote bag! Ellen Maher has started a list of entrants in the Chili, Chowder, Soup challenge so please contact her at 847-9257 and let her know what you are bringing. We are determined this year to not have any problems with the keeping the items warm. Our featured dessert is again cookies so contact Laura Summa if you would like to contribute to the desserts.
Note from Greely High and the great work of the Debating Team - Congratulations to David Hamilton who is one of the stars! Good luck this weekend!
January 26, 2010 - Check out Nate Martin's roster information for the St. Josephs Baseball team - he is listed #1 but we already knew that he is number one.
At the Niblic: Tomorrow, Wednesday: Italian Meatball Soup - Friday: Creamy Pumpkin - Saturday: Green Chili Stew
Congatulations Dennis Johnson who was named to the Deans List at Springfield College - he is a sophomore in Criminal Justice.
January 25, 2010 -Click here for a message from Jim Phipps of The Iris Network asking for our help!
This article was sent to me by Gretchen about the Health Care by Kaiser Health News called “Why Public Support for Health Care Faltered.”
January 22, 2010 - Chebeague Pre-K- Transitional K News- January 22, 2010 - click here.
Don't forget tomorrow, Saturday, meeting- future tuition Middle and High School students at the rec at 9 with open house at the school 10:30.
I just heard from Craig Idlebrook who wrote to apologize about the mistake of sources for the Chebeague Island Inn story - he wrote: "You are, of course, right, that I did not interview you, and the story will be corrected on the website and in print. Thanks for calling it to our attention. Mistakes like this are inexcusable in my profession, and I haven't made a doozy like this one in more than seven years. Again, I'm sorry for the mistake."Working Waterfront
Message from Jamie Calthorpe: "Island resident and single mother of 2 school aged children seeking affordable year round rental on the island. We have reached a point where we can no longer afford the current rent we are paying at our residence and would desperately love to be able to stay on the island. Unfortunately, if I cannot find something more affordable soon, the only alternative would be to move to the mainland. Ideally I could afford about $550 per month, possibly a bit more if there were some utilities included. Please call me at 846-2214 or email jamieann1976@gmail.com. Thank you Jamie, Jenna & David Calthorpe"
Message from Dick Calder's daughter Leanne Libby: Dad is doing quite well.. He did have a heart attack.. He is at Maine Medical Center and “may” come home this weekend.. He, Mom and our entire family really appreciate all the calls, prayers and love from such a wonderful community… Thanks so much… Leanne
Board of Selectmen - Saturday Jan. 23rd - Budget Workshop - 1pm at the Rec Center CANCELLED - the next meeting will be - Wednesday Jan. 27th - Meeting/Workshop - 6 pm at the Island Hall - go to the Town Website for agenda or Town meeting Calendar above.
January 21, 2010 - Haiti relief opportunity :Linda Brewster has made up directions with bags to make personal health kits for people dealing with the earthquake in Haiti. The Library has a supply at the Library. Each bag is for one person and contains many items. This is a simple and effective way to help the Haiti people. Click here to see what goes in the bag.
JOB Opportunity: The Kids' Place is looking for a part-time child care provider. $10 per hour. 18 yrs or older. Call Paige @ 846-5875.
The Working Waterfront has an article about the Chebeague Inn and its possible new owners - great article but I have to say that I was a little worried when I read it because the quotes didn't sound like me and I couldn't even remember talking about it that much if I even did. It said that I was a Selectman but I'm not, I'm on the School Board so thought that was a little off. It turns out, after a little investigation, that it was David Hill who gave all the wonderful quotes - I knew it was too smart for me. David also didn't mean to exclude all the other wonderful places to eat on the island including the Clam Shack, Island Market and the Niblic and thought he had qualified that comment. I have to admit, I thought that I was losing it.
Last night I finished the Ed2go class on InDesign Application and took my final about 11pm with a 36 question final exam. I was two classes behind but fortunately you have a two week grace period. I really learned a lot and found it to be terrific!! I have all my notes and would be glad to share them with anyone who would like to see and even use them. Today I start my next Ed2go class which is Flash application, also from Adobe Creative Suite and I have no idea what I am getting into on this one - it will teach me how to do animation so maybe as I do them I will post them online - but with taxes and other obligations I'm sure I will be playing catchup. (click here to see my first practice) it may make you sick.
Due to the weather forecast, tomorrow's Community Luncheon has been cancelled
The School Committee meeting with the Town is tonight, not on the 29th as previously written - at least I had said tomorrow night.January 18, 2010 - School Committee Meeting tomorrow night, Tuesday January 19, 2010 at the school. There will be a joint meeting between the Town and School Committee starting at 6pm and the regular School Committee meeting at 7pm - see agenda.
Thank you to Eli and a group of teens who volunteered for this Community Service opportunity at Sanford's Pond. They got through about half the wood before it started to get dark and they had to get back to studying for finals. Click here to see a few photos!
It has been snowing hard all day with an accumulation of about a foot of snow. We really need to find some ways to get the snow off the pond. Anyone with some ideas on how to clear the pond without ruining it please give Sam Birkett a call 846-4467. Big thank you to Sam who has been working so hard at keeping the pond up and running smoothly (no pun intended).
I just made a quick video of the birds at my birdfeeder today during the snowstorm- there is so much more I would like to do with it but no time - only about a minute so it isn't as bad as watching paint dry like some may say - click here to see.
January 16, 2010 - Today I there were a lot of children young and old sledding at Thompson's Hill today - click here to see the photos. Click here for a large photo.
Last weeks news from Pre-K-transitional K as promised yesterday - click here.
I found out that one of the items voted on the other day for the town was to extend the 24 hour parking to 25 hour parking at the Stone Pier.
January 15, 2010 - I'm a a little late getting this on from last weeks news from last weeks Pre-K - transitional K - click here. The children had a great time interacting with the Island Commons residents. Look for this weeks this weekend.
You can donate to relief efforts in Haiti through the Chebeague United Methodist Church website www.gbgm-umc.org/chebeaguechurch/index.htm - 100% of funds donated through the church will go toward Haiti Emergency Relief.
Our Island Institute Fellow, Eli, is planning on doing some volunteer community service work this Monday on Martin Luther King day at Sanford's Pond. He would love to hear from High School, Junior High School students to help. This is a great opportunity to help and even get credit towards community service. It also helps on future college apps and scholarships. Contack Eli at ebossin@islandinstitute.org! Thank you Eli!!
January 14, 2010 - Photo taken at 4pm, 01/14/10 of Sanford's Pond - the children are spending every day after school Click here
I took a few photos of the Sanford's Skating Pond after school today - click here to see.
Congratulations to Greely High School and its students - the U.S.News & World Report has declared it to be one of the top schools in the Country and was one of Maines four schools to get the Silver Award.
January 13, 2010 - It is that time of year again when some of us start bulking up for the Polar Bear Plunge, preparing our recipes for the Chili Chowder Soup Challenge and practice our rocking for the Rockathon! The weekend of February 19th is fast approaching with the Rockathon Friday night for the teens, Movie night Saturday for the teens and then the Plunge on Sunday at noon (should be interesting in that the tide is not great - remember when we had to run a long way) and the Chili, Chowder, Soup Challenge following! MARK YOUR CALENDARS! More info coming soon and PLease help by volunteering! It really is a fun time for all! ELLEN MAHER (cisanta@chebeague.net) or call 847-9250 is in charge of the chili/soup/chowder so please let her know what you will be making. We need 10 crocks of each kind so that everyone will be full when they leave the rec! LOOK at last years chili, chowder,challenge.
Contact the CRC (crc@chebeague.net) or email me for more information and volunteering ideas.
Don't forget to get your order into Brenda today for tomorrow.
I hope people have figured it out that there is someone who is able to hack my site very easily - probably because he (David) controls the passwords to it - I thought I had taken care of it once but just noticed that his note reappeared. I have had sooo many Birthday wishes over the last day that I couldn't possibly find the time to thank everyone - so I'll do it here - Thank you all - and you too David.
January 11, 2010 - Brenda Klenda is coming back this Thursday, January 14th? Same time (10boat til 2:15 boat) same place (my house Johnsons East End) This time she will have haddock- $5.00 /lb. Fresh Shrimp meat- $5.00 /lb. Chowder haddock - $3.75 /lb. Salmon - $6.95/lb. Crabmeat $7.50/ half pound. You may contact her by email: klenda@maine.rr.com. or phone: (329-4132 cell) (846-3440 home)
This past weekend Sanford's Pond was flooded so now there is ice and the children were all there after school today!
My sister, Nancy, and I met the Chebeague contingent down at Boston Museum of Art to view the wonderful new exhibit THE SECRETS OF TOMB 10A EGYPT 2000BC. It was fun seeing people winter and summer all over the museum - had a great time. Big thank you to Suhail and the Chebeague Historical Society for setting this up and then meeting one of the curators. We used the audio tour which I feel I get so much more out of any exhibit hearing it as I walk around.
I received a message from Charlotte Morse about a terrific show people may be interested in tomorrow evening, Tuesday, January 12th at 9pm, on Public Television. The featured group "THE YOUNG AT HEART CHORUS" is from Northampton, Mass and has become very popular, and well traveled, since it was organized 26 years ago.
January 9, 2010 - I was able to attend the Town Meeting this morning for a little while and can only report on some of the items. Article 1Peter Rice was elected the moderator was Peter Rice. Article 2 was voted by secret ballot and the results were 80 to 8 to approve the re-purchase of land. Article 3 was voted on by voice (I think unanimous) to amend the Coastal Waters Ordinance. Article 4 had much discussion and I had to leave before the vote but it did get voted in to enact a new ordinance entitled Off-Highway Vehicle Ordinance. I understand that there will be a little more work done on the ordinance but for now it did pass. I'm not sure on the rest but I did get a few photos of the meeting at the Rec Center - click here.
This afternoon there was a baby shower for Vika, my daughter, and everyone was invited - I have some photos from the party. She received lots of wonderful gifts and my sister and neice, Nancy and KK, made all kinds of food and made it so special for her - we all had a great time and I want to thank everyone!!! Click here to see lots of photos.
Photo by Nancy Earnest Jan 9, 1010 - Firefighters got in some portable pump training and Sandford's Pond got Zambonied Chebeague style. Click here to see larger.
Januarly 7, 2010 - I can't believe nobody even noticed that since the beginning of the year I have been using 2009 - I finally realized.
A few more members have been added to the Community Outreach Team for Kid's Place. Mary Taylor and Sarah McKinnan have joined Amy Rich, Mary Holt, Polly Wentworth, and Suhail Bisharat - if you would like to donate, help with fundraising, or have questions. Checks should be made out to Kid's Place and sent to the Rec.
On NPR the other day there was an interesting radio program on NPR: American Radio Works called Early Lessons. This documentary tells the story of preschool education. It started as an experiment in the 1960s and economists now say it's the smartest way to spend public money. Fifty years later, researchers are still learning powerful lessons about America's youngest students. Click here for a link to that program.
The Town of Chebeague Island has requested Federal Funding for the study leading up to the actual re-dredging of the area at the Stone Pier. Click here to see how you can help. Public input is needed by January 22nd. This is such a great opportunity for us and certainly impacts all the Commercial uses of the Stone Wharf ( Fishing, Ferry, Barging, Emergency Rescue, Police, Shellfish Transportation, Boat Maintenance) This information is also on the Town Website!
January 6, 2010 -Yesterday a lot of the school children and Tom Calder saw a Snowy Owl down the road from the school. They are considered a rare bird and the day before Jeff Champagne found a dead Great Horned Owl in a snow bank which looked like it had injuries to its side. We thought maybe an eagle might have been responsible but after talking to the Audobon they thought it was more likely to be the Snowy Owl who are extremely territorial. I figure that it will probably go over to Winks house and he will get all kinds of photos. I would love to see it and get some photos so please call if you do see it.
I don't know about everyone else but I am confused about the health care bills and what is being discussed in Washington. Thank you to Leila and Nora who sent this on to me. Click here to see a comparison between The House- and Senate-passed health reform bills. This was put together by young staffers on the Hill in a range of offices who have been working on the health bills. It cuts across party lines and gets to the facts.
Ralph Munroe is doing the fire fighters Boston stair climb on Feb 6, 2010. he needs donations in his name as it is a fund raiser for the American lung Association, and he can not participate without a certain amount of donations. Click here to go to the web site to make donations.
January 5, 2010 - Tomorrow at the Niblic enjoy some hearty Salmon Chowder! On Friday we'll be serving up Peasant Vegetable Soup and stop by Saturday for Creamy Cauliflower Cheddar Soup.
The Chebeague Island Inn is under new management according to Facebook - click here to go to Chebeague Inn Facebook.
January 4, 2010 - School Board Meeting workshop tonight at 6:30 the School Committee will be going into executive session to discuss contract negotiations.
Regular School Board Meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, January 5th at 6:30 - see agenda.
Seasonal AND H1N1shots are available at the Hall on Tuesday 5th January from 8:30am until 11:30am. There is lots of H1N1 for walk-ins and a limited supply of Seasonal vaccine for walk-ins. H1N1 is supplied FREE. The Seasonal flu shot is $10 - most insurances cover it. If you're paying out of pocket and can't afford it the Samaritan Fund will cover the cost. Come & have coffee and Mac & Beth's famous donuts!
The Kids' Place Building Fund Campaign continues to move ahead well. We are aiming for 100% participation from Chebeague residents, regardless of individual pledge amounts. Now that we have decided not to seek a capital contribution from the Town, it is vitally important that we maintain the pace of community giving.
Keep an eye on our progress at Newcomb Park, where site preparation is underway, with the building set to arrive in the next 4-6 weeks. A huge thank you to the volunteers who have been out there working on the land, Wayne, Bo, Chuck, Sherman, Eldon and Topher - and it was cold. Click here to see a photo of Chuck, who cut up and split most of the wood and brought to Sanfords Skating Pond, and he doesn't even wear gloves.
Please contact a member of our Community Outreach Team - Amy Rich, Mary Holt, Polly Wentworth, or Suhail Bisharat - if you would like to donate, help with fundraising, or have questions. Checks should be made out to Kid's Place and sent to the Rec.
In today's Globe: "An Ode to Ellen Goodman" by columnist James Carroll.
January 3, 2010 - message from the CHEABEAGUE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH What's new is the Uncommon Lectionary, a two-year cycle of Bible readings offering a new framework for reading scripture in church. The idea is to take a fresh look at the Bible stories and apply them to our modern culture with the aim of making disciples and deepening spirituality.
Here's the plan for January:
January 10 Your Experience with Jesus Colossians 1:15-2:19
January 17 Hope for the Future John 8:12-20; 9
January 24 God Shapes our Lives Jeremiah 18:1-11
January 31 God can Totally Change Us Acts 9:1-31
Besides joining us for worship, you can also join the conversation at Pastor Linda's new blog: http://chebeaguechurch.blogspot.com/
NOTICE: The Brunswick-Freeport Christmas Bird Count is Monday, January 4th. The eastern half of Chebeague Island is within the count circle. See MAP LINK: Chebeague CBC Link
They are interested in high counts of any birds seen on JANUARY 4 in the count area on land or on the water particularly on the outside of the island. You can email your findings to stellawalsh@earthlink.net or phone them to me at 807-3679. If you would keep track of how much time you spent looking for birds, that would be good for them to know. Stephen and I will not be around all day tomorrow so we won't be any help - maybe someone reading this will be able to look for some birds.
January 2, 2010 - The 2010 Chebeague Island Community Sailing School is now online so click here - They will have three sessions: July 5-16, July 19-30, August 2-13and are also offering a longer program for students who want more time on the water and at school.
Community Jobs Forum Discussion - January 4, 2010, 7:00p.m. Island Hall - Share your thoughts regarding the following: relevancy of President Obama’s December 3rd Job’s Forum to our community, health of local businesses, community economic struggles, opportunities for economic growth, obstacles to job creation, other issues and ideas relative to the Chebeague Community. Results of discussions must be forwarded to the White House by January 7, 2010. Click here for more info.
I should have mentioned below when talking about Anthony's brochure there is a nice photo of Ray Hamilton holding a Carved boat that Anthony made and gave to him recently. He named the boat "Me and Ray"as he use to go lobstering with Ray as a young boy - click here to see. Ray, at 99, is remarkable! He is an avid reader and loves all the books he gets and probably has read a number since Christmas and he also loves to have people stop in and visit as he is not getting around as much.
Chebeague Island Historical Society has scheduled a day trip to Boston on Monday, January 11th so that we can all enjoy the exceptional exhibition at the Museum of Fine Arts: THE SECRETS OF TOMB 10A EGYPT 2000BC ----Those going from Chebeague will leave the island on the CTC boat at 8 am and will return with the 6.30pm boat. Tickets are $80 each, and include the cost of roundtrip transport to Boston from the Cousins Island wharf and entrance to the Museum and the exhibit. Each of us will be responsible for taking or purchasing our own luncheons. We will try to organize convenient pick-up points on the mainland for those not living on Chebeague who want to join us.---If you are interested, you need to let Suhail (suhailbisharat@gmail.com) know right away by email and copy Linda Watkins (linda@chebeague.net), Treasurer of the Chebeague Island Historical Society.
There are a limited number of seats left and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. Checks should be made out to the Chebeague Island Historical Society (CIHS) and mailed to ATTN: Linda Watkins, Treasurer, CIHS PO Box 28 Chebeague Island ME 04017.
11:30, almost high tide on 01/02/2010 click here to see larger. I also took another at the end of the wharf - click here to see.
January 1, 2010 - I never did let everyone know how well Anthony Gomez is doing. He came home a few weeks ago and has even started doing his wood carvings again and feeling much better. I have made a brochure for him showcasing lots of his carvings which I am fortunate to have a number. Please check it out - takes a second or two to load and is 2 page pdf file.
Message from Ginny: GOOD NEWS: the H1N1 flu shot WILL be available at the Seasonal Flu shot clinic on Tuesday 5th Jan from 8:30am until 11:30am at the Hall. The H1N1 shots are free (Federally subsidized). The seasonal flu shot is $10(most insurance companies cover the cost). If you don't have insurance and can not afford it, the Samaritan Fund will cover the cost of your shot - just speak with Chris Silva NP on Tuesday. For those of you who didn't sign up for a seasonal flu and want one, there is a limited supply of seasonal flu shots too. If you have questions you can page Gin Ballard at 767-8518 thru Monday 4th. On the 5th please call the Health Center at 846-4988.
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Light snow and lots more to come this weekend!
There will be teen center tonight, Friday, January 1st, although it was previously not planned. The new hours are 7-10 both Friday and Saturday, so long as the teens want it come.
I am half way through my Indesign Class through the Ed2go program and it has been the best way for me to learn this application. I have tried books and on my own have learned a lot but this makes me take it one step at a time with lots of practice on the basics and I'm sure I will be able to publish all those books someday. If you tried to enroll last week the sign up was unavailable but now you can. I haven't looked at all of them but I think the next group of classes start January 20th - at least the ones I'm looking at. I think I will do Web Graphics for Photoshop or else Intro to Flash 8.
December 31, 2009 - 4pm New Year's Eve Stone Pier click here.
Congratulations to Mia Taliento who made the deans list at Wheelock College in Boston.
A reminder from the School Board to save the date: Community Forum date of January 23rd, from 9 to 10:30 at the Rec Center to discuss transitions, followed by an Open House at the CIS for the Community 10:45 til 11:45.
The Island Market will be open tomorrow, New Years Day from 9am till 2pm and they will have chili!
The snow started about noon and is now coming pretty hard. Last night at our first annual Teen/Alumni/College night we had thirteen high and junior high school students share pizza, soda and conversation with five recent college students and graduate, Dennis Johnson, Lindsay Anderson, John Summa, KK Hill, and Eli Bossin. They discussed their college experiences and also answered lots of great questions. Thank you to all who participated - click here for a photo of the group.
December 30, 2009 - NOTICE: Waneta's funeral day and time has changed because of the impending storm - it will be Monday from 11 to 1 visiting hours followed by the service.
Brenda Klenda will be here tomorrow, Thursday, Dec 31st to sell Haddock is $6.00/lb. Shrimp Meat - $5.00/lb. Chowder Haddock - $3.75/lb. Salmon - $6.95. Scallops - $9.50. Crabmeat - $7.50 / 8 oz. She come over on the 10am boat and leave on the 2:30. She will be up at our house on the East End. Cell: 329-4132 Home: 846-3440
Sanford's Pond is frozen again but we are in need of volunteers for chaperoning, cutting wood, stacking wood etc. Please contact Sam Birkett at 846-4467 if you can help. The number of the pond is 846-1168.
Tonight is the Alumni/College/Teen night where teens can talk to and discuss with college students and recent graduates about their experiences. Dennis Johnson (Springfield), John Summa (Hamilton, Linday Anderson (Fisher and USM), Eli Bossin (Bowdoin), KK Hill (U of Utah, Oregon) are a few that will be there to share along with pizza at 7pm at the Rec.
December 27, 2009 - We have had a lot of rain last night and this morning - the ground is saturated. There is no skating now but with cold weather coming in the next couple of days the pond should be like glass!
I got a wonderful note from Lucille Ferragamo who said: "I miss everyone! Happy and Healthy holidays to all. Joy and Peace in the New Year; especially on Chebeague Island!" I know I speak for all when I say we miss you too! Come back and visit!
The Greely High School Swim Team is holding a raffle on February 4th. The prize is a Trek 3500 mountain bike! If any boys (or girls) you know need a bike, please purchase a raffle ticket soon! 1 for $5 or 3 for $10. Contact Anna Maine armaine@smemaine.com to get your tickets.
Wednesday evening at the rec is Alumni/Teen night at 7pm - come and talk and learn about colleges from some of our teen alumni- and enjoy pizza as you do.Everyone 7th grade and up are invited - if I haven't already heard from you please email me to let me know that you are coming bjohnson@chebeague.net.
December 25, 2009 - Message from Island Riches - The bouy lamp was won by Linda Carelton and the jewelry set was won by Pam Curran. Thank you for a great end of the year. - Herb and Florence
There has been lots of great skating since the cold weather came and the tel number at the pond is 846-1168.
December 24, 2009 - I'm going to try and get a photo tonight of Santa and his sleigh so wish me luck! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
The Island Market wishes to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and to let you know that they will be open on Saturday at 9am as usual.
Because the Kid's Place is going on Rec Center property at Newcomb Park, the Town Warrant for January 9th will not have anything on the Warrant about Kids Place. If we were putting the building behind the school we would have had to have a town vote to use the town land. I hope that clears up any confusion. There are still a number of items that will be on the warrant and that information will be out soon through the Town soon but there will be nothing about Kid's Place to vote on.
December 23, 2009 -
Breaking News: The Kids’ Place will soon be relocating to a new home in Newcomb Park, the park owned by and located next to the Chebeague Recreation Center. The Kids’ Place, our licensed daycare center for children ages 6 weeks to 12 years has temporarily been located in the Teen Center, however soon we will have a place of our own! Year round and seasonal residents of Chebeague have generously contributed their time, ideas and funds to help make this dream come true. The CRC’s Kids’ Place Steering Committee reviewed two possible locations for this new facility with the help of the Chebeague Island School, the Planning Board, Town Selectmen, Board of Adjustment and Appeals, experts, volunteers and community members. The Planning Board approved moving ahead with both locations, the other site being behind the School, however, the Steering Committee chose the Newcomb Park site after conducting a careful and comprehensive comparison of each site, with 17 selection criteria, with the Newcomb Park site coming out slightly ahead.
There is still much to be done, but progress is tracking well above expectations. Look for action in Newcomb Park and we will keep you posted on all the news! Thanks for all the support!
News from last weeks Pre-K - transitional K - click here.
News from 2002 - through January
22, 2003
NEWS 2001
1996 AND JANUARY 1997
I would love to have any news, poetry, stories to add to
my news page so please email with anything you think would be
of interest to islanders around the world - yes Singapore, Egypt,
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