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4pm New Year's Eve Stone Pier click here to see larger I wanted it to be a "blue moon" but not with this snow storm. If you click on the photo to the left you will get the local weather. For detail info from the weather station at the Town Office click on the Town of Chebeague Website.
January 1, 2009 - I never did let everyone know how well Anthony Gomez is doing. He came home a few weeks ago and has even started doing his wood carvings again and feeling much better. I have made a brochure for him showcasing lots of his carvings which I am fortunate to have a number. Please check it out - takes a second or two to load and is 2 page pdf file.
Message from Ginny: GOOD NEWS: the H1N1 flu shot WILL be available at the Seasonal Flu shot clinic on Tuesday 5th Jan from 8:30am until 11:30am at the Hall. The H1N1 shots are free (Federally subsidized). The seasonal flu shot is $10(most insurance companies cover the cost). If you don't have insurance and can not afford it, the Samaritan Fund will cover the cost of your shot - just speak with Chris Silva NP on Tuesday. For those of you who didn't sign up for a seasonal flu and want one, there is a limited supply of seasonal flu shots too. If you have questions you can page Gin Ballard at 767-8518 thru Monday 4th. On the 5th please call the Health Center at 846-4988.
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Light snow and lots more to come this weekend!
There will be teen center tonight, Friday, January 1st, although it was previously not planned. The new hours are 7-10 both Friday and Saturday, so long as the teens want it come.
I am half way through my Indesign Class through the Ed2go program and it has been the best way for me to learn this application. I have tried books and on my own have learned a lot but this makes me take it one step at a time with lots of practice on the basics and I'm sure I will be able to publish all those books someday. If you tried to enroll last week the sign up was unavailable but now you can. I haven't looked at all of them but I think the next group of classes start January 20th - at least the ones I'm looking at. I think I will do Web Graphics for Photoshop or else Intro to Flash 8.
December 31, 2009 - Congratulations to Mia Taliento who made the deans list at Wheelock College in Boston.
A reminder from the School Board to save the date: Community Forum date of January 23rd, from 9 to 10:30 at the Rec Center to discuss transitions, followed by an Open House at the CIS for the Community 10:45 til 11:45.
The Island Market will be open tomorrow, New Years Day from 9am till 2pm and they will have chili!
The snow started about noon and is now coming pretty hard. Last night at our first annual Teen/Alumni/College night we had thirteen high and junior high school students share pizza, soda and conversation with five recent college students and graduate, Dennis Johnson, Lindsay Anderson, John Summa, KK Hill, and Eli Bossin. They discussed their college experiences and also answered lots of great questions. Thank you to all who participated - click here for a photo of the group.
December 30, 2009 - NOTICE: Waneta's funeral day and time has changed because of the impending storm - it will be Monday from 11 to 1 visiting hours followed by the service.
Brenda Klenda will be here tomorrow, Thursday, Dec 31st to sell Haddock is $6.00/lb. Shrimp Meat - $5.00/lb. Chowder Haddock - $3.75/lb. Salmon - $6.95. Scallops - $9.50. Crabmeat - $7.50 / 8 oz. She come over on the 10am boat and leave on the 2:30. She will be up at our house on the East End. Cell: 329-4132 Home: 846-3440
Sanford's Pond is frozen again but we are in need of volunteers for chaperoning, cutting wood, stacking wood etc. Please contact Sam Birkett at 846-4467 if you can help. The number of the pond is 846-1168.
Tonight is the Alumni/College/Teen night where teens can talk to and discuss with college students and recent graduates about their experiences. Dennis Johnson (Springfield), John Summa (Hamilton, Linday Anderson (Fisher and USM), Eli Bossin (Bowdoin), KK Hill (U of Utah, Oregon) are a few that will be there to share along with pizza at 7pm at the Rec.
December 27, 2009 - We have had a lot of rain last night and this morning - the ground is saturated. There is no skating now but with cold weather coming in the next couple of days the pond should be like glass!
I got a wonderful note from Lucille Ferragamo who said: "I miss everyone! Happy and Healthy holidays to all. Joy and Peace in the New Year; especially on Chebeague Island!" I know I speak for all when I say we miss you too! Come back and visit!
The Greely High School Swim Team is holding a raffle on February 4th. The prize is a Trek 3500 mountain bike! If any boys (or girls) you know need a bike, please purchase a raffle ticket soon! 1 for $5 or 3 for $10. Contact Anna Maine armaine@smemaine.com to get your tickets.
Wednesday evening at the rec is Alumni/Teen night at 7pm - come and talk and learn about colleges from some of our teen alumni- and enjoy pizza as you do.Everyone 7th grade and up are invited - if I haven't already heard from you please email me to let me know that you are coming bjohnson@chebeague.net.
December 25, 2009 - Message from Island Riches - The bouy lamp was won by Linda Carelton and the jewelry set was won by Pam Curran. Thank you for a great end of the year. - Herb and Florence
There has been lots of great skating since the cold weather came and the tel number at the pond is 846-1168.
December 24, 2009 - I'm going to try and get a photo tonight of Santa and his sleigh so wish me luck! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
The Island Market wishes to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and to let you know that they will be open on Saturday at 9am as usual.
Because the Kid's Place is going on Rec Center property at Newcomb Park, the Town Warrant for January 9th will not have anything on the Warrant about Kids Place. If we were putting the building behind the school we would have had to have a town vote to use the town land. I hope that clears up any confusion. There are still a number of items that will be on the warrant and that information will be out soon through the Town soon but there will be nothing about Kid's Place to vote on.
December 23, 2009 -
Breaking News: The Kids’ Place will soon be relocating to a new home in Newcomb Park, the park owned by and located next to the Chebeague Recreation Center. The Kids’ Place, our licensed daycare center for children ages 6 weeks to 12 years has temporarily been located in the Teen Center, however soon we will have a place of our own! Year round and seasonal residents of Chebeague have generously contributed their time, ideas and funds to help make this dream come true. The CRC’s Kids’ Place Steering Committee reviewed two possible locations for this new facility with the help of the Chebeague Island School, the Planning Board, Town Selectmen, Board of Adjustment and Appeals, experts, volunteers and community members. The Planning Board approved moving ahead with both locations, the other site being behind the School, however, the Steering Committee chose the Newcomb Park site after conducting a careful and comprehensive comparison of each site, with 17 selection criteria, with the Newcomb Park site coming out slightly ahead.
There is still much to be done, but progress is tracking well above expectations. Look for action in Newcomb Park and we will keep you posted on all the news! Thanks for all the support!
News from last weeks Pre-K - transitional K - click here.
December 22, 2009 -Yeah!! Sanfords Pond is going and the ice is beautiful. Tomorrow at 11 the pond will be open so get your skates out and come on down!!!
Need a last minute gift or some holiday cheer? Whalers CD's - A Whalers Christmas Volume One and VolumeTwo are on sale at the Niblic. $10 for one $15 for both! The Niblic will be open Tuesday 12/22 and Wednesday 12/23 7:30 - 4:00, and Thursday 12/24 7:30 - Noon.
Message from the Niblic: The soup for the week... tomorrow (Wed) will be Keilbasa Cabbage. We do have a supply of our soups (frozen) available as we will be closed on Friday and Saturday. Happy Holidays!
December 21, 2009 - Darren has written a Christmas Poem for us all -called The Christmas Ride of Ol’ St Cyr
More from Island Riches: The hours I will be open are 11am to 3pm and the buoy door prize is a lamp with a map of Chebeague Island on the shade.
December 20, 2009 - Message from Island Riches: We will be open in the house entry way thru to CHRISTMAS EVE.We have lots of new crafts,(a preview of some of the crafters that will be joining us next year)Herb has made some great new jewelry.Lots of things from the shop half price.DOOR PRIZE a BOUY WITH A MAP OF CHEBEAGUE ON THE SHADE.Hope to see you soon. Florence
While the south of us is having horrible weather we are just cold and windy and no snow as of 8:30 am - maybe it will get here later.
News from last weeks Pre-K - transitional K - click here.
December 19, 2009 - Do you still need a SEASONAL FLU SHOT? If so, sign up at the Store. The Seasonal Flu shot clinic will be on Tuesday 5th Jan from 8:30am to 11:30am at the Hall. Sign up at the Store OR Page Gin Ballard 767-8518. (Still working on the H1N1).
The Special Town Meeting that previously had been announced for today is Saturday, January 9th, 2010. Meeting will be held at 9am at the Chebeague Recreation Center. A Warrant for the Special Town Meeting will be posted as soon as available.
December 17, 2009 - Because of the children's holiday concert tonight, the Planning Board meeting place and time have changed to 7:30 pm at the Rec.
Library's cookie swap and tea is today from 1-3, stop in for a cup of tea, relax, bring cookies to swap or just stop in and relax for a few minutes.
December 16, 2009 - Sam Birkett just sent me a really cool photo of a cardinal in flight - click here to see.
Today was the Kids Craft Fair at the Rec sponsored by the CPA and Rec. Thank you to all the volunteers who came and helped all the children with making their special gifts. Click here to see them all working but don't look too closely because one of the items may be yours! What fun they all had!
December 15, 2009 - CRC and the CPA have joined forces to offer a FREE Holiday Craft Fair at CRC from 12:00-4:00PM - tomorrow, Wednesday, December 16th. Kids of all ages are welcome to come and make some great gifts for family and friends. Call CRC for more information.
CRC still has signed Eric Hopkins prints and also Regal Cinemas Movie tickets for sale. The perfect, affordable, holiday gifts!! You can come to CRC to pick them up, or give us a call at 846 5068 and we will mail your order to you.
At the Niblic: Tomorrow (Wed) will be Corn Chowder, Friday will be Italian Vegetable with mini Meatballs, and Saturday is to be announced - ooh, the mystery!
Sunday was the Tree lighting ceremony and Deb Bowman took some photos of the event - click here.
Thursday evening is at 6pm is the School Holiday Concert - come see the school children sing and play their violins.
Congratulation to Anna Maine who has been accepted early decision to Brown - her first choice!!
December 13, 2009 - News from last weeks Pre-K - transitional K - click here.
Photo of Poochie's boat decorated for Christmas - click here.
Panorama of Stone Pier Cove click here
December 12, 2009 - Tomorrow , Sunday, December 13 from 3 - 5 is the Community Tree Lighting - come enjoy carol singing while the kids decorate the tree with handmade ornaments. After the tree lighting, go inside for cookies and hot chocolate and a special visitor from the North Pole - Sponsored by the LIbrary, CPA and Rec Center. (please contact Jen 846-1097 if you have children other than Island residents who are planning to attend the tree lighting so she can let Santa know/1)
Waneta Cleaves is now at the South Portland Nursing Home at 42 Anthoine Street, So. Portland, ME 04106.
Democratic Caucus - Please note on your calendars: Sunday, January 31 at 1:00pm. Location to be announced. More information to be provided in early January.
Community Jobs Forum Discussion - January 4, 2010, 7:00p.m. Location to be announced ---Share your thoughts regarding the relevancy of President Obama’s December 3rd Job’s Forum to our community, health of local businesses, community economic struggles, opportunities for economic growth, obstacles to job creation, other issues and ideas relative to the Chebeague Community. As requested, Mary Holt will forward results of discussions to the White House by January 7, 2010. For more information click here.
December 11, 2009 - There is a Roast Beef Dinner on Wednesday, December 16 at the Community Lunch. It's at noon at the Island Hall. The Community Lunches are sponsored by Island Commons and everyone is welcome! Donations accepted.
Tomorrow is Raymond Hamilton's 99th birthday!
At the Niblic change in the menu from previously noted on Saturday they will be serving Green Chili Stew. Yummy! Today is Friday.
School Committee meeting next Tuesday - see agenda.
December 10, 2009 -Blue Christmas: A Service of Light in the Midst of Darkness - Thursday December 17, 7:00 p.m. at the Chebeague United Methodist
Church - Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
Tomorrow (Friday) from 5pm-8pm and Saturday from 10am-3pm there is a huge craft fair at Freeport High School? It is off Main st. on Holbrook St. in Freeport. Danielle Rich will be there and about 70 other vendors.
December 9, 2009 - Today is the first lesson of 12 that I signed up for in InDesign and have already taken my first quiz which I got a 67% which I thought was pretty good because I had to guess at almost everything. It was preliminary, just to see what you know or don't. I printed out the 28 page lesson of 5 chapters and a test. I won't be able to start studying it till tonight but will try to keep track of time expended just for information.
Tonight is the Selectmen's meeting agenda is on the Town Website. One of the items is to hold a public hearing for the December 19th, 2009 town meeting warrant and one of the items is to allow Kids' Place daycare to use a portion of Town Land behind the school.
December 8, 2009 - Starting next week the Rec will be running a program at CRC from 3:15 until 5 PM on Monday and Thursday afternoons for pre-k through 5th grade. We will start the afternoon with a snack, so please be sure your child has one with them. The rest of the afternoon will be filled with a craft activity and some games in the gym if we have extra time at the end. The cost is $6.00 per session and that includes all materials for projects. ---Please let Kelley know if you’d like your child to participate (email or calling 846-5068 is fine) so we can be sure we have enough supplies for everyone. Also, if you have an idea for a craft and/or would like to help out once in a while, please let Kelley know.
Here is the menu for the Niblic this week: Wed: Beef and Barley Stew, Fri: Haddock Chowder, Sat: Peasant Vegetable
Message from Herb and Florence of Island Riches: "We are opening the entry way to our home for Christmas. We have new items from Maine crafters, Herbs jewelry, reversible pocketbooks and sale items from the shop.We will be open Dec 12 thru Dec 24.Hours will be 11Am to 3Pm. All the talent from the Island and others have made this a wonderful year. We thank you all very much."
I was just on the boat with Frank Durgin and he told me about the courses that MIT provides free online. I did some searching and found that there are a lot of colleges offering free courses in all kinds of subjects. It is amazing what is out there for people wanting to learn more so I have added MIT and a few other college free course information to the Chebeague Community Education site. I took a look at the calculus one at MIT and think I need to find a math refresher course first. It is amazing what you forget in forty years.
December 7, 2009 - Please help with the giving tree! Go to the library and sign up or bring gifts to the Library no later than 11:30 am on Friday. Deb has to package them and send them all over to Linda Brewster on the noon boat on Friday, December 11. Two families, one with 3 kids and one with two, ages range from 8 to 17 - please go and see what the needs are or call Deb at the library 846-4351.
GREAT opportunity for any islanders who are 50 or older who are currently volunteering in our communty! ENCorps is a statewide program designed to train Mainers who are aged 50 and over in leadership skills that will benefit programs, towns, and municipalities involved in community revitalization and development and health promotion activities. After attending a no-cost 2 day training summit on April 12-13, 2010 at beautiful Point Lookout in Northport, Maine (includes meals and lodging if needed!) volunteers will leave armed with new resources, skills, and energy that will benefit the organizations and local communities they serve. Click here to learn more and find out how to sign up. I have also added the link to the Chebeague Community Education site.
TONIGHT: CIHS Christmas Party on Monday, December 7th at 6:00 PM at the museum. There will be a pot luck dinner and a "Secret Santa" gift swap (gifts should be $10.00 or less). Please RSVP to Eli at the museum on 846-5237 or leave a message on the answering machine. Just bring your favorite dish, relax and enjoy a delightful evening. Everyone is invited.
TONIGHT: Oyster Gardening on Chebeague? Open House with Dana Morse Maine Sea Grant. When: 7:15pm at the Hall.
"The Black Coat Caper: The snow was snowing and the wind was blowing and I not knowing had your coat - sorry and have returned it to the Parish House and took mine. Yours was too big for me and mine too small for you - sorry, Gabby Tracy"
News from last weeks Pre-K - transitional K - click here.
December 6, 2009 - 7 am December 6 my front yard- click here
I put a photo today of what my yard looked like and now I have to show you what my sister's yard looked like this morning. Believe me it is real and as David drove out of his yard couldn't believe what the rest of the island looked like. Click here to see and compare.
December 5, 2009 - Notice: Tomorrow, Sunday, Do to a firemen's exercise, the North Road from Division Point Road to Roy Hill Road (In front of the Firehouse) will be closed from approx. 9 to noon.
I am happy to finally put a link to Chebeague Community Education where you will be able to find our mentor list and eventually our homework helper list. The Rec Center and the School Committee have partnered to provide a website for all of us "life long learners"! I just signed on to a class through this site and the 6 week class starts next Wednesday. I have decided if I am going to learn the application InDesign that I need help and this would be a great way. They offer hundreds of different online courses and I will let everyone know how it works for me. Please go to www.chebeague.org/education and then click on Ed2Go to find out all that is available. A small commission will come back to the rec to be used for educational purposes when someone registers through our site.
Don't forget the Whaler's 'Here We Come a'Caroling' tomorrow, Sunday at 4PM and a bake sale for the CIHCC.
Michael and Barbara Porter finally got underway and are now in Nantucket and Mike has made his first posting - click here.
December 3, 2009 - New at the Island Market: "The Health Shelf" There is a new collection of Health & Nutritional items, reasonably priced, chosen especially for the winter season and immune support. Click here for more information.
A wonderful article in the Working Waterfront by Jenny Goff - click here.
December 1, 2009 - The ad in the Calendar has a confusing date for the Commons Holiday Party. The correct date is Saturday, December 5, 4:00 - 6:00. Sorry for the confusion. Hope you can make it!"
On Wednesday enjoy some tasty Pumpkin Soup at the Niblic; on Friday they'll be serving delicious Spinach and Mushrom Soup and on Saturday a hearty Chili with cornbread.
There is another Craft Fair this Saturday from 9 - 2 at the Pownal Elementary School where Danielle Rich is one of the craftsmen featured with her napkin rings and Christmas balls.
Oyster Gardening on Chebeague? Open House with Dana Morse Maine Sea Grant. When: 7:15pm Monday 12/7/09. Where: at the Hall. Maine Sea Grant has been teaching classes downeast and in the midcoast for several years, in which local residents learn how to grow their own shellfish — oysters, hardshell clams, mussels, and scallops are all possible. Join us for an open conversation on the possibilities for such a program on Chebeague. Questions? Call Bob at 846 0924.
We had an informational meeting on the 16th about Kids' Place which was well attended and we thank all for questions and comments. We have a question and answer handout which is also in this months Calendar and I am attaching - click here. There is a committee working on the language of a lease if the Town of Chebeague votes to allow Kids' Place to be put on Town Property - that Town meeting is scheduled for Saturday, December 19th.
November 30, 2009 - The Commons is having a Holiday Party on Saturday, December 5 from 4:00 – 6:00.
Tomorrow, Tuesday, December 1, 6:30, School Board Meeting - see agenda. The post secondary mentoring list has been revised with more people added - click here.
Everyone is invited to the CIHS Christmas Party on Monday, December 7th at 6:00 PM at the museum. There will be a pot luck dinner and a "Secret Santa" gift swap (gifts should be $10.00 or less). Please RSVP to Eli at the museum on 846-5237 or leave a message on the answering machine. Just bring your favorite dish, relax and enjoy a delightful evening.
November 29, 2009 - Chebeague Methodist Church is sponsoring the Angel Food Ministry program on Chebeague. Each month you will have the opportunity to purchase boxes of food – a signature box containing a variety of items, a fruit and vegetable box, convenience meals and various meat boxes. The cost is considerably less than purchasing the same items at the grocery store and it will be delivered to the island at no cost. To view the packages available for December pick up a menu in the Church Narthex (entry way). ---If you wish to order, please contact Pastor Linda Brewster with your order before Monday December 7th . The food will be delivered to the island on Saturday December 19th with pick up at 11am in the Parish House. Orders need to be prepaid with either cash, check made out to the Chebeague Methodist Church, or food stamps. Spread the word to those who might benefit from this food program. ---FMI – Linda Brewster ljbre@maine.rr.com or 207-807-2210.
Next Saturday, December 5th from 9 to 4, (Ellen Maher) "Chebeague Island Santa", (Vicki Todd and Jen Belesca) "Island Essentials", and (Gail Miller) "Miller Designs", will be at Westcustogo Grange Hall, Route 115, North Yarmouth- Walnut Hill Christmas Craft Fair!
Next Sunday, The Whalers' winter concert "Here We Come A'Caroling" will be on Sunday, December 6 at 4pm at the Hall. Refreshments and bake sale to benefit CIHC will follow!
November 26, 2009 - HAPPY THANKSGIVING! The Chebeague Island Fire Department will be selling Christmas Trees again this year. Sales will begin the Saturday after Thanksgiving and run Saturdays and Sundays from 9:00 AM until 12:00 noon. With an exception of Sunday the 6th of December due to a conflict with a training exercise. Price is $35 for the tree. Checks should be made out to the Chebeague Fire Dept.
The Giving Tree is back at the Library this Christmas. Two families have been assigned to us from the Root Cellar. For a detailed listing of their needs, sizes and ages, please call the Library or stop in. The sign up sheet and tags will be available Saturday, November 28th. Thanks to Linda Brewster for arranging the families this year. Make a difference in someone's life this Christmas!
The Chebeague Island School, is as you all know, a special place! A few days ago they harvested from their gardens and you can see some of the photos of that day by going to the School Page or clicking here!
We have prepared a list of community members who are available and would love to help anyone who is interested in furthering their education. There are so many things to think about and sometimes it can be an overwhelming task when you start figuring out where to go, applications, financial aid, scholarships, recommendation letters, application letters and the list goes on. That is why we have a list of people from the community and Island Institute who are willing and able to help. Please click here to see and if you would like to be added to the list - please get back to me bjohnson@chebeague.net.
November 24, 2009 - The Niblic will be serving up White Bean and Sausage Soup on Wednesday, Peasant Vegetable Soup on Friday, and Saturday come on in for some Haddock Chowder.
Just to let people know, the Town Office is open 8 to 4 tomorrow and will be closed after that till Monday. This is all on the Town Website click here.
November 23, 2009 - School Board meeting tomorrow night 6:30 at the school - see agenda.
News from last weeks Pre-K - transitional K - click here.
Photo taken by Shannon Smith on 11/21/09 of the hook- click here.
CICA's Housing Committee is developing a list of people who might be willing to be interviewed sometime this winter regarding their views and ideas on affordable housing on Chebeague. We have a good start on information: a survey done a few years back, and, the gleanings from our few years of owning and renting the home at 226 South Road. But, one of the things we've learned is that there are many different situations and few standard answers about what people here need and want for affordable/year-round housing. We now have the services of an Island Institute Fellow, Mary Terry, who has been working on affordable housing on Peaks Island for a year. Her job on Chebeague is to talk with people interested in affordable housing to help CICA further flesh out what are our actual needs and wants as a community. CICA views affordable housing as one of the challenges and opportunities in Chebeague's overall work of maintaining a sustainable year round community - economic development and jobs, transportation, the school, day care, etc.
We expect that there are people “out there” looking at this website, including folks who have ties to the island, who may be interested in year round island life but can’t afford to buy a house on Chebeague, especially just to “try it out”. Would you be willing to be interviewed sometime this winter by Mary Terry? If so, please contact Beth Howe (bethhowe@chebeague.net ) or Mary Terry (marykterry@gmail.com ).
Please come to CRC on Saturday, November 21st at 9 AM to cheer for the kids in the Tae Kwon Do class as they go for their YELLOW BELTS. All are welcome! Hope to see you there!
After Tqe Kwon Do - don't forget to go to the LADIES AID FAIR from 12 to 3pm at the Parish House and order your wreaths- call Dianne at 846-4176 or Martha at 846-4078 if you want to order a wreath and can't make it to the fair.
November 18, 2009 - Al Traina is doing well andiis now at Sedgewood Commons, 22 Northbrook Drive, Falmouth, ME 04105.
Amy Kersteen is part of an important program to mobilize public action on clean energy policy. The Rec Center is hosting an after school "Art Party" at 3:15 tomorrow, Thursday November 19. called "Make Art for Climate" - please click here to read all about it.
The Niblic Holiday Sale: Friday 11/27 & Saturday 11/28 from 9am - 4pm (please note the change of hours from our regular schedule). Watch for your HOLIDAY COUPON IN THE MAIL !See Poster
Message from Beth Howe: "Mac and I have been invited to spend the coming weekend (Nov 21 and 22) in Boston and we hoped to have people do Chedemption for those two days. Anyone who is willing should give us a call 846-7829."
Deb Bowman has ordered some college planning guides through the Mitchel Scholarship and they have arrived and can be picked up at the library.
Photo taken 11/17/09 of the Casco Bay Boat at Chandler Wharf- click here
November 17, 2009 - Photo taken by Stephanie Martin 11/17/09 at the hook- click here
Save the date! The Whalers' winter concert "Here We Come A'Caroling" will be on Sunday, December 6 at 4pm at the Hall. Refreshments and bake sale to benefit CIHC will follow!
Community Luncheon tomorrow (Wednesday), 12 noon, at the Hall for New England Boiled Dinner.
Call The Niblic to order your Gail Todd pie for your Thanksgiving meal. For Frozen-Unbaked Blueberry, Apple or Blueberry & Apple Combo you must place your order by tomorrow. For Fresh Baked Pumpkin or Pecan you have until Monday, November 23rd to place your order. We also have Borealis Breads available for special order by Monday, November 23rd that will be delivered on Wednesday, November 25th: Pumpkin Raisin, Apple Cranberry, Dinner Rolls, Rosemary and French Peasant. Please email: theniblic@chebeague.net or call 846-1015 or 846-4146 to place your order...Let us help make your holiday easier...
The Niblic and Boat Yard will be closed on Thanksgiving Day. Don't miss The Niblic Holiday Sale! We will be open from 7:30am to 4:00pm both Friday, Nov. 27th and Saturday, Nov. 28th.
Wednesday, stop by the Niblic for some of Linda's delicious Haddock Chowder! Friday enjoy our tasty Beef Stew, and on Saturday we'll be serving up scrumptious Sausage Stew.
The Stone wharf is a busy place during the month of November when a lot of lobstermen are taking up their gear - click here to see.
November 16, 2009 - As of 2:45 today the email system for Chebeague.net is down and the company is furiously trying to get it back up and running - sorry for the delay - they are hoping to get it back up soon. If you need to reach me I still have bjohnson@nlis.net email account.
The Board of Adjustment and Appeals meeting is tomorrow night - click here for agenda.
LADIES AID FAIR - this coming Saturday, November 21 from 12 to 3pm at the Parish House - come and do your Christmas Shopping, have lunch and order your WREATHs!
"The women of the Ladies Aid will be making decorated green wreaths again this year. This will take place Dec. 3rd. Please order your wreath prior to that date. We will be taking orders at the Christmas Fair (Nov. 2lst) and you can order from Dianne Calder 846-4l76, Martha Hamilton 846- 4078 until Dec. 2nd. No orders will be accepted after that date. Cost of wreath is $12.00. You may ask for a plain one if you do not want ribbons and cones. Wreaths can be picked up at the Parish House starting at 1p.m. on Dec. 3rd or make arrangements with one of the members for delivery.
November 15, 2009 - Stephen and I went out on our outboard around noon in search of the the ducks which have been arriving lately. We were able to get some photos of the bufflehead. I am adding them to the birdlist as well. We are still looking for Whistler (Golden Eye), Mergansers, and Sheldrakes. I still have a lot of photos of other ducks to get who are here all the time.
Don't forget that tomorrow evening there is a Kid's Place Open House starting at 6:30 and an infomational question and answer session starting at 7:15 - so please come and get your questions answered and find out what we are doing.
This week there is a Board of Adjustment and Appeals, Selectmens meeting and Planning Board meeting - check out the Town Site for more information.
November 14, 2009 - I would like to thank all those who came to the meeting we had with the Island Institute on Thursday evening. We had a good number of people and had some wonderful conversations and ideas. Ben and Ruth presented information about the Scholarships, writing and opportunities that are out there for continueing education. Danielle Rich spoke about her experiences. One of the programs they brought up was the Crest Career Fair which is taking place this coming Friday for students 7th grade - 12th and I offered to drive any who wish to go. Click here to see the flyer we were given. We have to let them know by this Monday who is going so please contact me right away. I have started an email list with all those who had signed up on Thursday as well as those who I had spoken with but am sure I probably forgot someone. I will be emailing this information out to all on the list, so if you don't get an email from me, please contact me to get your name added.
News from last weeks Pre-K - transitional K - click here. I forgot to include November 6, report so click here to see.
November 12, 2009 - Anthony Gomez is doing well and is now at the Brighton Rehab Center, 335 Brighton Ave., Portland, ME 04102.
From the Town: Commercial Float Ramp out for Repair---Please note that the ramp from the CTC Float to the Commercial Float was taken out for repairs today, Thursday Nov. 12th. We are in hopes that the repairs will be completed late today or this evening and the Commercail float will again be accessible tomorrow morning (Friday Nov. 13th. We apologize for any inconvenience this repair has caused.
Tonight the Island Institute will be meeting at the Library at 7pm with parents, students and community members. This a great opportunity to learn about the help the Island Institute can give us for furthering our education including scholarships, general financial aid knowledge, and their mentor program!! We will have lots of information and a chance to ask questions and discuss our needs.
Eli Bossin (our island fellow) took this photo Sept 22 -click here. Hook Boat House taken by Jen Belesca - click here. Photo taken Columbus Day by Bob Halpin- click here. Click here to see a photo from Cookie Reed taken in 1957!
November 10, 2009 - From the Niblic: Enjoy a hearty Fish Chowder on Wednesday! On Friday we'll be serving Split Pea Soup and on Saturday come in for some tasty Corn Chowder.
Free ladies clothing (small, medium, large, extra large, sizes 10 - 16) at the Parish House this week Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Labels include LL Bean, Talbots, Leon Levin, and Carol Reed. Enjoy!
November 5, 2009 - On Saturday, November 7th at 6:00 PM the CIHS is hosting a harvest supper at the hall...turkey with stuffing, potatoes with gravy, squash, turnip, apple crisp and more. Join the trivia game after dinner "So you think you know Chebeague" or just watch the fun. Admission: $10 adults and $7 for children twelve and under.
Check out the Library website for Groovy Movie night this Friday.
I have just added Jen Belesca's photos of her pet belted kingfisher - no, he's not really her pet but he lives near their house and is seen daily. Click here to see or go to the birdlist and click on Kingfisher, Belted.
Check out the the black swallowtail butterfly raised and released by Ethan and Aaron - photo by Jen.
November 4, 2009 - Anthony Gomez is recovering from surgery and is in the Intensive Care Unit at Maine Medical Center, 22 Bramhall Street, 04101.
There will be an Open House and Informational Meeting for Kid's Place Monday, November 16th. Open House starts at 6:30 followed by a short presentation with a question and answer session at 7:15. Please come and have coffee and dessert at the Recreation Center and get all your questions answered about this important facility!
November 3, 2009 - Click here for Chebeague's Election Results.
Brenda Klenda will be on the island Friday to sell fish. She will have: Haddock - $5.00/lb., Chowder Haddock - $3.50/lb., Salmon - $6.75/lb., Scallops - $9.50/lb., Crabmeat - $7.50 / 8 oz. Her email address is klenda@maine.rr.com her home phone number is 846-3440 and cell is 329-4132.
Please, DON'T FORGET TO VOTE! Unless you don't agree with me on the ballot items. (just kidding)
At the Niblic: Start off your November with some Chicken with Barley and Vegetable Soup on Wednesday. On Friday, enjoy some delicious Potato Leek Soup and stop in on Saturday for the perfect fall day lunch, Golden Soup!
IMPORTANT NOTICE!!!!! The Seasonal Flu Shot Clinic for Friday 13th of November is POSTPONED due to lack of vaccine. It is unknown when the vaccine will become available. If you have an opportunity to get a shot on the mainland do so.
November 2, 2009 - News from last weeks Pre-K - transitional K - click here.
Sanford Doughty will be 90 on Wednesday!
November 1, 2009 - School Board Meeting Tuesday, November 3 at 6:30 - see agenda.
We would like to invite all parents and students and anyone thinking of furthering their education to come to a meeting with the Island Institute on Thursday, November 12th at 7pm at the Library! This is a great opportunity to learn about the help the Island Institute can give us for furthering our education including scholarships, general financial aid knowledge, and their mentor program!! We will have lots of information and a chance to discuss what we all need for help and knowledge. Please come and if you would like to know more email or call me, Beverly, at 846-4850 or call Deb at the library 845-4351.
Photo taken 4:30, Novemeber 1st - click here to see larger. Click here to see another photo taken around the same time which you may like as well - I couldn't decide which one to use.
October 31, 2009 - For all of you whose clocks automatically went back an hour last week, this is the night to have them go back. We get an extra hour of sleep tonight - I can't wait!
From Donna Damon: From time to time folks email me and ask if the Historical society is bidding on something on ebay, because they don't want to bid against us. FYI The Historical Society is currently bidding on a photo of Hamilton Landing (stone wharf)c. 1906. We are doing an exhibit about tourism next summer and really need the photo. It is a great one and we will be happy to make copies if we win. If you really want it and out bid us could we borrow the photo to make a large copy for the exhibit? we can be reached at history@chebeague.net
Happy Halloween!
Last nights Groovy Movie Opening Night was a huge success and we had surprise visits from Werner Herzog and Nosferatu's outside the Library! Click here to see.
A short video by Cap'n Kevin "Wicked Good Productions" of "Barge Day"
October 29, 2009 - Happy Birthday Internet - 40 years old!
This weeks Island Institute Online Working Waterfront.
Tomorrow evening Groovy Movie Night returns- see details on the Library Site.
At the Niblic on Friday - Instead of Corn Chowder, they will be serving Sausage Stew.
October 28, 2009 - Everyone is welcome to the CPA's Costume Harvest Potluck on Halloween, at 4:00 p.m. at the Hall. Dress up and bring a dish and come for some fun before you head out for trick-or-treating. You can decorate your trick-or-treat bag and have your picture taken and there will be a Cake Walk! Hope you can join us!" See Flyer click here.
Seasonal* Flu Shot Clinic will be on Friday 13th November from 8:45am until 11:45am at the Community Hall. Please bring your Medicare card. (*H1N1 shots still unavailable)
October 27, 2009 - Public meeting tonight at the School, 7pm, with representatives from the Town, School and Rec to talk about Volunteer Field regarding the maintenance, use and planning for the field and associated property.
Come on in to the Niblic on Wednesday for some delicious Seafood Chowder packed with Haddock, Lobster, and Scallops! On Friday, enjoy a hearty Corn Chowder... And stop in on Saturday for some yummy Chicken Soup with Veggies and Barley.
October 25, 2009 - News from last weeks Pre-K - transitional K - click here.
OK - I have a new "hobby of the month" - wildflowers! Thanks to Martha Hamilton. Click here to see a photo of the Fringed Gentian taken today at 1pm. These flowers are in the field across the road from the Golf Course on South Road.
Don't forget the Voter Information Session today at the Hall at 3:00.
Just got back from a terrific Reunion Party in Wayland for our 1967 graduating class - we were celebrating turning 60 and it was a blast and none of us have changed a bit - well maybe a little.
October 24, 2009 - The Fringed Gentian are now out and Martha Hamilton knows where they are. I just learned about this rare fall wildflower and as soon as the sun comes out again I will try to get a photo.
Please remember that NO, absolutely no email company is going to ask for your email address and password in order to Validate and increase your Mailbox Quota! If you have responded to any of these emails please contact your email source and have your password changed.
October 23, 2009 - The Working Waterfront Online Magazine is out today and includes a nice article about the Childcare Center on Vinalhaven - click here to see.
Don't forget that CICA and the Orchard Inn are co-sponsering an "Everything you want to know about health insurance but were afraid to ask" discussion and Q&A session with Ginger Leigh Smith, a health insurance agent in Portland. This is not a sales pitch. Just a chance for us to find out what kind of options we have. The meeting would be Sunday October 25th at 5pm at the Orchard Inn. Refreshments will be provided.
The Niblic will have two soups today: Split Pea Soup and Beef Stew.
Seasonal* Flu Shot Clinic will be on Friday 13th November from 8:45am until 11:45am at the Community Hall. Please bring your Medicare card. (*H1N1 shots still unavailable)
October 19, 2009 - First Community Luncheon of the season, this Wednesday 12:00 noon at the Hall. Chicken Pot Pie, garden salad, brownies a la mode.
Meeting of the CICA Housing Committee, Tuesday October 20, 2009 at 7:00 AT THE Parish House
1. Presentation by Steve Bolton, Executive Director of Greater Portland Habitat for Humanity, on how Habitat’s programs might work for Chebeague.
2. Preparation for the workshop on our affordable housing proposal to the Selectmen, October 28, 2009.
3. Other business
Tuesday night is also the School Board Meeting - 6:30 see agenda.
Message from the ISLAND INSTITUTE - On Wednesday, October 21st, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at the community hall, Institute staff hold a community meeting to get your feedback to structure its strategic planning priorities based on expressed island needs. There will also be an online survey available soon for people who can't make it to the meeting but who would like to make their suggestions and comments known. If you have any questions about Wednesday's meeting, please contact Shey Conover, senior programs director,at sconover@islandinstitute.org or 594-9209. See Flyer
October 18, 2009 - Don't forget the Voter Information Session at the Hall on Sunday, October 25 at 3:00p.m. Learn how cutting the Excise Tax, TABOR and the repeal of the School Consolidation Law may affect Chebeague's budget and State Funding of existing programs.
TONIGHT - at 7:30 "BJ and Company" which includes Mary and John Holt, and Jenny Goff are putting on their hilarious adult play about relationships.
News from last weeks Pre-K - transitional K - click here.
Don't forget the Historical Society Museum from 1 to 4 today. Mac and Beth will be making fresh pressed apple cider.. Chuck Varney will be there to demonstrate how old fashioned, hand crafted shingles were made. View the WW II exhibit which will be disassembled shortly, and to take advantage of selected gift shop items on sale. Don't miss this exciting event. Free admission and light refreshments will be served.
October 17, 2009 - Want to know more about your health insurance options in Maine? CICA and the Orchard Inn are co-sponsoring an "Everything you want to know about health insurance but were afraid to ask" discussion and Q&A session with Ginger Leigh Smith, a health insurance agent in Portland. This is not a sales pitch. Just a chance for us to find out what kind of options we have. The meeting would be Sunday October 25th at 5pm at the Orchard Inn. Refreshments will be provided. Please RSVP to Jenny at 846.9488 or email ChebeagueOrchardInn@gmail.com so we can make sure there are enough participants to hold the meeting.
Next Thursday, October 22nd at 7 pm is the Chebeague Island Hall Community Center (CIHCC) Annual meeting. Please see the letter from Tad Runge and then print out your proxy and send it to one of the directors or bring it to the meeting. You can also click on the CIHCC website above at any time. We have been on a campaign to upgrade the kitchen with a commercial stove and hood and are more than halfway there. Thank you to the Abrahamson family for helping us reach our goal. Also a reminder that this Sunday evening at 7:30 "BJ and Company" which includes Mary and John Holt, and Jenny Goff are putting on their hilarious adult play about relationships.
The latest Working Waterfront E-weekly is out.
October 16, 2009 - Congratulations to Jennifer (Trask) Bunch who passed the Colorado bar exam! Jenny is the granddaughter of Mabel and Sanford Doughty. On November 4th Sanford will be celebrating his 90th birthday.
Reminder HELP, HELP - Tomorrow, Saturday, 17th is Fall clean-up day for Sanford’s Pond. Bring your clippers, weedwackers, rakes and helping hands to clean up the pond and shed area and prepare it for this winter. We also will need help splitting and stacking wood (if you have any firewood you would like to donate this is a great opportunity to bring it or have it picked up). Call Sam Birkett at 846-4467, or email her at sam@chebeague.net if you have any questions. Also contact Sam if you would like to be on the skating pond phone tree to be notified of when the pond is open. Thanks so much, we look forward to a great season.
The scarecrow contest is coming soon so get your scarecrow up at the center soon!
Photo taken at 3:30 October 7th, 2009 from Hotel click here.
October 15, 2009 - The Niblic is really getting into the soup (signs of the weather I guess) Friday it is Potato Leek Soup and Saturday it is Golden Soup (I have no idea what golden soup is but I will find out)- just found out it is made with squash. The number for the Niblic is 846-1015.
Don’t forget the CRC pre-teen/teen scavenger hunt is scheduled for October 24th at 8 PM. Everyone will meet at CRC. All teams need to call to sign up so we know how many there are ahead of time. Also, please make sure you have a driver.
Handball starts today, Thursday, afterschool until 5 PM. Kids can take the bus directly to CRC from the boat. Call today to sign up.
Don’t forget drop in Bridge games happen every Thursday at 10:30 AM at CRC. Come join your friends and have some fun!
Pheasants seen 10/15/09 at the hook -pheasants who would not get out of the road click here to see the view.
October 14, 2009 -Click here for a photo of a deer that came up to the house to see one of our cats.
This Sunday, October 18th, from 1:00 - 4:00, Mac and Beth will be making fresh pressed apple cider at the Historical Society Museum. Chuck Varney will be there to demonstrate how old fashioned, hand crafted shingles were made. We also invite you to come in and view the WW II exhibit which will be disassembled shortly, and to take advantage of selected gift shop items on sale. Don't miss this exciting event. Free admission and light refreshments will be served.
Wednesday Lunch at The Niblic: Sausage Stew with Cheese Biscuits.
Friday Lunch: Potato Leek Soup with Rolls
October 13, 2009 - You never know what turkeys you will see walking down the road click here to see the view- photos taken October 13th.
Transfer station new hours as of October 17th have been posted - click here.
Photo taken by Pete from the Hotel roof October 13th, 2009 click here
October 11, 2009 - Please go to the Town website to see the agenda for this coming Wednesday, October 14th. There is also a note about the delay in construction at Cousins Island.
News from last weeks Pre-K - transitional K - click here.
Great Show!!! - you won't want to miss it next Sunday, October 18th at 7:30.
BJ & Company presents TONIGHT!!!! Don't forget this staged reading of an adult themed play about relationships! Let yourself be entertained by BJ, Jenny Goff and John & Mary Holt, this evening at 7:30 at the Hall. Your $8 admission fee will benefit the Hall stove fund.
October 8, 2009 - The Library has available a film entitled "Opposable Chums, Guts and Glory at the World Series of Birding" made by Jason Kessler, son of Gabby Tracy. Featuring David Sibley, Pete Dunne and Kenn Kaufman, renowned birders, the film recounts the 24 hour competition of groups counting the most bird species.
The last buffet for the Chebeague Inn is this coming Monday - click here to learn all about it.
Tomorrow, Friday, at the Niblic Twenty Bean Soup with Ham! Twenty?! Yes, Linda has cooked up 20 Bean Soup with Ham for us at the Niblic. Come on in and enjoy!
October 7, 2009 - Don't forget the Town meeting tonight on ATV ordinance - 7pm at the Hall.
The Island Institute is holding a community meeting on Chebeague on Wednesday, October 21st from 7-9 pm at the Hall. The Institute is looking for input from the Chebeague community as they work on their strategic plan for the next 3 years. Click here to see flyer.
Linda has cooked up some hearty Beef Stew today. Come in out of the wind and rain and warm up at the Niblic!
Seasonal Flu Shots* will be available on Friday 13th November from 8:45am to 11:45am at the Hall. Please bring your Medicare card with you. Sponsored by the Chebeague Island Council & Home Health Service VNA. *so far H1N1 shots are unavailable.
News from last weeks Pre-K - transitional K - click here.
October 6, 2009 - Please join in the fun! The third annual SCARECROW COMPETITION!!!! Do you think you can make the BEST SCARECROW? Let's put it to the test! Call the CRC (846-5068) to register by October 19th! Scarecrows need to be completed by Tuesday October 27th to be displayed along the Center - opposite the Island Market and Hall-(avoid the telephone poles- PLEASE) Scarecrows will be judged by our expert panel of scarecrow judges and the winner will be announced at the Halloween Party Saturday, October 31st, at the “Costume Harvest Party” on Halloween, at 4:00 pm at the Hall. More details to come about the Halloween Party this year on Halloween.
Photo taken this summer by Aaron Belesca of a snowy egret click here.
October 5, 2009 - Casco Bay Lines is searching for an entrepreneurial General Manager with a proven track record of strong leadership. Click here for more information.
Chebeague Methodist Church is sponsoring the Angel Food Ministry program on Chebeague. Each month you will have the opportunity to purchase boxes of food at a much reduced price- click here for details.
October 4, 2009 - HELP - Mac and Beth need to get away for a couple of days but need HELP with Chedemption on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Just call them at 846-7829. Also, thanks to everyone who responded to their earlier request to bring banana boxes.
I have added so many birds to the Chebeague Bird List thanks to Carl and Sally Tubbesing who have filled in with some of the birds they have seen since 1992. Eventually I will have a method to tell which are the most common and where you may see them. I have linked photos to many and still have a lot more to add.
This Sunday, October 11th and the next October 18th - BJ and company will be putting on a staged reading for mature audiences only ... about love and relationships from 7:30 - 9:00 pm. These programs will benefit the Stove Fund for the Hall.
Saturday, October 10th is the Great Chebeague Golf Club's Frost Tournament - open to all - starts at noon but sign-up ahead of time.
Also, Emma from Citizens Unified would like to know if we'd like her to provide phones and lap tops for a one night phone bank effort here on Chebeague. Once we've heard all about the issues, let me know if you'd like to participate in a phone bank effort. It is not a requirement, just a thought.
There will be more info regarding the October 25 gathering."
October 2, 2009 - Here's the list of winners for the Chebeague Parents Associations 2009 September Calendar Raffle. Congratulations to all the winners and thank you for supporting the CPA!
Town of Chebeague Island - Special Meeting of the Board of Selectmen Wednesday, October 7th, 2009 @7:00PMChebeague Island Hall Community Center - see agenda. Click here for the proposed ordinance.
School Committee meeting this coming Tuesday, 6:30 at the school, October 6th - see agenda.
CRC has a lot of great programs planned this fall. For Adults, Linda Carlton will lead weekly Bridge Classes and a Watercolor painting class, there is a drop in bridge game every Thursday morning and Tae Kwon Do (if we get enough participants) every Saturday, we are also trying to start the popular Rug Hooking class again and we only need 4 more people to begin the weight watchers program. For kids we are offering handball, Tae Kwon Do and a trip to Pumpkin Land. For pre-teens and teens we are planning a scavenger hunt for October 24th and a haunted hayride for October 30th. Call CRC 846-5068 for more information or to sign up. You can also visit our website at www.islandrec.net for more information.
The latest Working Waterfront is now online.
October 1, 2009 - What happened to September? The Inn has posted their buffet menu for this coming Monday - click here.
Kevin and Polly's children celebrated their first birthday recently and Kevin made a delightful video for them that he would love to share - click here.
September 27, 2009 - Message from the family of Nancy Adams: "To the Island Community far and wide, our most sincere thanks to everyone who called, sent a card, brought food, offered houses and cars, and expressed their condolences. We are very grateful."
Chedemption is desperately in need of BANANA BOXES!!! They only haeve 2 left and have been running low for the last two weeks. Please help them out and get your boxes to them - thank you.
September 22, 2009 - Tonight I met the new fellow from the Island Institute, Eli Bossin, at a meeting of the Historical Society. He will be working with the Historical Society and the Town of Chebeague. Eli is a graduate of Bowdoin with a degree in History. If you see Eli around please say hi or stop into the Museum and meet him. On the 18th of October, the Historical Society will be having cider making and the last opportunity to see the World War II Exhibit. Click here to see a photo of the group - Eli is the one standing with the green shirt and a great smile!
Friends of Casco Bay - Baykeepers has a fall landscaping bayscaping tips - I have added the link to the website above or click here.
News from last weeks Pre-K - transitional K - click here.
September 21, 2009 - Everyone on the islands has seen the 57 Dodge Truck that Dana Bourgeois drives, but now you can read all about it in the Working Waterfront. I remember when his grandfather drove it.
Due to short staff and a well deserved vacation for Becky the Clam Shack hours for September 23-30th have been shortened- see flyer.
The CIHCC Brunch was fabulous as usual and we had a full house raising over $700 toward our stove and hood fund! I took lots of photos of the people and the food - click here and enjoy. I have also added about six more recipes to the brunch cookbook which we are putting together.
Composite photo taken by me 09/20/09 of Bennetts Cove Pond click here.
September 18, 2009 - Don't forget that tomorrow is the CIHCC Sunday Brunch from 11:30 to 12:30 and if you are bringing food please bring the recipe for our Sunday Brunch Cookbook which we hope will be out by next year.
Please mark your calendars for Saturday October 17th, when we will have a Fall clean-up day for Sanford’s Pond. Bring your clippers, weedwackers, rakes and helping hands to clean up the pond and shed area and prepare it for this winter. We also will need help splitting and stacking wood (if you have any firewood you would like to donate this is a great opportunity to bring it or have it picked up). Sunday the 18th will be the rain date if needed. Call Sam Birkett at 846-4467, or email her at sam@chebeague.net if you have any questions. Also contact Sam if you would like to be on the skating pond phone tree to be notified of when the pond is open. Thanks so much, we look forward to a great season.
Message from Ginny: Deliveries from the Freeport Pharmacy will be stopping as of Saturday September 19th. Any prescriptions that are not picked up by Monday will be returned to the pharmacy. We still have a chance of reinstating this service if you write to the Board of Pharmacy.
In your letter please note: The service has been in place for over 30 years, how long you have used the service, if appropriate, how much of a hardship it will be to go to the mainland to get your medicine and other pharmacy supplies, hope that the Board of Pharmacy will work with the Riteaid Corperation to devise a delivery system that will meet the Board's requirements. If you are available, say that you would be willing to assist the Board of Pharmacy in working out this delivery system. ----Send your letters to; Board of Pharmacy, 35 State House Station, Augusta, Maine 04333-0035.
Message from the Rec: This is the last weekend that the Pool will be open for the season. The hours for Saturday and Sunday are:
Adult Lap Swim 7:30-9:00 AM
Adult Lap Swim 12:00-1:00 PM
Open Swim 1:00-5:00 PM
We will continue to be open for Adult Lap Swim Tues, Thurs, Sat and Sun 7:30-9:00 until September 30th when the pool will be winterized. Thank you for a great year!!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009 Everyone is invited to the Chebeague & Cumberland Land Trust annual meeting, 7:00 PM at the Cumberland Congregational Church, 282 Main Street, Cumberland. We will have a brief business meeting followed by our special Guest Speaker Paul Tukey, award winning HGTV Host, founding editor of People, Places and Plants magazine, author of The Organic Lawn Care Manual, founder of safelawns.org and producer of the documentary film "A Chemical Reaction." He will be speaking on "Safe Lawns: How and Why to Care for Your Landscape Organically." Dinner and refreshments will be provided. Please RSVP by Phone (207) 699-2989 or Email portlandnorth@gmail.com.
September 16, 2009 - Message from the Chebeague Inn: Due to a large function and pending inclement weather, the Inn will be closed to the public on Saturday, September 19th from 10 a.m. until Sunday at 2 p.m. September 20th. We appreciate the island's continued support and hope this does not cause any inconvenience.
Thanks! Andy, Mary, Ann, Pete, May and the Inn staff.
The Chebeague Inn again wants to thank the generous support from the island to their student employees. The employee recipients of the CII Benefit are: Courtney A. Beaulieu, Heidi U. Biber, George. Birkett, Haley H. Campbell, Marisa K. Crommett, Chelsea B. Eddy, Katherine R. Hill, Rebecca B. Houghton, Molly Hoyt, Darya R.Johnson, Denis S. Johnson, Annelie M. Jutras, Sarah M. Kohls, Meaghan S. Maurice, Ryan F. McGovern, Megan C. Munroe, Olivia C. Palanza, Amber L. Phillips, and Anna G. Van Slyke.
*PLAYING BRIDGE IS FUN* (and it's good for your mind!) Linda Carleton will be offering *Beginning Bridge Classes* on Thursday mornings, 9-10:30 starting on October 1. Contact Kelly at the Rec Center to sign up. The *Chebeague Community Bridge Game* for players at any level will continue through the winter on Thursday mornings from 10:30 to 1. For more information contact Linda at 846-6129.
September 15, 2009 - Congratulations to Todd Liebler, won an Emmy for: Outstanding Cinematography For Nonfiction Programming Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations • Laos • Travel Channel • Zero Point Zero Production, Inc. Todd Liebler, Camera, Zach Zamboni, Camera. Todd and Betty, are the parents of Eliza and Isaac who spent most of June and July on Chebeague rehearsing for and playing in "Thoroughly Modern Millie". Betty is also the daughter of the Hinchmans.
Tonight is a Selectmen's meeting - see agenda.
SUNDAY EXTRAVAGANZA..Sunday, September 20, CIHCC FAMOUS BRUNCH..11:30 -12:30 ...$8. AND $5. All you can eat _ Fried dough,Quiches, Stratas, Ham, Bacon, Sausage,Juices,Coffee,Tea, Fruit, Toast & breads,etc. Come early for best Variety.
WCSH did a great job reporting on yesterday's Calendar Island Lobster brand - click here to see. Also the Calendar Island Website is up and running at www.calendarislandlobster.com!
MESSAGE FROM THE INN:The Management of Chebeague Island Inn would express a deep heartfelt thank you to all who contributed to the Student Benefit for all the young women and men that have made the Inn a success this year. The Benefit raised over thirty four hundred dollars enabling each qualified student to receive money towards their education - CLICK HERE to see the donations, winners and special entertainment! - Personal thank you to the Inn from me, Beverly, for their generosity to their employees of which Denis and Darya benefitted. They both have so enjoyed working there.
September 14, 2009 - I am just back from the event at the Dropping Springs Portland waterfront facility where the partnership between Dropping Springs and the Island Institute to brand Calendar Island Lobsters was announced. Channel 6 was there along with the Forecaster and others. You can see the press release by clicking here. The website isn't up just yet but as soon as it is I will let you know and have a link at the top of the page. John Jordan spoke along with Peter Ralston from the Island Institute and Bob Earnest from the Chebeague Island Community Association. Click here to see photos from the event!
Congratulations to Danielle Rich who has received her Associates degree in Criminal Justice and is now going back to school to become a a drug & alcohol counselor.
Reminder: Afterschool Golf starts today. The program will run for 3 weeks on Mondays and Thursdays. Kids that are in school on the mainland are encouraged to sign up as well. They can go straight to the golf course from the boat. Kids that go to school on the island can take the bus to the golf course. All kids should be picked up at the club house at 5 PM. Please call CRC today if you’d like to sign up…it’s not too late.
Also, Tae Kwon Do starts again this Saturday. There will be two groups. Under 12 will be 9-10AM and over 12 will be 10-11am, adults are encouraged to participate. You don’t have to commit to every weekend but I need a rough idea of how many you will be at so I can make sure we can run the program. Call CRC to sign up or for more information.
Tomorrow night, Tuesday, September 15th, is the School Board meeting at 6:30 at the school - see agenda.
September 13, 2009 - Don't forget that tomorrow members of the Chebeague Island Dropping Springs LLC will announce their new partnership with the Island Institute to develop an innovative business model for the lobster industry. Please come out and support our Chebeague Lobstermen. See Details -.doc format! See Details - html format. Monday, September 14, 10:00 a.m. at 430 Commercial Street, Portland - click here for directions
September 12, 2009 - There is going to be a graveside memorial service for Elizabeth (Betty) Harris Saturday, September 19th at 1:30 Chebeague Island Cemetery - reception to follow 14 John Small Road.
News from the Pre-K - transitional K - click here. Looks like a lot of scientists in training to me.
A week from tomorrow, SUNDAY BRUNCH, September 20th, 11:30 to 12:30 at the Hall - don't miss all the great food! Proceeds go to our Stove Fund.
September 10, 2009 - Casco Bay Lobstermen to Announce Innovative Business Model
When: Monday, September 14th, 10:00 a.m.
Where: 430 Commercial Street, Portland - click here for directions
What: Members of the Chebeague Island Dropping Springs LLC will announce their new partnership with the Island Institute to develop an innovative business model for the lobster industry. Please come out and support our Chebeague Lobstermen. See Details -.doc format! See Details - html format.
5:15pm - Nancy Hill is doing much better and is cured (we hope) she has been moved to a regular room and everything is back to normal. We all expect she will be back at the clinic on Tuesday taking care of everyone else!!
Update on Nancy at 8:30 am, she is back in Intensive Care this morning.
My sister, Nancy Hill, is at Maine Med and is no longer in the intensive care unit. She underwent emergency surgery Tuesday evening to repair a bleeding ulcer and has already received eight units of blood. She is doing well but more surgery is planned for this afternoon.
September 8, 2009 - School is back in session and Nancy Earnest will be sending her weekly reports which I know everyone loves to read - here is the first one!
Happy birthday David Hill and Cindy Riddle. I am sorry I missed a wonderful party for Cindy on her 50th - the whole island turned out Sunday for the excitement.
I did make it back in time for the Chebeague Inn student Labor Day Back to school event and will have more information later about how it went. I was able to hear Herb Maine, Mark Dyer, Mark Bowman, and Jesse Russo play and sing - the talent on Chebeague is amazing!!!
Tomorrow night, Wednesday, September 9 @ 7pm at the Rec Center- Better Relationships - How to enhance your intimate relationships through *Improving communication *Being positive *Taking responsibility Presented by H. Cooke Read, Div., MSW, LCSW, CGP
Message from Florence Rich: Island Riches will be open thur,Sat and Sun for September.The hours are 12noon - 5pm.or call 846-4986 and I will be glad to open.There is 25% off lots of items. Also Linda Carlteton has newly painted boat scenes on old lobster buoys.
September 4, 2009 -Menu for Mondays Benefit - Click here to see the flyer about Chebeague Inn Labor Day Event!
Island Riches will be open 10am-5pm Sat.Sun.& Mon. - come see the newest jewelry by Herb Rich. They will make great gifts for someone or for yourself. What better gift then something made by hand. We have many crafters and artists in the shop. Click here to see Herb's rings and necklaces. Click here to see the bracelets!
Linda Carleton is offering a workshop on Nurturing the Spirit through Music and Mandala on Saturday, September 12 from 2-5 pm at the Orchard Inn. In virtually every culture, the circle is a sacred symbol of completion and wholeness. Mandala meditation is a way for us to project our own spirit into this sacred circle and explore what it has to teach us. This workshop requires no artistic experience or ability! The cost of $25 includes materials and refreshments. Contact Linda at 846-6129 or at lindacrltn@chebeague.net to sign up.
Photo taken by me Sept 3 just after sunset from the hook click here.
September 3, 2009 - Anna Maine has done another wonderful article on Chebeague! This time it is about the Second Wind Farm!
Messege from the CRC: The names on our weight watchers list have grown to 11. We only need 4 more people! Please call CRC at 846 5068 to add your name to the list and/or to confirm that you are already on the list. If there are people I’ve missed we may have 15 already. As soon as we get 15 people we will start the program.
On Saturday, September 5th, the CIHS museum will be open from 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM. We will resume our seasonal hours, 1:00 - 4:00, on the following day. The gift shop is offering a 20% discount on selected items until we close for the season.
September 1, 2009 - Don’t forget the CRC pool is open today from 1-5 PM. Starting tomorrow, we will have a new schedule. Click on the link http://www.islandrec.net/id38.html to see the updated schedule. THE POOL WILL BE OPEN LABOR DAY WEEKEND AND LABOR DAY. Come enjoy the last days of nice weather at the pool.
Kate Ledger, daughter-in-law of Merle and Murray Sachs, will read from her recently published novel Remedies (Amy Einhorn Books, Putnam, 2009). New York Times—Best-Selling Author Hildebrand called Ledger a brilliant writer and the book dazzling. Date: Friday September 4 - Time: 7:00 P.M. - Where: Chebeague Island Library.
Also, Thursday 7:30 pm, Colin Sargent, http://www.colinsargent.com/ will be at the Library. His novel, Museum of Human Beings is coming out in paperback. Founding editor and publisher of Portland Magazine.
August 31, 2009 - A NOTE TO THE CITIZENS OF CHEBEAGUE ISLAND from the Town of Chebeague:
Due to possible legal issues with the Wharf Road right of way on Cousins Island, the Wharf Road Construction has been delayed. The project will start again as soon these issues are resolved. We hope this is not a long delay, and are working with our attorney to resolve the issue.
The Chebeague Island Inn is looking for housekeepers! For more information, please contact Becky Houghton @ 333-9632.
School Board meeting tomorrow night Tuesday, 6:30 at the school - see agenda.
The theme for the Chebeague Inn Buffet is "Summer Favorites" - see menu!
August 30, 2009 - Just a few days left!!! CPA CALENDAR RAFFLE We will draw the first week of prizes September 1st.
$5 each or 5 for $20. The raffle ticket is a calendar for the month of September where each day of the month has a prize. One winner will be drawn at random for every day the entire month of September. If you win the prize for that day your name goes back in so you can win more then once. We have thirty (30) wonderful prizes including over $1000 in $CASH$ On sale at the Library, the Niblic, and the Rec DON'T MISS OUT~ BUY YOURS TODAY!
Clam Shack will be open Tuesday September 2nd from11:30am-6pm. We will then go into our fall schedule on Wednesday Sept. 3rd.. 11:30-7:00 on Wed., Thursdays, and Sundays. 11:30-8 on Friday and Saturday Nights... Closed on Mondays and Tuesdays..
August 27, 2009 - Tonight at 7 - Birds of Chebeague by Beverly Johnson and Tenika Breed with photos by Bev and others from the island. There will be refreshments. Free but donations to the Hall greatly appreciated.
PRESS RELEASE about the The Chebeague child care program, affectionately known as "Kids' Place"! The Kid's Place website has been updated as well - click here.
August 26, 2009 - There is an article in the Working Waterfront Online about the Dropping Springs Lobster Company and the branding of lobster (we all know they are the best and the freshest and now it is time for everyone else to find out) - click here to see the article by David Tyler.
The Museum gift shop is having a big end of the season sale. All Chebeague pottery and glasses 20% off. Other items as well. Stop by and check out the sale and the World War II exhibit! New Hours- Tuesday-Sunday 1-4. Shop soon for best selection.
MARK YOUR CALENDARS NOW for the Chebeague Island Community Sailing School for summer 2010. The three 2 week sessions will be July 5-16, July 19-30, and August 2-13. Click here to see the photos. Registration and updated info will be available on January 2, 2010. There is also a link on this page to photos from the 2009 sailing school classes.
August 24, 2009 - Birds of Chebeague - will be happening on Thursday evening, 7pm at the Hall. Bev Johnson and Tenika Breed will be your hosts with a slide show of birds from Chebeague. Many of the pictures have been on the Chebeague Page and taken by Beverly - there will also be some bird photos by Wink Houghton, Bob Earnest, Jill Malony, Ted Houghton, Aaron Rugh, Bill Calthorpe and others who may have sent Bev photos of Chebeague Birds. Donations gratefully excepted for the Hall. Light refreshments.
Chebeague Inn Monday Buffet Menu tonight- click here.
School Board meeting -Tuesday, August 25, 6:30pm - click here for agenda.
August 23, 2009 - Photo taken by me August 23 of cormorants on the Green Nubs.
Last Tuesday Peter Kaufman again appeared on Fox Business to talk about distressed businesses.
Stephen and I went out to the Green Nubs and I was able to get some nice photos of cormorants - click here for slideshow.
Today: NOON the Selkeys synchronized swim team performs for free at the REC and at
Today: 4pm at the Hall the Whalers - Refreshments Served! $8.00 Adults, $4.00 children
August 21, 2009 - Yesterday we thought that all our problems were solved with Rec Center T1 line but this morning at about 7:30 the line went down. I called Mainly wired and then Fairpoint and they were here in an hour to work on the problem. They got us up and running within a few hours but have decided that they will have to make some major changes. All I can say is that they are really working on the problem and hopefully it will be solved before the line goes down again. I have to say again that we have been over two years with that line without a single blip - let's hope we can get that back. Thank you all for your patience.
Meanwhile I am going bird watching on Monday morning at 7am for anyone who wants to join me and Tenika. Join us at the top of the hook road with binoculars and bug spray.
August 20, 2009 - The Northshore Selkies synchronized swim team will be at CRC this weekend. They are arriving Friday and will be practicing from 9-Noon and 4-7 PM at the Collins pool over the weekend. We will be closing the pool at 4PM on Friday and Saturday so they can practice. They will be putting on a performance for the public at noon on Sunday…admission is free and it’s always a crowd pleaser. Hopefully the weather will cooperate!
It is 1pm and the internet is back up and running for the Rec Center T1 line and Fairpoint has assured me that it will be wonderful! Also, it is the Library that has the Beetle bookmarks, not me.
NOTICE - It is 9:40 am and I just received a call from Fairpoint that they will be adding a booster to the T1 line that works for the West End Recreation Center line and that that line will be down for a few minutes some time within the next hour. Hopefully this will take care of the problems we have been experiencing over the last few weeks.
This Sunday, August 23rd, 4:00 PM, at Chebeague Island Hall! The Whalers encore performance "Sentimental Journey" If you missed their performance in June or would like to hear these wonderful songs again, this is your chance. The Whalers will sing a collection of your favorite songs from the 20th Century, including songs from Duke Ellington, Rodgers and Hammerstein, Lerner and Loewe, Elvis Presley, The Beatles, Corsby Stills and Nash, and more! Refreshments Served! $8.00 Adults, $4.00 children
The Second Wind Farm is thriving and we were thrilled to finally open the farm stand last Thursday. We currently have Blue Lake Bush Beans, Italian Flat beans, Peas and some very DELICIOUS cucumbers. Coming soon are corn, tomatos, potatos, beets, swiss chard, broccoli, blue hubbard squash, lettuce and more. If no one is at the stand, we work on the honor system. Take your veggies, and leave your cash in the stand. So stop on by and see us! Also remember that we have fresh eggs available, as well as custom wooden spoons, bowls, and much more. Call Chuck Varney for more information 846.0503. We look forward to another great season & thanks in advance for your support!
Governor Baldacci has designated August as Asian Longhorned Beetle month. The Library has a supply of bookmarks to help people identify this invasive pest. The link to find out more is www.maine.gov/alb.
August 18, 2009 - Photo by Sara Shettleworth Mrosovsky of a yellow legs on the Little Chebeague Sandbar.
The Island Commons Bob Jones Classic Golf Tournament is tomorrow and if you want to participate it isn't too late - come to the Golf Club between 10 and 11! click here
I have finally put together a little youtube video of the FIELD OF FLAGS you can see by clicking here, I also have downloaded all the photos I took of the fields from below and from the Church steeple. The memorial service was wonderful but my and I wish I had some photos from that but my camera lost it's charge. Click here to see the photos.
Order Your Fall Mum ! Chloe Dyer and Anna & Julia Maine are selling Mums again this August as part of the Annual fundraiser for the Greely High School Girls Field Hockey Team. These Mums are beautiful healthy plants from Estabrook’s in Yarmouth. The cost is still $7.50 per 12-inch pot - $42 for 6 pots. This is $0.50 less than Esatbrook’s retail price! Best of all the flowers will be delivered right to your door on the last weekend in August – in time for Labor Day. The Mums come in 5 colors: White, Yellow, Lavender, Bronze, and Maroon – Please let us know your color preferences when ordering. All orders need to be in by August 26th. Pre-payment is greatly appreciated – checks payable to Greely Field Hockey Boosters. To order call any of us: or Anna & Julia Maine (846-4769) or Chloe Dyer (846-6522) email: armaine@smemaine.com or fieldhockeyfanatic4@yahoo.com
Yesterday, Fairpoint and GWI spent the day on Chebeague working on the T1 line for the West End. They started testing lines around 11am until the afternoon which meant that many people were down. They think they have found the problem and will be doing some work that should help us from loosing the internet. I will try to let you know ahead of time when it is down again. We are sorry for the inconvience this is causing for many of our customers.
Yesterday morning I got this photo of a loon in front of a sailboat down at the hook.
August 17, 2009 - Congratulations to Fred Martindale who won the Great Chebeague Golf Club Zaugg Cup (Men's Handicap) and to Jim VanFleet who won the Spalding Cup (Men's Championship). Congratulations to Sarah Van Fleet who won the McCall Cup (Women's Handicap) and the Brown Cup (Women's Championship) was won by Annette Kincaid. There are lots of fun family tournaments as well and when I find out the winners I will let you know.
David Koblish In Concert Saturday August 22nd 7:00pm Chebeague United Methodist ChurchFree Will Offering - click here for more information!
WCSH6 TV did a segment on the Field of Flags of Chebeague- click here.
August 14, 2009 - Please click here to find out all about the Island Common's Bob Jones Golf Tournament which takes place this coming Wednesday, August 19th.
Don't forget that Field of Flags is tomorrow at the Church with Service of Memory and Prayers for Peace at 5:OOpm at the Field of Flags followed by a light supper in the Parish Hall. Here is a Link to the history of the Field of Flags.
Last night I made a little youtube video of the semipalmated sandpipers that we have been watching on the sandbar between Chebeague and Little Chebeague - click here to see.
Don't forget about the CPA Fundraiser Calendar! THERE’ STILL TIME!!! CPA CALENDAR RAFFLE $5 each or 5 for $20.
The raffle ticket is a calendar for the month of September where each day of the month has a prize. One winner will be drawn at random every day for the entire month of September. If you win the prize for that day your name goes back in so you can win more then once. We have thirty (30) wonderful prizes including over $1000 in $CASH$ On sale at the Library, the Niblic, and the Rec DON’T MISS OUT~ BUY YOURS TODAY!
Foxes on Chebeague in front of Hotel - click here. Photo of the foxes on the golf course on July 7th - click here.
August 13, 2009 - Saturday at 12 noon, Farmer Minor is going to be at the Hall with Datu. The Library is sponsoring this meet and greet and providing cake and ice cream. People can buy last minute basket raffle tickets or make final silent auction bids. Winners will be announced promptly at 1:00pm.
Today has been a very busy day for chebeague.net - thanks to the generosity of the Daytons we were able to add another 10' to the antenna at their house which should help all the people who get the internet from their backhaul and also the people who were on the fringe from there. Unfortunately Fairpoint has not fixed the problem with the Rec Center T1which meant that the line was up and down (mostly down) all day. We are beside ourselves trying to get the problem fixed for real. We can't do good testing and add the new lines without it working properly. We are extremely sorry for this problem. If we are able to get a tower at some time we will be able to link all the lines and we would have backups - but that will come in the future.
August 12, 2009 - The T1 line from the Recreation Center is still having issues occasionally which Fairpoint and GWI are trying to resolve, so as they work through them there may be minutes of downtime. Chebeague.net is also going to be updating the transmission line to and from Daytons tomorrow we hope, so people who are on that line may experience some down time probably starting around 11. By raising that antenna we hope to get better signals and coverage for the area around the Cricks, Coleman Cove, backside of Roses and Deer Point. We also have to worry about interferring with the other signals.
We are now serving a lot of people, expecially on the East End and it has been hard keeping the quality up for the amount of usage. We are working on solving that problem as well. We know that there are a lot of people who are stealing the signal from their neighbors. I say stealing because we have invested through investors, equipment and usage charges over $300,000 to make the wireless system work. We pay over $2000 a month for the T1 lines as well as thousands a month just keeping up what we have going. We offer all the non profits free equipment and wireless and we have special pricing for low income so if you need to get the internet and don't think you can afford it please see us about that. So if you are paying for the service and your neighbor is using your wireless signa it will reduce your speed and performance. We urge people with home networks to restrict the availability by using passwords.
Today is the House Tour - not too late to get tickets this morning, so stop by the Historical Society from 9 on for $25. The House Tour is from 12 to 5 with refreshments served at John and Mary Holts house which also is on the tour.
I just put together a slide show of Semipalmated Plovers which can be seen all over the flats along the bar between Chebeague and Little Chebeague.
August 11, 2009 - Don't forget that tomorrow is the CIHS's House Tour and you may get tickets at the Museum for $20 and tomorrow at $25. The museum is open from 1 to 4 today and tomorrow from 9 on. Please follow the directions on the tickets regarding parking.
The CIHS is presenting "The Story of the Cottage Road" on Monday, August 17th at 7:30 PM at the CIHCC. Donna Damon will review the history of the cottages with input from some of the Cottage Road residents. Free admission and refreshments - donations gratefully accepted. Don't miss this exciting event.
There is another superb article by Anna Maine in the online Working Waterfront about last Saturday's Commons Yard Sale - click here!
The Field of Flags - The island will be setting up the flags the morning of Saturday, August 15th and they will be on display for three weeks. There will be a Service of Memory and Prayers for Peace at 5:OOpm at the Field of Flags, if the weather is good. Otherwise, it will be held in the church. There will be a light supper in the Parish Hall afterwards. Link to the history of the Field of Flags if anyone would like to look up the history of this event.
Photo taken by me of the Bar 09/10/09 click here to see - you can see the semipalmeted plovers and ruddy turnstones along the shore. If you look closely you can even pick out some semipalmated sandpipers (see two here)here is another semipalmated sandpiper.
August 9, 2009 - What a beautiful day is was today. I was able to get over to the Art and Craft Fair today and took some photos of the wonderful artists and some of their works as well as the people enjoying it - click here.
At noon was the Public Safety Open House - click here to see photos and movie clips of the event.
August 8, 2009 - Today is the Island Commons Yard Sale, Saturday, August 8th, 10 -2pm at the Chebeague Island Hall.
SUMMER CRAFT FAIR is tomorrow, Sunday August 9, from 10--2 at the Hall. Woodworking, jewelry, watercolors, stained glass, photography, baskets and MORE!! Come do your Christmas shopping early and support your island crafters.
Ruddy Turnstones flying on the hook 8/7/09 click here to see larger and here to see the underside of them - see more ruddy turnstones.
August 7, 2009 - Congratulations to Betts Mayer, winner of the Bird House Raffle! Thank you to Herb Rich for donating the beautiful hand-crafted bird house. All proceeds from this raffle will benefit the Island School. Congratulations to Clay Bessire and Aaron Belesca, winners of the Sea Dogs Raffle! Thank you to Milo Matrazzo for donating these tickets to the CPA & CRC. All proceeds will benefit the Play Ground. There is still time to purchase your Red Sox Raffle tickets (also donated by Milo) available at The Niblic and CRC. The Red Sox Raffle is for "2" Games, "2" Seats per Game. Raffle ticket good for both games. Sunday, August 23 - New York Yankees and Sunday, September 13 - Tampa Bay Rays.
This morning at 7 we walked down with our wonderful expert ornithologist Tineke Breed to theLittle Chebeague bar and I saw for the first time the ruddy turnstones which are migrating at this time and will probably only be around for another week. I was able to get some photos of them - they are small and it is hard to get closeups. Hundreds flew around and were covering the bar. We also had an osprey fly over close and we saw bonaparte gulls, common terns, black bellied plovers, semipalmated plovers, and more. We are planning to go out again Monday morning at 7am, so if you wish to join us, meet at the top of the road and we will walk down.
"Library fundraising basket raffle and silent auction winners will be announced on Saturday, August 15th at 1:00 pm. If you haven't purchased your tickets or made a bid, please remember to come to the Library before the 15th. We will take silent auction bids by phone 846-4351, email cheblib@hotmail.com or fax 846-4351. Proceeds from this fundraiser goes to support the many programs and services the Library offers. Thank you!" Click here to see the Greppin photos - Click here to see the basket raffle information.
August 6, 2009 - At 10:46am the internet T1 line at the Rec was restored by Fairpoint. I hope that they have really solved the line problems.
A message from Jami KomLosy: " My Mom, Banu KomLosy, is recovering nicely from her heart procedure. She was discharged from Maine Medical yesterday, and will be staying with me in Yarmouth for a few days. We greatly appreciate all the prayers and greetings that we have received. If you wish to send her a note, my address is: Banu KomLosy c/o Jami KomLosy, 216 East Main Street, 2nd Floor, Yarmouth, Maine 04096."
August 5, 2009 - Unfortunately this morning at 9:20 the T1 line to the Recreation Center went down and is still down as I write this note at 9:30 pm. Fairpoint is aware of it and has worked all day today to correct the problem and will be out tomorrow morning. We have checked out all our equipment here and it is fine so it will be into tomorrow before it will be be back online - of course if you are on the West End of the island you can't read my page.
Notice from The Recompense Foundation - This year grant applications must be submitted by September 30, one month later than usual.. Applicants must use a new Grant Application Form which will be in the September Chebeague Island Council Calendar. Applications should be mailed to P.O.Box 42, Chebeague Island, ME 04017.
The HOUSE TOUR is just a week away and tickets are going fast. The date is Wed. August 12 from 12-5. If you have never been on another CIHS tour you are in store for a wonderful day. This is the first tour since 1999. Not only do you get to tour 8 houses and have light refreshments in the Holt's back yard, you learn about the history of the house and the people who lived there. In addition two new houses will be on the tour which have some up to date energy savers and architectural features that you won't want to miss. All this and more for just $20! The houses include: The Reuben Keazer House (Kendalls/Holmbom) Stone Wharf Rd; David and Sandra Wilson House and Barbara Wilson Gwillim Cottage West View Rd East End; David and Beverly Perkins Springettes Rd; John and Mary Holt, North Rd.(Refreshments will be served); Peter and Nancy Olney (Turner/Hamilton) Roy Hill Rd;Diane LuKac and Steven Silin (Curit/Swann Farm)off North Rd; J Holt and Jenny Goff-Rufus Hamilton/McCalls/Orchard Inn North Rd; A great deal for a great day for a great cause-Chebeague Historical Open Tues-Sat 11-4; Sun 1-4. Buy your tickets there!
August 4, 2009 - A message from Jami KomLosy: "My mom, Banu KomLosy, was transported yesterday to Maine Medical and she is currently staying at the Cardiac Care Center, Room 719B. She has been diagnosed with Supra Ventricular Tachycardia, which means that the upper part of her heart is beating too fast. On Wednesday, August 5th, at 8am, she will be having a Catheter Ablation procedure, which is supposed to slow her heart beat down. If all goes well, she will be discharged tomorrow evening and will be staying with me for a few days while she recovers. Mom is asking for folks to keep her in their prayers."
After making a youtube video of Cinderella I decided it would be a lot easier to see the video clips for Millie in a youtube - I wish I had all the dancing numbers because the choreography and dancing were incredible. Click here to see a youtube of some of the acts taken during dress rehearsal of Thoroughly Modern Millie!
There have been lots of sightings of unusual birds lately so I have decided to put together a bird watching time with my expert Tineka Breed on Friday morning at 7am. If you would like to join us, park on the North Road and then we will walk down to the hook. Come along with insect spray and binoculars and hopefully we will see a few. Birds that Tineka has observed lately are the rare curlew sandpiper, northern water thrush warbler, six short billed dowitchesr, willets, yellow lesser legs, ruddy turnstone, along with the regular plovers and sandpipers - WOW - now I have to look all these up so I know what I'm looking for.
Bulky Weekend is this coming weekend - see details.
I have been promising to put together the little video clips I took at the Disney's Cinderella Kids play which was directed by Rachel Damon. This was a Chebeague Recreation Center two week summer camp program for children 6 to 10 which ended with a performance. Click here to see the Youtube Video. It is amazing how Rachel can bring out the best of talent!
CRC has lots of the limited edition Flying Over Chebeague Island prints by Eric Hopkins for sale. Only $35 for a signed print. Stop by the office to buy one or if you’re not on the island send an email to crc@chebeague.net and we will mail a copy to you.
Tonight is a School Committee Meeting - click here for agenda.
Tickets for the House Tour are on sale now at Museum and are limited. Get yours today.
August 3, 2009 - Yesterday one of the oars used in the Quadathlon Bobby Dyer Boats is missing somewhere along the shore between the boat yard and East End. Please call 846-9415 if you have found it or email me bjohnson@chebeague.net.Thank you.
Tonight at the Rec is Eldon’s second of four Investment Sessions is tonight at 7:30 at CRC? It is open to any who would like to attend! I have enjoyed and learned so much at his investment sessions - he is such a valuable resource - thank you Eldon for doing these.
I forgot about another event this week:
Frogtown Mountain Puppeteers- Thursday, August 6, 6:00 pm @ the Rec Center $3.00. This is a jointly sponsored program by CIL, CPA and CRC. $3.00 per person or $15. family cap. You should check out the Library page and programs to see what else the Library is doing this summer!
It is time for me to get back to the important things like birds! I can't believe this, but the southbound shorebird migration is underway and Tineka has already seen many. I am hoping to get out and get some photos of the birds I have missed. The best time to observe them is when the tide is half.
Events this week include:
The Tenth Free Chamber Music Concert by the Sebago-Long Lake Music Festival Wednesday, August 5th at 7:30 at the Chebeague Methodist Church.
The Ladies Aid Fair, 12:30 TO 3PM Thursday, August 6, at the Chebeague Island Hall.
Island Commons Yard Sale, Saturday, August 8th, 10 -2pm at the Chebeague Island Hall. See More!
Public Safety Open House, Sunday, August 9th at Noon at the Public Safety Building. See Flyer
Islands Art and Crafts Fair Sunday, August 9th from 10am to 2pm at the Chebeague Island Hall Community Center.
August 2, 2009 - The Quadathlon was a huge success with lots of Sponsors, 5 teams competing, and two individuals doing all 4 events. Click here to see the photos and find out who the winners were. There is even a spreadsheet with the times so you may start your training now for next year!!! Our sponsors for this event will be listed and their adds will be in our Fall/Winter Recreation Center brochure. Special thank you to our host The Chebeague Island Boatyard and Niblic!!!
What a week this has been for the Rec - yesterday was the 3rd show for the Children's Theatre ,Thoroughly Modern Millie, Junior directed by Rachel Damon - a full cast and a fabulous show - click here to see photos and some short videos.
July 31, 2009 - QUADATHLON - It's not too late if you want to get a team together (you might have to go pick up a boat but there are a couple left. Sooo if you have been thinking about it and want to put a team together, leave a message with me tonight at 846-4850 and I will call you early tomorrow morning to set it up. We will have hot dogs, fruit cup and ICE CREAM for sale at the Quadathlon - NOON tomorrow at the NIBLIC - BOAT YARD! One team claims to have Greg Lemond, Mark Spitz and Bill Rogers - they will be tough to beat but I'm ready for the challenge!!
Thoroughly Modern Millie, Junior-TONIGHT 7:30 - don't miss it - definitely future broadway stars are featured!
Notice from The Recompense Foundation - This year grant applications must be submitted by September 30, one month later than usual.. Applicants must use a new Grant Application Form which will be in the September Chebeague Island Council Calendar. Applications should be mailed to P.O.Box 42, Chebeague Island, ME 04017.
Next Sunday, August 9th is the Chebeague Island Public Safety Day from 12-2 at the Public Safety Building!
Congratulations to Tyler Putnam who has just been cast as the Englishman, Lord Evelyn Oakleigh, in Cole Porter's classic, tap-dancing on an ocean liner musical, Anything Goes. It's a terrific and funny role which will be at the New London Barn Playhouse in August. He is currently performing in Mel Brooks' The Producers, which runs until next Sunday, Aug 8. Shows are 8 PM Tue-Sat, matinee at 2 on Wed, and Sun at 5. Tyler has also started up a website: tylerputnam.net. There are photos from past shows and a couple of audio clips that can be downloaded.
ISLAND COMMONS RESOURCE CENTER is gearing up for two amazing events – the Annual Yard Sale (August 8th) and the Bob Jones Golf Classic (August 19th). For more information, please go to www.islandcommonsresourcecenter.org and click on the links to the right. We hope you will join in and support Island Commons.
July 29, 2009 - QUADATHLON - we need teams! We have decided to lower the pledge amount for teams to $200 in hopes that we can get more participants. It will be a fun time for everyone - spectators will love the excitement, fun for children and hot dogs, fruit cup and ice cream for sale.
The Chebeague Inn will be closed to the public Friday, July 31st due to an event at the Inn. Click here to see the Inn schedule for the next week.
July 28, 2009 - Chebeague Children's Theatre presents Thoroughly Modern Millie, Junior this Thursday, Friday and Saturday night at the Hall. The show starts at 7:30 and tickets will be available at the door for $8 adults and $6 for kids under 12, get there early to ensure a great seat! Thoroughly Modern Millie features a cast of over 20 kids ages 9-14, and will be an entertaining trip to the 1920's featuring lots of singing, exciting choreography and tap dancing. This show is a must see, and the most dance intensive production we have ever produced! Please click here to see a sample!
Chebeague had 3 winners last Saturday in the Peaks to Portland Swim - Sarah Demers who also swims for Middlebury College won the women's division and was 15th overall, her brother Hugh was second in his age class and no wetsuit and Jim Lunt won the race in the Masters division - Congratulations! Hugh and Sarah are staying on Chebeague this summer with their Aunt and Uncle Susan and John Wilson and also can be seen training at the Recreation Center.
July 27, 2009 - QUADATHLON - I am busy getting my team together - how about everyone else. We have ordered trophies and ribbons for the first 3 winning teams and for the first 3 winning individuals. We will be having hot dogs, fruit cup and ICE CREAM for sale at the Quadathlon. There will be games for children and fun things to do for kids while the Quadathlon is taking place! I need to figure boats for all the teams so please let me know if you need one!! 846-4850 (Bev Johnson)
The Summer Craft Fair is coming up on August 9, 10-2 at the Hall. If you would like a table or a half-table it's not to late to sign up. Contact Linda Carleton: lindacrltn@chebeague.net or call 846-6129. If you can't make the Craft Fair on August 9 but want to stay on the list for future fairs, let Linda know.
July 23, 2009 - Coming event for the Chebeague Church--August 15th we will be setting up the “Field of Flags”. This is an outdoor display of flags set in the ground to represent each American killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. This display will be on-going for three weeks. We are the first church in Maine to have the “Field of Flags”. This is a non-political remembrance of and tribute to those who have given their lives in the service of our country. There are now 5000 flags that will be displayed. See more information - click here.
There is still room on the Historical Societies Casco Bay Island Grand Tour leaving the Stone Wharf on the Islander at 11am today! $30 - bring your lunch and enjoy!
A message from Florence at Island Riches: "The bird house that Herb Rich made from flag sticks that Priscilla Rich had gathered up is now at Island Riches.The money to go to the school. Herb's daughter Becca has some very nice beach glass jewelry and Herb is still making jewelry from recycled flatware. I wish I could name all the crafters and artist we have in the shop like Linda Carlton, Clint Jones, Sharon Rent, Anthoney Gomez, Kim Marten and more. Come to the Westend and see for yourself."
July 22, 2009 - Anna Maine has written another article for the Working Waterfront which just went online today - its about our own Superintendent, Bump Hadley!
QUADATHLON - click here - I have just added the map to the signup information for the Quadathlon. We are having a meeting tonight at 7:15 for planning purposes if someone would like to volunteer to help for this fun event. We are looking for people to compete either individually or as a team. All you need is to get sponsors and of course maybe a little training but it is really doable. We need to know ahead of time so we can make sure there is a Bob Dyer Boat available at the time.
The Grange Thrift Shop is open every Tues 9:30- 12;00 and 7-8 pm July only we are also open Thurs mornings 9:30-12:00.
July 21, 2009 - RC needs a few more people to run the Mosaic Mirrors class this Saturday the 25th. Call 846 5068 today to sign up.
A Vision for Chebeague? Workshop on the Planning Committee’s Survey Results - Sunday July 26, 2009 from 1:00 to 4:00pm at the Hall. Refreshments will be provided. If you need childcare in order to come to the meeting please call Thea Youngs at the Town Office during office hours: 846-3148. Please call by Friday.
QUADATHLON!! It's not too late to get together with your friends, neighbors or even alone to do the 3rd annual QUADATHLON. Sunday, August 2nd at noon, row, bike, swim and run - information above or click here. We are also looking for volunteers to help with all aspects of the event - call 846-4850.
July 20, 2009 - Don't forget "Travels with Suhail Bisharat" at the Hall tonight at 7:30!!!
Reminder: The Investment Club sessions facilitated by Eldon Mayer start tonight at 7:30 PM at the Rec. Call 846 5068 for more information.
July 18, 2009 - The Historical Society is once again sponsoring a grand tour of Casco Bay. This time the destination is Portland Harbor with numerous opportunities to learn how Chebeaguers changed the landscape on one hand and created it on the other. You will be surprised!!! Donna Damon and Jim Millinger will narrate the trip. We’ll sail around forts, lighthouses, and military installations and learn how they relate to Chebeague. You’ll even learn that the dirt on Fort Gorges came from Chebeague—but where? The Islander will leave the Stone Wharf on Thursday July 23 (rain date 7/24) at 11 AM and return by 2 PM. Bring a picnic lunch and enjoy. Tickets limited- $30 in advance at the Museum. Get yours today. Don’t miss this once in a lifetime tour! Call 846-5237 for more info. Call Donna 846-5140 or Jane 846-4937 if Museum 8465237 isn't open! Don't miss the boat call today!
Message from the INN: Due to a large wedding at the Inn, we won't be serving Sunday brunch to the public this week. We will resume regular dinner service on Sunday night, with regular breakfast, lunch and dinner service again on Monday. We will have our buffet on Monday, which will be Summer Picnic, including cold salads, roast beef, pulled pork . . . and much more! Come join us!
Ice Cream Social and Free Concert tonight at the Church and Parish House starting 6pm -Click here to learn more.
This morning is the CTC Annual Meeting at the Hall 9am.
Wink Houghton took this photo of his new kittens - well not exactly kittens - they are baby catbirds in his yard. I don't know how he and Ruthie do it - so far that I know, they have had two families of Robins, at least one family of swallows, a family of bluebirds and now a family of catbirds!!!
I took some photos of what I think is a common tern - click here. I also have a photo of the Ringed Bill Gull which are all over the Golf Course with lots of other types of gulls.
July 17, 2009 - Tonight at the Rec - sponsored by the Fire Department - BOB MARLEY- tickets $20 at Clam Shack or at door if any left - 7:30.
There is still time to sign up for dance classes at CRC for ages 8-15. There is some flexibility with the age requirement so if you’re interested please call Kelley at 846-5068. Classes start Monday the 20th at 9:30 AM.
This summer CRC will sponsor an investment club facilitated by Eldon Mayer. The dates are 7/20, 8/3, 8/17 and 8/31. The first meeting will be instructional and organizational and the three August meetings will consist of discussion of investment ideas put forward by club members. Attendance at all sessions is recommended but not required. Please call CRC to sign up today.
July 16, 2009 - Monday, July 20 at 7:30p.m. at the Chebeague Island Hall-The Historical Society presents Suhail Bisharat, who will share his travel experiences and his observations of change in historical sites he has visited since his youth. Chebeaguers who have traveled with Suhail will have the opportunity to comment on their trip experiences. All are welcomed to attend.
The Adult Theater production of the No-Frills Revue has been canceled due to low partcipation Please return your scripts to Kelley at the REC as soon as possible.
Saturday, July 18, 2009, the Inn is hosting a large wedding. Due to predicted inclement weather, we may have to move the wedding inside, which could result in the Inn being closed to the public on Saturday evening. We regret any inconvenience this may cause. Please call in advance on Saturday before coming up. If the weather holds, we will be open for dinner only from 5-9 p.m. Saturday, but please check first!
Don't forget Bob Marley Comedy (PG13)show at the Chebeague Rec center - Friday July 17 at 7:30 pm --Tickets $20.00 each available through : Ralph Munroe 846-4654--Jason Hamilton 846-0590 --Doug Ross 846-4821 and Calders Clam Shack Proceeds to benefit the Chebeague Fire Dept
July 15, 2009 - A message from the family of Ralph Munroe who is one of the nine firefighters who have lost their job at the Portland Fire Department: "The Portland Fire Dept is holding a protest rally at 4pm Wed, July 22 in front of Portland city hall. we are hoping to get as much support as we can in a big showing of people. Sorry I can't help with telling you where to park, they will be selling plastic yellow and black bracelets that say "BRING 'EM BACK".
The Historical Society is once again sponsoring a grand tour of Casco Bay. This time the destination is Portland Harbor with numerous opportunities to learn how Chebeaguers changed the landscape on one hand and created it on the other. You will be surprised!!! Donna Damon and Jim Millinger will narrate the trip. We’ll sail around forts, lighthouses, and military installations and learn how they relate to Chebeague. You’ll even learn that the dirt on Fort Gorges came from Chebeague—but where? The Islander will leave the Stone Wharf on Thursday July 23 (rain date 7/24) at 11 AM and return by 2 PM. Bring a picnic lunch and enjoy. Tickets limited- $30 in advance at the Museum. Get yours today. Don’t miss this once in a lifetime tour! Call 846-5237 for more info.
July 14, 2009 - Sam Hackenberger was recently awarded an honorary degree - read all about it - click here.
For all of our chebeague.net customers who are on the Recreation Center T1 line, we have been experiencing intermitent loss of signal due to lines from Cousins Island. Fairpoint will be working on the system hopefully tomorrow to repair or move over the signal so there may be some down time over the next few days. Thank you for your patience and hopefully we won't be experiencing any more dropped signals at that site.
Sailing School update: due to cancellations, we now have two openings for the intermediate/advanced class starting 7/20, 2pm – 4pm for two weeks. There are also 5 openings in the same class for the two weeks beginning 8/3. If you’re interested please call Bob at 846 0924.
Last chance to get involved in adult theater this summer! Check out the “No-Frills Review”- small roles, easy songs, variety-style show. No previous experience necessary. FIRST REHEARSAL/ SIGN-UP MEETING: THIS WEDNESDAY, JULY 14 @ 7pm, THE HALL. Call Kathie @ 272-4364 or email kathiemc@maine.rr.com for more information.
Finally, this morning, I got photos of the Glossy Ibis which has been seen on the Golf Course by everyone else but me!
This morning I got this photo of a black crowned night-heron at the pond on the Golf Course.
Spanish Lessons on Chebeague schedule for July click here!
The Chebeague Players will still be having a performance this summer - A no frills revue - please see details. I didn't get this in yesterday and so if you missed the tryout and want to be in this production please email Kathie MacCatherine today at kathiemc@maine.rr.com
The Chebeague Library will be hosting Betsy Sholl, Maine Poet Laureate - Reading and artist reception to follow. Friday, July 17th 4:30 pm. FMI call the Library 846-4351
In case anyone missed John Wilson's informative talk Saturday morning on the question of wind power for Chebeague, Anna Maine has written an article about his presentation which is now posted on the Working Waterfront website. click here for the link
Anna is part of the Island Institute's student writer program, reporting from Chebeague.
CRC is offering a 5 day dance class Monday-Friday 9:30am-11:30am July 20-July 24 for ages 8-13. The class will be focused on learning basic body and spacial awareness while introducing movement styles such as ballet, modern, Scottish Highland and contemporary West African in a fun energetic setting. This class will be taught by Taryn McGovern. Taryn has been dancing since the age of 5 and has taken classes primarily in modern and ballet at Northern Lights Dance theatre and MoCo Arts in NH. She has competed in the Highland Games all over New England including the 2008 New England Championships. Taryn has also dabbled in Flamenco, jazz, tango, & hip hop. She spent the past year split between Paris and West Africa, studying contemporary, ballet and jazz at a Paris studio and West African dance at its source. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity. Call 846-5068 to sign up today.
CPA would like to thank everyone who purchased Sally Foster gift wrap and gifts from our school kids this summer. 50% of all orders goes to CPA to support, important programs for island children. Missed the sale? You can still order online at www.sallyfoster.com throughout the year and have items shipped directly to you. Simply click the "support a fundraiser" button, choose to support a school or group, and enter account number 506968 to give credit to Chebeague Island School. For more information, contact Nancy Olney 846-7902.
July 13, 2009 - Bob Marley Comedy (PG13)show at the Chebeague Rec center - Friday July 17 at 7:30 pm --Tickets $20.00 each available through : Ralph Munroe 846-4654--Jason Hamilton 846-0590 --Doug Ross 846-4821 and Calders Clam Shack Proceeds to benefit the Chebeague Fire Dept
Ladies' Aid of the church will present their annual "Ice Cream Social" Saturday (July 18) evening, in the Parish House at 6PM. Following is free concert at 7:15 (please note the time change) Quintopia Brass Quintet will present their third annual concert at the Chebeague Methodist Church. Click here to learn more!
CALLING ISLAND CRAFTERS!! The summer craft fair will be on Sunday, August 9 from 10 -2. If you would like to reserve a table or half-table contact Linda Carleton: lindacrltn@chebeague.net or 846-6129
The Great Gatsby Croquet Tournament and Lawn Party was fabulous - the weather was the best of the summer so far -boy were we lucky. Josh Doughty was the first place finisher, Geoff Summa was second and third was Ian Smith. In the Hat Contest Suzanne Rugh was first, second was Dylan Doughty and third was Carly Derby. I have photos from Pat Hatler, Howard Coffin, Cathy MacNeill and me - so many! I have put them all together and tried to limit the number but I sitll have pages of photos - click here to see.
July 10, 2009 - Just added Suhail Bisharat's Step Stool to the website - click here to see.
The play Disney's Cinderella Kids production was terrific. With only 2 weeks to practice and learn their lines these 6 to 10 year olds were fabulous - costuming, sets and the whole production was very professional. Click here to see some of the images - I will be adding a movie later.
The Grange Thrift Shop is overflowing with treasures. Open every Tuesday from 9:30- noon and again in the evening 7-8 pm Special July hours also including Thursday mornings from 9:30-12 Every week there are special sales.Donations are being accepted through the end of July. Please leave only clean and usable items and do not leave furniture or electronics.
Kenneth Hamilton, BJ Abrahamson, Patti Rich and Sandra Rice's Step Stools have just been added to the website - click here
July 9, 2009 - We have Eric Hopkins Step Stool that he painted for us to auction on Sunday - click here.
I have just added Tom Schutte Step Stool to the stool site - click here to see.
This evening (July 9 at 7:30p.m.) at the Museum of Chebeague History, David Tracy will be presenting information regarding a future trip to the American Southwest and the amazing sites that will be visited.
Fairpoint has contacted us to say there are still some issues with the T1 line at the Recreation Center which affects many customers at the West End - they are working on the problem right now - sorry for the inconvience - at least today the SUN is shining - in fact it is so bright I'm having trouble getting good photos of the step stools.
I have just added Ellen Maher's step stool to the page - all hand designed and hand cut stencils.
CRC is sad to announce that Valerie Riddle will be leaving employment with us. She’s done an amazing job over the past year keeping the facility sparkling! We are looking for someone that can fill her shoes. If you are interested in earning some extra money working at the Rec Center please call Kelley at 846 5068.
Don’t forget Mosaic Mirrors with the talented Marty Trower at CRC on July 25th and August 1st from 8-Noon. Please call CRC today to sign up.
July 8, 2009 - Message from Gail Miller who has been running the 4th of July Road Race for many years now: "Thank you to the Bisharat family and the Ken & Jeanette Hamilton family for providing water stops along the route. Thank you to Michael Grunko for signage. Thank you to registrars Iva Allen (Tom Damon's fiance) and Carol Lynne Davis. Thank you to timers: Tom Damon and Doug Damon. Thank you to the chute crew: Beth Dyer, Sandy Ragan, Kathleen Ragan, Johanna Hunter, and Jamie Potter. Thank you to photographer: Bev Johnson. Thank you also to the Howell/Tagliati family for the Tracey Howell memorial trophy and cash prize given to the first female finisher, Katie Emery." Gail has compiled the results of the races - click here. She also has compiled the list and times of all the Road Race click here.
There will be a Celebration of Life memorial for John Sullivan on July 18. This informal event is sponsored by his children and will take place at the Paul Malia post, 30 Atlantic St, Ptld, from 3:00 to 7:00 PM. They welcome his friends and neighbors to join them. A burial on Chebeague is yet to be determined.
Fairpoint has worked all day today to restore the T1 line outage that put the Recreation Center wifi and west end down last night until about 4 this afternoon. Sorry for the inconvenience to our chebeague.net customers.
Tonight on the Golf Course is a Great Egret on the 1st Fairway - click here. Here is a photo of the bird in front of the Club House.
The bids are starting to come in for the Step Stool Auction.
Don’t miss the performance of Disney’s Cinderella Kids at the Hall on Friday July 10th at 7:30 PM. The kids in the show are between the ages of 6 and 10 years old. This is sure to be a great time. Tickets are $5.00 at the door. Come support our young performers and CRC.
This morning I was was able to get a photo of a blue heron, great egret, snowy egret and black crown night heron by the boat ramp
Photo of moon in front of Johnson cottage Roses Point.
July 7, 2009 - School Board meeting tonight at 6:30 at the school - see agenda.
The rec center is still looking for homes for the soccer coaches to stay for the few days they are here. There will be either 2 or 3 coaches between the ages of 19 and 23. They will arrive on the 12th and leave on the 18th. Please call Kelley if you are able to host a coach - 846-5068 or email crc@chebeague.net
I have just added Kim Martin's step stool to the others - check out the auction site - click here.
July 6, 2009 - Thursday, July 9th at the Museum of Chebeague History at 7:30 David Tracy is holding an informational meeting to talk about a CIHS Sponsored Trip to the Southwestern U.S. to be led by David in the Fall of 2010. Please come and hear all about it - sounds like it would a great opportunity.
The Croquet Tournament is fast approaching - this coming Sunday, July 12th from 12 to 4. We have been getting the step stools in as they get painted by all the artists. I have started a web page of the stools and just got another today from Kim Martin and will add that tomorrow so it will be changing daily as the stools come in. If someone would like to bid on one you are welcome to get the bids started and the high bid before the actual auction will be the starting bid at the auction. So if you bid high enough you may be able to get the stool without being there. The website to check them out is https://chebeague.org/crc/2009/croquet/auction. I went to town today and forgot to get a hat to decorate for the hat contest. Maybe I will get another chance later this week.
July 4, 2009 - Tomorrow at 9am is the Annual Great Chebeague Golf Club Swat Fest - so much fun and everyone can play - you don't have to be a member - come and join the fun!!
Today almost made up for the last month - the Fourth of July was wonderful starting with the Road Races, Parade, Activities, food, lobster rolls, entertainment ... through til it started thundering and lightening around 2pm and then it cleared. I took more photos this year than ever and don't have time to sort so they will all be there starting with the Kids Fun Run at 9 am (Thank you Gail Miller and Crew for keeping the road race tradition going) Then the 4.6 mile race followed by the Parade and Picnic. Click here to see it all - Also added some photos from Tom (Etta's husband) Schutte.
Congratulations to Pat Parks who won the quilt that my sister Nancy and I made to benefit the Rec Center.
July 2, 2009 - Click here for 4th of July Poster.
It is raining again - this has been weeks and weeks it seems. Don't forget there are places to visit on the island - the library, the hotel for meals, take out from Clam Shack, Riches gift shop, the Niblic, Island Market, the REC Center, Historical Museum 11-4- hopefully on the 4th we will have good weather for all the events. The Road Race signup starts at 8:30 and the kids race is at 9 and the 4.6 miler is at 10 am. The Parade musters at 11am in front of the Inn. This year the parade ENDS AT THE SCHOOL! Don't forget to get your lobster sandwich ticket call 846-5126 or Jen 846-1097!
Today at The Niblic: Come in out of the rain and enjoy a hot cup of coffee or tea and one of Gail Todd's delicious Sticky Buns. Lunch Today: Egg Salad, Roast Beef or Chicken Salad Sandwiches. We also have pasta salad and Gail's Sundried Tomato Dip. Adult Chebeague Island Hoodies in new colors are in. Stop by and say hello!
July 1, 2009 - Don't forget that the CICA Annual Meeting is tomorrow (July 2) at Bob Earnest’s house (12 Rose Point Road) at 4:30 with refreshments.
John Wilson will report on his research on WIND ENERGY on Chebeague on Saturday July 12 at 9:30 in the morning at the Hall. Light breakfast provided.
Chebeague.net is experiencing problems with the West End Backhaul and will be trying to repair them today and tomorrow. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Men's Discussion Group meets the second and fourth Tuesdays of every month, each time at a different member's home. The format is informal, and discussions range across a broad range of topics. Anyone interested should contact Barrie Shepherd (846-6864;barrieshep@aol.com) or Eldon Mayer (846-9760;emayer@mayer-cap.com).
June 30, 2009 - CRC is looking for host families for our Play Soccer coaches. Soccer camp is the week of July 13th. Please call CRC if you are able to host a coach this year. Please call CRC 846-5068.
This morning I noticed a black headed gull on the golf course and took a few photos of what I think is a laughing gull - there were even some people playing golf. It is kinda foggy and drizzly out and it seems even pleasant - when is summer coming.
Last weekend was the Whaler's Concert and Cathy MacNeill captured lots of photos from the dress rehearsal as well as the concert on Saturday. Click here to see her photos.
June 29, 2009 - CRC still has room in all of the afternoon lunch/swim camps. Bring your own lunch and enjoy the afternoon in the pool. This camp allows parents to drop kids off at the pool from noon until 3 Monday through Friday. If the weather doesn’t cooperate, we will go in the gym for some games and test our creativity in the craft room. The cost is only $35 for the whole week or only $20 if you are enrolled in a morning camp during the same week. Participants must be independent in the pool. Call CRC 846-5068for more information.
Adult theater needs your help and talent! Kathie McCatherine who has directed theater on the mainland and has been part of our Adult theater programs on the island has agreed to run this year's program but we need actors - if you have been thinking about it for years but have been too shy - email her today at kathiemc@maine.rr.com -- Phantom of the Country Opera sounds like such a fun show and there are all kinds of parts from very small to large!!!
June 28, 2009 - Tomorrow, Monday, June 29, 7:30p.m. at the Hall: Historical Society Program, Encore presentation of Island Artists of the Past, a slide show and commentary by Jane Frizzell. This program, which features many artworks painted on Chebeague, was well attended and very well received last summer. Don't miss it!
Today the Island Commons Wine Tasting event took place and despite the wet weather everyone came and had a great time. The Chebeague Inn's hor d'euvres were fabulous and Peter Emery and the wines were delightful. Click here to see almost everyone who was there as well as many of the items that were auctioned off.
Yesterday the Island Institute invited all the recipients of the Island Institute Scholarships to a luncheon in the their honor at the Samoset Resort in Rockport, Maine. Danielle Rich was a major speaker at the dinner and for the second year in a row received the major Shaw Scholarship for Mariners Children. She did such a great job and had a wonderful speech that made us all proud! Other recipients from Chebeague were Arianna Stefanilo, Tom Damon, Josh Doughty, John Summa, Vika Johnson, Dennis Johnson and Darya Johnson. Leila Bisharat and Donna Damon are also on the Institute Board. Click here to see some photos of the event.
Photo of an eagle resting on the ledge being dive bombed by a gull - of course this is after the eagle had spent an hour trying to grab baby ducks and gulls.
June 26, 2009 - Tomorrow night Saturday!!! June 27th 7:30 PM at the Chebeague Island Hall
The Whalers in concert present… A Sentimental Journey .....A collection of your favorite songs from the 20th century. Including songs from Duke Ellington, Rodgers and Hammerstein, Lerner and Loewe, Cole Porter, Elvis Presley, The Beatles, Crosby Stills and Nash, Andrew Lloyd Webber and much more!
Refreshments Served! $8.00 Adults, $4.00 children
Reminder: Camp Chebeague starts next week with Clown College. It was previously advertised for Monday – Friday in error. The camp will begin on Tuesday and will run through the 4th of July so kids can get ready at CRC and participate in the parade! Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to clown around. There are still spaces left, sign up today!
If you are on the East End and fogged in - go down to the Pool where the sun is shining - no kidding - I just dropped Dennis off to lifeguard and the sun was out and it was beautiful!
Stop by the gallery at the Niblic to see "First Year," an exhibit of watercolors from Linda Carleton's first year on Chebeague. The show will be up for the whole month of July.
Tomorrow Night, Saturday, 7:30 at the Hall - The Whalers in concert present… A Sentimental Journey
Island Commons Wine Tasting -- see details! Sunday, June 28th, 2009 • 2:00-5:00pm • Chebeague Island Inn
June 24, 2009 - Suhail Bisharat will present a slide show and talk relating to the 10 years of his travels with Chebeaguers as the July 20 Historical Society program at the Hall. Those who have traveled with Suhail are asked to share a few of their favorite photos featuring specific sites they visited with Suhail, which can be included in the presentation. Forward digital photos (.jpg) as attachments to Mary Holt at islelive@chebeague.net or call Mary at 846-5040 to arrange for photos to be scanned. Photos must be submitted by July 10.
Finalists for the John Winkin Award representing Mr. Baseball have been selected by the Maine Baseball Coaches Association. The finalists are Nate Martin (Greely) and Chris Bernard (Scarborough) representing the West, and Scott Rogers (M. Ararat) and Pat Thibodeau (Caribou) representing the East." "The Winner of the award will be announced prior to the Maine Senior All-Star game on Friday, June 26. Congratulations NATE!!
June 23, 2009 - AUDITIONS for Adult Theater - the Phantom of the Country Opera!! Thursday, June 25th, Friday June 26th location at the Hall (a note will be posted if we have to move the location. Contact Kathie at 272-4364 for more information. Script is at the Library.
*** NOTICE*** Transfer Station hours over the July 4th holiday weekend. 1. Friday, July 3rd the Station will be OPEN from 1:30 to 5PM. 2. Saturday, July 4th the Station will be CLOSED. 3. Sunday, July 5th the Station will be OPEN from 9AM to 5PM(previously posted incorrectly)
*** NOTICE*** The Chebeague Island Town Office will be “CLOSED” Friday, July 3rd, 2009 in observance of the July 4th holiday
Chedemption and the Non-profits of the island really need help!! Some organizations only have a few people on their boards who can work at the Chedemption Center and many people are on more than one board. We really could use the help of people here for the summer!!! Just a couple of hours a week once in a while at the Transfer station would be a tremendous help to all the organizations who benefit from Chedemption. Please take a look at the schedule and contact the organizations to offer some help. Click here to see the information and what needs to be done. If you have any questions call Beth Howe at 846-7829.
This Saturday, June 27th 7:30 PM at the Chebeague Island Hall --The Whalers in concert present… A Sentimental Journey...A collection of your favorite songs from the 20th century. Including songs from Duke Ellington, Rodgers and Hammerstein, Lerner and Loewe, Cole Porter, Elvis Presley, The Beatles, Crosby Stills and Nash, Andrew Lloyd Webber and much more!
Refreshments Served! $8.00 Adults, $4.00 children
Nate Martin's game - Maine vs NH - has been moved again - it's now Thursday, same time and place
The Selectmen's meeting is tomorrow evening at the Parish House - see agenda. The has voting from 10 to 8 at the Hall. You can always do absentee at the Town office today if you can't be there tomorrow.
June 22, 2009 - The Teens leave for Cow Island and Ripple Effect - photos by Bea Pettitt.
Congratulations to Kayleigh McCullom, daughter of Tom and Jannette McCullom, who graduated from Marshwood High School and is heading to Coastal Carolina University in the Fall.
Camp Chebeague starts Monday the June 29th with Clown College. Come join the fun and learn what it really means to clown around. The fun will carry over to the weekend when you’ll have the opportunity to show off your new clown look in the 4th of July parade. There are a few spots left. Go to the CRC website at www.islandrec.net and click on the Camp Chebeague link for details.
The game that Nate Martin is playing in Maine vs New Hampshire is being played Tuesday instead of Monday.
June 21, 2009 - Photo of Rainbow by Lisa Halpin.
The longest day of the year - too bad it is WET! I have just added the Chebeague Island Taxi to the business page- a website will be coming soon.
Maybe I have already shared my spiders photos with you but just in case here they are - click here - they were at my back door and I couldn't resist.
June 20, 2009 - Decoration Committee members are needed for the July 12 Croquet Tournament benefiting the Rec Center. The time commitment will be minimal and will include, but may not be limited to, tasks such as acquiring materials, collecting and arranging flowers, hanging wispy tool here and there, inflating and placing balloons, and painting signage if needed. Please contact committee chairperson Mary Holt at 846-5040 or islelive@chebeague.net if you have a bit of time to share. It was great fun in 2007 and all the notes from the planning meetings are available to help make the job quite manageable. Mary would love to hear from 2007 committee members as well as others who may be interested.
Tonight is the Historical Society's 25th Anniversary Annual Meeting! It is at 7:30 at the Hal l- subject 25 years of Chebeague History with Donna Damon giving a presentation.
The Town meeting went really well, with a packed house and Jim Millinger as moderator. Tthe budget was voted without any changes. We still have to validate the school budget again at a ballot election on Wednesday, June 24th at the Hall from 10am to 8pm or you can go to the Town and get absentee ballot. Ken Pelton and Jen Belesca were re-elected to the School Committee and Chris Rich was re-elected as a selectmen. David Hill was elected to fill the seat vacated by Leon Hamilton.
Town Meeting, 9 am, Hall - see warrant.
June 19, 2009 - Father's Day message and Monday's Buffet information from the Inn - click here.
Saturday night CHAMPIONSHIP GAME GREELY VS. GARDINER at 5:00 @ St. Josephs Baseball Field. If you would like to see more photos of the incredible Greely Baseball team that Nate Martin was one of the stars of click here.
Don't forget that the Annual Town meeting is tomorrow at 9am at the HALL not the rec.
Congratulations to Lindsay Anderson who made the Deans List again at Fisher College in Boston studying Marketing and transfering to USM for her Junior Year.
April Henry is a yoga teacher staying at the Orchard Inn and is starting a Hatha Yoga Class at the Niblic - click here for more information.
Yesterday morning I went out early morning with Tineke Breed birdwatching. It was so much fun going with someone who knows birds and knows their sounds. We heard so many different species. We tried to find the veery which we could hear as plain as day but was too far into the bushes. We walked down to the hook and saw different hawks and falcons including the kestral. I managed to get photos of the common yellowthroat warbler and the towhee. I'm looking forward to see and hear more on our next walk.
June 18, 2009 - Friday at the The Niblic: Black Forest Ham & Swiss Cheese Sandwich. Melt-in-your mouth sticky buns and so much more! Stop in and see what is new...846.1015
GREAT TURNOUT at the Rec last night for the first Candidates’ Night event. 5 candidates for 4 offices presented their positions and responded to questions from the audience. It was an informative and respectful event – even the tough questions were posed in a thoughtful and positive manner. Remember, you can still nominate candidates (including yourself!) from the floor at Town Meeting this Saturday. Thanks to CICA and the Rec for co-sponsoring this event this year.
June 17, 2009 - Congratulations to Tyler Putnam who graduated from Dartmouth College.
New at The Niblic: We are pleased to announce that we are now selling delicious baked goods and a line of specialty sandwiches by Gail Todd! Today we have a Turkey and Pesto Sandwich for lunch. Stop by and sample mouth watering brownies, maine blueberry cake, chocolate chip or ginger molasses cookies with a cup of Coffee By Design coffee while you sit on our deck and enjoy the view. We are grateful to Sarah McKinnnon for helping us get started with our in-house cooking and dinner-to-go meals over the winter months, people are still talking about them!
June 16, 2009 - Congratulations to Danielle Rich who made the Deans list again at Andover College studing Criminal Justice. Congratulations to David Rich who has completed and received his Graduate Equivalancy Diploma.
Today was Field Day at the Chebeague Island School - click here to see how much fun the children had.
REMINDER from the Rec: There is a smoking hypnotherapy session tonight at CRC at 7 PM. If you are thinking about breaking your nicotine addiction or actively trying to quit and would like some help, call today and reserve your spot!! 846-5068.
Gail Miller ran the first morning lap swim and water aerobics of the season today! She will be here Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday mornings at 7:30 AM throughout the summer. Noon lap swim starts on Saturday June 20th! Open swim hours for the rest of this week are 3pm-5pm. The full schedule starts Saturday the 20th. We will be open until 1-7PM Wednesday-Saturday and 1-5PM Sunday-Tuesday (weather permitting of course).
Camps and swim lessons are filling up fast. For the full schedule and registration forms go to www.islandrec.net or stop by the CRC office.
Pre-school News for last week - click here.
Congratulations to Nate Martin who made the 2009 Maine Senior All-Star team – (18) of the best Seniors Maine has to offer – will play New Hampshire’s best on Monday, June 22 – see the flyer for the details….
Candidates Night - All Chebeaguers Invited
When: Wednesday, June 17, 7 - 9pm - Where: in the gym at the Rec Center
There are two openings on the Board of Selectmen and two openings on the School Committee. Each person whose term is expiring has the opportunity to run again, if they choose. Anyone can announce their intention to run prior to Town Meeting, or be nominated (or nominate themselves) at Town Meeting. The purpose of Candidates Night is for candidates (both ‘declared’ and potential) to be given the opportunity to talk about their positions, and, to reply (if they so desire) to some predetermined questions. There will also be time for questions from the audience. Jim Millinger has agreed to moderate this event. If you have questions or topics to suggest, call Jim at 846 3253. Please come join us!
NOTICE to East End Chebeague.net wireless customers - service will be off for a couple of hours today as we make some necessary adjustments - sorry for the inconvenience.
June 15, 2009 - A message from Kim Boehm: "While on vacation in the Seatle area last week, life threw my family a curve ball. Two hours after my (only) nephew graduated High School, his mother my (only) sister was involved in a very serious vehicle accident. Allyn (my sister), her husband Steve, and Scott were visitors to Chebeague last year and loved the place. My sisters' condition can be monitored via a blog which Scott has posted - http://allynstatus.blogspot.com -- Your thoughts and spiritual requests will be appreciated in our time of need. -- Thanks, Kim @Island Electric"
School Committee meeting tomorrow night 6:30 at the school - see agenda.
The ISLAND COMMONS Volunteer Tea has been postponed due to conflicting events. We will post the new date soon.
June 14, 2009 - Last week the students from Mrs. Westra's class went to Flagstaff Lake Hut - it was quite a trip and an adventure - you will have to have them tell you about it. Click here to see photos taken by Lori Rich.
Jill Malony was able to get some photos of the Eastern Towhee - click here.
Last week we were fortunate to have an Olive-sided flycatcher high up on the trees in our yard so I took photos with the camera against my telescope and was even able to film it - click here.
June 12, 2009 - A reminder that tomorrow is Elsie Hamilton's commital service at 1pm followed by a reception at the Parish House.
Save the Date Sunday, JULY 12, 2009 - Back by Popular Demand - Great Gatsby Croquet Tournament and Lawn Party - 2nd bi-annual !!!! 12-4pm, at Howard Coffin/Pat Hatler’s home. Please take a look at the photos Cathy MacNeill took in 2007 by clicking here!
Candidates Night - All Chebeaguers Invited
When: Wednesday, June 17, 7 - 9pm - Where: in the gym at the Rec Center
There are two openings on the Board of Selectmen and two openings on the School Committee. Each person whose term is expiring has the opportunity to run again, if they choose. Anyone can announce their intention to run prior to Town Meeting, or be nominated (or nominate themselves) at Town Meeting. The purpose of Candidates Night is for candidates (both ‘declared’ and potential) to be given the opportunity to talk about their positions, and, to reply (if they so desire) to some predetermined questions. There will also be time for questions from the audience. Jim Millinger has agreed to moderate this event. If you have questions or topics to suggest, call Jim at 846 3253. Please come join us!
June 11, 2009 - Congratulations to our graduates Nate Martin who will be going to St. Josephs in Standish and studying Marketing and to Arianna Stefanilo who is going to the Culinary Institute of America, Poughkeepsie, New York majoring in Baking and Pastry. Darya Johnson will be getting her diploma in July and is going to Southern Maine Community College to study Behavioral Health and Human Services. Also congratulations to Jake Dimick who is heading to Maine Maritime Academy to follow in his grandfather, Harland Webber's footsteps. Also, to Sam Sebastianski, grandson of Frances Todd who is going to Bowdoin in the Fall.
CRC is pleased to announce that Kathie McCatherine will be the director of the Adult Theater Production this year. The performance will be Phantom of the Country Opera. It’s a splashy, hilarious Country-Western send-up of the classic tale of horror, “The Phantom of the Opera!” Filled with irreverent wit, painful punning, sly contemporary references and more than a touch of the absurd, this shameless romp is a bit like a loopy version of The Nashville Network. Click here for more details. Contact Kelley at CRC to sign up. Also, Fiddler and mandolin player needed for the Chebeague Island Player’s upcoming performance of “Phantom of the Country Opera”. Music provided. Please call Kathie @ 272-4364 if you are interested OR know of someone who you think might be.
What is Bayscaping? The Chebeague Island Community Association and the Chebeague Orchard Inn have invited Friends of Casco Bay for a lunch / presentation on Bayscaping – Green Yards that Keep Casco Bay Blue. Learn how to care for your lawn on Chebeague in a way that safeguards Casco Bay. Mary Cerullo from Friends of Casco Bay will join us from 11am to 1:30pm on Saturday, June 13 at the new Chebeague Orchard Inn. Coffee, tea, and a potluck lunch will be provided.
Please call Bob Earnest at 846-0924 to reserve a spot, or send an email to bob324@chebeague.net.
June 9, 2009 - Brenda Klenda is coming tomorrow on the 10 am boat and leaving on the 2 and will have Haddock for $5.00, Chowder Haddock for $3.75, Salmon for $6.95. Scallops for $9.00. and Crabmeat for $7.50 per 8 oz (or $15.00 per pound). Call her to reserve your items at 329-4132 or email her at klenda@maine.rr.com.
Bird report from Wink Houghton: "Update: Mother bluebird is sitting on her eggs in the same house....daddy bluebird just hanging out...baby robins have flown away....swallow still in her little house by the pond...grackle still in the tall house on the pole...deer visits our back yard quite often...worried about our veggies."
June 8, 2009 - Message from Florence at Island Riches: "This Island is rich with so much talent and it all seems to end up here. Come see: 10-5 look for the open flag. Hand made jewelry, (Herbs bracelets), Clint's sculptures, quilts, dolls, greeting cards ,Postcards of the Island, womens bags, handknits, shirts, fishing equipment, Kim, Linda, Sandra, Barbara's painting. Too much to mention -Come See (you'll like our prices!) Book signing coming the last of June. Look for updates soon -- Thank You"
Island Riches
A warning to bird lovers everywhere "Never feed the seagulls! They get too demanding!" which Bev Perkins discovered after befriending a seagull with a broken wing four years ago and now Mathilda is determined to move in! I think she likes the new home they have built.
June 7, 2009 - The Brunch was wonderful and we even made $800 towards our Stove fund. I took lots of photos of the food (and some people) perhaps to use in the cookbook we are putting together "CIHCC Sunday Brunch Cookbook" and if you see your dish in the photos it would be great to have the recipe to go with it. There are a couple of items I keeping hearing about and people ask about - some of the quiches my daughter was interested in and of course there is the Monkey bread and Mabel's fried dough. So if you think of it and want to send the recipe and let me know if you see your dish in the photos. Thank you - send to bjohnson@chebeague.net.
SUNDAY BRUNCH - 11:30 to 12:30 at the Hall - don't miss all the great food! Proceeds go to our Stove Fund.
CRC has an opening for a part time office assistant. Please contact Kelley at 846 5068 or go to our website at www.islandrec.net and click on the Employment Opportunities link to print an employment application.
Elsie Hamilton's burial will be in the Chebeague Cemetery on Sat. June 13, at 1 PM. Luncheon to follow in the Parish House.
June 5, 2009 - Don't forget the budget meeting at the Rec Center at 9am - Saturday, June 6th.
A message about Izzy the cat who is missing from the Hills household. I have a photo of her since we were the ones who convinced them to adopt her.
This guy was seen crossing the Golf Course today moving rather quickly - click here for a close up! He looks like he has been around a long time - maybe someone will remember him or her.
Last night was Chebeague Island School's Arts Night. The CPA also honors all the teachers, staff and graduating students. Congratulations to Noah Boisvert, Dylan Doughty, Ashley Jarrett, Seth Prescott and William Robinson who will be heading to the mainland for 6th grade next year. I have a few photos from the event - click here.
Congratulations to Nate Martin who won the Class of 2009 “Herbert S. Foster” Student-Athlete award handed out by the Athletic Department yesterday at Class Day.
Island Commons has put together a 2009 WINE TASTING & SILENT AUCTION website. Simply go to www.islandcommonsressourcecenter.org and click on the link to the right.
The Recreation Center and the Chebeague Island Community Association are joining together to have a candidates night Wednesday 6/17, 7-9pm at the Recreation Center- this is a week before Town Meeting. If anyone is planning on running for the two seats for the Selectman and two seats for the School Committee they are welcome to come and participate. Anyone can still be nominated and in fact any candidate has to be nominated and voted for at the Town Meeting. If anyone is interested I will be glad to put information on this website.
June 4, 2009 - Art's Night for the school at the Rec tonight at 6:30.
Photo by Wink Houghton of a very introspective bluebird, Maybe he is just pondering our parking situation at the Stone Wharf. The bluebirds are having trouble establishing their home because a pair of Robins have a nest and babies a few feet away and they are very protective.
June 3, 2009 - What is Bayscaping? The Chebeague Island Community Association and the Chebeague Orchard Inn have invited Friends of Casco Bay for a lunch / presentation on Bayscaping – Green Yards that Keep Casco Bay Blue. Learn how to care for your lawn on Chebeague in a way that safeguards Casco Bay. Mary Cerullo from Friends of Casco Bay will join us from 11am to 1:30pm on Saturday, June 13 at the new Chebeague Orchard Inn. Coffee, tea, and a potluck lunch will be provided.
Please call Bob Earnest at 846-0924 to reserve a spot, or send an email to bob324@chebeague.net.
Kevin Wentworth noticed a fire rainbow cloud formation in the sky and took some photos and a movie - click here to see it on youtube. Rare Chebeague Island Rainbow Cloud Phenomena known as a circumhorizontal arc.
June 2, 2009 - This weekend we have two important events: The School Board and the Board of Selectmen will hold a joint budget presentation at the Rec Center at 9 am on Saturday, June 6th.
On Sunday is the CIHCC Sunday Brunch to raise money for our Stove and Hood. Sunday from 11:30 to 12:30 - come enjoy all the wonderful food and comraderie! Quiches, fried dough, bacon, eggs, french toast, homefries, juices, smoothies, .... Yum! $8 Adults and $5 children see you there!!!
Thursday night is the Annual Arts Night for the School at the Rec Center - 6:30!!! Come see and support our youth!!
Community Bridge Game Thursdays, 2-5 pm. This is a friendly bridge game for any level of player. You can sign up to play every week or every once in while by contacting Linda Carleton --lindacrltn@chebeague.net 846-6129
May 31, 2009 - Tonight around seven we went for another walk down the road and there was the hawthorn tree totally covered with the waxwings. I guess they aren't leaving untill all the flowers are gone -- they were everywhere and I got some beautiful shots up high where the sun was still shining. Click here to see.
Sue Waller has lost her camera somewhere on Chebeague or the boat. She is hoping someone has or will find it. Her number 508-252-3264 or email her at toodie3@comcast.net
This morning we went for a walk down our road and saw lots of cedar waxwings at the top of a dead birch and while I was trying to focus in on them turned around there were 20 or 30 right beside me - click here to see a few of them.
May 27, 2009 - Message from the Rec: Thank you to all of you that attended the meeting at Teen Center Friday night. Your input is appreciated. We are working on a plan for summer and will keep you updated as we firm things up. We also wanted to let you know that the Rippleffect trip dates have been changed to June 23 & 24 due to popular demand.
Also, all pre-teen/teen contracts expire on 5/31/09. Please come in to fill one out so your pre-teen/teen can participate.
More bluebird photos by Wink Houghton - I hope they stay.
May 26, 2009 - Final proposed School budget is online now click here to see.
Wink Houghton took a photo of a bluebird this morning - why are all the cool birds hanging out at his house and not mine? So far he has gotten the Scarlet Tanager, Coopers Hawk and now a Bluebird which I have never ever see (and I used to be a Bluebird).
May 24, 2009 - Tomorrow night at the Chebeague Island Inn is the first island buffet with a Turkey dinner soup to nuts from 5 to 9 $16 per person and $13 for children 13 and under.
Are you trying to quit smoking? Are you thinking about trying? Have you recently quit but have a hard time fighting off the urge to light up? Help is on the way! CRC is offering it’s first ever hypnotherapy session on June 16th at 7PM. A trained hypnotherapist from Tree of Life Hypnotherapy will be coming to the island on the 6:30 boat. The session is free to the first 8 people thanks to a grant from Healthy Casco Bay. Call today to reserve your spot!
May 22, 2009 - This Memorial Day, Ernie and Barbara Greppin's late son is being honored in Westwood, Massachusetts and is the front page story in the Daily News Transcript - click here.
Reminder: There is a meeting at CRC tonight at 7 PM for pre-teens, teens and their parents. This is the time to come fill out your teen center contract so that you can participate this summer. If you can’t come to the meeting tonight please contact Kelley to set up a time to fill out the contract. The deadline is 6/1/09. We will also be discussing ways to improve the pre-teen/teen center program. Please come to share your ideas.
May 21, 2009 - Congratulations to Scott Earnest who graduated today from the University of California – Berkeley with a Bachelor’s degree in Molecular and Cell Biology, emphasis in Immunology.
The New Taxi Service that John Holt and Jarrod Smith are starting "Chebeague Island Taxi" -- and we are "On-Call, All the time". The new official phone number is 846-TOUR (846-8687) - that should be easy to remember!
Tomorrow, May 22nd is Opening Day at the Chebeague Island Inn 5pm to 9pm Come join us for dinner, check
out our new menu, plus a 4 course, dinner special. We plan to kick off the season with some great food, wonderful live (Mark Rosier) music, a surprise gift for the ladies while the gifts last. Enjoy a special cocktail at a super price. See you there, Pat & the Team
May 20, 2009 - The Clam Shack will begin offering Lobster Rolls this Saturday and Sunday.
The CPA is having a CAR WASH AND BAKE SALE at the firehouse 11 to 1 on Saturday, May 23, 2009! $5 a carwash - donation welcome all proceeds go to help improve the School Playground!
Message from Kelley at the Chebeague Recreation Center: "We are up to 10 camps this summer, not including the weekly lunch & swim camp. I just added two Art Camps and Baseball camp. I also updated the description of Dance Camp. Camps are filling up fast! Go to www.islandrec.net for details.
I also have a date correction for host families of the Play Soccer! Coaches. The coaches will be here the week of July 12th. Please let me know if you are interested in being a host family this year.
We still have spots available in our life guard training course at CRC this year. Please call 846 5068 if you are interested in taking the course. It’s free to CRC life guards! Dates are May 30, 31, June 6, & 7 – 9AM-5PM".
May 19, 2009 -Wednesday Lunch at The Niblic! Chicken Salad and BLT Sandwiches. Homemade cakes, muffins and goodies, 846-1015. Stop by for a bite to eat and check out our new toys, jewelry and more!
Fran Calder is retiring her Veteran's Taxi service. Effective immediately, John Holt and Jarrod Smith are starting Chebeague Island Taxi -- and we are "On-Call, All the time". Until there is an official phone number for the Island Taxi, please continue to call 846-TOUR (846-8687) for all your taxi service needs. You may also email your pickup requests to: islandTaxi@gmail.com. Fran thanks you all for your support over the many years -- and very many miles -- she has served the island's taxi needs. John & Jarrod look forward to providing this vital service ... and more. FYI, Fran's address is PO Box 21.
May 18, 2009 - Florence Rich is taking orders for flowers/plants for memorial day. She will be going over at least one more time this week to pick some up.Call Island Riches 846-4986 if you need or want something for the weekend.Will be selling flowers thru June.
School Board meeting tomorrow evening 6:30 at the school - see agenda.
May 16, 2009 - Memorial Day Service at the Cheb. U.M. Church on Monday, May 25th..1 p.m. Program theme will be " Women in the Military".Karen Hamilton and other women will participate.
Congratulations to Rebecca Houghton who is graduating from U. of Maine, with a Bachelor of University Studies Degree, with honors. Her minors are Spanish, English and Peace Studies.
Today I saw a flock of Bobolinks - click here and we also have a female Rose Breasted Grosbeak at our feeders.
May 15, 2009 - Congratulations to the following who are graduating tomorrow:
Donna Damon who is getting her Masters of Arts in American and New England Studies f rom the University of Southern Maine. A note that Ellen Goodman will be the comencement speaker at the graduation which is taking place at the Civic Center.
Cooper Standish Bowman who is graduating from New England College with a Bachelor of Fine Arts – Theatre
Marguerite Vinette Bowman is graduating from Great Bay Community College with an Associate Degree – Veterinary Technology.
Hot off the camera are these photos of an indigo bunting I took today on Chebeague.
CRC is looking for an Art Camp leader (s). We would like to run two camps, one for 4-6 year olds and one for 7 and up. We can be pretty flexible with dates and times. If you are interested in running one or both of these camps please call toda 846-5068.
May 14, 2009 - I'm back from a terrific time in New York City after picking Dennis up at college. We saw Chicago Tuesday night and last night 9 to 5 which I highly recommend - we loved it! Well, I am back to reality and water ons and the website and of course the Birds! Before I left a managed to get a couple of interesting photos of a Ruby Throated Hummingbird one flying and one sitting.
A note from Florence: "Some flowers are in and more coming.If you need a lot of flowers call me and I will order them ahead. So many want them for Memorial Day that to get the large amount I try to call ahead and just pick them up.There will be a lot more variety Friday. Thank You 846-4986"
ISLAND COMMONS SPRING CLEAN UP – Saturday May 16th, 2009 from 10:00 to 2:00 – Join us at Island Commons for some fun work outside! We are looking for helpers of all levels including raking, mulching, and weeding. A BBQ will follow. Call the Commons for more information at 846-5610, or just show up!
CPA's Family Pizza/Movie Night will be held at the CIHCC/Library this Saturday 5/16. The younger kids movie will be Mickey Mouse starting at 5:30 followed by a homemade Pizza dinner (Thanks to Portland Pie for donating the dough and Amatos for donating the sauce! YUM!). The movie 'Bedtime Stories' starring Adam Sandler, will begin at 7pm. It is $5 per person with a $20 family max. Don't forget to bring your pillow or chair to watch the movie. All proceeds will benefit CPA programs, such as Rec Activity Scholarships, daycare supplies, or school playground improvements. GOOD FOOD, GOOD FUN, GREAT CAUSE! Hope to see you there!
Registration for Play Soccer! Camp at CRC is now open and we are looking for families to host the coaches again this year. The coaches will be here the week of July 6th. Please call CRC at 846 5068 as soon as possible if you are interested in being a host family this year.
May 5, 2009 - Summer is finally coming and CRC is planning the opening of the pool! As you know, in order to open the pool we need life guards. We still have hours available for people that would like to earn some extra money by the pool this year. Our Life Guard training is scheduled for May 30, 31, June 6 & 7 at CRC. We also have room in the course for members of the community that would like to participate. On the mainland life guard courses are $250, we are offering it this year for $140 per person. CRC life guards can take the course free of charge. Call CRC today to reserve your spot in the class or to get more information…846 5068.
Look for the 2009 Pool schedule on our website next week at www.islandrec.net. We also have a new afternoon lunch and swim camp this year. You can combine it with a morning camp if you’d like to extend the camp day or skip the morning camp and join us for the afternoon. Details for this and other camps are also on our website under the Camp Chebeague link.
There will be a School Committee meeting tomorrow night 5/6/09 at the Hall at 6:30 followed by a joint meeting at 7pm with the Town Selectmen. Click here for a copy of the school proposed budget. You can also get by going to the School Website.
Wednesday Lunch at The Niblic: Chicken Minestrone Soup with Corn Bread and
Chicken Salad Wraps, 846-1015.
The Island Commons’ COMMUNITY LUNCHEON is cancelled for May. Community Luncheons will resume again in October. Have a great summer and we hope to see you this Fall!
I have added a new link to a new beautiful website for Linda Carleton - check out her work.
May 2, 2009 - For all of you who had emailed me or were wondering what sport and where Warren Bogle was noted for, I have the perfect answer - please check out this wonderful youtube video!
Chebeague Island School is A School That Shines!! Click here to see the video which will be playing for the month of May on WCSH Channel 6 TV. That is right - the Chebeague School has been honored with the "Schools that Shine Award" a grant program designed to reward the school for innovation and creativity. They also received a $1,000 cash grant from Dunkin' Donuts. At the Chebeague Island school students get up close and personal with their surroundings as they interact with a salt water touch tank.
CLAM SHACK is now open starting Friday May 1st, 11:30-8pm… Opening Wednesdays through Sunday. Check out their website at Caldersclamshack.com (work in progress) It has the menu and information about their business! I have already downloaded the menu, printed it and put it on my fridge!
April 30, 2009 - Saturday morning at 9am at the Museum of Chebeague History the
Chebeague Children's Theatre is excited to announce its 2009 Summer Season.... Thoroughly Modern Millie, Junior for ages 10 and up and an exciting two week theatre camp for ages 6-10 (must have finished kindergarten) culminating in a performance of Disney's Cinderella Kids! Check out http://www.chebeaguechildrenstheatre.com for more information and call the Rec to sign up! Feel free to contact Rachel with any questions via e-mail: rachel@chebeaguechildrenstheatre.com Hope to see many of you there!
Message from Island Riches: "I will be selling flowers again this year.Call 846-4986 if there is something special, large amounts or just that you want to make sure I will have what you need.( I am so looking forward to them.) See you soon. Thank you. Florence(westend)"
April 29, 2009 - "Recently, the Chebeague Parents Association sent out a flyer about The Kids' Place, the island daycare running successfully at the Rec since August 2008. It contained an update on its progress, a little history and a glimpse into its future plans. It also included an invitation to everyone to a brainstorming meeting scheduled for Thursday, April 30 at the Rec about the future of The Kids' Place. The CPA is also working on a website which should be up soon to keep everyone up to date on all the interesting, exciting things the it is doing."
Congratulations to Becca VanFleet and Nathan Webb who are engaged and planning an August wedding on the island. They are both potters and are setting up a studio on their farm in Bethel, Vermont. They look forward to being on the island more this summer . . .l also be showing their pottery at the Yarmouth Clam Festival again this summer, too! Becca's website - and Nathan's website.
The Niblic will have sandwiches Wednesdays and Fridays, first come first serve basis. This Friday will be Chicken Salad on Whole Wheat, BLT with herbed mayo on Whole Wheat and a Veggie and Cheese on Whole Wheat. If anyone wants to be sure they get a sandwhich you may call ahead 846-1015 and order.
April 28, 2009 - Grand Opening Party at the Orchard Inn? It's this Friday from 5-8pm and everyone is welcomed to stop by anytime and enjoy some food and drinks and check out our new place. Hope to see you all there on Friday! Jenny and J www.ChebeagueOrchardInn.com 207.846.9488
School committee meeting tonight, 6:30 at the school - see agenda.
Congratulations to Warren Bogle who was inducted in to the U. of Miami Sports Hall of Fame. Most of his family was there from all over to witness the event!
I think Spring is really here as shown by the birds that showed up at our feeder this morning! click here to see the Baltimore Orioles.
Wednesday at The Niblic: The Best Ever Corn Chowder and Biscuit. Order your Dinner-To-Go for Thursday night or for pick-up on Friday: Asian Stir Fry and Rice. This is the last the week of our April sale ~ 20% off all jewelry. 846-1015
Stainless steel water bottles on sale at the rec! Click here to see!
Handball is Back at CRC!
This 5 week workshop will introduce kids to this exciting sport or help them enhance their existing skills in a safe and controlled environment. Come join us for a safe, fun, and energetic series of afternoons! Fridays in May from 3:15-5:oo PM. $30 for 5 weeks
April 21, 2009 - New posting from Michael: The "Live-Anywhere" Boat - The Trip South, Part VIII, Salinas, Puerto Rico, to Culebra, Vieques, and Back Updated April 19, 2009
Correction to the opening of the Inn - It is May 22nd!
April 20, 2009 - Chebeague Island Inn Opening day at the Inn May 22, 2009 4pm to 9pm Come join us for dinner, check out our new menu, plus a 4 course, dinner special. We plan to kick off the season with some great food, wonderful music, a surprise gift for the ladies while the gifts last. Enjoy a special cocktail at a super price. See you there, Pat & the Team
Last week's Preschool Early K report - click here.
April 19, 2009 - I have just made a page of lots of different birds and will be adding to it latter. I finally got some photos of a Pileated Woodpecker and some nice photos of a Palm Warbler. I have also included a photo taken by Wink Houghton of a Coopers Hawk. Click here.
A reminder that there is a lot of SPAM out there asking for people's email account information including passwords and birthdates etc. No company would ever ask for this information in an email - do not give it out ever. If you have any doubts call your email company in person - chebeague.net included.
April 18, 2009 - COMMUNITY GARDEN??? Should we have a Community Garden on Chebeague? Several people have expressed interest in such a garden as a way to grow food, learn about gardening from others, share time in the garden with friends, plant ‘a row to give away’, etc… Yarmouth’s community garden is a nice model; learn more at http://www.yarmouthcommunitygarden.org/YCG/Home.html. It would take us a few years to attain such a high standard as theirs, but it could be a good thing for Chebeague.
If you’re interested, or have comments, please contact Bob at 846 0924 or at bob324@chebeague.net. Thanks!
Shellfish Conservation Commission Meeting Monday, April 20th 4 PM at the Chebeague Rec Center - click on the Town Meeting Calendar to get the agenda. I have a link above to the Calendar or you can go to the Town Website linked above and then click on the Calendar.
There is also a Board of Adjustment and Appeals meeing Wednesday at the 7 at the Hall - again you can click on the Calendar and the meeting and get the agenda.
April 17, 2009 - USM College of Nursing & Health Professions Casco Bay Fishing and Islands Community Partnership Health Screening Clinic - Tomorrow!! Saturday, April 18th 9 to 11:30 am
Blood pressure, Cholesterol and Blood Sugar testing At the Chebeague Island Hall Voluntary Donation: $5 Refreshments provided Co-sponsored by the Island Council & the Chebeague Hall Committee - Saturday, April 18th, 9-11:30 AM
Today at The Niblic: Southwestern Chicken & Rice Soup with Cornbread, Apple Muffins, Chocolate Oatmeal Bars and more! It's not too early to start planning your dinner for next Thursday: Meat or Vege Calzones, stop in or call to place your order 846-1015.
April 14, 2009 - Tonight the school computer lab will be available again from 7 til 8:30 for anyone wanting to try the Macs out or if you need any help in using the computers.
COMMUNITY LUNCHEON: Wednesday March 15th at 12:00 at the Hall. On the menu is roast chicken. Stop by for good home-cooked food, great company and support Island Commons! The luncheon is open to all.
Thursday, April 16th at 5pm Donna Damon will be talking about her thesis at the University of Southern Maine American and New England Studies at the Student Research Panel along with other students. Her Thesis is the Creation of the Summer Native: Understanding Tourism on Great Chebeague Island. Click here to see the flyer about this program.
Note from the NIBLIC: Tomorrow, Wednesday, April 15th at The Niblic: Potato Bacon Soup. We have lots of homemade goodies, stop in and have a treat. Don't forget to order your Dinner-To-Go for Thursday night or for pick-up on Friday; Sweet & Sour Chicken. Call 846-1015 to place your order.
April 12, 2009 - Easter Sunday - it was very cold this morning at the Sunrise Service at the East End of Chebeague but I did manage to take a couple of photos - click here.
Here is a photo of a turkey who has been walking around the East End these days which I took a couple of days ago. I also got a picture Wednesday of a Turkey Vulture fyling over the Rec Center.
April 10, 2009 - There is an article in the Portland Press Herald this morning "He's been a steal for the Rangers" about Nate Martin! Way to go NATE!
Margo Myles took a photo of a Great Gray Owl up by her house near Roy Hill Road this morning. The Maine Audubon said that it was only the second sighting this year. Now I have another goal besides photographing the Ravens and trying to get a shot of a pileated woodpecker. I have started looking for the great Gray Owl. I have begun putting together a site for the Ravens but have only been able to get one really good photo and some sound which I will add later.
Congratulations to Caroline Summa who was selected athlete of the year for Cheverous by the Forecaster Newspaper. Click here.
April 9, 2009 - Friday at the Niblic: Soup Season is coming to an end...don't miss out on delicious Vegetable Tortellini Soup and Apple Pie at The Niblic 846-1015.
This weekend Sunrise Service is at the East End at 5:45 am followed by a breakfast at the Parish House. Regular Easter worship at 10am.
SPRING RUNNING at the Rec - This running program is for kids grades 1-5. We will practice 2 days a week and also have the opportunity to compete in a couple meets on the mainland with other participants of the Coastal Running League on Wednesdays through May. In order to participate in the mainland meets, we need parent drivers (coach Nancy will not be attending meets with us). Please consider helping to give our kids this opportunity. Runners will practice and race at age appropriate distances ranging from .5 to 1.0 miles. Please make sure your child has appropriate running clothing and footwear. We will continue this program through the month of June in preparation for the fun run on July 4th! Contact CRC for more information or go to our website at www.islandrec.net.
OUR LETTERS ARE WORKING! The Board of Pharmacy, who had no idea that prescriptions had been traveling on the boat for 30+years, has said that Freeport Rite Aid may resume deliveries while this legal situation is being reviewed. Kristen, the pharmacist at Freeport AND the legal department at Rite Aid thank everyone who has written a letter AND anyone who's going to write a letter. Kristen/Rite Aid want to continue this service so the more letters we write the better. If the Board of Pharmacy doesn't take up the matter at the 14th April meeting, it will be on the agenda for next month. Send your letter to: Board of Pharmacy 35 State House Station, Augusta ME 04333-0035. If you have any questions please page Gin Ballard at 767-8518 remember to wait for the beep then punch in your phone number.
April 7, 2009 - Reminder: CRC has a trip to the Rock Climbing Gym in Portland scheduled for April 24th. So far only 4 people have signed up and we need at least 8. I have extended the deadline for registration from March 31st to April 10th. If you would like to go please call the Rec Center to sign up before Friday. We have reserved the gym and will be charged a booking fee even if we don’t go unless we give them enough notice. So, if we do not have at least 8 people signed up before Friday at 4 PM I will have to cancel the trip. This will be a lot of fun! Please spread the word. Call the Rec Center 846-5068 for more information.
Wednesday night, April 8th from 7 - 8:30 pm I will be opening up the computer lab at the school for those who want to try out the computers and practice using them with someone nearby to help if needed. I am familiar with iphoto, imovie, microsoft office and using the internet. The computers at the school are macs. If you want to bring your own laptop for help I am available with some knowledge. If you just want to do homework and sit in the corner and work or research the school will be open. I will see how this goes and maybe we can do it every Wednesday evening.
Ginny asked me to pass this note to everyone - The Freeport Pharmacy is not allowed anymore to bring prescriptions to the boat by order of the The Board of Pharmacy - if you want to get involved with changing this situation click here for information on sending a letter to them. They will be meeting as soon as April 14th.
April 6, 2009 - Tomorrow, Tuesday, April 7 at 7:00 pm at the Museum: DC Travelers, including 8 Chebeague students, will share experiences they had on their March visit to Washington, DC. There will also be cake to celebrate the 25th birthday of the Historical Society.
Town of Chebeague Island Regular & Workshop meeting of the Board of Selectmen Wednesday, April 8th, 2009 @ 7:00PM Chebeague Island Hall & Community Center Executive Session Meeting of the Board of Selectmen 5:30PM @ Chebeague Island Hall & Community Center
School Board meeting Tuesday, April 7th at the school - 6:30pm - agenda.
April 5, 2009 - Last week's Preschool Early K report - click here.
I guess I should have explained who Jack is. He is a beautiful black swan who has an idilic life in a beautiful home on Hope Island. Occasionally when the gate is left open he makes his way for other shores and a couple of times has found his way to the "Cricks" on Chebeague. He seems to know when it is low tide so instead of the Hope Island boat just pulling up to the shore they have to walk across the flats which makes it more difficult and gives the crew lots of exercise. Click here for a composite panoramic of the cricks (practicing with photoshop) - you can see the swan on the left of it.
April 4, 2009 - There was a full house at the Special Town Meeting today at the Hall. After electing Jim Millenger as the moderator there was about an hours worth of discussion and information and then Article 2 and Article 3 were passed. I brought my camera and then forgot to take a photo.
I did get a photo of Jack the Black Swan who must have heard how well Priscilla Ross is doing because he came back today for a visit. It was an exciting time watching and helping the men from Hope Island walk across the flats at low tide, surrounding the Swan and then trying to catch him. Jon Caldwell (Barb's son) and Poochie helped and Jon was able to run fast enough to catch Jack. Click here to see all the action. The sun came out a little later and Priscilla (who is doing wonderfully) and Poochie were able to sit out on the deck and enjoy the day.
A reminder that if you ever get an email asking for your email password - do not ever give it out!! It is a scam!! We do not know what your password is and don't ever want to know - if you need to change it please contact David by phone 846-4126 or me (Beverly) 846-4850.
April 3, 2009 - According to an email I just received Monday will be Tax Freedom Day in Maine - Pine Tree State Residents Celebrate Earlier Than National Average, April 13. That means that we will have worked long enough this year to pay all our tax obligations - now, doesn't that make you all feel better. (so where is the money I should have set aside for this obligation?) Maybe next year I will do better - but three kids in college won't help.
Friday at the Niblic we have Tomato and Sausage Soup and Corn Bread. Wednesday April 8th we will have Haddock Chowder and Biscuit. Next week's dinner to go is Sweet and Sour Chicken with Rice! Thanks to all of our friends who have supported us through this winter!
Don't forget that tomorrow is a Special Town Meeting at 9 am at the Hall - see the agenda.
Tonight is Groovy Movie Night at the Library with the feature being The Conformist (1970-Bernardo Bertolucci)
April 2, 2009 - Peter Kaufman was again on the Fox news yesterday talking about GM and chapter 11- click here to see.
The Town of Chebeague has put a question and answer sheet on their website regarding the work being proposed and voted on for Cousins Island Wharf - to see a drawing of the project -click here.
There is an article in this month's Working Waterfront by our own Jenny Goff "Rowing their own boat."
There was a nice tribute to Chuck Harvey "A lawyer who won cases and respect," in yesterday's Portland Press Herald.
April 1, 2009 - Tonight the Selectman will be holding a workshop with various committees and commissions at 7 pm at the Island Hall.
Congratulations to our seven new EMTs - they include Lori Rich, Beth Wiles, Beth Putnam, Karen Hamilton, Thea Young, Rob Prescott, and Jason Hamilton. This has been a long haul and a lot of work for them and we are so lucky!! They will be joining Jarrod Smith, Ralph Munroe, Nancy Hill, Carley Knight, Tina Runge, Polly and Kevin Wentworth, and Beth Howe and Mac Passano . Many thanks to Gail Miller for her years on the rescue while new members were being trained.
Tuesday, April 7 at 7:00 p.m at the Museum: Celebrate the 25th birthday of the Chebeague Island Historical Society with cake and a presentation by the DC Travelers who visited Washington, D.C. in March. Members of the group of 15, including Chebeague school students, will be on hand to share their experiences.
Click here to see the Jordan Trip Group out in the desert of Wadi Rum. This is the majestic desert valley that connected the frankincense routes of old to the Mediterranean, and provided the desert highway for the Three Wise Men to reach Bethlehem. It is also where Lawrence of Arabia was filmed. The group photo is missing Maggie Vaughan.
March 31, 2009 - Wednesday, April 1st: Eat lunch at The Niblic - Chicken Noodle Soup with Biscuit. Homemade brownies, blueberry cake and more! Don't forget to place your Dinner-To-Go order for Thursday night, Delicious Chicken Pot Pie - 846-1015.
Property taxes are due today!
The Chebeague Island Community Sailing School is happy to report that sessions 2 and 3 sailing school registrations are now full. Session 1 (July 6 thru July 17) still has a few spots open for sailing school. All 3 sessions each have a few slots open for boating basics. To learn more, click here.
March 30, 2009 - Last week's Preschool Early K report - click here.
The Town of Chebeague is having a special town meeting April 4th - click here for the warrant. Remember that you can go to the new Town of Chebeague Website and/or go directly to the Town's Calendar and click the date and get the agendas and warrants. Article 2 of the warrant is: "To see if the Town of Chebeague Island will vote to participate in a locally administered project in conjunction with Maine Department of Transportation to improve the roadway and construct a turnaround facility on Wharf Road, Cousins Island in the Town of Yarmouth, Maine, said project being known as “Cousins Island Ferry Access, Yarmouth, Maine MDOT Pin #7871.00, and to fund the Town’s portion of 20% of the project costs (estimated to be $770,000) by appropriating up to $ 154,000 from Undesignated Fund Balance."
March 27, 2009 - The Town of Chebeague now has an all inclusive page which the Town will be updating regularly Meetings will be posted on their calendar with links to the agendas and minutes - it is terrific and I will put the town link above on my page and also calendar link for meetings above on the right. When I add notices about meetings I will just refer to the town site - it will be a lot easier and you will get the information a lot sooner.
Not too spicy Chili and Cornbread at the NIBLIC today. Also, 20% off all clothing and 15% off all beer until the end of March! 846-1015
A message from Jordan where a group of Chebeaguers are traveling with Suhail - this message from Maggie: "Let you know that we are all well and having an incredible time. We are now in Petra, the city that is carved out of rock. There's only one word to describe what we have seen: Incredible. The hues of light on the rocks of reds and yellows and blues and greens can not really be described. Fortunately, we have an official photographer in the group, David Morse, who is chronicling our adventure via photos. Plan on an evening of visual delights this summer. Tomorrow we leave for Aqaba on the Red Sea. It is hard to believe that it could be more evocative than Petra but it is apparently beautiful too."
The tour guide is Suhail Bisharat who has organized and led many trips to Jordan, Egypt, Turkey, Greece and Jerusalem, focusing on the richness and diversity of the region’s past and present. His tours have emphasized the historical and cultural legacy of the region as well as the ecology and dynamics of contemporary life. This trip is from March 19th through 31st. I look forward to seeing more and the photos.
March 24, 2009 - Brenda is coming to the island this Thursday - it is the last of the good shrimp. She will have Haddock for $6.00 / lb. Shrimp Meat for $5.00 / lb. Salmon for $7.00 / lb. and Chowder Haddock for $3.75 / lb. Contact her at klenda@maine.rr.com or call her at 756-0039 - she will be coming on the 10 boat and leaving on the 2:15.
For me this week has been the coldest of the winter - I think my mind thought it was Spring but it was wrong - I'm freezing!
This week's dinner to go at the niblic is stuffed shells and meatballs, please place order by 4 pm on Wednesday! Soup on Wednesday will be Bean and Bacon! Stop by for some homemade goodies!! 846-1015
Selectmen's meeting this Saturday, 8:45 am for Appeal of the Local Plumbing Inspector’s denial of Subsurface Waste Water (First Time) Permit.
Scott Earnest is in the news while attending college at the University of California! Keep up the good work!
March 23, 2009 - Another Youtube creation from Kevin - it is great - don't miss it- click here (now I have to start working on my next little movie)
Taking advantage of the fast internet available at Galloway's, Michael Porter has updated the website again to at least get them as far as Puerto Rico.
March 22, 2009 - Greely Middle School had a track meet against Poland, Falmouth, and Yarmouth on Friday March 20th. Genny Dyer took first place and Anna Hamilton took third place in the 45 yard hurdles. Brennah Martin took first place in the 40 yard dash.
Genny Dyer, Anna Hamilton, Brennah Martin, and Anna Fitch took first place in the 150 yard relay. The girls will compete in the championship on Friday, March 27th, at the Portland Exposition Center at 6:45 pm. Congratulations and Good LUCK for Friday!
Adrienne & Ken, from New Beat Farm, will hold an information night at the Orchard Inn at 7:00 p.m. on Friday, March 27. Come learn more about Community Supported Agriculture and enjoy refreshments provided by Jenny and J. Those who are already shareholders won't want to miss this opportunity to meet Adrienne and Ken and learn more about the source of your organic produce. Community members unfamiliar with the concept of CSA will learn about New Beat Farm's produce, flowers and processed organic foods thatwill be delivered weekly to shareholders. Learn a bit more about New Beat Farm at this link: http://www.belfastfarmersmarket.org/vendors/nbf.html#
Last week's Preschool Early K report - click here.
March 19, 2009 - There is so much going on this weekend Saturday - Shellfish meeting, Chair Caning and Tae Kwon Do(info below)
Sunday Caroline Summa and the Maine Youth Orchestra in Yarmouth at 3pm.
On Sunday, March 22 at the Hall from 1 to 4 the Town of Chebeague Island Comprehensive Planning Committee public meeting to discuss the issues in the report of the Natural Resource Inventories and to set Natural Resource Goals for the plan - click here for the Report of the Natural Resources of the Town of Chebeague.
The Stephen Ross Scholarship - High School Seniors who have been residents of Chebeague Island for at least six months prior to May 1 of this year who are members of an accredited high school or who are about to enter their second consecutive year of education or training should apply before the 1st of May. Applications should be available at your High School, at the Library, or at the Maine Community Foudation on line. Contact Ken Hamilton if you still need help.
Tomorrow, Friday night, is groovy movie night at the Library featuring Vicki Cristina Barcelona (2008-Woody Allen).
Tae Kwon Do instructor to come to CRC! (more program info)We are also planning a trip to the Rock Climbing gym in Portland on April 24 (the Friday of April vacation) at 1 pm for pre-teens and teens. We will be at the gym for 2 ½ hours, then we will all meet at a restaurant for dinner. Please call CRC at 846- 5068 for more information.
The Selectmen's meetings tonight, Thursday, starts at 6pm to approve a warrant for a Special Town meeting with appropriation to 2008/2009 Debt Service Account and then followed immediately with an informational meeting to discuss the Final Plan for the Turnaround Project at Cousins Island. (see agenda)
March 18, 2009 - The Chebeague UMC will be sponsoring the presentation of "The Last Supper" on April 5th at 5:00 pm in the Sanctuary. This live performance by the Tuttle Road Men was a great success last year and they are returning by popular request. Don't miss this live presentation of "The Last Supper".
Anyone wanting to bring flowers for Easter in memory of a loved one, please call the church office at 846-4106 or contact Peggie Jones to make sure your loved ones names are printed in the memorial bulletin. Deadline for information is April 9th and flowers must be at the church on April 11th by noon.
From the Town of Chebeague: Notice about Clamming Licenses - click here.
March 17, 2009 - St. Patricks Day - Message from Caroline Summa: Please join me for my upcoming concert on Sunday March 22, 2009 at the Yarmouth Arts Performing Center, Yarmouth High School, 3 p.m.. It should be a great concert! click here for details..
The 15 Chebeague DC travelers returned home on Monday full of excitement relative to their many experiences. All have mastered mass transit skills and can maneuver their way through DC's Metro system and Union Station, as well as Boston's South Station. The students are already planning their next trip and their list of "must dos" is impressive. Chebeague can be especially proud of our student travelers, who consistently interacted with adults and each other with respect and kindness.
Stop by The Niblic this week and enjoy Chicken Noodle Soup on Wednesday. Eat here or take to it to go. We have delicious home made goodies like chocolate chip brownies, muffins, coffee cake and more. Don't forget to place your Dinner-To-Go (Shepherd's Pie this week)order for pick up on Thursday afternoon. We serve soup on Fridays too...stop in for an affordable lunch.
This Saturday, March 21, there is a shellfish Commission meeting at the Rec Center at 10am - see agenda click here.
March 16, 2009 - If you look above to the right of the news I am trying to keep updated the town meetings and agendas. When I get the agenda I will link to it there so remember to check what meetings are on - especially when I don't get them posted in the blog. Althea, at the school, has been working and making the school site very informative and she has been adding agendas and minutes as she goes along. There is so much information there now for the students, parents and community - you can even find out what is for lunch- it is really great so check it out. As you can see there is a School Board Meeting Tuesday night at 6:30pm.
ISLAND COMMONS Community Luncheon is this Wednesday, March 18th at 12:00 at the Hall. On the menu is a "Smorgasbord" buffet with a variety of tempting items, and pie for dessert!! Please join us. This event is open to everyone!
Last week's Pre School Transitional Kidnergarten newsletter - click here.
The Inn is looking for an enclosed truck to use, once or twice a week, to bring groceries on the barge, from Cousins. They would also be willing to pay the driver, as well - if interested email Norm and Pat at np3219@chebeague.net.
March 14, 2009 - I just received an email and photos from Mary Holt who is in Washington D.C. with 14 other Chebeaguers - it looks like they are having the time of their lives! click here to see their photos.
I have just made my first youtube entry focussing on the wonderful chair caning program being offered at the rec. There are three sessions left and drop-ins are welcome at $15 per day - great opportunity to learn a new skill. Click here to see the clip - only one minute.
There will be an afternoon of Irish music at the Commons on Monday, March 16 at 3:30 pm. Thea Youngs and Peter and Linda Carleton will play Irish dance music and we'll all sing some favorite Irish songs.
Don't forget that tonight is CPA Dessert & Movie night at the Library starting at 6:30 - Movie is Wall-E!
March 12, 2009 - Tomorrow night, Friday, is groovy movie night at the Library with Fitzcaraldo
(1982-Werner Herzog) being the featured film.
CPA Dessert & Movie @ Library - Date: Saturday March 14, 2009 - Time: 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
dessert @ 6:30, movie @ 7:00 - Wall-E
Deborah Gordon's acapella group Zemya will performing at the Johnson Hall Performing Arts Center in Gardiner, Maine on Friday, March 13, 7:30 pm - click here for their site and to hear some of their music.
March 10, 2009 - HADDOCK CHOWDER with Biscuit and APPLE PIE for lunch on Wednesday at The Niblic (846-1015). Don't forget to order your Dinner-To-Go for Thursday night, MEAT or VEGETARIAN CALZONE is on the Menu this week. Next week's dinner is SHEPHERD'S PIE.
Last week's Pre School Transitional Kidnergarten newsletter - click here.
March 9, 2008 - Congratulations to Sam Sebastianski (grandson of Francis Todd and son of Carol and Frank) who is a National Merit Scholarship finalist - attends Brunswick High School.
Just added some photos of Elsie to the website.March 6, 2009 - Tomorrow is Chair Caning at the Rec - register today at 846-5068.
Last week I took a few photos after the storm of Feb 22nd - click here to see.
March 3, 2009 - Sorry I haven't been able to post lately, I just got a new computer and they needed this one for the transfer and then we had a storm and now I have a School Board Meeting (see agenda) - can't wait to try it out. I purchased an iMac which should be a huge time savings and lots of fun with all its little perks.
Here is last weeks preschool report - click here.
Town of Chebeague Island, Coastal Waters Commission, Thursday March 5, 2009 @ 6:00 At the Island Hall & Community Center
Brenda Klenda is coming to the island this Thursday, March 5th to sell fish? She will have: Haddock. . . $6.00 / lb. Chowder Haddock. . . $3.75 / lb. Pollock Fillets. . .$3.75 / lb. Shrimp Meat. . . $5.00 / lb. Salmon Fillets. . . $6.75 / lb. (This salmon is farm raised in New Brunswick, Canada) Scallops. . . $10.00 / lb.
Brenda is coming on the 10am boat and leave on the 2:30pm boat so if possible people need to pick up their orders in time at our house East End. Her number is 756-0039 and email address is klenda@maine.rr.com
Wednesday Soup at The Niblic: Bean Bacon Vegetable Soup with Cornbread. Order your Dinner-To-Go for Thursday night: Chicken and Rice Casserole with Biscuit topping.
February 27, 2009 - Congratulations to Leo Taliento,who was honored at the Portland Boys Club for being a charter member of the Board of Directors and the oldest living member (an 83year member he is 90). The event was celebrated with the Governor, and KC Jones ( legendary hall of fame Boston Celtics player and Coach) ,who was announcing the D league basketball team coming to portland.
Happy Birthday Martha Hamilton!
Don't forget tomorrow is Homeopathy with Claire tomorrow at 9:30 AM at the Rec. There will be tea, coffee and goodies.
Chair Caning with Francis Faulkner at CRC is scheduled for 5 Saturdays. The dates are March 7, 14, 21, 28 and April 4 from 9 AM until 3:30 PM. Please call 846 5068 by March 5th if you would like to sign up. See the rec center site and calendar for more information about the rec.
Groovy Movie at the Library tonight! February 27: The Visitor (2007-Thomas McCarthy) go to the Library website to see all the upcoming movies and programs!
February 25, 2009 - CRC would like to remind you about a couple programs that are coming right up: Adult Volleyball is back at CRC!! We are moving to Thursday nights at 7:30 pm in the gym. Please email crc@chebeague.net or call 846 5068 by Thursday at 5 pm each week to ensure the program is running. If I don’t receive any calls or emails I will assume nobody is coming. $1.00 drop-in fee.
Homeopathy with Claire Ross is back by popular demand! Come to CRC on February 28 and learn more about Homeopathy. Don’t worry if you missed the first session, Claire will start with a review of the introduction. Please try to call ahead so I can make sure there are enough goodies for everyone. Time: 9:30 AM-11:30 AM . Fee is only $5.00
Tonight after nine and this week the comet Lulin is visable (use binoculars) in the East - Southeast sky above Saturn. I think I saw it last night and I will try again tonight. It looks like another beautiful clear moonless night. You also may be able to see moons cross Saturn (I'm going to try my telescope for that)
**Notice from the Town** To maximize your time, additional services offered by mail are: Renewal of Boat Registrations, Renewal of Car Registrations., Renewal of Mooring Registrations.For more information please call the Chebeague Island Town Office at 207-846-3148 or email: townofchebeague@chebeague.net
February 24, 2009 - There will be an Ash Wednesday service at the church at 7:15 Wednesday evening.
Message from the Niblic: Stop by on Wednesday for Chebeague Island Clam Chowder with local clams from Brother and Gary! We also have homemade goodies! Don't forget to order your Beef Stew and Biscuits for this week's Dinner to Go! 846-1015
February 23, 2009 - The school vacation went on a little longer because of a major snow storm which started yesterday afternoon. About 2 am this morning the power went out and wasn't restored until this afternoon. There are still thousands of CMP customers in Maine without electricity and the trees are still covered with snow and the wind has picked up so we may loose it again. It didn't stop Kevin Wentworth from adding a fabulous film of the Polar Bear Plunge to Youtube - click here to go to it. I think he could get an Oscar - I can't wait to see how he does it next year and plunges at the same time!
The town is establishing some committees to help with town issues - click here to find out more information. Selectmen's meeting February 25th at the Hall 7pm - Executive session meeting March 2nd.
February 22, 2009 - This year there were 12 plungers: Megan Munroe, Seth Prescott, Amanda Campbell, Bev Johnson, Genny Dyer, Patti Rich, Leah McDonald, Anna Maine, Topher Neumann, David Hamilton, Bob Earnest, and Kelly Wright. THANK YOU PLUNGERS! Thank you to the Boat Yard for supplying the area and opening up the buildings. Big thank you to the Rescue (Jarrod, Beth and Thea) who stood by. Thank you to Betsy Hanscom for the Polar Bear Warmers! Thanks to Stephen Johnson and Geoff Summa for the fire. Click here to see all the photos!
Click here to see some photos taken by Seth Prescott of the Chili/Chowder/Soup Challenge. We had 32 cooks with some even making two items - many others made cookies and dessert - there was plenty of food for everyone! Having three stations on different walls lessoned conjestion and really worked well. The winners of the Soup were 1st Ruth Houghton, 2nd Beth Howe and 3rd Donna Damon. The winners of the Chowder were 1st Sue Sawyer, 2nd Cindy and Bruce Riddle and 3rd Laura Summa. The winners of the Chili were 1st Ellen Maher, 2nd Erika Neuman, and 3rd Pat Parks. Prizes were donated by Pat's Pizza, Casco Bay Lines, O'Naturals, Falmouth House of Pizza, Book's Etc, Nancy Olney, Gritty McDuff and Hannafords.
I have just downloaded a couple of movies from the plunge and I know people are waiting by their computers so I will put them on now while I do the rest of photos and report on the chili/chowder/soup challenge. Click here for movie taken by Kevin Wentworth and click here for the one taken by Stephen Johnson.
Polar Bear Plunge - Chili/Chowder/Soup Challenge DAY - The action starts at NOON at the Boat Yard then moves to the Recreation Center - all to benefit and help pay for out Teen Center Programs. There are a lot of plungers this year and lots of Soup, Chili and Chowder so Come ON Down and don't be late! When you get to the rec there will be three stations set up for the different foods that you want to start with for the competition and then you circle your favorite on the ballot.
February 20, 2009 - Tonight is the Rockathon, starting at 9pm, so if you are looking for something to do this evening I'm sure they would love to have you up there visiting. They have been very busy out there collecting pledges and if they didn't get you it isn't too late. Also the Polar Plunge is this Sunday - be there on time at noon at the Boat Yard. As we are standing there ready to run into the water without much on we don't wait for people walking down late - so please come on time and you can add your pledge if no one has asked you yet. I think we have lots of plungers - my list includes Topher Neuman, Patti Rich, Anna Maine, Bob Earnest, Leah McDonald, Seth Prescott, David Hamilton, Megan Munroe, Amanda Campbell, Beverly Johnson and more that I'm not sure of.
We have lots of photos of Sanford's Pond taken by Sam Birkett which we will be showing in the Teen Room during the Chili/Chowder/Soup challenge so you will want to be there.
February 17, 2009 - Don’t forget Volleyball Tuesday nights at 7 pm at CRC. Hope to see you there!
Notice from the The Town of Chebeague: Taxes are due March 31st, 2009 and the Town will not be reissuing real estate bills for the March 2009 payment. Please use your coupon on the bottom of the bill received in August 2008. If you have any questions please contact the Town Office 846-3148. The Town Office will be closing at 7:00PM on Thursday, February 19, 2008.
It is getting down to the wire for this weekend's chili, chowder, and soup challenge and we need more so that everyone will be fed. It is so much fun and the winners on each item will have some nice gift certificates so please consider making something and giving the rec a call with what you will be bringing 846-5068 or email crc@chebeague.net.
Stop in to the Niblic today and get homemade blueberry cake or banana bread - Wednesday's Soup will be Chicken and Rice and Cornbread or a Biscuit. Don't forget to order your Chicken or Eggplant Parm by Wednesday at 4 for Thursday afternoon pick-up. You can also pick up on Friday too! Call with any questions: 846-1015
Congratulations to Greely Boys and Nate Martin who won the State B Indoor Track Meet. Nate Martin blew away the existing 200 meter run State record of 23.20 with a run of 22.67. He came in second in the 55 meter run .02 seconds behind and 2nd in the long jump. See Portland Press Herald article. Caroline Summa, a sophomore at Cheverus, competing in Class A, placed 2nd in the high jump even though she had a bad cold. The jumps weren't near her record of 5' 6 1/4" which according to milesplits.com puts her in 10th place in the country.
Februay 16, 2009 - Prsident's Day - The Island Commons Community Luncheon is 12:00 this Wednesday, February 18th, at the Chebeague Island Hall. This month’s menu features a delicious Beef and Barley stew. Community Luncheon is open to everyone, so please pass the word on to others. See you there!
Last week the school children learned about President Lincoln from Jerry Wiles and they had a special birthday party for Lincoln. They even each got a birthday present from Jerry of a five dollar bill which I'm sure they will all frame - see the photos taken by the teachers.
Last weeks Pre-K- Transitional K News!
February 13, 2009 - Island Commons received good press in the February/March edition of the Working Waterfront. The article is called “A place for elders on the island” - by Rachel Hurn. It discuses the unique position of islands that are able can care for their elders without having to send them to the mainland. Click here to see it.
On Wednesday night Ruth White presented a slide show about her trip and volunteer experience at a orphanage and school in Tanzania. See the webside slide show here and learn more about this wonderful organization and all they are doing.
February 11, 2009 - Tonight Ruth White is presenting her slide show on her trip to Tanzania at 7:30 at the Library.
The Selectmen's meeting tonight is at 7pm at the Hall and tomorrow night it is at the Rec Center at 5:30pm see agendas linked above. The Chebeague Island Town Office will be “Closed” Monday, February 16, 2009 in observance of Presidents' Day Holiday.
Today's soup at the Niblic is Minestrone and Biscuits. Don't forget to order your dinner to go today! This week is Chinese Beef and Broccoli with Rice. Friday's soup will be Cream of Broccoli. We also delicious homemade goodies! 846-1015
February 10, 2009 - Don’t forget Volleyball tonight at 7 pm at CRC for ages 15 and up. Hope to see you there!
For all of you who are thinking about taking the PLUNGE on Feb 22nd you can download the pledge sheet, waiver and information by clicking here or above under polar plunges or by going to the CRC website. For all those who are participating in the Rockathon on Friday night you can download your pledge sheet by clicking here. There is less than two weeks until all the excitement of the Winter Festival on Chebeague. Please keep watching the website and signs for more - we do need people to compete in the Chili, chowder and soup contest which happens just after the PLUNGE - we have prizes for the top vote getters in each category. If you are planning on cooking something please contact the REC 846-5068, Sam 846-4467 or Ellen 847-9250. If you want to bake some cookies contact Nancy Olney 846-7902. It should be fun weekend!
February 7, 2009 - Chebeague Pre-K- Transitional K News for last week- click here.
Last week Cathy MacNeill was able to get some photos of the retirement party for Kelley Rich - click here.
Click here for the DMR Shellfish Closure notice. The reason for this closure is that the federally mandated 12 year shoreline survey for pollution is expired. The survey can be conducted in the Spring by DMR, however, until that survey is completed and approved by DMR, all of these areas will remain closed. Fortunately, the Cricks and the Great Bar remain open. All else are closed.
Kelly’s contributions to the Commons were perhaps best summed up by a 2004 letter from Cynnie Sheketoff, a Commons founder and former board member, which was read by Sally for the large crowd of friends, Commons residents and staff.
“It is clear that your special brand of leadership has made a pervasive atmosphere of warmth, comfort and contentment at the Island Commons,” Cynnie wrote to Kelley. During the subsequent five years under Kelley’s direction, that mission of providing a welcome and caring environment has only grown.
February 3, 2009 - The deadline for the Comprehensive Planning Survey is Feb 12th and reminders are being sent out. If you have already done the survey then let the town know so you won't be getting a reminder. Click here for the survey or above under town for more info.
Only a few weeks left until the CRC Winter Carnival - The number of plungers is starting to grow and I would love to add your name. The plunge will be Sunday at noon February 22 and I am planning on jumping in again this year - it will be my 10th time and the water only keeps getting warmer or maybe it is the crowd or maybe I'm getting more numb- I know what my friends are saying right now. So if you are thinking about doing it - get your pledge sheet from Kelley at the rec and join in the fun!!! Check out past years.
Selectmen's Public Hearing February 12th, 5:30pm at the rec - see agenda.
Coastal Waters Committee is having a meeting on Thursday, February 5th at the Hall, 6 pm. see agenda.
Reminder to order your chicken pot pie by Wednesday for this weeks dinner to go from the Niblic 846-1015.
January 31, 2009 - CICA meeting this coming Thursday, February 5 at 7:15 in the Arts & Crafts room at the Rec Center - public welcome and encouraged to attend - see agenda
Congratulations to Josh Doughty, who has been accepted to the Berklee School of Music in Boston. He starts in May and he wants to thank the island and his family for their encouragement and support!
Tonight there is a SKATING PARTY at Sanford's Pond from 5 until closing - there will be chili/macaroni bring your own snacks - there will be hot cocoa. Ponds tel number 846-0437. Big thank you to Sanford and all the volunteers who have been keeping the pond cleared! For more information about the party call Sam at 846-4467 or at the pond.
Chebeague Pre-K- Transitional K News - January 30, 2009
January 27, 2009 - The board of the Island Commons is pleased to announce that Beth Wiles will become the new executive administrator of the Commons. She will start her duties the third week of February. In the meantime, Patient Care Coordinator Frankie Doughty will serve as interim administrator.
“We are delighted with the selection of Beth, an islander with deep roots in this community,” said Sally Ballard, president of the board. “And we are heartened by the strong field of applicants. We know we will be able to continue to build on the services the Commons provides for Chebeague.”
Last week's Pre-school report - click here.
Tomorrows slide show by Ruth White on her trip to Tanzania has been rescheduled for for Feb. 11 at 7:30 at the Library. Also the Selectmen's meeting for tomorrow night Wednesday has been cancelled. I think there is a big storm coming!!! There is a joint meeting tonight School Committee and Selectman, 7pm at the school.
Last Saturday night the CPA dinner to help Julia Maine attend the Congressional Youth Leadership Convention in Boston was a presidential success! The soups, salads and desserts were a hit, we showed slides of the inauguration and Jerry Wiles tried to stump us all with Presidential trivia. Click here to see photos and you can see the winning table receiving their medals.
January 23, 2009 - The Comprehensive Planning survey was mailed out today. You can get information online and do the survey online by clicking here and I have put a link above. After filling out the survey please email the committee and let them know that you have done it. There will also be a joint meeting of the School Committee and the Selectman at 7pm on Tuesday at the School - agenda.
Congratulations to Robin Read who was elected to the New Hampshire House of Representatives from Portsmouth, NH., in November. Robin also served two terms in the New Hampshire Legislature in the 1980s. During the New Hampshire presidential primary campaign, the New Hampshire Obama for President campaign named Robin co-chair of New Hampshire Environmentalists for Obama.
I don't know how we missed running into Ellen at the inauguration but here she is -click here. Next time Donna and I are going to have our press credentials ready. While Etta Hill Schutte was watching the Inauguration live in Holland her daughter Evie ran up to the TV to high five the president as he was taking the oath - photo here.
January 22, 2009 - Education on Chebeague - Charting Our Course for the Future There will be a workshop on Saturday morning January 24th from 7:30am to 9:30 am at the Chebeague Island School to discuss the long range plans for education on Chebeague with an emphasis on sustaining the year round community. Topics of discussion include facilities, programming, curriculum, adult ed and transitions- See the agenda for more details. All community members are welcome and encouraged to attend. Coffee, tea & muffins will be provided.
The CPA community dinner has been rescheduled for Saturday January 24th at 6 pm at the Hall - home made soup, salads, bread and dessert w/ inaugural door prizes and music. Adults $8, children $5 with max of $24 per family. After dinner join in the historical trivia contest moderated by our own presidential expert Jerry Wiles. Proceeds will be used to help our 9th grader Julia Maine attend the Congressional Youth Leadership Convention in Boston in February.
Chebeague.net is so sorry that we have been having a few difficulties with the internet and hopefully the majority have been taken care of. This time people in most cases had to disconnect the electricity to the modem and the router as well as restart their computer in order to get the internet back. Sometimes just doing the modem and the router are enough but this time even computers had to be rebooted. A number of people have left messages with me at home and most have been lost on my new message machine - please call me again if you still don't have the internet.
The Hall has been missing a 12 channel Mackie unit sound mixer, valued about $309. We think that it was accidently taken sometime this past year and maybe someone doesn't even know they have it. When we went to use it during the plays last summer it could not be found. If anyone has seen it or has it please contact me or anyone of the Hall representatives. Thank you.
January 20, 2009 - Inauguration Day - The Chebeague contingent (Joan, Jane, Donna and me) are having an incredible time. I have never seen so many people in my life - we were in line for four hours to get into the Purple gate when it was suddenly closed - thousands of people desperate to get in. We talked to everyone, sang songs- everyone around us knows about Chebeague. It was cold but everyone was so friendly and hopeful. Donna and I managed to find another gate and get in front of the Capital just in time to be there for it all. We are back at the Marks' watching the excitement and the parade - we decided not to go to any Balls. We are going to a dinner on Independence Avenue later. You can see a short video on the mall - click here. I just added another video - click here. We will have more photos and reports later.
A note from David: chebeague.net apologizes for problems people have been having getting online. It turns out that one of our customers (who will remain unidentified) plugged the cable from the modem into the wrong port of the router causing a massive disconnect. All should be well now. For more information about it click here.
Next Wednesday, January 28th at 7pm at the Library Ruth White (the k-2 teacher on Chebeague) will be giving a slide show about a small corner in Tanzania where some wonderful things are happening:
An orphanage that was started in 2003
A rapidly improving rural primary school that is preparing children for secondary school in unprecedented numbers
A sustainable garden
A micro credit program
Volunteer opportunities
January 19, 2009 cont. - More photos from Washington - we spent most of the day at the National Portrait Gallery and then Joan, Donna and I walked up to the Capital by way of the Air and Space on our way to Chellie Pingree and Michael Michaud. I did a little video on the Mall which you may be able to see - click here.
January 19, 2009 - I am having a wonderful time in Washington D.C. - I took the all night train from Boston Saturday night arriving at 7am. This is so exciting being here where history is taking place. Donna Damon, Joan Robinson and Jane Frizzell flew out on Friday and we are all being hosted by Barbara and Charles Marks who are only a few blocks away from the Capital! Donna has written up a short report - click here. More photos coming soon here are a few from yesterday.
January 18, 2009 - Come celebrate Bea and Sumner's birthdays! Saturday, January 24 from 3-6 p.m. Everyone welcome! Hot dogs, chilli, cocoa, s'mores, cake and skating! Call May (233-7616) or Suzanne (846-7844) for more details! RSVP helpful, but not necessary!
We regret to announce that the CPA dinner scheduled for today has been postponed to Saturday the 24th at 6 pm at the Hall. The snow is just too much!
I have had so many requests to put the slide show online that I put together for the 49ers birthday party and was able to compress to a quicktime movie - click here to view.
January 16, 2009 - Chebeague Pre-K- Transitional K News - click here.
POND phone number 846-0437 -Sanford's Pond skating has been great for the last couple of weeks - volunteers are always needed to help maintain the pond - please call Kelley at the CRC or Sam Birkett if interested in helping out - they need chaperones, snow clearing and more.!
On Tuesday, January 20 at 11:30 a.m. Please join the Chebeague Island School students and your fellow community members at the Recreation Center to witness the swearing in of Barack Obama as the 44th President of the United States of America. Bring your lunch and/or snacks and settle in to share in the experience of this historic event. Hope to see you all there!!! I was planning on being on the island but instead I am lucky enough to be witnessing the ceremony in person. Donna Damon, Joan Robinson, Jane Frizzell, Nora Bisharat, Charles and Barbara Marks and I will be there in person witnessing history! I will be taking lots of photos. We will be on the Capital lawn on the left facing the Capital- Donna will be the one with the red coat so you surely won't miss us.
(Don't forget the CPA's warm up dinner Sunday night at the Hall at 6pm with special guest Jerry Wiles!)
Education on Chebeague – Charting our Course for the Future - Our second community workshop will be on Saturday morning January 24 from 7:30am to 9:30 am at the Chebeague Island School to discuss the long range plans for education on Chebeague with an emphasis on sustaining the year round community. See the agenda (attached) for more details. All community members are welcome and encouraged to attend. Coffee & tea, snacks will be provided.
January 15, 2009 - Don't forget about the community lobstering public meeting Saturday, Jan 17th, 1:00 PM at the Hall. Agendas are posted at the store, niblic, and boat.
There will be a Selectmen's meeting next Wednesday, Jan 21, 7pm at the Rec Center to discuss Capital Improvement and maintenance plan for the up coming budget year of 2009-2010. On Wed the 28th they will meet at the Hall with Engineers for Cousins Island Turnaround.
January 14, 2009 - Note from chebeague.net: this coming week to be announced the east end wireless service will be down while we upgrade our service. This means that everyone on the Hotel Router will probably have to shut the electricity off to their modems, routers and computers and turn it back on so that you will get the internet back. Please try this before calling.
This Sunday, January 18th at 6pm at the Hall there will be a warm up for the inauguration with a bowl of soup, salads, bread and dessert w/ Inaugural door prizes and music. Adults $8, children $5 with max of $24 per family. Sponsored by the CPA with proceeds used to help Julia Maine attend the Congressional Youth Leadership Convention in Boston in February. All political persuasions are welcome and encouraged to come!
The Giving Tree is still up at the Library and people can still come up and contribute? The different non-profits made wish lists and there are still opportunities for people to give. Click here for more info.
***Notice** The Chebeague Island Town Office will be “CLOSED”Monday, January 19th, 2009
in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day
**Just a Reminder** Dog licenses are due by January 31st, 2009
January 13, 2009 - Recently Jim and Inge KomLosy met up with Jon in California and had a surprise meeting with Jenny and Jay Holt who just happened to be at the same restaurant from Chebeague. Click here to see and also see Jon's ship.
I have just added information about burning permits to the Fire Department site.
Check out what the Niblic 846-1015 is offering this week and next - click here.
Click here for last week's Pre K - trasitional K News.
I took a photo of the Cardinals at my bird feeder Sunday morning during the storm - again at one time there were over 20 of them flying around - I couldn't get them all at once - sorry!
January 12, 2009 - For those who saw my site earlier David Hill was absolutely correct "Anyone who wasn't at the hall Saturday night missed a great party! Thanks go to Mark Dyer for two hours of terrific non-stop music and to all the other people who helped make it happen with pictures, decorations, recorded music and, most importantly, FOOD, glorious FOOD!"
We celebrated lots of birthdays that night, all the '49ers, and thanks to Cathy MacNeill I have lots of photos of the get together. I am sorry for those who weren't able to make it because of illnesses and distance. One of the 49ers wants to do it all over again this summer - we'll have to talk about that! Click here to see Cathy's photos.
Ken Hamilton also wanted to let everyone know how grateful he and his committee are that we are all turning 60 and put such an effort into raising money for the Stephen Ross Scholarship Fund- the cards are still coming in with lots of donations and he and his committee are loving the responses.
January 9, 2009 - The town meeting scheduled for tommorow has been cancelled.
The agenda for the meeting on the 14th has been posted - click here or above.
January 7, 2009 - The Board of Selectmen will be holding a workshop session at 7:30 am this Saturday, Jan. 10th, 2009 at the Rec Center. The workshop will discuss Guidelines for the Operation of the Board of Selectmen.
Chebeague was featured in a movie and article about Congress opening day for it's new members including Chellie Pingree. Click here for the details.
The Niblic has homemade chicken corn chowder for soup today. Also, order your dinner to go~ chicken pot pie by 4 pm today, pick up tomorrow evening two sizes, small and large. Call the Niblic for more details 846-1015. They also will be having soup this Friday too.
There will be Community Meeting about Chebeague's Lobstering industry at 1pm, Saturday, January 17th at the Hall. There will be guest speakers and more information and agenda coming soon. A meeting set up to provide information about the inefficiencies in the Lobster market and potential solutions. This meeting is for Lobstermen and the Chebeague community. To be discussed: Existing supply chain, from boat to plate, The reasons for the dramatic price drop near the end of 2008 season, How we can build upon Dropping Springs Lobster Company and become a more direct supplier to the consumer, Research and meetings we’ve had on this topic, Available Grants, and Community Support.
January 6, 2009 - The Bisharats, Holts and Marks' had the pleasure of attending the Open House in the office of our new Congresswoman, Chellie Pingree. After meeting Chellie in the office, she went over to the Capitol and we all watched the swearing in ceremonies from the office. (PHOTO) Pictured are Nora, Suhail, Leila, Maine State Speaker of the House Hannah Pingree, U.S. Representative Chellie Pingree, Mary, Charles, Barbara, John.
The CPA meeting scheduled for tonight is being postponed unitl next Tuesday, January 13 at 7:00 at Amy Rich's house.
On Thursday customers of chebague.net will have limited/no Internet probably from 9a-3p on Thursday. However, the actual outage should take about 1-2 hours and is estimated to start about 10am.
Tonight is the School Committee meeting at 6:30 at the school - see agenda.
January 2, 2009 - I have just added another birthday person to the invitation along with her photo - Allyson Smith is a 49er as well! I have also added the photos of Holly and Cappy. I want to thank the Boat Yard for letting us have the party at their wonderful spot but because of space limitations with the number of people we decided to have it at the Hall which was originally advertized.
Michael Porter has just added to his cruise blog - click here.
Message from the Rec: Mosaic Mirrors with Marty Trower starts on January 16th. There are three sessions in all. We need 10 participants to run the class.
Fear Socks No More starts January 13th. There are three sessions for this class as well.
Anyone interested contact the Rec for more information, tel 8465068. We only have one person signed up for each of th
January 1, 2009 - Happy New Year
The Chebeague Island Sailing School 2009 information is now online - click here or above on the sailing school.John Maxon is now at Falmouth by the Sea and you can read the journal and get his phone number on his caring page. He is improving and loves getting messages!
December 31, 2008 - Position Available - Executive Administrator - Island Commons Resource Center The Board of Directors of the Island Commons Resource Center seeks to fill the post of Executive Administrator, a full-time position. We are looking for a person with strong interpersonal and communication skills, who is a team-builder, someone with excellent supervisory skills who pays attention to details and who can build our relationship with the Chebeague Island community. For more information, click here. Deadline for applying: January 15, 2009 -- Send a resume to: Sally Ballard, 497 North Road, Chebeague Island, ME 04017
December 22, 2008 - An invitation to a Birthday Party - click here. I am working on my birthday party which is really a birthday party for everyone turning 60 next year. I have been adding baby pictures as I get them in and I can say that none of us has changed very much. We are all still cute and adorable. Hope you will be able to join the celebration and help the Stephen Ross Scholarship Fund. The future keepers of our earth send you holiday greetings.
The Rec Center would like to celebrate the end of one year and the beginning of the next and Rec Center endings and new beginnings with a pot luck gathering on Tuesday, December 30 from 6-8 PM. No program is planned, just a chance for Tracy to say goodbye, Kelley to say hello and the community to get together between Christmas and New Year’s to catch up on holiday happenings. Bring a dish to share. Teens, pre-teens and kids are welcomed and encouraged, and the gym will be available, but no formal supervision will be provided. Hope to see you there!18" of snow and snow drifts everywhere! The Chebeague.net mail server is down this morning for a little while (7am) until Mainely Wired resets some equipment. Someone mistakenly shut the wrong switch off.
News from 2002 - through January
22, 2003
NEWS 2001
1996 AND JANUARY 1997
I would love to have any news, poetry, stories to add to
my news page so please email with anything you think would be
of interest to islanders around the world - yes Singapore, Egypt,
Mediterranean, Boston etc. checking out the news page everyday!
So please email me at
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