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Dec Mailing
January 2, 2009 - I have just added another birthday person to the invitation along with her photo - Allyson Smith is a 49er as well! I have also added the photos of Holly and Cappy. I want to thank the Boat Yard for letting us have the party at their wonderful spot but because of space limitations with the number of people we decided to have it at the Hall which was originally advertized.
Michael Porter has just added to his cruise blog - click here.
Message from the Rec: Mosaic Mirrors with Marty Trower starts on January 16th. There are three sessions in all. We need 10 participants to run the class.
Fear Socks No More starts January 13th. There are three sessions for this class as well.
Anyone interested contact the Rec for more information, tel 8465068. We only have one person signed up for each of th
January 1, 2009 - Happy New Year
The Chebeague Island Sailing School 2009 information is now online - click here or above on the sailing school.
John Maxon is now at Falmouth by the Sea and you can read the journal and get his phone number on his caring page. He is improving and loves getting messages!
December 29, 2008 - Congratulations to my son, Dennis Johnson, who made the Deans List his first semester at Springfield College.
Don't forget that tomorrow night, Tuesday from 6-8 pm there will be a pot luck gathering at the Recreation Center to celebrate the end of one year and the beginning of the next with the chance for Tracy to say goodbye and Kelley to say hello as the new Executive Director. Bring a dish to share. See you there!
December 26, 2008 - I have just added a photo of MaryEllen Clayman to our invitation and also found out that Bill and Diane Whethem are also turning 60 this year!
Congratulations to Nate Martin who was mentioned in the Portland Press Herald yesterday as one of the top Indoor Track Competitors and then again today with his photo on the front of the Sports page. Nate is a Senior at Greely.
December 23, 2008 - Battery Operated carbon monoxide and smoke alarm is available at the library. The Island Council is offering these at cost for $29. If you can't afford one call the Samartin Fund (767-8518 Ginny). Make check payable to the Chebeague Island Council. What a great gift it would make for Christmas.
Article in the Lebanon Valley News about English Language Learners featuring Charlotte Johnson.
December 22, 2008 - An invitation to a Birthday Party - click here. I am working on my birthday party which is really a birthday party for everyone turning 60 next year. I have been adding baby pictures as I get them in and I can say that none of us has changed very much. We are all still cute and adorable. Hope you will be able to join the celebration and help the Stephen Ross Scholarship Fund.
The future keepers of our earth send you holiday greetings.
The Rec Center would like to celebrate the end of one year and the beginning of the next and Rec Center endings and new beginnings with a pot luck gathering on Tuesday, December 30 from 6-8 PM. No program is planned, just a chance for Tracy to say goodbye, Kelley to say hello and the community to get together between Christmas and New Year’s to catch up on holiday happenings. Bring a dish to share. Teens, pre-teens and kids are welcomed and encouraged, and the gym will be available, but no formal supervision will be provided. Hope to see you there!
18" of snow and snow drifts everywhere! The Chebeague.net mail server is down this morning for a little while (7am) until Mainely Wired resets some equipment. Someone mistakenly shut the wrong switch off.
December 21, 2008 - Message from Linda Brewster: The Christmas Eve Worship Service 7:00pm December 24th, Chebeague Island Church. Hope to see you there!
The birds have been flocking to our feeders these last few storms. I counted 21 Cardinals one day and I kept trying to get a picture with at least 10 different birds but couldn't get them so you could see them. Click here to see a few cardinals and in the upper left the red bellied woodpecker (the bird with the red head - makes sense).
What a miserable day for weather. We went over on the 8 morning boat to start and finish our Christmas shopping - all the stores were packed and by the time we came home on the 12 boat there was 5" of snow and the temp was 7 degrees which felt like 20 below! Yuk! I have been messing around with the format of the page using a new web program and as a result have messed up some of the paragraph formating. Still have work to do on it to correct the problems. I have just gone back to the original font and would be curious to know if anyone has trouble reading the page.
Message from the Hamilton family: As many of you already know, Elsie Hamilton suffered a stroke a week ago and was admitted to Mercy Hospital. As we all know, Elsie is a tough woman and she has recently been transferred to Brentwood Rehab (370 Portland Street, Yarmouth, ME 04096). Grammy is a fighter but it will be a long haul and she will need our prayers. Thank you for the continued love and support that so freely flows from our beloved island and beyond.
December 20, 2008 -Don't forget tonight 7:30 the Whaler's Concert! I'm back from the wonderful concert and took a few photoswhich you can see here.
Cheryl Hillicoss has created a CaringBridge website to keep friends and family updated about John Maxon's health. John has sooo much family and so many friends, that she thought this would be a great way to keep you updated. Just click on this link: www.caringbridge.org/visit/johnmaxon or copy and paste the link in your web browser. John wants everyone to know that he misses his Island Family and appreciates all of your help, prayers and well wishes and loves to read the "Guest Book" entries that you leave on the CaringBridge website.
December 19, 2008 -Please remember THE GIVING TREE is up and at the Library. It's a little different from year past in that instead of going through an off-island organization to help a family in need CPA has focused locally. There is a "wish list" from 7 of our island non-profit organizations. Each of those organizations has requested things that they would greatly appreciate help with. Choose an item (or two!) and bring that item to the Library by the end of December. Some examples are: The Ladies Aid could use some craft supplies, CPA could use finger paints for the Kid's Place Daycare, Island Commons would love gift certificates for employee appreciation gifts, The Hall would benefit from some new serving spoons or volunteer hours on upcoming projects, etc..etc.. There are many things to choose from to help these Chebeague non-profits and you'll find all different price ranges. When you find yourself looking for something to buy that person that has everything, think of donating something to an island organization in their honor. Thank you in advance for everyone's generosity and for supporting local needs!
Congratulations to Caroline Summa, violinist in the Maine Youth Orchestra, who will be playing this evening, Friday December 19, from 7 - 8 p.m. at the Eastland Hotel in downtown Portland. MYO is participating in the City of Portland holiday event, 12 Days of Christmas. Please join us to hear orchestral holiday music and launch the holiday season! Refreshments served.
Are you interested in maps? Do you like to play with Google earth? Would you be interested in making your own interactive maps to discuss historic events, or for school projects? Do you want to display your photos on a map? In January, Thea Youngs will be conducting two workshops on computer mapping: ---Saturday Jan 10: 9-12: Google Earth and Google Maps- These user-friendly products allow you to explore the world and sky, create your own maps, and display photos or other content…and even have a flight simulator!--- Saturday Jan 24: 1-4 : Open Source GIS- An introduction to the world of Geographic Information Systems, allowing you to tap into existing data, display GPS points, and use it to make your own maps. Both workshops will be held at the school. They are FREE, but please call or email Thea (tyoungs@islandinstitute.org , 846-0157) to sign up.
December 18, 2008 -An update from Bev Ross Murray about Priscilla - click here.The Pre-K Newsletter is online now - click here.
December 17, 2008 - Sheila Read (Cookies wife) produced "The Story, With Dick Gordon." which has aired all over the country about Maine lobstering. It will be aired on Maine Public Radio tomorrow at 1pm. It is really enjoyable and very informative - it will make you want to go out and buy lobsters which are a better deal than bologna - you can download it by clicking here.
Community Luncheon at the Hall TODAY, 12 noon, Roast Beef Dinner!
Tonight at 8 pm Fox TV has Molly Shattuck go undercover in a coal mining town in Schuylkill County, PA on their new show Secret Millionaire.
December 16, 2008 - Whalers Concert – Christmas Around the World – will be held this Saturday night at 7:30. It was postponed due to the ice storm. Tickets are $8 adults $4 children and refreshments will be served!Message from the library: Groovy Movie is this Friday and we are showing the movie PICNIC that was cancelled for the ice storm. It is our last movie and starts at 7:30. Also, the Library is having a Christmas tea and cookie swap at the Library on Thursday, December 18th from 1-3. Everyone is invited to come in for a cup of tea and relax. Bring some of your cookies to swap out for a mixed arrangement of other cookies. Thanks!
Message from the Recreation Center: The Board of Directors of CRC has completed our search for a new Executive Director. We are pleased to announce that Kelley Rich has accepted the position. We look forward to working with Kelley as we continue to support the recreational needs of the community. Please stop by the Rec Center after the first of the year to welcome her.We would also like to thank the other applicants, and to thank all the community members who have offered advice regarding this transition. It was a difficult decision, as it will always be when the applicants are friends and neighbors. But, we think that Kelley is the right person to lead the Rec as it pursues its mission.
December 15, 2008 - Julia Maine is on the Greely Girls Ice Hockey Team and is needing to sell raffle tickets for their team - tickets are $10 each but they go to lots of different prizes. Check out the flyer.
Congratulations to Bob Crowley who won the million dollars for survivor and then another $100,000 for being the most popular in the Country.
School Committee meets tomorrow night at 6:30 - see agenda.
December 14, 2008 - One of the great things about the island is that when the power goes off for any length of time people really look out for each other. The fire house is manned and the crews are out doing whatever needs to be done. Calls are made and everyone is checked up on. A few people took it upon themselves to make sure the Hall was opened up and lunch and dinner was available for whoever needed it or needed to get away from a cold house and get warm. Cathy MacNeill took some great pictures of the dinner which you can see here. Thank you to Deb Bowman, Mary Holt and Karen Hamilton and I'm sure many others. As you can see in the photos it was also John Holt's birthday.
Cathy MacNeill (click here to see her photos) was also at the Salt Institute Opening Show in Portland and took lots of photos of the exhibit and some of the people there and others involved. The show is free and open to the public, and will remain up in the gallery through the end of January.The address for Salt is: 561 Congress St. between Oak & Forest Sts. in Portland.
December 13, 2008 - Here is another update from Bev about Priscilla - click here.
December 12, 2008 - The Whaler's concert "Christmas Around the World," scheduled for tomorrow night, has been postponed until next Saturday, December 20th at 7:30.Today the power went off about 3:30 am and just came back on about 8pm. The Hall was opened up by volunteers where lunch and dinner was served for anyone who wished to come - It was great for those who didn't have heat or anything to cook with - it is such a wonderful community we live in.
Around 10am we drove around and I took some photos from our car. (I have been fooling with other ways to look at photos - this site is with rollover images but you can still click on and scroll through that way- it probably takes a little longer to load initially and won't work with dial-up - click here to try.Peter Kaufman was interviewed on December 9 with Brian Sullivan and Dagen McDowell of Fox Business News and you can see the interview by clicking here.I also would like to mention that it is Raymond Hamilton's 98th birthday!
The Commons Holiday Party is Sunday at 4:30.
THE GIVING TREE is up and at the Library. It's a little different from year past in that instead of going through an off-island organization to help a family in need CPA has focused locally. There is a "wish list" from 7 of our island non-profit organizations. Each of those organizations has requested things that they would greatly appreciate help with. Choose an item (or two!) and bring that item to the Library by December 20th. Some examples are: The Ladies Aid could use some craft supplies, CPA could use finger paints for the Kid's Place Daycare, Island Commons would love gift certificates for employee appreciation gifts, The Hall would benefit from some new serving spoons or volunteer hours on upcoming projects, etc..etc.. There are many things to choose from to help these Chebeague non-profits and you'll find all different price ranges. When you find yourself looking for something to buy that person that has everything, think of donating something to an island organization in their honor. Thank you in advance for everyone's generosity and for supporting local needs!
December 11, 2008 - (Postponed to next saturday)Saturday night, December 13th at 7:30 is the Whalers Christmas Concert at the Hall. Adults $8 and children $4.
The 2009 Shellfish License Notice is online - click here.
December 9, 2008 -Ed Jarrett was at the school today with his ice sculpture of a seal and the children were delighted as seen in the following photos. Also Ed and his sculpting is the Freeze Frame in the Portland Press Herald today.
Tonight at 7pm, Tuesday, at the Hall is the Chebeague Island School Christmas Concert - everyone is welcome. The School Committee will be meeting for a brief meeting before the concert at 6:30 at the Hall - see agenda.Blue Christmas: A Service of Light in the Midst of Darkness, Thursday December 18, 7:15 p.m. Chebeague United Methodist Church - If you find Christmas difficult, this service is for you.
A note from the Salt Institute: As you may have heard, there
have been many Salt students invading the island of Chebeague
in the last few months! The results will be on display in
an opening gallery show this Thursday, December 11th, at the
Salt Institute in Portland. Salt is a semester-long
program that educates and promotes documentary storytellers through
photography, writing and radio. Salt has been telling Maine
stories for 35 years. Jenny Goff will be reading
from her story about land use issues called Two Mother Natures. The
show is free and open to the public, and will remain up in the
gallery through the end of January. Please click
here for more information and what they will have on display.
December 6, 2008 -Today the Portland Press Herald has an article about Bob Crowley who is one of six survivors left on the Survivor Gabon show. His family owns a house on Stave Island which is part of the Town of Chebeague.
Molly Shattuck will be featured on an upcoming Fox show called
Secret Millionaire
- not sure what the date is yet - it is reported to air in the
next to last show, set to
air on Dec. 17th.
The Pre school report for last week is now online - click here.
! Sunday, December 7th from 3-5 with a special visitor arriving by fire truck. Cookies, hot chocolate, cider gifts for the kids.
***Notice***Regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen Wednesday, December 10th, 2008 @ 7:00PM at the Chebeague Island Hall & Community Center (Executive Session scheduled for 6:00 PM) see agenda.December 4, 2008 - Message tonight from Bev about Priscilla's progress - click here.
Message from the Rec: This Saturday there will be a Teen/Pre-Teen Mall Crawl, leaving on the 2:15 boat. Only those registered by THURSDAY DECEMBER 4 will be allowed to go. Permission slips were distributed and we need to have an accurate head count so that we may adequately plan for drivers. Call the Rec at 846-5068 or drop by to register. Thank you!Also the Kids' Craft Workshop scheduled for the next three Sundays has been cancelled due to lack of registrants. More great news from Bev Murray about Prisiclla - click here.The outside floats are being hauled out today this afternoon. The weather station which I thought was wonderful when it was working (before the temp got to 3000 degrees) is being worked on and hopefully will be up and running again next week.
Update from Bev for Priscilla yesterday evening- click here.: the Board of the Chebeague Recreation Center has just received a letter of resignation from Tracy Quadro (you can read it here). We're sad to see Tracy go, but we're happy for her as she heads off for her new opportunity, doing important work with children in need of guardian assistance. You can read the job posting for Executive Director here.
You can win a very special birdhouse made by Herb Rich! It was made with memorial flag poles collected by PriscillaPriscilla is doing really well as you can read in the latest update from Bev and family.
Nancy Hill and I have created a quilt to benefit the Recreation Center and will be raffled off at the winter carnival this coming February 22nd. It contains 18 scenic photos of the island and is about 60" x 80". It can be viewed at the Library and tickets can be bought there and at the rec or by some of the directors. You can order raffle tickets from me as well. Click here to see it up close. Tickets are $2.00 for one or $5.00 for 3.Beef Stew Dinner followed by an evening of Christmas Carols When: Saturday December 6th 5:00pm Where: Chebeague Church Parish House Cost : $7.50 Adults $3.00 Children under 12Proceeds to benefit the Chebeague Food PantryToday's updat on Priscilla - click here.
The Craft Fair was lots of fun and you can see some PHOTOS HERE. The crafters and organizations included: Allyson Smith, Anthony Gomez, Valerie Riddle, Gail Miller, Linda Ewing, Linda Carleton, Pommy Hatfield, Mary Phipps, Martha Whitemore, Rosalie Weagle, Sandra Rice, Martha Hamilton, David Scrace, Sarah Gibson (Prescott), Lisa Rubin and Laurie Auffant, Island Riches, Louise Doughty, Chebeague Recreation Center, Chebeague Historical Society, Chebeague Parents Association, Ladies Aid, and the United Methodist ChurchSurvey on WildlifeUpdate for Priscilla today - click here.
Don't forget to get an early start on your Christmas shopping right here on the island. For your early risers, start your morning off at the Holiday Open House at the Niblic with a nice cup of coffee or hot apple cider while you shop. They have lots of sales going on and don't forget to bring your coupon that was mailed out this week for 25% off any one item including consignment items. They also have homemade chili and cornbread for lunch or take some home for an easy dinner. The open house is from 7:30am to 4pm. And don't forget the Island Craft Fair at the Hall from 10am to 2pm. PleaseAnother update from Priscilla Ross' family - click here.
Don't forget the Crafters Craft Fair tomorrow Saturday from 10 to 2 and bring your appetite for some wonderfully crafted soups and goodies that will be available!Christmas trees will be for sale at the Fire House starting Saturday, November 29th from 9 to 12 and every Saturday and Sunday until Christmas or until they are gone. Cost is $32.00 and it benefits the Chebeague Island Fire/Rescue. The Island Council will also have available battery operated carbon monoxide & smoke alarms at cost for $29.00. They will be available during the Christmas tree sale. If you cannot afford the alarm, the Samaritan Fund will purchase one for you. You can contact Ginny Ballard at beeper 767-8518. To pay for the alarms, checks can be made payable to the Chebeague Island Council.I'm back from a wonderful time in New York City - missed all the excitement on Chebeague - thank you to David for keeping up the page even if it was down for a number of hours because of power outages. This weekend is the exciting extra wonderful CRAFTERS CRAFT FAIR from 10 to 2 at the Hall - All kinds of great items for Christmas.
Here's an update on Priscilla from Bev Ross Murray- click here.
What a day! High winds, heavy rain and no boats today other than the 6:40 am and the 6:15 pm. Everything but snow, and that wasn't too many miles away. No power from 6 a.m. until noon. Here's an update on Priscilla from Bev - click here and here for the latest update.
from the Town:
****NOTICE ****
The Chebeague Island Town Office will be
Thursday, November 27th and Friday, November 28th, 2008
In observance of the Thanksgiving Day Holiday
Have a safe and wonderful holiday!
While Bev is headed to NYC, I'm posting the latest update on Priscilla from Bev - click here.
Dasha and I are heading to New York City for a couple of days tomorrow - we will check out the city and see Mama Mia and have lots of fun and on the way back pick up Dennis from Springfield College for Thanksgiving break. If you need something added to the website David Hill is available at drhill@chebeague.net to post for me. I'll be back on Wednesday. Don't forget that David Tyler will be at the library at 1pm to talk to people about the Working Waterfront and the Island Institute.
Todays update on Priscilla from Bev - click here.Island Electric will rewand every Chebeague Island High School Senior, 5 USD for every "A" on their report cards for the first semester. To cash in on this offer present rank cards to Kim Boehm or call 846 2468 for details. Remember Island Electric also sponsors a Vocational Scholarship. See your Guidance Counselor for details.Preschool Update for last week.Saturday, Nov 22, 12:00 - 2:30 at the Parish House - come and get those special Christmas gifts early, lots to pick from. They will be making wreathes Thursday Dec 4th at the parish House. Also, you can order them today at the fair or call Dianne Calder - 846-4176.
Update tonight from Bev on Priscillas recover - click here.
A message from the Superintendent of the Chebeague Island School - Grades Pre - 5th Grade:School Cancellations will be on: TV Stations WCSH 6, WGME 13, and WMTW 8, Radio: Portland Radio Group WGAN 560AM; WMGX 93.1 FM; WPOR 101.9 FM; WYNZ 100.9 FM - Hopefully we won't have any this year.MIDDLE SCHOOL AND HIGH SCHOOL WILL BE POSTED AS MSAD # 51An update about Priscilla from her family - click here.
A Note From the Martindale Family: "Wow! What an intense month. From mid August when we arrived on Chebeague with my Dad to the Day of the celebration of his life, the Love and fellowship of the Chebeague community carried us through. There were countless calls and visits while Pop was on the Island. He held court while sitting in his favorite chair overlooking Casco Bay making what turned out to be his last stay on the Island a very special one. We rode on the Marie L., visited the new Post Office, the Library, and of course the Transfer Station. Our heartfelt thanks to all of those who housed us, fed us, transported us, organized for us, prayed for us, grieved with us, and loved us through this difficult time.I have another message from Priscilla's family on her recovery - click here.
**Notice** Please be advised that the Executive Session scheduled for November 19th has been postponed until December 2nd, 6PM at the Town Office. The scheduled workshop meeting will still take place at 7pm.Message from the Town of Yarmouth regarding lottery for Yarmouth residents for the Blanchard Parking Lot.There is a SILENT AUCTION OF LOBSTERS now going on to benefit the capital campaign fund of the Chebeague United Methodist Church. Bids may be made for packages of 2, 4 and 6 lobster; the minimum bid is $10 for 2, $20 for 4 and $30 for 6. The two highest bidders will win. Checks can be made out to the Chebeague United Methodist Church. The sign-up sheet is at the Island Market, and bids will be accepted until November 29 at 11:00 AM. Lobster will be delivered on Saturday Nov. 29 in the afternoon.
Peter Kaufman is going to be on CNN Anderson Cooper tonight at 10pm - first CNBC, then the Today Show and now this - I'm waiting for the invite to the White House - pretty exciting!Another update on Priscilla today - click here.
The Novel Jazz Septet released their new CD, "Novel Ellington and Strayhorn", with a concert at the Boothbay Opera House on 11/08/08. Herb Maine plays bass with the group and the CD is now available at http://cdbaby.com/cd/noveljazzwhere you can preview the tunes and read a little about the group. You can also purchase directly from the group's leader, Barney Balch, at bbalch@bigelow.org.An update on Priscilla from her family - click here.
Everyone is invited to a birthday party for ME and EVERYONE who is turning 60 in 2009! It will be at the Hall, January 10th, from 7 till 11 for fun and celebration and an opportunity to raise funds for the Stephen Ross Scholarship Fund - that's right no gifts just donations to the Fund! Some of us islanders (summer and winter) who are turning 60 next year are: Gail Jenkins, Richard Hubbell, Beverly Johnson, Sally Layng Crapser, Norah Toohey Alper, Scott Johnson, Charlie Kuntz, Pat St Cyr, Jane Shute Scifres, Cappy Dyer, Valerie Dyer Riddle, Dorrit Weiss Tompkins, Holly Hamilton Jordan, and Mary Ellen (Stewart) Clayman. If you are turning 60 next year and want to be included in our celebration and announcement please email or call me bjohnson@chebeague.net or 846-4850.David Tyler, editor of Working Waterfront, wants to know what islanders think of the newspaper and the newly re-designed web site. He would like to invite you to share your opinions on Sun., Nov. 23 at 1 p.m. at the library. Just in case you didn't see the article about Thea Young you can click here and also see the magazine.
Christmas is not too far away and the The Chebeague United Methodist Church is still selling their popular scenic calendars of Chebeague . Still only $15, they make great Christmas stocking stuffers. Would you like to have us send you a calendar? Just notify Cathy MacNeill or Sylvia Ross and they will be happy to mail it to you. Call Cathy at 846-4133 or e-mail cmacneill@chebeague.net or call Sylvia at 846-4117 or e-mail jsross5@msn.com Shipping cost $3.00 per calendar.Last weeks Preschool newsletter - click here.Island Commons' Community Luncheon is this Wednesday, November 19th. Please stop in for a delicious home cooked meal and good company! 12:00 at the Chebeague Island Hall.Priscilla Ross had surgery today and it went very well - the family has written a note to everyone which you can read here.
Shellfish Commission Meeting isWednesday, November 19th, 2008 at the Island Hall & Community Center from 4PM to 6PM - see agenda.Executive Session and Workshop Meeting of the Board of Selectmen Wednesday, November 19th, 2008 Executive Session at 6PM at the Town Office Building and theWorkshop for the Board of Selectmen at 7PM at the Hall - see agenda.Tonight, Thursday, at the Hall is the Comprehensive Plan meeting with our consultant Hugh Coxe at 7 pm..
Anna Maine is selling wreaths for Project Graduation for the class of 2010. At $12.00 each, they come with a red ribbon and can be delivered to your house the weekend of December 6th. She know the Ladies Aid also sells them, but she needs to get 8 more to make her quota! Sale ends Friday November 21st.There will be a workshop on Saturday morning November 15th from 7:30am to 9:30 am at the Chebeague Island School to discuss the long range plans for education on Chebeague with an emphasis on sustaining the year round community. The purpose of this meeting is to start a dialogue with the community about education, both on and off the island that can inform the current efforts of the School Board and the Comprehensive Plan Committee to plan for our future. See the agenda for more details. All community members are welcome and encouraged to attend. Coffee, tea & muffins will be provided.
Today Peter Kaufman was on CNBC today at noon and you can see the show here. He is also going to be on the Today show tomorrow morning probably the first half hour.I have just added the Chebeague Orchard Inn to the Island Business page above.
Regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen Wednesday, November 12th, 2008 @ 7:00PM at the Chebeague Island Hall & Community Center - see agenda.November 8, 2008 -Note from the Ross Family:
Our family would like to express our heartfelt gratitude and amazement
to all of the many, many people who have made our Pip's recovery
a possibility. A special thank you to the members of our island's
incredible EMT crew; the medical people who just happened to be
at the right place at the right time; to our "angel",
Ginny Ballard for her loving guidance, support and "care
package"; to Pastor Linda Brewster for all of the kind, encouraging
words and prayers; and lastly, to all of the dozens and dozens
of well-wishers who have expressed their love and support, through
notes, e-mails, phone calls, hugs and hospital visits.
Mama Pip still has a journey ahead of her before we can sleep
peacefully. If she had her own "way", she would have
everyone in her room for coffee and muffins! But, since her medical
staff is asking for very limited visits by family only, so that
she can strengthen for her upcoming surgery, we ask anyone who
feels so inclined to maybe drop her a note of encouragement or
card to her. That would be the next best thing to "being
there"! Please keep the prayers coming her way, as they are
obviously being heard!
The Poochie Ross Family
A note from Barbara Ross that Priscilla is doing better and no longer has a breathing tube. She is speaking a little and has so appreciated the outpouring of concern and love. Priscilla is NOT able to have visitors at this time- the family will let us know when she is well enough.
The Island Institute was able to bring Soren Hermansen and his wife of Samso Island, Denmark to the island for a a discussion on wind-power and renewable energy. Click here for their website The Samso Energy Academy They are presenting tonight at the Portland Museum of Art.. "Samso Island has received international recognition for leading the world in sustainable alternative energy, producing 10% more than its 6,000 residents use each year. Mr. Hermansen spearheaded these efforts and is now director of the Samso Energy Academy." see article in the New Yorker.The answer is 1865.Some
of Chebeague's election results are in and they are:
Obama 210, McCain 85, Nader 3, McKinney 1
Allen 148, Collins 143
Pingree 192, Summers 101
Hulit 191, Davis 88
Bonnechi 180, Burgess 106
There are 359 registered voters on Chebeague and 300 voted (72
by absent-t ballot)
Today is election day and The Recreation Center will be holding a Swearing-In Ceremony Party on January 20, 2009 to celebrate the inauguration of our new President, whomever he may turn out to be! Please come to the Rec to watch the event on the big screen in the gym, courtesy of Direct TV. All are welcome, and refreshments will be provided. Come celebrate Democracy in Action as a community!
The Island Institute Island Sustainability Conference is on Saturday, November 8. It's not too late to register by phone or online for workshops. Topics include alternative energy sources, food production, composting, farming, economic development and more. If anyone would like to carpool to Belfast, call John and Mary Holt at 846-5040. They have room for four more passengers.J Holt and Jenny Goff have great news! See the attached announcement and follow the link to their website (www.ChebeagueOrchardInn.com).***NOTICE*** Executive Session & Special Meeting of the Board of Selectmen Tuesday, November 4th, 2008 @6:00PM at the Chebeague Island Town Office 1. Executive Session: 1.1 To convene into Executive Session Pursuant to MRSA 405.6.A.1. To have the Selectmen discuss Personnel matters.1.2 To exit Executive Session. 2. To hold Special meeting if necessary immediately after the conclusion of the Executive Session. 2.1 To have Selectmen discuss and possibly act on Personnel matters. 2.2 Adjourn meeting.Lily the mini-horse and Sarah Prescott will be doing a petting/booksigning at Books, Etc. in Falmouth on Sunday, Nov. 23 from 1-3 pm. Also she will be selling her books (and signing them) at the Craft Fair on Nov. 29th from 10-2. She will also be selling CPA items as well. Don't forget to check out her page and listen to a chapter from one of her books!
I have uploaded the PreSchool newsletters from October 24 and October 31! Check both of them out.Note from Linda Brewster: Spaghetti Dinner Saturday November 8th 5:30pm Parish House - Cost: $7.50 adults and $3.00 children under 12 Dinner will be followed by a Hymn Sing. We look forward to an evening of food and fellowship! Hope to see you there! benefit two families fromCumberland who lost everything in a house fire on Saturday.Cathy MacNeill took some great photos of the Halloween Party and I was finally home long enough for her to bring them to me - click here!
******NOTICE***** The Town will be doing road repair on the North side of Wharf Road. This project is scheduled to start November 3rd, 2008. Anyone parked in this area needs to make other arrangements for parking. If no other arrangements can be made, please call the Town Office and a space will be made available at the Public Works Garage until completion of the project ( you will have to make arrangements to and from your vehicle). Anyone that parks in this area will be towed at owner expense. If you have any questions, please contact the Town Office. Thank you for your cooperation.The end of the year party is happening at the Inn tomorrow night. Friday, October 31st..it's a SCARE DANCE (squares and contras, with live music) with Maggie Robinson and Friends performing and John McIntire calling. It's open to all ages from 8-12 and then 21+ after midnight. HOPE EVERYONE CAN COME. Call the Inn for more details: 846-5155.
***NOTICE*** The Chebeague Island Town Office will be"CLOSED" on Tuesday, November 4th, 2008 due to voting The office will re-open for business on Thursday, November 6th at 12Noon.The School Committee will be meeting next Tuesday at 6:30 - see agenda.The Rec Center would like to extend a heartfelt THANK YOU to all those who participated to make last Saturday a very scary-licious Scavenger Hunt! Thanks go to our scarers (who, being the ghouls they are, will remain anonymous, but rent "Night of the Living Dead" to get an idea what they looked like); our drivers: May Hall, Courtney Bluck, Jason Hamilton, Virginia Calder (who also helped with the prep), and Beth Dyer; Teen Center staff Josh Doughty and Brad Martin; and it would not have happened at all without WONDER TEENS Amanda Campbell and Tracy Calder. The winning team consisted of Cassidy Jeffers, Danielle Jarrett, Julia Stefanilo, Tyler Campbell (wounded in the line of duty but doing fine), Anna Hamilton and Sammy Joy, driven by May and Courtney. Congratulations!
Note from the Town of Chebeague ***NOTICE*** : Dog Registrations: This is just to let everyone know that we have received the 2009 Dog License tags. If you would like to register your dog early, please come to the Town Office. You will need to bring a copy of a current rabies certificate and certificate of spay or neuter. If you have any questions please call the Town Office at 846-3148.Congratulations ! Daniel C. Flynn, PhD, son of Jane and Tom Hahn of North Rd. He has been named the associate Dean for research and Economic Development at The Commonwealth Medical College, the newest accredited medical school located in Scranton, Pa. Dan will oversee medical research, promote the use of clinical trials for patients in the region and help stimulate development through research and small company start-ups. Dan has been active in Cancer research for 20 years and helped start a biotech company called Protea Biosciences. Best wishes to him in his new job.I have been asked to let people know about a write in candidate for Cumberland County Charter Commission named Kathleen Babeu - click here.***NOTICE*** November Stone Wharf Parking - As of Nov 1st , temporary use only allowed in 8 spaces north of the barge ramp, to allow fishermen access to load & unload gear.Last week Bill Whetham had a terrible fall and broke both wrists and his jaw - he is at home now and his address 109 Given Shipyard Road, Brunswick, ME 04011. I just received this note from his family: "Greetings from Hank, Erin and Dianna regarding Bills condition. Following surgery for a broken jaw and both wrists, he arrived home on 10/25 (Yea!). We anticipate a full recovery within the next 6 weeks. We truly can't express our deep appreciation for everyones love and concern. Thank you, The Whetham Family."
There will be NO PRE TEEN CENTER on Friday, Oct 31, to allow families to have their own Halloween Celebrations. On Saturday, November 1, the teens and pre teens are invited to a Haunted Hayride at Scarborough Downs. This trip will be free to all participants, in thanks to those teens who participated in the Rockathon last winter. We are in need of parents to drive on the mainland from Cousin's to Scarborough and back. We will leave on the 4:45 boat and return on the 9PM. Please call the Rec to register your teen and/or to volunteer to drive.Town of Chebeague Island ***NOTICE*** RECREATIONAL FLOAT REMOVAL Please be advised that the Town will be removing recreational floats starting the week of November 17th, 2008 (actual date is weather dependent, this date may change at a moments notice) We will be leaving Float "B" (punt float) and the Commercial Floats. We will post notices on the web site and at all posting locations. If you have any questions please contact the Harbor Master or the Town Office. Thank you for your cooperation.Congratulations toWarren Bogle who has been named to The University of Miami Hall of Fame, Class of 2009, sport of Baseball. Inductees were introduced this past weekend at the pre-game show during Homecoming for the University at Dolphin Stadium. Actual induction will be in April, with various activities including a golf tournament and banquet.
Brita Bonechi, candidate for State Representative,
will be on the Island on Sunday, 10:15 to 4:45. She will visit
with people at the store in the morning and will attend the Historical
Society Open House at the Museum. She would greatly appreciate
the opportunity to listen to comments and
answer questions. Voters should seek her out to learn more about
her views relative to issues that affect our personal lives and
Island community. For more information or to request that Brita
knock at your door, call Mary Holt at 846-5040.
The Chebeague Island Hall Community Center is having it's annual meeting tomorrow night at the Hall at 7pm. If you unable to come and haven't filled out your proxy there are some at the Island Market and/or print this one and give it to one of the Board Members or leave it at the store. Thank yo very much.
The playoff game between Greely and Fryeburg has been postponed until tomorrow Thursday at 3:30 pm at Greely.The new weather station is being provided for use by the Town through a grant from the Casco Bay Estuary Project to the Department of Marine Resources. There is no cost to the town other than to protect it from damage, occasional cleaning and keep it connected to the internet. The purpose of the weather station deployment is to provide the Department of Marine Resources with real-time rainfall data to help decide whether to open or close the clam flats to protect the shellfish consuming public. The data is captured for long-term evaluation for wind direction, wind speed, temp, rainfall, barometric pressure and is available by double-clicking on the "sticker". For the interactive map and weather stations in our area, click here.
There is a School Committee meeting tomorrow night - see agenda. Last week's Pre School newsletter has been added to the website - click here.Town of Chebeague IslandCongratulations to Anna Maine who scored one of the three goals for the Greely Field Hockey team in a 3-2 win over Gray-New Gloucester!! In fact, her team is ranked #2 in Western Class B going into the playoffs next week. Per today's paper, Greely plays the winner of Fryeburg and Wells next Wed, 10/22 at Greely High School. A great time for folks to make some time and support Anna and those Greely Rangers!!
October 16, 2008 - Registration for the Scarecrow Contest has been extended if you are interested in having your scarecrow judged please call the Rec TODAY to be sure you're not missed. Scarecrows must be finished by Oct 18 to be judged, and the prize, two movie tickets, will be awarded on Oct 25 at the Scavenger Hunt.
If there is enough interest, CRC would like to bring back one of its all-time favorite art classes Mosaic Mirrors with Marty. This class will most likely be held during Thanksgiving break, over three days (one half-day, one full day, one half-day). The class will most likely cost around $100, if we have at least ten students. This is the perfect time to learn a skill, be creative and get one Christmas gift off your list. Adults only, please. Let Tracy know if you are interested: 846-5068.Part Time Help WantedParking Enforcement Attendant..---- Person wanted approx. 1 hour per day to enforce parking violations of the Chebeague Island Coastal Waters Ordinance. Position is flexible as to time of day. Must be able to work with public and be able to cooperate with Law Enforcement Officers. Job description and application available at the Town Office during normal business hours.
October 14, 2008 - Join us for a Community Luncheon at the Hall on October 15 at 12:00! Island Commons' popular lunch series resumes Wednesday, October 15th! Please notice they are changing the name from Senior Luncheon to Community Luncheon to stress that this is a community event open to all. Community luncheons will take place every 3rd Wednesday at the Hall through next May. We hope to see you on the 15th! Any proceeds go toward the work of Island Commons.
Message from Jamie Calthorpe: It has become necessary to say good bye to our beloved Kitty, MJ (Mary Jane). She is one and a half, all black, healthy and very sweet. Free to a good home. If you or someone you know may be interested, please call Jamie Calthorpe at 846.6659 or 228.4346.Saturday's Frost/Blanchard Tournament was so much fun and the weather couldn't have been better. Jonny Miller won the Blanchard 9 hole trophy, Tom Adams won the Blanchard 18 hole trophy, Ben Prescott won the Frost 9 hole trophy and Jim Van Fleet won the Frost 18 hole trophy.
CRC and other Island organizations and entities are part of the Casco Bay Region "21 Reasons" program. Please click here to learn more and find out how you can help!The TEEN CENTER is alive and well! Teens and Pre Teens are still coming to the Rec every weekend to socialize, play games, watch movies and more in a safe, friendly environment. Have YOU been to the Teen Center lately?? If you'd like to volunteer or work at the Rec, give us a call. Some of the teens are working very hard to make this the best Halloween Scavenger Hunt/Party ever! Please call the Rec at 846-5068 to RSVP for this fun and scary annual event. The party is pot-luck, so bring your favorite treats to share. We are also in need of adults to drive and be 'scarers' along the scavenger hunt route. Call today to volunteer. THANKS and BOO in advance!The Clam Shack will be closing this weekend with the last day being Sunday October 12th at 8pm. The Calders want to thank everyone for making it a wonderful season!
On Saturday, October 18 at 10AM the Rec is sponsoring a Family Orienteering Workshop with Island Fellow Thea Youngs. This program is FREE, but please register NOW so that we know how many to expect. ALL are welcome!Pre-School Weekly Report.***NOTICE***The Town of Chebeague Island will be doing road construction and culvert replacement (weather permitting)work on the JOHN SMALL ROAD on OCTOBER 15 & 16TH, 2008 The road will be closed to thru traffic between the Ross and Pope property line. If you have any questions please call the Town Office 846-3148.Don't forget that the 3rd annual (maybe 4th) is putting on their Columbus Weekend Brunch this Sunday from 11:30 to 12:30 - come enjoy all the wonderful food and comraderie! Quiches, fried dough, bacon, eggs, french toast, homefries.... Yum!
Another reminder that Saturday (Oct 11) the Blanchard Tournament and the Frost Tournament - sign up at 11:30 - shot gun start at 12 (calloway system) - social byob and hor deuve at 5:00 - $5 for golf and/or $1 for social only. You do not have to be a member!Also at noon on Saturday is BEACH CLEAN UP - meeting at Chandlers Cove - contact Thea at tyoungs@islandinstitute.org or 846-0157.Congratulations to Sarah Prescott who has just had her second book published "The Truth about Horses. You can buy the book online and there is a copy at the Library. The book will be available at BookSense in Falmouth (will be there soon) and can also be ordered online on Amazon. Click here to learn more or go to her website http://www.sarahpgibson.com/. Sarah even has a podcast on her site and she reads chapter four of her book - it is wonderful and now I have to read the rest. Mark McGee's company Central Landing Sound recorded it for her.School Committee meeting is tomorrow night at 6:30 at the school - see agenda.
Friday's Pre-School Weekly Report.Cooperatively the CIS students harvested the one pumpkin the garden produced and many melons. The pumpkin will be joining others at the Maine Pumpkin Festival this weekend at the Cumberland Fairgrounds.Kristen and Sophie came to visit school today. As you can see her class was very excited to see them both.A note from Florence Rich of Island Riches: The shop will be open every day except mon. & thur.(unless I am home) until after Columbus day weekend.After that I will be open weekends until after Thanksgiving weekend.If you need somthing call 846-4986he Maine Island Trails Association and the Ocean Conservancy is hosting a BEACH CLEAN UP over Columbus day weekend. We will meet at Chandlers Cove at noon on the 11th, and possibly also go over to the Indian Point and towards Little Chebeague, since MITA will be working over there (they may also come to join us). All ages are welcome to help out. A couple people with vehicles who are willing to help with transport would be really great. An RSVP to tyoungs@islandinstitute.org or 846-0157 would be helpful but not necessary.
Frost and Blanchard Tournaments to be held on October 11 at the Great Chebeague Golf Club. It is lots of fun -you don't have to be a member to play. Sign up from 11:30 to 11:50 and begins at Noon. Social at 5 p.m. BYOB and hor'd to share. $5.00 golf and social. $1.00 social alone.Marshall still has AKA registered Yorkies available - they have their shots - ages 1 1/2 to 3 years old for $350 - he really would like to find homes for them as well as some birds are still available and will be given away FREE with cages. Call him at 846-4381.John Holt and the CRC want you to know: The Rec Center's October newswas inadvertently left out of the October calendar!!!!! There are lots of events -- with deadlines -- and important information. Please click here to find out about all the fun and exciting Halloween'y events going on this month!!
This week on WCSH TV Website the York at Greely football game will be webcast on their website at 7pm. Hopefully we will see a great game with Nate Martin as quarterback and Jake Dimick playing for Greely.Town of Chebeague IslandThis past weekend someone borrowed our large sewer snake and has not returned it and we can't remember who it was. If you know of or have the snake we really need it - thank you.
One of the participants in Survivor this season from Maine you may know from Chebeague. Bob Crowley has a house on Stave and was one of the people who helped and supported our secession - you may remember him speaking at the Town Council meetings. He is a Physics teacher in Gorham and spends his summers on Stave which is part of Chebeague.This Sunday, Doug Damon will presenting Working with Wood And The Making of the Chebeague Clock Sunday, October 5 @2 pm At the Museum of Chebeague History - see flyer.
On Tuesday morning the island school kids with teachers walked down the road to Chuck Varney's home to watch and participate in the making of cider. It was a short field trip in distance covered, but a long journey back in time to when local island farmers made their own cider every fall. The hand picked apples were placed into the press and then ground by the kids under the watchful eye of Chuck and Peter. Their efforts were rewarded by sampling the cider.Come visit with your
State Representative Meredith Strang Burgess and Gerald M. "Jerry"
Davis Candidate for State Senate District #11 at Doughty's Island
Market, Saturday, October 4th 9:00 am
Town of Chebeague Island- Workshop Meeting of the - Board of Selectmen - Wednesday, October 1st, 2008 at 7:00PM - Island Hall Community Center 1.Review of proposed Traffic/Parking Ordinance.2. Review of existing parking regulations and existing fines. 3. Review of parking improvements.
Absentee ballots are available starting today at the Town Office for the November 4th election. For more information about getting absentee ballots click here. You must call the office in person 846-3148- no emails for ballots.Just a note to let people know that the wrecked car sitting in front of the Town office is being torn apart and used by the Fire/Rescue Department for training. I think they have more plans for it tonight so tomorrow it will look even worse!Friday's Pre-School Weekly Report.For those who are wondering if you won or who won the CPA raffle - click here for results. CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OUR WINNERS!!! And a huge THANK YOU to all of the donors for their very generous gifts. Without you, this raffle would not be possible. Thank you for supporting the CPA.Tonight is the Free Concert Music by Friends and Neighbors at 7:30 at the Church.
CRC would like to extend CONGRATULATIONS to all those who faithfully and diligently swam laps this summer, and to those who kept track of their laps to "SWIM CASCO BAY." Top 5 distance swimmers were: Beth Howe at 15.7 miles, Nick Wessell at 20 miles, Anna Maine at 22.6 miles, Sheila Putnam at 31.5 miles, and our top swimmer Barrie Shepherd who swam an astonishing 40.1 miles over the course of the summer! Great work!Another reminder about the Chicken Harvest Dinner and Evening of Spirituals/Gospel music When: Saturday September 27th 5:30pm - 7:00 pm Supper, 7:00pm Spirituals Where: Parish House/Church Cost: $7.50 for dinner per person Proceeds to benefit the church Music Ministry Fund which will help to cover the costs of repairing the organ in the church.
The Land Trust meeting which has been advertized for Saturday as well will be from 7 til 8:30 with the speaker, Pete Didisheim starting at 7:30 or later to talk about windpower. So people will still be able to go to the Church Supper and hear the Land Trust Speaker.What a beautiful Fall we have been having! Just a reminder that this Saturday Chebeague and Cumberland Land Trust will be holding its annual meeting on Chebeague in the Chebeague Island Hall 7-8:30 and it is open to the public. We will be serving a dinner, giving a talk about the land trust and activities of the last year, and hosting Pete Didisheim, NRCM's Advocacy Director, who will give a talk titled "Tapping Windpower to help solve Maine's Energy Crisis."
this Friday, September 26, at 7:30 in the Chebeague United Methodist Church - participating artists are John Howard, piano; Sally Merrill, piano and Barbara Porter, flute. Music by Arcangelo Corelli, Johann Sebastian Bach, Geroge Frideric Handel, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Johannes Brahms and Maurice Ravel.
Congratulations to Nate Martin (Greely quarterback) who was the Portland Press Herald Player of the Week. He scored four touchdowns and rushed for 273 yards on only six carries to spark the Rangers to their second win in as many games witha 53-30 decision over Gray-New Gloucester. Nate scored on runs of 40, 10, 65, and 86 yards. Also Shining Brightly was Jake Dimick (running back) who scored three touchdowns and gained 250 yards for Greely.and Evening of Spirituals/Gospel music When: Saturday September 27th 5:30pm - 7:00 pm Supper 7:00pm Spirituals Where: Parish House/Church Cost: $7.50 for dinner per person Proceeds to benefit the church Music Ministry Fund which will help to cover the costs of repairing the organ in the church. This is shaping up to be an exciting evening of music. Plan to join us!! FMI call the church office at 846-4106.
Miss Nancy's Friday report for Pre-school is now online - click hereLast Friday the School children enjoyed some pool time at the Pool. The pool will be closed Monday for the season.The rec center is looking for volunteers for teen center which is trying to be open on Friday and Saturday nights -please call 846-5068 if you can help.The bridge class is going great on Tuesday from 7 - 8:30pm - $40 for the session of 6 weeks (5 left) - Linda Carleton is the instuctor. (Rec is looking for card tables)at the Hall, Saturday September 20 at 7:00 p.m. $5.at the door. (not 7:30 as previously advertised)
Message from Florence Rich: "Island Riches is having a sale the last week of september.from the 23rd to 30th. Some items 25% and some items at 50% off. If I am not in the shop just ring bell on counter. Call Florence if you have any questions.846-4986"Warren Bogle's brother, Dennis lost
his fight against lymphoma on September 13, 2008. His funeral
will be September 17th in Lyndhurst, N.J. Sue and Warren
are thankful that their families were all present this summer
for their daughter, Kim's wedding.
September 15, 2008 - Don't forget that tonight at the Hall the Historical Society is presenting a slide show featuring all the Island artists who are no longer with us.
Last weeks preschool newsletter came out Friday. - Walking school bus is Tuesday the 16th with everyone meeting at the Historical Society at 8am. Breakfast at school.The School Committee will meet as scheduled at the School, Tuesday, September 16th at 6:30pm. See Agenda.Did you miss the opportunity to participate in the Historical Society WWII Boat Tours narrated by Jim Millinger? Another has been scheduled for Sunday, September 14 at 2:00 p.m. Call the Holt house at 846-5040 for more information and to guarantee your seat or, if you're willing to take your chances, report to the Marie L at the Stone Pier on Sunday by 1:55.
This Thursday evening the school will be offering free adult basic internet classes at the school from 7 to 8:30. There are a number of laptop computers at the school or you can bring your own. I even have some expert computer people assisting (David Hill and John Holt) me so all questions will probably be able to be answered. It should be fun as we learn about browsers, search engines, and terminology.Town of Chebeague Island, Maine Warrant for Special Town Meeting - September 13th, 2008 at the Chebeague Island Community Hall, 247 South Road, Chebeague Island, Maine at 9 o'clock in the morning
Chebeague Island Historical Society will present a slide show, on Monday evening, September 15 at the Island Hall, featuring original paintings of Chebeague scenes by deceased Chebeague artists.The WHALERS will perform on Saturday, September 20, 7:30 p.m. at the Chebeague Island Hall and Community Center. Admission: $5.00 at the door.Every Monday morning, from 9 - 11, starting today September 8, the Food Pantry will be open. People can pick up staples they need. They may also call 846-4106 if they would like to come at another time. Food donations may also be dropped off at the church office in the Parsonage.
I have just include photos from this past summers Sailing classes - click here.Congratulations to Nate Martin (son of Kim and John) who, as quarterback for Greely, threw 3 touchdown passes and also rushed for another to beat Poland 32 to 0. Also Jake Dimick (grandson of Maryellen and Harland Webber) rushed for 74 yards for Greely.
Last week the school children started harvesting some of their garden vegetables as you can see here."The CRC Fall Program Guide and Schedule will be arriving in your mailboxes momentarily. Please note the following change due to the delay in getting the brochure to residents the Beginning Bridge class which was to start on Sept 9 will now start on Sept 16 to give people a chance to register. Cost for this class will be $40 for a 6-week session. There will still be no class on Sept. 23."The 2nd week of the Chebeague Parents Association's Calendar Raffle prizes have been drawn and the winners are: Sept 7th -$25 CASH from Douglas E. Ross Contractor - Ginger Hobart; Sept 8th - $25 Gift Certificate from Allen Sterling & Lothrup - Tad & Tina Runge; September 9th - $25 Gift Certificate from Grill 233 - Kim Martin; Sept 10th - $50 CASH from Chris Doughty Bristle-n-Sash - Paul Cleary; Sept 11th - Six Lobsters donated by Chris Rich - Mary Ellen Webber; Sept 12th - $50 CASH given anonymously - Joe & Regina Maruca; Sept 13th - $100 CASH from Kim Boehm Island Electric - Beverly Johnson. Congratulations to the second week of winners! Remember you can still buy raffle tickets at the Library or at The Niblic. There are still 17 fantastic prizes to be drawn including lots of CASH! Thank you for supporting the CPA!A couple of weeks ago was Daisy's Birthday and fortunately Cathy MacNeill was there to capture all the excitement so click here.
We also had the Selkies synchronized swimmers on the island for the weekend and they performed at the pool as they have every year and again Cathy was there to photograph the show.Don't forget that tomorrow BJ and Jenny will be performing their adult comedy show that you won't want to miss at 7:30 at the Hall.Wednesday, September 10th, 2008 @ 7:00PM At the Island Hall & Community Center - see agenda.
Message from the Town: Storm precautions before Hannahwill be holding its annual meeting
on Chebeague in the Chebeague Island Hall on Saturday September
27th at 7pm.Greely Football October Calendar Raffle
Greely Football October Calendar Raffle - Starts October
1, 2008 and will continue with bonus days through November 5th.
There are over $3,000.00 in prizes and 36 chances to win!!
Each name drawn will win the item shown on that day. You
have multiple chances to win because if your name is drawn on
one day, it will be put back in the drawing giving you an opportunity
to win another day, and so on!! You have a chance to win
all 36 prizes!! A list of winners will be posted on the Greely Football websitedaily. If you purchase two, it will double your chances
to win, and so on!! $10.00 each call for Captain Nate Martin at 846-5342. Thank you
for supporting Greely Football!!
The CPA Annual Meeting that is scheduled on Monday, September 8th has been rescheduled to Monday, September 15th at Vicki Todd's house at 7pm. It is potluck, bring a dish if you wish.
Town of Chebeague Island - Special Meeting of the Board of Selectmen - Wednesday, September 3rd, 2008 @ 7:00PM At the Island Hall & Community Center 1. Call meeting to order. 2. To see if Selectmen will set articles for Special Town Meeting, September13, 2008. 3. Adjourn meeting.The first week of the Chebeague Parents Association's Calendar Raffle prizes have been drawn and the winners are: Sept 1st $50 CASH from Jon Rich Plumbing - Marty Tower; Sept 2nd Round of Golf for 2 from the Chebeague Golf Club - Jay Kendeigh; September 3rd $50 gift certificate to The Niblic from the Chebeague Island Boat Yard - Ann Long; Sept 4th $50 CASH from Rob Prescott's Island Tree Works - Trish Glass; Sept 5th $50 CASH from Bev Johnson Chebeague Plumbing - Rodney Hamilton; Sept 6th $100 CASH from Jane Leonard Realtor for RE/MAX by the Bay - Ruth White.Congratulations to the first week of winners! Remember you can still buy raffle tickets at the Library or at The Niblic. There are still 24 fantastic prizes to be drawn this month including lots of CASH! Thank you for supporting the CPA!he Rec Center will be closed on Labor Day, as will the Pool. ***PLEASE NOTE new Pool Hours for September Pool Closed on Mondays and Wednesdays. Tuesday and Thursday, lap swim from 7:30-9 AM, lap swim from 12-1, open swim from 3-4. Friday, lap swim 12-1, open swim 3-4. Saturday and Sunday, lap swim 7:30-9AM, lap swim 12-1, open swim 1-4. Last day of swimming for the season is Sept. 21. Thanks for a great summer!
The annual Labor Day Weekend Swatfest was held yesterday at the Golf Course and congratulations to the winners, Women's 1st place, Joan Dayton, 2nd place Donna Clark, 3rd place Barbara Marshall - Mens 1st place Jim Van Fleet and a tie for 2nd place Doug Clark and Jim Sharples. In the Junior Swatfest 1st place Dylan Doughty and 2nd place Tyler Campbell.tomorrow Sunday, August 31st!
The new CIC Monthly Calendar is out today and has a new look! The new editor, John Holt, has redone the format and it was in the mail today - very exciting. We will now have an interactive YAHOO activity calendar which is linked to this website. Organizations will be able to go into it and make changes and add their events and descriptions. When something changes or an error is discovered we will be able to add it to the Yahoo Calendar. I have added a link to the top of the News page which will bring you to the calendar and you will be able to view by month, week, day and event. For information about adding to the monthly mailed out calendar or more about this features you can still click on Island Council Calendar above.A big thank you goes out to Barbara Hamilton who has worked so dilligently over the last six years to bring us the Calendar. She has dedicated herself to this community and we all thank her.The CICA Housing Committee will be doing repairs and weatherization on their first property, 226 South Road, on LABOR DAY, September 1, 2008. For anyone who is interested in seeing the house or learning more about the affordable housing program, they will be having an OPEN HOUSE that afternoon from 1:00 to 5:00. Coffee and doughnuts will be served.
This Sunday, 31st, BJ Abrahamson and Jenny Goff will be doing an Adult Comedy Theater Reading at the Hall at 7:30 PM. The cost will be $8 at the door to benefit the stove fund.Sunday, August 31 is DIAMOND DAY at the ball field! Beginning at 11 AM we will celebrate t-ball, wiffleball and softball diamond games for all ages! Bring your glove and your family and have fun with your friends and neighbors. Lunch will be available to purchase bring a blanket and have a picnic! Sponsored by the Rec Center. FMI or to register, please call the Rec at 846-5068 or Tom Adams at 846-5690.
Congratulations to Tyler Campbell and Dylan Doughty who have just received thier red tags for the golf club. They have been posting some terrific scores!! Thank you also to Tom Adams who has helped them along the way.THERE'S STILL TIME!! CPA September Calendar Raffle is still available. There are 30 fantastic prizes including over $900 in CASH!! Prizes will be draw weekly for every day of the month of September. Even if your name is drawn you can win again as your ticket will go back in the jar for the next day's drawing. Tickets are $5 each or 5 for $20. They can be purchased at the Library or at the The Niblic. Call Jen Belesca for more information 846-1097. Thank you for supporting the Chebeague Parents Association.School Board Meeting tonight at 6:30 at the school - see agenda.
are returning to the Rec Center! Come and watch these wonderful Synchronized Swimmers in a performance in the pool at 2:30 PM on Sunday, August 24. The pool will be closed at 1 PM on Sunday to allow the swimmers to rehearse for their performance. The show is FREE! Pool will reopen for open swim after the performance.
Waterfront Informational Meeting Tuesday August 26th 7 pm Chebeague Island HallAugust
20, 2008 - Town of Chebeague Island "Special Executive
Session" of the Board of Selectmen Wednesday, August
20th, 2008 At the Public Safety Building The Special Executive
Meeting will come to order at approximately 8:15PM. This meeting
will be to update the Selectmen of the meeting n the Town of Yarmouth
and the Town of Chebeague Island in regard to the Wharf Agreement
negotiations. Special Meeting of the Board of Selectmen
Wednesday, August 20th, 2008 At the Public Safety
Building @ 7:00PM The agenda will be to set the MIL
RATE for the Town of Chebeague for the tax year2009.
August 19, 2008 - Next Monday is Waneta Cleaves 90th birthday and she would love to hear from people - she is staying with her daughter and cards may be sent to her c/o Betty Dolley, 6 Phillips Street, Scarboro, ME 04074, or call her at 883-8502.
New schedule for the Sailing School: to keep up with increased demand, CICSS will add another two week session in 2009. There will now be three two week sessions July 6-17; July 20-31; and August 3-14. You can also sign up for more than one session. Signup will be available at the CICSS link on this page soon after Jan 1, 2009.Tonight, Tuesday, August 19, 6:30, School Committee Meeting - see agenda.August 18, 2008 - Please come to a reception for BRITA H. BONECHI, CANDIDATE FOR THE MAINE STATE LEGISLATURE REPRESENTING CHEBEAGUE ISLAND, at the CHEBEAGUE ISLAND COMMUNITY HALL on WEDNESDAY AUGUST 20TH, 4:00 PM TO 7:00 PM, Refreshments and conversations - But no donations
August 16, 2008 - Gardeners' Exchange meets Sunday at noon on the Historical Society lawn. Gardeners may exchange produce items. Baked goods such as zucchini cookies were available one week. Non-gardeners may make a small donation in exchange for produce. Serious farmers wishing to sell their goods may choose to do so. Rain date is Wednesday, August 20 at 5:00pm.
Chebeague Island Historical Society presents: Chebeague through the Lens of Cathy MacNeill on Monday, August 18 at 7:00p.m. at the Island Hall. Donations appreciated at the door to help cover the rental of the Hall.August 15, 2008 - Town of Chebeague Island Special Meeting of the Board of Selectmen Wednesday, August 20th, 2008 At the Public Safety Building @ 7:00PM The agenda will be to set the MIL RATE for the Town of Chebeague for the tax year2009.
The Historical Society's last WW II History cruise of the season will be happening this Sunday, August 17th, at 2 pm. The Marie L will depart from the Stone Pier, and Jim Millinger will be our guide once again. The cruises have been a great success so far, so anyone who is interested should be sure reserve tickets with the Historical Society before all the spaces are filled.Barbara Gwillim Memorial Service is tomorrow August 17th at the Chebeague Methodist Church at 11 am.August 13, 2008 - The Chebeague Island Hall Community Center CLAM PUFF dinner which has been advertised for this August 23rd has had to be CANCELLED because of red tide and unavailability and affordability of clams - sorry for this change.
Anna and Julia Maine are selling Mums this August as a fundraiser for the Greely High School Girls Field Hockey team. These mums are beautiful, healthy plants from Estabrook's in Yarmouth. The cost is $7.50 per pot- or 6 pots for $40. Best of all - the flowers will be delivered right to your door on Labor Day weekend ! The mums come in 5 colors: White, Yellow, Lavender, Bronze and Maroon- let them know any color preferences when ordering. All orders need to be in by Monday August 25th. Pre-payment is greatly appreciated. To order call Anna or Julia Maine at 846-4769 or email: (Anna) armaine@smemaine.com or (Julia) fieldhockeyfanatic4@yahoo.comTown of Chebeague Island Regular Meeting of the Board of Selectmen Wednesday, August 13, 2008, 7:00pm, At the Island Hall & Community Center - see agenda.August 12, 2008 - I just received an email from Kim Bogle who is in Beijing with 10 students and they have a blog on in the Unionleader.com sharing their experience. She says it is a "once in a lifetime" experience and they are off to Archery on the Olympic Green today and will be at Women's Soccer tonight:
August 11, 2008 - The Rec
is holding Belly Dancing Classes for adults on Wednesdays
in August from 1:30-3PM. Classes are $40 for the 4-session
program. Please contact the Rec TODAY if you'd like to get
in on this class our first class was a lot of fun but we
need more participants!
Also, the Rec is looking for Teen Center Leaders for weekends
in August. If you are the parent of a teen who would like
this position (or would like to volunteer!) please call the Rec
ASAP for more information.
August 10, 2008 - Today was the Public Safety Open House - I took a few photos from the event.
Again, the Adult Theatre Play was so much fun and I managed to get some little videos of some of the songs. I want to appologize for not getting them all and some of them getting cut out short and the quality does not represent how great the singing was.August 9, 2008 - The sun came out today for a while!
The Chebeague Unitied Methodist Church has decided to mark down theirr scenic clendar price from $20 to $15 . Anyone that has paid the original price of $20 should call 846-4133 or 846-4117 for a $5 refund. Here is a chance to see the some of the scenes in the calendar. What a great stocking stuffer or make arrangements to have them sent for an added Christmas present, thank you present, or New Years gift. You can probably pick them up tonight at the Spagetti Supper.The CRC Adult Theatre production Return to the Forbidden Planet directed by Rachel Damon is hilarious with fabulous performances, especially the leads Stephanie Martin and Jonny Miller! The songs were so much fun including "Good Vibrations", Teenager in Love", "Gloria", "Great Balls of Fire" and many more. John Howard, Sue Sawyer, Kathie McCatherin, Peter Carleton, Linda Ewing and all the backup singers, musicians including Brad Martin, Betts Mayer, Tom Adams, Mary Holt, Bruce Bowman, Josh Doughty, Cooper Boman, J. Holt, Henry Edwards and Martha Hamilton. Special help by Cyrus McLean, Abby Dutton, Doug Damon and many more. Tonight at 7:30 - you don't want to miss it.Don't Forget: The Annual Public Safety Open House - Sunday 10th August from 10am until 2pm Public Safety Building 192 North Road - It's Free - Food and Drinks Available - Water Activities for Kids - Watch "the crazy Canadian Professor" purposely fall in a frozen pond -then see how he gets out. Fire and Boat Safety Info ****Learn how to use a Fire Extinguisher**** Watch FireFighter Competitions - Get your Blood Pressure Checked - Tour the Ambulance - Meet Deputy Sheriff Scott Secord - Get inside the police cruiser - Fingerprint your child - Meet the HarborMaster Maybe even set off some Flares !!! Go on-line : See if you can find all the fire hazards in the house Learn about taking care of cuts and scraps - See the famous "Brain Bucket" demonstration.ATTENTION ALL GARDENERS and Garden Fresh Produce Seekers: Come to the Gardeners' Exchange tomorrow, Sunday, at 12:00 noon on the lawn of the Historical Society. Gardeners may exchange produce items. Non-gardeners may make a small donation to the Historical Society in exchange for produce. Serious farmers wishing to sell their goods may choose to do so. Rain date is Wednesday, August 13 at 5:00pm.August 8, 2008 - Effective 0940 am today
August 8, 2008, all shellfish harvesting is closed due to pollution
from heavy rainfall.
7, 2008 - The Board of Selectmen are looking for volunteers
interested in serving on the following committees or boards:
Planning Board
Board of Adjustments and Appeals
Those interested may send a letter of interest to the town office
in care of Scott Seaver.
August 6, 2008 - Monday Jim Millinger did a couple of walking tours of the East End during World War II and I have posted some photos taken by Bob Earnest. They show the gun mounts and buildings that are left. I can't say enough about how interesting the exhibit is at the Historical Society and all the tours that Jim has been doing. Chebeague was a hopping place during World War II and the Historical Society has done such a great job showing this.
This weekend - Adult Theater will present "Return to the Forbidden Planet" on August 8 and 9 at 7:30 PM at the Hall. Tickets will be $10 for adults, $8 for kids under 12, available at the door. There will be no advance ticket sales this year. Come early for the best seats!Don't forget The Ladies Aid Fair tomorrow August 7, from 12:30 - 3pm at the CIHCC (Hall) - lunch, hot dogs, chicken sandwiches, chips - desserts! The church is also having a Spaghetti Dinner at the Parish House, Saturday, August 9th from 5pm to 6:30pm , $5 per person $20max family- What a great night the family could have going to the dinner and then making your way over to see the hilarious Adult Theatre play.August 5, 2008 - There will be a memorial serrvice for Barbara Gwillim on August 16th at 11 AM at the Chebeague Island Church.
The annual meeting of the Chebeague Island Council will be held at the Chebeague United Methodist Church Parish House at 7:30 PM on Wednesday, August 20th, 2008 ---The annual election of officers and board members will be included. A quorum, of 30 members must be present to conduct any business. A "member" is one who has paid their annual dues of at least $12.00 within the past 12 months. We hope that you will attend the meeting. If you are unable to attend PLEASE complete the proxy and send it to Deb Bowman at cheblib@hotmail.com, or deliver it to the envelope on the desk in the Library.For sale are Pullet chickens which will be ready to lay by the end of the summer for $5.00 each - call 846-4381 if interested.August 4, 2008 - There are still seats available
on the Historical Society WWII Cruise tomorrow (Tuesday, 8/5)
leaving from the Stone Pier at 10:00am, $25. per person. Be at
the dock a bit before 10:00 if you would like to participate.
August 3, cont. - The Chebeague Island
Historical Society has space remaining in its 4:30 -5pm Benefit
Walking Tour
"World War II Comes to the East End" Led
by Jim Millinger - Monday, August 4 Rendezvous at the museum
for carpooling and ticket purchase at 4:15pm Tickets $5
for members $7 for non-members
August 3, 2008 - Yesterday I got a photo of the Lobster Boat Sand Sculpture at the Inn! Ed Jarrett, who is known all over for his award winning ice sculptures and sand castles decided to create one for the Inn in his "spare" time while running the Chebeague Inn! He had some help from kids on the island with design advice from a Chebeague Lobsterman and he even used Island sand which is a little courser and rockier than what he is used to. You can see his other ice and sand sculptures on his website Maine Snow and Ice Sculptures.
The birds I showed a few weeks ago are still available and will be given away FREE with cages - call 846-4381. There are also available Yorkies and a beautiful black female lab a few months old for $500 each.The sun popped out and the sky turned blue just in time for the first Gardeners' Exchange on the Historical Society's lawn, which featured organic produce from 6 Chebeague gardens. Cucumbers, zucchini, kale, salad greens, green beans, yellow beans, cabbage, patti pan, and French fingerling potatoes were exchanged among gardeners. In addition, shoppers stopped by to pick up garden fresh veggies and made donations to the Historical Society in exchange for produce. Due to the rainy start to the day, folks have requested that the Gardeners' Exchange meet again on Wednesday, August 6 at 5:00pm. Gardeners reported that red tomatoes may be available by next Sunday. Many thanks to Jenny Goff for this great idea.Town of Chebeague Island "Special Executive Session" Of the Board of Selectmen Tuesday, August 5th, 2008 @ 6:30PM At the Public Safety Building 1. Executive Session: 1.1 To convene into Executive Session Pursuant to M.S.R.A. 405. To see if the Selectmen will discuss the negotiating points of a proposed Wharf Agreement between the Town of Chebeague Island and the Town of Yarmouth. 1.2 Adjourn meetingAugust 2, 2008 - ATTENTION ALL GARDENERS and Garden Fresh Vegetable Seekers: Come to the first Gardeners' Exchange tomorrow, Sunday, at 12:00 noon on the lawn of the Historical Society. Gardeners may exchange produce items. Non-gardeners may make a small donation to the Historical Society in exchange for produce. Serious farmers wishing to sell their goods may choose to do so. Rain date is Wednesday, August 6 at 5:00pm.
We are making some changes to the Town website so that you may get the minutes and agendas in a more timely manner. Under Island News there is a link to Town Minutes & Agendas as well as a link on the Town of Chebeague site. It will take some time to get it all together but it's a start.July 31, 2008 - Saturday, August 2nd is the Island Commons Yard Sale at the CIHCC from 10 to 2 pm!
The Great Chebeague Golf Club Women's Committee is having their Bake Sale on Hamilton's Law at 9:30 am, Saturday August 2nd - to support the Junior Golf Program.The Historical Society is having a slide show presentation on Monday, August 18th, 7 pm, at the Hall: Chebeague Through the Lens of CathyJuly 30, 2008 - This coming weekend is Bulky Weekend on Saturday and Sunday from 9 to 3. Remember that Chedemption will be closed on those days.
Saturday, August 9th is Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day at the Public Works Garage from 9 am to 1 pm. To see a list of items you may bring - click here!The CRC's Adult Theater will present "Return to the Forbidden Planet" on August 8 and 9 at 7:30 PM at the Hall. Tickets will be $10 for adults, $8 for kids under 12. Come early for the best seats!Sunday, August 10th at 7:30 pm at the Chebeague Methodist Church is the Sebago-Long Lake Music Festival - Admission FREE - brought to you by the Free Concert Fund. AND in Addition - Music for Kids by the Sebago-Long Lake Festival Monday August 11th at 10 am at the Chebeague Methodist Church - FREE. See Flyer!July 28, 2008 - Alice in Wonderland was a fabulous show thanks to all the hard work by the cast, crew, families and especially Rachel! I was able to get a couple of movie clips which are a must see. (flowers dancing ) -- (One of the songs) -- (Curtain - full cast)
How about help with Chedemption - Summer volunteers needed! Chedemption is such a wonderful thing for Chebeague. Not only does it help lower the waste at the transfer station it is so good for our environment and our non-profits who are benefitting financially from the money we get from the returns. Sometimes the non-profits have trouble finding members to take on the times of sorting and packing - especially when the same members are on many organizations and are already overworking. It would be great to have summer islanders, renters and others help with this. I think it could be a fun project for a family to come up and spend a couple of hours in the summer volunteering in this way. Click here for a list of the times available for volunteering and please contact one of the non-profits and let them know if you are able to help or call Beth Howe 846-7829.July 26, 2008 - NOTICE: There are still seats available on the Historical Society WWII Cruise tomorrow (Sunday) morning leaving from the Stone Pier at 9:00am, $25. per person. For more information contact Mary Holt, 846-5040.
There will be a memorial service for Bob Jones on Monday, July 28 at 1:00pm at the Great Chebeague Golf Clubhouse. No suits or ties at Bob's request. There will also be a short prayer service at 11:00 am at the church open to all. In Lieu of flowers, donations may be made to The Samaritan Fund and/or Cynnie's Group c/o the Chebeague Island Council, 36 Fenderson Road, Chebeague Island, ME 04017.The Chebeague Island Town Office will be "CLOSED" Monday, July 28th, 2008 From approximately 12:30PM to 2:00PM So that the Clerks may attend Memorial Services for Bob Jones !!Here are a few photos from Cathy MacNeill of Alice in Wonderland taken at last night 's performance. The show is wonderful so you won't want to miss it tonight at 7:30.Chebeague Island Historical Society presents the video "The Home Front 1940-1943" followed by a WWII era sing-a-long. Monday, July 28 at 7:30 at the Museum.2009 Chebeague Church Scenic Calendar are selling for $20 ea. One can find them at the Chebeague Island Library or the Chebeague Boatyard. The Ladies Aid plan to sell them at their Fair on August 7th. Each month shows a familiar scene of Chebeague (winter, spring, summer and fall). Must see to appreciate! Really nice. For further information, call Cathy MacNeill (846-4133) or Sylvia Ross (846-4117).July 23, 2008 - This Sunday - Charting a Sustainable Course - Workshop of the Town of Chebeague Island Comprehensive Planning Committee at 1 P.M. at the Island Hall and Community Center.
July 22, 2008 - Chebeague Children's Theatre is excited to announce their production of Alice in Wonderland on Friday July 25th and Saturday July 26th at 7:30pm at the hall. Tickets are only $6 for kids under 12 and $8 for adults and are available at the door. Be sure to arrive early if you want a good seat! Alice In Wonderland features 30 actors ages 6-13 and memorable hits like "I'm Late", "The Un-Birthday Song", and "Zip-a-dee-do-dah" and is directed by Rachel Damon. Hope to see you there! Check out a preview photo!
On Tuesday, July 29 from 12 noon to 3 PM John Blois, renowned Maine Table Tennis player, will teach Ping Pong skills in the Rec gym. He will also be making repairs to the table, so please treat it with respect! This special event will be offered at $2 per person. RSVP at 846-5068 if you plan to attend, so we know how many to expect.July 21, 2008 - The Selectmens meeting this Wednesday will be starting at 6:30 for Executive Session and then opening up for a Special public meeting at around 7:45 - see the revised agenda.
Congratulations to Nate Martin who has made the Telegram All-State Baseball team - the Portland Press Herald says: "Martin is one of the fastest players in the state, which means he can get to almost any ball hit to center field or into one of the gaps. He is a two-time Western Maine Conference all-star. Martin batted .481, scored 27 runs and knocked in 14 runs. But his most impressive stat was the fact he was 26 for 26 in stolen bases. According to Coach Derek Soule, Martin is drawing interest from Division 1 schools.The Clancy's would like to thank the Chebeague rescue, the Islander's Captain and crew and everyone else involved when their daughter Erin fractured her humerus and dislocated her left elbow. The response was quick, the assistance proffesional and the transition to the mainland as pain free as possible. Thanks again Kevin Clancy.The Annual Public Safety Open House - Sunday 10th August from 10am until 2pm Public Safety Building 192 North Road - It's Free - Food and Drinks Available - Water Activities for Kids - Watch "the crazy Canadian Professor" purposely fall in a frozen pond -then see how he gets out. Fire and Boat Safety Info ****Learn how to use a Fire Extinguisher**** Watch FireFighter Competitions - Get your Blood Pressure Checked - Tour the Ambulance - Meet Deputy Sheriff Scott Secord - Get inside the police cruiser - Fingerprint your child - Meet the HarborMaster Maybe even set off some Flares !!! Go on-line : See if you can find all the fire hazards in the house Learn about taking care of cuts and scraps - See the famous "Brain Bucket" demonstration.July 20, 2008 - This week the Maine Writers & Publishers Alliance guest blogger is Gisele Phipps - congratulations Gisele!
July 19, 2008 - Tonight, July 19 - 7 PM Chebeague Methodist Church "From
Bach to The Beatles" Quintopia Brass Quintet Free Concert
July 15, 2008 - ***NOTICE*** The
Wood and/or Brush Dump area
of the Chebeague Transfer Station will be
"CLOSED" Due to the chipping of the brush
July 16th to July 26th, 2008 (unless the chipping
and clean-up is completed sooner than expected)There will be absolutely
"NO" entrance to this area until chipping
has been completed. If you have any questions please call the
Town Office at 846-3148 or speak to the Transfer Station Attendant.
July 14, 2008 - CICA's Housing Committee is meeting Tuesday, July 15, 2008 at 7:15 at the Parish House - see agenda.
The Planning Board meeting Thursday, July 17 at 7:15 at the Hall on amendments to the Zoning Ordinance - click here for details.July 13, 2008 - Chebeague
Island Historical Society, Monday, July 14, 7:30 p.m. at the
Please join Jim Millinger in an Exploration of the Museum's 2008
July 10, 2008 - Ladies Aid is having an Ice Cream Social Saturday evening from 6 to 7:30 - $5 for adults, $3 for children. Four kinds of ice cream with all kinds of toppings!
July 9, 2008 - Last night's Talent Show was a blast and the Hall was standing room only - Rachel ran the show and even had 12 changes of costume it was terrific. I got lots of photos and a few videos which you can see here. Sorry I only got the back of Holly but I did get a short video of her playing the piano.
Selectmen's meeting tonight at 7 at the Hall - see agenda.More wonderful photos of the Quadathlon taken by Sam Birkett.The results of the Fourth of July Parade have been posted along with more photos.There are some birds looking for homes and they are at a very reasonable price and even include cages - click here for more details and some photos. There are five cockateels, 3 parakeets and 2 canaries.July 8, 2008 - July 13th is the Island craft fair at the hall from 9-2. Beth LeSeige Copp will have a donation center, aka a box, for anyone that would like to help with, her now continuing efforts, of helping the troops. Feel free to email questions or you can call her at 615-3035
Some photos of the Quadathon taken by Holly Bowling and the Earnests.There is a meeting of the Comprehensive Planning Committee July 10th at 7pm at the Hall - see agenda.TALENT SHOW - tonight 7:30 at the Hall! refreshments for sale as well as Quadathlon t-shirts ($10)July 5, 2008 - Come One, Come All to....
Chebeague's Got Talent!!!!!!
Tuesday at 7:30 at the Hall
July 4, 2008 - I have photos of the Fun Run, Road Race and the Parade on line now and will get the results
July 2, 2008 - I have just added Sunset House and Terrace Lodge to the Rentals Page above.
A new website has been set up for the Marie L - she is in the water and ready to take passengers so check out the site.June 30, 2008 - This week is Clown Camp at Camp Chebeague and the clowns and everyone are very excited! The Clown college has a wonderful website that is listed on our Chebeague Page for those who haven't seen it - go to http://www.chebeagueclowncollege.com and see how much fun it is!
Island Riches wanted me to remind everyone that they will take orders for flowers and to check out their gift shop at the top of Chandler's Wharf - click here for more information and website.CICA is now seeking tenants for its "affordable" house at 226 South Road for more information click here.Last week the Commons had their Wine Tasting, silent auction and art show to raise money for the Commons. It was a huge success and they featured Shirley Burgess's artwork. Cathy MacNeill took lots of photos which I have put online which shows the fun as well as the fabulous Shirley Burgess creations!June 29, 2008 - Congratulations to Martha Hamilton and Cathy MacNeill who were honored recently by the Historical Society as volunteers of the year.
June 27, 2008 - Whalers Concert - Songs from the River - Saturday 6/28 at 8:00p.m., $8.00 at the door.
Congratulations to Caroline Summa who had the second highest jump in all of Maine during the State Outdoor championships and came in 10th in New England and she was only a Freshman. Last week she went to a camp where Dick Fosbury the 1968 Gold medalist who invented the modern style of high jumping worked with her.Chebeague.net will be working on the T1 line at the East End in the morning around 7am so we may be down for a couple of minutes at that time. Also the E-mail System is being switched over to a new bandwidth between midnight and 6am which shouldn't have any effect on anyone but if you do have any problems remember to reset (turn off and on) your modem, router/gateway and computer. This should solve the problems by clearing the DNS cache in your machine.June 26, 2008 - NECN has a report on Chebeague and Nabisco's Crown Pilot.
June 24, 2008 - Article in today's Portland Press Herald about Beth LeSeige Copp's project to mail care packages to Afghanistan to honor Justin Buxbaum's memory.
THE CHEBEAGUE ISLAND TOWN OFFICE AND THE CHEBEAGUE ISLAND TRANSFER STATIONJune 23, 2008 - A note from the Chebeague Inn: Wanted summer help in housekeeping with weekend hours required. Apply in person at the Chebeague Inn.
Chebeague Children's Theater is excited to announce auditions for Alice in Wonderland Thursday June 26 and Friday June 27 at 3pm at the hall. Click to find out more!Chebeague Island Players announces AUDITIONS for their summer show, Return to the Forbidden Planet, Sunday June 29 and Monday June 30. **Please note the new dates*** at 7pm at the Hall. Everyone is welcome, no experience needed click to find out more!If you have questions about either show, or won't be on island for auditions call Rachel Damon at 207 318 8115 or e-mail her at rachel.damon@gmail.com.June 21, 2008 - The Rec Center is still accepting teams or individuals to compete in the 2nd Annual QUADATHLON to be held on July 6 at the Boatyard at 1PM. Gather your four-person team to row, swim, bike and run, or be IRONPERSON and do all the events yourself. Entry fee is $100 per person, proceeds to benefit Rec Center programs. There will be prizes for the winners and for those who raise the most money for the Rec Center. There are many benefits to being an athlete for this great cause including a free commemorative t-shirt, free meal and the aches and pains of a day well-spent in exercise! Register TODAY ! 846-5068 or via email at crc@chebeague.net. Spectators also wanted come cheer on your favorite team! There will be food, games and fun! Come eat birthday cake to help us celebrate the Rec's TENTH ANNIVERSARY!
Congratulations to Sarah Prescott who was honored yesterday as the Rec Center's volunteer of the year and to Jeanette Hamilton who is the volunteer of the Decade!! Sarah worked volunteered this year with young children all winter and spent many hours at the rec. Jennette has been the one person who over the last 12 years has been volunteering continually. She has always been there when work has needed to be done. She has kept the gardens weeded and taken care of and is continually painting and polishing whereever there is a need.The Town has posted information about obtaining Clamming Licenses - click here.The Transfer station will be closing from time to time for funerals out of respect for the family, especially graveside services due to the noise generated from the station. The transfer station will close on June 28 from 12:45-2:00 and June 29, 12:45-1:45.I have just added some great photos from Bob Earnest of last year's sailing school and have included this year's Yacht Club's schedule.June 20, 2008 - Press Release from Tracy Walker Howell Memorial Fund - Reception at the Library on July 5th from 4-6pm to commemorate the Fund's first project.
Note from the Rec about swimming: Sun, Tues, Thurs, Sat: Adult Lap Swim 7:30-9AM, Water Aerobics 8:15-9AMJune 19, 2008 - The Pre-K classes are now done for the year and I have included online the last two newsletter reports - May 30th and June 13th!
Island Commons Wine Tasting & Silent Auction is this Sunday from 2:00 5:00. Come enjoy a great sampling of domestic wines, appetizers and great auction items, while supporting a great cause and remembering the art of Shirley M. Burgess. A few places are still available. Please call Leanne at 846-4456 to reserve your place.June 18, 2008 - The Post Office is now in it's new facility at the Boat Yard Building!
On June 12th the Chebeague Island School's 3-5 class went on their end of year field trip. Click here to see PHOTOS taken by Jenny. Together with teachers and chaperones they embarked on a 2-night schooner trip on the Timberwind (www.schoonertimberwind.com) to compliment the students coastal waters studies. It was all made possible from several fundraisers done by the students, including the Science Fair & Family Pizza/Movie Night, and a large donation from the Chebeague Parents Association. Thank you to everyone that contributed and made this trip possible. It was an incredible experience for our students and we highly recommend you visit the Tassi Family for a voyage aboard the Timberwind. Tell them their Chebeague Island friends sent you.Sally Foster is Back! Support the Chebeague Parents Association by placing an order for Sally Foster giftwrap and more. 50% of every order goes directly to the CPA to help fund many school and family oriented programs. Order through July 10th from local school children, at the library, or at the CPA table Sundays outside the store OR order anytime through Fall '08 online at sallyfoster.com, be sure to enter school account number 0506968, and have your order drop shipped directly to your home!June 17, 2008 - A celebration of the
life of Bertha Gray will take place on Saturday, June
21 at 11:00 AM, in the Chebeague Island United Methodist Church.
June 13, 2007 - I have to say that Fairpoint and of course Jim Haskell were wonderful the other day when our Recreation Center T1 line went down. They were here at first light to trouble shoot and spent the day making sure all the lines were in top shape! Thank you so much for your terrific service.
The Chebeague Island Historical Society Annual Meeting is Saturday, June 21, 7:00p.m. at the Chebeague Island Hall and Community Center. Donna Damon is the presenter. Members are expected. Nonmembers are invited. More information to come...June 11, 2008 - Article in the New York Times about the demise of the Pilot Cracker and how it is affecting us all.
FRIDAY JUNE 13 from 7-10 PM - join us at the Recreation Center for LUCKY 13 KARAOKE! Come and strut your stuff, laugh at friends and neighbors and have a great time! ALL ages and talent levels welcomed - earplugs optional! FMI call the Rec at 846-5068.The Town has a job opening they would like to advertise - click here.June 9, 2008 - Happy Birthday KK who is still in Ghana assisting with eye surgeries - she is adding to her blog frequently!
Bump Hadley, our Superintendent, has asked me to post a letter explaining tomorrow's bdget referendm vote.The memorial service for Eleanor Morse will be June 29th Sunday, at 1pm with a reception at the parish house afterwards. It was incorrectly posted as being June 20th so please correct your calendars.There will be a graveside service for Shirley Burgess on June 28th at 1pm.June 8, 2008 - Today was graduation for Greely and I was able to get a few photos of our Greely Graduates and fun movies of the send off for project graduation. People lined up on Main Street all the way to North Yarmouth and threw water balloons, water from water guns, house hoses and the fire departments escorted them all the way. Perfect weather for this kind of an event!
Save the date for the Whalers Concert: Saturday, June 28 at 8:00p.m. More info to come.June 7, 2008 - Sorry to report that chebeague.net email is not working this morning. Mainely wired is working on repairing the problem at the server downeast. Hopefully it will be repaired soon. Thank you for your patience.
June 6, 2008 - FRIDAY JUNE 6th is PIZZA - MOVIE NIGHT at the Island Hall! Everyone is welcomed to come support the Chebeague Island School and the 3-5 classes' up coming Schooner Trip. We are having a homemade Pizza Dinner starting at 6pm where you can enjoy dinner and view the students Science Projects. Then stay and join us in the library for the showing of the movie 'Second Hand Lions' starting at 7pm. All this for $5 per person. Everyone is welcome so please come out and support our students and come hungry!
June 4, 2008 - Attachment A of the Coast Waters Ordinance Warrant for the Town Meeting on Saturday.
June 3, 2008 - Arrangements for Justin's funeral and visiting hours are on the website.
Tonight there is a School Committee Meeting, 6:30 at the School - see agenda.Coastal Waters Commission is meeting Thursday, June 5, 6pm at the Hall - see agenda.Message from Nancy Vachon: Lost on Chebeague, a Red Nikon Coolpix digital camera with lots of great pictures of Cole & Jeff's party on it I would sure love to have it back if someone accidentally took it home pls call Nancy 233-3533 no questions asked.Island Riches will open June 6 10am-5pm closed Monday and Thursday (open if home) Top of hill from chandler Wharf. 207 846-4986 she will sell flowers thru June.OPENING THIS SUMMER! The Kids' Place A licensed daycare for infants and children through age12, sponsored by the CPA and located at the Chebeague Recreation Center. We will have hourly, daily and weekly rates available.June 1, 2008 - The Warrant for the Town has now been sent out and is also online. The Town Meeting is next Saturday June 7th at 9 am at the Chebeague Recreation Center. At this time lots of town business will take place including voting on accepting the budget as presented and electing a Selectman and School Board Member for the next three years. There is also an amendment to the Coastal Waters Ordinance. The following Tuesday, June 10th there is an Referendum to accept or reject the school budget which is accepted at Town Meeting. (This is a recent State Law and the first year that it has to be done this way.) Voting is at the CIHCC hall from 8 am to 8 pm.
This Friday the School is having a Science Fair and a Fundraiser to raise money for their upcoming schooner trip. The 3-5 graders will be hosing a pizza and movie night at the CIHCC Hall 6pm delicious home-made pizza and at 7pm - Movie:Scondhand Lions. The students science projects will be on display around the Hall. Donation of $5 per person.May 30, 2008 - NOTE: chebeague.net wireless service on the East End will be out sometime this morning for about a half hour while we do some work on the line. Sorry for the inconvenience.
May 28, 2008 - A message from Don and Cheryl Buxbaum: "Our grandson, Justin
Buxbaum, was killed in Afghanistan Monday evening by "friendly"
fire. He was 22. He served two tours in Iraq and this one in Afghanistan.
He leaves his mother and a brother, us and lots of
aunts - uncles - cousins." Please read the Portland
Press Herald's nicely done account of this tragedy.
May 27, 2008 - I have just added photos from the Memorial Day Service - it was a full church with wonderful music and words. The day was also dedicated to Martha who has been working tirelessly to make the Memorials special over the years. Martha was the main organizer of this years program along with help from Beth Ross and so we all were able to surprise her with a tribute.
I am also so sorry to report that Justin Buxbaum died in Afghanistan yesterday. Justin is the son of Julie Buxbaum and the grandson of Don and Cheryl. We don't have all the details as of yet.DON'T FORGET tonight is Education Appreciation Night at the Rec Center - Doors open at 6:30 and the program starts at 7 - Come and see the students work and honor our volunteers, teachers and graduating students.May 23, 2008- Here is the agenda for next week's Selectmen's meeting, Wednesday, May 28th, 7 pm at the Hall.
I just got back from the Inn where I had a delicious banana flambe over homemade vanilla ice cream - what a treat! The Inn is open for a "Sneak Preview" for islanders as noted in their flier - grand opening will be June 1st.The rumor is true - Nabisco has dropped the Pilot Cracker again - See the message from Donna.May 22, 2008 - Kay Kay made it to Ghana where she is volunteering with Unite for Sight and actually has started her blog. Read all about the first two days at http://www.katherineinghana.blogspot.com/
A notice from the Town about the wood chip dump - from May 22 till June 6th you may go in by the Town Garage entrance and take all the wood chips you want.chebeague.net regrets to report that the Boat Yard transmission station was down for 46h 53m (nearly 2 days). Fairpoint (Verizon) finally traced the problem to a broken line in the cable, which they repaired today. This is particularly disappointing considering that our contract obligates them to make such repairs in less than four hours. We'll be seeking compensation for this outage and will be reimbursing our customers accordingly.This is the worst interruption in service since our beginning, with the exception of last year's Patriot's Day storm, and we plan for it to remain so. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this outage and thank you for your understanding and support.May 20, 2008 - The season finale of the senior/community luncheon will be held 12noon tomorrow, May 21,at the Hall. All are welcome to join us for roast pork loin, with strawberry shortcake for dessert.
Selectmen's meeting tomorrow night, May 21, 7pm at the Chebeague Island Hall Community Center. See agenda.May 19, 2008 - Wednesday the Library will be closed because the rugs are being cleaned.
Memorial Day ServiceMay 17, 2008 - The Final public budget hearing for the PROPOSED 2008-09 BUDGET for the Chebeague Island School Department will be TUESDAY, May 20th at the Chebeague Island School at 7pm. There will be a brief meeting of the School Committee at 6:30.
May 16, 2008 - The Chebeague Island Inn will be back in operation June 1st. They are now taking reservations and will be offering breakfast, lunch and dinner. They are updating their website and you can call them for reservations 846-5155.
Island Riches has many new changes and will be opening for Memorial Day Weekend.THE REC CENTER will be CLOSED on Saturday, May 17 and Sunday, May 18 to strip and wax the floors. Saturday night Teen Center is cancelled. Please DO NOT USE YOUR KEY to use the fitness room, as the equipment will not be in place and the floors need to set. Thank you, and sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.May 12, 2008 - The Chebeague Island Boat Yard has a new website and is listed in Island Business above.
May 10, 2008 - Reminder from AA: Alcoholics Anonymous on Chebeague is back in swing. If you are in need of a meeting, please join at 7:00 PM on Friday evenings at the Parish House. We are happy to provide a ride to the meeting if needed. For more information, please call 228.4346 or email aa@chebeague.net. All names and inquiries are kept strictly confidential.
The Town of Chebeague Island is requesting proposals for the replacement of the roof on the Public Safety Building located at 192 North Road. The Building is 88' x 50' with a roof pitch of 6/12. Total roof area is approximately 5,300 sf. Specifications and bid forms are available at the Town Office at 192 North Road. Proposals are due in the office no later than 5pm on May 15th, 2008Recreation Center News: REGISTER NOW for a Movement Class with Karen Montanaro, an internationally acclaimed ballet dancer and mime artist. Karen has performed professionally with the Ohio Ballet and the Darmstadt Opera Ballet Company in Germany before discovering the world of mime. In this workshop, she shares her unique approach to movement, both as an expressive language as well as a soul-satisfying experience. Motivated by the belief that mime and dance techniques are good for everyone (not just professional movers and performers) Karen explains and teaches these techniques in ways that reveal their far-reaching benefits and applications to everyday life. Movement exercises are interspersed with anecdotes about Karen's solo career as well as her work with mime legend, Tony Montanaro. The workshop will be held on June 5 at 7 PM at the Rec Center Gym. Cost is $30. Please call the Rec at 846-5068 to register. We're hoping for a big turnout!May 9, 2008 - Sorry that the page was down for a while today, it seems that someone forgot to pay for the domain. Yup, the messages went right to my junk and I didn't know that it was time to renew my domain name chebeague.org. So in five years someone better remind me that it is time to pay.
The School Committee meeting scheduled for last Tuesday has been rescheduled for next Tuesday with the same agenda.Florence Rich is selling flowers this spring. She has a few now and will be getting more for May 13th. If someone wants something she doesn't have they can call her this weekend.(846-4986) Island Riches westend at top of hill by Chandler's Wharf.May 4, 2008 - School Committee meeting is this Tuesday, May 6th, 6:30 at the School - see agenda.
Congratulations to Jim Phipps who is the new president of the Iris Network. Jim had served 18 years on the organization's Board of Directors, most recently as its former Chairman.Congratulations and a huge thank you to Beth Dyer and Sarah McKinnon who have worked so hard for the Recreation Center. Beth has been with the CRC since before it was built over 11 years and Sarah has been the director for the last 3 years. You will be missed.May 2, 2008 - Preschool Friday newsletter.
If you are looking for a cockateel or two they are $50 a piece, also 3 parakeets at $10 each - call 8464381 for more information. Also looking for a home for a beautiful 9 year old coon cat (friendly and gets along with dogs)."The Roots of Maine's Newest Town: Chebeague Island" On Monday, May 19, the Historical Societies of Yarmouth and North Yarmouth will present Donna Miller Damon in a talk about the history of Maine's newest town, Chebeague Island. American Legion Log Cabin at 7:30 pm.Congratulations to Holly (Earnest) Bowling, pianist, who was the recipient of a Ross McKee Scholrship and winner of the Avalos Piano Competition 2007. She is performing tonight at San Francisco State. Click here to hear a sample. (thank you David for fixing the link)April 30, 2008 - Comprehensive Planning Committee Meeting on May 1, 2008 at 7:00 at the Hall. Meeting with Proposed Planning Consultant Team of Judy Colby George of Spatial Alternatives & Hugh Coxe of NE Planning Concepts.
Notes from the Rec: The Golden Compass on the CRC big screen this Saturday night @ 7:30April 28, 2008 - Let China have its Olympics Chebeague Island has the QUADATHLON! Now is the time to gather your team together and begin to train for the Second Annual Quadathlon, to be held on July 6 at the Boatyard. If you are a member of a business, team, organization, family or other group and want to get in shape to run, row, swim and bike to support the Rec, please register now and start gathering pledges. The day will be filled with food, fitness and fun all to benefit the Recreation Center and the programs it provides year round. Hope to see you there! 846-5068 - check out last years quadathlon
April 26, 2008 - Pizza & Movie Night starts tonight at 4 PM not 4:30 as previously noticed!
Congratulaltions to Ralph Munroe who was honored recently as Southern MAINE chapter of American Red Cross, "real life heroes" breakfast awards, had Portland Firefighter's Lt. Champaigne and crew (2 others). which included Ralph Monroe and can be seen on wmtw's channel 8 web siteApril 24, 2008 - Back by popular demand! Please join us for PIZZA & MOVIE NIGHT this Saturday April 26th starting at 4:30. The Aristocats will be playing in the Library followed by a homemade pizza dinner in the Hall. When bellies are full, The Waterhorse will start playing back in the Library. There is no charge for this event however, donations will be appreciatively accepted. All are welcomed and we ask that a parent or guardian accompany children. This will be a fun night for the whole community and is sponsored by the Chebeague Parents Association and the Library. Don't forget to bring a comfy chair or pillow for the movie and hope to see you there!
Congratulations to Tom Damon who paddled the Kenduskeag six mile canoe race last weekend. He made the whole trip without capsizing! He made it through 6 miles falls and avoided a portage!The Rec Center would like to piggy back onto the Artist in Residence Series being offered at the school this June by inviting the artist to do a WORKSHOP FOR ADULTS the night before the Island Kids do their performance. The artist's name is Karen Montanaro, and she is a mime and interpretive dancer http://www.betsydubois.com/karen.htm. Her workshops help students get in touch with their enthusiasm and creativity by accessing moods and emotions, communicating stories through movement and moving in coordinated patterns.April 22, 2008 - Planning Board meeting Thursday, April 24th, 7:15 at the Hall - see agenda.
April 20, 2008 - Historical Society Meeting, Monday April 21 at 7:00 PM at the Museum. Have you ever wondered about the age of your house? Who built it? Who lived there? How do you find out? How do you separate folklore from reality?
Donna Damon will lead a workshop meeting to discuss these topics and more! Come and look at various land records, road records, deeds etc. Thanks to Betsey Ross and Natalie Parker we have Frank RInes valuation books from the 1920s to the 1940s! Come join the fun!April 19, 2008 - The Selectman will be meeting Wednesday, April 23rd, 7pm at the Hall - see agenda.
April 18, 2008 - Visit
www.islandrec.net and
check out our improved and updated website. You will find
news, information about current and upcoming programs and events
and a printable registration form.
We are looking for people who are interested in presenting fun
and enlightening workshops for the summer season - call the Rec
to offer your ideas, or to request a program you'd like to see
offered at the Rec. If you are, or know of, a teen looking
for summer work, we also have some job postings listed on the
Employment Opportunities page.
Also, we have been asked to consider bringing an upper
body ergometer to the fitness room. This is the
machine of choice to treat shoulder and upper back injuries.
However, the equipment is expensive, and we need to know whether
it will see enough use to justify beating the bushes for funding.
We are also considering bringing a personal trainer to the Rec
on a regular basis, if enough people would be willing to pay for
this service. Call the Rec at 846-5068 for details, or to
share your ideas.
April 17, 2008 - There will be a graveside memorial service for Billy Munroe on Chebeague on Saturday, May 3rd at 1pm. All are welcome with a reception following at the Parish House.
Hansen's Well Drillers will be coming to the island soon to check out wells they will be drilling this year. If you would like to be added to the list please email (bjohnson@chebeague.net) me or call Sue Hansen at 207 839-3293. We have three wells so far to be drilled.April 16, 2008 - Today is the Senior/Community Lunch at the Hall, at 12 noon. All are welcome. The menu will be a smorgasbord.
The selectmen's meeting is tonight at the Hall at 6pm - see agenda.I have added the Town's draft budget as of April 11, 2008. They are working hard on revisions and will not be presenting the budget tonight as discussed at the last meeting.April 15, 2008 - Sorry that my computer has been down and have not been able to let everyone know about a few items until now. There is a school Committee Meeting tonight at 6pm see agenda.
April 13, 2008 - This past week pre-school update.
"Spec Eaton will speak to the Land Use subcommittee on woodlands, open space and agriculture this Tuesday April 15th at 9 AM at the Bisharats' house by the Dropping Springs on the South Road. He will share his sawmill and tree harvesting experience and take questions. This meeting is open to everyone who is interested.April 11, 2008 - Everyone is welcome to come and meet Chellie who has been a wonderful advocate for Island's of Maine. Mac Passano, Beth Howe, Deb Bowman, Donna Damon and Sam and Sally Ballard are hosting a reception for Chellie Pingree, Democratic Candidate for Congress for Maine's first Congressional District, at Sam and Sally's (497 North Road) on Sunday April 13 from 2:30 to 4:00. http://www.chelliepingree.org/
The Chebeague Planning Board will be meeting Monday April 14 at 7:00 at the Parish House - see agenda.The Comprehensive Planning Committee will be meeting Thursday April 10 at 7:15pm at the Hall.April 8, 2008 - Coastal Waters Commission is meeting on Friday, April 11 at 4:30 at the Stone Pier and then at 7pm at the Hall - see agenda.
Michael Porter has added to his site and is on his way back early for Seth's wedding!April 7, 2008 - Click to see the warrant for the Town Meeting next Saturday, April 12th.
Roger Berle is speaking on Tuesday April 8th at 9 am about his experience with a sawmill on Cliff and with forest management on Cliff and other islands. The meeting will take place at the Bisharats as part of the regular work of the Comprehensive Plan subcommittee on woodlands, wetlands, open space and agriculture. It is open to all who are interested.
April 6, 2008 - Next Saturday morning, April 12, at the
CIHCC at 8:30 am is a very important Special Town Meeting
to vote on whether to proceed with funding for the final design
work for improvements to the Cousins Island Wharf head and road.
If the expenditure of approximately $2,300 is approved, the next
step will be to review the final design and cost estimates and
then to decide whether or not to proceed with the actual construction.
If the expenditure is not approved, the project will most likely
be cancelled. Andy MacDonald of the Maine Department of Transportation
will be available to answer questions about the project.
April 2, 2008 - Saturday morning is the School Committees Public Budget Presentation April 5th at 8:30 (coffee and refreshments) 9:00 am presentation at the Recreation Center. Please come and learn all about it, ask questions and give feedback. See Draft budget as of last night - Then go over to the Wellness Clinic.
Please see attached notice about the Wellness Clinic - USM Student nurses Casco Bay Partnership, coming to the island on Saturday AM from 830 to 1145. There will be free blood pressure, blood sugar screenings and $5 Cholesterol screening (only a fingerstick) and Tetanus shots available at cost (about $15.)CIHCC BRUNCH!! - Sunday April 6th from 11:30am to 12:30 pm at the all with all the usual goodies! Adults $8 and children under 12 - $6. These brunches are soooo gooood - I wish I could be there but will be away from Thursday until Tuesday on a college trip.April
1, 2008 - The School Committee will be meeting at 5:30 instead
of 6 at the Hall.
The Coastal Waters Commission will be holding our monthly meeting
this Friday, April 4, 5:30 at the HALL. We will be discussing
marine related infrastructure and how CDBG and SHIP grants may
be used for improvements. We will also keep time available for
open discussions.
March 29, 2008 - School Committee and Selectmen will be having a joint budget meeting Tuesday, April 1, 6:30 at the Hall - see AGENDA.
The School Committee will have a quick meeting prior to the joint meeting at 6pm at the Hall see AGENDA.
March 28, 2008 - Casco Bay islanders have a survey in order to evaluate Portland parking needs and find alternative parking. While we know most Chebeague folks park in Cumberland, they want all Casco Bay islanders to have a chance to give input. Attached is a survey to complete if you have any parking needs in Portland. Very soon the free or inexpensive parking area near the old BIW property is being closed, so CBL is working w/the City of Portland to find alternative, affordable parking for islanders. This survey will give them much needed information to help them do so.
Printed, completed surveys should be sent to Donna Rockett, 32 Greenwood Lane, Long Island, ME 04050. Parking Survey in pdf and parking survey in doc.March 27, 2008 - Town Selectmen's budget meeting at 8 am at the Recreation center on Saturday March 29.
March 25, 2008 - If you haven't taken the CRC SURVEY, please take it now - we have had lots of responses so far and hoping to have lots more.
For all of you athletes out there it is now time to save the date JULY 6TH - for the QUADRATHLON and barbecue on the beach- more info coming soon!Last weekend four of our handball participants competed in the Maine Handball competition and Dillan Doughty came home with a trophy - read all about it.The Selectmen have Budget Workshop on Wednesday, March 26,
2008 at 6 pm at the Hall.CTC will be running special Wednesday boats leaving Chebeague
at 11:30 and Cousins at 11:45 on Wednesday, 3/26 and 4/2, for
the Middle and High School kids. GMS and GHS are letting
out early for Parent/Teacher conferences on those days. As
usual the bus does not meet the early release boats.
March 23, 2008 - Easter Sunday - I have added some photos taken by Cathy MacNeill of the Last Supper Presentation.
The Coastal Waters Commission is having a subcommittee meeting Monday, March 24th at 6pm at the Parish House to discuss the job description of the Harbor Master.The Comprehensive Plan subcommittee on Woodlands, Open Space and Agriculture will meet at Leila Bisharat's house on Tuesday March 25th at 9am. All who are interested are welcome. We will review work to date and brainstorm on employment opportunities that might be explored for inclusion in the plan.Last weeks preschool weekly report is online.Photos from todays Easter Sunrise Service - what a beautiful day but a little cold brrrr.Last weekend's Movie and Pizza night was a huge success and lots of fun - photos from Vicki!!!Congratulations to Nate Martin has made the Portland Press Herald All-State Boys Indoor Track.March 20, 2008 - The Town office will open at 9am instead of 8 am on Friday morning this week.
March 19, 2008
Please participate in the Rec Center's 10th Anniversary survey.
you haven't already sent in your thoughts, you can give feeback
online through this link:
March 18, 2008 - The Agenda for the Selectmen's meeting March 19th has been posted as well as Warrant for the meeting.
March 17, 2008 - The CRC is pleased to announce the hiring of an Executive Director Tracy Quadro.
The Comprehensive Plan subcommittee working on open space, wetlands, woodlands and agricultural land will meet at Leila Bisharat's house at 9 AM Tuesday March 18th.March 14, 2008 - Don't forget that the MAGIC SHOW is tommorrow at the Hall 2:00 pm and only $2.00! For details see Flyer.
There will be a Special Town Meeting on Saturday, March 22, 2008, at nine o'clock in the morning at the Chebeague Island Hall Community Center. Click here to see the Warrant.The Pre-school Newsletter for the week has been posted.March 13, 2008 - Notice that the Town Dump hours have changed you can see the changes on the Town Website. Also, there is a notice from the Fire Chief about obtaining burning permits.
Thursday, March 20, 7:00pm at the Chebeague Methodist Church Bob Brown and Lucas Hamilton (Martha Hamilton's grandson) join the Tuttle Road Men in bringing the live enactment of THE LAST SUPPER presentation to the island. It is an experience you won't want to miss!Holy Week Services for the Chebeague Methodist Church are:Thursday March 20th -Last Supper PresentationMarch 11, 2008 - For all of you wondering what is going on with Ginny, I forgot to include a note from Ginny which was in the monthly calendar which explains what is happening with healthcare on Chebeague. I meant to get it on line a week ago.
The Rockathon two weeks ago was such a great success with the young teens raising almost $5000! Sarah has sent me some great photos of the event and I want to share them.Budget meeting tonight 6pm at the Recreation Center. See Budget Meeting for year to date expenses and toinights budget information.March 9, 2008 - I just returned from a wonderful tribute and party for Ginny Ballard. She received gifts from the Commons, rescue, co-workers and friends as well as the Seabury Award 2007-2008 in recognition for her self-less and heartfelt devotion to the healthcare needs of Chebeaguers. Everyone signed the back of a quilt, made by Nancy Hill, and Mark Dyer played for us as you can see and hear in the website.
March 8, 2008 - I have just added a lot more paintings onto Kim Martin's website. She was recently featured in the Art of the Archipelago show from January 12- March 10th in Rockland along with Alexandra Perry-Weiss.
March 7, 2008 - Pre-school update - 2 pages with photos.
Come on out and help chase that cabin fever away! FAMILY PIZZA & MOVIE NIGHT This Saturday, March 8th Sponsored by CPA & the Library 2 movies will be shown Walt Disney's 'The Jungle Book'(rated G) starting at 4pm in the Library followed by a homemade pizza dinner @ 5:30 Immediately after dinner 'Night in the Museum' staring Ben Stiller (rated PG) will be shown Library. Bring something comfortable to sit on for the floor in the Library. There is no charge for this fun event, but we will be accepting donations for the CPA/Library. ~All children must have a chaperone to attend please.~ Call Vicki Todd for more information 846-1379. HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE!Special Executive Session meeting Monday, March 10, 4:30 at the Public Safety Building - see agenda.Selectmen are having a budget workshop Tuesday, March 11, 6pm at the Recreation Center - see agenda.March 6, 2008 - The 2008 edition of the Island Directory is in production! ALL information is being VERIFIED. To save expenses, the Update Committee is attempting to use email as extensively as possible. To help prevent our emails from going into your 'spam' or 'junk' folders, please add our email address to your address book: Island.Directory@chebeague.net If you haven't heard from us yet, please consider sending US an email! (And check your 'junk' folder!) The Friends of the Library thank you very much!
March 5, 2008 - The Town of Chebeague Island Comprehensive Planning Committee will be meeting Thursday March 6 at 7:15 at the Hall.
March 4, 2008 - "Ask not what Ginny Ballard has done for you but what YOU can do for Ginny Ballard..." And what you can do is honor her on Sunday, March 9, 11:30-2, at the Hall! Please come to say 'Thank you' for all her tireless service to her friends and neighbors and so many others who have walked through the door of the Health Clinic all these MANY years. For more information on how you can help, please contact Polly Wentworth, -3171 - bring a dish (of food) to share.
March 3, 2008 - Last weeks pre-school weekly report has been added. The link is fixed now - sorry about that.
The Comprehensive Planning subcommittee on Demographics will meet on Tuesday March 4 at 4:15 at Beth Howe's house.The agenda for the School Committee, Tuesday, March 4th 6:30 has been posted.The agenda for the Special Board of Selectmen's meeting Wednesday, March 5, 7pm at the Hall has been posted.February 28, 2008 - Comprehensive Plan subcommittee working on Open Space/Woodslands and Wetlands will meet at Leila Bisharat's house at 9am Tuesday March 3rd.
The Harbor Master March report is online.February 26, 2008 - I forgot to mention an update on Barbara and Michael's trip which was posted February 16th.
The Water Resources subcommittee will meet tomorrow Feb 27 at 8:30 am and the Infrastructure subcommittee will meet at 4:30 in the afternoon - both meetings at Beth Howes.Mooring applications are now online - click here.February 25, 2008 - Budget Workshop information is available online for Thursday nights meeting.
You can pick up the forms for your Easter flower "memorials" in the church lobby, as of Wednesday?February 24, 2008 - What a fabulous day this has been. The weather was perfect and so many people showed up for the Plunge and Chili/Chowder Challenge. For those who saw me foolishly jump into the water with my glasses on and lose them I can happily say we found them when the tide went down and they didn't even get stepped on. The numbers are not in yet for the amount we raised for the winter festival but I do know that the Rockathon that 14 young people participated in made over $4000 in pledges. Most of them rocked right into the morning and probably some would still be rocking if people hadn't made them stop. I am hoping to get photos of that evening soon.
Here are the photos and movie of the plunge taken by many people including Geoff Summa, Steve Johnson, Cathy MacNeill and more.I have the results and lots of photos of the Chili/Chowder Challenge - also photos of some of the wonderful items that the young people auctioned off. For sale were jewelry designed and created by the teens and Anna Hamilton's photography. The purses were designed and created by the teens and preteens with all recycled items with the help of Gail Miller.Saturday night at the rec was the movie Goonies on the big screen and was a tremendous success and great fun. Thank you to the library for the use of their projector and equipment. Watch for more BIG SCREEN movies at the rec.February 22, 2008 - Press Release from the Selectmen of Chebeague Island.
WINTER CARNIVAL WEEKEND! 10TH Anniversary of the RecReminder that the rock-a-thon is going on tonight 10pm stop by and support the kids!On Tuesday the 26th Chip will be making: Proscuitto Wrapped Asparagus Breaded with Panko and Deep Fried served with Hollandaise Sauce and Lemon Tarts with Raspberry Sauce. The Class is from 6-8; price is $25 and must sign up by 3pm Monday afternoon - call 846-5068!February 20, 2008 - I have put the budget information on the Town site for Thursday nights budget meeting. Selectmen's regular meeting tonight.
Effective: February 20,2008 12:15 PMFebruary
19, 2008 - Kitty Freeman had a fall Saturday night about midnight
as she was letting the dogs out and she broke her femur. She has
been in much pain and last night was operated on to make repairs.
The family has set up a website for her. The family is keeping
the website updated and this is a great way to let her know you
are thinking about her and to find out how she is doing.
February 17, 2008 - Note from the Historical Society: The Historical Society would like to remind Ebay shoppers that the Museum uses the user name Chebeaguehist when bidding on items for the Museum. We just wanted to make sure that you knew our user name in case you might see something you think the Museum might like and be in fact bidding against us! (an O. Henry twist for sure!)
The mp3 clip of Donna on the Netherlands has been shortened so you don't have to wait 20 min to hear.February 16, 2008 - The Agenda and notice for the Planning Board Meeting for Thrusday, February 21st, 7:15 at the Hall.
Congratulations and good luck to Caroline Summa, Nate Martin and Dennis Johnson who will be competing in their State Indoor Track Meets at USM and Bates this Monday.Nancy Earnest's Preschool Weekly Newsletter.February 14, 2008 - HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!
The Chebeague Town Office will be closed on Monday, February 18th.Clam Flats are closed effective today because of snow melting water runoff February 14, 2008February 13, 2008 - The Board of selectmen will be holding an emergency meeting today Wed Feb 13, 2008 at 4:30 at the Firehouse. The Board expects to go into executive session to discuss personnel matters pursuant to 1 MRSA 405(6)A.
I have just updated the Golf Course Site and added the 2008 Brochure.February 12, 2008 - Tonight's School Committee Budget Meeting will be starting after 6:45 and not at 6pm as previously advertised.
We have downloaded the the radio broadcast from yesterday's Radio Netherlands.The Shellfish Commission is meeting Monday, February 18th, 7 pm at the Recreation Center.February 11, 2008 - Donna Damon was interviewed this morning by Radio Netherlands about the Caucus which was held yesterday. If you go to http://www.radionetherlands.nl/radioprogrammes/newsline/ and then click on Listen (I clicked on mp3) - her interview is about 20 minutes into the show. After it is loaded on your computer it is a little beyond half way. It is only on for today. This was broadcast all over the world.
The budget for Thursday's budget meeting has been put online - click here.Chip's cooking class has been canceled for Tuesday the 12th. Cooking classes will resume on the 19th, at 6pm.A reminder that it is time for Seniors and College students to start applying for scholarships. We have many Seniors going off to college this year and a couple of 2nd year college students. The Stephen Ross Scholarship Fund assists 1st and 2nd year college students. This is a reminder that by giving to the fund it is a way to help Chebeague Students pursueing a college education. The fund was established in 1964 after the tragic death of Stephen Ross, the son of Lewis and Gerry Ross. The principal at the time was $1400 in 1968 using only income two scholarships of $75 each were awarded. The principle now invested with the Maine Community Foundation has grown to $88, 882. In 2007 the income was $5750 and two scholarships were awarded, on $3750 and a second for $2000. We are grateful when receiving gifts from repeat donors, some being quite substantial, however, any amount given increases the principal enabling us to award larger scholarships. All gifts are acknowledged. Each year some gifts are in memory of loved ones. Gifts may be sent to the Maine Community Foundation designated for the Stephen Ross Scholarship at 245 Main Street, Ellsworth, Maine, 04605 or sent to any member of the committee. Committee members are Kenneth Hamilton, Hartley Brewer, Susan Burgess, Dianne Calder, Mabel Doughty, Betsy Ross and Doug Ross.February 10, 2008 - Message from Donna Damon on the Democratic Caucus: Democracy is alive and well on Chebeague Island! Chebeague's first Democratic Caucus is over, and although neither Clinton nor Obama made an appearance, they were well represented. Wow! What a great experience!
We had 56 participants and 4 observers. 14 Chebeaguers switched from unenrolled (formerly Independent) to participate. 43% of the eligible Dems participated and 15 people spoke in favor of a candidate. It was awesome!Many thanks to Sally Ballard for her efforts to make it happen! Thank you to Laura Summa for helping out. Thanks to the Town of Chebeague's Clerk, Susan Campbell, for working with voter registrar Peggie Jones to keep us legal. Peggie was busy making sure people had the proper credentials and registering new Democratic voters.The results are as follows: Obama 38 and Clinton 14Chebeague's two Obama delegates will be: Carol Lynn Davis and David Hill; Obama Alternates will be John Holt and Gerry Wiles.Chebeague's Clinton delgate will be Mary Holt; Alternate Jane Scifres.Special thanks to Donna Colbeth and Bob Earnest who kept the paperwork straight; Sam Ballard who figured out the delegate split; and Gerry Wiles the gatekeeper. See Cathy's Photos from the Day!February 7, 2008 - The CPR Instructors Class has been cancelled for this weekend and will be rescheduled.
CRC news: Chip is continuing with his cooking class but the time has changed to 6pmFebruary 5, 2008 - The Coastal Waters Commission meeting has been rescheduled to Friday, February 8th at 6 pm in the Firehouse. This change was due to the Selectmen's Budget meeting being scheduled on Thursday, February 7th.
Congratulations to Ellen Goodman who has been honored with a lifetime achievement award from the National Society of Newspaper Columnists.February
4, 2008 - TOWN
UPDATE has been added to the website.
There is a discount prescription program through Cumberland County
- for details. The town office has copies as well as the boat.
February 3, 2008 -SUPER SUNDAY - GO PATS!
SAVE THE DATES! Cynnie's Group Hospice Volunteer training sessions have been scheduled for: Saturday, Mar 29, Sunday, Mar 30, and Sunday, Apr 6. Each session will start at approximately 9:00 am and end at 5:00 pm. Session size is limited! For more information -- and to SAVE A SPACE -- please call Polly Wentworth (846-3171) or John & Mary Holt (846.5040).Message from Paster Linda Brewster: ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICE, Wednesday February 6th, 7:15pm, Chebeague Methodist Church - Please Join UsMichael Porter has been published again in the Maine, Boats, Homes & Harbors!February 2, 2008 - The Pre School update is now online for this week!
February 1, 2008 - In October the Chebeague School visited and toured the The "Live-Anywhere" Boat that Barbara and Michael Porter are travelling the East Coast in this winter and will eventually take overseas. Michael and Barbara are right now in North Carolina but have updated their website as far as Virginia where they will be travelling back to. You have to go to their blog of the trip and read all about it as well as some fabulous photos! They will be updating their adventures as they find internet access.
The children's playgroup is looking for large play items such as tricycles, plasma cars and other fun stuff for pre-schoolers. If anyone has these items hanging around and would like to donate them please contact Sarah M at the rec 846-5068 or Sarah P. at 8461580. Thank you!I have just added a rental page for Bob and Sarah Prescott for their Rental House - click here. Also an add for Bob's Treework.January 31, 2008 - The POLAR PLUNGE list is increasing! We now have added more plungers: Ben Post, John Summa, Josh Doughty, Kate Emery, Bob Earnest, Leah Wentling, Beverly Johnson, Jenny Kaestal, Tess Post and Samantha Post. The ROCKATHON has nine entrants so far for Friday night Feb 22nd - they are Anna Hamilton, Genny Dyer, Tracy Calder, Tim Calder, Ben Hillicoss, David Hamilton, Tyler Campbell, Cassidy Jeffers and James Weagle.Please call or email the CRC 846-5068 to pledge a plunger or a rocker!
CHEBEAGUE.NET - We have had some wonderful things happen recently concerning chebeague.net. We were awarded a $75,000 grant from the State's ConnectME Authority which has enabled us to install a T1 line at the Boatyard. The Internet was activated two weeks ago and we have ten people on that line so far. We have also been able to order subscriber modems, antennas, and equipment to enable us to set up repeaters to reach those places just out of range of the Rec Center, Inn, or Boatyard. We will be locating and installing those repeaters soon.The cost of each installation (labor and equipment) averages about $600 and we charge customers $350 for the installation. We charge $40 a month for Internet service ($38 with e-mail billing) while our monthly costs for the three T1 lines is almost $2,000. We also offer suspended service for $20 a month between September and April and a low-income rate for qualified individuals. We expect a huge demand for new installations when our seasonal residents return so we urge you to order your installation now. We'll hook you up now for $350 but won't charge you for service until you arrive on the Island. If you wait to order service, you may not be online for awhile. For more details, please visit www.chebeague.net .January 30, 2008 - The skating birthday party for Bea is postponed until Saturday, January 9 11-3, because of the pond melting - so we need to hope for colder weather (I can't believe I'm saying that). Just cold weather and no snow!
The Republicans will caucus is this Saturday, February 2nd at 12 noon at the Hall. For more information contact Mark Olsen 846-7865.January 29, 2008 - The Chebeague United Methodist Church now has a website that they are developing. I have put a link at the top of this page in the middle so check it often to see what is going on.
The Chebeague Democrats wll caucus on Sunday Feb 10 at 1 pm at the Hall. If you are a registered Democrat or are unenrolled ( formerly known as independent) you may participate. Peggy Jones will be at the Caucus to register new voters. If you turn 18 before the Nov. election you can also participate. For more info please contact Donna Damon or Sally Ballard.January 28, 2008 - Skating Party at Sanford's Pond Saturday, February 2, 11-3 p.m.to celebrate Bea's birthday! Everyone welcome! Hotdogs (and veggie dogs), cocoa, s'mores, drinks and cupcakes provided! Come bring the whole family! For more info, contact May 846-6659 (No gifts, please!)- snow/rain date is Sunday, 2/3
This week's Town Update is online now.The agenda for the Comprehensive Plan Committee meeting is online. The meeting will be this Thursday evening 7:15 at the Hall.January 25, 2008 - Don't forget that tomorrow at noon is the Hall's Spaghetti Luncheon!
This is a message from Ethan and Trisha at the Chebeague Island School: An amazing thing has happened at the Chebeague Island School! Dr. Mac Passano has bought a huge fish tank for us. He plans to help us grow sea animals in the tank. We are very grateful to him for his generosity. We are excited about the gift! We also know that we will have to feed the animals and learn to take care of the tank. We'll be very busy! thanks again Mac!A new island business website has been added to the anchor page! Green design and build! www.springisland.bizThis week's Pre School Newsletter has been added to the website - I know I could learn a lot and wish I had had the opportunity to be in Nancy's class - what fun!Casco Bay Lines 1st Annual Inter-Island Groundhog Day Cruise - see the flyer!January 24, 2008 - UPDATE - Sanford's Pond Skating Party! Friday, January 25th at 5:30 pm. Everyone is welcome! The CRC will provide hotdogs, buns, condiments, paper plates and napkins. Feel free to bring a side dish, sweet, or beverage to share. See you there!
The Selectmen are having a workshop meeting at 8:30 am this Sunday, January 27th, at the Recreation Center.The Selectmen and the School Committee are having a joint workshop meeting to discuss the ongoing budget process for the 2008-2009 budget. This meeting will be Tuesday night, 6:30pm at the Hall. The public is encouraged to attend and provide input for this meeting and all the meetings. A full schedule of the budget meetings will be established and published soon.January 23, 2008 - This Saturday, January 26 - Hall Luncheon at noon! $6 adults and $3 children.
Don't forget you have until January 31st to register your dog. owners will need to bring in their rabies certificates and papers if the dog has been altered. After the 31st there is an extra $25 charge.SANFORDS POND - Community Pond Party Friday @ 5:30January 21, 2008 - The Chebeague Island Historical Society January Meeting is tonight (January 21) at 7:15 p.m. at the Museum. All attending are encouraged to bring along a photo or item of historical interest for "show and tell". World War II related material pertaining to Chebeague history is highly desirable since that is the topic of the 2008 CIHS Museum exhibit. It will be very interesting to see what folks pull from their home archives. See you at the Museum this evening.
The agenda for this weeks Selectmen's meeting has been updated.January 19, 2008 - Now that there is skating at Sanford's Pond we are trying to find volunteers to chaperones at the pond. Click here to see the Skating Schedule and then call the rec 846-5068 to add your name. Thank you to everyone who is making this activity possible!
The rec center is working hard preparing for our 2008 WINTER FESTIVAL - It is also the 10th year of our existance! I have included the details of the Winter Festival on the website. The Polar Plunge and Rockathon are a wonderful way for people to give money to the rec in support of our teen center. I will start listing some of our plungers as they are known so you can go ahead and approach them with pledges if you wish. So far there is: Bob Earnest, Leah Wentling, Beverly Johnson, Jenny Kaestal, Tess Post and Samantha Post. We need some more guys and more plungers please email me (you can see how much fun they are). or call the Rec 846-5068.The Chebeague Island School is having such a wonderful year - and especially the Pre-School Program! We are working on bringing information to everyone about what is happening with our school and all the children through newsletters and the website -which will be worked on more soon I hope. I wanted to share now a newsletter from the Preschool program that explains what they are doing from their teacher Nancy Earnest.January 17, 2008 - (Selectmen meeting is NOT tonight - see below - sorry I forgot to add the date when I included it this morning in my rush out the door.)
This weeks town update has been posted and a note that the town office will be closed on Monday, January 21 in observance of Martin Luther King Day. Because of the closing there will be office hours on Wednesday, January 23 from 10am to 2pm.Sanford's Pond is open for skating! Due to changing ice conditions, we can usually only plan skating times a few days at a time. To see if there's skating, call either the CRC at 846-5068 or Sanford's Pond warming shed at 846-7989.NOTE: Next Wednesday, January 23rd, The Board of Selectmen will be meeting for the purposes of discussing and deciding the Town's fiscal goals and objectives to guide development of the next budget.NOTE: The public is encouraged to attend and provide input at all public meetings regarding the budget process!Januarly 15, 2008 - On Tuesday January 22nd Aaron Shapiro, a representative from the Cumberland County Community Development Block Grant program will hold an informational meeting about the program and the application process. This program provides grants for various Infrastructure, Community, and Economic Development projects. Representatives from town committees and non-profits are encouraged to attend. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 22nd at 7p.m in the hall.
I have just added the planning board agenda for this Thursday's meeting as well as the agenda for the Comprehensive Planning Meeting which has been rescheduled from last night to next Monday evening.Sanford's Pond is frozen! Snow removal has started and we need more helpers! Anyone available to chaperone should call sarah at the CRC office to sign up for a shift.The Chebeague Island Historical Society January Meeting is scheduled for 7:15 p.m. on January 21, 2008 at the Museum. All attending are encouraged to bring along a photo or item of historical interest for "show and tell". World War II related material pertaining to Chebeague history is highly desirable since that is the topic of the 2008 CIHS Museum exhibit. It will be very interesting to see what folks pull from their home archives. See you at the Museum on the 21st of January.January 14, 2008 - The scheduled Senior Lunch for Wednesday will be at the Hall instead of the Parish House where construction is taking place.
The Agenda for Tuesday night's School Committee has been added - starts at 6:30 at the Chebeague Island School.January
Sunday, January 13th 4:30-7:30
We have rescheduled our Island Commons Party. Please join
us for yummy appetizers and visiting time.
January 11, 2008 - Ruth Slagle's knitting group will be meeting the first and third Sunday of the month from 3-5pm and then first get together will be Jan. 20th.
The CRC and CPA are looking for donations (or borrow) for our playgroup/pre-school program. They are looking for plasma cars, tricycles or other play items for gross motor skills.January 8, 2008 - Tonight - Community Volleyball at 7pm! At the Rec!
Click here for a posting from the Department of Environmental Protection to the Town of Chebeague about particle air pollution in areas around Maine including us.January 7, 2008 - Tonight, Monday, January 7, there is a Chebeague Island School initiated CTC boat from Cousins at 8pm and 7:45 from Chebeague. There won't be a bus for this trip. Also, on Tuesday evening there will be community Volleyball at the Rec probably around 7pm. This will be a great time to meet the Japanese exchange student and teacher who are staying on the island for a week.
TOWN OF CHEBEAGUE ISLANDJanuary 5, 2008 - TOWN OF CHEBEAGUE ISLAND seeks a qualified individual to perform the duties of Health Officer under a stipend arrangement. Applicants should possess the necessary background and experience to oversee the town health program.
For more information interested applicants should contact:January 4, 2008 - The CRC is offering Cooking Classes starting next Tuesday from January 8th through February 5th - see the flyer!
3, 2008 - There will be a special meeting of the Selectman
on Sunday January 6th at 8 am at the Chebeague Recreation Center.
Purpose:The Board of Selectmen will be conducting a "Special
Meeting" on this date for two -fold purposes: (1) to discuss
and review assessor applicant materials to determine those candidates
to be interviewed; and (2) to further discuss and revise the "draft"
town administrator job description.
NOTE: In the process of discussing assessor candidates the Board
will be in Executive Session consistent with Title 1, Section
405, Sub -section 6 (Permitted Deliberations).
January 2, 2008 - Happy New Year - Because Tuesday January 1st was a holiday the School Committee will be having it's regular meeting at 6:30 on Thursday evening this week. Agenda is online.
December 29, 2007 - Kim Martin has been busy painting and I have just added a number of new paintings to her website! Check them out at www.chebeague.org/kim.
Now that Christmas is behind us I can now remind everyone that the Winter Carnival will be coming soon and that means the Polar Plunge (check out images of past) This year the events will take place on February 24th! It is not too early to get your bathing or wet suit out and start getting the pledges to benefit the Recreation and Teen Center. The Chili Chowder Challenge is also a hot item that day with lots of competition. We are planning to have snow sculpture contests as well as lots of teen events which will all help to celebrate our 10th year anniversary!JOB OPPORTUNITY: The Chebeague Recreation Center is looking for a fulltime Executive Director to begin work in late March of 2008. This position holds overall responsibility for all aspects of CRC's programs, personnel, finances, and facilities, and reports to the President of the CRC Board. Duties include program development and promotion, budgeting, personnel management, and community outreach. Interested parties should submit a letter of interest and resume, including desired salary and benefits arrangements, to CRC - att: Search Committee, at 382 North Road, Chebeague Island, ME 04017,News from 2002 - through January
22, 2003
NEWS 2001
1996 AND JANUARY 1997
I would love to have any news, poetry, stories to add to
my news page so please email with anything you think would be
of interest to islanders around the world - yes Singapore, Egypt,
Mediterranean, Boston etc. checking out the news page everyday!
So please email me at
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