Donna Damon and Commuting

People often ask about what it is like to commute to work every day. Well, this time of year it is cold and slippery walking on the wharves and up the hill at Cousins. At this time of year, it is dark when you leave and dark when you come home. It can be tough, but we early morning commuters are a tough bunch who enjoy chatting it up to make the trip seem to go faster. But perhaps the real perk is seeing the wonders of nature that we would probably miss if we stayed home and just drove to work.

Here are a few photos that show the beauty in the winter sky. The sunrise was taken today, February 5th, 2010, and the others on Dec 3. The lighter moon photos are from the stone wharf at about 6:30 am, and the others are about 6:35 pm on the same day.

DSCN165dec morn moon20
DSCN165dec morn moon20
sunrise 1
sunrise 1
sunrise 2
sunrise 2
sunrise 3
sunrise 3
night moon1
night moon1
Dec morning moon1
Dec morning moon1