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CLICK HERE FOR WEATHER or go to the BOAT YARD WEBCAM (click on webcam) and see for yourself - Clarke's Weather Station at the Hook
photo-of Teddy Houghton taken by Lucas Phipps at high tide on the Stone Wharf just after the 12:15 boat landed at the wharf. Click here to see a youtube I took from the boat leaving the island at noon. Click here to see a youtube I took from the wharf after we landed on Cousins. Here is another youtube of people getting on the boat on Cousins. I got a couple of photos of the Cousin's parking log at almost high tide here and here. I hope they are ok. January 4, 2018
The CRC had a busy December. We had Christmas Crafts with 25 children making gifts for family members, youth basketball programs, bootcamp, personal training early morning, and a movie night for kids to enjoy a movie and spaghetti dinner! January will be busy and please check out the website for updates. New adult programs below have been added along with Bootcamp.
Yoga with Rebecca Pellerin: Start date January 5, Fridays 8:30-9:30am at the CRC. This will be an 8 week series January 5-Feb 23. Cost for complete series is $80 for gym members or $90 for non-gym members. You can do drop in for $15 ($12 for gym members). This series will focus on mindful movement, proper body mechanics and alignment, strength building, and clearing energetic channels for improved health and awareness. Register by emailing crc@chebeague.net
Walk and Chat: Start date January 2, Tuesdays and Thursdays 8:45-9:30am. Still get your walk in but come inside from the cold! Join friends for a warm walk around the Rec gym. 30 laps is a mile, get those steps in! $1 gym drop-in fee for non-members.
Pick up Adult Hockey at Sanford's Pond: Email Beth Putnam if interested in joining - crcprograms0@gmail.com to get on group chat. Will depend on folks availability and ice conditions.
December 28, 2017 - Sanford's Pond: This time of year we think about skating which means Sanford's Pond on Chebeague. Mabel and Sanford (continued by Jackie) left the opportunity for folks to continue skating, supervised by the Rec Center, following specific rules to keep people safe. There is a sign down at Sanford's Pond letting you know if the ice is open or closed, and we will work hard to keep you updated via this website, facebook and our website. Even with the cold weather the ice is currently not skateable due to the rain/snow/freezing rain we just experienced. Sanford's Pond is closed for skating, however we need people to help shovel the ice, so we don't allow any more weather to pile up. If you have some free time and would like to help shovel, please contact Courtney at the Rec Center. Second, Sanford's Pond relies on volunteers for supervising and maintaining. If you are willing to be on the Sanford Pond committee please email at crc@chebeague.net. This could mean a couple of hours supervising, or making sure the shed is cleaned up - every job helps. We are holding a meeting next week and need more support to keep this wonderful spot available to island families. Contact information if interested: crc@chebeague.net or 846-5068
Message from May Hall: "I am raising funds for a nursing mission trip to Zanzibar, Tanzania, in March. I will be traveling as a nurse with a group of nursing students from SMCC and St. Joseph's College to bring medical supplies and healthcare outreach to a community in need. Please check out my GoFundMe page and contribute if you can. Thanks!"
December 27, 2017 - Message from May "There are still seats available for our New Years Eve Eve dinner at the Slow Bell, seatings at 5:30 and 7:30. Tickets need to be purchased by NOON, Thursday, 12/28. Dinner includes soup, salad, and dessert. If you're not up for dinner out but would like to purchase this special dinner for folks at home, takeout dinners need to be reserved by NOON Thursday and can be picked up between 5:30 and 6 p.m. Cost is $39. Selections include prime rib, crab stuffed haddock, or harvest loaf with cashew gravy. Questions? Call or text May at 207.332.2368. The bar will be open after dinner with Corey Hales performing ($5 cover). Thanks and see you this weekend!"
Come warm up at the Hall today with coffee and a treat at 9:00 and Hungarian mushroom soup and minestrone soup with chicken meatballs at noon.
December 26, 2017 - The Wednesday soup for tomorrow is Minestrone with chicken meatballs and the vegetarian is Hungarian Mushroom.
Miss Nancy's Pre-K blog - click here.
December 25, 2017 - photo- taken by Cathy MacNeill from her porch on Christmas Morning.
Merry Christmas and Happy Hollidays!
December 23, 2017 - CTC will run the 9:15 PM ferry tonight 12/23. 10:30 PM ferry is cancelled. No bus for either trip.
Important Notice from CTC: Due to Icy conditions the 9 PM and 10:15 PM bus transportation from Route One is cancelled tonight 12/23. Additionally, the 10:30 PM ferry leaving Chebeague is cancelled and there is a strong possibility the 9:15 PM ferry will be cancelled. It is too dangerous having our deckhands step out onto a icy float and having our passengers cross an icy wharf and float. We sanded the parking lots a couple of hours ago and they are still treacherous.
Tomorrow Weather friendly caroling at the Store ( and boats, homes) is tomorrow at 11:00/11:15.
Message from Florence: I was going to Doughty Market today but I don't like the ice. I will be home if you need last minute gifts. Tomorrow is going to be better so come down if you need something. 207 846-4986 islandriches@chebeague.net
Thank you , Florence
Congratulations to Sam Rideout who was featured on WCSH 207 show "Boy's bottle drive raises money for Barbara Bush Children's Hospital." Sam is the grandson of Chip and Vicki Emery.
December 21, 2017 - Last week's community luncheon at the Hall was fabulous! Click here to see the menu and some of the people who had the best meal ever donated by John and Courtney Wilson. Half of the proceeds were donated to the Chebeague Food Pantry Holiday Meals.
Christmas Caroling! Oh come all ye singers. All Welcome. Free, music provided. Three chances to sing! NOTE: If the rain and ice is too terrible Saturday , we will NOT meet at 4:30 at Stone Pier, instead we will meet at The Commons at 5:45. Call or text Erika with Qs, 207-749-8022. See Flyer
Tonight (Dec 21) The Rec Center is hosting a spaghetti dinner along with two Christmas Movies (Charlie Brown Christmas and How the Grinch Stole Christmas). Beth Putnam is organizing this fun evening for kids to allow parents some "me" time. All information went home via school/email but all ages are welcome, so in case you missed the email, you can still bring your kiddo by for an evening of fun.
Where: Rec Center
Time: 4-7pm
Cost: $10 and $5 for each additional sibling
December 20, 2017 - Message from Leanne Libby (Diane Calder's daughter): Mom is doing really well after having her old prosthesis removed and an anti-biotic spacer put in its place to hopefully eliminate the infection she has again. She will be at The Cedars for rehabilitation for a while. The address is 640 Ocean Avenue Portland, ME 04103. She loves to get mail! Please do not send flowers as it could trigger an asthma attack. Dad and Kevin are holding down the fort on the island with lots of help already in place. Our family is so thankful for all the wonderful prayers, love and support that have been shown to both Mom and Dad by the community. Merry Christmas from our family to yours!
Need a night to get last minute wrapping done? Or some quick errands? Or just some "me" time? See attached flier - The Rec Center will be hosting a movie and spaghetti dinner this Thursday 4-7pm. All ages are welcome, see attached flier for details. Contact Beth Putnam for any information: bputnam@chebeaguerec.org. A release form went home with CIS students, or you can pick one up at the Rec Center.
December 19, 2017 - photo- The 5th graders at CIS started art class this year by studying color theory and abstract painting. They completed a painting together using Helen Frankenthaler's "stain" technique. Being both artistic and entrepreneurial, the students are now hoping to sell their piece to help raise funds for their end-of-year field trip! Please consider making a bid for this painting... All of the money raised will support the field trip. Email Kristin to place a bid.
Don't forget that there will be coffee and muffins at the Hall on Wednesday from 9:00 to 10:00! There will not be soup tomorrow.
Due to the inability to find someone to clear the handicapped cars in the Route One and Cousins lots this year, we are no longer able to offer this service. John Wilkinson, CTC bus driver, is interested in providing the service for customers in both lots. If you are interested in John's service, please call him at (207) 671- 8305 or see him on the bus.
Message from Florence: If you need last minute gifts call, email or stop in. We have Cathy's beach glass to hang on the tree or give as a gift. Herb has made new fork earrings, rings and more. 207 846-4986, islandriches@chebeague.net or to the house. We also have new nautical items that are great for the tree orwindows Herb and Florence (Island Riches)
Today at 5:30 is the school Christmas Concert.
From the Church: As we approach Christmas, there are a few opportunities that we'd like you all to know about! First, on Wednesday, December 20th at 6 PM, we'll have a Blue Christmas service for anyone who finds it difficult to get into the holiday spirit for any reason.
----Secondly, there are two opportunities to join us on Christmas Eve: on Christmas Eve morning, come over to the Parish House for brunch and informal worship at 10 AM. Next, come back at 7 PM in the sanctuary for our traditional Candlelight Christmas Eve service.
The CTC office will be closed on Christmas Day and New Years Day. Please see the holiday schedule on the boat and our website chebeaguetrans.com
December 17, 2017 - Stop by the Red Studio today from 1:00 to 2:30 for a cup of hot mulled cider and homemade cookies and then shop our large stock of inexpensive and unique gifts. Don't forget that Super Elves Susan and Sam will help kids shop for and wrap amazing gifts for their whole family! But you don't have to be a kid to come. There is something at the Red Studio for everyone on your list, and every dollar you spend goes directly to help keep Island Commons running.
Click here to see another fabulous article in the Portland Press Herald about Luke Groothoff! What a sensation he has been - congratulations!
December 14, 2017 - Yesterday Axiom experienced a problem with the connection at One City Center and we had to switch over to our backup system. Tomorrow morning we will be over at One City Center making repairs on the tower to get it the main system back online. Hopefully it will be a seamless repair. You may notice a little difference in your internet while we are on the backup unit.
Message from Florence Rich: "I will be at the Island Market this Saturday 10am-2pm and Sunday 10am-1pm
with great items for your christmas shopping. Herb has made new fork earrings that are almost as small as mine. I hope to see you there."
The Red Studio at the Island Commons will be open for last-minute shopping on Sunday from 1-2:30. Great selection of stock stuffers, jewelry, small gifts. Kids welcome! Cookies, cider. Super Elves Sam and Susan will be there to help. Gift wrapping and good cheer! Come find an island treasure and help a great cause.
Message from Kim Boehm: "Still looking for some interested party to continue the junk car removal thing.....This is a much needed service for the Island. Plans must be made now, so that when barging starts again in the Spring, things will go smoothly. I have spent a lot of time and money trying to keep the Island green and clean, but must now pass the torch....Please HELP. This can be a profitable venture. It would be a shame to see all my efforts be in vain, and have the dead cars start piling up again. Again I thank all of you, who in the past, have supported me, in so many ways. If not for me, then think of the Islands future...???"
Kim Boehm
This Saturday is the CPA Annual Christmas Party at the Hall - click here.
December 13, 2017 - Need a Christmas gift? Christmas ornaments depicting the church ($15 in pewter, $10 in glass) will be available at the Parish House: Friday, December 15th during the Potluck supper from 5:30PM to 7 PM and Sunday, December 17th from 11AM to Noon after the Christmas Pagent.
Today's Hall Luncheon at Noon: Special Community Lunch
Allyson’s Chicken with Piccata Sauce
Maple Roasted Delicata Squash
Honey-Balsamic Roasted Carrots
Veggie Option: Quiche with Winter Vegetables
Rolls and Butter
Chocolate Swiss Roll
Generously Sponsored by John and Courtney Wilson
The Hall is donating half the proceeds to the Food Pantry’s Holiday Meal Program
December 10, 2017 - Click here for Miss Nancy's Pre-K blog for last week.
Last night we had our first real snow storm and our new puppy was in heaven and can't get enough of it.
December 9, 2017 - Jon Riley who now owns a home on Chebeague and does lots of insulation on the island was featured on the cover of Fine Homebuilding Magazine. He wrote an article about the art of dense pack sellulose insulation done right and how you can tell the difference. Click here to see a portion of his article.
Click here to see Christmas Caroling Schedule! Saturday Dec. 23rd 4:30 - Sunday Dec 24th 11am - Sunday Dec 24th 7pm. Thank you Erika for setting this all up - to contact her call 749-8022.
December 8, 2017 - The Chebeague Island School is looking for storage space from April to November, for our school equipment, supplies and books? If needed, we would be willing to rent space. Please contact Mike at mpulsifer@chebeague.net if you have space or know of any.
Commons Holiday Party today from 4:30 - 6:30 - see you there!
Two events next week for the church! The first is our Ugly Sweater Potluck on Friday, December 15th from 5 - 7 at the Parish House. Dig out (or make!) your ugliest Christmas Sweater or vote for your favorites. Prizes will be awarded! The next is our annual Christmas Pageant on Sunday, December 17th at 10 AM. Kids of all ages are invited to participate! Rehearsals on December 10th at 11:30 AM at the church (come for Sunday School at 9:45 AM to review the story) and December 17th at 9:15 AM at the Parish House. Contact Melissa at ml.yosuadavis@gmail.com for more information on either of these events!
Click here to see the latest Chebeague Cumberland Land Trust Newsletter!
December 6, 2017 - Thank you to everyone who responded to the adult survey. The age range with the most responses was between 55-74, with most popular times being mid-morning or 6-8am, Mondays-Thursdays. We won't discount other times - and will try starting 2018 with varied scheduling to see what works for people. Most popular exercise classes were Yoga, Cross-Training, and low-impact. The most popular "other activities" were Paint Night (or day...) and Knitting. We had fabulous ideas such as rug hooking, crocheting, specific weight training and many more. Moving forward, if you know someone or you have the talent for one of these (knitting/rug hooking/cooking/meal planning) and wanted to head up one of these activities, please email me, Courtney crc@chebeague.net and I can help organize the event and materials.
A cross-training class will start today Wednesday (December 6) at 6am. The schedule is varied so please go on the website www.chebeaguerec.com (under Adult Programs) to see the schedule and class description. Information about Adult Programs starting in January will be posted soon!
From the Road Safety Committee: "Dooring", a common cause of bicycle/vehicle accidents, occurs when an occupant of a vehicle opens a car door which hits a passing bicycle. OUCH!
Today's soups at the Hall are beef Hungarian goulash and African peanut. And don't forget about coffee hour from 9:00 to 10:00!
December 5, 2017 - photo- of the Stone Wharf on December 5, 2017 during a King Tide.
The floats at the Stone Wharf are coming out tomorrow December 6th.
Historical Society announces final, year-end, inventory clearance sale. Everything at least 20% off. Many, many items newly discounted to 30%, even 40%, off.
Open from 1–4pm Sunday, 12/10 and Sunday 12/17.
Thank you to the many people who attended the Hall's emergency preparedness discussion on Monday. It is always heartening to be reminded of how many thoughtful and creative people we have on the island who are willing to work together to solve problems and make life here even better.
December 4, 2017 - School Committee Meeting tomorrow night, December 5, at 6pm at the school - see agenda.
The clam flats are now closed on Chebeague Island due to reoccurring biotoxin (paralytic shellfish poisoning) this includes mussels, oysters, clams and carnivorous snails.
Mac and Beth are collecting signatures from Chebeague Island voters who wish to act on the RCV law revision voted by the October special legislature. The attempt is to VETO the revision law that would block the RCV law that was voted into existence in 2016. Please stop by their house if interested, and ring their doorbell.
Island Commons Annual Christmas Party is this Friday December 8th, from 4:30 to 6:30 - see poster.
The Hall is having a public discussion of disaster preparedness on the island this morning at 11:00. Topics to be covered include the following:
How should we as a community define disaster preparedness?
What do other local communities offer their residents?
What does a Red Cross Emergency Shelter designation mean?
What services would the community like to see in place to handle emergencies?
What are the barriers to offering such services?
The Historical Society Pot Luck Christmas Party is scheduled for 6:00pm on Monday, December 11, at the Parish House. Bring an appetizer, vegetable casserole, main dish, or dessert to share, and a $10 gift IF you'd like to participate in the gift exchange. This event is for adults only.
December 2, 2017 - Message from the Island Commons: Our dear friend and long-term resident, Lee Orme passed away unexpectedly on Sunday November 26, 2017 at Maine Medical Center. She loved the Island, community and all her island friends she made over the years. We will miss her smiling face.
Miss Nancy's Pre-K blog has been updated - click here to see what the children are doing.
TONIGHT - Please join the Whalers’ annual holiday concert at 7pm at the Hall for “A Jazzi-Classical Christmas” with special guest Herb Maine and Jess Feinburg and carolling for all! Tickets at the door.
November 30, 2017 - Reminder from CTC: Anyone wanting an annual overnight parking pass at the Cousins Island lot must have their applications postmarked or delivered to the CTC Office by end of business (4 PM) on 12/1. If your application is late you will be assigned to Route One.
The CTC office will be closed at noon on Tuesdays and Thursdays from December to March. The Office is closed on Fridays through April.
CTC is very pleased to announce that Amanda Campbell has joined our team as a full-time employee! Amanda joined the company in 2012 at the age of 19 as a part-time deckhand. She took advantage of our benefit program to achieve her Captain’s license. Amanda went on to Maine Maritime Academy where she earned an Associate Degree in Small Vessel Operations and currently holds a 100 Ton Master’s License.
Upon graduation, Amanda went to work at Casco Bay Lines – but we lured her back to Chebeague because we knew how much she could contribute to the Company.
Since there currently are not full-time captain hours available, Amanda will be a deckhand as well as a captain at CTC.
Please join us in congratulating Amanda in her new role at CTC. We are so pleased to have her on our team!
Rob Snyder, President of the Island Institute testified before the House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Water, Power and Oceans on behalf of Congresswoman Chellie Pingree's bipartisan bill, HR 1176, the Keep America’s Waterfronts Working Act. Click here to see and hear his testimony!
November 29, 2017 - Saturday, December 2 at 7pm at the Hall - please come join us to hear the The Whalers’ annual holiday concert. Come for a “Jazzi-Classical Christmas” with special guests The Little Whalers, Herb Maine and Jess Feinburg. Tickets $8 adults/$4 kids.
The Wednesday Soup Lunch will end at 12:45 p.m. on November 29 so that the town can prepare for the Aquaculture Public Hearing at 1:00 p.m. Please join us at the Hall for both events! Today's soups are beef chili and cream of tomato soup with roasted Italian chickpea croutons and the vegetarian soup will be cream of tomato with roasted Italian chickpea croutons.
The Department of Marine Resources will hold a public hearing today at 1pm at the Chebeague Island Hall Community Center on the application of Great Ledge Cove Seafood, LLC for a 3.57-acre, 3-year experimental aquaculture lease located northeast of Little Chebeague Island, Casco Bay, Chebeague Island, Maine, for suspended culture of sugar kelp, horsetail kelp, and winged kelp - click here to learn more about this request.
Reminder: CICA’s annual meeting is Tonight, Wednesday night, 11/29, at the Chebeague Island School. Click HERE for the agenda. All are welcome to attend!
The Slow Bell is open this Saturday, December 2, starting at 5 for dinner. Our dinner special is pulled pork with mac n cheese, coleslaw and cornbread and the catch of the day is fried scallops. We'll also have beef and barley soup and apple crisp for dessert. Come show your singing chops after dinner with karaoke/open mic. We'll welcome anyone who wants to share their own music! Call ahead for takeout! 846-3078
November 28, 2017 - The Ladies Aid will have the wreaths for pickup after 3pm Thursday November 30th at the Parish Hall.
CTC has 2 pages on their December newsletter. Important changes to its fees are posted. You can find the newsletter page one here and page two or on their website chebeaguetrans.com - also remember that the parking applications have to be in by December 1st.
Remember that today is Giving Tuesday - click here to see how you can give to the Chebeague Cumberland Land Trust and the all volunteer board members are matching $2500 of what comes in online by the end of today.
November 26, 2017 - movie- Amazing what 7 or 8 chainsaws and lots of volunteers can do in an hour. Click on the photo to see a youtube video I put together on November 26th of the clearing of the Deer Point Trail that is maintained by the Chebeague Cumberland Land Trust. Thank you to Caitlin Gerber for getting us together and also bringing the cookies!
Today at 1pm- Chebeague Cumberland Land Trust volunteers are cleaingr the trail down to Deer Point on Sunday, November 26th. The recent windstorm downed hundreds of trees on Deer Point and the path to the point is currently completely impassible so we hope to open it back up. If you have a chainsaw that you'd be willing to use to help, please bring it! Even if you don't have a chainsaw, we need the help clearing cut logs and brush. We will meet at the entrance to the Deer Point road at 1 pm so that we can limit the number of vehicles that drive down the road. We will load up all equipment and drive it down. Please bring work gloves, ear protection (if you have it), and if you bring a chainsaw - proper personal protective equipment. I'll bring cookies! Email Caitlin at gerber_c@hotmail.com if you have any questions. Thanks!!!
November 25, 2017 - Happy Thanksgiving from the Recompense Fund - by now you should have received our latest annual report. If you haven’t received one and would like a copy please contact recompensefund@chebeague.net. You can also see it online by going to https://www.recompensefund.com/. Thank you to all who have been so supportive in helping us work at the sustainability of our island. I'm especially happy with the report this year because the cover has Julia Maine and CICA's Aquaculture Program last summer with my two daughters and granddaughter on the cover taken by the Island Institute.
MAINLAND CAR SHARING. We have received 50 responses to our Survey Monkey. Please take a minute this holiday weekend to complete it (link), to help us learn if there is enough demand to start this service.
The Red Studio is open today from 10:00 a.m. to noon and fully restocked with all sorts of new, used, and unique treasures for your shopping adventures!
November 24, 2017 - In light of the recent prolonged power outage, the Hall will be holding a public meeting at 11:00 a.m. on Monday December 4 to discuss disaster preparedness on the island. Topics to be covered include the following:
How should we as a community define disaster preparedness?
What do other local communities offer their residents?
What does a Red Cross Emergency Shelter designation mean?
What services would the community like to see in place to handle emergencies?
What are the barriers to offering such services?
Miss Nancy's Pre-K Classroom Blog - click here.
November 23, 2017 - photo- The first Chebeague Rec Center Turkey Trot! Lots of runners, walkers and dogs! It was lots of fun and getting coffee and goodies at the end was special. Now back to the turkey.
HAPPY THANKSGIVING! I have the turkey in the oven and looking forward to the Rec Center TURKEY TROT - I'm walking 3.2 miles with my new puppy! The 1st Chebeague Island Turkey Trot! Thanksgiving morning at 9am. Meet at the Chebeague Recreation Center at 8:45. Please join us for a relaxed 5K walk or run, to get some exercise before the feast. If you don't have time to walk/run please come by for a cup of coffee and donut. $5 suggested donation to support children programming.
November 22, 2017 - The Chebeague and Cumberland Land Trust (CCLT) is participating in #GivingTuesday on November 28! After two big days dedicated to commercialization and consumerism-Black Friday and Cyber Monday- there’s now a day dedicated to giving. You can join this growing movement and give back to your community by donating to CCLT HERE!
- Your gift will support land conservation, environmental education events, and building new trail networks in Chebeague and Cumberland. The all-volunteer CCLT Board of Directors has pledged to match dollar-for-dollar the first $2,500 given online between today (November 22) and the end of November 28!
Island Commons RED STUDIO SHOP will be open for Holiday Shopping this Saturday, 10-noon. Stop by and check out all our new items! Have a great Thanksgiving, everyone…
Message from Phil and Sheila Jordan: We give thanks to all our Chebeague community for their most kind concern and caring during Phil's recent hospitalization and rehab. It is good to be home - Happy Thanksgiving!
Today is Soup at the Hall at 12 Noon - The soup is Mexican Lime Soup (Chicken, chicken broth, tomatoes, tortillas, sliced lime and lime juice) and the vegetarian is Creamy Parsnip and Carrot from Wanda's garden - YUMMY!
November 21, 2017 - The CTC office will be closed at 1 PM Wednesday and all day Thursday. Happy Thanksgiving!
Chebeague Recreation Center is looking for a volunteer or paid position. Can work one or multiple of the positions. The kids would love your help!
Assistant basketball coach for grades 1-4 (Mondays 3-4pm)
Assistant basketball coach for Middle School; grades 5-8 (Mondays and Wednesdays 4-5:00)
Open gym supervisor - helping with floor hockey and other gym activities (Wednesday 3-4)
Programs start December 6th - please email crc@chebeague.net for interest.
Take Out Night at the Slow Bell. Treat your family to an easy dinner before you start your Thanksgiving cooking! Wednesday, November 22, we’ll be selling JUST our dinner special (lasagna), pizzas and salads. We’ll take orders starting at 3 p.m. and will have your order ready for pick up. Take out will be open until 8 p.m. CALL EARLY!!! 846-3078.
Committee Meeting tonight at 6pm at the school - see agenda.
November 20, 2017 - Reminder: The 1st Chebeague Island Turkey Trot! Thanksgiving morning at 9am. Meet at the Chebeague Recreation Center at 8:45. Please join us for a relaxed 5K walk or run, to get some exercise before the feast. If you don't have time to walk/run please come by for a cup of coffee and donut. $5 suggested donation to support children programming. (I'm looking forward to this after I get the turkey in the oven and walking with our new puppy and my family!!)
The Historical Society announces expanded Gift Shop hours for Thanksgiving Weekend. Gift shop will be open for your holiday shopping on Friday 11/24 and on Saturday 11/25, from 10am until 3pm on both days. Most items are on sale at 20% off, with additional special sale items available. Hope to see you there!
Take Out Night at the Slow Bell. Treat your family to an easy dinner before you start your Thanksgiving cooking! Wednesday, November 22, we’ll be selling JUST our dinner special (lasagna), pizzas and salads. We’ll take orders starting at 3 p.m. and will have your order ready for pick up. Take out will be open until 8 p.m. CALL EARLY!!! 846-3078.
In search of volunteers to help Chebeague Cumberland Land Trust volunteers clear the trail down to Deer Point on Sunday, November 26th. The recent windstorm downed hundreds of trees on Deer Point and the path to the point is currently completely impassible so we hope to open it back up. If you have a chainsaw that you'd be willing to use to help, please bring it! Even if you don't have a chainsaw, we need the help clearing cut logs and brush. We will meet at the entrance to the Deer Point road at 1 pm so that we can limit the number of vehicles that drive down the road. We will load up all equipment and drive it down. Please bring work gloves, ear protection (if you have it), and if you bring a chainsaw - proper personal protective equipment. I'll bring cookies! Email Caitlin at gerber_c@hotmail.com if you have any questions. Thanks!!!
November 19, 2017 - Yesterday was the Ladies Aid Fair and they still have 20 wreaths available for sale and pickup on November 28th or 29th (will let you know) Cost are $16 so please contact Jane Frizzell at 846-4937.
The Islander was back in service yesterday.
CAR SHARING. Do you have a mainland car? Would you like to reduce your costs? A new Chebeague-owned company is considering having new vehicles on the Mainland at the Rte. 1 Parking Lot or Blanchard Lot that you can use for your errands or trips. You will no longer have the need for car payments, insurance, the hassle if you have an accident, gasoline, getting your vehicle serviced, AAA or other road service, body work, or getting new tires, a battery or other parts. The company will take care of all these things for you for a modest payment (as little as $7 to $11per hour) each time you use one of our vehicles. Please take a minute to answer our Survey Monkey . Those who become members at a nominal cost will receive a $25 credit toward their first vehicle rental.
November 16, 2017 - The cat turned out to be Sheila Putnam's and has been missing since September 29th.
Save the date for #GivingTuesday on November 28! We have two days for indulging in consumerism ahead of the holidays—Black Friday and Cyber Monday—and now there’s one dedicated just to giving. Stay tuned for how you can support CCLT’s work to preserve natural spaces and expand outdoor recreation opportunities in Chebeague and Cumberland.
Jon Rich found a cat in a barn off of Capps Road today and is looking for the owner - click here for a photo - call Steve Auffont 203 675 3984 if it is yours.
PLEASE SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, December 2 at 7pm at the Hall - please come join us to hear the The Whalers’ annual holiday concert. Come for a “Jazzi-Classical Christmas” (FLYER LINKED) with special guests The Little Whalers, Herb Maine and Jess Feinburg. Tickets $8 adults/$4 kids. For questions, contact Ben Yosua-Davis, ben.yosuadavis@gmail.com.
Message from the CTC: Ferry service will be on our normal schedule (Cousins/Chebeague). CBL will provide the service until Islander returns - hopefully this weekend.
The Ladies Aid Fair is this weekend at the Parish House from 12 to 2:30.
Message from the school: Please be aware that the school will be having their annual Walking School Bus tomorrow starting at 8 a.m. from the Historical Society and to please drive slowly and carefully.
November 14, 2017 - Message from the School Committee-
We would like to extend our thanks for the great community support around the referendum vote last week. We appreciate the questions and thoughtful dialogue that occurred along the way, as well as the support of our selectmen and Marjorie who attended many meetings specific to the renovation plans. Superintendent Mike Pulsifer & Architect David Brunner also worked very hard and we appreciate their efforts as well. Stay tuned for updates as we move forward in this process. It's an exciting time. And again, THANK YOU!
Messages from Courtney and the Rec: Calling all adults!! Please fill out this survey on Adult Programming at the Rec Center. We want to get a sense of what adults on Chebeague want over the cold winter months and the times that work best. The survey is short and sweet, I promise. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/SPRQMKT
Second, please start to check the Chebeague Recreation Center website for updates and like us on Facebook as a place to see photos and know about upcoming events. www.chebeaguerec.com - Starting to work on updating these sites, and appreciate your patience!
From the Road Safety Committee - Join the 45 million who have pledged not to text while driving by going to http://itcanwait.usaa.com to watch powerful videos and take the pledge.
Community Lunch at the Hall - November 15 Braised Short Ribs, Spinach, Garlic Mashed Potatoes, Kale Salad with Farro, Pistachios, and Goat Cheese, Rolls and Butter, Pumpkin Whoopie Pies -- Veggie Option: Palak/Saag Paneer
All Vegetables Are from Second Wind Farm
Suggested Donation: $7
Generously Sponsored by Bev and Ralph McLean
November 13, 2017 - The Ladies Aid Fair is this weekend at the Parish House from 12 to 2:30. Great time to start or finish your Christmas Shopping!
The Kids' Place still has pies, its not too late to reserve your today!
Chocolate cream pie, pecan pie, apple pie and pumpkin pie!!!
$16 for a delicious homemade pie!
All proceeds benefit The Kids' Place
Call: 846-8712
or email: kidsplace@chebeague.net
November 11, 2017 - The Recompense Fund's 2017 Annual Report is being launched in the mail and on the web. You can read it and see The Fund’s current donors at www.recompensefund.com.
The Recompense Fund will be updating the list of donors as gifts come in for this year's extraordinary matching challenge from the Raymond Family Foundation. The match is dollar-to-dollar for every contribution.
Your community fund is dedicated to the sustainability of the island as a year-round community through support to our nonprofits.
5K Turkey Trot: Chebeague Recreation Center will host its first Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving Day at 9am. You can run or walk, and if you don’t feel like doing either, please come by and enjoy a cup of coffee and a homemade donut made by the children of Kid’s Place. This is a casual event, a simple opportunity to be thankful for our community and get in some exercise before the BIG feast. Suggested donation of $5 for children’s programming. Trot will start at 9am - suggested 8:30-8:45 arrival. Contact crc@chebeague.net for any questions.
November 10, 2017 - The Kids' Place is selling homemade delicious pies for your Thanksgiving
Feast!!! We have Cherry, Chocolate Cream, Pumpkin, Apple, Pecan and maybe more!!!
All pies are $16 and all proceeds benefit The Kids' Place - Please call to reserve your pie: 846-8712
or E mail: kidsplace@chebeague.net -- We would love your support and we would also love to sell you a delicious
Cleaning up! The Chebeague Rec Center’s lost and found (breeze way of CRC) has a large amount of clothes. There are bathing suits, hoodies, coats, sneakers and much more. Please check to see if you are missing something - all items not claimed by next Wednesday will go to Goodwill. Thank you!
Axiom Technicians will be on the island this morning to replace a unit on our equipment that was hurt during the power outage and to put us on the main system. We have been on the backup units since the storm. There will be a down time for a few minutes sometime this morning or early afternoon. We now also have two generators to use when the power goes off for more than a few hours.
November 9, 2017 - photo- photo by Caroline of a fallen tree on the Loder property after the storm.
Message from May: The Slow Bell will be open this Saturday 11/11 starting at 5 p.m. for dinner and the bar will be open until midnight. We will be serving chicken parm with pasta and lemon-dill salmon with roasted potatoes. We'll also have haddock chowder! Come join us for karaoke this week and try to top our Slow Bell best! This is our last opening until the Wednesday of Thanksgiving week, when we will be open for takeout pizza, lasagna and salad ahead of Turkey Day! We'll also be selling tickets for our New Years Eve Eve Extravaganza! Hope to see you at the Slow Bell! Call ahead for takeout. 846-3078
The Road Safety Committee would like to thank all Chebeaguers for the greatly improved safety on our roads. Bikers are staying to the right, single file; pedestrians and joggers are staying to the left, and roadside residents report that motor vehicles have slowed down noticeably. “Slowly for Safety”.
November 7, 2017 - Click here for the election results on the island. The Referendum Question to approve the school renovations - Yes-192 No-53 Blank-1`
Wednesday soup for tomorrow is Bacon Mushroom Barley and the vegetarian is Tortellini in a light curry cream.
November 6, 2017 -photo- photo of "Wilson" who survived the storm after a tree landed on the Martins home.
Don't forget to vote tomorrow - polls open at 8 and go till 8. Important school referendum on the ballot and I hope it gets lots of support - click here for more information about the School Renovation! If you would like to know more about the State Referendum items click here for an article in the Bangor News.
The School Committee Meeting this week is on Thursday, November 9th at 6pm at the school - click here for agenda.
A message from Town Administrator Marjorie: I spoke with the Cumberland County Emergency Management Office about private damage, for instance, Deer Point Road. The Town has to report estimated costs for debris removal on Public Ways, but we do not report damage on private roads. Local EMA says individuals should call the 211 number to report damage or estimated costs of cleanup. You will be asked to answer a few questions. Of course, this would be in addition to reporting any damage to individual private insurance carriers. Just like public damage, the State of Maine has to reach a threshold to qualify for any assistance. I’m not sure what form the assistance would take. Cumberland County Emergency Management Agency – 207-892-6785.
DMR has removed the Chebeague Island and surrounding waters flood closure.The flats and waters are now open to ALL shellfish and aquaculture activities.
November 5, 2017 - There are still a lot of Islanders without power and remember that the Parish House is open and available for water, heat, WIFI and power.
CONGRATULATIONS to the Yarmouth Boys and Girls Soccer Teams who both won their State Titles!! The boys won 2-1 over Winslow click here to learn more. The Girls Team won 9-0 over Presque Isle with Ehyrn Groothoff getting the first 3 goals click here to read more.
November 3, 2017 - As of 10 this morning CMP was working on the power lines in front of Leonards and we were able to drive through. I understand that the South Road beyond John Small is also clear. The power to the store and West End, along with a number of side roads are still not on along with the Commons.
Message from Mellissa: The Parish House is open for anyone who needs water, heat, WiFi, and power! Stop by for some coffee and goodies.
Message from the Commons: The Island Commons sends a heartfelt thanks to Fire Chief Ralph Monroe, to the crew at Maine Island Energy, and to everyone else who checked in on our staff and residents to make sure all were safe and comfortable. It’s great to know that while we are caring for our residents, the community is looking out for our well-being. Thanks from the Commons board and our devoted and hard-working staff.
November 2, 2017 - photo- taken 11/2/17 on South Road across from Leonards.
Congratulations to Ehryn Grootoff Scored the only and winning goal to take Yarmouth Girls Soccer to States! Click here to see the Portland Press Herald Story! Also, the Yarmouth boys soccer won yesterday 2-1 and are also headed to the state Championship on Saturday in Portland - Luke Grootoff and Aaron Belesaca.
Message from May Hall: Hey folks! If CMP keeps up their good work, we will be open on Saturday starting at 5 for dinner and another fabulous evening of karaoke. We welcome trick or treaters.... just come in through the takeout door and we will share a treat! Our dinner special is pot roast with veggies and mashed pots and our catch is a fisherman's platter with fried scallops, haddock and oysters. We will also have chili and fruit crisp. For any folks hoping for an early dinner for the kids, call me at the Slow Bell between 4-430 and order either a large cheese or large pepperoni pizza and/or a large to-go salad and well have it ready for you between 5 and 5:15. 207.846.5068.
CMP showed up a few hours after we got the generator working at the Ballard house and turned the power back on so I won't be shutting off the internet and phones at 9:30. Hurrah!
For those who have Axiom (old chebeague.net) internet we now have a small generator at the Ballard House in order to have our phones and internet up and running. It may be days before power is restored down that way. I will try to keep it running during the day and will shut it off about 9:30pm. We have some generators ordered for the island. A huge thanks to Ken Pelton who is letting us borrow his for now. Big thanks to Doug Ross who helped get it running again.
Yesterday afternoon CMP was able to get most of the North Road and part of the East End up and running. The School has power and there is school today. There are still lines and trees down on South Road after the Hall toward the west end, on the South Road after John Small Road and Cottage Road is also impassble. A lot of side streets and driveways have trees and power lines down. The Hall is still on the generator and is open for people to come as needed. The Ballard house still has no power and I'm hoping to get a small generator to power up the internet. Axiom has two generators comiing for me to use the next time we have a power outage as a lot of people have generators now. I'm putting together a movie I took the morning of the storm and if anyone wants to send me photos I could include them in the movie.
November 1, 2017 - Power still out all over the island this morning. The Hall will be serving soups today at noon - White Chili and the vegetarian are Cream of Celery and Beet Borsch - veggies from Wanda's garden.
Doughty's Market will be open until 11:30 this morning.
Trick or Treating on Chebeague has been postponed to Saturday, November 4th.
There are still power line and trees down in front of Leonards just after the Hall so you can't go down South Road after the Hall. Lots of side roads impassable (Capps, Deer Point and others)
October 31, 2017 - Happy Halloween - NOT - The power on the island has been out since early yesterday morning and no one has even been on Chebeague to do anything about it. There were 500,000 homes in Maine without power as of yesterday. They are postponing Trick or Treating on the island until the power is back up and it is safe. There are power lines and tree blocking the road between the Hall and Roy Hill and a tree and lines down between John Small and the Commons. You cant drive down many of the side roads and driveways because of trees down. The first few hours of the power outage is an adventure but it gets old fast and I can't even imagine what it must be like in Puerto Rico. I did a drive around the island yesterday morning as trees were still falling and will put together the movie and post on youtube when I can. The Hall and Library are open for people.
The Library will be open until 4 today and the Hall is always open for people to come use the facility, eat and charge phones and laptops. As long as someone from the Hall is there you may heat up food on the stove. Ruth is there now making desserts for tomorrows soup. I imagine there will be lots of people for hot soup tomorrow.
The CTC boats and busses are all running but the office and phones have no power.
October 28, 2017 - Click here for Miss Nancy's Pre-K classroom news.
The golf club has a great opportunity for someone with good management, supervisory and communication skills—and a knowledge of golf. It’s the position of Clubhouse Manager for the 2018 season. Interested? Contact Carl Tubbesing, Club President, for a copy of the full position description (carldt@gwi.net; 202-865-4451). The deadline for applying is November 30, 2017.
The church has decided to "find a home” for its Hammond organ. Anyone who might be interested should contact Eldon Mayer, vixenskipper@gmail.com.
October 27, 2017 - Frighten us with your costume and dazzle us with your holiday-themed dish. Whatever you do, join us on Saturday night. Click here ---If you want to help decorate the Hall before the big event, arrive at the Hall at 10am Saturday morning.
"Historical Society reminds all to come the end-of-season Open House, this Sunday, October 29 from 1pm until 4pm. This will be the final day for our exhibit on Chebeague Architecture, with cider and treats, along with some great deals in our Gift Shop."
Effective immediately because of pollution from heavy rain fall it shall be unlawful to dig take a posses any clams, quahogs,oysters or mussels from the shores, flats and waters from Portland to the Canadian border. This includes Chebeague.
October 26, 2017 - The November CTC Newsletter is posted on their website - chebeaguetrans.com - and is available here.
There will be a CICA meeting on Nov. 1st at 7pm at the school. All are welcome. See the agenda .
October 25, 2017 - ROSS GREENE - It is absolutely incredible that we have Ross Greene coming to Chebeague. He is a world *65214ed expert who travels all over giving talks about collaborative and proactive solutions to childhood management. He has written many books and is well respected. You won't want to miss this at the Hall Thursday afternoon at 5:30 to hear him. Don't worry about dinner or childcare as these will be taken care of by the Chebeague Parents Association. Click here for more information. Click here for the letter to parents.
Message from May: Hi folks! Slow Bell is open this Saturday starting at 5 p.m. for dinner, followed by karaoke starting at 8ish, and the bar open until midnight. Our dinner special is smoked ribs and our Catch of the Day is scallops. We'll also have housemade turkey soup and coconut cream pie or apple/pear crisp for dessert. Costumes, surprises, tricks, or treats welcome! Call ahead for takeout! 846-3078
October 24, 2017 - Wednesday's soups at the Hall will be crab and beef with vegetables and the vegetarian is potato leek.
Don't forget to vote on November 7th for the School Renovation. Click here to see all the documents including earlier studies, design, and tax impact.
A reminder to drive carefully on Halloween (and always) and the school will be having its annual Walking School Bus/ Costume Parade. We will be departing from the Historical Society at 8 a.m.
CTC's schedule for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's Day can be found on the Schedule page of their website, chebeaguetrans.com or here.
October 23, 2017 -Kelley has officially started her new position at the YMCA Pineland Branch. Courtney Doughty is transitioning into her new role as Executive Director and will be at the office 3 days a week (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday) to start. Her days and hours will be posted on the Rec Center door. If any issue outside of hours please call the Rec Center (846-5068) or email (crc@chebeague.net) which will be checked daily. Thank you for your support in this transition.
Thursday, Oct. 26th 5:30 to 7:30 The renowned psychologist and author, Dr. Ross Greene, will present his Collaborative and Proactive Solutions (www.livesinthebalance.org) approach to working with children and families on Thursday at The Hall. Dr. Green is a New York Times bestselling author (The Explosive Child, Lost at School, and most recent, Raising Human Beings) and is a world renowned psychologist. Our Chebeague Island School adopted his model a number of years ago and our staff has been trained by Dr.Greene. His latest book, Raising Human Beings empowers all parents and children alike. ----- This event is sponsored by the Chebeague Parents Association’s Community Support Series. This is FREE. Free babysitting. Free pizza to take home because it is a dinner time presentation.(Link to Letter From CIS). Dr. Greene has a clear, do-able message for Parents, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Neighbors and Caregivers! DON’T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY! See Flyer.
Complimentary Medicare Seminar: This is a chance to stop by the Parish House anytime to get questions answered. Maddie Downs 207.522.5321 and Loree Woods-DeVinney 207.415.5735 will be there on Wednesday and Thursday October 25 & 26 from 10:30am - 7:00pm. Will Medicare reform change your health care requirements for hospital, doctor, prescription, home healthcare and long term care needs? Learn about your Medicae Insurance options and how you can plan ahead to secure the life of your retirement. They will discuss what Medicare does and does not cover. Friends and family are welcome to come as well. Light snacks and refreshments will be provided.
October 20, 2017 - Congratulations to Luke Groothoff who became a member of the WCSH6 News Center Varsity Club - click here to see the wonderful report.
A huge shout out and thank you to Tracy Calder and her Teen Center helpers for making these awesome signs to honor the YHS Boys Soccer Team on Senior Nite this past week. Both the boys and girls are undefeated going into playoffs! Congratulations to Luke Groothoff, Aaron Belesca, and Eryn Groothoff and best of luck in the playoffs! Go Clippers!!
October 19, 2017 - Teen Center Scavenger Hunt: October 28th at 7pm. Volunteers needed to drive or scare our island teens! This is a fun tradition on Chebeague and volunteers help to make it happen. Please contact Tracy Calder if you are able to help. Email: farmingtongirl27@aim.com Phone: 207-653-2302
Corrected Message from May (I posted an old one by mistake - sorry May): Hey folks! Reminder that we will be open Friday night from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. for dinner, with the bar open until midnight (or until everyone goes home, whichever comes first). Our special is turkey dinner and our catch of the day is fried scallops. We'll also be serving smoked pork green chili with cheddar cheese and chips. Come check out KARAOKE starting at 8. Call ahead for takeout (846-3078). Hope to see you at the Slow Bell!
If you get a call from the IRS saying you owe money - hang up it is a scam. A few calls have been coming to Chebeague like that so please don't believe them.
October 18, 2017 - Dont forget to go to the Rec Center this Saturday morning at 9 am to learn more about the upcoming vote on financing the renovations to the Chebeague Island School.
Holly Bowling (Nancy and Bob Earnest daughter) will be performing at Port City Music Hall on Sunday Evening at 8pm - click here for more information.
From the Road Safety Committee - Here is the summary of the recent Workshop for this unable to attend - click here for notes and photos).
Join Us Today at the Hall for the First Community Lunch of the Season. Pork loin stuffed with apples, cranberries, and pecans. Tender new potatoes from Second Wind Farm . Roasted acorn squash from Second Wind Farm Maine apple cake with caramel frosting - Green salad Rolls and butter - Veggie option: quinoa salad or roasted acorn squash stuffed with cherries, pecans, and caramelized onions - Suggested donation: $7 -- Generously Sponsored by Russ Hunter!!
October 15, 2017 - Please come to the Hall's October Community Lunch this Wednesday at noon. We are serving pork loin stuffed with apples, cranberries, and pecans; tender new potatoes from Second Wind Farm; roasted acorn squash from Second Wind Farm; Chebeague apple cake with caramel frosting; green salad; and rolls and butter. The veggie option is roasted acorn squash stuffed with cranberry-pecan quinoa.
Suggested donation is $7.
This lunch is being sponsored by Russ and Cathy Hunter. We wish they could be here in person!
Join the Fun on Oct. 25th -Get Out! Nature Walk at Knight's Pond Preserve - by the Chebeague Cumberland Land Trust - click here to learn more.
School Committee Meeting - Tuesday, October 17 at 6pm at the school - see agenda.
Message from Kim Boehm "Update on junk car/scrap metal removal" Kim Boehm (846-2468) is still removing metals, (old outboards, batteries,heavy iron and "red" metals,i.e. copper, brass and bronze)..As of this date, there is no one removing junk cars...In the future (next barge season) if a vehicle is able to be safely driven, a charge of 50 dollars will be charged for its removal...or you can arrange to do this yourself. I can provide details. Non running vehicles will have to be dealt with at some point....
In a perfect world, someone would step to the plate, purchase a reliable car carrier and start up this much needed business. At current market rates, it would cost 400 dollars to remove a non running vehicle. This number reflects the true cost of barging, trucking costs, etc. For many years I have operated at a huge loss and can no longer do so. I have considered this a gift to Island and its residents, and have no regrets... If you have any ideas or are interested in this business, I will be happy to share all I have learned. Once again I want to thank all who have provided moral and financial support."
October 14, 2017 - Congratulations to the Chebeague Wave Breakers cross country running team who finished out their regular season yesterday with a mighty showing at Twin Brook Recreation Area in Cumberland. Big heartfelt thanks to the indomitable coach Tammy Hoidal who inspired the runners and helped everyone face their butterflies and run their hearts out! And to the enthusiastic parents who cheered our runners throughout the season. (Missing from the photo are speedsters Carly and Catherine.
Chebeague Island School Pre-K blog - click here.
October 12, 2017 - Peter Carleton is a Reiki practitioner at Maine Medical Center in Portland and would love to visit patients from Chebeague for a treatment or just to talk. To let him know you’re there, call him at 846-6129 or the Volunteer Office at 662-220.
Don’t forget the Road Safety Workshop “Get There Safely”, Saturday at the Island Hall, 9:00 AM. All attendees will have an opportunity to participate in a paste-up exercise, for all to see what the community really wants to happen to improve safety on our roads. Just last week another near tragedy was barely averted when a child turned in front of an oncoming car on the South Road. We must do more to avoid such situations!
Complimentary Medicare Seminar: Parish House, October 25 & 26 from 10:30am - 7:00pm. Will Medicare reform change your health care requirements for hospital, doctor, prescription, home healthcare and long term care needs? Learn about your Medicae Insurance options and how you can plan ahead to secure the life of your retirement. Join for a free seminar where Maddie Downs 207.522.5321and Loree Woods-DeVinney 207.415.5735 will discuss what Medicare does and does not cover. Friends and family are welcome to attend. Light snacks and refreshments will be provided.
October 10, 2017 - photo- by Sue Stranahan of at Chucks on a beautiful Fall afternoon October 10th.
Riley's cat has been missing now two weeks and we have reason to believe that someone has taken the cat thinking it was a stray or because they liked it. Stephen is offering a $500 reward if the cat is returned. Click here to see her photo. Contact Vika at( 207) 712-1392
The Chebeague Island Historical Society is pleased to announce that the winner of the Antique Quilt Raffle is Mary Ann Pearsall of Long Island. Proceeds from the raffle will be dedicated to the support the and maintenance of the Toll of the Sea Memorial at Chandler's Cove.
October 7, 2017 - photo- A message from CIS: Many thanks to Wanda and David for sharing their bounty! If you are cleaning out your gardens, please consider the Chebeague Island School. The healthy lunch program will be sure to incorporate your donations into its’ homemade lunches. Thank you for thinking of us!! P.S. Call us at 846.4162 if you need us to glean or pick up the veggies.
Message from Jen at The Niblic: Last day of the season is here! We will be open Sunday 9-2. Hope you stop by & check out our sale, grab a final cinnamon bun, maybe do some early holiday shopping? Thank you friends, near and far, for a very busy summer and for supporting an island business! You’re the best and we appreciate you all!
Chebeague Island School Pre-K - blog update- click here.
Chebeague Island Recreation Center is pleased to announce that Courtney Doughty has been named Executive Director. Courtney brings a wealth of experience to this position, having worked in higher education for twelve years in the areas of academic advising and academic support. Prior to her years in the post-secondary, she spent summers working for the Aloha Foundation, family and sleep-away camps in Vermont. Her background and skills are a great match for the CRC and we hope you will join us in welcoming her and offering your support during her transition. We feel very blessed to have her joining us!
Island Architecture Exhibit! And shopping at the big Columbus Day Sale at the Museum is a bonus!Click here to see!
The Road Safety Committee’s Workshop “Getting There Safely” will be held at the Island Hall on Saturday, October 14th at 9:00 AM. A representative from the Bicycle Coalition of Maine will be speaking and we’ll be showing a video on road safety, specially aimed at kids and parents. If you haven’t already, please invest one minute to answer our Survey Monkey (link here). The results will be presented at the Workshop.
October 6, 2017 - This weekend the island community is raising money for HURRICANE RELIEF for the Red Cross to directly aid the Caribbean islands devastated by the recent hurricanes. Please look for collection cans at places like Doughty's Island Market, the Niblic, the frost tournament at the golf course and at the Slow Bell. We already have one generous offer to match what is collected at the Slow Bell Saturday night! Please help with this island to islands relief!!! Checks can be made out to the American Red Cross. Thanks in advance for your help. Together we can make a difference!
Reminder-Great Chebeague Golf Club Blanchard/Frost Tournament is tomorrow, Saturday,
Sign-up between 11:30AM and 11:45AM, shotgun start at noon. Total cost $10. All entrance fees will be donated to Island Hurricane Relief. Social hour starting at 5PM, all are welcome, bring your own beverages and snacks.
October 5, 2017 - ISLAND RICHES - End of the Season - Holiday Craft Sale, Saturday, October 7 12-4 - Raffle, Gift baskets, Free drink and snacks! Crafters wanted and welcome!!
Don’t miss your last chance to find treasures at Island Commons RED STUDIO this Saturday, October 7th, 10:00-12:00! Thanks to all who shopped & donated items in support of Island Commons…you made our first season a great success. We’ll be open occasionally throughout the year…watch for announcements. We’re accepting donations year round…please contact Sam McLean at 846-0510. THANK YOU!
One more chance to see the Island Architecture Exhibit! And shopping at the big Columbus Day Sale at the Museum is a bonus! Saturday & Monday 10-4; Sunday 1-4. Most everything at least 20% off and some books and shirts 50% off! New throws red, green, blue - just perfect for Christmas, Weddings, or Graduation - ONlY $55!!
Don't miss out - shop early for best selection! Mugs and glasses going fast!
Message from May: Hi folks! Open this weekend and our specials include pulled pork, fried clams and crab and corn chowder. On Friday night we'll have karaoke/open mic and Saturday we'll celebrate with Chip Emery Band at 7 p.m. and the Westenders will rock the house for the rest of the night! We'll be passing a jar both nights for donations to HURRICANE RELIEF so help us out generously! This is our last full weekend of the season. Watch for postings for our off-season nights! Hope to see you at the Slow Bell! 846-3078
October 3, 2017 - Island to Island Outreach - This month at the Hall, all proceeds from the Wednesday coffee and soup lunches will go to a nonprofit providing relief for those in need in Puerto Rico. Soup starts next Wednesday, October 11, but our coffee program is already up and running! Join us tomorrow!
The Recompense Fund’s Sustainability Survey for what Chebeague needs for sustainability as a year-round community will be closing on Friday October 6th so please take a minute to answer the question that is to choose the three most important issues you think that our Island faces. We have already received 162 responses and we will be sharing the results soon. Thank you so much for your answers and comments.
October 1, 2017 - FROM THE ROAD SAFETY COMMITTEE -Thanks to all of you who have responded to our Survey Monkey. It is still open and can be accessed by clicking here. It takes less than two minutes to complete, and will help us inform the Selectmen how our community would like them to improve safety on our roads.
School Committee Meeting is Tuesday, October 3, 2017, 6pm at the school- click here for agenda.
September 30, 2017 - Last week's Chebeague Island Pre-K blog for Miss Nancy's room - click here.
Message from Jon Rich Plumbing and Chebeague Plumbing: It's that time of year again and it's been very warm so many people are not thinking about it, but it's time to start putting the cottages to bed for Winter. We have a few places on the list to winterize thus far but not as many as we would expect for this time of year. If you know your cottage is ready to be closed and haven't contacted us yet please do so as soon as possible. Rich Plumbing: jonrich@chebeague.net or Chebeague Plumbing: plumbing@chebeague.net
Message from Celia: Last regularly scheduled yoga class with Celia, Monday Oct. 2 - 5:30pm @ the Rec.
September 29, 2017 - More Tick Information: The Tick Committee needs your help: They want to document as accurately as possible, the number of cases of Lyme Disease, Anaplasmosis, and Babesiosis that have been acquired on Chebeague in the past couple of years. Please click here to see how you can help.
Callie the cat has been gone a few days from home on the East End. Please check your barns and cellars or let Vika know that you may have closed up your home for the summer. She may have slipped into places unnoticed. If you have seen her call or text Vika 939-9643.
A memorial service for Jane Hahn will be on Saturday September 30 at 11:00 at the church. A graveside burial will occur immediately after the service. The transfer station will be closed from 11:30 to 12:30 in order for the cemetery be peaceful and quiet during the burial.
The family invites all to come to the parish house after the service for refreshments and enjoy some of Jane's art work.
Ticks, Ticks, Ticks ---Your Tick Borne Disease Committee is working for you - Please show up for an evening with Chuck Lubelczyk, Vector Ecologist from Maine Medical Center Research Institute and participate. Tuesday October 3rd, 5:30 at the Parish House.
September 28, 2017 - CRC will be accepting applications for the Executive Director position through Friday at 4:30 PM. Click here to print the application or you may pick one up from the Rec Center. Please email the completed application and a copy of your resume to crc@chebeague.net or drop it off at the CRC office. If the office isn't open please slide it under the office door.
Message from the Historical Society: "Weekend sale special at the museum. Come visit our exhibit "Chebeague’s Domestic Architecture, 1750-1890" and browse our glassware and mugs, available for a special offer of buy four/get one free. Saturday (from 10-4) and Sunday (from 1-4) , September 30 and October 1."
Annual Great Chebeague Golf Club Columbus Day W/E Tournament - ALL ARE WELCOME - All skill levels are encouraged to play Year Round Island Residents are eligible to compete in the Blanchard Tournament. All others play in the Frost TournamentPlay 9 or 18 Holes- your choice - Saturday, October 7th - Noon START- 11:45 AM SIGN-UP --5PM Social-BYOB and BYO Snacks --$10 entrance fee is your total cost
The Great Chebeague Golf Club will be participating in an island-wide initiative over Columbus Day weekend to raise funds for hurricane relief for the Caribbean islands that have been devastated by Hurricanes Irma and Maria. The club will donate 100 percent of the $10 entry fee for the tournaments to the relief effort.
Book Study - Rob Bell's What Is The Bible - CUMC is offering a community-wide book study on Rob Bell's What Is the Bible: How an Ancient Library of Poems, Letters, and Stories Can Transform the Way You Think and Feel About Everything (to read more, check out https://robbell.com/portfolio/whatisthebible/). We welcome anyone to join us as we read this book over the month of October - no need to be familiar with the Bible or come from any particular faith background. We'll gather at the parsonage at 5 PM for a potluck dinner and conversation on Wednesdays during the month of October, starting October 4th. If you are interested or have any questions, please contact Melissa at ml.yosuadavis@gmail.com so we know how many to expect!
September 27, 2017 - Don't forget that Chebeague Island Property Taxes are due this Friday, September 29th.
Selectmen's meeting tonight at the Hall at 6pm - see agenda and packet. Collins Engineering will present some alternatives and construction costs for the Stone Pier. A Public discussion will follow the presentation.
The Road Safety Committee has been charged with making recommendations to the Selectmen on how Chebeague road safety can be improved. Please click here and help determine what the community wants. This is a quick two question survey.
A precious cross pendant was found embedded in the new asphalt on the South Road between Cottage Road and John Small Road. Please call 846-0650 if you lost this treasure.
Employment Opportunity on Chebeague-Chebeague Recreation Center has an immediate opening for an Executive Director. Kelley Rich has accepted a new position on the mainland and will be leaving the Rec Center later this month. We and the entire Chebeague community owe Kelley a great deal of gratitude for her years of dedication to keeping the CRC an important and vital part of our Island. Please join me in congratulating Kelley. It will certainly be a challenge to find someone who can fill her shoes. If you are interested in learning more about this opportunity please contact Kelley at 846-5068/crc@chebeague.net or Sandi Whiston at sandiwhiston@gmail.com.
Jane Hahn's memorial service will be held on Saturday, September 30th at 11 am at the Chebeague Island United Methodist Church followed by a graveside burial. There will be a reception at the Parish House following and all are invited to attend the service and reception
Click here for Miss Nancy's -Pre-K classroom news for the first 11 days of school.
September 24, 2017 - We have had 110 resonses to The Recompense Fund Sustainability Survey - please if you haven't had a chance to answer the two questions please click here. Choose the three most important issues you think that our Island faces.
Vika, Dasha, Nancy Ross and I are in Boston for the Dana Farmer Jimmy Fund Walk for cancer. We would like to thank all the contributions we have received towards our walk so far. Our team "Chebeaguers" has raised over $4000! If you want to go to our team page click here and at the bottom you can choose a member and contribute.
September 22, 2017 - Island Commons HARVEST DINNER today 4:30-6:30! Great hearty food, desserts, beer& wine and terrific RAFFLES! Free event, and all are welcome to attend. Hope to see you there!!
The Town of Chebeague is seeking qualified applicants to fill the position of a part-time PUblic Works Driver and Laborer - click here to learn more.
September 20, 2017 - photo- Photo by Julie Doughty - sunrise September 20th at the Stone Wharf.
photo- Photo by Steve Grist Sunset September 20th at Division.
Message from Island Riches: People asked about fall plants so I got a few yesterday. If you want something special or different call or email me 207 846-4986 islandriches@chebeague.net. The shop still is open so I thought I would give the plants a try. Brighten the day, Florence
CIDER, CIDER AND MORE CIDER - Beth Howe and Barbara Marks invite anyone interested in pressing apples for cider to come to the Marks’ house on Sunday, the 24th from 1-3pm. Bring your own apples or use ours. Do bring your own container for the cider. Have a fresh taste of fall!
Chris Towle has put together Part II of his Western Adventure and the photos are beautiful - click here to see..
Congratulations to Kim Hamilton on her appointment as the President of Focus Maine. Kim is a Board Member of Chebeague's community fund, the Recompense Fund. She and her husband Barry Fitzsimmons have their island base at the family home on Littlefield Road. Kim is the daughter of Theron Hamilton. Click here to read the article in the Portland Press Herald.
Jane Hahn's memorial service will be held on Saturday, September 30th at 11 am at the Chebeague Island United Methodist Church followed by a graveside burial. There will be a reception at the Parish House following and all are invited to attend the service and reception
September 19, 2017 - SURVEY -The Recompense Fund’s Mission is to support the sustainability of Chebeague as a year-round community. The Fund would appreciate your assessment of the three most important issues you think that our Island faces. Please click here, choose three boxes and comment if you wish. There will be paper copies at the library.
This Friday (Sept 22) 4:30-6:30pm is our 5th ANNUAL HARVEST DINNER at Island Commons. Come celebrate the change of season with great food & drink, and live music by Mark Dyer! We’ll have a number of great RAFFLES including fall mums, dining-out gift cards, a beautiful rag rug by Pommy Hatfield. The RED STUDIO will be open during the party…check out some terrific end-of-season sale items! Don’t miss this great event…looks like a nice day, but the party goes on rain or shine. Bring your friends and family…the food is on us!
School Committee Meeting tonight 6pm at school - click here for agenda.
Coffee hour returns to the Hall tomorrow. Please join us this and every Wednesday from 9:00 to 10:00. Soup lunches will start on the Wednesday after Columbus Day. The first Community Lunch is scheduled for October 18 and has been generously sponsored by Russ Hunter.
September 18, 2017 - At last week’s Selectmen’s Meeting a Road Safety Committee was created. Anyone wanting to reach out to the Committee should email vixenskipper@gmail.com.
Pre-K class blog from Miss Nancy - click here.
0021Thank you to all who have supported our Jimmy Fund 13 mile walk for Cancer that Vika, Dasha and I are walking along with my sister-in-law Nancy. I'm happy to report that Vika and I have met our goals but Dasha still needs help collecting donations - please click here if you would like to help our team and donate to Dasha.
Message from the Slow Bell: Hi folks: Thanks for your continued support and for your patience as we work out staffing issues. We are open again this weekend Friday and Saturday nights with ice cream starting at 2 p.m., dinner starting at 5, and the bar open until midnight. This week we'll be serving lasagna, smoked pork and black bean chilli, terriyaki salmon with jasmine rice and veggies, and caprese salad. We'll also have open mic Friday night and karaoke Saturday night. Come check us out. Call ahead for takeout. 846-3078.
September 17, 2017 - Donna Damon is giving a talk on Monday night at 7 at the Hall. She will be discussing the history of Chebeague in terms of population shifts from 1790-1987. This is part of the Ellsworth Miller Memorial Lecture Series sponsored by Cappy Leonard. Her father would be very touched by this kind gesture on Cap's part. Her father and mother inspired her curiosity and love of island history. She will be including photos of people and places as well as many not before seen documents and more.
Beth Howe and Barbara Marks invite anyone interested in pressing apples for cider to come to the Marks’ house on Sunday, the 24th from 1-3pm. Bring your own apples or use ours. Do bring your own container for the cider. Have a fresh taste of fall!
September 14, 2017 - photo- There have been a lot of Painted Lady butterflies spotted in Maine lately.
Margo Myles got some night photos of an animal in her yard off of Roy Hill Road mid August - click here to see. Is it a dog or do we have a coyote on the island?
September 13, 2017 - Join CIHS on Monday, September 18 at 7:00 PM at the Island Hall to hear Donna Damon’s presentation: "Coming, Going, and Staying". Examine why some folks move on and off the island, while others stay. You may be surprised at some of her observations and conclusions!
Library is looking for a part time assistant. If you are interested, please call the Library at 846-4351 or email cheblib@hotmail.com for more information.
Message from Chris Auffant: Warning! Chuck Varney has been hearing coyotes on his farm and home properties. Last night his dog (see picture) was attacked and sustained injury to his snout.
September 11, 2017 -Message from Mellissa: Chebeague United Methodist Church invites you to join us over the next few weeks for our Sunday worship gathering at 10 AM. On the 17th, we'll have Carole Metz share about her experiences going to Guatemala (you can also support the work by purchasing her jewelry with proceeds going to buy medications for health clinics in Guatemala). On the 24th, we'll be joined by Revs. Shantia and Jonathan Wright-Gray, who will talk about their experience working with homeless families and learn more about Greater Portland Family Promise, an interfaith effort to help families who are experiencing homelessness achieve sustainable independence. On October 1st, join us for our church conference - our Annual Meeting - presided over by Rev. Jim McPhee as we look over the past year and think about the coming year ahead. As always, we have Sunday School for kids of all ages at 9:45 AM. We hope you can join us over the coming weeks!
Message from Carrie: The Kids' Place is officially functioning in the Rec. Center from today, Sept. 11 until the end of the month.
- Our wonderful weatherization project is under way thanks to funding from The Recompense Fund, generous private donors and the Rec. Center.
The Kids' Place will have stabilized footings, tie down straps and lots of insulation to keep us warm and cut heating and cooling costs!!!
--This project is really exciting for us and we are so happy we get to make these wonderful improvements to our building.
Please feel free to stop in and see us in the Rec.!!!
September 10, 2017 - Last Fall Chris Towle took an amazing trip out west where he did lots of hiking and exploring of our National Parks. Click here to see Part One of his adventures. Such beautiful photos all take on a kindle - amazing!
Message from Donna Colbeth:
Over the past several months, I have read many articles about what different small Maine communities mean when they speak of their treasured “rural character”.
----Now, I am interested in writing a piece about what we year round and seasonal Chebeague Islanders mean when we speak of our “rural character” .
I would very much appreciate hearing from you... a comment box is located at the library or you may send your thoughts to me via my email address: dontoad@aol.com
- Thank you DJ Colbeth
September 6, 2017 - As many people probably have seen the wonderful article about Howie Montenko and his Painting Islands: Uniting Comunity with Art project that was featured in the 2017 Island Institute's Island Journal. Many of us came out one night last year with our flashlights and Howie used his photographic genius and produced a beautiful photo of Bennetts Cove Nubble - click here to see the final photo. He has donated all profits for this project to the Maine Seacoast Mission Sunbeam. Click here for his website where you may order prints in various sizes.
Click here for a message from May and the Slowbell.
September 4, 2017 - Message from May: Thanks for a great season everyone! We are going down to our Fall hours starting this week. We will be open Friday and Saturday starting at 2 p.m. for ice cream and 5 p.m. for dinner with the bar open until midnight. This week we will welcome back Ben Hatfield and the Pinwheel Brothers starting at 8 p.m. on Saturday night ($5 cover). Our specials this week include lobster rolls, chicken marsala, spanikopita, and split pea soup. Hope to see you at Slow Bell!! Call ahead for takeout 846-3078
School Committee Meeting tomorrow September 5, 2017 - click here for agenda.
September 2, 2017 - Message from Jen at The Niblic: Happy Labor Day Weekend! We will be open Sunday Sept 3rd from 9am – 3pm but will be closed on Labor Day. Our fall hours start this week and will be Wednesday thru Saturday 8am – 2pm, closed Sunday, Monday, & Tuesday. CIBY fall hours start this week as well and are Tues thru Friday 7:30am – 4:30pm, Saturday 7:30am – 11:30am, closed for fuel Sunday & Monday. Thank you for stopping by this summer and your continued patronage. We really appreciate you & hope you are having a great holiday weekend!
Message from Florence: Island Riches is having a 15% sale on all but consignment items all weekend.
Historical Society Labor Day Weekend Sale- ***20% off apparel, Christmas ornaments, & books.*** Special Offer: Buy 4 glasses or mugs and get 1 free.
Museum hours: Saturday, 10 – 4; Sunday, 1 – 4; Monday, 10 – 4.
September 1, 2017 - Click here for an article about an unusual lobster that Alex Todd caught last week and returned it to the Gulf of Maine after showing it to family and friends.
The Great Chebeague Golf Club has Positions Available- we need clubhouse attendants from September 1st through October 9th. Our fall hours are: 10Am to 2PM Monday through Thursday and 9AM to 4PM Friday, Saturday and Sunday. If you are interested in working, we can be flexible with your schedule so please contact John Rent at 207-846-3652
Tuesday September 5th SEASON ENDER!!! NOT TO BE MISSED!!At the Wilsons Home - Courtney Hartman and Celia Woodside will be flatpicking (on Dana Bourgeois guitars) and singing some bluegrass, folk, blues, and other Americana/roots tunes at the Wilsons' house, 81 Spruce Point View Road. - Both Courtney (https://www.courtneyhartman.com/) and Celia are singer-songwriter guitarists and play with the Grammy nominated band Della Mae (https://dellamae.com/)Doors open at 7:00, show at 7:30. Come see and be seen, or something like that. I'm sure my email list is incomplete so notify friends, bring relatives. Enemies too, keep 'em close. BYOB, suggested $15/head tax-deductible donation to CICA's Music Fund; let's keep the music happening!. Thanks to all for your enthusiastic support to date!! Should be a pretty fine night, great way to wrap up the music season.
The CTC office will be closed Monday, September 4th, in observance of Labor Day
I am sorry to have just learned that Rob Friedlander passed away in May and have added his obituary to the People page.
Click here for more on Bike Safety.
August 30, 2017 - Message from Carla Clarke: Lost at the stone wharf a purse/back pack at the on the wall above the dock. Inside are all of the usual plus an epi pen, rx sunglasses, kindle, phone charger and more. The bag is dark blue with black straps.
Please call me at 321-8801 if you found it. Thanks, Carla Clarke
Tonight from 7 to 9 at the Church Tyler Putnam and Sarah Nordin - click here for more information.
August 29, 2017 - photo- by Art Ryder - foggy sunrise Coleman's Cove August 29.
Tony Gorody has just updated his Chebeague Bird List - click here for a pdf of that list.
The CTC September newsletter is available on the News and Info page of their website chebeaguetrans.com, or here.
Message from May: Hi folks: So excited to be getting ready for Labor Day weekend. For those of you who have supported us all summer, thanks so much!! This week we'll be open for ice cream Thursday thru Sunday at 2 p.m., dinner from 5-9, and the bar until midnight. We'll be serving pulled pork, fried clams, and lobster rolls, along with a caprese salad and turkey soup (and our usual menu items). We'll also be celebrating the weekend with open mic/karaoke on Friday, and the WESTENDERS on Saturday night ($5 cover). AFTER this weekend, we'll go down to two nights/week (FRI/SAT) through Columbus Day. Come check us out and call ahead for takeout! Hope to see you at the Slow Bell. 846-3078.
August 27, 2017 - Chebeague Island clam flats have be REOPENED.If you have any questions please call 207-747-9276
Due to the Sunday morning boat schedule, morning lap swim on Sundays will be 9 to 1030 for the remainder of the season as we have Lifeguard's coming from the mainland.
August 26, 2017 - Tonight!! ISLAND MUSIC NIGHT! 6:30 - 11:30 PM - music for everyone! Suggested Donation $10 to benefit CICA and the Hall. The Hall now has their new piano that will be used for the first time tonight!
Yesterday Riley and I did an invasive look at the Stone Wharf Floats that we have been doing since 2014 - boy time sure does fly! Click here to see a few photos and information and it is interesting to see how things are different this year from past.
Again this year I (Beverly Johnson) am doing the Jimmy Fund Walk 13 miles for the Dana Farber Cancer Institute! I'm a little late starting my fundraising and hoping to make my goal by the time of the walk only a few weeks away. Click here to go to my page. Darya, Vika, and I will be joining my sister-in-law Nancy for our team Chebeaguers! When you make a gift it directly supports the Dana Farber Cancer Institute balance between cutting-edge science and compassionate cancer care. Let me know if you woud like to join our team and even walk with us or virtually.
August 24, 2017- CRC is looking for someone that can lead a soccer program for CIS students this fall. Please call Kelley if you are interested. Flexible schedule, paid position. If you are interested in running a program (any program) at CRC please give us a call, 846-5068.
The Church’s Food Pantry wants to remind you that as you pack up, we could use your unopened, non-expired food goods. You can drop off donations at the Parish House at anytime. Canned & boxed items can be left next to the refrigerator in the kitchen.
Frozen items can be left in the freezer in the back room; fresh produce can be left in the kitchen refrigerator. Thank you for your contributions.
All donations are greatly appreciated. Feel free to contact Karen Corson [846-0938] or Lola Armstrong [846-4737] if you have any questions.
August 23, 2017 - Chebeague Island Library NOTICE OF REDUCED HOURS!!
Thursday, August 24 open 1-4 pm, 6-8 pm
Tuesday, August 29 open 10 am -3:30 pm, no evening hours
Thursday, August 31 open 1-4 pm, 6-8 pm
Closed Labor Day, September 4th
Off season hours will begin after Labor Day.
Open this week starting tomorrow (Thursday) with ice cream at 2 p.m., dinner at 5, and bar open until midnight. We'll keep these same hours Thursday through Sunday through Labor Day and I'll be announcing our fall hours next week. We'll be serving TURKEY DINNER with all the trimmings, lobster rolls and lobster tacos, and a corn and scallop chowder, along with all our regular menu items. We've got a quiet weekend music-wise in support of CICA's island music night, but we'll have OPEN MIC/KARAOKE on Friday and Saturday nights in the bar for the brave of heart. Hope to see you at the Slow Bell! Call ahead for takeout. 846-3078
CATHOLIC MASS -- Father Dan Greenleaf will be here on the Island to say Mass for us one more time this season. He will be here this Saturday, August 26th at 10 A.M. at the Chebeague Methodist Church. Please join us!
A message from the town offic:. Due to the recent rain, the CLAM FLATS are currently CLOSED.
August 22, 2017 - photo- by Marty Trower the morning after the Solar Eclipse.
Sew Good from 1 to 5pm on Wednesday at the Parish House. If you want to bring a sewing project or do a community project they will have one for you. The group did a quilt for the Historical Society that for the Commons. They have extra sewing machines if you need to use one.
The Banker's Life is hosting a client appreciation event at the Hall on Thursday, August 24, from 5pm to 9:30pm. Come if you are a client or are thinking about becoming a client and participate in a craft event if you would like and enjoy food and drinks catered by Ebb & Thyme.
Click here to listen to a NPR report about the importance of Broadband for Island Communities and don't forget to fill out our survey.
Community Inventory and Potluck- Resources for the Recovery Journey: In response to the opioid crisis facing our state and the impact it has on local communities, the church is convening a potluck dinner on Friday, August 25th at 5 PM at the Parish House to talk about the resources that exist in and around our community for those who have been impacted by addition and those who want to help.
We'll eat together and then talk about resources in and beyond our island to learn more about how we can be a support to those in the midst of addiction and on the journey of recovery.
This event is open to anyone who wants to learn more, who is invested in the health and well-being of our island, and who wants to help those on the journey.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact the church office or Pastor Melissa at ml.yosuadavis@gmail.com.
6 pm Tonight - please come out to the Hall and learn more about Chebeague and the island's internet future. Please come, ask questions, give input and learn more. The Town along with Broadband Committee is having a study prepared with the help of the Island Institute to study and design a broadband network. Bri Warner from the Island Institute will be here discussing the many Boradband efforts they are involved with in rural and coastal communities. Click here to see what has been happening with the Island Institute. The Economic Future of Chebeague really depends on keeping up with the future of Broadband!
ROAD SAFETY - Click here to read an article about the need for road safety on Chebeague!
August 21, 2017 - Message from Amy: There will NOT be a fitness class this Wednesday 8/23 at 8 a.m., but there is fitness with Brian Phipps on Thursday 8/24 at 8 a.m. at Chandlers. There will be fitness on Friday 8/25 at 8 a.m. in the CRC gym!
Tuesday, August 22nd it's STUFF A BAG at School House Seconds! Bring your own bag, $5.00 to $8.00 depending on the bag.
Message from Chip Corson: Farm Fresh Eggs available for delivery Fridays, $6 dozen. They are beautiful blue, green, pink, chocolate brown all sorts of colors, all raised in the orchard and on the woods edge. So they are delicious. Contact Chip and Jen at chipcorson@gmail.com
Tonight Jerry Wiles will share with us the story of the man who wrote ‘Amazing Grace' 7:00 PM at The Island Hall.
Wednesday, August 23rd at 4:00pm, Sheila Jordan reads her poetry at the Library. Reception to follow. The Library will close at 3:00 pm so we can prepare the space.
August 18, 2017 - On Monday, 8/28, at 7 PM CTC will hold a meeting at the Hall to share our plans for a new ferry with the community. All are welcome!
Message from Kim Boehm: "Island Electric is offering a reward of up to 1000.00 (one thousand dollars) for information concerning damage to vehicles and construction equipment, located at the garage of Bob Dyers'. All info will be held in strictest confidence. Call Kim at 846 2468."
You won’t want to the miss this special evening: Chebeague Island Historical Society presents our 3rd special guest, Jerry Wiles, who will share with us the story of the man who wrote ‘Amazing Grace'. Monday, August 21 @ 7:00 PM at The Island Hall.
This afternoon from 5 to 7 - The Niblic Gallery cordially invites everyone to join Barry Fitzsimmons at his art reception upstairs at the Niblic Gallery. You will be amazed by his collection of MusicMakers photographs - click here to see. All proceeds to benefit the Island Commons.
Tonight, August 18th 7:00-9:00 at the United Methodist Church—Straight-Out Jazz Concert with Herb Maine & Friends: Paul English, piano; Wayne Delano, tenor sax; Dave Clarke, guitar; Herb Maine bass; Bill Manning, drums. The performance will include classic jazz standards, as well as original compositions by Paul English, Herb Maine and Bill Whetham.
August 17, 2017 - NOTICE: This coming Tuesday, August 22nd at 6pm at the Hall -The Broadband Committee along with The Island Institute will be hosting an open forum on broadband needs in rural and coastal Maine. Come and learn about the importance of broadband and ask questions.
Drug Take Back is Saturday August 19th - 10 am to 1 pm at the Public Safety Building.
The Great Chebeague Golf Club has Positions Available- we need one or two clubhouse attendants from September 1st through October 9th. Our fall hours are: 10Am to 2PM Monday through Thursday and 9AM to 4PM Friday, Saturday and Sunday. If you are interested in working two or more days per week please contact John Rent at 207-846-3652 .
A reminder that the tennis club will have a MIXED DOUBLES ROUND ROBIN Saturday, August 19, 3:00 PM (sign-ups at the court) FOLLOWED BY ANNUAL MEETING at 5:00 PM
August 16, 2017 - photo- of a tagged Ruddy Turnstone taken by Sara Shettleworth at the Hook. Turns out that this little guy was banded in Delaware in early May and has been identified three times since. It has probably been to the Arctic and is on his way south. In the large photo is also a Lesser Yellowlegs.
CRC is making some changes to the pool schedule for the remainder of the year. The pool will close at 4 PM beginning 8/21/17 so that our mainland lifeguards will be able to take the 4:45 ferry back to the mainland. As of 8/28 we will open on Saturdays and Sundays only for the remainder of the season as we have not been able to find lifeguards to cover weekday shifts after August 28th. Come enjoy the pool while the summer weather lasts!! And, if you know of anyone that can lifeguard on weekdays please let us know.
The Chebeague Island Yacht Club annual meeting will be held Saturday, August 19 at 5:00 p.m. at the Niblic. All members and prospective members are invited. Fish House Punch will be served - please bring appetizers to share.
The Niblic Gallery cordially invites everyone to join Barry Fitzsimmons at his art reception on Friday, August 18th from 5-7pm upstairs at the Niblic Gallery. You will be amazed by his collection of MusicMakers photographs - click here to see. All proceeds to benefit the Island Commons.
Message from May: "Hey folks: We've got a busy week at the Slow Bell! Thursday-Sunday we'll be selling ice cream from 2 p.m. on, so check out our new flavors! We'll also welcome Paul Chase Friday night ($5 cover), Peter Emery Band on Saturday night ($5 cover), and the music fundraiser for my SMCC Nursing Class ($5 cover). Our Friday and Saturday night performers will start at 8 p.m., but our Sunday event will start at 2 p.m. On Sunday, we'll be serving bar food/snacks that include pizza slices, nachos, chicken wings, lobster rolls, and haddock chowder, starting at 2 p.m. We'll start dinner service at 5 p.m. each night. This week's special: lasagna with salad and a roll. We'll also be serving lobster rolls, pan seared scallops and haddock chowder. Hope to see you at the Slow Bell! 846-3078."
August 14, 2017 - PLEASE take a few minutes to do our Broadband Survey if you haven't already- click here. You don't have to answer all the questions if you don't want to. We are trying to gather as much information from as many people as we can. We are also planning on a public meeting very soon to discuss broadband so please look for the meeting date.
Good news! CRC was able to find a couple of lifeguards that are willing to commute to the island so that we can keep the pool open after our current guards go back to college on August 27th. They will spend some time at CRC this week to get familiar with our pool and the island. They are unable to work any shifts during the week as Cumberland school starts on 8/30 this year. I am hoping they will be willing and able to work the early morning lap swim hours on the weekends and they have already committed to noon-4 hours on the weekends. Our pool schedule will be changing on August 28 unless we are able to find a lifeguard that does not need to return to school. If you know of anyone, please let Kelley know.
Tomorrow, 8/15 at School House Seconds it's ALL YOU CAN WEAR!! Only $8.00, so come in and have some fun! Open 930 to 1200 and 700pm to 800pm.
Regretfully, the Chebeague Primitive Orchestra Workshop scheduled for Wednesday, August 16th has been cancelled for this season. However, a special surprise will be included in the evening "Jazz with Pizazz" program at The Wilson's that evening.
Wednesday, August 16th, 7:30-10:00pm, don't miss "Jazz with Pizazz" at The Wilson's. All are invited. BYOB and a snack. The Wilson's is located at the bottom ofSpruce Point View Road, off of North Road. The Oirte Trio from Houston, TX will perform: Adele Gorody, vocals; Paul English, keys; Tony Gorody, drums and special guest Herb Maine, bass. In lieu of the Chebeague Primitive Orchestra performance previously scheduled before the jazz program, Composer Paul English has created mid-concert surprise. There may also be some dancing in the aisles! For this CICA-sponsored program, a donation of $15pp is suggested to support this and future live music concerts.
There was more vandalism at the school garden on Sunday, during the day. Many carrots were pulled and tossed around; a few onions were pulled and strewn about; apples were picked, tasted, and tossed on the ground; and, a few watermelons were picked and smashed. And, the vandalism on the kids trail behind the school has been repeated yet again. Those of us who work at the school garden and trail know that it’s not the people who read this website who are engaging in these random acts; but, we’re hoping that the community can spread the word that it’s not cool, it’s not funny, and it’s an insult to the kids who have all helped create this special part of the Chebeague Island School. So: if you see something, please say something; and, please spread the word that this special place deserves respect. Thanks. (photo of smashed watermelon)
BIKE SAFETY. Chebeague has been busier than ever lately. Many more bikers, pedestrians, and vehicles than ever before. Recently there was a serious bike/vehicle collision, plus another nearly head-on collision between a biker and a vehicle. The biker was negotiating the S curve on the John Small Road at a high rate of speed, without a helmet!
Let’s all be super cautious on our roads. Bikers should ride single file, with the traffic; pedestrians should walk single file, facing traffic, near or on the shoulder; and vehicles should be within the speed limit and on the lookout for bikers and pedestrians, especially those not following the above rules of the road. Walkers: on the left facing traffic. Bikers: on the right, with the flow of traffic.
August 11, 2017 - website- VOTE - Please go to see all the selfies and photos from Saturday's Tree Hunt and pick your favorite one and send the number to favoritetrees@gmail.com! This one is one of my favorites from Team Carter's Point. 13 teams came out to participate - what fun they all had. Tree posters are available for sale at the library for $15.
From the CRC Pool: Some folks have been sneaking into the pool late night and swimming. You need to know that if the pool is uncovered at night, it is because we are adding large amounts of chemicals. This past week, we had to shock the pool to 30 ppm of chlorine. Per the CDC, "A concentration of 34 to 51 ppm has been reported to be lethal in 1 to 1.5 hours...while 14 to 21 ppm has been suggested as being dangerous within 0.5 to 1 hour." THE POOL IS NOT SAFE TO SWIM IN AT NIGHT WHEN WE ARE ADDING CHEMICALS! No one should be in the pool after hours without permission from either Kelley Rich or May Hall. For you own safety, please stay out!
Tomorrow isAnnual golf scramble followed by lobster bake with all the trimmings. Sign up in the clubhouse. Non-member fee $10.00. Rain date Sunday, August 13.
Join Barrie Shepherd on Saturday, August 12th at 9 AM in the Parish House to hear about some of his hymns, his process for writing them, and perhaps sing one or two! He will also be preaching at CUMC on Sunday, August 27th.
August 10, 2017 - UPDATE ON Joanie Robinson. Joanie is recovering from her stroke at New England Rehab, Rm 102 B, 335 Brighton Ave, Portland Me 04102. She would love cards.
If you want to visit Joanie RING THE NURSES STATION FIRST at 662-8421 as she has therapy much of the day. The Nurses station will tell you when she’s available for visitors.
We’ll let you know when she’s taking phone calls.
The 2017 Casco Bay Island SwimRun is coming to Chebeague this Sunday..or maybe we should say “through Chebeague”.
Inspired by the preeminent, international swimrun race series OTILLO ("island to island), originating in Sweden in 2006, two multisport veterans looking for the next adventure are pleased to once again present in 2017 the ONLY "OTILLO- style" swimrun event in North America. Consisting of multiple, alternating swim and overland running legs (island roads, trails, and shoreline scrambles) between several islands in Portland, Maine’s spectacular Casco Bay, SwimRun will test competitors with run legs across varied island island terrain and several miles of open water swimming. For 2017, a Long Course event is in the works for approximately 5 miles of open water swimming and nearly 15 miles of overland routing over 10 islands. A simultaneous Short Course event for newcomers will consist of approximately 2.25 miles of swimming and 6.5 miles of overland racing over 4 islands.
The race starts 7am Sunday morning on Cliff Island where the long course athletes swim over to Chebeague at Jenks Landing (Sandy Point) come ashore and run to John Small Rd, to South Rd, up Roy Hill to North Rd leaving eventually by way of Indian Point (the Hook). They travel across to Little Chebeague then swim to Long. The complete map of the race can be seen here.
http://www.mapmyfitness.com/routes/view/1380508852 For more information or to volunteer please visit https://runsignup.com/Race/ME/Portland/CascoBayIslandsSwimRun
August 8, 2017 - TODAY: Historical Society House Tour tickets are available for $30 at the Museum starting at 9:15 this morning until 1:00. Tour nine unique properties and enjoy a delicious lunch with a water view. Click here for more information. If you would like to ride the school bus with Virginia please meet at 10:15 at the Historical Society.
Message from May: This week at the Slow Bell we have amazing music and some great food. We'll start things off Friday with karaoke, followed by Saturday night with the Chebeagle Jazz Quartet ($5 cover), and Sunday afternoon with Band Beyond Description ($10 cover). For dinner we'll be serving mac n' cheese (with or without lobster), fried scallops, and a vibrant corn, avocado, and black bean salad. Our own Addie Todd is hosting a bake sale on Friday in front of the Hall to benefit the Second Wind Farm, so stop by there as well. Hope to see you at the Slow Bell! 846-3078
August 7, 2017 - The Red Studio Resale Shop at the Commons will NOT be open from 10-noon this Wednesday, Aug. 9, but it will be open for the Commons community thank-you party Wednesday (Aug. 9) from 4:30-6:30 p.m.
A roll of $20s was lost yesterday up by the school if you found it please email hardingdebo@gmail.com.
Author Kate Kennedy talks about her writing and Maine Women. Wednesday, August 9th at the Library, 7:00 pm. Reception to follow. FMI 846-4351 - click here to see one of her books on Amazon.
The Historical Society House Tour, "Island Homes: Off the Beaten Path," is set for tomorrow, Tuesday, August 8 (10:30am until 4:30pm, with luncheon included.) Tickets are $25 per ticket, or $30 on the day of the Tour. Tickets are only available at the Museum. To accommodate those who may have forgotten to get an advance ticket, the Museum is open today, Monday August 7, from 10am until 4pm.
It’s a PARTY! This Wednesday 4:30-6:30 at Island Commons for appetizers & cheer. We’re so grateful to the Chebeague community for their support: financially, with in-kind donations, and with their time….please join us in celebrating our faithful volunteers, who give of themselves year-round with weekly activities, helping with meals and so much more. These folks bring joy to our residents and strengthen the bond between The Commons and the community! Thank you all, and hope to see you on Wednesday!
August 6, 2017 - An android verizon cellphone was found after the Recompense Fund Family Pizza Party at the school tonight. I have it with me so email or call me if you are missing it. bjohnson@chebeague.net or call 207 939-9643.
Addie Todd is having a bake sale on Friday outside of the hall between 10-12 to raise money for the damage that was done to Chuck's farm stand. What happened is very upsetting and I think it is important that something is done to help Chuck and his farm. His farm stand is such a great aspect of our community and a way to support our local agriculture on Chebeague. Anyone who is kind and willing to donate baked goods can message or call Addie at 207-712-7350. I hope to see you Friday! :)
The Ladies Aid would like to thank all the bakers and fudge makers very much. They made the Fair a huge success. We so very much appreciate all their work.
Sorry to say there has been some vandalism around the island lately and the farm stand at Second Wind Farm was hit the other night - vegetables and boxes were taken and the place was messed up. If anyone knows who might be involved please get after them. There was some vandalism in the trail behind the school as well.
Pool is closed today. Hope to open tomorrow.
Don't forget today is the Recompense Fund Pizza Party at the School starting at 4:30. We will be recognizing Island Nonprofits. Everyone is invited so please come and enjoy.
Yesterday's Tree Hunt was a wonderful success with lots of teams out looking for Favorite Trees. I'm putting together a page with all the photos taken and will have it here in a day or two.
August 5, 2017 - Only two more weeks left for David Morse's show, "Chebeague and Away - Photographs at the Niblic. ALL PROCEEDS go to the Island Commons! What a great way to give to the Commons and get something in return, a fabulous photograph!
TODAY AT NOON - Tree Hunt for Favorite Trees - see you at the Library to start.
10 today The Commons Yardsale at the Commons!!
August 4, 2017 - Tomorrow, Saturday, August 5, Come celebrate Chebeague's 10th!! The Don Campbell Band will perform from 5:30pm until 8:30pm -- The Westenders show will begin at 9:00pm BYOB
Location: The Hall
$15.00 fee and a non-perishable for the food pantry. Come early space is limited!!! BYOB
Reminder that the Favorite Tree Hunt starts tomorrow at noon at the library!
August 3, 2017 - photo- of Poochie Ross out in his boat at sunrise - photo taken by Paul Cleary. Looking at it closely it looks like he has a freind on the back of his boat going to work with him.
Just a reminder about tomorrow nights concert at the Demers: - The Press Gang, in concert, at 174 John Small Rd. on Friday, August 4th 7-9. Suggested donation of $15, sponsored by CICA.BYOB
The Chebeague Island Broadband Committee has created a survey about the use of internet on Chebeague. We are hoping that everyone who hasn't already taken the survey will CLICK HERE and fill it out. Every question is optional and you don't have to give your name, age and other things if you do not want to. We are working hard at improving bandwidth for ALL and this will help us in the long run.
Vacation Bible School - August 7 - 11, 3 - 6 PM: Registration is open for Hero Central - CUMC's Vacation Bible School for kids of all ages. Cost is FREE and dinner is provided. Register at www.chebeagueumc.org/vbs and learn to "Do Good! Seek peace and go after it!" God's heroes have Heart! Courage! Wisdom! Hope! and Power! For questions, contact Cheryl Hillicoss at i.m.imaginable@gmail.com or Melissa at ml.yosuadavis@gmail.com.
Barrie Shepherd Hymn Event: During the summer, the Chebeague UMC has been examining favorite hymns of the island - both old and new - and learning about their history and what they mean for us today. In addition to poems, Barrie Shepherd has written hymns - some of which have been sung on island at the church and by the Whalers. Join Barrie Shepherd on Saturday, August 12th at 9 AM in the Parish House to hear about some of his hymns, his process for writing them, and perhaps sing one or two! He will also be preaching at CUMC on Sunday, August 27th.
Message for all dog owners: This is the time of year that the sandpipers and plovers stop over from the arctic on Chebeague to replenish their strength and pretty much fly non-stop to Mexico and South America. Please don't let your dogs chase them down on the sand bars. I have been hearing lots complaints and concerns.
Friday, August 4th at 4:00 pm. Poet Wes McNair reads from his new collection, The Unfastening. Reception to follow. The Library will be closing at 3:00 pm.
Message from the Commons: This year we are trying something a bit different for the Island Commons Yard Sale. Instead of individually pricing every item, we are categorizing most things according to price--$1, $5, $10, and so on. To help make this process go more smoothly, you will receive a blank card at the entrance and then as you buy things at each table, the person in charge of the table will add the purchases to your card. When you check out, you need to hand the cashier your slip with all the purchases listed, like you do at the Ladies Aid Fair. Please be patient with the process. There are enough bargains to go around! See you Saturday at 10:00!
August 1, 2017 - This week at the Slow Bell we'll be featuring chicken marsala with mashed potatoes, salmon with egg sauce and Second Wind Farm new potatoes, and a lobster alfredo pizza. We'll also have our usual dinner selection and a few other fantastic additions! We'll have the mic open for any performers who want to come join in the fun on Friday night and karaoke on Saturday night. Hope to see you at the Slow Bell. Call ahead for takeout 846-3078.
CRC is looking for someone to help out at the pool (no lifeguard certification necessary but must be at least 18 years old). Hours are noon- 4:30 on the following dates: 9/2, 9/3, 9/4, 9/9, 9/10, 9/16 AND 9/17. If you can help on any of those dates please call the CRC office at 846-5068. Paid and/or volunteer positions available.
This Saturday at the Hall, Don Campbell Band 5:30 and play til 8:30 pm., Westenders will finish the night from 9 on. BYOB. $15 and non-perishable for food pantry. Sponsored by CICA. Come celebrate Chebeague's 10th!!
The Annual Summer Ladies Aid Fair offering wonderful hand made items from socks to nuts at the Hall.
Everyone is invited to an Island Institute community-wide pizza lunch on Thursday, August 3rd at noon - click here for the flyer.
GOLF SCRAMBLE, Wednesday, August 2nd, 3:30 PM START, 3:15 PM SIGN-UP.
ALL ARE WELCOME, Members and Non-members, Single Players, Couples or Teams. 9 Holes of Casual Golf and Serious Fun, After Golf Social-BYOB and BYO Snacks. $5 total cost GCGC Members and Non-members.
A notice from the Town office. VIKA and GLORIA HAVE SWITCHED POSITIONS. If you need to contact Gloria please email her at deputyclerk@chebeague.net. If you need to contact Vika please email clerk@chebeague.net
This weekend is Bulky Waste Weekend at the transfer station. Saturday and Sunday 9 AM to 3 PM. Please click on the link for additional information.
The Historical Society 2017 House Tour: Off The Beaten Path, including a lovely luncheon with a water view, is next Tuesday, August 8, 10:30 - 4:30. Purchase your tickets at the Museum: $25 today through Saturday, 10:00 - 4:00, Sunday, 1:00 - 4:00. Tickets can be purchased for $30 on the morning of the Tour at the Museum until 1:00. Please see the flyer
Christmas in July Sale at the Museum! 10% off all tee shirts, New Chebeague Throws, Bell Buoy Chimes, and Christmas Ornaments!!
Buy 4 mugs and/or glasses and get 1 free!
July 29-August 5 --- Tues-Sat 10-4; Sunday 1-4
Coming to Island Commons this Saturday at 10:00—the ANNUAL YARD sale! Full of fabulous finds! Amazing antiques! A legacy table! An entire garage full of furniture! Wicked big bargains and even some freebies! You'll also have a chance to enter our drawing for a quilt made by Martha Hamilton, one of our featured legacy ladies. Bring your own bags or even your own moving truck! But don't be late, because you will miss out on things like a very rare Griswold piece, McCoy pottery, works by island artists...Too much to list, so come see for yourself!!
RIPPLEFFECT leadership development kids stopped by Chebeague and worked with Celia, David, and Shelby - weeding in the school garden, a tour of Second Wind Farm, and a visit to an oyster farm and upweller. Great kids, great program, and really good work in the school garden! Thanks to their trip leaders, our three hosts on the island, and Rippleffect for making this happen.
July 31, 2017 -poster- This poster and more could be yours!! Form a team and join the Hunt for Favorite Trees. Sign up at the Library. Saturday, August 5th 12:00 - 3:00 pm. Start and end at the Library. A Friend-Raiser for Chebeague & Cumberland Land Trust. Click here to read the stories written by the Chebeague School Children from the perspective of the tree. You will need cellphone to take selfies with the trees.
School House Seconds announces it's specials for the month of August:
8/1 Give P's a chance- anything that starts with P is buy one get one free
8/8 It's the "SH" sale- If it begin with SH it's buy one get one free
8/15 All you can wear for $8
8/22 Fill a bag for $8
8/29 Make a donation sale
Also, School House Seconds will stop taking donations on August 4th. Thank you to all of you for your donations and shopping expertise. Because of you we are having a very succesful summer and the island will really benefit from your donations.
The Press Gang, in concert, at Demers, 174 John Small Rd. on Friday, August 4th 7-9. Suggested donation of $15, sponsored by CICA.
Amy Demers is teaching fitness starting tomorrow, 7/31, M-W-F 8-8:45 through the month of August at the Rec! Classes will be varied format, cardio-strength combo, some high intensity interval training, too! All ages and fitness levels welcome...
The Coastal Waters Commission is asking for help in getting the word out about a new Aquaculture Lease Application. The deadline for comments and hearing requests is August 14th. The most important point is that if we want the Department of Marine Resources to hold a hearing on Chebeague Island, five or more interested persons need to request a hearing. Click here for more information.
Message from the Town: It has come to our attention that the Town of Yarmouth is now enforcing the so-called “over the hill” Traffic Ordinance. The Ordinance limits vehicular access to Wharf Road beyond the intersection of Wharf Road with the right-of-way to the Blanchard parking lot only from Friday at 3:00 pm to Monday at 6:00 am each weekend during the period beginning May 15 and ending September 30 of each year. When there is a Monday holiday, the period of restricted access extends through Tuesday at 6:00 am. In the interest of maintaining good relations with our neighbors, we ask that everyone respect these ordinances and make suitable arrangements during the busy summer weekends. Thank you for your cooperation.
Kevin Burns of Carpet Cleaning Services will be on island from Thursday, 8/3 - Tuesday, 8/8. Please be in touch with me if you are interested in scheduling his service. As you may know, he uses a steam cleaning process on carpets, upholstery and tile/grout. If you have questions about his processes or prices, you can contact him at carpetservicesme@gmail.com or (207)772-6225. He has wowed and pleased many Chebeaguers! Let Laura Summa know you're interested in getting on the list.
Midsummer’s Night Jazz Concert will be held TONIGHT, July 31st at 7pm at Chebeague Island Methodist Church. Returning to Chebeague for a command performance, is an eclectic jazz ensemble including Vinnie Martucci, Mark Dzuiba, Steve Rust and Jeff Siegel with vocals by reknowned artist Laurel Masse of Manhattan Transfer. They will be joined by The Ladles, featuring Vinnie's daughter, Kate Martucci, Caroline Kuhn, and Lucia Purpura-Pontoniere.
July 30, 2017 - We hope you’ll joins us at the Chebeague Island Aquaculture Fest TODAY, Sunday July 30th from noon to 4 pm at the Chebeague Island Boat Yard. Check out the event website: https://www.chebeagueaquaculturefest.com for details. Listen to an aqua talk in the Niblic Gallery - hear Chebeague’s Ernie Burgess (12:30) and Jeff Putnam (1:00), ponder the Chebeague Clam farm mystery, visit the oyster nursery, try the sea creature scavenger hunt, join the Corn Hole tournament and relax with some tasty bites & drinks from 2 to 4 pm. The Cousins lot will be full so visitors should park at the Route1 lot and take the bus. This is free, fun family oriented event for the whole community organized by the Chebeague Island Community Association. We hope to see you there.
July 29, 2017 - The GCTC Lessing Cup was held this Saturday,July 29th. With 5 mixed doubles teams participating in this 55+ tournament, the winners were Jerry Johnston and Sarah Parker. Click here for a photo of the teams and winners!
Don't forget the Mystery Theatre The House with Green Shutters, 7 pm at the Hall, featuring the first rapping crime writer known to man. Admission free. Voluntary contributions to benefit The Kids’ Place. Starring Jonny Miller, Mary Holt, Jim Hood, Barrie Shepherd, BJ, Donna Damon and Chip Emery.
Kevin Burns, owner of Carpet Services will be on island starting next week, Thursday August 4. If you are interested in professional carpet/upholstery cleaning and/or tile and grout cleaning, please be in touch with Laura Summa (via email only - laurasumma@hotmail.com) to get on his schedule. He has wowed many Chebeaguers over the years. Don't miss his annual visit!
July 26, 2017 - photo- Rachel Damon took this amazing photo of Chebeague on her iphone on her way back to Singapore.
Friday, August 4th at 4pm at the Library - Poet Wes McNair reads from his new collection. Reception to follow. See flyer.
Reminder - Father Dan Greenleaf will be on the Island to say Mass for us on this SATURDAY, JULY 29th at the Chebeague Methodist Church at 10 A.M. We hope that many people will come and join us.
Message from May: Hi folks: This week at the Slow Bell we'll have karaoke on Friday night and The Pinwheel Brothers (Phil Mancini- Mandolin, Ben Hatfield- guitar) on Saturday starting at 8:30 ($5 cover). Our dinner special is smoked ribs served with beans, coleslaw and cornbread and our catches of the day are scallops (while they last) and lobster quiche with salad. Open Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun starting with ice cream at 2 p.m., followed by dinner at 5 and the bar until midnight. Hope to see you at the Slow Bell! 846-3078
There is a lot going on this coming weekend - also listed in the EVENT CALENDAR:
Mystery Theatre - FRIDAY and SATURDAY
The House with Green Shutters, 7 pm at the Hall, featuring the first rapping crime writer known to man. Admission free. Voluntary contributions to benefit The Kids’ Place.
SUNDAY - Chebeague Aquaculture Festival - www.chebeagueaquaculturefest.com to learn more - at the Chebeague Boat Yard from 12-4- learn about aquaculture, meet farmers take a tour.
SUNDAY - Sebago - Long Lake 2017 Music Festival at the Untied Methodist Church 7pm - Free Concert - sponsored by Friends Of Chebeague Music - www.SebagoMusicFestival.
Midsummer’s Night Jazz Concert held Monday, July 31st at 7pm at Chebeague Island Methodist Church. Donations to all non-profits through Recompense Fund.
July 25, 2017 - Election Results of today:
Mark H. Dyer 89
Christopher A. Loder 63
Write-in votes: 2
Total votes cast: 154
July 24, 2017 - photo- of Margaret Gaston who turned 100 this spring and celebrated at her cottage July 23rd. Hundred's of guests stopped by to say hello!
Island Rich's will be closed on Tuesday July 26 but will be open Wednesday from 10 on. Message from Island Riches: Because of so many people asking for plants I had some shipped over. They are great looking and ready to go. Thanks, Florence
Tuesday at School House Seconds it's Christmas in July! If it's red, green or sparkly, it's buy one get one free! We're open 9:30 to 12 and 7 to 8 p.m.
July 23, 2017 - photo- of a Chebeague student hugging the tree he wrote about for the Friend-raiser Favorite Tree Hunt program for the Land Trust and Library. See flyer.
Today we are celebrating Margaret Gaston's 100th birthday at her house from 1 to 3 - see you there.
July 22, 2017 - Today, Saturday ICE CREAM SOCIAL, sponsored by the Chebeague United Methodist Church Parish Hall from 6:00pm – 7:00pm. Suggested donation of $5 to benefit the Church. NOVEL JAZZ SEPTET at 7pm at the Church Sponsored by The Free Concert Fund.
OFF TO SEE THE WIZARD - Children's Theater 6pm at the Hall. Tickets are $8 per adult, $5 for kids and a family max of $25.
CHEBEAGUE MYSTERY THEATER returns - The House with Green Shutters, Friday, July 28th and Saturday, July 29th, 7 pm at the Hall, featuring the first rapping crime writer known to man. Admission free. Voluntary contributions to benefit The Kids’ Place.
July 21, 2017 - Island Commons BAY MIST CRUISE was a great success! To all of our sponsors, donors and to attendees: Thank you for helping us raise over $20,000 to support Island Commons. A big thank you to Paul Belesca & the Chebeague Island Boatyard for providing the perfect departure point. Follow the link for an event recap…and to see how beautifully Cathy McNeill captured the event in photos!
Missing from the Stone Pier is a brown Schwinn beach cruiser bicycle with a milk crate on the back and a blue air horn. If found or taken by mistake please call Mike @ 749-6051.
July 20, 2017 - Chebeague and Away, photographs by David Morse - July 21st to August 16th at the Niblic. Opening reception Friday, July 21st from 5-7pm upstairs at the Niblic Gallery. All proceeds to benefit the Island Commons.
The Town Office is still in need for one Republican to work at the Special Town Election on Tuesday, July 25th. Please contact Vika at 846-3148 if interested. It is a paid position.
This Saturday (7/22) Yoga for Runners, Hikers and Bikers. 9-10:30am at the Rec. $5
Learn how to incorporate yoga principles into your preferred workout to improve body mechanics. Learn about injury prevention through increased joint mobility and strength. All in a good work-out!
Message from Mellisa: Hopes and Dreams for our Island: As we continue to celebrate the 10th anniversary of our island's independence, we all look forward to what the next season of life "rowing our own boat" will be together as a community. The church is creating a weaving to visually represent everyone's hopes and dreams for this place we are all connected to. Stop by the sanctuary anytime to add your hope and dream for the future of Chebeague on a strip for fabric and add it to the loom! Once finished, we'll hang it in the space to be a reminder of the ways we are all woven together in this place.
July 19, 2017 - NOVEL JAZZ SEPTET - Saturday July 22 at 7:00 PM, Chebeague United Methodist Church. Sponsored by The Free Concert Fund. Featuring the music of Duke Ellington and Billy Strayhorn. You are also invited to an old-fashioned ICE CREAM SOCIAL, sponsored by the Chebeague United Methodist Church. Ice cream Sundaes with toppings will be served before the concert in the Parish Hall from 6:00pm – 7:00pm. Suggested donation of $5 to benefit the Church.
OFF TO SEE THE WIZARD - Please come THIS Friday July 21 and Saturday July 22nd - The 2017 play will be the fourth performance. There was another one in the 70s where Gayle Belesca was Dorothy, Betsy McGee was amazing as the witch, BJ Abrahamson was the tin man, Paul Belesca was the lion, Mark McGee was the scarecrow, and Tom Calder played Toto. I would love to put some photos together of all these plays.
Tickets for the 2017 Historical Society House Tour ("Island Homes: Off the Beaten Path") are now available at the Museum! Please see the flyer for tour and ticket details and pictures of the 9 houses. For one low price you can see the houses AND have lunch!
July 18, 2017 - OFF TO SEE THE WIZARD - Please come THIS Friday July 21 and Saturday July 22nd to see the WIZARD OF OZ performed. 6pm at the Hall. Tickets are $8 per adult, $5 for kids and a family max of $25. Performed by the youth of the 2017 CRC Children's Theater Program. Fun historical note: this is the third performance of The Wizard of Oz since 1966 when a star-studded performance by Doug Ross, Kendra MacKinnon, Nancy Hill and Vicky Emery (among others) followed the yellow brick road. In the second performance in the 80s, we hear that Ashley Adams starred as Dorothy and Jared Smith was the Scarecrow. Let us know if you have photos or stories to share...
Important Message from CTC: Unfortunately CTC had to have two vehicles towed today from our Route One lot. Despite our repeated warnings some people continue to park at our lots without annual permits or unexpired daily parking tickets. Vehicles parked without a permit or with an expired daily parking ticket are subject to a $100 daily fee - which will be collected by the tow company before the vehicle is released - and the tow company requires cash payments.
Tennis Camp at the Chebeague Rec Center starts next Monday. Spots open. See CRC website for details.
July 17, 2017 - Message from Jen at The Niblic: The Niblic & The Chebeague Island Boat Yard will be closing tomorrow at noon out of love & respect for the Searway Family to honor Jan Searway & so our employees may attend her service. We will reopen Wednesday at 8am, CIBY at 7:30am. Thank you for your understanding.
The town is looking for Election workers for next week’s special election. We need 2 Democrats and 1 Republican. If you are interesting in helping us and working next Tuesday, July 25th please contact Vika at the town office by calling 846-3148
TENNIS CAMP sponsored by GCGC and an all new ADVENTURE CAMP, island style begin on Monday, July 24th. One in the morning and one in the afternoon. The week of July 31st will bring GYMNASTICS and BASEBALL! Register today to reserve your spot.
SWIM LESSONs will continue on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings through August 25th.
School House Seconds will be open tomorrow 9:30 to 12 and 7 to 8pm. First sale of the session is Mixed Media! Buy any book, tape, video or CD and get one free.
Calling Teen Volunteers! Need to make some community service hours? Come and join the show! The Rec Center is putting on The Wizard of Oz, Jr. and needs teen volunteers to help with moving sets, running the curtain, helping the actors with costume changes, etc. Dress Rehearsal are Wednesday, July 18th (4:30-8:30) and Thursday, July 19th (2:30-6:00). Performances are Friday & Saturday, the 21st and 22nd -- show at 6pm, call time TBD. If you are available to help out, please email the director, Pam Flint, at pamelaflint@gmail.com
Join us at the Chebeague Island Aquaculture Fest on Sunday July 30th from noon to 4 pm at the Chebeague Island Boat Yard. Check out the event website: https://www.chebeagueaquaculturefest.com for details. The Fest is chance for islanders and visitors to learn what aquaculture is all about, meet the farmers and take a tour of their farm operations. (To avoid disappointment, we suggest reserving a tour spot on the website or contact Julia at 766-8449). What else can you do there? Listen to an aqua talk in the Niblic Gallery (https://www.chebeagueaquaculturefest.com/schedule), ponder the Chebeague Clam farm mystery, taste some seaweed salad, visit the oyster nursery, try the sea creature scavenger hunt, join the Corn Hole tournament and relax with some tasty bites & drinks. This is free, fun family oriented event for the whole community organized by the Chebeague Island Community Association. We hope to see you there.
July 14, 2017 - CTC Annual meeting is tomorrow morning at 9AM at the Hall.
Message from the Tennis Club: "Due to technical difficulties, we have had to move "Wimbledon on Chebeague" this Saturday (Women's Finals) and Sunday (Men’s Finals) at the Slow Bell from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm."
This Wednesday is the CCLT Tide Pool GET OUT! NATURE WALKS - click here for flyer or go to the CCLT website and learn more. It is happening at Bennetts Cove with Carol White and Karen Massey from 12:45 to 2:15.
The CCLT Chebeague Cumberland Land Trust has just launched a new website created by Emery Designs. You can view a map of all of our protected properties and learn all about them as well. If you click on about and then newsletters and July you can learn more about our Friend-raiser August 5th from 12 to 3pm starting at the Chebeague Library. Last year you nominated favorite trees around the island and 17 were chosen through a committee and students in the 3-5 class wrote about them. This will be a fun adventurous program that families and friends can take part in. Click here to see the flyer. I will be sharing more on the website when we get closer.
Reminder that Island Commons BAY MIST CRUISE & LIVE AUCTION is this coming Sunday, July 16th boarding 4:00-4:30 at the CHEBEAGUE ISLAND BOATYARD. Check out our LIVE AUCTION items here http://www.islandcommons.com/live-auction .There are still tickets available as of today. Purchase online at our website or drop a check at Island Commons…don’t miss this great event to support the Commons. Thank You!
July 13, 2017 - Margaret Gaston and her family invite one and all to an open house celebration of Margaret's 100th birthday, on Sunday, July 23 from 12-3 PM. The party will be at the family cottage, the Barnacle, at the end of Capps Road. Please, no gifts!
GC Tennis Club invites all to come watch the Wimbledon finals at the Slow Bell July 15 & 16th @ 9:00 am. Tennis club will provide coffee, May is making muffins to purchase. Many thanks to the SlowBell! Everyone welcome!!
CHEBEAGUE MYSTERY THEATER - The House with Green Shutters is this year’s mystery. At the Island Hall, Friday and Saturday July 28th and 29th, 7:00 PM; starring Johnny Miller as a rapping crime writer. Admission free; voluntary contributions to benefit The Kids’ Place. Whodunnit?
From Chebeague UMC: This Sunday, July 16th, Linda Carleton will talk about her new novel "Elmina's Fire" and whether there is room within the Christian Church for gnostic spirituality, including the possibility of reincarnation. Join us at 10 AM and for a book-signing following worship.
Click here to see a terrific article about young people and the fishing industry in the Forecaster featuring Josh Todd!
Click here for School Committee Agenda for meeting Tuesday, July 18th at 6pm at the school.
July 12, 2017 - Memorial Service for Kit Johnston - 11:00 AM Saturday, July 15th at the church. Lunch for all in the Parish House provided by the family.
Saturday July 15th is the Annual Round Island Race. The Race will start off Central Landing at 1:30 p.m.. You choose whether you sail clockwise or counter clockwise.
After the race join the Yacht Club for their Annual Cocktail Party on Michael Porter’s boat “Barbara"
July 11, 2017 - Midsummer’s Night Jazz Concert will be held Monday, July 31st at 7pm at Chebeague Island Methodist Church. Returning to Chebeague for a command performance, is an eclectic jazz ensemble including Vinnie Martucci, Mark Dzuiba, Steve Rust and Jeff Siegel with vocals by reknowned artist Laurel Masse of Manhattan Transfer. They will be joined by The Ladles, featuring Vinnie's daughter, Kate Martucci, Caroline Kuhn, and Lucia Purpura-Pontoniere.
Friday 7pm at the library, Chebeague Storytelling. This evening's theme is Roots: Stories of where we come from, growing up, connection to the land... If you have a story YOU would like to tell in 5-7mins, sign up at the library. Or just come and enjoy a great evening of entertainment!
Message from Laura Summa: Now that the pollen has really passed, I am scheduling a professional window washing company, Maine Coast Window Cleaning to come to Chebeague within the next couple weeks. If you would like to have them give you an estimate, the owner Chris Leveris will be on the island this Friday. Please be in touch with me via email, only laurasumma@hotmail.com. - Here is their website: https://mainecoastwindowcleaning.com. I have done business with them before and was very please with their service.
Reminder: The second lecture in the Historical Society lecture series is scheduled for Wednesday, July 12 at 3pm. Ron Romano, author of Early Gravestones in Southern Maine: The Genius of Bartlett Adams will start with a presentation at 3:00 PM at the Parish House. Immediately following the lecture, Mr. Romano will lead a walk through the Cemetery for a closer look at gravestones. (Cap Leonard has established this Memorial lecture series entitled “Ellsworth Miller Memorial Summer Lecture Series”. This is its inaugural year. The lecturers will focus on Island life.)
Message from May: We're open this week starting on Thursday and looking forward to it! We'll be serving ice cream from 2-9 p.m. each day we're open, and will start dinner at 5 p.m. This week our dinner special is ribs with corn bread, baked beans and coleslaw. Our catch of the day is pan-seared salmon on Israeli couscous with wilted arugula. We hope some of you adventurous folks will come out and share your talents on Friday night for open mic or Saturday for karaoke. See you at the Slow Bell! 846-3078
Saturday, July 15th the Chebeague Island Yacht Club will host the Round Island Race. All sailors welcome. The start will be from the CIYC mark at Springettes with first gun at 13:00 hours. The Commodore’s Reception will follow the race 4:00 to 6:00 PM (1600-1800) aboard “Barbara” at the Boatyard Docks. All CIYC Members invited. Not a member? No Problem—join at the Reception or complete the membership form available on the Yacht Club Website or click here.
July 10, 2017 - Reminder that Island Commons BAY MIST CRUISE & LIVE AUCTION is this coming Sunday, July 16th boarding 4:00-4:30 at the CHEBEAGUE ISLAND BOATYARD. Check out our LIVE AUCTION items here http://www.islandcommons.com/live-auction .There are still tickets available as of today. Purchase online at our website or drop a check at Island Commons…don’t miss this great event to support the Commons. Thank You!
YARD SALE: Big moving sale, Saturday July 15th @ 9 am. Coleman Cove, 39 South Shore Drive. Rain date: July 16th. Lots of free stuff as well...
Click here to see photos by Richard Hackel of "IndepenDANCE" we had on July first. Fun time!
July 8, 2017 - photo- Teen center selling tickets for Bob Marley show July 9. Tickets: $25 (Available at CRC, Chebeague Island Library & by contacting Tracy Calder(Farmingtongirl27@aim.com) or Meredith Beaupré(meredithbeaupre@myfairpoint.net)
GC Tennis Club Perkin's Cup was held July 8. In a close and exciting tournament the winners were David O'Donnell and Sarah Parker. Thanks to all who came to play and those who enjoy the cookout which followed. Click here for a photo with the winners.
Photos- Cathy MacNeill's photos of the 4th of July Parade.
The Great Chebeague Golf Club invites the Chebeague community to an OPEN HOUSE on Saturday afternoon, July 8 from 2-5pm.
CRAFT FAIR TODAY, July 8th at the Hall from 10am to 1pm.
July 7, 2017 - Don’t miss Island Commons BAY MIST CRUISE, Sunday July 16th , boarding 4:00-4:30 from the Boatyard, returning at 6:30. Tickets are going fast! Get yours online at http://www.islandcommons.com/cruise/ , or pay by check at Island Commons, 132 Littlefield Rd. Tickets $50 each. Visit our web page, and please be sure to click on each of our live auction items to see full descriptions of these fabulous travel & adventure opportunities! Thank you to all our sponsors and donors for making this event possible. See you there!
The farm stand at Second Wind Farm is now open everyday, all day. Stop by and try this season's early crops. The baby beet greens are tender and delicious, and you will find mesclun and spicy salad greens, Swiss chard, garlic scapes, arugula, shell beans, and much more. There is local art for sale as well. Thank you for your patronage!
The Broadband Committee has had to reschedule their monthly meeting that was scheduled for July 10th. Don't forget to sign up for the survey on the Broadband Committee Blog.
The Free Concert Fund presents Diane Walsh, pianist, in concert. It is on Saturday July 15 at 7:00 at the Methodist Church. She will play music of Scarlatti, Schubert, Mendelssohn, Chopin and Liszt. As the FCF name indicates, it's free to everyone.
Message from Deer Point Residents: "Reminder to Deer Point Visitors: The Deer Point Road is open to foot traffic only. Please park on the main road. Absolutely NO FIRES allowed. Keep dogs on a leash at all times. Carry out trash. Let's keep the Point beautiful for all to enjoy!"
The pool will be closed today due to the weather. We are hoping for better weather tomorrow.
Graveside interment service for Dick Cross at 4:30 on Today, July 7th followed by refreshments at the Cross house. All are welcome.
Comedian Bob Marley - July 9th at 6:30 PM
Location: Volunteer Field (Rain? CRC Gym) - Bring a lawn chair or blanket
4:30-6:00 - Pizza, Concessions & T-Shirts for sale - Tickets: $25 (Available at CRC, Chebeague Island Library & by contacting Tracy Calder(Farmingtongirl27@aim.com) or Meredith Beaupré(meredithbeaupre@myfairpoint.net))
All Proceeds to Benefit Teen Center Programming
Tomorrow night Ryan MacKasson and Eric MacDonald Music performing at the David & Sandi Whiston's home starting at 7:30 after the Recompense Fund grant meeting. Please come and hear some truly talented young musicians...bring family and friends! All are welcome! Click here to a sample of their music and click here for Eric's website. Suggested $15 donation towards CICA Music Foundation. This is their first visit to the Island.
Mesage from the Council: Thank you to all who came out to celebrate our 4th of July Independence Parade and picnic. Click here to see the results! Thank you to the sheriff, fire and rescue and all the parade entrants. It was awesome fun!
The Slow Bell is open this week on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. We'll be serving GIFFORDS ice cream every day we are open from 2-9 p.m. Our dinner special this week is chicken marsala and our catch of the day is fried clams. We're also expecting some great music in the bar this week starting with karaoke on Friday night. Saturday night, Charles Hall and Chip Emery will start us off from 6-8 p.m. followed by T-Pollock from 8-11 p.m. Hope to see you at the Slow Bell! 846-3078
The CRC pool is open today for the season! Adult Lap Swim is Noon to 1:00 and open swim is 1-5 PM seven days per week. We will also have morning lap swim on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday mornings from 7:30-9 AM. We are looking for a water aerobics instructor. Please contact the CRC office if you are interested., 846-5068.
CRAFT FAIR this Saturday, July 8th at the Hall from 10am to 1pm. There will be Jewelry, Paintings. Knitted goods, Woodworking, Rugs and more Plus Raffle basket with items donated by artists.
The Great Chebeague Golf Club invites the Chebeague community to an OPEN HOUSE on Saturday afternoon, July 8 from 2-5pm. Come over to our beautiful and historic course, play nine holes of complimentary golf, try your hand at a chipping and putting contest, sample some light refreshments, learn about our Junior and Adult clinics that are open to everyone and hear about our affordable Greens fees and membership options. We look forward to seeing you on July 8th from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m.
The Recompense Fund invites you to the Niblic on Thursday July 6th from 5:30-7:30- to hear new proposals from nonprofits, the school and the town that may help sustain the island as a thriving year-round community. Bring friends and family with you. This is your community fund. Check out the fund at www.recompensefund.com
Get your tickets! Island Commons BAY MIST CRUISE is less than 2 weeks away. Join us for a late afternoon cruise around the bay! Enjoy food by Aurora Catering, Fess Parker wines, Sebago and Shipyard brews, music by Herb Maine & friends, and a live auction of some great travel & adventure items. Don’t miss this chance for great summer fun while supporting the work we do at Island Commons. Hope to see you all there! For more information and to purchase tickets, follow this link, or click the boat icon at the top right of the page http://www.islandcommons.com/cruise/
July 4, 2017 - Yesterday a Kindle was found at Hamilton Beach last night. If anyone wants to claim it they can call the Duttons at 846-4965.
There will be a graveside interment service for Dick Cross at 4:30 on Friday, July 7th followed by refreshments at the Cross house. All are welcome.
Happy Fourth of July!
Kit Johnston Memorial Service will be Saturday, July 15 at the Church, 11:00 AM. Luncheon immediately after at the Parish Hall, provided by the family.
July 3, 2017 - The Fourth of July Parade musters at 11am at the Inn and begins at 11:30am. 40th Annual Great Chebeague Island Road Race and Fun Run! Be sure to join us in this long-time celebration to kick off the 4th of July! The Fun Run will start at 9am (no cost) and the Road Race will start at 10 am ($5 per participant). Registration for both races will start at 8:30 at the Chebeague Island Historical Society.
Congratulations to Althea Englund, this years’ recipient of the Stephen L. Ross Scholarship. Please visit our new website www.stephenlross.org to learn about the Fund and to discover how you can support island students pursue their higher education goals.
Message from Jen at The Niblic/CIBY: We will be closed for the July 4th holiday and will reopen on Wednesday morning. CIBY opens at 7:30am and the Niblic opens at 8am. Please visit the Niblic’s Facebook page www.facebook.com/theniblic or our website www.chebeagueislandboatyard.com for more information. Thank you and have a safe and happy Independence Day!
July 1, 2017 - video- The fireworks on July 1st were spectacular celebrating our 10th Anniversary of our own town. This is just 15 seconds from the Niblic.
Historical Society Museum hours for this week:
Sunday, July 2: open from 1pm to 4pm
Monday, July 3: closed
Tuesday, July 4: open from 8am until after parade has passed; closed for the afternoon
Wednesday, July 5, through Saturday July 7: open from 10am to 4pm
Sunday, July 8: open from 1pm to 4pm
Town of Chebeague's Tenth Anniversary!
There is so much going on this summer that it is really hard for people to find all the events on the news page and sometimes I forget to remind you. Above is the EVENT CALENDAR- http://www.chebeague.events link and it really does a great job of finding out what is happening and is being kept up by Chip Emery. I will keep adding items as they are sent to me as usual but I highly recommend checking out the Event Calendar so you don't miss a special program.
Tonight is Square Dance; Pot Luck (finger food) Dinner & Mari Black Trio from 5 - 8 p.m at the HALL. Later at 9pm are the fireworks seen from the Niblic. Tomorrow is the Community Brunch at 11:30 at the Hall. Tomorrow night Mari Black will be at John and Courtney Wilson's from 7-9pm.
June 29, 2017 - BEST BRUNCH EVER! 2nd annual Community Center Brunch Sunday July 2nd, 11:30AM at the Hall, AND STILL ONLY $5.00! All proceeds support the Chebeague Island Community Center. Come show your love and appreciation for this wonderful old building and have a fabulous breakfast feast!
The Kids' Place is still taking orders for lobster rolls for the fourth of july.
Please email: kidsplace@chebeague.net or call 846-8712 and leave a message.. leave your number and I will confirm that I got your order.
All proceeds benefit The Kids' Place and the children of Chebeague Island!
We really appreciate your support!!!!!
The Great Chebeague Golf Club invites the Chebeague community to an Open House on Saturday afternoon, July 8. Come over to our beautiful and historic course, play nine holes of complimentary golf, try your hand at a chipping and putting contest, sample some light refreshments, learn about our Junior and Adult clinics that are open to everyone and hear about our affordable Greens fees and membership options. We look forward to seeing you on July 8th from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m.
In Honor of The Town of Chebeague the following events will occur on July 1st. Saturday
Sunrise Service at 5 a.m. at the boatyard
Square Dance; Pot Luck (finger food) Dinner & Mari Black Trio from 5 - 8 p.m. At the Hall ( Bring a finger food (not casseroles) and non-alcoholic beverage)- see flyer.
Fireworks at 9 p.m. View from the Boatyard or Roses Point
Finally on July 2nd. Sunday
A Community Brunch 11:30 a.m. At the Hall
A Concert by Mari Black Trio from 7-9 p.m. At John Wilson's
June 28, 2017 - Photo - Meeting on July 28 with Collins Engineering who are looking for input on the Stone Wharf Planning process. If you have something you would like to add you may email Marjorie at TownAdmin@chebeague.net.
CRC Children's Theater auditions are on schedule for June 30th. If you are interested in helping out at rehearsals please call Kelley Rich in the CRC office, 846-5068. This is a great opportunity to make some extra money this summer or to help fulfill community service requirements. Join us for our first session of pottery beginning on Monday, July 3rd at 5:30 PM. We need two more participants to run the class. Please sign up no later than Friday at noon. Session two beings on July 31st and we have just one spot available in that class. Our first session of Gymnastics begins July 3rd follow by Farm Camp on July 10. We are making progress with the pool. We hope that it will be full by Friday. Then work continues to get the water clear and heated. Stay tuned for updates. Details for all programs can be found on our website, www.chebeaguerec.com.
The Ebb & Thyme is now open from Wednesday through Sunday from 11 to 2 with sandwiches, home made soupes, baked goods, specialty cakes/pies to order. Daily dinner specials to go. Located where the Clam Shack used to be.
Message from Amy Freeman Winslow: Ready to workout??? Let's get to it friends....MWF 8am beginning June 30. All ages and workout levels welcome (we will modify or you can do your own thing as needed)
The Board of Selectmen are meeting tonight beginning at 5:00 p.m. The first hour will be a workshop with Collins Engineering. This is a chance for anyone from the public to provide input into the Stone Pier planning process. We welcome your thoughts!
June 27, 2017 - JULY 1ST 2017 TOWN OF CHEBEAGUE IS 10 YEARS OLD!
Don’t miss the fireworks on Saturday, July 1, 2017 at 9pm. The fireworks will be on a barge located near Crow Island.
The Slow Bell is open this week beginning Thursday. Our dinner special is pulled pork and we'll be serving scallops (either fried or pan seared) for the catch of the day until we run out! We're hosting a variety of music this weekend, including open mic with Charles Hall and Chip Emery on Friday, karaoke on Saturday and Lena Rich opening for the Westenders starting at 6 p.m. on Sunday! Come out and help us make it an AMAZING weekend! Call ahead to order takeout! 846-3078. Hope to see you at the Slow Bell!
June 26, 2017 -Click here for an updated CICA/FCF flyer for July/August. This contains hyperlinks as well so you can reference info about the artists online.
Get You and Your Sneakers Ready for the 40th Annual Great Chebeague Island Road Race and Fun Run! Be sure to join us in this long-time celebration to kick off the 4th of July! The Fun Run will start at 9am (no cost) and the Road Race will start at 10 am ($5 per participant). Registration for both races will start at 8:30 at the Chebeague Island Historical Society. Questions? Contact Martha Vernon at 201-961-2914 or mwvernon@aol.com
Richard Hackel has a show coming up at the Niblic Gallery: New Work: Tides and Landscapes. From June 30 - July 19, 2017 with a reception Friday, June 30: 5-7pm. Click here to see.
Click here for an updated CICA/FCF flyer for July/August events.
Message from Florence: Our shop is open and more items are coming. Kathleen (mail lady) has brought in some of her Tie Dye tee shirts and great dresses. We also
have Sarah Parker the (miracle worker) helping to set up the shop and her signs are still a big hit. Herb is doing lots of his silverware items earrings, rings, napkin rings, and bracelets.
We still have some beautiful plants and I am still taking orders if you need something special. Thank you, Florence
The Fourth of July parade and picnic is just over a week away!
The Kids' Place has sold a lot of lobster roll tickets.
Please reserve your lobster roll today!!!
$15 gets you a gourmet lobster roll and a bag of chips
All proceeds benefit The Kids' Place and the children of Chebeague Island.
To reserve yours call: 846-8712 or just e mail: kidsplace@chebeague.net
Thanks so much for supporting Kids' Place and the children of Chebeague
GRAND OPENING! School House Seconds (formerly the Grange) thrift shop is opening Tuesday June 27, 10AM - 12noon and &7PM-8PM. If you can't find it here you don't really need it!
June 25, 2017 - Comedian Bob Marley
July 9th at 6:30 PM
Location: Volunteer Field (Rain? CRC Gym)
Bring a lawn chair or blanket
4:30-6:00 - Pizza, Concessions & T-Shirts for sale
Tickets: $25 in advance (Available at CRC, Chebeague Island Library & by contacting Tracy Calder(Farmingtongirl27@aim.com) or Meredith Beaupré(meredithbeaupre@myfairpoint.net))
All Proceeds to Benefit Teen Center Programming
The Great Chebeague Golf Club expresses our deepest gratitude to the entire Chebeague community for its support of the first-ever Maine Junior Golf Jamboree, which was held on Saturday, June 24. The Board of Selectmen and others in the Town government were incredibly supportive and we couldn’t have done the event without the cooperation of the Chebeague Transportation Company. Especially gratifying were all the well wishes we got from everyone we encountered as we rushed around the island getting ready for the event. Forty junior golfers and fifty family members came out for the really fun outing. Two Chebeague juniors—Quinn Federle and Phillip Traina—were in foursomes that won top prizes.
June 24, 2017 - Photo - Maine Junior golf Jamboree June 24, 2017. Congratulations to Quinn Federle and Phillip Traina in the winning foursome.
The CTC Annual Members Meeting will be held on Saturday July 15th at 9AM at the Hall.
The Whalers Concert is tonight at 7pm at the Hall.
This weekend is the Grand Opening of the Ebb and Thyme with Christine England. She is open this weekend from 11-2 at the site of the old Clam Shack.
A message from Jen at The Niblic: Happy Summer Season everyone! Our summer hours have kicked in starting today we are open Monday thru Saturday 8-5 and Sunday 9-3. And the Veggie Boat starts today as well arriving at CIBY at 10am. Hope you stop by and grab some delicious things fresh off the boat, swing through The Niblic and check out our new line of clothing, hats & gifts, and then enjoy lunch up on the deck as they say the weather will improve, fingers crossed. And yes, Toot’s Ice Cream is here! Hope to see you soon and thank you for supporting an island business!
The CTC July Newsletter - click here.
June 23, 2017 - Don't forget to check out the link above and get your tickets for the Bay Mist Cruise - it is going to be a great time that you won't want to miss - and a great cause as well.
Today, Friday, June 23 at 4:30 Poet Kate Hollander at the Library. Reception to follow.
Click here to get the latest news from Audubon Seabird Restoration Program. Last summer when Steve Kress came to the island to talk about Puffin Restoration he also talked a little about Outer Green Island where there are interns spending the summer helping the terns to reclaim their nesting sites. Outer Green Island is now the largest tern colony in Maine and it is only a few miles from Chebeague (seen from Deer Point)! If you would like to keep this program going there are ways to help - click here. If you recall last summer they had the first Roseate Tern chick. Chebeague islanders will be able to enjoy more 'sea swallows' this summer as we know they feed close to Chebeague shores. They winter in coastal Argentina.
June 22, 2017 - Photo - The verdict is in! The Big Bad Wolf was found innocent by the unanimous decision of the 3-5 class jury. Special thanks to the honorable Judge Lady Linda overseeing the proceedings. The K-2 defense team presented overwhelming evidence of the Wolf's innocence. The prosecution did their best to persuade the jury on behalf of the pigs' family. The pigs have yet to appeal.
10 Year Anniversary Sunrise Service, July 1st - Celebrate our 10th anniversary as a town with a sunrise gathering at 5 AM on July 1st at the boatyard (we will have coffee!) The church will have a community project to share our hopes and dreams around what the next 10 years will be for us as a community. All are welcome - rain or shine! Contact the church office at 846.6987 or Melissa at ml.yosuadavis@gmail.com with any questions.
June 21, 2017 - IMPORTANT REMINDER About Wharf Road Parking, SATURDAY, JUNE 24. The Great Chebeague Golf Club is deeply grateful to the Town’s Board of Selectmen for allowing us to make alternative parking arrangements on Wharf Road for Saturday, June 24. On that day, the golf club will host Maine’s first-ever Junior Golf Jamboree, with 40 mainland and island young golfers playing our course and having a picnic afterwards. To make the experience as fun as possible for the kids, we are striving to have a portion of Wharf Road clear of vehicles for the day. To accomplish that, we are encouraging Saturday commuters to park in our parking lot and will post signs discouraging parking in front of the 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th fairways. This exciting event is a feather in the golf caps of the club—and of Chebeague. We greatly appreciate the support and understanding of the island community in helping make the Jamboree a success.
The Slow Bell is OPEN this THURSDAY. Please spread the word! We will be open on Thursdays for the rest of the summer! This week's specials are eggplant parm casserole and fried clams. Call ahead for takeout 846-3078! Open from 5-9 p.m. for dinner, bar open until midnight.
The Chebeague Island Group of Alcoholics Anonymous begins meeting this Saturday, June 24th, and will meet on Wednesdays and Saturdays at 8 a.m. at the CI Library through Labor Day weekend. See the link at the top of this page for more information.
Schedule update from the Chebeague Island Historical Society for the museum hours for this week:
Wednesday, June 21: open from 10am to 4pm
Thursday, June 22: closed.
Friday, June 23: open from 10am to 4pm
Saturday, June 24: open from 10am to 4pm
Sunday, June 25: open from 1pm to 4pm
Church Stained Glass Restoration Project – Many saw the first stained glass window leaving on the Islander on Monday. After two weeks in the shop it will be reinstalled. Every two weeks another window will be restored. Quite a few requests have been received for memorial inscriptions to be engraved in the lower sections of the windows. Anyone interested should contact Eldon Mayer, vixenskipper@gmail.com.
June 19, 2017 - Get ready for Chebeague's music festival in July and August. All events are sponsored by CICA and the FCF. Print out the linked poster and keep it on the fridge for easy reference! Donations ($15pp would help a lot) at each event are tax deductible and always appreciated, though not required. Enjoy classical, jazz, pop, folk,and ethnic musings from visiting and local musicians. Support live music performances! They will make you smile.
The Tennis Club has had to postpone the GCTC Round Robin/Cookout scheduled for this Thursday 6/22 due to the weather and courts. The event has been changed to June 29th (weather permitting). Mixed doubles round robin tennis starts at 4:00 followed by a cookout at 6:30 at Marilyn Butter’s home, outside, on the Cottage Road. Sign up sheets are posted on the tennis board, or you can contact Sarah Parker at Weepl@aol.com to RSVP. Members and their guests are welcome. Please sign up by 6/27 so we have a headcount.
Wednesday, June 21, 2017 - 7:00pm 9:00pm - Emerald Rae Fiddler & Folksinger at the Wilson House - Come hear this terrific blend of fiddling and vocal. At John and Courtney Wilson's House. Donation of $15 per person for musicians appreciated -BYOB. Click here to see her website.
School Committee meeting tomorrow night at 6pm at the school - see agenda.
June 18, 2017 - Photo - Congratulations to Ethan and Aaron Belesca (pictured here with their coach and and history teacher Marc Halsted) and the whole Yarmouth Varsity Baseball Team for winning the 2017 Class B State Championship defeating defending state champs Old Town 3-0 yesterday (6-17-17) at St. Joseph's College. Yarmouth has not won a state championship in baseball since 1995.
The last day of school boats will be June 21st. On 6/21 the 7:05AM school boat leaving Chebeague will run as usual. However, there will be no 2:50PM boat leaving Chebeague. Because of early release of students, there will be a ferry leaving Chebeague at 11:05AM and leaving Cousins at 11:20AM.
There will be no more school boats until the fall 2017 school session starts.
Refer to the CTC schedule for our normal ferry trips.
I really enjoyed last nights Historical Society Annual Meeting. It was also the first lecture of the Ellsworth Miller Summer Lecture Series and featured: Joseph Conforti “Imagining Maine: The Case of Ruth Moore & Island Life” Before the lecture Cap Leonard who had been inspired by Ellsworth gave a brief comment which you can see by clicking here. Also congratulations to the volunteers of the year who were David Hill and Binkie Boxer.
June 17, 2017 - Please see the Pre-K latest blog from Miss Nancy's class - click here. What a great school we have!
TONIGHT - Chebeague Island Historical Society Annual Meeting is on Saturday, June 17th at 7 p.m. at the Island Hall. Following the brief meeting , the First Ellsworth Miller Summer Lecture will feature: Joseph Conforti “Imagining Maine: The Case of Ruth Moore & Island Life”
Last month Mrs. Westra's 3-5 class went to Quebec City. They are so thankful for all the support and help in getting there and have a short video of their trip to share. Click here.
June 16, 2017 - Town Meeting Minutes from the June 10th Annual Meeting are ready at http://www.townofchebeagueisland.org/
Today at the school was volunteer appreciation day and many came to enjoy Mrs. Summa's pizza and be recognized. Jeremy Miller from the Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve came to the school and island to retrieve temperature probes and talk to the students about marine invasives that they had been studying the last few months. Click here to see the student's wanted posters along with a short video of their inspection of the floats at the Stone Wharf.
Important Notice About Wharf Road Parking, Saturday, June 24. The Great Chebeague Golf Club is deeply grateful to the Town’s Board of Selectmen for allowing us to make alternative parking arrangements on Wharf Road for Saturday, June 24. On that day, the golf club will host Maine’s first-ever Junior Golf Jamboree, with 52 mainland and island young golfers playing our course and having a picnic afterwards. To make the experience as fun as possible for the kids, we are striving to have a portion of Wharf Road clear of vehicles for the day. To accomplish that, we are encouraging Saturday commuters to park in our parking lot and will post signs discouraging parking in front of the 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th fairways. This exciting event is a feather in the golf caps of the club—and of Chebeague. We greatly appreciate the support and understanding of the island community in helping make the Jamboree a success.
I just put a link above for the Island Commons Bay Mist Cruise fundraising event. Click to view event information and for a secure link to purchase tickets. Many thanks to our Sponsors for making this event possible!
June 14, 2017 - There will be a graveside interment service for Dick Cross on Friday, July 7th at 4:30. All are welcome.
Are you still looking for some extra money this summer? CRC has some fun opportunities for you. Have you ever wanted to work at the pool but don't want to take the lifeguard course? We have two pool check in positions open beginning June 24-Labor day (no certification required). We are also hiring an Assistant Director for the Children's Theater program beginning June 30 and ending July 22. If you are interested in either of these positions or have any questions please give us a call, 846-5068, or stop by to see us.
Message from May: We are open this week at the Slow Bell on Friday/Saturday/Sunday nights starting at 5 p.m. for dinner and the bar is open until midnight. We'll have open mic on Friday night and karaoke again on Saturday. Our dinner special this week is (and back by popular demand) is pot roast, served with mashed potatoes, salad and a roll. Our desserts will include black bottom key lime and blueberry bread pudding. Hope to see you at the Slow Bell.
June 13, 2017 -ELECTION RESULTS Board of Selectmen: Herb Maine: 106 yes votes; 5 write-ins; 2 blanks
School Board: Courtney Doughty: 112 yes votes; 1 blank
Total votes cast in our local election: 113 !
State Referendum Question: 82 yes votes; 29 no votes; 2 blanks
30% of a total of 376 registered voters
Kids Place has an opening for a part time child care helper (must be at least18 years old) on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons from 11:30-4:30 PM. Call 846-8712 if you are interested in applying.
Tickets are on sale online for Island Commons Bay Mist Cruise fundraising event. Click to view event information and for a secure link to purchase tickets. Many thanks to our Sponsors for making this event possible! http://www.islandcommons.com/cruise/
June 12, 2017 - The Chebeague Island Historical Society Annual Meeting is on Saturday, June 17th at 7 p.m. at the Island Hall. Following the brief meeting , the First Ellsworth Miller Summer Lecture will feature: Joseph Conforti “Imaging Maine: The Case of Ruth Moore & Island Life”
The Kids' Place will be selling lobster rolls for the fourth of July! Call now to reserve yours
846-8712 or email: kidsplace@chebeague.net -- $15 gets you a gourmet lobster roll with a bag of chips The lobster rolls will be served at the fourth of July picnic.. Look for The Kids' Place sign!!
All proceeds benefit The Kids' Place and the young children of Chebeague Island. We appreciate your support!!!
Happy Fourth of July!!!!
June 10, 2017 - CATHOLIC MASS - Father Daniel Greenleaf will be here on the island to celebrate Holy Mass on the following Saturdays - July 1st, July 29th and Aug 26th - at 10:00 A.M. at the Chebeague Methodist Church. Please come and join us.
TOWN MEETING - Hall 9am.
Don't forget that the Red Studio is now open every Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to noon. The inventory changes every week. We have some great new pieces, including a Mid-Century Modern Lane walnut burl coffee table and a lovely compact desk or Welsh cupboard. We also have a wealth of vintage Bates bedspreads, made in Lewiston, as well as vintage jewelry. You no longer have to go to town to find unique gifts or new and used quality items! Shop the Red Studio!
June 8, 2017 - Tomorrow is Chebeague World Connections! Please join us at 4:30 to share in an afternoon to tour the world with our own island school children! Come visit 16 different countries, enjoy international food, music and attire!!!! See Flyer
Sing With the Little Whalers this Summer! - The Whalers would like to invite any and all interested children to join us in song to celebrate the Island’s Tenth Anniversary, at our concert, “Tunes for the Tenth” on Saturday, June 24th!
No prior singing experience is necessary! There will be two sixty minute rehearsals before the concert, on Tuesday, June 20th, from 5:00-6:00PM and on Thursday afternoon, June 22nd, from 5:00-6:00PM, both at the Hall. (We’d like it if you could make at least one of the two, plus the dress rehearsal!) The dress rehearsal will be on Friday, June 23rd, from 6:30-7:15 PM, with the concert at 7:00PM on Saturday, June 24th. (The kids will sing at the end of the first half of the concert!)
Would you be interested in having your child participate?
Contact Ben Yosua-Davis at b.yosuadavis@gmail.com!
Looking forward to this weekend at the Slow Bell. Open Friday, Saturday and Sunday starting at 5 p.m. We will have open mic Friday night starting at 8:30 and KARAOKE again this Saturday night. We've had to make some slight price increases to out menu. Please check it out. These go into place this weekend. Thanks for being there for us and hope to see you at the Slow Bell! Call ahead for takeout 846-3078.
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 2017 - The Chebeague Island Group of Alcoholics Anonymous will meet on Wednesday and Saturday mornings at 8 am starting Saturday, June 24th, 2017 and continuing through Labor Day weekend.
We meet at the Chebeague Island Library, which is located next to the Island Hall and is near the Island Market. Please park in the library parking lot and use the back door. For more information, call 914-980-6107.
On Saturday, June 24, the Great Chebeague Golf Club will host the first-ever Maine Junior Golf Jamboree, sponsored by Junior Golf of Maine. As many as 52 junior golfers from the mainland and Chebeague are expected to participate. This fun competition will feature nine holes of golf and a barbeque at the club. Chebeague junior golfers are encouraged to participate. For more information and to sign-up, visit the Junior Golf Maine website at http://www.mesga.org/club/scripts/section/section.asp?NS=JRG
June 7, 2017 -A note to everyone that the last day of school on Chebeague is June 23rd but the last CTC mainland school extra boat is on the 21st of June.
An important message from CTC.
Due to ongoing and repeated violations to our parking policies, CTC will begin towing violators in the very near future. Violations include: parking without a valid parking sticker or ticket, overdue parking tickets, and those who are trying to use another parking sticker (as a loaner). Annual parking stickers are not transferable and can only be used by one vehicle. Loaner cars are only allowed if the vehicle with the sticker is being repaired - not to allow multiple vehicles under one sticker.
We will be increasing our surveillance of both lots. Both lots will post the telephone number for people who have towed vehicles to call.
June 6, 2017 - Photo - June 6th late afternoon at the cemetery there were quite a few bluebirds flying around and landing on the tops of the stones. Click here to see another.
Message from the Town: "The 2016 Annual Report books have finally arrived! This report includes the warrant for the Annual Town Meeting to be held June 10th at the Island Hall. Please stop by the Town Office or Library to pick up your copy. We will also have copies available at the Town Meeting."
June 7 Wednesday - Dr. O'Donnell will be at the Wellness Center 9-11:30AM. No appointment needed.
June 5, 2017 - A few weeks ago I posted photos of the work the Land Trust and volunteers did to make the new Curit Trail that starts across from the Cemetery next to the Parish House. Click here for a map to go with the photos.
Nostalgia Night at the Inn starts this Sunday, June 11th at 5:30 (our normal dinner time).
Click here to see the Fairy House Vika and Riley built yesterday - hope she had a building permit.
Message from Florence (Island Riches): "I have some plants in and still taking orders. Call 846-4986 or email me at islandriches@chebeague.net.
June 2, 2017 - The Island Institute and Axiom are extending the deadline to June 14th for Islanders to sign up for the free online classes they are offering on June 19th. Click here to learn about the one hour session on Quickbooks and click here to learn about the web design three hour lesson.
School Committee Meeting next Tuesday, June 6, 2017 at 6pm - click here for agenda.
May 31, 2017 - Just a reminder, Chebeague Island School is presenting “Chebeague World Connections”…an evening to tour the world with our own island school children! Come visit 16 different countries, enjoy international food, music and attire on Friday, June 9th, 4:30-6:30pm. If you can bring an international dish to share, contact Barb at barbpots57@gmail.com. See Flyer
The last day of school is 6/21. Therefore, that will be the last day that the two school boats run. School boats will resume in when school starts in the fall.
Message from Kim Boehm: "I am pleased to announce that Island Services will be assuming the trucking service (which include junk vehicle removal) of Island Electric as of July 1, 2017. Before that date call 846 2468, and after that call 415 5485. I want to thank all past patrons, for moral and financial support."
May 30, 2017 - Message from May: "Thanks so much for everyone who came out for our season opener! We had an amazing time! Thanks again to Mark and Chuck for a great Saturday night! This week we will be open Fri/Sat/Sun for dinner at 5, with the bar open until midnight. I'm trying to put together some open mic talent for Friday night, so if you're interested, give me a call. Our dinner special this week is chicken marsala and our "Catch of the Day" is fried scallops. I'll also be making a chowder this weekend (weather seems to suggest a continued chill in the air). Hope you'll make it out or call for takeout. 846-3078."
There is a great article in the Working Waterfront about Chirs Rich and the internet and how valuable the internet can be for a working lobsterman.
Last week Margaret Gaston turned 100! Happy Birthday Margaret! She will be on the island soon and thought people may like to send their greetings. Her address is 55 Highwood Drive, Manchester, NH 03104.
May 25, 2017 - Photo - of a Magnolia Warbler who arrived at the school May 25th probably tired from a long trip. He rested a while and then flew off.
Please join us for our annual community Memorial Day Service Monday May 29 th at the Chebeague Methodist Church . Program will begin at 1:00 pm. Hopefully weather permitting , we will be able to decorate our veterans graves after the service.
Message from Jen at The Niblic: Happy Memorial Weekend everyone! We open for the season tomorrow. Our hours are Friday, Saturday, & Sunday 8am – 2pm. We will be closed Monday in observance of Memorial Day. We will reopen again on Wednesday with our spring hours being Wednesday thru Saturday 8am – 2pm. Summer hours begin the 21st of June. Hope you brave the Nor'easter Friday and stop in for a free cup a coffee. I’m thinking it will be a good soup and chowder day. Have a safe & fun holiday weekend and hope you stop by!
CRC still has openings for lifeguards, pool check-in, and teen center leaders! If you are interested please go to our website and fill out an application or call the office, 846-5068, and we will email one to you. Click here for an updated photo of the pool lane/target project. The tile work is almost complete (despite the weather)...next they will re-plaster the surface. I can't wait to see the finished product!
Island Commons annual BAKE & PLANT SALE is this Saturday, 10-noon at the Hall….don’t miss it! Visit us on Facebook, or the Events page of our website for a listing of perennials: http://www.islandcommons.com/news/
The Red Studio at the Island Commons will be open from 1-3 on Saturday and Sunday. Stop by and see the terrific collection of home furnishings, antiques, kids’ toys, furniture and treasures you can’t live without. All proceeds benefit Island Commons.
Chebeague Island Boat Yard would like to inform everyone that the Portland Harbor Fuel barge and push boat will be hauled out for seasonal repairs and Coast Guard inspections on Friday June 2nd. Depending on the scope of work to be completed, it may be out of service until Monday June 12th. We will fill the tanks right before the drydock period and estimate that we will have adequate quantities for the duration of the time that the vessels are out of the water. However, people who may be impacted by a limited supply of gasoline are strongly encouraged to fill their vehicles or portable cans before Thursday June 1st.
May 24, 2017 - Thanks to all who walked, ran, pledged and volunteered, the JENNY WREN 5K was great success in so many ways! The event brought people of all ages together to honor the special women in their lives…and to celebrate the day with a festive brunch at the Commons. Many thanks to the family of Jeanette “Jenny Wren” Hamilton for organizing the event in her honor, and to benefit The Commons. Total proceeds are approaching the $10,000 mark!
NOTICE: Clam flats are closed due to red tide - mussels, clams, quahogs, European oysters and carnivorous snails etc.!
I thought I should mention that Chebeague.net is still very much around. Axiom now owns the equipment and David Hill and I work for them and actually get a paycheck. We have been very fortunate to have them step up when we needed them to. They continue to offer FREE internet to all the non-profits, do FREE education services, support our non-profits with donations and also took over giving FREE internet to the Town office, Town Garage, Administrator and the Police. Remember also that when a problem arises with your equipment and Axiom is not available you can call David and me (Beverly 939-9643) anytime. I prefer at times working on the weekend so it is not a bother to me and sometimes problems can be solved over the phone. The chebeague.net email is not part of Axiom but is something David and I had supplied through a friend and have continued to offer it free to those who already had it. Many do not realize that we use the same copper telephone wires as any other provider and therefore can offer the same speeds as any other provider at comparable prices.
The town is accepting applications for a part-time (15-20 hours) Office Assistant/Deputy Clerk to help out as an extra set of hands. You can find more information on the town website- http://www.townofchebeagueisland.org/
There will be no change in the school boat schedule this fall as the Yarmouth Town Council last night voted 6-1 to continue the current schedule. About twenty islanders attended the meeting to make the case for the status quo.
The Slow Bell is open for the season. We will be open Fri/Sat/Sun 5-9 p.m. for dinner with the bar open until midnight. Starting June 22nd, we'll add Thursday nights, too, and watch for our ice cream hours starting that week as well! Here's the schedule for this weekend:
FRI Open mic 8-11
SAT Music with the Westenders 8-11 ($5 cover)
SUN Wine Tasting with SoPo Wine Company 2-4 (50 cents a taste).
Call ahead for takeout 846-3078.
Tiffany is only a few hundred dollars from her goal - She and Virginia Tatakis are doing the 2017 Trek Across Maine in June and need your help. They are raising funds for the American Lung Association and will trek 180 miles in 3 days from Bethel to Belfast June 16th-18th. Tiffany has mild asthma, which we have been lucky only effects her when she is sick so far. Her father, and grandmother as well as one of her grandfathers all have COPD. Then they have the family and friends who have fought Lung Cancer. So this is how they can help by raising money for research and assisting people with lung issues. Can YOU HELP? Please follow the links for Tiffany and the link for Virginia to donate.
May 21, 2017 - Photo - I took of a Sandhill Crane taken May 15th that was hanging around the East End for three days. I have to apologize for not realizing what it was until I downloaded my photos days later and blew them up. You don't see these amazing birds on Chebeague and this was quite a find by David Keyes if only we realized what it was. Click here for another.
Please come today from 5 to 7 for free pizza and learn about all the plans the School Committee has been working on over the last couple of years. Architect and islander David Brunner has been working hard and will also be there with our plans and information. You can also go to the School Website and see the renovation plans and studies.
May 19, 2017 - The Great Chebeague Golf Club is hiring Clubhouse Attendants for this season. If you are available at least 1 or 2 days every week and enjoy interfacing with the public this could be a rewarding opportunity. More hours per week are certainly available. If interested please contact: John Rent at 207-846-3652 or Carl Tubbesing at 207-239-1962.
Please join me and the rest of the Chebeague Island School Committee on Sunday, May 21st from 5 to 7 at the school to have pizza and learn about the renovation plans and work we have been doing over the last few years. Click here to see the invitation.
Spring Concert at the Hall Tuesday, May 23rd at 5:30? I also would like to remind everyone to visit our new website http://www.chebeagueisland.net/ for up to date information on school events, photos and important school documents. We have recently added a calendar of event, to view the calendar click on the orange “calendar” tab in the upper right hand corner of the home page.
May 17, 2017 - The CRC facility will be closed to all foot traffic on Sunday and Monday, May 21 and 22 while the tile floors are being refinished. We plan to be open to the community again on Tuesday, May 23. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
May 15, 2017 - The Town is looking for a one day paid position as the Town Deputy Moderator/Warden at the polls, Tuesday, June 13th from 8am to 8pm.
Tuesday, May 16th, School Committee Meeting at 6pm at the school. Click here for agenda.
May 13, 2017 - Photo - On Saturday May 13th the Chebeague Cumberland Land Trust under the direction of Caitlin Whetham with John Wilson and Geoff Summa got a crew together and made a trail on the Curit Land across from the Church to the Ocean. Click here to see them working or click here for another. Photo by Caitlin. Thank you also to Mark Bowman who is the Steward of the property. Map of the trail.
Cemetery Clean-up Day Saturday May 20 at 9 AM. Bring your tools and bring your pals and participate in this old Chebeague tradition. Refreshments will be served. Rain date: Sunday May 21 @ 1 PM.
Message from Florence: "This is a reminder that I will be ordering plants soon. If you need something special or a large order please call me at 846-4986 or email me at islandriches@chebeague.net.We may get some good weather yet. Thank you, Florence"
May 12, 2017 - Two quick notes from the Chebeague Island UMC. First, Sunday worship will be in the Parish House on May 14th as the new furnace won't be ready quite yet to heat the sanctuary. Secondly, on Sunday, May 21st we will have a blessing of the graduates during our 10 AM worship gathering. Graduating from high school? College? Another program? Join us as we celebrate all your hard work and give thanks for the road ahead!
Island Commons RED STUDIO shop will be open tomorrow during the JENNY WREN 5K event…stop by and show your support for the runners & walkers, and find a treasure to make your mother’s day a special one!
May 10, 2017 - A message from Kim Boehm: "Update on junk car removals...If the vehicle can be safely driven on and off the barge, it will be removed at no cost...If it needs to be towed there is a minimum charge of 100 dollars, due to increased operating costs and a declining metal market. If you feel you cannot afford to have it towed, call, and we can figure out something...Junk vehicles have been identified as the #1 source of potential groundwater pollution, on the Island. I am not accepting light iron at this time. Heavy iron and non ferrous metals will be taken.
As most of you know, I am trying to pass my trucking business on to some interested person. Haul off junk cars and scrap metal off, and return with backloads....a profitable business for the motivated owner. I am willing to donate (yes, as in free!) the truck and all of its support equipment, to someone who can make an effort to keep up this valuable community service....Call me 846-2468. And thanks to all of you who have supported me, in the past...
Kim "
May 9, 2017 -Photo - The CRC pool repairs and improvements are underway! All of the old tile has been removed, the targets are tiled in the shallow end and they've started on the "T" at the end of the lanes. The pool company says we should be up and running by June 17th. Hopefully the weather cooperates a little better than it has so far.
The Island Institute is sponsoring a couple of Free Virtual Workshops for digital literacy in June. Click here to learn about the WordPress: Website Design for Business class on June 19th from 1-4. Click here to learn about the QuickBooks Online: Bookkeeping for Business on June 19th from 12 - 1. Registration deadline is May 31st. You can contact Sharon at Axiom 255-4917 or email classes@connectwithaxiom.com.
The Chebeague Island Broadband Committee is meeting regularly and working to improve the internet for now and the future. Click here to go to the Broadband Committee blog and please sign up for periodic messages and information.
Message from May and the Slowbell: Hi folks! The Slow Bell will be open this weekend on Saturday, 5/13 starting at 5 p.m. Our dinner special this week will be pot roast (probably the last time until fall for this "winter" special) with mashed, served with salad and a roll. We'll also have our fried haddock and a chowder. Don't forget it is Mothers Day weekend, so why not bring your mom out for a special dinner Saturday. We'll have flowers for all the mothers and a special dessert or two. Also, I'll be at the Slow Bell in the morning on Saturday (9-11 a.m.) meeting with folks interested in working. If you can't make it in to talk to me, give me a call at 846-3078. Opening for the season Friday, 5/26.
May 8, 2017 - Dick Collin's family will be having a graveside burial service for Dick at the island cemetary on Sunday, May 28th at 3:00. You are all welcome to join us.
The Recompense Fund is now receiving 2017 grant applications. The final due date is May 31st. Go to www.recompensefund.com “Apply for a Grant”. Last year, the fund awarded $44,860 in grants. This year, thanks to the generosity of many donors, the fund is able to make awards that are similar to or greater than last year’s.
May 7, 2017 -Save the Date - July 1 is the 10th anniversary of Chebeague becoming its own town. The Mari Black Trio will be here on the island July w from 5:30 to 8 pm at the HALL for a Potluck dinner, Line, contra and square dances. Free - donations gratefully accepted - Sponsored by the Town of Chebeague and CICA. Sunday July 2nd the trio will perform for your listening pleasure at John and Courtney Wilson's home, 81 Spruce Point Rd, 7-9 pm. BYOB. Donations to support CICA accepted. Click here to see posting.
Click here to see highlights of our family vacation to Venice, Italy. It is a little long and the last five minutes is a speedup of our trip from the Airbnb out of the city on a water taxi. We really had a wonderful time as you can see and there are so many photos I could have included.
Today is Spring Cleanup at the Island Commons - from 9 to Noon - come stay for lunch!
Congralulations to Caleb and Riley who were received DAR Essay Contest awards last Friday at the school. It wa a wonderful celebration from the Elizabeth Wadsworth Chapter of the DAR. Click here to see.
May 6, 2017 - Due to soggy, foggy weather Lacrosse For Fun on May 7 will be postponed. Contact Erika with any questions, 846-4370.
May 5, 2017 - Photo - Newspaper clippings from Mildred Johnson's scrapbook.
In a show of epic bad timing, ISLAND COMMONS gas grill has gone kaput, and we’re desperately seeking a “loaner” for this Sunday’s Spring Cleanup & BBQ. ( We have plenty of propane tanks!). If you can help us out, please contact Nancy Olney at 228-3709. THANKS, and we hope you’ll join us for the Clean Up this Sunday
The Chebeague Island School has a part-time Ed Tech need for our summer school program. Interested applicants should send a letter of interest to me, no later than Friday, May 19th. Click here for more information.
May 4, 2017 - Come to the volunteer field on Sunday at 2PM for lacrosse with Erika Neumann. Click here for the flyer.
Rain Date! Island Commons spring cleanup & BBQ is postponed to this Sunday, May 7th, due to the forecast. Join us at 9 for the cleanup and stay for lunch!
May 3, 2017 - Storytelling at the Library. Friday, May 5th at 7:00 pm. Theme: It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time. Refreshments. Please call to get your name on the list of storytellers or come and listen!
Message from Island Riches: "I will be taking orders this month for memorial day plants. At least this year I will be walking. If I am unable to answer the phone please leave a message. It is voice mail and I hate it but this will help me remember to check my messages. Hope to see you or hear from you." Florence
Click here for a beautiful photo and here for another by Bob Earnest from this last night.
Congratulations to Avis Flemming who has a new art opening at the Alexandria's Torpedo Factory Art Center where she has taught for 25 years and is in a printmaking studio and gallery.
The Annual Craft Fair will be held on Saturday, July 8th from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Hall. Anyone interested in participating can contact Annette at: annettekincaid03@gmail.com.
May 2, 2017 - Photo - Newspaper clippings from Mildred Johnson's scrapbook.
The Kids' Place is looking for Summer help!
If you are interested in having a great time with great kids come and work with our dynamic team!!! You must be 18 years or older. Hours are somewhat flexible... but Mornings from 8 to 12 4 days a week.
Bring creativity and excitement for craft and art projects for adventures and exploration.
Please call: 846-8712 -- Or email: kidsplace@chebeague.net --Ask for Carrie RIdgway
MAY 1-5th is TEACHER APPRECIATION WEEK! Please join the CPA in a week of events and celebrations of gratitude. Join the students and CIS families as we say thanks to our wonderful Chebeague Island School teachers! Email the CPA at cpa@chebeague.net to get involved.
Please Save the Date
The Hall
Join the CPA and CIS for a community celebration of food, culture and presentations by the CIS 3-5th grade class on their global studies projects. Did you know your neighbor might have been interviewed about a foreign land where they lived or visited? You will be amazed by Chebeague’s stretch around the globe. As a bonus, come hear the stories and highlights of the 2017 CIS field trip to Quebec.
Everyone is welcome!
If you would like to cook an international dish, decorate or get involved, please contact the CPA at cpa@chebeague.net or Erika at erikagneumann@yahoo.com or 846-4370.
April 30, 2017 - Photo - Newspaper clippings from Mildred Johnson's scrapbook. Poem by Shirley Ross Burgess. Maybe I will try to find the article that goes with the Higgins Farm photos.
School Committee Meeting this Tuesday, May 2nd at 6pm - see Agenda.
April 25, 2017 - Photo - Newspaper clippings from Mildred Johnson's scrapbook. Poem by Shirley Ross Burgess. Maybe I will try to find the article that goes with the Higgins Farm photos.
I'm Back! I will post a video of our trip when I get a chance to compile some photos. There have been lots of great comments about our family trip to Venice on facebook and it really was a trip of a lifetime for all of us.
The May newsletter is now available on the CTC website, chebeaguetrans.com and here. The newsletter included in the Island Calendar had some pricing errors on the Ferry Fee Schedule. They have been corrected on this copy.
April 22, 2017 - From Polly Wentling Wentworth and Family: Just wanted to thank you all for your prayers for mom and our family as we have navigated the new waters after her ordeal. We deeply love our community of friends here on Chebeague. Your prayers and love have given us the strength to carry on. Moms new chapter started on April 22, as she moved into Ocean View. Her new address is 20 Blueberry Lane, #L-229, Falmouth ME 04105. Her new Phone number is 207-747-7161. She is still healing and regaining her strength but would love to hear from you all. Thank you again,
April 21, 2017 - The Slow Bell will be open this Saturday night at 5 p.m. for dinner and the bar open until midnight. This week our special is lasagna (veggie or meat, comes with salad and rolls for $16). We'll also be serving fried haddock, seafood chowder, and our usual limited winter menu. Rumor has it a few of our favorite musicians may be out to share some tunes. Call ahead for take-out 846-3078. We'll also be taking applications soon for summer employment. If you're interested, text May at (207)332-2368 with your contact info.
April 15, 2017 - Photo - Newspaper clippings from Mildred Johnson's scrapbook. This one talks about the Golf Club Cemetery. Click on the photo, a larger one will come up and then click again and you should be able to read it clearly.
I will be away until April 25th so if you need something put on the page during that time please contact David Hill and he will take care of it. If you have a problem with Axiom internet or phone call Axiom at 255-0679 and if you have a problem getting a message to them contact David at 712-0349 - thank you.
Town Office will be closed on April 17th in observance of Patriots’ Day.
Nominating papers are available at the Town Office. We will have one vacancy on theBoard of Selectmen and one on the School Committee. Nominees need to collect signatures from 26 registered voters on Chebeague and return the completed nominating papers to the Town Clerk by 9:30 AM on Monday, May 1st.
April 11, 2017 - The Chebeague Island Historical Society is taking orders for a newly designed Chebeague throw. The new throw is 3 ply and 48in X 68in and has many new places including Sanford's Pond, the Islander, the Town seal designed by Martha Hamilton, and much much more. Available in crimson, green and blue, the throw is sure to add a splash of color to any decor and keep you cozy on a cold winter night! Click here to see the design!
The throws will be available the summer at the Museum Gift Shop for $60 plus tax, but you can order yours in advance and save $5. We have rolled back the price to that of the original throw - $55 plus tax for one week only!
If you want to take advantage of this advanced sale email chebeaguehistory@gmail.com or call the Museum at 207-846-5237 by April 19 and leave your name, address, phone number or email and tell us how many of which color you would like. We will contact you when they come in and you can pay at that time.
This Thursday, April 13th is an informational meeting on Municipal Solar Power, at 7pm - 7:45 at the Hall.
Tomorrow's soups are the non-vegetarian is South of the Boarder Soup (Pinto beans with ham) and the vegetarian is Cream of parsnip and carrot.
April 10, 2017 - Photo - Newspaper clippings from Mildred Johnson's scrapbook. This one has Lewis Ross and Stanley Bennett along with a few little notes. Click on the photo, a larger one will come up and then click again and you should be able to read it clearly.
SATURDAY, MAY 13, 2017: Don’t miss out on the first Jenny Run 5K walk/run! Celebrate Mother’s Day Weekend by walking or running in memory or honor of the amazing women in your life. Check out this link: http://www.islandcommons.com/jenny-wren-run to learn all about it. Please join us at ISLAND COMMONS at 9am to join in the fun. A casual brunch will follow with Mother’s Day themed gifts awarded to several winners. Make sure that you REGISTER on-line. We, the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of Jeanette Hamilton (Jenny Wren) are excited to be organizing what we hope is a fun family-filled morning to honor and remember the many women that we all love. Please walk, run, or just stop by to show your support for ISLAND COMMONS. We look forward to seeing you!
School Committee Meeting Thursday April 13th at the School at 6pm - see agenda.
April 7, 2017 - Photo - Newspaper clippings from Mildred Johnson's scrapbook.This time featuring Albert and Gladys Bennett. Click on the photo, a larger one will come up and then click again and you should be able to read it clearly.
The Town Office is going to be closed on April 17th in observance of Patriots’ Day.
Message from the Historical Society: The Museum is looking for a small (4-5 feet) desk with at least 2 drawers and enough surface to hold a computer, notebook, phone , file folders etc. if you have one that you would like to donate please email chebeaguehistory@gmail.com. We could use 2 but are desperate for 1. Doesn't have to be beautiful!
Island Commons has an immediate full-time opening for a Certified Residential Medication Aid, will train good candidate, call Amy Rich 207-846-5610.
Today at the Library at 2:00 the K-2 classroom will have an Author's Tea. They will also be showing their video - "When I am 100 Years Old"
From Polly and Kevin and their new venture: - Click here. You could also go to their website chebeaguewatertaxi.com.
Click here to learn about a program this Tuesday, April 11, 6:30 - 8 pm at the Merrill Memorial Library in Yarmouth - The Experience of Muslims in Maine.
April 4, 2017 - The Chebeague Island Board of Selectmen has chartered the Chebeague Island Broadband Committee to look towards the island's future connectivity needs. The first step is getting input and guidance. We meet the second Monday of every month (location can change) Please visit our page and add your support - at the bottom of it you can sign up for email updates!
Do you need a "buddy" to work out with at CRC at times when the office is closed? One of our fitness pass holders is looking for a buddy during the early evening hours. If you could be a buddy a few days per week please contact the CRC office, 846-5068.
Tomorrows soups will be Portuguese Kale with Sausage and the Vegetarian soup will be Broccoli Cheddar.
Click here for a photo of Billy Hill, the grandfather of David Hill and greatgrandfather of Jeff Putnam. This photo was taken about 1897 when he was 16 years old and worked at the Rangely Lake House. Click here to see an article written by David that was in the Forecaster in 2000 about the play that Billy's great grandchildren Bradley and Tyler Putnam were in at Greeley "Annie Get Your Gun"
April 2, 2017 - Message from Celia: Don't be intimidated by the word Yoga! Come to the Rec Center at 5:30pm tomorrow evening (Monday) for some stretchin' and strengthenin'. Yoga IS for Yankees...
Congratulations to Joquin Bonville who recently did really well in Yarmouth has talent - click here to download and see a video of his performance.
For those who haven't heard about Eileen (Croudis) and Richrd Horton's great grandson Brock who is battling brain cancer - click here to see an article that was recently in the PPH. A relative has started a YouCaring Funding site (click here to donate) and on Chebeague there will be a donation can at the Recycling Center for people to donate as well.
Click here to learn about Capital Needs Assessments (CNA) - Road Maps to the Future for Chebeague’s Nonprofits: Sharing Lessons Learned from The Recompense Fund.
School Committee Meeting this coming Tuesday, April 4 at 6pm at the school - see agenda.
April 1, 2017 - Photo - Newspaper clippings from Mildred Johnson's scrapbook. This time one of them is about Chebeague during the war.
From Bob Earnest: "Woodcocks (AKA snipe, aka timber doodle) are plentiful all over the island these days! They are difficult to see, even if you’re standing right next to one… but, at dusk, you can not only hear them, you can also see them flying over meadows, at the Boatyard, and even looking up at the evening sky thru road cut openings in the forest canopy. Here’s a great article and video on the importance of cutting (some, not all!) mature forest to support woodcocks and many other species."
Click here to see a mean April Fool's Joke! Click here for another view. The only problem is that it is really what we woke up to today.
Message from May: Hi folks: Just a reminder that the snow is supposed to pass, and as long as we have power, the Slow Bell will be open. I'm making hearty chicken and dumplings (all-white meat), haddock chowder, and fried haddock. I'm serving black forest cake for dessert, Cheryl will be mixing up some of your favorite beverages, and rumor has it some musicians may even be afoot. Hope to see you at the Slow Bell!
March 30, 2017 - The Chebeague United Methodist Church is collecting items to send with Peter Carleton on his upcoming mission trip to Guatemala. The deadline for items is the morning of April 2nd. Items can be placed in the box in the entryway of the sanctuary and checks placed in the mission donation box. Thanks for your support of this mission! Click here to see the list.
From Chebeague United Methodist Church - Forms for Easter memorial flower listing are available at the Parish House and narthex of the church. You can also email your information to chebeagueislandUMC@gmail.com. Deadline for submission is Thursday, April 13th. Questions? Call the church office 846-6987.
There are 2 days left to take advantage of CRC's discounted fitness pass rate. Just $99 for a 12 month membership. Sign up or renew today. The business hours don't work for you? No problem, we can give you a code so you can get into the building to work out before or after hours. PLEASE make sure you do not workout alone...bring a buddy that can be in the building with you, even if they aren't working out.
Message from Polly Wentworth: "As some of you know Mom has been in the hospital for the last 9 days. Yesterday we moved her to a rehab. I know she would love to hear from people. Please send mail to: Jan Wentling RM111, Seaside Rehab, 850 Baxter Boulevard • Portland, Maine 04103 • The phone number there is 207-774-7878 and she is in room 111. I will let you all know when she moves on from there. Thank you to all who have helped our family out during this time. Child care, meals, as well as offers of help and prayers have not gone unnoticed. This is a time for transition that I’m sure will give Mom a wonderful life moving forward. Blessings to you all and thank you, Polly "
March 28, 2017 - The Kids' Place is looking for part time help.Work mornings from 8 to noon or 1. Must like working with kids. --Must be 18 years of age.
More hours could be available if desired.
Please call: 846-8712
E mail: kidsplace@chebeague.net
Or stop by and check things out!!!!
This position is through the summer, starting as early as May....
Come join the team and have some fun!!!!!
Message from May Hall: "Hey folks: We will be open this Saturday, April 1. Our specials this week will be chicken and dumplings, fried haddock, and haddock chowder. We'll be serving up a little mischief and some musical fun with some of your favorites, so come out and shake off the March blues. Dinner from 5-9 p.m. with the bar until midnight. Call head for takeout 846-3078. Hope to see you at the Slow Bell."
Don't forget that property taxes are due by this Friday, March 31.
March 27, 2017 - Photo - Newspaper clippings from Mildred Johnson's scrapbook. This time one of the clippings is of the fire that burned down the Hillcrest Hotel of 1924. Click here to see some notes from people. Don't forget to check out the Chebeague Historical Society Website or their Facebook Page.
Wednesday's soups at the Hall will be chicken tortilla lime and the vegetarian white bean with truffle oil.
Thank you to all of those who contributed to the Chebeague Island School’s Pennies for Patients fundraiser. Truly every penny counts! Chebeague Island Students collected $201.00 to donate in support of Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Research. Students walked the neighborhood to collect money, donated their own change and one Pre-K student went so far as to do extra chores around the house to earn money to donate. The week of the drive filled the school with the spirit of giving. We are honored to be a part of such a worthwhile cause. Special thanks to Bangor Savings bank for assisting in turning the change into a check! Our fifth graders were leaders of the drive and were able to lead the process of donating, representing and receiving.
March 24, 2017 - Message from Kristin Westra: Please join us for a book publishing party! Students will be sharing their Casco Bay animal books!
When: Friday, 3/31 2:00 p.m.
Where: Library
We hope you can join us!
Thanks, Kristin
At the request of several Islanders, Dr Redmond is now seeing patients at the Wellness Center. Please call his office, Casco Bay Chiropractic, at 829-1200 to schedule your on Island appointment. He will be here monthly but is willing to come more often as needed.
March 23, 2017 - Don't forget! The USM Nurses and Dr. Reimann, dermatologist, will be here Sat. March 25th at 9:00 AM at the Hall for the annual free Health Screening. You can get your blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol checked and see Dr. Reimann for a skin check. Enter to win a free fitness center membership and then reward yourself with Mac and Beth's homemade donuts!
March 22, 2017 - Have you checked out the Great Chebeague Golf Club’s website lately? (https://chebeagueislandgolf.com/) It has an exciting, new look, just in time for Spring. John Emery, son of Chip and Vicki Emery, was the designer and Cathy MacNeill was responsible for the gorgeous photographs. Betcha it makes you want to polish up your clubs and take them to the 1st tee to wait for the grass to turn green. Meet you there!
Sing with the Chebeague Island Whalers This Season!The Whalers are looking for singers to help us celebrate our 10th Anniversary as a town, no previous experience required! Rehearsals are from 7:00-9:00PM on Tuesday nights at the hall, starting on March 28th, with the concert scheduled for Saturday, June 24th. We accept singers of all ages, experience, and abilities, so come join the fun and sing with us! (Our director even bakes us cookies every week!)
This year, we're also offering a 101 music theory class that will help even the most basic novice feel comfortable learning the concert's music. It will be held for four weeks, starting on March 28th, from 6:15-7:00, right before Whaler's rehearsal (with bonus cookies for all who come!)
Interested in signing up or learning more? Just e-mail Ben at b.yosuadavis@gmail.com or show up on Tuesday night!
Congratulations to Richard Hackel who will be one of the artists featured at Open Studios at 11 Miller Street, Somerville, MA. click here to learn more.
CTC's April newsletter is now available on their website, chebeaguetrans.com and here.
March 20, 2017 - Photo - Newspaper clippings from Mildred Johnson's scrapbook. This time it is a clipping of Mildren when she was the star basketball player around 1912. In addition to Mildred there were two other Chebeaguers on the team. Helen Hill - Charlie Wheldon's grandmother; and Ada Litttlefield, Bob Brown's grandmother! On the lower left clipping is from 1861 clipping. Click here to learn more about this page.
Click here to learn about the programs going on this month at Kids Place.
March 19, 2017 - Tiffany Calder and Virginia Tatakis are doing the 2017 Trek Across Maine in June and need your help. We are raising funds for the American Lung Association and will trek 180 miles in 3 days from Bethel to Belfast June 16th-18th. Tiffany has mild asthma, which we have been lucky only effects her when she is sick so far. Her father, and grand mother as well as one of her grandfathers all have COPD. Then we have the family and friends who have fought Lung Cancer. So this is how we can help by raising money for research and assisting people with lung issues. Can YOU HELP? Please follow the links for Tiffany and the link for Virginia to donate.
This Wednesday Soups will be Beef Vegetable and the vegetarian will be Tomato and Carolina Gold Rice Soup with Fresh Thyme and Sherry Vinegar. Come join us at the Hall on Wednesday at noon.
School Committee Meeting this Tuesday, 5pm at the School see agenda. At 6:30 there will be a joint meeting Workshop with the Town Selectmen - see agenda.
Miss Nancy's Chebeague Island School Preschool blog - click here.
Join CCLT for "Spring Fever" at Frog Pond & Salamander Swamp March/April 2017 - Click here to learn the details of this fun experience. The timing is dependent on the weather and the frogs.March 16, 2017 - From Chebeague United Methodist Church - Forms for Easter memorial flower listing are available at the Parish House and narthex of the church. Deadline for submission is Thursday, April 13th. Questions? Call the church office 846-6987.
The Recompense Fund opens new doors to off-island resources for Chebeague nonprofits, the School and Town committees. Click here to learn more.
Hope to see you all at ISLAND COMMONS SHAMROCK SHINDIG this Friday from 4:30-6:30… the RED STUDIO shop will be open during the party so be sure to stop in and see what’s new! We’ll be raffling off 2 tickets to our exciting new summer fundraising event: a cruise aboard the Bay Mist!
March 14, 2017 - Tomorrow afternoon is the Grant Writing Workshop from 5:30 to 7:30 at the Chebeague Island School sponsored by the Recompense Fund. If you were thinking about joining the group and learning from the experts of Maine Community Foundation please check out the invitation click here and sign up.
Message from the Hall: Once you're done digging out on Wednesday, reward yourself with a delicious Community Lunch at the Hall sponsored by Linda White. We will be having corned beef, colcannon, stout-glazed rainbow carrots, Irish flag salad (mixed greens with white beans and carrots in a lemon vinaigrette), soda bread, and your choice of Irish whiskey cake, chocolate stout or whiskey cake, or Bailey's chocolate mousse--all for a suggested donation of $7.
The Library won't be open today because of weather.
CTC 3/14 Storm Update: We will be cancelling the Bus service after the 11:45am trip today. The ferry will stop service after the 5:00pm trip. We expect normal service to resume tomorrow 3/15.
The storm is getting here sooner than expected and they decided to close Yarmouth and Chebeague School all day today.
March 13, 2017 - Photo - Newspaper clippings from Mildred Johnson's scrapbook. They are from different years that might be fun to try and figure out when. The bottom article about Pearl Rines (before she was Bill Ross's wife) was in the 1930's when she ran into someone on the Stone Pier. I thought it would be fun to highlight these every so often. Lincoln Ciampa the artist was David Hill's mother's brother. Click here to see what people have shared with me about the articles.
Storm predicted for tomorrow and as a result Chebeague and Yarmouth Schools will be let out early Tuesday for the storm.
ISLAND COMMONS invites you to our SHAMROCK SHINDIG, this Friday March 17th 4:30-6:30. Join us for delicious appetizers, good cheer…catch up with friends & neighbors and beat the winter blues! Just bring yourself and your friends, the food and drink are on us. If you’d like to bring something, we can always use cleaning supplies, but not mandatory. Come have some fun with us!!!
From the Island Council: Dr. Redmond from Casco Bay Chiropractic is looking forward to seeing his Island patients at the Wellness Center. Please call his office at 829-1200 to schedule your appointment. He will be here Friday March 24th.
The Free Annual Health Screening is Sat. March 25th from 9-11:30AM. Come and have the USM nurses check your blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar! Dr. Reimann will be here again for skin checks! Enter to win a Free 1 year membership to the Rec Center! And, if that isn't enough, Mac and Beth will be providing homemade donuts!!!
Dr. Rybka will be here on April 12th. Please call his office at 829-6463 to schedule your appointment.
The Wellness Center will be open March 21st, April 4th and April 18th. Through our connection with Maine Health, the Wellness Center is getting a centrifuge so Steve can draw your blood first thing in the morning. No appointment needed and home visits can be arranged if needed.
March 11, 2017 - Message from May: Getting ready for tonight. Just FYI...pies tonight are blueberry with a crumble top and pumpkin. See you at the Slow Bell!
Peter Carleton will be sharing a presentation about Guatemala during coffee fellowship following worship at the Chebeague Island UMC on Sunday, March 12. He will be traveling to Guatemala on the next mission trip in April and will be bringing medical supplies and toys for kids. For information about how you can donate, come on Sunday or contact the church for the list of needs.
March 9, 2017 - Message from May: "Hi folks: A reminder that the Slow Bell is open on Saturday night (5-9 p.m. for dinner, bar until midnight). Our specials this week are: chicken or eggplant parm with pasta, fried haddock, and our "soup" is beef stew. We'll also be taste testing some different kinds of fries and will ask you to fill out some comment cards about what you like best! Haven't been in a while? Come check us out! See you at the Slow Bell! 846-3078"
Michael and Barbara have updated their blog - click here to learn where the "Live-Anywhere" Boat is now or going.
CRC has openings for two more camp leaders this summer. Our schedule is shaping up with some old favorites; Farm Camp, Soccer Camp and Tennis Camp..and James will be returning this summer to lead gymnastic camp and some other fun programs. We are searching for an Art Camp candidate to round out our schedule. If you are interested or have other ideas give us a call! 846-5068.
We are also hiring a new Certified Pool Operator (training provided), Lifeguards and Teen Center Leaders.. Call today or go to our website and fill out an employment application.
March 8, 2017 - Photo - sent to me by Russ Hunter. This is taken from the Chebeague Inn on August 5, 1938 by G.S.Ellis. On the back was written: "The view from the front corner of the new Hillcrest Hotel .... A bus now runs from the Columbia Hotel in Portland to the landing for Chebeague (4 trips daily) where a fine island gasoline launch completes the trip to Chebeague. Round trip only 65¢.
Don't miss CRC's March FITNESS PASS SPECIAL! For the month of March only you may purchase or renew a fitness room membership (12 months) for $99. Sign up today!
The soups at the Hall today are cheese tortellini and vegetarian Asian noodle.
March 7, 2017 - "The Chebeague Island School is hosting a talent show. Mark your calendar for Saturday, March 18th, 6pm at the Hall. Would you like to be in the show? Don’t keep your talents buried! Do you sing, dance, do magic, or comedy? Take the stage and share your talent! Contact Polly Wentworth about getting into the show at (207) 233-8382 or pkwentworth@chebeague.net . All proceeds go toward the 3-5 end-of-year school field trip. Thank you for your support!”
ART LAB CLOSING RECEPTION FOR STUDENT ART: Please join us this Thursday, March 9th at the Niblic from 4:45-5:45pm to celebrate Chebeague Island student art. Free. All are welcome!
March 6, 2017 - The Recompense Fund announces new 2017 grant cycle - Please Click here to learn more. At the top of the website click on Apply for Grants or click here. You will find attached the four files; two are MS Word documents and two are PDFs. Just choose the one that works for your organization. Some people like to use MS Word and some PDF documents.One version of the application does not include a budget table (look for “npb”—no project budget). You can use this version if your proposal does not include expenditures on consultants, contractors or large capital items.
Message from May: "The Slow Bell will be open next Saturday, 3/11, at 5 p.m. for dinner and the bar until midnight. Our specials will be chicken or eggplant parm, fried haddock dinner, and our "soup" will be beef stew with rolls. We'll also be doing a taste testing in the bar to compare our usual fries with a hand-cut option. We'll have some free fries to try and opinion cards for you to fill out. Hope you'll come in and share in the fun! See you at the Slow Bell. (Call ahead for take-out 846-3078)."
Wellness Center open this Tuesday 9-11:30AM. No appointment needed.
March 5, 2017 - The Recompense Fund announces new 2017 grant cycle - Please Click here to learn more.
School Committee Meeting this Tuesday at 6pm - click here for agenda.
Message from Sam McLean: "Thanks to all who braved the winds to attend the Hall's Bean and Bingo Night. You were a fun group, and we appreciate your support and enthusiasm. Many thanks to Maine Island Energy for sponsoring the event and to our on-island prize donors: Julie Doughty, Bev Johnson, and CTC. A huge thank you to our non-board volunteer staff and cooks: Pam, Binkie, Lynne, Marjorie, Ester, Deb, Allyson, Beth, Ruth, and Lindy. We could do so little of this without you, and Lindy, you do make the best darn beans and Beth the best coleslaw! Finally, please give our hardworking board members a big thanks: Gina, Dianne, Tad, and Mary!
We hope to see you all again at our Saint Patrick's Day Community Lunch on Wednesday March 15!
-A big thank you to Sam McLean for all her hard work too!
March 4, 2017 - At the Town Meeting today Article 3 lost by a vote of 40 to 23 in a written ballot. This was to amend the Official Zoning Map of the Town of Chebeague Island Maine to amend the shoreland overlay district on Tax Map I04, Lot 64 from Limited Commercial to Commercial/Maritime Activities. This was needed in order to maximize the number of parking spaces that can be constructed in this space. Article 4 which was to appropriate money towards the construction of a parking lot was not brought up because it was contingent upon passage of Article 3.
Don't forget to come to tonight's Baked Bean and Bingo Night at the Hall sponsored by Maine Island Energy. We will have all kinds of homemade baked beans, mac and cheese, hotdogs, coleslaw, cornbread, and a large assortment of desserts. Bingo prizes include gift certificates from Julie's, Clayton's, Otto's, Yarmouth Book Store, and Rosemont, as well as movie tickets and CTC tickets! This is meant to be a fun night for the whole family. Supper and 2 bingo cards cost $7 for adults and $2.50 for kids, or $5 for adults for supper alone. Doors open at 5:30!
Tom Damon is in his 12th year at the Maine Adaptive and their Ski-a-thon is coming right up! Click here to see a video of Tom going down the mountain in ski adaptive equipment! Click here to go to his page and learn how you can donate. GO TOM!
February 28, 2017 - This coming Thursday, March 2nd will be the rescheduled Special School Program at the Niblic Gallery from 4:45 - 5:45: Art Lab Art Show featuring works from five of our students. Click here to learn more!
Tomorrow's soups at the Hall are being sponsored by David Scrase and Melanie Gustafson and are Middle Eastern harissa lamb and caramelized onion and portobello mushroom.
SPECIAL TOWN MEETING - SATURDAY, MARCH 4, 2017- -9:00 AM AT THE ISLAND HALL Click here for Town Meeting Warrant
paper copies available at Town Office and at the Hall on March 4th
Baked Bean and Community Supper - Saturday, March 4 from 5:30-8pm. Come for a night of good food and fun! $7 for supper and 2 bingo cards; $5 for bean supper alone; $2.50 for kids.
February 25, 2017 - Photo - of the plungers for the 19th Annual Polar Plunge on February 25, 2017. Click here to see the video of the plunge and photos of the plunge, the rockathon and the Chili, Chowder, and Soup at the Rec. Next year will be the 20th anniversary and we already have a number of people signed up.
The Books We Love: Library Community Nominations--
One of our island's greatest strength is the close-knit group of diverse members which makes up our community. The library wants to tap into the wisdom of that community through our new series: "The Books We Love". Ever month, a different island resident will put together a display of the books they love, along with the stories of why each work speaks to them.--
To do this, we need your help: Who would you like to put together a book display in the coming year?-
Nominate someone by writing their name down at the library or by e-mailing us at cheblib@hotmail.com!
February 23, 2017 - Photo - I was able to get a few shots of the Snowy Owl 2/23/17 who is back to Chebeague. Kevin Wentworth was able to see it's tags and it is the same owl that was here last year. Click here for a closeup of her face. She is also an acrobat as seen in Kevin's photo taken today - click here to see.
The CTC March newsletter is now posted on the "News and Info" page of their website, chebeaguetrans.com and here
Message from the Town: "WE NOW ACCEPT CREDIT CARD" ..We accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover & American Express ---The service is provided through Information Resource of Maine (InforME) which will collect a processing fee for the use of the credit card. For transactions up to $40-there will be a $1 processing fee. Transactions over $40- there will be a 2.5% processing fee.
Please be patient with us as we learn how to use this service."
Reminder: The golf club has a great opportunity for someone with good management, supervisory and communication skills—and a knowledge of golf. It’s the position of Clubhouse Manager for the 2017 season. Interested? Contact Carl Tubbesing, Club President, for a copy of the full position description (carldt@gwi.net; 202-865-4451). The deadline for applying is March 15, 2017.
February 21, 2017 - In the interest of safety effective March 1, 2017, the first CTC bus of the day (leaving at 6:15 AM from the Route One Lot) will be automatically cancelled if school is cancelled in Yarmouth for the day. Trip is not automatically cancelled for “delayed starts”. Cancellations beyond the first trip will be posted on the Company’s Facebook page and a notification will be sent to those people who signed up for the cancellation notice service.
Dr. Redmond, Casco Bay Chiropractic, is coming to Chebeague! He will be at the Wellness Center once a month starting Friday March 24th. You can call his office at 829-1200 to schedule your appointment and his office will handle the billing as well. Dr. Redmond sees many Islanders and the Council is happy to welcome him to the Wellness Center.
Chebeague Island Library presents Cold Winter Nights. This Friday, Feb 24th, 7pm at the library. A Night of True Stories, Told Live, with Music and Refreshments at intermission.
CTC has an opening for full time deckhand. This position has an average of 40 hours per week. More hours may be required in the summer. Must be available for flexible schedule that will include nights and weekends. Successful applicant must exhibit good customer relations skills. Applications due by 3/3/2017
February 20, 2017 - Yoga with Celia at the Rec Center tonight ,Monday, 5:30pm. Come unwind those tight muscles while building strength and mobility!
WINTER CARNIVAL - Rockathon, Crafts, Polar Plunge, Chile,Chowder & Soup Challenge - this coming weekend - Plunge is noon Saturday followed by the Challenge. Please email me if you are plunging so I can add your name to Brians.
See the following message from Brian and I just donated online for his plunge and it was easy! I won't be plunging but I will be there to support all of them - so please come out and plunge or donate to someone who is. -----from Brian Phipps: "Doing the polar dip this Saturday looking for pledges/donations for the Rec center, just go on the Rec web site and use the PayPal option. Also we could use some more people to take the plunge!!! Come on down to the boatyard Saturday and jump in!!! Be a little crazy!!!!" -
The Rec Center’s Winter Carnival weekend is fast approaching! Just a reminder that the Slow Bell will be open on Saturday night starting at 5 p.m. for dinner. The Westenders will be playing with an $8 cover and the bar will be open until midnight. Our dinner specials are pot roast, chicken marsala, and fried haddock, along with our usual winter menu. We hope you’ll all head out for the Polar Plunge, Chili/Chowder/Soup Challenge, (click here for flyer) and then a fun night at the Slow Bell. We’ll be donating the cover charge plus 25% of our profits along with any donations made that night to the CRC. Please call ahead for takeout (846-3078). Hope to see you at the Slow Bell!
February 18, 2017 - Interested in a discussion group about making sense of the Civil War? We are pleased to have this group led by Phil Jordan and Jerry Wiles using books provided by Maine Humanities Council. If you are interested, please call the Library or email cheblib@hotmail.com The group will follow the outline as shown in the link provided. Space is limited, we have 10 sets of books. First meeting is Thursday, February 23rd at 7:00 pm at the Library.
Jaye Nunan is planning a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) project on the island and wants your input! Please take a few moments to complete this short survey:
February 15, 2017 - Storytelling workshop at the library February 17th, 7pm. Have fun telling YOUR stories with confidence. All ages welcome.
No Soup or coffee at the Hall today - come next week for turkey dinner.
On Monday I did another drive to the store and around the island. I quickly put it together and you may have to turn down the sound because I think it gets too loud. Click here to see. I switched from my camera to Vika's iPhone half way through and you can see how great the iphone camera are.
February 14, 2017 - CRC's Chili, Chowder, Soup challenge is coming right up on February 25th (immediately following the Polar Plunge). We have room for more entries in each category. Let us know if you'd like to enter your favorite recipe in the challenge this year. There will be prizes for the top 3 winners in each category.
The School Committee's normal meeting would be next Tuesday but has been changed to this coming Thursday, February 16th. Click here to see the agenda.
Now you can go to the EVENT CALENDAR above and click on Calendars and actually sign up for a date and see if the time is available. The Hall Rules and Rental Agreement are also there. Of course you can still call Diane Brewer and find out the availability and sign up with her.
February 13, 2017 - CTC will not run the 8:00 PM or 9:15 PM ferries tonight (2/13).
Normal ferry and bus operations will resume tomorrow 2/14.
There will be no soup or coffee at the Hall this Wednesday. Next Wednesday will be our Thanksgiving in February Community Lunch. See you there!
WHAT A LOT OF SNOW! There are a few power outages on the island and we want to remind everyone that the Hall is open and has a generator if you need
February 12, 2017 - Just received a note from CTCat about 5pm: CTC Service Cancelled 2/13
Both ferry and bus service are cancelled tomorrow. If weather improves we may run the 8PM ferry in case someone needs to get on or off the island. We will send a notice when that determination is made. The bus is cancelled for the entire day..
The Town of Chebeague Office will be closed tomorrow because of the storm.
We just shoveled out from 10"± of snow and are now in the midst of another huge storm predicting a couple of feet of snow here along the coast. It is 5pm and schools are already closed for Chebeague and Yarmouth. It is going to be a whopper of a storm!!
Message from Melissa: Hi everyone! Don't forget that during the month of February, the Chebeague Island United Methodist Church hosts a Free Community Breakfast in the Parish House staring at 9 AM on Sundays. You are more than welcome to stay after for worship (also in the Parish House), such gets underway between 9:45 and 10.
February 10, 2017 - Photo - Caleb holding the Snow Moon. Click here to see Cameron holding it also (photos by Vicki Emery). Click here for the fort that was made while watching the moon rise. They even made a snowfort while the moon was rising.
The Red Studio Resale Shop Will be Open This Saturday for All Your Valentine Shopping!We have so many new items, as well as cannoli and chocolates! Why go to the mainland?
Saturday February 11 from 1:00 to 2:30 or by request
Meet at the Niblic at 4:50 pm on Friday, Feb 10 to view the rising of the full moon at 4:56pm.
It’s Time for the Annual Thanksgiving in February Community Lunch! February 15 at noon at the Hall! Featuring all your favorites—Roast Turkey, Stuffing, Gravy, Mashed Potatoes, Squash, Broccoli, Cranberry Sauce, Rolls, and Spiced Pumpkin Roll or Pie This electrifying event is being sponsored by Island Electric!! Suggested donation, $7
February 9, 2017 - Photo - Teamwork making a bus at school!
For those who are not able to venture out to watch the moon rise with us tomorrow night this link has more information about the moon rise, lunar eclipse, and comet as well as a link for the live feed that will enable you to watch it all from the comfort of your home.
February 9th Coastal Waters Commission Meeting cancelled due to snow storm. Rescheduled to Thursday, February 16, 2017, 6:00 PM at the Rec Center.
The CTC bus service will be cancelled after the 12:15 PM run today 2/9. We expect the ferry to run on schedule for the rest of the day.
February 7, 2017 - Click here for updated Shellfish Harvesting Area Classification-Notification.
This coming Thursday, February 9th will be a Special School Program at the Niblic Gallery from 4:45 - 5:45: Art Lab Art Show featuring works from five of our students. Click here to learn more!
The Town of Chebeague has two wharf applications that you may review on their website.
Tomorrow's soups at the Hall are Carrot Parsnip and Cauliflower Cheese with bacon. We will have our usual coffee-hour goodies as well!
February 6, 2017 - The school has extended the time to order Sweets for your Sweetie to Friday February 10th. The students at the school for the 3-5 classroom trip are again offering their wonderful choice of Fudge or Valentine chocolate chip, M&M cookies, made by Mrs. Summa in the CIS kitchen. Your sweet treat will be delivered with a Rose directly to your "Sweetie" before Valentine's Day! Click here to learn more.
Click here for a Shellfish Harvesting Area Classification-Notification from the Clam Warden - Genaro Balzano.
Tuesday February 7th: The Wellness Center is open from 9AM to 11:30AM for Blood Pressure checks, blood draws, and health checks. No appointment needed and there is no charge.
CRC's annual PRE-TEEN and TEEN ROCK-A-THON and POLAR PLUNGE (2/25 at Noon at CIBY) are coming right up on February 24th and 25th. The Rock-a-thon is a fundraiser that raises money specifically for our teen center program and the plunge raises money for all of CRC. We hope that you will consider sponsoring a rocker and/or a plunger this year. You can now donate on our website! Visit www.chebeaguerec.com and click on the donate button on the home page.
The Chili, Chowder Soup challenge will be on February 25th at CRC immediately following the Polar Plunge. Do you have a yummy recipe that you'd like to enter in the challenge? Call CRC today and let us know what you'd like to make, 846-5068. Prizes and bragging rights to the top three winners in each category.
School Committee Meeting tomorrow night, February 7 at 6pm at the school - see agenda.
February 5, 2017 - Super Sunday - Don't forget to get your orders in for Sweets for your Sweetie. The students at the school for the 3-5 classroom trip are again offering their wonderful choice of Fudge or Valentine chocolate chip, M&M cookies, made by Mrs. Summa in the CIS kitchen. Your sweet treat will be delivered with a Rose directly to your "Sweetie" before Valentine's Day! Click here to learn more.
Miss Nancy's PreK class news - click here.
February 3, 2017 - Join Miss Nancy and Beverly at the Niblic at 4:50 pm on Friday, Feb 10 to view the rising of the full moon at 4:56pm. February’s moon is known as the Snow Moon or Hunger Moon. Weather permitting we will walk the beach to Rose Point. Dress warmly and join us in some winter fun.
The RED STUDIO shop at Island Commons will be open this Saturday, February 4th, from 10:30 to noon…come shop for your valentine, or yourself! Many new items available. See Island Commons Facebook page or click the Red Studio tab on our website ( www.islandcommons.com )to see photos of some of our items. Thank you for shopping to support The Commons (all proceeds go toward costs not reimbursed by MaineCare)
February 2, 2017 - Please join us for breakfast in the parish house on Sundays in February. Breakfast at 9:00 am, followed by Sunday School for everyone at 9:45 am. Our "Deep Blue" Sunday School curriculum under the direction of Cheryl Hillicoss, will be a fun and relaxed way to be church.
Don't forget to order:: SuperBowl + PIZZA - 14" pizzas prepared at CIS -- SUNDAY, FEB 5th Text: 318-8588 Phone: 846-0766
***Order early for preferred pick-up or delivery times***
**An order confirmation will ensure your order was received.
A fundraiser for the school's year-end trip to Quebec. Click here for flyer!
February 1, 2017 - The Slow Bell will be open this Saturday night from 5-9 for dinner, with the bar open until 12. Our specials this week are stuffed pork loin and fried haddock. We'll also have my hearty minestrone with shaved parm, chocolate cream pie, and our usual limited menu. We'll have plenty of wings to go if you want to order some to heat up for Sunday. Hope you can make it out! See you at the Slow Bell (call ahead for takeout 846-3078).
Pat Jackson Septic Co. is making an emergency trip to the island this Friday. Please contact them if you would like your tank pumped at the same time. Their number is 623-3223 or call Jon Rich at 522-3439.
The golf club has a great opportunity for someone with good management, supervisory and communication skills—and a knowledge of golf. It’s the position of Clubhouse Manager for the 2017 season. Interested? Contact Carl Tubbesing, Club President, for a copy of the full position description (carldt@gwi.net; 202-865-4451). The deadline for applying is March 15, 2017.
January 26, 2017 - Click here to hear a PBS show about scalloping featuring Alex Todd!
Click here to see an article in the Portland Press Herald that features Danielle Rich Rideout who is now working for the Westbrook Police Department and is Recovery Liaison for a program funded by a state grant. She was also on the 6 oclock news - congratualtions Danielle.
Click here for an article in the Island Institute Working Waterfront about the newest water taxi for Chebeague Island. Congratulations to Polly and Kevin.
January 25, 2017 - Storytelling workshop at the library February 17th, 7pm. Have fun telling YOUR stories with confidence. All ages welcome.
The February 2017 CTC newsletter is now available on their website, chebeaguetrans.com
SuperBowl + PIZZA - 14" pizzas prepared at CIS -- SUNDAY, FEB 5th Text: 318-8588 Phone: 846-0766
***Order early for preferred pick-up or delivery times***
**An order confirmation will ensure your order was received.
A fundraiser for the school's year-end trip to Quebec. Click here for flyer!
January 24, 2017 - The power is off in some parts of the island and the Hall is open for people.
Enjoy this wet day at home, but come to the Hall for breakfast and lunch tomorrow. We will have pastries made by Gina and modified croque monsieur breakfast sandwiches--Canadian bacon, chili-smoked or sharp cheddar, and a chebegg nestled in French toast--in the morning. The soup this week is sponsored by David Scrase and Melanie Gustafson, and David picked out a heritage soup for the meat selection: mulligatawny, full of Maine-raised tender lamb and chicken. The vegetarian selection is the ever-popular minestrone. Don't miss the soup this week, and our thanks go out to David and Melanie for supporting our community program.
And don't forget about our BYOB Community Supper on Saturday....Details to come tomorrow!
The LIbrary is closing tonight, Tuesday January 24 at 6:00 pm.
Sunday, January 29 at 2:00 pm at the Library, join Tom Cushman for a talk about dreams.
January 21, 2017 - Miss Nancy's Pre-K Chebeague Island School Blog - click here!
Today a number of islanders marched for women's rights today in Portland, Boston, Washington DC and all over the world. I was in Portland with my daughter, sister and niece along with 10,000 others and the line of people was from the Eastern Prom all the way to Congress Square - very exciting day.
January 20, 2017 - The 2017 Chebeague Island Sailing School season is open for registration! Go to www.chebeaguesailing.com to sign up.
Message from my daughter, Viktoria: "On Sunday I leave for Jamaica. This trip is organized though my Masters of Social Work program though the University of New England. I, along with other fellow social workers from all over the country, will spend every day in a different agency experiencing what it's like to be a social worker in Jamaica. The following link is a fundraiser for one of the locations we will be visiting. Please consider making a donation. The school that we are raising the money for operates on $1,600 annually. We are so close to our goal. Please support me in this great cause and consider making a small donation.
January 18, 2017 - Today's Community Lunch at the Hall is generously sponsored by Suhail and Leila Bisharat and consists of baked haddock in a crumb crust, green beans, twice-baked potatoes, Arlene's homemade rolls, and apple crisp. Count on Linda to make the tables look beautiful! Don't let the snow discourage you. Come on down to the Hall for a delicious lunch! Doors open at noon, and the suggested donation is $7.
Message from May: Thanks for the support this past weekend! We had a good time, and though most of you headed into warmer places to watch the game, I appreciate all who came out for dinner. We've figured out the heat issue, so things should be toastier if you join us this weekend. This Saturday (1/21) we'll be open again (and then not for a few weeks because of the Community Supper on 1/28) and will have live music after 8. Hope you make it out. Our specials this week will be turkey dinner and fried haddock. I'll also be making a haddock chowder. Call ahead for takeout. See you at the Slow Bell!
January 16, 2017 - Greetings everyone! Put away those winter blues and join us at Wednesday's Community Luncheon! Fish casserole and twice-baked potatoes and beans to start the warm-up. A choice of crisps for desert will leave you ready for any weather!
See you there!
Mark and Chuck as the Westenders Band are travelling down to Londonderry NH on January 28th to play at the Stumble Inn, 20 Rockingham Road. Bringing a little Chebeague South to make it through a long winter.
January 10, 2017 - Wednesday soup will be: split pea with ham, corn bread and brownies. The vegetarian will be Pesto/Pasta Vegetable Soup.
DATE CORRECTION for ADULT POTTERY CLASSES at CRC. The intermediate class will be on Saturdays from 12:30-2:30 and the beginners classes will be on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. So sorry for any confusion. Space is limited so sign up today!
The Slow Bell will be open on Saturday, January 14, at 5 p.m. for dinner and the bar will be open until midnight. Our dinner specials are pot roast and fried haddock dinner. Will update with more information about the night as we have it! Hope to see you at the Slow Bell! (Call ahead for takeout 846-3078).
More Pottery classes at CRC. Children's Wheel Throwing, Kids grades 3-5, Tuesday and Wednesday after school until 4:30, 1/10-2/14 AND 2 adult sessions. Intermediate, Saturday 12:30-2:30, begins 1/14 for 6 weeks. Beginners Tuesday and Wednesday, begins 1/17 & 1/18 for 8 weeks. Space is limited to 3 students for each adult class and 2 students in the children's class. Register to reserve your spot.
January 3, 2017 - Soup at the Hall on Wednesday will be a little bit different because our regular soup chefs are on hiatus. We will be having chicken noodle and some Italian wedding soup for the meat choices and French onion and spicy Moroccan mushroom for the veggie choices, with Maine caramel apple cake for dessert.
Peace Corps Paraguay
A slideshow story presented by Island resident Barbara Davis - Saturday, January 21st, 7:00pm
The Hall. Typical Paraguayan refreshments will be served. No Charge - see flyer.
December 30, 2016 - Photo - of a Bald Eagle who has been hanging around the East End. The Christmas Bird Count is Saturday, December 31, and we will be looking for all kinds of birds.
Back by popular demand is a drive around the island. I got out a little late to get the full beauty of the snow that was stuck to all the trees but you can get a little idea of the drive around the island. It was about a 30 minutes of taping that I speeded up to 9 minutes. I did speed up to 4 minutes but that really makes you sick and is pointless. Click here to see the drive around the island at about 11:30 today.
Tomorrow morning is this regions Christmas Bird Count and this year Patrick Keenan from Biodiversity of Maine will be joining me to count the birds in the north east of the island. Patrick is the man who taught the school children all about bird banding on our field trip to their banding location in West Falmouth. If there are any students or anyone who would like to join us please give me a call on my cell 939-9643. He will be coming on the 8 boat and leaving at noon.
Slow Bell will be opened today FRIDAY NIGHT, 12/30, starting at 5 p.m. for dinner, with the bar open until midnight. This week we'll have two of our favorites, pot roast and seafood chowder, and we'll also be serving haddock tacos. We'll also have our regular limited menu with some bar specials.
Message from the Town Office as half the island is without power. "CMP hopes to have a crew free to get out to Chebeague Island about noon, so the estimate for power to be restored is 3:00 p.m. I will give you updates as I receive them from Cumberland County Emergency Management."
School Committee Meeting, Tuesday, January 3, 2017 at 6pm - see agenda.
Photo - December 30 - morning snow - pretty but limbs heavy and falling and a few people without power.
News from 2002 - through January
22, 2003
NEWS 2001
1996 AND JANUARY 1997
I would love to have any news, poetry, stories to add to
my news page so please email with anything you think would be
of interest to islanders around the world - yes Singapore, Egypt,
Mediterranean, Boston etc. checking out the news page everyday!
So please email me at
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Chebeague Island Anchor Page