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Town meeting |
CLICK HERE FOR WEATHER or go to the BOAT YARD WEBCAM(click on webcam) and see for yourself!
photos of the CBC Christmas Bird Count was December 29th and here is uncommon Northern Shrike. This bird swoops down on its prey of rodents, birds and insects which they then impale on thorns and pointed branches.
December 31, 2013 - The Pond is ready for skating!! Thank you to Jon Rich and Stephen Todd for flooding it yesterday. Please let me know if you are available to chaperone today, tomorrow or any time this week. Looks like we have another storm coming so hopefully we can get a clearing crew together for Thursday/Friday. We will have preteen/teen at the pond tonight (and the rest of the week) too! Dress warm, brrrr!!
Do computers scare you? Do you feel like you don't even know where to begin while trying to use a computer? If you answered yes to either of these questions you are not alone and CRC is going to offer a class specifically for you. We need to know how many people might take advantage of this workshop so call the CRC office, 846-5068, if you would to attend a class like this.
Also, let us know if you have specific questions that you want covered in the class.
Spread the word and call today!
December 30, 2013 - The January 2014 Calendar has been printed and will be in the mail soon. The editors have sent me two version of the online one. One is in the format of a spread and the other the traditional way. It may be easier for tablets one way or the other so check them out and see which is best for you - click here or remember that the upper left corner of this page has a link.
photos of the CBC Christmas Bird Count was December 29th and here is uncommon Northern Shrike. This bird swoops down on its prey of rodents, birds and insects which they then impale on thorns and pointed branches.
Yesterday was the Annual Christmas Bird Count and one of the areas included is about half of Chebeague. Robby Lambert came over the night before so we could get an early start on Sunday. I put together a page of rather dark photos as it was cold, damp and dark all day but was very exciting! We heard the Hermit Thrush and saw the Horned Grebe, Red-necked Grebe, Carolina Wrens, a Shrike along with all the other regulars. I will be posting the list later. As he was leaving he noticed an Eagle on Carters Point chomping on what looked like a Mourning Dove. For me the Shrike and Carolina Wrens were the best finds. Stephen saw the Snowy Owl down by the Sandy Point. The day before Geoff Summa got a photo of a Great Horned Owl near the boatyard.
December 28, 2013 - New Year's Eve movie, Tuesday 5:00 at the Library.
Yesterday Stephen and I drove around the island and I used my camera to make another video of the island with all the new snow. It really is rough and guaranteed to make you sea sick. Thirty-five minutes down to four with a stop at Chandlers Wharf and then the Boatyard for gas back to the end of East End and as far back until I ran out of battery.
December 27, 2013 - Message from the Rec: Family Movie Night postponed due to Sanfords Pond being open!!!!!!
The Historical Society would love to get the 2013 Newsletter published early in 2014 this year so we are hoping to get all the articles for the book by the middle of January. If you are an organization and would like to be part of this historical document please email me bjohnson@chebeague.net or Sarah McKinnon <sarahmckinnon@chebeague.net to find out how to get the article to us. Office doc. or Pages format works for us. I am going through my photos and taking photos for the publication but if you have any you would like included please contact me to see how to get them to me in high resolution.
December 25, 2013 - photo of Christmas Sunset by Cathy MacNeill at Bennetts Cove - beautiful!
Merry Christmas! It was a beautiful sunny but cold day on the island and all the ice is still all over the trees. Yesterday I had the pleasure of going caroling with a large group organized by Erika and then last night the candlelight service at the church was beautiful.
The newsletter from the PreK class for the last two weeks before vacation is out - click here.
The FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map Consultation Coordination Officers (CCO) Meetings for Cumberland County have been set for January 8th. Click here to see the letter announcing the meeting from FEMA. The Flood Plain Maps are on the Town Website and can be seen by clicking here.
December 23, 2013 - Christmas Eve service of carols and candles - 7:00 p.m. Tuesday evening at the church. Children welcome!
From the Chebeague Island Boat Yard: CIBY's holiday hours are: Dec 24th 7:30 to 11:30, closed Christmas Day. Dec 31st 7:30 to 11:30, closed New Year's Day. We wish you a Merry Christmas & Happy & Healthy New Year!
December 22, 2013 - A reminder that if the power goes out for a while, the Hall will be opened. The Hall has heat, bathrooms, and even the internet and everyone is welcome.
The CTC message No interruption in bus service is expected.
December 21, 2013 - The Library will be open on Tuesday, December 24th and Tuesday, December 31st until 1:00 pm. The Library will be closed on Christmas Day and New Year's Day. After New Year's Day, the new hours go into effect. They are: Sunday, Monday CLOSED Tuesday & Thursday 4-8 PM, Wednesday & Friday 10-1 and Saturday 10-1.
There are still quite a few Chebeague Island School 18 month calendars available! Click here for a preview of what each page looks like and how to order.
SAVE THE DATE: February 15th for the Annual Winter Carnival! In 2014 it will be at the beginning of the February vacation and I already of a list of plungers for the Polar Plunge. Contact me or the rec if you are planning taking the plunge- I would love to have a record number of participants. I am planning on doing it this year along with Kristin Westra and Penny W. from the school and would love to add lots of names. Adding Caroline Loder, Tiffany Calder, and Laura Hamilton.
December 19, 2013 - Message from the Rec about Sanford's Pond: We have checked the ice at Sanford's Pond several times and it is not safe at this time. The weather is supposed to warm up and with any luck melt some of the snow that is there. Then, if mother nature cooperates, it will freeze and be ready to skate on. Stay tuned and please stay off the pond!! Thank you!
The Chebeague Island Center Clinic will be closed on Christmas Eve Day and will be reopened New Years Eve Day for blood pressure checks and blood drawn - appointments not needed and there is no charge.
The community received a thank you card from the Root Cellar for the contributions to the Giving Tree - click here to see.
Holiday Party, Saturday, December 21, at the Slow Bell 6-11 pm. Potluck with a fundraiser for Bruce and Cindy whose truck burned up while plowing. Island acoustic evening of music.
December 18, 2013 - The CRC office will not be open for regular hours next week however we will be checking voicemail and email regularly. If you have a question please feel free to call and leave a message or send an email to CRC@chebeague.net. The building will be open for patrons from 7:30-4:30 Monday-Friday. Please remember, all children under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult to enter the facility when the office is closed. Check out our website, www.chebeaguerec.com for information about our programs (especially the Kids' Place Link).
Don't forget CRC's pre-teen/teen holiday party and yankee swap on Friday, December 20th at 7 PM. It's an hors d'oeuvre/dessert potluck so please bring a goodie to share. Parents and preteen/teen friends are welcome to come and join in the fun. Happy Holidays!
Calling all singers to Christmas carol! Please come join us Tuesday, Dec. 24th to sing and bring holiday cheer around the island! Meet at the store at 9AM. All welcomed!! Contact Erika Neumann, erikagneumann@yahoo.com or 207-749-8022.
Last night we had another 10" or more of snow and I heard it may rain on Friday - that would be a mess!
Message from Florence: "Island Riches is a very cold building but our home is warm and we have lots of handcrafts to sell. Herb has rings,earrings,napkin rings,easels,bracelets and more. I have handcrafted hats, scarfs ,handbags. If you would like to have something embroided I have lots of designs to pick from. Saturday december 20th I will be up to Ed's store so if you can't come to the house I hope to see you there. 15% off for the holidays. Florence
December 17, 2013 - photos The Chebeague School Holiday Show was a delight as usual. I was especially excited to see Neil Diamond singing "Coming to America" along with a handfull of immigrants from around the world (K-2 class who had been studying immigration). Click here to see a few photos along with a link to a youtube of some of the acts!
There are quite a few telephone numbers on Chebeague that start with 847 instead of 846 and it is hard on people who have the same number with 846 so please check and make sure you are using the correct beginning.
If you would like to see what driving to the school and back home yesterday was like in 110 seconds - I put my ipad in the window of my car just for the fun of it and then speeded up the tape. I had been to the Portland Museum of Art where they have a video of an eight hour walk in one minute - so I thought it would be fun to try it with a drive. - click here for the youtube. It might make you car sick.
Taize Worship for the Longest Night - come and warm your heart at the church this Saturday evening at 7:00 while we celebrate the longest night with candlelight, silence, gentle music, and prayer. This is a wonderful time to step away from the busyness of the season and be still. All are welcome.
Today - Chebeague Island School Holiday Concert - 5:30pm at the Hall!
Don't forget the last day of the Museum's 20% off EVERYTHING sale! Tuesday 4:30-7:30. Great selection of wonderful children's books, cook books including Harbor Fish and Standard Bakery plus much much more!
December 16, 2013 - If you don't want to spend New Year's Day watching football, come and sew at the Parish House! We will again, be making chair back book pouches for the school in Guatemala. You get lunch, great company and you can start the new year off by doing something wonderful for kids who need and use them. For more information, call Deb Bowman or Lola Armstrong.
Chebeague Island School Holdiday Concert is tomorrow, December 17th at 5:30 PM - Everyone is welcome. They always have a delightful show.
December 14, 2013 - photo of Cooper's Hawk (I think) on the North Road in front of McCuskey's house on 12/14/13 (thank you to Geof Summa for letting me know about him). Note that there have been seen a lot of Snowy Owls in Maine and Tom Calder came across one down near Chandlers this morning. I would love to get a photo myself someday.
The Chebeague Methodist Church Service for tomorrow has been cancelled because of the impending snow storm.
xcChildren's Christmas Party TODAY 4 pm - Come join us at the Chebeague Island Hall Community Center for the annual tree lighting and Christmas Party. We will sing carols while the children await Santa arriving by fire truck. Hot cocoa and cookies will be served.
Tonight at 9pm on Natioanl Geographic Wild - Stephen Todd, Brad Martin and Alex Todd will be seen on the show "Jobs that Bite" show which starts with Northern Maine about bears and then the Portland Docks, lobster boat and Smack. (On Dish it is channel 190 on Direct it is 283)
Calendar - The 3-5 class at the Chebeague Island School have created an 18 month Chebeague Themed Art and Poetry Calendar. They are excited to share the beautiful artwork created with the help of their teachers and volunteer LeeAnn Robinson. They are selling these calendars to raise money for their year end trip. Each month is a different scene with poetry and words expressing their feelings. Contact Meredith Beaupres to order yours at jakylory@hotmail.com or call 846-0766.
December 13, 2013 - Groovy Movie 7:30 tonight at the Library.
Remember that submissions for the Island Council Calendar deadline is less than a week away.
December 12, 2013 - Chebeague Island School had 100% participation in the Hour of Code Week!! Over 10 million students to date have taken place as well. We even had a few guest children and a couple of Middle School students joined us at Technology Club. The 3-5 classroom, who had been practicing in Tech Club teamed up with the Pre-K class as well as the K-2 class and taught coding. It was lots of fun and each child will get a certificate for their participation. Click here to see some photos as well as learning more about this week.
CRC's annual Kids' Holiday Craft Program was a ton of fun! The kids were able to create a variety of different projects that are sure to make the perfect gift. Thank you to our volunteers: Althea Dugliss, Sam Birkett, Celia Whitehead, Nancy Earnest, May Hall, Lily Englund, Ellen Maher, Amy Rich and Vicki Todd for making the program so wonderful.
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the Giving Tree. The gifts were delivered to the Root Cellar yesterday. Thank you also to the Ladies Aid who contributed loads of knitted items. Merry Christmas!
The Historical Society would like to thank the community for the tremendous support we have received this year! More than 2000 people visited the Museum. To celebrate the season all merchandise will be discounted 20% for the rest of the season. We have many stocking stuffers, gift and glass items, children's books and cookbooks. Don't be disappointed. Pick up Cathy MacNeill's 2014 calendar - only a few left.
Given the possibility of a snow storm on Sunday, the Museum Gift Shop will be open on Saturday, December 14 from 3-7; closed Sunday; and open Tuesday night December from 4:30-7. Then we will be closed until next summer. Hope to see you on Saturday and Tuesday.
Need a stocking stuffer? How about a gift certificate for a 2014 Pied Piper cruise? Call (846-3700) or email (ctc@chebeague.net) the CTC office for more information!
December 9, 2013 - CTC will continue offering our barging service this winter, weather permitting. If you need barging, call the office to schedule it. There will be a $20 additional charge per vehicle because we will be barging to Yankee Marina. Minimum cost per trip is $200.
The clam flats are now open for shellfish.
Since Sam's passing many people have asked about Sally Ballard. She is doing well considering. Sally would love to have you stop by the house to say Hi. No need to ring ahead - just drop by as you can. Thanks for your concern.
Click here for the Pre-K Newsletter for the last two weeks.
More than 60 people joined together to celebrate the season at the Island Commons Holiday Party on Sunday. The many raffle prizes, so generously donated (many by local artists & artisans), raised over $400! Thank You to all who worked so hard to make this event a success. Your efforts are very much appreciated by the Commons residents, board and staff. Happy Holidays! Click here to see a few photos.
December 8, 2013 - Don't forget today at 1:00, centerpiece design for the holiday table. Come to the Rec Center at 1:00 with you own vase or bowl that you would like to fill with beautiful greenery and holiday decorations already collected and waiting. Deb and Ellen are teaching how to create a beautiful focal point for the holidays.
TODAY the Commons Open House from 4:30 - 6.30.
Museum closed today due to illness. Gift shop will be open next Sunday 1-4 for shopping. You to see you there.
December 7, 2013 - TONIGHT - WHALERS CONCERT - "An American Christmas"7:30 at the Hall!
The Rec Center internet will be down until Monday when Adtran Technicians will attempt to repair the DSL Router at the Center. This affects about 9 customers and we are so sorry for the inconvenience. David and I have been there for a day and half trying to remedy the situation but unable.
December 6, 2013 - Historical Society sale Sunday Dec 8 and Dec 15th!!!! Great deals. 20percent off children's books. Buy 10 items and get 10 percent off all items! Limited choices of glasses and mugs. Don't be disappointed! Shop early! Click here to see some of the items.
A great big thank you from Spring Island to everyone who had to park up the road, or wait for the barge loads as they moved up Wharf Road, on Wednesday and Thursday this past week. Thanks for making Chebeague a great place to work!
December 5, 2013 - Giving Tree - If you would like to sign up to participate, there are still some slots left to provide gifts for children in need. This program is done through The Root Cellar and sponsored by the Library, Church and you!
This Saturday, December 7 - WHALERS CONCERT - "An American Christmas" --- a blend of traditional and contemporary Christmas music --- all written by American composers. 7:30 p.m. at the Hall. Tickets at the door. And a wonderful raffle basket put together by the Hall as a fundraiser for them/you!
Greely's AP Studio Art Class including Brennah Martin will be displaying their art at Maine Coffee Roasters starting Friday, December 6th.
December 4, 2013 - In preperation for the Nationwide "Hour of Code" the Chebeague Island School Technology club that meets after school on Mondays and Tuesdays has been learning and practicing the computer coding through tutorials provided for Computer Science Education Week, December 9 through 15th. These students really did enjoy working with these programs and are ready to help other students next week when we do the "Hour of Code" in the classrooms at our school. Click here to see them working and to see how you can learn about computer coding as well.
Congratulations to Freeport Players' 10th annual "WFCP Home Time Radio Hour," which will be performed Dec. 6-8 at Freeport High School who were featured in an article in this week's Forecaster. Click here for the photo of Sam Hunneman (who used to be Polly Smith when she lived on Chebeage), left, Deborah McLean, and Maryellen Carew create sound effects during a rehearsal for the Freeport Players' 10th annual "WFCP Home Time Radio Hour," which will be performed Dec. 6-8 at Freeport High School.
December 3, 2013 - The Soup for tomorrow is: "Meat Lover's Pizza in a Bowl" at the Hall.
Wireless Internet service from the Rec Center will be interrupted for a period of time on Friday, December 6th for maintenance. This will affect only the nine customers currently served from the Rec Center. DSL service and Boat Yard wireless customers will not be affected.
WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY 12/4 AND 12/5: a modular home will be arriving, on 3 large trailers, mid morning each day. 8 parking spaces on the Stone Pier will be roped off to allow the barge to unload safely. CLICK HERE to see a map of the closed spots. The spaces will be freed up by the 2:30 CTC ferry departure each day. If you need assistance getting to or from the boat on these two days, please call Bob at 846 0924. Thanks for your help!
Congratulations to Hannah Birkett who was one of the soldiers in the Nutcracker Ballet this past weekend - click here to see the review.
December 2, 2013 - Photo taken along the fifth fairway on the Golf Course December 2nd on a gloomy dark day.
This weekend the Whalers Concert will be Saturday night at 7:30.
On Sunday the Commons Christmas Party is from 4:30 to 6:30 pm.
School Committee Meeting, Tuesday, 6pm at the School see agenda.
November 29, 2013 - There are still decorated Christmas wreaths available from the Ladies Aid for $15 each. Please call Dianne Calder at -4176 as soon as possible to reserve yours. Pick up date is Thursday, December 5th after 1:00 pm.
November 28, 2013 - Because of all the rain, the clam flats are closed.
Happy Thanksgiving! Don't miss Black Friday deals at the Museum from 1-4 on Friday Nov 29 AND Sunday Dec 1!!!! Great deals. 20percent off children's books. Buy 10 items and get 10 percent off all items! Limited choices of glasses and mugs. Don't be disappointed! Shop early!
November 27, 2013 - Power out on Chebeague before noon and not expected back until early evening. a huge tree down on the power lines by the cemetery! See photo ---
Thanksgiving Pie sale today 10-1 at CRC! Some are already sold but we have variety left to choose from. Come at 10 to get your pick of the pies while they last!! All proceeds benefit Kids' Place.
November 27, 2013 - Thanksgiving Pie sale today 10-1 at CRC! Some are already sold but we have variety left to choose from. Come at 10 to get your pick of the pies while they last!! All proceeds benefit Kids' Place.Free boat days on CTC are 12/7 and 12/14. Merry Christmas!
CTC will have a reduced schedule on Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and New Year's Day. We have added more trips this year (one on Thanksgiving and Christmas and two on New Year's Day). Get a copy of the schedule on our website, in the Island Calendar, or on the ferry.
Please note that the schedule IS NOT the same as our regular schedule, so check it closely.
November 25, 2013 - Thanksgiving School Dinner with the Commons - click here.
Pre-school newsletter for the last few weeks - click here.
Wednesday the Hall will be having the Vegetarian soup, Ribolet (an Italian vegetable soup) and a Beef Vegetable soup/stew.
Join us at the Chebeague Church on Saturday, November 30 at 5:00 for Hanging of the Greens in preparation for the Advent/Christmas season, and stay for a potluck supper at the Parish House.
Mark your calendars - Taize Worship for the Longest Night on Saturday, December 21st, 7:00 pm at the church. A time of quiet reflection with candles and prayerful music. A peaceful alternative to the Christmas frenzy.
November 24, 2013 - December's issue of the Island Calendar is now online and will be delivered shortly by mail. Click here to see or go above and click on Island Calendar. The editors have made a few changes and would love to have feedback. Reminder that because of the holidays the calendar submissions must be in by December 19th.
Congratulations to Ben Johnson who has cofounded and is the CTO of Carbon Black - click here to see his profile. He is the son of Charlotte and Scott Johnson and is my nephew.
November 22, 2013 - Last night's Special CTC Boat was for last night only to accomodate a special school function in order that our children and parents and community are able to participate.
Ladies Aid Fair tomorrow, Saturday 12 to 3 at the Parish House!
'Tis the season..... The Root Cellar has again provided us a list of children who could use some help. If you would like to participate in helping make this Christmas a bit brighter for them, please call or stop in to see the list. Unwrapped gifts may be brought to the Library no later than December 7th. This is sponsored by the Library, Church and you! Thank you!
We are conducting an informal PIANO POLL. If you have a piano in your house, please call the Library 846-4351 or email cheblib@hotmail.com. We will let you know how many!
Tonight, Friday 7:30 - Groovy Movie at the Library.
November 21, 2013 - Opening night! Greely High School Drama presents Legally Blonde: the Musical starting tonight at 7:30. With a cast of over 50 students, Genny Dyer and Abby Israel have prominent roles. Shows tonight, Friday, and Saturday night at 7:30, and Sunday matinee at 2 pm. Adults $9, children and seniors $6. Come support your local talent and enjoy some fun music and comedy. There will be a special boat back to the island tonight after the show. CTC is having a 10:15 boat which may run a little later for the play people.
Applications to CTC for Cousins Island parking are due by 11/25. If you are going to apply for a spot, be sure to get your application in by that date. We expect to get more applications than we can accommodate, so it is important to get yours in right away.
Call for your Pies!!! Its not too late!! see updated list below.
$15 for most pies
$18 for Pecan
$ 20 for Cheesecake
Call 846-8712 if no one answers, leave a message.
Help us meet our goal of selling 35 pies!!!
All proceeds go to The Kids Place --you can e mail too: kidsplace@chebeague.net
Thank you for your support and Happy Thanksgiving
November 18, 2013 - Again - please don't open email that you don't know who it is from - even if it says it is from someone at chebeague.net. People don't send zip files unless you know they are coming from someone you know.
Don't forget - LADIES AID FAIR - this Saturday at the Parish House from 12 to 3. They will have hotdogs and also lots of goodies to purchase as usual. Get your Christmas shopping done early.
School Committee Meeting Tuesday, November 19th 6pm at the school - click here for agenda.
Island Institute Fellows Program Presentation, 7pm, December 5th at the Island Hall. Learn all about applying for a fellow.
All are welcome!
November 17, 2013 - For anyone interested in learning more about green crabs, there is going to be a Green Crab Summit in Orono, Maine on December 15th and registration is free and open to the public. The purpose of this one-day conference is to exchange information about green crabs and their impacts on Maine's coastal and marine resources, learn about different approaches for green crab control, and discuss future directions for management and research. Register at: http://seagrant.umaine.edu/green-crab-summit
I have also had a few people ask about the video Jeff Putnam took and I put on youtube after speeding it up - click here to see if you haven't already found it. Make sure your sound is up and don't go to bed afterward.
November 16, 2013 - Photo of the Longtail Ducks which have arrived in the area along with the Surf Scoters and the Buffleheads. I also got some photos of a Grebe, Immature Guilimots and Loons on Saturday afternoon.
The DSL was out from 6:30 to 12 and a big thank you to Jim Supski (our ADTRAN Technician) who spent his Saturday on the phone with us to reconfigure a backup unit for our equipment. Thank you also to Sam and Sally who have been so patient when we have these problems. We are trying to get backups and backup configuration for all our equipment so when something like this happens we won't be out as long.
We will have more details for each as they approach, so looking forward to a great Holiday season and a busy Rec Center with the whole community here to enjoy!!!
November 13, 2013 - Circuit Training at CRC w/Virginia! Come and condition your body at your pace and intensity as you venture around a circuit that will target strength building and muscular endurance. Time will vary between each station at 30 sec. and 1minute intervals giving you a wonderful aerobic workout. Tuesdays & Thursdays: 8:30 -9:30 AM and 4:30-5:30 PM $2 drop-in Fee
(Dates and Times may vary depending on participation)
Today, Wednesday the lunch at the Hall is Vegetarian (red) Chili and White (chicken) Chili.
Yesterday the students did their 11th haul of the bycatch trap - click here to see the results.
November 11, 2013 - Today in the Portland Press Herald on Veterans Day an article about Richard Brewer who started One Warrior Won to give support to other vets with post-traumatic stress disorder. Click here to see.
News from The Recompense Foundation: This year’s major grants were as follows:The Commons - $1500
The Recreation Center - $4580
Grant applications are welcomed from Island 501(c)(3)s, and must be submitted by September 1 each year. Information can be obtained by contacting Chris Wolff at the Maine Community Foundation, cwolff@mainecf.org.
Pre-K Newsletter for the last two weeks - click here.
The school had their 10th haul of the bycatch lobster trap. Click here to see a few photos and what the caught. 107 green crabs after two days kept them pretty busy.
November 9, 2013 - TONIGHT is GAME NIGHT at the Hall 7pm.. Come alone, bring your friends, team, etc.
Light refreshments provided.
Wonderful Harvest Dinner last night benefitting the Chebeague Food Pantry. Big thank you to Celia (our island fellow), Erin Whetham, Arriette Scott and Lola Armstrong who organized it and many other volunteers who helped make it a success including Mark Bowman who along with Celia entertained everyone with their music! Click here to see some photos!
November 8, 2013 - Saturday night preteen and teen Chinese food dinner, and kickoff to winter teen center. We want to hear from everyone what fun new things we can introduce and get rolling with for teen to combat the cold weather boredom and make this a great place that kids want to hang out in on weekends!
A reminder that the Town Office will be closed on Monday November 11, 2013 in observance of Veterans day.
GARAGE SALE! - Saturday November 9th from 9am to 5pm, at Joan Maxon's house, 16 Littlefield rd. RAIN or SHINE! Furniture, tools, Christmas decorations, serving dishes, glassware, toys, home decor, picture frames, auto supplies and more! EVERYTHING MUST GO!
Harvest Celebration dinner at the Parish House, TODAY Friday, November 8th 5:30-7:30. $5 suggested donation to support the island food pantry, or bring a dish featuring local ingredients! Photo of Mark and Celia entertaining the diners at the Harvest Dinner.
November 7, 2013 - Chuck Butters is now at the Tippett Hospice Home, 920 South Street, Needham, MA 02492 -his spirrits are good and I'm sure he would love to hear from people.
The Ladies Aid Annual Christmas Fair is right around the corner. Save the date for Saturday, November 23rd from 12:00-3:00 to start your holiday shopping and have some lunch at the Parish House!
Local Harvest Celebration dinner at the Parish House, THIS Friday, November 8th 5:30-7:30. $5 suggested donation to support the island food pantry, or bring a dish featuring local ingredients!
November 6, 2013 - Photo taken by Bob Earnest on Saturday, 11/16, about 3pm, at the southeast end Chandlers Beach. The sun was low in the sky and the light hit them just right! The clams showing upright in this photo are dead.
Thanksgiving Pies For Sale!! Call the Kids Place to reserve: We have pumpkin, pecan, apple, chocolate cream and more!! Cheese Cakes available too!! Call soon: 846-8712
All proceeds benefit The Kids Place.
Today we did our 9th haul of the bycatch lobstertrap - click here to see photos and what we found.
Tammy Hoidel's "B.O.B." Bystanders Opposing Bullying book release party will be Sunday, Nov 10th from 2-5 at Trimmings, 240 US Route 1, Falmouth, Maine ---- milk, cookies and prizes! Tammy is our k-2nd grade teacher here on Chebeague.
The CTC office winter hours are now in effect. The office is open Monday-Thursday 9AM - 4PM.
Commuter parking is now in effect at the Blanchard lot. We have marked the area which is reserved for commuters. Only those customers who have the designation on their annual parking permit may park there. Thanks for your cooperation.
If you have not submitted your parking application for the Blanchard lot, please remember the deadline is 11/25.
Today at the Hall Coffee and Soups!
Groovy Movie at the Library, Fridays at 7:30 PM.
The Community Center is looking for a reliable person to do snow removal at the building for the winter season. If you are interested, please contact Deb Bowman at 846-4351.
Have you always wanted to learn how to play the piano or a string instrument? Now is your chance right here on the island. Our amazing instructor is coming back on Thursday afternoon/evenings starting this month to continue with some of the lessons she started last year and to hopefully start with some new people. She teaches piano and pretty much any other string instrument. Contact CRC if you are interested or would like more information...for all ages (adults too!)
November 5, 2013 - Tomorrow the Hall will resume it's coffee in the morning and soup for lunch. They will be serving Portuguese kale and vegetatarian potato leek soups.
Game night is also this Saturday at 7pm. The Hall will be having it twice a month the second and fourth Saturdays. Join in the games, bring your own games, cards and have fun!
VOTE TODAY - State and Casco Bay Island Transit District - go to Town Website to see the sample ballots!
November 4, 2013 - Chebeague.net has installed the fiber optic cable between the West End and the Clam Shack and is ready to make the switchover which should immediately double our available bandwidth. Service will be interrupted sometime Tuesday afternoon for an unknown period of time. We appreciate your patience as we make this significant improvement to our Internet service.
School Committee Meeting tomorrow at the school at six pm - see agenda.
The youtube of the Green Crabs gone wild has gone viral (at least on Chebeagues sense of viral) - it is really creepy and you won't want to miss it - click here and make sure you have your sound turned up.
November 1, 2013 - Wednesday the students hauled their bycatch trap - click here to see the photos of their 8th haul. Jeff Putnam put a gopro video camera in their trap down at Chandler's wharf and what a great film. I put it on youtube and compressed it from about 35 minutes down to 5 minutes - click here to check it out.
A Correction for the church news: Sunday lunch at the Parish House to celebrate Rev. Juan Toj and the Guatemala team is NOT a potluck. Soup and bread will be served and all are welcome - no charge, but a donation for the health clinic in Cunen, Guatemala is most welcome. Handmade Guatemalan crafts will be on sale.
Linda Carleton has completed mandala blocks of Second Wind Farm just in time to make perfect Thanksgiving table decorations. Check it out on her website: mainemandalas.com
October 30, 2013 - A pdf of the November Calendar has now been put on the Island Council site above.
Local Harvest Celebration dinner at the Parish House, November 8th 5:30-7:30. $5 suggested donation to support the island food pantry, or bring a dish featuring local ingredients!
Remember to stop by the Commons Thursday night 5:30-7:30 for Trick-or-Treat fun and light refreshments…and check out our costumes!
The school garden and lunch programs at Chebeague Island School are extremely valuable to our students' education and health. We would like to strengthen community support for the garden as an outdoor classroom and increase the amount of local food in the lunch program by compiling a “garden resources directory”. Please fill this survey out if you are interested in being a part of it. Thank you very much! The survey link will be next to the photo for a while.
Hard copies will be available at the library, in the November calendar (and perhaps on the boat)
On Sunday November 3rd at the 10:00 am worship service, we will welcome the Rev. Juan Toj, Pastor of the National Methodist Church in Chichicastenango, Guatemala. Rev. Juan is also Associate Director of Salud Y Paz, the organization offering health services to people in this remote region of Guatemala. Several people from the church and the island have been there on mission trips in recent years, under the enthusiastic leadership of Pastor Linda Brewster. Peter Carlton was part of the team that went there in September. Rev. Juan, Linda Brewster, and the Rev. Mike Davis will take part in the worship service, which will be followed by a Soup and breatd (not pot luck) and slide presentation in the Parish House. Peter will talk about his recent trip. There will also be some handmade items from Guatemala for sale. They make wonderful Christmas gifts! Please join us on Sunday!
October 29, 2013 - The meeting of the Chebeague Island Grange planned for this Saturday, November 2nd has been postponed until early 2014. If you have any questions, please call Martha Hamilton 846-4078.
The Islander crew hopes that we will see many goblins, witches, ghosts, and princesses Thursday night! Stop by the ferry after 6PM (and between trips of course) and get a treat!! We’ll be waiting!
October 26, 2013 - Pre-K newletter for the last two weeks - click here.
CPA sponsored Harvest Pot Luck Dinner this afternoon followed by CRC Teen Center Scavenger hunt - click here.
October 25, 2013 - Today was the 7th haul of our bycatch lobster trap - click here to see photos from today. We are noticing a lot of green crabs, mostly male.
Tomorrow morning the Chebeague School Committee is having a breakfast meeting with the Yarmouth School Committee on Chebeague at the school from 9 to 10 am. We will be discussing collaboration.
Don't forget: The Annual Harvest Pot Luck Dinner organized by the CPA will be Saturday, October 26th - with games for kids from 4:30 to 5:3, Cake Walk at 5:30 and Pot Luck - CLICK Here for more information!
If you have excess vegetables in your garden, please donate them to the school lunch program! If you would like someone from the school lunch program to come glean your garden and take advantage of unutilized produce, please email Celia at cwhitehead@islandinstitute.org. Thanks from the kids at CIS, where we aim to get more local every year.
- FLU CLINIC TODAY Flu Clinic is this Friday 25th Oct at the Hall from 9-11:30am. Need a ride? call the Library 846 4351. Bring your insurance card. NO ONE will be turned away for inability to pay.
RECOMPENSE FOUNDATION ANNUAL MEETING – In response to requests from community members for more information as to our mission, our annual meeting is open to the public and will be held this Saturday, October 26th, 10:30 AM at the Parish Hall. Chris Wolff from The Maine Community Foundation, with which we are now affiliated, will attend and discuss the nature of this new relationship and its benefits to the Chebeague community. We extend a special invitation to representatives of all island organizations which might be applying for grants in the future. Congratulations to Justin Doughty, Caitlin Gerber, Scott Searway, and John Wilson, new nominees to our Board.
October 22, 2013 - Today the school children did their 6th haul of their bycatch Weatherblur trap - click here to see photos and results.
Soup tomorrow at the Hall is Sweet Potato with Caramelized Onions. The Hall is also starting coffee in the morning.
Affordable Care Act - a representative from the Maine Lobstermen's Association will be on island, Thursday, October 24th at 2:30 at the Island Hall. Informational brochures are at the Store, Niblic display case and the Library. If you have any questions about this meeting, please call the Library 846-4351. Click here to see flyer.
The CIHCC (Hall) Annual Meeting is Thursday at 5:30 p.m. Please sign the proxies at the store so we will have enough for a meeting - thank you.
Teens/Preteens, Parents and Scarers...Join us for the CRC's Scavenger Hunt, Saturday, October 26 after the Harvest Supper! Meet at the Rec. Center at 7:45. You can bring your own driver/team or join a team, but contact May Hall (332.2368) if you want to participate! We are still looking for a few more parent drivers and a few more scarers to make this a really fun event! Halloween Party after the hunt at the Rec.!
October 21, 2013 -Photo - a Great Blue Heron on the East End in a yard. Click here for another one that was a few hundred yards away in what I call the East End Wetlands. There have been lots of Great Blue Herons all over the island. They eat lots of things including rodents, amphibians, reptiles and even small birds!
Don't forget: the Flu Clinic is this Friday 25th Oct at the Hall from 9-11:30am. Need a ride? call the Library 846 4351. Bring your insurance card. NO ONE will be turned away for inability to pay.
Today I got a photo of a female Pileated Woodpecker sneaking around a tree on the South Road near Peggies and then later full on a tree.
October 19, 2013 - GAME NIGHT! Don't forget that this evening, Saturday night, at the Hall from 7 to 9 is GAME NIGHT! They will have pretzels, chips and a punch.
Yesterday, while the older students were taking tests and learning about fire safety, the Chebeague Pre School had the opportunity to pull the Weatherblur bycatch trap and become citizen scientists as they recorded the lobsters, crabs and other marine organisms at Chandler's Cove. Click here to see lots of photos!
Thursday the Chebeague Island Soccer Team went over to Long Island for a meet and they had a blast and did wonderfully. Click here to see a photo of the team and coaches.
Parents can never have too much information about Drug and Alcohol use and teens. Teens may have access to these substances and parents don't even know it, let alone know how to tell if their teen is using a drug. Here is an opportunity to become informed.
A meeting will be held in Cumberland that is open to all parents entitled: "What Parents Need To Know About Teen Marijuana Use." October 24 at Greely Middle School 6:30-8:00. Check the Greely HIgh School WEB site for more info.
October 17, 2013 - Photo - by Art (Freddie) Ryder of sunrise at Artist Point. Click here for another.
Please come to the Museum on Sunday October 20 to celebrate the work of more than 50 islanders. The exhibit "No Idle Hands" will close after the open house. The examples of carving, quilting, handwork in various mediums are amazing!
We hope to see you on Sunday 1-4. Refreshments will be served! In addition to seeing all of these wonderful artifacts, many people have enjoyed remembering the people who made them. For a small town we have a lot of talent!
Have you always wanted to know how to play the piano? A string instrument? CRC can help. Our awesome music instructor will be coming back to the island starting in November to start lessons back up again. We have a few kids interested in piano already but wanted to make sure you all know that she teaches adults too. If you (or your child) would like to get on the list, please contact CRC today, 846-5068 or crc@chebeague.net.
Congratulations to the Yarmouth Colts U13 boys soccer team! They won the 2013 Falmouth Fall Classic Championship over the weekend. John Jordan and Braeden Rich are part of this amazing team. The team's regular season playoff games start this weekend in Yarmouth. Wish them luck and come cheer them on!
Message from Jen @ The Niblic: We are closed for the season. Thank you, your families & friends, and summer visitors near and far, for supporting The Niblic & our local artists & craft’s people. Your support helped us to have a very busy summer! Stay well this winter and we look forward to seeing you all in the spring!
October 15, 2013 - The Students at Chebeague Island had their 4th haul of the trap on Tuesday and you can click here to see a few photos and the results. We are now separating by small, medium and large green crabs and also by gender now that we know how to tell.
The Pre-Teens/Teens will be headed for Mechanic Falls for the GAUNTLET HAUNTED HAYRIDE on Friday, October 18. We will leave from the school boat and get pizza before going through the Corn Maze and Gauntlet Night Ride at Harvest Hill Farms. If you're interested in joining the group or chaperoning/driving, please contact May at 332.2368 by NOON THURSDAY. The trip is free for teens who did winter/spring fundraisers. All others $20, includes pizza.
October 14, 2013 - Tomorrow, Tuesday, October 15th School Committee meeting - see agenda.
Tony Garody has revised the pdf bird list and has included the new birds that were added this year. Click here to download.
Last Thursday, students hauled their bycatch trap at Chandlers Cove - click here to see.
Pre-K Newsletter for the last two weeks from Nancy - click here.
Click here for an article yesterday in the Portland Press Herald about "reading locally". Sara Corbett, Chris Corbett's daughter was one of the founders of the "Telling Room" and a renown author as well.
October 13, 2013 - The first Community Luncheon will be this Wednesday, October 16th - noon at the Hall. They will not have coffee in the morning this week but it will start next week October 23rd..
GAME NIGHT at the Hall will be on Saturday, October 19th from 7 – 9 PM. Players be 12 years or older but younger children may attend if accompanied by an adult.
Chebeague Island Hall Community Meeting (CIHCC) Annual Meeting on Thursday, 24th of October at 5:30 PM at the Hall. Please sign proxy and return to a member of the Board. We will have them at luncheons, coffees, game night and the store.
You can click here to go to the CIHCC website and click on the Proxy. You may wish to add a donation toward the floor refinishing which will take place at the end of October. The Hall does not usually solicit contributions unless we have a specific project in mind. We thank you all for your continued support.
The Annual Harvest Pot Luck Dinner organized by the CPA will be Saturday, October 26th - with games for kids from 4:30 to 5:3, Cake Walk at 5:30 and Pot Luck - CLICK Here for more information!
October 12, 2013 - Important meeting - Affordable Care Act - a representative from the Maine Lobstermen's Association will be on island, Thursday, October 24th at 2:30 at the Island Hall. Informational brochures are at the Store, Niblic display case and the Library. If you have any questions about this meeting, please call the Library 846-4351. Click here to see flyer.
There are a limited number of 2014 Historical Society Calendars with fabulous island photos by Cathy MacNeill. You can get them at the Niblic tomorrow. They are also at the Historical Society for the next few weeks and the Library also has them.
Message from Jen at The Niblic: Saturday is our last day of the season. We will be open 8am until 4pm. Hope you can stop by for your last sticky bun, breakfast sandwich, or cup of chowder. Our end of season sale is going on so stop by and get a jump on your holiday shopping! Check out our 30% of sale table and sale wall. All other items are 20% off and Consignment is 10%. This sale excludes nonprofit items, beer & wine, and prep food. Hope you can stop by and thank you in advance for supporting LOCAL! Happy Columbus Weekend everybody! www.chebeagueislandboatyard.com
A note to advertisers in the monthly Council Calendar: There is a new and simplified instruction and rate card posted on the Calendar link above that you may find helpful when placing an ad. Please print a copy for your records or pick up a copy in the brochure rack adjacent to the Health Center. Please note that payment for ads is due at the time of submission of the ad copy. Thank you! --- As a remember that the deadline for items in the Calendar is 8:30 AM on the 21st of the month.
Absentee Ballots Are Now Available For The November 5th State & Municipal Election as well as the Casco Bay. Residents can vote an absentee ballot at the Clerk's Office during normal office hours, if you are unable to come to the Clerk's Office to vote absentee you may request that an absentee ballot be mailed to you by calling the Town Clerk's Office at 207-846-3148. An immediate family member may request a ballot on your behalf by completing an application at the Clerk's Office. You can also complete the application click here to get it and mail it direct to the Town Clerk's Office, 192 North Road, Chebeague Island, ME 04017. The last day to request an absentee ballot for this election is Thursday, October 31st. (Special Circumstance Applications are available after October 31, 2013.) This information and more is on the Town Website listed above.
The Chebeague & Cumberland Land Trust invites you to attend a screening of the award winning documentary Chasing Ice. Friday, October 25TH, 2013 - 7:00pm Congregational Church, 282 Main Street, Cumberland, ME Free Event Refreshments will be served. Click here to learn more.
The CTC Foliage Cruise on Sunday from 4 to 6 PM is almost sold out! A few tickets are still available on the ferry, the office is sold out. If you want to join us, get your tickets soon!
Click here for a letter about the Chebeague Island Grange #576 that was once a vital part of the island community.
While the Casco Bay Islands wharf is under repair there will be no Goodwill pickups by Casco Bay Line boats.
Don't miss the great sale at the Museum. We have a new shipment of fir pillows, mugs and glasses. Plant hangers and bell hangers are on sale as well as many other items - some up to 50% off. We have a great selection of cook books, children's books and many are on deep discount. We also have some great stocking stuffers including a few Chebeague School buses!
Hours 10-4 on Saturday and Monday and 12-3 on Sunday.
October 11, 2013 - Photo - by Donna Damon at night 10/11 and click here to see her photo of contrails early morning on October 10. Click here to a photo by Pat Festino from South Shore Drive on October 9.
Last Tuesday, students hauled their trap at Chandlers Cove float - click here to see. They will start recording a little differently with small, medium and large numbers as well as adding male and female to the information. They will be hauling the trap today after a two day set
message from Island Riches: We will be opened this weekend friday,saturday,sunday 10am to 4pm.After this weekend we will be opened 11 am t0 1 pm for the casco bay boat but if you want to shop call me at 846-4986.I may open other days but I will let you know when.There are sales on most items. Thank you Florence & Herb
October 10, 2013 - The school garden and lunch programs at Chebeague Island School are extremely valuable to our students' education and health. We would like to strengthen community support for the garden as an outdoor classroom and increase the amount of local food in the lunch program by compiling a “garden resources directory”. Please fill this survey out if you are interested in being a part of it. Thank you very much!
Hard copies will be available at the library, in the November calendar (and perhaps on the boat)
Greely High School Drama is pleased to announce its Fall production of the musical Legally Blonde, which will run from November 21-24. Genny Dyer will be playing the part of Paulette, the hairdresser. The four performances will be seen by over 1,500 local residents and the playbill is a great place to advertise your business or organization and support the show. If anyone is interested in placing an ad, please see the Greely Drama Boosters website http://www.greelydramaboosters.org/ and click the Business Ad Information tab, and/or call Beth Dyer at 846-6522. Ads are due by October 19th. Thank you!!
This weekend is the Demsey Challenge and Virginia Tatakis-Calder along with her team mate, Elaine Clark are participating. The Dempsey Challenge is on Sunday the 13th in Lewiston to help raise funds to help support the Patrick Dempsey Center for Cancer Hope and Healing. All funds stay right there to help people in any stage of cancer needed. We all know people who are challenged with this unforgiving disease and always wish we could help in one way or anther. Every little bit helps. That hug or kind word can be so precious, But what else can be done? We are doing a little bit that we can by riding cause we can in memory and honor of so many that it is too difficult to list them all. Click here to donate to Elaine Clarke's site. Click here to donate to Virginia's site. Thank You in advance for all of your support!
The Cumberland County Sheriff's Office, along with TRIAD will be sponsoring a Thanksgiving luncheon for senior citizens through out Cumberland County. Click here to see the informational flyer.
October 9, 2013 - Marine Invasives - click here - to learn more. Click here for a short video.
The Town is doing Culvert Replacement and Paving on South Road and Chandler's Cove Road - click here to learn more.
October 8, 2013 - Message from CTC: The last cruise of the season, our 3rd annual foliage cruise, will be Sunday from 4-6pm. Several island musicians will perform. Join us for the season finale! Tickets are going fast, so get yours at the office or on the ferry soon!
Last Friday we had our first haul of our weatherblur lobster trap. We will haul the trap twice a week and see what we get over the next two months. We will be checking on other islands and Alaska who will be doing the same. It was pretty exciting and two students from each class did the haul, count, and measurements. We had 15 Rock Crabs, 48 Green Crabs, 1 mussell, 1 mud snail with barnacles, 1 skeleton shrimp on a crab and 6 lobsters. We will be hauling it again today. Click here for photos of the first day.
Message from the Town of Chebeague: Chebeague Island is in Wild life Management District 29 therefore we are now open to Turkey Hunting (1 bag limit). The link below will bring you to the regulations and laws regarding hunting Turkey. There is an additional $20.00 permit required in addition to a regular hunting license. If you should have any questions please call the Town Office at 846-3148.
Please hunt responsibly, know the laws and regulations, ask permission from landowners – we have land owner courtesy cards available in the town office as well as online at this link - click here: Hunting & Trapping excerpt regarding Turkey Hunting - click here.
October 6, 2013 - CICA ANNUAL MEETING will be held October 21, 7:15pm, at the School. Chebeaguers are welcome to attend. The agenda can be downloaded HERE.
We have a NEW BIRD to add to the Chebeague Bird List. A couple of Black Skimmers were seen on the Hook by Bob McGuire on Thursday, October 3 and then again by Carl Tubbesing on Friday. This is a very rare sighting and going back in years, there have been occasional sightings in southern Maine and a few in Nova Scotia. Click here to see one of the photos Bob was able to get! Unfortunately I was off the island on Thursday but I'm still looking.
The Selectmen will hold an executive session re: personnel on Monday October 7 at 6 PM at the Historical Society. The meeting was mistakenly posted as Wednesday the 7th. It is on Monday. No business meeting will be held. The regular October meeting will be held at the Hall on Wed. October 9 at 6 pm.
October 5, 2013 - Yesterday was a full day at school as usual. The students in Kristin's room and the 2nd graders met with Jeremy Miller who presented a slide show about marine invasives and then we all went down to the Stone Pier and met with Curtis Bohlen and after a brief explanation the students, teachers, and guests all got down on the float and started finding all kinds of creatures. Click here to see lots of photos and a short video of the time. Thank you to Erno Bonebakker and Kristin for setting this all up! A few of the students later went and hauled our trap for the bycatch project and I will be reporting on the findings later along with some photos.
Destiny Africa Children's Choir had a packed church and it was amazing and looking forward to showing some of the show to all of you through a video that Kevin is making. You can learn more about them and how you can help at destinyafrica.org. Carole Metz took a couple of photos of the group and audience - click here to see one and click here to see another.
I got word from the Town yesterday that you are turkey hunting is allowed on Chebeague now for the month of October. I don't know any of the rules but I think you can find out at the Town office on Monday. I guess I better stop making bird calls as I walk through the woods looking for birds.
October 4, 2013 - Photo of Destiny Africa Children's Choir - Chebeague will be hosting Destiny Africa Children's Choir on Saturday, October 5th. 12:45 at the Church. This is going to be a wonderful program!! We are so fortunate to be able to have this group come to Chebeague.
Message from Calder's Clam Shack: Hello All, Calder's Clam Shack is on its last weekend for the season. Come on out and get your SHACK ATTACK fix for one or two last times before closing. We will be running out of items, but I am sure not till Sunday. Fresh Seafood and Egg Plant Parmesan available as well as all other tasty items. Thanks for another Great season!
Virginia, Tom and Family
October 2, 2013 - The garden at Secondwind Farm is still producing a beautiful and bountiful harvest. The farm stand is full of an array of beautiful peppers, green beans, turnips with greens, lettuce, arugula, sweet potatoes, carrots, chard, squash, pumpkins, and more. Hope to see you soon!
Please join us to look for Marine Invasives! This Friday at 9AM at the Stone Pier, Jeremy Miller of the Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve (WNERR) and Curtis Bohlen of the Casco Bay Estuary Partnerships (CBEP) will be demonstrating Marine Invasive Species monitoring to students of the Chebeague Island School. All are welcome to visit and learn about the importance of Marine invasive monitoring and the possibility of Chebeague joining the New England monitoring network.
for more information:
Wells NERR: Click here
and/or Marine Invasives Monitoring (MIMIC) click here:
October 1, 2013 - Today a lot of citizen scientists were at Chandlers Wharf to start a bycatch investigation on the Island Institute's Weatherblur program. Jeff Putnam volunteered to be the fisherman helper and he as well as the students will be monitoring the bycatch on two special unvented lobster traps. Click here to see the photos of the whole school as we start this exciting scientific project! We are just beginning to use the weatherblur website and have added avatars and a little information but feel free to go to the site and see and join the adventures.
Lost off a mooring on Division Point last Saturday, a white Walker Bay dingy with blue seats. It has an anchor and oars. If found please call 650-1168.
Message from the Chebeague Inn - click here.
Click here to see the October report from the CTC which includes new policies, cruise information, and winter fare schedule. I have also added this document to the online Island Council Calendar which you can get by clicking above to the left of the Island News Heading.
September 30, 2013 - I have just added the Town information to the monthly calendar which didn't make it in for October. The main things is to know that the office will be closed on October 3rd while the clerks go to the Municipal Annual Meeting. They will also be away at elections training on October 15 and 16, 2013. All town facilities will be closed October 14th.
CRC has some job openings for the 2014 summer season: Certified Pool Operator- If you are looking for some extra money this summer this is the job for you. This position requires 5-10 hours per week including a daily check on the pool chemicals (can be done anytime of day). Other duties include keeping the pool area orderly and safe, vacuuming the pool and ordering pool chemicals and supplies. Lifeguards- the guard shifts range from 1 to 5 hours long. This position requires American Red Cross Certification. We are hoping to offer the course at the CRC pool this spring. If you are interested in either (or both, they would be a great combined position) of these positions call the CRC office for more information.
School Committee Meeting Tuesday, October 1, 6pm at the school - see agenda.
Garden Open House at Chebeague Island School was a wonderful time. Celia and the students were wonderful and were great hosts. Chuck brought over his 1872 Cider press which he had restored. Click here to see the photos.
September 28, 2013 - Photo of Chuck Varney's 1872 cider press at the Garden Open House at the Chebeague Island School. See photos taken by Celia and me and a quickly put together youtube of some of the students garden tour - click here.
Tuesday the 1st Oct is the last day for Quilt signing for Deirdre. Please come to the Library and sign "The HealingTree" quilt made by Nancy Hill. The quilt will be in the Library until 8pm Tuesday. Deirdre is home and is recovering from her recent surgery and would love to hear from you.
Congratulations to Kim Munroe who celebrates 25 years at CTC this year. Kim has held nearly all positions - deckhand, bus driver, office assistant, and barging deckhand - everything except captain! If you added up the miles that Kim has traveled between Chebeague and Cousins in the last 25 years, you would find that you could have circled the earth more than 7 times and still have miles to spare! To celebrate, the board, employees, family and some friends arranged a surprise cruise on the Pied Piper on Saturday....and it actually was a surprise!
Check out CTC's facebook page to see some pictures. Happy Anniversary, Kim!
September 27, 2013 - Reminder from the Town Office: The due date for the first half of taxes is September 30, 2013.
Saturday, Sept. 28th 10-1: Garden Open House at Chebeague Island School! Cider pressing with local apples, student-led garden tours, fun arts and crafts, snacks, showcase of student’s work, celebration of harvest!
September 26, 2013 - Quilt signing for Deirdre. Please come to the Library and sign "The HealingTree" quilt made by Nancy Hill. the quilt will be in the Library until 8pm Tuesday, October 1st. Deirdre is home and is recovering from her recent surgery and would love to hear from you.
THANK YOU to all who attended and volunteered at the Island Commons Fall Social & Harvest Dinner last Friday night. It was a beautiful afternoon (whew!) and wonderful for our residents to share good cheer with more than 75 Island neighbors! Click here to see photos!
September 25, 2013 - Chebeague will be hosting Destiny Africa Children's Choir on Saturday, October 5th. 12:45 at the Church. It will be a lively mix of contemporary and traditional African songs, drumming and dances. The children in the choir are between the ages of 9 and 16 years. They are voices filled with hope - faces bright with joy - lives touched by love. Save the date. Brought to you in part by the Free Concert Fund. Click here for the press release with more information about the group.
Chebeague & Cumberland Land Trust invite you to join us during the Maine Great Outdoor Weekend for a Fall Hike at Rines Forest with the Maine Forest Service and the Maine Tree Club. This coming Sunday, September 29th from 1-3pm. District Forester, Shane Duigan, will lead us on a tree identification tour through the Rines Forest in Cumberland, Maine. Click here for more information.
The Pre-Teens/Teens will be headed for Mechanic Falls for the GAUNTLET HAUNTED HAYRIDE on Friday, October 18. We will leave from the school boat and get pizza before going through the Corn Maze and Gauntlet Night Ride at Harvest Hill Farms. If you're interested in joining the group or chaperoning/driving, please contact May at 332.2368. The trip is free for teens who did winter/spring fundraisers. All others $20, includes pizza.
Chloe Dyer has written another article for the Working Waterfront! Click here to read about Margaret Milardo of Great Diamond Island's novel, 'Brandi'
September 24, 2013 - Message from the Rec: As the 2013 summer season comes to a close we are already looking forward to next summer at CRC. We had an amazing Camp Chebeague program this year and hope to make it even more amazing next summer. Please contact the CRC office by email (crc@chebeague.net) or phone (846-5068) if you have an idea for a camp next year and/or if you are interested in leading a camp or another program in 2014.
CHANGE IN SCHEDULE of the Food Preservation workshops. There will be NO workshop this Wed. Sept 25th. The Sauerkraut Lacto-fermentation workshop has been postponed to Wed. Oct. 2nd, which will be a double-header with the Healing Salve workshop. Two great learning experiences with take-home results in one night! Please email cwhitehead@islandinstitute.org if you are planning to attend, so we have an idea of how many to expect!
NOTICE: Don't be fooled by the very clever hackers out there! They even have real looking websites that are out there just to get your information - if you call the number on the website they will ask for information you should not give them. If someone calls and says they are from microsoft and your computer is infected - Dont believe them. They told me that they could tell that mine was infected and I didn't even have that type of computer. They will offer to take charge of your computer and fix it and they will take your money and information. Don't open any email that doesn't feel right - my friends and yours don't just email you and say check this out with a link so don't believe it and don't click on it. If I am unsure about something I just call my friends or email them with an email in my computer - I don't respond.
CHEBEAGUE ISLAND COMMUNITY SAILING SCHOOL DATES for 2014: session 1 is 7/7-18, session 2 is 7/21-8/1, and session 3 is 8/4-15. Registration will open starting on January 1, 2014; at that time, the forms will be posted on this website. But we want to get the dates out early for those who need to plan their family vacations.
September 23, 2013 - Saturday, Sept. 28th 10-1: Garden Open House at Chebeague Island School! Cider pressing with local apples, student-led garden tours, fun arts and crafts, showcase of student’s work, celebration of harvest!
The University of Maine Cooperative Extension is offering the following courses:
Cooking For Crowds
Sheep & Goat Seminar- Housing & Equipment
Beekeeping Courses
From Recipe to Market - a five part series
To view the flyers for all of these courses please click here. This link is connected to our Town of Chebeague Website.
The Chebeague Fire and Rescue Department now have their own website located on the Town of Chebeague Website - click here to see.
UPDATE ON DEIRDRE & THE HEALTH CENTER: Deirdre is recovering from surgery. Please continue to send her good thoughts, and positive energy. NO VISITORS YET. Please send your get well cards to her office on the mainland:
Royal River Family Care
60 Forest Falls Suite #1
Yarmouth ME 04096
In the meantime, if you need to be seen for an office visit:
· Royal River Family Care will happily see any Chebeaguers at their mainland office. Call 846-0716 for an appointment.
· You can contact your own Primary Care Provider.
· You can also go to Mercy Express Care Rte. One in Yarmouth. They are open 8am to 8pm
If you need lab work and/or a blood pressure check -- the Island Council is making every effort to staff the office Tuesday mornings. Please call the Health Center on Tuesday morning at 846-4988 to see if the office is open.
September 21, 2013 - One of our cats went missing yesterday and wondering if anyone has seen a grey tiger cat with a long tail who never ever has left our neighborhood. Please click here to see photos.
Serenity Prayer Retreat - Saturday, September 28, 10:00 am to 4:30 pm at the Parish House. Join Pastor Mary Jane and guests from Hope/Acts Recovery Ministry in Portland for a spiritual life retreat using the familiar Serenity Prayer as a guide to freedom and joyful living. A simple lunch of soup and salad will be provided. Everyone is welcome. For more information, or to register, call Mary Jane at 604-8651.
September 20, 2013 - TONIGHT!!! Don’t miss the FALL SOCIAL & HARVEST DINNER at the Commons, 4:30-6:30. Bring a friend (or two!) and join us on this gorgeous afternoon for a glass of wine or cider, enjoy a variety of homemade soups, stews, salads and desserts and take a chance on our many raffle items! $5 donation at the door to benefit the Commons building fund and unallowable costs. Yes it is 4:30 to 6:30!
Sanford Doughty Memorial Softball Games have been postponed to Saturday September 28 due to MORE rain expected!
September 18, 2013 - The Museum and Gift Shop will be closed on Sat September 21. It will reopen on Sunday from 1-4.
UPDATE ON DEIRDRE: Deirdre's surgery went well on Tuesday 17th Sept. She would love to receive cards, notes, and "positive energy" from you. Please DO NOT VISIT. Instead, send your correspondence to: Royal River Family Care 60 Forest Falls Drive Suite #1 Yarmouth ME 04096. Thanks!
Don't miss the Island Commons Fall Social & Harvest Dinner at the Commons this Friday (9/20) 4:30-6:30 for wine & cider, a variety of soups, stews and chilis, salads & desserts. Raffle prizes including a shell wreath by Ellen Maher, fabric art by Susan Stranahan, hand-woven kitchen towel by Annette Kincaid and beautiful fall mums. $5.00 donation at the door. Come celebrate the season with us...and bring a friend!
September 17, 2013 - Click here to learn all about how the Chebeague’s Recompense Foundation is now a donor advised fund at the Maine Community Foundation and how you may be able to help support it.
If you are interested in applying to be part of the Sunset Committee please go to the Town website or clicking here to learn all about it.
Join MITA on September 23 for a 'Work and Learn' session to learn about their efforts to control bittersweet on L. Chebeague. Click here to get all the details!
Message from the Chebeague Inn: Seven Days a Week Now Through Oct. 6: 3-5:30pm -- Drafts $4 - Sebago Red, Baxter IPA, Allagash White, Victory Prima Pilsner, Old Speckled Hen ---Bottles $3 - Miller Lite and Corona --- House Red and White Wine: $4
Congratulations to Dave Potter and BJ Abrahamson who on September 15th, competed in the Josh Billings Runaground Triathlon in the Berkshires finishing in the top 10 for their age category. They biked 27 miles, kayaked 5 miles and ran 6.2 miles. Jamie Potter was their helper. Click here for photo! Click here for another photo with Johanna.
September 16, 2013 - This Wednesday, participate in FOOD PRESERVATION MONTH at the Slow Bell. We’ll focus on canning best-practices with a variety of fun recipes to try and take home. If you are interested in participating, please contact Celia Whitehead at cwhitehead@islandinstitute.org. **the healing salve workshop has been postponed to Wed, Oct. 2nd **
School Committee Meeting tomorrow night, Tuesday, 6pm at the school - see agenda.
Chebeague's Pre-school News from the past few week - click here.
September 14, 2013 - Photo of a Juvenile Cooper's Hawk taken at the Mayers. Click here to see him on the ground, click here to see him side to with a spider on his head and click here to see him from the back.
The CRC pool will be open Saturday and Sunday for morning lap swim from 7:30-9 AM and afternoon lap swim from noon-1 PM on Saturday only. We will also be open Monday-Thursday for morning and noon lap swim. If there is any interest in having the pool open after school from 3:30-4:30 next week, please call the CRC office or email crc@chebeague.net.
September 12, 2013 - The Email List link is above, on the left side of the all the links and has been updated with all changes received up to 9/10/2013. Please take a look at the list and check to see if your info is correct (name(s) and email address). If you want to be added or would like to be deleted from the list please send an email to the NEW maintenance email address: Email.List@chebeague.net. Thank you to the email webmaster John Holt for keeping this link up to date.
Wow! We had quite the lightening storm last night and the power was even off for a few hours. The library internet was also down and was finally restored this morning which is why this webpage was not working.
September 11, 2013 - The Making medicinal salve with local plants for tonight has been postponed until Wednesday, October 2nd - so please email Celia to get on the list of participants!
The Grange Thrift Shop had a fabulous summer. Many, many thanks to all of you who donated, and all of you who shopped. You were enthusiastic and most generous! We couldn't do it without devoted volunteers; Marilyn Squires, Pat St. Cyr, Pommy Hatfield, Irene Winters, Rosie Merchant and Sarah Swann Van Fleet. A big thank you to Chuck Elder for delivering the remaining boxes to Casco Bay Lines on their way to Goodwill. Our doors are now officially closed, our floors are swept, our money is tallied.....ah, now we'll rest until we begin all over again in June.
Kettle bells Saturday, 9/14 at 9 AM at CRC!!
September 10, 2013 - Postponed till Wednesday October 2nd. Call for participants!! Tomorrow night, 7-8:30, workshop at the Slow Bell: Making medicinal salve with local plants. If you would like to participate, please email Celia at cwhitehead@islandinstitute.org, so that we can estimate the size of the group!
A note from CRC: We have been working diligently every day to improve water clarity, keep the chemicals balanced and remove debris from the CRC pool. As you can imagine, it takes a long time to get 115,000 gallons of water crystal clear again after an event occurs like the one we had this summer. We appreciate your patience and hope you are able to take advantage of the additional days that we added to the pool schedule this month.
ISLAND COMMONS will host a HARVEST DINNER & SOCIAL, Friday Sept. 20, 4:30-6:30. $5 donation at the door. Picnic style with soups, stews, breads, pies and many exciting RAFFLE items including a Shell Wreath by Ellen Maher and Fabric Art by Susan Stranhan. Come join us for good food and great company! Follow the link to see a flyer with photos of two of our raffle items. See you there!
September 7, 2013 - Photo taken September 7, of Deer Point by Bob Halpin.
Message from the Harbor Master that the clamflats and musclebeds are now open for harvesting.
September 5, 2013 - *Wheels for the Island Commons:* The Commons is looking for the use of a vehicle to enable our valued off-island caregivers to get to work now that the taxi service has ended after Labor Day. Trips would be limited to only between the Commons and the Stone Wharf. The generous donation of the use of your vehicle over the winter could make a huge difference for our employees and for the residents of the Commons. It might be considered a charitable donation for tax purposes. AND, it would guarantee that your car received some TLC (and use) while you’re not using it. This would be a great opportunity for a summer resident. If you are interested, please contact Susan Stranahan at 846-9378 or sstranahan@chebeague.net
As many of you are aware, we have had some chemical problems at the CRC POOL over the past couple weeks and have had to close on several occasions. While the pool has been safe to swim within this time frame, the water color has been unpleasant and unwelcoming and we sincerely apologize for these inconveniences. We are confident that we have it under control and in an effort to make up for past closures, we will be opening several days in addition to our fall schedule as long as weather permits. The dates are as follows:
Wed 9/11
The schedule will be as follows on those additional days: 7:30-9 AM Adult Lap Swim
Noon-1 PM Adult Lap Swim
3:30-4:30 PM open swim.
Gail will continue with her regular morning aerobics schedule on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday.
Please call the CRC office if you have any questions about the schedule.
A reminder from the Island Commons: If you've borrowed medical equipment (crutches, etc) from our lending closet and are no longer in need of them, please kindly return them so that they're available for others to use. Our supply is quite low after this busy Island summer. Thank you!
There was an error in the monitor cleaning service price which has gone up to $125 - see information.
September 4, 2013 - There is a wonderful article and interview with and about Leila Bisharat in the latest Working Waterfront Online - click here to see!
Come to the volunteer field on Sunday Sept. 22 for the Sanford Doughty Memorial Softball Games. There will be three games sticking as close to the schedule below as possible:
Begin at 12 noon.
Game 1 - Elementary School age ; 5 innings end at 1:30
Game 2 - Middle School / High School age; 7 innings end 3:00
Game 3 - Adult Co-Ed. 9 innings begin 3:30
Bring your glove and your favorite bat and have some fun in honor of Sanford!
Island gardeners, are you leaving for the season or simply overrun with more fresh vegetables than you can use? The Island Commons would greatly appreciate donations of fresh fruits and vegetables. Drop by any time with a harvest share... Thank You! (questions? email Nancy Olney at commons@chebeague.net or call 846-5610)
September 3, 2013 - On Labor Day, Melissa Doughty and a group of clammers, fishermen and citizens checked out the invasive European Green Crab infestation at the Cricks and the Hook. I have youtubed excerpts from her videos which show how the thatch grass has been totally taken over by these crabs that are devastating to the the clam flats, muscle beds and lobster catch. CLICK HERE TO SEE THE VIDEO. Last week our Harbor Master, Ron Tozier took part in a 24 hour study of the green crabs put on by the Department of Marine Resources. He was given 5 traps and put three in the Cricks and two at the Hook and in the 24 hours caught 53 gallons of crabs. You can learn more at the DMR website.
“The Island Institute is currently recruiting for the 2013-2014 ISLE program. ISLE is a one- year training program that provides skills and experience in leadership, advocacy and entrepreneurship, including creating a viable social change business plan. The 2013-2014 program is accepting up to 20 community leaders. Applications are due to Karen Burns, by September 20th.
Visit us online at: http://www.islandinstitute.org/leadershipprogramscholarships.php
Additional questions? Please contact Karen Burns, Community Development Director, Island Institute, kburns@islandinstitute.org, (207) 594-9209 Or Ann Marie Almeida, Creator/Director, Leadership for Local Change, gslnetinternational@gmail.com, (207) 236-9753”
School Committee meeting tonight at the school at 6pm - see agenda.
September 2, 2013 - Photo of a Solitary Sandpiper that showed up in the middle of the island on the Horners land on 9/2/13. This is another first time bird for me.
Do you need your Monitor Heater or Boiler cleaned and serviced??? Mike Rollins of Augusta has agreed to come to the island again this year to service Monitor Heaters and island boilers. His plan is to barge his truck and equipment to the island the week of September 17th and work through the week and into the next week as the need arises. Click here to learn more and how to contact him! He has to have at least 20 to come.
Message from the Harbor Master that the clamflats are closed now because of the rainfall.
Yesterday Laurie Curtis had a story in the Press Herald in Maine Life - Maine Observer: Versatile island neighbors lend needed guidance -From digging French drains to making homemade iced tea, Chebeague residents are happy to share their experience - click here.
August 31, 2013 - The Council Monthly Calendar is linked above but for some reason people may have to refresh the top of the page that says Island News and I don't know why it does that. What will show is a little yellow map under the words Island Council Calendar.
September is FOOD PRESERVATION MONTH at the Slow Bell. If you are interested in participating, please register by contacting Celia Whitehead at cwhitehead@islandinstitute.org.
Reminder that the Museum of Chebeague History is open all weekend including Monday with lots of great items for sale. Today 10-4, tomorrow 1-4 and Monday 10-4 so get over there and get your deals!
Message from Jen @ The Niblic: Happy Labor Day Weekend everybody! Today is the final Veggie Boat day so get there early. They arrive by 10:30am. We will have both Shrimp & Corn Chowder and Haddock Chowder today for our soups as well as Chicken Salad Sandwiches and Ham, Cheddar, & Arugula Sandwiches. Come down & check out our new Microfleece Vests & Soft Shell Jackets just in time for fall. We will finish up our summer hours this weekend. The Niblic is open today until 6pm & tomorrow 8am – 3pm. CIBY & The Niblic will be closed on Monday. Our fall hours start on Tues. Please visit our website www.chebeagueislandboatyard.com or call us @ 846-1015 for more information. Thank you for supporting local businesses and have a safe & happy Labor Day weekend! Hope to see you soon!!
RECOMPENSE FOUNDATION – Notice to Chebeague 501c(3)s: Grant applications must be submitted by September 1. Contact millerdesi@chebeague.net to obtain application forms.
August 30, 2013 - Photo taken on 8/30/13 sunrise by Dana Cobb. Click here for another view and click here to see David Miller and sternperson heading off to lobster.
This month the Chebeague Island Council is pleased to introduce the new on-line version of our monthly Calendar publication. We invite you to give it a try by clicking on the new "Island Council Calendar" icon at the top of this page (just to the left of Island News). The on-line Calendar is identical to the printed version, but gives you access to the latest Calendar issue at any time and at any place that your travels may take you – and it’s in color! The calendar will continue to be mailed to every active on-island mailbox as always. It is also available by first class mail off of the island.
The Library will be open Saturday 10-1 pm and then closed until Tuesday September 3. The Library will then be on Winter hours.
August 29, 2013 - Congratulations to Jim Van Fleet who won the 2013 Maine Senior Championship, sealing his victory with the only below-par round in the 36-hole championship - Good luck to him in the Tri-State competition Sept 20-21!- click here to learn more!
This morning I was able to get photos of a Whimbrel, a first time bird for me down at the Cricks at the end of Waldo Point Road. They breed in the Arctic and travel down to South America and are fairly uncommon around here. You can see the size of it by comparing it with the Bonapart gull next to it on the ledges.
On the Edge, a one-act performance art play will be presented in two performances at 8 p.m. on Aug. 30 and Aug. 31 at The Neighborhood House in Northeast Harbor. The play, written by Eva Murray of Matinicus, features 20 paintings by Philip Steel depicting year round living on Maine's offshore islands. The story is told by Dennis Damon playing the part of a lobsterman who lives on one of the offshore islands. At present there are only 15 remaining year-round communities. Damon is a former state senator and a fourth-generation commercial fisherman. Click here to learn more.
Photographer Peter Ralston's first artist's talk at Archipelago Fine Arts Gallery on Aug. 9 was such a success that he's been invited back for an encore presentation on Wednesday, Sept. 11 at 5 p.m. Click here to learn more.
August 28, 2013 - Photo taken 8/28/13 early morning at Cousin's Island by David Hill.
Yesterday morning I got a photo of a Cedar Waxwing catching a fly down at the hook - click here.
The Community Forum would like to thank the 30+ talented Chebeague musicians who together made the first “Strumming Up Chebeague” such a grand success. Special thanks go to Chip Emery for orchestrating it all. Special thanks also to the standing-room-only crowd who supported the event so enthusiastically. Fostering the sustainability of Chebeague’s year round community is what we are all about, and having this much fun and entertainment on a summer night certainly is a step in that direction. Click here to see some photos taken by Barry Fitzsimmons along with a couple of youtubes I put on of the Todd boys act and of Brennah and Stephanie.
Message from the Museum: End of the summer sale at the Museum. Many items discounted. A great chance to pick up some Christmas presents. Special this week kids toys, wind bells and hangers, glass Chebeague Pitchers, and many books! We hope to have new shipment of mugs in late this week. Many colors and styles!
Message Island Riches: We have a new lobster boat that is called Pecabee ( a copy of the original) by Clint Jones.It is beautiful.We also have new hand painted lighted wine bottles and coffee cups.Martha Hamilton has a few more silhouettes left in the shop.Herb has more of the bracelets that are made from 2 peices of silverware.We have some peices from Wink,Linda and more.If you are looking for great handcrafted items for gifts Island Riches is the place.We hope to see you soon. Florence
August 27, 2013 - Photo taken on 8/27/13 through the bushes on the side of the road from my truck. Click here to see them looking straight ahead.
From the Town Office: Tax bills are being mailed today and are available online by clicking here. When mailing a check for payment please include the account number or map / lot in the memo field. (account numbers will look like this: R123 and are located on the tax bill.) If you print a copy from the file online be sure to remember to select print current page.
The Town Office will be closed on Monday, September 3, 2013 for Labor Day.
Wednesday, 6-8, Food Documentary Month finishes out with The Power of Community, the story of how Cuba survived peak oil and revolutionized their food system at the Slow Bell. And September is just around the corner, when we will be hosting FOOD PRESERVATION MONTH at the Slow Bell. Further info coming on specific workshops and how to sign up!!
August 26, 2013 - School Committee Meeting, Tuesday, 6pm at the school - see agenda.
This Friday morning, August 30 Jeremy Miller of Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve will be on the floats by the ferry dock on Peaks Island to demonstrate marine invasive species monitoring. To learn more about this and the Casco Bay Islands Marine Invasive Survey please click here.
Today in the Portland Press Herald there is a wonderful article Maine Remembers March on Washington at 50 and it features Mike Grunko and his involvement.
The CRC pool will be closed on Monday, Wednesday and Friday for the remainder of the season. The hours this week will be Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday: Adult lap swim 7:30-9AM, Noon-1 PM and open swim will be from 3:30 - 4:30 PM. Next week when all the kids go back to school our open swim hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays will be 3:30-4:30 PM.
Kettle Bell this Wednesday at 3 PM at CRC!
From a Woman's Perspective Discussion group this Wednesday, August 28, 7:00 pm, Chebeague Library, Ellen Goodman, The Conversation Project. Don't forget to bring your time capsule deposit!
It's not over yet! The Grange Thrift Shop is open for the last time this Tuesday...... it's the "TAKE AND MAKE Sale!" Take whatever you like and make a donation! There are still shoes, clothes of all sizes, dishes, bedding, knicknacks, books, fabric, videos.....and much more. Grange volunteers will be packing up so come early for the best selection! Doors open at 9:30; but we may well be done before noon! We will NOT be open in the evening. Thank you for another most memorable summer! And it's never too early to start packing your box of donations for next year!
August 23, 2013 - Jewish-Arab schools in Israel: A critical look at multicultural education. Join us at the Library on Tuesday, August 27th at 7:30 pm for a special conversation with Bob Mark. Bob Mark grew up in Pennsylvania and has been living in Israel since 1977 - most of that time in the Jewish-Arab community of Neve Shalom / Wahat al-Salam. Bob taught English and history in the community’s bilingual Jewish-Arab primary school for 23 years. His doctoral work examined patterns of classroom interaction characterizing Jewish and Arab children and teachers in the school.
Click here to see photos of the Chebeague Fire and Rescue Open House last weekend taken by Kim Munroe and David Stevens. From all reports it was a wonderful time!
August 22, 2013 -The CRC pool will be closed Friday August 23 because there is no lifeguard coverage.
Brian Phipps kettle bells class will be held at 3:00 tomorrow Friday.
“Strumming Up Chebeague” will be happening at the Island Hall on Saturday, August 24th at 7:30 PM, featuring over 30 of your favorite Chebeague musicians – gospel, folk, country, and rock. Come join us in celebration of our amazing community and its wonderful performers. BYOB - 21 and over per state law.
August 21, 2013 - There is a Selectmen's meeting Thursday night 5:30 at the firehouse and then 6:00 to the Stone Pier and then moving to the firehouse (not the Hall) click here.
Great Chebeague Golf Club BAKE SALE this Saturday, August 24th from 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM at The Houghton's, 1 Capps Road.
The Chebeague Island Yacht Club Annual Meeting / Commodore's Reception is taking place this coming Saturday, August 24th at 6:00PM at the Niblic. Fishhouse Punch and wine provided. You are welcome to bring an appetizer to share.
The library was packed with people for the book launching of "By the Water's Edge: Gardening on an Island in Maine where Stacie Webb, Mally Cox-Chapman and BJ Abrahamson spoke and signed our copies". Click here to see the crowd, photo thanks to Rod Webb.
This morning was beautiful at the hook where Tineka and I saw a flock of Yellowlegs arrive and with them another that I'm not sure yet what it is - click here to see. I will be gone again for the next couple of days but hope to be able to update a little.
Calder's Clam Shack will be closed Thursday 11:30-3:00pm so that we can participate in the Celebration of Sanford Doughty's Life. We will open 3-8pm." --- Also "Calder's Clam Shack Fall Schedule will begin on August 26th. We will be open only Friday evenings 4-8pm, Saturday (11:30-8pm) and Sunday (11:30-7pm)
WELL DRILLERS ARE ON THE ISLAND THIS WEEK and perhaps on into next week - we always try to drill multiple wells on one visit due to the high cost of barging their trucks. If you've been thinking that you need a well and weren't aware they were coming, call Bob at 846 0924 asap.
August 20, 2013 - Tonight: Join Stacie Webb and Mally Cox-Chapman at the library on Tuesday, August 20 from 6:30-7:30 pm to celebrate the launching of their book about Chebeague and the landscapes of BJ Abrahamson, "By the Water's Edge: Gardening on an Island in Maine".
From the CRC: POOL CLOSED today because of chemicals - Kettle Bell Schedule for this week. friday 9:00 (tuesday and Thursday canceled)
Also: New Pool Schedule starting 8/26---Closed Monday Wednesday Friday.---Open Tuesday Thursday Saturday Sunday 7:30-9:00 Noon- 4:00pm --As long as we have life guards.
August 19, 2013 - Photo taken by Jack Weissman of the Sunset from the Inn taken last Sunday, August 18.
Photo taken by Amy Demers of the moonrise over the cricks Monday night.
Photo taken by Sam Birkett on 8/19/13 of the sunrise. A reminder that her photography is being featured the month of August at Claytons in Yarmouth.
Tonight The Chebeague Historical Society is presenting "Three Decisive Naval Actions During the War of 1812: Lake Erie, Plattsburgh Bay, and New Orleans." Speaker is historian George Daughan at the Hall at 7:15pm.
Lost a white plastic topped 6' table with fold up legs probably out of a truck - if found please call Jen at 415-271-0096.
I was away all weekend in Rockland at the Island Institute where Kristin Westra, the 3-5 teacher and I participated in a pilot scientific investigational education program being implemented by the Island Institute called Weatherblur. We are excited to introduce this program this Fall and hope to include lots of citizen participation as well. There were about 30 teachers, fishermen, and scientists, from islands and Maine taking part in this program.
While I was gone I missed so many wonderful programs that took place on the island. Here is a report I received about the Concert of Music by Bill Whetham: Herb Maine and the musicians spent many hours over the winter transforming Bill's notebook of musical inspiration into scores for their jazz group, and the result was this stirring concert. The combination of the church's amazing acoustics, Bill's stirring music, and these talented musicians playing it made this a music lover's night to remember. Should there be a repeat performance, anyone who missed this event won't want to miss the next one. Click here to see photos of the musicians.
The Grange Thrift Shop will be open just two more weeks! This Tuesday is our annual "Fill a Bag Sale." ( $3 or $5 depending on the size of your bag...you can bring your own Bean Bag!) Many great items are left; likely just what you have always wanted! Doors open are 9:30-12:00 and again from 7-8 pm.
Join Stacie Webb and Mally Cox-Chapman at the library on Tuesday, August 20 from 6:30-7:30 pm to celebrate the launching of their book about Chebeague and the landscapes of BJ Abrahamson, "By the Water's Edge: Gardening on an Island in Maine".
Next Wednesday, Aug. 21st King Corn at the Slow Bell 6-8, featuring local ingredient cocktails for those so inclined. No admission fee, all welcome!
August 16, 2013 - I will be away until Monday and am sorry I will be missing so many things that are going on this weekend. SATURDAY: The CRAFT FAIR - Saturday 10 -2, CTC Island BOAT CRUISE -5-7, BILL WHETHEM Music at the Church 7pm, SUNDAY: FIRE AND RESCUE OPEN HOUSE 11 to 1, CCLT LOBSTER BAKE 1 to 4.
A Concert of Music by Bill Whetham from Bill's Musical Sketchbook this Saturday evening, August 17 at 7pm at the Chebeague United Methodist Church. If you would like to join a discussion about Jazz preceding the concert at 6pm. This event is sponsored by the FREE Concert Fund. Featuring Brent Strombeck, Mike Whitehead, Mickey Felder, Jeff Densmore and Herb Maine.
MUSIC LOVERS, DIG IT!! “Strumming Up Chebeague” will be happening at the Island Hall on Saturday, August 24th at 7:30 PM, featuring over 30 of your favorite Chebeague musicians – gospel, folk, country, and rock. Come join us in celebration of our amazing community and its wonderful performers. BYOB - 21 and over per state law. Sponsored by the Community Forum, a forum for all Chebeaguers to exchange ideas having to do with sustainability of our year round population, with special emphasis on the Chebeaguers of tomorrow.
August 15, 2013 - DONATE A PLATE campaign! We are making mosaic stepping stones for the school garden (Next Tuesday the 20th, 1-3 at the school. Bring your young crafters and join us!) and are looking for old, chipped, cracked plates that we can turn into mosaic pieces. If you have one or a few laying around, please drop them off at the library by next Tuesday! Thank you so much, the School Garden Program.
Our last cruise until October is this Saturday 8/17 from 5 to 7PM. The cruise is "The Islands of Chebeague" We will visit the 17 islands that make up the Town of Chebeague. Donna Damon will provide interesting facts about the history of the islands and Josh Doughty and friend will perform. The Island Tour cruise scheduled for 8/25 has been cancelled - so don't miss this one! Get your tickets at the CTC office or on the ferry.
Emergency meeting tonight at the rec center craft room for the Selectman at 7pm executive session.
Don't forget - TONIGHT at 6pm at the Hall, Brian Beal to talk about the clam flats and ecology of them.
The Rev. J. Barrie Shepherd will be the guest preacher at the Chebeague United Methodist Church on Sunday, August 18. Please join us for worship at 10:00 a.m.
Centering Prayer continues on Saturdays at 10:00 a.m. at the Parish House.
Alcoholics Anonymous meeting every Saturday at 8:00 at the parsonage.
Mark your calendars for Sunday, August 25 at 7:00 pm when the Chebeague UMC will hold a sunset worship service on the beach at Chandler's Cove. This will be a time of thanksgiving and celebration for another beautiful summer on the island. Musicians are welcome to bring your instruments and join in the celebration.
August 13, 2013 - Recently there was an article about Susan Wilson and the playground built in her honor in the Working Waterfront written by Chloe Dyer. "Chebeague playground honors memory of fitness devotee"
Don't miss kettle bell with Brian on Thursday, 8/15 at 10 AM and Friday, 8/16 at 9 AM in the CRC gym.
Chebeague Island Fire & Rescue will hold its annual open house (click here for flyer) on Sunday, August 18 from 11 am to 1 pm at the Public Safety Building. In addition to the usual fun, food, information and friends, we will have Donna Damon share reflections on the department and acknowledgement of members past and present, and Pastor Mary Jane will offer blessings and remembrance of responders who have passed.
RECOMPENSE FOUNDATION – Notice to Chebeague 501c(3)s: Grant applications must be submitted by September 1. Contact millerdesi@chebeague.net to obtain application forms.
August 12, 2013 - The Favorite Sale of the summer...ALL YOU CAN WEAR...$5. Tie a tea kettle around your waist, drape yourself in curtains, wear a lampshade on your head, stuff a pocket with toys.....Grange Thrift Shop doors open 9:30-12:00 and 7-8 pm. Bring your camera!
Just a reminder: tomorrow, 1-3 at the school, Harvest Time in the Garden! Come explore the bounty of August and create some tasty snacks!
Don't forget ... CIHS House Tour on Tuesday, 10:30-4:30. Get your tickets at the Museum, 10am-4pm ... Today: $25/person; Day of Event: $30.
Stacie Webb and Mally Cox-Chapman are launching their book about Chebeague, By the Water's Edge: Gardening on an Island in Maine. Everyone is invited to celebrate with them at the library from 6:30 to 7:30 on Tuesday the 20th. There will be refreshments.
CRC is searching for certified lifeguards that can help fill in some shifts between August 22 and September 15th. We have reached out to Greely Pool, Freeport YMCA and Portland YMCA and haven't had any luck yet. If you or someone you know is certified and willing to help us keep the pool open as much as possible please forward this email to them and/or contact the CRC office at 846-5068.
The pool open swim hours are changing to 1-4:00 PM effective August 19th.
Sam Birkett has her photographs on display at Claytons Cafe in Yarmouth until August 22nd so don't forget to stop by and see them.
This Thursday night at 6pm at the Hall, Brian Beal, Professor of Marine Ecology will be having a discussion about soft Shell management and ecology and how fate and luck govern our resource. This is a wonderful presentation and would be great for everyone to see.
The Favorite Sale of the summer...ALL YOU CAN WEAR...$5. Tie a tea kettle around your waist, drape yourself in curtains, wear a lampshade on your head, stuff a pocket with toys.....Grange Thrift Shop doors open 9:30-12:00 and 7-8 pm. Bring your camera!
August 11, 2013 - Photo of the 15 Chebeague kids who participated in the Ripple Effect overnight this past weekend. Sunday they kayaked around Cow Island. Other activities included a raft building contest, zip lining, climbing a rock wall and swimming. It was a great experience and fun was had by all! A special thank you to the awesome staff at Ripple Effect that made it so great, including Kathy & Brian Leighton's son, Scotty. He was their main guide and he was fantastic! Thanks also to CRC for organizing such a nice event.
Tomorrow the 12th from 9pm to 11pm
Josh Doughty will be on the radio station WRFR 93.3. It is streaming on the website below. Just click on the red radio tower on the web page to start streaming.
FOOD DOCUMENTARY WEDNESDAYS in August, starting August 14 - come to the Slow Bell, enjoy snacks and a drink featuring local ingredients, and see a good flick! Sponsored by CICA and Celia, our Island Fellow. Click here to see more details.
The Chebeague Historical Society is presenting "Three Decisive Naval Actions During the War of 1812: Lake Erie, Plattsburgh Bay, and New Orleans." Speaker is historian George Daughan on August 19th at the Hall at 7:15pm.
August 9, 2013 - Photo of a hawk taken on a tree by May Hall's house. Big thanks to Bea Crossman who noticed the hawk and let me know about it. I am not sure what it is and would love to know for sure. I am thinking it may be a young Broad-winged even though it seemed larger. Click here for another view and click here for still another.
Today there was a large turnout for the presentation by the specialists from the US Fish and Wildlife Service who explained how habitats have changed and are changing for many of our birds and animals and how we can help. Also what is being done for the endangered New England Cottontails. They also recognized the efforts of young Chebeague Citizen scientists to locate the endangered New England Cottontails and presented a Certificate of Appreciation to be framed and put in the school. A few of the students who had participated were able to attend today - click here to see.
Artist Reception at the Library for Persephone Bennett tomorrow, August 10, 11:00 to 1:00.
Today's art reception at the Niblic was terrific and you won't want to miss Peter Bass's art. His water colors that he does on the spot are beautiful and they will be displayed at the Niblic for a few more weeks. Click here to go to his website.
Tomorrow: CTC has cruise 8/10 from 5 to 7 "Relive the 60s" . We invite everyone to "come as you were". Adults only.
Message from pastor MaryJane: Centering Prayer at the Parish House, Saturday morning, 10:00. Join us for a time of silent prayer as we practice this time-honored way of drawing closer to the Holy One.
Good Ol' fashioned Chebeague Island Lobster Bake! A benefit for the Chebeague and Cumberland Land Trust - Sunday, August 18th from 1 to 4pm at Rose's Point Beach. Click here for more informaion!
August 7, 2013 - LADIES AID FAIR - Tomorrow, Thursday August 8 from 12 to 3 at the Hall - along with all the wonderful items they make and sell you can even get lunch!
Wonderful interview on the Working Waterfront online "From Three Mile Island to Chebeague Island" On the record with... Susan Stranahan - click here to see! She is working on a book on the Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan.
The Niblic invites you to join Peter Bass at his artist reception this Friday night, August 9th, from 5 to 7 at the Niblic Gallery. Stop by and see a variety of Peter's paintings. Wine & Cheeses will be served. Hope you can join us! Here is a sneak peak at some of his work.
Congratulations to Toby Lunt and Jay Cox-Chapman who won an International 14 regatta in Minnesota, in preparation for Worlds in Toronto in September. Jay and Toby were the sailing instructors on Chebeague for several years. Click here to see an exciting photo of them coming across the finish line.
Chebeague Island Council Annual Meeting will be held on Saturday, August 10th at 9:00 am at the Parish House. All Council members who are unable to attend the meeting, please pick up your proxy at the Library or the Island Market and vote before 9:00 am Saturday.
August 6, 2013 - Island Taxi will be ceasing operation after Labor Day weekend this year. I'm sorry we won't be able to continue year round, but the high cost of insurance makes it difficult to operate past the summer season. Thank you for your support this summer!
Help is needed at the CRC pool! We are looking for fill in lifeguards between August 19 and September 2nd. If you or someone you know is a certified lifeguard and willing to fill in a shift or two please contact the CRC office or email crc@chebeague.net.
CRC's trip to Rippleffect is scheduled for August 10th. There are lots of fun activities planned for the weekend including kayaking, the climbing wall, camp fires and lots of other fun activities. If you have a child between grades 5 and 8 that would like to participate, please make sure to sign up no later than Wednesday, August 7th at 3 PM. We can email the forms to you if that helps. Call 846-5068 or email crc@chebeague.net for more information.
Message from Celia: Harvest Time in the Garden, today (Tuesday) 1-2 in the school garden. Celia is away on Island Institute business, so Nancy Earnest will be in the garden. Hunt bugs, pick peas, read a book in the shade…come join us!
August 5, 2013 - I have now downloaded the photos from the Island Commons 2013 Wine Tasting that Cathy MacNeill had taken - what a great time was had by all - click here to see!
This coming Friday, August 9, there will be a Chebeague Cumberland Land Trust program. It will be from 1pm to 3pm and start at the Recreation Center where we can meet specialists from the US Fish and Wildlife Service who will explain why and recognize the efforts of young Chebeague Citizen scientists to locate the endangered New England Cottontails . We will learn about them inside and then walk a favoroite habitat. Click here to see the flyer.
There will be an Open House in celebration of the Life of Betsy Whitman, Monday August 12th, 3-5 pm, at the Whitman cottage, 19 Ben Webber Rd. Please park on the east side of Capps Road, facing up hill (toward the hotel).
The women's discussion group meets this Wednesday, August 7 at 7:00 pm at the Chebeague Library
REMEMBER....shop on Tuesday! The Grange Thrift Shop has 4 more weeks before we call it a summer! Tomorrow's sale is "THE BIG FIVE!" Choose any item and get five of the same item for the price of just one! August 13th, ALL YOU CAN WEAR, FILL A BAG on the 20th, and the final week, Aug 27th is TAKE WHATEVER YOU WANT AND MAKE A DONATION. There are still great clothes, shoes, linens, kitchen items and much more; some items have been unearthed for the first time! Tuesdays 9:30-12:00 and 7-8pm. All proceeds support our island.
From the REC: What a day we had yesterday at CIBY. Thank you to all of the athletes and volunteers that helped make the day fun for all. Mark Dyer and BJ Abrahamson helped us end the day with some AWESOME music and AMAZING lobster! A huge thank you goes out to all of our event sponsors: John Wilson, Jane Leonard, Eldon & Betts Mayer, R & M Financial, Chebeague Plumbing, Top Shelf Cleaning and the Slow Bell Cafe! AND, CTC for cruising with our card cruise participants as well as all of the artists that painted the beautiful bookcases. A very special thank you to Paul and Jen Belesca for allowing us to have our event at CIBY again this year and for all of your help with buoys, boating and photo copies (after the rain drenched us!)
CTC has two cruises scheduled for August. On 8/10 we will "Relive the 60s" . We invite everyone to "come as you were". Adults only. On 8/17 we will visit the "Islands of Chebeague" - a narrated tour of the islands that make up our town with live entertainment. Both cruises leave from the Stone Pier at 5pm. Get your tickets on the ferry or at the office.
August 4, 2013 - Photo - by Erica Neuman on August 4. Click here for a double rainbow that I took at the very end of the Lobster Bake - what a beautiful sight and I'm sure there are a lot more double rainbow photos out there!Click here for a double rainbow Cathy MacNeill took from Central.
Come one, come all to the Ice Cream Social on Saturday, August 10 from 5:30 to 7:30 at the Parish House! There will be scoops of ice cream or top-your-own sundaes with toppings including strawberries, chocolate sauce, butterscotch sauce, sprinkles, nuts, and whipped cream. Don't forget the cherry on top! Prices range from $3 to $5 to $7 and all proceeds benefit the Salud y Paz Mission in Guatemala. The social is sponsored by the Chebeague United Methodist Church and precedes the Seaside Brass concert presented that evening at the church by the Free Concert Series. Hope you can make it to one or both summer-fun events!
SAVE THE DATE: The Summer Craft Fair will be Saturday, August 17, 10-1 at the Hall. Do your Christmas shopping early and support your Island Crafters!
Photos -of the bookcases that were be Auctioned off this coming Sunday.
August 3, 2013 - Tomorrow is the Triathlon at 11, Quadathlon at 12, Card Cruise that starts at 1:30, the Lobster Bake at 4 and the end of the Bookcase Auction at 6pm. I have just added Julia Maine's Bookcase to the others and we some bids have come in for some of the bookcases.
Today at the Commons Yardsale Jane Doe had her photo taken with lots of happy buyers - click here to see!
Come one, come all to the Ice Cream Social on Saturday, August 10 from 5:30 to 7:30 at the Parish House! There will be scoops of ice cream or top-your-own sundaes with toppings including strawberries, chocolate sauce, butterscotch sauce, sprinkles, nuts, and whipped cream. Don't forget the cherry on top! Prices range from $3 to $5 to $7 and all proceeds benefit the Salud y Paz Mission in Guatemala. The social is sponsored by the Chebeague United Methodist Church and precedes the Seaside Brass concert presented that evening at the church by the Free Concert Series. Hope you can make it to one or both summer-fun events!
This is a PUBLIC NOTICE of the Chebeague Island Council Annual Meeting which will be held on Saturday, August 10th at 9:00 am at the Parish House. All Council members who are unable to attend the meeting, please pick up your proxy at the Library or the Island Market and vote before 9:00 am Saturday.
TODAY Saturday, August 3rd, 11am - 1pm at the Library - come and make a DRAGON PUPPET with Jennifer DeCristoforo! Click here and for more infor call the Library 846-4351.
Tickets on sale at the Museum, 846-5237 - $25 in advance, $30 on the day of the Tour - Museum Hours: Monday-Saturday 10 - 4; Sunday 1 - 4 - Enjoy lunch with a view, visit eight extraordinary homes and support the Chebeague Island Historical Society. Click here for poster!
Visit the farm stand at Secondwind Farm for a variety of seasonal produce and eat local! Thank you for your support!
July 30, 2013 - Message from Florence: Hi everyone, I have my embroidery machine up and running and am able to download designs for almost everything. If you need something monogramed, designed lobsters, crabs, sailboat, anchors, mermaids and much more. Do you need something special for a special occasion? I also do all kinds of designed ironons. Island Riches has all kinds of handcraft from our local crafters. Westend, Call 207 846-4986
Want to be the first one inside the Island Commons Yard Sale? Purchase a raffle ticket outside before the doors open and YOU may have a 5 minute head start! $5 per ticket Raffle tickets for amazing bird house will also be sold, drawing to be held in Sept. Hope to see you at the Yard Sale! Saturday August 3rd 10-12:30 at the Hall
The Museum sale ends on Wed. July 31! Don't miss out on selected 20% merchandise such as adult books and aprons. Many items are reduced even further on the outside bench sale!
July 29, 2013 - Kevin Wentworth has uploaded another youtube video and this time it is about the Lobster Boat Races. click here to see.
Sebago-Long Lake Chamber group’s concert this coming Sunday August 4 at 7:30 at the Church? See the program - click here.
The Grange Thrift Shop is the place to be tomorrow.....It's the annual "Tops and Bottoms Sale " .....buy 4 pairs of slacks, trousers, or shorts and get 4 T shirts for free!! Doors open from 9:30-12:00 and again from 7-8 pm. Donations are being accepted for two more days only......leave items inside the back door please.
August 4th Schedule of events for the CRC - click here.
Our Quad and Tri event is coming right up on Sunday, August 4th. So far we have 4 Quad teams and 2 Tri teams. If you are planning to compete in our fun event, please make sure to contact the CRC office to register (forms attached). Quad teams will need a Bob Dyer boat. If you need help tracking one down let us know. Click here for registration information.
Immediately following the Quadathlon, we will kick off our second annual Card Cruise and Lobster Bake at CIBY. Don't have your own boat but would like to participate? Perfect, the Pied Piper will be cruising around the island and handing out cards. See the attached brochure for details and entry information. Make sure to sign up in advance to reserve your spot!!
We also have tickets available for anyone that would like to come to the lobster bake. Come relax on the beach and listen to live music by Mark Dyer and enjoy one of BJ's famous lobster bakes.
The beautiful BOOKCASES that have been on display at the library will be on display at CIBY all day. Come down and place your bid! Auction winners will be announced at 6 PM on the beach at CIBY. Click here to see the bookcases that are in now and are on display at the Library.
Island Commons Yard Sale! Saturday August 3rd 10-12:30 at the Hall
Click here to see a story in the Bangor Daily News about bird nerd volunteer students helping to bring back the puffins.
July 28, 2013 - Saturday, August 10, Free Concert Fund evening on the Chebeague. The Concert is by The Seaside Brass (formerly Quintopia) and is titled "Old Friends and New Favorites." Catriona Shepherd and Don Strickland - trumpets, Yvonne Mumme - horn, Meg Hausman - trombone and Mark Mumme - tuba, will present an entertaining mix of Classical and Dixieland, Broadway and Pop; plus a mystery guest soloist. Come to the Ice Cream Social and stay for an old fashioned Band Concert. 7PM, August 10, at Chebeague Methodist Church.
Last night a standing room only crowd turned out to find out who kidnapped Teeny Trowbridge, and that laughter filled the Hall all evening? The O. Henry ending surprised all but the two attendees who solved the crime. Congratulations to Stacie Webb who took home the Oscar-like trophy for the 2013 Mystery Theater. Both Stacie and Sarah VanFleet solved the crime. Thank you to Stacie Stewart who came out of retirement to direct this one-act play and we do hope this means that she will continue! Thank you to our secret mystery writer Dawnie L. (Eldon Mayer) who brought us a lot of fun and I look forward to more to come.
This week a Mad Scientist is coming to Chebeague, August 1st, 4pm "DIG INTO SCIENCE" SHOW at the Rec center Gym - fun for all ages cost $3 with a family cap of $10 - click here.
Next Saturday, August 3rd, 11am - 1pm at the Library - come and make a DRAGON PUPPET with Jennifer DeCristoforo! Click here and for more infor call the Library 846-4351.
Happy birthday Nancy Hill and Viktoria Johnson and yesterday it was Bob Mailman's as well.
July 27, 2013 - Photo take Saturday, July 27 of a flock of Great Blue Herons. I counted 25 Great Blue Herons on both sides of the Hook Bar going to Little Chebeague. Click here to see another closeup of a few. Click here for still another. Click here for three Dowitchers on the mudflats. There were a few sandpipers that I am unable to identify and would love to know for sure what they are - click here for a photo of the three and click here for a photo of one (they are probably adult Semipalmated Sandpipers. Click here for a Sanderling I took on the 28th.
This past week was Farm Camp and one of the volunteers, Art Ryder (aka Freddie, the nephew of Howard Coon) , took some photos to share - click here to see!
The mystery play was lots of fun and I didn't get any photos. Maybe I will be able to get some from someone to post later.Don't forget tonight, Sataurday, A CHEBEAGUE MYSTERY - free whodunnit mystery comedy farce at the Hall - 7:30pm. If you haven't read the preview story click here.
Pastor Mary Jane's sermon on Sunday 7/28 is the last in a series, "Jesus Said WHAT???" This week's question - did Jesus really praise someone for his dishonesty? Come at 10:00 for worship and find out the answer.
July 26, 2013 - Mussels, European oysters and carnivorous snails are now open on Chebeague. Call Shellfish Warden at 207 749-6221 for questions: Licenses available at Town Hall or call Warden. The Maine Department of Marine Resources has modified red tide closure # 100-A to remove the closure for mussels, European oysters and carnivorous snails due to PSP returning to safe levels.
A CHEBEAGUE MYSTERY – Who kidnapped Teeny Trowbridge? Whodunnit will be revealed at the Island Hall tomorrow (Saturday) at 7:30 PM, when a star-studded cast of Chebeague thespians will entertain in this comedy farce. Any audience member who guesses whodunnit before the curtain rises will qualify for the very special grand prize. Refreshments. No admission charge.
July 25, 2013 - Yesterday was the Chebeague Cumberland Land Trust walk at Indian Point. Five students prepared imovies about different aspects of Indian Point and QRcodes were formed to make it easy to acces the movies. Click here to see the listings and go to the sites to learn more about Indian Point. Thank you to Laura Hamilton, Aaron Belesca, Ellie Jackson, Ethan Belesca and Tiffany Calder.
From the Yacht Club: The Blessing of the Fleet, a new event on our calendar this year, is taking place this coming Sunday, July 28th at 4:00PM at the Niblic (the approximate time of high tide). If you have a boat registered with the Yacht Club and would like to participate, please bring her to the Boatyard. Even if you don't have a boat, you are invited to attend the Blessing Service. The Blessing Service will take place on the deck at the Niblic (weather permitting, otherwise indoors). The Rev. J. Barrie Shepherd and Mary Jane O'Connor-Ropp, Pastor of the Methodist Church on Chebeague, will preside at the Blessing Service.For information, call Liz Hubbell Riggs at 846-4837We hope to see you at the Niblic on Sunday! Liz Hubbell Riggs & Alexandra Swafford, Co-Commodores
Reminder.....Tuesday is the last day to leave donations at the Grange Thrift Shop; clean, usable items can be left inside the back door. Four more days to clean out those closets and cupboards!
Remimder that August 4 we are kicking off the big day with our Quad/Tri event at 11;00 at the Chebeague Island Boat Yard. Gather teams and register ASAP! That is being followed up by our 2nd annual Card Cruise and lobster bake on the beach at the CIBY. Bookcases painted by local artists will be on display all day for bidding with the auction results being announced at 6:00 on the beach.
July 24, 2013 - CRC is planning a trip for preteens (entering 5th grade through entering 9th grade) to Cow Island for the Rippleffect program on August 10. We will leave Chebeague the morning of the 10th and return the following evening. For more information about the Rippleffect program visit their website, www.rippleffect.net. The cost for the trip is $155 (discounts available for kids that have participated in fundraisers). Contact May Hall or Kelley Rich for details. ---- Like us on Facebook to stay up to date on CRC events and programs.
July 23, 2013 - From A Woman's Perspective meets tomorrow, Wednesday at 7:00 at the library with Terri Bourke as the facilitator.
Message from the CTC: Unfortunately, we have not sold enough tickets to hold the Boothbay Harbor cruise on 7/27. A minimum of 35 tickets needed to be sold by today (7/23). Therefore, the cruise is cancelled. If you have already paid for your tickets, contact the office for a refund or to apply the amount to other CTC services.
Join CTC on the Pied Piper for the Harpswell Lobster Boat Races this Sunday - 7/28. We leave the Stone Pier at 11am and return at 2pm. Tickets available in the office and on the ferry.
IT IS TOO LATE! The CTC cruise to Boothbay planned for Saturday 9 to 5 will be cancelled at 4pm today if they don't get reservations for 13 more people!! I was hoping to go so get your tickets today!! Chance to visit downtown Boothbay and/or go to the Botanical Gardens.
NOTICE - POSTPONED UNTIL TOMORROW - Chebeague and Cumberland Land Trust nature walk at Indian Point that will use the latest in smart phone technology to offer and introduction to the birds, vegetation and marine life at this sweeping preserve of beach and marsh. Join us Wednesday at 10 am at the top of the road to the point.
Don't miss the Museum's Christmas in July sale July 25-July 31. Click here for details!
Message from the Chebeague Inn: Join Us for "Wednesday Wine With Ricky" at Chebeague Island Inn!
Tomorrow, Wednesday, July 24 3-5:30pm. Treat yourself to wine samples and some fun education courtesy of Andrew Bevan at Salmon Falls Winery! Samples are complimentary, and bottles will be available for purchase. Wine specials will be available that evening in the restaurant as well. Looking forward to seeing you!
July 22, 2013 -This morning at the Hook I saw a few Semipalmated Plovers and Sandpipers along with lots of Common Terns. I also came across a couple of Ruddy Turnstones with a Dowitcher.
Click here for another report from China where Genny Dyer is spending the summer in a Cultural Exchange Program.
Brian Phipps is back to do some more kettle bell/circuit training at CRC. He will lead a classTuesday and Wednesday this week at 9 AM and next week on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (7/30, 7/31 and 8/1) at 9 AM except on 7/30 is 3pm.
CRC has 2 spots left in our Recycled Art Camp that starts on Monday, July 29th. Sign up today to reserve your spot! Then next week Abby Dutton is back to lead a fun Performing Arts Camp. If you loved the Theater Program with Abby you are sure to love her week long camp. AND, Coach Summa is back for Baseball Camp. Details are on our website, www.chebeaguerec.com.
A CHEBEAGUE MYSTERY – Anyone finding that all free copies of the booklet are gone can read or print it by clicking here! The one act play “A Chebeague Mystery” is 7:30 PM on Saturday, July 27th at the Island Hall. Cast members Doug Clark and John Howard will be joined by Donna Damon, Mary Holt, Jim Van Fleet, and B.J. Abrahamson. Come and have fun!
Message from the GRANGE: The Grange Thrift Shop is having a humdinger of a sale on Tuesday. If it opens or closes.....buy one item and get one similar item free!! 9.30-12;00 and 7-8. Come shop, shop, shop!
Today, Monday, at 3pm Brian Phipps is leading a kettle bell/circuit training class. He has a couple extra kettle bells but not many. If you have your own bring it with you so there is enough to go around. The fee for each session is $7.00.
Washed up on Hope Island a blue kayak named Perception - call Will at 508 237-6389.
Tonight Jim Millinger is presenting on Winslow Homer at the Hall at 7pm.
Tomorrow the Chebeague and Cumberland Land Trust is having a nature walk at Indian Point that will use the latest in smart phone technology to offer and introduction to the birds, vegetation and marine life at this sweeping preserve of beach and marsh. Join us at 10 am at the top of the road to the point.
Come one, come all to the Ice Cream Social on Saturday, August 10 from 5:30 to 7:30 at the Parish House! There will be scoops of ice cream or top-your-own sundaes with toppings including strawberries, chocolate sauce, butterscotch sauce, sprinkles, nuts, and whipped cream. Don't forget the cherry on top! Prices range from $3 to $5 to $7 and all proceeds benefit the Salud y Paz Mission in Guatemala. The social is sponsored by the Chebeague United Methodist Church and precedes the Seaside Brass concert presented that evening at the church by the Free Concert Series. Hope you can make it to one or both summer-fun events!
July 20, 2013 - Pastor Mary Jane's July sermon series on "the hard sayings of Jesus" (Jesus said WHAT???) continues this Sunday with the question, "Did Jesus really speak out against equal pay for equal work?" Join us at 10:00 am for worship. Child care is available.
NOTICE: The CLAM SHACK will be CLOSED all day today due to issues with the heat! Tomorrow they will be back with their normal schedule - and I hear it will be a lot cooler and dryer!
Mark your calendar for the CCLT's Good Ol' Fashioned Chebeague Island Lobster Bake on Sunday August 18th from 1 to 4 at Rose's Point Beach. There'll be live entertainment, kids activities and eco-info by Caitlin Gerber, traditional lobster bake fare plus other menu options, icy beverages, yummy desserts, and fun for all ages. Family-priced tickets are available through Brown Paper Tickets.com and there will be a raffle at the event for those who want to take their chance on cool island-themed items. This event is a benefit to raise funds and awareness for the Chebeague & Cumberland Land Trust. If you can't attend, please consider making a donation. See you there! Click here for flyer (with art work by the children of Chebeague)
July 19, 2013 - To the whole community, please heed hours of operation for the library. If you need to gain access outside of posted hours, please contact Deb Bowman. When the flag is out, the building is open. No flag, the library is closed. The hours are posted on line and above the book drop. The wireless signal is strong enough to pick up from the road and parking lot and is never turned off. Thank you for your consideration.
Tomorrow, Saturday July 20, the Clam Shack will be closed from 11:30 to 3 while they celebrate the life of Marianne W. Brenton at the Church. Marianne's service is at 11:00 am today.
TONIGHT - you don't want to miss it! A delightful wonderful show, Seussical, Jr by CRC's Children's Theater group on July 19th and 20th at the hall. Show starts at 7 PM, $6 adults and $4 for kids under 12.
A 2 week archeological dig of an old farmhouse site on Little Chebeague is scheduled For August 6-15, 2013. Sponsored by the Long Island Historical Society with support from the Maine Island Trail Association and led by Professional Archeologists Norman Buttrick and Leon Crammer it will engage volunteers from Long Island including students. The project is part of an ongoing effort led by the Maine Island Trail Association to study Little Chebeague and enhance its value as an outdoor recreations site.
For more information, please contact Nancy Berges, Long Island Historical Society, Norm Buttrick, Archeologist, Erno Bonebakker, Maine Island Trail Association
July 17, 2013 - Photo from Dianne Lucak titled HAPPY SUMMER! The heat the week of the 13th has been unbearable. Click here to see the mystery jumper before he jumped.
Click here to see the notice regarding Town Office & Transfer Station Hours (adding 9-10 on Mondays and Thursdays - summer only) and with a notice regarding Bulky Waste Clean-up Weekend August 3 & 4.
July 16, 2013 - Don't forget tomorrow: Island Commons resident Lee Orme for an afternoon of book art! Fold a Book for Peace Wednesday July 17th 2-4pm Come learn the art of book folding and discover how peaceful simple folding can be! Bring your own book or use one provided by us! For more information call Sarah at the Commons or Deb at the Library! Hope to see you!
Brian Phipps will be at CRC at 3 PM on Wednesday and Friday this week leading a kettle bell/circuit training class. He has a couple extra kettle bells but not many. If you have your own bring it with you so there is enough to go around. The fee for each session is $7.00. He will be here next week too so stay tuned for times.
Are you interested in doing the CRC CARD CRUISE but don't have your own boat? Well fear no more! CTC's Pied Piper will be cruising the card cruise stops again this year. Sit back, relax and enjoy the ride around Chebeague with friends. Tickets at $65 (includes cruise, hand of cards and 1 lobster bake ticket). For more information check out our website or contact the CRC office.
ISLAND COMMONS YARD SALE August 3rd 10-12:30 at the Hall - Half price items at 12 - Lots of kitchen items, including glassware, pots and pans and bedding. Bureaus, chairs and other useful items. There is still time to empty that attic, cellar or closet and donate your gently used items to our popular yard sale. Call Ann Thaxter at 846-3274 for more information. Accepting donations until August 1st.
Today, Tuesday GRANGE 9:30 to 12 and again tonight 7 to 8. they are overloaded with women's clothing!
Save the date for a favorite summer event - the Ladies' Aid Fair is coming on Thursday, August 8th from 12:00 to 3:00 at the Hall! Have lunch with the ladies and shop for one-of-a-kind handmade crafts, jams, and more. This is one of the special island moments that make Chebeague unique. We hope to see you there!
The Library is not accepting any VHS movie format or cassette tapes for music or audio books. Please do not bring them to the Library. If you have materials to donate, please call before you bring them in and do not leave anything outside the building. Thank you!
Another busy week ahead at CRC. Farm Camp,T-Shirt Design camp and a new session of swim lessons starts on Monday the 22nd. There are a few spots left in each so try to get your registration forms in soon to reserve your spot. ZUMBA continues Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings at 10 AM as well as our early morning exercise group at 7:30 AM (both are drop in). Our preschool camp continues at Kids Place with Farm Fun next week as wells as pre-teen and teen center Monday-Saturday nights. Check out our website for details, www.chebeaguerec.com.
AND, don't miss the fun performance of Seussical, Jr by CRC's Children's Theater group on July 19th and 20th at the hall. Show starts at 7 PM, $6 adults and $4 for kids under 12.
July 15, 2013 - Message from Celia: Harvest Time in the Garden, tomorrow (Tuesday) 1-3 in the school garden. Hunt bugs, pick peas, read a book in the shade…come join us!
The CTC Annual Stockholder Meeting was held on 7/13. Thanks to all who attended or mailed their proxies. Susan Stranahan, Lew Holman, and John Wilson were elected for a three year term on the board of directors. John Wilson was also elected clerk of the corporation. Many thanks to retiring director Cap Leonard for his significant contributions to the company!
July 14, 2013 - Genny (Genevieve) Dyer (daughter of Mark and Beth and sister to Chloe) is in China and the Resident Director of Genny’s program in China is writing a weekly blog about what they are doing – there are a couple pics of Gen as well - it sounds like such a wonderful experience - click here to see.
Please join Island Commons resident Lee Orme for an afternoon of book art! Fold a Book for Peace Wednesday July 17th 2-4pm Come learn the art of book folding and discover how peaceful simple folding can be! Bring your own book or use one provided by us! For more information call Sarah at the Commons or Deb at the Library! Hope to see you!
July 12, 2013 - The Niblic Gallery opening of Clint Jones' Sculptures was a terrific event and his works will be displayed for the next few weeks. Click here to see photos of the event.
The Yacht Club is having its Crow Island Race tomorrow (Saturday the 13th), starting at 2:00 PM. In lieu of the traditional picnic on Crow Island the Yacht Club is encouraging people who want to watch the start of the race to picnic on Roses Beach near the Boatyard starting around noon.
T-Shirt Design Camp start on July 22nd. Design a different T-Shirt every day! Everything from classic tie-dye to finger painting and cool stamps. Kids supply their own shirts to decorate for themselves, their friends and family. Register today to save your spot. Forms can be found on our website, www.chebeaguerec.com, or at the CRC office.
From the Chebeague Church: Did Jesus really use a racial slur??? On the Sundays in July Pastor Mary Jane is preaching a series of sermons on JESUS SAID WHAT??? Come to worship at 10:00 and find out what Jesus said that's hard for us to understand. Also join us for a special Taize worship service at 8:00 pm, and Centering Prayer on Saturday morning at 10:00 (in the Parish House).
A message from CTC: Our day cruise to Boothbay Harbor has been postponed to July 27th. In order to hold the event, we need 35 advance ticket sales by July 23rd. If you would like to enjoy this day long trip, buy your tickets on the ferry or at the CTC office. And let us know if you want to visit the Botanical Gardens or if you will just enjoy the village during our 2.5 hour layover. The cruise will leave the Stone Pier at 9am and return at 5pm. Those who do not want to make the return trip by water can take the CTC bus back from Boothbay to the 4pm ferry. Register today for this great trip!
July 11, 2013 - Tomorrow, Friday, July 12, at the Niblic is the opening of Clint Jones' sculptures - Message from Jen at The Niblic: We invite you to join Clint Jones at his artist reception tomorrow night from 5 to 7 at the Niblic Gallery. Stop by and see a variety of Clint’s work and learn a bit about how his pieces come together. Wine & Cheeses will be served. Hope you can make it! Click here for an article about him in the Working Waterfront a few years ago. I also put a few of his items on a web page years ago - click here to see. His exhibit will be up for a few weeks so don't forget to come by.
CRC has a big day coming up on August 4th starting with our Quad/Tri event at 11 AM at CIBY. Get your team together and register at CRC by July 26th! Then, at 1 PM we will kick off our second annual CARD CRUISE AND LOBSTER BAKE on the beach at CIBY. Some of our bookcases painted by local artists are on display now at the library and will be at CIBY on August 4th all day for bidding. Auction results will be announced at 6:00 PM on the beach that day. For details visit our website or contact the CRC office. Photos of the bookcases will also be online soon.
I have added a new business by Chip Corson and Jen Howard to the Island Business Page - Shady Grove Events and Tent Rental - email 2shadygrove@gmail.com, tel 207 347-1038.
Message from Ron Tozier: NO MUSSELL TAKING on Chebeague allowed at this time. Clamming is allowed in open areas - see town website for clam flat map..
August 15th, 6 pm at the Hall you won't want to miss BRIAN BEAL'S presentation and discussion about clamming. Professor Beal teaches Marine Ecology at UMM and is the director of the UMM Marine Field Station.
He will be on the island during the day to do some field work.
Great News!! CRC's soccer camp will go on. A very generous family has offered to host the two soccer coaches that will arrive on Sunday so now we would like to find a few families that are willing to help with some meals. Breakfast, lunch dinner? Your choice. They love to meet all sorts of people while they are here so the more the merrier. Contact the CRC office, 846-5068 or email crc@chebeague.net, if you'd like to have the coaches over for a meal or make a delivery.
Gail Miller is back at the pool leading water aerobics at 8:15 on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday mornings! Come join the fun and work off those extra calories!
We still have room in Soccer, T-Shirt Design, Recycled Art, Performing Arts, and Baseball camp and there are a few spots left in session 2 and 3 of swim lessons. Check our website, www.chebeaguerec.com, for details and take advantage of the early registration fee.
July 10, 2013 - Don't miss the performance of Suessical by CRC's Children's Theater Program on July 19 & 20 at the hall! Tickets will be sold at the door, adults-$6 and children under 12 are $4.
The annual CTC Stockholder Meeting will be this Saturday (7/13) at 9am at the Hall. Guest ticket books will be available for sale. The agenda and 2012 Audited Financial Statements can be viewed on the Stockholder page of the CTC website – chebeaguetrans.com. The password was provided in the recent mailing to stockholders. Printed copies of the audited financial statements will be available at the meeting as well.
The time for the one act play “A Chebeague Mystery” has been changed to 7:30 PM on Saturday, July 27th at the Island Hall. Cast members Doug Clark and John Howard will be joined by Donna Damon, Mary Holt, Jim Van Fleet, and B.J. Abrahamson. Come and have fun!
Please talk to your children about riding bicycles. Yesterday I tried to pass a group of children who were not riding single file and three of them did not even have their hands on the handlebars as I was passing. There was another rider (not with them) riding her bike against the traffic on the other side who didn't even know she should ride with the traffic.
DEER POINT is a wonderful place to visit but please remember these three notes: 1) Absolutely NO fires on the point (last week a group had a fire at the end) the land is posted at the beginning of the road and fire trucks are not able to get down the road. 2) The easement is for pedestrian traffic only (the road is not maintained by the town). 3)Keep your dogs on a leash please!
July 8, 2013 - The Grange Thrift Shop is overflowing again! Come celebrate our SIZZLING SALE on Tuesday. Any item that starts SSssssss is now on sale, two for the price of one! Doors are open from 9:30-12:00 and again from 7-8. Build your wardrobe, or stock your kitchen at the Grange!
There will be a Taizé Worship Service on Sunday, July 14th at 8:00 pm at the Methodist Church. Please join us for worship in the style of Taizé, an ecumenical monastic community in Southern France. Participants are invited into a quiet time of reflection with candlelight, silence, prayer, meditative songs and chants. All are welcome to attend! Also, we would welcome the participation of anyone who plays a musical instrument, to accompany the singing. If you would like to offer your musical gifts for this special worship experience, please contact Linda Carleton or Pastor Mary Jane.
From the Rec: CRC's soccer camp starts on July 15th and we are still searching for a place for the coaches to stay. If you are willing to host the coaches (even for just a few days) or would like more information please contact the CRC office at this email address or call 846-5068. We are hopeful that we will find a home for them and will be able to offer another year of this awesome camp experience! Thank you!
Preschool Camp at the Kids' Place starts tomorrow. Check out our website, www.chebeaguerec.com, for details. Your kids won't want to miss this fun camp with our new teacher, Carrie Ridgway! Soccer Camp (as long as we find host families), Farm Camp and T-Shirt Design camp are coming right up. All details are on our website under the Camp Chebeague link!
Save the date, July 19 & 20th for our FUN theater performance of Suessical at the Hall!!
School Committee Meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, July 9 at 6pm at the school - see agenda.
The Foot Doctor, Russell Rybka, will be at the Clinic on Wednesday 10th at 9am. Call 829 6463 for an appointment.
Indian Point is a unique nature preserve. Please help protect this special Chebeague habitat by leaving only footprints, take only photographs. You can see a catalogue of the birds of Indian Point by going to the Chebeague and Cumberland Land Trust website. These migratory birds fly long distances and make this stopover knowing they are safe. Please keep dogs from chasing them. No fires are allowed without written permission of the Town Fire Department. The area beyond the five-car turnaround is not open to the public. Please respect the owners' privacy.
Dozens joined the “Chefs of Chebeague” on our cruise to Jewell Island on Saturday. Kelly Lockary, Christine Englund, Lisa Israel, and Arlene Dyer treated us to great dishes. Check out our photos on our Facebook page. And please join us at the Stone Pier this Saturday, 7/13 (5PM) for our “Rivers and Harbors” cruise. Live entertainment!
The CTC ANNUAL STOCKHOLDER MEETING is this Saturday at 9AM at the Hall. Guest ferry tickets available for purchase at the meeting.
July 7, 2013 - Selectmen will meet on July 10 at 5:30 at the Hall. There will be a 30 minute executive session. Go to the Town Web site above TOWN OF CHEB ISLAND and go to Boards and Committees and click on Selectmen. You will find the agenda and supporting materials.
There are openings on several Town committees as listed on the WEB site. If you are interested please contact the Town Clerk ASAP. Letters of interest must be received before the Selectmen's meeting on July 10.
This is a full agenda and includes (among other items) discussion of: Review zoning related to excavation; changing hours at the Town Office and Transfer Station; possible Sunset Committee; possible parking and traffic ordinance amendments; use of ambulance for funerals. Check out the WEB site to find out more.
Found: Sunday afternoon in Cousins Island Parking Lot - Acura key. Placed in collection box outside the ticket booth at entrance to the lot.
Message from Florence: "Island Riches is up and running.We are open every day except Thursday but even then there is someone here if you need something.We have more pieces of Clints,Wink,and new bags.We have lots of Herbs antique silverware items.We also have more lighted wine bottles and other hand painted pieces from Janets. I love getting handcrafts and would be interested in more. More items coming. SUPPORT ISLAND CRAFTERS. Thank you"
Photo of State poet laureate Wesley McNair speaks to the 52 people who assembled at the Library last Saturday, June 29th for the Poetry Express. An initiative of the laureate to bring poetry to communities by asking local poets to read their work and members of the community to read out selected poems. The crowd heard Wesley McNair and Sheila Jordan reading their poems. It was very special to hear Bob Libby, Sylvia Ross, Luke Rothschild and Celia Whitehead read poems they chose and to hear what those poems meant to them. A wonderful time!
July 6, 2013 - MARK YOUR CALENDARS! – Saturday evening, August 24th at the Island Hall the Community Forum is sponsoring “Strumming Up Chebeague”, a free fun event featuring Chebeague Musicians of all sorts. The program is still under construction so stay tuned for details. Chebeague musicians interested in "Strummng Up Chebeague", Chip Emery's email address is westwinds5@mac.com.
Message from CTC: We still have tickets available for Chefs of Chebeague on 7/6. It is going to be hot and humid – a good evening to be on the water and sample the fine cuisine offered by some of the Island’s best chefs! Captain Beth plans a scenic trip to Jewell Island. Get your tickets on the ferry or at the dock when we leave at 5PM. Cash and checks only.
The Foot Doctor, Russell Rybka, will be at the Clinic on Wednesday 10th at 9am. Call 829 6463 for an appointment.
July 4, 2013 - Photo of the start of the 4th of July Fun Run by Jim Thresher (1st girl winner was Maddie Lynch and first boy was Caleb Kern). Click here to see photos of the Parade by Cheryl Pennington. I also youtubed the Super Lobster Song they sang at the picnic - click here.
I have the race results for the 4.6 mile race thanks to Martha Vernon. Click here for results in order of finish and click here for results in number order. A big Thank you to GAIL MILLER who has been organizing and running the road races for at least 7 years and has always been there as a helper.
HAPPY 4TH OF JULY - Today registration for the Fun Run is at 8:30 race is at 9, Road Race 4.6 miles - registration $5. (try to bring a five dollar bill!) 8:30 on Start at 10:00. Parade starts at the Inn at 11:30 followed by the picnic at the School where there will be a dedication of the Susan Hudson-Wilson Memorial Playground.
Dunk for Dollahs at Chebeague Chebang - Friday, July 5! $1.00 gets you two throws to dunk your neighbors - all to benefit the Rec Center.
4:00pm – 4:20pm: Ricki MacDonald
4:20pm – 4:40pm: Gerri Prentice
4:40pm – 5:00pm: Gail Jenkins
5:00pm – 5:20pm: Caitlin Prentice
5:20pm – 5:40pm: Eric Dyer
5:40pm – 6:00pm: Casey Prentice
6:00pm – 6:20pm: Jonathan Komlosy
6:20pm – 6:40pm: Samantha Nelson
6:40pm – 7:00pm: Ron Tozier
7:00pm – 7:20pm: Rob Mailman
7:20pm – 7:40pm: Justin Rowe
7:40pm – 8:00pm: Josh Doughty
July 3, 2013 - Tomorrow also on the 4th at the picnic is the dedication of the Susan Hudson-Wilson memorial playground. Come up and see it if you haven't yet. Games, tie dying, face painting, panning for gold in the new sandbox and even a pie eating contest. See you there!
4th of July schedule:
8:30AM Fun Run @ museum registration - run at 9am
9AM - 5m Road Race Registration ($5) registration - run at 10am
11:30AM Parade @ Inn ending at the School for all kinds of fun and food!!!
Dedication of the Susan Hudson- Wilson memorial playground
CRC has two new exciting camps this year. T-Shirt Design Camp starts July 22 and Recycled/Beach Art Camp starts July 29. There are some fun projects planned so don't miss out. All camp details and registration forms are on our website at www.chebeaguerec.com. Sign up today to reserve your spot.
The CRC pool hours for July 4th are 2-5 PM. There will be no adult lap swim in the morning or noon lap swim.
Message from Jen: The Niblic is open today from 7:30 to 6 but we will be closed for the 4th of July. We will reopen again on Friday morning. Today we have Clam Chowder & Chicken with Rice Soup; Tuna Salad; Ham, Cheddar, & Arugula, & BLT’s with Guacamole Sandwiches. CIBY will also start selling lobsters today. Check out our website for daily specials & what new things are coming in the door www.chebeagueislandboatyard.com Hope everyone has a safe and happy 4th of July!!
CRC's Challenger Soccer Camp starts July 15th and we are searching for a place for the coaches to stay while they are here. If you are interested in hosting the coaches please call CRC, 846-5068. This is one of our most popular camps and we look forward to another fun week with them this year.
MYSTERY THEATER COMES TO CHEBEAGUE - “A Chebeague Mystery” a crime novelette (a 10 minute read) will soon be available free at the store and the library, and maybe on the Islander. Read it and see if you can figure out whodunnit. The answer will be revealed at a brief (free) one-act play to be performed at the Island Hall on Saturday, July 27th at 5PM, featuring a cast of famous actors including Doug Clark and John Howard. Come and enjoy the fun. Refreshments will be served and a grand prize awarded to attendees who solve the “crime”. Mark your calendars!
July 2, 2013 - The Maine Clammer's Association is seeking help from everyone in the observations and study of green crabs and the devestation they cause - click here to learn more.
From the Chebeague Church:
* starting this Saturday July 6th and continuing through July, Pastor Mary Jane is offering a Centering Prayer group at 10:00 am in the Parish House. She will provide an introduction and simple instructions for those who are not familiar with this form of prayer. All are welcome.
* on the Sundays in July, Pastor Mary Jane will be offering a sermon series called "Jesus said WHAT???" dealing with some of the "hard sayings" of Jesus. This Sunday she will consider the question, "Did Jesus really tell us to HATE our parents and siblings?"
* on Sunday evening July 14th at 8:00 pm there will be a Taize worship service, with candlelight, meditative singing, times of silence and prayer. We would welcome the participation of anyone who plays a musical instrument, to accompany the singing. If you would like to offer your musical gifts for this special worship experience, please contact Linda Carleton or Pastor Mary Jane.
Congratulations to Kevin and Polly who are celebrating their 8th wedding anniversary! It’s been a great 8 years of marriage and Kevin has a short video commemorating the event- click here!
Tomorrow, Wednesday is the Memorial Service for Raymond Hamilton, 11am at the Church.
July 1, 2013 - Photo of a female Pileated Woodpecker I came across along with her mate on the North Road today July 1st. Click here to see another view of the female woodpecker and click here to see the male who was a little more shy. Today I also had a pair flying around the East End.
Come shop the GRANGE Tuesday....we are literally overflowing with treasures.....china, knicknacks, shirts, pants, raingear, games, puzzles ........ There is something for everyone. Doors are open from 9:30-12:00 and again from 7-8 pm.
CTC has two cruises coming up this week. Our annual “Fireworks Cruise” will leave the Stone Pier at 8PM on 7/4. Tickets are available on the ferry, and are going fast! On 7/6 we leave the Stone Pier at 5PM for our adults only “Chefs of Chebeague” cruise. Several island chefs will supply hors-d'oeuvres and desserts for your enjoyment. Tickets are available on the ferry and at the office. Advance ticket prices are: adult $15, children (ages 6-12) $10, and children under 6 are free. Ticket prices on the day of the cruise are: adult $20, children (ages 6-12) $15, and children under 6 $5. Join us!
Are you interested in taking piano lessons this summer? CRC has an amazing teacher that does classes here during the winter and she is willing to come out this summer too (for all ages...adults too!) Contact CRC for more information. Space is limited.
The Chebeague Island Town Office will be closed July 4, 2013 in observance of Independence Day.
CRC's theater program starts today with Abby and Henry! If you love to sing, dance and have some fun go the the Hall at 2PM and join the Suessical group!!
June 29, 2013 - Last night's Whalers Performance was very special and I put together a few seconds from most of the songs into a youtube - They were all so great and trying to put a whole concert into a few minutes is almost impossible. There were a couple of songs I wanted to have in their entirety but there is a youtube limit. Click here to see and remember this is a quick rough job.
Message from Kid's Place: We still have plenty of Lobster rolls for sale for the 4th of July picnic. Reserve yours today by calling Kid’s Place 846-8712-Meredith 318-8588 or Carrie at 846-0130. You can also stop by KP or look for us selling rolls out front of the Island Market. The cost is $15 for a lobster roll and chips. We are focusing on all local products- Calendar Island Lobster meat – and Maine made mayonnaise. Thank you for all that have supported us so far!
Reminder about the POETRY EXPRESS at 4:00 pm at the library today. Click here for more information. Also check out Peace At the Library!
Reminder tonight, 7:30 PM, at the Hall: "HISTORIC HOMES ON CHEBEAGUE," a presentation with stereopticon pictures from the 1880's and more recent photos, by Earle G. Shettleworth, Jr., Maine State Historian and Director, Maine Historic Preservation Commission. Preceded by short business session at the Annual Meeting of the Chebeague Island Historical Society.
The Recreation Center is offering an ADULT EXERCISE CLASS starting July 1 on Monday Wednesday and Friday mornings at 7:30 and running for approximately 45 minutes. It is geared toward older folks but open to all, on a drop in basis. There will be 30 minutes of aerobic movement and then weights and stretching, all low impact. No prior experience necessary. Barbara Marks will be running the class.
Message from The Niblic: Don’t forget the Veggie Boat starts it’s season today and should be arriving at 10:30 am at the CIBY dock. We will have Shrimp & Corn Chowder & 2 Alarm Chili today along with Mel’s famous Chicken Salad Sandwiches. Stop in early for a Parmesan Herb Biscuit Egg & Bacon Breakfast Sandwich..phew that’s a mouth full! HA! Come check out the new kids sweatshirts & Maple’s Organics Gelato is in the house!! Hope you can stop by!
Message from CRC's children's play directors Abby Dutton and Henry Edwards: "We are looking for children ages 6-18 who like to sing, dance, act, and have fun in the theater world. There are still slots open in the SEUSSICAL MUSICAL CAMP running from July 1st to July 20th. We have about 13 students signed up right now and are looking for more. The more the merrier!"
June 28, 2013 - Photo of one of two deer that I came across today 6/28/13. Click here to see a closeup of the other deer and then click here to see both of them. It was pouring rain and they just stood there letting me take photos and a movie. I think they thought they were invisible.
The Great Chebeague Swat Fest, originally scheduled for Saturday, June 29, has been moved to next Saturday, July 6. Same starting time of 8:45 a.m. The rain date for the new date--in other words, the rain date for the rain date--is Sunday, July 7.
Message from Chebeague Inn: "We are very excited about the enthusiastic response from the many island artists and crafters who will be participating in this year's Chebang Art Fair on Friday, July 5th-- thank you all for contacting me! Some additional details for any and all artists: The Art Fair will run from 4-8:30. The Rec Center is graciously letting us borrow what tables they have but it is on a first come, first serve basis. You are responsible for bringing and setting up your own tables, displays and decorations. If you haven't called already, please let us know if you are participating. There is no charge to you for your booth, artists and crafters will NOT be charged admission to the Chebang and although the Inn is donating the proceeds of the Event to the CRC, artists/crafters keep all the money that they earn that day from sales of their art work (unless of course you choose to donate something to the CRC if you have a "Chebang of a day!)
Tickets for the days events are selling fast and the free chartered ferry from Portland to Chebeague is already sold out! The weather forecast is looking mighty good for late next week and we are expecting a record number of people to attend. So keep your fingers crossed for a winning day for everyone!" Click here to see the Poster.
Tonight! The Whalers Concert "See the USA! 7:30 pm at the Hall. The program features a great selection of songs to support a musical journey across the country! Refreshments will be served. Tickets available at the door: Adults $8; under 12 years $4.
June 27, 2013 - Photo of a Song Sparrow at the Hook - you can always see and hear them along the road around the fence.
The Library has new Nine-inch Nook HD Plus it is raffling off for the 4th of July. Click here to learn more.
ATTENTION - today at 5:30 join the Island Institute at the Hall for an Island Conversation with Island Institute president Rob Snyder and Heather Deese, vice president of strategic development. Click here for details! Light refreshments served. I hope to see you all there!!
June 26, 2013 - chebeague.net DSL users and wireless from the Hotel and Boatyard will have an interruption tomorrow morning for up to an hour while the operating system on the unit that replaced the lightening damaged one will be updated. This will again mean that you may have to reboot your equipment if it doesn't come back automatically. Thank you for your patience. There shouldn't be any disturbance to Rec Center wireless people.
Photo of a sick loon that I have been watching since Geoff Summa told me about him hanging around the shore at Hamilton Beach. After making two unsuccessful tries to capture him, this morning at 3:30 (June 24th) I was able to sneak up on him and get him. He was transported by Kathy Stager who picked him off the early boat and transported him to Avian Haven (between Augusta and Belfast). He has a badly damaged wing and is very weak but eating ravenously. It doesn't look promising and I will keep you informed. Click here to see him in the box. I am sorry to report that the loon didn't make it but her last two days she had all she could eat and was very comfortable and had a painless passing. The wound looked like it could have been a boat injury as it was on her back. I can't say enough about how wonderful the Avian Haven people are and how hard they work!
This Saturday, 6/29, 7:30 PM, at the Hall: "HISTORIC HOMES ON CHEBEAGUE," a presentation with stereopticon pictures from the 1880's and more recent photos, by Earle G. Shettleworth, Jr., Maine State Historian and Director, Maine Historic Preservation Commission. With information about the National Register of Historic Places. Preceded by short business session at the Annual Meeting of the Chebeague Island Historical Society. Earle Shettleworth has been a major resource for our historical society and a frequent visitor to Chebeague. Please welcome him back.
Abby Dutton is back at CRC this summer to lead us in her awesome ZUMBA classes! The program will be Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings from 10-11 Am starting July 1st. Clown College (starts July 1st), Tennis Camp (starts July 8th) and swim lessons are filling up fast. Send your registrations forms in today to reserve your spot. To see some of our other fun summer programs visit our website at www.chebeaguerec.com.
The farmstand at Second Wind Farm is now open daily and selling fresh produce from the garden, including several kinds of lettuce, strawberries, fennel and other herbs, radishes, Swiss chard, and pea tendrils. There are also bedding plants, including herbs and annual and perennial flowers, all grown at the farm. Eggs, compost, and wood chips for the grill or smoker are also at the farmstand. Check out the variety, come out back to see the greenhouse and fields and pat the animals, and feel free to ask if there is something you would like to see on the shelves.
Chebeague Farm Dollars: Support island agriculture and get fresh veggies anytime with Farm Dollars in your pocket! For only $25 received a booklet of $2 vouchers to be spent at Second Wind or Lone Goat farms (worth $26!). Being sold on the 4th at the wood-fired pizza oven behind the school, at the library anytime, or by contacting Celia Whitehead at 504-6922
From the Chebeague Methodist Church: Children, parents, and the young at heart are invited to a special worship experience celebrating children, this Sunday June 30 at 10:00 am. Peter Carleton and Tom Adams will share their musical gifts, children (and others) will be invited to "make a joyful noise" with rhythm instruments and movement, and Pastor Mary Jane will offer a special message about children as God's beloved. Please join us! There is child care available in the Parish House as well.
Pastor Mary Jane will offer a small group experience of CENTERING PRAYER on Saturday mornings beginning on July 6th and continuing through the month. We will meet in the Parish House from 10:00-11:00 am. The first session will provide an introduction to Centering Prayer, its origins and method. Centering Prayer offers a way of quieting our minds and opening our hearts to the Holy One, in silence. Add an extra measure of peace to your summer experience on Chebeague. All are welcome.
June 25, 2013 - Don't forget that tomorrow is VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION NIGHT-Wednesday, June 26th from 6 to 7pm at the Hall for all those who have volunteered for the Town in any form or manner - please click here for details.
Thursday the 27th, 5:30, the Island Institute will be at the Hall for an Island Conversation with Island Institute president Rob Snyder and Heather Deese, vice president of strategic development. Click here for details! Light refreshments served.
The Museum of Chebeague History is open Monday-Saturday 10-4; Sunday 1-4.
Please come and see our new exhibit "No Idle Hands" which represents the hand work made by more than fifty Chebeaguers from 1850 thru the 1990s. Decorative, utilitarian, and whimsical these items range from quilts and duck decoys to checker boards and punt balers.
The Museum Gift Shop has many new items ranging from 4 new tee shirt designs to Chebeague branded pens and cutting boards. Many new items for children have been added. Check out the Chebeague Fire Truck and School Bus!
Please stop by and remember something is always on sale at the Musuem!
Sunday I saw the Whalers Concert "See the USA! and it was fabulous and they have some new singers joining their group as well. They are performing again Friday, June 28th at 7:30 pm. The program features a great selection of songs to support a musical journey across the country! Refreshments will be served. Tickets available at the door: Adults $8; under 12 years $4.
Congratulations to Rachel Damon who is spending the summer directing 5 shows at a performing arts camp in the Adirondacks. Once summer is over Rachel will be heading to Cincinnati to teach theater and direct after school drama at a private school there.
June 24, 2013 - We fear we have had a lightening strike to a piece of our chebeague.net equipment and after much searching were able to find a replacement and this afternoon were able to restore the internet. You will probably have to reboot (turn power on and off) your router. Please, let's not have another storm like last night. There were trees down all over the island and one house was hit hard. Please call us if you don't get the internet back.
GOLF FOR KIDS Great Chebeague Golf Club will resume Junior Golf Clinics starting Thursday June 27th from 3:15 to 5:00 and every Thursday after that (except July 4th ). Family members are welcome to accompany their young golfers and may even be recruited to help when the turnout exceeds expectations, or if they just want to. Clubs are available to loan to anyone who needs them. There is no charge to participate or borrow clubs and balls. OPEN and FREE to EVERYONE age 6 to 15. Questions? Call Tom Adams @ (207)409-3872.We have fun, make new friends, learn to play golf and have some cookies and lemonade! So “swing” by!
The first session of swim lessons is filling up fast. We have a few more spots available. Today is also the last day to take advantage of our early registration rate for the first session starting July 8th. Register today to reserve your spot and get the lower rate.
The Pool at CRC will be closed Monday and Wednesday this week. We apologize for any inconvenience and look forward to getting back to our regular schedule on Thursday.
June 22, 2013 - Photo of Anna and Tiffany with a few members of the Dance Troupe who entertained us with a fabulous performance Saturday night. This is the Second Maine Island Dance Festival - week long program brought to the island by Holly Rothchild.
Message from Jen @ The Niblic. Feels like summer is here! Today we have Haddock Chowder, Butternut Squash Soup, Mel’s Famous Chicken Salad, & Ham,Cheddar, & Arugula Sandwiches. The freezer is up and going so we should have early next week Toots Ice Cream and new this year Maple’s Gelato! Check out our Facebook page or call us 846-1015 for daily specials.
Tomorrow - the Whalers Concert "See the USA!" Sunday, June 23rd at 2:30 pm. The program features a great selection of songs to support a musical journey across the country! Refreshments will be served. Tickets available at the door: Adults $8; under 12 years $4.
June 21, 2013 - Update on Sam Ballard: Sam has been transferred to New England Rehab. Although he can't have visitors yet, Sam would love to have cards. Please send to:
New England Rehab 335 Brighton Ave Portland ME 04102 Room 118B
The Town is hosting VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION NIGHT-Wednesday, June 26th from 6 to 7pm at the Hall for all those who have volunteered for the Town in any form or manner - please click here for details.
The Maine Poetry Express is coming to the Library on Saturday, June 29th at 4:00 pm Come and hear Maine poems read by members of the Island Community. Reception to follow. FMI call the Library 846-4351. Click here for more information.
The last Praying with Mandalas class on "Wow!!" will be Sunday, June 23 at 4:00. We'll meet at Bennett's Cove to create a communal sand mandala. Please join in (materials fee $2) or just stop by after the Whalers' concert to watch us finish it and see the tide come in.
June 19, 2013 - The Inn wants to remind everyone that they have lots of artists/crafters who have already contacted them and who will be setting up for the fair, but want to make sure everyone who wants to participate has an opportunity!
REMINDER: chebeague.net will be offline today starting around 9am. We have a technician from Rhode Island arriving as well as standby people at GWI in Portland and Axiom Technologies in Machias to help us expand our capabilities. This will affect all DSL and wireless subscribers.The Library and the School will not be affected.
If you run your dog on Hamilton Beach, please watch out for a sick Loon who is hanging out on the beach and has a hard time making his way to the water. We are monitoring his progress and may end up taking him to Avianhaven for help if he doesn't get better on his own.
June 18, 2013 -As you probably know, CRC is hosting another summer camp session of our popular soccer camp and once again, we are looking for families willing to host the coaches. Click here for a letter with more details. Please contact CRC if you are interested in helping out this year. The dates are July 14-July 20.
This Saturday at 6pm at the Chebeague Island Hall Community Center there will be a FREE performance by a dance group who has been on Chebeague for a week-long intensive dance program. The program consists of a new work created on Chebeague Island, integrating movement and technology. For more information contact Holly Rothschild at 846-4147 or checkout their website - click here.
June 17, 2013 - This Wednesday chebeague.net will have technicians on the island to update our equipment which means we may be down many hours as the work is being done. The work and down time will probably start around 9am. We will be sending out text messages when we start and then again when we are back on line. (click here to sign up) These changes will affect everyone including those who get their internet from the Rec Center and all other places.
An Island Craft Fair is being planned for Saturday, August 17. Island (or off-island) artists or crafters who would like a table are asked to contact Linda Carleton as soon as possible at lindacarleton01@gmail.com or 504-4628. Tables are $10 plus a donation for the Hall Raffle ($20 for stage or piano).
Bible Study at Island Commons TODAY 1pm with Pastor Mary Jane.
Join the WHALERS for their upcoming summer concert "See the USA!" They are doing two performances at the Island Hall -- this coming Sunday, June 23rd at 2:30 pm, and Friday, June 28th at 7:30 pm. The program features a great selection of songs to support a musical journey across the country! Refreshments will be served. Tickets available at the door: Adults $8; under 12 years $4.
Island Commons Resource Center 11th Annual Wine Tasting and Silent Auction Hosted by Chebeague Island Inn Sunday June 30th 2pm
Tickets $45 Please RSVP by Thursday June 20th
Thank you for supporting elder care on Chebeague
The opening day for the CRC pool has been changed to Saturday, June 22nd. We apologize for the delay but we need more time to get everything in tip top shape for our patrons.
June 16, 2013 - Photo great to see hard workers on Chedemption duty at Chandlers Pier, especially new young faces (thank you David Calthorpe!) and also: pictured Abby Julien, David Julien, Celia Whitehead, and Nancy Earnest; not pictured Laura Summa, Asa Julien, Dave Mudget and Bob Earnest.
Yesterday was the most wonderful celebration for Marianne and Frank Durgin's 60th Wedding Anniversary! The Hall was packed with family, friends and well wishers and thank you to Cathy MacNeill who photographed the event - click here to see.
Sometime this week we will be reconfiguring our internet equipment for our DSL subscribers and as a result everyone will have to turn the power off to their modems and then turn the power back on. We will try to use our text message application before it happens if we are able. If you haven't signed up for the text message service please go to chebeague.net and do so.
Memorial Service for Raymond Hamilton will be July 3rd at the Church at 11am followed by burial at the cemetery followed by luncheon at the Parish House.
Message from Jen at THE NIBLIC: Our summer hours are Monday – Saturday 7:30 am to 6:00 pm & Sundays 8:00 am to 3:00 pm. Check out our website (www.chebeagueislandboatyard.com & click on The Niblic) for daily specials and to have a sneak peek at what new things are arriving. Today we have Ham,Cheddar,w/ arugula sandwiches, 2 Alarm Chili, and Loaded Baked Potato Soup. Just got some lovely new wines in & ice cream should be arriving this week! Thanks in advance for stopping in!!
Congratulations to the Yarmouth Little League Championship Team, Pat’s Pizza! Winning yesterday’s game 8-7. Aaron Belesca (far right) & Braeden Rich (far left). Way to go guys!!. Click here to see the team!
Congratulations to Paul and Avis Hodge who received an award at the Art League Gallery in Alexandria Virginia - you can see all the pieces in the Tabletop Show click here.
June 15, 2013 - Photo of a turkey roosting in a tree next to the Commons with babies under her wings taken about 8pm on 06/15/13 (getting pretty dark and didn't want to disturb her). She was on a branch up in a tree. Click here to see her looking down at one of her chicks. Thank you to Lori Rich who first saw them and called me. (there are at least 9 chicks with her - 4 in front of her on the limb to her left, 3under left wing and 2 under right wing)
Message from Florence: I am going shopping for plants Monday morning (June17). If you would like something special or just need plants or special colors call 846-4986. I still have a few plants but I will have more Tuesday. Thank you ,Florence
Message from the CTC: Please let us know if you are planning any type of event on (or off) the island that will significantly impact our ridership on the ferry and bus. We want to plan our staffing of both the buses and the ferry to accommodate special occasions – if we know about them! Please call the office as far in advance of the event as possible and let us know if your event will result in travel of 20 or more individuals to (or from) the island. Thanks for your cooperation!!
INFORMATION BOARD ON LOCAL FOODS AND GARDENING The Chebeague Island Community Association has set up a discussion board where you can read, and post, articles and photos on topics of local food and gardening. The website is: chebeague.freeforums.net Please check it out, share any articles or photos of interest, and join the discussion!
The island Fourth of July Parade is right around the corner! This year's parade theme is Superheroes of Chebeague. What fun it will be to see past, present, or maybe even future Superheroes parade by! OR do you have a different spin on the theme? Start planning your float soon and join in on what is always a fun-filled day!
Chebeague's Pre-school News from the past week - click here.
June 14, 2013 - Photo by Polly after a tremendous amount of work on the Susan Hudson-Wilson Memorial Playground. Two truckloads of chips all spread and the cement all set.
Praying with Mandalas this week will focus the things we've been grateful for along our life's journey. Sunday, June 16, 4 - 5:30pm at the Parish Hall. $2 materials fee. Call Linda Carleton for more information: 504-4628.
On Wednesday Julie Mitchell Chaffee's house burned down and she and her family lost everything including their dog and many other animals. Julie lived on Chebeague and went to the Chebeague School with her sisters Jenny and Kayla. Article in the Kenebec Journal about the fire - click here. If you would like to contribute to help the family out click here.
A Falmouth 2nd grade class came to Chebeague yesterday -click here to read all about it.
Don't forget to come join us in celebrating the 2013 high school graduation of the Chebeague Island School's 5th grade class of 2006! Come share in the memories, music and BBQ for Ben Hillicoss, Tracy Calder, Chloe Dyer, James Weagle, Tyler Campbell, Julia Stefanilo, and Cassidy Jeffers. Tracy will be sharing her day with her mother in her Trek Across Maine, but friends and family are welcome to come out and help us celebrate for her! Sunday, June 16, 11 a.m.-whenever at the CIHCC. Questions? Call May Hall, 332-2368 or Cheryl Hillicoss, 233-6603.
June 13, 2013 - Chebeague School will be on Channel 8 news tonight.
Please join the Island Institute June 27th at the Hall for an Island Conversation with Island Institute president Rob Snyder and Heather Deese, vice president of strategic development. Click here for details!
Message from Mimi: We are finished with the supervised install, setting the ties and spreading the wood chips. The playground is ready for use after an astonishing amount of volunteers spent many hours assembling, raking, digging, cooking, mixing, you name it! We are making arrangements for removing the remaining debris in the near future. The piece with the purple slide will go to KP via Chebeague Sand as soon as we are able. Once we consult Bob Earnest and Celia on a good spot for the boat we will reassemble it in a sand pile as planned. We have a little work to do on getting the fitness circuit installed, just need to do some clearing and nail down placement so we can get all the appropriate approvals. CPA will be getting a bag of seed to get some grass growing on the topsoil spread over the field and septic tank. The town has trimmed the tree line and taken quite a bit out and is planning to remove the remaining branches soon. Please let me know if you have any questions!
June 12, 2013 - Photo of a rabbit taken down on the Hook Road the other day - he is covered with ticks.
We are having a Community Party!
Join us in celebrating the graduates of 2013
Ben Hillicoss
Cassidy Jeffers
Tyler Campbell
Julia Stefanilo
Chloe Dyer
James Weagle
Tracy Calder
Sunday June 16th 11:00 to 4:00
Chebeague Island Hall and Community Center
Calder's Clam Shack will be open Friday the 14th from 4-8pm and Saturday the 15th from 11:30- 8pm. We will be closed Sunday so the family can support Virginia while finishing the Trek Across Maine. Beginning June 19th we will begin opening wed -Sunday till July at which time we will open Tuesday -Sunday 11:30-8pm. Closing only on Mondays (and July 4th)... Sorry for any inconveniences.
Last I heard Virginia was about eleventh in all fundraising for the Trek Across Maine to benefit the Lung Association and I think she is the only member right now of Chebeague Biking Chicks. It is not too late to contribute to her ride - click here.
June 11, 2013 - The results of the election today are in and can be seen on the Town Website Mark Dyer and Susan Campbell won for the Selectmen seats and Carol White and Suzanne Rugh won for the School Committee.
CTC has lots of fun cruises planned for this summer! The first one is a lunch at Dolphin Marina next week. Sign up now, or miss out! And, don't miss the day cruise to Boothbay Harbor, Chefs of Chebeague, or the 60s - "Come as you were!" cruise. Join our neighbors on Long and Cliff for a bay tour. Want to see the Harpswell Lobster Boat Races? We can make it happen! Do you think that Chebeague is the only island in the town? Wrong! We will show you the islands of the Town of Chebeague. Have you ever explored the Royal River or the South Freeport harbor by water? You can with us! And of course, don't forget we can give you an exceptional view of the Portland fireworks aboard the Piper! Buy your tickets on the ferry or at our office at 8 Soule Road! For more information, visit our website, and sign up now.
Message from the CTC: As we told you in our January newsletter, CTC will begin issuing “Parking Violation Tickets” in both the Blanchard and Route One parking lots. Violations range from $10 (parking in handicapped or commuter spaces) to $100 (parking without a permit or parking ticket). Beginning 6/15, we will begin using a “Parking Violation Ticket”. This ticket will be placed on vehicles each day they are in violation and will indicate the nature of the violation. Violations will be reported to the CTC office and vehicle owners will be billed for outstanding fines.
A message from Jen: The Niblic is open! Today we have Shrimp & Corn Chowder, Chili, Turkey & Provolone w/ pesto mayo sandwiches, and lots of yummy baked goods. Our hours will be changing for the summer starting this Friday. We will be open 7:30am to 6:00pm Monday through Saturday and Sunday 8:00am to 3:30pm. We are closing still at 2pm this week still due to baseball schedules...almost made it through another season of Little League! Yay! Check out our website or like us on Facebook for current hours, daily specials, and to see what’s new. Thanks in advance for stopping by!
CRC's Camp Chebeague, Children's theater and Swim Lesson schedules are posted on our website, www.chebeaguerec.com. Sign up today to reserve your spot. And if all goes well, we will be opening the pool for the season on June 18th (the weather has really slowed things down!). We are still in need of some lifeguarding help in order to keep the pool open as much as possible. If you are certified or are interested in becoming certified, please give us a call, 846-5068.
CRC is also looking for some teen center leaders and volunteers. This program is a lot of fun, free and provides pre-teens and teens with a safe, chem-free place to go. Please contact the CRC office if you are interested in learning more about our teen center program.
June 10, 2013 - WOW!!!! What an amazing turnout this weekend to help us build the Susan Hudson-Wilson Memorial Playground. We had 45 builders, 12 children, 16 food contributors, 2 amazing cooks, some visitors to watch, and the best clean up crew. It was truly a community event. If you didn’t have a chance to stop by to help there is one FINAL chance left to help get this amazing playground useable for the kids. The safety chips are being brought tomorrow (Tuesday) and Wednesday, and will be arriving at 1:30 both days. Bring your rakes and raincoats and lets get this stuff raked so the kids can enjoy this playground before the end of the school year. Again, thank you to all who have already helped and to those of you willing to come help us Tuesday and Wednesday. Don’t forget to join us for the dedication on the 4th of July at the picnic.
Nostalgia Night is back at Chebeague Island Inn - now on Sundays from 5:30-9pm, beginning Sunday, June 16!
Please join Island Commons residents and Pastor Mary Jane for monthly Bible Study. Monday June 17th @ 1pm. All are welcome.
Congratulations to James Weagle (Eric's son and Tyler's brother) who graduated from Greely and also to Tyler Campbell who graduated from Yarmouth High School and is attending SMCC for one semester and transferring to Thomas college in Waterville.
Don't forget to vote tomorrow, Tuesday, between 8 am and 8 pm at the Hall for Selectmen and School Committee Members. There are four names on the ballot for two selectman seats and they are Susan Campbell, Mark Dyer, Pete Pellerin and Nelson David Stevens. There is one person on the ballot for two School Committee seats and that is Carol White and there are three write-in candidates that I know of and they are Suhail Bisharat, Nancy Hill and Suzanne Rugh.
The town has a road plan workshop on the 12th of June at 6pm at the hall. This is a great time to give input, suggestions and see what the committees have been working on for the roads of the island.
The bookcases for CRC's silent artist auction are here. Artists can stop by CRC and take their pick or give us a call and we can make a special delivery. Bookcase auction will begin on July 5th at CHEBEAGUE CHEBANG where we will have them on display at our tent. They will be on display again at our Quadathlon/Triathlon event as well as our Card Cruise/Lobster Bake on August 4th.
CRC is looking for fill in lifeguards this summer. If you have your certification and are willing to fill in from time to time please call the CRC office, 846-5068.
June 9, 2013 -CONGRATULATIONS to our students who graduated from Greely today from left to right Chloe Dyer who will be going to Case Western Reserve University to study nursing, Ben Hillicoss will be going to SMCC to study fire sciences and paramedicine, Tracy Calder to SMCC in liberal arts, Cassidy Jeffers to Endicott College to study business and math and Julia Stefanilo to SMCC to study Marine sciences.
Photo June 9, 2013 - What a crew for the assembly of the Susan Hudson-Wilson Memorial Playground! People were digging holes, putting items together, making cement, pouring cement, making food....There will be another group effort this Tuesday or Wednesday when the chips arrive!
I love it when birds look at me like I am crazy -click here to see a Great Crested Flycatcher taken on the East End. Click here for another shot.
Connie Fowler is at Seaside Nursing Home, 850 Baxter Blvd, Portland 04103, recovering from back surgery and we know she would love to get cards from the island.
Today there is visiting hours at Lindquist from 2 to 4 with a short prayer service at 3pm for Betsey Ross and the funeral service tomorrow, June 10th, at 11am at the Chebeague Methodist Church.
I have just added the 2013 Tennis Schedule to the website - click here.
June 8, 2013 - Photo The Town Meeting went from 9am till about 12:30 and all the Warrant Items passed. There were about 90 voting and lots of non voting citizens.
Message from the Chebeague Parents Association: The Community build has been changed to tomorrow Sunday June 9th. See you all there and pass it along please. BBQ and fun in the sun. We are hoping to have as many people who can help build, cheer on and help with this tremendous project.
Pre-K Newsletter from Nancy Earnest for last week - click here.
Today! TOWN MEETING - Chebeague Hall at 9 am! The election for Selectman and School Committee will be Tuesday from 8am to 8pm . There are 2 openings for selectman and four people have taken papers out, Susan Campbell, Mark Dyer, Pete Pellerin, and Dave Stevens. For School Committee there are two openings and only one person, Carol White took out papers. I have heard from Nancy Hill, Suhail Bisharat and Suzanne Rugh that they will be running as a write-in candidates for School Committee.
June 7, 2013 - "Praying with Mandalas" will focus on the many ways we ask for help and give you a chance to make a healing mandala. Sunday, June 9, 4-5:30pm at the Parish Hall. All are welcome! $2 materials fee. Contact Linda Carleton for more information: 504-4628.
"More than 40 people people attended the CICA-sponsored Candidates' Night at the Hall on Thursday evening. Four candidates (Susan Campbell, Mark Dyer, Pete Pellerin, and Dave Stevens) are running for two open Selectman positions; one candidate (Carol White) is running for one of the two open School Committee positions. Candidates responded frankly, thoughtfully, and humorously to questions about priorities, taxation & expenditure levels, adequacy of services provided, and the future of the island. Refreshments were served to accompany a very civil and interesting discourse. Voters can make themselves heard at the polls next Tuesday."
Message from Matt from the Slow Bell. Just wanted to let the town know that the satellite is up and the Bruins game will begin at 7. SEE the MENU.
Tomorrow morning is the Town Meeting at the Hall at 9am - see you all there!
June 6, 2013 - Calder's Clam Shack will be closed this Friday and Sunday due to Tracy's Graduation events.
Sorry for any inconveniences! WE will be OPEN on Saturday (June 8) 11:30 -8pm
A reminder that visiting hours for Betsey Ross will be this Sunday from 2-4 PM at Lindquist Funeral Home, One Mayberry Lane, Yarmouth. Those who wish may attend a short prayer service at 3 PM as part of the visiting hours. A funeral service will be held on Monday, June 10 at 11:00AM at the Chebeague Island United Methodist Church with burial immediately following.
Please welcome Carrie Ridgway as the new Kids Place Director AND preschool teacher. Carrie has completed the Extended Teacher Education Program through USM and is certified to teach K-8 general education as well as K-12 special education. She has experience working in a variety of settings including Montessori and in Ecuador!! Please feel free to stop in and meet Carrie on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
The Camp Chebeague schedule is coming together. Check out our website, www.chebeaguerec.com, and click on the camp chebeague link for details. Our summer theater program is also set. Click on the summer theater link for information.
TONIGHT - Candidates Night sponsored by CICA -7pm at the Hall. This is a great chance to hear our Selectmen and School Committee candidates. There will be refreshments as well.
Tomorrow, June 4th, School Committee Meeting at the school - see agenda.
CRC has a lifeguarding position open for this summer. If you are interested in working at the pool this summer, please call the CRC office to apply.
The brand new, not even paid for SLOW signs and cones have been run over and disassembled. Deb found 3 out of the 4 components and put them back. The Library purchased new ones to keep the visual reminder to drive slowly through the center of town.
The Chebeague Island AA Group will meet on Saturday mornings at 8 a.m. at the church Parsonage starting June 15 – Labor Day weekend. Click here for more information.
If you receive your internet wirelessly from the Boatyard then you may be experiencing temporary outages. David and I are trying to resolve this issue and will be working on it again today so you may have to reboot again.
June 2, 2013 - On Sundays in June, Pastor Mary Jane will be offering a sermon series on peace (to coordinate with this month's focus at the library on peacemakers). This Sunday, June 2, the topic will be "Shalom: A Biblical Vision of Peace." Additional topics include "War, Peace and Non-Violence" (June 9); "Shalom in the Home" (June 16 - Father's Day); and "Forgiveness as a Path to Peace" (June 23). On Sunday, June 30, there will be a special worship service designed for children. Everyone is invited - if you don't have children or grandchildren, just bring the child inside you. Worship begins at 10:00 a.m.
Message from the CPA: Hi all, just a note to talk about the building of the playground. The date and times are as follows. Friday, June 7th, the representative and 2 of his men are coming to set the 4 big / major pieces as well as organize the rest of the pieces for the weekend volunteers.
Saturday June 8th will be the first day for all available and willing to meet at the playground to build it with guidance from our playground expert. To begin after the town meeting.
Sunday June 9th will be the final day for the build. Finishing up and wrapping up.
We are going to have a BBQ for the Sat and Sun part of the build. If anyone is interested in baking, cooking, or side dishes for this please send me an email, pkwentworth@chebeague.net or call 233-8382. I know there will be people unable to attended this wonderful memorial playground build, please consider baking :)
If you can think of anyone else that didn't get this but may want to be a part of this please, please pass it along. If you are interested in the building part, contact John Wilson occams81@yahoo.com. Thank you for helping in what is sure to be a great weekend!
June 1, 2013 - Photo American Oyster Catchers at the Hook, June 1, 2013. Click here to see them fly off. This is a new bird for me and I hope to see them again. They are about 17 1/2" tall with a wingspan of 32". I went to the hook bar looking for Red Knots but didn't see any. I did get photos of Black-bellied Plovers, Dowitchers and Ruddy Turnstones which can all be see in this photo from back to front. Click here to see a few Black-bellied Plovers.
From the school's 3rd and 4th grade field trip: 97 degrees today in Boston! They were all great walking the Freedom Trail and doing USS Constitution tour today. Yesterday we did Plymouth Plantation. Cannon photo from Plantation, anchor from Ironsides and water fun to cool off at the end of today. Click here for photos!
CORRECTION: Island Commons Resource Center Annual Yard Sale will be SATURDAY AUGUST 3rd (Calendar ad says Saturday August 4th!) Sorry for the mix up!
Praying with Mandalas begins this Sunday, June 2, at the UMC Parish Hall, 4-5:30 and continue for four weeks. It will explore how we pray by combining Anne LaMott's "Help. Thanks. Wow!" with different forms of mandala meditation. All are welcome!! Contact Linda Carleton 207-504-4628. Suggested donation to cover cost of book and materials: $20.
Yoga with BJ is meeting at the Hall on Monday and Friday mornings, 7-8am. Fee is $10/wk. or $7 drop-in. Yoga mats and blocks are available at the Hall or bring your own.
Community Meditation Tuesday evenings, 7:30pm with crystal bowl healing vibrations and Saturday mornings at 8:30am. Contact Linda Carleton to confirm location on any given week. 207-504-4628
The Blanchard lot right of way will be reduced to a single lane on 5/31 and 6/3 due to road work. You will be able to get in and out, but expect congestion with a single lane. Thanks for your understanding!
May 31, 2013 - When you start a walk over to Little Chebeague you should always check the tides. As I was walking over Memorial Day I saw lots of groups of female Eider Ducks with their ducklings and a few times the Black Backed Gulls would try to separate the young. When I got to Little Chebeague I heard some bird sounds I tried to find and by the time I turned around to go back it was too late! Fortunately I had a husband who, after the boat floated was able to come and get me but in the meantime I got lots of photos including a male American Redstart, a female American Redstart, a Yellow Warbler flying right at me, an Eastern Phoebe looking at me and wondering why I was sitting on the rocks and another shot from the side. Even though I had a great time I really did not want to be stuck there for six hours.
CTC has moved to 8 Soule Road, at the corner of Soule Road and South Road. Our new home (owned by Steve and Bev Johnson) provides much needed additional space. Many thanks to Gloria and Bob Brown for providing great office space to CTC for many years! Our office is closed on 5/31 and 6/3. We will reopen on 6/4 with normal business hours: Mon-Friday, 9am-4pm. Drop by for a visit!
May 30, 2013 - Last Memorial Day I I recently added to the People page that Trudy Ross passed away on March 24th.
Jim Thresher took this photo of an American Goldfinch the other day and his comment was: ... on my feeder!!!!!!! No wonder they always come back!!!!!!!
Congratulations to the Chebeague Island Running team. We participated in a running meet at Twin Brooks last week against Cape Elizabeth, Scarborough, Falmouth and Cumberland. In the 1/2 mile race Caleb Todd placed 17th, Cooper Israel placed 19th and Riley Beaupre placed 20th out of 48 runners. In the 3/4 mile race Zackary Rich placed 1st, Sumner Rugh placed 12th, Henry Hall 15th, Wyatt Englund 17th and Cameron Todd 20th out of 41 runners. I will be getting the results from yesterday's meet soon!
Last year, CRC purchased some new bose speakers and they just recently disappeared. It's possible that someone borrowed or moved them but we haven't been able to locate them. Please call CRC, 846-5068, if you know where they might be.
Memorial Service for Kathleen Atkinson, today, resident of the Island Commons, 4:30 to 5:30 pm. at the Chebeague United Methodist Church.
May 27, 2013 -. There will be a Memorial Service for Kathleen Atkinson, resident of the Island Commons, on May 30th, Thursday, 4:30 to 5:30 pm. at the Chebeague United Methodist Church
Last weeks Pre-School - click here!
Message from Florence: I am going over to pick up more plants tomorrow (May 28) so if you need something special call 846-4986 or my cell phone 956-3132. I want to thank you for making this the best year so far selling plants even in the rain. We are very small at Island Riches but we try very hard to get what you want or need. Now the fun(rain) days have gone I will be working on the shop and hope to open soon but drop in the door is open. THANK YOU, Florence.
Today, Memorial Day Service, 1pm at the church.
Second Wind Farm is now up and running and open for the season. New this year is an extensive collection of seedlings. There are many varieties of vegetables, herbs, and flowers, all grown in the greenhouse and all waiting for you in the greenhouse. There are hanging baskets, and by midweek, fairy house kits will be available to enjoy completing with your children. if you like sunflowers, there are many types waiting to find a home. The farm tries to use only Maine or home-grown products. The majority of seeds came from Johnny's Seeds in Auburn. The compost and potting soil they were grown in were made at the farm. Although it is not yet certified as an organic farm, it adheres to the principles of organic farming. Please support the farm. As the only working farm on the island, it is meant to be a resource for everyone. Come see what is new. Watch the piglets grow. Pat the sheep. Adopt a plant. Submit an idea for ways to make the farm better.
May 26, 2013 - Photo a seal pup taken with a telephoto lens by one of the islanders of a seal pup who appears to be abandoned by his mother but probably she is out getting nourishment and will be back to take care of him. Remember not to go near any of these little guys who are just waiting patiently for their mother's return. Call Pam P. 846-3215. See the article which tells why you should wait to see.
Congratulations to Arianna Stefanilo who graduated from the Culinary School of Southern Maine Community College. She will be continuing her education in Lodging and Restaurant Management . Last year the island enjoyed the wonders of her culinary experience at a fundraiser that helped her go to Austria where she had the experience of a lifetime. She took many photos which you may see - click here. She is so appreciative of the support she received and wishes to thank everyone and will be having a slide show of her trip in the near future!
If you have lost keys on a lanyard, they were found in front of the Clam Shack and they are holding them there for you - 846-5046.
May 25, 2013 - Island Commons Bake and Plant Sale 10:30-12:30 Saturday has been moved to the HALL - delightful, wonderful food and great plants!!!!
Don't forget this weekend: Island Commons Bake and Plant Sale 10:30-12:30 Saturday; CRC's Teen Center coffee and pie social with live entertainment 6 to 9 PMat the Hall; 3rd and 4th grade CAR WASH, Monday 10-1; MEMORIAL SERVICE, Monday, 1pm at the Church.
At some point this weekend in the afternoon the internet service for those that have wireless from the Boat Yard Antenna will be down for a few hours while we make some changes on the equipment. If you go to chebeague.net you can sign up for text message service when we have these types of interuptions.
May 24, 2013 - Message from Jen at The Niblic: Happy Memorial Day Weekend everyone! The Niblic will be open this weekend Fri, Sat, & Sun 7:30am until 2pm. Check out our Facebook Page for our daily soup & sandwich specials or give us a call...846-1015. Unfortunately or Fortunately, depending on how you look at things, it will be a very good chowder weekend. And lots of new things (pottery, jewelry, gifts, etc.) coming through the door daily...very exciting. Hope you can stop by!!
Calder's Clam Shack is opening today, May 24th at 4:00pm -8pm and Saturday and Sunday 11:30-8pm. We will have Crab meat for Friday and Lobster rolls on Saturday and Sunday or untill it runs out.Attached is the Menu. Please watch signs for the full schedule for the month of June as there will be weekends w/ odd schedules due to Tracy's Graduation and Me doing the Trek Across Maine... Hope to see as many as can this weekend. See menu
The Calder's
CAR WASH POSTPONED TO MONDAY! Due to the rain forecast for tomorrow, the car wash has been postponed to Monday, MEMORIAL DAY, from 10:00 – 1:00 at the firehouse. The Chebeague Island School 3rd and 4th graders are raising money for a field trip to Boston. Get your car all clean for summer and support the students!
There will be a Memorial Day Service at the church at 1pm.
Come to the hall on May 25th for some fun. Start the night at 6 PM at CRC's Teen Center coffee and pie social with live entertainment until 9 PM…then join us (or stay with us after you've filled up with pie) for more live music and dancing with many of Chebeague's talented musicians! Admission donations at the door. All proceeds benefit CRC.
The Town Office will be closed on Monday, May 27, 2013 in observance of Memorial day.
Message from the Slow Bell: The Slow Bell will be open for dinner and drinks this Friday and Sunday, food 6-10, bar 6-close. We will be serving buffalo wings, burgers, and grilled sausage with onions and peppers, also sides of fries, potato salad, and slaw. Thank you. We are glad to open our doors for the season!
Last weeks Pre-K School News - click here!
May 22, 2013 - Island Commons Bake and Plant Sale 10:30-12:30 Saturday at Binkie and Lynne’s yard. Stock up on plants for your garden and bakes goods for your pantries!
The Susan Hudson-Wilson memorial playground was delivered on May 14th - click here to see the volunteers work!
Last weekend I took lots of photos of some of the birds we saw over a couple of hours down at division point. I think Tony Gorody and I saw over 30 different species, click here to see a few of them.
May 21, 2013 - The Historical Society has an opening for summer employment at the Museum. If you are interested please apply ASAP. Applications will close when a suitable candidate is found. See attached for details.
After our latest emergency Internet outage, chebeague.net decided to take a page from CTC's playbook and offer text message alerts to our customers so that when we have interruptions due to emergencies or scheduled maintenance, we can keep people informed. If you would like to know about when interruptions to service are expected and receive status reports regarding when service might be restored, please visit www.chebeague.net , fill out a short form, and we will send you text alerts that you will receive on your cell phone.
This weekend Secondwind Farm will begin selling a variety of plants grown in the greenhouse. There will be geraniums in three colors, and Million Bells (calibrochoa) in two colors, as well as other annual flowers. There will also be a selection of vegetable plants and herbs for your home gardens as well as compost, seaweed and liquid fish fertilizer.
May 20, 2013 - Come join us this Saturday evening, 6-9 pm, for the Coffee House and Pie Social at the Island Hall! Enjoy a good cup of coffee, your favorite pie and music and performances from some of your favorite island artists. $5 gets you in the door and a bottomless cup of coffee. Pie (many varieties) is $2 a slice. Choose from blueberry, rhubarb, chocolate, apple, pumpkin and many more! To benefit Teen Center. There is still time to sign up to perform or help out! Call May Hall 332-2368 or Cheryl Hillicoss 846-3605
This is the last week for the Mixed Bag fundraiser. The 3rd and 4th graders are raising money for their trip to Boston! Please help support them by making a purchase from the MIXED BAG catalog, you may have noticed the catalogs on the boat, at the store or at the library. If you are not on island you can shop online at www.mixedbagdesigns.com and add our fundraiser ID# 193896. Although we earn 50% if we place the order (and we get free shipping) we earn 40% for on-line orders which is still a big help! Every little bit counts. The kids will also be doing a car wash Saturday May 25th! That will be the last day to place Mixed Bag orders as well.
May 18, 2013 - CRC's spring clean up is happening this Sunday from 2-5pm. Come help us make the grounds look great for the 2013 summer season.
Don't forget that tonight at 5:30 pm there is a Church Supper at the Parish House to welcome home the islanders who participated in the Guatemala mission trip last month. There will be a delicious dinner, a brief slide show, and a chance to ask questions. There will also be many, many, beautiful Guatemalan handcrafts for sale.
May 17, 2013 - Photo of a Scarlet Tanager taken today, Friday, May 17th down at Division while birding with Tony Gorody. Click here for another with a bug in his beak.
School Committee Meeting next Tuesday, May 21, at 6pm at the school see agenda.
Please take a moment to check out the Garden Corner bulletin board, just to the right of the health center door! Gardening resources, upcoming events, and a community seed share will all be there. Feel free to post any garden-related notices of your own!
Chebeague Farm Dollars: Support island agriculture and get fresh veggies anytime with Farm Dollars in your pocket! For only $25 received a booklet of $2 vouchers to be spent at Second Wind or Lone Goat farms (worth $26!). Being sold May and June at the library, or by contacting Celia Whitehead at 504-6922.
May 16, 2013 - Congratulations to Nate Martin who graduated last weekend from Saint Joseph's College of Maine with Bachelors degree in business administration. Major: Business and Sport Management.
Congratulations to Virginia Calder who graduated last weekend from Saint Joseph's College of Maine with a Bachelors of Science in Adult Education/Training. Virginia is also doing the 180 mile American Lung Association Trek across Maine June 14th-16 - click here to learn more and contribute.
Congratulations to our Chebeague Island running team. Here are photos and results from our meet in Yarmouth on 5/15/13. Wish them luck in their next meet in Cumberland on Wednesday, May 22nd!! Click here for a few photos.
1/2 mile- 12th place-Caleb Todd
15th place-Cooper Israel
3/4 mile-1st place-Zack Rich
8th place-Sumner Rugh
10th place-Henry Hall
11th Place-Wyatt Englund
16th Place-Cameron Todd
The Historical Society has an opening for summer employment at the Museum. If you are interested please apply ASAP. Applications will close when a suitable candidate is found. See attached for details.
Betsy Ross has had a serious stroke and is at Maine Medical Center, 22 Bramhall St Portland, ME 04102.
Congratulations to Genny Dyer who has won a U.S. Department of State NSLI-Y Scholarship to Study Language Abroad (Chinese) - click here to read all about it.
Note from the CPA.... Yesterday we were reminded of the many reasons we live on Chebeague. The Susan Hudson-Wilson memorial playground was delivered yesterday. With the help of 15 unloaders this task, that would have taken 2-3 hours, only took 40 min. The looks on the children's faces, as it was being stacked into a large pile next to the school, was priceless. A big thank you to ALL that were involved. Stay tuned for information about when we will put it all together.
The TAXI is back in business now! 207-846-TOUR (207-846-8687)
Island Commons Bake and Plant Sale Saturday May 25th 10:30-12:30 at Binkie and Lynne’s. Stock up on plants and pies ~ Cookies, coffee cakes and more!~ Lots of perennials to spruce up your garden. Thank you for supporting Island Commons.
May 14, 2013 - Message from the Niblic: The Niblic will open tomorrow (softly) at 7:30 am. Please stop in for a free cup of coffee. We will have fresh baked goods from the kitchen, haddock chowder & sandwiches for lunch. Our hours this week will be Wed – Sat 7:30 am to 2 pm. Please stop by and say hello. We look forward to things being in full swing in a few more weeks. ~Jen
From the Methodist Church: Please join us this Saturday, May 18th at 5:30 pm for a Church Supper at the Parish House to welcome home the islanders who participated in the Guatemala mission trip last month. There will be a delicious dinner, a brief slide show, and a chance to ask questions. There will also be many, many, beautiful Guatemalan handcrafts for sale.
CRC's spring clean up is Sunday, May 19th from 2-5 PM. Bring your gloves, shovels, rakes and friends and help us get the CRC and KP grounds looking great for the 2013 summer season.
Message from Florence: The plants I had are just about gone so I am going over to get a very large amount of all different kinds of plants. If there is something special you would like please call (846-4986). I will be picking up geraniums so if you need a large number of them or special color let me know and I can have them shipped here well before memorial day. Thanks, Florence
May 13, 2013 - Message from Jaye Winkel about the TAXI - The taxi will be up and running again by this coming Friday. Our phone number will be the same but it's not up yet... here is my cell number for now? 207-604-0258.
Last weeks Pre-K school news - click here.
May 12, 2013 - Photo of the Longtail duck May 12th just before he left the area for the summer. Click here to see the male and female and click here to see a headon.
We are very happy to let everyone know that chebeague.net is back up and running! It turns out it wasn't an equipment problem, it was a denial of service attack, meaning that nasty people were trying to gain access to our network and the attacks overloaded the system. Our distant guru figured out the problem and we reset the passwords to thwart future exploits. This wasn't an easy fix and we spent many hours in Sam Ballard's closet (don't ask!) troubleshooting the problem. We're just glad that it's resolved and we want to thank all our customers who cheered us on and wished us good luck as they patiently awaited the return of service. (I have to also say that I was gone for most of the time while David was out till 10:30 last night and then all day today - I only returned on the 3 boat to watch the work being done for the last few hours - but I did answer a lot of calls) We still want people to know if and when the DSL goes out and they have tried rebooting twice to call us and let us know - this was, I hope, a very unusual situation.
We're sorry to report that chebeague.net has had a serious system malfunction and is completely down. We've been working late into the night all this Mothers Day weekend to resolve the problem, but it may involve equipment failure, which means it may be down for another day or two as we ship in new components and configure them. We apologize for the inconvenience and wish to thank those customers who understand our plight and are patiently waiting for service to be restored. In the meantime, wireless service is available outside of the Library and, of course, inside during normal Library hours.
May 11, 2013 - Message from chebeague.net: Today, Saturday we will be rebooting the internet system and it may mean that you will have to unplug your modems and turn them back on if you don't get the internet (don't press the reset button).
Island Commons Spring Clean-up is today - COME EARLY to try and beat the rain - Some people are meeting at 8.
May 7, 2013 - The 3rd and 4th graders are raising money for their trip to Boston! Please help support them by making a purchase from the MIXED BAG catalog, you may have noticed the catalogs on the boat, at the store or at the library. If you are not on island you can shop online at www.mixedbagdesigns.com and add our fundraiser ID# 193896. Although we earn 50% if we place the order (and we get free shipping) we earn 40% for on-line orders which is still a big help! Every little bit counts. The kids will also be doing a car wash Saturday May 25th! That will be the last day to place Mixed Bag orders as well.
If you have any questions call Sam Birkett 846-4467. Thanks in advance for your support!
Last weeks Pre-school Newsletter - click here.
Don't forget tomorrow, Wednesday is Soup at the Hall noon and coffee in the morning. Tomorrow's soup is a smorgasborg (a few different kinds).
May 6, 2013 - Tuesday, May 7 is the CIS Spring Fling (formerly Arts Night) and is scheduled as
follows: at the CIC Hall Doors Open at 5:00 PM Check out Student art work Show Starts at 5:30 PM.
The School Committee meeting will begin immediately following the activity until 7:45 PM. - click here for agenda.
Join Island Commons resident Lee Orme this Wednesday May 8th create artwork out of recycled books! 10:30 at IC. Some books will be provided or bring your own!
Spring Clean-up and BBQ Saturday May 11th 10-1 Come join the fun! Bring your garden gloves, rakes and shovels and your appetite!
Join us at CRC on May 19th and help make the CRC/KP grounds look great for the summer season. We will be having our spring clean up from 2-5 PM that day and need all the help we can get. Bring your gloves, rakes and friends and have some fun with us at CRC!
Town Meeting is Saturday, June 8, 2013 8am and Municipal Election, Tuesday, June 11, 2013 from 8 am to 8 pm. at the Island Hall - click here for more details.
Message from Florence Rich: "Wednesday May 8th I will be going over to pick up plants and special orders. If you want reg. plants, something different or a large amount just give me a call. Don't forget special colors. (846-4986).Thank you, Florence Island Riches"
This message should have been for May 5th and the update went fine yesterday. Chebeague.net will be down for a few minutes tonight and as a result you will probably have to shut your modems down and then restart them. Absolutely do not press the reset button.
May 5, 2013 - Message from chebeague.net: We were updating our equipment today and had problems with one component that affected about 20 people. We are sorry that we didn't know ahead of time that this would happen. Please remember that when the Internet is down DO NOT press the reset button on the back that has a red circle around it and requires a paper clip or pen to press. This will make it inoperable on our system and it will have to be rebuilt. Just shut the power off and then after a few minutes turn it back on and wait several minutes, if it doesn't work try one more time and then call us. Thank you, Bev and David.
Join us for the following upcoming events at Island Commons:
Fold a Book Wednesday May 8th Join IC Resident Lee Orme create works of art out of recycled books 10:30 am please contact Sarah at smckinnon@chebeague.net or 846-5610 if you are interested in joining us!
Saturday May 11 Spring Clean up and BBQ at Island Commons 10-1pm bring your friends, family, garden gloves and rakes!
Bake and Plant Sale Saturday May 25th 10:30-12:30 at Binkie and Lynne’s.
Tom Groening, Editor, of the Working Waterfront is looking for student journalists for their annual summer Student Journalism Program - deadline for applying is June 1st - please click here to learn more. This is a wonderful opportunity for students to be mentored by professionals and be noticed in the publications of the Island Institute.
Click here for a message from Ruth Hamilton's children to the community.
May 3, 2013 - This website was down for a while this morning because of a power problem at the library. Power has been temporarily restored and will be worked on between 4pm and 7pm at which time this website will not be available. Note that this has absolutely no affect on chebeague.net's internet service around the island.
May 2, 2013 - I have created a video that shows how the DSL service that chebeague.net provides works and why we are adding a fiber cable from the west end to the DSL connection boxes by the Clam Shack. We will not be asking the town to fund this infrastructure project.
CICA is sponsoring a candidates night Thursday, June 6th at 7pm at the Hall. This is a great chance to hear our Selectmen and School Committee candidates. There will be refreshments as well.
The Museum is bidding on a photo post card of the old brick church before it was converted into a cottage. It is the only photo we have ever seen before it was modified. If you refrain from bidding and want a copy we'll have one made for you! Just call the Museum.
Congratulations to the Chebeague Island School, Yarmouth Schools, Cumberland/North Yarmouth Schools who all got an A with the latest state's school grading.
May 1, 2013 - Photo of a Broad-winged Hawk taken across from the Commons today. There have been a lot of these guys around the island these days. There has been one around the school and another around the church. Click here for a photo on the wires and click here just before he flew off.
Today's soup at the Hall is Chicken Tortilla. They are also open for coffee.
NOTE: To chebeague.net customers who use automatic bill paying. Please be aware of two changes. First, on season prices take effect May 1 and second, if you are now receiving DSL Level Two or Three, your bill is going to be higher. Please adjust your bill paying to reflect these changes, if necessary.
Wednesday night, May 1st, at 6pm the DMR will be on Chebeague at the Hall to discuss the condition of the Clam Flats and conservation efforts and predator control. This should be very interesting and the public is encouraged to attend.
April 28, 2013 - Photo a couple of Greater Yellowlegs taken on 4/28/13 at the Stone Pier. You can't mis sseeing and hearing them as you are getting on and off the boat at certain tides. Click here for another photo of one.
DO YOU NEED A WELL DRILLED? We know of two interested parties at this time. We'll plan to talk with 2 different well drillers for proposals, for work to be performed mid to late summer. If you're interested, please contact Bob at 207 846 0924.
Last week the Chebeague Fire Department helped with a control burn on Little Chebeague Island - see photos.
Chebeague Pre-K School News for last week - click here.
April 26, 2013 - Don't forget tonight Pizza 5:30 to 6pm followed by entertainment at the Hall - $10 per person or $20 per family.
PLEASE NOTICE: The culvert on South Road near the Tennis Court will be replaced on Thursday, May 2, 2013. Travelers are encouraged to avoid the area completely and commuters are encouraged to plan ahead please. To view the full Public Notice please CLICK HERE.
The Museum is currently bidding on 3 aerial views of the East End. These postcards are a good quality to reproduce. If you really want them continue to bid. If you would be happy with a reproduction the Museum will have one made for you free of charge in we are the winners. Contact the Museum for more information. chebeaguehistory@gmail.com.
Mac Hulburt has had a serious stroke and is in a Rehabilitation Center in Falmouth, MA and Joan Hulburt is now in an assisted living in Harwich, MA and if you wish to send a note, send to Royal Assisted Living, 328 Bank Street, Harwich, MA 02645.
April 25, 2013 - TOMMOROW NIGHT: Friday night April 26th the 3rd and 4th graders are having a Talent Show to raise money for their end of the year trip to Boston. They are hoping to get community members to share their talents and make this a fun night for all! Laura Summa and Althea will be in the kitchen making PIZZA for everyone. Pizza will be served from 5:30-6:30 and the entertainment will follow! The cost will be $10 per person or $20 per family.
Please call Sam Birkett @ 846-4467 to reserve your place in the spotlight!
Message from Florence Rich: Hi, What a beautiful day today. This weather is just what makes one think of getting out and making things beautiful. I will be taking orders for geraniums and some early plants (I love picking them out) Also I will be getting some vegetables and special plants. Please call me (207 846-4986) if you want a large amount or something special or just to make sure you get them in time for Memorial day. This is the best time of the year for me, I love to see everyone coming out and making things anew and I am looking forward to seeing everyone.
Thank you, Florence ISLAND RICHES
April 23, 2013 - Preschool Newsletter for the last few weeks is now online - click here to see.
The soup for tomorrow is Cabbage Borsht at the Hall at Noon - There is also coffee in the morning.
Michael Porter has updated his blog and it starts with a beautiful Culebra Sunset you won't want to miss - click here.
Secondwind Farm has opened the farm stand for the 2013 season with items for your home gardens. There are bags of beautiful, farm-made compost as well as aging, bagged seaweed (gardens love it!) Coming later this week will be liquid fish fertilizer which is a great and natural nitrogen source to enrich your soil now and to use throughout the growing season for flowers and vegetables alike. Starting Memorial Day Weekend, we will start selling beautiful annuals that have been growing in the greenhouse - red, pink, and white geraniums and pink and purple calibrochoa, commonly known as Million Bells. New this year, we will also have many starter vegetable plants from the greenhouse for your home gardens as well. There will be many varieties of tomatoes, peppers, cukes, squash, herbs and more by the end of May, and many of them are organic. Consider stocking up on-island for your hard to lug gardening supplies. Thanks for your support!
April 22, 2013 - Photo of a Green-winged Teal, taken at Sanford's Pond 4/22/13. A first for me and I am adding it to the bird list. Click here to see it along side a Mallard. Click here to see the female from a distance. They didn't hang around long.
Wednesday, April 24, is a Selectmens budget workshop starting at 5:30 at the Hall with the Cemetery Committee followed by the Capital Improvements Committee. Chebeague.net will be presenting a request to have the citizens of the town vote on a fiber optic cable link to improve internet service to the island.
Click here to see a map from Ron Tozier showing where clamming is legal and information about the size of clams.
Tie-up permits and Boat Stickers are available at the Town Office - see flyer.
April 21, 2013 - This Tuesday, April 23, the School Committee meeting is at 6pm at the School - see agenda.
Saturday - April 27th - 7:00pm at the Parish House: Chebeague Island Historical Society presents Nate Conroy - See Flyer
"Conquering El Monstruo - tales of a First Ascent in Chilean Patagonia". This year Nate completed a first ascent of El Monstruo, a massive granite mountain in Chilean Patagonia. This achievement began as a dream 4 years ago. It required three years of effort - building trails into unexplored valleys, hauling hundreds of pounds of gear and provisions across difficult terrain, assembling a variety of team members. In the end, Nate has built trails that the international climbing and trekking communities have already begun to enjoy, and set a 1630 meter (over 5300 foot) route up the granite face. We believe it is one of the longest moderate climbs in the world.
April 16, 2013 - Photo by Sam Birkett of Sunrise after the Storm taken 4/16/13.
The Hall's Community Luncheon on Wednesday will be our last for the season and will offer a choice of meat, meatless or chicken lasagna. Please remember that our Wednesday morning coffee and soup for lunch will continue thru May 15.
April 14, 2013 - Virginia Calder will be doing the Trek Across Maine three day Bike Ride across Maine to raise money for Lung Disease. This is a fabulous event and most of the money raised goes right to the Lung Association to fight lung disease. If you recall I did it for six years back in the 80s and early 90's. Please visit her web site by clicking here.
Public Notice: Notice is hereby given that the Chebeague Island Board of Adjustment and Appeals will hold a public hearing on Tuesday April 16, 2012 at 7:00 P.M. at the Rec. Center, Chebeague Island, ME. The hearing is on a special exception for businesses in the residential zone. The applicant is Beverly and Stephen Johnson who is applying to have a house being used as an office by the Chebeague Transportation Company at 8 Soule Road Chebeague Island Me. (I04-72).
Public Notice: Public hearing by the Planning Board at the Hall on Thursday April 18, 2013 for a site plan application by Beverly Johnson to use the 8 Soule Road house as an office for CTC.
April 10, 2013 - Congratulations to Cyrus McLean who has won second prize in the Terry Plunkett Maine Poetry Festival, the state's largest annual poetry event. He has also been invited to participate in the poetry-writing sessions of the Young Writers' conference at Champlain College in Vermont this May. Cyrus is a sophomore at Yarmouth High School.
Public Notice:
Position Available: The Town of Chebeague Island is hiring for the position of Office Assistant / Deputy Clerk. The job description is available at our website www.townofchebeagueisland.org. Please submit a cover letter and resume (including three references) to Eric Dyer at the address listed below no later than Friday, April 26th at 4:00 pm. Email submissions will be accepted at townadmin@chebeague.net.
Town of Chebeague Island,
192 North Rd.
Chebeague Island, ME 04017
April 8, 2013 - Yesterday we started to experience internet problems with the T1 line (Not the DSL) that goes to the Recreation Center. People have been experiencing ups and downs as far as getting the net. If you are on the Rec lines you may or may not be seeing this message but we wanted to get the word out that GWI has pulled a trouble ticket on the line and Fairpoint will be out tomorrow morning to see what they can do. Thank you for your patience and sorry for the inconvenience.
The Selectmen's meeting is this Wednesday at the Hall at 6pm and will include a budget discussion with the School Committee - see agenda.
April 7, 2013 - Photo on 4/7 of a Golden-crowned Kinglet that was flitting around the East End Wetlands (across from the Morse House) -click here to see another view. It is amazing how they blend and match with the budding trees. Also there were a number of Red-winged blackbirds I think trying to get a mate by how they were acting - click here for one and click here for another view.
The Niblic has a job opening available - click here .
The soup for CIHCC Wednesday will be Cauliflower Cheese, prepared by Wanda Buczynski.
Friday night April 26th the 3rd and 4th graders are having a Talent Show to raise money for their end of the year trip to Boston. They are hoping to get community members to share their talents and make this a fun night for all! Laura Summa and Althea will be in the kitchen making PIZZA for everyone. Pizza will be served from 5:30-6:30 and the entertainment will follow! The cost will be $10 per person or $20 per family.
Please call Sam Birkett @ 846-4467 to reserve your place in the spotlight!
April 6, 2013 - Photo on 4/6 of the Great Blue Heron who is finally back at the Golf Course pond along with a couple of mallards who have been there all week. Click here for another view of him. There were also three Kildeers hanging around click here to see.
Another Chloe Dyer article in the Working Waterfront all about the Alice in Wonderland Party a few weeks back - click here to see.
TODAY from 9am to 11:30am at the Hall. is the Annual USM Health Screening Day- Get your Blood Pressure Checked as well as your cholesterol and glucose. Get a tetanus/pertussis booster.
It's FREE & you can enjoy some of Mac & Beth's donuts.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Cookie Reed, Donna Damon, Malcolm Rice, Barbara Ross Caldwell
April 4, 2013 - Luke Rothschild has just launched a new website as a composer for film and television. Click here to go to it and check out his fabulous music.
There are two openings for Selectman and two for School Committee and papers are due back by April 25, 2013 if you are thinking about running for one of these positions. Up for re-election are Mark Dyer and Mary Holt and Jerry Wiles and Carol White and not sure if any of them have taken out papers yet.
Message from Pastor Mary Jane: WHY? A video based discussion group with this title will begin on Sunday, April 7th and continue every Sunday in April. It will be held at the Parish House at 4:00 and everyone is welcome. WHY? seeks answers to some of life's most troublesome questions, such as: where is God when bad things happen? why doesn't God answer my prayers? how can I know God's will for my life? For more information, call Pastor Mary Jane at 604-7841.
April 3, 2013 - Time for Donuts & Nurses: The Annual USM Health Screening Day is Saturday 6th April from 9am to 11:30am at the Hall. Get your Blood Pressure Checked as well as your cholesterol and glucose. Get a tetanus/pertussis booster. It's FREE & you can enjoy some of Mac & Beth's donuts.
CRC is looking for a swim lesson instructor and life guards for the summer months. If you are interested in either of these positions please fill out an employment application and return to the CRC office. Applications are on our website at www.chebeaguerec.com. Click on the employment opportunities link on the left of the home page.
April 2, 2013 - Tomorrow Soup tomorrow at the Hall will be Austrian Green Bean by Kelley Locary!
Please note that the 11th Annual Wine Tasting and Silent Auction, a benefit for Island Commons Resource Center, date has changed, it will be June 30th hosted by Chebeague Island Inn.
April 1, 2013 - Photo of a rainbow over bangs taken by David Stevens on April 1. Click here to see the same rainbow and a dog taken by Bob Earnest.
Chebeague Chebang (Friday, July 5) is a non-profit this year, and all proceeds will be going to the Rec Center. New this year is incorporating of a crafts fair on the upper lawn. The Inn is reaching out to local artisians, artists and craftspeople about showcasing and selling their work at the Chebang. Click here for thier flyer.
Pre-school Newsletter for last week - click here.
March 31, 2013 - Tuesday evening at 6pm is the School Committee Meeting - click here for agenda.
HAPPY EASTER - I totally forgot about the sunrise service and I bet it was one of the best ones ever - such a beautiful day. Click here to see a photo by Mary Holt.
March 30, 2013 - Last Wednesday our 6th graders participated in a World's Fair at Harrison Middle School - click here to see them and their countries.
Photo of two male Buffleheads and following one female near the Stone Pier
March 28, 2013 - Part-time position available at the Library immediately - click here to see.
There will be two Easter Services this coming Sunday at the Methodist Church. First will be a sunrise service at 6:00 am at East End Beach, following which there will be a continental breakfast at the Parish House. (Items for sharing are gratefully welcome!) Then Easter Worship Service will be held at 10:00 am with nursery care available during the service. All are welcome!
March 26, 2013 - Tomorrows soup is FISH CHOWDER by David Keyes!
Experienced certified CRMA to join our team at our 7-bed Assisted Living Facility located on Chebeague Island ME. Competitive pay and benefits. Call Amy Rich 846-5610 or visit our website www.islandcommonsresoucecenter.org.
March 25, 2013 - CRC would like to remind everyone that children under the age of 18 are not allowed in the building unless there is an adult present to supervise. Help us keep CRC clean and available to patrons. Please be considerate and make sure you put away all equipment and clean up after your visit. If you have any questions about our policies you may call the office at 846-5068 or email crc@chebeague.net.
Pre-school Newsletter for last two week - click here.
Michael and Barbara have updated their blog - click here.
March 21, 2013 - Tomorrow afternoon and evening is the Island Commons “An Affair to Remember” Spring Fling ~ a Frank Sinatra inspired social event. Friday March 22nd, 4:30-6 Bring an Italian appetizer or dessert to share. We have an amazing Italian themed Gift Basket to raffle, don’t forget to purchase your raffle ticket at the event!
Saturday Evening -Annual Stephen Ross Scholarship Fund Community Dinner - Saturday, March 23rd at the Hall at 6pm. See Poster!
Friday night April 26th the 3rd and 4th graders are having a Talent Show to raise money for their end of the year trip to Boston. They are hoping to get community members to share their talents and make this a fun night for all! Laura Summa and Althea will be in the kitchen making pizza for everyone. Pizza will be served from 5:30-6:30 and the entertainment will follow! The cost will be $10 per person or $20 per family.
Please call Sam Birkett @ 846-4467 to reserve your place in the spotlight!
March 20, 2013 - COMMUNITY LUNCHEON - today at the Hall - Boiled Dinner with all the fixins.
Annual Stephen Ross Scholarship Fund Community Dinner - Saturday, March 23rd at the Hall at 6pm. See Poster!
March 19, 2013 - The birds are loving the feeders during this storm on March 19 pictured Cardinal and Hairy Woodpecker. Click here for Red-breasted Nuthatch and Red-bellied Woodpecker.
CTC bus cancelled for the 8:15 and 9:30 ferries tonight. Park at Cousins Lot if necessary.
Alice's Wonderland was a fabulous experience for all - movies, food, entertainment, costumes, decorations and all and now thanks to Cathy MacNeill we can all see what FUN it was - click here and join the MAGIC!
REMINDER!! Chebeague Property Taxes are due April 1st! If you don't know how much exactly you owe just call the Town Office 208 846-3148 or email Michelle at the office.
Message from CTC: We expect the ferry service to run all trips today. Depending on conditions later in the day, we may need to cancel bus runs this evening. An update will be posted to our website and facebook page at approximately 4pm. An updated email/text will also be sent to customers in our cancellation notification group. If you have not signed up for cancellation notifications, you can do so at http://hstrial-carolsabasteansk.intuitwebsites.com/Trip-Cancellation.html
Island Commons invites you to “An Affair to Remember” Spring Fling ~ a Frank Sinatra inspired social event. Friday March 22nd, 4:30-6 Bring an Italian appetizer or dessert to share. We have an amazing Italian themed Gift Basket to raffle, don’t forget to purchase your raffle ticket at the event!
School is cancelled today on Chebeague because of a major snow storm. The School Committee Meeting has been postponed until next Tuesday.
March 18, 2013 -The Portland Press Herald had an article about the Transit District Legislation.
The Health Clinic will be closed tomorrow, Tuesday, March 19th.
CRC is offering a March Fitness Room special again this year. Only $99 for a 12 month membership. Take advantage of this awesome deal before March 31st!!
Community Luncheon, This Wednesday, March 20th at noon - Boiled Dinner.
On Sunday, March 24, Palm Sunday will be celebrated at the Chebeague United Methodist Church. The worship service will include a special commissioning for team members going on a mission trip to Guatemala on April 6th. Former Pastor Linda Brewster will be taking part in the service. Linda, her husband Jim, Ariette Scott and Eldon Mayer will be commissioned for this outreach ministry. Please join us at 10:00 am. Palms will be distributed.
March 17, 2013 - Congratulations to Nora Bisharat who competed in the NY half marathon this morning in 1:49 running 20k in support of research on lymphoma and leukemia.
You won't want to miss the Annual Stephen Ross Scholarship Fund Community Dinner - Saturday, March 23rd at the Hall at 6pm. Good food, geography trivia by table after the dinner (you can always eat and enjoy a wonderful meal and then leave before all the fun - no pressure) They will have prizes and a raffle for a basket full of great stuff! ($8 adults, $5 children, $22 Family Max0
March 15, 2013 - Tomorrow - Alice's Wonderland!! - The Hall and Library will be transformed this weekend! Movies, meals, event keepsakes, ... you and your family won't want to miss this curiouser and curiouser event. Click here for details.
School Committee Meeting next Tuesday, March 19th, 6pm at the Chebeague Island School - see agenda.
March 14, 2013 - It is official, Spring is here, the Grackles and Red-wing Blackbirds have arrived.
Click here to see the March Chebeague and Cumberland Land Trust e-news. It even talks about our rabbit hunting adventures.
With apologies for the short notice ... due to illness, the Town Office will be closed for the remainder of the day (Thursday, 3/14) and Friday, 3/15. We will be open for business as usual on Monday, 3/18 at 9:00 am. Thank you for your understanding.
Alice's Wonderland!! - The Hall and Library will be transformed this weekend! Movies, meals, event keepsakes, ... you and your family won't want to miss this curiouser and curiouser event. Click here for details.
Congratulations Phil Johnson who is citizen of the month in Chesepeake!
Happy Birthday Doug Ross! Pat St. Cyr too!
March 11, 2013 - The Town Office is closed today.
Don't Forget TONIGHT - 6PM - Community Forum Pizza Party meeting with Rob Snyder! Childcare provided at the library.
March 10, 2013 - Jen DeCristoforo (a.k.a. Jennifer Levey, Bob's daughter) has just self-published her first book, Lucky Bamboo Book of Crafts. It is a Chinese crafts and culture book for children and young adults. You can find out more at her author website http://luckybamboocrafts.com/ and the book is also available at Royal River Books in Yarmouth, The Book Review in Falmouth, and Longfellow Books in Portland.
Submissions to the Island Institute's Business Plan Contest (see the February 14 news item, below), with awards of $7500, $2000, and $500, are due by April 12. John Wilson will gladly help anyone wishing to compete with assembling their business plan/idea. Please call him at 846-3890, or email him at occams81@yahoo.com, soon!
SHELLFISH COMMITTEE MEETING was rescheduled due to illness; it is now scheduled for Wednesday morning, March 13, 9am at the Town Office. Click here for the agenda.
Click here for the Chebeague Pre-school weekly newsletter.
Island Commons invites you to "An Affair to Remember" Spring Fling - to Celebrate "Spring is Here" Frank Sinatra inspired Cocktail Party Friday, March 22nd, 4:30-6pm (Bring an Italian appetiser or dessert to share and don't forget you denaro for a raffle) (All proceeds from raffle sales will be used for unallowable costs)
March 8, 2013 - CTC is planning our summer cruises and we would like to hear from you! Please take our cruise survey on the Islander, or (preferably) on our website - chebeaguetrans.com
CTC has an opening for a part time Office Assistant. The position requires office experience, basic computer skills, basic accounting skills, and excellent customer service skills. This is a part-time position with varied work hours, mostly during summer months. Job description and application available on CTC's website or at the CTC Office.
In our efforts to get DSL up and running around the island we have caused problems with the Boatyard Webcam that so many of us depend on. David managed today to get an address that people can go to to see it but it may be a few days before it is up on the Niblic website so I have added the link above my photo. Click here to go to the WEBCAM or click above.
Tomorrow, Saturday, March 9th the Shellfish Commission is meeting at 9am at the Public Safety Building - see agenda.
Community Forum Monday the 11th at 6pm. It is a COMMUNITY PIZZA PARTY at the hall. Rob Snyder, President-elect of the Island Institute will facilitate. There will be child care for all ages in the library. Click here to learn more.
Alice in Wonderland is coming to the Community Center and Library! The fun begins on March 16th at 3:00 pm. Join the Mad Hatter, Alice, Cheshire Cat and others for High Tea. Call the Library to reserve your spot.
March 7, 2013 - Photo of the wharf just after high tide and the 8 o'clock boat on March 7th.
We want to thank Jim Haskell, Brian, Russ Boisvert and all the wonderful Fairpoint Crews who have been very busy on Chebeague running tel lines and getting customers set up for DSL. People who we have not been able to get the internet are now being served and those with minimal service are getting it much better.
March 5, 2013 - PLEASE DO NOT respond to emails saying they are from chebeague.net or for that matter any mail server. They will never ask you for your username and password EVER!! If you ever have a concern please call. Don't even open anything up in these email either - they are SPAM and PHISHING!
Pre-school Newsletter for last week - click here. I wonder how many preschools teach children how to tie a boat up to a cleat so it doesn't get away - I love it!
Chebeague.net internet wireless may have times that they are down today from the Inn, Rec Center, and Boatyard while we make changes and repairs. Thank you for you consideration.
The Hall will have turkey noodle soup on Wednesday.
The FOOT DOCTOR, Russell Rybka, is coming tomorrow, Wednesday 6th March at 9am Please call 829-6463 for an appointment.
March 3, 2013 - Caroline Summa came in 4th in the pentathlon (high jump, long jump, 800m, 60m hurdles, shot put) on the Oberlin team and broke the old conference record. She also placed 3rd in the high jump, 4th in the distance medley running the 800m leg. Oberlin came in 2nd in the NCAA conference meet - way to go Caroline!!
Jim KomLosy and family want to thank the community for the terrific birthday celebration put on for Martha Hamilton.
Peter Kaufman was recently the featured guest on Fox Business Network for his companies investment of winemakers - click here.
It is like Christmas for the Burgess' - Sue and Ernie found their dog Duffy this morning on Roger's Road in Yarmouth with the help of many, many people. He has been missing since he escaped in North Yarmouth last Wednesday after gun shots scarred him and he got away from a trainer. The family, friends and neighbors have been out looking ever since with numberous sightings such as the medium strip of 295 in Yarmoth. Sue and Ernie were driving around the area and handed the flyer they had to a young couple out for a walk and the people had just seen him down by the river and they were able to find him.
Congratulations to Caroline Summa who is competing this weekend in the pentathlon at the North Coast Athletic Conference for Oberlin College!
Yesterday, Casco Bay Lines started operation of a new trip down the bay for Saturdays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. The Casco Bay Boat will stop and leave from Chebeague at 1:20 on those days on a trial basis through Thursday, May 23rd. Click here to see the news from Casco Bay Lines.
March 1, 2013 - Sue and Ernie's dog, Duffy went missing from Old Town House Park in North Yarmouth Wednesday and may have been spotted early yesterday morning on Route 1 in Yarmouth and then on Route 295 in Yarmouth. Click here to see the flyer and when on the mainland lookout for him.
Tomorrow - March 2nd the Chebeague Island School Committee will host "Charting Our Future" a Community Forum at the Chebeague Island Hall from 8 AM to 9:45 AM to celebrate Chebeague Island School six years after secession. The School Committee urges and encourages all residents to participate in this Community Forum to assist them in forming short range and long range educational plans for the future.
The internet is back up and running on the East End - big thank you to Jon Rich and Steve Todd who worked with the technician over the phone while David and I were on the mainland and not able to be there. The wireless internet on the East End coming from the Inn is not working and we are hoping to restore it this afternoon, probably after 4:30. If you are having trouble with internet emanating from the Boat Yard you should reboot your router.We are sorry for the inconvenience.
February 27, 2013 - Martha Hamilton is 90 today - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
This Friday evening Celia Whitehead and Mark Bowman will be playing at Andys Old Port Pub-- 94 Commercial St, from 7-10.
Click here to see the latest fortification wall at the Wentworths! What fun winter can be (if you are a kid)- photo by Polly.
Forms are ready for the church's Easter Memorial Flower Bulletin and are currently available in the entryway of the church. Please return them to the same location by Tuesday morning, March 19th.
The soup for today is Beef Vegetable. Remember that while the Island Market is closed on Wednesdays the Hall opens up for coffee and lunch with homemade goodies!
February 26, 2013 - This coming Thursday chebeague.net will be doing some system maintenance which may cause some interuptions in service and will require rebooting your internet equipmnet (shutting the power off and turning back on). Sorry for any inconvenience.
Don't forget to sign up for the Casco Bay 6th Annual Inter-Island St Patrick's Day Cruise Friday, March 15th - click here for more information! Kathleen Floyd will have tickets to sell for anyone on the island who doesn't get into town much.
The workshop scheduled for tonight with the auditor has been moved to the Firehouse meeting room.
The FOOT DOCTOR, Russell Rybka, is coming Wednesday 6th March at 9am Please call 829-6463 for an appointment.
February 25, 2013 - The Winter Carnival was this past weekend and unfortunately I couldn't be there for all the fun. Cathy MacNeill took lots of wonderful photos and I also have included the winners for the Chili, Chowder Challenge. Click here to see Polar Plunge Photos. Click here for the Chili, Chowder and Soup photos. Click here for the Teen Center activities as well as the Arts and Crafts and Historical Society action. I don't have any photos of the Dance and some of the other activities. We were in traffic around New Hampshire when I was able to watch the Polar Plunge on the Boatyard Cam and took screen shots that I will share after I download them from my ipad.
Tomorrow night February 26th at 6pm The Selectmen are having a workshop with the Auditors and the School Committee will also be there at the Hall, see agenda. The selectmen will have an executive session on Wed. February 27 at 5:30 pm at the Hall and will hold a budget workshop at 6 pm. Some department budgets will be presented.
Saturday, March 2nd the Chebeague Island School Committee will host "Charting Our Future" a Community Forum at the Chebeague Island Hall from 8 AM to 9:45 AM to celebrate Chebeague Island School six years after secession. The School Committee urges and encourages all residents to participate in this Community Forum to assist them in forming short range and long range educational plans for the future.
February 24, 2013 - Photo of the Golf Course on February 24th after two days of snowing
It has been snowing all day today and they say it will continue into the morning. We have had about a foot of wet, wet snow and the satalites have been needing clearing and the wireless outside antennas aren't doing well either. The Cardinals as seen in this photo through my window are enjoying the bird feeders. I have counted as many as 12 around this feeder but could not get them to stand still for me. Click here to see a photo Mary Holt took of Tre looking for a path through the winter wonderland.
Michael has updated his blog -They are anchored off Jost van Dyke, in the BVI, where it is sunny and warm.
Winters Chill Reveals Ponds Perfection - and article in the Portland Press Herald submitted by Bob Libby.
Community Forum Pizza Party - Monday March 11 6-8, at the Island Hall (CIHCC) - Click here for details.
The Coastal Waters meeting for this Thursday will be postponed.
February 22, 2013 - Photo of the Canada geese that have been spending a lot of time on the Golf Course as well as the Cove by Aaron's wharf. Click here to see them in front of the Inn.
Winter Carnival tomorrow - starts at the Boat Yard for the plunge at 11:30!
February 20, 2013 - Click here to see Long Island's Community Library Blog with its blog all about the Chebeague Island Library.
COMMUNITY LUNCH - Don't forget that today is the Community Lunch and it is Roast Turkey.
February 19, 2013 - Photo of the Canada geese that have been spending a lot of time on the Golf Course as well as the Cove by Aaron's wharf. Click here to see them in front of the Inn.
PLUNGERS - we need plungers for the annual Polar Plunge!! I will not be able to be there and no one else has signed up! Come on people - get to your senses and take the plunge and help raise money for the Recreation Center and Teens! Click here to see how much fun it has been over the last 14 years and then click on the application forms. There is also a link under the Island News above.
Congratulations to Brennah Martin and the Greely Girls who in the 4x200 relay team who were seeded 8th but took second place in the States; and also to Bren for placing 6th in the states for the individual 200 meter dash. Left to right they are Julia Mitiguy, Jocelyn Mitiguy, Hannah Keisman, and Bren.
FUEL ASSISTANCE: please call me on my cell phone 653 5651. Please spread the word. Thanks, Gin Ballard
Photo of the Chebeague Island School Physical Education Class at Sanford's Pond where the teachers and students spent their physical education class together on the pond. Althea has put this photo and a lot of photos on the school website - click here to go to the site and then click below the first photo to see more school pics.
February 18, 2013 -The SKATE-A-THON is fast approaching and participants should be getting pledges. If you are interested in pledging a skater but have not been contacted, please call Cassidy Jeffers (239-6082). Anyone who needs help getting pledges, the Rec. Center will be open for participants to get help securing pledges on Tuesday, 2/19, from 5:30-7 p.m. PIZZA WILL BE SERVED. Come in and we'll help you make calls, send emails, etc.
Click here to see Nancy's report for the last two weeks of Pre-School! This is school vacation week.
February 14, 2013 - CRC's Winter Carnival is coming right up on February 23rd. Coming from the mainland? CTC has a special rate for the event. We have the Polar Plunge at 11:30 at CIBY, followed by the chili, chowder, soup challenge at CRC, an afternoon full of fun at the hall and historical society, don't forget the skate-a-thon starting at 4 PM and finish off your evening with dinner at the hall at 5 PM followed by the Wagoneers at 8 PM!! Fun for all. Visit our website at www.chebeaguerec.com for details and like us on Facebook for updates!! Pledge sheets and waiver forms for the polar plunge can be found by clicking the link above and skate-a-thon pledge sheets are on our website.
Due to scheduling conflicts, the February CTC Board of Directors meeting will be moved to February 27th at 7PM at the Public Safety Building. As always, members of the public are invited to attend.
Message from Ralph Munroe: I would like to thank all who sponsored Lida and me in the American Lung Association stair climb this year. Together we raised $1285. Lida improved her time by 4 minutes to 11 min one sec, moving up to the third fastest female fire fighter. I improved my time by 15 seconds to 9 min 3 sec moving me to 33rd in the FF division, There Were 435 fire fighters that ran this year, and 1470 People that ran over all. A great cause. See Photo of Ralph and Lida.
2013 ISLAND BIZPLAN CONTEST. Wanted: Business Plans from Island Start-ups and Established Young Companies or Non-profits. Win $10,000 in cash prized for best business plan! For more information, see poster:
February 11, 2013 - If you missed Sunday's meeting on Health Care stop by the library and get a copy of the agenda, the presentations, and, more importantly, a copy of the ideas that were discussed. If you are interested in being on a joint committee (The Island Council/Island Commons etc) to take care of health care needs on Chebeague please call Gin Ballard 846 4151 or Mary Holman 846 1072.
FUEL ASSISTANCE, as of 12th Feb please call me on my cell phone 653 5651. Please pass the word. Thanks, Gin Ballard
Soup for Wednesdayat the Hall is Beef Barley, prepared by Celia Whitehead our Island Fellow - see you there!
February 10, 2013 - Photo taken Sunday after the storm. We got 30" but the golf course has a lot of bare spots and the snow drifts are deep. I followed three immature Eagles around to Aaron's Wharf and got this shot of Bluebird and then another of it flying off.
Today - Health Care on Chebeague! Come join the discussion with the Island Council and the Island Commons. Treats provided. The discussion starts at 1pm at the Hall on Sunday 10th What services, if any, do YOU want on the Island? Are you interested in tele-medicine?
February 9, 2013 - Kevin Wentworth has produced a tremendous VIDEO The Nemo Storm!! click here to see! I should mention that Kevin is one of the Captains of the boat and Maintenance Director.
Suzanne Rugh took some great photos of the storm at the Stone Pier as well - click here to see.
Message from CTC: Thanks to our customers for understanding our need to cancel our service today! All ferries and buses will run on schedule tomorrow 2/10.
DON'T FORGET to dig yourself out in time to come to the meeting on Health Care on Chebeague. The discussion starts at 1pm at the Hall on Sunday 10th What services, if any, do YOU want on the Island? Are you interested in tele-medicine? Do you want to stay in your home as long as you can? Come join the discussion with the Island Council and the Island Commons. Treats provided.
Message from Casco Bay Lines: We have resumed regular service to Peaks Island. The 2:45 PM Down Bay trip will depart as scheduled. However, the captain will evaluate docking conditions on an island by island basis. Travel conditions on the mainland, both for vehicles and pedestrians, are dangerous. Visibility is low, and while city plows are hard at work, high winds and drifting snow make some areas difficult to pass. We strongly encourage everyone to limit unnecessary travel.
Message from CTC: After conferring with the captains and reviewing the situation at the Stone Pier, as well as current weather projections, CTC will cancel all ferries for the remainder of today 2/9. If there is an urgent need to get on or off the island, please call 207-319-3061.
I just came back from the Stone Pier and took a couple of short videos of high tide. Click here to see on youtube. The temperature today was around 10 degrees and you can imagine what the wind chill was.
Message from Deb: The library will not open today. Mary has put up in lights what we all need to know every day, love love love!
The weatherman was right and there is a lot of snow. The wind is howling and our power is still on at 8 am. I went to open the back storm door and the wind has blown the snow up onto it that you cant even open the door. The United States Post Office is closed on Chebeague as well as all most of New England. They even have suspended deliveries so you don't have to worry about digging out your mailbox until Monday. I think it will take that long anyway. Click here to see photo of our sunroon slider. It is not a heavy snow but it sure is accumulating - they say we have already a couple of feet of snow.
February 8, 2013 - Photo taken 2/8/13 by Suzanne Rugh of the heart on the front of the library which showed up anonomously recently. My sources tell me that Mary Todd put the lights up.
Ash Wednesday (Feb. 13) services at Chebeague United Methodist Church: informal giving of ashes from 3:00-4:00 Wednesday, traditional Ash Wednesday worship service at 7:00 pm.
Taize style worship Saturday Feb. 16 at 7:00 pm. This is a quiet, reflective worship service with candles, silence, prayerful singing, and shared prayer. The worship style comes from the Taize Community, an ecumenical monastery and retreat center in southern France. All are welcome. [Please note the date change from what was published in the Chebeague Island Calendar]
Peter Kaufman was featured on the CNBC this week to discuss his representing the Hostess Bankruptcy Bakery Union in the company's sale - click here to view.
CTC is cancelling the 9:15PM and 10:30PM bus and ferry today, 2/8. Tomorrow (2/9) we are cancelling the 6:40AM, 8AM, 10AM AND NOON bus and ferry. Further cancellations may be needed if the storm predictions change.
Just received CTC email message and a phone text: No ferry or bus service: 9:15PM and 10:30PM today 2/8, 6:40AM, 8AM, 10AM, AND NOON tomorrow 2/9 - you can go to the CTC website and sign up to have these messages sent to your phone and/or email which I have found to be very helpful.
DON'T FORGET to dig yourself out in time to come to the meeting on Health Care on Chebeague. The discussion starts at 1pm at the Hall on Sunday 10th What services, if any, do YOU want on the Island? Are you interested in tele-medicine? Do you want to stay in your home as long as you can? Come join the discussion with the Island Council and the Island Commons. Treats provided.
The Historical Society Exhibit this summer will be "Handmade on Chebeague by Past Chebeaguers," and they are inviting people to contact the Historical Society about decorative and useful objects, made on the Island by Chebeague people, that they might be willing to lend to the Museum of Chebeague History for that exhibit. Click here to learn more.
Message from Deb: The Library is closing early this afternoon. The front door will be unlocked if anyone needs to use the building as a shelter they can get in. As far as the Library being open tomorrow, let's see how it is tomorrow. Thanks!
Starting next week there will be new Post Office hours on Chebeague. Monday through Friday the window will be open from 8:30 to 3:30 with the usual lunch (window closed) from 1 to 2. Saturday hours will stay the same 8 - 12.
The Town Office Is Closed, NOW (Friday, 2/8) ... due to the inclement weather. The Transfer Station ... Friday AND Saturday. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Message from Ralph Munroe our Fire and Rescue Chief: It has come to my attention that there are private roads and driveways that would make it very difficult or in some cases impossible for the Chebeague fire and or Rescue to access due to the fact that the road is not wide enough, grown over, or just not conducive to the fire and Rescue apparatus. Please make sure we are able to help you in case of an emergency. If you have any questions feel free to call me 846-4654.
Notice from CTC: Because of current weather reports, we believe we may need to cancel all ferries and buses after the 8/8:15PM ferry on Friday 2/8. The bus service may need to be cancelled earlier in the day. If bus service is cancelled earlier, Route One parkers should go to the Blanchard lot. We also expect that we may need to cancel ferry and bus service on Saturday 2/9 for the 6:40/7AM, 8/8:15AM, and 10/10:15AM trips. As always, the actual cancellations may vary from this projection, we will keep you notified.
We have added email and text information provided on our parking applications to our cancellation notification group. If you do not want to receive these notices, please let us know and we will delete you from the list.
February 6, 2013 - Photomerge Panorama Photo taken from Little Chebeague towards Chebeague on 2/6/13
The pond will be open today, Wednesday, and tomorrow, Thursday, from 3:30-5:30. Friday hours are weather dependent. If we get the predicted snow storm (+/- 12 inches), we will need help clearing the pond on Saturday beginning in the early afternoon. The ice is BEAUTIFUL and clearing should go fast if we can get some folks with snow blowers and a lot of extra hands. Please don't leave it up to others to do the work, or we may not be able to get the job done. If you can bring a snow blower, call May 332.2368. Thanks!
TODAY Cauliflower Chedder Soup at noon at the Hall!
February 5, 2013 - It has been very cold here lately on Chebeague. Yesterday I saw a number of Bluebirds on Aarons Wharf Road Chebeague along with a couple of Red-bellied woodpeckers.
The CTC wants to remind our customers that the CTC bus is available for everyone. If you want a lift up the hill, climb aboard. And if you are waiting for the ferry on a cold day, please feel free to wait on the warm bus!
CTC has a facebook page! We will be posting regular updates, especially notifications of bus or ferry trips in bad weather. Like us on Facebook to get the news. You can also sign up for cancellation emails or texts on our website, chebeaguetrans.com. It was so great getting text messages on my phone keeping me updated on what boats were running and which ones were not.
February 4, 2013 - School Committee meeting will be Tuesday, February 5th - click here for agenda.
Walk and Talk tomorrow and every Tuesday at the Rec. 10am-11. Join IC residents and staff walk the gym and get moving this winter. Rides provided, call Sarah at 846-5610 if you need to be picked up!
The Commons now has a facebook page - click here to go to it and like.
Chebeagues' Winter Carnival is coming up soon - February 23rd! The CRC is planning all kinds of wonderful events all around the island starting with the Polar Plunge (15th plunge) at 11:30 (not 12) so don't be late! Click here to see some of the events being planned which include; Chili,Chowder Soup Challenge, Ice Skating, CIHS slide show, Snow showing, Dance at the Hall and more! Plunging will be more affordable even though we hope you go out and get lots of pledges! $40 registration (or pledges) if register before Feb 16th or $50 after that - so register early! Click here for forms and plunge info.
The pond will be open this week from 3:30-5:30. We currently have coverage for Monday and Tuesday. Anyone interested in helping out other days this week, call/text May 332.2368.
February 3, 2013 - The Wednesday the CIHCC (Hall) will be offering Cauliflower Chedder Soup at noon - don't forget that they also have coffee in the morning!
The Town is offering a Furlough Day for dog registration. On February 14, 2013 the late fee of $25.00 will be waived - click here for details if you haven't registered yet this will give you time to get the proper papers and save the penalty fee.
Chebeague's Pre-school News for the last few weeks - click here.
News from the CTC - Click here to learn about our new CTC Captains, Shannon, Todd, Matt and Jen (left her name off the first time I posted).
The Community Forum (formerly Sustainability Coalition) went really well yesterday with a full house at the Hall and lots of ideas. A report will be out soon about the meeting and the next meeting will probably be in April so stay tuned. If interested in being part of the discussion please email to islandlife@chebeague.net.
Happy Birthday Don Souchek!!!
February 1, 2013 - Click here for a message from the Chebeague Methodist Church about our new minister sermon and also the theft of a safe and money from the Parsonage!
Message from May: The combination of the rain and cold weather has been good for the POND. Sanford's Pond will open this weekend! We need parents or adults willing to oversee the pond on Saturday and Sunday from 12-5:30. If you'd like to take any part of that shift, please call MAY at 332.2368 or email at maywicca@gmail.com We will also be looking for afternoon pond help M-F of next week from 3:30-5:30. Thanks!
Congratulations to Dylan Doughty, a freshman from Chebeague who is playing for the Greely Basketball Team - see a photo heads above all number 22.
Anna Maine has published another terrific article in The Working Waterfront - "New Families take Advantage of Chebeague's Affordable Housing".
"Come to February Fiesta TODAY at Island Commons 4:30-6. Light refreshments and good company!" see flyer!
The Island Institute has put together a video about the STORMS project that most of the Maine Islands participated. There are a lot of us featured in it including Becca Israel, Lindy Smith, Bob and Beverly Dyer, Hartley and Dianne, school children singing.
One of our High School students is looking for a turn table record player for a science project. It just needs to be able to turn and doesn't have to play records. Please call Michelle at the Town office 846-3148 or her cell 252-9497if you have one she could use.
January 31, 2013 - Latest Notice from CTC: Due to change in wind direction, the captain has determined that it is safe to run the 2:30/2:50PM ferry today. All trips will run for the rest of the day. The school children are still scheduled to come home on the 12:15PM. Sorry for any confusion, but you can’t always predict the weather!
We are experiencing very high winds today -- 50 knots (57 mph) when the Islander managed to land at Cousins at 7:00 am. The 8:00 am boat has been cancelled, but they hope to run boats after that as the wind subsides. In the meantime, the power is out. Luckily, the temperature is up in the 50s, so I guess we'll survive.
This just in from CTC: The 10/10:15am and 12/12:15pm ferries will run as scheduled. However, if wind conditions are too bad at Cousins on the 10am, the captain may decide not to dock at Cousins and passengers will be returned to Chebeague. The 2:30/2:50pm trips are cancelled due to tides and expected wind gusts. School children will return to Chebeague on the 12:15pm ferry. We expect to run the 3:45/4pm ferry and all ferries for the remainder of the day. Confirmation of these trips will be posted this afternoon.
January 29, 2013 - The CIHCC (Hall) noon soup for tomorrow is Creamy Roasted Mushroom. Yummy, I don't want to miss that! Don't forget that they also have coffee in the morning around 9am.
This Saturday, February 2nd, between 9 and 11 AM the Sustainability Coalition will open the “Ideas Box” at the Island Hall. Come join the discussion bringing your ideas and hear what others are thinking. Rob Snyder, President-elect of the Island Institute, will facilitate the discussion. Click here to find out more.
January 28, 2013 - Photo taken of a Bluebird on Cousins Island at noon on January 28th. A flock of Bluebirds and Goldfinches arrived as we were walking down to the 12:15 boat. There were hundreds of House Finches across from the Damons on Sunday - click here to see a few. Click here to see some in the lower bushes. I finally got a photo on the island of a Mockingbird which Stephen has been seeing on the John Small Road - click here to see and another view. I also took a photo of a male Redbreasted Merganser (Shelldrake) right outside the CTC boat - click here. A month ago I caught a male and female arguing from a distance - click here.
February Fiesta this Friday at the Island Commons - see flyer!
Don't forget that WALK AND TALK is on Tuesdays - see notice.
Is it too early to start thinking about Summer!! CRC has a couple of part time job openings at the pool for the 2013 summer months. We are looking to fill the following positions:
Pool Operator: Part time summer position. Responsibilities include testing/adjusting pool chemicals and vacuuming the pool. Training provided.
Swim Lesson Instructor: Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings. Training provided.
Employment applications can be found on our website at www.chebeaguerec.com. Feel free to call the CRC office if you have any questions.
January 26, 2013 - The 2012 Historical Society yearly Newsletter needs to go to print soon. I have only received articles from The Great Chebeague Tennis Club, Whalers, Grange, Ladies Aid, Maine Islands Coalition and the Chebeague Island Hall Community Center. I really need to get articles by February 15th. Please email them to me bjohnson@chebeague.net by then. Any photos need to be scanned at least 300 dpi or get the photo to me so I may be able to scan.
Message about Marriane Brenton: After nearly a month in rehab, we've moved Mom to our home in NH to recuperate until she can transition to assisted living or home with a companion. Thank you for all the cards and letters from our beloved island community. Cyberspace is a wonderful thing ~ she's heard from people near and far, present and past, and many a memory has been jogged with a story or two. She'd love to continue to receive mail at: c/o Isenberg, 6 Woodside Way, Atkinson, NH, 03811. Please continue to keep her in your thoughts and prayers. ~Anne Isenberg
Last weeks Pre-K Newsletter - click here!
January 25, 2013 - Photo taken January 25th - The weather has been cold the last few days, hovering around 0! Click here to see a Goldeneye (I now know why they are called Goldeneyes) hanging around the boat (Stephen calls them Whistlers).
The Harrison Middle School 7th grade Life Sciences Class is sponsoring a Blood Drive - please click here to learn more and how to sign up!
Congratulations to Genny Dyer and Abby Israel who tied for second place in Greely's Annual Poetry Out Loud Contest. Poetry Out Loud is a national program promoting poetry and oral interpretation. They each won their individual classroom competition and competed against 25 other students in the Greely finals. Genny recited "The Obligation to Be Happy " by Linda Pastan and "Listening" by Jean Valentine; Abby recited "Baudelaire" by Delmore Schwartz and "The Enigma" by Anne Stevenson. Great job Genny and Abby.
NOTICE - There will be an EMT class that will meet here on the island starting in mid-February. We welcome anyone who wants to be a part of the Chebeague Island Rescue! All they need to do is contact Lisa Israel- email: lisai97@yahoo.com or her cell 274-0716 - and she can answer your questions and/or put you on the class list.
REMINDER: Storm window insert build: this Sunday, January 27th, from 2-4 at the Rec Center. Please come if you’re interested in learning how to insulate windows inexpensively. Bring a hair dryer, a drill, a pair of scissors, a measuring tape, or just yourself!
Don't forget to pledge Ralph and Lida who will be doing the STAIR CLIMB again this year. Portland Fire Department won it last year and have some great competition down in Boston.
January 24, 2013 - The lost and found items at CRC are taking over the entry way. We have shoes, towels, water bottles, sweatshirts, jackets and many other items. Please stop by and see if any of the items belong to your household. We will be donating the items that remain after 1/31/13.
Casco Bay Lines has a proposed schedule change for the 10am downbay departure from Portland. At the Operations meeting they decided to recommend that the winter departure time from Chebeague be moved up 5 minutes to 1115 so That Cliff island passengers have the opportunity of getting home sooner.This change will be considered at the February Board meeting at 0745 Feb 28 at the CBL terminal.
January 23, 2013 - CRC is planning a day full of fun for our Annual Winter Carnival on February 23rd this year...starting with the Polar Plunge, then our famous Chili/Chowder/Soup Challenge, followed by Skating (as long as the ice cooperates), dinner and live music. There will be something for everyone!! Save the date, invite your friends and spread the word!!
We have some good news from chebeague.net.. The Town office is now hooked up to DSL. No more interuptions in their work and they are getting great speed. We have been updating our chebeague.net webpage with the progress as it happens. As most people are aware, we received a grant from Connect Maine over a year and half ago and have been working on determininig the best way to upgrade our existing system and also make it available to those who were unable to get it. We have a few issues we are working through which mostly have to do with Fairpoint and our existing infrastructure. If you go to Timing on the page you will see where we are now.
January 22, 2013 - Coastal Waters Meeting, Thursday, January 24, 6pm Public Safety Building - see agenda.
The Chebeague Island Council board is announcing the theme for the 2013 4th of July parade: "Chebeague Super Heroes"
The soup this week is Chili so don't forget that the Hall is open for coffee in the morning and lunch at noon!
January 20, 2013 - Donna Damon, Joan Robinson and I are looking forward to going to the inauguration tomorrow. We will be on the right hand side behind the folding chairs on the Capital grounds along with a few other people. Leila, Suhail, Norah will also be there along with Marks.
Click here for PreSchool Newsletter!
January 19, 2013 - The Library will be closed on Monday, January 21st in observance of Martin Luther King Day.
Michael Porter has updated his blog and is in Bermuda - click here to see.
January 17, 2013 - The Boat Yard internet was up and runnin gagain about 3pm. Thank you to both GWI and Fairpoint for quickly resolving the problem!! As of 1pm today the T1 line to the Boat Yard internet is down and GWI has contacted Fairpoint to get it back up running. I will update when I hear more.
Final schedule change! The storm window insert build will be Sunday, January 27th, from 2-4 at the Rec Center. Please come if you’re interested in learning how to insulate windows inexpensively.
NOTICE: - date change: The Island Institute and the Sustainability Coalition invite everyone to come hear and share ideas about how to keep young islanders here year-round after they complete their education and also how to attract young families to settle here. Bring family, friends and neighbors. Island Hall, Saturday, February 2nd - 9:00 AM Light Refreshments
January 16, 2013 - School Committee Meeting is next Tuesday, January 22nd 6 pm - see agenda.
The United States Postal Service has implemented plan effective 02/09/2013 which will provide 6 hours of window service each weekday. Click here to see the letter received by the post office on January 7th and shows the new hours.
January 15, 2013 - Photo taken by Sylvia Ross 42 years ago on January 15, 1971 of the Stone Pier. I remember that we spent about a month commuting by the Casco Bay Boat. We played a lot of cards and the students at Greely would be picked up in Portland. Click here for a photo around the same year of Jeff Hamilton, Mike Robinson, Doug Ross and Victor Rich in the back row with Milty Calder and Gary Ross in front!
Message from the Town Office: "Michelle's mother passed away Sunday night and Michelle will be with family for the rest of this week. This and other scheduling conflicts requires us to report: The Town Office, for administrative purposes, will be CLOSED on Thursday and Friday, 1/17 & 1/18. Eric & Ron will be available as usual. If you have a pressing need for services or documentation, please call the office and we will see if we can accomodate your request/need in Michelle's absence. Michelle will be back in the office on TUESDAY, 1/22 (reminder: Monday, 1/21, is Martin Luther King day -- a Maine state & municipal holiday). Our apologies for any inconvenience and our sincere thanks for your understanding and support."
The Walk and Talk starts on Tuesday, JANUARY 22nd.
January 14, 2013 - Island Commons invites you to FEBRUARY FIESTA! Friday February 1st, 4:30-6pm Wash away the winter blues with sips, chips and good cheer with our residents and staff Bring an appetizer dish to share if you wish Light refreshments will be served.
A new program by the Island Commons and the CRC called Walk and Talk - Tuesdays 10-11join residents and staff and walk the gym together. See flyer! The Walk starts next Tuesday, Feb 22nd!
The Board of Selectmen will hold a workshop with the Coastal Waters Committee on Wednesday Jan 16 at 6 at the Hall to review suggested changes to the Coastal Waters Ordinance. Members of the public are encouraged to attend and participate in the discussion. A discussion of proposed legislation that would allow the creation of a Chebeague Transit District will also be discussed as part of the business meeting. This so not to create the District but just make it possible in the future if the community was so inclined.
Message from Marriane Brenton's Daughter: "Thank you, Chebeaguers near and far, for all the cards and notes for Mom. There's no doubt that it's lifted her spirits and encouraged her to make great strides in her rehab. She feels stronger and is back to telling us all what to do, a good sign! Please continue to keep her in your thoughts and prayers. Her address continues to be: Aberjona Rehab & Nursing Center, 184 Swanton Street, Winchester, MA 01890".
Community Lunch on Wednesday -- Beef Stew.
For those who may have seen my page earlier - just to let you know I was hacked from Malta this morning. My sister and her husband (who shall remain nameless) and Ginny are on vacation there with too much time on their hands but I understand they are having a great time. Funny that neither one of us knew what year it was. Click here to see what he did.
January 11, 2013 - Congratulations to Lisa Israel, who has passed her Intermediate-EMT, expanding coverage for higher level medical emergencies on the Island.
NOTICE: Do not respond to any email that says your mailbox is full or that you have issues. As a matter of fact don't ever respond or open up anything on these types of emails from anyone unless you know absolutely positively that the person sent it to you. If you are not sure go directly through the website to find out if your email is full or if there is a banking problem. These spammers are getting more and more sophisticated all the time and tricky!!! I get emails all the time from people I know who are not really sending me them. No bank, email company, post office, Fed Ex, insurance, CIA, Social Security etc. will ever ask you to open up something on an email.
January 10, 2013 - Message from the Slow Bell: Hate to do this to my loyal followers, but Slow Bell Cafe will be CLOSED this coming weekend to give my finger a chance to properly heal ~Nancy
Storm window workshop will be from 2-4 at the Parish House on January 26th - see flyer.
January 8, 2013 - Robins, robins and more robins: they are fairly common winter residents in Maine, especially along the coastal regions. They are short distance migrants so we do see them all winter and they were having a field day across from the Library today. Click here to see one photo I got of one eating a berry. Click here for another of three of them.
The Storm Window Workshop has been rescheduled to Saturday, Jan. 26th from 2-4 at the Parish House. We are looking for drafty windows, volunteers and tools! For information CLICK HERE or contact Celia Whitehead 504-6922
A gingerbread boat made by the Maine Family and presented to the Stephen Todd family and on display at the Library. Click here to see!
There will be no School Committee Meeting this week - the next meeting will be January 22nd.
Tomorrow there will be coffee and soup at the Hall. Soup is Pasta Fagiola.
Did You Know?: Chebeague Solutions: The Sustainability Coalition has opened an IslandLife solutions box. Send an email to IslandLife@chebeague.net with a problem and a practical action step to make our island community more attractive for younger people to live here year-round. Let your imagination roam.We'll share all the suggestions received but will not include your name unless you ask for it to be public. At our first meeting on Saturday morning January 26th at 10 AM at the Hall we'll share all the ideas and add others with the participants. Together let's try to get a mix where the Chebeague community may be able to make a difference in the near term while tackling bigger issues over the longer haul..
January 6, 2013 - Photo of a Barred Owl taken down at Belescas January 6th. There have been a lot sitings of barred owls this winter and this guy was not shy. Notice all the hearts on him below the branch.
Photo taken by Andrew Jackson from the CTC Boat around 10:30 January 6, 2013.
Message from Mariannes family: Marianne Brenton was hospitalized after Christmas and is now in rehab in Winchester, Mass. She's suffering from complications resulting from multiple myeloma (bone marrow cancer). She could use some hometown cheer and would love to receive mail at Aberjona Rehab & Nursing Center, 184 Swanton Street, Winchester, MA 01890. Since her 2008 diagnosis she's fought a brave battle but now she's so tired. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you.
Reminder that Feb 2nd is fast approaching and Ralph and Lida Munroe are going to do the Boston Stair Climb again this year which is a fundraiser for the American Lung Association. People can make donations to their climbs. Click here for Ralph's donation site and click here for Lida's donation site.
January 4, 2013 - Raymond Hamilton last night was admitted to the Gosnell Home (11 Hunnewell Road, Scarborough, ME 04074) and is not doing very well. We had a great night on New Years Eve and he looked at a photo of a baseball team taken in 1907 and talked about all the players on the team. He also talked about going to baseball games, and his first boat, we toasted to the new year with our vanilla cafe and then went through an album of photos from his 90th birthday party which had been held at the Parish House. The part about baseball and his first boat I filmed before the battery ran out and have youtubed it tonight - click here to see.
Little Lights on Chebeague. --- Any family wishing to have a white votive candle in a glass holder may pick one up at the Parish House, Doughty’s Island Market, or the Library. The idea for lighting a candle for private prayer, which becomes collective, came after events in Connecticut. With so many feeling the difficulty of loss, both across the Nation and close to home on Chebeague, we may wish to join with the silent voice of others in the belief of prayer’s comfort, beauty, and power. Little lights to remind us we are all connected in hope for the New Year. At this time, Sanfords pond is not open for skating.
We still need more people to help clear the rest of the pond, remove snow with snow blowers from around the building and clear the paths. If you are interested in helping, we are trying to put together a work crew for Saturday afternoon 1/4 at 2 pm. This has to be done in a supervised manner because there are weak spots in the ice. If you are interested, please call or text May 332.2368 or Cassidy 239.6082.
Our best hope of a good skating season this year is a good turn out tomorrow.
Message from Deb Bowman: I would love to have your wooden clementine boxes and old Christmas cards for recycling. You can leave them at the library or call me and I can pick them up. Thank you and Happy New Year! Deb Bowman
January 3, 2013 - The Sustainability Coalition organizational meeting will be held at the Island Hall on Saturday, January 26th at 10:00 am.
Happy 60th Birthday to David Miller (the lobsta killa)
January 2, 2013 - There is an article in the Forecaster about Raymond turning 102 - click here to see.
The Slow Bell Cafe will feature PULLED PORK and WHITE BEAN & KALE SOUP this Saturday, opening at 6pm as usual. I do plan to open every Saturday night this winter! Menu will continue to be announced weekly.
There has been very little turnout for the Sunday Patriot's Games. If anyone out there is interested in having this continue please call or text and let me know (Nancy 228-3709). If there's enough interest I'll try and open for them, otherwise will take a break.....untill the SUPER BOWL PARTY Feb 3rd! Watch for details....rumor has it there may be wings and fries on the menu that day!
The Chebeague Historical Society 2012 Yearly Newsletter will be getting put together this month so I will need the articles from all the organizations! If you have any photos to include and need to be brought to me or scanned at at least 300 resolution. Please email your report to me in a doc or pages format as soon as possible.
The Porters have finally updated their website with their return to Maine and their summer wanderings. Michael took advantage of the wait for favorable tides for New York to get this page u - click here.
I found a silver earing on the road to the Cousins Parking Lot this morning - Email me and I will get it to you.
January 1, 2013 - HAPPY NEW YEAR! Click here for PreSchool Newsletter!
Clint Jones has a new sloop on display ... on the Holt's barn on the North Road ... For more information, please call 207-653-9719.
Click here for the 2013 Sailing School information!
December 31, 2012 - SLOW BELL UPDATE: There has been some confusion around tonight's New Year's Eve event, and I want to clarify. We are opening the bar at 8:30 PM to ring in the New Year with some of our local island musicians. There is no dinner service this evening! I do plan to continue with Saturday night dinners through the winter months, and will continue to post the menu by Thursday of each week on the island website (and on the road sign if it's not buried).
Message from CIHCC: There will be no coffee or soup Wednesday (January 2), but we will be back on January 9. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL OF YOU.
New Year's Day 11:00 am at the Parish House, bring your sewing machine, threads, scissors, good humor and help sew book sacks for the school in Guatemala. You will have fun and get lunch! Call Deb 846-0609 if you have any questions.
December 28, 2012 - Photo taken by Aaron Rugh as the moon was setting after the storm December 28th at 6:38am.
Ring in the New Year at the Slow Bell. Live music. Stay tuned for details!
December 27, 2012 - Photos taken during the storm on December 27th by KK Hill. They are of Chandler's Wharf and the Boat Yard.
THe Library will be closed this evening due to the snow.
The Slow Bell will be serving a hearty beef stew this Saturday night. Opening at 6 pm.
The ferry will run its normal schedule today. The Bus will run only as needed - the Captain will call the bus driver to let him know if there are people needing to go to Route One. Wind is gusting over 40 on the Islander, wind is expected to let up after noon.
The Town Office will be closed today, due to inclement weather.
December 24, 2012 - Photo taken Christmas Eve by KK Hill at the Boatyard.
The internet is back to the East End thanks to a Christmas miracle and Drew (our tech guru from Bangor)!! There are four households who will not be able to get the internet tonight because their routers are either damaged or configured incorrectly. We will be contacting those households tomorrow at their convenience.
Missing a bag of groceries from yesterday - if found please call me at 846-4850 (hamburger, chicken, shrimp and a few other items). FOUND in my house! Too many people putting things away sometimes doesn't work.;;lo
Christmas Eve - The internet is still out at the East End and we have a consultant tech friend driving down from Bangor to help us get our equipment up and running again. We are hoping so that he will be able to solve our problems so we can relax for Christmas. I tried to do an update using my new ipad as a hotspot but it wouldn't work, probably because the cell phone coverage is so bad. So I am sitting in front of the library updating.
I am downloading the video I did of Ray hamilton during the power outage on Friday evening - so click here for the continuation of the discussion about trawl fishing.
CTC wants to remind everyone that we have a reduced schedule on Christmas and New Year's Day. For a copy of the schedule, click here
December 22, 2012 - The power went out yesterday about 4pm and finally was restored this morning at around 10am. Not too much damage that I know about. We had two trees come down in the middle of Stephen's lobster traps and he lost a dozen or so. The internet has been restored around the island except at the East End coming from the Inn. We have contacted GWI and they have contacted Fairpoint where there seems to be a problem with the lines to the Inn. We are all hoping to have it restored soon and I had to go to the West End to update my page.
COME SING in the HOLIDAYS- Everyone is invited to sing carols on Monday, December 24th-9:15AM-12noon. Meet at the store at 9:15 for caroling around the island. Wear warm clothes. All you need is your voice and holiday spirit, we will provide music. Contact Mary Holt (islelive@chebeague.net) or Erika Neumann (erikagneumann@yahoo.com).
December 21, 2012 - I have just added another interview session with Ray Hamilton who talks about John Dunk Hamilton, fishing around Cape Elizabeth and trawl fishing. He was making some great description of trawl fishing when we realized the camera had gone dead so he said he would repeat it today when I get back there.
Coastal Waters meeting December 27th at the Public Safety Room 6pm - see agenda on Town Website.
December 20, 2012 - Please join the Methodist Church for a joy- full Christmas Eve Service with carols and candles on Monday at 7:00 pm. Children of all ages are especially welcome (even grown-up ones!) Please bring a flashlight with you to help tell the Christmas story.
Florence will be at the Island Market this Saturday from 10 am - 2 pm with lots of last min.gifts for Christmas. Lots of earrings, rings, bracelets, scarfs, scarf rings napkin rings, hats, handbags and more All handcrafted All made on Chebeague.
December 19, 2012 -Come out for the Chebeague Island School Holiday Concert Thursday night, December 20 at 5:30 at the Hall!
Congratulations to Lola Armstrong, the winner of the Hall Gift basket. Click here for photos of the luncheon.
Saturday's menu at the Slow Bell will be Chicken Pot Pie and Cheddar Cauliflower Soup. Sunday Patriot's game at 1:00.
And don't miss the HOLIDAY POTLUCK & MUSIC JAM this Sunday starting at 6pm. Bring a dish to share at the potluck and enjoy live music by many talented local musicians!
Seeing any whitish moths around your outside lights?? Mary Holman is interested in collecting specimens of Winter Moths to send to the Insect & Disease Lab in Augusta. Please contact her at 846-1072
REMINDER Tonight - Historical Society Gift Shop Wednesday (Dec. 19) evening 5-8. All merchandise is 10% off the lowest price. If you buy 10 items or more the discount is 20%. Don't miss out on these great deals such as 15 Chebeague magnets for $20! Glasses, mugs, shirts, hats, books, fir pillows, wind chimes, napkin holders, bags and much more - just waiting for the last minute shopping experience!
COMMUNITY LUNCHEON - today - noon at the Hall.
December 18, 2012 - I have just youtubed another interview video with Ray Hamilton. He talks about the High School teacher who along with her dog lived with their family during WW I, talks about the Bennett family including his favorite girl Grace and then about walking to church.
On Thursday, December 20, the Chebeague Island School will be putting on its holiday concert at 5:30 at the Island Hall.
Come to CRC this Saturday at 10:15 to watch some of the island kids take their Tae Kwon Do belt tests. Some of these kids have been taking Tae Kwon Do for a few years now and are getting pretty good!
The Foot Doctor, Russell Rybka, will be at the Health Center tomorrow, Wednesday 19th at 9am. Call 829 6463 for an appointment.
Wednesday's Lunch is going to be Baked Ham, Potatoes with cheese sauce, veggie, salad, biscuits, and chocolate pudding with whipped cream. Don't forget that the Holiday Raffle drawing will happen then as well.
News from 2002 - through January
22, 2003
NEWS 2001
1996 AND JANUARY 1997
I would love to have any news, poetry, stories to add to
my news page so please email with anything you think would be
of interest to islanders around the world - yes Singapore, Egypt,
Mediterranean, Boston etc. checking out the news page everyday!
So please email me at
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