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December 31, 2011 - Come help sew for Guatemala at the parish house on New Year's Day. We are making pullovers for the kids and book bags for the school. Bring your sewing machine, scissors, threads, etc and join us after Church.
Anna and Julia Maine created a gingerbread lobsterboat again this year. This time it was of Stelias and given to the Chris Rich family - click here to see.
Congratulations to the Chebeague Inn which has been named one of the top vacation destination hotels in the North America by Condo Nast Traveler - click here.
December 30, 2011 - This is the 3rd year our fire chief Ralph Munroe is doing the climb, 41 stories, 82 floors - click here to see how you can help him reach his fundraising goal.
Any remaining seasonal floats at the Stone Wharf will be pulled out beginning January 3, 2012.
Next Tuesday, January 3, 6 pm, School Committee Meeting see agenda.
Congratulations to Zach Doughty who is a Business student at University of Southern Maine and has made the Dean's List.
December 29, 2011 - We have the menu for Arianna's dinner! Click here to see the four course menu - you will have a choice between the white vegetarian lasagna, Chicken stuffed with roasted squash or lobster stuffed fish! We are only selling 100 tickets so you better give me or Donna a call or email to reserve your ticket. Let us know which entree you would like as well. Click here to learn about this educational experience we are helping Arianna with.
Today, Long Island's ballet class came to Chebeague to share their version of the Nutcracker for the Island Commons residents. Click here to see the dancers, some of them have deep Chebeague Island Roots including David Johnson's grandchildren.
There is a an article in the Forecaster this week about the Commons on Chebeague and other facilities in Maine and the effects of cuts in Maine Care - click here to see.
At the Library Saturday night - Yellow Submarine (rated G) will be shown at the library at 7 PM on Dec 31 (Sat. night). Bring drinks or snacks, popcorn will be provided. Donations accepted.
December 28, 2011 - Message from Barbara and Michael who are about to leave Baltimore after a great family Christmas, and have updated their site again: http://www.mp-marine.com/Cruise11_2.html and wish a Happy New Year to you all!
The Maine Islands Coalition will be meeting in the beginning of January and Donna and I have just received the 2011 Annual Report from Roger Berle - click here to see. You can also go to the MIC website for Chebeague and see the list of representatives from all the islands.
I still have a few more photos of holiday lights and there are still more that I haven't gotten. If you have any island lights you would like to share please email them to me - thank you.
Sanford's Pond is not open because it isn't cold enough but when it does open again we need volunteers to chaperone. Caitlin has set up a Google Calendar which you can access to sign up and check the schedule when it does open again. Please click here to find out how and check it out.
I have updated the latest 2012 Sailing School information with registration and liability forms - click here.
Photo of the lights at Kevin and Polly's home.
December 23, 2011 - The Pre-K News from last weeks - click here.
Photo of the lights at Ethan and Aaron's home.
Ray Hamilton went to the Gosnell Memorial Hospice House today and if you would like to send him a card the address is 11 Hunnewell Road, Scarboro, ME 04074. He is in good spirits and is comfortable.
Guy Kittell, a standing seam metal roofer who has worked on Chebeague and many of you may know has been in a terrible accident (fell off a roof) on December 20th and a fund has been created for him - click here for more information.
Message from the CTC: The CTC has a monthly newsletter that is published in the Island Calendar on on our website on the News and Information page. To see January 2012 and previous newsletter, click here. You can sign up on the News and Info page to have the newsletter emailed to you each month.
December 22, 2011 - Photo of the lights at Doug Damon's new shop.
Click here or on the Town Link above to see the Town Office Schedule located on the right side of the window and notice the variable schedule on Thursdays.
December 21, 2011 - Photo of the lights at Marty's house and photo of Lindy and Allyson's
On Monday, January 16th there will be a Storm Window Building Workshop at the 11 am at the Chebeague Recreation Center. We will build five windows that will be donated to the Island Commons. Come learn how to make these cheap and easy-to-build windows and help keep the Island Commons warm this winter! Call Caitlin at 653-7129 if you have any questions.
December 20, 2011 -Photo of the lights at Don and Joyce's home.
All Christmas carollers wanted! Saturday morning 12/24 we will meet at the store at 9:00am and we will sing a round of Christmas carols. For those a little more adventurous, we will go around to some local spots to spread the music of the season! All welcome! Any questions call Erika Neumann, 4370
Seasons Greetings from The Niblic! We will be closing at noon this Friday the 23rd and noon on Saturday the 24th. Let us know if you need any help with your last minute holiday shopping and can't make it down when we are open this week. We'd be glad to help. We also will be closing for the months of January and February and look forward to serving you again when we reopen in 2012. We hope you all have a wonderful holiday and wish you health & happiness in the New Year. Thanks to all that support us as we really appreciate your business. All our best, Vicki & Jen
December 19, 2011 - Photo of the lights at Bink and Lynn's home.
The School Committee meeting scheduled for tomorrow night has been canceled.
The following are the upcoming holiday events at the Chebeague United Methodist Church and Parish House:
Blue Christmas: A Service of Light in the Midst of Darkness
Thursday December 22, 7:15 p.m.
If you find Christmas difficult, this quiet, meditative service is for you.
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
Saturday December 24, 7:00 p.m.
This is a family oriented service including a blessing of the children.
Christmas Morning:
A Service of Carols and Fellowship @ Chebeague United Methodist Church Parish House
How often do we take the opportunity to come together to celebrate on our Savior’s birthday?
Join us for a light breakfast and a time of fellowship and Christmas Carols.
December 16, 2011 - Photo of the lights at Sue Benner's home - click here for another view.
The Pre-K News from last weeks - click here.
Message from Florence: "I will be at Doughtys Market Saturday the 17th from 10am to 2pm. I still have a few more painted bottles that light up and Herbs jewelry.I have a few other things on sale. Thank you "
December 15, 2011 - Photo of the lights at David and Nancy Hill's home - not sure who can see them except the fishing boats coming in at night and perhaps out at Moshier Island.
Message from the Library: Thank you to all who participated in the Giving Tree for the Root Cellar in Portland. We can still collect gifts for the second family until this Saturday at 1:00 pm. If you would like to participate, call the Library at 846-4351 or come in.
The Library has some wonderful, last minute gifts available. Book journals, book bags, bird journals, posters, gently used books and Chebeague slide show disks. We will mail.
December 14, 2011 - Congratulations to Laurie Wood who has been named Maine’s Secondary Assistant Principal of the Year for 2012, the Maine Principals’ Association announced last week.
Tammy Hoidel was featured on Good Day Maine along with her sister to talk about their book "My Mother is a Rock Star" -click here to see the interveiw.
Winter is almost here, officially! CTC wants to remind you that if you want to receive an email or text notice of ferry or bus cancellations, you must sign up on our website. To sign up, go to the CTC website and register here.
The Chebeague School Holiday Concert was fabulous as usual and I have managed to put together a youtube with highlights of the evening. A huge thank you to the Music and Spanish teacher, Sue Spalding along with the teachers who did a phenomenal job - click here to see, especially if you missed it.
In Preparing for skating at Sanford's Pond this winter, there will be a CLEAN UP, Sunday at 2pm - everyone is welcome to come and help get the area READY! The more that come the faster the job and it gets dark at 4pm so we should be done. Bring your weed wackers and gloves and energy.
December 13, 2011 - Photo taken by Donna Damon of the lights and the moon early morning commuter boat at the Stone Pier.
You won't want to miss the Chebeague School's Holiday Concert, today at 5:30 at the Hall! Special guests "the Village People" and they do YMCA. The fifth graders wrote a little play about the island and the whole school performs it. The latest Preschool Newsletter from Miss Nancy- click here.
December 12, 2011 - Photo of the lights at Martha Hamilton (Champagne) home.
SAVE THE DATE! January 7, 2012 - A fundraiser dinner to help Arianna Stefanilo study in AUSTRIA! Arianna will be preparing a four course meal at the Hall to help pay for her study in Austria. Donna Damon, the Hall, the Church and I are sponsoring this event - click here to learn more. There will be a limited number of tickets sold so please order your tickets early from Donna Damon or me Beverly Johnson. If you are unable to attend but want to help Arianna you could send a donation toward Arianna's study in care of the Chebeague United Methodist Church, 258 North Road.
Photo along the road in front of Bill and Barbara Marshall's house.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY RAYMOND! Ray Hamilton is 101 year old today! Photo of Ray with some of the school children last year.
Community Luncheon
Wednesday, December 14, 12pm - 1pm
Menu: turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, squash, and angel cake.
Suggested Donation: $5 minimum
Reminder that TONIGHT from 7 to 8 at the Hall there is a workshop about the Aquaculture Lease Application. The DMR Hearing will be Monday, December 19th at 11:30am at the Hall.
December 11, 2011 - Photo of Christmas decorations on the Buxbaum house.
Kevin and Polly took their childrent to the Candy Cane Train in Bath, Maine and they said it was well worth the trip and Kevin has made a delightful youtube of the trip - click here.
December 10, 2011 - 10 YEARS AGO Remember when Wink Houghton and other put together a lobster trap tree with a lobster buoy from every lobsterman on the island. Click here to see it with the lights on it at night and click here to see it during the daylight hours! This was December of 2001 and I think Chebeague had the best lobster trap tree! Photos from Wink and Ruth and you can see Craven's (BJ's) house in the background.
CPA Holiday Party is tomorrow at the Church from 4 - 5:30 pm - Santa will be arriving as well. If you have children and are planning on attending other than Island residents please make sure you have called Jen Belesca at 846-1097 today.
December 9, 2011 -Photo Dec 9th of the Wink and Ruthie Houghton's house.
The Historical Society is having another sale and it's this Sunday 12/11/11 from 1-4. We are offering up to 50% off on almost all inventory. You can also get new Chebeague shaped ornaments, pins, pendants, and earrings from Miller Designs. See you there!
“Please come celebrate the holiday season with the Island Commons family on Saturday, December 10 from 4:00 – 6:30. We will be raffling off some great items including the quilt currently on display at the library and a lovely fabric landscape by Susan Stranahan. As always there will be delicious treats and lots of good company. Everyone’s welcome! Don’t forget your checkbook for the raffles!”
Message from Florence: "A reminder that I will be at Island Market Saturday 10am - 2pm (tomorrow) and that the lighted bottles will be on sale 25% off. I also have more of Herb's great items.What better gift for the holidays. Thank you"
The Slow Bell is closed for the winter, but there will be one last HURRAH! Come join us on Saturday, December 17th from 6-whenever for our end of the season dinner. We'll be serving a buffet dinner ($15 adults/$7 kids dessert included) with drink specials and music. Thanks to everyone on the island for making the Slow Bell such a special place this year. Hope to see you in the Spring!
December 8, 2011 - As most everyone knows Ray Hamilton will be 101 years old on Monday 12th December. If you have a minute, drop him at card at 48 South Rd - he would love it. He is still in his home reading everything that comes his way and doing very well.
**Notice** Click here for information about two upcoming meetings involving the proposed Aquaculture Lease Application. There will be a workshop Monday December 12th at the Hall from 7-8pm with light refreshments. The DMR Hearing will be Monday, December 19th at 11:30am at the Hall.
December 7, 2011 - Photo of the Polaris - Poochie Ross' boat with christmas lights.
The Island Institute has a couple of programs which could really make a difference for some people on the island. One of the programs is 2012 Summer Internship Program of which Caroline Summa was able to take advantage of last summer - click here for information about applying.
The other Island program is the Island Sustainability through Leadership and Entrepreneurship Initiative (ISLE). I know there are people on the island now who could benefit from this program and would it be a wonderful opportunity - click here for more information. You could also contact Leila Bisharat, Donna Damon or Beverly Johnson to learn more.
This morning Joe Ballard looked out his window and a group of Turkeys were circling and he managed to get a couple of videos of them and I have put them on youtube - click here.
NEW BUS! CTC is excited to announce that we purchased a new (used) 14 passenger bus. The bus is much more comfortable and passenger friendly than our large buses. Most importantly, it is easier to board since the steps are lower. The bus will be in service shortly. We are certain it will make your ride back and forth to the Route One lot more enjoyable. For more information, click here.
The Chebeague Historical Society is offering another chance to get great gifts at the museum shop. This Sunday Dec. 11, from 1 - 4pm - Dads and kids - don't forget mom (and save boat fare) We'll have Gail Miller Designs Chebeague shaped jewelry and ornaments! See you there!
December 6, 2011 -Michael Porter has uploaded a new blog from his trip this year. Click here to see from Chebeague to New Haven with wonderful photos as usual.
Yesterday the boat that Mike Robinson and Mark Olsen have been building over the last few winters has a new home at the Boat Yard and the Houghtons were able to get a few photos of the move - click here to see.
December 5, 2011 - Photo Dec 5th - Corson House - East End of Chebeague across from Inn.
School Committee Meeting tomorrow evening, Tuesday December 6th at 6pm at the school - see agenda.
Reminder that at 6pm tomorrow evening the School will also be hosting a Video Conference to learn about practical, easy-to-implement practices and retrofits for commercial fishermen interested in decreasing their fuel use and overhead costs. For more information about this and other workshops go to: http://www.islandinstitute.org/energyworkshops
Topics covered will include:
· Fuel Price Trends - Dick Clime, CEI
· 10 Steps to Help Lower your Fuel Costs - Hugh Cowperthwaite, CEI
· Proper Maintenance for a Diesel Engine - Greg Sanborn, Billings Marine
· Green Lobster Boat Design - Doug Read for Penobscot East Resource Center
· PLUS info on fuel flow meters, biofuels, hybrid engines, trim tabs, and fuel additives
December 4, 2011 - CTC wants to remind everyone that they will provide FREE BOAT DAYS this Saturday and next Saturday 12/10 and 12/17. Happy shopping!
Last night was the Annual Whalers Christmas with the theme "Through the Years." They perfomed Christmas selections they have sung since the Whalers began in 1992. The Hall Gift Basket raffle was won by Karen Corson and Jennifer Howard. To see all the photos click here. I have downloaded a quick youtube with excerps from the show - click here to see it. I recommend letting it load and then watching it later after all loaded.
The Forecaster has an article about the proposed kelp Farm hearings set for Chebeague Island and Jewell Island. The hearing for the Chebeague one is at the Island Hall, December 19th at 11:30 am. The Jewell Island hearing will be held December 21 at 1 pm on Cliff Island.
December 1, 2011 -Island Riches is closed for the season but will be at the Island Market on Saturday's from 10am-2pmuntil Christmas. Herb has lots of items for sale and we have a few other items to sell. Florence had lots of fun last Saturday and Ed and Julie are having her back. Buy from local is the theme and made in America. Thank you from Florence.
The Giving Tree in the Library has had a new family added. A mom and two young daughters are in need. I would encourage anyone to call the Library to see what they can do to provide some hope and love this Christmas. Thank you!
Only a few days left for the Hannaford - buy four of a specially marked item at Hannaford they will print you out a coupon having Hannaford donate $3.00's to a school of your choice. The Chebeague Island School has received over $400 last year and over $600 the previous year. Click here for a list of the items you can purchase to help the school. Ask the cashier where the collection tower is for the Chebeague Island School.
November 30, 2011 - Next Tuesday, December 6, 2011from 6:00-8:00pm there will be aTandberg video conference at the Chebeague School. Learn about practical, easy-to-implement practices and retrofits for commercial fishermen interested in decreasing their fuel use and overhead costs. For more information about this and other workshops go to: http://www.islandinstitute.org/energyworkshops
Topics covered will include:
· Fuel Price Trends - Dick Clime, CEI
· 10 Steps to Help Lower your Fuel Costs - Hugh Cowperthwaite, CEI
· Proper Maintenance for a Diesel Engine - Greg Sanborn, Billings Marine
· Green Lobster Boat Design - Doug Read for Penobscot East Resource Center
· PLUS info on fuel flow meters, biofuels, hybrid engines, trim tabs, and fuel additives
Don't forget the Whaler's Concert this Saturday Evening 7:30 at the Hall - back by popular demand is the Basket Raffle by the CIHCC so get your tickets for a chance to win!
This week at the Slow Bell: Friday, Take Out 5-8 p.m., Saturday Regular Dinner 5-9 p.m. Our dinner special this week is New England Boiled Dinner with Homemade Rolls $12. Come join us for dinner before the Whaler's Concert and for the Whaler's After-Party right after the show! Questions? 846-3078
November 26, 2011 -Photo of the Stone Pier on Saturday, November 26th. Beautiful day and the lobstermen finishing getting up their gear. Panorama photo from the 7th green while chasing an eagle who flew away - click here to see.
Click here to see a Portland Press Herald article from 1969 about the viking ship on the Kelly Cottage. John Howard is scanning one of his mother's scrapbooks so hopefully we will have more - thank you John.
November 25, 2011 - Photo taken by Kim Munroe at sunset, November 25th, of the Pied Piper.
Groovy Movie tonight at 7:00 pm. "The Illusionist" by Sylvain Chomet
Saturday is "Small Business Saturday" ---- go to the Chebeague Historical Society shop(1-4), see Florence's Table at the Island Market (10-2), and then swing by the Niblic (8:30 - 2) and get all your holiday shopping done right here on Chebeague! Miller Design is at a craft show in Scarboro but she will be open on Sunday.
November 24, 2011 - HAPPY THANKSGIVING - From The Niblic...Happy Holidays everyone! If the hustle and bustle of Black Friday isn't your thing and you're looking for a bit more leisurely holiday shopping, come down to The Niblic Friday or Saturday 8:30 to 2. We have a SALE WALL with everything being 25% off! And if you're not too full from Thanksgiving dinner, we will be serving Haddock Chowder on Friday and Lobster Corn Chowder on Saturday. We also have our final shipment of the season of Toot's Ice Cream at 25% off. Thank you for your continued patronage and supporting local artisans. We really appreciate it and look forward to seeing you!
The Whalers Holiday Concert is coming up NEXT WEEKEND, Saturday, December 3, 7:30 at the Hall. Come hear the Whalers sing all their favorite Christmas music!
November 22, 2011 - From the Slow Bell: Don't forget to join us on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25th for our SLOW BELL POT LUCK THANKSGIVING PARTY (take out will not be served). We will have wine, beer and drink specials available and hope you'll all come and bring a dish, salad, or pie! Just a reminder, we will not be open on Saturday, November 26th. Questions? Call 846-3078.
Florence is going to be at Doughty,s Island Market this Saturday the 26th from 10 am to 2pm. She will have lots of Herb's silverware jewelry and a few other items. She is thankful to Ed and Julie for letting her set up there.
Historical Society Holiday - Open House and Shopping Event -Saturday • November 26 • 1:00 – 4:00
Join us for holiday refreshments while you browse our Museum Gift Shop inventory. You’ll find many Chebeague Island items, which make great presents for family and friends. Our 2012 Photo Calendar featuring original photos of Chebeague scenes by Cathy MacNeill is a perfect holiday gift for anyone who loves Chebeague. Also available are Old Schoolhouse note cards and giclees, vintage Chebeague photo reproductions and magnets, mugs, glassware, aprons, balsam pillows, books and much more.
November 21, 2011 - The Giving Tree is up in the Library. This is a collaborative effort of the Library, Church and Parents Association. We have 5 young people with modest needs. Please stop in to sign up to help this family. Thank you!
Mary Holt wishes to thank community members for their support and confidence, as well as the opportunity to serve the Town of Chebeague Island as selectwoman. Feel free to contact Mary regarding Town issues at maryholt@chebeague.net or 207-846-5040.
Chebeague Island School Committee Meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, November 22 at 6:00 P.M .at the school. See agenda!
Teen Book offers Bicoastal Perspective - is the article in todays Portland Press Herald about the book that our teacher, Tammy Hoidel wrote with her sister Laura.
Message from Kids' Place: "We have had a good outcome from people pre-ordering. I have recruited additional bakers and have pecan, cherry, apple, mixed berry, apple berry, pumpkin, chocolate cream and a cheese cake to add to our list. Call ahead or email me to make sure you get your favorite pie(s). 846-8712 or paige@chebeague.net. If you know anyone who is in need of a pie this year please email me with the name. We have a number of pies purchased for donation only. Please remember to stop into the Hall Nov 23rd from noon to 3pm to pick up your pies. I would like to thank Mrs. Westra's students in advance for volunteering to sell the pies for KP! Thank you all for your support! Paige"
Unfortunately due to a significant increase in cost, it has been decided by the Fire Department that we will not be selling Christmas Trees this year.
Yesterday I got a photo of an Autumn Meadowhawk (I bet you thought it was another bird). Photo taken at Charleston Pond.
November 19, 2011 - Last Monday I had a few hairy woodpeckers making a racket in the yard and I was able to get a photo of three of them together, two males and a female - click here. I also had a brown creeper on one of my trees - click here to see.
The Town Meeting went very well today with much discussion about most of the items. The meeting started at about 9am and was finished around 11:15 with the swearing in of our newly elected Selectman Mary Holt. All of the Articles on the Warrant passed with the addition of a vote of appreciation to Mark Dyer for his service to the community.
November 18, 2011 - Click here for a wonderful article in the Forecaster about Sam Hackenberger.
Don't forget to go to the Town Meeting tomorrow at 9 at the Hall.
November 17, 2011 - The Town is now advertising for a Harbor Master - click here for the letter and job description.
The Town Office will be closed: Thursday, November 24th, 2011 Friday, November 25th, 2011in observance of the Thanksgiving Holiday. They will be open as usual Monday and Tuesday.
Also, we are adjusting our hours again! We will be open this week for TAKE OUT Friday night (5-8), dinner on Saturday night (5-9) and the bar will be open Saturday night and for the Patriots game Sunday (4 p.m.). Those are our ONLY hours this week.
Next week, we hope you'll all join us FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25th for our SLOW BELL POT LUCK THANKSGIVING PARTY (take out will not be served). We will have wine, beer and drink specials available and hope you'll all come and bring a dish, salad, or pie! We will not be open on Saturday, November 26th. Questions? Call 846-3078.
Message from Kid's Place: "We are selling pies for $15 each on Nov 23rd, 12 to 3 at the Hall. This is Kids' Place 2nd annual THANKSGIVING PIE SALE. To pre-order call 846-8712 or 329-5231. We have lots of bakers ready to fill special orders. Some examples of pies we will be offering are blueberry, choc cream, apple cran, apple rasp, maple pecan and pumpkin. Thank you to everyone who supported us last year. The children are enjoying there new listening center. This year all proceeds will go toward improving our dramatic play center. Thank you, Paige"
November 15, 2011 - Announcement from the Slow Bell: see new one Nov 16.
Just a reminder not to believe emails that say you need to update your mail account. Chebeague.net or any other email account would never ask you to respond to an email.
November 14, 2011 - Yesterday I was able to get this photo of long-tailed ducks (formerly called Old Squaws) flying near the Islander between Chebeague and Littlejohns. I was out on the punt trying to get photos of buffleheads and a loon and managed to get this not great photo of buffleheads (male and female) by Aarons Wharf. Here is another of the buffleheads flying by the Stone Pier.
I meant to include this correct photo of the house that was featured on the cover of the monthly calendar in November. This house was built in 1887 by Ed Duff's father & neighbors for Alex and Amelia Newcomb.. newly arrived from Canada. Gramp or "Uncle Alex" as he was called by neighbors was a seaman and spent many months away from Home but the house was lived in year 'round until 1942 by some of the eleven children and their descendants. More recent owners and summer visitors are the grandchildren of Alex and Amelia.. in the Dow and Hall families..
Community Luncheon -Wednesday, November 16 at NOON everyone is invited $5 donation to the Hall to keep these monthly luncheons going through the winter - Beef stew is on the menu.
Don't forget tonight at the library Andrew Stickney to talk about financial issues related to paying for college. Click here for a link for more info about him.
November 12, 2011 - There will be a Special Town Meeting next Saturday, November 19the, 9 am at the Hall - click here to see the Warrant. The warrant refers to Exhibits which you can see by clicking here or they are available at the Town office.
TODAY - Please attend the info session with our State Senator Dick Woodbury and Representative Meredith Strang Burgess schedule for 9:30 am at the Hall .
The library is providing temporary access to five Taylor & Francis Reference Online sites. Feel free to check them out.
Take a look at this photo from Kevin Wentworth of the Islander taken in 1987 - do you see any changes and maybe you are in the photo.
November 10, 2011 - Come and celebrate with Bo and Meredith Beaupre and their family as they join the church this Sunday! Worship is at 10am and a luncheon will follow worship at the Parish House. We hope you will join us....Pastor Linda
CTC wants to remind everyone that barging will end this month. If you need something barged to or from Chebeague, please call the office to schedule. The office is closed on 11/11, so please call early next week.
November 9, 2011 - Beginning next week, CTC will reduce the hours that attendants will be in the Blanchard Lot. Click here for more information.
The CRC and Library have arranged to bring Andrew Stickney to the island to talk about financial issues related to paying for college. He is coming next Monday, November 14th at 7 pm to the Library. This a great opportunity to get advice from a pro. He regularly does workshops on the mainland in Cumberland, Yarmouth and surrounding areas. It's never too early to think about if you have kids of any age. This will be especially great for those of us with kids in high school. Click here for a link to more info about him. Please help spread the word and contact Caitlin Gerber if you have any questions.
Please attend the info session with our State Senator Dick Woodbury and Representative Meredith Strang Burgess schedule for 9:30 am at the Hall on Saturday 11/12.
Message from Kid's Place: "We are selling pies for $15 each on Nov 23rd, 12 to 3 at the Hall. This is Kids' Place 2nd annual Thanksgiving pie sale. To pre-order call 846-8712 or329-5231. We have lots of bakers ready to fill special orders. Some examples of pies we will be offering are blueberry, choc cream, apple cran, apple rasp, maple pecan and pumpkin. Thank you to everyone who supported us last year. The children are enjoying there new listening center. This year all proceeds will go toward improving our dramatic play center. Thank you, Paige"
Anyone interested in a self storage facility on Chebeague please indicate your interest via email to chebeagueselfstor@gmail.com.
November 8, 2011 -Photo Here's a sunrise on election day (Nov 8) foto by Jim Thresher!!!! Bangs Is. is at the bottom.
Click here for the election results for the State Referendum on Chebeague.
On October 31st a new book on Amazon was released called " "My Mother is a Rock Star" written by two sisters, Tammy Drew Hoidel and Laura Drew Farraher. This Young Adult Novel is a wonderful story of a young girl from LA coming to Chebeague to meet and stay with her pen-pal. Click here to see the press release and learn more about this book written by one of our island teachers.
The Chebeague Recreation Center has created a new Google Calendar for the public to view. Click here to see what is going on at the CRC!
A few weeks ago the Chebeague School had a Middle Eastern Feast which culminated the 3-5 classroom study of the Middle East. Click here to see the event. The students learned so much from Barbara Porter, Leila and Suhail Bisharat, Tad Runge and others about the Middle East and the students each made a brochure about some of the countries they studied.
November 6, 2011 - Photo sunset taken by Donna Damon on Nov 6, 2011 at Bennetts Cove.
Today - Chebeague Island Historical Society: Sunday, November 6, 1:00 - 4:00 pm: Enjoy fresh pressed cider, see an antique bean separator in action and explore the Museum exhibit, Tourism Transforms Chebeague, before it is taken down to ready for the 2012 exhibit featuring the works of Chebeague's past artists. A great opportunity for all ages to enjoy a visit to the Museum.
Lola Armstrong has worked with Crown of Maine to develop a monthly produce order that would replace the produce component of the Angel Food monthly orders that many Islanders have relied on. The monthly orders are an important service for Islanders who can no longer manage the lugging involved with mainland shopping and it’s a great convenience for those who participate by choice. Crown requires that 25 orders of the following “produce pack” be placed. The exact contents of the pack may vary a bit from month to month, relative to seasonal options, but the overall quantity and quality will be consistent. Keep in mind that a couple may wish to buy 2 packs or a family may wish to buy 4 packs. If we can make this work, it would be a great help for some and a wonderful convenience for others. Please take the time to check out what $25 will purchase and let Mary Holt at islelive@chebeague.net know if you think you might be interested. The individual orders would arrive already packaged for pick-up or delivery, no breakdown at the Parish house necessary.
The Adult Exercise Class is starting up again at Chebeague Recreation Center THIS WEEK, November 8th, 8:00-9:00 am. The program will run Tuesday and Thursday mornings. The class is for all ability levels, everyone is welcome, $1 drop-in fee. Please call 846-5068 or e-mail crc@chebeague.net if you have any questions. Hope to see you there!
The Board of Selectmen will meet on Wednesday, November 9th, 2011 at the Island Hall beginning at 6:00pm - see agenda.
November 4, 2011 - Message from the Slow Bell: Starting this week, we will only be open on weekends. Please note the changes in our schedule. If you miss our great Wed/Thur breakfasts, come try our Sunday brunch! Friday: Take Out ONLY 5-8 p.m. Check out our take-out menu with lots of items and our HOT DINNER SPECIAL! Saturday: Take Out AND Regular Dinner 5-9 p.m./Bar open until 1 a.m. Sunday: Brunch 10-2p.m./Bar open for the Patriots Game at 4 This week our HOT DINNER SPECIAL for Friday and Saturday night is Turkey with Stuffing, Mashed Potatoes, Roasted Root Vegetables and Gravy. Comes with rolls and cranberry sauce! $12 Call 846-3078 to place your take out order or stop by!
The Adult Exercise Class is starting up again at Chebeague Recreation Center NEXT WEEK, November 8th, 8:00-9:00 am. The program will run Tuesday and Thursday mornings. The class is for all ability levels, everyone is welcome, $1 drop-in fee. Please call 846-5068 or e-mail crc@chebeague.net if you have any questions. Hope to see you there!
November 3, 2011 - At school we have been having lots of fun in Technology Club by being citizen scientists and being part of projectnoah.org. Project Noah is an online place for nature lovers. I have had a link of my project noah sitings above which I am gradually adding as I find time. It is really a fun site and anyone can join and add nature photos to if they wish to or just see and learn from all over the world. We have at least four sites from the island and I have links here to them:
Chebeague School
Jim Thresher
Bev Johnson
Peter Kaufman has been seen on National television lately in a couple of programs, CNBC’s Street Signs and Fox Business. You can view these and others from the past - click here to watch and see.
November 2, 2011 - The Road Plan Committee will hold a Meeting on Roads and the Road Plan Thursday November 3 at 7:15 at the Hall - click here for more information.
Our elected state officials, Senator Dick Woodbury and Representative Meredith Strang Burgess, will be visiting the Island on the morning of Saturday, November 12. Please join them at the Island Hall at 9:30 a.m. They are looking forward to the opportunity to meet with many Chebeaguers. Please come and share your concerns and questions. They'd like to hear what the issues are from our perspective.
The Transfer Station will switch back to Winter Hours with daylight savings time. Friday, November 5th will be the last day of Summer Hours, with Winter Hours beginning on Wednesday November 9th. Winter Hours are:
Wednesday 1:30pm - 4:00pm
Saturday and Sunday 9:00am - 4:00pm
Yesterday a jet with 47 passengers taking off from the Portland Jetport ran into a drift of snow buntings and had to return to Portland for inspection of damage - click here.
November 1, 2011 - Message from Casco Bay Lines: At its meeting on Tuesday, December 21, 2010 the CBITD Board of Directors voted unanimously to change the 6:45 pm departure (7 days a week) from Chebeague Island to a 6:35 pm departure time. This change will go into effect again this year on Wednesday, November 2, 2011 and will conclude with the end of the Winter sailing schedule on April 20, 2012. This change will allow Cliff Island passengers to get home earlier without impacting other service.
Rescheduled: Chebeague Island Historical Society: Sunday, November 6, 1:00 - 4:00 pm: Enjoy fresh pressed cider, see an antique bean separator in action and explore the Museum exhibit, Tourism Transforms Chebeague, before it is taken down to ready for the 2012 exhibit featuring the works of Chebeague's past artists. A great opportunity for all ages to enjoy a visit to the Museum.
Change of Time - The Catholic Communion Service held on Saturdays will be at 4 P.M. at the Parish House. If the Parish House is busy, we will be at the Parsonage. For more information contact Ann Belesca.
On Sunday I at the hook there was a group of Black-bellied Plovers along with Dunlins together along the shore. Great opportunity to compare the sizes. Click here for a large photo of them and then to see all the shots of them click here.
Representative Meredith Strang Burgess and Senator Dick Woodbury will be on the Island Saturday morning, 11/12.Will let you know more details when we have them.
October 31, 2011 - HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
Tomorrow evening (Tuesday, Nov 1st) is the School Committee meeting - 6pm at the school - see agenda.
October 30, 2011 - Photo October 30th and the first snow storm of the year also brought the first "drift" of snow buntings. They were flying all over the golf course today and I managed to get a few photos - click here.
As everyone is probably aware by now the power on the island went off about 1 AM and didn't get back on until about 4:30pm this afternoon. The East End got a couple of inches of snow and the West End got twice as much.
October 27, 2011 - Opening night for Groovy Movie is tomorrow, Friday October 28th at 7:00 pm at the Library!
Flu Shot Clinic tomorrow/Friday 9am until 11:30am at the Hall. Bring your insurance card. NO ONE WILL BE TURNED AWAY due to inability to pay.
Chebeague Island Historical Society: Sunday, October 30, 1:00 - 4:00 pm: Enjoy fresh pressed cider, see an antique bean separator in action and explore the Museum exhibit, Tourism Transforms Chebeague, before it is taken down to ready for the 2012 exhibit featuring the works of Chebeague's past artists. A great opportunity for all ages to enjoy a visit to the Museum.
Interested in learning more about the college financial aid process? There will be a seminar called ‘College Funding Boot Camp’ with Financial Advisor Andrew Stickney on Monday, November 14th at 7:00 pm at the Library. There is no charge for this session. We need a final head count so please let us know by November 11th if you are planning to attend. Please contact the Library or Caitlin at the Chebeague Recreation Center (cgerber@islandinstitute.org or 846-5068) if you would like to sign up or if you have any questions.
An important piece of our accreditation application will be the public comments from our members, partners and friends. Please consider submitting a comment - click here for more information. If you are going to the site to make a comment just use the drop down menu and use other and refer to CCLT. They should be updating and adding CCLT to their list but our Land Trust could really use the help in getting noticed for accreditation - thank you!
Message from the Slow Bell: The Slow Bell Cafe will be open this week on Thursday for breakfast and lunch (6-2), Friday and Saturday for dinner (5-9 p.m., bar open until 1) and Sunday for brunch (10-2). This week's dinner special is beer battered chicken breast with roasted root vegetables ($12). We will also have the bar open for the Patriot's day with Black Bean and Chicken Chili starting at 4. Come out Saturday night for our Halloween Costume Party from 9-1 a.m. We'll be showing some of your favorite Halloween videos with HAUNTINGLY good drink specials.
October 26, 2011 - Photo taken Ocotber 26 by Jim Thresher of "going to work Chebeague style" - Jason Hamilton.
CRC will be changing its exterior doors locks on November 2nd. We will not be able to get new keys until that date so there may be a couple days that past key holders will be unable to access the building outside of office hours. If you are a volunteer or current fitness pass holder that uses the building outside regular office hours (with a buddy of course) please call, email or stop by the office so your name gets on the new key list.
CTC ferry and bus schedules for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's Day are now available. Click here for a copy of the schedules, and Happy Holidays!
October 25, 2011 - Don't forget this weekend the Halloween Harvest Potluck, Saturday, October 29th at the Hall. 4:00 - 5:00 Games and Crafts and 5:00 - 6:00 Potluck. If you're interested in helping, please email Meredith Beaupre at jakylory@chebeague.net. They could use the help!
Doug Damon's Post and Beam structure he has designed, created and now assembling is coming along wonderfully today with the second floor being added - click here to see a a photo Donna took.
Congratulations to Art Lynch who has been awarded the volunteer of the year award from 3M. The CIFD will be receiving a check for $1000 and a crystal trophy with a plaque!!!
Kevin Wentworth has created a wonderful photo tribute to Ann Knight - click here.
October 24, 2011 - Wednesday, Octboer 26th there will be a Town Public Hearing at 6pm followed by a Selectmen's meeting at the Hall - click here for the Town website information.
October 23, 2011 - Photo of lots of activity at Lone Goat Farm - a crop of garlic has been planted to be harvested in the spring.
We took a hike over to Little Chebeague today and on the way I got some nice photos of a Great Egret - click here.
October 21, 2011 -CTC annual parking permit applications have been mailed to current permit holders. Applications are also available on the CTC website. For more information, click here.
CTC Board of Directors adopted policies regarding delinquent accounts, charging ferry fares, and returned checks. These policies are effective November 1st. For more information, click here.
Julia Maine scored the winning goal in the 1-0 win over Leavett in the field hockey playoffs. Chebeague has four players on the Team: Seniors Sasha McLain and Julia Maine and Sophomores: Genny Dyer and Brennah Martin. Good luck to the team on Saturday when they play York.
Halloween Harvest Potluck, Saturday, October 29th at the Hall. 4:00 - 5:00 Games and Crafts and 5:00 - 6:00 Potluck. If you're interested in helping, please email Meredith Beaupre at jakylory@chebeague.net.
October 20, 2011 - COME GET YOUR FLU SHOT at the Hall on Friday 28th October from 9am until 11:30. Flu shots are $30 and are covered by Medicare. NO ONE WILL BE TURNED AWAY IF THEY CAN'T PAY.
WANTED: Chebeague Recreation Teen Center leaders! Starting at $12 per hour, we are looking for adults to supervise teen center Friday and Saturday nights from 7-10 pm. If you are available even one night per month please let us know! Volunteers needed too! Call 846-5068 or e-mail crc@chebeague.net if you’re interested or have any questions.
The Chebeague Running team competed in their final meet of the year yesterday at Twin Brooks. Even though Mother Nature didn’t cooperate a few brave members of our team weathered the storm to participate in the race. Congratulations Cooper Israel, Sumner Rugh and Zackary Rich!
Come out to the Slow Bell this weekend and welcome Jonathan back! Open today (Thursday) for breakfast and lunch from 6-2 p.m., Friday and Saturday for dinner (5-9, bar open until 1), and Sunday for brunch (10-2). Our dinner special this week (offered both Friday and Saturday) is lasagna with meat sauce and a side salad for $12.
October 19, 2011 - COLLEGE INFORMATION NIGHT is tomorrow, Thursday, October 20th at 7 pm at the Library. Everyone is invited to come learn more about the college application process, SATs and scholarship options! Come with any questions you may have. Sponsored by the Chebeauge Island Library and Chebeague Recreation Center.
Jack the Black Swan from Hope Island has escaped again and usually heads over to Chebeague. Please be on the lookout for him and call me at 939-9643 or Priscilla Ross at 846-4072. You can't miss him, click here for a photo (he is the one on the right).
October 18, 2011 - Annual Meeting of CICA, Tuesday October 18, 2011 at 7:15 at the Parish House - see agenda
There has been some interest in getting our Monday, Wednesday and Friday Adult exercise class started again at CRC. We are hoping we can find someone to lead the program (set up and take down the projector and screen each day). Please call or email CRC if you are interested, 846-5068 or crc@chebeague.net.
I have just added the obituary for Ann Knight- click here.
October 17, 2011 - COMMUNITY LUNCHEON - This Wednesday is the start of the monthly community luncheons at the Hall - everyone is invited and suggested $5 donations to help support this offering. The luncheons are a CIHCC community event. Please come and join us!
School Committee meeting tomorrow evening at 6pm - see agenda.
Tonight the Chebeague Island Historical Society presents Ghost Stories of Chebeague at 7:00p.m. Come hear about galloping horses, sounds of fluttering birds and unexplainable sightings. At the Parish House.
The Rec Center is closed today and tomorrow while the floors are being stripped and waxed. We emptied out the fitness and teen room this weekend and will be pulling a crew together to put everything back in the next day or so. If you can help put things back in order tomorrow evening please call CRC at 846-5068.
October 16, 2011 - Photo of Hamilton beach
Chebeague Health Clinic - OPEN HOUSE - Tuesday Oct 18th at 9am....Come and meet Deirdre Sulka/Meister - our new island health care provider.
Last week from the Chebeague Pre-K Class - click here!
October 13, 2011 - Yesterday a representative for Susan Collins came to Chebeague to honor and present Ray Hamilton with a flag flown over the Capital of the United States in honor of his 100 years - click here to see.
Click here for photos of Phil and Sheila Jordan and Diane Ash and Betsy Gaston at the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. All safely made it in from the ledge. Today they are are staying in Kanab where most western films were made and they acted in a pretend movie at a western movie set - click to see.
October 12, 2011 - Here is another page of photos from Mary Holt who is on the South West Trip with the Historical Society.
The FINAL adult Tai Chi class of this session is THIS Friday, October 14 starting at 9 am at CRC. Don’t forget it!
Yesterday the South West Historical Society Group were at Slot Canyon in Arizona and it was amazin - click here.Today they will be at the Grand Canyon.
October 11, 2011 -This Sunday the Island Institute is hosting a leadership conference. The Leadership Summit will be held on Sunday, October 16, 2011, 9 am – 2 pm at the Island Institute. Rick Gilkey, an experienced leadership expert, has volunteered to present the day-long session. If you would be interested in taking part in this event please contact Donna Damon or me (Beverly Johnson) and we will give you more information about this terrific opportunity.
There are a lot of Yellow Rumped Warblers along the road to the hook and I managed to get some photos of them mid air catching bugs - click here.
A couple of photos from the Monument Valley from the Historical Society Group - click here.
Message from the CTC: 70 people enjoyed the CTC foliage cruise on 10/9. The weather was fantastic, and the music was unbelievable. Ketch and Justin Doughty entertained us all - with the help of John Layng. Click here to see some pictures.
October 10, 2011 - Congratulations to Kathy Leighton who is the winner of the Jeanne Mullen School House framed print .
There have been some sighting of Yellow Bellied Sapsuckers and yesterday at half time during the Patriots Game I was able to get some photos of a female sapsucker and then today there was a male in our yard eating our apples. Click here to see the photos. Click here to see one large photo. I should mention that it is the first time that I had ever seen them that I know of. By the look of the tree it appears they do a lot of damage to the tree. There are so many migrating birds right now!
October 9, 2011 - Photo from the Chebeague Island Fire Department Housing Ceremony taken by Carole Metz on Sunday, October 9. Click here to see many, many more photos of the event taken by Carole and me.
Donna Damon took a beautiful photo of the sunrise this morning - click here to see.
The well driller's equipment is now on the island and they will be starting to drill wells at the beginning of the week. Call Sue is you have been thinking about a well and want to talk to them at 839-3293.
CTC will be doing maintenance on the Islander this week. The Piper will be used for part of the week. Click here for more information.
Today - CIHCC Brunch at 11:30, Fire Truck Housing Ceremony at 1pm, CTC cruise at 4, Patriots at the Slow Bell at 4pm.
Don't miss the drawing of the winning ticket for the Jeanne Mullin School House framed print at 2 PM on Monday October 10. Some mathematician once said that people who buy tickets just before a drawing have a better chance of winning. Come and buy your tickets on Monday! $1/1 $5 for 6. The Museum will be open on Monday from 1-4 and then we will be closing for the year. Watch the internet for date of the Museum's Annual End of the Season Harvest Festival which will be held in late October. Cider Pressing, refreshments and the last chance to see the Tourism Exhibit.
Click here to see a few photos of the opening art exhibit for Tom and Luke Rothschild photos and art at the Niblic on September 29th. The exhibit is ongoing at the Niblic.
October 8, 2011 - Photo of the Historical Society Group at Delicate Arch at Arches National Park.
Annual Meeting of CICA is Tuesday October 18, 2011 at 7:15 at the Parish House - see agenda.
Doug Damon has started to build his post and beam barn. He has cut and made all the parts away from the island and now is assembling them in his yard - fun to watch the progress but please stay back - click here to see.
October 7, 2011 - Photo of the Historical Society Group at Kodachrome Basin. They are traveling out west with David Tracy.
I took this photo of a young eagle on a tree along the North Road today. When he looked at me it was scarry.
Tomorrow, the 3-5 school teacher, Kristin Westra, will be running in the Dempsey Challenge and has met her goal of support but I thought I would put a link to her page if you would like to also sponsor her - click here.
October 6, 2011 - After the CIHCC Brunch on Sunday please join the members of the Chebeague Island Fire & Rescue at 1:00 pm at the fire house for a traditional housing ceremony to celebrate Chebeague's newest fire engine. Followed by light refreshments and public inspections of the fire/rescue vehicles.
From the Slow Bell: This weekend we have a pork spareribs, baked beans and coleslaw special with homemade rolls for $12 along with our regular menu items! Don't forget to try one of our fresh baked desserts! May has been baking pies and Arlene made cookies and a great fruit crisp! On Friday night, Josh Doughty and friends will be entertaining and Saturday night come on up to hear Mark and Chuck! We will not be serving brunch this Sunday because we hope you'll all have brunch at the Hall and support a great cause! Sunday afternoon, you can look forward to our all your can eat bowl of chili and the Patriots game starting at 4. Call 846-3078 with any questions!
October 5, 2011 - The FINAL Tai Chi class is next Friday, October 14th at 9 am at the Chebeague Recreation Center. Don’t miss your chance to partake in this excellent program! Please call 846-5068 if you have any questions.
CIHCC Sunday Brunch - mark your calendar for Columbus Day Weekend - October 9th, Sunday from 11:30 till 12:30 for all the delicious brunch items that we all love!!
Update for Blanchard Invitational and Frost Tournament at the Golf Club. To accomodate everyone's schedule, there will be an option of a 9AM Shotgun Start( all players go off at same time on different holes). Participants starting in AM can play 9 hole tournament, those who wish to play 18 hole tournament can play 2nd 9 holes at 2:30PM. There will still be a 12 Noon Shotgun for both tournaments for those planning to just play in the afternoon. The Blanchard Invitational is for year round Chebeague residents. Entry fee for either tournament is $5. Play will be followed by 5PM Social, BYOB.
October 3, 2011 -CTC will run its normal schedule on Columbus Day, October 10th.
Due to popular demand, CTC will have a foliage cruise on the Pied Piper on October 9th from 4PM to 6PM. Live entertainment. If you have not made a reservation, do it soon. Limited space is available. Click here for more information.
Message from Peter and Linda Carleton: "Often our mainland car is unused. Every once in a while we seem to need two mainland cars. I'll bet we're not the only ones! Would anyone else like to participate in a mainland Car Share List? If so contact Linda Carleton, 846-6129 or e-mail: lindacrltn@chebeague.net"
School Committee Meeting tomorrow night Tuesday, October 4th at 6pm - see agenda.
Last week from the Chebeague Pre-K Class - click here!
September 30, 2011 - The CTC October Newsletter is on their website, www.chebeaguetrans.com..
Don’t forget to come to the Italian Dinner at the Hall THIS Sunday, October 2nd at 6 PM for an excellent homemade dinner. $8 for adults $5 for children, all proceeds go to Teen Center programs. And don’t worry, the Patriot’s game will be on at the dinner so you won’t miss it!
At the Slow Bell - Josh Doughty and friends will be playing Saturday 9 - 11:45.
Just a reminder - The Catholic Communion Service - without a priest - continues through the Winter months on Saturdays at 5 P.M. at the Chebeague Methodist Church. When the weather turns cold we will be at the Parish House or the Parsonage. For any further information feel free to call Ann Belesca @ 846-4252
Note from the Clam Shack: "CLOSING the Clam SHack on October 9th. Come and get those items that you will be missing over the winter, NOW!!! WE will be open for the next 2 weekends Thursday & Friday 4-7PM and Saturday and Sunday 11:30-7PM. Please take note that Friday and Saturday we are closing at 7. Thank you for all of your support for the last 7 years and hope to see you to end the season with a bang. Thank you, Virginia"
September 29, 2011 - The members of the Chebeague Island Fire and Rescue invite you to join us Sunday October 9th, 1pm in a traditional housing ceremony for Chebeague's newest fire engine. Light refreshments will be served along with an invitation for public inspection of the rest of our vehicles after the ceremony.
Don't forget today opening at the Niblic of Two generations of artwork by Tom Rothschild & Luke Rothschild - from 5-7 - Everyone Welcome - click here to see the invitation.
September 28, 2011 - Photo of a Dunlin taken at the Hook on September 28th. I first thought it was a Willett but the decurved beak shows that it is a Dunlin with winter plumage. Click here to see more.
Report from the September Mushroom Foray along with a few photos - click here and look toward next August when the experts will be back on the island.
Last Saturday David and Cheryl Stevens rescued a precious cat from Little Chebeague.(click here for photos) People who have been to Little Chebeague over the summer have told them that there were two cats there most of the summer and that one of them died. Crusoe (their temporary name for him) was near death from starvation. They are in hopes that someone will adopt him. He is very sweet and loves to curl up in their laps. They are in love with him, but already have two very territorial female cats and would like to see him in a home where he can get the love and attention he deserves. He has been to the vet and had a rabies shot, flea and tick treatment, etc. The vet says that he is from 1 to 5 years old (closer to one we think) and that besides malnutrition is in very good health and “a sweetie”. Please pass the word and contact Cheryl!
The Slow Bell Café, Week of 9/28-10/2. This week we are serving Haddock Chowder and Black Bean and Chicken Chilli along with our regular menu. Our Friday and Saturday Dinner Special this week is Roast Beef, Served with Gravy, Baked Potato and Roasted Root Vegetables for $14. Come join us for music by Josh Doughty and friends on Satuday night from 9-11:45. We're serving Sunday brunch with two specials this week, homemade french toast and lobster benedict. Try one of our specialty salads with produce from both the Lone Goat and Second Wind Farms and some of our fresh baked pie! Please note a change in our hours. Starting October 1, we will no longer be serving breakfast and lunch on Wednesdays. Thanks to everyone for their ongoing support!
A recent overhaul of chebeague.net's e-mail servers has caused us to re-configure links to the web-based e-mail site. If you use a shortcut to reach chebeague.net e-mail, please be certain that it points to "webmail.chebeague.net" (no quotes) or "mail.chebeague.net." Any other destination may not work. If you have any questions, just call Bev or David.
September 26, 2011 - **NOTICE FROM TOWN**paved parking area at the Stone Wharf will be closed tomorrow Tuesday (and just tomorrow) for crack sealing and pavement marking work.
Art opening at the Niblic: Island Images Then & Now:
Two generations of artwork by Tom Rothschild & Luke Rothschild - this Thursday from 5-7 - Everyone Welcome - click here to see the invitation.
CTC has posted its schedule for early release Wednesdays. For more information, click here.
September 22, 2011 - Bill McKibben, one of America's best-known environmentalists and authors, will kick off the Island Institute’s fourth Annual Sustainable Island Living Conference on Friday, October 14 at 6:30 p.m. at the Strand Theatre on Main Street in Rockland. Click here to learn more about this event!
Last week from the Chebeague Pre-K Class - click here!
September 21, 2011 - The CRC and Library are hosting a College and SAT Information Night at the Library Thursday, October 20th, 7:00-8:00 PM. Students and parents are encouraged to come to learn more about SATs, the college application process and other helpful resources available to teens and their families on Chebeague Island.
There will be a Chebeague Island School soccer game against Long Island School at Volunteer Field on Saturday, October 8th!
An Italian-themed Community Dinner to benefit Chebeague Recreation Center’s Teen Center is scheduled to be held Sunday, October 2nd at 6 PM. Location TBA. $8 for adults and $5 for kids. All proceeds benefit teen center. Please call 846-5068 or e-mail cgerber@islandinstitute.org if you would like to donate a dessert or hot Italian dish. The Patriots game will be playing at the dinner so come eat some yummy food and watch the game! Hope to see you there!
CTC is pleased to announce it will begin bus service to Falmouth in November. For details, click here.
Message from Florence: Island Riches will be open Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday 12pm to 4pm for a few weeks. After that I will let people know when or if I will be open. I have new hand painted glass bottles/lights,candles,cups and more.We have signed books by Barrie Shepherd. Paintings by Kim, Linda, Sandra and Clint Jones metal art. There is 25% off lots of items and free Havens salt water taffy. It is never to early to shop for you know what. I do not want to say it yet. Christmas - Thank you Florence
September 20, 2011 - Article in the Bangor Daily about Island Businesses - click here to see and Miller Designs is featured.
A joint marine committees meeting has been called by the Board of Selectmen on Wednesday September 28th, 2011 at the Island Hall beginning at 7:00pm - see agenda.
Locally grown, organic GARLIC for sale! I have four beautiful varieties of garlic for eating or planting. It will keep in a dark, cool place for up to 8 months. If interested, please contact Erin Whetham at 415-1095.
The Lone Goat Farm will no longer be having a weekly farm stand. Thank you to all who supported us during our first season!
The Slow Bell is open Wednesday and Thursday for breakfast and lunch (6 a.m.-2 p.m.), Friday and Saturday for dinner (5-9, bar open until 1 a.m.) and Sunday for brunch. Saturday night Mark Bowman will be playing starting at 9 p.m. Friday and Saturday we'll be serving our regular menus as well as a harvest supper special: Roasted turkey with potatoes and root veggies from the Lone Goat Farm for $12. Also try our fresh tomato salad and homemade desserts featuring local apples, raspberries and rhubarb!
This week at the Chebeague Recreation Center: Adult Floor Hockey Tuesday at 7:30 PM and a Community Softball Game Friday at 4:45 PM! This is the last week of softball so bring your own food (CRC will supply a grill) and drinks and come play with us on Volunteer field!
September 19, 2011 - Tonight at the Hall - 7:00pm: Do you have questions about an oriental carpet that you own? Join the Historical Society and Tad Runge for Carpet Travels and Treasures. Tad will present a slide show of his carpet travels and share his expertise. Feel free to bring along your carpet or a photo of your carpet.
(Wednesday, at the Hall, 1pm) The Legal Services for the Elderly has let me know about a public benefits training opportunity coming up on September 21 at 1pm. The Medicare Rights Advocate for Legal Services for the Elderly has arranged for the Training and Customer Support Manager for the National Council on Aging's (NCOA) "Benefits Check-up" tool to conduct a web-based training to familiarize providers, beneficiaries, counselors, and other interested anybody with the functionality of this web-based assessment. The training should be no more than 60 minutes. I have registered for the course and will set up a computer at the Hall on Wednesday so that we can access this program. If you would like to see what the website in discussion looks like - click here.
Chebeague School Committee Meeting tomorrow, Tuesday at 6pm - click here for agenda.
He did it!! Barrie Shepherd hit the 50 mile mark on Sunday morning at the CRC pool! He, along with a few others, keeps track of his swim laps and has calculated 50 miles this summer. Congratulations, Barrie!
Message from Carole and Ron Metz: "We would like to thank all the emergency responders, Beth, Martha, Jared and others,(two names I cannot remember) with Mike Feinberg, for their excellent care professionalism, and genuine kindness when my husband was taken to Maine Med yesterday. We also thank Kim and the boat pilot and everyone on the boat for their patience and concern. Happily, the problem was resolved quickly and we were able to return that afternoon.
We have been visiting Kitty Freeman on Chebeague for 8 years now. We consider our visits to be a wonderful gift, not only because of the incredible scenery, but because of the people. You all are a community in the TRUEST sense of the word. This is a special corner of the world. Again, we THANK YOU."
September 17, 2011 - The Whalers are beginning rehearsals for our winter concert on December 3. Anyone who would like to sing is invited to join us at the hall on Monday evenings from 7:00 - 9:00. (Monday Sept. 19 will be at the parish house.)
CTC reports that the September 3rd Pied Piper cruise was such a hit that it has had several requests to do a foliage cruise on Columbus Day weekend. If 30 people sign up, the cruise will be on October 9th from 4PM to 6PM. . Click here for more information on signing up and pictures from the 9/3 cruise.
September 16, 2011 - There will be a special jewelry sale out in front of the Island Market on Saturday, September 17, from 11:00 -1:00. The jewelry is handmade by long-time island friend Carole Metz. Carole will be donating a portion of the proceeds to benefit Island Commons. Buy some beautiful, unique jewelry and benefit the Commons at the same time! Click here for a sample of her work.
Don’t forget the family softball game is TONIGHT at 4:45 at Volunteer field next to the school! Everyone is invited, please bring your own food and drinks.
The Island Commons loves to have the community use their loan closet, but if you have an item and are NOT using it would you please return as they are finding that the residents need some more items now.
September 14, 2011 - Monday, September 19, 7:00pm at the Hall: Do you have questions about an oriental carpet that you own? Join the Historical Society and Tad Runge for Carpet Travels and Treasures. Tad will present a slide show of his carpet travels and share his expertise. Feel free to bring along your carpet or a photo of your carpet. Hope to see you there.
Sunday at 9am at the Hall - CICA is facilitating a Public Meeting Regarding Proposed Lease by Ocean Approved / Aquaculture (growing kelp) on a site near the bar between Chebeague and Little Chebeague - click here for details. (CICA has taken no stand on this)
September 13, 2011 - Message from CRC: Because we have no lifeguard the pool will not be open for the noon to 1 adult lap swim and the 3 - 4:30 open swim on Thursday and Sunday. The early morning swim will still take place. The last day for open swim this season will be Saturday.
Back by popular demand - CIHCC Sunday Brunch - mark your calendar for Columbus Day Weekend - October 9th, Sunday from 11:30 till 12:30 for all the delicious brunch items that we all love!!
The Hall will also be starting up the Community Lunches on Wednesday, October 19th and our annual meeting will be Thursday, 5:30pm, October 20- click here to get the proxy if you would like to send it in to us.
Some of the Hamilton sisters (Kendra & Vicki) and daughters (Sarah & Katie) and several other wonderfully wild women (Laurie Wood, Peg Smith) are teamed up to run/walk the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure 5k. (see photo of some of us) The event was held September 11th at Payson Park in Portland. We were excited to be part of this very special event which helps raise money to end breast cancer. Please check out our website if you would still like to donate today! click here!
September 11, 2011 -Photo of a monarch butterfly at the hook.
The Slow Bell is STILL OPEN for breakfast and lunch on Wednesday and Thursday, dinner Friday and Saturday and Sunday brunch. The bar will also be open for PATRIOTS FOOTBALL GAMES...watch the sign for details! Currently hiring experiened part-time kitchen staff. Call 846-3078 for more information.
Message from the Library: Tuesday night from 7-8 is an artists reception for Janet Conner and her rug hooking campers and their work. They have been coming for years and hooked on the porch at the Graves Cottage and do wonderful work - click here for a sample.
Please consider bringing excess vegetables to the Library for our give away bowl. I have had several people bringing theirs in and people are so happy to have it. Thank you!
Today September 11th memorial service at the Boat Yard at 5pm - click here.
September 8, 2011 -Don't forget that tonight at the Niblic is the exhibit opening reception of Patty Ritzo's paintings from 5 to 7pm.
Agenda for Aquaculture meeting Sunday Sept 11th at 9 am at Town Office/Public Safety Building. The meeting will discuss the proposed lease located off of Indian Point “between” Little and Great Chebeague Islands. All welcome!
Chebeague Recreation Center is planning two Friday night FAMILY SOFTBALL GAMES, September 16th and 23rd, at 4:45 at Volunteer field. CRC will supply a grill, you bring your own food/grillables/refreshments. Everyone is welcome! There is no fee to join in the fun.
Message from the Clam Shack: Tonights Special: Teryaki Steak & Fries w/ coleslaw or a small toss salad for $12.50 We have Haddock Chowder and also Crab rolls till they last.
Fall Hours: Thursday: 4-7pm, Friday: 4-8pm, Saturday 11:30-8, Sunday 11:30-7
September 7, 2011 - CORRECTION: Postcard invitations were mailed out yesterday with misinformation regarding the dates of Patty Ritzo's Niblic Gallery Art Reception and Exhibit dates. Please see the corrected postcard front and back. The exhibit is from Sept 8th to Sept 27th and her Art Reception is this Thursday, Sept 8th. We apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused and hope to see you at the art reception tomorrow night from 5 -7pm in the upstairs Niblic Gallery.
The September session of Adult Tai Chi at the CRC is THIS Friday, September 9th, from 9 to 11 AM so don’t miss it! Drop-in fee is $18. Please call (207) 846-5068 if you have any questions.
There will be no Lone Goat Farmstand tomorrow - will keep you posted for future times.
Congratulations to Peter Kaufman who was a special guest on CNBC recently sharing his views on the ecomony and how to correct it - click here to see.
September 6, 2011 - Message from Pastor Linda: There will be a Sunday, September 11th memorial service at the Boat Yard at 5pm - click here.
The Chebeague Town Office will be closed this Thursday, September 8th, with the front office staff in training all day.
September 5, 2011 - UPDATE: The boat has been found on Mosiers. An 18' pea green Lund skiff went adrift last night from in front of Bonebakker's cottage at the foot of Cordes Road. If you have any information about it please call Erno at 871-0048. The name on the transom is Pea Soup and it has a 30 hp Honda outboard. Thankyou!
Message for chebeague.net mail customers: The mail server was down for a little while today and is having work done on it. It will be off for about ten minutes later today while equipment is being changed.
School Committee meeting tomorrow evening at the School - see agenda.
September 3, 2011 - Library Basket Raffle winners are:
Buon Appetito: Peter Rice
Chebeague Ready: Kit Johnston
Toys to Go: Savannah Jones (Granddaughter of Olivia Nyhan)
Crafty Fun: Al Howlett
Thank you all for buying tickets and supporting the Library!
Tomorrow is the last day to get your raffle tickets for the Red Sox tickets for an upcoming game. Milo will be at the store after church to sell tickets half price and the drawing will be at 1pm.
September 2, 2011 - You have to see the fish that Luke Phipps caught - click here to see the photo by Charles Marks!
CORRECTION!!! The last Pied Piper cruise of the summer leaves TOMORROW at 5:30PM from the Stone Pier. Josh Doughty will provide live entertainment. Click here for more information.
Last chance on Basket Raffle tickets? The winners will be drawn at noon on Saturday, September 3rd.
Message from the Island Institute: If you were watching PSB News Hour earlier this week, you undoubtedly saw Bill McKibben, one of the speakers at our upcoming Sustainable Island Living Conference. Bill, a best-selling author and founder of 350.org, will give the keynote address on Friday, October 14, and he is one of three national experts who will help make our fourth annual event a top-notch experience. Click here for more information
September 1, 2011 - Message from Eric: The Town has been notified by the Maine Department of Marine Resources (DMR) of a completed experimental aquaculture lease application. The lease site is located off of Indian Point “between” Little and Great Chebeague Islands. Click here for a scan of the application materials. The comment period begins today and ends October 3, 2011.
Message from the Slow Bell Cafe: "This weekend Friday night, Josh Doughty will be playing with Brad Martin, Chip Emery and John Layng. Happy Hour drink and appetizer specials from 5-7 p.m. Saturday night we have T-Pollock, the Wagoneers and Jocie Emery with Chip Emery and John Layng. Early Bird dinner from 5-6 and Happy Hour drink and appetizer specials from 5-7 p.m. Hope to see you!"
Sam Ballard has had a meeting at the Parish House suggesting the construction of a car ferry and rebuilding the landings to handle a car ferry on Chebeague and Yarmouth. He is undertaking this by himself as a interested citizen and would like to have feedback on his ideas. Please review his presentation by clicking here and then emailing him with your thoughts to samballard@chebeague.net
I have just added a few photos from the 2011 season of sailing school - click here to see.
Report from the CRC: Adult Floor Hockey is BACK at the Chebeague Recreation Center! Tuesday nights at 7:30 PM. $1 drop-in fee. Come play! Reminder: Bridge is still going on at the CRC, Tuesdays at 9:00 am. This program is open to everyone so come join us! Call (207) 846-5068 if you have any questions.
I have to report that I was mistaken about no damages on Chebeague because of the storm - we actually had two boats sink (they are ok now) and a car had a tree fall on it.
Chloe Dyer had another article published in the Working Waterfront about the partnership between the Slow Bell Cafe and Lone Goat Farm - click here to see.
August 29, 2011 - Photo taken by Charles Marks - sunset August 29, 201l East End.
Beautiful, interesting, or just plain weird?
Sea pottery, skeletons, frogs, dolls, postcards, old tools- you name it, someone on Chebeague collects it. Would you be willing to share a small sample of the things you collect with our friends at Island Commons? Just bring in what you have and talk a little bit about how you began your collection and the things you've brought. 15-20 minutes on a Tuesday morning could brighten someone's whole day! Please contact Linda Carleton if you're up for sharing your collection. 846-6129 or lindacrltn@chebeague.net
School Committee Meeting tomorrow evening, 6:30pm - see agenda.
Chebeague's power was off until about 9pm last night but everything else seemed to be fine. I don't know yet of any damage anywhere on Chebeague or around the waters here.
August 28, 2011 - The Slow Bell Cafe is open today for Brunch 10 to 2. If we lose power the Slow Bell will stay open for people to come by and get coffee and food even later.
Message from the Clam Shack: The Clam Shack is closed today due to weather. The Clam Shack schedule for the first week of school: Monday and Tuesday CLOSED, Wednesday & Thursday Open 4-7, Friday 4-8, Saturday and Sunday 11:30-8 ---After Labor day we will be open Thursday -Sunday. PLease look on your menus for the fall hours.
August 27, 2011 - SPECIAL NOTICE from the Chebeague Fire Rescue regarding Hurricane Irene - click here!!!
Due to storm Irene, the meet the artist event scheduled for Sunday with Jeanne Mullen at the Museum of Chebeague History has been cancelled.
CTC has the following important notices:
Due to the anticipated weather and our need to prepare for Irene, today's Pied Piper Cruise has been postponed to next Saturday at the same time. Anyone who has purchased tickets can use them next week or get a refund at the CTC Office. Also, due to the anticipated weather, the last boat from Chebeague tomorrow, Sunday, will be the 4:30PM. The last bus and boat from Cousins will be the 5:00PM. At this point, we plan to run all other Sunday boats and buses. However, check our website for updates throughout the day - as long as we have power. You can also call Carol at 319-3061 if you have questions.
A message from Phil Johnson in Norfold,VA at 9am this morning: I remember Mom singing a song about Irene but this Irene is different. We have had about 2 inches of rain over the evening with winds around 20 to 25 knots at our house. Virginia Beach which is only 12 miles east as the crow fly’s has wind 40 -45 knots with 7-8 foot surf. Probably lots of clams washing up… The eye is still 100 to 110 miles south of us so they tell us this is just the beginning. Norfolk already has flooding and we expect the worst this afternoon. Not much traffic today because the outer banks of N.C. where evacuated Thursday and yesterday the Norfolk area evacuated all low lying areas. No hotel rooms available within 300 miles of us but we are staying put. As the wind and rain picks up we expect the kids to pop in and stay for the night. We are 22 feet above sea level(pretty high for this area) and they are 12 to 15. The power company is stage close to us so with a little luck we will have power but our neighbor shares her generator with us when needed. The 5,000 acre dismal swamp fire should be doused today. We needed 5 inches of rain to do that and they are still predicting another 10 to 12 inches of rain today. Good test of the storm drains. They are still not sure what the storm will do when it gets over the Chesapeake Bay and Gulf stream later today but it looks like New York City is a target. It has grown a little weaker over the evening but it is big, so the rain is predicted to last another 12 to 18 hours.
Hope all is well there. I see the boat yard has wisely hauled up many of the boats.
Chebeague UM Church service on Sunday August 28th is cancelled due to the storm.
A reminder to everyone that if we lose the power on Chebeague, you will not be able to access the chebeague.org website because it is on an island webserver. The town website would still be up but may not be able to be updated. Remember that if you have chebeague.net and the power comes back on, you will probably have to turn the power on and off for your router in order to get back online.
August 26, 2011 - In case you haven't heard there may be a hurricane arriving on Sunday. Everyone is making preparations in case the power goes out and we have a lot of damage. The Hall has brought in extra propane in case there is a sustained power outage and we have to open up the Hall for meals and shelter.
CTC is asking Cousins Island parking customers to park at Route One Satellite Lot this weekend if at all possible. We want to avoid any flooding of vehicles in the lower part of the lot near the fence. Those who do stay at Blanchard's lot, please park away from the fence if at all possible.
The State of Maine has CLOSED the coast of Maine to all shellfish as of 12:01pm on Sunday, August 28, 2011. It will be unlawful to dig, take or possess any clams, quahogs, oysters and mussels - see notice.
The Brush area at the Town Landfill is closed until we get a chipper on island - it is FULL. You will need to store your brush until it is open again -see notice.
The new CTC ferry/bus schedules (effective 9/6) are now available. They are blue and are available on the bus, boat, Blanchard Parking Lot, CTC Office, Library and Doughty's Market.
August 25, 2011 - Check the town website for brief notice about the possible storm and changes the town may be making.
CTC is monitoring the path or Hurricane Irene closely. Trip cancellations may be required. Customers should review our cancellation procedures. Click here for more information.
Don't miss the last Pied Piper cruise of the season this Saturday (8/27) . We will leave the Stone Pier at 5:30PM and return at 7:30PM. We will cruise around the island to the music of Josh Doughty. Advance tickets are $15 (12 and over) and $10 (6-11). 5 and under is free. Tickets on Saturday are $20 (adults) and $15 (children). Soft drinks, beer and wine available for purchase. Complimentary snacks. Join us!
Sunday, August 28, 1:00 - 2:30p.m. Meet Artist Jeanne Mullen at the Museum of Chebeague History. Jeanne's lovely Old Schoolhouse Pastel has graced the Museum's lobby for several years and she has given the Historical Society permission to use the Old Schoolhouse image in fund raising efforts to benefit the Museum. Currently, Old Schoolhouse note cards and ten numbered and signed full size giclee prints of the original pastel are available for purchase. Raffle tickets for an Old Schoolhouse giclee are also available. Come in out of the rain on Sunday and join us in welcoming Jeanne to the Museum.
August 24, 2011 - Photo in my yard of a deer and her fawns preparing for the storm.
Slow Bell is open tonight (Wednesday) for OPEN MIC from 7 to 11pm. They will also be open Friday and Satuday evening for dinner and Mark Bowman will be playing Saturday starting at 9pm.
COMMUNITY LUNCHEON! Today at noon - at the Hall - $5 donation or more if you would like! SEE FLYER.
The Methodist Church is sponsoring two mission teams to Guatemala in January 2012. The second team is full with 18 team members but there are still 4-6 spots on the the first team - click here to find out more about these trips.
Note that Ginger Sharpe's service is this Saturday, 1pm at the Church.
August 22, 2011 - There was so much interest in the mushroom foray, we are holding another foray on Saturday, Sept. 10, at 2 p.m. Once again at least one expert from the Maine Mycological Association will be with us to help with accurate identification. We will meet at the Rec Center at 2 p.m., go out for an hour or so on some trails, and return to the Rec Center to discuss our finds. ALL ARE WELCOME!
The Rozalia Project, and the couple that now own American Promise. They will be arriving at Chebeague on August 22, to do hand-on programs with kids, using their robotic underwater imaging and recovery equipment, offer tours of the boat, and have an evening presentation for adults. All events will take place at the boatyard. (www.rozaliaproject.org) Youth program starts at 2. Boat tours from 3-5 and then Rachael will give a slide show and presentation about the project 7:30 at the Boat Yard on Chebeague Island. Hope to see you there!
The Rec Center and the Kid's Place would like to thank again all the donors who helped get the building in place and running so beautifully. The engraved bricks have now been installed so you will want to see them in person when you get a chance. THANK YOU SO MUCH!
Wednesday, August 24 The last Enneagram program with Linda Carleton will focus on The Enneagram and Relationships. The Enneagram helps explain some of the difficulties we have getting along with people, and it can be enormously helpful in all of our relationships. 7-9pm at the LibrARY
August 21, 2011 - The Whalers concert that was scheduled for Saturday August 27 at 7:30 and has been cancelled.
Leila writes: "There is nothing more delicious than Marianne Durgin's blueberry jam, made from her tiny, fragrant blueberries. And there is nothing more magical than watching it happen...a true summer Chebeague festivity." photo taken by Misa Erder, Lydia's mom.
August 19, 2011 - Tomorrow, Saturday, August 20th is the Ice cream Social at the Parish House at 6:00pm and the free Concert at 7:30 with the Novel Jazz Septet with all new tunes from the Ellington/Strayhorn library.
The CTC Bus/Ferry Schedule and fee structure will be revised on September 6, 2011. Schedule changes reflect community feedback and the transportation needs of school children. The additional costs associated with the schedule change necessitate an increase in "reverse commuter" rates. Reverse commuter ticket books will be charged at the resident rate effective 9/6/2011. Click here for more information.
Order Your Fall Mums ! The popular Greely High School Field Hockey Team’s annual flower sale has started. These Mums are beautiful healthy plants from Estabrooks in Yarmouth. The cost is still $7.50 per 12-inch pot - $43 for 6 pots. This is $0.50 less than Estabrook’s retail price! Best of all the flowers will be delivered right to your door during the last week in August. The mums come in 5 colors: White, Yellow, Lavender, Bronze, and Maroon – Please let us know your color preferences when ordering. All orders need to be in by Thursday, August 25th. Please make checks payable to Greely Field Hockey Boosters. To order please call, text or email: Julia Maine (766-8449) email: julia_maine@yahoo.com, or call Chloe or Gen Dyer at 846-6522.
August 18, 2011 - Heads up! Immediately after Labor Day CTC will be returning to a schedule very similar to the old one. Be on the lookout for the new schedule on the boat, bulletin boards and the CTC website.
Great opportunity! The Museum is having an end of the summer tee shirt sale! Each shirt at least 25% discount. All shirts on sale. Buy 4? Get one free! All designs, colors and sizes!
Plan for Christmas or take some home to remember your wonderful times on the island! Many great deals! Other items will be on sale as well! Look for the sale table! Hours Tuesday- Saturday 11-4 Sundays 1-4 thru Labor Day. Weekends thru Columbus Day. Don't miss this great exhibit. It will be taken down this fall. Call the Museum 846-5237 for more info!
Tonight the CTC meeting is at the Public Safety Bldg and one of the items on the agenda is to discuss the schedule.
TODAY Lone Goat Farm Stand -- Organic, island-grown vegetables, herbs and flowers - Every Thursday from 9:00-1:00 on the deck of the Slow Bell Cafe
August 17, 2011 - You have to take chances on the Basket Raffle which will take place Labor Day Weekend. So many wonderful items in each basket - check it out and go to the library and get your chances.
Message from CTC: We hope to see many of you on our Cruise to Portland Harbor to view the Harborfest. The Pied Piper leaves the Stone Pier at 9:30AM this Saturday (8/20) and returns at 1:30PM. As a special treat, we will be serving mimosas on the cruise.
Due to lack of interest the CTC has cancelled the August 27th cruise to Cooks for lunch and replaced it with a Round Island Cruise the same day. The cruise will leave the Stone Pier at 5:30PM and return at 7:30PM. Josh Doughty will provide live entertainment. The August 24th Round Island cruise has been cancelled. Anyone who purchased tickets for the cancelled cruise can receive a refund or use the ticket on another cruise. Click here for more information.
August 16, 2011 - School Committee Meeting is being moved to the Rec Center Craft room tonight because of work being done at the school - see agenda.
Showing at the Niblic from August 18th - September 6th will be Jim Dayton's Artwork! There will be a gallery reception Thursday, August 18th from 5-7pm.
Novel Jazz Septet is back on Chebeague with all new tunes from the Ellington/Strayhorn library and a new CD with tracks from last year?s concert recorded live on Chebeague. The concert is Saturday August 20, 2011 at 7:30 PM at the Chebeague United Methodist Church and is sponsored by The Free Concert Fund. Don?t forget the Ladies Aid ice cream social before the concert at 6:00 in the Parish Hall.
The Slow Bell Cafe is now hiring for weekday/weekend end-of-season (through Labor Day) and off-season weekend employees. Looking for kitchen help and servers. If you're interested, please contact May at 846-3078.
August 15, 2011 - Photo taken by Abby Julien of the beginning of the Quadathlon - participants in the first leg were Kelly Wright, Sherm Rich, Isaac Julien, Ralph Munroe and Bobby Raymond. See more photos and results - click here.
The Pied Piper took happy passengers to Eagle Island last Saturday. This week we are excited to take you to the MS Harborfest in Portland Harbor. The cruise will leave the Stone Pier, Saturday, August 20th, at 9:30AM. We will cruise up to Portland and view the parade of sails and the beginning of the sailboat races. We will return around 1:30PM. And, oh by the way, we are going to have mimosas, coffee, fresh fruit, and more for all our passengers!
Get your tickets from the CTC office or on the ferry.
This coming week is the Commons week and next week is Sanford's Pond week for CHEDEMPTION August 24th - August 28th. Our volunteer coordinator is looking for volunteers to take on some time at the shed - please email Theresa Kaufman if you would like to help. We have times available Wednesday 1-3 and 3-5, Friday 3-5, Sat 9-12, 12-3, 3-5 and Sun 9-12, 12-3, 3-5. The money we receive from Chedemption goes to helping the ice skating, hockey equipment, phone, and lights at Sanford's Pond.
Don't forget that the Chebeague and Cumberland Land Trust is offering another afternoon with BOB BITTENBENDER OF MAINE AUDUBON to learn about invasive species this Tuesday, August 16th at the Rec from 3:30 to 5:30. See their website for more information.
Chebeague.net is pleased to announce that we have been awarded a $75,000 grant from the State of Maine to upgrade island Internet service. To help meet the grant's match requirements, we are requesting financial assistance from the Town, which will be discussed at the Board of Selectmen's meeting on Wednesday, August 17 at 6:00 pm at the Hall.
August 14, 2011 - Today's Rec Center's Kids Triathlon and the Adult Quadathlon was a huge success and lots of fun!! I didn't take very many photos but click here to see some of the action and all the winners with their trophies and ribbons -EVERYONE WAS A WINNER! Ralph Munroe and his team of Portland Firefighters took first place again for the Quad - congratulations.
The Rec Center also honored and celebrated our volunteers and congratulations to Dennis Johnson (photo with the Rec's executive director Kelley Rich and the volunteer coordinator Theresa Kaufman) for getting the Volunteer of the Year Award. His name will go on the plaque at the rec with others such as Rob Freelander, Doug Ross, Carol White, Ellen Maher, Joe Ballard, Carly Knight, and more.
The August favorite "All You Can Wear " sale is at the GRANGE on Tuesday! 9:30-12:00 and 7-8
School Committee meeting, Tuesday, 6pm at the school. It will be starting with and executive session contract negotiations. Click here for the agenda.
August 13, 2011 - Meeting of the Expanded CICA Housing Committee Tuesday August 16, 2011 at 7:15 at the Parish House - see agenda.
TOMORROW - QUADATHLON/TRIATHLON - VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION! Starting at 11am with the Kids Triathlon (swimming, biking and running) and then at noon Quadathlon (rowing, swimming, biking and running) at the NIBLIC BOATYARD! People who have volunteered for the rec this year are invited to get a volunteer pin and have a free lunch (hamburg, hotdog, coleslaw, drink and chips) and lunch will also be for sale so come hungry. We will be presenting the Volunteer of the Year Award as well and we also have a silent auction going on with a couple more benches and other items.
Ernie Richardson has arranged for Mike Rollins, the monitor technician, to come back to the Island to service monitors September 12 - 16th. The price will be $100 per monitor, this includes cleaning, a new filter and gaskets. Any additional repairs/parts would be extra. Click here for more information.
Last weeks rec center baseball camp was a huge success culminating in a parents game against the campers and was lots of fun - click here to see some of the photos.
Celebration of the life of Louis Leonard will be held today at 12:00 noon at the Chebeague UM Church. Reception of follow in the Parish House.
August 12, 2011- The well drillers are coming out here the end of August and if you haven't made plans or need to talk to them please let me know at 846-4850 or call Sue at 839-3293.
Jim Millinger will be at the Hall on Monday, August 15 at 7:30 PM. to present an illustrated program entitled “Steamships to Chebeague Island.” Jim, a former Casco Bay Lines captain and history professor, will describe the evolution of steamboat service to Chebeague and will discuss the boats that have been the island’s life line for 137 years!
Tonight is MUSICAL REVUE - 7:30 at the Hall - See the wonderful acts performed by the Children's Theatre Group -ages 3 to 16. $5 at the door - you won't want to miss numbers from Annie, Sound of Music, Hairspray etc.
Tomorrow afternoon and evening - YOU'RE A GOOD MAN CHARLIE BROWN at 2:30 and again at 7:30 - Many new cast members from the so it will be different from the one we saw in July. It is really a cute show!
August 11, 2011 - Photo of the 5th annual launch of a boat from flotsam and jetsam on August 11th- photo by Ann Doherty of Amsterdam. Click here to see a close up.
The Town of Cumberland's Veterans Memorial Committee is holding a fundraising golf tournament to help raise money necessary to complete the Veterans Memorial at Moss Side Cemetery in Cumberland Center. Thanks to the generous support of the community, the center stone is in place, but one last push is need to finish the job! The 18-Hole Golf Scramble and BBQ at Val Halla Golf Course is Thursday, August 25th at Noon - click here to learn more and find out how to sign up! We have a number of Vietnam Vets here on Chebeague who will be listed on this monument.
WANTED: The Chebeague Recreation Center is in need of old sheets or large pieces of light colored cloth to be used to make signs in the upcoming year. If you have some that you would like to get rid of please donate them to the CRC. Thank you!
Don't forget that the Chebeague and Cumberland Land Trust is offering another afternoon with BOB BITTENBENDER OF MAINE AUDUBON to learn about invasive species this Tuesday, August 16th at the Rec from 3:30 to 5:30. See their website for more information.
Due to poor weather, CTC cancelled the cruise last night (8/10) to Maquoit Bay. Anyone who purchased tickets can get a refund or use the ticket on another cruise. This Saturday we go to Eagle Island. We leave the Stone Pier at 1pm and return at 4pm. Passengers will have one hour to explore the island and visit the museum. For more information, click on this link.
August 10, 2011 - Many years ago (in the 60's) David Stevens came into "the Spa" with a toad on a leash and now it seems he has found another pet toad in the photo he took recently - click here.
Anna Maine has a piece in today's Working Waterfront. Click here to read.
chebeague.net customers served from the Cousins Island CTC Parking Lot experienced an Internet outage this morning and early afternoon due to a problem with Fairpoint's circuit. CMP and chebeague.net were not at fault and all is working normally now.
We still have a "rogue router" out there somewhere that may be interfering with some customers' Internet reception. Please call us if you are still not online.
TONIGHT: Discussion of the film "My Name is Khan" at the Hall at 7:00 pm. Excerpts only will be shown.
RECREATION VOLUNTEERS! All those who have volunteered for the Rec this year are invited to the Quad/Tri event and get a complitmenary lunch (hot dog/hamburg, sides, drink chips). Come get your volunteer ribbon pin and also find out who is Volunteer of the year! The Quadathlon Trail Run is being worked on and anyone planning on running it is welcome to contact Geoff Summa and he can take you through the route - 846-1575 or 712-8413. The Kid's Triathlon trail route will be walked before the event. Please, if you are planning on doing the Quad we need to know that you have a Bob Dyer boat to use and if not we will find you one. We have to know ahead of time.
Lone Goat Farm Stand- Organic, island-grown vegetables, herbs and flowers - Every Thursday from 9:00-1:00 on the deck of the Slow Bell Cafe
August 9, 2011 - Announcing a yummy BAKE SALE! This Saturday, August 13 at noon outside the Community Hall. Island teens are trying to raise money to buy a field hockey net so that they can practice on the Island. Come support these Island Athletes and buy something sweet!
Luke Klenda (Peter Johnson's grandson, Brenda's son) will be the starting pitcher today in the Northeast regional little league competition. They have to win today to go to the semifinals. It will be broadcast on NESN2 at 10am.
August 8, 2011 - Quadathlon and Triathlon is this coming Sunday!! We have four teams so far for the Quad. If you are thinking about getting a team together please contact the rec or stop by and get the paper work! We need to make sure we have a Bobby Dyer punt for you to use and know that the running will be on trails this year. It will be fun and exciting. Click here for the Quadathlon map and information and click here for the Triathlon map and information.
The Enneagram and Relationships Why do certain people always push my buttons? Why do I seem to have the same problems in relating to others? The Enneagram offers unique tool for understanding our different ways of being in the world and improving all our relationships. Wednesday, August 24 at 7pm at the Library. This is the last of Linda Carleton's three-part series on the Enneagram. If you are curious but don't know anything about the Enneagram, you might want to pick up a packet of information from the Library before you come.
Kevin Burns, of Carpet Services in Portland will be on the island the STARTING TOMORROW for a number of days. He provides professional steam cleaning services (also known as hot water extraction cleaning) for carpet and upholstered furniture, using non toxic green cleaning agents. This cleaning process is excellent for removing allergens, including dust mites. He has also added tile and grout cleaning service for floors, counter tops and bathroom shower enclosure. If you have questions about the cleaning process, feel free to contact Kevin's office at 772.6225. For scheduling purposes, please contact Laura Summa, 712.8412. Kevin has served Chebeaguers before, so references and testimonials are available.
The Chebeague Island Fire & Rescue Department has a Sixteen (16) hour per week position open to assist the Fire & Rescue Officers with administrative duties. Basic Computer and telephone skills required. Click here for more information.
Reading and book signing by author Philip Conkling, Tuesday, August 9th at 7:30 pm at the Library.
The CTC Board will consider possible changes to the ferry schedule at their August Meeting. Individuals, businesses and organizations that rely on the CTC for transportation to and from work are asked to complete a quick survey. Survey link can be found at the News and Information page of the CTC website, or click on the following link. Surveys will also be available on the ferry Tuesday, August 10th. http://www.chebeaguetrans.com/News-and-Info.html
The Pied Piper is on her way back to Chebeague after a very successful charter in Rockland. We transported more than 3,500 people to and from the Mahan. For more information and pictures, click on this link.August 7, 2011 - Message from Anne Rugh: Nineteen people came to the Rec for the Mushrooming. Too dry for many edible mushrooms, but we had a great time, and will go out again Sat., Sept. 10 (I have learned that September is the best month for mushrooms on Chebeague). More information to follow! Click here to see photos.
Because of the lesser chance of rain on Tuesday the House Tour will take place rain or shine on Tuesday. $25 Tickets for the House Tour will be available tomorrow, Monday, from 11-4 at the Museum. Get yours on Monday. They are going fast and remember they are $30 on Tuesday the day of the Tour! On Tuesday tickets will be available from 9-2. Stop by the Museum and buy your ticket Monday and save!
The Sebago-Long Lake Music Festival's Chebeague Concert TONIGHT! 7:30 pm at the Chebeague United Methodist Church with musicians Mihae Lee, Piano; Timothy Lees, Violin; Bonnie Thron, cello; Laurie Kennedy, Viola;and and Philip Palermo, violin.
August 5, 2011 - Tommorow is the Island Common's Yard Sale at the Hall from 10 to 1!
Chebeague.net is again working today to solve issues which have arisen over the last week with the internet signal from one of the CCU's at the west end. If you are receiving the internet from the Dayton CCU we will be trying different frequencies to see if we can get it back working again. We strongly suspect that CMP's new smart meters may be the cause of all of our problems over the past week. Bandwidth is still a challenge and we need to remind people not to download movies, tv shows, online gaming etc.
Chebeague Island Historical Society -House Tour 2011 & Luncheon with an Ocean View Tuesday • August 9 • 11:30 – 5:00 • Rain Date August 10 -Tickets $25 in advance • $30 day of House Tour -Purchase your tickets at the Museum, 846-5237
Photo taken by Krista Hayward of her daughter jumping into the water after the Casco Bay Boat had departed.
August 4, 2011 - The Pied Piper has transported nearly 1,800 sailors and tourists at the Rockland Lobster Festival (and we are only half way through)! For more information and new pictures, go to http://www.chebeaguetrans.com/News-and-Info.html.
Need a Ride?
CTC has been asked to provide weekly bus transportation to and from the Falmouth Shopping Center. Before we introduce the service, we need to determine how many people would use it. If you are interested in this service, please sign up at the library or on the ferry.
Bulky Waste Weekend is August 6th and 7th. See the Town Website for details.
Note from chebeague.net: We are trying to resolve recent problems of an unknown nature on several of our networks. We have service restored to most people but in taking care of the rest there may be interruptions during the day as we switch frequencies, access points and equipment. We thank you for your patience.
LADIES AID FAIR - TODAY! At the Hall from 12:30 - 3pm 61:21:bc -Lunch..Chicken salad roll, Hot Dog on roll. chips, punch .coffee.."Bars " for dessert. Bake sale as well.
This Saturday is the Commons Yard Sale 10am - at the HALL.
Click here to see photos taken on a early morning walk at Indian Point on Monday. We saw and heard many birds including towee, common yellowthroat, Semipalmated plover, herring gull, cedar waxwings, catbirds, song sparrow, yellow warbler, common terns, hummingbirds, eider ducks and more - also two rabbits.
As many of you likely know, the US Postal Service has posted a list of rural post offices for possible closure. On that list are two Maine island Post Offices: Matinicus and Cliff. Click here to read Senator Collins article for her weekly column. Congrssman Michaud has sent a letter to the Post Master General expressing concerns over the process to determine closure - click here. If you would like to write to elected officials about these closures - here is a letter written to Rep Pingree which is a good example. Click here for a list of reps and addresses. Writing to your elected officials to more fully explain the consequences of island post office closures will serve to remind them of the urgency of the issue and provide them with local information around your experiences and needs.
August 2, 2011 -The Pied Piper is in Rockland this week participating in the Lobster Festival. The job is to shuttle sailors and tourists back and forth to the USS Mahan. Check out photos on http://www.chebeaguetrans.com/Piper-Cruises.html
A white Ipod was found this morning at the corner of South Road and the entrance to Chandlers Cove Beach. Won't boot up, out of power, at the Library.
There will be a talk about mushrooming Friday, August 5th at 1:00 pm at at the Library with Anne Rugh. This is to get everyone excited about the walk on Saturday. The Maine Mycological Association will lead a mushroom foray on the island Saturday, August 6, 2011, starting at noon - click here for details!
The Town office is closed on Wednesday but it should be noted that the lightening took out the telephone lines and the internet is not working at this time either.
Calling All Young Actors, Singers and Dancers! There is still space available in both Musical Theatre Camps for next week! Kids ages 6-14 will meet from 9-11am at the hall and we have a special camp for 3-5 year olds from 1-2pm at the Hall. We will be playing theatre games and putting together production numbers from a variety of musicals for a performance on Friday August 12th at 7:30pm! If you think you might want to be involved in Children's Theatre next summer this is a great way to try it out! The camp will be run by Chebeague Children's Theatre's Artistic Director, Rachel Damon with assistance from the cast of Fame. Call the Rec Center to sign up today!
There will be NO MORNING LAP SWIM on Sunday August 14th at CRC.
Don’t forget to sign up for Lil’ Arts Camp! We will be working with collages, painting, clay, weaving and maybe even a beach day. The camp will take place next week from 9:00 am to noon at the Chebeague Recreation Center. It is for children ages 3 to 7 and the last session filled up fast so call today to register your child: 846-5068.
Celebration of the life of Martha McLean will be held Monday August 8th at 11:30 am at the Chebeague UM Church. Reception to follow in the Parish House.
Celebration of the life of Louis Leonard will be held Saturday August 13th at 12:00 noon at the Chebeague UM Church. Reception of follow in the Parish House.
Chebeague Island Community Sailing School dates have been set for 2012. They are: Session 1: 7/9-20; Session 2 7/23-8/3; and Session 3 8/6-17. Registration will be available starting soon after January 1, 2012. At that time, the information and forms will be available at https://chebeague.org/cicss.html.
CTC has announced its cruise schedule for August. For more information, click here.
August 1, 2011 - Croquet Tournament of July 31, 2011 to benefit the Rec. Click here to see photos from Cathy MacNeill. The winner was Dave O'Donnell and the 2nd place was Robin. Click here to see the Artist's Benches.
The next Adult Tai Chi class with Paula Meuller at the Chebeague Recreation Center is THIS Friday, August 5th at 9:00 am to 10:30ish am. The drop in fee is $18. If you haven’t had a chance to check out this class yet, you should! Call 846-5068 with any questions.
The Grange Thrift Shop is open again tomorrow from 9:30-12:00 and from 7-8 pm. Please come shop; we have some of the "best deals on earth! " We are no longer taking items; all donations should be saved until next year.
The CTC Board will discuss the ferry/bus schedule at their August 18th meeting. More input from Island businesses and commuters will be sought prior to the meeting. For more information, click here.
Artist Reception for Susan Stranahan at the Library Tuesday, August 2nd 6-8 PM
Congratulations to Luke Klenda and his Yarmouth little league team as they head to Connecticutt for the regionals!
Island Riches new hours are open 10am 5pm everyday except Monday..Herb has added new items to his silverware jewelry. They have Barrie Shepherd's signed books, new windows made from beach glass, great new pieces from Clint Jones, new paintings fron Linda Carleton and Sandra Rice and much more - Call 846-4986.
July 29, 2011 - Just added three more benches. One from Sasha McLean done in oils, "Squaring the Circle" by David Scrase and lobsters by Jen Belesca. We have about four more to come in. If you are unable to go to the Croquet tournament at noon on Sunday you can always come down for the live auction at 2pm or find someone to do your bidding for you.
Don’t miss the One Mile Swim to benefit Island Commons taking place tomorrow at 10:00 off the Wilson’s dock! Click here for more details. Click here to see the poster.
Lone Goat Garden Project will be having a small weekly farm stand on the deck of the Slow Bell from 9:00-12:00, starting next Thursday. They will be selling a variety of herbs, flowers and vegetables. For more information you can call Erin at (207)415-1095.
A reminder that FAME is again playing tonight at the Hall at 7:30 - I saw it last night and everyone was terrific! Remember that it is PG with a few inuendos. Everyone of the cast is a star. They will also perform Sunday evening at 7:30.
July 28, 2011 - CTC has a new website. On-line tickets may be purchased for same day or next day return to the Mainland. Check it out at chebeaguetrans.com
Happy Birthday Nancy Hill and Vika Johnson.
July 27, 2011 - Great photo of kids jumping off the Chandlers Wharf taken by Hayes MacArthur - click here to see.
Congratulations to Chloe Dyer who is a participant in The Working Waterfront Student Journalism Program and has just had her first article published. She has written an article about the theatre program on Chebeague - click here! Please don't forget to see the performance of Fame performing Thursday, Friday and Sunday evening at 7:30!
An update from the Rozalia Project, and the couple that now own American Promise. They will be arriving at Chebeague on August 22, to do hand-on programs with kids, using their robotic underwater imaging and recovery equipment, offer tours of the boat, and have an evening presentation for adults. All events will take place at the boatyard. (www.rozaliaproject.org)
Kevin Burns, of Carpet Services in Portland will be on the island the 2nd and 3rd week in August. He provides professional steam cleaning services (also known as hot water extraction cleaning) for carpet and upholstered furniture, using non toxic green cleaning agents. This cleaning process is excellent for removing allergens, including dust mites. He has also added tile and grout cleaning service for floors, counter tops and bathroom shower enclosure. If you have questions about the cleaning process, feel free to contact Kevin's office at 772.6225. For scheduling purposes, please contact Laura Summa, 712.8412. Kevin has served Chebeaguers before, so references and testimonials are available.
July 26, 2011 - The farmstand at Secondwind Farm is now open. Green beans, purple filet beans, Swiss chard, lettuce, beets, beet greens, cucumbers, turnips, and several varieties of potatoes are available today, but you should stop by daily, because the selection changes frequently. The corn should be ready soon. The farm truly represents a labor of love and one man's belief that the island's long farming heritage should not die out. So don't forget to support this great island resource.
SPECIAL EVENT Wed, July 27th at 4:00 pm at the Rec Center - Fire and Ice - using fire, bubbling potions, and carbon dioxide gas frozen to 109º below zero. This science show will stimulate a child's mind - please click here for more informtion!
Congratulations to Luke Klenda (Brenda's son and Peter Johnson's grandson) who had one of the winning homeruns for his baseball team that is going in the State Tournament and will play again on Thursday - you can see a photo of him and read all about it in yesterday's paper - click here.
From the Rec:
We have made some changes to the Theater Camp schedule to accommodate sailing school that week. The camp is for ages 6-12 and will run August 8-12 from 9 AM-11AM with a Review Show performance on Friday, August 12. We need 5 more kids to sign up in order to run the camp. This camp will be run by the older kids as a fundraiser for their trip in 2013.
They would also like to run a Theater camp the same week for ages 3-5 from 1-2 PM. The cost will be $50 for the week and the kids will be in the performance on Friday night. Please call, email or come to the CRC office to sign up.
There is still plenty of room in the Lil’ Art Camp for ages 3-7, August 8-12 from 9:30-Noon. The first session filled up so sign up soon!
Swim Lessons are going strong and we still have a few spots available next week and in session 4, August 8-19.
July 25, 2011 - Nancy Maull is having an Art Reception at the Niblic Gallery on the 28th, Thursday from 5-7. Everyone is invited! Click here to see one of her ocean watercolors.
The Grange Thrift Shop opens its doors tomorrow morning, and every Tuesday morning, at 9:30. You can shop until 12:00 and then again from 7-8 pm. We are overflowing with women's clothes, men's clothes, kitchen items, hats, lamps, linens, baskets, games, books....everything you can need or imagine. Check out the weekly sales...and shop, shop, shop!
There will be a Catholic Communion Service - without a priest - every Saturday evening at 5 P.M. at the Chebeague Methodist Church starting Saturday, July 30th. All are welcome to attend. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Ann Belesca @ 846-4252.
July 23, 2011 - Sunday night BOB MARLEY will be on the island to benefit the Chebeague Fire Department - don't forget to get your tickets at the clam shack or at the door at the rec. Tickets are $20 - the show starts at 7:30!!
Bridge anyone? Do you love to play bridge but need a place to play and people to play with? Come to the Chebeague Recreation Center Tuesday mornings at 9:00 am! This program is open to everyone. Please call 846-5068 if you have any questions.
It has been brutally HOT and yesterday was a record. The Library and Clam Shack closed early. The play Oliver went on as planned and I think everyone was pretty comfortable. The kids were amazing and put on another incredible performance. Tonight the play will be on again at 7:30 and also Quintopia concert will be at the Church at 7:30. Last night we had ice water for everyone as they came in the door and I would recommend if going to either of these events that you bring a bottle of water - these days you can't drink too much WATER!
I have just added another business to the website: Reel Deal Sportfishing, LLC is offering deep sea fishing expeditions from Chebeague. Leon Hamilton is at the helm, and has had great success with his trips to offshore fishing grounds. For more information, call Leon at 846-4343.
July 22, 2011 - Molly Shattuck Vibrant Living correction: the class will now be Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday next week instead of Mon, Weds, Friday. Sorry for any confusion. Please call CRC to sign up!
Due to lack of attendance, Tuesday night Adult Floor Hockey at CRC is canceled until further notice. Please call CRC with any questions.
July 21, 2011 - As some of you may already know, Molly Shattuck has started a program called Molly Shattuck Vibrant Living and she is willing to share it with us. Next week on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at 8 AM she will be in the CRC gym ready to teach us some of the fun exercises that she does in her program. For more information about the program you can visit her website at www.mollyshattuck.com. Call CRC today to sign up.
This Saturday- July 23 - Quintopia Brass Quintet concert is a free concert and will begin at 7:30PM in the Chebeague United Methodist Church. "From Bach to the Beatles" is the theme, with selections from the classics, jazz, Dixieland and Broadway. Quintopia consists of five local musicians: Michelle Kingston and Catriona Shepherd - trumpets--Yvonne Mumme -- french horn -- Meg Hausman - trombone -- Ernie Sanborn - tuba. This will be Quintopia's sixth annual visit to Chebeague. They look forward to greeting old friends and new at the Church, Saturday July 23, at 7:39PM - even without the ice cream!
This Friday and Saturday night will be CRC's Children's Theatre "OLIVER" 7:30pm Tickets $6 for kids under 12 and $8 for Adults.
This Sunday, July 24, BOB MARLEY will be performing at the Rec Center on Sunday July 24 at 7:30 pm as a BENEFIT FUNDRAISER for the Cheb FIRE/RESCUE Dept. Tickets are $20 and can be purchased at Calders Clam Shack.
Many of you know Eva Murray from Matinicus who was here on Chebeague a month ago doing research on a book about island schools. She wrote a wonderful article about Laura Summa and the school lunch program which I am still trying to find online to put on this website. She also wrote a book about Matinicus "Well Out to Sea--Year Round on Matinicus Island" which came out in July 2010. Eva was one of the four people who was in the water for 50 minutes off of Matinicis after the small plane went down. Thankfully she is out of the hospital and just wrote on her facebook: "A quick note to everybody, so many, many thanks for all the support and help...I am out of Maine Medical, staying on the mainland for the weekend with a pretty good concussion, guess I got more of a conk on the head than I realized. Should get the fifty some-odd stitches out of my face on Monday (you should see the other guy...?) More..."
July 19, 2011 - An iPod was found on the East End of Chebeague along the road - please contact the Library if you have lost yours.
You don't want to miss OLIVER Performance by the Chebeague Children's Theatre on July 22 & 23 - 7:30pm Tickets $6 for kids under 12 and $8 for Adults.
The Pied Piper will be having another great cruise this Saturday (7/23) from 5:30PM to 7:30PM. This week we will be going to Harpswell. Mark Dyer will be on board to provide some great music. Click here for details.
Ticket Sales End Wednesday, July 20th. Purchase Tickets On-line and learn more!
Message from the Island Institute for the official launch of a new $3 million economic-development tool to help island and coastal entrepreneurs access working capital to start or expand their businesses. Please click here to learn more and attend the event Friday, July 22 at 10:30 a.m. at the Dropping Springs Bait Co., 6A Portland Fish Pier (next to the Portland Fish Exchange) Senior Island Institute staff and trustees, representatives of Olympia Snow and
Chellie Pingree, and island community members will be there.
Islands in Time Book Signing by Phil Conklin with photography by Peter Ralston is Tuesday, Ausgust 9, 7:30pm at the Chebeague Library - click here for more information.
July 18, 2011 - Senator Collin’s Staff will hold office hours Tuesday, July 26th, 2011 from 9:00AM to 10:30AM Chebeague Island Public Safety Building Meeting Room (next to the Town Office) click here for more information.
Due to lack of enrollment CRC has cancelled ballet. Instead, we would like to offer a creative movement class for younger children starting next week. Please call or email CRC for details. Our third session of swimming lessons starts July 25th and there are a few spots left. Some of the levels in session 2 filled up so send in your form as soon as possible. Tennis Camp starts on Monday, July 25th as well and we only have one spot left.
CRC will close out the summer camp season with Baseball, Theater and another week of Lil Art Camp (all in August). Check out our website for details at www.islandrec.net. Our first session of Lil Art camp in July filled up so sign up early to make sure your child can join in the fun! Lobster Camp is now full and we have started a waiting list.
Chebeague Island School Committee Meeting tomorrow July, 19, starting at 6pm (note time change) - see agenda.
Swim for the Commons Join the fun and swim a mile in refreshing Casco Bay on Saturday, July 30 at 10:00 a.m. The swim starts at John and Susan Wilson’s dock (81 Spruce Point View Road) and follows along the shore and back. (There will also be a half mile swim.) Swimmers will be raising funds for the Island Commons. Come and swim or just to cheer on the swimmers. For more information on how to participate or how to donate, call Ann Thaxter at 846-3274.
The Enneagram and Growth Have you gotten curious about the Enneagram? Linda Carleton will discuss how it can be used for personal and spiritual growth this Wednesday, July 20, 7-9pm at the library. (If you're completely new to the Enneagram, you might want to stop by the library to pick up some introductory information beforehand).
July 17, 2011 - The Art and Craft Fair today had so many talented people and items - click here to see.
Tonight Peter Ralston entertained us with wonderful slides of his inspirational photography of the Maine Coast and it's islands and lighthouses. Peter has recently opened up a gallery at the head of Rockport Harbor and also a website www.ralstongallery.com so check it out.
July 16, 2011 - CICA Housing Committee will be meeting at the Parish House on Monday July 18 at 7:15. The primary item on the agenda is continued discussion of the progress on the duplex on School House Road.
CROQUET - CROQUET - CROQUET - yes, the 3rd biannual Great Gatsby Croquet and Lawn Party is coming soon to the Hatler/Coffin Home! Get your tickets at the Rec or by the Island Market on Sunday to play croquet or just to eat lunch and watch. Hat decorating contest as usual! This year we have 14 artists so far who are painting a bench to be auctioned off at the tournament. Hopefully you will have a chance to bid on them even if you can't make the auction. Click here to see three of them so far and hopeuflly more will be added soon. The artist who are painting so far this year are BJ Abrahamson, Martha Hamilton, Ken Pelton, Bev Johnson, Ellen Maher, Linda Ewing, Kim Martin, Sasha McLean, Britany Dimick, Jennifer Belesca, Anna Martin, Sarah McKinnon, Betts Mayer, and David Scrace so far and a few more artists that may be joining us.
Barrie Shepherd, esteemed Nationally renown poet and minister will be the guest minister at the Chebeague Church tomorrow, Sunday, at 10am.
Correction on the time of the meeting and informal update on progress of Calendar Islands Maine Lobster, Dropping Springs Bait and Dropping Springs Lobster Companies. It will be July 20th at 6:00 pm at John and Susan Hudson -Wilson’s – 81 Spruce Point View Road.
Sunday evening, 7:30 at the Hall, Peter Ralston is a guest of the Historical Society and will be doing a wonderful presentation of his photographs of the Maine Coast and Chebeague- he will also have autographed copies of the new edition of Islands in Time by Philip Conklin with his Peter's photographs. . Peter is also the photographer for the Wyeths.
The Emergency Homeowner Loan Program (EHLP) is a federal mortgage assistance program designed to help homeowners who have been unemployed or underemployed due to the economy and have fallen behind at least 90 days on their home mortgages. Deadline for pre-applications is July 22nd - click here to learn more.
July 15, 2011 - Reading and Reception for Poet, Sheila Jordan, Friday, July 15 @ 4:30 at the LIBRARY!
Sad News and Glad News! The Sad is that the July 23 Ladies Aid Ice Cream Social has had to be postponed until next month. The Glad is that next Saturday's- July 23 - Quintopia Brass Quintet concert will be able to proceed as planned. This free concert will begin at 7:30PM in the Chebeague United Methodist Church. "From Bach to the Beatles" is the theme, with selections from the classics, jazz, Dixieland and Broadway. Quintopia consists of five local musicians: Michelle Kingston and Catriona Shepherd - trumpets--Yvonne Mumme -- french horn -- Meg Hausman - trombone -- Ernie Sanborn - tuba. This will be Quintopia's sixth annual visit to Chebeague. They look forward to greeting old friends and new at the Church, Saturday July 23, at 7:39PM - even without the ice cream!
A reminder that the CTC ANNUAL MEETING is tomorrow morning, Saturday, 9 am at the Hall.
July 14, 2011 - July 20th at 6:00 pm there will be an informal update on progress of Calendar Islands Maine Lobster, Dropping Springs Bait and Dropping Springs Lobster Companies. At John and Susan Hudson -Wilson’s – 81 Spruce Point View Road.
There was an article recently about New England Clam Shacks and our own Calder's Clam Shack was featured!
Art Reception tonight at The Niblic Gallery. Please stop by and meet Daryl Ann Anderson from 5-7pm and view her photography that is on display.
Reminder: CHEBEAGUE's Craft Fair will be Sunday, July 17, 10am - 1pm at the Hall.
This has been quite a 24hours for me and David as we have had to deal with much of the internet being down but I am happy to report that chebeague.net will be back to normal and for some better.
HELP! HELP! HELP! CRC is looking for someone to host the soccer camp coaches the from July 17-July 23rd. If you can't do the whole week there is another family that can take them from July 17-July 20. Please let CRC know if you can host the coaches or if you know of someone that can. Host families receive a stipend for the week. If we can't find housing for them for next week we will have to cancel the camp.
The Stephen L. Ross Scholarship Island Committee is offering this poster for sale picturing the lobster buoys of Chebeague Island Lobstermen. All proceeds from the sale will benefit the Ross Scholarship Fund. Posters are presently availableat at the Niblic store. Click here to see the wonderful work by Ken Hamilton and John Emery.
July 12, 2011 - Chebeague.net lines have been experiencing major problems today starting around 4pm. The East End is up but slower than it has ever been and the Rec Center T1 is not working at all - we are in contact with GWI and specialists to try and remedy the issues. We will be working through the night and tomorrow a technician will be here as well.
Bob Marley will be performing at the Rec Center on Sunday July 24 at 7:30 pm as a fundraiser for the Cheb Fire/Rescue Dept. Tickets are $20 and can be purchased at Calders Clam Shack.
Wednesday, chebeague.net will be working on some of the equipment that will affect some of our customers receiving the signal from the CTC lot so there may be some down time tomorrow. Please make sure your chebeague.net equipment is on so that we will be able to make changes to your addresses.
The July 30th Cruise has been cancelled but there are still two more cruises left - click here for details.
July 11, 2011 - The Grange Thrift Shop will be open tomorrow, Tuesday, from 9:30-12:00 and again from 7:00-8:00. Come check out our Ssssizling Sale! If it starts with ssss ........it's two for the price of one!
Last Saturday's CTC cruise was a great success - with over 40 people joined us. Click here to learn about the next one which is July 16th!
Just added some photos of the Road Race Winners receiving their awards - click here.
This Thursday from 4-7 their is an opening artist's reception featuring our own Kim Martin along with 10 other noted artists at Couleur Collection at 240 US Route One, Falmouth, Maine. Discover the Maine Coast and Working Waterfront is the theme of this show that will feature Kim's work through the end of August.
July 9, 2011 - Finally, I have added the results of the 4th of July FUN RUN for those children who are anxious to get their times - click here.
Today is the last chance this month to see the wonderful presentation O You're A Good Man CHARLIE BROWN with showings at 2pm and again at 7:30pm. The proceeds from the Chebeague Children's Theatre Troupe of this show will go toward their Troupe Trip Fund.
On Tuesday, July 12th and again on August 16th from 3:30-5:30pm Bob Bittenbender of Maine Audobon will be a guest again of the Chebeague and Cumberland Land Trust and the Oceanside Conservation Trust of Casco Bay for Hands on Workshop on Invasive Species Removal and Native Species Revegetation. The meeting will be at the Chebeague Recreation Center.
This coming Tuesday, July 12th from 7 to 9pm there will be iMovie Basic Lesson through the Continuing Community Education and Chebeague School at the school. If you have a Mac bring it and if you don't we have some to use. Please email education@chebeague.net to sign up. Suggested donation to the classroom of $10. Bring photos and movies on a flash drive and you'll learn to put them together into a movie for your computer or to upload to Youtube.
July 8, 2011 - Snowy Egret photo taken by Jen Belesca - migratory birds are starting to arrive on Chebeague and we will be starting up early morning birding walks soon.
I finally have put the photos of the 34th Annual Fun Run and Road Race online and the results of the Road Race as well. Click here to see all the photos of the FUN RUN- The fastest boy was Ethan Belesca and the fastest girl was Risa Fox. Click here for the Road Race results and links to the photos. The winner was Molly Hoyt with a time of 29:59 and the first man was Ryland Webb with a time of 30:26. Congratulations to all who ran and thank you to Gail Miller and her many, many helpers who make these races possible each year.
Congratulations to all the participants in the parade which turned out to be terrific. Click here to see the results.
You won't want to miss "You're A Good Man Charlie Brown" at the Hall tonight at 7:30! They will also have performances tomorrow at 2 and again at 7:30!
Slow Bell Cafe Summer Bar is open Wed-Thursday 8-12:00 pm. Friday & Saturday 5pm to 0100 am. Friday July 8th Lesley Grant & Friends provide live acoustic music! Saturday July 9th Peter Emery & Andy of LVP "Lower Village People" are set for a great night of upbeat acoustic music! Sunday Brunch 10:00 am to 2:00 pm Did you enjoy the "Love Boat" July 4th float? Get ready for 80's night - stay tuned for further information!
July 6, 2011 - If you are looking for technical help with your computer Nick Fernandes is on the island this summer and charges $15 an hour if he is successful in making the repairs. You could also use him to help learn more about your computer - he is very talented but can't make the internet any faster. His cell number is 603 860-5593 but he is having trouble getting messages so then call 846-1575.
You're A Good Man Charlie Brown
Friday July 8th at 7:30pm and Saturday July 9th at 2:00pm & 7:30pm Tickets $6 for kids under 12 and $8 for Adults
Friday July 22 & Saturday July 23 at 7:30pm Tickets $6 for kids under 12 and $8 for Adults
Thursday July 28, Friday July 29, and SUNDAY July 31 at 7:30pm Tickets $6 for kids under 12 and $8 for Adults
High school junior looking for Spanish tutor for the summer and fall of 2011. Seeking someone proficient in the language who can help with both spoken and written evaluations. $15/hour, 1-2 hours/week. Call 332-2368
July 5, 2011 - Ocean Approved is applying for a stte aquaculture lease in waters adjacent to Chebeague Island for kelp farming. Click here to see their letter and application.
The CIHS boat excursion to Peaks Island scheduled for Wednesday, July 6th
has been cancelled because not enough people signed up.
July’s Tai Chi session is coming up! This Friday, July 8th, Paula Meuller will be teaching adult Tai Chi at the Chebeague Recreation Center from 9:00 – 10:40 am. Drop-in is $18. Please call 846-5068 or e-mail the CRC if you have any questions.
The Chebeague July Calendar was in error in announcing the times of the Ice Cream Social and Quintopia Brass Quintet Concert. The Social will begin at 6PM in the Parish House and the Concert at 7:30PM in the church. These events will be on Saturday, July 23.
Enjoy a special cruise to dinner at the Dolphin Marina! Every Thursday, step aboard the classic passenger vessel Marie L. with Captain Claire Ross on your way to dinner at the Dolphin. Make your Reservation: 846-1254. Explore the Bay and the new Dolphin Restaurant with stunning views of the outer islands unlike any other. Depart 4pm Stone Wharf, Chebeague Island. Return 7 pm. Cruise is $25 per person, dinner additional. Reservations, please leave a message at 846 -1254.
4th of JULY - I have photos from the Parade and Picnic - click here! The Grand Marshall was Juliette Pellerin. I will have the Fun Run and Road Race photos tomorrow or the next day along with the results. I will also have the float results tomorrow. I know that the Grunko's Yellow Submarine was a winner and the Grand Prize Winner was the Love Boat.
Click here to see some nature in Wink Houghton's backyard!! Photos by Wink.
Bill McCuskey captured a couple of wonderful photos of the fireworks that the Inn put on Saturday - what a treat it was for all of us. Just received a note from people on Bustins Island who also thoroughly enjoyed them.
The Grange Thrift Shop Celebrates the Fourth ! Any item with red, white or blue on it is TWO FOR THE PRICE OF ONE! (only a few exceptions) Open Tuesdays 9:30- 12:00 and 7:00-8:00.
- Paul Adler, golf pro from Val Halla ,will be conducting a junior clinic from 3:15 to 4:15.
July 1, 2011 - Photo taken of some of our firefighters completing State training course over the Winter and Spring (click on the photo to see them better- firefighters Left to Right Amanda Campbell, Joe Ballard, Nancy Earnest, Doug Ross, Benjamin Hillicoss, Mike Adams.) Click here to see more photos.
No....that's synthetic non-toxic smoke developed from a smoke machine.
Check out the Slow Bell Cafe News - they are even going to have Sunday brunch from 10 - 2 - click here. Tonight there will be live acoustic music by Mark Bowman.
CTC is offering cruises on the Pied Piper including a fireworks cruise on the 4th - check out the flyer - click here!!!
Announcing: Beginner Ballet with Chloe at the Chebeague Recreation Center! Starting Monday, July 18th there will be five classes Mondays and Wednesdays through August 3rd (no class Wednesday, July 27th). It will be held 4:00 – 4:45 for children ages 3 through 11. Please call or e-mail the CRC to sign up.
The Car Wash and Bake Sale is TOMORROW, July 2nd, at the Public Safety Building starting at 11 am. $6 for a wash and $6 for a vacuum. Come support the Teen Center and get your car washed!
June 30, 2011 - Photo taken by Jim KomLosy East End of Chebeague, June 30, 2011
The Chebeague Inn has some big plans for this weekend - 4th of July Celebration - Saturday, July 2, 2011 - Festivities begin at 3:30 - click here for the costs - there is a $5 discount on the Pig Roast tickets for year round Islanders and tickets can be purchased at the Inn. See their POSTER!
Message from the Niblic: Be sure and stop by The Niblic at the Chebeague Island Boat Yard to check out their new clothing designs, new pottery, and many new food items such as the 'Niblic Yogurt Parfait'. YUM! Many new things as well as local favorites. They are open 7 days a week now and this Friday night from 5 to 7 is an artist reception for Debe Loughlin upstairs in the gallery. Go see some wonderful paintings, photography, and sculpture, all inspired by Debe's stays on Chebeague. ALSO, The Niblic just got their first shipment of TOOTS ice cream! They have 1/2 pints and quart sizes and many of the favorite flavors including Pigpen, Whoopie Cow Pie, and Strawberry Rhubarb Swirl. And the CIHCC (the Hall) will be selling TOOTS ice cream at the 4th of July Picnic! Available will be a special "Chebeague" flavor, which the Niblic hopes to carry after the 4th.
June 29, 2011 - Photo taken by Amanda Maskell of a Harbor Seal on Hamilton Beach June 29, 2011
CTC BOAT SCHEDULE - If you are coming to the island for the first time this year - there is a new CTC boat schedule - check it out. Notice that there is no noon boat now and the times are different for other boats. Check out the times carefully and especially the bus leaves earlier than it use to. On Tuesday and Thursday the last boat from Cousins is 8:30pm and on Monday and Wednesday it is 9:30pm. On Friday and Saturday the last boat is 10:30 from Cousins not 10:45.
Little Art Camp with Iva Damon starts at CRC at 9:30 on July 5th. The camp is for kids ages 3-7 and will be a lot of fun. The camp is filling up so sign up today! There will be another Little Art Camp session the week of August 8th if you aren’t able to participate in this first session.
Farm Camp AND our second session of swim lessons start on July 11th. Our second session is filling up fast. Details for camps, swimming and other CRC programming are on our website at www.islandrec.net. Also, our second summer Tai Chi class is on July 8th at 9 AM. Details and future dates are on our website under the adult program link.
June 27, 2011 - GRANGE THRIFT STORE!!! The Grange Thrift Shop opens its doors tomorrow morning, June 28th. at 9:30 AM and again from 7-8 PM. Volunteers have been unpacking, sorting, and organizing for weeks. You've not seen anything like it before; we are absolutely over flowing with treasures of all kinds.
I just got back from the Library where I uploaded a lot of photos from yesterday's wine tasting. Cathy MacNeill, Jarrod Smith and I took a zillion photos and I have only used about 250 of them - Yikes! Hope you enjoy them - click here.
Looking for an easy way to clean that spring mud off your car? Come to the CAR WASH AND BAKE SALE to support teen center! Saturday, July 2nd starting at 11:00 am at the Public Safety Building. $6 for a wash and $6 for an interior vacuum. Lots of yummy baked goods will be available as well!
WEDNESDAY, JULY 6th boat excursion to Peaks Island sponsored by the Chebeague Historical Society. The trip includes a tour of Casco Bay en route, with narration on sights of interest by Donna Damon, and a visit to the Fifth Maine Museum. (RAIN DATE WILL BE THURSDAY, JULY 7th). This will be a three hour excursion aboard the Pied Piper, leaving the stone pier at 11 AM and return at 2 PM. Pack a picnic lunch and come aboard! Bring along some money for ice cream or cold drink at Peaks Island store. Cost: $25 per person. -----TO reserve a space: contact Museum staff @ 846-5237, or Jennifer Hamilton @ 846-4343 (TRIP IS BASED ON A MINIMUM OF 50 PEOPLE).
June 25, 2011 - Photo taken July 25 of the hook by Bev Johnson.
chebeague.net has been experiencing some painful times for many as people come to the island and the rain keeps people inside on their computers. We have been having some major slowdowns on bandwidth on the East End. We have contacted GWI to see if there are problems within the system but one thing we do know is that usage has skyrocketed. Please remember to not use the system for downloading movies and large files during these times and we especially can't have video gaming as this uses so much bandwidth that needs to be shared by all. Many people are running businesses and need to be able to get good internet connections. Chebeague.net is working hard on securing financing, grants and partners to upgrade our system considerably but this is a year down the road. In the meantime we are setting up another t1 line which will be running after July 7th which will mean that we will be able to split some of the usage but it is not the total answer right now. Thank you very much for your patience and cooperation.
June 23, 2011 - A BIG THANK YOU TO ALL WHO FED/VISITED RAY HAMILTON. As of 27th June his family will be on Island for much of the summer so all of you who have been bringing Ray a meal can have the summer off. I think everyone will agree that Ray has certainly perked up since having visitors! Feel free to pop in for a few minutes if you're down at the East End. Thanks Again for your help, Gin Ballard.
There will be a Catholic Mass held Saturday July 2nd starting at 4:45pm at the Chebeague United Methodist Church. All are welcome and if you have any questions please call Ann Belesca @ 846-4252.
June 21, 2011 - Letter from the Department of Marine Resources looking for comments on the transfer of the aquaculture lease off Bangs Island - click here to see.
JUNIOR GOLF LESSONS -begins Thursday 6/23 and will continue at least into August and as late as it is well-attended. Begins at 3:15 and ends at 5:00. There's no cost, clubs and balls are provided, no requirement for membership or any other "qualifications" other than age (up to 15). Parents participation is always encouraged either in instruction or providing snacks, usually cookies and lemonade at the end. Youngsters' progress is recognized by earning yellow, orange and red cards that carry with certain privileges on the golf course. Sponsored by the Great Chebeague Golf Course!
Our first day of swim lessons went great. We still have some spots available. Call 846-5068, email or stop in to sign up.
Modern Dance Camp and auditions for Oliver and Fame start Monday June 27th.
CHEBEAGUE's Craft Fair will be Sunday, July 17, 10am - 1pm at the Hall. Any island crafters who haven't reserved a table, please contact Linda Carleton before July 1. 846-6129 or lindacrltn@chebeague.net
4TH OF JULY - the Theme for the parade is "NAME YOUR TUNE" - plenty of time to get a float made for the parade! Click here for more details about the 4th of July and please contact me if your organization is doing something that is not on the ad.
Message from Slow Bell: On Saturday, June 25th, at the Slow Bell Cafe, come hear the great sounds of the duet "Lodi", Mark Dyer & Chuck McCatherin, play on the deck (weather permitting), starting around 8:30pm! Come for dinner, we will be serving great, fresh entrees from 5pm to 9pm, the bar will be open til 1am, have dinner, dance under the stars and enjoy great drinks! For more information, please call 207-846-3078! Relax, have fun, you are on Slow Bell Time!
June 20, 2011 - Long Island is looking for Chebeague Crafters for their Long Island Community Library's annual summer fair - Art and Soul - to be held on Long at the Community Center on July 16th from 10-2. $40 per table OR $25 and a donation for their raffle table - Contact Annie Donovan @ 766-2499 or Maxine Harmon @ 939-2994
Tomorrow, Tuesday June 21 is the School Committee Meeting at 6:30 at the school - see agenda.
On Sunday, June 26, the Island Commons Resource Center is hosting on their 9th annual Wine Tasting and Silent Auction at the Chebeague Island Inn. Check out there website at www.islandcommonsresourcecenter.org for lots of information on the event and to preview the auction items!
There is an online article about Victor Rich - click here.
Saturday night was the Whalers Concert and Tiffany Calder and I took some photos and I was able to get a few videos so I have put together a real quick youtube of the evening - click here.
June 18, 2011 - The Island Institute has put online some of the posters made by the Island Schools during the STORMS project. The first three listed are from Chebeague including the first one which went with the movie Changing Landscapes of Chebeague and has written compare and contrast by the students. They take a while to load but after they are loaded they are fun to look at and read. We also have a youtube video of interviews which feature many islanders including Diane and Dick Calder, Diane and Hartley Brewer, Ernie Burgess, Ray Hamilton, Herb Rich, Sanford and Mabel Doughty, Lindy Smith, Joan Robinson, Ken Hamilton, and Bob and Beverly Dyer. The video is 12 minutes long so let it load first and then watch it.
Don't forget the Whalers Concert TONIGHT, Saturday at 7:30pm at the Hall. Tickets $8 at the door.
The CRC is pleased to announce a summer ballet class!
Beginner Ballet with Chloe is back! She will be teaching five fun-filled classes Mondays and Wednesdays starting July 18th (no class Wednesday, July 27th), 4:00-4:45 pm. $25 for 5 classes or $6 drop-in fee. The class is open to kids ages 4 to 11. Call or e-mail the Chebeague Recreation Center to sign up!
Today I was able to get photos of a Black Crowned Night Heron - click here for one in a tree on the Cottage Road and a few minutes later click here for another one that has been hanging around Sanford's Pond.
The Maine Mycological Association will lead a mushroom foray on the island Saturday, August 6, 2011, starting at noon - click here for details!
June 17, 2011 - The first day of the POOL will be SUNDAY instead of Saturday as previously announced.
The recording of the PACE forum is now up on the Island Institute’s website (scroll all the way to the bottom – you will see that the video is in three parts): http://www.islandinstitute.org/energyworkshops. The website also houses a copy of the Efficiency Maine PACE brochure as well.
June 15, 2011 - Photo taken by Luke Rothchild from Chebeague.
CRC is happy to announce that Sarah Demers is our new swim lesson instructor. She completed her certification last week and is ready to get started. The FIRST SESSION of lessons begins Monday, June 20th (this coming Monday). Camp Chebeague starts June 27th with Modern Dance Camp. AND, as long as the weather cooperates, we are hoping to have the pool open for swimming Saturday, June 18th!! Check our website www.islandrec.net or call for camp 846-5068, swim lesson and pool details. ONLY TWO PEOPLE SIGNED UP FOR NEXT WEEK SWIMMING LESSONS SO FAR!
CRC is looking for housing for our Soccer coaches this summer. The coaches will arrive on the 17th and leave on the 24th.. Host families get some great benefits too. Click on the link for detailed information. If you are able to host a coach please call CRC as soon as possible.
Congratulations to Phil and Julie Tonks whose Grand View Winery of East Calai, Vermont won six awards this spring at the prestigious Finger Lakes International Wine Competition - click here to read more!
June 14, 2011 - The second session of adult Adult Tai Chi starts up at the Chebeague Recreation Center THIS FRIDAY, June 17th, 9:00-11:00AM. Stop by the CRC to sign up or just drop in on Friday morning
Congratulations to our graduates who graduated from Greely Sunday and they include Megan Munroe who will be going into early childhood occupation at Southern Maine Community College, Amanda Campbell who is going to Southern Maine Community College to study Sciences, Alyssa Hamilton who is going to Southern Maine Community College to study nursing, and Emma Todd who is going to Colby Sawyer in New Hampshire to study child development.
WHALERS CONCERT this Saturday, June 18 Your one and only chance to hear the Whalers sing Songs of the Sea! 7:30pm at the Hall. Tickets $8 at the door.
The Island Riches is now open from 10 to 4 at the head of Chandlers Wharf and Florences flowers are now in!
Message from Kids' Place - If anyone has not heard about the engraved brick program at Kids' Place, or knows about it but has not signed up yet, we are about to place the order so we need to hear from you now. The bricks will be in the entrance pathway to Kids' Place. Pedges of $500 or more are entitled to a brick engraved to their liking. If you have any questions call Kelley at the Rec (5068) or Eldon (9760).
A kid's bike has been found on the side of the John Small Rd. behind Annette Kincaid's mailbox. It's a black and gold Schwinn "El Dorado" with a gold banana seat. Please contact her if your bike is missing or if you know whose is.
June 12, 2011 - Congratulations to Caroline Summa who graduated summa cum laude from Cheverus High School in Portland on Monday, June 6, 2011. She received the United States Army Reserve National Scholar Athlete Award, in addition to the Maine Sports Hall of Fame Award. She will be attending Oberlin College in Ohio after taking a gap year to travel in Portugal where she will plans to work on organic farms through the WWOOF (World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms) Organization.
CTC has a job opportunity - click here for details.
Congratulations to Julia Maine who was a winner of the 2011 Governor’s Young Writer of the Year Awar - click here to see the press release and Julia with the Governer and the other two recipients. Her story is wonderful - click here to read "Lost in the Fog"!
June 11, 2011 -Alcoholics Anonymous will meet on Saturday mornings at 9 a.m. in the Parish Hall, starting June 18th through Labor Day weekend. For more information call (207) 657-6258.
The 3-5 Class is back from an amazing trip in the White Mountains, New Hampshire. Click here for photos. The 3-5 Class started their adventure on the oldest continuously used trail in the United States, the Crawford Path, up to Mizpah hut, 3800' (built in 1965). We spent the night at the hut and hiked down, enjoyed a little fun around the Gibbs Falls and then geared up to climb Mt. Washington on the Cog Railway. The trip on the Cog Railway which has been running continuously since 1858 with the exception of the two World Wars. We received a tour of the Mt Washington Observatory. The next day some of us did the Alpine Adventure Zipline and some the Adventure Ride in Lincoln New Hampshire. Click here for a short video of the Skyrider Zipline Tour and hear our screams!
Artist on Display at the Library - Photographs by James Thresher Reception tomorrow, Saturday June 11, 11:00-1:00!!
3-5 Class with Mary Holt on top of Mt. Washington for their end of year trip - Photo by Jen Belesca Click here for more photos and video.
June 9, 2011 - Here's a picture of the gang at New Hampshire's Mizpah Spring Hut transmitted by cell phone from the wilderness.
June 7, 2011 - The results of the referendum questions: The validation of the School Budget was yes 90 and no 52 and the vote on whether to have the yearly polls referendum vote was yes 52 and no 81.
CHEBEAGUE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING will be held Saturday, June 11 at 7:30 PM at the Island Hall. There will be a brief business meeting, followed by a presentation by Donna Miller Damon entitled "CHEBEAGUE DURING THE CIVIL WAR". All are invited!
Adult Tai Chi is back by popular demand! The second session starts up at the Chebeague Recreation Center Friday, June 17th, 9:00-11:00AM. Stop by the CRC to sign up!
The new schedule for the CTC is effective 6/21/11 - please check the website http://www.chebeaguetrans.com/.
June 4, 2011 - Last night was the Science Fair and Pizza where the 3-5 classroom exhibited and explained their science fair projects that they have been working on over the last few weeks. Click here to see photos from the night. They also presented their videos and the younger class video which they created for the STORMS project that the Island Institute was involved with. Click here to see the photos from the classes recent trip to University of Maine in Orono for their presentation of their STORMS Projects and iMovie. They were able to go to three important Research Labs involved in climate including Stable Isotope Lab, Phytoplankton Lab, and Tree Ring Lab. I have also downloaded one of the videos from last night on to youtube - click here for Changing Landscape of Chebeague created by the 3-5 class.
The Town meeting was held this morning with Peter Rice elected as the moderator and all the warrants passed. Herb Maine was elected to the Selectmen and Beverly Johnson School Committee. Tuesday is the School Validation Election at the Hall. You many also vote absentee at the Town Office Monday.
June 2, 2011- There was a Press Release from the Island Institute about all the island students who received scholarships this year from the Island Institute Scholarship Program. Click here to see.
There is an article in the online Working Waterfront about Kim Boehm and his Trapzilla.
June 1, 2011 - Congratulations to Barrie Shepherd who has just had three of his books republished by WIPF & STOCK publishers. Aspects of Love, Prayers from the Mount, and Faces at The Cross have all been republished and are available.
NOTICE - Starting Sunday, June 19th the CASCO BAY BOAT schedule will be:
Saturday (use to be 8:10)
Depart Chebeague: 7:45 AM
Depart Cliff: 8:10 AM
Sunday (use to be 8:00)
Depart Chebeague: 7:35 AM
Depart Cliff: 8:00 AM
May 31, 2011- Reminder: On Friday, June 3, the third, fourth and fifth graders will host a Science Fair and Pizza Dinner fundraiser at the Hall at 5:30. You will be able to see their STORM projects as well which includes a couple of short videos they produced from their interviews with twelve islanders about weather! One of the videos is about the changing landscape around the island and the work they did to produce it. It will be a fun, entertaining and informative night so please come and support the children for their trip as well as their education.
TOWN MEETING - Saturday, June 4th at the HALL - click on the Town Website to get the Warrant and Exhibits.
Bill Calthorpe, Sr.'s memorial service will be held this Saturday, June 4th, at 1:00 PM at the Chebeague United Methodist Church. A graveside service will immediately follow. Please join Bill’s family & friends in celebrating the life of a truly wonderful man.
They are back! They were here in 2009 but didn't come back last year and now they are back - see the photos taken by Wink!Yesterday another type of bird showed up at the Inn and stayed for lunch - click here to see!
Happy Birthday Joan Robinson!
Tomorrow is the opening exhibit of Jim Thresher's photos at the Library. The reception for his work is scheduled for Saturday, June 11th. Click here to see a photo taken of Mt. Washington and the Hook from Chandler's Wharf. Click here for another of Chandlers and the Queen B.
REMINDER: CHEBEAGUE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY is sponsoring a day trip to the COASTAL MAINE BOTANICAL GARDEN in Boothbay. DATE: Wednesday, June 8th. DEADLINE TO SIGN UP IS THURSDAY, JUNE 2ND. Call Jennifer Hamilton @ 846-4343 to reserve your seat, or for more information. Trip is based upon a minimum of 20 participants. At this time there are not enough people signed up, so please step forward now and contact Jen, if this trip is of interest.
May 30, 2011 - Composite photo taken by me of Indian Point on May 30th - the sun was almost out.
Memorial Day - Martha Hamilton was the keynote speaker at today's Memorial Day Service which was well attended. Caroline Summa, Herb Maine and Jeanie Wester played the violin, viola and bass. Linda Brewster led the prayers and Linda Carleton played the piano. Many people worked on making the 184 sprays for the veterans including, Cheryl Stevens, Howard Coons, Joan Jones, Diane Calder, Martha Hamilton, Marylyn Nicklas, Jim and Linda Brewster and Betsy Ross. Thank you also to Herb Maine, Dick Calder and Chuck Varney for cutting the brush. Click here to see a few photos.
Month of May Chebeague Pre-K - K Class - click here!
May 29, 2011 - Photo taken by Wink Houghton of the Deborah Lee on May 29, 2011. For another photo of the action click here.
The photo of the girl scouts that Martha took in 1964. From left to right is Polly Smith, Donna Miller, Beth Ross, Sharon Burgess and Holly Hamilton. Tomorrow is the Memorial Day Program at the Church at 1pm and with Martha presiding and special string quartet which includes Caroline Summa and Herb Maine.
Wink and Ruth Houghton had a bird lay eggs in a Christmas Wreath on their back door - click here to see the eggs and now the chicks. Winks photos taken from inside the house.
May 28, 2011 - TODAY- BAKE SALE! The Island Commons is having their Memorial Day Weekend Bake Sale and Plant Sale on Saturday, May 28 from 10:30 – 1:00 at Binkie and Lynne’s at the corner of Firehouse Road and South Road.
TOMORROW - Seedling Sale to benefit the Green Lantern Garden Project Sunday, May 29th from 8:00-2:00 on the deck of the Slow Bell Cafe 12 varieties of heirloom tomatoes, kale, flowers, lettuce and more!
May 27, 2011 - There was a young seal hanging around the Stone Pier the last couple of days. It was eventually decided that it's mother was not coming back and he was starting to get dehydrated so Claire brought over and the Department of Marine Resources took him in to be rehabilitated. Click here to see a photo Jim Thresher took of the seal when it was on the beach. Jim is also having a photo show at the CI Library starting June 1st for a month. The artist reception is on June 11 at 11am.
While I'm on the wildlife mode we have been seeing a lot of rabbits these days and here is a photo of one and the poor thing is covered with TICKS! For those who are afraid of snakes the pile of lobster traps actually have them hanging around in the air - click here to see. Lastly we have as you have seen before some foxes hanging around with our cats and here is one that regularly sits on top of Stephen's lobster traps, right near where the snake was.
May 26, 2011 - BAKE SALE Saturday! The Island Commons is having their Memorial Day Weekend Bake Sale and Plant Sale on Saturday, May 28 from 10:30 – 1:00 at Binkie and Lynne’s at the corner of Firehouse Road and South Road. Come out and support the Commons while you stock up on plants and delicious homemade treats for the long weekend!
Check out Miller Designs NEW Chebeague shaped treasures! Currently available at our Fenderson Rd Studio Showroom. We're open this weekend 10-2 every day! See photos at Miller Designs on facebook!
An Introduction to the Enneagram with Linda Carleton. Why do I act the way I do? Why do certain people always push my buttons? What can I do to change? The Enneagram is a psycho-spiritual system that enables us to understand ourselves and each other in new ways. It offers a tool for profound personal growth and for improving our work life and relationships. Linda Carleton is currently training with Don Riso and Russ Hudson and would love to share what she's learning. Wednesday, June 1st at 7:30 pm at the Library
Leah Fisher Arsenault will be exhibiting her photos at the Niblic from May 26th - June 14th with an OPENING TODAYshow May 26th at 5:30 - click here for more information.
Memorial Day service on Monday, May 30th at 1:00 pm at the Church.
Slow Bell Cafe - Memorial Day Weekend, open Friday night, May 27th, serving from 5pm to 9pm, Pizza night offering a Special Lasagna Dinner, Fresh Spinach, Garlic & Feta Pizza! Saturday night, May 28th, serving from 5pm to 9pm, Appetizer Special - Mussels steamed in wine, fresh garlic, shallots, Fresh Haddock Dinner, Salads, Pie! Live music and dancing on the deck! Come hear Mark Dyer & Chuck McCatherin play Saturday evening! Sunday night, serving from 5pm to 9pm, Fish Taco's, Chili, light fare. Bar open Friday night 5pm to 11pm, Saturday night from 5pm to 1am and Sunday night from 5pm to 11pm, we are now serving spirits, beer and wine! Drink Specials this weekend! See you at the Slow Bell Cafe! 207-846-3078.
Congratulations to Chris McCollom who graduated from Johnson and Wales in North Carolina, summa cum laude and is heading home to Maine to be a chef. And Matt McDonough graduated magna cum laude from Boston College. He'll be staying there for law school this fall.
CLAM SHACK opening and running on Spring and Fall schedule
Thursdays: 4-7pm
Friday: 4-8PM
Saturday: 11:30-8 PM
Sunday: 11:30-7 PM
Until school is out. Start summer schedule on June 28th.
Closed Monday
Tuesday-Sunday: 11:30am-8pm
Specials and Chowders for this weekend
Haddock chowder and Crab rolls for Thursday, Friday is Haddock chowder or Fish-n-chips
Saturday and Sunday : Lobster rolls are available till we run out.
Get the new menu w/ new items and prices at the window. See ya SOon!
The new Mercy facility in Yarmouth is having an open house on Saturday, June 4th, 11 - 3pm. Mercy is a nonprofit organization that has recently joined the Yarmouth Community but will be servicing the Chebeague Island citizens. Click here to see all the fun family activities they are planning rain or shine!
May 24, 2011 - Tonight, Tuesday is Arts Night at the CIHCC. Doors will open at 5:30. The program will begin at 6:00. School children should be a the Hall no later than 5:30. On Friday, June 3, the third, fourth and fifth graders will host a Science Fair and Pizza Dinner fundraiser at the Hall at 5:30.
Tonight is the RAY HAMILTON UPDATE: A Big Thank YOU to all the Islanders that have visited Ray. He has really perked up! We still need your help as Ray really wants to stay in his home. You can sign up to bring a meal at the takethemameal.com site. See that site for Ray's likes/dislikes/delivery times etc. If you have any questions or concerns please page Gin Ballard at 767-8518. Thanks again.
On Sunday, May 22, the School Committee hosted a meeting for the community on the School Department's budget for fiscal year 2011 - 2012. We provided three documents at the meeting for everyone's information. They are on the Chebeague School Website listed above or click here to go directly to the School Commitee information page where the documents are available.
CHEBEAGUE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY MUSEUM WILL BE OPEN MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND. Saturday, May 28th: 11 am - 4 pm and Sunday, May 29th: 1 pm - 4 pm. Thereafter, Museum will be open weekend hours during the month of June, followed by more extensive weekly hours in July and August. Stop by and see the exhibit “Tourism Transforms Chebeague’, including new additions. Visit the gift shop with old favorites, and new merchandise for sale. New items include “Old School House” notecards, 2012 Chebeague photo calendar, and photo reproductions from the exhibit displays.
Leah Fisher Arsenault will be exhibiting her photos at the Niblic from May 26th - June 14th with an opening show May 26th at 5:30 - click here for more information.
Congratulations to Caroline Summa (second from right) who received honors and a $5000 scholarship in recognition of her athletic and scholastic achievements Sunday at the Maine Sports Hall of Fame banquet.
The CICA Board and the Year-Round Housing Committee will be holding a joint meeting on Tuesday June 21, 2011 at 7:15 at the Parish House. It will provide an update and discussion on the work on the School House Road housing, which is moving forward. Interested members of the public are invited.
CHEBEAGUE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY is sponsoring a day trip to the SCOASTAL MAINE BOTANICAL GARDEN in Boothbay. DATE: Wednesday, June 8th. Leave on CTC 8:00 AM boat, and return on 5:00 PM boat. COST: $45 per person. Cost includes round trip transportation on CTC bus, admission fee to Gardens, catered LUNCH, and 2 hour docent tour. There will be time available to explore on your own, and visit the Gift Shop. Rhododendrons will be in full bloom, along with Lady-slipper, Iris, and many other plants and flowers.DEADLINE TO SIGN UP IS THURSDAY, JUNE 2ND. Call Jennifer Hamilton @ 846-4343 to reserve your seat, or for more information. Trip is based upon a minimum of 20 participants (maximum 36).
May 22, 2011 - I just found out that Barbara Dodd Anderson passed away in November and I have added her obituary to the people page. An informal service will be held at the Chebeague Island Cemetery on July 10, 2011, at 11:00 am.
Ginger Sharpe is now living full time at Kevin's (her son's) home in Denmark, Maine. She will be visiting occasionally in company with either of her two sons, Kevin and Chris Hosford. She is 88, and doing as well as can be expected, but is as sprightly and independent as ever, and will never give up! Please communicate any thoughts to her address, 57 Charleston Road, Chebeague Island and Chris will receive it. Or to Chris at cfhosford@gmail.com.
Congratulations to Linda Brewster who graduated Saturday with a Master of Divinity from Bangor Theological Seminary. Wednesday evening she received the Joshua Chamberlain award for service to the seminary. It is an annual award that was awarded for the work she did with the Guatemala immersion trip and helping to change the future direction of the seminary. Five years of work completed! There was also a celebration after church yesterday - Click here to see photos!
Mark Gwillim is looking for a home for his son's two golden retrievers - to contact him email gwillimm@troycorp.com.
May 20, 2011 - Reminder - tomorrow the Chebeague School Committee is having a Special Meeting to discuss the proposed 2011-2012 school budget. At the Hall at 1pm so please go.
Today was the Maine Islands Scholars Luncheon hosted by the Island Institute at Point Lookout in Northport. It was really well attended by all the islands in Maine and it was an exceptional meeting because the Keynote Speaker was Anna Maine! I managed to get one shot before my battery went dead. As she talked about her college experience a slide show of her trip to the Dominican Republic was showing. Recipients from Chebeague Included Anna Maine, Arianna Stefanilo, Zach Doughty, Amanda Campbell, Caroline Summa, Josh Doughty, Danielle Rich, and Dennis Johnson.
Yesterday I was in Rockland for the Maine Islands Coalition quarterly meeting and nine islands were represented. We heard information form people all along the coast who run ferry and air services to all the islands. It was very interesting and informative. I will post information on the MIC sight above when I get the minutes.
Message from Dick Woodbury: Dear Chebeague Island Neighbors,
In case you missed the legislative update and discussion that Rep. Strang Burgess and I held at the Boat House a couple of weeks ago (or if you’re ready for an update of the update), I wanted to welcome you to a similar meeting that I am hosting in Yarmouth this week. It will be this Monday evening, May 23 at 7:00pm at the Log Cabin (196 Main Street), co-hosted with Yarmouth’s Rep. Melissa Walsh Innes. We will offer a short presentation about the major legislation that is being considered this year, as well as our individual legislative priorities. We also look forward to hearing your thoughts, and your advice, as we proceed through the legislative session. It would be great to see you there.
May 19, 2011 - Congratulations to Carly Knight who, on May 14th, graduated as a Family Nurse Practitioner from the University of Southern Maine with a Masters in Nursing.
There are four Brants hanging around the Hook - click here for a photo. Photo of a catbird singing and another view.
Seedling Sale to benefit the Green Lantern Garden Project. Sunday, May 29th, from 8:00am to 2:00pm on the deck of the Slow Bell Cafe. There will be 12 varieties of heirloom tomatoes, vegetable, herb and flower seedlings. Call Erin Whetham at (207) 415-1095 for more information.
The Slow Bell Cafe is now open Saturday nights for your dining pleasure! We will be serving dinner from 5:00pm to 9:00pm, the bar is open from 5:00pm to 11:00pm serving beer & wine.
Enjoy fresh a Haddock dinner, Spanikopita, Caesar Salad, Pies and more! For more information, please call 207-846-3078.
Congratulations to Kay-Kay Hill who participated in White Coat Ceremony at Pacific University, marking the end of her classroom study at the end of her second year and her moving into the intern program treating real patients in clinic settings.
Just a note from the Niblic that they have two new soups today, and isn't it a perfect soup day with all this gray and cold? A thick & chunky style Tomato Vegetable and a hearty Chili. Either one is sure to warm you up!
Grasshopper Hill Compost is looking for 25 1 gallon containers. Milk, juice, or any other liquid containers will work. If anyone has 1 or 2 they could save for us we would appreciate it. Please email Sarah at grasshopperhillcompost@gmail.com if you can contribute, we can pick them up next weekend.
May 18, 2011 - Foggy, cold, crummy wet week photo of the Stone Pier.
Bill Calthorpe found a couple of rings with his metal detector at Chandler's Cove Beach. If you lost one contact him at BillCalthorpe@aol.com.
May 17, 2011 - Special School Budget Meeting - Sunday, May 22nd - 1pm at the HALL.
The CPA is providing childcare during the school budget meeting this Sunday, May 22 @1:00 and on the morning of the town meeting on June 4th.
Please contact Paige at paige@chebeague.net if you need childcare. She needs to know in advance if you need childcare.
May 15, 2011 -Yesterday a lot of energy was expended on the island for cleanup. The school children started out at the school down the School House Road cleaning the sides of the roads. They went up the South Road and stopped at the Commons Assisted Living Home where they joined lots of islanders doing all kinds of work around the place. After working there for a while they finished the five mile loop down to the Historical Society and up the North Road back to the school. This community service for them will help defray part of the cost of their end of the school field trip. Click here for photos of the children and the Common's workers! I hope to have photos of the teens along with other island volunteers who spent yesterday cleaning the island beaches.
There have been lots of sightings of Scarlet Tanagers. This crummy damp cool weather is a problem for those illusive birds who usually hang out at the top of trees but they are hungry. Doug and Gina have one hanging out at their bird feeder and I was able to get a photo and another(the first time I had ever seen a live one)
At the Casco Bay Lines May 26 board meeting (starting at 0745 in the CBL conference room) The CBL board will consider a proposal to slightly change the island rotation on the first boat on Saturdays and Sundays (0630 departure from Portland) to begin with the summer schedule which starts on June 18. To see all the details about the proposed changes to the CBL schedule - please click here!
It was a wonderful Brunch and we of the Hall Board would like to give special thanks to the young persons who so graciously and professionally helped with the dishes afterward. You will always be welcomed!! Thanks also to all who contributed both food and time. It could not be done without all of you.
BRUNCH - CIHCC TODAY, Sunday, 11:30am-12:30pm. Adults - $8 and Children (12 & under) - $5. See notice
May 12, 2011 - Sunset from Kathmandu- photo taken by Joe Ballard - Mt Washington is seen in the middle.
This weekend is a big CLEANUP WEEKEND with lots of opportunities for people and families to help out various organizations on the Island and also help out the Island:
The Island Commons Clean Up is scheduled for Saturday, May 14 from 10:00 - 2:00 (weather permitting). Bring your garden gloves, rakes and friends! Help spruce up the grounds and enjoy a delicious lunch. (The rain date is Sunday, May 15)."
The Beach Clean with the TEENS This Saturday, 11:00 am, come meet us at the Chebeague Recreation Center to join the clean up effort.
NOTE TIME CHANGE: And as part of a Community Service Project that will help defer the cost of the Chebeague Island School's 3-5 class annual End of Year Fieldtrip, the students and parent volunteers will be joining the Clean Up Day on the 14th. Like last year, they will be starting at the school at 10 am and walking down South Road to the Historical Society and then continuing back to the school on the North Road 'cleaning up'. Please contact Jen Belesca 846-1097 if you have any questions.
For all the rest who will be helping with the Grange Cleanup - Diane Calder and Ellen Maher will be sending out assignments soon to be done by Memorial Day!
Don't forget -The nationwide postal carriers "Stamp Out Hunger" food drive is this Saturday, May 14th. All the food items will go to our own Food Pantry. Just hang your donations of staples on your mail box and it will be collected by Kathleen, our postal carrier, and taken to the Food Pantry.
May 10, 2011 - CIHCC Sunday Brunch! It's May 15, 11:30am-12:30pm. Adults - $8 and Children (12 & under) - $5. See notice!
Tonight at 6:30 - 8pm at the school will be a Community Forum on Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) by the Island Institute using our Video Conferencing Tandberg equipment. Click here to learn more about this Energy Saving Grant Program for homeowners.
May 7, 2011 - The "Live-Anywhere" Boat - The Trip South, 2010, Part VI, Salinas to Boqueron - Michael and Barbara's latest update - click here.
The Museum is currently bidding on a Chebeague postcard with a windmill in it. They hope to use it in the current exhibit. Their funds are limited. The Museum is currently the high bidder but if you out bid them and win it could you lend it them to copy?
May 3 , 2011 - May Meetings: in addition to their regularly scheduled meetings on May 3 and May 17, the School Committee will be hosting a special meeting on Sunday, May 22 at 1:00 at the Hall. Members of the community are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity to ask questions about the School Department's budget for fiscal 2011-2012. All meetings are open to the public and we encourage people to attend and take part. The meetings, agendas and minutes are all available on the school website (click on the School Committee)
Last night we had a Brown Thrasher on one of our suet blocks. The other day Aaron Rugh got this neat photo of a Cardinal flying.
May 2, 2011 - There were a couple of ads that were inadvertently left out of the monthly Calendar so John has asked me to post the ad pages here - click here to see.
The Teen Center Japan Benefit breakfast raised $168 after expenses, thank you to all of the fabulous volunteers that helped out! If you weren't able to make it to the breakfast and would like to help the cause (all benefits go directly to Japan relief efforts!) please send donations to Linda Brewster at the Church with checks made payable to UMC with Japan Relief in the subject line.
School Committee Meeting, Tuesday, 6:30pm at the School - see agenda.
Next week, on Tuesday from 6:30 - 8pm at the school will be a Community Forum on Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) by the Island Institute using our Video Conferencing Tandberg equipment. Click here to learn more about this Energy Saving Grant Program for homeowners.
Message from Megan Munroe (she lives on the island and works at the Toddle Inn across from the Route One Lot): "Many of you have heard of the story of 20-year old Krista Dittmeyer and her 14 month old baby girl. They recently found her body in a pond not far from her car. Some people from Toddle Inn are close to the family and Toddle Inn is collecting donations for Krista’s daughter. If you would like to contribute, please give Megan a call at 846-4654. I can bring your donation in to Toddle Inn for you. Any amount is helpful!"
May 1, 2011 - Today there were Ospreys flying over the Hook and three Turkey Vultures flying over the East End. Everyone has been hearing the Pileated Woodpecker around the Church and Parish House lately and after I got a call from the Belesca boys and mother Dasha and I took a walk around and I was able to get a photo - click here.
Last Chance to order flowers from Estabrooks to support Greely Girls Lacrosse! There are over 50 items to choose from, and you can easily place your order online at this site, sale ends May 2nd: https://www.estabrooksonline.com/greely/ Your items will be delivered to you Saturday May 7th just in time for Mothers Day! Please credit Players Chloe Dyer or Brennah Martin, thanks!
Congratulations to Gen Dyer - 3rd place in her category at Maine State Science Fair yesterday. Greely did well and their bus returned to high school with a full escort of town fire engines, police cars & ambulances with sirens blasting!
April 30, 2011 - Reminder that the The Teen Center Japan Benefit Breakfast was rescheduled for Sunday, May 1st at the Parish house from 8:30-9:30 am. We will be serving blueberry pancakes, bacon, scrambled eggs, home fries, fruit, juice, coffee and tea. There is a $6 minimum contribution. Hope to see you there!
Finally got a photo this season of the Pine Warbler.
Click here to see the CTC letter that was in the Calendar that explains all the changes that will be coming and why.
April 29, 2011 - Tonight I was able to get a photo of a Baltimore Oriole that was at our feeder along with a Ruby-throated Hummingbird.
The CTC is instituting a new ferry and bus schedule which goes into effect JUNE 21ST. The new Ferry Fees go into effect May 15th. Click here to go to see the new schedule.
Congratultions to Caroline Summa who the Forecaster has declared Cheverus Winter Athlete of the Yea. She was the Class A state champion high jumper and many other honors which you can read all about in the Forecaster Article!
April 28, 2011 - COMMUNITY BEACH CLEANUP DAY has been set: Saturday, May 14th! We will meet at the Chebeague Recreation Center at 11 AM. Call Caitlin @ 653-7129 to sign up or for more informatioN - click here.
Report on the latest birds which are back on the island. Yesterday Baltimore Orioles were seen and I have Pine Warblers and Black and White Warblers around my house but they won't sit still for a good photo.
Bob Earnest is bringing a hardwood floor refinishing contractor to the island. If you have a hardwood floor that needs sanding and refinishing, and would like to consider a late May to early June project, please call him at 846-0924.
Reminder -State Senator Dick Woodbury and Representative Meredith Strang Burgess will be on Chebeague Saturday morning, April 30th. An information session is scheduled for 9:30 at the Boat House, the Niblic's second floor event room. See flyer.
April 27, 2011 - News Release - Island Institute will be presenting a PACE program on Tuesday, May 10 from 6:30 - 8:00 pm about the low energy loan program. We will be having this program at the school using the latest technology. We will set up the Tandberg video conferencing equipment. You will be able to see the information and ask questions as well. Click here for more information!
The Chebeague Recreation Center is searching for an adult who might like to lead one or two art camps this summer. Please call 846-5068 or e-mail crc@chebeague.net if you are interested or know of someone who might like to take on the rewarding job of leading a children's summer art camp!
Check out the 2011 Summer Preschool Schedule. Call or e-mail the Chebeague Recreation Center @ 846-5068 or crc@chebeague.net for more information or to sign up! Click here for some great programs!
Pavement reclamation will begin on School House Road on Wednesday April 27th, with new paving following shortly thereafter. Paving will also likely begin on Stone Wharf Road later in the week. Watch for notices and be aware that parking may be restricted on short notice.
The handicap parking spaces at the Stone Wharf are being temporarily relocated to the head of the wharf to allow alternate access for fishermen. Please leave the old spots open, and fishermen are requested to limit their use of the temporary access area to times when there is no ferry traffic on the wharf.
Message from Al and Jean Whitaker: "We really appreciate it and also everyone's prayers. Just for info: a little setback has happened today - Julia has to have a pulmonary band put on her heart on this Friday to slow down the blood flow until the open heart surgery. As grandparents it is hard to watch Tina and Aaron so worried about their daughter as well as praying for a good outcome of all of this. So, we really appreciate everyone's concerns."
April 23, 2011 - Easter Sunday Sunrise Service - 5:30 East End Point - with breakfast after the sunrise service - breakfast potluck - bring something to share to the Parish House.
Easter Worship 10:00 am - Childcare Provided
Ginny Ballard has identified a need for meals and visits for our Island Centenarian, Raymond Hamilton. We have set up a page for Ray at takethemameal.com, which provides a sign-up calendar and information including Ray's likes and dislikes. If you are able to provide a single serving meal for Ray, please go to the following link, select a date and add your name to the list. Please contact Mary at 846-5040 or 23north@chebeague.net
Next Weekend: State Senator Dick Woodbury and Representative Meredith Strang Burgess will be on Chebeague on the morning of Saturday, April 30th. An information session is scheduled for 9:30 at the Boat House, the Niblic's second floor event room. Our elected state officials will share updates regarding their work on our behalf and address questions. They also plan stops at the Island Market, the Slow Bell Cafe and the Library.
School Committee Meeting this coming Tuesday, April 26 at 6pm at the school - see agenda.
April 22, 2011 - Message fromIsland Riches: "Coming in May we will be getting our plants in (it feels good just to think about putting flowers in) Please call me if you need something special or a large amounts for Memorial day 846-4986 I am so looking forward to them.See you soon Thank You Florence"
April 21, 2011 - Another new bird for my photos that I saw the other day along with the Phobe is the Ruby-crowned Kinglet. Thank you to Scott Johnson for his bird expertise!
The Teen Center Japan Benefit Breakfast has been rescheduled for Sunday, May 1st, 8:30-9:30 at the Parish house. All proceeds go to relief efforts in Japan trough the UMC. $6 minimum contribution. Hope to see you there!
The Rec is looking for the Zumba DVD from the Rec Center projector cart. We use it 3x per week and it is now missing. We used it Monday and today it was gone.
April 20, 2011 - Message from Mark Bowman: "Last night my Mac laptop computer was taken from my home while I was away. If you have it or know anything about it please contact me or Carly 846-5716. If returned there will be no charges. Also, a reminder to everyone to lock your doors when away."
Message from Al and Jean Whitaker: "Julia Rose was born on April 1s,t a beautiful baby girl weighing 8 lbs 8 oz. and 21 in. long. The doctors were more than pleased with her delivery and also her condition at birth and made the decision that they could postpone the open heart surgery. They felt she was big enough and breathing on her own very well under the circumstances which would allow them to wait for three months before the surgery. That space of time will allow her lungs to help her through the procedure. We want to thank everyone who said prayers for Julia Rose and know God heard their prayers as well as all of ours. She is doing well and will be three weeks old on Friday. We know she is still facing very serious surgery but with all the prayers we know she will again do well."
April 18, 2011 - Island Show and Tell Can you sing a song or demonstrate a craft or recite a poem or do a tap dance or play a tune on an instrument or a saw? Do you have an interesting object or a painting or old family photos you could share? A few minutes of your time on a Friday afternoon (anywhere from 5 minutes to a half hour) could really brighten someone's day at the Island Commons. To volunteer your time contact Linda Carleton at lindacrltn@chebeague.net or 846-6129. (And don't be too surprised if she calls you!!)
Community Luncheon - Wednesday- Noon at the Hall - Italian - suggested donation $5.
Last week from the Chebeague Pre-K - K Class - click here!
Because of the storm and power outage yesterday the Teen Center Japan Breakfast has been postponed for two weeks.
April 17, 2011 - Moon over Bangs Photo taken by Bob Earnest on April 17, 2011.
Today was quite a Sunday. Last night it was windy and pouring rain and this morning the power went out at 6:10am and for half the island didn't get back on until 6pm. This morning after it died out a little I saw and took photos of the first Laughing Gulls (don't forget to look at the one on the far right who didn't want his picture taken) of the season on the golf course with all the other gulls. This afternon the first Lesser Yellowlegs by the ramp at the Stone Pier.
Composite Panorama Photo moon rising looking out from Chebeague on April 17, 2011. You also see a gull and a Great Blue Heron on the ledge.
April 16, 2011 - There is a nice article in the North Carolina Trust for North Carolina about Rob and Ann and the donations they have as well as the Chebeague and Cumberland Land Trust have received in Rob's memory and how much it means to all.
This morning we had our first Chipping Sparrow at our feeders click here to see.
This week is school vacation week but just before the 3-5 class left they published another newsletter - go to the school website or click here to see.
Don't forget the Teen Center Japan Benefit Breakfast this Sunday, 8:30-9:30 at the Parish House. All proceeds go to relief efforts in Japan through the UMC. Please e-mail Caitlin at cgerber@islandinstitute.org if you would like to help out!
April 14, 2011 - Chris Silva is in a doctoral nursing program and will soon be implementing his capstone project on smoking cessation and is looking for Chebeague Islanders who would like help in quitting smoking. Click here to see the 8 to 10 week program and how to sign up.
Annual Flower Sale to benefit Greely Girls Lacrosse Now through Monday, May 2nd -JUST IN TIME FOR MOTHER'S DAY ON SUNDAY, MAY 8TH! For more information, call Chloe Dyer 650-5691 or Brennah Martin 846-5342. Please click here for all the details!
Come and learn about the Jewish Passover Seder……Tuesday April 19th at 5:00pm at the Parish House. We will follow the Seder with a Lamb Dinner. Cost $10.00 per person. All proceeds to go to Japan relief. For More Information see Deb Bowman.
HOLY WEEK SERVICES at Chebeague Church
Maundy Thursday Communion Service - Thursday April 21st 7:15pm
Good Friday Tenebrae Service - Friday April 22nd 7:15pm (Church open all day for prayer)
Easter Sunrise Service 5:30 am East End - Sunday April 24th
Easter Breakfast - after the sunrise service - breakfast potluck - bring something to share to the Parish House.
Easter Worship 10:00 am - Childcare Provided
April 12, 2011- The Director of Kids' Place, Paige Boisvert, recently created an informational brochure for parents and families - please click here to see.
The Teen Center Japan Benefit Breakfast is coming up quick! It will be this Sunday, 8:30-9:30 at the Parish House. All proceeds go to relief efforts in Japan through the UMC. Come eat a delicious breakfast and support a good cause! Also, volunteers needed so please e-mail Caitlin at cgerber@islandinstitute.org if you would like to help out!
NOTICE: (When I first posted this I had the WRONG BIRD) I finally got a photo of a Wison's Snipe with a special treat because when I was looking at the photo and cropping it I realized that there was another Snipe in the photo as well. It is not as good as I would have liked but I'm tickled to get them. I noticed one by the pond this afternoon and decided to go back and see if I could find him. Click here for one of the photos and click here for another.
Name That Tune was a huge success last Saturday and we all had fun competing with each other. Jerry Wiles and Julia Maine did a terrific job and managed to raise about $750 for the Stephen Ross Scholarship - click here to see a few photos from the event. Thank you to all the people who brought food and to Mary Holt, Cooper Bowman and Herb Maine for their singing and musical abilities.
April 10, 2011 - There is going to be a shower for Baby Pellerin next Sunday, at the Hall at 1 PM . Everyone is invited; if you did not get a written postcard - it is a mistake and it may be lost in the mail or you might not be in the telephone book. So please come and celebrate the soon to be new resident.
Come to the TEEN CENTER JAPAN BENEFIT BREAKFAST, at the Parish House, Sunday, April 17, at 8:30-9:30! We'll be serving blueberry pancakes, bacon, scrambled eggs, home fries, fruit, juice, coffee and tea. $6 minimum contribution, additional donations welcome. ALL proceeds go to relief efforts in Japan through the United Methodist Church.
Yesterday Sally and Carl Tubbesing let me know that they had heard a Carolina Wren near their house so this morning before I went on the 10 boat I drove near their house and saw for the first time that I know of, a Carolina Wren. Click here to see the photos.
Virginia, Tiffany, Tracy are participating in the Relay for Life on May 20-21 at the University of Maine at Oron. They really need your help to raise enough funds for the event - please click here for more information. Please help with a donation to the American Cancer society.
State Senator Dick Woodbury and Representative Meredith Strang Burgess will be on Chebeague on the morning of Saturday, April 30th. An information session is scheduled for 9:30 at the Boat House, the Niblic's second floor event room. Our elected state officials will share updates regarding their work on our behalf and address questions. They also plan stops at the Island Market, the Slow Bell Cafe and the Library.
April 8, 2011 - Composite Panorama Photo before sunrise looking out from Chebeague on April 8th, 2011.
I was able to get a photo of the Great Blue Heron that has been at the pond along with some animal swimming around (?beaver,weaver?) - I waited but he never came up or out. Photo of the Canada Geese this morning and at photo of a cute Female Red-bellied Merganser who one male would not leave alone at Chandlers Wharf.
Fox Sparrows (photo taken this morning) have arrived and are at our feeders, the geese are back at the Golf Course pond where they have been seen for the last few weeks, blue heron was there yesterday, Woodcocks can be heard all over the island (we always called them Snipes). I saw a Woodcock this morning and he moved before I could get a photo - maybe tomorrow.
GREAT GATSBY CROQUET TOURNAMENT: Because of circumstances beyond our control the date for the Croquet has been changed to JULY 31st!! Start thinking about your teams and look for more information to follow including this year's artistic creations! I am already starting to design my artwork and can't wait to apply it to the piece that we decide on.
The Library's last two GROOVY MOVIES will start at 7:30 pm not 7:00 pm. This Friday, we are showing My Man Godfrey and on Friday, April 15, we close with Taking Woodstock. Come join us!
April 6, 2011 - Message from the church: Easter is April 24th. If you would like to have flowers on display in memory of a loved one, the forms are in the entryway to the church. The deadline for all forms is April 19th or the memorials can not be included in the bulletin. Flowers or plants need to be delivered to the church on Saturday morning, April 23. All memorial flowers must be at the church by 1:00 pm.
Sarah Prescott has posted on her page what they are going through to get their cat back from Tripoli - click here to read the ongoing situation.
Note from Slow Bell Cafe - click here.
Remember not to respond to emails asking you or threatening to shut off your email accounts. Chebeague.net will never do this or email you and either will other email accounts so please don't believe it. You may get an email that your mail box is full but again don't answer that email just check your email at mail.chebeague.net and empty the in box or call us and we will help you.
April 5, 2011 - "The Niblic has re-opened today and as a thank you for everyone's support and patience, we are offering free coffee! Come on in and enjoy some of our new baked goods and soup! Today we're serving hearty Minestrone to warm you up on this damp day."
NAME THAT TUNE Community Dinner and Trivia Contest - Saturday April 9th at 6 pm at the Hall.
Entrees, salad, bread and dessert. Children $5, Adults $8, Family maximum $20 Dinner followed by live music and song to test your musical knowledge of tunes from popular shows and musicals. All proceeds will go to our local schloarship fund - the Stephen Ross Fund. This fund helps Chebeague high school graduates pay for college. Questions or want to help with food or the dinner ? - call Julia Maine at 766-8449 or email julia_maine@yahoo.com
April 4, 2011 - NAME THAT TUNE - The Annual Chebeague Island Trivia Contest is this Saturday, April 9th, 6pm at the Hall with the dinner. Name that tune with Jerry follows the dinner- (songs from My Fair Lady, South Pacific, Oklahoma, West Side Story, The Sound of Music and Fiddler on the Roof) Kids - $5 - Adults-$8 - Families-$20 - Proceeds will be donated to the Stephen Ross Scholarship Fund!
Don't forget: HEALTH SCREENING CLINIC is Saturday 11 - 1:45pm at the Hall - Refreshments provided - Blood pressure, cholesterol and Blood Sugar testing, DTAP vaccine (diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus) - this is done by USM College of Nursing and Health Professions, Casco Bay Fishing and islands Community Partnership. Co-sponsored by the Chebeague Island Council and Chebeague Island Hall Community Center.
The Slow Bell Cafe will be open on Thursday, April 7th, from 6am to 2pm for Breakfast & Lunch, and on Friday, April 8th from 5pm to 9pm for Pizza night! Menu will be posted soon, at this time, no alcohol will be served this coming Friday night, but we are getting closer to opening the bar, pizza's will be available for dining in as well as take-out! Thank you and we'll see you at the Slow Bell Cafe!
April 3, 2011 - Yesterday, Saturday, between 4:20pm and 4:20pm today Eric Dyer's bicycle disappeared from the dock at Chandler’s Cove. Please contact Eric if you have seen it, or needed to borrowed it.
I have been following a webcam in Iowa of eagles nesting. Two of the three eggs have hatched and I just took a screen shot of the two babies being fed - click here. To see the webcam go to http://www.ustream.tv/decoraheagles-animals Bald Eagle hatch Watch.
April 2, 2011 - Calling all Island Crafters or Crafter Wanna-bes!
The Summer Craft Fair will be on Sunday, July 17 from 10am to 1pm. The cost is only $10/table or $5/half table and it benefits the Hall. Tables are offered on a first-come basis. If you would like to participate e-mail Linda Carleton at lindacrltn@chebeague.net or call her at 846-6129.
We walked over to Little Chebeague this afternoon and I put together a panorama of Chebeague West End from Little Chebeague - click here. I also took a photo of a herring gull trying to break up some muscles to eat - click here for him picking them up and here for dropping them.
March 31, 2011 - Photo of a male turkey with his followers crossing the road with the Island Commons in the background taken at 9am 3/31/11. Click here to see the male only. I was just coming back from taking photos of hooded mergansers (new to my list) at Sanfords Pond - click here to see!
Tomorrow evening Library Movie night is featuring The Truman Show.
Message from the NIBLIC: "We are still closed. We are sorry for the inconvenience but look forward to opening very soon! Thank you for your patience."
The CTC is looking for businesses on the island that are interested in partnering with them on cruises and charters this summer - click here to see how you might be able to help.
News from Casco Bay Lines: The CBITD Board voted to approve additional service to Chebeague Island during the 2011 Summer Sailing Schedule. The service shall include a daily 7:15 pm departure from Portland which will include an 8:30 pm departure from Chebeague. In addition, there will be a 9:30 pm departure from Portland which will include a 10:30 pm departure from Chebeague Island (Fridays only). Expenses associated with these trips will be paid for through a Memorandum of Understanding between the District and the Chebeague Island Inn. To see all the news from CBITD- click here.
I have just added Harold L. White's obit to the people page and just realized that there was a burial service for him this past Tuesday. I have included his sister's address on the obit if you would like to contact her.
March 30, 2011 - The 3-5 classroom is in the process of putting together a few videos of interviews about history of storms and weather they have done with various island people. We are also looking for photographs of old storms to use. Especially looking for photos of Hurricane Carol, 1938 hurricane, and ice crossings (we have a couple). Please contact me 846-4850 if you have any and I will scan them for the class.
NOTICE: Our next School Committee Meeting will be next Wednesday, April 6th at 6pm - note the day change and time change - see agenda!
Message to all ORGANIZATIONS: I am in the process of putting together 2010-2011 yearly newsletter/town report. The Historical Society just recently pubished the 2010 but we want to get this out along with all the town information before town meeting in June. I have already received reports from Ladies Aid, Grange, Hall, Maine Islands Coalition along with a few photos. Please email your reports and if you wish a photo to bjohnson@chebeague.net by April 22nd - Thank you very much. I will be getting photos over the next few weeks along with using photos from many of the island photographers.
March 29, 2011 - Do you have an unfinished scrapbook or other crafty project that you haven't gotten around to working on lately? The CRC is interested in starting up an adult program Tuesday nights to give you the space and time to work on your projects alongside fellow islanders. If you'd be interested in attending the program or have any questions or ideas please contact the CRC and let us know!
Thursday is the last day of CRC’s 12 month fitness pass special for $99. Don’t miss this great price! Personal training sessions are available on Wednesdays by appointment. Call (846-5068), email (crc@chebeague.net) or stop by CRC for more information.
Go to the Town of Chebeague website for the complete list of budget workshops which continues tomorrow, Wednesday March 30th at the Hall at 6pm.
March 28, 2011 -Last week from the Chebeague Pre-K - K Class - click here!
Michael and Barbara Porter have just added another chapter to this years adventure on their boat - click here. The Trip South, Part V, Culebra and Salinas- their photos are phenomenal!
The CTC is looking for volunteers to help fix up the Cousins Island freight shed. See attached. The CTC and Carol are also looking for some pictures of the barge, Pied Piper, and Islander while underway. Call the CTC or email her if you have any.
March 26, 2011 - You have to check out the photos from the school that Althea has just added! Not just because I'm in the first one but because they really show how wonderful a place it is between studies, food and fun - click here to see.
Congratulations to Genny Dyer who placed 4th at the GHS Science Fairwith "The Effect of Various Detergents on Removing Oil From Bird Feathers" - on to the States!
I have just added a Flyer to Island Businesses for Jeff Putnam who is doing mooring inspections - click here.
March 23, 2011 - The CTC is currently reviewing the ferry schedule and want input on what people would like. Click here to see the results of last year's survey and then take the new survey at www.ctccustomersurvey.com.
Only 8 more days left to take advantage of CRC’s March Fitness Pass Special- 12 month fitness pass for $99!! Sign up or renew your pass by March 31st so you don't miss out on this great price. Email crc@chebeague.net
The other day the geese were back in front of the Golf Club and I got a photo -click here to see.
The Slow Bell Cafe - Chebeague Island Maine, will not be open this Wednesday, March 23, 2011, for breakfast or lunch. We are working on various projects that will allow us to open soon with expanded hours and menu! Watch for signs! We will keep you posted! Thank you for all your support and patience!
March 22, 2011 - I finally was able to youtube Hank Israels time on Cash Cab - click here to watch. It is a lot easier to watch if you let it download first and watch it after a few minutes.
Message from Kelley at the Rec about the Women's Self Defense Class: "I talked to the instructor about lowering the required number of participants and she wasn’t willing. So, we still need 2 more people to run the class. If you know of someone that may be interested, please spread the word. It has been a while since I first arranged this so I’m not sure what her availability for dates is anymore. If we don’t have at least two more people signed up by March 31st we will try again in the fall."
Click here to see a photo of the booth at the International Boston Seafood Show taken by Rob Snyder of the Island Institute. Unfortunately we didn't win first place with our lobster pizza but there has been a lot of interest around the world in that product and other products we are selling.
March 21, 2011 - Message from the CPA: Tonight's scheduled 'brainstorming session' regarding this year's 4th of July plan has been postponed. We will let you know when it is rescheduled. Until then keep your dreams of warm weather, lobster rolls, baseball games, good music, and fabulous times alive and well. We look forward to seeing lots of enthusiastic, energetic, fun, go- getters at our next meeting to make this year's festivities the best yet!
Sarah Prescott has added photos to their website - download Leaving Tripoli.doc and you will get a recap in photos - click here.
March 20, 2011 - Article in Fox News" Harp Seals From Canada Take a Liking to U.S. Waters" If you recall it was a Harp Seal that showed up here on the ice for a few days resting and Lynda Doughty of State Department of Marine Resources is the woman who we kept in touch with and she is using my photo in her publications.
Michael & Barbara have updated their website, this time with our progress from Jost van Dyke to Culebra, PR. and the address is: www.mp-marine.com/Cruise10_4.html.
If you want to know what we do on Sunday afternoons for fun (between watching basketball and golf)- check out youtube video.
March 19, 2011 -Photo of the moon from Central Landing with the moon coming up behind Harpswell by Cathy MacNeill. . Photo of the moon in front of our house 3/19/11 - it is the closest that it will be for years. After taking the photo I noticed a fox a few feet from me and took another photo with the fox - click here. Went for a walk earlier and took a nice photo of the tree on the golf course.
I was just looking at the International Boston Seafood Show Page which starts tomorrow and they now show all the finalists from around the world and the Calendar Islands Maine Lobster Pizza is a FINALIST! Click here to see all of the entries and finalists.
Last week from the Chebeague Pre-K - K Class - click here!
March 17, 2011 - Happy St. Patrick's Day
Photo of a rabbit along the road to the hook 3/17/11- Just starting to change color.
March 16, 2011 - The Working Waterfront has an article in todays' edition about the Prescotts escape from Libya - click here.
Don't forget the Community lunch today at the Hall!
Dash Masland is a girl who grew up in Yarmouth and is a finalist for National Geographics Young Explorers to win $10,000 towards their expedition. Her expedition is save the critically endangered monk seals. There are two contestants left and you can vote for her by clicking here and you can read about her and her project.
March 14, 2011- The Slow Bell Cafe will be open for Breakfast only, Wednesday, March 16, 2011, from 6:00am to 10:30am. We will be offering, fresh "banana bread" muffins, sticky buns, three kinds of breakfast sandwiches, crispy home fries, coffee and tea. Expanded hours and menu will be coming soon, watch for updates! We really appreciate everyone's support and business! Come on and enjoy at the Slow Bell Cafe! Click here for photos of the first day they were open.
Don't forget that the Community Lunch is this Wednesday, March 16th, Noon at the Hall.
Last week from the Chebeague Pre-K - K Class - click here!
Save the Date: Saturday 9th April 11am-1:45pm is the Annual USM Health Screening Day at the Hall. Get your cholesterol, sugar, blood pressure checked. Get a Pertussis booster. More info to follow.
CHEBEAGUE ISLAND SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, March 15, 2011, 6:30 P.M. Chebeague Island School - see agenda.
March 11, 2011 - The community luncheon for next week is not the last one - there will be one in April and we also decided to have one in August so those who aren't here in the winter may enjoy one of our meals!! check out the ad if you haven't already.
The next chapter of Sarah's ordeal is on their wiki page and you won't want to miss it - what a boat ride they had!
One of my readers noticed a mistake on my temp chart and so I have corrected it - the lowest temperature recorded since 1920 on April 4th was 8º in 1954 not 46º.
March 10, 2011 - Sarah Prescott has been writing in her wikispace about their time leaving Libya and has also added a letter Seth wrote to Barack Obama asking for help for the Libyan people- click here. I am really looking forward to the rest of the story!
I have had a lot of calls about when is it safe to turn the water on at homes here on Chebeague. Often times it just depends whether the house is insulated or has heat but in some cases, some houses are vulnerable to freezeups. If the temperature gets below 32 for a little while it isn't usually a problem. I never guarantee anything because there have been unusual cold snaps. I decided to go to wunderground.com and chart what the temperature in the Portland area is in the month of April. Click here to see the spreadsheet and graph. The first four columns are the highest recorded and the lowest ever recorded with the dates - this is probably since 1920s which is how far back wunderground records go on that site. The fifth, sixth and seventh are the average mean, high and low and I made a graph below of those temps. The last two columns are the high and low temperatures in 2010. Remember also, we need to have a little lead time (at least a few days to get the water on).
Next week is the next to last for the season Community Lunch on Wednesday, March 16th, Noon, sponsored and put on by the CIHCC. Traditional Boiled dinner in honor of St Patrick's Day - suggested donation $5. Click here to see the flyer that Becky Pellerin has made.
MARCH MADNESS is upon us and we all need to EXERCISE! So here is your chance to take advantage of the CRC March Special - for a mere $99 you can get a years fitness room pass!! The CRC is also looking for a custodian and a summer swim instructor - contact Kelley 846-5068. SAVE THE DATES: Croquet Tournament is July 24th and the Quadathlon is August 14th.
I have just added the photos from last year's sailing school to their sites so go to www.chebeague.org/cicss.html
March 8, 2011 - Spring is here - the grackles (a couple) have arrived! I just received a terrific photo of a male and female red bellied woodpeckers from Polly Hunneman. They aren't on Chebeague but are just across the water a little way - click here to see.
The will be open this Wednesday, March 9, 2011, from 6:00am to 1:30pm, serving coffee, tea, cranberry orange muffins, sticky buns with and without pecans, two kinds of breakfast sandwiches on white or multigrain toast either plain or bacon, add sauteed onions, peppers or a tomato slice!...
March Madness at the Library! Buy one of our great library bags for $10.00 and fill it with books and movies from our sale shelves. We have loads of books and movies that need homes. Let's recycle and reuse together!
March 6, 2011 - MW Sewell is planning on coming down to the island to make some propane deliveries in a few weeks so if you are in need of propane their phone number is 207-442-7994 and they are open Monday-Friday from 7:30 am – 4:30 pm.
A memorial service for Bill Calthorpe will be held at the Chebeague Island Church on June 4th at 1:00. In lieu of flowers donations may be made in his memory to the Stephen Ross Memorial fund or the Kids Place, Chebeague Island.
The proposed Comprehensive Plan has been mailed out to the island this past week and can also be viewed through the Town Website under Comprehensive Plan Committee. At the bottom of the their web page you can download Full Comprehensive Plan Text, Comprehensive Plan Goals and Recommendations, and the Implementation Timeline. There is a scheduled public hearing on the complete draft on Thursday, March 10 at 7:15 at the Hall. The committee is is also asking people to give information on how you would prioritize the various recommendations in the Plan
March 3, 2011 - Message from Sarah, Rob, Seth and Irene: "Just wanted to let everyone know that we are finally here in Florida after a very long eight days which spanned six different kinds of transportation and four different countries! We are tired but all fine. The kids were troopers. I will have more to say when we have recovered but in the meantime wanted to say a heartfelt thanks to everyone who wrote and followed our story. It has certainly put Tripoli on the map though not in any way we would have wished. We have no idea what is going to happen next but we are praying for the Libyans that NATO will step in and help. We will be posting pics and story on our wiki."
Pat Jackson will be coming to the island to pump a septic system within the next few days so if you need your tank pumped and it is accesible please call 846-6129.
Messages from Linda: Angel Food orders due to the church office by Friday March 11th. Menus are in the entryway of the church.
Ash Wednesday Service will be held on Wednesday March 9th at 7pm. It is a service that marks the beginning of Lent with the imposition of ashes on the forehead.
March 2, 2011 - A new ADULT BASKETBALL program is starting up at the CRC Wednesday nights at 7 pm and it's starting TONIGHT. Come shoot some hoops! $1 drop in fee.
Selectmen's Meeting tonight at the Hall - click here for details.
A Message from the Slowbell Cafe: "The Slow Bell Cafe on Great Chebeague Island will be open on Wednesday, March 2, 2011 from 6am to 1:30pm! We will have available for purchase Fresh Blueberry Muffins ($2.00) with Coffee or Tea ($2.00) and will have a Roasted Corn & Sweet Red Pepper Chowder and French Onion Soup ($5.00 each) available for lunch! Come on in and... see how the cafe is progressing, thank you for your support!" SEE SIGN
March 1, 2011 - CRC is looking for a new custodian starting the week of March 27th. The job requires approximately 3-5 hours per week during winter months and 4-8 hours per week in the summer time. The hours are very flexible and can be done any day of the week. For more information call CRC at 846-5068.
Also the CRC needs only two more people to run the women’s self defense class. If you would like to participate, please contact CRC as soon as possible to be added to the list. Their schedule is filling up fast.
February 28, 2011 - I have downloaded all the photos Cathy MacNeill took and a few that I took of the Winter Carnival except I don't have any yet of the Rockathon. There are a lot of photos and they are all there from rehearsal of the Talent Show, talent show, polar plunge, chili, chowder and soup challenge to the presentation of the Henrietta Leonard Award to Amanda Campbell - click here to see them all.
As many already know Joe Wentling has had some major surgeries and heart problems and is in the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit at Maine Med. His family has started a Caring Page at http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/josephwentling.
Congratulations to Josh Doughty who made the Dean's List at Berklee School of Music! Way to Go!
February 27, 2011 - School Committee Meeting, Tuesday, March 1st 6:30 at the school - see agenda.
Breaking News - Calendar Islands Maine Lobster and John Jordan made the New York Times yesterday - click here!
Well, it is over and it was brutal - not kidding. I think it had to do with the wind and thank goodness Stephen had a great fire going when we got out. The last few years we really haven't needed it but today was different. I left one camera battery at home, another camera battery was put in backward, and the last camera worked a little so before I can put together lots of photos I will have to wait for Cathy and others. Beth Dyer did manage to get a good video with one of my cameras and David Hills iphone worked well so I put together a youtube which is posted and I think working Click here. A big thank you for the Rescue crew for standing by and actually attending to the injured and cold - everyone is fine now.
Last night's talent show was over the top with great performances by everyone and it will take a little time to get that video put together of clips from the different acts.
People are anxious to find out the results of the Chili, Chowder and Soup - so here goes (of course everything was delicious and there were over 120 served. CHILI - 1st place Kelley Rich #7, 2nd place Beverly Johnson #2, and 3rd place Cindy Chamberlain #6; CHOWDER - 1st place Donna Damon Seafood chowder #2, 2nd Place Kelley Rich Haddock chowder #3, 3rd place Beverly Johnson Haddock chowder #1; SOUP - 1st place Donna Damon Chicken Barley #2, 2nd Place Lisa Israel Pumpkin Curry #3, 3rd Place Matt MacClain Shrimp Bisque #8. Thank you again to Ellen Maher for all her work making this event soooo successful and of course all the servers, cooks, helpers - setup and cleanup, desserts (Sam MacLean overseeing). We also need to thank all the places that donated prizes, Clam Shack, European Bakery, 233 Grill, Great Lost Bear, Island Market, Pat's Pizza, The Niblic!
HENRIETTA LEONARD AWARD: This year the first annual Award with a $250 scholarship check went to Amanda Campbell!. Over the years she has demonstrated wonderful leadership skills and has volunteered many times at the rec and even had been a teen rep on the CRC board. She has been accepted at Southern Maine Community College next year and planning on becoming a Pharmacist. Way to go AMANDA!
Temp 17º, Windchill 3º Ocean Temp 35.1º --- What a challenging day this is: It is COLD, SNOWY, miserable and will be LOW TIDE for the POLAR PLUNGE. People should be doubling their pledges or sending them in anyway for what we will be doing today. Stephen and I just brought the wood down for the fire and picked up the permit - click here to see the what it looks like now with two hours to go from the Boatyard Cam. Plungers are: Caitlin Gerber (our Island Fellow), Eric Dyer (town Administrator), Maxine, Peter Carleton, Hank Israel, Becca Israel, Tim Calder, Bev Johnson, Sasha McLean, Lydia and Orson Wright.
We will all warm up at the Chili, Chowder, Soup Challenge which will follow the plunge! See you all there.
February 26, 2011 - A few people thought they actually saw Seth or Rob on TV last night but Sam got an email from Sarah at 5 or so this morning.They made it to Malta, the ride was rough, they were thankful the captain took the risk to get them out of there. They were in good company and the kids were fine, it helped they were stuck with friends. They are trying to book a flight to Florida. She said they miss home and miss everyone and will have a long story to tell…(We will look for her story on her wiki page)
Thanks for all your positive thoughts and support! Npr did an interview with the head of the school and you can hear it by clicking here.
Tonight at 6pm is the Winter Carnival TALENT SHOW - you won't want to miss it - great acts! Cooper, Mark Dyer, Mark Bowman, Eric Dyer, school children,Whalers and more...
February 25, 2011 - Hank Israel got caught on Cash Cab which will be aired on the Discovery Channel tonight at 6pm. Hank and Lisa are the parents of Abby, Becca and Cooper and have moved to the island last year. I also want to add that Hank and Becca are plunging on Sunday at NOON at the Niblic!
We are all thankful that the boat from Tripoli is arriving in Malta around 2:50 pm Eastern Time and aboard are 167 Americans including the Prescott family. Rob and Sarah have been working at the American School there and have been over 60 hours on the boat waiting to leave. I will post more when we are sure they are safe.
February 24, 2011 - Photomerge Photo Bennetts Cove and Chandlers taken 2/24/2011
The CTC is looking for an office space - click here to learn more.
We have two more plungers to add: Lydia and Orson to add to 10 that we have - this might be a record. The plunge is only 3 days away(Sunday Noon) and I have to share the conditions that Caitlin has to do to get $100 ($10 for each) from one of her Aunts. You won't want to miss it and I hope none of my sponsors gets any ideas!
1. On your left facial cheek, draw a peace sign.
2. On your forehead, write "I (heart) Mommy"
3. On left arm, "I (heart) Beiber"
4. On right arm, "Glee Rocks My World!"
5. Wear a white sock on your left foot
6. Wear a colored sock on your right foot
7. On your left thigh, write "Hi Grandma!"
8. On your right thigh, "Chebeague Rules!"
9. Wear a colorful glove on one hand
10. Wear a boa (or colorful scarf) around neck
As if jumping in freezing cold water wasn't hard enough!
Caitlin's 98 year old grandfather will donate as long as she yells "hi grampa" as she goes in the water.
Help the Commons win some money! It’s easy. Bangor Savings Bank is running a contest to give money away to Maine non-profits. Click here to see what to do.
February 23, 2011 - Great news for Calendar Islands Lobster - we are one of the finalist for best new seafood product at the Internation Seafood Show in Boston.
Another update on the progress of the moving of the Deborah Lee is on the Town website - click here.
February 22, 2011 - While we are out rounding up more soups, chowders, plungers, rockers and talent, our volunteer of last year is giving us light so we can see what we are eating next weekend - thank you Joe Ballard! click here to see.
We need more Soups and Chowders for the CHILI, CHOWDER & SOUP CHALLENGE! Please contact Ellen 847-9250 or email cisanta@chebeague.net if you can bring one. The list is growing for plungers: Caitlin Gerber, Brigitta, Peter Carleton, Hank Israel, Becca Israel, Tim Calder, Bev Johnson, Eric Dyer, Maxine, Sasha McLean, - please call me if I missed you on the list!
February 20, 2011 - Today we had a huge "gallop" of Common Redpolls today 100 or more at our feeders - click here to see a few.
Last week from the Chebeague Pre-K - K Class - click here!
February 19, 2011 - School Committee Meeting is Tuesday night, 6:30 at the school - see agenda.
Michael and Barbara have updated their website, this time with the story of cruising around the British Virgin Islands - click here to read all about it.
February 17, 2011 -Photomerge Photo taken from Roses of the Niblic and Crow Island 2/17/2011
Today the 3-5 class went out in the field to take photos and compare old photos of areas around the island where we can see changes in landscape and beaches because of storms and tides. It was a beautiful day and we spent a lot of time at Hamilton Beach area and then headed down to the Niblic and Roses. Photo of the students at Roses Point. Earlier in the day for lunch they celebrated Chinese New Year with a tradition Chinese Food planned and prepared by Deb Bowman and Laura Summa. All the children showed their proficiency with chop sticks and the food was terrific!
Special Board of Selectmen Meeting and Executive Session, February 21, 7pm at the Public Safety Building. The purpose of the meeting is to hold a joint CTC and Board meeting to discuss the proposed Right of Way change to the Blanchard Parking lot and associatied Pogy Shore development on Cousins Island - see agenda at the Town Site.
Claire has been updating the Town Website regarding the Deborah Lee - click here to see.
There will be a Talent Show dress rehearsal next Wednesday, February 23rd, 6 pm at the hall. If you're planning to perform it the Talent Show on February 26th please attend the dress rehearsal or contact the Chebeague Recreation Center with the length of your performance and any equipment you will need.
TAI CHI will be starting up at the Rec Center Friday mornings 10:45-11:45 am, April 1st through May 6th (no class April 22nd)! Please contact the Chebeague Recreation Center (crc@chebeague.net) if you are interested in taking the class.
February 16, 2011 - "Chebeague opera singer returns to Portland for Maine debut!" is the headline announcing Tyler Putnam's return - click here for the story! Also next Wednesday, a week from today,he will be doing an interview with Suzanne Nance, host of the Classical Hour on MPBN and will probably be on her show that day. I will be keeping my radio on. Then the following weekend he will be performing as a soloist with the Longfellow Chorus on Saturday February 26th at 4:30 in Portland - see press release. I wish it weren't the same weekend as the Winter Carnival here but a lot of people will be able to see him on Saturday afternoon.
toThe Niblic has Calendar Island's Maine Lobster products for sale! Check out the display freezer for Lobster Pot Pie, Lobster Cakes and Lobster Mac & Cheese.
REMINDER: "In the Spirit of Love" - CIHCC Comunity luncheon is TODAY, Feb 16th from 12 - 1 - click here to see the delicious poster!!
February 15, 2011 - Today, the headline story in the Portland Press Herald "Maine lobster moving out of the pot, into new dishes" - check it out!
Library Book Discussion Group meets at 1:00 pm at the Library. We will be discussing Kathryn Stockett's The Help.
February 13, 2011 - Panoramic Photo of the Hamilton Beach 2/13/2011 morning at low tide. It was scanned left to right and is a little different.
Saturday night at the Parish House a delicious ham dinner was prepared by Deb Bowman and friends. Pastor Linda did a slide show and gave a talk about her recent mission trip to Guatamala. She plans to return next February with another team which will include some interested islander's. Linda will be talking about her trip with the Ladies Aid at the Parish House this Thursday at 10:30. Everyone is welcome! Click here for a few photos Cathy MacNeill took.
February 12, 2011 - Last week from the Chebeague Pre-K - K Class - click here!
Todays Town Meeting started at nine and adjourned at about 10:30. There were between 40 and 50 voters and all the warrants passed with a couple of minor addendums.
February 11, 2011 - What a surprise I had, when there was Maxine on the side of the road encouraging people to do the polar plunge. She is ready and so are a lot of plungers to date we have Caitlin Gerber, Brigitta (maybe), Peter Carleton, Tim Calder, Becca Israel, Hank Israel, Eric Dyer, Bev Johnson, Maxine (at least a toe) and YOU - just call the rec and start getting your pledges - you could also send in a pledge for any of the plungers or all the plungers. Now I wonder where Maxine will show up next (contrary to what you hear - I have no idea - well, maybe a suspicion)
Don't forget to go to the TOWN MEETING tomorrow at 9am at the HALL! Go to the town website to find out more and see the warrant.
Reminder: Reminder: Angel Food orders are due this Tuesday, February 15th. Delivery will be February 26th.
The Coast Guard has been working yesterday and today to raise the Deborah Lee which can be seen on the webcam when people know how to control it - go to the Boatyard website to see the cam.
This is the time of year to do scholarship applications and FAFSA. There are a lot of sites out their that you can pay to do fafsa but the best one is FREE FAFSA - www.fafsa.gov. There are applications online for the Stephen Ross Scholarship for 1st and 2nd year college students and for Island Institute scholarship as well as other you may qualify for. Go to Maine Community Foundation: http://www.mainecf.org/ You can also click above and find links to resources under Community Education.
February 9, 2011 - Every month the 3-5 class makes their own newsletter about different aspects of their school and learning and it is online for all of us to enjoy - it may be found on the school website or just click here!
There is an informational meeting on the CICA housing proposal on School House Road Thursday at 7:15 at the Hall.
Dont Forget - There will be a CHURCH SUPPER on Saturday, February 12th at 5pm. Cost is by donations of $6 for adults and $3 for children under 10. Linda Brewster will be showing us her slides from Guatemala after dinner. Please join us for fellowship and good food.
"In the Spirit of Love" - CIHCC Comunity luncheon is next Wednesday, Feb 16th from 12 - 1 - click here to see the delicious poster!!
Winter Carnival Update: For the first time in years there is enough snow to build masterpieces in the snow so the Snow Sculpture Contest is back! Everyone in the community is invited to take part in the contest so form your own team, contact the CRC to register and let us know where you have built your sculpture. Complete your creation by February 25th. Judges will go around on the 26th and winners will be announced on the 27th! (Let us know when it is done so we may take some photos just in case it gets warm suddenly) We will announce where they are so people can take a look themselves.
There will also be a talent show Saturday, February 26th at 6pm at the Hall! Some of the tentatively scheduled acts include performances by: Cooper Bowman, Amanda Campbell, Tiffany and friends, Eric Dyer and Mark Dyer. Everyone is invited to perform a talent so please contact the CRC to sign up today!
A lot of barred owl sighting last fall and this winter and the Freeport Wild Bird Newsletter had some good explanations and also some discussion on some of the other birds we may see.
Congratulations to Greely High School who was awarded a Silver Medal by US News and Report for being one of the best high schools in the country.
February 8, 2011 - The Niblic is having a Pink and Red Sale! See the details on their website.
Message from Ralph Munroe: "I would like to thank everyone who donated to the Race up Boston Place. Lida finished with a time of 14.57 in 863 place. I finished with a time of 9.39 in 410 place out of 993 people most of which were not in the fire fighter division. The team raised $10,655. All together $264,804 was raised job well done by all."
February 7, 2011 - Well, I have just added another Youtube to the collection of Chebeague Homes in the winter. This time I went down some of the side streets and did a little snowshoeing at the East End. I have again used Wagoneers music, Be Bop A Lula, sung by Med Bowen. There are still a lot of houses that I we have not taken pictures of as I am reminded by people waiting to have their house in a video. As you can see, most of the photos are in the afternoon. Click here to see. I never get tired of listening to the wagoneers and reminiscing all the dances we use to go to.
Special Town Meeting scheduled for February 12th - for more information go to the Town Website.
There will be a CHURCH SUPPER on Saturday, February 12th at 5pm. Cost is by donations. Linda Brewster will be showing us her slides from Guatemala after dinner. Please join us for fellowship and good food.
As you can see from some of the photos, there is a lot of snow (not as much as in Connecticut) but if you don't have someone checking your roofs, it might be a good idea. Another storm expected tomorrow - hopefully it will be snow and not rain.
February 6, 2011 - Photomerge panorama Photo of the Hamilton Beach 2/6/2011 afternoon.
The Town website has reported on the Deborah Lee that "The Coast Guard has informed the Town that an attempt to raise the vessel to remove pollutants is planned to begin on Monday, February 7th, wind & weather permitting. A barge and crane will be arriving on site early Monday morning". Go to the Town Website for more information.
Whaler's rehearsal is cancelled for tomorrow Feb. 7th. Several people want to go to the talk on the Egyptian situation with Suhail at the Library.
Last week from the Chebeague Pre-K - K Class - click here!
The kids on chebeague are just loving all this snow as can be seen by this snow fort built by the Beaupres on the East End.
Last week people may have seen a lone snow bunting hanging around the tennis courts for a number of days - see here.
February 4, 2011 - Photomerge panorama Photo of the Niblic 2/4/2011 late afternoon.
Please note time change: Interested in traveling to Washington DC in 2012? A no obligation information meeting is scheduled for 3:00p.m. at the Chebeague Island School on Sunday, February 6th. For more information click here.
Monday, February 7th at 7 pm at the Library. Suhail and Leila Bisharat will talk about what is happening in Egypt. A general discussion is encouraged, so bring your questions! FMI call the Library 846-4351
February 3, 2011 - Photomerge panorama Photo (click on the photo to see full size) taken from the hotel looking over the bay 2/3/201. The ice in the bay is forming quickly but the CTC is keeping a path open.
Notice from chebeague.net that we have been updating the software on all the modems which we are able to do remotely. You may have to restart your router and computer to get back online.
Don't forget to get your Candy-gram order to the school. The third-fifth grade class is selling candy-grams for Valentine's Day. For $5.0, a student will deliver homemade fudge to your valentine on Valentines Day! Call the school at 846-4162 or email kristin.rohrbach@chebeague.k12.me.us. Choices: Chocolate, peanut butter, chocolate with nuts, peanut butter with nuts - be sure to include kind of fudge and name of recipients.
February 2, 2011 - The Niblic is open today! We have Maine Shrimp & Corn Chowder, hot coffee, muffins and cookies.
Big Storm has hit! The Library is closed along with Schools and Rec.
February 1, 2011 - Starting THIS FRIDAY (February 4th) the CRC will be offering a beginner ballet class taught by Chloe Dyer with the help of Caitlin. When: Friday afternoons, 3:30 - 4:30, through March 11th. Cost: $30 for the full 6 weeks or $6 drop in fee. Attire: stretchy pants or sweat pants, NO jeans, ballet shoes are not required. Please pack a snack with your child. Parents are invited to watch the last class. Sign your child up now! Please contact the CRC with any questions.
** NOTICE AGAIN** – The Chebeague Transfer Station will not be open on Wednesday, February 2nd.
There will be a parking ban on the
Stone Wharf and Wharf Road
Starting Tuesday, Feb 1st at 12 Noon
(except for commuters which would be 6:30pm)
until Thursday, Feb 3rd at 6:00AM
**Any questions please call the Town Office at 846-3148
Wednesday night Selectmen’s meeting has been postponed until Thursday night at 7PM at the Public Safety Building.January 31, 2011 - School Committee meeting Tuesday, Feb 1st at 6:30 at the school- see agenda.
Brenda Klenda is coming to the island Thursday, Feb 3rd and will have: Haddock – $6.00/lb. Shrimp Meat – $5.50/lb. Chowder Haddock – $3.75. Salmon Fillets – $8.75/lb. Frozen Crabmeat – $9.00/half pound. Scallops – $12.00/lb. She has a new email address which is klendaz@gmail.com. Please use this new address from now on. You may also get in touch with her by phone. Her home phone is 846-3440 and her cell phone is: 329-4132.
Last week from the Chebeague Pre-K - K Class - click here!
For information about the status of the Deborah Lee and when it will be moved got to the Town Website.
January 29, 2011 - Message from Kim Boehm: "In my continuing efforts to keep our beautiful Island clean, I have built a machine to crush discarded wire lobster traps...I have dubbed my trap smasher "Trapzilla"... These crushed traps will be properly recycled. Traps will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis. Traps must have bricks, cement runners and trash removed. Traps will be acepted at no charge, but donations to offset operating costs are always welcome.
Call me at 846 2468 for drop off details... Thanks, Kim Boehm"
Two weeks ago Donna Damon and I attended the Maine Islands Coalition meeting in Rockland as appointed representatives by the Selectmen. Most of the 14 year-round islands were represented for a full day of strategic planning for the coalition. Click here for our last years report by Roger Berle.
Please note time change: Interested in traveling to Washington DC in 2012? A no obligation information meeting is scheduled for 3:00p.m. at the Chebeague Island School on Sunday, February 6th. For more information click here.
January 28, 2011 - I don't know what it is about Wink Houghton but the birds absolutely love to fly by him and go to him. Last year it was bluebirds nesting, catbirds nesting and robins nesting all within 10' of where he works. This year so far it has been a snowy owl, a flock of Canadian (Gray) Jays and just today while I was not on the island he got photos of bohemian waxwings - I hope they are still around so I can see them.
Kevin Wentworth put together a video about the Deborah Lee burning. When he heard the tones go off...he started recording on his PC what the Boat Yard webcam was filming .He sped up the footage to it condensed several hours into about 6 minutes. It is really cool and I loved the dramatic music he used. Click here to go to see the video.
January 27, 2011 - Free Adult Education beginning Photoshop Elements classes for the month of February. Tuesdays 4pm till 5:30pm at the school. The school had mac computers to use that have the program on them so you don't have to have the application to participate. Please contact Bev Johnson if you would like to come.
From the Town Office: Dog Licenses must be registered by 4 PM on Monday, January 31, or there is a $25 state fine added to each dog registered after that time.
Paintings by Jane Hahn, now on display at the Library.
January 26, 2011 - Calendar Island Lobster is in the latest Working Waterfront - click here to see the article and a great photo of John Jordan, Wink Houghton, Alex Todd and Jason Hamilton.
I just took a photo of Deborah Lee on the bottom at low tide. Danny tried to pump it out so it wouldn't sink but the Coast Guard wouldn't let him take care of it last night.
Dasha and I have taken more photos of some of the houses we missed in our last video. I used Brother Ross' song again and this time added Marlene Bowen's song Crazy - all from the Wagoneers CD "time slips away" which was produced by Chip Emery. There are still a lot more houses down side streets and areas hard to get to which we will try to get next week and a lot more songs from the CD. Click here to view - still 2 seconds per slide but there are a lot more photos this time.
January 25, 2011 - Leah Arsenault made a multimedia piece about of the Deborah Lee with Danny and Jessie scalloping last year. Click here to view it. I should mention that Danny was not on the Deborah Lee today but had gone out hours earlier dragging on another boat.
Another photo I took today really shows how Long Island Fire and Rescue Boat who were first on the scene assisted in trying to control the fire - after getting some equipment from Chebeague you can see them cutting holes in the side of the boat. Just added a little video - click here. They were drilling holes in the side of it so they could get foam and water to it.
The boatyard webcam has been busy today since before noon with people watching the Deborah Lee on fire. The Coast Guard, Portland Fire Boat, Long Island have all been here working on extinquishing it. Click here to see a photo I took about 2pm. I just got a call from the Netherlands because every night after Etta puts the kids to sleep they check out the Niblic webcam to see how Chebeague is and wanted find out what was going on.
Floor Hockey at the CRC has been changed to TUESDAY nights, 7:30-8:30 pm, starting TONIGHT. Hope to see you all there!
Message from Ginny: "A big thank you for all the Chebeaguers who in this time of cold weather and storms are looking out for their neighbors and making sure everyone is staying warm, safe and fed."
The CRC's Winter Carnival is coming in four weeks and it is time to get into practice; rocking, swimming and cooking! I have just updated the Plunge information as I know people are clambering to sign up! Under Island News is Polar Plunges which link to all the info you need as well as seeing the last twelve years of fun!
January 24, 2011 -The last session of Tae Kwon Do is this Thursday with a belt test at 4:45 - please come and see the event - seats will be set up in the Rec Gym! Don't come before 4:30 as they will still be in their lesson.
Gail Miller may be in Florida, but we are still working out every Monday, Wednesday & Friday mornings 8:00-9:00 at the CRC. If the school is closed for a storm, the class will not meet, otherwise we are on! Come join the fun!
It is really cold - below 0º - and to prove it Nancy threw out boiling water outside her house this morning and David Hill captured it on his cell phone - click here to see what happens.
January 23, 2011 - News from the CTC: They will be adding a 8pm boat from Chebeague and 8:15 from Cousins starting January 31st Monday through Thursday. This is in response to the surveys and will go through the school year for now and be evaluated. Click here for their notice! This will certainly help the school children in sports and after school and evening activities.
Linda Brewster is leading a group discussing the "Way of Prayer". This is designed to explore and experience the great variety of prayer paths available to us. We will start meeting at the Parish House on Sunday, January 30th from 2 - 4. Cost of books is $12. If interested please call the church office, 846-4106 and leave a message or contact Peggie Jones to sign up.
Dasha and I drove around the island yesterday and I took photos of people's houses that were on the sunnyside and have put them into a little youtube. Each slide is only 2 seconds long so don't blink and maybe you will see your house. Brother Ross let me put the Wagoneers song he sang Casco Bay which was originally sung by Charlie Gilliam of Orr's Island. Click here to view. Maybe after the next storm I'll do the other side of the streets.
Last week from the Chebeague Pre-K - K Class - click here!
Last week we added a lot of old photos of Louis Leonard that Donna had at the Historical Society - click here.
January 22, 2011 - Photo taken 1/22/11 of the Indian Point boathouse.
The 2010 Newsletter will be for sale at the Library starting today - because of the late printing there are a limited number available.
I have to show a photo of a house finch and yellow breasted chat I just took and another of just the chat.
January 21, 2011 - Today while sitting at my desk the birds were having a field day outside in the snow storm so I started taking some photos and a couple of films out of my windows. I also got a few views when we went down to the wharf. I put it together in a 3 minute youtube which you can see by clicking here. The music is called Captain Foss's Hornipe Sailor's Joy by Castlebay.
NO School today - another snow storm is here.
Jeff Putnam now has SCALLOPS! $12 lbs. jputnam@chebeague.net or 650-3327
The 2010 Newsletter is finally done and back from the printers. We are quite late getting this done but people who have already paid for it will be getting it soon in the mail and we are ready to start working on next years addition! We hope to have it out by May. For those who didn't get an article in last years we hope to have one for this year. Most of the information is from mid 2009 through June of 2010. If you would like to get a copy from the Historical Society you may email them at history@chebeague.net. The cost is $10 a copy with an additional $2 mailing. I have also put it online with all the past years that the Historical Society has put together. Click here to view the 2010 newsletter.
The school is doing a fundraiser selling CANDY GRAMS! They will be sold for $5.00 each. A candy gram is a pouch of homemade fudge made by the 3-5 Class. There will be a short Valentine’s message attached to the fudge. The types of fudge available are chocolate, peanut butter, chocolate with nuts or peanut butter with nuts. The school kids will deliver them in time for Valentine’s Day. Please contact the school at 846-4162 or our teacher at kristin.rohrbach@chebeague.k12.me.us if you would like to order any!
January 19, 2011 - Photo taken 1/19/11 during a warm, slushy, drizzling afternoon.
The Island Institute Scholarship application is available now at their website. Last year Arianna Stefinilo was one of the major recipients and was asked to give a speech at the honors luncheon - everyone was so proud!
Today we had a "gallup" of Common Redpolls arrive at the feeders - managed to get only a few photos by the time I realized that they were birds I had never seen before - click here.
CRC program update:
Adult Floor Hockey-At the CRC Wednesday nights (except tonight because of an EMT testing), 7:30-8:30, from now on unless Sanford's Pond opens up.
Adult Volleyball-The program has fizzled out since Christmas. If you would like to keep it going and/or if you're interested in opening and closing the building for the program please call the CRC.
January 18, 2011 - NOTICE!!: The Community Luncheon scheduled for tomorrow is postponed until Thursday at NOON! By then the snow will be gone and you can come warm up with a bowl of hot chowder!
The School Committee Meeting for tonight has been cancelled.
Yesterday I saw a "drift" of Snow Buntings across from the Orchard Inn and on Hamiltons Roof - click here to see a couple of them. Photo of 5 of them on Hamiltons roof.
Message from the Chebeague Pre-K - K Class - click here!
January 15, 2011 - Don't forget, Community Italian Dinner is tomorrow night, Sunday, at 5:30 at the Hall! Come enjoy homemade spaghetti, baked pasta, lasagna, salad, bread and pie. $8 for adults, $5 for children. Proceeds to Benefit Programming for the Island Teens at the CRC.
The CIHCC Community Luncheon will be held Wednesday, January 19, from 12 to 1 P.M. Come warm up with a bowl of hot chowder! See flyer.
January 13, 2011 - Another great video from Kevin Wentworth of the storm yesterday on youtube - click here to see.
Message from Caitlin: We made a good dent in clearing Sanford's Pond yesterday but there is more work to be done. We could really use more help to finish clearing, the shovels are out! Just stay away from the soft edges of the pond (especially the side near Sanford's house). Thanks for your help!
January 12, 2011 - Board of Selectmen Meeting has been postponed until next Wednesday. January 19th because of the storm.
Michael Porter is snug in the harbor of Bermuda and has updated his page - click here.
The Library will not be open today because of the storm but will be open as usual tomorrow. Yes, at 10am there is about 6" of very heavy snow - Yuk or Great depending on what you want.
January 11, 2011 - I had lots of fun on the 1st doing the annual Christmas Bird Count with Stella Walsh, one of the Audubon volunteers, where different areas take one day and do an actual bird count and then compile the results. One new item for the count and the only one in any of the areas was the Yellow Breasted Chat and I have added some more and better photos taken by Brent. It is interesting to look at the numbers and you can see how many birds we counted in the four hours she was here plus we had a few more I was able to add in the afternoon. Click here for the final totals. We are part of the Brunswick, Freeport area and only the east end of Chebeague is included. The pelicans were seen during the count week but not on the day of the count.
Ralph and Lida Munroe are participating in the fire fighter challange of the Boston Stair Climb on Feb 5. they have to raise at least $100 each to participate, it is a fund raiser for the American Lung Association.They only have three weeks left to raise money, and do their training. They do their practice climbing at Portland's Franklin Towers, it is only 16 stories tall but the tallest we have. If you want to make a contribution for Lida - click here and for Ralph - click here.
January 9, 2011 - Chebeague Island School Committee Special Meeting, Monday, January 10, 2011 at 6:30 at the Yarmouth Central Office Conference Room. see agenda.
The church will be having a group discussing the Way of Prayer. This is designed to explore and experience the great variety of prayer paths available to us. We will start meeting at the Parish House on Sunday, January 30th from 2 - 4. Cost of books is $12. If interested please call the church office, 846-4106 and leave a message or contact Peggie Jones to sign up.
January 8, 2011 - Message from the Chebeague Pre-K - K Class - click here!
Caitlin and May along with the teens are planning another community dinner: Come enjoy delicious homemade food at an Italian themed community dinner to support Teen Center at the Hall on Sunday, January 16th at 5:30 pm. $8 for adults and $5 for children.
January 7, 2011 - Sheila Gray Jordan has published another book of poetry that is wonderful! Please click here to learn more about it and to see the beautiful cover which has one of Louse Todd's paintings on it. Copies may be purchased at the library.
Lucas Tree will be on the island for CMP sometime in March and they will have their huge bucket trucks which are often needed for removal of trees and limbs. They usually get all kinds of calls when they get here and do not have time to set up residential cutting. Click her to contact Marty Folsom to make arrangements for their service.
January 5, 2011 - Photo taken by Caitlin Gerber and friends of the pond on 01/05/11 - click here to see more!
Sanford's Pond will be open 3-5 pm today and Floor hockey has been moved to Pond Hockey tonight 7:30 - 8:30.
A reminder from the Library to drop off their old Christmas cards to be recycled? You can drop them through the slot. Also, only 2, 2011 Donna Colbeth photographic calendars left.
The 2011 Maine Island Scholarship application is now ready for download at the Island Institute site on the front page or under the Publications and Resources section of the scholarship page, www.islandinstitute.org/scholarships
January 3, 2011 - Photo taken around 8:30am - Pelicans along the shore of Chebeague 01/03/11 click here to see more photos!We took a ride around the island later today to see if the pellicans were still here but they are probably in New Hampshire by now.
Pretty great bird day for Chebeague having pelicans drop in and now Brent Riddle was finally able to get a photo of a bird that has been seeing on the East End lately - click here to see the photo of a yellow brested chat - hopefully he will be able to get some better shots. Stella Walsh (bird expert) said these birds breed south of here, but turn up in small numbers as far north as Nova Scotia in the fall.
School Committee Meeting tomorrow evening starting at 6:30 at the School - see agenda.
Registration is now open for Chebeague Island Sailing School - click here for more information.
January 1, 2011 - Photo of John Ash's train set - click here to see the trains in action! - there even is a train derrailment.
HAPPY NEW YEAR! The CTC Holiday Boat Schedule for the rest of today is 4:45 and 7:30 from Chebeague and 5:00 and 7:45 from Cousins.
December 30, 2010 - This Saturday from 9:30 am - 11:30 am, at the Parish House. Sewing book sacks for the backs of chairs for a school in Guatemala. Bring your sewing machine, threads, scissors and any fabrics you want to use up. Pastor Linda Brewster is going to take the completed sacks to Guatemala when she goes. FMI call Deb Bowman 846-4351
Caitlin is at the pond today from 10:45 to 5 unless the ice gets too soft.
December 29, 2010 - There was great skating today but we are concerned about the ice during the day tomorrow so we may have to stay off of it during the warmer hours. Contact Caitlin at the Rec to see what that status is as she will be watching it. Thank goodness for Caitlin!!!
Message from Caitlin: FLOOR HOCKEY has been changed to POND HOCKEY at Sanford's Pond tonight 7:00-8:30. It looks like we need people the most on weekends and Monday evenings. I will be available Tuesday through Friday afternoons/evenings but we really need volunteers on the weekends! (assuming ice conditions hold out of course).
SANFORD'S POND is now frozen and part of it is cleaned off of snow so there is skating at designated times when someone can be there to open it. We are looking for volunteers to tend the shed - please contact the Rec 846-5068, or Sam Birkett 846-4467 or Caitlin if you are able to be there for the kids! Virginia will open from 10:30-2:00 Wednesday - today! The new number for the shed is 846-1350.
December 27, 2010 - Photo - On Chebeague we even have birds pretending to be reindeers.
The Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 204th Birthday Choral Festival, February 26 & 27, 2011 and one of the featured guests will be our own Tyler Putnam as one of The Golden Legend soloist. He will be singing at 4:30 and 8 on Saturday, the 26th as well as 3 on Sunday.
Our Winter Festival is the same weekend February 25th - 27th with the Rockathon on Friday and the Polar Plunge and Chili Chowder Soup Challenge on Sunday. More info coming soon - especially about our plungers.
Letter from Casco Bay Lines regarding union negotiations - click here.
News from 2002 - through January
22, 2003
NEWS 2001
1996 AND JANUARY 1997
I would love to have any news, poetry, stories to add to
my news page so please email with anything you think would be
of interest to islanders around the world - yes Singapore, Egypt,
Mediterranean, Boston etc. checking out the news page everyday!
So please email me at
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