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Photo taken by Aaron Rugh as the moon was setting after the storm December 28th at 6:38am.
January 1, 2012 - HAPPY NEW YEAR! Click here for PreSchool Newsletter!
Clint Jones has a new sloop on display ... on the Holt's barn on the North Road ... For more information, please call 207-653-9719.
Click here for the 2013 Sailing School information!
December 31, 2012 - SLOW BELL UPDATE: There has been some confusion around tonight's New Year's Eve event, and I want to clarify. We are opening the bar at 8:30 PM to ring in the New Year with some of our local island musicians. There is no dinner service this evening! I do plan to continue with Saturday night dinners through the winter months, and will continue to post the menu by Thursday of each week on the island website (and on the road sign if it's not buried).
Message from CIHCC: There will be no coffee or soup Wednesday (January 2), but we will be back on January 9. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL OF YOU.
New Year's Day 11:00 am at the Parish House, bring your sewing machine, threads, scissors, good humor and help sew book sacks for the school in Guatemala. You will have fun and get lunch! Call Deb 846-0609 if you have any questions.
December 27, 2012 - Photos taken during the storm on December 27th by KK Hill. They are of Chandler's Wharf and the Boat Yard.
THe Library will be closed this evening due to the snow.
The Slow Bell will be serving a hearty beef stew this Saturday night. Opening at 6 pm.
The ferry will run its normal schedule today. The Bus will run only as needed - the Captain will call the bus driver to let him know if there are people needing to go to Route One. Wind is gusting over 40 on the Islander, wind is expected to let up after noon.
The Town Office will be closed today, due to inclement weather.
December 24, 2012 - Photo taken Christmas Eve by KK Hill at the Boatyard.
The internet is back to the East End thanks to a Christmas miracle and Drew (our tech guru from Bangor)!! There are four households who will not be able to get the internet tonight because their routers are either damaged or configured incorrectly. We will be contacting those households tomorrow at their convenience.
Missing a bag of groceries from yesterday - if found please call me at 846-4850 (hamburger, chicken, shrimp and a few other items). FOUND in my house! Too many people putting things away sometimes doesn't work.;;lo
Christmas Eve - The internet is still out at the East End and we have a consultant tech friend driving down from Bangor to help us get our equipment up and running again. We are hoping so that he will be able to solve our problems so we can relax for Christmas. I tried to do an update using my new ipad as a hotspot but it wouldn't work, probably because the cell phone coverage is so bad. So I am sitting in front of the library updating.
I am downloading the video I did of Ray hamilton during the power outage on Friday evening - so click here for the continuation of the discussion about trawl fishing.
CTC wants to remind everyone that we have a reduced schedule on Christmas and New Year's Day. For a copy of the schedule, click here
December 22, 2012 - The power went out yesterday about 4pm and finally was restored this morning at around 10am. Not too much damage that I know about. We had two trees come down in the middle of Stephen's lobster traps and he lost a dozen or so. The internet has been restored around the island except at the East End coming from the Inn. We have contacted GWI and they have contacted Fairpoint where there seems to be a problem with the lines to the Inn. We are all hoping to have it restored soon and I had to go to the West End to update my page.
COME SING in the HOLIDAYS- Everyone is invited to sing carols on Monday, December 24th-9:15AM-12noon. Meet at the store at 9:15 for caroling around the island. Wear warm clothes. All you need is your voice and holiday spirit, we will provide music. Contact Mary Holt (islelive@chebeague.net) or Erika Neumann (erikagneumann@yahoo.com).
December 21, 2012 - I have just added another interview session with Ray Hamilton who talks about John Dunk Hamilton, fishing around Cape Elizabeth and trawl fishing. He was making some great description of trawl fishing when we realized the camera had gone dead so he said he would repeat it today when I get back there.
Coastal Waters meeting December 27th at the Public Safety Room 6pm - see agenda on Town Website.
December 20, 2012 - Please join the Methodist Church for a joy- full Christmas Eve Service with carols and candles on Monday at 7:00 pm. Children of all ages are especially welcome (even grown-up ones!) Please bring a flashlight with you to help tell the Christmas story.
Florence will be at the Island Market this Saturday from 10 am - 2 pm with lots of last min.gifts for Christmas. Lots of earrings, rings, bracelets, scarfs, scarf rings napkin rings, hats, handbags and more All handcrafted All made on Chebeague.
December 19, 2012 -Come out for the Chebeague Island School Holiday Concert Thursday night, December 20 at 5:30 at the Hall!
Congratulations to Lola Armstrong, the winner of the Hall Gift basket. Click here for photos of the luncheon.
Saturday's menu at the Slow Bell will be Chicken Pot Pie and Cheddar Cauliflower Soup. Sunday Patriot's game at 1:00.
And don't miss the HOLIDAY POTLUCK & MUSIC JAM this Sunday starting at 6pm. Bring a dish to share at the potluck and enjoy live music by many talented local musicians!
Seeing any whitish moths around your outside lights?? Mary Holman is interested in collecting specimens of Winter Moths to send to the Insect & Disease Lab in Augusta. Please contact her at 846-1072
REMINDER Tonight - Historical Society Gift Shop Wednesday (Dec. 19) evening 5-8. All merchandise is 10% off the lowest price. If you buy 10 items or more the discount is 20%. Don't miss out on these great deals such as 15 Chebeague magnets for $20! Glasses, mugs, shirts, hats, books, fir pillows, wind chimes, napkin holders, bags and much more - just waiting for the last minute shopping experience!
COMMUNITY LUNCHEON - today - noon at the Hall.
December 18, 2012 - I have just youtubed another interview video with Ray Hamilton. He talks about the High School teacher who along with her dog lived with their family during WW I, talks about the Bennett family including his favorite girl Grace and then about walking to church.
On Thursday, December 20, the Chebeague Island School will be putting on its holiday concert at 5:30 at the Island Hall.
Come to CRC this Saturday at 10:15 to watch some of the island kids take their Tae Kwon Do belt tests. Some of these kids have been taking Tae Kwon Do for a few years now and are getting pretty good!
The Foot Doctor, Russell Rybka, will be at the Health Center tomorrow, Wednesday 19th at 9am. Call 829 6463 for an appointment.
Wednesday's Lunch is going to be Baked Ham, Potatoes with cheese sauce, veggie, salad, biscuits, and chocolate pudding with whipped cream. Don't forget that the Holiday Raffle drawing will happen then as well.
December 17, 2012 - Are you looking for the perfect holiday gift? CRC has some beautiful Chebeague Island towels and Eric Hopkins prints left. Order yours today by emailing crc@chebeague.net or call 846-5068. Happy Holidays!
School Committee Meeting tomorrow evening, 6 pm at the School - see agenda.
Don't forget the Community Luncheon this Wednesday at Noon! We will also be drawing for the unbeleivably great gift basket with all kinds of items from all the organizations and businesses around the island - it is worth hundreds of dollars so you will want to get your raffle tickets at the luncheon. Some of the items are Hartley Brewers childrens lamp, CTC tickets, Niblic gifts, Gift certificate to Island Market, CRC towel, framed cardinal phot, and lots more items....
December 15, 2012 - Photo a female and male Bufflehead ducks at the Boat Yard 12/15/12. These are the smallest diving ducks in North American and you can see them around the Stone Pier this time of year.
Slow bell will have chili and lasagna available to eat in during the game or to go (weather pending). Call or text Nancy 228-3709 to arrange pick up at other times!
I have just youtubed another video of Raymond talking about his childhood - click here to see.December 14, 2012 - Photo an immature Bald Eagle that was on the East End while Stephen and I were out looking for birds on our punt today. If you look closely, I think he has a band on his leg. Click here for another view. I took lots of photos of other birds like my favorite Long Tails (male and female), Long Tails (female and male) Surf Scoters, lots of Goldeneyes flying, Loons, and a Bonaparte gull eating a fish.
Tragedy today in Connecticutt Sandy Hook School where 20 young children and 7 adults were killed by a sick individual. We all are praying for the children, adults, family and community of Newtown Connecticut.
Reminder from Florence that she will be at the Island Market Dec. 15th 10 am - 2pm and will have handmade hats, scarf, handbags, lighted bottles, and will have lots of Herb's beautiful items, napkin rings, rings, easels, keychains, scarf rings, earings, necklaces, all made on the island. Thank you, Florence
Congratulations to Ethan Belesca and Becca Israel who perfomed in the Harrison Middle School Concert! Becca even had a trumpet solo - click here to see the video Lisa put on youtube. I would love to post the concert the day before that Braeden Rich and Aaron Belesca were in as well as the chorus that Elias Rich and Laura Hamilton and Tiffany who was in a duet were in. Congratulations to all the students!
I have added a short birthday video of Ray where he says hi to all those people online seeing his photos and videos. I am really trying not to have the nervous laugh and giggle - as I go along the videos will get better maybe.
Teens and Pre-teens: The Mall Crawl is this Saturday from 2:30-9:30. If you plan on coming, please contact May (332-2368) TODAY! We need to be sure there is space for everyone! Also, designs for the Sanford's Pond T-shirt Contest are due Saturday and can be dropped off tonight at Teen Center (7-10 p.m.), tomorrow at the Mall Crawl, or drop it off at May's house.
Teen Center hours are from 7-10 p.m. Friday and Saturday, with pre-teens joining in from 7-8:30. THIS WEEKEND TEEN CENTER ON SATURDAY will be at the MALL CRAWL! Come join us!
The Historical Society Gift Shop will be open on Sunday (Dec. 16) afternoon 1-4 and Wednesday (Dec. 19) evening 5-8. All merchandise is 10% off the lowest price. If you buy 10 items or more the discount is 20%. Don't miss out on these great deals such as 15 Chebeague magnets for $20! Glasses, mugs, shirts, hats, books, fir pillows, wind chimes, napkin holders, bags and much more - just waiting for the last minute shopping experience!
December 13, 2012 - Florence Rich will be at Doughty's Market this Saturday the 15th from 10 am - to 2 pm and the following Saturday the 22nd. She will have lots of items that will make great gifts for the coming holidays. She hopes to see you there.
The Slow Bell Cafe will be open Saturday from 6 pm serving Meat/Veggie Lasagna & Chili
December 10, 2012 - Message from Deb: "Thank you very much to everyone who contributed to the Root Cellar Giving Tree. The gifts have been delivered and the elves at the Root Cellar were working hard unpacking everything and setting up for the Christmas party. Chebeaguers are so generous! Thank you!"
We brought Raymond a mess of steamed clams tonight and he sat there for two hours eating every one - boy does he love clams - one of our cats showed up unexpectely up on the window sill and watched him eating through the glass- click here to see.
12/12/12 is the date Raymond Hamilton turns 102 years old! If you would like to send him a card, his address is 48 South Road, Chebeague Island, ME 04017. Raymond is doing well and enjoys having company. He loves to read but finding his eyes aren't what they used to be. He remembers everything and everyone better than I do and I'm not exagerating either.
Reminder: The Slow Bell Cafe will open at 7:00 tonight (Monday) for the 8:30 Patriot's Game. Stop by early for a bowl of delicious, rich Chicken Soup or some Meatloaf! Soup also available by the cup or quart "to go". 846-3078. Slow Bell has had a large number of reservations for Meatloaf, but there will be plenty of Chicken Soup (Nancy hopes!)
Bake, Take, Share!
Want to brighten someone's holiday season? Come bake holiday bread this Sunday, Dec. 16th at 4:30pm at the Parish House. All ingredients and recipes will be provided, all you need is your holiday cheer and 2 people in mind to whom you would like to deliver the gift of Christmas bread! Any questions contact Celia Whitehead at 504-6922 or Lola Armstrong at 846-4737
December 7, 2012 - Check out what's happening at Teen Center:
Enter your design for the Sanford's Pond T-shirt contest are due Saturday, December 15. Winners will be announced the following week.
Mall Crawl Saturday, December 15. Leaving on the 2:30 boat, returning at 9:30. Call May for details and to sign up!
Teen Center Christmas Party, Saturday December 22nd 7 p.m. BRING A GIFT FOR YANKEE SWAP (Recycled or under $10).
Pre-teen or teen parents interested in volunteering or in helping with some of our winter events, call May 332-2368.
Tomorrow evening is the Whaler "Stars and Angels" Dec 8, 7:30 at the Hall with refreshments! Tickets are $8 at the door. Bring extra for your CIHCC raffle gift box - a wonderful group of items to make someone Christmas a Chebeague Special.
Don't forget Holiday Party, Sunday, Dec. 9th 4-6:30 pm at the Island Commons. Come say hello to our residents, enjoy great company and refreshments, and sing Christmas carols! Don’t forget your checkbook! We have incredible raffle items you will not want to miss, including a fabric landscape by Susan Stranahan, hand woven towels by Annette Kincaid, an original Ken Pelton painted Rainbow Trout, framed bird photographs by Bev Johnson, gift cards to Lucinda’s, homemade holiday goodies delivered to your home in time for the holidays, jewelry and more! Raffle tickets are $6 for one, 5 for $25. If you cannot make the party and still want to purchase raffle tickets email Sarah at smckinnon@chebeague.net . We hope to see you on Sunday!
December 6, 2012 - Don't miss CRC's annual Kids Holiday Craft Day for grades k-8 on Monday, December 10th, 3:30-5:00. We have some awesome craft leaders this year so have your kids come and make gifts for friends and family this holiday season.
CRC is still offering piano lessons on Thursday afternoon/evenings for kids and adults at a VERY low price. If you and/or your child/teen is interested in learning how to play the piano please let us know at: crc@chebeague.net or call 846-5068.
December 5, 2012 - Photo of two Bald Eagles on the East End of Chebeague at 10am 12/5/12. Another photo - I would like to know what he or she did to be getting a scolding like this - click here. If you would like to see the whole series and video click here.
The Whalers sing of "Stars and Angels" this Saturday, December 8, 7:30 at the Hall. Refreshments!! Tickets are $8 at the door. Bring extra money to get your raffle tickets for the gift box from the CIHCC which will be drawn at their Community Luncheon on the 19th - a lot of great gifts in it - tickets are $2 each or 3 for $5.
The Slow Bell Cafe menu for this Saturday will be Cranberry Glazed Meatloaf w/ Potatoes & Roasted Brussels Sprouts. There will also be a Chicken Soup. Jessie Russo will be playing at the Slow Bell this Saturday night starting at 8:30
Philip Conkling (Island Institute), Donna Damon, and Ellen Mahoney (volunteer president of Peaks Island Home Start) will be on MPBN radio’s Maine Calling show today at 12:15.
December 4, 2012 - Update!! Bob's doctors now believe the mass they saw in the CT scan was related to the pancreatitis and is not cancer! He may be discharged in a day or so and will need follow-up to be certain. Hooray!
Many of you know that Bob Dyer is in the hospital. Thank you to everyone for your calls of concern, prayers, and positive thoughts! Doctors have determined a mass in his small intestine, stomach ulcers, and pancreatitis, and are trying to figure it all out and hopefully will have a plan of action soon. Despite all this, he is in good spirits and keeping the staff entertained. Please feel free to send a card or call him at Maine Medical Center room 418. Thanks for all your support!
December 3, 2012 - Yesterday was the Annual Christmas Party at the Hall where Santa arrived on one of the fire trucks and everyone sang carols and the children received gifts from Santa. Cathy MacNeill was there and captured lots of photos which you may see by clicking here! Thank you so much Cathy!
Envirobrick Sale: Coordinating delivery of pressed wood fuel for wood stoves. The product is sold by the pallet which is roughly equivalent to a chord of wood. Each pallet, including CBL is $305 plus tax.---If you are interested, please email Hank Israel (hank.israel@gmail,com) by Friday, December 7 with the number of pallets you want. Hank will develop a calendar of delivery once the order is finalized. Ideally everyone will pick up their order at Chandlers; however, indicate whether you need help and we will try to coordinate volunteers. Hank's number 917-783-8377.
Wink Houghton was able to get a couple of photos of the beaver that is hanging around Charleston Pond - click here for one and click here for the other.
This Wednesday lunch at the CIHCC is Goulash and you will able to get your raffle tickets for the large gift box which will be raffled at the Community Luncheon on the 19th.
Everyone is invited to our Holiday Party, Sunday, Dec. 9th 4-6:30 pm at the Island Commons. Come say hello to our residents, enjoy great company and refreshments, and sing Christmas carols! Don’t forget your checkbook! We have incredible raffle items you will not want to miss, including a fabric landscape by Susan Stranahan, hand woven towels by Annette Kincaid, an original Ken Pelton painted Rainbow Trout, framed bird photographs by Bev Johnson, gift cards to Lucinda’s, homemade holiday goodies delivered to your home in time for the holidays, jewelry and more! Raffle tickets are $6 for one, 5 for $25. If you cannot make the party and still want to purchase raffle tickets email Sarah at smckinnon@chebeague.net . We hope to see you on Sunday!
December 2, 2012 - The Whalers sing of "Stars and Angels" this Saturday, December 8, 7:30 at the Hall. Refreshments!!
Tickets are $8 at the door. Bring extra money to get your raffle tickets for the gift box from the CIHCC which will be drawn at their Community Luncheon on the 19th - a lot of great gifts in it - tickets are $2 each or 3 for $5.
Saturday, twelve Chebeaguers including six young citizen scientists attended the Rabbit at Risk training session in Yarmouth sponsored by the Chebeague and Cumberland Land Trust. We learned how to identify and survey areas where there may be New England Cottontail Rabbits listed as a candidate for the Endangered Species Act. We learned a lot at a presentation at the Yarmouth Town Office put on by Maine Fisheries and Wildlife and got packets so we can go out after a snowstorm and look for signs. Click here to see some photos of our time in Yarmouth. There will be another training on December 6th from 9 to 11 in Yarmouth if you would like to attend.We are also hoping to get more people together on the island to help with this project.
The Slow Bell Cafe will be open for the Patriots game, kickoff at 1:00 today. Stop by for a Pulled Pork Sandwich or cup of Seafood Chowder!
November 29, 2012 - School Committee Meeting next Tuesday, December 4th 6pm - see agenda.
CTC's FREE BOAT DAYS are 12/8 and 12/15. No ferry fares will be charged these days. Happy Holidays!
November 28, 2012 -Slow Bell menu Saturday: Pulled Pork or seafood chowder with scallops and shrimp (corrected).
CTC reminds its customers that Annual Parking Applications for the Blanchard Lot were due 11/26. Any application received after 12/5 will be considered on a "space available" basis.
The Community Tree Lighting will be this Sunday, December 2nd, 4-5:30 at the Hall. There will be carols along with the tree lighting, hot cocoa, cookies, cider and a visit by SANTA! Come one, come all! Any questions, please email Meredith at jakylory@chebeague.net. And, if you know of a child who is attending that we might not know about, please contact Polly ASAP at pkwentworth@chebeague.net.
November 27, 2012 - This Saturday, December 1st, the Methodist Church celebrates the beginning of Advent with The Hanging of the Greens at 5:00 pm at the church. Please join us as we decorate the church for the Christmas season and then continue the festive evening at a Pot Luck Supper at the Parish House at 6:00 pm. Any dish you might bring to share would be greatly appreciated. We hope you will join us at either or both events and help us welcome our new pastor, the Rev. Dr. Mary Jane O'Connor-Ropp. Mary Jane will lead worship for the first time this Sunday at 10:00 am. All are welcome!
Wednesday's Soup at the Hall will be Turkey Soup, prepared by Linda White.
Don't forget!! The Island Institute is hosting a meeting on island on Thursday, November 29th at 7pm to gather feedback that will be incorporated into the Institute's next three-year strategic plan. Refreshments will be served and all community members are welcome. Click here for flyer.
November 24, 2012 - Island Riches will be open Sunday from 11 am to 4 pm.We still have some 1/2 price items left.
Thanks Florence
Kim Martin's Gallery is open from 1 to 5 today and Sunday and would love to have visitors - she also has a few cards. Check out her latest works.
The Historical Society is open from 1 to 4 today and Sunday with great sale incentives that you won't want to miss!
The Chebeague and Cumberland Land Trust is collaborating with the Maine Fisheries and Wildlife in its efforts to protect the endangered New England cottontail rabbit. Come to a training hosted by the Maine New England Cottontail Working Group and learn how to identify rabbit tracks, have fun with your family and friends, and contribute to an important conservation project! You will learn how to tell a New England cottontail from a snowshoe hare, look for rabbits tracks and other signs and collect pellets for DNA analysis. Click here for more information about this project and how you can help! You may contact me at bjohnson@chebeague.net or Leila Bisharat at leilabisharat@gmail.com - we are hoping to have lots of participation after snowfalls to see what rabbits we have on Chebeague.
Saturday, December 1, 9-11 AM, Community Room at Yarmouth Town Hall, 200 Main St, Yarmouth, ME 04096
Thursday, December 6, 9-11 AM, Community Room at Yarmouth Town Hall, 200 Main St, Yarmouth, ME 04096
November 22, 2012 - Happy Thanksgiving!
Photo of a Bald Eagle taken Thanksgiving day near Carters Point. We walked around the East End and then followed this eagle to Bar Point and back toward the East End. Along the way I got photos of Red Breasted Mergansers, American Crows (compare with the Ravens), American Black Ducks, Buffleheads flying, Pine Grosbeak, Great Blue Herons and a Flicker. Another view of the flying eagle.
November 21, 2012 - Click here to see notes from the Chebeague Parents Association.
The Slow Bell Cafe will be open Saturday from 6pm serving chili and cornbread.
The holiday giving tree will be up in the Library on Friday November 23. Sponsored by the Library and Methodist Church, a family of four has been assigned to us from the Root Cellar in Portland. Their needs are simple. Please call the Library or stop in to see the list. Thank you!
November 20, 2012 - Frank Durgin is featured in a MIT video about the Wright Brothers Wind Tunnell which he took over in 1969. He is a consultant there to this day. It takes a little time loading but is very interesting - click here to see Harnessing the Wind at MIT.
There are only 6 pies left for the Kids' Place pie sale so they will not be at the Hall but you can see them and buy them at the Kids Place! Arlene is making rolls to sell along with the pies/cheesecakes. We have some orders already, so call ahead to make sure there are some left. Rolls are packaged by six and are $3.00. 846-8712 or kidsplace@chebeague.net Thank you!
CTC has published its Holiday Schedule for Thanksgiving, Christmas Day, and New Year's Day. Schedules are posted on the ferry and on the CTC website. Additionally, CTC will again provide FREE FERRY DAYS for the Holidays. No ferry fares will be charged on December 8th and December 15th this year.
Museum Gift Shop Sale - November 23-25 - Black Friday 1-4, Local Saturday 1-4, and Stupendous Sale Sunday 1-4
10% off ALL merchandise (regular/sale priced)!!
Buy 10 items or more and receive a 20% discount!
Chebeague Bags $15/ $12 each with additional purchase Framed Posters – Originally $35 NOW $30! New mug designs and colors! Eric Hopkins-Standard Bakery Children’s Books and MORE! Wreath Hangers, Wind Chimes, Bookends, Napkin Holders! ----Everything discounted! Nothing held back!
The CTC office will close at noon on Wednesday and reopen on Friday. Beginning December 1st winter office hours will be in effect - Monday through Thursday 8:30am-4:00pm.
Happy Thanksgiving!
November 19, 2012 - Thanksgiving pie sale to benefit the Kids' Place Child Care Center. Some of the pies/cheesecakes we have left are 1pumpkin, 1strawberry cheesecake, 1white choc. cheese cake, 1chocolate cream, and 2 fruit pies (not sure what kinds yet), and 1cherry. Call 846-8712 or email kidsplace@chebeague.net to preorder. We will try to have the remaining pies on display at the Hall between noon and 2pm. All pre-orders should be picked up at KP unless otherwise arranged. Thank you all for your support!
Chebeague Island School's Pre-K Newsletter for the last week- click here.
Tomorrow, November 20th is the School Committee Meeting at the school at 6pm - see agenda.
This Wednesday there will be coffee in the morning but no soup for lunch at the Hall.
November 18, 2012 - Slowbell cafe update: Pats game time changed to 4:00pm today. We will be serving lasagna and soup during the game.
Kids Place update: We still have about 10 pies that have not been reserved; maple/walnut, pumpkins, apple/blueberry, chocolate cream, chocolate/pecan, strawberry cheesecake, white chocolate cheese cake. We will try to have them on display at the Hall on Wednesday around noon time. If someone would like to volunteer to tend the table that day that would be wonderful. Otherwise, we will have them at The Kids' Place. Please pick up all preordered pies at The Kids' Place between 10 and 2pm.
November 17, 2012 - Don't forget that TODAY at the Parish House is the LADIES AID FAIR - 12:00 to 3 p.m! Hot dogs for lunch, wreath orders taken, baked goods, fudge, knitting, stationery, cutlery, white elephants, crafts. Xmas cards, aprons, etc. etc. etc.
TODAY - Yellow Dot Program at the Library 11am.
CTC reports that several carts have disappeared in the last couple of weeks. We suddenly have only 3 or 4 working carts. If you took one home, please return it to the stone pier! Thanks.
Ladies Aid members & friends will be making wreaths soon and could use some help . Taking orders for wreaths at the Fair on Nov.17th and up to Nov. 25th by phone,etc. Wreaths will be $15. each . To order, please call Joan Robinson at 846-4075 or Di Calder at 846-4176. We will be making wreaths at the Parish House on Wed. Nov.28th from 2-5 p.m. : On Thursday Nov. 29th from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. ( free lunch that day ! ) and Friday Nov. 30th from 9 to noon if we have not completed all orders on Thursday.. If you can come & make wreaths any of those days we will welcome you with open arms ! Remember NO ORDERS AFTER NOV.25TH. Wreath orders can be picked up at the Parish House on Thursday,Nov. 29. and have a Merry Christmas !
November 15, 2012 - Photo of Ravens I was able to get on Littlefield Road. I saw three Snow Buntings on the Road to the Hook - click here to see. Along the Hook Road I also got photos of some female Pine Grosbeaks. Click here to see American Crows as a comparison to the Ravens.
Congratulations to Genny Dyer who is in 42nd Street where she sings and dances at Greely High School Friday and Saturday 7:30 pm and Sunday at 2 pm. Tickets are available at Greely or at the door.
Chuck Elder is available to get snow blowers and generators tuned up and working well for the winter and also lawn mowers ready to be stored away. His number is 207-400-4148. If you are unable to reach Chuck you could try Linda Taylor's number 207-347-0150.
The Kids' Place now has Arlene’s dinner rolls on sale for 6 for $3.00 as well as the pies and cheese cakes. Pies are going fast! We have apple/blueberry, maple walnut, chocolate pecan, white chocolate cheese cake, strawberry cheesecake and more. All of our cherry pies are sold so let us know ASAP if you would like one so we can arrange for more bakers. Pick up for preorders will be at The Kids Place on Wednesday from 10am to 2pm unless otherwise arranged.
Slow Bell Cafe serving from 6pm Saturday. Lasagna or pumpkin soup & sausage turnover. Call ahead for take out. Pats game Sunday at 1:00
The Chebeague United Methodist Church wishes to announce that church services will continue as scheduled at 10:00 am each Sunday morning. The congregation warmly wishes Rev. Katherine Russo all the best in her retirement. Please note that Rev. Meg Queior of the Tuttle Road United Methodist Church will be providing pastoral care as needed and can be reached at 829-3766.
NOTE time change: YELLOW DOT PROGRAM - Free enrollment will be at the Library on Saturday, November 17th from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM. Free coffee and donuts will be served, plus all enrollees will receive gift certificates to Doughty's Market. Enrollees will receive a decal for their car window which in case of an accident will direct first responders to a yellow information packet in their glove compartment containing a sheet for doctor and family information, medications, and any medical conditions. Sponsored by The Recompense Foundation and the Library and endorsed by all Cumberland County Police Departments and on Chebeague by Town Selectmen, Chebeague Fire and Rescue, the Island Council, and Officer Mailman, this program could save lives. Mark your calendars!
November 13, 2012 - Kids Place Thanksgiving Pie Sale. We are selling them to benefit the KP and they will be $15 to $20 per pie. Orders can be emailed to kidsplace@chebeague.net or leave a message at 846-8712. Call early for special orders. We have pumpkin, apple, cherry, maple pecan and many more. They will be available for pick up by arrangement or on display at the Chebeague Island Hall on November 21st from 2pm-4pm.
Tomorrow's soup is "Absolutely Ultimate Potato Soup" - don't forget that the Hall is open for coffee and lunch!
November 11, 2012 - TOWN OFFICE HOURS: In observance of Veterans' Day, the Town Office will be CLOSED on Monday, 11/12. For your convenience, the office will be OPEN on TUESDAY, 11/13, 9am-5pm. Please visit our website (www.TownOfChebeagueIsland.org) for more information on office hours, upcoming meetings and agendas and lots of other interesting information.
This coming Saturday at the Parish House LADIES AID FAIR - 12:00 to 3 p.m - Hot dogs for lunch, wreath orders take .baked goods, fudge, knitting, stationery, cutlery, white elephants, crafts. Xmas cards, aprons, etc. etc. etc.
Happy Veterans' Day!
Slow Bell Cafe has chicken Marbella & israeli couscous available to go. Call ahead to reserve, and pick up during Pats game Sunday 1-4 or contact nancy 228-3709 to make other arrangements.
November 10, 2012 - Panorama taken of Charlestons Pond.
YELLOW DOT PROGRAM - Free enrollment will be at the LIbrary on Saturday, November 17th from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM. Free coffee and donuts will be served, plus all enrollees will receive gift certificates to Doughty's Market. Enrollees will receive a decal for their car window which in case of an accident will direct first responders to a yellow information packet in their glove compartment containing a sheet for doctor and family information, medications, and any medical conditions. Sponsored by The Recompense Foundation and the Library and endorsed by all Cumberland County Police Departments and on Chebeague by Chebeague Fire and Rescue, the Island Council, and Officer Mailman, this program could save lives. Mark your calendars!
November 7, 2012 - Great moments in the garden from Celia (our island fellow) - click here.
The Island Institute is hosting a meeting on island on Thursday, November 29th at 7pm this fall to gather feedback that will be incorporated into the Institute's next three-year strategic plan. Refreshments will be served and all community members are welcome. Click here for flyer.
Community Conversation Regarding Guns - Thursday, November 8th, 7:00pm at the Island Hall. Collect them? Fear them? Use them? Dislike them? All are invited to join Mary Holt and John Wilson in an informal conversation about guns.
Ralph and Lida Munroe are going to do the Boston Stair Climb again this year which is a fundraiser for the American Lung Association. People can make donations to their climbs. Click here for Ralph's donation site and click here for Lida's donation site. Congratulations also to Lida who is now an official Portland Fire fighter. Her graduation from Drill School is this friday.
November 6, 2012 -Click here to take you to the Chebeague Island Election Results and information. John Holt will be updating just as soon as the votes are counted! Voting closes at 8pm.
Don't forget to VOTE!
The LIbrary is looking for small doll houses or play houses for display through the new year. Please call 846-4351.
November 5, 2012 - For those who haven't seen David and Cheryls blog lately - click here to see. After narrowly escaping the loss of their boat they are coming home and will look at next year to continue. Welcome home and thank goodness the boat is ok.
The Town Office has posted their HOLIDAY OFFICE HOURS (Veterans’ Day and Thanksgiving week) on the town website (Click on TOWN OF CHEB ISLAND link above) … ALSO --- There will be an ELECTION RESULTS link on the Town Website where the island’s voting results will be posted as soon as the numbers are verified after the polls close at 8pm (by 9pm … give or take).
Tomorrow, November 6th is the School Committee Meeting at the school at 6pm - see agenda.
The Historical Society is bidding on several EBAY items related to the Island View, Lincoln Hamilton and the Cobbler Shop. We lost a couple of great ones over the past few days - most notably the post card of Uncle John's farm. The CIHS had not seen that one. Please consider not bidding against the CIHS on these new items unless you really want it. Please contact the museum at chebeaguehistory@gmail.com if you win them and are willing to let us copy them. We really would like to have the Island View brochure because we have many other establishments but no the Island View. Thanks!
November 4, 2012 - Chebeague Island School's Pre-K Newsletter for the last week- click here.
Message from Jill: Monday, November 5 Chris Tyll, candidate for Maine State Senate, will be on Chebeague for lunch at Doughty's Island Market. Please stop by and say hello.
November 3, 2012 - Panorama of the cricks taken on November 3rd.
Click here to see a new weather station that Kevin Wentworth has installed on the CTC Islander. There is a FREE iPhone and Android phone app available. You can search the App store for "weatherlink" and you can find the app for the Davis Weatherlink Network with over 10,000 weather stations worldwide or you can Click here for the link for the iPhone app or click here for the Andoid app. If anyone needs any help setting up their phone Kevin would be more than happy to personally help get it set up. His email address is ctckevin@chebeague.net or me cell phone number: 207-272-6487. All Captains will be receiving severe weather alerts by email when detected at the Islander 24/7/365! If the interior cabin temperature drops too low because of a furnace problem as well.
Community Conversation Regarding Guns - Thursday, November 8th, 7:00pm at the Island Hall. Collect them? Fear them? Use them? Dislike them? All are invited to join Mary Holt and John Wilson in an informal conversation about guns.
November 2, 2012 - CTC says that applications for annual parking passes will be mailed next week. They will also be available in the office and on the ferry beginning Monday. Or, you can get an application at the CTC website. For more information, visit the CTC website. Applications for the Cousins Lot must be received by 11/26.
Message from Jaye-Allyson Winkle: Taxi services will end on Sunday, November 4th.
November 1, 2012 - The Calendar apologizes for the ERROR regarding TRANSFER STATION HOURS ... Wednesday and Friday winter hours are 1:30 - 4 pm ... not all day as printed. Please don't hesitate to share this correction!
YELLOW DOT PROGRAM - Read about this life-saving free program in the Calendar, page 4, and save the date. Enrollment will be at the Library on Saturday, November 17, 11:00am - 12:30 PM. Refreshments will be served.
The Slow Bell will open this Saturday at 6:00 pm serving up homemade Mac & Cheese and Green Chili Stew. Take-out is available-please call ahead if possible. Bar will be open 6:00 to close. No Pat's game this Sunday.
Halloween saw a lot of trick or treeters around the island. Click here to see some photos by Suzanne Rugh and me. The children even brought some of their candy to Ray Hamilton who will be 102 in another month.
October 31, 2012 - Photo taken by Aaron Rugh from Cousins Island on October 31st. Click here for another view over Chebeague as the rainbow moved.
The Island Market will be open from 8:30 till 2pm on Thursday. Friday they will be open 8:30 till 1pm and the store will be closed all day Saturday. Sunday will be open 9 to 1pm.
Don't forget to stop by the Commons while trick or treating.
October 30, 2012 - The "soup" tomorrow at the Hall will be Beef Stew. Remember to drop in for coffee in the morning and soup at noon!
Ghouls, Ghosts Princesses and Superheroes! Don’t forget to stop by the Commons while you are out Tricking and Treating! Stop by to say hello to our residents!
The power was restored today at about 11:30 am. As soon as the power went out yesterday, Deb Bowman was at the Chebeague Island Hall Community Center to make sure everything was up and running properly on the generator and the doors were open for the public. We are now able to keep the server running so people from away can still see this site and find out what is going on as it happens. Thank you David for sending the last message. A big thank you to CMP crews who responded to our outage in a timely manner!
The power went out around 5:00 pm yesterday and as of 9:30 am it is still out, but CMP is working on it. The Community Center is open in the meantime, and wireless Internet is available for notebook, tablet, and smart phone users. CTC is back to running its normal schedule. The cleanup begins.
October 28, 2012 - Photo taken October 28, by Wink Houghton of the morning sky as the Storm approaches.
Whalers practice is canceled for Monday night due to the weather.
CTC is encouraging Blanchard Lot parkers to move their cars to route one in anticipation of Huricane Sandy. Especially those in the lower area of the lot!!! If you are going specifically to move your car, there will be no charge on the boat.
CTC is monitoring the progress of Hurricane Sandy and will notify our customers as soon as we can of any schedule changes. Please visit our website to sign up for a cancellation email or text and to review our cancellation procedures here.
October 26, 2012 - Happy Birthday Frances Todd who turned 90 today!
This summer Tony Garody took my bird list and pdf'd it and kept track of the birds he had seen on Division Point, Chebeague 2012- click here to see. He also made a blank one if anyone wants to print it and use it for their own list - click here for the blank one.
Click here to see a copy of the response from the USPS. In short, nothing will be really decided until January.
We'll keep you posted.If anyone would like to dust off your piano or an old musical instrument and play easy duets this winter, I'd love the play with you. We might even bring our music to the Commons once in a while. Contact Linda Carleton at 846-6129 or lindacrltn@chebeague.net.
A note from the CPA....as some of you know the playground is in a terrible state. We announced that the swings have been deemed unusable and we have been working on a plan for a new, safe, upgraded playground for our children. We have been approached by the family of Susan Wilson to assist with this endeavor. We are looking forward to the playground committee having lots of exciting news to share as we all get further in to this. We are grateful that John and his family have allowed this playground to be a wonderful reminder of Susan and her love for children, exercise, and fun!
Check out David and Cheryl's Blog - click here - right now they are between New York and Connecticutt and broken down with a potential hurricane coming, after visiting the Hawks and other friends - fun to follow.
Deer Hunting season starts Saturday, October 27 for Maine residents. Beware and wear your orange. Also, hunter and land owner information is available at this link...
October 25, 2012 - Julia Stefanilo and Addie Todd, Greely Cheerleaders will be cheering
for Cassidy and Greely Football on Friday night. The Greely football team made the first round of the playoffs and will be playing their first game at home on Friday night at 7 p.m. against Wells. Cassidy Jeffers is a starting senior on the team. Come out and watch what should be a really great game and support the team! Go Rangers!
DOGS FOUND - A big thank you from Pete and Becky for the quick response for helping to locate their wayward dogs!
URGENT message from Becky and Pete: "Our dogs got loose yesterday afternoon. Despite several hours of searching into late last night, we have been unable to locate them. They have escaped before, but have always returned within a few hours. We believe they may be trapped somewhere (perhaps a barn?), in someone's home, or possibly injured. The younger dog, Gryphon, who is reddish brown and 6 months old, has been nursing a bum leg. We are nervous that he may have been further injured. Phoenix, who is red/brown & white, is 2 years old. We suspect they are together. They are both very friendly with dogs and people. We can be reached on our cell phones. Pete's is 415-5486. Mine is 333-9632. Thank you to the community for keeping an eye out. - Becky & Pete Pellerin"
There were hundreds of runners at the all league meet yesterday at Twin Brooks and Chebeague did an amazing job. In the half mile (84 runners) Zackary Rich got 1st place, Caleb Todd got 42nd and Cooper Israel got 53rd. In the 3/4 mile (77 runners) Sumner Rugh got 12th, Henry Hall got 13th and Cameron Todd got 27th. Our only miler, Aaron Belesca, has a broken arm and was unable to participate but was there to cheer us on. All the results can be found at www.coolrunning.com Congratulations to all the runners for a great season!
October 24, 2012 - Harvest Pot Luck Fun and Dinner, Saturday October 27th, Hall, 4-5 Halloween fun for the kids and cake walk and from 5 to 6 at the hall. Pot luck supper, games, prizes ,cake walk and wear costumes. Bring your favorite dish or dessert for all to enjoy! Come dressed in scarriest, silliest, cutest or creepiest costume for all to see!
At the request of many of our patrons, the Slow Bell Cafe and pub will be open SATURDAY evenings for a light supper, and will continue to open for Sunday Pats games as long as there is interest. This weeks entree is chicken pie. Soup is cheddar cauliflower. Available to go as well, but please call ahead 846-3078 Thanks!
The Methodist Church invites you to join us on Sunday, November 4th, when Pastor Linda Brewster will be bringing Rev. Juan Toj to the island. Rev. Juan is the pastor of the National Methodist Church in Chichicastenango Guatemala and the Asst. Director of the mission Salud Y Paz.
Rev. Juan will be the guest preacher at our Sunday worship on November 4th at 10:00 am. After the service, there will be a luncheon at the Parish House where you will be able to meet Rev. Juan, hear the story of his people, and hear about the health clinic in Cunen, Guatemala which you so generously supported when Linda left the island. There will be information available about upcoming mission trips and about other ways of supporting this mission.
We hope you will join us for worship and/or the luncheon after and extend island hospitality to Rev. Juan.
October 23, 2012 - Patricia Festino is holding an Open House October 27 from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. The house is not quite finished yet but, we are making progress. We would like to welcome the residents of Chebeague and their guests to spend few hours to enjoy our house with us. There will be light refreshments. We are extremely grateful to everyone for your help and the wonderful welcoming smiles you have shared with us. 445 South Road, next to the Commons.
Joan Maxon lost her glasses in the ditch in front of library after a fall on Saturday night and is hoping someone has found them or will find them - please contact her at 846-5893.
The final sale at Diana Prescott's(18 Backshore Rd) will take place Oct 27th an 28th from 10AM until 2PM. There are still many nice items for sale so do stop by.
Reminder - TONIGHT! Chebeague Island Library, 7:00-8:30pm. Volunteer to help win marriage for all Maine families! With only two weeks left until the vote, it's incredibly important to get our supporters involved. Training will be provided. Please contact Katie Emery McCarthy with questions and to RSVP: kmccarthy@yeson1maine.org – 978.302.2198. NOTE: Please bring a laptop and cellphone, if you are able!
October 22, 2012 - FLU SHOTS at the Island Hall on Friday 26th from 9am to 11:30am. Bring your insurance card. No one will be turned away if they can't afford the $30. Mac & Beth are "making the donuts". Sponsored by the Chebeague Island Council & Home Health Visiting Nurses.
CIHCC soup for Wednesday will be Chicken Noodle.
CTC has published its Holiday Schedule for Thanksgiving, Christmas Day, and New Year's Day. Visit their website for details. Additionally, CTC will again provide FREE FERRY DAYS for the Holidays. No ferry fares will be charged on December 8th and December 15th this year.
The Slow Bell Cafe will attempt to remain open each Friday of the week thru the winter - offering a home made "pub menu." The intention is to provide a bright light in the winters darkness, a gathering spot in the off season. Hope to display a variety of music and concerts thru the sound system.
October 21, 2012 - Message from the Whetham Family:
"Dear friends, Thank you for loving Bill and for continuing to share your love with us during this difficult time. Bill remains with us all in spirit and we are comforted by your expressions of devotion to the three of us through your incredible notes, your passing words and every smile. The amazing contributions of food, music, transportation and lodging, not to mention the use of the beautiful barn in preparation for Bill’s celebration would have made him blush! We remain humbled by your outpouring of support. Mahalo. Love,
Diane, Erin and Hank"
For those of you who missed Bill's celebration of life or were out of hearing range during the event, click here to see his writeup and audio portions and photos.
Chebeague Island School's Pre-K Newsletter for the last two weeks- click here.
CTC ended its cruise season on October 7th with our biggest cruise ever - over 80 people on board. Click here to see some pictures.
Church Benefit Turkey Dinner was a huge success and if you were not able to attend contributions may be sent to Chebeague United Methodist Church, 258 North Road, Chebeague Island Maine 04017. It was a packed Hall and the food was plentiful and delicious! I saw a lot of workers everywhere making sure everyone was taken care of. I was especially happy to see some of the young people helping out with all the food and setups including Tiffany Calder, Laura Hamilton, Stephen Rich, Elias Rich, Reuben Olney and William Robinson. Jane Frizzell won the painting door prize and Will Sharp won the bird photograph door prize. Click here to see photos from the evening.
David and Cheryl Stevens have departed on their trip south in their boat Luca last Wednesday. You can follow their journey at:
October 20, 2012 - Photo of a rainbow over the workers for Chedemption. The bottles are finally packed up and shipped off this afternoon thanks to the help of some terrific volunteers including, Dylan Doughty, Stephen Rich, Reuben Olney, William Robinson, Doug Ross, Bob Earnest, Caroline Summa, Lew Holman and Laura Summa leading the drive. Click here to see more photos.
Slow Bell Cafe will open at 4:00 Sunday for Patriots. Come down for the game, or just to enjoy a casual meal of shepherds pie or chili.
Tonight, Saturday at 6pm Church Supper at the Chebeague Island Hall Community Center - see you there!
Click here to learn more about the rules of placing and removing political signs.
October 18, 2012 - Message from Florence Rich: "I am back on my feet agan so Island Riches will be open Saturday and Sunday from 12 noon to 4 pm. Sorry that I have not been able to take care of the shop but I am back. Lots of Sales and some new items. Herb's silverware jewelry.Hope to see you this weekend. Florence"
Message from May, Cassidy and Bea: "Hope you'll join us in welcoming our new house to the neighborhood! Please come and celebrate our housewarming and Cassidy's 18th birthday at our new home on Will Ross Lane (across from the Rec. Center), Saturday, October 20, from 12:30 p.m. to 11 p.m.. Bring an instrument to play, a poem to read, a dish to share, a new friend, or just your lovely self! Stop in for 10 minutes or stay all day! ~May, Cassidy and Bea"
DOG LICENSING must be completed by 12/31/2012. Please follow this link click here
Message from Katie: "Volunteer to help win marriage for all Maine families! When: Tuesday, October 23rd 7:00-8:30pm Where: Chebeague Island Library We will be making calls to other Mainers United volunteers to confirm their attendance at our upcoming events. These calls are essential to growing the support we need to win marriage equality in Maine. With only two weeks left until the vote, it's incredibly important to get our supporters involved. We absolutely couldn't do this without you! Training will be provided. Please contact Katie Emery McCarthy with questions and to RSVP: kmccarthy@yeson1maine.org – 978.302.2198. NOTE: Please bring a laptop and cellphone, if you are able!"
Chebeague & Cumberland Land Trust Fall Hike At Farwell Forest POSTPONED TO SUNDAY October 21st at 11:00am
October 17, 2012 - DINNER, DINNER, DINNER - the Chebeague Methodist Church is in need of funds to keep running and this week they are having a fundraising dinner at the ISLAND HALL!! This is not a pot luck, it is a full Turkey Dinner with all the fixings!!!! Please plan on taking a break Saturday and join the community at this dinner at 6pm at the HALL. Everyone who goes will have a chance to win a door prize. One is of a framed 8" x 24" acrylic painting by me - click here to see (a unique view of the club house and Kendall house). The other is a framed bird photograph print.
At last night's Post Office Meeting they gave us a a sheet with the survey results but the thing that I think was most telling was their list of "Nearby Post offices/alternate option" which included Cliff Island - 2.3 miles away, Long Island - 3.1 miles away and Bailey Island - 6.1 miles away. I felt bad for the woman having to present us with this information which was obviously generated where people have no idea that we are an island. Click here to see the sheet which did not include any of the comments.
Island Taxi update: Starting October 23rd, we will be running the taxi on Tuesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday/Sunday. If you have a pressing need for the taxi on another day, please call well in advance and perhaps Gail or Peggie can help you out. The taxi service will run until at least November 23rd. The off-season is still somewhat up in the air. We'll post updates as soon as we know more.
Please do not remove, and take, any political sign from a yard that you did not put up. Many signs that some people have put up, always with the owner's permission, have been taken.
COMMUNITY LUNCHEON! Today at the Hall at Noon!
October 16, 2012 - Tonight near the end of the meeting while we were all sitting upstairs in the Niblic we experienced an earthquake! The center of the 4.6 earthquake was Hollis, Maine.
NOTICE TONIGHT: Please attend the USPS public meeting on Tuesday, October 16, at 6 PM in the lobby of the Chebeague Island Post Office.
October 15, 2012 - The Community Gun Chat scheduled for Wednesday at 7:00pm at the Hall has been postponed and will be rescheduled.
We have a new feature: Drama Critic Joan Robinson: "I had the pleasure and privilege of going down to Bath the other day to see "Arsenic and Old Lace, Vail, Clayton and Ross were a panic. Vail was a very convincing Aunt Martha, Clayton, Teddy Roosevelt and Ross, a troubling brother. Anyone want raspberry wine? It is showing again this next weekend, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday - Sunday afternoon show you can make the 7:30 boat home."
2012 ANNUAL CICA BOARD MEETING: public is welcome to attend. Tuesday, October 23, at 12 Rose Point (Bob & Nancy Earnest home). Click here to see the agenda.
Tomorrow, Tuesday, October 16th at 6pm representatives from the United States Postal Service New England district will meet with Chebeaguers in the lobby of our Chebeague Island Post Office. I encourage everyone to show up to support keeping our Post Office at the same level we have now so please be there! They are proposing changing the hours dramatically which would not help new and old businesses on Chebeague. We do not have the option to easily drive a few miles to a different post office.
Don't forget that this week is the Community Luncheon Wednesday, October 17th at Noon at the Hall put on by the Chebeague Island Hall Community Center! Please sign the proxies so that we can have our Annual Meeting on Thursday, October 18th at 5:30. Thank you to our two new directors Gina Ross and Sam MacLean.
This past weekend there has been a sale at Knowlton/Morin, formerly Dianna Prescott's home and it will continue on October 27th and 28th with times and details to follow - there are still lots of items left.
A note from Jean Knowlton: "To every one on Chebeague, my sale was a bittersweet event. Bitter because it represents the end of an era, sweet because so many of you gave me little stories to add to my history of the old Mina Perry Place and even about her. I know you will treasure the items you got in the sale and they will still have a good home on Chebeague. You all have had some sad events this year please don't think of this as another, think of it as a new beginning where we will see you all more as real "summer complaints" and not so much as "summer property owners". Maybe you can now refer to it as the old "Prescott's Kith N Kin" for a little while, to humor me. Thank you all, Jean Prescott Knowlton"
October 14, 2012 - Construction has begun on the long-awaited DSL upgrade to chebeague.net's Internet service. You'll notice a couple of equipment cabinets mounted on utility poles near Calder's Clam Shack. For more information about what these are, how the upgrade will proceed and when it's all going to happen, please visit the completely redesigned chebeague.net website.
When ordering the Sally Foster wrapping paper just put in the zipcode (04017) and the CHEBEAGUE PARENTS ASSOCIATION will come up on the list and they will get the 40% credit which they will put toward the playground equipment.
There will NOT be a School Committee Meeting this Tuesday as previously listed.
Chebeague Island School's Pre-K Newsletter for the last two weeks- click here.
Slow Bell Cafe will open at 4:00 today, Patriots @ Seattle. Serving Brazilian Black Bean Soup and Cranberry Glazed Meatloaf with Roasted Potatoes. Or grab a quart of soup to go!
October 12, 2012 - Photo of Horned Larks at the Hook on October 12. These two were walking down the road back and forth and its the first time I had ever seen or even heard of this bird. Click here to see another view of one of them.
The Slow Bell bar will open Saturday at 6:00. Pub Menu fare is Brazilian Black Bean Soup and Cranberry Glazed Meatloaf with roasted potatoes. Movie at 7:00 "The Russians Are Coming"
October 11, 2012 -The Chebeague Island school playground is in need of some updating desperately, recently our swings were condemned, our wood chips are dwindling and matting under the wood chips is disheveled among other things....Chebeague Island Parents Association is kicking off their playground renovation fundraising selling Sally Foster. 40% of every purchase goes to support our cause! Great time for stocking up on gift bags and wrapping paper for the holidays and is shipped right to your home for a small flat rate of $3.95 or orders over $50 shipping is free! Also, it isn’t just wrapping paper so please take a moment to visit the web site.
HARVEST DINNER at the Hall on Saturday, October 20th at 6PM to benefit the Church. The church is in need of funds to keep operating. Please support the Church as it supports you in times of joy and sadness! Ticket price includes a chance to win a Beverly Johnson painting! You must attend the supper to be entered in the drawing for the door prize! The menu includes turkey, all the fixings, and apple crisp with whipped cream for dessert! $12 adults; $8 children (11 and under); Family max (living in same house) $35!
October 10, 2012 - On Sunday I met up with Bob McGuire at the Hook who was spending the morning checking out the birds on Chebeague. He has added his list to eBird which included seeing 49 diferent species in his 4 hour bike ride around the island. It also included a Yellow-billed Cuckoo and a Swainsons Thrush that I am now on the lookout for. Click here to see his ebird list. Now if we could get him to spend more time on Chebeague he could find even more.
Yesterday I observed lots of migrating birds including hundreds of Pine Siskins around Bennetts Cove, a flock of Bluebirds at Sandy Point, Yellow Rumped Warblers all over the island eating up all the bugs and we are getting a number of Purple Finches now at our bird feeder.
October 9, 2012 - A funeral service will be held for Cecilia Ballard on Friday, October 12th at 11:00 am at the Chebeague United Methodist Church. A reception will follow the funeral and commital at the Parish House.
To stay up to date on programs at CRC "like" us on facebook. Search Chebeague Recreation Center.
Women's volleyball on Monday nights at CRC starting Monday, October 15th at 6 PM. What a great way to stay active during the colder weather. $1.00 drop in fee for all women ages 16+.
Tomorrow, Wednesday the Hall is starting up their coffee in the morning and soup at noon which is Portuguese Kale.
The School Committee is having a workshop at Val Halla on Thursday, October 11th at Val Halla - see agenda.
I was able to get another photo of the Belted Kingfisher hanging around the Stone Pier.
October 7, 2012 - Photo taken by Jim Thresher coming in from the fun CTC Cruise
Chloe and Genny Dyer are holding a book drive to benefit kids in the Barbara Bush Children's Hospital at MMC. Please consider donating a new or gently-used book for a child of any age (picture books, chapter books, or young adult) by November 17th. Books can be dropped off in the box at the library or at Chloe and Genny's house at 232 North Road. FMI call 846-6522. Thank You!
Chedemption needs banana boxes so please save them and bring them to the transfer station.
October 6, 2012 - Tonight on the Discovery Channel there is a wonderful show "Winged Planet."
Don't forget the big sale at the Historical Society including special price on refrigerator magnets! The exhibit is coming down after tomorrow and there is the annual OPEN HOUSE on Sunday from 1 to 4 with refreshments! They even have NEW items that you will want to get now.
Yesterday I was able to get a couple of photos of the Belted Kingfisher - one on the wires going to the wharf and another in the bushes across the cove.
Today at the Niblic there will be: shrimp & corn chowder, chicken & rice soup, & Mel's famous chicken salad sandwiches! Stop by and take advantage of the great sales & get a jump on your holiday shopping. The Niblic is closing for the season today at 4:30pm. Hope you get a chance to stop by!
October 5, 2012 - Live music by Celia Whitehead at the Slow Bell Cafe 8:00 tonight (Friday)
Town Office will be closed Monday; October 8, 2012 for Columbus Day.
Message from the Library: "$10. gets you a library bag and items from our sale shelves. Gently used books, puzzles, movies, and audio books. The Library will be closed on Monday. Last chance to make your bid on the Silent Auction items benefiting the Wink Houghton Fund. Bidding will close at noon on Saturday, October 6th. Items include a Lee Bowman photograph, metal sculpture by Clint Jones, Kim Martin painting, a quilt by Nancy Hill and other wonderful things! The regular phone is out at the Library but people can call 846-4358 until it is fixed.
A reminder from CTC. The Special Stockholder Meeting to vote on the plan to convert CTC to a 501 (c) (3) not profit will be held Saturday, 10/6, at 9am at the Island Hall. All stockholders are invited to attend. Guest ticket books will be available.
Message from Florence: "Island Riches will have lots of items on sale this weekend t-shirts, sweatshirts, pottery and more. I have made some new handbags and have lots of crochet hats. Herb has made a new type of earring from antique knives and they are beautiful.We also have a lot of great artists, authors and crafters. We will be open all weekend (Fri-Mon 10am to 4pm. After this weekend I will be open the rest of the month only weekends but if you want something please call 846-4986 and I will be glad to open."
October 4, 2012 - Slow Bell Cafe will be serving dinner Friday and Saturday 5-9. Bar open from 5:00 on. Last chance to enjoy our full menu! Dinner special: Chicken Marbella. Sunday the bar will open at 6:00 pm serving chili.
Blanchard and Frost Golf Tournament Saturday, October 6th EVERYONE is welcome! Total cost $5 entry fee. 12 noon "Shotgun" start, 5pm social. Bring your own Beverage and Hor d'oevre.
CRC would like to start our pick-up basketball and/or volleyball programs again. What would be the best night(s) on the week? Call or stop by CRC if you are interested or email anytime to crc@chebeague.net
ARSENIC AND OLD LACE is being performed at the Chocolate Church in Bath October 12, 13, 19, 20 at 7:30 PM and October 14 and 21 at 2 PM. Tickets are $12 for adults and $10 for seniors and students. They are available by calling 422-8455. Clay and Ross Hawks and Vail Traina are having a great time being in the show.Vail is playing one of the aunts, who makes a fine concoction of elderberry wine, arsenic, strychnine, and cyanide. Clay plays the nephew, who thinks he is Teddy Roosevelt. Ross is the evil nephew, who looks like Boris Karloff. Really fun! GO VAIL!!! From Chebeague Hall to the Chocolate Church - congratulations.
October 3, 2012 - Photo the 3-5 classroom learning how to use binoculars. Thank you to the Recompence Foundation for the grant that enabled us to get ten pairs of Nikon Trailblazer binoculars for the school children to use when they go out on their nature and bird walks. These binoculars are also available for the Recreation Center programs, Land Trust and any organization that needs them.
Slow bell bar will open tonight at 8:30 and airing the presidential debate.
Big doings at the Museum this weekend! Gift Shop Sale – Exhibit – Raffle – and Open House!! The Museum will be open 10-4 on Saturday; 1-4 on Sunday; And 10-4 on Monday. The current popular exhibit “Through Artists’ Eyes” closes on Monday October 8th. Paintings will be returned ASAP so please check out the exhibit this weekend! There will be an open house on Sunday afternoon with refreshments. New shipments of tee shirts, hats, napkin holders, books and more have just arrived! This is a perfect opportunity to take advantage of end of the summer sales on some merchandise. It is also the last chance to buy raffle tickets for the framed and signed Peter Ralston photo that is a $700 dollar value! The winning ticket will be drawn at 3 pm on Monday.
Garden fresh potatoes are amazingly delicious! They are completely different in taste and texture from those you find at the supermarket. Treat yourself to one or more of the many varieties (more than a dozen including gourmet fingerlings!) that are being freshly harvested at Secondwind Farm. Just remember that really fresh potatoes take longer to cook so leave extra time in your dinner preparations. Also, fresh from our garden and filling the farm stand are pumpkins, blue hubbard squash (terrific for pies), butternut and buttercup squash, arugula, chard, mustard greens, tomatoes, basil, radishes, cukes, sweet potatoes, and garlic. Also, available are local Maine apples and rich maple syrup made by Jeremy Ames in hard to find dark and extra dark varieties. The farm stand will be open until the end of October, so come on over and enjoy some garden fresh produce!
October 1, 2012 - On Thursday, the Town Administrator and Town Clerk will be attending the Maine Municipal Association annual conference. The office will be open but, with Michelle’s absence, registration services will not be available. We appreciate your understanding.
Chebeague Island School's Pre-K Newsletter for the last two weeks- click here.
September 30, 2012 - GRAB your calendar and mark off Friday 26th October for your flu shot. The Annual Flu Shot clinic will be from 9am-1130am at the Hall.
Bring your insurance card with you. Remember, if you don't have insurance no one will be turned away because they can't afford to pay.
School Committee Meeting Tuesday, October 2nd at 6pm - click here for agenda.
September 29, 2012 - Tonight at the Slow Bell, Celia Whitehead (our new Island Fellow) will be performing at 9pm.
A selection of health products have just arrived at the Island Market in time for Fall.
The Niblic will be closing for the season on Saturday October 6th. We will re-open May 15th 2013. We are having an end of the season sale with 20% off almost everything including consignment items. Please stop in and check it out..get a jump on your holiday shopping. Clothing, jewelry, toys, even some beer and wine on sale! Something for everyone! Today we have haddock chowder & ribollita soup…a good day to stop in for something warm & yummy! Hope to see you soon.
September 28, 2012 - Last Wednesday I had a Female Ruby-throated Hummingbird (3 1/2") stop on a branch just a few feet from me on the East End wetlands of Chebeague - click here to see. So I guess there are still a few hanging around. Most of these little guys migrate to Mexico to Costa Rica or Panama. I had stopped by when I saw a Great Blue Heron sitting on the dead trees (46") in the middle. There was also a juvenile American Robin and a White Throated Sparrow along with lots of other species.
Wednesday coffee and soup at the Hall will be starting up on October 10th. We will be asking people to help us make baked goods and soup this year as it is for a longer period of time.
The CIHCC Annual Meeting is on Thursday, October 18th at 5:30 PM in the Hall.
Click here for a proxy you can print out and send to a board member.
Wednesday, Oct. 17th at noon and we will be serving chicken parmesan, parsley potatoes and carrots. Dessert will be apple crisp. Mmmm!
There will be no Community Luncheon in November as it would fall on the day before Thanksgiving. However – thereafter, the Luncheons will be every third Wednesday of the month through April. We hope everyone will be there.
Blanchard and Frost Golf Tournament Saturday, October 6th EVERYONE is welcome! Total cost $5 entry fee. 12 noon "Shotgun" start, 5pm social. Bring your own Beverage and Hor d'oevre.
The Museum and Gift Shop are still open. We have a new shipment of hats and expect new shirts, books, bookmarks, fir pillows, wind bells etc any day. Don't forget to shop for Christmas. Something is always on sale at the Museum! Look for our specials on Maine books! Hours Sat 10-4; Sunday 1-4 or call Donna Damon, Joan Robinson or Jane Frizzell if you want to come in at other times.
September 27, 2012 - The Chebeague Transfer Station will be closing at 3pm to attend the gathering for Bill Whetham.
NOTICE: The location for the Bill Whetham's celebration of life has been moved from the KomLosy field to Sharon Brauns barn (formerly Paige Boisvert). Her house is the log cabin on the North Road on the left side after Roy Hill Road when going toward the west end. Please only park on the west side of the road.
A note from Jen: The Boat Yard & The Niblic will be closing at 2pm on Friday in honor of Bill Whetham and so that employees and patrons can attend his celebration of life. Thank you.
Slow Bell Cafe dinner special this Friday and Saturday night will be Spaghetti & Meatballs. Bar open for Patriot's game on Sunday, serving Matt MacLean's famous chili. Kickoff at 1:00pm.
Congratulations to the Chebeague Island Running team for an awesome job yesterday in our first meet of the year with Scarborough, Harpswell and Yarmouth. First and second graders run in a 1/2 mile race, third and fourth graders run in a 3/4 mile race and fifth and sixth graders run a mile. All of our runners placed in the top 13. Go team Chebeague! Here are some pictures of the team.
Blanchard and Frost Golf Tournament Saturday, October 6th EVERYONE is welcome! Total cost $5 entry fee. 12 noon "Shotgun" start, 5pm social. Bring your own Beverage and Hor d'oevre.
Calder's Clam Shack will be closed this Friday the 28th so that we can attend the Celebration of Bill Whetham's Life. Sorry for any inconveniences but hope to see you on Saturday or Sunday. We will be closing Columbus Day.. SO you only have 2 weekends left to enjoy your favorites at the shack. Hope to see you all soon!
Kitty Freeman continues to recover well after surgery. She elected to go to New England Rehab for a few days to regain some strength and flexibility before returning home next week. She thanks everyone for thier cards and messages and is in her usual good spirits and amazing all her caregivers with her determination and sense of humor!
There was an article in the Forecaster about the tragic accident that took Bill's life - click here to see.
September 26, 2012 - Friday, September 28, 3:30 - All those attending the Celebration of Bill Whetham's Life in the Kom Losy field are welcomed to bring a food item to share. Food containers labeled with names of owners will be available for pick up at the Slow Bell following the gathering. Paper products and utensils will be provided.
The Maine Marathon is scheduled for this Sunday (9/30). It begins in Portland at 7:30AM. The course includes Route 88 to Gilman Road in Yarmouth. Expect traffic delays traveling to and from Cousins Island.
After four years, Paige Weagle has decided to leave employment at Kids Place and pursue a nursing degree. CRC would like to thank Paige for her unwavering dedication to the families of this community and for taking such amazing care of our children. She will be missed and we wish her well in her new endeavors.
CRC has job openings to help fill the gap left from Cailtin's fellowship ending and in anticipation of Paige's departure. There are two positions; Preschool Teacher and a Program Director. Positions can be combined. Please send your cover letter, resume and salary requirements to CRC by Wednesday, October 3rd. If you have questions feel free to call the CRC office at 846-5068.
September 25, 2012 - The next Pied Piper cruise will be moved to October 7th from 4-6 PM. Join us and enjoy entertainment from "The Wanderers" on our last cruise of the season. Get your tickets at the CTC office or on the ferry!
Please join us for an informal gathering to honor and celebrate Bill's life Friday, September 28th, at 3:30 pm in the Komlosy front field near Aaron's Wharf. Some seating will be provided, but please feel free to bring lawn chairs and blankets and stay awhile. There will be live music, food and drink and hopefully many stories to share. CTC has graciously offered free parking in the satellite parking lot and free boat fare. Please inform the bus driver of the reason for your visit to Chebeague. Directions to the Satellite parking lot can be found on the CTC website. Love, the Whetham Family.
The Library will close at 2:00 pm on Friday, September 28th. It will be open Saturday morning at 10:00 am per usual.
Press Release from the Island Institute about the new Island fellows that includes our new fellow Celia Whitehead - Welcome to Chebeague! She is already hard at work with the students at our school gardens.
Mark Gwillim and Tiffany Hudson invite the island to their wedding taking place at 6pm, Saturday, September 29th at Chebeague Island Methodist Church reception details to follow.
September 24, 2012 - The Whalers have begun their fall season and welcome anyone who sings or would like to sing to join them. They rehearse Monday nights, 7pm at the Hall. For more info contact Linda Carleton or director John Howard.
I got some cool photos of a Northern Harrier (Marsh Hawk) at Indian Point this afternoon. She was flying all over from Raymonds around the Hook and the last I saw her she was over at Belesca's front lawn.
One week left! Check out the Close Buy catalog and start your Holiday shopping early. 30 % of all purchases will benefit our AWESOME island ChildCare Center. This is a great way for Kids Place to raise some money to help support operations and keep our rates as low as possible. There are lots of items in the catalog that are made in Maine and they make perfect gifts.
Go to www.closebuycatalog.com and make sure you select Kids Place Child Care Center in the pulldown menu at check out. Help us spread the word so we can make this a huge success. Orders due by September 30th.
September 21, 2012 - Slow Bell Cafe open 5pm Friday & Saturday - featuring Chef Matt's Fish Chowder with bacon roasted potatoes! Sunday bar opens at 7:00 pm for football fare. Pats kickoff @ 8:20 pm
Tomorrow - Saturday, 9/22: Steve Moriarty, Democratic Candidate for Maine State Legislature will be at the Island Market until 9:30 and knocking on doors around the Island until 4:30. Steve supported us well throughout our quest for independence. Please take the time to greet Steve during his visit to Chebeague and share with him any concerns or questions that you may have regarding Maine issues and his plans for representing us in Augusta.
September 20, 2012 - Photo of the Nubble taken by Cathy MacNeill on September 20th.
Chebeague Island School's Pre-K Newsletter - click here.
Kitty Freeman is recovering well after planned surgery at Mercy Hospital. She will remain ther for a few more days, but everything is going well. She wishes to thank everyone for thier kind words, well wishes and prayers. Any cards can be sent to her home or a message to ctmetz@localnet.com.
September 19, 2012 - Grab that sore foot & head to the Health Center on Wednesday 26th Sept @ 9am Dr. Russell Rybka, the Foot Doctor, will take care of you. Call 829 6463 & tell them that you want to see Dr. R on Chebeague.
Tonight is the Womens's discussion Group at the Chebeague Island Library from from 7-9 pm. The subject is Life's Transitions with Betts Mayer and Sheila Jordan facilitating.
The Island Institute is currently recruiting participants for ISLE (the Island Sustainability through Leadership and Entrepreneurship program). ISLE is a one-year training program that provides participants with skills and experience in leadership, advocacy and entrepreneurship and the training to develop a viable social-change business plan with the goal of implementing the plan within their communities. They are looking for year-round residents and representation from across the island communities. If you or someone you know might be interested please check out the information about the program and past participants as well as the application materials here:
Applications are due to Caitlin Cleaver, our policy coordinator, by email (ccleaver@islandinstitute.org) or mail on Monday, October 1st.
September 17, 2012 - School Committee Meeting tomorrow evening, Tuesday, September 18th, 6pm at the school - click here for agenda.
Congratulations to BJ and Dave Potter along with Jamie who was their helper when they competed in the Josh Billings Triathalon. BJ and Dave biked 27 miles, kayaked 5 miles and ran 6 miles in the Berkshires on Sunday September 16.
Kids Place is participating in a new fundraising opportunity this year with Close Buy! This is a great way for Kids Place to raise some money to help support operations and keep our rates as low as possible. The are lots of items in the catalog that are made in Maine and they make perfect Holiday and Birthday gifts. Start your shopping early and support our AWESOME island childcare center. Go to www.closebuycatalog.com and make sure you select Kids Place ChildCare Center in the pulldown menu at check out. Help us spread the word so we can make this a huge success. The organization with the highest totaling order will receive an architect-designed locally built treehouse or fort!! Thank you for your support.
September 15, 2012 - Reminder Tomorrow - Sunday, September 16, 1:00 at the Island Hall: State Senate candidates Chris Tyll (Republican) and incumbent Senator Dick Woodbury (Independent) will meet with Island residents to share their experiences, ideas regarding state government, current issues and their intentions regarding representing our community in Augusta. They will then address questions and concerns presented by individuals attending the gathering. Please take the time to meet with these candidates who are willing to work on our behalf as our State Senator.
September 14, 2012 -A note from Jen: The Boat Yard & The Niblic will be closing at 11:30am on Saturday in honor of Wink Houghton Jr. and so that employees and patrons can attend his funeral service. Thank you.
Note about the Service for Wink tomorrow: There will be a bus meeting the noon boat to transport people to the church. There will be the normal 12:15 from Cousins boat and they will be running the Pied Piper right after if needed so people will be able to make it to the Service on time. You should let the parking attendent and the deck hand know that you are there for the service and you won't be charged thanks to the CTC. Parking is at the Route One parking lot and you need to be there by 11:30 so the bus can leave at 11:45.
SAVE OUR POST OFFICE: Yesterday (9/13/12) we received in the mail a letter and a survey asking us which option we would choose for our post office here on Chebeague. These have been sent out after most seasonal residents have left the island. Their options do not include leaving it alone. The best advice we have been given is to select the most preferable one and then make comments below as to what you think. They are not taking into account that we are on an island and can't just drive down the road to another post office. This is important to send back before October 2, 2012 and they have scheduled a meeting at the Post Office Lobby (I can imagine all of us in that lobby) for Tuesday, October 16 at 6pm. I am hoping everyone on the island and those who are away will print the linked notice and send it in. They will only accept one survey from each address. CLICK HERE FOR THE LETTER AND SURVEY.
Annual Meeting of the Chebeague & Cumberland Land Trust on Friday, September 14, 7:00 - 8:30 at the CIHCC. Nancy Earnest and Bev Johnson will tell us about "Place-Based Education: Chebeague Style" describing engaging, effective programs and learning opportunities that incorporate Chebeague's history, special places and marine environment. Dessert and refreshments will be served.
Slow Bell Special this Friday & Saturday: Shepherd's Pie
September 13, 2012 -There is a wonderful article about Wink Jr. by Carl Peppinon Seacoastonline.com - click here to see.
Kids Place is participating in a new fundraising opportunity this year with Close Buy! This is a great way for Kids Place to raise some money to help support operations and keep our rates as low as possible. The are lots of items in the catalog that are made in Maine and they make perfect Holiday and Birthday gifts. Start your shopping early and support our AWESOME island childcare center. Go to www.closebuycatalog.com and make sure you select Kids Place ChildCare Center in the pulldown menu at check out. Help us spread the word so we can make this a huge success. The organization with the highest totaling order will receive an architect-designed locally built treehouse or fort!! Thank you for your support.
The minutes to the CTC Special Stockholder Meeting are available on the CTC website. Also, please remember to attend or submit your proxy vote for the October 6th meeting, 9AM at the Hall where we will act on the proposal to convert CTC to a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit. Access the CTC website here http://www.chebeaguetrans.com/News-and-Info.html
Linda Carleton's book, "The One Who Sees Me," is now available at the Chebeague Library. It is a personal and moving mandala meditation on the fear of being seen.
NOTICE!! Richard Bowen's knapsack was taken Tuesday night after the 8:30 boat off the Stone Pier and has some irreplaceable items in it. It would mean so much to him to get back those items with no questions asked. He doesn't care about the gps unit, the binoculars and LL Bean backpack but if he could get back the autographed book and personal phone directory, research, deeds and papers.
Support Greely High School FOOTBALL. Cassidy is selling calendar raffles for the month of October that include daily drawings (your name can get picked each day of the month for a new prize) for Skillins, Bernie's Foreside Tavern, the Maine State Ballet, Hannafords, Vivi Nail Spa, Maine Roasters Coffee, Pat's Pizza, 233 Gril, Dunkin donuts, the Downeaster, McDonalds, Estabrooks, the Foreside Tavern, and many others. There are also FIVE $100 cash prizes drawn each Wednesday. In addition, each calendar raffle also includes coupons to be used for discounts at Sullivan Tire, Tove Salon, Skillins, Huffy's Sandwich Shop, Romeos, Ricetta's, Bruce's Burritos, Subway, Mister Bagel, Ice It! and more. Calendar raffles are $10 each. Contact Cassidy Jeffers at 239-6082 and leave a message. We'll deliver to your house!
September 11, 2012 - A graveside internment for Sam Hackenberger will be Monday September 17 1 pm at the Chebeague Island Cemetery.
The CRC pool will be closing this Saturday, September 15th at noon for the season. The Saturday afternoon lap swim will be from 11-12:00 instead of 12:00-1:00. There will be no open swim this weekend. Thank you all for a great pool season!
Click here to hear Bill Putnam talk about his trade mission to China to promote Maine businesses.
September 9, 2012 - Panorama composite Photo taken by me from Central Landing Road.
Chebeague Island School's Pre-K Newsletter for the first week of school- click here.
On Friday the students at CIS harvested onions which they will enjoy in their school lunches click here to see.
Just received a report from Dianne at the Avian Haven that the Northern Ganett did not make it - he was seeming to come around but then last night died - click here to see the email.
Coming this Friday: Everyone is invited to attend the Annual Meeting of the Chebeague & Cumberland Land Trust on Friday, September 14, 7:00 - 8:30 at the CIHCC. Nancy Earnest and Bev Johnson will tell us about "Place-Based Education: Chebeague Style" describing engaging, effective programs and learning opportunities that incorporate Chebeague's history, special places and marine environment. Dessert and refreshments will be served.
Chris Tyll and Dick Woodbury have agreed to meet and greet Islanders at the Hall at 1:00 on Sunday, September 16. Each of the candidates will have the opportunity to share their ideas regarding state government, current issues and their intentions regarding representing our community in Augusta. They will then address questions and concerns presented by individuals attending the gathering.
Christopher Tyll is a 2012 Republican candidate for District 11 of the Maine State Senate. He arrived on Chebeague Island yesterday afternoon, after swimming from Cousins Island, accompanied in the water by Mike Day, Navy Seal who is a retired Sr Chief. Mike suffered mulitple gunshot wounds in an incident in Fallujah and now thankfully is fully recovered. Two other swimmers were friend Merry Farnum from Falmouth and a second Seal who is still engaged in active duty (name witheld), Debbie Lee, mother of Marc Alan Lee, the first Navy Seal to be killed in Iraq in 2006, accompanied the team in a Kayak, along with other friends. Debbie is the founder of Americas Might Warriors. She devotes her time to travelling and speaking in support of our troops. Click here to see a photo of left to right Mike Day, Chris Tyll and Debbie Lee. Chris Tyll has listed his cell ph# on his web-site and desires to hear from Chebeaguers what they would need or expect of him should he be elected. The Navy Seals are certainly an amazing part of our military and all of our men and women should be commended and thanked.
September 8, 2012 - Slow Bell Cafe will be open for Patriots season kickoff Sunday at 1:00. Serving Chili, Wings and Dogs!
Kitty Freeman is back at home after a brief hospitalization. She wishes to thank Martha, Jared and the rest of the Emergency response team for thier EXCELLENT, and efficient, not to mention compassionate care and help in getting her to the hospital. What a blessing to live in a place with such talented and willing people to provide such a valuable service!
September 6, 2012 - Sorry to say that Polly and Kevin's dog, Madison, passed away today- click here for more.
Saturday, September 8, 2012 Please join Chris Tyll, candidate for the Maine State Senate, and his former Navy Seal team mates on Chebeague. They will be swimming from the Cousins Island dock to the Stone Pier with an estimated arrival of 2:00. There will be a rally at the Chebeague Inn following their arrival. After a few words they will run from the Inn to IndianPoint. All are invited to bike or run with the Seals to Indian Point. Then, let’s give them a big Chebeague send off as they motor over to Long and then swim from Long Island to Falmouth Foreside. There will be a barbeque at the American Legion Hall in Falmouth with music, mingling and speakers starting at 6:00 pm and ending at 8:00 pm. Join in the fun if you are over on the mainland. Questions? Call Jill at 347-1974
Slowbell Cafe will be open Friday and Saturday from 11:00 to close. Dinner Special this weekend is Roasted Chicken with Garlic Mashed Potatoes and Candied Carrots.
Everyone is invited to attend the Annual Meeting of the Chebeague & Cumberland Land Trust on Friday, September 14, 7:00 - 8:30 at the CIHCC. Nancy Earnest and Bev Johnson will tell us about "Place-Based Education: Chebeague Style" describing engaging, effective programs and learning opportunities that incorporate Chebeague's history, special places and marine environment. Dessert and refreshments will be served.
The pool will not be open on Thursdays for afternoon open swim from 3:30-4:30 as previously advertised for the remainder of the season. Sorry for any inconvenience. The lap swim schedule will not change
Last night I got another update about the Gannet from Dianne of Avian Haven - click here. I have downloaded some of the pdfs on the Avian Haven website and found them to be so interesting to read and see how they rehabilitated some of the birds they have and I cried when I read about Benedicta - click here to see if you haven't already seen them.
September 5, 2012 - Don't miss the Pied Piper cruise to Harpswell Sound this Saturday (9/8) at 5PM. We will see Potts Harbor, the Cribstone Bridge, and the great sights on East and West Harpswell. Tickets are available on the ferry and at the CTC office.
Marianne Brenton will be moving home on Thursday, September 6. Her treatment team is very pleased with her progress and she feels better than she has in a long time. It's no doubt that the cards, concerns and phone calls have helped her recovery. Thank you, Chebeague, for having her in your thoughts and prayers. She hopes to make an island weekend visit next month.
September 4, 2012 - Don't miss the Pied Piper cruise to Harpswell Sound this Saturday (9/8) at 5PM. We will see Potts Harbor, the Cribstone Bridge, and the great sights on East and West Harpswell. Tickets are available on the ferry and at the CTC office.
TEMPORARY PARKING RESTRICTION AT STONE PIER Wednesday morning 9/5 through 3 p.m. Wednesday afternoon. Watch for the orange cones blocking spots on the left side of the road going down to the barge ramp. My new house boxes will arrive at Stone Pier Wednesday at 12 and 2 p.m. There will be a few spots blocked off starting Tuesday evening which will open up at 3 pm Wednesday. This is to ensure that the oversized tractor trailers can safely back off the barge and make their way up the road. Sorry for any inconvenience and thank you to everyone on the island for your help, encouragement and interest in my new build! If you have any questions or concerns, please contact May at 332-2368
Slow Bell Cafe will be closed Tuesday through Thursday this week as we transition to Fall hours. We will open for dinner Friday and Saturday through September. Coming soon: weekday soups and entrees to go. Watch for updates! Thank you to the Chebeague Island community for a great summer season. ~ Jonathan, Laura, Nancy and the Slow Bell team
CRC is looking for a soccer coach for grades k-6. This has been a very popular program and the past and we'd like to be able to offer it again this fall. Practices would be Tuesday or Thursday afternoons or Saturday mornings. Please call, 846-5068 or email, crc@chebeague.net, if you are interested in this exciting position.
CRC would like to thank Rachel Damon for her many years of running our Children's Theater program. The kids have learned a lot from her and the performances were always top notch. We wish her well in her new endeavors. Looking ahead, we are excited to announce that the show will go on! We are in the process of planning next year's theater programs and will post details with information about our new leaders/directors in September. We would also like to bring back adult theater. If you are interested in acting next summer, please contact CRC so we can get a list started. Spread the word and stay tuned for details.
If you have questions, call Gabby Tracy at 846 6286, or if she is not available, email me at mhairishep@aol.com - We'd love to hear your suggestions for topics. Bring a friend!
Just received an update on the Gannet - click here. I just went to their website and learned about this remarkable wild bird rehabilitation center, Avian Haven. (http://www.avianhaven.org/) Interestingly they are in the process of creating an all season facility for aquatic birds.
The Chebeague United Methodist Church is sponsoring a Bible study course which begins September 9, with a study of the Apocrypha/Deuterocanonical books of the Bible. We will meet for eight sessions on Sunday afternoons at 4 pm in the Parish House to explore these works, from the time between the Old and New Testaments, not accepted into the library of the canonical books of the Bible. For more information or, to pick up a study guide and reading assignment in time for the first session on September 9, please call Gloria Brown at 846-3491.
September 2, 2012 - Photo taken 9/2/12 of a Northern Gannet that was not well and hanging out on the ledges in front of Brian Layng's house. Click here to see more photos and read about his rescue and how he is doing. His lower beak was split.
Report from The Niblic and CIBY will be closed Monday for the holiday. They are both now on their fall hours. The Boat Yard will be open Tuesday thru Friday 7:30 to 4:30 and Saturday 7:30 to 11:30. Closed Sunday and Monday. The Niblic’s new fall hours are Wednesday thru Saturday 8 to 4:30 and closed Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. Check out their Facebook pages for more information.
September 1, 2012 - Tonight at the Slow Bell - Wagoneers Tribute will gather island musicians together in celebration of the Wagoneers legendary song list! Marlene and Med are also planning on being there.
Four beautiful varieties of ORGANIC GARLIC for sale to eat or plant!! Delicious, island-grown and will keep for up to 8 months. Please call (207)415-1095 or email Erin Whetham at trillium3177@gmail.com for more information or to place your order. Thank you in advance for supporting local agriculture!
Today at Johnson Cove (Cricks) I had a Northern Harrier come right at me and go down in front of me and fly off - I was looking through my binoculars and did not get the focused pictures I would have like to have gotten. Click here to see her fly off with a wing span of 3 1/2 feet.
Town Office will be closed on Monday, Sept. 3, in observance of the Labor Day Holiday. Next day open: Thursday, Noon to 8pm. Don't forget to check the Town website www.TownOfChebeagueIsland.org) which is being updated and worked on!
August 31, 2012 - School Commitee Meeting, Tuesday August 4, 2012 6pm at the school - see agenda.
Womens's discussion Group: We had a great discussion on August 22. Please join us for the next meeting!When: Will NOT be Sept 5 from 7-9 pm (To be announced)
Where: Chebeague Island Library
Topic: Life's Transitions
Facilitator: Betts Mayer with Sheila Jordan. Come and bring a friend! All women are welcome!Questions? Call Gabby Tracy 846 6268, or if she is not available, email me (Mhairi Shepherd) mhairishep@aol.com
The Library would love to borrow your copy of Melville's Moby Dick for a display. We will take care to put your name with it. You can drop it off during Library hours. Reminder, the Library will be closed on Monday, September 3 (Labor Day) and after that the LIbrary is on fall/winter hours. That means Monday hours reduced to 6pm- 8pm and Wednesday reduced to 10am-1pm.
TEMPORARY PARKING RESTRICTION AT STONE PIER Wednesday morning 9/5 through 3 p.m. Wednesday afternoon. Watch for the orange cones blocking spots on the left side of the road going down to the barge ramp. My new house boxes will arrive at Stone Pier Wednesday at 12 and 2 p.m. There will be a few spots blocked off starting Tuesday evening which will open up at 3 pm Wednesday. This is to ensure that the oversized tractor trailers can safely back off the barge and make their way up the road. Sorry for any inconvenience and thank you to everyone on the island for your help, encouragement and interest in my new build! If you have any questions or concerns, please contact May at 332-2368
August 29, 2012 - Photos taken 8/29/12 of one of the 3 Red-breasted Mergansers that have been hanging around the Hook all summer. There were a lot of Semipalmated Plovers and Sandpipers along with a few Black-bellied Plovers today August 29th at the Hook.
We finally have the name of the person jumping off the roof of the shed on the pier at Chandlers Cove in Jim Thresher's photo which is on the cover of the latest Chebeague Island Telephone Directory - it is Barbara Mark's son, Patrick Moran of Takoma Park, MD!
Friday, August 31st 4:30 pm at the Library Poetry reading and reception for J. Barrie Shepherd. FMI call the Library 846-4351.
Friday, August 31,from 5-7pm at the Niblic Gallery is an art reception for Rick and Maggie Morgan - "Rick and Maggie Uncovered".
The Wink-a-palooza raised over $6,000. The silent auction to support Wink has moved to the Library. Come and make your bid on a variety of items. The winners will be announced on October 6th at the Library around noon.
August 28, 2012 -WARNING: Chebeague.net is not going to email you asking for personal information or your passwords to email and either is the Internal Revenue, Banks, credit cards so don't answer or click on any links that you are unsure of. Remember never to cash any checks for people so you can send someone else money, never accept rent money which is more than you had asked for so you can pay their kids camp and the list goes on and on. The scammers are out to get everyone. I am constantly getting inquiries about accounts that I have never had and it seems I have relatives all over the world wanting to give me money or save them in far off lands.
Pamela Smith is creating a list of insurance companies that insure homes (year-round or seasonal) on the islands. The insurance company name (and the agency it is purchased through, if possible) is what she is seeking. Thanks so much everyone. It can simply be e-mailed to her. She will share with whomever wishes to receive the list. Just e-mail her at: pamelasmith2@hotmail.com
Linda Carleton has just published her first book, The One Who Sees Me. It is a provocative and healing mandala meditation based on a retreat she made in March. It explores spirituality and the fear of being seen. Linda's book is now available at from Amazon: click here
A Chebeague book signing is planned for the fall.
This coming Friday, August 31,from 5-7pm at the Niblic Gallery is an art reception for Rick and Maggie Morgan - "Rick and Maggie Uncovered".
A request from the Museum. If you won the Chebeague post card of the lobster would you be willing to allow the Museum to copy it? We will trade a copy of any of images. Please respond to Donna at Chebeaguehistory@gmail.com. Thanks!
Update on Marianne Brenton: After a hospital visit and 12 days in rehab, Mum is now at Bear Hill Rehab & Nursing in Stoneham, Mass., closer to me, Joan and Pete (and families), her Burlington friends, and Mass General doctors. She is doing remarkably well: breathing better, walking more, eating and gaining strength every day. She feels better than she has in a long time. Hope to have a transition plan to home in Burlington very soon, possibly a week or so. Her address: 11 North St., Stoneham, MA, 02180-1040. Thanks for all the cards, encouragement and healing thoughts! P.S. LOVE the staff at Falmouth by the Sea, we will miss them!
The CTC Special Stockholder Meeting (on 8/25) was adjourned until October 6th at 9am at the Island Hall. There were not enough shares present (either by proxy or in person) to act on the proposal to convert CTC to a non-profit 501 (c) (3). Stockholders are urged to either attend the October 6th meeting or turn in a proxy vote prior to the meeting. Blank proxies can be obtained on the stockholder page of the CTC website (which requires the password previously provided to stockholders) or at the office. We need to hear from our stockholders on this important matter. If you have not voted, or if you have not updated your stockholder records at CTC, please do so as soon as you can. For more information, visit our website at
Beginning Wednesday this week, Secondwind Farm is having a "They Are Gorgeous, But They Must Go Sale!" on remaining geraniums, only $5 each for a beautiful, lush 10" pot or hanging basket! Enjoy them outdoors until first frost or indoors all winter. At this great price, cluster several together in a large planter or on a porch and have a beautiful show of summer color to stay in the summer mood that much longer. Also, at the farm stand this week will be galia melons, wonderful peaches, early Maine apples, lettuce, broccoli, corn, and more! Hope to see you there!
I am going to start posting the TownofChebeague Tweets online as I get them:
Coastal Waters Commission Meeting at the Fire Station on Thursday, August 30th at 6pm.
Committee Ordinance Workshop - Wed., Aug. 29, 6pm, Island Hall. Come discuss how committees function as an integral part of our government!
August 27, 2012 - CRC is changing over to our fall schedule on September 4th. This week-the pool will be open every day but will be closing at 4 PM. We will be open on Monday, September 3rd for noon-1:00 lap swim and open swim from 1-4 PM then our pool hours will be as follows:
Tuesday-lap swim 7:30-900 AM and Noon-1 PM. Open swim 3:30-4:30
Thursday--lap swim 7:30-900 AM and Noon-1 PM. Open swim 3:30-4:30
Saturday--lap swim 7:30-900 AM and noon-1 PM. Open swim 1:00-4:00PM
Sunday--lap swim 7:30-900 AM and noon-1 PM. Open swim 1:00-4:00 PM
Lee Robinson took this photo of a Tussock Moth Caterpillar which I think is really interesting. It is about 1 1/2 " long.
Calder's Clam Shack is now into its Fall schedule beginning Monday August 27th, 2012.
Closed Mondays- Thursdays
OPEN Friday: 4pm-8pm
Saturday: 11:30am - 8pm
Sunday: 11:30am - 7pm
August 26, 2012 - Today, Sunday at 4pm don't forget the Island Institute president-elect Rob Snyder will be at the Hall at 4pm - there will be refreshments as well.
Thank you note from Dick Dyer's daughter's Terry and Cindy.
This summer has been the year of the Terns as everyone must know. They have been all around the island diving and feeding everywhere. The Common Tern was nearly wiped out in the late 19th century for its feathers used in hats. The 1918 Migratory Bird Treaty saved it. The other day Mary Holt took an amazing video at the Boat Yard of one interacting with it's young - so fun to watch - click here to the youtube she uploaded. I am pretty sure it is a Common Tern because there is a little black at the end of the bill and the juvenile has a black wing bar. Thank you Mary for sharing.
August 25, 2012 - Photo by me 8/25/12 of an eagle high over Central Landing - thank you to the Gleasons who called me to let me know he was there. While I was taking photos of the eagle another bird caught my attention and it is a Spotted Sandpiper! They are one of only a few sandpipers that nest in Maine. Pretty cool life history-the gals lay the eggs and move on to the next cute male, leaving her male partners to incubate and raise the young. (This breeding strategy is most commonly found in the sandpiper group.) Then driving home I got this photo of the Great Blue Heron at the Golf Course.
Don't forget tonight at the Church 7:30: The Proclaim Mission Gospel Jazz Choir of northern New Jersey will present a free concert. A ten-voice choir that includes Barbara Porter's brother and sister-in-law.
Don't forget the CTC meeting today at 9am at the HALL. Because the CTC were shy 500 shares, the meeting will reconvene October 6th.
Tommorrow, August 26th will be a great time to meet and discuss Island issues with the president-elect for the Island Institute, Rob Snyder at the Hall from 4 to 5:30 - see flyer.
Ellen Goodman has just launched a new website for people to have a conversation about a person’s end-of-life wishes: The Conversation Project’s cornerstone is its interactive website, theconversationproject.org, which provides guidance, tools, and resources to help get “the conversation” started. It also invites people to submit their personal stories to be shared on the website so that visitors can learn from the experiences of others.
August 24, 2012 - Tuesday morning is your final chance to shop the Grange ! Our infamous "Take Whatever you Want and Make a Donation" sale begins at 9:30 as the volunteers begin to pack. There are still many dishes, linens, lamps, books, videos, clothes, and odds and ends to choose from!! Many thanks to all of you who donated and to all of you who shopped; it was another banner year. All proceeds continue to benefit island organizations..
A reminder: There will be a special meeting of CTC shareholders at 9 a.m. Saturday at the Hall to vote on a plan of conversion to a non-profit corporation. Please plan to attend.
Chebeague Grace Book 2 by Linda Brewster and Cathy MacNeill is done a may be viewed at shutterfly.
Click here to read an article in the Lewiston Sun Journal - "If you've got to be stuck on an island . . . Discovering the warmth of Chebeague" by Maxwell Mamogenson.
August 23, 2012 - Just to remind people that Herb Rich is making more items from antique silverware all the time.They make a wonderful thank you gift, holiday gift, and more. We have more of the handcrafted by Janet items Painted wine bottles with lights, wine glasses, salt and pepper sets, and beautiful beach glass windows with frames made from old trap runners.We have something new all the time. ( Island Riches West End ) Thank You, Florence
A-Top Chimney will be on the island August 28th (rain date August 30th) and they only have five opening appointments left for chimney sweeping. If you would like to be added to the list please call (207) 774-2404.
There will be a Teen Dance and Swim end of the summer party at the Chebeague Recreation Center at 8 pm this Friday, August 24th. This is a free event for island teens ages 13-19. There will be food, music and the pool will be open so bring your suit! Call 846-5068 if you have any questions.
Chedemption is in great need of banana boxes to make it through the weekend. If you have any extras please bring them to the transfer station on Friday, as soon after 1:30 as you can.
August 22, 2012 - - The Wink-A-Palooza was a HUGE success!!! Thank you everyone for coming and making it a very fun filled day! We hope you all had a great time! I want to thank all the people that donated their time to make this all happen. Thanks to Jimmy Stewart and Kye Adams of Sebago Brewery for the kegs. Tammy And Rodger Robinson of Great Diamond Island for the amazing pulled pork sandwich's, all of the Chebeague Island lobstermen and Craig Johnson who donated the lobsters, Ed and Julie Doughty for donating the ice, Gail Worthen for the delicious blueberry cake, Addie and Emma Todd and Julia Stefanilo for helping serve all day, Howard Coffin for taking money, to all the the people who donated to the silent aution (which is still going on at the library) Laura Summa and Nancy Olney for never stopping once through out the day .(I don't think Nancy left the kitchen once) But most of all a very big, heart felt thank you to Jon Komlosy for hosting this grand event. It would have never happened if it wasnt for Jon. Cheabague truly is an amazing place to live.
Mary and Andrew Todd
The Town now has an active twitter account: @TownOfChebeague
They will be using the account to give taxpayers updates on how their money is being spent, put out meeting reminders, and present other important information to those near and far...
I just received the TownofChebeague twitter or is it called a "tweet" and learned that the brush grinding at the Town dump is done.
Genny Dyer has a nifty story about the Whalers in today's Working Waterfront e-weekly - click here to see.
YEAR ROUND HOUSING applications are still being accepted for unit #2 - 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, full basement for storage, outside storage shed. Application deadline is August 27. Click here to learn more, or: call Beth 846 7829 or Bob 807 7256.
End of the Season Sale at the Museum! Many items are on sale just in time for some early Christmas shopping!!! We just received a new shipment of aprons and towels with Chebeague related images - only available at the Museum!! We expect a new shipment of tee shirts any day. Don't miss out! Only a few weeks left to view the great exhibit of island art!
The Slow Bell Cafe has a job opening for a dishwasher. Hours: 5pm to approximately 10pm Wednesday through Sunday. Hours may be reduced after Labor Day. Please apply in person at the Slow Bell Cafe.
Linda Carleton would love to show you all what's she's been doing instead of painting this year. Check out her new "Mandala, Art and Spiritual Direction" website and her mandala blog at http://www.lindacarleton.com/
August 20, 2012 - August 26th at 4:00 pm at the Chebeague Island Hall is a meeting with Rob Snyder from the Island Institute - please come and join the discussion - see flyer.
The Chebeague Island Yacht Club Commodore's Reception will be held Saturday Aug. 25 at 1800 hours at the home of co-Commodore Alexandra Zaugg-Swafford, 5 Ben Webber Road. Please come for the end-of-year reports (brief!) and the awarding of trophies, as well as the fabled punch.
August 19, 2012 – Photo taken by 10 year old Jack Weissman of a sunset from the Hotel August 19, 2012. Jack is Norah and Donny Alper's grandson.
The Proclaim Mission Gospel Jazz Choir of northern New Jersey will present a free concert next Saturday night, August 25, at 7:30 p.m. in the Chebeague Methodist Church, as the next concert sponsored by the Free Concert Fund. The Proclaim Gospel Choir is a ten-voice choir that has been performing in New Jersey for almost 20 years. They will be accompanied by Alwin Jones on drums, Jermy Shaskus on saxaphone, and Brother Jay Roberts on piano, who also composes and arranges all of the choir's music. (For those of you who are curious about what brings this group to Chebeague, choir members include Barbara Porter's brother Bill and her sister-in-law Harthula.) Everyone is welcome to join us in an evening that promises to fill the Chebeague church with swinging, soulful gospel music.
The Chebeague Transportation Company will hold a special shareholders' meeting at 9 a.m. Saturday, August 25, at the Island Hall to vote on a plan to convert the company to a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Information packages about the conversion have been mailed to all shareholders of record. Shareholders may vote in person at the meeting or by proxy prior to August 25. CTC has added a Frequently Asked Questions page to its website, www.chebeaguetrans.com.
Anne Isenberg provides this update on Marianne ~ some of you know that she has been a 'guest' of Maine Medical Center in Portland since last week for COPD and other issues. Now she is in rehab for continued monitoring and therapies. We anticipate her being in rehab for a few weeks, with the eventual goal of moving back to Mass. for in-home visits. She is currently at: Falmouth-by-the-Sea, 191 Foreside Rd., Falmouth, Me., 04105. She'd appreciate some healing thoughts and prayers! And thank you to the Chebeague community for all the help, care and concern. It's one of the many reasons we love this island.
Please join the Women's Discussion Group at the Library this Wednesday, August 22nd, from 7:00 pm until 9:00 pm to talk about "What Happened to Optimism in America?" led by Erika Neumann.
Ernie Richardson has agreed to arrange for Mike Rollins, the monitor technician, to come to the Island from Augusta again, for the third year, to clean and service monitor heaters and standard household furnaces. He will barge his fully equipped service truck to the Island on Thursday, September 6th and perform service work September 6, 7, 8 and 10th.
Charges for inspection and service will be the same as in years past - $100 per unit for service, plus the cost of parts installed.
Lesley Clark will be setting up a list of customers who want service. Please call her at 846-9576 with the information on make and model of your monitor heaters and how many units you want serviced. We don’t need this information on regular furnaces, but you do need to call Lesley to be on the list for servicing your furnace.
August 18, 2012 – Lightning did a lot of damage around the Island last night, including knocking out the chebeague.net Internet delivered from the Boat Yard and Rec Center. To make matters worse, Bev is away for a few days, and David’s telephone was knocked out of commission. Even when Internet is restored, we may still have problems with e-mail, as there is a problem with the Boston circuit.
But at least the Wink-a-Palooza goes on! The long-awaited drawing for the punt and TV set will happen during the event! Don’t miss it tomorrow!
Update: Service at the Boat Yard and Rec Center has been restored. If you can’t get online, please try rebooting your equipment.
August 17, 2012 - Photo taken by Kevin Wentworth last Friday, August 17th at 7:30 from his porch. Click here for another view.
Don't miss out on the Wink-a-Palooza Fundraiser, The band will be Haz Mat a blue grass band from town.There is also Ping-Pong and Corn Hole tournaments and if you just want to come for fun and not food there will be a 10 cover charge. The WINK-A-PALOOZA! Sunday, August 19th from 2-7 pm at the Slow Bell Cafe. Lobster or pulled pork dinner. Tickets sold at Slow Bell, Niblic, Island Market and Library - $25 per ticket kids 6 and under free and includes live music, games, all day fun - cash bar - beer and wine, Silent Auction FMI or donations call Mary at 846-6268. see flyer.
The Slow Bell Cafe will be closing Mondays and Tuesdays effective August 20 as we prepare for the fall season and send our student employees back to the school! We hope you have enjoyed our extensive summers hours. Many thanks for your support and patronage throughout the season. Continue to watch our signboards for updates regarding live music, special events, and food!
August 16, 2012 - At the farm stand at Secondwind Farm this week are fresh and delicious corn, green beans, watermelons, yellow and white peaches, fennel, summer squash, tomatoes, potatoes, onions, peppers, shell beans, carrots, leeks, and more! Hope to see you there!
There is another article in Good Food Media Group about the Secondwind Farm and Farm Camp by Claire Ellis - click here.
All are invited this coming Sunday, August 19, when the Reverend Barrie Shepherd will be the guest preacher at the 10:00 am worship service at the Chebeague United Methodist Church. At coffee hour after church, he will read excerpts from his two new books, "Faces By the Wayside - Persons Who Encountered Jesus on the Road" and "Between Mirage and Miracle - Selected Poems for Seasons, Festivals and the Occasional Revelation." The book of poems is dedicated to "The people of Chebeague Island and of the Chebeague United Methodist Church." Copies of these books and others by Barrie will be available for sale and inscription. All proceeds, beyond cost, will be donated to the Chebeague Methodist Church.
Don’t forget that the evening of Appreciation for Chebeague Recreation Center volunteers is at the Israel residence TOMORROW, Friday, August 17th starting at 7:30 pm. Volunteers and community members invited. The Chebeague Recreation Center would not exist without its many wonderful volunteers so we hope that you can come so that we may have the opportunity to celebrate our volunteers. Please RSVP to crc@chebeague.net or call 846-5068 and pass this along to any other volunteers that you know of.
The Historical Society is sponsoring a lecture on the War of 1812 by George Daughan on next Monday, August 20, at 7:30pm in the Hall.
August 15, 2012 - The Slow Bell Cafe will be closed today from 3 to 5 in honor of Dick Dyer and so that employees and patrons can attend his internment.
Someone left a slide projector in a black box outside the Library. It is now inside the entrance. If it is not claimed, it will go to the transfer station.
August 14, 2012 - Are you a teen on Chebeague Island looking for something fun to do on Friday, August 24th starting at 8 pm. Come to the Chebeague Recreation Center for a free, end-of-the-summer dance for 13 to 19-year-olds! There will be great food and music. All teens welcome!
A reminder to save the date for Sunday, August 26th from 4:00-5:30 p.m.: Chebeague and the Island Institute: Shaping a Partnership for the Futureat the Chebeague Island Hall. Please join the Island Institute's president-elect, Rob Snyder, for a discussion about our partnerships on Chebeague to date and for an opportunity to give input on where we should focus our resources going forward. See flyer.
We would like to invite community members and Chebeague Recreation Center volunteers to an evening of Appreciation at the Israel residence on Friday, August 17th starting at 7:30 pm. We will be celebrating the successes of our Island Fellow, Caitlin Gerber, as she prepares to move on to grad school in September as well as recognize our many volunteers. The Chebeague Recreation Center would not exist without its many wonderful volunteers so we hope that you can come so that we may have the opportunity to thank you. Please RSVP to crc@chebeague.net or call 846-5068 and pass this along to any other volunteers that you know of.
Calder's Clam Shack will be closing at 2:30pm Wednesday August 15th and reopen Thursday at 11:30AM, due to Dick Dyers service and activities. Sorry for any inconvienences.
August 13, 2012 - Back By Popular Demand! Kevin Burns of Carpet Cleaning Services will be on the Island the week of August 20. If you need carpet or upholstery cleaning services, please contact Laura Summa 712-8412 asap. Many pleased Chebeague customers will happily provide a reference.
"Please join others to protect the Hook when visiting this nature preserve that migratory birds also think is a very special place. Click here to see the things we all need to do to care for Indian Point."
School Committee Meeting, Tomorrow, Tuesday at 6pm at the school. See agenda.
August 11, 2012 - There are only a few more days to bid on the 15 marvelous photographic prints donated by Ernie Greppin. Check them out at the Library and get your bids in.
Congratulations to David and Molly O'Donnell who won the Harper Brown Tennis tournament this morning.
August 10, 2012 - I have just added photos and list of birds all taken and seen on and around the wetlands of East End. We counted 29 different species right there including photos of three pileated Woodpeckers that showed up one day while I was there.
CIYC ROUND ISLAND RACE POSTPONED due to weather; tentatively rescheduled for Sunday, 8/12, start time still at noon. Contact Asa Julien, Race Committee Chair, at 846 6550 to learn more.
Unfortunately the Jerks of Grass Concert scheduled for this evening at the Slow Bell Cafe has had to be cancelled because of weather.
FREE CONCERT! The Novel Jazz Septet is back on Chebeague with all new tunes and stories from the Ellington/Strayhorn library. *** Saturday August 18, 2012 at 7:30 PM at the Chebeague United Methodist Church. *** Sponsored by the Free Concert Fund. Check our New trailer at YouTube.
Sunday, August 12th there will be an OPEN HOUSE in Celebration of the Life of Bob Whitman at the Niblic from 2 to 4.
August 9, 2012 - Tomorrow, Friday, there are two events you won't want to miss: Artist reception at the Niblic Gallery for Richard Hackell from 5 to 7 pm.
Tomorrow is Don't miss CRC's Children's Theater Camp performance on Friday, 8/10 at 6:30 PM at the Hall. Tickets at the door!
Save the DATE and buy your tickets now for the WINK-A-PALOOZA! Sunday, August 19th from 2-7 pm at the Slow Bell Cafe. Lobster or pulled pork dinner. Tickets sold at Slow Bell, Niblic, Island Market and Library - $25 per ticket kids 6 and under free and includes live music, games, all day fun - cash bar - beer and wine, Silent Auction FMI or donations call Mary at 846-6268. see flyer.
Last night we were at one of the hottest shows ever in every way! I think half the island was at the State Theater to see The Lumineers, The Milk Carton Kids and Old Crow Medicine Show! It was a fantastic show.
The garden at Secondwind Farm is bursting with fresh produce that's making its way down to the farm stand daily. Also, coming to the farm stand from other farms this Wednesday will be fresh corn, white peaches, wild blueberries, watermelon, tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers, mixed peppers, Hakhurei turnips, and eggplant. All local and all certified organic! Hope to see you soon!
The Fire Department is having an Open House this Sunday at the station from 11AM to 1PM. This is a family event, and they will have demonstrations from the fire department, kids can "touch a truck" & see the equipment. There will be hamburgers & other refreshments. We will also be selling raffle tickets to our fundraiser for Wink for the 12' punt Danny Todd built and for the Sanyo (brand new!) 50" flat screen TV. Tickets are $10/each or $25 for 3. Tickets can also be purchased at the library, Niblic, Doughty's Market, and the fire station.
The Grange Thrift Shop's 2012 Grande Finale has begun .......ALL YOU CAN WEAR (Aug. 14th), FILL A BAG (Aug.21st), and our final week is TAKE WHAT YOU WANT AND MAKE A DONATION (Aug 28th)
Porches, Patios, Decks and Views - Wednesday, August 15th, 5:30 - 8:30: Tickets are available through Sunday, 8/12 at $35 per person. Reserve tickets at the Museum, 846-5237; for more information or to purchase tickets, contact Mary Holt at 846-5040 or islelive@chebeague.net. Price of ticket includes hors d' oeuvres, supper, cheese course provided by Whole Foods Market, dessert at the Inn and complimentary gifts. In addition to having a lovely time while supporting the Chebeague Island Historical Society, this progressive party provides participants the opportunity to learn a bit of history while enjoying fine food, fun and exceptional views from four Island properties. The July event was a great success, don't miss your opportunity to purchase tickets. For more information and to see the original painting that could be yours ... click here!
The Men's Discussion Group would like to encourage participation by the younger generation. We meet twice a month for an hour and a half and the discussions range from soup to nuts (the discussions, not the participants). If you are under 50 and are interested contact barrieshep@aol.com or vixenskipper@gmail.com for meeting information.
I have been gone a few days celebrating and honoring the Island Fellows including Caitlin Gerber who will be ending her two years with us at the end of the month! She, thankfully, will be staying on the island while she goes to Graduate School at the Muskie School in Portland. Click here to see Reflections of an Island Fellow by Caitlin.
August 6, 2012 - Artist reception with Henry Allen at the Library, Tuesday, August 7 from 7-8. Henry is a Pulitzer Prize winning critic at the Washington Post and now works as a writer and artist in his studio in Maryland. He has been coming to Chebeague for many years.
From the CRC:
Baseball Camp for kids that have completed Kindergarten through age 12 from 3-5 at the volunteer field.
- Don't miss the theater performance at the Hall this Friday (August 10) at 6:30 PM.
Swimming lessons are full this week but we have 3 spots left next week.
Persephone Bennett will be back next week to lead an Art Program with kids ages 8-12 at CRC. Space is limited so sign up soon to reserve your spot.
-You also won't want to miss the Little League game scheduled to play on the volunteer field August 11th at noon. BBQ for all to enjoy following the game.
This Friday, you are invited to The Niblic Gallery Artist's Reception for: Richard Hackel- Panoramas and Sequences of Chebeague Island from 5-7pm.
Cumberland County Sheriff Kevin Joyce will be attending this coming Wednesday's regular schedule Selectmen's meeting at 6pm at the Island Hall. If you are interested or have questions regarding policing on Chebeague please come to offer feed back and ask questions.
August 5, 2012 - Photo of a warbler (think a Yellow Warbler) taken at the East End Wetlands of Chebeague 8/5/12. Click here to see other photos of bird taken on and around the East End Wetlands.
Click here to see a photo of Caroline Summa at Lone Goat Farm's garlic harvest with their #1 volunteer, Isabell Boisvert on the left.
Today is Pot-Luck Supper at 5:00 to help welcome our new pastor.
Today is also the Open House for the Affordable Housing from 5 to 8pm.
August 4, 2012 - Photo taken 8/4/12 at the Hook. "Semipalmated Sandpipers are named for the slight webbing between their toes. One of the so-called "peeps" (tiny sandpipers), they are nonetheless champion long-distance migrants, often traveling for 2,000 miles non-stop from eastern North America to their wintering grounds in South America". Please don't let your dogs chase them.
Today from 10 - 2 is Hazardous Wasteat the garage and today and tomorrow is Bulky Waste Day at the transfer station - click here for more information.
August 3, 2012 - Photo taken 8/3/12 by Bob Earnest of an Eagle flying over the East End of Chebeague.
Tomorrow, don't forget the Commons Yard Sale - click here for more information.
Reminder from the Harbor Master to anyone with a mooring needs to update their numbers on their mooring poly balls.
There are two tickets available for the Red Sox Game this Sunday at 1:30 - if you are interested please call Jane at 846-4937. She won them and is unable to go.
August 2, 2012 - This website and the libraries wireless internet will be unavailable while the library is closed until we replace the bad network switch. So tonight at 8pm the website will be down. We hope to have the new one installed some time tomorrow. This is a problem only at the Library and has nothing to do with chebeague.net.
Tomorrow at the Niblic Gallery: Karen & Doug Bowen would like to invite Betty Gramazio’s friends to a celebration of her life at the Niblic Gallery, 5-7 p.m., August 3. Please stop by, share a story about Betty’s time on Chebeague Island, and let us thank you for your kindness.
The Chebeague Recreation Center is looking for volunteers to help staff the Pre-teen program on Wednesday and Friday nights from 6-8 pm. This is a great opportunity to come hang out with 5th through 8th graders and allow them time to socialize away from home in a chem free, safe environment a couple of nights a week. Please call (207) 846-5068 or e-mail crc@chebeague.net if you’re interested. Thank you!
The Chebeague Recreation Center is missing the cord that connects an Ipod to our Bose speakers. If you picked it up by accident or know what may have happened to it please call (207) 846-5068 or e-mail crc@chebeague.net. These are our only speakers and we use them regularly during programs. We can’t use the speakers without this cord so please help us out if you can. Thank you!
OPEN HOUSE AT YEAR ROUND HOUSING this Sunday, August 5, 5-8pm. We are again accepting applications (thru August 27); one of the units is still available. Come see the new homes that the community has built to provide more year round rental home opportunities on Chebeague. Light refreshments will be served. Learn more at www.chebeague.org/CICA - or call Bob at 846 0924, or Beth at 846 7829.
Chebeague and the Island Institute: Shaping a Partnership for the Future Sunday, August 26th from 4:00-5:30 p.m. at the Chebeague Island Hall Please join the Island Institute's president-elect, Rob Snyder, for a discussion about our partnerships on Chebeague to date and for an opportunity to give input on where we should focus our resources going forward.
There is still room in iMovie class tonight at the school - 6:30-8:30 - email me at bjohnson@chebeague.net if interested - we have mac computers to use if you don't have yours.
TODAY - Ladies Aid Fair - 12 to 3:30 at the Hall!
The Methodist Church hopes to see you at the Pot-Luck Supper this Sunday, August 5th at 5:00 to help welcome our new pastor, Katherine Russo. Hotdogs, hamburgers, and beverages will be served - please bring side dishes, salads or desserts. All are welcome!
It may be bulky, but is it waste? An old weathered pole could be a pitch fork handle. A square of metal could be a garden tool with the handle long gone. Secondwind Farm is committed to saving all tools of the past - whether they were used for farming, logging, carpentry, ice cutting, etc. . . This is in preparation for an Agricultural Museum which will be located at the farm where the tools will be preserved and available for future generations to enjoy. Please consider the farm as a new home for any older tool, large or small, in ANY state of repair. You may drop off tools at your convenience or call 846-0503 for pick-up. Any stories or history that you may know related to the tools are also sought, in order that they be preserved as well. Thank you for your consideration!
August 1, 2012 -Photo of a Wilson's Storm-petrel off of East End of Chebeague on 8/1/12. Click here for another view. They breed in the Antarctic islands and come North for the summer. They may be seen from the East End of Chebeague right now - they sometimes look like they are walking on water. Photo taken from a boat.
Attached is a thank you note from Linda and Jim Brewster! They write "we miss you our friends and pray for you regularly. We can't thank you enough for inviting us into your lives, for sharing your beautiful island with us, and for loving us as we loved you. May God bless your lives richly.
Linda and Jim"
The CRC will be hosting another Little League Game at the volunteer field on August 11th at noon. Spectators wanted. There will be a BBQ after the game for all to enjoy. Please help spread the word!
Would you love to learn ways to use items you have at home for another purpose or do you have an idea you would like to share? A jar as a soap dispenser, a chicken feeder as a hanging light? No idea is too crazy! Come to Re-purposing Household Objects at Chebeague Recreation Center TODAY, Wednesday, August 1 at 7 PM to learn and share! Call (207)846-5068 or e-mail crc@chebeague.net for more information or to sign up!
Now at Secondwind Farm: fresh corn and high bush blueberries from Gillespie Farm; tomatoes, wild blueberries, peaches, lettuce, pickling cukes, dill, cilantro, spaghetti sauce, granola and more from various Maine growers and mostly certified organic; and Secondwind potatoes, leeks, garlic, onions, summer squash, tomatoes and more! Hope to see you soon.
Porches, Patios, Decks and Views - Wednesday, August 15th, 5:30 - 8:30: Tickets are available through Sunday, 8/12 at $35 per person. Reserve tickets at the Museum, 846-5237; for more information or to purchase tickets, contact Mary Holt at 846-5040 or islelive@chebeague.net. Price of ticket includes supper, dessert at the Inn and complimentary gifts. In addition to having a lovely time while supporting the Chebeague Island Historical Society, this progressive party provides participants the opportunity to learn a bit of history while enjoying fine food, fun and exceptional views from four Island properties. The July event was a great success, don't miss your opportunity to purchase tickets while they are available. Click here for flyer.
CTC's Annual Stockholder Meeting was held at the Island Hall on Saturday 7/28. Stockholders elected Wayne Dyer, Sue Sawyer, and Topher Newman as directors. Many thanks to Gina Ross, Specs Eaton, and Jill Hamilton who left the board this year. A Special Meeting of Stockholders will be held on August 25th at 9AM at the Island Hall. The purpose of the meeting is to have stockholders consider the Board's recommendation to convert the company to a nonprofit 501 (c) (3). A mailing to all stockholders explaining the conversion will be sent in early August. Stockholders are urged to participate in the meeting, either in person or by proxy. All information is posted on the stockholder page of the CTC website, chebeaguetrans.com. The webpage is password protected. If you need the password, email ctc@chebeague.net.
The Museum's latest exhibit, Chebeague - Through Artist's Eyes has been enthusiastically received by long time islanders as well as day trippers! Don't miss it! The Museum is open Tuesday through Saturday 10-4 and Sunday 1-4. Admission is free but donations are appreciated. The gift shop helps to support the Museum. There are many new items for sale. Some of the new original Chebeague specific merchandise includes bags, lanyards, bumper stickers, fir pillows, glasses and mugs, hats and aprons, towels, and original posters and photographs all only available at the Museum. There is also a large selection of children's books, cookbooks and much more. Watch for the red dot sales! Something is always on sale! Stop by today and check out the wonderful Chebeague paintings!
July 31, 2012 - CRC has another exciting week of camps coming up. Theater Camp with Genny Dyer starts August 6th and will meet at the Hall each day. There are two sessions, one for 6-12 year olds and another for younger kids. The week will end with a spectacular performance at 6:30 PM at the Hall on Friday, August 10th. Please note the earlier performance time to accommodate our younger campers/siblings.
Baseball Camp with Coach Summa also starts August 6th. Campers will meet Monday through Friday at the volunteer field from 3-5 PM.
Our all new Art Program for ages 8-12 starts on August 13th at 9 AM.
AND, we still have 2 more weeks of swimming lessons. Call CRC for details about any of these programs, 846-5068 or email crc@chebeague.net.
Remember Tonight: CIHS: Adventure in Chilean Patagonia: "Expedition to "El Monstruo" (The Monster). Nate and Mike Conroy, 7pm at the Parish House.
The church would like to invite you to join us in welcoming our new pastor, Rev. Katherine Russo, at a Pot-Luck Supper on Sunday, August 5th at 5:00 at the Parish House. Hotdogs, hamburgers, and beverages will be provided. Please bring a side dish, salad or dessert to share if you are able. All are invited, and we hope to see you there!
The Charles Marks Astronomy Lecture last night at which he demonstrated his new computerized telescope was fascinating. Anyone interested in stargazing with Charles next month should contact him directly - markses3@gmail.com.
July 30, 2012 - Interested in suns and moons and the gazillions of stars? The possibility of little green people? Charles Marks will be discussing astronomy and his new telescope at the Island Hall tonight June 30 at 7 pm. Learn about coming opportunities to stargaze with Charles. Admission is free as are refreshments.
Don't forget that next weekend is the Commons Yard Sale - click here for more information.
This Thursday August 2nd is the Ladies Aid Fair NOON - 3:30 at the Hall.
There are lots of Town Committees that need volunteers - please click here to see which committee you would like to be on! You need to submit your letter before August 1st so don't wait.
The Grange Thrift Shop is open every Tuesday, 9:30 -12:00 and 7-8 pm
Congratulations to Nancy Earnest, Kelley Rich and Jen Belesca who were one out of 178 relay teams for the Maine Cancer Foundation Tri For A Cure. Team Chebeague placed 32nd overall with a time of 1:35:11. Nancy, Kelley, & Jen together raised over $2000!
"We would like to thank all our family and friends who supported our efforts! It was an amazingly memorable day! Over 1200 women participated to raise over 1 million dollars to fund cancer research, education and patient support services here in Maine. Awesome!'
Congratulation to David and Molly O`Donnell won the 2012 Perkins Cup tournament at the Tennis Club.
Recompense Foundation Notice - Grant applications can be obtained by calling or emailing Gail MIller, 846-4369 or millerdesi@chebeague.net. They must be completed in full and mailed by August 31 to Recompense Foundation, 7 Central Landing Rd., Chebeague Island, ME 04017.
The iMovie class originally scheduled for July 31st has been changed to Thursday, August 2nd at 6:30 at the school. I have four people signed up for it now, please contact me if you are interested in joining us, bjohnson@chebeague.net.
Tonight is Charles Marks Astronomy Lecture. Island Hall, Monday July 30, 7 pm. Admission and refreshments free.
Tuesday, July 31 at 7:00 PM in the Parish House the Historical Society is sponsoring a slide show/lecture by two Chebeaguers who have made history. Nate Conroy, an accomplished rock climber, and his father Mike, who accompanies him,, will present an illustrated talk about their latest daring adventure in Chilean Patagonia: "Expedition to "El Monstruo" (The Monster). Not to be missed!
July 29, 2012 - The church would like to invite you to join us in welcoming our new pastor, Rev. Katherine Russo, at a Pot-Luck Supper on Sunday, August 5th at 5:00 at the Parish House. Hotdogs, hamburgers, and beverages will be provided. Please bring a side dish, salad or dessert to share if you are able. All are invited, and we hope to see you there!
OPEN HOUSE AT YEAR ROUND HOUSING this Sunday, August 5, 5-8pm. We are again accepting applications (thru August 27); one of the units is still available. Come see the new homes that the community has built to provide more year round rental home opportunities on Chebeague. Light refreshments will be served. Learn more at www.chebeague.org/CICA - or call Bob at 846 0924, or Beth at 846 7829.
The Recompense Foundation has donated four noted cookbooks to the Library in honor of its retiring Executive Director Glenn Kersteen's over twenty years of service. The "Kersteen Collection is on display at the Library.
Article in the Portland Press Herald about the online slideshow about firefighter training on Little Chebeague Island in 1945: www.mainememory.net and the Little Chebeague Fire Fighting School
July 27, 2012 - Next Tuesday, July 31 at 7:00 PM in the Parish House the Historical Society is sponsoring a slide show/lecture by two Chebeaguers who have made history. Nate Conroy, an accomplished rock climber, and his father Mike, who accompanies him,, will present an illustrated talk about their latest daring adventure in Chilean Patagonia: "Expedition to "El Monstruo" (The Monster). Not to be missed!
A reminder from CTC that the annual stockholder meeting will be held this Saturday, 7/28, at 9AM at the Island Hall. We encourage all stockholders to attend! We need you help in updating our stockholder list. If you have moved, or know of another stockholder who has moved, please email the office at ctc@chebeague.net with the new address information. If you had a deceased family member who was a stockholder, please make sure the stock is transferred to the correct person.
Also, the next Pied Piper cruise leaves from the Stone Pier on Sunday 7/29 at 5PM. Tickets are still available.
Tonight and tomorrow night "Singing in the Rain" Chebeague Recreation Center's Summer Theater production directed by Rachael Damon. Show starts at 7:30 - Adults $8 and children $6.
Charles Marks Astronomy Lecture. Island Hall, Monday July 30, 7 pm. Admission and refreshments free.
CRC Upcoming Camps:
New Lil Art Camp (ages 5-7) starts Monday, July 30th at 10 AM. We stall have room and it's not too late to sign up. We have a new instructor this year and she has lots of new and exciting projects planned. Call CRC for details.
Tennis Camp Start Monday, July 30th at 9:30 at CRC (ages 7-12). We have 2 spots left!
New Theater Camp with Genny Dyer starts August 6th at the Hall. Ages 6-12 is from 9-11:00 AM and ages 5-6 11:30-1:00.
Baseball Camp with Coach Summa starts August 6th at 3 PM.
All New Art Camp for ages 8-12 starts August 13.
Learn to make an iMovie - 6:30 - 8:30, Tuesday, July 31st at the school. If interested please contact bjohnson@chebeague.net
July 26, 2012 -Photo of a Monarch Butterfly on flowers taken by eleven year old Hannah Koppmann on Chebeague on July 26th.
Click here to learn about Barrie Shepherd and his latest books. Barrie has had two new books (his 14th and 15th) published in 2012. One of his books "Between Mirage and Miracle" dedication reads: "I dedicate this book in gratitude to the people of Chebeague Island, Maine, and of the Chebeague United Methodist Church who, for over forty years, have shared the welcome gifts of hospitality and community with true generosity and genuine friendship." All proceeds beyond cost from sale of the books will be dedicated to Chebeague Methodist Church for the "Reading and Signing Event" at the church on Sunday 8/19.
The Library is still having problems with their wireless and server which means we have times when you are unable to access chebeague.org and other pages resident on the server. We are hoping to resolve these issues within the next few days. Thank you for your patience.
July 25, 2012 - The Commons is looking for some strong backed people to help move furniture to the Hall on Friday August 3rd after 12:00 (for approximately 2 hours )and then to help with clean up on Saturday Aug 4th at 12:30( for approximately one hour). This would be a great way for some high school kids help meet some of the Community Service hours they may need. PLEASW call Ann Thaxter at 846-3274 or e-mail her at ann3boys@securespeed.us.
The Re-purposing Household Objects class at Chebeague Recreation Center has been moved from July 25th to August 1st at 7 pm. Would you love to learn ways to use items you have at home for another purpose or do you have an idea you would like to share? A jar as a soap dispenser, a chicken feeder as a hanging light? No idea is too crazy! Come to learn and share! Call (207)846-5068 or e-mail crc@chebeague.net for more information or to sign up! Thank you!
Click here to see photos of birds and a deer we have seen over the last couple of days. On the bar of Indian Point we saw Ruddy Turnstones, Bonaparte Gulls, Semipalmated Plovers, Semipalmated Sandpipers, Black-bellied Plovers and some young Common Eiders. The migrating birds are arriving more and more every day. Remember to please don't let your dogs chase them.
As everyone by now know we have had problems with the server and the wireless routers at the Library after the thunder storms yesterday which David Hill was able to repair. The Boatyard chebeague.net internet was down for a few hours and we ended up replacing the CCU. Thunderstorms certainly can wreak havoc with all kinds of equipment!
The Board of Selectmen is recruiting for a number of committee positions, Click here to see who they are looking for and the current openings?
Music Tells a Story - PSO KinderKonzert - Strings --- The Story of Abbie Burgess will be Saturday, August 4th, 2:00 pm at the Rec Center. This is a program sponsored jointly by the Library, Rec Center and Parents Association. Call if the Library at 846-4351 if you have any questions. Click here to see the Flyer. This 40 minute concert for narrator and the PSO String Quintet tells the true story of Abbie Burgess, painting a musical portrait of a raging storm and the brave young woman who kept the lighthouse burning against all odds..
July 23, 2012 -CRC still has room in swimming lessons and camps. On Monday, July 30th we have two exciting camps starting. Tennis Camp is from 9:30-11:30 and has only 3 openings left. Our new Lil' Art Camp (ages 5-7) with Persephone Bennet is from 10:00-Noon and has 5 openings left. The following week, August 6-10 will be another fun week at CRC. Spread the word about our fun Theater Camp lead by Genny Dyer and Baseball Camp lead by Geoff Summa. Call CRC for details, 846-5068, or visit our website at www.chebeaguerec.com.
Attached is a flyer for this year’s special waste collections (Bulky Waste and Household Hazardous Waste). We are trying for a combined effort this year so that we can accept all waste, which should save everyone some time. Clean Harbors is managing the HHW collection as in years past.
Slow Bell Cafe's monday night menu will be pizza by the slice, salads and all beverages. Fryer & grill off to give chef Hugh a little R&R
Frequent Quadalthalon participant, Kellie Joyce, daughter of Carla Widlund and niece of Donna Damon and David Miller, finished the Ironman Competition at Lake Placid yesterday!! Kellie swam 2.4 miles, biked 112 miles, and ran 26.2 miles...all in one day and all with a sprained ankle! She did it all in 15:15:45 hrs!
Do you have fond memories of a family farm? Enjoy gardening, but your own garden is many miles away while you are visiting our beautiful island? Want to learn about gardening? Are looking for a family activity? Or simply like to help?! Secondwind Farm welcomes volunteers. The garden is big and thriving, so there are always tasks for any skill, age or activity level. From picking to weeding to watering to insect control - we have a job for you! So come on down any time, join in and have some fun, too. Your help will be GREATLY appreciated! Coming to the farm stand this Wednesday: organic peaches, maine blueberries, cucumbers, new potatoes, spaghetti sauce and more!
Speaking of Tri...there are some Chebeague women who will be competing in the Maine Cancer Foundations all women’s Tri For A Cure Triathlon this coming Sunday, July 29th. To make a donation in support of team Chebeague visit Nancy Earnest, Kelley Rich, or Jen Belesca’s Tri-website by logging on to http://www.mainetriforacure.org/. Enter their names and it will lead you to their websites where you can find more information or make an online donation. This great event raises money to fund cancer research, education and patient support services here in Maine. Way to go ladies.
Amy Blackstone from Philadelphia saw an Avocet on the bar between Chebeague and Little Chebeague last week and it was spotted on Saturday on the Scarboro Marsh.
July 22, 2012 - Click here for the results of this years Rec Center Triathlon and Quadathlon.We had some fantastic athletes this year as alway and want everyone to remember next years so they can start getting their team together now and really plan on it. It really is fun and even when there are only a few teams participating it was exciting to watch!
Yesterday was the Chebeague Recreation's First Card Cruise and Lobster Bake held around the island and at the Chebeague Boat Yard. I was on the Pied Piper and took a few photos as we went around the island and then some at the lobster bake - click here to see. We also had an Osprey hanging overhead beating his wings to the wonderful music by Mark Dyer!
July 21, 2012 - Tomorrow is the Triathlon for Kids and the Quadathlon for everyone else. We are excited to have Ralph Munroes fireman from Portland Back along with a team from Long Island. We have an island team who has done the quad before. We have a trophy for a family team but don't have one signed up yet. Come on out tomorrow to cheer on the Triathaletes at 11am and then the Quads at noon - we will have lunches for sale. If you are waiting and worried about the Bobby Dyer punt, I know where there is one not being use.
Click here to see the incredible photos Danielle Rich took of an Osprey guarding their eggs while the other osprey brought branches to the nest.
Interested in suns and moons and the gazillions of stars? The possibility of little green people? Charles Marks will be discussing astronomy and his new telescope at the Island Hall on June 30 at 7 pm. Learn about coming opportunities to stargaze with Charles. Admission is free as are refreshments. Mark your calendars.
February and March have arrived in July to Secondwind Farm. February is adorable and white, and March is just as cute and brown. They are two little lambs born this past March and have come to make the farm their new home. Stop on by and say hello when you get a chance!
July 20, 2012 - Photo of a dragonfly taken June 20th on Chebeague (maybe a whitetail) - as you can see there are other beautiful creatures besides birds. Click here for another view.
The Clam Shack will be closing at 7:00 tomorrow, Saturday so they can all see Tiffany as Annie in the Children's Theatre! She is amazing as Annie and you won't want to miss her and all the other terrific kids. Starts at 7:30 - tickets at the door. I saw it tonight and I'm going back again tomorrow.
Congratulations Tony Gorody! The Division of Environmental Sciences of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists awarded Anthony W. Gorody, Ph.D., (Tony) their 2012 Public Outreach Award in recognition for efforts and accomplishments in the promotion and presentation of environmental concerns and subjects to the general public.
Click here to read a set of poems Lari Smith wrote during and following the death of her husband Don.
I don't know if others have noticed the abundance of butterflies and all different kinds. Jim Thresher took this photo of a meadow fritillary butterfly and click here for Monarch.
Click here for another story about Secondwind Farm and its efforts to go online.
This afternoon from 5 to 7 is the Niblic Gallery Reception for Roberta Gomez Ricker with all proceeds going to the Commons.Tonight at 7:30 is the Children's Theater Play "Annie" at the Hall tickets at the door.
The Chebeague Recreation Center has had a lot of last minute sign-ups for the Great Chebeague Card Cruise and Lobster Bake and space is limited so make sure to reserve your spot for the big event which is tomorrow, July 21! Call (207) 846-5068, e-mail crc@chebeague.net or stop by the Chebeague Recreation Center before 5 pm today if you have any questions or if you would like to sign up!
July 19, 2012 - For those of you who are thinking about the Triathlon and the Quadathlon which is happening this coming Sunday at 11 and noon - I am attaching the maps for your information. If you are doing the Quadathlon and need a Bobby Dyer Boat - please contact me so that we can find you one. Click here for the Triathlon map showing the bike and running route. Click here for the Quadathlon map showing the bike and running route. The swimming and rowing will be off the dock at the Boat Yard.
The day you have been asking about is here - local corn will be at Secondwind Farm later today! Grown at Gillespie Farm in New Gloucester it is super fresh and super local. Also, coming from Gillespie Farm will be freshly picked high bush blueberries. The farm stand is bursting with Secondwind Farm garden produce - cucumbers, carrots, onions, tomatoes, and more! - and special selections from other farms so stop by and take a look!
July 18, 2012 - I have my ticket for my ride on the CRC's Pied Piper Cruise which follows with a lobster bake for this Saturday's card cruise. Get your tickets soon - for more information click here.
This is CRC's big weekend with fun for the whole family.
CRC's Children's Theater Performances at the Hall on Friday and Saturday night at 7:30 PM. Tickets for sale at the door.
CRC's first ever Card Cruise and Lobster Bake on Saturday, July 21st. If you don't have your own boat but would still like to participate, hop aboard the Pied Piper and relax with some live music and cruise around Chebeague. Lobster bake immediately following the cruise at 3:30 on the beach. Kids prices/meals available.
On Sunday, come to the boat yard and enjoy our annual Kids' Triathlon and Quadathon. Lunch will be served…spectators and teams wanted!
Call CRC for more information at 846-5068 or visit our website at www.chebeaguerec.com
Just in case you didn’t know, there are community family softball games at Volunteer Field (next to the school) on Sundays at 4 pm. Everyone welcome! Also, there is an excellent Zumba class happening at the Chebeague Recreation Center Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 10 to 11 am. Drop-ins are welcome and this program is open to all ages and ability levels so please come check it out! Call (207) 846-5068 or e-mail crc@chebeague.net if you have any questions.July 17, 2012 - Photo of the sunset by Wink Houghton on July 17th. Click here for another view.
News from Secondwind Farm: coming this Wednesday to the farm stand will be red cabbage, baby lettuce, summer squash, watermelon, cilantro, parsley, carrots and more. Thanks for being patient while we completed tree work earlier this week!
The Library has a gold and diamond earing that was turned in by a little girl last Friday. Contact the Library if it is yours.
Would you love to learn ways to use items you have at home for another purpose or do you have an idea you would like to share? A jar as a soap dispenser, a chicken feeder as a hanging light? No idea is too crazy! Come to Re-purposing Household Objects at Chebeague Recreation Center on Wednesday, July 25th at 7 PM to learn and share! Call (207)846-5068 or e-mail crc@chebeague.net for more information or to sign up!
Chebeague Recreation Center Summer Camp update: there are only a couple of spots left in Adventure Camp starting July 23rd at 9:30 and there are four spots left in Tennis Camp starting July 30th. Also, we found a Little Art Camp leader for our camp starting July 30th, 10 to noon. Call (207)846-5068 or e-mail crc@chebeague.net to sign up for camp today!
This morning I walked down at Indian Point with Darlene and Tineke and we saw and heard all kinds of birds including Veery, Towhee, Mergansers, Goldfinches, Common Yellow-throat, Loons, Sandpipers and Plovers along with bees and butterflies ending with a rabbit. Click here to see some of the photos from the walk.
Old Crow Medicine show is releasing a new album today! They will also be in Portland at the State Theater on August 8th and I am looking forward to the show and seeing them live!
Last call for the Rippleffect trip that CRC is trying to put together. So far we have 2 kids on the list. We need at least 10 to go. The deadline was July 13th but we are extending it to July 20th. Please spread the word and sign up your preteen (grades 5-8) ASAP. Visit www.rippleffect.net for more information about the programs they offer.
The word is spreading about what a great time CRC'c first ever Card Cruise and Lobster Bake will be. This event is about a fun day of boating with family and friends around Chebeague either in your own boat or aboard the Pied Piper. Then, family and friends will gather on the beach for a lobster bake and listen to live music provided by Mark Dyer. It's a day the whole family can enjoy. The fun begins on July, 21st at 11:30 and ends at 5:30. Don't feel like boating? Skip that part and join us for the lobster bake only at 3:30 pm. Kids prices and meals are available. Call CRC for more information, 846-5068.
LOST - bicycle tire somewhere between the Slow Bell Cafe, Roy Hill Road, North Road heading toward the transfer station and Spruce Point Road (John & Susan Wilson's Road). If found, please call Dan Barnett 603.286.0899. Thanks
July 16, 2012 - I finally was able to download a video to youtube that I put together from the Whaler's Concert. I only used a few seconds from each act and it is still 15 minutes long so it takes a while to download. I hope everyone doesn't do it at the same time. Oh well, DSL is really on its way in a few months.
There is a Job Opportunity at the Chebeague Island School for an Ed Tech II/III - click here for more information.
School Committee Meeting tomorrow night, July 17, 6pm at the school - click here for the agenda.
Through the school, I am offering a one night iMovie lesson. If you are interested in learning how to make a movie with iMovie please sign up soon for the session which will be Tuesday, July 31st from 6:30 to 8:30. We have a limited number of mac computers so it is necessary to sign up for the class. I would have you bring a flash drive with photos and/or short movies and you will create a movie to share with others. Please email me and let me know - bjohnson@chebeague.net if you plan on attending. No charge.
My "Chebeague Wonders" show comes down Wednesday afternoon and then will be “Roberta Ricker Art Show at The Niblic Gallery July 20th –August 8th, 100% of painting proceeds to benefit Island Commons. Reception with the artist July 20th 5-7” - see flyer.
July 15, 2012 - A week from today July 22 is the kid's Triathlon and the Quadathlon at 11 and noon at the Boat Yard! If you haven't signed up your team - please contact the Rec - 846-4850 or crc@chebeague.net and sign up! We need to make sure there are enough Bobby Dyer Punts for everyone.
Tickets are still available for the Chebeague Island Historical Society's fund raising event, "Porches, Patios, Decks and Views", Wednesday, July 18th, 5:30 - 8:30. For just $35, enjoy fine food, fun and the exceptional views of Casco Bay from the homes of Sandi & David Whiston, Joanie & Bob Dayton, Donna & Doug Clark and the Prentice Family's Chebeague Island Inn. Included are a drawing for a Linda Carleton watercolor and complimentary raffle tickets for a "mason jar raffle" featuring an original Linda White handmade felt purse, a David Trower walking stick, gift baskets by Miller Design, Coffee by Design and the Museum Gift Shop, as well as gift cards for Goff Hardware, Rosemont Bakery and Skillins Greenhouses. For tickets or more information, contact Mary Holt at 846-5040 or islelive@chebeague.net. Please click 'here' to read "How PPDV Works".
It was a packed Hall last night for the Whalers Concert "Where is Love?". Tiffany Calder took most of the good photos of the concert which you can see by clicking here. I hope to put a youtube together later of the fabulous songs. Last night there were 25 Whalers performing!
July 14, 2012 - Photo of the Arctic Schooner "Bowdoin" tied up at the Chebeague Boat Yard. Photo taken on David Hill's iPhone. Click here to see a lot more of his photos from the three hour sail. - too bad there wasn't more wind. Click here to see a photo from Beth Dyer of the Chebeaguers aboard.
Photo of a cooling off catbird taken through my window just after Stephen added cool water to the birdbath. It was really hot today 7/14/12 and just loved her cool bath.
New Hours for the Museum of Chebeague History: Tuesday through Saturday; 10:00 AM to 4:00 P; Sunday: 1:00 to 4::00 PM; Monday: CLOSED
This morning at the Slow Bell Cafe is featuring a savory breakfast strada (eggs, sausage and veggies layered with bread) - tonight Chicken Marbella. YUMMY!
Whalers Concert, "Where is Love?" is TONIGHT! 7:30 at the Hall. Tickets are $8 at the door.
Eldon Mayer's granddaughters and daughter-in-law have just launched a new line of dolls called PenPalGirls - click here to see a letter from Tina Mayer on their business website.
July 13, 2012 - My Niblic Gallery show "Chebeague Wonders" will be up until next Wednesday so come see my show this weekend!
The Niblic Gallery will be having a Gallery Reception for Roberta Ricker show runs from Friday 20th to August 8th - Opening reception is next Friday, July 20th from 5 to 7 - 100% of the proceeds from her show will benefit the Island Commons! Click here to see the Flyer!
The Maine Maritime Academy 88 foot Arctic Schooner "Bowdoin" will be arriving at the Chebeague Boat Yard, Saturday, before noon and and will be moored off the Boat Yard Saturday. Come down and see it. This was the boat that Admiral McMillan used to explore the Arctic.
Coming soon - LADIES AID FAIR -Thursday, August 2nd, at the Island Hall - NOON - 3:30 !
The New telephone book is out from the Library and it is GREAT! You can find all the numbers you need very easily - I love it. Thank you to the Library for making changes that make it easier to use. You can get it at the Library and the Niblic -
July 12, 2012 -Photo of Aarons Wharf taken on July 12th by Betsy Von Popering
Photo of four Dowitchers on the bar down at the hook July 12th. They might be traveling to Brazil. Click here for a closeup of one. The migrant birds will be starting to show up soon at the hook and they will be needing to gets lots of food for the long flights. Please don't let your dogs run through these resting eating birds.
Karen & Doug Bowen would like to invite Betty Gramazio’s friends to a celebration of her life at the CIBY Boathouse room, 5-7 p.m., August 3. Please stop by, share a story about Betty’s time on Chebeague Island, and let us thank you for your kindness.
CRC found host families for our British Soccer Camp Coaches!! The camp starts Monday, July 16th at 9 AM. Stop by the office to sign up today!
Click here to see photos by David Hinchman from the Chebeague Tennis Club's Round Robin and 40th Anniversary Celebration.
July 11, 2012 - Click here for an interesting view of a Catbird with a worm taken on the Hook Road. Click here for a Catbird singing taken the other by the swamp on the East End near David Hills. There were so many different birds in that area that I am putting together a listing with photos soon.
The Whalers Concert is coming up this Saturday Night, 7:30 at the Hall.
This weekend the Schooner "Bowdoin" will be at Chebeague
CTC thanks our Blanchard lot customers for their patience while we remove some fencing and relocate it to another area. If you have a problem finding a parking space, see the attendant. If one is not on duty, park along the west side of the right of way, on the Blanchard property. Please do not park on the right-of-way.
In addition to our regular menu items the Slow Bell Cafe Gourmet-to-Go is featuring Brazilian Black Bean Soup and Chicken Marbella Wraps. Dinner special tonight will be Spanikopita with a side salad.
Interested in stars and planets and what's going on light years up in the sky? Extraterrestrial beings? Charles Marks has a powerful new telescope and will be discussing his astronomical plans on Monday July 30th, 7 pm at the Island Hall. No admission charge; refreshments free. Mark it on your calendar.
July 10, 2012 - Anna Maine has an article published in the Working Waterfront about the lobstermen tying up in order to hopefully get prices of lobster up to break even - click here to see.
Message from Eric Dyer: Please help spread the word that the Town Office will be adding Friday Hours for the rest of July and the first week of August. The schedule will be as follows:
Monday 9-5
Thursday 12-8
Friday 9-4
We appreciate the patience of the community as we continue to offer as many hours as possible while bringing new staff on board! A more robust schedule will be announced for the remainder of August when our new Clerk is fully transitioned!
If you love to be on the water with your family and/or love to eat lobster, you won't want to miss CRC's CARD CRUISE and LOBSTER BAKE fundraiser on July 21st. Start at the Boat Yard, circle around Chebeague and back to the boat yard at your own pace. Along the way, make three stops to get a new card for your hand. If you don't have your own boat or would rather just relax, let the Pied Piper cruise you around the island. You can sit back and listen to live music while the boat cruises once around Chebeague. The winner of the card game will be announced and prizes handed out at the boat yard at 2:30 PM. If you'd rather not go boating, just join us for some live music and a Lobster Bake on the Beach near the boat yard at 3:00. Call, email or stop by CRC to register for the cruise and/or purchase tickets for the lobster bake by July 18th.
The Chebeague Recreation Center is happy to announce the addition of two art camps to their Camp Chebeague roster! There will be a camp for 5 to 7-year-olds July 30th through August 3rd from 10-noon and a camp for 8 to 12-year-olds from August 13th through August 17th from 9-noon. Learn more about these camps at www.chebeaguerec.com or e-mail crc@chebeague.net or call 846-5068 to sign up!
CRC is trying to plan a pre-teen trip to Cow Island to participate in the Rippleffect program on August 11th and returning on August 12th. Please spread the word and call/email CRC by July 13th if your pre-teen would like to participate. The cost is $135 per person. You can learn more about the Rippleffect program at: www.rippleffect.net
Click here for an article about Second Wind Farm by Clare Ellis published on Good Food Media Group.
July 9, 2012 - Yesterday I captured a photo of a barn swallow bringing a mouthful of mud, probably to a nest he was building. Click here to see him on the wires and getting the mud from the middle of a wet roadway on the East End.
Sue Hansen from Hansen Well Drillers is coming out on Wednesday to check out all the sites which will be drilled within the next couple of weeks. If you would like to meet with her please call her at 839-3293 or contact me at 939-9643 and let me know.
Soccer Camp at CRC starts on Monday, July 16th and we are still looking for host families for the coaches. If you are willing to host a coach please call CRC at 846-5068.
Alcohol Anonomous meet on Saturday mornings at 8 a.m. in the Chebeague Island Methodist Parsonage through Labor Day weekend. For more information call 207-657-6258 or email aa@chebeague.net.
Slow Bell has: cream cheese coffee cake, cupcakes, cranberry orange scones
Wraps: tuna salad, BLT, roasted veggie & house-made hummus
Dinner special: Chicken Marbella with Israeli CousCous - Gourmet to Go: Spanikopita, Cranberry Glazed Meatloaf
July 7, 2012 - Summer Craft Fair and Raffle will be this Sunday, July 8, from 10 to 1 at the Hall. A chance to do your Christmas shopping early and support your island crafters!
I took a photo of a Broad-winged Hawk on the power lines on John Small Road. Click here for another view.
July 6, 2012 - Click here for photos and results of the 4th of July Parade and Picnic. Thank you to our photographers, Cathy MacNeill, Carole Metz and Mike Grunko!!!! You may even get the words for Santa Claws is Coming to Town. Congratulations to Laura Summa who was presented a Community Service Award by the Chebeague Island Council for her year round work on Chedemption which has allowed it to continue to operate.
Tennis Club Members--Reminder to RSVP anniversary party on Wed., 7/11 at 5:30 pm at the Niblic via Evite or by calling 846-1585. Also, if you wish to play in the Round Robin at 2:30 this same day, sign up at the courts.
Message from the Harbor Master that the clam and mussells are open with no restrictions.
Jessie Russo is selling clams, to order call her number at 329-2960.
Enjoy an evening of fine food, fun and four exceptional views on Wednesday, July 18th, 5:30 - 8:30, while supporting the Chebeague Island Historical Society and Museum of Chebeague History. A $35 ticket for Porches, Patios, Decks and Views includes hors d'oeuvres, a gourmet finger food supper, artisanal cheeses provided by Portland's Whole Foods Market, desserts by Chef Justin at the Chebeague Inn and complimentary drawings for Island made art and sponsor gifts. Contact Mary Holt at 846-5040 or islelive@chebeague.net for more information and to purchase your tickets.
Please note that the Chebeague Island Library Servers are being updated and there may be some brief interuptions to this and other island based websites.
Click here to see an article in the Portland Press Herald about the celebration on Chebeague. I will have photos later of the fourth .
July 5, 2012 - Photo taken by Laurie Tracy on the CTC Pied Piper heading out for the fireworks cruise on July 5th.
Want a discount on your Chebeague Recreation Center Great Chebeague Card Cruise tickets? Sign up by TOMORROW, July 6th! The event is only a couple of weeks away, July 21st. The cruise includes a poker run and lobster bake, offering an opportunity to spend a fun day on the water with friends and family, win fun prizes, eat lobster and benefit one of the island’s most vital community resources, the Chebeague Recreation Center. Don’t have a boat? Hop on the CTC’s Pied Piper for a care-free cruise. Can’t make it to the cruise but want to come to the lobster bake? No problem! Call (207)846-5068 or e-mail crc@chebeague.net to sign up or for more information click here.
Chebeague Recreation Center’s next cooking class is coming up: Sunday, July 8 at 5:30pm. Deb Bowman will show participants how to prepare a tasty meal containing Jasmine rice, cracker fish and braised asparagus. It’s an easy dish and it’s especially enjoyable because it involves butter and everything is more delicious with butter. Space is limited so please let Caitlin or Kelley know soon if you would like to sign up!
The Chebeague Recreation Center Theater Reunion Show has been cancelled due to lack of actors.
Summer Craft Fair and Raffle will be this Sunday, July 8, from 10 to 1 at the Hall. A chance to do your Christmas shopping early and support your island crafters!
The CTC Annual Stockholder Meeting will be held July 28th at 9AM at the Island Hall. For more information, click here.
July 3, 2012 - Photo of the moon over Eagle Island taken by Jim Thresher on July 3rd.
A note from Linda and Chuck: "I want to put out a big thank you to Marguerite Bowman, Beth Putnam, Kim Munroe and everyone else who did a special rescue call on CTC for our dog Jerry Lee. We would also like to thank them for treating our Jerry Lee like he was our son and not just a dog. That is why we love living in a community like this. Thank you so much"- Jerry Lee
I actually took a photo of my first seen House Wren - click here to see. There must be a nest in my yard because there were quite a few of them around. I am sure they have always been around but my brother-in-law Scott pointed them out to me. Click here for another view.
Mandala at the Chebeague Recreation Center starts this Saturday, July 7 from 9-10:30am. Mandala is a Sanskrit word for “circle,” a symbol of wholeness in many cultures. This class will introduce the practice of Mandala journaling. We’ll try different forms of Mandala work and explore what they have to teach us about the human life cycle and our own lives as well. Call (207) 846-5068 or e-mail CRC@chebeague.net for more information or to sign up!
Don’t forget to sign up for Cooking Class with Deb Bowman! It’s this Sunday, July 8th at the Chebeague Recreation Center at 5:30 pm. Call (207)846-5068 or e-mail crc@chebeague.net to sign up today!
Due to lack of pickers at Gillespie Farm, Secondwind Farm regrets that there will not be strawberries today, Tuesday, at the farm stand as previously advertised. We will try again this coming Friday! Thanks for your understanding.
Fourth of July is tomorrow so continue working on your float "Christmas in July" and muster for the parade is at the Chebeague Inn at 11am.. ROAD RACES: Registration for the fun run starts at 8am and is free at the Historical Society Building. The 4.2 mile run is $5 and registration starts at 8:30. (Gail is hoping to train someone to take her place next as race director). Fun run race starts at 9 and the Road Race is 10.
July 2, 2012 - Photo taken by Bob Earnest of a rainbow.
On July 4th at the Museum and at the picnic, Historical Society members will be selling tickets for the July 18th "Porches, Patios, Decks and Views" event, as well as raffle tickets for the framed, numbered and signed Peter Ralston print "The Crack" and Red Sox tickets. Be prepared, bring along your checkbook or cash.
Secondwind Farm is committed to saving all tools of the past. This is in preparation for an Agricultural Museum which will be located at the farm where the tools will be preserved and available for future generations to enjoy. Please consider the farm as a new home for any older tool, large or small, in ANY state of repair. (It might not be bulky waste!) You may drop tools off at your convenience or call 846-0503 for pick-up. Any stories or history that you may know related to the tools are also sought, in order that they be preserved as well. Thank you for your consideration.
Secondwind Farm veggies are at the farm stand: peas, leaf lettuce, arugula, radishes, garlic scapes, nasturtiums. Also, to look for at the farm stand this week from other farms: baby watermelons and tomatoes on Monday; Maine strawberries on Tuesday; summer squash, cucumbers, Swiss chard, and new potatoes on Thursday. Thank you for your patronage!
July 1, 2012 - Photo taken of Kim Martin in her new Garage Gallery at her home on July 1.
There will be a Memorial Service for Eleanor Hill, Tuesday, July 3, 11am at the Chebeague Methodist Church with a gathering at the Parish House following.
Click here for a photo taken by Dianne McPherson of a bird nest discovered by Erin Whetham in Dianne's Mom's garden (Joan Hulburt) nested in the base of an echinacea plant.
Last week Margo Myles took a gorgeous photo of a Luna Moth off Roy Hill Road - click here to see.
The 2012 Grange Thrift Shop is now officially open! Visit us every Tuesday, 9:30 -12:00 and 7-8 pm. We are overflowing with clothing of all sizes, kitchen items, bedding, toys, books. hardware.....and more. Saleable donations may be left inside the back door through July; please remember that we are unable to accept TV's, furniture, or other large items.
June 29, 2012 -Kim Martin is having an informal opening of her "Garage Gallery" this weekend, from noon to 5 on Sunday, JULY 1. Kim's address is 146 South Road and her driveway is across from the Historical Society Museum. You could also check out her new website http://kmgallery.wikispaces.com/
The Slow Bell Café is now open daily! Starting at 9:30 come get coffee, fresh baked breakfast, scones, muffins and coffee cake. A Gourmet to Go menu is available daily currently featuring Chicken Marbella, Spanakopita, Meatloaf with Balsamic Cranberry Glaze and side dishes prepared with currents and sautéed Lone Goat Farm garlic scapes. Sandwiches currently available are: Humus Veggie Wrap (roasted peppers, grilled eggplant, caramelized onions, lettuce and house-made humus served on a whole wheat wrap) and Tuna Salad made with chopped carrots, celery and parsley served on sour dough bread. The bar and dining room open at 4pm and check our sign for happy hour specials. You don’t want to miss our delicious pub food including hand cut fries, fish tacos and amazing chicken wings. To top it all off, we offer a variety of wonderful fresh baked desserts including: Strawberry Rhubarb Pie, Lime Cheesecake w/Chocolate Cookie Crust and Cupcakes. If you haven’t dropped by yet come check us out and say hi! Call (207) 846-3078 if you have any questions.
Barrie Shepherd has a new book out called "Between Mirage and Miracle - Selected Poems for Seasons, Festivals and the Occasional Revelation." It consists - as you will see on the attached flyer - of selections from his poems, published and unpublished, over the past 40 years. and it is a great thrill for him finally to have so many of them gathered together in a handsome presentation. The poems share both religious and secular themes and perhaps the best way to get an idea of them is to read the various endorsements on the attachment.
The book is published by Wipf and Stock of Eugene, Oregon as was his January book, "Faces By the Wayside." It retails for $15 and can be purchased on Amazon.com in both paperback and kindle format. Just go onto amazon.com and search my name and they will list his books. It is also available direct from the publishers as you will see on the attached flyer.
Tonight 5-7 - Gallery Opening "Chebeague Wonders" photos and art by Beverly Johnson at the Niblic Gallery.
CTC is excited to announce that we have sold enough tickets to confirm the July 7th Kennebec River (Bath Heritage Days) cruise. We have room for you. If you have never cruised the Kennebec, this is your chance. For more information, click here.
June 28, 2012 -Last Call for Crafters The Summer Craft Fair is Sunday, July 8- just ten days away. If you haven't reserved your table contact Linda Carleton right away. lindacrltn@chebeague.net or 846-6129.
Click here to read an open letter from Erik Dyer, our Town Administrator which is on the Town's Website about our three new town employees.
Chebeague Recreation Center’s next cooking class is coming up: Sunday, July 8 at 5:30pm. Deb Bowman will show participants how to prepare a tasty meal containing Jasmine rice, cracker fish and braised asparagus. It’s an easy dish and it’s especially enjoyable because it involves butter and everything is more delicious with butter. Call (207)846-5068 or e-mail crc@chebeague.net to sign up right away (space is limited).
Please join me this Friday from 5-7 at the Niblic Gallery at the Boat Yard for an opening reception for my (Beverly Johnson) paintings and photography exhibit "Chebeague Wonders" which will be up from June 29th through July 17th - Click here.
MAINE ISLAND DANCE FESTIVAL - A free dance performance this Saturday, June 30th, 6pm at the Hall. This is an informal performance featuring site specific choreography and repertoir with a reception to follow. Call Holly Rothschild for more details at 846-4147.
The garden at Secondwind Farm has begun providing its first vegetables of the season - arugula, loose leaf lettuce, garlic scapes, radishes, and peas are starting to show up at the farm stand - with more and more becoming available each day and week. Also, available starting this Wednesday will be vegetables (mostly organic!) and prepared products from other Maine farms. This week look for kale, broccoli raab, cherry tomatoes, red and green lettuce, biscuit mixes, and preserves. Different selections will be available each week. Of course, strawberries are coming again on Friday morning, so look for the hanging strawberry signs to know when they are available. Also this weekend, will be a surprise seasonal fruit. Please let us know what vegetables and fruits you are looking for, and we will try to have them available at the farm stand. We look forward to seeing you!
June 26, 2012 - Kids' Place is selling the 4th of July Lobster Rolls this year. Last year over 300 were sold so you really should purchase ahead of time. The tickets are $14 and can be purchased any time by calling Paige at 329-5231 or Suzanne Rugh at 846-RUGH. They will also be selling tickets outside the store for the next week.
Slow Bell has beef and bean chili to go for $4.00, and the fresh sandwiches daily. Chicken Marbella and Cranberry Glazed meatloaf in our dinner to go case
Chase Bank USA is currently awarding twelve businesses grants of up to $250,000 each and chebeague.net, LLC has applied for a chance at this funding. To qualify for consideration, we need to have at least 250 indicate support for our business. We are asking for funding to assist in our upgrade to DSL service and to provide free Internet to all Chebeague Island residents for one year! Everybody, please go to https://www.missionsmallbusiness.com/, follow the directions to log in with Facebook to support your community and vote for chebeague.net!
The Teen Center Health and Wellness event schedule for Sunday, July 1st has been postponed. Stay tuned for more information about an online auction to support the program starting soon. Thank you!
The Chebeague Historical Society Museum is open and in addition to a great exhibit check out the gift shop. The Museum has free admission and profits from the gift shop helps to keep it free. New merchandise includes stemless wine glasses, pitchers, wind chimes, books, mugs, Chebeague lanyards and bumper stickers and coming soon bags, aprons, hats, more shirts, letter openers and don't miss ever changing sale items! Click here to see a wind chime and hanger!
“Hank Israel is coordinating a chimney inspector and sweep to come to the Island, please contact him at hank.israel@gmail.com if you are interested in having your chimney inspected and/or swept.”
June 25, 2012 - It was a beautiful sun shining day for the Island Commons Wine Tasting held at the Chebeague Island Inn. Fortunately Cathy MacNeill was there to capture all the fun with lots of photos - click here.
The first 2012 meeting of the Men's Discussion Group will be held at Eldon Mayer's stone house on Tuesday, June 26th at 7:30 pm. The topic will be Major Changes That Lie Ahead.Regular meetings will be held all summer and into the fall on the first and fourth Tuesdays of the month at 7:30 pm. Venues to be determined.
Announcing: ART CAMP! From July 30 to August 3 this summer for 5-7 year-olds from 10-12am. We will be making crafts such as personalized tote bags and name tags and self-portraits, working with found beach objects, taking a nature walk and collecting leaves for print making, weaving and felting, and creating wearable art such as tie-dye t-shirts and super hero costumes. We will start every day with a quick warm up exercise and end with a display of all the creations from that day. We hope to see you there! This camp fills up fast. You can find the registration form on our website at www.chebeaguerec.com
This program will be run by Persephone Bennett. She is an art-loving 16 year old student at Berwick Academy. She has been a summer resident of Chebeaugue for over a decade. Her interests in art range from fiber art and clothing design to painting and drawing. She is extremely excited to get creative and a little messy at Art Camp this summer!
Persephone will be running another Art Camp for ages 8-12 the week of August 13th from 9:30-12:30. Details coming soon!
The Slow Bell is now open every day starting at 9:30am! Today, Monday's Slow Bell sandwichs will be: Hummus in a whole wheat wrap with roasted peppers, grilled eggplant and caramelized onion -- Albacore tuna salad on sourdough boule with chopped carrot, celery and parsley. YUMMY
Slow Bell has "dinners to go" from their case today: Chicken Marbella as well as Cranberry Glazed Meatloaf - Chebeague slaw, couscous, garden salad - Call 846-3078 for details.
June 24, 2012 - Yesterday in front of the Island Market the Maple Morris Dancers’ lively presentation of Traditional English Folk Dance - click here to see a few photos taken by Ehrhardt Groothoff.
Yesterday Town Road Planning Committee will be meeting tomorrow (Monday June 25 at 1:00 at the Firehouse conference room. See agenda.
Message from Christie Floyd Muesse on Long Island : Art & Soul is July 21st from 10am - 3pm. We are looking for artists and crafters interested in showing/selling their items. The cost of a table is $40 flat, or $25 with a donation to our raffle table. All money raised thru the table fees, raffles, book sale and food tables goes to the Long Island Library. Anyone interested in participating please email me at cfmuesse@roadrunner.com or on Facebook - Christie Floyd Muesse. We are close to capacity, so please get back to me as soon as possible! Many thanks,
Kevin Wentworth took this picture of the Schooner Bowdoin as the Islander motored past her. She was built in East Boothbay and launched in1921 and has made 26 voyages to the Arctic between 1921 and 1954. Kevin has a picture of his Grandfather, aboard her when she left for an Arctic adventure departing from Wiscasset. It was a gala event!! Here is a link from the Maine Maritime Academy that tells more about her. http://www.mainemaritime.edu/facts-a-figures/schooner-bowdoin
CTC wants to thank everyone who made the Wink Houghton Benefit Cruise a success. For pictures, click here.
June 22, 2012 - Photo taken on Friday, June 22nd by Stephen Todd using his blackberry.
CTC has sold several tickets for our Kennebec River Cruise on 7/7, but we need to sell 15 more tickets by July 3rd in order to hold the event! If you have never sailed the Kennebec, you won't want to miss this trip. We will leave the Stone Pier at 10:30AM on July 7th and return at 5:30PM. You will have a two hour lay over in Bath to have lunch, explore the town, or visit the Bath Heritage Days Festival. If passengers don't want to take the boat trip back, CTC will provide a bus to bring you back to the 4PM ferry. No additional charge for the bus or ferry trip. Advance tickets are: Adult ($30), Ages 6-12 ($20), Under age 6 ($10). Tickets sold the day of the event will be $5 more.
Buy your ticket on the ferry or at the CTC office. Tell your friends! Refreshments and snacks available on board on both legs of the trip.
And we still have tickets for our July 4th Fireworks Cruise. We leave the Stone Pier at 8:00PM and return at 11:00PM. Sail with us to Portland to get a great view! Refreshments and snacks available on board. Check out our website for a list of all our summer cruises.
Chebeague Island Historical Society's 2012 Exhibit, "Chebeague Through Artists' Eyes", is ready for your viewing! Enjoy the quiet and cool of the Museum as you take in this inspiring collection of priceless original paintings by artists of Chebeague's past. Wednesday through Sunday, 10:00 - 4:00. Closed 12:15-12:45 for lunch.
Chebeague Island Historical Society's first of two summer fund raising events, "Porches, Patios, Decks and Views", is Wednesday, July 18th, 5:30 - 8:30pm. Enjoy artisanal hors d'oeuvres and a gourmet finger food supper topped with delectable desserts by Chef Justin of the Chebeague Island Inn. Delicious food, fun, four lovely views and complimentary raffle drawings featuring artworks and handmade treasures by Island artists, as well as themed gift baskets provided by sponsors are included for $35. Only one hundred tickets will be sold. Tickets may be reserved at the Museum, 846-5237. Contact Mary Holt for more information or to purchase your tickets: 846-5040 or islelive@chebeague.net. See Flyer - click here.
June 21, 2012 - Photo of a male and female cardinal. Not sure who is feeding who or maybe they are just kissing. I think the female is a young one. Click here to see another photo. Another photo and another.
Do you have great memories of growing up during the summer on Chebeague? Do you have memories of performing on the stage at the Hall summers from the mid 60s to the present? Did you make life long friends during those productions? If you answered yes to any of these questions then this opportunity is for you!!! You are invited, urged, and begged to participate in the Children's Summer Theater Reunion Show 1965-2012! Commitment? One evening rehearsal (July 5) and performance (July 6). We hope to have many original cast members return for an evening of song, fun and loads of laughs. You will not need to sing alone (unless you would like to and we would love that!) Most numbers will be large groups if you all sign up! Can you imagine the cast of Big Rock Candy Mountain back on the stage or all of the various casts of Peter Pan and the WIzard of Oz coming together to search for Neverland or the Yellow Brick Road? Please email Rachel Damon at (rachel@chebeaguechildrenstheatre.com) or call Rachel (207 318 8115) ASAP. She needs to know who is in so that she can plan accordingly. We already have some committed folks but we need to fill up the stage! We know that some families out there are in their third generation! What a great way to celebrate Chebeague summers with family and friends!
Secondwind Farm will be selling Maine strawberries again this weekend. They will be picked up from Gillespie Farms in New Gloucester on Friday morning and available at the farm stand beginning at 10:30. The price is $6.25 per quart (only $0.25 more than at Hannafords!) Come early and they are only a few hours from being freshly picked! Also, available this weekend will be freshly made strawberry jam. Also, the geraniums are lush and beautiful and are available in 4" pots and hanging baskets. Hope to see you and thanks!
The date for the second Chebeague Recreation Center Cooking with Friends class is set for Sunday, July 8th at 5:30 pm. We’re excited to announce that Deb Bowman is our next featured chef! Call (207)846-5068 or e-mail crc@chebeague.net to sign up, spots go quick!
Tired of your same old exercise routine? Zumba at the Chebeague Recreation Center starts on July 2nd, 10-11 am and will run Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays through the summer! This class is a great way for adults of all shapes and sizes to burn calories. Call or e-mail to sign up today!
The 4th of July is almost here! Don’t miss the picnic following the parade behind the Chebeague Recreation Center. There will be a number of excellent booths to visit this year. To name a few, the Library will be back selling burgers, hot dogs and chicken, the Kids’ Place is preparing delicious lobster rolls and a bake sale and the Hall will have ice cream for sale.
From July 30 to August 3 this summer, the Chebeague Recreation Center will be hosting an ART CAMP for 5-7 year olds from 10-12 AM. There will also be a camp for 8 to 12-year-olds, August 13-17 from 9-noon. We will be making crafts such as personalized tote bags and name tags and self-portraits, working with found beach objects, taking a nature walk and collecting leaves for print making, weaving and felting, and creating wearable art such as tie-dye t-shirts and super hero costumes. We will start every day with a quick warm up exercise, and end with a display of all the creations from that day. We hope to see you there!
Come join us for the first Great Chebeague Island Card Cruise and lobster bake on July 21st! The cruise includes a poker run and lobster bake, offering an opportunity to spend a fun day on the water with friends and family, win fun prizes, eat lobster and benefit one of the island’s most vital community resources, the Chebeague Recreation Center. Don’t have a boat? Hop on to the Pied Piper! Can’t make it to the Card Cruise but you don’t want to miss the lobster bake? No problem, tickets available! There are excellent sponsorship opportunities available as well. Contact us to register or for more information.
The Chebeague Recreation Center’s annual Quadathlon and Triathlon are just around the corner: July 22nd! Has your team started training yet? Call us to register today.
June 20, 2012 - Chebeague Island Library artist reception for Sam Birkett Thursday night, June 21, from 7 to 8pm. Come and see her wonderful photographs.
Slow Bell Cafe is opening tomorrow at 4pm - more information coming soon.
Reclamation work will begin on North Road tomorrow, June 21st. Large equipment will be grinding the paved surface into the underlying gravel from the Historical Society to the Town Office. Please don't park along the roadside in this area. Driving access may be constricted or blocked on the 21st and 22nd, so please plan accordingly. Paving will begin the following week and will cover North Road from the intersection with Schoolhouse Rd. to the intersection with South Rd. Traffic access will be impacted until the project is completed, so again, please plan accordingly. Thank you!
FYI Summer Theatre auditions will take place at the REC CENTER rather than the hall this year. Auditions for the CCT Company (younger kids) production of Guys and Dolls Junior will be from 2-4pm on Monday June 25 and Tuesday June 26th and auditions for the CCT Troupe (Older Kids) Production of Singin' in the Rain will be on Monday June 25 from 10:30am-1:00pm. Contact Rachel Damon before Monday if you will be unable to attend auditions so she can save a space for you. rachel@chebeaguechildrenstheatre.com.
There is going to be a Memorial Service for Ann Knight on July 21st at 3pm with a gathering at the golf club after.
Just a reminder that there is a Farewell Church Potluck Supper for Pastor Linda on Saturday at 6:00. Hotdogs, hamburgers and beverages will be served. Please bring side dishes, salads or desserts if you can. The supper will be followed by and Evening Beach Service at Bennett's Cove Beach at 8:00. Hope to see you there.
June 19, 2012 - Above under Island News list of orgnizations I have added "Tennis Club" where you may learn about the Tennis Club and get the latest schedule of events. It is located directly above ISLAND BUSINESSES.
“Don’t forget that the 10th Annual Wine Tasting and Silent Auction is this Sunday, June 24th at The Chebeague Island Inn from 2 to 4:30. If you are planning on attending please be sure to RSVP by sending a check for your tickets to the Commons, or call or email Sarah at smckinnon@chebeague.net. Be sure to check out the website to see some of the amazing auction items offered. We also have 4 amazing vacations this year, including a trip to Vieques, Tortola, and new this year is a 10 day trip to Jordan and Petra and a week long golfer’s paradise trip to The Villages, FL! A huge thank you to all of our donors, sponsors and supporters and we look forward to seeing you this Sunday!”
Click here to see some of the items being auctioned off! If you can't make the Wine Tasting and Silent Auction and see something you want, you could try bidding on it early and you may be able to get back in time so I have prebid on a couple of items myself.
I goofed yesterday when I posted the School Committee - it should read meeting at 6pm.
Please note the date change for session one. Previously June 18, 29, 22, 25, 27 and 29. New dates are: June 20, 22, 25, 27, 29, and July 2.
Tomorrow evening, Tuesday June 19th, is the School Commitee Meeting at 6:00pm - see agenda.
June 17, 2012 - Thanks to all who supported the Wink Houghton, Jr. benefit cruise last evening. It was a gorgeous evening spent with wonderful people. The family of Wink, Jr. would like to thank all. We are so lucky to be living on this Island. Click here to see some of Wink Sr.'s photos from the trip.
Congratulations to Team Danforth (see photo) - another photo )7 to 4 Yarmouth Minor League Champions. Aaron Belesca pitched the first 3 innings allowing only one run and caught the game winning out. Braeden Rich hit an amazing triple and pitched 2 two innings also catching an inning ending out in the 5th. Jen Belesca and Kelley Rich were awarded a game ball for best mom's getting the boys to and from the games.
June 15, 2012 -Message from Florence: "ISLAND RICHES Has lots of beautiful plants and is still taking orders if you need something special. The flowers are realy the best I have seen this season. The shop is a work in progress but we are open 10am-4pm everyday. I have more of the beach glass windows this year and lots of new items coming in all the time.Hope to see you soon."
Happy 100th Birthday to Lillian Gomez!
Message from the Clam Shack: "Calder's Clam Shack is now Open 6 days a week. Tuesday - Sunday 11:30am-8:00pm. Daily specials and all your Favorite Shack Attack pleasers are available." See ya SOON!!
June 14, 2012 - Final Reminder: CTC will be having a benefit cruise for WINK HOUGHTON this Saturday at 5PM. Tickets still available, for more information, check out our website at http://www.chebeaguetrans.com/News-and-Info.html
On Saturday, June 2, the Island Institute awarded $155,250 in Island Education Fund college scholarships to 76 students from Maine’s year-round unbridged island communities, including seven from Chebeague - congratulations to Arianna Stefanilo, Julia Maine, Caroline Summa, Amanda Campbell, Joshua Doughty, Anna Maine and Jarrod Smith.
Click here to see the results of all the voting on Chebeague that took place June 12, 2012. Click here to see a photo of the swearing in of the elected Selectmen, Donna Damon, Mark Dyer and David Hill.
The Historical Society Annual Meeting is 8 PM this Saturday, June 16 at the Hall. The purpose of the meeting is to elect officers and trustees, approve by-law changes and annual dues and hear reports.
The 2010 through 2011 Annual Newsletter is available at the Museum and at the Library $10.
Secondwind Farm will be selling local, Maine strawberries this weekend and every weekend during strawberry season. Grown at Gillespie Farm in New Gloucester, they are available for $6.25 per heaping quart. The strawberries will be at the farm stand by 1:00 pm Friday and sold throughout the weekend while the supply lasts. Also, available this weekend is farm-made compost by the bag, apple wood chips for smoking, and geraniums in 4" pots and hanging baskets. Looking forward to seeing you, and thank you for your patronage!
There will be a graveside service for Robert Ferelli at the Chebeague Island Cemetery on Saturday, June 16th at 1:00 PM. Reception to follow at the Parish House.
June 12, 2012 - Due to some complications with opening the Collins Pool this year we need to change the opening date to Wednesday, June 20. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Last week when I reported finding a banded Black-bellied Plover - I was wrong! It turned out to be a Red Knot with a flock of Red Knots with a few blackpbellied plovers nearby. The orange tag was put on the bird in Argentina! A new bird for me. I have to add to my website the story of b95 who is a Red Knot that was banded in 1995 in Argentina and was last seen May 29th in Delaware - click here. I only wish I had gone right back to the hook with binoculars to see if I could have read the number on that bird.
I have to share the movie Ben Prescott sent me of a rescued hummingbird - click here.
The polls are open today from 8 a.m.-8 p.m. Today we will be electing two new selectmen and two school board members. It is also our state primary election.
CTC has painted an area on the Cousins Island float for freight.
Wink Houghton fundraising cruise will be this Saturday (6/16), leaving at 5PM from the Stone Pier. Join us for this worthy cause! Mark Dyer is donating the entertainment and the crew is donating its time. All proceeds will go to help Wink with medical expenses. Get your ticket on the ferry or at the office. And bring extra cash - we will have some raffle items as well! For more information visit http://www.chebeaguetrans.com/News-and-Info.html.
Fourth of July is coming up fast, so start working on your float "Christmas in July" and muster for the parade is at the Chebeague Inn at 11am.. Now is the time to start doing your daily run to prepare for the road races. Registration for the fun run starts at 8am and is free at the Historical Society Building. 4.2 mile is $5. registration starts at 8:30. (Gail is hoping to train someone to take her place next as race director ).
June 11, 2012 - The Chebeague United Methodist Church is hosting a farewell Pot-Luck Supper for Pastor Linda Brewster who is moving on to her next church assignment and will be deeply missed by us all. Everyone is invited on Saturday, June 23rd at 6:00 pm at the Parish House and hamburgers, hotdogs and beverages will be provided. Please bring a side dish, salad, or dessert to share if you can. The Supper will be followed by an Evening Service at Bennett's Cove beach at 8:00 pm. Sunday Service will be held as usual at 10:00 am, and will be Pastor Linda's final service of her island tenure. If you would like to participate in a group parting gift for Pastor Linda, a collection will be taken during the Supper to assist the Guatamalan Mission in the opening of a medical clinic in Cunen and the purchase of potable water systems. We hope you can join us!
I should have mentioned on the notice of the Town Meeting that it just adjourned until voting opens up on Tuesday, June 12th at the Hall to elect our Selectmen and School Committee. Please get out and vote!
Volunteer Oportunity: Painting volunteers needed for new year-round housing site (likely the week of 6/18). Please Call David Whiston - 846-0035.
Congratulations to our graduates from Greely High School, Julia Maine and Sasha McLean. Julia is heading to Bowdoin in the fall with her studies probably focused on Science. She will be working this summer at the Boat Yard. Sasha is majoring in Biology at UNH with the goal of becoming a dermatologist. She is starting in mid-August with a two-week Marine Biology course taught at the Marine Biology Lab on the Isle of Shoals. So she will leave one island to study on another.
Also congratulations to Ben Fineo (Sasha's brother), who just got his Ph.D. in Microrobotics at Harvard. He is now working at Tufts trying to develop Lego toys that will help kids with autism communicate with their peers. Apparently, some study showed that kids with autism who normally did not interact with their peers began to do so when they were given Legos to put together. So I guess you never know where your education will take you. He loved Legos as a little boy, and now he gets paid to design them.
AA meetings will be on Saturday mornings at 8 a.m. in the Chebeague Island Methodist Church Parish Hall, starting June 23rd through Labor Day weekend. For more information call 207-657-6258.
June 9, 2012 - Photo of a male bluebird taken June 9th, who along with his mate were seen setting up home in one of Winks and Ruth's birdhouses near the road. Click here to see a closeup of the female. Click here to see a Great Egret taking flight at the hook as well.
Don't forget the Sunday Brunch at the Hall 11:30 - 12:30!
Today we had the excitement of two Yarmouth Little League teams coming over to Chebeague for their first playoff game at Volunteer Field! It was so great to see the action and spectators. Two of our children, Aaron Belesca and Braeden Rich were on one of the teams and they all exclaimed about what a wonderful field we have! Click here to see the many photos that Jen Belesca and I took this afternoon.
Chebeague Inn Nostalgia Night starts this Monday, June 11! Click here to see the menu - call for reservations at 846-5155 or book online at opentable.com.
The Town Meeting went really well and all the articles on the warrant passed except for the Revisions to the Coastal Waters Ordinance which will be sent back for reconsideration.
June 8, 2012 - Today Elias Rich found a beautiful pink moth and included it on Project Noah - click here to see.
Yesterday was another Bird Survey of Little Chebeague early morning and I managed to join two bird experts Thomas Urquhart and Wing Goodale who were brought to the island by Erno Bonebakker. They didn't see the number of birds that they did last time. Click here so you can see their report and photos of the birds I took on Little Chebeague and on the way back. On the bar were Ruddy Turnstones, Sandpipers and Black-bellied Plovers. One of the plovers had a bright orange/red tag on its leg but I didn't notice it until I got home and looked at the photos.
Yesterday the 3rd and 5th graders presented their iMovies to their parents and friends about different Maine towns. The fifth graders did presentations about the Maine lobster industry called "Bait to Plate. The 3rd graders did slide shows, gifts and musical presentations to the fifth graders who are moving on to Yarmouth sixth grade. You can see a few photos and the music - click here.
Don't forget that from 5 to 7pm today at the Niblic Gallery is the Artist Reception for Avis Fleming!
Our first adult cooking session with Ellen Maher is full. Thank you for signing up in advance. Her recipe sounds delicious...enjoy! Our next session will be with Suhail Bisharat. Please stay tuned for details.
The Yarmouth Little Leaguers are excited to be playing on the island this Saturday (June 9th) at 1 PM. Bring your family and friends, enjoy lunch from our "snack bar" and cheer the kids on!
June 6, 2012 - Join Ellen Maher and friends at CRC on June 10th at 5:30 for our first cooking with friends evening. Ellen will be preparing Chicken Tortilla Soup with all the fixings for the main course, followed by Apple Enchiladas for dessert. Recipes will be provided. Come have some fun, enjoy some yummy food and learn a new recipe. The cost for this fun evening (food included) is only $10.00. Sign up today crc@chebeague.net to reserve your spot.
Don't forget to come to the volunteer field on Saturday, June 9th to watch the first ever Little League Baseball game on Chebeague. We will have a full snack bar running. Bring some friends, have some lunch and enjoy the game!
The SUNDAY BRUNCH at the HALL - you won't want to miss all the great breakfast goodies including Mabel Doughty's FRIED DOUGH! This Sunday, June 10, - 11:30 am to 12:30 pm.
June 5, 2012 - The Niblic is now open Monday thru Saturday 8am to 4:30pm and Sundays 9am to 2pm. Check out their Facebook page for daily menus and specials. Also this Friday is their first Gallery Opening of the season showing the works of Avis Fleming with collaborative works with her husband Paul Hodge. Wine & Cheese reception from 5 to 7 and all are welcome. What a wonderful way to start the season! Click here to see the invititation.
Board of Adjustment Board is meeting June 14th at the rec at 7pm for the Pellerin proposal and packets are available at the Town Office.
May Hall, Registrar of Voters, will be at the Town Office on Tuesday (6/5) and Monday (6/11) from 5-8 p.m. to process applications for absenteen ballots and answer any questions about voter registrations. Applications for either absentee ballots or voter registration can be obtained at the Town Office and completed and ballots can be delivered to you or picked up during those office hours. Questions? Please call May at 332-2368.
June 4, 2012 - Photo of the flooded golf club 6/4/12 with a dowitcher (long-billed or short-billed?) and a couple of black-bellied plovers. Click here for another photo.
Tomorrow evening, Tuesday June 5th is our regular School Committee meeting - see agenda.
The Chebeague Island Hall septic system is back working properly again thaks to Kim, so meetings may go on as planned - yippee!
Digging for Clams as well as Mussells are CLOSED! Rain, Rain go away!
After Town meeting on Saturday come to the volunteer field and watch the first ever Little League Baseball game on Chebeague. Two Yarmouth Little League teams will be coming to the island on the noon boat on Saturday to play their final game of the season on our field. We will be selling food from our Chebeague style "snack bar" so come grab some lunch and enjoy the game at 1:00. Two kids from the island, Aaron Belesca and Braeden Rich, are on one of the teams so come and cheer them on!
Check out the Island Commons website www.islandcommonsresourcecenter.org to see some of the exciting items, services, and vacations that will be up for auction at the 10th Annual Wine Tasting and Silent Auction on June 24th. See something you are interested in but cannot make the event? Email Sarah at smckinnon@chebeague.net to learn more about the event. Please remember to RSVP by June 14th! If you have not received an invitation please call or email Sarah at 846-5610. We look forward to seeing you on June 24th! Thank you to all of our sponsors and donors.
June 3, 2012 - Photo of the flooded golf club 6/3/12 with lots of Black-bellied plovers and a herring gull. There was also a dowitcher with them but I didn't get a good photo.
The Pre-K News from last week - click here.
Photo of a bumble bee taken on Chebeague - click here to see more images on project noah.
TEMPORARY PARKING RESTRICTIONS AT STONE PIER Monday morning 6/4 and Tuesday morning 6/5. The structure modules for the School House Road project will arrive at Stone Pier barging ramp Monday and Tuesday mornings. There will be a few spots blocked off starting Sunday evening which will open up at 2pm Monday; and blocked off again Monday evening until 3pm Tuesday. This is so the 80' long rigs can safely back off the barge and make the turn up Wharf Road. Sorry for any inconvenience this might cause, and thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions, please call Bob at 846 0924.
Rain, rain, and more rain - yuk! Don't forget that next Saturday, June 9th is the Annual Town Meeting at the Island Hall - 9am. The warrant has been sent out to boxholders and you can also see it online at the Town's Website.
CTC has added handicapped seating to the buses to aid those passengers who may have a difficult time getting on or off the bus. Additionally, we have added 2 "15 minute" parking spaces near the barge ramp in the Blanchard lot. This spots are designated for people waiting for ferry passengers and is meant to help reduce the congestion on the wharf.
CTC had a very successful cruise on the 27th. Check out our cruise pictures and our summer cruise schedule on our website and join us on future cruises!
May 31, 2012 - Photo I took of an osprey on May 31st through the trees along the west shore of the island.
There will be a graveside service for Robert Ferrelli, husband of Priscilla Nida Ferrelli, at the Chebeague Island Cemetery on Saturday, June 16th at 1:00 PM. Reception to follow at the Parish House.
I have started learning butterflies after I saw some of Braeden's photos and was able to get this pic of a Tiger Swallowtail - click here (not sure if it is Canadian or Eastern.
Florence (Island Riches) has lots of plants and they are going fast but if you would like to order plants or potting soil call her at 846-4986.
May 30, 2012 - Photo by Donna Damon taken at 6:30am on May 30th of a couple of fierce lobsterman. In addition the Emma Rae was on the way out to set traps, while the captains of the Susan Adams and Osprey were rigging gear. This is a great time of year!
Service to Country....Service to Community
Thursday, May 31st: Chris Tyll, candidate for Maine State Senate, is coming to Chebeague for a meet and greet. He will be at Doughty's Island Market at 9:30. Chris served 4 tours of duty in Iraq and was a Navy Seal. He is a small business owner (Pat's Pizza in the Old Port). He participated in the 2012 Polar Plunge! Please drop by and learn how Chris would like to serve our community.
Questions? Please call Jill (846-4728)
May 29, 2012 - The Pre-K News from last week - click here.
Don’t miss CRC’s first cooking session of the summer with Ellen Maher. She will be sharing her recipe for Tortilla Soup. It’s easy to assemble, low fat, low calorie meal for family or friends. With "South of the border" favors, this soup can be as spicy or mild as you choose to make it. The real fun begins when you sit down to eat, and add tasty garnishes, like corn chips, cheese and avocado slices. This is a balanced one-pot meal that can be prepped ahead, then cooked and served in 10 minutes. Come learn (and taste) this recipe on June 10th at 5:30. Please sign up by June 6th to reserve your spot.
Jane Shattuck was recently honored by Simmons College in Boston for a life time of achievement and support for the college. Jane left Simmons College in 1947, a year shy of completing her bachelor degree, to begin raising a family with her husband Mayo Shattuck. Over the the ensuing 65 years she remained active in college affairs, providing financial support, creating two scholarships for international study, and supporting the alumni association. On May 18th the Trustees of Simmons College recognized this support by granting Jane her Bachelors Degree in Business Administration as part of the Class of 2012, who responded with a rousing ovation! 22 members of the extended Shattuck family - spanning 4 generations - were there to help her celebrate. (Click here to see photos of the event)
May 28, 2012 - Photo of South Road and flags on Memorial Day - thank you to Doug Ross who puts them up for all the celebrations.
Today at 1 is the Memorial Day Service at the Church and Martha Hamilton has been doing the program for many, many years and says this is her last one. Thank you Martha for all you do and have done!
A reminder that there will be a memorial service for Eleanor Hill on July 3rd @ 11am at the church, gathering at Parish house afterwards.
The Dedication of the Gray Path was a delight and you can see a lot of clips from it and all the photos I took on a youtube video - click here. You can also see all the photos without the youtube - click here.
May 25, 2012 - Note: The Chebeague Inn is now open seven days a week with lunch and dinner during the week and brunch on Sunday!
This weekend:
Saturday: Teen Center CAR WASH is TOMORROW at the Public Safety Building starting at 10 am!
Island Commons PLANT AND BAKE SALE Saturday 5/26 10:30-1 at Binkie and Lynns
Sunday: DEDICATION of The Gray Path, May 27 at 3:00 at 1 South Road.
Monday: MEMORIAL DAY SERVICE 1pm at the Church.
Yesterday I took a photos of deer across from Halls click here to see one of them and the day before they were in my yard - click here.
May 24, 2012 - TOWN OFFICE HOURS FOR THE WEEK OF MEMORIAL DAY are Tuesday (the 29th) from 9-5 and Friday (the 1st) from 9-5. We are closed for the Monday holiday and so Tuesday is our "rain day". We are open Friday due to a scheduling conflict on Thursday. Thanks for your understanding with this revised schedule! We will return to Monday and Thursday hours the following week.
Congratulations to Lida Munroe who has passed all her tests and is officially a paramedic!
If you are currently enrolled as a Democratic, Republican, Green or Americans Elect party member and wish to CHANGE your party before the primary election, the State deadline for this change is Monday, May 28, 2012 at 5 p.m.. Please contact May Hall (332-2368) if you would like to make that kind of change.
If you are UNENROLLED (previously described as INDEPENDENT), you CAN enroll in a party up until the end of the day of the June 12 election and vote in the party of your choice. Please remember that once you've changed or enrolled in a party, you must maintain that change for a minimum of 3 months (90 days). Please call May with any questions!
Chuck Elder is going to take over Bill StCyr's delivery service starting June 1st - his number is (207) 400-4148.
CLAM SHACK is opening this Friday May 25th from 4-8 and the 26-27th 11:30am-8pm. Closed on Monday-Thursday till school it out.
May 22, 2012 - Yes, Chebeague, there IS a TAXI SERVICE!! And it can be reached at the same 'ole number and email: 207.846.8687 or islandTaxi@gmail.com
Jaye [Allen/Storms] Winkel is jumping into the driver's seat, effective Thursday, 5/24 at noon... JUST IN TIME FOR MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND!
There is a CAR WASH this Saturday starting at 10 am at the Public Safety Building. $5 per wash, $10 per vacuum. This fundraiser will support the Teen Center program of the Chebeague Recreation Center.
Everyone is invited to the dedication of The Gray Path, May 27 at 3:00 at 1 South Road. The Gray Path is a right of way easement, donated by the Gray/Jordan families, that runs from South Road to Fisherman's Beach on the back shore. The dedication is co-hosted by Chebeague & Cumberland Land Trust and the owners of the former Gray house, Mike Conroy and Terri Ann Bourke. We will serve chocolate chip cookies (in honor of Bertha Gray) and lemonade. Please come walk the path, meet the neighbors and CCLT representatives.
Stockman Island, a beautiful island in the center of Casco Bay, is another property protected by CCLT. It is bird and marine wildlife refuge that is closed to the public from April 15 to July 15 during the seabird mating and nesting season but the rest of the year it is open to the public for gentle recreation and nature study. For more information go to www.ccltmaine.org.
Secondwind Farm is beginning its sixth growing season and has early items for sale starting this Memorial Day Weekend. There is rich, farm-made compost for your gardening needs. Bags are $12 each or $10 each for ten or more. Also, the farm has been growing geraniums again in the greenhouse. They are red and white and are currently available in 4” pots and hanging baskets. New this year, there are bags of apple-wood chips for fish and meat smokers. Also, some asparagus and rhubarb are available while the season allows. Stop by the farm stand or feel free to call 846-0503 and place your order. As always, we welcome visitors and thank you for supporting local farms.
Join friends and neighbors for the first 2 hour Pied Piper Bay Cruise of the season this coming Sunday (5/27)! We will leave the Stone Pier at 5PM. Tickets available at the office or on the ferry.
May 21, 2012 - As of June 1st Bill StCyr will no longer be doing freight with the exception of UPS and Federal Express. He will not be delivering groceries, household items, beds, refridgerations, etc!
The Grange is now accepting items for their Thrift Store but please NO APPLIANCES OR ELECTRONICS (computers, fax machines, etc)
NOTE: The Chebeague Island Taxi is no longer in operation - you may call 846-8687 during May for service status and to see if anyone has come forward to run the operation.
WANTED: HOUSING FOR ISLAND INSTITUTE “ISLAND FELLOW” for mid-September 2012 thru May 2013, and June 2013 thru mid-September 2013. CICA applied for an Island Fellow to work on the promotion of local food on Chebeague (at the School and at the community level) and has been awarded a one year Island Fellow position. If you have a house or apartment that can be donated for one or both of these time periods, a tax deduction letter can be arranged (CICA is a 501c3). Your house will be well cared for, and, you will be helping this community effort in a major way! To learn more, call Bob at 207.846.0924, or email at bob324@chebeague.net.
The Chebeague Island Historical Society is bidding on a glass negative on Ebay. The photo is of Bennett's Cove. We feel it is a one of a kind item and should be preserved in the Museum where people will be ale to buy high quality prints. Please do not bid against the Museum unless you really want it! Thanks CIHS.
Memorial Day Weekend Dance Benefit For Wink Houghton Chebeague Island, Hall MAY 26TH, SATURDAY - 8pm until 1Am -Byob Appetizers will be served- Live Music with T-Pollack starts at 9PM
The Pre-K News from last week - click here.
May 20, 2012 - Photo of the 3-5 class and chaperones on top of Cadilac Mountain in Acadia on their end of the year field trip - click here for lots of photos by lots of people.
Don't forget to fill out the Island Commons Survey which I have also added to the top of the page so you can find it - click here to take the Survey now!
May 19, 2012 - I have uploaded lots of photos taken by lots of us on the school 2-5 class school trip to Acadia where all the students did some work in the park and became Junior Rangers. Click here for some of the photos.
Love makes us smile and sigh and laugh and cry.
The Whalers will have you doing all that and morel!
Save the date now for the Whalers summer concert, "Where is Love?"- Saturday, July 14 at 7:30pm.
Don't miss the Island Commons Plant and Bake sale Saturday 5/26 10:30-1 on Binkie and Lynne's lawn. Lots of pies, cookies and other baked goods for sale as well as over 80 perennials! Don't miss the the chance to get some great plants for your garden!
May 17, 2012 - Congratulations to Carol Lynn Davis who has been awarded emeritus status at USM’s 132nd Commencement, on Saturday, May 12 in the Cumberland County Civic Center, Portland by President Selma Botman.
Carol Lynn Davis of Chebeague Island retired after 30 years of service in the School of Education and Human Development. She spent much of her career preparing highly trained teachers in both the Extended Teacher Education and the Teachers for Elementary and Middle Schools Programs. In 2001, Davis joined the TEAMS program faculty, first as an instructor and then as program coordinator, guiding students through pre-professional teaching experiences and their academic degrees to reach their goal of becoming elementary or middle school teachers. Davis received her Ph.D. in family studies from the University of Maine.
May 16, 2012 - Message from the CTC: the Blanchard Lot will be back to normal on Friday afternoon. We have added another handicapped space and will be adding two 15 minute waiting spaces for vehicles waiting for the ferry. For more information, please check out our website.
The Chebeague Recreation Center is starting some new adult programs for summer 2012:
Starting June 10th at 5:30 pm we will kick off our new series of Cooking Classes run by island cooks! We will make Tortilla Soup in our first class. Tortilla Soup is an easy to assemble, low fat, low calorie meal for
family or friends. With "South of the border" favors, this soup can be as spicy or mild as you choose to make it. The real fun begins when you sit down to eat, and add tasty garnishes, like corn chips, cheese and avocado slices. Call 207-846-5068 or e-mail crc@chebeague.net if you’d like to sign up.
Zumba at CRC! Starting July 2nd this class will be held Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 10-11 am. Come to this fast paced, FUN, dance/exercise class and burn some calories in the process! This class is for all types of people -big, small, man, woman at any level and is done to pop "radio" music. Call 846-5068 or e-mail CRC to sign up today.
July 7, 14, 21 and 28 come to Mandala at CRC from 9-10:30am. Mandala is a Sanskrit word for “circle,” a symbol of wholeness in many cultures. This class will introduce the practice of Mandala journaling. We’ll try different forms of Mandala work and explore what they have to teach us about the human life cycle and our own lives as well. Call 846-5068 or e-mail CRC for more information or to sign up!
Would you love to learn ways to use items you have at home for another purpose or do you have an idea you would like to share? A jar as a soap dispenser, a chicken feeder as a hanging light? No idea is too crazy! Come to CRC on Wednesday, July 18th at 7 PM to learn and share at Re-purposing Household Objects! Call 846-5068 or e-mail CRC for more information or to sign up!
May 15, 2012 - The Niblic is open for the season. We are open Tuesday thru Saturday 8am to 2:30pm, closed Sunday and Monday to start with longer hours to come in June. Thanks for your patience as we took the winter to reorganize and make some changes! We are excited to get things open and offer some new interesting items , as well as more of the favorites. Besides our new “Chebeague Blend” coffee & yummy baked goods, today we have Shrimp and Corn Chowder, a new Grilled Cheese Tomato Soup, and Turkey BLT’s. We look forward to seeing you and please drop in for a cup of coffee or tea on us today.
Congratulations to Trisha Hamilton (daughter of Leland and Karen Hamilton) who was inducted into the National Junior Honor Society. Trisha attends Dozier Middle School in Newport News, VA.
YEAR ROUND RENTAL ON CHEBEAGUE ISLAND 3BR 2.5BATH, new energy efficient duplex, rent set at 28% of household income; max income for 2 $62,200 (120% of Cumberland County median). Applications due 5/21. Available 7/1/2012. For more info click here.
May 14, 2012 - CTC reports that the work on the Blanchard Lot is going very well. Thanks to everyone who helped us clear the lot so we could do this project! Check out some pictures of the work, plus pictures of the yard work on the barge and Piper on our website. CTC has announced its schedule for its summer cruises on the Pied Piper. Judging from our survery results, everyone is looking forward to this summer's trips. We have one destination cruise scheduled, to Bath during Bath Heritage Days. You can find both our schedule and the results of our survey here on our website
Congratulations to Katie Emery who graduated from University of Maine's Muskie School of Public Service with a Master's in Public Policy and Management and received the Executive Director's Award. She will focus on Child Welfare Policy.
Photos of our recent college graduates - Mia Taliento -- Lindsey Anderson and Zach Doughty -- Dennis Johnson.
School Committee Meeting tomorrow night 5/15/12 at 6pm - Public Budget hearing at 7pm - at the school - click here for agenda. Budget information is located on the school site.
There will be a service for Eleanor Hill on July 3 @ 11am at the church, gathering at parish house afterwards.
May 13, 2012 - I'm just back from graduation in Springfield Mass - what beautiful weather we are having this weekend.
Anthony Gomez has been very ill and had surgery for an infection on his leg. He would really like to come home and misses everyone and I'm sure would love to get cards from people while he is in rehab. His address is Anthony Gomez Rm 222
Brighten Medical Center New England Rehab., 335 Brighten Ave., Portland, Maine 04102.
Message from Island Riches: Island Riches has a few plants left from this morning and have more coming this week. I have very large orders for geraniums so I will be calling ahead to make sure I will have them for memorial day.If you need more then 4 or 5 call me so I can put them on my list.Please call if youneed something special, potting soil,or veg.tomatoes,and herbs.( 846-4986)
Thank You, Florence
The Pre-K News from last week - click here.
May 12, 2012 - Don't forget Cleanup day today at the COMMONS - barbeque too! Please go and help! 10 - 2pm
Probably the people who need to see this next post from the Library don't read my website but I will mention it anyway: The signboard outside the Hall/Library is way to inform everyone of what is going on - please do not rearrange the letters.
Please come out to the Hall on Saturday morning at 10:00 to meet Matt Dunlap, hopeful candidate for U.S. Senate.
May 11, 2012 - I have just added another beautiful rainbow from last night by Bob Earnest from his house I think - click here.
IMPORTANT REMINDER FROM CTC! The Blanchard lot will be undergoing maintenance next week (beginning 5/14). Please make sure your car is out of the lot during the day or you have left keys with the parking attendant. Thanks for your cooperation!
Congratulations to those of you who are graduating from college this weekend including Dennis Johnson with a degree in Criminal Justice from Springfield College, Mia Taliento with a degrees in Social Work and Juvenile Justice from Wheelock, Lindsay Anderson with a Business Degree from University of Southern Maine and Zack Doughty with a Business Degree from University of Southern Maine.
May 10, 2012 - Tonight I was down the Stone Pier around 7:30 and turned around and there was a the best rainbow I had ever seen. All I had was my zoom camera so I had to use my cell phone and took four photos and put them together - this could have been a terrific photo shot if only I had the right equipment with me - oh well - click here to see the weird composite. I just got another photo from Jim Thresher which shows the end of the same rainbow on Crow Island - click here. I just received two more photos from Mary Holt with the rainbow at Johnson Cove - click here for the Southwest end and click here for the other side.
The Community Center/Library/Health Center will close at noon on Tuesday, May 15th and reopen on Thursday, May 17th at 10:00 am. New floor tile is being installed in the entry. The Health Center will see patients on Tuesday morning. Thank you so much for your patience during our little rehab! If you have questions, please call the Library at 846-4351.
Congratulations to the CRC running team for an excellent race yesterday. They competed in their first meet of the season in Yarmouth and all did great. Our only miler, Braeden Rich placed 6th. In the ¾ mile Sumner Rugh placed 5th, Cameron Todd placed 6th and Henry Hall placed 7th. In the ½ mile, Zackary Rich placed 1st and Cooper Israel placed 9th. Please congratulate them all when you see them!
Please come out to the Hall on Saturday morning at 10:00 to meet Matt Dunlap, hopeful candidate for U.S. Senate. Matt Dunlap, who resides in Old Town, was born and raised in coastal Maine and elected to the Maine House of Representatives in 1996, representing Old Town for four terms. Matt was Secretary of State of Maine, January 2005 - January 2011.
Learn more about Matt at http://www.dunlapforsenate.com/
May 9, 2012 - Photo of a Brown Thrasher singing up a storm on Little Chebeague. We have seen him and mostly heard him every day that we have been over there. He is very, very vocal. Click here for another view from below.
Last night was the Chebeague School Arts Night and I took a few stills and made a youtube. Click here to see the student's art work and performance. The Music and Spanish teacher Sue Spalding and the Art teacher Louisa Wickard deserve lots of praise as well as all the other teachers and support group!
May 8, 2012 - Please join us at the Commons on May 12th for our Spring Clean-up and BBQ! Bring your gloves and garden tools and your family and friends from 10:00 until 2:00. We hope to see you there!
Art's Night tonight starting at 5:30 at the Hall - live performance at 6pm.
In anticipation of summer paving, road work will continue on North Road for the remainder of May and into June. Ditching and culvert replacement and installation will be the primary work activities. Access may be constricted or blocked from time to time, so please plan accordingly. Thank you!
May 7, 2012 - Photo of a Rose-breasted Grosbeak in my yard this morning 5/7/12. They have been seen lately at bird feeders all over the island and yesterday we saw a couple on the far end of Little Chebeague. Baltimore Orioles are also back. We have been over to Little Chebeague the last few days and got a few photos of a Brown Thrasher, Raven, Hermit Thrush, Black and White Warbler, and lots of sparrows including White-crowned - click here to see a few.I forgot to mention that I only found about 12 regular ticks on me and one deer tick - so remember to wear white and put your pants into your socks....
Photo of a a Baltimore Oriole taken on the road up from the hook 5/7/12.
Candidates Night is tonight, May 7th, 7pm - at the Hall -see flyer.
May 6, 2012 - Tuesday, May 8th is Arts Night at the Island Hall. Come at 5:30 to view all their works and meet the students followed at 6 pm with a music presentation. Hope to see you all there!
The School Committee has voted to put forth a budget for 2012-2013 year which you can see on the School Website - click here. There will be a Public Hearing for the budget on May 15th at the school at 7pm during our regular meeting which starts at 6pm.
May 5, 2012 - Photo the super moon taken by Cathy MacNeill on Saturday, May 5th.
Memorial Day Weekend Dance Benefit For Wink Houghton Chebeague Island, Hall MAY 26TH, SATURDAY - 8pm until 1Am -Byob Appetizers will be served- Live Music with T-Pollack starts at 9PM
May 3, 2012 - There will be an emergency Board of Selectmen Meeting this afternoon, May 3rd, at the Town Office at 4:00pm. The only agenda item is: To have the Board of Selectmen discuss and possibly act on a proposal from the Town Administrator to hire Cheryl Buxbaum as the trainee for the interim Municipal Clerk and Tax Collector positions which will be vacant as of May 11th, 2012.
GYM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE: The Chebeague Recreation Center is selling two pieces of Universal gym equipment: a Wide Grip Pull Down machine and a Leg Extension machine. Both machines are currently being used in our fitness room and are in great condition. Best offer. Please call 207-846-5068 or e-mail crc@chebeague.net for more information.
CTC president, Susan Stranhan, is pleased to announce that the board has appointed two new members to fill vacant positions. Lew Holman will complete Gina Ross' term and Mike Conroy will complete Specs Eaton's term. We wish to thank Gina and Specs for their many contributions to the company and welcome Lew and Mike to the Board!
Message from Tracy Calder: "Chebeague Islander's Need Your Help Fighting Cancer!
On May 18th and 19th, Tracy, Tim, Tiffany, and Virginia are participating in the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life, an 18 hour walk at the University of Maine at Orono. This year, we are trying to raise money to buy luminaria's for people in the Chebeague Island Community who have had to battle cancer, whether they lost their fight, or not. Each luminaria is ten dollars. This means that we need your help to be able to buy enough luminaria for each case of cancer in our community. There is a jar at Doughty's Island Market for donations, as well as a list to add people who have had cancer to. If you would like to make a donation to our team or a certain individual, our team page - click here. Thank You so much for helping this great cause!"
CTC reports that 58 people answered our cruise survey! Your input is appreciated and very helpful in planning our 2012 season . For results, visit our web site at http://www.chebeaguetrans.com/News-and-Info.html and watch for the summer cruise schedule - coming soon!
May 2, 2012 - The first CRC Family Softball game of the summer is this Sunday, May 6th at Volunteer Field at 4:00 pm! The shed will be unlocked so that players can access equipment freely. If you are the last one to leave please make sure all equipment is put away and the shed it locked. Hope to see you there!
Message from the Library and Hall: Construction is underway at the Community Center. Please watch for signs directing you to alternate entrances. Please do not go through the front door. The book drop for the Library is unavailable until the work is done. Please call to renew or come when the Library is open.
Tomorrow evening, Hunting - Informational Meeting: Thursday, May 3rd, 7:15pm at the Island Hall Game Warden Investigator Jason Luce and Lt. Adam Gormely of the Maine Warden Service will provide an informational presentation, answer questions, and respond to concerns. The goal of the program is for all members of our community, hunters and non hunters, to hear the same information at the same time. It will be beneficial to acquire accurate information and clarify issues relating to illegal practices. Mark your calendar to be sure to attend this important information session and help make Chebeague Island a safe place to live, work, play and hunt.
CTC's May newsletter is available on our website, or get a copy here.
There has been a Rose-breasted Grosbeak at Claire and Chris lately and they were able to get a photo of it - click here to see it. I did see it but couldn't get a clear photo so I will be trying with my new lens. We have had a female around our house the last few years but not the beautiful male.
Needed: Chebeague Recreation Center Teen Center Leaders
21+ and interested in earning a very competitive wage to hang out with Island Teens on Friday and Saturday nights from 7-10 pm (hours increase in the summer months)? The Teen Center provides a safe, chem free place for island teens to hang out on weekend nights and is very popular. This program promotes teen volunteerism in the community. Teens involved in this program take part in numerous fundraisers that are held throughout the year to support the program and help pay for unique summer experiences. Last year they earned enough to go whitewater rafting and venture to Cow Island to take part in the Rippleffect program. We are very short on leaders these days. In order for this program to continue to thrive we need more staff and volunteers soon. Whether you are free one night per month or four, any time would help. Don’t let this valuable program disappear…Call 207-846-5068 or e-mail crc@chebeague.net if you’d like to sign up or learn more about the program
May 1, 2012 - Photo of a Greater Yellowlegs (I think) and is all alone and has been beside the stone wharf for over a week along the shore so don't forget to look for it. If it is a Greater Yellowlegs then it is an unusual bird to see. There were some Lesser Yellowlegs seen at the hook yesterday and also by Aarons Wharf.
Message from the Commons: Dear Community, As part of our ongoing commitment to quality care for our residents and a healthy workplace for our staff we have created a short 10 question survey that we hope you will take a moment to complete. Our goals are to hear from our community about your experiences with at the Commons. This survey is anonymous, unless you want to share, and can be found via the link below. Hard copies of the survey are available at the Library or I can email, or mail it directly to you. If you have any questions or want to learn more about our goals with the survey please call or email Sarah at smckinnon@chebeague.net. We appreciate your time and your support! Please click here for the survey.
Candidates Night is back on for Monday, May 7th, 7pm -see flyer.
Happy May Day and Happy Birthday to Mabel Doughty who turns 90 today.
CTC is performing maintenance on the Cousins Island lot the week of May 14th. For the project to be successful, we need the cooperation of our parking customers. Please plan to move your car to the Route One lot during that week if at all possible. If not, please leave your key with the parking attendant the week before so that your car will be moved. If you are a commuter and will be out of the lot each day, there is no need to move your vehicle. For more information consult our newsletter or visit our website at
April 30, 2012 - The Town of Chebeague Island is currently hiring for several municipal positions! They have openings for a 3/4 time Public Services Worker and a part-time Bookkeeper. They also have an immediate need for a full-time Municipal Clerk / Tax Collector and a part-time Deputy Clerk / Office Assistant. Please call or email Eric at the Town Office if you are interested or have questions. 846-3148 or townadmin@chebeague.net.
The CIHCC Sunday Brunch scheduled for May 6th has been postponed to June 10th because of the new work which is being done to the front ramp and stairs.
Please join us at the Commons on May 12th for our Spring Clean-up and BBQ! Bring your gloves and garden tools and your family and friends from 10:00 until 2:00. We hope to see you there.
School Committee Meeting tommorow, Tuesday, 6pm at the school - see agenda.
Temporary Entrance to Community Center –The long-awaited replacement of the front deck and ramp will be this Wednesday, May 2! There will be no access through the front door for at least a week, and the book drop will be out of service. Please enter the building through the back door to the Library during regular Library hours (http://chebeague.chebeague.lib.me.us/). If you are attending an event that has been scheduled through the Hall when the Library is not open, the side door to the Hall will be open. The Hall, the Library and the Council appreciate your patience!
Hunting - Informational Meeting: Thursday, May 3rd, 7:15pm at the Island Hall - Sergeant Jason Luce and Lt. Adam Gormely of the Maine Warden Service will provide an informational presentation, answer questions, and respond to concerns. The goal of the program is for all interested members of our community, hunters and non-hunters, to acquire accurate information and clarify issues relating to legal and illegal practices. Mark your calendar and attend this important information session and help make Chebeague Island a safe place to live, work, play and hunt.
April 29, 2012 - Today was a pretty good birding day - I got a few shots of the indigo bunting from Lee and Mikes today - click here to see. There was also a Eastern Towhee. At Springettes there was a single Killdeer and I got a shot of him sitting - click here and flying - click here. When I went back later in the day he was no where to be seen but a finally got a few photos of a Red-necked Grebe - click here. Remember that shore birds may be nesting along the dune grasses - so please don't let your dogs run in along the grasses.
Message from Wink and family: We always knew Chebeague was a special place and yesterday it was proven once again. We have been receiving cards, prayers, food and lots and lots of love since we found out Winky was sick. It wasn't more than two hours after we found out that Frankie, Justin & Zach were there at the hospital to be with us. The sense of community Chebeague has is something that can't be found anywhere else. We wouldn't want our family to be anywhere else in the world while going through this. Thank you to the Fire & Rescue for putting on such an amazing event, to everyone who brought food, everyone who volunteered their time, and to everyone who made it to the breakfast. There were people from other islands, the mainland, family, friends and even strangers! It was hard to fight back the tears as we walked in and saw just how many people came to support our family. We are now aware of just how many people love Bampy (that's what Drea calls Winky) as much as we do. There are so many of you to thank. THANK YOU!! With love, Wink, Patti, David, Danielle & Drea
Cathy MacNeill was just here and I have downloaded her photos from the Fire/Rescue Benefit for Wink Houghton. Click here to see.
The clam flats are back open on Chebeague- you can check the dmr website at http://www.maine.gov/dmr
April 28, 2012 - Photo of an Osprey circling around the Golf Club Pond - he didn't seem to care that the 4 o'clock boat had just come in. I did a whole series of him flying over us - click here I also put a spotting on project noah.
The Fire/Rescue Wink Houghton benefit breakfast was a tremendous event with about 300 people raising about $13,000. The support was overwhelming and heartwarming and so appreciated. They will be continuing to sell raffle tickets for 12' Danny Todd rowing boat. There is also raffle tickets for firewood and coming soon a big screen flat tv raffle. I will be putting Cathy MacNeill photos of the event on tommorow. Anyone who left dishes can be picked up in the hallway when the Hall or Library is open.
For the last few days there has been a single Greater Yellowlegs (at least I think it is a greater yellowlegs) hanging to the North of the Stone Pier all by himself. Click here to see a closeup. The Broad-wing hawk that I took photos of on Thursday was right back at the same spot on the North Road just beyond School House Road today - click here to see another closeup.
Today, Saturday, April 28, 10:00a.m. at the Library - Meet Senator Cynthia Dill, hopeful candidate for the U.S. Senate. Senator Dill will tell us about her varied experiences, her beliefs regarding the issues currently facing our country and her plans for representing the great State of Maine in Washington. There will be opportunity to ask questions and share concerns.
April 26, 2012 - Photo of a Broad-winged Hawk on the power lines near the school on 4/26/12. He let me walk around him and just stared at me - it was weird. I have added it to a spotting on project noah.
Saturday, April 28, 10:00a.m. at the Library - Meet Senator Cynthia Dill, hopeful candidate for the U.S. Senate. Senator Dill will tell us about her varied experiences, her beliefs regarding the issues currently facing our country and her plans for representing the great State of Maine in Washington. There will be opportunity to ask questions and share concerns.
I also got word that the Holmans had an Indigo Bunting at their bird feeders -click here for a photo they took. I was able to see it in the bushes and got one photo - click here. I guess I will have to move in with them for a while till I get some good photos.
April 25, 2012 - Yesterday, Tech Club from the school went on a Geocashe safari to Deer Point. We were initially going to Little Chebeague but then I realized I had looked on the wrong tide calendar and it was high tide - I don't think the parents would have been too happy. We found the Message in a Bottle down at the point but we had to have help from one of the students, Sumner, who had found it with his parents twice before. We added a Project Noah Patch to the bottle and wrote in the book and I submitted the find online on their website. It was fun and we will be going over to find the one on LIttle Chebeague when the tide is right. Click here for a photo of some of the group (a few were hiding in the back).
CTC is planning its summer cruise schedule. Thanks to everyone who responded to our survey! Our first cruise will be Memorial Day weekend, Sunday afternoon, (5/27). We are also going to have a 4th of July fireworks cruise, so mark your calendar. The remainder of the summer cruise schedule will be posted in the near future.
One very important cruise that we hope everyone will attend is our 6/16 benefit cruise for Wink Houghton, Jr. As many know, Wink is battling brain cancer and has enormous medical expenses. Our crew wants to help and have volunteered their time, Mark Dyer has volunteered the entertainment. We hope to have a full boat on the 16th!
For more information, visit the CTC website.
Candidate's Night has been cancelled for now.
April 24, 2012 - Anyone coming to Chebeague for the Wink Houghton benefit breakfast on 4/28 at 8AM will be provided free parking at Route One lot and boat fare from CTC.
Last week Peter Kaufman was interviewed by CNBC to discuss his client, the employees of American Airlines - click here to see.
Sue Hansen from Hansen Well Drillers will be on the island in a couple of weeks to site well they will be drilling soon. Please email me or call me 846-4850 if you would like to have any well information or go to Sue's website and contact them directly.
April 23, 2012 - CTC has announced that the bi-monthly bus service to Falmouth will end this month. For more information, visit their website at http://www.chebeaguetrans.com/News-and-Info.html
The Foot Doctor, Russell Rybka, will be at the Health Center on Wednesday 25th at 9:00am. Call 829-6463 for an appointment.
NOTICE: Effective immediately, because of pollution from heavy rainfall, it shall be unlawful to dig, take or possess any clams, quahogs, oysters, or mussels from all shores, flats and territorial waters of the state of Maine from the Maine/New Hampshire border to the US/Canadian border.
April 21, 2012 - Today, Saturday at the Hall come and meet Steve Moriarty who is running for State Representative.
I have started to look for warblers as they arrive and was able to get a few by Sanford's Pond. Click here for a close up of a what I think is a palm warbler. Click here for a close up of a yellow rumped warbler.
Public Services Worker Wanted: Town of Chebeague Island, average of 30 hours per week. Duties include but are not limited to vehicle and equipment maintenance, road maintenance and repair, marine infrastructure maintenance and repair, and maintenance of town property. Possession of a valid State of Maine Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) is required. Please submit a letter of interest, resume and three references to Town Administrator Eric Dyer, Town of Chebeague Island, 192 North Road, Chebeague Island, ME 04017 by May 11th, 2012. For more information call 207-846-3148 or email townadmin@chebeague.net
April 19, 2012 - Chebeague Recreation Center and Kids’ Place Spring Clean Up day is on Saturday, May 5th starting at 10 am. There are a few chores that need to be done and we need your help! Please mark your calendars and spread the word, we can use all the help we can get. Come join the fun! Thank you for your consideration!
Michael and Barbara have updated their site - click here for the latest adventures.
Saturday, April 21, 10:00a.m. at the Island Hall - Meet Steve Moriarty, candidate for Representative to the Maine State Legislature. Steve will tell us about his varied experiences and his plans for representing us in Augusta. There will be opportunity to ask questions and share concerns.
Save the Date: The Fire/Rescue Department is having a fundraiser breakfast all morning April 28th starting at 8am at the Hall to benefit Wink Houghton Jr. Click here for more information.
April 18, 2012 - Today is the last Wednesday for Turkey Noodle Soup at the Hall - next week will be the community lunch and they will have lasagna. Coffee is available after nine on Wednesdays this month.
The Pre-K News from last week - click here.
April 17, 2012 - Photo of a Great Blue Heron just before he grabbed an eel. He was right at the end of Soule Road on Hamilton Beach around lunchtime. He flew over a few feet with the eel. Click here to see a whole series of photos - within a few minutes I saw him catch and eat three eels (I think).
There will be an emergency Board of Selectmen meeting tonight at 5:20pm at the Town Office. Click here for agenda.
Tonight, Tuesday at the Slow Bell Cafe: A new film, "You Wanted to Be a Farmer: A Discussion of Scale," will be shown at the Slow Bell Cafe on Tuesday, April 17th at 7:00 p.m. The film is a revealing bottom-up look at food policy that raises important questions about the regulation of neighbors feeding neighbors. This event is sponsored by Food For Maine's Future, the Slow Bell Cafe and Lone Goat Farm and is free and open to the public.
April 14, 2012 - Photo of an eagle I took flying over Cottage Road 4/14/12.
Wink Houghton Junior is now home from the hospital after surgery and is now rested up and able to have visitors.
The kids at CIS and a great crew of volunteers planted 2 apple trees, 2 peach trees, and 9 blueberry bushes at the school garden yesterday! Click here for a quick movie by Bob Earnest.
Manny Morgan is the Recompense Foundation's new Executive Director and Treasurer, replacing Glenn Kersteen who has served the Foundation faithfully since its inception. Glenn will continue to serve as Clerk. Questions regarding grant applications should be directed to Manny, Gail MIller, or Eldon Mayer.
April 12, 2012 - Took this photo of a Carolina Wren who was singing away yesterday - click here. Today I got a photo of a female and male Bufflehead Ducks down at Division Point - click here and another view.
Don't forget to stop by the Annual Health Screening Day on SATURDAY 14th April from 9am until 1130am at the Hall. Get your blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar checked! Then have some of Mac & Beth's donuts. Sponsored by the Island Council and USM School of Nursing.
Please mark your calendars with the following candidate visits.
April 21, 10:00a.m. at the Island Hall: Steve Moriarty, candidate for Representative to the Maine State Legislature
April 28, 10:00a.m. at the Island Hall: Maine State Senator Cynthia Dill, hopeful candidate for U.S. Senate
May 12, 10:00a.m. at the Island Hall: Matt Dunlap, hopeful candidate for U.S. Senate
April 11, 2012 - I am excited to announce that during the week of March 14th our school was featured in a national webinair with a video that the 3-5 class put together to teach people about Project Noah and how to upload a spotting. If you go to National Education Environmental Week and scroll down a little you will see the video. We are also working on informational cards and project noah for nature on Little Chebeague. We will be doing a bioblitz someday this Spring in the school yard as well.
Don’t forget the Talent Show, its only two days away! It’s at the Hall at on Friday night at 6:30 pm. If you have an act that you’d like to sign up last minute call 846-5068 or e-mail cgerber@islandinstitute.org.
SAVE THE DATE AND CHANGE OF DATE The date of the big summer Chebeague Recreation Center Event, the Great Chebeague Card Cruise, has been changed to Saturday July 21st. Please e-mail crc@chebeague.net or call 846-5068 for more information. Also, don’t forget the Quadathlon and Triathlon are the next day, Sunday July 22nd!
The other day I took this photo of a song sparrow in the parking lot on Cousins that I thought was kinda cute - click here for one view and here for another.
April 10, 2012 - Most everyone knows now that Wink Houghton Junior was operated on today for a cancerous brain tumor. He came through the operation beautifully and is recovering at Maine Medical Center. The family has asked that while he is recovering in the hospital that no one visits. He will be home soon and will be starting chemotherapy. Everyone is praying for his quick recovery and the family is so pleased for all the well wishes and concern.
CTC is happy to announce that the barge is back for the summer! Leon brought her back to the island today. The Dovekie and the barge underwent a lot of work this spring, and they are looking good! Many thanks to Maintenance Director Kevin Wentworth and to Yard Supervisor Mary Todd for working together to get them ready so early this year. Kevin has been spending most of his time working on the Pied Piper at Gowen's Marine to prepare for another summer of fun cruises. Mary ran the crew at the Royal River Boat Yard preparing the barge and Dovekie. Many people worked for Mary at the yard, and we would like to thank everyone for their hard work and Royal River for their help. Call the office at 846-5227 to schedule your barging.
A funeral service for John and Ethelyn Sullivan will be held at the Methodist Church at 1pm on Saturday, April 14. There will be a reception to follow at the Parish House.
April 9, 2012 - Photo of a kestrel I took 4/9/12 at Sandy Point. There were about 5 of them flying around. I took lots of photos and click here to see some others of these birds.
This Wednesday at the Hall there will be minestrone soup so don't forget to stop by for coffee in the morning and later for soup and bisquit!
Just a reminder that an eight week Bible Study of The Revelation to John will begin this Sunday afternoon, April 15 at 4 PM at the Parish House. Everyone is invited and welcome. Please call Gloria, 846-3491, for more information and/or a study guide.
April 8, 2012 - Happy Easter - this morning the church was decorated beautifully with lots of flowers - click here for a photo by Paster Linda. Donna Damon took this photo of the sunrise service. I was in Massachusetts and couldn't be here for it this year but heard that the service and breakfast was wonderful.
The Pre-K News from last week - click here.
April 6, 2012 - Photo of the moon over bangs by Bob Earnest on 4/6/12. Brennah Martin also took a closeup of the moon - click here.
A new film, "You Wanted to Be a Farmer: A Discussion of Scale," will be shown at the Slow Bell Cafe on Tuesday, April 17th at 7:00 p.m. The film is a revealing bottom-up look at food policy that raises important questions about the regulation of neighbors feeding neighbors. This event is sponsored by Food For Maine's Future, the Slow Bell Cafe and Lone Goat Farm and is free and open to the public.
Save the dates! Dress Rehearsal Thursday July 5th, Performances July 6 & 7 at 7:30 at the Hall.
We would love to have as many people come back as possible and think it would be a great opportunity to rekindle old friendships and reminisce about the good old days! Don't worry, we will put you into the show in whatever level you are comfortable with, whether just singing on stage with a large group or if you are willing to show off your dancing and singing skills in small groups or alone! Contact Rachel Damon if you are interested in participating so we can put you in! Join our facebook invitation ( http://tinyurl.com/cctreunion ) or e-mail Rachel (rachel@chebeaguechildrenstheatre.com) to get in the loop! Hope to see lots of you on stage at the hall in 2012!
SAILING SCHOOL INSTRUCTOR - CICSS has an open position for an instructor this summer. Sailing School's dates this year are from July 9 thru August 17, with a possible added week at the front end on Long Island for a few of the instructors. Interested students should read the job criteria (click here to see) and write to Bob at bob324@chebeague.net.
April 2, 2012 - The Hall Committee has decided to continue their Wednesday Coffee and Soup through the month of April. This week's soup is Hungarian Goulash with lots of veggies and sour creme on the side. The morning coffee will have hot cross buns.
Cassidy Jeffers is selling fundraising coupon books for the Greely Lacrosse Program. He wants to sell 50 books. They are $20 each. They include 48 coupons for free products, $5-10 off purchases or 10% of retail purchases. Each coupon is different, but the businesses include Skillins, Nordica theater, Skin Deep spa, Grittys, Joes Boathouse, Pats Pizza, Bruces Burritos, Ace Hardware Yankee Lanes and Val Halla, Rachel's On the Green, Texas Roadhouse in Scarbrough....and others. Coupons expire 4/30/2013!. If you're interested, please contact Cassidy at 207-239-6082
School Committee meeting tomorrow night, Tuesday at 6pm at the school - see agenda.
The Methodist Church would like to invite everyone to a potluck breakfast on Easter Sunday at the Parish House at 6:30am following the Sunrise Service at East End Beach at 5:45am. It will be a potluck breakfast, but folks are welcome even if they can't bring something. Regular worship is at 10am that morning. Also, please note that forms for Easter flowers to be listed in the bulletin are due by noon tomorrow (Tues 4/3/12), and flowers for Easter worship should be brought to the church by noon on Saturday.
April 1, 2012 - Photo of a muskrat working along the side of the Golf Course pond. Click here to see another view.
The Pre-K News from last week - click here.
Hunting - Informational Meeting: Thursday, May 3rd, 7:15pm at the Island Hall Game Warden Investigator Jason Luce and Lt. Adam Gormely of the Maine Warden Service will provide an informational presentation, answer questions, and respond to concerns. The goal of the program is for all members of our community, hunters and non hunters, to hear the same information at the same time. It will be beneficial to acquire accurate information and clarify issues relating to illegal practices. Mark your calendar to be sure to attend this important information session and help make Chebeague Island a safe place to live, work, play and hunt.
Call to Artists and Crafters: The Annual Chebeague Craft Fair will be at the Hall on Sunday, July 8 from 10am-1pm. If you are interested in reserving a table, contact Linda Carleton: lindacrltn@chebeague.net or 846-6129
March 29, 2012 - The Talent Show is only a few weeks away: Friday, April 13th at 6:30 pm at the Hall! Don’t forget to sign-up your act by calling 846-5068 or e-mailing crc@chebeague.net. If you don’t feel like performing we hope you’ll come to watch!
Took a photo a my first blue heron this Spring. Click here to see it hanging around the Golf Course pond along with the geese, ducks, and muskrat. I am checking daily for the common snipes to come back as well. Just got a call from Bob Earnest that two herons flew over his house today.
Message from the REC: So far we have 3 cooks lined up to come to CRC to share one of their favorite recipes. We would love to get a few more on the calendar for the summer. If you have a recipe that you would be willing to share please let us know. There have been a couple requests for recipes from the “older generation”…bread recipes, desserts, appetizers, main dishes, soups…anything you like to make is perfect. Call or email CRC if you are interested in sharing a recipe and/or learning some new recipes.
If you get an email that has a subject like "Hot properties Allert" or any other subject that doesn't really sound like the person you know emailing (or in some cases does) - don't click on any of the links - it is most likely spam! These spammers are getting really good at making something look real and once they get into your mailbox everyone in the mailbox gets a message and who knows what else they can do to your computer. If in doubt just email the person back from your mail list and ask them if it is a legitamate message.
Chloe Dyer has a wonderful article about the Harry Potter Extravaganza for The Working Waterfront - click here to see.
March 28, 2012 - I took a photo of a fox in our yard yesterday and you can see ticks around her right eye - click here.
Messages from the CTC:
CTC has been investigating the possibility of changing from a for-profit corporation to a non-profit. This has been under discussion for a number of years. We are also considering the benefits of creating a transit district. The Board has been working on this project for several months. A project update has been shared with the Board of Selectmen. To learn more about the project, visit our website News page for a letter from CTC's President, Susan Stranahan, and a copy of the report given to the Board of Selectmen..
CTC hopes to have barging begin on 4/10. We have slightly increased our barging fees this year. Barging fees have not been increased for at least 5 years and the increase is to help cover the increased cost of operations. The one-way pricing increase is $3-$10 depending on the vehicle.
The CTC schedule will not change for the summer. The rates will be increased to the 2011 Summer rates starting May 1st and ending September 30th. The new rates were published in the April newsletter, but have been updated slightly since then. All children (6th birthday to 12th birthday) will be eligible for a 20 ticket book at $24.00. All pets will be eligible for a 20 ticket book at $27.00. To see the updated fee schedule, visit our website. The fee schedule is also posted on the Islander.
For more information on all these updates, click here.
March 27, 2011 - Tomorrow is the last Wednesday for the Coffee and Soup lunch at the Hall. Chicken vegetable is the soup of the day - their soup is so great along with a bisquit and desert.
The Island Commons has a room available and is looking for a new resident! Click here to see the flyer and also a video about the Commons has been produced and I have added it to youtube so please share with friends and family who may be thinking about a wonderful place to live. Click here for the Island Commons Video.
March 26, 2011 - Photo taken March 26th from Little Chebeague of Bennetts Cove
This is the last week to take advantage of CRC’s $99 fitness room special. Don’t miss out on this great price!!
There are two weeks left to submit your Card Cruise logo for CRC’s 1st annual Card Cruise scheduled for August 4th. We are looking for the perfect logo that will make this event unique to CRC and Chebeague. If you are up for some friendly competition and would like to create a logo for this new event we would love it. You can send it to CRC by mail or email by Friday, April 6th. All entries received by that day will be brought to the CRC board meeting for voting. Please do not include your name in the ad so artists remain anonymous until the vote is finalized. Once the winner is determined the artists name will be added to the logo (as long as the artist wants their name on it). If you have any questions call CRC at 846-5068 or email crc@chebeague.net.
From the Methodist Church: If you are placing memorial Easter flowers in the church on Easter Sunday, please pick up a form in the entry way of the church office and return the completed form to the basket in the same location by Tuesday, April 3.
March 24, 2012 - Photo taken by me of the clubhouse on March 24th.
Tonight was a great food and lots of fun. A big thank you to Julia Maine along with a few of her friends and Jerry Wiles for putting together a great feast! Following the dinner most people stayed to play the Sports Trivia and we all learned about all the great athletes Chebeague has had over the years. This is the second year that Julia and Jerry have done this for the Stephen Ross Scholarship and all donations are greatly appreciated. Donations can be sent to Ken Hamilton and are tax deductible. Click here to see a few photos of the trivia section. You can learn about the Stephen Ross Scholarship and see all the islanders who have benefitted from the scholarships - click here.
March 23, 2012 - Tommorow evening is the annual Stephen Ross Scholarship Dinner and Trivia Night at the Hall 6pm. How much do you know about Island Sports?
The weather has been beautiful and hot all week with record high temperatures! ROADSIDE CLEANUP is upon us and the GRANGE is asking volunteers to clean up the island roadsides. Please do the section assigned to you last year and if you see an area needing attention please take it on. THANK YOU!
March 22, 2012 - Yesterday, Ginny Ballard, had surgery at Mercy Hospital and is doing very well. Hopefully she will be home soon. Her address in Yarmouth is; 40 North Road, Yarmouth, ME 04096.
The CTC crew is hard at work on the Pied Piper and the barge. We are thankful for the great weather that lets us tackle the yard work early. The Piper is at Gowen's in Portland. The barge is at the Royal River Boat Yard. Our crew is working in both locations to get the barge and Piper in the water as soon as possible. For a picture and more information, click here.
March 19, 2012 - Today I noticed a bat flying along the North Road catching insects I guess. I followed it and tried to get some photos and then it rested for me on a telephone pole. I got a couple of shots and then it flew right at me but he was just saying hi - yikes! Click here to see it on the pole. Another shot of it looking up and another flying. Yesterday I caught a glimpse of the muskrat that is living on the Golf Course and he was getting grass along the banking and bringing it somewhere in the pond - click here to see. Another photo of the muskrat.
CTC has posted an update on 2012 barging on their website. Click here. CTC reminds customers who have an annual parking permit that the sticker must be affixed to the lower left hand portion of your windshield. Thanks for your cooperation.
CRC has been busy planning our 1st annual Card Run scheduled for August 4th and we are ready to make posters/advertisements for the event. We are looking for the perfect logo that will make this event unique to CRC and Chebeague. There are so many talented people out there we couldn’t think of just one of you to ask so we thought it might be fun to have a friendly competition. If you are interested and willing to create a logo for this event we would love it. You can send it to CRC by mail or email by Friday, April 6th. All entries received by that day will be brought to the CRC board meeting for voting. Please do not include your name in the ad so artists remain anonymous until the vote is finalized.. Once the winner is determined the artists name will be added to logo (as long as the artist wants their name on it). If you have any questions call CRC at 846-5068 or email crc@chebeague.net.
Beth Putnam is planning a craft fair on July 4th at the REC center picnic. If you're interested in a table to sell your crafts please email her at bputnam@chebeague.net
School Committee meeting tomorrow night, Tuesday at 6pm at the school - see agenda.
March 18, 2012 - Photo taken by John Holt- no more skating!
CTC reports that 48 people have responded to its 2012 Cruise Survey. If you haven't completed a survey, you can find them on the Islander or at our website. For more information and to review survey results to date, click here.
Community Luncheon - everyone is invited to the Hall on Wednesday March 21, at noon for a wonderful New England boiled dinner. There will be beets on the side and you will finish up with a nice green dessert: Mint ice cream and cupcakes. Suggested donation of $5. The coffee shop at the Hall on Wednesdays is still going on 9am.
Congratulations to Becca Israel who's Destination Imagination team (similar to Odyssey of the Mind) was in the top three and is now headed to the States. Becca is a 6th grader at Yarmouth.
Congratulations to Braeden Rich who's team of 5th and 6th grade boys basketball team of the Coastal Basketball League completed their 2012 season with an average win margin of 20 points. Braeden is in the photo top row 2nd from left.
The Pre-K News from last week - click here.
Photo taken March 17, 2012 - THEY'RE BACK! Every year these two show up and it is a sure sign of spring! Click here to see birds full size.
March 14, 2012 - Chebeague Recreation Center would like to start cooking classes and/or recipe swap nights! A different cook each class: cook will pick the recipe (it could be anything from an appetizer to a main dish to a dessert) and teach the group how to make it! We’d like to start running the program once a month but if we have more interest we’ll do it more often. Let us know if you’re interested in teaching your favorite recipe and/or just being part of the program and learning to cook a new dish. Call 846-5068 or e-mail crc@chebeague.net.
There are only a little over two weeks left to take advantage of CRC’s $99 fitness special. Sign up today!
Today, Wednesday, at the Hall - Coffee at 9 and lunch today is Clam Chowder!
March 12, 2012 - Photo taken by Isabelle Boisvert March 12, 2012 from the CTC boat.
CTC is developing its cruise schedule for the summer, and we need to hear from everyone to help us in our planning. We have received 15 survey responses and the feedback has been very helpful. Please pick up a survey on the Islander or, better yet, complete the brief survey online. To access the survey, click here.
March 10, 2012 - Photomerge of Chandlers Wharf from shore on Cottage Road.
There have been a couple of Rock Pigeons hanging around the Stone Pier all winter - click here to see close up of one of them. Click here for another view. Spring is definitely here in that we the red-winged blackbirds along with grackles have arrived on the island.
March 8, 2012 - Photo from Ken Hamilton of another crew shoveling through the drifts when there was too much snow for our the plows to handle. This is on the East End in front of Nottebohm's house formerly McLeans. You can see Hartley Brewer, Steve Ross, and maybe one of the Hamilton twins.
Click here for a message from Guy Kittell and how he is doing.
CRC is hoping to be able to offer lifeguard training on the island this year. If you are a certified training instructor or are interested in becoming a certified training instructor please contact CRC for more information at crc@chebeague.net or call 846-5068.
March 6, 2012 - Photo taken by Donna Damon of moon over Central Landing back in November.
Tammy Hoidel, our k-2 teacher, is scheduled to be on the 207 show tomorrow evening with her sister Laura to talk about their book. Click here to learn more about their book.
The Hall will be continuing it's coffee and soup into March so do drop by tomorrow for coffee break or/and for lunch at noon will be hamburger soup.
Due to lack of attendance, the adult floor hockey program at the Chebeague Recreation Center is cancelled until further notice. We would like to start up a basketball program if there is enough interest. Call 846-5068, e-mail crc@chebeague.net or stop by and let us know if you’re interested or if you have any other programs that you’d like to see here. Thanks!
The Chebeague UM Church is partnering with the Chebeague Historical Society to obtain a grant in order to put the churches historical records in order. For us to do that, we need to collect any church information that may be out there - minutes to meetings, annual reports, pictures, bulletins, reports, baptismal or membership records, any other material that you feel might be important to be in the church archives. Please drop material off at the Church Office in the parsonage by the end of March. FMI see Donna Damon or Linda Brewster.
March 5, 2012 - John Martin is the one year term for Selectman that needs to be filled and he wanted me to pass on a message to everyone - click here to see.
Tomorrow, Tuesday there is a School Committee meeting at 6pm - see agenda.
I have added wonderful articles about Bob Whitman by the Boston Globe and also by MIT.
March 1, 2012 - Message from Casey Prentice and the Chebeague Inn: "Looking for a summer job? Chebeague Island Inn is currently accepting applications to join our 2012 team. To apply, please send your resume and your desired position to Prentice Hospitality Group, PO Box 17919, Portland, ME 04112 or email Casey Prentice at cwp@prenticehospitality.com"
Photo taken in 1952 when we used to have winter. There was so much snow that the plows couldn't handle it and the community had to go out and shovel! Sherman Johnson in the forefront with Lloyd Parker to the left.
Click here for another 1952 snow photo taken from the road looking up toward the Club House which is off the picture on the left with Pam Johnson standing on the snow fence that they used to put up. Click here for a photo from 1959 when it was cold enough to freeze two bears hanging on a tree in front of Earls. This photo was sent by Cookie Reed and the bears were not from Chebeague.
Due to the weather, the Library will not open tonight from 6-8.
The Chebeague and Cumberland Land Trust is sponsoring an event this weekend: Get Outside and Join the Fun! Great Maine Outdoor Weekend! Family Snowshoe Hike and Cross Country Ski Rines Forest in Cumberland - Saturday, March 3rd 10:00-12:00 - Click here for more information.
Started snowing last night and snowed all day today - school was cancelled (only the 2nd time this year)
Papers for the upcoming Municipal Election will be available Monday, March 19,
2012 in the Town Clerk’s office. The following town positions will be filled at
the June 12, 2012 Municipal Election:
Two seats for the Board of Selectmen for a three (3) year term.
Two seats for the School Committee for a three (3) year term.
For more information
please call 846-3148
One seat for the Board of Selectmen for a one (1) year term.
February 29, 2012 - Michael Porter has updated his page, this time with the trip from Bermuda to the British Virgin Islands - click here.
Just a reminder that all are invited to a Church Supper hosted by the Methodist Church on Saturday, March 3 to welcome home islanders returning from a mission trip to Guatemala. Come share a delicious meal, hear about their experiences, and enjoy a photo presentation of the trip. There will also be handcrafted, woven items brought from Guatemala for sale. The dinner is at 5:30 at the Parish House. A $5 donation is appreciated.
The Chebeague Recreation Center is offering their March special again this year: a one year membership for just $99! This special runs only through the month of March so don’t miss this opportunity to get in shape for cheap. Call 846-5068 or stop by our office to purchase a pass.
Message from Eric Dyer: "I have added a section to the Town website that addresses projects being planned and undertaken by the town, aptly named “Municipal Projects”. I hope this page serves two purposes; a material resource for prospective bidders and a transparency and awareness resource for the public, as identified in the section introduction. At Susan’s request we have also added a Citizen’s Guide to Town Meeting. This is a great document and I want to thank Susan for pursuing it."
February 27, 2012 -Photo taken by Aaron Belesca of Madam Professor Minerva McGonagall using the "Sorting Hat" on the new students who have just arrived at the Hogwart's School. Click here to see all the photos by Aaron Belesca and Cathy MacNeill taken during the Harry Potter Extravaganza! Quite a magical evening! So magical that some of the photos did some strange things. Click here to see more photos by Deb Bowman showing the Children waiting for their pickup by the Hogwarts Express and more at Hogwarts.
School Committee meeting tomorrow evening February 28th at 6pm - click here for agenda.
February 26, 2012 - Click here for a letter from Linda Brewster, who this morning, shared with the congregation at the Chebeague UM Church that June 24th will be her last Sunday as pastor of the church.
Kitty Freeman has progressed amazingly well at the rehabilitation unit and is being discharged tomorrow morning. Her daughter Dianna is here from Ohio to travel back to Boston with her on Tuesday morning. She will be staying with the Feinberg family in Boston for a couple of weeks until she can drive and is fully mobile again. After Tuesday, she can be reached via her regular e-mail, grittymeow@aol.com and on her cell phone! Everyone she has met here in Texas has been amazed and delighted with her spirit of determination and sense of humor! Thanks to everyone who called or sent messages of encouragement!
The Democratic Caucus on Chebeague was represented by 24 voters and Barack Obama was the unanimous candidate of the caucus. If there is a Democrat who was not able to attend and would like to be added to the list of election clerks they should contact May Hall.
February 25, 2012 - Message from the CTC: The CTC SCHEDULE IS BACK TO NORMAL!!!
Tonight- Community Ham Dinner 5:30pm- Adults $10, 7-12 $7, 6 and under Free. Part of the Harry Potter Extravaganza - Everyone is welcome - you don't have to play Trivia after - so get out and see the decorations and fun. The Hogwarts Express is now picking up wizards and muggles around Chebeague - click here to see where they are going and where you will enjoy your feast this afternoon at Hogwarts!
February 24, 2012 - The date for the 2nd Annual Chebeague’s Got Talent show is set: Friday, April 13th at 6:30! Please e-mail crc@chebeague.net or call 846-5068 if you have a talent to add to the show!
ISLAND COUNCIL: Please plan to attend a very brief meeting of the members of the Chebeague Island Council (that probably means you! Most residents are members) at 10:00 am on Saturday, February 25th at the Parish House of the Chebeague United Methodist Church. The members need to approve a new article to our articles of incorporation that has been requested by the IRS! Please stop by and vote!
All are invited to a Church Supper hosted by the Chebeague United Methodist Church on Saturday, March 3 to welcome home islanders returning from a mission trip to Guatemala. Come share a delicious meal, hear about their experiences, and enjoy a photo presentation of the trip. The dinner is at 5:30 at the Parish House. A $5 donation is appreciated.
February 22, 2012 - We are looking for adult community members to supervise teen center shifts nights from 7 to 10 this week while the teens are on school vacation. Call 846-5068 or e-mail crc@chebeague.net if you are free even one night this week!
As of about noon today the email for chebeague.net is down with an outage in Skowhegan that is being worked on now - hopefully it will be back soon.
The deadline for Absentee Ballots for the Democratic Caucus has passed.
February 21, 2012 - Photo of a Chebeague bunny taken by Wink Houghton.
CTC has received some questions regarding the restricted commuter parking area at the Blanchard lot. For an explanation and map, please visit the CTC website here.
Democratic Caucus, February 26, 1:00pm at the Island Hall - click here for more information.
Message from Polly and Kevin - click here. Don't worry, they are not leaving the island.
February 20, 2012 - Saturday was such a beautiful day with lots of activities and I have finally got all the photos from Cathy MacNeill and have added them as well as a better video to the plunge website. We had 10 plungers including: Chip Corson, Tim Calder, Caitlin Gerber, Chris Tyll, Erin Whetham, Brian Banton, Ron Tozier, Peter Carleton, Bev Johnson, and Hank Israel
We had 14 chilis, 10 Chowders and 11 Soups at the Chili, Chowder and Soup challenge thank you to all the contributors: Amy Rich, Bev Johnson, Bea Pettit, Ellen Maher, Julie Doughty, Sam Birkett, Beth Putnam, Brenda Helbig, Julie Helbig, Carol MacArthur, Donna Merrill, Christine Englund, Meredith Beaupre and Hank Israel, Allyson Smith, Erin Whetham, Kelley Rich, Mary Todd, Brenda Helbig, Vicki Todd, May Hall, Sue Sawyer, Sara McKinnon and Arlene Dyer, Annette Kincaid, Beth Howe, Jen Belesca, Mary Holt, Lisa Israel, Erik Weagle, Gerri Prentice, Lori Rich, Polly Wentworth, Deb Bowman and Carol White - WINNERS: Chili: 1st Ellen Maher, 2nd Bev Johnson, 3rd Carol MacArthur - Chowder: 1st Erin Whetham, 2nd Mary Todd, 3rd Brenda Helbig - Soup: 1st Jen Belesca, 2nd Lori Rich, 3rd Lisa Israel - Click here to see the photos
The Pre-K News from last week - click here.
February 18, 2012 - Photo of the 14th annual Polar Plunge on February 18th - to see all photos of the plunge click here.
Here is a youtube of the plunge and click here for photos taken by Tiffany Calder. More photos of the Chili, Chowder and Soup coming later.
POLAR PLUNGE - NOON today at the Boat Yard - CHILI, CHOWDER, AND SOUP following the plunge at the REC
February 17, 2012 - You don't want to miss the Chili, Chowder and Soup tomorrow at the Rec following the plunge which takes place at the Niblic at noon. It will be interesting to watch as it is another year when the tide is not very high - YUK! But it will be seasonably warm in the air but the water will still be cold and it will seem even colder because the air is warmer.
Kitty Freeman continues to progress slowly, but well at the Health South rehabilition unit in Ft Worth Texas. She is hoping to be strong and mobile enough to return to Boston in about 10 days. She will stay with Chris and Mike for a while until she's ready to get back to her beloved Chebeague. All her therapists are wonderful and are quite enamored with this plucky lady from an Island in Maine. Her wall is decorated with photos and all kinds of cards and wishes. Kitty wishes to thank everyone over and over, for all the calls, cards, letters, emails, prayers and thoughts! If you would like to send her an e-mail, it can be sent to ctmetz@localnet.com and we wil print it out and deliver!
Congratulations to Emily Elizabeth Todd, daughter of Stephen Todd, who has made Dean's list for her first semester of college. She is attending Western CT State University and doing great!
Ash Wednesday Service will be held at the Methodist Church on Wednesday, February 22 at 7:15 pm. All are welcome to attend.
Message from John and Mary Holt about the Taxi: "Have you heard about the Chebeague Island Taxi? It is ENDING ITS RUN, sliding it's doors closed forever, effective May 5th --- Sinko de Taxi! Now is the time to start organizing YOUR version of an island taxi service so you can be ready for 'the season' starting in May. For more information please call 846-8687 or email to islandtaxi@gmail.com."
Message from Casco Bay Lines: "The Maquoit II will be out of service for a routine dry dock and Coast Guard hull inspection beginning in early March. Depending on the weather, it is anticipated the work should take approximately 4-5 weeks. While the Maquoit is out of service, it will be important for customers to schedule large commercial freight orders, including lumber, through the District's Freight Office at (207) 774-7871 (ext. 116). In order to assist with transport of commercial freight, the Machigonne II will generally be operated, weather permitting, on the 10:00 Down Bay departure each Wednesday while the Maquoit is at the shipyard. Once again, please coordinate large or commercial shipments through the District's Freight Office."
February 15, 2012 - You can also add Erin Whetham and Chip Corson to the plunge list - we now have eight participants! Send your pledges to the plungers - it really helps sustain the Teen Center and the Rec.
Don't forget - Community Luncheon at the HALL - Roast Beef and all the fixins.
February 14, 2011 - POLAR PLUNGE! SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18TH - It is getting closer to the big winter event - along with lots of entrants in the chili, chowder and soup contest that follows at the Rec. Plunge is at Noon at the Boatyard and the Chili, Chowder and Soup Challenge follows at the Rec! Lots of us are plunging including Tim Calder, Caitlin Gerber, Hank Israel, Peter Carleton, Bev Johnson and now Chris Tyll, an ex-SEAL running for a Maine senate seat this fall (and owns the Pat's in the Old Port). Please let me know if you are plunging so I can add your name to the list - only need a $100 in pledges and you can enjoy the cool waters of Casco Bay with the rest of us!
Kim Rich Martin has started a new website for her work! Please click here to see!
Message from Ralph Munroe: "The Portland team raised the second highest money in the stair climb, first place by less than $300. I raised the most money on my team at $655. And I improved my time to 9 min 18 Sec. Thank you,for your support."
February 12, 2012 - The Pre-K News from last week - click here.
Peter Kaufman was again featured on Fox Business and talking about recent bankruptcies of Eastman Kodak and AMR, and why this is just the beginning.
February 11, 2012 - Photo of Hamilton Beach work that has been going on all winter.
I have just added the poem written by Beverly Ross Murray for her uncle Brother Ross along background music of Brother singing "Casco Bay" with the Wagoneers (a song originally sung by Charlie Gilliam). Click here to link to it.
Kitty Freeman is hospitalized in Fort Worth, Texas, after a fall. She is visiting family friends there. She sustained some injuries to her lower back which will require some extended rest. Kitty is in good spirits as usual, and can be reached on her cell phone. If you would like to send a note or a card, it can be mailed to K Freeman, c/o McGuffee
134 Waggoner Ct
Fort Worth, Tx 76108
February 10, 2012 - Photo 02/10/12 by Donna Damon of the moon and its reflection showing the pink reflection of the sky in the water.
The Pond is too soft to skate on today due to the warm weather the last couple of days and therefore is CLOSED until further notice. Caitlin is hoping that it will harden up tonight before it snows. Please spread the word. Also, if it does harden up before it snows we might need some help shoveling and/or scraping tomorrow. :D Stay tuned…
Today the School Children met with three children from Jordan using skype. Liela and Suhail's neices and nephew compared their schools and life with the Chebeague students and everyone is looking forward to their visit this summer - click here to see.
The Harry Potter Extravaganza is coming February 25 and 26. All movies will be shown starting at 11:00 am in the Library, Saturday, February 25. Community dinner and trivia game in the evening starting at 5:30 pm. Come and see your favorite characters and dress up as you like! The Hogwarts Express will pick you up on Saturday morning or just before the dinner. Complete information and sign up sheets available in the Library. Fun for all ages. Splendid Raffle, too! 1st draw: authentic Sorting Hat 2nd draw: boxed set of all Harry Potter movies 3rd draw: original painting by Bev Johnson Raffle tickets available now 1 ticket $3.00, 5 tickets for $10.00
February 8, 2012 - A lovely article and wonderful video in the Working Waterfront online by our island fellow, Caitlin Gerber - click here to see.
Click here to learn about a free Energy Audit for small and medium-sized commercial businesses, municipalities and non-profits which is ending in April through Efficiency Maine..
February 7, 2012 - Today, Barry Dana, former chief of the Penobscot Nation spent the day at the Chebeague Island School and all the children learned so much and had a great day with him. I put together a youtube from photos taken by the teachers and me - click here to see.
The Town of Cumberland is erecting a monument to honor veterans from all wars and peacetime. They would like to include anyone who considered Chebeague/Cumberland their hometown before 2007 when we became a town. There has been some confusion re: the process. EVEN IF YOU LIVED ON CHEBEAGUE YOUR WHOLE LIFE you still need to fill out a form. Because time is ticking Donna Damon on behalf of the Chebeague Island Historical Society has applications and Donna will fill them out if you just send her an email or call her at home 846-5140. The Museum has records on many vets who lived on the island when they signed up; if you or a loved one weren’t living here or were not part of our Soldiers who married islanders or Summer Native Vets display we may need discharge papers or a copy of a photo of you in uniform. Contact Donna ASAP she will be out of town Feb 17-24. DEADLINE to CUMBERLAND – FEBRUARY 28.
POLAR PLUNGE! - So far we have FIVE people committed (should be committed) to do the Polar Plunge! I wasn't going to do it this year and then got an email from someone offering to pledge me and now I guess I will have to. Our plungers so far are Tim Calder, Caitlin Gerber, Hank Israel, Peter Carleton and Bev Johnson - you can email any of these plungers and pledge them - they would love it! Don't forget noon February 18th at the Boat Yard -right before the Chili, Chowder, and Soup challenge! Click here for more information and how you could sign up for the PLUNGE!
February 6, 2012 - Photo of the moon over the Islander taken by John Holt, Monday, Feb 6, 2012.
photo of a Red-shouldered hawk that was hanging around the Stone Pier and Golf Course. Click here to see it sitting on the wires or click here to see a lot of photos of this hawk that I chased all over the course.
February 5, 2012 - Chebeague Island Republican Caucus is tomorrow, Monday, February 6, 2012, 7:00 pm at the Hall open to all registered Republicans questions? call Jill at 846-9613
Democratic Caucus, February 26, 1:00 pm at the Island Hall Though there is only one Democratic candidate seeking the nomination for president, it's still important to caucus and there will be plenty to do. Click here to learn about how you can help and be part of the process.
February 3, 2012 - photo " Is it a bird? Is it a starfish? No! Its Chris Bogle!" This photo taken by Jillian Thompson - click here to see a couple of winter scenes taken by Chris Bogle January 20th.
This afternoon I was able to get a few nature photos from my backyard, Springettes, Boatyard, East End and Division and saw all kinds of bird you may not expect to see including cedar waxwings and a pileated woodpecker - click here to see them.
School Committee Meeting - this Tuesday, 6pm at the school - see agenda.
Skating Party at Sanford’s Pond tomorrow, Saturday February 4th, from 4:00-8:00 PM. It’s a potluck event so please bring a yummy dish, your friends and family, and spend the evening enjoying Sanford’s Pond with the community!
The Methodist Church supper orginally scheduled for Saturday, February 11th has been postponed. New date coming soon.
Message from the Town: As of February 1st, 2012, there is absolutely NO CHARGING allowed at the Transfer Station. There is no dropping off of articles to be paid later. If you have any questions, please speak with Eric Dyer, Town Administrator at 846-3148 or 409-9960.
February 2, 2012 - Photo of Hamilton Beach taken from Capps Point - work has been going on all winter to save the banking along the shore.
Today is the 25th anniversary of the Yarmouth Veterinary has been coming to Chebeague Island once a month! Dr. Smith, every month and his assistant with Diane Brewer providing transportation for most of those years and of course the Chebeague Island Hall providing the room. A huge thank you from me and the community but my cats wish they would stay away - they have know idea how bad it would be to have to go over on the boat. Click here to see a photo.
January 31, 2012 - I have just included a photo of an eagle taken by David Perkins on Springettes last June. I just found it in my emails that I never noticed. Probably because it came from Beverly and I thought it was from me so I must have ignored it.
GET YOUR SAILING SCHOOL REGISTRATIONS IN ASAP - the July 23 thru Aug 3 session 2pm class (intermediate/advanced) is already full. There is room, though, in the noon class that session, and, all classes in the other sessions. More info at https://chebeague.org/cicss.html
Chebeague.net email accounts may be experiencing multiple emails of the same message and we appologize for the inconvenience as the email equipment is being replaced and updated.
Tomorrow is Wednesday and that means that the Hall will have coffee and goodies for coffee break time 9 on and will have soup for lunch.
Chebeague Island Republican Caucus is Monday, February 6, 2012, 7:00 pm at the Hall open to all registered Republicans questions? call Jill at 846-9613
Chebeague Island's Democratic Caucus is scheduled for 1:00pm on Sunday, February 26 at the Chebeague Island Hall.
If anyone has any Harry Potter memorbilia the Library could borrow for a table display, please contact Deb at the Library at 846-4351. Items will be labeled and returned at the end of February. Thank you! Also, watch for posters and more information about the Harry Potter Extravaganza February 25 and 26th!
January 30, 2012 - The Pre-K News from last week - click here.
Save the Date for the 5th Annual Inter-Island Cruise! Friday, March 9, 2012 6-10:30 PM The Bay Mist will depart Portland at 6:00 pm, stop at all the islands to pick up passengers, and remain docked at Cliff for approximately one hour. The purpose of this cruise is to provide an opportunity for islanders, both year round and summer residents, to mingle, eat, drink, dance, and have a good time. The theme this year will be celebrating 30 years of CBITD!
Sanford's Pond is safe and open after school today!
January 27, 2012 - Avis Flemming has a website now created by her husband Paul Hodge - click here to see all her wonderful work! She sells a lot of her items at the Niblic and has had shows at the Library and Niblic.
I just discovered that Linda was posting on her facebook page and adding photos so I have added her comments to the Guatemala site along with a lot of photos for those who don't have facebook. - click here.
January 26, 2012 - CTC reminds Blanchard Parking Lot customers that the commuter parking area is for commuters to the mainland who leave the lot on weekdays for the day. The purpose of having this area of the lot cleared during the day is to aid in snow removal efforts. The Blanchard lot is a very challenging lot to plow for a number of reasons. We need the cooperation of our customers to make the process as good as possible. Thank you.
Happy Birthday Marty Trower!
Sanford's Pond is again open for business today after school!
To address the growing needs in the pre-teen group and help bridge our transition to Yarmouth by fostering relationships in the 'tween group, the CRC is proud to re-introduce 'Tween night. Our first session and organizational meeting will be Friday February 3, 2012, from 6-8, bring your 'tweener and we'll bring the Pizza. Teen night will follow from 8-10.
Another message and a few photos from Guatelmala - click here.
January 25, 2012 - CTC has announced that effective 2/1/2012 the CTC bus will wait in the hammerhead and not back out until it is time to depart from the wharf. We are asking everyone, for safety's sake, to refrain from standing, walking, or parking directly behind the bus when it is ready to leave the wharf. For more information, please visit our website and view our February newsletter. The link is http://www.chebeaguetrans.com/News-and-Info.html.
CTC is pleased to announce that Bud Quinn has been promoted to CTC Bus Driver Supervisor. Bud has been instrumental in the operation of the bus operation during the last year. Please congratulate Bud when you see him and read the announcement on our website.
Click here for another report from Guatemala with a couple more photos - I wish we had more photos of the group but we are lucky that they are able to send what they can - I don't think the internet is working well.
January 24, 2012 - The Chebeague Cumberland Land Trust is hosting a webinair at the Hall tomorrow, Wednesday from 2 - 2:30. This online workshop provides the nuts and bolts of Conservation Easement Monitoring. This course will provide an overview of how to conduct a visit and an understanding of what monitoring is and its importance to land conservation.
Yesterday I had the pleasure of celebrating Chinese New Year at the school during lunch which was created by Laura Summa and Deb Bowman - click here.
Message this morning from Guatemala - click here.
January 23, 2012 - Click here to see some of the Mallards at Coleman's Cove as they decided to avoid me and head for the water.
As the daily messages come from Guatemala I will post them and any photos above on my page - a new message today.
January 22, 2012 -photo Kevin Wentworth took another photo of a "sun dog" the next day you can see on both sides of the sun. photo January 22nd, Kevin Wentworth took this photo of a "sun dog". I also saw the rainbow in the sky while I was taking photos of an eagle flying over me - click here to see but you cant see the colors in this photo.
Our first message from Guatamala click here to see. Linda Brewster is leading a mission to Guatemala which includes a number of people from Chebeague including Joan Robinson, Dennis Johnson, Elaine Clarke, Eldon Mayer, Tina Runge, Carole and Ron Metz - I will be posting messages as I get them.
Erno Bonebaker is on the Casco Bay Lines Operation's Committee and really would love some public input on the Casco Bay Operations and how it relates to Chebeague. We now have a number of people from other islands (Long, Cliff, Diamond) who are working at the Commons, Boatyard, Post Office... Please take a look at his notice and give him some feedback if you would.
POLAR PLUNGE is coming soon!!! Saturday, February 18th at NOON at the Boat Yard - click here to learn more and get your pledge sheets. You can also look back at all the plunges since our first one in 1999! So far I know of three people doing it and I will start the list soon so you can send them your pledges so please let me know if you are doing it. Also, above under Island News there is a polar plunge link.
January 21, 2012 - Today was beautiful for watching the birds in our backyard from the window as it was lightly snowing all day. I got a new camera lens for my birthday, Christmas and anniversary and took closeups of many of the birds including juncos, goldfinches, Hairy and downy woodpeckers, red-breasted woodpecker, cardinals, mourning doves, crows, bluejays, chickadee and starlings- click here to see.
The Pre-K News from last week - click here.
January 20, 2012 - click here to see more snow photos from today by Allyson Smith, Aaron Rugh and Bev Johnson.
Here is another update from and about Guy Kittell - click here.
The recent aquaculture lease at Indian Point has been approved by the State and the letter is on the Town website - click here to see.
The Pond is FINALLY frozen and ready for skaters! This means that we need volunteers to help keep it open J. Caitlin has put a supervisor sign-up sheet on the bulletin board at Sanford’s Pond today. If you are available, please sign up. she is planning to supervise the Pond after school today until 5:30 and tonight 7:00-9:00 (teen center will be held at the pond tonight). Thank you to Chris Rich for clearing the ice this morning from last nights storm.
January 19, 2012 - Photo of one of the bonaparte gulls hanging around the CTC boat and Stone Wharf taken January 19th.
Congratulations to Amanda Campbell who made the Dean's List her first semester of college at Southern Maine Community College!
January 18, 2012 - Click here for a news release from the Island Institute about the MLK project around the islands.
Sanford's Pond is closed today so that it can freeze up for tomorrow skating.
The Pre-K News from last week - click here.
Crown of Maine Produce orders due 1/19: We have orders for 18 veggie boxes but we need 7 more veggie box orders from Crown of Maine to be able to place an order tomorrow, 1/19, for a 1/25 delivery. The monthly fresh veggie box order has been a great success and the produce has been excellent. Each veggie box is $25. Contact Mary Holt at islelive@chebeague.net or 846-5040 if you are interested in ordering one or more of this month's veggie boxes. Click here for more details.
January 17, 2012 - Mary Todd is taking orders for scallops 846-6268...She will be getting them from her brother. He is selling them for $14 a pound and for an extra $1per pound Mary will freeze them in the vacuum sealer. The scallop season ends March 27th.
Message from Ralph Munroe: "The Boston Stair Climb is fast approaching and Lida and I have been training to try to improve our times. Help us to raise money for a good cause. We all know someone who has been affected by lung disease, weather it be asthma, COPD or lung cancer. Please click on one of our links to help make a difference. (Lida) and (Ralph)"
Jauary 16, 2012 - Volunteers Amanda, Sarah, William, Dillan, Jade, Nancy and Caitlin making storm windows for the Commons during Martin Luther King volunteer storm window training - click here to see more. Thank you volunteers!!! Click here for a news release from the Island Institute about the MLK project around the islands.
REMEMBER: Coffee and rolls for Wednesday A.M. and Community Lunch (Roast Pork) at noon.
Finally it is cold enough to skate!! See a three photos from yesterday - hopefully more to come - click here!
The juncos were out in force today in my yard along with the starlings - click here. On the Cottage Road an adult Eagle was hanging around the Webb house - click here. To see the eagle as close as I could get click here.
SAVE THE DATE -SATURDAY February 18th. The polar plunge will be at the boat yard at noon, with the chili, chowder, soup challenge immediately following. Are you brave enough to take the plunge? If you can help by making a soup, chili and/or chowder please call or email CRC. The Rockathon will be on the 18th as well in the CRC gym at 8 PM. Rockers, plungers, cooks, servers and spectators wanted! PLEASE - we need PLUNGERS and of course SPONSORS!
See agenda for Tuesday's School Committee meeting at 6pm at the school.
January 15, 2012 - Sanford's Pond is now safe to skate on - it is a little rough but it is now open!
Another report from Michael Porter with the trip from Baltimore to Norfolk, then Norfolk to Bermuda - click here. They are probably leaving Friday for the Virgin Islands.
January 14, 2012 - Caitlin is still looking for people who would like to take a little time off Monday and help make storm windows to donate to the Island Commons - please give her a call 653-7129.
Today I got a photo of the Cormorant who has been hanging around the Stone Pier this winter when he should be far away - click here. I also got a photo of a couple of pigeons hanging at the wharf as well - click here.
Are you Scared? a video by Kevin Wentworth of his children sledding down the Hillcrest Hill yesterday! We finally have some snow.
January 13, 2012 - Don’t forget to come to the Storm Window Building training at the Chebeague Recreation Center at 11 am on this Monday, January 16th! We plan to build 5 storm windows to donate to the Island Commons. There will be FREE snacks and refreshments as well. Call Caitlin at 846-5068 or 653-7129 if you have any questions or if you’d like to sign up.
CTC reports that Captains Kevin and Jarrod have installed outside lights to improve visibility when boarding the Islander at night. Click here to see a picture.
January 12, 2012 - Due to the weather the town office will close at 4PM.
A wonderful article in the Working Waterfron written by Donna Damon about the fundraiser for Arianna - click here to see.
I have just posted an update on Guy Kittell along with his address - click here.
If I hadn't been so busy dying my hair so I would look younger than my 63 years I might have noticed David's hacking of my website earlier. His hacking this year was a lot better than it was 13 years ago when he photoshopped my face on a different body.. Thank you David for being kind this year but I really think I should change my password but he would be the one to change it for me. Oh well - thank you all for the birthday wishes! Earlier posting by David Hill - see here.
January 11, 2012 - Photo taken by Peter Ralston on November 25th just before getting on the 3:45 boat. To learn more about Peter and his photography - click here.
CRC is looking for some fresh program and summer camp ideas from the community. If there is something you would like to see offered at CRC please call, 846-5068 or email crc@chebeague.net and let us know. We are always looking for new ideas and program leaders for all ages. If you have a skill you can share or if you have an idea for a program at CRC please let us know. For a complete listing of what is currently being offered at CRC please go to our new website, www.chebeaguerec.com and click on the monthly program calendar link on the left.
January 10, 2012 - A chimney sweep (John Shaw of Portland) is coming to the island on January 18th. If anyone needs their chimney cleaned, please call Sam McLean (846 0510) or, if you need more information about costs, John Shaw (797 6634) by this Friday, January 13th.
The Chebeague Recreation Center has a NEW website and website address! Check it out at www.chebeaguerec.com!
Don't forget tomorrow the Hall is open for Coffee at 9 and soup (homemade chicken noodle) noon till 1pm!
January 9, 2012 - Photo of what you may see walking down the street on Chebeague - Bob Earnest took this photo while out walking. One young island boy posing with his chickens!
This is the second year that Lida Munroe is doing the Boston Fight for Air Stair Climb - check out the website to donate for her climb and find out more.
The Pre-K News from last week - click here.
January 8, 2012 - I got together with Cathy MacNeill and we have combined our photos of last night and here they are - click here!
Medical Update on Guy Kittell, the standing seam metal roofer who has worked on Chebeague and many of you may know - click here for more information.
Sailing School for the summer of 2012 is now accepting registrations. Please visit https://chebeague.org/cicss.html to see the registration form, liability release form, and information sheet, as well as photos of the kids from last summer.
Last night was a wonderful success. The food was exceptional and the Hall was a buzz. I will have photos from Cathy MacNeill soon but click here to see a photo of Arianna surrounded by her friend chef's Stone Walton, Peter Hazlett and Mike Collett along with their professor from SMCC Chef Wilfred Beriau who will be leading the class trip to Austria. A lot of others helpe put this together and here is a photo of the cooks and servers with Arianna.
January 6, 2012 - Photo taken by Brennah Martin January 6, 2012 from the boat on the way to school.
The fundraising dinner that Arianna and friends are preparing for Saturday night has been sold out. She has been very busy preparing all the food. If you were unable to get a ticket or go you can still help send her to Austria - click here for information on how. Photo of the 36" x 12.5" bench I have painted as an auction item to benefit Arianna's Austrian educational trip. Click here to see from top. If you would like to bid on it email me bjohnson@chebeague.net. High bid so far is $500.
January 3, 2012 - Preliminary results from the bird count - click here to see. We may be adding another raptor as soon as we confirm it.
During January and February the Hall Board and friends will serve Coffee and (something) from about 9:00 AM and then at around noon will offer some hot soup?
This is being done to cover the time while the Niblic is closed.
Donations to cover cost requested.
We only have about 15 tickets left for Ariannas fundraiser dinner for this Saturday, January 7 - so please email Donna right away and let her know which entree you would like between the Lasagna, Fish dish, or chicken dish.
January 1, 2012 - Today was the The Brunswick/Freeport ("Bean") Count which includes the Northeast portion of Chebeague north of Roy Hill Road. Rob Speirs from Cumberland came over on the 8am boat and Stephen and I spent about 3 hours with him counting shore and inland birds that we happened upon. I took a few photos of some of them - click here to see. We saw all the different sea birds: loons, mergansers, surf scoters, buffleheads, bonaparts, eider, longtails, grebes, goldeneye ... Inland we saw a couple of red bellied woodpeckers, titmouses, juncos, a very loud carolina wren and all the other regulars. It is especially great going to areas where people have bird feeders. It was a great day and beautiful weather! I will have the results in the next few days.
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Click here to see all the Christmas lights I have shown on the website - there were still a lot more houses that I didn't get photos of and were beautiful - I would be glad to add to the collection if someone has them or if anyone has better photos of the ones I took. If you want to see them all on one page small click here.
December 31, 2011 - Come help sew for Guatemala at the parish house on New Year's Day. We are making pullovers for the kids and book bags for the school. Bring your sewing machine, scissors, threads, etc and join us after Church.
Anna and Julia Maine created a gingerbread lobsterboat again this year. This time it was of Stelias and given to the Chris Rich family - click here to see.
Congratulations to the Chebeague Inn which has been named one of the top vacation destination hotels in the North America by Condo Nast Traveler - click here.
News from 2002 - through January
22, 2003
NEWS 2001
1996 AND JANUARY 1997
I would love to have any news, poetry, stories to add to
my news page so please email with anything you think would be
of interest to islanders around the world - yes Singapore, Egypt,
Mediterranean, Boston etc. checking out the news page everyday!
So please email me at
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