Latest Video Migratory Birds of Chebeagues -Links to the Seabird Conservation and Restoration Program PUFFIN VIDEO! Bufflehead Movie - Common Goldeneye Movie
Most of the photos by Beverly Ross Johnson
10/14/13 pdf Bird List click here put together by Tony Gorody. An internet Chebeague Bird List and will be adding links as I find time. Birds of Indian Point in pdf format. 2009 bird photos, Pelicans Chebeague 01/03/11 click here. Hooded Merganser, Northern Shrike, Wilson Snipe, Dunlin, Kestrels, Cormorants, Loon, Great Blue Heron. Great blue Heron series, Brown Thrasher, Indian Point birds 7/17/12, East End Wetlands, Red Knots, Belted Kingfisher, Bald Eagle, 2 Bald Eagles East End, Barred Owl, Robin w/berries, American Oyster Catchers, Piping Plover, Turkey and babies roosting, Snowy Owl at the Hook, Snowy with mouth open. School Chebeague Bird Movie
CHEBEAGUE BIRD LIST - With links to a photo of many of them
CLICK HERE TO SEE A LISTING AS THEY ARE ON THE WEBSITE: See all the links to most of the photos the last few years.