CLICK HERE FOR WEATHER or go to the BOAT YARD WEBCAM (click on webcam) and see for yourself!
January 1, 2016 - Photo on New Years Day
December 29, 2015 - Message from CTC:
As of 10:00 AM the CTC bus is running. We expect it will be running all day/evening. Of course, weather could change. If we have to cancel any bus trips we will post the cancellation on facebook and our website as soon as possible as well as send our notifications to subscribers.
Wednesday's non-vegetarian soup will be Turkey Noodle the vegetarian is Mushroom Farro (please notice I had put the wrong soup on yesterday and this is the correct one now).
December 28, 2015 - CTC is pleased to welcome two new captains!
Amanda Campbell grew up on Chebeague. She is the daughter of David and Susan (Dyer) Campbell. Amanda is a student at Maine Maritime Academy. She has worked as a CTC employee since 2012 - starting as a deckhand. Amanda took advantage of CTC’s captain training benefit and earned a Captain’s license. Despite that, she needed to pass CTC Captain Training Program - which she accomplished with flying colors. You will be seeing a lot of Captain Amanda this month and next summer.
David Etnier grew up in Harpswell and currently lives in South Freeport. He is an experienced mariner. For 8 years he was the Deputy Commissioner at Maine’s Department of Marine Resources after many years as a state representative. We know David because last summer he was the captain of the Pied Piper at Maine Maritime Museum. He has proven his skills to us both on the Kennebec and our route. Please welcome David to our team.
Weather forecasts predict snow, sleet and freezing rains on Tuesday. Therefore, CTC customers should be aware that bus service may be cancelled. Mild winds are predicted so the ferry should run on schedule all day.
December 24, 2015 - CTC has an immediate opening for a part time deckhand - 20 hours per week. For more information, click here.
A snowy owl was seen on the Cottage Road this afternoon so keep your eyes open.
December 23, 2015 - Don't forget FA LA LA LA LA! Tomorrow we meet to Christmas carol around the island. RSVP to erikagneumann@yahoo.com, or just show up with bells and good a spirit. Meet at 9am at the Store! Flyer attached. Everyone is welcomed.
Message from Carrie and the Kids' Place: "The Kids' Place would like to wish everyone a happy holiday, Merry Christmas and Glad tidings for the new year.
As I reflect on the year, and our teaching, I have thought a lot about our mission to teach children to be kind and gentle to one another. We strive to teach children to use their words when they are angry and to express their frustrations with one another when they occur.
Recently, I have started to wonder how many of us model this behavior? and what the world would be if we all strived to be kind and gentle. I have been working hard to practice what I preach.
I encourage everyone to look within themselves and reach for their kindness and their gentleness. We are role models for our children, we want them to care for humanity, the environment and our earth.
Have a happy, kind, gentle and wonderful holiday season."
December 22, 2015 - On the first round Chebeague Island beat out Kittery for one of the best places to live - click here to vote for Chebeague or Cape Elizabeth for the best place to live.
Click here for the Chebeague Pre-K - November/December newsletter.
December 21, 2015 - The CTC January 2016 Newsletter is available on their website or click here.
Last Friday we were honored to have Sue Schubel (Seabird Sue) from the National Audubon Society come to the school and work with the children. Click here to see lots of photos of some of the things she did with them.
Miller Designs 36 Fenderson Rd Chebeague is having a 20% off ORNAMENT SALE. Open this week Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 8:30 am- 7:00 pm
Ornament Sale also on my web store: gailmillerdesign.com - until 12/31/15
Wednesday Soup this week will be White Chili and the vegetarian will be Vegetable Cheese Chowder - Yummy!
December 20, 2015 - Photo of the children in the Christmas Pageant that we all enjoyed so much at church December 20th.
The students in Mrs Westra's 3-5 classroom have created their own adaptive creatures and then they wrote about them with descriptions and stories. You have to read about them and see them so please click here.
The CPA would like to thank the wonderful volunteers, parents, elves, and man-in-red for making our annual holiday party December 12th a success! Photos are here!
December 18, 2015 - Sunday morning at 10 o'clock please join us at the Chebeague United Methodist church for the annual pageant. The kids have done a great job with all of their other activities during this busy time of year, fitting in the preparation of this fun story of Christmas. We have a lot of return actors from last year who have helped tremendously in the memory of how it works as well as a real baby Jesus. It is a wonderful time to pause and remember what this time of year is really about. See you there!!!
Wednesday"s Chebeague Island Council meeting went well and they had their attorney Meg Greene there to answer questions. Click here for a synopsis of that meeting from Deborah Bowman. I will also change the Health Center block above to Island Council where they will be able to provide updates.
Click here for a message from Linda Brewster who has been asked to provide care on the island.
The CTC office will close at noon on 12/24 and 12/31. The office will be closed on 12/25 and 1/1/16. Holiday ferry and bus schedule is posted on our website, chebeaguetrans.com. Happy Holidays to All!
Thank you to all who attended Island Commons holiday party last Friday night! We had a terrific turnout, with islanders of all ages gathering together to ring in the season. Your response to our raffles was tremendous, and raised over $800. Congratulations to the raffle winners, and thanks to all for your generous support of Island Commons!
December 17, 2015 - Photo of Mrs. Hoidal's K-2 classroom in front of the owl box Ken Pelton built for the school and was put up last year. We are hoping that this spring it will be found by an owl of course.
Historical Society Gift Shop Hours: Sunday, December 20, 11:00 - 4:00; closed on the 19th due to Free Boat Day. If you need to shop at the Museum Gift Shop at another time, contact Mary Holt at 846-5040 or islelive@chebeague.net.
Message from Island Riches: I will be at Doughty's Market sat 19th 10am- 2pm and Sun 20th 10am-1pm . You can do some last minute shopping. hope to see you there," Florence
Vicki Todd, LMT has 10% off gift certificates through December for the best massage anyone could ask for! Send her and email vtodd@chebeague.net or call 207 400-4313.
Do you have some fun ideas for programs and/or summer camps that we could offer at CRC? Let us know!! Give us a call, 846-5068, or send us an email, crc@chebeague.net to share your ideas. Wishing you all a safe and happy holiday season!
December 16, 2015 - Today is the last day to double your impact of a donation to Shannon Adams for her Walk to End Breast Cancer in July next year. Click here to go to her page.
Don't forget the COMMUNITY LUNCH today at the Hall - birng food to fill the Food Pantry's fridge and freezer if you would like in lieu of the usual $5 suggested donation! See you there for roast pork, mashed potatoes, green salad, chocolate pudding and applesauce. See the note below for suggested food items.
For those who couldn't make it to the Chebeague Island School Holiday Concert or would like to see it again I have youtubed most of it - click here to see.
December 15, 2015 - The Council invites your questions at its monthly board meeting Wednesday, December 16th at the Parish House. Attorney Martha Greene of Brann & Isaacson will be present. The meeting starts at 7:00 pm and the public portion of the meeting will end at 8:00 pm. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Deborah A. Bowman, President 846-0609
Dana Bourgeois is going to be on 207 tonight!
This year, Downeast Magazine is doing a Maine Madness tournament bracket. They have "seeded" the bracket with 16 of their favorite towns in the state — selected for quantitative reasons like home prices, employment, and median income, but also using more subjective criteria like natural beauty, community vibe, local businesses we admire, and so on. Chebeague Island is one of the seeds and this week we are up against Kittery click here to go to the site and sign in and vote - you don't have to pay anything - when you get on the site go to travel and you will see the bracket.
CRC's annual Kids Holiday Craft program was a huge success. We had 30 kids participate this year! Thank you to our volunteer crafters; Meredith Beaupre, Jen Belesca, Sam Birkett, Althea Dugliss, Christine Englund, Caroline Loder (and Christopher), Katy McCann (and Adrian), Betts Mayer and Erika Neumann. They planned some amazing projects this year and the kids had a blast making presents for friends and family. Click here to see some pictures.
COMMUNITY LUNCH: Please join the Hall chefs at noon on Wednesday for a special "Hall"iday Community Lunch. We are serving roast pork, applesauce made from Roy Jackson's apples, mashed potatoes and gravy, a green salad, and chocolate pudding with whipped cream, and each attendee will receive a wee, homemade gift to express our thanks for making the lunches so successful. This month, the CIHCC is collaborating with the Chebeague Island Food Pantry to hold a "food"-raiser, with the aim of raising 100 lb of food to fill the Food Pantry's fridge and freezer. In lieu of the usual $5 suggested donation, we are asking for edible contributions, with special emphasis on the following items: fresh and frozen fruit, frozen vegetables, canned fruit, canned tuna and chicken, oatmeal and cereals, breakfast bars, individual servings of fruit, rice and pasta, peanut butter, low- or reduced-salt items, oranges and grapefruit, potatoes and sweet potatoes, onions, beets, and carrots. All proceeds, whether edible greens or spendable greens, will go to the Food Pantry. So, do a good thing while enjoying great food and fabulous company!
December 14, 2015 - Message from the Island Council: The Council board meeting is Wednesday, December 16 at 7:00 pm at the Parish House. It was my error the wrong date appeared in the Calendar. Deborah Bowman, President
The Chebeague School Holiday Concert is Tuesday, December 15th at 5:30 pm at the Hall. There will be no School Committee meeting.
December 11, 2015 - If you haven't signed the ONLINE PETITION to ask the Island Council to restore our Health Center - click here.
Today the whole Chebeague Island School participated in the Hour of Code program. The upper class paired up with the younger students and they worked on programs learning how to code. They all loved it and after almost an hour the older class worked for another half hour on their own and they all enjoyed the time. Click here to see them all working and learning!
Message from Shannon Adams: "Mark your calendars for Wednesday Dec. 16th! I'm participating in the Avon39 2-Day Walk to End Breast Cancer in July next year. However! I have an anonymous donor who is willing to MATCH ALL DONATIONS that I receive on Wednesday December 16th. This is a unique opportunity to DOUBLE your impact! Last year I was lucky enough to meet some of the doctors, scientists, and non-profit organization leaders as they received their grants made possible by your donations! It was amazing. If you would like to once again support this cause and help me reach my minimum goal required to participate, mark your calendars for this coming Wednesday, December 16th and follow this link. Thank you!"
Tonight is Paint Party with Caroline Loder at the Hall from 7:00 - 9:00 (arrive 15 minutes early) - still plenty of room - $35 and go home with a work of art!
Please remember the CPA Holiday Party is this SATURDAY, Dec 12th, 4-6pm at the Hall. Come one, come all! Songs, treats and a special friend-in-red with elves will be there. Call Meredith for Qs 846-8712.
Holiday shopping? Order wrapping paper, bows, chocolates and more from Innisbrook (www.innisbrook.com)and support the Chebeague Island School at the same time! A percentage of sales will support our CPA. Just FOUR more days to order! Flyer attached.
Don't forget today from 4:30-6:30 the ISLAND COMMONS HOLIDAY PARTY - see flyer
Photo "Chebeague island painters, a reminder that if you live on a Maine island, painting is just somehow in your blood. Just ask Hopper, Homer, and the Wyeths if you're not convinced. Thank you painters who've accompanied me on Friday nights." —Caroline Loder
December 10, 2015 - I have just added the eulogy Donna Damon wrote for Edmund's funeral to Edmunds page.
Message from May: Just wanted to thank the folks who stopped for our girl in the road and helped us put her down. It's so hard to lose a pet. Thanks to the folks who stopped and offered kind words. Special thanks to Chuck for his astounding compassion, and to my brother and Henry for helping us lay her to rest. May, Cassidy and Bea.
December 9, 2015 - Press Release: Click here for a Press Release following a press conference which I spoke at this morning. They even had a quote from me. You can also now download the full Tillson Broadband Report.I believe the whole conference will be on MPBN at some point.
Holiday Shopping at the Museum of Chebeague History: Thursday 12/10, 5:30 - 7:30; Saturday 12/19, 11:00 - 4:00. Shop early and often for the best selection.
Historical Society Festive Pot Luck Christmas Party: Community members are invited to join the Chebeague Island Historical Society on December14th, Monday evening at 6 p.m. Join us at the Museum for an evening of celebration, tasty food and fun. Bring a casserole or other food item to share and a gift valued $10 or less if you'd like to participate in the gift exchange. We look forward to seeing you all at the Museum during the coming weeks. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Reminder: ISLAND COMMONS HOLIDAY PARTY this Friday (Dec.11th) 4:30-6:30! Gather with friends & neighbors to celebrate the season, enjoy delightful refreshments, listen to a little holiday music…and take a chance on many great RAFFLES! See Flyer - Can’t make it but want to take a chance on a raffle item? Call Nancy Olney to purchase raffle tickets - 846-5610. Here are a few more items that have come in since our earlier post… See you on Friday!
December 8, 2015 - Please click here to sign a PETITION ONLINE and around the island asking the Island Council to restore our Health Center at the Hall.
Please see a note of gratitude to Nurse Nancy from some of her patients.
Wednesday's soup will be will be Potato, Bacon, and Chive Soup with Horseradish and the vegetarian will be Brazilian Black Bean (from Moosewood).
Applications for the ILead need to be in by December 9th - please click here to learn how you can be part of this.This is a well-designed, well funded workshop where Board members and staff in only a few days can learn a lot from professionals about leading a successful island nonprofit. Scholarships are available. Write Kburns@islandinstitute.org for information and the application.
Barrie Shepherd still has a few copies of his Advent-Christmas book, Destination Bethlehem - Daily Meditations, Prayers and Poems to Light the Way to the Manger - available. The list price (on Amazon) is $28, but he is offerring it at $20, and all proceeds, beyond cost - are donated to the Chebeague Food Pantry. Anyone interested should call 510 1637 or email barrieshep@aol.com and he will mail autographed and inscribed copies. The book makes a thoughtful and unusual Xmas gift.
CPA Holiday party - Saturday, December 12, 4-6pm (flyer attached). CPA welcomes you to come celebrate the holidays with your children at our annual party with singing, tree lighting, treats and a visit from you-know-who. All children are welcome from near and far- just let the CPA know we we can plan ahead for each child. If you would like to volunteer, contact Meredith at jakylory@chebeague.net. See you on the 12th.
December 7, 2015 - Message from Nurse Nancy: "It is with regret that Tuesday, December 8th will be my last day for doing blood draws, and nursing tasks. It has been too difficult without appropriate space and privacy. I want to thank the Chebeague Island Hall Community Center for allowing me to use the Hall but it just isn’t working well for me and the public. I also want to thank everyone for all the support I received in trying to keep this service going.”
Tonight Lock Kiermaier, Host "Matinicus Wannabe", Mondays 9-11 PM EST will be featuring music in honor of Edmund Doughty and will include some of Josh's music. Click here to get the online program.
December 6, 2015 - Photo taken by David Stevens the morning of December 6, 2015.
The Church, Parish House and surroundings were full of people for Edmund's service yesterday and there were not enough programs to go around. If you didn't get one and would like to see it or print it out click here.
The Library has a part-time, as needed job opportunity to assist in daily operations. If you are interested in becoming part of our beloved Library or have any questions call Sarah McKinnon Koerber (846-0565) or the Library (846-4351) - see job description.
December 5, 2015 - The Recompense Fund is partnering with the Island Institute to offer all Chebeague nonprofits training in running a successful nonprofit January 8-10. Board members and staff must apply by December 9th. Scholarships are available. For click here for more information and click here for the application or write Kburns@islandinstitute.org and find out about the scholarships.
Tonight: WHALERS CONCERT: With our new Director Ben Yosua-Davis, the program will celebrate “A Chebeague Christmas” with songs of the season sung by the Whalers and a children’s chorus, poetry readings by some of Chebeague’s poets and stories shared by additional guests. The concert will begin at 7:30 p.m. this Saturday, December 5, at the Hall. Tickets are $8 with no charge for those under 12.
December 3, 2015 - The December 6th poetry reading by Wesley McNair has been postponed until sometime in February. Deborah A. Bowman, Director
The Transfer station hours are slightly different for December 5, 2015 they will be 1:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Blue Christmas Service - The holidays can be a difficult time for many. Join us on Sunday, December 13th at 7 PM at the Chebeague Island UMC for a holiday service for any of us who are stressed, lonely, hurting, or grieving, or struggling at this time of year. It will be an informal time of worship and community support. All are welcome. The church will be open starting at 6:30 PM for any who wish to gather for silence and meditation. Contact Melissa at 846.4106 or at ml.yosuadavis@gmail.com if you have any questions regarding the service. See flyer
December 1, 2015 - The CTC December newsletter is posted on our website - click here.
Get your holiday schedule on the CTC website or on the ferry. http://www.chebeaguetrans.com/Documents/Holiday_Schedule_2015.pdf
CTC is adding a third "free boat day" this December recognizing that many Islanders will be attending a service on the Island on 12/5 and not traveling to the mainland.
Our free boat days will be 12/5, 12/12, and 12/19.
The soup at the Hall tomorrow will be Hamburger rice. The vegetarian soup will be corn chowder.
WHALERS CONCERT: With our new Director Ben Yosua-Davis, the program will celebrate “A Chebeague Christmas” with songs of the season sung by the Whalers and a children’s chorus, poetry readings by some of Chebeague’s poets and stories shared by additional guests. The concert will begin at 7:30 p.m. this Saturday, December 5, at the Hall. Tickets are $8 with no charge for those under 12.
Island painters: this is the last paint night for 2015. Please call in advance to reserve a canvas—only a limited supply left. Enjoy a glass of wine while I queue the Christmas music. As always, this is a fund raiser for the Chebeague Recreation Center. 207-846-5068 - click here to see flyer.
YEAR ROUND RENTAL now available at CICA’s School House Road homes. Unit #1 of the duplex is now available; 3 bedroom / 2.5 bath, full basement (storage and utilities only). No smoking, no pets. Walk to the island school for preK thru grade 5; middle and high school in Yarmouth school district. Rent is $750/mo. For a family of four, the maximum income is $86,760/yr, Please visit the CICA site to learn more, click here or contact Bob Earnest. Applications must be postmarked no later than 12/15/2015.
November 30, 2015 - Beginning today 11/30, the CTC bus will make two stops each school night at the Yarmouth High School to pick up students who stayed late for activities, sports, etc. The buses leaving the lot at 6:00 PM and at 7:45 PM will stop by the Yarmouth High School. This will delay arrival at the wharf by 10 minutes, but passengers will still have plenty of time to unload their freight.
Nurse Nancy will be at the Hall tomorrow from 0715 until 0915.
Save the Date….Island Commons annual HOLIDAY PARTY Friday, December 11th, 4:30-6:30. Please join us for food, cheer, music and a great selection of RAFFLES…see our flyer and watch for additional items as they come in. See you there!
The Island Market will be open this week with shorter hours to get ready to celebrate Ed's life on Saturday. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday will be open 9am till 1pm. The store will be closed Wednesday and Saturday.
School Committee Meeting is Tuesday, December 1, 6pm at the School -See Agenda.
November 26, 2015 - HAPPY THANKSGIVING
Click here to see an article in the Portland Press Herald about Wesley McNair who will be at the Chebeague Island Library on December 6th!
November 25, 2015 - Photo taken by Zack Hodgin on November 25th.
The Ladies Aid Wreath making will be next Thursday, Dec 3rd instead of Wednesday. Pickup will be Thursday afternoon!
If you want to park at the Cousins Lot in 2016 we MUST have you application and deposit in the CTC office by 4 PM on Monday, November 30th. Applications received after that date will be assigned to the Route One parking lot.
The Island Market will be open today from 8:30 - 9:30 AM. The Chebeague Island Hall will be opening up at 9:30 for coffee and there will be one soup today for lunch - Portugueese Green Soup. There will not be a vegetarian.
November 24, 2015 -Grace Groothoff is assessing if there is enough interest in having Trader Joe’s deliver to Chebeague, perhaps on a weekly basis. If you would be interested in this service, please email or call Grace and let her know. She will also need an estimate of how much groceries you would be willing to commit to buying from Trader Joe’s each month (even though it may be delivered weekly). You can reach Grace at gracegroothoff@gmail.com or (707) 322-8077
Message from Island Riches: We will be open Friday the 27 from 12.noon - 3 pm and sat. 28 from 12 noon 3 pm. Herb has made more beautiful napkin rings and earrings. They are a great thing for the holidays. We also 20% off on some items. Check out the handcrafts and support our crafters. Hope to see you, Florence and Herb
Nurse Nancy is at the Hall today from 7:15 - 9:15 if you need blood draws or nursing services. Nancy is a volunteer and does not charge for her services. She thanks the Hall for allowing her to use the facility. She is not in the Island Council Office/Wellness Center as she waits for the Island Council to determine their policies and procedures.
November 23 2015 - Holiday Shopping at the Museum of Chebeague History: Black Friday 11/27, 11:00 - 4:00; Saturday 12/6, 11:00 - 4:00; Thursday 12/10, 5:30 - 7:30; Saturday 12/19, 11:00 - 4:00. Shop early and often for the best selection.
Historical Society Festive Pot Luck Christmas Party: Community members are invited to join the Chebeague Island Historical Society on December14th, Monday evening at 6 p.m. Join us at the Museum for an evening of celebration, tasty food and fun. Bring a casserole or other food item to share and a gift valued $10 or less if you'd like to participate in the gift exchange. We look forward to seeing you all at the Museum during the coming weeks. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Reminders from CTC: Parking application for Cousins lot must be in our office by end of day on Monday 11/30 along with deposit. Applications received after that date will be assigned to Route One lot.
Holiday schedules are available on our website or on the ferry.
Today at school they celebrated Thanksgiving with a dinner that included guests from the Commons as well as some volunteers. Laura,with the help from Alex and Laurie made a feast to remember. click here to see.
David Scrase and Linda Ewing invite everyone to an Open House and Sale to show off some new woodturnings and new art pieces on Saturday, November 28 from 10:00am to 1:00pm at 313 South Road (across from Central Landing).
November 22 2015- Photo taken by Gary Ross at Coleman Cove November 22
Chebeague Island Community Association meeting Monday night, 7pm, at the School building. Click HERE for agenda.
A new update from Michael and Barbara Porter who are about to leave Tenerife for the BI..
November 21 2015 - Click here for the PUFFIN MOVIE created by the 3-5 class starring the Pre-K - 2nd graders at the Chebeague Island School. If you are interested in learning more about the Puffin Project Restoration with Steve Kress - click here.
Bill Putnam (greatgrandson of Billy Hill) sent me a wonderful article in the Discover Maine Magazine all about Billy Hill (The man who outshot Annie Oakley). The article starts on page 33. Billy Hill is the grandfather of David Hill, Sandra Rice, Ricky McDonald, Sue West, and Shelby Putnam. He has lots of descendents on Chebeague now.
This mornin, Saturday, at 10:00am, at the Island Hall: Senator Cathy Breen will be on Chebeague to update our community on Maine state legislative work and hear concerns from community members. Please plan to join Cathy, there will be time for questions and comments and coffee will be served.
November 20, 2015 - The Library is closed for Thanksgiving, November 26th and Friday, November 27th. The Library will reopen on Saturday, November 28th at 10:00 am. Deborah A. Bowman, Director
Don't forget - LADIES AID FAIR: Saturday, November 21st at the Parish House from 12 - 2:30
November 19, 2015 - The Community Lunch was a big success yesterday, and the Hall board would like to extend a huge thank you to Betts and Eldon Mayer for sponsoring it. We would also like to thank Donna Clark for her fabulous fruit donation and, of course, Wanda for her two pans of vegetarian lasagna. This is not meant to slight all the other tireless volunteers who show up every Wednesday in the Hall kitchen, but we would like it known that Wanda not only makes the vegetarian soup every week at home but also shows up in the kitchen to help with all the other prep and serving work. The faithful volunteers include Hall board members Ruth Slagle and Pat St Cyr, Council members Deb Hall and Ester Knight, as well as those not officially associated with the Community Center, such as Wanda, Mimi, and Jane. It is truly a community effort every week.
The Hall board would also like to thank Susie Stav and Arlene Dyer for opening the Hall coffee shop four days straight this week, with today--Thursday--being the last day. They gave Starbucks and McDonalds a run for their money with their hot coffee, warm muffins, and even a Hall Mcsandwich one morning.
Message from Carrie" The Pies are running out!!!
We have 2 Cherry Pies, 1 blueberry pie and 1 mixed berry pie left!
Call to reserve yours today!!
$16 dollars a pie, pick them up on Weds. between 9 and 4:30 pm.
I will be at The Kids' Place in the rec. center all day!
November 18, 2015 - Don't forget tonight theChebeague Island Council (CIC) meeting at the Parish House at 7pm.
The Island Institute is offering a 3-day leadership training program for island and remote coastal nonprofit leaders and board members. Click here to learn about I LEAD-Nonprofits. This program starts noontime Friday, January 8 to noontime Sunday, January 10.
Message from Kids Place: Pies!!! Thanksgiving is right around the corner and The Kids' Place has tons of pies to sell!
Please e mail: kidsplace@chebeague.net to reserve your pie today!
Pie pick ups will be on Weds. before Thanksgiving from 9 to noon. Special arrangements can be made if you need them!!
We have a lot of flavors and choices: Pumpkin, Pecan, Apple, Mixed Berry and Pecan! We have awesome bakers! The pies are superb!! $16 a piece. Please reserve yours today!! All proceeds go to The Kids' Place programs and materials!
Thanks for your support
November 16, 2015 - This month's Chebeague Island Council (not selectmen) is scheduled to meet this Wednesday at 7pm at the PARISH HOUSE and the public is welcome. If you have any concerns or interest in what is happening with the Health Center, fuel assistance and Samaritan Fund, Chedemption and/or Island Calendar - PLEASE ATTEND.
Saturday, November 21, 10:00am, at the Island Hall: Senator Cathy Breen will be on Chebeague to update our community on Maine state legislative work and hear concerns from community members. Please plan to join Cathy, there will be time for questions and comments. If you can't make it to the Hall but would like Cathy to stop by your home or business to chat with you between 8:30 and 9:45, contact Mary Holt at islelive@chebeague.net or 846-5040.
Selectmen's meeting is Wednesday at 6pm at the HALL see agenda.
LADIES AID FAIR: Saturday, November 21st at the Parish House from 12 - 2:30
Nurse Nancy will be at the HALL tomorrow only until 8:30 for her nursing services and back to the regular schedule 7:15 - 9:15 next Tuesday.
Come to the Community Lunch at the Hall this Wednesday (November 18) at noon, and be transported to your favorite Italian eatery. The in-Hall chefs are serving lasagna--your choice of red meat, chicken, or vegetarian---salad, and cake with lemon sauce. And don't forget to give a hearty thank you to Betts and Eldon Mayer, who are sponsoring this event. A $5 donation is suggested.
Also, keep in mind that Barista Susie and her faithful team will be at the Hall every morning this week, through Thursday, while the store is closed. Drop in for some delicious baked goods and a cup or two of coffee or tea.
November 15, 2015 - School Committee Meeting Tuesday, 6pm at the school - see agenda.
Katy McCann will be teaching yoga classes at the Niblic on Tuesday and Friday mornings, 8:15-9:15. Classes are drop-in and sliding scale, $5-$8. Class is appropriate for all levels, all bodies, all ages. Please bring a mat if you have one. Other props will be provided. A few mats will be available for those who do not have them.
November 14, 2015 -This year, the Whalers want to make their Christmas concert (and their chorus) an inter-generational experience for the holiday season. We're forming a children's chorus that will sing two pieces during the concert, including a combined song with the Whalers!
No prior singing experience is necessary! We will rehearse on November 22, from 1:00-2:15PM in the Parish Hall. The dress rehearsal will be from 6:30-7:30PM on Friday, December 4th, with the concert at 7:00PM on Saturday, December 5th.
Would you be interested in having your child participate?
Contact Ben Yosua-Davis at b.yosuadavis@gmail.com!
November 13, 2015 - The Town has job openings. Hiring notices can be accessed from the home page of the Town’s website: http://www.townofchebeagueisland.org/
LADIES AID FALL FAIR will be on Saturday, November 21st at the Parish House from 12 - 2:30; Lunch will be available; Hot Dogs, chips & Fall Punch or coffee. There will be treasures galore; lovely hand knit woolie scarves, mittens & socks plus fleece mittens & wonderful holiday crafts to brighten your homes & gifts for friends. Plus fabulous delectable treats from baked goodies to home made fudge & Don't forget to sign up for a beautiful Door Wreath to greet your neighbors throughout the Holiday season. Think Merry Christmas Season before the rush of the Season gets going full tilt.
The CTC ferry service is back in operation starting with the 2:30 PM ferry today. Fortunately, the problem was easily fixed – the boat ran out of fuel. CTC management will address the breakdown in operations that caused this problem. We apologize for the inconvenience this event caused our passengers.
Next week the Island Market will be close Sunday, November 15 at 1pm and back open Friday, November 20th. The Island Hall will be having coffee mornings Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. The Community Luncheon is this coming Wednesday, November 18th and will be Lasagna (Meat Sauce, Chicken, Vegetarian) Salad and Cake with Lemon Sauce. Please click here to see all the menus for the Community Luncheons that will be happening over the winter. The Hall is so happy to be providing this community service and we invite an individual or group who would like to sponsor one of the meals for $250 to contact Ruth Slagle at ruthslagle@chebeague.net 846-6345. We, again would like to thank Kim Boehm and Mark Dyer who sponsored meals last year.
Next Tuesday, November 10th, Nurse Nancy will be at the HALL from 7:15 to 8:30 - please call her at 207-712-3184 (cell) if this time does not work for you.
November 9, 2015 - Photo the plaque outside the Library. For more information about this issue go to the facebook Chebeague Island Swap, Sell and Borrow.
Wednesday's soup is Tomato and Ginger Soup with Grilled Chicken and the vegetarian is "Gypsy Soup" from Moosewood.
November 5, 2015 - I would like to thank Tom and Elizabeth Hill Schutte for their tireless effort and work in making the Island Council Calendar so enjoyable and interesting to read over the last two years. Etta (Elizabeth) especially has felt so connected to the island and doing the calendar was the next best thing to being able to live here year round. People have asked for Etta's email address to thank her: eschutte@casema.nl
Selectmen's meeting tonight at the Hall 6pm concerning agreement between Yarmouth and Chebeague and CTC operations and access followed by solid waste discussion.
Congratulations to Jonathan and Luke Groothoff and the Yarmouth Soccer team who are now headed to the States after defeating Maranacook. Click here to read all about it. They are heading to Fitzpatrick Stadium Saturday at 5:30 against Erskine Academy for the State Title.
November 3, 2015 - Chebeague.org website may be down tomorrow after 1:00 pm, Fairpoint will be switching over the internet at the Library onto the fiber for the School Library Network and increasing the bandwidth at those locations.
Click here to download information about the Island Institute Geiger Scholarship. Click here to see the Island Scholars Parent Newsletter that has lots of information about college, scholarships and help.
A Message from CTC: Beginning November 1st each year, CTC designates an area for commuter parking. The parking is for commuters from Chebeague - not commuters to Chebeague. Having the area empty during the workweek helps with snow removal efforts. Only cars with the commuter parking sticker should park in the designated area. Thank you for your cooperation.
The Council is happy to accept Calendar submissions for the December issue at the same email address island.calendar@chebeague.net up to the 20th of November. If you have any questions about submissions, please call the Council office 846-4988 or me at 846-0609.
Deb Bowman, President, Chebeague Island Council
November 2, 2015 - Even though it is election day, Nurse Nancy will be at the Hall tomorrow from 7:15 to 9:15.
Tomorrow is also election day with a few bond issues and a referendum about campaign financing - for more information check the Town Website.
Soup for this Wednesday will be Squash and Bean Minestrone and the vegetarian will be Hungarian Mushroom Soup.
School Committee Meeting Tuesday night at 6pm - click here for agenda.
Click here to see a message from Elizabeth and Tom Schutte who have resigned as editors of the Island Council's Monthly Calendar.
October 31, 2015 - HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Please join the CPA's Annual Halloween Party this Saturday 10/31 at the Hall from 4-6pm for fun, games, food and a cake walk in your costumes. Pot Luck dinner. FREE. All are welcome - click here for flyer.
Happy Halloween from CTC! We would love to see "trick or treaters" on the Piper between the 5PM and 6:15PM ferries tonight! The crew will be her between 630 and 8 too.
October 30, 2015 - Click here to see a nice article about Donna Weigle on Swans Island who has been working on Swans Island helping with health care there. Susan Stranahan is quoted in it as well.
The CTC November Newsletter is available here.
Don't miss the Open House at the Museum on Sunday Nov 1 from 1-4. Free to all and refreshments will be served!
Last chance to see the current exhibit! View maps of Chebeague dating back before the Revolution! Other topics include native American artifacts, Maritime, Agriculture, Children's toys, Technology, Domestic items, Stores, Churches, Schools and more!
Scavenger Hunt for kids with prizes! Gift Shop sale. Donna Damon will be on hand to answer your questions and to share some stories of Chebeague's past! Hope to see you there!
October 27, 2015 - Photo taken by Geoff Summa October 27th sunset over Little ChebeagueMeditation with Michelle is back at CRC in November! Fridays 4:30-5:30
Remember that Wednesday Night 6pm the Board of Selectmen will be hosting a brainstorming and idea workshop for the capital needs of the island community at the Island Hall. Please bring your dry wit.
Nurse Nancy is back and is at the Hall this morning from 7:30 - 9:30 - Bring your doctor's order (she can obtain it for you if needed) or just stop by and say hi and enjoy a goody she and Joan may have.
October 26, 2015 - HALLOWEEN is here! Please join the CPA's Annual Halloween Party this Saturday 10/31 at the Hall from 4-6pm for fun, games, food and a cake walk in your costumes. Pot Luck dinner. FREE. All are welcome - click here for flyer.
Soup this Wednesday is Beef Noodle and the vegetarian is 10-spice vegetable soup with cashew cream.
Another fun Paint Party with Caroline on October 30th at CIHCC. Click here for details.
October 25, 2015 - Kevin will be having his first Night Skywatching at his house, 11 South Road, tonight, Sunday at 8PM. People can look at the moon, Andromeda Galaxy, Pleiades and other cool stuff!
The Island Council Calendar has now gone to print but the online version is available now - click here or above.. As you can see the deadline for December submissions has been moved back to November 13th. The reason for this is that the Council has decided that the publication needs to be reviewed by the Island Council before it goes to the printer.
Message from Kids' Place: The Kids' Place is selling PIES for Thanksgiving again this year. We have some awesome bakers baking pies. We have Pecan, chocolate cream and pumpkin pies, We have mixed berry, blueberry and Cherry pies. We Have Apple pie!
If you would like to reserve your Thanksgiving pies, please e mail: kidsplace@chebeague.net
All pies are $16 dollars, with the exception of Pecan pies which are $20.
Our baking team is awesome!!
Reserve yours today. You can also call the rec. 846-5068 to reserve your pies. Happy Autumn!! Carrie Ridgway
October 23, 2015 - Photo of the Orion Nebula taken through the Chebeague Skywatchers recompense telescope by Kevin Wentworth October 23rd. Kevin and others are updating the Chebeague Skywatchers Facebook page daily and it is really fun - click here to see. Kevin also has put his Total Lunar Eclipse Time Lapse Video on Youtube!
MISSING CAT: She is an all black cat - About 4 or 5 years old and answers to her name "Bessy." She was last seen about 2 weeks ago from the vicinity of Church lane and North road.
Contact Pam Pulsifer (animal control) at (207) 846-3215 - She is Sadly Missed
Daring Greatly – October 29th - The Church and the Chebeague Island Library will be co-sponsoring a 4 week book study on Daring Greatly by Brené Brown. Daring Greatly is for anyone looking to transform the way they lead, parent, live, work, and love. Brené Brown’s work centers around the culture of vulnerability and the courage to show up to the arena of our own lives.
Planning for the Holidays? Once again this year CTC will provide two "free boat days" for our passengers. No fares will be collected on 12/5 and 12/12. The CTC Holiday schedule for Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and New Years Day can be find here.
The Piper comes home on 10/26 after a very successful season at the Maine Maritime Museum. On 10/28 the Islander will be hauled at the Royal River Boatyard to undergo a Coast Guard “hull inspection” ( an inspection that must be done every two years) and to have her engine “rebuilt”.
The Islander’s engine is 13 years old and has run approximately 27,000 hours. It is showing signs of wear and, after much consideration, the Board of Directors voted at their October meeting to be proactive and rebuild the engine now- in compliance with the company’s mission “to provide safe, reliable, efficient transportation for Chebeague Island”.
The Islander will be at the boatyard for several weeks while this work is being done. During that time, the Piper will be in service. While we understand that the Piper is not as comfortable as the Islander, the crew will make every effort to make the boat ride as pleasant as possible. Thank you for your understanding.
October 22, 2015 - Nurse Nancy accompanied by Joan Robinson will be back at the Hall doing her Tuesday morning Nursing activities that many are happy to be provided with. Tuesday the 27th she will be at the HALL from 7:30 to 9:30 am. This is being supported by the Hall while the Council works on their mission to provide Health Care at the Health Center.
Click here to see "Lunar Eclipse Blood Moon September 27, 2015 Video" created by Kevin Wentworth! He has also started the Chebeague Skywatchers Facebook and Club
Don't forget that the Hall's annual meeting is tonight at 5:30 at the Hall. Come and vote, or submit your proxy. Better still, become a write-in candidate, and join the board. We are looking for creative, energetic individuals who have a few hours a month to spare for their community.
YEAR ROUND RENTAL now available at CICA’s School House Road homes. Unit #1 of the duplex is now available; 3 bedroom / 2.5 bath, full basement (storage and utilities only). No smoking, no pets. Rent is $950/mo. For a family of four, the maximum income is $86,760/yr, Please visit the CICA site to learn more, at click here or contact Bob Earnest. Applications must be postmarked no later than 11/15/2015.
The Chebeague Cumberland Land Trust annual meeting will take place this coming Saturday, Sauturday 24th, at 9:30 as part of the Knight's Pond and Blueberry Hill Celebration in Cumberland. Please click here to learn all about this fabulous piece of land, trails and celebration!
THANK YOU Recompense Foundation for recognizing the importance of the sustainability of CRC with your very generous grant of $15,000 to help us complete repairs to the gymnasium lighting, the pool filters, and the filter shed. We would also like to thank the community for approving an additional $5,000 in the town budget to help offset the cost of our pool repairs. The total amount needed to complete these projects is $80,500 and to date we have raised $29,100. We have some work ahead of us to raise the remaining funds but are confident that we will be successful. We are grateful for the support that we have received thus far.
October 21, 2015 - TODAY! Community Lunch = Parmesan Crusted Chicken, Salad, Butternut Squash, Green Beans and Apple Crisp. See you there!
PAINTING OF US MAP is POSTPONED until Spring. Given the unseasonable cooler temps and the possibility of rain in the forecast, we will schedule a day in the Spring when it will be satisfactory for painting and a fun day on the island for all. Thank you to all who have volunteered to help and we all look forward to Spring to get the job done!
October 19, 2015 - The school is excited to have the Portland Sunrise Rotary come to the island and paint a large map of the United States. It will be painted in the Rec Center's parking lot beside the Tennis Court. Mrs. Westra's class is studying the United States and are excited to use their lego robotics and travel from state to state with Laurie Hegarty! Click here to learn more at the Portland Sunrise Rotary Facebook Page. This will be done if next Sunday is warmer than 50º - otherwise it will be done in the spring.
Click here to see Carrie's Kids Place Autumn report and photos.
A new facebook page has been created by Kevin so join "Chebeague Island Skywatchers"
October 18, 2015 - Coming soon! "Chebeague Island Skywatchers" astronomy club has been born! More info to come on this new club will be posted soon! Kevin Wentworth will be heading up the new club utilizing the island telescope funded by the Recompense Fund a few years ago. Charles Marks had plans before he got sick to get something like this going and I can't wait to see how it goes and Charles would be so pleased. I am so happy Kevin is so motivated and we have a number of telescopes in the community to make this a fun club!
School Committee Meeting this Tuesday, October 20th at 6pm at the school - click here for agenda.
October 16, 2015 - Photo of the K-2 class who along with the rest of the school had a fire safety drill with Ralph, Joe and Nancy! They had so much fun properly climbing out a window. When they wanted me to do it I did it all wrong and they all laughed and I even learned the correct procedure.
A Joint School Committee Workshop with the Yarmouth School Committee at the Chebeague Island School 8:30 October 17, 2015 - see agenda.
October 15, 2015 - Tomorrow, Friday, October 16, the Home Health Visiting Nurseis doing the flu clinic from 9am - 10:45. The last flu shot will be given at the Hall at 10:45. Bring insurance card and remember if you don't have insurance no one is turned away. The program is sponsored by the Island Council, The Community Hall and the Home Health Services Visiting Nurses.
TOWN OFFICE IS CLOSED until Monday, October 19. They are sorry for the inconvenience but they are having server issues and the computer is being repaired.
The Island Institute has a call for applications for fishermen interested in diversifying their income into shellfish and/or seaweed aquaculture to join our upcoming aquaculture cohort. Through this cohort, we hope to help interested aquaculturists set up their businesses, navigate complicated site and licensing requirements, and develop a processing, marketing, and distribution plan. You can learn more about this program - click here.
October 13, 2015 - Island Riches will be open weekends untill the end of October. If you need something or would like to check out the shop we will be happy to open for you. Call 207 846-4986 or email us at islandriches@chebeague.net Thank you,
Florence ( wear a jacket )
The Chebegue Island School is looking for a fill-in bus driver. Please contact Mike Pulsifer, the new superintendent, at the school if you’re interested. 846-4162.
Community Lunch will be October 21 and will be Parmesan Crusted Chicken, Salad, Butternut Squash, Green Beans and Apple Crisp.
October 11, 2015 - Chedemption is in need of banana boxes - please save them and leave them at the transfer station.
Michael Porter has updated their site again, this time with our run from Lübeck through the German canals to Wolfsburg - click here.
October 10, 2015 - Island Riches will be open this weekend Oct. 9,10 and 11 from 10 am to 4 pm. Some items up to 20% off. We still have a lot of island crafts that make great christmas gifts.It is never to early.Special gifts done by Sarah parker, Kim Martin, Clint Jones, Sandra Rice, Linda Carlton, Herb Rich and author Barrie Shepherd just to name a few.Come to the westend.
Thank you,
Herb and Florence
Message from Jen at The Niblic: Its our final weekend of the season. We are open Saturday & Sunday 8 to 2. Hope you can swing by. Thanks for a great season & we appreciate all your support & patronage!
October 8, 2015 - Click here to read an article "How Chebeague Island crossed the digital divide - keeping pace with internet use calls for mixed solutions"
Home Health Visiting Nurse is coming Friday, October 16th from 9am - 10:45 for flu clinic. The last flu shot will be given at the Hall at 10:45. Bring insurance card and remember if you don't have insurance no one is turned away. The program is sponsored by the Island Council, The Community Hall and the Home Health Services Visiting Nurses.
Absentee Ballots are available for the November 3, 2015 State Referendum Election, and the Casco Bay Transit District Regular Election; at the Town Office during regular business hour - click here to see when. All dog registrations expire on December 31, 2015. We will start licensing your dogs for the 2016 Calendar year, on October 15, 2015. Please provide a copy of the valid Rabies Certificate.
The Island Institute is looking to recruit applicants for its aquaculture cohort. For more information click here.
Kevin Wentworth created a youtube of an aurora borealis October 7, 2015 seen from the Stone Pier - click here to see.
YEAR ROUND RENTAL now available at CICA’s School House Road homes. Unit #1 of the duplex is now available; 3 bedroom / 2.5 bath, full basement (storage and utilities only). No smoking, no pets. Please visit the CICA site to learn more, at click here or contact Bob Earnest to learn more. Applications must be postmarked no later than 10/31/2015.
October 6, 2015 - Don't miss Yoga with Katy on Tuesdays and Fridays at 8:30 AM and Bellyfit with Katy on Mondays and Wednesdays at 5:30 PM..Both at CRC!!
CRC is still looking for a soccer coach for kids grades k-5. It's not too late!! If you are available to lead a fun, energetic group of kids, please give me a call, 846-5068.
Chuck is still harvesting fresh vegetables every morning at Second Wind Farm – beets, collard greens, kale, radish, tomatoes, potatoes, carrots and more! Stop by the farm stand today!
All are invited to GREAT CHEBEAGUE GOLF CLUB's Annual Blanchard Invitational/ Frost Golf Tournament, Saturday, October 10, 2015 - 12 Noon “Shotgun” Start, Modified Callaway Handicap System. There are both 9 and 18 hole competitions. The total cost is a $5 Entry Fee. Golf is followed by a 5PM Social (BYOB and potluck Hors D’oeuvres).
October 3, 2015 - Message to the Lobstermen: If weather permits next Wednesday the 7th Fairpoint Communications will be laying a new fiber optic cable to Chebeague for Fairpoint Communications. The cable will be run in the charted cable area from Mattie Corson's property on Littlejohn to the right-of-way at the end of Carter's Point Rd on Chebeague. The company laying the cable intends to have a diver swim the entire
cable after it is placed to cut and re-tie any strings which may have inadvertently been laid over.
GCTC Courts Closed Today for the Season - Great Chebeague Tennis Club is decommissioning the courts early this year due to court condition. Courts are now closed until next year when all players can enjoy improved court conditions and well-groomed surroundings. If you can lend a hand to help with care and maintenance, please contact Maintenance Chair Jill Malony or Club President David Hinchman. GCTC thanks all members for for a great season. Luv tennis!
School Committee Meeting this Tuesday, October 6, 6pm - see agenda.
The C. I. Historical Society Museum will be open on Saturday, October 3rd from 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Please drop by to see the Exhibit & Check out the Gift Shop's Treasures.
Friday morning a technician (Jeremy) was on the island while two technicians were on the tower at One City Center in Portland and repairs were made in Portland to insure that we wouldn't have any more drops of the internet and it all is working properly now. Thank you to Axiom Technology for such great service!
October 1, 2015 - chebeague.net is working on the problem of intermittent service. Yesterday we started to notice a loss of signal every so often. Your DSL light will stay on and the internet light will flash but you won't be able to get the internet. The equipment on the island and your equipment modem/router is ok but the problem is in Portland on One City Center sending the signal to Chebeague. Tomorrow morning technicians will be here and in Portland to resolve the problem.
Join us on Sunday, October 4th at the Chebeague Island UMC between 3:30 PM and 4:30 PM for Popsicles and Pets see flyer - A Blessing of the Animals! Bring your furry, feathered, or scaled friend for a blessing. We'll have refreshments and snacks for kids of all ages and animals alike. We'll host the event outside on the church lawn, and in case of inclement weather, we'll have it in the Parish House. Leashes please for pets. All are welcome!
On Tuesday the school did another Marine Invader Monitoring and Information Collaborative look at the Stone Pier - click here to see what we found. We also observed a mink swimming around the pier at low tide.
On Tuesday BJ came to the school to work with the students and the K-2nd graders each created their own bird - click here to see!
Barrie Shepherd will be preaching the sermon at Chebeague Methodist Church this Sunday. The sermon title will be "The Mystery of Pain and Loss."
At coffee hour after the service copies of his new Christmas book, Destination Bethlehem, will be available for signing and purchase, with all proceeds beyond cost donated to the church.
Yesterday was quite a drenching along with a power outage in the afternoon. Portland was experiencing some flooding and problems there and as a result chebeague.net equipment at One City Center had to be rebooted after the power came back. There have been a few little blips in the last 12 hours from our internet signal from the mainland and Axiom Technology will be adjusting the equipment tomorrow morning.
September 30, 2015 - I have finally fixed the link to the school and you have to see what the students are growing and eating at lunch! Click here.
CANCELLED Open hours with State of Maine conditionally licensed counselor at
Sarah McKinnon, LCPC-C Tuesday 5-8pm and Friday 9am-12pm due to scheduling conflict with Health Center.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact Sarah McKinnon at sarahmckinnon@chebeague.net or 650-9292 or contact Deb Bowman 846-0609.
If you are in need to talk about grief and sudden loss and need resources please do not hesitate to contact Sarah, alternative island meeting space can be arranged.
Sorry for any conflicts or confusion.
Mrs. Westra's class is doing a Close Buy Fundraiser- closebuycatalog.com to help raise funds for their end of the year field trip. You may still order online up until October 4th and there are some wonderful items that would make great Christmas gifts.
September 28, 2015 - Open hours with State of Maine conditionally licensed counselor at Health Center, Sarah McKinnon, LCPC-C Tuesday 5-8pm and Friday 9am-12pm for anyone that needs resources or to talk about sudden loss and grief. All conversations are confidential Make and appointment by emailing: sarahmckinnon@chebeague.net or stop in if the door is open.
Bellyfit with Katy is back on starting today at 5:30 PM at CRC. (I missed it tonight but I will be there Wednesday) Bellyfit will be weekly on Mondays and Wednesdays at 5:30 PM. And, Katy will also be leading us in YOGA beginning October 6th. Yoga will be offered weekly on Tuesdasy and Fridays at 8:30 AM at CRC.
September 26, 2015 - TONIGHT: CRC would like to invite parents and teens to come and talk with Michael Hollander, Ph.D. and Janna Hobbs, LICSW during teen center hours. Michael and Janna are experts in the field of adolescent mental health and run a program for suicidal adolescents at McLean Hospital, a Harvard Medical teaching hospital. They will be available to answer questions and discuss the impact of sudden loss with parents at 7 PM Saturday night at 7 PM to talk with the teens.
The CTC October newsletter is now posted on their website, chebeaguetrans.com
September 25, 2015 - Photo September 25 - Chebeague K-5th grade students at the River Point Bird Observatory - click here to see a video of some of the students releasing the banded birds.
Photo September 25 - Chebeague K-5th grade students at the Maine Wildlife Park following a trip to Biodiversity of Maine Conservation Bird Banding. This field trip is thanks to a grant from Recompense Fund. Lots more photos and movie coming later.
September 24, 2015 - Message from Kim Boehm: Due to the drastic drop (over 70%) in the scrap market, I can only take heavy steel, outboards, non ferrous metals, and vehicles.. (no more mowers, light iron, etc) If you car does not run I am asking for a donation to defray expenses...however if you cannot pay I will still take it.... vehicles that can be driven will still be picked up....Thanks.
Update from Rev Melissa about worship on Sunday - services will continue as scheduled, but we are taking a break from our James series to focus on Scriptures and Songs that comfort us during difficult times. We'll have a Hymn Sing, as well as hear passages of scripture that people from our community find give them strength and peace when the storms of life are raging. Have a scripture to share? Email Melissa at ml.yosuadavis@gmail.com. Join us at 10 AM on Sunday.
The Hall will be open for coffee, muffins, and companionship this morning. Please drop in.
September 23, 2015 - Dr. Rybka, foot docto,r is coming on Monday September 28th from 9am on at the Health Center. If you would like to make an appointment with Dr. Rybka, please call his office at 829-6463.
I have added a resource page from Sarah McKinnon with documents on how to talk to your children about death and suicide - click here.
Message from Reverend Mellisa: Soup and bread will be available at the Parish House starting at 6 PM, and the vigil will start at 7:15 in the church building. It will be an opportunity to share stories and memories of William and to connect with one another in mutual love and support.
September 22, 2015 - Please click here for a message and resources from Sarah McKinnon, LCPC-C.
The church is planning a candlelight vigil for Wednesday night. Details will be posted here as they are available.
The Hall will be open first thing on Wednesday for its usual coffee time. Sandwiches, soup, munchies, and dessert will be available at lunchtime and throughout the day. Please come.
The Library and the Hall is open for the community today with counselors and friends as we all come to grips with the untimely passing of William Robinson.
September 21, 2015 - Today we tagged our first Monarch at the Chebeague Island School. The monarch caterpillar was found outside the school, made it's chrystalis in Miss Nancy's room and then became a butterfly. After lunch today we tagged it with tags supplied by Erno Bonebakker and then released it and it flew off to Mexico! Click here to see the video that Kyla took.
Katy McCann is putting Bellyfit back on the calendar. She will be holding class on Monday and Wednesday evenings 5:30-6:30. Classes still drop-in and $5. Bellyfit starts next week: Monday the 28th (M/W 5:30)
She is also adding yoga to the schedule. Trying it on Tuesday and Friday mornings 8:30-9:30. She was having trouble coming up with days and times that would suit a variety of schedules. If you or anyone you know have any ideas for good times, don't hesitate to let me know either via email or in conversation. I'm open to creating another class or switching it up if there's enough interest in a different day/time. Yoga will be $10/class. Yoga starts the week after: Tuesday October 6th. (T/F 8:30)
September 18, 2015 - It’s a perfect day to attend the Island Commons HARVEST DINNER & OPEN HOUSE! Be our guest and enjoy a glass of cheer & great food, and MUSIC by Mark Dyer. Please bring an item to stock our pantry & supplies closet…or consider a cash donation if that’s easier. See you there!
Message from Melissa Yosua-Davis: "Celebrate a Saint! During the month of October, the Chebeague Island United Methodist Church will be doing a worship series called “A Season of Saints” where we will celebrate the saints living among us, the saints who have passed on, and the saints of old." Click here for more information.
The Town Clerks will be in Bangor for elections training Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, September 22, 23, 24. Clerk services will be available on Monday, September 21, 9AM-5PM and Friday, September 25, 9AM-4PM.
September 16, 2015 - Chebeague "Grace" books are going fast, I still have them available for sale. When they are gone I will share a link to Shutterfly to anyone who wants to order them. I suggest you get them while they are still available.
I also have the 2016 Historical Society calendars with me if anyone wants to purchase them, $21.00 each. You can get them at the Museum gift shop, the Niblic and at the Library. Fall hours are now in effect and I have people ask about picking up the calendars when the gift shops and Library are closed. Thank you, Cathy 846-9069 cmacneill@chebeague.net
Congratulations to Tyler Putnam has been announced as a recipient of the Santa Fe Opera Outstanding Apprentice Awards. Click here to learn more. The offering taken at the Tyler Putnam-Sarah Nordin concert raised $609 for the Free Music Fund and it was a wonderful performance.
September 15, 2015 - Come to ISLAND COMMONS 3rd Annual HARVEST DINNER & OPEN HOUSE and help us celebrate the completion of our new kitchen! Friday September 18th, 4:30-6:30. Please help us restock our supply closet with an item from our WISH LIST. Thank you, and see you there!
School Committee Meeting tonight will start at 6:30 pm and not 6 at the school - see agenda.
September 14, 2015 - SAVE THE DATE: Next summer's Summer Frolic will be held on Saturday, JULY 23, 2016!
Mrs. Westra's class is doing a Close Buy Fundraiser- closebuycatalog.com to help raise funds for their end of the year field trip. The order has to be in by the end of September and there are some wonderful items that would make great Christmas gifts.
Nurse Nancy's is open Tuesday morning from 7:00 until 9:30. No appointment needed. She had a new PT/INR machine which will give instant results and only involve a fingerstick. PT/INR is a test done for patients on Coumadin, Jantoven, and Warfarin. This was a wonderfully generous gift from a private citizen which will benefit many Chebeaguers.
A wonderful article about Jonathan and Luke Groothoff in today's Portland Press Herald - "Groothoff brothers strengthen Yarmouth - Two soccer standouts from California have melded into a state championship team."
September 13, 2015 - School Committee Meeting this coming Tuesday, September 15, 6pm at the school - see agenda.
On September 9th a reassembled frame of our circa 1830 post and beam barn was raised on the Tad Runge's John Small Road property with the help of Paul Belesca. Click here to see and here for another.
September 11, 2015 - Don't forget that this afternoon the Island Institute's Free dinner at 6pm at the school - see poster. Come and meet and greet Island Instittue trustees and staff.
Gabby Tracy's son, Jason Kessler has produced a rememberance video for 911"Whats Wrong with This Picture"
Message from Dorothy Grannell: "Andy and I want to thank Chebeague Island Rescue for getting him to the mainland rapidly and for their care along the way. I is recovering from a major heart attack at Maine Med and should be released Friday or Saturday. Andy said it was a wild ride into Portland and although he is grateful, he doesn’t want to do it again. The island is so dear to all of the Grannell family and we so appreciate the care you offer to all who come to live there even if it is only a few weeks out of the year.
With sincere gratitude"
Thanks to our loyal and enthusiastic supporters, the Grange Thrift Shop made well over $7000 this summer! Diane Calder continues to keep the Grange finances in order; she will be distributing our profits to many island organizations. The Thrift Shop is possible because of our devoted volunteers, Marilyn Squires, Pat St.Cyr, Pommy Hatfield, Rosie Merchant, Irene Winters, and Chris Auffant. This year we also thank Laura Summa for delivering linens and bedding to Preble Street, and Chuck and Linda Elders, as well as Mark and Alice, for transporting 60 boxes of unsold items to Casco Bay Lines. Goodwill takes all of our unsold clothing. This was a summer of such extraordinary generosity on this island. Thank you!! Sarah Swann Van Fleet
Great Chebeague Golf Club- 9 Hole GOLF SCRAMBLE, Members and Non-Members, Single Players or Couples, Tuesday, September 15th, 3 PM START, Sign-up by 2:45PM. Casual Golf and Serious Fun, BYO Beverage and BYO Snacks, $5 for Members and Guests
September 9, 2015 - Paint Night with Caroline scheduled for September 11th will be postponed. Stay tuned for a new date in October. Michelle's meditation class meets Friday at 4:30 at CRC. And, the September kettlebell schedule is posted. Check out our website for details, www.chebeaguerec.com. Click on the Adult Programs link.
Yesterday, one of the highlights of my Audubon Program was seeing a Leach's Storm Petrel chick out on Eastern Egg Rock where Dr. Stephen Kress talked to us about this bird which I recorded- click here to see.
September 8, 2015 - Photo first day of school on Chebeague Pre-K - 5th grade - September 8, 2015.
Please all come to the Island Institute's FREE dinner this Friday, 6pm, September 11th! For more details, Click here. Come meet some of the people who have been so helpful with fabulous scholarships and educational help for years. My three children and many others on the island have benefitted greatly not to mention all the support they give our school! Please come and join me in thanking them for all they do.
This Saturday, September 12th at 1:30, John Ward, will be at the library with a presentation of Robert Frost poems with a reception to follow. Phil and Sheila know John well and have attended his presentations on Seamus Heaney and William Butler Yeats in the “Taste of the Humanities" programs of the Maine Humanities Council. He is dynamic and involves the audience in response to each poem in the reading. He has sent the poems in advance to Deb Bowman who can provide packets on request and will have more at the presentation. Anyone who loves Frost or poetry in general should come.
September 7, 2015 - Michael Porter has once again updated their site, this time with the story of our trip across North Germany. Click here to see.
Message from Jesse Eaton: "Last night we were on the 7:15 boat and we believe someone grabbed our ll bean bag with magenta straps and left their ll bean bag with blue straps and the initials HMA on the side. My cell is 917-627-7762 and would ask anyone who might have seen it or who knows who HMA is would be great."
The final gathering of the women's discussion group for the season will be Wednesday September 9 at 7:00 p.m. in the Library. We will be having a Fall Feast Pot Luck. Marsea Spiegel will join us for more conversation about nutrition, digestive health, and affordability: how to best feed ourselves and our families. Bring something to eat or drink and share.
September 6, 2015 - There is still time to help the library or the church by buying copies of Barrie Shepherd's new Christmas book, Destination Bethlehem - Meditations, Prayers and Poems to Light the Way to the Manger. It makes a fine Christmas gift! The book costs $20 ($28 on Amazon) and all proceeds beyond cost are being donated to Chebeague Library, or Chebeague Methodist Church. Call Barrie at 846 6864 or email barrieshep@aol.com.
Be sure to put the Island Institute's FREE dinner this Friday, September 11th on your calendar! For more details, Click here
September 4, 2015 - The Hall will start serving coffee this coming Wednesday, September 9. The soup lunch and Community Lunch will start in October. Come and share a cup with Susie Wednesday morning!
Message from the Chebeague Inn: “The Inn and Restaurant will be closed for the entire day on Tuesday, September 8th to allow all of our employees to participate in an Employee Appreciation Retreat. The Inn and Restaurant will reopen for Lunch service on Wednesday, September 9th.”
The Town Office will be closed on Monday, September 7th, Labor Day.
Real Estate Tax Bills are online at the Town's website at http://www.townofchebeagueisland.org/index.asp?SEC=CBC09B0B-7586-4CE7-87C3-C1F588CC3E94&Type=B_BASIC
September 3, 2015 - Click herefor the last of the CLAM SHACK HOURS for the fall.
ISLAND NONPROFITS – The Recompense Fund Annual Meeting will be held at 5:30 PM on Wednesday, September 9th, upstairs at The Niblic. Pizza will be served. We hope one or more representatives from each island nonprofit will join us and learn more about our mission and our grantmaking process. Members of the public are also welcome.
Message from Island Riches: I will go to Falmouth on September 8th to pick up plants for the fall. So if you would like some call me
(207 846-4986) or contact me at (Islandriches@chebeague.net) Thank you. Florence
Paint Night with Caroline scheduled for September 11th will be postponed. Stay tuned for a new date in October. Michelle's meditation class meets Friday at 4:30 at CRC. And, the September kettlebell schedule is posted. Check out our website for details, www.chebeaguerec.com. Click on the Adult Programs link.
STARTING TOMORROW: Don't miss the BIG Labor Day Sale at the Museum (OPENS AT 10 AM). Short sleeve adult tees are $15 (save 3!) and Kids tees are $12 (save $3)! Some selected tees with red dots are $10 (save $8). All earrings are $15! Red dot books 20% off! All children's toys (excluding books) 50% off! Cup and mug special. Mix and match and buy 4 and receive a 20% discount. Stop by to see all of the great deals! Shop early; shop often!
Tonight from 7:30 - 9pm Barrie Shepherd will be reading his new work Destination Bethlehem at the Library.
You won't wat to miss Tyler Putnam and Sarah Nordin Concert this Saturday, September 5 from 7 to 8
Message from Marjorie (town administrator): There have been some questions about the trucks recently purchased and if there is some relationship to increased taxes. First, the 2008 F250 Ford Pickup truck was purchased from an existing Vehicle Reserve Fund, $10,000 of which is in the current budget. The total available was $25,310. We purchased the F250 for $20,000 because it has low mileage (35,000), it is a versatile vehicle and can be used by all Town departments for a variety of reasons. The thought was that it is a good addition to the mix of vehicles that the Town owns. It can tow the Harbor Master Boat, or haul materials and freight. We were simply missing this type of vehicle. Yes, Town employees use the vehicle to get from the Stone Wharf to the Town Office. The white 1998 Ford Explorer is in such bad shape that it should be taken out of service as soon as possible. Second, we purchased a 2015 Ford F550 for the Public Works Department out of an existing reserve fund, none of which was appropriated in the current budget. We had $140,016 available and spent $65,655 for the new truck. This replaces a 2003 GMC3500 that is falling apart. In the scale of things, the total of $10,000 appropriated for vehicles this budget cycle has very little impact on your taxes. Please call me if you have any questions or concerns.
September 1, 2015 - It is peak harvest time at Second Wind Farm and the farm stand is full of a great selection from the garden. Swing by when you have a chance and don't forget to "like" the farm on Facebook! Thank you for your patronage!
CRC is gearing up for our kids fall running program and are hoping to find someone that can help on Wednesday afternoons on the mainland for the running meets. If you or someone you know would like to help coach an awesome group of kids this year please contact the CRC office ASAP. 846-5068
Herb has made some more assorted ornate napkin rings. So those who asked about when he would have more (we have some). We have more earrings and more of our Chebeague canvas bags. Stop down and check us out.
Thank you Florence
Important Message from Kids Place - Please click here!
Mike Rollins will be returning to the island for his fifth year of cleaning and servicing residents Monitors and furnaces. He plans to be on the island for services September 15-through the 23rd. He has sent out personal letters to his annual customers for them to make a date. If there are any new residents who want service, please contact Mike at 242-0791 {nights are best} or contact Ernie Richardson at Camp Providence at 215 3687 or 846-9576 and leave a message. Mike will be staying at Camp Providence for the duration of his stay.
The basket raffle winners were pulled on Saturday by Sky and Linda Grant and the winners are: Secret Garden - Vicki Knoepfel, Sibley Guide to Birds - Janet Moller, Goodnight Moon - Joanne Celentano, 1001 Arabian Nights - Betsy Gaston, The Sea Around Us - Annie Donovan, One Morning in Maine - Susan Gaskins, Sherlock Holmes - Gladys Gilmartin
Thank you to all who bought tickets! It was great fun to have Betsy Gaston there when her ticket was pulled!
August 30, 2015 - Today the Nonagenarian Party was lots of fun! The cupcakes, cakes, icecream, punches, music, dance and history was great! Sandra taught us all a dance and Donna talked to us all about island life back in the 20's. We so happy to have Will Sharp who is 91 and Margaret Gaston who is 98 join us. Sam McLean and her parents made up informational posters of the past years with loads of information that we all learned as well as a table full of items that were around when our 90 year olds were children. Click here to see some photos. WYAR-FM radio station on Cousin's Island had period music playing and dedicated to all of our guests.
Don't forget! Today the Nonagenarians Birthday Party! From 2 to 4 at the Hall come and celebrate with and for all our 90 year olds!
August 29, 2015 - Now that chebeague.net has ip addresses under their own name you might get spam messages saying that you have a problem on your computer and chebeague.net knows it and will help you to solve the problem. This is a method for the criminals to gain access to your computer so please don't respond. Chebeague.net will never call you or email you or send you a message to fix your broken or damaged computer. There are messages that will say your email is full but even then you don't respond or click on anything just go to the email page and take care of it that way. Always call David or me if you have any doubts.
Tonight, Saturday evening at the Chebeague Island Methodist Church is the Seaside Brass Quintet. From 7 to 8:30 pm for classical and popular music for brass and free admission. Click here for their facebook page!
Message from the assessor: "We have received many requests that a town-wide list of values be published on the web.
We did not do so because of ongoing property visits that result in adjustments that would quickly outdate the list.
As we have made many such visits and are nearing tax commitment, a list will be published soon."
Coming to the Hall on Sunday--the Nonagenarians' Birthday Party from 2:00 to 4:00! We are going to party like it's 1922! So get all dolled up in your flashiest flapper clothes and your craziest hat, and be prepared to win the Charleston Dance-Off Contest, the Best Period Costume Prize, and the Wackiest Hat Award. Learn what was happening when these nearly two dozen honorees were knee-high to a bootlegger. Have a cup of the Hall's secret Speakeasy Lemonade--made, well, we can't tell you where it was made. Enjoy some of the treats that fueled the Jazz Age. There will be something fun and toothsome for everyone, young and young at heart! We are putting on the Ritz!
August 27, 2015 - Tonight on the five boat a Hannafords navy blue canvas cold bag full of perishable food was picked up by mistake and belongs to Linda Ewing - She will gladly pick it up - her number is 838-3662. (Found the next day at the Stone Pier - probably brought back by someone in the evening)
Congratulations to Kevin Wentworth who sold one of his videos taken on Chebeague Island, Maine of a Rainbow Cloud (Circumhorizontal Arc) to NBC and the clip is being used in a show called - WEATHER GONE VIRAL and airs TONIGHT on THE WEATHER CHANNEL at 10:00 PM.
Barrie Shepherd just found a dog license tag on the road outside Fred Martindale's place. It is for 2015 from City of Westfield MA. If it belongs to your dog call him at 846 6864.
A wonderful article in the Working Waterfront by Dana Wilde who is a cousing to Arthur Hawkes and lived on the island for a few years. The article brings back fond memories to me having gone on Dave Wildes sightseeing plane back in the 60's and also his images of Sanford Doughty and the islands.
August 26, 2015 - Chebeague nonprofits - The Recompense Fund has much more money to give out this year than in recent years. The deadline for grant applications is August 31. For an application, email islandlife@chebeague.net.
The Museum will be closed on Wed. August 26. Don't miss our back to school sale starting on Thursday August 27 at 10 AM!
We did another MIMIC monitoring of the Stone Pier float on Friday, August 21- click here to see report.
August 25, 2015 - REMINDER - REMINDER CATHOLIC MASS at 10 A.M. this Saturday, August 29th at the Chebeague Methodist Church. Father Dan Greenleaf will be here and this is his last visit to the Island this Summer PLEASE COME AND JOIN US..
Library basket raffle will be drawn this Saturday, August 29th at noon. If you haven' t bought tickets, come on in to see the awesome baskets and also the progress on the garden.
Nurse Nancy is open today and every Tuesday from 7 to 9:30. No appointment needed. Click here to see her website.
The September 2015 CTC Newsletter is now posted on the News and Info page of the CTC website - The Newsletter summarizes the operating restrictions at Cousins Island governing the activities of CTC and Chebeague residents and visitors.
CRC POOL UPDATE: After a desperate search for lifeguards, including calls to many mainland facilities that are facing the same situation, we were unable to find guards willing to come to the island to work. Therefore, beginning September 1st we will be reducing our hours to morning lap swim only. The hours from September 1-September 13 will be: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday 7:30-9 AM. Thank you to Gail Miller for her willingness to step in so we can offer some hours in September. We had an amazing summer at the pool thanks to our awesome staff and new filter system. We hope you were able to get in and enjoy it!!
Sunday at the Chebeague Methodist Church: Barrie Shepherd be preaching the sermon at the 10 am service this Sunday. The sermon title will be "Well, Whaddya Know?" After the worship he will have a book signing and reading of his new book Destination Bethlehem - Meditations, Prayers and Poems to Light the Way to the Manger.
The Seaside Brass Quintet concert "From Bach to Broadway" this Saturday at 7 pm in the church.
Donald Van Vliet Elliott’sashes will be interred in the Chebeague Cemetery Saturday August 29th at eleven am. He will be just down the hill and nearby the rest of the Bankers, Harrises, Royces and Elliotts who comprise the different branches of his family. He is survived by his wife, Evelyn. He was son of Betty Harris and was raised by Ed Harris. He was the brother of Chuck Elliott, and half-brother to Gail Harris McConnaughhay and Stephen Harris. He was predeceased by Ed and Betty and his sister, Deborah. He was born on 1/11/1940 in Minneapolis, weighing 10 lbs. 6 oz. He passed away in Sanford, FL 3/6/2015 following a broken hip surgery from complications related to COPD and Parkinson’s disease. Like many others, he lived in far flung places but chose to be buried with his family here on Chebeague.
August 24, 2015 - Don't forget to check out the wonderful Art Show featuring Sandra Rice's work at the Niblic Gallery until September 10th!
The FOOT DOCTOR, Russell Rybka, has a family emergency: he will NOT be coming on Wednesday 26th. He will reschedule his trip to the Island when he can.
August 23, 2015 - This Wednesday, the 26th, the Women's Discussion Group will have Sarah McKinnon speaking on Mindfulness: How It Can Change Your Life. She will have several activities including a brief introduction to Adult Coloring.
Week from today - NONAGENARIANS' BIRTHDAY PARTY at the Hall on August 30 from 2:00 to 4:00 to celebrate all those who will turn ninety by December of this year.
LAST CHANCE - The Grange Thrift Shop will close on Tuesday. Come to the final sale ....TAKE AND MAKE 9:30 AM. Take anything (or everything) and make a donation. Volunteers will be packing up so come early to shop. There are many curtains (lovely fabric) a few blankets and several bedspreads. We still have dishes, glasses books, videos, and assorted clothing for everyone. There are still bargains galore. We will not be open in the evening.
Great Chebeague Tennis Club Mixed Doubles Round Robin & Annual Meeting postponed to one week from today, Sunday, August 30th. Male & female players may sign up at the court with or without a partner; the sign-up sheet will be posted at the court. If you already signed up & still wish to play your name will remain on next week's list. All GCTC members are encouraged to attend the annual meeting; drinks and appetizers will be served. Luv tennis!
August 21, 2015 - Message from Jen at The Niblic: Don't forget that tonight is the Artist Reception and Opening of Sandra Rice's show Maine Plus More from 5-7pm at the Niblic Gallery. Hope you can find your way in all this fog and join us!
Message from Mellisa: "Join us at the Parish House after worship on Sunday, August 30th for a reading and signing of Barrie Shepherd’s new book Destination Bethlehem - Meditations, Prayers and Poems to Light the Way to the Manger. Even though it’s summer, it’s not too early to begin thinking about the winter weather that will inevitably come and preparing our hearts and minds for Christmas. All are welcome!"
The pool is closed as of 1:30 today because of weather.
August 20, 2015 - Tonight at John and Courtney Wilson's home - Mari Black Trio. Combination of Celtic fiddle and jazz. Mari will have just returned from giving a week long workshop on Mountain music in North Carolina. 7:30pm 9:30pm - $15 donation.
Tomorrow, Friday, August 21st from 5-7pm upstairs at the Niblic Gallery a art opening reception for Sandra Rice - see you there.
The farm stand at Second Wind Farm is open on Roy Hill Road with a variety of island grown food and the farm now has a Facebook page where you can find out more about the farm and farm stand.
August 19, 2015 - Please remember if you are visiting the end of Deer Point that it is a protected area and the easement provides for foot traffic only, and please leash your dogs and no firesare permitted.
Cassidy Jeffers is trying to raise money to spend the second semester of this year in Australia. He's created a GoFundMe campaign to help raise the funds for the program costs and airfare. As most of you know, both of us have been working multiple jobs this summer to put money aside for school, but there isn't a lot of extra. This trip is a wonderful opportunity for him to see the world and gain valuable experiences. You can access his site at: http://www.gofundme.com/yuztrg or through my Facebook page. Thanks for your support! May Hall (and Cassidy)
Food Pantry: As you close up from your Island sojourn, think of the Food Pantry, please donated your unused food & household goods. We distribute to Islanders in need & are most appreciative of your contributions & donations. Call Lola Armstrong 846-4737 or Karen Corson 846-0938; or Becky Pellerin 333-9632 for frozen foods
August 18, 2015 - Mabel Doughty's fluffy long haired black Norwegian Forest cat is missing and is named Traveler. He has not been seen since Sunday morning and a cat fight was heard early morning Monday. Please call Mabel 846-4077 if you have seen.
This coming Friday at 10:30 we will be doing another MIMIC (Marine Invasive Monitory Information Collaborative) with Jeremy Miller from the Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve joining us at the Stone Pier. A few weeks ago we did a survey of the Stone Wharf and found that there are far less invasives than last year. You can click here to see the results over the last year. Please come and join us on the 2nd float where the CTC ties up. Call me (Beverly) 939-9643 if you have any questions.
The Niblic Gallery is delighted to have an art reception for the opening of works by Sandra Rice, Friday, August 21st from 5-7 upstairs at the Niblic.
This Sunday, August 23rd, Great Chebeague Tennis Club will host its final Mixed Doubles Round Robin of the season. Interested players (with or without partner) may sign up for the Round Robin at the courts. Play begins at 3:00 pm and is followed by the Annual Meeting at 5:00 pm. All GCTC members are encouraged to attend the brief meeting and enjoy the after-party with drinks and snacks served court side. Luv tennis!
August 17, 2015 - Where is the coolest place to be on the island this Wednesday night? The home of John and Courtney Wilson! A NIGHT OF JAZZ
At the home of John & Courtney Wilson -Wednesday, August 19th Doors open 7:15 Performance 8:00 pm $15pp suggested donation* BYOB/snack- program: Chebeague Primitive Orchestra - World Premiere II ---"Jazz Ensemble Insights" a discussion and demonstration of the interaction among jazz musicians led by visiting composer and jazz pianist Paul English --- The Oirte Trio ---- Paul English, keyboard; Tony Gorody, drums; Adele Gorody, jazz vocals; and featuring Herb Maine, bass
CRC has a special Adult program this week.. Primitive Orchestra with Paul English, click here for flyer,
August 16, 2015 - Photo a Snowy Egret I took at the Hook on August 16th, 2015.
Click here to see the wonderful paintings on a mailbox done by artist Alexis Williams who is Tineke Breed's granddaughter. Alexis is a Junior at Bard College in New York studying studio arts.
Put on your flats and spats! There's going to be a NONAGENARIANS' BIRTHDAY PARTY at the Hall on August 30 from 2:00 to 4:00 to celebrate all those who will turn ninety by December of this year. First, head to the Grange to pick up the ingredients for your flapper and dapper outfits and to deck out your crazy hat. Why? Because while a dj is spinning hits from the Roaring Twenties, there will be a Charleston contest and a contest for the wildest hat. Who will cut the best rug? Mabel? Will? Who will create the most fabulous hat? Mac? Margaret? Learn what was going on on Chebeague when these Jazz Babies were born. Drink a toast to each of these fabulous nonagenarians with the Hall's finest bootleg lemonade. And don't forget these birthday babes were the first generation of women born with the right to vote!
Last two weeks for the Grange Thrift Shop! Tuesday is FILL A BAG. Load a shopping bag for $5 and/or a Bean Bag for $8. We still have a large assortment of clothes for all ages, dishes, books, movies, towels, drapes, bathing suits........Tuesday 9:30- 12:00 and 7-8 pm. Next week is TAKE AND MAKE.....take whatever you want and make a donation. We will NOT be open in the evening next week. Please come shop and help us clean out inventory!
August 14, 2015 -Wednesday's Monarch workshop was big success. Over 37 people attended and, based on their questions, showed real interest in nurturing monarchs in Casco Bay. We distributed a number of potted milkweed plants and look forward to tagging monarchs in the fall with the Chebeague Island School. Please contact Erno Bonebaker or Carl Tubbesing if you have any questions or comments. Guest speaker, Harry Pringle: "Monarchs from Casco Bay to Mexico and Mary Holman talking about invasive swallowort. Click here to see a few photos.
School Committee Meeting next Tuesday at the School at 6pm - click here for agenda.
Click here to read an article in the Maine Magazine all about Chebeague.
August 13, 2015 - In response to many inquiries regarding the real estate revaluation, Assessor Bob Konczal has put together a FAQ document. Click here for the link.
I am so looking forward to the Nonaganarian's Birthday Party at the Hall on August 30th. We will be celebrating the birthdays of all those islanders (summer and winter) who are in their 90's! Music, dances, period cloths if you want, and all. If you know of someone we have missed on our list please contact Ruth Slagle. We have a lot of names so far. Please tell us who we are missing:
Mabel Doughty
Gigi Dyer
Katherine Habig
Bob Habig
Mary Mason
Mac Passano
Victoria Smith
Frances Todd
Will Sharp
Russ Hunter
Charles Preston
Charles Hilly
Genevive Calder
Dot and Gerald Colbeth
Jane Shattuck
Ana Marie Zaugg
Margaret Gaston
Again Kevin has done a remarkable photo of the Perseids Meteor Shower last night - click here to see.
Keep track of what is fresh at the farm stand and all the farm news at Second Wind Farm's new Facebook page. You can find it at Second Wind Farm Chebeague Island and join in as a friend!
Michael and Barbara have updated their blog - click here to learn about their time with the run from Stockholm south along the Sewdish coast and to Christiansø and Bornholm.
August 12, 2015 - Photo of a Sanderling on the right taken August 12 in the evening at the Hook. Of the hundreds of Sandpipers and Plovers occasionally one will stand out and look different. It was so much fun to see and photograph a Sanderling on Tuesday morning with Darlene and then last night with Stephen to find another one. Click here to see more photos.
Haven’s Candies unveils 418-pound chocolate lobster named Shelby our own Shelby Putnam, who along with Harris owned the company from 1970 until 1990. The company created the confectionery crustacean in an attempt to set a Guinness World's Record for 'largest chocolate sculpture.' Click here for the article.
August 11, 2015 - The Chebeague Island School is looking for a reliable van (7-8) passenger for transporting teachers, staff and occasionally students to and from the school. If you have one and are thinking of downsizing that donating it to the school could be a tax deduction possibilty.
Due to the weather now and the forecast for the rest of the day, the pool will not be open today. Hope to see you at CRC tomorrow!
Don't forget the Monarch and Milkweed workshop tomorrow 1:30 to 4 starting at the Chebeague Island Hall!
Come to CRC today, 8/11, and make some baskets!! We have an adult program starting at 10 AM and a kids program beginning at 1:00 PM. Also mark your calendar for Usui/Holy Fire Reiki 1 Certification on August 15 & 16,
Primitive Orchestra with Paul English on August 19 AND Chai and Chat on August 23. Details are on our website, www.chebeaguerec.com. Please pre-register for classes so we can make sure we have enough materials.
August 10, 2015 - Photo of a couple of Black Bellied Plovers along with Ruddy Turnstones early morning 8/10/15 at the Hook. Click here for an Eastern Towhee who didn't want his photo taken and here after he calmed down. Click here for the Semipalmated Sandpipers resting on the beach before their 2000 mile flight south.
Don't forget to pick up your 2016 Calendar created by Cathy MacNeill for the Historical Society. They have beautiful Chebeague photos and are available at the Historical Society, Library and the Niblic! The
YEAR ROUND HOME AVAILABLE FOR RENT; Chebeague Island Community Association has a 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath home available for year round rental on School House Road. Energy efficient home in a wooded setting. Applications due by August 15! Click here to learn more or call Bob at 846 0924.
In an attempt to become at least a little more current, Michael Porter has updated their site again -- this time with the run from Stockholm south along the Swedish coast and to Christiansø and Bornholm.
August 8, 2015 - Photo taken at the Green Nubs on August 8.
I received a note back from birdbanding.org that they were thrilled to see one of their tagged Ruddy Turnstones showing up in Maine - click here to see the map of sightings.
The Grange Thrift Shop's Favorite Sale of the Summer...ALL YOU CAN WEAR ! Layer on shirts, sweaters, pillowcases! Wear a basket on your head! Put a teapot in your pocket! Be creative and find a way to wear it .....and it's all $5.00. (If you go extra crazy we may charge you $8.00!) All proceeds benefit island organizations. Tuesday 9:30-12:00 and again from 7-8 pm.
The Chebeague Island United Methodist Church would like to invite everyone to join us for worship on Sunday, August 16th for a special jazz service at 10 AM with Paul English. It will be a service of music and celebration with hymns that have been arranged by Paul English and performed by our choir. You won't want to miss this special event! All are welcome.
Don't forget the Monarch and Milkweed workshop that will be held Wednesday, August 12 from 1:30 to 4:00 p.m. It will begin at the Hall and, weather permitting, will continue at a milkweed field. It is sponsored by the Chebeague and Cumberland Land Trust and Oceanside Conservation Trust.
August 6, 2015 - Bulky Waste Weekend this coming weekend - August 8 & 9 ---- click here to view the flyer for more information.
FAWP (From a Woman's Perspective) #2 Our next gathering will be less "lecture" and more discussion. The topic is "Moving on: Downsizing or Relocating, Share Your Stories", facilitated by Gabby Tracy. Wed August 12, 7-9pm in the Library. Bring a munchie and/or a friend.
CRC is in desperate need of lifeguards starting 8/27. Most of our current guards will be leaving for school and we want to keep the pool open as long as possible this fall. If you know of anyone that is certified that may be willing to do a shift or two please contact CRC at 846-5068.
Next week at CRC we have some fun basket weaving classes, on 8/11 we have 2 sessions, one for kids and the other for adults, then on 8/13 we have two more sessions, one for adults and one for teens and tweens. Please be sure to register ahead of time so we can have enough materials for everyone. Details are on our website.
Don't forget today is the Ladies Aid Fair at the Hall from 12 to 2:30!
GCTC will host its final tournament of the season this Saturday, August 8th at 9:00 am. The Harper Brown Memorial is a Mixed Doubles Tournament limited to six male-female teams. Please sign up at the courts before 4:00 pm on Friday, the 7th. Spectators are welcome to come watch the competitive fun. Luv tennis!
August 5, 2015 - Monarchs and Milkweed Event - August 12th from 1:30 - 4:00 at the Chebeague Island Hall Community Center and at an island milkweed field. Click here to learn why you may want to help and join. Contact Carl Tubbesing at carldt@gwi.net
Great Chebeague Tennis Club Free "get back into tennis" clinic, Friday August 7 9-10. Please call Sarah Parker 603-978-7790 to reserve your spot!
August 8, 2015 Saturday 7-9PM – NOVEL JAZZ SEPTET returns to Chebeague, After a 2 year break Novel Jazz is returning for a Free Concert Series event bringing a whole set of Duke/Strayhorn tunes, Chebeague Island Methodist Church, Chebeague Island, ME. Novel on Facebook, Novel Website
Today at 10 I will be doing a Marine Invasive Monitoring at the Stone Pier if interested you may join.
August 4, 2015 - Photo taken August 4th by Krista Hayward.
Don't forget tomorrow representatives from the U.S. Small Business Administration will be at the Niblic Gallery to so you can learn about the services available and answer your small business question from 1:30 to 3:30.
TEEN CENTER is canceled tonight. Staff canceled last minute and we can't find a replacement.
Notice to pet owners: There was a sighting recently on Roy Hill Road of what appeared to be an adult gray fox. A resident of that area has reported that her cat has had several run-ins with something pretty ferocious.
Kettlebells is on for August! Go to our website and click on the Adult Programs link, www.chebeaguerec.com. While you're there, check out our fun basket programs for kids and adults on August 11th. Please be sure to preregister so we know we have enough materials.
ANNOUNCEMENT: The 2015 QUAD/TRI event has been canceled as we do not have enough teams registered to run the event.
August 3, 2015 - Photo of a couple of Snowy Egrets August 3, 2015 at the Hook. Click here to see more photos. They include a baby Cedar Waxwing, a Spotted Sandpiper at Roses and Osprey flying over the Hook.
Ladies Aid Fair is Thursday, August 6th 12 noon to 2:30 at the CIHCC!
Meet representatives from the U.S. Small Business Administration and learn about the services they provide to fund and sustain Maine’s small businesses. Get answers to your questions about doing business in Maine. Wednesday, August 5th, 1:30 to 3:30 pm, The Niblic Gallery, (Chebeague Island Boat Yard)
August 2, 2015 - Tonight the Sebago Long Lake Chamber Music Festival from 7 to 9 at the Chebeague Island Methodist Church. Admission is FREE - sponsored by the Free Music Fund.
August shopping at the Grange Thrift Shop....it doesn't get much better!!
This Tuesday is the Summer Sizzle Sale, anything starting with Sssss....is two for one. Then mark your calendars for August 11th ALL YOU CAN WEAR, August 18th FILL A BAG and August 25 is TAKE AND MAKE.... take whatever you want and make a donation.! Though we are no longer accepting items there are many treasures that are still being unearthed each week. Shop on Tuesdays 9:30-12:00 and 7-8. All proceeds support island organizations.
August 1, 2015 - Click here to see a beautiful sunrise taken this morning by Art Ryder.
Slow Bell is open tonight August 1st.
Do you have children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, friends in grades 3-5 (8-11 years old)? They are invited to The Pillowcase Project: A fun and interactive program that teaches safety and emotional coping skills, as well as the importance of personal preparedness. During the presentation, youngsters decorate and personalize pillowcases for their own emergency supply kits. The Pillowcase Project is sponsored by Disney. Saturday August 29, 2015 - click here for more information.
July 31, 2015 - Photo of a Whimbrel taken July 31, 2015 at the Hook. Click here to see more photos.
Monday, August 3th, 7:00pm at the Island Hall The Town of Chebeague Island Ad-hoc Sunset Committee Presents Phase 2 Study Findings of the Town Property commonly known as Sunset Landing. Click here for more information.
Island Commons fantastic annual YARD SALE is tomorrow, August 1st, 10am at the Hall. Get there early to find the best treasures! As always, have a huge selection of items including furniture, housewares, collectibles, books, artwork and more. Many thanks to all who have generously donated their gently used items to benefit Island Commons!
A gentle reminder from Island Commons to please return items to our LOAN CLOSET when you no longer need them so that others may borrow. Thank you!
This update gets Michael and Barbara Porter from Helsinki back to Stockholm. Still to come, more Sweden and Germany.
July 30, 2015 - Visit the farm stand at Second Wind Farm and enjoy locally grown seasonal produce. The first potatoes of the season are available and there are sugar snap peas, beets, cucumbers, lettuce, zucchini, arugula and much more.
The Library Internet which is Maine School Library Network and is independent of chebeague.net has been down for the past day. Thank you to David Hill who was able to restore the network after MSL and Fairpoint repaired the lines. This webpage is hosted on the Library Server and that is why it has been down.
July 29, 2015 - Photo of a Ruddy Turnstone taken July 29th at the Hook. I found that it was tagged in 6/2/2010 Kimbles Beach, New Jersey. Seen many times in New Jersey with the last time 5/27/2015 at Cooks Beach New Jersey. The sandpipers, plovers, bonaparte gulls and ruddy turnstones are starting to appear on their way South America so please don't let your dogs chase them. Click here to see the other photos from this week at the Hook.
CRC has some fun basket classes coming up. Click here to see the flyer.
Ron Formisano is recovering well from hip replacement 7/21; first time in 45 years he has not set foot on the rock. He also has a new book out soon - Plutocracy in America: How Inequality Destroys the Middle Class and Exploits the Poor (Johns Hopkins).
The CRC Quadrathon and Triathlon are coming right up on August 9th CIBY and we need teams!! Deadline for team registration is Tuesday, August 4th at 5 PM. Click here for the hold harmless for and click here for the team registration form. Or visit our website. This year we are using kayaks instead of the row boats.
REMINDER: The deadline to sign your child (grades 5 and up) up for CRC's trip to Cow Island for the overnight Rippleffect program is Thursday, July 30th at 4 PM. This is an amazing program. For more information visit their website, http://www.rippleffect.net/ Registration forms are required. Call or stop by CRC for more information.
July 28, 2015 - If you are seeing Nurse Nancy today don't forget to wish her a Happy Birthday and it is kinda a big one!
Chebeague's golf course, created in 1920 and now 95 years old, was put on the National Register of Historic Places on July 14..It is one of only five of Maine's more than 150 golf courses on the National Register. Being on the Register's list of more than 90,000 historic sites in America is a state and national honor but places no restrictions on the property or its neighbors. The National Park Service, which maintains the list, will be sending out notification letters to the Great Chebeague Golf Club and the Town of Chebeague in the next week.
Hansen's well drilling are coming back this summer so if you are thinking of a drilled well contact Jon Rich 522-3439 jonrich@chebeague.net. Sue Hansen Smith will be over soon to scope out sites.
July 27, 2015 - GCTC congratulates Katie and Eric Bass, winners of the Lessing Mixed Doubles Tournament held on Sunday, July 26th. The pair won by three more games than their nearest competitors in a field of six couples. Luv tennis!
I hope everyone had a chance to see CRC's Children's theater performance of the Sound of Music!! It was amazing. Thank you to Izzy, Eliza, their amazing group of volunteers and all the kids and families that made it such a spectacular event! Wow!!
Coming up next week at CRC...Swim lessons as well as the ever popular Art Camp and Baseball Camp...and...The Rippleffect Trip to Cow Island. Deadline for registrations is Thursday, July 30th at 4 PM.
Come to the Museum to see the exhibit and for this week only (July 27-August 1) take advantage of the annual Christmas in July sale!!! 10% off EVERYTHING! Shop early for the best selection! New tees, sweatshirts, mugs, glasses, books and much much more.
Internet Service on Chebeague Island -Tuesday Evening, July 28 6:30 PM CIHCC - The objective of the meeting is to introduce the community to the Island Institute Broadband Project and get input on broadband’s current and future role in helping Chebeague realize its community goals.
EARLY CLOSING: The Town Office will close at 4 PM on Tuesday, July 28th, for computer software training. The Town Office will be open 9 AM to 4 PM on Tuesday, July 28, 2015.
July 25, 2015 - YEAR ROUND RENTAL now available at CICA’s School House Road homes. Unit #1 of the duplex is now available; 3 bedroom / 2.5 bath, full basement (storage and utilities only). No smoking, no pets. Please visit the CICA site to learn more, at click here or contact Bob Earnest to learn more. Applications must be postmarked no later than 8/15/2015.
Chebeague Island Library 50th Anniversary -- Saturday, July 25th
10:00 am Coffee, tea, fruit, muffins
10:30 am Scavenger Hunt (sign up in advance
- get your team together and call the Library)
3:00 pm Welcome
3:15 pm Remarks and Reception
Basket Raffle tickets
50th Mementos
Please sign our memory book!
For More Information call 846-4351
July 24, 2015 - July 24 and 25th- The hall is alive with THE SOUND OF MUSIC Friday and Saturday night 7pm at the Hall. CRC Children’s Summer Theater is performing the musical. $8 at the door, Children under 5 and seniors Free.
July 23, 2015 - Photo Sailing School by Joseph Moffatt.
DEADLINE APPROACHING!!!!!!! Rippleffect, two day overnight adventure to Cow Island. August 4-5. We need to have payment and paperwork in by Friday, July 30!!!!! Come and have a blast, zip lines, climbing wall, sea kayaking, raft building, cookouts, and more! Contact CRC for more info or check out our website: http://www.chebeaguerec.com.
July 22, 2015 - Join the Chebeague Island Historical Society on Friday, July 24th, Noon to 4:00pm for a Pied Piper Cruise to Peaks Island and the 5th Maine Museum, $35 per person. Under the stewardship of the Fifth Maine Regiment Community Association, the Regiment Memorial Hall built in 1888 is maintained as the 5th Maine Museum, a Civil War and local history museum and cultural center. There will be time for exploring the Island, visiting shops and enjoying ice cream, or a delicious dessert on the porch of the Inn on Peaks Island. Sincere thanks to CTC for this unique fund raising event opportunity. Tickets purchased before noon on Thursday include lunch en route. Tickets bought after noon on Thursday will not include lunch and will be reduced to $30. Buy your tickets at the Museum.
The Chebeague community is honoring our retiring School Superintendent Bump Hadley by creating the Bump Hadley Scholarship Fund which will be administered by the Island Institute. This is a one-time request for tax deductible donations which may be mailed to the Island Institute or donated online through their website: http://www.islandinstitute.org/donate and by going to Special Purpose and scrolling down and selecting designation Bump Hadley Scholarship Fund.
REMINDER - CATHOLIC MASS - This Saturday - July 25th - Father Dan Greenleaf will be here on the Island to say Mass at 10:00 A.M. at the Chebeague Methodist Church. We hope that many people will attend. PLEASE COME AND JOIN US.
July 21, 2015 - I will be gone until Sunday as I take part in a Birdsleuth Educators Retreat at Cornell Lab of Ornithology where I hope to learn a lot more about birding and education. While I'm away if you have any emergency website announcements please contact David Hill drhill@chebeague.net.
Wednesday, July 22, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. the Board of Selectmen will hold a workshop with Robert Konczal the Tax Assessor. Bob will be presenting information regarding the revaluation and the implementation.
There will be a regular Board of Selectmen meeting immediately following.
There will be a CICA Meeting this Thursday (23rd) at 7pm at the school. See agenda.
The Hall's window fans seem to have been borrowed. Would it be possible to coax them to come home? Thank you from the Hall Board.
Sunday evening's lightning caused GCTC's Perkins Cup Tournament play to be called after five rounds. The result was a tie between Molly & David O'Donnell and Sarah Parker & John Thaxter, each team winning 11 of 12 games played. The event hosted the max number of teams and an equal number of spectators enjoyed the competition. The Club's next tournament, the Lessing Cup, will be played on Sunday, July 26th and is open to players 55 and older. Sign up at the courts on Wednesday. Luv tennis!
Jim KomLosy would like to thank all those who came out to the Memorial Service for Martha and express his and his families deep appreciation to all the well wishes and support.
July 20, 2015 - The CTC Newsletter for August 2015 is now posted on the News and Info page of the CTC website - chebeaguetrans.com
The Sunset Committee Meeting scheduled for today at 5:30 has been cancelled. Be sure to attend the Community Information meeting, regarding Phase 2 findings of the Sunset property evaluation, scheduled for 7:00pm on Monday, August 3rd at the Island Hall.
School Committee meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, 6pm at the school - click here for agenda.
This week at CRC...Soccer camp starts today. We still have lots of room in our +13 program from 4:30-7:30 PM; Our Bellyfit instructor is away this week, classes will resume on 7/27; swim lessons, teen center (teen pool hours on Tuesdays, 7 PM-dusk), Island Trails camp Forest and Creatures week and lunch and swim. No BBQ today due to grill malfunction; Kettlebell today at 5 PM, . You definitely won't want to miss CRC's Children's Theater performance of the Sound of Music, 7/24 & 7/25 at CIHCC at 7 PM ($8 at the door, children under 5 are free)...Coming next week is Dance week!. Two age groups 1st-4th grade and 5th-9th grade, Outdoor Music Camp, lunch and swim, and swim lessons. Phew!! Details are on our website, www.chebeaguerec.com.
Less than a week to go before Kelley Rich participates in the tri for a cure. Please take a moment to visit her page and help support the fight against cancer. Funds raised by this event will support research, education and patient support programs in Maine for all cancers. Thank you for your support!!
July 19, 2015 - Bob Konczal, the Town Assessor, will be at next Wednesday's Board of Selectmen's meeting to discuss the upcoming property tax revaluation and to answer questions from property owners. The meeting starts at 6:00 pm at the Island Hall.
The GRANGE THRIFT SHOP is having a once in a life time "Britches and Trousers Sale !" All women's, men's and children's pants, slacks, trousers, shorts, capris........will be FOUR FOR THE PRICE OF ONE! Ladies are encouraged to wear a skirt to shop so you can try them on easily! Open Tuesday from 9:30 -12:00 and again from 7-8 pm.
July 18, 2015 - Photo of Roses by Paul Belesca from the top of a crane. Click here to see the boats and wharf.
REMINDER TO CHEBEAGUE NONPROFITS - The deadline for Recompense Fund grant applications is August 31. Request applications by email to IslandLife@chebeague.net.
Only a week to go until the Maine Cancer Foundation’s TRI for a Cure. Jen Belesca is participating again this year and you can check out her webpage at http://triforacure.kintera.org/jbelesca. Funds raised by this event will support research, education and patient support programs IN MAINE for all cancers! GO JEN!
You can also go to http://triforacure.kintera.org/ and support the other island ladies (Abbie, Virginia, & Amanda on Team Positive MoJo and Kelley with her cousin’s on Team Soule Sistahs) Good Luck to everyone! And GO CHEBEAGUE!
Message from Island Riches: " I want to brag a little about the crafts I have in the shop. We have some of the best. Sarah Parker has done some fabulous Chebeague signs, Clint Jones great metal sculptures, Kim Martin wonderful paintings, Herb Rich great works from antique silverware, and Sandra Rice beautiful water colors just to name a few. Come see and support the Island Crafters. Thank you, Florence
Mari Black Trio will be playing Thursday, August 20, from 7:30 - 9:30, at John and Courtney Wilson's home. Combination of Celtic fiddle and jazz. Mari will have just returned from giving a week long workshop on Mountain music in North Carolina. She performs a wonderfully entertaining as well as educational concert that takes listeners on a tour of the British Isles, Europe and the US from south to North. Please join us for a fun evening! BYOB. Suggested tax deductible donation $15 to CHebeague Island Community Association.
July 17, 2015 - Photo Chandler's Cove by Joseph Moffatt.
The celebration of the Library's 50th is happening next Saturday, July 25th. Sign up in advance for the Scavenger Hunt, then join us for coffee or juice in the morning and an afternoon program and reception. Click here for the schedule of events.
Island Commons is offering (2) $100 gift certificates to Portland Chiropractic Neurology to the highest bidder! Opening bid is $100 for the two certificates…a great value! Email your bid to commons@chebeague.net by Friday July 23rd and take a chance on this great item. See attached for information…click here.
Tonight Friday from 5-7 at the Niblic Gallery "Sister Act" with works by sisters Sally Crapser and Joan Dayton.
An important message from CTC: To clarify our post regarding the CTC Annual Members’ Meeting on Saturday 7/18 at 9 AM at the Island Hall – current members (those who have become members since we became a non-profit last summer) do not need to renew membership. There is no expiration for membership. Anyone who wants to become a new member can sign up for membership at the meeting and pay the $40 membership fee.
Michael and Barbara have updated their site -- Now all the way to Helsinki - click here.
There will be a Memorial service for Margery Howard on Saturday August 8 at the church at 3:30, followed by a reception given by the family at the Parish Hall. Marge is the mother of Rob, Chris, John Howard and Jean Moses and wife of Bob Howard.
There is a great Facebook Page for Chebeague called Chebeague Island Swap, sell or Borrow. Every day people find and lose things that are being reported such as today Julie Doughty found keys near the Tennis Courts and David Rich found a sunken boat.
July 16, 2015 - Don’t forget tomorrow FRIDAY from 5 to 7 an Artist Reception at The Niblic Gallery at Chebeague Island Boat Yard featuring the works of Sally Crapser & Joan Dayton titled “Sister Act”. Refreshments will be served and all are welcome.
CRC is looking for certified lifeguards (training will be paid for by CRC) that are available to work weekends and some afternoons starting September 1st. If you are available or if you know anyone that may be willing to fill some shifts, please contact the CRC office, 846-5068.
Please remember not to put items, letters, checks in people's mailboxes. It is illegal and the post office will pick them up and if there is no return address they will be discarded. I unfortunately learned this the hard way one time in Yarmouth.
The Deadline for the August Island Council Calendar is NOON tomorrow.
July 15, 2015 - The CTC Annual Members’ Meeting will be held Saturday 7/18 at 9AM at the Island Hall. If you would like to become a member of the company, you can sign up at the meeting. The membership fee is $40.
Please plan to join us on: TUESDAY, JULY 28 at 6:30 at CIHCC FOR A MEETING ABOUT BROADBAND ON CHEBEAGUE ISLAND. The objective of the meeting is to introduce the community to the Island Institute Broadband project and get input on broadband’s current and future role in helping Chebeague realize its community goals. The meeting will be facilitated by Liza Quinn, Consultant for Tilsen Technology. At a later date, there will be an online survey that will measure broadband satisfaction, subscribership and aspirations. You're input is critical - we look forward to seeing you there!
If you were a monarch butterfly, where would land to lay your eggs? On a milkweed plant, of course. And, if you were a monarch butterfly, how could you find milkweed on which to alight? By using this handy Monarch Butterfly’s Guide to Chebeague Island, prepared by the Chebeague and Cumberland Land Trust. To learn more about monarchs and milkweed, come to the CCLT and Oceanside Conservation Trust workshop to be held at 1:30 p.m. on August 12 at the Island Hall and, weather permitting, a nearby milkweed field. We hope you can flutter by.
Be sure to sign up for the Adult Decorate a Dish and Tween & Teen Pottery classes at CRC by Friday the 10th at 2 PM.
TONIGHT at the HALL-Dept of Marine Resources Public Hearing
Wednesday, July 15, 2015 at 6:00 PM
re: application by Paul Dobbins for an aquaculture permit
July 14, 2015 - Great Chebeague Tennis Club will host the annual Perkins Cup Tournament on Sunday, July 19th at 4:00 pm. Members may sign up at the court before dusk on the day before the event. Spectators are welcome to watch the play as mixed doubles teams compete for the trophy. Luv tennis!
Coming up next week at CRC...Pool BBQ at 5 PM on Monday, British soccer programs for all ages, swim lessons, pottery for tweens and teens, adult decorate a dish, Chai and Chat, Island Trails and lunch and swim...plus several other exercise programs. There will be no Bellyfit or morning Dance Workout 7/20-7/25. Details about all of these programs and more can be found on our website, www.chebeaguerec.com.
Don't forget to check the Event Calendar above to see what is happening on the island as my posts get lost below.
Calling all nonagenarians! The Chebeague Island Hall is hosting a birthday party for all those who areninety years of age or older by December 31, 2015. The party will be held from 2 to 4 p.m. We are looking for copies of photos and memorabilia so that a memory book can be assembled for each recipient. There will be music from the Roaring Twenties, birthday cake, and a 10K road race (just kidding). Bring your craziest hat, and wear your wildest Flapper outfit! Make your best batch of bathtub lemonade! Channel your inner F. Scott and Zelda! Please contact Ruth Slagle (846-6345 or ruthslagle@chebeague.net) with info about your favorite nonagenarian. Everyone is invited to this free event! Save the date, and start practicing the Charleston! Mark your calendars: NONAGENARIANS' BIRTHDAY PARTY - August 30.
Found on side of road near tennis court - Black “BELL” youth-sized bike helmet. Call 846 9760.
Peter Kaufman was again featured on MSN Fox TV to talk about Greece's financial deal - click here to hear him.
July 13, 2015 - Fourth of July photos of the parade and picnic mostly taken by Cathy MacNeill with a few by me - CLICK HERE to see.
Join the Chebeague Island Historical Society Friday, July 24th, Noon to 4:00pm for a Pied Piper Cruise to Peaks Island and the 5th Maine Museum. $35 per person includes lunch en route and Museum admission. Only 85 tickets will be sold - don’t delay –buy your tickets at the Museum. CLICK HERE for more details.
Get your raffle ticket for an L.L. Bean boat and tote designed for the Tri for a Cure by Tracy Calder for Positive MoJO team made up of Virginia Tatakis (biking), Amanda Campbell (running) and Abbie Isenburg (swimming) . Help support the Maine cancer society. One ticket for $5 or 5 for $20. Get your tickets at the Island Library or Calder's Clam Shack. We will pick a winner Saturday July the 184th. The Tri is Sunday the 26th of July.
You can also go on Maine Cancer Society's website and donate to the team or individuals.. Thank you for your support in advance!!
July 12, 2015 - The Grange Thrift Shop "OPEN AND CLOSE SALE" is this Tuesday. If it opens and closes, it's two for the price of one! Think...pants, sweaters, blouses, dresses....they have buttons and zippers that open and close! Also books, tea pots, games, tie shoes. Be creative and shop for your family and friends! Doors open 9:30- 12:00 and again from 7-8 pm. All proceeds support island organizations.
Finally had some time to get the Island Commons Annual Wine Tasting photos from Cathy MacNeill and put them on the web! Click here to see the great time everyone had in spite of the rainy weather!
Congratulations to John Thaxter and Ursula King who won the most games at the Tennis Club's annual mixed doubles round robin the other day - click here to see some photos from Dave Hinchman.
Happy to report that Louis, the lost cat, came home six days after disappearing - he showed up at midnight crying and hungry! Perhaps he was stuck in somewhere so always remember to check a building you may have opened and then closed up.
July 10, 2015 - Photo by Beth Wiles - it is hard to complain about the heat after looking at what we had last winter!
Don't forget tomorrow is the Craft Fair, Saturday, July 11th at the Hall. It's from 10-.
Memorial Service for Martha Hamilton is Sunday, July 12th, 1:30 pm at the Chebeague Methodist Church with a reception to follow at the Chebeague Island Hall.
.Just a reminder that the deadline for the August Calendar is a week from today, Friday, July 17th.
Second Wind Farm Stand is open! There is kale, collard greens, Swiss chard, baby beets and beet greens, baby carrots, loose leaf lettuce, arugula, and sugar snap peas with more coming into season soon. Please think about including fresh local produce when planning your meals!
July 8, 2015 - LOST CAT: missing a sweet, shy 2 year old black cat named Louis from the East End. He was last seen Sunday morning. If anyone catches sight of him please call me at 846-4965.
The KIDS FREE TENNIS CLINIC is back at the Tennis Club’s clay courts on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12 – 1. Kids ages 5 – 14 of any ability are welcome. Racquets and balls are provided. Please wear flat-soled shoes. Come have fun at the courts!
The 2015 Chebeague Island Yacht Club season kicks off this weekend with the opening reception hosted by Commodore Aaron Julien 11 South Road at 6:00 p.m. and the Crow Island Race at 1:00 p.m. All are welcome! Contact Aaron for additional information. Click here for the 2015 race schedule.
CRC has lots of fun basket and pottery classes planned for all ages. Thursday, July 9th, adults can join our Pocket basket class and kids can come have some fun with clay. Next week, swim lessons, Island Trails and lunch and swim continue, Tennis Camp begins AND don't miss our Pool BBQ starting at 5 PM on Monday (for the month of July). We are excited to be offering so many adult fitness classes this year too...Bellyfit, exercise for seniors, Can U 24, Kettlebell, Dance Workout, Personal Training, adult lap swim and water aerobics...something for everyone. Check out our website for details about any of our programs and to see what else is coming up, www.chebeaguerec.com.
From a Woman's Perspective meets on alternate Wednesday evenings in the Library at 7:00. See signs on local bulletin boards for specific dates, topics and speakers. All women are welcome. FMI Sheila Putnam 846-5080
July 7, 2015 - Nurse Nancy is open today for blood draws and other nursing services at no charge from 7 to 9:30 at her house 13 South Road. This is the same service which used to be provided by the Island Council at the Hall Health Clinic on Tuesday morning. See website.
Today the Grange Thriftshop doors are open from 9:30-12:00 and again from 7-8:00 at night.
July 6, 2015 - THIS AFTERNOON 5:30 at the Rec is a Pool BBQ - $8 for pass holders and $12 for non pass holders - includes a burger or hot do, a side and a drink. The Rec center wifi is down today so no emails are going through at this time.
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS - 2015 - CHANGE IN MEETING LOCATION. The Chebeague Island Group of Alcoholics Anonymous has changed the location of its meetings to the Chebeague Island Library. We will continue to meet at 8 am on Saturday mornings through Labor Day weekend. The Library is located next to the Island Hall and is near the Island Market. Please park in the library parking lot and use the back door. For more information, call 914-980-6107.
Peter Kaufman has been featured lately on Fox News regarding Greece and thier financial crisis - click here for Peter with Marie Bartiromo and click here for another news cast.
Click here for the results of the 2015 Parade!
Message from Martha Vernon: "2015 Fun Run and Road Race Results are in! This race had the largest number of racers in recent history!! My thanks to everyone who participated, and in particular to those who helped make this a success! I could not have done this without my family, water station families (the Wiles and the Bisharats) and the timers (Johanna Hunter and Erika Neumann). Here are the results from yesterday's race. Have a great rest of the summer!!" (ROAD RACE RESULTS) and (FUN RUN RESULTS)
July 4, 2015 - Photo by Rachel Szala Grant of the first place float with Johnny Miller as Repunzel. More 4th of July photos coming soon.
Memorial Service for Martha Hamilton is Sunday, July 12th, 1:30 pm at the Chebeague Methodist Church with a reception to follow at the Chebeague Island Hall.
July 3, 2015 - TONIGHT: MUSIC AT THE HALL!!! Southbound Reunion!!! Join Mark, Chuck, Scott and Pete on July 3, doors open at 9:00 pm. Come listen to music, dance and have fun with friends. $10 at the door. All proceeds benefit the Rec Center
Great Chebeague Tennis Club wishes all a safe and happy Fourth of July weekend. Our annual Mixed Doubles Round Robin & Barbecue is on Thursday, July 9th at 4 pm. Please sign up at the courts; players and non-players are welcome to attend the BBQ but advance sign-up is requested. All sustaining members of GCTC are welcome to watch play and enjoy the fun at club social events. For more information, please see the updated website (you may have to refresh your browser) or contact Activities Chair, Mary Capra 846-0650 or m_capra@msn.com Luv Tennis!
Second Wind Farm Stand is open! There is an abundance of Swiss chard, baby beets and beet greens, baby carrots, loose leaf lettuce, arugula, and sugar snap peas with more coming into season soon. Please think about including fresh local produce when planning your meals!
July 2, 2015 - Miss Nancy's PreK school newsletter for June is now available - click here to see all the fun they have!
“Chai & Chat” at CRC is now being held on Sunday, July 5th at 6:30 p.m. “Eat Your Prana!” Come join me in an enlivening conversation about FOOD! We will explore simple food principles that will energize your life, optimize your weight, and replenish your vitality. Participants will leave equipped and inspired to delve into a plant-based eating approach that honors the body, the spirit, and the natural world. Best of all, there will be homemade chai and delicious cookies!
Please email beccapellerin@gmail.com if you plan to attend. $9 per person. Bring your favorite mug!
CRC's basket and pottery programs start on Tuesday and so far we don't have enough people registered to run the programs. July 7 is Island Candle Baskets for Adults and Creatures & Critters pottery class for kids. July 9 we will make Pocket Baskets with adults and finish up our creatures and critters with the kids. Register today! Give us a call for details, 846-5068, or visit our website, www.chebeaguerec.com.
Message from Island Riches: "Hi, Island Riches is open from 10 am to 4 pm except Thursdays from 12-2pm when I'm at Ladies Aid. For those who do not know where we are yet or are new to the Island. We are at the top of the hill from the west end wharf. If you are going to the wharf we are at the top on your left. If coming from the wharf it is on the right. We have lots of handcrafts .I hope to see you soon. We have a few plants left and are still taking orders. Thank you, Florence"
This summer the Chebeague Sailing School and the Chebeague Boatyard are providing a rack and space for you to store your kayak, at your own risk. No boats can be hauled into the barrier dune grass along the beach to Rose’s Point. Please click here to learn more about the rack and importance of preserving our DUNES!
July 1, 2015 - Craft Fair on Saturday, July 11th at the Hall. It's from 10-1 and there is still plenty of room for additional vendors. They can contact me to sign up or for more information: annettekincaid03@gmail.com.
4th of July TEEN DUNK TANK AND PIE THROWING: click here to see a list and times of dunk tank and pie throws! There will also be a tug of war.
MUSIC AT THE HALL!!! Southbound Reunion!!! Join Mark, Chuck, Scott and Pete on July 3, doors open at 9:00 pm. Come listen to music, dance and have fun with friends. $10 at the door. All proceeds benefit the Rec Center
The REC is working to finalize the swim lesson schedule for next week (starting July 6). Get your registrations in to reserve your spot. You can find the forms on our website or outside the CRC office. If you show up the day lessons start it may be too late!
The theme this year 4th of July parade is "Favorite Children's Book." The Fun Run begins at 9am, the Road Race begins at 10 am and the parade muster at the Inn at 11:00 am. The Community Picnic at the School/Rec complex. Check out the July Calendar or click here.
Join the Chebeague Island Historical Society Friday, July 24th, Noon to 4:00pm for a Pied Piper Cruise to Peaks Island and the 5th Maine Museum. $35 per person includes lunch en route and Museum admission. Only 85 tickets will be sold - don’t delay – buy your tickets at the Museum.
June 30, 2015 - Pool hours on the 4th of July will be 2-4 PM. Stop by for a swim!! Swim Lessons, Baskets and Pottery all start next week. Farm Camp, Island Trails, lunch/swim and a ton of exercise programs too. Check out our website or call the office for details, www.chebeaguerec.com or 846-5068.
Town Office is closed on Friday, July 3, 2015.
Please welcome, meet and hear our new pastor Melissa Yosua-Davis (and meet her husband, Ben Yosua-Davis!) this Sunday at 10:00 July 5th. There will be a coffee fellowship after church in the parish house.
Nurse Nancy is open today for blood draws and other nursing services at no charge from 7 to 9:30 at her house 13 South Road (on the East End just beyond wetlands before the Wentworth House that is for sale) This is the same service which used to be provided at the Hall Health Clinic on Tuesday morning. Nancy is in the process of getting estimates for ADA compliance. See website.
June 29, 2015 - Don't forget the PASTA DINNER Tuesday, June 30 to benefit the TEEN CENTER. Pasta, salad, bread, and dessert. $8 adults, $4 children. 50/50 raffle.
Grand Opening of the Grange Thriftshop is tomorrow, Tuesday! Doors are open from 9:30-12:00 and again from 7-8:00 at night.
There are shoes, clothes, dishes, linens, games, puzzles, kitchen items and fleeces in all sizes and colors. We are absolutely packed with treasures. Shop, shop, shop.... for what you need, or what you don't need! All proceeds support island organizations.
Kelley Rich is again doing the Tri for a Cure on July 26th and is hoping for your support - click here to see how.
June 28, 2015 - We have a busy week ahead at CRC! Children's theater auditions are Monday at 1 PM at the Hall, Dance Workout and Clown Camp start on Tuesday at CRC and the pool is in full swing. Next week (July 6th) we will kick off swimming lessons, Farm Camp, Island Trails, exercise for seniors, basket & pottery classes for all ages and so much more. We have tons of programs planned so be sure to check out our website for details, www.chebeaguerec.com, click on the links on the home page to see what's coming up for all ages.
There are soooo many wonderful items for the WINE TASTING and SILENT AUCTION - Don't let the rain keep you away just wear your rubber dress boots! It’s going to be a soggy day, but that won’t stop the festivities…we’ll be dry and cozy under the tent! See you there...
June 27, 2015 - Tonight is the WHALERS CONCERT: The theme of this year’s concert is “What’s In a Name” . The music covers the ground from a “oldies” to surfer music to rock and includes a tribute to one of the Whalers’ long-time members, Martha Hamilton. 7:30 p.m. this Saturday, June 27 at the Chebeague Island Hall. Tickets are $8 ; $4 for age 12 and under. Come join the fun!
Click here to see Sheila Read (Cookie's wife) discusses Climate Change and a Catholic response to Pope Francis' Laudato Si'.
June 26, 2015 - Don’t forget tonight from 5 to 7 an Artist Reception and Trunk Show at The Niblic Gallery at Chebeague Island Boat Yard featuring the works of Louisa Wickard as well as jewelry designer Morgan Mcgeehan and fiber artist Annette Kincaid. Refreshments will be served. Gallery proceeds will be donated to the Bump Hadley Scholarship Fund.
Very Adult exercise group will begin on Wednesday, July 1st, 8-8:45 in the gym at the rec center. Bring a yoga mat if you have one and wear exercise shoes.
June 25, 2015 - Tomorrow, Friday, June 26th, chebeague.net will be adding more bandwidth and when this is done there shouldn't be more than a few minutes down time unless you have a static IP and then we will individually take care of those.
This weekend is going to be a busy one!! WHALERS CONCERT: The theme of this year’s concert is “What’s In a Name” . The music covers the ground from a “oldies” to surfer music to rock and includes a tribute to one of the Whalers’ long-time members, Martha Hamilton. 7:30 p.m. this Saturday, June 27 at the Chebeague Island Hall. Tickets are $8 ; $4 for age 12 and under. Come join the fun!
Sunday is the WINE TASTING & SILENT AUCTION, Sunday June 28th 2:00-4:30at the Chebeague Island Inn. Please click the ad for the Commons that didn't make it to the publisher. There is so much happening in July and you won't want to miss the activities.
Click here for the flyer for the ANNUAL ARTS AND CRAFTS FAIR, Saturday, July 11th from 10 AM to 1PM at the Chebeague Island Hall - Jewelry, paintings, wood working, rugs and many other crafts and a raffle.
The Fourth of July is coming soon and you can get all the information on the July Island Council Calendar which you may access upper left corner of this website or click here. The theme this year for the parade is "Favorite Children's Book." The Fun Run begins at 9am, the Road Race begins at 10 am and the parade muster at the Inn at 11:00 am. The Community Picnic at the School/Rec including a dunk tank!
June 24, 2015 - Last night, June 23rd, Kevin Wentworth did a stop action video of an aurora borealis from the East End of Chebeague - click here to see!
The Island Commons WINE TASTING & SILENT AUCTION, Sunday June 28th 2:00-4:30at the Chebeague Island Inn. Click here to see some of the items that will be at the silent auction.
Notice to all Chebeague nonprofits from The Recompense Fund - Grant applications must be submitted by August 31. Obtain applications by contacting IslandLife@chebeague.net, and also let us know if you would like assistance or have any questions.
The Museum is now open for the season. Monday-Sat 10-4 and Sunday 1-4.
The Niblic cordially invites everyone to an art opening reception, Friday, June 26 from 5 to 7 for Louisa Wickard as well as also featuring a Trunk Show with jewelry designer Morgan Mcgeehan and Fiber Artist Annette Kincaid. Click here to see the invitation. All Gallery proceeds will be donated to the Bump Hadley Scholarship Fund.
The Niblic is now on its full summer hours Monday - Saturday: 8:00 - 5:00 Sunday: 9:00 - 3:00.
The Maine Humanities Robert Frost program scheduled for Saturday, June 27 at the Library has been cancelled.
Pasta Dinner at the Hall.!!!! This coming Tuesday evening, June 30, Pasta and home made meatballs, salads and an array of desserts… Take a break from making dinner and kick the summer off with the kids from teen center waiting on you!!! All benefits go to teen center programs. Hope to see you there!
Messages from the Rec: We are offering some expanded hours for preteen/teen, starting with Tuesday nights in July, swim night! We will begin at 7:00 and swim until dusk, then go inside for games and more fun. We have a fire pit and want to do some s"mores soon too!!! Pool fees apply.
Sign ups for Rippleffect are available now. It is an annual trip that the Recreation Center offers for preteen and teens on Cow Island. We are going to be camping out Aug 4-5, tuesday morning to Wednesday afternoon. There is kayaking, huge zip lines, rock wall, hikes, games and more. Call the Rec for more info or go online.
The Pool is OPEN and incredible!!! Come down and enjoy the water after all of the improvements made to get it running so beautifully. Adult Lap Swim and Water Aerobics schedule is posted for the mornings, and daily noon-1:00 is adult lap swim, then we have open swim from 1:00-5:00 so come with the kids and enjoy!!!
Pool Party BBQ are back starting in July, Every Monday 5-7:00 the pool will be open and we will be selling Burgers and Hot Dogs!!!! $8 for Pass holders and $12 for non Pass holders, price includes a burger or hot dog, chips and a drink.
Check out the website for our swim lesson schedules too!!!
June 23, 2015 - Photos - Mrs Hoidal's K-2 grade class on Chebeague Island were learning about writing biographies. They also researched biographies about famous artists. They decided to share what they learned and also create their own masterpieces. See the Youtube about the artists!
I will be traveling to North Carolina to visit Dennis from today until Sunday. I will continue to update the page when I am able and if you have a plumbing emergency call Rich Plumbing 522-3439 if you have an internet problem call my cell 939-9643 or David Hill 712-0349..
Remember that Sew Good meets on Wednesday, June 24th at the Parish House. We start around 10 am & end when the last person turns out the lights & shuts the door. Bring a sewing project you'd like to work on or participate in one of the community projects we are offering. Everyone is welcome. Join us for any part of the day, we have lunch around noon. Enjoy the fun of sewing whether by hand or machine.
June 22, 2015 - Father Daniel Greenleaf from the Parish of the Holy Eucharist (Sacred Heart/Holy Martyrs) will be here on the Island to celebrate Mass for us on this Saturday, June 27th at 10 A.M. at the Chebeague Methodist Church. We hope that many people will attend.. PLEASE COME
On June 9th at the Library, Dave Holman talked about his book, the Coffee Smuggler - click here to see.
If you haven’t mailed your RSVP and plan to attend the WINE TASTING this Sunday, please call Nancy Olney at 846-5610 so that we can finalize our food and wine provisioning! Thank you…
GCGC 9 HOLE SCRAMBLE- Tuesday, June 30, 3 PM START, 2:45 PM SIGN-UP. ALL ARE WELCOME, Members and Non-members, Single Players or Couples. Casual Golf and Serious Fun, After Golf Social-BYO Refreshments. $5 for GCGC Members and Non-members. We will be finished in time to go to the 6PM Pasta Dinner to benefit the Teen Center.
June 19, 2015 - The Chebeague Island Historical Society will hold its annual meeting on Saturday June 20 at 7:30 pm at the Hall. Following the meeting and election of officers, Donna Miller Damon will give an illustrated talk entitled: Learning about Chebeague's History through its Material Culture.
The Chebeague Tennis Club invites all to the first free adult clinic next Friday - click here to see the flyer.
Click here for an updated Island Commons Wine Tasting Sponsorship list.
There will be a gathering in memory of Gail Williams and Jane Scifres's mother, Elizabeth Duff Shute, from 2 to 5 PM on July 5 at Betty's former cottage on 9 Moulton Rd. All of Betty's Island friends are invited to attend and share their memories of Betty. Light refreshments will be served.
Help the Monarch Butterfly population rebound on the Islands of Casco Bay - click here to find out how.
The Kids Place is still taking orders for Lobster rolls. Please call: 846-8712 or e mail: kidsplace@chebeague.net We have sold over 50! Help support the islands youth, daycare, preschool and summer camp programs!
The Chebeague Board of Selectmen will have an emergency meeting tonight at 7:00 at the Fire Station to 1)discuss the status of the 1985 International tank truck with the fire chief, and 2) hold a brief executive session on a legal matter.
June 18, 2015 - Island Riches has new beautiful plants that came in last night. I am still taking orders so if you need something that I don't have call 846-4986 or email me islandriches@chebeague.net. Thank you, Florence
Come hear Swami Sankarandanda talk about his new book "Pilgrimage Home: Journey to the Heart" at the Library, Wednesday, June 24th at 7:00 pm.
Yesterday at the Harrison Middle School Awards Ceremony for 8th Graders two of Chebeague’s own were recognized. Elias Rich received the National Geographic Geography Award & Aaron Belesca received the American Legion Athletic Award for good sportsmanship. Great job guys!
Just over a week until Island Commons 13th ANNUAL WINE TASTING & SILENT AUCTION Sunday, June 28th 2-4:30 at the Inn. Auction items are streaming in…see us on Facebook for 2015 Wine Tasting Album. We thank our many auction donors…too numerous to list! CLICK HERE for a thank you to our Event Sponsors. If you’d like to attend and did not receive an invitation in the mail, click HERE for a reply card. Hope to see you on the 28th!
June 17, 2015 - Today at the Library is the K-2 Gallery at 2pm where the students will be unveiling their masterpieces!
At 1pm the 3-5 class will be sharing their Middle East Projects at the School!
This is CRC's week at Chedemption and we are still hoping to find some volunteers for Saturday, June 20th. If you could stop by the transfer station and help for a little while that day it would be much appreciated. Please call, 846-5068 or email, crc@chebeague.net for more information.
The pool project is complete and the pool is beautiful!! We are looking forward to opening day on June 20th!! Get your pool pass today! And, CRC summer programs start in less than two weeks!! VIsit our website and check out all the fun programs we have planned. Programs are filling up! Send your registration forms in today to reserve your spot...camps, swim lessons, theater, pottery, baskets, exercise and more! Visit, www.chebeaguerec.com, for details and registration forms.
June 16, 2015 - This Sunday, June 21st, is Pastor Mary Jane's last Sunday at the church. She would love to see you in church, or stop by after church to say goodbye at the Parish House. A farewell cookout is being planned - contact Polly Wentworth for details.
Donna Damon's last day of school was today and the early boat was decked out in her honor - see the photo. She has also retired from the Selectmen and Chris Loder made a wonderful presentation and honored Donna at the last Town Meeting. Click here to see the video.
The Grange Thrift Shop volunteers are in desparate need of skirt hangers and hangers wtih clips. If you have extras, please leave them nside the back door. Thank you.
I have finally put the photos of the Memorial Day taken by Cathy MacNeill! Click here to see them.
June 15, 2015 - School Committee meeting tomorrow night 6:30 at the School - see agenda.
Congratulations to Jim VanFleet as Mainely Tubs triples space in Scarborough - click here to read.
June 14, 2015 - ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 2015 - The Chebeague Island Group of Alcoholics Anonymous will meet at 8 am on Saturday mornings beginning June 20, 2015 and continuing through Labor Day weekend. The meetings will be held at the Parish Hall of the CI United Methodist Church. For more information, call 914-980-6107.
Nurse Nancy will be open to do blood draws this Monday and this Wednesday from 7 to 9:30 but will not be available on Tuesday this week. She will be back on her regular Tuesday schedule on June 23rd. Don't hesitate to call if you have any special needs or questions 712-3184.
June 13, 2015 - Photos - Mrs Summa has lots of yogurt containers and she was so excited to see that we found a use for them. She was happy to see us reuse, reduce and recycle which we did. Mrs. Hoidel's class is studying famous artists and they were inspired to paint their bird feeders in the impressionistic style of Claude Monet. You will be seeing them all around now.
Michael Porter has updated his website click here for The "Live-Anywhere" Boat - Cruise 2015, Part III, North to Stockholm.
Click here for an article about Ray Shevenell whose family has been coming to Chebeague for years. Ray was a multiple winner of the 4th of July Race and #1 was reserved for him each year.
June 12, 2015 - CRC is reaching out to the community to ask for help volunteering at the Chedemption shed on June 17, June 19 and June 20. CRC is assigned two weeks. We designate the proceeds from one of the weeks to cover expenses (phone, power, supplies) at Sanford's pond and the other week supports all CRC programs. We hope that those of you that have enjoyed time at CRC and/or Sanford's pond will consider helping out for a couple of hours this year. Please contact the CRC office, 846-5068 or crc@chebeague.net, for more information or to sign up. Thank you!!
The Hall is looking for the whereabouts of the "Milk Cooler" that the Hall has used in the past for serving Ice Cream on the 4th. It's last known location was in the Parish House. If you know of its location after the Parish House, please let Ruth know - ruthslagle@chebeague.net
June 10, 2015 -Indian Point (the Hook) and Roses have lots of DUNE GRASS! It is really, really important to not walk on this grass. This grass is able to withstand a lot but stepping on it will kill it.
Ethan, Aaron, & Jen Belesca are running the Maine Cancer Foundation’s Twilight 5K Thursday night to raise money for the fight against cancer. This is the same route Jen will run as part of her participation again this year doing the Tri For A Cure on July 26th. To make donations to either events go to http://twilight5k.kintera.org/ethanbelesca, http://twilight5k.kintera.org/aaronbelesca or http://triforacure.kintera.org/jbelesca You can also mail donations to Maine Cancer Foundation 170 US Route 1 Suite 250 Falmouth, ME 04105. Your contribution is greatly appreciated. Funds raised by these events will support research, education and patient support programs IN MAINE for all cancers! THANK YOU!
You’re invited to Island Commons 13th Annual WINE TASTING & SILENT AUCTION, Sunday June 28th, 2:00-4:30 at the Chebeague Island Inn. Invitations are in the mail! If you don’t receive one and would like to attend, click here for a reply card….and remember to check our website over the next few weeks for previews of our many auction items: islandcommonsresourcecenter.org HOPE TO SEE YOU ON THE 28th!
PASTA DINNER!!! At the hall to benefit the Teen Center. June 30, Tuesday. There will be pasta and meatballs, salads, breads, cupcakes and bars, coffee tea and lemonade. Take the night off from cooking and let the island teens do their thing! There will also be a 50/50 raffle!!! Suggested donations are adults $8 and $4 children under 12. Festivities kick off at 6:00.
If you get a message that says you have exceeded the maximum number of attemps allowed for your current Password - DON'T click Unlock - It is a spammer!
The results from yesterday's election are posted on the Town's Website - click here to see.
Another message from Kids Place: Hello and happy summer from The Kids Place! I have been getting a lot of calls about summer camps and summer daycare. In fact, for the first time since I started working here, we are actually filling camps and child care spots with two staff members!! This is great news for The Kids Place! We have over 12 children signed up for one of our July Camps, which means there is only 4 spots left! So please, check your calendars and let me know your child care needs and your camp desires. The ability to drop in this summer is going to be very limited!
And Remember to buy your lobster roll tickets! 846-8712 or e mail: kidsplace@chebeaegue.net
June 9, 2015 - Tonight David Holman will speak at the library about his new book, Coffee Smuggler - see flyer.
Don't forget to vote today! Click here for specimen ballot. The selectmen would like to know whether the island voters want to continue discussions and negotiations with the Great Chebeague Golf Club and the Holmbom Family regarding the construction of a parking lot near the Stone Wharf. Jeff Putnam and Jen Belesca are running for two seats on the School Committee and David Hill and Pete Pellerin are running for two Selectmen seats.
The 3-5 class have been doing research and investigation on Little Chebeague. They have downloaded little podcast/video of five sites and using a QRcode so you are able to hear about the remains of a few cottages and hotel. When you are visiting the area you may use your cell phone and hear from the students. Click here to see a pdf of the five cottages they have reported on - you will have to use your qrcode reader.
June 8, 2015 - Message from Kids Place: "The Kids Place is hopping with as many as 9 children attending Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.
We are looking for some volunteers to join The Kids Place Community. Do you like to read stories? Do puzzles? Are you an artist or musician who enjoys children? If so, and you would like to share some of your time with the children at Kids Place, please contact Carrie Ridgway at kidsplace@chebeague.net or call: 846-8712. Lets mix up the generations and create new bonds. Lets explore the arts and music with young minds!
I look forward to hearing from you!"
I have done it again - I have lost a portable 3/8" drill with a long 1/4" bit - I had it on a job at the West End and may have put it on my hood and driven off. I used it Saturday May 30th. Maybe someone found it on the side of the road.
June 6, 2015 - TOWN MEETING today at 9am at the Hall.
Click here to read an article in the Portland Press Herald about twins including Abbie and Tess Hinchman who are graduating from No. Yarmouth Academy.
Message from Sarah Van Fleet on the Grange Thrift Shop: We will be open again this summer! Please leave your clean and saleable items inside the back door of the Grange. We accept dishes, linens, toys, games, books, shoes, and of course clothes of all sizes. Please do not leave any heavy items. We are already busy preparing for Opening Day, Tuesday June 30th 9:30- 12:00 and again from 7-8pm. See you soon.
June 5, 2015 - Message from the Clam Shack: Clam Shack will be closed due to Tim's Graduation festivities! Sorry for any inconveniences! We will be open the weekend of the 12-14 to continue our spring schedule.. See you ALL SOON!!
Tuesday, June 9th 7:00 pm - David Holman will speak about his new book, Coffee Smuggler - see flyer.
Kevin Burns of Carpet Cleaning Services will be on island from June 24 - June 29. Please be in touch with Laura Summa if you are interested in scheduling his service. As you may know, he uses a professional hot steam cleaning process on carpets, upholstery and tile/grout. If you have questions about his processes or prices, you can contact Laura. He has wowed and pleased many Chebeaguers! Let me know you're interested in getting on the list.
June 4, 2015 - There is a now a bulletin board outside the library (inside the main entry foyer) that is titled "Volunteer." It is a place where your organization can place notices to solicit volunteer help, whatever your needs might be. Whether for short-term or long-term help, for a few hours or for many, please consider posting a note on the new board with your volunteer needs and your contact information. Also, the new board can be particularly helpful in connecting with individuals who are interested in brief or drop-in commitments - like our many enthusiastic summer visitors. The board is not particularly large, so please try to use a 8.5" x 5.5" size note or smaller so there is room for everyone's notices. Please contact Ariette at ariettemaine@gmail.com for more information.
The Chebeague Island Historical Society's Annual Meeting & Program will be held at the Island Hall on June 20th at 7:30 p.m.
June 3, 2015 - The Town Meeting is this Saturday at 9am at the Hall. CPA will be having a bake sale just before the town meeting on Saturday morning. Bring your money for some yummy things to eat.
Two weeks ago the Pre-K and the K-2nd grade classes went on a field trip which included the morning at River Point Conservation Area to learn about the bird banding project by the Biodiversity Research Institute. It was a wonderful experience and every child had the opportunity to release a previously banded and measured bird. Click here to learn more about this project and see some photos and a short video of the experience!
In a few short weeks, chebeague.net will be tripling available bandwidth (again), so there will more to share among our rapidly increasing seasonal population. So, please bear with us and soon the interruptions to Netflix, YouTube, etc. should decrease or, we hope, disappear.
Save the Date: Friday, July 24th Noon to 4:00 - The 2015 Chebeague Island Historical Society Fund Raiser Pied Piper Cruise to Peaks Island and the 5th Maine Museum ---- Under the stewardship of the Fifth Maine Regiment Community Association, the Regiment Memorial Hall built in 1888 is maintained as the 5th Maine Museum, a Civil War and local history museum and cultural center for the Peaks Island community. There will be time for exploring the Island and visiting shops and galleries. $35 per person includes lunch and Museum admission. Only 85 tickets will be sold. The Pied Piper will depart the Stone pier at noon and return at 4:00pm. For more information call or email Mary Holt at 846-5040 or islelive@chebeague.net. Tickets will be available for purchase at the Museum starting June 20th. Ticket requests, accompanied by payment, may be sent to the Chebeague Island Historical Society, Chebeague Island, ME 04017, attention: Mary Holt.
June 2, 2015 - Photo -of some of the Island Institute Chebeague Island Scholarship recipients with Donna Damon at the annual scholarship dinner. Congratulations to Cassidy Jeffers, Lily England, Tracy Calder, Amanda Campbell, Jade Morlock, Chloe Dyer, Genevieve Dyer, and Julia Maine. Missing from the photo is Caroline Summa. Click here to learn where they are all going and who is graduating.
Kids Place has reopened its doors in The Kids Place Building! Click here to learn more and see photos of some of the children. The Kids Place is doing the Lobster roll fundraiser as usual this fourth of July. To reserve tickets please e mail: kidsplace@chebeague.net or call 846-8712. Tickets are $15 per lobster roll, and they come with a bag of chips!
June 1, 2015 - Tomorrow, because the Health Center is no longer providing a service to the community for taking blood draws. Nancy Hill is opening up her home between 7 and 9:30 am, free of charge to do blood draws for people. Nancy has been volunteering her time to do this off and on since 1992 with the various doctors and practitioners who have been on the island. Click here to see her website and learn more.
School Committee Meeting, Tuesday, June 2nd at the school - see agenda.
Message from Island Riches: "I am going to pick up plants Wednesday morning. If you need something special or a large amount of plants you can call me or email me 207 846-4986 or islandriches@chebeague.net. I hope the rain slows down a little by then but I will be picking up plants just the same. I am also picking up veg. plants. Thank you, Florence"
Bob Follette's 90th birthday is coming up June 9th and we are sure he would love to get messages from Chebeague. Bob along with his partner Mort used to own and run the Island View Inn. Bob's contact info:
Robert Follette
884 Federal St.
Belchertown, MA 01007-9358
Also, he does still read emails, and his e-dress is: rfollette6220@charter.net
Click here for last month's Pre-K Newsletter from Miss Nancy.
There is an article in the Portland Press Herald today about Ben Morse who has been doing humanitarian work around the world. Ben is the son of Ted and Barbara Morse and grandson of Ted and Sidney Morse.
May 28, 2015 -Photo -of the 3-5 class in front of a Bernard Langlais sculpture with Kristin Westra, Marty Trower, the art teacher Louisa Wickard and Annette Naegel on our way to Acadia. Click here to see the first day of our trip and learn about the Bernard Langlais Sculpture Preserve. Click here to see day two of our adventure.
NOTE DATE CHANGE “Calling all Crafters” July 11, 2015 – Chebeague Island Hall - $10.00 per table – ½ tables availableContact Annette Kincaid - annettekincaid03@gmail.com
May 26, 2015 - British Soccer Camp at the CRC this summer If you are interested in hosting the coaches this year, please contact the CRC office at (207) 846-5068.
Message from Jen @ The Niblic: We opened for the season this past weekend! Our spring hours are Wednesday thru Saturday 8-2, Closed Sunday, Monday, & Tuesday (the boys are still busy with baseball season hence the limited hours). Tomorrow we will have Haddock Chowder and Chicken & Rice Soup, as well as sandwiches & wraps. Stop by for a Bacon, Egg, & Cheddar Breakfast Sandwich made on a Parmesan Herb Biscuit or try our new Morning Glory muffins. Also new this year are bagels (with cream cheese, butter, or peanut butter) to enjoy a cup of Chebeague Blend Coffee. Things are slowly coming in so stop by and see what’s new. Thanks in advance for your support!
May 25, 2015 - The service today that Beth Wiles put together was wonderful and I will have some photos of it soon. We showed a video of World War II Veterans who have connections to Chebeague. Through the Historical Society and families we tried over the last couple of weeks to find as many vets and photos as we could. There are so many more to get and if you know of one and especially have a photo (great when in uniform) if you could send it to me at bjohnson@chebeague.net and I will add it to the list and website which I am also putting together. Click here to see the video from today which I updated since the ceremony. I have included Veterans who are still with us Kenneth Hamilton, Woody Chamberlin, Russ Hunter, Mac Passano, and Gerald Colbeth. I want to thank all the veterans for their service!!
If you missed the Island Commons Plant sale IT’S NOT TOO LATE TO PICK UP A FEW MORE PERENNIALS and FRUITS FOR YOUR GARDEN…. Stop by Ann Thaxter’s..you’ll see an area near the house with a sign indicating which plants are available. The BAKE & PLANT sale was our best ever! Many thanks to all who turned out to purchase delicious home baked treats and wide selection of beautiful plants, including some unusual varieties. We couldn’t have done it without the tireless efforts of scores of Bakers, Diggers, Luggers, and Sale Volunteers.
MEMORIAL DAY! Don't forget the Memorial Day Service at the Church today at 1pm. We have been working on a slide show of ALL World War II Veterans. We have photos of 62 of them with connections to Chebeague living and dead.We know there are a lot more and would love to have photos (especially in uniform if you have them - I can't find one of my father yet but am looking). After the service there will be an ice cream social honoring Dick and Dianne Calder for there dedication and duties surrounding the cemetery.
May 24, 2015 - Click here for the CTC's June newsletter is now posted on their website.
Michael and Barbara Porter have updated their travel page - click here to see all the wonderful places they are able to visit.
May 22, 2015 -Photo -of Beth Wiles during a Memorial Day Service
Great Chebeague Tennis Club wishes all islanders a safe and happy Memorial Day weekend. The courts will open on Sunday thanks to the tremendous efforts of hard-working Chebeaguers. Thanks, guys. You rock! We look forward to seeing familiar faces and new members as we kick off another great season. Luv tennis!
Don't forget the Bake and Plant Sale tomorrow at the Hall starting at 10.
New Adult program starting this Sunday May 24th from 6:30-8 at the Rec. Chai & Chat Led by Rebecca Pellerin. Future dates and prices are on the Rec website.
Click here for a worksheet presented to the Town from the Holmbom family regarding the Proposed Parking Area at the Stone Pier.
Since the Chebeague Island Council no longer provides Tuesday morning hours at its Health Center office, Nancy Hill, RN is preparing to offer blood drawing services at a nurse's station located at her home beginning Tuesday, June 2nd and every following Tuesday with the exception of June 16th. The service will be provided free of charge, but donations to the Recompense Fund will be gratefully accepted and appreciated. Please click here for more details.
Message from the Island Council: The Council continues to work thoughtfully on how the Health Center operates and how the services are delivered. It is a slow process; providing health care today is a complicated undertaking. The Council has administrative issues it is reviewing and updating and that also takes time. Please know that every member of the Board understands the hardship of having that office closed. It isinconvenient, we know that a trip to town is a daunting expedition. Please make use of our remedy, let the CTC deck hand know you are going over because you can’t have your blood drawn on island. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Deborah A. Bowman, President
Chebeague Island Council
The Folbot kayak offered for sale has been SOLD! Thank you to the buyer for generously supporting Island Commons with their purchase of this great item!
2015 Memorial day Service to be held at the Chebeague Methodist Church on Monday May 25th at 1:00 PM . Our Island school children and members of the community are helping to make this another meaningful event. An Ice Cream Social will follow at the Parish House hosted by the Cemetery committee and honoring Dick and Dianne Calder. We will be celebrating Dick and Dianne's much deserved retirement from their years of dedication and duties surrounding our Island Cemetery. Please join us in wishing them well in their retirement.
May 20, 2015 - The Chebeague Island School is now accepting bids for Lawn Mowing and Trimming at the school and field - click here for more information.
Message from Jen at The Niblic: We are opening for the season this weekend Friday, Saturday, & Sunday 8am to 2pm. Closed Monday. Please stop in Friday for a free cup of coffee! Come see what’s new. We are looking forward to seeing everyone and hope you can swing by. For more info go to chebeagueislandboatyard.com/the-niblic/ and don’t forget to like us on Facebook. Thanks so much!!
Island Commons BAKE & PLANT SALE this Saturday, May 23rd 10am at the Hall. Gardeners: We’ll be offering unusual varieties donated by Pine Tree Garden Seeds in addition to many lovely ones divided from island gardens. Come early for the best selection! And remember, the pies go fast… don’t miss out on your favorites. See you there! [note: there will be an area at the transfer station for recycling plant pots…we’d love to have your empties for next year!]
ps from Sam: (Thanks to everyone who has volunteered to bake for the Bake Sale this weekend!!! Just a reminder to remember to use foil pie pans (I'll have extras available) Any extra bakers are welcome! Call Sam Birkett at 846-4467 if you'd like to bake! Hope to se you between 10-12:30 at the Hall May 23rd.)
May 19, 2015 - Thank You to the 42 energetic volunteers who turned out last Saturday for Island Commons Spring Cleanup. The grounds look wonderful and several home repairs are now behind us…and of course, our residents enjoyed all the activity and the spectacular results! Click here for a couple of photos.
Congratulation to the Chebeague Island School Department listed among 50 Inspiring Schools Meeting the Challenge - click here to go to the website. TheBestSchools.org selected Chebeague Island based on several weighted factors, including academic excellence, extracurricular richness, geographical and demographical diversity, and reputation. (Not sure where they got 24 1/2 sq miles but we know that it is a lot smaller, they also didn't mention travel by CTC)
May 18, 2015 - Photo - of a Rose-breasted Grosbeak on Chebeague. Click here to see one at the school recycled yogurt container birdfeeder.
Golf Club Wharf Road Parking Proposal. On Wednesday, May 20, the Board of Selectmen will hold a public workshop on an offer the golf club has made to donate to the Town a parcel of land near the Stone Wharf that the Town would turn into a parking lot. The Board wants input from islanders before proceeding. The golf club has prepared a one-page fact sheet on the proposal that it hopes will be helpful. Click here to read it.
School Committee Meeting tomorrow night, Tuesday, May 19, 2015 - click here to see agenda.
FOR SALE: To benefit Island Commons! "Folbot" folding kayak. Complete with paddle, instructions. Disassembles for storage in 2 bags! Assembled and ready to go. $500 or best reasonable offer. Retail value over $1500. Will be on display at the Plant & Bake Sale this Saturday, 10am at the Hall. Can't wait? Call Nancy Olney at the Commons 846-5610.
Meditation with Michelle, Bellyfit with Katie and Personal Training and Kettlebell with Brian continue this month at CRC. And, we are starting another new program on Sunday, May 24th; Join Becky for Chai & Chat at 6:30 PM at CRC. Then, June 5th, join Caroline for another fun Paint Night (be sure to register with the CRC office to make sure you reserve your canvas). Check our website for details about any of our programs, www.chebeaguerec.com.
May 15, 2015 - Remember - tomorrow is ISLAND COMMONS SPRING CLEANUP & BBQ - it looks like it will be a beautiful day. Starting at 10 AM till 1:30.
There is no Teen Center Saturday night, May 23.
The Town Meeting is June 6, 2015, beginning at 9:00 AM at the Island Hall the Local Election is Tuesday, June 9 2015, 8 AM to 8 PM at the Island Hall. Absentee ballots are available for the June 9, 2015 election. You may go to the Town Office during regular business - click here to see when the office is open.
Click here for a Press Release from the Greater Portland Chapter of the Maine Genealogical Society. Donna Damon will be a guest speaker on June 6th and it sounds really interesting.
The Chebeague Inn is opening today - yesterday was an open house soft opening.
May 14, 2015 - ISLAND COMMONS SPRING CLEANUP & BBQ ~ this Saturday, May 16th 10am-1pm….bring your gardening tools and help us spiff up the grounds, then join us for a barbecue lunch with all the fixings as our way of saying Thank You! (rain date Sunday the 17th)
Message from Shannon: Thank you to everyone that donated to my Avon39 Walk to End Breast Cancer! It's this weekend and I am so excited to be a part of it! Thank you for your support of me and this cause. Together, we raised over $5000! I hope to make you all proud and finish the 39 miles with a big smile and just slightly sore feet! Support has come from all over this island; I could not be more proud of Chebeague.
Thank you, Shannon
p.s For those of you who are interested - there is still time to learn about this walk and donate at: http://info.avonfoundation.org/goto/shannonsisterstrong
Tonight the Spring School Arts Night is at the Hall starting at 5:30 all welcome!
Health Center update: The Chebeague Island Council board is working thoughtfully on restructuring plans for the Health Care Center. We are very aware of the inconvenience this has presented to those people who used the services offered. Please let me know if you have specific questions or concerns. In the meantime, the Council will pay for your CTC boat fare and reimburse you for cab fare. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Deborah A. Bowman, President
The Island Council meets at the Parish House every third Wednesday of the month at 5:30 and you are welcome to stop in. The next meeting is next Wednesday, May 20th.
2015 Memorial day Service to be held at the Chebeague Methodist Church on Monday May 25th at 1:00 PM . Our Island school children and members of the community are helping to make this another meaningful event. An Ice Cream Social will follow at the Parish House hosted by the Cemetery committee and honoring Dick and Dianne Calder. We will be celebrating Dick and Dianne's much deserved retirement from their years of dedication and duties surrounding our Island Cemetery. Please join us in wishing them well in their retirement.
May 12, 2015 - Photo - of students at the DAR award ceremony, May 8th at the school. Click here to see the program. Congratualtions to Henry Hall who won FIRST PLACE State and Chapter and Conrad Cole who won third place Chapter. Back in October, the Chebeague Island School fifth graders entered an essay contest sponsored by the DAR. The subject of the essay was a child’s journey through Ellis Island. Henry went to Augusta on April 23 to a meeting of the DAR and read his essay and received his prize. Today, members of the DAR came out to the school to celebrate with the class and award Conrad his prize. They even brought a huge cake for the school - see here.
Miss Nancy's Pre-K Newsletter - click here.
Congratulations to Mikhele Kuntz and John Gaudet who took ownership of the OOB House of Pizza yesterday. Their web page is under construction, but they are on Facebook.
May 5, 2015 - S/P Black Fitbit found on the ground where the CTC bus parks after the 10:15am boat on Monday 5/4. Call Jen Belesca 846-1097 if its yours.
The soups for tomorrow, Wednesday, are Gazpacho and Mulligatawny (and Anglo-Indian chicken and lamb stew).
Caroline's Art night is coming up this weekend!! Saturday, May 9th at CIHCC. Click here to see the flyer. Also, Join us Fridays during the Month of May for Breathe Meditation with Michelle. 4:30-5:30 at CRC. Go to our website, www.chebeaguerec.com, for details.
May 4, 2015 - Photo - of an Eastern Towhee on Chebeague taken May 4, 2015. Click here for a Belted Kingfisher that is hanging around the Golf Club Pond.
There is an article in the Working Waterfront about Donna Damon and her retirement this year from teaching - click here to see. I, for one, am looking forward to her book!
School Committee Meeting Tuesday, 6pm at the school - see agenda.
May 2, 2015 - Message from Florence Rich: "It is that time again and this year and I welcome it. I am taking orders for plants so if you need a lot of plants for Memorial Day, call me (207 846-4986 ) or email me at islandriches@chebeague.net , also if you want something special. Today the sun is out and days are getting warmer .I am thinking plants and flowers.Thanks, Florence"
I have recently updated the Yacht Club website for this years information.
May 1, 2015 - Maine Approves Chebeague Golf Course for National Register of Historic Places. CLICK HERE for news release.
There has been much discussion of parking changes along with possible added parking area at the Stone Pier. The Selectman are having a workshop May 20th at the Island Hall, after which there will be a referendum on June 9th to vote on whether we want our elected officials to continue working on the parking proposal currently before them.
April 29, 2015 - The Island Council May Calendar has been published and you can see it online now - click on Island Council Calendar above left corner.
A reminder that CHEBEAGUE CARES in-home care service is available to help with many tasks of daily living…either briefly while you recuperate at home, or longer term. We’re here to meet your needs! Contact Amy Rich or Randy Bento at Island Commons 846-5610 for more information click here!
The students of the Chebeague Island School would like to thank those who attended the Talent Show last Saturday, and especially the performers from the community. It is very inspiring for them to be alongside such wonderful artists. We had 21 students from Chebeague participate in making the show a success, both behind the scenes and in the show. A special thanks to Meredith Beaupre and Christina Skillin for working the kitchen and Stephen Todd for helping with the sound system. A big thank you to the Hall for letting us use the space and the library for loaning us the AV equipment. We hope everyone enjoyed the show. All proceeds from the event will benefit the Chebeague Island School end-of-year field trip. Thanks to all!
April 28, 2015 - CRC's Paint Night that was scheduled for Friday, May 1st has been rescheduled for Saturday, May 9th. Same time, same place. Please call or email CRC to let us know if you would like to join the fun. crc@chebeague.net or 846-5068.
The soup tomorrow at the Hall will be Smoky Bell Pepper Soup and the non-vegetarian soup will be Greek Lemon Chicken Soup.
I didn't see the beaver yesterday but today there is an article about a beaver biting a woman on Peaks Island after she tried to get her dog away. I also got a photo from Hope Island where a beaver had been a couple of weeks ago and cut a few trees down but hasn't been see since - Will thinks it is the same beaver that is at the Golf Course.
April 27, 2015 - Susan E. (Woolfrey) Teachout has been working on documenting all the graves on Chebeague Island. She would love help in adding missing stones and information and correcting any errors. Click here to do a search and see how she has been linking information to make it easier for people to find their roots. You can contact her at susan@amitycomputer.com and she will be on the island for four weeks early this summer and will be continueing her work.
My shoes were found in the driveway of another house I had been working on and they still ok two weeks later. Now I have nothing missing or lost except maybe my mind.
April 25, 2015 - Photo - of a beaver who was seen walking down North Road and then ended up at the Golf Course Pond. I put a youtube video of him at the pond - click here to see. It is a little rough as the sun was out and had a hard time keeping it steady on the subject.
Don't forget - tonight at 6:30 is the Chebeague Island Talent Show. We have a fabulous line up! Come down to the Hall and watch performers from both the school and the community. We will be serving popcorn, cupcakes, and refreshments too! All proceeds to benefit the end-of-year school field trip. Click here to see the latest information!
For the last few weeks an immature Black Guillemot has been hanging around the Chandler's Wharf. Click here to see and here for another view. We watched him go into the water and catch and eat fish the other night but not sure why he is staying around.
April 23 2015 - Message from Kim Boehm: "I would like to thank everyone for all the great support I have recvd after the passing of my great friend Leon.... From phone calls and invitations for meals, to the wonderful turnout at his visiting hours in town, and service on the Island.
Whoever said "It takes a village...." knew their stuff.... --Namaste, Kim"
The final Community Lunch of the season was a sellout, with a record sixty attendees! The Hall would like to thank Mark Dyer for sponsoring this fabulous roast beef dinner. Don't forget that the Hall has slots open next year for sponsors. Name your meal and the month in which you would like to enjoy it, and the Hall chefs will be happy to oblige. The coffee and soup lunches are also winding down until next fall, and the Hall would like to thank the many people who make these Wednesday get togethers happen. The goal of these lunches is not to fill the coffers, but to fill a gap during the off season, on a day when the store is closed (and Julie gets a little breather) and the cold weather has people wishing for a hot cup of coffee and some warm soup to cheer them. We salute, not just our faithful attendees, but all our faithful volunteers, led, of course, by the inimitable Ruth Slagle, shopper and chef extraordinaire. To Susie Stav, whose devotion to her "boys" led her to open the Hall for coffee every morning last week when the store was closed. To Wanda, Ester, and Deb Hall for their endlessly inventive vegetarian soup offerings. To Gina for her mouth-watering breakfast baked goods. To Mabel, Binkie, Diane, Pat, Allison, Sidra, Jane F., and Mimi for their cheerful enthusiasm and ability to make each Wednesday fun and delicious. Pardon the omission of anyone from this list. We are very thankful to you all.
Did you know that you can get a Portland Public Library card right here at Chebeague Island Library - click here to find out how.
April 22, 2015 - This Saturday at 6:30pm is the Chebeague Island Talent Show. We have a fabulous line up! Come down to the Hall and watch performers from both the school and the community. We will be serving popcorn, cupcakes, and refreshments too! All proceeds to benefit the end-of-year school field trip. Click here to see the latest information!
TODAY- Community Luncheon sponsored by Mark Dyer featuring Roast Beef and all the trimmings!
April 20, 2015 - Her Heart Can See: The Fanny Crosby Story will be presented on Sunday, April 26th at 3:00 pm at the Parish House, with refreshments following. Free will donations are welcome. Fanny Crosby, blind from infancy, wrote more hymns than anyone in history - more than 8,000! She was also a poet, musician, evangelist, and humanitarian. Step into the past with Ann Partner Nelson (a retired United Methodist minister and neighbor of Pastor Mary Jane) as she offers a first-person interpretation of Fanny Crosby, assisted by her husband John. Ann has offered this in many churches as well as at denominational conferences. We are pleased to welcome her and John to Chebeague and to the church.
Found today in a cellar the box of internet tools that lost track of last August - WOW makes my day. Now if I could find the shoes I switched off to go under someone elses house to do plumbing.
April 19, 2015 - Click here for a Milky Way Time Lapse from Chebeague Island made by Kevin Wentworth.
Last Monday I (Beverly) left a pair of brown leather Danzco shoes on the side of the road at the West End and when I remembered the next day they were gone. Please call me if you happened to pick them up 939-9643.
April 18, 2015 - Yesterday I got a message on my phone about a new emergency call system and you can click here to learn about the Cumberland County Regional Communications Center to test new CODERED emergency alert system.
Message from Deb Bowman, President Chebeague Island Council: "The Council is restructuring how the Health Center operates and it will remain closed until that restructuring is completed. We know this is a hardship for those patients who received care on Tuesday mornings and for that, we are truly sorry. If you had been receiving services and need to go to town for those services, the Council would like to help. Please contact Ginny Ballard at 653-5651 or me at 846-0609 for more information."
Click here to see the Night Lapse Star Trails created a few weeks ago by Kevin Wentworth. 1,010 30 second exposures added together - it is so cool.
April 13, 2015 - A new chapter for the island church: Melissa Yosua-Davis will be appointed as the new pastor effective July 1. A native of greater Portland, graduate of Colby College and Drew Seminary; Melissa's first church was in Haverhill, Ma. Melissa, her husband, Ben, and two dogs will soon be moving to the island. Welcome to Chebeague, Melissa, Ben and dogs.
THANK YOU to everyone that contributed to the Stephen Ross Scholarship Community Dinner. Whether you attended, donated food/raffle items or volunteered your time, your support is greatly appreciated and thanks to you, it was a wonderful night. Note: If you haven't picked yours up yet, dishes are ready for pick-up in the entryway to the Hall.
April 12, 2015 - The Talent Show is just around the corner and we need more acts! Don't keep your talents buried! Contact Laurie Hegarty at 420-7171 or mainehegartyfamily@gmail.com about getting into the show. Save the date April 25th 6-7:30pm at the Hall. Click here for event details. All proceeds to benefit the Chebeague Island School end-of-year field trip. Click here to see flyer!
I was away and was unable to attend and my family said that the Stephen Ross Scholarship trivia/dinner night was a tremendous success - click here to see a photo I received from Chris Loder.
April 11, 2015- Click here to hear the wonderful music created by Brad and Bren Martin with Brennah singing "Jolene"
Just in case you haven't heard, spring IS here so come out to the hall tonight at 6 pm for food, trivia, a raffle and music! Hope you can make it to the Stephen Ross Community Dinner and thank you in advance for your support of higher education for island students. Click here to see the beautiful Pommy Rug donated for the raffle!
April 10, 2015 - There WILL be Teen Center on Saturday night, 4/11, but it will begin AFTER the Stephen Ross Scholarship Dinner and Trivia Night.
The Town Clerks Office will be closed on Thursday, April 16, 2015. Gloria and Michelle will be at Training.
The Transfer Station and Town Office will be CLOSED on Monday, April 20, 2015 for Patriot’s Day.
The Health Clinic will NOT be open on Tuesday, April 14th.
Don't forget the Stephen Ross Scholarship Community Dinner and Trivia Night this Saturday at 6pm at the Hall.. Some of the wonderful things that have been donated to the raffle include this hand painted monarch butterfly hook by Linda Ewing and this intricately hand loomed dish towel by Annette Kincaid. Raffle tickets are $5 each or 5 for $20 -click here to see.
Please join Michelle at CRC on Friday, April 10 at 5:30 for the second of four sessions of Breath Meditation, discovering and exploring our breath.
April 8, 2015 - CRC is preparing our annual summer brochure and would like to reach out to the Island community to see if anyone would like to run an ad in this year's edition. There are many businesses that purchase ad space each year and we are hoping to add to our list of generous supporters. For more information please contact the CRC office by email, crc@chebeague.net or by phone, 846-5068.
The winners of the Islander birthday quiz are Suzanne Rugh (first prize, two guest books of tickets), Donna Damon (one guest book of tickets), and Gin Ballard (Islander hat). The winners may pick up their prizes onboard the Islander on Thursday. Thanks to all who participated!
Don't forget the Stephen Ross Scholarship Community Dinner and Trivia Night this Saturday at 6pm at the Hall. It will include a raffle with some fantastic things including this one of a kind pieces made by Morgan McGeehan Designs with a piece of Chebeague Seaglass!
The soup for today is Venison Stew and the veggie soup for today is Mushroom Barley Soup with Tarragon.
News from the Chebeague Church - join us this Sunday, April 12, for "Holy Humor Sunday." The 10:00 worship service will feature upbeat hymns, plenty of humor, and a chance to celebrate the new life ushered in by Easter and warmer weather. "Holy Humor Sunday" is a tradition in some parts of the Christian Church, based on the idea that with the Resurrection, God had the last laugh on the devil. Join us for this special time of celebration.
April 6 2015 - Photo - taken by Joan Robinson of the launching of the Islander 30 years ago April 6, 1985 - HAPPY BIRTHDAY ISLANDER!!! Click here for another photo taken from the film made by Clipper Leonard and Mike Leonard. Click here for the video shown. Sorry that I spelled Scott McCollom's name incorrectly in the video.
"Coming up this weekend, April 11th, the Stephen Ross Scholarship Community Dinner and Trivia Night! It starts at 6 pm at the Hall. There will be food followed by trivia for the whole family. Cost: $8 for adults, $5 for children and a family max of $22. If you can't make it but you'd like to donate checks can be written out to the Stephen Ross Scholarship Fund and can be sent to The Maine Community Foundation, 245 Main Street, Ellsworth, ME 04605 or 12 South Road, Chebeague Island. All donations are tax deductible. Please contact Caitlin Gerber 653-7129 for more information. Hope to see you there!"
School Committee Meeting tommorow, Tuesday night at 6pm - see agenda.
Don’t Forget: Today is the Islander’s 30th birthday. CTC is celebrating with a free boat day, cookies, a contest with great prizes — and a video of the Islander’s launching on April 6, 1985. Come see who you can pick out in the crowd of islanders who attended. And don’t forget to sign the birthday card for our workhorse boat.
Miss Nancy's Pre-K School Newsletter - click here.
April 4, 2015 - Rise and shine on Easter Sunday for the 6:00 am sunrise service at the East End, followed by coffee and Holy Donuts (yes, really!) in the Parish House. Not an early riser? Then come to the festive Celebration of the Resurrection at 10:00 am. Peter Carleton will be commissioned for his upcoming mission trip to Guatemala at this time.
Tomorrow, Easter Sunday, the store will be open from 9 to 12.
April 2, 2015 - Message from Chief Ralph Munroe: Diana Calder will no longer be giving out burning permits, Diane has decided to retire. The members of the Chebeague Fire Rescue department would like to thank her for her 55 years of service to the community. If you need a burning permit please contact Tom Calder, Lisa Isreal, Ralph Munroe or stop by the town office during normal business hours.
Breath Meditation with Michelle starts Friday, April 3rd at 5:30 PM at CRC. Let us know if you are planning to attend. We have 9 people on the list for Paint Nite at the Hall with Caroline Friday night at 7 PM!! If you are planning to go please be sure to let us know so we can make sure we have enough canvases and brushes for everyone…crc@chebeague.net. Go have some fun with paint and friends!! Details for both of these programs are on our website: www.chebeaguerec.com
Message from Julie Doughty: "The store will be closed a week in April, Vacation week, Friday April 10th closing at 2pm, and CLOSED Saturday April 11th thru the 18th. I plan to have Portland papers in the paper bin daily. Thanks."
Message from the CTC: "For the very few of you who thought we were actually changing the colors of CTC's boats - APRIL FOOLS' DAY!!"
April 1, 2015 -A new look for CTC!! --- 2015 is a big year for CTC! The 30th anniversary of the launch of the Islander and our first full year as a non-profit! In celebration, we felt we should do something dramatic. After several meetings with directors and staff, we have decided that the most visible way to celebrate is to change the color of our boats! If you want to see the new boat color scheme, click here for the Islander and here for the Piper.
Don't forget meeting tonight PUBLIC HEARING regarding the creation of a parking lot near the Stone Wharf on land that may be donated to the Town by the Great Chebeague Golf Club. At the Hall 6pm.
March 31, 2015 - Please Click here for a message from Virginia Tatakis.
Tomorrow's The non-vegetarian soup will be White Chili and vegetarian will be Russian Cabbage Borscht.
CRC would like to send out a HUGE thank you to Mark Dyer and Chuck McCatherin for suppling us with awesome live music Saturday night and to everyone that came out to enjoy it. As always, it was a great time!!
This is the last day to take advantage of CRC's $99 March fitness special. Sign up today and enjoy our new fitness room equipment at a reduced rate. You will also receive a $5 discount on Brian's personal training session with a fitness pass purchase.
AND, We have two fun programs scheduled for this Friday, April 3rd. Come to CRC at 5:30 and enjoy a new Breath Meditation program lead by Michelle. Then head over to the Hall at 7 PM to have some fun at Paint Nite with Caroline. Call or visit our website for details about any of our programs. 846-5068 or www.chebeaguerec.com
March 30, 2015 - Don’t forget to complete your online Maine Island Scholarship application by midnight on Wednesday, April 1st. Call or email Julia with questions: jmaher@islandinstitute.org 207-594-9209 ext 132.
A week from today, April 6th, will be the 30th anniversary of the launch of the Islander. We plan to celebrate! The boat, those who designed her, those who raised the money to build her, those who built her, as well as our employees and vendors who have cared for her over the last 30 years deserve much credit! We will thank our customers with a free boat day on 4/6. In addition, we will have a birthday celebration including contests and treats on the Islander. Join us in celebrating and thanking all those who have provided Chebeague the boat and the consistent service of the Islander!
On Wednesday, April 1st, at the Island Hall, 6:00 pm, the Chebeague Island Board of Selectmen will hold a PUBLIC HEARING regarding the creation of a parking lot near the Stone Wharf on land that may be donated to the Town by the Great Chebeague Golf Club.
Following the public hearing, votes may be taken regarding if and how to proceed with the project. All interested parties are urged to attend this meeting and be heard.
Holy Week and Easter at the Chebeague Church - join us for a Maundy Thursday service with Holy Communion at 7:00 pm in the church. On Good Friday the church will be open for prayer and meditation from 12 noon to 3:00 pm. Rise and shine on Easter Sunday for the 6:00 am sunrise service at the East End, followed by coffee and Holy Donuts (yes, really!) in the Parish House. Not an early riser? Then come to the festive Celebration of the Resurrection at 10:00 am. Peter Carleton will be commissioned for his upcoming mission trip to Guatemala at this time.
Message from Linda & Jim Brewter and Peter Carleton: We would like to offer our sincere thanks for all who came to the Guatemala presentation/dinner and for all who donated to the mission. The money will be used to provide clean water, medications and vitamins to the people of Cunen, Guatemala. Their nutrition is poor and there is much malnutrition. Cunen has no clean water currently. We will be installing several community water units and providing education about clean water. We will also be carrying with us nearly $4000.00 worth of medications and vitamins to Guatemala. Your donation has already made a difference in the lives of the people.
Thank You!
Many Blessings,
Linda + Jim Brewster
Peter Carleton
March 27, 2015 -Tomorrow, Saturday, March 28th is FREE HEALTH SCREENING CLINIC - FREE Blood pressure, Cholesterol and Blood Sugar testing! Dr. Helge Riemann returns to provide FREE Skin screening - FREE tdap vaccination (includes tetanus) from 9-11:30 am at the Chebeague Island Hall.
3 - 5 Classrom March Newsletter - click here to see.
Press Release from the Town about our new Town Administrator Marjorie Stratton- click here!
Linda Carleton has just completed a readers' draft of her first novel, "Elmina's Fire". It is a spiritual memoir of a young woman living in 13th c. France during the outbreak of the Albigensian Crusade. If anyone would like to be a reader between now and July 1 contact Linda at: lindacarleton01@gmail.com
Message from Shannon Adams: "May 16th is fast approaching! I'm participating in the Avon39 in Boston: The 2 Day Walk to End Breast Cancer! I’ll walk 39.3 miles in two days with my sister to raise funds for breast cancer research, prevention, and education. I ask that you take a minute to read my page and learn more about this event... Will you help me reach my goal? Thank you! - click here to help."
March 26, 2015 - The Chebeague Island school will be selling whole PIZZAS from the wood fired oven this Saturday night. Click here for menu and event details. How does it work? Pick your pizza, place the order ASAP, drive up to the front door of the school at your order time, pick up your hot delicious pizza, take it home, and enjoy! Or you can have our driver deliver it right to your door. Don't forget to order a Double-Chocolate Bliss Brownie for dessert! All proceeds to benefit the Chebeague Island School end-of-year field trip.
"To the people we saw pull up outside our house at 403 South Road, with their lights off, on Monday night (3/23) at 9:10 and stole our hitching post: Please return it. This is theft, and we would like it back. Just because the plow sheared it off does not make it public property. Return it to where you found it and we will leave it at that. And in future kindly leave our private property alone. Adrian, Katy, Conrad, Gemma, Esme Cole. "
March 25, 2015 - Board of Selectmen are holding an Emergency Executive Session Meeting today, Wednesday, March 25th at 5:30 at the Chebeague Recreation Center to discuss real estate matters pursuant to 1 MRSA, Section 405, subsection 6(C).
The Island Council April Calendar is now online - click Island Council Calendar above.
March 24, 2015 - Photo - taken by Kevin Wentworth - if you go to his facebook you can see this image within a video he put together of the Milkyway rising over Chebeague.
Wednesday, March 25th is "Sew Good" at the Parish House, bring a project or come help out with one our projects, we start around 10 a.m. & end when the last person leaves. The Parish House is open to crafters all day, whether its morning, noon or night. If enough people are around there's a pot luck if you bring a dish around 5:30. We either bring lunch or join the Soup Crowd at the Hall for their delicious soups. Hope to see you.
At the Hall tomorrow's Vegetarian Soup is Vegetable and Cheese Chowder and Tomorrow's non-vegetarian soup is Fish Soup (not chowder).
Reminder to save the date for the Stephen Ross Scholarship dinner April 11th! It is such a great benefit and lots of fun. Click here for more information or go to the Stephen Ross Scholarshp page.
March 23, 2015 - ?Click here to learn more about the Chebeague & Cumberland Land Trust for "Spring Fever" at Frog Pond & Salamander Swamp. Date to be determined by the frogs. Please email Penny Asherman at pennyash@maine.rr.com if you are interested in coming and provide your cell phone number for a text message.
The forms for Easter Memorial Flowers are available in the entryway to the church. Please return the completed forms by Wednesday, April 1 for inclusion in the Easter memorial program.
Kevin has put together a video with all his aurora borealis photos and you can tell that it was a cold night- click here to see.
School Committee Meeting with Selectmen on Tuesday, March 24th at 6pm at the school - click here for agenda.
The Wednesday, March 25th meeting of the Board of Selectmen will be held at the Chebeague Recreation Center not the Island Hall. Starting time for the public meeting is 6:00 PM.
Back by popular demand, the Chebeague Island School will be selling Laura Summa's famous PIZZA, cooked by wood fire master Bob Earnest, this Saturday night, March 28th. All proceeds to benefit the Chebeague Island School end-of-year field trip. Also, now serving Laura Summa's 3" Double-Chocolate Bliss Brownies! Click here for event details. Order early for preferred pick-up or delivery times.
USM College of Nursing & Health Professions - Casco Bay Fishing and Islands Community Partnership HEALTH SCREENING CLINIC - FREE Blood pressure, Cholesterol and Blood Sugar testing! Dr. Helge Riemann returns to provide FREE Skin screening - FREE tdap vaccination (includes tetanus) Saturday, March 28th 9-11:30 am at the Chebeague Island Hall. (Co-sponsored by the Island Council and the CIHCC)
This week at CRC: Tuesday- open gym after school-4:30 PM, Wednesday-Island Spies after school - 4:30 PM, Thursday-Music lessons by appointment (all ages), Teen Center Friday and Saturday 7-10 PM, Bellyfit- Monday & Thursday 6 PM and Saturday 8 AM, Kettlebell-Tuesday 8 AM and Friday 5:30 PM, Personal training daily by appointment, Mark and Chuck are playing at the Hall on Saturday night at 8:30 PM (must be 21 or older to attend). All proceeds benefit CRC. Breath Meditation and Paint Nite April 3rd. Check our website for details and a full listing of programs. www.chebeaguerec.com
March 22, 2015 - Photo - taken by Cathy MacNeill of the plungers for Chebeague Recreation Center's Polar Plunge. Click here to see a few more photos and a very short youtube. Thank you so much to the Chebeague Rescue for standing by. Big thank you for all the donations toward this dip - much appreciated. I have updated Polar Plunges above which have links and photos of all 17 plunges.
After a brief hospital stay and a diagnosis of throat cancer, Margery Howard (92) has moved to a nursing home under Hospice care at Hillsboro House, 67 School St., Hillsboro NH, 03244. Very glad to be out of the hospital, she is enjoying crossword puzzles, her music and the company of her family in friendly surroundings.
March 21, 2015 - TONIGHT At 6:00 there’ll be a program and dinner at the church parish house to tell you about the upcoming mission trip to Guatemala in April. Peter Carleton and Linda Brewster will present a slide show and short video describing conditions and needs of the Mayans in the mountains outside of Guatemala City and the work being done on these mission trips. A plus is that Jim Brewster is preparing the dinner! If you would like to support this mission, make checks out to “Works for Grace.” They may be mailed to the Chebeague United Methodist Church, 258 North Road, or give them to Peter by the 21st at the latest.
APRIL CTC Newsletter is online - click here!
We took a refreshing dip in the waters today at 11 and Conrad Cole joined us as well! It was the same temperature as last year even though it is a month later. It is hard to believe that today is the first full day of Spring! Photos and video coming soon.
March 20, 2015 - POLAR PLUNGE!!! Tomorrow at 11 AM! Come and cheer on the plungers and the list is growing - adding Chris Towle, Tiffany Calder to Caroline Loder, Laura Hamilton, Caitlin Gerber and Bev Johnson. The tide will be too high to have a fire tomorrow but since it will be the first full day of Spring maybe it will be a lot warmer. You can also go online to the CRC page to make donations with the click of a button to sponsor any or all of the plungers.
There's still time to take advantage of CRC's $99 fitness pass special. Sign up by March 31st and save!!
March 19, 2015 - CTC has an opening for a part time deckhand. Hours and schedule will vary. Estimated hours through August are 20-25 per week. Employee will be subject to pre-employment and random drug testing. All ferry trips begin and end on Chebeague Island.
CTC has an opening for a part time ferry captain, starting in May. Hours and schedule may vary. Estimated hours through August are 25-35 per week. Duties could include operating ferry, barge, cruises, and charters. 100 Ton Master License required. Employee will be subject to pre-employment and random drug testing. All trips begin and end on Chebeague Island.
Applications available on the CTC website chebeaguetrans.com (JOBS page), at the CTC office, and on the ferry. For more information, call 207-319-3061. Email resume and application to chebeaguetrans@gmail.com or mail to the CTC office, PO Box 27, Chebeague Island ME 04017
March 18, 2015 - Photo - taken by Kevin Wentworth from the East End of Chebeague on March 17 of an aurora borealis.
UPDATED as a web page with email links: On behalf of the board of the Island Commons, we need your HELP. A bill now pending in the Maine legislature would provide an additional 15 percent to the MaineCare reimbursement rate for three island eldercare facilities, including the Island Commons. That increase would help offset the significantly higher operating costs faced by eldercare facilities on unbridged islands. Passage by the House is expected soon, but the bill faces an uncertain future in the Senate in coming weeks. Support from islanders for passage is critical. For more information, and how to contact key lawmakers, click here.
The teens have done an awesome job with their annual fundraiser this year. So far, they have collected $2,390 in pledge payments for their Game-A-Thon on February 20th. You may be receiving some follow up calls if you pledged a teen this year and haven't sent in your payment. Payments can be sent to CRC, 382 North RD. All proceeds benefit teen center. Thanks so much!!
March 17, 2015 - Photo - School children enjoying this winter on the playground! See Pellet Palooza!
Happy St. Patrick's Day
Just a reminder that Wednesday's St. Patrick's Day Community Lunch will be at the PARISH HOUSE, rather than the Hall because of the on-going work at the Hall. See you at noon at the Parish House. As always, the suggested donation is $5.
POLAR PLUNGE - I'm looking forward to getting some spring in my step as I run into the warm waters of Casco Bay on Saturday at 11 (note the time) - with Caroline Loder, Laura Hamilton, Caitlin Gerber, Tiffany Calder. We can all celebrate the first day of spring!
March 16, 2015 - Messages from the Rec: We have some fun coming our way Saturday, March 28th!! Mark and Chuck will be playing at the Hall so call your friends and get your dancing shoes ready to shake off those winter blues!! $10 at the door. All proceeds will benefit CRC.
Join Caroline Loder for another fun Paint Nite at CIHCC. Click here for the flyer. Also starting is April, Breath Meditation with Michelle Jackson at CRC. Fridays from 5:30 to 6:30 PM. Details about these (and other) programs are on our website: www.chebeaguerec.com. Pre-registration is required as minimums are needed to run the programs. Please sign up ahead of time.
Summer will get here eventually and we've been busy planning. Check our website for the 2015 Swim Lesson and Camp Chebeague schedule. We are planning a couple other camps too so check back periodically to see what's been added.
School Committee Meeting Tuesday, March 17th, 6pm at the School - click here for agenda.
It's almost time for the 7th Annual Community Dinner and Trivia Night to support the Stephen Ross Scholarship Fund! The fund was set up in the memory of Stephen Ross and assists island students pursue higher education by awarding scholarships annually. This year's event will be held on Saturday, April 11th at 6 pm at the Hall. There will be fantastic food, raffle prizes and of course, fun-filled trivia. Cost: $8 for adults, $5 for children and a family max of $22. If you can't make it but you'd like to donate checks can be written out to the Stephen Ross Scholarship Fund and can be sent to The Maine Community Foundation, 245 Main Street, Ellsworth, ME 04605 or 12 South Road, Chebeague Island. All donations are tax deductible. Please contact Caitlin Gerber 653-7129 for more information.
The FOOT DOCTOR, Russell Rybka, will be at the Health Center Wed 18th at 9am. Call 829-6463 for an appt. or walk in.
Michael and Barbara have updated their site with the continuing story of our stay in Leiden - click here.
March 12, 2015 - NOTICE!! Chebeague.net will be off for an hour or so this morning or early afternoon while CMP works on the lines!
Guest preacher at the Chebeague Church this Sunday will be the Rev. Dr. Sam Johnson who will share some of his experiences in Russia. For 16 years, until retirement, Sam was the Director of Professional Education at Boston University School of Theology (BUSth) where he taught field education and life long learning. During that time he taught in Russia four times including a contextual education class where students from the Moscow United Methodist Theological Seminary and BUSth went to Ukraine, Moscow, and the greater Boston area. He currently is on the Board of Trustees for the Moscow UM Theological Seminary. He has also served churches throughout southern New England. He now lives with his wife Donna at Wesley by the Sea in Wells where they can keep an eye on the Rev. Mary Jane O'Connor-Ropp, her husband Steve, and their dog Allie.Sam will lead an adult education class in Moscow next year. If you are interested in being a part of this class, please let him know by e-mail: sjohnson@bu.edu.
March 11, 2015 - Todays soups are Vegetarian: Minestrone (by May Hall) and the Non-Vegetarian: Broccoli Cheddar with bacon.
Renovation work is starting on the Hall on Thursday, and this first phase should last around a week. As a result, the Hall will be off limits to all but Jon Riley and his crew for the next week. The coffee hour and soup lunch will still be at the Hall today, but next week's St Patrick's Day Community Lunch (Wednesday March 18) has been moved to the Parish House. There will be no coffee hour next Wednesday at either location.
Also, mark your calendars for next month's Community Lunch, which will be held on April 22 (Earth Day) and is being sponsored by Mark Dyer. He has asked for roast beef with all the trimmings, so it should be quite a feast. Thank you Mark, and thank you Kim Boehm for sponsoring last month's turkey dinner. It was the most successful and well-attended Community Lunch the Hall has had. And, again, thank you to all islanders near and far for your overwhelming and enthusiastic support of the Hall. We are glad to have a place in your hearts and memories and hope to continue to serve our much-loved island community.
Reminder from the Town of Chebeague: The second half Tax payments are due March 31, 2015.
Notice to Chebeague Island Residents
NOMINATION PAPERS are available beginning
Monday, March 16, 2015 for the offices of:
Board of Selectmen – (Donna Damon, David Hill)
· One three-year term to expire June 2018
· One three-year term to expire June 2018
School Board- (Jen Belesca, Ken Pelton)
· One three-year term to expire June 2018
· One three-year term to expire June 2018
March 10, 2015 - CRC is offering a discounted fitness pass rate during the month of March. You can purchase a 12-month membership to CRC's fitness room for only $99!! We have new equipment and it's never been more worth it!! Start working out those winter blues. Entry codes available for pass holders that would like to use the facility outside of business hours. Email or call for details!
A column by Sarah Lindemann-Komarova "Maine Voices: In Siberia, Celsius meets Fahrenheit" in the Portland Press Herald. Sarah started the Siberian Civic Initiatives Support Center and used to live on Chebeague with her family and owned and ran the store on the Stone Wharf after the Varney's.
March 8, 2015 - Yesterday Stephen and I took a drive around with the go-pro on the roof and went down a few side streets for the fun of it. I put together the video 4x actual speed and added Wagoneers music to it that I hadn't used before I think from their CD "time slips away." We went down Carters Pt., Old Cart Road, Division, Roy Hill, Central Landing, Littlefield, Capps and Wharf Road if you would like to see what the roads looked like then click here. Wagoneers Just Bummin' Around, Louise, Luckenbach and What's Going On In Your World?
The Hall board would like to thank all those who spent their Saturday morning cleaning out the attic in preparation for phase I of our rehab project. We are especially grateful to Dylan Doughty, Tyler Campbell, Cyrus McLean, and Nate Richards for supplying their muscle power and saving us many trips up and down the rickety attic stairs, not to mention a few trips on the Rescue. The clean out uncovered many treasures, most of which seem to belong to the CPA. To make room at the tables for Wednesday's soup lunch, we need CPA members to come and claim the items they want. As a preliminary to additional rehab work, we need someone from the CRC to clear out the many items from the Children's Theater productions that are stored in the back room. This needs to be done within the next two weeks in order for us to move forward. You may call anyone on the Hall board to arrange a clean-out time. Thank you very much.
March 7, 2015 - At 6:00 on Saturday, March 21 there’ll be a program and dinner at the church parish house to tell you about the upcoming mission trip to Guatemala in April. Peter Carleton and Linda Brewster will present a slide show and short video describing conditions and needs of the Mayans in the mountains outside of Guatemala City and the work being done on these mission trips. A plus is that Jim Brewster is preparing the dinner! If you would like to support this mission, make checks out to “Works for Grace.” They may be mailed to the Chebeague United Methodist Church, 258 North Road, or give them to Peter by the 21st at the latest.
Spring is coming - I promise: Transfer Station Hours effective March 8, 2015:
Sunday 9 – 5
Monday 9 – 11 AM
Wednesday 1:30 – 5 PM
Thursday 9 – 11AM
Friday 1:30 – 5 PM
Saturday 9 - 5
POLAR PLUNGE! It is going to happen and the new date is Saturday, March 21st at 11am! This means you can do the plunge with us and then get on the Noon Boat. Please contact the CRC if you would like to plunge or donate. The four plungers signed up for it are Caroline Loder, Bev Johnson, Laura Hamilton and Caitlin Gerber!
Click here to see PHOTOS by Cathy MacNeill of the Chili, Chowder and Soup Challenge!
Tomorrow, Sunday from 2 to 5 at the Hall ANY “PORTABLE” CRAFT (i.e. knitting, crocheting, embroidery, small loom weaving, no loom weaving, braiding, hooking, you name it, if you can get it there, it is probably acceptable) Come learn or improve your skills in a craft, or teach someone else a craft, or just enjoy the company. Hope to see you there. FMYI call Ruth Slagle at 846-6345 All ages welcome. Children under 12 must be accompanied by an Adult.
Remember that Scholarships are available for island students to attend college. Click here to go to the Maine Community Foundation where the Stephen Ross Scholarship application due May 1 and there may be other scholarships on their list that you could apply for. The Island Institute Scholarship application is due April 1.
March 6, 2015 - Click here to see a new video of the Snowy Owl by Kevin Wentworth with his award winning, absolutely breathtaking photos of the Snowy Owl!
Thanks to all the donations we received on our weatherization campaign for the hall the project is commencing next week. Work will start with the attic. Therefore, all items stored in the attic will have to be removed this week-end.
We will start work cleaning it out Saturday, at 9:00 A.M. *All *organizations that have items stored up there should be present to to claim, and remove them Many items have been up there for a number of years, and you may not be aware that you even have "stuff" there, In all probability, there is stuff there that belongs to the Rec Center, the CPA, the Whalers, the Library and many more groups.There will probably be many trips to the dump. If you know you have stuff there, but are unable to be there Saturday, please call and make arrangements to pick it up.
March 5, 2015 - Island Institute Scholars Internships: These internships are available for rising high school seniors to students who have just graduated from college. Students must be Island Scholars—which means they must have received or plan to apply for a college scholarship from the Island Institute Maine Island Scholarship Fund. Applications are due April 15th 2015. Please email jmaher@islandinstitute.org for more information and applications. Click here to see all the fantastic opportunities on Chebeague and other Islands.
SAP FULL MOON WALK- The moon rose but it was too cloudy to see it and we had a fun brisk walk along the beach and through to the Roses Point Road and back to the Boat Yard. Eight fun loving students and seven happy adults! Maybe next month we will see the moon. Click here to see a couple of photos by Jon Rich and Nancy Earnest.
Congratulations to 8th grader Elias Rich who has now moved into the next level of the National Geographic Bee. Click here to learn more about this exciting program!
Click here for February's Pre-K Newsletter from Miss Nancy.
March Full Moon walk tonight at 5:40 at the Boat Yard.
March 4, 2015 - Photo - People complain about the snow and weather but at our school the students have been having a blast and love their recess. Penny took this photo March 4th just before lunch.
Photo - Photo of a Barred Owl taken March 1st over Burgess's bird feeders. The Barred Owls are having a very bad winter and right now there are 18 being taken care of at Avian Haven. One Barred Owl was found dead on the island by Nancy Earnest and she took it to Audobon who reported that it probably starved. Click here for another photo of this bird and here for another. Please don't use d-con, especially the new stronger 2nd generation type - click here to see.
The link to Josephine's Obit is up now and I have added a paragraph that I had previously omitted.
March 3 2015 - Tomorrow's soups are: Vegetarian -- 15 bean soup
Non vegetarian -- 15 bean soup with ham
Don't miss out on CRC's $99 annual fitness pass special for the month of March. Come on in and check out our new Cybex equipment too. Pass holders can request a code to enter the building outside of business hours, but please stay safe and bring a buddy! Check our website for details on the many programs we are offering including personal training sessions with Brian Phipps. He has flexible hours and can meet with you morning, noon or evening; 846-5068 or crc@chebeague.net. Our March Kettlebell schedule is also out. Click here to print it out.
And, Caroline's art night was a huge success and a ton of fun. She is working on planning another fun evening so stay tuned for details.
March 2, 2015 - Congratulations to the fifth grade girls Falmouth Travel Basketball team won the league championship on Sunday, March 1 in Yarmouth. Whitney Adams, grand daughter of Mike Robinson and Lee Ann Robinson was one of the team members.
School Committee Meeting tomorrow night at the school 6pm see agenda.
Pair of royal blue LLBean gloves found by the Tennis court - call Sam at 846-4467 if you lost them.
We will be having another Full March Moon Walk this Thursday meeting at the Boat Yard at 5:40pm. Friday is a backup date to meet at 6:40. The weather report sounds like we may even see the moon!
February 28, 2015 - Photo - Photo taken in 1978! The top photo shows the boat Chesuncook that took us back and forth all winter. It is now at the Boat Yard. Jen Belesca is standing next to the car that Beth Wiles is sitting in. The bottom picture is at the buoy and left to right are Cheryl and Don Buxbaum, Doug Ross, Jennette Hamilton, Rose Bradshaw, Jason Hamilton on the Buoy and David Stevens. Click here to see a photo from 1918 with Roy Hill's son Freeland on the ice in front of Crow Island. (photos from Doug Ross and Joan Robinson)
Today is a Selectmen's Public Budget Workshop at the Hall, 9am.
February 26, 2015 - The students celebrated Chinese New Year today at the Chebeague Island School. Mrs. Summa prepared pot stickers, pork, rice, stir-fried veggies, fruit, tea, and fortune cookies. The students even ate with chopsticks. The Pre-K class also performed with their Chinese Dragon. It was a fabulous celebration. Happy Chinese New Year! I was sad because I was away today but fortunately Laurie Hegarty is becoming a professional film maker with iMovie - click here to see what the fun lunch can be at the Chebeague School!
A Snowy Owl was back at the Hook yesterday after being gone for three weeks. Kevin Wentworth took some unbelievably great photos he has shared on his Facebook. Click here for one flying, here for one sitting on the float and click here for one with the lobster trap.
February 25, 2015 - For those who use facebook a new site has been established called Chebeague Island swap, sell or borrow. Helping out our community.
Bill Calthorpe got some beautiful photos of an Immature Bald Eagle - click here and here to see them.
February 24, 2015 -
SAVE THE DATE : Chebeague Island School Talent Show, Saturday April 25, 2015 at the Hall.
Proceeds to fund the end-of-year school field trip. Student and Adult acts welcome. Contact Laurie Hegarty about getting into the show, mainehegartyfamily@gmail.com or text/call 207-420-7171.
Sew Good will meet tomorrow, Wednesday, February 25 at the Parish House. Bring a project to sew; or come join us as we make St. Pat's napkins for the Commons & placemats. We start around 10 & go to the last person leaves. Lunch is at the Hall or bring your own & if enough sewers are about a potluck @5:30.
February 23, 2015 - ?Wednesday's Soups for the Hall are: Vegetarian: Asian Mushroom Noodle Soup and Non-Vegetarian: Sweet Potato, Chicken Barley.
School Committee Meeting, Tuesday, February 24, 6pm at the school - see agenda.
The selectmen will hold a meeting on Wed. Feb 25 at 6 PM at the Hall to receive public input re: what the community is looking for in a Town Administrator. This is your chance to share your ideas about how the job should be structured and how the position should interact with the Selectmen and employees, duties etc. The discussion will start at 6 sharp. The Board will go into its regular agenda after the discussion. Don't be late if you want to share your ideas!If you can't make it call or write to one of the Selectmen to give input.
To view the March CTC Newsletter, click here.
I just received and phony email from apple telling me that my icloud/iTunes account was in jeopardy - do not click on the links - not sure what would happen and after going online people said they will ask for your social security number. The email I received had come from a European email address. It looked kinda real but I'm sure it wasn't!
February 22, 2015 - Photo - Photo of the Glorianna (school boat) c. 1968. 7-12 graders from Chebeague travelled through the ice in this wooden boat and did it for more than 20 years! Sometimes the students walked on the ice to get to the boat; sometimes students were stuck in the ice, the captain couldn’t reach the coast guard and the only option was to off load the students at the Fishermen’s Wharf at Chandlers. When it got really bad students commuted to school via CBL and a bus to Cumberland for weeks at a time. The boys travelled in the area with canvas sides with only a coal stove for heat. The girls travelled in the cabin which had a heater because they had to wear skirts! So if you have heard some folks downplaying this winter’s ice it is probably because they travelled on this wooden boat when conditions were much more extreme!
Craft Sunday at the Hall, 2-5, come and go when you like. Children 10 and over welcome, accompanied by an adult.
The students in grades 3-5 at the Chebeague Island School have been building robots, complete with eye sensors, sound detection sensors, light sensors and more. They are learning how to program the sensors to work together and move around the school by following a black line on the hall floor. The students try to challenge themselves by building courses, some with ramps and curves, and then, they have to figure out how to program the robot around the course. The students are also learning how to troubleshoot and to work together by sharing ideas on how to solve problems. Its amazing how far they have come in such a short amount of time! Click here to see them working on their robots, programs and having fun. Thank you again to Laurie Hegarty and the Perloffs for making this happen. Video created by Laurie and son Jack.
February 21, 2015 - Thanks to the volunteers and kids who got more the $2500 in pledges for the Teen Center! The gameathon was a great success! Special thanks to Virgina for her help with the games! Chicken Run was a ton of fun! Please help the kids collect their pledges by March 15! Thanks! Click here to see a few photos from them.
The Chili, Chowder and Soup Challenge was lots of fun with lots of entries. Thank you to all the cooks, servers, organizers, cleanups and more! The winners were SOUP: Donna Damon - 1st place, The Chebeague Inn - 2nd place, Jennifer Belesca - 3rd Place....CHILI: Bev Johnson - 1st Place, Vickie Todd - 2nd Place, Julie Doughty - 3rd Place... CHOWDER: Donna Damon - 1st Place, Jade Morlock - 2nd Place, Cindy Riddle - 3rd Place.
Polar Plunge postponed but the Chili, Chowder and Soup Challenge is still on - see you all there!
Message from MaryJane: "Polar Plunge cancelled, chili/chowdah all gone, but you still want to plunge into a great breakfast on a "chili" morning? Join us at the Parish House at 9:00 am Sunday morning for the last of our February breakfasts. Stay for church at 10:00 if you like.
February 20, 2015 - Photo - by Allyson Smith of Uncle Jack's Ledges East End on morning of Feb 20, 2015. Uncle Jack was John Hamilton who used to own the whole East End and lived in the Gwillim house. Thank you Donna Damon who can tell you all the relatives and dates.
The Chili, Chowder and Soup Challenge is tomorrow at noon and it will be a great time for everyone and especially me because we have decided to postpone the Polar Plunge - date and time to be announced. We have had the polar plunge every year since 1998 and in 2004 we moved it from Bennetts because there was too much ice there! We have never had this much ice at the Boat Yard and when I looked back at all the plunges the beach was ice free. Now I can work on my Chili and not be chilly - ha ha. Maybe also we can round up some more plungers and collect more donations. I have actually had people offer me a donation not to do the plunge! Please contact crc if you are able to make a chili, chowder and soup. The other plungers who are scheduled to do the plunge so far are Laura Hamilton, Caroline Loder, and Caitlin Gerber so please contact me or the CRC if you want to join us when it happens. Click here to see a youtube of the site where it would have happened.
Lost: a bag of groceries on Wednesday afternoon school boat time with a roast pork, steak, red hotdogs, chicken, cold cuts and cheese. If found and put away by mistake please contact Arlene Dyer 846-3348.
February 19, 2015 - The Board of Selectmen’s Budget Workshop originally scheduled for Saturday, February 21, has been postponed to February 28, 9:00 AM, at the Island Hall.
Today on the North Road there were two pileated woodpeckers who I have seen there a few times in the last week on the trees across and up from Victoria's house. Click here, and here, and here for photos. The male is on the left and the female on the right.
So far we have one team, The Wentworth's, signed up for the snow sculpture contest. They are busy making snow art right in their yard. Your sculpture can be anywhere…your house, the Golf Course, the Rec parking lot…where ever you choose. Make sure you let CRC know where yours will be so we know where to send our judges. Winner will be announced at the Chili, Chowder, Soup Challenge.
There are still a few spots left for chili, chowder and soup entries. Let us know what you would like to make and we will add you to the ballot. We have lots of great prizes this year,
The teens have been working hard to raise money for teen center too. Friday night at CRC, they will be participating in the game-a-thon in the gym. If you haven't already done so, please consider pledging a "plunger" or "gamer" today!!
CTC is looking for photos from the launching of the Islander in 1985. If anybody has photos of the launch or the boat from her early days, we’d love to make copies. Please email Susan Stranahan at sstranahan@chebeague.net, call her at 846-9378, or drop them off at the CTC office (with your name so we can return them).
The other day we were watching the Antique Road Show and there, one of the experts was Kelley Wright! Click here and about 41 minutes into the show you can see him talking about a lamp. I hope he gets back for the polar plunge that he and his children have been doing almost every year! (Kelley is Misa's husband and the son-n-law of Leila and Suhail)
February 17, 2015 - Back in 2011 the students interviewed islanders and asked questions about the weather for a video they were doing for the Island Institute Storms (Students and Teachers Observing and Recording Meteorological Systems) Click here to see the video - the discussion of the bay freezing over starts at about 4 minutes into the video.
February 16, 2015 - Photo - sent by Carol Sabasteanski of the CTC boat trudging through the ice on February 16th..
The COMMUNITY LUNCHEON is this Wednesday (February 18) at the Hall. This month's lunch is sponsored by Island Electric, and Kim has asked for a turkey dinner with all the trimmings. The Hall cooks are happy to oblige and grateful for Island Electric's steadfast support of the Hall. As always, a $5 donation is suggested. If you or your company would like to sponsor a Community Lunch, there are still a few open spots. Stop in at the kitchen and talk with Ruth or Mabel. Thank you, and see you on Wednesday!
The Chebeague Island School’s 3rd-5th grade class would like to thank everyone that supported the end of year class trip through the “Sweets for your Sweetie” fundraiser. Over 70 valentines were delivered! Each box and card were handcrafted by the class and each delivery made by a smiling student! Needless to say it was huge success that warmed the hearts of many Islanders. Remember us for next year, we already have it on the agenda!
Special thanks to Mrs. Summa for spending late nights making her famous fudge and chocolate dipped shortbread cookies, to Shaw’s supermarket for their monetary donation and for Hannaford donating four dozen roses!
Sincerely, CIS 3rd-5th grade class.
NEWS FLASH! Message from CTC: Channel 8 News has been on the island this afternoon (2/16) to report on the conditions with the ice. There will be a report on Channel 8 News at their 5PM and 6PM broadcast.
I can't believe I said yes again to taking the plunge and so far I only know of one other person (Laura Hamilton) so please let me know so I can add your name and people could send pledges to the Rec to sponsor those foolish few like me!
The Winter Carnival is on for the 21st starting with the Polar Plunge at CIBY Noon. Take the plunge and help raise money for CRC. Let us know if you're going to plunge so we can add you to the list. We also have a few more spots for chili, chowder and soup entries. Enter your best recipe and win one of our awesome gift certificates. Prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in each category.
We've decided to make the best of all this snow are bringing back the SCULPTURE CONTEST! Get your team together, pick a snow bank and give us a call. Prize awarded to the best sculpture.
We have been unable to secure a band for the 21st so will not be having live music at the hall:( We hope to reschedule in the coming months so stay tuned...
School Committee Meeting tomorrow, 6 pm, at the school - see agenda.
February 15, 2015 - The expected storm didn't do much on Chebeague except give us a little wind and only a few inches of snow. Captain Kevin has made a wonderful video about ICE and the CTC and ICE - click here!
The CTC office has a new email address. Please update your contact list to chebeaguetrans@gmail.com. We will continue to check ctc@chebeague.net during the transition.
February 14, 2015 - Message from CTC:
Bus service is cancelled tonight (2/14) for the 9:15 PM and 10:30 PM ferries. Route One customers should park at Cousins Island. Please carpool if possible. Both ferry and bus service are cancelled tomorrow 2/15. Normal operations will resume on Monday 2/16.
STORM WARNING from the Town of Chebeague.
Transfer Station will be closed Feb 15, 2015.
February 13, 2015 - Message from CTC: Given current forecasts, customers should anticipate that the bus service will be cancelled after the 8:15PM ferry on Saturday night and that both bus and ferry service will be cancelled on Sunday. We will provide updates as needed.
The lost and found at the Community Center/Hall is OVERFLOWING with dishes and coats and hats and umbrellas and more! Please come and retrieve your missing items by Friday, February 20th. The items are located on the table by the bathrooms - click here to see some of the items.
NO CHURCH on Sunday 2/15! Because of the predicted blizzard conditions on Sunday morning, the breakfast and worship in the Parish House are cancelled. Please join us on 2/22 (if there's no storm).
A reminder that Ash Wednesday is February 18, beginning the season of Lent. If you would like to receive ashes, you may come to the church between 12 noon and 2:00 pm (weather permitting).
February 11, 2015 - Click here for the latest Portland Press Herald story showing Kevins' time lapse video going through the ice. Click here to go directly to Kevin's youtube.
Don't forget SWEETS FOR YOUR SWEETIE get your order into the school - althea.dugliss@chebeague.k12.me.us - to see the order form click here.
February 9, 2015 - No School on Chebeague today and the snow is accumulating!
Click here for an article in the Bangor Daily News about phone scammers and your computer! Remember if you get a call about your computer - hang up - unless it is from me or David and we wouldn't have to call you anyway.
February 8, 2015 - Photo - of deer coming up a side street on Chebeague Feb 8, 2015.
Another snow storm is upon us - where is it all going to go?
As most everyone knows by now Mary Gomez had to have her right arm and shoulder amputated because of cancer and has recently been able to get back home on Chebeague. She has been so thankful for Ginny Ballard, Arlene Dyer, Nancy Hill and others for helping her be able to be at home with her son Anthony who also is ill. People have asked me about the bathroom fund and it is still online. She asked me if I would put the following note on my website:
Message from Mary Gomez: "I want to thank everyone who contributed to the fund for my bathroom. This was such a big surprize for me as my granddaughter knew how much work was needed to be done and took upon herself to start the fund. Now, if it ever stops snowing we will be able to get the work started. Thanks again to the Chebeague Community near and far and it means so much to me!"
February 6, 2015 - Today is a beautiful day giving us a chance to clear away all the snow from roofs and driveways and walks to make room for the storms coming Sunday and next week. Yesterday I did another drive with my go-pro in the window on the way to the school during the snow storm and then when I left to a long drive around. I had trouble getting it on youtube so changed the quality a little and it went on today click here to see a 25 minute drive down to 12 1/2minutes.
Casco Bay Island Development Association announces its 2015 grant program. Click here to learn more and get the application.
February 5, 2015 - I am happy to report that John Howard's cat Holly finally was found and is home where she belongs. She has been seen as far as Deer Point, the Hook and ended up in Lindy and Allyson's barn. They have been feeding her for the last week and John was able to get her.
I have just added John W. Paynter's information on the Chebeague Business page. He now owns the Howard House on John Small Road and is an Antique Clock repairer and restorer. He is excited to offer antique clock repair and sales on Chebeague as he is spending lots of time here now.
Don't forget that now on Sundays at the Hall is is craft day at the Hall from 2 to 5. ANY “PORTABLE” CRAFT (i.e. knitting, crocheting, embroidery, small loom weaving, no loom weaving, braiding, hooking, you name it, if you can get it there, it is probably acceptable) Come learn or improve your skills in a craft, or teach someone else a craft, or just enjoy the company. Hope to see you there. FMYI call Ruth Slagle at 846-6345 All ages welcome. Children under 12 must be accompanied by an Adult.
THINK SPRING!! Chebeague Cares is accepting applications for IN-HOME CARE SERVICES for spring/summer 2015. We are anticipating a busy season and want to meet all your needs. If you or a loved one needs help with meal prep, housekeeping, medication reminders, personal care, on-island transportation or companionship, please Contact Amy or Randi at 846-5610 OR COMPLETE THIS INQUIRY FORM.(as a pdf) (as a docx)
SWEETS FOR YOUR SWEETIE!! Click here to see how you can give a wonderful Valentine gift to people in your life! This is another way for our 3-5 class to raise funds for their end of the year trip!
The Chebeague Parent's Association and the Chebeague Island School's 3-5 class would like to thank everyone for their support on Super Bowl Sunday. We had a wonderful turn out. We hope you enjoyed the pizza. It was a great kick start for funding the end-of-year school field trip to Acadia. A BIG thank you to Laura Summa for her pizza perfection and Bob Earnest for his expert wood fired pizza oven cooking. We would also like to thank Caroline Loder for the fabulous poster, Sidra Nasir for helping with the drive-up, and Micucci's Wholesale Foods for all the pizza making products. Thanks to all for making this a success.
The Full Moon Walk last night was a blast. We never did see the moon but after Nancy read a short poem about the February "Snow" Moon about 17 of us walked along the beach from the Boat Yard to the point and then most of us walked on a trail that Nancy Earnest had walked on a few times over to Roses Point Road, down the road and back to the Boat Yard. It was fun as we tried not to sink in and we all loved walking in the dark (we never did see the moon but it probably gave us a little light through the clouds). We would like to make this a regular event and maybe the March Full Moon will be visible.
I got a great photo of the moon from Ken Pelton taken on Feb 1st when the moon was visible - click here to see.
February 4, 2015 - Photo - taken by Suzanne Rugh on the morning of February 4th.
The Full Moon Walk is still on for tonight - yesterday it was perfect but too many other things happening. Hope to see you at the Boat Yard at 5:45.
Teen Center Outing for Feb vacation!! We are planning a trip to the trampoline park, Get Air on Wed Feb. 18. Call and sign up now to save your spot!!! $25 includes 2 hours of bouncing, "grippy" socks (required) and lunch, if you throw up you go on the naughty list early this year!
February 3, 2015 - Pre-K Newsletter from Miss Nancy's class - click here.
Tomorrow's soup is Jacob's cattle Bean with Bacon and sage and the vegetarian is: Portugese Kale with Vegetarian Andouille and Kielbasa! (made with veggie sausages)
Please note all the great things the rec is doing and it looks like I will also be making a chili and getting quite chilly by taking the plunge again! Maybe next year I will go to Florida and escape. Let me know if you are plunging and I will post on the site.
CRC has a variety of fitness program for adults. Not only do we have awesome new fitness equipment but we also have a new Personal Trainer, Bellyfit and Kettlebell classes available. Check out the Adult Program link on our website. Youth programs include after school sports on Tuesdays, Tae Kwon Do on Wednesdays, Basketball on Thursdays, Crafts on Fridays, Teen Center on Fridays and Saturdays and the Kids Place offers programs whenever there is a need. Call CRC or visit our website for details.
We hope you all have your calendars marked for our WINTER CARNIVAL on February 21st. Will you take the plunge? Will your entry win the chili, chowder, soup challenge? There's plenty of room for brave souls that are willing to jump into the icy water of Casco Bay and help raise money to benefit CRC. We also still have spots available for chili/chowder/soup challenge entries. Call or email today for more information.
AND, the Teens are getting excited for their annual fundraiser that will be happening in the CRC gym on Friday, February 20th. You may be receiving calls, if you haven't already, and we hope you will consider sponsoring a teen for the "game-a-thon" this year and help support our teen center program.
Tomorrow, Feb 4th, weather permitting, will be a February FULL MOON WALK which will take place on the beach from the Boat Yard to Rose Point Road. Click here to see details. We will meet at the Boat Yard at 5:45 - dress warmly - no pets as we will try to call owls.
February 2, 2015 - News Flash! Kevin Wentworth will be on the WMTW Channel 8 News at 6:15! If you missed the live interview - click here to see it - Kevin did a great job.
I think I'm pretty cool with my bird videos but Kevin is really cool with his storm videos. You have to click here and see his latest video creation! He has people coming and going to work on Chebeague as well as the trip - What a lovely day it is today - NOT!
Bus service will be cancelled after the 5:00pm boat tonight. Rt 1 Stickers can park in Cousins for the evening. Boats will run all trips
No School Today because of the snow storm. It has been snowing all day and I have been messing around with my go-pro camera trying to see what kind of videos I might get. I attached it to one of our feeders looking at the suet and after about an hour of video I use about four minutes speeding it up to 2 minutes. I was hoping for the red-bellied woodpecker and the hairy who were there earlier but it is fun to see the starling, chickadee, downy and cardinals and the wind. Click here to see - I now have it videoing the ground and as soon as I make more room on my new computer for all my videos I might be able to see what that looks like.
School Committee Meeting tomorrow, February 3, at the school 6pm - see agenda.
The Sunset Committee will not meet today, February 2nd. The Sunset Committee will meet on Monday, March 2 at 5:30 at the Museum.
February 1, 2015 - Go Patriots!!! THEY WON 28 to 24!
Don't forget today is craft day at the Hall from 2 to 5 . ANY “PORTABLE” CRAFT (i.e. knitting, crocheting, embroidery, small loom weaving, no loom weaving, braiding, hooking, you name it, if you can get it there, it is probably acceptable) Come learn or improve your skills in a craft, or teach someone else a craft, or just enjoy the company. Hope to see you there. FMYI call Ruth Slagle at 846-6345All ages welcome. Children under 12 must be accompanied by an Adult.
January 30, 2015 - Click here for an article that was inadvertently left out of the February Calendar. It is included in the online version, which is accessible at the top of this page.
Today’s Planning Board workshop has been canceled and will be rescheduled.
Breakfast at the Parish House Sunday mornings in February - join us at 9:00 for a hearty complimentary breakfast (donations welcome) and stay for worship around the tables at 10:00 if you like. Enjoy great food and fellowship! Children welcome.
January 29, 2015 - The Snowy Owl is back at the Hook - click here to see a photo by Kevin Wentworth taken this afternoon. Not sure if it is the same one or not. She is a lot cleaner than she was two weeks ago if the same one. Maybe it is because of all the snow.
Don't forget to order your pizza for Super Bowl Sunday - all proceeds to benefit the Chebeague School end of the year field trip. Click here for more information.
Can we save the ice for skating? Stephen Todd did his best yesterday to clear the pond as much as possible (thank you!!) but there is still more there. If anyone has the time and will, snow blowing the edges and shoveling the middle might help to save it but there's now way to tell with more snow in the forecast. Unfortunately, once we get this much snow/weight on the ice it is not safe for trucks and tractors so what is there can't be plowed. Please call CRC if you plan to go to the pond so I can go over a couple details with you, 846-5068.
January 28, 2015 - Go-pro drive Video- on January 28, 2015, a day after the storm when Vika and I drove around the island with a few stops. This video is 31 minutes down to 7 minutes with piano accompaniment from a piano recital of Holly Earnest Bowling when she was a Junior in High School. If this trip is too rough on you then click here to watch the 31 minutes in 16 minutes (less stressful) but lower definition.
Message from Sarah McKinnon: "Hello friends and community members, Winter can be a challenging time for many, with shorter days, cold weather and not enough sun, depression and loneliness can set in, but help is out there! I wanted to remind you of my private counseling practice located in Yarmouth. I work with adolescents, adults and couples on a variety of mental health needs from depression and anxiety, to trauma, grief and relationship concerns. Please keep me in mind when you, your family, friends or colleagues may be looking for a counseling professional. Word of mouth is an important source of referrals in this line of work! Please take a moment to look at my website for further information about me and my counseling practice! http://www.anchoredcounseling.com/
Thank you,
The CTC February Newsletter is available on the News and Info page of their website, chebeaguetrans.com
If the IRS calls you and tells you to call them back because they are trying to reach you - Don't Do IT - it is a spam, scam, trickery! Same thing goes with anyone calling and telling you that your computer has a problem. DON'T BELIEVE THEM and ignore them.
January 27, 2015 - Click here for a cool aerial photo of Chebeague taken yesterday from a plane around 4pm.
Tomorrow's Soups are: Vegetarian: Cauliflower Cheese
Non-Vegetarian: Chicken Tortilla and Lime Soup
Click here to see the storm from my bird feeder. I used my go-pro around noon and then sped about 1/2 hour of video. The birds are everywhere and we have had over 20 cardinals at the feeders in the yard along with tons of other birds. They really appreciate the extra food.
The Library is closed today.
The Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office has sent out Deputy Mailman to stay on the island for the duration of the storm. As always, in the event of an emergency call 911 and they will dispatch to him directly.
The 2015 Chebeague Island Community Sailing School will have a session on Long Island this year: June 29 – July 3. Boating and sailing skills are essential for those who spend so much time on such wonderful waters as Casco Bay! Click here to get the forms and learn more.
We are so excited to be able to offer personal training services at CRC. Brian Phipps recently moved to the island year round and is an ACE certified personal trainer specializing in functional fitness and nutrition. To set up a 1 on 1 personal training appointment or for more information call CRC at 846-5068 or send us an email. He has a flexible schedule and can offer sessions at a time that works for you. Morning, afternoon and evening times available. $25/hour for fitness pass holders and $30/hour for non fitness pass holders. This is half the cost of personal training services on the mainland!!
Huge snow storm today!
CTC ferry and bus service are cancelled for today and tonight - Tuesday 1/27. Normal service will resume on Wednesday.
January 26, 2015 - Today is the last day to sign up for Caroline's Painting Class - click here for more information.
Given current weather prediction, there is a high possibility that both CTC bus and boat service will be cancelled on Tuesday 1/27/15. We will continue to monitor the weather and send a final notice at 5:30am 1/27/15.
The Town Office will be closed tomorrow. Please don't park your cars on the wharf tonight or tomorrow as the storm surge is predicted to be large.
Sundays in February - breakfast at the Parish House at 9:00, followed by worship at 10:00 also in the Parish House. Join us for a hearty complimentary breakfast (donations welcome) and stay for informal worship around the table. Beginning on Sunday, February 1. Hope to see you there!
SEW GOOD is postponing it's first meeting from Wed. 1/25 to Wed. 2/4 due to the prospect of Blizzardly weather! We look forward to having you drop by to sew or craft a project of your choice & to help with our monthly 'Give Back' project. This month we're making pillowcases for cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, plus a special Valentine for the Commons Residents. For more details contact Lola Armstrong or Karen Corson.
January 25, 2015 - Don't forget that today and Sundays is Craft Sunday at the Hall, 2-5 p.m.. ANY “PORTABLE” CRAFT (i.e. knitting, crocheting, embroidery, small loom weaving, no loom weaving, braiding, hooking, you name it, if you can get it there, it is probably acceptable) Come learn or improve your skills in a craft, or teach someone else a craft, or just enjoy the company. Hope to see you there. FMYI call Ruth Slagle at 846-6345All ages welcome. Children under 12 must be accompanied by an Adult.
Ralph Munroe is again doing the Fight for Air Climb for the American Lung Association participating soon - click here to learn more and to support the cause.
January 22, 2015 - Congratulations to Elias Rich, 8th grader (son of Chris Rich and Lori Hamilton) who won the Geography Bee at Harrison Middle School. He now has a chance to compete for a $50,000 Scholarship. Click here to learn more!
CRC's winter carnival is set for February 21st. Chili/Chowder/soup cooks and Polar Plungers wanted!! Call or email CRC today to sign up. We have some amazing prizes for winners this year: GC's to Allen, Sterling & Lothrop, European Bakery, Rainbow toys and many more…plus bragging rights:)
The Migratory Bird Video that the school produced now has 118 likes and we are hoping to get a lot more at the CornellLab of Ornithology BirdSleuth K-12 site! Click here if you haven't already liked it. Mrs. Hoidal also commented on some of the things we will be doing this half of the year. We have located an area in the trail behind the school where we have put suet for the woodpeckers and will be adding some bird feeders as soon as we get them. If you have an extra bird feeder or any bird houses we could put up in our nature area the students would love it. We are studying owls now and will also be putting up an owl box in hopes of getting one near the school. click here to see. Last year this was an eagle's nest and live cam and then these Great-horned showed up and made it their own - quite facinating!
EXTRA 1099-MISC FORMS I have 30 extra 1099-misc blank forms and 1 1096; plus envelopes. Hate to waste them! Call Bob at 846 0924 if you can use them.
January 20, 2015 - School Committee Meeting tonight, Tuesday, 6pm at the school - see agenda.
Click here for an interesting article in the New York Times about how Maine Islands are looking toward green energy alternatives- click here. A group of islanders and the Island Institute traveled to Denmark to learn more.
January 17, 2015 - Photo - of Sanfords Pond today January 17th taken this afternoon by Chris Loder.
Message from the town: On February 1, 2015, if the dogs remain unregistered the owner will receive a $25.00 additional late fee. So please remember to get in and register your dogs. Click here to learn more.
January 15, 2015 - Muskie School of Public Health needs our help. Muskie is holding 3 focus groups and are looking for people 65 and older to participate. Click here to see how you might be able to participate.
The pond will be open today after school and we are hoping to get another clearing crew together. If you have some time and could help scrape/shovel today please do! Thanks!!
Message from Pommy Hatfield: "I am gathering photos and memories for a book of Trot's bachelorhood days. His Chebeague years that interest me are between 1945 and 1958. Please contact me if you have or know of anything about him that may fit the time period. Does anyone remember him working with Dick McCormack, delivering milk in 1955? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks, Pommy Hatfield (contact info in the island directory)"
CRAFTS SUNDAYS AT THE HALL2:00 – 5:00 P.M.ANY “PORTABLE” CRAFT (i.e. knitting, crocheting, embroidery, small loom weaving, no loom weaving, braiding, hooking, you name it, if you can get it there, it is probably acceptable) Come learn or improve your skills in a craft, or teach someone else a craft, or just enjoy the company. Hope to see you there. FMYI call Ruth Slagle at 846-6345All ages welcome. Children under 12 must be accompanied by an Adult.
Our Migratory Bird Video has been submitted to Cornell's Ornithology BirdSleuth k-12 Action Map and has the opportunity to win a prize if they get lots of likes by people. I put the submission in the Community Builders catagory because of the impact this type of educational experience has on everyone on Chebeague, Maine, and everywhere as well as the students themselves. Please click here and click the heart to show your like.
NOTICE: Please do not respond to email spams that appear to come from chebeague.net - We will never ask for your password and information in an email under any circumstances EVER! The latest one says it is coming form Help Desk.
January 13, 2015 - Soups for tomorrow at the Hall - Vegetarian is Tomato and Carolina Gold Rice Soup with fresh Thyme and Sherry Vinegar - Non-vegetarian is South of the Border Soup (Pork with Pinto Beans, Carrots, etc.), which may be slightly spicy but can be adjusted upward. YUMMY! Just what we all need in these frigid but sunny days!
Thanks to a group of community volunteers: Dylan Doughty, Lucas Phipps, Cassidy Jeffers, Jess Ryan, Hannah Birkett, Bea Crossman, John Birkett, and Aaron Rugh…skating at Sanford's will continue. We have chaperones for the rest of the week after school until 5:30 PM but still need chaperones for this weekend. Please let CRC know by Friday at 11:30 what times you can do over the weekend.
January 12, 2015 - Mary Todd won't be selling scallops this winter , but Alex and Heidi Todd are. Heidi's number is (207) 415-4547
Wow! I'm 66 years old today. Here's a Photo of the lovely lap quilt my sister Nancy gave me, all covered with birds and butterflies. I guess it's official -- I'm wicked old! Thank you Nancy and David.
January 11, 2015 - The Recompense Fund reports that its end-of-year solicitation for support went exceptionally well, and thanks the community for its generous support. As a result it expects to significantly increase its support of Chebeague’s nonprofits this year.
Michael Porter has updated his blog - click here to see Part VIII, Leiden.
Congratulations to Mac Passano and Gail Miller who were the recipients of the Seabury Award this year given by the Island Council for exceptional community service!
SEABURY AWARD: To be presented at a reception at the Hall Sunday January 11th, 3-5 pm. This Award is given by the Island Council for exceptional community service and the recipient will be announced at this gathering. Please join us in celebrating the generous spirit that makes our community unique.
January 9, 2015 - Photo taken by Bob Earnest early 1/8/15 - coldest day of the winter so far!
SEA SMOKE VIDEO - Click here to see a 12 hour time-lapse video taken from Chebeague Island, Maine, looking at Rogue Island. Taken on January 8, 2015 by Richard Hackell, the temperature throughout the day was -6° to +10°
The Qigong class that was scheduled to start January 16th has been postponed until spring. Stay tuned for a new date.
The POND will be open from 3:15-5:30 today (be ready to do a little scraping if this snow keeps up) and tomorrow 10AM-1:30PM. Chaperones are needed from 1:30-5:30 tomorrow, 10-5:30 Sunday and all next week after school. If you would like to be a chaperone make sure to return your forms to CRC.
Congratulations to Caroline Loder whose first art show will be installed at Clayton's Cafe in Yarmouth from this Saturday through Feb 28. She is really excited to share this work with islanders who may be following her painting progress on Facebook. Her website has the complete details of the works that will be on display: www.carolineloder.com. She sends a hearty thanks to all the islanders who have encouraged her in this pursuit with all the kind words of enthusiasm.
January 7, 2015 - The ice at Sanford's Pond is ready for skating!! Now we just need someone to chaperone and your signed forms. Call the CRC office if you are available for chaperoning at the Pond. The hours are Monday-Friday after school (3:15) until 5:30, Saturday and Sunday 10AM-5:30 PM as long as there is a chaperone present. For information about how to become a chaperone visit our website or call the CRC office.
All Juniors, Seniors and Parents - Please join Julia Maher from the Island Institute for information about college scholarships. Saturday, January 10th at the Library 11:00 - 1:00 pm. For more information call 846-4351.
SEABURY AWARD: To be presented at a reception at the Hall Sunday January 11th, 3-5 pm. This Award is given by the Island Council for exceptional community service and the recipient will be announced at this gathering. Please join us in celebrating the generous spirit that makes our community unique.
Congratulations to Maddie Kate Kaufman, who in September won the Jr. Girls and Ladies Class B Women tournaments at Westchester County Club New York!
The Email List has undergone a major upgrade. Please check it out ... Already in the list? Please check your listing for accuracy ... NOT in the list, but would like to be? Send a request to email.list@chebeague.net
January 6, 2015 - Tomorrows soup at the Hall is Vegetarian -- Vegetable --Non-vegetarian -- Turkey Noodle.
School Committee Meeting tonight, Tuesday at the school - 6pm - click here for agenda.
January 5, 2015 - State Senator Cathy Breen and Representative Janice Cooper will meet with Chebeague Island constituents at 10:45am on Saturday, January 10th at the Island Hall. Please attend and share your concerns, ideas and questions. All issues are on the table — transportation, healthcare, education, etc. Contact your elected officials directly and sign up for their e-newsletters: Senator Breen at Cathy.Breen@legislature.maine.gov and Representative Cooper at janicecooperforhouse@gmail.com. Newsletters are a great way of staying informed regarding what's happening in the Maine State Legislature.
Upcoming Programs for January at The Kids Place Come and join the fun!!! If anyone is interested in sharing a craft, or helping out with a craft that is listed here please e-mail: kidsplace@chebeague.net - click here to see all the fun programs coming up!
The annual meeting (Church Conference) of the Chebeague United Methodist Church will be held this coming Saturday, January 10th. Following lunch at 12 noon, the meeting will begin at 1:00 with District Superintendent Jim McPhee. All are welcome at the meeting.
January 2, 2015 - Last year Richard Hackel made a cool tidelapse video at Johnson Cove, Chebeague - click here to see.
Join us Sunday afternoon 2-5 for a craft workshop at the Chebeague Island Hall. Bring along any craft you may have been meaning to get back to, start, or plan. Any craft is acceptable, so long as you are able to carry it, and have the equipment, such as, knitting, crocheting, spinning, small loom weaving (or no loom weaving),
All ages are welcome. Children under 10 must be accompanied by an adult.
Hope to see you there.
Cathy Breen and Janice Cooper are scheduled to meet with Chebeague residents at 10:45am on Saturday, January 10th at the Island Hall.
January 1, 2015 - December's Pre-K newsletter from Miss Nancy - Click here!
Happy New Year!
SAILING SCHOOL 2015 APPLICATIONS ARE NOW BEING ACCEPTED; info and forms can be found at https://chebeague.org/cicss.html. Please be sure to fill out all forms and send in your check to reserve a space!
December 31, 2014 - Photo of a 6' star created by Herb Rich for the holidays.
Ice Skating Party & Pond Hockey at Knight's Pond Saturday, January 3rd from 1:00-4:00pm Cumberland and North Yarmouth, Maine - click here for more information.
December 30, 2014 - The Hall Committee is so excited about how the fundraising is going for the needed Hall repairs! Over a hundred and twenty donors and we are near our goal to get the repairs and weatherization started. Thank you to everyone and if you haven't already done so you can donate through our Online Save the Hall Campaign which will be extended for another month or you can mail the Hall a donation which many have done to 257 South Road, Unit 1, Chebeague Island, ME 04017.
Don't like football? Come to the parish house on New Years Day and sew for Guatemala. We are making chair pockets for the school. Pastor Linda Brewster will bring them on her mission trip next year. All materials provided, just bring your sewing machine and some thread. Soup and snacks provided. 9:30 am. FMY call Deb Bowman 846-0609.
December 29, 2014 - Photo by Wink Houghton of a Merganser. He is getting lots of action bird photos these days and there are a lot of wintering sea birds back to Chebeague including Buffleheads, Goldeneyes, and Long-tailed (Old Squaws).
The CTC January 2015 newsletter is available on the News and Info page of their website. You can sign up there to have it emailed to you every month.
Deb Bowman will take and recycle your old Christmas cards. You can drop them off at the Library through the book slot.
December 23, 2014 - Christmas Eve - Tonight at 7pm is the Christmas Eve Service at the church - see you there.
I have a message from Mike Grunko about the Fairpoint workers - click here.
COME CAROLING! All are welcome to join us Christmas Caroling tomorrow, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24th at 9 AM. We will begin at the store. Bring your voices, an umbrella, rain gear and help spread holiday cheer! Questions? Contact Erika Neumann, 207-749-8022 or erikagneumann@yahoo.com - see poster.
News from 2002 - through January
22, 2003
NEWS 2001
1996 AND JANUARY 1997
I would love to have any news, poetry, stories to add to
my news page so please email with anything you think would be
of interest to islanders around the world - yes Singapore, Egypt,
Mediterranean, Boston etc. checking out the news page everyday!
So please email me at
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Chebeague Island Anchor Page
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