CLICK HERE FOR WEATHER or go to the BOAT YARD WEBCAM (click on webcam) and see for yourself!
Photo - taken 01/18/15 of the snowy down at the Hook - she has been seen every few days since last week. Not sure if she is here to stay or not.
January 27, 2015 - Click here for a cool aerial photo of Chebeague taken yesterday from a plane around 4pm.
Tomorrow's Soups are: Vegetarian: Cauliflower Cheese
Non-Vegetarian: Chicken Tortilla and Lime Soup
Click here to see the storm from my bird feeder. I used my go-pro around noon and then sped about 1/2 hour of video. The birds are everywhere and we have had over 20 cardinals at the feeders in the yard along with tons of other birds. They really appreciate the extra food.
The Library is closed today.
The Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office has sent out Deputy Mailman to stay on the island for the duration of the storm. As always, in the event of an emergency call 911 and they will dispatch to him directly.
The 2015 Chebeague Island Community Sailing School will have a session on Long Island this year: June 29 – July 3. Boating and sailing skills are essential for those who spend so much time on such wonderful waters as Casco Bay! Click here to get the forms and learn more.
We are so excited to be able to offer personal training services at CRC. Brian Phipps recently moved to the island year round and is an ACE certified personal trainer specializing in functional fitness and nutrition. To set up a 1 on 1 personal training appointment or for more information call CRC at 846-5068 or send us an email. He has a flexible schedule and can offer sessions at a time that works for you. Morning, afternoon and evening times available. $25/hour for fitness pass holders and $30/hour for non fitness pass holders. This is half the cost of personal training services on the mainland!!
Huge snow storm today!
CTC ferry and bus service are cancelled for today and tonight - Tuesday 1/27. Normal service will resume on Wednesday.
January 26, 2015 - Today is the last day to sign up for Caroline's Painting Class - click here for more information.
Given current weather prediction, there is a high possibility that both CTC bus and boat service will be cancelled on Tuesday 1/27/15. We will continue to monitor the weather and send a final notice at 5:30am 1/27/15.
The Town Office will be closed tomorrow. Please don't park your cars on the wharf tonight or tomorrow as the storm surge is predicted to be large.
Sundays in February - breakfast at the Parish House at 9:00, followed by worship at 10:00 also in the Parish House. Join us for a hearty complimentary breakfast (donations welcome) and stay for informal worship around the table. Beginning on Sunday, February 1. Hope to see you there!
SEW GOOD is postponing it's first meeting from Wed. 1/25 to Wed. 2/4 due to the prospect of Blizzardly weather! We look forward to having you drop by to sew or craft a project of your choice & to help with our monthly 'Give Back' project. This month we're making pillowcases for cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, plus a special Valentine for the Commons Residents. For more details contact Lola Armstrong or Karen Corson.
January 25, 2015 - Don't forget that today and Sundays is Craft Sunday at the Hall, 2-5 p.m.. ANY “PORTABLE” CRAFT (i.e. knitting, crocheting, embroidery, small loom weaving, no loom weaving, braiding, hooking, you name it, if you can get it there, it is probably acceptable) Come learn or improve your skills in a craft, or teach someone else a craft, or just enjoy the company. Hope to see you there. FMYI call Ruth Slagle at 846-6345All ages welcome. Children under 12 must be accompanied by an Adult.
Ralph Munroe is again doing the Fight for Air Climb for the American Lung Association participating soon - click here to learn more and to support the cause.
January 22, 2015 - Congratulations to Elias Rich, 8th grader (son of Chris Rich and Lori Hamilton) who won the Geography Bee at Harrison Middle School. He now has a chance to compete for a $50,000 Scholarship. Click here to learn more!
CRC's winter carnival is set for February 21st. Chili/Chowder/soup cooks and Polar Plungers wanted!! Call or email CRC today to sign up. We have some amazing prizes for winners this year: GC's to Allen, Sterling & Lothrop, European Bakery, Rainbow toys and many more…plus bragging rights:)
The Migratory Bird Video that the school produced now has 118 likes and we are hoping to get a lot more at the CornellLab of Ornithology BirdSleuth K-12 site! Click here if you haven't already liked it. Mrs. Hoidal also commented on some of the things we will be doing this half of the year. We have located an area in the trail behind the school where we have put suet for the woodpeckers and will be adding some bird feeders as soon as we get them. If you have an extra bird feeder or any bird houses we could put up in our nature area the students would love it. We are studying owls now and will also be putting up an owl box in hopes of getting one near the school. click here to see. Last year this was an eagle's nest and live cam and then these Great-horned showed up and made it their own - quite facinating!
EXTRA 1099-MISC FORMS I have 30 extra 1099-misc blank forms and 1 1096; plus envelopes. Hate to waste them! Call Bob at 846 0924 if you can use them.
January 20, 2015 - School Committee Meeting tonight, Tuesday, 6pm at the school - see agenda.
Click here for an interesting article in the New York Times about how Maine Islands are looking toward green energy alternatives- click here. A group of islanders and the Island Institute traveled to Denmark to learn more.
January 17, 2015 - Photo - of Sanfords Pond today January 17th taken this afternoon by Chris Loder.
Message from the town: On February 1, 2015, if the dogs remain unregistered the owner will receive a $25.00 additional late fee. So please remember to get in and register your dogs. Click here to learn more.
January 15, 2015 - Muskie School of Public Health needs our help. Muskie is holding 3 focus groups and are looking for people 65 and older to participate. Click here to see how you might be able to participate.
The pond will be open today after school and we are hoping to get another clearing crew together. If you have some time and could help scrape/shovel today please do! Thanks!!
Message from Pommy Hatfield: "I am gathering photos and memories for a book of Trot's bachelorhood days. His Chebeague years that interest me are between 1945 and 1958. Please contact me if you have or know of anything about him that may fit the time period. Does anyone remember him working with Dick McCormack, delivering milk in 1955? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks, Pommy Hatfield (contact info in the island directory)"
CRAFTS SUNDAYS AT THE HALL2:00 – 5:00 P.M.ANY “PORTABLE” CRAFT (i.e. knitting, crocheting, embroidery, small loom weaving, no loom weaving, braiding, hooking, you name it, if you can get it there, it is probably acceptable) Come learn or improve your skills in a craft, or teach someone else a craft, or just enjoy the company. Hope to see you there. FMYI call Ruth Slagle at 846-6345All ages welcome. Children under 12 must be accompanied by an Adult.
Our Migratory Bird Video has been submitted to Cornell's Ornithology BirdSleuth k-12 Action Map and has the opportunity to win a prize if they get lots of likes by people. I put the submission in the Community Builders catagory because of the impact this type of educational experience has on everyone on Chebeague, Maine, and everywhere as well as the students themselves. Please click here and click the heart to show your like.
NOTICE: Please do not respond to email spams that appear to come from chebeague.net - We will never ask for your password and information in an email under any circumstances EVER! The latest one says it is coming form Help Desk.
January 13, 2015 - Soups for tomorrow at the Hall - Vegetarian is Tomato and Carolina Gold Rice Soup with fresh Thyme and Sherry Vinegar - Non-vegetarian is South of the Border Soup (Pork with Pinto Beans, Carrots, etc.), which may be slightly spicy but can be adjusted upward. YUMMY! Just what we all need in these frigid but sunny days!
Thanks to a group of community volunteers: Dylan Doughty, Lucas Phipps, Cassidy Jeffers, Jess Ryan, Hannah Birkett, Bea Crossman, John Birkett, and Aaron Rugh…skating at Sanford's will continue. We have chaperones for the rest of the week after school until 5:30 PM but still need chaperones for this weekend. Please let CRC know by Friday at 11:30 what times you can do over the weekend.
January 12, 2015 - Mary Todd won't be selling scallops this winter , but Alex and Heidi Todd are. Heidi's number is (207) 415-4547
Wow! I'm 66 years old today. Here's a Photo of the lovely lap quilt my sister Nancy gave me, all covered with birds and butterflies. I guess it's official -- I'm wicked old! Thank you Nancy and David.
January 11, 2015 - The Recompense Fund reports that its end-of-year solicitation for support went exceptionally well, and thanks the community for its generous support. As a result it expects to significantly increase its support of Chebeague’s nonprofits this year.
Michael Porter has updated his blog - click here to see Part VIII, Leiden.
Congratulations to Mac Passano and Gail Miller who were the recipients of the Seabury Award this year given by the Island Council for exceptional community service!
SEABURY AWARD: To be presented at a reception at the Hall Sunday January 11th, 3-5 pm. This Award is given by the Island Council for exceptional community service and the recipient will be announced at this gathering. Please join us in celebrating the generous spirit that makes our community unique.
January 9, 2015 - Photo taken by Bob Earnest early 1/8/15 - coldest day of the winter so far!
SEA SMOKE VIDEO - Click here to see a 12 hour time-lapse video taken from Chebeague Island, Maine, looking at Rogue Island. Taken on January 8, 2015 by Richard Hackell, the temperature throughout the day was -6° to +10°
The Qigong class that was scheduled to start January 16th has been postponed until spring. Stay tuned for a new date.
The POND will be open from 3:15-5:30 today (be ready to do a little scraping if this snow keeps up) and tomorrow 10AM-1:30PM. Chaperones are needed from 1:30-5:30 tomorrow, 10-5:30 Sunday and all next week after school. If you would like to be a chaperone make sure to return your forms to CRC.
Congratulations to Caroline Loder whose first art show will be installed at Clayton's Cafe in Yarmouth from this Saturday through Feb 28. She is really excited to share this work with islanders who may be following her painting progress on Facebook. Her website has the complete details of the works that will be on display: www.carolineloder.com. She sends a hearty thanks to all the islanders who have encouraged her in this pursuit with all the kind words of enthusiasm.
January 7, 2015 - The ice at Sanford's Pond is ready for skating!! Now we just need someone to chaperone and your signed forms. Call the CRC office if you are available for chaperoning at the Pond. The hours are Monday-Friday after school (3:15) until 5:30, Saturday and Sunday 10AM-5:30 PM as long as there is a chaperone present. For information about how to become a chaperone visit our website or call the CRC office.
All Juniors, Seniors and Parents - Please join Julia Maher from the Island Institute for information about college scholarships. Saturday, January 10th at the Library 11:00 - 1:00 pm. For more information call 846-4351.
SEABURY AWARD: To be presented at a reception at the Hall Sunday January 11th, 3-5 pm. This Award is given by the Island Council for exceptional community service and the recipient will be announced at this gathering. Please join us in celebrating the generous spirit that makes our community unique.
Congratulations to Maddie Kate Kaufman, who in September won the Jr. Girls and Ladies Class B Women tournaments at Westchester County Club New York!
The Email List has undergone a major upgrade. Please check it out ... Already in the list? Please check your listing for accuracy ... NOT in the list, but would like to be? Send a request to email.list@chebeague.net
January 6, 2015 - Tomorrows soup at the Hall is Vegetarian -- Vegetable --Non-vegetarian -- Turkey Noodle.
School Committee Meeting tonight, Tuesday at the school - 6pm - click here for agenda.
January 5, 2015 - State Senator Cathy Breen and Representative Janice Cooper will meet with Chebeague Island constituents at 10:45am on Saturday, January 10th at the Island Hall. Please attend and share your concerns, ideas and questions. All issues are on the table — transportation, healthcare, education, etc. Contact your elected officials directly and sign up for their e-newsletters: Senator Breen at Cathy.Breen@legislature.maine.gov and Representative Cooper at janicecooperforhouse@gmail.com. Newsletters are a great way of staying informed regarding what's happening in the Maine State Legislature.
Upcoming Programs for January at The Kids Place Come and join the fun!!! If anyone is interested in sharing a craft, or helping out with a craft that is listed here please e-mail: kidsplace@chebeague.net - click here to see all the fun programs coming up!
The annual meeting (Church Conference) of the Chebeague United Methodist Church will be held this coming Saturday, January 10th. Following lunch at 12 noon, the meeting will begin at 1:00 with District Superintendent Jim McPhee. All are welcome at the meeting.
January 2, 2015 - Last year Richard Hackel made a cool tidelapse video at Johnson Cove, Chebeague - click here to see.
Join us Sunday afternoon 2-5 for a craft workshop at the Chebeague Island Hall. Bring along any craft you may have been meaning to get back to, start, or plan. Any craft is acceptable, so long as you are able to carry it, and have the equipment, such as, knitting, crocheting, spinning, small loom weaving (or no loom weaving),
All ages are welcome. Children under 10 must be accompanied by an adult.
Hope to see you there.
Cathy Breen and Janice Cooper are scheduled to meet with Chebeague residents at 10:45am on Saturday, January 10th at the Island Hall.
January 1, 2015 - December's Pre-K newsletter from Miss Nancy - Click here!
Happy New Year!
SAILING SCHOOL 2015 APPLICATIONS ARE NOW BEING ACCEPTED; info and forms can be found at https://chebeague.org/cicss.html. Please be sure to fill out all forms and send in your check to reserve a space!
December 31, 2014 - Photo of a 6' star created by Herb Rich for the holidays.
Ice Skating Party & Pond Hockey at Knight's Pond Saturday, January 3rd from 1:00-4:00pm Cumberland and North Yarmouth, Maine - click here for more information.
December 30, 2014 - The Hall Committee is so excited about how the fundraising is going for the needed Hall repairs! Over a hundred and twenty donors and we are near our goal to get the repairs and weatherization started. Thank you to everyone and if you haven't already done so you can donate through our Online Save the Hall Campaign which will be extended for another month or you can mail the Hall a donation which many have done to 257 South Road, Unit 1, Chebeague Island, ME 04017.
Don't like football? Come to the parish house on New Years Day and sew for Guatemala. We are making chair pockets for the school. Pastor Linda Brewster will bring them on her mission trip next year. All materials provided, just bring your sewing machine and some thread. Soup and snacks provided. 9:30 am. FMY call Deb Bowman 846-0609.
December 29, 2014 - Photo by Wink Houghton of a Merganser. He is getting lots of action bird photos these days and there are a lot of wintering sea birds back to Chebeague including Buffleheads, Goldeneyes, and Long-tailed (Old Squaws).
The CTC January 2015 newsletter is available on the News and Info page of their website. You can sign up there to have it emailed to you every month.
Deb Bowman will take and recycle your old Christmas cards. You can drop them off at the Library through the book slot.
December 23, 2014 - Christmas Eve - Tonight at 7pm is the Christmas Eve Service at the church - see you there.
I have a message from Mike Grunko about the Fairpoint workers - click here.
COME CAROLING! All are welcome to join us Christmas Caroling tomorrow, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24th at 9 AM. We will begin at the store. Bring your voices, an umbrella, rain gear and help spread holiday cheer! Questions? Contact Erika Neumann, 207-749-8022 or erikagneumann@yahoo.com - see poster.
December 22, 2014 - Mary Gomez is doing very well after surgery to remove her right arm and shoulder because of cancer. She is now pain free and at Brentwood. She is hoping to get home tomorrow and her granddaughter started a fund for her online to help raise money so Mary can get her bathroom repaired and updated. Click here if you would like to help. I'm sure she would love well wishes - her address is 19 Capps Rd, Chebeague Island.
Emergency Selectmen's meeting tonight - see agenda.
The CTC office will be closed at noon on Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve. The office will be closed on Christmas and New Year's Day. For our holiday ferry and bus schedule, click here.
"Chebeague Island Christmas Pageant" was yesterday at the Church and Kevin Wentworth has made a video of it that you won't want to miss.
December 21, 2014 - Photo a christmas tree decorated with bird ornaments that each of the students at the school made for me. Each one is gorgeous and I want to thank all the students and the teachers for such a wonderful gift.
Friday the 3-5 grade students in Mrs. Westra's class put together their first newsletter and decided to publish it online - click here to see the news.
December 19, 2014 - The CCLT Cumberland Chebeague Land Trust has just put out their newsletter and they even included an article about the Chebeague School and their migratory bird video - click here to see the newsletter.
Congratulations to Daniel Flynn, son of Jane Hahn of North Road, and a renowned cancer reearcher who has been named new vice president at Florida Atlantic University. Click here to read more.
Message from Florence: I will be at Doughty's Market sat. 10am - 2pm and sun 10am -1pm. What is better then a handcrafted gift made right here on the island by an islander. You don't have to go on a boat ,bus or a long distance by car tp get napkin rings ,earrings ,rings, easels, bracelet and a few items that are from off island. I hope to see you there. Thanks, Florence
Don't forget that Miller Design will be open Saturday through Wednesday 10 to 4.
December 17, 2014 - Cheryl Stevens has youtubed 5th and 6th grade Yarmouth chorus from Monday’s Winter Concert at the Yarmouth Performing Arts Center - click here to see! We have five students from Chebeague performing, Meadow, Sumner, Jenna, Beatrice and Hannah.
Fa La La La La! Come one, Come all. Sing for the season. We will be caroling on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24TH, 9AM. We welcome all singers to join in for a morning of Christmas Caroling around the island. We will meet at the store and go around the island to bring good cheer. Contact Erika Neumann, erikagneumann@yahoo.com, or 207-749-8022.
Museum is open tonight from 4:30-7 (we will stay open until after the 6:45 boat comes in if you are coming home then. Have you always wanted to own one of our fine art prints INCLUDING JEANNE MULLN'S SCHOOLHOUSE! ? TODAY IS YOUR SPECIAL DAY - 20% DISCOUNT TODAY FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER!
We have mugs, glasses, bags, wind chimes, Aprons (everyone deserves a new apron this time of year!) sea glass jewelry, books and much more! Everything 20% off and we take credit cards!!!!!!!
Hope to see you tonight!
December 16, 2014 - Don't forget that tomorrow, December 17th is the Community Luncheon at the Hall - Pork Road.
The school is continually looking for ways to decrease waste and Laura Summa has got all the children composting, feeding chickens and eating all their food and now thanks to Nancy Hill they have their own napkins - click here to see.
December 15, 2014 - Children's Christmas Pageant this Sunday at 10:00 a.m. at the Chebeague Church. Hear the age-old Christmas story told and acted out by island children. Angels, shepherds, Mary, Joseph, and maybe even a sheep. Come and celebrate this special event! Refreshments afterwards in the Parish House. Contact Polly Wentworth or Deb Bowman for more information.
I have just downloaded the School Holiday Concert - click here to see. We showed the Migratory Birds of Chebeague Video as well so if you haven't seen it yet click here.
School Committee Meeting tomorrow night, December 16, 6pm at the school - click here for agenda.
December 14, 2014 - I have just uploaded some clips from the Whalers Concert from December 6th - click here to see.
December 12, 2014 -
Museum Gift Shop 20% off everything - Holiday Shopping Opportunities: Sunday 12/14 12:30 - 3:00; Wednesday 12/17 4:30 - 7:30.
Books, Glassware, Mugs, Schoolhouse Note Cards and Giclees, Fisherman Note Cards and Giclees, Maine Made Jewelry, Towels featuring Chebeague scenes, Lobster Bake themed towels, aprons and totes, Canvas and Woven Bags, Wooden Toys, Stocking Stuffers, T Shirts and more.
December 11, 2014 - The Holiday Concert was fabulous as usual and tonight was the first showing of the Video Mrs. Hoidal and Miss Nancy's classes starred in on Migratory Birds of Chebeague. They worked with Mrs. Westra's 3-5 class to learn about their bird and then they made paper mache beaks and put together paper feathers to make themselves look like their bird. I have just added the video to youtube which you can see by clicking here.
Don't forget tonight at 5:30 is the Chebeague Island School Holiday Concert at the Hall.
December 10, 2014 - A week ago Mary Gomez lost her arm and shoulder to cancer and is now recovering at Brentwood in Yarmouth with the hopes of getting home to Anthony on Chebeague soon. I'm sure she would love to get cards and visits. Sarah, her granddaughter, has started a gofund campaign to raise enough money to get her bathroom updated and more accessible for her. Click here to see and donate.
Today's soups are: Vegetarian -- Onion;
non vegetarian -- Italian sausage/spinach.
Message from the Ladies Aid – all extra wreaths have been sold – thank you for your support! Dianne Calder
December 9, 2014 - Photo of a muskovy duck that has shown up at Sylvia Ross's house. The duck turned out to be a young one that in fact had come from Claires. Click here for another view. Also, if anyone has heard or seen any owls around the island recently, one of the students at the Chebeague School is trying to locate an owl for a project on the island. Some recently told me they were hearing a barred owl at night but I can't remember who.
Notice to CTC customers: Due to predicted high winds this evening the last ferry trip today 12/9 will be the 5 PM leaving Cousins.
Message from CTC: In anticipation of adverse weather conditions tomorrow (12/9) there is a possibility that ferry trips may be cancelled. Please check our website and Facebook page for updates. We will send emails and text messages to our customers who enrolled in this service
December 8, 2014 - This Thursday, December 11th, is the School Holiday Concert at the Hall at 5:30 - everyone is invited!
Miss Nancy's Pre-K Newsletter for the last few weeks - click here!
December 7, 2014 - Selectmen's Emergency Executive Session on personel Sunday 4:30 at the Museum - see agenda.
The Historical Society "Open for Christmas Shopping" this afternoon from 1 to 4 at the Museum. Be very carefull, the surfaces have been treated, but if you would like to use the back door from the parking lot there is a doorbell.
December 6, 2014 -Photo of a penguin-like looking bird on Cousin's Island seen by people on the CTC boat. I received this photo from Sue Sawyer's phone along with some others and I thought it might be a Common Murre or Thick-billed Murre which would be quite rare I guess in this area but one of my bird experts feels it is a Juvenile Great Cormorant. If you recall we had one arrive at the Poochie Ross's in 2010 to rest. If anyone got any closer photos I would love to see them.
Tonight: The Whalers Concert "We Need A Little Christmas" is Saturday, December 6 at 7:30 at the Chebeague Island Hall. Adults are $8 and children under 12 $4. There will also be a fabulous (as usual) Gift Basket with all kinds of treasures to be raffled of at the Whaler Concert.
December 3, 2014 - REMINDER: There will be a community meeting at CRC Thursday, December 4th at 7 PM to discuss the skating season at Sanford's Pond. All skaters and people willing to chaperone or help out in any way should attend. Mabel and Jackie will be there too.
This past weekend we had a Birthday Celebration for all islanders aged 90 and over. Click here for a few photos taken by Cathy MacNeill of some who were able to attend. Mabel Doughty, Martha Hamilton, and Mac Passano were among the attendees.
The Ladies Aid still has 20 wreaths to sell for $15 each. They were supposed to be available today but because of last weeks weather they will be available for pickup Friday after 12. Please call Dianne Calder at 846-4176 and order yours today.
December 2, 2014 - Jake Todd (son of Alex and Heidi) made a wonderful video about New England fishing - with pictures of many of his ancestors. Jake wants to thank Donna Damon for providing many photos and history. Click here to see!
Wonderful RAFFLES to bid on at ISLAND COMMONS HOLIDAY PARTY this Friday, December 5th, 4:30-6:30… Pommy Hatfield Handwoven Rag Rug, Susan Stranahan Fabric Art, Annette Kincaid Handwoven Towel, Breakfast Basket chock-full of goodies, Wink Houghton Turned Bowl & Mini Clam Hod, Brass Candlesticks, Festive Pots filled with seasonal bulbs, Jim Cox-Chapman home-made Plum Pudding (delivered in time for Christmas!). Here are photos of some of the items... Hope to see you at the party!
Tomorrow's soups will be: Turkey rice and a Sweet Potato Soup furnished by Ursa King, and a vegetarian Creamy parsnip carrot by Wanda Buczynski.
Message from Linda Watkins: The sequel to MATEGUAS ISLAND is now available for preorder (eBook only at this time) on Amazon for an introductory price of only 99¢! Publication date is 12/15/14. The price will go up after the holidays. I hope to have the print book put together by the end of January. So, if any Chebeaguers want to know what's up with Karen and her family and the fictional island of Mateguas, this is their opportunity to get a holiday bargain! Here's the link to the book.
December 1, 2014 - This coming weekend starting with Island Commons annual HOLIDAY PARTY, Friday Dec 5th 4:30-6:30. The Whalers Concert "We Need A Little Christmas" is Saturday, December 6 at 7:30 at the Chebeague Island Hall. Adults are $8 and children under 12 $4. There will also be a fabulous (as usual) Gift Basket with all kinds of treasures to be raffled of at the Whaler Concert. Sunday is the Annual tree lighting and Christmas Party. We will sing carols while the children await Santa arriving by fire truck. December 7th 4pm. Historical Society Christmas Party and Potluck Supper on Monday, December 8, 6:00pm at the Parish House. Bring an appetizer, casserole or dessert to share and a $5.00 wrapped gift if you'd like to participate in the gift exchange.
School Committee Meeting Tuesday, December 2, at 6pm - see agenda.
November 28, 2014 - Florence Rich will be up to Eds tomorrow from 11am to 2pm with lots of treasures from Island Riches and Herb.
An Island wide Birthday Celebration for all islanders aged 90 and over. The celebration is tomorrow, Saturday, November 29, from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. at the hall. Please come and join our celebration.
Don't forget tomorrow Open House and Art Sale in Melanie and David Scrase's home at 313 South Road, on Saturday, November 29th., from 10am untill 1 pm. Aside from Davids beautiful hand turned bowls and accessories, there will be the wood burned and paper art of Martha Hamilton and the whimsical folk art of Linda Ewing.
November 27, 2014 - Photo of Sanford's Pond on Thanksgiving day when the power was out all day.
Power came back around 8 pm tonight in most places on the island. The internet is still down and we have checked out all the equipment on the island. GWI Believes there may be a problem at back Bay Towers in Portland so David is going into there first thing in the morning. Hopefully it will be back then.
Happy Thanksgiving! We should all be watching the parade and cooking turkey by now but the power went out last night around 9 and I have no idea when it will be back. There is a few inches of heavy wet snow on everything and I guess there are limbs and trees down all over the island. We had one heavy limb come down and just miss our grill and window.
Don't miss the Black Friday Sale at the Museum on Friday November 28 from 11-4. Great deals and some wonderful stocking stuffers. 20% off everything! If you can't make it on Friday call Donna 846-5140 and she will open for you.
November 25, 2014 - If the weather forecast for Wednesday and Thursday has you rethinking your travel plans, drop by the Parish House at 2 p.m. on Thursday for the free Thanksgiving dinner. There is always room for more.
Message from the Hall: There will be NO coffee and soup this week. Have a Happy Thanksgiving and we will see you next week.
Message from Sidra: Thank you to everyone who was able to come to the Parish House for "Soup, Salad, and Sidra" Sunday. I want to especially thank Mary Jane for putting it together. I am very grateful to be a part of the Chebeague community and look forward to spending a year (or two!) on this wonderful island! Thank you again!
Message from the Town: All the Tie-up floats will be removed between Nov. 26 and Dec. 1. Please remove your vessels prior to Nov. 26 - thank you.
November 24, 2014 - Due to high winds, the last trip that will be run today (11/24) will be the 4 PM from Cousins Island.
Mark your calendar! Island Commons annual HOLIDAY PARTY, Friday Dec 5th 4:30-6:30. Celebrate the season with friends & neighbors. Food & cheer, music and terrific raffles: fabric art by Susan Stranahan, handwoven towel by Annette Kincaid, fabulous breakfast gift basket, artisan wreath and more!! See you there...
We will be making tons of Thanksgiving pies tomorrow for our sale on Wednesday. Give us a call or send us an email with your order. We will be making several different kinds. They will be available for pick up/purchase at CRC on Wednesday from 9-Noon. All proceeds benefit Kids Place. Call 846-5068 or email kidsplace@chebeague.net.
Ladies Aid is again selling Christmas Wreaths. Pickup day at the Parrish House will be Thursday December 4th between 1 and 3 PM. You must order your wreath by December 1st. Call Dianne Calder at 846-4176 or Jane Frizzell at 8464937 to order. Merry Christmas!
The Whalers Concert "We Need A Little Christmas" is Saturday, December 6 at 7:30 at the Chebeague Island Hall. Adults are $8 and children under 12 $4.
Michael and Barbara have updated their site -- this time with their trip from Lemmer to Leiden, where they will spend the winter - click here.
November 23, 2014 - All are invited to the Parish House today, November 23, at 5:30 for "Soup, Salad and Sidra." A simple meal of soup and salad will be followed by a conversation with Sidra Nasir, who will talk with us about her Muslim faith and what brought her to Chebeague as an Island Fellow. Please join us!
Saturday, Nov. 29th., has been designated nationally as "Shop Locally, Support Small Businesses".
An Open House and Art Sale at the home of Melanie Gustafson and David Scrase, 313 South Road, will be held this Saturday, Hours are 10AM till 1 PM. Being featured are the works of Martha Hamilton, Linda Ewing, and David Scrase.
Come join us at the Chebeague Island Community Center in our annual tree lighting and Christmas Party. We will sing carols while the children await Santa arriving by fire truck. Hot cocoa and cookies will be served.All are welcome! Sunday December 7th 4pm. If you have any children who may be attending and should be on Santa's list, please call or email Polly or Meredith ASAP..
Polly –pkwentworth@chebeague.net 846-3171
Meredith –jakylory@chebeague.net 846-0766
Bellyfit Schedule for next week (I have been going to this exercise program for the last few weeks and now am hooked - I love it): Monday Nov. 24th: class as usual
Wednesday Nov. 26th: no class
Friday Nov. 28th: morning class, 8:00-9:00 (holiday hours…)
(the Friday class is instead of Saturday's so the whole morning is open to get to Linda's art show!)
Florence Rich wanted to let people know that she has some new smaller stain glass windows and will bring them to her thanksgiving show at Doughty's market 28/th & 29/th from 11am to 2pm - Click here to see.
Quigong with Peter is going great!! We have a handful of regulars but would love to have more people benefiting from this gentle movement designed to help balance, core strength and alignment. Join us on Fridays at CRC, 10-11 AM.
RECOMPENSE FUND - Answers to two questions: Donations are tax-deductible. The Maine Community Foundation plays an administrative role - all donated dollars go to Recompense then on to Chebeague nonprofits.
November 20, 2014 - Ladies Aid Fair - this Saturday, November 22nd from 12 to 3 at the Parish House! This is a great place to start you Christmas Shopping - so many creative items.
Kids Place is selling a variety of pies for Thanksgiving again this year. Order yours today! Call 846-5068 or email kidsplace@chebeague.net. Get a yummy dessert for your Thanksgiving table while supporting a local non-profit!!
Pies will be available for pick up on Wednesday November 26th.
Everyone who is available is invited to a Community Thanksgiving Dinner at the Parish House on Thanksgiving Day, November 27th at 2:00 pm. There is no cost and you don't need to bring anything, but the pleasure of your company. (However, if you would like to lend a hand in some way that would be welcome also.) Please let us know if you will be attending by calling Sam McLean at 846-0510 by Sunday November 23rd. Sponsored by the Methodist Church.
All are invited to the Historical Society Christmas Party and Potluck Supper on Monday, December 8, 6:00pm at the Parish House. Bring an appetizer, casserole or dessert to share and a $5.00 wrapped gift if you'd like to participate in the gift exchange.
The Museum Gift Shop will be open for holiday shopping on Friday, November 28th, 11-4pm, Sunday, December 7th and 14th, 1-4pm and Wednesday, December 17th, 4:30-7:30pm.
November 19, 2014 - Christmas Pageant at the Chebeague United Methodist Church. Come one come all... We are looking for anyone interested in being a part of the kids Christmas pageant this year. The show date will be the Sunday before Christmas. December 21st at normal church time of 10am. Please call Polly at 233-8382 or email pkwentworth@chebeague.net. We are super excited and need lots of kids (adults welcome also) looking forward to hearing from you all!!!
BREAKFAST IS SERVED. Teens and Preteen: mark your calendars for our upcoming Brunch.
The Teen Center will become a breakfast hangout! Learn how to flip pancakes like a champ. Look for sign-up sheet in the Teen Room for what ever else you want to contribute, we had a great time last Spring when we did this! November 23, at 9:30, not too early not too late!
Don't Forget: Today is the Community Luncheon.. The menu will be chicken Parmesan with green beans, squash, and salad, with a pumpkin mousse cake roll for dessert. There will also be a 50/50 drawing, so don't miss out on this opportunity for a winning lunch! The suggested donation is $5.
The Foot Doctor, Dr. Russell Rybka, is in the Health Center starting at 9am today.
Walk-ins are welcome.
Recompense Fund now has a new website created by Caroline Loder where you can learn more about this tremendous Fund and how it is helping Chebeague.
CRC is hiring winter, spring and summer program leaders for all ages. From cooking, to arts and crafts of any kind, to fitness and athletics, all ideas will be considered. Or, if you just have an idea but can't lead, please share that with us as well. Call 846-5068 or email crc@chebeague.net today!
Reminder to CTC customers! Parking applications for Cousins Lot must be received or postmarked by end of day 11/21! Barging to Cousins Island will cease at the end of this month. Call the office now if you need to have something barged. Thanks, and Happy Thanksgiving!
From CTC: The work on the Islander is going well. Many thanks to the Royal River Boat Yard for their work and to Mary Todd who has been working diligently on the boat in less than perfect conditions. Andrew Jackson has joined Mary in our effort to get as much done as possible before she is launched again. Remember, the Islander will celebrate her 30th birthday in April! She is not a kid anymore!
We will get her back in service as soon as we can. Thanks for your patience and understanding.
November 17, 2014 - Mark your calendars for the Sanford's Pond meeting with Mabel and Jackie on December 4th at 7:00 PM at CRC
CRC is hiring winter, spring and summer program leaders for all ages. From cooking, to arts and crafts of any kind, to fitness and athletics, all ideas will be considered. Or, if you just have an idea but can't lead, please share that with us as well. Call 846-5068 or email crc@chebeague.net today!
Message from Arlene and May: Don't forget to place your orders on November 24 for our Wednesday What's for Supper! menu. Thanks! Arlene and May - click here for the menu.
The School Board Meeting is cancelled tonight.
November 16, 2014 - Everyone who is available is invited to a Community Thanksgiving Dinner at the Parish House on Thanksgiving Day, November 27th at 2:00 pm. There is no cost and you don't need to bring anything, but the pleasure of your company. (However, if you would like to lend a hand in some way that would be welcome also.) Please let us know if you will be attending by calling Sam McLean at 846-0510 by Sunday November 23rd. Sponsored by the Methodist Church.
The Foot Doctor, Dr. Russell Rybka, is coming Wednesday at 9am at the Health Center.
Call 829 6463. Walk-ins welcome.
Last August John Howard's tiger cat Holly went missing and he has been searching ever since. The cat has been seen in various places around Chebeague and he is in hope that someone is feeding the cat. One person thought they saw her around Chandlers last week and before she was seen near the Lynchs. Click here to see a photo and here for another. Please call John or email ceciljohn6@gmail.com.
FIREWOOD FOR THE SCHOOL PIZZA OVEN: - a big thank you to all who called!!! We have enough now to get us thru the year. Thanks!
All are invited to the Parish House next Sunday, November 23, at 5:30 for "Soup, Salad and Sidra." A simple meal of soup and salad will be followed by a conversation with Sidra Nasir, who will talk with us about her Muslim faith and what brought her to Chebeague as an Island Fellow. Please join us!
November 15, 2014 - Thank you, Cathy MacNeill, who has volunteered to ‘call’ BINGO at the Commons. Enjoy Bingo? Please join us on Wednesdays, 3:30-4:30!
BOGUS VIRUS NOTICE - If you see a pop-up notice on your computer screen saying something like "A virus has been detected in your computer, please call (an 866 number) immediately", or if they call your phone saying they are with Microsoft and your computer has been compromised - be careful - it is a hacker trying to invade your computer and get information from you or even withdraw money from your account. Should you make the suggested call and ask what company he represents, he will lie and say either microsoft or apple. The best thing to do is not make the call without first checking with your computer''s maker. The next best thing, should you make the call, is hang up. These people are thieves! I get these calls every few weeks and they say they can see that my PC is bad and yet I have a Mac.
November 14, 2014 - Photo I took of an eagle at the Wetlands 11/14/14. Kevin Wentworth has posted a video he put together on youtube of Eagles flying there next to his house. It seems they are feeding on the Mallards.
FIREWOOD NEEDED for the school’s pizza oven. If you have firewood you can donate, please call Bob at 846 0924; we’ll come over with some of the older kids and load up! A pickup load will get us thru most of the winter… Thanks!
Congratulations to Kay Kay Hill (Katherine Hill, OD, FAAO) who has been admitted as a fellow to the American Academy of Optometry. After going through a rigorous qualification process she is licensed to practice at the highest level permitted by law. She is practicing at Harbor View Eye Care in South Portland 799-3031.
November 13, 2014 - Message from Island Riches: "Because we are not having a winter craft sale this year I will be at Doughty's market November 28th & 29th from 11am - 2pm. I will have a lot of things made from silverware that Herb makes. Also I have two beautiful beach glass window's made with real Chebeague beach glass.You can reach me at islandriches@chebeague.net or call 207 846-4986 if you would like something embroidered. Sweatshirts,t-shirts,napkins,bags or other items. I hope to see you then. Florence (Island Riches)"
Island Commons is seeking a volunteer to call Bingo on Wednesdays or Thursdays from 3:30-4:30. This is a great way to support our elder community! Contact Nancy at 846-5610 or commons@chebeague.net
November 12, 2014 - The Hall has had wonderful response looking for help for needed work at the Hall. Check out our campaign website and read about it and some stories. All donations are tax-deductible. Donations in any amount, whether cash, check, charge, or grant, will be most gratefully accepted. All donations are tax-deductible (EIN 010352499). You may mail a check to our Island address (247 South Rd, Unit 1, Chebeague Island, ME 04017), tuck a designated donation into the Wednesday soup coffers, or log onto http://cihcccampaigntosavethehall.causevox.com at Causevox to make a donation.
Parents, juniors and seniors, please mark your calendars for a scholarship meeting with Julia Maher from the Island Institute. Saturday, January 10th 11:00 am at the Library. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call the Library 846-4351
November 11, 2014 - The non-vegetarian soup for tomorrow is Lamb Stew-with Apricots served over rice and the veggie soup tomorrow will be Hungarian Mushroom.
A message from our email server: Chebeague.net Email will probably be down at some point Thursday evening for a few hours to do maintenance. This will will improve reliability and response times.
Melanie Gustafson and David Scrase will be hosting an Open House and Art Sale in their home at 313 South Road, on Saturday, November 29th., from 10am untill 1 pm. Aside from Davids beautiful hand turned bowls and accessories, there will be the wood burned and paper art of Martha Hamilton and the whimsical folk art of Linda Ewing.
The Hall is planning an island wide Birthday Celebration for all islanders aged 90 and over. The celebration is planned for Saturday, November 29, the Saturday after Thanksgiving, 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. at the hall.
November 10, 2014 - I am reposting Arlene and Mays note as I had the wrong date: Check out our next two What's for Supper - November 14th and November 26th? menus-click here in doc or click here for web version.
Chebeague.net is purging old, unused e-mail addresses in order to save on the costs associated with providing e-mail service. After sending out three notices to all e-mail addresses, we're deleting those who didn't respond. If you failed to respond and find your e-mail is not working, please let us know right away and we'll reinstate your account with no loss of data.
The Kids Place is selling Thanksgiving Pies again this year. Call to reserve yours: 846-5068 - We have: Pumpkin, Pecan, mixed berry, apple and more.... call to reserve yours today, or e mail: kidsplace@chebeague.net Pies pick up will be Wednesday November 26th from 9:00 to 12:00.
November 9, 2014 - CTC will be using the Pied Piper for several days while maintenance work is performed on the Islander. Since there is no heat on the Piper, passengers should dress warm! We will have the Islander back in operation as soon as possible.
Message from Arlene and May: Check out our next two What's for Supper - November 14th and November 26th? menus-click here in doc or click here for web version.
November 8, 2014 - Notice from the Church: Sunday after-church coffee hour is a wonderful time of fellowship for our church community. You are invited to attend and also if anyone would like to bake a few extra cookies, brownies, quick bread or any other item to keep in the freezer to facilitate the weekly preparation. Bring your goodies to the church on the Sundays in November and they will be stored and served on Sundays after church.
The Library will be closed on Tuesday, November 11 in observance of Veterans Day.
November 6, 2014 - The official results from Chebeague have been put on the Town Website - click here to see.
The Hall has acquired a white folding table from some recent event. Could the owner please come by on Wednesday coffee and soup day to pick it up or call Ruth (846-6345), Dianne (846-9944), or Sam (846-0510) to make pickup arrangements. Thank you!
The Hall's next Community Luncheon is November 19th. The menu will be chicken Parmesan with green beans, squash, and salad, with a pumpkin mousse cake roll for dessert. There will also be a 50/50 drawing, so don't miss out on this opportunity for a winning lunch! The suggested donation is $5.
November 4, 2014 - Soup for tomorrow at the Hall is Cajun Crabmeat soup (mild) and vegetarian Roasted Sweet Potato and Beet.
Casco Bay Lines asked that people NOT leave donations for Goodwill on the dock. They no longer transport items to Goodwill unless arrangements are made with Goodwill for pick up and with CBL in advance. If you recently left trash bags on the dock with donations, please remove them from the dock.
November 3, 2014 - School Committee Meeting, Tuesday, November 4, at 6pm, the school - see agenda.
CRC's lost and found corner is over flowing with clothing and other items. Please stop by to see if you can help find a home for any of the items that we have accumulated. We will be bagging up any items left on Monday, November 10th.
November 1, 2014 - Photo - The Hall was adorned with many of Louise Todd's wonderful paintings today for the Memorial Reception. Click on the photo to see some of them.
Teen And Preteen upcoming days!!
Teen Brunch date change… Nov 23, Teen Brunch @ 9:30.
Annual Mall Crawl, Dec 12, will meet on Cousins Island and leave from there after school.
Teen Christmas Party and Yankee Swap! Dec 20 7:00
Snow Tubbing tentatively set for Dec 22
Roller Skating tentatively for Jan 2
In September the land around Sandy Point at the end of Jenks Road was cleared of the phragmites a non-native, aggressive, invasive species which is on the State of Maine list of invasive species. Much work by environmentalists to rid areas of this terrible invasive is going on around the State. Please click here to learn more about why this was done and how we can get the area back to the way it was. Also if you remember being there and having photos like I do when Stephen and I used to go skating back in the 70s you can share your memories and photos by emailing Lynn Mills at lynnmills44@gmail.com.
October 30, 2014 - Congratulations to the Chebeague Island Fire & Rescue who have been selected as the Region 1 EMS Service of the year by Atlantic Partners EMS. There will be an awards presentation at the 34th annual EMS Banquet at Samoset on November 15.
A reminder to all Trick-or-Treaterts and assorted ghouls…remember to stop by ISLAND COMMONS on Halloween Night!
The Church Food Pantry is available to all islanders in need and is stocked with groceries, pet food, and household staples. Please contact Lola Armstrong at 420-0608 for assistance.
Click here for a letter from Michelle Jackson.
October 29, 2014 - The Editors of the Island Monthly Calendar are hoping people will do the quick (four Question) survey online to help them make the Calendar even better - click here.
Another Emergency Selectmen's meeting tonight - see agenda.
October 28, 2014 - The Clam Flats are now reopened for Chebeague.
The Hall (CIHCC) has started a campaign to raise $40,000 to make necessary repairs and improvements to the Hall. Please click here to learn all about it and how you can help! The Hall does not send out regular yearly requests but when a need arrises we get the word out. Just think of how important the Hall is to all of us and just some of the programs that take place there - Town meetings, school programs, family gatherings, receptions, community meetings, Wednesday coffees, lunches, community luncheons, special events, community theater, musical programs, Whalers, Waves-on-waters, elections, emergency shelter, Flu Clinic, Visiting Nurses,...... Please Click Here: http://www.cihcccampaigntosavethehall.causevox.com, make a donation or send it to the Hall (247 South Road) or just drop it by at our Wednesday Soups and Coffees. Donations are tax deductable.
The Island Council Monthly Calendar is now online so click here or above on Island Council Calendar.
The Porters have added to their blog and this edition gets as far as Lemmer, on the Ijsselmeer, formerly known as the Zuider Zee - click here.
CRC's preteen/teen annual scavenger hunt and Halloween party is Saturday, November 1st at 7 PM...return to CRC after the hunt and have lots of food and fun with friends. Preteen/teen brunch is scheduled for November 16th at 9:30 AM. More fun dates to follow...stay tuned.
Are you looking for some fun exercise classes? Look no further. CRC has some planned. Qigong starts Friday at 10 AM. Bellyfit is Monday and Wednesday at 6 PM and Saturday at 8 AM. Something for everyone:) Check the adult program link on our website for details.
Emergency Selectmen's meeting tonight - see agenda.
Tomorrow's soup at the Hall is Gingered Carrot (Vegetarian), and Transylvanian Stockpot (Cabbage Soup) with an apple/pear filo desssert. Also, if anyone has a favorite soup recipe they would like for us to make, please let them know.
With voting day coming right up, November 4, 2014. The State of Maine distributes a Maine Citizen’s Guide to the Referendum Elections, The Town Office has hard copies that people can utilize if they would like. Here is an link to an electronic version: http://www.maine.gov/sos/cec/elec/citizenguide14.pdf
October 24, 2014 - Clam Flats on Chebeague are closed along with the entire coast of Maine.
Flu Shot Clinic is TODAY Friday 24th Oct 9am until 11:30am at the Hall. Bring your insurance cards. No one will be turned away for inability to pay. Cost is $30.
Call 846 4351 if you need a ride.
October 22, 2014 - What’s for Supper? Need something for dinner on Friday, October 24, 2014. Try one of our delicious entrees, a salad, rolls and dessert delivered to your home! Click here to learn more!
The CICA Meeting will be held in the school tomorrow night in the multi-purpose room at 7:15, Click here for the Agenda..
All are invited to the Open House at the Museum of Chebeague History on Sunday, October 26, 1:00 - 4:00. Join friends and neighbors for refreshments and a look at the Land and Sea exhibit, as well as great bargains in the Gift Shop.
Jillian Thompson took some wonderful photos of the debut of Chebeague Island Oyster Company - click here to see!
October 21, 2014 - On October 17th we did another MIMIC observation at the Stone Pier. Click here to see the photos and what we found. We will continue once a month throughout the winter to see areas change. A new invasive was found that we hadn't noticed before Membranipora membranacea (lacy crust bryozoan).
We are busy at CRC; Kickball today, Cupcake Club, Tae Kwon Do and Bellyfit tomorrow, creative movement and dance on Thursday, stained glass apples and teen center on Friday, Bellyfit and teen center on Saturday. Starting on Friday, October 31st join us for Quigong with Peter Carleton from 10-11 AM. For details on this and our other programs check our website, www.chebeaguerec.com.
The soups for tomorrow are: Vegetarian -- Gypsy Soup (sweet potato/tomato based)
Non-vebetarian -- Portuguese Kale Soup (bean/potato/sausage/kale)sz
Flu Shot Clinic is Friday 24th Oct 9am until 11:30am at the Hall. Bring your insurance cards. No one will be turned away for inability to pay. Cost is $30.
Call 846 4351 if you need a ride.
School Committee Meeting tonight at 6pm, at the school- see agenda.
The next CICA Meeting will be held Thursday, Oct 23 at 7:15, location is to be determined. Click here for the Agenda.
Message from Shannon Adams: October is breast cancer awareness month! Consider donating to my walk to support education, research and prevention. I'll be walking 39.9 miles in Boston in May with my sister in memory of our mom at the Avon 2-Day Walk for Breast Cancer. To learn more, visit my page at http://info.avonfoundation.org/goto/shannonsisterstrong. Thank you!
October 18, 2014 - The Board of Selectmen will hold an emergency meeting on Sunday, October 19th, 2014 at the Town Office beginning at 3:00pm. Click here for agenda.
Got clutter? In your home or in your soul? Or both? Join Mary Jane O'Connor-Ropp at the Parish House on Saturday October 25th from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm for a mini-retreat to explore both kinds of clutter: why we have it, and how to clear it out. The morning will be devoted to the physical clutter that collects in our homes. Using principles of feng shui and well-established techniques of professional organizers, we will develop an action plan that will lead to greater serenity in our physical surroundings. In the afternoon we will examine the clutter in our souls that blocks the free flow of God's love in our personal lives and in our relationships with others. Come for one or both of these sessions. Bring a bag lunch; beverages will be provided. For more information call Mary Jane at 207-604-8651.
Teen and Preteen Scavenger Hunt and Halloween Party! Saturday, Nov 1, 7 p.m. - midnight. Sign up by 10/24. Party and movie to follow the scavenger hunt. Drivers and "scarers" needed, contact CRC office 846-5068. We will be having homemade pizzas and other spooky surprises!!!!
Food donations for the party gratefully accepted.
Preteen Teen Brunch Bunch!!! November 16, Sunday at 9:30, pancakes served and bring your own favorite breakfast contribution. We will be doing some fall cleanup after we stuff ourselves full!
It"s coming the time of adult indoor floor hockey again, keep your eyes peeled for more information as soon as we pin down the leader of this motley pack (Skipper), and set date and times for good old time hockey. We are also threatening to haul out the volleyball net and revive this favorite from the past.
October 16, 2014 - Photo taken by Ted Curtis of Jeff Putnam's buoys ready for winter fishing.
There will be a memorial service for Sally Ballard at the Church on October 18th at 1:00 pm with a reception at the Parish Hall afterward, and all are welcome. There will also be a public reading of Sally Ballard's poetry, Friday, October 17th 5:00 at the Library. Tea and cookies will be served. All are welcome.
"Breathing -- The Free, Unspoken, Always Available Weight Management Tool" Presented by Rochelle (Shelly) Rice, Sunday, October 19, 2:00-3:00pm at the Rec Center in the Teen Room. Click here for more information!
The CPA is hosting the annual Community Halloween Party at the Hall, Saturday October 25th from 4:30-6:30. There will be food, fun, games, prizes and of course the 30 plus year Island tradition The Cake Walk! Please contact Mary Todd at lobsterbetti2@live.com or 420-1220 if you are able to make a cake or food item and contact Meredith at jakylory@chebeague.net 846-0766 or Polly at pkwentworth@chebeague.net if you would like to help with the party in any way! All are welcome to attend!
Chebeague Island School still has “Seasons of Chebeague” note cards available for sale. A pack of 17 quality card stock note cards with envelopes for $17. Each card features an original water color of an island location done by the 2013-2014 3rd -5th grade Chebeague Island School class. All proceeds go towards the end of year school field trip. Cards are for sale at the Chebeague Island Library or through contacting Meredith at 846-0766 or jakylory@chebeague.net. Thank you in advance for your support!
Yesterday at the CIHCC Community Luncheon a 50/50 took place and the winner was Gigi Dyer for $21.
October 15, 2014 - Today Coffee at the Hall starting at 9AM - Don't forget the Community Luncheon at Noon with Beef Stew!
Congratulations to the Chebeague Island Historical Society Raffle Winners: Framed Giclee on Canvas of the Thomas F. O'Neil Fisherman - Charlie Kuntz of Chebeague Island and Portland, ME; Autographed copy of Linda Watkins' award winning novel Mateguas Island and a Mateguas Island Charm key chain - Jenny Hackel of Chebeague Island and Cambridge, MA; Autographed copy of Linda Watkins' award winning novel Mateguas Island and a Mateguas Island Charm bookmark - Michelle Desaulniers of Jamaica Plain, MA. Sincere thanks to all those who purchased raffle tickets.
October 14, 2014 - Due to the accident and closure of the Gauntlet in Mechanic Falls, the CRC Teen/Preteen Trip to the Gauntlet has been cancelled.
Chebeague Island students are now learning robotics thanks to a grant from the Perloff Foundation. Every Friday, the students in Mrs. Westra's grade 3-5 class are building the hardware and programming the software for Lego WeDos and NXT robots. It's such an exciting opportunity for our Chebeague students. The kids have jumped right in! Thank you to Laurie Hegarty as well who is the volunteer running this fabulous program with the teachers! Click here to see the excitement of this program!
The Hall l will be starting their 9 AM coffee hour tomorrow, Wednesday. The First Community Luncheon is also tomorrow featuring Beef Stew at Noon! Please don't forget to sign the proxy for the Annual Hall Meeting which will be Thursday at 5:30 - we will have them available at the Hall.
October 11, 2014 -Photo of Sunset 10/11/14 by KK Hill
Message from Island Richs: We are open from 10am to 4pm sat,sun and monday.After that call 207 846-4986 and we will be glad to open. Herb has made more of the new bracelets and earrings.we have Lots of sale items.10%,20% and 50%off. Thank you and have a great Columbus weekend. Florence and Herb
The Museum of Chebeague History is open this weekend: Sat 10-4; Sunday 1-4; and Columbus Day 10-4. Be sure to stop in to enjoy the great exhibit "On Land and Sea" and purchase your raffle tickets for the beautifully framed Thomas F. O'Neil painting of a fisherman and autographed copies of Linda Watkins' award winning novel Mateguas Island. The raffle drawing will be on Monday at 2:00pm at the Museum and the tickets are one for $1 and 6 for $5. We still have a good selection of books, mugs, tee shirts, towels and much more! 20% off through Columbus Day!
Don't miss the great exhibit "On Land and Sea". Highlights of the exhibit include Native American artifacts never before displayed; maps dating back to the 1700s; Shirley Burgess' small boat trawl fishing quilt and examples of the implements depicted in the quilt; an 1830s cane made from a sliver of the USS Constitution and the tragic tale connected with it; photographs and farm artifacts representing Chebeague's rich agricultural heritage including a Down East Magazine Cover depicting Chebeague's last farmers - Ed Jenks and George Higgins; home items from the 19th and 20th centuries including examples of 20th century technology; and examples of Chebeague's rich history of community institutions such as the post office; churches (yes there were several!)and education including a Chebeague Island High School Diploma (yes we had a high school!)
October 10, 2014 - Photo - Carved pumpkins from the Pumpkin Festival - click here to see more and how you can help Kid's Place.
Sorry there is so much to report today as I was away at a Technology conference for two days in Augusta with all the teachers from the school as we all learn many ways to enhance the Chebeague School education.
Many, many, many thanks to Pat and Billy St Cyr for hauling 79 boxes of unsold clothing and linens from the Grange Thriftshop to Chandlers Wharf last week. Casco Bay Lines delivered the boxes to Portland and Goodwill took them from there! Thanks to our devoted and generous shoppers, we had another wildly profitable summer; Grange members will disperse the profits on the island. None of this would be possible without our hardworking and fun loving volunteers; Marilyn Nichols, Pommy Hatfield, Chris Auffant, Irene Winters, Pat St Cyr, Rosie Merchant, and Sarah Swann Van Fleet. Thank you one and all.
Congratulations to Dr. Katherine (KK) Hill who is now practicing optometry at Harbor View Eye Care in South Portland and is now accepting new patients at there, 743 Broadway, South Portland. Call to schedule an eye appointment at 799-3031.
Old Fashioned Hymn Sing - join us this Sunday morning in the Parish House as we sing hymns together and dedicate the "new" piano in memory of former choir director Dick Freeman (Kitty's late husband). Come early for coffee and Holy Donuts (really!). 10:00 a.m. Sunday 10/12.
Message from Jon KomLosy: The Slow Bell Café will be open Oct 10th & 11thh – Friday & Sat nights from 6 to 11pm. The kitchen will offer a menu of Slow Bell Burgers, Hand cut Fries, Haddock Chowder, Chicken Wings, Caesar salad & Pizza by the Slice.
Friday night music features Jesse Russo, Charles Hall & Friends 8:30 – 11pm
Saturday night the WAGONEERS play the SBC from 7-9pm. WOW!!
See you all at the Slow Bell, and have a Great Columbus Day Weekend!!
Teen and Preteen Scavenger Hunt and Halloween Party! Saturday, Nov 1,7 p.m. - midnight. Sign up by 10/24. Party and movie ( Beetlejuice) to follow the scavenger hunt. Drivers needed, contact CRC office 846-5068.
Food donations for the party gratefully accepted!
Preteen Teen Brunch Bunch!!! November 16, Sunday at 9:30, pancakes served and bring your own favorite breakfast contribution. We will be doing some fall cleanup after we stuff ourselves full!
Message from The Niblic: Happy Columbus Weekend! Our hours are Fri & Sat 8-4 and Sun 9-2 Our end of season sale is 20% off most everything & 10% consignment. Excludes prepared food, beverages, & gift cards. Hope you swing by in your comings and goings this beautiful weekend! And thank you all for swinging by this season! We appreciate your patronage and may the winter be quick & mild! Best to all, Jen
Pumpkin Festival was a real success with 15 kids showing up to carve pumpkins, decorate cookies, and craft some scary milk jugs. Click here to see photos. Fun was had by all. Kids Place is working hard to keep its doors open for after school programs as well as daily activities for the children of this island. We are currently conducting an online fundraiser. To donate go to this:
All proceeds will benefit The Kids Place and all donations are tax deductible. Children are the future of our world and our island. Sustainability starts here. Please consider a donation no matter how small, every drop in the bucket counts!
Absentee Ballots are available in the Town Office for the November 4, 2014 Election.
Qigong at CRC!! Looking for gentle, graceful movement that improves balance, increases functional capability, builds core strength and reduces joint pain? Qigong provides these benefits to women and men of all ages. This integrative body/mind/spirit series of movements is the basis for a new six-week class beginning Friday, October 31, and going through December 12 (no class November 28). Tai chi (taiji) is the dynamic part of qigong; standing, sitting and lying down meditation is another part. “Introduction to Qigong” will meet from 10:00 to 11:00 AM at the Rec Center. Wear comfortable sports clothes and sneakers (bring a yoga mat if you have one). A special introductory drop-in fee of $5.00 per session will be charged. Want more information? Call Peter Carleton at 846-6129.
Bellyfit with Katy is going well too. CRC is a busy place..Halloween fun, Crafts, Soccer, Dance, Cupcake Club, Running, and Tae Kwon Do. Check our website for current program information for children and adults. www.chebeaguerec.com Have an idea? Call or email and let us know. Like us on Facebook for regular updates.
October 7, 2014 - Michael Porter has updated his blog - click here.
The election results are in and you can see the results on the Town Website under Public Notices. Congratulations to Chris Loder who won with 75 votes with 107 voters.
This weekend is Calder's Clam Shack's last weekend of the season. Come and feed that craving for the last time this season.
Friday: 4-8pm Saturday; 11:30-8 and Sunday: 11:30-7
Thank you all for your support the past 10 yrs. We wouldn't still be here without YOU!
Voting today for Selectmen at the Hall.
October 6, 2014 -Kevin Wentworth has just uploaded to Youtube a couple of the songs that he recorded beautifully done by Tyler Putnam and his girlfriend Sarah Nordin from their performance this past summer. Click here to see Tyler's and click here to see Sarah's Ave Maria.
I have added another bird podcast, this time by Henry about the Osprey - click here.
School Commitee Meeting Tuesday, 6pm at the Chebeague Island School - see agenda.
RECOMPENSE FUND - In view of the accelerated needs of Chebeague's 501(c)3s, The Recompense Fund is reaching out to seasonal and year round residents to increase its grant making capacity. Donations large or small are greatly appreciated. Help us help the nonprofits which make Chebeague such a special place. Please make out checks to The Maine Community Foundation and put RECO in the memo line. They should be mailed to P.O. Box 42, Chebeague Island.
October 3, 2014 - There is a revised route for the dredging that is taking place in the Royal River. Click here to see the new route.
Please join Swami Sankarananda as he speaks about his experiences and lessons from his recent coast to coast pilgrimage. Sunday, October 5 the at 2:00 pm at the Library.
Today - 4:30-6:30 the Commons is hosting our second annual Fall Harvest Dinner & Social.
Message to chebeague.net customers: Last night in trying to clear a MAC address on one unit I inadvertantly cleared MAC address for just about everyone about 10pm. If you have a way to see this message and haven't already called me please shut the power off to your router or modem/router and then turn it back on. The internet should come back within a a couple of minutes. Call or text me if this doesn't work at 939-9643. Thank you and so sorry for the disturbance.
Message from the Museum: The Museum and gift shop will be open for two more weekends. Don't miss the great exhibit "On Land and Sea" . Highlights of the exhibit include Native American artifacts never before displayed; maps dating back to the 1700s; Shirley Burgess' small boat trawl fishing quilt and examples of the implements depicted in the quilt; an 1830s cane made from a sliver of the USS Constitution and the tragic tale connected with it; photographs and farm artifacts representing Chebeague's rich agricultural heritage including a Down East Magazine Cover depicting Chebeague's last farmers - Ed Jenks and George Higgins; home items from the 19th and 20th centuries including examples of 20th century technology; and examples of Chebeague's rich history of community institutions such as the post office; churches (yes there were several!)and education including a Chebeague Island High School Diploma (yes we had a high school!)
The hours will be Sat 10-4; Sunday 1-4; and Columbus Day 10-4. We still have a good selection of books, mugs, tee shirts, towels and much more! 20% off now through Columbus Day !
October 2, 2014 - Message from Florence: Island Riches will be open this weekend Friday, Sat and Sun and next weekend (Columbus weekend ). We have 10 to 50% off most items (except for consignment) The hours will be 10am to 4pm .each day. If you would like to come other times just come to the house or call and I will be glad to open. I am feeling very good now and I am taking the sales department away from Herb. He is getting back to his silverware. If you need something just call 846-4986 or knock. Thank you, Florence
A message from CTC: Mark your calendar for our 4th Annual Foliage Cruise on 10/12. Leaving the Stone Pier at 4:30 PM. Live entertainment by "The Westenders". Get your ticket at the CTC office or on the ferry! Check out our 23. for more information.
October 1, 2014 - There is still time to get your order in for 3–5th grade fundraiser for their end of the year field trip with a Close Buy fundraiser. Close Buy is a gift catalog featuring products from New England meant for the holidays. Deadline for online ordering is October 3rd. Click here for information on ordering online.
The students at the Chebeague School are studying Maine birds this year. The older class and the younger class got together to research about a bird. The K-2 class will be putting together a video coming later and the 3-5 class are doing Podcasts about their bird. We will be adding them to our website as they come in. Click here to hear the first two, Broad-winged Hawk by Kyla and the Semipalmated Sandpiper by David.
This Friday, October 3rd from 4:30-6:30 the Commons will be hosting our second annual Fall Harvest Dinner & Social. We will have pot-luck style soups, stews, breads, dessert, and other dishes with wine, seasonal beer and cider. There is a suggested donation of $5 and all money will go to the Commons building fund and unallowable costs. We will also be holding a scarecrow building activity for young and old! Please bring a piece of old clothing or accessory to stuff with hay and bring in the season! This event is a great opportunity to spend time with friends and neighbors, learn more about the programs and services the Island Commons provide, and welcome some new faces to the island. As a service to help with parking, the Commons will be providing a complimentary shuttle service (that's right, we will pick you up!) just call 846-5610 to schedule a ride ahead of time. We can't wait to celebrate the season with you all!
Board of Adjustment and Appeals meeting tonight, Wednesday, 7pm at the Recreation Center for covered structure at the school and a municipal communication facility - see agenda.
September 30, 2014 - It's important - Candidates Night is this Thursday, 7pm at the Hall. Here is your chance to ask questions of the candidates for Town of Chebeague Selectmen.
The Inn is closing for the season this Sunday, Oct. 5, and with tradition (at least the last few years), we'll be throwing a "Kill the Kegs" party beginning at 2:30pm, featuring $3 beers until the beer is gone.
For dinner, instead of the typical Nostalgia Menu, we'll be having a "Clean the Cupboard" dinner from 5:30-9pm.
Click here for flyer!
September 29, 2014 - The golf club’s tournament season will conclude over Columbus Day weekend with one of its most fun events—the Blanchard/Frost Tournament. The Blanchard Invitational is for year-round Chebeague residents; others play in the Frost Tournament. Players in both have the choice of playing nine or eighteen holes. These events are played rain, shine or snow. Saturday, October 11 is the date; 12 noon is the starting time. There is a Bring Your Own Beverage and Bring an Hors d’oeurvres social gathering after the golf.
Join the The Town of Cumberland Town Lands and Conservation Commission and The Chebeague & Cumberland Land Trust on Thursday, October 16th, 2014, 7:00-8:30pm at the Cumberland Town Hall - 290 Tuttle Road, Cumberland, ME. Come learn about invasive insects that are seriously threatening our gardens, forests and cherished landscape in Maine. Click here to learn more.
Bellyfit at CRC with Katy McCann starts October 6th. If you aren't sure what Bellyfit is or if you'd like it, now is your chance. Your first session is FREE so come try it out and see what it's all about (the name is misleading). Details are on our website, www.chebeaguerec.com
Our running team participated in our first meet of the season last week and did an amazing job. In the 1/2 mile: Thaddeus L. was 23rd and Sascha L. was 28th. In the 3/4 mile: Cooper I. was 9th, Riley B. was 14th and Gemma C. was 20th. In the mile: Zack R. was 1st (also note that his age group runs the 3/4 mile but he chose to race with the 5th and 6th graders), Wyatt E. was 4th and Conrad C. was 10th. We had a lot of fun and the kids were awesome. Please congratulate them when you see them. Our next meet is this Wednesday at Twin Brooks at 4 PM.
Two weeks ago the whole school took a trip on the Pied Piper to Eagle Island. We learned about the nature and islands on the way and had a great time on the island. The whole school has been learning about Admiral Peary and his trips to the North Pole. The k-2 class made collages with a piece of information they wanted to share and the 3-5 class put together their first podcast of the year. Click here to see and hear!
Nancy Earnest sent me some images of yesterday's School Garden Cider Pressing and Open House - click here.
BLESSING OF THE ANIMALS - Bring your pet(s) and come on over to the Parish House on Sunday, October 5th at 11:30 a.m. for a special blessing ceremony in remembrance of St. Francis of Assisi who loved all God's creatures.
Hymn Sing and Piano Dedication - on Sunday October 12th we will gather in the Parish House at 10:00 am for an old-fashioned hymn sing and a celebration of music as we dedicate the new piano in memory of former choir director Dick Freeman. Please join us!
September 26, 2014 - Commons' 2nd Annual Fall Harvest Dinner and Social being held a week from today (Friday, October 3rd) at the commons - click here for the flyer! Come and welcome our new fellow Maddie Cates.
Rick Snow, candidate for Maine House seat 47, representing Chebeague, Long Island, and Yarmouth and Cathy Manchester, candidate for Maine Senate seat 25, representing Chebeague, Long Island, Cumberland, Falmouth, Yarmouth and part of Westbrook will be on Chebeague Saturday, September 27 for a meet and greet and to share their vision on how they can best represent us in the Maine House and Senate.They will be at our Town meeting at 9:00 and then will be at Doughty’s Island Market to take any questions you might have for them. Please stop by and say hi!
Message from Jon KomLosy: The Slow Bell Café will be open Sept 26th & 27th – Friday & Sat nights from 6 to 11pm. The kitchen will offer a menu of Slow Bell Burgers, Hand cut Fries, Haddock Chowder, Chicken Wings & Caesar salad.
Going forward hope to see the café open each Saturday.
See you all at the Slow Bell, and have a Great Weekend!!
I just received word from Susan (Stephen Hamilton's sister) that his accident was not related to any health problems and there was no sign of any kind of impairment. The official report says he died from force blunt injuries to head and chest from the accident. He will be interned at the Chebeague Island Cemetery where his mother and grandparents are buried. She wanted to thank everyone for all their kind words and help.
Early Release Days At The Kids Place --- Thursday October 9th- Pumpkin Carving festival and celebration,
*spirit jugs
*Halloween cookies
*Mask Making
Friday October 10th-
Hand Print Bats, paper plate cats, apple butter making ( bring home some apple butter to your family!). Help add spices and boil down the apples, put them in jars and decorate the jars. A tasty holiday treat for Halloween, Thanksgiving or Christmas, ( Can be made completely without sugar!).Call 846-5068 to reserve a spot, or email:kidsplace@chebeague.net
Can't wait to start celebrating the Autumn Season!
September 25, 2014 - Photo - Bill Marshall captured this sunrise September 25 from the dock in front of his home looking out over at the smack boat.
Join the Chebeague and Cumberland Land Trust for their annual meeting, September 26th at the Chebeague Island Hall Community Center. Guest speaker Susan Stranahan, author of"Susquehanna - River of Dreams". Click here to learn more!
Special Town Meeting this Saturday at 9am at the Hall - click here to see warrant.
Dredging of the Royal River and anchorage is starting October 1st and all fishing gear must be removed from a 200' on each side of the specified haul route - click here to see the map.
September 24, 2014 - Photo - This fabulous photo of a Bald Eagle was taken by Jeffrey Dreyer at Roses Point a couple of weeks ago.
Due to construction, the CTC office will be closed on Thursday 9/25. The office will reopen on Friday.
Click here for an update from Michael and Barbara Porter and their Live Anywhere Boat.
This Sunday, September 28th, School Garden Cider Pressing and Open House Day. 1-3pmCome help put the school garden to bed for the winter! Enjoy fresh cider from Second Wind Farm's antique cider press! Sample something from the new outdoor oven!
Build-a-Scarecrow: We have straw and poles, you bring the clothes! Take home a friend for your garden...
Hope to see you there. Remember your scarecrow clothes, and Chebeague apples from your yard or your neighbors are more than welcome for the press! Click here to see last year's garden open house.
September 23, 2014 - If you receive an email that says it is from internal@chebeague.net - there is no such address and it is a scam trying to get you to click on their link so don't do it.
CTC winter ferry fees will become effective on 10/1. You can find our fee schedule- click here.
September 22, 2014 - REMINDER FROM CTC: Due to planned maintenance on the Cousins Island float, CTC will not accept commercial freight on 9/24. We also request the passengers refrain from adding personal freight on that date
Sidra Nasir is an Island Institute Fellow who will be volunteering with the Chebeague Island Fire/Rescue Department for a year. Some of her work will include updating an operations and procedures manual, researching grants, conducting FEMA mapping, and developing a community health awareness program. She enjoys nature, art, books, and food. Sidra is originally from Orange County, California and is excited about serving and learning from the island community.
Sorry that Chebeague.org was down this past weekend - put it is obviously up now.
September 20, 2014 - Kids Place had an amazing turn out at The Friendship Fire! 14 kids joined Carrie at The Kids Place to celebrate friendship, sing songs, roast marshmallows and play games. We had a blast and it was a great way to start the school year at The Kids Place! COMING TO KIDS PLACE: October through December - Tuesdays, Movement and Games- Fridays, Arts and Crafts
Message from Susan (Steve Hamilton's sister): "Were you or a family member in the Chebeague class of 1942? My mom, Ruth Hamilton saved these photos in a chest where they are near perfectly preserved and I found them at her home. If you or family members would like them I will bring them to my brother Steve's memorial today."
September 19, 2014 - The Slow Bell Café will be hosting the WEST ENDERS tonight – Friday 19thst Sept from 8:30 to 11pm. The kitchen will offer a limited menu of Slow Bell Burgers & Hand cut Fries.
See you all at the Slow Bell, and have a Great Weekend!!
On Wednesday a few of the students and I did another MIMIC study of the Stone Pier looking for invasives - Click here to see the photos and report. We will continue at least once a month over the winter with different students each time. We try to do it during low tide around the middle of the month.
The family of Stephen L. Hamilton would like to invite you to attend an informal gathering of friends and family to honor Steve's memory and to say our goodbye. Do you have a funny story about your experiences with Steve? We would love for you to share it.
Steve was a Vietnam veteran who served his country honorably and has earned the privilege to rest in peace at the VA National Cemetery in Augusta.
Location: Chebeague Island Cemetery
Date: Saturday September 20th
Time: 11:00 am --Please contact Susan Nielsen (Steve's sister) suebytheseashore@yahoo.com with any question or comments.
September 18, 2014 -Message from Kids Place: Dear Community,
The Kids Place had an excellent summer and will continue to operate throughout the winter. We are moving The Kids Place to the Rec. Center in order to cut costs and keep our revenue up.
We will be offering afternoon enrichment programs for the preschool and pre-k children, as well as after school programs for K-5. Beyond that, daily care will continue to be offered to anyone.
The Kids Place building will re-open in this spring.
You are welcome to drop by and see what we are up to, there is a lot of fun to be had!
Carrie Ridgway
Director of The Kids Place
The Email list has been updated above - thank you John Holt for taking this on. Please contact Email.list@chebeague.net with any corrections, updates, additons, or requests-to-delete.
September 16, 2014 - Photo Thank you to the CTC, Recompense Fund, Eagle Island, and Zane Wallace for a fabulous perfect trip to Eagle Island today, Monday 15th. More photos and a podcast coming soon.
Please join Wesley McNair our State Poet Laureate on Saturday, September 20th at 2:00 pm at the Library. Wes will be reading from his latest work The Lost Child. Books will be available for purchase. Reception to follow. FMI call the Library at 846-4351.
School Committee meeting tonight, Tuesday, 6pm at the school - see agenda.
The Annual Meeting of the Chebeague Island Community Association is this Wednesday, September 17, 2014; 7:15pm, at the multipurpose room at Chebeague Island School - see agenda.
Join Friends of Casco Bay on Wednesday, September 24 to learn how Casco Bay is at Risk, 5-8:00 pm, Doors open: 5 pm, Presentations: 5:30-7:00 pm, Reception: 7-8:00 pm at the Abromson Auditorium, University of Southern Maine, Portland. Tickets: $10 each, buy your tickets online at: cascobayatrisk.bpt.me - Children and college students with ID free—reserve free tickets online- see flyer.
September 15, 2014 - Due to construction at the CTC office, we will be closing it for the remainder of today (9/15) and tomorrow (9/16). We may have to remain closed Wednesday and Thursday as well. If you leave messages on the phone they may not be answered right away. We will be working from another location and will have email, so if you need something, please email ctc@chebeague.net. If it is an emergency, you can call Carol at 207-319-3061. Thank you for your understanding.
DNA in Family History: 7:30 this evening (Monday) at the Island Hall, Professional Genealogist and Historical Society Board member Toby Webb will give an interesting and informative presentation on the use of DNA in family history. All are invited to attend!
September 13, 2014 - Maddey Gates will be on Chebeague for the next three months as an Island Institute fellow working at the Island Commons. She will be organizing activities at the Commons, doing community outreach and is eager to talk to older islanders about services they might need now and in the future. A native of Kentucky, Maddey also is interested in art and poetry and learning more about life on Maine’s islands. She hopes to get to know Chebeaguers and hear their stories. After she leaves Chebeague, Maddey will spend time on Vinalhaven, Swan’s Island and Islesboro, working at senior care facilities there.
The residents of Chebeague have suffered what Fire & Rescue Departments call a “Critical Incident” No one expected the tragic death of Steve Hamilton last Monday. Some of you were at the scene shortly after the accident, some came by later, and others heard about it via their scanners and/or the local grapevine. The incident has touched all of our hearts.
Up to 85% of healthy/psychologically well-adjusted people will have some type of a reaction to a “critical” or traumatic incident. This is a NORMAL response. Sometimes people have these reactions/”aftershocks” right away OR not for weeks OR months.
Symptoms might include: nausea, tremors (hands, lips or your whole body shaking), profuse sweating, chest pain (ring 911 if you are experiencing chest pain), racing heart, rapid breathing, sleep problems, difficulty concentrating, depression, feeling lost, anger, startled, and more. Often, with the support of your family & friends you can work through this rough patch. However, if these symptoms persist or get worse please contact your Primary Care Provider. The 24 hr. Crisis Hotline is: 888-568-1112. You can contact Lisa at Fire/Rescue cifr0156@gmail.com Ring 911 if you have Chest Pain and/or other severe symptoms.
September 12, 2014 - Mike Rollins will be returning to the Island Sept 16 through the 24th to clean and service Monitor heaters and regular furnaces. Residents interested in this service can call Ernie Richardson at Camp Providence 846-9576 to set up an appointment.
Join the Chebeague and Cumberland Land Trust for their annual meeting, September 26th at the Chebeague Island Hall Community Center. Guest speaker Susan Stranahan, author of"Susquehanna - River of Dreams". Click here to learn more!
This afternoon from 5 to 7 is the opening Niblic Gallery reception for Susan Stranahan, Nancy Maull and Bev Johnson - all invited - click here for more information.
September 11, 2014 - Photo Two of our Chedemption volunteers who were mentioned in the the monthly Calendar! Thank you to Caleb and Cameron Todd who are two of the many young people who help us sustain our island and donate time to our many non-profits!
Hunting season officially started on Sept 6 with the expanded archery season. During the expanded archery season and regular archery season it is not required by law that blaze orange be worn, and that most archery hunters are wearing full camo so it may be more difficult to see them for anyone walking in the woods. Blaze orange IS required to be worn by any and all hunters during the regular firearms season which begins Nov. 3rd, so up until that date camo is o.k. for archery hunters.
The Museum of Chebeague History and Museum Gift Shop will be open this weekend. Saturday, 10-4:00 and Sunday, 1-4:00.
September 9, 2014 - Congratulations to Don and Joyce Souchek who are celebrating their 64th wedding anniversary!
During the month of September, the 3 – 5th graders are raising money for their end of the year field trip with a Close Buy fundraiser. Close Buy is a gift catalog featuring products from New England meant for the holidays. You can order from a student or through the Close Buy website. Click here for information on ordering online. Also feel free to call the school for more information at 846-4162. Thank you for supporting the Chebeague Island School third, fourth and fifth grade class!
This Friday night…Family Movie Night at the Rec!!!! Starting at 6:00, popcorn and snacks included, $5 pp with a family cap of $20. Proceeds to benefit teen center staffing. Hoping to show Fantastic Mr. Fox!!!! Bring something comfy to sit on in front of the big screen.
NOTICE: Calder's Clam Shack will be closed for a family wedding this weekend, September 12-14. Please make other arrangements. WE will be opened the following weekend September 19th as our fall schedule continues till Columbus Day Weekend. See you then!!
Public Hearing tonight at 6pm at the Island Hall with the Fire/Rescue and Board of Selectman having to do with RADIO COMUNICATION! Public input is encouraged.
This Friday at the Niblic Gallery from 5-7pm is the opening for a show by Nancy Maull, Sue Stranahan and Bev Johnson. Hope to see you all there!
September 8, 2014 - This is the last week to swim in the CRC pool. Our hours for adult lap swim are 7:30-9 AM and Noon-1:00 Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday. Open swim will be 1:00-4:30 on Saturday and Sunday. Hopefully the weather will cooperate and we can all enjoy some pool time!! Sunday, September 14th will be our last day this season.
CRC would like to continue to offer some fun fitness programs throughout the year and would like your input. Katy McCann is a certified Zumba and Bellyfit instructor and is ready to lead some classes. We would like to know if you are interested in participating and, if so, what times/days would work best for you...mornings or evenings....weekdays or weekends. Please give us a call, 846-5068, or and email, crc@chebeague.net, and let us know. As always, you can check our website for program information.
Click here to learn about an opportunity for Non-profits to utilize a suite at the new revitalized Civic Center.
Mark your calendar - 7:30 on Monday, September 15th at the Island Hall, Professional Genealogist and Historical Society Board member Toby Webb will give an interesting and informative presentation on the use of DNA in family history. All are invited to attend!
September 7, 2014 - Tonight's Nostalgia Night menu - click here.
The Town Office will be CLOSED on Tuesday, September 9, 2014. The Town Clerk and Deputy Clerk will be at the Annual Business Meeting for the Maine Town and City Clerks' Association.
A message from Frances Todd's family.-- We have had lots of questions about how our mother is doing - she is doing well! Physically healthy and feisty as ever! We are very happy with her new home, Fallbrook Woods, a facility designed to care for people with similar issues. We are gradually getting our mother comfortable at her new home. She has a Chebeague throw on her bed and asks about the ferry schedule often. Chebeague will always be her real home! She can still name 40+ children in her school picture!
Frances loves getting notes from Chebeaguers. Her address is:
Frances Todd
Fallbrook Woods
60 Merrymeeting Drive
Portland, ME 04013
If you have a minute to drop by, that would be great too!
September 6, 2014 - Photo Take a look at what CIS students are eating for snack today!! Thanks to Ann Belesca for the cherry tomatoes, summer squash and cucumbers, the Beaupres for more cucumbers, and Don Marsee for the carrots! The Bisharat's hummus recipe is a perennial favorite. We are happy to have any and all treats from your gardens and orchards to nourish the CIS students. Call 846-4162 if you would like someone to come and glean your garden for the CIS healthy snack and lunch program.
TODAY'S CTC CRUISE POSTPONED till tomorrow at 1pm: Due to expected rain and gusting winds, the History Cruise featuring Jim Millinger is postponed until tomorrow 9/7 at 1PM. If you can’t make the cruise tomorrow, you can use your tickets for the Foliage Cruise on 10/12 or mail your tickets to the CTC office for a refund.
Lee Orme, an island commons resident, brought this home from the dump yesterday. We are all very interested in who brought it and if there is a story behind it. If anyone has any answered could you please email Polly at pkwentworth@chebeague.net. Thank you!
September 1, 2014 - Another update from the The "Live-Anywhere" Boat - Cruise 2014, Part III, Wick, Fraserburgh, Delfzijl!
The Sunset Committee will meet next on Monday, September 15th. The committee will not meet on Monday, September 1st.
Congratulations Linda Watkins! MATEGUAS ISLAND is the Gold Medal Winner in the 2014 Readers' Favorite International Book Award Contest in the category Fiction/Supernatural! Vika absolutely loved the book and couldn't put it down.
August 30, 2014 - September Island Council Calendar has been published click here or above to left of Island News to see it.
Message from Jen @ The Niblic: Happy Labor Day weekend everyone! We are open today 8-5, Sunday 9-3, and we are closed Labor Day. Hope you all made it down for the last veggie boat run of the season, although there is talk they might be back for a Thanksgiving stop late in the season if there is enough interest and the weather cooperates. Our fall hours kick in this coming week. We will be open Wed – Sat 8am – 4pm. Our next art reception is Friday Sept 12th 5-7 and features the work of Beverly Johnson, Nancy Maull, & Susan Stranahan. Hope to see you there and thank you all for your continued support and patronage! It is very much appreciated!!
The Concord Chorale's Octet will be singing at the Chebeague United Methodist Church's worship service at 10:00 on Sunday August 31st. A subset of the Concord Chorale from New Hampshire, this group has delighted Chebeaguers on Labor Day weekend in the past. All are welcome to join us for this inspiring worship service. Rev. Barrie Shepherd is the guest preacher.
Message from Chebeague Historical Society: GIGANTIC SALE on Labor Day weekend. 20% off EVERYTHING!!!!! Open 10-4 Saturday; 1-4 Sunday; Labor Day 10-4. (we take credit cards!)
Message from Slow Bell: The Slow Bell Café will be hosting the Band Beyond Description Sun 31st Aug from 1 – 4pm. The kitchen will be open, featuring a Pulled Pork Sandwich, hand cut French fries, Wings and the Slow Bell Burger!
The BBD is one of New England’s top Grateful Dead tribute bands – and have played the Slow Bell every summer for the last 4 years. Their repertoire includes toe tapping dancing and easy listening music. There is a $10.00 cover to support island music.
In addition, the Slow Bell Café is sponsoring a CORN HOLE TOURNAMENT. Sign up at 1pm, competition commences at 1:30.
First Prize is $100.00 2nd Prize $50.00 3rd $25.00
See you all at the Slow Bell, and have a Great Weekend!!
August 29, 2014 - CTC invites you to join historian Jim Millinger on a 2 hour cruise on 9/6 where he will speak on the history of Casco Bay. Cruise leaves at 5:30 PM from the Stone Pier. Tickets are going fast, so get your tickets now on the ferry!
The CTC office will be closed Monday September 1st for Labor Day. We will also be closed Wednesday (9/3) and Thursday (9/4) while we move to our new location, 16 North Road (next to the Historical Society)
August 28, 2014 - Friday - Chinese crafts with Jen (Levey) DeCristoforo at the Library, Friday 1-3. She was featured last winter on 207 with her new book "Lucky Bamboo Book of Crafts"- click here.
The Seaside Brass Quintet: Saturday August 30 at 7:30 at the Church - Classical, band and popular brass music.
The Rev. J. Barrie Shepherd will be the guest preacher this Sunday, August 31st, at the Chebeague United Methodist Church. He is a well-known Presbyterian minister and author whose sermons and books are down to earth and always inspiring. Please join us on this Labor Day Weekend for worship at 10:00 a.m. Child care is available in the Parish House.
TONIGHT, Thursday - The FREE CONCERT: Tyler Putnam, Bass and Sarah Nordin, Mezzo Soprano with Noah Palmer, Pianist- Thursday August 28 at 7:30 at the Church - American songs, spirituals, and highlights from opera and musical theater.
Fr. Daniel Greenleaf will be here this Saturday, August 30th to celebrate Holy Mass at 10 A.M. at the Chebeague Methodist Church. We hope many will attend as this is the last Mass of this season. Next Saturday and Saturdays after we will have a Catholic Communion Service at 4 P.M. at the Church. For more info email Anne Belesca.
IT’S GLEANING TIME: If you have more garden produce than you can eat, please bring it by the school! All vegetables, fruits and herbs in good shape are welcome, to be used in the school lunch program. This year parsley, carrots, beets, chard and squash are especially welcome. If you would like us to come to your garden and glean, or for more information, please call Laura Summa at 846-4162. The students appreciate your generosity!
August 26, 2014 - As our season winds down, Chebeague Tennis wishes to thank Devan Venkataraman and Ursula King for their generous commitments to Junior Tennis on Chebeague. Through Devan's bi-weekly clinics at the clay courts and Ursula's Junior Tennis program at the Rec Center, local and visiting kids have enjoyed growing their game. Hats off to Devan & Ursula and good luck to all who participated. We'll see you on the courts!
Message from Florence: "Because of my orperation some people think Island Riches is closed but we are very much opened. We have more of Mary Keysor's cards (women with attitude) and more hand crafted trays with nautical tiles. The trays are one of a kind and crafted in Maine.She also has other items in the shop. Great new gifts for the holiday season.WE ARE OPEN
FY 2015 Tax Bills have been sent and are available online at the following link: click here
Taxes are due: September 30, 2014 and March 31, 2015.
Wavesonwater Music week was a tremendous success with all kinds of music and participation from August 8th through August 16th! Click here to see photos taken by Cathy MacNeill throughout the time at many of the events!
School Committee Meeting tonight, Tuesday at 6pm, at the school - see agenda.
August 25, 2014 - It's that time of year again and all of our summer lifeguards have left to go back to school. We would like to keep the pool open as many hours as possible but we are in need of lifeguards and/or pool check in helpers. Please spread the word and let us know if you or someone you know is a certified lifeguard so we can keep the pool open a while longer...846-5068.
The open swim hours are changing to 1:00-4:15 PM this week but the adult lap swim schedule will remain the same (including extra morning shifts this week). It's gonna be a hot one so come cool off and have some fun before school starts next week!!
Next week we will be open for morning and noon adult lap swim Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday and open swim Saturday and Sunday 1-4:30 PM (as long as we have a lifeguard available). --Closed Labor Day.
If you have been driving around the island the past few days, you've probably noted an unusual amount of activity at the Commons! The weatherization project is in full swing! Click here to see photos and learn all about it!!!
Great Chebeague Golf Course Declared Eligible for National Register - Chebeague Island’s golf course has been declared eligible for nomination to the National Register of Historic Places by the Maine Historic Preservation Commission. Only four of Maine’s more than 100 golf courses are on the National Register, the prestigious list of what are considered America’s most historic and beautiful places. In the 1920s Golf Illustrated Magazine said golf was introduced to Chebeague by summer people “with the encouragement of farseeing islanders.” By 1928 it was being called “one of the sportiest nine holes in New England” by the Portland Sun Telegram and Press Herald. Even before that, in 1924, the Boston Herald called the golf club’s signature 7th hole, “a 135-yard water hole unequalled on the Maine Coast.”
Being declared eligible for the Register by the State of Maine places the golf club on Maine’s Historic Resources Inventory, the state list of historic places. At its annual meeting, Aug. 16, the club board of directors voted unanimously to hire ttl, a Portland firm of architectural historians to prepare nomination forms for the National Register. The ttl firm submitted the eligibility forms to the state on behalf of the club. Click Here to see the full News Release and history.
August 24, 2014 - One more chance!!! The Grange Thrift Shop will be open Tuesday, morning only. It's our TAKE AND MAKE sale. Help yourself to whatever you find and make a donation! Tuesday 9:30-12:00 We will be packing as you are shopping!
Mystery Theater - "Garrison Wheeler" would like to officially acknowledge the 20 individuals who figured out that Lefty McCormick was the perp but who were unlucky enough to not have their name drawn out of the hat.
As far as next year's play goes, it appears that Marlene and Darlene Sigafoos's sister Marlene, also a mystery writer, may be well enough to join her sisters on Chebeague next summer.
August 22, 2014 - "Calder's Clam Shack is going into its fall hours beginning Sunday August 24th. Good luck to another school year to all the students and teachers. We will be closing Sunday at 7pm and closed during the week. Opening Friday at 4-8Pm, Saturday 11:30am-8pm, and Sundays 11:30-7pm until Columbus weekend in October.
Thank you for all the patronage and support for the past 10 years and we will be open in the spring for our 11th season. Thank you! " from all of us at the shack.
As you closeup your home for the winter please check your sheds, garages, house, etc. for cats as they love to wander? Another thing that can be a problem to cats is rat poisen left for mice. After a cat eats a poisoned mouse, they digest the mouse and the poison goes into their system and can hurt and kill cats.
Message from Florence of Island Riches: "I had an operation Monday and have not bounced back as well as I thought. Herb and my children have taken over for me (Thank God) and I hope to be in the shop soon. Thank you for your patience." Florence
August 21, 2014 - I have just added links to an interactive Google Road Map and also a Google Places of interest Map created by John Holt. I have them listed above as well so they may be easily found.
You won't want to miss our own Tyler Putnam!! The FREE CONCERT SCHEDULE: Tyler Putnam, Bass and Sarah Nordin, Mezzo Soprano with Noah Palmer, Pianist- Thursday August 28 at 7:30 at the Church - American songs, spirituals, and highlights from opera and musical theater.
The Seaside Brass Quintet: Saturday August 30 at 7:30 at the Church - Classical, band and popular brass music.
Chinese Craft Day with Jen Levey DeCristoforo. Friday, August 29th at the Library - click here to learn more.
August 20, 2014 -
Rumors are flying about who stole those safes. Hammie Hamilton seems unlikely, but then who would have guessed that Teeny Trowbridge would be involved in her own kidnapping last year? Could it be Pennington Smarm yet another time, thinking no one would think he'd be a "criminal" again so soon? What about the President of the safe company?
The answer will be revealed at the Hall on Saturday at 8 PM! Come early as last year was standing room only.
This Saturday, August 23rd at 10:15: Meet Congressman Mike Michaud at the Island Hall, Democratic candidate for governor. Please join the gathering on Saturday morning to welcome Mike to Chebeague, hear what he has to say, share your concerns and ask questions. Mike is a Mainer who worked for 29 years at the Great Northern Paper Mill in his home town of East Millinocket. He served seven consecutive terms in the Maine House of Representatives and was elected to the Maine Senate in 1994. In December 2000, Mike was unanimously elected Maine Senate President and has served Maine in the United States Congress since January 2003. Mike attended the John F. Kennedy School of Government Program for Senior Executives in State and Local Government at Harvard University. He has also been awarded an honorary Doctor of Public Service from Unity College, Husson College, and Maine Maritime Academy.
Sunday, August 24th, Chebeague Tennis will host its final Mixed Doubles Round Robin of the season at 3 pm, followed by the Annual Meeting at 5. Drinks and snacks will be served court side. All members are encouraged to attend the Annual Meeting and interested players may sign up for the Round Robin at the courts. New members: this is a great way to introduce yourselves and have some fun. Luv tennis!
For those following the MIMIC monthly reporting - click here for last Saturday's observations.
August 19, 2014 - Today is the annual FILL A BAG Sale at the Grange Thriftshop! Fill a shopping bag for $5 or a Beanbag for $10. Lots of treasures have been unearthed for your shopping pleasure. Come join the fun. We're open today from 9:30-12:00 and again from 7-8 pm. Next week is the final sale day for 2014. TAKE AND MAKE..... take whatever you please and make a donation! Next week we are open only in the morning.
August 18, 2014 - Photo of a Little Blue Heron at the Scarboro Marsh last weekend. Click here for another view and here for another. Click here to see an immature Little Blue Heron which is white.
Rug hooking classes each day at Graves cottage to islanders or anybody staying on Chebeague during the 2nd week of September - click here for more information.
ISLAND 501(c) 3s – Recompense Fund grant applications must be submitted by August 29th. They can be obtained by emailing IslandLife@chebeague.net.
August 17, 2014 - The "Live-Anywhere" Boat - Cruise 2014, Part II, Oban to Wick - Updated August, 2014 - click here to see!
Reminder! Today at 2pm at the Hall - Chebeague Island Historical Society Celebration of 30 years!!!! Food, music, storytelling and more!! Free and everyone welcome!!
August 15, 2014 - Happy 30th Anniversy Chebeague Island Historical Society (CIHS) - join the celebration at 2:00 on Sunday, August 17 at the Island Hall. There will be speakers, entertainment, refreshments and more!
CTC still has some tickets left for the MS Harborfest Cruise this Sunday 8/17 from 11 am to 2:15 pm. Get your tickets at the office or on the ferry. Click here to learn what the Harborfest is.
A PARTLY-TRUE CHEBEAGUE MYSTERY is just a week away! First pick up a free copy of the novella at the store, Niblic, or Library and read it for clues. Next, come to the Island Hall on Saturday, August 23rd at 8 PM for the play. Whoever figures out whodunnit will win a great prize.
Tomorrow, August 16th, at 10AM I will be doing another MIMIC (Marine Invader Monitoring and Information Collaborative) at the Stone Pier. We will be looking for Marine Invasives and see if any new species have arrived and the growth of the old. Click here to see the last two month reports.
This weekend is Hazardous and Bulky Waste Weekend - click here to go to the town site.
A message from Jen at The Niblic: Please join us tonight for an artist reception for Michelle Hero Clarke of Yarmouth 5-7 upstairs at The Niblic Gallery. All are welcome. Hope to see you there. Click here to learn more about Michelle.
Tonight at the Church, JAZZ CONCERT, SPONSORED BY FREE CONCERT FUND, 7:30 - 9:00, Herb Maine presents a unique jazz performance. This year, Herb and friends are joined by visiting composer and Houston jazz icon, Paul English. The program will include more original compositions by Bill Whetham which Herb has arranged, as well as some outstanding jazz standards.
August 14, 2014 - Chris Rich along with David Hamilton and Dave Rich along with Brad Martin rescued a Northern Gannett that was wrapped in fishing line and had swallowed a lure. They were able to capture and Jade Morelock took it to Stoneledge animal hospital where they were able to retrieve the lure. She is doing really well and will be brought back to Chebeague tomorrow to be released. Click here for a photo before she went to the doctor. Click here for a great video about Gannetts and how they dive and catch fish and swim under water.
I got a call that our submission for a Cornell Ornithology Birdslueth contest was featured on their website recently and it was doing really well with likes but it would be great if everyone would go there and like the students video. Click here to see the submission and click on like and maybe we will get some more binoculars for the school.
Conrad Birkett took a photo of a Sunfish while lobstering with Stephen today - click here - it was about 6' long just swimming around the East End of Chebeague. We counted ten Great Blue Heron at the Stone Pier tonight along with hundreds of Common Terns. Click here for a photo I took Monday of a couple of boats along the shore that seem to be a major resting spot for them.
Pool Update: Just when the pool was near perfect, the record breaking rainfall last night set us back a bit. The water is cloudy right now but we are working hard to clear it up as soon as possible. Give us a call before making the trip to swim to make sure we are open.
The Sunset Committee is not meeting on August 18th and September 1st.
Effective immediately, the United Methodist Church has an full-sized upright piano available free of charge. It is a old but good piano for anyone beginning piano study. All keys and pedals work. It may be seen at the parish house. As is. This offer is good only until September 27! Contact Peter Carleton at 846-6129 or <petercrltn@gmail.com>.
It is with deep regret that the Board of Selectmen accepted the resignation of Chairman Mark Dyer at their meeting last night. The Board thanked Mark for the thousands of hours he has contributed from secession through transition, and continuing on as a Selectman. Mark has resigned for personal reasons to re-focus his time and energy on his work and family.
Following their acceptance of Mark’s resignation the Board quickly took action to fill the Chairmanship, electing the former vice-Chair Susan Campbell to serve as Chair, and electing David Hill to serve as Vice-Chair.
In order to fill the vacant position within the required timeframe the Board voted to hold a Special Election on October 7th, 2014. Nomination papers for the open position are available at the Town Office and must be returned to the Clerk with signatures no later than September 12th, 2014 at 4pm.
Clam Flats are closed because of the rain.
Museum back to school sale going on now! 10% off your entire purchase- now through Labor Day. Supplies are limited. Don't Be disappointed shop today!
The Music continues after a fantastic time at John and Courtney Wilson's last night where the new Chebeague Primitive Orchestra performed with Maestro Paul English as conductor. Tonight, Thursday evening "Worship Without Word"s, described as an hour or so of "quiet, contemplative music for meditation and personal reflection." Guests are asked to enter and leave the church in silence and to refrain from applause or any audible sounds. No announcements or introductions will be made. We ask that you arrive and settle in before the 7:30 pm starting time.
Friday evening at the Church, JAZZ CONCERT, SPONSORED BY FREE CONCERT FUND, 7:30 - 9:00, Herb Maine presents a unique jazz performance. This year, Herb and friends are joined by visiting composer and Houston jazz icon, Paul English. The program will include more original compositions by Bill Whetham which Herb has arranged, as well as some outstanding jazz standards.
The Niblic Gallery invites you to an art reception Friday, August 15th from 5pm - 7pm upstairs at the Niblic Gallery for artist Michelle Hero Clarke.
August 13, 2014 - Island Commons has several full and part-time JOB OPENINGS.
Island Commons assisted living private rooms available for immediate occupancy.
Tickets are selling fast for the MS Harborfest cruise leaving the Stone Pier a 11 AM on Sunday 8/17. Bring your lunch. We will be traveling to Portland Harbor and watching the tugboat muster and race. Live entertainment! Get your tickets on the ferry.
Chebeague Tennis congratulates Eric and Katie Bass for winning the Harper Brown Memorial Tournament on Sunday edging out second place opponents David and Molly O'Donnell by one game. Along with the Basses, Nancy Earnest is pictured as the Brown family representative.
The tennis club's Annual Meeting will be held court side on August 24th following Round Robin Mixed Doubles play beginning at 4 pm. All club members are encouraged to attend. For new member materials and information, please see our webpage.
August 12, 2014 - Photo of an Osprey on Eagle Island near it's nest taken by Bev Johnson. Click here for another view. Click here for young ones in the nest. Photo of the nest taken from the picnic table beside Perry's house and the adult osprey taken from the path around the island.
I now have put online some of the photos Cathy MacNeill took at the Summer Frolic! Thank you Cathy for being there anc capturing the "magic" - click here to see!
Back by popular demand!! Kevin of Carpet Services will be on the island the week of the August 18. He provides professional steam cleaning for all carpets, area or wall to wall, and upholstery. He has MANY happy customers on Chebeague, so don't delay if you need his help. Call or text Laura Summa at 207.712.8412 asap.
GRANGE TODAY- ALL YOU CAN WEAR !! Come join the fun. $5 or $10 9:30-12:00 and 7-8pm
You can still get tickets to the HOUSE TOUR - $30 today.
August 11, 2014 -Message from the Slow Bell: Howdy Folks, The Slow Bell is back open this week for dinner Wed-Sat 6-10 with live music.
Friday- Julie Thompson and Flash Allen will be playing priceless light jazz and dance music.
Saturday- Jake Roche is back with his awesome acoustic rock. See you there!
What an awesome time everyone has had at CRC's Zumba classes with Abbie Dutton this summer. Thank you all for joining in the fun. We are trying to spread the word that there will be no Zumba on Wednesday, August 13th...And, Abbie is gone for the summer so her Zumba classes are over. However, Katy McCann will be here to step in with her classes on Mondays and Fridays 10-11 AM until 8/22. All Zumba and Bellyfit classes will end on 8/22.
Most of the lifeguards at the CRC pool are leaving for school over the next couple of weeks so we are looking for some fill ins so we can keep the pool open as long as possible. If you, or someone you know, is a certified lifeguard please have them contact CRC as soon as possible, call 846-5068 or email crc@chebeague.net. We have open shifts on the following dates: 8/30, 8/31, 9/1, 9/6, 9/7, 9/13, 9/14, 9/20, and 9/21. For guards coming from the mainland, we will pay transportation costs and the shift will work well for the 12:15 and 4:45 boat.
POOL UPDATE: The pool is back to it's crystal clear state and we are ready to swim!! Come to the pool today for our BBQ and POOL PARTY from 5-7 PM. The grill will be on from 5:30-6:30 PM, place your order and go for a swim!! $12 non pass holders, $6 for pass holders (if you want a burger or hot dog). Extra morning lap swim dates are 8/11, 8/13, 8/15, 8/19, 8/22, 8/27 and 8/29. We will be open extra evening hours Friday-Monday from 5-7 PM on 8/15-8/18 and 8/22-8/25.
Last day to get Historical Society House Tour Tickets at $25 - tomorrow they will be on sale from 9:00 to 11:00 for $30.
August 10, 2014 - Photo by Jarrod Smith taken August 6 of a pending storm.
TONIGHT: Historical Society Maine Ghosts and Legends, selections read by author Tom Verde at the Island Hall on Sunday, August 10th at 7pm; TUESDAY: House Tour 2014, Tuesday, August 12th, 10:30 - 4:30, tickets now on sale at the Museum; Happy 30th Anniversy CIHS - join the celebration at 2:00 on Sunday, August 17 at the Island Hall.
"Magical", just "magical" is what I kept hearing last night at the Summer Frolic! It was a wonderful evening and there are so many people to thank.
The POOL looks awsome! Come up for a swim and don't forget extra morning lap swims Monday, Wednesday and Friday this week and Wednesday and Friday next week. Also extra evening hours Friday through Monday 5-7 pm starting the 15th.
There will be an extra Catholic Communion Service on Friday, August 15th, at 9:00 a.m. in the CUMC sanctuary for the Holy Day. The regular Catholic Communion Service will still be held on Saturday, August 16th, at 4:00 p.m. also in the church.
Wednesday, August 13th, don't miss the unique opportunity to join visiting composer and island friend, Paul English, as he facilitates an amazing adult music workshop with the island's bravest souls to create the Chebeague Primitive Orchestra. (9:30 am-2:30 pm includes lunch). NO previous music experience required. Instruments will be supplied. Bring an open mind, a willingness to have fun, learn something new, and engage in an experience that will change the way you think about music from now on. Attendees required to perform their original group composition that night at The Wilson's. Register at CRC. 846-5068 -- $35pp. Includes "A Night of Eclectic Music" (see below).
Evening of August 13th, "A Night of Eclectic Music" and inaugural performance of the Chebeague Primitive Orchestra including "Ask the Composer Q&A"; The Orite Trio, (also known as 'A Dish and Two Fish") Adele Gorody, vocals, Tony Gorody, drums; Paul English, keyboard, and diverse collaborations with John Howard, Celia Whitehead, The Whalers Sextet, Josh Doughty and maybe some surprise guests! $15pp. BYOB/Snacks. Starts 7:30pm.
Meet Congressman Mike Michaud, Democratic candidate for governor, at 10:15 on Saturday, August 23rd at the Island Hall. Mike is a Mainer who worked for 29 years at the Great Northern Paper Mill in his home town of East Millinocket. He served seven consecutive terms in the Maine House of Representatives and was elected to the Maine Senate in 1994. In December 2000, Mike was unanimously elected Maine Senate President and has served Maine in the United States Congress since January 2003. Mike attended the John F. Kennedy School of Government Program for Senior Executives in State and Local Government at Harvard University. He has also been awarded an honorary Doctor of Public Service from Unity College, Husson College, and Maine Maritime Academy.
August 9, 2014 - The POOL is OPEN!
Great night for a cruise! Lots of fun games and prizes tonight on the CTC Game Night Cruise. Get your tickets on the ferry or at the Cruise - leaving the Stone Pier at 5:30 PM - returning at 7:30 PM.
After the cruise you could head over to the Summer Frolic for dessert, music, dancing and the silent auction until 11pm (silent auction ending at 9:30). Dinner tickets are all taken but rest of the night is still available.
WHODUNNIT? A serial criminal has been at work on Chebeague Island. He/she has left no clues. The police are stumped.----- Come to the Chebeague Mystery Theater at the Island Hall on Saturday, August 23rd for “A Partly-True Chebeague Mystery” at 8 PM to find out whodunnit. The outrageous actors who starred in last year’s mystery theater are all making return appearances, having solved the Teeny Trowbridge kidnapping case last summer. -- Once again a prize will be awarded to the audience member who guesses whodunnit, so read the Novella for clues; it will soon be available at the Library, the Niblic, and the store.
August 8, 2014 - Tonight: Music, Chebeague Island Hall -7:00 PM - Lots of performers doing a variety of music. Suggest getting there early for a seat. BYOB Suggested dodation $10 ($5 for seniors) To keep the music alive and going!
Pool Update: I am happy to report that the pool water is perfectly balanced today!! The pool company was here again this morning and we were able to make a lot of progress. We are in the process of adding water right now and are hopeful that we will be open in the morning. We are using filtered water to refill the pool so all should be good. We will know for sure by 7 AM if we will be opening but as of right now it looks like a go. In an effort to make up some closures, we will be offering extra morning lap swims on 8/11, 8/13, 8/15, 8/20, 8/22, 8/27 and 8/29. These are in addition to our regular lap swim schedule so please mark your calendars!! I would also like to remind you that we are going to have our Monday night BBQ and pool party on the 11th!! Please come and have some fun. All proceeds will benefit the pool repair fund. We are also working on adding some evening hours for the remainder of the summer so stay tuned for details!
August 7, 2014 - Photoof a sample fish sign for the Auction by Ken Pelton.
BJ Abrahamson will be doing an on site painting the night of the Frolic which will be a live auction item. We will also have a Lee Bowman print matte size is 22" X 28" for the live auction. Please check out the Frolic Website and learn about all the people that are making this event possible.
Historical Society House Tour: Tuesday, August 12th, 10:30 - 4:30; Tickets on sale at the Museum - $25 in advance, $30 day of event. Visit 8 lovely homes and enjoy lunch with friends and a view at Joanie and Bob Dayton's Higgins Farm on Coleman Cove. Click here to see a couple of the homes and learn more.
The Harper Brown Memorial Mixed Doubles Tournament has been rescheduled to Sunday, August 10th at 11 am. Please sign up at the courts or via email to m_capra@msn.com. If you wish to play but don't have a partner, please contact Mary Capra 846-0650 and she'll try to pair you with a fine player. This is a member-only event so if you've been thinking of joining the Tennis Club, now's a great time. Luv Tennis!
Pool Update: We continue to work hard to restore the pool water back to it's beautiful crystal clear state. We have made some progress in the past day and have learned A LOT about water chemistry in the past few weeks. It has been a challenge to say the least. Every time we have one problem fixed, it seems to cause another one. Every solution to one of the problems clouds the water and makes it so we have to close. Because of all the diluting we have had to do, our pool water is now too soft (calcium is low) so we are in the process of increasing it. As of this morning we are almost there. Now it will be a waiting game for everything to settle to the bottom so we can vacuum it out. Our chemists are confident that we should have a significant amount of debris on the bottom by the end of the day and will be able to start that process tonight. Please stayed tuned for updates.
Ladies Aid Fair - TODAY - 12 - 3 AT THE HALL!
August 6, 2014 - Photo of David Scrase holding the cherry hand turned pizza board and cutter for our silent auction.
There is still time to get your tickets for the Game Cruise on the Pied Piper on Saturday night 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM - at the CTC office or on the ferry! For more information, visit our website chebeaguetrans.com or check out the August Island Calendar.
There’s still space to sign up for either of the last two garden camp sessions! Art in the Garden Aug 11-15th, Science Experiments in the Garden Aug 18-22. More information here!
August 5, 2014 - Photo"A Farm in Maine" 1934 Etching by Linwood Easton.
Ladies Aid Fair is this Thursday, August 7th from 12 to 3pm!!!
Historical Society Events: Maine Ghosts and Legends, selections read by author Tom Verde at the Island Hall on Sunday, August 10th at 7pm; House Tour 2014, Tuesday, August 12th, 10:30 - 4:30, tickets now on sale at the Museum; Happy 30th Anniversy CIHS - join the celebration at 2:00 on Sunday, August 17 at the Island Hall.
MUSIC ON CHEBEAGUE - Click here to learn about all the activities planned for the next week. Friday, August 8th at The Hall, ISLAND HALL NIGHT, doors open at 6:30 byob---Wednesday, August 13th ,create the Chebeague Primitive Orchestra. (9:30 am-2:30 pm includes lunch) --- Evening of August 13th, "A Night of Eclectic Music" and inaugural performance of the Chebeague Primitive Orchestra!
Immediate Job openings at Island Commons. Full time (36 hours) Certified Residential Medication Aid (CRMA) and Full Time Care Coordinator. -Competitive benefits and wages training available for right applicant. Please Call Amy Rich at 207-846-5610 or cell phone 401-439-5760
Notice to islanders that contrary to what is being said, Arlene Dyer is still doing catering.
LAST CHANCE to get your DINNER tickets for the FROLIC! Call or email Vicki Todd vtodd@chebeague.net (call (207) 846-1379) or Courtney Wilson courtneyslaird@yahoo.com and reserve your tickets NOW!
Photo"Heading Out," an acrylic painting by Tom Schutte. Plastic and Hand has donated a new patient consult and micro peel click here.
August 4, 2014 - Photo of a hand knit cowl specially made by Nancy Cline. We also have "Lilikoi Bloom" pyrography with watercolor on balsa wood by Anara Lani click here.
Message from John: The Slow Bell will be closed this week 8/6-8/9 please support the Frolic on Saturday and island music night at the Hall on Friday.
The Grange tomorrow - Thank goodness it's Tuesday! The Grange Thrift Shop will open its doors from 9:30-12 and again from 7-8 pm. Threesies all day! Three of any similar item for the price of one. You can't beat that! And for those of you who like to look ahead...next week is All You Can Wear !
I am excited to announce that our own Mary Lindeman of Coffee by Design is supplying their special new Frolic Blend coffee for the Frolic Saturday Night! Call or email Vicki Todd vtodd@chebeague.net (call (207) 846-1379) or Courtney Wilson courtneyslaird@yahoo.com and reserve your tickets NOW!
The next meeting of From A Woman's Perspective will be Wed., Aug., 13 at 7 p.m. at the Library. The topic for discussion is Women in Politics. Come and bring a friend!
New Float will be installed at Cousins Island wharf on 8/7 at 8:30 AM. The new, larger float will be delivered to the Cousins Island wharf Thursday morning (weather permitting). The crew has planned the installation around the CTC ferry schedule so, hopefully, there will be no delay in service for the 10 AM ferry. The Chebeague Harbormaster will be present to move punts tied to the old float to the new float. If you have any questions, please contact the Town Office at 846-3256
Second Wind Farm stand has fresh produce in season, just harvested salad greens, green beans, tomatoes, garlic, radish, sweet carrots, kale, beet greens, and much more. Also see Linda Ewing art work and Chuck Varney hand carved wooden spoons on display.
A-top Chimney is coming back to the island this Friday 8/8/14 and has a few times available if interested call 774-2404 - see flyer.
Lost at/taken from Library about 3-4 weeks ago a black leather briefcase bag with important personal documents, and some cash. Keep the cash if you took it but please return documents. Contact Ron 846-6126 rform2@email.uky.edu or return the documents to the Library no questions asked.
Tuesday will be the day that the Frolic organizers will be assigning dinner reservations so if you were planning on going please email or call Vicki Todd vtodd@chebeague.net (call (207) 846-1379) or Courtney Wilson courtneyslaird@yahoo.com and reserve yours NOW!
August 3, 2014 - Photo of a collage of 8 4x6 photos of the resident Hook Snowy Owl by Bev Johnson. We also have four bottles of fine wine donated by Peter and Theresa Kaufman click here. Bid on them now and/or you will be able to bid live at the Summer Frolic! Photo of a "The Golfer" framed watercolor by Sandra Rice. We also have a beautiful Silpada Silver Bracelet donated by Amanda Layng click here.
John Barrows is very ill with lung cancer and I think he would love to have notes and best wishes from Chebeague. His address is 71 Ledgewood Drive, Falmouth, ME 04105.
Tomorrow evening at the Hall at 7 is the Sunset Meeting report of findings - click here to learn more.
Michael and Barbara Porter are in Scotland after crossing the Atlantic in their boat! Click here for another report from Michael about their preparation and trip.
On Friday, July 25th was the opening reception for BJ Abrahamson, skulptures and Richard Hackel's photography at the Niblic Gallery. Fortunately Richard's friend Joni Lohr took some photos click here. The exhibit will be up at the Gallery until August 13th.
Does it seem possible that the Chebeague Historical Society will be 30 years old this year? Well, it's true, so mark your calendar for SUNDAY, August 17th, 2:00pm. (NOTE TIME CORRECTION) for a gala celebration at the Chebeague Island Hall.
There will be speakers, entertainment, refreshments and more! See the extra highlights in the August calendar!
There will be a Memorial Service for Charles Marks Saturday, August 9th at 11am at the church.
August 2, 2014 - Photo of a gift set donated by the Niblic. I have also added a set of twin quilts from Indonesia click here.
Don't forget today, Saturday, is the Common's Yard Sale at the Hall from 10- 12:30!
Click here to see Poet, Gary Lawless (right) talking to islanders after his wonderful poetry readings and talk about his interesting life at the Library yesterday. The library had a wonderful reception following.
August 1, 2014 - A memorial service for Nyla Jean Howard will be held at 12 noon Saturday at the church, followed by burial in the cemetery.
Guest preacher at the church this Sunday August 3 will be the Rev. Gary Nettleton, a retired United Methodist pastor who served churches in Massachusetts. Gary and his spouse the Rev. Linda Grenfell will celebrate Holy Communion.
We still have a some places left for the Summer Frolic Dinner and it is such a deal at $65 with a wonderful meal at a host's home and then dessert, music, dancing and live and silent auction at Vicki and Steve Todd's home under a large tent. Music 'Herb Maine & Friends' with Paul English, keyboard; Herb Maine, bass; Brent Strombeck, sax; Tony Gorody, drums. See Summer Frolic site.
July 31, 2014 - Photo of a Nancy Maull watercolor painting that has been just added to the auction site. I have also added 1 1/2 hour massage by Vicki Todd.
I forgot to mention that the Online Island Calendar is available for August - click here or above left corner. The editors, Elizabeth and Tom Schutte are here for the next three weeks from the Netherlands so please say hi and thank them for all their work.
Do you ever drive past the Second Wind farm stand, think “I should pick up (______) to go with dinner” Then realize you have no cash with you? Here’s the answer. Farm Dollars.
Grant applications for Recompense must be mailed to P.O.Box 42, Chebeague Island ME 04017 by August 29th. Application forms may be obtained by emailing islandlife@chebeague.net.
Don’t forget the Island Commons Yard Sale this Saturday 10-12:30 AT THE HALL! Furniture Galore this year... 5 couches, 5 bureaus, 7 rocking chairs, 5 beds, 4 large tables, sets of chairs, kayak, paddle and vest, antique mirrored hat stand, lamps, linens, lawn mowers, wheelbarrow and garden tools, and hundreds of items for home and much, much more!
Message from Shannon Adams: Hello Chebeague! I've recently committed to walking in the Avon 2-Day Walk for Breast Cancer in Boston. It's not until May but I'm starting training and fundraising now... I'm too excited to wait! I'll be walking 39.3 miles over two days with my sister, Kristen. We are team Sister Strong! So, if you see me walking around the island again and again - this is why. If you would like to help me reach my goal of $5000, it is very much appreciated. Every dollar counts. Please see my page for more information on this awesome event! http://info.avonfoundation.org/goto/shannonsisterstrong
July 30, 2014 - Photo of a 20" dia hand made wooden wreath created by Linda Ewing.
PIZZA OVEN / OUTOOR CLASSROOM / COMMUNITY PICNIC SHELTER UPDATE: CICA is closing in on our fundraising goal for the last step of the Pizza Oven Project - as most of you know, the oven is complete and was used to produce 58 pizzas, in rapid fashion, at the 4th of July Picnic. It’s primary use is for the School, for lunches, outdoor meals, and as an outdoor classroom. The last phase of the project is a picnic shelter / outdoor classroom, which we need to build by end of summer to meet the terms of one of the grants we received. We still need a bit more funding; one generous (and anonymous) donor has offered $500, if someone in the community will match it. This would get us to the funding we need to complete the project! If you are interested in offering a match to that $500, please contact Bob at 846 0924. Thanks!
HOWDY FOLKS! 7/31-Poetry Slam - (Come bring your favorite poetry!)
8/1-OPEN MIC NIGHT (Jamming out with Friends!)
8/2- Musical Guest, Josh Doughty!
July 29, 2014 - Photo of a tray hand made and painted by Avis Fleming Hodge. "Shore Birds" is a cobalt oxide glazes and is about 10" x 6".
Household Hazardous Waste and Bulky Waste Weekend -August 16th and 17th from 9 to 5 at the Public Works Garage. Enter through the Transfer Station and leave by Town Garage - SEE DETAILS - click here or go to the Town Website.
Sunset Landing Land Survey Findings, Monday, August 4th, 7pm at the Island Hall - see flyer!
Rippleffect overnight, August 14/15. Boat ride out to Cow Island and then a two day one night stay learning about boating and outdoor fun while building team working skills and leadership. This program is for our preteen and teen population. Call and reserve you spot now!!!
Art camp and Baseball camp both begin next week!!!! Still a few openings in each, sign up now!!!
Second Wind Farm stand is open and full of freshly harvested produce. Green beans, sugar snap peas, arugula, mixed salad greens and tomatoes are among the many Chebeague grown offerings.
Enjoy a summer night on the water on the Pied Piper's Game Night cruise on 8/9 from 5:30 to 7:30 PM. Have fun playing games on the main deck or enjoy a quiet cruise on the upper deck! As always, beverages are available for purchase and complimentary snacks will be provided. Get your tickets on the ferry or at the CTC office (8 Soule Road).
July 28, 2014 - It is NOT too late to get your Summer Frolic Tickets. Only $65 for a wonderful dinner at a host's home and then dessert, music, dancing, auction at Steve and Vicki Todd's under a large tent! If you can't make the dinner then for $25 come for the dessert/music/auction. Call or email Vicki Todd vtodd@chebeague.net (call (207) 846-1379) or Courtney Wilson courtneyslaird@yahoo.com and reserve yours!
POET Gary Lawless is coming Friday, August 1st at 4:30 for a reading at the Library. Reception to follow.
The Grange Thrift Shop is celebrating an old favorite on Tuesday......It's the Open and Close Sale! Any 2 similar items that open and close are two for the price of one. Just think.....zippers, buttons, books, teapots, shoes, handbags, videos, games..... Tuesday 9:30-12:00 and again 7-8 pm. Tuesday is also the last day for leaving donations.
Tonight Nostalgia Night at the Inn - click here for the menu.
July 26, 2014 - Photoof a cribbage board hand crafted by Doug Damon.
Today was the Summer Arts Fair where lots of Artist and Craftsman showed off and sold lots of items. Click here to see some photos I took today.
It's time for the Museum's annual Christmas in July sale. 10 percent off your entire purchase before sale tax. Sale runs from Monday July 28-Friday July 31! Still have a great selection of tee shirts books mugs and more. Stop in to see the great exhibit that tells the island's story through donated photos and artifacts . Don't forget to buy a raffle ticket for the Fred painting, buy your house tour ticket and stock up for Christmas!
NOTE FROM CRC about the POOL: We made some progress when we closed the pool Monday afternoon but not as much as we'd hoped. We have decided to take advantage of the weather forecast for Sunday and Monday and close the pool again to repeat the procedure that we did earlier this week. We will close today at 4 PM and if all goes as planned will reopen Tuesday morning. We are not closing because the water is unsafe, we are just desperately trying to get the water clear again. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience.
I do know that it is July (can't believe I keep putting June in) - probably because the summer is going so fast. The SUMMER FROLIC reservation card says Monday, July 24 so I think it means Monday, July 28th so there is still time to please let Vicki Todd tel: 846-1379 or Courtney Wilson know that you would like to attend.We have lots of hosts signed up to prepare a wonderful meal and of course the entertainment that night will be over the moon. Click on the Frolic Site to learn more!
July 25, 2014 - Photoof this delightful Santa hand-made by Ellen Maher. He stands 7 1/2" tall and is created out of paperclay. I will be adding to the Frolic Auction site tonight.
SUMMER CRAFT FAIR tomorrow- Sarurday, July 26, 10 to 1 at the Hall.
Spots still remain!!! SUMMER FROLIC is coming up fast, August 9, Progressive dinner, Dessert and a night of dancing under a beautiful tent with live music. email courtneyslaird@yahoo.com to reserve a spot or call Vicki Todd at 846-1379, vtodd@chebeague.net
Attention Thrift Shop Fans! The last day to leave items for The Grange Thrift Shop is this coming Tuesday the 29th.
Island Commons annual GIANT yard sale at the Hall Saturday August 2nd 10:00-12:30…get there early for the best treasures!!
POOL PARTY MONDAYS!!!! Swim from 5-7:00 and the grill is going from 5:50-6:30, hot dogs and burgers. Punch Pass holders and members $6 non pass holders $12. Come and relax by the pool with your family and friends and take a night off from thinking about dinner!!
The Harbormaster has a lost dingy and if someone would like to claim it please call the harbormaster @207-423-9581 with any identifying markings to prove it is theirs. This dingy is not registered.
Lost on the Cottage Road, Wednesday afternoon, July 23rd a longsleeve, orange and white checked shirt by Janet Moller - please call if found 846-4128 - reward.
July 24, 2014 - CATHOLIC MASS Fr. Greenleaf from Sacred Heart, Yarmouth/Holy Martyrs, Falmouth will be here on the Island to celebrate Mass on Saturday, July 26th and again on Saturday, August 30th at 10 A.M. at the Chebeague Methodist Church. We hope that many people will attend and maybe stay and visit with Father after Mass at the parish house.
Opening Reception for Richard Hackel: Time Lapse Landscapes and BJ Abrahamson: Sculpture tomorrow, Friday afternoon from 5 to 7 at the Niblic Gallery. Please join BJ Abrahamson & Richard Hackel for their wine & cheese art reception upstairs at the Niblic Gallery. Hope to see you there!
The Chebeague Island Yacht Club invites all island sailors to participate in the Hamilton Beach Race this Saturday at 1300. The race starts and finishes at Hamilton Beach. Small boat sailors will be racing for the Harper Brown Memorial Trophy.
This August the FREE CONCERT fund will present four concerts - Click here for the schedule!
Got Milk(Weed)? Then, please don’t mow it.There are a lot of milkweed plants around the island this summer. Monarch butterflies need milkweed for reproducing. If we don’t mow, these beautiful, once abundant butterflies will have more of a chance to make a comeback. Got Swallow wort weed? Then, please do mow it, pull it or dig it up—anything to eradicate this weed that is toxic to Monarchs. They sometimes can’t tell the difference between milkweed, which they can’t live without, and swallow wort, which kills them. If, like Monarchs, you can’t tell the difference, here are links to some helpful photos. Click here for Swallow wort weed and click here for Milkweed.
June 23, 2014 - The Frolic online auction site is mainly so people could have a view and see the items for the silent auction that will end the night of August 9th. If you aren't going to be there and want to bid you don't have to sign in or register. You can email auction@chebeague.net and your bid will be included.
Don't forget to send in your dinner registration for the Summer Frolic or contact courtneyslaird@yahoo.com.
After many tests and some process of elimination we believe we have narrowed down the causes of our water clarity issues at the pool this year. Now that we have identified the causes we hope that we will be successful in fixing them. The bad news is that it will take a little time so we will not be able to open until Friday morning at the earliest. I want to reiterate to everyone that although the water has looked unpleasant at times, at no time have we (nor would we) allowed people in the pool if the water did not test properly. We test the water at least three times per day and send tests away to the lab as well. The safety of our patrons is our number one priority so if we were open that means our test results were within the safe range for swimmers and would not cause a rash or any other health concern. Stay tuned and like us on facebook for updates.
Get your dancing shoes ready this will be a great weekend for some live music at the Slow Bell Friday night Mark and Chuck of The Westenders will be rocking the dance floor and Saturday night Peter Emery & Andrew MacLeod of LVP & Fog Alley play an awesome acoustic set. And why not get over that stage fright with a little poetry slam on Thursday, come down to an open mic with you favorite quotes, limerick, sonnet, or rhyme.
July 22, 2014 - Photoof a gouache painting by Jim Dayton called "Casco Bay - Foggy Day" which I recently added to the Frolic Silent Auction. Items are starting to come in so you will want to look at them including a hand turned beautiful cyprus wooden bowl by Ted Curtis - click here. You can bid now if you would like or wait for the night of the Frolic. The items will be online for bidding until noon August 9th and then reopen that night at the Dessert, Music and Dancing. The Silent Auction will end at 9:30 that evening at the site.
Click here for the results of the Special Referendum Election. There were 39 yes and 23 no and 1 blank.
Summer Frolic is coming up fast! August 9, Dinner, Dessert and a night of dancing under a beautiful tent with live music and friends... Email courtneyslaird@yahoo.com to reserve a spot or call 846-5068.
Don't forget to VOTE at the Island Hall today for a Special Referendum on the Harbor Master and the Code Inforcement - click here to see the sample ballot.
A four-session "mini retreat" on Shalom as a Lifestyle will be offered at the Parish House from 3-5 pm Sundays July 27, August 10, 17 and 24. The first session this coming Sunday will focus on learning to live in peace within ourselves. We will look at those attitudes and behaviors that interfere with our serenity. The other sessions will look at "shalom in the home" (peace among our close relationships), peace in our attitudes and relationships with those we consider strangers, and living in peace and harmony with all creation. You may attend one or all of the sessions. Pastor Mary Jane will be the facilitator. She is a trained retreat leader with a Doctor of Ministry degree in spirituality from Wesley Theological Seminary. All are welcome.
Ladies Tennis Round Robin will be played at 8 am on Tuesdays, the 22nd and 29th, in addition to regular Thursdays. For more information, please check out our Chebeague.org webpage. Luv tennis!
Chebeague Tennis congratulates David Anstice & Ursula King, trophy winners of the Perkins Cup Mixed Doubles Tournament. The pair won in five straight matches; second place honors went to John Ash and Rebecca Schaefer.
Sunset Landing Meeting scheduled for Monday, August 4th, 7:00pm at the Island Hall to discuss survey - click here.
July 21, 2014 - "The Chebeague Island Yacht Club will be holding the second annual Blessing of the Fleet at the Boat Yard this coming Sunday, July 27, at 2:00PM (Please note the time change from the originally scheduled 1:30PM). The Blessing service will be lead by the Rev. J. Barrie Shepherd and the Rev. Dr. Mary Jane O'Connor-Ropp."
Saturday July 26th Peter Emery & Andrew MacLeod of LVP & Fog Alley return to the Slow Bell Café @ 8:30pm, for a night a GREAT acoustic music.
The song repertoire includes everything from Simon & Garfunkel to Dave Mathews Band & beyond. This is the 4th summer they have played the Slow Bell Café, and look forward to the show! See you all at the Slow Bell!!
NOTICE: We have some good news and some bad news about the pool at CRC. The good news is that our pool company came to the Rec (again) today to help us figure out how we can quickly remedy the water color problems that we've been having. In order to do that (the bad news) we need to close the pool for the rest of today and will not have lap swim in the morning (7/22). If we do not do this we will be fighting this problem for days to come. We are hopeful that the chemicals that we are adding today to make our water clear again will be within safe levels for swimmers by noon tomorrow. That also means that our pool party/BBQ is CANCELLED for today. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Invitations for the Summer Frolic were sent to all box holders on Chebeague last week. If you haven't received your invitation and/or need one please contact frolic@chebeague.net or pick one up at the Recreation Center Office.
SUMMER CRAFT FAIR this Saturday, July 26 from 10am - 1pm at the Hall. All your favorite artists and crafters plus many newcomers. Do you Christmas shopping early!
Fr. Greenleaf from Sacred Heart, Yarmouth/Holy Martyrs, Falmouth will be here on the Island to celebrate Mass on Saturday, July 26th and again on Saturday, August 30th at 10 A.M. at the Chebeague Methodist Church. We hope that many people will attend and maybe stay and visit with Father after Mass at the parish house.
Mike Michaud plans to visit Chebeague on Saturday, August 23rd. He'll arrive at 8:15 and leave on the noon boat. Congressman Michaud will first tour the Island, making a few stops along the way, and arrive at the Hall by 10:15
The CTC Annual Meeting was held on 7/19 at the Hall. CTC successfully converted to a non-profit 501 (c) (3) corporation this summer. As a result of this long anticipated conversion, stockholders of the former corporation have donated their shares to the non-profit. Former stockholders can become "members" of the new company by advising the office of their desire to join at no cost. For new members, a $40 membership fee will be charged. If you wish to be a member of the non-profit, provide the CTC office your contact information and your fee (if applicable).
Two existing board members were re-elected for 3 year terms - Mike Conroy and Geoff Summa.
Specs Eaton was also elected to replace Beth Dyer who did not seek re-election due to conflicts with her work schedule. Many thanks to Beth who contributed much to the board!
The new officers of the company are: Mike Conroy, President; Susan Stranahan, Vice President; Christopher Neumann, Vice President; Sue Sawyer, Treasurer.
July 20, 2014 - Click here to see a wonderful addition to Domonique's Blog about Island Riches!
The Grange Thrift Shop is having its annual Shhh...Sale ! All items that begin with the "shh" sound are two for the price of one! We have shirts, shoes, shweaters, shcarfs, shifts, shoulder bags, shtuffed animals and other assorted shtuff for your shopping pleasure. This Tuesday 9:30- 12:00 and 7-8 pm. Donations can be left inside the back door for one more week!
Tonight Nostalgia Night at the Inn - click here for the menu.
July 19, 2014 - Two weeks ago the Whalers put on a tremendous show, Travelin' with the Whalers. There were lots of fun songs that we all know and love and I was able to get a few clips from most of the songs to share online with everyone. Click here to go to the Youtube of Travelin' with the Whalers!
Don't miss the fun this Monday, July 28. Pool Party and Family BBQ. The grill will be on from 5:30-6:30 and the pool will be open from 5-7 PM. Place your order and go for a swim!!
Preteen and Teen this Friday and Saturday will be at the hall for the theater presentation, we are doing concessions!! Come support our kids and the theater program, Aladdin Jr.
Rippleffect is coming up fast!!! August 14-15 for preteen/teens. It is on Cow Island a 26-acre Island a mere 3 miles from downtown Portland, Maine, but it feels like a world away. Each year from March to November, Rippleffect offers adventure and leadership development programs from this island campus. The cost for the program is $180, including transportation and meals. Take advantage of this incredible program that has been a popular addition to our summer offerings now for years.
July 18, 2014 - Friday and Saturday night at 7 PM for CRC's Children's Theater performance of Aladdin, Jr. Tickets at the door...$5 for adults and $3 for kids 3 and under.
The CTC is having a cruise to the Clam Festival leaving the Stone Pier at 4:30 and returning by 8:30. $15 bought ahead or on the boat for $20 per person. Tomorrow from 5:30 to 7:30 the Nostalgia Cruise (60's) see CTC website for more information.
Yesterday five of us did some Marine Invasive Monitoring at the Stone Pier and I am sending in the results today. You can see photos and IDs of some of the invasive and non-invasive marine organisms down at the Stone Pier - click here.We will be doing it again next month and the more people looking the better. There were a lot of students who wanted to do it but they were involved in soccer at that time.
CTC wants to remind shareholders that the annual meeting will be tomorrow 7/19 at 9am at the Hall.
School Committee Meeting will be next Tuesday, July 22nd at 7:30 AM at the Niblic - see agenda.
The Town Office will be closed on July 22, 2014 for the Special Referendum Election.
The shed offered for sale by Island Commons has been sold. Thank you to all who expressed an interest in this great item, and to the proud new owner Thank You for your support of the Commons!
July 17, 2014 - The Island Commons assisted living facility on Chebeague has rooms available! Please stop by for a visit and see what makes the Commons so unique or call 846-5610 for more information.
GCTC - Chebeague Tennis hosts the Perkins Cup Mixed Doubles Tournament this Sunday, July 20th at 4 pm.
If you wish to play please register before noon on Saturday, July 19th via phone call (207/846-0650) or email m_capra@msn.com . Hope to see you there! Luv tennis!
Message from Island Riches: We have a new artist (to the shop) Mary Keysor a Maine artist who disigns and owns Cloe Girl Designs. We have some of her handmade and designed trays,Women with attitude greeting cards,hand designed tiles and more. They are a great addition to our shop.
July 16, 2014 - The latest Land Trust Newsletter is out and they talk about our winter visitor who we named "Snooky" the Snowy Owl - click here to see.
MIMIC - I am planning on doing a Marine Invasive Monitoring Investigation tomorrow, July 17th at the Stone Pier at 9am. Anyone who is interested in joining us to look for invasive marine organisms is welcome to join us on the float. If you have any questions call me 939-9643 or email at bjohnson@chebeague.net. It will be interesting to see what new invasives are there from when we did it four weeks ago - click here to see then.
Our Monday evening BBQ and swim party was so fun! Some came to eat, some came to swim and some came for both. Don't miss the fun this Monday. The grill will be on from 5:30-6:30 and the pool will be open from 5-7 PM. Place your order and go for a swim!! We hope to continue this for the rest of the summer.
Come to the Hall on Friday and Saturday night at 7 PM for CRC's Children's Theater performance of Aladdin, Jr. Tickets at the door...$5 for adults and $3 for kids 3 and under.
Our second session of swim lessons starts on Monday the 21st. And, our Watercolors program with Caroline Loder and Dance (2 sessions K-4 and grades 5-8) with Nikki starts Monday too.
Crafts! Tuesday afternoons 3:30-5:30...$10 drop in fee
Water Aerobics with Gail- Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday 8:15 AM
Dinners in the Freezer, July 23rd!
Kettlebells 7/17 at 10AM, 7/19 at 11AM, 7/22 at 10AM and 7/25 at 5 PM...$5 drop in fee
Bellyfit Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:30 PM and Saturdays at 8:15 AM...$5 drop in fee
Zumba Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10 AM and Saturdays at 9:30 AM
Check our website for program details...www.chebeaguerec.com
July 15, 2014 - Does it seem possible that the Chebeague Historical Society will be 30 years old this year? Well, it's true, so mark your calendar for SUNDAY, August 17th, 1:00pm. for a gala celebration at the Chebeague Island Hall.
There will be speakers, entertainment, refreshments and more! Watch for extra highlights in the August calendar!
Island Commons “Pre Yard Sale” offering for all you bargain hunters! We have a brand new 10’x8’ resin storage shed We will deliver, but assembly is not included. Retail value $848…selling for $400 firm. Available for immediate deliver; full assembly instructions included. For more information contact Ann Thaxter 846-3274 - click here to see.
The Slow Bell will be open for dinner Wednesday thru Saturday this week with homemade cucumber salad, calendar island lobster on a roll, and fresh blueberry pie for desert along with our regular pub fare. Come out for a cold draught beer and enjoy the live music on Saturday with Jake Roche playing acoustic guitar after sunset.
In the name of the State of Maine, you are hereby required to notify and warn the voters of the Town of Chebeague Island in the County of Cumberland, State of Maine, qualified by law to vote in town affairs, to meet at the Chebeague Island Hall Community Center, 247 South Road, Chebeague Island, Maine on Tuesday the 22 day of July at 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. then and there to vote by secret ballot upon the following Article:
Article 1: Shall the Town Vote to: The Town shall engage a separate individual for the position of Code Enforcement Officer (Department 2400) and a separate individual for the position of Harbormaster/Shellfish Warden (Department 2500).
Click here to see the ballot.
Congratulations to Linda Watkin's whose novel, MATEGUAS ISLAND, is a finalist in the 2014 Readers' Favorite International Book Award Contest in the category Fiction - Supernatural! Winners will be announced September 1st.
July 14, 2014 - WOW! Saturday's Sustain-ME conference was terrific! Vika and I particpated and had such a great time. We were able to connect with lots of new people and I reconnected with old friends and learned a lot. Vika now wants to take a trip to Vinalhaven after meeting one of the artisans from there and hearing Phil Crossman speak. Chris Martin was inspired and very interested in what Fletcher Kitridge of GWI had to say about bandwidth in Maine. Courtney Breslin was thrilled to connect with many people and is already "linkedin" with two from the conference. Pete Nelson "The Treehouse Guy" was hilarious. I loved John Jordan's talk of his businesses and how he was inspired. I took a few photos and was given a couple and you can see them by clicking here. In my breakout group "Patents and Trademarks" I learned some of my mistakes I have made in the past dealing with Trademarks. Mary Lindeman of "Coffee by Design" talked to me and others how she really got her start and inspiration right here on Chebeague! She also helped Stephen and me dig out our cellar by hand in the early 80's.
Today is CRC's first Monday night BBQ and swim party. Come to the CRC pool at 5 PM and have a burger or hot dog and go for a swim. Suggestion donation is $12 ($6 for pool pass/punch card holders). All proceeds will be designated to pool maintenance. We are hoping to do this every week for the remaining of the summer so please join us for some fun and help support the pool!! Hope to see you there.
This website and others hosted by the Library were down over the weekend because of an internal problem at the Library and not a Maine State Library or chebeague.net, which is totally independent.
The Grange Thrift Shop is over flowing! Please shop this Tuesday's
Soft N Shiny Sale ! Any soft or shiny item is priced to go at two for the price of one! We have everything you may need or want. Just imagine the bargains! Doors are open from 9:30-12:00 and again from 7-8 pm. Please put clean and saleable donations inside the back door. See you Tuesday!
The TRI-For-A-Cure, which is a women’s triathlon to raise money for the Maine Cancer Foundation, takes place a week from yesterday on July 20th. The money raised provides grants for research, education and patient support services, and 100% of the money goes to work right here in Maine! Please check out the following fundraising pages for Jen Belesca (survivor), Louisa Wickard (survivor), Kelley Rich (on team Soule Sistahs), and Amy Vintinner (on team The Country Girls) and make a donation on their behalf or in memory of a loved one. Unfortunately, we all know someone that has had or currently has cancer. You can contribute online with a credit card or mail your donations to: Maine Cancer Foundation 170 US Route 1, Suite 250 Falmouth, ME 04105. When you donate to this event you are contributing to a cancer-free future!! Because Cancer Tries. But We TRI Harder!! Thank you for your support!
I would like to share an interactive poster for bird sounds - click here.
July 11, 2014 - MESSAGE FROM THE COMMUNUITY FORUM: Saturday, July 12th is SustainME day here on Chebeague. A total of over 175 attendees, staff, and presenters will be spending the day at the boatyard, hearing from a number of Maine’s most successful entrepreneurs about how they’ve done it, from writing a business plan to raising capital to selling their products successfully, in many cases far beyond Maine’s borders.
Many Chebeaguers will be attending, along with folks from every other unbridged island except Matinicus. Vinalhaven is even chartering a special boat so that their participants will be able to get here in time. We are very excited to be partnering with The Island Institute to bring this conference to Chebeague.
Click here for some inspiration. Click here for the higher slide show.
The application deadline to serve on Town boards and committees has been extended to August 1! Please take this opportunity to serve your community! For more information please visit the Town website HERE
The 50th anniversary of the Library is coming up in 2015. The "Islands of Chebeague" cruise proceeds will dedicate the funds raised to the grounds around the Library/Hall so next year all will look beautiful. Please join us for a wonderful evening! Click here for more information.
Start your weekend off with energizing movement and a good old sweat! Saturday morning fitness classes instructed by Katy McCann: Bellyfit, holistic fitness class for women, at 8:15 and Zumba at 9:30. Both at the Rec Center, both $5 drop in. See you there! www.katymccann.com for more information.
Crystal bowl meditation is being changed to Monday nights beginning this week, July 14. 7:30 at Perkins house at the end of Springettes Rd.
July 10, 2014 - Photo taken 7/10/14 on the Cottage Road of a Black-throated Green Warbler. Click here to see another.
There is only one table left for the Summer Craft Fair on Saturday, July 26. Contact Linda Carleton if you want it. (207) 504-4628
CRC is starting a Monday night (5-7PM) family BBQ and swim to raise some money for the pool maintenance fund. Come to the pool on Monday's at 4 PM and enjoy a cookout and swim in the pool. Suggested donation $12 or $8 for pool pass or punch card holders.
Lots of stuff going on at CRC next week. Find something you like and sign up today!
Kids Place Farm Camp Tuesday and Thursday;
Making Movies in the Garden Monday-Friday;
Tuesday Crafts;
Swim lessons-Monday, Wednesday, Friday;
British Soccer Camp- ages 2 and up;
Kettlebells- Monday, Thursday and Saturday;
Bellyfit- Tuesday, Thurdsay and Saturday;
Z umba-Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday;
Preteen-Wedneday 7-9 PM and Friday 7-10 PM;
Teen Center Thursday and Saturday 7-10 PM;
There is only one table left for the Summer Craft Fair on Saturday, July 26. Contact Linda Carleton if you want it. (207) 504-462
And...You definitely won't want to miss CRC's Children's Theater performance of Aladdin, Jr at the Hall on Friday and Saturday, July 18th and 19th at 7 PM.
Clam flats are now open again.
Last of the Community Gardening Series this Saturday, 12th 10:30-12 at the Rec Center: Wonderment-gardening with kids: Explore fun activities and creative ideas to make gardening a magical part of childhood for the young people in your life. Facilitated by Celia Whitehead, Island Fellow
Please join Susan Stranahan on Sunday, July 13th at 3:30 at the Library as she discusses her book Fukushima: The Story of a Nuclear Disaster. Reception to follow.
When visiting the Library or the Hall, please use the Library parking lot. The parking lot in front of the Island Market is for Island Market customers. Thank you!
A beautiful setting, a wonderful day and 195 enthusiastic guests made the 12th Annual Island Commons Wine Tasting & Silent Auction a rousing success! Many, many thanks to all who worked to put this event together. We couldn’t have done it without our generous sponsors, auction donors and the hours of work by our dedicated Board members and volunteers. We are grateful to the Chebeague Island Inn for their generous support of this event, and to Jen & Chip Corson for providing and setting up the tent. THANK YOU ALL! Click here to see all the photos taken by Cathy MacNeill if you haven't already.
Chebeague Tennis welcomes new players; those interested in membership can review the Club's webpage (link at top) and contact a board member for more information. The courts are in great shape. Come join the fun and luv tennis!
This weeks Forecaster has an article about Linda Watkin's new book"Mateguas Island"- click here to see.
July 8, 2014 -Breaking News: The 5000 ft square boat shed at the Chebeague Boatyard has become a premier conference auditorium for The SustainME Entrepreneurship Conference. Hosted by the Island Institute and the Chebeague Community Forum, the conference is taking place this Saturday, July 12th. The Boatyard and the Rothschild Family have been enormously generous with their support, also making it possible to expand the conference facilities into their field with a tent. For all those who have signed up, the conference starts at 9:00 AM and ends at 6:00 PM.
Visit the conference website at www.sustain-me.org for more information. We will have many visitors from other islands in Maine and from the mainland. A big thank you to all our generous sponsors and especially to the Town of Chebeague for their support and warm welcome to the participants."
I have just added Sally Ballard's obituary to the website - click here.
There will be a sharing & remembrance gathering for Gerry Comeau Friday July 11, 2014, 9:00am at Island Commons under the maple tree.
July 7, 2014 - Mark your calendars for pick up soccer games at the volunteer field on Thursday, Saturday and Sunday afternoons at 4:30. All are welcome!!
Don't forget that CRC's popular British Soccer camp starts next week!! New this year, we are offering a 13+ session from 4:30-7 PM. Sign up today and spread the word!!
Mary Holman will present "Ticks, the Diseases They Carry, and How to Protect Yourself." Tuesday July 8th at 7PM at the Hall.
The Fourth of July Road Race results are in. Click here to get the Fun Run and click here to get the Big Race Results. A huge thank you to Martha Vernon and family for taking on the running of the annual race which by the way is the second longest 4th of July running race in Maine. Donna Colbeth and I started the race in 1977 with the help of Gail Miller. I was in charge for many years with the help of Donna Damon and then Jill Malony, Grunkos, Gail Miller, and now Martha Vernon. So many volunteers along the years to mention.
The Slow Bell will be open for the 2014 FIFA World Cup soccer semi final games on Tuesday with Brazil vs. Germany and on Wednesday with Argentina vs. Netherlands. The kitchen will open at 3:30 and service will be a limited menu featuring - "Polly's" carrot soup, black bean vegan chili, haddock chowder, hand cut fries, buffalo hot wings, homemade hummus, caesar salad, and "Sylvia's" coleslaw.
Brand new women's fitness class on Tuesday and Thursday evenings and Saturday mornings at the Rec! Bellyfit is a new holistic fitness class for women. We combine a cardio routine based on world cultural dances (Bhangra, Bollywood, African and Belly Dance), Pilates-infused core work and a deep yoga-inspired stretch. Throughout the class I demonstrate multiple levels so no matter your age, experience or fitness level you’ll find it accessible and challenging! Bring a yoga mat (if you have one), sneakers and water. Taught by Katy McCann. Tuesday and Thursdays 5:30-6:30 p.m. Saturday mornings 8:15 a.m.
July 6, 2014 - Phototaken by Jon Rich on 7/6/14 from Chandler's Wharf.
The SUMMER FROLIC is five weeks away and we are all working hard to make it as wonderful as it was the last time we did it in 1999! Dinner at a host home and dessert at Vicki and Steve Todd's home on Grange Road with a large tent. You can learn all about it on the webpage: https://chebeague.org/frolic. There is also a button at the top of this page with a link. You will want to take a look at the online Silent Auction which will be updated with more exciting items as we get them put up. We will also be looking for and adding Sponsors to the terrific event to benefit the Recreation Center. Back by popular demand is BJ who will again do an onsite painting the evening during the dessert, dancing and music to be live auctioned. Waves on Water is providing the music - Dance to the sounds of 'Herb Maine & Friends' with Paul English, keyboard; Herb Maine, bass; Brent Strombeck, sax; Tony Gorody, drums. Invitations to the evening will be sent out soon and if you do not receive one please contact frolic@chebeague.net to get yours. Please remember if you don't feel comfortable signing up online for the auction, you may email auction@chebeague.net and one of us will do your bid for you. The auction site is listed on the frolic site and is http://www.32auctions.com/frolic.
Chebeague Inn Nostalgia Night - click here for menu.
July 5, 2014 - Jen Belesca (a cancer survivor) is doing the Tri for the Cure in fifteen days and doing the whole thing, biking, running and swimming. She would love to have your support and has a website you may go to - please click here and make your donation to Maine Cancer Foundation.
Because of the amount of rain and runoff, the clam flats are closed.
Alan Morasch shared a video of the parade on youtube - click here.
July 4, 2014 - Photo taken sunrise July 4th at the Boatyard by Art Ryder.
WOW - Today turned out to be a fantastic 4th of July on Chebeague. The weather held out with only a few slight showers. Most all the food, ice cream, lobster rolls and pizza was eaten. I had no idea there were so many people on Chebeague. Cathy MacNeill and I took lots of photos of the Parade and Picnic. I don't have the official results yet of the winners of the Road Race or the parade but took photos of the parade winners. I have downloaded 400 photos that Cathy and I took so check them all out - click here.
Message from Cathy MacNeill: Chebeague Grace Books two and three are available now. Over 300 people have been photographed. Books can be seen and ordered at the library and will be sold at the Ladies Aid Fair on August 7th at the Hall.
A “Partly True Chebeague Mystery” will be held at the Island Hall on Saturday, August 23rd at 8PM, featuring the same star-studded cast that last summer solved the kidnapping of Tammy Trowbridge.
Chebeague Inn Nostalgia Night is this coming Sunday, July 6th - click here for menu.
July 3, 2014 - The Fourth of July Island activities are going on as scheduled tomorrow - click here for the list of events.
Lobster rolls, bake goods sale and basket auction will be happening rain or shine tomorrow (fingers crossed for shine) at CRC immediately following the parade. Rolls are going fast. Be sure to stop by and get some goodies for the holiday weekend!!
Then, don't miss the pre-teen/teen car wash on Saturday, July 5th 10-Noon at the fire station. All proceeds benefit CRC's Teen Center.
Due to the dreadful incoming weather, the Chebang has been postponed. Join us to celebrate summer and ring in Labor Day weekend in honor of a at the Chebeague Chebang on SATURDAY, AUGUST 30 from 4-10pm.
All tickets are transferable. If refunds are needed, please reach out to BrownPaperTickets directly at 800.838.3006. For more information, please visit www.chebeaguechebang.com.
Notice for Dog Owners from the Animal Control Officer: Fireworks and other activities on and around the Fourth of July can greatly agitate dogs. Please keep your dog leashed or contained at all times. Dogs have panicked in past years, run away and been extremely difficult to locate. Please keep your dog safe. Please remember that the summer is very hot, and it is not safe to leave your animal in a vehicle. Pam Pulsifer 846-0012
The Island Institute gave out lots of scholarships to island students this year - click here for the Press Release. Congratulations to all the recipients. There was also a nice article about Erika Papkee from Long Island who is now working at the Niblic and was the recipient of a $10,000 award - click here.
Community and local leaders. People working in the local food network. Anyone with a passion about bringing locally produced food and seafood onto the plates of more Mainers. Learn and sign up for a conference in Portland - click here to learn more about the Maine Food Strategy.
July 2, 2014 - Photo taken by Mally Cox-Chapman of a Bald Eagle who is hanging around Coleman Cove.
Kid's Place still has Lobster Rolls for sale. Calendar Island lobster meat, Maine mayonnaise on a split top roll and a bag of Lay's potato chips for $15. All proceeds benefit the children of the Kid's Place. Please call Meredith at 207-846-0766 or email at jakylory@chebeague.net to reserve yours for the Fourth of July Picnic!
The Chebeague Island Yacht Club Commodores' Reception will launch the summer yacht club season on Saturday, July 5th at 1800 at the Hubbell Cottage, 13 Ben Webber Road. All are welcome to attend. Questions? Call Liz Hubbell Riggs at 4837.
Teen Preteen center will be having a car wash fundraiser this Saturday at the fire station 10:00-noon to benefit ongoing activities offered through the teen center.
Don't forget to call the rec and sign up for Clay Play coming up July 10, 1:00.
Fourth of July events - click here. The parade theme is Four of a Kind!
June 30, 2014 - Hear ye, hear ye...The Grange Thrift Shop opens its doors tomorrow, Tuesday morning, at 9:30. We are literally overflowing with beautiful clothes, priceless dishes, collectors items of all kinds, knicknacks, fabric, movies, toys, stuffed animals, puzzles, scarves, kitchen utensils, purses, bags........... and shoes! The prices are unbeatable and ALL proceeds stay on the island. The doors open promptly at 9:30 and close at 12 noon. We are also open from 7-8 in the evening. Bring your money and wear your shopping shoes!
We are sad to report that the 2014 Quadathlon/Triathlon event that was scheduled for July 13th has been canceled. We had no one signed up for it and thinking of perhaps using paddle boards next year for the fourth item now that there are fewer Bobby Dyer boats and it is sometimes hard to get them. Please look for details for CRC's 2015 event. Please contact us early with teams for 2015. I am going to start training today!!
Auditions for Aladdin, Jr are at 2 PM at the Hall today!! Click here for more information.
Today, chebeague.net will be increasing bandwidth so there may be a short delay in service this afternoon.
Yesterday was a beautiful day and Cathy MacNeill was able to get lots of photos at the Common's Wine Tasting Fundraiser which you can see by clicking here!
June 28, 2014 - Tomorrow, Sunday night at the Inn is Nostalgia Night - click here for the menue.
Come down to the Slow Bell tonight for a night of Reggae, with the Gorilla fFinger Dub Band. The group has slimmed down to a 3 piece acoustic set. They play everything from Bob Marley and Peter Tosh to The Grateful Dead! It's going to be a great night! Dinner will be 6-10 and the music starts around 8:30. There will be a $10 cover to support the music.
June 27, 2014 - Just a reminder that you are invited to the library on Saturday, June 28th at 4:00 pm when Mary and Tom Cushman will talk about their new book, Riding the Passionate Edge with a reception to follow. Signed copies of the book are currently available for sale at the library.
Look who is supporting SustainME! Check out our sponsors who vote "yes" on Diverse Economies & Strong Coastal Communites.
The Island Council's July Calendar is now online click here or above under Island Council Calendar.
The Clam Flats are now open.
Message from Jen at The Niblic: It must be summer, the veggie boat arrives at 10am tomorrow morning. Check out our website for more details, specials, & what’s new.
VOLUNTEER OPORTUNITIES for the Town of Chebeague - please click here.
Click here to fill out the application for board or committee position.
Saturday (tomorrow) the 28th, 9:00-10:30am at the Rec: Backyard Composting: Turn every food scrap and yard clipping into black gold for your garden. It’s not as complicated as you might think! Facilitated by Bob and Nancy Earnest
Strap on your sneakers and join us for the 37th annual Chebeague Island Road Race! Race times are 9am for the Fun Run (free) and 10am for the Road Race ($5 per participant). Registration opens at 8:30am at the Historical Center. Got Questions? Contact Martha (Muffie) Vernon at 201-961-2914 or
There will be a Catholic Communion Service - without a priest - on this Saturday, June 28th at 4 P.M. at the Chebeague Methodist Church.
Don’t miss the chance to go “Travelin’ with the Whalers” TONIGHT or tomorrow night at the Hall. The concert begins at 7:30 p.m. on both nights. Tickets are $4 for children under 12 and $8 for everyone else.
June 26, 2014 - Photo of the Hook taken by Marjorie Helling Brinton on June 26th.
Island Commons is excited to be blazing a trail as part of the Island Institute’s newest endeavor – Elder Care. In collaboration with three other Maine islands we will be sharing Island Institute fellow Madeline Gates. “Maddy” is a graduate of Western Kentucky University who grew up with an appreciation for rural communities with deep traditions. As an AmeriCorps volunteer, she’s worked in a variety of programs with a strong emphasis on community engagement.
WE NEED YOUR HELP WITH HOUSING! Maddy needs a place to stay – house, apartment or private room – from September 1 to November 30, 2014. Please contact Amy Rich 846-5610 if you can help.
Swim lessons start July 7th with Peyton at the CRC pool. Sign up at least 2 weeks prior to each session and save $15!! Check out our website for details. www.chebeaguerec.com
Our preschool camp kicks off on July 1st with Backyard Buddies!! Preschool meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays each week. Carrie put together an exciting schedule for the whole summer. For details visit our website and click on the Kids Place link.
Kettlebells at CRC with Brian!! July schedule: 7/1@ 10AM
7/3@10 AM
7/25@5PM…$10 drop in fee
There will be a Memorial Service this Sunday, June 29, at 11:30 at the Methodist Church for Valerie Dyer Riddle. Refreshments at the Parish House to follow.
The Niblic is open full time now for the summer - check out their website for times and their facebook for daily specials. This Saturday, June 28th at 5:00 is the Opening Reception for artist Debe Loughlin at the Niblic Gallery.
The Museum of Chebeague HIstory and Gift Shop will be opening on Friday June 27 at 10 AM for the season. The new exhibit On Land and Sea: Treasures of the Museum will celebrate the Chebeague Historical Society's 30th anniversary by showing photographs and artifacts from our collection to tell some of the island's stories. More than 200 items will be on display. Don't forget the Gift Shop is a great place to shop! There are 4 new tee shirt designs, jewelry, a great selection of children's books, cook books, Maine novels and more such as new mug and glass designs, and much more! All proceeds to go support the Museum and the CIHS.
The CIHS is open Monday- Saturday 10-4 and Sunday 1-4.
The Museum will be open from 8 - Noon on July 4.
“A PARTLY-TRUE CHEBEAGUE MYSTERY” Save the date – Saturday, August 23rd, 8:00PM at the Island Hall. Charlene Sigafoos and her wily band of mystery writers will once again solve a local crime while rocking away on the porch of the Inn. Figure out Whodunnit and win a special prize.
Please click here to learn how you can help protect the honey bees on Chebeague.
June 25, 2014 - I just wanted to remind everyone that the Recreation Center is bringing back the fun Summer Frolic Progressive Dinner, Dessert, Music and Dancing event. Please save the date of August 9, 2014 and watch for all the notices which will be coming your way soon! We are working this week on all the details along with a website that I will share soon. We already have many hosts and are looking for lots more so if you would like to host a dinner please call Vail Traina and find out more about that fun part of the evening. After dinner we will all be going over to Vicki and Stephen Todd's home at 33 Grange Road for dessert, music and dancing. We are so happy to have live music by Herb Maine, Paul English, Brent Strombeck and Tony Gorody. Your favorite dance tunes: fox trot, rumba, swing, cha-cha, waltz, as the final course at CRC’s fund-raiser, “Summer Frolic,”
There is a new Chebeague Music Website created by John Emery that is already featuring our Summer Frolic Event. Go to www.wavesonwater.org and learn more about it and how this summer will be packed full of MUSIC! Click here for their ad featuring their summer events. I will be adding this site above along with the Frolic so you will be able to go back to it easily.
So you have always wanted to play a musical instrument - click here to find out more about an adult music workshop!.
The Island Common's Wine Tasting event is coming up this Sunday and tickets are still available! Please click here to see some of the items that will be auctioned. I can say some because I still haven't given them mine but coming soon. Remember it’s not too late to add get your reservation in for the Wine Tasting! Call Nancy Olney at the Commons 846-5610. Don't forget to check out facebook where more items will be shown as they come in.
June 24, 2014 - There will be a graveside service for Leona Boxer on Saturday, June 28th at 1:00 PM. Please join us for the service followed by refreshments at the Parish House.
The Collins Pool is now open at the CRC!! Come join us for Adult Lap Swim at 7:30 AM Tues., Thurs., Sat. and Sunday and Water Aerobics on those same days at 8:15. It's wicked fun!! Adult Lap Swim is also every day from 12-1. See the full pool schedule on the Chebeague Rec web site.
June 23, 2014 - ZUMBA!!!! Abby and Sadie are back for Zumba starting this Wednesday 10:00-11:00. then every Mon, Wed, Friday. Come and join the fun and a great workout. $5 drop in
On Chebeague we will be doing regular Marine Invasive Monitoring as I have mentioned before. The other day a few students and I put a rope over the end of the Stone Pier where we will be able to monitor all year long for invasives as well as the floats. I will be recording and documenting with photos what we find and sending them to the Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve. Click here to see our first posting which will be online as well.
Fitness Room is going to be closed this Wednesday from 10:30- Thursday afternoon!!! We are upgrading tons of equipment. We will have a huge new World Gym setup and new treadmills. We are very excited about these great additions and modernizing of fitness equipment, come in and check everything out!!!
Look ahead to camps on our website or come in and sign up, Farm Camp begins July 7, just around the corner!
Clay Play is coming back to the Rec July 10 @ 1:00 after such a great time this winter!!! Amy brings ceramics to be glazed by kids and adults alike, we are doing plates and mugs this time, then she brings to the mainland to fire and we pick them up a few days after!!! This was wildly successful last December and I hope everyone will enjoy this art program again. Call and reserve a place so we can order materials in time, $20 for the first piece $15 for additional. Fun snack included.
Brian will be kicking off this summers Kettle Bell workout this Wednesday eve at 5:00!! Come and join in on this great program , loads of fun and a great workout. $10 drop in fee.
Chebeague.net has now upgraded the incoming bandwidth to 30 mbps to handle the increased need. (last summer we were working with 10 mbps) We have decided to add another 5 mbps to the incoming bandwidth from Portland to the Island bringing the bandwidth for use up to 35 megabits per second in hopes not to notice any slowdowns of service as our summer population increases. This upgrade will take place between 11am and 1pm on Monday, June 30th. The disruption should be no more than fifteen minutes.
Chebeague.net has been able to keep our prices the same over the last seven years since we started but because of the new technology and associated expenses we have encountered we find it necessary to raise the rates a little. Starting July 1st we will be adding a $3.00 increase (amounts to 10¢ a day). Please don't forget to update any automatic payments. Please check out the chebeague.net website for more information.
June 22, 2014 - CRC Summer Theater is back! Come explore the world of Disney with Aladdin Jr. this summer at the Chebeague Island Hall. Auditions will be held next week on Monday, June 30th and rehearsals will run for three weeks leading up to performances on July 18th and 19th at 7:00 PM. For more information please visit the chebeague recreation center’s website or talk to this year’s directors Abby Dutton and Henry Edwards. Kids ages 6-18 are encouraged to come participate - the more the merrier!
Zumba is also continuing this summer in the rec center gym from 10-11 AM on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays starting THIS Wednesday, June 25th. Abby will be leading using both familiar "pop" music and a few more traditional latin "zumba" songs. Suggested drop in fee is $5 per class. Can't wait to see you all dancing your way into summer!
The CPA has added two more gift baskets (CTC gift basket and Tea and Cookies) to their silent auction items which may be seen at the Library or click here to view.
The Kid’s Place will be selling Lobster Roll Tickets from Ed’s from 11:30-12:30 and from the pool from 1-4, and next weekend we will be at Ed’s too.
Congratulations to Matthew McDonough who graduated from Boston College Law School, Magna Cum Laude on May 23rd. He'll be working for Bingham Law in Boston starting next January. Pictured with his mom, Laurie Wood.
Eldon Mayer’s college-age grandsons available all week for odd jobs – none are too hard, large, or small. 846 9760.
June 21, 2014 - Photo of a Black-crowned Night-Heron who is hanging around Sanford's Pond. Take a look as you drive down to Chandlers. Click here for another view and here for the Heron with a dragon fly who was landing on his back.
Chebeague Inn - Nostalgia Night - Sunday, June 22 - click here for menu.
The pool is open and looks awesome thanks to Gail and Tom!! Come up for a swim. For the full pool schedule visit our website, www.chebeaguerec.com.
You are invited to the library on Saturday, June 28th at 4:00 pm when Mary and Tom Cushman will talk about their new book, Riding the Passionate Edge with a reception to follow. Signed copies of the book are currently available for sale at the library.
Island Commons Wine Tasting Silent Auction items are streaming in …take a look at Island Commons facebook page for photos of some of the items. I’ll be posting new items as they arrive! And a reminder…it’s not too late to get your reservation in to attend the event next Sunday (the 29th). Didn’t get an invitation? Call Nancy at the Commons! 846-5610
"Travelin' with the Whalers"
next Friday and Saturday 7:30 at the Hall.
They have a great group – augmented by our summer members under John Howard’s direction. The program offers a few “oldies” as well as some great classics from the 70’s and 80’s, as well as a couple of humorous selections from our fun-loving group. We hope everyone will join us! Refreshments at the intermission.
June 19, 2014 - Chebeague Historical Society Annual Meeting at 7:30 night Saturday June 21 at the Hall. Donna Damon will speak about the upcoming exhibit and how artifacts and archival materials can enhance one's understanding of the past. Donna will have some great photos and artifacts on display.
Refreshments will be served. Tell your friends. All are welcome!
Reminder - CATHOLIC MASS Saturday, June 21st, there will be a Catholic Mass at 10 A.M. at the Chebeague Methodist Church. Fr. Dan Greenleaf from Sacred Heart in Yarmouth will be here.
Important message from the GRANGE: The Grange Thrift Shop will open on July 1st, not the 24th as we had hoped. Please leave donations of clean clothing, kitchen items, linens, books, small appliances, dishes etc inside the back door. We have wonderful treasures! See you on July 1st. 9:30-12:00 and 7-8 pm.
CTC would like to remind our customers that the office should be notified of any events on or off the island that will result in groups of 15 or more traveling with us on the ferry and/or bus.Whenever possible, we will add staff to accommodate large groups. Please let us know as far in advance as possible so we can make travel as pleasant as possible for all our customers!
CTC has openings for a part time bus driver and a part time barging captain. Click here for more information.
Best wishes to Russ Hunter who turns 90 tomorrow! He will be celebrating with family and friends and will be on the island for the fourth.
Save the date for the Library's "Islands of Chebeague Cruise" on July 22 at 4:30. The Library is the grateful beneficiary of the CTC giveaway cruise. Proceeds from the cruise will go to benefit the grounds of the Library/Community Center. Watch for further details!
Congratulations to Sharon Bowman who retired today!!!!
CRC is so excited to let you know that we will be getting two new cybex treadmills and a cybex multi-station gym for our fitness room. Donations toward this purchase are welcomed and appreciated. Please give us a call or visit our website, www.chebeaguerec.com, and go to the fitness tab for details.
Brian is back at CRC for more Kettlebell!!! Upcoming sessions will be Friday at 10 AM, Saturday at 9AM and Monday and Wednesday at 5 PM in the CRC gym. $10 drop in fee. Come burn some calories and have some fun!!
June 14, 2014 - Photoof six Chebeague Island Students along with their teacher who are moving on to 6th grade on the mainland. Most of them started here as the first class to go all the way through as a new town. Click here to see photos of the celebration as well as the plaque students received for being the first class to go through all grades as a new town seven years ago.
The C.I.H.S. Annual Meeting is on June 21, 2014 at 7:30 p.m. convening at the C.I. Hall. A brief business meeting will be held to review the year's accomplishments & elect new Officers & Board members. A stimulating lecture will follow & light refreshments will be served
Chebeague Inn - Nostalgia Night - Sunday, June 15 - click here for menu.
SWAB THE REC!!!! All hands on Rec, come and help us clean up and get her ready for summer. Bring your gloves. Bring your rakes and shovels. Bring your appetite, we will have a picnic too!! 10:00 - 2:00 Saturday, great opportunity to contribute to the community.
Lobster Rolls are on sale now for the 4Th of July annual community picnic celebration!!!
Email jakylory@chebeague.net or call 846-0766 to buy tickets and reserve yours now. There will also be a bake sale with tons of homemade goodies to choose from.
Camps are open for enrollments now, check our web sight for the long list of what is offered this year.
Dinners In The Freezer: June 25. Three meals for four people each and it is all set to be frozen and thaw and cook when you are in the spot of not having planned a dinner. 6:00 pm at CRC $70 per session. Please sign up a week in advance so we can make sure to buy enough ingredients.
8TH annual Quadathlon along with 5TH annual Triathlon for kids, Sunday, July 13 at CIBY!!!! Get your teams ready!
Beginning Friday, June 20, Teen Center will be open Wed, Fri, Sat 7-10:00 pm.
Pre-Teen, Tues, Thurs 7_10 pm. We will be having fire pit nights, make your own pizzas, crafts, manhunt and flashlight tag!!!!
It’s almost time for the Island Commons ~WINE TASTING & SILENT AUCTION ~ Sunday June 29th ~ at the Inn. If you plan to attend, be sure to return your response card by Thursday the 19th…. If you didn’t receive an invitation but would like to attend, please contact Nancy Olney at the Commons 846-5610 or email commons@chebeague.net ….p.s. auction items are coming in…watch for postings beginning next week!
Community Gardening Series: Whole new schedule! Better dates, better times, same place! More information about each class on the flyer.
Backyard Composting: Saturday June 28th 9:00-10:30, Rec Center
Wonderment-gardening with kids: Saturday, July 12th 9:00-10:30, Rec Center
June 12, 2014 - Tonight is Chebeague School Arts Night at the Hall. Doors open at 5:30 where you can come and see the students work with the program beginning at 6pm.
The CPA is holding a silent auction for baskets of a variety of themes. We will be displaying the baskets at the Chebeague Island Library starting June 23rd and taking final bids during the 4th of July picnic until 2pm.
Click here for updated information about the 4th of July.
Message from CRC President Vicki Todd: Hello CRC friends!
Please join us for our Annual CRC Spring, I mean Almost Summer Clean-up and Picnic this Saturday, June 14th from 10am until 2pm.
We have some spiffing up to do around the Rec and KP buildings along with some serious cleaning out to do down at the Pond. Please stop by for as long as you can, bring a rake or shovel, have a hot dog and help us get things looking good for the summer.
We’ve had a very small, but enormously dedicated and productive inside crew (David and Wanda) painting like crazy all spring and the inside of the building is looking marvelous! I am hoping to have a bigger crew to tackle the outside work on Saturday and look forward to spending what is always a satisfying and fun family day.
I know that Mabel will be grateful to have some helping hands cleaning things up at Sanford’s Pond and maybe we can tackle a few extra chores down there as well...
Please see attached information, so that you have an idea what we have on our “To-Do List”.
If anyone has or has access to a Pressure Washer please let us know.
June 10, 2014 - Today the class took a field trip with the binoculars the school got through Recompense and visited Claire Ross's yard where they were able to see baby Pileated Woodpeckers and see them being fed by the male. Click here to see the students and the pileated woodpeckers!
The Grange Thrift Shop volunteers have been busy unpacking treasures for this summer's shopping! We are now accepting clean and saleable clothes, kitchen items, linens, books, shoes.......... and more. Items may be left inside the back door of the Grange. Please do not leave televisions, computers, sound systems or heavy furniture. All donations must be received before July 28th. The Grand Opening is Tuesday, June 24th! We will then be open every Tuesdays from 9:30- 12:00 and 7-8 pm.
The Whitaker and Grannell families invite you to a brief graveside memorial service for Jan Grannell Whitaker (1935-2013) beloved of us all. For those who are able, we will gather at the new Whitaker plot at the far end of the Chebeague Cemetery at: 1:30 pm on Sunday afternoon, June 29th. A reception at Grannell Cottage will follow the service. Please email grannell@maine.rr.com if you are able to attend.
June 9, 2014 - Michael and Barbara Porter have been home for a few weeks and have updated their blog from Puerto Rico to Bermuda and home - click here.
The family of Nancy Chamberlin is planning a memorial service on Saturday, June 28, at 3:00 PM, at the Chamberlin cottage, 4 Artist Point Road. All are welcome.
June 8, 2014 - Congratulations to John Summa who recently graduated and received a BA degree from Hamilton College.
Congratulations to Anna Maine who recently graduated from Brown with a degree in Comparative Language. She is in Morocco this summer studying Arabic.
Congratulations to Lucas Carroll Hamilton who graduated with BA degree from Bard College,Annandale-on -Hudson,NY
June 7, 2014 - Chebeague's clam flats are closed because of red tide - this includes mussells according State of Maine Department of Marine Resources. Click here to see map.
Jim Thresher has taken some more incredible photos of the Pileated Woodpecker family as they are growing up. Click here to see the male trying to coax the young one out and click here to see them being fed by the female.
Save the Sand Dunes - You'll see signs like this - click here. Please stay out of the dune grass. (It is full of ticks too) Help preserve and protect the sand dunes. The dunes throughout Indian Point are extremely fragile and can be irreversibly damaged if trod upon even once. There are also baby birds taking shelter so keep your dogs out as well and let everyone know how important it is to protect.
Message from Florence: It looks like we may have some warm weather that lasts for more thena day. There are still some beautiful plants at Island Riches that will brighten up and make you forget how cold and wet it has been. If you want something special call (846-4986)or just come down and see what we have.Thank you, Florence
Click here to see a little video that John Birkett took on the school trip to New York of the Blessing of the fleet in the Harbor from the tug boat the students were on.
Today at 9am is the Town Meeting with voting for elected officials is next Tuesday, June 10th at the Hall.
Today the Chebeague Running Team will be running The Coastal Running League Championship is at Twinbrook in Cumberland. Come cheer on over 800 runners grades 1st-6th. Good Luck to All!
The Inn's Nostalgia Night is Sunday, June 8th - see menu.
June 6, 2014 - PhotoThe students from the Chebeague Island School are having a wonderful time in New York City! A big thank you to all those who helped to make the trip happen! Click here to see another!
Don't forget that tomorrow is Town Meeting at the Hall at 9am! Everyone on the island received the Town Warrant in the mail.
The CPA will be selling some yummy treats tomorrow morning before and after the town meeting, so bring your wallets. Anyone interested in baking something to be sold is much appreciated as well. Contact Polly Wentworth @233-8382 with questions This will help with the holiday parties and books for the kids at Xmas. See you all there.
Please click HERE to see photos of the CIS pizza oven, in process! We are rushing to get it cured in time for test cooking on Monday and Tuesday, with the first big event being the inter island elementary school Field Day this coming Wednesday. The last photo shows day #2 of the 4 - 5 day test burn. Later we will continue to refine the finish appearance, and to work towards the construction of a picnic shelter / outdoor classroom. We are truly blessed to have so many wonderful volunteers who have helped in the construction of the base and the oven. All volunteers are entitled to free pizza on the 4th!
On June 11th students from islands across Casco Bay will board the ferry to gather on Chebeague Island for the 2nd annual Casco Bay Field Day. Ashley Bryan makes a rare public appearance at this event (taking two ferry rides himself) to read with 108 students from 4 islands. Bryan is a renowned children’s author, 91 years old, who grew up in Harlem and the Bronx and is currently a long-time resident of Islesford (Little Cranberry Island) which lies off the coast of Mount Desert Island. He recently formed a literacy foundation on Islesford; The Ashley Bryan Center. Other events include inauguration of the school’s new outdoor wood-fired pizza oven (revolutionizing how we feed students and involve them in meals plot-to-plate), cooperative field games and “ag”tivities in the garden. Click here to learn more.
I have updated the Yacht Club Page with all the 2014 Information - Click here!
June 5, 2014 - Sorry for the internet disruption for Chebeague.net. This time it took us about four hours to find a bad hardware connection in the system. This had nothing to do with adding bandwidth and we are learning everyday more and more how to troubleshoot issues. We have such a great support group between GWI, Axiom, Adtran, Cornerstone, Fairpoint, and Tilson. We have decided that this will be the last unplanned interuption this summer (I hope) and thank you all for your understanding.
This Fri & Sat June 6th & 7th the Slow Bell Café will be open 6-10pm.
Sat 8-11pm JOSH DOUGHTY& the Pinewood Plains provides a night of acoustic entertainment!
$5.00 cover for this event – in support of island music.
Dinner menu includes:
Hand Cut Fries
Slow Bell Burger
Caesar Salad
Veggie Chili
Fish Chowder
July 5th – Sat – Josh Doughty & the Pinewood Plains (his band from Berklee)
$10.00 cover for this event – in support of island music.
June 4, 2014 - Today was supposed to be a simple 10 minute job to increase our bandwidth from 20 Mbps to 30 Mbps but in the internet world nothing happens the way it is supposed to. Today proves that no good deed goes unpunished. The configuration was off and I had to run into Back Bay Towers where David met me after leaving work early to in order to solve the problems. We were down about four hours. This is the first time in two years that we had to do any repairs at Back Bay Towers. We are hoping that this added bandwidth will help the added usage this summer. Thank you to everyone for their patience as we try to make things better.
I have just added a link for Michelle J Jackson, Usui / Holy Fire Reiki Master on the Island Business site. Go to http://meblessings.com to learn more.
June 3, 2014 - Louise Doughty is a Maine Medical Center and has cancer. It would be great to flood her with cards, notes and get well wishes. Her email is dragondoughty@gmail.com.
Schedule change: Community Gardening Series. NO event this Saturday, June 7th (Town Meeting!) Latest updated schedule:
June 14th: Backyard Composting: Turn every food scrap and yard clipping into black gold for your garden. Strip down the complicated myths of home composting and feed your garden for free. Not to mention reducing the amount of waste we pay to ship off-island!
June 21st: Wonderment-gardening with kids: Explore fun activities and creative ideas to make gardening a magical part of childhood for the young people in your life.
All events held at the REC Center, 10:30-12:00 Saturday mornings
Permanent Commission on the Status of Women's survey to Maine's island communities. Our survey is now live. The Permanent Commission for the Status of Women is a government-appointed group dedicated to improving opportunities for women and girls. As such, we advise the Governor and members of the Legislature about policy and social issues affecting women and girls in the state.,We need your help! In less than 10 minutes, you can make your opinion heard by filling out this survey. The information you provide will inform the recommendations the Commission makes to the legislature re: the welfare of women and girls in Maine. Specifically, we would like to identify what issues are most challenging and what can be done to help? Click here for the survey.
Guest preacher at the Chebeague Methodist Church this Sunday, June 8th, will be the Rev. Robert Moore. Bob and his wife Evelyn are neighbors of Pastor Mary Jane at Wesley by the Sea in Wells. Before retirement he served several churches in the New England Conference, most recently in Acton, Massachusetts. This Sunday the church will celebrate Pentecost, often called "the birthday of the church." Please join us at 10:00 - and wear red if possible.
Pastor Mary Jane will be away at a training event for spiritual directors. If you are interested in knowing more about spiritual direction, or would like to make an appointment with her, please call the church office at 846-4106 or her home phone 604-7841.
Kid’s Place is now taking orders for Fourth Of July lobster rolls! Please contact Meredith at 207-846-0766 or jakylory@chebeague.net to reserve yours today! Calendar Island lobster meat on a split top roll and a bag of chips for $15. Look for our booth at the school grounds when the parade ends. Don’t forget to save room for desert! We will have a bake sale table with whoopee pies, pies, cookies and more!
The Chebeague Island Group of Alcoholics Anonymous will meet at 8 am on Saturday mornings beginning June 28, 2014 and continuing through Labor Day weekend. The meetings will be held at the Parsonage of the CI United Methodist Church. For more information, call 914-980-6107.
June 2, 2014 - Father Daniel Greenleaf, Pastor of Sacred Heart Church in Yarmouth and Holy Martyrs Church in Falmouth is coming to Chebeague to celebrate Mass at 10 AM on June 21st at the Chebeague Methodist Church. We hope that a GOOD number of people will attend as Father Greenleaf is evaluating the need for an occasional Mass or a Communion Service on the Island. Any questions? Contact Ann Belesca at 846-4252 or Vail Traina at 233-0864. We hope to see you there.
School Committee tomorrow night, Tuesday, 6pm, at the school - click here for agenda.
Congratulations to Kim Martin who's art work is now on display at Clayton’s in Yarmouth and will be there for the next few weeks!
The CRC office will be closed Wednesday-Friday this week but the building will remain open for fitness and gym use. Feel free to email crc@chebeague.net with any questions or slide any paperwork under the office door. Our full summer program schedule can be found on our website at www.chebeaguerec.com. We have TONS of programs this year for all ages and more to come. Happy Summer!!
May 31, 2014 - PhotoJim Thresher finally waited long enough outside the Pileated Woodpecker home and it looks like they had triplets! This is the male and click here to see an actual feeding.
Join us for Nostalgia Night at the Inn Sunday, June 1! Our all-inclusive meal comes with a salad to start, an entree and dessert. As always, we appreciate feedback and look forward to many enjoyable Nostalgia Nights this summer!
Chebeague Island Salad
Mixed Greens / Radish / Tomato / Citrus Vinaigrette
Prime Rib $23
Baby Carrots / Roasted Potoates / Beef Jus
Seared Cod $21
Braised Fennel / Meyer Lemon / Dill / Pine Nuts
Pasta Primavera $20
Handcut Linguine / Tomato / Seasonal Vegetables
Chocolate Bread Pudding / Vanilla Ice Cream
SUSTAIN-ME, diverse economies - strong coastal communities. Join like-minded business professionals and innovators on Chebeague Island for a packed day of opportunity to explore your own creative business solutions. Registration opens online, Sunday, June 1, at NOON. Register early, space is limited and check out the website sustain-me.org. Conference Tickets are $100 and there will be scholarships available for unbridged year-round Maine island residents, first-come first served.
This Fri & Sat the Slow Bell Café is featuring a “Smokey Corn Chowder.”
Hand Cut Fries
Slow Bell Burger
Caesar Salad
Veggie Chili
May 30, 2014 - Next week chebeague.net will be increasing the total bandwidth available to the island from 20 Mbps to 30 Mbps.
The Online June Calendar is now available - click here.
Susan Stranahan will be interviewed this weekend about her book, “Fukushima: The Story of a Nuclear Disaster” on C-Span’s Book TV “After Words” program. The interviewer is former Nuclear Regulatory Commission chairman Gregory Jaczko. The program will air Saturday at 10 p.m., Sunday at 9 p.m. and Monday at 3 a.m. On Dish systems, the program appears on C-Span2, Channel 211. For the schedule and more information click here.
The Community Gardening Series at the Rec Center continues with: Soil, Sun, Water: Every plant needs ‘em, every gardener could know more. Learn how you can improve your garden by understanding soil pH, nutrients, organic matter, texture, sunlight and drainage (Extra focus on soil!). THIS Saturday, May 31st 10:30-12:00 at the Rec. Facilitated by a panel of gardeners. Next Saturday, June 7th, Wonderment-gardening: ideas to inspire children in the garden.
CRC is looking for one more lifeguard that is available to work June 21st-July 5th. If you are available for some shifts during that time frame and are already certified or are interested in getting certified please contact the CRC office.
We got some very sad news that Merle Sachs (summer resident and friend to many) has suffered a massive stoke this past Memorial Weekend. We are asking you to take a moment and help flood her, her husband Murray, and family with cards, notes of encouragement, healing thoughts and prayers...anything that would remind her of Chebeague and the community that she loves so much. Please send it to Mrs. Merle Sachs & Family
c/o Johns Hopkins Hospital
Zyed Building
3 West Room #7
1800 Orleans St.
Baltimore, MD 21287
In the next few weeks Virginia will be participating in a couple of fund raising bicycle rides for Diabetes Association and American Lung Association - click here to see how you can support her.
Tonight is Pizza and Technology Night at the Hall from 6-7:30 - $4 for kids 11 and under and $8 for adults or $20 per family. Students will be sharing their projects about different countries. There will be a couple of short videos of some of their work.
The CTC barge will be back in operation on Tuesday 6/3. Our sincere apologies for the inconvenience the unforeseen extended yard period has caused our customers
Message from Mary Holt: "Dear Friends and Fellow Islanders,
As I sat through Candidates Night and listened to the questions and concerns of those in attendance, it became apparent to me that I would best serve our community through continued participation in committee work. Therefore, I am withdrawing my candidacy for the opening on the Board of Selectmen.
I thank those of you who asked or encouraged me to enter the election for your support, confidence and respect.
Mary Holt"
May 28, 2014 - This Friday, May 30th, the 3rd - 5th grade class will host a Technology and Pizza Night at the hall from 6-7:30 4$ for kids 11 & under $8 for adults or $20 per family. The students will be sharing their projects about different countries...the World Fair comes to the Chebeague Island Hall!!! Thanks for your support!!!"
Conratualations to Conrad Birkett who graduated from Endicott College with a bachelor’s degree in Business Management and with a minor in Creative Writing.
Message from Jen @ The Niblic: We opened for the season this past weekend! Our spring hours are Wednesday thru Saturday 8-2, Closed Sunday, Monday, & Tuesday (the boys are still busy with baseball season hence the limited hours). Wednesday we will have Haddock Chowder and Chicken & Rice Soup, as well as sandwiches & wraps. Stop by for a Bacon, Egg, & Cheddar Breakfast Sandwich made on a Parmesan Herb Biscuit & a cup of Chebeague Blend Coffee. Things are slowly coming together so stop by and see our renovations that took place this spring. Thanks in advance for your support!
May 27, 2014 - The Foot Doctor, Russell Rybka, will be at the Health Center tomorrow (Wednesday 28th) at 9am. Call 829 6463 for an appointment.
Message from Florence: "I am going over to pick up plants Tuesday morning. If you need plants or something special call (846 4986) or email me (islandriches@chebeague.net) I do go over quite often so if you don't have time to get me before you can call me Wednesday. I will be home all day and glad to pick up orders for the next time I go over. Thank you so much for a great beginning."
May 25, 2014 - Memorial Day Services will be at the Chebeague Island Methodist Church on Monday, May 26 at 1pm. This year our Island students as well as many of the folks from our community will be participating to honor our Veterans. Please join us !
The FOOT DOCTOR, Russell Rybka, is coming Wed 28th at 9am. Please call his office 829-6463 if you want to be seen.
Thank you to all who baked and bought at the Island Commons Bake & Plant Sale yesterday…the event raised over $1600 to purchase much-needed porch furniture. Tables full of goodies - including over 45 pies - were snapped up in the first hour. Be sure to come early next year if you missed out on your favorite!
Yesterday the Chebeague Students had a car wash to raise money for the 3-5 class trip to New York City - click here to see a photo by Mary Capra.
May 24, 2014 - For those of you who may not know, 3-5 class is holding a car wash at the fire station from 9 to 12 today. They will have refreshments, selling notecards and displaying the mixed bag catalogue.
A graveside service for Chuck Butters is planned for Sunday, June 22 at 1:30 here at Chebeague. Please join us for the service or just drop by our house after the service to visit and enjoy some refreshments. Our family will be home all afternoon.
SustainME registration opens on Sunday, June 1 -- Reminder to anyone interested in attending SustainME, the all day entrepreneurship conference to be held on Chebeague on July 12th: Online registration is available on the website, sustain-me.org, on Sunday, June 1st, starting at noon. Reduced rates are available, first-come first-served, for year round residents of unbridged Maine Islands.
May 23, 2014 - Photoof the 3-5 class at the Stone Pier for a MIMIC training May 23, 2014- click here to see photos and find out how the students and community are citizen scientists. You won't want to miss the Youtubed play written by the fifth graders - Click here.
Island Council is sponsoring a talk about ticks and Lyme Disease given by Mary Holman this Wed 5/28 at the Hall at 7PM? For those who can't make it, it will be repeated Tues. July 8th same time and place.
Join us today for a MIMIC (Marine Invader Monitoring and Information Collaborative) TRAINING at the school and then at the Stone Pier. Jeremy Miller from Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve and Curtis Bohlen of the Casco Bay Estuary Partnership starting about 8:30 at the school for a 40 minute talk and then to the Stone Pier to start the monitoring process and train the students and volunteers who would like to take part.
Slow Bell is opening today!!!! We are going to open at 6 Friday and Saturday and have burgers, wings, fries, chili, chowder, and Caesar salad with Mark and Chuck playing music on Saturday. Sunday we will be open in the afternoon with a cookout pot luck after Memorial softball game.
The Working Waterfront has an article about the SustainME, happening on Chebeague on July 12th, 2014- click here.
May 22, 2014 - The CRC running team had another awesome day in Yarmouth yesterday. The results for the 1/2 mile were Cole Putnam 16th and Caleb Todd 18th out of 54 runners, in the 3/4 mile Zackary Rich 1st and Wyatt Englund 2nd out of 64 runners and in the mile, Henry Hall 10th and Cameron Todd 12th out of 28 runners. Go team Chebeague!
Congratulations to Hugh Demers who graduated from Connecticut College on Sunday, May 18th with a degree in economics!
Congratulations to Josh Doughty who graduated from Berklee College of Music in Boston.
Don’t miss the Island Commons Plant & Bake Sale this Saturday at the Hall, 10-12:30…get there early for the best selection! Thanks to all who’ve offered to bake so far… If you’d like to be added to the baker list, please call Nancy Olney at the Commons 846-5610 or commons@chebeague.net
Guest preacher Sunday May 25 - Rev. Rebecca Stelle will be the guest preacher this Sunday. She is an ordained Lutheran minister who is the founder of Becoming Church, a ministry to the poor and marginalized in Washington, DC. Becca has many island connections and is looking forward to being here. Please join us on Sunday at 10:00. Becca is the granddaughter of Mary Capps Stelle.
The Summer Craft Fair will be Saturday, July 26. If you'd like a table or more info contact Linda Carleton at lindacarleton01@gmail.com or (207) 504-4628.
Message from Linda Watkins on her book: "Just an update on my book - the print version just went live on Amazon, being offered at $13.45. Click here for a direct link.
The CRC running team participated in running meet in Cumberland last week and had a blast. We really look forward to pizza together after the meets but running is fun too. The results for our milers for last week were: Cameron Todd 23rd and Henry Hall 24th out of 39 runners, our three quarter milers were: Zackary Rich 1st and Wyatt Englund 14th out of 70 runners and our half milers were: Caleb Todd 16th and Cole Putnam 20th out of 54 runners. They had another meet in Yarmouth yesterday and hope to have the results soon. The All League Meet is scheduled for July 7th at Twin Brooks starting at 2:00 PM. Please come and cheer them on!! Click here to see photos from May 14th.
Fitness room users: CRC is looking into upgrading some equipment in our fitness room. What would you like to see replaced first…treadmills? universal equipment? We want to hear from you so please give us your ideas.
May 20, 2014 - The Planning Board Meeting regarding changing zoning for the Hotel is tonight and not Thursday - click here for the notice.
Message from the Rec: We are having trouble with the CRC phone line and hope to have it fixed ASAP. In the meantime, please use email, crc@chebeague.net, or the teen center line, 846-5875 to reach the CRC office. Thanks!
Message from Jen @ THE NIBLIC: We will open this Friday for the season. Hours this Memorial Weekend are Friday, Saturday, and Sunday 8 to 2; closed Monday. We’ve been busy doing some renovations in the store and look forward to you stopping by and checking things out. Please stop in Friday for a free coffee or tea on us. It’s been a LONG winter and we are excited to get things going again. Lots of new things starting to come in. We look forward to seeing you & have a safe and happy Memorial Weekend!
Steve Woods, candidate for State Senate will be on the Island: Sunday, May 25: Lunch with the Candidate: The Slow Bell, noon to 2 pm and Saturday, June 7: Town meeting, 9-10 a.m.; transfer station, 10-11 a.m.
May 19, 2014 -This Friday there will be a MIMIC (Marine Invader Monitoring and Information Collaborative) TRAINING at the school and then at the Stone Pier. Jeremy Miller from Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve and Curtis Bohlen of the Casco Bay Estuary Partnership will be arriving on the 8:15 boat and then going to the school for a 40 minute talk and then to the Stone Pier to start the monitoring process and train the students and volunteers who would like to take part. Click here to learn a little more about the training.
Please click here to read a message from the Land Trust’s monarch butterfly project.. It also thanks folks who are participating in the effort to plant more milkweed around the island and also calls attention to the harm that the swallow wort weed does the monarchs. (The monarchs mistake it for milkweed, but the swallow wort is actually very toxic to the monarch’s larvae.)
School Committee Meeting tommorow night at 6pm click here for agenda.
Click here to see a "Let it Go" video created by Nick Fogarty and his wife. Nick is Ann Belesca's grandson.
May 18, 2014 - Photoof the workgroup Sunday, May 18th working on the Pizza Oven base. Thank you for all your hard work on this project. Click on the photo to see a lot more photos taken by Nellie Edwards.
Mary Capra has just updated the Tennis Club page with the new schedule, etc.
The order period for Pampered Chef products is still open until Saturday, May 25. Anyone interested should contact Pat St Cyr, or Ruth Slagle.
Message from Virginia: "Calder's Clam Shack opens for the season on Friday May 23rd at 4 -8 pm and will go by our spring and fall schedule until school is out.
Friday 4:30-8
Saturday 11:30-8
Sunday 11:30-7pm
Closed Monday through Thursday
Memorial day Weekend our special will be Lobster roll and Crab rolls all weekend until we run out.
Please photo copy the menu attached or pick one up at the Library, Store or the shack when you come. See YOU ALL SOON!
Message from the 3-5 Chebeague Island Class: Fundraising for the trip to New York is off to a great start! Thanks to all who have donated old cell phones & used toner cartridges! We have collected quite a few and will be sending them off on Wednesday May 21st. So please remember to get them in soon (boxes are at the store, library, Rec. center, school and on the boat) ~ Our Mixed bag fundraiser will run through Memorial Day each student in the 3rd - 5th grade has a catalog and there is one at the library and on the CTC ferry. If you order directly through us you get free shipping and we earn 50% but for those who are way you can order on line and we'll earn 40% Just use our fundraiser # 193896 the catalog is on line at mixedbagdesigns.com. ~ Memorial Day weekend there will be car wash at the fire station Saturday from 9:00 - noon. We will have note cards available and catalogs for the mixed bag sale as well. ~ The following Friday, May 30th, the 3rd - 5th grade class will host a Technology and Pizza Night at the hall from 6-7:30 4$ for kids 11 & under $8 for adults or $20 per family. The students will be sharing their projects about different countries...the World Fair comes to the Chebeague Island Hall!!! Thanks for your support!!!"
May 16, 2014 - Town Meeting is scheduled for Saturday, June 7, 2014 starting at 9:00 a.m. then voting for the State Primary and The Town Selectmen and School Board will happen Tuesday, June 10, 2014 at the Island Hall from 8:00 a.m.- 8:00 p.m. Absentee Ballots are available at the Town Office during regular business hours (PLEASE NOTE NEW OFFICE HOURS) effective 5-19-14: click here for times and more information.
The Chebeague Inn Family is happy to announce their first Island Open House of the year on May 22nd from 5-8 - click here for flyer.
CRC is trying to put together a soccer program for kids ages 13+ this summer as long as there is enough interest. It will be lead by the coaches that will be on the island the week of July 14th for the soccer camp. Please spread the word and have anyone that is interested contact CRC by June 16th.
There is a list started for people who would like to get a well drilled. There is one definite right now so please call Annette if interested as she is starting a list. Call to sign up or for more information at: 846-3583.
Back by popular demand the Chebeague and Cumberland Land Trust is bringing back Horseshoe Crab are coming to shore - learn all about their secret lives- click here to learn more.
Note from CTC: The maintenance work at the Blanchard Lot is completed. Thanks to all who moved to Route One for us. You can return to the Blanchard lot.
May 14, 2014 -
Today, Wednesday is the last LUNCH until the Fall!Today's soup is Sausage tortellini, and
Creamy parsnip and carrot with ginger.
THIS Saturday at the Rec Center, 10:30-12, join us for Perennial Success: Choosing low maintenance, hardy perennials for your garden, understanding sunlight and nutrient requirements, designing for seasonal color and best practices for dividing. Bring your questions! Facilitated by Cheryl Stevens. For information on the rest of the May/June garden series, click HERE
May 12, 2014 - Please check out the Chebeague Island Boat Yard’s new website at www.chebeagueislandboatyard.com
School Committee meeting tomorrow night at 6pm - click here for agenda.
MANY THANKS to the 30 friends and neighbors who turned out to scrape, paint, rake, sweep and tidy up the Island Commons Saturday, May 3rd. The grounds and the outbuildings look fantastic….we couldn’t have done it without you all! Click here to see a few photos.
There is a great little video on the Press Herald Website about the Piping Plover and the importance of protecting their nesting sites. Click here to see. We had one show up last year at the Hook and maybe we will have a pair this year. This time of year there are lots of bird nests in the grass along the shores as well.
May 11, 2014 - Message from Island Riches: "Even if we have mostly cold weather Memorial Day is almost here. I am taking orders for plants so to make sure you have the amount and color you need call me at ( 207 846-4986 ) or email me at (islandriches@chebeague.net). Thank you, Florence"
Stephanie Martin is going BALD for a cause! On June 1st she will be shaving her head to benefit St. Baldricks Foundation to conquer childhood cancer. Click here to go to her donation site.
May 10, 2014 - Town of Chebeague is looking for a Code Enforcement Officer - click here for notice.
Shenna Bellows, Democratic candidate for the U.S. Senate will be at the Island Hall this morning at 10:00. Please join me in welcoming Shenna and introducing her to our community. Shenna will tell us about her experiences, beliefs and how she will represent us as our Senator. Shenna was executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Maine. Learn about Shenna's background at her website
May 9, 2014 - Our cat Apple came home today two weeks after being missing. She is extremely thin and was probably locked in a barn. Thank you to all the people who have been looking and calling.
There is NO dinner and trivia upcoming Saturday at the hall and Game Night is over for the season. The publishers of the Island Calendar apologize for the errors in calendar events.
May 8, 2014 - Phototaken by Richard Hackell 5/8/14 of a deer he saw run into the water and swim over to Long Island while he was on Deer Point taking photos of the rising tide.
The Chebeague Island Running team had a great time at our first meet of the season yesterday in Yarmouth. The results in the half mile (1st and 2nd graders) were... Caleb Todd placed 14th and Cole Putnam placed 17th out of 31 runners. In the 3/4 mile (3rd and 4th graders)... Zack Rich placed 1st (by 8 seconds, by the way) and Wyatt Englund tied for 3rd out of 57 runners. In the mile (5th and 6th graders)...Henry Hall placed 9th and Cameron Todd placed 10th out of 20 runners. Be sure to congratulate them when you see them.
NOTICE: The Island Market will be closing tomorrow, Friday, May 9th at 11 AM and won't be open until Sunday at 9 AM as the family will be attending Josh's graduation from Berkley School of Music. Congratulations JOSH!
Chebeague.net will be down for about five minutes between 6:30 and 7:00 tonight.
Congratulations to Jade Morlock who was selected to attend a three-day studio-based workshop at Haystack Mountain School of Crafts in Deer Isle. She is one of 72 Maine students that will work intensively for the three days in one craft and study with Maine craftspeople.
Democratic Candidate for United States Senate, Shenna Bellows, will be at the Island Hall at 10:00am on Saturday, May 10. Please join Mary Holt in welcoming Shenna to our community. Click here for more information.
Chebeague.net was out from around 6:30 to 7 last night when I replaced a cable at the West End which ended up not working properly. I will be doing the switchover again sometime in the next few days and hopefully it will only be out for about five minutes next time. Sorry for the interruption of service.
May 6, 2014 - Sasha Houdini Ballard, Gin Ballard's dog, died peacefully on 6th May. Sasha spent 16 of her 18 years helping Gin take care of patients. She also entertained & generally brightened the lives of the Island Commons residents. For the past 8+ years Sasha comforted hospice patients.
The soups for tomorrow are Chicken Pinto Bean Green Chili, and the vegetarian is a Miso.
May 4, 2014 - Chebeague Island's Candidates night is scheduled for Tuesday May 27th from 7:00PM to 9:00PM at the Hall. The format will be the same as last year with a moderator, an opportunity for each candidate to introduce themselves, state why they are running for the position, and answer questions from the moderator and the public. Right now the candidates who have taken out papers for the Selectmen position for Herb Maines seat are Mary Holt and Bill Calthorpe. Beverly Johnson is running for her seat on the School Committee unopposed. If you have not filed papers and are planning to run as a write-in candidate you are welcome to come to candidates night and take part as well.
If you get a message from admin@chebeague.net, please do not open the file attached. We do not have an email address admin@chebeague.net. This email is not from us or anyone we know!! Don't ever open up a zip file or any file unless you know you were getting it legitamately. Spam gets sent from people's computers that have been corrupted or spammed and they don't even know that it is going out to their email list.
Message from Martha O. Hamilton: "The DAR has changed their veteran program.of saving canceled stamps which they used in Vet hospitals for collages. Several Chebeaguers here and elsewhere have been saving stamps for me for years. I would like to thank them all for helping with this project and tell them not to save them for me from now on .Thanks."
Attention Chebeague Sailors! What odds !! .. Win a brand new, fully equipped Ensign valued at $46,000. Only 650 tickets will be sold. (Click here for raffle entry form to send in) Proceeds to support the Ensign Class Association Youth Sponsorship & Ensigns Forever Programs. See attached for flyer and entry form. For further information: http://www.ensignclass.com/52-win-an-ensign23
PLAN AHEAD FOR PEACE OF MIND - a discussion about the advantages of funeral pre-planning, including Veteran and Medicaid planning considerations, and developing a comprehensive plan. Monday, May 12 at 2:00 pm at the Parish House. Offered by Lindquist Funeral Home. Call 846-4011 to reserve a space, or leave a message at the church office, 846-4106.
May 3, 2014 - Last weekend I was able to go out to Cuttyhunk Island in Massachusetts and had a great visit. Click here to see a few photos but the day was mostly cloudy and rainy.
Eric has posted notices online and physically around the island, and mailed to abutting property owners of abutting road work to be performed. Click here for Three Meeting Notice and Click here for the South Road and Chandler's Road Reclamation and Paving Notice.
May 2, 2014 - Phototaken 5/2/14 of a Red-bellied Woodpecker at the feeder. Click here to see a couple of Laughing Gulls on the East End and click here to see a Northern Flicker.
Photo taken 5/2/14 by Mary Holt of the mist on Cousins Island.
I have just added Wink Houghton to Island Businesses-Wood turning items, bowls, salt cellars, mortar and pestle's, also make mobiles and stabiles. All items are made from items found on Island. Contact: WinkHoughton@aol.com
NOTICE, NOTICE (Change of Time)- Veggie Gardening with Sue Burgess TIME CHANGE: IT WILL BE HELD 1-2:30pm, at the Rec Center, FOLLOWING THE COMMONS CLEAN-UP.
I have just added Linda Ewing Designs to the Chebeague Businesses - Crafts made from recycled wood found on Chebeague and Interior Design consultations. 838 3662 lindanelewing@yahoo.com - I meant to add it a month ago but it got lost in my email.
Deb's error in the May Calendar, sorry! The Library is open Saturday 10:00 am to 1:00 pm and will be open on Saturday when the hours change after Memorial Day. Sorry to be so confusing!
May 1, 2014 - REMINDER! The Island Commons Spring Cleanup & BBQ is this Saturday, May 3rd from 10am – Grab your gardening gear and come join us!
This Saturday! 1-2:30 Come by the Rec Center to talk with Sue Burgess about successful vegetable gardening. Whether you’re hoping to start a garden from scratch or have been raising vegetables for years, we’ll provide resources, answer questions and cover a range of topics. And don’t forget the spring cleaning day at the Commons from 10- 1pm
Message from the Ridgeways: "">Hannah Rose Ridgway is home with us and doing very well and continues to gain weight. Thank you to everyone who have sent gifts and food our way, we appreciate all of your support! Carrie, Matt and Morgan."
CRC has one, 30 minute piano or string instrument lesson available on Thursday evenings. Please contact the office if you are interested. Our instructor is awesome and teaches kids ages 5 and up, teens and adults!! 846-5068 We will have 2 more openings at the end of May. Call today!
Thank you to everyone who came out to support the Chebeague Island School's Talent Show and Pie Night at the Hall last weekend. Special thanks to all of the pie bakers, kitchen workers, coordinating help, performers, and the craftspeople who donated items for our raffle. We brought in $912 towards the NYC trip.!
There is a new novel by Linda Watkins called MATEGUAS ISLAND, and is now available on Amazon as an ebook! It just went live yesterday and is being offered for a promotional period at the low, low price of 99 cents! (click here to buy it now) It is based loosely on Chebeague and two of the characters dine at an Inn modeled after the Chebeague Island Inn. The novel has already received several very good reviews that are posted on Goodreads. Click here for a video trailer of the book. Click here to learn more about Linda and Mateguas Island.
April 29, 2014 - I have to share the message the K-2 classroom received from the ornithologists at Birdsleuth: BirdSleuth wrote: "Beverly, I just wanted you to know we watched this in our Education staff meeting yesterday and everyone absolutely loved it. Please tell the kids we think they are SUPERSTAR actors and their bird facts were awesome!"
Don't miss out on two programs starting Saturday, May 3rd at CRC. T-Ball for ages 4-7with Coach Jon and Amy, 9-9:45 AM at the volunteer field and the all new Community Gardening Series from 10:30-Noon at CRC. This week's series is Veggie Gardening Basics facilitated by Sue Burgess.
The Commons is not having 2 wine tasting events this summer! ….the Island Calendar “coming events” lists the event for both June and July. JUNE 29th date is the correct date.
The Board of Selectmen will hold a Meeting and Public Hearing on Wednesday, April 30th, 2014
At the Island Hall beginning with an executive session at 5:30pm. Click here for agenda.
Go to the Town Website for a Hiring announcement for a Harbor Master and Shellfish Warden.
Tomorrow, Wednesday's Soup at the Hall: The Ultimate Potato Soup (with bacon) and Vegetable Soup with Pesto (vegetarian). All the soups they make are terrific and I think they should do a Chebeague Island Hall Soup Cookbook!
April 24, 2014 - Our K-2 Chebeague Birds is featured today on Birdsleuth!
Click here to see a wonderful video created by a college student about green crabs that is featured in the Bangor News.
Be sure to remember the TALENT SHOW is this Saturday night 7-8:30 at the Hall.
Admission is 5$ and we will have HOMEMADE pie for $3 a slice an entertaining and delicious way to help support the 3rd-5th grade class raise money for their trip to NYC!!!
Thanks also to those who have donated old cell phones and used ink cartridges we will be collecting them for the next few weeks, there are collection boxes at the store, library, rec. center and on the CTC ferry. We are also selling MIxed Bags, you can check out the catalog on the ferry or on line (if you order through one of our 3rd-5th grade students you get free shipping!) Call Sam Birkett with any questions 846-4467. Thanks again for your support!!!
Community Gardening Series coming right up! Veggie 101 on May 3rd, Perennial Success on May 17th, Soil, Sun and Water on May 31st, Wonderment-gardening June 7th and Home Composting June 14th. All workshops will be held in the craft room at the Rec Center 10:30-noon. More info on classes in the link. Sue Burgess will be facilitating the Veggie 101 on May 3rd..
April 23, 2014 - Message from the 3-5 Class Parents: Putting out the word that we are still hoping for more donations for Saturday's school fundraiser, the talent show and pie night. If your are able to help out, we would really appreciate it! We are raising money for the end of the year trip for the 3-5 class to New York City. If you can donate a pie or two, let me know. Please give me a call at 332.2368 and leave a message or email me at maywicca@gmail.com. Thanks! May
The TOCI Ad-hoc Sunset Committee is pleased to inform the community that the evaluation of the Town owned property commonly known as Sunset Landing is scheduled to begin soon. If you'd like to learn more about the Committee's charge, click on the following links. Click here for Purpose, Authority, Organization, Administration and Task List. Click here for Members and Minutes.
April 22, 2014 - The Hall is still having Coffee and Soup on Wednesdays and tomorrow the Vegetarian soup is Gypsy Soup (Spanish Vegetable) and the non-vegetarian is Italian Sausage.
Come one, come all to paint the Hall! The CI Hall and Community Center is looking for volunteers to help repaint the kitchen on SUNDAY April 27, 2014, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. or so. Stay until the end, or paint for an hour: any help will be greatly appreciated. We will provide snacks, drinks, and lunch if you provide the painting power. Just wear your oldest clothes. This will count as community service for students. To sign up, please call or email Ruth Slagle at 846-6345 or ruthslagle@chebeague.net or Sam McLean at 846-0510 or samhidval@gmail.com. Or, just surprise us and show up ready to paint! We hope to see you see there! Thank you!
ONE OCEAN MANY NEEDS --- How are Mainers thinking about the future of our oceans in broader conversations on ocean use? Join the Island Institute, Conservation Law Foundation, Surfrider Foundation, New England Ocean Action Network, and the Maine Coast Fishermen's Association for a free film screening and panel discussion. Attendees will have an opportunity to hear from Maine voices in conversation, resource planning, and fishing communities, learn about emerging issues, and connect with others invested in our oceans. May 1, at One Longfellow Square
181 State Street, Suite 201 Portland. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. for networking (cash bar available); films begin at 7:00 p.m. Click here for more information.
Congratulations to Avis Flemming who is having an art and show starting May 1 to June 30 show “Printed, Painted, Potted” at Printmakers Inc. gallery in Alexandria’s Torpedo Factory Art Center. The one-artist show of etchings, lithographs, monotypes, paintings and ceramics features landscapes of Ireland, Maine and Louisiana and birds, people and dogs. Reception Sunday, May 4, 2-4 p.m. Click here to see the invitation and she would love to have people visit.
April 21, 2014 - Phototaken by Jim Thresher along the South Road near the Commons of a Pileated Woodpecker who along with his mate have hollowed out a nest.
Memorial Day Services will be at the Chebeague Island Methodist Church on Monday, May 26 at 1pm. This year our Island students as well as many of the folks from our community will be participating to honor our Veterans. Please join us !
April 20, 2014 - Photo Easter Sunrise Service at the East End of Chebeague. Click here to see Mary Holts photo of the sunrise and click here for her photo just before.
Indian Point (and the Chebeague and Cumberland Land Trust) needs your help in preserving and protecting the sand dunes. The dunes throughout Indian Point (The Hook) are extremely fragile and can be irreversibly damaged if trod upon even once. Healthy sand dunes protect wildlife and diverse ecosystems and also provide storm damage protection to coastal development. Once damaged, the loss of the dune grasses and roots have a dramatic impact on the erosion of the beaches and property. Last year we had a piping plover looking at the area and maybe they will be back to lay eggs. It is imperitive that you don't let your dogs run in the grassy area with those birds and others have laid their eggs over the next few months.
The Land Trust, with the help of Carl Tubbesing, is promoting an effort on Chebeague to bring back the Monarch butterflies. You can help by speaking with the owners of the easement you care for, or by planting milkweed at your own place. Carl is offering all of us a way to do this. Click here to learn how you can help and get in touch with Carl for more information - now is the time to plant.
Teen Center will be open its regular hours of Saturday and Sunday over the April break in addition to special evenings on Tuesday with Celia for a music jam session, bring an instrument if you want or there will be some here to learn and experiment with, and Wednesday Night with Amanda- you never can know what crazy fun she adds!!
Aprill 17, 2014 - Congratulations to Deb Bowman who was in Augusta where the Chebeague Island Library was one of two Maine libraries honored at the Blaine House on April 15 for championing poetry in the community. Our Library hosts a poetry appreciation group and brings poets to Chebeague for public readings. State Poet Laureate Wesley McNair, who has been to Chebeague many times, announced his new initiative, Imagination 101: Poetry in the Schools as part of the celebration of National Poetry Month. Our own poet Sheila Jordan was with Deb when she received this honor.
It’s time for Island Commons annual SPRING CLEANUP & BBQ! Bring your gloves, your family and your appetite and join us at the Commons Saturday May 3rd 10am-1pm as we clear out the remains of winter and usher in spring (click here for flyer)
Now you can support Island Commons every time you shop at Amazon.com by order through their Amazon Smile program. Amazon will make a donation to Island Commons, at no cost to you, for simply shopping this way. Follow this link for details http://smile.amazon.com/ch/01-0496139 and Thank You!!
The CRC office will be closed for most of the week from April 21-April 25 but we will be checking for messages and answering emails daily. If you need to drop off paperwork of any kind, please stop by between 7:30 AM and 4:30 PM Monday-Friday and slide your paperwork under the office door. Be sure to check out our website, www.chebeaguerec.com, for details about upcoming programs, Camp Chebeague, summer theater, teen center and Kids Place and like us on Facebook to receive our weekly updates.
NOTICE: Chebeague DSL will be down today from 9am till 1pm because of CMP service work.
The Chebeague K-2 class will be showing their bird movie to the Ladies Aid today at 1:30.
Maundy Thursday worship at 7pm at the Parish House.
Kelley Rich will be running in the 2014 Tri for a Cure on July 20th! Over 1000 woman participate in this (Maine's only all women) triathlon each year. All money raised from this event will be used by the Maine Cancer Foundation to provide grants for research, education and patient support services, and 100% of the money goes to work here in Maine! She is participating for those close to her that have lost the fight against cancer, those that are still fighting and for those that have beat it!! To make a donation please click here for the link to her page. If you prefer, go to www.triforacure.org and click the pink donate button and search for her by name. Thank you for supporting such a great cause.
April 16, 2014 - Photoof another fabulous Community Luncheon at the Hall today with four different choices of lasagna!
NOTICE: Chebeague.net will be down tomorrow, Thursday, from 9am to 1pm because an electrical service replacement. (It was only down for about 45 minutes.)Today - Community Luncheon at the Hall - 12pm.
The Chebeague Church offers Holy Week and Easter worship and fellowship opportunities:
*Maundy Thursday worship at 7:00 in the Parish House - a time to remember Jesus' Last Supper; communion will be served.
*Good Friday - church open all day for prayer and meditation
*Easter Sunday - sunrise service at East End, 5:30 am (dress warmly); refreshments at Parish House after sunrise service;
Easter worship service at 10:00 am (childcare available).
There will be NO writing group on Easter Sunday afternoon.
Phototaken April 16 - 6:30am - Doesn't look like Spring to me - cold and windy with windchills in the teens - Yuk!
April 13, 2014 - I finally downloaded photos from the k-2nd grade class presentation about common birds presented to parents and friends on Friday during school. Click here to see their birds and even the bird cookies Mrs Summa made for us to have with our tea!
Phototaken 4/13 of a Kestrel that was at the top of a pole across from the Hotel. Click here to see a Blue Jay go after the Kestrel. Click here to see the Kestrel go after the Blue Jay.
School Committee Meeting is Wednesday night at the Hall starting at 5:45 with part of it with the Selectmen on the 2015 budget - click here for agenda.
Last night was the Annual Community Dinner and Trivia Night to benefit the Stephen Ross Scholarship Fund and they raised over $2500. It was a great tournout and the food, questions and all was wonderful. Click here to see photos. A big thank you to Kenneth Hamilton and Mabel Doughty who have been on the board for 49 years and who are retiring. Diane Calder will be staying on the board and has also been there for 49 years. Congratulations to Sarah McKinnon who will be taking the presidency of the board over from her grandfather Kenneth.
A new report from the "Live Anywhere Boat" - click here for Part III Virgin Islands to Puorto Rico.
In the next month or so the 3rd - 5th grade class will be raising money for their trip to NYC!
*Look for the following opportunities to support them. Notecards featuring their artwork will be for sale at the library and the Rec. Center or you can contact Meredith at 846-0766.
*Saturday April 26th there will be a talent show and homemade pie sale so come for some after dinner entertainment and dessert!!! Call May if you would like to help with pies 332-2368 or call Sam 846-4467 about sharing your talent. Memorial Day weekend the kids will be washing cars at the Fire Station Saturday morning.
They will end the month with Technology /Pizza night Friday May 30th where they will present projects on different countries. *Two other ways we are trying to raise money (New York is expensive) is by offering our mixed bag fundraiser again this year. Students will have catalogs, we will leave catalogs on the boat and you can call Sam Birkett 846-4467 or Suzanne Rugh 846-7844 for questions or to place an order. (You can also order on line if you are away but ordering through us you get free shipping!)
Finally we are collecting old cell phones (even broken ones!) and used ink cartridges we will place boxes around town to make it easy for you to recycle these items that might other wise end up in the trash. If you know of anyone who works in a school or office where they might be willing help collect some of these recyclables for us it would be greatly appreciated!!! Call Sam Birkett for questions.
Thanks from the 3rd - 5th graders in advance for your support!
April 11, 2014 - I have received A Review of "Dinner in the Freezer" at CRC.
Today, Mrs Hoidal's Chebeague Island Class K-2nd grade shared the video we have been working on. They shared their research, bird nests, bird sculptures and more for parents and friends. So much fun and you too can learn about eleven of our common year round birds from their video! Click here to see.
Tomorrow: 6th Annual Community Dinner & Trivia Night to benefit the Stephen Ross Scholarship Fund Saturday, April 12, 2014 at 6 pm at the Hall. Adults $8 Kids $5 Family max $22. Great food * Fun decorations * Awesome raffle prizes * Trivia by table after dinner – in big teams, all for fun - Contact Genny Dyer 846-6522 FMI. This is a great way to support higher education for island kids!!!
CTC offers congratulations to the Chebeague Island Library - the winner of the free non-profit cruise on the Pied Piper for 2014. Thanks to all the other organizations that entered the contest, better luck next year!
Message from the CTC: CREDIT CARDS ARE HERE!
We have begun processing credit cards on the ferry! We will start processing at Route One in May. Effective 5/1/2014 summer fares will be effective. There will be a pricing increase for most ferry categories. However, customers who purchase tickets with cash or checks will receive a cash discount which will offset the pricing increase. In other words, if you pay by cash or check, you will not see a pricing increase.
Our barge will begin operation on April 15th. We will have a few days of maintenance on the Dovekie that will begin May 7th. During that period, the barge will not be operating
There will be a graveside service for Leona Boxer on Saturday, June 28th at 1:00 PM. Please join us for the service followed by refreshments at the Parish House.
April 10, 2014 - The Town received a letter from the Sherrif's Department, Kevin Joyce says - 'there are no exemptions to the use of seat belts on islands". See letter click here.
CRC is looking for someone that can lead an adult theater program this summer! If you or someone you know is interested, please call or email CRC today!
PALM SUNDAY will be celebrated at the Chebeague Church this Sunday, April 13, at 10:00 am. Join us for this celebration that ushers in Holy Week. We have palms for everyone!
* Maundy Thursday worship service around the tables in the Parish House as we remember Jesus' last meal with his disciples in the Upper Room.
* Good Friday - church open from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm for prayer and meditation. "Prayer stations" with written reflections available.
*Sunrise service at 5:30 at the East End (bring your coffee along)
* Light breakfast (with Holy Donuts) at the Parish House
* Easter worship at 10:00 am
Reminder from Chebeague's Democratic Party: "Please join Cathy Breen on Saturday, April 12 at 10:00a.m. at the Hall. Together, we'll enjoy a baked treat and a cup of coffee or tea as we get to know Cathy, understand what she stands for and share with her our concerns and ideas." Click here to learn more about Cathy. Cathy is running as a Clean Elections candidate .
April 8, 2014 - Soups for Wed. Apr. 9 are: Italian Wedding Soup (meat), and Creamy parsnip and carrot soup (veg).
Please Come to the 6th Annual Community Dinner & Trivia Night to benefit the Stephen Ross Scholarship Fund Saturday, April 12, 2014 at 6 pm at the Hall. Adults $8 Kids $5 Family max $22. Great food * Fun decorations * Awesome raffle prizes * Trivia by table after dinner – in big teams, all for fun - Contact Genny Dyer 846-6522 FMI. This is a great way to support higher education for island kids!!!
CRC is looking for people interested in running some teen and preteen programs this summer. Please call CRC if you have an idea or are interested in leading teen center or a special activity.
April 6, 2014 - Karen and Jay Corson's Dog, Zoe, went out last night and has not been seen since. She is elderly with vision, hearing and strength issues and no one has been able to find her. Please keep a lookout for her. We have been searching the woods, around houses, roads and it is like she vannished. She is brown, black with some white and would match in perfectly with the leaves and vegetation. Please call 846-0938 if you have seen her.
Message from Chebeague's Democratic Party: "Democrat Cathy Breen from Falmouth hopes to represent us as our State Senator. Cathy is running as a Clean Elections candidate and she'll be out to the Island on Saturday, April 12th to meet with us at the Island Hall at 10:00 in the morning. Cathy has excellent goals and she is a hard worker, passionate, articulate and friendly.
Please join Cathy on Saturday, April 12 at 10:00a.m. at the Hall. Together, we'll enjoy a baked treat and a cup of coffee or tea as we get to know Cathy, understand what she stands for and share with her our concerns and ideas." Click here to learn more about Cathy.
April 4, 2013 - Photoof a Partial albino Black-capped Chickadee "leucistic", meaning lacking complete normal plumage. Bob McGuire saw it last year and it has been hanging around Gail Helbig's feeders. Click here for another view of him. As I was driving home there was a Woodcock crossing the street on John Small Road and I had to stop so he could slowly cross. There are at least two Snowy Owls on the island - there is one back at the Hook after being gone two weeks. There was another on Littlefield Road in Bisharats field - photo on stone wall.
A graveside service for Chuck Butters will be held on Sunday, June 22 at 1:30. Please join us for the service or just drop by our house after the service to visit and enjoy some refreshments. Our family will be home all afternoon.
April 2, 2014 - Free Annual Health Screening Day is Saturday from 9am until 1130am at the Hall. Take advantage of having a SKIN DOCTOR come right to you. Dr. Riemann will check a lump or a bump or do a "full body" screen. Get your blood pressure, cholesterol, and sugar checked by student nurses from USM. When was your last tetanus shot? EVERYONE needs one every 10 yrs. There is a charge for the shot but no one will be turned away due to inability to pay. Need a ride? Call the Library 846 4351.
Dinners In The Freezer-Wednesday, April 9th at 6:00 We provide the ingredients and you come and help prep. There are three meals for four people each and it is all set to be frozen and then thaw and cook when you are in the desperate spot of not having planned a meal. This will be and all vegetarian theme (although meat lovers can add meat to any of these recipes before preparing at home), Vegetable Vindaloo, Spinach and Feta casserole with brown rice and Parmesan, and a Hearty Vegetable Stew. Call the Rec and sign up by Monday April 7.
The Rec Center is looking for people interested in an adult theater production for this summer, let us know if there is something you would love to see or help in any way with, no matter how much or how little time you can commit, we want to start assembling a plan now so we are ready for a great production when summer finally strikes. We need someone willing to director and, of course, actors and actresses!! We are open to all ideas!
April 1, 2014 - Photoof a Killdeer taken April 1 on the side of the Golf Course. I hope it is a sign of Spring! Click here for another view and here for another. There were two walking around near the edge across from Houghton's house.
The soups for tomorrow are: Fish Soup (cioppino) and Onion soup (vegetarian).
School Committee Meeting tonight, Tuesday at the school - see agenda.
March 31, 2014 - Congratulations to Kim Kuntz Gogin who has the honor of going on a research cruise in the Atlantic Ocean. Click here to read all about it!op230...
Today is the last day to take advantage of CRC's 12 month fitness pass special. Don't miss out on this great price of $99 for the whole year!! Contact crc@chebeague.net
Remember that the Transfer Station times open have changed as of March 9th - click here to see the hours or click on the Town Website and scroll down the right side of the home page.
March 30, 2014 - Photoof the Northern Harrier (Marsh Hawk) at Sandy Point (wingspan 3 1/2 - 4 ft). Click here to see another and click here to see another. They were all taken from inside my car when I drove down there. The Snowy also flew over and landed on the pole in front of me.
Click here for a message from Becky Jones about items at her mother's house.
March 28, 2014 - Game Night is on for the Hall tomorrow (Saturday) evening, 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
Floor Hockey Tuesday Nights at 7:00, All new equipment other than Skipper. Bring water bottle, comfortable shoes and leg splints (we supply all other first aid). See you there!!!!
March 27, 2014 - "Spring Fever" at Frog Pond & Salamander Swamp March/April 2014" - Chebeague and Cumberland Land Trust is again offering this wonderful experience for friends and families - click here for more information.
Virginia Calder and Sandy Mailman are participating in the Trek Across Maine and would love your support and contributions to the Maine Lung Association! Click here to get details on how you can help.
Click here to see an article about Charlie Porter who was a first cousin to Michael Porter (their fathers were brothers). He died recently at the age of 63.
March 26, 2014 - The 3-5 Classroom is selling notecards to raise money for their trip to New York - click here for details.
Thank you to everyone who came to experience OZ. These events don't happen without the help, support and encouragement from lots and lots of people. It was totally worth the effort when you see the looks we saw on not just the kids faces, but everyone who came in the door. Thank you! PS There are lots of unclaimed fake flowers in a tote just inside the door of the building. If you want to dig through and take some, please do so. Thank you for coming!
Cathy MacNeill has posted a lot more photos from the Wizard of Oz Library event - click here to see!
Deadline approaching for free CTC cruise for non profits. Non profit organizations that are interested in a free 2 hour cruise this summer should notify the office by 4/1. Details were in our March newsletter which can be found our our News and Info page on the CTC website.
As of noon today (3/26), CTC plans to run all scheduled ferry and bus trips. If weather conditions change and force cancellation of any trips, we will post a notice on our Facebook page and our website. We will also send emails/texts to customers who enrolled in that program on the Trip Cancellation page our our website chebeaguetrans.com
March 25, 2014 - The two soups for Wed 3/26 are: Beef Stroganoff soup (meat) and Hungarian Mushroom Soup (veg).
Dine out Saturday March 29th. Choice of Seafood Newburg or Seafood Fra Diavolo. Vegetarian option, Eggplant parm. Salad and dessert. 7 pm at the Hall. Call 319-7742 or dineoutchebeague@gmail.com to reserve.
March 23, 2014 - Photo of a female Bluebird (male bluebird) on the Golf Course by the 5th fairway on March 23. We hiked around theEast End and saw a red-tailed Hawk, a couple of Tufted Titmice (worm in mouth), lots of Common Goldeneyes, Eiders, Bufflehead, and Surf Scoters. At the feeder we had large flocks of Red-winged blackbirds, Cowbirds, and Grackles - at least a 100 at once all getting here this week - It is a sure sign of Spring.
Yesterday I was stopped by officers from the Sherrif's Department because I hadn't put my registration stickers on my car which I had had in my pocketbook for weeks and just spaced out. At least I had registered it and they were very nice. They did also wanted me to remind people that Chebeague is not exempt from the State of Maine Seatbelt law and that it will start being enforced on Chebeague. I quickly buckled up and then have been trying to remember to ever since - old habits are hard to break but it is the law.
I have just downloaded about 30 photos Cathy MacNeill took at the Wizard of Oz Evening that she shared on facebook - click here to see. She has more that she would like to share at some time.
Rec Center fitness pass special for the month of March, Annual pass is only $99… Come in now and take advantage of the savings before the end of the month.
Mark and Chuck will be at the Hall on April 5, concert to benefit the Rec Center, come welcome the warming weather as everyone comes out of hibernation for a fun night of music!
Last night was the Library's Wizard of Oz extravaganza at the Hall - click here to see a couple of photos - more coming soon from Cathy MacNeill.
March 21, 2014 - Tomorrow - Follow the Yellow Brick Road - to the Hall for the Library - join the fun this Saturday, March 22 at the Wizard of Oz. and meet your favorite Oz characters. Do you have a Dorothy inside of you screaming to come out? She is the one character we don't have, so please dress up! You could earn a spot at the head table! Auntie Em's dinner begins at 6:00 with movie to follow, doors open at 5:00 pm. $8.00 per person, $25.00 family cap. Fabulous Oz raffles, table prizes, and did we mention pies? Call the Library at 846-4351 if you have questions or to tell us you are ready to go over the rainbow!
We haven't seen the Snowy Owl since Monday, so maybe it has headed back north. Yesterday we had the first Red-winged Blackbirds, and we saw Bluebirds down at Sandy Point.
The old Chebeague School Bus is for sale by the school - for details click here.
March 19, 2014 - photo of some of the cooks and servers who put together the Chebeague Island Hall Community Center Luncheon every month. This week it was Corned Beef and Cabbage with Irish Soda Bread and a wonderful Irish dessert - it was delicious! The last Community luncheon will be in April and remember that they have soup and coffee on Wednesdays.
"Writing to Wake the Soul" - Pastor Mary Jane is offering a six-week contemplative writing opportunity starting this Sunday (March 23rd)from 3:00-4:30 at the Parish House. It's open to anyone who wants to explore aspects of the spiritual life in writing, regardless of prior writing experience. Bring a notebook or journal.
March 18, 2014 - Tonight is School Committee Meeting - click here for agenda - starts at 6pm at the school.
I just got back from a long weekend in North Carolina and am ready to get back to work. Finally putting the 2013 Newsletter together but still have a few outstanding articles so please send them in.
NEWSFLASH quick write down Saturday 5th April 9am-1130 that's when the SKIN DOCTOR will be at the Annual Health Screening Day at the Hall. Dr. Helge Riemann, a Dermatologist from Brunswick, has agreed to come do "Skin Screening". He is sponsored by the Island Council - so it's FREE. He can check any mole, freckle, whatever that you've been worried about but haven't gotten evaluated yet. Please take advantage of this opportunity!
March 17, 2014 -Community Lunch on Wednesday is Corned Beef and Cabbage and thank you to Island Electric who is sponsoring this meal
Thank you to the nearly fifty islanders and friends who turned out to help us celebrate St.Patty’s at the Island Commons. It was another great opportunity for Commons residents to meet and mingle. We received many donations of items to stock our supply closet..as well as a few surprise contributions as well…many thanks to all who made a donation. Your generosity helps to keep us going!
March 14, 2014 - photo of the Snowy at the Hook on March 6. I think that this is the luckiest Snowy to have found this perfect spot which is similar to its home in the arctic and is not in a place to be bothered much. I have seen her every day from the top of the road. NPR had a wonderful report about the Snowys - click here. I also have sent open wing photos to Project Snowstorm to see if they can tell us the sex and age of our owl.
Message from the Library: Please join the fun next Saturday, March 22 at the Wizard of Oz. Follow the yellow brick road and meet your favorite Oz characters. Do you have a Dorothy inside of you screaming to come out? She is the one character we don't have, so please dress up! You could earn a spot at the head table! Auntie Em's dinner begins at 6:00 with movie to follow, doors open at 5:00 pm. $8.00 per person, $25.00 family cap. Fabulous Oz raffles, table prizes, and did we mention pies? Call the Library at 846-4351 if you have questions or to tell us you are ready to go over the rainbow!
The Town of Chebeague is accepting applications for a Bookkeeper? This is a promising employment opportunity!
March 13, 2014 - Reminder…the Commons St. Patty’s Party is this Saturday from 4:30-6:30. Please bring a donation for our supply closet…click here for flyer and shopping list. Hope to see you there!
March 12, 2014 - From the church: "in these days of multitasking, multi-media, and the many distractions we face in life, it's easy to lose our focus on what's most important. Pastor Mary Jane's sermon on Sunday 3/16, "Mindfulness," will address these issues and offer some suggestions for living more mindfully in the present. Won't you join us?"
March 11, 2014 - The Soups for tomorrow are Vegetarian Apple Parsnip and the non-vegetarian is Minestrone.
Message from the Rec: "We have a surplus of crockpots, kitchen towels and ladles in the craft room left over from the Chili / Chowder extravaganza!!! If you think you are missing one and can't recall where it may have disappeared, come shop the Rec, we may be unintentionally holding it for you."
There are two weeks left for the scallop season. I still have a lot of orders that I haven't filled. Rusty was getting 18 a pound from a dealer for larger scallops and he is now getting regular sized ones. If you have made an order with me and gotten them elsewhere (understandable) then let me know if you no longer need scallops. Call the house 846-5901 or my cell 420-1220 Thanks Mary
Please check out the Town Website link for information about getting NOMINATION PAPERS that are available beginning Monday March 17, 2014 for the offices of: Board of Selectmen – One three-year term to expire June 2017 and Chebeague Island School Committee - One three-year term to expire June 2017 - Elections will be held Tuesday, June 10, 2014. Those seats are now being held by Herb Maine and Beverly Johnson.
March 10, 2014 - Dine Out Chebeague - fine-dining eperience Inconveniently located for most mainlanders. March 15, 2014 7pm at the Island Hall. An adult-only celebration with gourmet food and frineds. Purchase ticets from Mary Holt or Kelly Locary - click here to learn all about the Prime Rib or Vegetarian Entree.
Town of Chebeague Island - Ad-hoc Sunset Committee Meeting Notice The Sunset Committee will be meeting with bidders regarding the evaluation of the Town owned property commonly referred to as Sunset Landing. Monday, 3/10 at 5:30 at the Library and Thursday, 3/13 at 5:30 at the Island Hall. (The town is not selling Sunset - the bids are for preliminary survey work for Sunset and Paper Streets in the area) To learn more go to the town website - click here.
Don your Green and Celebrate St. Patty's Day at the Island Commons, Saturday March 15th from 4:30-6:30! Join us for good cheer, and catch up with friends and neighbors. Enjoy wine & beer, and a selection of yummy food. In lieu of a cash donation, we ask that you please help us stock our pantry by donating an item from our shopping list…look for the Event Flyer posted in the usual locations. Hope to see you there!
March 8, 2014 - Tonight is GAME NIGHT- 7:30 at the Hall!
March 7, 2014 - Dinner's In The Freezer!!!! Our experimental new program of preparing family friendly dinners that are frozen and ready to thaw and cook kicks off this coming Wednesday, March 12, 6:00-8:00. We will be preparing a star anise chicken over rice, herb and citrus pork medallions, and a bacon and leek mac and cheese. Call The Rec @ 846 5068 and sign up by 12:00 monday so that groceries can be purchased, the price will be according to the grocery tab and we will all prep and put into freezer bags four servings of each of these three meals to take home and freeze for emergency dinner nights! This should be a fun and incredibly productive night out.
A few new internship-related pages have been added to the Island Institute website. There are various types of internships (for islanders or non-islanders) from the site.
Sorry, I made a mistake, there is no Groovy Movie at the LIbrary tonight.
March 5, 2014 - The Foot Doctor, Russell Rybka, will be on the Island Wednesday 12th March starting at 9am Call 829 6463 for an appt.
Just a reminder to please keep voting for Yarmouth Middle School
student in the Samsung Solve for Tomorrow Contest; you can vote every day
until March 14th.Click here for an article about how to get live help signing up for affordable healthcare insurance here in Maine. The deadline is fast approaching...March 31st. After that a penalty will be assessed if a person does not have health insurance of 1% of their income or $95 which ever is greater.
This morning’s Bangor Daily News has a very nice article about life on Isle Au Haut - click here to see.
The Selectmen are having a Special Meeting tonight at 6pm at the Hall - click here for agenda.
Save the Date: 2014 Island Commons Wine Tasting and Silent Auction at Chebeague Island Inn, Sunday June 29th from 2:00-4:30pm
March 4, 2014 - The soups for the lunch at the Hall tomorrow are: Taco Soup (meat), and Potato and Leek Soup (vegetarian)
Dinner's in the freezer! We are trying out a new program of preparing ready to cook meals straight from the freezer. The ingredients will be here for us to prep and freeze into family size freezer bags so that on any given night you can pull out a meal that needs only to thaw and cook. March 12, Wednesday 6:00-8:00 we will meet and prep three family friendly meals to take home and freeze. The cost will be based on the price of the ingredients, it is necessary for shopping reasons that you call and sign up by Sunday March 9 if you plan to be here to make dinners. This will hopefully be a fun and social time that will ease the pain of last minute dinner dilemmas we all run into. If you are interested please call to put your name on the list so we can get a head count and a price. Hope to see you there!! crc@chebeague.net or 846-5068
School Committee Meeting tonight at the school, 6 pm - see agenda.
March 2, 2014 - ASH WEDNESDAY at the church - the evening service on Wednesday March 5th has been cancelled so that people can attend the Fire/Rescue meeting. Pastor Mary Jane will be at the church from 3:00 to 5:00 Wednesday afternoon for anyone who would like to receive ashes at the start of the Lenten season.
Joseph Moffatt sent this chuckle to share - click here. He took my photo of the snowy and Aaron Rugh's photo of the eagle.
February 28, 2014 - Today was an interesting day on the Golf Course where there were five eagles taking turns and fightiing over a carcass of what looked like a bird. There were two mature and three immature ones. After a little while a couple of Ravens came along as well and get going to it every chance. When I went back an hour later I was there just in time to get a photo of one of the immature eagles picking up and taking off with the carcass. Click here to see the photos.
For those who are still trying to see the Snowy Owl he is still here and click here to see a photo taken from Cottage Road above Stavropoulos. The owl is next to the log near one of the signs at the bottom near the parking at the bottom of the hook. I think he spends much time in that area when he is not seen sitting on one of the structures around there.
Chebeague Island Democratic Caucus, Sunday 3/2 at 12:45 at the Chebeague Island Hall and Community Center. Then, if interested, meet the candidates, Chellie Pingree, Mike Michaud, Shenna Bellows, Cathy Breen and Steve Woods at 3:00 at the Falmouth Elementary School, 58 Woodville Road in Falmouth.
Don't forget tonight is Groovy Movie at the LIbrary - 7:30 pm.
February 27, 2014 - The March Calendar has been published and should be in the mail boxes soon - click here or click above on the heading of this page under Island Council Calendar to see it on the web.
Yarmouth's H. Harrison Middle School has been named as one of 15 national finalists for the Samsung Solve to Tomorrow Grant. The environmental issue they focused on was the invasive European Green Crab that is currently having a negative impact on Maine’s shellfish industry and coastal environments. HMS could receive at least $35,000 worth of Samsung equipment for this accomplishment but they need our votes - click here to learn more and vote for them.
CHEBEAGUE FIRE/RESCUE DEPARTMENT Will be holding a Special Workshop on Wednesday, March 5th, 2014 at the Island Hall beginning at 6:00pm with the Town Board of Selectmen to discuss departmental structure, operations, and relationship. (A full agenda can be found on the town website) --- The Public is encouraged to attend.
February 25, 2014 - photo You never know who is lurking outside your window. Suzanne Rugh saw this eagle and Aaron Rugh took the photo Feb 25, 2014.
The Hall soup for tomorrow is Turkey Chili and the vegetarian soup will be Brazilian Black Bean.
I finally had an opportunity to start reading Fukushima, co-written by Susan Stranahan, and love it. It really tells the whole story of the disaster and nucleur power in a way that is very readable. I was able to get my copy on February 16th at the Library book signing. Click here to see photos taken by Cathy MacNeill. Michael Hiltzik of the Los Angelos Times on February 21, 2014 wrote: "Stranahan, a journalist and writer whose experience with nuclear power dates back to her coverage of the Three Mile Island accident in 1979, is evidently responsible for the book's lucid and gripping narrative."
A new session of TKD starts this week at CRC. Tuesday: grades pre-k-2 and Thursday: grades 3 and up. Our Watercolor program starts Wednesday and the 12 week reset challenge information night is Wednesday too. Music lessons on Thursday and Dance for grades 5-8 resumes on Friday. Visit our website, www.chebeaguerec.com, for details.
February 24, 2014 - The Sustainable Working Waterfronts Webinar | Thursday, March 6, 2014 | 2:00 – 3:15 p.m. EST. Click here to register and to learn more.
The Maine Fisherman’s Forum will be held from February 27th - March 1st at the Samoset and there are a lot of items of interest to everyone including fishermen and clammers. There is no cost to attend the trade show, seminars and auction and the guest speaker is Keith Colburn from the TV Show "The Deadliest Catch" on Thursday. Click here for more information. Click here for a list of interesting topics.
Town of Chebeague is holding a Special Meeting tonight at the Freeport Fire Station - click here for agenda.
Weatherization Week Applications are due tomorrow so please take a look at the information and take advantage of this terrific opportunity to save energy and money - Click here!
February 23, 2014 - photo taken Feb 23 early morning down the Hook. Not sure if this is a yawn or if she was telling us to go away. We were still a few hundred feet away and she is still sitting on the bow of the boat which you can see from above.
February 22, 2014 - Click here to see two Job Opportunities at The Kids Place.
February 21, 2014 - Message from Methodist Church: Sunday breakfast! Last week to enjoy a fabulous, nourishing, full breakfast at the Parish House at 9:00 a.m. Free-will donations welcome. And stay for informal and interactive worship around the tables. This week we will have a hymn sing as part of the worship celebration. Come and sing some old favorites.
February 20, 2014 - photo taken Feb 20th from Cottage Road looking down to the right side of the hook with the snowy owl where he tends to spend most of his time on the ramp.
Groovy Movie, 7:30 Friday at the Library!
Note from the CRC: We have a busy week ahead at CRC. Monday: Chess club and music lessons, Tuesday: Circuit Training, Tae Kwon Do and Floor Hockey, Wednesday 12 week reset challenge and Water colors, Thursday: Circuit training, Music lessons and Tae Kwon Do and Friday: Dance. Visit our website, www.chebeaguerec.com, for details!
Game Night, this Saturday at the Hall - 7 to 9 pm. Come and play and bring your friends and games if you like! Games and goodies are supplied as well! Sponsored by the CIHCC (Hall).
February 19, 2014 - photo taken Feb 19th after a small snowstorm the night before - YUK! Here is another from the front of the house.
CRC has two one day passes to Sunday River with a May 1st expiration date on them that we are auctioning off starting now! Starting bid is $20 and the auction will end at 9 AM Friday, February 21, morning. The tickets are worth $174. Please email auction@chebeague.net with your bid. Include your phone number so we can call you Friday morning when you win.
February 18, 2014 - Tomorrow at the Hall is the Community Luncheon which is a Turkey Dinner! Come at noon and enjoy this months community dinner.
Don't forget that the Weatherization Week application needs to be in by February 25th - click here for more information. Paper copies available at the Library.
Message from CTC: It is snowing again and clearing the Cousins Lot is a significant problem. If possible, Cousins customers are asked to move to Route One for a few days so we can try to clear as many spots as possible. Thank you!
Sharing a link to a newsletter the Town received from the Town Auditors, It has some valuable information that could help when people are filing their taxes called “SIX TAX CHANGES BENEFITTING TAXPAYERS IN 2013”
Congratulations to the Greely girls Indoor Track Team who got State Class B runners up! Brennah Martin won her 200 m race and got her personal best time, and got the 4th fastest time in the state! Her 4x2 relay team got the 5th fastest time in the state! (Brennah, 3rd from right with yellow jacket)
Click here for Nancy's Pre-School Newsletter through Feb 7.
February 17, 2014 - For Tuesday, February 18th only, the Health Center will be closed. If anyone needs labs drawn this week, please call Claire Ross at 846-1254. The Health Center will be open as usual next week on Tuesday, February 25th from 7:30 to 9:30.
CRC is offering a brand new program for adults starting February 26, at 7 PM. Please click here for more information.
February 16, 2014 - Yesterday was quite eventful for the Recreation Center. It all started with the Polar Plunge at the Boat Yard with Plungers Celia Whitehead, Daniel Creisher, Tiffany Calder, Laura Hamilton, Caroline Loder, Beverly Johnson, Topher Neuman, Penny Walstram, Kristin Westra, Josh Doughty, and two of Josh's band members Josh Upton and Mike Lawrence- click here to see a video by Vika and lots of photos by Cathy MacNeill. Pledges can be made out to CRC and mailed to the rec at 382 North Rd, Chebeague Island ME 04017.
The Chili, Chowder and Soup Challenge was next at the Rec Center with lots of food and a packed gym - Wow was it great. Cathy again took tons of photos and click here to see some of them. The results of the challenge are Soup Winners: 1st place - Linda Ewing (Root Soup), 2nd place - Alyson Smith (Cream of Brocoli), 3rd place - Beth Howe - Mexican Tortilla ---Chowder Winners: 1st place - Caroline Loder, 2nd place - Christine Englund, 3rd place - Jade Morlock and Hanna Ryder ----Chili Winners: 1st place - Beverly Johnson, 2nd place - Julie Doughty, 3rd place - Courtney Breslin.
The evening ended with a dance featuring Josh and his band, Celia and Mark and guest entertainers Jonny Miller and Jesse Russo - click here to see some photos by Cathy.
February 15, 2014 - THE PLUNGE is today at NOON - Boat Yard - and I have created a video as a prelude of the fifteen previous plunges. I have included three songs in the background by the Wagoneers! Click here to see. I am thrilled that Josh Doughty' band will be joining us as we frolic in the warm waters of Casco Bay! They all need pledges and would love to have some so please email the CRC@chebeague.net and be a sponsor to one or more of the plungers!!!
February 14, 2014 - photo taken Valentine's Day at noon.
Special Event - Author Susan Stranahan will be at the Library Sunday, February 16th at 12:30 to discuss her new book. Copies of the book will be available for purchase. Light refreshments will be served. Please call the Library at 846-4351 for more information.
Don't forget about music and dancing at the Hall tomorrow night at 8 PM. Josh Doughty and the Pine Wood Plains as well as Mark Bowman and Celia Whitehead will be providing us with LIVE music!! Need a babysitter? No problem! Bring your child (preschool and up) to CRC at 7 PM to watch a movie on the big screen in the gym with the teens and preteens and enjoy some popcorn!
Tommorow: POLAR PLUNGE - NOON - Chili, Chowder, Soup following it! Dancing at night!
February 13, 2014 - Important Notice from CTC: The last ferry today (February 13th) will be the 6:30PM from Cousins Island. The last bus service will be the 5:00PM transporting customers from Cousins to Route One parking lot.
Groovy Movie, Friday 7:30 at the Library! Please come and join us sometime - tomorrow's movie is a pretty fun one. It's an easy, modern kinda funny love story with Steve Carell and Julianne Moore. See you there!
February 12, 2014 - Please Read this about this weekend - click here! Baby sitting information for Saturday Evening - 7-10! The Winter Festival starts Friday evening with the pre-teen/teen game-a-thon!
The weatherization program application is available online and I have it posted above as well - click here. Paper copies are available at the library. The application is due by Tuesday, February 25. You can drop it off at the Library or return it to Celia Whitehead. If you need more information contact Celia at cwhitehead@islandinstitute.org - phone 504-6922 or Bob Earnest. I want to also thank the Island Institute for their support financially and organizationally for making this program available to Islands!
Josh Doughty has just signed up to do the PLUNGE this Saturday- go Josh - he needs pledges!
February 11, 2013 - Byrle O'Neil and Skipper want to thank everyone for their love and outpouring of sympathy and affection since Valerie's death. Byrle says that she will have a memorial celebration in the spring for Valerie.
Weatherization meeting tonight 7:15 at the Hall!
The soups for the Hall lunch tomorrow are Beef Goulash, and Creamy Carrot and Parsnip Soup.
Yippee! Just added another plunger to the list: Hayat Spencer has just signed on!!
February 10, 2013 - Click here to get the info on the Polar Plunge for 2014 including pledge sheets and waivers and then sign up!
Weatherization Week Public Meeting is TOMORROW - February 11th 7:15pm at the Island Hall - see flyer! To learn more about this program being lead by the Island Institute with support from CICA and the Island Council, please click here. To see the incentive worksheet - click here.
I have to share a news cast that was just on in Virginia with Suzy Mink who was the torchbearer from Virginia talking about the 1980 relay - click here to see.
We need cooks!!! People who want to make CHILI, CHOWDER or SOUP for the Chili, Chowder and Soup challenge that happens this Saturday following the PLUNGE! Please call the rec 846-5068 email crc@chebeague.net or email Kathy kleighto@gmail.com - see flyer.
February 8, 2014 - I am back to reality today after a whirlwind trip to Lake Placid and feeling like I had gone back 34 years to 1980! Lake Placid was so happy to have three of the orignal torchbearers return for the relighting of the 1980 Olympic Cauldron and a torch relay for the opening of the 2014 Empire State Winter Games. I was so happy that Vika was able to go with me and share the excitement and take some photos and film. I have put together a page for the Torch Relay Page - click here to see. Looking forward to four years from now!
Today Stephen and I walked down to the Hook and the Snowy Owl is still there - click here for a shot taken today.
Found: a pair of brown-rimmed eye glasses on Sandy Point Beach. Call Peter Carleton at 522-4107.
February 7, 2014 -photos taken Bill Calthorpe of eagles on Chebeague over the last few weeks. There have been many sightings of eagles this year around Chebeague. There are a number of young ones that don't have the white head but are as large as the adults.
Game Night Feb 8 and 22 at the Hall. Come and join the fun, bring a friend, or more. Many games to choose from, or bring your own. Light refreshments provided.
February 6, 2014 - Sunday morning breakfast at the Parish House - join us for another wonderful breakfast this Sunday at 9:00 am. Waffles are on the menu this week! Come for great food and fellowship, and if you like, stay on for an informal worship service at 10:00 right in the Parish House. Children welcome!
We are hoping to get a group together to clear the pond tomorrow Friday. If you are available to help and/or have a snowblower please call CRC at 846 5068.
Groovy Movie, Friday night at the Library 7:30! (and all through February)
One week away is the Rec Centers Winter Carnival - see Forecaster notice - click here. Please call the Rec 846-5068 and sign up!
The Chebeague Island School third – fifth graders are raising money for their end-of-the-year field trip. For Valentine’s Day, they are offering Sweets for Your Sweetie! For just $15, you can get homemade fudge or cookies and a rose delivered to your Valentine. Click here for more information.
I have the honor and enjoyment of taking part in the relighting of the 1980 Olympic Cauldren in Lake Placid which will take place tomorrow around 6pm. The flame will burn throughout the time of the Olympics again as it did four years ago. This will be a smaller event than the last one but for me just as rewarding. I think there will be two other torchbearers attending the ceremony as well as me, Suzy Mink from Virginia and Sandee Norris from Indiana. Years ago I started a torch website which I have shared before and continue to update - www.chebeague.org/torch.
February 5 2014 - Michael Porter has an update for the "Live-Anywhere" Boat - Cruise_2013-14, Part I, Summer & Chebeagie tp Bermuda - updated Jan, 2014 - click here.
The Selectmen are having a Special Meeting and Workshop this coming Sunday, February 9th. They will be starting with Executive Session meetings at 9am and the Budget Workshop starting at 11am - click here to see the agenda and times.
Congratulations on Gwendolyn Steven's newest book, Love Sun and Lizard Poop; finding love while building a house in American Paradise. It is about Nick Wessell and her adventure in building the house on Water Island. Click here to see more.
February 4, 2014 - The CRC are offering a water color class at the Rec Center for all levels. Caroline Loder will be teaching it Wednesdays 3:30-4:30 beginning Feb 26 and running thru April 30 (we will not have the class over April break). All of the materials will be provided, please call and sign up soon so we know what to order! The cost of this program is $45.Floor Hockey is back with all new equipment, new players, new energy and one not so new goalie. Tuesday nights, 7:00-all fall down.
The soup for tomorrow at the Hall will be Corn Chowder and Middle eastern spinach soup (vegetarian).
February 3, 2014 - School Committee Meeting Tuesday at 6pm - see agenda.
February 2, 2014 - The Library would like to borrow your fake flowers for the OZ event in March. They will tag them, store them and then return them to you after the event. Many thanks!
Pat StCyr is now home and doing well and she wants to thank everyone for their well wishes.
February 1, 2014 - Message from the CTC: CTC is holding a meeting with commuters at 4pm tomorrow (Sunday 2/2) at the Public Safety Building to discuss our planned conversion to a point of sale (POS) system where we can accept credit cards and offer some other enhancements. We will also discuss possible changes in commuter passes and fees. All commuters are welcome.
Reminder - join us at the Parish House for breakfast at 9:00 am Sunday morning. In honor of Groundhog Day, we will sing some Groundhog Carols! Stay for church at 10:00 if you like, as we celebrate Black History Month in song and story.
Weatherization Week Meeting is February 11th at the Island Hall - see flyer! To learn more about this program being lead by the Island Institute with support from CICA and the Island Council, please click here. To see the incentive worksheet - click here.
Pat St Cyr had hip replacement surgery at Mercy Fore Street and is doing well. She may be coming home soon.
Note from CTC: Responding to requests from some of our riders who found the benches in the Cousins Island freight shed too low for comfort, CTC is happy to announce that a new, higher bench is now installed. Enjoy.
The Snowy Owl is still at the Hook - click here to see another article about them in the New York Times.
January 31, 2014 - I just watched Jennifer Levey DeCristoforo on television showing an example of one of the crafts from her new book "Lucky Bamboo Book of Crafts." Click here to go to the WCSH6 TV 207 website and see the interview and learn lots more! Congratulations Jenny.
Groovy Movie tonight at the Library, 7:30!
Casonova (the White Swan) has been captured and is on his way home. After he left the Cricks the other day he headed toward Portland and stopped at Diamond Island where Will (caretaker on Hope), this afternoon, had and exhilarating time chasing him around the flats and finally grabbing him. He wanted me to thank all the people around who have been watching and reporting on him.
January 30, 2014 - The 2nd and 3rd Chebeague Grace Books are now available. Cathy MacNeill and Linda Brewster over the years have taken photos of over 200 people included in these books along with poetry, and scripture. If you are interested in getting a copy or learning more about them, contact her at cmacneill@chebeague.net. She has certainly not gotten everyone yet on the island and is now considering doing a 4th book.
Worship at the Parish House in February: the Chebeague United Methodist Church will be holding Sunday morning worship services in the Parish House during the month of February. Join us for some informal, child-friendly worship in a comfortable setting at 10:00 am. Come early at 9:00 and join us for breakfast!
CRC is gearing up for another fun winter carnival this year on February 15, 2014. We will start the day with our famous Polar Plunge, followed by our AWESOME chili, chowder, soup challenge and we will end the day with some live music at the Chebeague Island Hall! We hope you all will join us and chase away the winter blues!!
Last year was a ton of fun with our highest turnout of attendees yet and we hope to top it this year. If you haven't already done so, we hope that you will consider making a chili, chowder and/or soup for our friendly competition. We will have prizes for the top 3 winners in each category. Or, if you can't make an entry for the challenge, please let us know if you would be able to make a dessert or help serve the entrees at the big event.
To sign up or for more information, please feel free to email us back or give us a call at 846-5068.
January 29, 2014 - The February Monthly Calendar is available now online - click here to view and remember they are also found above on upper left corner of this page.
January 28, 2014 - Click here for a letter from Tiffany about a Blood Drive her science class is having in Yarmouth on February 5th.
NOTICE: Only a few weeks away - THE WINTER CARNIVAL -February 15th PLUNGE, CHILI CHOWDER SOUP CHALLENGE AND DANCE click here to see the Flyer! We need and want more plungers and if you are not plunging please consider donating to someone who is. Participants so far are teachers Kristin Westra, Penny Walstrom; Island Institute Fellow, Celia Whitehead, Students: Tiffany Calder, Laura Hamilton, Others: Caroline Loder, Bev Johnson.
The soup for tomorrow is is Cauliflower Cheese and the Vegetarian Carrot and Coriander.
Congratulations to Jay Morse who has just released a new CD which you can learn all about - click here. Jay is the son of the Ned and Eleanor Morse.
January 27, 2014 - photo taken by Wink Houghton of the sunset January 27.
Floor hockey is back on at CRC starting tomorrow (Tuesday) night. We have new sticks and goals too!! Come join the fun from 7:00 PM -8:30'ish…or whenever you need a break! $1 drop in fee.
Special Event - Author Susan Stranahan will be at the Library Sunday, February 16th at 12:30 to discuss her new book. Copies of the book will be available for purchase. Light refreshments will be served. Please call the Library at 846-4351 for more information.
Tonight there will be a segment from Bill Green on Avian Haven, the wild bird rehabilitation site. You can also keep up with what is going on there by going to their facebook page. They also have a terrific website - click here.
The Methodist Church would like to invite you to breakfast Sunday mornings at 9:00 am throughout the month of February at the Parish House. All are welcome!
The swan from Hope was in the Cricks today but this afternoon started heading for Colemans maybe.
January 26, 2014 - Click here for the Pre-K Newsletter.
School Committee/Selectmen Joint Meeting at the School on Tuesday, January 28th - click here for the agenda.
The pond will be open for skating from 1:30-4:00 PM today, Sunday!
Message from Mary: Rusty is only going Scalloping Monday 1/27 and possibly Friday 1/31. He will be lobstering the other three days unless mother nature changes her mind. The price is now $15 for Ziploc bags and $16 for the vacuum sealing. Let me know by tomorrow if you need some for this week. Enjoy your Sunny Sunday :) Thank you, Mary 846-5901
The Snowy who I now call Snooky is still hanging around the Hook! Yesterday Stephen and I came across three Dunlins (pretty sure they are Dunlins) on the Springettes Beach. Click here to see a few photos and a little video.
The White Swan from Hope has not been seen since yesterday before noon at the Boatyard. Will from Hope is planning on coming to the island tomorrow to try and get Casanova back. Please let me or Will 508-237-6389 if you happen to see him.
January 25, 2014 - Yesterday the students shared thier Greeen Crab Books at the Library for a full house. Following the readings tea and cookies were served. Click here to see a photo of most of the students. The yellow sticky notes were comments people had shared with the students on their writing. The books will be on display at the library so don't forget to check them out.
The Snowy Owl was at the school for a visit yesterday and then returned to his "home" at the Hook. Using a telephoto lens, without disturbing him/her, Bill Calthorpe took some remarkable photos - click here to see.
Casanova, the missing swan from Hope Island, is now hanging around the Boat Yard and you can see him on the webcam. He seems fine and it is too windy right now to get him back. Click here to see a screen shot of the swan at the Boat Yard.
January 24, 2014 - GAME NIGHT tomorrow evening, Saturday, 7 pm, at the Hall!
The Working Waterfront has a nice article about Melanie Floyd who is the daughter of Kathleen Floyd and has worked at the Niblic the last few years - click here to see.
Baby it's cold outside!! But, that means the ice at Sanford's Pond is ready for skating as long as we can find a chaperone. Please let CRC know if you are available to open the pond today after school at 3:15 until 5:00
A white swan named Casanova is missing from Hope Island. He was last seen heading toward's Cliff Island. If you see him please call Will at 508 237-6389.
Chili, chowder and soup Contest is coming soon! February 15th following the Polar Plunge! If you would like to enter - please contact Kathy Leighton kleighto@gmail.com or call the Rec 846-5068. Please call too if you would like to help serve, decorate, cleanup.
The Snowy Owl is at the Rec and School this morning and the school children have all had the opportunity to see.
January 23, 2014 - Tomorrow Night: Groovy Movie, Friday 7:30 at the Library.
REMINDER: Book opening at the library! Tomorrow, Friday, Jan. 24th, at 1pm the 3-5th grade class will be sharing the Green Crab picture books that they wrote and illustrated, based on their research (remember the green crab video?!) and creative imaginations. Join us for tea and a look at what our students can teach us about green crabs!
There are still a few copies of the 18 month themed art and poetry calendar the 3-5 class created as a fundraiser for their end of year trip - contact Merideth Beaupre´ jakylory@hotmail.com or call 846-0766.
January 22, 2014 - Get your scallop orders for the weekend in today. Rusty's hauling Thursday and Friday. 846-5901 or 420-1220. Click here to see photo by Rusty today while scalloping - it must be frigid!
Community Luncheon today at the Hall45
January 21, 2014 - There is NO School Committee Meeting tonight.
The Snowy Owl has been hanging around Indian Island Preserve at the Hook. Yesterday we took a walk down to the bar and back and didn't see her/him until we were at the top of the road and she flew over us. Today Stephen and I walked down and were on the bar when she flew from the grass and went over to the chimney. I took a photo from a distance and she stayed on the chimney the whole time as we walked back up the hill. Click here to see. With binoculars you can see her from the top of the road.
Click here to see another story about Weatherization on Swan's Island.
January 19, 2014 - UPDATE FROM THE CHEBEAGUE ISLAND COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION: CICA’s first year round housing effort, a home on South Road, was recently sold to a young family who moved here from Yarmouth. They have two kids in the Chebeague Island School; they were attracted to the community that is Chebeague, and they are jumping in with both feet! The home on South Road was purchased several years ago by CICA with the intent to rent it for a few years to a family who might not be able to come here, or stay here, otherwise; then to sell it on the same basis; all with the intent of learning more about what we can do to help with year round housing. The family who rented for a few years are long term residents, with kids who are (and were) in the School, who can now stay here, and who have gone on to build their own home on Chebeague. The second renting family has now purchased the south Road home; the kids are doing great at the School, and the parents have learned about our community, from the challenges of the commute to the joys of volunteering. Thanks to all the current and past CICA board members who helped this happen, and thanks to the renters who have become homeowners on a year round basis!
Change in Town Office Winter Hours beginning January 23, 2014 - check out their website - click here or above under Town of Cheb Island.
January 18, 2014 - photo of a Snowy Owl taken by me down at the Hook on January 18 click here to see more taken during the snow storm - and I also added a little movie on youtube I took after getting the photos click here. Jeff Champagne was able to get some great photos the day before click here to see. The males are generally more white unless it is an immature male. This Owl is probably an immature (year old) male or female. Click here to learn more about the erruption of the snowy..
Congratulations to Andy and Dorothy Grannell's granddaughter Kiana Lynn Sawyer, who sang yesterday at Merrill Auditorium MLK - click here to see.
Tighten up that drafty house with Chebeague Weatherization Week. Public introductory meeting Tuesday, Feb 11, 7:15pm at the Island Hall. The Chebeague Island Community Association, Chebeague's Island Council, and the Island Institute have teamed up to sponsor bringing “Weatherization Week” to Chebeague. Come learn more details and pick up applications!
By scheduling projects together and taking advantage of rebates and incentives, community members can get ~$800 worth of energy assessment and air sealing work for ~$300 (final number dependent on funding. Scholarships to be made available). This program allows homeowners to participate in Efficiency’s Maine’s Home Energy Savings Program which provides a $400 incentive for air sealing. Weatherization Week participants from other Maine islands are saving $400 or more every year in heating costs by making their homes warmer, more comfortable and less drafty! The first Weatherization Week on Chebeague will follow the public meeting on February 11. Contact Celia (cwhitehead@islandinstitute.org) or Bob (bob963@me.com) for more information.
Articles and videos about Peaks Island Weatherization Week - click here : and another click here
January 17, 2014 - photo of moon rise taken on January 17th by Marc Minkler - click here to see another view over the water.
Groovy Movie Night - tonight Friday 7:30!
The church is looking for an upright piano to replace the one currently in the parish house. If you have one you'd be willing to donate, please contact Peter Carleton (846-6129 or 522-4107) or the church office (846-4106).
Next Friday, January 24th, 2014, at the Library, the 3-5th grade class will be sharing the Green Crab picture books that they wrote and illustrated, based on their research. Join us for tea and a look at what our students can teach us about green crabs!
January 15, 2014 - A fabulous article in the Forecaster today - click here to see "Waste reduction is like a religion for Chebeague Island faithful."
Today we saw Bluebirds on Cousins Island as you are walking into the parking lot on the right side. I have seen them there many times and they flutter around by the banking on the low bushes.
January 13, 2014 - photo of a Bluebird taken down at Sandy Point on January 13, 2014. Click here to see a lot more photos of bluebirds taken today. I counted about 10 but there were probably more.
The Community Luncheon scheduled for this Wednesday at the Hall will be held next week on January 22nd. Hope to see you all then.
The School Committee Meeting will be tomorrow, Tuesday, January 14, at 6pm at the school - see agenda.
January 12, 2014 - David Hill has done this to me again and I thought he was too busy in New York City! please dont believe anything he writes on my birthday! thank you to all who have wished me a happy birthday and some day I will really see a whooping crane. The following was fiction except for being 65. FICTION(I am sooo excited! When I called the sighting into the Audubon Society, they informed me of the Whooping Cranes's threatened extinction and referred me to this report. Moments ago, I got a phone call from Lester Holt at NBC News who will be arriving next week to do a story about me saving the Whooping Cranes. All this happening on my 65th birthday. It doesn't get any better than this!)
Change of Date for the Book opening at the library! 1-2 Friday, Jan. 24th the 3-5th grade class will be sharing the Green Crab picture books that they wrote and illustrated, based on their research (remember the green crab video?!) and creative imaginations. Join us for tea and a look at what our students can teach us about green crabs!
January 10, 2014 - photo by Polly Wentworth of Sanford's Skating Pond 10/10/14 waiting for the children to get out of school and go skating. Check out their facebook page for up to date information!
Groovy Movie tonight, 7:30 at the Library!
Tomorrow evening is Game Night at the Hall - 7:00pm!.
January 9, 2014 - Casco Bay Lines is excited to announce the arrival of the M/V Wabanaki in Portland. After a 17 hour journey from Warren, RI the Wabanaki arrived in Portland at approximately 8:00 AM on Thursday (1/9). A Coast Guard inspection and crew familiarization training must be completed prior to placing her into service. We hope to accomplish this in the next few weeks. For photos of her arrival please visit us on Facebook or click here.
Book opening at the library! 1-2 Friday, Jan. 24th the 3-5th grade class will be sharing the Green Crab picture books that they wrote and illustrated, based on their research (remember the green crab video?!) and creative imaginations. Join us for tea and a look at what our students can teach us about green crabs!
Save the date!!! CRC's annual winter festival including the polar plunge, chili/chowder/soup challenge and live music at the hall is scheduled for Saturday, February 15th. If you would like to take the plunge and/or enter a chili, chowder, or soup (or all of the above) in our contest please call or email the CRC office, 846-5068 or crc@chebeague.net.
Plungers so far: - and they all need your pledges! Kristin Westra (3-5 teacher), Penny W. from the school, Caroline Loder, Tiffany Calder, and Laura Hamilton, Celia Whitehead (our Island Fellow), and me Bev Johnson. If I missed your name please let me know.
Last August Courtney Hartman, lead guitarist of the band Della Mae, spend a few days on Chebeague. While she was here she played a memorable set at the Slow Bell with Josh Doughty, and also wrote a song about her Chebeague experience. The whole band came back in September for a band retreat, during which they added Courtney's new song, Take One Day, to their stage repertoire. Della Mae's current album, This World Oft Can Be, is up for a Grammy (Best Bluegrass Album) on January 26.
Here's a link to the only complete video of the song: http://youtu.be/G6l8q-9Y5dM
January 7, 2014 - The soup tomorrow at the Hall will be Turkey Noodle plus the vegetarian offering will be mushroom barley soup.
It's that time of year for Ralph Munroe to do the Boston stair cllimb and he needs donations to be able to do so. The climb is on February 1, 2014 and he will be climbing 41 floors in full fire fighter gear. He is hooping to break 9 minutes this year as he was 9 min 3 seconds last year. Thank you for your continued support and encouragement! Click here to go to his site.
January 5, 2014 - Yesterday there was an interesting article in the Portland Press Herald about winters in Maine and how cold it could get with lots of references to Chebeague Island - click here.
In December the Chebeague Island School met with other islands to review the Weatherblur investigation findings for our Bycatch Study. Click here to see the discussion - Chebeague's presentation part starts about 4:40 minutes on the tape. Peaks, Long, North Haven and Cliff participated as well.
Click here to see Holly Earnest performing on stage with Marco Benevento after he asked her to join the encore on 12/30/13 in New York City. Holly played with Marco earlier in the show. She first met him at a California show.
January 3, 2014 - Today Stephen and I did a job down the West End and I decided to do another drive showing the island after the storm. It starts on South Shore Drive and then back to the East End by way of Roy Hill Road. I used Wagoneers CD music featuring Brother Ross singing Slowpoke and then ending with the music the Wagoneers always ended their dances with. Click here to see! It is a fifteen minute drive down to 3 1/2 so it is a little slower.
Nate Conroy left Monday for another winter on El Monstruo to work on his trail to the base, summit and back. Click here to see a photo and the link for his blog which he recently updated. Also is another blog from his 2010 adventures along with more terrific photos!
Due to the storm the Chebeague Town Office will be closed today.
Thank you to all the brave souls that headed out in the freezing, snowy, windy evening yesterday to clear the Pond! A lot of progress was made but there is more to clear. Please bring a shovel and/or a snow blower and help us save the pond! Looks like bad weather is coming on Monday so the more we clear now the better off the ice will be then!!
January 2, 2014 - photo by David Stevens of an immature Bald Eagle on the water side of his house with Bangs Island in the background. There are lots of Snow Bunting being seen around the island and Lew Holman took this photo of them in his yard.
Due to the weather the Chebeague Town office will be closing at 5:00pm today, rather than our usual 8:00pm time.
The library will close today at 6:00 pm because of the weather.
Here comes the snow again! Hopefully we will be able to save Sanford's so the community can enjoy more skating. It has been awesome over the past few days!! There will be a group gathering to clear the first round of snow tonight at 6 PM. Please bring whatever equipment you might have that would be helpful and join the efforts. We will regroup tomorrow when we know more about when the snow will end so we can clear again. Stay tuned…like us on Facebook for more information.
Do computers scare you? Do you feel like you don't even know where to begin while trying to use a computer? If you answered yes to either of these questions you are not alone and CRC is going to offer a class specifically for you. We need to know how many people might take advantage of this workshop so call the CRC office, 846-5068, if you would to attend a class like this. Also, let us know if you have specific questions that you want covered in the class. Spread the word and call today!
January 1 2014 - photo by Cathy MacNeill of Sanford's Pond as this vacation is getting plenty of use.
HAPPY NEW YEAR! - SAILING SCHOOL SUMMER 2014 registration is now open. Click Here to go to the the Chebeague Island Community Sailing School page to view the info sheet and download the two registration forms. Note that they have a new address for emails: cicss04017@gmail.com
Michael Porter has updated their site with pictures and a few words about their trip home last spring - click here.
Message from the Golf Course: Please do not go on the Golf Club/Town Pond. This pond always has water moving under the ice and could have weak spots.
The Guatemala sewing day scheduled for New Year's Day at the parish house is postponed until further notice.
December 31, 2013 - The Pond is ready for skating!! Thank you to Jon Rich and Stephen Todd for flooding it yesterday. Please let me know if you are available to chaperone today, tomorrow or any time this week. Looks like we have another storm coming so hopefully we can get a clearing crew together for Thursday/Friday. We will have preteen/teen at the pond tonight (and the rest of the week) too! Dress warm, brrrr!!
Do computers scare you? Do you feel like you don't even know where to begin while trying to use a computer? If you answered yes to either of these questions you are not alone and CRC is going to offer a class specifically for you. We need to know how many people might take advantage of this workshop so call the CRC office, 846-5068, if you would to attend a class like this.
Also, let us know if you have specific questions that you want covered in the class.
Spread the word and call today!
December 30, 2013 - The January 2014 Calendar has been printed and will be in the mail soon. The editors have sent me two version of the online one. One is in the format of a spread and the other the traditional way. It may be easier for tablets one way or the other so check them out and see which is best for you - click here or remember that the upper left corner of this page has a link.
photos of the CBC Christmas Bird Count was December 29th and here is uncommon Northern Shrike. This bird swoops down on its prey of rodents, birds and insects which they then impale on thorns and pointed branches.
Yesterday was the Annual Christmas Bird Count and one of the areas included is about half of Chebeague. Robby Lambert came over the night before so we could get an early start on Sunday. I put together a page of rather dark photos as it was cold, damp and dark all day but was very exciting! We heard the Hermit Thrush and saw the Horned Grebe, Red-necked Grebe, Carolina Wrens, a Shrike along with all the other regulars. I will be posting the list later. As he was leaving he noticed an Eagle on Carters Point chomping on what looked like a Mourning Dove. For me the Shrike and Carolina Wrens were the best finds. Stephen saw the Snowy Owl down by the Sandy Point. The day before Geoff Summa got a photo of a Great Horned Owl near the boatyard.
December 28, 2013 - New Year's Eve movie, Tuesday 5:00 at the Library.
Yesterday Stephen and I drove around the island and I used my camera to make another video of the island with all the new snow. It really is rough and guaranteed to make you sea sick. Thirty-five minutes down to four with a stop at Chandlers Wharf and then the Boatyard for gas back to the end of East End and as far back until I ran out of battery.
December 27, 2013 - Message from the Rec: Family Movie Night postponed due to Sanfords Pond being open!!!!!!
The Historical Society would love to get the 2013 Newsletter published early in 2014 this year so we are hoping to get all the articles for the book by the middle of January. If you are an organization and would like to be part of this historical document please email me bjohnson@chebeague.net or Sarah McKinnon <sarahmckinnon@chebeague.net to find out how to get the article to us. Office doc. or Pages format works for us. I am going through my photos and taking photos for the publication but if you have any you would like included please contact me to see how to get them to me in high resolution.
December 25, 2013 - photo of Christmas Sunset by Cathy MacNeill at Bennetts Cove - beautiful!
Merry Christmas! It was a beautiful sunny but cold day on the island and all the ice is still all over the trees. Yesterday I had the pleasure of going caroling with a large group organized by Erika and then last night the candlelight service at the church was beautiful.
The newsletter from the PreK class for the last two weeks before vacation is out - click here.
The FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map Consultation Coordination Officers (CCO) Meetings for Cumberland County have been set for January 8th. Click here to see the letter announcing the meeting from FEMA. The Flood Plain Maps are on the Town Website and can be seen by clicking here.
December 23, 2013 - Christmas Eve service of carols and candles - 7:00 p.m. Tuesday evening at the church. Children welcome!
From the Chebeague Island Boat Yard: CIBY's holiday hours are: Dec 24th 7:30 to 11:30, closed Christmas Day. Dec 31st 7:30 to 11:30, closed New Year's Day. We wish you a Merry Christmas & Happy & Healthy New Year!
December 22, 2013 - A reminder that if the power goes out for a while, the Hall will be opened. The Hall has heat, bathrooms, and even the internet and everyone is welcome.
The CTC message No interruption in bus service is expected.
December 21, 2013 - The Library will be open on Tuesday, December 24th and Tuesday, December 31st until 1:00 pm. The Library will be closed on Christmas Day and New Year's Day. After New Year's Day, the new hours go into effect. They are: Sunday, Monday CLOSED Tuesday & Thursday 4-8 PM, Wednesday & Friday 10-1 and Saturday 10-1.
There are still quite a few Chebeague Island School 18 month calendars available! Click here for a preview of what each page looks like and how to order.
SAVE THE DATE: February 15th for the Annual Winter Carnival! In 2014 it will be at the beginning of the February vacation and I already of a list of plungers for the Polar Plunge. Contact me or the rec if you are planning taking the plunge- I would love to have a record number of participants. I am planning on doing it this year along with Kristin Westra and Penny W. from the school and would love to add lots of names. Adding Caroline Loder, Tiffany Calder, and Laura Hamilton.
December 19, 2013 - Message from the Rec about Sanford's Pond: We have checked the ice at Sanford's Pond several times and it is not safe at this time. The weather is supposed to warm up and with any luck melt some of the snow that is there. Then, if mother nature cooperates, it will freeze and be ready to skate on. Stay tuned and please stay off the pond!! Thank you!
The Chebeague Island Center Clinic will be closed on Christmas Eve Day and will be reopened New Years Eve Day for blood pressure checks and blood drawn - appointments not needed and there is no charge.
The community received a thank you card from the Root Cellar for the contributions to the Giving Tree - click here to see.
Holiday Party, Saturday, December 21, at the Slow Bell 6-11 pm. Potluck with a fundraiser for Bruce and Cindy whose truck burned up while plowing. Island acoustic evening of music.
December 18, 2013 - The CRC office will not be open for regular hours next week however we will be checking voicemail and email regularly. If you have a question please feel free to call and leave a message or send an email to CRC@chebeague.net. The building will be open for patrons from 7:30-4:30 Monday-Friday. Please remember, all children under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult to enter the facility when the office is closed. Check out our website, www.chebeaguerec.com for information about our programs (especially the Kids' Place Link).
Don't forget CRC's pre-teen/teen holiday party and yankee swap on Friday, December 20th at 7 PM. It's an hors d'oeuvre/dessert potluck so please bring a goodie to share. Parents and preteen/teen friends are welcome to come and join in the fun. Happy Holidays!
Calling all singers to Christmas carol! Please come join us Tuesday, Dec. 24th to sing and bring holiday cheer around the island! Meet at the store at 9AM. All welcomed!! Contact Erika Neumann, erikagneumann@yahoo.com or 207-749-8022.
Last night we had another 10" or more of snow and I heard it may rain on Friday - that would be a mess!
Message from Florence: "Island Riches is a very cold building but our home is warm and we have lots of handcrafts to sell. Herb has rings,earrings,napkin rings,easels,bracelets and more. I have handcrafted hats, scarfs ,handbags. If you would like to have something embroided I have lots of designs to pick from. Saturday december 20th I will be up to Ed's store so if you can't come to the house I hope to see you there. 15% off for the holidays. Florence
December 17, 2013 - photos The Chebeague School Holiday Show was a delight as usual. I was especially excited to see Neil Diamond singing "Coming to America" along with a handfull of immigrants from around the world (K-2 class who had been studying immigration). Click here to see a few photos along with a link to a youtube of some of the acts!
There are quite a few telephone numbers on Chebeague that start with 847 instead of 846 and it is hard on people who have the same number with 846 so please check and make sure you are using the correct beginning.
If you would like to see what driving to the school and back home yesterday was like in 110 seconds - I put my ipad in the window of my car just for the fun of it and then speeded up the tape. I had been to the Portland Museum of Art where they have a video of an eight hour walk in one minute - so I thought it would be fun to try it with a drive. - click here for the youtube. It might make you car sick.
Taize Worship for the Longest Night - come and warm your heart at the church this Saturday evening at 7:00 while we celebrate the longest night with candlelight, silence, gentle music, and prayer. This is a wonderful time to step away from the busyness of the season and be still. All are welcome.
Today - Chebeague Island School Holiday Concert - 5:30pm at the Hall!
Don't forget the last day of the Museum's 20% off EVERYTHING sale! Tuesday 4:30-7:30. Great selection of wonderful children's books, cook books including Harbor Fish and Standard Bakery plus much much more!
December 16, 2013 - If you don't want to spend New Year's Day watching football, come and sew at the Parish House! We will again, be making chair back book pouches for the school in Guatemala. You get lunch, great company and you can start the new year off by doing something wonderful for kids who need and use them. For more information, call Deb Bowman or Lola Armstrong.
Chebeague Island School Holdiday Concert is tomorrow, December 17th at 5:30 PM - Everyone is welcome. They always have a delightful show.
December 14, 2013 - photo of Cooper's Hawk (I think) on the North Road in front of McCuskey's house on 12/14/13 (thank you to Geof Summa for letting me know about him). Note that there have been seen a lot of Snowy Owls in Maine and Tom Calder came across one down near Chandlers this morning. I would love to get a photo myself someday.
The Chebeague Methodist Church Service for tomorrow has been cancelled because of the impending snow storm.
xcChildren's Christmas Party TODAY 4 pm - Come join us at the Chebeague Island Hall Community Center for the annual tree lighting and Christmas Party. We will sing carols while the children await Santa arriving by fire truck. Hot cocoa and cookies will be served.
Tonight at 9pm on Natioanl Geographic Wild - Stephen Todd, Brad Martin and Alex Todd will be seen on the show "Jobs that Bite" show which starts with Northern Maine about bears and then the Portland Docks, lobster boat and Smack. (On Dish it is channel 190 on Direct it is 283)
Calendar - The 3-5 class at the Chebeague Island School have created an 18 month Chebeague Themed Art and Poetry Calendar. They are excited to share the beautiful artwork created with the help of their teachers and volunteer LeeAnn Robinson. They are selling these calendars to raise money for their year end trip. Each month is a different scene with poetry and words expressing their feelings. Contact Meredith Beaupres to order yours at jakylory@hotmail.com or call 846-0766.
December 13, 2013 - Groovy Movie 7:30 tonight at the Library.
Remember that submissions for the Island Council Calendar deadline is less than a week away.
December 12, 2013 - Chebeague Island School had 100% participation in the Hour of Code Week!! Over 10 million students to date have taken place as well. We even had a few guest children and a couple of Middle School students joined us at Technology Club. The 3-5 classroom, who had been practicing in Tech Club teamed up with the Pre-K class as well as the K-2 class and taught coding. It was lots of fun and each child will get a certificate for their participation. Click here to see some photos as well as learning more about this week.
CRC's annual Kids' Holiday Craft Program was a ton of fun! The kids were able to create a variety of different projects that are sure to make the perfect gift. Thank you to our volunteers: Althea Dugliss, Sam Birkett, Celia Whitehead, Nancy Earnest, May Hall, Lily Englund, Ellen Maher, Amy Rich and Vicki Todd for making the program so wonderful.
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the Giving Tree. The gifts were delivered to the Root Cellar yesterday. Thank you also to the Ladies Aid who contributed loads of knitted items. Merry Christmas!
The Historical Society would like to thank the community for the tremendous support we have received this year! More than 2000 people visited the Museum. To celebrate the season all merchandise will be discounted 20% for the rest of the season. We have many stocking stuffers, gift and glass items, children's books and cookbooks. Don't be disappointed. Pick up Cathy MacNeill's 2014 calendar - only a few left.
Given the possibility of a snow storm on Sunday, the Museum Gift Shop will be open on Saturday, December 14 from 3-7; closed Sunday; and open Tuesday night December from 4:30-7. Then we will be closed until next summer. Hope to see you on Saturday and Tuesday.
Need a stocking stuffer? How about a gift certificate for a 2014 Pied Piper cruise? Call (846-3700) or email (ctc@chebeague.net) the CTC office for more information!
News from 2002 - through January
22, 2003
NEWS 2001
1996 AND JANUARY 1997
I would love to have any news, poetry, stories to add to
my news page so please email with anything you think would be
of interest to islanders around the world - yes Singapore, Egypt,
Mediterranean, Boston etc. checking out the news page everyday!
So please email me at
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Chebeague Island Anchor Page
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