CLICK HERE FOR WEATHER or go to the BOAT YARD WEBCAM (click on webcam) and see for yourself
Photo - of a Bald Eagle who has been hanging around the East End. The Christmas Bird Count is Saturday, December 31, and we will be looking for all kinds of birds.
January 26, 2017 - Click here to hear a PBS show about scalloping featuring Alex Todd!
Click here to see an article in the Portland Press Herald that features Danielle Rich Rideout who is now working for the Westbrook Police Department and is Recovery Liaison for a program funded by a state grant. She was also on the 6 oclock news - congratualtions Danielle.
Click here for an article in the Island Institute Working Waterfront about the newest water taxi for Chebeague Island. Congratulations to Polly and Kevin.
January 25, 2017 - Storytelling workshop at the library February 17th, 7pm. Have fun telling YOUR stories with confidence. All ages welcome.
The February 2017 CTC newsletter is now available on their website, chebeaguetrans.com
SuperBowl + PIZZA - 14" pizzas prepared at CIS -- SUNDAY, FEB 5th Text: 318-8588 Phone: 846-0766
***Order early for preferred pick-up or delivery times***
**An order confirmation will ensure your order was received.
A fundraiser for the school's year-end trip to Quebec. Click here for flyer!
January 24, 2017 - The power is off in some parts of the island and the Hall is open for people.
Enjoy this wet day at home, but come to the Hall for breakfast and lunch tomorrow. We will have pastries made by Gina and modified croque monsieur breakfast sandwiches--Canadian bacon, chili-smoked or sharp cheddar, and a chebegg nestled in French toast--in the morning. The soup this week is sponsored by David Scrase and Melanie Gustafson, and David picked out a heritage soup for the meat selection: mulligatawny, full of Maine-raised tender lamb and chicken. The vegetarian selection is the ever-popular minestrone. Don't miss the soup this week, and our thanks go out to David and Melanie for supporting our community program.
And don't forget about our BYOB Community Supper on Saturday....Details to come tomorrow!
The LIbrary is closing tonight, Tuesday January 24 at 6:00 pm.
Sunday, January 29 at 2:00 pm at the Library, join Tom Cushman for a talk about dreams.
January 21, 2017 - Miss Nancy's Pre-K Chebeague Island School Blog - click here!
Today a number of islanders marched for women's rights today in Portland, Boston, Washington DC and all over the world. I was in Portland with my daughter, sister and niece along with 10,000 others and the line of people was from the Eastern Prom all the way to Congress Square - very exciting day.
January 20, 2017 - The 2017 Chebeague Island Sailing School season is open for registration! Go to www.chebeaguesailing.com to sign up.
Message from my daughter, Viktoria: "On Sunday I leave for Jamaica. This trip is organized though my Masters of Social Work program though the University of New England. I, along with other fellow social workers from all over the country, will spend every day in a different agency experiencing what it's like to be a social worker in Jamaica. The following link is a fundraiser for one of the locations we will be visiting. Please consider making a donation. The school that we are raising the money for operates on $1,600 annually. We are so close to our goal. Please support me in this great cause and consider making a small donation.
January 18, 2017 - Today's Community Lunch at the Hall is generously sponsored by Suhail and Leila Bisharat and consists of baked haddock in a crumb crust, green beans, twice-baked potatoes, Arlene's homemade rolls, and apple crisp. Count on Linda to make the tables look beautiful! Don't let the snow discourage you. Come on down to the Hall for a delicious lunch! Doors open at noon, and the suggested donation is $7.
Message from May: Thanks for the support this past weekend! We had a good time, and though most of you headed into warmer places to watch the game, I appreciate all who came out for dinner. We've figured out the heat issue, so things should be toastier if you join us this weekend. This Saturday (1/21) we'll be open again (and then not for a few weeks because of the Community Supper on 1/28) and will have live music after 8. Hope you make it out. Our specials this week will be turkey dinner and fried haddock. I'll also be making a haddock chowder. Call ahead for takeout. See you at the Slow Bell!
January 16, 2017 - Greetings everyone! Put away those winter blues and join us at Wednesday's Community Luncheon! Fish casserole and twice-baked potatoes and beans to start the warm-up. A choice of crisps for desert will leave you ready for any weather!
See you there!
Mark and Chuck as the Westenders Band are travelling down to Londonderry NH on January 28th to play at the Stumble Inn, 20 Rockingham Road. Bringing a little Chebeague South to make it through a long winter.
January 10, 2017 - Wednesday soup will be: split pea with ham, corn bread and brownies. The vegetarian will be Pesto/Pasta Vegetable Soup.
DATE CORRECTION for ADULT POTTERY CLASSES at CRC. The intermediate class will be on Saturdays from 12:30-2:30 and the beginners classes will be on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. So sorry for any confusion. Space is limited so sign up today!
The Slow Bell will be open on Saturday, January 14, at 5 p.m. for dinner and the bar will be open until midnight. Our dinner specials are pot roast and fried haddock dinner. Will update with more information about the night as we have it! Hope to see you at the Slow Bell! (Call ahead for takeout 846-3078).
More Pottery classes at CRC. Children's Wheel Throwing, Kids grades 3-5, Tuesday and Wednesday after school until 4:30, 1/10-2/14 AND 2 adult sessions. Intermediate, Saturday 12:30-2:30, begins 1/14 for 6 weeks. Beginners Tuesday and Wednesday, begins 1/17 & 1/18 for 8 weeks. Space is limited to 3 students for each adult class and 2 students in the children's class. Register to reserve your spot.
January 3, 2017 - Soup at the Hall on Wednesday will be a little bit different because our regular soup chefs are on hiatus. We will be having chicken noodle and some Italian wedding soup for the meat choices and French onion and spicy Moroccan mushroom for the veggie choices, with Maine caramel apple cake for dessert.
Peace Corps Paraguay
A slideshow story presented by Island resident Barbara Davis - Saturday, January 21st, 7:00pm
The Hall. Typical Paraguayan refreshments will be served. No Charge - see flyer.
December 30, 2016 - Back by popular demand is a drive around the island. I got out a little late to get the full beauty of the snow that was stuck to all the trees but you can get a little idea of the drive around the island. It was about a 30 minutes of taping that I speeded up to 9 minutes. I did speed up to 4 minutes but that really makes you sick and is pointless. Click here to see the drive around the island at about 11:30 today.
Tomorrow morning is this regions Christmas Bird Count and this year Patrick Keenan from Biodiversity of Maine will be joining me to count the birds in the north east of the island. Patrick is the man who taught the school children all about bird banding on our field trip to their banding location in West Falmouth. If there are any students or anyone who would like to join us please give me a call on my cell 939-9643. He will be coming on the 8 boat and leaving at noon.
Slow Bell will be opened today FRIDAY NIGHT, 12/30, starting at 5 p.m. for dinner, with the bar open until midnight. This week we'll have two of our favorites, pot roast and seafood chowder, and we'll also be serving haddock tacos. We'll also have our regular limited menu with some bar specials.
Message from the Town Office as half the island is without power. "CMP hopes to have a crew free to get out to Chebeague Island about noon, so the estimate for power to be restored is 3:00 p.m. I will give you updates as I receive them from Cumberland County Emergency Management."
School Committee Meeting, Tuesday, January 3, 2017 at 6pm - see agenda.
Photo - December 30 - morning snow - pretty but limbs heavy and falling and a few people without power.
December 29, 2016 - Chebeague Island Pre-K report from Nancy Earnest - click here.
NOTICE FROM CTC at 4:30 PM 12/29: At this point, we plan to run all trips tonight and tomorrow. If the situation changes we will send out notices to the cancellation email/text group and post a notice on the Chebeague Transportation facebook page.
This winter Vika Johnson, as part of her Masters in Social Work studies with UNE will be spending a week in Jamaica visiting and studying social service agencies. As part of their program they are supporting a school and their class has started a GoFund to help the school meet their yearly monetary demands. Click here to donate or/and learn more.
December 27, 2016 - IMPORTANT NOTICE TO COUSINS ISLAND PARKING CUSTOMERS - Cousins Island Parking Customers: Please park at Route One if at all possible so that we may clear the ice in the lot. If you must park at Cousin, please try to park around the perimeter, so that Dugas can sand the middle rows.
Tomorrows soups are Vegetarian: Minestrone with White Beans and Pasta and Non-Vegetarian: Albondigas with Beef-and-Tortilla Meatballs.
A note from Recompense: The Recompense Fund would like to make sure people know that all donations are tax deductible. In case you missed our Annual Report we have it online and you will want to check it out - please click here.
The Slow Bell will be opened on FRIDAY NIGHT, 12/30, starting at 5 p.m. for dinner, with the bar open until midnight. This week we'll have two of our favorites, pot roast and seafood chowder, and we'll also be serving haddock tacos. We'll also have our regular limited menu with some bar specials. Expecting music this week from some of our usual suspects, so come on out and join us a the Slow Bell (call ahead for take out!)
December 23, 2016 - CHRISTMAS CAROLING TOMORROW! Saturday, 12/24.
Meet at the store at 9am. Join us at the 10 boat or the Commons around 11. Come one, come all. Call Erika for Qs, 749-8022.
The January 2017 CTC newsletter is now available on their website, chebeaguetrans.com and here.
Do You Want To Make A Difference On Chebeague Island?
The Chebeague Island Fire and Rescue Department (CIFR) is looking for YOU to volunteer!
Some of the benefits of becoming a member:
Required training is paid for by CIFR!
Safety equipment and gear is provided
Learn decision-making skills
Leadership opportunities
Opportunity for fellowship with other volunteers
Compensated for time spent on each call
Free Recreation Center Gym Membership - CLICK HERE TO LEARN HOW YOU CAN HELP!
December 21, 2016 - Yesterdays Holiday Crafts for kids at CRC was a huge success. We had 25 kids ranging from age 6-14 that joined us after school to make some awesome gifts for friends and family. A huge thank you to Caroline Loder, Christine Englund, Lisa Tucker, Meredith Beaupre, Erika Neumann, Betts Mayer, Nancy Earnest, Suzanne Rugh, Sam Birkett and Amy Rich for the awesome crafts and volunteering at this fun program. Click here to see some pictures.
TODAY: Community Luncheon at the Hall! Will feature ham, scalloped potatoes, peas, Arlene's homemade rolls, and apple crisp with vanilla ice cream. This lunch is being sponsored by Chebeague Sand and Gravel and an anonymous donor. We hope to see you there!
Don't fall for the telephone scammers telling you that your computer has a virus! Click here to learn more.
December 20, 2016 - Message from Florence: "Island Riches will be open Thursday and Friday afternoon from 1pm To 3pm. If you need to shop different hours call me 846-4986 or islandriches@chebeague.net and we would be glad to put the heat on for you. Thank You so much for the people who came to the store over the messy weekend.(Thank you Julie) I hope to see you soon. If I don't see you before we hope you have Happy Holidays."
NOTICE: The Town of Chebeague Office will be closing at NOON on Friday.
December 19, 2016 - Photo - of a Roseate Tern chick taken by Steve Kress on Outer Green Island as promised last summer at the Puffin Project. Steve is looking for help in keeping interns next summer on the island. Click here for more photos and the latest report from Outer Green Island! If you would like to help please contact Steve Kress at Audubon.
Annual Christmas Caroling Around the Island; Sat 12/24 9am; See Flyer; Spread the Word and Song!
December 15, 2016 - Celia Whitehead will be teaching YOGA at CRC beginning January 2nd. Class will be Mondays at 5:30 PM. She is willing to do class on Saturday mornings too if there is interest. Visit our website or call 846-5068 for details.
Notes from Melissa: Christmas Services - Join friends and neighbors at the Chebeague Island United Methodist Church this week as we get ready for Christmas:
- Sunday, December 18th, 10 AM -- Community Pageant - Hear the story of Jesus' birth and all those who came to visit him - told by kids and adults.
- Wednesday, December 21st, 7 PM -- Blue Christmas - A service designed for those who are struggling this time of year, those who find it difficult to get into the Christmas spirit, and those who want to acknowledge that this season sometimes is filled with both pain and joy. Come for prayer, support, candlelighting, and song.
- Saturday, December 24th, 7 PM -- Our traditional Christmas Eve Candlelight service, with carols and readings proclaiming the good news of Jesus' birth.
- Sunday, December 25th, 10 AM -- Pancakes and Pajamas -- Join us for an informal time of worship in the Parish House on Christmas Sunday. Wear comfortable clothes (even your pajamas!) and we'll share conversation about God's gifts to us.
Message from Florence: "I am going to be at the Island Mkt this weekend the 17th and 18th from 10am to 2pm with lots of sale items 10% and 20% off.I will have Herbs bracelets,rings,earrings,napkinrings and more would love to have the store
open but it is to cold so if you would like to see more or something special just call and I would love to open.( 846-4986) islandriches@chebeague.net I hope to see you there. Florence
December 12, 2016 - Tracy and Jeremy Ames are offering Casco Bay Sea Scallops for sale at $20/lb, (same as Hannaford but way better!) $11/lb for half lbs, and 10lbs or over for $18/lb. Please give Tracy Ames, (Capt. Jeremy Ames' wife), a call at 232-6154 to place an order ahead. Pickups at 16 Aaron's Wharf rd will be on Thursday afternoon or by chance.
Recently the students have been working with Bob and Nancy Earnest to get the school gardens ready for next spring! Click here to see a few photos of their work.
Holly Bowling (Nancy and Bobs daughter) has been featured on JamBase Music Website and is becoming more and more know around the country - Congratulations!
Snowstorm and icy roads today - NO SCHOOL on Chebeague or Yarmuouth. Click here if you would like to sign up for TEXT alerts when school is cancelled.
December 11, 2016 - This Tuesday is the school holiday concert at the Hall at 5:30.
The Red Studio Resale Shop at Island Commons will be open for holiday shopping from 11:45 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. today and Sunday December 18th. Can't make it today? Call Sam, Susan, or Sharon, and we will arrange a private showing for you! We have lots of great Christmas items as well as one-of-a-kind treasures! Best of all is that all proceeds directly support Island Commons.
December 9, 2016 - Please check out our new Chebeague School Website which has a new design and address. Jessica has done a lot of work on it and it is beautiful. You can still go back to the old one for minutes and agendas by clicking on Past Years. Also, congratulations to the Chebeague Island School who was listed in the Press Herald as fifth in Math out of 255 Maine Districts. They were also near the top in English and Science.
Hey folks! A reminder that the Slow Bell will be open on Saturday from 5-9 for dinner and the bar will be open until midnight. Our specials this week are pot roast with fall veggies, fried haddock with fries and slaw, and haddock chowder. We also have our limited winter menu. Our dessert is black forest trifle. We have a great night of music planned with Charles Hall, Chip Emery and Mark Dyer. Hope to see you at the Slow Bell (call ahead for takeout 846-3078).
Teen Center is selling Coffee by Design Chebeague Blend coffee, 12 oz. bag for $12. Regular or Decaf, whole bean or ground. One third of the profit goes directly to the Teen Center Program. It will arrive in time for the Holidays. We are willing to ship it for the additional cost and cannot guarantee it will arrive before Christmas. Sale ends December 10th!! Please contact Meredith Beaupré at 207-318-8588 (call or text) or Tracy Calder 207-653-2302.
The Chebeague Island School still has Seasons of Chebeague note cards, there are 17 different watercolor Island scenes done by Chebeague Island students for $17. They come packaged and ready for gifting. Please contact Meredith Beaupré at 207-318-8588 (text or call) or meredithbeaupre@myfairpoint.net to order. Profits will go toward the end of year 3-5 school field trip to Quebec City.
Today - Island Commons annual HOLIDAY PARTY, 4:30-6:30 - RED STUDIO RESALE SHOP has some terrific new items and will be open during the holiday party
Christmas comes to Chebeague!! Don't miss the Museum's biggest sale of the year! Sunday December 11 1-4. Buy one short sleeve tee shirt and get a second free-both kids and adults! Buy one pair of earrings and get a second pair free! Kids hoodies $20! Glasses - buy 4 get 1 free! Kids books 20% off! Adult books - buy one get one free. Ornaments, stocking stuffers, and much more!
December 8, 2016 - Ho! Ho! Ho!
The CPA holiday party is SATURDAY, DEC 10TH - 3-6PM FREE- AT THE HALL.
All are welcome- come for the whole party or just the 4:15 tree lighting and caroling. Contact cpa@chebeague.net or call Erika at 749-8022.
Click here to see a photo of the Island Commons’ new van arriving on the CTC barge. It’s beautiful. Having a safe, comfortable van will mean so much to the Commons residents and staff. Thanks to all who made this happen, including the Recompense Fund, donors to the Mary Gomez fund, the Davis Family Foundation of Yarmouth, a private donor, Pat Murray, who helped every step of the way, and all who support the Commons. (That includes CTC which gave us the complimentary barge trip.)
Message from Kim Boehm: "As part of my effort to downsize, I am looking to sell my car carrier and the trucking business associated with it. I would like the prospective future owner to assume the duties of removing disabled (as well as unwanted vehicles that drive). This is a profitable portion of my business that can be bought for a very small investment, with a short payback period. Please contact me for details. Thanks."
Kim Boehm 846 2468
December 7, 2016 - 20 YEARS!!!! It has been twenty years since making this page and my first post! I was going to have a big party to celebrate but then time flew by and I didn't do it. "December 7, 1996 Snow and rain, Free CTC Christmas boats all day, People preparing for storm to hit tomorrow. Christmas lights are going up all over the island. Christmas tree on the Stone Pier, three trees decorated on the golf course and the clubhouse is outlined with lights BEAUTIFUL. Madeline Craven's house is also outlined fabulously thanks to Dirk Abrahamson. Today was the second annual Christmas Craft Fair from 10 - 2." You can see most everything I posted - we lost some items and photos as servers changed and computers messed up but most of it is still there. Just go to the bottom of this page and you will see all the years past.
Reminder: Friday is Island Commons annual HOLIDAY PARTY, 4:30-6:30…don’t miss this great chance to celebrate the season with friends and neighbors! For you bargain hunters, the RED STUDIO RESALE SHOP has some terrific new items and will be open during the holiday party…if you missed the grand opening in November, here’s your chance to find that perfect treasure!
December 6, 2016 - Photo - School fun with snow and sun December 6, 2016.
Time is flying by and the holidays are already upon us which means it's time for Holiday Crafts for Kids at CRC. The craft extravaganza will be on December 12th in the CRC gym from 3-5:00 and we are looking for craft table "leaders." You can be creative and do any craft that you'd like. Please give us a call for more information or if you would like to lead a craft table with your very own creation, 846-5068.
The Wellness Center will be open Tuesday, December 13th and Tuesday, December 27th from 9-11:30AM. Steve Baybutt RN MS will be here for blood draws, vital sign checks, medication checks, rapid strep tests, etc. - no charge and no appointment needed.
All tie-up floats at the Stone Pier will be removed between December 12th-December 16th. Please remove your boats off the floats prior to December 12th.
It is that time of the year again. Time to purchase your 2017 dog license at the Town Office. By law, ALL DOGS MUST BE LICENSED. It is a violation of Title 7, Section 3922 of the Maine statues (MRSA) to keep an unlicensed dog. Please be sure to bring the dog’s current Rabies Certificate with you and the Neutering Certificate. A neutered/spayed dog license fee is $6.00 per dog. Dogs must be licensed before January 1, 2017. A late fee of $25 per dog will be applied after January 31st.
December 5, 2016 - Wednesday soup will be Turkey Vegetable and the vegetarian will becauliflower cheese soup.
Christmas comes to Chebeague!! Don't miss the Museum's biggest sale of the year! Sunday December 11 1-4. Buy one short sleeve tee shirt and get a second free-both kids and adults! Buy one pair of earrings and get a second pair free! Kids hoodies $20! Glasses - buy 4 get 1 free! Kids books 20% off! Adult books - buy one get one free. Ornaments, stocking stuffers, and much more!
School Committee Meeting Tuesday, December 6, 2016 - see agenda.
December 3, 2016 - The CPA ANNUAL HOLIDAY PARTY IS NOT TODAY! It will be next Saturday, December 10 from 3-6.
Reminder from CTC that free boat days are TODAY (12/3) and 12/10. Also, the December Newsletter is now posted on the News and Info page of their website chebeaguetrans.com. or can be found here.
TONIGHT: The Whalers and Friends Present Winter Images
Join us for the Whalers Holiday Concert at 7PM on Saturday, December 3rd, at the Hall. Listen to holiday music from the Whalers and Little Whalers, along with visual accompaniments from island artists. Tickers are $8 for adults and $4 for children 12 and under. Hope you can join us!
Historical Society Festive Pot Luck Christmas Party: Community members are invited to join the Chebeague Island Historical Society on December 5, Monday evening at 6 p.m. Join us at the Parish House for an evening of celebration, tasty food and fun. Bring a casserole or other food item to share and a wrapped gift valued $10 or less if you'd like to participate in the gift exchange.
November 28, 2016 - Soup for Wednesday is Chili and the vegetarian is Indian lentil cauliflower.
Tuesday November 29th, The Wellness Center will be open 9:00AM to 11:30AM for all your health care needs including blood draws, vital sign checks, PT/INR testing, and health information. There is no charge for any of these Wellness Center services and no appointment needed. Did you forget to get a flu shot? Stop in!
November 26, 2016 - Many thanks to everyone who turned out yesterday for the grand opening of the Red Studio Resale Shop. A fun event for a good cause, and the turnout was amazing!. We will now be open by request and on future pop-up dates, and you will be able to order items online very soon. In the meantime, we are always on the lookout for new or reverently used items for the shop. Contact Sam McLean, Susan Stranahan, or Sharon Rent for a perusal and a pickup.
All proceeds go directly to keep the Commons running! Thanks for supporting Island Commons!
Anyone who wants to help decorate the church building for the season is welcome to stop by the sanctuary anytime after 4 PM today. We'll decorate until 6, when we'll stop for a potluck dinner!
November 24, 2016 - HAPPY THANKSGIVING
GRAND OPENING - The Island Commons Red Studio Resale Shop will celebrate its grand opening from 10 a.m. to noon tomorrow (Friday). To see a sampling of the wonderful furniture and accent pieces we’ve collected, visit the Island Commons Facebook page and take a look.
God Bless Us, Everyone - Lessons from A Christmas Carol - The Chebeague Island United Methodist Church is excited for our upcoming worship series and book study based on Matt Rawle's The Redemption of Scrooge. Join us on Sunday, November 27th at 10 AM for worship and at 1 PM to watch a favorite A Christmas Carol movie (bring snacks to share!)
And to help us get our sanctuary ready for the season, come by the sanctuary at 4 PM to decorate the space with a potluck meal at 6 PM.
November 23, 2016 - From Jonathan and May at the Slow Bell: Sorry for the late notice. We will be opening the Slow Bell on Saturday night. If anyone knows of anyone who might want to come out around 8 and play some music, let me know (PM or text me...332.2368). We'd love to have them! Saturday night dinner will be our limited (winter) menu, along with the following specials: Eggplant parm casserole (with rolls and salad), haddock tacos (gluten free or regular), and haddock chowder. Our dessert will be hot fudge sundaes with vanilla ice cream and homemade sauce. Come eat in or call ahead ahead for takeout! See you at the Slow Bell! 846-3078
The CTC office will be closed on 11/24 and 11/25. Happy Thanksgiving to all!
A friendly reminder from CTC that anyone who wishes to get an annual parking sticker at Cousins Island needs to have their application (fully completed) and their $450 deposit to the office by the end of day Monday, November 28th.
Message from Jen: CIBY will be closed Thursday & Friday for the holiday. We reopen for gas Saturday 7:30 to 11:30. We wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving with family & friends.
The annual holiday family party is SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10TH 3-6PM AT THE HALL
November 21, 2016 -The Red Studio Resale Shop at the Island Commons will hold its grand opening from 10 a.m. to noon on Friday, Nov. 25. Browse through our display of furniture, furnishings and accent pieces. Maybe even start your Christmas shopping early. All proceeds directly benefit the Island Commons. Come help celebrate this new venture and support the Commons.
It is not too late! The Kids' Place still has pies..... We still have Blueberry pies, mixed berry pies, pumpkin pies and coconut cream pies. All pies are $16 .. Pie pick up is from 10 am to 1:00 pm on Wednesday November 23rd at The Kids' Place. All proceeds of the pie fundraiser will benefit The KIds' Place.
Thanks so much for supporting the children of Chebeague Island
Call to reserve: 846-8712 or email: kidsplace@chebeague.net
November 18, 2016 - Don't forget the Ladies Aid Fair is this Saturday at the Church Parish Hall starting at noon.
Congratulations to Holly Bowling (Bob and Nancy Earnest's daughter) who is featured in Rolling Stones Online - click here.
The CTC Commuter Parking area will be reserved for commuters only beginning November 21st. If you are not a commuter and you are currently parked in that area, please park elsewhere the next time you use your vehicle. Thank you.
A service for Khaki Habig will be held Sunday, Nov 20 at 2:00 pm at the Chebeague Methodist Church.
Message from Jon Rich: "Thank you for the responding with your pumping requests. The trip filled very quickly. If you didn't make this trip, please call Monica at Pat Jackson- Tri City Septic Pumping at 623-3223. She said she will schedule another trip if needed."
The NEWEST island business is here!!! Chebeague Water Taxi is here. Let Captain Kevin Wentworth and our boat “THE RESULT” take you were you want to be. Do you really want to be in your own bed and you missed the last boat? Are you trying to get somewhere important that doesn’t work with other boat schedules? Are you having a special occasion that requires less boat anxiety? Call Us! Our web site will give you all the information needed to book a trip now. www.chebeaguewatertaxi.com We are enjoying warm days right now. Kevin and I are hoping to keep the boat in the water through Dec. 26th. We are enjoying this "soft opening" before really jumping in come spring. You can email us at chebeaguewatertaxi@gmail.com or just call us at 207-846-LOVE (5683). Look forward to hearing from you!
November 17, 2016 - Island Commons Holiday Party is Dec 9th Friday 4:30 to 6:30pm --- Food & Drink yay and a raffle!!!
Public Works Notice – Bar Point Road will be closed to traffic Monday and Tuesday, November 21st and 22nd. We will be replacing a large culvert and will do our best to complete the work in a timely manner, but please plan on the road being closed for two days. If you have questions or concerns, please call Marjorie at 846-3148 or the Public Works Garage at 846-6419. My cell phone number is 975-3074.
Its the Annual Ladies Aid Fall/Winter Fair on Saturday, November 19 from Noon to 2:30 at the Parish Hall. Drop by for Lunch & to order your Christmas Wreath. There will beautifully knit sweaters, gloves, socks plus handiwork from your Island Ladies. This year we are offering lovely Tree ornaments; one with a rendition of the Church by Linda Carleton & Pewter ornaments celebrating the Church's 160 years. There will be pies, fudge & other delectables to tempt your palette. And the White Elephant!!!
Tri-City Septic pumping is looking to make one last trip to the Island before winter sets in. If you are here full time and think you need your tank pumped before winter, Please call 623-3223 ( septic pumper) or 522-3439 ( Jon Rich). There's still 2 slots to fill before they will schedule a trip.
The Kids' Place still has lots of pies!!! Flavors include: Chocolate Cream Pie, coconut cream pie, pumpkin pie, apple pie, cherry pie, pecan pie, dutch apple pie.....
Call to reserve yours today: 207 846 8712 or just email: kidsplace@chebeague.net
All proceeds benefit The KIds' Place
The Kids and families of Chebeague really appreciate all of your support.
Pie pick up is from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm Wednesday the 23rd of November.... if you need special arrangements, please let us know! We can probably accommodate you!!!!
November 15, 2016 - “Christmas Shopping in November! The Groothoff Family will be taking a short term missions trip next February and will be helping a local church serve in an elementary school. They are in much need of school supplies. So the Groothoffs will be hosting a Tea for Artisans this Saturday morning, November 19th, 10-Noon. You are invited to come shop for some unique & beautiful jewelry & accessories by Noonday Collections while hearing how your gift purchases will be helping third world artisans come out of poverty. Also, 100% of the commission the Noonday ambassador makes from her sales will go towards school supplies for the children in Cancun. Come find some unique gifts, support underprivileged artisans & provide school supplies for Cancun kids....all in one morning tea on Chebeague!!! RSVP Grace at gracegroothoff@gmail.com.
Here’s the link to the FB invite: https://www.facebook.com/events/1247364965337241/
We invite everyone to sign a card for Fran Calder who is moving over to the mainland to live with her daughter. The cards are available at the Store, Library and at Coffee/Lunch tomorrow. At this point, she will not be moving before Thursday so this might be your last opportunity.
November 13, 2016 - Tuesday November 15: The Wellness Center is open from 9AM to 11:30AM. No appointment needed and there is no charge. Come in for blood pressure checks, blood draws, or that forgotten flu shot. A full range of free health services are provided by Maine Health and the Chebeague Island Council. Stop in Tuesday morning to learn more!
School Commitee meeting Tuesday, 5pm at the school - see agenda --followed by a Workshop with the Board of Selectmen and Rec Center at 6:15 - see agenda.
Congratulations to Luke and Ehryn Groothoff who played on the Yarmouth Varsity Boys and Girls Soccer Teams and won their respective State Championships last weekend! Click here to see a photo with their trophys!
November 10, 2016 - Soccer with Anna begins on Saturday at 9 AM on the volunteer field and we need more participants!! It's for ages 5 and up and is going to be a ton of fun. Call CRC today before 4 PM to sign up, 846-5068
Thanksgiving Pies for sale! Apple, Pumpkin, Pecan, Mixed Berry...... just to name a few!!! $16 per pie
All Pies are baked by locals or by local bakeries!!! All proceeds benefit The Kids' Place
Pie pick up will be November 23rd from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. Other arrangements can be made as necessary
or email: kidsplace@chebeague.net
Thanks for supporting the future generation of Chebeaguers!!! They appreciate your support more than they could say!
November 8, 2016 - Soups for Wednesday are: Vegetarian: Chinese Hot and Sour and the Non-vegetarian: Senate Bean Soup/with ham
The Giving Tree program sponsored by the Library and Church is back! Administered through the Root Cellar on Portland's East End (http://www.therootcellarport.org/, we have been given a list of 5 children who could benefit from your generosity this Christmas season. Please stop in to the LIbrary or call to see how you can participate. Thank you!
November 3, 2016 - Maine Maritime Academy encourages eligible students from Chebeague Island to apply for the J.Scott Searway Endowed Regimental Scholarship. This scholarship was established by Scott in 1998. The deadline for applications is April 29 - click here for details.
CRC will be offering an additional 6 week Adult Pottery class on Monday evenings from 6-8 PM beginning 11/14. We have two spaces left! Our 12:30-2:30 Saturday session is full but we have 3 spaces left in the 2:30-4:30 session beginning 11/12. Sign up today!
Bart Ladd, Republican candidate for State Senate and Rick Snow, candidate for Maine House will be on Chebeague Friday morning at 8:30. He will be at Doughty's Island Market for coffee if you would like to talk to him. If you would like him to visit you at your home call Jill at 347-1974 and he will be glad to stop by. He has some great ideas as to how he can serve the people of Chebeague so don't miss the opportunity to speak with him!
November 1, 2016 -More POTTERY at CRC with Barbara Davis. We are offering an introduction to wheel throwing for two different age groups. Vessels will be the focus of these six week classes. There will be five classes for making the pieces and one for glazing. There is a limit to 3 people per class as we only have 2 wheels at CRC so sign up ASAP to save your spot. Registration forms can be found on our website or you can give us a call in the office, 846-5068.
Adults: Saturdays, 12:30PM-2:30PM or 2:30PM-4:30PM
Dates: 11/12, 11/19, 11/26, 12/3, 12/10, 12/17
Grades 6 and up: Mondays, 4-5:30 (if there are more than 3 that sign up we will add another session time) Dates: 11/14, 11/21, 11/28, 12/5, 12/12, 12/19
October 31, 2016 - Photo - Halloween Trees of Chebeague - photo from Carl Tubbesing
The soups for Wednesday this week are 10 spice (but not spicy) vegetable soup with cashew cream and the non-vegetarian will be Lemon Chicken with pasta. They both sound yummy!
Donna Damon was asked by the Working Waterfront to write an OpEd on discussing Chebeague's history of perserving coastal access and historic trails.. Click here to see the wonderful article she wrote and is published in the Working Waterfront.
Happy Halloween! Watch out this morning as lots of goblins, witches and princesses will be walking to school up the North Road.
Today a couple of crews are coming down from Machias to work on getting the internet service back to normal. They will be in Portland as well as Chebeague. They worked hard Saturday to get us through the weekend with a temporary solution and today they will be repairing the storm damage to our equipment. There will be some down time on the system probably around mid day.
October 30, 2016 - Please click here for a note from Linda Brewster.
Note from CTC: Designated Commuter Parking spaces in the Cousins Island parking lot start 11/1. Only vehicles with the commuter stickers may park in the area. Thanks for your cooperation.
Note from CTC: The replacement of the fence at the Cousins Island lot starts Tuesday 11/1. Please don't park near the fence if possible. If you do have to park near the fence, park 3-4 feet back from the current fence. Thanks!
School Committee Meeting November 1st at the school at 6 pm - see agenda.
October 29, 2016 - The internet is back up for chebeague.net after Axiom spent the day on top of One City Center and another crew at the west end putting up temporary antennas until we can get the main one repaired. It is an emergency tentative setup until it can be repaired the beginning of the week.
Click here to see an article about Phil Tonks and his "Buddies in the Boat" and 50 year racing reunion.
October 28, 2016 - Chebeague.net went down this morning and the Axiom people will be at One City Center in the morning to work on the equipment there. We are in hopes of having it back up tomorrow sometime. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
School Committee Workshop with Yarmouth at Yarmouth High School October 29th - see agenda.
Sunday is Harvest Fest at the C. I. Historical Society's Museum & Gift Shop. Drop by to see the Exhibit & sip some Cider & eat a goodie & shop at the Gift Shop between 1 - 4. Get a head start on Holiday Shopping!
Last weekend we had the chance to see Madeline and Brian of Fendrick & Peck - they have such wonderful voices and have written so many fabulous songs - click here to go to their website. If you would like to hear a podcast about them at Lock Kiermaier's podcast on "Matinicus Wanabe" click here - this was recorded on October 17, 2016 - such great voices and music.
October 27, 2016 -SAVE THE DATE: Sunday, November 13th- Chebeague Parents’ Association would like you to please SAVE THE DATE for the next Community Support Series: "Taking Care of Our Own" as we present another event in our free, community outreach series on grief and loss: “Riding the Emotional Wave: Together”
Sunday, November 13th, 1-3pm at the Hall - Free - Luncheon and roundtable discussion
The process of grieving spans a lifetime and is very personal, but you need not experience it alone. Want to help yourself or someone else? Hear from Chebeague’s very own clinical experts, Michael Hollander, PhD and Janna Hobbs, LICSW about anniversary reactions, mindfulness and acceptance skills. For more information, please email CPA@chebeague.net or call Erika Neumann (749-8022).
October 26, 2016 - Photo - The Nubble at Bennetts Cove - Painting with Light photo created by many islanders with Howie Motenka! On April 30th of this year we organized and created this photo. Go to www.paintingislands.com to learn more.
Pancakes and bacon at the Hall starting at 8: 30AM! A good warm-up for the day!
Soup for today will be Lentil with Ham and the vegetarian soup will be Potato Leek.
The November CTC newsletter can be found on the News and Info page of their website chebeaguetrans.com and here.
October 24, 2016 - Wednesday soup will be Lentil with Ham and the vegetarian soup will be Potato Leek.
Click here for Miss Nancy's blog for her pre-K class and school.
October 22, 2016 - Island Institute Scholarship forms and information are available at the Library. The deadline for the Geiger Scholarship has been extended to November 30th. Contact Caroline Moore at the Island Institute at cmoore@islandinstitute.org for complete information.
CTC's free boat days will be Saturday December 3rd and December 10th. No ferry fares will be charged. Happy shopping!
October 21, 2016 - CTC's schedule for Thanksgiving, Christmas Day, and New Year's Day can be found here.
Study on Race and Faith - Join the Chebeague Island United Methodist Church for a 4 week study on Race and Faith - specifically focusing on white privilege and the black/white racial divide in our country and how an awareness of our own racial identity and that of others can lead to spiritual healing. We'll start on Thursday, November 3rd at 9 AM in the Parish House (and we will look to reschedule the last session due to Thanksgiving). Sign up by emailing Melissa at ml.yosuadavis@gmail.com to receive the resource we'll be using as a springboard for conversation.
October 20, 2016 - We have a pottery instructor and are planning to put together a program for teens and adults. Barbara Davis, new year round resident on Chebeague, has been teaching pottery for 35 years in New Hampshire and will now be sharing her enthusiasm for clay here on the island. She has worked with preschoolers to the elderly and every age and ability in between. She hopes to teach both hand building and wheel throwing in the future here at the Rec Center. She will be at CRC on Saturday, October 29th, Noon-1PM (directly following Caroline's Art Class) to do a demonstration and see how much interest there is. If you are interested in attending a pottery class please stop by on the 29th to meet Barbara and see how fun pottery can be!!
New Meadows Abatement from Bath, Me has agreed to come over and do asbestos remediation. If anyone else needs or wants them to do any work when they bring their equipment over onto the island please contact Ann Leonard at 919-942-6090 -timing is flexible.
October 19, 2016 - Sing With the Little Whalers for Our Holiday Concert! This year, the Whalers want to make their holiday concert an inter-generational experience, forming a children's chorus to sing at the Whaler's December 3rd concert.No prior singing experience is necessary! We'll be singing songs both as a children's chorus and in combination with the Whalers!
The rehearsal schedule is:
Saturdays, 2PM-3:15PM - 11/5,11/12,11/19
Friday, 12/2 - 6:30-7:30PM Dress Rehearsal
Saturday, 12/3 - Concert!
Would you be interested in having your child participate?
Contact Ben Yosua-Davis at b.yosuadavis@gmail.com!
October 18, 2016 - CRC's running program had ended but other fun programs are ready to begin. We offer music lessons on Monday afternoons by appointment, Pottery begins on Tuesday October 25, Pumpkin Carving on October 19, Friendship fire on October 26, and Chebeague Trails and Beaches begins Thursday, October 20. Check out our website for details and sign up today!
Don't miss the first Community Lunch of the season this Wednesday from noon to 1:00 p.m. The cooks will be serving roast pork, roasted root vegetables, Caesar salad, Arlene's homemade rolls, Chebeague apple applesauce, and chocolate cake for a suggested donation of $7. This community event has been generously sponsored by BJ and Ruthie. And don't forget coffee hour! The doors open at 8:30 a.m.
The Hall still has a few dates open if you would like to sponsor all or part of a Community Lunch, soup lunch, or coffee hour. The donation is tax deductible and helps support events that are much loved by your fellow islanders!
Message from CTC: Unfortunately, the replacement of the fence at the Cousins Island parking lot is postponed. Hopefully we will be able to reschedule in the next few weeks. Thanks for your patience.
October 17, 2016 - Hear ye, Hear ye! The first Community Luncheon of the season is this Wednesday, Oct 19 at 12 noon at the Hall. It will be pork roast with roasted veggies and Caesar salad. Save room for the chocolate cake!
Congratulations to Allyson Smith who is one of the artists who in the 8th annual Yarmouth Art Festival opens at 10 am Wednesday at St. Bartholomew's Episcopal Church, 396 Gilman Road in Yarmouth. An online show catalog displays all the pieces in the 2016 show, along with information about each artist. Hours of the show are 10am-7pm daily, except Saturday, when the show ends at 3pm. An artists reception will be held from 5:30-8pm Thursday, Oct. 20. Click here to see Allyson's information in the catalog.
October 16, 2016 - Click here to see Miss Nancy's latest blog for the Pre-K class.
We are excited to announce that the Chebeague United Methodist Church will be offering Sunday School starting October 23, 2016. Children of every age are welcome, with our focus on children from 3 to 12 years old. We have chosen the Deep Blue Kids Curriculum (One Room Sunday School) as it is exciting, current and provides a clear structure for our program. Please contact Cheryl Hillicoss, Sunday School Leader, for more information contact i.m.imaginable@gmail.com or 846-3605.
October 15, 2016 - Photo - by Beth Wiles of the Moon Rise on October 15, 2016.
Sing With the Little Whalers for Our Holiday Concert! This year, the Whalers want to make their holiday concert an inter-generational experience, forming a children's chorus to sing at the Whaler's December 3rd concert.No prior singing experience is necessary! We'll be singing songs both as a children's chorus and in combination with the Whalers!
The rehearsal schedule is:
Saturdays, 2PM-3:15PM - 11/5,11/12,11/19
Friday, 12/2 - 6:30-7:30PM Dress Rehearsal
Saturday, 12/3 - Concert!
Would you be interested in having your child participate?
TICK SURVEY: They have received over 500 responses to the survey, but would like to hear from more islanders before the survey closes out at the end of the year. Click here to see the results so far and the survey.
October 14, 2016 - NOTICE!: Please join us for the Chebeague Cemetery Clean up this Sat, Oct 15 from 9-noon. Mac and Beth are making donuts and there will be cider. Bring gloves, clippers, wheelbarrows, stump grinders and other implements of destruction. See you there!
School Committee Meeting Tuesday, October 18, 2016 at the school - 6pm - see agenda.
October 12, 2016 - Photo - by Marty Trower of lobster boat (Osprey) at sunrise on October 12, 2016.
Join the Chebeague Island United Methodist Church on Sunday, October 16th at 10 AM for our annual meeting where we will celebrate the year that has past and begin looking to the year ahead. All who are connected to our church are more than welcome to attend. We welcome Rev. Deb Shipp and (and her ministry dog Sawyer!) to preside over our gathering. We will have coffee fellowship before worship to meet her, so stop by the Parish House around 9:15 or so to say hello!
Message from John Layng: After waiting for two severe weather systems moving part way up the east coast and have now petered out, we shoved off again yesterday morning heading south. Click here for their blog.
Time for your Flu Shot! Free Flu Shots at the Hall this Friday, October 14, from 9am-11am.
Changes in the Works at the Island Commons. Announcing the Red Studio Resale Shop. In addition to sponsoring our fabulous annual Yard Sale in August, the Commons is expanding donating and buying opportunities by opening a resale shop in our charming Red Studio. Click here for full details. Coming Soon!!!
Power of Postitive Thinking with Swami Sankarananda at the Library Wednesday October 12th, 2-4 pm and Thursday October 13th from 11:00 - 1:00 pm.
From Susan Stranahan: On behalf of the board of the Island Commons, our sincere thanks to all those who contributed to the Mary Gomez fund and who have generously agreed to allow those funds to be transferred to the Commons. This gift represents the best of the Chebeague community, a place that looks out for its own. We are grateful to share in this generous gift and assure everyone that it will be put to good use, enhancing the lives of our residents and adding to all that makes Chebeague a caring place to live. Thank you.
Click here for a the link to the Maine Citizen’s Guide to the Referendum Election.
October 8, 2016 - A message from Jen at The Niblic: Happy Columbus Weekend everyone! It’s our final days of the season and The Niblic will be open Saturday 8 to 2 and Sunday 9 to 2. We hope you have a chance to stop by and take advantage of our End of Season Sale, 25% off almost everything in the store! Swing by and get a jump on your holiday shopping, have that last breakfast sandwich or cup of chowder, or treat yourself to that special something you’ve been looking at all summer. Either way, hope you can make us part of your weekend plans. Thank you for your continued patronage & have a safe and enjoyable holiday weekend!
October 7, 2016 - Historical Society Museum is open Saturday 10-4, Sunday 1-4 and Monday 10-4 so don't miss the end of the season deals!!
Perfect Lacrosse Weather!
FREE mini- lacrosse clinic at the school TODAY, Oct 7th, 3pm til the last groundball... All are welcome. Wear sneakers. Everything provided. Call 749-8022 for Qs.
October 4 2016 - SCHOOL FIELD TRIP FUNDRAISER! We are running our annual “Close Buy Catalogue” fundraiser to support the grade 3-5 end-of-year Field Trip. Shop between now and October 21st at www.closebuy.com (ENTER Chebeague Island School’s number 14292) or order through a student. Click here for more information. Contact Erika Neumann 749-8022 or Kristin Westra 846-4162 for any questions.
Saturday's forecast calls for lots of sun, warm temperatures, birdies, pars and fun. So, grab your clubs and head for the Blanchard/Frost tournament. It starts at noon on October 8. No advance sign-up required. A BYOB social follows at 5:00 p.m. See you at the club. Extra added attraction. Porch sale on all shirts, caps, belts and other soft goods. 25 percent off all day Saturday and Sunday!!
Voter Registration and Absentee Ballot information at the town website: www.townofchebeagueisland.org
October 3, 2016 - Hansen's Well Drillers will be on Chebeague on October 6th to look at possible well sites. Please call Sue Smith at 839-3273 toll free 877-839-3293 or Jon Rich 522-3439 if you would like to be added to the list of sites to look at. The date for drilling has not been set yet.
Please join Caroline Moore from the Island Institute on Tuesday at 6:00 pm at the Library to learn about scholarships.
On Saturday, October 8th at 1 PM there will be a service in memory of Mary Gomez at the Cemetery. Refreshments will follow at the Parish House.
There will be a regular Coffee Hour at the Hall on Wednesday starting at 8:30. New time.
Soup will start the following Wednesday.
School Committee Meeting at the School Tuesday, October 4th at 5pm -see agenda. School Committee Workshop with Selectmen and Recreation Senter at the school at 6:30 - see agenda.
Click here is the flyer about Columbus Day weekend at the Slow Bell.
October 1, 2016 - Lost phone in the parking area at end of Sandy Point Road - please call Celia if found at 449-0183.
I just submitted another tree today as this is the last day to get your tree nominations. Simply write MallyCC@comcast.net with the kind of tree, the property owner or location, and why you are nominating it.
The Chebeague Island School is accepting applications for a part time (4 hours per week each Monday afternoon) Spanish teacher to work with our K-5 students. Interested applicants should go to the district's website at www.chebeague.org/cis and download and fill out an application and return it along with a current resume and copy of certification to Mike Pulsifer at 14 School House Road, Chebeague Island, ME 04017 or email the requested information to mpulsifer@chebeague.net. Applications will be accepted until Friday, October 14, 2016.
September 30, 2016 - IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR CTC COUSINS ISLAND PARKING LOT CUSTOMERS - we will be having work done in the Cousins lot in Octiber that will impact available parking spaces. The week of 10/10 Scott Dugas will install a drain along the fence behind the office. There will be no parking in the entire row between the office and the long fence. The week of 10/17 we will replace the long fence on the cove side of the lot. Cars can park along the fence but need to leave a 6 feet between the vehicle and the fence. If possible, please move to Route One during the weeks of 10/10 and 10/17 to allow maximum room for the work to be done. - THANK YOU
Reminder! Join us TODAY, Friday, 9/30 for Pizza and S'mores at the school 4:30-7pm and the annual meeting of the CPA. Free. All are welcome!
Click here for a travelogue of the Utah national Parks by Eldon. Sounded like a fabulous trip and some day I will visit.
September 28, 2016 - What a crowd we had at Island Commons 4th Annual Harvest Dinner & Open House! Nearly 100 islanders of all ages enjoyed great food & camaraderie. Thank you to all who attended this wonderful community event…our way of saying “thank you” to the community for their ongoing support of The Commons. A big thank you to Mark Dyer who entertained everyone with terrific music, witty remarks & reminiscences!
Don't forget your property taxes are due by September 30th!
Last call for Favorite Tree Nominations! If you have been meaning to write, but haven’t, this is the time. Nominations close on October 1. At this point, we have lots of wonderful nominations of Oaks, Chestnuts and Maples, but no birches. We are pleased by the variety, since the 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders will be learning about the trees of our island in the Spring, and even interviewing the property owners for their stories. So far, ALL property owners who have a nominated tree have agreed to participate, which is wonderful. The nominations are coming in from all over the island, with most neighborhoods covered except Rose’s point and the North Road. Simply write MallyCC@comcast.net with the kind of tree, the property owner or location, and why you are nominating it.
Message from Jen at The Niblic: We are on our fall hours Wednesday thru Saturday 8am to 2pm. Our last day of the 2016 season will be the Sunday of Columbus (9am to 3pm.)
Coffee and Eggs MacDyer tomorrow at 9 AM in the Hall. Come one, come all!!! Soup will start the Wednesday after Columbus Day at the Hall, and Community Lunch will be held on the third Wednesday of each month beginning in October. We still have one or two slots available if you would like to sponsor all ($250) or part ($125) of a Community Lunch. All Wednesday meals are offered as a community service and not as a fundraiser for the Hall. There is a $5 suggested donation for each meal, but no one is turned away. We hope to see you Wednesdays at the Hall this fall!
September 27, 2016 - The CTC October newsletter is now posted on the CTC website chebeaguetrans.com and available here.
SEPTEMBER 30- Pizza, S"mores, Families! Chebeague Parents' Association ( CPA) invites you this Friday, 4:30-7pm to dinner at the school for our annual meeting. Meet new families, hear what the CPA is doing this year. Free. Get involved! All are welcome! (At the CRC if inclement weather) Cpa@chebeague.net. Or call Erika 749-8022.
The Grange Thrift Shop had yet another wildly sucessful summer, making well over $7000 ! Many thanks to those who donated and to all of you who shopped! We have a wonderfully loyal and devoted following!! The Thrift Shop would not happen without our devoted volunteers. Marilyn Nichols, Irene Winters, Chris Aufffant, Pat St Cyr, Pommy Hatfield, Rosie Merchant, Ursula King and Sarah Van Fleet spent many hours at the Grange. And at the end of the season, Billy and Pat St Cyr delivered more than 120 boxes of unsold items to the Casco Bay lines! Thank you so much.
September 26, 2016 - Board of Selectmen [BoS] - Wednesday, September 28, 2016 at 6:00 PM - Paper Street Workshop and Regular Business The Selectmen will meet to work on paper streets. The public is welcome to observe, but there may not be opportunity for public comment during the workshop.
Save the date: Saturday, November 19th, The Ladies Aid Fall Fair. At the Parish House! Details to follow.
Click here to see the photo of our group of walkers who did the Jimmy Fund Walk for the Dana Farber Cancer. (if you are on facebook you probably have seen enough). Left to right Nancy Ross, Kirsten Ross, Christopher Ross, Vika Johnson, Bev Johnson, and Darya Johson. Four team Chebeague raised over $3500 with Nancy getting over $2000. This is her fifth year doing the walk and was honoring her sister who died last year from cancer.
September 23, 2016 - This afternoon 4:30 to 6:30 4th Annual Harvest Dinner & Open House at the Commons, this event is hosted by Commons Board and Staff and that there will be plenty of great food & beverages to enjoy. just bring your appetite! Not a pot luck.
7pm at the Hall Chebeague Cumberland Land Trust and Island Institute will be showing four short films "Climate of Change" click here to learn more.
Message from Jen at The Niblic: We are on our fall hours Wednesday thru Saturday 8am to 2pm. Our last day of the 2016 season will be the Sunday of Columbus (9am to 3pm.) The exhibit upstairs at the Nib Gallery showing the works of Nancy Maull, Nancy Cline, & Linda Ewing will come down next week. If you haven’t had a chance to check it out please do so as all the Niblic proceeds are being donated to the Island Commons in honor of my grandmother, Victoria Smith. Please consider supporting a wonderful home that helps our island loved ones age in place. I can tell you first hand, that is such an amazing gift to our island community, near and far. Thanks in advance for your consideration and thank you again to all those who have already shown their support by purchasing a piece of island art!
The Whalers, Chebeague Island's Community Chorus, are starting up our rehearsal season this coming Tuesday, September 27th, from 7-9PM at the Hall, with our concert at 7:00PM on Saturday, December 3rd. We are open to singers of all ages and experience, so if you've ever thought singing in a chorus would be fun, drop us a line at ben.yosuadavis@gmail.com and show up on Tuesday! (And even if you're not sure whether it would be fun or not, the director bakes us cookies for every rehearsal, so it's worth showing up just for that!)
All islanders (and club members) are encouraged to play in the golf club’s annual end-of-season event, the Blanchard Invitational/Frost Tournament, to be held on Saturday, October 8 at 12 noon. This fun competition gives folks who may not have played much this year (and those who have) to end the season with a flourish—and to store up golf memories until the course re-opens next May. And, don’t forget, there’s a BYOB social following the golf at 5:00 p.m. at the clubhouse. See you there! Questions? Contact Carl Tubbesing, club President, or John Rent, Tournament Chair.
September 22, 2016 - Tomorrow, Friday, September 23, there are two Island Events you won't want to miss:
From 4:30 to 6:30 is the 4th Annual Harvest Dinner & Open House at the Commons - see flyer.
At 7pm at the Hall is the Chebeague Cumberland Land Trust and Island Institute will be showing four short films "Climate of Change" click here to learn more.
September 21, 2016 - I am only 4 days away from walking in the Boston Marathon Jimmy Fund Walk for the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. My mother died from cancer at age 60 and my sister-in-law was only 65 and I am hoping to get more support for our walk. Click here to see our team page. I have received some direct donations but would love to get more. Please click on one of our names or the team page and make a donation. You can also mail a donation made out to the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.
Message from Slowbell: Last weekend was amazing and we really appreciate all of you who came out and showed your support! Jonathan should be back this weekend, so come on in and welcome him home! We'll be open Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights from 5 to 9 for dinner and the bar will stay open until midnight if folks are here. We're looking for someone who wants to lead an open mic on Saturday night. If you're interested, send me an email (maywicca@gmail.com). OUR SPECIALS this week are: Eggplant parm sandwiches ($8), lasagna (veggie or meatball) with salad and rolls ($16) and lobster tacos. Dessert is chocolate cream pie while it lasts! Call ahead for takeout (846-3078). Hope to see you at the Slow Bell!
September 19, 2016 - Amanda and John Layng have started their voyage on the Lady A from Casco Bay, Maine to Naples, FL. and have started a blog which they hope to keep up as they travel - click here to see.
Reminder: Island Commons 4th Annual Harvest Dinner & Open House is next Friday (Sept 23rd) from 4:30-6:30. Great Food, Good Cheer, and live music by Mark Dyer. Don’t miss this great community event…bringing together Islander of all ages to celebrate the change of season! See you there…. see flyer.
September 16 2016 - Photo - by Chris Loder Friday, September 16, 2016 at Central. Click here for another spectacular one at the East End.
Photo - by Bob Earnest Friday, September 16, 2016 just before moonrise.
My God Is A Rock: Worship and the Psalms - Join us for the next few Sundays as we explore the Psalms together - this beautiful book of Hebrew poetry that chronicles the breadth and depth of human experience and relationship with God. As part of worship, bring a rock or two with you on Sunday morning - we'll use the rocks gathered together by the community to make cairns. Join us for worship, 10 AM on Sunday mornings.
The CTC office will close at noon today on 9/16.
Please join CCLT and the Island Institute to view four short films which examine the effects of climate change on the fishing industry, including warming waters, lack of biodiversity, and ocean acidification. Click here for more information.
A moving sale Saturday, Sept. 24, 9-2 at house 1 Bennetts Cove Rd (Milo and MJ's). Could you please advertise it? Also, anyone interested in Milo's "stuff" - (Toyota Truck, Mercedez-Benz convertible, many Clint Jones sculptures, artwork and collectibles, furniture (many oak storage cabinets, Hoosier cabinet, etc.) should call him at 831-1104.
September 14, 2016 - The Hall will be serving coffee from 9 AM to 10 AM for the next two Wednesdays.
Further arrangements to follow.
CRC POOL SCHEDULE UPDATE: Tuesday was the last open swim day of the season at the pool. We have been open on weekends and for after school swimming hours on Tuesday and Thursday but we haven't had any swimmers. We will remain open for morning and noon lap swim on Thursday, Saturday and Sunday through September 18th. We will be starting the pool resurfacing project soon after. There is still time to donate to the lane line fund too. We have raised $3,850 so far and have a donor that is willing to match what we raise.
September 13, 2016 -Tomorrow morning at 7:30 Axiom will be replacing a piece of equipment at the west end so the internet will be down for a few minutes and you may have to reboot your modem/routers. Sorry for the inconvenience as they work to make the system better.
Message from the Commons: Did you know that September 11th- 17th is National Assisted Living Week? We at the Island Commons love having this community play such a large part. Please take some time this week to keep connected. Stop by and have a brief tour, play a game with a resident, or just stop to chat. We look forward to seeing you. If you want to be more involved with activities, please call Polly Wentworth to talk about some options. 846-5610
Is there a program that you'd like to see offered at CRC? Please let us know your ideas for any and all ages! We have a personal trainer, kettlebell classes, music lessons, teen center and our fall running program starts today. We'd love to add to the program schedule! Give us a call today, 846-5068, we want to hear from you!
September 12, 2016 - Join MITA and Master Naturalist, Andrea Lani, for a morning of seaside nature journaling on Crow Island! Sunday Sep 18. Click here to learn more and remember that you have to RSVP email.
The SLOW BELL is still open...we will be serving dinner and the bar is open FRI, SAT and SUN (dinner from 5 to 9, bar 'til midnight if folks are here). Dinner specials this week are chicken marsala with roasted potatoes, salad, and a roll for $16, and beer-battered lobster with fries and slaw for $20. We will endeavor to do karaoke again this weekend on Saturday starting at 8 p.m. We'd love to hear from you!! Our plan is to stay open until Columbus Day weekend, but it will depend on business. Come on out and show us your support! Call 846-3078 for takeout starting at 5 p.m.
The Chebeague Island Inn will be closed today, Monday, September 12, for our annual employee appreciation day. We will reopen at 11am tomorrow.
September 11, 2016 - Last year Mary Gomez’s granddaughter started a GoFund campaign to help her grandmother get a much needed remodeled bathroom for her home. Over $6000 was raised and unfortunately Mary died before the work could be done. Because this money may not be used for the bathroom or other of Mary’s expenses the family would like to see it go to the Island Commons. Their hope is that the Commons could use these funds towards projects and improvements including the new wheelchair access van which they recently received money from Recompense Fund towards or any other unallowable costs not funded by the State. People who have given will be contacted by Pam Johnson or me Bev Johnson to see if this is ok with you or if you would like your funds returned from the GoFund account that was set up. The Commons helped Mary and Anthony stay in their home for as long as she lived. The Commons is a 501c3 tax deductible non-profit organization.
At note from Eldon: The Tuttle Road Methodist Church was filled to capacity on Friday to honor Jim Brewster and Saturday morning the Greely Middle School was nearly filled to capacity for his memorial service. Jim was a quiet man, so not everyone knew what a giant he was in terms in terms of his faithful service to family, friends, and community. The Chebeague community’s hearts go out to his wife and soulmate Linda, who lost her best friend since early childhood at too young an age.
September 9, 2016 - Island Riches will be open this weekend and for weekends only for the rest of September. If you would like something or would like to look around call 846-4986 we will be glad to open. You can also email me at islandIriches@chebeague.net. Thank you so much Florence .
The School is accepting applications for three positions including Part-time Physical Education Instructor, Part-time Music teacher and a Bus Driver. Click here to go to the School page and download an application.
September 8, 2016 - Please join Scholar James Finnegan in a directed discussion of selected Wallace Stevens poems. Friday, September 9th at 4:30 at the library. Poems available in person or by email. Reception to follow.
The CRC pool lane line fund is growing fast! So far we have raised $2500! And, we have a donor that is willing to match what we are able to raise bringing our total to $5000 so far. If you would like to make a donation to the lane line project please let us know. You can make a pledge or send your donation to CRC at 382 North Rd. Note"lane lines" on the memo line. Thank you so much for those that have donated so far.Thanks to all who supported the Stephen Ross Scholarship fundraising event on Saturday night September 3rd. The Hall Dance raised $1,070 (after expenses)to help provide scholarships to island youth. For more information about the scholarship fund please see https://chebeague.org/stephenross/index.html. Special thanks to the Westenders and Josh Doughty for providing the music and Beth Dyer for managing the event.
September 6, 2016 - EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY! Island Commons has openings for CRMA's (Certified Residential Medication Aides). Full time positions (36 hours) consist of three 12 hour shifts per week, and can coordinate with ferry schedule. Part-time is also possible. Very competitive wage, plus shift differentials. Dental & life insurance, paid vacation/personal days for full time employees. We have a great staff of dedicated caregivers...contact Amy Rich to see if joining our team is the right fit for you! 846-5610
Nominations still needed! Good news: The school is joining the Land Trust and the Library’s efforts to educate us all about the island’s favorite trees. The 3rd - 5th graders will be doing reports on the trees during the school year, and the information will be used in the hunt for the trees that will take place the first Saturday next August. There may even be art projects coming from the kids. So get your nominations for favorite tree in to Mally Cox-Chapman at MallyCC@comcast.net. --Click here to see the flyer.
September 3, 2016 - HALL DANCE TONIGHT! Music from the Westenders with special guest Josh Doughty. 8:30 – midnight. $10 per person with portion of proceeds to benefit the Stephen Ross Scholarship fund. Come celebrate the last big weekend of the summer!
Message from Jen at The Niblic: Happy Labor Day weekend! Wow what a beautiful summer we have had. This week we will be closed on Monday and our fall hours will start. We will be open Wednesday thru Saturday 8 to 2. Visit our Facebook page for more details. Also wanted to let you know that the gallery show: Brushes, Needles, & Saws, featuring the works of Nancy Maull, Nancy Cline & Linda Ewing, will be up a few more weeks. All the Niblic proceeds will be going to The Commons in memory of my grandmother, Victoria Smith. Please come check it out if you haven't already and consider purchasing a piece of island art in support of a wonderful home that helps our island loved ones age in place. Thank you & have a safe & happy holiday weekend!
The Transfer Station will be open Labor Day, Monday September 5 from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. and Tuesday September 6 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
School Committee Meeting this Tuesday, 6pm at the school - see agenda.
The CTC office will be closed on Labor Day. Please remember that the schedule changes on Tuesday 9/6. You can pick up new schedules on the ferry, bus, or at the office.
September 1, 2016 - Tyler Mark Putnam married Sarah Elizabeth Nordin on August 27, 2016 at the Chebeague United Methodist Church. It was truly a theatrical event. Tyler and Sarah are departing soon for an audition tour through France, Belgium, and Germany. Click here to see the wedding video!
Click here for a Summer Update from the Kid's Place.
Message from the Historical Society: Labor Day Weekend Sale Sept 2-Sept5 10% regularly priced merchandise; glasses and mugs buy 4 get 1 free; deep sales on earrings, kids and unisex hoodies and much more! New shipment of new designs of Chebeague Tea Towels and aprons. And much, much more! Click here to see some items!
At the Slow Bell this weekend: We are open TONIGHT, Thursday, at 5 p.m. and will be open Friday-Sunday. This is our last Thursday night for the season (we will go down to three days a week, Fri-Sun, starting 9/8. Call if you have any questions! Our specials this week are: lobster mac n cheese with salad and roll ($16), fried clam dinner with coleslaw and fries ($20), eggplant parm sandwich ($8), and our summer salad. Mark Bowman will be performing on Sunday starting at 8 p.m. with some help from a few of your island favorites! Hope to see you at the Slow Bell (Call for takeout 846-3078).
New pool hours beginning September 5: Saturday and Sunday adult lap swim 7:30 am-9am and noon-1:00 and open swim 1-4:30 PM. Tuesday and Thursday adult lap swim 7:30-9am and Noon-1:00, open swim 3:15-4:30 PM (after school). Starting next week, the pool will be closed on Monday, Wednesday and Friday for the remainder of the season (we don’t have adequate coverage for Labor Day so we will not be open that day). We are so thankful to have two on island lifeguards in September so we can keep the pool open until our resurfacing project begins!
Tonight there is a Selectman's Workshop at 6pm at the Hall to discuss Paper Streets in the Bennett's Cove area.
August 30, 2016 - The September CTC newsletter is now available on their website and here.
Last Thursday was the First Annual Community Pizza Party where $45,000 in grants from The Recompense Fund were awarded. $16,000 to the Commons for a new wheelchair accessible van heads the list. Watch for the CTC’s new motorized wheelchair to get passengers safely up and down the ramp. Click here to see all ten of the 2016 awards and a few photos taken by Cathy MacNeill. Giving to the community fund, after supporting your favorite island nonprofits, helps Chebeague meet needs and support new ideas that make a difference.
August 29, 2016 - Rob Howard, better known as John's brother, sings in the Concord Vocal Octet, which holds an annual retreat at his family cottage on the island on Labor Day weekend. For about fifteen years, we have been blessed with the opportunity to have them sing at the Sunday morning service,
Please come and enjoy the Concord Vocal Octet as they lead us in worship with song at the Chebeague United Methodist Church, Sunday September 4 at 10am. Lola Armstrong, our Lay Leader, will be leading the service while Paster Melissa is on vacation.
August 31 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm - The Novel Jazz Septet comes to Congress Square Park to feature the swinging music of the great American jazz composers, Duke Ellington and Billy Strayhorn. http://congresssquarepark.org/event/novel-jazz-septet/
Mike Rollins will be returning to the Island for his 6th year of servicing and cleaning the island Monitor heating units and furnaces. He will arrive on Sept 15 and depart on Sept 27th. Letters to former customers will be sent out this week for their notification. Any new interested customers should Phone or text Mike at 242-0791 or call Ernie Richardson at 215-3687 to set up an appointment for service.
The Library will not be open Tuesday evening 6-8,August 30. The Library will close Wednesday, August 31st at 1:00 pm and reopen Thursday September 1st and be open 4:00 to 8:00 pm. The carpets are getting cleaned.
GRANGE - Tuesday is the last day at the Grange Thrift Shop. Take whatever you like, as much as you'd like, and make a dontation! We will be starting to pack up that morning so plan to shop early. We are not open at night. Thanks for a great season!
August 25, 2016 - On Saturday, August 27 2016 starting at 10:30 am the Chebeague Island Fire Rescue Department will be having an Open House. There will be hot dogs and treats, events to watch and games to play. We welcome and encourage everyone to come, hope to see you there.In addition to the open house there will be a brief traditional ceremony of the housing of the communities newest piece of equipment, Engine 9.
This Saturday 8/27 evening FREE CONCERT FUND - SEASIDE BRASS QUINTET (Catriona Shepherd is one of the members) “Favorites From Stage and Screen” - 10th Anniversary Concert - 7 PM - Chebeague Methodist Church - Admission Free
CRC is gearing up to get the pool resurfaced next month. The pool will be emptied and a new beautiful, smooth surface will be added! We are so excited about this long awaited improvement! We have received several requests to have lane lines put in on the bottom of the pool and this would be the perfect time to do it too! The total cost for the lane lines will be approximately $8,000 AND we have a donor willing to match whatever we can raise to make that happen. If you are interested in supporting the "lane line" project please give us a call, 846-5068.
Don't forget TODAY is the Recompense Picnic at the School from 5-8pm please join neighbors and friends to enjoy great pizza, cheer on old and new grant winners and hear about the community energy that is raising all the boats of our island nonprofits. Free to all!
Yesterday was a busy day and our anticipated replacement of much of our equipment for Axiom/chebeague.net went well at the start but later something happened and the technicians in Machias as well as David and I worked hard to get it restored and by 7 we got it back up. We are still working to make it better. Please call Axiom at 255-0679 or call/text me at 939-9643 today if you are not up and running today and I will get over to reset.
August 23, 2016 - Tomorrow morning Equipment for Chebeague.net will be replaced around 7:30am so the internet will be down for about 10 to 20minutes and you may have to reboot your modem/routers after we replace the equipment. Sorry for the inconvenience and we are hopeful that the interruptions we have been having will be fixed.
LOST BAG...a maroon Chebeague Library tote was taken from the Grange by mistake this morning. There were sunglasses and a VERY SPECIAL 1996 Cheb. Is baseball cap as well as pens and notes. PLEASE call 846- 5400 or leave it at the library. Thank you.
August 22, 2016 - Tuesday Aug. 23rd 7:00 PM: Join us this evening to hear Peter Baker from the Maine Alzheimer's Foundation discuss the importance of early diagnosis and new treatments for dementia and Alzheimer's Disease. 7:00 PM at the Hall. Refreshments will be served.
Wednesday, August 24th at the Niblic Nancy Maull, Linda Ewing and nancy Cline will be having an art reception and trunk show from 5-7pm upstairs at the Niblic Gallery - All niblic proceeds to benefit The Island Commons!
Message from the Recompense Fund: This Thursday, August 25th at the School from 5-8pm please join neighbors and friends to enjoy great pizza, cheer on old and new grant winners and hear about the community energy that is raising all the boats of our island nonprofits. Free
On Saturday, August 27 2016 starting at 10:30 am the Chebeague Island Fire Rescue Department will be having an Open House. There will be hot dogs and treats, events to watch and games to play. We welcome and encourage everyone to come, hope to see you there.In addition to the open house there will be a brief traditional ceremony of the housing of the communities newest piece of equipment, Engine 9.
BAG DAY at the Grange Thrift Shop! Fill an entire bag for only $5.00. We still have many items to choose from....glassware, dishes, books, knicknacks, children's clothes, men's clothes, sweaters for the family, coats for winter and so much more! Our inventory seems endless and we need you to shop!!! Tuesday 9:30-12:00 and again from 7-8. Next week is the last week to shop; we will be starting to pack in the morning. Morning hours only next week. Support our island organizations and have fun shopping!!
Congratulations to David O'Donnell and Ursula King who won the The Harper-Brown tournament was held last Saturday!
August 21, 2016 - Photo - The Toll of the Sea Dedication in Memory of Sanford Doughty and a Posthumous Presentation of Legislative Sentiment in Honor of Mabel Doughty on August 21st had over 200 attendees and was a wonderful event on a beautiful day. Click here to photo by John Holt of the event and click here for another view. You can also go to Patrick Murray's facebook page and see and hear the poem written and read by Beverly Ross Murray at the dedication.
TOLL OF THE SEA! Today at 1pm at Chandlers Cove Field - Dedication of Chebeague's Toll of the Sea Memorial In memory of Sanford Doughty and presentation of the Maine Legislative Sentiment Posthumously honoring Mabel Knowles Doughty for her community service.
August 18, 2016 - Tomorrow morning between 8 and 9 we will be replacing the router for Axiom internet so there may be a short disruption of service and you may have to reboot your modem/routers.
Father Dan Greenleaf from Sacred Heart in Yarmouth and Holy Martyrs in Falmouth will be here on the Island to say Mass at the Chebeague Methodist Church on this Saturday, August 20th at 10 A.,M. This is the last Mass of the season so we hope that many people will attend.
Message from Marjorie, the Town Administrator: The Town is currently doing roadside mowing. It is important for us to maintain the road shoulders and ditch lines by removing brush and small saplings. However, if there is something that you do not want mowed that is in the Town right-of-way, please clearly mark it and we will make every effort to avoid mowing in that area. If there is something that will impede travel on the road or limit line of sight, we will consider your special request, but some areas just need to be trimmed. Our Public Works Department is trying very hard to do the right thing and work with the public, but we do need to complete this task. If you have any questions, please call the Town Administrator at 846-3148. Thank you.
August 17, 2016 - A reminder to keep checking the EVENT CALENDAR above for all the great things that are happening on Chebeague. Chip Emery has been doing a wonderful job keeping up with it. I put items here on this page as I learn them and they ten go to the bottom and get lost so even I keep an eye on the EVENT CALENDAR.
Saturday Night is the annual Island Music Night 2016 35+ performers from 6:30pm to 11:30pm at the Hall.
Sunday at Chandler's Cove Field at 1pm will be the Dedication of Chebeague's Toll of the Sea Memorial In memory of Sanford Doughty and presentation of the Maine Legislative Sentiment Posthumously honoring Mabel Knowles Doughty for her community service.
The Board of Selectmen will hold a Paper Streets Workshop re: Pleasant View Subdivision, TONIGHT, August 17, 6:00 PM at the Island Hall.7b6 n
Friday Night, Aug 19th, at John Wilson's, 7 - 9, BYOB - Miss Rosie is an Americana-folk group out of Oberlin, OH composed of banjoist and lead vocalist Sam Bailey, fiddler Meghan Mette, guitarist Noah Singer, percussionist Will Bahr, and bassist James Vitz-Wong. They've been traveling the east coast this summer on their debut tour and we are lucky enough to host them at the tail end of their journey. $15 Donation to CICA. Click here to see one of their songs. Click on the event calendar information and link to their website.
Friday morning between 8 and 9 Axiom will be replacing a piece of equipment. Hopefully the internet won't be down for long and you may have to reboot your modems and routers. We are hopeful that this will solve the intermittent outages we have been experiencing lately.
August 16, 2016 - Tomorrow morning between 8 and 9 Axiom will be replacing a piece of equipment. Hopefully the internet won't be down for long and you may have to reboot your modems and routers. We are hopeful that this will solve the intermittent outages we have been experiencing lately.
Back by popular demand, Kevin Burns of Carpet Services, will be on the island starting Friday, August 26. As many of you know, he comes with stellar references and has pleased many Chebeaguers. His professional steam cleaning services include carpets (area and wall to wall), upholstery and tile & grout. If you’re interested, email laurasumma@hotmail.com or call/text message me @ 712.8412 and I will get you on the schedule.
We had a great group at the pool at 8:15 this morning, listening to music and exercising together. We don't have a designated leader for water aerobics but that isn't stopping the CRC swimmers. The weather has been great and the water is BEAUTIFUL. Come have some fun on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays at 8:15 AM (adults only).
I have been receiving some fabulous photos to share lately and just have been too busy to get them on here. Click here for a photo from Bill McCuskey taken the other day from Carter's Point. Click here for a photo by Allyson Smith taken Monday night at the Stone Pier.
From the Great Chebeague Tennis Club: Don’t forget to sign up now at the Tennis Courts for the Harper-Brown Tournament, this Saturday, August 20 at 3:00. The following week we will have a mixed doubles round robin at 3:00 followed by the annual meeting at 5:00. We also have one more “Get back into Tennis Clinic August 26th at 9 am. You only need flat soled shoes and a sense of humor to participate! Please email or call Sarah Parker- Weepl@aol.com or 603-978-7790.
Click here for an invitation to an Arbonne by Richard Douglass.
Friday night at the Slow Bell we'll have live acoustic music with two young and incredible musicians, Lena Rich and Bobby Murray from Yarmouth ($5 cover). Check out Lena's song Underground (https://soundcloud.com/lenarich/underground). We'll be open as usual Thursday through Sunday nights for dinner 5-9, with the bar open until midnight. This week's specials include LASAGNA with side salad for $16, scallop dinner ($20), and lobster tacos ($16). Call ahead for takeout (846-3078). Hope to see you at the Slow Bell!
Click here for an aerial video of the SwimRun.
Tonight Tyler Putnam and Sarah Nordin for a free concert at the Church at 7pm. Click here to see a sample of their beautiful voices.
August 14, 2016 - The Casco Bay Islands SwimRun - August 14, 2016 - About 250 participants ran from Casco Bay Wharf to the Hook and then swam to Little Chebeague on the first leg of the SWIMRUN. Click here to see photos taken by me from the Hook. Fortunately just before the start the thick fog lifted.
ALL YOU CAN WEAR Tuesday at the Grange Thrift Shop! Layer the clothes, fill your pockets, pile it on your head..... whatever you can get on your body for $5.00 or $10.00 if you really excel!! Don't miss this favorite sale of the summer! Tuesday 9-12 and again 7-8.
TONIGHT, 7 PM in Wilson's living room on Spruce Point View Road; David Reed, singer/guitarist, playing Caribe-vibe folk, reggae, & blues, sometimes on handmade cigar-box guitars!" Sponsored by the CICA Music Fund. Hawaiian shirt optional.
August 13, 2016 - Tomorrow morning the Casco Bay Islands SwimRun will take place starting on Chebeague at Chandlers Cove at 7am. The teams will be leaving Portland at 5:45am. Each team has two people teathered together and they will run from Chandlers Wharf to the Hook and then swim to Little Chebeague then Long Island, Peaks. Kellie Joyce, Carla's daughter is competing in this competition. Click here to see the route
Chebeague.org may be offline for an hour today while the Library Server is being replaced and updated.
August 12, 2016 - FREE CONCERT by the Da Ponte String Quartet on Saturday August 13th at 7 PM at the church. The featured work is the Mendelssohn Quartet in A minor, Opus 13.
School Committee Meeting is next Tuesday, August 16th and will start at 5pm. Click here for agenda.
The August meeting of the CTC board will be held on August 24th at 7PM at the CTC office. As always, the public is invited.
Women's Group, Wednesday, August 24th 7:30 pm at the Library. Adele Gorody will speak about Embracing Life as a Super Adult.
The Grange Thrift Shop will be open THREE more Tuesdays this summer! There are many new items. Last Tuesday was FOUR for One, August 16th is ALL YOU CAN WEAR, Aug 23rd is FILL A BAG, and Aug 30th is TAKE AND MAKE. ( Take anything you want and make a donation) Shop Tuesdays 9:30-12:00 and 7-8 pm.
The CIYC Ocean Race will be Saturday, August 13. The first warning will be at 13:00 at Central Landing. The course will be from the start around Hope Island and back to the finish. Please contact Jay Corson for the Sailing Instructions and any other questions. The results from the July 16 Round Island Race are as follows: Rich Hubbell in Fuzzy Logic was 1st in Div.3 and 1st in Fleet, Joe Seremouth in Butter was 2nd in Div. 3 and 2nd in Fleet, Tim Caven/Tonks in Tuesday’s Witch was 3rd in Div.3 and 3rd in Fleet, Drew Schaefer in Puck was 1st in Div.2 and 4th in Fleet, Lunt/Cox-Chapman in Biscuit was 2nd in Div.2 and 5th in Fleet, John Wilson in Periplus was 3rd in Div.2 and 6th in Fleet, and John Ash in Sea Smoke was 4th in Div.2 and 7th in Fleet.
August 11, 2016 - Please click here from a message from Axiom Technologies about the recent problems they have experienced and what they are doing.
Message from Melissa: Are all your ducks in a row?
If you are feeling the need to organize your life or reassess your plans for retirement, come to CIUMC on Thursday, August 18th from 1 PM - 2:30 PM for a workshop with Gary Melville, ChFC, CAP and Director of Development for the United Methodist Foundation of New England.
We'll cover wills and bequests, understanding the planning process, maximizing income and gifting, and more! For more information, contact the church office at 846-4106 or at chebeaguechurch@chebeague.net.
August 9, 2016 - TomorrowState Poet Laureate Stuart Kestenbaum reads his work at the Library Wednesday, August 10th at 4:30 pm. Reception to follow.
Click here to see a list of Invasive Plants and how to recognize them that has been supplied by Erno Bonebakker.
I had a wonderful trip with my daughter Darya in Iceland two weeks ago and I did put together a video of photographs from the 5 days we spent there. A lot of people have said they would like to see it so click here if you are one of them.
August 8, 2016 - State Poet Laureate Stuart Kestenbaum reads his work at the Library Wednesday, August 10th at 4:30 pm. Reception to follow.
Click here to learn how to nominate your favorite tree on the Chebeague Island. Send an email to Mally Cox-Chapman at MallyCC@comcast.net with as much information as you have about your tree. This project is co-sponsored by Chebeague & Cumberland Land Trust and the Chebeague Island Library.
August 7, 2016 - Photo of a Ruddy Turnstone taken August 7 on the bar at the Hook. The migrating birds are just starting to show up and today we saw flocks of Ruddy Turnstones. I counted about 50 at one time. Click here to see a few flying with Sandpipers.
Axiom is working on solving the service interuptions that chebeague.net customers may be experiencing. Hopefully this will be resolved in the next day or so. You may have to reboot the modem/router at times to restore the internet. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
August 5, 2016 - FREE CONCERT by the Da Ponte String Quartet on Saturday August 13th at 7 PM at the church. The featured work is the Mendelssohn Quartet in A minor, Opus 13.
Saturday, August 6th, 10am at the Hall: Fantastic Annual YARD SALE to benefit Island Commons. We have truckloads of great items this year…a small, very portable kayak, beautiful quarter sawn oak round pedestal table, lovely antique sofa, rugs and carpets of all types, wicker chairs, kitchenware, dishes, collectibles, books, and TONS of great furniture….Here are a few photos (and believe us, this is merely a fraction of what you’ll find at the sale!). All proceeds toward expenses not reimbursed by Maine Care. Thank you for shopping to support Island Commons, and thank you, donors, for all the wonderful treasures! Click here to see some of the items.
The AED has been found and it was a simple mixup with baggage.
August 3, 2016 - BULKY WASTE this weekend August 6 from 9 to 3pm. (note that it ends at 3pm and NOT 5) NOTICE: The Transfer station will be closing at 3pm as well.
LADIES AID FAIR: Tomorrow, August 4, the Ladies Aid Fair is at the Hall from 12 to 2:30pm.
Message from the Sherrif's Department: Drug Take Back on Chebeague Islands. The date has been set for August 13th from 9am until noon at the Fire/Town Hall building. A Deputy will be there to assist them with the process.
ISLAND JOBS: Island Commons has employment opportunities…work on-island as part of a great team of caregivers! Contact Amy Rich for more information 846-5610 or icadmin@chebeague.net Island Commons is an Equal Opportunity Employer
The Chebeague Island UMC is excited to present a FREE Vacation Bible School called Deep Blue Kids! We're talking about the story of Jesus calling helpers and will be learning all about how we can be helpers too. Dates are August 8th through August 12th, from 5 PM to 8 PM (with a light dinner provided). Please register ahead of time - you can pick up a form at the Parish House and drop it off at the church office (back room of the Parish Hosue), or register online here: http://www.chebeagueumc.org/vbs.html. All kids are welcome, though kids pre-kindergarten need to come with an adult.
Any questions, please contact Cheryl Hillicoss, Polly Wentworth, or Pastor Melissa. (We're also looking for some more adult helpers to help with decorating, gathering supplies, to running a session. If you have some time to spare to help, please let us know!)
All the websites, including this one, are back up and running at the Library. The Maine State Library Network (MSLN) had remotely updated the software on the edge router but had forgotten to put in a rule allowing remote access to the Library server, thereby freezing out the websites on the server. They quickly fixed this problem.
Don't miss the Architecture exhibit at the Museum. The house tour will be even more meaningful if you have checked out the exhibit because all of the houses are included in the exhibit! While you are there don't miss the Museum store sales. Chebeague branded kids hoodies just $25! All earrings only $15! And much more! No admission charged - donations greatly appreciated! Tuesday-Saturday 10-4; Sunday 1-4 and Monday August 8 only - open 10-4. Don't forget to buy your House Tour ticket $25 in advance $30 on August 9 the day of the tour.
The Slow Bell is hiring folks for work through the end of the season. Preference will be given to people who can work until Columbus Day. Interested in trying your hand at cooking or tending bar? Call or text May Hall 332.2368
August 1, 2016 - The LIbrary survey will run until August 13th. Please use the link on the Library page or come in to get your paper copy. Many thanks for all who have participated!
On Wednesday, August 3 at 5pm, the Tennis Club will be dedicating their new viewing stands in honor of Jane Shattuck. The brief dedication will be followed by a cocktail party.
Rescheduled!! Bob Libby will read on Friday, August 26th. Reception to follow.
July 29, 2016 - The $1,500 AED (Automatic External Defibrillator) is missing from the Islander. If you know where this life-saving device is, please return it to the boat as soon as possible, no questions asked. Or call 846-4654 or 712-3827 if you have any information. You may save a life!
The Grange Thrift Shop will stop taking donations on Saturday, July 30th. We are overstocked and desparately need you to shop! Watch for next week's special sale! Tuesdays 9:30-12 and again 7-8. The Island Council August Calendar is now available online at the link in ths page's heading. CANCELLED for now: Writer and poet Bob Libby reads from his collected works, Friday, July 29th at 4:30 pm at the Library. To be rescheduled.July 28, 2016 - CORRECTION: Tomorrow's Sebago Long Lake Chamber Music Festival will be at the Church from 7:30 - 9:30 pm, not 7:00 pm as posted earlier. Go for a great musical evening of Chamber Music featuring Beethoven's Archduke Trio and music by Mozart and Shostakovich.
Happy birthday to Nancy Hill, who is 39 years old today. Click here to give Nurse Nancy your congratulations!July 27, 2016 - the Chebeague Island Historical Society presents its House Tour 2016 featuring Island Homes: Chebeague's Domestic Architecture, Settlement to 1890 (large file!), Tuesday, August 9, 10:30 am to 4:30 pm. Tour eight of Chebeague’s historically significant homes and enjoy a lovely luncheon with a view of Casco Bay. Tickets are available at the Museum: $25 in advance, $30 day of Tour. Tuesday - Saturday 10:00 - 4:00; Sunday 1:00 - 4:00. Docents are needed, contact Mary Holt for more information: islelive@chebeague.net or call 846-5040.
The Library will not be open on Thursday evening 6-8 pm, July 29th. On Friday, July 30th, the Library will close at 3:30 pm so we can prepare for the poetry reading by Bob Libby.July 26, 2016 - Chebeague helps coastal startups. Through the Chebeague Community Forum and the Island Institute, Greenlight Maine has made two $3,000 awards to Lobster Unlimited of Brewer and Herbal Revolution ofUnion, Maine. click her for details.
CRC's baseball camp starts on Monday, August 1st from 3-5 pm at the volunteer field and Art Camp begins on August 8th at CRC. You can find details on our website or at the CRC office. Sign up today to reserve your spot!July 25, 2016 - CATHOLIC MASS: Come join us for Mass on this Saturday July 30th at 10 AM at the Chebeague Methodist Church. Father Dan Greenleaf from Sacred Heart in Yarmouth and Holy Martyrs in Falmouth will be here to celebrate Mass. We hope that many people will attend. Contact Ann Belesca at 846-4252 if you need further information.
We're sorry to say that the program New Technologies and Old Cemeteries has been cancelled for now. Archeologist Dan Lynch is ill. His recent exploration of three island cemeteries using ground-reading sonar. was scheduled for Tuesday, July 26, 7 pm, Island Hall.
Barrie Shepherd will be preaching at the Chebeague UM Church this next Sunday, July 31 at 10 am. His sermon title will be, "The Hell With the Church." At Coffee Hour after the service there will a book table where Barrie will sign, and sell copies of his 16 books. All proceeds from the sale will be donated to the Chebeague Food Pantry.MORE LIVE MUSIC FROM CICA: HOLLY BOWLING will play at the Wilson home Wednesday August 3 from 7 till 9pm. Holly is a classically trained pianist who has been touring and performing music of Phish and The Grateful Dead, reimagined for solo piano. You can learn more here. Suggested $15 donation at the door; all proceeds benefit the School Garden Fund.
Writer and poet Bob Libby reads from his collected works, Friday, July 29th at 4:30 pm at the Library. Reception to follow.July 23, 2016 - I am leaving for Iceland tomorrow and won't be back until next weekend so if you have something that can't wait to post please contact David Hill. Don't forget to check the EVENT CALENDAR in red above to see what is going on. Next Saturday the Sebago Long Lake Chamber Music Festival will be at the Church from 7 - 9pm. Go for a great musical evening of Chamber Music featuring Beethoven's Archduke Trio and music by Mozart and Shostakovich. Ladies Aid Fair is coming up August 4th at the Hallfrom 12 - 3!
The Grange Thrift Shop is having a DISH/CLOTH Sale on Tuesday! Any dish ( glass, bowl, vase etc) and anything made of cloth (coats, jackets, pants, shirts, dresses etc) will be THREE for the price of one!!! Come join the fun and shop from 9:30-12:00 and again from 7-8. All proceeds are donated to island organizations.
Last night there was a spectacular light show in the sky and thanks to Kevin Wentworth we can all see his time lapse photography taken from the Chebeague Island Inn. Click here to see his youtube video!
Frolic tonight - hope you have a chance to check out the website and auction and thank all those sponsors, helpers, donors and all for helping to keep the Rec Center running. Every two years the Rec does a spectacular job on a wonderful fundraiser and today thanks to the leadership of Sandra Whiston will be so much fun.
Casco Bay Islands SwimRun is looking for an enterprising islander, at least 12 years old, that would like to ride their bike at the head of the pack of 125 teams at the start of the race on Sunday morning, August 14. You’d lead the race from the CBL ferry dock, over Chandlers Cove Road to South Rd., then Cottage Rd. to the Indian Point Nature Preserve Rd. and down to the beach trail. Starting at 7AM, this duty would take not more than 15 minutes of ride time. We’ll put you in an official race shirt to keep as a reminder of helping our effort support the Travis Mills Foundation. If interested, please reply to usaswimrun@gmail.com
July 22, 2016 - Message from the INN:
8/4/16 - -3:30-5:30pm on the front lawn of the Inn
FREE Wine Tasting! Come and taste some of our wines with Ian Brown from Pine State. Stay for a beautiful sunset and dinner!
7/29/16 -- 8:45am - 9:45am
Yoga for All Levels on the Front Lawn of the Inn. $10 Island Special
7/30/16 -- 10:45am - 11:45am
Yoga for All Levels on the Front Lawn of the Inn. $10 Island Special
CTC has an immediate opening for a parking lot attendant at the Cousins Island lot. Successful candidate must be able to report to work at 6AM. For more information, please click here or visit the Jobs page on the CTC website - chebeaguetrans.com
July 21, 2016 - The Summer Frolic Silent Auction online will be closing at 6 tomorrow evening. It will continue at the Frolic but even if you don't go you may have a chance to get an item by bidding online. We will let you know on Sunday if you are the winner of the bid. There are a few more items I still haven't put online yet and may get to it tomorrow morning. Click here to go to the auction. If you are uncomfortable with bidding online you may email or call me and I will include your bid.
CTC's August Newsletter is now posted on their website, chebeaguetrans.com and available here.
What are your hopes? Your dreams? Your prayers? The Chebeague Island UMC wants to know! From now through Sunday, August 14th, look for bags of fabric at the church, the library, the store, the Niblic, and the Commons. Take a strip of fabric and write your hopes, dreams, or prayers on it - or simply write your name on it. Return them to the library or to the church and we'll add them to our worship space during our Tie that Binds worship series!
July 20, 2016 - CTC offers some ideas for reducing the amount of freight that needs to be handled on the ferry and bus for groceries and other items. Click here.
PUFFINS TONIGHT! Come to the Hall at 7pm to learn about Puffins from our school children and the renowned Puffin Expert Dr. Stephen Kress. Dr. Kress co-wrote the popular Puffin Project and reintroduced Puffins to Egg Rock Island in 1973. This free event with refreshments is being sponsored by the Chebeague Cumberland Land Trust. Click here to see a video of Dr. Kress with Marlin Perkins on the Wild Kingdom show in 1979.
The Library will close at 3:30 pm on Friday so we can prepare for scholar John Ward's discussion of Robert Lowell poems at 4:30 pm. A packet of poems is available to be picked up at the Library or call and we can email it to you. Reception to follow.
Please also participate in the Library survey, the link is http://goo.gl/forms/R88oWANtvQIUTZ1D3 or stop in to get a paper copy. Thank you!
July 19, 2016 - CONCERT TONIGHT! From 7 to 9pm at John and Courtney Wilson's Home. The band is the Raw Bar Collective, traditional Irish music. 7-9, BYOB, sponsored by CICA, donations appreciated and tax-deductible. The Raw Bar Collective present a vibrant and excitingly earthy style of Irish Traditional music.
The Library is running a survey until the end of July. The purpose of the survey is to gather information to help the Board of Trustees assess and improve the Chebeague Island Library's services, resources and space. The survey will take about 5 minutes and is anonymous. Paper copies of the survey are available at the Library.
July 18, 2016 - This Wednesday at 7pm Dr. Steve Kress will be here at the Hall to talk about his work bringing Puffins back to Maine. There will also be a few students from the island school to present the video they created last winter. This is free event and there will be refreshments. Click here to see the Land Trust Flyer.
The CTC annual member meeting will be held on 7/23 at 9 AM at the island Hall. All members are encouraged to attend.
July 17, 2016 - Photo taken by Cheryl Stevens on July 17th in Casco Bay.
FROLIC! There are still some dinner tickets available for next Saturday Evening! Please go online and order your tickets or get to the Rec tomorrow to order yours checks, cash or credit card. Gail Worthen is working on the menu and ordering and we need to know how many we will have! It is going to be lots of fun with fabulous food including oysters, wine and beer, desserts, auctions, dancing and more. Start your bidding too - I keep adding more items you won't want to miss. Please click here.
It was a hot one out there Saturday! Here is a picture of the GCTC crew that played in the Perkin’s Cup. Congratulations to winners Ursula King and David Anstice!
Martha's Treasure Box opens this morning at 10:00 at the Hall. Come inside and find you own treasure--whether it is a new passion or supplies to fill your current one. A $5 entry fee grants you access to riches limited only by your imagination! BYOBag. Click here to see the Hall with items. Click here to see a closeup of a few - photos by Cathy MacNeill.
Pick-your-own sugar snap peas at Second Wind Farm on Sunday, July 17 from 9:00-11:00 am. If you can't make it to the farm in the morning, sweet and delicious snap peas are available now at the farm stand as well as lettuce, beets and beet greens, kale, garlic scapes and more!
Tuesday at the Grange is the annual Open and Shut Sale! Any item that "opens and shuts" is buy one get one free...yes, that's two for the price of one!! Think clothing with zippers or buttons, purses, backpacks, books, games, some shoes, jackets and coats, tea pots, and even bed sheets!!! There are many new items arriving every day! Come shop in the morning from 9:30- 12:00 and again from 7-8.
The Tennis Club invites all islanders to the dedication of our newly rebuilt viewing stands honoring Jane Shattuck on Wednesday, August 3 at 5pm.
July 15, 2016 - Community Sing and Potluck - Saturday, July 16th - Don't forget about Music Beyond the Page - Community Sing and Potluck! We'll gather at the church at 5 PM to sing and 6 PM to eat together. All ages are welcome! There is still an opportunity for folks who want to teach a song at tomorrow's community sing to do so. Come to the Parish House at 1 PM to practice and learn tips for how to effectively teach a song. Hope to see you there!
The Round Island Race sponsored by CIYC will be held Saturday, July 16. The first start will be at 12:30. Please contact Jay Corson for sailing instructions at 846-0938. The CIYC Round Island Race is open to all sailors.
From the Library: Here is the link to a great article in School Library Journal that went around the Library list serve this week. The LIbrary is now keeping tally marks on all the Pokemon Go players.
The Women's Discussion Group will be meeting Wed., July 27, 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. in the Library. Erika Neuman will lead a discussion on Optimism:Nature or Nurture. Note the date change so that people are able to attend the Land Trust Presentatioin with Puffin expert by Dr. Kress and the school children.
July 14, 2016 - I have just added two more items to our Frolic Auction - click here to see.
Our gymnastics coach will be staying another week on the island and is going to run another week of gymnastics at CRC. The camp is for ages 5+ and is from 9:30-12:30 July 18-22. Our UK International soccer camp is running that week too but we wanted to offer gymnastics again to anyone that may be interested. Please call the CRC office, 846-5068, and let us know if your child would like to participate.
Learn to play Ultimate Frisbee! Deadline for sign up is Friday, 7/15 at 2 PM, call or email the CRC office
July 17th on the volunteer field. 2 sessions; ages 5-8 from 9-11 AM
ages 9-13 from 1-4
Description: Learn everything you need to know to play a full game of ultimate frisbee in this fun mini-camp. Falmouth Rogue coach Shea Gunther will teach players the basic throws used in ultimate frisbee, the rules and flow of the game, and tips on how to better their own throws and catches. The time will be spent between running drills and practicing basic movements, leading up to a final hour spent playing a full game of ultimate. Good spirit and fair play are both stressed in this wonderfully flowing non-impact sport that is one of the fastest growing youth sports in the nation. Players should bring a water bottle and be dressed to run around. Cleats are nice but not required.
There are two more spots in Tennis Camp and registrations for baseball camp, art camp and swim lessons are rolling in. Check our website for details and to print out a registration form. www.chebeaguerec.com
Note from Shannon Adams - Thank you again to everyone on Chebeague who donated to my Avon39 Walk to End Breast Cancer. It was an amazing weekend and a huge success - Team Sister Strong raised over $11,700 and Boston walkers together raised over 3 million dollars! Thank you for your support - it does make a difference. Click here to see some photos.
The Martha Hamilton Craft Swap is this Sunday at the Hall starting at 10:00, and we are still hoping to receive more donations (the swap part). Meanwhile, the Hall is filling up with some fun, vintage, and amazing things. We have antique lace, lots of high-quality yarn (including cashmere), and painting supplies, to mention just a few. This is a low-cost opportunity ($5) to start a new hobby or stock up on items for your current hobby. The thrill is in the hunt at Martha's Treasure Box. While you shop, your kids can dress up in costumes Martha donated to the Hall or have selfies taken in mermaid cutouts from the Fishermen's Fair. There will also be baked goods for sale and an area just for kids, run by kids. Please call Sam McLean to have your items picked up (846-0510) or drop them off at the Hall Sunday morning. Also, feel free to come and demonstrate your expertise in a particular craft and get others hooked! Don't forget to bring your own bag! All proceeds will benefit island arts projects.
July 13, 2016 - The Round Island Race sponsored by CIYC will be held Saturday, July 16. The first start will be at 12:30. Please contact Jay Corson for sailing instructions at 846-0938. The CIYC Round Island Race is open to all sailors.
Fun morning and then some of us stayed for Brian's kettle bell workout. Awesome workouts with awesome people! Join us M/W/F 8-8:30 at the Rec Center! Click here to see one of our workouts.
Tonight’s Board of Selectmen’s meeting will be held at the Rec Center instead of the Hall where the second night of Bugsy Malone.
The farm stand at Second Wind Farm is open. Try the farm fresh lettuce or delicious Swiss chard, and there are other fresh greens as well. Sugar snap peas will be ready soon. Thank you for your patronage!
July 12, 2016 -PUFFINS and the Renowned Dr. Steve Kress, author of the Puffin Project will be on Chebeague July 20th at the Hall. The Chebeague Cumberland Land Trust is hosting the event where the school children will also share their video about Puffins! Please join us at 7pm at the Hall!
SUMMER FROLIC! The Summer Frolic Website is now online and you can see a link above as well so you can check back often to see all the Auction items and information as we add. You are able to start the bidding now and the online bidding will end June 22nd at 6pm - you will be able to continue at the Frolic. This is our major fundraiser that has been done every two years and we hope you will join us! If you haven't received an online invitation you can get your tickets online or buy them at the Rec.
BUGSY MALONE show is tonight and tomorrow night 7:30 so please don't forget to see this wonderful program. Tickets are $8 for adults and $6 for kids. There are 25 childrent in this play - click here to see a shot of a few of them!
Click here for a message from the Island Commons about their Presale Yardsale happening on Sunday July 24th from 9 to 11.
The Women's Discussion Group will be meeting Wed., July 27, 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. in the Library. Erika Neuman will lead a discussion on Optimism:Nature or Nurture.
The Tri for a Cure is happening this Sunday, July 17 and there are only two days left for the athletes to fundraise. If you haven't already, please consider supporting Kelley Rich on team Soule Sistah’s as she competes for her 4th year in this amazing event. All funds raised support research, education and patient support programs in Maine. Click the link to go to Kelley’s fundraising page. Thank you for your support.
Click herefor a message from KIDS' PLACE! Kids' Place would like to especially thank Vika Johnson for selling tickets and organizing the donation of so many lobsters! Thank you to all those that donated lobsters too! Thank you to Mark Bowman and Carly Knight for heading up the steaming and picking of lobsters.. and Thank you to all those that picked. A great big thank you to Jen Corson and her sales team too...
TODAY THE GRANGE! Summer Sizzling Sale...SSSSS if an item begins OR ends with that sound it's two for the price of one! Sweaters, dresses, dishes, glasses, yes, even shirts and pants! Be creative, join the fun, find lots of bargains, and support our island! Tuesdays 9:30-12:00 and 7-8 pm. TODAY
July 11, 2016 - Enjoy these photos of the 14th Annual Wine Tasting & Silent Auction... a great success! Over 150 guests gathered under the tent to kick off the summer season, and most importantly, raised over $26,000 for ISLAND COMMONS (these are crucial to cover costs not reimbursed by Maine Care). We thank all of our Sponsors, Donors, Volunteers and Auction Bidders for their generous support of the work we do to ensure that Chebeague elders can remain on the island in their final years. We couldn’t do it without you! Save the date for next year, our 15th Annual Wine Tasting & Silent Auction will be held on Sunday, June 25th, 2017…once again at the beautiful Chebeague Island Inn.
Great Chebeague Tennis Club has a mixed double tennis tournament this Saturday,July 16 @ 9 am for members! Please sign up at the courts by Friday!
GRANGE!! It's the Summer Sizzling Sale...SSSSSS...if an item begins OR ends with that sound it's two for the price of one! Sweaters, dresses, dishes, glasses, yes, even shirts and pants! Be creative, join the fun, find lots of bargains, and support our island! Tuesdays 9:30-12:00 and 7-8 pm.
“Chebeague Island Sailing School has open spots for its second and third sessions, running though mid-August. Please visit www.chebeaguesailing.com for details.”
July 10, 2016 - SUMMER FROLIC: Get your tickets for the Summer Frolic now by clicking here. You may also send or bring a check to the Rec for this fun event taking place on July 23rd from 5:30 to 10pm at Joan Dayton's Farm. We will be having a silent auction you will be able to see online soon. A few live items at the frolic including one of Caroline Loder's Oil Paintings - click here to see. I will be posting the auction tomorrow so please check back to see the auction items we have so far!
CHEBEAGUE ISLAND OYSTERS will soon start regular island sale of their locally grown oysters. Here’s how it works: we’ll announce via email and Facebook that you can place an order by, for example, Thursday at 5pm; order in multiples of a dozen. The orders will then be available for pickup at the dock (likely Chandlers Pier) on, in this example, Friday between, say, 5 and 6pm. You show up with a cooler, an ice pack or some ice, and a check or cash. We’ll be there with fresh oysters. Price: $20/dozen (about what you would pay if you went to Harbor Fish or similar retail fish market). To get on the list, like us on Facebook (www.facebook.com/chebeagueislandoysters) or send an email to chebeagueislandoysters@gmail.com to sign up.
Reminder: DEER POINT VISITORS: foot traffic only, leash dogs for your entire walk, stay on the Point Road, no fires permitted at any time, no smoking, carry trash out, please be respectful of residential property owners.
July 9, 2016 - TODAY -ANNUAL ARTS AND CRAFTS FAIR, Chebeague Island Hall, SATURDAY, JULY 9TH, 10 AM TO 1PM, Jewelry, Paintings,Wood Working, Rugs, Many other crafts, RAFFLE - see photo taken today of some of the crowd and artists.
Tonight at the Church Novel Jazz Septet will be doing their latest show of recently-unearthed Ellington and Strayhorn compositions - 7pm!
BUGSY MALONE: Come see a talented cast of 25 kids ages 6-13 present "Bugsy Malone, Junior" directed by Rachel Damon and Genny Dyer on Tuesday July 12 and Wednesday July 13 at 7:30pm at the Hall. Step back into the roaring twenties in this swinging musical written by the composer of the Muppet Movie. Tickets are only $6 for kids and $8 for adults available at the door!
School Committee Meeting will be Tuesday, June 12th at 5pm - notice time is earlier than usual- see agenda.
July 8, 2016 - Photo of a Black-crowned Night Heron taken by Bill Calthorpe on Chebeague July 8th.
2016 Chebeague Island Yacht Club Commodore's Reception Saturday, July 9th at 1800 at Commodore Aaron Julien's 9 South Road. All are welcome! Please bring an appetizer to share.
July 7, 2016 - Save the Date for PUFFINS! - Please join the Chebeague and Cumberland Landtrust on July 20th, 2016 at the Hall 7PM. Dr. Steve Kress who is the one who brought the Puffins back to Maine and co-wrote the book Puffin Project will be on Chebeague. The students from the Chebeague School will share their Puffin Movie that they created. Click here for more information.
Community Sing and Potluck Dinner - Saturday, July 16th: Come enjoy the company of friends and neighbors through a shared experience of singing and eating together. All that is needed is a love for music! Our time will feature song leadership by community members and special guests in an approach where everyone is encouraged to participate. We will learn new new songs, sing familiar favorites and remember a time when making music together was still the best entertainment! Fun for all ages. 5 PM sing, 6 PM potluck! Join us at the Chebeague Island UMC. Questions? Contact Melissa Yosua-Davis at 207.846.4106 or at ml.yosuadavis@gmail.com. We are still looking for community song leaders! If you have a song that you'd like to share, let us know! We'll have a practice session on July 16th in the morning or afternoon for those who want to teach a song. Click here to see poster.
Kelley Rich will be competing in the Tri for a Cure on July 17th with team Soule Sister’s!! This is her 4th year participating in this amazing event and she will be adding her dad to the long list of people she competes for every year. Funds raised for this event will help support research, education and patient support programs in Maine for all cancers. Help Kelley reach her fundraising goal by clicking here. If you have any trouble with the link you can find her by visiting http://triforacure.org, click on the donate button and look her up by name. Thank you for your support. The fundraising deadline is July 14th
July 6, 2016 - The 4th of July Chebeague Island Fun Run and Road Race were a success! 68 kids (and those young of heart) ran in the Fun Run while 100 participated in the Road Race. Here are the final results FUN RUN and ROAD RACE!
Congratulations to Robbie Parker who has assumed the senior enlisted leadership position at Fort A P Hill, Virginia! He is now Command Sergeant Major, United States Army Garrison, Fort A P Hill. His commander and he are responsible for the 76 thousand acre base and everyone assigned to it. It is the capital region's largest Army training area. Click here to see him and here to see him with Natalie.
July 5, 2016 - The CTC July Newsletter is now posted on their website chebeaguetrans.com and available here. (link)
Message from Amy Freeman Winslow: "If anyone is interested in working out in a group, I am running a Boot Camp style workout Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings 8-8:30AM at the Rec Center Gym. It is $1 drop-in fee that you put in the box for the rec center when you write your name on the signup sheet each day. We will have stations that we rotate through and you can modify as you need to (so all ages and fitness levels welcome to attend). It is more fun to workout in a group - so join us! I will do this through July 22."
CRC Camps and Swim lessons are filling up. Details and registration forms can be found on our website or at the CRC office. Give us a call with questions, 846-5068.
ANNUAL ARTS AND CRAFTS FAIR, Chebeague Island Hall, SATURDAY, JULY 9TH, 10 AM TO 1PM, Jewelry, Paintings,Wood Working, Rugs, Many other crafts, RAFFLE.
TODAY -- The CRC Teen Center is hosting a PASTA DINNER Tuesday, July 5, 2015 from 6-8 p.m. Have us cook for you! Pasta, meat and veggie sauces, garlic bread, salad, dessert, coffee and tea. $8 adults/$4 kids under 12. At the CIHCC. Questions? Call May 332.2368
Novel Jazz Septet is back on Chebeague with all new tunes from the Ellington/Strayhorn library. Saturday July 9, 2016 at 7:00 PM
Chebeague United Methodist Church. Admission is Free.
July 3, 2016 - The Grange Thrift Shop is now open Tuesdays 9:30- 12:00 and again from 7-8 pm. We have an amazing collection of almost anything you can imagine....no need to shop on the mainland! You could finish an entire dorm room, set up an apartment, enhance your wardrobe, or find just what you have always wanted! Shop for friends and shop for yourself. Enjoy the search! We have dishes and glassware galore, pillows, bed linens, puzzles and games, toys, baby clothes, outerware for all seasons, designer labels, an assortment of one of a kind knicknacks, pots and pans.....and on and on....... The prices are ridiculously low and all proceeds benefit island organizations. Come join the fun! Get there early and plan to SHOP, SHOP, SHOP!!! Customer satisfaction guaranteed.
TOO LATE TO PRE ORDER LOBSTER ROLLS! They are planning on having a few extras at the picnic if you didn't order yours ahead of time.
The farm stand at Second Wind Farm is now open for the season. It's garlic scape season and there are other fresh greens as well. Thank you for your patronage!
SUNDAY BRUNCH TODAY - 11:30am 1:00pm -- Enjoy a sumptuous BRUNCH AT THE HALL, and leave the cooking and cleaning to us! Admission $5.
July 2, 2016 - It's BINGO NIGHT at the HAll tonight from 6:00 to 9:00! The only cost is the bingo card--$2 each or three for $5. We have free snacks and great prizes, all from island businesses. Both the Slow Bell Cafe and the Library have donated prizes toward this night of fun and games! Come on down and try your luck!!
Memorial Service for Bob Dayton, Sunday, July 3, 3 pm, Chebeague Methodist Church.
On July 6th from 5:30-7:15 at the Niblic The Recompense Fund is holding a public presentation of proposals that have been submitted for 2016 funding. Come and listen to nine thoughtful presentations from different Chebeague non-profits. Ask questions, share your opinions. Cheese and crackers will be served.
Message from Bob Earnest: "BREAD COOLING RACK lost… the last time I donated bread to a bake sale at the Hall, I left the bread sitting on the cooling rack. I have looked thru all the cabinets at the Hall, and can’t find it anywhere. If you’ve seen it around, please call Bob at 0924. Click here for a picture. Thanks!"
Corrected schedule for Dr. O'Donnell's office visits in July. Please mark your calendars as follows:
Tues, July 5 - Dr. O'Donnell 8:30-noon
Tues, July 12 - Dr. O'Donnell 1-4:30 pm
Tues, July 19 - Dr. O'Donnell 1-4:30 pm
Tues, July 26 - Nurse Practitioner Angela 8:45 - 11:45 Sponsored by the Chebeague Island Council
June 30, 2016 - CIUMC: Baptism and Membership Drop-In Sessions: Have questions about baptism? Want to learn more about what it means to be a member of the Chebeague Island Church? Join Pastor Melissa over coffee and brunch at the Parish House at 10 AM on Saturday, July 2nd or at 11 AM on Saturday, July 9th to learn more. There will be an opportunity for folks to be baptized and join the church during worship on Sunday, July 10th. Talk to Pastor Melissa if you have questions! We also have categories of membership for our seasonal friends who want to retain membership in their home congregation but also connect here.
The CRC Teen Center will be hosting a PASTA DINNER on Tuesday, July 5, from 6-8 p.m. at the Chebeague Island Hall Community Center. Pasta with meat or veggie sauce, garlic bread, salad, desserts, coffee, and tea for $8/adults, $4 children under 12. 50/50 raffle. To help fund Teen Center programs this summer.
“If you own stocks or bonds, including mutual funds, and are finding the investment environment perplexing, the Rec is sponsoring an INVESTMENT DISCUSSION GROUP again this summer. The first session is at the Rec Craft room at 7 PM on July 12. If there is sufficient interest, we will schedule additional sessions. Eldon Mayer will be leading the discussion. He founded his own investment management firm in 1976 and served as Chief Investment Officer for twenty years, during which his firm compiled a top quartile performance track record investing for high net worth individuals, endowments, and pension funds. The format will primarily be Q and A, so that the discussion will be focused on what attendees are interested in. Attendance is free; contributions to the Rec are voluntary."
Message from May: Click here for a printable form of the Slow Bell Cafe menu along with this week's specials. We're open Thur, Fri, Sat, and Sun from 5-midnight. We'll be serving dinner until 9 p.m. and pizza slices and snacks until midnight. Hope to see you at the Slow Bell Cafe (or call for take-out 846-3078).
BINGO NIGHT AT THE HALL - Saturday, July 2, 2016 from 6pm to 9pm. Fun and games and prizes at the Ha. FREE
Sunday, July 3, 2016 - 11:30am 1:00pm -- Enjoy a sumptuous BRUNCH AT THE HALL, and leave the cooking and cleaning to us! Admission $5.
June 28, 2016 - Swim Lessons start July 1 (space is limited) and Farm Camp starts July 5. Register today to save a spot. Forms and details can be found on our website or you can stop by the CRC office. CRC is still looking for lifeguards. We have shifts available beginning July 15. Please call CRC if you are interested in working at the pool this summer.
LOBSTER ROLLS!!! Order your lobster rolls now for the 4th of July Picnic! Contact Vika Johnson (call or text) 207 712-1392 or email Viktoria@chebeague.net. $15 per roll and includes a bag of chips! Proceeds benefit KIDS PLACE!
Southern Harbor Eldercare Services and North Haven Sustainable Housing invite you to an “Aging on Islands” symposium on Saturday, July 16th on North Haven at Waterman’s Community Center. Please click here for more information!
The 4th of July pizza production crew is looking for additional volunteers. Contact Laurie Hegarty at 207-420-7171 or mainehegartyfamily@gmail.com by noon on Wednesday.
YOGA - just a reminder that yoga starts Tuesday back at the Rec. We'll be outside on the field unless the weather's yucky or the ground is too wet and messy. Then we'll be in the gym. I'll put a sign on the fence and leave the side door to the gym open if I'm setting up in there. Unfortunately the rain we've needed for the gardens may come just hours before the first yoga class! Tuesdays & Thursdays-- 7:30-8:45 a.m. -- $5 - $8 drop-in --All levels flow style class
There’s a wonderful article about Eldercare on the Maine Islands in the June 2016 Island Journal. The article was written by our own Susan Stranahan and features a lovely profile of Victoria Smith, a much beloved and very much missed Island Commons Resident. Island Journal is the annual magazine published by the Island Institute. Watch for it…the Chebeague Island Library usually has a copy, and it should be arriving any day now in the mailboxes of Island Institute members!
June 27, 2016 - Message from Florence Rich: ISLAND RICHES is finally open thanks to my great friend Sarah Parker and we can't leave out her wonderful husband Marty. Most people know I broke my ankle in April and have not been able to do very much for the shop. Sarah went right to work. We have more coming but we have a lot of great handcrafts in. My son's handcrafted table's, bowls, rolling pins and Sarah's signs and more. THANK YOU SO MUCH SARAH The door is open, Florence
Mary Holman will be giving a Tick Talk on Tuesday evening, 7:00, at the Hall. Please join us to learn more about other serious tick related diseases besides Lyme Disease. Information is Protection!
GCTC invites members to come join the fun at our first event, Thursday, July 7th! Round Robin starts at 4:00 pm. A pot luck cookout for members and spouses hosted by Marilyn Butters @ 85 Cottage Road , will start at 6:00. Hamburgers, hotdogs, condiments, and beverages supplied. Hope to see you there! Don’t forget to sign up @ the courts or RSVP WEEPL@aol.com
TONIGHT: Sunset Property Community Workshop
Today, Monday, June 27 at 7:00pm at the Island Hall
Join the Sunset Committee and fellow community members and learn about the existing conditions and results of various surveys of the Town owned property commonly referred to as Sunset Landing. All present will have the opportunity to share ideas for possible future uses of the property. Results of the committee's work will be reviewed at the start of the workshop. Sunset property reports, boundary survey and Existing Conditions Plan are posted on the Town of Chebeague Island website at http://www.townofchebeagueisland.org/ and can be easily accessed through the link provided on the Home Page.
The Grange Thrift Shop opens on Tuesday! There is something fun for everyone: jackets, blouses, tools, purses, backpacks, dresses, lamps, shirts, games, shoes, linens, dishes, books, toys, puzzles, knicknacks, pots, pans, scarves, sweaters........ Open every Tuesday 9:30-12:00 and again 7:00-8:00pm.
Another message from Marjorie Stratton (Town Administrator): Update on boat that sunk in Chandler’s Cove:
All hazardous materials were removed from the Margaret F this past weekend and the mast was knocked over. It is up to the Coast Guard to determine a hazard to navigation and work with the boat owner on marker buoys. If you have any questions, please call the Harbor Master at 809-9480.July 4th is just a week away!
Are you ready to run? Strap on your sneakers and join us for the 39th Annual Great Chebeague Island Road Race and Fun Run! Registration begins at 8:30am at the Historical Society. The Fun Run starts at 9am (free) and the Road Race starts at 10am ($5/per participant). Questions? Call Martha (Muffie) Vernon at 201-961-2914 or email me at mwvernon@us.ibm.com. See you there!
Auditions for the Summer Theater production of Bugsy Malone Junior will be held on Monday June 27 from 9-11 and 3-5:30 at the Hall, please plan to attend both sessions. Contact Rachel Damon with any questions: rachel@racheldamon.com We hope to see you there!
June 25, 2016 - Dropping springs lobster float, located off the boatyard, is looking to hire full time or part time workers. Labor intensive work, on the water!
Watch for a posting next week with lots of photos from the Wine Tasting, and more details about the event, but in the meantime: Thanks to all our Event Sponsors, Auction Donors, 150+ Attendees & Bidders, the ISLAND COMMONS 14th annual WINE TASTING & SILENT AUCTION was a great success last Sunday at the beautiful Chebeague Island Inn. With your help, we raised over $30,000 to support Island Commons important work with elders from Chebeague and beyond. Donations are crucial to our continued sustainability, and we are grateful to all who contribute in so many ways each and every year!
OPENING - click here to learn more about The Museum will open for the season on Tuesday June 28 at 10 AM. The Museum's regular hours will be Tuesday -Saturday 10-4 and 1-4 on Sunday. Closed Mondays. We will be open from 8-12 on the morning of the Fourth!
The Grange Thrift Shop opens on Tuesday! There is something fun for everyone: jackets, blouses, tools, purses, backpacks, dresses, lamps, shirts, games, shoes, linens, dishes, books, toys, puzzles, knicknacks, pots, pans, scarves, sweaters........ Open every Tuesday 9:30-12:00 and again 7:00-8:00pm. Mark your calendars!
June 24, 2016 -Lobster Rolls for the 4th of July are being sold to benefit the Kids' Place - $15 per roll and comes with a bag of chips. To purchase tickets contact Vika Johnson via email Viktoria@chebeague.net or text/call 712-1392. Look also for people selling them in front of the store this weekend.
Click here for a message from Margorie Straton (Town Administrator) about the boat sinking in Chandler's Cove.
REMINDER! Tomorrow evening: Saturday June 25th at 7:30 pm at the Hall. The Whalers will present Broadway on Chebeague with selections from West Side Story, The Sound of Music, Annie Get Your Gun, Rent, and more... including a performance by The Little Whalers and delicious refreshments. $8 for adults, kids under 12 are free!
Great Chebeague Golf Club invites you to a GOLF SCRAMBLE. ALL ARE WELCOME: Members and Non-members, Single Players, Couples or Teams. --9 Holes-Tuesday, June 28th , 3:30 PM START-3:15 PM SIGN-UP --- Casual Golf and Serious Fun. After Golf Social-BYOB and BYO Snacks -- $5 total cost GCGC Members and Non-members.
June 23, 2016 - Yoga at the Rec starts next Tuesday June 28th.
The Great Chebeague Tennis Club will resume free Junior Tennis on Tuesdays and Thursdays in July and August from noon - 1:00 p.m. Ages 6-12. Please bring a water bottle, cap and wear flat soled sneakers. GCTC has Junior racquets to borrow.
We are happy to welcome Hayat Spencer, Linda Ewing's granddaughter as our July instructor! She is on her HS tennis team in Texas. Hayat loves court games to learn and have FUN! Come on over and join her on the fine clay courts!
June 22, 2016 - --June 25, 2016 – The Whalers Present - Broadway on Chebeague! Come join us at the Hall this Saturday at 7:30 pm for a fun program of songs from Broadway shows including a special number by The Little Whalers. Tickets are $8.00, children under 12 are free!
Yoga at Chebeague Rec - Greet the morning with outdoor - All-Levels Vinyasa Flow Yoga
On the field at the Rec (in the gym if the weather is bad). Mats provided or bring your own- with Katy McCann, RYT 200 & Restorative Exercise Specialist® in training
Tuesdays & Thursdays 7:30 – 8:45 a.m.
June 28th – August 4th.
Drop-in: $5-$8 sliding scale
There will be a Memorial Service for Bob Dayton, Sunday, July 3, 3 pm, Chebeague Methodist Church .
CRC opened the POOL for the season last weekend!! I hope you were all able to get in and enjoy the beautiful weather. We have just one lifeguard this week so the pool will be open as follows: Adult Lap Swim 7:30-9 AM and Noon-1:00, open swim 1:00-4:30 PM Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. The pool will not be open on Monday, Wednesday and Friday this week only. More guards have been hired (Yay!!) and are arriving this weekend. We will be open every day beginning Saturday, June 25. The full schedule is on our website, www.chebeaguerec.com.
CRC's Children's Theater and Swim lessons both start next week. Get your registration forms in ASAP. All details can be found on our website, www.chebeaguerec.com.
Message from Victoria's family: "Special thanks to the Island Commons Resource Center, the Ladies of the Commons, Ginny Ballard, the Chebegue Island Rescue, and Hospice of Southern Maine (all of whom contributed to Victoria's ability to ; age in place; which provided her with peace of mind when it mattered most); to the Chebeague Island United Methodist Church which enriched Toe's faith for decades, and Pastor Melissa Yoshua-Davis who honored Toe's life with vistis, and a wonderful, loving celebration. We so appreciate everyone's heartfelt contributions, the lovely cards, words of warmth, offers of support, and countless acts of kindness."
June 20, 2016 - The Great Chebeague Golf Club will resume Junior Golf Clinics starting THURSDAY June 23rd from 3:15 to 5:00 and every Thursday during the golf season.
Family members are welcome to accompany their young golfers and may even be recruited to help when the turnout exceeds expectations, or if they just want to. Clubs are available to loan to anyone who needs them. There is no charge to participate or borrow clubs and balls. OPEN and FREE to EVERYONE age 6 to 15. Questions? Call Tom Adams @ the Clubhouse, 846-9478, or (207)409-3872.
We have fun, make new friends, learn to play golf and finish up with some cookies and lemonade! So “swing” by.
Catholic Mass - Mass will be celebrated by Father Kaseta from Holy Martyrs in Falmouth and Sacred Heart in Yarmouth on this Saturday, June 25th at 10:00 A.M. at the Chebeague Methodist Church. It is hoped that many people will attend. We look forward to seeing you there.
Chebeague Tennis Club invites you to free adult clinics “Get back Into Tennis” once a month. Learn or refresh your tennis fundamentals. First Clinic is Fri, June 24th 9-10.
Sign up at the GCTC courts. For more information call 603-978-7790
June 19, 2016 - Photo taken June 18th at the Chebeague Transfer Station with Marjorie Stratton, Lisa Biterman, Gail Jenkins, Lisa Wolff, Laura Summa, and Grace Bodkin where ecomaine gave out bins, bags, pencils, information and advice! Check out their facebook page!
Dr. Rybka will be at the a Wellness Center this Wednesday June 22nd. Call 829-6463 for an appointment.
Dr. O'Donnell will be at the Wellness Center as well on Wednesday June 22nd to see folks for medical care, including blood draws, after 10:30AM. No appointment needed.
June 18, 2016 - Laura Hamilton is missing her girl calico cat. She is very old and wobbly when she walks. Her name is Cayte and we noticed her missing around noon, we must find her fast so PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD and keep and eye out!
Don't forget tonight is the Annual Historical Society Meeting at the Hall, 7:30 pm. Donna Miller Damon will discuss Chebeague's architecture from settlement to 1890. FREE. Refreshments will be served.
Today, EcoMaine is at the Chebeague Transfer Station - don't forget to come and learn all about recycling and the huge cost savings for our taxpayers and town when you recycle!
It is now two weeks since Traveler, aka "Trav" (Mabel's cat) has gone missing. If he is living up to his name, he could now be anywhere on the island. It is possible that he may have gotten shut in some building and is unable to get out.It would be greatly appreciated if you would look around your area for him. He is an all black, long-haired cat and very soft spoken. If you should find him, or think you may have seen him, please give Ruth Slagle a call at 846-6345.
A celebration of Victoria Smith’s life will be held at 3:30pm, Saturday, June 18, at the Chebeague Island United Methodist Church with a reception to follow at the Parish House.
June 16, 2016 - Message from Ursula: "Please help me survey island wild foods and fruit trees...I am interested in creating a survey of plant food traditionally foraged on the island (on land)...wild edibles, heritage fruit trees/bushes, etc. I have a sense that elders may have this knowledge or have passed it to their families. The survey is not intended for publication, rather to gather knowledge of the history of food stuffs on the island, when they were harvested, how they were used...
I am also interested in learning fruit tree pruning skills to tend some of the trees in our meadow to garner more production for public access.
Please call Ursula at 846-6411 if you can help. Thanks!!"
The Grange Thrift Shop volunteers are busily working to prepare for the Grand Opening on Tuesday, June 28th. We are seriously in need of hanging racks if you have one you'd like to donate; we are already bursting at the seams! Thank you.
June 15, 2016 - Today Mrs. Hoidals's K-2 classroom shared what they want to be when they grow up with their parents and friends. Click here to see "When I Grow Up"
The Kids' Place has an immediate opening!
Come work with a bunch of really great kids ages 2 through 7.
Hours are flexible! This could make a great part time job for the summer, with the potential for year round employment if interested. I can work with you to make this job work for you!
ecomaine will be on Chebeague Island, Saturday, June 18th from 9 am to 5 pm at the island's transfer station. All Chebeague Island residents - year-round and seasonal residents alike - are invited to the event, where you can obtain your free recycling bin and partake in eco-minded activities for kids. Click here for more information.
CTC has immediate openings for full and part time deckhands. For more information, click here.
The Library will open at 12:00 noon on Wednesday, June 15th. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Needed to Hire! Great Chebeague Tennis Club is looking for teen/young adult to be Jr. Tennis Instructor. 2x/week - Tuesday & Thursday from noon - 1:00 p.m. for 8 weeks of July and August at GCTC courts. These lessons are offered free to children 6-12 years old. Teaching is basic racquet skills using lots of games and fun! Club will provide training in running games, some tennis experience desired. Contact Ursula King at 846-6411
June 13, 2016 - The Rescue would like to host a Community CPR hour at the Rec this Saturday from 11-noon. It's open to everyone and anyone, and we'll teach people how to do hands-only CPR. People who are interested do not have to come for the full hour - I can teach hands-only CPR in 10 minutes or less, but people may want to hang around for questions and more practice!
What can be done in 10 minutes?
*Empty the dishwasher
*Make your bed
*Eat an ice cream cone
*Save a life
Become a crucial member of the community and learn Community CPR. We can show you how!
Give us 10 minutes. We'll give you the chance to save a life.
A bag of groceries was mistakenly taken from the Stone Wharf this afternoon when the school boat returned to the island. It was a black Trader Joe's cooler bag with red handles and a red bottom, and the handles are marked A. Scott. Please contact Ariette at 846-9324 or 650-8661 if you happened to take the bag by mistake (there are many look-alikes) and thank you.
Alcoholics Anonymous 2016 - the Chebeague Island Group of Alcoholics Anonymous will meet on Saturday mornings at 8 am starting this Saturday, June 18th and continue through Labor Day weekend. We meet at the Chebeague Island Library. Please park in the library parking lot and use the back door. For more information, call 914-980-6107.
Students at the Chebeague Island School finished up a couple more of their bird videos. Three students have posted about the Red-breasted Merganser and three more students have finished the Herring Gull.
June 10, 2016 - Mabel Doughty's cat has not been seen since last Friday. He is black, long-haired; a Norwegian Forest Cat. Please call Jackie, 319-6656 with any info. Jackie is away so please call Ruth Slagle 846-6345.
Click here for CIS Potato Poolooza where the whole school engineering and science event on the morning of Friday, June 3.
Town Meeting - tomorrow 9am at the Hall - see you there. Elections for School Committee and Selectmen will be Tuesday June 14, at the Hall 8 to 8. Copies of the wonderful new Town Report that includes the warrant will be available at the meeting.
Memorial for Jeanette E. Hamilton will be on June 11th at 1pm at Methodist Church. Interment of Kenneth and Jeanette immediately following. Light refreshments following at the Parish House. A bus will meet the noon boat and return to both the 2:30 and 3:45pm as needed.
On July 9th and 10th, just 4 weeks away, I will be participating in the Avon39 Walk to End Breast Cancer in Boston for the second year. I will be walking 39.3 miles in two days. Through many varied grants, the Avon Foundation funds breast cancer research, education, prevention, and support services for patients and families fighting breast cancer. I walk in memory of my Mom who passed away ten years ago last week from breast cancer. She was such a loving mom and a smart, strong, funny woman; she fought hard for many years. I miss her. This year my fabulous cousin, Stephie, was diagnosed and has just finished her chemotherapy. I walk the Avon39 so that no one else in my family or anyone's family has to go through what she's going through. We all have a story that links us to this disease, we need to end it. Please support me and the Avon Foundation by making a donation to support my walk. Thank you, Shannon http://info.avonfoundation.org/goto/ShannonAdams
June 9, 2016 - PHONE BOOK NOTICE: The new Island Directory is going to print very soon so that it can be available for sale at the 4th of July picnic. Please check your listing for accuracy and if any changes need to be made, please send an email to gulldirect@hotmail.com or stop in to the Library. Thank you!
The Slow Bell will be opening under new management on Friday, 6/10, at 5 p.m. Check out our new menu and watch for weekly specials! Call 846-3078 for takeout starting at 5 p.m.
CRC is hoping to open the pool on June 18th and we need lifeguards and pool checkin staff. If you are a certified guard and could work a couple shifts per week and/or fill in for the summer please give us a call. If you aren't certified but are interested, we can help with that too. If you know of anyone that could fill in some shifts please send them to us or call CRC today if you are interested in any of these positions. Thank you!!
June 8, 2016 - A piano tuner will be on the Island on Friday, June 24th. Anyone who wishes to sign up to have a visit from the piano tuner that day should email Sally Tubbesing -- tubbesingsc@gwi.net.
IMPORTANT REMINDER FROM CTC: The 10:00/10:15AM ferries on Friday 6/10 are cancelled due to our annual Coast Guard safety inspection. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Message from Jen Belesca: "The boys and I are all running in the Maine Cancer Foundation’s Twilight 5K tomorrow night. If possible, would you mind letting people know that we doing this and that we would be grateful for any help with donations to this important cause. 100% of the funds donated go to help find a cure for cancer and the monies stay in Maine! If you go to http://twilight5k.com and search Belesca, you can donate to our team.
I am not able to do the Tri for a Cure this year, but I am proud to be doing this for the 3rd year in a row. I have also raised well over $10,000 since I started participating in the Maine Cancer Foundations events."
Congratulations to Jen, Aaron and Ethan and thank you for all your efforts for the Maine Cancer Foundations.
Cathy Card will be at the Island Commons today from 1-2 - see flyer.
June 7, 2016 - Photo by Jen Belesca taken June 7, 2016.
The Teen Center Rippleffect Trip to Cow Island is scheduled for June 23-24. The deadline for registration is coming right up on Thursday, June 9th. If your pre-teen or teen would like to go please return your paperwork and payment to the CRC before 4 PM on the 9th.
The students finished a couple more bird videos at school recently. Click here to learn about the Surf Scoter. Click here to learn about the Northern Ganett. They are only a minute to a minute and half long and the students would love to have you see them.
June 6, 2016 - Dr. Peter O'Donnell will be seeing patients on Wednesday morning, June 8th, after 9:00 AM. No appointment needed. Come to the Community Center and have your health care needs taken care of right here on Chebeague!Message from CTC: The last "Early Release" date for SAD 51 is 6/8. Therefore, there are no special school trips on Wednesdays after that date.
School Committee Meeting Tuesday, June 7, 6pm at the school - see agenda.
June 4, 2016 - Memorial for Jeanette E. Hamilton will be on June 11th at 1pm at Methodist Church. Interment of Kenneth and Jeanette immediately following. Light refreshments following at the Parish House. A bus will meet the noon boat and return to both the 2:30 and 3:45pm as needed.
Message from Michael Grunko: Today Beth, Lucy (our dog) and I took our annual “Lady Slipper Walk” up North Road. It is a good year. We spotted 49 Lady Slippers, all between the entrance to the sand pit and the church. The majority were on the South side. The largest patch (14) was on the South side at 235 near the mailboxes. Across the road around the propane tank are another 11. There used to be 80 or more across that entire yard. The 49 include 6 clustered around the first two utility poles as you turn down Division Point Road. Any other spring flower observations?
The tennis club courts are now open for play.
June 3, 2016 - The 2015 Annual Report is available at the Town Office. It will also be distributed at the Annual Town Meeting June11th. The Warrant for Town Meeting is printed in the back of the book.
Message from Jen at The Niblic: Thank you all for making our opening week successful. We are still on spring hours so check out our Facebook page, website, or call (846-1015) to make sure we are open. Hope you can stop by to see what's new including our new sandwiches. And today is definitely a chowder day!
CRC has some fun summer employment opportunities. We have some lifeguarding shifts available. If you are certified, or would like to become certified, this is the perfect summer job! We are also looking for some help with our teen center program. Come hang out and have some fun at CRC with kids ages 11-18 and get paid!! Do you like to have fun with younger kids instead? Let us know. We have an opening at the Kids' Place too. And, we are hiring an Art Camp and Baseball Camp Leader for the first two weeks of August. If you are interested in one of these positions or have an idea of a different program you'd like to run call or email the CRC office, 846-5068 or crc@chebeague.net.
June 1, 2016 - The VET will not be on the island tomorrow but will be here next Thursday, June 9th instead. He will also come to the island on Thursday June 30th and will not be here in July.
Message from Island Riches: "The summer plants are in and they are beautiful. Because of my broken ankle, Herb is helping me a lot. There is someone here most of the time so if you don't see us just honk the horn, come to the door, or scream. We are still taking orders so if you need something special or you need a large amount call 207 846-4986 or email us at islandriches@chebeague.net. I especially want to thank Sidra for helping us set up all the orders through the holiday weekend.
Thank you, Herb and Florence"
The Chebeague Island UMC invites you to join us for a visioning retreat on Sunday, June 12th. Rev. Rick McKinley, the Director of Congregational Development for the New England Conference of the United Methodist Church, will be preaching at our Sunday morning worship gathering at 10 AM, and following worship he'll be leading the church in a conversation around becoming the church that God wants us to be. We want as many voices at the table as possible because CIUMC is the community church and we value your hopes and dreams as we begin to discern our vision and mission together. Bring a dish to share for a potluck lunch. Contact Melissa at ml.yosuadavis@gmail.com or at 846-4106 for more information.
Memorial Day Service was wonderful as usual thanks to the hard work by Beth Wiles to put it altogether and continue the traditions of the past! Click here to see a short video of Memorial Days Gone by and click here to see the revised World War II Veterans (I loaded a smaller one that is still large). Please contact me to add missing names and photos.
May 31, 2016 - Don't forget that the 2nd Quickbooks class is tomorrow at the school from 3 - 6pm. Manage your books to save you time, money, and frustration! Become familiarized with this easy accounting and budgeting program and how to review your books quarterly and close them at the end of the year. QuickBooks allows you to track profits and losses, and generate other reports.
Click here for a press release from the Island Institute about the Scholarship Dinner and awards to our Chebeague Students who received scholarships. Click here for a photo of all the students from all the islands who were able to attend.
Walk and Talk at CRC led by Amy Demers. Meet at the Rec Center every Wednesday and Saturday at 9 AM beginning June 1. We will have different island routes/distances mapped out for everyone to choose from. Fun for all ages!
RC's Children's Theater is excited to announce their summer production of Bugsy Malone Junior directed by Rachel Damon. Based on the hit 1976 film starring a young Jodie Foster and Scott Baio, it features a catchy, swinging score by the composer of "The Muppet Movie". Set in the 1920's, two gangs in a fictitious city populated only by children are in a rivalry of Capone-ian standards. Dandy Dan's gang has gotten the upper hand since acquiring the "splurge" gun (a weapon that shoots silly string). Bugsy Malone, is thrust into the limelight when he becomes the last chance Fat Sam's gang has of surviving. Featuring show girls, vaudeville stars, gangsters and more, Bugsy Malone is sure to be an exciting summer production. For more information about auditions, contact Rachel Damon (rachel@racheldamon.com). Save the date...Performance dates at the Hall are on for July 12th and July 13th!!
May 29, 2016 - Aerial Photo by Jeff Putnam - On Sunday volunteers from Chebeague’s clam committee, Manomet Foundation, U Maine Orono, and others interested in shellfish farming planted 300,000 baby clams under nets at the Cricks. Click here to see more aerials and photos from Jessie Russo and a time lapse video by John Hagan
Don't forget tomorrow at 1pm at the Church is the Annual Memorial Day Program.
The Kids' Place has a new playset thanks to a Chebeague Island friend. We put the playset together Friday and Saturday with three generations working together! A great big thank you is owed to Betts Mayor, Eldon Mayor, Erika and Topher Neumann, Katie McCann, Adrian Cole, Tracy Calder, Morgan and Hannah Ridgway Nate and Eva Neumann and Esme Cole for all their time, efforts and man power... We wouldn't have a playset without them. Click here to see some great photos and learn more about this wonderful Playset.
The Chebeague United Methodist Church community sends an enormous thank you to Peter Carleton for his inspiring leadership of the church choir for the last five years. We pray for Peter and Linda as he begins treatment for metastatic prostate cancer.
The church choir would like to continue to raise our voices high. We are looking for an enthusiastic lover of music to lead rehearsals and help direct the choir on Sunday mornings. This could be on a short, trial, or long term basis... No experience needed. Please contact Cheryl Hillicoss (I.m.imaginable@gmail.com), Cheryl Stevens (cstevens@chebeague.net) or Pastor Melissa Yoshua-Davis 846-4106.
May 28, 2016 - Photo taken by Rodney Harrington May 28, 2016 of the hook.
Sing With the Little Whalers this Summer! This year, the Whalers want to make their summer concert an inter-generational experience, forming a children's chorus to sing at the Whaler's June 25th concert. No prior singing experience is necessary! There will be three seventy five minute rehearsals before the concert. The dress rehearsal will be on Friday, June 24th, from 6:30-7:15 PM, with the concert at 7:30PM on Saturday, June 25th. (The kids will sing at the end of the first half of the concert!)
Would you be interested in having your child participate?
Contact Ben Yosua-Davis at b.yosuadavis@gmail.com or click on this link to indicate your preference for rehearsal dates!
Miss Nancy's Pre-school Newsletter - click here.
Children’s Theatre is back in a slightly different format. It’s the same amount of rehearsal time compressed into a two and a half week program. Rachel Damon, who ran the program for many years and is a Drama Teacher in Singapore, will be directing a musical production for kids ages 6 (must have completed kindergarten)-18. The title of the show will be announced soon, but get in touch with Rachel via email (rachel@racheldamon.com) ASAP if your kids are interested in being involved so she can keep you in mind as she selects the show and send you updates about the production. Auditions will be held on Monday June 27 from 9-11am and 3-5:30pm (participants must attend both sessions). There will be a morning and afternoon rehearsal each day from Tuesday-Friday June 28 through July 8th (not all actors will be needed at all rehearsals). Tech will be on Monday July 11 Times TBA with performances in the evening of Tuesday July 12 and Wednesday July 13. More info from the Rec Center coming soon!
The Chebeague Inn is in the running for another Condé Nast Traveler Award - click here to vote.
May 27, 2016 - The date for the Craft Fair this summer is Saturday, July 9th from 10 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. (the Council Calendar published the wrong date)
Don’t miss the annual Island Commons BAKE & PLANT SALE tomorrow (Saturday May 28th) at the Hall! Doors open at 10am…
There is a baby seal at Chandlers Beach and there is a hope the mother will come back so please stay away today as she won't come back if people and dogs are near.
May 26 2016 - CTC has an opening for a weekend upper deckhand. Approximately 15 hours per week until September. Visit their website for more information.
Congratulations to a number of students from Chebeague who were honored at a Scholarship Dinner last Saturday by the Island Institute! Some of the recipients receiving scholarships were Brennah Martin, Tracy Calder, Amanda Campbell, Dylan Doughty, Chloe Dyer, Genny Dyer, Abigail Israel, Cassidy Jeffers, and Addie Todd. Tracy Calder gave a speech honoring Bump Hadley who was also there as Tracy, Genny and Abby received the Bump Hadley Scholarship this year. Click here to see students with Bump. For another photo of the students with their certificates who were able to make the dinner click here.
May 25, 2016 - Photo of the Chebeague students giving a big thumbs up for their pavement games done by Chuck Elder. Chebeague Island School is grateful for the little things that keep them smiling!! With a thank you for thinking of them!!
Needed to Hire! Great Chebeague Tennis Club is looking for teen/young adult to be Jr. Tennis Instructor. 2x/week - Tuesday & Thursday from noon - 1:00 p.m. for 8 weeks of July and August at GCTC courts. These lessons are offered free to children 6-12 years old. Teaching is basic racquet skills using lots of games and fun! Club will provide training in running games, some tennis experience desired. Contact Ursula King at 846-6411
The Kids' Place is still looking for help! We have awesome summer programs that are a lot of fun! You will get to spend time at the beach, at the pool and playing in the summer sun.15 to 25 hours a week.
Must be 18 or older.... A great schedule to have with a second job that is in the afternoon or evening. Year round potential for those interested.Please call: 846-8712 or e mail: kidsplace@chebeague.net
And ask for Carrie Ridgway!
Thanks so much
This job is super fun and very rewarding!!!!
School Committee Meeting tonight at 6pm at the school - see agenda.
The CTC office will be closed Memorial Day 5/29
May 24, 2016 - CRC is still searching for a Children's Theater Director. We have contacted local schools and colleges but have not found a candidate. If you are interested in running the program (with lots of volunteer helpers) please contact the CRC office, 846-5068. We are also looking for Baseball Camp, Art Camp, and Teen Center Leaders and have a child care position open at Kids' Place. Give us a call or an email, crc@chebeague.net if you are interested in any of these summer opportunities.
Absentee Ballots Available click here - Local elections are for School Committee (Stephen Todd and Susanne Rugh are on the ballot for 2 school spots) and Board of Selectmen (Jean-Louis Beaupres and John Corson for 2 Selectmen Spots) and State Primary Elections.
May 23, 2016 - ISLAND COMMONS Wine Tasting & Silent Auction is less than a month away! We would like to thank our Event Sponsors and our many Auction Donors for supporting our largest annual fundraiser. Watch for auction item previews and updates here. Invitations are in the mail…if you’re not on our mailing list and would like to attend, please call Nancy at Island Commons to reserve tickets (846-5610). Thank you! Click here to see some of the auction items.
Strap on your sneakers and join us for the 39th Annual Great Chebeague Island Road Race and Fun Run! The race is a great way to start your 4th of July! Registration begins at 8:30am at the Historical Society. The Fun Run starts at 9am (free) and the Road Race starts at 10am ($5/per participant). Questions? Call Martha (Muffie) Vernon at 201-961-2914 or email me at mwvernon@us.ibm.com. See you there!
The Grange Thrift Shop WILL OPEN again this summer! We look forward to seeing all of our wonderfully loyal customers and new shoppers as well. Gently used items can now be left inside the back doors of the Grange...... clothing, hats, shoes, kitchen items, dishes, gadgets, small electrical appliances, books, linens, and so much more...... Please do not leave furniture, televisions, or other large items. Mark your calendars.......our doors open Tuesday June 28th !
The CTC June newsletter is here now posted on their website chebeaguetrans.com on the News & Info page. If you want to get the newsletter emailed to you each month you can sign up on the News & Info page.
Sorry to report that a piece of equipment for the internet went down earlier and we were able to replace it this morning and get the system back up and running at 8:30 AM. Your equipment may have to be rebooted as the all the lines get back up and running.
Don't forget to pre-register by today for the FREE QuickBooks: Set Up and Customizing to be held at the School from 3:00-6:00pm on Wednesday, May 25th. Axiom along with the Island Institute will also be offering QuickBooks: Generation Reports free class on Wednesday, June 1st from 3:00-6:00pm with pre-registering by 5?31. Contact Sharon at Axiom: 255-4917 or classes@connectwithaxiom.com ------- CLICK HERE for more information.
May 21, 2016 - Click here to see a 22 degree halo taken on Chebeague by Bob Earnest.
The Tennis Club is hiring court sweepers. For more info contact: Jill Malony at 347-1974
The Kids' Place has moved back to its home!!! The beautiful mural is complete... we are still getting settled and going to be purchasing a new rug... The kids are thrilled to be back, although they still love visiting the gym! The new playset for The Kids' Place is barging over on May 23rd! If you would like to give a hand assembling this playset ( it is designed for the average homeowner to be able to do...) let me know! If you would like to volunteer or contribute in any other way, please reach out to me, I would love to see more of the community! Email: kidsplace@chebeague.net or Call: 846-8712
The Great Chebeague Golf Club will open its clubhouse and the course on May 26th. We expect that many of the golfers who are on the island this early will be anxious to see one another, dust off their clubs and play a round and possibly get caught up on the porch afterwards. The after-golf social will be open to anyone who cares join us from approximately 4-6 PM. As the new clubhouse manager, Tom Adams is hoping to reach out to more island residents who might be considering joining so please “swing by” whether you are a member or not. There will be no charge for the social although it is essentially a BYOB and members are encouraged to bring some “pot luck” hors d’oeuvres. Any questions can be directed to the clubhouse phone, 846-9478, or Tom at 409-3872.
May 15, 2016 - Today - MENTAL WELLNESS FOR ALL - Special event at 2pm in the library - click here
Message from Florence Rich: "Hi, It is time again to start ordering plants for Memorial Day. Most of you know that I broke my ankle 3 weeks ago but with lots of help. I will be still be getting the plants this coming weekend of 23and 24. If you need a large order or something special call me 846-4986 or email me at islandriches@chebeague.net Thank You, Florence"
May 14, 2016 - A reminder to all the non-profits on Chebeague that the Recompense Grant Application is due on May 31st! Recompense Fund is also working with the Island Institute for a Fall ILead program by special request for non-profits to be held on Chebeague Island at the Niblic on October 1st. A number of people attended the program in Belfast this winterl and it was very well received and a terrific program.
Yesterday, the Elizabeth Wadsworth Chapter, DAR Awards Program for the American History Essay Contest came to Chebeague to honor and celebrate the essays that were written by the 5th grade students. The subject was "A Colonial FAmily's Reaction to the Stamp Act." All five of the students did a wonderful job and I'm sure that it was very hard to choose from hundreds of entries. Joquin Bonneville came in 3rd in the State and 1st in the chapter. Cooper Israel came in 2nd in chapter and Kyla Sawtelle 3rd in the chapter. Click here to see some of the photos from the Ceremony.
May 13, 2016 - MENTAL WELLNESS FOR ALL - Special event on SUNDAY at 2pm in the library - please join us to hear Greg Marley, National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)- Maine,www.namimaine.org, share valuable insights and resources on how to help a friend or loved one through mental challenges. FREE. All Welcome. Sponsored by the Chebeague Parents’ Association - Community Support Series: Taking Care of Our Own. Click here for more info.
Important addition: Free childcare is available upon request. Contact Erika at 749-8022.
May 12, 2016 - CRC has two program leader opportunities! We are looking for someone to lead our Children's Thearter program in July and our Baseball Camp in August. Please contact the CRC office, 846-5068 or crc@chebeague.net, if you are interested in either of these positions.
Employment Opportunity: The Kids' Place is looking to hire someone for a good part time position.
15 to 25 hours a week, potentially more, if desired.
Must be 18 years old - Must enjoy children - Must want to spend lots of time outside, at the beach, at the pool, or at the playground - A desire to engage in some fun crafts would be helpful.
Please email: kidsplace@chebeague.net
Or call: 846-5068 This job could be a summer position, or could be year round.... Contact us, and join our dynamic and awesome team
As of May 9, 2016, the Town Office can issue NEW REGISTRATIONS for passenger vehicles, motorcycles, etc. This means you can get your license plates here on Chebeague Island for new vehicles or new to you! Thank you for your patience! Marjorie E. Stratton, Town Administrator
Horseshoe Crabs are Coming Ashore - learn all about their secret lives. Join t he Chebeague & Cumberland Land Trust and Marine Educators Carol Steingart and Alyssa Lyon - Saturday, June 4th - 10-noon, Sunday, June 5th -11am-1pm - Broad Cove Reserve, 179 Foreside Road, Cumberland Foreside - paring is limited - please RSVP. Click here for all the details!
For those interested on World War ll History - Eldon Mayer recently discovered a 1944 Life Magazine article written by his godfather, Admiral Melvyn McCoy, detailing his experience in a Japanese prisoner-of-war camp in 1942-‘43. He would be glad to share a copy of it with anyone who might be interested.
The chebeague.net internet was down for a few hours and was back up at 9:40. Sorry for the inconvenience.
May 11, 2016 - I received this message from Jaye who was hoping to set up a taxi service this year: "I am sorry to have to make this announcement but I will not be able to launch a taxi service at this time. I am unable to find affordable taxi insurance, which is required by state law. When I ran the taxi in 2013, my premium was $3900. This month, I was quoted $7100. That amount is simply impossible. There is only one company underwriting taxi insurance in America and they don't seem to care that I can't easily take my taxi to the Old Port on a Saturday night. I have looked into Uber and it appears to be an option but not one I'm interested in pursuing. I would encourage others to sign up with Uber and give it a try. To drive, you must have a car that's no older than 2005 and your name must be on the title. I hope a workable solution can be found for Chebeague."
Chebeague Island School Department is hiring an Ed Tech III to work in a Pre-K to Grade 5 - click here for details.
A service in celebration of the life of Ginger Hobart will take place on Saturday, May 28 at 1 pm at the Chebeague Methodist Church. A reception will immediately follow at Khatmandhu with light fare and beverages. All are welcome!
May 10, 2016 - The Chebeague Island Cemetery Committee will be conducting a spring clean-up at the Chebeague Cemetery on Sat. May 14, 2016. All inorganic material will be removed including a few unused, broken urn planters, artificial flowers and trinkets. This does not include stone, metal or concrete items. Please take any inorganic items from your plot that you would like to save or call Gail Miller for more info – 846-4369
The Chebeague Island Hall will be closed from Thursday-Monday while the floors are refinished.
Wednesday's Soup at the Hall is Spicy Sausage Soup w/pesto and the vegetarian is Butternut Squash Apple Soup.
May 9, 2016 - This Saturday night May 14, 7:30 at the Library a free event with donations for the performers welcome Fendrick and Peck!
ARTS NIGHT! Tomorrow, Tuesday, is the Chebeague Island School Arts Night at the Hall. The doors open at 5:15 and the concert starts at 5:30. Come and see the wonderful artwork the students have been creating over the last few months and hear performances in Music and Spanish.
May 7, 2016 - FREE QUICKBOOK CLASSES: Island Institute and Axiom Technologies is offering free Quickbooks classes on May 25th and June 1st at the school. Classes are from 3 to 6 in the afternoon. Please preregister at classes@connectwithaxiom.com. Click here for information!
Reminder: Next Saturday, 10am-1pm, is Island Commons SPRING CLEANUP & BBQ. Give us a hand sprucing up…and then join us for a delicious barbecue lunch! We’ll have a list of various tasks to accomplish…everything from weeding & raking to scraping & painting. There’ll be a job for everyone, so grab your gloves and tools and come on down. Thank you!!
May 6, 2016 - This morning in Rockland Donna Damon was recognized by the Maine Islands Coalition for all that she has contributed as a volunteer in all aspects of island life on Chebeague and for other Maine Islands. Roger Berle read a tribute to Donna and presented to her a plaque. The MIC met today and all the Islands had representativse from their historical Societies. State Representatives were there as well as people from Chellie Pingree's office and Senator King's office.
REMINDER, tonight, 7 - 9 pm at the Hall - coffee and cinnamon buns and meet the Axiom Technology People. Susan Corbett, Chief Executive Officer and Mark Ouellette, Chief Operating Officer will join us to talk about the exciting changes in Internet and Telephone services on Chebeague and what the future holds! Hope to see you there.
May 4, 2016 - If you are interested in public access to the shore; access for Town functions; walking trails; access to land- locked parcels and utility easements etc the Selectmen are creating criteria to help them decide which paper streets they should preserve. They are asking for input. Hope you can come. It is at the Hall on Thursday May 5 at 6 pm.
The CTC May Newsletter is now available on their webpage chebeaguetrans.com and HERE.
Congratulations to Caroline Loder whose painting is the cover of the LLBean Summer 2016 Catalog that came in the mail today! They featured "Before the Start"
May 2, 2016 - Important Message: "Residents of Chebeague Island: The Vector-borne Disease Laboratory at Maine Medical Center is seeking your input on tick control and disease prevention on Chebeague Island. Please take a few minutes to fill out the Island Tick Control Survey at http://tinyurl.com/h5tkju5 so we can better understand your perspective on ticks on Chebeague Island. Responses are anonymous."
NOTICE: Please come this Friday, 7 - 9 pm at the Hall - coffee and cinnamon buns and meet the Axiom Technology People. Susan Corbett, Chief Executive Officer and Mark Ouellette, Chief Operating Officer will join us to talk about the exciting changes in Internet and Telephone services on Chebeague and what the future holds! Hope to see you there.
School Committee Meeting is Tuesday, May 3 at 6pm - see agenda.
Wednesday soup will be Lemony Chicken and Orzo and the vegetarian will be Thai Portobello Tortellini Bisque!YUMMY!
The Hall has amassed a large number of dishes, bakeware, serving trays, and clothing. Next time you are at the Hall, please check the shelf above the coat rack and the box beneath it to claim your things. Any item that remains unclaimed after May 15 will be passed on to the Grange, giving you a second opportunity to be reunited with your stuff.
May 1, 2016 - Photo taken by Vika Johnson at Bennett's Cove at sunset before our Painting Islands Photo with Howie Motenko. Click here to see some of the hardy islanders who came out for this unique experience.
Wednesday's soup will be It was a fun time last night at Bennett's Cove where about 40 people gathered and spread out around the rocks and ledges of the Nubble at Bennett's Cove for a light painting photography project by Howie Motenko. He showed us the beginning results at the Hall afterwards using a projector from his computer. The final results will be shared later. He is heading tonight to North Haven and next week Monhegan.
Click here for interesting Press Herald article today; it explains the threat to soft shell clams in Maine. What can we do about it? Click here for an article talking about a potential method to fight back. It describes a project similar to what Chebeague's Shellfish Committee will be doing in Johnson Cove, thanks to a grant and assistance from the Manomet Foundation. We will be planting the nets and the spat in the next few weeks; if you would like to help, contact Bob Earnest (chair of the Shellfish Conservation Committee).
Kevin Wentworth has created a movie of the International Space Station passing in front of the Sun yesterday. Taken from Little John bridge. The Sun is 93 million miles away and the ISS was 475 miles away and they were all lined up for about 1 second.
April 30, 2016 - TONIGHT! Everyone - bring your flashlight and meet at Bennetts Cove at 7:15 to light up the area for a time exposure photo by Howie Motenko - click here for more information. Last night on Long Island they had 90+ people show up for the lighting islands project! Click here for a clip of them doing this on Isle au Haut.
Please Save The Date: Sunday, May 15th, 2PM at the Hall.The CPA's Community Support Series is very pleased to announce our next event. We will be hosting Greg Marley, National Association of Mental Illness, who will present on the topic of "First Aid for Mental Health." Many of us know some basic first aid for physical health, but fewer of us know first aid for mental health situations.
Please join us for an informative, community event. FREE. All are welcome. For more information contact CPA@chebeague.net or Erika Neumann at 749-8022.
I (Beverly) am back after a wonderful week in the Netherlands with my niece Elizabeth Hill Schutte and family. Dennis joined me there and we had a wonderful time exploring Holland and celebrating King's Day with the whole family. I especially enjoyed biking around the Hague and traveling to and from school and day care with the three children on bikes. It is amazing how different life is without a car or school busses. School is over a mile away and Evie's afternoon dance lessons were almost two miles away and it didn't matter that it was raining and sleeting and cold you get on your bicycle and ride through city streets, intersections, across highways, and down bike paths!
April 28, 2016 - At 2:15 pm, Axiom got the Internet up and running again after doubling available bandwidth and doing a lot of installation updates. Thank you, everyone, for your patience!
Today's the day Axiom increases the Internet bandwidth available to the Island from 100 Mbps to 200 Mbps. Please expect a fairly lengthy interruption to service during the day. We hope to have it all running smoothly by day's end.
April 27, 2016 - Reminder for this evening: Public Hearing re: Shoreland Zoning amendments tonight, 7PM at the Island Hall
Lighting up Bennetts Cove - Saturday night at 7:15 - community fun activity - click here.
Todays non vegetarian soup is White Bean with Kale.
Gardeners — We’re looking for donations. Now that warm weather is on the horizon (we can only hope!), and your gardens beckon, please remember the Island Commons Bake and Plant Sale on Saturday, May 28 at the Hall. This popular event has become a Memorial Day tradition on Chebeague.
As you head to the garden, remember that we’re eagerly looking for donations of plants of all types. Divide or lift plants you would be happy to donate (and please identify them).
For more information, email Annie Thaxter (ann3boys@chebeague.net) or Susan Stranahan (susan.stranahan@gmail.com). We’ve got extra pots and potting soil to make your donation easier, and we can even bring our spades to help.
And thanks for thinking of the Commons!
April 26, 2016 - Photo taken by Vika Johnson April 26th on Chebeague!
Michael and Barbara have once again updated our site -- the last for a while -- with the story of our trip from La Coruna to Lagos, on to Tenerife, and back across the Atlantic to the British Virgin Islands. Click here to see.
April 25, 2016 - This Thursday the 28th, Axiom Technologies will be on the Island to upgrade our Internet service from 100 Mbps to 200 Mbps. Two years ago we thought it was great when we increased it from 20 to 30 Mbps! So please bear with us as we will experience outages during the day...it will be worth it.
Hoping to have lots of people help with the lighting of Bennetts Cove Saturday evening at 7:15! Please bring your flashlights, camera flashes and wear dark clothes - this should be a fun family night and after the photo shoot we will meet back at the Hall for refreshments and see the long exposure photo of Bennett's Cove on a screen. Click here for more information.
April 23, 2016 - Tonight the Chebeague Island School is hosting a talent show. Saturday, April 23rd 6pm at the Hall.
Volunteers Needed
Boats and kayaks are being sought to assist with the Casco Bay Islands SwimRun race being held on Sunday August 14. The race is to be held on (runs) and between (swim) 8 islands in Casco Bay from Chebeague to Peaks. Boating volunteers coming from Chebeague would likely be deployed between 1) Indian Point and Little Chebeague and 2) Little Chebeague and Long Island. The race is anticipated to be in these areas between 7 and 8AM. Additionally, some land based volunteers will be sought. If interested, please contact Jeff at usaswimrun@gmail.com
The Casco Bay Islands SwimRun is the first of its kind to be introduced in North America after a decade of expanding popularity in Europe, principally Sweden. 125 elite, two-person teams were selected in February from more than 600 applications from across the US and Canada, and the local event will serve as a qualifier to the OTILLO (Swedish for 'island to island") World Championship in September.
More information can be found at www.usa-swimrun.com The event is also serving to benefit the Travis Mills Foundation www.travismills.org
April 21, 2016 - Don't forget the Talent Show this Saturday, April 23rd 6pm at the Hall.
Save the Date: May 6th at the Hall 7pm come and meet Axiom's Susan Corbett and Mark Ouellete. Enjoy some refreshments and learn more about their company and what they are and will be doing for our community and the internet service.
I will be away until April 29th but I will have David update this page when I am unable. So you can email David (drhill@chebeague.net) as well as me and we will get items posted as needed.
April 20, 2016 - Message from Howie Motenko: "We have a date, Saturday, April 30th for creating the image of Bennett’s Cove. Please spread the word, as we will need as many people (and bright lights) as we can get. Please post to your island Facebook page, place some posters in prominent locations, spread the word with people, and do whatever else you can to get as many islanders as possible out for the light painting photo shoot of Bennett’s Cove." Click here for more details! Howie did the community shoot last Saturday on Great Diamond Island and Sunday on Cliff. He will be shooting Long on the 29th.
The Chebeague Island School Arts Night will be held on Tuesday, May 10 at the Hall. Doors will open at 5:15 to enable viewing of the art projects. Music will begin at 5:30. The program will conclude by 7pm.
April 19, 2016 - Kidsplace earthday cleanup pickup is on Wednesday for a walk down North Rd - click here to see photos of last week and learn more about this project and how you can participate and help!
Breakfast at the Hall Week continues today with blueberry or plain pancakes, bacon,and fresh fruit. Wednesday will consist of the the usual coffee and baked goods, Ham and egg crescent bake with fresh fruit will help you start off your Thursday morning with a smile, and Friday ends the week with a feast of eggs, sausage, homefries, gravy, fresh fruit, and roast beef hash. All meals come with juice, cocoa, or milk for the kids and coffee, tea, or cocoa for the grownups,
April 17, 2016 - Reminder! The Chebeague Island School is hosting a talent show. Mark your calendar for this Saturday, April 23rd 6pm at the Hall. Would you like to be in the show? Don’t keep your talents buried! Do you sing, dance, do magic, or comedy? Take the stage and share your talent! Contact Laurie Hegarty about getting into the show at (207) 420-7171 or mainehegartyfamily@gmail.com. All proceeds go toward the end-of-year school field trip. Thank you for your support!
School Committee Meeting is Tuesday evening 6 pm at the school - see agenda.
April 15, 2016 - Click here to see a 13 minute documentary all about Holly Earnest Bowling "Distilling A Dream." It tells about her interpreting and recording the music of Phish. Holly is the daughter of Bob and Nancy Earnest and granddaughter of Anne Brown.
The Island Market will be closed April 16-22. There will not be papers for sale these days. Thank you.
April 12, 2016 - Axiom Technology is proposing to bring FTTH (fiber to the household) to Chebeague! This would mean faster and more reliable Internet service and is a huge step forward in meeting present and future demands. Please click here for more information and PLEASE send an e-mail of support to Axiom by THURSDAY. A large show of support can make it happen!
The Kids' Place is celebrating Earth Day by cleaning up our roads and beaches!
This week we will be at Chandlers on Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. We will be walking every week from now until May 4, 2016 and cleaning different areas of the island. You can join us if you like.
If you would like to sponsor our children in their clean up efforts, all sponsors will go toward purchasing a new 4 child stroller! Email: kidsplace@chebeague.net for questions, details, or if you would like to make a sponsor!
The Kids' Place has a part time position open for the summer.
Approximately 24 hours a week.
lots of time outside with kids!
lots of trips to the beach!
lots of fun!
Must be 18 years old and enjoy the company of children of all ages!
You will be working with another adult most days.
You will be responsible for caring for children, helping out during summer camps, some afternoons at the pool with kids and some cleaning! Please email: kidsplace@chebeague.net for more details or stop by the rec. center! The Kids' Place is doing amazing things right now, come and join the team!
April 11, 2016 - Maine State Senate posthumously honoring Mabel Knowles Doughty with a legislative sentiment will take place on Chebeague sometime this summer.
The Soup for this Wednesday will be Beef Barley and the vegetarian will be Garbanzo and Bean Stew.
April 9, 2016 - The Island Market will be closed April 16-22. There will not be papers for sale these days. Thank you.
Peter and Linda Carleton invite the Chebeague community to follow our journey with metastatic prostate cancer on the Peter Carleton page at caringbridge.com and Linda's mandala blog at lindacarleton.com. They'll be back on the island May 1 when he returns from Guatemala.
April 5, 2016 - Come to CRC tonight at 5:45 and test out your knitting skills. Needles and yarn will be provided so come have some fun and learn a new skill. For all ages!!
The School Committee Meeting is today at 6pm - click here for the agenda. The energy audit discussion has been postponed and will not be tonight.
April 4, 2016 - Mrs. Westra's 3-5 grade class had to do persuasive writing on why you should live or visit Chebeague Island. They then took their writing and made a poster with drawings. Click here to see all their creative work. There are 18 students but one is missing and as soon as we find it I will add it.
Wednesday's coffee is from 9 to 10 and the soup is at noon. The soup for Wednesday is Tai Chicken Noodle and the vegetarian is Summer Harvest Tortilla Soup (from The Oh She Glows Cookbook).
Just a note to let people know that chebeague.net email accounts have nothing to do with Axiom and their internet service. Chebeague.net Email is being run by an independent person who actually started it when we with Mainly Wired. Mr. Baxter has graciously letting us all hold on to our email addresses but we won't be offering any new ones. Today the account was down because it is on a server down east and the high winds caused a power outage in the area and the backup batteries failed. They have also noticed a few downs lately and are planning on replacing the backup battery UPS. When you are not getting chebeague.net email please check your websites to make sure that it is not the internet but merely chebeague.net email. Sorry that this may seem confusing.
April 2, 2016 - Notice: Poet Wes McNair reading, Sunday, April 3rd, 2:00 pm at the Library. Reception to follow. See Poster!
School Committee Meeting Tuesday 6pm at the school - see agenda.
March 31, 2016 - CRC is hiring a swim lesson instructor for the 2016 summer season. Hours are 8 AM-Noon on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays for six weeks beginning in July. Please contact Kelley Rich at the CRC office if you are interested in applying, 846-5068 or crc@chebeague.net.
There is a tribute to Mabel in the latest Working Waterfront by Donna click here to see.
Don't forget The second half of FY16 taxes were due April 1, 2016.
Michael and Barbara have again updated their site - click here. "This time with our really quick visit to Ghent and Bruges. We did not spend enough time there to understand enough to make a reasonable commentary, but we hope you enjoy the pictures."
March 30, 2016 - Photo taken at the Hook by Adrian Cole and click here for one by Conrad Cole.
Starting soon will be the Taxi Service 207-200-6188 again starting in May 1st - check out their facebook page - click here. Jaye is interested in learning about other other needs and possibly interest in a commuter shuttle?
Today's soups at the Hall will be Reuben sandwich soup and the vegetarian is cream of tomato with roasted Italian croutons. And don't forget to start your day with Susie's coffee and Gina's delicious breakfast pastries!
March 29, 2016 - CRC has a new program starting next week!! Knitting for Beginners! Learn the basics of this versatile and satisfying craft. We'll work through casting on, basic stitches, simple increases and decreases, reading patterns and binding off. A variety of yarns and needles will be available to borrow or you can bring your own project! All ages welcome. Any questions, email Jaye Nunan at jaye@chebeague.net.
Tuesday 4/5-5:45-6:45
Thursday 4/14-5:45-6:45
Tuesday 4/19-5:45-6:45
Suggested donation $5 per session
Click here to see the children lined up and ready to start looking for eggs at the 1st Annual Island Commons Easter Egg Hunt!
March 27, 2016 - Next Sunday - Poet Wes McNair reading, Sunday, April 3rd, 2:00 pm at the Library. Reception to follow. See Poster!
HAPPY EASTER - Island Commons 1st ANNUAL EASTER EGG HUNT Easter Sunday, March 27 At 11:45 A.M. Island Commons Yard (132 Littlefield Road, Chebeague Island) Bring Your Own Basket!All Ages Welcome! A Family Community Event! Coffee & Lemonade provided For more information or to help, call Polly @ 233-8382 or email polly22@chebeague.net
March 26, 2016 - The USM Health/Island Council Screening Clinic was very successful in no small part due to the donuts! The Recreation Center Membership winners are Nancy Ernest and Beverly Johnson!! Congratulations! Thank you Mac and Beth, the Rec. Center and all the volunteers who helped make this a success.
TODAY - USM/Island Council Health Screening on Saturday March 26th at 9:00 am in the Hall. The Rec. Center has generously donated TWO free memberships for a drawing. This a chance to get your blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol checked for free. Dr. Riemann, the dermatologist, will be here again to do free skin checks too! And you can get a tetanus booster while you are at it! Learn what you need to know to get healthy, stay healthy and have a chance to win a year long gym membership just for taking care of yourself!
Chebeague Recreation Center has a year-round, part-time office position open. This position will require 10-20 hours per week with the potential for more. Responsibilities include bookkeeping, general office work, preparing advertisements and some program planning. Please contact Kelley Rich in the CRC office for more information. Applications can be found on our website too at www.chebeaguerec.com.
March 24, 2016 - TONIGHT - SEA LEVEL Rise Study Discussion at the Island Hall on Thursday, March 24th, 6:00 to 7:30 PM. This meeting is to hear the results of a study undertaken with a Coastal Communities Grant from The Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry. The purpose of this study is to evaluate potential impacts of sea level rise, extreme weather events, and flooding on the town’s natural and built environments and to incorporate adaptation and resilience strategies into the Comprehensive Plan, land-use and floodplain ordinances. The final project task will identify and evaluate specific adaptation options for the Stone Wharf. Stephanie Carver and Rick Harbison will be here from the Greater Portland Council of Governments (GPCOG) as well as Pete Slovinsky of Maine Geological Survey. Carol White is the Chebeague Island representative working with this group. Please come and participate in this important discussion.
TONIGHT - Please join us tonight at the Chebeague United Methodist church for a Maundy Thursday service. It will begin at 7 pm in the Parish House. On Sunday we will celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus. Sunrise service is at the East End Point at 6:15 am for a 6:30 am sunrise. Coffee and a light breakfast will be served at the Parish House after that service. The traditional Easter service is at the church at 10am. Come and join in the Easter celebration!
There is still time to take advantage of CRC's March fitness special, only $99 for 1 year. Sign up or renew before March 31st!! If the building hours don't work for your schedule let us know. We can provide you with a code so you can workout (with a buddy) at a time that works for you.
Start your Wednesday morning off right with a made-to-order McDyer breakfast sandwich at the Hall. Susie and Arlene will make a meal that will tide you over until the soup lunch at noon. Ruth, Wanda, and their crew will be serving a hearty kielbasa-cheese soup and a satisfying vegetarian option featuring tomatoes and cabbage. Eat in, or take it to go!
Joint Budget Workshop of the School Board and the Board of Selectmen at the school on Tuesday, March 22, at 6:00 PM. This is a good time and place to learn about and discuss the budget we will be voting on at Town Meeting on June 11, 2016. See agenda
Sea Level Rise Study Discussion at the Island Hall on Thursday, March 24th, 6:00 to 7:30 PM. This meeting is to hear the results of a study undertaken with a Coastal Communities Grant from The Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry. The purpose of this study is to evaluate potential impacts of sea level rise, extreme weather events, and flooding on the town’s natural and built environments and to incorporate adaptation and resilience strategies into the Comprehensive Plan, land-use and floodplain ordinances. The final project task will identify and evaluate specific adaptation options for the stone pier. Stephanie Carver and Rick Harbison will be here from the Greater Portland Council of Governments (GPCOG) as well as Pete Slovinsky of Maine Geological Survey. Carol White is the Chebeague Island representative working with this group. Please come and participate in this important discussion.
March 16, 2016 - Reminder that the Community Luncheon is today Corned beef, cabbage, carrots, potatoes, salad, and mint ice cream and cupcakes.
Anthony Gomez is now at the RiverRidge Center in Kennebunk and would love to hear from people - his address is RiverRidge Center, Saco River Unit, 3 Brazier Ln, Kennebunk, ME 04043.
March 15, 2016 - Photo of a sketch by Anna Martin for the mural at Kids Place. Please click here to learn more about how you can help!
A reminder that Mabel Doughty's service is this Friday the 18th, at 1:30 at the Church with reception at the Hall.
In the Bangor Daily News Online recently they featured a film done in 1954 written and narrated by author EB White about lobstering off the Maine Coast - Pretty cool and I don't think much has changed except the type of lobster traps and a lot of electronics added - click here to see.
March 14, 2016 - Last week Mrs. Hoidal's K-2 class did a quick project for 100 days of school. I have been asked by everyone to share this project online with everyone - so click here and see what our students plan on doing when they are 100 years old!
We have received approval for conservation closure of Johnson Cove to shellfish harvesting. Attached is a copy of the letter and map. Or you could direct people to the left column of the Town’s home page.
Reminder from CTC: Due to planned maintenance on the engine, the 10:00 AM and the 10:15 AM ferries and buses will not run on 3/15. We apologize for any inconvenience
Community Luncheon this Wednesday: Corned beef, cabbage, carrots, potatoes, salad, and mint ice cream and cupcakes. This is one of my favorites!
Click here for a message from Carrie of Kids Place!
March 11, 2016 - NEW RULES FOR BRUSH DUMP -Also found on the Town Website
As you begin your spring yard work, please keep in mind that we have cleaned and organized the Brush Dump and have new rules. You will need to separate debris into four categories:
1. Brush Only
2. Grass, Leaves, and Vegetation Only
3. Pulp Wood Only
4. Wood Chips Only
There are signs to indicate where to dump each category of material. Our goal is to keep the Brush Dump clean and organized. We appreciate your cooperation. There will be discussions about whether or not we should be charging for this service as there has been a significant cost to provide this area for dumping and to keep it maintained. Thank you for your cooperation.
Dr. Rybka will be here at the Wellness Center Wednesday March 23rd. Please call his office at 829-6463 to schedule an appointment.
The town office has new Town Clerk hours and the Transfer Station "spring ahead" hours start this Sunday. Click here to go to the Town Website and see what they are.
March 10, 2016 - Don't forget tomorrow, March 11th at 3:15, Caroline Moore from the Island Institute will be at the Library scholarship information meeting .
The Library has begun putting together the new Chebeague Phone Directory. Once again, we invite submissions of original artwork or photographs for the cover. Please submit your work to the Library at cheblib@hotmail.com or drop it off. Deadline for submissions is April 20th. Call the Library at 846-4351 if you have any questions.
CRC has an immediate opening for a part time office support position. This is a year round position requiring 10-20 hours per week. We also have a variety of summer positions open including lifeguards, teen center leaders, pool operator, child care providers, camp leaders and children's theater directors. Please call the CRC office, 846-5068 or send us an email at crc@chebeague.net for more information.
March 9, 2016 - Bob Follette has been very sick lately and is recovering in a Nursing/Rehab near his home and it would be great if people would like to send him cards or a note. Bob's address is Wingate at South Hadley, 573 Ganby Road, South Hadley, MA 01075. Bob and his partner used to own the Island View House and he is in his 90's.
NOTICE: Important message from CTC: Due to scheduled maintenance on the engine, the 10:00 AM and 10:15 AM ferries on TUESDAY 3/15 will be cancelled. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Island Commons 1st ANNUAL EASTER EGG HUNT Easter Sunday, March 27 At 11:45 A.M. Island Commons Yard (132 Littlefield Road, Chebeague Island) Bring Your Own Basket!All Ages Welcome! A Family Community Event! Coffee & Lemonade provided For more information or to help, call Polly @ 233-8382 or email polly22@chebeague.net
March 7, 2016 -Cassidy sends greetings from New Zealand and Australia. He is now settled at CQU in Rockhampton, Australia. He can receive mail at: Cassidy Jeffers, 554-700 Yaamba Road, North Rockhampton, Australia QLD 4701
Thanks so much for everyone who has helped to make this possible!
Wednesday soup will be Turkey Noodle and the vegetarian will be Asparagus and Cheese Potato Soup.
March 6, 2016 - Photo taken by Vika Johnson March 6th sunset.
Today, 53 Chebeague Island voters participated in the Democratic Caucus at the Island Hall: Forty-five Democrats, one Democrat who voted by Absentee Ballot, and seven Un-enrolled/Independents, who registered as Democrats, joined the process to have their voice heard. Nine Bernie supporters, ten Hillary supporters and three undecided voters shared comments regarding candidates during more than an hour of congenial discourse. The result of the vote - Bernie 29, Hillary 20, Undecided 4 - earned each candidate one of Chebeague's two delegates to the Maine State Democratic Convention. David Hamilton and Roman Folk will represent Chebeague Island Democrats at the Convention, which is scheduled to take place in Portland in early May.
Michael and Barbara have updated their blog with their trip to Terneuzen, in the south of Holland - click here.
March 4, 2016 - Reminder: The Democratic Caucus will be held on Sunday, 3/6, at the Island Hall. Doors open at Noon. Caucus starts PROMPTLY at 1 pm (no admittance after 1 pm!). The Registrar of Voters will be at the Hall at noon to register New Voters (must be 18 by November 8th) and INDEPENDENT/UN-ENROLLED voters who would like to participate in the Caucus.
Many thanks to those who purchased Hannaford reusable shopping bags during the month of February….232 bags were purchased and Hannaford will be sending ISLAND COMMONS a donation of $232! A big thank you to Hannaford for this great monthly program which supports local non-profits!
Reverend Priscilla Dreyman has begun her three months as our supply pastor while Pastor Melissa is on maternity leave. Please feel free to contact her with pastoral concerns or if you would like a visit. (207) 899-5689, Blessings CUMC
March 3, 2016 - Carrie from Kids Place has posted another great book - click here to see her review.
The email-plus list now shows all update requests through March 3rd. Please check YOUR listing and let us know that it is STILL correct OR you have changes. Thank you John for your work on this site.
March 2, 2016 - Between 7 and 7:30 am tomorrow morning chebeague.net will be rebooting its equipment so you may notice a short interuption in internet service around that time.
Chebeague Island Historical Society Exhibit Committee members will soon be taking photos of Island houses and architectural elements that align with the 2016 exhibit which will feature architecture of Chebeague Island, settlement to 1890. If you do not wish to have your house photographed, please email the Historical Society at chebeaguehistory@gmail.com.
Message from the Island Institute: If your organization is interested in learning more about hosting an Island Institute Island Fellow for the coming year (starting September 2016), please contact Karen Burns at Kburns@islandinstitute.org; or click here to go to thier website.
It's time for CRC's FITNESS Special. Purchase a 12 month fitness pass during the month of March and SAVE!! Just $99 for a full year of fitness room use. If our facility hours don't fit your schedule, no worries. We can give you an access code to get in and workout at a time that works for you. But don't forget to bring a buddy!!
Message from the Rec: There were a few people that could not join Katy's Dance Party class on Tuesdays, so with some juggling she was able to move it back to Wednesdays beginning 3/9. We need one more person to register before the end of the day tomorrow so we know we have enough to run the program.
Tickets for the 9th Annual Inter-Island Cruise are on sale now and available for purchase online! Friday, April 1st 6-10:30 PM
Tickets are $20 if you buy them before March 15th ($25 after March 15th) and are available to purchase at Casco Bay Lines or online.
March 1, 2016 - Election results are in and David Stevens won for the 16 month seat and Beau Beaupres won for the four month seat - full results are on the Town Website.
JOB OPENING: Island Commons is looking for an experienced Care Coordinator. CRMA certification required. Knowledge of Point Click Care software a plus. Competitive wages and benefits. Contact Amy Rich, Administrator 846-5610 or icadmin@chebeague.net We are an equal opportunity employer
Soup for tomorrow is Red Beans and Rice and the vegetarian is Mushroom ginger Noodle Soup.
Don't forget to vote today for your Selectmen and the Hall from 8 to 8. The candidates running for a 4 month term are Jean-Louis Beaupre, Susan D. Campbell and John H. Corson, Jr.. There is one candidate for the 16-month seat and that is Nelson D. Stevens.
February 29, 2016 -Important Updates on the Rec Center -
We brought together a group of people to discuss the Rec Center, and here is what happened.... click here.
The CTC Newsletter is now posted on their site - click here!
Message from the Chebeague Cumberland Land Trust: Please join us Friday, March 4th at 10:00am for a walk with local naturalist Karen Herold at the Rines Forest in Cumberland, Maine. The hike will be held rain or shine! Please wear your boots because some of the trails will be muddy. All ages are welcome and encouraged to come. Directions:
The Rines Forest is located on Range Road across from the Idlewood neighborhood. Please either park along the trail head on Range Road or along Idlewood Drive. For more information call Penny Asherman at 807.8532
February 27, 2016 - The Chebeague Island School is hosting a talent show. Mark your calendar for Saturday, April 23rd 6pm at the Hall. Would you like to be in the show? Don’t keep your talents buried! Do you sing, dance, do magic, or comedy? Take the stage and share your talent! Contact Laurie Hegarty about getting into the show at (207) 420-7171 or mainehegartyfamily@gmail.com. All proceeds go toward the end-of-year school field trip. Thank you for your support! Click here for more information!
Don't forget the Town Election for Selectmen is this Tuesday from 8am to 8pm. The candidates running for a 4 month term are Jean-Louis Beaupre, Susan D. Campbell and John H. Corson, Jr.. There is one candidate for the 16-month seat and that is Nelson D. Stevens. There is also a candidates Forum being put on by CICA tomorrow, Sunday, February 28th, 2pm at the Hall!
The second half of our tax bills have to be paid by April 1, 2016!
February 25, 2016 - Caroline Moore from the Island Institute has changed her scholarship information meeting from March 18th to March 11th at 3:15pm at the Library.
Katy McCann is going to run an additional 6 week session of Dance Party at CRC. This fun class is perfect for all ages (14 and up) and all fitness levels. We need at least 5 people to run the program then anyone can drop in for $6 if we meet the minimum and the program runs. The program will be Tuesday evenings March 8-April 12 at 5:45pm. The cost is $30 for 6 weeks. Please make sure to sign up by March 4th so we can let people know if its happening.
Calling Fishermen, Bookkeepers, Business Owners, Self-Employed! Let us know your interest in the following FREE-to-you workshops, up to two of which will be offered this May, by emailing Stephenie smaclagan@islandinstitute.org.
VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY: the Planning Board has a vacancy.
If you would like to serve, please complete a Volunteer Application and get it to the Town Office by March 8, 2016. Click here for the Volunteer Application.
For anyone who missed chebeague.net's letter to all islanders and off-island customers, Click here for a link to it. We're very excited about this collaboration and what it will mean to Chebeague.
February 22, 2016 - Wednesday soup this week is Chicken Tortellini Soup and the vegetarian soup will be Indian Dal Soup (split pea).
As I’m sure you have heard, the newest addition to the island is home!!! Ben and Melissa Yosua- Davis (the new pastor) have arrived home with their new bundle of joy Michael Frederick…We have started a calendar to keep track of the food to help support them during this wonderful transition. If anyone wants to help with a meal please contact Polly Wentworth@ 233-8382. Thank you all in advance for your help!!!! Let make them feel the love this community has to give.
February 20 2016 - Click here to see photos from the Polar Plunge and Chili, Chowder and Soup Challenge. Video of the plunge and the list of winners are also included. Congratulations and a big thank you to the many, many people who help make this event so great. I think there were 35 cooks who contributed! WOW!
Chebeague Pre-K News- January/February 2016 - click here.
Dear Island Friends and Family,
The Ross family would like to express our heartfelt thank you's to everyone who showed us such love and kindness during Mom's long illness and since her passing. We are overwhelmed by the many, many acts of generosity and love shown in more ways than we could ever count. Losing a loved one is such a difficult passage in one's life but this island community knows, so well, how to support, sustain and encourage those of us who are struggling. We are so very blessed and so grateful to you all.
Poochie and family
Sunday, March 6th at the Island Hall, Democratic Caucus: 12 Noon - Doors open to those Independents who wish to register as a Democrat to participate in the caucus. 1:00pm - Doors to be locked, official caucus process will begin. Participants may politely share statements of support for candidate of choice. No participant should expect to feel coerced into changing his/her personal choice. Chebeague may send 2 delegates to the State Convention, which is scheduled to take place in Portland on May 6&7. It would be great to have at least 2 volunteers interested in representing Chebeague. Contact Mary Holt at democrats@chebeague.net with questions.
School Committee Meeting is Tuesday, February 23, 6pm at the School - see agenda.
February 19, 2016 - The Board of Selectmen will conduct a budget workshop on Saturday, February 20, 2016, beginning at 8:00 AM.
The public is encouraged to attend.
We have three more Polar Plungers to add to our list -Brian Phipps, Allana Cleaves and Dylan Cleaves will be plunging too along with Laura Hamilton, Tiffany Calder and Miss Nancy (Earnest). Tomorrow at NOON - don't miss it.
February 18, 2016 - The ballots have been counted and the winner of the Paint Islands for Chebeague is Coleman's Cove taken from Sandy Point. I will be posting more information about how and when this will be done. We will be looking for lots of people with flashlights shining on all the houses of Coleman's Cove - I think it will be spectacular so stay tuned!There were 30 votes for Coleman's Cove followed by 25 for Bennetts Cove, 9 for Fish House and 8 for the Ovens.
The Island Institute will be having a Scholarship Workshop and Information Session at the Chebeague Island Library on Friday, March 18th at 3:15 - click here to learn more about post secondary education and the Geiger Scholarship that is available to students in 6th grade and up for travel and enrichment programs.
February 17, 2016 - The service for Bob Dayton will be tomorrow at 5pm EST and will be live streamed at www.live.worshipchannels.com/WestminsterMPLS
TODAY is Thanksgiving in February at the Hall Community Luncheon.
February 16, 2016 - Photo taken by Jackie Doughty Trask February 16th.
Tomorrow is the "Thanksgiving in February" Community Lunch at the Hall sponsored by Island Electric. The menu consists of turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, squash, green beans, rolls, and apple crisp, so bring your appetites! The suggested donation is $5.00, and the dining room opens at noon. And don't forget to start your Wednesday with Susie's coffee hour. Susie Stav is at the Hall every Wednesday morning and any weekday morning the store is closed, providing coffee, several types of tea, and cocoa, plus delicious breakfast treats supplied by Gina Ross. Please use the front entrance, as the side entrances and access are quite slippery.
Thank you for all of your support for the Chebeague Island School kids 3rd through 5 th grade class!
This Valentine fundraiser brings lots of joy to the communityand a special thanks to Laura summa for the many hours of hard work baking for over 90 orders!
Don't forget CRC's Winter Carnival this weekend...starting with Teen Rock-a-thon Friday night. There are a couple teens in need of a rocking chair. If you have one that you are willing to loan out for the night, please call Sam Birkett, 846-4467. The Polar Plunge is at noon on Saturday at the boat yard followed by the chili, chowder soup challenge at CRC. We are still looking for cooks to enter the challenge and we have some awesome prizes for the top three winners in each category. If you'd like to have an entry in the challenge please call or email CRC 846-5068 or crc@chebeague.net. Join Deb at the Library for a fun craft at starting at 1:30...Then, come out for a fun night music and dancing with Mark and Chuck at the Hall.
Chebeague Grace #1 is being re-published. Many people have expressed an interest in purchasing this book which was first published
in 2010 by Pastor Linda Brewster. It is the first in a series of four books. I will ordering Grace #1 by request only. I have very few of the other three books.
I can share a link to Shutterfly if you want one of those books. All four books are available for viewing at the library. Please be in touch soon.
Thank you. Cathy
Another book for the lending library at The Kids' Place.
This Book, Under Pressure written by Carl Honore is a great, fast read. The book addresses the culture of hyper-parenting that is prevalent in the developed world today. This book discusses how the best of intentions for encouraging our children to be motivated, to take advantage of all opportunities and always do their best can have the opposite effect.
Carl Honore is a journalist, and the book is written in a journalistic style. The book addresses all ages, but is very prevalent for school aged children. It is truly a page turner, and very interesting in its point of view.
I highly recommend it, and have it to lend out through The Kids' Place.
Michael Porter has again updated his website - click here.
February 12, 2016 - We are pleased to announce that Axiom Technologies, LLC will be taking over the operation and ownership of chebeague.net effective March 1, 2016. Early next week, we will mail a letter to everyone describing the services we will be offering. In a nutshell, we'll be providing faster speeds, lower prices, and unlimited local and long distance telephone service. David and I will be employees and we are very excited about what this means for the Island! Please remit your payment within the next week or contact us right away to discuss any outstanding balances as we move forward.
There will be upcoming workshops provided FREE to islanders provided by Axiom Education and Training Center in conjunction with the Island Institute coming up soon. They will be offering digital education classes including Quickbooks, Social Media for Business, Web Design and more probably in May. Please contact me at bjohnson@chebeague if you are interested. You don't have to be a chebeague.net customer to participate and they will have 10 laptops for people to use and practice. More information will be coming soon about this opportunity for anyone on Chebeague to learn more.
February 11, 2016 - Don't forget to sign up for sailing school - click here to go to there new website where you can sign up and get all the information. There is also a link above on Sailing School.
Don't miss a fun time at the Hall on Saturday, February 20th with Mark & Chuck. Come listen to some awesome music and have some fun shaking off those winter blues starting at 8 PM. $10 suggested donation. All proceeds benefit CRC!
February 10, 2016 - John Holt has done so much work keeping the Email list up to date and active in such a way that the information cannot be used by a spammer. Please check it out and see if you information is correct and if you would like to add other information to it.
NOTICE: Ash Wednesday - Today, the church will be open starting at 12 PM for prayer and meditation. There will be a station if you would like to put ashes on your hand or forehead as a symbol of the beginning of Lent - a season of introspection and repentance in preparation for Easter. There will be an Ash Wednesday worship service this evening at 6 PM.
Soup today is Pork Chili and the vegetarian is Russian Cabbage Borscht.
For the entire month of February, when you pick up a Hannaford Helps reusable bag at the Yarmouth Hannaford, ISLAND COMMONS will receive $1! Help support the Commons and purchase the blue bag with the good karma logo. Thanks for joining Hannaford in supporting local non-profits!
PIZZA GRAZIE!! Thank you to all the pizza supporters and the parents and students in the 3-5th grades who made our Super Bowl fundraiser a big success! A huge thank you to our school chef, Laura Summa and wood fire extraordinaire, Bob Earnest. All of the proceeds will go toward the end-of-year field trip to Boston to study the Revolutionary War. Thank you everyone!
February 9, 2016 - Photo taken by John Holt on February 9th High Tide at the Stone Wharf. Click here to see all the images and a movie John took yesterday at the wharf
corrected vote: Election results - Feb. 9, 2016 - 160 ballots voted.
Referendum #1 (Fire Truck): Yes: 103, No: 57, passed.
Referendum #2 (Golf Course / Parking): Yes: 99, No: 60, blank: 1, passed.
SWEETS FOR YOUR SWEETIE (or friend or neighbor)- has been extended to Thursday! So check out the order and call 846-4162 or email mainehegartyfamily@gmail.com or drop by school.
Click here for a message from Carrie of Kidsplace about This Week's book called Parenting Young Children which is part of a series of books for Systematic Training for Effective Parenting. (STEP).
School Committee joint meeting with Selectmen on Wednesday, February 10- click here for School Committee agenda part.
February 8, 2016 - Don't forget to VOTE tomorrow: REMINDER: Vote on Tuesday, February 9, 2016, 8 AM - 8 PM at the Island Hall. This a special local referendum election.
“Town of Chebeague Island Press Release – February 8, 2016 “ Click Here.
The Chebeague Winter Carnival is only a few weeks away - click here to see all the events for February 19th and 20th!
"The Chebeague Island Community Sailing School website is ready for registrations for 2016. Please go to http://chebeaguesailing.com to register your child." Thanks for your patience, and we look forward to seeing you in the summer!
lRemember today is the last day to order "Sweets for Your Sweetie"!
The February CTC Board of Directors meeting will be held on February 25th at 7PM at the CTC Office, 16 North Road. As always, the public is welcome
February 6, 2016 - Photo of Chebeague from Hope Island taken by Will Wotherspoon morning of February 6.
Community Breakfasts start this Sunday, February 7th, at the Chebeague Island United Methodist Church! Join us each Sunday morning at the Parish House during the month of February at 9 AM for a free breakfast from 9 to 9:45 AM. You are invited to stay for a more casual, informal worship gathering, also at the Parish House, at 10 AM. All are welcome. Hope to see you there!
Click here to see T-Pollack at Island Music Night 2015 at the Chebeague Island Hall. They had not played in over a year - since last years 2014 Music Night. This video captured their original " Rope in the Wheel." Enjoy! Recorded by Emily Todd on an iphone.
February 5, 2016 - Please, if you are thinking about switching internet carriers call me at 846-4850 before you do. chebeague.net is not going away and this coming week we will be letting everyone know about the great changes we will be making with Axiom Technologies. Click here to listen to WGAN's Inside Maine with Senator Angus King and Axiom Technologies CEO Susan Corbett , June 2015. Susan and her company have received so many accolades and awards for their business and even have an offshoot non-profit to help with education. Click here to read a blog on the GWI website.
No School today - a snow storm hit and it is turning out to be a lot of snow.
The Board of Selectmen will conduct a budget workshop on Saturday, February 6, 2016, 8:00 AM -11:30 AM.
The public is encouraged to attend.
February 4, 2016 - Don't forget: Superbowl Pizza - Click here for more information
The Chebeague Island Hall Community Center is asking anyone who may have a Hall key to please return them to Dianne Brewer or any of the Hall committee members.
February 3, 2016 - Last Sunday was the CPA's first Community Support Series with Sandy Lovell from the Center For Grieving Children (www.cgcmaine.org). We had a wonderful turn out! Thanks for coming and a special thank you to the volunteers who donated food and time; the supporting organizations; and a great team of volunteers who provided childcare at the Rec Center. It was a true community event. If you would like to be more involved or have suggestions, please email the CPA at CPA@chebeague.net.
Click here for a few photos.
The Memorial Service for Priscilla Ross will be on Saturday the 13th of February at 1PM.
Michael Porter has updated his blog - Berlin to Minden - click here.
February 1, 2016 - 2016 Rock-A-Thon
Teens and Preteens will be participating in the Rock-A-Thon on February 19th. They will be rocking the night away to raise money pay for various teen activities and would love your support! Please consider pledging a teen to help them reach their fundraising goals.
Teen Center will be selling T-Shirts and Sweatshirts at the Winter Carnival on February 20th to raise money for their trips and activities. CLICK HERE TO SEE!
T-Shirts: $15 - Sweatshirts: $30
If you aren't going to be around, but would still like to buy one, contact Tracy at Farmingtongirl27@aim.com
Next week, February 9th is a Special Referendum Warrant with the polls opening up at 8am until 8pm at the Chebeague Island Hall Community Center. Click here to see the referendum that is on the town website. One of the items is voting for a new Fire Truck and the other is on land for parking near the Stone Wharf. Click here to read the agreement to transfer real property between the Town and Golf Club. Click here to read the proposed agreement between the Town and Abutters.
Click here to get a message from Carrie about The Kids' Place has starting a new lending library of books that could be helpful to parents and grandparents!
School Committee Meeting, Tuesday, 6pm at the school - see agenda.
Wednesday's Soup will be Split Pea w/potatoes and Bacon - the vegetarian will be Minestrone.
January 31, 2016 - Back by popular demand is Superbowl Pizza - Click here for more information (I wish the Patriots were playing but I'm still ordering mine).
Don't forget today at 11:30 at the Hall - Supporting Our Children through Loss and Grief.
Portland Press Herald has an article in today's paper about Chebeague 'Growing pains' on Chebeague Island, Maine's newest town.
January 29, 2016 - Common Goldeneye: a new movie from the Chebeague Island School. A 3rd grader and a 4th grader have researched, written and created an iMovie video about the Common Goldeneye. They worked with a Kindergartener for the filming of the Common Goldeneye. They even created the background music in garageband. We hope to have another bird video done for next week so please check out the student's video. We discovered a mistake on the video and have reloaded it on Youtube.
The Snowy Owl as been seen lately on Chebeague and Polly Wentworth got this photo today - click here!
January 28, 2016 - Photo taken by Steve Todd at Sanford's Pond January 28, click here for another.
The pond will be open for skating tomorrow after school until 5:30 - Vika Johnson will be there. Please call the Rec Center 846-5068 before 2pm if you would like to chaperone on Saturday.
Stephen checked the ice this morning and says it is good to go!! It may be short-lived as we have warmer weather on the way but thought people may want to get some skating in. We will need chaperones so please call CRC if you can "man" the shed over the next few days.
The Chebeague Island School 3rd– 5th grade students are raising money for their annual end of the year field trip. For just $15, the students will deliver your choice of fudge or shortbread cookies, made by Mrs. Summa in the CIS kitchen, along with a single rose to your valentine for Valentine’s Day! Click here to place an order.
Reminder-THIS SUNDAY is Taking Care Of Our Own,
The Community Support Series, sponsored by the Chebeague Parents' Association. Starts at 11:30 a.m. at the Hall. "Supporting Our Children through Loss and Grief" will be presented by Sandy Lovell, Outreach Coordinator for the Center for Grieving Children Portland.
We, as a community, have had multiple losses recently. The CPA’s intention with this presentation is to provide helpful information and answers about loss, grief and death for everyone at any stage of life. The presentation will have a focus for supporting our children but is intended for all.
- Lunch will be provided as well as childcare at the Rec Center (11-2pm) PLEASE JOIN US
- For more information please contact Erika Neumann or Lisa Tucker at CPA@chebeague.net or call 207-847-7944.
January 27, 2016 - Photo of a family created January 26 at the school by the children taken by Vika Johnson. Click here to see the creators!
The Public Works Department is cleaning up the brush dump. Therefore, they have closed the brush dump from receiving any materials from now through February 6th.
Sanford's pond is looking a little more promising. If we can get some cold weather before we get any more snow we might get some skating in. We will keep you updated with any changes but still no skating for now.
January 26, 2016 - Tomorrow's soup is Sweet Potato with Chicken and Barley and the vegetarian is Middle Eastern Spinach Soup.
CTC's February newsletter is available on their website - click here.
I am happy to report that Chebeague.net LLC, your locally owned and operated Internet company, is entering into collaboration with Axiom Technologies and will be able to continue internet service on the island. We will be offering higher speeds, lower costs and telephone service that will include long distance and call waiting for an extra $20. We will be working out the details within the next few weeks.
A message from Anna Maine, who is in Los Angeles serving as an Americorps member of City Year LA and is running the LA Marathon next month:
“ My goal is to raise $700 for City Year, the education non-profit I have served with for over a year. I'll be running 26.2 miles in honor of the incredible students I've met in Watts and Koreatown through my service with City Year. Donations will go towards school supplies for our kids. The marathon is a few weeks away - on Valentine’s Day. I would appreciate any support, whether it's $5 or $50!
Click here for a link to make a donation.
Thank you for your support!
January 24, 2016 - CTC has an immediate opening for a full time ferry captain. For more information, please visit our website, http://www.chebeaguetrans.com/Employment.html
School Committee meeting is Monday, January 25, at 6pm at the school - see agenda.
January 22, 2016 - Mrs. Westra's 3-5 classroom are researching different birds along with Mrs. Hoidals K-2 classroom and then creating videos to share with the world. They have split into groups and as they finish their video I will put it on youtube. Today Logan and Aiden finished their video about Buffleheads. Click here and please go ahead and like it. Buffleheads are the smallest diving duck in North America.
Just a reminder that next week CRC will start Kids Yoga with Katy grades 3-9. Yoga will take place on Wednesdays 1/27 through 3/9 at the rec from 3:30-4:15. If you haven't signed your kids up, please do so by Monday so we can get an accurate count. The cost is $30.
Also the Dance Party with Katy has started and is a big hit. Its not too late to join. Wednesdays 5:45-6:45 in the CRC gym. Program runs from 1/13-2/11. $6 drop in fee.
Taking Care Of Our Own
The Community Support Series, sponsored by the Chebeague Parents' Association, is having it's first event January 31, Sunday, 11:30 a.m. at the Hall. "Supporting Our Children through Loss and Grief" will be presented by Sandy Lovell, Outreach Coordinator for the Center for Grieving Children Portland.
We, as a community, have had multiple losses recently. The CPA’s intention with this presentation is to provide helpful information and answers about loss, grief and death for everyone at any stage of life. The presentation will have a focus for supporting our children but is intended for all.
Lunch will be provided as well as childcare at the Rec Center. PLEASE JOIN US
For more information please contact Erika Neumann or Lisa Tucker at CPA@chebeague.net or call 207-847-7944.
January 21, 2016 - BABY ON BOARD!: Come help us celebrate Melissa & Ben Yosua-Davis’ baby-on-the-way! We will meet this Sunday 1/24 at 1pm at the Parish House to help Ben and Melissa get ready for their baby. They are not finding out if it is a boy or a girl. If you want to see their baby wish list go to: https://babyli.st/yosua-davis. Any questions call Erika Neumann at 846-4370, or Carrie Ridgeway 846-0130. Let us know if you want to bring a dish!
There is a pilgrim goose that doesn't fly missing from Hope Island and was swimming our way. If he happens to come ashore over on Chebeague please call Will at (207) 205-4240.
January 20, 2016 - Photo by Cathy MacNeill taken January 20, 2016.
Painting Islands: Uniting Community with Art is a community project started by Howie Motenko to produce a photograph on each of the 15 year-round islands using light at night to illuminate a place. Please click here to learn more about this project and vote for the place where islanders could come together to lightup and produce a photo. During last Saturday's snowstorm a group of islanders got together with Howie and through an interesting process narrowed down quite a number of places on the island to four and now it is everyones chance to pick one of them.
Today is Bob and Beverly Dyer's 67th wedding anniversary and a facebook page has been created - click here.
Reminder: There will be public hearings tonight for the referendum questions to be voted on the February 9th ballot. 6 PM at the Island Hall.
January 18, 2016 - Wednesday is the Community Lunch at the Hall with baked fish, salad, Broccoli veggie mix, rice and Lemon Ginger Cheesecake. See you all there!
NOTICE: Don't forget tomorrow, Tuesday, January 19th's program at the Parish House 6pm where our fellow Sidra Nasir will be there for a subject about the Islam religion. Soup, bread and sweets will also be there and I'm looking forward to learning more about Islam as well as how to put where a Hijab.
The School Committee Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, January 19th has been postponed to Monday, January 25th at 6pm.
SAVE the DATE: POLAR PLUNGE and CHILI, SOUP, AND CHOWDER CHALLENGE will be Saturday, February 20th, with the plunge at NOON followed by the challenge! I have decided not to do it this year unless I find a wetsuit that fits me but I do know that Tiffany Calder and Laura Hamilton plan on jumping in again! So I have pledged each of them and I hope others will also. Better still you may be thinking of doing it yourself so contact the Rec and sign up - crc@chebeague.net!
January 17, 2016 - Photo of the pre-K - 2nd graders with the peace flags they created for equal rights day inspired by Tibetan prayer flags.
The Town of Chebeague website seems to be down at the moment and I'm pretty sure it has to do with the Domain Name and that will probably be corrected soon and you will be able to access it.
January 15, 2016 - Last weekend I was fortunate to be part of an Island Institute Seminar for non-profits. The I Lead for non-profits retreat was partially funded by the Recompense Fund. It was one of the best programs I have ever attended and other participants also were equally impressed. Click here to see the comments by those attendees.
Town Office will be closed on Monday, January 18th, for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
Nomination papers are available at the Town Office for the Special Election scheduled for March 1st. The election is to fill two vacancies on the Board of Selectmen: one for a 4-month term, the other for a 16-month term. The deadline for filing nomination papers is January 29th.
Although the Town Office is only open on Mondays and Fridays, you may call and make an appointment for other times. 846-3148.
January 13, 2016 - For now the Town Office open hours have been reduced to Monday and Friday 9AM – 5PM, also by appointment.
Unfortunately our ability to register motor vehicles has been restricted to re-registrations and same-plate transfers. This means for new cars and trucks, you will need to come into the office to start the process by paying excise tax and then going to a Bureau Motor Vehicle office to complete the registration.
Absentee ballots for the February 9, 2016 Special Referendum Election will be available at the Town Office during open-office hours beginning Monday, January 11th. Applications for absentee ballots may be requested by mail, in person, by fax, by telephone, or electronically at the town’s website: www.townofchebeagueisland.org.
Priscilla Ross's memorial service will be held at the island church on 2/13 (Saturday) at 1PM with a reception to follow at the Parish Hall.
January 11, 2016 - Wednesday soup at the Hall is Vegetable Beef and the vegetarian is Creamy Carrot Ginger.
Katy's DANCE PARTY at CRC on Wednesday is a go!! Sign up for all 5 sessions for $25 or pay a $6 drop in fee each time you go. Come have some fun and get some exercise!!
January 8, 2016 - The Great Chebeague Golf Club is looking for a person to fill the position of Clubhouse Manager for the coming season. Click here for a copy of the job description. Contact Carl Tubbesing, the club’s First Vice President, if you are interested. (carldt@gwi.net; 207-865-4451)
The Chebeague UMC Visioning Retreat previously scheduled for Saturday at the Parish House has been rescheduled for Sunday, June 12th. Save the date!
January 6, 2016 - Photo of sunset from Cousins taken January 6th by John Durgin
The Chebeague Island Democratic Caucus is scheduled for 1:00pm on Sunday, March 6th at the Island Hall.
"CICSS is preparing to roll out its new website. Registration and payment for the summer sessions can take place directly on the site, which will be up and running in the next couple of weeks."
January 5, 2016 - The turkey supper fundraiser for the church, scheduled for January 16th, has been postponed until further notice. We are hoping to reschedule in March, more information to follow, thank you.
Katy McCann is starting a new program on Wednesdays beginning January 13th at CRC. Come join the Dance Party (similar to Zumba) at 5:45 and have some fun. There is a minimum of 5 participants to run the program so please sign up ahead of time. Once we have 5 people registered drop ins are welcome! Click here for a listing of other programs happening at CRC!
January 4, 2016 - This week's soup will be soup will be Hearty Goulash Soup and the vegetarian will be Onion Soup. Don't forget that the Hall has coffee in the morning and soup at noon - absolutely delicious!
The Island Calendar has incorrectly listed the time for the Selectmans meeting January 20th meeting as 7:30 pm - the correct time is 6pm and they will be discussing the fire truck and golf course parking lot.
Thinking about changing your Internet supplier? Please know that chebeague.net is currently hard at work to (1) negotiate lower costs from our providers thus reducing our prices to our customers, (2) increase speeds to households, and (3) possibly offer local and long-distance telephone service for as low as $15 per month. So, before you switch, please talk to us as we strive to best serve the Chebeague community.
The Recompense Fund reports that donations continue to arrive, and thanks all Chebeaguers for their generous support.
January 3, 2016 - "The Board of Selectmen have issued a statement regarding their emergency meeting last night. Click here to see. The minutes to the public meeting will be posted to the Town Website later in the week.” Christopher Loder, Chairman, Chebeague Island Board of Selectmen.
Today is the CBC (Christmas Bird Count) for the Brunswick Area that includes the Northeast end of Chebeague as far as Parkers Woods and so Stephen and I have been out counting birds. If you see any unusual ones in this area today please let me know bjohnson@chebeague.net or call cell 939-9643 - thank you.
January 2, 2016 - Click here for the School Committee Meeing agenda for Tuesday January 5th meeting.
Chebeague has moved up to the third level of the Downeast Magazine after beating out Cape Elizabeth as the Best Place to live in Maine. We are now competing against Damariscotta. Although a lot of people think it would be cool to win the honor there are a lot of people who wish we wouldn't win and are hoping people will vote for the other town. Click here to read a note I received from one of my readers who asked me to put it on my website.
The Board of Selectmen will hold an Emergency Meeting on Saturday, January 2, 2016 at 5:00 PM in the Town Office to accept resignations of two Board members and to discuss and act on a law enforcement issue.
December 29, 2015 - Message from CTC:
As of 10:00 AM the CTC bus is running. We expect it will be running all day/evening. Of course, weather could change. If we have to cancel any bus trips we will post the cancellation on facebook and our website as soon as possible as well as send our notifications to subscribers.
Wednesday's non-vegetarian soup will be Turkey Noodle the vegetarian is Mushroom Farro (please notice I had put the wrong soup on yesterday and this is the correct one now).
December 28, 2015 - CTC is pleased to welcome two new captains!
Amanda Campbell grew up on Chebeague. She is the daughter of David and Susan (Dyer) Campbell. Amanda is a student at Maine Maritime Academy. She has worked as a CTC employee since 2012 - starting as a deckhand. Amanda took advantage of CTC’s captain training benefit and earned a Captain’s license. Despite that, she needed to pass CTC Captain Training Program - which she accomplished with flying colors. You will be seeing a lot of Captain Amanda this month and next summer.
David Etnier grew up in Harpswell and currently lives in South Freeport. He is an experienced mariner. For 8 years he was the Deputy Commissioner at Maine’s Department of Marine Resources after many years as a state representative. We know David because last summer he was the captain of the Pied Piper at Maine Maritime Museum. He has proven his skills to us both on the Kennebec and our route. Please welcome David to our team.
Weather forecasts predict snow, sleet and freezing rains on Tuesday. Therefore, CTC customers should be aware that bus service may be cancelled. Mild winds are predicted so the ferry should run on schedule all day.
December 24, 2015 - CTC has an immediate opening for a part time deckhand - 20 hours per week. For more information, click here.
A snowy owl was seen on the Cottage Road this afternoon so keep your eyes open.
December 23, 2015 - Don't forget FA LA LA LA LA! Tomorrow we meet to Christmas carol around the island. RSVP to erikagneumann@yahoo.com, or just show up with bells and good a spirit. Meet at 9am at the Store! Flyer attached. Everyone is welcomed.
Message from Carrie and the Kids' Place: "The Kids' Place would like to wish everyone a happy holiday, Merry Christmas and Glad tidings for the new year.
As I reflect on the year, and our teaching, I have thought a lot about our mission to teach children to be kind and gentle to one another. We strive to teach children to use their words when they are angry and to express their frustrations with one another when they occur.
Recently, I have started to wonder how many of us model this behavior? and what the world would be if we all strived to be kind and gentle. I have been working hard to practice what I preach.
I encourage everyone to look within themselves and reach for their kindness and their gentleness. We are role models for our children, we want them to care for humanity, the environment and our earth.
Have a happy, kind, gentle and wonderful holiday season."
December 22, 2015 - On the first round Chebeague Island beat out Kittery for one of the best places to live - click here to vote for Chebeague or Cape Elizabeth for the best place to live.
Click here for the Chebeague Pre-K - November/December newsletter.
December 21, 2015 - The CTC January 2016 Newsletter is available on their website or click here.
Last Friday we were honored to have Sue Schubel (Seabird Sue) from the National Audubon Society come to the school and work with the children. Click here to see lots of photos of some of the things she did with them.
Miller Designs 36 Fenderson Rd Chebeague is having a 20% off ORNAMENT SALE. Open this week Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 8:30 am- 7:00 pm
Ornament Sale also on my web store: gailmillerdesign.com - until 12/31/15
Wednesday Soup this week will be White Chili and the vegetarian will be Vegetable Cheese Chowder - Yummy!
December 20, 2015 - Photo of the children in the Christmas Pageant that we all enjoyed so much at church December 20th.
The students in Mrs Westra's 3-5 classroom have created their own adaptive creatures and then they wrote about them with descriptions and stories. You have to read about them and see them so please click here.
The CPA would like to thank the wonderful volunteers, parents, elves, and man-in-red for making our annual holiday party December 12th a success! Photos are here!
December 18, 2015 - Sunday morning at 10 o'clock please join us at the Chebeague United Methodist church for the annual pageant. The kids have done a great job with all of their other activities during this busy time of year, fitting in the preparation of this fun story of Christmas. We have a lot of return actors from last year who have helped tremendously in the memory of how it works as well as a real baby Jesus. It is a wonderful time to pause and remember what this time of year is really about. See you there!!!
Wednesday"s Chebeague Island Council meeting went well and they had their attorney Meg Greene there to answer questions. Click here for a synopsis of that meeting from Deborah Bowman. I will also change the Health Center block above to Island Council where they will be able to provide updates.
Click here for a message from Linda Brewster who has been asked to provide care on the island.
The CTC office will close at noon on 12/24 and 12/31. The office will be closed on 12/25 and 1/1/16. Holiday ferry and bus schedule is posted on our website, chebeaguetrans.com. Happy Holidays to All!
Thank you to all who attended Island Commons holiday party last Friday night! We had a terrific turnout, with islanders of all ages gathering together to ring in the season. Your response to our raffles was tremendous, and raised over $800. Congratulations to the raffle winners, and thanks to all for your generous support of Island Commons!
December 17, 2015 - Photo of Mrs. Hoidal's K-2 classroom in front of the owl box Ken Pelton built for the school and was put up last year. We are hoping that this spring it will be found by an owl of course.
Historical Society Gift Shop Hours: Sunday, December 20, 11:00 - 4:00; closed on the 19th due to Free Boat Day. If you need to shop at the Museum Gift Shop at another time, contact Mary Holt at 846-5040 or islelive@chebeague.net.
Message from Island Riches: I will be at Doughty's Market sat 19th 10am- 2pm and Sun 20th 10am-1pm . You can do some last minute shopping. hope to see you there," Florence
Vicki Todd, LMT has 10% off gift certificates through December for the best massage anyone could ask for! Send her and email vtodd@chebeague.net or call 207 400-4313.
Do you have some fun ideas for programs and/or summer camps that we could offer at CRC? Let us know!! Give us a call, 846-5068, or send us an email, crc@chebeague.net to share your ideas. Wishing you all a safe and happy holiday season!
December 16, 2015 - Today is the last day to double your impact of a donation to Shannon Adams for her Walk to End Breast Cancer in July next year. Click here to go to her page.
Don't forget the COMMUNITY LUNCH today at the Hall - birng food to fill the Food Pantry's fridge and freezer if you would like in lieu of the usual $5 suggested donation! See you there for roast pork, mashed potatoes, green salad, chocolate pudding and applesauce. See the note below for suggested food items.
For those who couldn't make it to the Chebeague Island School Holiday Concert or would like to see it again I have youtubed most of it - click here to see.
December 15, 2015 - The Council invites your questions at its monthly board meeting Wednesday, December 16th at the Parish House. Attorney Martha Greene of Brann & Isaacson will be present. The meeting starts at 7:00 pm and the public portion of the meeting will end at 8:00 pm. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Deborah A. Bowman, President 846-0609
Dana Bourgeois is going to be on 207 tonight!
This year, Downeast Magazine is doing a Maine Madness tournament bracket. They have "seeded" the bracket with 16 of their favorite towns in the state — selected for quantitative reasons like home prices, employment, and median income, but also using more subjective criteria like natural beauty, community vibe, local businesses we admire, and so on. Chebeague Island is one of the seeds and this week we are up against Kittery click here to go to the site and sign in and vote - you don't have to pay anything - when you get on the site go to travel and you will see the bracket.
CRC's annual Kids Holiday Craft program was a huge success. We had 30 kids participate this year! Thank you to our volunteer crafters; Meredith Beaupre, Jen Belesca, Sam Birkett, Althea Dugliss, Christine Englund, Caroline Loder (and Christopher), Katy McCann (and Adrian), Betts Mayer and Erika Neumann. They planned some amazing projects this year and the kids had a blast making presents for friends and family. Click here to see some pictures.
COMMUNITY LUNCH: Please join the Hall chefs at noon on Wednesday for a special "Hall"iday Community Lunch. We are serving roast pork, applesauce made from Roy Jackson's apples, mashed potatoes and gravy, a green salad, and chocolate pudding with whipped cream, and each attendee will receive a wee, homemade gift to express our thanks for making the lunches so successful. This month, the CIHCC is collaborating with the Chebeague Island Food Pantry to hold a "food"-raiser, with the aim of raising 100 lb of food to fill the Food Pantry's fridge and freezer. In lieu of the usual $5 suggested donation, we are asking for edible contributions, with special emphasis on the following items: fresh and frozen fruit, frozen vegetables, canned fruit, canned tuna and chicken, oatmeal and cereals, breakfast bars, individual servings of fruit, rice and pasta, peanut butter, low- or reduced-salt items, oranges and grapefruit, potatoes and sweet potatoes, onions, beets, and carrots. All proceeds, whether edible greens or spendable greens, will go to the Food Pantry. So, do a good thing while enjoying great food and fabulous company!
December 14, 2015 - Message from the Island Council: The Council board meeting is Wednesday, December 16 at 7:00 pm at the Parish House. It was my error the wrong date appeared in the Calendar. Deborah Bowman, President
The Chebeague School Holiday Concert is Tuesday, December 15th at 5:30 pm at the Hall. There will be no School Committee meeting.
December 11, 2015 - If you haven't signed the ONLINE PETITION to ask the Island Council to restore our Health Center - click here.
Today the whole Chebeague Island School participated in the Hour of Code program. The upper class paired up with the younger students and they worked on programs learning how to code. They all loved it and after almost an hour the older class worked for another half hour on their own and they all enjoyed the time. Click here to see them all working and learning!
Message from Shannon Adams: "Mark your calendars for Wednesday Dec. 16th! I'm participating in the Avon39 2-Day Walk to End Breast Cancer in July next year. However! I have an anonymous donor who is willing to MATCH ALL DONATIONS that I receive on Wednesday December 16th. This is a unique opportunity to DOUBLE your impact! Last year I was lucky enough to meet some of the doctors, scientists, and non-profit organization leaders as they received their grants made possible by your donations! It was amazing. If you would like to once again support this cause and help me reach my minimum goal required to participate, mark your calendars for this coming Wednesday, December 16th and follow this link. Thank you!"
Tonight is Paint Party with Caroline Loder at the Hall from 7:00 - 9:00 (arrive 15 minutes early) - still plenty of room - $35 and go home with a work of art!
Please remember the CPA Holiday Party is this SATURDAY, Dec 12th, 4-6pm at the Hall. Come one, come all! Songs, treats and a special friend-in-red with elves will be there. Call Meredith for Qs 846-8712.
Holiday shopping? Order wrapping paper, bows, chocolates and more from Innisbrook (www.innisbrook.com)and support the Chebeague Island School at the same time! A percentage of sales will support our CPA. Just FOUR more days to order! Flyer attached.
Don't forget today from 4:30-6:30 the ISLAND COMMONS HOLIDAY PARTY - see flyer
Photo "Chebeague island painters, a reminder that if you live on a Maine island, painting is just somehow in your blood. Just ask Hopper, Homer, and the Wyeths if you're not convinced. Thank you painters who've accompanied me on Friday nights." —Caroline Loder
December 10, 2015 - I have just added the eulogy Donna Damon wrote for Edmund's funeral to Edmunds page.
Message from May: Just wanted to thank the folks who stopped for our girl in the road and helped us put her down. It's so hard to lose a pet. Thanks to the folks who stopped and offered kind words. Special thanks to Chuck for his astounding compassion, and to my brother and Henry for helping us lay her to rest. May, Cassidy and Bea.
December 9, 2015 - Press Release: Click here for a Press Release following a press conference which I spoke at this morning. They even had a quote from me. You can also now download the full Tillson Broadband Report.I believe the whole conference will be on MPBN at some point.
Holiday Shopping at the Museum of Chebeague History: Thursday 12/10, 5:30 - 7:30; Saturday 12/19, 11:00 - 4:00. Shop early and often for the best selection.
Historical Society Festive Pot Luck Christmas Party: Community members are invited to join the Chebeague Island Historical Society on December14th, Monday evening at 6 p.m. Join us at the Museum for an evening of celebration, tasty food and fun. Bring a casserole or other food item to share and a gift valued $10 or less if you'd like to participate in the gift exchange. We look forward to seeing you all at the Museum during the coming weeks. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Reminder: ISLAND COMMONS HOLIDAY PARTY this Friday (Dec.11th) 4:30-6:30! Gather with friends & neighbors to celebrate the season, enjoy delightful refreshments, listen to a little holiday music…and take a chance on many great RAFFLES! See Flyer - Can’t make it but want to take a chance on a raffle item? Call Nancy Olney to purchase raffle tickets - 846-5610. Here are a few more items that have come in since our earlier post… See you on Friday!
December 8, 2015 - Please click here to sign a PETITION ONLINE and around the island asking the Island Council to restore our Health Center at the Hall.
Please see a note of gratitude to Nurse Nancy from some of her patients.
Wednesday's soup will be will be Potato, Bacon, and Chive Soup with Horseradish and the vegetarian will be Brazilian Black Bean (from Moosewood).
Applications for the ILead need to be in by December 9th - please click here to learn how you can be part of this.This is a well-designed, well funded workshop where Board members and staff in only a few days can learn a lot from professionals about leading a successful island nonprofit. Scholarships are available. Write Kburns@islandinstitute.org for information and the application.
Barrie Shepherd still has a few copies of his Advent-Christmas book, Destination Bethlehem - Daily Meditations, Prayers and Poems to Light the Way to the Manger - available. The list price (on Amazon) is $28, but he is offerring it at $20, and all proceeds, beyond cost - are donated to the Chebeague Food Pantry. Anyone interested should call 510 1637 or email barrieshep@aol.com and he will mail autographed and inscribed copies. The book makes a thoughtful and unusual Xmas gift.
CPA Holiday party - Saturday, December 12, 4-6pm (flyer attached). CPA welcomes you to come celebrate the holidays with your children at our annual party with singing, tree lighting, treats and a visit from you-know-who. All children are welcome from near and far- just let the CPA know we we can plan ahead for each child. If you would like to volunteer, contact Meredith at jakylory@chebeague.net. See you on the 12th.
December 7, 2015 - Message from Nurse Nancy: "It is with regret that Tuesday, December 8th will be my last day for doing blood draws, and nursing tasks. It has been too difficult without appropriate space and privacy. I want to thank the Chebeague Island Hall Community Center for allowing me to use the Hall but it just isn’t working well for me and the public. I also want to thank everyone for all the support I received in trying to keep this service going.”
Tonight Lock Kiermaier, Host "Matinicus Wannabe", Mondays 9-11 PM EST will be featuring music in honor of Edmund Doughty and will include some of Josh's music. Click here to get the online program.
December 6, 2015 - Photo taken by David Stevens the morning of December 6, 2015.
The Church, Parish House and surroundings were full of people for Edmund's service yesterday and there were not enough programs to go around. If you didn't get one and would like to see it or print it out click here.
The Library has a part-time, as needed job opportunity to assist in daily operations. If you are interested in becoming part of our beloved Library or have any questions call Sarah McKinnon Koerber (846-0565) or the Library (846-4351) - see job description.
December 5, 2015 - The Recompense Fund is partnering with the Island Institute to offer all Chebeague nonprofits training in running a successful nonprofit January 8-10. Board members and staff must apply by December 9th. Scholarships are available. For click here for more information and click here for the application or write Kburns@islandinstitute.org and find out about the scholarships.
Tonight: WHALERS CONCERT: With our new Director Ben Yosua-Davis, the program will celebrate “A Chebeague Christmas” with songs of the season sung by the Whalers and a children’s chorus, poetry readings by some of Chebeague’s poets and stories shared by additional guests. The concert will begin at 7:30 p.m. this Saturday, December 5, at the Hall. Tickets are $8 with no charge for those under 12.
December 3, 2015 - The December 6th poetry reading by Wesley McNair has been postponed until sometime in February. Deborah A. Bowman, Director
The Transfer station hours are slightly different for December 5, 2015 they will be 1:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Blue Christmas Service - The holidays can be a difficult time for many. Join us on Sunday, December 13th at 7 PM at the Chebeague Island UMC for a holiday service for any of us who are stressed, lonely, hurting, or grieving, or struggling at this time of year. It will be an informal time of worship and community support. All are welcome. The church will be open starting at 6:30 PM for any who wish to gather for silence and meditation. Contact Melissa at 846.4106 or at ml.yosuadavis@gmail.com if you have any questions regarding the service. See flyer
December 1, 2015 - The CTC December newsletter is posted on our website - click here.
Get your holiday schedule on the CTC website or on the ferry. http://www.chebeaguetrans.com/Documents/Holiday_Schedule_2015.pdf
CTC is adding a third "free boat day" this December recognizing that many Islanders will be attending a service on the Island on 12/5 and not traveling to the mainland.
Our free boat days will be 12/5, 12/12, and 12/19.
The soup at the Hall tomorrow will be Hamburger rice. The vegetarian soup will be corn chowder.
WHALERS CONCERT: With our new Director Ben Yosua-Davis, the program will celebrate “A Chebeague Christmas” with songs of the season sung by the Whalers and a children’s chorus, poetry readings by some of Chebeague’s poets and stories shared by additional guests. The concert will begin at 7:30 p.m. this Saturday, December 5, at the Hall. Tickets are $8 with no charge for those under 12.
Island painters: this is the last paint night for 2015. Please call in advance to reserve a canvas—only a limited supply left. Enjoy a glass of wine while I queue the Christmas music. As always, this is a fund raiser for the Chebeague Recreation Center. 207-846-5068 - click here to see flyer.
YEAR ROUND RENTAL now available at CICA’s School House Road homes. Unit #1 of the duplex is now available; 3 bedroom / 2.5 bath, full basement (storage and utilities only). No smoking, no pets. Walk to the island school for preK thru grade 5; middle and high school in Yarmouth school district. Rent is $750/mo. For a family of four, the maximum income is $86,760/yr, Please visit the CICA site to learn more, click here or contact Bob Earnest. Applications must be postmarked no later than 12/15/2015.
News from 2002 - through January
22, 2003
NEWS 2001
1996 AND JANUARY 1997
I would love to have any news, poetry, stories to add to
my news page so please email with anything you think would be
of interest to islanders around the world - yes Singapore, Egypt,
Mediterranean, Boston etc. checking out the news page everyday!
So please email me at
Click on the picture to go to
Chebeague Island Anchor Page