CLICK HERE FOR WEATHER or go to the BOAT YARD WEBCAM (click on webcam) and see for yourself - Clarke's Weather Station at the Hook
photo Sunrise, December 31, 2018 by Phil Soderstrom.
January 1, 2019 - Happy New Year!
December 31, 2018 - photo Sunrise, December 31, 2018 by Phil Soderstrom.
Cast your ballot for one of the 5 finalists in the CTC "Name That Ferry" contest at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/63JJHQ9
Wednesday Soups this week are vegetarian: Creamy Parsnip and Carrot Soup and the non-vegetarian: Booya(h) - a chicken and beef vegetable.
Ralph munroe is participating in 2 stair climbs this March. the first is for the MS society on March 2, 2019. It will be 61 floors and Ralph's first time competing in this climb. please help him reach or even pass his fund raising goal of $600 for Multiple Sclerosis, Climb to the Top Boston 2019 is going to be awesome
Go to Ralph's personal fundraising page: Ralph Munroe's Fundraising Page
Thank You for your help
December 27, 2018 - This Sunday, December 30th, come to the Parish House at 11am to celebrate Jackie Doughty Trask's 75th birthday with cake and coffee!
The CTC January newsletter is now available on their website, chebeaguetrans.com and here.
Message from May: Hi folks: The Slow Bell will be open this weekend for two special events. Friday night we're offering a special Italian buffet. Lasagna, seafood fettuccini, salads, chicken cacciatore, soup, pizzas, and desserts $24. This will be instead of our regular menu. Friday night we will have karaoke at the bar. On Saturday we will have our annual Holiday Dinner...prime rib or crab stuffed haddock or veggie loaf with cashew gravy. All come with choice of soup or salad and dessert $38. There will also be live music featuring Jerry Smith. RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED FOR SATURDAY ONLY. TWO SEATINGS 5:00 and 7:30. Please specify your seating preference and dinner choice. 846.3078 or 332.2368.
December 21, 2018 - Message from the Hall: Don't forget to pick up your dishes and clothing from the coat rack by the bathrooms at the Community Center. There is a large collection of stuff, including the insert to someone's crock pot, as well as a large insulated cooler on wheels.
There will be Cribbage at the Parish House tonight, Dec 21st!
Florence Rich of Island Riches will be at the store today until 3 and tomorrow December 22nd from 10 until 2pm!
Are you concerned about someone dealing with trauma or loss?
Michael Hollander, PhD is offering confidential assessments and consultations on the island in December and January. Dr. Hollander is a clinical psychologist with over 40 years of experience treating adults, adolescents and families. He is an Assistant Professor in Psychology at Harvard Medical School, Director of Training at 3East at McLean Hospital and in private practice. 45 minutes appointments are being offered free of charge and will take place between 10 and 12:15 on designated Sundays. Contact him directly at 617-251-6635 for more details and to schedule an appointment.
December 20, 2018 - “Home for the Holidays!” The Red Studio will be open Sunday from 1-3, offering mulled cider, cookies, and treasures galore. Looking for a uniquely Chebeague gift for family or friends? Browse among our antiques, household furnishings, jewelry, heirloom Christmas ornaments and a menagerie of tiny animals and other last-minute treasures to fill stockings or tuck under the tree. We’ll gift wrap. Kids welcome to shop by themselves, and waiting parents are invited for cookies and cider inside the Commons. Let us help you share the joys of the season.
Messages from Melissa: There are many opportunities to connect with CUMC this weekend. First, on Friday, December 21st at 6 PM in the sanctuary, we'll be having a Longest Night service for those who find it difficult to get into the holiday spirit this time of year. It a service of candles, quiet, and reflection to acknowledge the difficulties so many of us face as we approach Christmas.
Secondly, our Children's Christmas Musical is Sunday, December 23rd at 10 AM. Come to hear our kids tell the story of Aaron, the Allergic Shepherd. Parts are still available for kids aged 2-7 so contact Ben at ben.yosuadavis@gmail.com for more information or show up to rehearsal on Saturday the 22nd at 11:15 AM.
Lastly, join us for our traditional Carols and Candlelight Christmas Eve service at 7 PM on Monday, December 24th. Ring in Christmas with your friends and family here on Chebeague as we welcome the season of love and light with the birth of Jesus.
On Sunday, our island kids will be presenting our Christmas musical, Aaron the Allergic Shepherd, during our 10AM worship service at the church. We hope you all can join us then! (And if you see Eva, Nate, Ana, Alden, Olivia, Wilder, Elizabeth, or Adia around, tell them to break a leg!)
December 19, 2018 - Today wonderful meal was prepared and served to the Community by the Hall and friends. The Chebeague Island School came and dined along with us and also brought centerpieces for each table. Big thank you to all the cooks, servers, cleaners and eaters. Click here to see a few photos from the luncheon !
Today at 5:30 pm is the School Holiday Concert at the Hall - see you there!
December 17, 2018 - SAVE THE DATE: Come Sing! Caroling around Chebeague on Dec. 24th - 9AM start at the store and sing around the island and then Christmas Eve 7pm at the Church. Contact Erika at 749-8022 for any questions! See Flyer.
The Historical Society Gift Shop will be open for the final time before Christmas on Wednesday, December 19 from 5:30-7:30 for last minute shopping. 20% off everything!
December 14, 2018 - Community Support Series: Join us to discuss how to recognize warning signs and what to do when needing support after experiencing trauma and loss. Michael Hollander, PhD, and Janna Hobbs, LCSW, will lead the discussion. Light refreshments provided. Childcare for this event will be over at the Parish House, starting at 3:45 PM! There will be cookie decorating and a movie (Arthur's Christmas). Contact us if you have any questions! chebeague.parents@gmail.com, 603-438-6389, or find us on fb at https://www.facebook.com/events/738018396561502/ - SEE Flyer.
Chebeague Parents' Association: SANTA IS COMING TO TOWN! CPA's Annual Holiday Party at the Hall 4-6p.SEE flyer
The Museum will be open on Sunday afternoon from 1-4 for holiday shopping. Everything is 20% off. Shop early for the best selection.
Message from Jane Frizzell: "Thanks, All, for your kind thoughts in regard to the loss of my fir tree. It was a tree which had seeded itself in on the lower part of my land. It was small and cute so I kept the area cleared around it, and over the years it grew into a beautifully shaped tree.
Each winter I placed a large red bow on it. Whoever sawed it down was eye to eye with the new bow as they bent down to do it in.
It has been suggested that it might have been a duck hunter from "away." Likely or not, one can only hope that that's the case.
Thanks again.
Jane F"
December 13, 2018 - Message from Mellisa: Kids of all ages are welcome to head over to the Parish House on Sunday, December 16th at 3:45 PM - 6 PM for Holiday Cookie decorating and watching a Christmas movie (Arthur's Christmas). Perfect for those parents who are planning on attending the Community Support Series workshop over at the Hall at 4 PM. Hope to see you there!
Florence Rich of Island Riches will be at The Island Market on Saturday from 10 to 2 with lots of items that would make great Christmas presents including Herb's jewelry, bags, towels, sweatshirts .... - come and see.
Guatamala Brunch!!! This Saturday, 12/15 at the HALL from 10:30a- 12:30p. Call your friends and have them come out on the free boat day.
Favorite breakfast foods to be served.
Please come and support the 4 folks from Chebeague who will be joining Linda Brewster on her mission trip to Guatamala this Feb. Laura Hamilton (12th grade), and Wyatt Englund (9th grade) are looking forward to getting the chance to help all of the people in the villages of the mountains in Guatamala. This is the 2nd of 3 meals that will be the fundraisers to help get these folks to Guatamala. If you are unable to make it to one of these meals but would like to help, please send a check to the Chebeague United Methodist Church with Guatamala in the memo. Thank you!!!
December 10, 2018 - photo The Holiday season has begun as Doug Ross with the help of Dave Stevens has put up and decorated a Christmas tree at the wharf today December 3 donated by the Fire Department!!
Wednesday Soups are vegetarian = Split Pea and the non-vegetarian = Venison Stew (Thanks to Cecil for the Venison).
December 9, 2018 - Last night's Whalers and Friends Concert was wonderful and I was able to put together a few minutes from most of the songs. Click here to see the youtube video. There sure is a lot of talent on Chebeague.
The Red Studio is open today from 1:00 to 3:00. We have gifts for everyone including pets! Today is our special kids' shopping day: have mulled cider and cookies at the Commons while the Studio elves help your kids shop. Free gift wrapping and lots of one-of-a-kind items---new, antique, and gently used. Do your shopping on the island this season!
December 7, 2018 - This afternoon 4:30 - 6:30 don't forget the Commons HOLIDAY PARTY and help celebrate! This is a free event, but bring your wallet if you’d like to take a chance on some beautiful RAFFLES or shop the RED STUDIO, which will be open throughout the event. Hope to see you there! Click here to see what is being raffled.
Tomorrow is the WHALERS WINTER CONCERT this Saturday, Dec 8th at 7pm at the Hall. Harmony* Community* Cookies * Good Cheer. See Flyer!
"If You Don't have Twenty Minutes..." by Barrie Shepherd is still available for Christmas giving and may be had at the Museum or Island Riches and by contacting Barrie at barrieshep@aol.com or 510 1637?
Cribbage at the Parish House. 7 PM on Fridays. Stop by to learn or to play!
December 4, 2018 - Christmas Wreaths will be ready for pick up Thursday Dec 6th after 3. AT THE PARISH HOUSE .The Ladies Aid thanks you very much for your support
Tomorrows Soups are: Vegetarian = Roasted tomato rice - Non-Vegetarian = True Texas Chili .
December 3, 2018 - A lot going on this weekend: DEC 4th- WHALERS WINTER CONCERT this Saturday, Dec 8th at 7pm at the Hall. Harmony* Community* Cookies * Good Cheer. See Flyer!
Island Commons’ annual HOLIDAY PARTY is this Friday, December 7th. Bring friends & family and help us celebrate. This is a free event, but bring your wallet if you’d like to take a chance on some beautiful RAFFLES or shop the RED STUDIO, which will be open throughout the event. Hope to see you there! Click here to see what is being raffled.
RED STUDIO holiday shopping days: Sunday December 9th & 23rd from 1:00-3:00 pm. Back by popular demand, we’re offering KIDS’ SHOPPING! We’ll have cider & cookies, and we’ll even wrap the gifts for you. Drop the kids at the Studio and head in to the Commons & enjoy a cup of cider while they shop! We have loads of new furnishings, jewelry and household items, including many holiday decorations & gift ideas
Tonight: Historical Society Holiday Party, Monday 6-8 pm at the Parish House. Pot Luck dinner and optional Gift Swap ($10 limit). Hope to see you there!
Don't forget to check out the EVENT CALENDAR for events that are happening - I sometimes don't get the message or it gets lost in all the other messages I post. It is a great resource for finding out all the great things that are happening on the island. It is highlighted above in RED.
Above also is the Recompense Fund site where you are able to see the 2018 Annual Report that has been and is still being mailed out to people. If you didn't get a copy in the mail and would like a hard copy please contact recompensefund@gmail.com or me with your address and we will make sure you get one. I am honored to have become the chair this year. Please feel free to call me or anyone on the board with questions and suggestions.
Chebeague Clam Flats are closed.
In need of a sturdy music stand to use in the upcoming Whalers Concert this weekend. Please contact Vail Traina if you have, or know of someone, who has one. Thank you. Vail Traina tel # 207 233-0864
Novmeber 29, 2018 - Notice from CTC - The deadline for entering the contest to name our new ferry is tomorrow, 11/30. If you want to follow the construction of the boat, visit the News and Info page of our website, chebeaguetrans.com. We will be posting pictures periodically.
Chebeague UMC's annual meeting is this Saturday, December 1st at 10:30 in the Parish House. Join our District Superintendent, Rev. Jim McPhee, as he presides over our gathering. All who consider CUMC to be their church home are welcome and encouraged to attend as we look over the year past and look ahead to the future.
Message from May: Hey folks....Slow Bell will be open this weekend, Friday and Saturday! Specials include lasagna, scallops, and wedge salad. Karaoke both nights. Hope to see you at the Bell! Call ahead for takeout. 207.846.3078
Chebeague Parents' Association's (CPA) Annual Meeting is postponed to Dec 4 at 4:30-6:30p - Click her for flyer.
The CPA's Holiday Party is Dec 15 from 4 to 6p. Flyer attached.
"The Community Support Series (CSS) is having a discussion with Michael Hollander, PhD, and Janna Hobbs, LCSW, about warning signs and what to do when needing support after experiencing trauma and loss. It will be at the Hall on Dec. 16 from 4 to 6p. Childcare and light refreshments provided."?
Contact the CPA/CSS at 207-847-7944, chebeague.parents@gmail.com or find us on facebook.
November 27, 2018 - Still a few DECORATED WREATHS left to order Call Jane Frizell 846 4937 Also BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS ORNAMENTS WITH THE CHURCH ON THEM PEWTER OR GLASS
NOON at the Hall - Tomorrow's soups are Vegetarian === Hungarian Mushroom and the Non-vegetarian --- Pasta Fagioli.
November 23, 2018 - This Saturday, November 24th, come to the Chebeague Island Historical Society for our annual Holiday Sale! Open from 10 am - 2 pm. 20% off most items. Hope to see you there!
Come Sing With the Little Whalers!
All kids, ages two to twelve, are invited to sing with the Little Whalers, as part of the Whalers holiday concert! On Sunday, December 2nd, we'll practice, eat cookies, and make a craft on Sunday,from 12:30-1:30PM at the Parish House; and then join the Whalers for their dress rehearsal from 6:15-7:15 on Friday, December 7th at the Hall, and the concert on December 8th at 7PM.
Interested? RSVP with Ben at ben.yosuadavis@gmail.com or just show up!
November 22, 2018 - Happy Thanksgiving!
The CTC office will be closed on Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Day. Remember that we have a reduced ferry/bus schedule for these holidays that is posted on the Ferry Schedule page of our website (chebeaguetrans.com), the ferry, and is available here
Barging to Cousins Island must end by November 30th (due to legal restrictions). We still have available spots for 11/27-11/29. Contact the office on Monday (11/26) for more information. All barging is weather permitting.
Attention: Parking permit applications for the Cousins Island lot must be postmarked by 11/24 or delivered to the CTC Office at 16 North Road by 4 PM on 11/24. Delivered applications should be left in the new mailbox to the left of the front door.
November 21, 2018 - photo sunrise November 21 2018 by Art Ryder.
Reminder: 5k Turkey Trot tomorrow at 9am! It is going to being a cold one so bundle up!! Walk or run, a nice way to get some exercise with friends before the big meal. We will meet in the CRC gym to stay warm before the start.
Wednesday's soup at the Hall will be Brazilian black bean - no vegetarian. There will be no coffee hour.
November 17, 2018 - I am so pleased that Barrie Shepherd's book, "If You Don't Have Twenty Minutes Don't Stop!" has done so well and he has sent a check from proceeds of $1,350 to The Recompense Fund. There are still a few copies available at Island Riches and the CIHS museum for Christmas giving. People can also contact him for copies at barrieshep@aol.com or call 510 1637. I loved the book and my favorite poem was "The Perseids Again" - reminded me of those August nights watching for falling stars. He even has a poem about the sounds of the birds and also hummingbirds.
LADIES AID FAIR today at NOON to 2:30 - handcrafts, hot dogs, fudge, beans, wreath orders, punch, mittens, scarfs and more.
Chebeague Parents Association -CPA's Decorating Party at the Hall November 27th 5-6pm - Potluck - Contact CPA at cpa@chebeaugue.net or 847-7944.
November 16, 2018 - photo of last year's Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving Day. Lots of fun! See November 16, to learn more.
2nd Annual 5K Turkey Trot: Thanksgiving morning join friends and family for the second annual Turkey Trot. Walk or run the 5K loop, or join others to cheer on folks as they finish. This year, we ask that you make a donation of a non-perishable item for our Chebeague food pantry (also pantry is in need of pie fillings and potatoes...sweet or russet). Check out the picture from last year's Turkey Trot. Start: CRC parking lot Time: 9am (Thanksgiving Day). Rain, snow or shine (meet in CRC gym if raining).
First CTC bus today will be the 9:45 for the 10:15 ferry.
Snowstorm today and schools are canceled.
The Island Market will be closed Saturday and Sunday November 17 and 18.
November 9, 2018 - Ladies Aid Fair at the Parish House, November 17, 2018 from Noon to 2:30 - handcrafts, hot dogs, fudge, beans, wreath orders, punch, mittens, scarfs and more.
Save the Date: - Whalers concert is Saturday, December 8th, 2018 at 7pm at the Hall. Featuring our community singers and guest island musicians including an original arrangement of "O holy Night" by musical director Ben Yosua-Davis. *Harmondy * Community * Cookies * Holdiay Cheer * $8 adults $4 under 12. click here for flyer!
Message from May: Hi folks: The Slow Bell will be open this weekend! We'll be open both Friday and Saturday starting at 2 for ice cream, 5 for dinner, and the bar will be open until midnight. We'll have KARAOKE both nights this weekend, so come out and show us what you've got. For dinner, we'll be serving bacon mac n cheese with salad and rolls, lobster tacos, and broccoli cheddar soup among other things! Starting this week and moving forward we're going to have to implement a $3/transaction fee for using credit cards (fees are just too high, sorry). Thanks for understanding! Please call ahead for take out! 946-3078
November 6, 2018 - Click here to get todays election results for Chebeague Island.
DON'T FORGET TO VOTE! Polls open until 8pm at the Hall.
CORRECTION on the soups! Tomorrow's soups 10 spice vegetable with cashew cream. Non-vegetarian: Mexican beef, kidney bean and corn soup.
Complementary Healthcare (ACA) & Medicare Reviews
Do you have questions about the changes to your healthcare or prescription plans for 2019? We are here to help ... Stop by the Parish House November 9th & 10th. We have already filled some time slots so please reach out.
Where: Parish House
When: November 9th 10:30am - 6:00pm
November 10th 9:00am -2:00pm
Private reviews are available upon request. Call or Text
Maddie 207-522-5321
Loree 207-415-5735
November 3, 2018 - Notice from CTC: Gale warnings are posted for later today and tonight. We do not anticipate having to cancel trips, but if conditions worsen or change, it may be necessary. If so, we will post a notice.
School Committee Meeting this Tuesday, November 6, at the Recreation Center - see agenda.
November 1, 2018 - photo taken on Wednesday October 31 by Sam Birkett of the Houghton Pond.
THIS Friday, November 2 - Storytelling for All Ages - Holiday Stories: Fiesta or Fiasco? Join Celia Whitehead at the library for a workshop from 6-7 pm and from 7-8 pm stories to delight and entertain! FMI call the Library at 846-4351 - click here for more information.
Get out to Nature Walk sponsored by the Chebeague Cumberland Land Trust CCLT - join us at Bradbury Mountain and explore the natural wonders of this scenic state park on a volunteer-led, guided nature walk. November 28th from 10 to 3:30- click here to learn more!
October 31, 2018 - photo Halloween Day students walking to school with a stop at the Parrish House for breakfast.
The Free Boat Days for CTC this year are 12/8 and 12/15. The dates were incorrect on the original November newsletter. The corrected newsletter is posted on their website and available here.
October 25, 2018 - On Saturday 10/27 come have cider and a donut at the Parish House and welcome new residents to the island. One per year-round residence can pick up free, newly printed welcome guide (one per resident) www.chebeagueguide.com. No RSVP needed. See flyer!
The CTC November newsletter is available on the News and Info page of their website, chebeaguetrans.com, or here.
October 24, 2018 - Reminder: Today, Wednesday, 4:30, the Center For Grieving Children will be at the library. Childcare will be provided at the Hall! See flyer
Dennis Welsh, an independent, running for the Maine legislature this fall will be on the island this Saturday to meet voters - https://welshforyarmouth.com to learn more about him. He is coming on the 10:15 boat and will be taking his bike to the store to meet voters and then riding around the island.
Congratulations to Aaron Belesca and the Yarmouth Clippers Soccer Team - see article and photo in the Forecaster!
SOUP today - Wednesday Noon at the Hall - White Bean and Ham. - Vegetarian - Pinto Bean, Tomato and Butternut Squash
October 18, 2018 - Tonight at the Hall - CCLT Chebeague Cumberland Land Trust will be showing "A Plastic Ocean" film at the Island Hall. Click here for details about the film and agenda that will include a Chebeagu Island School presentation.
FLU CLINIC: Reminder, free Flu Clinic is Tuesday Oct. 23, 9-11:30AM at the Hall. For the first time Maine Health will also provide the "high dose" vaccine for folks 65 and over!
October 17, 2018 - The Chebeague Island School teachers and School Committee want to thank everyone for their many messages of support and assistance during these past difficult weeks. It has been a sad time for sure, and the donations to Mrs. Westra’s class and the heartfelt condolences are greatly appreciated and helpful for the healing process. Thank you to you all.
COMMUNITY LUNCHEON TODAY - Noon - Join us for some fall comfort food from maine Family Farms! Best Sunday roast with onion confit - smoked cheddar mac & cheese with roasted cauliflower - apple cider-glazed delicata squash - broccoli - farro and teff salad with bosc pears, ground cherries, goat cheese, Kale, and pistachios -- fresh rolls and butter -- Maine apple cake with caramel icing --- suggested donation $7
October 15, 2018 - This coming Friday, October 19, there will be a Community Dinner at the Hall from 5:30 to 7 to help support a group of Chebeague folks (Wyatt Englund, Laura hamilton, Christine Englund and Polly Wentworth) going to Guatemala on a medical mission . Cost is $20 and $8 for children and all donations are welcome - please contact Polly Wentworth (207) 233-8382 or email pkwentworth@chebeague.net
Kristin Westra's funeral will be this coming Saturday, October 20th, 2pm at the Congregational Church in Cumberland, 282 Main Street. I will follow soon with a link to a webcast of the service for those that are not in the area but wish to attend.
Maddie and Lorrie of Bankers Life will be on the Island October 18th overnight and October 19th to provide complementary Health Insurance and Medicare reviews. Click here to learn more.
Message from Town Clerk: Tuesday, October 16 is the last day before the November 6th election that anyone can register to vote or make any changes such as address or political affiliation changes. After October 16th, you will need to wait until election day. Absentee ballots are available at the Town office or can be requested through the state system (https://www1.maine.gov/cgi-bin/online/AbsenteeBallot/index.pl). Also, 2019 Dog Licenses are now available.
Jon found a yellow long haired cat who had died in a cellar on the west end of the island. Please contact him 522-3439 if you have been missing a cat of that discription.
School Committee meeting Tuesday, October 16, 6pm at the Rec Center - see agenda.
October 10, 2018 - photo by Cathy MacNeil, October 10, 2018.
Soup starts today Wednesday at noon at the Hall! Our guest chef, Ursula King, is making beef barley, and our resident soup pro, Ruth, is making vegetarian Jamaican spinach.
Message from Scott McCollom: "I would like to thank everyone that sent healing energy,cards,prayer
and encouragement after my boat exploded on me July 7 2018. As most of you know I had 3rd degree burns over 40 percent of my body. It was looking like I was going to be in the hospital for 2-3 months with another 2-3 months in the rehab hospital.
With the help of all of you,my spirit animals (Black Bear and Bluejay) my spirit guides and the Great Spirit I was able to leave the hospital in 29 days. I then went to the rehab hospital and was released from there on August 8th which turned out to be an eventful day. My Grandson David James McCollom arrived on that day plus it was Dads birthday as well. All the Doctors and Nurses that treated me were absolutely amazed at the speed in which I recovered.
Big Bear
October 8, 2018 - Wednesday, Oct. 10, is the first soup of the season. They will be: Non-vegetarian = Beef Barley, provided by our Guest Chef. Vegetarian will be Jamaican Spinach.
"The Chebeague Island Historical Society is pleased to announce the winner of the raffle for the original painting of Buoy 18, painted by island artist, Caroline Loder. The winners are Jim and Elise Hood of Chebeague Island. Proceeds benefit the Chebeague Island Historical Society."
From May Hall: Last night the preteens/teens rose to the occasion! The Teen Center spaghetti dinner brought in $3200.40 for the Westra family. The kids worked hard, showed their love for Mrs. Westa, and supported their grieving community. Don't underestimate these island preteens/teens. They are rock stars. So proud of them all! Special thanks to Jonathan KomLosy, Tracy Calder, Rachel Reiser, John R Flint, Ericka Neumann, Eliza Jane Adams, Mary Taylor and the Backshore Boys - Special Thanks to MAY HALL!!
October 7, 2018 - I have been asked to share the link of the Extraordinary School that the teacher Kristin Westra and I along with the students created in 2010. Kristin was an amazing teacher and will be missed so much! Kristin and I worked on so many exciting projects with the students.
We will sharing the song and information the students learned last year about plastic at the Annual meeting of the Chebeague Cumberland Land Trust at the Hall on October 18 see details.
October 6, 2018 - Message from May: After speaking with a number of teens and teen parents, we've decided to move forward with the spaghetti dinner on Sunday night at the island hall from 5:30-7:30. Instead of benefitting Teen Center, the teens want to donate the proceeds to the Westra family. Hope you will all come out and share in a good meal, friendship, and community in memory of Kristen and to benefit those who must go on without her.
Save the Date: October 18, 2018 when the CCLT Chebeague Cumberland Land Trust will be showing A Plastic Ocean film at the Island Hall. Click here for details about the film and agenda that will include an Chebeagu Island School presentation.
At this time families may be looking for help for their children and family members. There is a wonderful site provided by the Center for Grieving Children with lots of resources. I have also started a page with links to some of the resources in pdf format that people may want to see - click here.
October 5, 2018 - Although the police have not confirmed, family members have; Kristin's body has been found. We are all devestated and there are lots of resources around the island as well as on the mainland. The Island Hall will be open with support and on the mainland the Lower Falls Landing behind the Royal River Grill.
CUMC is postponing our Blessing of the Animals, scheduled for this Sunday, and moving it to October 14th, 11:30 AM, next to the sanctuary. All leashed or crated animals that get along well with others are welcome. People are also encouraged to bring a picture of their animals that may not travel well (or who don't do well in large settings).
The Red Studio will be open Saturday from 10 to noon. Check out the huge assortment of furniture, antiques, household furnishings, jewelry and other treasures. Don’t miss the “make an offer” section of terrific goods we can't store over the winter. Support the Island Commons!
TICK WARNING!! In the next week to 10 days adult deer ticks will be out in huge numbers!! They will be looking for a blood meal on a deer or other large mammal and they will bite you and your pets!! Over 50% of the deer ticks collected here on the island last October were carrying the bacteria that causes Lyme Disease!!! They will be waiting to climb on your legs in any high grass or brushy area including leaf piles. Wear light colored clothing and tuck your pants into your socks so that you can see them and, for further protection, treat your clothing with Permethrin spray or insect repellent. Do tick checks on yourself and every member of your family every day that you have been outside. These ticks will be active throughout the winter any day that is over 40 degrees and there is no snow or ice covering the ground. For more information go to the TICKS link above.
REMINDER- The Rec’s Hiking Program on the island trails starts today. Meet at the Rec at 3pm. Come get fresh air with friends. Text Erika with questions, 749-8022.
October 4, 2018 - For all those friends, students, community members, and all those connected with Kristin you are invited to gather at the Lower Falls Landing, Royal River, Yarmouth on the opposite side of Royal River Grill. They have pizza, cider, childrens drawing, storytime. It is open tonight Thursday and will be open again tomorrow at 9 am. Please feel free to come and gather.
A reminder that this Sunday is the spaghetti dinner at the hall to benefit Teen Center. (See flyer) We are asking Teens/Preteens willing to help to be there by 4:30. Parents are asked to make a salad and/or cookies/bars for dessert. Please drop those off at the hall by 4:30. Dinner starts at 5:30 and I still need some parent/grandparent/family volunteers to make sure we can pull this off. Text May Hall at 332.2368 if you have questions (working nights and sleeping days ahead of the weekend, so texts are better than calls).
Message from May and the Slow Bell: Hi folks: I know it's been a tough week for a lot of us. Thinking of all of you struggling and hoping for some bright light at the end of this tunnel. On the business side of things, we are open this coming weekend (Fri/Sat) with karaoke Friday and our good friends the Westenders on Saturday night ($5 cover). We'll be serving pulled pork, lobster mac n cheese, scallops, and broccoli cheddar soup. We'll also be open on Sunday for the football games and snacks (pizza slices, soup, salads, etc.). Hope to see you at the Slow Bell!
Still no sign of Kristin Westra and everyone is devestated and worried. The school has been going on as usual with Donna Damon substituting. The Parish house has been open for people to visit and the church has been having prayer services. Fire Department and others have gone to No Yarmouth to look. This whole thing is a nightmare. We are all keeping her and her family in our thoughts.
October 2, 2018 - End-of-Season Sale at the Red Studio, Saturday from 10-noon, at the Island Commons. Great furniture (comfy couch and chairs), antiques, lamps, household goods, china, art, jewelry and lots more! Many items marked down. Check out the “make us an offer” selection of furniture and other goodies. Close out the season with bargains and treasures, and spruce up your home for winter. Thanks for making this a fabulous year for the Red Studio and the Island Commons.
The church will be hosting a gathering this evening for folks who want to be together in the midst of this difficult time. We'll have soup and food at the Parish House at 5 PM and a prayer gathering over in the sanctuary at 6 PM. The church is also open and heated all day today for anyone who wants to spend a quiet moment in prayer or reflection.
By now most everyone has heard that the 3-5 grade teacher Kristin Westra is missing and there is a search for her going on now. Click here for the news report . She is a very good friend of mine and co-worker and this is extremely difficult. We are all praying for her safe return.
The School Committee Meeting has been canceled tonight.
October 1, 2018 - The Kids' Place has an immediate job opening for a part-time childcare provider! Flexible hours are available with this fabulous opportunity to join the new team at KP. For more information, please call 846-8712 or stop by Kids' Place!
The Rec announces a fall on-island hiking program on Fridays for ages 5 and older starting Oct.5th. Come learn the trails or make new tracks on an old favorite! See Flyer!
September 27, 2018 - Don't forget that property taxes are due tomorrow.
Jackie Trask is holding a yard sale, beginning on Friday, Sept. 28 at 9AM, and running through the weekend. 23 Bennett's Cove Rd. Most items are " make an offer " basis.
Message from May: This weekend Slow Bell will be open Friday and Saturday for our regular menu and Sunday for game day snacks. We will be serving chicken and dumplings with fall vegetables and salad, scallops, beef and barley soup and lobster stew. Don't miss Friday karaoke or Saturday night with Jerry Smith ($5 cover). Sunday game viewing starts at 1! Call ahead for takeout. 846-3078
September 25, 2018 - School Committee Meeting tonight, Tuesday, September 25 - 6pm at the Recreation Center -see agenda.
The CTC October newsletter is available on the News and Information page of its website chebeaguetrans.com and here
The CTC office will be closed for the winter on Fridays starting 9/28. Friday hours will resume on May 3, 2019
Don’t forget the golf club’s annual season-ending Frost Tournament, to be held on Saturday, October 6 at 12 noon. Open to year-rounders and off-islanders alike, the Frost Tournament is the club’s most fun event. Year-round islanders compete for the Shekeholt Trophy (9-holes) and the Billy Hill Cup (18-holes). Summer complaints and off-island guests vie for the Vi Houghton Trophy (9-hole) and the Doc Houghton Cup (18-holes). No handicap? No worries! We don’t use the traditional handicap system. Therefore, anyone can win—well, maybe, almost anyone. The important thing is that it is really, really fun and we play it sun, snow, rain, fog or wind. Another really, really fun event—a BYOB and hors d’oeuvres—follows at 5:00 p.m. Questions? Contact John Layng, our Tournament Chair. See you there.
From Eldon Mayer - As a member of the former Road Safety Committee I still receive reports from Chebeaguers about risky behavior on our roads. As we all know, vehicular speeding continues, especially as drivers race to make boat times. Also, some pedestrians are not aware that they are supposed to walk facing traffic. I am happy to report that speeding and walking on the wrong side of the road are becoming less of a problem.
Unsafe bicycling, though, is still a matter of great concern. It is not uncommon to see bikers taking up the entire road. The good news is that Chebeague drivers are very careful to avoid bikers behaving like this.
Some of the bikers in question are from off island. If we speak to them when we see them biking in an unsafe way it might help. Some, however, are Chebeague kids. Hopefully parental guidance will help with this issue.
No one wants to see a tragic accident.
September 22, 2018 - Message from The Slow Bell: Come see us at the Slow Bell! Tonight we have the Pinwheels playing and drink and beer specials for $5. Tomorrow drink specials will continue with Giants game at 1pm and Cowboys at 4pm. Pat’s play at 8...if strong interest, we can stay open. Special menu for Sunday including nachos, pizza by the slice, wings, haddock tacos and more!
ALANON. The final Chebeague Alanon Meeting of the year will be held at the Stone House at 8:00 AM on Saturday, September 29.
Museum having end of season sale, with 20% off all inventory. Sale starts today Saturday, September 22nd and will run through our final day of the season, Columbus Day. (Hours: Saturdays, 11am to 4pm. Sundays, 1pm to 4pm. Open Columbus Day Oct. 8 from 11am to 4pm.
The Red Studio will be closed until Saturday, Oct. 6 (10 until noon), when we’ll reopen with our one-day Discover Like Columbus Sale. All sorts of markdowns, great finds, fall/winter entertaining or hibernating essentials, furniture and furnishings. Thanks to all who have made this a fabulous season for the Island Commons with your donations, your purchases and your generous support. See you Oct. 6.
September 20, 2018 - Lukac's cat Gily is missing and Dianne is offerning a $500 reward if someone finds her. She is black and white and although she is 14 years old she is in great health but takes medicine for hyperthyroidism. The other cat in the house keeps looking for her. She never wanders far from home but maybe something scared her. Her home area is down near the water behind the Parsonage. Click here for a photo. Diane Lukac's number is 632-6677.
New Preliminary Flood Insurance Maps are now viewable at the Town’s website with a link off the home page - click here.
September 19, 2018 - photo by Gary Ross of the female gull (Mrs. Fred) flipping the snack cracker so that so she can swallow easily unlike her partner "Mr. Fred" always gets them stuck in his throat. Click here for more about Fred!
Let's celebrate Fall with a great night of music! The amazing, grammy-nominated Courtney Hartman will be at John and Courtney Wilson's home this Saturday, September 22nd at 7 p.m. BYOB, suggested donation of $15 to the musicians, sponsored by CICA!
Courtney, a member of the band Della Mae, will be appearing with Taylor Ashton, take a peek at this talented duo here:
For more detailed information on these musicians and this show, please visit the events calendar on Chebeague.org:
Sing with the Chebeague Island Whalers This Season!
The Whalers are looking for singers to sing with us for our holiday concert, no previous experience required! Rehearsals are from 7:00-9:00PM on Tuesday nights at the hall, starting on September 25th, with the concert scheduled for Saturday, December 8th.
We accept singers of all experiences and abilities. We also accept youth as young as eleven or twelve, so long as they come with an adult guardian or mentor.
Come join the fun and sing with us! (Our director even bakes us cookies every week!)
Interested in signing up or learning more? Just e-mail Ben at b.yosuadavis@gmail.com or show up on Tuesday night at the Hall!
Join the Chebeague Cumberland Land Trust
Wednesday - Sept. 26, 2018
1:30-3:00 p.m.
Get Out! Nature Walk Series
Join us on Wednesday, September 26th from 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. for a volunteer-led, guided adventure at Sabbathday Lake Shaker Village.
Curriculum: Mushrooms & Wildflowers
Event Leaders: Karen Massey
September 18, 2018 - Immediate job opening at the Island Commons for a weekend Direct Care Attendant, 7:30am-1:30pm. Generous shift differentials, opportunities for growth, rewarding job. Call Amy Rich, Administrator 846-5610.
PROTECT THE AQUIFER PUBLIC WORKSHOP Please join the Planning Board Wednesday, 9/19, 7pm, at the Island Hall. As many of you know, Chebeague has one aquifer for the entire island; this workshop is a forum to discuss ideas on how to best protect our aquifer. You can read the meeting agenda here.
School Committee Meeting tonight at 6pm at the Rec Center - click here for agenda.
September 17, 2018 - TONIGHT! Come hear Jerry Wiles speak about Maine artist Andrew Wyeth at 7 pm at the Island Hall! Sponsored by the Historical Society’s Ellsworth Miller Memorial Summer Lecture Series.
A HUGE THANK YOU to all the not for profit volunteers for another successful Chedemption summer season! If you have been to the transfer station and seen the full bags and boxes you can see how successful it has been. The Baggettes will be playing catch up twice a week for a number of weeks to come. This final week belongs to Sanford's Pond. He was the person behind collecting returnables and getting the skating pond equipped with skates and cocoa.
Parents and friends of Sanford's pond please give Sandi Whiston a call or text. If you can help for an hour or two. 1-978-835-3241
Thank you
The Baggettes
September 15, 2018 - What a great way to start the day - Morning Adult Lap Swim! The CRC pool will be closed for the season on Sept 17th. Regularly scheduled adult lap swim will continue through Sept 16th.
Yesterday was the Island Commons Harvest Dinner and Open House and it was wonderful as usual! Gabby Tracy won the bag of items donated by the Niblic and everyone had a great time as can be seen in the photos I took with my cell - click here to see.
DMR Announces the Following:
Area No. 500, Maine Coast Flood Closure: This notice reduces the current Maine Coast Flood Closure opening eastern Maine due to water quality meeting approved standards. The closures that remain are Casco Bay from Freeport to Cape Elizabeth; Long Cove, St. George; and Sagadahoc Bay, Georgetown.
Please visit the DMR website for notices of biotoxin and bacterial shellfish closures. The oceanside of Chebeague is still open. Genaro has posted maps around the island.
September 14, 2018 - CTC has an immediate opening for a part-time deckhand - 25-30 hours per week. For more information, contact the CTC office at 846-5227 or the Jobs page on our website chebeaguetrans.com
Chebeague Recreation Job Opportunities --- Teen Center Leaders: 21+ and interested in earning a very competitive wage to hang out with Island Teens on Friday and Saturday nights from 7-10 pm. The Teen Center provides a safe, chem free place for island teens to hang out on weekend nights and is very popular. This program promotes teen volunteerism in the community. Teens involved in this program take part in numerous fundraisers that are held throughout the year to support the program and help pay for unique summer experiences. --- If you are interested in this position please visit the following link to download and fill out an online application.
http://www.chebeaguerec.com/employment-opportunities.html You can return your application via email to crc@chebeague.net, by mail or in person to
Chebeague Recreation Center
382 North Road
Chebeague Island, ME 04017
Don't forget today: Island Commons 6th Annual Harvest Dinner & Open House! Great food, live music, beer & wine and a great chance to visit with friends before summer officially ends. Don't miss it! The party's on us, our way of saying Thank You to all who support us year 'round with donations, in-kind services, volunteerism, and kind words of encouragement. Bring a friend and join in the fun!
-- 4:30-6:30pm ~ 132 Littlefield Rd ~ Chebeague Island ME
September 13, 2018 - The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has reported that some of the dead seals found on Maine beaches have been found to have avian flu and/or phocine distemper virus and suggests that for your safety you do not touch a sick or dead seal or allow your pets to approach a sick or dead seal. The NOAA suggest you only observe a sick or dead seal from at least 100 yds away. The NOAA hotline # is 1-866-755-NOAA (6622) and you can call them to report a dead seal.
It is that time of year when Jon Rich will start draining houses - yes I am not doing any plumbing anymore so Jon and Steve will be taking care of the houses. If you are all done for the year and know you are not coming back it would be really helpful to let Jon know -522-3439 or jonrich@chebeague.net. It gets really busy when it starts to get cold and everyone wants their houses drained the same day. It would be really great to give Jon a heads up.
September 10, 2018 - ...Celebrate the change of season with us at our 6th Annual Harvest Dinner & Open House! Great food, live music, beer & wine and a great chance to visit with friends before summer officially ends. Don't miss it! The party's on us, our way of saying Thank You to all who support us year 'round with donations, in-kind services, volunteerism, and kind words of encouragement. Bring a friend and join in the fun!
Friday September 14th -- 4:30-6:30pm
At Island Commons ~ 132 Littlefield Rd ~ Chebeague Island ME
Save the date! Come hear Jerry Wiles speak about Maine artist Andrew Wyeth on Monday, September 17th at 7 pm at the Island Hall. Sponsored by the Historical Society’s Ellsworth Miller Memorial Summer Lecture Series.
September 8, 2018 - ‘Fendrick and Peck’ will back on the island on September 15th at Marty Trower's house 7pm all are welcome $10 - $20 suggested donation.
There will be a special School Committee Meeting next Tuesday, September 11 at the Rec - see agenda.
There will be a Workshop on the Island Deer herd and Tick-borne Diseases at the Selectmen's Meeting Wednesday September 12th at 6PM at the Hall. Scott Lindsay, the Regional Wildlife Biologist for this area, will report on findings from his visit to Chebeague in May including his impressions of the size of our deer herd and its impacts on Island vegetation and us. Please plan to attend!!!
Message from Dave at the Rec: The CRC pool will be closed for the season on Sept 17th. Regularly scheduled adult lap swim will continue through Sept 16th. Thank you for your patronage and see you next season!
I'm posting again message from May as I posted the wrong one the other day: Hi folks! Phewwww...what a busy week! As many of you know, I started work as a nurse on Tuesday. Very exciting! What you may not know is that the Slow Bell is still going strong! This weekend we will celebrate with karaoke Friday night and the Sensitive Men ($5 cover) on Saturday night. Our specials include pot roast, scallops, beet salad and haddock chowder. We will be open FRIDAY and SATURDAY ONLY! Call ahead for takeout! 846.5078.
September 7, 2018 - A box of 100+ nail polish was left behind on the island last week- if you have found them please contact Marrion at
They have been using these for years painting shells and rocks from Chebeague.
September 6, 2018 - Tonight: Tyler Putnam - Bass and Sarah Nordin - Mezzo-soprano with vocal music from Opera, Broadway and Standard American will be performing at the church from 7 to 9 with a free concert (donations appreciated). Ice cream social at 6pm at the Parish House.
Hi folks! Phewwww...what a busy week! As many of you know, I started work as a nurse on Tuesday. Very exciting! What you may not know is that the Slow Bell is still going strong! This weekend we will celebrate with karaoke Friday night and the Sensitive Men ($5 cover) on Saturday night. Our specials include pot roast, scallops, beet salad and haddock chowder. We will be open FRIDAY and SATURDAY ONLY! Call ahead for takeout! 846.5078.
Remember that the Island Market will close Friday at 2pm and will NOT be open Saturday and Sunday.
September 3, 2018 - Aerial photo of Chebeague by Mike Guajardo as he flew from Criehaven to Portland around 11am.
Message from Julie Doughty (Island Market): My eldest son Joshua is getting married September 8th to a wonderful woman Elizabeth. To celebrate with them the store will be closed Saturday and Sunday.
Also the store will close early Labor Day at 1 pm.
Friday September 7th the store will close at 2 pm.
Message from Jen at the Niblic: Our fall hours start this week. We will be closed Labor Day & Tuesday. Our hours will be Wednesday thru Saturday 8am to 2pm, Closed Sunday, Monday, & Tuesday. We will close for the season Columbus Weekend. Thank you and hope you all have had a safe and happy holiday weekend. Thank you for your continued patronage, we are very grateful.
Golf Club Hosting Play 9 Event on Sunday, September 9, 1:00 p.m.—4:30 p.m. Play 9 on the 9s is a nationwide initiative sponsored by the United States Golf Association to encourage golfers—casual and experienced alike—to play nine-hole golf. We are hoping to introduce mainland golfers to the charms of our beautiful and historic nine-hole course; but this also is a great chance for island golfers—especially families—to enjoy the course in a fun and relaxed atmosphere. You can play a scramble, best ball, alternate ball or regular golf. You don’t even have to keep score! You can register and secure a tee time at the Maine State Golf Association website. The fee for adult non-members of the club is $15; for juniors, it’s $12. There is no fee for golf club members. Questions? Contact Carl Tubbesing.
School Committee Meeting at the Rec, 6pm - see agenda.
August 31, 2018 - The CTC office will be closed on Labor Day 9/3. We are expecting lots of passengers this weekend. In addition to the normal Labor Day weekend customers, there are two weddings on the Island on Saturday. Have a great weekend!
Tonight! THE OUTSIDE TRACK!!! -Playing Scots, Irish and Cape Breton fusion of tunes, songs and step dance to large concert halls and festivals THE OUTSIDE TRACK has an international following, each of the five musicians renowned in their own right.
7-9 p.m. -At the Wilsons 81 Spruce Point View Road - BYOB - $15 suggested donation to the musicians, sponsored by CICA
This summer of amazing music would not have been possible without your support! Bring friends and family -- let's show The Outside Track some island love! See you Friday!
August 30, 2018 - Cathy Nichols, candidate for Maine State Senate, will be on Chebeague tomorrow, August 31 for a Meet and Greet. She will be at Doughty’s Island Market at coffee time so drop in and say hello. If you would like her to stop by your house call Jill Malony at:
(207) 347-1974.
Nichols’ professional experience includes providing policy outreach for the Manufacturers Association of Maine and more than two decades helping industry comply with environmental and safety regulations. Nichols received a Certificate of Policy Analysis from the Muskie School at the University of Southern Maine and a B.S. in Soil Science, Soil and Water Conservation Specialization from the University of Wisconsin.
Message from the Historical Society: Stop in and see the great exhibit at the Museum and don’t miss their end of the year sale-20 percent off just about everything including a new shipment of hats!
Blessing of the Backpacks! Have a child in your life heading back to school? You are invited to bring them and their backpack to CUMC's 10 AM worship service on Sunday, September 2nd for a blessing of our children's backpacks. This is one way for us to show love and support for our kids as they enter another school year either here on the island or on the mainland. Contact Melissa at ml.yosuadavis@gmail.com for any questions.
The CTC September newsletter is available on the News and Info page of chebeaguetrans.com and here.
The Rec Center is struggling to staff the pool. Weather over Labor Day Weekend looks to be favorable but we do not have lifeguards to keep the pool open for afternoon swim. If you know of anyone who is a certified lifeguard who could help us open over Labor Day weekend, please have them contact Dave at 846-5068. If we do not find lifeguards for 8/28-9/3, We will open for adult lap swim only. The pool will close for the season on 9/16.
August 25, 2018 - Katie McNally and Neil Pearlman, August 25th at 7 pm at the home of John and Courtney Wilson. Suggested donation for the musicians is $15 BYOB. Highly acclaimed Scottish fiddler Katie McNally, who has appeared at the Newport Folk Festival and Wolf Trap, and multi-instrumentalist Neil Pearlman on keyboard, host of the podcst TradCfe, are a uniquelytalented duo who put on a high-energy show!
Pops, Classics, Broadway, Jazz - a concert by Seaside Brass at the church 7 p.m. this Saturday - August 25th. A Free Concert Fund presentation.
August 23, 2018 - Chebeague Island Yacht Club Annual Meeting, Sat. August 25, 5-7 PM. All members and anyone else intereested are welcome. Ths Club's famous Fish House Punch will be served.
The Historical Society is hosting a reading & signing of Andy Grannell's memoir which is entitled, A Lifetime of Good Beginnings: Stories Exploring Promise . This event will be held at the Museum this coming Monday evening August 27th at 7pm.'
The book went on sale at Amazon yesterday.
For a more extensive preview go to: Adobe Spark page - https://spark.adobe.com/page/zK6NiaecUl2xt/
or go to Book2Look page ---https://www.book2look.com/book/eBch6KUc5h
Please join BJ Abrahamson for a showing of 35 of his original sculptures, 32 bronze works cast using the lost wax process, and 3 ceramic hangings; hosted by Carla and Corky Clarke at their lovely 13 Cottage Road home, this Friday, August 24th - 5:00-7:00pm. Refreshments will be served. Click here to see photos of his works.
Click here to see a few photos Cathy MacNeill took at 2018 Chebeague Music Night on August 21st.
CATHOLIC MASS Father Dan Greenleaf will be on the Island this Saturday, August 25th to say Mass at the Chebeague Methodist Church at 10 A.M This is the last Mass of the season. Please join us.
Pops, Classics, Broadway, Jazz - a concert by Seaside Brass at the church 7 p.m. this Saturday - 8/25. A Free Concert Fund presentation.
August 21, 2018 - Thank you to the volunteers from Island Commons for their great work sorting and bagging the returnables for Chedemption last week. CICA will
be volunteering this Wednesday through Monday. If you could help for a couple of hours this week please give Beth Howe a call at 846-7829. Help is needed!!
Thanks, the Baggettes.
Message from Slowbell: Hi folks: This week at the Slow Bell we have karaoke Friday, Jerry Smith ($5 cover) Saturday, and kid's karaoke on Sunday. Our dinner specials include turkey dinner with all the fixin's, scallops, and lobster rolls. We will also be serving caprese salad with heirloom tomatoes and crab and corn chowder. Hope to see you at the Slow Bell. Open Thursday through Sunday for ice cream starting at 12, dinner at 5, and the bar until midnight. Call ahead for takeout. 846.3078
August 20, 2018 - School Committee Meeting tomorrow night, Tuesday August 21 at the Rec Center, 6pm - see agenda.
Road Safety will be on the agenda at this Wednesday’s 6 PM Selectmen’s Meeting. Anyone concerned about excessive speeding or other road safety issues should find this meeting interesting, and can express your concerns to the Department of Transportation executive who will be present.
Tonight: Come hear Prof. Joseph Hall speak on “What Does Chebeague Mean? Wabanaki Place Names in Context.” Prof. Hall teaches American indian, colonial and environmental history at Bates College. He will be speaking about the meaning - then and now - of Wabanaki place names. Monday, August 20th, 7 pm at the Island Hall.
Chebeague and Cumberland Land Trust's Get Out! Nature Walk Series. Join us on Wednesday, August 22nd from 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. for a volunteer-led, guided adventure at CCLT's 45-acre Farwell Forest. If you've never been to the Farwell Forest, this is your chance to enjoy a guided trip! We'll walk on a loop trail through this beautiful forest. We love dogs, but please don't bring them to this walk as we hope to see wildlife.
August 19, 2018 - ALANON - Meetings are every Saturday, 8 AM at the Rec Craft Room through the end of September.
The Transfer Station will be closed Sunday August 19 from 1:45 until 3:00 for a burial. Once again, thank you for your kind consideration for the family and friends.
August 16, 2018 - Tomorrow morning about 8:15 we may be shutting down the internet for a few minutes for a test - sorry for the inconvenience.
Island Music Night 2018 is this Saturday, August 18th from 6:30 to 11:30 at the Hall!
Heads Up! If you have concerns about the safety on our roads you need to come to the next Board of Selectmen meeting on Wednesday, August 22, 2018 at 6:00 PM at the Hall. Patrick B. Adams, Maine’s Regional Transportation Planner will be there to hear your concerns.
August 15, 2018 - Message from Ann Taxter: The Transfer Station will close at 10:30 on Thursday August 16 for a burial. Thank you for your kind consideration of the family and friends.
This week at the Slow Bell we welcome back Corey Hales, Boston musician (and grandson of the Walker Road Hales) who will join us on FRIDAY NIGHT (instead of previously advertised Saturday) to avoid conflict with the Island Music Night. Come out and share a great night of music with this rising star ($5 cover). We'll be open Thursday-Sun for ice cream starting at 12, dinner starting at 5, and the bar until 12. We'll be serving chicken parm, pan-seared salmon, lobster rolls, and more. Hope to see you at the Slow Bell. Call ahead for takeout. 846-3078
CUMC is hosting a Community Music Sunday for our 10 AM worship gathering on Sunday, August 26th to celebrate all the gifts contained within our island community - both vocal and instrumental. We are looking for people from the wider community to share their gifts withus. It could be a solo, duet, ensemble, or a piece played on the piano/guitar/flute/violin/ukulele/bass/your instrument of choice! It can be anything spiritual, even if it may not qualify as purely "sacred", a jazz or classical piece that is special to you, or even a favorite hymn. If you are interested, you can email Ben at ben.yosuadavis@gmail.com or Melissa at ml.yosuadavis@gmail.com.
August 13, 2018 - View a 30 piece collection of sculptures large and small—including a 10 foot wide mobile—by Clint Jones at a privately hosted art show this Thursday, August 16th in Cape Elizabeth with a reception from 4:00 to 6:00. Please see the attached invitation for details.August 12, 2018 - "Monday night, 7:30 - 9:30 @ Wilson's, 81 Spruce Point View Road... David Reed from St. Johns, USVI, will play and sing a fun and rousing mix of blues, reggae, and Caribbean-influenced folk. He fills the room with slide guitar!! BYOB, CICA-sponsored, $15 donation to the Music Fund if you can! Don't miss this!!!"
Please SAVE THE DATE of Friday, August 24th, 5 to 7 pm for a special showing of the sculptures of BJ Abrahamson, Chebeagues’ very own sculptor and barefoot gardener. If you have been wondering what BJ is doing when he is not making our island homes more beautiful, this is your chance to view and purchase his sculptures.
Hosted by friends at the home of Corky and Carla Clarke - 13 Cottage Road. A digital brochure will be available on August 15th.
The CTC Cousins Island Lot has been full with annual parking permit holders many times this summer. Therefore, daily parking customers who plan to park at Cousins may be unable to do so. Daily parkers should not plan on getting access to the Cousins Lot before 8 AM and may be unable to park there then depending on the number of vehicles in the lot. To be safe, daily parkers should use our Route One lot. Annual parking permit holders will be our priority.
August 11, 2018 - Photo of Sunrise at Sandy Point on August 11th by Joan Dayton.
SWIMRUN 2018 USA is this Sunday, August 12th. It is really fun to watch the event and cheer on the participants. There are lots of volunteer opportunities if you would like to get involved click here to learn more.
August 10, 2018 - Tonight, Friday, 7:30 - 9:30 at John Wilson's is Flash Allen - Piano Sing Along. Flash Allen is a long-time Maine musician specializing in multiple genres and Bacchanalian spontaneity – Billy Joel, Jerry Lee Lewis, Motown, show tunes, oldies and more… the mic is always “open”! $10 donation to CICA appreciated but not required. BYOB and an appetizer to share. It should be a great party!
The Chebeague Island Elementary School is taking applications for a part-time (5 hours per day, 25 hours per week) Administrative Secretary. Applicants should possess excellent organizational skills, be able to work independently, deal with confidential information professionally, and work well with children and other adults. To apply, please complete an application that can be found on the school’s website at www.chebeagueislandschool.net under Job Openings. Applications should be submitted by Monday, August 20th to Mike Pulsifer at mpulsifer@chebeague.net. This position offers a generous benefits package that includes single health insurance, personal, sick and vacation leave time.
August 8, 2018 - Message from Ann Thaxer of the Chebeague Island Cemetery: The Transfer Station will be closed for a burial and service Saturday August 11th until 12:00 noon. Thank you for your kind consideration for family and friends.
Teen Center will not be open this evening but will be open regularly scheduled Friday and Sat. If anyone is available to volunteer any Wed, Fri and/or Sat this month please let Dave know.
Reminder today - Midlife Magic with Bonnie Leonard, Wednesday, August 8th at 4:30 pm at the Library. Book signing and reception.
August 7, 2018 - Click here to see the photos from the Bay Mist Cruise taken by Cathy MacNeill!
There will be a GOLF SCRAMBLE on 8/15 at 3pm. Everyone can play. We’re hoping to get lots of islanders. We can pair people up or they can pair themselves. There will be cocktails following the scramble. BYOB and an hors d’oeuvres.
Message from Carla Clarke: I would like to thank everyone who supported the Chebeague Island Commons by coming on the Commons Bay Mist Cruise on Sunday. Your support and the great Commons staff keep the Commons going strong. Thanks Christine Murphy Englund for great food and a wonderful Chebeague crew, Adele and Tony Gorody for your live auction entertainment, Board members and their partners for an amazingly fast set up and take down, great music by Herb Maine and Friends, and the Chebeague Island Boat Yard for graciously hosting us on the Casco Bay Lines Bay Mist.
There will be some great photos coming soon from Cathy MacNeill.
SURVEY ---- DIGITAL LITERACY WORKSHOPS - Looing for the interest in the digital literacy workshops by the Island Institute and Axiom Education. Even if you have done the survey before please take it again as they would like to see if there is interest now for these workshops. Click here to take a brief survey. Thank you
Annual Meeting of the Yacht Club is Aug. 25th : 5:00-7:00 pm at the Niblic upper deck. Please bring appetizer. Club punch wiil be served. Click here for the yacht website and minutes from last year.
School Committee Meeting tonight at the Recreation Center, Tuesday, 6pm - click here for agenda.
GCTC Get back into tennis lessons this fri at 9:00am,open to members and non members. We have racquets, please wear a flat sole sneaker and bring water!
August 6, 2018 - Public Meeting: Saturday August 11th at 4pm at the Hall - Please join us for an informational meeting on Chebeague's present internet system and future options. Mark Ouellette, president of Axiom Technologies will be there with the latest broadband information!!
Lost and Found at the CRC is piling up - Tuesday, August 7th there will be a table outside of the Rec displaying lost and found. Please come check if you believe you left something.
Message from Island Riches: I have beautiful merigolds from Allen,sterling & Lothrop. They are the best I have ever seen. Please call me if you would like other plants that can stand up to the sun. 846-4986 or email islandriches@chebeague.net. Thank you Florence
August 5, 2018 - photo - Message from CRC: A huge thank you to Great Chebeague Golf Club and Brian Bickford for creating the Bart Curit Memorial Golf Camp last week. Our junior golfers enjoyed a week of learning and developing their skills. Thank you for an incredible week of golf!
Message from Jane Frizzell, President of the Ladies Aid: On behalf of the Chebeague Ladies Aid I would like to thank all the people who helped us out with our Fair. This thanks includes everyone who baked for us, who helped out on the tables, who transported our goods to the CIHCC, and those who came to the CIHCC and purchased fudge, pies, hats, lunch, cards, knives and any other of our numerous wares. Your help and purchases enable the Ladies Aid to donate to the following:
Chebeague Methodist Churc
Chebeague Ares
Chebeague Rec Center
Island Commons
Kid's Place
Stephen Ross Scholarship Fund
Wiliam Robinson Field Trip Fund
August 4, 2018 - photo - by Krista Hayward taken on August 4th looking East. Click here for another taken facing west.
Reminder…this Sunday, August 5th, is Island Commons BAY MIST CRUISE, Boarding at Chebeague Island Boatyard at 4pm! Wine, Beer, Appetizers & Live Music provided for your enjoyment. Cash bar available for those who’d like to enjoy a special beverage. Raffles & Live Auction items can be previewed at https://www.islandcommons.com/live-auction All proceeds of this fundraising event go directly to support Island Commons, to help close the “gap” of MaineCare funding…
The family of Darlene Eyster invites you to join them for a gathering in Darlene’s memory on Saturday, August 11 from 5:00 to 6:30 PM, above the Niblic.
August 3, 2018 - Don't miss out! Come to Island Commons' Big Tent Sale Saturday from 10:00 to Noon!
Everything at the Red Studio will be 20% off. Shop at Pommy's Porch for antiques and unique items made on Chebeague. Find treasures in the big blue tent or the furniture annex. Check out our architectural finds tent. Browse our bargain tables filled with box lots for $5 or $10! And go crazy in our "Free Me from the Garage" section filled with great free items like a Jotul stove. All proceeds benefit Island Commons. So come on out and support a great cause!
From the Rec: The CRC gym is reserved this weekend for a gymnastics group. The fitness room is available but please stay out of gym. Thank you in advance.
Midlife Magic with Bonnie Leonard, Wednesday, August 8th at 4:30 pm at the Library. Book signing and reception.
August 2, 2018 - Bulky Trash Weekend is this weekend at the Chebeague Island Town Garage on Saturday, August 4, 2018 from 9:00AM to 3:00PM and Sunday , August 5, 2018 from 9:00PM to 3:00PM. During Bulky Trash weekend all traffic will enter and exit from the Littlefield Road at the Town Garage.
- click here for details.
The Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has issued a preliminary Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) reflecting proposed flood hazard determinations with Cumberland County. We have 90 days to appeal the map rates. The current FIRM’s that are in effect and enforceable are from 1985. We want everyone to be aware of the considerable elevation and drastic zone changes in certain areas of the island from the current 1985 maps to what appears to be the new preliminary FIRM’s. Not only do the elevations appear to increase upwards of sixteen feet, but the zone change from A zone to a V zone is a big factor in appeals, variances, and insurance rates. These new maps will change building requirements within the flood zone and probably increase flood insurance. We will post the official notice from FEMA around town. More information is available at the Town Office.
Barrie Shepherd will be the guest preacher at Chebeague United Methodist Church this Sunday, August 5. Barrie's Sermon is entitled "Time To Remember." The service begins at 10 a.m.
Kids' Place: Next week will be Stories and Music camp. Kids will get to read books about people around the world and also have fun with instruments. Register online or at CRC.
Pool Hours: Thank you to all our pool patrons for an incredible summer. As of August 20th we lose most of our lifeguards as they head back to school. Starting August 20th we will still have all of our lap swim times (7:30-9am, 11:30-1pm) but open swim will be from 1-3. We appreciate your understanding.
This weekend, join CUMC in two Ice Cream Socials at the Parish House at 6 PM before the free concert fund concerts on Thursday and Saturday. Cost is by donation and proceeds will benefit the music
ministry of the church. Also, be sure to worship with us on Sunday, August 5th at 10 AM where Rev. Barrie Shepherd will be bringing a message to us entitled "Time To Remember." Finally, our Free Vacation Bible School starts Monday, August 6th and runs each weekday from 3 - 6 PM until the 10th, where we end with a family BBQ. Dinner is provided. For more information and registration, visit www.chebeagueumc.org/vbs.html.
July 31, 2018 - ATTENTION: Baseball game at the Volunteer Field -Wednesday 4 pm AMISH vs ENGLISH Everyone welcome. There are a number of Amish families visiting the island from Pennsylvania staying all over the island and have brought their baseballs, bats and gloves and are ready to take on the islanders!! Come have some fun, play and watch - everyone invited.
From the Rec: We still have a couple of spots left in our Kids' Place Camp starting yesterday. This week is Colors Camp - an art camp for our young ones! Ages: 4-7 - M/W/F 9-11:30. Email crcsummercamps@gmail.com to register.
LADIES AID FAIR - Thursday August 2nd at the Hall from 12pm to 2:30.
Note from Donna Damon: "We are fortunate to have many beaches where we can enjoy a day in the sun and surf with family and friends. In many cases dogs are also welcome. Unfortunately, some dog owners are not cleaning up after their pets. Yesterday I took my 4 year-old grand son to Chandlers. We had a tough time finding a place for a picnic that was out of the range of a pile of dog poop! We found 5 piles along the beach. Please clean up after your dogs. It is unhealthy and not respectful of those who have worked hard to provide shore access."
The season's first garlic is being harvested at Second Wind Farm—don't miss the delectable treat of fresh garlic! Look for the new crops this year—escarole, endive, scallions, and more. The farm stand is full and among the variety are beets and beet greens, green beans, potatoes, onions, Swiss chard, turnips, spinach, lettuce, basil, herbs, and more. Come for a visit, enjoy the freshness of just picked from the garden vegetables and support your local farmer. Chuck's farm stand is open daily and is glad to offer the "honor system" for shopping, but please remember to bring cash or a check when you visit. Hope to see you soon!
CONCERT: Thursday August 2nd: Diane Walsh, pianist 7pm at the Chebeague Methodist Church
CONCERT: Novel Jazz Septet, August 4th, 7:00 at the Chebeague Methodist Church.
July 30, 2018 - Novel Jazz Septet: The 14th musical season of the Novel Jazz Septet continues with a concert of Ellington and Strayhorn compositions this coming Saturday, 4 August at 7:00 PM, at the United Methodist Church of Chebeague Island.
Congratulations to the doubles team of Ursula King and David O'Donnell, winners of the Tennis Club's inaugural Founders' Cup tournament on Saturday! Click here to see them with their trophies with one of the club's founders, Jerry Johnston.
The new, exciting, chock-full of treasures Red Studio Tent Sale will be held from 10-12:30 on Saturday (Aug. 4) at the Island Commons, 132 Littlefield Road. Check out the fantastic collection of furniture, antiques, island artifacts and unique furnishings that every Chebeague home should have. (Prices reduced on many items for this sale.) Wander through the Red Studio and our furniture annex. Check out items on our special collections tables, including architectural collectibles, vintage linens, art, jewelry, rugs, lamps, beds, chairs, tools, books and vintage accessories for all ages. A special feature of this year’s sale is Pommy’s Porch Picks, items from our collection personally selected by Pommy Hatfield, yard sale genius and Commons founder. Stop by, say hello, and check out the best of our best. This is an event the island waits for every year! Don’t miss it. (All proceeds go toward costs not reimbursed by MaineCare.)
Message from CTC: The Cousins Island lot is very full this summer with all the construction being done on the Island. Contractors may be turned away from the lot if they come for the early boat.
Whenever possible, please have contractors park at Route One or wait until the 8:15 ferry. There will be more spots available then since the commuters will be out of the lot.
July 29, 2018 - The Board of Selectman approved a public Broadband meeting at The Hall, Saturday August 11, 4:00 PM. Joining us will be Mark Ouellette, president of Axiom. We will be showing our video and Mark will be available for any of your questions. We plan for this to be a short meeting with lots of information. Hope you can join us. We want everyone to feel that they know enough to make decisions about Chebeague's Internet Future. If you haven't seen the video, just click this link.
The Kids' Place Caregivers and Parents Advisory Committee thank the great audience which turned out Saturday night and generously supported this year's Mystery Theater. "The Stiff From Away" took the efforts of eleven cast members, a talented Director, and our lighting and video experts. Special thanks go to the Baltimore mafia, the FBI and local Deputy Sheriff who collectively solved the crime, and to the creative cast members who came up with the O. Henry ending. Thanks also to our Sponsors and the Chebeague Plumbers!
The CTC August newsletter is now available on the News and Info page of their website, chebeaguetrans.com, or here.
Very sad to report a deceased dog found on the beach on Chebeague Island yesterday. This is a female with long black hair - estimated to be about 65 lbs. She was scanned and no microchip was found. She was wearing a collar - see photo. This dog's remains are presently at the Animal Refuge League of Greater Portland. If you might know who this dog belongs to, please contact the shelter at 207-854-9771.
July 28, 2018 - photo by Cathy MacNeill from last year's Bay Mist Cruise. DON’T MISS OUT! Tickets are selling fast for Island Commons’ BAY MIST CRUISE, Sunday August 5th… Visit the cruise link above or click on the photo for full event details and ticket information. We have great Auction & Raffles this year, music by Herb Maine & Friends, Hors d’oeuvres by Christine Englund. Have fun cruising the bay in support of Island Commons…hope to see you aboard the Bay Mist!
A reminder that the memorial service for Sally Tubbesing will be held at the Chebeague Island United Methodist Church on Saturday, August 11 at 11:15 a.m. A reception will follow at the Community Hall.
TONIGHT! Mystery Theater, 7pm at the Hall.The Stiff From Away directed by Stacy Stewart and a cast of famous notables including Jon Rich, Stephen Todd, Cooper Bowman, Donna Damon, Steve Harris, Mary Holt, Chris Loder, Jonny Miller,, Ozric Stewart, Ben Yosua-Davis.
Click here for long overdue photos of the 2018 4th of July activities. Most of the photos are from Cathy MacNeill and there may be a few from others.
PHOTO by John Wilson of a fog bow taken on July 27.
EMERALD RAE -- MONDAY NIGHT -- JULY 30 -- 7 PM -- AT THE WILSONS! Suggested donation $15, BYO.Zeroing in on the synergy of voice and fiddle, Rae’s extraordinary chops transform the fiddle into anything from bagpipes to flamenco or electric guitar, slap bass or ukulele. Her direct and intimate voice, alternately high and honeyed then gutsy and soulful, encompasses both wind and sea, animal and etheric. Rae pulls off an impressive level of variety. Her foot percussion and wailing old-timey fiddle will take you on a journey and leave you spellbound...
A few upcoming events from CUMC: First, join us at Chandler's Beach on SUNDAY, JULY 29 at 5PM for Beach Worship and Potluck. Bring a dish to share as well as beach chairs and blankets. We'll eat together, worship together, and hang out on the beach together!
Secondly, head over to the sanctuary at 5 PM on TUESDAY, JULY 21st for "Camino de Santiago: a pilgrim’s experience walking the way of St. James" from Rev. Scott Slater. Scott is an Episcopal priest working for the Diocese of Maryland. He and his wife's family have been enjoying summers here on Chebeague for many years. He'll be sharing about his journey through Spain. He'll also be preaching at CUMC for Sunday Worship on July 29th at 10 AM.
July 26, 2018 - Click here to see a selfie that Steve Todd took after a juvenile Common Tern landed on his shoulder while he was out fishing.
Today a new report was published called "Making Maine Work" by Maine State Chamber of Commerce, the Maine Development Foundation and Educate Maine. I was particularly interested in page 25 talking about affordable high speed broadband. I feel that you could replace the word Maine with Chebeague throughout. "1. All Mainers should have access to affordable broadband that enables full participation in economic and civic life; and, 2. Maine businesses, both rural and urban, should have broadband speeds and costs that are comparable or superior to their competitors in cities and towns across the country." - The Broadband Committee is working hard to accomplish this on Chebeague.
The Historical Society Museum and Gift Shop are open Tuesday-Saturday from 11-4, Sunday 1-4, and closed Mondays. Christmas in July sale is happening now starting the 24th and ending on July 29th, this Sunday!
Tonight: Ice Cream Social at CUMC tonight! 6 - 7 at the Parish House.
Tonight, Thursday is the Sebago Long Lake Chamber Music at the churd 7pm to 9pm - FREE - donations appreciated.
Don't Miss the Martha Hamilton Arts and Craft Extravaganza at the Hall from 10:00 to noon tomorr...................................ow. Here is your opportunity to stock up on all things artsy and craftsy: high-quality yarn and fabric, kite- and flag-making materials, kids' craft items, weaving materials, art and how-to books, drawing and painting supplies, quilting and rugmaking supplies--and so much more. We will once again be featuring the "Start Me" and "Finish Me" tables as well as Martha's Table, filled with rare, vintage, and wonderful things that Martha collected and used during her long and creative life. The $5 entry fee enables you to take home as much as you want! Go wild! Start a new hobby! Please bring your own bags.
MYSTERY THEATER this Saturday 7pm at the Hall- This year’s show will be very different from past ones. The cast has gotten involved with the whodunit aspects and has come up with a novel scheme unlike anything ever before seen on stage. Come see cast members Jonny Miller, Jon Rich, Stephen Todd, Cooper Bowman and eight others strut their stuff! Stacy KomLosy directing!
The kiddie pool is open. Thank you for your patience, as there have been challenges in getting it working.
July 25, 2018 - Message from Cheryl Buxbaum whose son Scott was burned badly when his boat exploded outside of Hamilton Beach: "A big thank you to all that ask how Scott is doing. However, by the time I get to see him I forget to tell him who is asking. To make sure that he gets your well wishes please send him a card at
Scott McCollom
Maine Medical Center
22 Bramhall Street Room 326
Portland, ME 04102
His family reads them to him (yes,he can see it, it is the holding that is hard).
School House Seconds: As of July 31st, School House Seconds can no longer accept donations. Thank you to everyone who has donated !! Below is list of our upcoming sales:
07/31/18- Starts with S buy one get one free
08/07/18 Fill a bag for $7.00
08/14/18 All you can wear for $7.00
08/21/18 Last day! Take what you want and make a donation
Professional Carpet Cleaner, Kevin Burns of Carpet Cleaning Services will be on island beginning Tuesday, 8/7. Please be in touch with him via email if you are interested in scheduling his service. As you may know, he uses a steam cleaning process on carpets, upholstery and tile/grout. If you have questions about his processes or prices, you can contact him at carpetservicesme@gmail.com or
(207)772-6225. He has wowed and pleased many Chebeaguers!
There will be a number of burials at the Chebeague Cemetery in the coming weeks. Due to the proximity of the transfer station, there will be some delayed openings and closings. This website and a sign placed at the bottom of the transfer station road will announce them. The noise from the compactors and demolition hitting the metal containers can be very distracting to the family and friends while observing the burial.Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Ann Thaxter Cemetery Superintendent
Thanks to volunteers from the Chebeague Community Sailing School and the Chebeague Island Hall Community Center for adding to Chedemptions beverage recycling program. Each group spent a week bagging and packing boxes. This week the Chebeague Parent Association will be volunteering. There are
some slots that need filling. Please give Lisa Tucker 603-219-7242 a call if you can helpWe are shipping boxes and bags on Tuesdays and Thursdays to Brighton
Redemption Center. Thanks. The Baggettes
July 23, 2018 - Yoga at the CRC Mondays (tonight!) at 5:30 and Thursdays at 9am. Come join Andrea Henchey for Yoga. All levels welcome, $5 drop-in fee.
CRC would appreciate all fitness room users to please take care of equipment. There is a lot of sand in the room being brought in from runners and the beach which will hurt the equipment in the long run. Also please put weights along the wall neatly when done with workout. Thank you.
You won't want to miss the MYSTERY THEATER – this Saturday evening, July 28th, 7:30pm at the Hall. The Cast for The Stiff From Away directed by Stacy Stewart and a cast of famous notables including Jon Rich, Stephen Todd, Cooper Bowman, Donna Damon, Steve Harris, Mary Holt, Chris Loder, Jonny Miller,, Ozric Stewart, Ben Yosua-Davist. Come and enjoy their thespian skills July 28th at the Hall. Come see if they can solve the mystery!
Flash Allen is playing at John Wilson’s house on Friday, August 10 , from 7:30 on. He’s a fabulous, fun pianist, who loves to have musicians play along occasionally, and singers perform with him. All welcome. Donations to CICA appreciated.
Sew Good will be making vests for the participants in the Vacation Bible School program. We meet at the Parish House Wednesday, July 25, from 1-5
The project is easy to do: very little sewing Please join us
For more details contact Karen Corson.
Congratulations to Jim Lunt who swam from Asia to Europe in the Bosphorous cross-continental swimming race with two friends from his masters swim team in CA. It was the 30th year of the race attracting over 2400 participants.
July 21, 2018 - CUMC is postponing beach worship until next Sunday the 29th due to weather.
LION KING Jr. performances tonight Saturday at 7pm at the Hall and Sunday, July 22 matinee at 2:30pm. Don’t miss “The Circle of Life”! Tickets at the door. Sponsored by The Rec’s beloved Children’s Theater.
July 20, 2018 - GCTC has plenty of opportunities coming up - join us for the pro clinic today 7/20, sessions at noon and 2:00 (sign up at the courts), men's scramble Mondays at 9am, ladies scramble Thursdays at 9am. See you on the courts!
Chebeague Tennis is having its first ever Founders' Cup Tournament on Saturday, July 28! Co-ed teams can sign up at the court. Questions? Contact Kim at 617.699.9124 (cell) or kim@venkataraman.net
July 19, 2018 - photo by Jackie Doughty of our future marine scientists at the CCLT Tide Pool event at Bennetts Cove Wednesday - a great time was had!
professional window cleaner, Chris Leveris, owner of Maine Coast Window Cleaning will be on Chebeague from 7/16 through 7/31 (see website). Chris pleased many Chebeaguers last summer and has blocked off two weeks to accommodate as many as new customers as possible. Please let him know if you're interested in his services call or email only. Cell phone number is 319.5386. Email address is chrisleveris@gmail.com. Be sure to mention that you are on Chebeague Island.
CATHOLIC MASS - please join with us to celebrate Catholic Mass with Fr. Dan Greenleaf on Saturday, July 21st at l0 A.M. at the Chebeague Methodist Church .
Message from May: Hi folks! We will be open this week Thurs, Fri, Sat, and Sun starting at noon for ice cream, 5 for dinner, and the bar will be open until 12. Friday night we'll have Karaoke starting at 8:30. Saturday night we welcome back Maine musician Jerry Smith starting at 8:30 with a $5 cover. On Sunday we'll let you entertain us with Kids Karaoke starting at 7. Our specials include BBQ chicken, beer battered lobster, scallops, and a beet and feta salad. Come check us out! Call ahead for takeout! 846-3078.
Jonathan Edwards is Coming to Chebeague! Come enjoy a special night of great music in an intimate setting ~ at the Wilson home on August 3rd at 7pm.
Looking forward to seeing you! Tickets are $50.00 per person (snacks provided) ~ BYOB.
Due to high demand and limited seating we will have people reserve tickets by email. Tickets will be reserved on first come, first serve basis with a limit of 6 per email/family. To reserve tickets you will email Regina Leonard @ Jonathanshow2018@gmail.com at 7pm on July 23rd. NO EMAILS PRIOR TO 7pm WILL BE ACCEPTED. A confirmation email will be sent reserving your tickets. Payment must be made by cash/check by the 27th of July, or tickets will be released to next reservation.
DIGITAL LITERACY WORKSHOPS - Look for the interest in the digital literacy workshops by the Island Institute and Axiom Education. Even if you have done the survey before please take it again as they would like to see if there is interest now for these workshops. Click here to take a brief survey. Thank you
July 18, 2018 - photos of The Summer Frolic was a huge success due to the many generous donors, sponsors and attendees who supported us. We are truly grateful to Joanie Dayton for sharing her beautiful property for everyone to enjoy. All the effort and support our community provided will go directly into continuing programs for Islanders of all ages at the CRC! Thank you. Click on the photo to see lots of photos taken by Cathy MacNeill.
Hakuna Matata! SAVE THE DATE for this weekend at the Hall when CRC Children’s Theater presents LION KING Jr. Saturday 7/21 at 7pm or a matinee on Sunday 7/22 at 2:30pm. Tickets at the door. Click here ( Flyer)
The Rec Center has 2 spots open up for Rippleffect. This is an incredible outdoor leadership program for 5th graders and older. This an overnight trip to Cow Island, July 24-July 25 where our young teens will get to sea kayak, raft building, experience a high ropes course overlooking the ocean, and zipline. Evening will be spent around a campfire with good friends. Email crcsummercamps@gmail.com today to sign up! Cost: $225
The Hair Fairy is on her way out to the island this Sunday! We're starting with a two-hour children/teen event at the CRC in the multi-purpose room from 11-1, then we're moving to Amanda Layng's house for a two-hour adult event from 2-4. The Hair Fairy can accommodate 5-6 customers an hour, so I would like to organize a sign up to make sure we don't end up with too many or too few customers. Anyone who is interested in making an appointment should contact Amy Demers at amywdemers@gmail.com, or by phone at 846-0847. Click here for a Flyer.
Join CUMC at Chandler's Field at 5 PM on Sunday, July 22nd for potluck and worship. We'll provide burgers and dogs - bring a dish to share! We'll gather together to eat and have a time of informal worship - and there'll be plenty of time for hanging out at the beach afterward! For more information (or to stay tuned for weather updates), call the church office or visit our Facebook page
On Tuesday, July 31st at 5 PM, you are invited to a special presentation from The Rev. Scott Slater at the Parish House:
Camino de Santiago: a pilgrim’s experience walking the way of St. James
The Rev. Scott Slater walked almost 500 miles across Spain in 2016 on one of the oldest Christian pilgrimage routes in the world. He will describe the route, its history, a typical day in the life of a pilgrim, and highlight some of his spiritual experiences.
Scott is an Episcopal priest and serves as chief operating officer of the Diocese of Maryland. He and his wife’s family have been coming to Chebeague for 28 years. One of his primary spiritual practices is walking, which includes having walked across Maryland in 2012, walking the Camino in 2016 and leading monthly prayer walks in Baltimore City to places where people have died from gun violence.
Tide Pooling with Karen Herold and Caitlin Gerber at Bennetts Cove today at 9am - click here to learn more and sign up
July 16, 2018 - Saturday July 21 is the Chebeague Fire Rescue open house.A Red Cross blood drive is happening from 9am to 2pm. The Open House/Carnival starts at 12 noon. There will be Hot Dogs, Cotton Candy, Candy apples, popcorn and lemonaid. There will be a dunk tank and many other games and Fire Department activities. There will be a fire muster between Chebeague, Long and North Yarmouth. There will also be a raffle of a Caroline Loder print, Help us raise money for the Fire Department and have a good time.
THE LION KING - Chebeague Recreation Center's Children's Theater presentation at the Chebeague Island Hall Saturdday, July 21st at 7pm and Sunday, July 22nd at 2:30pm - tickets at the door, Adults $7, Children 12 and under $5 and Family Maximum of $20. Directed by Shannon Geary with Abby Dutton.
PLEASE NOTE ABOUT THE POOL: Swimmers at the CRC...the pool will be closed tomorrow after morning adult lap swim (after 9 a.m.). The forecast is rain and this will give me the perfect opportunity to shock the pool. Note to folks who think it's OK to climb the fence at night and swim...there will be toxic levels of chlorine in the pool starting at 10 a.m. tomorrow...so please stay out! Thanks!!
Come hear Ron Formisano discuss his book The Lobster War, tonight at the Hall at 7 pm! Sponsored by the Chebeague Island Historical Society.
MYSTERY THEATER – The Cast for The Stiff From Away are your friends and neighbors Cooper Bowman, Donna Damon, Steve Harris, Mary Holt, Chris Loder, Jonny Miller, Jon Rich, Ozric Stewart, Stephen Todd, Ben Yosua-Davis and Director Stacy KomLosy Stewart. Come and enjoy their thespian skills July 28th at the Hall.
July 15, 2018 - The CTC Annual Members Meeting will be held on 7/21 at 9 AM at the Island Hall.
This Wednesday at the Wilsons Join us for night of music with: Jocelyn Miller, John Emery. and Doug DenataleWith Chip Emery, Pete Emery and Fred Hunt (house band) $15 suggested donation. Go to the Event Calendar above to learn more and see what is going on this summer.
Don't forget that this Wednesday at 9 am the CCLT and MCHT will be doing Tide Pooling with Karen Herold and Caitlin Gerber at Bennetts Cove - click here to learn more and sign up - free. This event is jointly hosted by the Chebeague & Cumberland Land Trust (CCLT) and Maine Coast Heritage Trust (MCHT) as part of the Get Out! Nature Walk series.
Mystery Theater - Rehearsals for The Stiff From Away are underway. Come to the Hall on Saturday, July 28th at 7 PM to find out whodunnit and why our local sheriff needed help solving this year’s crime. Voluntary admission proceeds benefit Kids’ Place.
July 14, 2018 - Breakfast at Wimbledon . Join us Sunday morning, July 15, at the Recreation Center from 9-11 for the Wimbledon Men’s finals. Coffee,Juice and brunch baked goods for your enjoyment!!
Reminder -- today is the day of the Yacht Club Crow Island Picnic, with pram racing for anyone starting at 11:00. Launch ttrnsportation fromn the boatyard.
July 13, 2018 - The Frolic Online Silent Auction ends tomorrow at noon so don't forget to up your bids so that you may have a chance to win the item. If you are interested in any of the Live Auction Items and are unable to attend just get in touch with one of the contacts on the Frolic page and they will help you.
A wonderful article about Anne Kendall Holmbom in the Maine Coastal News. Talks about how wonderful it was growing up on Chebeague in the summers earning her way to college lobstering.
Unfortunately unable to find coverage for Teen Center this evening and will be closed. If someone is able to cover 7-10pm please let me know by 5pm and I will circulate an email that Teen Center will be open. Teen Center will be open on 7/14 regular hours 7-10pm.
SCHOOL HOUSE SECONDS: Wow! What a great start to the season!! Thanks to our wonderful volunteers and our awesome, loyal customers. This Tuesday, July 17th will be our " Open and Close" sale. If it opens and closes , it's buy 1 get 1 free! Come have some fun!!
We still have room for the UK soccer camp for ages 4-6. This is an excellent way to introduce your youngest to the game of soccer. Fun games, and getting acquainted with the soccer ball. Dates: July 16-20 Time: 4:30-6pm Register here or go to link on CRC website.
Reminder: Monday evening, July 16, 7pm at the Island Hall: Chebeague Historical Society Lecture Series Presents Ron Formisano: "The Great Lobster War." Spend an evening with Ron Formisano as he tells us about a group of lobstermen, along with many of your friends and neighbors, who band together to fight large commercial interests in the hopes of preserving their standard of living -- in The Great Lobster War.
July 12, 2018 - photo Framed water color "31 x 38" framed "Clouds over the Passage" by the famous Maine artist Eric Hopkins valued at $7500 has been donated by him to the Live Auction to take place at the Frolic. The proceeds from this painting will go directly to Kids Place. If you are not able to attend and are interested in this please contact the anyone on the committee.
Reminder: A reading from "If You Don't Have Twenty Minutes Don't Stop," Barrie Shephed's new collection of Chebeague Island poems, tomorrow, FRIDAY 4:30 p.m. at the library. Copies for signing and inscribing will be available. All proceeds, beyond cost, donated to Chebeague's Recompense Fund.
July 11, 2018 - Session I of Art Camp starts next week. This camp is for ages 6-10 and is sculpture building along with other art projects. Must be signed up by this Friday at noon, so we know numbers for materials.
Sign up for CRC and Kids' Place camps online or at the office: Next week Kids' Place camp is "Sand, Sun, and Sailboats" with Greta. Ages 4-7. This camp will be beach crafts, making sailboats, and learning about the ocean. Also we have our wonderful UK Soccer Camp and tennis camp with Dave Hoidal on CRC courts. Sign up today!
A Huge "Thank you" to the rec center volunteers who packed more than 60 boxes and 30 plus bags over the July 4th weekend for Chedemption. Incredible!
If you would like to lend a hand for one of the non-profits please contact them directly. This week starting Wednesday it will be the Chebeague Community Sailing School. Call Adrian Cole 449-1609 if you have an hour or two to spare.
Thank you from "the Baggettes"
A wonderful article in the Old Port Magazine about lobstering, oyster farming and Jeff Putnam - click here to see.
Congratulations to Evo Chef Matt Ginn who won 'Chopped' episode, $10,000 (he is the executive chef at the Chebeague Inn) click here to see the article in Portland Press Herald.
July 10, 2018 - CUMC needs your input! We have proposed mission and vision statements for our Chebeague community's church and want to know if they resonate with you. Please visit http://www.chebeagueumc.org/mission-and-vision.html to read our statements and offer your thoughts in a brief survey.
Yesterday the boat yard removed two buildings. The metal building as is pictured in the Mullen drawing has been around for many years. In the 30's they used to show movies in it. I put together a video from my iphone and Eddie Leonards iphone. I was going to speed it up but it is fun to see it in real time - Click here to go to the youtube. After you get all nostalgic contact the rec and give them a starting bid on Jeanne Mullen's drawing being auctioned off. The drawing was done in1993 when the Brewer family owned the Boatyard and this was the only large structure. Jeanne reworked it lightly in 2018 and it is being donated in memory of Betsy Raymond who loved Chebeague and loved to sail.
Don't forget to go to the Auction Page of the Frolic and bid on the Red Sox Tickets - they also include four hats, a figurine, and a child's t-shirt!
Cribbage tonight at 7pm at the Parrish House instead of the Rec where there is a Planning Board meeting. Skip Dyer who has not missed a cribbage game will be there and will be moving off the island soon so come and help give him a sendoff. Skip has added so much to the many games we have played!
July 9, 2018 - photo of an original unframed pastel drawing of the Chebeague Island Boatyard building, back in Hartley's day. It is 22x30 and valued around $3000. This work by Jeanne Mullen who is a summer native and is a well known artist in Callifornia. It has been donated in memory of Betsy Raymond. This drawing will be one of the Live Auction items at the Summer Frolic next Saturday! Timing is interesting as this building was demolished on Monday.. Go to Summer Frolic above and get your tickets and check out all the auction items.
Great news! The kid's tennis clinic begins this Wednesday, July 11th at the clay courts. Come join us each Wednesday at 10am for free, fun kid's tennis! Open to both members and non-members - no sign up necessary!
The Tennis club has just started a new webpage with a wonderful overhead photo of the island looking out over the bay - click here or go above and click on Tennis Club.
July 7, 2017 - The Fourth of July picnic is always considered the kick-off for the summer season and reunion of old and new friends. With the re-construction of the school, the picnic was in jeopardy this year. Thanks to many volunteers and lots of co-operation, the longstanding tradition of the island picnic was a success. Friends, food and fun mingled in the oppressive heat of Volunteer Field, with smiles all around. The Chebeague Fourth of July Committee would like send a special thanks to the following:
Chebeague Island School: Superintendent Mike Pulsifer, Laura Summa and staff
Town of Chebeague: Town Administrator Marjorie Stratton, Chuck Elder and the Board of Selectman
Chebeague Rec Center: Dave Hoidel
Ducas Construction: Patrick Ducas and the entire crew
Kids Place: Grace Eaton and Jen Corson
Whalers: Vail Traina and Toby Webb
Teen Center: May Hall
Chebeague Parent Association: Lisa Tucker
Chebeague Methodist Church: Melissa Yosua-Davis
A shout-out to the over 20 volunteers of the picnic crew, including the families of the Picnic Committee, who grilled and served hamburgers and hot dogs. Honorable mention goes to the grilling crew headed up by grillers Mac McNeill and assisted by Fred and Donna Martindale and new island resident Chris Elmore of the Chebeague Boat Yard.
Thank you all!
Eliza Jane Adams
Anne Brenton
Erika Neuman
The Fourth of July parade was a celebration of many “Songs of the Sea!” The parade had some perennial favorites: the Rice family Clown Limo and live sea shanty music by the Gronkos. There was a bike-pedaling pod of whales by the Hinchman family and George the Juggler who was quick on his feet. Spectators were treated to candy flying out the portholes of the Yellow Submarine float and foil wrapped hot dogs from the Chebeague Inn float. And who had bigger smiles: the kids riding in the fire trucks or the parade spectators waving at the kids?? Centenarian Chuck Hilly “Rocked the Boat” in a golf cart driven by his granddaughters. The Jay Holt family played music and threw lots of candy. Click here to see the results - hope to have some photos later.
Photo taken July 5th of Centenarians, Margaret Gaston and Chuck Hilly.. 201 combined years of life experience! And over 120 combined summers on Chebeague.
Yesterday the Pond was dedicated to Wink Houghton and lots of people were there. Click here to go to the Golf Club Facebook page and see some of them.
Click here to see a photo of an eagle being mobbed by a crow on Littlefield Road today taken by George Bates.
Click here for a list of items needed for the children’s musical? If anyone is willing to donate any of the above, if they could email shannongeary@gmail.com or text Shannon Geary at 724-816-9207 by Wednesday, July 11th, thank you.
The Hall is looking for coverage at Chedemption for July 21 and July 22 if anyone is able to volunteer for the Hall it would be greatly appreciated - email Sam at samhidval@gmail.com
Al-Anon. Chebeague’s inaugural meeting on Saturday was well attended. Anyone who is suffering from the effects of another’s alcoholism is welcome to attend future meetings, every Saturday, 8 AM at the Rec Craft Center.
Click here for a photo from Bill Putnam of the very cool exhibit at the OUTDOOR SPORTING HERITAGE MUSEUM in Oquossoc, Me.
most of the items on display are.placed by Shelby and Bob Putnam and David Hill
Don't forget the Craft Fair today from 10 to 1pm!
July 5, 2018 - photo of the Golf Course Pond where Friday at 5pm there will be a special ceremony to honor Wink Houghton’s decades of service to our historic and beautiful golf course.
Recompense Fund Annual Grant Request meeting is tomorrow, Friday July 6th from 5 to 7. Public is invited to come and hear the grant requests from our non-profits and school. Refreshments will be served.
Due to expected rainy weather July 6 the “get back into tennis’ clinic and lessons with Jeff Barrett have been rescheduled to next Friday July 13th at the GC Tennis Club.
Message from May: Hey folks:. This week we are open at the Slow Bell Thu, Fri, Sat and Sunday at noon for ice cream, 5 for dinner and the bar until midnight. This week our specials include house smoked ribs, fried clams, and seafood chowder. We will have island karaoke on Friday and will be welcoming back the Westenders on Saturday night ($5 cover). After last weekend's live music, I find myself compelled to bring this up again... You cannot bring your own alcohol to the Slow Bell, ever. Not only does it risk my liquor license, but it cuts into profits and makes it harder for me to stay open and provide entertainment. I'm asking you, begging you, if you come out for the Westenders, please support the business, pay the cover, and purchase our products. I will have staff checking the parking lot, and if you bring your own alcohol, you will be asked to leave. Thanks for understanding and supporting this business! Happy 4th!
Back by popular demand, professional window cleaner, Chris Leveris, owner of Maine Coast Window Cleaning will be on Chebeague from 7/16 through 7/31 (see website). Chris pleased many Chebeaguers last summer and has blocked off two weeks to accommodate as many as new customers as possible. Please let him know if you're interested in his services call or email only. Cell phone number is 319.5386. Email address is chrisleveris@gmail.com. Be sure to mention that you are on Chebeague Island.
The CIYC Commodore's Reception and Organizing Meeting will again be held aboard "Barbara" at the Boatyard, Sat, July 7, at 5:00. All members or prospective members welcome.
CIYC offers a chance for anyone to try a short race in an Optimist Pram on July 14, starting at 11:00. Picnic on Crow Island to follow. Launch transportation provided from the Boatyard.
Due to expected rainy weather July 6 the “get back into tennis’ clinic and lessons with Jeff Barrett have been rescheduled to next Friday July 13th at the GC Tennis Club.
July 4, 2018 - The Frolic is only a week and a half away and we have some fabulous items to auction! It is really important to take a look, especially if you are unable to attend the Frolic. There are FOUR PATRIOT'S game tickets valued at $3000 being auctioned off. They are in section 107 row 20 on the Patriots side just below the area where the owner, Craft sits. Click here to go to the Auction site! Go to the Frolic page and order your tickets to the frolic before they are all gone.
Happy Fourth of July - Congratulations to everyone who ran today! We had 51 kids of all ages participate in the Fun Run and 77 participate in the Road Race. It was a very hot day and you are all to be commended for running! I want to thank everyone who helps me put this together from my timers, registration team, the water people and family/friends who provide tables and tents. Lastly, to my extended family for keeping me sane in the final 12 hours before and during the race. As I said at the awards ceremony, if there are things we can do better or differently, please let me know. My email address is marthawvernon@gmail.com. And as always, if you want to volunteer, please let me know!
2018 Fun Run by Last Name
2018 Fun Run by Bib Number
2018 Road Race by Last Name
2018 Road Race by Bib Number
I personally want to thank Martha Vernon for taking on the work of the Road Races - there is a lot of work that goes into making it work!!!
The Chebeague Island Al-Anon Family Group’s initial meeting will be on Saturday, July 7th, 8 AM at the Rec Craft Room. It is an open meeting. One does not have to be a member of Al-Anon to attend. If you have an alcoholic in your family, regardless of whether he or she is recovering or active, you are welcome to attend.
July 3, 2018 - In addition to the lobster rolls, Kids' Place will have a bake sale with fresh pies, cupcakes, brownies, cookies and more during the July 4th picnic.
CTC is encouraging customers to delay transporting commercial freight until after 7/8. We have been very busy and expect this to continue through the weekend. The Cousins Island Lot is very full and day parkers may be turned away. Park at Route One to ensure you get a parking spot. The office is closed on 7/4
Thank you.
FROLIC SILENT AUCTION IS UP AND RUNNING. Click on Summer Frolic above to get your tickets and start bidding on all the silent auction items. Click here to go directly to the silent auction. You may bid online until July 14th at noon and it will resume in person at the frolic. If you can't make the frolic just bid really high and you may be the high bidder! We also have five exciting LIVE Auction items- check them out by going to the Frolic webpage.
Saturday from 10 to 1 at the Island Hall - One of Chebeague's most popular summer events, the annual Craft Fair features local artisans. Get all your Christmas shopping done in July! The majority of the vendors only accept cash or checks. Admission: $0 For more information contact Annette Kincaid - (207) 776-0097 annettekincaid03@gmail.com
The farm stand at Second Wind Farm is now open for the season. Garlic scapes are ready and plentiful, and there are many other first harvests which start out small, but there is more on the way. Hope to see you soon!
July 1, 2018 - The Recompense Fund invites you to the Niblic on Friday, July 6th from 5:00-7:00- to hear new grant proposals from nonprofits and the school that may help sustain the island as a thriving year-round community. Bring friends and family with you. This is your community fund. Check out the fund at www.recompensefund.com.
Congratulations to the Town of Long Island as they celebrate 25 years as their own town. As I update this web site I can hear the fabulous fireworks that are going on to commemorate the event.
The hours for the 4th of July Historical Society will be 8am to 1pm.
School Committee Meeting this Tuesday at 6pm at the Hall - see agenda.
from the Great Chebeague Golf Club. Please join us on Friday, July 6 at the golf club pond for a special ceremony to honor Wink Houghton’s decades of service to our historic and beautiful golf course. We will meet at the pond at 5:00 p.m. for a short dedication program and then will adjourn to the clubhouse for drinks and appetizers. (By the way, in keeping with a long-standing club tradition, the drinks and appetizers will be, you guessed it, BYOB.) We look forward to seeing you there.
June 29, 2018 -photo June 29 of a double rainbow by KK Hill.
photo June 29 at the Niblic by Jon Rich.
Rippleffect returns offering an incredible experience to our teens on Cow Island. This program is an outdoor expeditionary program focused on leadership and youth development and challenges folks to live a sustainable lifestyle. Registration must take place by July 6, 2018. Cost is $225 for ages 5th grade and up. There are registration forms under the Teen Center link on CRC website which can be dropped off at CRC office. Any questions or only able to email forms please send to crcsummercamps@gmail.com. Link: http://www.chebeaguerec.com/teen-center.html
June 28, 2018 - CATHOLIC MASS - Please join with us to celebrate a Catholic Mass with Fr. Dan Greenleaf on this Saturday, June 30th at 10 A.M. at the Chebeague Methodist Church.
THE HEAT IS ON! On the 4th of July, that is! THE PARADE AND PICNIC ARE ON! All parade participants (theme is “Songs of the Sea”) will muster at the Inn at 11:00 a.m., follow the traditional parade route, and end at VOLUNTEER FIELD at the school. The annual tradition will carry on in the outfield — float awards, hamburgers and hotdogs, lobster rolls (pre-order from the Kid’s Place), cold drinks, kids games, sweet treats and big smiles. If you can help out (FYI - we are looking for gas grills in exchange for a “free lunch”) contact the Parade Marshalls/organizers Eliza Jane Adams or Anne Brenton, 207-233-8533. Look for flyers this weekend on boat, at store, etc. We hope to see you there!
This exciting trio was born from the wonder group Lúnasa where the three met while on Lúnasas past Christmas tour. They found a common love of original songs written in the tradition (Ashley), virtuoso fiddle and whistle playing (Colin) with the gorgeous backing of both (Patrick). Expect an evening of beautiful songs and tunes woven through hilarious stories of their time on the road together and apart. THURSDAY NIGHT JUNE 28-AT THE HOME OF JOHN & COURTNEY WILSON-7 PM - SUGGESTED DONATION $15
IT IS NOT TOO LATE! Pre-order your gourmet lobster rolls which includes a bag of chips. Pre-order cost is $18. If you buy at the 4th of July picnic the price is $20. There will be a bake sale which will include a variety of fresh baked goodies. Pies, cookies, cakes etc. All proceeds benefit The Kids' Place. Please contact Grace Eaton by calling or texting 207-491-5550, calling the Kids' Place # 207-846-8712, or using her email addresses. Either send your order to geaton58@gmail.com or kidsplace@chebeague.net. Thank you so much!
June 27, 2018 - Before school got out Mrs. Hoidal's K-2 class created robots that they wanted to share with everyone - click here to see.
Today a few people met with Jeremy Miller to start looking at Marine Invasives at the Stone Pier. If you are interested in looking with us please contace Tracy Ames who will be leading the search. Click here to see some photos and the report of our search today.
Message from Long Island: there will be a significant FIREWORKS display off the NW shore of Long Island on SUNDAY July 1 at about 9:15 to commemorate the Town's 25th Anniversary. Should be pretty visible from Chandlers Cove beach area around to the Little Chebeague bar. It will be on the CTC barge moored between Mariners Landing (ferry) and the boat ramp. Enjoy.
Whaler's Concert "Tell Me a Story" is this Saturday, June 30th at 7pm - at the Hall tickets: Adults, $8, 12 and under, $4 - see flyer.
Al-Anon Comes to Chebeague! Meetings will be held at The Recreation Center at 8:00 AM on Saturday mornings, starting July 7th. By the end of July the group will decide the schedule for meetings thereafter.
Theater Camp: Please register by this Friday, June 29th at noon to reserve your spot at Theater camp. It is important for us to know the numbers before Saturday. Auditions will be this Saturday and Sunday from 1:30-4:30 at CRC. Shannon Geary and Abby Dutton are excited to see you. Register online or in person at CRC.
Golf Camp: We will be opening registration for mainland golfers July 2nd. If interested in the Great Chebeague Golf Club Camp, please register by this Monday online or in person. After that date, must register in person at CRC and will be open depending on spots available. Information on CRC website.
Swim lessons start Monday. Sign up at CRC office for 1st session. Registration form with level descriptions on CRC website under "Pool Information."
Click here for a 4th of July Parade and Picnic Flyer.
June 26, 2018 - Please join with us to celebrate a Catholic Mass with Fr. Dan Greenleaf on this Saturday, June 30th at 10 A.M. at the Chebeague Methodist Church.
The Fourth of July Picnic will be at Volunteer Field next to the school! More details to follow. We need several gas grills for the burger and hot dog cooking. Drop off your grill for a free meal! -Call/message Eliza Jane Adams at 233-8533
TODAY TUESDAY at 11:00 am at the school the picnic tables will have full of free kids books and misc. school supplies!!!
June 25, 2018 -The Great Chebeague Tennis Club will be having a members kick-off the season cocktail party this Fri. June 29th. For more information on this event and membership contact Kim at Kim@venkataraman.net or Trish at curry.glass@verizon.net
This summer there will be "Fun Run" every Tuesday starting from the CRC at 5pm. Starting this Tuesday gather with folks to enjoy a run, all levels welcome. A great way to motivate and get some exercise with other folks. This week there will be 2 options of 2 miles or a 5K.
Pre-teen (entering 5th grade through 7th grade) starts this week at 7-10pm Tuesday and Thursdays. Teen Center, (starting 8th grade through high school) will be Wednesday, Friday, Saturday 7-10pm. Tonight, June 25th, there is preteen/teen meeting including parents to organize fundraisers and suggestions for teen center moving forward. Pizza will be served and NEW contracts will be available, which must be signed before participating this summer. Any summer folks, who are not here yet and would like information shared at the meeting please send an email to crcsummercamps@gmail.com and we will share notes.
CRC is excited to offer Yoga with Andrea Henchey this summer Mondays at 5:30pm and Thursdays at 9:00am. The classes will start July 9th and will run until August 20th. Classes will have a $5 drop-in fee. Andrea is a 2015 graduate of West Hartford Yoga’s Power Teacher Training Program and has been practicing yoga for over a decade. Andrea believes “practice” is the key word. Every time we come to the mat, there’s always something new to discover about our bodies, minds, and spirits through yoga. This class will accommodate for all levels. Mark on your calendar a Runner's Yoga Workshop, Saturday July 28th at CRC. Details of time will follow.
June 24, 2018 - photo of sunrise at the Cricks by Paul Cleary on June 24.
Great Chebeague Tennis Club is looking to hire a person(teen or adult) with tennis knowledge to teach free tennis classes to kids on the island Tuesday and Thursdays 12-1 at GCTC. Please email Kim Venkataraman: kim@venkataraman.net or Sarah Parker: Weepl@aol.com
GCTC Tennis lessons with tennis pro Jeff Barrett begin July 6. Classes limited to 8 and sign up at the courts is required. More information available from Victoria Bonnebaker: vbonebakker@gmil.com
“Get back into Tennis” clinic for players new to tennis or who have not played for years is being offered again this year on July 6 and Aug 3 @ 9 am. Sign up at the courts or contact Sarah Parker @ weepl@aol.com. Non members welcome!!
A note from the boat yard: On Monday July 9th, we will begin the demolition of the old buildings near the gas pump. Every effort will be made to continue to provide uninterrupted fuel service during the construction of our new boat storage and repair building. During the months of July and August we ask for your cooperation to keep our facility a safe space for all activities. Additional updates will be provided during the construction project. We thank you for your help and want everyone to know that:
· Boat yard staff will be available to answer questions about access to the dock.
· Because of limited space, it will only be possible to have one vehicle at a time near the pump. Those waiting in line for gas will need to wait up the hill in front of The Niblic.
· Please consider filling your vehicle to minimize the number of trips and the amount of traffic at the pump.
The CTC July Newsletter is now posted on the News and Info page of its website, chebeaguetrans.com, and available here.
Message from CTC: Despite calling all the licensed pesticide removal companies that might meet our needs at our parking lots we have not been able to find a vendor to deal with the brown tail moth problem this year. Luckily, the season will be over soon. In the meantime, please stay away from trees at both lots.
June 23, 2018 - Barrie Shepherd has a new book of Chebeague poems just out this week. It is called "If You Don't Have Twenty Minutes Don't Stop," obviously referring to Bob Dyer's sign on the garage door. The first poem -- based on the sign - is called "Dyer Warning." The rest of the 30 or so poems are based on, or around the island, its community and its life. He is selling it for $10 a copy, with all profits donated to Chebeague's The Recompense Fund. At that reasonable price it would make a different and unique Xmas or hostess gift. It can be ordered from Barrie at barrieshep@aol.com, or 846 6864.
SAVE THE DATE – How did a corpse happen to be found on Chebeague (it wasn’t a Chebeaguer!)? Our Sheriff travels to Baltimore and Augusta and enlists the support of the FBI to solve “The Stiff From Away” mystery. Come to the Hall on Saturday July 28th to enjoy seeing 13 of your friends and neighbors on stage, starring Jonny Miller. This year’s performance will benefit Kids’ Place.
This exciting trio was born from the wonder group Lúnasa where the three met while on Lúnasas past Christmas tour. They found a common love of original songs written in the tradition (Ashley), virtuoso fiddle and whistle playing (Colin) with the gorgeous backing of both (Patrick). Expect an evening of beautiful songs and tunes woven through hilarious stories of their time on the road together and apart. THURSDAY NIGHT JUNE 28-AT THE HOME OF JOHN & COURTNEY WILSON-7 PM - SUGGESTED DONATION $15
Swim Lesson Registration: Swim lesson registration is on the pool Information page of the CRC website. There is also a form outside of the CRC office. Please fill out form and return with payment to sign up for swim lessons this summer. A description of levels is on website.
June 19, 2018 -photo of sunrise Colemans Cove on June 19, 2018 by Art Ryder.
Click here to see lots of photos from the 3-5 Class Trip to Flagstaff Hut and a hike up Little Bigelow Mountain.
No Cribbage tonight - there is a Planning Board Meeting at the Rec Center.
The Wellness Center will be closed on Tuesday June 26th. The new generator is being installed and the power will be off for most of the day. The Wellness Center will also be closed on July 4th for the Holiday. Nurse Paula, Dr. O'Donnell, Dr. Rybka and Dr. Redmond will all be here in the weeks to follow. The free Dental Clinic is scheduled for August 16th as well. Look for the ad in the July Calendar for more information!
GOLF JAMBOREE POSTPONED. Despite the overwhelming enthusiasm for last year’s Maine Junior Golf Jamboree, registration numbers for the 2018 edition of the event have been disappointing. As a result, the Main State Golf Association and the Great Chebeague Golf Club have reluctantly decided to postpone the Jamboree, which was scheduled for Saturday, June 23. Our Plan B is to reinvent it as part of a MSGA/USGA Play 9 event that we have agreed to host on September 9. Play 9 is an USGA initiative intended to introduce golfers—especially families—to the pleasures of playing nine-hole golf courses. Needless to say, parking on Saturday will be as usual. Thank you very much to everyone who has been so supportive of the Jamboree.
TIDEPOOLS on CHEBEAGUE: July 18, 9am - Bennett's Cove: Get Out nature walk from CCLT and RRCT in collaboration with MCHT. This event is free, but registration is required. For those coming from the mainland, park at the Chebeague Island Transportation satellite lot on Route 1 and take the 7:45 a.m. bus to the ferry to Chebeague Island. Once you are on the island, transportation will be provided to Bennett's Cove. After the event you will be returned to the Chebeague ferry dock for the noon ferry. Roundtrip ferry cost: Adult: $16. Children 6-11: $3
Come join us for the Whalers annual summer concert, "Tell Me A Story", featuring some of the most beloved stories ever told in song (and a few new surprises as well!) by our thirty members, inter-generational chorus. We'll be joined by a sock-puppet wielding children's choir and musical guest appearances from a few island musicians.
The concert is Saturday, June 30th, 7PM at the Hall, tickers are $8 for adults and $4 for kids. Mark your calendars and hope to see you then!
June 18, 2018 - IMPORTANT REMINDER About Wharf Road Parking, SATURDAY, JUNE 23. The Great Chebeague Golf Club is deeply grateful to the Town’s Board of Selectmen for allowing us to make alternative parking arrangements on Wharf Road for Saturday, June 23. On that day, the golf club will host Maine’s Second Annual Junior Golf Jamboree, with 40 mainland and island young golfers playing our course and having a picnic afterwards. To make the experience as fun as possible for the kids, we are striving to have a portion of Wharf Road clear of vehicles for the day. To accomplish that, we are encouraging Saturday commuters to park in the club’s parking lot and will post signs discouraging parking in front of the 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th fairways. The inaugural Jamboree last year was a huge success and generated lots of energy throughout the Chebeague community. We anticipate that the Second Annual Jamboree will be at least as exciting. We greatly appreciate the support and understanding of the island community in helping make the Jamboree a success.
Theater Camp this summer is Lion King Jr. Camp will be led by Shannon Geary and assisted by Abby Dutton. Auditions will be June 30th and July 1st in the CRC gym from 1:30-4:30 and then rehearsals will start Monday, July 2nd at 2:30. Register today to be part of this wonderful summer production! http://www.chebeaguerec.com/store/c5/2018_Summer_Theater_.html
School Committee Meeting Tuesday night 6pm at the school - see agenda.
There is no community picnic following the parade this year. The parade will end along the road in front of Volunteer Field where the prizes will be awarded. Click here to see the times of the road races and parade. The Kids Place are selling lobster rolls to be picked up at Kid's Place.
Its time to get you and your sneakers ready for the 41st Annual Great Chebeague Island Road Race and Fun Run! Be sure to join us in this long-time celebration to kick off the 4th of July! The Fun Run will start at 9am (no cost) and the Road Race will start at 10am ($5 per participant). Registration for both races will start at 8:30am at the Chebeague Island Historical Society. Questions? Contact Martha Vernon at 201-961-2914 or marthawvernon@gmail.com.
Message from May: Hi folks: Thanks for a great weekend this past week and for all the support. This week we will be open THURSDAY, Friday, Saturday and Sunday! We will be serving spaghetti and housemade meatballs with garlic bread and salad, scallops, and split pea soup. We'll also be trying a few new ice cream flavors, so come check those out! Friday night, we'll have our usual karaoke (if you haven't tried it, you should), and Saturday we are hosting Jerry Smith, musician extraordinaire and a familiar face in the building community here on Chebeague. Hope to see you at the Slow Bell. Call ahead for takeout.
June 17, 2018 - The pool is now planned to open Wednesday. There are some minor pieces that still need to get done, a lot of work has gone into it already and excited to have folks start to enjoy. Wednesday-Sunday will be lap swim 7:30-11:00 and 12-1. There will be open swim Thursday-Sunday 1-5. We will update if any changes.
New Exhibit at the Outdoor Sporting Heritage Museum—Billy Hill “The Man Who Outshot Annie Oakley” The once young bell boy at the Rangeley Lake House and amazing self-taught trick shot went on to national fame as well as accomplishments in wildlife carving, taxidermy and painting. This exhibit will be in Rangeley for the next year with lots of stuff lent by his grandchildren David hill, Shelby Putnam and Bob Putnam.
June 15, 2018 - A dinghy was found floating between Hope and Cliff. It is a Kittery Point Tender, named "Birch Barque". Call 766 5532 on Cliff Island.
Ice Cream Social Wednesday, June 21st 1pm. The Chebeague Island School would like to show their appreciation for the many volunteers who gave their valuable time over the year to enrich and enhance the lives of our students. They will be serving Toot's ice cream and cheering on the students as they participate in the annual Field Day activities!
Notice from CTC: We have discovered brown tail moth at the Route One lot. We will have this taken care of as soon as possible. Customers should avoid the area under the trees where the benches and chairs are.
4th of July Lobster Rolls
The Kids' Place 4th of July, 2018, Lobster Roll lunch includes a gourmet lobster roll and a bag of chips. Pre-order and buy your ticket(s) for $18.00 each. Contact: Grace Eaton, at The Kids' Place # 846-8712, or text her cell # 491-5550, or email your request to kidsplace@chebeague.net.
Come visit The Kids' Place between 10:00 am - 1:00 pm on July 4th and pick up your lobster roll lunches! All proceeds benefit children on Chebeague Island! Thank you for your support.
Message from May: "Hey folks. Sorry for getting this out so late. We are open Friday, Saturday, and Sunday this week! Our specials include pulled pork with beans and coleslaw, salmon with Israeli couscous and asparagus, and corn and cream chowder. We will be signing along to karaoke Friday and Saturday nights. Call ahead for takeout. 846.3078."
On Saturday evening, June 16, join members of the Chebeague Island Historical Society for a wonderful presentation on the History of the Casco Bay Lines. Galen Koch, a graduate of the Salt Institute for Documentary Studies, will present her film and follow with discussion. It is sure to be an interesting history lesson for everyone! Join us at The Island Hall, 7:00 – 9:00 PM
This year the CIHS raffle prize is an original painting of Buoy 18, painted by island artist, Caroline Loder. Proceeds benefit the Chebeague Island Historical Society. Each ticket is $5 and can be purchased at the Museum during opening hours or at our special events throughout the summer. Tickets will be for sale after the Annual Meeting on Saturday night.
The Red Studio at the Island Commons will begin its regular summer shopping season on Saturday, June 16. Open from 10 until noon. Come check out the huge selection of furniture, antiques, home goods and all sorts of great stuff.
We have already begun to hear fireworks on the island this summer… many people may not know they are breaking the law in some common usages. For example: fireworks can only be used on private property, with permission of the property owner; no bottle rockets; and usually only between 9am and 10pm… Click here for a link to a guideline based on Maine state law, provided by the State Fire Marshal. Our Selectmen have also agreed to add this topic to a future agenda, perhaps at their next meeting (you can see their meeting agendas at the Town website).
Registration for Maine Junior Golf Jamboree Opens June 5. Last year’s first-ever Maine Junior Golf Jamboree, held at the Great Chebeague Golf Club, was a huge success, thanks in large part to the support the club received from throughout the Chebeague community. The club is honored to host the event again this year—on the afternoon of Saturday, June 23. This year's edition will follow a similar format as last year’s--an afternoon of golf, a barbeque and a 7th tee shoot out--and we have added a putting contest to add even more excitement. The Chebeague golf club and Junior Golf Maine strongly encourage Chebeague junior golfers to participate. Registration (at htps://www.golfgenius.com/pages/1478270) opens Tuesday, June 5. (Please note that this link is only for Chebeague juniors who will not need transportation on the special CTC boat that will run that afternoon.)
June 14, 2018 - Don't forget Chebeague School Spring Concert Pre-K through 5th graders will delight you with some wonderful performnces at 5:30 at the Chebeague Island Hall - they will also have their art work displayed too!
June 13, 2018 - Kids' Place has wonderful summer camps available this summer. Please read the descriptions on our website http://www.chebeaguerec.com/kids-place.html You can "register/pay" for all camps here: http://www.chebeaguerec.com/store/c1/Featured_Products.html . There is also a NEW reading group for ages 3-7, starting June 22 from 9-11am. This is a drop in program and the cost is $10/Friday. This is a new active program which will cater to all reading levels. Kids will do activities involving reading and writing and develop fine motor skills with a love for reading. All these camps were organized by Greta Morrissette and we are excited to have her join KP this summer.
Please check out the CRC website for information on all camps and programs this summer. Theater Camp will be the first one to kick off the summer with auditions for Lion King Jr. on June 30th taking place AT CRC. We have lots of adult programs listed and stay tuned for information on Ripple Effect, Yoga classes, and a Yoga Workshop for runners. Questions please email: crcsummercamps@gmail.com.
Pool will have a soft opening next week. The schedule will be posted on the website by this Friday, waiting for confirmation of lifeguard availability. Please follow us on Facebook as we start to post information about camps and pictures throughout the summer!
REMINDER FROM CTC: On 6/19 the Islander will undergo a mandatory annual safety inspection. As a result, the 10:00/10:15 AM ferries will be canceled. The noon ferry will run, but it may be 15 minutes late leaving Chebeague. The special school trips will end this month. The last regularly scheduled school trips will be on 6/18. On 6/19 we will run the morning school trip only. School trips will resume when school starts in the fall.
Sing With the Little Whalers this Summer!
The Whalers would like to invite any and all interested children to join us in singing for our concert, "Tell Me A Story", on Saturday, June 30th at 7PM. No prior singing experience is necessary!
We will be singing "Puff the Magic Dragon". All you have to do is come to the Parish House from 1:00-2:00PM on Saturday, June 23rd, where will be practicing the song, eating cookies, and making dragon sock puppets. The dress rehearsal will be on Friday, June 29th, from 6:30-7:15 PM, with the concert at 7:00PM on Saturday, June 30th. (The kids will sing at the end of the first half of the concert!)
If your kid is old enough to be able to sing the chorus to "Puff the Magic Dragon", then they are old enough to join us!
Would you be interested in having your child participate? Contact Ben Yosua-Davis at b.yosuadavis@gmail.com!
REMINDER FROM CTC: On 6/19 the Islander will undergo a mandatory annual safety inspection. As a result, the 10:00/10:15 AM ferries will be canceled. The noon ferry will run, but it may be 15 minutes late leaving Chebeague. The special school trips will end this month. The last regularly scheduled school trips will be on 6/18. On 6/19 we will run the morning school trip only. School trips will resume when school starts in the fall.
SPRING CONCERT - Thursday at 5:30 the school children will be performing and you won't want to miss at the Chebeague Island Hall.
Click here to go to the Town website and election results for Chebeague Island.
GENEALOGY! Are you interested in having an open discusions group? Topics can range from where do I search now, to do you have a subscription to a website that I would like checkout, software programs, how do you get the most out of ancestry.com, plain open discussions. Would you like to have a weekly or bi-weekly informal meeting to discuss our ancestors?The next step is to find a place, day, and time to start up this group. Please call Cheryl Buxbaum -- 846-3553 If no answer please leave a message or send a message to DoeSea@aol.com.
June 12, 2018 - VOTE TODAY at the Hall!
Thursday at 5:30 is the School Spring Concert at the Chebeague Island Hall. This year it will include a play written by the fifth graders and performed by the 3-5 class. It was written with Donna Damon based on what the students learned and read in Mabel Hill's Diary.
June 9, 2018 - photo of the 3-5 class getting ready to start a 2 mile hike out to the road and then a 3 mile hike up Little Bigelow Mountain. The students ended up hiking about 11 miles that day and then came back and went swimming! What a strong group we have and nobody complained.
Today is TOWN MEETING DAY on Chebeague at the Hall at 9am - see you there.
IMPORTANT NOTICE FROM CTC: The special school trips will end this month. The last regularly scheduled school trips will be on 6/18. On 6/19 we will only run the morning school trip only. School trips will resume when school starts in the fall.
Notice from CTC: On 6/19 the Islander will undergo a mandatory annual safety inspection. As a result, the 10:00/10:15 AM ferries will be canceled. The noon ferry will run, but it may be 15 minutes late leaving Chebeague.
The Red Studio is overflowing with outdoor and indoor furniture, custom pillows, antiques, new items, and one of a kind finds! Open Sunday from 11:00 to noon.
MYSTERY THEATER - This summer’s play, The Stiff From Away, will be at the Hall at 7 PM on Saturday, July 28. Save the date.
Pre-order and purchase your 4th of July Lobster Rolls:
The Kids' Place staff and Parent Advisory Committee will be selling lobster roll tickets outside The Hall on Saturday, June 9th starting at 8:30 am. We will be available before, during and after The Chebeague Island Town Meeting.
Thank you for your support.
June 5, 2018 - Thank you to Kathleen Floyd for this message about Casco Bay Line changes and meeting. "CBL is looking at some changes to their schedules, starting this fall. If you go to their website and look under 'news', you can see the proposed schedules - (At Chebeague Island: 8:00-8:30 PM.) The biggest deal for Chebeague is that almost all boats will go to Cliff before Chebeague. It's only a big deal for those that do business on Cliff, as in the Commons, and both Tim Larrabee and Maine Island Energy. Basically you can't get there from 'here'. The other islands have plenty of other concerns, but it would certainly be wise for some Chebeaguers to step up and speak up. The CBL board will be visiting the 3 outermost islands on Thursday evening, tying up at each for 30 minutes to allow the public to speak."
Don't forget we are still playing cribbage. New day and time. Tuesdays at 7 at the CRC Craft room (same place) Please bring your friends! All are welcome!
June 4, 2018 - Chebeague Island Annual Town Meeting will be this Saturday, June 9, at 9:00 am at the Chebeague Island Hall. Please come and stay informed about all island happenings. Go to the Town of Chebeague and you will be able to get to the warrant or click here. The Town warrant and town report hard copy can be picked up at the Town Office and will be at the meeting as well. The election will be June 12th 8 to 8pm at the Hall.
Dr. O’Donnell will see patients on alternate Wednesday mornings beginning Wednesday June 6. He will be at the Wellness Center in the Community Center from 9-11:30AM. Stop in, say hello and learn about all the health care services available on Chebeague!
In honor of Beverly Calder Dyer the Dyer family wants to send our heartfelt THANKS to all of our family, Dear friends and the Chebeague Community for joining us in mamas memorial service. Special thanks to Pastor Melissa Yousa-Davis for delivering a beautiful service so true to mamas life! Also special thanks to the following-Island Commons, Chebeague Island Cemetary, Virginia Tatakis, Cathy MacNeill, Judy Doughty, the Ladies Aide and many others who donated wonderful food items. We couldn't have done this without you ALL!
We also want to THANK you so much for the Donations to the Island Commons and the cards of condolence sent to Dad and us “Kids”. We have surely felt the love!
June 3, 2018 - The 4th of July Lobster Roll tickets to benefit THE KIDS' PLACE, will be for sale on Sunday, June 3 from 11:30 - 1:30 during The Kids' Place Open House. Please join the staff, students and families of The Kids' Place for delicious refreshments and friendly conversations.
Today there is a lot going on and there is someplace for everyone. Yarmouth little league (6 Chebeaguer's on one of the teams) comes to the island to play a tournament on our newly renovated ball field! from 11:00 to 3! Brick oven pizza and hot dogs for sale! The Kid's Place Open House with refreshments 11:30 - 1:30. Click here to see the flyer. Island Commons annual SPRING CLEANUP & BBQ 10am – 1pm. Bring your gardening tools & help us beautify the grounds, and enjoy a barbecue lunch.
June 1, 2018 - The Kids' Place are selling LOBSTER ROLLS for the 4th of July with ALL proceeds to benefit The Kids' Place and the young children of Chebeague Island. Due to our cost for lobsters we will be charging $18.00 for our gourmet lobster rolls with a bag of chips. PRE-ORDERED lobster rolls with chips can be purchased for $18.00. To reserve your lobster rolls please call or text Grace Eaton at 207-491-5550, call The Kids' Place at 207-846-8712, or email Grace at kidsplace@chebeague.net. Once your order and payment has been received we will have reserved tickets for the number of rolls you have ordered. The tickets can be picked up at the Kids' Place during business hours Monday through Friday from 7:30 - 4:30. If you are unable to get your tickets before the 4th, we will have your tickets at THE KIDS' Place table during the picnic. We will confirm your order. IF you do not hear from us within 24 hours, PLEASE call or send another message. Checks or cash will be accepted. The address to send your payment to is THE KIDS' PLACE Attn Grace Eaton, 374 North Road, Chebeague Island, ME 04017. We shall try to prepare extra rolls to sell at the 4th of July picnic. They may be purchased for $20.00. PLEASE reserve your order soon! THE KIDS' PLACE FAMILY APPRECIATES your continued support. SEE YOU JULY 4th.
CUMC's recent e-news is out (you can read it here). We invite you to share with us this summer by joining us for worship on Sundays at 10 AM, or perhaps share a favorite church memory that keeps us close in your heart. You can email your memory to ml.yosuadavis@gmail.com and with your permission, we will feature these stories throughout the summer!
May 31, 2018 - Have your child come sing with the CUMC Youth Choir, for ages 8-12, which practices after worship (11:15AM) and sings in worship twice a month. We’ll learn the basics of singing through a combination of games, songs, and exercises, and we’ll explore how to connect with God in our everyday lives, all in the context of a fun, lively community! Our first rehearsal (June 10th) is an open rehearsal, so feel free to come to check it out and see if it’s right for you! There’s no audition or prior experience required and if you have questions, just email Ben at b.yosudavis@gmail.com
There will be two burials this Saturday June 2nd. Due to the noise made by the compactors and vehicle traffic, the Transfer Station will be closed until 12 noon out of respect for families and friends attending the services.
Message from May: "Hi folks: Reminder that we are open this weekend (FRI/SAT/SUN) starting at noon for ice cream, 5 for dinner, and the bar until midnight. This Friday we have Portland musician Pat Foley joining us ($5 cover) and we'll have our ever popular KARAOKE on Saturday night. If anyone wants to come up Saturday night and play a few songs on their own, feel free to bring an instrument. Our specials this weekend are TURKEY DINNER, pan seared salmon, and haddock chowder. Hope to see you at the Slow Bell. call ahead for takeout (846-3078)."
May 29, 2018 - Beverly Dyer's graveside service and a reception is Saturday on June 2nd at 11:00 AM.
Please join the fun as Yarmouth little league comes to the island to play a tournament on our newly renovated ball field!
Sunday June 3, 11:00 to 3!
Brick oven pizza and hot dogs for sale!
The Kid's Place is having an OPEN HOUSE next Sunday, June 3rd from 11:30 - 1:30. Click here to see the flyer. Refreshments will be served.
Island Commons annual SPRING CLEANUP & BBQ this Sunday, June 3rd from 10am – 1pm. Bring your gardening tools & help us beautify the grounds, and enjoy a barbecue lunch on us as a Thank You!
Don't forget to get your tickets for the Island Commons Cruise and live auction on the Bay Mist, Sunday August 5th boarding a 4pm - click here for details.
Sheila Putnam's cat has been missing since May 17th. He's a 12-pound friendly orange calico named Chewy. Last time he went wandering he ended up on the East End. Any sightings, please call 846-5080. Click here to see a photo from the last time she was lost and found.
BEWARE!!! The ticks are out and biting. There are currently many dog ticks which are often found close to homes and in grassy lawns as well as in the woods. It is still possible to find an occasional leftover Fall adult deer tick around but there are zillions of tiny nymphal deer ticks starting to crawl around the underbrush.
Please check out the TICKS heading on the right above. The results of the Chebeague deer tick collection done in 2017 are posted and and there are many helpful links to information about ticks, tick pictures, and details about tick-borne disease.
School Committee Meeting tonight at 6pm at the school - see agenda.
Cribbage tonight at the CRC. Note new time 7PM - all welcome to come play and learn.
May 26, 2018 - The Recompense Fund is looking for photographs of your favorite Chebeague Island scenes for our Annual Report cover.. Please email to bettsgmayer@gmail.com by Saturday, June 30th.
The Annual Craft Fair will be Saturday, July 7th, from 10 am to 1 pm, and anyone who might be interested in participating should contact me at: annettekincaid03@gmail.com.
Today is the Library Book and Pie Sale from 10 to 11:30 - The Library is now sponsoring the Pie Sale previously sponsored by the Commons! Come and get your weekend desserts!
The Kid's Place is having an OPEN HOUSE next Sunday, June 3rd from 11:30 - 1:30. Click here to see the flyer. Refreshments will be served.
May 25, 2018 - Deer Point Visitors: The Point suffered this year during the October Storm. Too many trees fell and have been drying out over the winter and spring therefore the fire danger is extremely high. Under no circumstances are fires or smoking permitted. Please be aware that the right of way is for foot traffic only. Parking on the main road is suggested. Frequently visitors have parked on private property or blocked the entrance to the Deer Point Road which could block emergency vehicles. We were appreciative of all the volunteers who helped clear the trail to the Point, but a recent wind storm has brought down more trees over the route we cleared. Please keep fire danger in mind as you enjoy the Point!
Message from Jen at The Niblic: It's opening day! Time to get the season started (softly). Stop by Friday starting at 8am for your free cup of coffee or tea. Our Memorial Weekend hours are Friday & Saturday 8am to 2pm and Sunday 9am - 2pm. We will be closed Monday. Lots of new things to check out and we will have baked goods, chowder, soup & sandwiches, & Toot's has even arrived if you are missing some Pig Pen. It has been a LONG winter after all. Looking forward to seeing you.
Happy Birthday to Chuck Hilly who celebrated his 100th birthday May 21 at home in California with his wife MaryLee, Dick & Dianne Hilly, grandsons and great granddaughter, the day after winning local club golf tournament!
Should we all be so lucky to be in such good mind and body for that long!
May 24, 2018 - photo by Richard Hackel of the Coast Guard working on the Green Can.
Island Commons RED STUDIO will be open this Saturday, May 26th, from 10:00am to 12:00pm for your shopping pleasure! Loads of new items…furniture, beautiful Marimekko pillows, antiques, collectibles. Don’t miss out!
May 23, 2018 - Message from Florence: "The memorial plants ( Geraniums ) are in and they are beautiful. I have a few extra if you need some. If you need other plants we are taking orders. 846-4986 or email me islandriches@chebeague.net Florence ( Island Riches)"
Message from May Hall: "Hi folks: The Slow Bell will be open May 25-27 for ice cream starting at 12 noon, dinner starting at 5, and the bar until midnight. Our first weekend we will be welcoming back Ben Hatfield and the Pinwheel Brothers on Friday night ($5 cover), the Westenders on Saturday night ($5 cover), and karaoke on Sunday. Our specials this weekend include ribs from our smoker, fried scallops (locally sourced), chocolate cream and blueberry pies, and crab and corn chowder. We'll have our new menu posted this week, so watch for it! Hope to see you soon! Jonathan, May, and all the Slow Bell staff. Call ahead for takeout 846-3078"
DMR Announces the Following:
Area No. 100-A; this notice adds razor clams to the regional closure and removes one exception area in the Harpswell/Brunswick area due to the risk of naturally occurring marine biotoxin (red tide/PSP).
Please visit the DMR website for notices of biotoxin and bacterial shellfish closures. Call the Shellfish Warden Genaro Balzano with questions 233-1495.
May 22, 2018 - The CTC June newsletter is now posted on the News and Info.page of their website, chebeaguetrans.com, and is available here.
The Annual Reports are available at the Town Office and Library. The warrant for the Annual Town Meeting is In the back of the Annual Report. Our Annual Town Meeting takes place June 9th at the Island Hall beginning at 9:00 a.m.
Saturday, May 26th from 10:00 am to 11:30 am Pie & Book Sale at the Hall. The Commons has shown us the ropes and the Library bakers will bring you pies and other dessert goods, awesome used books and Library merchandise.
May 20, 2018 - What a Show! Last night’s Pizza With the Stars brought out the talent and a superb audience! Here are photos from the event and a big thank you to everyone who made it happen.
We raised nearly $1000 for the Chebeague Island School annual field trips for 3-5th graders.
Food Pantry Donations! Chebeague Island Food Pantry is looking for donations of home goods:
Paper towels
Toilet paper
Dish soap
All Food Pantry donations can be left at the Parish Hall or send an email to Jenahoward2@gmail.com for pick-up!
Thank you!
Miss Nancy's Pre-K blog for the month of May - click here to see!
Moving out? Moving in? Downsizing? Eager to donate furniture or household furnishings that you no longer need or use? The cheerful donations team at the Red Studio is ready to help. We are collecting quality items for sale this summer at the Island Commons’ Red Studio and Furniture Annex (also known as the garage). And, we are building inventory for an August “estate” sale that will replace our annual yard sale.
We’d be happy to stop by and help you declutter. Your donation will benefit a good cause, the Island Commons.
The Red Studio will be open May 26 from 10 to noon. Summer hours begin in early June.
For more information call or email Sam McLean or Susan Stranahan. No drop-offs please.
May 18, 2018 - “Chuck Hilly will be 100 on 21 May and he is still hitting the Links!”
Message from the Deb Bowman: The 4th of July parade needs your involvement! This long standing island tradition doesn’t start by itself; it needs you to say “GO!” The Council sponsored parade is in need of someone to muster the parade and get it going. The parade theme is “Songs of the Sea”. If you are interested, please contact Deb Bowman at dabisland@hotmail.com or text to 207-838-6146
Weekends with Yankee Magazine recently featured Chebeague, the Inn, and Chebeague Island Oysters. Click here to see.
May 17, 2018 - photo by Art Ryder taken Tuesday evening after rain at Colmans cove
Don’t forget the fabulous PIZZA WITH THE STARS this Saturday night at 5pm at the Hall. Doors open at 5pm for an evening of community song, dance and acts. Guest MC, Tracy Sabol, news anchor of WMTW’s Channel 8 will guide you through a memorable night. Woodfired pizza will be sold. All proceeds to benefit the school annual field trip fund. Call 846-4162 with any questions. See Flyer!!
May 18th is “Island Night” at the Chebeague Inn! It’s their first night open to just the islanders. They will be offering complimentary hors d’voures and a cash bar.
May 16, 2018 - Seth Levy, candidate for District Attorney, will be at the Island Hall on Saturday, May 19th, 10:45 - 11:45. Come meet Seth, learn about the office of District Attorney, and hear Seth's plans for progressive criminal justice reform. We hope you can join us!
video of students at the Chebeague Island School grades K-2 who are collecting socks for the homeless. SOCK DRIVE - please donate!!
May 14, 2018 - On Friday the Chebeague Island School 3-5 class culminated this year's Weatherblur Program in Belfast Hutchinson Center. The 17 students displayed their research, posters, iMovies for the 200 other participants who were part of the Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance. The students also wrote a song and produced a video "We're all about the Trash" that they shared as well.
School Committee Meeting Tuesday, May 15, 2018 at 6pm - see agenda.
May 13, 2018 - HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY
Yesterday was the Annual Island Common's Jenny Wren Run/Walk. Click here to see the participants, winners, and some photos. They have received over $8,000 with pledges & donations still coming in.
May 10, 2018 - Click here to teen center learning boxing techniques from our boxing specialist Michael Hollander.
The students in Mrs. Hoidal's K-2 class are collecting socks for the homeless. They made a movie to share their excitement to help homeless people who need socks. Click here to see video.
There will be a Cemetery Clean up Saturday May 19th 10:00 until noon. Please bring rakes and tarps. Rain date Sunday May 20th
May 7, 2018 - The Red Studio at the Island Commons will be open Saturday, May 12, from 8:30 until noon, during and after the Jenny Wren Run/Walk. Check out the fabulous collection of furniture, antiques, home accessories, and things you simply can’t live without! Support a good cause, have fun and welcome the first hints of summer!
Message from Florence: I am taking orders now for memorial day and spring plants. Please call 846-4986 if you need something special or a large amount. I am looking forward to the color, warm days, and friends. Florence
May 3, 2018 - photo of a Hawk and a Crow on Roy Hill Road on May 2nd. I saw the crow go after the hawk and then the hawk go after the crow. Click here for another view.
CORRECTION: Please note that the date for the Jenny Wren Run/Walk is misdated in the May Chebeague Island Council Newsletter. The correct date is Saturday, May 12th at 9:00am at the Commons. This is the 2nd annual event sponsored by the Ken/Jeanette Hamilton family with 100% benefit going to the Island Commons Resource Center. For any who plan to walk, run or sponsor, please visit the website to pre-register as this greatly helps us in planning. We hope to see you there!
---- Click here for a few photos from last year’s event.
The Great Chebeague Golf Club and the Chebeague Recreation Center are co-sponsoring this first-ever week-long golf camp, which is open to juniors ages 7--16. Brian Bickford, PGA Professional and Greely High School Golf Coach, will lead the camp. He will be aided by assistant PGA professionals and college golfers. Campers will be divided into groups depending on their ability and knowledge of the game. Mornings will consist of 1 1/2 hours of hands-on instruction and 1 1/2 hours of golf on the course, including on-course instruction. Thanks to the generosity of the Barton Curit family, the special fee for Chebeague juniors will be only $100 for the week. Space will be held for island campers until June 30, at which time registration will open for mainland juniors. To register contact the Dave Hoidal at CRC chebeaguerecreation@gmail.com.
Volunteers Needed for Marine Invasive Species Monitoring at Stone Pier - Click here to learn more.
May 2, 2018 - photo Meet Benny! He is Chris and Steve Auffant's 11 week old Chiweenie. Here he is enjoying his very first ferry ride.
The Great Chebeague Tennis Club is planning to have its two great clay courts open by Memorial Day weekend. We'd love to see you on the courts! To learn more about the weekly scrambles, clinics and other events, follow us on facebook https://www.facebook.com/chebeaguetennis/. For information about our player, sustainer and island visitor memberships, please contact Trish Glass (curry.glass@verizon.net).
On Friday, May 11th CTC will have work done in the Cousins Lot. In order to do this, we will be blocking off the parking spaces along the back fence starting Wednesday 5/9. Please park at Route One if at all possible between 5/9 and 5:00 PM on 5/11. Thank you.
May 1, 2018 - 2018 is the 100th anniversay of the end of WW1. The museum is trying to find photographs of Chebeague's WW1 veterans. If you had a family member who grew up on Chebegaue or is buried in the Cemetery we would love to have a copy of a photo of them in uniform or at least a photo. If you have any info about their service please share that as well. We have found some service records and will be happy to share. Please email chebeaguehistory@gmail.com or call the Museum 207-846-5237 and leave a message and I will get back to you. We are working on World War 1 for the Memorial Day Service as well.
PIZZA WITH THE STARS --Imagine a night of great pizza and tunes at the Hall, early enough for all families and diverse enough for the whole island to enjoy. We are looking for all kinds of talent from ALL AGES for singing, dancing, jokes and skits for “Pizza With the Stars” on May 19th at the Hall at 5pm. We are combining a little magic from past Talent Shows with our beloved Pizza fundraiser (woodfired) and a slice of the “Waves On Water” summer music extravaganza produced by Chip Emery. We have a rockin’ committee of volunteers, but the more the merrier. If you would like to help with pizza, perform, be a stage hand or support and recruit the star performers, let us know! SEE FLYER
I have been having fun posting all the photos of the dogs and now that I have one again I have to remember about the birds. It is so important that the migratory birds get a chance to feed and rest before they move on to sometimes as much as a 4000 mile flight. We don't even hardly see these birds on the beaches. I used to think it was fun to watch my dog chase them not knowing what I was doing. I know my puppy loves the beach and right now the birds aren't being bothered but in a couple of months they will be here. Click here for an article about dogs and birds.
The Inn is selling their porch furniture - click here to learn more.
Some of the teachers and community members were at a special program through the Island Institute "What Kids Need Now: - An evening with Dr. Ross Greene resonates with educators and parents
April 30, 2018 - photo Sheba and PI (Stavropoulos) are friends!
Tennis Club has a new Facebook Page for all the information you need - click here.
Please remember that the Stephen L. Ross Scholarship Fund application is due by May 1st!
Online Application through Maine Community Foundation http://www.mainecf.org/Scholarships/CumberlandCounty
If you have any questions please contact Sarah McKinnon at 846-0565 or sarahmckinnon@chebeague.net
Lilly Middleton is available to Babysit, House Sit, Pet Sit, and Dog Walk this summer 2018! She is 21 years old, CPR certified twice, has lots of experience with children from infant to teenager, is experienced with pets, and is available this summer to help you out! She can provide references and a more detailed list of her experiences upon request, don't hesitate to reach out to her! She can be contacted through facebook or email (lilly.sm@gmail.com)
April 27, 2018 - The Islander will be going to RRBY for some maintenance next week. The Merrymeeting will be serving as our ferry during the time the Islander is in the yard.
Don't forget that tonight is cribbage at the Rec at 6:30 - See you there!
School Committee Meeting next Tuesday, May 1st at 5pm at the school - see agenda.
April 25, 2018 - photo Piper Johnson the "Paper Dog" (with Bailey the cat)- Every day she waits for Ruth to drop the paper in the driveway and then runs and gets it and brings it in unscathed. Click here to see a video from a month ago - Click here for another a few weeks ago.
Click here for Miss Nancy's Pre-K Blog.
April 23, 2018 - Click here to read a terrific article published in the Bangor News by Bri Warner and Nick Battista of the Island Institute about the importance of Broadband in Maine and how the Cranberries have the latest technology with fiber to the home. The Broadband committee will be continuing the conversation with the Town Selectmen on Wednesday to discuss the future of Broadband on Chebeague.
photo Hartley Stranahan (left) and Willoughby Stranahan. Ready for spring!
Message from the Deb Bowman and Library: The publication of the 2018 Island phone directory is just a short time away. Published by the Library, this important resource will be on sale the week of 4th of July. The deadline for submitting your artwork to be considered for the cover is Friday, April 27. Deadline for yellow pages ads is Monday, April 30th. Please check your personal listing for any updates or changes. Don't see your name and would like to be added? Organizations, check your listing for accuracy. Send all changes, additions or edits to gulldirect@hotmail.com. Or stop by the Library during open hours! Thank you everyone!
It is with great pleasure that Grace Eaton announces the arrival of Corie Meehan to the Kids' Place as a full time Lead Teacher/Direct Care Provider. Corie and her daughter, Anna, arrived on Chebeague Island, Saturday, April 14th. She began work on Monday, April 16th. Click here to learn more and see a photo of Jen Hamilton reading with the children along with Corrie and her daughter.
The CTC barge will begin operation on May 1st. Please call the office at 846-5227 for reservations.
The CTC May Newletter is now available on the News & Info page of their website, chebeaguetrans.com, or here.
April 20, 2018 - photo Rocket (16) Julien in Manhattan, in her stroller. East Enders might be familiar with the sight!
Don't forget Cribbage tonight, Froday, at the Rec Center at 6:30.
April 18, 2018 - Join us for the 2nd annual JENNY WREN 5K on Saturday, May 12th! Run/Walk in honor of a special woman in your life, and help support ISLAND COMMONS. Once again, the event will be followed by a casual brunch. Please register online (or print a form and mail it to Island Commons). Pledge sheets can also be downloaded online. New this year for you walkers: The Ken Hamilton 3K walk. Don’t miss out on the fun and camaraderie & a chance to get outdoors enjoy spring (it’s bound to be here by May 12th!). Follow the link at the top of this page for full details & registration information. See you all there!
Don't forget - TONIGHT - Broadband Committee Workshop with the Selectman - 6pm at the Parish House.
TONIGHT - 7:15 at the Hall DOOLITTLE'S RAID ON JAPAN 76th anniversary.
April 17, 2018 - The final Community Lunch of the season is April 18th featuring roast beef with rosemary and garlic, hasselback potatoes, spring tart with roasted asparagus and parmesan, salad, roll, and pavlova with mixed berries and whipped cream. Veggie option: mushroom pirozhki. -- Generously sponsored by Mark H. Dyer, Inc. - suggested donation $7.
We lost the power last night around 10:30 and got it back today around 11:30. There was a lot of wind and rain and a lot of trees came down around the island.
Seth Levy is running for District Attorney in Cumberland County on a criminal justice reform platform. Check out his website at www.levyforda.com to learn more about him. He will be visiting the island at some time.
April 16, 2018 - photo Dolly Mae Madison Hill and Sammy Hill (deceased). David and Nancy's dogs.
Special Broadband Selectman's Workshop, Wednesday, April 18th at 6pm -at the PARISH HOUSE. Click on the Broadband Blog to learn more about fiber/copper, existing connections and the future of broadband on Chebeague. The Broadband committee has been working on a proposal to get Chebeague's broadband equal around the island with fiber to the household. Lots to talk about and learn for the future of the economic viabiltiy of the island.
Wednesday, April 18th at the Hall at 7:15 - FREE - DOOLITTLE'S RAID ON JAPAN 76th anniversary April 18, 1942 – April 18, 2018.
April 14, 2018 - CRC and Great Chebeague Golf Club are excited to offer a new junior golf camp this summer. Brian Bickford who is the head pro at Valhalla Golf Club and the Greely High School golf coach and also runs the Maine State Junior program will be on Chebeague for the week of July 30 - August 3, from 9 - noon. Applications are now available to sign up for this program. The fee is $100 for the week. Contact crc@chebeague.net or call 846-5068.
April 13, 2018 - photo of a mother and baby sheep from March 15 photo by Suzanne Rugh. Click here to see Elisabeth with one of the three baby sheep at the KomLosy House - photo by Jon KomLosy.
Don't forget Cribbage tonight at the Rec Center at 6:30 and no experience necessary to learn and play. Planning for a tournament.
April 12, 2018 - Chebeague Island Boat Yard will be closed this Saturday (4/14) for fuel in honor of Althea Dugliss so that employees can attend her service.
Stephen Ross Scholarship Application Deadline: May 1
Online Application through Maine Community Foundation.
The Stephen L. Ross Scholarship Fund was established in memory of Stephen L. Ross, son of Lewis and Geraldine Ross and resident of Chebeague Island. The fund provides scholarship support to obtain education or training beyond high school to a graduating high school senior or a student enrolled in the first year of post-secondary education or training. Applicants must have been residents of Chebeague Island for at least six consecutive months preceding May 1 of the year for which an award is sought. In 2014 the Board of Directors voted to establish a special award honoring the service of long time fund president, Kenneth Hamilton. The Kenneth Hamilton Education Award will be awarded from time to time for those students entering the field of education, in their 3rd or 4th year of post-secondary education.
Application Deadline: May 1
To Apply: Online application
April 10, 2018 - Tomorrow's NON Vegetarian soup will be: Paitan (chicken and pork) Ramen and the vegetarian will be Gingered Parsnip..
School Committee Meeting is tonight having been rescheduled from last week - see agenda.
April 9, 2018 - photo of the Ballard dogs- Click here to see Bedtime for Spooky Lee & Copper Lee Ballard. Benny Boy Ballard. Click here for Annie "Little One" Harwood & Copper Lee Ballard who've been temporarily deterred from activity.
Message from May: I'm sure other thank yous will be offered at other times by my family, but I wanted to offer my own. Thank you to all the people of Chebeague who have offered help, prepared meals, washed dishes, sent cards, supported the GoFundMe, offered sympathy, and shared tears. We are heartbroken, but it is helpful to feel the warm arms of Chebeague around us during this difficult time. Special thanks to Jen, Vic, Sam, Kim, Ralph, Amanda, and Doug, who helped that last night. I will never forget the support I felt from you all. xoxo May
April 6, 2018 - Lost: iphone in black case lost on Friday morning, between boat and ? Cousins Island lot and Hannafords. Please call 846-9034. Thanks!!!
The USM Nurses and Dr. Reinmann will be here Saturday for the Council's FREE Annual Health Screening. Come to the Hall between 9AM and 11:30AM and get your blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar tested. Dr. Reinmann, dermatologist, can check for skin cancer and other skin conditions too. And, you may win a great "Stay Healthy" prize like a one year Fitness Room pass at the Rec. Center, a 10 punch pool pass, a 1/2 hour massage, a Chebeague Water Taxi gift card, or a Hannaford gift card! Don't miss this chance for a free health screening right here on Chebeague.
Don't forget that tonight Friday is Cribbage at the Rec Center at 6:30 and no experience necessary to learn and play.(Don't forget to wish Donna a happy Birthday.)
April 4, 2018 - photo- of a painting of Oakley Martin by Kim Martin.
As I mentioned before Axiom along with the Island Institute will be bringing an expert out to the island to offer free Digital Literacy classes such as Quickbooks, Social Media for Business, and Website Design based on the results they receive from their survey which you may access by clicking here. Axiom will provide laptops with applications for those who need to use them.
Today's soups at the Hall will be Mexican chicken and tomato and Carolina Gold rice with fresh thyme and sherry vinegar.
April 3, 2018 - The School Committee meeting scheduled for tonight is postponed to a date to be decided.
Sing with the Chebeague Island Whalers This Season!
The Whalers are looking for singers to help us with our summer concert, "Tell Me A Story", no previous experience required! Rehearsals are from 7:00-9:00PM on Tuesday nights at the hall, starting on April 10th, with the concert scheduled for Saturday, June 30th. We accept singers of all ages, experience, and abilities, so come join the fun and sing with us! (Our director even bakes us cookies every week!)
Interested in signing up or learning more? Just e-mail Ben at b.yosuadavis@gmail.com or show up on Tuesday night!
Wednesday's soups at the Hall will be Mexican chicken and tomato and Carolina Gold rice with fresh thyme and sherry vinegar
April 2, 2018 - photo- Lily and Dakota Bass enjoying their time at Deer Point - click here to see them relaxing at their home on John Small Road after their hike.
Special Town Meeting, Saturday April 7, 2018 at 1:00PM at the Island Hall to vote on zoning ordinances and building code ordinanaces - click here for the warrant. Click here to find the existing and proposed ordinances and maps.
April 1, 2018 - Happy Easter!
Tuesday, April 3rd is a School Committee at 6pm - see agenda
The Well Drillers are lining up possible well sites to look at for this coming season. Hansen's Well Drilling Inc., Sue Hansen will be coming to te Island this Spring to look at sites. If you are thinking about having a well drilled please call Sue Smith or Jon Rich to be added to the list to be looked at. No date has been set at this point for site inspection or drilling. Sue's number is 839-3293/ toll free 1-877 839-3293 - website www.hansenswelldrilling.com. Jon's number is 522-3439 or 846-9938 or email jonrich@chebeague.net.
March 29, 2018 - Click here for a link to the GoFundMe for Charles, Althea, and Henry.
Reminder that tomorrow night at 6:30 is Cribbage at the Rec! We are happy to teach anyone! Come and join in the fun!
March 28, 2018 - photo- of past telephone book covers. The 2018 directory is well underway. One piece is still missing - a cover! Bring or email (cheblib@hotmail.com) your artwork to the library for consideration. Submission deadline is April 27th.
Join us this Sunday at 12:00 noon at the Commons for our 2nd annual EASTER EGG HUNT! Kids of all ages are welcome…come join in the fun! See Flyer click here.
March 27, 2018 - Don't forget that tomorrow there is coffee and soup at the Hall. Wednesday's soups at the Hall will be beef stroganoff and Vietnamese vegetarian pho.
Message from Melissa: As we make our way toward Easter, the church will be having several services:
Maundy Thursday – Thursday, March 29th, 5:30 PM – We remember the servanthood of Christ and his Last Supper with a potluck meal in the Parish House.
Good Friday Tenebrae Service – Friday, March 30th, 7 PM – We journey with Jesus over his last few hours on earth with this service of light into darkness.
Easter Sunday – Sunday, April 1st – Easter Sunrise service on the East End at 6 AM, with a light, informal, potluck-style breakfast to follow at the Parish House. Easter Worship service at 10 AM in the sanctuary, with Bible Study at 9 AM and Deep Blue Kids at 9:45 AM, both in the Parish House.
Don't forget that Easter Flower Forms are due on Friday, March 30th. You can give flowers in memory or in honor of someone. You can find the forms in the Parish House or in the sanctuary, or email the church at chebeagueislandumc@gmail.com. Flower drop-off is Saturday, March 31st between 9 AM and 1 PM. We do have some funds available to purchase flowers for those unable to get to the mainland to pick up their own. For questions, contact the church office at 846-6987.
Save the Date: Wednesday, April 18th at the Hall - FREE - DOOLITTLE'S RAID ON JAPAN 76th anniversary April 18, 1942 – April 18, 2018.
March 25, 2018 - photo- of Abbey Stevens pining for Chebeague. While in Florida Abbey earned her AKC Canine Good Citizen title!
Chebeague Mystery Theater will be back this summer. Just one performance, July 28. As usual, all lines will be read. This year’s play needs a few more male actors. If interested please email vixenskipper@gmail.com.
Don't forget that the 2nd half of the Chebeague Island property taxes are due by the end of this month.
March 22, 2018 - photo- of Pasha Johnson who now enjoys his home cuddling with his brother Sox.
Message from Melissa Yosua-Davis: As many of you know, Peter Carleton and Polly Wentworth are heading to Guatemala on a medical service trip at the beginning of April. CUMC is collecting supplies to send with them. They are looking for:
Vitamins, Infant liquid vitamin drops WITH IRON, Chewable Children’s vitamins WITH IRON, Prenatal vitamins and Adult Multivitamins WITH IRON.
Also needed are sunglasses, toothbrushes, and toys for the kids to play with while they wait to see the doctor.
Deadline is Sunday, March 25th. Collection bin is in the Parish House by the piano. When you're next in town, be sure to grab a few extra items to send along the way!
March 21, 2018 - The Island Institute’s Broadband team, in partnership with Axiom Technologies, is offering the opportunity to host digital literacy classes on Chebeague this spring. These classes can be a valuable way to engage community members in broadband initiatives, while provided needed trainings for personal and professional endeavors. They will be free to participants (sponsored by the Island Institute) -Classes are instructed by an Axiom staff member- Class topics and time/dates are chosen by community members, using this survey: www.surveymonkey.com/r/chebeagueislandinstitute - Please click on the survey with your suggestions.
We are pleased to announce that Dave Hoidal has accepted the position of Executive Director of the Recreation Center. Dave brings a great deal of experience to this position, having been a self-employed entrepreneur and former financial services advisor. Dave and his wife, Tammy are active in Maine Child and Family Services, a foster and adoptive parenting program. Dave has also been an active volunteer in Falmouth Community Programs, including the Shawnee Peak ski program for Grades 4 & 5. We hope you join us in welcoming Dave and offering your support to ensure his success as our new Executive Director.
In yesterday's Portland Press Herald there was an article about high school pitchers tossing as winter winds up and the feature photo was of Ethan Belesca delivering a pitch - click here to see the photo.
March 20, 2018 - photo- of Lucy Hinchman - David and Hobey's adopted chocolate lab.
Tomorrow's soups at the Hall are bubble 'n squeak and curried roasted cauliflower.
Thanks to everyone who joined in the fun at Island Commons SHAMROCK SHINDIG last Friday night…it was a great party! Congratulations to raffle winners Kathleen Floyd, Sylvia Ross and Nancy Cline!
Tonight School Committee Meeting this Tuesday at 5pm - see agenda. School Committee Workshop Tuesday at 7pm - see agenda.
March 17, 2017 - photo- in honor of St. Patrick today we have The McKinnon “Irish Pack” (aka: Peggy-Mac, Danny-Boy & Bridget)
The Recompense Fund is pleased this year to cover the registration costs for one person from each of the first 10 organizations who apply for support to attend the Maine Philanthropy Partners Conference being held May 15 in Bangor. Click here to learn more about this opportunity.
Republican caucus for the Towns of Chebeague and Long Island on Sunday, March 18th at 1:00 p.m. at the Community Center. Town clerk will be available beginning at 12:30 p.m for anyone wishing to register to vote.
Job Opening: Kids' Place is still looking to hire a full time direct Child Care Provider. This position entails direct care Monday-Thursday. Kids' Place has a wonderful group of children and will be increasing its numbers this summer. We are looking for someone to foster a love of learning and creativity in with our island's youngest. Competitive hourly wage and health stipend. Please email Courtney Doughty at chebeaguerecreation@gmail.com for an application.
School Committee Meeting this Tuesday at 5pm - see agenda. School Committee Workshop Tuesday at 7pm - see agenda.
March 14, 2018 - photo- - of the Emma Trower - she loves to make snow angels - click here to see.
We have had a number storms in a couple of weeks and the snow has accumulated to a couple of feet and while I was enjoying myself in Arizona Ruth Slagle continues to deliver the daily papers. While I was away I received this note from Sue Stranahan: "Those of us who still love to read our news in print form can’t say enough about the person who makes sure our newspapers are there each morning, rain, shine…..or in this case mountains of snow. Ruth Slagle never misses a day! Wednesday morning posed a special challenge, requiring a little help from David Miller on deeply drifted Fenderson Road. But by 7:15 the newspapers were right where they always are! Thanks, Ruth." Click here for a photo of Ruth and click here for another
Reminder from CTC: CTC will be presenting an overview of the new ferry plans at the Board of Selectmen meeting tonight at 6 PM at the Hall.
March 13, 2018 - photo- of the late Miss Ellie who was a Chebeague Dyer dog who is missed terribly by owners Pat Hatler and Howard Coffin.Update from CTC: Bus canceled for the rest of the day. 2:50/3:05 PM ferry is the last trip of the day.
After you've shoveled out tomorrow, come celebrate St. Patrick's Day at the Hall's Community Lunch! Corned beef, colcannon, clapshot, carrots glazed with Maine honey butter, soda bread, green salad, chocolate stout cake, Irish apple cake with custard sauce
Veggie option: Roasted cauliflower mac and cheese. We also do takeout! Suggested donation: $7 Doors open at noon!
Generously sponsored by an anonymous donor!
Miss Nancy's Pre-K classroom blog - click here.
REMINDER: SHAMROCK SHINDIG this Friday, March 16th at ISLAND COMMONS 4:30-6:30. Red Studio open during this event…and we’ll have some great raffles!
Update from CTCBoth bus and ferry service will likely be cancelled this afternoon. Updates to follow.
Update from CTC: Per our policy, the first two bus trips are canceled today since school is canceled. More notices as needed.
March 12, 2018 -photo- These are best friends Moxie and Carmen-Rose Murray. They love to snuggle!
Important Notice from CTC: Given the current weather forecast for tomorrow, 3/13, we anticipate bus cancellations and, possibly, ferry cancellations We will update on Facebook and through our notice service as needed.
The Planning Board meeting and hearing scheduled for March 13 has been re-scheduled due to the incoming snow storm to March 27, 7 PM at the Rec Center.
March 10, 2018 - photo- Say hi to Nessa Bonville - Amy and Jeff's dog.
You can make qualifying contributions of $5 to support candidates seeking Maine Clean Election funding - Click here.
March 9, 2018 - photo- Roxy & Pearl and boy do they like being together - click here to see. They are Steve and Vicki Todd's dogs.
Casco Bay Islands Alliance (formerly CBIDA) is again offering small grants to island non-profits. Click here to learn more about these grants.
Don't forget - cribbage tonight 6:30 at the Rec - all are welcome, even if you don't know how to play.
March 8, 2018 - photo- Casual Steve sitting on Deb Bowman's lap. Send a photo of your dog or cat and I can put it on the web page.
Please read this important message from Carrie Ridgeway - click here.
Don't Miss Saint Patrick’s Day Community Lunch at the Hall - March 14, 2018 - Corned Beef • Colcannon • Carrots Glazed with Maine Honey Butter • Green Salad • Soda Bread • Chocolate Stout Cake or Irish Apple Cake with Custard Sauce
Suggested donation: $7
Doors Open at NOON!
March 7, 2018 - photo- Frank at 15 loves to hang out at Hamilton Beach. Frank belongs to Chirstine and Steve Aufont.
Kids' Place Update: We are excited to announce that Grace Eaton has been hired as our Interim Director for Kids' Place. Grace brings a wealth of experience and expertise in the field of education. She has been in education for 23 years, her first 7 years in special education and then in school counseling.
*Kids' Place will be closed the week of March 12 to allow us to clean the building, as well as update files and policies. Staff will also be doing mandatory trainings.
*We are looking to increase the staffing so that there are two employees as Kid's Place during most open hours. Parents feel strongly that this is needed for safety. We have held interviews this week.
*We are looking into alternative sources of funding, lead by parent Elizabeth Murphy-Lewis. We are grateful to her and all the volunteers who are working with us to keep affordable child care available to families on the island.
*Kids' Place will reopen March 19th so stay tuned for more information
At the 3/14 Board of Selectmen meeting, CTC will present information regarding the new ferry plans. To view the drawings, visit the News and Info page on our website, chebeaguetrans.com
7:45 PM bus canceled tonight. 9:15/9:30 PM bus and ferry also canceled.
CTC Service Update: We are canceling the 7:45/8:15 PM bus tonight and the bus AND FERRY for the 9:15/9:30 PM trip. If Yarmouth or Cumberland schools are canceled tomorrow, the first two buses of the day are automatically canceled. We anticipate that the ferry will run on schedule tomorrow. If there is a change, we will send notices and post changes on Facebook. Cousins Island parking customers should avoid parking by the fence and should park at Route One if possible to aid in snow removal efforts. Thanks
March 4, 2018 - Congratulations to all the Yarmouth High School Honor Roll Students from Chebeague: Luke and Ehryn Groothoff, Ethan and Aaron Belesca, Tiffany Calder,Hannah Birkett,Sumner Rugh, Justin Winkel, and Cameron Todd. Summer Islanders David Jordan, Lydia Guay and Lee Federle. Please let me know if I missed someone.
Congratulations to Laura Hamilton whose photograph will be representing the Yarmouth Middle School at the Portland Museum of Art. "Working Hands." This is her photo that was chosen.. She hopes to have more experiences and chances like this to show everyone her work and hopefully leave an impact. It was put in along with some other students work from around Maine just last night! So go check it all out!
I took a video yesterday, March 3 of Darya heading for the boat and posted on Facebook and if you don't have facebook you can see it so click here.
March 2, 2018 - photo- taken by Marty Trower of Hamilton Beach at high tide on March 2nd. Click here for a video I took at the Stone Wharf around High Tide. Click here for another Stone Wharf video. Click here for a video from the Boat Yard looking over to Roses Point. Click here for a video at the Hook a little after high tide.
Congratulations to Joquin Bonville whose painting will be representing the Yarmouth Middle School at the Portland Museum of Art. The Portland Museum of Art will present art made by Maine students in an exhibit that can be viewed from March 3rd -March 30th and is open to family and friends. (Free) Click here to see his painting.
School Committee Meeting Tuesday March 6th at 6pm - click here for agenda.
As of 8 AM, CTC expects to run all ferry trips today (3/2). Please monitor our Facebook page for updates if you do not subscribe to our Cancellation Notice service. You can enroll in this service on our website. http://www.chebeaguetrans.com/Trip-Cancellation.html
March 1, 2018 - The Channel 13 Dirigo Report turned out to be about our adoption 20 years later - click here to see.
Polly Wentworth and Peter Carleton are going on the Guatemala mission trip in April. To support their trip, financial donations can be left in the church collection plates on Sunday mornings or dropped off at the Parish House (checks payable to Works of Grace). Supplies needed include: Vitamins, Infant liquid vitamin drops WITH IRON, Chewable Children’s vitamins WITH IRON, Prenatal vitamins and Adult Multivitamins WITH IRON. The expiration date should be no earlier than October 2018. There is a decorated tub in the Parish House to hold any supplies or checks you might want to drop off! Thank you! Join them after worship on Sunday, March 4th for a Guatemalan Lunch and Presentation on Guatemala and the work they’ll be doing!
The March CTC Newletter is now posted on their website, chebeaguetrans.com and is available here.
High winds on Friday expected. There may be ferry cancellations. Notices will be sent if any trips are canceled. Also, Cousins parking customers should avoid parking near the fence in case of flooding. If possible, move to Route One
February 28, 2018 - Chebeague's Democratic Caucus is scheduled for Sunday, March 4th, 1:00pm at the Island Hall. A Town Clerk will be available starting at 12:30 to register New Voters, including those who will turn 18 before November 6, and Unaffiliated voters as Democrats who wish to participate in the caucus.
The soup today at the Hall is Brunswick Stew (Chicken and Bacon).
Tonight on Channel 13 5:30 report there will be a segment with an interview with Vika Johnson (my daughter) who had been adopted 20 years ago and is living on Chebeague and is an intern with Ross Greene (Lives in the Balance) for her Masters Degree in Social Work while she is also working as the island Town Clerk on Chebeague.
A message from May Hall: I feel incredibly blessed to be a part of a community that has shown me an outpouring of support in my new career as a nurse, first for my education and now for the Baobab Canopy Medical Mission in Zanzibar. I leave this week! Please keep us in your thoughts as we head off to start this important work. Special thanks to Melissa and all the friends at the UMC who provided supplies! To those of you who are wondering, I am planning on returning to the Slow Bell for one last summer while balancing my new job as an RN at Falmouth-by-the-Sea. Jonathan and I will be communicating while I'm away to discuss how to make that happen. Keep an eye out on Facebook for news from Zanzibar!
February 26, 2018 - The Chebeague Recreation Center is starting to hire the summer. Spend your summer outside, with people, enjoying recreational activities!
Summer Job opportunities:
Lifeguards - The Rec Ctr will pay for 1/2 of the LGT course and the second 1/2 if you return for another summer. Flexible hours.
Assistant for Theater: Be an assistant to Shannon Geary in this year's play Lion King Jr. Dates June 30th-July 21. Hours during the week are 2-5pm.
Art Camp Counselor: Looking for someone to run a 1 or multiple week art camp - the dates/time are flexible.
Fitness Pass Special: The month of March is the fitness pass special - gym membership for the year is $99!! You are paying 8.25/month to work out - a fabulous deal! We are cleaning up all codes by the end of this month - and deactivating those that have expired or are not on the volunteer list. If you would like to re-up your membership, please stop by CRC. Office Hours are M-TH 8-4:30. If you cannot get to CRC during business hours, send an email and we can get you signed up. chebeaguerecreation@gmail.com
February 23, 2018 - Tonight (Friday) is CRIBBAGE at the Rec Center at 6:30. You don't have to know how to play because there are players who would love to teach you. Come join the fun.
Tonight Channel 13 will be showing a report on the Chebeague Island School.
February 21, 2018 - We are still looking for housing for our two British Soccer Camp counselors this summer. We need housing from July 15-July 21st. If you are willing to host these players for part of the time, all the time or have a place for them to stay we would be very grateful! This is key in order for the soccer camp to run this summer. If you host a coach for the whole time, you can receive a scholarship to camp - look at website for information http://uksocca.com/newhtml/hostacoachonline.html - Please contact chebeaguerecreation@gmail.com if you have an option. Thank you!
Update from the Rec Center on Kid's Place: Last Monday, we met with parents and other interested parties to see how we can work together to ensure that quality child care continues on the island. One of the outcomes of that meeting was the establishment of an Advisory Board to help with a strategic plan for KP. We are fortunate that Jean-Louis Beaupre, Jen Corsen, Courtney Doughty, Elizabeth Murphy-Lewis, Carrie Ridgeway and Ben Yosua-Davis have agreed to serve. The Board representative will be Meredith Beaupre. In the days that followed the meeting, we have a few candidates who have emerged with interest in the director position. We will continue to keep the community informed, and please contact us if you have an interest in helping to support this important mission.
Click here for the Executive Director's Job Description. The Board will be accepting applications for the position through March 7, 2018.
Message from May: "Hey friends and family! One last plea for support. Melissa at the church has done a great job of collecting supplies but I'm trying to raise some to purchase supplies there and pay for an extra suitcase to fly with me. EVERY LITTLE BIT HELPS! Please contribute if you can! https://www.gofundme.com/zanzibar-nursing-mission-2018"
February 19, 2018 - School Committe meeting tomorrow at 5 at the school - click here for agenda.
Message from the Rec: On behalf of the CRC Board, I very much regret having to inform you that Kids’ Place is going to temporarily close its doors on March 8th (March 8th will be last full day of care). This temporary closure will be resolved when we have a director in place to properly and safely operate our childcare programs. As you know, we have had several people filling in on a temporary basis but unfortunately, they are unable to continue. We are grateful to them for their time and care. Unfortunately, without a director we are unable to manage the day-to-day operations and adherence to critical licensing requirements and regulations.
Our Board understands how important Kids’ Place is to our island community. We know that young working families are attracted to this island because they have been able to depend on care for their children. These families are the very fabric and future of our year round population. Without them our community cannot be sustained as we know and enjoy it. We are, together with Courtney and helpful parents, dedicated to finding the right solution that will result in opening Kids’ Place as soon as possible.
We are truly sorry, because we know this situation presents a huge gap in the community. We hope that with your support we will be able to reopen Kids’ Place with a renewed energy that will serve you and your families well.
Thank you for your understanding. Should you have ideas and suggestions that will get us back on our feet soon please contact us.
Click here for the latest blog from Miss Nancy's Pre-K classroom.
February 17, 2018 - There are a number of lobstermen looking for stern persons for the coming up summer probably starting in June. Please contact one them if you are looking for a job - call 846-4851 for Ernie. Chebeague or Yarmouth residents prefered.
Message from Shady Grove: “Springtime is coming and our chickens are laying again. We have beautiful farm fresh eggs available for weekly (on island) delivery to your door every Friday, $6 a dozen. Email 2shadygrove@gmail.com if you are interested."
February 15, 2018 - The Church is collecting supplies for May Hall's trip to Zanzibar. The collection is also in the form of a competition; we have two bags, one for kids and one for adults. Melissa may or may not be dying half her hair, depending on the outcome. There is a tub in the parish house that is decorated with paper flowers and the bags are labeled kids and adult. The shopping list is: children's Tylenol, children's ibuprophen (both pills and liquids), adult Tylenol or ibuprophen, multivitamins (no gummies, please, they melt), folic acid, iron, and b complex vitamins as well as school supplies (pens, pencils, notebooks) or backpacks with supplies. If you have any questions, call the office at 846-6987. Thank you!
Casco Bay Lines would like to inform those that travel to Chebeague Island that the Maine Department of Transportation is set to begin the fender system replacement work. The Contractor, Wyman & Simpson, along with their sub-contractor, Maine Coast Marine will mobilize a crane, small material barge and work boat to the state pier in Chandlers Cove on Monday, February 19th. They have coordinated their work and the placement of their equipment such that the ferry should be able to make all scheduled trips to the island. It is anticipated that the work will take from three to four weeks to complete. This schedule is weather dependent as well as constrained by the need for good low tide work windows. The work will be done in stages and approximately half of the pier face will not be available while the work progresses. The contractor will use barricades to block off those areas where work is taking place and we ask that you avoid entering into their work area for your safety as well as that of the contractors worker force. CBL will continue working closely with MaineDOT and the contractor to minimize any impacts on our service. Should any issues arise during the course of the construction work, please do not hesitate to reach out to the DOT resident, Ed Karpinski at 207-504-1916. Should information change or issues arise that affect the schedule, CBL will post it on our website as well as send out additional e-mail notices. Should you have any questions about the work, please feel free to contact either Nick Mavodones or Paul Pottle at 207-774-7871. We thank you for your patience and understanding during the necessary rehabilitation work.
February 14, 2018 - The Recreation Center Board regretfully announces the resignation of Courtney Doughty effective on or around April 1. Courtney has decided to leave her position as Executive Director in order to devote more time to raising six month old Seamus. This is a great loss for us but we can only respect her decision and wish her all the best. The Board will be accepting applications for the position through March 7, 2018. Click here to print the current job description or you may pick it up from the Recreation Center office. Please email your resume together with a “letter of interest” to chebeaguerecreation@gmail.com or drop them off at the office.
The UK soccer camp returns to Chebeague. The dates will be July 16-20 and ranges for ages 3-18 years old. Now until February 21st you can register online and receive a $25 discount. The information is attached.
February 12, 2018 - Phil Jordan and Jerry Wiles are collaborating again to bring World War 1 into focus. Using film, graphic arts and text we will talk about what propels us to War. Informational meeting Thursday, February 15th at 7:00 pm at the library. FMI call 846-4351
Stephen and I are headed for Iceland for a few days and I will try to keep up with the page as I am bringing my computer with me. We were supposed to leave yesterday but the flight was cancelled so we are attempting to take off today. Looking forward to warmer weather. They just got over a storm of the century so maybe we will be ok.
February 11, 2018 - You're Invited to a Special Valentine's Day Community Lunch at the Hall - Wednesday, February 14th
Coq au Vin
French Onion Panade
Slow-Roasted Honey-Glazed Vegetables
Green Salad
Rolls and Butter
Assorted Cheesecakes
Suggested Donation: $7
Doors Open at Noon!
Valentine Dreams Come True: The Red Studio Will Be Open Today From 1:00 to 3:00! We have jewelry, candy, fine antiques, gifts for kids, and amazing steals!
From The Road Safety Committee - Maine just announced that accidents on 295 fell 17% last year, the first year of a lower speed limit. Slower is safer!
February 10, 2018 - Message from Courtney at the Rec: Thank you to all the folks who helped make the Winter Carnival happen. From the cooks, servers, people volunteering their time, clearing the pond and getting ice ready for skating, and all our attendees-truly a community event. A huge congrats to all our plungers, contestant winners and specifically one of our teens, Bea Crossman who raised over $400 for the game-a-thon. She surpassed all teens in fundraising and was at the Rec ready for hours of games! Thank you all!
Click here to see a photo of the plungers who were: Jenna Calthorpe, Meadow Phipps, Savannah Loder, Caroline Loder, Nancy Earnest, Bev Johnson, Becky Pellerin, Alex Loder, Cole Putnam, Chris Loder, and Caroline TenHoor Click here to see a youtube of the plunge.
Congratulations to the winners of the Chili, chowder and soup challenge:
1st: Julie Doughty ... #3 Chili
2nd: Bev Johnson ... #10 Sweet Beef
3rd: Becky Pellerin ... #9 Paleo
1st: Chris Loder ... #6 Seafood
2nd ... there was a tie:
Grace Eaton ... #3 Corn & Bacon
Elizabeth Murphy-Lewis ... #9 Corn
3rd: Donna Damon ... #2 Seafood
1st: Suzanne Rugh ... #1 Squash
2nd: Donna Damon ... #8 Decadent Chicken
3rd: Mary Cushman .. #6 Organic Chicken & Lentil
REMINDER - Today the 20th Winter Polar Plunge for the Rec Center at 11 (note time change) and at noon the Chili, Chowder, Soup Challenge. The price for attending Soup Challenge is below - you get a full lunch and support the Rec! The hockey game at Sanford Pond is at 4pm, even if drizzling come on down and watch the game from the shed and enjoy hot dogs over the fire and hot cocoa.
Individual: $15 Couple: $25 Max Family: $40 (Kids - $7 for hotdog, mac and cheese and dessert)
Janet Mills will be at the Parish House today from 9 to 10. She is one of the Democratic Candidates for Governer.
February 9, 2018 - photo- taken by Paul Cleary with his phone by his house at Sandy Point on February 9th. I wonder if we can tell whether it is the same Snowy who has been here before?
Polar Plunge tomorrow at 11 (NOTICE TIME) - so far we have about 7 plungers signed up - If you would like to sponsor them or yourself please contact the Rec - crc@chebeague.net - plungers are Nancy Earnest (Miss Nancy), Loder Family (Chris, Caroline and some of their children) and Laura Hamitlton. I may do it - I have had one person sponsor me if I do it. We will see - come at 11 and jump in with us!
Tomorrow, Saturday, February 10, 9:00 - 10:00am at the Parish House: Meet with Gubernatorial Candidate, Maine Attorney General Janet Mills. Learn of Janet's
experiences, priorities, and vision for Maine's future, and share your concerns and questions with Attorney General Mills, Democratic Candidate for Governor. Learn about Janet's work on behalf of Maine's citizens at https://janetmills.com/
Februay 7, 2018 - POLAR PLUNGE at 11am at CIBY. We hope even if you are not running into the waters, you are able to support. However, we would love more plungers for the 20th year! Please email chebeaguerecreation@gmail.com if you plan to plunge.
Kids’ Place is still hiring either part-time or full-time help. Ideal hours for part-time is 7:30-12:30 or 12:30-4:30 but we are flexible. Please email chebeaguerecreation@gmail.com if interested in working at KP. Also, we are always looking for volunteers to come do story time or an activity with our youngest islanders, so please email or call (846-5068) if interested in helping.
CTC bus service is canceled tonight for the 8/8:15 PM and 9:15/9:30 PM ferry trips Ferry service will operate on schedule
The Budget Workshop for the Selectmen scheduled for tonight has been CANCELLED.
The Red Studio will be open Sunday, February 11th, from 1 to 3 p.m. This announcement means that you now have NO EXCUSE for not giving that special somebody a lovely Valentine’s gift. Come support a good cause.
February 6, 2018 - School Committee Meeting tonight, Tuesday starting at 5pm see agenda.
The Winter Carnival is THIS Saturday. Polar Plunge at 11am at CIBY and Chili, Chowder, Soup Challenge is at noon at the Rec. NEW this year: The Sanford Hockey game at 4pm. If you don’t want to play, come down and watch! Help us celebrate Sanford’s Pond and keep the tradition alive! Please come and support the Chebeague Recreation Center.
The 2018 PyeongChang Olympic Winter Games to open on Feb. 9 and the torch relay is happening. Channel 13 news has interviewed me about the 1980 Olympic Torch Relay that I was part of. There were 52 representatives, one from each state and one from Lake Placid and one from Washington DC. It was an honor to be part of this group. It is supposed to be broadcast February 7 at 5:30 on 13. They came back and visited the school a few days later and that will be broadcast on February 23rd. If you want to learn more about the torch relay I did make a website many years ago - torch.
February 5, 2018 - Saturday, February 10, 9:00 - 10:00am at the Parish House: Meet with Gubernatorial Candidate, Maine Attorney General Janet Mills. Learn of Janet's experiences, priorities, and vision for Maine's future, and share your concerns and questions with Attorney General Mills, Democratic Candidate for Governor. Learn about Janet's work on behalf of Maine's citizens at https://janetmills.com
Wednesday soup will be white chili and the vegetarian will be wild rice, barley and mushroom soup.
February 1, 2018 - February Parish House Breakfast and Worship - Sundays during the month of February, join the Chebeague UMC at the Parish House at 8:45 for breakfast and then stay around for Deep Blue Worship. Worship during the month of February is informal, intergenerational, multi-sensory, conversational - and a whole lot of fun! Perfect for families, those who like to move around and get their hands dirty, and those who are looking for a different kind of church worship experience. Hope you can join us!
Kids' Place Job Posting: We are seeking an infant/toddler teacher for Kids' Place. This position can be full or part-time. The position includes the responsibility of primary care giving, preparing activities, communication with families, daily notes on children and maintaining a clean and healthy environment. The successful candidate will have demonstrated reliability and a passion for nurturing children.
Qualifications: High school diploma or equivalent and experience with children
Contact: Courtney Doughty at chebeaguerecreation@gmail.com
January 30, 2018 - Hey folks: The Slow Bell will be open this Saturday and Sunday. On SATURDAY, we'll open at 5 p.m., our special will be New England Boiled Dinner (corn beef, cabbage, carrots, onions, potatoes) and our catch of the day is fried scallops. We'll have karaoke starting at 8 p.m., with the bar open until 12. ON SUNDAY, we'll open at 5:30 for the SUPERBOWL! We'll be serving wings, nachos, soup, pizza and desserts.
For those of you who have already ordered pizzas through the school fundraiser, we will be honoring those orders at the Slow Bell. We will also be taking orders for Slow Bell pizzas starting at 3 p.m. on game day (for pick up starting at 4:30). A portion of the profits from those pizzas will be donated to the Island School for their fundraiser. Hope that's clear as mud. If you have questions, feel free to call! 846-3078.
SAVE THE DATE and sign up to PLUNGE!: February 10th: Winter Carnival Time Change: THE POLAR PLUNGE will now be at 11am, Saturday at CIBY. This is what happens when you have a Vermonter plan a Polar Plunge in Maine.....there is something called tides. The Chili, Chowder, Soup Challenge will be at NOON at the Rec Center. We need plungers - it is the 20th year, make it happen! Please email crc@chebeague.net if you plan to plunge and I will get you a pledge sheet. I'm thinking about it (Beverly) but not sure yet - this is a big year and I have done it most years.
Don't forget to go to CRIBBAGE - 6:30 Friday at the Recreation Center - there are people there who will teach you how to play if you would like to learn.
Miss Nancy's Pre-K Chebeague Island School Blog - click here!
January 29, 2018 - Wednesday Soups are Reuben Sandwich Soup and the vegetarian is Roasted Squash, Sweet Potato and Garlic Soup..
The Superbowl Pizza Fundraiser has been CANCELLED this year. Sorry if this is dissapointing to people but we will have it another time.
January 25, 2018 - Cribbage this Friday January 26 at 6:30 at the REC Center. No experience needed. Boards and cards provided! Hope to see you there! Call Donna 846-5140 for more info.
Get Ready for the Hall's Second Annual Italian Night to Promote Mental Health This Saturday!
The menu includes seafood lasagna, meatball lasagna, meatless lasagna, manicotti, chicken Parmesan, classic lasagna, stuffed shells, and Gina's world famous cannoli!
Doors open at 5:30 for this fabulous BYOB meal!!
Message from Audrey's family: "Join us as we celebrate Audrey Collins 90th birthday at the Island Hall Saturday, March 3 at 2:30-4:30 ish. The snow date is March 10. We’ll share cake, ice cream and fun memories as we honor Audrey. Call or text Kim 207-400-5633 or Terry 207-749-5308 with any questions."
January 24, 2018 - The town has an opening for a part-time public works driver/laborer position - click here for the posting.
The Chebeague Recreation Winter Carnival (February 10) is only 2 1/2 weeks away! This is a special winter event, that brings the community together during these long winter months. We are looking for more soups, chilies, and chowders - Please email crc@chebeague.net or text Christine England at 508-410-5601 if you are able to contribute. We also need more servers or people willing to help with set up and take down. Please let us know if you can help!
To kick off the Winter Olympics this year participate in the Chebeague Polar Plunge before the Chili, Chowder, Soup Contest. This is the 20th Polar Plunge which will take at the CIBY at noon. Email crc@chebeague.net if you plan to take the plunge and I will send you a pledge form. To plunge individuals need to raise $50 and families need to raise $100.
Sweets for your Sweetie - the 3rd-5th graders are raising money for their annual end of the year field trip. For $15 the students will deliver chocolate-dipped shortbread cookies with a single rose to your valentine on Valentine's Day - click here for the form and more information.
January 22, 2018 - I am thrilled that the Patriots won yesterday - what a game. This makes it even more fun that the school will be selling Pizzas for the Super Bowl in order to raise funds for the end of the year field trip that the older students go on. Click here to see how to order.
Wednesday soups at the Hall will be Hearty Potato with Bacon and the vegetarian will be Vegetable Bean with Pistou.
Chebeague Recreation Center is currently hiring for a Kids' Place Director. Please see Job Posting - the position will be open until filled.
Sailing School registration will be open on February 14, so please see the website at www.chebeaguesailing.com.”
This Wednesday, January 24th from 1:30 - 3pm is the Chebeague Cumberland Land Trust along with Royal River Conservation Trust GET OUT! NATURE WALKS - this day it will be Old Town House Park, North Yarmoth with volunteer leader Karen Massey- click here for details. On February 28th it will be Rines Forest with Karen Herold - see February Flyer.
January 21, 2018 - photo- taken of the hook by Carla Clarke at sunset, January 21, 2018 with her cell phone.
The Islander is back in business! There was a rope wrapped around the shaft and it has been removed. The noon boat will run on schedule.
Important Message from CTC: The 10 AM ferry is canceled. The noon may be canceled. We are having a diver come to inspect the bottom of the boat. We will provide updates on Facebook and through our email/text notification service.
Danielle Rideout will be speaking at church today, January 21st, at 10:00 am..
The first Cribbage Night at the REC was a huge success! 12 folks had a great evening and had so much fun that they want to do it again next week. A special thanks to John Rent who is an incredible Cribbage teacher! If you love Cribbage or want to learn, this is the group for you! We will meet at 6:30 pm on Friday January 26 at the CRC. Hope to see you there! Cost? Free! Thanks CRC! Questions? Email Donna publicservantone@gmail.com!
Kevin Wentworth reviewed his August 12,2016 pictures from the Perseids Meteor Shower. He captured over 70 meteorites in the 800 Pictures. Also captured 3 rare persistent trains from some strong meteorites. He put together this video to see 3 examples of a persistent train. Google “Persistent Trains” to learn more about them. They are amazing glowing clouds that swirl around for minutes after the meteor shoots by. Click here to see his video.
January 19, 2018 - Hey folks! The Slow Bell will be open this SATURDAY starting at 5 for dinner and take out. The bar will be open until 12 and we will celebrate with karaoke! Our special is chicken masala with mashed and our catch of the day is fried scallops. We will also be open on Sunday for the Pats game at 3 p.m. and will serve pizza by the slice and soup with cornbread during the game. Hope to see you at the Slow Bell. 846-3078.
Click here for a message from Carrie Ridgeway who will be leaving Kids Place in a few weeks.
Message from Amy: The Island Commons has an open room with a private bath available! Please call Amy Rich 207-846-5610 for details.
Reminder cribbage tonight at the Chebeague Recreation Center at 6:30 and Sanford’s Pond will open at 6pm for skating tonight. Stephen Todd will have skate sharpener going so bring your skates down-get out before warm weather!!
Chebeague Recreation Center: Our middle school boys have been practicing their basketball skills and developing their game since beginning of December. They would like to invite adults from the community to scrimmage them next Wednesday, January 24th, at 4:30 at the Rec Center. This could be a fun opportunity to get a full court game going, while also having adults give them some support and pointers! If you would be interested in playing in this scrimmage, please email me at chebeaguerecreation@gmail.com. Thank you!
January 18, 2018 - photo- taken by Steve Todd after he was able to clear Sanford's Pond with his plow last Thrusday the 18th.
Kid's Place Announcement -- Carrie Ridgeway has just given two week notice to take another position on the mainland. We wish her well. We will be looking for qualified candidates to fill her position. Please help us spread the word! We will do our best to minimize disruptions to our families and will keep people updated. Interested candidates can submit a resume and letter of interest to Courtney Doughty at chebeaguerecreation@gmail.com. If anyone has questions please do not hesitate to call (846-5068) or email.
January 17, 2018 - Message from CTC: As a reminder to our customers - if school is canceled in Yarmouth due to weather conditions the first two CTC buses of the day are also canceled. Our drivers need to be able to get to work safely. However, the ferry will only be canceled if weather conditions require it - in other words - the ferry will run on school cancellation days unless the Captain decides the trip should be canceled. We will not post bus cancelations under this policy - they are automatic. However, we will post any ferry cancellations or bus cancellations under other circumstances.
Mac Pasano and Beth Howe are still collecting signatures from Chebeague Island Residents for the People’s Veto campaign to restore the Ranked Choice Voting law. You are welcome to drop by their house and sign the petition. If you are not a resident and want to help in your town to collect signatures you can go to rcvmaine.com and learn how to do this. Maine’s Constitution gives our citizens the right to reverse decisions of the Legislature through the power of the People's Veto. That is why on October 27th, a group launched a People's Veto referendum to restore the groundbreaking election reform that had been passed in November 2016.
Just got back from a fabulous meal at the Halll! Click here to see some photos. The menu was extraordinary and everything was homecooked and delicious!
Turkey Dinner today at the Hall - see you there!
Come the Rec Center Friday at 6:30 and play a few hands of cribbage.
"Sam the Bottle Man" does it again! Sam Rideout is featured in the Forecaster after raising $2000 for the Children at the Barbara Bush Children's Hospital - Click her to see. Sam is grandson of Chip and Vicki Emery. Son of Jaedra & Brandon Rideout.
January 16, 2018 - It’s Thanksgiving in January at the Hall! This month’s Community Lunch features all your favorite Thanksgiving fixings! Come hungry! Sponsored as always by Island Electric! Suggested donation: $7 Tomorrow, Wednesday, January 17, 2018. Thank you Kim!
“Join us all at the Recompense Fund to shout out today for all of Chebeague’s nonprofits. They make our island and Maine thrive.”
School Committee Meeting tonight at 6pm at the school - see agenda.
January 15, 2018 - Looking for something fun to do this winter? Come the Rec Center at 6:30 and play a few hands of cribbage. All are welcome - from experts to beginners. Cards and boards will be available but feel free to bring your own if you would like. There will be plenty of opportunity to learn the game or brush up if you haven’t played for a while. The more the merrier! If you can’t make it on Friday but are still interested please call Donna Damon (846-5140), and she will let you know what the group decides about future cribbage nights. Please spread the word! We hope to see you on Friday.
The Hall kitchen staff is looking for volunteers to help out at this Wednesday's Thanksgiving in January Community Lunch. Several of the usual helpers are sick or away, and we need help with prep, serving, and cleanup. If you are interested, please just show up at the Hall between 10:00 and 11:15, and we will put you to work. Job includes a free lunch!
Miss Nancy's Chebeague Island School Pre-K blog - click here.
January 11, 2018 - Yoga will start tomorrow at 8:30am in the CRC gym. Please arrive in time to fill out a release form if you have not already. For more information go to the crc website: http://www.chebeaguerec.com/ and you will find Yoga under the adult programs. Also, follow CRC on Facebook to get updates!
A message from CTC: Thanks to Scott Dugas and his crew for, as usual, showing up on our schedule to clear the Cousins Island and Route One lots! It is so great to have a company that will work around our boat schedules to clear snow during the best times. A special THANK YOU to all the Cousins Island parking customers who moved to Route One to assist our snow removal project. Both lots are looking good - thanks to all of you! Everyone can return to Cousins - but we still encourage you to spend the winter at Route One if possible.
At 4:30am on October 31st 2017, Bob and Holly (Hamilton) awoke to what sounded like a bomb going off. As it turned out, a large 80 foot pine tree had split and came crashing down on their mobile home in Freeport during the distructive wind storm. Click here to see a photos of Holly and Bob's home and an opportunity to donate to a gofund page.
January 9, 2018 - photo-of children at Sanford's Pond after school Tuesday, January 9th.
Cathy MacNeill has put together a wonderful slide show for the Chebeague Historical Society that features many of the island events over the summer of 2017! She tried to get to as many as she could and appologises for the ones she missed. Click here to see- thank you Cathy!!!
IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR CTC COUSINS ISLAND PARKING LOT CUSTOMERS: On Thursday (1/11 Scott Dugas will be clearing the Cousins Lot as much as possible beginning at 10:30 am if possible, please move to Route One if you vehicle would be in the lot after 10am Thursday. If you have to park at Cousins, please park in an area where there is clear space. It is very difficult for Dugas to remove snow if he is trying to work between two vehicles. It is dafe to park near the fence - Thank you!!
You can still register for the NAMI Training https://namimaine.site-ym.com/events/EventDetails.aspx?id=1054228&group for this Friday’s (Jan.12) National Alliance on Mental Illness ( NAMI) Training “Youth Mental Health First Aid” 9-5pm at the Parish House. Sponsored by CPA Community Support Series, Recompense Fund and the Chebeague United Methodist Church. Scholarships, discounts and child care available. Click here for FAQ or Contact: Erika, 207-749-8022 - Click here for Youth Mental Health First Aid FAQs.
For those who were unable to take the Chebeague Cumberland Land Trust Survey please click here and see if this works.
Chebeague Recreation's Winter Carnival: February 10th. This year we have the 20th Polar Plunge followed by a fabulous chili, chowder, soup contest at the Rec Center. Please if you are willing to make a soup, chili, or chowder text Christine England: 508-410-5601 or email crc@chebeague.net. We need you to make this event happen!!! Also, if you are willing to serve or help with setup/cleanup - please email crc@chebeague.net. We need volunteers!
Job Posting: Kids' Place is hiring for a part-time position. Must be 21+ year of age, pass background check, and experience with children. The position would be 2 mornings (7:30-12:30) a week and opportunity to move into more days/hours in summer. To apply please fill out the job application and return to Chebeague Recreation Ctr or email to crc@chebeague.net.
January 8, 2018 - JOIN Chebeague Cumberland Land Trust FOR A FILM SCREENING
AND DISCUSSION - Community Conservation: Finding the Balance Between Nature and Culture
Thursday, January 11th| 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm - Saint Mary's Episcopal Church - 43 Foreside Road, Falmouth, ME
Film and Open Discussion - Admission is Free Click here to see flyer. Click here for a trailer of the movie. If you are planning on attending please RSVP here.
The Land Trust would like everyone to take a survey: How can land trusts in Southern Maine use land conservation resources to more deeply engage all people toward stronger communities and better quality of life? Click here to take the survey and help us know how people are feeling about conservation.
Wednesday soups will be Fish Chowder. and the vegetarian soup will be Indian Lentil-Cauliflower.
CTC will be having more snow removed from the Cousins Lot on Thursday. If you are going to town, please park at Route One on that day. Also, if you are parking at Cousins, please park where there is a large cleared area. It is difficult for the plow to get between cars when there is a single space. Thank you!
January 5, 2018 - Message from Tracy Ames: "I have scallops for sale from our home at 337 N. Road. We have fresh and frozen available in 1lb bags for $20 and $11 for half pound bags. A break in price is offered for 10lbs or over @ $18/lb. Scallops are placed in freezer bags and can last over a year in freezer if not used while fresh. - My phone number is 232-6154 if anyone would like to place an order."
Click here for a message from Kim Boehm.
Sanford’s Pond cleaning party today 2-5pm. Bring your own shovel or snowblower-let’s get the ice ready for these cold temps!!!
Yoga with Becky is cancelled for today. It will start next Friday, January 12th.
Message from the CTC: Cars parked along fence should be moved ASAP. Sitting in slush right now. Will get frozen in.
January 4, 2018 - photo-of Teddy Houghton taken by Lucas Phipps at high tide on the Stone Wharf just after the 12:15 boat landed at the wharf. Click here to see a youtube I took from the boat leaving the island at noon. Click here to see a youtube I took from the wharf after we landed on Cousins. Here is another youtube of people getting on the boat on Cousins. I got a couple of photos of the Cousin's parking log at almost high tide here and here. I hope they are ok.
Chebeague's Democratic Caucus is scheduled for Sunday, March 4th, 1:00pm at the Island Hall. A Town Clerk will be available starting at 12:30 to register voters as Democrats who wish to participate in the caucus. Unenrolled or unregistered voters can register up to an hour before the caucus, but if voters want to switch parties and caucus, they have to enroll in their new party by Feb. 19. No admittance after Caucus has been called to order.
Democratic Gubernatorial Candidate Jim Boyle will visit Chebeague on Tuesday, January 16th. Candidate Boyle will be at the Island Hall 5:00pm - 6:00pm to meet with Islanders following an Island tour with stops at businesses and Island facilities. Jim will address those present and attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions and express ideas and concerns.
Message from CTC: FERRY CANCELLED AFTER THE NOON BOAT TODAY. Due to anticipated high winds the 12/12:15 PM ferry will be the last trip today. Also, there is a very high tide at 12:30 PM today. There could be significant washover on the Stone Wharf for the noon.January 3, 2018 - Service update from CTC
The CTC bus is canceled tomorrow 1/4/18. We expect the ferry to run through the noon, but later trips may be canceled due to weather conditions.
Important update from CTC
Given current weather forecasts, it is likely that bus and ferry services will be interrupted tomorrow 1/4/18. Please monitor our facebook page for updates. Notices will also be sent to email and text subscribers to our notice/cancellation service.
The Community Center will be open and accessible during any power outages from the storm expected on Thursday. The Library will be open from 10:00 am until afternoon, weather dependent on closing time. No evening hours.
January 2, 2018 - Dr. Smith from the Yarmouth Veterinary Center will not be on the island this Thursday. He will be here on January 11th instead and with a snow storm coming that sounds a lot better to me.
Wednesday's soups at the Hall will be French onion and Louisiana red beans and rice.
YOUTH MENTAL HEALTH FIRST AID NAMI Training on Chebeague: Register (http://www.namimaine.org/events/register.aspx?id=1054228) today for Jan. 12 training sponsored by the CPA’s Community Support Series, and the CIUMC. Scholarships and child care available upon request. Early registrants will receive 50% discount (program made possible by a grant from the Recompense Fund.) Contact Erika Neumann, 207-749-8022 for questions. Click here for more information about the program.
Sanford's Pond is open today 3-5pm. Stephen Todd, The Rich family (Amy, Jon, Sherm and extended), Putnams led the charge of clearing the pond. Tiffany Calder, Laura Hamilton and Beth Horowitz also came down to help the efforts! Thanks to these folks we can get some skating in before the storm. There is a Sanford's Pond meeting tomorrow (January 3rd) at 5pm for all those interested in supporting Sanford's Pond this winter. Please "like" the CRC's facebook page for updates!
January 1, 2018 - Happy New Year!
School Committee Meeting tomorrow night at 6pm at the school - see agenda.
The CTC Newsletter is now available on their website, chebeaguetrans.com. Also, a reminder that the new ferry fees go into effect on 1/1/2018 and that the Day Pass and Short Week Commuter programs have been eliminated.
News from 2002 - through January
22, 2003
NEWS 2001
1996 AND JANUARY 1997
I would love to have any news, poetry, stories to add to
my news page so please email with anything you think would be
of interest to islanders around the world - yes Singapore, Egypt,
Mediterranean, Boston etc. checking out the news page everyday!
So please email me at
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Chebeague Island Anchor Page