To contact me, Beverly Johnson : bjohnson4850@gmail.com. CLICK HERE FOR WEATHER or go to - HOOK BLUFF WEATHER STATION Boatyard Webcam is not up at this time. |
Photo to show what you do on Chebeague when you come from the Netherlands on December 28th.
January 7, 2022 - CTC's bus service is canceled today through the 1:45pm/2:15pm trips due to heavy snow. More cancellations are possible in the afternoon. We apologize for any inconvenience but the safety of our passengers and employees is our priority. Notices of additional cancellations will be sent and posted on CTC's Facebook page.
Message from Chloe: The library is closed today, Friday 1/7 due to the snowstorm. Stay safe and thank you to those who are out plowing and removing snow! Happy snow day! We are open again tomorrow at 10 and we hope to see you for story time at 10:30.
January 6, 2022 - Message from Mellssa: Given the current omicron surge and the recommendation of the Maine Council of Churches for congregations to switch to virtual gatherings, worship will be remote only for 1/9, 1/16 and 1/23 via Zoom at this link - we will continue to monitor the situation as the month progresses.
Zoom link for Sunday worship: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83441145219?pwd=YnBaa1ZRblV6VXc0dU16bkFaUWhZQT09
Message from Katy McCann: "Winter 2022 Yoga & Movement - Yoga and Mindful Movement Classes with Katy are back. I’ll be offering in-person classes with the support and cooperation of the Hall and the Island Council.
Classes are Tuesday/Thursday, 7:30 - 8:45 am (no class on vet Thursdays),
Tuesday Jan 11 - Thursday March 17 (10 weeks). I’m thrilled to share that the Island Council will sponsor 1/3 of the cost of each class for each participant! So, normally $15 per class, for these 10 weeks classes will be $10 each and you are welcome to purchase a 5-class pass for $50. (If this is cost prohibitive for you, please contact me privately for sliding scale options.)
The Hall and Council asks that all participants are vaccinated. Masks are optional. The Hall is spacious enough for us to spread out and also is equipped with 3 high-quality air filters. My classes are for all bodies, all levels, all experiences. Classes are a blend of yoga and restorative exercises with unique cues that help you work with your body as it is right now, while creating the strength, mobility and ease of movement you crave. No super bendy, acrobatic stuff – just feeling better.
Please contact Katy for more info and/or to be added to my Chebeague email list - Kathleenmccann@usa.net"
The YARMOUTH VET will be at the Hall this morning from 8:40 or so until 11:30. the signup sheet will go up around 8:00. Call Sam (846-0510) if you have any difficulty signing up.
January 5, 2022 - Tonight is the Selectmen's Meeting at 6pm - see agenda and packet.
Tommorow, Thursday at 6pm there is an informational meeting with Wright-Pierce Engineers regarding Stone Wharf. Not on the town zoom.
Wright-Pierce is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Stone Wharf Study Update
Time: Jan 6, 2022 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 891 3720 0803
Passcode: 420422
January 4, 2022 - The Chebeague Recreation Center is hosting a Paint & Sip event over Zoom on Thursday, January 20 from 7-9pm. In this guided class, will be using watercolors to paint a view of Chebeague! Learn more and register at ChebeagueRec.com.
The Slow Bell will be open Friday and Saturday this weekend! Looking forward to seeing you all! We will be serving our limited menu of favorites including burgers, pizza, etc. We will also be serving turkey dinner, haddock chowder, baked haddock with peppers, onions and tomatoes with risotto, limoncello tarts, and frosted brownies. Dinner until 8, karaoke on Saturday night in the bar. Call ahead for takeout 846.3078
Chebeague Island Historical Society Ellsworth Miller Lecture Series Upcoming Lecture
Monday, January 10, 2022 at 7PM
Donna Damon, CIHS Curator
Part II: Island Non-Profit Organizations and their History of Building Community - Try signing in a few minutes before 7:00pm by going to Join a Meeting Log in ID number is 82962476056 - no password needed.
January 3, 2022 -The School Committee Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, January 4, 2022 has been changed - we would not have a quorum for the entire meeting. The School Committee will meet on Tuesday, January 11, 2022 at 6:00. The agenda will stay the same.
Click here for an update from Chebeague Covid Testing Team. I hope everyone stays safe and is vacinated and getting their boosters.
January 1, 2022 - Chebeague Island to The Outback Bowl Tampa Florida - so exciting to see Tyler Putnam singing the National Anthem! Click here to see - extremely impressive!!
One of the exciting things that are happening in the bird world is a Stellar Sea Eagle has been seen in Maine and right now is in Georgetown/Reid State Park. There have been a few people on the island including Stephen who saw a huge eagle with white on it from a distance and decided it was an owl so I hope everyone is keeping their eyes open because it is only a few miles away from here right now. If it ever did decide to stay here a while I don't think the boat could handle the swarms of people who would show up.
Tomorrow Stephen and I will be walking and travelling around the East End of Chebeague for the annual Christmas Bird Count that we have been doing for many years. I will post the results when I get them. The area that is included is North of Littlefield Road and the waters toward Harpswell. We always check out the bird feeders in all the yards to count. So far I will be able to report on is a Baltimore Oriole that has been at the Burgess feeders.
December 31, 2021 - Selectmen's Meeting is this Wednesday at 6pm and is on zoom - click here for agenda and packet.
School Committee Meeting this Tuesday, January 4th at 6pm at the school - see agenda.
December 28, 2021 - By now most everyone has received The Recompense Fund Annual Report and we hope you all have enjoyed it. Just in case you didn't get yours or it has been misplaced you can always go to the Recompense Website (www.recompensefund.com) and click on the report or just click here to see it and learn how we are doing. A huge thank you for your contributions and support to us and all the nonprofits that really keep Chebeague vibrant!
The Town of Chebeague is advertising for a fulltime Bookkeeper postition - click here for more information that is on the Town Website.
Message from Chloe: Join us at the library on Thursday 1/20 from 3:30-6pm for Young adult/high school night! We will be going over the Compass Workforce Grant available from the Island Institute for ages 15-30! You do not have to be a student. We will also provide information on other scholarships available for travel, school and gap year. High school students can get off the bus from the school boat. Please bring masks and a snack if you wish. Students are also welcome to work on homework instead or come to socialize and connect with other young islanders. This event is open to all ages high school -age 30.
The library will be moving to new hours starting 1/3:
Monday 6-8pm
Tuesday - Saturday 10am-1pm
December 27, 2021 - CTC would like to remind all of our passengers that the ferry begins boarding 10 minutes prior to the scheduled departure time at the Stone Wharf. Please plan your arrival accordingly. Also, our January newsletter along with the January and February crew assistance/low tide schedule changes are now posted on our website. We wish everyone a happy New Year and thanks for all the support in 2021!
I hope everyone has been as busy as I have, enjoying family and friends over the holidays! Last week a group of people sang carols in the center of the island in Littlefield Woods. Looks like it was a great time and I will try to make it next year for sure. Click here to see a video of the Caroling in the Woods with photos by Cathy MacNeill, videos by John Howard and Chip Emery.
December 22, 2021 - COMMUNITY CAROLING update from Erika — thanks to everyone who came to Carol in the Woods on Dec 14th! It felt very "Whos down in Whoville” in the middle of the woods where all trails meet. We will soon be sharing some video and photos. On Christmas Eve morning, for many years I have looked forward to meeting at the store, seeing Julie, enjoying her nice spread on the counter that she puts on for her holiday open house at the store and most of all, seeing islanders of all ages kick off Community caroling around the island. Sadly, due to the Omicron virus, Julie and I decided to cancel this year’s community caroling event. Even outside, even masked we do not feel comfortable singing en masse. The store will still be open (masks required). Wishing everyone a safe, patient and happy holiday!
KN95 masks purchased by the Town of Chebeague are available for the community. A KN95 mask provides better protection than many other face masks, if you want more protection than most cloth or disposable masks. These masks are reusable, and available free of charge.
Masks are available at: Town Office, Rec Center, Library, Transfer Station, CTC Ferry. FMI contact the Town Office
December 21, 2021 - Click here for a letter from Beth and Jeff Putnam about a kelp application they are appying for from the Department of Marine Resources. If you have any questions please contact them at putnamjeff543@gmail.com.
NOTICE: Today there is a Maine wide issue with an internet trunk line that is causing intermitent problems with the internet and phone lines here on Chebeague and other areas around the state. Axiom and Consolidated are working on the problem and are hoping to have it resolved by the end of today. I will keep you updated on the progress. As of 4pm a cable on CCIs equipment was replaced and everything is back to normal.
Message from May: Last chance to buy a pie for the Slow Bell's fundraiser for the Island Commons. Key lime, chocolate cream, coconut, pumpkin, mince, pecan! Respond to this email or text 332.2368. $25 pie includes tax. 20% of the proceeds got to the Island Commons along with 3 pies. Pick up Thursday morning at the Slow Bell or make arrangements to have them dropped off.
Message from Kim Boehm: "I would like to thank CTC and all of its employees, for assisting in my junk car removal/aquifer protection project. Over 35 vehicle (or parts thereof) were removed, as well as many loads of scrap metal. old tires, lead acid batteries and several hundred gallons of waste fluids. This not only saves the Town money, but goes a long way in protecting our one and only water source. Also thanks for all the people who have helped in my efforts, either physically, mentality or otherwise....Kim"
December 20, 2021- Photo taken morning of 12/19/21 by Doug Ross. Click here to see the trees decorated by the Fire and Rescue Volunteers.
Barrie Shepherd has a few copies of A Way with Words, his Christmas 2021 poetry collection, left on the shelves, and five days to go before the book becomes out of date. You have probably already purchased a copy, or copies, in good time for your Xmas list. But might someone have been forgotten? Or have you just remembered a friend who would appreciate a small selection of verse to add depth and height, plus an occasional smile, to these rare and holy days? Help him clear off his shelves. Order another copy - or two - and increase the checks to the food pantries. They are not exactly pricey at $10 per copy (plus $2 postage) and $7 of that price goes to help feed the hungry. And by the way, poetry will never go out of date.
To order email barrieshep@aol.com, call 207 510 1637, or drop a note to 15 Piper Road - K325, Scarborough, ME 0004074.
Click here for a different (updated) version of "The Night Before Christmas" that Barrie shared with me.
December 17, 2021 - Christmas Eve is only a week away but you still have time to pick up that last minute gift at the Museum Shop. We'll be open on Sunday December 19 from 12-3 with 20% off!! We specialize in Chebeague Swag. Connection to place is what we are all about! Books, Shirts, glasses, mugs and Miller Designs and much more! And if you have a Hamilton or Doughty on your family tree you may want one of our new shirts dedicated to those families! They are going fast! Hope to see you on Sunday! A special bonus is the 1990s photo of a Christmas play!
Chebeague Island School Committee Meeting is this Tuesday, December 21, at 6pm at the School - click here for agenda.
December 16, 2021 - Photo of lights by Steve Todd in memory of his daughter Emily.
The Chebeague School Holiday Concert was tonight and we tried to zoom it for all the families and friends that couldn't be here. It is a little rough on the sound and sometimes hard to hear and understand but we will perfect it for the next concert. This was our first attempt at a concert live zoom. We did try to tape it as well but there was a glitch and we only got 10 minutes. You can CLICK HERE to see what you missed or to see it again. It starts about 3 minutes into it.
For those who missed last weeks Community Housing Discussion Series - you can click here to hear the audio!
The CRC has events coming up this month for younger ones and families!
Holiday Craft Fair - December 17
Dinner & A Movie - December 22
Children's Movement & Mindfulness Class - January 8 & 22
Learn more about each of our upcoming programs on chebeaguerec.com.
The Chebeague Island School Holiday Concert is today at 5:30 and you will be able to see it by zoom. Click here to go into the Zoom meeting or use the following address and password: Meeting ID: 835 9569 9765 Passcode: chebeague .
December 15, 2021 - Just a reminder from the Chebeague Community Church that you must register ahead of time if you plan on attending our 7 PM in-person Christmas Eve service. http://www.chebeaguechurch.org/christmas-eve-2021.html. Our 7 PM service will also be broadcast over Zoom: (Meeting ID: 834 4114 5219, Passcode: 20152020). Please do this ASAP to help us plan seating and physical distancing. Thank you! Contact the church with any questions.
CHRISTMAS TREES: Haven’t gotten your tree yet? The Chebeague island school still has a few Christmas trees left! Contact Carrie Ridgway at Carrie.ridgway77@gmail.com and we’ll set up a time for you to pick your tree! Happy holidays! And thank you to everyone who purchased trees up to this point. Your support is greatly appreciated!
Message from May: Reminder that we are open for the LAST TIME until well into 2022. Please come out and show us your support and make it a great weekend for the Slow Bell family. We will be open Friday and Saturday of this weekend and are welcoming AMANDA CAMPBELL AND GARY ROSS for a night of music Friday night. We’ve got great specials, including crab stuffed haddock and chicken marsala, as well as our limited menu with fried haddock, pizzas, burgers, and all your favorites! We will be taking orders for pies that will be available for pick up on Thursday the 23rd. Don’t forget to place your order and 20% of sales go to the Island Commons (along with 3 pies). Hope to see you at the Slow Bell! Call ahead for takeout 846.3078. For pies ONLY, call or text 332.2368 (leave a message).
December 13, 2021 - Tomorrow is the first Carol in the Woods - where we will be singing carols in the center of the island in Littlefield Woods (where all the trails meet) starting about 1pm. Click here for more information about this new musical adventure.
SALE: Island Christmas shopping - 5 to 7:30, Tomorow, Tuesday, December 14 at the MUSEUM! 20% off and then on Sunday, December 19th 12 - 3. Friday, December 17th is the last day for online ordering.
The CRC's weekly Backgammon nights return tomorrow, Tuesday 12/7 at 7pm. Beginners and experienced players alike are welcome to play backgammon, cribbage, and more! Come learn a new game or play a familiar favorite on Tuesday evenings. See photo from the last time.
Message from the Commons: The ticket has been drawn, and the lucky winner of Island Commons 2021 Holiday Raffle is Cheryl Buxbaum! Thanks to Ellen Maher for donating her beautiful ceramics, and to all who bought tickets to support the Commons. We raised over $600 dollars! Happy Holidays everyone.
TONIGHT -7PM is the Historical Society’s monthly Miller Lecture Series presentation. JERRY WILES will present "President Washington's New England Travels during the Autumn of 1790". “When George Washington became president in 1789, the United States of America was still a loose and quarrelsome confederation and a tentative political experiment. Washington undertook a tour of the ex-colonies to talk to ordinary citizens about his new government, and to imbue in them the idea of being one thing–Americans.” Nathaniel Philbrick.
Everyone is welcome to join us on Zoom. Please sign in a few minutes before 7 by going to zoom.us and selecting Join a Meeting. The Meeting ID is 82962476056.
IMPORTANT Message from the Town: The Public Works Department is removing floats from the Stone Wharf this week.
December 10, 2021 - Movie of children in Kids PlaceEvie, on behalf of herself and all the other children, thank you for supporting our island children in the recent fundraisers. The Mums sale, thanksgiving pies, christmas tree and pointsetta sales help all of our children (daycare and school).
Christmas shopping without leaving Chebeague! Here’s a chance to finish up that list without a trip to the mainland. The Red Studio will be open from 1-3 on Sunday, full of great gifts, decorations and wonderful ways to brighten up the holidays. And keep it local with a visit to Bounty of Art, also open from 1-3 on Sunday. Featuring the many talents of island artists. A great way to support the community this Christmas.
Messages from Chebeague Community Church:
Christmas Eve services
Due to COVID-19 we are changing a few protocols when it comes to our Christmas Eve service so that we can celebrate this beloved island tradition in as safe a manner as possible. We are having two services this year, one at 4 PM and one at 7 PM.
Our 4 PM service will be geared more towards families and those who want to be outside to celebrate. We'll gather in the sanctuary parking lot, have s'mores and hot chocolate around a firepit, hear the Christmas story, and sing a few carols. Bring a flashlight and we'll end our time by singing Silent Night. Masks not required - though if we end up having to move the service indoors due to weather, we will require everyone to be masked.
Our 7 PM service will be our traditional carols and candlelight in the sanctuary. Masks are required for all - and we will be singing together. while masked We will be enacting strict physical distancing inside the space. This will affect our capacity and so reservations are required for attendance at our 7 PM service. You can reserve your spot at http://www.chebeaguechurch.org/christmas-eve-2021.html. We know this isn't ideal, but we are putting these protocols in place to minimize exposure. Our 7 PM service will also be broadcast over Zoom: (Meeting ID: 834 4114 5219, Passcode:20152020). We are continuing to monitor COVID caseload and so we may need to adjust as needed.
We hope that you will connect with us either in-person or remote this Christmas season!
Bounty of Art will be open Sunday December 12 from 11:00 until 3:00. Come find stocking stuffers, tree ornaments,hand knit sweaters and more.
Island Commons RED STUDIO SHOP is open for holiday shopping this Sunday from 1-3 pm, and that's also the last day to buy RAFFLE tickets for the beautiful nativity figures by Ellen Maher. Tickets are available online. Drawing will be Monday, December 13th. Happy Holidays from all of us at The Commons!
Message from the Chloe: Library holiday hours and schedule change:
The library is closed on Christmas Eve (Dec. 24) and Christmas Day (Dec. 25) as well as New Year's Eve (December 31st) and New Year's Day (January 1st). Besides our normal Sunday and Wednesday closures, we are open for normal hours during the rest of that time.
Starting January 3rd, the library has new hours for the winter and spring:
Monday 6-8pm
Tuesday - Saturday 10am-1pm
Sunday: CLOSED
Yes, we will be open on Wednesdays!
We will continue to offer children's story time every Saturday at 10:30am. Middle school library night will be Wednesday January 5 at 3:30pm.
Contact the library with any questions at cheblib@hotmail.com or 207-846-4351. Thank you for your patronage and support of the island library!
Message from May: Hi folks:
We will be selling pies for pick up on Thursday, December 23. We will be donating 3 pies and 20 percent of the profits to the Island Commons, so help us make this a good fundraiser for them. My personal goal is to sell at least 20 pies! We will be making pumpkin, mince, key lime, coconut cream, chocolate cream, and eggnog cream pies, as well as apple strudel. You can order by sending me your name, type of pie and number of pies to: 207.332.2368. Pies are $25 each and must be ordered ahead. We will be taking orders next weekend when the Slow Bell is open. Speaking of that, we will be open 12/17-12/18 (Friday and Saturday) from 5-8 with the bar until 11. On FRIDAY night, Amanda and Gary will be playing, so please come out and show them some love! Our specials include: Chicken & Vegetable Soup, Crab Stuffed Haddock, Risotto, and Chicken Marsala with Mashed. Desserts include carrot cake, limoncello tarts, and key lime pie. Hope to see you there. 207.846.3078
December 9, 2021 - The Food Pantry is gearing up for Christmas boxes but you need to ask to receive so please text or call Denise at 207-838-6107 or email chebundance@gmail.com to be placed on our Christmas Food box list!! We need to know by December 15th so please don't wait and let us know.
The library is still hosting our donation drive for Maine Needs through December 17. Stop in to drop off items or contact Chloe if you can't make it in. 207-846-4351 and cheblib@hotmail.com. We are still looking for winter items for all ages, (gloves, hats, boots, coats), warm men's clothes, and "warmth kits" for the homeless. These can be assembled in ziplock bags and include anything you wish such as hand warmers, hand sanitizer, tissues, bandaids, hand lotion, chapstick, toothpaste and toothbrush, etc. Thank you all for your donations!
The library's next Middle School night will be on Wednesday December 15 from 3:30-6:30pm. As usual students can come off of the bus, must bring masks, and can bring snacks. We will be assembling warmth kits and working on homework. See you then!
Red Studio Shop ~ Open Sunday, December 12th 1-3pm
Holiday Raffle ~ tickets available online through December 12th; drawing December 13th. Take a chance on these beautiful ceramic nativity figures by island artist Ellen Maher.
Island Shopping Night Tuesday at the Museum Shop, Dec. 14th, 5pm-7:30pm. Items are all 20% off. Our last open Museum Shop sale will be Sunday Dec 19th, 12pm-3. with everything 20% off. Lots of great items left, come check it out.
Barrie Shepherd's new chapbook collection of poems for Advent/Xmas and beyond, A Way with Words, makes an attractive, different, even unique gift. It even folds into a stocking stuffer! And at $10 per copy (plus $2 postage) it is relatively inexpensive. In the true Christmas spirit, all proceeds - beyond cost - from sales are donated to Scarborough and Chebeague Island ME, food pantries. Click here to see the beautiful cover along with some samples of his work.
December 5, 2021 - REMINDER: Community Housing Discussion Series
Please join the Town and the Island Institute in the second of three Zoom discussions regarding housing on Chebeague. The meeting is sponsored by the Town of Chebeague and is facilitated by the Island Institute. On December 8th at 7pm will have a panel of other island communities - what solutions have they tried and why and what did it look like and what have they learned. There will be opportunities to ask questions of the panelists. The link to get into the zoom is https://bit.ly/3lQlcth
Bounty of Art will be open Sunday, December 12, from 1-3 pm. Lots of unique gifts, shop local!
December 4, 2021 - The Town Meeting today started at 9am and went for over an hour and and a half. Most of the discussion was on Article 6, To see if the Town will vote to authorize the issuance of up to $975,000 in general obligation bonds or notes of the Town for the purpose of financing the Town's share of the costs of devloping and building a town owned fiber optic broadband network capable of delivering internet access to all residences and businesses in the town...(see warrant), The articles passed unanimously except for Article 6 which passed 84 yes to 18 no. A big thank you goes to our Broadband Committee who have worked tirelessly on this project over the last year. For more information check out the link 2021 Broadband above.
The CRC's Potato Print Class is this Monday, December 6 from 6:30-8:00pm. Design and create custom wrapping or tissue paper using potatoes just in time for gift giving this holiday season! Register online at chebeaguerec.com!
Grammy Award-Winning New York Voices to Kick-Off the MacBeth 2022 Season! The MacBeth Steering Committee is too excited to hold this blockbuster news until spring. The New York Voices are a two-time Grammy-Award winning jazz and pop vocal group who have electrified audiences from coast-to-coast and throughout the world. It is almost unbelievable to think that they will be stopping on Chebeague on June 24 to kick-off the MacBeth 2022 season. Their very hip approach to jazz and pop standards (think Paul Simon, Lennon and McCarthy, Freddie Mercury and Stevie Wonder) is bound to appeal to Chebeaguers of wide-ranging musical tastes. We are also thrilled to announce that the musicians of the Sebago Long Lake Music Festival will return to Chebeague on Thursday, July 21 after a two-year Covid-enforced absence. Tyler Putnam and Sarah Nordin will also be back, along with several other perennial favorites. We will announce the full schedule after the beginning of the New Year. Questions? Contact Carl Tubbesing (carldt@gwi.net).
Chebeague Island School Committee Meeting is this Tuesday at 6pm at the School - click here for agenda.
The Chebeague Island School Christmas tree fundraiser is well underway! We have a dozen or so trees left to sell! Come to the school between 10:00 and noon today and check them out!! If they don’t sell today, the sale will continue into next week!
Thank you, Ctc for donating the barging, allowing us to bring lots of trees over! Thanks, Nathan Doughty for helping out with his truck! Hope to see you today!!
December 3, 2021 - The proposed fiber optic broadband network will be voted upon at Town Meeting tomorrow, Saturday at the Recreation Center, 9:00 am. Arrive early as the broadband issue will likely be first on the agenda. All the documents about the proposed broadband project, including the Broadband Committee’s report, draft Axiom contracts, warrant article, links to Zoom presentations, responses to the Request for Proposals, and fact sheets about the project, will be found here. Inform yourself, attend the meeting, and let your voice be heard regarding this important decision.
Message from Jenny Hackel: If you have not heard from either me or Eliza Jane about a booster appt for Monday, the nurses have just let me know they can not add any more patients to the list because they are running short of vaccine. Anyone who has been contacted is all set. If you are not on the list you may be able to get something on the mainland.
Click here for upcoming CTC service interruptions due to extreme tides. CTC regrets any inconvenience these cancellations cause. Until the Stone Wharf dredging project, which is scheduled to begin in January, has improved the depth of the Stone Wharf channel to where our ferries can operate safely, cancellations during extreme low tides will unfortunately continue.
December 2, 2021 - The LOW TIDE Schedule for the CTC Boat - please click here to see. Remember tomorrow the 3:45/4 boat is cancelled and on Saturday there are two cancelled boats 3:45/4 and 4:45/5 and then on Sunday the 4:45/5 boat and then on Monday the 6:15/6:30 boat.
Please find the December issue of the Historical Society's December newsletter click here!
*The SPECIAL TOWN MEETING is scheduled for 9 AM on Saturday Dec 4 at the Rec Center. Voters will be able to check in from 8:30 on. There is a strong possibility that some items such as Broadband may be taken out of order if the majority of the voters agree. The meeting starts at 9 sharp so please come early enough to be able to participate at 9.
*Masks are required at the Rec Center. The Rec Center will have them available if you forget yours. Distancing protocols will be in place. Because of acoustics issues in the gym, speakers will have to line up, socially distanced at a microphone to speak. Masks must be worn when speaking. The doors and windows will be open so you may want to wear your coat and bring hats and mittens if it is cold outside.
December 1, 2021 - The Yarmouth vet will be at the Hall tomorrow morning (Thursday December 2) from 8:45 to 11:30. The sign-up sheet will go up on the front door around 8:00. Please call Sam or Gina if you are unable to sign up but desperately need an appointment for your pet.
At tonight’s Board of Selectmen’s meeting (6:00 pm on the Town Zoom account, Click here and enter Passcode: 175989), the proposed fiber optic broadband network will be discussed. Please read this letter from Adam Kagan.
This week at the Rec Center: Learn all about telescopes on Wednesday's Astronomy Night with Kevin Wentworth! This week, you can learn how to set up and use a telescope and get to observe the night sky. Join us on Dec 1 at 7pm. This Thursday is the start of a new monthly movie night at the Rec! Bring your own chair the first Thursday of the month for a free showing of a classic movie. Starting 12/2 at 6:30pm in the CRC gym. Next week we will have a potato print class, and weekly backgammon game nights will return! Learn more about all upcoming programs at chebeaguerec.com.
November 29, 2021 - At this Wednesday’s Board of Selectmen’s meeting (6:00 pm on the Town Zoom account, 326 962 753, password 175989), the proposed fiber optic broadband network will be discussed in preparation for the vote at Town Meeting next Saturday at the Recreation Center, 9:00 am -- arrive early as the broadband issue will likely be first on the agenda. All the documents about the proposed broadband project, including the Broadband Committee’s report, draft contracts, warrant article, links to Zoom presentations, responses to the Request for Proposals, and fact sheets about the project, will be found here. Inform yourself, attend the meeting, and let your voice be heard regarding this important decision.
The Slow Bell will be open this coming weekend, Friday and Saturday. Dinner from 5 to 8 and the bar open until 11. On Friday night we will welcome Amanda Campbell and Gary Ross playing many of your favorites. Saturday we'll have karaoke unless some other fabulous musicians want to come out for a night of fun.
Only open a couple more weeks until we close for about a month around Christmas. Don't forget to get your Slow Bell gift cards for the holidays! Our specials this week have changed slightly from out original menu. We will be serving ribs with beans, slaw, and cornbread; but instead of baked chicken as originally posted, we will have (by popular demand) our buttermilk fried chicken with mashed pots, gravy, slaw and biscuits. Round that out with some haddock chowder or bread pudding with brandy sauce and you've got a meal fit for royals! See you at the Bell. Call ahead for takeout. 846.3078.
November 28, 2021 - Want to sing Monday night ( open mic community Zoom) at 7pm- We would LOVE to have YOU! COME SING! Feel free the share this Zoom invitation, and just call me or text Erika if you have trouble joining- 207-749-8022
To join Zoom Meeting, click here
Meeting ID: 329 786 3516
November 27, 2021 - The Chebeague fire/ rescue will be hosting an EMT basic class on the island this winter. If you are interested in joining the Chebeague rescue department, please come to the informational meeting at the fire house on December 3 at 7:00pm.
If you missed the last COVID-19 clinic and still want a booster (or a first shot), the Cumberland Co Immunization Nurses will return to the Rec Center on Monday 12/6 in the morning. You can still register on the same Town of Chebeague Survey Monkey link. Then you will get an appointment. If questions, call or text Jenny Hackel at 734-660-3461. Thank you and Happy Holidays from the CART - Community Action Response Team
November 26, 2021 - Don’t miss the Historical Society’s Black Friday and Local Saturday sales. 20% off everything!!!
Bounty of Art open today (Friday November 26) Stocking stuffers galore glass, Santas and more.
The Broadband Committee presentation scheduled for Tuesday, November 30th has been incorporated into the Board of Selectmens meeting on Wednesday, December 1st. Tune into the Town Zoom at 6:00 pm for the discussion.
Tune in for "GRATITUDE" a music night on Zoom, November 29th at 7:00 pm. Open mic. Free. Allwelcome. click hereto learn more.
November 25, 2021 - News from the Commons: The Red Studio will be open for shopping this Saturday, November 27th, from 10am to noon..
November 24, 2021 - Ladies Aid Fair. Wonderful success. Thanks for all the community support as always. May be a few CHRISTMAS wreaths left to order. Call or email Karen Corson. . KWCorson@gmail.com
From the Town Office: On December 1, 2021 at 6:00PM the Board of Selectmen will begin their meeting with a Public Workshop regarding the Special Town Meeting Warrant scheduled to be voted on December 04, 2021. Please attend and bring any questions you may have regarding the upcoming Special Town Meeting scheduled for December 04, 2021 at 9:00AM at the Recreation Center.
November 19, 2021 - NOTICE: LADIES AID FAIR: Tomorrow from 11 to 1at the Parish House!! Order your wreaths and wear a mask.
The next Library Middle School Night is Wednesday December 15 at 3:30pm. The monthly night has been moved to Wednesdays going forward. Please see the attached flyer. Students can get dropped off from the bus, and must wear masks. They can bring snacks. There will be an activity this time where the students can help put together "warmth kits" for Maine Needs. If anyone wishes to make a donation or donate any warmth kit items, please see the attached flyer and contact Chloe. Students are also welcome to bring homework to work on.
Thank you,
Partly cloudy skies for the Beaver Moon. Join Nancy Earnest and others at the Niblic for the moon rise on Friday at 4:24pm.
November 18, 2021 - Bluff Head Oyster Company is having a Thanksgiving Sale - click here for details. Bluff Head Oyster Company is offering quantities of 25, 50 or 100 oysters on Wednesday the 24th for a $1 per oyster. Call or text 400.9530 today to order yours.
“The Cumberland Co Immunization Nurses vaccinated 116 people on Monday 11/15, including 7 youngsters between ages 5 to 11 with the new pediatric Pfizer vaccine. (See a few pictures attached from Richard Hackel). If you missed the clinic and still want a booster, they return to the Rec on Monday 12/6 in the morning. You can still register on the same Town of Chebeague Survey Monkey link. Then you will get an appt. If questions, call or text Jenny Hackel at 734-660-3461. Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving from the CART - Community Action Response Team
November 17, 2021 - The CRC's annual Turkey Trot is taking place this year! Join us on Thanksgiving morning at the Rec at 8:45am for some refreshments before the trot starts at 9am! I have so enjoyed these (I will be away) but my family is looking forward to it! Click here for the flyer!
November 16, 2021 - Click here to see the Flyer that was mailed out today by the Broadband Committee with information about the proposed Fiber for the town.
The Historical Society website has just published the updated schedule for the Miller Lecture Series. The next one is Monday, December 13, with Jerry Wiles speaking on "President Washington's New England Travels during the Autumn 1790." But, do check out the schedule for 2022. Lectures are now planned through October, so you can mark your calendars.
In addition, the CIHS website is also up-to-date with posting video recordings of past lectures, including November's lecture.
Message from May: We are open this weekend, 11/19-11/20, from 5-8 p.m. for takeout of eat-in. Our specials include: Fried Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, Coleslaw, or Lasagna with Meatballs or Veggies, both served with Salad and Roll. We will be serving our limited menu, along with Minestrone Soup, Coconut Cream Pie, Peanutbutter Brownies, and Carrot Cake. Call ahead for takeout 846-3078. If people come out, we will have karaoke until 11 on Saturday night, so bring your friends.
November 15, 2021 - Last Wednesday we had an important first discussion on thoughts about how everyone and the community have been impacted by housing issues. This meeting through the town was facilitated by the Island Institute. We had over 50 attendees and we broke into groups for discussions and then back together for sharing. The Island Institute recorded the full group discussion that you are able to see by clicking here. The Passcode: HKu5DD*@ - On December 8th at 7pm will be the second session that will have a panel of other island communities - what solutions have they tried and why and what did it look like and what have they learned. Click here for the audio of the conversation after we did breakout rooms.
The CRC's next starry night with Kevin Wentworth has been rescheduled to Wed, December 1 at 7pm. This will give enough time for some necessary telescope repairs that will let us observe the night sky! We hope to see you then.
Save the Date: November 29th for a Gratitude Music Zoom Night - click here to learn more.
November 14, 2021 - Click here for the Audio of yesterday's Broadband Committee Meeting that answers some of the questions people have had about the proposed fiber on the island. I would like to let people know that no one on Chebeague that I know of, have any monetary investments or owndershop in Axiom including David Hill and me (Beverly Johnson) as rumored. I hope people who are planning to be at the Town Meeting on December 4th to vote on the warrant article that will start the process for equal access to good internet through fiber for everyone on Chebeague, will review all the information that the Broadband Committee has put out - Link above 2021 Broadband.
Chebeague Island Community Association will meet via Zoom on Monday, November 22, at 630pm. Zoom details in the agenda; click HERE.
November 13, 2021 - Rachel Damon is teaching musical theater in Malasia and Tonight we are invited to invite to a virtual show that Rachel is doing in Malaysia. At 9pm (preview 10 minutes earlier) you can click on this zoom address and see performances created and program sponsored by Musical Theater International. Her school just went back to full last Monday and the kids filmed themselves with their phones in their bedrooms so the quality varies.
For those who missed last Monday night's Chebeague Island Historical Society Earle Shettleworth presentation about three women photographers from around 1900 click here to see it or to watch it again. I just watched it and it is facinating with lots of interesting photographs around Maine.
Don't Forget: TODAY Saturday, November 13 at 3:30 pm, the Broadband Committee will hold a public Zoom meeting to answer questions about the broadband proposal which will be on the ballot at the December 4th Town Meeting. Log on to Zoom at 851 577 7311, passcode "chebeague," which is an open public meeting format, to join the discussion. The zoom is not the usual town zoom.
November 12, 2021 - The Selectmen's meeting is next Wednesday at 6pm via zoom - click here for the agenda and packet combined.
School Committee Meeting next Tuesday, November 16, at 6pm at the school - click here for agenda.
For those who missed the Sea Level Rising presentation by the Island Institute or if you would like to see it again click here.
November 11, 2021 - Click herefor a video message to all our Veteran’s from the Chebeague Island School children
Congratulations to Arianna Stefanilo who was featured in the Portland Press Herald yesterday and is the executive chef at The Maker’s Galley in Portland! Click here to see the photo and the writeup about her - A number of years ago the island had a wonderful dinner that she and her friends prepared to help them go to Austria as part of their training in cullinary arts at SMCC!
Important Meeting this Saturday, November 13 at 3:30 pm, the Broadband Committee will hold a public Zoom meeting to answer questions about the broadband proposal which will be on the ballot at the December 4th Town Meeting. Log on to Zoom at 851 577 7311, passcode "chebeague," which is an open public meeting format, to join the discussion.
November 10, 2021 - NOTICE - the Zoom meeting for the Community Housing Discussion Series has changed to:
FINAL notice to register for a COVID VACCINE for anyone age 5 and older on Monday November 15th at the Rec Center. Any person on Chebeague who had a vaccine six months ago or more can apply to receive a BOOSTER. Please indicate your last dosage date and the vaccine manufacturer so the nurses can bring the same one for you. If questions call or text Jenny Hackel at 734-660-3461; Jenny will be calling all registrants with appointment times. Please register as soon as possible. Thank you. Here is the link to register: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/FVNKCBN
TONIGHT IMPORTANT ZOOM MEETING- Community Housing Discussion Series
Please join the Town and the Island Institute in the first of three on Zoom discussions regarding housing on Chebeague. The meeting is sponsored by the Town of Chebeague and will be facilitated by the Island Institute.
The first discussion on November 10 will be an opportunity for all attendees to share their thoughts about how they and the community have been impacted by housing issues.
This is an important community issue. We look forward to seeing you on November 10 at 7pm on Town Zoom https://islandinstitute.zoom.us/j/85250893178
November 9, 2021 - Message from the CTC: CTC has an immediate opening for an Office Manager! The CTC Office Manager is responsible for accounting and administrative functions of the company. Major duties include balancing and depositing all cash receipts, performing all accounting functions, producing financial reports, performing internal audits, maintaining personnel files, and processing payroll. The Office Manager is responsible for handling customer requests and concerns as well as scheduling barging and charters. Click here to see a full description of the job. Apply by filling out an application and submitting a resume with a cover letter to our office.
The library is closed on Thursday November 11 in honor of Veteran's Day. We will reopen for normal hours on Friday at 10am. We thank all of our Veteran's for their sacrifice and for protecting our freedom.
Message from the Library: Hello Chebeague Island community! Here at the library we are organizing a holiday donation drop-off for the following items, now through December 17. All donations will go to the organization Maine Needs, which is based in Portland but delivers donations all throughout the state. The photos list the top most needed items during this time of year and the holiday season. However if you view their website or Facebook page they list many other accepted types of donations and kits that you can make. For more information, please visit https://www.maineneeds.org/ or contact Chloe at the library at 207-846-4351 or cheblib@hotmail.com.
Donations will be accepted during open library hours, however if you cannot make it then please reach out and we can coordinate something. Please sort and bag donations thoughtfully according to Maine Needs' wishes. Thank you! Click here for the list and click here for mini warm kit list.
TODAY!! Come Dream with the Chebeague Community Church - We Want to Hear from You! Our community is in the extraordinary position of creating a new church organization from the ground up. When leaving the United Methodist Church, we knew what we didn’t want. We do know we want to be inclusive, diverse and welcoming. What we don’t know is the details of mission, governance, and program. Come, help us dream a new church at a brainstorming session on Tuesday, November 9th at 6:30 PM via Zoom. Meeting ID: 815 200 0968, Passcode: 20152020. All are welcome – we need all kinds of perspectives as we take these steps into the future together. (link is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8152000968?pwd=d3pMc051dTFLT3ZkcFlldWJTTmNTZz09)
For those who missed the
November 8, 2021 - Photo evening Nov 8, by Jon rich. Click here for another.
The CRC's second starry night in our Astronomy Series has been rescheduled to next Wednesday, November 17 at 7pm. Join us for another night talking all things space and observing the night sky, weather permitting! Click here for a photo of the last starry night!
Chebeague School is selling christmas trees and pointsettas again this year! Please click here to learn all the details.
THANKSGIVING PIE SALE! The Kids' Place will be selling homemade pies and rolls for Thanksgiving, please contact Meredith at 207-318-8588 or merebeaupre@gmail.com to see what we have available and to place an order. Orders will be available for pick on Wednesday, November 24th. All proceeds will benefit the Kids' Place. Thank you! See Flyer! ($20 for pies Apple, Chocolate Cream, Pumpkin, Pecan and Cheesecake $4 for 6 pack homemade yeast roll )
TONIGHT!! Chebeague Island Historical Society's Ellsworth Miller Lecture Series presents Earle Shettleworth, Maine State Historian 7:00pm Monday, November 8th on zoom.us meeting ID 82962476056 The Land and Sea of Three Maine Women Photographers: The Real Photo Postcards of Thurza Foss, Minnie Libby, and Josephine Townsend. Between the passage of the Private Mailing Act in 1898 and World War I, sending and collecting postcards became a national phenomenon, resulting in millions of cards being produced each year. While most of these cards were mass produced by color lithography, talented photographers created views of local subjects that we now call real photo postcards. This lecture traces the careers of three Maine women photographers of the early twentieth century whose real photo postcards of their communities are of outstanding quality as well as of historical interest. Thurza E. Foss of Harmony, Minnie F. Libby of Norway, and Josephine Davis Townsend of Monhegan Island captured the essence of the land and sea of Maine through the modest medium of the photographic postcard.
November 3, 2021 - The Yarmouth Vet will be at the Hall tomorrow around 8:45, and the signup sheet will go up around 8:00. Please wait outside the building until the vet calls you in.
If you are having difficulty signing up, please call Gina (846-4821), and Dr. Zack will try to work you in. He can sometimes stay until the 2:00 boat. And don't worry if you miscalculate your time slot. They do not cross your pet's name off the signup sheet until he or she has been seen.
CART meeting scheduled for Thursday, 11/4 at 3:30 PM! It'll be on the town zoom (326 962 753, password 175989). (meeting cancelled)
November 2, 2021 - The results of todays election are now on the Town Website.
Question 1: Citizen Initiative- 121 Yes, 116 No, 5 blank
Question 2: Bond Issue 197 Yes, 42 No, 3 blank
3: Constitutional Amendment 133 Yes, 106 No, 3 blank
Join the CRC and Kevin Wentworth for a lecture all about the stars on Wednesday, November 3 at 7:00pm in the CRC Gym. Weather permitting, Kevin will also set up his telescope to observe Jupiter and the night sky following the presentation. Tomorrow night is looking clear!
Message from the Librarian, Chloe Dyer: Christa Thorpe, Community Development Officer for education at the Island Institute, will be visiting the library on Tuesday November 9 for the high school students night. She will be available to answer questions about scholarships including the MAP program. The high school night is being held from 3:30-6:30pm. This event is geared towards students, but if parents have questions they are welcome to reach out. Please contact Chloe with any questions at cheblib@hotmail.com or 297-846-4351. To read more about the MAP program:
Students can be dropped off by the bus on the way home from the school boat. Please wear masks, but snacks are welcome. Thank you!
Message from May: Hi folks: We will be open for indoor/outdoor dining and take out this weekend, Nov. 5-6 from 5 to 8. Business has been much slower than we expected and we need people to come out if we are going to continue to open in the off season. We have a limited menu with a lot of your favorites (chicken fingers, burgers, fish and chips, pizzas) and our specials this week are: 11/5-6 Butternut Squash Soup. Special #1 Bacon-wrapped Meatloaf, Gravy, Mashed, & Veg with Salad & Roll
Special #2 Pasta & Meatballs or Veggies, Salad, & a Roll. Hope to see you all at the Slow Bell!
Tomorrow, November 3, Selectmen's Meeting - 6pm - click here for agenda and packet.
November 1, 2021 - Photo by Jon Rich of the Wink Houghton Pond on the Golf Course. Click here for another view.
Don't forget to VOTE tomorrow - the island polls are open from 8am to 8pm at the Chebeague Island Hall Community Center!
October 29, 2021 - The CRC's HALLOWEEN FEST has been moved to the CRC Parking Lot Sunday at 2pm. This way we can avoid being on the field after so much rain!
Calling all Halloween lovers - the Rec is still looking for volunteers to help with booths! Would you like to run the photo booth, call the pumpkin spoon races, or be the "wizard" overseeing the mystery boxes? Let us know! It's an easy way to join in on all the freaky fun! Check out this flyer to learn more about all the events taking place this Sunday.
CCLT had a successful cleanup event last weekend. Here are some photos!
In attendance were Jon Rich, Tracey Calder, CCLT board members (Diane Lukac, George Bates, Courtney Wilson, Stephanie Miskell, & Penny Asherman), and executive director Chris Cabot.
The crew did a big interior cleaning & organizing of hockey gear as well as a lot of exterior cleanup (moving rotten firewood, clearing invasive plants, pruning back the trails, etc.)
Click here for School Committee Meeting Agenda for November 2nd at the Multi Purpose Room at the school.
The Superpowers of Seaweed - zoom information to follow.
In Maine, marine biologists investigate a way to protect shellfish from the damage caused by one of the lesser-known consequences of climate change: the rising level of carbon dioxide in the ocean. CO2 makes seawater more acidic and that damages shells. Their experiment: raising mussels in close proximity to seaweed, which takes CO2 out of ocean water.
November 17, 6-7pm
· Moderator
o Sam Belknap
· Panel
o Susie Arnold (Island Institute)
o Nichole Price (Bigelow)
o Bri Warner (Atlantic Sea Farms)
October 27, 2021 - There is an online gathering this Friday for Ginny Ballard:
A Gathering with Ginny
Time: Oct 29, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time
Join Zoom Meeting
October 25, 2021 - Update on the job opening at the Chebeague Island Post Office
For those of you following (and maybe considering) my original post regarding the Rural Carrier Associate position, I just wanted to let you know that the posting went up on the USPS.gov website as of yesterday and will be there until Thursday 10/28. Also want to say that this is a great time of year to come onboard as the number of people and deliveries is more manageable during the winter and it's easier to learn the ins and outs of island deliveries with a smaller crowd. Thank you for your consideration. Kathleen
CTC is implementing a winter schedule effective November 15th, 2021. Please click here to see the announcement.
October 23, 2021 - Photoby Jon Rich while bringing his girls home from volleyball practice. Click here for another view.
The library will be starting Middle School Student Night the first Tuesday of every month from 3:30-6:30 starting November 2! Students can get dropped off from the bus and masks are required. Come hang out with friends, check out books, or work on homework! For questions contact Chloe at 846-4351. Dates are:
Tuesday November 2
Tuesday December 7
Tuesday January 4
Tuesday February 1
Tuesday March 1
Tuesday April 5
The library will be offering island high school student night on Tuesday November 9 from 3:30-6:30pm at the library. Students are welcome to get dropped off from the school bus. All island high school students grades 9-12 are welcome to join, but the focus will be on after high school prep and planning. Chloe will be available to answer questions, help with research or school and scholarship applications, and this is also a space for students to complete homework and use the library services and hang out. We hope to see you there!
Message from the Food Pantry: Holiday Food Boxes from the Food Pantry and More! With the onset of fall (and the fast approaching winter), we know how difficult it can be to keep items stocked and ready for the holidays. This season we'll be doing monthly boxes, roughly based on the holidays. For November, our Thanksgiving Box will be full of things to help you feast with your friends, family, COVID pod, or whomever you will celebrate with. We'll have turkey breast and items like white potatoes, sweet potatoes, stuffing, canned yams, canned cranberry sauce, onions, butternut squash, gravy, rolls, pumpkin pie and cream for whipping. If you'd like one, please contact Polly Wentworth at 207-233-8382 or chebundance@gmail.com by November 10th.
In addition, we remain committed to providing for those experiencing food insecurity and for those who are making meals for people in need of community support. If you are ever in need of groceries, please contact Polly or email chebundance@gmail.com. We will be stocking our shelves with staples!
Thank you in sharing in the abundance with us - and for helping each other make it through this time. We appreciate those who have dropped off items from closing cottages, those who have continued to financially support the work of the Food Pantry, and those who want to lend a helping hand!
October 20, 2021 - a Joint Meeting between the Planning Board and the Board of Selectmen via Zoom regarding Sea Level Rise, Coastal Hazards and Adaptation Strategies for the Chebeague Community, Thursday October 21, 2021, from 6:30 - 7:45 PM via Zoom
Speakers : Pete Slovinsky, Maine Geological Survey and Dr. Susie Arnold, Island Institute
Pete Slovinsky, Marine Geologist with the Maine Geological Survey, will present on Chebeague’s coastal features such as dunes and bluffs and discuss potential impacts of sea level rise on the island. He will also discuss possible mitigation and adaptation strategies including green infrastructure and living shorelines pilots that are underway in Casco Bay. Dr. Susie Arnold, Marine Scientist at the Island Institute, will follow with some possible next steps that Chebeague could take to address the island’s coastal vulnerabilities. Click here for meeting access link:
Mady Downs, Health Consultant, will be at the Parish House on October 21, Thursday & October 22, Friday. She will have information on the current updates regarding health insurance & drug plan enrollment for the coming year. You can drop by, call or text for a specific appointment time, either at Parish House or at your abode. Her cell number is 207-522-5321. All covid guidelines are in place for entering the Parish House; masks are required
Join Nancy Earnest tonight at Rose Point Beach by the Niblic for the October Hunter's Moon - Moonrise!
Chebeague Island Historical Society's Ellsworth Miller Lecture Series presents Earle Shettleworth, Maine State Historian 7:00pm Monday, November 8th on zoom.us meeting ID 82962476056 The Land and Sea of Three Maine Women Photographers: The Real Photo Postcards of Thurza Foss, Minnie Libby, and Josephine Townsend. Between the passage of the Private Mailing Act in 1898 and World War I, sending and collecting postcards became a national phenomenon, resulting in millions of cards being produced each year. While most of these cards were mass produced by color lithography, talented photographers created views of local subjects that we now call real photo postcards. This lecture traces the careers of three Maine women photographers of the early twentieth century whose real photo postcards of their communities are of outstanding quality as well as of historical interest. Thurza E. Foss of Harmony, Minnie F. Libby of Norway, and Josephine Davis Townsend of Monhegan Island captured the essence of the land and sea of Maine through the modest medium of the photographic postcard.
October 19, 2021 - The Historical Society Webpage has so much great information and a wonderful collection of programs from the Elsworth Miller Lecture Series it has done over the last few years. Click here to see the whole list of them - we are still looking to include the Golf Club History done by Linda Grant and I will let you know when it is found.
Chebeague & Cumberland Land Trust (CCLT) has organized an informal cleanup event at Sanford's Pond to get the property ready for the winter and skating season. Please join CCLT and dedicated Sanford's Pond volunteers on Sunday 10/24 from 11:00 to 1:00.
Bring a snack, work gloves, loppers / pruners, a rake, a friend, or just yourself!
Reminder: Election Day is November 02, 2021 from 8:00AM to 8:00PM at the Chebeague Island Hall.
Absentee Ballots are now available at the Town Office.
October 18, 2021 - The CRC has two events taking place this week:
Chainsaw safety class this Wed, 10/20 from 10am-12pm is perfect for those relatively new to chainsaws and will be a great chance to practice safely operating a chainsaw!
Pumpkin Patch & Decorating Party on Sat, 10/23 from 1-3pm. Pick a pumpkin to take home, or decorate with us! It's a great way to get in the Halloween spirit before our Spooktacular Halloween Fest next weekend.
You can register for the chainsaw safety class and pre-order your pumpkin at chebeaguerec.com/programs. Hope to see you there!
Selectmen's Meeting via ZOOM on Wednesday, 6pm - see packet and agenda. On the agenda is the Board of Selectmen will be deciding whether or not to bring a broadband internet proposal to the voters in a special town election. (on the Town Zoom account, 326 962 753, password 175989)
It will start getting cold and pipes can freeze so don't forget to contact Jon Rich 207-522-3439 if you are done with your cottage and they can drain for the winter.
Message from May: Hi folks: Hope everyone is weathering the new briskness that has come upon us. With the change in season comes a change in the Slow Bell. We have every hope this will be a welcome change. We still do not have the staff we need to run regular operations. With that said, we want to be able to get the bar open again and give people a place to hang out. IF YOU KNOW ANYONE WHO COULD HELP, PLEASE SEND THEM MY WAY! Our plan as of right now is to go to a very limited menu, but include a few things and move away from our dinners for two (trying to take your comments to heart). We will try it THIS COMING WEEKEND and if it goes well, we'll continue every OTHER weekend moving forward. Attached is a copy of the menu. Our specials this week will include haddock chowder (single serving), stuffed pork with mashed, gravy and fall veggies, or pasta with sauce and veggies or meatballs (both of these dinners served with salad and rolls). We'll have a fall sangria at the bar for $5 along with all your favorites and we'll even try karaoke if we can find someone to help us out on Saturday night. Please take a look at the menu and we appreciate your comments. We will ask that anyone who eats inside wears a mask when they are not at the table or bar. We're going to be sticklers for this rule. Thanks! Call ahead for takeout. 846.3078 - SEE Menu
October 15, 2021 - Photoof 31 adult deer ticks (black-legged ticks) collected in an hour on Mary Holmans yard on October 14th! A picure is worth a 1000 words for sure.Testing of adult Chebeague deer ticks in previous years showed more than 50% were positive for the bacteria that cause Lyme Disease. These ticks will be active from now til there is snow on the ground or the temperature is below 40 degrees. They were active last winter when we had a snow-free January! Be cautious, do tick checks! For more information about ticks click TICKS above.
SHADY GROVE FARM STAND is closing for the season so we can focus our energy on finishing the Two Birds Cafe. Thank You to everyone and all the enthusiasm for our weekly offerings. We are looking forward to serving you down the road!
The staff and students would like to invite all the Island Residents to an Open House at the Chebeague Island School from 5 to 6 on Monday, October 18, 2021. Please come meet the teachers, see the students'0 work and have some harvest crisp under the pavilion on the playground.
Masks must be worn in the building regardless of vaccination status.We look forward to seeing you on Monday! Ann C. Kirkpatrick; Superintendent/Principal
The Slow Bell will be closed this weekend, Oct. 15 and 16. We will open again on 10/23. Look for details on menu soon!
October 14, 2021 - a Joint Meeting between the Planning Board and the Board of Selectmen via Zoom regarding Sea Level Rise, Coastal Hazards and Adaptation Strategies for the Chebeague Community, Thursday October 21, 2021, from 6:30 - 7:45 PM via Zoom
Speakers : Pete Slovinsky, Maine Geological Survey and Dr. Susie Arnold, Island Institute
Pete Slovinsky, Marine Geologist with the Maine Geological Survey, will present on Chebeague’s coastal features such as dunes and bluffs and discuss potential impacts of sea level rise on the island. He will also discuss possible mitigation and adaptation strategies including green infrastructure and living shorelines pilots that are underway in Casco Bay. Dr. Susie Arnold, Marine Scientist at the Island Institute, will follow with some possible next steps that Chebeague could take to address the island’s coastal vulnerabilities. Click here for meeting access link:
For those who missed or want to see again the Historical Society talk by Donna Damon about the Chebeague's many non-profits and how they have build the community we know - click here to see.
October 12, 2021 - HELP NEEDED! The Island Commons eldercare provider on Chebeague is looking for islanders to join our team! We are hiring for all shifts, including in-home caregiving. No experience necessary, just a desire to work with elders. Please Call Amy Rich or Christina Skillin 846-5610.
Richardson's Monuments will be coming to the island to do stone engraving. If you are interested in them doing engraving please call them at 207-767-2761 or contact them at www.richardsonmonument.com.
The Chebeague Post Office is looking for backup carrier for Kathleen and the island - Contact the post office if interested - 846-5820.
October 8, 2021 - Message from CTC: Due to extreme low tide tomorrow evening, CTC has postponed the 8pm/8:15pm ferry trip. The ferry will depart Chebeague at 8:15pm and is scheduled to depart Cousins at 8:30pm. The bus from Rt. 1 will depart the lot at 8pm to meet the ferry.
SHADY GROVE FARMSTAND, will be open this Saturday, October 8 from 3-5. Our gardens are still producing beautiful produce, lots of greens, tomatoes, squash, eggplant, fingerling potatoes, herbs and spices... plus warm bread, native corn and so much more!! Farmstand will be up on the deck so come take a peek at the future site of Two Bird Cafe. Don’t forget your bags and please enter through the west side driveway. See you soon!!
The CRC is excited to announce its events for October and November, including a pumpkin patch, Halloween Fest, mini golf, chainsaw safety, and more! Go to chebeaguerec.com/programs to learn more.
There will be a ZOOM forum to hear from the candidates for the upcoming CBL elections. The forum will take place on Tuesday, October 26th at 6:15pm and will be conducted remotely on Zoom.
Topic: PIC Candidates Forum - 2021 CBL Board Election
Time: Oct 26, 2021 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9467761423 Meeting ID: 946 776 1423
October 7, 2021 - Photo of the Fire Department Pump Test at the Wink Houghton Pond. Photo by Doug Ross. Click here for another view.
Frost Golf Tournament Saturday October 9th - open to all - click here to go to Chebweb and get all the information.
The Red Studio at the Island Commons will be open from 10-noon Saturday, for the final day of our regular season. Come check out the treasures, which include several terrific bureaus, a great couch (free to a good home), a beautiful English pine dry sink, antiques, chairs, bikes, housewares, linens, and all the fabulous “must-have” items you’ve come to expect. End-of-season markdowns nestled in with new inventory. All proceeds benefit the Island Commons. And thanks for making this a great season.
Chebeague Community Church Celebration! - Sunday, October 10th - Worship at 10:00 am, celebration following worship at 11:00 am.
Join us for some light refreshments outside the Parish House. Find out how you can be a part of this new Community Church!
The CIHCC Chebeague Island Hall Community Center is having its annual meeting October 21st at 5:30 and needs proxies or attendees to do business and elect new officers. Please fill out a Hall proxy so we can continue to conduct business and serve the community. Paper proxies will be available at the Community Center, boatyard, and Doughty's Island Market and in the October Calendar. You can also download a copy (click here) and send it to any current board member.
October 6, 2021 - Message from Sam McLean and the Hall: The Yarmouth vet will be at the Hall tomorrow around 8:45, and the signup sheet will go up around 8:00. Please wait outside the building until the vet calls you in.
If you are having difficulty signing up, please give me a call (846-0510), and Dr. Zack will try to work you in. He can sometimes stay until the 2:00 boat. And don't worry if you miscalculate your time slot. They do not cross your pet's name off the signup sheet until he or she has been seen.
Also, we are still looking for a groomer to come out a few times a year, so if anyone knows of someone who would be interested, please let us know.
Message from May: Hi folks: Slow Bell will be open for takeout dinner on Friday and Saturday this week. Our limited menu includes turkey dinner for two, fried scallops for 2, smoked pork chilli, pizza and salad, appetizer box, and chocolate cream pie. We also welcome you on Saturday night to get your takeout meal and a drink or two at the bar and hear the amazing music of THE FEW (Joquin Bonville's incredible band) from 7 to 10 p.m. ($5 cover). Call ahead to avoid the wait! 207.846.3078.
The school is doing some “spring” cleaning. Are you interested in any of these items? Call the school 846-4162 TODAY (10/6) or TOMORROW (10/7)by 2!!!! There are 4 of the wooden tables and they stand 30.5” tall. There are 4 opening underneath for supplies. Click here on Chebweb to see them. These might be a great crafting table.
The multi compartment holders (mailboxes) are sturdy and there are 3 of them.
Not pictured is a 6’3”L x 2’5”W X 20”H pleather bench. It is is tan in color.
Come and pick them up!!!
October 5, 2021 - The Broadband Committee will be reporting their findings to the Board of Selectmen at their meeting Wednesday night (on the Town Zoom account, 326 962 753, password 175989). Tune in to express your opinions regarding proceeding with making fiber optic cable available to every home on the Island. See agenda and packet.
In case you missed the Broadband Committee Meeting last night, I have added the video and the audio of the meeting to the Broadband Information Page - click here for the video or click here to listen to audio only.
The library will be closed October 18 and 19 while we have heat pumps installed in the building. We are very grateful to the Recompense Fund for their generous grant towards this project. We apologize for the inconvenience of the closure but we would like to reminder patrons that the internet is still available outside the building 24/7. The library will reopen for normal hours on Thursday 10/21 at 10am.
Kim Martin, Martinbird Gallery, will be having an open house from 10-4 on Saturday and Sunday - October 9th and 10th at 146 South Road- across from the Historical Society. https://martinbirdgallery.com!
School Committee Meeting tonight at 6pm in the school multipurpose room- see agenda. Congratulations to two new members of the School Committee; Emily Short and Geoff Summa. Click here for agenda.
CIHS will be holding our annual long weekend sale Oct 8-11. Everything will be 20% off and our hours will be Fri – Sat 11am-4pm, Sun 1-4pm and Mon 11am-4pm
DRAFT OPEN SPACE PLAN for the Town of Chebeague - the Planning Board has held two public workshops and has spent several months developing an Open Space Plan for Chebeague. Open Space is identified in our Comprehensive Plan as a key and highly valued component of our community. The Planning Board hopes to offer the final version of this Plan to our next Town Meeting; approval would allow us to move forward on related revisions and additions to our land use Ordinances. Please review, and if you have any comments or suggestions please send email the chair of the Planning Board at ripple963@gmail.com (Bob Earnest) by Sunday, October 10. Click here to read.
October 4, 2021 - REMINDER tonight at 7pm there is a zoom public meeting with the Broadband Committee. (on the Town Zoom account, 326 962 753, password 175989) Monday night, October 4, at 7:00, to share with the community what they have discovered and are planning. All are welcome to tune in and see what's up! You can view the recommendations and associated documents here
In case you missed or want to see again the Community Conversations program by the Island institute you can see it by Clicking here. In this virtual community conversation, staff from the Island Institute met with residents of Chebeague to hear about the challenges and opportunities they see for the island, share solutions from other island communities, and give an overview of some of the Institute’s work to navigate change—including the challenges ahead for Maine's marine-based economy, sea level rise, and opportunities around broadband connectivity.
October 1, 2021 - SAVE THE DATE! The Broadband Committee has been working hard, looking for ways to improve our internet service. There will be a public meeting (on the Town Zoom account, 326 962 753, password 175989) Monday night, October 4, at 7:00, to share with the community what they have discovered and are planning. All are welcome to tune in and see what's up! You can view the recommendations and associated documents here
SHADY GROVE FARMSTAND will be open this weekend, Saturday October 2, from 3-5 pm. We will be set up inside this weekend so come by and see the future site of Two Birds Cafe!!!!
Lots of fresh produce, corn, warm bread, herbs, spices and so much more! See you soon….
September 29, 2021 - FLU CLINIC is scheduled for Thursday September 30th 9-11:30AM at the Hall. Consent forms will be available at the Library, the Council Office, the Town Office, the Store, and at the Flu Clinic on the day of the Clinic. Please bring your completed form with you. Flu shots are available at no cost to you. Your insurance pays for this in full. If you do not have insurance please write "no insurance" in that section and the Council will pay for it. Maine Health will bring both the regular and the high dose (for those over 65) vaccine. Masks required. All CDC and Maine Health guidelines will be followed. Covid booster vaccines will not be given at the Flu Clinic. Please call the Council 846-4988 if you have questions, need a ride, or want more information.
Don't Forget - tomorrow September 30th Chebeague's property taxes are due.
Congratulations to all the volunteers from the School House Seconds (SHS) thrift shop at the old Grange Hall on Chebeague who packed up all the left over donations and have sent them to the Preble Street organization as well as Salvation Army via Casco Bay Ferry (see picture). A summer's worth of work which is culminating in a donation of unsold items in 63 banana boxes to Preble Street in Portland and a donation of 41 banana boxes, 1 black garbage bag, 4 misc boxes, 1 briefcase, and 2 pieces of luggage to Portland's Salvation Army. These volunteers worked hard all summer, the SHS shop made about $6,000 for the island Council’s charitable work on Chebeague, and the donations to SHS were so generous that we have been able to help our neighbors in Portland with the remaining donations.
The Slow Bell is open Friday and Saturday for takeout only. Feel free to come up and eat on the porch if you'd like. We will be available to take orders by phone on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday after 3 p.m. at 207.846.3605. Call ahead to make sure we have your food ready when you arrive.
Crab Stuffed Haddock with Rice and Salad and Rolls for 2 $40
Pulled Pork and Beans with Salad and Rolls for 2 $30
Appetizer Box $20
Carrot Ginger Soup with Herbed Croutons with Salad and Rolls for 2 $25
Pizza with Salad $25 (toppings $3 extra)
Carrot Cake or Chocolate Snickers Refrigerator Cake $6/slice
September 27, 2021 - "Virtual financial aid information session for high school seniors and their families on Wednesday September 29 at 6pm through the Island Institute and Finance Authority of Maine (FAME). Register here: Webinar Registration - Zoom" Calling all high school seniors and their families (and anyone else interested in learning about financial aid)! The FAFSA becomes available on October 1, 2021! Join us to learn about the financial aid process, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), and the steps to take so you’ll be ready to file the FAFSA when it becomes available. We look forward to seeing you, and be sure to bring your questions, as you'll be able to ask them in the chat! After registering you will receive confirmation email about joining the webinair.
Message from Glen of the Chebeague Island Inn: "The Chebeague Island Inn will be closed after breakfast on Wednesday the 29th and reopening for lunch on the 30th for our annual staff party. Sorry for the inconvenience this might cause"
The Chebeague Island Yacht Club is excited to announce a new website (https://chebeagueyachtclub.com/). Many events are planned for next year, and we would love to have everyone who enjoys boating and sailing on Chebeague join us. We continue to support the Sailing School - a great island tradition and non-profit that encourages a love of sailing for kids 8 and up. Suggestions or need more info? Please contact Michael Porter (mporter@mp-marine.com) or Cap Leonard (cleonard@aol.com).
September 25, 2021 - For those who missed or want to see and hear it again you can click here to see the Historical Society program that Donna Damon did on Monday about District 9 East End Schoolhouse on Chebeague.
From Ann Bowman: The Bounty of Art had a wonderful 1st summer! Thank you artists and everyone who came by. Our last regular day is Wednesday, September 29th. We will be open on Saturday, October 9th. We will also be open with seasonal items before Christmas. Watch for dates!
SHADY GROVE FARMSTAND, will Not be open this weekend. The weather is too inclement to rally behind. See you all next Saturday!
Message from Ann Thaxter: Out of respect for the family and friends of the deceased the transfer station will be closed Saturday September 25 from 11:00 to 2:00 and Sunday September 26 from 10:30 to 11:30. The compactors and traffic on the transfer station road are quite noisy and can be very distracting during a graveside service. Thank you for your compassion and understanding during these closures.
September 23, 2021 - The Red Studio will NOT be open on Saturday (Sept. 25) so we can attend the memorial service for Ginny Ballard, whose dedication to the Island Commons was boundless.
To the Chebeague community -- About Ginny Ballard’s celebration on Saturday: The celebration is planned for Saturday morning at 11:00 at Khatmandhu, with the big tent on the lawn. But it looks like the weather may not be cooperative, and the public health outlook not as clear as we all would like. So, a couple of updates, based on what we know Ginny would say:
-- The dress code: Ginny hated dress codes. Come as you are for the forecast. She doesn’t want you to get cold and wet. -- The safeguards: We will have as much space as the tent and the showers allow. There will be masks, wipes and sanitizer on hand. And the group transportation -- the CTC bus, the ferry, and the school bus on the island -- will all be with masks on.
-- And the options: Ginny hoped for a celebration, not an ordeal, nor a risk for anyone. And she knew full well what it meant to take precautions. So:
-- If the right precaution for you is not to attend in person, please make that decision with her blessing.
-- You are most welcome if you are able to come, for as many or as few parts of the event as is right for you.
-- We are planning for some people who would prefer to get their luncheon and take it with them -- what Ginny would call “take away.”
-- And if next week, or next month, or next year, there’s a story or a remembrance or a joke that you didn't have a chance to share this week, know she would welcome it any time.
-- Ginnys’ family and friends
Adult KN95 masks are available at no charge for the community - click here to learn more on how to get them.
Today, September 23 from 6:30 to 7:30 the Island Institute is hosting a virtual Community Conversation and everyone on Chebeague is invited to attend! Click here for more information.
The Island Commons eldercare provider on Chebeague is looking for islanders to join our team! We are hiring for all shifts, including in-home caregiving. No experience necessary, just a desire to work with elders. Please Call Amy Rich or Christina Skillin 846-5610.
The Slow Bell will be open this weekend for takeout only on Friday and Saturday nights. Please see the attached menu for the next three weeks. If you'd like to order ahead of time, send me an email before noon on Friday (maywicca@gmail.com). Everyone else can call in starting at 3 p.m. each day and place a same day order (846.3078). If you send your order by email, please leave your order, preferred pick up time, and contract phone number.
September 21, 2021 - Last month The Recompense Fund had a Celebration of our Nonprofits and grants. We invited all the nonprofits to share with our donors and each other their projects and hopes and dreams. Click here to see photos from this special celebration. Thank you to Cathy MacNeill for sharing her photos of the event.
Selectmen's meeting tomorrow, Wednesday, September 22, 6pm on zoom - see agenda and packet. Zoom information is on the agenda.
School Committee Meeting tonight at 6pm - see agenda.
September 19, 2021 - Click here to hear the audio of the CART Meeting that took place last Monday at 3pm.
September 18, 2021 - Community Advisory Response Team Zoom Meeting - Monday, September 20, 2021 at 3:00 PM. Zoom Meeting ID, is 326 962 753 - Click “Join” -Enter screen name you would like to use and email addressThe password for the meeting is 175989.
The Chebeague Fire Rescue is looking for volunteers who wish to support the Island community by training to become an EMT and participating in helping your friends and neighbors when the need arises. Please contact Chief Ralph Munroe with any questions or to just tell him you are interested. Cell 712-3827 or Home 846-4654.
September 17, 2021 - Photo of the East End School District 9 Chebeague Island early 1900. Don't forget the Historical Society Lecture Monday night, September 20 at 7 on zoom 82962476056 to learn about this school with lots of stories.
SHADY GROVE FARMSTAND, will be open this Saturday from 3-5. Lots of fresh veggies and so much more! See you soon…..
Chebeague Island School Committee Meeting Tuesday, September 21 at 6pm at the school - see agenda.
Message from the Chebeague Community Church: Sunday, September 19th please join us for outdoor worship at 10:00 am. We will meet beside the Parish House, on the kitchen side. Please bring your own chair. Masks optional. Weather looks good for being together!
The Historical Society online Museum Artisan Shop has added the works of two more Island artists. Please view Clint Jones' stainless steel sculpture "Hauling In The Net" and Beth's oil on canvas paintings at https://www.chebeaguehistory.com/shop?page=2.
Message from the Historical Society: 150 years ago in September 1871, the folks in School District 9 of the Town of Cumberland celebrated the opening of a new school. Located on the East End of Chebeague, it was the largest one room school ever built in the Town, and it housed the most students. Join the Chebeague Island Historical Society on Zoom for the Ellsworth Miller Lecture Series, as Donna Damon, discusses the History Education on Chebeague with a focus on the District 9 school, which houses the Museum. There will be some great stories! Monday, September 20 at 7 on zoom: 82962476056 (Dr. Radis, who was originally planning to speak about his time doctoring to the people of Chebeague had to postpone until next summer)
Next Thursday, September 23 from 6:30 to 7:30 the Island Institute is hosting a virtual Community Conversation and everyone on Chebeague is invited to attend! Click here for more information.
Upcoming conference in October: Message from Island Institute about a Workforce Pathways Conference:
The Island Institute is excited to announce that we will be hosting a two-day, virtual Workforce Pathways Conference this October, building on our 30+ years of hosting the Island Teachers Conference.
Thursday, October 7th and Friday, October 8th.
With the theme of “Connecting the Dots from Kindergarten to College and Career,” our goal is to connect island and coastal educators and industry leaders to help guide Maine students and adults toward promising workforce pathways and improve individual livelihoods and strengthen communities.
Go here to register:
September 16, 2021 - Letter from Town Administrator about Covid19 - CLICK HERE!
A Big MacBeth Thank You for a Really Successful Season. The MacBeth Steering Committee is pleased to have brought music back to Chebeague this summer and is gratified at the enthusiastic response our eclectic mix of concerts received from the island community. We couldn’t have produced the performances without the support of our very generous donors. We are also indebted to a variety of Chebeaguers and Chebeague institutions, including: the Chebeague Community Church, the Chebeague Island Community Association, the Chebeague Island School, Jim and Anne Gallagher’s yard, Bev Johnson’s webpage, Chip Emery’s events calendar, Chuck McCatherin’s sound system, the Island Council, the Waldo Theater, the Portland Conservatory of Music, Casco Bay Islands Alliance and Mac Passano and Beth Howe, for whom it can truly be said, without them there would be no concert series. We have already begun planning the 2022 season and welcome comments about the 2021 season and suggestions for next year. Carl Tubbesing (carldt@gwi.net).
September 15, 2021 - The Museum will be open Friday and Saturday 11-4, Sunday 1-4 through Columbus Day weekend. After this date our online shop will continue to be open for our customers convenience. We will provide curb side pickup and shipping.
September 14, 2021 - Message from the Chebeague Recreation Center: A MASK is required upon entry to both Rec Center and Kids' Place Buildings. Social Distancing requirements of 6 Feet are requested. Use of the Fitness Room will now require a Mask at all times. The Rec Center reserves the right to request Masking or Distancing as needed or required for certain programs or ages.
Message from May: Because of lack of staffing, we are going to our WINTER MODEL of pre-ordering meals and working with a limited menu. This weekend we will be open FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY for take-out dinner. Our specials include our DINNERS FOR TWO: 1. Salmon with parmesan artichoke sauce on puff pastry with asparagus ($50, serves two); 2. Chicken Marsala with mashed potatoes ($30, serves two); or Haddock Chowder ($25, serves two). All of these three items are served with salad and rolls. We will also have a PIZZA AND SALAD Special ($25 for cheese, additional pizza toppings $3 each) and an APPETIZER BOX (3 chicken fingers, small fries and 4 mozzarella sticks) for $20. Our desserts are CARROT CAKE and APPLE CRISP ($6 serving). If you would like to order in advance (UP UNTIL 9 p.m. THURSDAY), TEXT or call 207.233.6603 and leave your NAME, ORDER, TIME FOR PICK UP and CALL BACK NUMBER. You can also call between 3 p.m. and 9 p.m. Friday or Saturday night and place your order, but ITEMS ARE LIMITED and we cannot guarantee we will have what you want if you wait. You are welcome to eat on the porch and we will have canned sodas, beer, cider and seltzers for sale as well. Hope you will continue to support the Slow Bell and we look forward to serving you! If you have questions, please email me at maywicca@gmail.com, but do not send me your orders. Thanks!
September 11, 2021 -Message from Melissa Yosua-Davis: “This evening, I consulted with leaders in the Chebeague Community Church over Zoom, and we talked about the rising number of COVID cases here on the island. The church’s priority throughout the pandemic has been to do our part in keeping people safe. In light of this, I have decided that worship for tomorrow (Sunday, September 12th) will be held via Zoom (link below) and that we will postpone our community-wide celebration until Sunday, October 10th (over Indigenous People’s Day weekend).
My heart is heavy as I make this decision, as I know it would have been lovely to celebrate together as an in-person community as we take this step forward in being a community church. I am comforted, however, by the fact that the church is more than a building or a physical gathering space; it is a people, working in various places throughout our community to bring God’s light, hope, and peace to all we encounter.
I will continue to monitor COVID cases and the situation as it evolves, and will pray that we can reconnect with one another again soon. I hope to have you join us virtually at 10 AM as we worship our God together.”
The The Chebeague Community Church Celebration that was for tomorrow September 12th has been postponed. Check back for more details.
The CART Committee will be meeting Monday, time to be determined.
The Historical Society Gift Shop is closed tomorrow, Sunday, September 12th.
Today is the last day to order Mums for the benefit of fundraiser for Kids Place. To order go to www.estabrooksonline.com/kidsplace! Pick up at Kids Place Saturday, September 18 from 9am to 1pm. Questions? Call Vika 712-1392. 9" pots - $12 - Available in Maroon, Pink, Orange, Yellow and White! Click here for the flyer!
Today: Seaside Brass to Perform on Saturday. The forecast calls for a delightful September afternoon on Saturday, so grab your lawn chairs and blankets and head to Anne and Jim Gallagher’s yard to enjoy the Seaside Brass Quintet. It’s the last MacBeth concert of the season. So be there or be square. Show tunes, jazz, pop, classical, country. A beautiful view of Chandler’s Cove. 113 Cottage Road. 2:30 p.m. Questions? Contact Carl Tubbesing (207 239-1962).
SHADY GROVE FARMSTAND, will be open this Saturday from 3-5. Lots of fresh veggies and so much more! See you soon…..
FLU CLINIC is scheduled for Thursday September 30th 9-11:30AM at the Hall. Consent forms will be available at the Library, the Council Office, the Town Office, the Store, and at the Flu Clinic on the day of the Clinic. Please bring your completed form with you. Flu shots are available at no cost to you. Your insurance pays for this in full. If you do not have insurance please write "no insurance" in that section and the Council will pay for it. Maine Health will bring both the regular and the high dose (for those over 65) vaccine. Masks required. All CDC and Maine Health guidelines will be followed. Covid booster vaccines will not be given at the Flu Clinic. Please call the Council 846-4988 if you have questions, need a ride, or want more information.
Message from May: Because of an overwhelming lack of staff, the Slow Bell will be open Friday and Saturday for dinner from 5 to 9 and brunch Sunday from 10-1 for COUNTER SERVICE only. This means you can call in your order (846-3078) and pick it up OR order at the takeout window. You are WELCOME to use our tables and order a drink at the bar, but we will not be providing table service. We appreciate your patience as we weather this staffing challenge. We will ALSO be open for BRUNCH. We are considering closing our brunch service, so if you'd like to try it out or help us keep it open, come on down on Sunday. We'll have cinnamon rolls and croissants along with all your favorite brunch options at the counter. Please help us keep the restaurant open as the season slows down! We appreciate your patronage. The Slow Bell Team
September 9, 2021 - The special town election scheduled for 9/14/21 has been CANCELLED.
Don't forget that property taxes are due by the end of the month of September.
September 8, 2021 - Today's Portland Press Herald's Maine Voices featured an op-ed by our own Susan Stranahan: Maine Voices: Effort to bolster health care can be 'engine of opportunity' for our state - "Developing innovative ways to attract, train and reward dedicated caregivers is just as critial as filling new office towers and labs"
From the Church - On Wednesday, September 1st, we became fully the Chebeague Community Church!
The church will celebrate the new beginnings we have as the Chebeague Community Church during worship on Sunday, September 12th at 10 AM, with a community-wide gathering with light refreshments (COVID willing) at 11 AM.
We will also be formally accepting new members, so if you haven't had the time to check out how you can become a member of the Chebeague Community Church, visit our Membership Page to learn more about how you can be a full member, associate member, or friend of the CCC. New member orientation sessions are scheduled for Saturday, September 11th at 10 AM and Saturday, October 2nd at 10 AM for orientation. You can also contact Pastor Melissa for more information or questions.
Let us move forward together in building the Chebeague Community Church - giving thanks for the work that has gone before and asking God's blessing on the work ahead!
Don’t Forget: Seaside Brass to Perform on Saturday. The forecast calls for a delightful September afternoon on Saturday, so grab your lawn chairs and blankets and head to Anne and Jim Gallagher’s yard to enjoy the Seaside Brass Quintet. It’s the last MacBeth concert of the season. So be there or be square. Show tunes, jazz, pop, classical, country. A beautiful view of Chandler’s Cove. 113 Cottage Road. 2:30 p.m. Questions? Contact Carl Tubbesing (207 239-1962).
September 6, 2021 - For those who missed the Annual Meeting of the Historical Society and the "Growing Up On Chebeague" presentation by Donna Damon on June 19th, I have finally uploaded the program and you can watch it by clicking here. (large files and takes a while to load)
I have also uploaded the World War II Casco Bay program by Erno Bonebakker presented on July 12th- click here.
September 4, 2021 - Message from the Council: "Dr. Larson was not able to be here last Friday September 3rd due to a death in the family. She will be here Friday, September 10th from 9:00AM to 11:30AM for both walk-in care.visits and scheduled Primary Care appointments."
Message from Ginny's family: The Chebeague community, friends and family are all invited to celebrate Ginny’s outside on the lawn at Khatmandhu on Saturday, September 25, 2021, at 11:00 am. More details about Ginny, 67, who died August 19, 2021, at Gosnell House are available here -- To friends of Ginny Other questions can be called or texted to (207) 370-4017.
September 2, 2021 - Message from Chloe and the Library: Thank you for everyone's feedback about library winter hours. With school back in session we will be moving to new hours next week after Labor Day. The library is closed on Labor Day, Monday 9/6.
The winter hours are as follows:
Monday 4-8
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 10-1
Friday 10-4
Curbside pickup is still an option if you want to take items out and can't make it during our open hours. You can reach us anytime at cheblib@hotmail.com or 207-846-4351.
Come see what treasures the Red Studio at the Island Commons has in store for you on Saturday! Open from 10 until noon. And we are full of all sorts of great finds. Celebrate the beginning of the best time on Chebeague (beautiful autumn!) Furniture, linens, antiques, kids’ books, lamps. A great (almost new) wool rug (8x10), glassware, quilts, antique hutch for your kitchen, dishwater, tables and chairs.
School Committee Meeting September 7th at 6pm at the Chebeague Island School Multipurpose Room - click here for agenda.
Message from Jen at The Niblic: Our hours for this Labor Day weekend are as follows: The Niblic is open Friday, Saturday, & Sunday 8am to 2pm. We are closed Monday and Tuesday. Our last day of the season will be Sunday September 12th. The gas pumps at CIBY are open Friday from 7:30am to 4:30pm and Saturday 7:30am to 2pm (we have a family wedding to attend). They are closed for fuel Sundays and Mondays. We are short handed this weekend so thank you in advance for your patience and understanding. Please call ahead for sandwiches. Thanks again and have a great Labor Day weekend!
Kids Place Mums Sale - You have until September 10th to order mums to help support the Kids Place! To order go to www.estabrooksonline.com/kidsplace! Pick up at Kids Place Saturday, September 18 from 9am to 1pm. Questions? Call Vika 712-1392. 9" pots - $12 - Available in Maroon, Pink, Orange, Yellow and White! Click here for the flyer!
Seaside Brass Quintet to Cap Highly Successful MacBeth Season. The Seaside Brass Quintet, once known as Quintopia, will return to Chebeague on Saturday, September 11 at 2:30 p.m., to put a huge exclamation point on MacBeth’s 2021 season. Make plans now to experience their unique sound and exciting treatment of show tunes (think Ol’ Man River), jazz (how about a little more Ellington?), marches (Colonel Bogey, anyone?) ragtime (Scott Joplin and the Original Dixieland Jazz Band on one bill), classical music and more. Bring your lawn chairs and blankets to Jim and Anne Gallaghers’ lawn at 113 Cottage Road and thrill again to live, first class music on Chebeague. Questions? Contact Carl Tubbesing (carldt@gwi.net).
September 1, 2021 - Board of Selectmen's Meeting today, September 1st, 6pm at the Hall - click here for agenda and packet.
Message from May: The Slow Bell will be open Friday and Saturday for dinner only and Sunday for brunch. We've got live music Friday with Amanda and Friends starting at 8:30 p.m. ($5 cover). Saturday night we've got an exciting line up of Joquin and the Boys @ 6 p.m. ($5 cover) and the Westenders at 8:15 p.m. ($5 cover or $10 for both). Come out and hear some amazing homegrown music. Our specials this week include eggplant parm casserole, fried scallopsand a local heirloom tomato salad with goat cheese. We will also be working with a limited menu due to staffing. Hope to see you at the Bell! Call ahead for takeout! 846.3078
Happy first day of school for many.
August 31, 2021 - The Broadband Committee FAQ has been updated - click here or the link above.
"Chebeague Island Yacht Club is having its Annual Meeting Thurs. Sept. 2nd 5:00 pm at Manny Morgan's place, 40 Soule Road. A great opportunity to come together and meet other members."
The Museum is having a Labor Day Sale. It's never too early to start your holiday shopping and our merchandise instills a sense of place! Everything is 15% off except the new throws which are discounted 20%. Shop early for the best selection!
Saturday 11-4; Sunday 1-4; and Monday 11-4.
Message from Chloe and the Chebeague Island Library: "Hello everyone. As we move into fall, the library hours will change. We would like to survey the community to gather feedback about hours. Please take a minute to take our survey and give your input. Thank you! Click here to take the survey.
August 30, 2021 - Photo by Jon Rich of storm passing over on August 30th at 11pm.
Come shop at School House Seconds tomorrow, Tuesday, August 31, 9am-noon and 7pm-8pm. The Sale Special is: Fill a Bag and Make a Donation.
This is the last day to shop for the season! Still available; jeans galore, an electric ice cream churn, 2 vacuum cleaners, china place settings and more!
August 26, 2021 - SHADY GROVE FARMSTAND will be NOT be open this coming weekend..
CTC's September newsletter along with September and October's crew assistance schedules are now available.
On behalf of Portside Real Estate Group, Sam Birkett is helping to organize a fundraiser for the Maine Audubon in Falmouth. 100 percent of all proceeds go to the Audubon. If any of the wonderful and amazing island artisans would like to donate something for the silent auction please contact Sam at (207) 504-6716. If you would like to attend this fun event with live music, food trucks and locally brewed beverages look for posters advertising the Autumn Equinox, or ask Sam!
Message from May: We had a customer Friday night who contracted covid and tested positive on Monday. The patron was vaccinated. We will be closed this weekend out of an abundance of caution and ask that you be tested if you become symptomatic. Sorry for the inconvenience. The Slow Bell.
August 25, 2021 - The town office will be closed tomorrow (Thursday) so that staff can attend off-site training.
The Chebeague Island Fire and Rescue are asking homeowners and users of private right of ways to please maintain your driveways to your homes by cutting back any bushes and/or trees that may hang into the road or over the roadways as it may hinder us from safely accessing the home in case of emergency. Please help us to be able to help you in case of an emergency. Thank you for your support!
Dr. Rybka, the foot doctor is coming to the island on September 1st. If you would like to set up an appointment please call 829-6463.
Congratulations to Maddie Kate Kaufman who has become the face of Denison University squash with her hard work and leadership - click here to see the cover and Maddie Kate.
School House Seconds thanks our island shoppers for a great Tuesday yesterday at the thrift store. Special clothing and household items have risen to the surface.
Come find more previously buried treasures next Tuesday, August 31, 9am-noon and 7pm-8pm. It is the last day we'll be open this season.
As you know, SHS is operated by the Island Council and the proceeds benefit our island neighbors assisting with fuel bills, medication and food.
August 23, 2021 - The September-June Chedemption Baggettes, Annie, Tricia, Sarah and Mary, need volunteers to help us bag bottles and cans during the upcoming week when there is not a Non-profit assigned to work.
We need help:
Thursday 8/26 9-11
Friday. 8/27. 1:30-3 and 3-5
Saturday 8/28 9-11 and 11-1:30
Sunday 8/29 9-11, 11-1:30, 1:30-3 and 3-5
To volunteer please call or text Mary at 207-671-3240
CTC will begin its service to carry school children on 8/25—the first day of school in Yarmouth. The morning boat will leave Chebeague at 7:05 AM. The afternoon boat will leave Cousins Island at 3:05 PM. The service is weekdays only and will run during school holidays and school cancellation days (weather permitting). The CTC bus does not meet the school boats.
Come shop at School House Seconds tomorrow, Tuesday, August 24, 9am-noon and 7pm-8pm. Bring your bag and fill up on previously buried treasures.
The Sale Special tomorrow is: fill a bag for $5 and if it's filled with more than 30 items, the price drops to $1 for the bag!
You can't beat the bargains at SHS and time is running out; only two more Tuesdays to shop this season.
August 22, 2021 - Glasses found on the Hook call Jon Rich if yours 522-3439 see photo.
Museum Update: We are still waiting for photos from our vendor to complete the Growing Up on Chebeague exhibit. Once it is completed it will be up thru 2023. In the meantime the Museum shop is open, and there is usually someone there to answer your questions about island history, culture, and families. Don't forget to get your 2022 Cathy MAcNeill Chebeague Calendar. They are going fast. Pick them up at the Museum now for Christmas gifts and avoid paying postage later on. We are planning a second volume of Growing Up On Chebeague. We would love to include your stories. Deadline January 15, 2022. Email chebeaguehistory@gmail.com for more info or if you have any questions related to island history.
August 21, 2021 - Photo by Jon Rich of sunrise August 21st at the Hook.
The Ladies Aid would like to thank everyone who helped us at our August Fair. This includes all who made fudge, baked a pie, bought a new hat, or contributed to our success in any other way. The Fair is a lot of work; but it is also great fun for us, and we hope for you also.
Thanks again!
Jane Frizzell, Pres.
August 18, 2021 - Nominations papers for school board. Special town election 9/14/21 - click here to learn more. Nomination papers for the election have to be in by 4pm on September 1st. There are two openings.
Kim Martin's Martinbird Gallery will be open again this Saturday from 10 to 4 - the building she built is wonderful and of course her art work is out of this world. She is located across from the Historical Society.
August 17, 2021 - Photo Martinbird Gallery -Kim Martin Art Show Open House 10-4. Saturday and Sunday August 14th, 15th and Saturday August 21!! In her new barn/studio built by Kim herself with help from family and friends on 146 South Road- across from the Historical Society. https://martinbirdgallery.com/
Island Commons has been advised against having any large gatherings, even if held outside. Unfortunately, this means that our Harvest Party, scheduled for September 10th, has been cancelled. We’re so disappointed not to be able to see you all! Stay safe, and let’s hope we can resume our community gatherings soon…
Message from May: Hi folks: We will be open this week W-Sa for lunch and dinner and Sunday for brunch. On Sunday, we will also welcome back our good friend Pat Foley, who will be playing from 3-6 p.m. We'll have bar snacks and pizza by the slice and the bar will be open during that time. Hope you will come out! $5 cover! We are training some new staff and ask for your patience while we get them up to speed. thanks! our specials this week include pot roast with veggies and mashed potatoes, fisherman's platter (fried haddock, scallops and clams) and a roasted beet salad with goat cheese. We'll also have pineapple upside down cake for dessert! Hope to see you at the Slow Bell. xo
August 16, 2021 - Reminder that today at 4:30 is the Recompense Fund Celebration of our nonprofits and all they do for us and how their recent grants will help them. It is at the Recreation Center and NOT the School Pavilian that was in the Calendar. There will be refreshments! Hope to see you there!----
This Tuesday at School House Seconds it’s fill a bag for $5.00! That’s right come on in and fill up your bag with anything you want for just $5.00. Please come and help us empty out School House Seconds!
Tyler and Sarah’s Excellent Adventure Lands on Chebeague on Sunday. Tyler Putnam and Sarah Nordin’s August Tour 2021: Cinderella in Geneva, New York; Sondheim in St. Louis; Broadway and Opera Hits in Connecticut; and, drum roll please, Cole Porter, Phantom, Donizetti, Sondheim, Rossini, Sound of Music and so much more on Chebeague Island, Maine. How lucky we are! Date: Sunday, August 22, 1:00 p.m. Place: Sheila Putnam’s yard. Come hear new songs they have just added to their repertoire, plus several old favorites! Thrill to their chemistry and artistry! Feel the love, show the love! Bring your own lawn chairs and blankets. In case of rain, the concert will be shifted to the Chebeague Community Church. Questions? Contact Carl Tubbesing, Chair, MacBeth Steering Committee (207-239-1962).
August 15, 2021 - the Novel Jazz Septet is back on Chebeague this afternoon Sunday, August 15 at 2:00 p.m. at the Chebeague Island School. Bring your blankets or lawn chairs and enjoy an afternoon of jazz classics on this beautiful summer day.
Message from Jen & Paul Belesca: Thank you to all that volunteered to help support the incredible athletes last Sunday at the Casco Bay SwimRun event. The Chebeague Island Boat Yard hosted the finish and we couldn’t of done it without your help. Thank You to Sara, Ryan, Avery, & Madison Ross, Doug & Gina Ross, Polly Wentworth, Grace Groothoff, Kathy Kuntz, Denise Hamilton, Theresa Kaufman, Tom Ledbury, Aaron Belesca, Olivia Feeley, Brad Smith, Bob Earnest, Jim Lunt, Sam Gardner, Tracy Calder, Beth Wiles, & the Chebeague Fire & Rescue.
The race organizers were very appreciative of the island’s hospitality and helpfulness to all involved. Click here for a few photos! They will be making a donation to the Stephen L. Ross Scholarship Fund for our efforts. If you would like to support the scholarship or learn more about it please visit stephenlross.org.
Thank you, Jen & Paul Belesca
Great Chebeague Golf Club’s Annual Stockholders meeting will be held on Saturday, August 21 at 9:00am (NOTE CHANGE OF TIME) via zoom. Zoom invitation will be sent to stockholders by email on Tuesday, Aug. 17. For further information, contact Sally Crapser at 860-604-9671.
Chebweb just added another song by Marlene and the Wagoneers - one of my favorites Cry! Click here.
August 13, 2021 - Mini Golf at the Rec this weekend! Don't miss the debut of the CRC's brand new mini golf course this Saturday, 8/14 from 7-9pm. We'll have the holes, the clubs, the snacks... just bring some friends & family and be ready for some friendly competition!
SHADY GROVE FARMSTAND will be open this Saturday from 3-5. Farm grown tomatoes, lettuce, squash, peppers ,herbs, eggs and so much more. See you soon!
GCGC: Plant & Bake Sale is 9-12 AM Saturday, August 14th. Delicious pies, cookies, breads and more. Proceeds support the youth golf program.
Also Sat., Aug 14th: Family Golf Scramble & BYO Everything Picnic. Golf start is 3:00 and Picnic follows at 5:30. EVERYONE WELCOME. Please sign up and pay $3 per person at the clubhouse. 1st, 2nd and 3rd place prizes. Join the fun!
The Recompense Fund invites the Chebeague community and our donors to our 2021 Grant Celebration Event on Monday, August 16, at 4:30 p.m. at the New Recreation Center Patio and Tennis Courts. This is a celebration of our island nonprofits and an opportunity for the 2021 grant recipients to share with the community how this year’s grant award is helping their project and the mission of their nonprofit. We look forward to your joining us for this special 2021 celebration of our island nonprofits. We will be serving refreshments.
August 10, 2021 - The Recompense Fund is now an independent 501(c)(3) and is looking into how it can better assist all of the island’s nonprofits. We are looking to identify members of the Chebeague community who have experience in grant research and writing. Please outline your experience and interest in an email to recompensefund@gmail.com.
Message from May: Open Wed. to Sat. for lunch and dinner, Sunday for brunch. Specials this week include lasagna with or without meat sauce, scallops wrapped in bacon served with mashed and horseradish cream, and beet and goat cheese salad.on Thursday night, we will welcome an amazing musician, Seth Holbrook $5 cover.Friday we will have pub trivia/karaoke. Hope to see you at the Bell.
August 9, 2021 - The Chebeague Recreation Center currently has pool attendant positions available. Work now through the beginning of September - part-time and full-time positions available. Responsibilities include checking in guests, processing payments, and selling food and drinks. Whether a teen or an adult, come earn some extra cash poolside! Email chebeaguerecreation@gmail.com or call 207-846-5068 to learn more and apply.
Don't miss the Chebeague Island Historical Society's next Ellsworth Miller Lecture on Monday August 9 at 7 PM on Zoom 82962476056 no PW!
The Great Chebeague Golf Club celebrates 100+ years of making memories! Join Linda Grant and friends as they talk about the origins and history of the Club. Fabulous photos will be shared and you will learn a lot of general island history as well. It is a great story and the CIHS is proud to have partnered with the GCGC in projects over the years!
Click here for the photos by Cathy MacNeill of the Great Chebeague Golf Club 100th Anniversary Celebration that was held on July 24th!
Novel Jazz Septet Returning to Chebeague. Our seven old friends, along with the spirit and music of Duke Ellington and Billy Strayhorn, will be back on Chebeague on Sunday, August 15 at 2:00 p.m. at the Chebeague Island School. They’ll thrill us with their treatments of such classics as Take the A Train, Lotus Blossom, Blood Count, Isfahan and Day-Dream. They’ll delight us with tunes they have added to their repertoire during their pandemic time-off. The highest praise that Duke Ellington bestowed on anyone or any music was to say it was “beyond category.” Bring your blankets or lawn chairs and enjoy an afternoon of beyond category music played by beyond category musicians. Brought to the Chebeague community by the MacBeth Concert Series. In case of rain, the concert will be held at the Chebeague Community Church. Questions? Contact Carl Tubbesing (carldt@gwi.net).
August 6, 2021 - Kim Martin Art Show Open House 10-4. Saturday and Sunday August 14th and 15th!! In her new barn/studio ( "please pardon our appearance, studio under construction".) 146 South Road- across from the Historical Society.
The Stephen L. Ross Scholarship Fund is still looking for a few volunteers to help with Chedemption this weekend. This is the perfect opportunity for upcoming Juniors and Seniors and their families who anticipate applying for a scholarship, as well as past recipients to show their support for the Fund. Please call or text Sarah at 207-650-9292 if you can help Saturday 1:30-3 or 3-5 or Sunday 1:30-3 or 3-5. Please support our island scholars and all island organizations by lending your time. Thank you
The Chebeague Recreation Center would like to thank everyone in advance for the "Come Together on the Field" event on Saturday. Thank you to the musicians and stage carpenters, lobstermen, bakers, BBQ pulled pork cookers, decorators, raffle donations. Our appreciation goes to the supporters who bought a table, and to the individual ticket sales. Thank you to the Slow Bell Cafe, who have a table at the event, for closing down the SB for the night for bringing your staff. The CRC estimates this event will involve over 100 volunteers. Tickets are still available at http://www.chebeaguerec.com/.
August 5, 2021 - Photo of the Great Chebeague Golf club
Congratulations to Ron Formisano who had written another novel! You can click here to learn more about it and order it too!
From all of us at ISLAND COMMONS to our Sponsors, Donors and Bidders: Thanks to you, our 2021 Online Auction raised nearly $30,000 to support a range of elder services on Chebeague. We wouldn’t be able to do this without the dedication of year-round and summer islanders. We, and those we serve, are grateful for your support!
DRAFT OPEN SPACE PLAN Public Workshop - Monday, August 9, 630pm at the Island Hall. Meeting agenda and a copy of the draft Open Space Plan can be found on the Planning Board page at the Town’s website by clicking here.
TODAY - LADIES AID FAIR 11:30-1:30 @ the HALL. BAKED GOODS,FUDGE ,HANDCRAFTS CARDS,KNIVES AND MANY GIFT ITEMS. (Proceeds to support Community church and other island non profits)
TODAY 2:00 p.m.-MacBeth outdoor concert powerful fiddle music of Scotland and Cape Breton. If raining it will be held at the Chebeague United Methodist Church - if not at the School Yard. The performers will be Ed and Neil Pearlman, a father-son duo.
August 4, 2021 - SHADY GROVE FARMSTAND will be CLOSED on Saturday the 7th. We will be volunteering at the fundraiser for the Rec Center - "Come Together on the Field”. If you haven’t bought dinner tickets for the event, please do ! See you on the field.
Selectmen's Meeting tonight at 6pm at the Hall - see agenda and packet. Watch on Town of Chebeague Youtube Channel.
The 5th Annual Swim Run Casco Bay Island edition is happening THIS SUNDAY!!!! Please see the attached document with details. Lets cheer on these amazing athletes. This year the Swim/Run will be donating money to the Stephen Ross Scholarship Fund It will be ending right here on Chebeague at the Boatyard!!!!! VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!
The first MacBeth outdoor concert of the season will feature the powerful fiddle music of Scotland and Cape Breton. It will be held on Thursday, August 5 at 2:00 p.m. at the Chebeague Island School. The performers will be Ed and Neil Pearlman, a father-son duo whose program on Chebeague will feature their own compositions rooted in the Scottish musical tradition. A member of the faculty of the Portland Conservatory of Music, Ed has been a pillar of the American Scottish music scene for over 30 years. Neil’s unique approach to the piano reflects Cape Breton styles, plus jazz, funk and Latin dance music. Bring your own lawn chairs or blankets. In case of rain, the concert will be held at the Chebeague United Methodist Church. Questions? Contact John Howard (ceciljohn6@gmail.com) or Steve Harris (esoomoose@main.rr.com).
August 2, 2021 - Photoof the Odyssey Annual Swim Run Casco Bay Island run/swim that is happening and ending on Chebeague at the Niblic. Stephen Ross Scholarship will receive a donation from it. Click here for more info.
School House Seconds is overflowing with goodies. It's time to stuff a bag for $5. That's right, bring your own bag and stuff it full for just $5!! Open Tuesday 9;00AM to 12:00PM and 7:00PM to 8:00PM.
A paddle board was found adrift on Chebeague. Please contact 846-8929 to learn more.
LADIES AID FAIR THURSDAY AUGUST 5 11:30-1:30 @ the HALL. BAKED GOODS,FUDGE ,HANDCRAFTS CARDS,KNIVES AND MANY GIFT ITEMS. (Proceeds to support Community church and other island non profits)
Message from May: Hey folks! This week we are celebrating Thanksgiving in August at the Slow Bell! We will be serving turkey dinner with all the fixin's ($20), beet and goat cheese salad ($12), and fried or pan seared scallops ($30). We will also have apple crisp and a selection of pies each night. Hope you will come out. On Thursday, we will be welcoming a mainland musician, Seth Holbrook, of the Jim Ciampi Band. This is a special night of amazing music from 8:30 to 11 p.m. ($10 cover). We will follow that with Pub Trivia and Karaoke on Friday. On Saturday, we will close in support of the CRC fundraiser and give our workers a much needed night out. On Sunday, we will have croissants and donuts at our don't--miss brunch. Hope to see you at the Bell. Open Wed through Friday (this week only) for lunch and dinner and Sunday for brunch. 207.846.3078
August 1, 2021 - School Committee Meeting at the Rec Center Tuesday, 6pm click here for agenda.
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 2021 - The Chebeague/Cliff Island Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets at the Chebeague Island library on Wednesday and Saturday at 8 am through Labor Day weekend. The library is located next to the Island Hall and is near the Island Market. Please park in the library parking lot and use the back door. For more information, text or call 207-210-1714.
Ladies Aid Fair is this Thursday, August 5th at the Hall from 11:30 to 1:30.
Fiddle Music of Scotland and Cape Breton, featuring Ed and Neil Pearlman, is also this Thursday from 2:00 to 3:00 at the School Yard - FREE.
Reminder from GCGC: Plant & Bake Sale is 9-12 AM Saturday, August 14th. Delicious pies, cookies, breads and more. Proceeds support the youth golf program.
Also Sat., Aug 14th: Family Golf Scramble & BYO Everything Picnic. Golf start is 3:00 and Picnic follows at 5:30. Everyone welcome. Please sign up and pay $3 per person at the clubhouse. 1st, 2nd and 3rd place prizes. Join the fun!
Selectmen's Meeting is this Wednesday at 6pm at the Hall - see agenda and packet. Remember that is will also be broadcast on the Town of Chebeague Youtube Chanel and the next day you may see the recording.
SHADY GROVE FARMSTAND is open this Saturday from 3-5…..native corn, tomatoes, greens, scallions, onions, squash, potatoes and so much more! PLEASE, remember to bring your own bags to bring your bounty home! See you soon..
July 29, 2021 - SAVE THE DATE: The Recompense Fund invites the Chebeague community and our donors to our 2021 Grant Celebration Event on Monday, August 16, at 4:30 p.m. at the New Recreation Center Patio and Tennis Courts. This is a celebration for the 2021 grant recipients to share with the community how this year’s grant award is helping their project and the mission of their nonprofit. We look forward to your joining us for this special 2021 celebration of our island nonprofits. We will be serving refreshments.
2021 grants totalled $60,000 and were awarded to the following Island non-profits:
Chebeague United Methodist Church: $10,000 towards the campaign to purchase church land and buildings from the United Methodist Church.
Chebeague Island Hall Community Center: $10,000 towards the cost of a sound system and audio visual systems.
Chebeague Island Historical Society: $7000 towards updating equipment and funding professional IT assistance for staff.
Island Commons Resource Center: $8645 to expand the ability to offer additional services to elders in their homes.
Chebeague & Cumberland Land Trust (CCLT): $5000 towards needed improvements to facilities at Sanford’s Pond Preserve, acquired by CCLT in March 2021.
Chebeague Island Library: $10,000 towards the installation of heat pump units to protect the collections and reduce heating costs.
Chebeague Island Rec Center (Island Fellow): $2855 towards the funding of the second year of Island Fellow Kiran Grewal.
Chebeague Island Rec Center: $6500 towards funding a community patio area.
Individual board members made notable donations to the CCLT and Rec Center towards their full requests.
Message from May: "Hi folks: This week our special include BBQ ribs, fried clams, and corn chowder! We will have pub trivia followed by karaoke on Friday night and our good friends the Westenders will be back on Saturday night ($5 cover). Come on out!!! Just a message about the following week...we will be closed on Saturday, August 7, in support for the Rec Center fundraiser, so don't forget to grab your dinner tickets from them.
July 25, 2021 - Photo from the Children's Theatre performance of Frozen on Sunday, July 25th. They set up on the Tennis Courts and was a wonderful show.
Message from the Commons: Every good thing must come to an end, and so it is with our auction and, soon, the Summer of 2021. This year we were once again reminded of the beauty, serenity and joys of being on Chebeague. For those who leave — AND for those lucky enough to call this place home — we offer a marvelous assortment of arts and crafts to celebrate time spent here. Our artists draw their inspiration from Chebeague, and we are grateful to them for sharing their keen eye and abundant creativity. Our artist friends have captured Chebeague in photographs, paintings, wood, pottery and wool. Whether their work stays here, or accompanies you as you head elsewhere, you’ll be reminded why this is a very special place. The auction ends at 5 p.m. Friday, July 30. Thanks for participating and for supporting the Island Commons. Click here for auction!
Message from Bob Dyer's Family: Hello to all! Bob Dyer Sr. is to turn 90 years young on August 4! He has requested a quiet day complete with his favorites KFC and May Hall’s Chocolate Cream Pie, so we are working to organize a VIRTUAL Birthday Parade in celebration! We encourage ANYONE who wants to send birthday greetings to either send him a physical card via the Island Commons Resource Center OR through the public event page “Happy 90th Birthday, Bob (Dyer)!” on facebook. PLEASE if possible share or send pictures, or a short video so they can all be shared with him on the big day! Any and all are welcome to help us celebrate this island fixture’s monumental milestone!
NOTICE: Note from the Rec:
For todays Sunday 7/25 Children's Theatre performance at the Tennis Court.
The time has changed from 2pm to 4pm. If it is raining at 4 we will move into the gym.
July 23, 2021 -SHADY GROVE FARMSTAND will be open tomorrow, Saturday from 3-5!
JULY 24, 2021
Buy your ticket for the CRC's Come Together on the Field fundraiser in person this weekend! This event takes place August 7th!
Tickets will be sold at the Children's Theatre performance at the Tennis Court on Saturday, July 24 at 6:30pm and Sunday, July 25 at 2pm.
July 21, 2021 - Children's Dance Class - open for 3 years old to 12 year olds - Mabel Tyler and Lila Bunch (Mabel Doughty's granddaughters) are running this fun frop in dance class - This Thursday, July 22 from 9-10 for Modern & Ballet. Drop-in Class - No pre-registration required $15 for members - $20 for non-members. See flyer.
The Children's Theatre Performance of Frozen is taking place this weekend! The 2 shows will be on the CRC Tennis Court:
Saturday, July 24 at 6:30pm
Sunday July 25 at 2pm
If you've been around the Rec this month, then you've already gotten a sneak peek of the beautiful voices of our cast. They've been hard at work learning music, lines, and choreography - come show your support this weekend!
Tonight the Selectmen are having a workshop at the Hall from 6 to 6:30 on Chebeague street signs followed by a business meeting - click here for agenda and packet. If you want to see it virtually you can go to youtube and search Town of Chebeague Island. On the youtube channel you can see last weeks meeting as well as watching the one tonight live.
July 19, 2021 - Message from Brian & Sue Layng: “We would like to thank the Chebeague Island Rescue Team for their help on July 7 after a fall. They were extremely knowledgeable, professional and caring. They are a tremendous asset to the Island and all of us should be thankful for their service.
Thank You!”
Message from May: Thanks for all the support. We've had some bumpy moments, but don't give up on us. We are still striving to get out good quality food, and I'll be focusing more of my attention back on the restaurant starting this week! Our specials this week are Halibut with parmesan risotto and seasonal vegetables ($30); grilled chicken with Mexican street corn and spiced rice ($20), turkey soup, and lobster rangoon with sweet chilli dipping sauce. We're also going to try our wonderful soft serve between housebaked chocolate chip cookies as a special sandwich treat! Come on down for one. This weekend we will have pub trivia followed by karaoke on Friday night and we are so excited to welcome Joquin Bonville's band on Saturday night ($5 cover). Come on out and experience this amazing island musician and his friends. See you at the Slow Bell!
July 18, 2021 - Photo from the Littlefiled Woods celebration at Littlefield Woods.
On Saturday, Chebeague & Cumberland Land Trust celebrated its acquisition of Littlefield Woods and the new adjacent Hamilton Durgin parcel which, in combination, protects over 28 acres of critical forest in the island center. At least 50 people were in attendance. Both families who were integral to saving the land, Leila and Suhail Bisharat (for Littlefield Woods) and Frank Durgin (for the Hamilton Durgin woods) were honored. Diane Lukac, co-chair of Acquisitions lead the program and speakers included Ms. Lukac, the Bisharats, Frank Durgin, Donna Damon, and Chris Cabot, CCLT’s Executive Director. CCLT would like to extend a special thank you to Donna Damon and Beverly Johnson, whose commitment to ensuring the preservation of Littlefield Woods was extraordinary. Without their guidance and advice, the project would not have been completed. The land trust received 172 donations and 7 grants and wishes to thank its donors and grant funders for their generosity and faith in the project. CCLT also acquired two other significant properties over the past 12 months-- The Webb and Sanford Pond acquisitions. These exciting new protected parcels will be celebrated soon!
July 17, 2021 - The Library now has Children's Story Time on Tuesdays at 10:30 starting July 27th.
Reminder: Littlefield Woods Celebration this Saturday, July 17, 3pm, Rain or Shine! It’s time to celebrate CCLT’s successful purchase of Littlefield Woods and donation of an easement on the Hamilton Durgin Woods! You can learn about the Haunted Cellar and hear about this wonderful area!!
Message from Chloe, our librarian: Effective Monday 7/19, the library will be open for increased summer hours through Labor Day:
Monday 6:00 - 8:00pm
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 10:00am - 4:00pm
Saturday 10:00am - 1:00pm
Curbside pickup is still available by calling the library during business hours. Masks are not required for vaccinated patrons. Please do not come to the library if you are feeling sick. We are excited to welcome back our community to the library!
Children's story time will be on Tuesdays at 10:30 starting 7/27!
School Committee Meeting this Tuesday, July 20th, 6pm at the gym at the Recreation Center - see agenda.
July 15, 2021 - The Commons ONLINE AUCTION Week Three: “Getaway Adventures” closes on Friday the 16th. Next up: “Bounty of the Sea” , with all your favorite island seafood treats PLUS more great gift cards. Bid ‘em up for the Commons! Thanks everyone
The fundraising deadline for the Maine Cancer Foundation’s Tri For A Cure is Friday the 16th. Jen Belesca plans to participate this Sunday at the in-person 5K at SMCC in memory of her strong courageous friends & family; Althea, Jan, Annie, Jude, Kathy, & Michele. She is really close to her fundraising goal and wanted to reach out one last time for this very important cause. If you can, please make your donation at https://mainecancer.donordrive.com/participant/28494 Thank you very much for your help to fight this terrible disease and help support those suffering from it.
Last night's Selectmen's Meeting is on youtube - click here. The town is working on making it come over better. Hopefully they will have microphones in the future and we will be able to hear the recording but this is a first step and I think it is a great one.
Message from Katy: "No yoga on the lawn at the Inn this weekend."
Save the Date: The ladies golf club bake sale to support Jr. Golf is Saturday, August 14th from 9:00 to noon.
Message from Brian & Sue Layng: “We would like to thank the Chebeague Island Rescue Team for their help on July 7 after a fall.
They were extremely knowledgeable, professional and caring. They are a tremendous asset to the Island and all of us should be thankful for their service.
Thank You!”
July 14, 2021 - Message from Justin: “We are going to try and live broadcast tonight’s Board of Selectmen’s meeting on Zoom and YouTube."
YouTube link: https://youtube.com/channel/UCaRFz_LxSS_zcUgEIGfIdUg/live
Zoom Meeting ID: 326 962 753
Zoom Password: 175989
Please be patient as we experiment and learn how to use this new system.”Tonight Selectmen's Meeting at the Hall 6pm - see agenda and packet.
Scott McCollom - Sunday, August 15th
There will be an informal gathering on Hamilton Beach from 1:30 to 2:00 for a Celebration of Life before the family leaves to return his ashes to the sea.
Littlefield Woods Celebration this Saturday, July 17, 3pm, Rain or Shine! It’s time to celebrate CCLT’s successful purchase of Littlefield Woods and donation of an easement on the Hamilton Durgin Woods!
Where: Please park along Littlefield Road. Enter the property at the new kiosk across from the Town's public works site, and we'll gather at the 4-corner trail intersection in the woods.
Who: Everyone is invited to celebrate the protection of Littlefield Woods and the Hamilton Durgin Woods.
What: We will hear about the ecology of the forest, how these two conservation projects came to be, and some of the fascinating history of this area of the island.
Don't forget to check out the great Island Rentals and other items on the Commons Online Auction that ends on Friday night.
July 12, 2021 - NOTICE from the Town: The dumpsters are getting swapped out tomorrow Tuesday 7/13. The Transfer Station is planned to be open tomorrow from 12 to 5.
TONIGHT July 12th at 7pm World War II in Casco Bay: Facts and Myths by Erno Bonebakker - click here for more information.
Looking for an Island Rental? Check out Week 3 of the Island Commons Online Auction. This is our Getaway Adventure week which features several island locations offered to the high bidder for a stay on Chebeague. You may also be interested in our offerings of a 2 night golf and stay at Sugarloaf, a massage, a couple’s massage (in your own home) or a visit to Red Barn Wellness in Falmouth for a micro peel and oxygen infusion treatment. Ahhhhhh - take me away.
Don’t hesitate as this week’s auction ends on Friday, July 16th at 5:00pm. Great opportunities to spend a few days or a week on Chebeague. Just click here: https://www.islandcommons.com/bid-hello-to-summer
Thank you from the Island Commons
Come Together CRC Benefit - August 7th, 2021 click here for more information.
Message from May: The Slow Bell is open this week for lunch and dinner Wednesday through Saturday (5-9, bar until 12) and open for brunch only on Sunday (10-1 p.m.). Our dinner specials include grilled swordfish served on corn, black beans, and avocado salad with a lime vinaigrette ($30), and ribs served with beans, grilled street corn, and coleslaw ($20). We'll also feature a special salad with avocado and grapefruit segments, feta cheese, onions, and grapefruit vinaigrette. Desserts include apple pie, cheesecake with strawberries and shortcake with berries. On Sunday we'll have donuts, cinnamon rolls and chocolate and almond croissants, so don't forget to come in or call ahead to order! On Friday night we'll host OPEN MIC (please sign up in advance by checking in at the bar, or email May at maywicca@gmail.com to put you in for a time in advance). On Saturday we'll have PUB TRIVIA with Cheryl Hillicoss. Thank you to everyone who waited a long time for food on Saturday and had some patience with us. We had a very large group that came in unexpectedly and were a little overwhelmed. Onward and upward! Can't wait to see you at the Slow Bell! 846-3078.
July 10, 2021 - NOTICE: The Transfer Station is closed today - dumpsters are maxed out and the trucks to remove got delayed. I will find out more and report when it will be open again. The Town is very sorry for the inconvenience.
The kick-off for the 2021 MacBeth Concert Series is less than a month away. Our opening concert, to be streamed on Wednesday, July 28 at 7:00 p.m., will feature the Halcyon String Quartet, whose young, creative and talented musicians electrified Chebeaguers during their first MacBeth performance in 2019. This multi-media concert, originally produced by the Waldo Theater in Waldoboro, Maine, will include Vivaldi’s Four Seasons, plus works by Debussy, Price and Schubert. In order to view the concert, please email Carl Tubbesing at carldt@gwi.net and he will send the link in advance of the concert.
July 9, 2021 - Reminder Tomorrow Arts and Craft Fair from 10 - 1 at the Hall!!
SHADY GROVE FARMSTAND will be open Saturday, July 10, from 3-5 pm. Lots of fresh produce and treasures! Please stop by and say hello….see you soon!
The Town Needs Your Help: Planning Board Committee, Cemetery Committee and the Broadband Committee all need members. Please come to the Town Office and fill out an application.
The Chebeague Rec Center's first Family Fun NIght is this weekend! On Saturday 7/10 from 7-9pm there will be music, games, and snacks available outside the front of the Rec. Come hang out with friends or family and have some ice cream or popcorn!
The Chebeague Rec Center's Come Together on the Field is less than a month away! This fundraising event will be full of live music, delicious food, and fun games. Tickets are now available - reserve your spot today online at chebeaguerec.com or by calling 207-846-5068.
July 8, 2021 - Photo of a sign post from the 1920s at the head of Central Landing Road.
Monday, July 12th at 7pm World War II in Casco Bay: Facts and Myths by Erno Bonebakker - click here for more information.
A friend of Sam Birketts last night lost a preious diamond earring at the Hotel - if found please call her 504-6716.
July 7, 2021 - TRI FOR A CURE: On July 5th you might of seen some ladies swimming, biking, and running around the island. It was cancer survivors Jen Belesca, Sara Ross, and Amy Vintinner doing their triathlon to raise funds for the Maine Cancer Foundation’s Tri For A Cure! The Tri is virtual again this year. They started the day by swimming a half mile from the Belesca dock to the dock at the Hook and back. Then they biked 16 miles or 3 loops around the island. Finally finishing by running a 5K, which took several passes by the Center to get their milage in. Please take the time to check out their fundraising pages and support this very important cause if you can. Jen: https://mainecancer.donordrive.com/participant/28494 Sara: https://mainecancer.donordrive.com/participant/29231 Amy: https://mainecancer.donordrive.com/participant/28285
Message from the CTC: Recognizing that our passengers have questions about the past year's operations and changes at CTC, we've put together a list of frequently asked questions. Hopefully this answers many questions that people have and we welcome your interest and responses!
Historical Society Zoom Lecture: The Ellsworth Miller Lecture Series presents Erno Bonebakker, Monday, July 12 at 7:00pm World War II in Casco Bay: Facts and Myths - Images and Anecdotes A brief survey of facts and myths about World War II in Casco Bay, including an overview of its defenses and the war's impact on Chebeague. Illustrated with images from many sources: Chebeague attics to the US Navy Archives. Try signing in a few minutes before 7:00 by going to Zoom.us, Join a meeting, enter Log In number 82962476056 No password is needed.
July 6, 2021 - Photo of a sign post from the 1920s at the head of Central Landing Road.
The 2021 Broadband Committee, appointed by the town, is working very hard to find a way for all islanders to have decent internet. click here to see their latest information or click above under 2021 Broadband.
Save the Date- Littlefield Woods Celebration - Saturday, July 17, 3pm - Littlefield Woods, Chebeague Island (Rain or Shine) It’s time to celebrate CCLT’s successful purchase of Littlefield Woods!
Thanks again to everyone who helped us reach our goal to protect this important property. CCLT could not have undertaken this project without your generous support.
We will also announce and celebrate the donation of a conservation easement on the Hamilton Durgin Woods!
We hope you can gather with us in person to celebrate these two important conservation projects.
The Second Wind Farm Stand is open and has the Greens! We have plenty of lettuce, Swiss chard, and kale. The Island farm stand opens daily at 9:00 am and is located on Roy Hill Road, near North Road.
Message from the Chebeague Island Ad Hoc Tick Committee:
BEWARE!! Chebeague has lots of tiny deer tick nymphs crawling in brushy areas right now. In previous years over 50% of Chebeague adult ticks have been shown to be infected with the bacteria that cause Lyme Disease. A smaller percentage have tested positive for Anaplasma also.
Check out the this information from the CDC about protecting yourself from tick bites:
There is also an abundance of dog or wood ticks crawling all over the island this summer. There are links under the "TICKS" heading above on this page with great pictures of both types of ticks.
Careful out there!
A reminder to Deer Point Visitors: Extreme fire danger due to wind storms, fallen trees and dry brush. No fires or smoking permitted. The right of
way is for foot traffic only. Please park on town road as vehicles parked on the Point, or entrance to the point road, could prevent fire truck access. As always please keep dogs on leash, carry out your trash and respect private property along the way. Thank you for keeping the Point green and beautiful for everyone.
July 5, 2021 - Click here to see a quick video of the parade from the corner of South Road and Wharf Road.
Message from the Parade Committee: Thanks to all who braved the soggy weather to participate in and cheer on the 4th of July parade, especially our Grand Marshal, BILLY ST. CYR!
Thank you to our esteemed judges, Gail Jenkins, Abbie Isenberg, Kiran Grinwal, and Bill Hopkins for reviewing the parade through the rain.
The results are in:
Grand Prize Float: "COVID made me go GRAY!" (Parker)
Second Prize Float: TIE! "Pandemic Pups" (Kuh) and "Pandemic Puppies" (Grunko)
Honorable Mention Float: "We Got Married!" (Trower, Kiermaier, Holman)
Organizational Float: Slow Bell Cafe
Press Float: Chebeague Island Historical Society "Making History".
Tractor: TIE! 1963 Tractor with Wood Splitting (Nate Neumann and friends) and Tractor with COVID Cab (Varney)
Golf Cart: Package Pick-up (Bogle/Jubinville)
School Committee Meeting at the Rec Center, Tuesday, July 6 at 6pm - see agenda.
July 4, 2021 - Happy Fourth of July! - The parade on Chebeague is still on rain or shine!!
Week Two of the Island Commons online auction, Bid Hello to Summer, began Saturday and will run all next week (ending at 5 p.m. July 9). This week’s theme is Dine In/Dine Out and features a fabulous variety of dining options, with gift cards for meals from our own Slow Bell and Chebeague Island Inn, meals delivered from Portland restaurants, gift cards from Pat’s Pizza, Bow Street Market and RSVP beverages, and a chance to win six pizzas from the legendary Chebeague Island School pizza oven. Check out the site, figure out what you are hungry for, and bid. Thanks to everyone for supporting the Island Commons. Remember you can alway click on the icon above to get to the auction anytime.
July 2, 2021 - The kick-off for the 2021 MacBeth Concert Series is less than a month away. Our opening concert, to be streamed on Wednesday, July 28 at 7:00 p.m., will feature the Halcyon String Quartet, whose young, creative and talented musicians electrified Chebeaguers during their first MacBeth performance in 2019. This multi-media concert, originally produced by the Waldo Theater in Waldoboro, Maine, will include Vivaldi’s Four Seasons, plus works by Debussy, Price and Schubert. In order to view the concert, please email Carl Tubbesing at carldt@gwi.net and he will send the link in advance of the concert.
Junior tennis is back! Kids ages 6-12 can play FREE with instruction, Wednesdays from 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. beginning July 7th at the tennis club courts by the golf course. This free drop-in clinic is open to all, no sign-up required. Racquets are available to borrow, and kids should wear tennis or flat-soled sneakers. Questions? Call Kim (617) 699-9124.
School House Seconds would like to thank all of our loyal customers for a great first week. We will be open again Tuesday, July 5th from 9:00AM to 12:00PM and 7:00PM to 8:00PM. Our sale this week will be Housewares Buy 1 Get One Free and all clothing is still $1.00 per item.
July 1, 2021 - The 4th of July Parade is this Sunday! We will muster at the Inn at 11:00 am and begin the parade at 11:30. Awards will be presented directly after the parade at Volunteer Field.
While not required, we'd appreciate pre-registration for participation: https://forms.gle/etCozbqmMEpfkf2r9
Any questions? Call or email Sarah (207) 329-6538 or greenehopkins@gmail.com.
Message from Jen at The Niblic: The Niblic is open Wednesday thru Sunday 8am to 2pm. We are closed Monday and Tuesdays. We are also closed for the 4th of July. (Please remember CIBY will be closed on Monday 7/5 in observance of the federal holiday.) Stop by this Friday or Saturday as have delicious baked goods and Chebeague Blend by Coffee By Design. Come and enjoy our deck improvements while enjoying the view. Don’t forget to call ahead with your lunch orders. Earlier is better. Our menu is located on line www.chebeagueislandboatyard.com/niblic-menu/ Do you need a special bottle of wine, gift, or Chebeague memento, we’ve got you covered. Hope you can stop by. Our picnic tables down front are a great place to enjoy lunch right next to the beach. It’s wonderful to see everyone again. Thank you in advance for supporting our island business! Happy Summer everyone.
The BOS meeting scheduled for next week has been postponed to July 14 so that members can attend Dianne Calder’s celebration of life gathering on July 7.
Chair Damon: “Given Dianne's personal contributions to this community since the 1950s from manning the Fire Departments red telephone, serving on the rescue, supporting the Fire Department, and Serving as Cemetery Supt./ Cumberland Cemetery Commission for decades. She was a stalwart of the Church and the Ladies Aid and served on numerous boards including the Historical Society and the Stephen Ross Scholarship of which she was one of the founders. During her decades working for CTC and cottage management she formed deep relationships with many summer natives. I haven't even gotten to the fact that Dianne has the deepest of island roots and is connected to most of us as family… If we were not in Covid we would all be celebrating Dianne in the church on a beautiful summer Saturday.”
SHADY GROVE FARMSTAND will be open this Saturday, July 3 from 3-5 pm, with lots goodies for your July 4 celebration! Corn, greens, herbs, eggs, tomatoes and much more! See you soon…..
June 30, 2021 - The Yarmouth vet will be at the Hall tomorrow (Thursday) from 8:45 to 11:45. The sign-up sheet will be on the front door of the Community Center around 6:30 a.m. Please use one line per pet and wait outside for your appointment rather than in the lobby. We are very excited to bring the clinic back!
The Fourth of July is almost here! This typically is our busiest time of the year. Click here for some tips/reminders from CTC if you are travelling with us this weekend.
June 29, 2021 - CTC's July newsletter along with July and August crew assistance schedules are posted.
School Committee Meeting at the Rec Center, Tuesday, July 6 at 6pm - see agenda.
Message from May: "Hi folks: The Slow Bell is open this week WEDNESDAY through SATURDAY! On Thursday night, we will host karaoke in the bar, followed by T-Pollack on Friday night ($5 cover) and Charles Hall and Chip Emery followed by the Westenders on Saturday night ($5 cover). Hope you'll make it out. We are open for LUNCH and DINNER, so come on down starting at noon. Our soft serve machine is up and running and we will have PIES by MAGGIE this week for dessert! Our specials include Roasted Beet and Goat Cheese Salad with Candied Pecans, Parmesan Risotto with Pan Seared Scallops, Fried Clams, and Lasagna! We will be CLOSED on the 4th of July so our staff can spend it with their families. Watch for our float in the parade and HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY to ALL! Call ahead for takeout 846-3078 or order online at https://versieats.com/menu-slow-bell-cafe"
June 28, 2021 -Yoga/Movement Classes with Katy starting Tuesday June 29th and continuing until end of August.
Tuesday & Thursdays 7:30-8:45 am at the Parish House on North Rd. $15 drop-in/$70 for 5-class pass - Mats available
Saturdays & Sundays 7:30-8:30 am at the Inn on the lawn. $15 drop-in (Parish House passes not accepted)
Mats available.
Please get in touch with Katy with any questions. Kathleenmccann@usa.net 207-400-7023
June 25, 2021 - Photo by Art Ryder of sunrise Coleman's Cove June 25th
Message from Billy and Chris: Thank you for your patience, we have had to modify our daily operations due to the increase in cargo and deliveries from the ferry. We will get the perishable packages and Urgent medicine delivered first and if there is a box you are looking for and would like to pick up before we can deliver it to you, please feel free to join us at the ferry or we will be setting up a package pickup area across from the Slow Bell where you can meet someone 5 days a week Tuesday through Saturday during the day. Thank you - Click here for a photo of Chris and Bill sorting packages.
The Island Commons’ online auction, Bid Hello to Summer, will kick off on Saturday. Each week, for five weeks, the auction will feature a new theme, with a fantastic variety of great items up for the highest bid. A number of our auction offerings are intended for groups to help us all celebrate the ability to be back with families and friends. A few of our featured items are a lobster bake with BJ, a cruise on Fogg Boatworks’ CAT, a pizza party with pies from the school’s legendary pizza oven, several exciting donations of island cottages for getaways, our popular Bounty of the Sea week (featuring local seafood), and a variety of art, photos and crafts from island artists. The auction was fun last year; it will be even more fun this year. All proceeds to benefit the Island Commons. Click here or above on the logo.
Since the 4th of July is coming soon - please know that there is a fireworks ordinance: Section 5. Consumer Fireworks Use Permit Required
Under conditions specified here and below, a person must first obtain a written consumer fireworks use permit from the Town of Chebeague Island before using consumer fireworks. An application for a permit must be filed with the Town at least two (2) days before the proposed date of use and include, at a minimum, the name and address of the applicant, date of application, date of proposed use, hours and duration of use, location of use, written permission of landowner if location is not on land owned by applicant or the Town, and signature of applicant. If the proposed location is in the intertidal zone, written permission must be provided by upland landowner(s). No permit may be issued to an applicant who is less than 21 years of age.
Message from Mellisa: Hallelujah! Come and worship!
Sunday, June 27th, 10:00 am. We do ask you wear a mask, sanitize your hands as you enter and distance yourselves unless you are with your pod.
The Church has not been closed. The Church has been busy. Food pantry, bible and book study, mask making, prayer shawl ministry, card writing, and disaffiliation. Many hands, hearts and minds were busy while COVID kept us out of the Sanctuary. We look forward to worshipping in person going forward. Stay tuned to our Facebook page (www.facebook.com/chebeagueislandumc) and our mailing list (join at www.chebeagueumc.org/connect-with-us) to stay up to date with indoor and outdoor worship opportunities, as well as everything going on with the life of the church!
June 23, 2021 - Don't forget to reserve your lobster roll lunch for the 4th of July! The lunches come with a lobster roll, chips, a drink and a dessert. You can order them online on the Chebeague Recreation Center's home page: chebeaguerec.com or come see us and our kiddos at the Island Market this Saturday 10-11am. Thank you for supporting Kids Place!
The Chebeague Recreation Center is offering a free Learn to Play frisbee session for kids ages 10-18. On Saturday, July 10 from 1-3pm on Volunteer Field, members of Maine Ultimate will teach the basics of ultimate frisbee through a fun variety of activities and scrimmages. All players receive a free Maine Ultimate disc to take home. This event is free, but reserve a spot today at chebeaguerec.com!
All are also welcome to watch over 70 members of Maine Ultimate play an all-day ultimate frisbee tournament on the field on July 10. There will be matches taking place throughout the day, and snacks and drinks will be for sale.
June 22, 2021 - School House Seconds Grand Opening!! Tuesday June 29th 9 a.m. - noon & 7 - 8 p.m. Covid Clothing Clean Out Sale - All Clothing $1.00/item. Summer Hours: Every Tuesday 9 am - noon & 7-8 p.m.
The Island Commons’ online auction, Bid Hello to Summer, will kick off on Saturday. Each week, for five weeks, the auction will feature a new theme, with a fantastic variety of great items up for the highest bid. A number of our auction offerings are intended for groups to help us all celebrate the ability to be back with families and friends. A few of our featured items are a lobster bake with BJ, a cruise on Fogg Boatworks’ CAT, a pizza party with pies from the school’s legendary pizza oven, several exciting donations of island cottages for getaways, our popular Bounty of the Sea week (featuring local seafood), and a variety of art, photos and crafts from island artists. The auction was fun last year; it will be even more fun this year. All proceeds to benefit the Island Commons. Watch for more details soon!
Message from May: "We are open Wednesday through Sunday this week and this will be our schedule until Labor Day! Wednesday-Saturday, lunch from 12-2 and dinner from 5-9, with ice cream during our open hours. Sunday we will serve brunch ONLY from 10-1 p.m. This weekend our specials include a fisherman's platter (scallops, shrimp, and haddock) with fries and slaw for $30 and pollo con arroz y frijoles (Mexican chicken with rice and beans, served with salad and a roll) for $20. We'll also have SOFT SERVE with all the toppings (kitkat, m&ms, cookie dough, sprinkles, heath bar, you name it), STRAWBERRY SORBET, and limoncello cake. ON FRIDAY, 6/25, we'll welcome back the incredible Corey Hales, who will perform from 8:30-11 ($5 cover). On Saturday, Cheryl will help us keep the crowds calm during PUB TRIVIA, from 8:30-10, followed by karaoke from 10-11:00 p.m. (inside). On Sunday, Corey will play on the porch during brunch (weather permitting, inside if it rains) so come on down and see him again! If you haven't tried our brunch, you should!!! Call ahead for takeout 846-3078. Want to order online? Starting Wednesday you can order ahead at https://versieats.com/menu-slow-bell-cafe"
June 21, 2021 - Reminder that here will be a celebration of Fred Martindale's life on Sunday July 11, at 1:30, outside, on the front lawn at our home. Open to all. No rain date.
Save the Date: The Recompense Fund is please to have given $60,000 this year to the Chebeague non-profit community.
Our Annual Celebration of the grant recipients is July 16 at 4:30pm Location is to be determined. Each non-profit will have the opportunity to present its work.
A reminder from CTC that the 6:30am/6:45am trip this Friday (6/25) is delayed by 15 minutes and that on Saturday (6/26), the 6:30am/6:45am trip is cancelled. Click here to see the notice.
June 20, 2021 - Message from Island Riches: "The flower plants are here and are beautiful. We will be getting more tomorrow so if there is something special you want call me at 846-4986 or email at islandriches@chebeague.net" Florence
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 2021 - The Chebeague/Cliff Island Group of Alcoholics Anonymous will resume in person meetings on Wednesday, June 30th at 8 am at the Chebeague Island Library. We will meet on Wednesday mornings at 8 am through Labor Day weekend. The Library is located next to the Island Hall and is near the Island Market. Please park in the library parking lot and use the back door. For more information, call or text 207-210-1714.
June 19, 2021 - Yesterday ITDRC (Information Technology Disaster Resource Cemter) Project Connect came to Chebeague and installed Hotspot Wifi equipment at the Library and the School. This makes it possible for the school pavillion, the pool area as well as the area at the entrance to the Recreation center. This was done at absolutely no cost to the island. This is a volunteer-driven non-profit, has provided WiFi hardware and installation free of charge through its projectConnect initiative at hundreds of sites across the country. Look for the projectConnect by ITDRC.org WiFi network; no password is required.
Come to a Community Listening Session at Sanford's Pond on Thursday, July 1 from 11 to 1 with Chris Cabot from the Chebeague & Cumberland Land Trust about the management of Sanford's Pond. Click here to learn more.
June 18, 2021 - Photo I took 06/18/21 where there were two little deer playing around the cemetery. Click here for another close up.
The School has prepared a Chebeague Island Graduates Newsletter that includes seniors as well as students moving over to Middle School - click here.
I have just added the audio from the Annual Town Meeting and the June 16th Meeting - click here. I still have to get the June 2nd Audio.
The Chebeague Island Historical Society (CIHS) Short Annual Membership Meeting will be held on Saturday, June 19, 2021 at 7 PM.Via Zoom followed by a presentation by Donna Damon about "Growing up on Chebeague." Click here for details.
SHADY GROVE FARMSTAND will be open tomorrow, Saturday, from 3-5!
June 17, 2021 - Photo by Steve Todd of the rewards today 6/17/21 from all the work we saw in photo by Leila Bisharat of fisherman Alex Todd working on nets June 14th. Click here for another fishing scene. (The dories were Sanford Doughty and Poochie/Brothers)
The weekly Great Chebeague Golf Club Junior Clinic begins Thursday, June 24, 3:00-5:00. Everybody from 6 - 14 is welcome to join the fun. There is about an hour of instruction then we play a few holes and finish with refreshments. It’s free and open to everyone, members and non-members alike so please just show up any Thursday.
The Stephen L. Ross Scholarship Fund would like to congratulate our 2021 recipients Sumner Rugh who will be attending the US. Merchant Marine Academy, Cameron Todd who will be attending Thomas College and Ehryn Groothoff who will be returning to Messiah College. We are proud to support our island students as they explore their educational goals.
Chebeague & Cumberland Land Trust held a clean up of the Deer Point Trail on Friday June 11th and would like to thank the following volunteers who spent the day making the trail easier to utilize by dealing with some of the blow down: Eliza Jane Adams, George Bates, Sharon Bowman, Chris Cabot (CCLT’s Executive Director), Melissa Doughty, Jonathan Dawson (CCLT’s contract steward), Jim Fowler, Caleb Heuss (CCLT’s intern), Diane Lukac (CCLT Trustee and organizer of the clean up). Special thanks goes to Jim Fowler, owner of Affordable Tree service, who volunteered an entire work day with his equipment which took the place of at least 10 volunteers! THANK YOU! Click here for photo.
June 16, 2021 - Message from the Town Administrator Justin: Tonight’s Board of Selectmen meeting will not be broadcast on zoom. We anticipate having the in-person meetings broadcast on Zoom and YouTube beginning next month
June's meeting of the Chebeague Transportation Company’s board of directors has been rescheduled for Thursday, June 24 at 7pm and will be held at the Chebeague Recreation Center in the craft room. The public is welcome. In accordance with CDC guidelines and Rec center policy, members of the public who have not been vaccinated must wear a mask.
Selectmen's Meeting tonight at 6pm - click here for agenda. The meeting is at the Hall and hope to have it on zoom as well.
June 15, 2021 - Click here for the results of the election today.
Today was the last day of school for the Chebeague School and we want to share our end of the year concert. We are doing it again virtually but are hoping to be live next year at the Hall. The students are sharing some songs they have been practicing with the music teacher Sharon Trace and they are sharing photos of some of their art work done with Caroline Loder. During the concert you will see photos of year end trip as well as other school photos. We hope you enjoy the show - click here.
The CIHS Annual Membership Meeting will be held on Saturday, June 19, 2021 at 7 PM.Via Zoom. Click here for details.
Message from May: Hi folks: The Slow Bell will be open this week THURSDAY-SATURDAY for Lunch and Dinner (including ice cream) and Sunday for Brunch. On Sunday evening, we will celebrate with the island high school graduates and friends by throwing them a party at the Slow Bell from 5:30-9 p.m. with hot dogs, hamburgers, salads, chips, cake, and non-alcoholic beverages. There will also be a cash bar. Corey Hales, one of our favorite young musicians, will play, along with a DJ for extra fun! Come on out and show them your support and give a big ISLAND HUG to this great bunch of kids.
Thursday-Saturday, our dinner specials include Lobster Rangoon with sweet chili Thai sauce and seared bok choy ($12); Salmon Oscar with grilled asparagus, butter poached crab and lobster, bearnaise sauce and roasted potatoes ($30); and Surf 'n Turf, with a NY strip, herb butter shrimp, Chinese broccoli and roasted potatoes ($30). If all goes well, we'll try Karaoke both nights, starting at 8:30. If you're interested in hosting, send me a text! Call ahead for take out 846-3078.
Don't forget to vote today for Selectmen and School Committee at the Hall from 8 to 8!
School Committee Meeting tonight at the rec center 6pm - see agenda.
June 14, 2021 - Photo by Leila Bisharat of fisherman Alex Todd working on nets June 14th. Click here for another fishing scene.
There is a Catholic Communion Service - without a Priest - every Saturday at 4 P.M. at The Parish House across from the Chebeague Church.
CTC June update - click here!!
Today is graduation day for our 5th graders and last week was graduation for our island seniors Cameron Todd, Bea Crosman, Meadow Phipps, Hannah Birkett, Sumner Rugh, and Jenna Calthorpe. Congratulations to all of them!! 2nd Annual Celebratory Parade Today at 3pm. PLEASE join us for a parade honoring our High School graduates as well as our 5th graders moving on to middle school. There were lots of firsts for the school year 2020-21 but this parade will be the 2nd annual. It is a wonderful way to show our students how proud we are of them. Muster on North Rd. starting in front of the CRC facing toward Schoolhouse Rd. by 2:50. The students will be seated in front of the school watching everyone drive by, the louder the better. See you there!!!!
June 13, 2021 - Message from the Church: "We are pleased to announce the Raymond Family Foundation has provided up to $10,000 for a match to the Keep the Buildings Capital Campaign for the church. This is an opportunity for you who donated to double your contribution! You can donate with PayPal or a credit card. http://www.chebeagueumc.org/donate.html You can also mail a check to CUMC, P.O. Box 1, Chebeague Island, ME 04017. Be sure to note KBCC on all donations. If you have any questions, you can contact the co-leaders of the team, Gloria Brown gjbrown58a@gmail.com and Shelly Rice Rochelle@RochelleRice.com. Thank you!"
Town meeting yesterday went really well with some great discussions and information! It was held under Chip Corson's tent on Volunteer Field and Chip Emery set up and supplied the sound system. All the Warrant Articles passed.
June 11, 2021 - Don't forget Town Meeting, tomorrow June 12th under the tent on Volunteer Field beside the school. Meeting starts at 9am. Click here for the warrant.
The Red Studio at the Island Commons will be open Saturday, June 12, from 10-noon. Stop in and check out our inventory of great antiques, home furnishings, furniture, glassware, linens, books, art and clothing.
Please help support the island childcare center, Kids Place, by purchasing a lobster roll lunch that includes a lobster roll, drink, chips, and a dessert for pickup on the 4th of July. Reserve your roll today at www.chebeaguerec.com or you can reserve your lunch in person outside the Island Market from 10am-11am on Saturday June 19th and June 26th. Thank you!!
June 10, 2021 - CCLT Trail Work Day at Deer Point this Friday June 11th from 10:30 -2:30 - Please click here to learn more about the day and register to help. The more help we get, the more that we can do.
Florence Rich has plants for sale and more coming - she is available from 10 on Friday, Saturday and Sunday - if you want to call her 846-4986or email islandriches@chebeague.net.
SHADY GROVE FARMSTAND will be open on Saturday, from 3-5 at 412 North Road!
Reminder that the Craft Fair is a month away. The Fair will be held at the Hall on Saturday, July 10, 2021 and anyone interested in participating can contact Annette Kincaid at: annettekincaid03@gmail.com.
2nd Annual Celebratory Parade - Date: Monday June 14th - Time: 3pm
PLEASE join us for a parade honoring our High School graduates as well as our 5th graders moving on to middle school. There were lots of firsts for the school year 2020-21 but this parade will be the 2nd annual. It is a wonderful way to show our students how proud we are of them. Muster on North Rd. starting in front of the CRC facing toward Schoolhouse Rd. by 2:50. The students will be seated in front of the school watching everyone drive by, the louder the better. See you there!!!!
The Slow Bell will be open this weekend Friday and Saturday for dinner and Sunday for Brunch! We are still struggling with staffing, so will ask you to order at the counter, but you can sit inside or out. Our specials include halibut with herb butter, Asian greens and rice. We will also have fried jumbo shrimp with fries and slaw. On Saturday night we will have our first night of PUB TRIVIA, hosted by Cheryl Hillicoss. Call ahead for takeout. 846 3078.
June 9, 2021 - Photo taken of sunrise June 9th at the Hook by Jon Rich. Click here for another photo talen from the banking between Webb and Lunt houses and click here for another photo by Jon of the Hook.
PUBLIC HEARING JUNE 14 on the Chebeague Island Inn’s proposal for a business overlay district. This proposal would grant the Inn’s three non-continguous properties a new business overlay zone that would allow the operation of currently not-allowed boarding houses for employees in the Island Residential Zone, and, would reduce setbacks. Click here for a full description of the proposal by the Inn.
CCLT Trail Work Day at Deer Point this Friday June 11th from 10:30 -2:30 - Please click here to learn more about the day and register to help. The more help we get, the more that we can do.
School House Seconds is accepting donations of gently used clothes and household items. Donations can be dropped off inside the front door. Opening day will be Tuesday, July 6th!
June 4, 2021 - TEEN PIZZA NIGHT!! 1st and 3rd Fridays of the month at the Teen Center from 7-9pm. The Teen Center at the Rec is now open every Friday for students grades 6-12. And now, some Fridays are special pizza nights: Come hang out at the Rec and have a slice or three on us!!!
Did you know that Kids’ Place currently serves 13 island kids? Check out Miss Emily’s weekly update to see what our youngest island community members were up to this week. Click here for another photo.
Annual Town Meeting Warrant before the meeting on June 12, 2021. The meeting will start at 9:00AM and be under the tent on Volunteer Field.
Click here for a sample ballot for the June 15th election for Selectmen and School Committee. Polls open from 8 to 8 on Tuesday, June 15th.
Click here for an update from the CUMC Food Pantry.
June 3, 2021 - The Chebeague Island Council hopes you are making plans to attend or participate in the July 4th parade this year. "COVID made me do it!" is this year's theme. What did COVID make YOU do? Click here for flyer.
CCLT Trail Work Day at Deer Point date change to Friday June 11th from 10:30 -2:30 - Please click here to learn more about the day and register to help. The more help we get, the more that we can do.
The Red Studio at the Island Commons will be open Saturdays from 10-noon throughout the summer. We had a fabulous opening day last week despite the weather and we look forward to a season of offering fabulous antiques, home furnishings, vintage clothing and linens, furniture, lamps, rugs and other treasures. Stop in, say hello and check out the ever-changing inventory.
SHADY GROVE FARMSTAND will be open on Saturday from 3-5. Produce, eggs, bread and more!
Message from May: Hi folks: We continue to be short staffed until the 19th and this weekend is especially challenging because of YHS graduation and my broken foot. Please bear with us. We are going to ask you to order using counter service this weekend and be patient as we muddle through. We will be open Friday, Saturday (lunch and dinner) and Sunday (brunch only). I guarantee that the food that you will get from our new chef, Alex Feldbauer, will be well worth the wait! This weekend we will offer a Chef's Special, a Surf and Turf, featuring garlic shrimp and our Pineland Farms NY strip, served with green beans and roasted rosemary potatoes ($32). We'll also have lemon cake, chocolate torte, and coconut custard pie with whipped cream for dessert, so save room! On Sunday we'll have cinnamon sugar donuts, cinnamon rolls and bagels with chive cream cheese along with all your brunch favorites! Saturday night we'll have karaoke, so come up and share a song. It should be beautiful weather for some music outside! Hope to see you at the Slow Bell. Call ahead for takeout! 846-3078.
June 2, 2021 - Message from Art Ryder, president CILHF: The Chebeague Island Living History Farm (CILHF) is celebrating that Chuck’s Second Wind Farm now has a deep well and irrigation water. The water was turned on yesterday. No longer will Chuck need to hand water his organic crops and need to depend on his small pond to last through the growing season - see photo.
Miss Nancy's Prek - K Newsletter - click here.
June 1, 2021 - Photo taken of sunrise June 1st by Joe Chamberlin.
The Wednesday, 6/2/2021 meeting of the Board of Selectmen will be held at the Island Hall at 6pm with no Zoom internet broadcast. We hope to resume Zoom coverage for future meetings with new technology in place. Click here for agenda and packet.
This past year has been a really tough one for Cindy and Bruce Riddle and a gofund has been started by one of their neighbors and friend - click here to help them out.
May 29, 2021 - DEER POINT CLEANUP - As I have noted before the CCLT is planning a Deer Point Cleanup for Friday, June 11th We are looking for lots of volunteers and a fun community exercise - click here to see more and sign up to help!!
Chebeague Island School Spring Newsletter - click here.
School Committee Meeting this Tuesday, 6pm at the Recreation Center - see agenda!
May 28, 2021 - Chebeague Historical Society MUSEUM STORE – Will be open this Saturday 5/29 from 11-3pm. We will be having a bench sale in front of the Museum with items that are 20% off. Come inside to see all of our new items. Looking forward to seeing you. Masks required and a minimum of three people inside at a time.
Just a reminder that our roadside farmstand will be open this Saturday from 3-5 pm.
Fresh produce will include Chips beautiful lettuce, onions, tomatoes, fresh herbs, eggs, corn, bread, flower arrangements and more!
We will also have an Antique Corner, with lots of treasures! See you soon…..
Rich from Advantage Pest Control will be on the Island shortly (June 8 & 9) to service his regular customers spraying for Ticks, Mosquitos, Carpenter Ants, and Stinging Insects. There are a limited number of openings available for the June 9th date . First come, first served. If interested, call Cheryl at 207-520-8669 and let her know what you would like done.
May 26, 2021 - Save the Date - Saturday, June 12th for a cleanup of Deer Point trees with the Chebeague Cumberland Land Trust - more information to come soon. We had a similar time in 2017 and it was a great effort.
Message from Florence Rich: She has geraniums available and you can pick up after 10am. She has more coming and if you need anything special give her a call at 846-4986.
A week from today on Wednesday, June 2nd, Phil Jordan will turn 90 years young. Happy Birthday to Phil!
Summer tennis on Chebeague will soon be underway! The courts are being prepped and updates on availability will be made on the GCTC website and Facebook page. Whether you were actively involved with GCTC last year, a past member, or are considering joining us - please know that we welcome playing and sustaining members and would love for you to be involved. Check out our membership information and we’ll see you on the courts!
The Red Studio at the Island Commons will open for the season on Saturday from 10 until noon. We are chockfull of fabulous finds — antiques, home furnishings, beautiful linens, lamps, dining room chairs, books, art and lots of surprises. Please wear a mask to protect our residents who may be out and about. Check out our treasures and let’s start celebrating summer. All proceeds benefit the Island Commons.
May 25, 2021 - Memorial Day Service will be online on Monday, May 31st at 1pm. Please check in here on the morning of the 31st for any last minute changes. Many members, including the school children are participating!
Chebeague Island Notice: Beginning today and continuing through Thursday a drill rig will be operating on the Stone Wharf. Access to certain areas on the wharf may be limited. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Message from Slow Bell: Hi folks: Thanks for your patience with getting this information out for you. The Slow Bell is excited to open this weekend! We have live music Friday and Saturday night ($5 cover) and will be serving food Friday, Saturday for dinner and Sunday a.m. for brunch. There is ONE CATCH. We are waiting for our staff to complete their schooling and get up here, and so we are short staffed on this busy weekend. Rather than simply not opening, we're going to ask that you bear with us. We will be opening for COUNTER SERVICE at both the bar and the restaurant. That means you can come in the door and place an order (or call ahead) and take it and eat at one of the tables in the restaurant. You can step up to the bar and order. We'll come around and try to make you as comfortable as possible, but if you can help us out in this small way to get started, we'd appreciate it. Attached is a PDF of our menu. We've made some changes! Looking forward to serving you this summer! The Crew at the Slow Bell. Call ahead for takeout 846-3078
May 24, 2021 -A reminder from CTC that there are cancellations on Thursday and Friday (6:30/6:45am trip both days) this week with a delayed trip on Saturday. Click here for the notice and delay/cancellation schedule.
NOTICE - There has been an increase sighting of seal pups on various beaches of the island. To avoid injury to these seal pups please have full control of your dog on all beaches. Remember that these seals are left on the beach by their mothers while they go off for hours feeding so please do not disturb they are federally protected so do not touch.
Kevin from Carpet Services and his cleaning van will be on the island in June from the 8th to the 15th. If you need wall to wall carpet, area rugs, upholstery or tile and grout cleaned, call or even better text 207-772-6225 or email carpetservicesme@gmail.com to make an appointment.
We’ll be open Saturday May 29, from 3:00-5:00 pm. Supply your holiday weekend needs with fresh produce, bread, eggs and so much more.
May 20, 2021 - Photo taken of sunset by Carly Rich on May 20th.
I have just added Elizabeth Doughty's website for her Coveside Physical Therapy, LLC business to the Island Business Listing.
The Kids' Place Committee is meeting on Monday, May 24 at 6:30pm and welcomes all community members to participate. This newly-formed committee will assist in developing sustainable actions for Kids' Place, including fundraising, organizing volunteers, and enrichment for KP children. If you would like to get involved, contact Meredith Beaupre at merebeaupre@gmail.com for more information or meeting details.
Save the date! On Saturday, August 7, the Rec Center will host Come Together on the Field, a fun-filled day on the field featuring live music, food, games, and more! Details about this exciting fundraising event to come as we get closer.
I have added last night's Selectmen's Meeting Audio to meeting Audios- click here to listen to any of the meetings. Remember that there is a link above under EVENT CALENDAR.
The CART (Community Advisory Response Team) zoom meeting is today at 4pm - Zoom number is 326 962 753 with password 175989. Remember that the public is invited and are encouraged to take part.
Message from Tad Runge: "People are invited to see the reconstruction of a post and beam frame, the "bones", of a disassembled Circa 1840 high posted one story Cape from Bridgton. The work to put it back up Wednesday and Thursday probably being the most interesting times. We hope to have the reconstruction of the frame done by the end of the day Thursday.
It will then be enclosed - new roof boards, side sheathing, original windows, original exterior doors and some trim - by a different crew starting this coming Friday.
People are invited to come and see what's going on.
124 John Small Road behind my barn (Peggy Lyons and I share a common driveway)."
May 19, 2021 - Photo taken from the Chebeague Inn by Sandy Mailman on May 19th.
Message from Shelly Rice: "As you may know, the Disaffiliation Team is raising funds to fulfill the obligations to the United Methodist Church. If you wish to donate to the Keep the Buildings Capital Campaign, you can donate with PayPal or a credit card. http://www.chebeagueumc.org/donate.html You can also mail a check to CUMC, P.O. Box 1, Chebeague Island, ME 04017. Be sure to note KBCC on all donations. If you have any questions, you can contact the co-leaders of the team, Gloria Brown gjbrown58a@gmail.com and Shelly Rice Rochelle@RochelleRice.com. Thank you!"
Selectmen's Zoom Meeting tonight at 6pm - click here for agenda and packet.
Town Office has 2 job openings: Part-Time Office Assistant and Part-Time Assistant Transfer Station Attendant.
Detailed information on these jobs can be found on the Town website Townofchebeagueisland.org
May 18, 2021 - For those who are not signed into the The Town of Chebeague Message Alerts - there will be a scheduled CMP power outage starting around 9am that will impact most of the island. If you want to sign up for message alerts for the town click here.
WarningCTC's monthly board meeting has been moved to Thursday, May 27th. Starting with this meeting and until further notice, CTC will be holding meetings in person at the Chebeague Recreation Centers gym. The public are welcome to attend. We will be following Rec Center Covid-19 protocols which require masks be worn by all and people will be seated 6 feet apart.
Click here for an UPDATE from the Chebeague Covid Testing Team.
Message from the Broadband Committee: You might have heard there is a new Broadband Committee. With the Federal money that is supposed to be available, we think we can make it work without any cost to taxpayers.
BUT -- the official maps show us as having much better service than we have. To fight this, we need people to take the internet speed test offered by the Maine Broadband Coalition.
Please do it -- it only takes about a minute!
May 17, 2021 - Photo of Lions Mane Jellyfish taken by Chip Emery off the stern of the Independence.Click here to learn more about them.
The Red Studio at Island Commons will open for the 2021 season on Saturday, May 29, from 10 a.m. until noon, and be open Saturdays throughout the summer. We’re loaded with fabulous antiques, home furnishings, linens, jewelry, crystal, lamps, tables, you name it. Come see what we’ve collected over the winter. Let's welcome a wonderful summer of friends and fun finds. All proceeds benefit the Island Commons.
May 16, 2021 - The School Committee Meeting this Tuesday at 6pm will be live at the Recreation Center. Seats will be set 6 feet apart and face masks will be required until further notice. On the agenda will be reviewing the Security Camera Policy and Security Camera Administrative Procedures at the meeting. Click here to see a copy of the drafts: Security Camers-2nd reading (wsimg.com)
Message from the CTC: The safety and health of our employees and all of our passengers continues to be CTC's highest priority. Because of this and in order to comply with federal law (click here) mandating masks to be worn by people at all times on public transportation, CTC will continue to require masks be worn while onboard our ferries and busses. Thanks for continuing to support our crew and your fellow passengers by keeping your masks on!
May 13, 2021 - SHOOL HOUSE SECONDS GRAND OPENING is Tuesday July 6th 10-12 and 7-8. Just Tuesdays to start. All CDC recommendations will be followed. Donations accepted starting NOW! Please drop off donations inside the front door. The back door is locked. Questions? Please call the Council 846-4988.
School Committee Meeting this Tuesday at 6pm - see agenda.
May 12, 2021 - Save the Date: Saturday, August 7 for a fun-filled day with island friends and family! Click here to learn a little bit more!
Click here for Miss Nancy's PreK and K Reflections 53 - 5/7, 2021.
May 11, 2021 - The Chebeague Recreation Center is looking to hire an Assistant Teacher to join the team at our on-island childcare facility. Work a flexible part-time or full-time schedule at $13-$15 per hour. Kids' Place teachers support our infant, toddler, and preschool programs, and provide a warm environment that promotes children's emotional, social, and cognitive growth. Learn more and apply today at chebeaguerec.com. Please spread the word if you know someone who may be interested!
Spring has sprung at the Museum! Our online store is back online at www.chebeaguehistory.com for curbside pickup or shipping. Our Museum Store is also open when museum staff is onsite. Please call ahead 846-5237 if you would like to visit. We hope to open with regular hours when the exhibit opens as usual in late June.
The Chebeague Rec Center is offering "Forest Films," a free 5-week afterschool program starting this Thursday, May 13. Students grades K-5 will explore Littlefield Woods, create nature journals, and create and share movies about their forest adventures! Learn more and register at chebeaguerec.com.
Message from the Island Commons: "A friendly reminder all visits at the Island Commons must be scheduled in advance with Amy & Christina 846-5610. We are unable to accommodate any drop in visits at this time, Thank you, Amy Rich."
It’s planting time at CIS.
Parents, students and community members are invited to help with some garden prep on Saturday, May 15 between 9 & 11. Children are welcome (but will need to be supervised and over 3 masked). Bring your favorite garden tool, water bottle, and sense of humor.
We will weed, rake, and exhume rocks 6 feet apart. Come for 20 minutes or 2 hours. Many hands make light work and it will be fun to, once again, be together.
Questions? e-mail Nancy: earnest@chebeagueschool.net
Message from May: "Hi folks. We are open this Saturday for takeout only! This week will be a little different. We are going to present a few of our menu items for this summer in our off-season format (to feed 2). We will be looking for some feedback, so let us know what you think! Haddock chowder (serves 2) with rolls and salad ($25); Fried Haddock Dinner with fries and coleslaw (serves 2) ($30); Sesame tuna with mashed potatoes, wasabi, pickled ginger, and warm Asian cabbage (serves 2) ($30). Pulled pork tacos served on regular or gluten free tortillas, topped with cabbage, pickled onions, and lime and cilantro crema (serves 2) ($25). Nachos with peppers, onions, olives, tomatoes and cheese, served with salsa and sour cream ($15; add pulled pork for +$5). Chocolate whipped cream cake ($6/slice). Call or text 233-6603 to place an order BEFORE Saturday. On Saturday, please do not text that number, please call 846-3078 after 3:30 p.m. Thanks! As folks from last time know, we ran out of specials, so please order early!"
May 9, 2021 - Happy Mother's Day!
Message from Glen Sanokklis of the Chebeague Inn: “Greetings Island Friends. The Chebeague Island Inn will be throwing our annual Island Party on Friday, May 14th from 5pm-8pm. We’d love to see the friendly faces that we’ve missed so dearly. We will be practicing social distancing and masks so please plan accordingly. We look forward to welcoming in a happy and safe season this year. Hope to see you there!”
May 8, 2021 - Message from Jeff Putnam, chair of School Committee: The Chebeague School Committee will resume meetings in person starting with meeting scheduled for May 18. The Committee will meet on the first and third Tuesdays of the month at 6pm at the Recreation Center gym. Seats will be set 6 feet apart and face masks will be required until further notice. We would like to thank the community for being supportive of the zoom meeting protocols over the past 14 months and we look forward to seeing everyone again.
For those who missed the Littlefield Woods Program or would like to see the student video click here to see the 5 minute video.
Our own Kate Kennedy will talk about her book, Remarkable Maine Women on Monday May 10 at 7 on Zoom as part of the CIHS Ellsworth Miller lecture Series. Zoom code is 82962476056.
Don't miss this great presentation. Over the centuries Maine has produced so many women who have made a difference not just in their hometown or the State but nationally as well. Kate will introduce you to a few of them.
May 6, 2021 - TONIGHT: The Chebeague Cumberland Land Trust presents: Littlefield Woods: Past and Present! You don't want to miss this webinair featuring the Chebeague Island School Children, Donna Damon, Carol White and Diane Lukac! Thursday, May 6th, 7pm - click here to register. After you register, they will send you an email with more information on how to join the fun.
The CART (Community Advisory Response Team) zoom meeting is today at 4pm - Zoom number is 326 962 753 with password 175989. Remember that the public is invited and are encouraged to take part.
I recently added a couple of businesses to the Island Business page: Rich Plumbing Inc and Sam Birkett, real estate.
May 4, 2021 - The Chebeague Rec Center is celebrating Mother's Day with a brunch sale! Come to the Rec on 5/9 from 10:30am-12pm for quiches, muffins, fruit, coffee, and tea. Sit and enjoy at one of our outdoor tables, or take your goodies home with a free packet of wildflower seeds. Little ones can also make mom a card at a craft table! You can pre-order your Mother's Day brunch now at chebeaguerec.com.
Click here for Miss Nancy's Pre-K-K newsletter!
May 3, 2021 - Photo by the Paradises of sunrise looking toward Crow Island on May 3rd.
Message from Jenny Hackel: Dear Chebeague Islanders-
I am coordinating the final Covid vaccine clinic this Wednesday morning May 5 at the Rec center starting at 9 am with the CART and Covid test team. The Maine CDC nurses from the Cumberland Public Health Dept will be bringing the Johnson & Johnson Vaccine, which offers the advantages of offering immunity after several weeks with only one shot. There are six more vaccine appointment slots for anyone over age 18.
To do best with any vaccine, help your immune system by getting a good night sleep, eating a balanced diet with healthy protein, and being well hydrated. Rest your body for a day to build new antibodies the day after the vaccine.
While some people may be hesitant to get a vaccine, be aware that millions of Americans have now gotten vaccines, and the reports of adverse reactions are extremely rare. Thousands of people were in the studies that led to the release of these vaccines, and ALL of the vaccines offer 100% protection against a severe covid infection that leads to hospitalization and death, which we are seeing still happen way to frequently around the world. To end the pandemic, the majority of the population needs to be vaccinated, so please come get your shot.
I personally will never forget one Fall when I got so sick I was in bed for two weeks - it was influenza - but my parents were able to take care of me because they had been vaccinated. Despite all my coughing, fever and sinus congestion, they never got a single symptom - they had immunity!
Please call me if you want an appointment- this is the last time the nurses are coming to Chebeague. You can call me at 846-9004, or reach me by text or voice mail on my cell - 734-660-3461. Thank you,
Jenny Hackel, NP
Message from Annette Kincaide: "I’m so thrilled that we’ll be able to hold the Craft Fair this year! The Fair will be held at the Hall on Saturday, July 10, 2021 and anyone interested in participating can contact me at: annettekincaid03@gmail.com.
May 2, 2021 - SPECIAL PROGRAM: The Chebeague Cumberland Land Trust presents: Littlefield Woods: Past and Present! You don't want to miss this webinair featuring the Chebeague Island School Children, Donna Damon, Carol White and Diane Lukac! Thursday, May 6th, 7pm - click here to register. After you register, they will send you an email with more information on how to join the fun.
Click here for a message from Dr. Kip Webb about how we can all stay safe this summer on Chebeague!
Click here for the audio of the Selectmen's Workshop Meeting on April 28th.
April 30, 2021 - Photo of a female Yellow-bellied Sapsucker on one of our old apple trees April 29. Click here to see another that really shows the yellow belly.
School Committee Zoom Meeting next Tuesday, May 4th at 6pm - click here for agenda.
Just a REMINDER that the Stephen L. Ross Scholarship applications are due tomorrow May 1st. https://www.mainecf.org/find-a-scholarship/available-scholarships/cumberland-county-scholarships/
April 28, 2021 - Tonight 6pm Selectmen's zoom meeting - Capital Budget Workshop- https://zoom.us/j/326962753 password 175989 -- On land line phone +1.929.205.6099 Meeting ID 326962753 --- On cell phone +1.929.205.6099 Meeting ID: 326962753#
Don't Forget to call Jenny if you want a J&J vaccine on Chebeague next Wednesday, May 5th - 734-660-3461.
April 26 2021 - NOTICE: The Cumberland County Public Health Nurses will be providing a final Covid Vaccine clinic with J&J vaccine May 5 at the Rec Center from 9-11:30 am.
The CCTT team members will be calling everyone who previously registered on the Covid Survey Link before the J&J went on hold to see who would still like to get their vaccine on island.
Anyone who has not registered and wants a vaccine please call or text Jenny Hackel, NP, at 734-660-3461.
Click here for a notice from CTC concerning upcoming changes to boat fares.
Click here for CTC's April low tide cancellations.
Message from May: "Hi folks: Just a few evenings left of our off-season menu before we will be opening for the season! Looking forward to sharing our new seasonal menu with you for Memorial Day weekend. We will be open THIS Saturday for takeout dinner ONLY. We will have our dinner for TWO specials, that will include baked stuffed haddock with rice; vegetarian meatballs and fettuccine, and turkey pot pie ($25 each). We will also have pizza specials, including pizza with fries and moz sticks or pizza with fries and salad ($25 each). Our soup special will be creamy tomato with grilled cheese croutons (Serves 4 for $20). We'll also have CHOCOLATE CREAM pie while supplies last!
Call ahead to order (207.233.6603) before noon on Saturday, or call 207.846.3078. Thanks!"
April 23, 2021 - The Island Institute has just released a new video as part of their celebration of Earth Week, they are proud to share the fifth film in their ongoing climate-related series, : "A Climate of Change: Sea Level Rise"
The Maine Broadband Coalition is seeking data concerning the actual Internet speeds available around the state and specifically to areas within towns. This could be very helpful to efforts to better serve Chebeague, where Internet service varies greatly around the island. Please click https://www.mainebroadbandcoalition.org/ and then "Run Speed Test" to record your Internet speed.
Tomorrow is Jane Harrington's birthday! I know she would love to get a card. She is at 16 Bennetts Cove and her son's is email is rcharringtonjr@gmail.com
On May 3rd Kitty Freeman will be 95 years young! She is at 12 Capps Road or grittymeow@aol.com.
April 22, 2021 - I have finally uploaded the last two Historical Society Programs.
3-08-21 Shettleworth Presentation about the fires in Portland - click here.
4-12-21 Donna Damon Tourism - click here.
You soon will be able to find them on the Historical Society Website.
Click here to hear the Audio of the Selectmen's meeting from yesterday or go to all the Selectmen's Audios that are linked above.
Please join us once again for the Junior Golf Camp sponsored by CRC and GCGC July 26-30, 9-12 a.m. ages 7-16. Keith Johnson will be our Teaching Pro for the third year. 1.5 hours of instruction followed by play - cost is $130 for CRC members, $150 for non-members. Register with CRC
-There will again be a free summer-long Junior Clinic on Thursdays from 3:30-5 pm beginning June 24. No registration - just show up
Message from Town Administrator: “Do to unforeseen circumstances the town office will not be able to perform routine customer service activities for the remainder of the week. The town office should return to normal operations on Monday. We apologize for the inconvenience.”
The CART (Community Advisory Response Team) zoom meeting is today at 4pm - Zoom number is 326 962 753 with password 175989. Remember that the public is invited and are encouraged to take part.
April 21, 2021 - Photo Cathy MacNeill took of a couple of American Oystercatchers at the Hook on April 20th. Click here to learn more about these rare on Chebeague birds. The last time I saw any was June 1, 2013.
Click here for the Chebeague Recreation Center summer program guide.
Click here for a notice from CTC regarding running trips from Chandler's Cove during extended extreme low tide cancellations.
April 20, 2021 - Photo of one of Vika Wood's honey bees enjoying spring flowers.
Selectmen's Zoom Meeting tomorrow night, April 21, at 6 pm - click here for packet and agenda.
School Committee Zom meeting tonight at 6pm - click here for agenda.
April 17, 2021 - Message from May: "Dying for something delicious? How about a caramel dipped donut or cinnamon roll? Stop by the Slow Bell tomorrow Sunday, between 9 and 11 or until we sell out! Box of 4 for $10 plus tax. Want to order ahead? Text or call 332.2368 today only. After that, it's first come, first serve!"
On March 30th the Chebeague Island Methodist Church signed the Disaffiliation Agreement! Click here to see photos and learn more about this historic event.
Message from Kim Boehm: "I am still removing unwanted vehicles, driveable or not. This is my ongoing effort to protect our one and only aquifer. I also will remove unwanted oil tanks, and other metals. I will be offering freight service from the Mainland to the Island once the CTC barge is in operation. I cannot haul gravel, mulch, etc only general freight. Call me for questions and current pricing. Thanks. Kim. 846 2468"
Click here for the agenda for the Zoom School Committee Meeting Agenda this Tuesday, April 20th, 6pm.
April 13, 2021 - FURTHER VACCINE CLINIC UPDATE Town of Chebeague Island Notice: Tomorrow's vaccine clinic will only be for those scheduled to receive their 2nd Moderna shot. All other appointments are cancelled and are hoped to be rescheduled to a later date.
VACCINE CLINIC UPDATE The Cumberland County CDC nurses have confirmed that our Chebeague vaccine clinic for tomorrow 4/14 is still on for all those scheduled for their second Moderna vaccine. For all those who signed up for the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, we are awaiting further information from the CDC. We will give updates to the community as soon as we have new information. Also, Maine CDC director Dr. Shah will give a news conference at 2pm today https://www.mainepublic.orgThe Great Chebeague Golf Club is looking for a clubhouse attendant for this upcoming season. Must be able to work from June through the end of September. If any questions or interested in the position please call Denise at 846-9478 or email gcgcmanager@gmail.com
April 12, 2021 - CTC has expanded ferry and bus service effective April 12 (today)! Click here to see the new schedule.
The CTC bus will be making stops at Yarmouth High School starting today for the trips meeting the 6:30pm and 8:15pm ferry trips to Chebeague on school days.
The CCTT would like to announce that the vaccine clinic on Wednesday, April 14 will be offering the Johnson and Johnson vaccine for MOST of the people who have appointments,. There will also be a limited number of Moderna vaccines, and anyone who receives the first shot of Moderna will need to followup with obtaining a second dose appointment on the mainland. People who are receiving their second dose from the March clinic will again get a Moderna vaccine. Interested in getting vaccinated? Contact Jenny Hackel at 846-9004 or text 734-660-3461. We are taking names of people who can be readily available for any extra vaccine dosages on Wednesday
Click here to see an article in today's Press Herald about disaffiliating Methodist churches that mentions Chebeague and our decision to disaffiliate.
April 11, 2021 - Click here for a corrected Forecaster Article and a wonderful photo of Suhail and Leila in front of Littlefield Woods!
Click here for Miss Nancy's Class Pre-K - K for April 4th through April 9th!
April 10, 2021 - The seed swap and giveaway is taking place in the CRC gym TODAY, Saturday April 10, from 10am-12pm. A wide variety of fruit and vegetable seeds will be available. Donating seeds isn't required to participate!
Donna Miller Damon will present the "The Roots of Chebeague's Tourism, and its Impact on the Chebeague Community" as the next Ellsworth MIller lecture on Zoom Monday April 12 at 7PM. The Zoom code is: 82962476056.
Donna's illustrated talk will focus on Chebeague's evolution from an independent middle class community to a place dependent on tourism, and the role that print media played in the creation of myths and the perpetuation of stereotypes during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Click here to hear the Selectmen's Meeting of April 4th.
April 8, 2021 - Island Commons is pleased to welcome the return of Stephanie Smith to our full-time staff. Stephanie will fill a new position: Community Care Navigator. Click here to read more in this community letter from Stephanie.
Next Wednesday 4/14 at the Chebeague Rec Center, the CART team will be bringing back the Cumberland County CDC nurses to provide Covid vaccines on island free of charge, this time for anyone ages 18 and older. As a reminder to those who are coming for their second shot of the Moderna Vaccine, please bring your vaccine card! The Nurses will let us know if they are able to provide the single dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine by Monday 4/12 for those coming in for the first time, and I will post an update when I know. If you or someone you know wants a vaccine 4/14 but did not register, there are still many openings! Simply contact Jenny Hackel, NP at 846-9004 or cell phone - 734-660-3461 to get an appointment. Everyone coming to the clinic is asked to fill out the consent form (even you did so with the first shot, you need to do it again.) So please download this consent attachment. Here as well is the Info sheet on the Moderna Vaccine.
The CART (Community Advisory Response Team) zoom meeting is today at 4pm - Zoom number is 326 962 753 with password 175989. Remember that the public is invited and are encouraged to take part.
April 7, 2021 - Selectmen's Zoom Fourth Budget meeting tonight at six - see packet.
April 6, 2021 - Click here to see the Chebeague Methodist Church Virtual Easter Flower Garden video. Thanks to Chip & Vicki Emery, Deb Bowman and Melissa & Ben Yosua-Davis for putting it together.
The CRC's New Victory Garden webinar is now free! Tonight at 6pm we'll be digging into all things seedlings and veggie gardens on Zoom. You can reserve your spot and learn more on our website!
April 4, 2021 - Photo by Donna Damon of Easter Sunrise - click here to see another from the Easter Sunrise Service and here for another.
Click here to see the K and PreK reflections from March 22nd through April 2nd.
April 3, 2021 - From CUMC - Join us on Easter morning - in-person (masked, socially distanced) at 6 AM for our Easter Sunrise Service at the East End (Eastern Landing - drive past the turn off for access to Hamilton Beach and you'll find us!). At 10 AM, join us for worship via Zoom (https://zoom.us/j/308728697?pwd=RW1YdkpFUzZtZitWY0RXdDhManZOQT09).
A Note from the Food Pantry to their abiding shoppers - click here for Chebeague UMC and Chebundance message! Starting after Easter they will only be open bi-weekly and then in June the 3rd Sunday of the month through the summer.
April 2, 2021 - The CCTT is pleased to announce that the vaccine clinic on April 14 is open to everyone age 18+. There will be 75 vaccines available to people who pre-register on the link https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/RHT8M3Q Please register as soon as possible, and if you get a vaccine somewhere else just let the CCTT know. The clinic is open to people on Chebeague as well as anyone who commutes to the island. This will be the final vaccine clinic to be offered on the island. The clinic will provide a second dose of the Moderna vaccine to the 58 people who have already received their first dose. If you need a second Moderna vaccine and are scheduled for on or after April 14 then contact the CCTT to be added to this list. The Maine CDC Nurse anticipates the 75 vaccines are likely to be Johnson & Johnson. That final announcement will be made 48 hours in advance and posted immediately to the public. For questions, call Jenny Hackel at 846-9004 or text 734-660-3461.
Remember: Easter Egg Hunt this Sunday April 4th at the Island Commons Lawn at 11:15 for grades 5 and under. Bring your basket and collect pre-filled Easter eggs! Brought to you by the CUMC and the Rec. Click here for flyer.
School Committee Meeting this coming Tuesday, April 6th at 6pm - click here for agenda and zoom information.
April 1, 2021 - Nomination Papers are available at the Town Office for the following:
School Board: 2- three (3) year positions
and 1- one (1) year position.
Board of Selectmen: 2-three (3) year positions
Nomination papers are due back at the Town Office by April 13, 2021.
Any questions please call the Town Office at 846-3148
The CCTT will be contacting all of the people aged 60+ for appointments to receive their second dose at the vaccination clinic on April 14. The Maine CDC nurse expects to know by Friday, April 2 when they will return for an on-island clinic to offer vaccines to islanders aged 50+ and (hopefully) everyone on the island aged 18+. The Cumberland County CDC nurse has applied for "special dispensation" in Augusta to offer the vaccines to the entire island. Stay tuned! The CCTT is working diligently to bring an island-wide clinic, but the best vaccine is the first one available. Everyone age 18+ who is interested in a vaccine at an on-island clinic should register at this link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/RHT8M3Q Registering allows the CCTT to document the number of doses needed. If you are registered and able to get an appointment sooner on the mainland, just let the CCTT know.
FMI contact the CCTT
by text 347-656-7524 or a voice message at 207-264-0007.
March 29, 2021 - Don't forget - property taxes are due by the end of March.
The Chebeague Island Library, a library with almost 13,000 materials, is seeking a Library Director. Resumes and cover letters should be submitted to Sarah Koerber at sarahmckinnon@chebeague.net by Sunday, April 11th. Click here for the job description.
Click here for a picture of some found on the island. The top row are females and the smaller ones on the lower row are males - beside them for comparison is a sunflower seed.
---- The much smaller nymphs will be emerging in a few weeks. Be careful out there!! For more information about ticks click here or on the TICKS above.
NOTICE: Click here for important changes to the CTC ferry operations!! Expanded ferry schedule to begin April 12 and increase passenger count to 56 on March 26th.
March 24 2021 - Click here to see an update on the Recreation Center Pool. Check out the Lifeguard Scholarship Program!! If you are 15+ years old you won't want to miss this opportunity.
Shady Grove Farm fresh eggs available. $7/doz. Please text or email Jen @ 207-347-1038 jahoward2@gmail.com.
Click here to see the upcoming low tide cancellations for the CTC. NOTICE: next Tuesday, March 30; Wednesday, March 31; and Thursday April 1 one or more boats will be cancelled or delayed.
Easter Egg Hunt Sunday April 4th at the Island Commons Lawn at 11:15 for grades 5 and under. Bring your basket and collect pre-filled Easter eggs. Brought to you by the CUMC and the Rec. Click here for flyer.
March 23, 2021 - Some very nice woman gave a friend of Carly Rich a ride up to the Route One Parking lot tonight after the 6:15 boat and the friend left her school computer in the car. We are trying to locate the person - if she could call or text 245-5323. (The nice person has been found).
The CCTT is anticipating vaccine appointments will be available on the island for all interested islanders who are over the age of 16 years old. The goal is to offer the clinic in early May, at least two weeks before Memorial Day weekend. To register, fill out the information at this link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/RHT8M3Q. By registering, the CCTT can request an accurate number of vaccines needed on the island. When you have registered, you will be contacted for an appointment time when the date for the clinic is finalized. If you can find another appointment sooner, simply fill out the survey again with your updated status. The CCTT hopes to announce next week the date of the vaccine clinic for islanders, so pleased stay tuned. The next CCTT vaccine clinic for people who received their first vaccine on St. Patrick's Day is April 14. Remember: masks and all COVID safe guidelines will remain in effect. FMI contact the CCTT by text 347-656-7524 or a message at 207-264-0007.
Miss Nancy's Prek - K notes for last few weeks - click here.
March 21, 2021 - The CCTT (Chebeague Covid Testing Team), who have been managing and working with Maine CDC to get all islanders vacinated are hoping everyone will do a short survey. It would be a great help to them if every person living on Chebeague would please do the survey to determine how the island is doing on getting vaccines. Please click here and fill out the survey whether you were vacinated on Chebeague or on the mainland. It will help the CCTT to determine need and island vacination percentage.
Just a reminder that Easter Flowers at the church will be done a bit differently this year. If you have a loved one to honor or to memorialize, please email the church at chebeagueislandumc@gmail.com with their name(s) and who the flowers are from. Attach to your email a picture of flowers - either flowers that you've purchased for your garden this year, or an image of flowers from your favorite Chebeague garden. You may also choose to give a financial contribution in honor or in memory of someone as well. We'll take the names and flowers and turn it into an Easter Garden to remember our loved ones who have passed - and to celebrate the loved ones who are still with us who remind us of love and new life. Deadline for this is Saturday, March 27th.
Click here for a story by Chuck Radis about why he decided to go into the specialty of rheumatoid arthritis. Chuck was the doctor on Chebeague a long time ago.
School Committee Zoom Meeting this Tuesday at 6pm - click here for agenda and zoom information.
Please click here and enjoy the dedicated work of the Chebeague School's 3-5 students in their writing and performing information about the historical figures they researched.
March 19, 2021 - Photo of a Coopers Hawk taken March 19 hanging out over bird feeders - I wonder why? (I do know that it was probably waiting for dinner - We saw one grab a red-bellied woodpecker years ago - we tried to rescue her, but the hawk took her away.)
Please click here for a PRESS RELEASE about the aquisition of two important properties on Chebeague by the Chebeague & Cumberland Land Trust.
Message from May: "Hey folks...reminder the Slow Bell is open this Saturday with lots of yummy specials. Please order asap to make sure you get your favorite! I've also added key lime pie to the desserts...so either coconut cream or key lime will be available!"
The Chebeague Island Library Board of Trustees would like to publicly thank Deb Bowman for her more than 20 years of dedicated service to the Chebeague Library and the Chebeague community; Deb is retiring as Library Director June 1st. She will be missed. We also want to let everyone know that we will be posting for the Library Director position very soon. We encourage island residents to apply.
March 18, 2021 - The CART (Community Advisory Response Team) zoom meeting is today at 4pm - Zoom number is 326 962 753 with password 175989. Remember that the public is invited and are encouraged to take part.
What a fabulous team effort was on display again yesterday at the Rec Ctr. The Cumberland Co PH nurses vaccinated 101 people. Thanks again to David Hill for all the work on the registry. Special thanks to Steve Auffant who runs the Rec with such a big heart, and for the great volunteers: Nancy Hill, Eliza Jane Adams, Kiran Grewal, Jackie Trask, Sarah Hopkins, Ursula King, Erika Neumann, and John Holt. Also, Thank you Justin, for coming to the Rec to say hello and cheer us all on. Click here to see a few photos.
The CCTT is hoping to schedule a vaccine clinic which will be open to all islanders age 18+ as soon as the vaccines are available, likely after May 1 when the guidelines will change. The goal is to have as many people vaccinated as possible by Memorial Day. The type of vaccine will be determined by what is available through the Maine Public Health program. All islanders will be able to register on the survey link which will be made available soon. People must register so the need can be documented. Thank you to all who have supported these efforts!
Message from Melissa: Easter Flowers will be done a bit differently this year at the church. We'll be doing images of flowers from your garden (or your neighbor's or your favorite place on Chebeague!) If you have a loved one to honor or to memorialize, please email the church at chebeagueislandumc@gmail.com with their name(s) and who the flowers are from. Attach to your email a picture of flowers - either flowers that you've purchased for your garden this year, or an image of flowers from your favorite Chebeague garden. We'll take the names and flowers and turn it into an Easter Garden slideshow to remember our loved ones who have passed - and to celebrate the loved ones who are still with us who remind us of love and new life. Deadline for this is Saturday, March 27th. Contact the church office with any questions.
The Slow Bell will be open on March 20.. We will be serving family specials and pizza specials only. When you come in to pick up, please mark off a suggestion on our suggestion board for the next time we open. Also, keep in mind that while we like you to order ahead of time (call or text Cheryl at 233-6603), we can take orders starting at 4 p.m. on Saturday (call 846-3078), though specials may be limited. Our family specials serve 2 people and include: turkey dinner ($25), scallop and shrimp scampi on fettucini ($25), and vegetable tortilla pie ($25), all served with salad and rolls. Our pizza specials include large pizza, fries and salad ($25) or large pizza, fries and mozzarella sticks ($25). Our soup is chicken with barley, served with salad and rolls (serves 4, $25). We'll also have coconut cream pie for dessert ($6/slice). Hope to see you at the Bell!
March 15, 2021 - Beautiful farm eggs for sale $7/doz. Please contact Jen Corson at 415-271-0096, with a text or message or by email: jahoward2@gmail.com. Available through Wednesday only.
Chebeague Covid Testing Team and community partners are offering an on-island Vaccine Clinic on March 17th. We hope to offer more on-island vaccines in the coming weeks and months, and more information will be made available to the island community. In the meantime, if you or someone you know needs assistance off-island getting vaccinated, the DHHS/Maine CDC offers vaccine assistance. See Flyer. Let’s all do our part, get your shot!
Message from the School: There is still time to order your spring flowers and bulbs from the Chebeague Island School Plant Sale!!
This spring CIS has teamed up with Flower Power Fundraising to provide a fun and unique way to support the Prek-5 school kids. This fundraiser will help fund field trips and other fun activities to honor all the kids and their hard work throughout the school year. Flower Power Fundraising offers guaranteed, top quality flowers and bulbs all directly shipped to customers homes. All orders will be done online thru our personalized web store where customers can view the full color catalog. The online store also enables out of state sales so be sure to pass this along to friends and family far and wide!
You can view our online fundraising webstore here!
Or scan the QR code on the flyers with your smartphone! Thank you for supporting CIS kids!
Selectmen's Zoom Meeting Wednesday, March 17, click here for agenda and packet.
March 13, 2021 - Photo of the 23rd annual CRC Polar Plunge - VIDEOs of the plunge.
Click here for a youtube that consists of four videos by different people. CRC's 23rd Annual Polar Plunge. This year we had 17 participants including Casco Haines (Golden Retriever) who raised $75 all by himself! We had the most plungers ever for this event. The plungers included the whole CIS 5th graders; Anna, Riley, Savannah and Esme. We had some regulars including Savannah, Esme, Anna, Alex, Caroline, Nancy Earnest, Erika Neumann and me Bev Johnson. First timers include Tim and Susan Opalenik, Melissa Kagan, Riley, Emma Miller, Kiran Grewal and of course Casco. The whole Loder family plunged this year, Chris, Caroline, Alex, Thaddeus and Savannah! It is never too late to donate for the plungers - click here!
March 12, 2021 - POLAR PLUNGE UPDATE - we had 17 participants: (Casco the dog), Tim and Susan Opalenik, Kiran Grewal, Emma Miller, Melissa Kagan, Nancy Earnest, Erika Neumann, Riley Adamaitis, Anna Waseniu, Esme Col, Bev Johnson and ALL the Loders (Caroline, Chris, Savannah, Alex and Thaddeus) Don't forget to sign the waiver form and try to get $25 in pledges. I will have waivers there if you forget.
DONT FORGET: Tomorrow, after the Polar Plunge at 11 you can pick up a container od one or two of your favorite CHILI, CHOWDER AND SOUP at the Rec at 11:30. If you are trying to make a donation for someone plunging you can click on the donation page and when you get to the end of your donation at memo who the pledge is for.
NOTICE: the Transfer Station will be closed tomorrow from 9am to noon due to unforeseen circumstances.
Message from the CUMC Ad Council: Dear Community Members near and far, We are inviting you to participate in a very brief survey to help us choose the new name of our church. The survey will take less than a minute to complete. Please note this doesn’t mean this is the final answer but will help us check in to the sense of our community.
Please complete the survey by Friday, March 19th @ 9pm.
This is a very exciting time for our church and we thank you for participating! CUMC Ad Council, Trustees and Co-Chairs Gloria Brown & Rochelle Rice
MacBeth Announces Its 2021 Music Season. The MacBeth Steering Committee is delighted to announce its line-up for the summer, featuring Chebeague favorites Tyler Putnam and Sarah Nordin, the Novel Jazz Septet, Seaside Brass and the Halcyon String Quartet. Because of the uncertainties associated with Covid-19, it will be an abbreviated season with three outdoor concerts and one streamed program and will be back-loaded into August and September. Click here for the schedule. We can’t wait to see you there!
4th of July Parade: The Council has received some great ideas for this year's Parade Theme. However, the chance to add your suggestions is almost over.The deadline for submissions is Friday March 19. Please send your suggestions to the Council at chebeagueislandcouncil@gmail.com. Remember, whoever submits the winning suggestion gets a private shopping experience at School House Seconds. Let the celebration begin!
The Town is setting up 2 new committees. 1 is a new look at Broadband and the other is to evaluate facilities and develop recommendations re: the EMS and Town Office space needs. The Broadband is timely because the stimulus bill that was just passed has $100,000,000 earmarked for Maine. For more information check out the Town Website, call the town office or talk to a member of the Selectboard.
Deadline to apply for these committees is Monday March 15. We need you! Click here to apply.
March 11, 2021 - Photo by Jon Rich sunset the hook on March 11th.
POLAR PLUNGE - I just updated the Polar Plunge website that was missing the last five years - click here. I did find a video of last year and attached it. So far I have 11 plungers and I want more - we had 15 two years ago.
Message from Kim Boehm: As part of my continuing efforts to protect Chebeagues aquifer, I will continue to remove junk vehicles, oil tanks, and non ferrous metals.. Because of a change in the scrap market I can remove non driving vehicles at a lower rate than before. As always, vehicles that can be safely driven on and off the barge, will be removed for free. Id also like to thank all who have been supportive of my efforts, especially CTC for their continued assistance... Contact me at 846 2468 for details. Thanks,
March 10, 2021 - VAX CLINIC BACK ON ST PATTY’S DAY! - On March 17th, the Cumberland County Public Health Nurses will be back! They will begin immunizing people over age 60, as well as educational staff, after they give the second Moderna dose to islanders over 70 yrs who were vaccinated at the Rec last month. While it is hoped they will be bringing the Johnson & Johnson vaccine for the next round, the nurses report they will not know until 3/15 which vaccine will be used for the 60+ group. But remember, all vaccines are considered excellent, and the more our community is vaccinated, the less chance there is for the new variants to spread. Also, as the pandemic rules are relaxed, being vaccinated will afford people greater ability to reunite and socialize. After vaccination, the CDC guidance states it is safe to meet with other vaccinated people in small groups, and even attend indoor dining rooms, museums and events. So come get your very own vaccine card! Sign up NOW for the March 17th clinic here. The sign up closes Sunday night 3/14 at midnight.
POLAR PLUNGE - this Saturday at 11am - So far besides myself we have Kiran Grewal, Emma Miller, Melissa Kagan, Nancy Earnest, Erika Neumann, Riley Adamaitis, Anna Waseniu, Esme Cole and ALL the Loders (Caroline, Chris, Savannah, Alex and Thadeus)! Click here to go to the Rec Center website and donate for the plungers or sign up yourself. Let me know so I can add your name!
I have boxes and boxes of slides from years past and I decided to get an inexpensive slide digitizer and have started to go through them. I have started with our Outdoor Adventure hikes from 1993 and have also added links to them on this page below under 1993. Through the rec program with a grant from The Recompense Foundation (now the Fund) we took 3rd and 4th graders to the Appalachian Mountain Hut Lonesome Lake - click here to see. The next week we took 5th, 6th and 7th graders to the AMC Zealand Falls - click here to see.
Miss Nancy's Pre-K - Kindergarten for the past 2 weeks - click here!
March 8, 2021 - I have added the last two Selectmen's Zoom Meetings to the Selectmen's Audio page.
The Board of Selectmen Budget meeting scheduled for Wednesday, March 10th has been postponed to a date yet to be determined.
School Committee Zoom Meeting Tuesday night at 6pm - click here for agenda and sign in information.
Don't miss the next Ellsworth Miller Lecture Series! Monday March 8 at 7 on zoom 829 6247 6056. Earle Shettleworth will talk about the Great Portland Fire of 1866 and its impact on the city at the time as well as the built landscape that we see in Portland today.
March 6, 2021 - POLAR PLUNGE - People are asking and yes I am going to do it again this year. Would love to get donations for Jumping into the warm waters of Casco Bay. This will be the 23rd year and I have done them all except 2 I think. If you are planning on doing it please contact me and I will put your name on the list of plungers - I think the weather will be warm on March 13th at 11am. The tide will be too high for a fire I think but we do need to keep our distance from each other until next year when we can hold hands an run in together. I will get someone to broadcast the event to keep spectators safe so tune in if you wish!
Kids Place is so wonderful - Every week the parents of Kids' Place, have been receiving this update of the week's progress at KP. The message and photos are so positive that they have decided to share these updates on a regular basis. Please click the link: This Week at Kids' Place - Message & Photos
Message from Melissa: Take a moment to stop, breathe, and contemplate Art and Scripture together in this contemplative practice of Visio Divina. In our Lent Series of Cultivating and Letting Go, we can cultivate new ways to experience the Divine speaking through us as we use words and images together to discover their meaning for us. We have two sessions planned: Tuesday, March 9th at 4 PM and Saturday, March 13th at 10 AM. Zoom link for both is https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8152000968?pwd=d3pMc051dTFLT3ZkcFlldWJTTmNTZz09. Please email Melissa at ml.yosuadavis@gmail.com to indicate your interest in attending one or both of these sessions to assist in planning!
Chebeague Recreation Center
A sneak peak of our 13 delicious Chili, Chowder and Soup recipes available after next week's Polar Plunge on Sat - March 13th: All items are available at the Rec for Takeout Service Only.
On the Menu - Chili, Chowder, & Soup - $5 Per Container
March 4, 2021 - Photo I found today of our transportation in 1974, Chesuncook. It was truly scary in rough weather but it did go through the ice. Cap Leonard sent me some photos of them getting the Chesuncook ready - click here to see. His father Cliff Leonard is in them.
GREAT NEWS!! CCLT closed on its acquisition of Littlefield Woods today. Because of COVID restrictions, the Bisharats signed at their attorney’s office and documents were then brought to the CCLT office in Cumberland to be signed by our Executive Director, Chris Cabot, thereby finalizing the project. Penny Asherman and Diane Lukac were present to celebrate this important event. The Woods are now permanently protected from development. CCLT thanks the CCLT Board, all donors and the Bisharats for making this happen. Donna Damon and Bev Johnson also played important roles. Because of you. we have preserved in perpetuity this important forest. More to come on how the property will be managed over the coming months!
The CART (Community Advisory Response Team) zoom meeting is today at 4pm - Zoom number is 326 962 753 with password 175989. Remember that the public is invited and are encouraged to take part.
March 3, 3021 - Photo by Bill Danielson taken March 3rd.
Message from the CRC: - This week we are finalizing our list of cooks please register if you can help!
Chili, Chowder, & Soup Cooks Needed!
Saturday March 13th - Rec Center
Polar Plunge & Chili, Chowder & Soup Sale
Please Click Here to Register as a Cook!
The SAILING SCHOOL is open for registration at Www.chebeaguesailing.com.
March 2, 2021 - GOOD NEWS: Cumberland County Public Health Nurses are returning on March 17 to give the second dose of the Moderna Vaccine. More exciting, they have agreed to vaccinate residents over 60 years of age. They will be administering the new Johnson & Johnson vaccine which is the most effective in preventing death from COVID-19. It only requires one shot and you are done. If you haven’t already signed up for a vaccination, please do so ASAP so we can be sure to get enough vaccine. Sign up on Chebeague websites: Chebeague Island COVID-19 Registry. — if you already signed up last month you are still signed up. if you want assistance signing up, call Nancy Hill. 846-4126 and she will enter your information.
Message from May: The Slow Bell will be open NEXT on March 13. We will be serving family specials and pizza specials only. When you come in to pick up, please mark off a suggestion on our suggestion board for the next time we open. Also, keep in mind that while we like you to order ahead of time (call or text Cheryl at 233-6603), we can take orders starting at 4 p.m. on Saturday (call 846-3078), though specials will be limited. Our family specials serve 2 people and include: corned beef and cabbage ($25), chicken marsala with mashed potatoes ($25), and shrimp kabobs with peppers, onions and tomatoes on rice ($25), all served with salad and rolls. Our pizza specials include large pizza, fries and salad ($25) or large pizza, fries and mozzarella sticks ($25). Our soup is smoked pork green chili with blackbeans, served with salad and rolls (serves 4, $25). We'll also have shamrock icebox cake for dessert ($6/slice). Hope to see you at the Bell!
March 1, 2021 - Chebeague Island School is having a Plant Sale!
This spring CIS has teamed up with Flower Power Fundraising to provide a fun and unique way to support the Prek-5 school kids. This fundraiser will help fund field trips and other fun activities to honor all the kids and their hard work throughout the school year. Flower Power Fundraising offers guaranteed, top quality flowers and bulbs all directly shipped to customers homes. All orders will be done online thru our personalized web store where customers can view the full color catalog. The online store also enables out of state sales so be sure to pass this along to friends and family far and wide! You can view our online fundraising webstore here! Thank you for supporting CIS kids!
Selectmen's Zoom Meeting, Wednesday, March 3rd, 6pm - click here for agenda and packet. Click here for the Audio from the last Selectmen meeting on February 17th.
February 27, 2021 - THE COVID-19 SURVEY IS GOING LIVE AGAIN AS WE PREPARE FOR THE NEXT ROUND OF VACCINATIONS The Town of Chebeague Island is gathering information about residents who would like to receive COVID-19 vaccinations. Please visit Chebeague Island COVID-19 Registry as soon as possible to register for possible vaccinations on Island. Completing this survey does not guarantee that you or a family member will receive a COVID-19 vaccine on Chebeague. All responses will be held confidential. If you have already registered there is no need to register again.
Sunday is right around the corner! The Food Pantry is open from 11:30 - 1. The plan is to have it open the same hours through March. If you have any questions or need anything off hours please contact Denise. To make a donation you can stop by on Sunday or you may go to the CUMC website and click the Donate button which is posted below:
Donate CUMC Food Pantry
Our email is chebundance@gmail.com
February 25, 2021 - Message from the Wellness Center: Dr. Larson will NOT be here this Friday, February 26th.
Though it has taken some special considerations and planning this year, the Chebeague Rec Center will be holding this year's Polar Bear Plunge and Chili, Chowder, & Soup Sale on Saturday, March 13. The plunge will take place at 11am at the Boatyard. Plungers are looking for sponsors, so please give generously! At 11:30 am, the Rec will also continue the chili, chowder, and soup tradition with a special pick-up and takeout service. We will announce our famous Chebeague cooks soon! $5 takeout cups will be available on a first come, first serve basis. Please stop by and select several of your favorite flavors.
If you want more info, or want to be one of this year's amazing polar plungers, go to chebeaguerec.com.
How can our coast be more resilient to climate change? Join us online at noon on Wednesday, March 3 as Casco Baykeeper Ivy Frignoca and special guest, Marine Geologist Peter Slovinsky from Maine Geological Survey, share a special presentation on how Maine’s coast can be resilient to climate change. Grab your lunch and join them online! Click here to register.
Message from May: The Slow Bell will open for take-out only from 5 to 8 this Saturday, 2/27/2021. We will ONLY be serving pizza and dinner specials. These will include pulled pork with beans and slaw, white meat chicken and dumplings, or eggplant parm casserole (each serves 2) $25, large cheese, veg or pepperoni pizza with fries and salad OR with fries and cheese sticks $25, and tomato soup with grilled cheese croutons (serves 4) $25. We will also have apple crisp with vanilla ice cream $6. Dinner and Soup Specials come with salad and rolls. CASH OR CHECK ONLY PLEASE. To order ahead, call or text Cheryl Hillicoss 207.233.6603 and leave a message BY FRIDAY. Same day orders will be taken but supply is limited. Call 846.3078 after 4 p.m.
February 24, 2021 -
- click here for flyer. Click here for information on how to set up your computer/phone for a music night zoom.
Meeting ID: 875 0529 4441
Passcode: 047355
The March CTC newsletter is now up and available by clicking here. The March and April assistance/low tide cancellation schedules are posted as well.
February 23, 2021 - From CUMC: Sunday, February 21st, members of the Chebeague United Methodist Church met with District Superintendent Karen Munson and officially voted to disaffiliate from the United Methodist Church denomination. This was a large step forward for a small church. Next, we will negotiate our exit with the New England Annual Conference which actually holds our assets (including buildings) in trust for the denomination. For additional information, please visit www.chebeagueumc.org/disaffiliation.html.
VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES- 2021 -The Board of Selectmen are seeking volunteers for the following committee vacancies:
Broadband Committee: 5 people needed, term to expire in June 2022.
Building Facility Committee Ad Hoc: 3 people needed to fill this committee.
For more information, contact the Town Office at 846-3148. To apply, submit a letter of interest and application, which are available on the Town website under “volunteer opportunities”, or at the Town Office. Deadline to submit an application is Friday, March 12, 2021.
Board of Selectmen are having a Budget Workshop-Non-Profits and Capital Expenditures this Saturday, February 27th at 9:00AM via Zoom - click here for the packet. Zoom number is 326 962 753 with password 175989.
Miss Nancy's PreK and K Reflections from 2/8 - 2/12 - click here.
February 21, 2021 - From CUMC: Sunday, February 21st at 1 PM is a special charge conference to vote on our relationship with the greater United Methodist Church. All professing members are welcome to vote; anyone from the community is welcome to attend. For more information and for meeting access info, visit www.chebeagueumc.org/disaffiliation.html.
School Committee Meeting this Tuesday at 6pm, February 23 - see agenda.
February 18, 2021 - Photos from the Covid Vaccination Day on Chebeague for 70 year olds and older.
Kids' Place is looking for an Assistant Child Care Teacher. Please reach out to Steve Auffant (846-5068) at CRC with any questions. Click here for the Job information. Click here to apply online. Click here to go to the Chebeague & Cumberland Land Trust to see more about Littlefield Woods and Sanford's Pond. There is a cool video by Jodi and Quinn Federle of the view from the top of the trees in Littlefield Woods.
Message from May: The Slow Bell is looking for kitchen, bar and take-out staff to help with our 2021 summer season. Preference will be given to people who can be flexible or work multiple positions. Looking for independent workers who can take direction and complete tasks. Compensation includes wages and tips, uniform, shift meals, and worker discounts. We are expecting to open in mid-May, We have a covid plan in place and have shields and masks for daily use. Interested in helping us move towards a successful 2021 season? Call or email May Hall (332.2368 or maywicca@gmail.com).
The CART (Community Advisory Response Team) zoom meeting is today at 4pm - Zoom number is 326 962 753 with password 175989. Remember that the public is invited and are encouraged to take part.
Grant Opportunity - Once again the Casco Bay Islands Alliance is offering a few small grants in support of projects that benefit Casco Bay Island communities. Applicants must be a non-profit organization or, if not, must partner with a non-profit organization that will act as a fiscal agent for the applicant. CBIA is most interested in projects that address environmental, historical, and/or educational needs as well as public safety and quality of life. During this difficult time CBIA will also consider projects that focus on covid related needs.
The deadline for submitting requests is March 20, 2021. To obtain an application please check www.cbialliance.net or contact the grant program
manager Kim MacIsaac at 207-766-5514 or thegooseleroy@gmail.com.
The CART (Community Action Response team) Subcommittee on Covid Vaccination would like to thank the CDC nurses from Cumberland County for coming to Chebeague 2/17 to provide vaccinations on Chebeague at the Recreation Center. Thanks to a host of CART volunteers, the first Covid Vaccine clinic in Tier 1B (which prioritizes the vaccination of citizens over age 70) went off without a hitch. Gail Jenkins received the first vaccine of the day. While two nurses provided the second dose for the residents of the Island Commons and multiple critical team members of the Rescue and Fire Department in Tier 1A, three extra nurses came to provide dose #1 for a long list of residents over age 70 at the Chebeague Recreation Center. The nurses reported that “This was the best run vaccine clinic ever.” The CART committee was grateful that the lead CDC Nurse was able to obtain a few extra doses (though we wish it could have been more) to provide the first vaccination to a few more critical infrastructure workers as these doses became available. The nurses chose these workers based on CDC criteria for prioritization. Thank you to the Town as well as a long list of volunteers and non-profit organizations who made this effort a success.
Click here for a message from the CCLT to theLittlefield Woods supporters! They have reached and exceeded their goal to purchase the woods and for long term stewardship as well as other protections for Chebeague.
February 17, 2021 - Photo by Jon Rich of icy sunset February 17th.
Selectmen's meeting tonight - see agenda and packet.
February 16, 2021 - Unfortunately we are having an icestorm this morning - don't forget to wear your cleats or stay home.
Message from the CTC: CTC bus service is suspended at least through the noon trip today (2/16). We will give an update early this afternoon as to when service will resume. Rt. 1 customers may park at the Cousins lot if necessary.
February 15, 2021 - Message from CTC: Due to predicted heavy snow/freezing rain tomorrow (2/16), bus service may be suspended. Will update in the morning. Ferry cancellations are not anticipated at this time.
For those of you who are interested in the lives of coyotes, click here for a facinating educational study by the Coyote Lady, Janet Kessler, of SanFrancisco and the coyotes of the area. I found it to be really interesting and learned a lot. Thank you to Claire Ellis who shared it with me. About 26 minutes into the presentation she shows lots of vocalization.
February 14, 2021 - Regrettably, the golf course is closed to motorized vehicles until further notice. The club has become increasingly concerned about the damage to the course that snowmobiles, four-wheelers and other motorized conveyances can cause. We continue to welcome cross-country skiing and snowshoeing. Thanks for your understand and cooperation.
Sanford's Pond will be open for ice skating today, Sunday February 14, from 12:30-4:30pm. Ice skating and skates are free! Please remember to wear a mask and remain socially distanced.
Beth & Jeff Putnam, will monitor the outdoor fire ring, have snacks, and will be sharpening skates. Also stop by and say Hi to Miss Emily from Kids' Place she will be on the ice with her family!
Please check the Rec's website daily as additional adult volunteer monitors are needed, and additional skate times will be added
Message from Melissa: For those who were unable to attend CUMC's public forum on the 13th about the church's upcoming vote to disaffiliate from the United Methodist Church, there is a recording available here. If you wish to listen to the audio only, you can access that file here.
Our vote is scheduled for Sunday, February 21st at 1 PM via Zoom. Due to the bylaws of the United Methodist Church, this vote is for members only (you can check your membership status by contacting the church office at chebeagueislandumc@gmail.com). We know, however, that this decision impacts the whole community and we value your input and feedback. You can read more about why we are making this vote, as well as take a brief survey for your thoughts, at http://www.chebeagueumc.org/disaffiliation.html.
I have uploaded the latest Selectmen's Budget Workshop from February 3rd - click here or click on Selectmens Audios above where you can go back and listen to any of the meetings.
I finally have uploaded the video of the January 20th Selectmen's Meeting where at 1 hour and 8 minutes into the meeting Bob Earnest talks about the new digital mapping tool that the town has access to and then comes back at 1:33:40 with the visual demonstration.
February 12, 2021 - Rec Center - Ice Skating Update
- Sanford's Pond will be open for ice skating today, Friday February 12, from 3-5pm. Ice skating and skates are free! Please remember to wear a mask and remain socially distanced.
A special time tonight is reserved for "Adults" Open Skating & Hockey at 6:30pm.
Please check the Recs website daily as additional adult volunteer monitors are needed, and additional skate times will be added!
Congratulations to Michael Hollander who has been honored with a one million dollar endowed directorship at McLean Hospital - click here to read all about it.
February 11, 2021 - For those who missed Donna's Historical Society program "The Place WE Call Home" you can click here to see it or see it again. (I will upload the presentation again as only the first part seems to be working - the problem was with my own Safari that is outdated.)
The Chebeague Rec Center is hosting a second paint and sip event on February 25 at 7pm. In this casual online class, an instructor will lead you through painting a winter scene. We'll send you all the supplies you need. We welcome all skill levels - no painting experience necessary! Learn more and register at chebeaguerec.com.
A reminder to all Axiom customers that I am always available to answer questions and concerns when they arise if you are not able to get in touch with Axiom support. They are very busy with lots of projects and sometimes are unable to answer questions. Please remember you can call my cell 939-9643 or text me and I will get back to you as soon as am able. It doesn't matter if it is the evening or weekends because sometimes it is easier for me to deal with problems at those times. I am able to check and see if you are getting the connection you are supposed to and sometimes a problem may be a line issue going back to the DSLAM at the North Road and sometimes it is just a bad modem/router.
February 10, 2021 - Click here for a message from the Justin Poirier, the Town Administrator in order to update the island on vaccines for Chebeague.
ZOOM WORKSHOP MARCH 3 AT NOON EASTERN TIME Join us online at noon on March 3 as Casco Baykeeper Ivy Frignoca and special guest, Marine Geologist Peter Slovinsky from Maine Geological Survey, share a special presentation on how Maine’s coast can be resilient to climate change. MGS has been very helpful in expanding the mapping and monitoring some of the shores and beaches of Chebeague. Learn more and sign up at https://www.cascobay.org/how-can-our-coast-be-more-resilient-to-climate-change/
February 9, 2021 - Click here for a letter from the Maine CDC that our local Health Oficer, Anita Anderson has asked to post.
The Chebeague Rec Center needs volunteers for a snow-clearing party at Sanford's Pond to get ready for ice skating this season, now that the ice is thick enough! Join us at the pond tomorrow, Feb 10, at 3pm to help out. We have plenty of shovels to go around. Thank you in advance!
February 8, 2021 - Photo - Stone Wharf 1959 - click here to see the NellieG landing at the end of the float.
Don't Forget Tonight! The Place WE Call Home. Illustrated with photographs from the CIHS Collection, Donna Damon will discuss the Chebeague's early history and how the island's economy has evolved.
Zoom: 829 6247 6056 All are welcome. Spread the word!
Every year island students make it possible to send a Valentine’s treat to your island sweetheart. This year we’re going to keep with tradition and arrange a box of shortbread and fudge with a single rose. When you place your order please include your personal message and we’ll fashion a nice card on your behalf. As always, the proceeds from this fundraiser support the kids of the island school. Email orders and your personal message to Caroline@Loder.com by February 10.
NOTE: When your order is received you will get an email confirmation. If you don't receive a confirmation, please call me at 207-607-0822.
The Slow Bell will open for take-out only from 5 to 8 this Saturday, 2/13/2021. We will ONLY be serving pizza and dinner specials. These will include stuffed pork roast with mashed, coc au vin with mashed, or crab stuffed haddock with rice (each serves 2) $25, large cheese, veg or pepperoni pizza with fries and salad OR with fries and cheese sticks $25, and corn chowder (serves 4) $25. We will also have a duet of cupcakes (1 vanilla with raspberry filling/one choc with ganache) $6. Dinner and Soup Specials come with salad and rolls. CASH OR CHECK ONLY PLEASE. To order ahead, call or text Cheryl Hillicoss 207.233.6603 and leave a message BY FRIDAY. Same day orders will be taken but supply is limited. Call 846.3078 after 4 p.m. Treat your sweetheart to a delicious meal!
Click here for PreK-K Reflections from Miss Nancy.
DON'T BE FOOLED - like I was. Don't answer quickly to any email you get. There are a couple of spams going around. For one that I got fooled on was a friend asking if I was available to help with a problem? I answered very quickly "sure" without looking at the address from the email that was supposed to be my friend. It was not my friends email address. Another friend who answered with a telephone number back got a call right away offering some fake deal. The other scam I just received was an email saying that if I didn't respond to the email about getting a Covid vaccine, my email account would be cancelled. Don't believe these and check the email address to see if it is real. The one I just got said it was from armforce.live.
February 6, 2021 - REMINDER: The Town of Chebeague Island is gathering information about residents who would like to receive COVID-19 vaccinations. Please visit Chebeague Island COVID-19 Census SUNDAY or MONDAY to register for possible vaccinations on Island. All responses will be held confidential. Please know that due to supply shortages of vaccine, not everyone will be able to receive vaccine immediately.
Donna Damon will give the Historical Society's next Ellsworth Miller Lecture On Monday February 8 at 7:00 on Zoom.
The topic will be: Chebeague Island - The Place WE Call Home. Illustrated with photographs from the CIHS Collection, Donna will discuss the Chebeague's early history and how the island's economy has evolved.
Zoom: 829 6247 6056 All are welcome. Spread the word!
Click here for the Casco Bay Ferry February Newsletter.
From Bill Danielson: Here’s January’s weather summary at 66 North Road. A dry month, and a mild one for temperatures except for the final three days. We have no long-term records for comparison (yet!), but Portland averaged 5.5 degrees above its long-term normal, which is probably about the same for us. Heating degree days also were less than the long-term normal, reflecting the milder temps. (January 2020 on Chebeague actually averaged 3.3 degrees warmer than this year.) Click here to see the numbers.
Congrtulations to Luke Rothschild who was feature in ShoutoutLA - click here to see.
February 4, 2021 - I have been asked to share that B J underwent a surgical procedure to repair a congenital aortic valve issue. The surgery was successful and he is grateful for healing thoughts being sent his way.
"The Town of Chebeague Island is gathering information about residents who would like to receive COVID-19 vaccinations. Please visit Chebeague Island COVID-19 Census as soon as possible to register for possible vaccinations on Island. Completing this survey does not guarantee that you or a family member will receive a COVID-19 vaccine on Chebeague.. All responses will be held confidential." Please fill out the survey even if you have already had the vaccine.
Message from the Church: Chebeague UMC has information and a brief survey about our upcoming vote around disaffiliation from the United Methodist Church. There will be a public forum on Saturday, February 13th at 10 AM via Zoom. Our charge conference vote is Sunday, February 21st at 1 PM vai Zoom. Information for accessing can be found at the website: http://www.chebeagueumc.org/disaffiliation.html.
Kids' Place - Assistant Daycare Provider - Position Open - Now Hiring - click here to apply on JOB LINK.
Click here for link on CHEBWEB for "Here Comes the Sun" It's time to sing event on zoom Feburary 27th at 7pm.
February 3, 2021 - Now that winter has returned, the golf club reminds folks that we are happy that the course is used for winter activities, such as snowmobiling and cross country skiing. We ask, though, that you avoid the greens and tees when you are on the course. The snowmobiles especially could do significant damage to them. We are grateful for your cooperation. Please let Carl Tubbesing, Cary Espeaignette or Mike Hamilton know if you have any questions. Thanks very much.
This coming Saturday at 9am is a Town Zoom budget workshop on Department Budgets. the Nonprofit and Capital Expenditures workshop will be February 27th.
The Town of Chebeague agenda for the meeting tonight has been updated - click here to see. The packet has also been updated - click here to see.
The CART (Community Advisory Response Team) zoom meeting is tomorrow at 4pm - Zoom number is 326 962 753 with password 175989. Remember that the public is invited and are encouraged to take part.
Message from May: "The Slow Bell will open for take-out only from 5 to 8 this Saturday, 2/6/2021. We will ONLY be serving pizza and dinner specials. These will include shrimp scampi, chicken pot pie, OR penne pasta with feta and roasted grape tomatoes (each serves 2) $25, large cheese, veg or pepperoni pizza with fries and salad OR with fries and cheese sticks $25, and turkey soup (serves 4) $25. We will also have berry cobbler and chocolate cake for $6 each. Dinner and Soup Specials come with salad and rolls. CASH OR CHECK ONLY PLEASE. To order ahead, call or text 332.2368 and leave a message BY FRIDAY. Same day orders will be taken but supply is limited. Call 846.3078 after 4 p.m. We will also be open Saturday, February 13th if you want us to make a nice Valentine's weekend meal for your sweetheart! Watch for our posting on Monday!"
February 1, 2021 - Due to predicted heavy snow and strong winds, cancellation of CTC bus service tomorrow (February 2) is likely. Cancellation of ferry service is possible. CTC will update tomorrow morning.
Message from Ann Thaxter and the cemetery committee:" Please do not ride snowmobiles in the cemetery. With the new deep snow many of the flat stones are hidden. Enjoy the cemetery with a peaceful walk around. Thank you."
Click here to see Miss Nancy's PreK and K Reflections from 1/24-1/29!
Click here to see Miss Nancy's PreK and K Reflections from 1/18 - 1/22!
January 31, 2021 - Photo - photo taken January 31st by Jon Rich down at the Hook.
School Committee Meeting this coming Tuesday, February 2nd at 6pm - see agenda.
Selectmen's meeting is Wednesday, February 3rd at 6pm - see agenda and packet. To hear the last Selectmen's meeting click here. I still haven't uploaded the video of the meeting but will sometime.
January 28, 2021 - It has been over 40 years since I got my first Rubik's Cube and worked on solving it. I loved the challenge and now I love the challenge of remembering all the steps I took to solve it so I decided to make a movie "How to with Bev" on my youtube channel to teach anyone to solve it in a few simple formulas. I am now trying to learn other methods that you can find online. I know what you are all thinking - haven't I got better things to do? The answer is yes!
Click here to take the two question survey monkey asking residents and non residents about the creation of a Town committee to evaluate improved internet options for Chebeague. The online survey will close on February 15.
Click here for a letter from State of Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation & Forestry about the significantly detected populations of Browntail Moth .
January 27, 2021 - Website - photo of the Rosette Nebula by Kevin Wentworth! You have to go to his Skywatchers Facebook page and experience the photo in 3D and see all the rest of his fantastic photos.
Click here to see the results of the Town Referendum vote.
Thank you note from Lynda & Gary Oderda: "We were very pleased to hear that our Mother (and Mother-in-Law) Joan Deming received the Covid vaccine at the Commons. We would like to thank everyone involved in making it happen including Amy Rich, Christina Skillin and the Covid testing team for all their help. It is comforting to know that the residents and staff are on their way to being protected. We would also like to thank Amy and the staff at the Commons for everything they have done in providing care and a safe environment for residents. Given the challenges, it is wonderful that not a single resident at the Commons has become Covid positive due to their diligence. We also greatly appreciate the help that many, including the CTC crew, have provided in getting Joan to her medical appointments."
January 26, 2021 - When you vote today there is a two question survey you can take that is outside the voting area. Click here to print one out and fill it in if you wish.
A reminder to everyone on the island that Otto's Pizza delivers right to Chebeague every Wednesday. They bring all the pizzas, drinks, sallads and food over on the CTC boat and all you have to do is make up your order and then pick it up on the wharf. They set up shop at the Stone Wharf from 3pm-3:30pm. Click here to go to chebweb.com and see how to get yourself a meal on Wednesdays.
VOTE TODAY - 8 to 8 at the hall. Click here to see the warrant.
January 24, 2021 - cover Photo - of the Final Dredging report for the Stone Wharf and related documents. Click here or on the photo for the final report.
Vote Tuesday January 26th - 8 to 8 at the Hall.
Maine Sunday Portland Press Herald has a long article about the problem we all have on Chebeague about access to the wharf at low tides and the efforts by the town to get dredging done soon. Click here for the article. For the final report click here.
January 22, 2021 - Message from the CTC: The Independence will undergo her annual safety inspection on Monday, January 25'th. CTC doesn't anticipate any service interruptions, but there is a possibility the 10am/10:15am trip may be delayed.
With wonderful assistance from a team from Public Health Nursing of the Maine Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Commons residents and staff all received their first round of COVID vaccinations on Wednesday. In all, 32 vaccinations were administered. Because a few extra doses were available in this lot, and the CDC deemed them eligible under state guidelines, four members of the CTC crew, four island volunteer firefighters and Jackie Trask of the Chebeague Covid Testing Team also were vaccinated. Here, Commons resident Bill Overlock gets his shot. All went smoothly and everyone is doing well. After months of lockdown and nonstop concerns about the safety of residents and staff, Commons administrator Amy Rich reported that Wednesday "was a goose bump day.”
January 21, 2021 - The CART (Community Advisory Response Team) zoom meeting is today at 4pm - Zoom number is 326 962 753 with password 175989.
The Planning Board and the Town have set up a new online viewer for a range of maps related to the Town of Chebeague Island. You can use the Viewer at this link: http://bit.ly/ChebeagueGIS We’ll hold a public workshop via Zoom meeting on Thursday, Jan 28 at 630pm to introduce the Viewer, and to answer any questions from Chebeaguers far and wide. Zoom meeting ID: 821 3803 5206; passcode 281889.
January 20, 2021 - Click here for last weeks Public Hearing on the Referendum that is coming up next week.
Reminder from the Town of Chebeague: There will be Special Town Referendum voting on January 26, 2021 from 8:00AM to 8:00PM at the Chebeague Island Hall. Absentee Ballots are available at the Town Office. If you have any questions, or would like a ballot please call the Town Office 846-3148.
Yesterday Donna had a voice of the people letter in the Portland Press Herald about the inaugurations. I was so happy to be able to go with Donna for both of Obama's inaugurations and we had a fabulous time. Click here to see the letter. If it hadn't been for the Coronavirus we would have been there today.
From the Council: There is still a lot of confusion about where, who, when, and how to get the COVID vaccine. The Maine CDC is moving through the various eligible groups as quickly as possible. The Council volunteers are available to help provide transportation for those Islanders who need help getting to their appointment. Please call the Council office, 846-4988. If we are not there, please leave a message with your name, best number to reach you, and we will call you back. If you or a family member are unable to leave the Island, please call and we can work with your doctor to help arrange a way for you to get vaccinated.
Tonight is the Selecmen's Zoom Meeting at 6 pm - click here to see the agenda and packet for the meeting.
January 19, 2021 - If you are 70 or older call this number if you would like to set up an appointment for the Covid Vaccine. They will call you back within 3 hrs. Keep trying if you don't get that message. Several people on the island already have appointments so this is real. They will give you several locations where you can go. The new number 877-780-7545.
Message from May: "The Slow Bell will open for take-out only from 5 to 8 this Saturday, 1/23/2021. We will ONLY be serving pizza and dinner specials. These will include pot roast OR turkey dinner (serves 2) $25, spanikopita (serves 2) $25, large cheese or pepperoni pizza with fries and salad OR with fries and cheese sticks $25, and haddock chowder (serves 4) $25. We will also have blueberry bread pudding and chocolate cake for $6 each. Dinners (except pizza) come with salad and rolls. CASH OR CHECK ONLY PLEASE. To order ahead, call or text 332.2368 and leave a message BY FRIDAY. Same day orders will be taken but supply is limited. Call 846.3078 after 4 p.m. Thanks!"
January 18, 2021 - School Committee Zoom Meeting is Tuesday, January 19th at 6pm - see agenda and meeting information.
January 17, 2021 - The Chebeague UMC invites the Chebeague Community near and far to join together on Tuesday, January 19th at 5:30 PM ET for a national moment of unity and remembrance. The Presidential Inaugural Committee has announced this event to renew our commitment to come together as one nation and to honor those who have lost their lives to COVID-19. Cities and towns around the country have been invited to join Washington, D.C. in illuminating buildings and ringing church bells.
Our church will ring the historic Meneely Bell, installed when the narthex and steeple were added to the church in the early 20th century. The bell will be rung for each family member or friend of those in our island community who has lost their life due to COVID-19. Please call or email Melissa Yosua-Davis at 207-846-4106 or chebeagueislandUMC@gmail.com to have the bell rung for your loved one.
Also, please join us by turning on your porch light, ringing a bell, lighting a candle, or however you wish to honor those who are no longer with us and to commit to coming together to end the pandemic and heal our nation.
Click here to see the letter from the Selectmen to the Corp of Engineers. Go to Chebweb to see a letter from Eamonn!
Click here to see PreK and K Reflections from January 4-15 for Miss Nancy's room.
The next CART Meeting is Thursday Jan 21 4 pm Zoom. The zoom meeting is always the town Zoom account. Zoom number is 326 962 753 with password 175989.
January 15, 2021 - Photo - of a closeup of part of the dredging area. Click here to see the whole pdf from the Army Corp of Engineers. Click here to see a closeup of the dredging notes. The town is waiting for the updated information.
Click here to see the Chebeague Island School winter Newsletter.
Click here to see AMAZING scholarship opportunities for middle school and high school students from the Island Institute!
Click here to see the letter that was sent to the Army Corp from the Chebeague Transportation Company.
January 14, 2021 - For those who missed the CIHS program with Earle Shettleworth on Monday or who would like to see and/or listen to the program again, I have uploaded them. Click here for the video and audio and here for just the audio.
Message from Melissa: From CUMC: In observance of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., on Sunday, January 17th, the church will be focusing on excerpts from his Letter from a Birmingham Jail. Join us at 10 AM on Sunday via Zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/308728697?pwd=RW1YdkpFUzZtZitWY0RXdDhManZOQT09. Bring a candle and elements for communion (bread or cracker and water or juice) to participate.
Pastor, Chebeague United Methodist Church
Click here for an article in the Forcaster about the Slow Bell Cafe and May Hall's efforts to keeping it operating.
January 13, 2020 - Message from Donna: Here is background information related to the dredging of the Stone Wharf channel. We hope to see you on the Town Zoom tonight at 6.
Tonight Public Hearing about the dredging project and the other other warrant articles on January 13 at 6 on the Town’s Zoom.
The Chebeague Rec Center is offering a virtual 4-week meditation course starting this Sunday, January 17 at 4pm. A great opportunity to focus on your mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing and connect with others!
This group class will center on meditation and reflection during these challenging times. We will practice a simple meditation, reflect/write/or draw, share in confidentiality, and together create a sustaining refuge with and for one another. $60 for four classes. Classes will take place over Zoom. Find more info and register at chebeaguerec.com.
January 12, 2021 - Photo - by Jon Rich on January 12th of sunrise.
Don't forget tonight Backyard Birding Basics tonight at 7 with the Maine Audobon Society. Click here to learn more and how to register for this program.
The Chebeague Rec Center is hosting a virtual event with Maine Audubon on Tuesday, Jan 12 at 7pm. Join Staff Naturalist Doug Hitchcox for a program to learn best practices for attracting and supporting birds in your yard throughout the winter. Your backyard provides a window into the natural world and there are a number of steps you can take to make it wildlife-friendly.
-This live presentation will take place over Zoom. Suggested donation $10. All proceeds will go to Maine Audubon. Register online at chebeaguerec.com!
From the Board of Selectmen. As we all know the channel at the Stone Wharf is filling in and dredging is long overdue. CTC is in the position of cancelling trips at -1' tides because of the silting. The Town has been working on this problem for a dozen years. Now we are in a crisis situation. We hope that the project will begin by the end of 2021 but there are no guarantees. The Army Corps of Engineers needs to hear how the silting of the channel and boat cancellations are impacting you and your family. Please send a letter of concern to: (Chebweb has created a template for people to use if you would like)
John Kennelly
Chief of Planning
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
New England District
696 Virginia Road
Concord, MA 01742-2751
January 11, 2021 - Island Electric has scholarships available for HS graduates entering the trades.
Kim Boehm gives preference to those entering the Electrical trades, but other trades are welcome to apply as well. This is for any Island resident...call Kim @ 846 2468 for details.
Remember tonight CIHS Ellsworth Miller Lecture series is featuring Earle Shettleworth continuing series about Portland - 7pm - Zoom log in number is: 829 6247 6056.
Click here for January's CTC Low Tide Cancellations.
January 10, 2021 - I started this website in 1996 after learning HTML and used what is now a historic frames setup. It is really combining two websites into one so that you see the People page on one side and the news on the other side. It seems to be working in most cases ok but at some point I may have to change the way the site looks. I recently discovered that anyone that has wifi with Consolidated cannot get the combined chebeague.org on their phones and ipads. Some people just go off their wifi to to cell to get it but you can get it individually at www.chebeague.org/news.html or www.chebeague.org/people.html. The site still comes up on computers on Consolidated wifi so I don't understand yet why and Consolidated Techs say they don't understand why. Works fine on all the other wifi and cell services.
Click here to hear the Selectmen's Zoom Meeting from Wednesday, January 6th.
January 9, 2021 - Photo - by Kevin Wentworth taken 01-09-21 of the Needle Galaxy NGC4565. It is estimated to have a Trillion stars that make up this gorgeous edge on galaxy and is 35 million light years away. See all his photos on his Chebeague Skywatchers Facebook page that he started five years ago.
The Historical Society is pleased to announce that the next Ellsworth Miller Lecture will feature Maine State historian, Earle Shettleworth continuing his series about Portland on Monday January 11th at 7 PM. on Zoom. The topic will be Portland’s 19th Century Architecture. The Zoom log in number is: 82962476056. All are welcome.
From Donna Damon Chair, Chebeague Board of Selectmen. Please note that I made a big mistake in the explanation that we sent out last week regarding the Town Meeting Warrant Article #2 related to the cost of dredging at the Stone Wharf. The amount of money that we are asking to take from the undesignated fund is correct, however, the cost of the project should be somewhere between $2,000,000 and $2,250,000. The numbers for the cost in the explanation were off by one million dollars. I apologize for any confusion that this might have caused. We will not have an exact figure until it goes out to bid, which is the reason for the range. The Town’s share will range from $400,000-$500,000 by the time the project is completed because we have to pay an additional 10% when the project is completed.
We have $100,000 in a reserve fund. We are asking voters to approve taking $150,000 from the undesignated fund. The reserve fund and the money from the undesignated fund gives us the up to $250,000 that we need for our first payment. (10% of the total cost yet to be determined.) We will also have to pay another 10% - up to $250,000 when the project is completed. That can be paid over 30 years if we choose. I am so sorry about sharing incorrect numbers, and I am sorry if this is confusing. For more information please tune in to the Public Hearing about the dredging project and the other other warrant articles on January 13 at 6 on the Town’s Zoom. Check the Town WEB site for Zoom log in information.
January 8, 2021 - Chedemption Re-opening: Last March Chedemption was shuttered as Covid had reared it's ugly head. It's transmission was thought to be on surfaces so out of concern for volunteers it was closed. Our long time support on the mainland, Brighton Redemption Center was closed as it was deemed an unessential business. They were able to reopen but their increase in business made them unable to take our returnables. This fall Bill Calthorpe used Clynk to send returnables to the mainland. After discussion with Clynk, Chedemption decided to give it a try. Our trailer had over 50 banana boxes of glass bottles which we have spent the last month getting bagged and sent to them. We are now ready to begin our long tradition of providing redemption funds to Chebeague's non profits. Please bring your returnables to the green redemption building at the transfer station. All cans will go in the two windows on the left, no need to sort beer or soda. All plastic will go in the two windows on the right, no need to remove caps.(milk containers please put in the recycling bin) All glass bottles with 5 or 15 cent redemption will go in the marked bins.
Thank you for your continued support of Chedemption. We'll be re-opening Saturday January 9th.
Click here for news from Casco Bay Lines about an employee with COVID-19 diagnosis and also how to sign up for email notices.
January 6, 2021 - In response to today's events in our nation's capital, CUMC will be holding a time of prayer tonight at 8 PM via Zoom. Link is https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8152000968?pwd=d3pMc051dTFLT3ZkcFlldWJTTmNTZz09.
Message from the town: All dogs need to renew their licenses before January 29th or be subject to additional fines.
Message from May: The Slow Bell will open for take-out only from 5 to 8 this Saturday, 1/9/2021. We will ONLY be serving pizza and dinner specials. These will include crab stuffed haddock with herbed rice (serves 2) $25, veg lasagna (serves 2) $25, beef stew (serves 2) $25, large cheese or pepperoni pizza with fries and salad OR with fries and cheese sticks $25, and curried squash soup (serves 4) $25. We will also have key lime pie and cream puffs for $6 each. Dinners (except pizza) come with salad and rolls. CASH OR CHECK ONLY PLEASE. To order ahead, call or text 332.2368 and leave a message. Same day orders will be taken but supply is limited. Call 846.3078 after 4 p.m.
January 4, 2021 - Made a New Year's resolution to be more active in 2021? The Chebeague Recreation Center is hosting weekly virtual yoga classes in January! Join us on Zoom Thursdays from 5:30-6:30pm for a gentle, instructor-led session open to people of all skill levels. Starting this Thursday, January 7. $60 for all four classes. Register at chebeaguerec.com!
Yesterday's Church service focused on Hope and Joy. Technical difficulties prevented us from being able to share Kate Nyhan' singing Ode to Joy. That said she sang it acapella on the spot! But what she had planned is truly amazing! Click here to her rendition of Ode to Joy in 4 part harmony. Focusing on hope and joy is a great way to start the New Year.
Eventually the entire service with its original poetry and inspirational messages and music will be on the Church Facebook page of WEB site.
The Selectmen's zoom meeting is this Wednesday at 6pm - click here to go to the Town Website and get the agenda and packet.
The CART (Community Advisory Response Team) zoom meeting will be Thursday at 4pm - The zoom meeting is always the town Zoom account - click here to find out how to join or call in. Zoom number is 326 962 753 with password 175989.
There has been a lot of conversations about the Coyotes on Chebeague and I thought it would be good to repost the meeting we had with the State Wildlife Biologist for a Q & A session on Wednesday, September 18, 2019 - click here to hear the meeting. Also the website from the inland Fisheries and Wildlife have a website about coyotes - click here.
January 2, 2021 - The Church will be presenting a special program on Sunday January 3 at 10 on Zoom. Melissa is on a well-deserved vacation so the service will be a bit different.The theme of the service is that in hope we can find joy. It seems like a fitting topic for the beginning of a new year. Participants will include Andy Grannell, Barrie Shepherd, Alex Kern, KAte Nyhan, Mary Holt, and Donna damon. This service will include an uplifting message, special music, and poetry,
Meeting ID: 308 728 697
Password: 20152020
Happy 2021! The Food Pantry is open Sundays in January from 11:30- 1 PM. If you have any questions or need items at a different time you can contact Denise Hamilton @ 838-6107. Eat well and be well in 2021!
January 1, 2021 - Photo - of a bluebird taken by Bill Danielson on New Year's Day on Chebeague!
Message from Chebweb: Thanks to all who participated in Lighting Up Chebeague. The lights were plentiful, beautiful and lent an air of peace over our community. Happy New Year to all Chebeaguers - near and far. The Raffle winners will receive their gifts (donated by islanders) in the next few days.
Ursula King…$25 Niblic Gas Card
Herb Maine and Carol White…$20 Card for Doughty’s Market
Tom and Vika Wood…$CTC 10 Ticket Book
Thanks again - see you next year
School Committee Zoom Meeting next Tuesday at 6pm - see agenda.
News from 2002 - through January
22, 2003
NEWS 2001
I have decided to start documenting events that happened before I started doing the web page. Also if you click on an item and it says that it can't be found, you probably can add /index.html to the end and it will appear. When I had to change servers and went to goDaddy it lost the ability to go to the page by itself.
I would love to have any news, poetry, stories to add to
my news page so please email with anything you think would be
of interest to islanders around the world - yes Singapore, Egypt,
Mediterranean, Boston etc. checking out the news page everyday!
So please email me at
Click on the picture to go to
Chebeague Island Anchor Page