Darya Recommends


I recommend: Girl With a Pearl Earring, by Tracy Chevalier

This book is for people who enjoy reading historical fiction because they like learning about life in different time periods.

I suggest you read it because it has an interesting conflict between the lady of the house and her maid servant over the master of the house, an artist named Vermeer.

A part of the book that shows this is when Mrs. Vermeer finds out that her husband has been secretly painting a portrait of Griet, who is wearing her pearl earrings.

I think the reason the author wrote this book was to show what life was like in the Netherlands back then and maybe because the author loves Vermeer's paintings.

A couple of interesting sentences from this book that demonstrates the author's style of writing: " I could hear rich carpet in their voices, books and pearls and fur."........."The woman's face was like an oval serving plate, flashing at times, dull at others."

On a scale of 1 to 5 (5 being among the best book I've ever read), this book rates a 4.

Three words that best describe this book are 1) perfection 2) calm 3) artistic.

To find out more about this book and the author go to http://www.pearlearring.com/

 I am now reading The Giver, by Lois Lowry