Chandler's Cove Wharf!

The Maine D.O.T. finallly has the money to do something about the wharf at Chandler's
Cove (some people, including the D.O.T. staff directly involved) think it's about itme!

The plan is to about double the "hammerhead" of the wharf (see Plan below) which
will make it easier to land the CBL boats and for vehicles to turn around
out there, and, although Casco Bay Lines boats will still have first
priority, the D.O.T. will put fender piles on the sides of the wharf as well
as the front, so other boats can land there. They will also widen the part
of the wharf leading out to the "hammerhead", so it is easier for people to
walk by vehicles.

The State is also willing to develop some land for parking at the
wharf-head, and to buy some floats for small boats, and here they will do
whatever the Town of Cumberland wants (as long as the money holds out!).
The Town, in turn, wants to hear from us as to what we would like, and the
Islands Committee is collecting ideas and opinions. You can email Michael
Porter with comments at


In the plan below, the gray is the existing road, which the State is not proposing
to widen or change; the yellow is existing gravel parking areas; and the
areas outlined in green are town-owned properties. The D.O.T. thinks there
could be parking for about 20 cars without being too aggressive and allowing
plenty of buffering. Is this too little?? too much?? what do you think?

See Plan below. How many are needed? Any ideas about punt space versus
alongside space for boats?