by Darya and Ross


 Facts about Uruguay

  1. Geographic coordinates:
  2. Area in Sq Mi
  3. Comparative area:
  4. Population:
  5. Population density
  6. Birth rate: births/1000 people
  7. Death rate: deaths/1000 people
  8. life expectancy:
    total: years
    female: years
    male: years
  9. Literacy rate:
  10. languages (official):
  11. Population below poverty line:
  12. Unemployment rate:
  13. Number of cell phones:
  14. Number of T.V.s:
  15. Internet users:
  16. Number of cell phones per person:
  17. Number of T.V.s per person:
  18. Independence:

 Compare to USA

  1. Geographic coordinates 38N, 97W Center of Country
  2. Area in Sq Mi (from Rand McNally 3,787,425
  3. Comparative area: 1/2 size of Russia
  4. Population: 280,562,489
  5. Population density (from Rand McNally) 68
  6. Birth rate: 14.1 births/1000 people
  7. Death rate: 8.7 deaths/1000 people
  8. life expectancy:
    total: 77.4 years
    female: 80.2 years
    male: 74.5 years
  9. Literacy rate:
    total: 99%
    female: 97%
    male: 97%
  10. languages (official): English
  11. Population below poverty line: 13%
  12. Unemployment rate: 5%
  13. Number of cell phones: 69,209,000
  14. Number of T.V.s: 219,000,000
  15. Internet users: 165,750,000
  16. Number of cell phones per person: .25
  17. Number of T.V.s per person: .8
  18. Independence: July 4, 1776 from Great Britain
