New organization formed to ensure that no LNG facilities are located where they don't fit in: Save Casco Bay, Inc.

Fairwinds Project in Harpswell


Above are avatars people on the Harpswell Forum are welcome to use.
 March 9, 2003 - The votes are in and Harpswell is saying NO to the LNG proposal!!!
 March 8, 2004 - the vote is only a day away. The Harpswell Anchor is at the store for anyone wishing to see it. It is full of letters to the editor, ads and all about the LNG proposed facility. I received another letter from Marty Rossoll which has never been published.
March 3, 2004 -  There are so many letters to the editor in the Portland Press Herald opposing the LNG facility and a number are from Chebeague. There are at least four in Brunswick Times Record from Chebeague today but as of this morning they aren't online but at least you can read the ones from yesterday. The Casco Bay Community film airs again today at 1pm. This morning on Chanell 23 the opponents to the LNG did a great job getting their point across with some help of a few Chebeague callers in the live call in show.

 March 1, 2004 cont. - Tomorrow night at 7 pm on TV14 will be a new show produced by opponents of the LNG from the point of view of the Casco Bay Community. Many of our islanders will be in it and they will have a fly over of the area. In the morning on Channel 23 there is a live call-in show and the featured guest will be a proponent of the LNG. On Wednesday from 7- 9 there will be featured guests against the LNG. This show can also be heard on WPOR Radio 96???.

March 1, 2004 - There were three articles regarding the Fairwinds project yesterday in the Sunday Telegram. Harpswell's Neighbors Anxious about the LNG Vote, Harpswell Divided over its future(on this page there is a place to VOTE), Bill Nimitz had an editorial about the selectman.

 Click here for a Summary Assesment of the Safety, Health, Environmental and System Risks LNG published by the Federal Transit Administration

Ad for the Harpswell Anchor from Chebeague

Letter from the Cumberland Town Manager to the Town of Harpswell

This project will have a major impact on Chebeague including
lobstering, fishing, recreational boating and our transportation system
as the pipeline is being put in.
Click here for addresses and emails of our representatives.

Article in Globe 2/27/2004 Fire officials voice concerns on LNG threat

 Harpswell TV 14
For a schedule of Harpswell TV click here and then Whats on Community Television and then look for the schedule usually the last page.

Harpswell Rally February 21, 2004

Informational meeting on Chebeague, Feb 8, 2004

What can Chebeaguers do to help this project from happening:
  • Contact people in Harpswell and let them know how this proposal will affect Chebeague
  • Write letters to the editors about the effect on Chebeague
  • Join Harpswell at a rally Saturday, February 21 - 1-3pm in Harpswell Center
  • Go to the Harpswell Town Meeting February 28, 12 noon

Call Pat St Cyr 846-5901 or Claire Ross 846-1254 if you need a ride to these events.

Contact Information:

Portland Press Herald letters to the editor- 250 words

The Times Record, Brunswick Maine - 350 words

 Fishing Families suggested:

Liz Dorsey,
Times Record

Writing on the LNG

Would be interested in impact to surrounding communities and small businesses.

click on the map to see it larger


.LETTERS to the editor of Portland Press Herald from Mike Robinson and Ernie Burgess and Susie Stavropoulos

.."There is a well funded and fast tracked proposal on the table for a liquefied natural gas terminal on Harpswell Neck, near the Brunswick Naval Air Station. LNG tankers (some of the largest out there) would enter Casco Bay under armed Coast Guard escort every 8 or 10 days. The pipeline that would run from the terminal would go right past the east end of Chebeague..." then it would travel between Littlejohns and Chebeague to Cousins and then Cumberland.

Websites: Fishing Families for Harpswell Website is a citizen funded website that, by and large, opposes the terminal. forum for people to discuss Harpswell issues information page with lots of links about the issues Website from ConocoPhillips and TransCanada Pipeline is a P/R release from one of the sponsoring corporations. A lot of money and a lot of promises are being seeded around the community of Harpswell in support of the terminal.

Other sites: (this one is long but quite informative; it sums up a visit to an industrial site in Alaska by Harpswell reps, and compares / contrasts that site to Harpswell and Casco Bay; be sure to read the Impressions, Observations, Conclusions and Questions section)


One thing about all this is that I'm getting lots of practice with Photoshop

Below Fishing Families for Harpswell - Kicks off its VOTE NO campaign!
Chebeague Lobsterman showed up by boat and car to support them -

Mike Robinson speaking for the Chebeague Lobstermen


Ernie Burgess' boat with sign on sail